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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications for Partitions.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications — continued.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nqa Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications eor Succession— continued.')

£ono kia Whakatuturutia nga Tukunga Whenua. (Applications for Confirmation of Alienations — continued.)

Nama. <No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1192 Hopihona te Putuangaanga Kaokaoroa 3. 1193 Wiki Pokaihau Kawaha 5n 3f 1194 Te More Takuira . . Otaramarae. 1195 Hurae Ngatote Owhatiura 2b 1. 1196 Ranga whenua Kerei 1197 Hare te Ur j te Ao Parawai 1b. 1198 Harata Himi „ 2a 1. Rotohokahoka D Tonga (South) 15. 1199 Te Perehitini o te Poari Whenua Maori o te Takiwa o Waiariki (President of the Waiariki District Maori Land Board) 1200 Titihiua Nepia Rotomahana-Parekarangi 1c. 1201 Te Whetu Werohia „ 6a 2/4b 1b. Taheke Papakainga 15. 1202 Turehu te Pere 1203 Tipapa te Ara Waiteti 2a 1b If.

1 Xaiua. | (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 1204 Iki Pouwhare .. Matahina C 1b Kia kimihia te nui o te paanga o ia tangata o ia tangata Determination of relative interests. 1205 Ngamako te Rangikauwhiria ma (and another) Whakapoungakau 13b me (and) 15b Kia whakatikatikaina nga rohe.. Amendment of boundaries. 1206 Te Minita Maori (Native Minister) Puke tawhero A 1/24, A 1/25, A 1/26, me (and) A 1/37 Kia whakahokia ano te mana mo tenei whenua ki nga Maori Revesting land in the Natives. 1207 Tumuaki Kai-whakawa (Chief Judge) Waione 1b me (and) Hau min gi Tono ki te Kooti kia uiuia te rohe i waenganui i enei poraka To inquire into the boundaries of the blocks. 1208 M a r a m e n a Arahianui Renati Tono i a Akuhata Amohau hei tamaiti whangai mana Adoption of Akuhata Amohau. 1209 H. Tai Mitchell Tono pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Maraki Wahanui Probate of will of Maraki Wahanui. 1210 Henare Arapeta Tono pukapuka whakamana kaiwhakahaere mo nga taonga a Mahewai Komia Letters of administration in re Mahewai Komia. 1211 W. A. Carter . . Tono kia whakawhiwhia a Peata Pohe Hona ki tetahi, ki etahi ranei, o nga paanga whenua, taonga hoki o Paretoka To appoint to Peata Pohe Hona an interest in the real and personal estate of Paretoka. 1212 Pikake Whirin aki 1/2k Kia uiuia kia whakataua hoki nga tangata te tangata ranei, e tika ana, ki te whare runanga i Rangitahi-Murupara To inquire and determine the person or persons entitled to the meetinghouse at Rangitahi-Mu-rupara. 1213 Te Teme Tukaki Hairini 1b 1, 3c, 5 b, me (and) 4 Kia whakakorea nga ota whakatu kai-riiwhi ki a Tatare Wirihake Cancellation of succession orders to Tatare Wirihake. 1214 Rire Whititera me (and) Haukiwaho Piwiki Rotohokahoka F 1 me (and) 2 Kia whakakorea nga ota wawahi Cancellation of partition orders. 1215 Tamara Naera Whaiti-Kuranui 2e 2 Rato (West) 2d 5, 2e 2 Rato (West) 3d, 2e 2 Rato (West) 4d 2 Kia whakaputaina he ota whakahau i te Kai-tiaki Maori ki utua nga moni ma Hare Hatete Applying for an order directing the Native Trustee to pay out money belonging to Hare Hatete. 1216 Matuha Enoha Wharenui A . . Kai-tiaki hou mo Te Paki Henare New trustee for Te Paki Henare. 1217 Te Remana Wiremu Okere 1c 1 Kai-tiaki hou mo Pateriki Eria, Remana Eria, me (and) Ani Eria New trustee for Pateriki Eria, Remana Eria, and Ani Eria. 1218 W. H. Tumene „ 1A <» •> 1219 Owhata 2h Kai-tiaki mo Wiremu te Hira Wiringi £ s. d. Trustee for Wiremu te Hira Wiringi. 1220 Te Tumuaki Kai - ruuri, Akarana (Chief Surveyor, Auckland) Hingarae Moni ruuri . . 3 19 1 Survey costs.

