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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications for Partition.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.


Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued


Toko Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Wh9nita (Applications fob Suoohssion)— continued.

Tomo Whaka.tu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (APPLICATIONS for Succession) — continued.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1 Tiri Paora Nathan Ahipara 9a. 2 Mehana Maihi „ 61d 2. 3 Mere Rikiti Maimaru A 2c 1. 4 Murupaenga Rewiri Pakohu 2b 2av. 5 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Parengarenga 5b 2. 6 Rauna Hone Pukekahikatoa 1a 2b. 7 Meriana Remo Wahi Tekiona (part Section) 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) I, Rangaunu Takiwa Ruuri (Survey District). 8 Tare Raroa Whakakoro D 2.

Nam a (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 8a Ratima Aperahama Koniti A 4 Tonga (South) Kia whakakoreanga ota weheCancellation of partition 2a 2 wehe i raro tekiona 121/09 under 121/09. 9 Kararaina Tamati Kareponia 2 a 2a Kai whakatakotoria he rori i runsra To lav off a road over i Kareponia 2a 2 wahi me etahi Kareponia 2a 2 part atu poraka and other blocks. £ s. d. 10 Te Tumuaki Kai-ruuri, f Akar ana (the Chief Pukepoto 8b 15a Moni ruuri .. .. 0 15 0 Survey costs. „ 8b 15b „ .. .. 0 15 0 10a Surveyor, Auckland) ” { Ahipara 30a .. „ .. ..750 „ 30b .. ..804 Application under section 11 Whare Wi Mehana Opoe Takiwa Ruuri (SurTono i raro i tekiona 24 o te Ture vey District). Poraka Whenua Maori, 1909, kia kimi24 of the Native Land (Block) VII, Rota (Lot) hia ko wai ma nga tangata na. Act, 1909, to determine 2 ratou nga hua rakau the ownership of fruittrees. 12 Hoera Wi Kanara Parengarenga 3 Tono i raro i tekiona 24 o te Ture Application under section Whenua Maori, 1909, kia kimi24 of the Native Land hia kia whakataua te nui o nga Act, 1909, to ascertain moni kapeneheihana hei utu and determine the mo nga whakapainga i mahia ki amount of compensarunga i taua whenua tion to be paid for improvements upon the said land. 13 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita Wairahi Tono i raro i tekiona 24 o te Ture Application under section (Registrar) Whenua Maori, 1909, kia uiuia 24 of the Native Land kia whiriwhiria hoki te kereeme Act, 1909, to hear and a nga Maori ki te whenua kua determine any claim by huaina i runga ake nei ki nga Natives to the ownerpainga ranei i puta mai i taua ship or possession of the whenua Wairahi Block, or to any right, title, estate, or interest in such land, or in the proceeds of any alienation thereof. 14 Wiha Hone Heke Maunukau E 2a Tono kia araia Injunction. 15 Perene H. Tukariri Tono kia whakaturia hei kaiApplication to appoint whakahaere hou mo nga taonga new administrator in o Huirama H. Tukariri. hei the estate of Huirama kai-riiwhi mo nga tuunga o Tukariri, deceased, in Ritete Kaweka me Wiremu lieu of Ritete Kaweke Hoani Taua, kua mate and Wiremu Hoani Taua, administrators, now deceased. 16 Ratima Aperahama Okahu 4a Tono i raro i tekiona 5 o te Ture Application under section Whakatikatika Ture Whenua 5 of the Native Land Maori Wbakariterite Kereeme Amendment and NaWhenua Maori, 1921, kia whative Land Claims Adkataua no wai ma te whare hui i runga i Okahu 4a justment Act, 1921, to determine the ownership of meeting-house on Okahu 4a.

