Nation Making:
t'HAFTEB IV. A FATAL MISTAKE. _n:er?sc in. zhe scary ?t New ZeikL^i— ia3L..g at Vxrctgxmkl—Vn i v*.. jia—A brighter Bk»« — SHiun n -:k ri_es* "lie w^ness '—A <ia«ie-—Thx* 3xis4J*jfcs-—A — W_>w»2aikr>is Aa»i *‘kl2’ crays—A -'cccrmnizy t :va.;'ier’:r— Fiise I‘ieifcs :t:rrwce»t—Th.e iweticy
invited v> rou?-ance me w-.-cd ~ F ' The nearest approach the native coaid then r?Ak» t. it ■ Akaraaa.' *n>£ thau became* the Maori name ■: the *ity. la lake manner * peek ' wwkiße - p*aka.' me Ma-ri w».<d for " pig.' ami Ry making and retaining- 'his degrade*:. hybrid language, the mi*sL<Laries may have hoped to retain •.**:<itrol of the Maori people. to i*ve kept them imsr tutelage mil mey iai •’hmstianired Ghem. la the mean time ' -Any European. waifs and stray* Borated acsxai the roasts and fa the Enserioc bad acc lire: a kn« >wk»£ge of me Maori Eaagoage. am: there grew up a class -■•£ men known as * BakeEa Maorbsd many • f whom Eved fa Ma-ri «mages and became gore ..? less Maori fa nabitsaad ideas. There was. aaweTer. a®otaer class- vhx [.ossiMy from laving the ' gift ■•■< ’amriage. acn sired a knowledge ■-•-£ Ml ,-ri. amongst wrom were "’.-icy ‘-right examples of up~ Fn?m these tw- classes *rrEig the ' interpreters.' * _•- naturally derange the chief medium-* f rommuniratiec. becwee® the tw.. races,. Tie Bible. - Pilgrim's Bthgress.’ az*’. ■ Eoocnsoc. Crusoe.' with a zew other*-. were translated int*. me hybrbi Man language. an»i fomied the Eteratwe • f the Maori pe*--ple-By this rooree a great :’pp*>ctanity was m£sse*-L Tie ■nex-sos e*'-c.«;uere*i -Mir Kellie net so much dy their arm* as I>v their lazgu.tge- Had she missionaries ign»re*£ the -Imperfect Ma ■ri language. and roldy laugh' the natives the En-gEsh teegue. mey w ?old leubcless- have 3<-'ia«z meir frr utt.-l labours ni ~*d m*- ce -Enzcalm but they would have the M fa®» * Erect Ifagaad c*kha with the ahE fat*> r»>ataet with English Eterasizre- The Macces- w= act then ba*e been L*sfc in the Elz* is ec pe*>c-Ie wh» ,-se fnzeresz Ay fa retadaizg their T .rr* e»ver the native axce by hefa-r the ■ i *-de i_ems ef ev-r. ui"afraid? n between ideal m»£ the •vhfte aiea. se •Lset-fag the zw<> mees apart- «•> the irreparaMe fa y ary <? f betia EhspfLtets- zrizfag fa themseives- wk><zl«£ have t-nsappeareti rf every Yfafe?>rf "iß?p<iuaat eetzLf have z&lkett ever h fs grf>*vthnra wrth me irsi •.•*>v-?’zSt he met- Mfeappre&aHyr&s w,.?<zL'£ never iiave haf fenei fate wrr??m> if they eestld been explained aft eart. If the yfdfeerfs in- i eol-eaists ei -m- i have 'dfreetly traded together. eenJf+f have been tegeslaeir fa the same ee<u>i aave w.-rsaipceti z»js2ether fa 'he sime -'hm.’nes- wfthoot any ■ •■£*>- -ezween.' the "wenty years’ war w<-xLd never have <ee!irre*i: mfLLS-<zs ■•< treasure wo<zM nave seen siveti. an»-£ the ■?€ be-th races- stead ®f emg siiei Like water. w'.?ndt havemimitei in the Rrftain >■?£ the_ S‘»£ih- as the bh?»-»i <-■:< the Celt and the Skx>?n iati ningfei Eectg-ag«?