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Kooti Whenua Maori ki Kihipane a te 12 o nga ra o Nowema. 1906.

Tari Kooti Whenua Maori, Kihipane. HE panuitanga tenei kia mohiotia ai ka tu te Kooti Whenua Maori ki Kihipane a te 12 o nga ra o Nowema, 1906, ki te whakawa kite uiui hoki i nga tikanga ote tono e mau ite Kupu Apiti i raro iho nei. Ki te kore te Kooti etu a taua ra ka tu a muri tata atu ina watea i etahi atu o ona raruraru. I tuhia i tenei te 10 o nga ra o Oketopa, 1906.




[Kihipane, 1906-33.]


Tono kia Whakatuturutia nga Tdkunga Whenua.

Tono Whakawa Take Paanga.

I 1 " lama. Kai-tono. j Te ingoa ote whenua. I Nga rohe. i 2252 Pimia Mills (8-446) .. .. Te Whenuahou .. Timata i Manutukea, te raina oTe Arai, te raina o Te Ikatuapa, te raina o Te (Jmukapua, ka rere ki te timatanga ki Manutukea.

Tono Whakawa Wehewehb.

He Tono kia Whakaturia he Kai-Tiaki Hou.

Tono Whakatu Kai-Riiwhi mo nga Taonga.

Tono kia Kimihia te nui o te Paanga o ia Tangata o ia Tangata.


Kama. Te Ahua o te tuku. Te ra i hainatia ai 7 Te ingoa o te whenua Nga ingoa o nga tangata e whai tikanga ana ki tana whaaahaerenga 2245 He mokete (3-255) 13 o nga ra o Hurae, 1906 Papatu A Nama 1, Tekiona 2 Hare te Mokopuarango ki a John Clark. 2246 He hoko (3-255) 31 o nga ra o Hurae, 1899 Puhatikotiko 1b2a Hemaima Rere ki a Otene Pitau Paraone. 2247 He hoko (3-256) 11 o nga ra o Akuhata, 1906 Tekiona 4 o Poraka XIV o Uawa Tori Tori Marikena ki a Joseph Goodley. 2248 He hoko (3-256) 4 o nga ra o Akuhata, 1906 Tekiona 66, Waikanae 1b Heni Kara (ara Materoa) raua ko Pare Keiha ki a Vernon C. R. Mitford. 2249 He mokete (3-257) 29 o nga ra o Akuhata, 1906 Rota 1, wahi o Kaiti 156 Mere Morera ki te Government Advances to Settlers Office. 2250 He mokete (3-259) 24 o nga ra o Akuhata, 1906 Rota 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, me 24 o Pukepapa D Gavin Ralston Willie me tetahi atu ki te Bank of Australasia. 2251 He mokete (3-260) 3 o nga ra o Oketopa, 1906 Riihi o Rota 10, wahi o Makauri George Patterson Priestly ki a George Brown Oman me Common, Skelton, me Co. (Limited).

Numa. Kai-tono. Te ingoa o te whenua. 2253 Oriwia’Tawhiao (18-518) Rakaiketeroa B. 2254 Oriwia Tawhiao (18-525) Rakaiketeroa E Nama 2. 2255 Tapita Iretoro (18-526) Puhatikotiko Nama 2b2. 2256 Rawiri Karaha me etahi atu (18-527) Whangara Bl. 2257 Rawiri Karaha me etahi atu (18-528) Whangara B2. 2258 Rangihuatake (18-529) Waikohu-Matawai Nama 1b. 2259 Erina Pukaraka (18-530) Umumango.

lama. Kai-tono. Te ingoa o te whenua. Te ingoa o te tangata e mana kore ana 2260 Make Rangiheuea (4-311) Peta T»iapa raua ko Apanihitia.

S’ama. Kai-tono. Te in£W* q te tangata kua mate 2261 Te Mini Kerekere (4-310) Peka Kerekere. 2262 Make Rangiheuea (4-316) Tapeta Kerekere.