Kama (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 17 Hone Wi Kaipo Pakohu 2b 2x Tono i raro i tekiona 5 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1921, mo te whare karakia me te tapu o Te Hapua Application under section <5 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1921, re church and cemetery at Te Hapua. . 18 „ 4c .. Tono i raro i tekiona 5 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1921, mo te wnare karakia me te tapu o Ngatekawa Application under section 5 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1921, re church and cemetery at Ngatekawa. 19 99 * ‘ Tokootearawa Tono i raro i tekiona 5 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1921, mo te whare karakia me te tapu o Te Kao Application under section 5 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1921, re church and cemetery at Te Kao. 20 99 * * Waipuna Tono i raro i tekiona 5 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1921, mo te whare karakia me te tapu o Paua Application under section 5 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1921, re church and cemetery at Paua. 21 Rev. H. Brown Waimanoni 2c Tono i raro i tekiona 5 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1921, mo te whare hui * Application under section 5 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1921, re meeting-house. 21a Matire Hami Pukepoto 8b 11 Tono i raro i tekiona 5 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1921, hei tuunga hooro Application under section 5 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1921, re a hall-site. 22 Herepete Rapihana Pipipi 1b Tono i raro i tekiona 7 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1922, mo Wiremu Papahia, kua mate Application under section 7 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922, in re Wiremu Papahia, deceased. 23 Hakaraia Karaka Tauwai B 22 .. Tono kia whakakorea kia whakatikatikaia ranei te ota whakatu kai-riiwhi ki a Rauna Karaka, kua mate Application for cancellation or amendment of succession order re Rauna Karaka, decease Rauna Karaka, deceased. 24 Minita Maori (Native Minister) Ahipara wehewehenga (subdivisions), Te Angaanga 1 me (and) 2, Te Ahua; Aputerewa 1 wehewehenga (subdivisions) me (and) 2b 1 ; Ahitahi 2a 1 ; Hauturu 1, 2, me (and) 4 wehm wehewehenga (subdivisi Konoti A me (and) B v wehenga (subdivisions) (subdivisions); Manuk wehenga (subdivisions) Merita B wehewehenga tawa ; Murimotu 2 ; Otu; Oturu A, B, me (subdivisions) ; Okakey Rahui (reserve); Owha divisions) me (and) 4 wehewehenga (subdivis divisions); Pukepoto y divisions) me (and) 2 ; Pctrapara Rawhiti (East Takapaukura; Tawhat] hana wehewehenga (sul wehenga (subdivisions) (and) B wehewehenga (subdivisions); Whatuv 1/4 ; Te Hoanga ; K: wehewehenga (subdivisi wanui 1 ; Matakaraka ] Tono i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1923, kia whakatoputia nga paanga vehenga (subdivisions); Horora A ons) me (and) 3; Karikari 1 we wehewehenga (subdivisions); Kohu Te Kohanga 1 me (and) 2 ; Ma au wehewehenga (subdivisions); Matarau B, C, 2 me (and) 3 wt (subdivisions) ; Mokorau ; Moturo Muriwhenuatika 1 wehewehenga (and) 2d wehewehenga (subdivisit yai wehewehenga (subdivisions); ta A me (and) B ; Omauku; Pai me (and) Id 3 Peria weheweheng ions) ; Parengarenga 1/4 me (a vehewehenga (subdivisions); Puk Pukekahikatoa 1 me (and) 2 w ) me (and) Rato (West) weheweheng A ; Taheke ; Taimaro 1 me (and) )divisions); Whakapouaka; Wait jWaitaha wehewehenga (subdivi (subdivisions) ; Waiaua A/D ; wiwi 1 me (and) 2 wehewehenga ripaka tuunga whare-kura (school ons); Kangapipiwai wehewehenge 11/3; 'Mahinepua B 1 ; Mokau<2 w Application under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1923, re consolidation of interests. Kareponia 1 me (and) 2 hewehenga (subdivisions) ; maru A me (and) B wehedmaru A/D wehewehenga Mangataiore B/G weheihewehenga (subdivisions); a Motu (Island) ; Manga(subdivisions); Ohao 1 ; ns); Okahu wehewehenga Okokore or Te Awapoko lia 3b wehewehenga (suba (subdivisions); Pakohu nd) 5 wehewehenga (subenui 1 wehewehenga (subdiewehenga (subdivisions); ia (subdivisions); Takini; 2 Taumatawiwi: Waimananoni 1 me (and) 2 wehesions); Whiwhero A, me Whakakoro wehewehenga (subdivisions); Hoahoaina -site); Kaingapokena 1 /4 i (subdivisions); Motukaehewehenga (subdivisions) ;

