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Tono Whakawa Wehewehk

(Application for Partition.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.


Tono Whakatu Kai-hiiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Kahiti -B.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1 Wiremu Werahiko.. Kaitao-Rotohokahoka In 2. 2 Ngarongo Maihi Mangore wa-Kakaroa 6e 3/2e 2a. 3 Maka Ngapuhi Minginui. 4 Pikake te Whaiti .. Oputea. 5 Te Matehaere te Wahapapa Paehinahina 3. 6 Kiekie Hopaia Ponaua. 7 Te Rangiriri Mareti Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6a 2/5b 3e]10. 8 Kai Rehita (Registrar) Taheke 3d me era atu poraka (and other blocks) 9 Eruera Hori Karaka Turanga o Hikanui 3b. 10 Pera te Horowai .. Waireporepo. 11 Wiremu Ngawhika Whakapoungakau 9b 10. 12 Horiana Rangitauninihi „ 10b 1. 13 „ 15b 9.

Kama.1 'No.) Kai-tono. !Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Wheuua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tone. (Nature of Application.) 14 Minita Maori (Native Minister) Whakapoungakau 16, Tekiona (Section) 2b 2g 1 Kia whakahokia te mana o tenei whenua ki nga tangata e ahei ana Land be revested in the persons entitled thereto. 15 Pokaitara te Hiakai Whaiti - Kuranui 2e 2 Rato (West) 4d Kia whakakorea nga ota wawahi Cancellation of partition. 16 Heni Maraea .. Whakapoungakau 10b Kia whakahaeretia ano te tono kia whakatakotoria he huarahi 17 H. F. Whitley Waikuta 1b 5 For rehearing re application for right of way. 18 Tumuaki Kai - whakawa (Chief Judge) Waotu Tonga (South) 5, 6, 7, 8 Kia uiauia kia ripoatatia te tono a Terei Ngapire ma mo te whakaritenga a te Kooti Whenua Maori i nga moni kapeneheihana mo nga whenua i tangohia mo te Roto o Arapuni For inquiry and report re application of Terei Ngapire and others in the matter of compensation awarded by the Native Land Court for land taken for the creation of the Arapuni Lake. 19 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Waiparapara-Ngaparaoa 2, Papatupu Whakawa take paanga Investigation of title. 20 M • • Rotorua, Tekiona. (Section) 3, Poraka (Block) XLIX Kia kimihia ko wai nga tangata e ahei ana kia whakaurua ki te taitara Definition of beneficial owners. 21 99 • * Rotorua, Tekiona (Section) 1, Poraka (Block) LVII 99 99 22 99 • • Rotorua, Tekiona (Section) 11, Poraka (Block) LI 99 99 23 99 • • Rotorua, Tekiona (Section) 1, Poraka (Block) LXXI 99 24 H. Tai Mitchell, Tiamana o te Komiti Kaporeihana o te Taheke (Chairman of the Takeke Incorporated Committee) Taheke 3d me etahi atu poraka ku oti te whakakaporeihana (and other incorporated blocks) Kia whakakorea tetahi wahi o nga moni ruuri Portion of survey liens to be remitted. 25 Minita mo nga Mahi a te K a t o a Minister of Public Works) Otaramarae 4 wahi (part) me (and) 3 wahi (part) Kia. whakaritea te moni kapeneheihana mo te whenua i tangohia hei koare Assessment of compensation for land taken for a quarry. 25a 99 R oto mah an a - Parekara ngi 6a 2/5b 3 9 9 99 26 99 Waiteti 2/1 b 4b 2b .. Kia whakaritea te moni kapeneheihana mo nga kohatu i tangohia hei mahi rori Assessment of compensation for metal taken fo road purposes.

