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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications for Partition.)

Tono kua Whakahokia e te Tumuaki Kai-whakawa i rabo o ng a Tekiona 6 me 7 o te Tube Whakatikatika Tube Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1922, kia Uiuia kia Ripoatatia. (Reference by the Chief Judge under Sections 6 and 7 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922, for Inquiry and Report.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.


Tono Whakatv Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1 Rangitaniwha Pihama Araukuku B. 2 Te Onetu Pihama .. „ C. 3 Rangitaniwha Pihama „ C. 4 Paumahurangi Hamua 18a 2. 5 Marokopa Tahuata „ 21. Inuawai 3h. 6 Ngamihi Mamao .. 7 Roa Ngatau Kapuni 3672. 8 . • ’ • • • •• • • • • Kaupokonui 3673. 9 Rangiteihinga Mahoetahi 2 10 ,, •• •• •• • • •• •• „ 3. 11 M . • • • •• •• •• •• <5. 12 Kahukare Mangati E. 13 Ngarongoa Eruini ma (and others) .. 14 Te Minita Maori (Native Minister) Matarikoriko 4. 15 Pihonga Pikirapu .. .. „ .. Mokoia 11b. 16 Roa Ngatau Motemate 3671. 17 Rangiteihinga Ngarauera 1. 18 99 • • • • • • • • * • • • „ L 19 Riki Kahui Ngatihaupoto 2d 2. 20 Aomangi Kahui 112. 21 Tuhau Kiriana Ngatihawe 8b 2. 22 Arei Takatua Ngatimanuhiakai 23 Hawepatari Makawe „ 8. 24 Kepa Whakaruhe .. .. ... „ 16b. 25 Ha we Patari 21. 26 Manuka te Manu .. Ngatirahiri 2j. 27 Pikitawhaki Ngatitanewai 1/5. 28 Rawea Ngatai Ngatitu 17d 2. 29 Wini Waiwhakamanu „ 23, Tekiona (Section) 35. 30 Te Aonui Poumua.. „ 25b. 31 Nganeko „ 26b 2. 32 Kai-rehita (Registrar) Okahu 6826. 33 Tumahuki Rongonui te Whana Omuturangi 5d. 34 Kaho Heremia Otaraoa B 1b. 35 Pungarehu Pumipi „ B 2e. 36 Pikitararua te Horo Parihaka C 2. 37 Kauamo Apimereka Paritutu 6/4. 38 „ 6/119. 39 .. •• •• •• •• •« „ 6/95. 40 Kauamo Apimereka Paritutu 6/98 41 Perehitini o te Poari Whenua Maori o te Takiwa o Aotea (President, Aotea District Maori Land Board) Puketapu D. 42 Te Aru Hikanui Purakau 2a 2. 43 Hikanui Tapiri 99 44 Kui Katene Te Rauna 1/6 me (and) 7. 45 Te Minita Maori (Native Minister) Rimutauteka B. 46 Mataka Taiawhio .. Taihaere 1b. 47 Ngarangi Katitia •. Taranaki-Iti 3. 48 Te Urumanao 7. 49 Huri Inia Umutahi 50 Rutua Whakamou me (and) Noti Whakamou „ 2b. 51 Ripene Blennerhassett „ 9. 52 Rihania .. Urenui F. 53 Nopera Keenan Wahapakapaka 4b. 54 Roa Ngatau Waiohata 3680 55 Rio Maaka Wairoa 8/400. 56 Tiaki Inia Wahanga (Sub.) 2b, Tekiona (Section) 2, Poraka (Block) III, Waitara. 57 J. H. Damon Tekiona (Section) 17, Poraka (Block) I, Waitara ki uta (Upper Waitara). 58 Rangiahuta Patu .. Tekiona (Section) 29a, Waitara Rato (West).

