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To Acting-Sergeant Maguire, and Constable , did Haddrell, r for ' arrest of deserters’‘ ex 10 Lady Jocelyn , 10s. each.

To Constable Janies 1 Wallace, for preventing desertion from - ship -Rakaia, £l.

101 out no .bnnbfbn'. :]A AhHlb H T/T if ri,i A About 8 p.m. on the 10 ultimo, a stack of wheat containing about four hundred bushels, value £SO, uninsured, the property of Henry Bennett, farmer, Beach Road, Ashburton, was burned. There r is i no evidence' to show how the fire originated.

During the night . of the 6th ultimo, some person maliciously shot a cow, the. property of Dr. Trveor, Ashburton. 1

Between 10 p.m. 22nd and 7 a.m. 23rd xsETw,EENblu iP p.m r 22nd . and 7 w a.m.-r23rd ultimo, three posts, value 1225.' 6d., the property of William ; Ward, Asaph Street Bakt, were maliciously broken iii" half. ' J '

Commissioner Police. SHEARMAN,

.-.•.'1° Name. 31 * 1 "o l j.UUT-xaiTfQppjjjcB.' 2 '^ Bx whom Arrested. How Disposed of. 1 -V William McKay ,6 ®r. f ’Escaping from legal custody Bid p/rie Const. A. Beck, ( Const! ’A'. 1 'Beck, ri Dismissed r —— . 'Dismissed iroEeoh xu!o r, ; O'jiio X urnniotanrLL) 3 Christchufch Police : ‘ I i William McClisky ... 1 Christchurch Police ’Jumping from a train whilst in motion n'motion'i Const. Davis, • C6n8t;' - I)avi8 r j 8U h«xs d Fined 10s. •'Fined 10s. fdidlT EocrixiT, Daisy Cornfoot 1 1 Ojuo'i li jfndotsiul'J Christchurch Police Christchurch “Police I 1 J Vagrancy mo? uiilli // .isrroO Const. Hughes, 1 month hard labour b i nono'i xlaiuilahitflO Samuel Smith ' Drunk and 7 , exposing* his? Christchurch Police Drunk and exposing his person in Const. Hughes, Fined 10s., or 24 hours in . public street/ 1 arid : resist police Christchurch police default >ni , in execution of Vlutv 1 ' **• Const. Hughes, 110 A tlx. §i ! month'har'd labour ‘hibri A. Samuel'Smith’ tet * ci • euxoil ;0G 10 ,.¥.01- ! Frank Welstead’ r^ I , , . J P' i )erson in ing police Christchurch Police Const. Hughes, Christchurch Police in execution of rlutv tocj ei/l gnijoqzo hrrn ri. ; ;Fined -10s., or'24 1 -hours*-in default j ... .no rxj'iQ. ... O'xooM eonifj, Drunk and 1 using obscene language in Const. Hughes, Fined 10s., or 24 hours in Tl0 r a ! public tborougiifare j Const. Hughes, Fined 10s., or 24 hours in Mary Welstead a public thoroughfare Christchurch Police default Drunk and using obscene language in :: e,t.xsmiaii: brut oi im Const. E. Hughes, Christchurch -Police 0 poTdefauIf'H o.L -xobnczoiA ‘.Drunk and using obscene language in Fined 10s., or 24 hours in Const. E. Hughes, Fined lOs.^or 1 24'hours in * m V a public thoroughfare' ;3 ChristchurclriPohce 1 > default e'xogoj.L (Joox:G William May, 1 l.‘,“ a public thoroughfare Christchurch Police ' default Illegally on the premises Const. Gat ward, Dismissed ' 11 -'' 3 iI0 ) - John Wa‘son fl? 1 Christchurch Police Drunk and illegally on premisesConst. Gatward, Fined 10s. cj si 'O" t- «f .>01 or Wiliam Smith* 1 " Christchurch Police Drunk and c-eating a disturbance in Sergt. Pratt, Fined 10s. (on remand) " ' . | .-r r f 1 Drunk and illegally on'premises* Christchurch Police Const. GatwftVdjisaoo ?Fined-lOardonncrilxiId taloT 1 Christchurch Police (icir/rur/r no) ' Drupk and cheating a disturbance in Sergt. Pratt, Fined 10s. , . . a licensed house •” no Chri-'tchurch Police 5,9 Chri.'tchurcK-Pblice 3 u::i f .... C" jTU.jk .} : f A inxiJ. ■ ordnloM .>;oIA Hannah Smith Drunk and "creating a disturbance in Sergt. Pratt, Fined 10s. (on remand) ,&1 " ~ a licensed house Christchurch Police William Smith . ... ) ? I ~ a licensed bouse ... eos. :II,) Christcburcti'Police ’ xxiCL ... /nbrroT mfob Wilful destruction of privat e property Sergt. Pratt, u'.,ot ii-i-st pi boiiitn Christchurch Police r ‘° J valued £ 0 bheU vTa-cd frnmoil ■mH. y'locnogjxroIC mloG Hannah : Smith ;<J^ Wilful destruction of private property property Sergt Pratt, l 030 Sergt Pratt, r ■ xuoit aiifO'x in) valued at £10 Christchurch Police valued at £10 Christchurch Police oi egbhdxltxxoK William McKay Illegally on premises Const. Beck, Fined 10s; (on remand) rui j ... ( >origijit .i?.noC ... Qonst. Beck, .. ■ 3l Christchurch Police' Fined 10s; (iKuIoji'/kL (on remand) wbu “ jfnxoO .11 iilU. . ...... .feTjioU ojjiosD William Patterson ... Larceny - ol J dot u da isrtd'J Detective Benjamin Dismissed (on warrant) nuu. I < .. .goxlguH .iartoO. , Detective .Berijariiiu :i aim enl p/xi)!ixi,s3x; yilm ’ Disr lissed (on warrant) 1 ’ 0 sl ‘ ... 'ox/ .... . .BTXts'I Og'IOiO James Patterson ... Larceny 1 ?- 1 xlaiuifolaniU Detective. Benjamain r 1 month hard labour (on remand) ooiloq.ptutaxaft'i nrrn it 1 month bard labour 0 [ remand) • -? " • < ■•■■■o xii ■nia- j .jin II .fixioO -ixoozo hi iriu ... eumrxTOii Archibald Knowles ’.!l. Drunk arid' disorderly anc resisting . Const. Ross, ■ ,:n . 1 J ! Fined 10s. 1 ‘ .CIO D policy in ! execution of duty uL ?? Christchurch Police 1 Henry Thomson Const, Watt, iJJ 9 to :nu. .dogr. i Borne. G Henry Thomson „.... Drunk and indecently exposing person Drunk and indecently expos Const. Watt, mg person • h ined 10s. or 24 hours m .i0i if u 11 in-public thoroughfare J Christchurch Police Fined 10s. o.r 24 hours in in public thoroughfare : . ChriStcHurcH Prilice’ default alii default oigoi/i wotbnA Jane .McMahon. ... Drunk and soliciting prostitution in a Const. Hughes, 1 month hard labour nr:»3«niii ox, hotxun ,I ? J public street 1 . owkwioU Christchurch Police ’ IBkL ... vmti raa yam*5. Richard Quail 1 ; 1 Drunk and resisting police in execution Const. Hughes, Fined 20s. US.'ifdfity*L ao H. °t i i? oloU execution Congt. Hughe?, „ r Fined 20s. xiomaoei’iqaii sdhiyfi Christchurch Police . on ) Christchurch Police? 01 cl voirroo EocriiiU John Todd. Attempting to commit suicide Sergt. Kennedy, Discharged (on remand) 3lU£U Attempting to commit suicide > mo j n ,1X0 A <J i.... Christchurch Police Sergt. u Keririedy° 0,0 Christchurch Police' : ... hargea 11 "” 8 " C0 )|W ... ntihrol. mfKi.r James Clark alias ... Drunk and creating a ! disturbance in a Const. J. Watt,. Fined 60s. and 9s. damage The Br usher £, ‘ f ? 1 licensed bouse, * wilful J damage of airiagri 0 of : Christchurch Police Christchurch, Police r . to uniforn, or 7 days in x-iU. t o -unit'ora/di 7' days‘m vtxxl) ■ to no: Government property, and resisting default /• *;';> 10 in < default ,e02 L r! -‘ ’ police in execution of duty y7B7?iiEl° X iti anohih bun dc ■jiCE EftaUcl lifJOi. \ E len Jordan Illegally on premises Const. Neill, Fined 10s. i emeu or- to ,.eOk a Illegally on premises , at a | J , -.o'iSw*L .ianoO Const. Keill, 00 ’Christ church, police f . Daniel Cawley Const. Boss,"! IJUI ' Jbined 10s. Christchurch Police 1-1 Ci j ... dlojfacIE xlxri>,-,r, Daniel Cawley , Const. Ross, mu ... !.>■.. Indecency in- view of public Dismissed Indecency in view of public Dismissed,, , r . bmiiwyi HU | xxnuxjfaoU.- svuwdxl Christchurch Police (nil I Y/ffXOM 7.0 John Geakiu ...” Lunacy Const. Smith, Committed ""’to 1 ’' "Lunatic Asylum Christchurch Police Archibald McDonald 1 Lunacy «jf 0, ofxr.H .isrioD, j oxdo'I'drxwxfotEiniJ.. • •• Christchurch Police Sergt. Mitchell, " : , Asylum "Discharged Indfsl rioflA. (on warrant) . .Christchurch Police • T C6i»LIHuJh^sV.°,U? 01 Fined 20s. - 1 James Reid d-20s.'"T“’ ltn,1 S' loi/[ Jarnes Reid 1 r ; ‘ V 1 [°.! v ’ Using obscene language and creating a Const. Hughes, ; luo.cul 1/uu disturbance in a public place Using obscene language and creating’a 1 "Fine disturbance'in-tt- public place , - Christchurch Police ’Driink and 1 creating a f ,'disturbance'in 1 Dismissed . Christchurch Police ' - 1 John Dallam lissed '"rif/. sgioai.) John Hallam Drunk and creating a disturbance in Const. Neill, 0 , 00 ;;!: a licensed house Christchurch Police 1 Christchurch Police Const. 'E.Wuglres W 0 ' Ordered to find sureties -to ’ Disn a licensed house'’ HA J T 'j John Skirtcliff Using violent'hridAthreiteriin i 1 John" Shir tcliff 'f’" °. K ' Using violent and threatening language Const. E. Hughes, (on warrant) . glanguage ' Ordered to 1 find sureties 1 to ,. r towards his wife Caroline ibhirtclilf iShirtcliff Christchurch Police. Christchurch Police keep the peace for six -Tori. JtiBtgJS i io u- months, himself in £5U keep the ' peace 1 for six i-oatl jjjcmths, Himself 'in’£5U ♦;; T and one in '£25, • EG I)(J James Jefford 33 ’'"^.! 1. ooiIo‘I.h>q»!taX--Embezzlement ’DetectiveBenjamiri !n ' Embezzlement’' - ' Detective Benjamin gaillixnaan Committed for trial to Su- ’ Committed for s trial” to Su(on warrant) preme Court, Ch.Ch. John Pawsay i... Drunk and indecently exposing person Const. Hughes, J • .Bo j;C Christchurch Police j omoi jij'njdoieail J ■ | i ■.> noilri-jo o in o jiloij ginf-ia-ji no pfefrie 1 Court, J Ch.Ch. Drunk and indecently expos Fined 20s. ,! 1 ' in a public street ‘ ng person Const. Hughes,. r 1 : x Christchui'ch 'Police 1 Fined 20s. . ..._ - nU ... iloo'icL ni/.iiit if Colin McKay „,... Fined 10s. Colin McKay Illegally on premises Const. Emson, cixxu ijt yaq idxa ,.«0i nt Christchurch Police Illegally on premises' ■ f it x j° J .Aewo. .o . l-.rioD IxAIhr ‘I'd; Const. Emson, . . Christbhuvch! Police! Finied 10s. T ,, . fr - /r riu j ... rrfioJolu rrr-Giiii if John Valpy °n! i . r! Fined 10s. JohnValpy Drunk'' arid 1 resisting police' Drunk and resisting police in execuin execu- S (M Eares, 1 011 Const. Eares, Fined 10s. ... tion of duty . .. 1 Christchurch Police 1 Drunk and using threatening Const. Hughes"''” Ja0 Christchurch Police —r '•'DJmifel'Pasclie! Fined 20s. and pay cab Daniel Pascbe I Drunk apd using threatening language language Const. Hughes, iu hearing of a constable, and re- ; , and reChristchurch Police hire II *’ sisting.police in execution 'of duty Variraricv - J 1 1 month hard labour Jessie Andrews Vagiancy | u Fined" 20s. "and pay* cab iwoij/il bisd *Eibno Christchurch Police ultit aa :iCE f 1 !f. niiml/I cr.d'i Jessie Andrews. Vagrancy J. C. Ridley, bOteikSiZu) r J, C. Eidley, r ' ' Park Banger" Sergt. Kennedy, 3 !' J J f Fined 5s. and pay 12s. 6d. 1 month hard labour ,, ( I ... (S-SOfa i vg'IOOtj John Sheir . .... Drunk, wilful destruction o GovernSergt. Kennedy, auptpa) >>-t v/.q 0} lm? ment property, and resisting police Christchurch Police damage f:,*..' o :h0 .TO bxxn (on! in execution of duty Peter Stenh'ouse 1 ‘A‘. fC Larceny in a dwelling Drunk; wilful destruction, of .Govern-, Fined Ss/arid pay’ 1 12s. 6d. llvJ iuent property, and:resis A rp ih'exec'utiori'of .'duty*« 1 month hard labour Peter Stenhouse ‘ Larceny in'a dwelling . J Chief-Detective Feast | ooTiO'i - Flora Martin Drunk and using obscene la ing prili'ce" ... jo.oxia o ■ Ji Christchurch Police Vliuijil KXii J-loqijo-t i>. 1 Chief-Detective’ Feast” damage I no) ’Itrionth hard labOur Jf ‘ rr '^’ Flora Martin * 0 ’‘;’.';* Drunk and using obscene language in Qgnage in Const. Hughes, Const. Hugh’eS,‘ 01 ‘ - ' r ' Fined 40s. or 96 hours t 1 - •' » ; r r.'n .-c.[;rr or 96 boui’s. Augustus Doyle a public thoroughfare. Disorderly conduct in public street Christchurch Police Const. Emson, (on remand) , , Christchurch Police Fined' 20s. or 1 week hard labour in default Daniel Charles alias .. . ft public j "Disorderly; conduct in public street . i O-JUi/1 u-jpJij-.Hei.nfJ 1 j Drunk arid resisting police in execution Christchurch Police., 'Const'. EmsoriV iJ< “’ Ji ; Christchurch Police . ’ Fined-'20s. or ?i® week" hat'd ■ •• „ labour in default - r , Const. Eares, ’ Fined''20s. or 48' hours m Fined ' 20s. or 48 hours in Steele alias Fraser , Christchurch Pol ce of duty Christchurch Pol ce default John Knott ‘"Const. 1 Eares, 1 '; 1 ? 1 Steele alias Fraser - r 6f''duty irfr c hiB xxoIl -o-csH . John Knott -W';.. ■ Drunk and using obscene language in Const. Eares, Fined 5s. James Clark alias ... a public thoroughfare Drunk and disorderly The Brusher T ’Drunk and using obscene h a public thoroughfare Christchurch Police Drunk and disorderly Sergt. Kennedy, nguage in ' io notiuol 6 months hard abour J Fined os. ’Christchurch'Police' c S^rg't.°Kefarie ! dy, 1 * J .. ‘ i 6 months hard abour The Brusher 1 Christchurch Police” i