Naina (No.) Kai-touo. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 27 Meretini Akapita Kia whakaturia he kai-whaka-haere mo nga taonga tinana a Akapita te Toa Pango Application for letters of administration re Akapita te Toa Pango. 28 Te Kata Tamihana Kia whakaturia he kai-whaka-haere mo nga taonga tinana a Tamihana Tikitere Application for letters of administration -re Tamihana Tikitere. 29 Peeti Hareti .. Kia whakaturia he kai-riiwhi mo nga taonga tinana a Taranui Peeti Application to succeed to personalty re Taranui Peeti. 30 George Urquhart Kia whakamanaa te wira a Ngataiawhio te Ruahuihui Application for probate of will of Ngataiawhio te Ruahuihui. 31 Katarama Hona Kia whakamanaa te wira a Rawiri Katene Application for probate of will of Rawiri Katene. 32 G. R. Dansey Kia whakamanae te wira a Wikitoria Kahuao Dansey Kai-tiaki hou mo — Application for probate of will of Wikitori a Kahuoa Dansey. New trustees for—33 Miriama te Tatua Pacroa Rawhiti (East) 3o Te Heke, Whatanui Keni, me Te Rangiaio Keni Te Heke, Whatanui Keni, and Te Rangiaio Keni. 34 35 Whin Ihaia Tumuaku Kai - ruuri < (Chief Surveyor) r Whakamaru-Maungaiti F 2b 1 Whakamaru-Maungaiti F 2 b 2 Whakamaru-Maungaiti F 2 b 3 Whakamaru-Maungaiti F 2 b 4 Manuka Whin, Rapa Whin, Riri Whin, me Ahuriri Whiu .£ s. d. Moni ruuri .. .. 16 6 7 „ ..16 6 8 „ .. 16 6 7 „ .. 16 6 8 Manuka Whiu, Rapa Whiu, Riri Whiu, and Ahuriri Whiu. Survey costs. ?? ??