Nama Kai-tono. Te ingoa o te whenua. 2263 Te Mini Kerekere Mangatu Nama 1.

Kama. Kai-tono. Te ingoa o te whenaa. Te tangata kua mate. 2264 Ereti Matete (39-36) .. Okahuatiu 2b Anaru Mateti. 2265 Maraea Omana (38-143) Whareongaonga C4 .. Eriapa te Rangi. 2266 Maraea Omana (38-143) Whareongaonga C6 .. Eriapa te Rangi. 2267 Maraea Omana (38-143) Puninga 9 Eriapa te Rangi. 2268 Matemoana Taituha (39-28) Waipaoa 1b Eruera Taituha. 2269 Matemoana Taituha (39-28) Waipaoa Id Eruera Taituha. 2270 Ereti Matete (39-36) .. Taringamotuhia Harata Matete. 2271 Ereti Matete (39-36).. Pipiwhakao 2b Harata Matete. 2272 Eerti Matete (39-36).. Okirau Harata Matete. 2273 Ereti Matete (37-37).. Puhatikotiko 7b2d .. Harata Matete. 2274 Ereti Matete (39-37).. Tangibanga Harata Matete. 2275 Take Kerekere (39-11) Kumukumu Hoera Tako. 2276 Hipora Niania (39-21) Tauwharetoi 3 Hori Niania. 2277 Taraipine Tutaki (38-142) Puhatikotiko 7b2d .. Huhana Matarae. 2278 Taraipine Tutaki (39-28) Waikohu Matawai 1b Huhana Matarae. 2279 Himiona Katipa (39 29) Puhatikotiko 7b2d .. Huhana Matarae. 2280 Himiona Katipa (39-29) Puhatikotiko 7b2d .. Ihikiera Tu. 2281 Harata Mete (39-26) .. Waituhi .. Ka Pahoho. 2282 Harata Mete (39-25) .. Mangatu 4 Ka Pahoho. 2283 Harata Mete (39-25).. Waiohikarore 2 Ka Pahoho. 2284 Harata Mete (39-25) Toreohaua Ka Pahoho. 2285 Harata Mete (39-25) .. Puhatikotiko 8 Ka Pahoho. 2286 Harata Mete (39-24) .. Puhatikotiko 4 Ka Pahoho. 2287 Himiona Katipa (39-24) Puhatikotiko 7b2d .. Kararaina Putukai. 2288 T. Haibert (39-21) Tarewauru 2 Mereana Nohotakere. 2289 T. Halbert (39-22) Rangaiohinehau 1B .. Mereana Nohotakere. 2290 Take Kerekere (39-10) Kumukumu Mereana Wera. 2291 Taraip ne Tutaki (39-20) Puhatikotiko 5b2b3 .. Meti Apiti Matarae, 2292 Atiria Hauwaho (39-35) Papakorokoro 8 Patu Hauwaho. 2293 Mokemoke Paramena (39-9) Te Kuri .. Pehimana Moepukahu. 2294 M kemoke Paramena (39-10) Maraetaha 1 Pehimana Moepukahu. 2295 Mokemoke Paramena (39-10) Whareongaonga Pehimana Moepukahu. 2296 Mokemoke Paramena (39-10) Te Puninga Pehimana Moepukahu. 2297 Te Mini Kerekere (39-1) Awapuni 1, 2, me 3 Peka Kerekere. 2298 Te Mini Kerekere (39-2) Kumukumu 2 Peka Kerekere. 2299 Te Mini Kerekere (39-2) Waihirere Peka Kerekere. 2300 Te Mini Kerekere (39-2) Paraeroa 2 Peka Kerekere. 2301 Te Mini Kerekere (39-2) Mirimiri .. Peka Kerekere. 2302 Te Mini Kerekere (39-3) Whataupoko Peka Kerekere. 2303 Te Mini Kerekere (39-3) Rangatira 3 Peka Kerekere. 2304 Te Mini Kerekere (39-3) Makauri .. Peka Kerekere. 