_\V . Name, 7/C 1 ■ ,' I ! Offence. '/J.£ | By Whom Areested. By Whom Aebested. How Disposed of. How Disposed of. • ' .1 : - ' Vi' " : - ■■ John Jesson ... i r Drunk and, indecently r exposing his - Const., Rowland, \ nlr, V Christchurch Police' . Fined 20s. 7J J[ 0 U mmiliV/ - James White Archibald, McDugald r Drunk and indecently exposing his person in a public street Drunk and using obscene language in .> a ; public street r-)!?i'[;I3 . Illegally on premises .j S froO Const. Rowland, Christchurch Police Const. Wilkinson, Christchurch Police Const. Wilkinson, 1 ooxlo*! xloimlo’teiiilO Christchurch Police Fined 20s, Fined 5s. Fined 10s., or 21 hours in default Henry Elliott ( ebrf gb 11 -M m>0 Vagrancy Sergt. Kennedy. ' doildfl ifcmtjtafrbtK) ■/• Christchurch Police 3 months’ hard labour James Moore Drunk and exposing his per Drunk and exposing his person Const. Wilkinson, ;;:iU 1 .B'/H SI'.TT -DftoO Christchurch Police Fined 40s., or 96 hours ia default Alexander XeBass ... ,Forgery;and uttering ( li [0 nguageinj ;Cons,t.. i Wilkinson, Christchurch Police Const. Wilkinson,-, 0L ,- Christchurch Police o-Eined 6s., -unOoVl miiHiVf .Fined 10s., or,,21. hours .in °Y default Y Y•"'•'* ' Henry Elliott a J ’ JI ;j :;1 • James Moore v.. : j;r J Alexander LeBass • ni eoxloq-’ gi son j ogexxg r Sergt. - Kennedy:,.. >r -,; Christohurch Police; Const.. Wilkinson, .,,,j Christchurch Police Chief-Detective Feast ,3 months’ hard labour (jnt^ ) Fined 40s., or 96 hours ia , default -x ai --L . Committed for trial to Su(on remand) ,,,< /pieme Court, Christchurch .Ordered to find 2 sureties'in Jacob Rogers Y;£25 each, £50, (on summons) Forgery and uttering Chief-Detective Feast Committed for trial to Supreme Court, Christchurch Violent Assault Sergt. Pratt, Ordered to find 2 sureties in Christchurch Police £25 each, and selt in £50, or 1 month in default Peter Malmanche ... , Ordered to £2.5s..6d. costs, (<m rjmaiid).80.r J Jacob Eogers (on summons) .>Y Peter Malmanche /.{. J Wife desertion imH •• ‘.Boi'h>«Il .51 .JijiioO ,Violent Assault r i&i(I j .bmy/laO faxtoO >.pi!6 < T-'d , niiilo)ahdy nWjfe desertion jgnoO Detective Kirby | lit OgBPp 1* 'ft-; r in|f?p bit,: if J Sergt. Pratt,.,!i 1(ff Christchurch Police; Detective-Kirby lur-; Ordered to £2 os. 6d. costs, (on warrant) and 10<. per week toy : . ■ Yon wards wife’s support • " ! .o-iifo'l njimlnleifiiO mol 1 ' ' /*fe-t‘i Avttft ! ",. - 1 •: " ■ r l hi ooaiio if-th JLV '7 1 bto bpj! ,:h and 10-. per week to,,„rr wards wife’s support ;’//• Alex. McIntyre ... Indecently exposing his person J. C. Ridley, (^Ym : i Fined £5 (bnaifiyt no) .'-on Park Ranger ini'ivi* ' •'-•‘■•l.lH-i'l * ill OOffMibih xt Pa rk Danger ; i. ji] taid iUmnnil John Tondra ... Fined 10s. John Tondra Drunk and illegally, on premises Drunk and illegally on premises Const. Eowland,.j„,-,.,;i Const. Rowland, ..-Fined I0s.^ fI^(1 , M . t - •*>' - -y Christchurch Police : i .1.-/: «‘t . Christchurch Pplice, ViW 1 ... , rii ;wliiW ■ John' ; Montgomery Breaking. into , and - stealing from an from 1 an Sergt. Barlow, Sergt. Barlow, - f Committed to trial to Su- . Committed to trial to Su(en route from ;; 7j preme Court, Christchurch . (en route from Hotel ,.)rei*£ ip-tog Southbridge to j v1-:oquifj ! n .,; 7( jLeeston Police i„ Southbridge to { ooiio‘1 xlyjy.'l'mriilO ' OfG lx? f-oiifi -Lyttelton) /e oi r I'i'i - '.i'-H.i-rnO pYixr'vxa xiuvili; - vaJIoK mmUiW: George Peters : .../ hotel Leeston Police preme Court, Christchurch Drunk and disorderly, in E. M. Court, Const. Hughes, Fined 5s. mi ) ■ " - ■ i "--boBSil Christchurch ipHT Christchurch- Christchurch Police l .. v Christchurch Police. . George Peters, Violently assaulting his wife Const. Hughes, : "> 7. Dismis?ed ( q in .. J , s . ., no y (on warrant) f ,ri f , /Christchurch Police Peter Romulus ... - Drunk and resisting polioe in execuin execu- Const. Watt, Const. Watt, Fined 60s., and cab 3s. 6d., or Fined 60s., and cal) 3s. 6d., or .iOii tion of duty r,;tt tion of duty, s „<r Christchurch Police Christchurch Police, 1 week in default ,.,n l week in default-/ James Paget Drunk and resisting ; police in execu- . Const. Cartmill, Fined 5s.” "" • i .,oi i. tion of duty,..;;/ Andrew Magin | gn tion of duty Christchurch Police, Christchurch Police Andrew Magin Illegally on premises Illegally on premises,, .py Chief-Detective Feast , Chief-Detective Feast f Fined 10s. Fined 10s. _• 7 nod id In ad Hlxi Mary Ann Bray ... fit i ,g9iljiiil£ .tenoO Larceny ilbxmlbtaHdO : x; xxi xioiij Js Detective Benjamin i u " Committed to '* Industrial MfciMWHMftgy -j,« j, James Cowley ... ! 1 1, r XirUliOOZU School for 4 years Breach ? of | Vagrant : Act (having no : : jy) '/o n n; Izez lyri’a -Ji Detective Benjamin *\ j ..q_ School for 4 years . 3 months’ . "imprisonment (on warrant) , p ;n- visible or lawful means of support) HA. hard labour f,YVr nxlolEllen Jordan 3 months’ hard labour Ellen Jordan c ... Vagrancy - vagrancy/ijjViiilbjiiniiO Const. Neil, 3 months’ hard labour •-”itu( v “b * - .ssQ bna Y.08- £• - Jas. Kirman^,.,,;;;,,..., Christchurch Police Drunk and resisting police in execuConst. Eares, Fined 10s. , , Y. Jliiclo ; Drunk and resisting ..police tion of duty"**' .is ni bomst in > execu-, John Burn3 ■ poi Jiiabi 1 tion of duty Drunk and riotous in a railway 7 Christchurch Police Detective Kirby Fined 20s. Josiah Hasketh in'execu- , - Christchurch. Police ,Const. Eares, t - Christchurch Police, ;.YI i - rt ».r>vhj ji-fuiO i mt/iT, Fined 10s. dl!glj . itIg . lT John Burns carriage Josiah Hasketh .*./ Drunk and resisting police in execuDrunk and riotous in hot- carriage ■ • u; r .v Drunk and resisting, police Const. Eares, ; n?Hctive Kirby'; Voifocotst'SS?; 1 - i; ‘ : Fined 20s., or 48 hours in Fined 20s. c U , ! , r i-!"--' / T. O' 'Fined - 20s., or 48'hours in Montague Fox Henry (on remand from, £ V[ tion of duty, ( , H > .,„ ;o0 Embezzlement , lli , 1 ; s :.j r! Q Christchurch Police Detective Benjamin default On remand I .tljim'-! .lanoO Lyttelton) Ellen Talbot . T . 1 ‘.oi r - c r jf~rrj»ljiai-irfO from drink' (on remand) _ j f-oili/I Morgan Harper .- Darceny ot a carving knife,vs ... | :: C hris tchurch Pol i ce, Detective Benjamin Y.> ult , voUxO ishxta On remand Lunacy from drink (on remand) " Const. Hazleton, Dismissed Morgan Harper , q ... ; Larceny of a carving knife value 7s. 6d. Christchurch Police luo 7s. 6d. . Imspecfor Barskam, Const. Hazleton, Christchurch Police i Imspector. Barsham, 2 months’ imprisonment ■jxI j ... niileot) arloL O • t-Yr.-f-v/ 70V ;2j months imprisonment George Naylor hard labour"' Drunk and creating a disturbance in Fined.lOs.' fna[ j fi7I irdoT , Kaiapoi Police Const. Haddrell, hard labour Fined 10s. Morgan Harper (on remand) :6j months’-/;;imprisonment public street Larceny of a watch Christchureh Police Inspector Barsham, 6 months’ imprisonment Hugh Gibson ' ... Y -3 hard laboiur Yb (on remand) Fined 5s.V UD ) 1" ' Hugh Gibson Breach of Vagrant Act Illegally on premises, and assaulting r .9^ e i ismiss ®dr-;S/;T, fiom/il and resisting police in execution of duty j: (iaisvu w no) Drunk whilst in charge of a horse Fined - 6s. V^'>ij'adol George Naylor „ ho ., ia Morgan Harper, ..., _ ! ibrur/.o.^.i-ttlQ. jDrunk and creating a. distc public street .V: ' > larceny' of ( a_ watch Breach of Ya!grant°Act Kaiapoi Police Mt.-Const. Beck, Kaiapoi Police flEegally^on-.premises, and Const. J. Neill, rbancein , Kaiapoi Police' Const. 1 , Haddrell,' ,Y' '.j jj •T. Ch'ristchureh Police •Inspector Barsham,', Y ~;rYYv Kaiapoi Police, hard labour Mtl'-Consti Beck',' Fined 5s. Kaiapoi Police Const. J. Neill, Case dismissed (on remand) ( ',YHugh Gibson ~ (onremSqd)-qT™, -iHugh-Gibson* iY; s .Y‘ .opcnpn.tvj! liiloliixld assaulting Kaiapoi) anu resisting police m execution of Christchurch Police William Brook ,St * t rw L4U.tjr . -j r yy ' Dr link whils t in'cliarge of a Const. J. Smith, xtoatoq gui horse ‘ .7. Fined 5s. Const. 1 J. r Smi thj ; William McLean' ... ' .tOI J). William McLeano.... Flora Martin f. 1 // Drunk, violent assault, and wilful destruction to private property valued at dL2 Violent assault Drunk and disorderly Christchurch Police Const. J. Neill, Christchurch Police Const. J. Neill, Christchurch Police Const. Hughes, Fined 20s., and pay £2 dammage Fined 20s., and pay 25s. for injuries inflicted George Peters 1 ' (on remand) «c. *i Drunk, r, violent V ] t: r I dostruction to private' valued at £2‘T‘, 7,r~ [Viojent' assault f r Drunk and disorderly 1^ f-ri 1 ,, Vr rt ;rr t Violently assaulting. - his wife Eliza Christchurch Police ’ r ( Peters Const. Hughes, n'd' wilful property;. ■> -01/bar; ,ClM> '.Vi rife Eliza - Christchurch Police". Constl J.’ Neill,"” -\-~f >0 ; i Christchurch/Police. n const ;i j..Nem; ; :;. r :Y , i Christchurch Police ’ Const. Hughes,**J“r.:l/**. Christchurch Police, Const. Hughes, . jTTT | , *n[ 4 T f ,, \r Fined*20s., and pay‘£2 damxtl j m ,^pi e xnioL Bined 20s., and. pay 25s. , for * injuries inflicted*'''"" 1 " 3 months’ hard labour 'Case dismissed 1 *’ 0 Thos. Helms ... . (on warrant) '‘" Y James, Oliver , . oxen nVit Disobeying an order, of, E. - to support his family ; Indecent exposure in a publi Ellen Talbot . Lunacy from drink , Disobeying an order of R. M. ‘-Court, to support his family rt“*Indecent exposure in a public street... -Christchurch Police, /Sergt. Kennedy YChristchurch Police 1 Const. Haddr’ell.Y Y J Lunacy from drink Christchurch - Police Christchurch Police ■„rr ! . f T Sergt. Kennedy, Ordered to pay v £3 (amount Christchurch Police due) and 6s. 6d. costs Const. Haddrell. Christchurch Police hard labour ....^rr Ordered to pay £3 (amount due) and 6s. 6d. costs 1 month hard labour : James,Watt., „ . 1 , James Rowden 1 , Henry Howard ... ' Drunk and indecent exposure Drunk and illegally on premises - •-■■ ■■■ .t- j Drunk and committing a breach of the peace within view of a constable jcou* kirlA e-fjii j :„ ;r o'",' -- ""' -/'.froO.and indecent exposur , Drunk and illegally on prem ? Drunk and committing a bre peace view; qt a' ni [i resisting execu tion of Const. Hazleton, Christchurch Police Const. J. Smith, Christchurch Police Const. Wilkinson, Christchurch Police Const. Ross, Christchurch Police Discharged Fined 10s. Fined 5s. Fined 40s. XIX Dge-Yr 0 ses-i ...cib'jojrj ach of,the , constable," 2cution of Hazleton,.,, : Christchurch Police' /Const. J. - Smith; -- " - , 1 ' „ Christ church'Police [Const. Wilkinson, , * Christchurch'PoficV : jGonst. Eoss,... ' 'Christchurch Police". ..Discharged iS?flf 0 ?-0l7 0 (r IFined 63Y r>n f n '-;'V' 1 ',’ ) .Fined40^ Iwi ';r' :I i ■ i ... . - niioT. • U iiim.’xj . JenbO i viiobic exi) has In "Cf’j: ... .znttntfin!D aohiaE!!i ' ’lodzirJi