* in the Britain ef the : wf twe ■ -ranches ef the Aryan ramfly. afzer a M?ram.rT» -r ef the«nsan« is <■€ years and tao®?a»d.s f m fles- we®Li have been renm'ez in these reti»>ce Is&un&s ef the sea. and the Maki'i g of a new mi'-'c. wroad>£ have bap-c-ier ■s?c«-ffn*>«is. The ErvrE-h siecL e:hrnescly desired te resrae rhe Maeef race rrc-m • ieserneszea- Few enterprises dnee the ab»>iftf« ?n • c _ davery lave been nmiertaken in onr time with nj.-re ar*£e<zr. Tie -overthrew <af Mexico an»t the ■<c.’ £ nest of Bern ?y the srar ants-, and -?nr --wn ■wcrAn»?n or me N- «rth Ameri».*an ri?rLtfnent in baser rfmes. na.i --een attenjiei with resnbts which had aLarme»i and yt'r-hgei Christen*itm The diver shot ravalry *:-f Pirarr ia<i ranisheti me Inca fr.-m “he gilded talace cd hfs ntrners. ;iesu as . <tr Western trapper** h.ui drive® the Reti In»izan from ms imnng _r’?nn*£s- Are aberLnnaz races always to -iisar'.ear '.efc-re me nr»:uit? of the white man ' If civiKaatfen is fnex ■•rable in roceedim; *enten*te ieath araimst the iark-*£'-nnei races- it certainly matters Ernie whether the execizh'.ners oe the n* mesenn backw• •?»ismen • f ■■••nr time, .r tn** *p ten* iz*i tM®eraneers f .in earder aie. f • nl*i Engard have rescued the Matxri mm a loom- *he w.j.iil'i nave rai-eti a c-r’?<i*i tesnfni’-ny agaHst me homage that ddfsid* ■(! pays t»:> n;ammen. she ■ oght to rear a temple to philanthropy, she ha*- Left instead ,-in •/HJ.PTEB. V. THE MAORI NATION-MAKEK. A 7 Ma».ri .iiief—A of iKws for lie Maaefe sa'omii;e«i 'Q GnmffljfflC- A sincere Chrtscian.—A nan of mark— A Lrie patriot —He fcnjw* nataMiy — Gets hu neanziir— Remres disapoemced—Takes pa.ssaf’-j in a s?a*cimr •.■nrter—f'io kshcre- ywa. .—A Christian. _a « Varr*. liar—Resolves co make h aacioc.— W-i 'lur TSf.nt 3s*;n., rhe tirnr maker — Besrms ms wwfc — A mbiL - n—WniiMirihA Ma»:m “".yr m —Houses ami piancancns—Tie etameh -jn. tae mil—Peacn. tree groves—The mill in zne vaiiev—The pest atfke — The •mef* ■s.’iuMJi-ionse — The eeoncm imase— F?r;e am£ -tgi-ity -of Ma;r. ®raE«ary—The bell—- ». .aummsn—tailv-.<fTkimn—Tie ?< r.gc—d'annibals tmi — W.rjs .uwi twomhor erf wu» — Macri ehivalry — A -rhief c€ sJbe- eaten mne — The deraJis— A <rf w«r—A reply kruf—silent- b<xc eAectfvc— Praee mbr:ken — A rew- -hi—axe — Target prarmce — The appear — NanuE.-makLmr ■cticm’ies—ThampHun p»xr*:xes ms way a-cne—Hl* peoy en zwti 'tries—t 'on? hnxt,.~mn—stoppage ef ami *ales. Thirty-FixT YEARS a a V nng Ma» ri chief •;€ h•-gh 'ank
L*RE T 2JLZ 1 im*LreC have passe* i *ince • • ••<£ ‘issee-vered md ’<• i : rtrniL ?• «o£ New Zea"hl a [• n-r ip»wvi»i the r-ci..intie interest in she bd*p*T-s wz-cti vi- ex cised by she ~~rs- ef j<—e s»l ■ .as Li* "C cesLse*i — u«? .in lti 1 ate sne Nsiszer she ■ f sfaie aer a . -z_ of -isvwyc e es> has removed New Ze&Lirh eswxil the ..drrle -f Fr-.-ybdx *ytn.p»Au LLies. I :.e i.e* ctes • ■ s.v chnLGi*?c_ the * v*sen; s ->f -'L.-uz. in*i she *si.