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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications for Partition.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications).

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued


Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-rtiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applicatuns for Succession)— continued.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua (Name of Land.) 1 W. Cooper Puketapu 1, 1a. 2 Erana P. Komene ma (and others) .. Tuhuna 1a. 3 ? 9 • . . • . • . • „ 9. 4 ?? • • • • • • • * „ 12a.

Kama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 5 W. Cooper Rahui Maori (Native Reserve) i (in) O.L.C. 47 Whakawa take paanga Investigation of title. 6 99 Rahui Maori (Native Reserve) i (in) O.L.C. 54 [Titahi Awa (stream)] 99 99 7 99 Rahui Maori (Native Reserve) i (in) O.L.C. 54 i waenganui (between) Umitakiere N.R. me (and) O.L.C. 58 99 * * 9 9 8 99 • • Rahui Maori e piri ana ki (Native Reserve adjoining) Omapere Roto (Lake) 99 * * 99 9 99 Wahi (part) Orauruwharo Poraka (Block) 99 * * 99 99 99 10 M. V. Bell Rahui Maori (Native Reserve) wahi (part) Punakitere Poraka (Block) 99 99 11 W. Cooper Rahui Maori e piri ana ki (Native Reserve adjoining) Poukai Poraka (Block) 99 * • 99 12 99 Rangihoua Rahui Maori (Native Reserve) Whakawa take paanga 99 13 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Te Ti A me (and) B Tono kia kimihia te nui o te paanga o ia tangata Application for deter mination of relative interests. 14 J Wi Pou Hoori Reneti .. Kohatutaka 6e Whakawhiti Exchange. pMiria Hiku .. ,, 6f 99 15 f Paraone Komene Kohewhata 26, 27a, 27b, 73 99 99 L Ripi VV i Hongi Tawapuku 2 wahi (part) 99 99 16 f Paratene Wi Hongi Taraire 1y 1 .. 99 99 /Mikara Takiwira Otuhi 1a 2 99 ?? 17 Hori Whin Mataraua C 6b Kia whakatakotoria he rori i runga i Mataraua B 6 To lay oft a road over Mataraua B 6. 18 Te Ware Kuri ma (and) others) Kohatukaka 6a 2 Kia whakatakotoria he rori i runga i Kohatutaka 6a 3 £ s. d. To lay oft a right-of-way over Kohatukaka 6a 3. 19 Chief Surveyor (Tumuaki Kai-ruuri) Native Reserve (Rahui Maori) e piri ana ki (adjoining) Omapere Roto (Lake) Moni-ruri .. ..100 Survey costs. 20 Kaikohe Poari Taone (Town Board) Kohewhata 44 Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheihana mo te whenua i tangohia hei rori Assessment of compensation for land taken for a road. 21 Hekeretari mo nga Mahi Nunui mo te Katoa (Under-Secretary, Public Works) 99 „ 69 Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheihana mo te whenua i tangohia hei reriwe Assessment of compensa tion for land taken for a railway. 22 Punakitere 2a 1 me (and) 2, 2b 3 Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheihana mo te whenua i tangohia hei rori Assessment of compensation for land taken for a road. 23 99 Taraire 2b 2 wahi (part) 2b wahi (part) Rori Raina (R o a d -1 i n e), Tangatapu 1b 99 99 24 99 Wahi (part) Umuhapuku 648/2 Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheihana mo te whenua i rangohia hei reriwe Assessment of compensation for land taken for a railway.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.' 24a Te Komihana onga Whenua o te Karauna (The Commissioner of Crown Lands) Wiroa C me te Whenua Karauna e pa ana ki Whakataha Poraka (and Crown Land adjacent to Whakataha Block) He tono i raro i tekiona 14 o te Ture Nama 29/1930 Application under section 14 of Act No. 29/1930. 25 Rekene Pehi Neho Rangihamama G 2 Tono i raro i tekiona 24/1909 kia kimihia no wai ma te whare i runga i te whenua Application under section 24/1909 to determine the ownership of a house on the land. 26 Perene Topi .. Utakura 2b Id 8 Tono i raro i tekiona 27 o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909, kia whakatikatikaina te ota riiwhitanga ki a Maraea te Ahuriri, kua mate Application under section 27 of the Native Land Act, 1909, re amendment of succession order to Maraea te Ahuriri, deceased. 27 Hoori Wuuru .. Puketapu 1 Tono i raro i tekiona 5/1921 kia kimihia nga tangata no ratou te whare karakia me te tapu kei runga i tetahi wahi o Puketapu Poraka Application under section 5/1921 to ascertain who are the persons entitled to the church-house and cemetery on part of Puketapu Block. 28 Te Tumuaki Kai-whakawa (Chief Judge) Tuhuna 16a .. Tono i raro i te Ture Whakatikitika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1928, Pitihana Nama 142 o te tau 1928 he inoi na Ihaka te Awa me tetahi atu ki uiuia kia ripoatatia te Poraka o Tuhuna Nama 16a Application under the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1928, for inquiry and report re Petition No. 142 of 1928 of Ihaka te Awa and another praying for rehearing in connection with Tuhuna No. 16a. 28a W. Cooper Patukauae Tono kia kimihia kowai tenei Tangata e m oh iotea nei ko Apiata Moko i roto i te tiwhikete taitara mo Patukauae Poraka Application for identification of the person known as Apiata Moko in certificate of title for Patukauae Block 29 Tumuaki Kai-whaka (Chief Judge) Mangakowhara Tono i raro i tekiona 63/1927 kia uiuia kia ripoatatia hold te nui o nga moni me nga rakau o runga i Mangakowhara Poraka i te takiwa i hokona ai Application under section 63/1927 for inquiry and report on the quantity and value of the timber on Mangakowhara Block at the time of sale. 30 Roka Kopa Kohatutaka 6a 12b Tono kia araia Application for injunction. 31 Tame Ahipi ma (and another) Tono ia Waina te Iwingaro Kapea hei tamati whangai Application for adoption of Waina te Iwingaro Kapea. 32 R. J. Cope Pukapuka whakamana kai-whaka-haere i nga taonga o James Cope, kua mate Letters of administration in re James Cope, deceased. 33 Paahi Paraone ma (and others) Tono i raro i tekiona 12/1922 mo nga taonga tinana o Mary Brown, kua mate Application under section 12/1922 for succession to personalty re Mary Brown, deceased. 34 Pera Wahapu Maungakawakawa 2 Kia whakaturia hei kai-tiaki mo Miriama Hamuera Appointment of trustee for Miriama Hamuera.