Name. _ Offence. . io uaso'iiid.-ffo] By whom Abeested. Offence. How Disposed of. I .aayognaA ruav GI |A; • By whom Aeeested. .aunui'i'x How Disposed of. John Jus. Keefe OJ luni-iut lr ii)irn Drunk and indecent exposure ‘‘■J | ,ioa tt ovu-jojju. i ... Sergt. Wilson, .. Christchurch' Police : Joseph Rich Drunk and indecent exposure Sergt. Wilson, Christchurch Police Fined 20s. Contempt of court 48 hours’ imprisonment Scifionb si moil gai! Fined 20s. r ~ *'* , r^* iiooO .y-tbM Joseph'fEtichT ■' l V'!' 1 bo ■ b;nl .not heiiirti Contempt of, court . a J ! i t o .'ibotoU 48 hours’ imprisonment; . r Anthony Ferrick on .V. 1 Disobeying an order of Resident Const. J. Neill, To pay arrears £6, or 1 (on wairant) ... P 1 >x Magistrate’s f Court, 14 Christchurch, Magistrate’s Court, Christchurch, .A to contribute 20s.. a week towards Const. J.‘Neill, To | pay arrears £6, or 1 • (on warrant) . ,J Christchurch Police Christchurch Policemonth in default U1 ' month in default' ' ’ support of 4 children in Industriali To ogi.odo n't if fid v dr nGL j ... To2 fiTcv/tll .10 1 J; ni1 support of 4Children in School 1 Industrial Elizabeth Arthur ... LarcenyDetective" Kirby J Detective Kirby'Dismissed TCtTrT0 ° : Larceny', tb > n tud j u //.% j stropDismissed Margaret Guerin fc 9£." : : Drunk and soliciting'prostitution in a Const. Hughes,' ' 1 Vn fr r.V'1 '■ ' 48 hours imprisonment * xublic street ,..;; • 'William Kendell•ylmqo-m. public street, Christchurch Police Christchurch Police W illiath -Kendell ■ - !j l. J 1 Illegally on premises ! i3eSergt. Kenedy, gaily oh premises oh. ty.vtiv.ii. Sergt. 1 Kenedy, y. iu Christchurch'. Police Dismissed George Bray 'io'jfcuq oiu io irj. 1 Dismissed ,0 ? aoJ George Bray L-2 yrs.’'] John Bray Charles Bray bait Ln: Frances Bray 'j 1 . 11 ail ,dlomvjbinr .fartoD 2 Vrs Y y«n°3£'IainBa : Being neglected children ooilo’I sriimviV ig neglected children Sergt. Wilson, .■Oil., .i iru.nluChristchurch Police Sergt. Wilson, von 3 yrs. | Committed respectChristchurch Police 5 yrs. ively to Burnham a jrs. j f 3 yrs. 1 Committed - respect5 yrs. - ively' to' Burnham .7. yrs. I Industrial School Arthur Ford Bray J8 yrs.J' 8 yrs.J Augustus Doyle 3 months hard labour’: ,^. r Illegally on premises Sergt. Kennedy, 3 months hard labour HO j " ... xxijLtAij J 11 Arthur Ford Brayj]J : - Augustus Doyle % rm.waa a iUnr [>sa>jn her ,b!naoUoi/. .tUIO'3 -d, r s o) in <Ja ban find'of Llorf s Illegally on premises x t _ giu. , t .jznoJ-.iM boauooff'.;. Sergt. Kennedy, a Christchurch Police George Yates ...Const. Eowland, George YatesDrunk and using obscene language Christchurch Police Drunk 'and ‘using, 1 obsceneConst. Rowland, language.Fined 6s. Fined 6s. tea i.ojurnoeri'jrai ‘art A V ,f£OTU*«J. J 13 o l l Christchurch'Police' fZJJL I ... iiuvb Henry Bonnell 1 Ir iY.- c Christchurch Police Sgt.-Major O’Grady, 7 days hard labour Refusal of duty on barque Alice ;a:;i -Juoiaaoeriqaii 'err, Befusal of'duty on'barque Alice Fi | ,i*.rmoii <:/ .texioJ-.txu j Sgt.-Major O’Grady,. Lyttelton’ Police 7 days hard labour Wsr-w rA m*Ju , • • • ii ctu: llll t f John Roberts 1 Lyttelton Police Wife desertion { „ Sgt.-Major O’Grady, Ordered to pay 20s. a week [Zo. -! ail - jaoraaosnqmi ‘eye hi ■ . ■ .rto'nr.U .A .taaoJ Tkos. Luntleusal 1 .' of ’ duty 'on boa 00.01] OUCLyttelton Police J, 1 “ Lyttelton'Police 10 Thos. LuntleRefusal of duty on board barque EefActing-Sergt. Maguire, ■d barque1 month hard labour Acting-Sergt. Maguire, . 1 month hard labour, „ •„ .&0I b Chairman fU'l Chairman' * >-kLyttelton Police -J li Lyttelton 'Police ; Martin GrayActing- Sergt. Maguire, :| tisllj.CL.JMartin GrayRefusal of duty on board barque RefusaP r 6f board barque.Acting-Sergt. Maguire, 1 month hard labour , - - r ; snoituno ncs boeaic iiU. Chairman c< 1 .•" - Charles "Wheelerusal' of 0 duty'' on boa Chairman Lyttelton Police Refusal of duty on board barque Acting-Sergt. Maguire, 1 month hard labour Chairman'^ 1 ; “, , OOiiiq-OiiC ‘‘l u Police" Acting-Sergt. Maguire, ;q n Lytteltoa Poliee Charles Wheeler Eef rd barque. oiiO 1 month hard labour j ; ? £ maom/no ban bosak •1U Edward Jones Refusal !( of A duty ; on board barque Acting-Sergt. Maguire, 1 month hard labour T T 'Jj'± ■ ... DiMijU. .iOh 1j Chairman an Lyttelton Police Clmirman' } ' u ~ Wm. OlsonusaP-of' duty.'lon- boai VUJi) i'j 1,1 "-■''"''Lyttelton'Police Refusal of duty on board barqueActing-Sergt. Maguire, Acting-Sergt. Maguire, 1 month hard labour Chairman 1 VIP 1 -Lyttelton-police Wm. Olson Eef d.barque .1 month hard labour .r u j£ .iOiS h Lyttelton Police tl! i auo;j<jf j>: John Petersen Refusal of duty on board barque John, Acting-Sergt. Maguire, 7 days’ hard labour .iOl Jr; Knox an Lyttelton Police vOi-iq one "i ;l 'Lyttelton Patrick CareyActing-Sergt. Maguire, "Lyttelton Police " Patrick Carey , ... L ssr^irr Obtaining money under false pretences iiU. I °jgooA .JenoO-.iiU | ... . jJT 1 ... aoeii’77 ntrilliW George Baker Obtaining money under false pretences 8 - .’iOlb;Drunk, resisting the police in execution Acting-Sergt. Maguire, Lyttelton Police Drunk;resisting the execution.Const. McGorman, Fined 20s., and ordered to 31 - of their duty; and 1 damaging Got-?pay 20s. damages Const. McGorman, n of their duty, and damaging Gov- ,:i f5 "Lyttelton 1 Police' * Fined 20s., and f ordered to ,lvl pay - 20s. damages ,Jli v ernment property, value 20s. Lyttelton Police ; f .y T .nifili-sO f ifirforTr Wm. Taylor ;o Stowaway on s.s. Taranaki Sgt.-Major O’Grady, neoii an nr nv/ot gnrrnoLyttelton Police Stowaway on s.s:'- Taranaki. ••• rooiu/l no mum?/-' Sgt.-Major O’Grady, 1 ' 1 Lyttelton Police Evangeline Webb Yu ioT .P.qoO-.lM ... Sgt.-Major O’Grady, r gid Lyttelton Police i f 1 C Sent to Industrial School George Webb ?° V ‘ Lilian Webb I ;aL J Neglected and' criminal children . < at Burnham for 6 , . mo>J j.S.CU iiosn.(. years j at Burnham v for -6 •C I "years’ John White invtls Refusal of duty on barque Syren ... Const. Wallace,-’ 1 month hard labour Lyttelton Police Wm. Melton1 month hard labour VJ Lyttelton Police Wm. MeltonConst. Wallace, Refusal of duty on barque Syren 1 month hard labour jieiusai ox ciuty on uarquu ouren Const. Wallace, Lyttelton Police Ordered on board John Dalzell Absent from brig Syren without leave Const. McGorman, Lyttelton Police Ordered on board Edwin Maithers ... Absent from brig Syren without leave Const. McGorman, HAflHIHKiEHHBHl Lyttelton Police George GrantOrdered on board George GrantAbsent from brig Syren without leave Lyttelton Police Absent from brig Syren without leaveConst. McGorman, Const. McGorman, Lyttelton Police Ordered on board Fined 20s. George Grant Assault on a constable Const. McGorman, ... Const. McGorman, Lyttelton Police William Moore14 days’ hard labour William Moore Larceny of grass seed under £5 Mt.-Const. Lamb, Akaroa Police Thomas Hawkins ... Larceny of grass seed under £5 Larceny of grass seed under £5 ... Lyttelton Police Mt.-Const. Lamb, Akaroa Police Mt-Const Lamb, Akaroa Police 14 days’ hard labour Case dismissed William Moore Fighting in a public thoroughfare ... Mt.-Const. Lamb, Fined 10s., or 24 hours’ hard ' (on summons) Akaroa Police labour Thomas Hawkins ... Fighting in a public thoroughfare ... Mt.-Const. Lamb, Fined 10s., or 24 hours’ hard (on summons) labour (on summons)Akaroa Police Akaroa Policelabour Edwatd J. Xllister ... Vagrancy Const. Rutledge, Cautioned, and to leave the Akaroa Policetown in half-an-hour ?r - \ f •.:town in half-an-hour " Akaroa Police John Reed. Drunk and creating a disturbance in a Const. Rutledge, Fined 20s, or 48 hours church Akaroa Police John Brewer Drunk whilst in charge of a cart Const. Johnston, Fined 6s. >: ' ' /: . , •Timaru Police Timaru Police George Titmus Arson Sergt. O’Connor, Withdrawn (on remand from warrant) Waimate Police Withdrawn John Irom, alias Arson Sergt. O’Connor, , McGuire ... Sergt. O’Connor, Waimate Police (on remand) George Titmus Breaking into an out-house and Sergt. O’Connor, Committed for trial to Su(on remand from Breaking into an out-house and Sergt. O’Connor, Committed for trial to Sustealing therefrompreme Court, Timaru stealing therefromW aimate Police W aimate A'olicepreme Court, liuiaru. warrant) John Irom, alias Breaking into an out-house and Sergt. O’Connor, Committed for trial to Supreme Court, Timaru McGuire stealing therefrom Waimate Police preme Court, Timaru (on remand) Geo. Barrie,Breach of Destitute Persons Relief Breach of Destitute Persons BeliefSergt. McDonald, Sergt. McDonald, Discharged Timaru Police Discharged (on remand) Ordinance Timaru Police


