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Missing Friends.

Wanted intelligence of the whereabouts of George Keeton Coinrie, who left London for Canterbury, . New Zealand, about two years ago. Property has. been left to him and his;sister, who cannot obtain her portion until he is found. Information to be sent to the Commissioner of Police, Christchurch.

Wanted information as to the whereabouts of John and Fanny Gerry, who arrived .'. in the Colony per Lady Jocelyn , on the 11th November, 1872, native of St'.} Agnes, Cornwall, England. The man is a labourer, aged 38 years, and about sft. 2in. ;■ his"wife is aged 24 years, and they have a boy about 2 years old. Information to be sent to the Commissioner of Police Christchurch.

Reverting to Police Gazette , No.’ 15,. 1873, page 78, William George Crofts, therein mentioned, is described as being about ,18 years of age when he left Liverpool in 1855, about sft. 10in., dark complexion, very good teeth, good-looking, smart active appearance, of no profession, but exhibited a;great taste for engineering ; he is said to [have held contracts in the Colony, and is J known to Mr. Albert Edward Lee, Post Office, Invercargill, son of the 'late Henry A. Lee, ,of Barna, County. Tipperary ; and also to MountedConstable William Couch, of Echuca, Victoria. Mr. Crofts would, if living, be now about 37 years of age. /Information to be sent to the' Commissioner of [Police, Christchurch. ■ -*


Names. Country. Offence. Sentence. ofDate Discharge. Age. Height.; Make. ' Complexion. | . Eyes. Remarks. {Hair/f fc&r'ri si i;" Eyes.; Remarks. Roberta New “* g v Refusing 12 weeks’ hard labour, Jan. 26, 1874 29 5ft 7in Medium Pale D. brown Brown Tattooed— L.L A., NEWARK, Defusing duty,barque 12 weeks’ hard labour, Jan'.. 26; 1874 a9 5ft 7in - Medium ,Pale’ D; brown Brown .Tattooed— L.L'A., NEWARK;': J Medora Jan. to.sent N.J., and Indian chief, ■ 7 . • ' / ' ■ v .N.J., and chiefs America. R.M.C., Lyttelton. order R.M. * right arm, American Eagle, flag and brig left arm, double heart and flower on ' - •; R.M.C., Lyttelton. ; order li.M. ' r right arm, American Eagle, ; : tr 'i;- u <’ • : ■ TV ■ • «• •— a 1? ,• : ■ 3 -. . -- g 0. hag; and brig:- left arm, ' • ' right hand, flag and anchor left hand. Seaman. ' ; . . x . ' • . :. * - r double heart and flower on . 1 w V • : right hand; flag and anchor ' . - 7 ■ * * • ■ b ' ip " :left hand.--Seaman. 3SEr| Cameron ... Scotland Do. Do. Do. 34 6in 5ft : Stout Do. Do. Grey crooked, cut scar left eye. Seaman. HHHHEc v j h >; S C A- ■ 1 •: cut scar left eye. Seaman. 'f CaseEdward United Do. Do. Do. 21 5ft 5|in Do. Fresh Brown Blue Natural white spots on body, States America Grey anchor left arm. Seaman. Edward Case LynchMatthew United j England 5 ; cDo. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 21 20 6§in ,5ft in If Do. Do. Fresh Do. Brown Black Crown, T.L., AH., IXIL, and anchor right arm, reverse of arm two anchors and star, crucifix and basket of flowers left arm. Seaman. • Blue : Natural * white spots on body, States America' England 3-t SV3'.S*£ :i_- tc i ” A = / .