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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications for Partition.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa 0 te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1 Mere te Puni Belmont S.D. XIII/3/N/2. 2 Stead and Prichard 3 Raima te Paki Hutt 14/2c. 4 Edward Koroneho te Tau .. Mataikona 2b 3a. 5 Hona Manihera Makirikiri 10. 6 Panerepe Tamihana Ngarara West A 14b 2a. 7 Tohuroa Hira Parata Taumanuka 2b 13. 8 Merehira Tamatea.. Tutaekara 115/10. 9 Kami Tamihana .. Tahoraite 1g 3 10 Reuben Stevens Wakapuaka.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 11 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri (Chief Surveyor, Wellington) Aorangi 1/5a me etahi atu poraka (and other blocks) Whakawa take paanga Investigation of title. 12 n • • Sandon 153/6c 2 Tahuna (river-bed accretion) » 99 13 • • Pukehou 99 • • 99 14 99 * ’ Hutt 57 wahi (part) 99 ’ * 99 15 Oka Heketa .. Parahaki 1, 2.. Kia whakakorea nga ota wehewehe To cancel partition order. 16 Ani Kuiti Pohio Pukehou 4b 3/1 Kia whakahokia ki nga tangata ratou te wahi o te rori kua whakakorea To vest closed road in persons entitled. 17 Karaitiana R. Peneta .. Tau manuka 2 b Tono whakatu kai-riiwhi ki nga taonga tinana o Piripi te Huia (Piripi Teari) To succeed to the personalty of Piripi te Huia (Piripi Teari). 18 Bell, Gully, MacKenzie, me (and) O’Leary Aorangi 1/8 F 2 Kia whakakorea te ota kai-riiwhi a Henare Mereti ara Hughes, kua mate For cancellation of succession order to Henare Mereti or Hughes, deceased. 19 Mohi K arena .. • • Ota tango i a Hakopa te Paki, hei tamaiti whangai Order for adoption or Hohepa te Paki. 20 Raita te Paki .. Hutt Tekiona (Section) 19/19 Kia whakawa tuaruatia te kairiiwhitanga ki a Watarauhi Ngahenga, kua mate Rehearing of succession to Watarauhi Ngahenga, deceased. 21 C. V. Fordham Hutt 36/2/3/4 Kia whakawa tuaruatia te tono mo tetahi huarahi Rehearing of application for right of way. 22 Nutt River Board Waiwetu Pa 1a, 2c, 2b 1, 2b 2, 2a, 3 Kia kimihia te nui o te moni kapeneheihana he i utunga mo nga whenua i riro i te Hutt River Board To determine amount of compensation payable for land taken by the Hutt River Board. 23 Harold Charles Hale Oamaru 1c 1 .. He tono i raro i tekiona 15 o te Ture, 1928 An application under section 15 of the Act, 1928. 24 Native Trustee Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Pape te Hanairo, kua mate Probate of the will of Pape te Hanairo, deceased. 25 Teone Pura • • Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Ngahuia Haami, kua mate Probate of the will of Ngahuia Haami, deceased. 26 Pero Dix Pukapuka whakamana kai-wha-kahaere mo nga taonga a Rena Dix Letters of administration in re Rena Dix. 27 Waho Komene Wellington Tenths me (and) Pakuratahi Kai-tiaki hou mo Wiremu Komene New trustee for Wiremu Komene. 28 Mataikahawai Parai Polhill Gully 2a 6 Kai-tiaki mo Te Awhi Parai Trustee for Te Awhi Parai. 