'Name. 7ro1 j .aaxs3.i^gnvr-/a - . .jrrmrv'ii > ■ By whom Abeested. •A 1/ « Y. How Disposed of. Mary Cook ' 8 °7.. b (,; r .r ! ■ •'rrcV’.fiW '.ivioS ’ Stealing from .the person Detective Wa’ker, Committed for trial to Supreme Court, Timaru L Stealing from a dwelling Committed for trial to Su0 Efpqxo.Jnotml'tj: baa ih. Detective Walker, U' ,.'d-mi , ),?o iquio Detective Walker, 'Committed" 1 foV trial' to'Su-ii.-O preme Court,. Committed for trial to Suj:rf preme Court, Timaru . (on remand) John Patrick Stealing from a dwelling Detective Walker, John Forde Fined 40s.. and 15s u cdsts , Ay, ; | , .(iijTE'.T. ,j?.npO c Violent assault wlI;))EhdC) inobho'A jio'UJ.d.v.ii Const Gash, Timaiu Police Fined 40s.. and 15s. costs >,[vni-ffol ji Edward Sol horse., ,.,j to, softm rn Const, Crash,.; Yl( .j X, V ‘ Tim aiu Police ( Edward Sol Br^i Drunk whilst in charge of a horse ... Drunk whilst in charge of £ Sergt. McDonald, , Serg t’.’ McDonal d,‘ L . “ Tiraaru Police Fined 10s. Michael Connor Const. Wildermoth,. ri ., Breach of the peace Const. Wildermoth, ...‘ Temuka Police . Fined 10s. . [■ - , ■ • Fined Is. ’..Fined Is. xIladhiilH Michael Connor 0 ”* c JBrekch of tir_e'peacej 03)o(t ... Michael Connor • ... Assaulting police Const. Wildermoth, Fined 40s. Temuka Police Michael Connor j J3ic f Assaulting p.pliWjf .tenoD . n ni nci“n • Const,.Wildermoth, ,l!ined 40s n nQD0 3&Jtsgtj ; 2£ _ [’'ooilo*! do'mrf-i^iTcO .Destroying j Government property Const. Wildermoth, Fined 10s., and 3s. costs ‘ATfeWaVudblkhdD^\‘ Temuka Police Daniel Moriarty .« (V Breach of the peace property. Const. Wildermoth. j r" ( . 'Temuka Police , Fined 1 Osand 3s. costs yj Daniel Moriarty .... Breach of the peace Const. Wildermoth, - Const. Wildermoth, Temuka Police Fined 10s. vintr.^'fO'iO. ■- • '! I ’■ 7inti 1 'inf'll, -iv i-'t) f'-itiimraoO .e Julia Boyle Lunacy Const. O’Malley, Committed to Lunatic Asyi. UiHL u. yJ (i > i •• Timaru Police lum Mary Cook 1^ Eunacy ,noaIi // .Jyioti Const.,0’Malley, : Committed to v Lunatic, A«-y- "• £ 1 odlo‘1 iloijJiloJiiiilO /. Timaru Police lum YBitl £.9odn'iT Being held to bail and about to abSergt. McDonald, Discharged f[ ] rU) 'i -wilnk (on warrant.) scond . Timaru Police, Timaru Police iUT ! ... <j1'"!(I enigbnuA J Creiitjng. a jin Dismissed with a caution "William COmein Creating a disturbance in a licensed Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, -j boose 0 ;j . i^rioO Waimate Police John Smith ' ... Exposing,his person in a. p a ‘licensed Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, Dismissed with a caution John Smith.' ’’ A Exposing his person in a public place ,'V- fr - r^ ablic place Const. Barron, o rffSM »ipa»te'JPpli<y dn Const. Barron, 7 days’ imprisonment ha.d MTi 1 ovioj O-, 7 days imprisonment maid William Comein If 'A■ 'ibr Unkind‘disorderly Waimate Police labour SOliJ 0 „ n Waimate .Police, Drunk and disorderly Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, to r ,\ labour lie a no 11 yva?H ■ Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, 14 days’ imprisonment hard 14 days’ imprisonment hard Waimate Police labour John Marry oi i;d,) 1 .vhrvO'O •roirilC-.,1 T 'S Exposing his person, in a public place blic place Const. A. Barron, Waim ate. Police jj Const. A. Barron, 14 days’ imprisonment hard i ff labour Fi-mdbiLniJoL , 14 days’ imprisonment, hard ThomaSiir b “ dxI .!fl f Waimate Police cxJT. 1 >>T' t 'ro n!/ tJrnoR -*u n i ioA labour Thomas Muir Using obscene language onp'xad £ r „iWaimatepolice, "Using obscene language Mt.-Const.’ Gilchrist, > t- '.r labour oltnul .sodT Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, Fmed 10s. Fined 10s. Edwai^Jbnes'™^® Waimate Police Edward Jones rail 1 ievrii^. , /ril'n’('i3-ritX'toA Exposing his person in a public place , n it-J J) blic place Const. A. Barron, Waimate JPolice: RSr , 'Const. A.'Barron,,, jr Dismissed and cautioned ! ... y/ixO Dismissed and cautioned David Henderson ... CX,I 1 r;io-';d h Waimate Police Exposing, his person in a public place R-'d !^ & } m& P e police, Const. A. Barron, • Dismissed and cautioned I,,.,! rWaimate Police. h',f/j : J Dismissed and cautioned ' Jas. Defield 1 InciI * r, Waimate Police t«'f | ... eonol £'i/ii»£2C Resisting police ; in execution of ' duty Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, Fined 40s. Mark Fox 1)115,1 Waimate Police Using obscene language in a public Sergt. O’Connor, Fined 20s. (on summons) • place Waimate Police William Cosgrove ' ... - cut •! oittyinTf ownthjL L Using 0 obscene language m a "public JuV ? ouiri Exposing his person in a public place , .,.j Waimate Police ,. ' Sergt.'O’Connor, .,-,' vu v' t°tT j ... nosiO .xn7/« Fined 20s. d 653oW aimate Police, Const. Barron, r , u '; i«7 j ... lrsciotf/I'ndol' Fined 10s. William Wilson rp, *'.O.ThrrnTA Ivi^^'rrrrioA Threatening to murder eooffoloiq Waimate Police ■e r »1 Mt.-Const. Loose, tf’O j- ... vsisD iloiujil Dismissed 0 John Bradley Oy£i|lU&l .802 Vil Drunk and committing a nuisance ... rut I '*niiTnoO?>M r ysiior> Ashburton Police Drunk and committing a ni Const. Graham, irroitimxo isance ,...- T Fined iOs. . f ; [ Asb burton Policpj . Const. Graham, ,, Michael Golding ... ? .,i ...Ashburton police.. Vagrancy ■,Mt.-Constl Loose, y( [ ■ ! • *• n>in£C ogiosO. Fined 10s. ° Ashburton Police Michael Golding ... Mt.-Const. Loose, f .,or^-.l S ? Discharged on condition of "eOi- , Discharged on , condition i of John Patterson oi S 'm. I Vpif.-.'J fioiluj/J Threatening language Ashburton Police Mt.-Const. Beck, leaving town in an hour Bound over to keep the 1 ( | fVbfl'ul'O.xopiwl-.lgd Morgan Harper ... Drunk ; and t exposing his p - Ashburton Police Mt.-Const. Beck, leaving town in an hour Bound" over//to ( j keep 7 the 0 Morgan Harper^. 0 " Drunk and exposing his person in a ... . nor Kaiapoi Police erson in a Const, Haldane, P-f.j {/..rEaiapoi Police[ peace for 12 months Const. Haldane, ' 3 months’ imprisonment hard ,.7 : peace for 12 months..-, y 3 mon ths’imprisonment hard t. . ■ XfioJoI iracd iliac public place aL P ubhc feinW .IgnoO i Kaiapoi Police labour ... onp'-usJ Kaiapoi Police;, ■oil labour • oJiir/f nxlob oodoT ndi.'oii'-nl i ‘ 1 . ZifoJt'A fried lii/iom I .' .obnlluV/ .iaaoO i! <T i ... mMM/ .rrrV-/


Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous References. j . ElgieGeorge R.M.C., Peb. 24, 1875 Using threatening, 14 days H.L. Glasgow Bushman 1843 6ft 7^in Stout Pale Light Blue Thin Mediun Mediun Goatee beard; several cut Oxford abusive, profane, and brown pinched scars on forehead; cut obscene language r scar right hand on knuckles; ditto on right shin. Discharged 9 th inst. Pockpitted. Discharged on Joseph Rogers R.M.C., Ch.Ch. March 8,1875 Violently assaulting his wife 1 month in default of sureties Cornwall Carter 1846 5ft 7in Medium Fresh Black Dark Mediun Medium Mediun John Petersen ... R.M.C., March 4, 1875 Refusing duty on 1 week H.L. Denmark Seaman 1834 6ft 5£in Medium Swarthy Black Blue Medium Medium Beardec Small black spot left side of Lyttelton board barque John Knox nose. Discharged 10th William Nankarvis ... R.M.C., March 8,1875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. Cornwall Ship’s 1855 6ft 0£in Slender Pale Black Brown Medium Medium Medium Blue mark right wrist; scar under left eye. Discharged Lyttelton steward Archibald McDonald... R.M.C., Ch.Ch. March 4,1875 Lunacy from drink On remand Inverness, Scotland Farmer 1815 5ft 8in Stout Fresh, weatherGrey light blue Long Large Beardec 10th inst. Cut scar corner of right eyebrow; scar on back of worn left hand. Discharged William Taylor R.M.C., Lyttelton March 11,1875 Stowaway 4 days H.L. Sunderland Sailor and miner 1844 6ft 2Jin Stout 1 1 ;> ' ' ) Fresh Black Grey Long and Large Long 11th inst. Cut scar right eyebrow; very weak in legs; slouching gait. Discharged 13th turned Charles Parkins ... William Moore R.M.C., Lyttelton R.M.C., Jan. 16, 1875 March 2, 1875 Larceny Larceny 2 months H.L. 14 days H.L. London Kew, London Seaman Labourer 1847 1853 5ft 5|in 5ft 5in Medium Stout Fresh Fresh Dark brown Black Brown Grey up Medium Medium Medium inst. Cut scar outside right leg, just above knee John Petersen ... R.M.C., Lyttelton March 11, 1875 Refusing duty on board barque 1 week H.L. Denmark Seaman 1835 5ft 5|in Medium Swarthy Black Blue Medium Medium Bearded Small black spot left side of nose John White John Knox R.M.C., Lyttelton March 17, 1875 Refusing and combining to refuse to obey 4 weeks H.L. Shoreham Shipwright and 1848 5ft 7in Stout Pale Black Dark blue Medium Medium Full Discharged by order of R.M. the lawful commands 6eaman of master of barque Rachel Boyd Peter Jansen R.M.C., Lyttelton R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Sup. Court, Ch.Ch. Syrene March 19, 1875 Dec. 23, 1873 Jan. 5, 1874 Drunk and incapable Larceny Larceny On remand till 20th inst. 12 months H.L. 6 months H.L. Lancashire Copenhagen, Deumaik Married woman Seaman 1843 1839 5ft 5^in 5ft 6|in Medium Medium Fresh Pale Black Sandy Dark Hue Gray, rather arge and round Bue Long Medium Medium: Large Medium Large Broad forehead I John James Jxeel'e, alias Sims R.M.C., Akaroa Sept. 25, 1874 Vagrancy 6 months H.L. Ramsgate, Seaman 1840 6ft Stout Fair Sandy Medium Medium Medium Marks : Sailor on right arm ; England and bullock wreath, sword, flag, and Alfred Humphries, alias W. Jones R.M.C., Akaroa Jan. 25,1875 Larceny 2 months H.L. England Labourer 1852 5ft 3jin StouJ; Fresh Light Light j Medium Medium Medium hand; anchor on left Marks : Crucifixion, I.N.R I. and blue on top ot cross; scar on fair 1 1 ) scar on right thumb Where ( j Tried.'! i CPC : -When, j g 1 319 IP Offence. qizoiq i. ]A Sentence. j{;p- ■ { Native of. ; i ' Trade, on.' 1 iBorn.i . ! i . ! ' Make.o • 1 u ‘ n Complexion.' ■ 1 ' - t tj Hair.r I pi lyes. r. ! J ■ iNose.rj ! * i '• '/Mouth. 1 1 •i o Chin., ! Eemaeks and Previous ' Yj (J, ’ i Eeee'eenuesP 0 -''''''' -! < 1 ] » J) >1 . pirr ■E.M.C., : Oxford ( 7 ,Fe b. 24, 1875 j-w, jy----,- ' - JJ 1.—~ '"J Using threatening,;' abusive, profane,’ and j ; obscene: language/;, 14 days H.L.q-p-,i >•--> • i Glasgow, m I j ushmans "■ | ■■*»>' 1843 g. 5 ft 7Jin t -tiT1 7-i Stout o ff 3 ! “A ’alerts r i u pLight.o J brown .Hi ! ""■ Blue; 0 - 1Y ['hin ( ■ j Medium j j > ■Mediun i Goatee ;• beard ; ( t several;: cut George rElgie trzjcecj... • I j pmcnea i | scars on forehead; cut CP»HC3 |]A8xie " i mi '/ISLCp TO 1 ;.]a <13 F 0?; « JIT' ■jnjSjan I I,UIIJ{C is: } |2W:J i‘fl ■ Et° f r IT I r .! D :1 ? ■ ■ BF 3 r :n •Y r : j L G!J , ’ter! scar so-right on - | i | khuckles-; [ditto on right ! CFX r* - | TOLJJ j shin. -jq Discharged m 9 th n JGcVj instill 1 JOEBgy »5"- 8* uo' \ G Pockpitted. Discharged on •i TCOBJjqffS VTi/tCT' TO* ' 3\ 0 mrrmr miq oiseur r.Tl T VACOiT V T’ ’ " T ioif'0' posin-r _. jg; 1 i 9 r .c: f IT • pi it JI i . t 3 1 T)3 t yi P • ru ■ j j,! Vi I—Tf'VT" RM.C.‘ : March 8,1875 Violently assaulting, 1 month in default Cornwall Carter 1846 5ft 7m Medium Presh Black Dark Medium Medium Medium Joseph )•* 7HH&P TO ■ f y.c ms .'Wife i;%i*fTLpi. UGS 01 sureties r r-p* T Tnifi.rfAc;' etc*Tg. 5ft I OTf .'IT j' - i T.u 3 ! T)3 p K YC 7yj 'C wca rrxnl V; oq /. r JJ iardec •■Ch.Ch.-r John Petersen ... ju,!]l r j |;.;r E.M.'C.,‘ : Lyttelton’ March 4,1875 [Refusing duty on , 1 week PT.L. Denmark Seaman 1 834 18 6Jin Medium Swarthy Black Blue Medium Medium B Small black spot left side of lPF* 51’ L -MaAniH 12 ooara / Darque..v John Knox i K>owfi T n*r* | p'rporii. r. > let? 9 i!« i-cili 1 ' ff'i L7 o ! I)* 1 j‘ j JJJJ o •: 7Pi ; H 7L &< 1 rwj :qc,(j Tin! nose. Discharged 10th uWilliam ... March 8,1875 Drunk and disorderly i]l 48 hours H.L. ( • rCornwall rn [ Ship’s rVrf 0 1855 r; 6ft OJin .Slender, rn Pale ir. p Black r ,'Brown ( '.Medium .Medium /Medium rrBluei mark j right wrist; scar j under left eye. Discharged 'ini j 10th inst-in jorr ;rrnI)io Cut 'scar corner' of right eye•rail brow; scar on back of •E.M.C.,Lyttelton ; ! 7 “ ' 1 i steward Archibald .. McDonald 1 ■ to]' March 1876 4, from Lunacy q-5 )iO!U» TT‘T V On remand | Tjniiph Inverness, f ! I'tiponn Farmer L 1 315*' > ; 1 or c f 5ft 8in 1 77 oq Stout rnni t,!!. Fresh, 3 1 qja Grey I T)Jf ight ' I 1 7j f -q 'ong 7I r, 'J mu; ;qoq Large :'im| ypq JfUjj yjccj Bearded r.,1 • • Ch.Ch. r }** ;-7i'"op jo* ] O J)UrUp 01 Jq qiic-iq 00 I'o ; hi.B n r Scotland u f . ; IFOcijTG J8' •> | i 21.!'': iu j ii«q weather- ■ J F; 8 n 3 )lue.i, G : mu 71°7 .] Vi*w» snlil 1 » n;rn i -CFX l. * worn ; left hand. Discharged Tni; llt-h inst. " I I/”')E.M.C., •Lyttelton’ 1 V T, MarcK 11,1875 \ *;> JitnufC truq qnoiq Stowaway ’ •A ~,T poraa JIT’ 4 days H.L1 f[ j?nS,tro Sunderland | 1 gGirnuf Sailor and r 1 TO* 1844 6ft ; OH: ; ru ji«i fnn| T > !’ Fresh i rjir. Black -t J’l.O .)i i 7I ( r J Tin; ypoq 1S7J 7I 6 7 ;2Jin otouc Lrrey Xiong Large h : 7 P'7 Loner Cut scar, right eyebrow; very [fijjj weak vin (legs ;i slouching rr Taylor ... 7FD«"»H , yjo.cp g* ] ' o ])uujy anq qjsotq '•P 5T pontaqrpt j ' gOO{]!Tll I miner, m. L I8t \ | J Lf rf :iT? i ! f '\¥‘ f | s andjnr TUJ 7I CC J » 1 CKC ! 7i ; turned 1 1 gait. Discharged 13th ''TOOL •Charles | .. E.M.C., 16, ryr.nup truer qraoiqi Larceny F 5f nofTT.g TT* rv 2 months H.L. • Ti.Gjrru London ,• < 7I1UCT Seaman l - T 8‘, 847 5ft .‘nr < 5iin Medium F t. u resh i’ i B] m up oq mnlyVTCq; Medium 11 u mu! inst. sesj. i:Strf rttg wont Cut scar 'outside right" leg, ; justrabove kneemnyc qir*sn 8 • j u Sjopc. j/.itp epibl); 8 \ o 3 Moore LytteltonE.M.C., j1875 2, 14 days H.L. | Kew. London J Labourer U 1853 ! Fresh brown . Black I Grey j • Larceny R.M.C.,■Lyttelton :i r\r(March 11,1875 i Refusing duty on board; barque oi.q John 'Knox V;j 1 week H.L. Denmark Seaman 1835 5ft 5 Jin Medium Swarthy t 1 Black i 1 Blue Medium Medium Be arded | is dpi uun! pwfjct 8ni jj Small black) spot left side of >o vy'-yi John Petersen; T5T jTonwfjT' fe«'U<rr I i ’ gcrrmu '} J8' y l ! u Hi' :»f L" 1 : j J> 7 d ! > P jpq riu:: 71 6 1 m-uj 71 ‘'7 ffrol noseqm.q (it t q yi:tj(,jj g‘ j .E.M.C.,' Lyttelton March 17,1875 Refusing, and-combin-ing to refuse to obey A 4 weeks H.L. pS ioreham * Shipwright,, ; and’ r, 1848 o< I - O';5f ; 7in j [i S tout. Pale V, ! ' 3 Black o. | " jDarkj.i .Medium 1 Medium G Full y j. i! Y qiffu OIL ]Glf. CjJGGfC Discharged j by order of B.M.\ * lf< " i Kip IV r '55* It the lawful, commands of master of barque ’ ivl 1 } qhA^ilT* i Beaman ;n. r ‘ ; 18; o > 2 If J jin 81° it: nu, F i bc. ! ip ’I j! im m:i; 7IG(j ffyji 7P7 ijjiJ 1 jrjuq i ]o\r ! ?(yr. cu ] White ,, iur.,** Boyd March 19,1875 | • Syrene Drunk and incapable Oh remand till 20th Lancashire l 843 6ft . Fresh . : 71 Long j _ i IMc E.M.C., Lyttelton • - ' Y inst. Hue, Gray, rather arge and E.M.C., Ch.Ch. r,r Sup. Court, Ch.Ch'.* - Dec. 23, 1873 Larceny 12 months H.L. Copenhagen, Seaman 1839 5ft 6iin Medium Pale Sandy ■UBjai r-qi if Medium Large Ti-'ij Vjrq . j nL-'i'.tqoc liSjif ami : Broad forehead on udpp sri ! Peter | '7 Cl 'Y : ' D Larceny- joni b ■ ' 6 months H.L, T , I )enmaiknT:»i . 182 3 : iu ji ill' 8Hr ! IF-GC '1 Y if 0 ii { ' ! i -Y| 7I«J qjf(0>pCf/AGGIJ Gx.GpI.Oft i fiuj enp joy a;q G °l J JGi • ■■Jan.'S, 1874 • • John Keele, Akaroa 1 ■ . 0 *) jV agrancy jJj.’oi v ■ 6 months H.L. E amggate, England * Seaman,;,; and bullock 1 > ' 6ft ; ; Stout,. i -"..i air, i j , Sandyj; round p B.ueu J •' ■ 1 • Medium ■iY-F Medium | ’A, • TJ «•. Medium Marks : • Sailor, on right arm ;. wreath, sword, flag, and •Sept. 25, 1874 Alfred Humphries, Jan. 25, 1875 Larceny w 2 months H.L. I Inglando r c 1 jabourer,G' 1 352 or. 1 5ft 3 Jin • (Stou^/j ,-Fresh* 1 : Light nr j •LightU j ‘ Medium Medium I Medium ; band ; anchor on left Marks : Crucifixion; I.N.R I. E.M.C;, 1 . I •."■■ ~ , and , blue jj 1 j oh top ot cross ; scar oh 1 1 scar on right thumb i