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 59 Tiripa Maruwhenua Ngatihaupoto 86 Kia uiuia te ota riwhi i te paanga o Inuaka ara Inuwaka Puketoretore, kua mate, i mahia i te 26/5/25, i whakataua ki aNgahuia Puketoretore 1/3, Whareaitu Puketoretore I /3, Te Aorere Maruwhenua 1/6, me Pihikete Maruwhenua 1/6 To inquire into the succession order dated 26/5/25 to Inuaka, alias Inuwaka Puketoretore, deceased, appointing Ngahuia Puketoretore l/3rd share, Whareaitu Puketoretore l/3rd share, Te Aorere Maruwhenua l/6th share, and Pihikete Maruwhenua 1 /6th share as successors. 60 Rewi Henare .. Ngatihawe 8a .. Kia uiuia nowai te tuturu o te ingoa o Matangi Hoewha e kiia ana hoki tokorua nga tangata nona taua ingoa To inquire into the identity of Matangi Hoewha. as it is alleged that the name refers to two separate persons.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 61 Te Minita Maori (Native Ngatimanuhiakai 4c, 11 Kia mahia tetahi ritenga whakaTo prepare schedule of Minister) me (and) 17 topu i nga paanga i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1923 consolidation under section 6 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1923. 62 Tumuaki Kai - whakawa Parihaka 9, 10, 11a, me He take kua tukuna mai ki te Reference under section 34 (Chief Judge) (and) 51 Kooti i raro i tekiona 34 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1925, kia uiuia kia ripoatatia hoki mo runga mo te pitihana a Nohomairangi te Whiti of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1925, for inquiry and report as to petition of Nohomairangi te Whiti. 63 Hori Teira 99 Kia kimihia ko wai nga tangata no ratou taua whenua, kia whakaturia hoki te komiti whakahaere To determine ownership and appoint committee of management. 64 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri (Chief Surveyor) Ngatitanewai K a r a a t i (Grant) 3781 Kia kimihia ko wai nga tangata no ratou taua whenua To determine ownership. 65 Te Minita Maori (Native Minister) Moturoa Rahui (Reserve) Kia tukuna ki te tangata Maori ki nga tangata ranei tera e whakataua e te Kooti i raro i tekiona 13 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1924 For vesting in Native or Natives, as Court may direct, under section 13 of Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1924. 66 f Pahemata Takutai me -( (and) N gakawe Komene IRosa Agnes Stead Manukorihi 5 Whakawhiti Exchange. Manukorihi 13, 14, 15, me (and) 16 99 • • • • 99 67 THurae Ngatimanuhiakai 4c me (and) 17 9? 99 Tataumairangi Ngatimanuhiakai 11 99 • * • • ' 4 Tawhanga Eruera Ngatirahiri 6f 1 me (and) 6f 3 99 . • 99 68 W. J. Morrison me (and) | George Morrison I Rota (Lot) 4, Wahanga (Sub.) 15, Tekiona (Section) 183, Moa 99 • • • • 69 j Haupupa Pihopa Ngatitara 7 me (and) 13 99 • • • • 99 \Roka Pihopa „ 28b • • • • • • 70 CPikitawhaki .. Ngatitupaea 12 me (and) B 99 • • • • ’> 1 Rongomaipaia I Ngatitanewai 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) 99 99 71 / Kotuku Tarawene Umutahi 99 . • 99 \ Tatara Tarawene Ngatitu 99 99 f Neho Hemi Papakakura Umutahi 13b .. 