-:sm. me warlike e -eats :* which New Zeahmi hats of base yesmcen “he arena. nay .ico-ont :<-r mien ■ f she painful inseress -zsc whien is .-. aiLnzets s- be rermiei by sne ph£*.v4-nher. t e *.sAte> m-i she s chant hmrhss. By *seaifjs*s e-5-?m* >. iss m:<hfets amo-mnsc ns- rmms-.. snipe. mi iisieis are so be <een on. e- ; ery uni. bos. is 'tvmzas? •c, elas> iss vhisoneis. is ins •-tesms- aL'm . xal a* size stAGement mav be. is *eir -.-ir*?Tw *e :eme*i tmas cfvsLfnaSLen mzeLy A'S-imzlases the element. I e iet“'Aie*i. s> oe mizasei. zas !• • -csen een she bard. Ease *m barbaric m**eswhen. they •>?aie m erntacs wish m*>xem ■■--v~ - r.L—*-n. T© rem* ve ths* mesas reproach. Ge -cvslhge. so Chhssianhse. and s» <ave she Mac-ci race. has- ~een a men.t w<-rk wbreh a?- .•’■•:•! men have ies-ired to es i..nn*-metis bed. Many i-iao ha’-e been srie-L many mfss;ikee have beer matte. pug she week its n«*G yes »ieae. We z«-xz -aeeess. If we hA«e A.'niire*i experiewe- if we ns sr?as she weAry pass. azl«s if ns.-mfhlLv in*i as a. we ats irGemine*’. wssefy s»> hpciy shese lessees, we mAy yes J- *.--k z'-c a brpzhser all*: mere s®rcessfaiL hnn. The •*•■ mini*-■£..' iSL’ier ws_i**-:i she t n.'wz. .AssnzneiL she ?*?vereijmsv ■ f New ZetfJAan were. c-a. she wh«:ie. fivoasAbie. 'The imiLASive LA*. , nfsLe*' »?f she Matxs lei him s*> a®L< -os mA®y ■ f she sa’iiss azi*i c she Ens’ ceduA-.. Has pTAttirr-r iete enAolei nin s«? ■■.•• sea#{fly she means- ■■:•€ 'ALissyszy: hi* •lee-Lret-. They alsc rsrmsde*i £ <ne __e-A2i sewer wnerewssh sc him -zs :f she len. -if Arboreal in. whieh iie hjut •iwets -s? Ln s aim* “Ci wish aLZ she rices- r-f j .-ink/mL she is a reLnr.i.-Qs imruA.'.. •_<ih is ■szsersdSL'?q_ call is •-■ is wbsAG y>.-Q will, ihis zestc waieh _ie< is she sh resh*-. «.• i ?f ail zreihri*>os ■*en,sfmen s. cuisse*! m she le.-cie we b.Qin*i here, amiwas efsher a sewer s ■•: r i ?»/-wer z* *'»L WhiLsc she she arms -f she whise sr-iders 'e.nm: she sessevs - f she ZASfves-. i/e 'imiie smshs .f she epei. w .c. his faLsii:nsi*?c. Vs sc sil> '_• css she -rhihs O f Enziish phihinshrccisss eeciei ibeus he seaL>eif. The hf«fe. os *>fee*£s ■-f ~ she • lark z.i_'.ii • r aeauihefljsni se zisiis-c-eir before a rsmscr mecsu ef*;-ce she z' vies, sceeercs -, f a surer fafshln she fe*ieraietf Lhiec* ce*fe*f she s«jverehnsy sc mz'-.m*!- Tb.iu zseiu .• wer. whcee seers were >:c. -e;L. vj. ?■.- ix’s..e<emeus* in im* .-ip** arme- hA»i bees **e£e**Lsei m .jiAsrer <?£ she »>. re. siaie iss ircearmee ~ ~.'T*L—.ia-• — £— e ——.*CjL— —.a. .a*.u. c sue ~cesin f BrrsAd _The rdAwiy - hah mz’nse. s» sae warsb.c chiefs si-nee -f she ieeis. bw -ea imi id*!. ,f warrwre zse*Aser shan shesisei’res. &?cn i.i»i .in mwiTerimi faish izl she pr*>wese ec shets nee. *. .. * . s tie *e n sn> k 3 eeh sh- many l Macri s»i. bas she presssre - f F»gh*i eeime c.e f she .•nief areieLe? in she z**w • f she Macri. Th ns -hi ?eizh*.'c_ azl*i Law waste siiem s:mes s- seecne she Maori race frem she rn."f-rer»*e whf«.’h she wxfse nian. s presence sa*i s* • cfsec. exerted co. hbs 'iarkskinneti. brethren. S<zeh were - f she >.