< ■ ■■ 'anchor left . arm. Seaman. Lynch Matthew ... AnnisJames a, v. :Do. Do. , A • Do. 20., 5ft If in Do. Do. Black Grey Crown, T.L., A.H., IXIL,Eand - anchor -1 ight arm, reverse. Do Do. Do. Do. 27 5ft. 6±ft. Do. Do B rown Do. Seaman. Henry Jelley Do. Do. Do. Do. 20 5ft 6m Do. X Do. Do. Light Seaman. grey James Hurst Do. Drunk and incapable 24 hours’ hard labour, Jan. 29, 1874 32 5ft 3J!n Do. Do. D. brown Grey Large cut scar over left eye, do. Jan. 28, 1874, R.M.C., Lyttelton. Do. over right eye. Seaman. Small indistinct cross on left Francis Wran ... Ireland Larceny in a dwelling 12 months’ hard labour, Jan. 29, 1874 34 5ft 8Jin Stout Black April 7. 1873. By pardon. Swarthy wrist, large scar on ditto, S.P.C. Cb.Ch. scar of dog bite left knee, mark of flogging. Labourer, Charles Dee Do. Do. Do. Do, 35 5ft 9in Medium Rather Blk large Do. A little bald on forehead, rather pale beard and long-faced, high crown. Lawhiskers j bourer. Alfred Pinsant alias Fore ... England Indecent assault Do. ‘Do. 21 5ft 4Jin Stout Fresh D. brown Light Grey Blue mark right forearm, soar of boil back of left shoulder, scar round left shin, blue ring middle finger left hand. Labourer. ■ • v; •••"' • 7v t -• 21' of arm two anchors and star, v $ 2 -■ Z ~ -V-- “ ' v •. 0 1 ' 3 -3 crucifix and basket of flow ; - ..y*' A. J' .'-T-r: - w V - • - *. ■' ' O -ers left arm. Seaman.::. \~ y AnnisJames 3 £ rbo.i^^v^-'c Do. - Do. 27; 5ft. eift; : Do. :i Do . Brown Do. Seaman.' * : Do • . Do. J . ■ 7 ■*," - 77 3 Do. •; Do. • 1 Do. 20 6ft : 6m • : Do.Dor* ' ADcb Light Seamani: ■ ■ : ■ 1 ::r 7' i- 3 rr 33 O' - *' ' § A .. -~0 ' ’ i r - ' grey’ mm Henry HurstJames S Drunk and incapable ■ 24 hours’ hard labour, . Jan. : 29, i 1874 32 5ft .35m . Do. Do; D. brown GreyLarge cut scar over left eye, do. ' 1 ~ Jan. 28,1874,"-' j HWnS - over rightj eye. - . Seaman. Do. . , : R.M.C., Lyttelton, 12 months’ hard labour, .. ! ' O' ■ •Franeis ...... Larceny in a dwelling Jan. 29, i 1874 34 5ft 8iin i Stout 7, .;v Black Do. Small indistinct cross on .left ■*l x ;. '• - April 7. 1873.'. . By pardon. ! p • > 3 ; . ’ • Swarthy : .■, O wrist, large scar on-ditto, Ireland . 'VS.P.C. Ch.Ch; 1 , '/n- : . sear; of. dog bite, left knee, . • .■ mark of flogging. ■ L abourer. x . Do. ' ~ Do. : : ’ Do.' 3)0, 1 355ft ‘ 9in Medium ■Rather Blk large Do.* A little bald on forehead, rather *'’* ; , O' ' : pale ; beard anc long-faced, high crown. La- , S 7 • 7 whiskers bourer. ~ Charles Alfred alias ... Indecent assault ~ &] Do. • ‘Do. o . 21 5ft ;4|in : StoutFresh ; D. brown Light Grey •Blue mark: right forearm, soar of boil back of left shoulder, . ~ *■* • 7: ' '; . scar round -left shin, blue . ring middle finger left hand. Labourer. : - • England r


Names. Country. Offence. Sentence." Date Discharge. Age. Height. Make.., Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Remarks. » Thomas Young England Drunkenness labour, Jan. 29, 1874 42 4ft 4in Stout Pale Black, Grey Cut scar right forehead, ditto 1874, 29, , Lyttelton 1874 29, : - 4229 4ft 4in Stout Pale Black, turning g'-ey Grey Cut scar right forehead, ditto right nose. Ship’s cook. < Do. Fresh turning S re J L. blue right nose. Ship’s cook. Charles Germany cargo obeying W. remand, On Feb. 2, 1874 