— Naina. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) £ s. d. 1221 Te Tumuaki Kai-ruuri, Kaitao-RotohokahokalL2A „ Il 2h „ Il 2b „ Il 2c Moni ruuri 5 3 6 Survey costs. Akarana (Chief Sur--< veyor, Auckland) 55 55 2 4 10 15 6 10 55 1222 5? Mangakaretu 1a 1 ,, 1a 2a 55 5 9 16 7 6 0 55 I „ 1a 2b 55 15 4 7 1223 Okataina A .. 55 7 3 6 Okere 1c 3a . . 7 7 0 1224 55 „ 1c 3b .. 55 8 10 0 ,, 1c 3c .. 55 8 11 4 1225 55 „ 1c 3d .. • • 2 2 0 Parawai 2a 3b 4a a a 2 0 6 1226 55 -= „ 2a 3b 4b „ 2o 1A 55 3 2 12 2 6 6 55 „ 2o 1b 5 5 3 15 6 5? Puketawhero A 1/24 .. 5 5 0 10 6 „ Al/25, 26, 27 55 0 10 6 55 1227 55 „ A 1/37 55 0 10 6 • • „ A 1 /38, 39 .. 5 j 0 10 6 • • 1228 Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7b 1 a a 37 2 0 55 i „ 7b 2 a a 40 2 2 1229 Rotohokahoka D Tonga 0 10 6 • r (South) 9a Rotomahana-Parekarangi 73 12 0 55 6a 2/3b 1a „ 6a 2/3b 1b 39 5 0 55 „ 6a 2 /3b 2 y 64 4 9 55 1230 55 •< „ 6a 2/3b 3a tt 26 7 3 ?? „ 6a 2/3b 3b 9) 26 4 11 5 5 „ 6a 2/3b 4 55 51 8 1 .. „ 6a 2/3b 5a 55 60 3 2 55 ,, 6a 2/3b 5b 55 26 6 2 1231 55 Utuhina 3b 1 „ 3f 2 55 55 3 3 0 6 6 55 55 Waerenga Rato (West) B 1 55 33 14 8 5 5 „ B 2 ?? 32 13 8 55 1232 55 B3 aa 44 13 8 „ B4 ?? 35 7 0 55 I r „ B5 Waione B 55 55 32 9 4 1 9 0 55 1233 55 „ C aa 61 7 0 55 „ 1b .. 55 15 0 1234 55 J Waipapa 1a . . „ 1B .. 55 11 10 18 2 6 11 55 55 „ Ic . . Waitangi 1 . . ,, 2 .. Waitaruna 2a „ 2b Rotomahana-Parekarangi 5 14 6 55 1235 5’ ( I 26 28 14 17 6 6 55 1236 55 55 55 3 4 10 17 6 6 55 1237 55 Kia whakatakotoria he rori To lay off a road. 55 1238 55 6a 2/4 b me (and) 5b Waotu Tonga (South) A 2/1, A 1/2, C 3, C 4, 10a, 9a, me (and) 9b 55 1239 Haki Tamati .. Matata 39a He tono i raro i tekiona 48 o te Application under section Ture Whakariterite Kereeme 48 of the Native Land Whenua Whakatikatika Ture Amendment and Native Whenua Maori, 1922 kia uii ia Land Claims Adjuste te Kooti kowai ma nga ment Act, 1922, to intangata e tika ana kia urn ki quire and determine tenei whenua who, if any, are the persons entitled beneficially thereto. 1240 Ratu Renata . . „ 39a .. Kia uiuia (1) mehemea ko nga To inquire (1) whether tangata kei roto i te poraka i nominal owners are trushe kai - tiaki; (2) mehemea tees ; (2) if trustees ka kitea he kai - tiaki ratou, who, if any, are the perkia uiuia ko wai ma nga tangata e ahei ana kia whakaurua sons beneficially entitled. ki te taitara.