29 99 Belmont X 1/8/2/2 .. 99 * * 99 30 Native Trustee Hutt 19/7a .. Kai-tiaki hou mo Kararaina Karatau New trustee for Kararaina Karatau. 31 Walter F. St urman Belmont S.D.X. 111/2/N He tono i raro i tekiona 15, wahanga (4), o te Ture mo nga Reti, 1910 An application under section 15, subsection (4), of the Rating Act, 1910.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 32 Minister of Public Works Bruce Bay S.D. 776, 731, Kia kimihia te nui o te moni To determine the amount (Minita mo nga Mahi o 777, 782, 782, me (and) kapeneheihana hei utunga mo of compensation payte Katoa) 420 nga whenua i riro i raro i able for land taken tekiona 91 o te Ture o nga under section 91 of the 33 H. K. Rapaia Mahi o te Katoa, 1908 Public Works Act, 1908. Porang ahau 1b 401a .. He tono i raro i tekiona 24a o te An application under seclure, 1909 tion 24a of the Act, 34 Arei Tuapeka Oamaru 2 b 2c 2 Whakawa tuarua whakatu kai1909. Rehearing of succession riiwhi ki a Taraikamo, kua to Taraikamo, deceased, mate, i raro i nga ritenga o in terms of section 5 of tekiona 5 o te Ture, 1927, the Act, 1927, No. 67. Nama 67 35 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri (Chief Paruauku wahi (part) Kia whakatikatikaina nga ota To amend partition order. Surveyor, Wellington) wehewehe 36 Petone Borough Council Hutt 2d 3 Kia whakaputaina he ota mo nga Charging order for rates. 37 Chatham Island County Council reti, £7 16s. 2d. Awapatiki 1a 2 Kia whakaputaina he ota mo nga moni reiti For a charging order for rates. 38 99 1A 3 39 99 2a 1 99 40 99 99 2a 2a 41 9 w 2a 2b 42 99 2a 2c 43 99 99 2a 2e 44 99 99 2b 1 45 2b 2-3 46 99 2b 4 47 99 Kekerione If 15a (300 acres) 48 99 Kekerione If 15A(balance) 49 99 Ik 21a 50 99 Im 15 51 99 99 Ip 13a 1/2 .. 52 • « Iw 53 9 9 23 .. 54 99 24a 55 .. 24b 56 ? 9 24b 57 99 26 .. 58 9 9 27 .. 59 99 29 .. 60 99 99 30 .. 61 99 99 31.. 62 99 99 32 .. 63 • • 35b 64 36b 2 65 39 .. 66 99 99 41 .. 67 99 99 43 .. 68 «• 99 46 .. 69 99 99 50 .. ? 9 70 99 99 52 .. 71 9 , 99 54 .. 72 99 99 55 .. 73 99 99 56 .. 74 99 99 57 .. 75 99 4 * 58 .. 99 76 99 99 65b 77 99 J J 67 me (and) 69 78 99 99 74 .. 79 99 99 75 .. 80 99 99 67b me (and) c 81 99 99 77.. 82 «« Matarae wahi (part) 2a 83 9 9 * « 3/2 .. 84 99 99 4/5 .. 85 99 99 4/6 .. 86 99 Motuhara (Forty-fours) 9 9 87 99 Otonga 1e 3 .. 88 9 9 1e 4a 2 89 9 9 99 1E 4b 1 ■ 90 99 .. 1E 4b 2 91 99 99 1e 4b 3 wahi (part) 99 92 99 99 1E 6 .. 99 93 99 1E 7 .. 94 99 1E 10 95 99 1E 11 96 99 • • 1E 12 97 99 99 1E 13 99 98 9 9 99 1E 14 99 Pitt Island 4c 100 99 Rangiauria 4 b 99 99

Kama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 101 Chatham Island County Rangitatahi (Sisters) Kia whakaputaina he ota mo nga For a charging order for Council moni reiti rates. 102 99 Wharekauri 1j 99 103 99 „ 1K 99 99 104 „ 1L1 99 • • 105 99 Wharekauri 11 (Mairangi 99 99 2) 106 99 Wharekauri Im (Mairangi 99 99 3) 107 99 Wharekauri Ip (Ngatiki99 99 tiki) 108 99 Wharekauri 1q (Waikanae) 99 99 £ s. d. 109 Kai-ruuri Tumuaki, WeiHutt 19, Wahanga (Sub.) Moni ruuri .. 13 17 6 Survey costs. lington (Chief Surveyor) 7a 110 Ditto ..776 99

