Shieley Browne.)
H* • is n. Kate .' -I" -f 1 v : Miss Magnum o.ntr th? '-*ra-zers - If it’s Mr CarreJL ask him into she > ■«..<.->>. If h’s Mrs Palerm-o IDbe realty to so the orchid sfe»w with her in half a minute f Kate Kelsey had left her p-ie- ’ aklmp in the kitehen and hurried up to the -i«»r - beLL In the Mapnuns h*:«useh*>ld shealway? .fid whas EBobcdy else d®«M he found co ui&demake. She wns a rosy, nemftnv pin rrom tne wn*> ua*i oome t»> vl—it her city and whose intentions had been, after a brief period -.-f social to take a M*ne* d Lesson- in a rsn? -u.s *meth»>i of -: re-sr akr r u. in oraer to -ecure a wav of supperainp herself in future—f-c Kate wasm.- -irone in "Life's hire- But the seanustress had de- ■ arced in a -.udu’som • >he wasn’t a machine to w--rk day ant iiEpht.' -ce leelareti. ’ a-tno-upn Mtss vom an*i me lady seemed so think -o ’ —and Kate’s ready taste and oukk nee lie were in re.ui-fzioG_ And then the eham ber-ma&i had resented the lowerinp of her wapes. and pives warainp. and Kate was so -croup and handy. Selina o*-uld n« ~ ~ take ’ed-. and it made AHine -neeze to. sweep. Times were hard —as least so Papa Mapnmn declared. -o that N --rah wa- not replaced—and before -be knew* ft. Ka.se Kesley had no time to herself aSous the ■ trade' which. the Mapnurn family so- heartily despise u - Y-.-u had a preaz deal better stay here. niv dear, where vc-u're exactlv the same as • ne ->f the familv.' said M> -« .-.f the family . Sefiina was at a * pink tea. and Aline was ttactieinp her bank—Mrs Mapnum was do-dr _• over a piece of fancy wock Ln the parlour. and Kase, with her red-disa-dre-wr: curfe pinned up in a p»:ckec-uan’iketcnief. wa* vipereusly -weep-imp down the halls and staircases, "he smiled a tittle, but -he md net rem<?uscrate- “ By the way. Katie.' said Mrs M.aruum. who was ail h»:-uey and sweetness. • there'- that parcel «x oil do-thes for the washer-w,renan’s little children You had better take them around this evening c«> her.* " I'Ll take them c«->ni*>rrow.’ said Kate. • X«x elv -fear : better n - chiMapnum. ~ A If no- is "inite disturbeL that the p*:»-r little .“An t t» Y "uncav-s.’u.'.'*. - . ->u ac*>.xmt -?e there :. ,rue>. Kate went bark co her hand-b-msh and doss-r. am ■ That's because L*)esor Cray is this evenimj t*about rhe h'?er-ft;Ll visftm<; sii-i <e t<-> herself. " amt "enna ar. • A;:ne r .■-z. c want t» re e-es-^. with. Why Aunt Mapuum siy so at once r ’ To-day sue had '*een imkkinp p4um-pie in the kitchen, for ft happened t«- be the ■■>?