Nam a. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua, (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 1241 Kiri te Amopiu Waotu Tonga (South) C 6d Te Amopiu Kauia. 1242 55 . . • • . • Whaiti-Kuranui 1b Y 2b 1243 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b .. Anaru Heretaunga. 1244 „ 5208b .. Aperahama te Ihuwaka. 1245 ?? • • • • „ 5208b .. Aroria te Hawa.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 1246 Ruihi te Awekotuku Whakapoungakau 10 Atareta te Ahooterangi. 1247 „ 5b 9 9 1248 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Te Ati te Kuka. 1249 W. K. Wihapi .. Pukaingataru B 2b 4 Ema Wihapi. 1250 Karangi A 2 5? 1251 Pokohu C 2 . . 99 1252 ?? . . . • a a • • Pukaingataru B 7b >, 1253 a. . . . . . . . • „ B 2b 4 99 1254 Tumu-Kaituna 8b 1 .. 99 1255 Owhatiura Tonga (South) 5 1256 W. K. Wihapi .. Pukeroa Oruawhata . . Ema Wihapi. 1257 Mereana Perepe Rotohokahoka D Raki (North) 4 Eru te Wawau. 1258 Te Haimona Manuariki .. Matahina A Id Ewa Haimona. 1259 Mereana Perepe Rotohokahoka D Raki (North) 4 Ewa Perepe. 1260 Hariroa Aperahama Tahorakuri 5f 3 Hamahana Heretaunga. 1261 Te Remana Wiremu Taheke Papakainga 8b Hanahira Wiremu. 1262 Rauparaha Mataia Rotoiti 5b . . Haora Matene. 1263 Taikehu Utiku . . Okataina 9 . . Hare Paora. 1264 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Hariata Kareanui. 1265 Ponaho Ratema Rotoiti 5b . . Te Hatepe Ponaho. 1266 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Te Hauehi Rangiawhia. 1267 Taikehu Utiku . . Okataina 9 . . Hauhore Hare. 1268 Ngapuia te Tupara Rotoiti 5b . . Flemi te Tupara Tokoaitua. 1269 Reihana Henare Owhata 2a . . Henare Eruana. 1270 W. H. Tumene .. Omarukotuku Hepete Maihi. 1271 Hona Katene Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7c Himiona Aneta. 1272 Waione C 99 1273 Haroia MacFarlane . . . . Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6a 2/4b 2a Hinetuhi Tame. 1274 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Hoani Ngahao. 1275 Hoani Tiopira. 1276 Honeri Waata . . Rangitaiki 39c Hohepa te Wharepu. 1277 Ramari Rangiwhiua Omarukotuku Hohi te Ranginohoora. 1278 Margaret Mahai Pukaingtatru B 9 Hori Taiawhio Mita. 1279 Te Kurapa Temana Matahina A 2 Houpepe te Kahu. 1280 Henare Marino . . Wharenui A Ihaka Marino. 