*cn*iiSLetus imier When i z~ea: nasic-a Like Emsian*t. attempt.* s»> rale a iSGi.e ae in she •rir’*Tiß ?f New ZenJar?*? it is n* 'G ihir many zn«e mistakes are matte. Frem ■. ie zrst i lire fas-iLisy *Gien.*:e*£ -.ur nic'-eaierts.*. whecher •iimsary r riv<. From within she charme+t circle f a bm> <x* precise ae wwiLi .-..i-e sh« onhs that we mszhs A'-e exorreeu the evil spirit rroui she MA»?ci., An«i *•?• we bat :• r one fatal mz*c.ike. When the mjxsv c.Lriee arrived in New Zesil inc. they ? <Ln»i she primitive Ma»>ci iAnz”iAj.e. sh«-mrh fail f Aryan r • c*. «u*fieieat bat :<-c the *Lmr«e wan.:.* - c the -si Azee tuaa.-? see primitive Lczike it sae new ie*:.a*iiti«>n>. They The Emripsc. c the -ar<t.ih city of the ■•»?’.• ny was • Auckland. I. Tad i p rr*sp«)a*:insc’ w rd i Mi# A w-a*
arrive*! in ity --f Ancklaa*i. t*> raster with the New Zralaz?i •:< law- >--r the better g»>vemment of the Ma.-ri people, straight as an arrow. Erne and stalwart Erom perx -eal wii. of grsat mental r».-wer. with the manners and feeEngs *>f a nat:iral gentleman-— not *>bsearo*i by the -tark skin, and primitive garb of me Mdtoxri-—a raatsuaat *4m*ieni •£ the New Testament- and a dneere ’ 'b-rfsciazL the y:<mg chief was a man of mark. Thwwga the *?ely sec of a warrior renowne*! in Ma»>ri st*>ry. he was a mar. «>f peace. He hat been <*arefnlly tanght .and zraineti by me mi*d* ■caries. an*i wa* .>®e -f mefr m«?st prom rsfng ac- well as m»- st »s everts. He had b-edit a schoel for his people, .-and bsmt s-‘-me years before his visit to AsfiekLaari ha»-[ its most active xn» f capable teacher. As he --ften expressed to me- he desired to oaake his people into a nati*Ni- capable of existen*?e .am*>-ogsc the increasing numbers of the white ralocfscs. wim<.-nit being either temc-raEseti b-v their vices or emshei by their power. The '.es4ten*iant •?•£ ♦ -f warrior eh for*-, he felt the ' nlsa-zfc-cs in his own veins of me bl*M.-»£ of a free. m«-?ngh savage race — a patri-.-t of the hrat water. He wanted t* • make nis p»e?p‘le ready free : not in .antag.-'chm to the rsh nists. bnt mder their gnhiaace. He had pondered long o-c. the Etncnlt task -:-f how to bring a ~eroe raceof democratic, warlike commnnfsts—for. .as I shad s.e«e in anomer chapter, the Maoriwere p-cactical -:v-c_mnnists—fnt*> a c*;»®dti*.c. -d pr-gross. The increasing nnmber* of me rol<-nfsxs'-and the granting of .a ccnscimticc. to New Zealan*:. had ->t£mnlased his enorts. and he had drawn sp a cede of laws for the better govemmeng of his peoc-ie., and now visitei Aneklaffld to -nbedt his ideas to the New Zealand *«-• --em-i'err f< r inspeetier. and raneeKHn. It was bis nrsz visit to the city., and he knew m-bedy. Ffndfng his way as best he cocdd to the he astempced again and again to obtain a hearing. b<rt in vain. After repeated ezoots he gave np- the attempt in ‘■IISETESECarrying his code with him. he took passage in a -mall carter tra» Eng to the port nearest his ancestral d'?main>.. «.