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(SCHEDULE.) Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications fob Partitions.)

Tono Whakawa Wehewehe.

(Applications for Partitions— continued.)

Era atu Tono, (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono.

(Other Applications— continued.)

Era atu Tono.

(Otheb Applications— continued.)

Era atu Tono.

(Other Applications— continued.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

lono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua.

(Applications for Succession— continued.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whbnua. (Applications for Succession— continued.).

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1 Tutai te Wakatomo Awaroa A 3 b 2 b. 2 Hohipera Tuawaerenga Hauturu Rato (West) 2b 4. 3 Muraahi Nikete Kahuwera B 2 b 7 a. 4 Hemoata Meri Kakepuku 2c 5c 3. 5 Ngakume Kaimaha Te Karuote whenua B 2b 6. 6 G. Churcher Karuotewhenua B 2b 6. Niko Mauritu Kinohaku Rawhiti (East) If 29c. 8 H. T. Amon ,, 2, Tekiona (Section) 28b 15. 9 Bore Hone ,, 4b 3b 2b. 10 J M. Forbes Kinohaku Rato (West) 1a 1b 1. 11 Tahi Hikoia „ 1A IB 1. 12 Makareti Tiwini ,, E 1e. 13 M. St.G. King „ H 2a. 14 Hine, Howarth, Vernon ,, L 2b 2c. 15 J. P. Wells, R. Ormsby Te Kuiti, Rota (Lot) 4, Poraka (Block) VI. 16 Farmers’ Co-operative Auctioneering Company Te Kuiti, Rota (Lots) 3, 4, 17, 18, Poraka (Block) IV. . 17 Mat-ana Pehira Mahoenui 3 b 3. 18 Neke Meremana . . Mangaawakino 8a 2b. 19 Patara Taera Ohura Tonga (South) A 3e 2c 3b 3c 2c 2b 1. 20 W. E. Langford ,, G 4d. 21 Piripi Maeke ,, K 2, Tekiona (Section) 2b Ib. 22 E. te Tana Stewart ,, K 1, Tekiona (Section) 2c 1. 23 Atutahi Temarae . . ,, N 2e 3a 2. 24 Hikaka Ngatai Ruihi Otorohanga A 2. 25 Thomas Turner „ A 2. 26 Kate O’Brien K. 27 Te Whango te Oi . . „ L 2 a. Ohura Tonga (South) N 2e 3g 1. 28 29 Hori Tana Ouruwhero 3m 2. 30 H. Smith Pakarikari 2,a. 31 Nattalea Gibbs Pehitawa 2 b 5e. 32 Wharemahihi Hotit Pukeroa-Hangatiki 4d 2d 8. 33 H. Rothery ,, 4d 2 k 3. Puketiti 5 b. 34 Mangu Maata 35 E. P. Earle Rangitoto A 21a 2 b. 36 Rawiri Heneri Rangitoto-Tuhua 35e. 37 Frederick Charles Bass „ 36a 1b 2. 38 Parr, Blomneld, Alexander ,, 60a 3b 5c. 39 T. T. Watt „ 61.7 3. 40 Ngaparaki Hohepa „ 67b 4. 41 Ngahiwi te Wakatoroa ,, 68i 2a 2b.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Name of Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 42 Koea te Omeka Rangitoto-Tuhua 76a 3. 43 R. E. Bennett ,, 76a 9. 44 Te Hika Poutama . . ,, 76b 1. 45 Tame Erihi „ 76b 1. 46 W. R. Pass „ 77e 3c. 3. 47 Ngatokowha Terangi Tuatea .. ,, 77f 1a 2. 48 Maata Tuao Taumarunui, Poraka (Block) XIVa, Tekiona (Section) 1. 49 Hinaki Ropiha ,, XIX, Tekiona (Section) 15. 50 Wairua Heni Ngapera ma (and others) „ XIX. 51 ,, XIVa, Rahui (Reserve). 52 Taumata Poihipi .. ,, XIX, Tekiona (Section) 15. 53 Raureti te Huia Tokonui In 2a 2. 54 Holloway, MacKenzie Umukaimata 3b 2a. 55 Taongahina Kiri . . Wharepuhunga 9a 1b.

