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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications for Partition.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Nama. Kai-tono. Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (No.) (Applicant.) (Name of Land.) 1 Mita Wepiha ma (and others) Kirikiri Pawhaoa B 2. 2 Harata Pohe Matarau 1. 3 ,, 3c. Mimitu Ruarei 4. 4 Kaitu Hemara ma (and others) 5 Matewai Poa ,, 10k 3b. 6 Kaka Porowini Motatau 1b 4b 3. 7 Mau Mangu te Morena ma (and others) ,, 1b 5b 1a. 8 Bae Honetana ,, 1e 1c. 9 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 2, toenga Tekiona (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65. 10 Tiari Ranga 11 Riki Reihana Motatau 2, Tekiona (Section) 23a 1. 12 Teupoki Mutu Wiki „ 2, „ 41. 13 Haki Pohe Ngararatunua 2b 2b. 14 Te Paea Keretene .. „ 2 b 5a 2. 15 Hare Maki Oriwa 1b 2. 16 Ponahia te Wana .. Otaika 4c Rawhiti (East). 17 Morore Kaupeka Piripi Otetao B 2. 18 Haroka Rutene Ruapekapeka 4a. 19 Tamati Mokaraka .. Whangaruru-Whakaturia Id 7b. 20 Kataraina Peka Whatitiri If 3b. * ... _ __ 2

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa 0 te Whenua (Name of Land.) Te Ahua 0 te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 21 Hone Mahanga Horahora 2b 2a me (and) Kia whakakorea nga ota weheCancellation of partition 22 Pouaka Wehiwehi B Tawhiti Rahi ara (or) wehe i raro i tekiona 121 0 te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909 Whakawa take paanga under section 121 of the Native Land Act, 1909. Investigation of title. 90 f Riki Reihana Poor Knight’s Island Motatau 1b 2e Whakawhiti Exchange. \Tiari Ranga .. Motatau 2b, toenga TeJ J • • * * CMikaera Rini ma (and kiona (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Motatau 2, Tekiona (Sec24 J others) | Niko Toone ma (and tion) 52 Motatau 2, Tekiona (Secothers) f Ani Petimana tion) 54 Takahiwai 7b. . zo \Hariata Petimana Maungakaramea 2b 5 .. 5 ? * * * * 26 Pera Heemi Motatau 2. Tekiona (SecKia whakatakotoria he rori i To lay off a road over 27 Whangarei Kauti Kaunition) 64a runga i Motatau 2, Tekiona 61 me 63 Kia whakatakotoria he rori i Motatau 2, Sections 61 and 63. To lay off a road over 28 hera (County Council) Parimata Mokau 2, wahi runga i Whakapae 2b Raki 1 me 2 Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheiWhakapae 2b North 1 and 2. Assessment of compensa29 Tumuaki Kai - whakawa (part) Rota (Lot) 6, D.P. 7246 Motukino Motu (Island) hana mo te whenua i tango hia hei rori Tono i raro i tekiona 34 0 te Ture tion for land taken for a road. Application under section (Chief Judge) Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1925, kia uiuia kia ripotatia te Pitihana Nama 175 of te Tau 1924, mo Motukino Motu 34 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1925, for inquiry and report in re Petition No. 175 of 1924 in re Motukino Island.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 30 Tumuaki Kai - whakawa Tawhitirahi ara (or) PoTono i raro i tekiona 35 o te Ture Application under section (Chief Judge) naiti Island (Poor Knight’s) Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua. Maori, 1926, kia uiuia kia ripotatia te Pitihana Nama 167 o te Tau 1925, mo Tawhitirahi ara Ponaiti Motu 35 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1926, for inquiry and report in re Petition No. 167 of 1925, in re Tawhitirahi or Ponaiti Island. 31 Janies Cross .. • • Tono kia whakakahoretia te whakamananga o tetahi waahi o te wira o Manira Whatarau, kua mate Application for partial renouncement of probate re Manira Whatarau, deceased. 32 M. Heta • • Tono ia Ruwhiu Piri Maakii, hei tamaiti whangai Application for adoption of Ruwhiu Piri Maakii. 33 Hone Manga me (and) Mere Hone Manga • • Tono ia Wiremu Hone Roberts, hei tamaiti whangai Application for adoption of Wiremu Hone Roberts. 34 Kaka Porowini Tono i raro i tekiona 12 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1922, mo Te Wera, kua mate, me tetahi mere pounamu kei a Wiremu Ngawati, o Otiria, e pupuru ana i naianei Application under section 12 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922, re Te Wera, deceased, and a greenstone mere at present in possession of Wiremu Ngawati, of Otiria. 35 Kai-tiaki mo te Katoa (Public Trustee) • • Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Mariette King, kua mate Probate of the will of Mariette King, deceased. 36 Kini Mangu Kake Horahora 2b 2a Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki hou mo Kiri Mangu Kake, Te Huri Wai Kake, Pirini Kake, Whare Kake, Heni Kake, me Hori Kake Appointment of trustee for Kiri Mangu Kake, Te Huri Wai Kake, Pirini Kake, Whare Kake, Heni Kake, and Hori Kake. 37 Hami Maioha .. Oteaka C Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki hou mo Te Waitai Pita, Oriwa Hamupere Pita, Hami Sangfroid Pita, me Roera Pirinihi Aperira Pita Appointment of trustee for Te Waitai Pita, Oriwa Hamupere Pita, Hami Sangfroid Pita, and Roera Pirinihi Aperira Pita.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 38 Pene Komene Parahaki 5 Te Apu Pene. 39 Heke te Rangi Mimitu Ruarei 2 Enoka Wi Mateara. 40 •• • • • • „ 21b Erana Ranga. 41 Herewini Pera Kiakou 3, Rota (Lots) 13b me (and) 14 42 Rangi Hone Papita te Awa Onewhero B Hamuera te Awa. 43 Moehau Nahi Puatahi 3c Hapinuia Eriepa. 44 Hana Paengatai Oakura F 4 Hirini Tamihana. 45 Ramaroa B 46 Waata Werihi Paerata 2 Hohepa te Koni. 47 Morore Kaupeka Piripiri ma (and Kirikiri-Pawhaoa A3 Hohepa Watene, ara (alias) Patu. others) 48 a a Otetao Bl 49 Parimata-Mokau 1 99 50 Punaruku 2 99 51 Ramaroa G 52 M. Heta Whangaruru-Whakaturia 2b 1 Hone Heta. 53 ,, • a . . • a 4a 3 .. 54 Hoani Tautahi Pita ma (and Oakura D 2 Hone Tautahi Pita. others) 55 Ritihia Hori Hau Oteaka A Hone Wairemana Heta. 56 Hami Maioha Otara 2 Hori Ngere. 57 Hare Pura Kirikiri-Pawhaoa A3 Hori Taiaki, ara (alias) Hori Kaihe, ara (alias) Hori Tuini. 58 a • a a . . Ngaiotonga 1b 2, 1b 3 me (and) 2b 2 99 59 aa a a a a a a Ohawini A 99 60 aa aa a a a a „ Cl 99 61 Poike A 99 62 >> * * * * * * Waikokopu 2 .. 99 63 99 a a Whangaroa-Ngaiotonga 4a 9 99 64 aa aa aa a a Whangaruru Whakaturia Id 3 99 65 „ 2b 1 .. Horotai Pakoraka. 66 M. Heta Pakikaikutu 2c . . 67 Mutu Wiki Kaikou 3 Rota (Lot) 20 .. Huria Mutu.