Mima. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 25 Minita Maori (Native Matangirau ; Mangina Mangahoutoa ; Mahini wehenga (subdivisions) divisions), 3a me (anc me (and) B ; Panaki ] tuunga whare karakia divisions),’ me (and) 3 B wehewehenga (subdh (subdivisions) ; Tawa] wehewehenga (subdivi rahui (reserve)) ; Te M ngaihe 2b. Pukepoto 4a, 4b, 4o, 5a, ngina; Matauri 1 me (and) 2 w< ahi C/F wehewehenga (subdivisic ; Omaunu 1b 3b me (and) 2a ; 0 ) 4a ; Otangaroa 1 wehewehenga Join (Island) ; Pupuke wehewehen me (church site and) Tapu; Pal ; Ririwha; Taupo wehewehenga usions) ; Takou Rawhiti (East) A, m juku wehewehenga (subdivisions) sons) ; Waikukupa wehewehenga fainui A/D me (and) 2 wehewehc Tono i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture diewehenga (subdivisions); ns); Mangaiti 1 /4 wehekura 2 wehewehenga (sub(subdivisions); Orotere A ga (subdivisions) ; Pupuke mhu 1 wehewehenga (sub{subdivisions) ; Te Touwai e (and) D 3/8 wehewehenga Tauaki; Waihapa 1 /3 (subdivisions) me (and) nga (subdivisions) ; WhaApplication under section Minister) 5b 1, 5b 2 Whakatikatika Ture Whenua 6 of the Native Land 26 Tame Romana ma (and Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1923, kia wha-ka-topirtia nga paanga Tono i a Tauterangimarie EngaAmendment and Native Land Claims AdjustAct, 1923, re consolidation in interest. Application for adoption 27 others) Eru Ihaka morehu, hei tamaiti whangai Tono i raro tekiona 12 o te Ture of Tauterangimarie Engamorehu. Application under section 28 Hugh Job Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1922, mo Hapi Takimoana, kua mate Tono i raro tekiona 12 o te Ture 12 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922, re Hapi Takimoana, deceased. Application under section 29 Teowai Rapata Harera .. Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1922, mo Henare Hopa, ara Henry Job, kua mate Tono i raro tekiona 12 o te Ture 12 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922, re Henare Hopa, alias Henry Job, deceased. Application under section 30 Wairama Maihi ma (and Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1922, mo Rapata Harera, kua mate Tono i raro tekiona 12 o te Ture 12 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922, re Rapata Harera, deceased. Application under section 31 others) Hariata Hupata Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1922, mo Apikera Rawiri, kua mate, a kia kimihia hoki nga tangata e tika ana ki tetahi “ mere ” i te tupapaku e pupuri ana Pukapuka whakamana i te wira 12 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922, re Apikera Rawiri, deceased, and to determine the ownership of a “ mere ” possessed by deceased. Probate of the will of 32 Mereana Pirimona Tekiona (Section) 1b me a Miriama Wiki Harawira, kua mate Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo Miriama Wiki Harawira, deceased. Appointment of trustee for (and) Rota (Lot) 2b, Poroka (Block) VIT, Opoe Takiwa Ruuri (Survey District) Aperahama Rapata me Te Rapata Aperahama Rapata and Te Huatahi Rapata.

Nama. Kai-tono. Te Ingoa o te Whenua. Te Tangata kua Mate. (No.) (Applicant.) (Name of Land.) (Name of Deceased.) 33 E. P. Earle, Rai-rehita (Registrar) Ohao 2b Amiria Heuwari. 34 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Ani Mihaka. 35 Tepora Aperahama Maimaru E [Maimaru Rahui Whare-kura Aperahama Taiawarua. (School Reserve)] 36 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) 99 37 • • Ohao 2b Apikera Heiwari. 38 • • Muriwhenuatika 1c Araroa Wi Mehana. 39 • • Pakohu 2b 2av.. Emeri Ritete. 40 • , Parengarenga 5b 2 99 41 9 y Pakohu 2b 1 .. Ere Henare. 42 Hoani Matenga Paerata Maimaru E [Maimaru Rahui Whare-kura Ere Matenga. (School Reserve) ] 43 E. P. Earle, Kai rehita (Registrar) 99 Erina Kohekohe. 44 99 Pakohu 2b 1 ..