Naina. I (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. j (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tone. (Nature of Application.) 1 56 Minita mo te Taha Maori Rangitoto-Tuhua 61J 3 Tono whakawa wehewehe a te Application to define (Native Minister) Karauna Crown’s interest. 57 Tirawahine Tanahira Wharepuhunga 16b .. 9 9 99 58 Kinohaku Rato (West) Kia whakakorea nga ota weheCancellation of partition. T 2f 1 wehe 59 Kinohaku Rato (West) Tono kia whakatikatikaina nga Amendment of boundaries. T 2f 1 2f 2a rohe 60 Te Hore Ngarangi Ohura Tonga (South) 99 99 G 4l 1b 61 W. Eveleigh . . Turoto C 2b 2b 1-4 . . 9 9 99 62 Jessie M. Otto Rangitoto-Tuhua 77b 99 99 4a/b 63 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri (Chief Wharepuhunga 16a/b >9 Surveyor) Investigation of title. 64 Rauputu Tumukemoke Tekiona (Section) 10, Take Paanga . . Poraka (Block) I, Awakinu S.D. (Mangco) To lay off a road. 65 W. J. Turner .. Kinohaku Rawhiti Kia whakatakotoria lie rori (East) 2b 2 66 Ngamihi te Huia Kinohaku Rawhiti y 9 • • 9 9 (East) 3d 9b 67 Hemoata Miki Erueti Mangawhero (Kawhia) 68 Te Hore Ngarangi Ohura Tonga (South) 99 G 4l Ib 69 H. T. Reynolds Ohura Tonga (South) M 3b 2b 70 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri (Chief Rangitoto A 9 9 * ’ Surveyor) 71 T. Dent ,, A 54 .. 72 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri (Chief Rangitoto-Tuhua 21b 99 99 Surveyor) 2a 2a/b 73 P. Beard Rangitoto-Tuhua 21b 99 * * 99 2b 1 me 4 74 David Morgan Rangitoto-Tuhua 33c 99 ’ ’ 99 3b 4 75 J. M. Otto Rangitoto-Tuhua 77e 99 ’ ’ 99 4 a 76 Robert Gordon Rangitoto A 66b 1 . . 99 >9 77 A. G. Dent . . Taumatatotara If 99 78 N. M. Lethbridge Wharepuhunga 9a 1a 99 • 99 me (and) 5d 79 JTe One Haereiti Awaroa B 48 b 1 (Iringarangi te Pou Taharoa B 1b 2, Hauturu Rawhiti (East) >Tono whakawhiti .. Exchange. 1e 5c 2a 2b 2b f Rore Hone . . Kinohaku Rawhiti SO (East) If 14 Manihera Hone Te Kuiti,Poraka (Block) 9, Rota (Lot) 8 | Tamakaitoa te Awhitu . . Ohura Tonga (South) M 3b 2b 81 He mi te Waihanea Ohura Tonga (South) | G 3c, Tekiona (Sec- ■ I tion) 2 82 Pee Paretekorae Rangitoto A 46b 1 .. Miki Paretekorae Puketapu 83 Te Whareaitu Katarina . . Rangitoto-Tuhua 55b 1a Pareuwera Katarina Ohura Tonga (South) >: M 2d 3