*n the ve-yige the master ran the >mtuer fnt*' a -mall ? to pr’.'-cnro water. Ign» rant -si his passenger’* rank- he ■ Here, yoa -d-nrer. g*?- a*b*-?re an*i bring s wne water aboan i I ‘ Tie ‘bine bleed' - f the great chief tingieiL his eye ■— .'.c xr? ms<»an'j- au ~e*. n g ■ *t■•" t?-^rr**e<* to 'i -me w~i'-rx of a - r : *£ave by a low pers*?c. - Happily the savage instincts of the dark • soc. •■■■•£ warriors hai been replaced by the placid temper of a Christiexn gentleman - and. wfmont a w'?r-L he eoeye*i the rode cicm-man*-n Nevertheless, the incident deepened the coqvscsbccl he hasi alreaiy formed- that if his were not to centraae *a ages, if in»£ee*l they were net to be rvadesubject to the white race, they most make themselves into a naSßom Tlls y-j-Jing chief was M~l Tan: eb .ana te Wahar* a. afterwards fam«>n.* as WE Earn Thompson, the king maker. who. with energy. ransannißase *-kfIT, and *tesbiasc ‘.-.ixirage- smggietL I«?cg. nt—as the result proved — stmggLet.i in vain, to accomplish his parto-e — m:-ble- if Amdng in 11s ■ ■wn temt»--ry he began his w.- rk by c.:>nvening assembles •?< me Maoris at vari -ms pt.-intsu these meetings he unfolded his objects and plans : *4ll-^7—a «?’ • is • * .aws. '.*l jm'-atted ■ reconciled ancient tnribsd femis. revived in every -Estrict the ,an»Hent Maori ‘./■•izxclLs ; aha L-v wei..: ihe isrib«*s ias>? j. p»>w«rf®l ctxti>etari«i: in.i t«> D.-r.-e ai&f writs St> hise»K®. s*- make rite rec... wme.r wirri'. c .rhief Te Wher*>w ; ?e-n ■"kH- ■• • t site Maori Batteoo. W TS -_rs. ■- - : j, . -. „i.:e r it i; Idurge Ma ri village - f Peria- When I visited Beria in LESc. th»?ngh retain Eg me best features of a purely Ma*-ri settlement- ft b« re aban*£ant marks of me g«iiws' , <jf Thom psc Tilt was oeantifany siiuaceti •?.& a num her -:>f L-entie “durnences : <?-c. the sum m E -. f every hill were located the houses of a kirdrod fan» _ ea»?h icmMiihfa* bv its wn Ernie t iantaddm* of wheat., main*, kumaras. and re tat*-es-Every cluster of houses was iii'i-ien in its gr*>ve »;.f trees, and was provided with a storehouse*, raised three feet frem. the m->an»i on p»>sts. with pre-;etrt£ng timber raps as a prerauti*?c. ~ against rats. In these patakas the letter class of &»£ wa* stored. p»?tat*es ’-eing kept all the year round in sSoe. holes . each hoi*Eng about 1 excavate*L and provided with a well ntte*£ trap d»»c. ' -me idea may ’~e formed -?f the number *of in! r* in Berta at mat time from the that nfteen year* later, when the was deserted. I had nine r q-nd v**r < f these ma.* nded up. The patakas were generallv *>mameaced with gr»:-tes*iue ■•arvtngs- eoloure*! re*i. to make them -acred . and were very *rrtking objects m a A Ma»><n-b<zilt ehoreh crowned <.ne height, the ancient onal-rlacs am.Miher. Th«?mpe*>n’s own house. nesEirg in a grove of peach trees. sc.-».*l *>n an eminenure- frocu. which *crecehe*i- north an*i -* ‘ith. the .evel plains <-f the g~rat vall-y »c the ThAme*. la sae '.»>ctT iao«Btaai -kn-ye egp»>eue omM be -eea. like & -wreak .x'rilrer. she VVairere WasertaLL £ve haarired f*et >yc ia height. From she *am.e pw'int .-.><ll.i be -<eea T tracer* -n«wiita;n *iaee tam.xi* f.x :i* » .•■aAj.: traptMa in. Jane li&t. whilst far to