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Taugata kua Mate (Name of Deceased.) 45 46 47 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) 99 99 Maimaru E [Maimaru Rahui Whare-kura (School Reserve) ] 99 Eruini Awarau. Haimona Tatu. Hakaraia Awarau. 48 9? Pakohu 2b 2av.. Hamiora Ritete. 49 ««. Muriwhenuatika 1c Hapeta. 50 99 Oturu A 51 y 9 Pakohu 2b 2av.. Harata Hoani. 52 Rira Hotu Herepete .. Nuhaka 2b 2d .. Hare langa. 53 99 „ 2d 2h . . 54 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Ohao 2b Hare Popata. 55 99 Parengarenga 5 b 2 Hare Taiawarua. 56 99 Pakohu 2b 2av. . Hare Wharepereki. 57 „ 2b 1 .. Parengarenga 3 .. Heke Heke. 58 99 Hemana Moihi. 59 9 9 „ 5b 2 Hemi Tamihana. 60 99 ,, 5b 3a 99 61 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Hemi Whakamau. 62 99 Hemo Hakuhata. 63 Parengarenga 5a 3 Hemoata Kereoma. 64 Manga Maati.. Manukau A. A 1, A 2, A 3, F 1, me (and) F 2 Te Hemoata Pene. 65 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Parengarenga 5b 2 Henare Haki Hone. 66 99 „ 5b 3m • <• 67 • • „ 5b 3ap 9 9 68 99 Okakewai B 2b .. Henare Heeki. 69 99 Ohao 2c Henare Hetaraka. 70 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Henare Rewi. 71 99 Oturu 2b Henare Tarahea. 72 Pakohu 2b 2av . . Henare Waha Hare. 73 9 9 Tawhati B Hera Hemi Hakopu. 74 Paki Popata . . Manukau F 6 .. Hera Paki. 75 • • • • • • • • Pakohu 2b 2av .. Hera Pakinga. 76 99 • • * • Parengarenga 5b 2 99 77 • • . . • • • • ,, 5b 3ah 2 .. • • 78 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Matarau A 2 Herewini Heiwari. 79 Ohao 2b Herewini Heuwari. 80 9 9 Pakohu 2b 2av . . Heta Rameka. 81 99 Maimaru E [Maimaru Rahui Whare-kura (School Reserve)] Hetaraka Taumataiti. 82 9 9 Parengarenga 5b 2 Himi Hapakuku. 83 9 9 ,, 5b 3ap 9 9 84 • • Pakohu 2b 2av .. Hira te Kuri. 85 • > „ 3b Ohao 2c Hoana te Pania. 86 • • Hoani Keepa. 87 Oturu A 88 • * Pakohu 2b 1 Haoni Nutana. 89 9 9 Parengarenga 3 .. 90 • • Muriwhenuatika 1c Hoani Taupaki. 91 9 9 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Hohepa Herora. 92 9 9 „ 3b Hohepa Kaingaroa. 93 Meri Riapo Maimaru C Hohepa Kaka. 94 95 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Maimaru E [Maimaru Rahui Whare-kura (School Reserve)] 99 Hohepa Poutama. 96 9 9 Parengarenga 5b 3an Hone Herewini. 97 9 9 Ahipara 38b Hone Rameka. 98 • • „ 55 9 9 99 « • Ohao 2c Te Huhu Ngapine. 100 99 Maimaru E [Maimaru Rahui Whare-kura (School Reserve)] Hupata Kaka. 101 99 Pukepoto 2a .. lehu Timoti Puhipi. 102 • • Rawhitiroa 2b .. • • 103 9 9 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Ihaka Uruwhau. 104 99 Parengarenga 5b 2 105 99 Maimaru E [Maimaru Rahui Whare-kura (School Reserve)] Irihapeti. 106 « « Parengarenga 5b 1 Kaka Wiki. 107 9 9 Oturu A Karaka Nopera. 108 Wirihana H. Haawe Manukau F 8 .. Karu Wiripo. 109 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Pakohu 2b 2av .. Kataraina Kuri. 110 Katerina Matene. 111 • • Parengarenga 5b 3ah 2 .. • • 112 Ohao 2c Kaita Karena. 113 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Keti Petera. 114 99 Parengarenga 3 .. Kiri Maihi Huru. 115 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Te Kiriora Hohipa. 116 „ 2b 1 Kiritina Komene. 117 ,, 2b 2av .. Komene Manihera. 118 99 Maimaru E [Maimaru Rahuia Whare-kura (School Reserve)] Maata Hinerangi. 119 Manukau D 3 Maata Paaka. 120 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Makarini Reihana. 121 99 «« • d • • •• •• Maki Hohipa.