• ••<’- lay -.ut. and I ncle Mapnum was as en?ss as a bear if his -lesser: was m -c invariahty up- to* the mark : but Kate she i_ai ran .tphtly up*--tairs co answer the bem “ It's neither Mrs Palermo- n -r Mr <larr’?ll. Aunt M.apnm_.' -he said. ’ It's ye-ur et>asn& Thyrca Tro-cter from oleyk ek Farm.' Cousin Thyrsi it was. aliphtimp from a cab-, with her little leather crank scud*let wire, tarm-uet brass nails, ner preen barege veil an-i antiquely -rut *iye.L exitn-r j- *m. a basket ••.■■ bacteru-ir.- In - -ne hand and a pair of dainty sprinp chickens wrap pel in - -Id linen in the ether. Mrs Mapnum clisped her kii-lei hands. • "hat win become ed us’.”' cried she. •♦’•>u-in Thyrnt Tr>>cter from * deyksek Farm ' - Yes. I th*>tm:ht y-ru'd be pr’>per jla.i to ~ee me' «..d-l M> Trotter, al one -m.iie. " I mwi a littie ertann t*.- -’-o. and I th«m’ht I'd try the Xew Y- rk -t< res and -ave tavern :at by codin' here. And here'- ’•ode ■•' the butternut.- • if the ofd tree .Vine used co set under them, hoc -lays, and a pair the white Brahma f -wLs that Elias wranp the neck' •’■f and dressed eartv in the ms-rninl afo-re I -carted. How *v 7 .- ye dew. Sary Slaguum and tee pais ?■ • Snell have to- sleep with Kate.' whispered Selina- * "he *:ertafnly wilL The -puest »*hamber is kept f<- r Mr- I.e Lfn’iley. ’.‘h. the ---Id wo-man .’ • Yr-u «iidn't ’all her a dreadful old v<nin.' -al: Kate, with spirit, ‘when y-?-u all went and -pent the -ummer with her at ••Eeykoek Farm, when Aline wa- pectinu over the ‘That was ouite dh*erent.', -aid -he. • And I'm sure mam ma -euc her a wuo-le »x of : ..’owns ano thmtrs that •jfctie fall, M»>i in.i, phtsi- *s ■ My ►lexr K.tce.’ M> Mxzustm. ' I eu*t awa y -a. r--kv I keep <'-Ma-tn. Thyria well ia she bi.-kS»XKi< SOile Mr> IM- Lindley > xn-i -> tn-z. . i- ~ ' Y 1 ’ t£.>* -.r*li»k. *»i saeSsasne-.f L.’•*—y -a Be»il e -'l*L»n-i. and rwiins: ■ n. the elevated rv«&—ye*. an«i t«> *ee the wax nsnres. t>:«x A"ytr-Ytu.- •>_• kwp her ••at ■: the way. Mr* I*» Li&iley > *•• '•■?".- Mrcartit : .v.: I w : ■■. ■ ■ ■ «’r»y -cs-reet i>>r the «- rM that we ha«e *=»:;. as -wtlaivii*h relative.' »'.xß*in. Thyna en;* ye»i her vi*it :mn»en*ely. Ta-*r“ were times, it i* tree, when *be e>?oM r.- t anise understand how it was that -he saw *•> little -A Mr* and her
• I bt'Mefts my k- as. •*>. -iw. I .x- :• ’ az*. *et .n t*-*7 - • re* - rm * : -it shere az. 5 r»«n I can 'ids very m-ely with ym. Kate. And Kate 7 Were there n-o time* vita Ikieioe « *ray .* deep adjika* w*<ee **<m'.ed i .-’*m*tairs w -ea she wvold have gt'*en al! she had in she w»<* - - a - iar.ee t— n- ingle with the ; lea-az: perfomed erow L Flat *be *at .aietly -c. t«> •’• z-in Thyrza T” <ter * -m- -•** *t» mes ar« a: the neigh v *mrb<»:d <d 'Heyk ek Fareu vnd if. -mre or swiee. a •fm **.*rt * feare* . Kasy ear. it * -«-methin' ena*.' whispered • • •a*it Tbyra -My th.” at r* *«.ee. and my head aeaes *•» i and these ere little vimz-le* all • verniv *x2z-:hev l*k la_ie- id . v. M-..