1281 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Ihaka Kahuao. 1282 Ponaho Ratema Rotoiti 5b . . Te Kahuawe Ponaho. 1283 Maunako Ihaka Owahta 4a 2 Karamaene Retireti. 1284 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Kararaina Rangitahuna. 1285 a a a’ ' a a a Te Kauhata Arama Karaka. 1286 a a a a Kereopa Matahuna. 1287 Rangitetaia Kokiri Whaiti Kuranui 5d . . Te Kira Pupuha. 1288 Harold MacFarlane Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208c 4b Maria Tame. 1289 W. H. Tumene Omarukotuku Maihi te Hira Taiki. 1290 Pera Wikiriwhi Waerenga Rawhiti (East) 2b . . Matataia Wikiriwhi. 1291 Arama Karaka Hutuha .. Owhatiura 2b 4b 2c 3 b Mere Arama Karaka. 1292 Tawio Piripi Rakena Paengaroa Raki (North) A 1/3 Mere te Heipounamu. 1293 „ A 1/2 1294 aa Paratehoata & Mere Rakena. 1295 Te Kurapa Temana Matahina A Id Mere Wakapa. 1296 99 „ A Id 99 1297 99 „ A 2 • • 1298 99 a a a a „ A 2 99 1299 aa ,, A 3b • a 1300 a a a a > > .. „ A 3b 99 1301 Ngarongo Maihi Paengaroa Raki (North) B 10a Mere te Wharekohuru. 1302 „ B 5 .. Otamarakau Rahui (Reserve) 1 a a 1303 Wi Whaitiri Mereana. 1304 aa Tautara 1305 99 a a a a .... Paengaroa Tonga (South) 1 99 1306 99 Rotoma 1 a a 1307 99 • • a a aa a a Rotoiti 5b . . aa 1308 „ 6 me (and) 7c 99 1309 Rangitoheriri te Miri Utanga 1a . . Te Miri Rangitoheriri. 1310 Haumaha Waitoa Okoheriki 2d 2 Moa Ngapapa. 1311 Claude Anaru . . Maraehako . . Mori Hei. 1312 Titihuia Nepia . . Owhata 4a 2 Nepia te Rau. 1313 W. E. Goffe Tihoi 4c 2c 2 Ngahianga te Tono. 1314 Wi Whaitiri Otamarakau Rahin (Reserve) 1 Ngahirata. 1315 99 . Tautara 1316 99 Paengaroa Tonga (South) 1 99 1317 99 a a a a Rotoma 1 aa 1318 99 •• a a a a a a Rotoiti 5b . . 1319 Ataraita Kotuku Pukaingataru B 16 Ngahirata Himi. 1320 99 Tekiona 1/4 me (and) Tekiona l/7c 2, Waihi Tonga T.R. (South S.D.) Ngahirata Ngahina. 1321 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Ngahoa te Tamakitua. 1322 Haumaha Waitoa Okoheriki 2d 2 Ngahoro Waitoa. 1323 Te Teira Irihei . . Kokako Ngahuia Korouaputa. 1324 99 Ngakeehi Korouaputa 1325 99 Whaiti-Kuranui 6a 2e 1 aa 1326 99 la a. a. a a Te Whetu 3b 4 Ngapepa Tau. 1327 Maumako Ihaka Owhata 4a 2 1328 99 • a • • a a Tihiotonga C 2b 99