I I • Where Tri. d j When. Offeree. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Eemarks akd Previous Eeeerences. K.M.C., 31a rch 23 187 3 Breach cf Prisons 2 days K.L. Oxford, Accountant 183 5 5ft 3in Stout Florid Black Grey Medium Medium Medium Peculiar thumb on left band 1 j Chas. ... Anstey Lyttelton K.M.C., Feb. 27, L875 Act Desertion from ship 1 month H.L. England Bidford, A.B. seaman 185 2 1ft 10£in Stout Freckled Eed Blue j Medium Medium Medimn Cut scar left side of head; Lytteltoi Bristo ditto between eyebrows; crucifix on right arm; bracelet right wrist: OyfJJ r /V . L double heart and dart on left arm; star on left hand Edmund Hogan E.M.C., Fife. 25, 1875 Indecently exposing 14 days H.L. Irelanc Labourer 1848 oft lOin Stout Fresh Dark Hazel Medium 31edium Medium Ch.Ch. himself n James Clark, alias E.M C, March 3, 1875 Drunk and disordet iy 7 days H.L. Irelane ?] Labourer 1836 oft 7in , St Pale Brown Grey Flat Large Large Cut . sears over both eyes; “ The Brusher ” Ch.Ch. Medium ditto on left cheek William Maxwell E.M.C., 3farch 8, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Scothm d Seamau 1845 5ft 7jin Slight Pale Dark Dark Medium Medium Standard of England and Ch.Ch. 7 ! J j j t ' rrG . : i Tree of Knowledge on the right arm; ballet girl on t r irr j : j oy B ’ 0.5 1 p : J a globe with skipping ■ .. r rope, and female dressing on left arm j.f James Moor E.M.C., March 8, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Irelar.c Miner 183 7 5ft 9in Stout Fresh Dark Brown Medium Medium Medium Cut scar right side of head Ch.Ch. English coat of arms right Archbd. McHugald ... E.M.O., Ma ch 8, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 21 hours H.L. Scotian d Labourer 1847 5ft 6in Stout Fresh • Dark Blue Sharp Medium Aledium Ch.Ch. i Ac ■■‘IV- ■ 1 teaman 1 i84 ' : -v : y Q’U j "J” IJ.MO : 7 o-utt <• arm John Valpy E.M.C., March 8, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Eng’an 1 1 oft 7in Medium Pale Dark Brown Me dium Medium Medium Ch.Ch. 184 5ft 3in / Elora Martin E.M C., March 10, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 96 hours H.L. Scotian d Prostitute 5 31edium Fair Light Blue Med run: Medium Medium ■ Ch.Ch. • r-.j : i . ■ '••• T 2 JO Pale • :'l : > \ . ( - : Chailes Deal E.M.C., March 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. Englan d Labourer 183 5~ 6ft 8|-in Medium Dark Blue Mediurr: Medium Medium Cut scar on left temple T Ch.Ch. ; 'V. Pockpitted Ellen Jordan B.M.C., March 12, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. Englan 1 Prostitute -> 1844 5ft 4in Mediurq Fresh Dark Grey Mediurr 31edium 31ediun Ch.Ch. 5ft 5^-in John Kelly E.M.C., Feb. 20, 1875 Vagrancy 1 month H.L. Ireland Labourer 184 3 Slight Pale Dark Blue Aledium Medium Mediun . Ch.Ch. r v.oojT m , - | j ' O. iJ T r.'ii/ I r c v frr '-.r Mediun jatrjT p]8<k ebop ]$u Riqo op. 1 Augustus Doyle R.M.C., March 10, 1875 Creating a disturbance in a public place Drunk and oisorderly 1 week H.L. Englan d Engraver, &c. 184,7 oft 7£in Pale Dark Dark Mediurr Medium . j' ?/:.•= • Ch.Ch. 4U. 1 • ’ 182 Dark Bear-dec ■ [ Sailor, female, E. S. on the Peter Eomulus E.M.C., March 10, 1875 1 week H.L. France Seaman 3 oft 3in Slight Pale Dark DeBig Ch.Ch. formed right arm; mermaid on the left Charles Evans E.M.C., 3 Jarch 13, 1 875 Drunk «nd disorderly 48 hours H.L. Englanc Painter 183 3 5ft ll|in Stout Fresh Dark Blue Large Large Beardec l Cut scar on right eyebrow Ch.Ch. ; bi 1TJLV Joseph Haskett • E.M.C., 3 larch 16, 1 875 Drunk and disorderly 96 hours H.L. Irelanc Saddler , -184 9 6ft 7|in oft 10-^Ln Stout Fresh Brown Blue Mediun Mediun Bearde Cut scar on the forehead Ch.Ch. E.M.C., 3 larch 16, 1 875, Drunk and disorderly Labourer ISO 8 Stout Fresh Grey Brown Mediun Mediwa Beardec 1 Cut scars on the forehead Ch.Ch. Thomas Davis R.M.C., 3 lareh 18, 1 875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. Ireland Labourer 1837 5ft S^in •Stout Fresh Dark Grey Large Large Beardec Ch.Ch. 1 ( See No. 1 John Kelly R.M.C., 3 Ch.Ch. R.M.C., Ch Ch. E.M. C., Ch.Ch, larch 10, 1 875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. — * ’ — — — Margaret Dempsey ... Oct. 24, 1874 Vagrancy 6 months H.L. London Matron “ 1827 J ' 5ft 3^in 5ft - 2^,-in (i/J Stout Fresh Grey Blue Medium Medium Medium Discharged by pardon 24th Margaret Guerin Feb. 25, 1875 Vagrancy r, •. . ■/■s'A 1 month H.L. 'rvvlU. Ireland Prostitute VK< 1838 Stout’ Dark 'Black Dark Full Hound f i A eafured . -r | vBurn scar left foot; scar J from ulcer under right 1 ' j. ii Hi • r* 0 T ■.;] .J. ! El' ear ; ; F Where jfllTiid ! l i'” utMlien. Offeree. I J5 root Sentence, j ; M Native of. srpt Trade.j ; v i y-Born..T< j Y. !Y Heightg ” i ' ■ - |AcMak’e.r \i L v.r i 13 Complexion! /Hair f! •I 7®, 3 i . Eyes, p T jNoser/p jvloutbr ■ si la 7 Chin .y l : l *. " .• » - | ' BEklEks’fAKD' Previous BEEEREirCES. li 1 1 jxrnq i am.p /i. piJ J- V | }' tif-itja .V | a ; AVm. Paul Tubb’c 5 i Anstey i f ' -k.m.o. ...t | ,387 -1 i 3 Bieach of. Prisons oijjc2,days .K.L. rnSTwrii j tn .. Oxford, 7 | , Accountants Tf 1,835 i-5ft Sji n : ■ \ o.Stout - -r Florid:,ZZ -1 rrBlac v - •i Grey Medium; MiMedium Medium jtiMhTtflmbiu* iptS' oihj } thumb oil left band :i March 23, ; r ... or.Feb. : 27 ; ; n * ' n * j-L875 ! sbij from Desertiou' England Bidford, A.B. teaman 185 2 1ft 1C fin i Stout ‘ ! ■ Freckled Eec V in; nui s -Blue Medium i ■ Medium ij. Medium ‘ . ” " 5 Cut scar left side of head; V jjjlmonthH.L.. i J 1 )GT7-,Lristo l . ; t? . . ! |BM|J i.r jjGi. j : zzM'l ditto between eyebrows; ’ < [Lyttelio 3 PTC;'* | T ! D c- of m: ? |: X’SICCUl 13 wourp* JIT Jf8fui ; .... cxnisrn v.oin ,, n • : = ■930: 21/ Ci t n } 7V M qjmxfj ] t;jo.. 5Ef nqA J C: 1 ■"< i 71' fl© ; . i qirrtn; r 7,5.0 ! [ n.uG jd osjij .crucifix; on right arm; bracelet right wrist; double heart and dart bn left arm; star on left fGI L eoIij B V '-cp 30* Jt'M', D TUK VM J 7OGffb.7pJ0 Q J I.OtWOIKf ftjf S01P r ireuspas 'jfjir m w,.; 'iv 2jF 1 71 qv/nuj j. 4ep ; T 'JGK : ! 