<M~* a : at - '- the M ese* with I hate c tremie >&ry ;e*t when .*he’< go:: to lie'’ c»-m-ar.y :*> tea. at p'raps—’ la less than tw- hmrs she whole Magtmm mniilv la.: taken preeipitoa* fight—Mr and Mn M «ui . Harlem. ami the girls to stay wish Mr* I** Lind&ey in Atlantic City. Bridget parked her hag ami depart- - - the <drr*n <e>—and a great *iler>*e : re' kilem • Katv an *tav with • m*iz Thvrm-the tires. me 1 . in’ - g - - •-* -L vaccinated.’ And Kate *cave*i. ■Tm dreadfol *orry. *ai i Mrs Trcer. - I renember now takin" the siek babv on my lap in the cars when I was • •:_ in ~ :- : . > kek ? m 1'- -t -••-• - •M I A&i it aiat iardly • hn*naz-like ’y and *ee • - • f Ik* ' re:bk T -' I'. .7 ' 7~ az-i 1 . -- -K kte : ml ’ X . 1’ • 11.-7 ' ’ 1 -.. 7 - • • ' ■---■' * -• ’ ’ •* I’ve lived il..»kz and e»/zfz- i ieal . A:< if I *l*.---c. i : .e. Kkty. garret shir: step vs y--'i g ; zp- -and 27 ~ :• ’e Al. 7- • 7- ■ - - 1- -7 _• 7 •-.- • •- -■'•• her :au&ced be Deetor • ray. " 1-- 7 L 7 7 -■7. 7' - •«.- - 1 - ‘ ;■ '•. . azyhew. it’* the nearest p-lace. the -a;~.ss- ’►- • -■ i* Ac :he end «e a the M.kgznn. tan Ay ■■aze k z< their heme. ■ ■ - - •'. 7 fcs been s arise*! Mr- . eerl g :hi* . - - -p- _. T.'.'.-r-' Have i -.•. • 7 ,-■ - ee ere ■ It wk* zee neeessarv/ su-i I**-:, r •/•rar. half *r. ilmg. - M2- T 77.7 ~ . ..-22- • V>~ V. 21, ~ 2....7-L 27.7 k .dr ■ •‘h. Dw» t«r ’ tat. *he • .-;. v 11 2 . 7 '• - Why .iidn’s y*:d : he re:. ; rtei_ ■ Az«i Kate Kesley 4 ' Again the rahsrhiev--zs sparkles Tkme nut*- the y» mg t>hvsieikz * ’Kate Kesley is Kate Kesley n • sk-. re. • «.»h. h< ecer—she imh—h/.- -e' - Married ■ Yes, to rue. We wens »"leyk- ex Farm. •n ’ -nr 1.-.zey-az*! •‘e-zsin Thyraa ,£a T -e Kate v weidLng-p-resezt ■: a th*XL*aZ”i ■ I-.'liars. Kase is “e e her heiress. *.he *av* : m< :he neigh hems he.-Lare that mie ». valcal le irm vein l.a* been de-vei*. tel <n the rg.-’mt.km where the .1 ’■ •■ittr-rm: trees grew W* -taymg a 7 ■ ? el.* •H 7- 1. . az>i sh»>oLi he pleased so Live yr-n eall. ’ D»x««jr * tat went eheerilv ■-ns :••■ fzi*h i* r .•■ mmg "m< *•■£ patient.*. Mrs M.agri mi .az* i her sw- - lang 1“ t ere -tars’: each “.•'ther blankly. ■ And v-j'tt were s> terrain,' -an '*>-T.ze :».■ Aline. 't . l .t was in l«" ve with y'?/« 1a s ai. ate * nn* 1 emaz*. .r.• ’ .*2 — . s.-^-.-. —. 2— t’.ei yea Kate was sly ‘. ' ■ * riri*, *r».<>■ ■, •Tkr-’e beg -;.<i i their :z*?'Cher. 'ls* • ■ ri-tr. fy■l3 S T ■■ 77-- -• 1 217. I .- ■ ' . • In thi-w:-<i’'i it i* eav*y *hifs - tie hvalt ■ -r -< ...-
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Graphic, Volume VI, Issue 23, 7 June 1890, Page 7
Word Count
1,420WHOSE FAULT WAS IT? New Zealand Graphic, Volume VI, Issue 23, 7 June 1890, Page 7
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