5tt 7^in Light Tattooed —tomb, in memory of 1874, Jan. Lyttelton - my mother left arm, uermaid and arrow on right Feb. 2, 1874 29 oft 7|in Do. Fresh Light L. blue Tattooed —tomb, in memory of my mother left arm, u ermaid and arrow on right arm ; cut scar left forehead. Seaman. . arm; cut scar left forehead. • - .A ' 1, . o J t Brown Seaman. James London and disorderly 48 Feb. 6, 1874 21 5ft lin Do. Do. Hazel Cut scar over left eye. Seaman. Feb. 1871, ~ R.M.C., Lyttelton Feb. 6, 1874 21 5ft lin Do. Do. Brown Hazel Cut scar over left eye. Seaman. l v : FJ Patrick ... Boyland R.M.C., Lyttelton Grey Bracelet,. tomb and willow tree Ireland Assault 48 hours’ hard labour, Feb. 5, 1874, R.M.C., Lyttelton Feb. 7, 1874 32 5ft 4fin Do. Do. Auburn Grey Bracelet, tomb and willow tree right arm; goddess, ship, crucifix, and bracelet left arm ; cut scar left side of neck. Seaman. Patrick Boyland Bruce alias ... IrelandScotland Assault committing and 48 hours’ hard labour, Feb. 7, 1874 32 5ft 4-fin Do. Do. •Auburn Feb. 5, 1874, r . - right arm; goddess, ship, a nuisance Do. Do. 28 5ft 6|in Do. Do. L. brown Blue Anchor back of right hand; scar on nose; upper front teeth mostly gone. Baker. v J • i.i Dennis M'Kendry E.M.C., Lyttelton crucifix, and bracelet left ■ ■ . B vi i i *^ J> J ' ; • arm; cut scar left side. of neck. Seaman. Ireland Larceny Do. Do. 22 5ft 6|in Do. Do. D. brown Grey Small cut scar centre of forehead. Labourer. Bruce alias ... Sweeney Scotland Do. committing Drunk disorderly Do. hours’ 24 labour. Do. 28 6ft 6|in Do. Do. L. brown Blue Anchor back of right hand; Jan. 27, 1874, B.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 28, 1874 51 5ft 6*in Do. Pale Grey Blue A cross and thistle on left arm ; sabre scar on left temple. Seaman. a nuisance - ’. \ [ scar on nose; upper front teeth mostly gone. Baker. Dennis M'Kendry Fletcher IrelandEngland Larceny premises Illegally on Do.Remanded, Do. 22 5ft 6fin Do. Do. D. brown Grey Small cut sear centre of foreJan. 28, 1874, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 29, 1874 45 5ft 5Jin Do. Fresh Light Grey Blind of left eye. Hawker. i - Jameson head. Labourer. Ireland Indecent assault Remanded Jan. 26, 1874, R.M C., ChCh. Jan. 28, 1874 51 5ft ll|in Medium Do. Dark and Grey Hazel Late soldier in 14th and 25th. regiments. SweeneyEichard King ... Do.Do. and disorderly disorderly 48 hours’ hard labour. Jan-28, 1874, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 30, 1874 43 5ft 6fin Stout Do. Do. Blue Labourer. \ 24 hours’ hard labour. Jan. 28, 1874 51 5ft 6£in Do. Pale Grey Blue A cross and thistle on left arm ; England Jan. 27, 1874, E.M.C.; Ch.Ch. .. 5ft 6^in _ Do. Fresh Grey sabre scar on left temple. Seaman. Fletcher Lambert Illegally on premises Remanded, Jan. 29, 1874 45 Light Blind of left eye. Hawker. England Do. Do. Do. 42 5ft 3Jin Do. Do. Brown Do. Cut scar forefinger of right hand. Labourer. Thomas Ford ... Do. Do. 24 hours’ hard labour, Jan. 29,1874, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Do. 28 5ft 6in Medium Pale Dark D. blue Labourer. Hugh Travers ... Tasmania Drunk and assaulting police 1 month hard labour, Dec. 31,1873, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Do. 33 5ft lOin Slight Swarthy Do. Dark Top of left thumb cut off. Labourer. Jan. 28, 1874, . : • ■ S .: / ' . . 