the sooth Lay the *•>» - ”* Ksajei-r *a.i T.'&sartnv On aa kill taaud a post .wfo-v. fsw*n waka TS.-mfsue. -ieseoreheM Setter* to at sie Mi>< <" *£*>- I® Ae raliey Mow tae rilioge a stream s®rae»f a Knle Soar n»iU- where t&e d**ky rtraer* their wheat Xot tar fwta. thfe ***»! the wSooi-aoose. is wtoth tae -airt taagh* hi* sehoJar* of every aee. fr>x_ the talttxmt •’&.£ efeief to tie boy »i .srir- A eoawfl hail a ventral :•:«»&-e. where mien time to time the adhinoc the Maori titi-'-c. were ii*-■:2*t-e«i >v ritiee* of reisowa- is r_arke»t Sy toe tire, li-xasoar." -fisnity. aa<i -ieeacwM ehartetertstie -t Maori ..'eat.wy. _ E’-erv no-rir.- a&t' a beLE eatle»t taj* ortterty. ieM* to prayers. I sever saw a more : -.c;uw •■< -impse siyttf .‘.re than tins resiariaMt Maori viltase presented in 1856. It -eeowd after all that the - n -- "-w to the ?ees z •m 1 . . exviLirata -c. Chrh*s'* ci dllnt.ce’c.—*>e she wer*s h>rai f sav agec*m was ab»>cG so be solvedTW aliens evxußßerrial life of she -. •’*? -1 -r Hg EnS»- A geffifr*?<lS mdivbtmdjsm. free frK-CJ. lanA "i t:.e’in--c‘ina£e *epish3e*o engendered Sy .sxnpanjes. svreiirate* &nd trusts- —the Latest phase-* << motem. etvjti-Atie-s. As if-widfea a aatios. er’savage- w*re aban-i-*c.;ng uaeir ?t ,ffi'H'.gßiKw.i. «viiiaai&.>ct •vis boy in hascrung a -»c_n 1 m waiefe. whiles is sassess- -me mn-diy. sartmelesslv - This mrffial. abac.* mnrnens ■•■€ '‘vciutiL'lil W 'een greatly ■ Ene “■> she -leA'idisc eis-«.' <x sfee chief. llliam. Thompsec. aided fey she missbjmir’.es. . Th r rfry vetiLT* ’ler-xe. PA£-‘-liViTI Perm 'arAS A kAEBgA she lh _ ■*cvLe. Then sGrosg Mi* ci ■.»* fdrtiiieainMffis fr*>waed f~'-m evesy rcvniinens nELL : a mfefe- *-■< ronisiainsscs ami saanibal* hei-i their lamis an-i fives only ?v - .-An’i _ ietetiees -sxusrini at intervals. f.A.owe-. oy the -rsrra? -rtr-rKi,! fefasss. Severtheless, these ewetests were
t-nin.rtei generally with sLnjn*ar enrvalry. <»B.e htty sommefs .tay two raessenoets zzwi: the nj-vrstiin -*hief arrived at Pae-'-tawars with .an infct'sosett -f an intended attaeih The t&ttaeeti warrior ehiet oc the viFLage. lazily re- '* En uEl<* m*r- Aj~JbizLSti ~ Tn-rt?--azl’L s;riT-rr iT-r tlssaOv the rweiTOi tfee nerAl’is*. They '■E’rEiv>±7 , Tt ■_ TTi'itxr ae»i **• r *ae * repiy. lie miAmfescei s» sear- even. s®rptfEse. hev> >n< i nseulv ’•rvsfng- eyebx’-ws. Then, wnen he* hifei" s®Meießtly '■.lisplAyetl his wishes sAjiffig-a yot’».E._he -|rdetß ,>sie <.hf uhe Enseeus. a®-i. a sura *x ins Khumih. kzEie t iu -xt she -•■’•«:- TK-t.- all The herll*is h&i seen his ac-uoxl. Ann —uhe repty it ceciveye-i- After yn interval, h'ne no uhe ei she ehief an»i so she -?f sheir message, shey -ieparsen This niece c-f hnTwnocr was ni'->re eifeesfve shan any hen,*e challenge. K-c is means : • Les y*.