N&ma. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingot, o te Whenua,. (Name of Land.) Te Tangnta. kua, Matt (Name of Deceattd.) 122 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Parengarenga 5b 2 Maki Hohipa. 123 >5 Maimaru E [(Maimaru Rahui Whare-kura Maraea Raharuhi. 124 99 (School Reserve)] Pakohu 2 b 2av .. Marara Hone. 125 126 Piri Kaipo .. .. Parengarenga 3 .. Paihia 1c Marara Tanati. Mariameno Wiki. 127 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Kareponia 2a 1 .. Mata Hare Matenga. 128 Erueta Kiriona „ 2a 3b 129 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita. (Registrar) Pakohu 2b 1 Mata Hoera. 130 99 ,, 2b 2av .. Parengarenga 5b 2 Matin Waaka. 131 99 Matiu Wiripo. 132 99 „ 3.. Pakohu 2b 2av .. Maungaroa Henare. 133 99 Mei Hoani. 134 99 Oturu A Mere Hehi. 135 99 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Mere Rawiri Wahapu. 136 «• Muriwhenuatika lo Mere Tairake. 137 Mehana Maihi Ahipara 61c 1 .. Mereana te Iwa. 138 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Parengarenga 5b 2 Mereana Pereiha. 139 99 „ 5b 3ak Pakohu 2 b 2av .. 140 99 Mereana Puhipi. 141 99 Taumatawiwi Mereana Timoti Puhipi. 142 99 Pakohu 3b Meriana Tatana. 143 99 Pukepoto 8b 20.. Mihaka Hone. 144 99 Pakohu 2 b 2av .. Mihipati Hura. 145 Hone Wi Ka.itaia Konoti A 1a Mikaere Taotahi. 146 Mini Reihana Matiu. 147 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Pakohu 2b 1 Miriama Henare. 148 Hariata Hupata Maimaru B 2a .. Miriam a Wiki. 149 • • Matarau B 1a 150 Oturu B 151 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Pakohu 2b 1 152 ,, 2b 2av .. Mu Timoti. 153 Hami Murupaenga „ 1 Maimaru E [(Maimaru Murupaenga Rewiri. 154 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Rahui Whare-kura Natanahira Awarau. 155 (School Reserve)] Raharaha Nehemia Muriwhenuatika 1c Nehemia Taupaki. 156 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Parengarenga. 5b 2 Neri M. Waaka. 157 99 Ahipara 34 Neri Makarini. 158 • « Muriwhenuatika 1c Neri Waka. 159 ff Taumatawiwi Ngahuia te Oti. 160 99 Ngaketo Teira. 161 99 Parengarenga 5b 2 Ngapeka Hemi. 162 99 Pakohu 1b 1 Ngapeka Ngawati. 163 99 Parengarenga 3 .. Ngapera Tamati. 164 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Ngarimu Haimona. 165 Puti Rapine .. Ahipara 67c Ngarui Paki. 166 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Ohao 2c Ngaurupa Oneroa. 167 99 Parengarenga 5b 3m Ngutu Ngakuru Nopera. 168 ,, „ 5b 3ap 169 99 Konoti B 5/2 Nopera Keepa. 170 99 Parengarenga 5b 2 Te Okena Hapakuku. 171 99 ,, 5b 3ap 172 99 Pakohu 1 Ori Ngauma. Paea Heiwari. 173 99 Parengarenga 5b 2 174 99 Muriwhenuatika 1c 175 99 Pakohu 2b 1 Paea Tiopira. 176 99 Muriwhenuatika 1c Te Paki Hamiora. 177 99 Parengarenga 3 .. Pehimana Hupata. 178 99 Ohao 2c Pehimana Hupata Ruinf. 179 «t Paihia 3b 9b Pene Arano. 180 » Pakohu 2b 2av .. Pera Riwai. 181 Parengarenga 5a 3 Pirini Ritete. 182 99 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Te Pomana Pene. 183 99 Parengarenga 3 .. Poroa Timoti Puhipi. 184 99 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Te Puku Waata. 185 99 «• • • Rahera Taniwe. 186 99 Ohao 2b Ramari Wiremu. 187 99 Pakohu 2b 1 Te Rangitahi Witana. Raroa Eruera. 188 99 Parengarenga 3 .. 189 99 Pakohu 2b 2av .. 190 *« „ 3b 191 99 Parengarenga 4 .. 99 192 99 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Ratareia Kereta. 193 99 Ohao 2c Rauna Rapana. ]94 99 Parengarenga 3 .. Rawinia te Pua. 195 99 Muriwhenua-Tika 1a Rawiri Kaiwaka. 196 99 Parengarenga 3 .. Rewi Waaka. 197 99 Muriwhenuatika 1c Rewiri Waka. 198 99 Pakohu 2b 2Avfi Rihi Kaiapa. 199 99 Parengarenga 4 .. Rihi Pita. 200 9 9 Te Touwai B 35h Rina Rauna. 201 99 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Ripeka Hori. 202 99 Parengarenga 5b 2 Rira W. Mete.