99 . . • • 72 Riki Neho I Waima Tonga (South) E 19b 99 • • • • 99 73 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Inuawai 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Kia whakatikatikaina nga ota whakawhiti Amendment of exchange orders. 74 M • • Hamua riihi (leases) Kia whakatikatikaina nga ota wehewehe Amendment of partition orders.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.’ 75 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tapuirau Kia whakatikatikaina te ota kai riiwhi ki a te Ui Niumatua, kua mate Amendment of succession order to Ui Niumatua, deceased. 76 Panara Tairuakena me (and) Tataurangi Tairuakena Ngatimanuhiakai 21 I raro i te tekiona 324 o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909, kia whakakorea te ota whakakaporeihana Under section 324 ‘of the Native Land Act, 1909, to cancel order of incorporation. 77 Turn Hinemate me (and) Rongouarou Turn Ngatitanewai 23 Kia whakakorea nga ota wehewehe Cancellation of partition orders. 78 Hine Koropanga Ngatitu 19b .. Kia whakatakotoria he huarahi hou i runga o Ngatitu 19c £ s. d. Por new right of access over Ngatitu 19c. Survey costs — 79 Tumuaki Kai - ruuri / Mahoetahi 2a .. Moni ruuri .. 4 16 6 Interest from 28/9/26 80 81 82 (Chief Surveyor) \ 1 „ 2b.. Matarikoriko 1a „ 1b Ngatimanuhiakai 16a .. „ 16b .. Ngatitu 22a .. „ 22b .. „ 22c .. „ .. 4 16 6 „ ..11 13 11 „ ..11 13 10 „ .. 10 11 8 ..829 „ .. 27 6 6 „ ..910 „ .. 10 9 6 „ 28/9/26 „ 11/12/26 „ 11/12/26 „ 5/5/26 „ 5/5/26 „ 18/10/26 „ 18/10/26 „ 18/10/26 , 83 I „ 22d .. Omuturangi 3b 1 „ .. 20 15 4 „ .. 8 16 5 „ 18/10/26 „ 18/12/26 ” { ,, 3b 2 „ 5a „ 5b „ .. 8 16 5 „ .. 13 13 0 „ .. 17 3 10 „ 18/12/26 „ 4/8/26 4/8/26 84 ” d „ 5o „ 5d „ .. 6 18 0 .. 11 0 0 „ 4/8/26 „ 4/8/26 ; . 1 „ 5e Papanui 15a 1 .. 13 2 0 „ 4 18 0 „ 4/8/26 17/11/26 85 ,, „ 15a 2 „ 15b .. ,. ..550 ,. .. 6 19 0 „ 17/11/26 „ 17/11/26 86 99 Puketapu Cl.. ,. .. 9 10 0 „ 12/7/26 87 Clifton County Council Ngatirahiri 5a 1 Riana mo nga reiti .. 3 16 4 Rating lien .. 3 16 4 88 „ 5a 2a „ .. 3 16 4 „ .. 3 16 4 89 Otaraoa B 2e „ .. 10 6 0 „ .. 10 6 0 90 5 9 Pukepapa 2c 2 „ . . 8 10 6 „ .. 8 10 6 91 Egmont County Council Ngatikahumate 5a „ .. 24 7 8 „ .. 24 7 8 92 „ 5b „ .. 31 10 2 „ .. 31 10 2 93 „ 8a .. „ .. 11 0 7 „ .. 11 0 7 94 „ 8b .. „ .. 7 16 1 „ .. 7 16 1 95 • « Ngatitamaronga 3f „ .. 19 8 4 „ .. 19 8 4 96 Ngatitara 30a ,. .. 46 19 0 „ .. 46 19 0 97 Parihaka 15b .. „ .. 149 2 7 „ .. 149 2 7 98 „ 17 .. „ .. 44 4 6 „ .. 44 4 6 99 „ 26 .. „ .. 145 16 9 „ .. 145 16 9 100 Opunake Harbour Board Ngatikahumate 4 3 , . . 4 16 0 „ .. 4 16 0 101 „ 6a .. „ ..468 „ .. 468 102 99 Ngatitamarongo 3c ..156 „ .. 15 6 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 99 Rangiwhakarurua Te Kirimako Poutu S. J. Jackson .. Manu Whareaitu Rameka Paratene me (and) Ngakuru Rona Mata Taiki me (and) Tahuata Wipa Paparoa 5 „ ..022 Pukapuka whakamana i te wira Ngarenui Parawai Pukapuka whakamana kai-whaka-haere mo te taha ki a Ngarere Kahumataroa, kua mate Pukapuka whakamana i te wira Manuka Kurawhatia Pukapuka whakamana kai-whaka-haere mo te taha ki a Whareaitu, kua mate Tono i a Puna Turu, hei tamaiti whangai Tono i a Tahuata Wipa Rona, hei tamaiti whangai „ .. 