1 Naina. (No.) Kai-touo. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) f Mild Paretekorae Rangitoto-Tuhua 68f 1 84 S Amohae're Rangitahi 1 a Rangitoto-Tuhua 77e , J>Tono whakawhiti . . Exchange. L 2c 2 85 Kai rehita (Registrar) Pokuru .. .. Kia whakataua te tangata nona To determine identitv of nei te ingoa o Tere Keeti i roto Tere Keeti in the said i taua whenua land. 86 Te Tumuaki Kai-whakawa Kinohaku Rawhiti(East) E tono ana- kia whakawakia houPraying for an inquiry re (the Chief Judge) 2, Tekiona (Section) 9 tia te whakaturanga kai-riiwhi succession to interests of mo te paanga o Tarahuia NaTarahuia Nahona, dehona, kua mate ceased. 87 J Waeroa Matena .. . Rangitoto-Tuhua 66a Tono kia whakaturia kia rua nga Application for the ap-kai-riiwhi mo te tuunga o pointment of two memHuia Kingi, kua mate, i roto bers of Committee of i te Komiti Whakahaere Management in place of deceased member (Huia Kingi). 88 i Tukua Parauri Pehitawa 2b 5b Kia whakatikatikaina te ota i To amend order date mahia i te 20 o Mei, 1920, i 20th Mav, 1920, apwhakaturia ai nga kai-riiwhi pointing successors to ki a Hema Rangihauata, kua Hema Rangihauata, de- ....... ....... mate ceased. 89 Te Aotonga to Ika Wharepuhunga 14b 5 Kia whakatikatikaina te ota i To amend order dated ■ mahia i te 30 o Maehe, 1915, 30th March, 1915, api whakaturia ai nga kai-riiwhi pointing successors to ki a Te Ika Maupoko, kua mate Te Ika Maupoko, deceased. 90 Meri Kahukawhena Tono pukapuka whakamana i te Probate of will of William wira a William Coffin, ara Wiri Warihi Coffin, alias Wiri Warihi 91 Te Aohau Wereta Tono pukapuka whakamana kaiLetters of administration whakahaere mo nga taonga a Hiniri Marumaru in re Hiniri Marumaru. 92 Henare Hoii Mangere Tono pukapuka whakamana kaiLetters of administration whakahaere mo nga taonga a in re Hoeta Hori MaHoeta Hori Mangere ngere. 93 Ani te Wai Tono pukapuka whakamana kaiLetters of administration whakahaere mo nga taonga a Mere te Wai Ruihi in re Mere te Wai Ruihi. 94 Tame Ngahiwi Tono pukapuka whakamana kaiLetters of administration whakahaere mo nga taonga in re Ngahiwi te Wakaa Ngahiwi te Wakatoroa toroa. 95 Te Aohau Wereta Tono pukapuka whakamana kaiLetters of administration whakahaere mo nga taonga in re Ngaparaki Marua Ngaparaki Marumaru maru. 96 Tame Pukunui Tono pukapuka whakamana kaiLetters of administration whakahaere mo nga taonga a in re Puku te AomaPuku te Aomarama ara Ani liana ram a or Anihana. 97 Tuauru te Waihanea Tono pukapuka whakamana kaiLetters of administration whakahaere mo nga taonga a Tapaka Kataraina in re Tapaka Kataraina. 98 Te Kai-tiaki mo te Katoa Tono pukapuka whakamana kaiLetters of administration (Public Trustee) whakahaere mo nga taonga, in re Thomas Cook or a Thomas Cook ara Tanratahi Cook Tauratahi Cook. 99 Te Minita mo nga Mahi Kakepuku 4d 3, 4, 5.. Tono kia kimihia te utu kapeneAssessment of compensamo te Katoa (Minister of heihana mo te whenua i tangotion for area taken for Public Works) hia hei rori road. 100 Heketari mo nga Whenua Mangapapa B 2, MoTono kia kimihia te utu kapene Assessment of compensa(Secretary of Land) kau-Mohakatino 1c 2 heihana mo te whenua i tangotion for area taken for hia hei rahui pourutu scenic purposes. 101 Te Minita mo nga Mahi Ohura Tonga (South) Tono kia kimihia te utu kapeneAssessment of compensamo te Katoa (Minister of N 2a, N 2c 2, N 2r 2, heihana mo te whenua i tangotion for area taken for Public Works) ■N 2e 3a, N 2e 3g 3, Rota (Lot) 11b hia hei rori road. 102 55 Rangitoto-Tuhua 68r 1 55 103 - 55 Whatitokarua Wahanga Tono kia kimihia te utu kapeneAssessment of compensa(Subdivision) 1, Tekiheihana mo te whenua i tangotion for area taken for ona (Section) 3, Rangihia hei reriwe hei rori railway and road. toto-Tuhua 58 £ s. d. 104 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri (Chief ( Awaroa B 4 8b 1 Moni ruuri . . 11 7 3 Survey costs. Surveyor) ( „ B 4 8b 3 „ .. 24 7 3 55 105 • 55 j Kakepuku 9b 2c 2b 2 „ 2d 2 ..522 „ .. 3 17 7 95 55 r Kinohaku Rawhiti „ ..110 55 106 (East) 1a 3e 2b 1a t „ 1a 3e 2b 1b „ ..110 5* 107 ,, If 25a ,, 3 3 6 5? r „ 3d 6a 1 . . „ .. 5 18 0 a* 108 „ 3d 6a 2 .. „ .. 5 18 0 55 I ,, 3d 6a 3 . . .. 22 11 0 55 f ,, 5e 2b 1 . . 2 18 6 «« 109 J ,, 5e 2b 2 . . ..892 55 . 55 1 „ 5e 2b 3a.. . „ ..350 55 I „ 5e 2b 3b. . .. 9 13 9 55