Nama. (No.) 1 Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 68 Keita Hone Tupari Opanake 1a 4 . . Trihapeti Mohi. 69 Parani .Nauriri Kaikou 2h Te Kahui Whakatau. 70 Wiremu Hoori Parimata Mokau 1 Kereama Hoori. 71 Harata Pohe .. Poike A Kereama Taui. 72 Harata Pohe . . Punaruku 73 Kaurinui 3b 2 . . Kereama Tauwi. 74 Pita Kerepeti Pukahakaha. Rawhiti (East) 1a Kerepiti te Peke. 75 Keha. Wikamo Mimitu-Ruarei 2 Neri Waho Mate. < 76 Hami Maioha Whangaruru-Whahaturia Id 9 Ngapera Taiawa. 77 1d9 .. Ngawhare Taiawa. 78 Arapera-Keepa Te Kawau 2 Parenga Hoete. 79 Rahii-ahi Mahanga Horahora 2b 8 . . Patara Riria, ara [alias') Patara When ua. 80 99 • • • • Whakapae 2b Raki (North) 2 Patara Whenua. 81 Heni Kingi Maungapohatu Raki (North) Pera te Taka. 82 Pipiwai 2h 17a . . a a 83 Whatitiri 1e 1 .. 84 „ 13z 6b 9 9 85 Mita Wepiha .. Whangaruru-Whakaturia In 2 Peti Hau. 86 W. E. Goffe .. Puketap u Piri Paraone Taraia. 87 Hami Maioha Oteaka C Pita Piru. 88 R-aumanga Manihera .. Ngararatunua 2b 9a 2 Puapua Raumanga. 89 Huihana Rakuera Topia Opanake 1, Poraka (Block) 3046 1c 2c Rakuera Topia. 90 Herewini Pera Kaikou 4 Ranga Herewini. 91 W. E. Goffe .. Waikare 14b 2 . . Remo Wetere. 92 Ema Hui Poa Maunu 1e 3 Raki (North) 4 Te Rina Hau. 93 Mihiterina Hetaraka . . Oakura F 2 Ripeka Rameka. 94 Otetao B 3 95 Parimata Mokau 1 96 Punaruku 2 97 Hami Maioha .. Oteaka C Ritihia Kauwhata. 98 Kaka Porowini Manaakowhara B 5a 1 Rui Toeke. 99 Keita Hone Tupari Aoroa 4d Taone te Kahi Tupari. 100 Kaka Porowini Motatau 2, toenaa Tekiona (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Tareta Matiu. 101 Te Ahua Tia . . Kaikou 9, Rota (Lot) 4c 2 Tia Toeke. 102 ,, 3 ,, 33b 2 99 103 ,, . • . . • . „ 4 104 Itikai Hone Kopa „ B 1 Wa Hoterene. 105 .. . . • • „ B 5 « • 106 Waa Waa Hoterene ,, 3 Rota (Lot) 8a .. • • 107 Motatau 3f 1 108 Omanene 3 109 Kewa Waa Pipiwai 2h 17a . . 99 110 Herewini Pera Kaikou 3, Rota (Lots) 13b me (and 14 Wahangu Ranga. 111 Tuahia Rewi . . Kaikou 4 Whitiao Hori. 112 Puhi Tia Mangakowhara Al Wiremu Tia. 113 Heni Hau Mete me (and) Whare Wiri Mete Paerata 1 Whare Kiri.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 51, 16 December 1926, Page 605

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KUPU APITI. (SCHEDULE.) Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 51, 16 December 1926, Page 605

KUPU APITI. (SCHEDULE.) Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 51, 16 December 1926, Page 605