022 Probate of will of Ngarenui Parawai. Letters of administration in re Ngarere Kahumararoa, deceased. Probate of will of Manuka Kurawhatia. Letters of administration in re Whareaitu, deceased. Adoption of Puna Turu. Adoption of Tahuata Wipa Rona. 110 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ngatitupaea A He tono mo tetahi ota whakatau mehemea ko wai te tangata nona tenei ingoa a Hote, i roto i Ngatitupaea A For an order identifying Hote, owner in Ngatitupaea A. 111 99 • * 99 * * He tono mo tetahi ota whakatau mehemea ko wai te tangata nona tenei ingoa a Paihau, i roto i Ngatitupaea A For an order identifying Paihau, owner in Ngatitupaea x4. 112 Tonga 0. Carroll Kaupokonui 33 Mo tetahi ota kia utua ki te kaitono tetahi moni kei te kaitiaki Maori e pupuri ana ma Ruawhiti Tapiri, he tamaiti For an order directing payment to applicant of money held by the Native Trustee on behalf of Ruawhiti Tapiri, minor. 113 Tahere Teua .. Ngatitu f Mo tetahi ota kia utua tetahi moni kei te Kai-tiaki Maori te pupuri ana ma Tahere Teua, he tamaiti For an order directing payment of money held by the Native Trustee on behalf of Tahere Teua, minor.

Nama (No ' Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 114 Tupito Maruera I raro i tekiona 140 o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909. Kia whakataua ki te pouara tetahi paanga mo ona i roto i nga paanga o Haumatao, ara Rongo Tupatea, ara Tupatea Haumatao, kua mate Under section 140 of the Native Land Act, 1909. For an award to the widow of an interest in the estate of Haumatao, alias Rongo Tupatea, alias Tupatea Haumatao, deceased. 115 Raututu Ritai te Hama •i Waiotama 9c 2 me era atu whenua (and other blocks) I raro i tekiona 140 o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909. Kia whakataua ki te pouaru tetahi paanga mo onai rato i nga paanga o Ritai te Hama, kua mate Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo — Under section 140 of the Native Land Act, 1909. For an award to the widow of an interest in the estate of Ritai te Hama, deceased. Appointment of trustee for — 116 Amiria Hori .. Araukuku 3779 Amiria Hori Amiria Hori. 117 Rangitopenga Ngatitupaea A Aperahama Pati Korau Aperahama Pati Korau. 118 Awatapu Teari Hapotiki 3952 Awatapu te Ari Awatapu te Ari. 119 Rangitopenga Ngatitupaia A Hoani Pati Hoani Pati. 120 Urutahi Awarua Hapotiki Kiri Ngawira Kiri Ngawira. 121 Kai-tiaki Maori (Native Trustee) Ngatikahumate 3937 .. Kura Mahiao Kura Mahiao. 122 Tamanui Whakaneke .. Ngatimanuhiakai Manukauki Manukauki. 123 Ngatitanewai.. 99 124 « * • • Ngatitara 99 • • * * 99 125 99 Ngatitu 9 9 9 9 126 Paora Aneti .. 99 * * * * 99 127 Takahi te Ua . . Waiotama Naumaikiteao Ritai Naumaikiteao Ritai. 128 Ueroa Hohepa Ngarewa Mokoia Te Whareki te Aokapua Hohepa Ngarewa me Wiremu Tipene te Aokapua Hohepa Ngarewa Te Whareki te Aokapua Hohepa Ngarewa and Wiremu Tipene te Aokapua Hohepa Ngarewa. 129 M. R. Jones .. Ngatitupaia A Wiri Maitai Wiri Maitai.