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) £ s. d. Kinohaku Rato (West) Moni ruuri 12 6 10 Survey costs. E Id 2b 2a 110 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri (Chief 55 E Id 2b 2b 1 99 27 10 8 Surveyor) • • E 1 d 2b 2b 2 25 11 6 55 E Id 2b 2b 3 9 9 16 16 2 55 99 E Id 2b 2b 4 99 35 1 0 f 99 L 2b 2a 99 12 16 0 111 55 1 5 99 L 2b 2b 99 9 1 2 55 I 55 L 2b 2c • • 24 2 2 112 55 • Mangarapa 4 2b 1a 1 55 3 13 9 55 99 4 2b 3a .. • • 10 7 2 55 113 55 9 5 4 2b 3b 1 • • 8 17 6 55 55 4 2b 3b 2 9 9 11 6 0 Mangawhero 3b 4b 2a 3 10 11 • . 3b 4b 2b 99 4 15 10 • 9 114 55 1 55 55 3b 4b 2c 3b 4b 2d 55 55 4 3 3 19 0 9 55 55 3b 4b 2e 3 7 3 Ohura 3b 4b 2f 55 2 18 3 Tonga (South) 55 3 18 5 55 A 3e 2c 1a 115 55 99 A 3e 2c 1b 55 13 11 9 99 99 A 3e 2c 1c 13 18 9 55 99 A 3e 2c Id 26 12 4 55 5 5 C 2 3b 2a 99 8 19 6 55 5> 55 C 2 3b 2b 99 8 19 6 55 117 55 • 99 K 4 2b 3a 1 55 7 5 2 118 57 99 K 4 2b 3a 2 11 12 0 119 5 5 K 4 2b 3a 3 • • 12 13 0 120 5 5 N 2d 2a .. 9 9 7 16 11 121 55 55 N 2d 2b .. - 9 9 6 4 55 122 Orahiri 8b 4 5> 1 1 0 5* 55 8b 6 99 0 10 6 55 Puketarata 4g 2d 2b 55 12 18 11 123 2b 1b 1 1g 2d 2b 2b 1b 2 9 9 20 13 6 5 5 124 55 Rangitoto A 7 55 62 16 1 55 r Rangitoto-Tuhua 2d 1a . • 6 1 3 99 125 55 55 2d 1b . . 55 9 3 3 99 I 99 2d 1c .. • • 12 0 4 9 9 126 ( • • 26f 2c 1 55 18 3 5 ■ • 55 i 9 9 26f 2c 2 99 12 7 0 5 * 127 55 9 9 26f 2d 2 • • 14 0 4 9 9 128 .. 35i 1b 2a • • 21 8 6 5i> 55 9 9 35i1b 2b • • 22 11 1 5 5 9 9 36a 2a 2a 9 9 4 13 9 • 99 36a 2a 2b 99 13 18 4 • 9 99 36a 2a 2c 9 9 26 7 9 55 129 • . 36a 2a 2d < 9 24 2 6 ... 9 9 36a 2a 2e • • 12 12 3 9 9 • . 36a 2a 2f 99 29 11 3 55 55 36a 2a 2g 55 42 17 4 • • • • 36a 2c .. 55 20 10 0 9 • 36b 2 . . • • 23 15 0 130 55 5 5 36b 3b 1 9 9 4 0 0 - 9 99 36b 3b 2 99 16 0 0 .4 99 36b 3d .. 9 9 25 0 0 9 9 i 55 36b 3e .. 9 9 26 5 0 9 9 131 99 52a 1 .. 55 4 17 0 . 9 5> >5 52a 2 9 10 2 55 132 • . 66b 2 . . 1 1 0 133 55 5? 68m 1a . . 55 3 7 0 134 55 68m 1b . . 9 9 6 18 5 55 135 5/ • • 68m 2a . . 9 9 6 18 5 9 . 136 68m 2b 1 .. 6 14 5 • . 137 55 99 68m 2b 2 9 9 6 18 5 99 138 55 9 9 68m 2b 3 55 6 18 5 9 9 r Tahaia B 2o 3a 9 9 8 4 3 99 139 99 2c 3b 55 28 8 9 9 9 55 99 3c 26 2 0 99 I 59 3d 19 12 0 .. f Terengohengohe B . . 55 3 5 3 55 140 55 „ Cl.. 55 3 17 10 99 I „ C2.. 55 9 1 4 55 141 '' 5 5 * Te Tiutiu 2a 6 6 2 9 9 142 5 5 * 55 2b 4 4 0 143 W. Thorp Kaingapipi 7 Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo Trustee for Waitere KaWaite re Karena, ara Waitarere rena, alias Waitarere Haara Haara. 144 Hari Keremeta Kakepuku Id 2a Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo Trustee for Katerina TaKaterina Takirau kirau. 145 W. Thorp Karuotewhenua B 2b Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo Trustee for Waitere Ka7c 1 Waite re Karena rena.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Natu re of Application ) 146 Te Koi Moera. . Ki n o h a ku Rawhiti (East) 2, Tekiona (Section) 11A Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo Pakuware Katu me Maringi Katu Trustee for Pakuwera Katu and Maringi Katu. 147 99 K i n o h a ku Rawhiti (East) 2, Tekiona (Section) 11b 99 99 148 99 • • Kinohaku Rato (West) K 2b 99 99 149 ,, T 2e • • 150 Okeroa te Turi Pukenui 2a 16 Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo Mata te Morehu Trustee for Mata te Morehu. 151 99 * * „ 2v »• ,9 152 Te Koi Moera. . Pukeroa-Hangatiki 4d 2k 3 Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo Pakuwera Katu, Maringi Katu Trustee for Pakuwera Katu and Maringi Katu. 153 Ngahihi Hughes Rangitoto-Tuhua 29c 2c 3 Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo Te Kaparanga Tautapu Trustee for Te Kaparanga Tautapa. 154 Okeroa te Turi Kangitoto-Tuhua 50.. Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo Mata te Morehu Trustee for Mata te Morehu. 155 ,, 53. . 9 9 99 156 99 * * „ 55b 2 99 99 157 «« • • „ 67b4 9 9 99 158 9 9 * * „ 68d 9 9 99 159 99 * * ,, 68f 1a < . 160 99 * * 68l 4 9* 99 161 99 * * „ 68m 2a 99 99 162 99 „ 68m 3 99 99 163 • • • • „ 75b j 5 164 a a • » „ 76b 1 165 ,, 80b 2b 99 166 Hari Keremeta Whakairoiro 5c 2d 2 Kia whakaturia he kai-taiki mo Katerina Takirau Trustee for Katerina Takirau. 167 James Fox Whakapuhanga 9c 1b Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo Herewini Whatate Trustee for Herewini Whatate. 168 99 10 . . 99 99 169 a a • • • • „ 16 .. 99 170 99 • • • ’ „ 17 . . 99 •