a, ma. No.) Kai-tono. *( Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 1329 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Te Oti te Puke. J 330 Edith Francis Howard .. Rangitaiki 60c Piri Waiti. 1331 „ 60d 6 1332 „ 60d 10 Matahina A 3b 99 1333 • • 1334 Wetera te Pupuha ,, A Id Tumu-Kaituna 3 9 9 1335 Pirimona te Hotoke. 1336 Rua Potakataka Okohiriki Id 6b Parahi te Warn. 1337 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Parehaere te Kaha. 1338 Te Teira Irihu . . Okoroire 457n Parehuia Karanama. 1339 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Pera Merita. 1340 99 Pero Hamutini. 1341 Kahn Matene Matahina A Id Peti Kahu. 1342 Hampson me(and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Petuere Ngahupa. 1343 Heni Pore Whakapoungakau 13b Te Pirihi Awheawhe. 1344 Rahi Pirika Paengaroa Raki (North) D 1a Pirika Henare. 1345 Dorrington me (and) Goldsman Tihoi 3b 3 . . Piwa te Tomo. 1346 «« • • • • „ 3b 8b 2b 1347 „ 4c 2b .. 1348 ,, 4c 2c 2 1349 W. E. Goffe „ 4c 2c 2 Piwiki te Waiharo. 1350 Hampson me(and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . 1351 Te Tawhiti Wiremu Whaiti-Kuranui 2d 2 Pokere Perenara. 1352 Raharuhi Pururu Matahina A Id Pua Raharuhi. 1353 Whiti Kowhai . . Omarukotuku Pungawaka Tamati. 1354 Te Pupuha Hare Taha .. Kaimai 2g . . Rangiamohia Hireme. 1355 • • Whaiti-Kuranui 5d • • 1356 Rauparaha Mataia Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7c Raimapaha te Tarn. 1357 „ 5b . . Taumata 2 b 99 1358 Whakane Matehaere Raiwhara Punga. 1359 . « ** • • •• Hairini 2c . . • • 1360 Moukunui B. . 1361 .. . . . . Weraroa 1 • • 1362 Te Tarn Rapana Rotoiti 5b . . Rakapa te Tira. 1363 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Rakura te Toroa. 1364 • • „ 5208b .. Puke tawhero B 7b Ramari Rangiwhiua. 1365 Ngaroma Steele Rangihuhia te Pukatua. 1366 Ramari Rangiwhiua Omarukotuku Ranginohoora te Ringituauriuri. 1367 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Rangiura Hemi. 1368 Ruihi te Awekotuku Whakapoungakau 5b Ratema te Awekotuku. 1369 „ 13b Okataina 9 . . Raukopakopa Utiku. 1370 Taikehu Utiku .. 1371 Ruihi te Awekotuku Whakapoungakau 5b Te Rina Wikiriwhi. 1372 Hiwaroa Manahi Owhata 4a 2 Rotorua Hororiri. 1373 Ngaroma Steele Puta-o-Tongara I Ru Moihi. 1374 Ruihi te Awekotuku Kawaha 6 Ru Mohi Henare. 1375 Whakapoungakau 5b Ruihi Hoani Ngamu. 1376 Mereana Perepe Rotohokahoka D Raki (North) A Ruta Perepe. 1377 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Taiaia Marangai. 1378 Poroa Whakatana Waiteti 2/2a 2a Tamahika te Rohoatua. 1379 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Tamati Matewai. 1380 Te Arawhata Tari Wharenui B Tamihana Korokai. 1381 Haimona Manuariki Matahina A In Tarapuhi Haimona. 1382 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Timihua Tere. 1383 Ruihi te Awekotuku Whakapoungakau 5b Tirita Katema. 1384 Tamai Taiawhio Okeheriki 2c 4c 4a Tohikuri Tata. 1385 Te Mapihi Tu te Hira .. Rotoma Tnwhakaoroahu te Hira. 1386 Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7c 9 9 1387 .. Tautara .. 1388 Taikehu Utiku . . Okataina 9 . . Utiku Paora. 1389 Wi te Atuaherangi Okoheriki 2c 4c 4a Waha Kauri. 1390 Te Kurapa Temana Matahina A 2 Wakata. 1391 .. „ A Id 1392 .... „ A 3b Wakata Raukura. 1393 99 • • • • • • „ A Id Wati te Mana. 1394 99 • • „ A 2 1395 99 . . • . • • „ A 3b 1396 Wi Whaitiri Paengaroa Tonga (South) 1 Waikohari. 1397 99 • • Otamarakau Rahui (Reserve) 1 1398 Tamihana Wereta Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7c 99 1399 Pukitotara 334-335, Wahanga (Sub.) 5b 1b 2 Te Wehe te Pere, ara (alias) Te Tui 1400 Huirua Takapu-o-Tukumara 2 Wenarata Pirimi. 1401 Rauparaha Mataia Haumingi 12 Te Werapoura Metera. 1402 Taikehu Utiku . . Okataina Wetini Hare. 1403 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Whakatau Paneta. 1404 Mita Karaka Okoheriki 2c 4c 4b . . Whareturere Warena. 1405 W. K. Wihapi .. Pukaingataru B 3/1b Ib Wihapi te Koata. 1406 99 „ B 2b 4 99 1407 Tokohu C 2 . . 1408 Karangi A 2 99 1409 Margaret Makai Matahina A 3b Wikiriwhi te Kira Mita. 1410 Hampson me (and) Davys Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b . . Wiremu Honeri.

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Bibliographic details

Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 44, 25 October 1923, Page 482

Word Count

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 44, 25 October 1923, Page 482

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 44, 25 October 1923, Page 482