SJama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate (Name of Deceased). 130 J. P. Murphy.. Ngatituhekerangi 8, 9, me (and) 10 Ani Matapouariki. 131 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Parihaka 32 Aonui Apihai Ngaupaka. 132 Te Here Turn Ngatitara 10 .. Te Aukuraarangi. 133 J. Thomson .. Parihaka, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Ellen Wiberforce. 134 Ernest Thomas Limpus Orimupiko, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Fanny Ellingham. 135 Reihana Ihaka Matarikoriko 4 .. Haeretuterangi Ihaka. 136 J. Thomson .. 9 9 •• •• •• •• 4 * 137 Reihana Ihaka Ngatihaupoto 92 99 138 99 . . Ngatirahiri 2 me (and) 11, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases), Karaati (Grant) 5250 99 139 99 • • * * Waiotama 9e, Karaati (Grant) 3944 9 9 140 Tiripa Maruwhenua Pungaereere 1 me (and) 2 Hana (Nipo) Puketoretore. 141 Numia Rangitaputu Hapotiki riihi (leases) Hanataua Rangitaputu. 142 Tukotahi Tokotaua Ngatitupaea, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Hapakuku Tokotaua. 143 Paretuarangi te Rakaherea „ 3780, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Paritutu 6/98 144 Kauamo Hapimereka . . Hapimereka. 145 Amo Pepe Orimupiko Ake riihi (Act leases) .. Harata Tuwhakararo. 146 J. Thomson .. Araheke M Hare Love. 147 99 • • Pukepapa, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Hare (Haare) Rakena. 148 H. Lawrence .. Haututu 6828 me (and) Oika 1a . . 149 • • . . . . Putahi 3730 99 150 Whitu Pi Katene Inuawai, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Hauto (Taima) Ngatai Tangirua. 151 99 Inuawai Pa 99 152 Rataria Kingi Te Ruaotemoko 3747 Heremaia Kingi. 153 Umutahi 3805 .. 154 Rangiteihinga Mahoetahi 2 Herewini Rameka. 155 99 * • * * „ 3 99 156 » 6 99 157 99 * * * * Puketapu E 99 158 Hinemanuhiri Tumotmga Kekereone 1, Tekiona (Section) 60 Heta Namu. 159 Reihana Ihaka Matarikoriko * .. Hiki Ihaka. 160 99 Ngatihaupoto 92 .. • 99 161 99 • • Ngatirahiri 2 me (and) 11 99 162 •• • • • • Waiotama 9e 99 163 Stead me (and) Prichard Matarikoriko 7e Hinemata Paratene. 164 Tuiti McDonald Ngatitamahuroa 3803, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Hinerangi. 165 99 • • • • Ngatituhekerangi, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) 99 166 Alexandra Cordelia Alice Woodhead Ngatitamahuroa 3803, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) me (and) Ngatituhekerangi 13 99

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 167 Hunanga Hohaia Ngatitamarango me (and) Ngatituhekerangi Hinga Tahere Ngamare. 168 Mahara Ripene Autawa (VIII/10, Huiroa) Hiroa Pounamu. 169 Te Awe Pepe Inuawai, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Hiwi Rangiaitu. 170 • • Okaiawa Pa 171 99 Ngatihaua 8 172 • • • . Whenuakura 28.. 173 Tamati Whanganui Oamaru 1c Hokipera Pehimana Whanganui. 174 99 * * • • ,, 2a 2a .. 175 ,, 2b 2 .. 176 John Morgan Waikawa 177 Moturoa Compensation .. Hone Kipa. 178 99 * * • * Moturoa A 179 99 Pukewharangi A 180 99 Ratapihipihi A Rato (West) • • 181 • a • a a • Waiwakaiho C 2b 182 Harimate Ihorangi Rimutauteka 1c Hone Paopaokirangi. 