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Wfaenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 171 Pareuru Nui Otorohanga H Te Ahiwaka te Taniwha. 172 Tame Pukunui Pukenui 2a 13 Te Aomarama. 173 Tuawaerenga Ngawaka Rangitoto-Tuhua 74b 6g 2i> Te Ata Rangiuia. 174 55 • • * * ,, 76a 6 Te Ata Tuawaerenga. 175 Hohepa Tamaiti ,, 70b 2a Te Atawhai te Aroaro. 176 Te Arihana te Pou . . ,, 76b 3b Ewanga Maori. 177 Poutu Patupatu ,, 76a 8 Hairini Paiariki. 178 Hohepa Tamati Wharepuhunga 14b 11 Hami Raukumara. 179 Kararaina Mihikorama Otorohanga 2c 2b .. Te Haukoraki Mihikorama. 180 Patara Taera Ohura Tonga (South) A 3e 2c 3b 3c 2c 2b 1 Hemanawa Taera. 181 Walter Thorp Kaingapipi 7 Herewini Haara. 182 Karuotewhenua B 2b 7c 2 183 Puketiti 5r> 184 Pukeuha Bl 185 Te Taw ha Rehua Wharepuhunga 6 Heta Rehua. 186 Hira Teaka Rangitoto-Tuhua 68o Te Heuheu te Akau. 187 Pango te Riri Kinohaku Rato (West) 1a 3b . . Te Hihi te Toko. 188 Ngahiwi te Wakatoroa Rangitoto Tuhua 78b 4b Hinurewa Ngahiwi. 189 Taongahuia Kiri Wharepuhunga 9a 1b Hira Kiri. 190 Kararaina Mihikorama Otorohanga, 2c 2b .. Hoeta Mihikorama. 191 Te Nge Hoeta Wharepuhunga 18a 99 192 Kararaina Mihikorama „ 18a 5 5 193 „ 18f 99 191 Te Nge Hoeta „ 14b 9 9* 195 Kararaina Mihikorama „ 14b 9 Hone Arama. 196 Hohepa Tamati Hauturu Rato (West) 1a 2b 197 99 Hau turn Rato (West) 1, Tekiona (Section) 2g 99 198 Kahui Tangaroa Orahiri 7c 1 Hone Pihama Kopeke. 199 Pukeroa-Hangatiki 2c 3 200 , Mita Karaka, Te Akau D 7 Horomona te Hapakuku. 201 Hine, Howarth, Vernon Mangaawakino 6 .. Te Hotereni te Hokai. 202 Kahurangi Mauriohoho Wharepuhunga 19 .. Huirama Perepe. 203 W. Hcnare „ 18a Hunia te Hana. 204 Kararaina Mihikorama 18a Irihapeti te VVakaiti., 205 „ 18f 206 Eugene Hamuera Ormsby Pukenui 2g 3 Jeremiah Ormsby. 207 ,, „ 2g 2 99 208 1 99 „ 2g 1 99

