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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications for Partition.)

Tono kua Whakahokia e te Tumuaki Kai-whakawa i raro o Tekiona 7 o te Ture Whakatikatika Tube Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1922, kia Uiuia kia Ripoatatia.

(Reference by the Chief Judge under Section 7 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922, for Inquiry and Report.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Eba atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Ha tono i raro I Wahanga 3 mb 4 o tb Tekiona 107 o tb Tube Reiti, 1925, kia whakaturia tetahi o nga Tangata NO BATOU TE WHENUA HEI TANGATA E WHAI-MANA ANA KI TH POOTI, KI TE TANGO HOKI I NGA KEREEME MO

NGA REITI. (Application under Subsections 3 and 4 of Section 107 of the Rating Act, 1925, for appointment of an Owner TO EXERCISE VOTING POWERS AND TO ACCEPT NOTICES OF RATES DUE.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-biiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-buwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications fob Succession) — continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession)— continued.

Mama. (No,) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1 Wherowhero Piwhara Awarua 3d 3, 12. 2 Te Amo Ratu Hohotaka 2h 2. 3 Tureiti Kaitieke 39c. 4 Te Amo Ratu Ohura Tonga (South) B 2b 2d. 5 Takotowai Mangoroa „ B 2b 2g 1. 6 Te Tahuri Hohepa Okahukura 8m 2b 3. 7 Taupoki Pakau „ 8m 2c 2o. 8 Hemopo Pakau „ 8m 2c 2c. 9 Karanga te Kere .. Opatu B. 10 Te Ngoi Mariu Oraukura. 11 Hira te Akau Puketapu 3a. 12 Te Ngoi Mariu „ 3a. 13 Te Teira Rapana .. „ 3c 1 me (and) 3o 3. 14 Aorewa Hohepa Raetihi 2b 2c 2d. 15 Wherowhero Piwhara Rangipo-Waiu 2. 16 Hinaki Ropiha Retaruke 4c. 17 Hinerauamoa Erina Taurewa 4 Rato (West) A 2. 18 Pine te Hanairo „ D 13. 19 Hoka Downs Tokaanu B 10.

Nam a. (No.) K&i-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 20 Noti te Mateahiahi Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E 2b 3a Kia uiuia kia ripoatatia te kupu e kii ana ko te paanga o Noti te Mateahiahi kua hokona ketia ki te Karauna e Ruia te Mateahiahi For inquiry and report into the allegation that the interest of Noti te Mateahiahi was wrongfully sold to the Crown by Ruia te Mateahiahi.

Nam a,. (No.) Kai-tono, (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua. o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 21 Takuira te Keepa Hautu 1 me era atu Kia whakawa tuaruatia i raro i For rehearing under secwhenua (and other tekiona 5 o te Ture Whakatikation 5 of the Native blocks) tika Ture Whenua Maori Land Amendment and Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Native Land Claims AdMaori, 1927, nga ota whakatu justment Act, 1927, in kai-riiwhi mo Te Keepa Puarespect of succession taata, kua mate orders to Te Keepa Puataata, deceased. 22 Te Kahui te Heuheu Pukawa 3d Kia whakawakia tuarutia nga ota For rehearing of partition wehewehe i mahia i te 6 o orders dated 6th Octoer, Oketopa, 1928 1928. 23 99 • • 99 Kia whakakorea nga ota weheFor cancellation of partiwehe tion orders. 24 Peti Kanihau .. Ohotu 1c Kia whakakorea te ota kai-riiwhi For cancellation of succes ki a Peti Kanihau sion order to Peti Kanihau. 25 Hauauru Parati ma (and Hohotaka me era atu Kia whakatakotoria he rori To lay off a road-line. others) whenua blocks) (and other 26 99 99 99 • * 99