1 'W | f >ifu ; ;s j 71 qrrrm. yjqinm 1 .! o 1 nruRroi or ptfi-dno. Indecently > exposing 14 days H.L. ! . ■7 ' JSB j . i‘ • _ I . i j; *' • v"'. hand ! 1 LTG*‘ j? .. R.M.C., Fife. 25, 1875 Ireland crLabourer ;1848 . 5ft lOin Stout Fre 'h Dark Hazel Medium Medium Mediun ' | ' 1 p ffGh.Gh. * • 113 . to lorrhimselt o’A ! 7 ? /i.<7;days H.L. V | 70(1 : i ■■■:, A f no Si ■ ! • ? •; . I . | 7 i Cuts scars, over,, both--eyes; ditto on left cheek | Edmund Hogan Clark, 1 -r March 3,-1875 • Drunk and.disordeiJ <5 roilre'and o ij. Labourer i ,rl83 oft 7in^ Olf?t j. ] ; ■ • j p •.Brown • ■riGrey/x cniUat^j! cLarge 7 rr^argo 75 -E.MC; -yisox j y 24 hours H.L. j . i ■■ i 1 The j March 8, 1875 Drunk and disorderl bcotland Seaman 1845 oft 7|in Slight Pa e Dark Dark Medium Medium Mediur n Standard of England and ji <ajj pfreeofKnoyledge ont the right arm; ballet girl on a globe with skipping lrr?:rope, and female dressing yrp- aion left; arm uSpp toS 1 | m Cup scar right side of Lead' .tv rfEiM.C., ! j jr,Ch.Gii.i t jcaxotr f <V II* J3i2j 1 cynsroS cjrtfA on j /Acop IXT* 3 .cninotp j. ! 'crrraffn I 332 2U oprn .71 ;gimnj y>ti ' 1 iirpl F trep: 1 jne } 71 igA J /; . 1 ■' 31 rn<;m j; j..qcq 1 j — Jfl li 71’Cf. 31 j: . • j imcccA it qnis nr K G v* yongen ; 3 3 323 .. & 1 s oop,; £ G8p ‘ B P' 3C.p v MUZ ' c n- G F 5* 1812 Moor ' t TQ* T8A.2 March 8, ] i . 875 .yn-r.conA Drunk and disorderl 1 3 moni iTS TT’n’ y 24 hours "H.L. ■'O.uqOJT i Ireland oanrinr Miner yf l8 £ ft M m Stout .GSTT ■ Ere sh 1 k 31 ow.n j 7T Brown ,qirnn Me d 11 Lum . Vi Medium crumf! Medim IrSm.C.? * ! y 24 hours H.L. i . ; !• : '•* !. ff ,UGC| i- ; j Mediu S'.nf 7)i/:(.TiiiSr,q jqtp I | vj ffEiM.C., ; Ma’ ch 8, 1 875 Drunk and disorderly Scotlapd irLabourer 184 7 5 ft 6in Stout Fresh c'f’n - '[ Pale Dark Blue r: Sharp Mediun m English? coat .of ;arms; right Archbd. .. MeHugald rjrljcL' TUVai I Ch.Ch.T j p:m.c., I!.GTT JJ 5 TO'.' : March 8, 1 §75 gfOAItUAUl _ j , Drunk and disorderl 1 qrla JXT' 24 hours H.L. & 370T.T7X77 Englan f 8 JJOi. 1TJJCJ j J Seaman. Sfrii! g ?in :orrf j j_ Medium : i < Dark 'fioj. 1 Olifi Med J I ium n.“o i Mediun obU ! Mediu q p sc.armtpp clopio/A 1 . agiA m utpiuV Ch.Ch. 1 j ffim&usM : i / Oi.if i ! l . * •■ 1 1 Mediu I<qf pciiq’ y)T?cpiriK.oq John ValpyElora Martin March 10, 1875 Drunk and disorder!; y 96 hours H.L. co Scotland. Prostitute • 184)5 5ft a in Medium r; Fair . Light jrrBlue Medium Mediun m pi,ow. *. ; self r. ou f ,tu. p op (-rIEM C., I- -. Ch.Dh.rr If. 7 .j’.TS'O r nitrcA nonr qr.rajr J na lomourr I A0I.IiG8a , . . rmuc.i T STO 21 "gin £ *m ear ! T oapV’ ! . ( id 5pr L] onS Js T ;jiSg -i y '■ JIOCC' f: ,f ec.uI golugi or iiSpp gagChaiIes‘Deal ... March 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderl; 48 hours H.L. England, Labourer 1835 5ft 8 Medium Pale Dark Blue Medium Mediun 1 Mediu m Cut. scar on left temple K.M.C., 1 v f t Gh.Ch. ! ) ttiwjaqS** ' } ' • I iv ' j olGreyjc 1 ... ;••'. i • j 1 Mediu liuqfil TGU GAG’ ypiGpftlSc.q f Jordan ... r3 Marphfl2,il875 Drunk’ and: disorderl; ?3 j48;hoursrH.L. ( oiEngkmd p 20-184 kij (SftAiprf iMedmn) oFreshp ff/Darkp Medium Mediun nq r Pockpitted'.pc uxny '. ecai 1 o 7 H.M.C.-,t ‘Ch.Ch. ‘\o\Ti? nrv, o*» ! I . , . ;! ■ I 1 " I ’ a Mediu IIT?p . | John Kelly j Feb. 20, 1875 pomq Vagrancy GTr/einS rjrrrA on 1 month H.L. Ireland Labourer 184 3 5ft 5 iin . Slight Pale: tun} i 7 Dark Blue Medium idirrml yj Mediun m jiosg’ . jipcpui.Scq jpqp | * f 'iR-Mi.C.., 7 Ch.Ch.T 1 - icp .j’ js\o March 10," 1 T iAOGir TTT’ ] cinnaiv G7I7J7CT T *184 JSU OVIII 71 "JCK - 3 ]rrc ! J (firicj y i ai(!GCT, g: jupj ppcjc shop jey arqG oy I Augustus 875 Creating a disturbdnc e oi 1 .week H.L. England Engraver,' &c. r 5ft 7 lin .q;miT| gw Pale Dark f '(.Dark Medium Mediun u Mediu 1111 p >7 !i a ip J»8f' rR.M.C.,' 7 Ch.Ch. .err g» jp.r o >;c,:ih a public-place Dtouftr ra a.cinmc c tUf//.7TI t PPttGi I 31 Q j 21 3 im 7T •qtrraj p ;G8tr i T ycx 3i-F 1 1 7 ■qimn; yj qimiJ; 7 1 ,ai run: TV-ctrbin&cp -niscpraSeq on i chit 1 "j March 10, 1 875 Drunk and disorderly 1 week H.L. Eranct ■ Seaman' i82 oft Sin Slight Pale Dark Dark DeBig Beard ed Sailor, female, it. S. on the Knvi.c;, I *; -t\ IjC- tti’ -j ■' -1 ’ 1 j . ! . formed ... | ,. , , I epnriaht -arm ;rimermaid bn j 1 •< ’-v v ; j * 'iv* . . j ' 1 v: ■ 1 :: 1 a ■ ! Kuithq deft ((Upi on i.iujjf J 1 K.M.C., r T Ch.Ch. March 13, 1 876: Drunk -and’ disorderly 48 hours H.L. England Painter 1833 5ft 11 |in • Stout Fresh Dark Blue Large Large Beard ed Cut scar on right eyebrow | f 1 r)f, T AGV hlOffflTG 1 7Xjnj - w ... i ■ | 1 P avin >]rBliie b 1 CTIGO j ‘ 1 V ‘ —Vl ecsi2 on pcLGjiosq 1 Gflf | Charles Haskett ... Jbseph Jl ‘Ch.Ch. Drunk and disorderly j.p 96'houi‘s i H,L. ( iprlrelanc I 73fSjaddler j iT3 184 j 9 2U pftv e c |in ' o Stout 7 ■ ‘ ;| 7 Fresh /Browni ’Medium l, r* i /Mediui i’t n Beard J ‘ j ed --.Cut spar ;on: the forehead y | March-Id, 1875 -HJM.C.,March. 16,1875 Drunk and disorderly -96-hoursU.L. Ireland — —Labourer— -1808alt.lO^Ln —Stout— ry-gtoui’h . ! c -Fresh- — Grey— -Brown -Medium -Medlar n -Beard ed-Cut scar on upper lip—— — | .John, .... ...fThomas-Davis Ch.Ch. t !R.‘M.C., d'ChEh.■“■E^M-.C.t March’ 18, 1875 | Drunk -and disorderly hours H.L. 7. jfrlreland 1 ' p J 'i •> >iil'837jj.' :5ft (.8 7 ?Fresh ; mr-r, ■> ! rrDark ;r . - ! At Grey - ) orLarge/ i i 3 Large 1 p j Heart ed Cut scars’ ok the forehead | I/J) j,lsEAiuna i -« r m Discharged by pardon 24th March- 10/ 18 75 * Drunk ‘and- disorderly “*** 48 hourVlItL.’" EOIT iliHE 6 months H.L. T IIOHJIYX London 10 li OE i Matron ,TTP wss n.#Mediun Ch.Ch. R.M.C., Oct. 24,1874 Vagrancy J..‘ 185 Fresh Grey Blue Medium a Mediu Margaret ... Dempsey Margaret Guerin TiQ' Vagrancy ., • raffiir v 1 TPAO 3 ‘ Prostitute Vb v.t.Nn y J "1838 l.G\v Da TP O’ 1 Burn scar left foot; scar J I'h.rT/A-fr, ,ilner under right 1 Ch Ch. 1 i - \ W ' T t; 1 montn H.L. 5ft' 2|in ft-. 'Black Dark | Full Pound fjealurea Feb. 25, 1875 1 OE Bill J07xEE8 mac IYTKTED LEO: I HEK KYIEW >3 G\ ore ill r; jLiEr LOW TDDB I.OlLUI JJ f -LJ - ' I / / ear l ijirat