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) I Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) i 209 Tukutarewa te Waaka Kinohaku Rawhiti (East) 2, Tekiona (Section) 6b 2 Kakau Kaireka. 210 W. H. Bowler Wharepuhun ga 15b Karepa Kapukai. 211 Wairoa Mere Ruku . . „ 18a Te Karuaua. Mere Ruku. 212 Poutu Patupatu Rangitoto-Tuhua 76a 8 Katarina Waina. 213 Te Koi Moera Kinohaku Rawhiti (East) 10b 2 Katu Tohiariki. 214 Piha 1b 3b 2 Kerei Piko. 215 Hine, Howarth, Vernon Mangaawakino 6 216 Walter Thorp Rangitoto-Tuhua 74b 6g 2a Kino te Omeka. 217 Edward Thomson Kakepuku 8b Korota Tamihana. 218 99 „ 12 219 Mangapapa B 2 99 220 ,, Rangitoto A 4 1 221 Rukuruku Paparahi Kinohaku Rawhiti (East) 2, Tekiona (Section) 21b 2b Makiwhara Paparahi. 222 Pango te Riri Orahiri 7 b Mamae te Riri. 223 Whitu Warena Ohura Tonga (South) A 3b 2 Mere Warena. 224 ,, A 3b 2 . . 225 Rangitoto-Tuhua 9a 226 „ 80b 1c 2 Ohura Tonga (South) K 1 2c 1. . a a 227 Katahi Tiraha Metiria, ara Merania T’raha. 228 Hohepa Tamati Rangitoto-Tuhua 31f 2 Mihirei Tiriana. 229 9 9 ,, 33c 3b 4b 2 . . 9 9 230 99 „ 35h 2a 231 • a • • •• • • ,, 37b 99 232 E. te Tana Stewart . . „ 7b Ngahaka te Hakin. 233 Hohepa Tamati Kinohaku Rawhiti (East) If 12d Ngahau Tomokare. 234 9 9 . . . . . . „ 2 28b 2a 99 235 99 Kinohaku Rato (West) E Ia 2 . . 236 Toheroa Piko .. ... Aorangi B 3a 2 Ngahiwi Piko. 237 Mangapapa B 2 238 Tame Kawe Rangitoto-Tuhua 29c 2b 2 Ngahiwi tc Wakatoroa. 239 ,, 33b 3a .. • • 240 2 2 •• • • •• „ 37b ; 9 241 • • • • •• ,, 54a 2 99 242 99 ,, 67 a 3 9 9 243 99 . . ,, 68i 2a 2b • • 244 99 • • • • ,, 74b 1, Rota (Lot) 2 99 245 99 ,, 76b 1 99 246 99 ,, 77d 3b 2 99 247 99 • • „ 77e2c1 J 9 248 .9 . . ,, 78b 2c 2a a • 249 ,, 78b 4b 9 9 250 Walter Thorp „ 74b 6g 2a Ngahuinga te Omeka. 251 Ngamihi te Huia Terengohengohe C 2 Ngairo Waipapa. 252 Te Ripo Huia Whangaingatakupu 2b 2 Ngarotata Huitone. 253 Hingarangi-Kauri 3g Niwha te Awa. 254 Walter Thorp Maraetaua 5d 3c Te Omeka Kingi. 255 Otorohanga If 5f . . 9 9 256 Rangitoto-Tuhua 36a 1a 2 99 257 ,, 74b 6g 2a «« 258 „ 76a 3 9 9 259 99 • * * * • • Turoto I) 2, Tekiona (Section) 2c 3b ? 9 260 Pare Pu toe toe Hauturu Rato (West) 1, Tekiona (Section) 2h 2 Pare Tukairangi. 261 99 Orahiri 2, Tekiona (Section) 6b 1 99 262 Otorohanga Q 3b .. 99 263 9 9 • . . • • • ,, 3, Tekiona (Section) 2 264 • a • a • • •• Rangitoto A J 8a 2c Pare Auake. 265 Otorohanga 2c 2b . . Pareauake Kcrenapu. 