-an minces lead c*ai his warne-rs. asti. I will erash him as easily as I emshei she X AuCifefk mifeie. and she peace semjilnei nnosohem Thrs tv cmes a seal When irss ~mA«te sheir sppearanee in she vilTage. bv wav of having she sarges nsaeoce. he w©®M su-nas as snejsee-r of _hi* ho<nse An.t hre as any nnrorsnnase slave he X- .7 hmi afser. she 'jh-f ‘inef -.iie-. she agis*iename> ar peered - and shnxigh sheer seacmng am sesss. d-ATtf-rv and n r s&hsni fiLaappettree. anti she savi.<ze- war-hke hainga of Sxan>f>rme.i inso she peacemi. m-in.ssn*:n.s. »'~S Tarran village of Pena as I hrss saw is. _ Is was ft’j-m shis village shas sne emef tLEEam Th•-■m -iizecsei she wori of nasiC’C.-mak-ing he had cemment’ed nnsfl. as ilreany i. tie han s»? rar enejeeded a? so have weldef mees of she sribes ins«> a newerfni e>mbLnasi*j£L- ani saken measnres for she eieesfen c-f a Maeri rsg The-ogh she sen of one of she reH.‘?w-nei in Maori ssosy. Wr'Eam Thompeen was e?ssesiml.-y a man >.■■£ seatie. A w-xieerfnl mssan’ie <>f sne mensan vfgenjr ant earubfEisy of she misive nice, he neversheless. n*>s annasaraLLy. nailei s<? gnisS' rhe cemseineneee eersafn s»? arsM? smm his pasrt’jsie pcxicy. He neisher in seme 1. wishei
f<n. nes expeesef a ecnsess se o»Miur besween she -iark nice -mt she whise «rran.gers <i<- were swarm ing Ease she ctdenv. Failing u»> se-rme she gtzi<.lance and help ef she New 7e&*&r?d »g.->vemmens. he nnrsnei his way aicxie. His s*-?iiey mn on swo. main lines. Fefsg. go '.xxnbine his peopfe. so shas shey nif.grs n-nssne f<?-rvAFL mamh. nnehecket &y srioei eonsescs. an-i prea nasional farmer so she c-f she ressless while mam. Srct’-n’-i. g«j- prevens ah-stidnsely -my fnrsher sale or Lease of Lands s*> she •_k-?vemmens or white secslers. T? these he a-tdei etwafMKi- she pnrsnis cf cigrbrnlnore. an« i she absnineiice fm-oi mm or insc xieacing Lienors of any ■niO 3< • Whan are yer d’.-in’ y»xi yxxng rajseal 5 said a farmer z<> a remarkahty 'mall boy «->a. inding him nnder a sree in she ’-wink an apple in his han«L ‘ Please, sir. I wa» only g*Hn’ c» • p<iG shf- ’ere apple back o-n she sree. sir : is ha« i fallen do-wnu sir.' When yoa ~ee a grid rerasing a mj. •:< »»>king rec Lier <mik «>f she weekly racer- y.-o. know precsy »dl shac sone y'--rLng man is in a p*:em«>a s«> be congnMinlaced. .anti yes wnea y-n think or she reeeipes y*-n fee', rasher sorry f<->r him . g*>x Enraged Father 1 ■ WeU. shac‘* she La*s time I'll ever be fxd so give any of my 'laughter* a weihiing ehe*;se.' Mocher -. • Why. tTiarEes * There - noshing wrong. I hope.' Enrage*! Father : ’Ye*, bus there is. Thas fool of a ■soa-B-Saw ha.* gz-ce an«i had is eashed.'
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Graphic, Volume VI, Issue 23, 7 June 1890, Page 2
Word Count
3,448Nation Making: New Zealand Graphic, Volume VI, Issue 23, 7 June 1890, Page 2
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