Kama. 'No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) f Heni Piri Taurewa 4 Rato (West) Whakawhiti Exchange. 99 27 1 Peehi Aileen RangihekeE 2b 3a Whangaipeke 4, 5, me • • [ tanga (and)10 28 Te Teira Rapana Puketapu me (and) RuaKia whakatikatikaina te ota kaiFor amendment of succesmata riiwhi ki a Penetito te Kamaru, sion orders to Peneara Tawari te Kamaru, kua tito te Kamaru, alias mate Tawari te Kamaru, deceased. 29 99 • • Puketapu Kia whakatikatikaina te ota kaiFor amendmens of succesriiwhi ki a Pire te Kamaru, kua sion orders to Pire te mate Kamaru, deceased. 30 99 • • „ 2f .. « • 99 £ s. d. £ s. d. 31 Taumarunui County Ohura Tonga (South) C 1, Riana mo nga reiti .. 2 14 6 Rating lien . 2 14 6 Council 2a 32 99 Okahukura 3 .. „ .. 9 15 9 • • 9 15 9 33 • • Oraukura „ .. 33 3 9 . 33 3 9 34 • • Pukawa 2f „ .. 46 6 9 . 46 6 9 35 • • „ 2g .. Puketapu 1 .. „ .. 73 3 0 99 . 72 3 0 36 99 „ .. 123 8 6 . 123 8 6 37 99 „ 3a .. Ruamata 1 „ ..324 7 11 • • a . 324 7 11 38 99 „ .. 48 18 7 . 48 18 7 39 99 „ 2 . . Waimanu 1 .. „ .. 51 15 0 a • a . 51 15 0 40 . a „ .. 141 14 6 . a . 141 14 6 41 99 • • „ .. 25 14 0 9 9 • . 25 14 0 42 99 Waione „ .. 95 1 3 . 95 1 3 43 Waituhi-Karatau 1b „ .. 1 17 7 1 17 7 44 9 f ,, 3b „ .. 0 18 9 99 . 0 18 9 45 99 ,, 4b 2 Waiunu „ .. 22 12 6 99 . . 22 12 6 46 ,, „ .. 18 11 9 a a . 18 11 9 47 99 Whangaipeke 9 „ .. 12 7 9 99 . 12 7 9 48 • • „ 10 „ .. 90 4 7 Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a • • a . 90 4 7 49 Kawau te Moana Probate of will of Te Te Huaki Papa, ara Wiari te Huaki Papa, alias Wiari Huaki te Huaki. Kia whakaturia he kai - tiaki Appointment of trustee mo — for— 50 T. A. Anaru .. Waipapa me era atu Hinerauamoa Erina me MareoHinerauamoa Erina and whenua (and other rangi Erina Mareorangi Erina. blocks) 51 9 9 as • • 9 9 99 52 Te Araroa Karauti Ohotu 1c • • Te Keepa Reremoana, Te Maari Te Keepa Reremoana, Reremoana, Mere ReremoTe Maari Reremoana, ana, Ngapara Reremoana, me Tirihana Reremoana Mere Reremoana, Ngapera Reremoana, and Tirihana Reremoana. 53 J. Thomson .. Puketapu 3a .. Maraea Hoani Maraea Hoani. 54 „ 3b 1 «• . . • > 99 55 •a ■ ■ ■ a „ 3a .. Minioneti Hoani Minioneti Hoani. 56 Waiora te Uru „ 3b 1 99 • • • • 99 57 Ohura Tonga (South) G Ngunu te Uru Ngunu te Uru. 4l 2b 3b 2 58 99 • • Ohura Tonga (South) N 99 2b 3d 59 99 • • Ohura Tonga (South) N M • • • • 99 2e 3g 2b 60 99 Ohura Tonga (South) N M . • • • 99 2e 3g 2f 61 99 • • Taumarunui Taonehipi • • • • 99 (Township) O 1 62 J. Thomson .. Waipapa 2c .. Rahui Wi Kohika .. Rahui Wi Kohika. 63 Tanga Taitua .. Waimarino 6f 2c 1 Rihari Tuhi Rihari Tuhi.

N&ma. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua (Name of Land.) 64 Kai-rehita (Registrar) Hauhungaroa 1a 1, 1a 2, 1a 6, 1a 7, 1b 1c, Id 1, Id 2, Id 3, 2b, 2c, 2d, 4, 6, 7; Waituhi-Kuratau 1b, 4b 2; Ketetahi; Mangahouhou; Ngapuna; Okahukura 2a, 2b, 3, 4a, 4b, 5, 8m 2b 1, 8m 2b 3, 8m 2c ; Oraukura ; Papakai 1, 2 ; Pukawa 2d, 2g, 2h 2, 2h 3, 2h 4, 3b, 3c, 3c 1, 3d 1, 4b 1a, 4b 1b, 4b 2a, 4b 2b, 4b 2c, 4b 2d, 4b 2e, 4b 2f, 4b 2g, 4b 2h, 4b 2j, 4c 1, 4c 3, 4c 5, 4c 6, 5a, 5b 1, 5b 2 6, 8, 9a, 10 11 ; Puketi 1, 2a 1, 2a 2, 2b 1, 2b 2; Ruamata 1, 2; Waihi-Kahakaharoa 1a, 1b, 1c, Id, 1e, 1g, 1h, 1j, In, 1, 3b, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 7 ; Waimanu 1, 2a 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f, 2g ; Puketapu 1, 2, 3a, 3b 1, 3b 2, 3b 3, 3b 4, 3b 5, 3b 6, 3b 7, 3b 8, 3b 9, 3b 10, 3c 1, 3c 2a, 3c 2b, 3c 3, 3c 4, 3c 5a, 3c 5b, 3c 6, 3c 7, 3c 8, 3c 9 ; Whangaipeke 1a, 1b, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7a, 7b, 8, 9, 10 ; Ohura South B 2b 1, B 2a 2b 2, B 2b 2c 1, B 2b 2c 2, B 2b 2d, B 2b 2e, B 2g 2g 2b, B 2g 2h.