183 184 Metapere Ropata Tekiona (Section) 2, Poraka (Block) XI, Mimi Hori te Manapiri. 185 J. Thomson .. Kairoa, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Te Horo-ki-te-Motu. 186 Utiku Hataraka Ngatimaru D Te Hue. 187 Tiripa Maruwhenua Ngatihaupoto 67 Inuwaka Puket ore tore. 188 a . . a , . „ 87 189 99 • • • • Ngatikahumate 3a 190 99 • • • • „ 3b 191 99 „ 9 99 192 99 • • • • „ 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) .. 99 193 99 • • Ngatitamarongo, Ake riihi (Act leases) 99 194 99 • • • • Pukekohatu 23b 195 99 • • Pukekohatu 24, Tekiona (Sections) 12a me (and) 12d 99 196 99 • • • • Pungaereere 1 me (and) 2 99 197 Ngaone Tepere Oakura 1 Karena Wiremu. 198 Stead me (and) Prichard Ngatihaupoto 88 Karira te Kawau Urupa. 199 99 • • „ 96 200 Emma Dix Matarikoriko Katerina Tamihana. 201 99 . • • • Ngatirahiri 5247 202 99 • • • • „ 5249 203 M. R. Jones .. Hamua Keneti R angiwananga. 204 99 . . a . a a Hapotiki 99 205 99 a a . a a a Ngatitanewai, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) 99 206 99 Te Rua o te Moko 207 99 Umutahi 208 Tawhanga Eruera Tekiona (Section) 25, Poraka (Block) XI, Mimi Kiri Haehae. 209 J. Thomson .. Taihaere 6a Kiwi Taiawhio. 210 Stead me (and) Prichard Tekiona (Sections) 15 me (and) 44, Waitara Koka Hoani. 211 Rangipuahoahu 5207 Te Kooti Tapihana. 212 J. Thomson .. Matarikoriko 4 .. Kutanga te Tieke. 213 Toke Korau .. Hamua Mahurirangi. 214 Whiunui te Rongomau Ngatitanewai 26c Makawe Urikore. 215 Mrs. J. Edwin Ohoti 8 Manuka Kurawhatiia. 216 99 Parihaka 27 217 99 • • • • Rimutauteka 4b 2 218 Eruera te Matewhitu .. Te Ruaotemako 3747 Manuuruuru. 219 Tiripa Maruwhenua Ngatihaupoto 67 Maruwhenua. 220 99 • • „ 86 221 99 • • „ 87 99 222 99 ' • • • • Ngatikahumate 3b 223 99 „ 9 224 99 • • • • ,, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) .. 99 225 99 • • • • Ngatitamarongo, 1992 Ake riihi (Act leases) 99 226 99 • • • • Pukekohatu 23b 227 99 • • • • „ 24 228 99 • • • • Pungaereere 1 me (and) 2 99 229 Rewi Henare Ngatihawe 8a .. Matangi. 230 Tawhanga Eruera Tekiona (Section) 25, Poraka (Block) XI, Mimi Matengaro. 231 Haki Wi Parata Rimutauteka B .. Matiu Whangaroa. Te Meiha Paratene. 232 99 • • • • 99 • • • • • • 233 Stead me (and) Prichard Ngatirahiri 1 me (and) 10 234 Neho Papakura Taonga (personalty) Rekameka Jenkins. 235 Ngaone Huihana Patuha 3875, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Mere Ropata. 236 Stead me (and) Prichard Ngatirahiri 2b 3a Mika Meiha. 237 M. R. Jones .. Hapua 6754 Moewae. 238 John Morgan.. Mangapapa 1c .. Neha Manihera Kipa. 239 J. Thomson .. Ngatirahiri 2 me (and) 11 Ngahiraka te Awakapi. 240 Terewai Tangihaere Puketotara 27 .. Ngahiraka Tawhana. 241 99 • • • • Rimurauteka A .. 242 M. R. Jones .. Ihupuku, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Ngahiriwa Whakamaru. 243 99 • • • • Ngatitanewai, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) 99 244 Hemi Himiona Waiotama 9e Ngarere Kahumateroa. 245 Kirimako Poutu „ 9e .. 246 99 • • „ 29c .. 99 247 Te Ngoo Ngarangi Haututu 6828 .. Te Ngarutahi. 248 99 • • • • Te Oho 6824 .. 249 99 • • • • Ruapohatu 6827