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 36 W. E. Goffe .. Rotomahana-Parekarangi 2e 6 Te Amoroa. 37 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Waihi Survey District, Tekiona (Section) 1, Poraka (Blocks) IV me (and) VIIb Ani te Kawakawa. 38 W. E. Goffe .. Rotomahana-Parekarangi 2e 6 Ani Ngarimu. 39 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ohineahuru 10a 3b Ani Ngatai. 40 W. E. Goffe .. Whirinaki 1, Tekiona (Section) 4b 1 B Ani Ngawini. 41 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Kawaha 4 Ani Rangiwaihoroa Tamahana 42 99 Pukaingataru B 20 Te Aohanga Utiku. 43 99 ...... Owhatiura 2b 4b 2c 3b .. Aporo te Tipitipi. 44 99 ,, Tonga (Sop,th) 5 45 Whakapoungakau 10b 6b Aporo Utiku. 46 Pukeroa - Oruawhata Arawhata Taro. 47 99 Tapuae C 2 48 Matata 5b Arihia Paraone. 49 99 • * Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Atareti Ngahana. 50 Whakamaru-Maungaiti Rato (West) 5208b . . Ateremu Tarahauaitu. 51 Matahina A In . . Atiria Matekitawhiti. 52 99 Tihiotonga B Atiria Tauwehe. 53 W. E. Goffe . . Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6l 2b 3 . . Erne Miriapu. 54 Para Maihi Waotu Raki (North) 3n 2a 4 Ereni Hutana. 55 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Pukaingataru B 6 Haerekuku te Heipounamu. 56 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Hapimana Parakiri. 57 Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6l 2b ] .. Harata Herapia. 58 Raharuhi Pururu Matahina Ain Hare Renata. 59 Ngahuia Kerehapu Traia Karatia Harehare Aterea. 60 9 9 • • Kuhawaea 2b .. 61 Mokoia 99 62 .. . . Tihiotonga B ,, 63 99 Tuararangaua 2 b 99 64 Tumunui j 1 65 Waiohau 1a 99 66 Whakapoungakau 5 ?9 67 a • • • Whirinaki 2, Tekiona (Section) 1a 68 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Rotohokahoka F 1 me (and) 2 Hariata Pirimi. 69 Whakapoungakau 10b 6b Haukiwaho Piwiki. 70 Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2h 10 . . Haukore Tamehana. 71 Rangiuru 2n 2 .. Te Hauotarakaka. 72 • • Kaingaroa Tonga (South) 1a Hapimana Parakiri. 73 Hunuhunu Hakopa Te Taumata 3a 1b Heke Hakopa. 74 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Koutu 1 b 2 Heke Ngahana. 75 Maraekaraha 1b 76 Paengaroa Tonga (South) 1 Hemi Huhia. 77 Raharuhi Pururu Tarewa 6 Hepora Raharuhi. 78 99 • * * * Tarewa 2 Rawhiti (East) 79 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Okurei Hiahianui Kenati. 80 Tutukau Rota (West) B . . Hinenui te Whetu. 81 W. E. Goffe . . Oruatewehi 2 . . Te Hira Potakurua. 82 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Pukaingataru B 18 Hiromina Wiremu. 83 Matahina A In .. Hona Pani.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. I Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 84 W. E. Goffe .. Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6l 2b 1 .. Hori Tamaiwhana. 85 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. W. E. Goffe .. i Maraeroa-Oturoa Hori te Tauri. 86 Tutukau Rato (West) B . . Hori Tiaki. 87 Oruatewehi 2 . . Huta Tangihia. 88 Mehaka Paramena Taumata 3a 1b .. Te Hutana te Hoewhati. 89 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2h 10 . . Hutu Tamehana. 90 Pukeroa-Oruawhata Iraia te Koru. 91 Tapuaeotu D Iri Ngatai. 92 W. E. Goffe .. Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6r, 2b 1 . . Irihapeti Kata. 93 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Oamaru 3b John Henrv Balnevis. 94 Owhata 4a 2 . . Kahoki Kaka. 95 Koutu 1 b 2 Te Kakuere Tupara. 96 Tutukau Roto (West) B .. Kapekape Waitawa. 97 Hi rata Kaiwhata Paharakeke Kapene Taiaroa. 98 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . 99 Marotoroa Kataraina Hone. 99 Owhatiura Tonga (South) 5 Kataraina Ihaia. 100 99 Whakapoungakau 2b Kemara te Rangi kaiwhi ria. 101 • • ,, 5b 5e .. 102 99 * * * * ,, 10b 6b 5 •> 103 • • • • • • Waikuta 1a 5 . . Te Koki Ngamo. 104 • ■ • • • • Marotoroa Kotia Kararo. 105 99 Matata 5a Kotuku Erepeta. 106 Para Maihi Rotoiti 3t Te Kotuku Pini. 107 Waotu Raki (North) 3d 2a 4 Maihi Hangina. 108 W. E. Goffe .. Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6a 2/1b. . Makareta Atutahi. 109 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ohau-Taupiri Mak ar i Hikairo. 110 Hunuhunu Hakopa Taumata 3a 1b . . Te Mamaku Wharekawa. 111 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Pukaingataru B 18 Manuhiri Punehu. 112 Rangi Raharuhi Waihi Tonga (South), Tekiona (Section) 1, Manuka Tamihana. 113 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. (Blocks) IV me (and) VIIb Pukaingataru B 6 Maraea te Heipounamu. 114 W. E. Goffe .. Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6a 2/2b 2a Maraea Kohu. 115 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Rotoiti 4, Tekiona (Section) 1b, 2, 3, me (and) 4 Maraea. Tuawhaki Titihuia. 116 99 • • Owhatiura 1b 1 Mariana Keepa. 117 W. E. Goffe .. Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6a 2/1 b. . Marohita Rupuha. 118 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . ,, 6l 2b 1 .. Matarena Tumuroa. 119 Ohau Taupiri Matauwhati Eruera. 120 Anini Matene.. Hurakia B 2 Matehaere Matena. 121 W. E. Goffe . . Oruatewehi 2 . . Te Mauparaoa Manuka. 122 99 99 Mehaka Tokopounamu. 123 ?? . . . . • . Whirinaki 1, Tekiona (Section) 4b 1b Meihana te Hiakai. 124 Mereana Ngakarauna. 125 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tutukau Rota (West) B .. Mereana Whakarato. 126 Waihi S.D., Tekiona (Section), Poraka (Block) Meretiana. 127 W. E. Goffe .. IV me (and) Tekiona (Section) 1, Poraka (Block) VIIc Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6l 2b 1 .. Meretiana Nohotutu. 128 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Pukaingataru B 18 Te Meri Punehu. 129 99 Maraeroa-Oturoa 2 b Meri Rameka. 130 99 Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2a 2 . . 131 99 Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Mihaera Keepa. 132 99 * * * * Rotoiti 5b Mireka Ngateehi. 133 99 Rangiuru 2d 2 . . Miriama Puhiawe. 134 •• • . • . Rotohokahoka F 8 Te Miri Ereatara. 135 99 Koutu 1b 2 Miriata Ngamo. 136 W. E. Goffe ’ ’ ’ Rotomahana-Parekarangi 3a 3b 2 . . Miriata te Taiawatea. 137 Oruatewehi 2 Mohi Runga. 138 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Waihi S.D., Tekiona (Section) 1, Poraka Muruhupe Hohaia. 139 W. E. Goffe .. (Block) IV me (and) VIIb Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6l 2b 3 . . Muruterangi Pipiana. 140 141 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . „ 6l 2b 2c Whakapoungakau 10b 6b Natanahira Mohi. Ngahaka Tamihana. 142 99 • * * * Rangiuru 2d 2 . . Ngaharuru Puhiawe. 143 Te Unihi Katene Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6a 2 Nama (No.) 6 Ngairo Katene. 144 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Tutukau Rato (West) B . . Ngakaari Natanahira. 145 Para Maihi Waotu Raki (North) 3d 2a 4 Rotohokahoka I) Raki (North) 6 . . Ngakaha Hangina. 146 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Ngakaone Kahau. 147 Tihiotonga B Ngarimu Mihaere. 148 .. . . Rotomahana-Parekarangi 2d 149 Whakapoungakau 2b Ngatauerua te Rangikaiwhiria. 150 Tuki Haukore Waiotahi 347 Te Ngatete. 151 Erenora te Whetu Tutukau Rato (West) B . . Ngawaara te Wairama. 152 W. E. Goffe .. Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6a 2/1b. . Ngawini Pua. 153 Oruatewehi 2 . . Nikora Whakaunua. 154 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Okoheriki 2c 4c 3 Nirai Reunena. 155 Mangorewa-Kaharoa A . . 156 99 * * * * Kawaha 4 Nirai Rotorua. 157 99 Tongaparaoa 2v Oketopa Tahakura. 158 Matata 5a Pakana te Mateiwa. 159 Mita Titipa .. Kaimai 2e Pane Titipa. 160 Te Matehaere te Wahapapa Paehinahina 3 . . Parekohai Morihana. 161 Parekohai Reone. 162 Matarena Patuaka Whaiti Kuranui Iby 2a .. Patuaka Tauehe. 163 „ Iby 2c 7 164 „ 1A 165 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Pukaingataru B 18 Pera Tamati. 166 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 . . Peraniko Ngarimu. 167 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Kawaha 4 Pikake Rotorua. 168 99 • • Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7c Pine Hakaraia.