Mama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate (Name of Deceased.) 203 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Oturu B Rira Waaka, ara (alias) Rira W. Mete, ara (alias) Rira Wi Mete. 204 99 Parengarenga 3 .. Rira Waaka. 205 99 ,, 5b 3m Rira Waaka, ara (alias) Rira W. Mete, ara (alias) Rira Wi Mete. 206 • • Pakohu 2b 2av .. Rira Wi Mete. 207 Oturu B Ritihia Rihi. 208 • • Pakohu 2b 2av .. Roka Huirama. 209 Nikora R. Himiona ma (and others) Oturu A Rua Nopera. 210 Konito B 3, Tonga (South) Cl Rupene Himiona. 211 • • „ El .. • • 212 Tohinga Himiona Whiwhero Bl.. • a 213 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Ohao 2c Tahawai Hoera. 214 Okahu 4c 1 • • 215 • • Okakewai B 2b .. • • 216 Oturu B • • 217 • • Pakohu 2b 1 • • 218 • • „ 3a • • 219 99 Parengarenga 3 .. Tahu Matene. 220 • • Pakohu 2b 2av .. 221 « * Parengarenga 5b 3ah 2 .. 222 • • Pakohu 1 Taimania Henare. 223 • • „ 2b 1 • « 224 Parengarenga 3 .. Takiwairua Keepa. 225 9 9 Pakohu 2b 1 226 • • Parengarenga 5b 2 Takuira Kereopa. 227 99 Maimaru E [Maimaru Rahui Whare-kura (School Reserve)] Tamati Rangitamutu. 228 Keita Hone Tupari Aoroa 4d .. .. Taone te Kahi Tupari. 229 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Muriwhenuatika 1c Tare Pene. 230 Taumatawiwi Tawhai Timoti Puhipi. 231 Ohao 2c Tika Heiwari. 232 Okahu Timoti Puhipi. 233 Pakohu 2b 1 Timoti Rata. 234 Manukau G 2 me (and) B 2 Urumakawe Manner a. 235 Karena H. Huru Waitaha B 2 Uwhinia Matiu. 236 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Ohao 2b Wahangu Hohepa. 237 • • Pakohu 1 Wahangu Kaingaroa. 238 Parengarenga 5b 1 Whakaruru te Whai 239 • > Pakohu 2b Te Whani Anaru. 240 9 9 Ohao 2b .. ., Wi Kaingaroa. 241 Pakohu 2b 2av .. .. .. . Wi Tamihana. 242 99 Parengarenga 5b 2 Wi Waitai. 243 Wire Taramoeroa II .. „ 5b 1 244 Kopuru 44 Wire Taramoeroa. 245 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Oturu A Wiremu te Amo. 246 9 9 Pakohu 2b 1 9 9 247 99 Parengarenga 3 .. 248 • • 99 . • • . • • • • Wiremu Matenga. 249 99 Pakohu 2b 2av .. Wiremu Pauro.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 47, 15 November 1928, Page 569

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 47, 15 November 1928, Page 569

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 47, 15 November 1928, Page 569