Na.m» (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 65 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . . . Whakaihuwaka C 13i1e Ahooterangi Kiekie. 66 99 • • * * | Poutahi, Urewera 2a 2, Waharangi 4 me (and) 5, Ohotu 8 Amiria Neha (Manihera). 67 Waimarino A 21, Poutahi, Morikau 2 Ataiwaho. 68 99 • • • • Okahukura 6 me (and) Whangaipeke Erina Taupoki Kiekie (Tohiraukura). 69 99 Puketapu 3d . . Eruini Puri te Aperahama. 70 J. Thomson .. Whangaipeke Eruini Taupoki Kiekie. 71 Waimanu 2 Haehae Puku. 72 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Morikau 2 Haeretuterangi Waitapu. 73 J. Thomson .. Waione Haitana Mika. 74 Okahukura 5 .. Haitana te Tawhero. 75 Katerina Hapata Okahukura 8m 2b 1 me (and) 8m 2b 3, Oraukura, Waihi-Kahakaharoa Iz me (and) 6b ; Whangaipeke 5, 6, me (and) 10; Waiunu, Taurewa 4 Rato (West) D 8, Urewera 2a 2, Waipapa 2c, Te Hautu 1b Ib 1, TaurangaTaupo 3b 2 me (and) 2b Hapata Het a. 76 J. Thomson .. Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E 2a • • 77 • * •• •• •• Waiunu 78 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Waharangi 2, 4, 5, me (and) 6e Morikau 2 .. Hare Takuira. 79 Tira Arapere .. Waotu Raki (North) 3d 2a 1b Hare Teimana. 80 •a • • •• • • ,, 3d 2b • • 81 ,, 3e 4c • • 82 • . • • • • Waotu Tonga (South) IOabc 1a . . 99 83 99 • . . • • • 11 « « 84 • • . . . . . • D7 9 9 85 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Tawhai Raki (North) Henere te Herekau. 86 99 • • Waimanu 2 Heperi Pikirangi. 87 Whangaipeke 88 J. Thomson .. Hautu Ib 1b Hera te Nge. 89 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Retaruke 2 Hera Tupukumara. 90 99 • • • • Ohotu 1c Hina Taitumu. 91 99 Urewera 2a 2 .. Hinewai Ngarino. 92 99 • • • • «« ' • . . . . . . 9 9 93 99 Whangaipeke Hohepa Kumeroa. 94 99 • • • • Whakaihuwaka C 13i 1e Hauki te Nape. 95 99 • • Waimarino 5b 8 me (and) Waharangi 5 Hauki Puaneki. 96 Retaruke 3 Hue Riwai. 97 Pea Kotuku .. Poutahi Huia te Rangiwahia. 98 • a •• • * *• Puketapu 3a . . Te Huia Pikikotuku. 99 99 „ 3c 2 .. 99 100 Retaruke 1 Te Huia Kotuku. 101 • • • • «« . . . . 102 Tawata 3 Te Huia Pikikotuku. 103 aa a a a a a a Waimarino A 17 99 104 99 • • . • . . Whitianga 2b 15 «« 105 Kahu te Kuru Hohotaka Ib 1 .. Irai Mamae. 106 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tawhitinui B me (and) C.. Iriwhata Wereta. 107 Warahi Whiutahi Ngarautika, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Iwi te Whatapunga. 108 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ohotu 8 Jane Guildin g. 109 99 * • • * Waharangi 6h .. Kaho te Kura. 110 Poutahi Kahukarewao. 111 99 * * * * Tauakira 2l Kahurangi te Ikawairangi. 112 « a a a • • Ohura Tonga (South) D 5f Kahurangi te Rere. 113 Whakaihuwaka C 13i 1e . . Kari Paiaka. 114 99 • • • • Tawhitinui B me (and) C, Kauaeroa, Pukehika, Waharangi 2, 4, 5, me (and) 6e ; Morikau 2, Ararewa 2, Tupapanui 2b 2 Kataraina Takuira. 115 aa • • • • Waharangi 5 .. Katarina Tawhi. 116 aa . . a a Tupapanui 2b 2.. Katarina Tuaropaki. 117 Kirikau B 5 Katarina Waihanea. 118 Ngataierua Ngataierua Whitianga 2b 16b 8b Te Kere Ngataierua. 119 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ohotu 5b 2 me (and) 1c, Pipiriki Taonehipi (Township) Kii Hoani. 120 aa Waharangi 5 .. Te Koi Tawhi. 121 99 Ngakorako C, Taumatamahoe 2b 2b 14, Morikau 2, Ohotu 1c Kopeke te Weri (Haeretuterangi). 122 99 • • Ngapakihi Iz .. Te Kore te Kurukaanga. 123 aa Whangaipeke me (and) Whakaihuwaka C 13 Te Kurukaanga Hitaua. 124 a a • • a a Waimarino A 12 Maata Whareponga. 125 J. Thomson .. Waipapa 2c Makarena Topia. 126 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Whangaipeke Makarita Wi te Riu. 127 J. Thomson .. Taurewa 4 Rato (West) A 4c Makere Paraone. 128 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. ... Waharangi 5 .. Mangu Tawhi. 129 aa Tupapanui 2b 2 Maraea te Keunga (Merepeka). 130 99 Ohotu 8 Maraea Mere Peka (Ruawhakahoro). 131 Waimarino 5b 8 Matarena Kaiwhakarua. 132 99 * * • • Waituhi-Kui atau 3 Matiu Pipi. 133 J. M. Somerville Ohotu 7b 1 Maud Page (Somerville). 134 aa a a a a „ 8 99 135 99 • • • • Tawhitinui A 1 me (and) A 4 99

