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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications for Partition.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.


Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Kama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1 Mere Henare Awarua 2e. 2 Ngaro Tarawa Kohatutaka 6a 6. 3 Hoana Noa 6a 12a. 4 Te Kooti Hone Tarawa „ 6a 12b. 5 Wire Kihi Maihi .. Kohewhata 10b. 6 Ema Ngapua 69. 7 Ripi Wi Hongi ma (and another) Kotuku A 3a. 8 Toenga Kepa Puru Marino 2 b 4. 9 Putoto Kereopa Mataraua C 4. 10 Ripeka Paraone Motatau 3h. 11 Ringi Taimana te Oi, ara (alias) Ringi Tamehana Teoi „ 4h 3. 12 Uru Keretene „ 4l. 13 Ripeka Paraone ,, 4m 2. 14 Heni Pou Te Pua 2. 15 Peri Matui Pou Rangaunu 6b. 16 99 • • • • • • „ 13 a. 17 Hemo Tukunga Rangihamama G. 18 Makereta Ngahuia. . ,, K 3b. 19 Ru Hau Hepata ,, L, Tekiona (Section) 2a. 20 Te Hira Hohaia Taraire Id 2a. 21 Henry Snowden . . . . . . . . . . . . 2v 5b. 22 Ngatote Kirihi Waiwhariki Id 1. 23 99 0 • • • • • • • •• • . „ Id 2. 24 Hiria Moka Hare .. .. .. . . . . . . 1 Whataipu A. 25 Hone Hare .. .. .. . . . . .. A.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant ) To Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 26 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita Kohatutaka 6k 3a, 6k 3b, Kia whakakorea nga ota wehe- Cancellation of partition (Registrar) 6k 3c, 6k 3d, 6k 3e, wehe i raro i tekiona 121/09 under section 121/09. 6k 3r, me (and) 6k 3g 27 Tangi H. Kaka Kotuku B 4b 1, B 4b 2, me (and) B 4b 3 28 Maihi Herepo ma (and Te Tii Toenga (Residue) Tono whakawa take paanga .. Investigation of title. others) on f Pae Wara Kohewhata 10b Whakawhiti . .. Exchange. \ George Jerkovich „ 10c • • • • • fErana Nareta ma (and Oromahoe Ml 99 • • • 99 30 / another) LEne Taituha Kohewhata 72 f Matiu Tawhai Waima Tonga (South) F 2 9 9 • * * • 99 31 / Ihapera Werekake Whakatere Manawakaiaia 99 • ♦ • 99 I B 44 39 f Putoto Kereopa Mataraua C 4 99 • • • 99 Putoto Maungakawakawa 13k .. 9 9 * • • • QQ / Paratene Wi Hongi Taraire 1y 1 .. * * • 9 9 OO \Mjkara Takiwira Otuhi1a 2 9 9 * P Kiriwai Herewini Waiwhariki Id 1 me (and) 99 • • • 9 9 34 / -Ngatote Kirihi me (and) Id 2 Taui Waa Motatau 5e 3 .. 9 9 * • • . ■ « 35 H. Hobday Nukutawhiti . . Kia wbakatakotoria lie rori i To lay off a road over runga i Awarua 2d 2 Awarua 2d 2. £ s. d. 36 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri, Akaf Te Awahe 4a Moni ruuri 5 15 0 Survey costs. rana Raki (Chief Sur- \ „ 4b 9 9 4 15 0 veyor, N’th Auckland) 37 f Taraire 2b 1 9 9 9 13 6 9 9 \ „ 2b 2 99 22 16 9

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 38 Hekeretari mo nga Mahi Nunui mo te Katoa (Under Secretary, Public Works) Kohewhata 69 Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheihana mo te whenua i tangohia hei reriwe Assessment of compensation for land taken for a railway. 39 E. P. Earle, kai-rehita (Registrar) Punakitere 2 b 7g Kia uiuia mehemea a Pene Ropata i roto i te Taitara ko Pene Popata ' To inquire whether Pene Ropata in the title is the same person as Pene Popata. 40 Perene Topi .. Utakura 2b Id 8 Tono i raro i tekiona 27 e te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909, kia whakatikatika ria te ota riiwhitanga ki a Maraea te Ahuriri, kua mate Application under section 27 of the Native Land Act, 1909, re amendment of succession order to Maraea te Ahuriri, deceased. 41 Minita Maori (Native Minister) Tangatapu 1 .. Kia wehea te paanga o te Karauna Definition .of Crown’s interest. 42 Tutu Nehua, ara {alias) Wi Hongi Taraire 1g 3c Tono i raro i tekiona 24 o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909, kia kimihia ko wai ma nga tangata e tika ana mo ratou te whare me te whenua kei runga e tu ana Application under section 24 of the Native Land Act, 1909, to determine the ownership of a house and possession of land on which it stands. 43 Toa Ruatara .. He tono i raro i tekiona 12/1922 mo tetahi ota mo nga taonga o Ani Tewaha, kua mate Application under section 12/1922 for personalty order in respect of personal property of Ani Tewaha, deceased. 44 Paahi Paraone He tono i raro i tekiona 12/1922 mo tetahi ota mo nga taonga o Hokino Paraone, kua mate. Application under section 12/1922 for personalty order in respect of personal property of Hokino Paraone, deceased. 45 Kai tiaki me te Katoa (Public Trustee) Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Mariette Kingi, kua mate Kia whakaturia he kai - tiaki mo — Probate of the will of Mariette King, deceased. Appointment of trustee for — 46 Tete Mokaraka Rangihamama F Hemo Taniora Takirau Hemo Taniora Takirau. 47 W. E. Goffe .. Waikare ]4b 2 Heni Ro Kopa Heni Ro Kopa. 48 D • • • • • • • • Merata Ro Kopa Merata Ro Kopa. 49 5? • • • • Mere Kane, Wiremu Kane, Te Arani Kane. Ekinihi Kane Mere Kane, Wiremu Kane, Te Arani Kane, Ekinihi Kane.