266 Rewi Thna F 2d .. Pareheke Mihikorama. 267 Taumoana te Rangituatea Rangitoto-Tuhua 61c 3 Paua te Rangituatea. 268 Mari Taipua te Hiwi Wharepuhunga 18a. . Pitiera Hoani Taipua. 269 „ 18f.. 270 Eruera te Akau Rangitoto-Tuhua 61c 3 Porena te Akau. 271 Tuawaerenga Ngawaka ,, 76a 6 Powbiri Matetu. 272 Tame Pukunui Maraeroa B 3 b 1 . . Puku te Anihana. 273 Pukenui 2a 17 Puku te Aomarama. 274 „ 2v 275 Hoera Neke Whenua Mangaora. 7c Punga te Ariki. 276 Tamahoa Oneroa Puketarata 4g 2d 2b 2b 2 Rangi Oneroa. 277 Hine, Howarth, Vernon Mangaawakino 6 Rangioiroa Rangiamohia. 278 Hinaki Ropiha Rangitoto-Tuhua 2g Rangipare Poihipi. 279 Mai Rangitararora . . . . ' .. Waiwhakaata 3f 4a Rangitararora Enoka. 280 Tahima. Herangi Kakepuku 1b Rangitaupua Hariata Herangi. 281 Ihakara Rapana Waikowhitiwhiti K 2 Rapana Ihakara. 282 Robert Ormsby Kakepuku 5c 2 Rautaramoa Maapi. 283 Orahiri 1, Tekiona (Section) 34 Te Rautaramoa Maapi. 284 ■ • a ■ a a a a ,, 1, Tekiona (Section) 2 . . 285 Te Tawha Rehua Rangitoto A 12b 2 .. Rehau te Manuiti. 286 Keho Katene Wharepuhunga 14b 10 Te Rehunga Eru. 287 Ria Heni Ngapera .. Ohura Tonga (South) G 4e 3 .. ' Repiu Maeke.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 288 E. te Tana Stewart .. Rangitoto-Tuhua 78b 2a 2a Te Rerenga Ngahuia. 289 Pita Riwai Ouruwhero 3e 1b .. Riria Rawinia. 290 Takerei Kingi Wetere Mangaawakino 7 .. Te Roha Pahiri. 291 Hohepa Tamati Rangitoto-Tuhua 21b 2a 1b Tame Inia. 292 .. . • ,, 80b 1c 2 293 >> • • „ 67b 4a Tame Pakihiwi. 294 99 . • • • - . . ,, 78b 4b 295 Walter Thorp ,, 74b 6g 2a Tame Wera. 296 W. H. Bowler 66b 2 Taonui Poihaere. 297 Taiauru te Waihanea Ohura Tonga (South) N 2d 2b. . Tapaka Katarina. 298 99 ‘ • • • „ G3c8a.. Tapaka te Waihanea. 299 Topeora te Kare Rangitoto-Tuhua 64s Tetarehu Topeora. 300 Hohepa Tamati „ 25, 1b 2b Tauke te Pouata. 301 ,, 66 1b 302 67b 1 303 „ 77a 2b 304 « • •• •• •• ,, 78b 4b 305 Te Waitarere Hoani. . ,, 80b 1c 2 Teneti Rangiwhakarau 306 Kinohaku Rato (West) 11b 1a. . 307 99 ’ ’ • • ' • Kopua Is 2b 2b 308 99 • • • • ,, 1b 2, Tekiona (Section) 1b 99 309 9 9 • • • • • • Otorohanga L 2b .. 310 99 Waiwhakaata 3e 6, Tekiona (Section) 4 99 311 Hinerangi te Huaki . . Rangitoto-Tuhua 77e 2b Tiaki Mirone. 312 Patupatu Keepa 76a Maraetaua 9c Tiki Hari. 313 Hohepa Tamati Time Koinaki. 314 99 . . . . . . Orahiri 6b 1 99 315 99 Rangitoto-Tuhua 31r 2 316 -j . • . . „ 67a 4 • 9 9 317 9 9 • • - • • > • ,, 68b • • 318 Puketarata 6b 2b .. Tiriwa Takerei. 