Numa. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 136 J. M. Somerville Urewera 1b Maud Page (Somerville). 137 99 „ lol 138 Waipakura 1 me (and) 6b 139 Kahu te Kuru Hohotaka 1b 1 .. Maui Tai ah a. 140 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Waharangi 5 Mereana te Ataiwaho. 141 Waimanu 1 Metiria Herekiekie. 142 Tira Kahurangi Wharekura. Hohotaka 1b 5 .. Miriama Aperahama. 143 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ohotu 1c Moana Pateriki. 144 a« • • ■ ■ Whakaihuwaka C 2 145 J. Thomson .. Hautu 1b 1b Neta te Nge. 146 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Okahukura 6 147 Reureu 3b 2 Ngahina Paretekorae. 148 Materua Hapata Waihi-Kahakaharoa 4, 5, 6b, 7, 8a, me (and) 8b ; Whangaipeke 5, 7b, me (and) 10; Ohuanga Raki (North) 1 me (and) 5 Ngarama Hapata. 149 J. Thomson .. Whangaipeke 5 .. 150 • • . . • . „ 7b 151 99 • • . • • „ 10 152 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ararewa 2, Tawhitinui B me (and) C, Kauaeroa, Pukehika, Morikau 2 Ngaropaki Takuira. 153 Parakiri Ngaru Urewera 2a 2 .. Ngarori Waitarorangi. 154 Hauhungaroa lo Ngaru Paehua (Monika). 155 99 • • • • „ 6 156 J. Thomson .. Opawa-Rangitoto Ngauru Keiha te Nge. 157 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tawhai Raki (North) Ngawai Mangumangu. 158 55 • • • • Tupapanui 2b 2.. Te Ngo Tuaropaki. 159 55 Waimarino 5a 3. . Te Onewa. 160 55 • • • • Waiunu me (and) Whangaipeke Te Onewa Marangataua. 161 55 • • Retaruke 3 Paki te Huia. 162 55 • • Tawhai Raki (North) Pani Hapi. 163 55 • • • • Okahukura 6 me (and) Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 18 Paora Erina. 164 55 Okahukura 3 Parekarangi Tohiraukura (Kiekie). 165 J. Thomson .. Hautu 1b 1b 1 .. Parepikake te Nge. 166 55 • • • • „ 1b 1b 2b 5 167 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tauranga-Taupo 3b 2 55 168 Ohotu 8 Pareraukawa Kiringi. 169 J. Thomson .. Opawa-Rangitoto Peehi Manini. 170 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Ohotu 1c Te Peo Hinaki. 171 5 5 Okahukura 6 Pikimairawea Whakaomaoma. 172 55 Ohotu 1c Piri Taitua. 173 55 • • • • Kaimanawa 1e 1 Pirihita Tawhana. 174 55 • • „ 1 F . . 175 55 • • Ohotu 8 Pititi te Wharau. 176 55 Puketapu 3d .. Puanga Rirerire. 177 55 • • • • Whangaipeke me (and) Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E 1 Pukepuke Hunia. 178 55 • • • • Waharangi 5 .. Te Ra te Hihiri. 179 55 Retaruke 1, 2, me (and) 4c Te Raho. 180 55 Ohotu lo Raina te Keepa. 181 55 • • Rangi Mahirini. 182 Whakaihuwaka C 13 Rangi te Ngaue (Kurukaanga). 183 Tanga Taitua Parikawau B Rangi Taitua. 184 55 • • • • Ohotu 1c 185 Kahn te Kuru Hohotaka 1 b 1 .. Ranginui Tahau. 186 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ohotu 1c Rangitahi Anihira. 187 55 • • Maraekowhai A 3d Rangiwhariua Kahutaiki. 188 55 • • Kakariki Gravel Reserve 2 Rangiwhiua Taitoko. 189 55 Retaruke 4c Rania. 190 55 Hautu 4a me (and) 6 Raukawa Mahauariki. 191 55 * * • • Ruamata 2 192 55 . . ° • Waituhi-Kuratau 3 193 J. Thomson .. Waipapa 194 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ruamata 1 Te Raunatia Kiore. 195 J. Thomson .. Pukawa 2d Te Reihana Taihakoa. 196 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Hauhungaroa 5 .. Reitini Taniora. 197 Te Araroa Karauti Rangiwaea 4r 13 Rere Ngarepo. 198 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Koiro 1b me (and) 2, me (and) Retaruke 4c .. Retu Ataera (Teko.) 199 Patena Teko .. Retaruke 4c Retu Teko. 200 Whitianga 2e 16b 6 201 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Urewera 2a 2 .. Reu te Tauri. 202 55 • • • • Reu te Turi. 203 55 • • • • 204 55 • • • • Tawhai Raki (North) Rihi te Kahututu. 205 55 Urewera 2a 2 .. Te Rina Parekahurangi. 206 55 • • Waimarino A 21 Roka te Manihera. 207 55 Retaruke 3 Te Ropiha. 208 Waituhi-Kuratau 3 Rora Huia. 209 55 Retaruke 3 Ruruhira. 210 55 Reureu 3b 2 Taitoko Hiriako. 211 55 Otiranui 4b Takinga Matiera. 212 Kahu te Kuru Hohotaka 1b 1 .. Tapui Mamae. 213 J. Thomson .. Kaimanawa 1e 2f Tarati Peehi.