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) Ill C. V. Fordham Makara 37, 39 .. Amiria Horomona. 112 Arapata K. Tanerau .. Waitohi 32 Ani Love. 113 Rangi T. Tamihana Pouakani Arihia Ngawhawha. 114 Raianihia Karaka Waikawa 18 Te Aha Motu. 115 G. W. Ashdown Wellington Tenths Ema Eure, ara (or) Ema Ure, ara (or) Emma Jane Ure. 116 Tupoki Takarangi Pota kakuratawhiti Eparaima Takarangi. 117 C. V. Fordham Ngakaroro 30 5b Epiha Karepa. 118 Manawatu-Kukutauaki 7d 2d 58 .. 119 Ellen Harriett Brooks .. Rowallan XIV/I .. .. . ? George Robert Flutey. 120 C. V. Fordham Te Kata Harata Tamati Toko. 121 Harata Toko. 122 Arthur Pitt Porutu Koruangarautawhiri Al.. Henare Piti Porutu. 123 Te Aitu o te Rangi Tahorahina 2 .. Hoani Pohatu. 124 Manatume Wharekauri Heta Na mu. 125 Wae Piiti Matenga Takaka 9/7 .. .. . . Hoani Pirika. 126 Karaitiana R. Peneta .. Tau Manuka 1a Hoani Tepuke. 127 Kawana Witinitara Makirikiri 8 Himiona te Apiti ara (or) Flora Himiona. 128 99 * ’ • * Okurupatu A 3/2c 2 129 99 • • * * „ A 2/lc 99 130 C. V. Fordham Rowallan 14/1 .. Hinetewa Flutey. 131 99 • • • • Arahura 30/20 .. 99 132 Heuenga Hamuera Faulkner Papawai Huriana Pou Manihera. 133 Kawana Witinitara Tewhiti Tonga (South) 1c 2c Himiona te Apiti ara (or) Flora Himiona. 134 Heuenga Hamuera Faulkner Kenepuru 7b 2 .. Huriana Martina. 135 C. V. Fordham Horokiwi 11 .. .. .. Horiana Kopu ara (or) Arapere. 136 Heuenga Hamuera Faulkner Orakauhamu 26b 2e 2 .. Huriana Matina. 137 99 * * Kenepuru 1/34 .. 99 138 99 • * „ 1/7a, 2/7a Huriana Matina ara (or) Huriana Pou Manihera. 139 99 * * Arorangi 36b 1 .. Huriana Matina. 140 Rongopari Reweti Tangahoe Tutaeparikite 2 .. Hare Reweti Tangahoe. 141 99 • • „ 1A 99 142 C. V. Fordham Arowhenua 199/201 John Hopere Wharewiti Uru. 143 Henare Williams Oue VII/4e John Wm. Tohi. 144 Walter Teeney Belmont XI/14/8/1 John Teeney. 145 C. V. Fordham Rapaki 1a 2 Te Kanae Nohoa. 146 99 Waipuna 25634.. Kanae. 147 Te Iwi Epanaia Makirikiri 10 .. Kataraina Epanaia. 148 Stead and Prichard Wellington Tenths Te Kiriwera ara (or) Takuta. 149 Parehaereone Matuku .. Kaingaroa Kirihaehae Pitiroi. 150 Paraihi te Koeti Karangarua 853, 854, 855, Bruce Bay Poraka Te Koeti Turanga. (Blocks) X, XI 151 C. V. Fordham Makara 37, 39 .. Kuini ara (or) Kuini Taupunakohe. 152 Houngariri Horomona .. Wainui B 3 Marara. 153 Pitau Panirau Kekerione Maki Rut ora. 154 Oka Heketa .. Parahaki 2 Makere Pikihuia. 155 C. V. Fordham Makara 37, 39 .. Matekiteuru. 156 Manu Katene. 157 99 • • • • Rapaki Mohi Rakuraku. 158 99 • • • • „ 1A 2 .. • « 159 M • • • • Waipuna 25634.. 9 9 160 Whiu Wharehoka Belmont Xl/14/8/2 Mohi Karearea. 161 Wiremu Pakau Haukaretu B 1b. . .. Mere Kapene Rore. 162 Waho Komene Pakuratahi Momokore Komene. 163 Teahu Tutewhakaiho .. Taita 58/2 99 164 1 Waho Komene Wellington. Tenths Momokore Komene (Wiri).