Xama. (Xo.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 35 Pera Wahapu Wiroa A3 Ani Wahapu. 36 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Pahekeheke B 2e 4 Apiata Wharerau. 37 W. Cooper Oromahoe R 4 ; Motatau 3p 2 ; Waihaha 1c Arapeta Pohe, ara {alias) Wharau. 38 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Paoneone C Erana Taiwhanga. 39 Paerata 1 Eru Hiri. 40 Kire ITami Tahere Kotuku A 3g Hakopa Kahi. 41 Otuhi 1c 1 Hami Tahere. 42 Rai te Haara Mataraua C 6b .. Hape Heta, ara (afo’as) Hape te Haara. 43 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Horotiu A 4 Hau raki Hapati. 44 Waima Raki (North) A 25 b Henare Pou. 45 Erana P. Komene Te Pua 2 Heni Pou. 46 W. Cooper Motatau 1a 8 ; Pakonga C ; Waiwhariki Ia 2c I ; Puketapu 4n ; Papakauri D' 4b ; Kotuku B 7b Hereora Taui, ara {alias) Hereora Pene Taui. 47 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Mataraua E Hiku Hori. 48 Waima Raki (North) A 25b Te Hira Pou. 49 ?? Motatau 5o 12 .. Hohaia Werihi. 50 Tongariro Ia 2 .. Hori Hiku. 51 ?? Tapuae 3b 2j Hot-erene Wi Pm?.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 52 Hone Wepiha Tongariro 2c 2 . . Kararaina Wi Pou. 53 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Maungapohatu Tonga (South) 1b .. Katene te Teira. 54 55 Takahiwai 7c .. Katene Teira. 55 55 Mautakirua B Kawau Erueti 56 55 Kotuku B 3 Kopania Haata. 57 5 5 Motatau 5o 12 .. Makarini Hirini. 58 55 Parahaki Ik 59 55 Paoneone C Matiu Tuatai Erana. 60 5 5 Waima Raki (North) A 5 Maraea Hauraki Niha. 61 ? ? Motatau 5o 12 .. Mere Teri Pore. 62 Te Peka Otene Taraire 2b 2 Mere Tiki. 63 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Horotiu A 4 Mihaka Hapati. 64 55 Whirinaki 1b 5 .. 65 55 Motukiore K Moengaroa Kingi. 66 55 Rawhiti 2 Ngahemo Ruhiu. 67 7 5 Maungaturoto C Ngarui te Korohu. 68 W. Cooper Toatoa C Pene Haehae. 69 55 • * * * Oraruwharo 5b ; Kotuku B 7b ; Papakauri D 4b Pene Taui II. 70 Keita Mare Motatau 5j 2b .. Pere Wi Hongi. 71 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Parahaki Ik Pouaru Huarahi. 72 Kotuku B 4a .. 73 W. Cooper Okuratope 2 ; Punakitere 4b, 1 ; Wharepoke 1, 2l 1 ; Tawata 2 ; Maungakawakawa 9c 1, 12b, 13k ; Mataraua C 4a ; Tuhuna 1b Putoto Kereopa. 74 Waikaramihi A ; Otetao A Pura Tiopira. 75 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Ninihi 2 Te Rauahi Puataata. 76 W. Cooper Horena Remana Kiwikiwi. 77 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Ahuahu 2 Roatara Henare Ruatara. 78 55 Te Karawa 2 .. 79 Hapairua A Teke. 80 Teaopeehirangi te Kiri ma (and others) Pukehuia 2c 2a .. Titore Tango. 81 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Whakarongorua 2a 2 9 9 82 Waima Raki (North) A 16b Tutu Taui. 83 Taaniora Henare Ruhe Pokangahere 2 .. Te Warihi Motupipi. 84 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Horotiu A 4 Wata Hauraki. 85 Rawhiti 2a 10 .. Wiremu Ihaia. 86 W. Cooper Te Ante Bl Wiremu Moko I ara (alias') Wiremu Pohe. 87 Marino 2b 5 Wiremu Pirihonga. 88 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Maungaturoto C .. .. . . Wiremu Tai.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 5, 5 February 1931, Page 62

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 5, 5 February 1931, Page 62

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 5, 5 February 1931, Page 62

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