Nama (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate (Name of Deceased.) 169 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Waerenga Rawhiti (East) 2b Pine Hakaraia. 170 W. E. Goffe ' ’ ’ Tihiotonga B Pio. 171 Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6a 2/2b 2d Pipi Ari. 172 Pukerewa Mohi Tana .. 173 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Whakamaru-Maungaiti K 1c Pipi Poata. 174 Pukaingataru B 16 Pirihira te Aho Tarewa. 175 Matekino Punoke Okoheriki 2c 3 .. Pirihita te Wahakauri. 176 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Kawaha 4 Piwiki te Ahi warn. 177 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Poia te Ririapu. 178 J. Thomson Tc Tuihoi 3b 8 b 3 Poni te Whare. 179 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Tauri 3b me (and) 3c Te Popoki Kurupae. Raharuhi Puritia. 180 99 * * * * Tutukau Rato (West) B .. 181 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. 182 Huri Hohaia .. Roto (Lots) 8 me (and) 9, D.P. 727, Mokoia Native Reserve Te Raita. 183 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Rotoiti 4, Tekiona (Sections) 1b 2, 3, me (and) 4 Rakau te Huriri. 184 99 Waione 0 4 Rakau Nohotihi. 185 9? Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Rakiroa te Whetu. 186 99 Paengaroa Tonga (South) 1 Ranapia Hemi. 187 99 Kaingaroa 1a. Tonga (South) Rangi haoa te Kuruotemarama. 188 99 • • Rotomahana-Parekarangi 2d Rangiheuea Erueti. 189 Takiata Rangi Parawai 2e Te Rangi te Pakihiwi. 190 Rangihirawa Tukorehu Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6a 2/6 . . Rangitakatua Katene 191 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tumu Kaituna 8b 2 Raniere Tumata. 192 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Rawiri Parakiri. 193 9 9 •• •• •• Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6l 2b 1 .. Te Rehina Hinetapu. 194 Kai-reliita (Registrar) .. Pukaingataru B 18 Rena Punehu. 195 99 Matahina A Id . . Renata te Ngako. 196 «• • • • . Matata 21 Renata te Huakiwi. 197 99 „ 39a 1 .. 99 198 99 * * * * „ 103a 1 .. Pokohu I) 99 199 99 • • • • .. 200 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Rihara Kaimanawa. 201 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Maungarangi B 2c Te Rina Apokai. 202 Hone Atutahi Whakapoungakau 7e Ringamutu Atutahi. 203 W. E. Goffe .. Whirinaki 1, Tekiona (Section) 4b 1b Riripeti Hi ria. 204 9 9 • • • . Matata 4 Te Roha Katerina. 205 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Okoheriki Id 6b Ru Takiwhenua Henare. 206 99 * * • • Owhatiura 1b 1 Taimona te Heuma. 207 99 • • ’ • Matata 5b 208 99 * * • • Waerenga Rawhiti (East) 1 99 209 W. E. Goffe . . Oruatewehi 2 .. Takawheta Kaipara. 210 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2h 10 .. Tamanga Taikehu. 211 99 Pukaingataru B 18 Tamati Wharehou. 212 99 * * * * Matahina A 1 d . . Tamihana Tikitere. 213 »• .... ,, A 3b .. 99 214 99 • • • * Pukaingataru B 12 99 215 99 * * • • Pukehina M 4b 3 216 99 • • * * Te Waitapu 99 217 99 Whakapoungakau 1b 99 218 „ 9b 10 .. 219 „ 9b 11 .. 9 9 220 99 * • * * „ 11B 6 .. 221 99 ,, 13b, Tekiona (Section) 5 .. 99 222 9 9 „ 14 . . 99 223 99 * * * * „ 15b 10 224 99 Owhatiura 1b 2b Tangata Kotahi. 225 99 • • ,, Tonga (South) 5 226 99 ' • • • • Paengaroa Raki (North) B 2 Tangihia te Awhimate. 227 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Tanirau te Tuhi. 228 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Mangorewa-Kakaroa 6e 3, Tekiona (Section) 2it Io Te Tatana Tamehana. 229 Matata 5b Tawera Hakopa. 230 99 • • * ’ Waihi S.D., Tekiona (Section) 1, Poraka (Block) IV, me (and) Tekiona (Section) 1, Poraka (Block) Vile Te Teira Ngahoro. 231 Koutu 1b 2 Timoti Reone. 232 Maraekaraha Ie 99 233 Kawaha 5a 2b .. Tipao te Mumuha. 234 99 . . ’ . . Koutu 1a 6 99 235 99 Rotohokahoka D Raki (North) 6 .. 99 236 Pukaingataru B 6 Tireni Hangina. 237 Para Maihi Waotu Raki (North) 3d 2a 4 238 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Whakapoungakau 1 5b 10 Tohuora Rangipapa. 239 W. E. Goffe .. Kaingaroa 1a Tonga (South) Te Tuhi Korokaitoke. 240 Hunuhunu Hakopa Taumata 3a 1b .. Tukiterangi Wikinati. 241 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Paengaroa Tonga (South) 1 Te Uru Hemi. 242 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 Waretini Ngapapa. 243 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Whakapoungakau 1b 3b .. Wene Koriki. 244 Mehaka Paramena Taumata 3a 1b .. Wharepohue Kikihiki. 245 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Rotomahana-Parekarangi 5b 5b . . Wi Hakopa. 246 W. E. Goffe Oruatewehi 2 .. Wi Patene Tarahanga. 247 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Whakapoungakau 10b 6b Wi te Tiwha. 248 W. E. Goffe .. Whirinaki 1, Tekiona (Section) 4b 1b Te Wiki Ngakarauna. 249 Kai rehita (Registrar) . . Oropi 2 Wikitoria Ngatiki. 250 Rangikino Tote Whakapoungakau 16, Tekiona (Section) 2b 2g 1 Wirimena te Uremutu. 251 99 ,, 16, Tekiona (Section) 2b 2g 2e 99 252 99 „ 15b 10 .. 99 253 13b 5 .. 254 Kokako Wirimena Eru. 255 99 Waerenga Eato (West) Bl 99

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 30, 26 July 1928, Page 364

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 30, 26 July 1928, Page 364

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 30, 26 July 1928, Page 364