Nam a. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 250 J. Thomson . . Rimutauteka B Ngaurupa Numane. 251 M. R. Jones .. Ngatitupaea A .. Te One te Rueke. 252 Topia Peti Haukaretu B 1b Otahuia Kahukura Pani. 253 Wiremu Kingi Keepa .. Tekiona (Sections) 5, 6, 7, 8, Poraka (Block) XVI, Waitara Rawhiri (East) Paerangi Whakataka. 254 Rangiahuta Patuhapai me (and) Pahemata Takutai Ngakuta Paramena. 255 Tuiti McDonald ,, (XI/5, Linkwater) 256 99 • • Te Pangu B 257 Christensen me (and) Stanford . . Tuiti McDonald Te Pukatea 2 .. Paramena Taituha. 258 259 Ruakaka 2b 2 . . Paramena. 260 Christenson me (and) Stanford . . „ 2c 261 Tuiti McDonald Toreamoana 3 . . 262 99 • • „ 4a .. 263 Christensen me (and) Stanford .. „ 4a .. Waikawa Rato (West) 1a 2 264 Tuiti McDonald 265 Christensen me (and) Stanford . . „ V.S. 16, 17, me (and) 19. . 266 Tuiti McDonald Waikawa Village 16 267 „ 17 268 J. H. Damon „ 19 269 Ngakuta Paramena Wereta. 270 Ngawaiata Hanita Hamua, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Parekirangi. 271 Ngatitanewai 3781, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Parekirangi Rameka. 272 Rereti Rio Maaka Nikitini 7037 .. Peinoa Rio Maaka. 273 Ngaone te Pere .. ... Oakura Pio Nopera. 274 Stead me (and) Prichard Parihaka 39 Pia Parana. 275 J. H. Damon Ngatitu 26 Piritana Ngatai. 276 Kauamo Hapimereka . . Paritutu 6/96 Pita Taumaihi. 277 • • • • • • „ 6/119 .. Pokepoke Niumatua. 278 Stead me (and) Prichard Tapuirau 279 Pakanga Porikapa Motupipi 3a 2 .. Porikapa te Wareware 280 Stead me (and) Prichard Tapuirau Pukepuke. 281 Te Pahunga Metahiatu Pariroa H 2, J, A, ma (and) B Te Rama Papaka. 282 Mokoia 283 Waikirenga Ngatihaupoto 7a Rangi Marutuna. 284 Hau ora Pikirapu Pariroa A me (and) B Rangiahu Pikirapu. 285 Marutehiakina Tapiki . . Palmerston North Native Reserve .. Rangiikeike. 286 Komene Patara Maungarake 9 .. Rangioraro Patara. 287 Hunanga Hohaia Taita-Lower Hutt 58-12 . . 288 Ngatitamarongo me (and) Ngatituhekerangi Rangipaia Ngamare. 289 Te Ngaihe Pirika Hamua 1c Rangitohitu te Uira. 290 Moetu Parau Hamua 3953, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Te Rangitoitu. 291 Rawinia Parau. 292 J. Thomson Parihaka, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases), Rota (Lot) 2b, Karaati (Grant) 3945 Rawinia Pumuka. 293 C. R. Stead Pariroa 0 2 Renata Peti. 294 Ohanga 5a 295 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Hapotiki 1a Riakiao. 296 Reweti Ritai Personalty Ritai te Hama. 297 Takahi te Ua Waiotamc 9e, Karaati (Grant) 3944, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) 99 298 J. Thomson . . Wahanga (Sub.) 4, Tekiona (Section) 23b, Puketotara 3 Roka te Kahu. 299 Rereti Rio Maaka Nikitini 7037 Ruahoata Rio Maaka. 300 Stead me (and) Prichard Parihaka 39 Ruta Paruka. 301 Kahukare Tamiti Waaka Puketapu D Taare te Rutu. 302 Stead me (and) Prichard Wahapakapaka 4b Taiaki Ngamate. 