319 99 • • • • . • Tapuiwahine 1a Titi Tumohe. 320 Patupatu Keepa Rangitoto-Tahua 76a 8 Toretore Hariata. 321 Tewiata Arapere Puketarata 6b 2b .. Tuhimatarenga Neri. 322 Walter Thorp Rangitoto-Tuhua 36a 1a 2 Tukemata te Omeka. 323 99 • • . . • » „ 74b 6g 2a .. 99 324 Hine, Howarth, Vernon Mangaawakino 6 . . Tukima Waeono. 325 Hinewai Tarahuia Kinohaku Rato (West) K 2b .. Tumoana Katu. 326 Marama Ngahuia Otorohanga P 2, Tekiona (Section) 2b Turau Ngawhenua. 327 Rangitoto A 24b 328 Miki Paretikorae Rangitoto-Tuhua 74b 2 Tutahanga te Wano. 329 Te Koi Moera Kinohaku Rawhiti (East) If 12d Te Uira Katu. 330 Ngamihi te Huia Terengohengohe C 2 Te Waka Waipapa. 331 Whitu Warena Ohura Tonga (South) A 3b 2 . . Te Warena Manihera. 332 99 * * ’ • ‘ • Karuotewhenua 1c 4b Te Warena Motukaramu. 333 „ 1c 4b Warena Motukaramu. 334 99 • • . • Kinohaku Rawhiti (East) 5e 2b 1 99 335 9 y • • • • • • ,, 5e 2b 3b 9 9 336 99 . . . . Ohura Tonga (South) A 3b 2 .. 99 337 99 • • . . Orahuru 1, Tekiona (Section) 25a 99 338 99 Rangitoto-Tuhua 66a 99 339 Ngamihi te Huia Terengohengohe C 2 340 Whitu Warena Rangitoto-Tuhua 21b 2b 2b Warena Neha. 341 Pango te Riri Kinohaku Rawhiti (East) 4f 3a Wehewehe te Riri. 342 ,, Rato (West) T 2e .. 99 343 0 1.. 99 344 ,, Rawhiti (East) 10b 2 99 345 ,, Rato (West) 3b 99 346 . . ,, Rawhiti (East) 2, Tekiona (Section) 13b 2 99 347 99 ,, Rato (West) B 2b 1 99 348 ■ 9 Mangawhero 3b 4b 2a 99 349 99 Otorohanga L 2b .. 99 350 Ouruwhero 3y 2b . . • • 351 Piha 1a 352 9 9 • • • • • • Pukeroa-Hangatiki 5b 2a 99 353 ,, 5b 2c Pihitawa 2 b 5e 99 354 99 355 Walter Thorp Rangitoto-Tuhua 36a 1a 2 Te Wera te Omeka. 356 Tewi Eketone Orahiri 1, Tekiona (Section) 30 Wetere Eketone. 357 99 Hauturu Rato (West) 2a 2 358 Hokio Ngahuinga Pehitawa 2 b 5e Weurangi. 359 Rangitoto-Tuhua 29c 2c 2 360 Walter Thorp „ 36a 1a 2 Te Whakatoro te Omeka. 361 Wairoa Merekuku Wharepuhunga 18a Te Whaka Horomere Ruku. 362 Kirikino te Whakaheke Kinohaku Rato (West) 11a 2 .. Whakaheke Rotohiko. 363 Hohepa Tamati 1 Karuotewhenua 1c 4b Wharekohatu te Tata. 364 Mohoaonui C 2 365 Hutukawa Rangihoea Rapaura 2a 1 Whiro te Maranga. 366 Eruera te Akau Rangitoto-Tuhua 61c 3 Whiti te Akau.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 52, 9 December 1920, Page 790

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 52, 9 December 1920, Page 790

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 52, 9 December 1920, Page 790