2305 Te Mini Kerekere (39-3) Okahuatiu 1 Peka Kerekere. 2306 Te Mini Kerekere (39-4) Okahuatiu 2 .. w .. Peka Kerekere. 2307 Te Mini Kerekere (39-4) Tangihanga Peka Kerekere. 2308 Te Mini Kerekere (39-4) Oariki Peka Kerekere. 2309 Te Mini Kerekere (39-4) Raukahikatea Peka Kerekere. 2310 Te Mini Kerekere (39-5) Wbarekopae Peka Kerekere. 2311 Te Mini Kerekere (39-5) Rakaiketeroa Peka Kerekere. 2312 Te Mini Kerekere (39-5) Repongaere 2 Peka Kerekere. 2313 Te Mini Kerekere (39-5) Repongaere Peka Kerekere. 2314 Te Mini Kerekere (39-6) Tangihanga Peka Kerekere. 2315 Te Mini Kerekere (39-6) Makauri .. Peka Kerekere. 2316 Te Mini Kerekere (39-6) Kaiti Peka Kerekere. 2317 Te Mini Kerekere (39-6) Waingaromia 2 me 3 Peka Kerekere. 2318 Te Mini Kerekere (39-7) Manukawhitikitiki 2e Peka Kerekere. 2319 Te Mini Kerekere (39-7) Waipaoa 3 Peka Kerekere. 2320 Te Mini Kerekere (39-7) Whatatutu 2 Peka Kerekere. 2321 Te Mini Kerekere (39-7) Poututu .. Peka Kerekere. 2322 Te Mini Kerekere (39-8) Hangaroa-Matawai .. Peka Kerekere. 2323 Te Mini Kerekere (39-8) Mangatu 6 Peka Kerekere. 2324 Te Mini Kerekere (39-8) Mangatu 1 Peka Kerekere. 2325 Te Mini Kerekere (39-8) Mangatu 2 Peka Kerekere. 2326 Te Mini Kerekere (39-9) Rangatira 2 Peka Kerekere. 2327 Te Mini Kerekere (39-9) Toreohaua Peka Kerekere. 2328 Te Mini Kerekere (39-9) Pipiwhakao Peka Kerekere. 2329 Himiona Katipa (39-29) Puhatikoiiko 7b2d .. Ritini Pukewhinau. 2330 Take Kerekere (39-11) Tahora 2c2 me 2c3 .. Tainui. 2331 Wi Tamati (39-20) Waiohiharore 2 Tamati Waaka. 2332 Wi Tamati (39-20) .. Awapuni .. Tamati Waaka. 2333 Make Rangiheuea (39-27) Waihirere Tapeta Kerekere. 2334 Make Rangiheuea (39-27) Toreohaua Tapeta Kerekere. 2335 M >ke Rangiheuea (39-27) Kumukumu Tapeta Kerekere. 2336 Make Rangiheuea (39-27) ; Rakaiketeroa Tapeta Kerekere. 2337 Make Rangiheuea (39-26) Tahora 2c2 Tapeta Kerekere. 2338 Make Rangiheuea (39-26) Waiohiharore 2 Tapeta Kerekere. 2339 Mereana Hone (39-13) Awapuni 1A Tawa Whakaatere. 2340 A rani Kunaiti (39-29) Tahora 2f Tehere Kawhe. 2341 Ngakete Tutoko (39-24) Puhatikotiko 7 Waka Mahuika. 2342 Henare Ruru (39-38) .. .. j Maugaone 2d3 Whinau Ruru. 2343 Henare Ruru (39-38) .. .. Ahirau Id Whinau Ruru.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 71, 18 October 1906, Page 510

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PANUITANGA KOOTI WHENUA MAORI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 71, 18 October 1906, Page 510

PANUITANGA KOOTI WHENUA MAORI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 71, 18 October 1906, Page 510