303 99 Tekiona (Section) 99, Urenui Taonehipi (Township) Taiate Ngarongo. 304 Ngaranginiwa Taikomako Taikomako Ihorere. 305 Harata Ngakawa Oika 1a 1 Tainakore Turoa. 306 Te Ao Tamakaha Oamaru 2b 2c 2 Tamakaha te Kawata 307 M. R. Jones .. Ngatitupaea B .. Tamawharina. 308 Vernon Douglas Harrison Matarikoriko 3884 Tana (James) Harrison 99 309 99 • • Ngatirahiri 6 me (and) 14, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) 310 99 • • Tekiona (Sections) 119 me (and) 120, Okato 311 Terewai Tangihaere Puketotara 27 . . Tangihaere Tawhana. 312 Rimutauteka A 313 Tikapa Hamua, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Tapahi. 314 99 • • • • • • Ngatihawe, 1892 Ake tiihi (Act leases) Tapahi Hanataua. 315 " • • . • • . Ngatitupaea, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) 316 J. Thomson .. Ngatirahiri 5a 2b Tea te Manu. 317 Aroaro Ruakere Tekiona (Section) 170, Oakura Karaati (Grant) 3875 Tiaki te Wera. 318 William Andrews Wahanga (Sub. 2b), Tekiona (Section) 38, Waitara Rato (West) Timi Tapukawiti. 319 Herbert Lawrence Ngatimaru Tobe Ponga. 320 M. R. Jones .. Personalty Tommy Tumoana. 321 J. Thomson .. Araheke M Totiana te Kauri. 322 Pare Hura Mataikahawai 6.. Tukotahi Wi Paora. 323 Tumoerangi . . Tamahere 1 Tupatea Haumatao 324 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Porikapa 10 Turei te Tauru. 325 1 Raita te Tapiki . . .. | „ 4 9 »

Nama (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 326 Hemo Titaha Hema Tokakaihura Turei Wharenikau. 327 55 • • • • Te Umuroa 7036 328 Rangiiriau Rua Tapuirau Te Ui Niumatua. 329 Tupito Kawhiti Uruanewa. 330 55 . • . . • . Manutahi 331 55 Ngatitara, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Uruanewa Hineuru. 332 55 Okotare 3734 Uruanewa. 333 Mokoia, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Uru Aterea. 334 J. Thomson . . Ngatitupaea A . . Waikato Puhipi. 335 Kahamate Reupena Ngatihaupoto 61 Waikauri Ross. 336 M. R. Jones .. Hapotiki riihi (leases) Waikauri Taurea. 337 Rihaania Urenui 24f Waipuke te Ropu. 338 Herbert Lawrence Nukumaru Ibg .. Wairau Puano. 339 55 • • • • Pakaraka 2b 2 .. 340 55 Wairoa 6761, XI/418 a • 341 a . . . . . Unutahi 3805, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) ? ? 342 Te Orangatira Pera Aorangi 3g 3c .. Te Wehe Pera. 343 55 Tahitiki C 344 Rangiteihinga Ngarauerua 1 Te Wehi Rameka. 345 „ 4 .. 346 55 ,, Ake Riihi (Act Leases) 5 5 347 Stead me (and) Prichard Tekiona (Section) 26, Poraka (Block) XI, Mimi Wene Henare Tarata (Wini). 348 M. R. Jones . . Mokoia, 1892 Ake riihi (Act leases) Whero Hohua. 349 Thomas Arthur de Thierry Paora Aneti William Hillman. 350 William Walden Hapotiki 3952 . . William Walden. 351 M. R. Jones .. Oeo Wire Haumia. 352 Ngaone Hudson Patuha VII/168-1 me (and) 5 Wiremu te Pere.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 13, 7 April 1927, Page 148

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 13, 7 April 1927, Page 148

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 13, 7 April 1927, Page 148