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 165 Hohepa Kawana Mangaone 3b Te Nau te Muroi. 166 a a a a a a Whitimanuka 4b 167 C. V. Fordham Rapaki 1a 2 .. .. .. Ngahina ara (or) Te Poa) Wi Neera. 168 Mira Pariti Teira Ngarara West B 4 Te Newhanga Teira. 169 a a a a a a „ B 3c 170 ,, B 2b 171 Taita 58 172 a a a a • a Hutt 16/17b 173 99 • • • • „ 16/19 • • 174 a a a a Horokiwi 11 Oriwia Korako ara (or) Paratene. Meihana te Oka. 175 Mere Karetai Fowler .. Tautuku A 176 Teeraroa te Oka me etahi atu (and others) Kekerione 25 .. 177 99 „ 36 .. 178 Tone Pura Wharekauri Ip .. Paki Haami. 179 a a a a a a a . Pitt Island (Kahuitara) .. 180 Teratorua Hinga Komene Wellington Tenths Paretahiwi Hinga Komene. 181 0. V. Fordham Puahi A 1 1a .. Pani Mita ara (or) Pani Hohaia. 182 «« • • • • Okurupatu B 4b 3c 9 9 183 99 • • • • „ ’A 32b 6/5 .. • • 184 Makirikiri 1 .. .. .. 185 a a a a a . „ 2 186 Aohanga 5/6 • • 187 E. Bryant Ngakeroro 3c 3b 1 Pani Hakaraia. 188 Puia Itehau Wharemate Takaka 13/6 Rangitukua Tamihana (Putangitangi). 189 99 „ B 3 .. 190 99 • • „ 1/B 99 191 9 9 • • Nelson Tenths .. .. 192 Raianihia Karaka Waikawa 18 .. Te Ra Motu. 193 C. V. Fordham Rapaki Ia 2 Rawiri Mehaka. 194 Pitau Panirau Kekerione 55 .. .. .. • Retimona Ngamate. 195 C. V. Fordham Campbelltown VI1/1/3 .. Sarah de Blois. 196 Alton VI1/8 99 197 Teri Henare Roera Nelson Tenths .. Tauru Roera ara (or) Turia Roera. 198 C. V. Fordham Makara 37, 39 .. Teieti Mokena. 199 H. Williams .. Tautuku B Tohi te Marama. 200 99 aa a a a a Omaui (Campbell Town 100 VII/1/2) Teone Wiremu Tohi. 201 Te Iwi Epanaia Makirikiri 10 .. Teoti Epanaia. 202 0. V. Fordham Makara 37, 39 .. Tireni Mokena. 203 Te Kahui Patatai Wellington Tenths Toma (Tame) te Koroiti. 204 C. V. Fordham Forest Hill Hundred XVI/462 Victoria Howell. 205 Teone Pohio .. Moeraki XVI/6a Wata Pohio ara (or) Whata Pohio. 206 C. V. Fordham Makara 37, 39 .. Wikitoria Mokena. 207 Whakaruruatua. 208 Stead me (and) Prichard Wellington Tenths Ware are (or) Warn te Pu. 209 Pitau Parerau Kekerione 25 .. Te Wari Ngamate.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 53, 20 December 1928, Page 622

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KUPU APITI. (SCHEDULE.) Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 53, 20 December 1928, Page 622

KUPU APITI. (SCHEDULE.) Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 53, 20 December 1928, Page 622

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