Mama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 50 Meri Hen are Ruatara .. Mataraua C 2 .. Te Aho Henare Ruatara. 51 Hone Hamiora Hau . . Te Mamaku Akinihi Hau. 52 . . . . Puketotara 9 9 53 Wiroa A3 9 9 54 Hami Maioha, kaumatua (senior) Whakataha 3 b 4b Ani Kaaro, ara (alias) Ani Ngakete, ara, (alias) Ani Ngakete Hapeta. 55 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Taraire 2j 2n .. Ani Tiraha. 56 Herewini Pera Motatau 2, Tekiona (Section) 50 .. Te Ataiti Ropere. 57 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Maungakawakawa 14 . . Ema Whakaeke. 58 Puru Erueti .. Motatau 5j 2a .. Erueti Hone Kingi. 59 Whai Maihi .. Kohewhata 10d Eruini Maihi. 60 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) „ 29h Haki Perepe. 61 9 9 Parahirahi Bl.. 9 9 62 9 9 Taraire 2v 4 . . • . 63 Waimimiti H 64 Te Hunoke A .. Te Hana Rewiri. 65 Kararaina Matenga Marutuna A Hare Matenga. 66 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 3c 2b .. 9 9 67 9 9 ,, 3c 2c .. • « 68 • * Rarakareao A .. • « 69 Kaiwhakairi A .. Te Hau Perepe. 70 9 9 D J ? 71 • a Kotuku B 3 .. 9 9 72 • • Te Mania B 2 . . 9 9 73 • • Motatau 1a 7 .. • • 74 9 9 Parahirahi Bl.. 9 9 75 ?? Taraire 2v 4 .. >>