N&ma. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mata, (Name of Deceased.) 214 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Retaruke 3 Tarati Riwai. 215 99 • • • • Waharangi 5 .. Tawhi Tuaropaki. 216 « « • • • • Ohotu 1c Te« Taituha. 217 J. Thomson .. Waipapa 2b Tiaki Teimana. 218 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Retaruke 3 Tiraha. 219 J. Thomson .. Ohuanga Tonga (South) 2j Te Tiu Wi Kohika. 220 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Okahukura 3 Tohiraukura Taupoki. 221 Pukepoto 3 Tohiraukura te Rangihiroa. 222 Kahn te Kuru Hohotaka 2c 3 .. Toia Hori Hapi. 223 99 • • • • „ 2e3 .. 224 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Kirikau B 5, Retaruke 1, Ohotu 1c Tuao Taitua. 225 Pukawa 2g, Ruamata, Waituhi-Kuratau 3, Waituhi-Kuratau 4a Te Tuhi Takura. 226 99 Kauaeroa. Tukaiora te Pikikotuku. 227 99 Waimarino B 3b 2a Tuku Rangihuakina. 228 99 Tawhitinui B me (and) C.. Tumatauenga te Whiutahi. 229 99 Ohura Tonga (South) C 1 2a Turuhira Ngareta. 230 99 * * * * Pukawa 2f Tutahanga te Wano. Tutuki te Wharau. 231 99 • • 232 «« Ohotu 8 233 99 • • • • Poutahi Wahapa Kotuku. 234 Urewera 2a 2 .. Te Waka Tamaira. 235 99 Waituhi-Kuratau 3 Whakapaki Hekeawai. 236 99 Ohotu 1c Whakatau Kahutaiki (Mahirini.) 237 99 Waharangi 6h . . Whakaue te Kura. 238 «• Waituhi-Kuratau 3 Te Whare Ngawaka. 239 Kahu te Kuru Hohotaka 1b 1 .. Whioi (Whiori) Ngarimu). 240 J. Thomson .. Hautu 4b 2b 1 me (and) 4b 2b 2 Wiari Topia.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 47, 15 November 1928, Page 575

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 47, 15 November 1928, Page 575

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 47, 15 November 1928, Page 575

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