Name. Where When. Offence. Sentence. Hative of. Trade, Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. . Hose. Mouth. Chin. Eemakks A3s t d Previous Eefeeeitces. Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. 1 Eyes. Hose. Mouth. Chin. Remakes and Previous References. George R.M.C., Ch Ch. 1 Feb. 26, 1875 Vagrancy 1 month H.L. Carlisle Surgeon 1821 5ft 7Jin Medium Pale Grey Grey Medium Medium Medium Talbot Ellen E.MC,K.M.C., Feb. 26, 1875 16, Vagrancy from Lunacy On remand Ireland Prostitute 1843 5ft ljin Medium Dark Black Dark Pug Large Short Scar across left cheek Lunacy from drink 1 month H.L. Carlisle Surgeon 1821 5ft 7Jin Medium Pale Grey Grey Mediurr Medium Medium Ch Ch.' K.M.C., March 16, 1875 On remand Ireland Prostitute 1843 5ft l|in Medium Dark Black Dark Pug Large Short Scar across left cheek 9 Ch.Ch. 5ft 6|in Medium Pale Dark Blue Medium Small Bound Brook Ch.Ch.K.M.C., March 23, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Yorkshire Labourer 1854 Scars of abscess on right side K.M.C.,Ch.Ch. 5ft ll|in Fresh brown Coarse la of neck and throat; anchor on right arm; blue marks oh left arm Ch.Ch. March 23, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Yorkshire Labourer 1854 5ft 6Jin Medium Pale Dark brown Blue Medium Small Round Scars of abscess on right side of neck and throat; anchor on right arm ; blue marks on left arm James E.M.C., March 25, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. Ireland Bushman 1841 Stout Sandy Blue rge featu res Man-of-war’sman, two cross Ch.Ch. land freckled flags, sword, flag and anchor right arm; anchor back of left hand March 25, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. Ireland Bushman 1841 5ft ll|in Stout Fresh fand freckled Sandy Blue Coarse la rge featu res Man-of-war’sman, two cross flags, sword, flag and anchor right arm; anchor back of left hand KickJoseph K.M C., March 25, 1875 Contempt of Court 48 hours imprisonEngland Plumber 1835 5ft 7in Medium Fresh Brown Blue Large Medium Bearded Ch.Ch. and March 25, 1875 Contempt of Court 48 hours imprisonment England Plumber 1835 5ft 7in Medium Fresh and freckled Brown Blue Large Medium Bearded George K.M March 23, 1875 Assault 48 hours H.L. Scotland Ironmonger 1832 6ft 8 Jin Medium freckled Fresh Grey Blue Sharp Medium Bearded Cut scar over right eye Ch.Ch. and freckled March 23, 1875 Assault 48 hours H.L. Scotland Ironmonger 1832 5ft 8fin Medium Fresh and freckled Grey Blue Sharp Medium Bearded Cut scar over right eye Smith John K.M.C., March 4, 1875 Exposing his person 7 days H.L. England Miner 1837 6ft 7in Slender Fair Sandy Grey Aquiline Medium Bearded Tattooed both arms M * Waimate March 4, 1875 Exposing his person 7 days H.L. England Miner 1837 5ft 7in Slender Fair Sandy Grey Aquiline Medium Bearded Tattooed both arms M * John WaimateDist. Court, Dist. Court, Tim 1875 10, Larceny Hot England Carpenter 1846 5ft Slender Fresh Fair Blue Medium Ordinary Round Patrick ... TimaruR.M.C., R.M.C.,Tim aru 1875 30, Assault weeks Ireland, Labourer 1850 ■ 5ft o£in Stout Pale Black Grey Blue Ordinary Medium Bound 1 County Kerry Labourer 1850 6ft 5£in Stout Pale Black Grey Ordinary Medium Round Camel TimaruE.M.C., K.M.C.,Waimate March 1, disorderly, creating a bance 14 Kerry Labourer 1830 6ft. Stout Dark Grey Blue Large Ordinary Small France Labourer 1830 6ft. Stout Dark Grey . Large Ordinary Small I Waimate 1 William K.M.C., March 17,1875 Drunk and disorderly Fined 6s., in default Ireland, Labourer 1825 6ft 4in Medium Fresh Brown Hazel Flat Large Bound Timaru March 17, 1875 Drunk and disorderly Fined 5s., in default 24 hours H.L. Ireland, Cnty. Down Labourer 1825 6ft 4in Medium Fresh Brown Hazel Flat Large Round Michael TimaruR.M.C., B.M.C.,Timaru 17, disorderly hours H.L.Fined default 10s., Fined default 10s., 48 H.L. Down Cnty. Ireland, Galway Labourer 1847 2in 5ft Stout Fresh Dark Grey Medium Small Bearded Murray TimaruE.M.C., B.M.C., 1875 6, person hours 48 H.L. days Scotland Tailor 1832 5ft 2’-in Slender Pale Grey Blue Large Medium Round 14 days H.L. Cnty. Galway Scotland Tailor 1832 5ft 2Jin Slender Pale Grey Blue Large Medium Bound Michael Keevey VV aimateE.M.C., K.M.C., 1875 20, Drunk disorderly in default 40s., Ireland Labourer 1847 6ft 2in Stout Fresh Dark Grey Medium Snail Bearded See Descriptive Eeturn, 20th 48 hours H.L. Ireland Labourer 1847 6ft 2in Stout Fresh Dark Grey Medium Small Bearded See Descriptive Return, 20th March, 1875 Timaru 48 hours H.L. March, 1875 Hugh K.M.C., Timaru 1875 Using obscene 1 month H.L. Tasmania Labourer 1832 5ft lOin Medium Sallow Dark Blue Aquiline Large Drdinary Mark of abscess on left side language of neck; first joint of left 1 month H.L. Tasmania Labourer 1832 6ft lOin Medium Sallow Dark Blue Aquiline Large Ordinary Mark of abscess on left side of neck; first joint of left thumb off William Brady E.M.C., I 1875 Drunk and Fined 48 H.L. Ireland, Down Cnty. Labourer 1825 6ft Medium Fresh Brown Hazel Flat Large Bound Descriptive 1875


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Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XIII, Issue 7, 1 April 1875, Page 52

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REWARDS. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XIII, Issue 7, 1 April 1875, Page 52

REWARDS. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XIII, Issue 7, 1 April 1875, Page 52

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