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 76 Here Hauraki Motatau 2, Tekiona (Section) 59d Hauraki Niha. 77 Ring! Taimana Teoi .. Punakitere 4g 1a Hauraki Wahia. 78 99 • • * * ,, 4g 1b 9 9 79 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Mangakowhara B 5b 2 .. Hei Rini. 80 9 9 Kaiwhakaiti A . . Heko Perepe. 81 • • ,, D .. 9 9 82 9 9 Kotuku B 3 .. 83 Te Mania B 2 .. 84 9 9 Motatau 5c 85 • • Taraire 2v 4 99 86 William Aiderton Rangihamama K 3b Hemo Pera, ara (alias) Hemo Piri. 87 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Kaiwhakairi C . . Henare Hemara. 88 9 9 Motatau 1b 7j .. 89 « « Waikokopu 1 Henare Wild te Pirihi. 90 • • Motatau 3j 2c . . Heni Mange. 91 9 9 ,, 4f 1a . . 9 9 92 Punakitere 2b 5.. Heremaia te Waha. 93 99 Waikokopu 4 . . Himi Horo. 94 „ 1 . . Punakitere 2b 7g Himiona Rapata. 95 Ngahoari Eru Hetaraka Hiraina Paraha. 96 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Ninihi 2 Hirini Katene. 97 Mataraua A Hirini W. Katene. 98 9 9 Wharepoke 2h 4 Hoera Paraihe. 99 Hami Hoone Hamiora Hau Rangaunu 6c 2 . . Hone Hamiora Hau. 100 Mokau 2a 1 me (and) 2a 2 Hoone Hamiora Hau. 101 Hare Pura Kirikiri-Pawhaoa A3 Hori Taiaki, ara (alias) Hori Kaihe, ara {alias) Hori Tuini. 102 99 • • • • • • Ngaiotonga 1b 2, 1b 3, me (and) 2b 2 9 9 103 ■ • • • *• • • Ohawini A 99 104 • »• •• •• „ Cl.. • « 105 99 • • • • • • Poike A 99 106 99 . . Waikokopu 2 . . 99 107 99 • • Whangaroa-Ngaiotonga 4a 9 99 108 «> •• •• •• Whangaruru-Whakaturia Id 3 99 109 99 • • • • „ 2b 1 . . • * no E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Waikokopu 4 .. Horo Heta. in Merekiha Paraha Nihini 1 Ho terene Tai. 112 Ani Takirau ma (and others) Rangihamama G Kahawai Pirihahu. 113 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Waikokopu 4 . . Kahutaha Horo. 114 Taura Whatarau Motatau 2, Tekiona (Section) 61 . . Kahuti Rori. 115 Wire Kepa Waima Tonga (South) A Te Kepa Peepe, ara {alias) Kepa Pepe. 116 99 . . . . • • „ C 2 99 117 Akaripa Pou .. Punakitere 2b 2b Makareta Watene. 11.8 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Kohewhata 45 . . Maraea Manihera. 119 99 „ 33c .. Maraea Toko. 120 Otuhi 1b 4b 2b .. Mate Monoa. 121 Wehi Kauwhata Motatau 5o 12 . . Mere Wehi. 122 Meri Henare Ruatara . . Puketotara Mihiterina Ruatara. 123 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) 99 Motatau 1a 8 .. Ngere Paerau. 124 Maungakawakawa 5h Paora Wi Tute. 125 99 Taraire 1b 1b .. 9 9 126 Kaiwhakairi A . . Paraone Perepe. 127 D 99 128 Kohewhata 29h 129 Kotuku B 3 130 99 Te Mania B 2 . . • « 131 Motatau 1a 7 ■ • 132 Parahirahi Bl.. 99 133 Taraire 2v 4 • • 134 Waimimiti H 9 9 135 Wairere Hare Hone Kohatutaka 6a 3 Peata Remana. 136 ,, 6k 3g 99 137 Kohewhata 65b 1 9 9 138 E. P. Earle. Kai-rehita (Registrar) Tapapanui A 9 . . Pene Wi te Kowha. 139 9 9 Maungakawakawa In 1 . . Pera Rangi. 140 99 Manginangina . . Peri Matini Pou. 141 Motatau 5a 5a .. Pimangu Paraha. 142 Puketaururu 6a Pongia Wiru. 143 9 9 Te Urupa 3 144 Riwhi Waitohi Taraire 2b 2 Pui Hapimana, ara (alias) Waitohi. 145 Takiri T. Puriri „ It Raina Puriri. 146 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Mataraua E Rata Ngakoti. 147 Motatau 1c 5d .. Ratahi Nopera. 148 9 9 ,, 2, Tekiona (Section) 50 .. 9 9 149 „ 3s 9 9 150 Kaungarapa 2 .. Rawiri te Ruru. 151 Motatau 1a 7 . . Reihana Pene. 152 Eru Pou Waima Tonga (South) A 1b 4 Rehua Wiremu. 153 E. P. Earle; Kai-rehita (Registrar) Taraire 2v 5a .. Rika Heke. 154 Te Karawa 2 . . Rira Hapurona. 155 Ire Hapurona Motatau 1a 2a .. 99

Kama. (No? Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 156 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 3j 2c .. Ropati Katene. 157 • • Rarakareao A . . 15S Wiremu Ruka Punakitere 2b 7g Ruka te Korakora. 159 Peti Taiapo Whare Marino 2b 4 Taiapo Wharengere. 160 Te Arani Perana Pahekeheke B 2e 5 Taka Wharemate. 161 Hori Katene .. Marutuna A . . .. .. • Tamati Katene. 162 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 3p 2 .. Tamati Pou. 163 „ 5o 1 .. Tari Wira. 164 ,, 2, Tekiona (Section) 54 .. 165 ,, 3s 166 ,, 4p 2 .. 167 • • „ 5o 12 .. Waikare 8q 1 .. 168 • • Tiwene Reo. 169 Uru Keretene Motatau 4l Te Tiwha Keretene, ara {alias) Te Tiwha Hori Keretene. 170 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Taraire li Tote Hone Pera. 171 • • Motatau, 2, Tekiona (Section) 54 . . Wa Hoterene. 172 Mihaka Hetaraka Waiwhariki 2c 1 Waiorooro Perepe. 173 IN ohotakitahi Wereta Pou Utakura 2b Id Io Waipoua Wereta Pou. 174 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Waikokopu 4 . . Warana Noa. 175 Manihera Kauwhata ma (and another) Taumatamaukuku 3 Te Warn Rewiri. 176 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Te Ahuahu 1 Winiata Pomaru. 177 9 9 Motatau 3c 2a .. Wirepa te Waka. 99 178 9 9 ,, 3c 2c ..

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 18, 12 May 1927, Page 222

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 18, 12 May 1927, Page 222

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 18, 12 May 1927, Page 222