1 E.M.C., Ch.Ch. • 1 ■ ' :Bobert Jameson Indecent assault Remanded 1 Jan. 28, 1874 51 6ft ll|in Medium Do. Dark Hazel Late soldier in 14th and 25th. Ireland - Jan. 26, 1874, and , regiments. R.M.C., Ch Ch. j. Grey JRichard ... King Drunk and disorderly 48 hours’ , hard labour. Jan. 30. 1874 43 6ft 6fin Stout Do. Do. Blue Labourer. Do. ' -■ l ,h p Di - Jan„28, 1874,- * 1 !William Lambert ... - - Do. •- R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Do. Do. 42 ; * ; , 6ft 3|in Do. Do. Brown Do. Cut scar forefinger of right ; England Do. Do. 24 hours’ hard labour, — - Jan. 29,1874 Do.' : 28 ; ' 6ft 6in Medium Pale Dark D. blue hand. Labourer. Labourer. . Ford Thomas ... ... . Travers ...Hugh Drunk and assaulting , R.M.C., Ch.Ch. 1 month hard.labour, Do. 33 6ft lOin . Slight Swarthy •Do. Dark Top of left thumb cut off. police \ ‘ Dec. 31 j 1873, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. J 1)1 it 17 if fJvDr-ri ; ' ' ' Labourer. Tasmania


Names. ir> j Country. Offence. Date of Discharge. Age. Height. Make. Complexion Hair. Eyes. Remarks. Country. TW- ■ Offence. i pOrfi;?, £’£fl'? •. utriCjiL .feen tec ce. j 7 - ■’Date of Discharg e. L ‘ ■ Jge. IHeight.i, f' Make. 1 t Com| plexion f'Hair. 1, i Eyes. I Eemarks. ~~ • • •. . ficrr James Ryan ' ' ■ 1 •- • ' - • . Ireland Drunk and assaulting police 24 hours’ hard labour, Jan. 30, 1874, E.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 31, 1874 26 5ft lOin Slight Pale Brown Grey Crucifix on right arm ; flags of all nations, and India coat of arms on left arm. Seaman. James ... ... Williams ... 1 ‘ Ireland Scotland and assaulting and disorderly DV ; - r hard labour. hours’.' hard labour, 1874, 29, :d°: ■-.;. ; Jan. 31, 1874 ' : J 0 26 i o?j»> 1 / 5ftjl0in D ■’ ‘ ! ‘ Slight ! '‘ Pale Brown Grey' ,! :s " l; r r-f; oror.r. j Crucifix oii right'arm /flags of H.M.C., Ch.Ch. Feb. 2, 1874 64 5ft 7 jin Stout Fresh Grey Do. Cut scar on bridge of nose. Labourer. I-' - i [Jtrrufr police]*-;./ ; 7; . f ■ , . ’ i Jan.' 30/1874, bJ oj ' •' [ ! ‘ all nations, and India' coat ' - ; r-. . ... - | 5 , f . e.m.c:, 1 ch’.ch; .]> j t i a if 713 no jy i? j C'Uf ; 1 " D" ] l l! << : r p nf( of arms on left arm. Sea-, ... ... ? Scotland /Drunk and disorderly 96 hours’, hard labour, Feb. 2, 1874 ! 64 5ft 7^in Stout - Fresh ; >,Grey Do! Cut scar on bridee .of nose. ' t ,.-.\'Jan. 29/1874, -Jd-lo-f I I T»j 'J 1 j;» -• 7 (; j . 7 J | I • l , Labourer. V . : i, e: m .c.' ch’.ch. .: / '■■ - 1 . -'■> d i a" , ■ ’■ j j J . i- ;u ; \ -.)S !tl-Gj ,J-. Thomas ... Jojce , 1 1 Deserting • his; children Eemanded. Feb. 3, 1874 34 5ft 8in Medium P.le Dark Blue Burn scars over rieht eye. Ireland Deserting his children Remanded. Feb. 2, 1874, EMC., Ch.Ch. Feb. 3, 1874 34 5ft 8in Medium P.le Dark Blue Burn scars over right eye. Labourer. ! ■ -, HowellElizabeth Feb/' 2/;l 874, !,J / no jrc; _i I)*> V JjU'/j . j is ,. , Labourer. ’ .'E M C. 1 , Ch.Ch. 7 ‘ i'. 1 1 u! • | • a u.y. Gi.-. | England Vagrancy 3 months’ hard labour, Nov. 4, 1 873, E.Md'., Ch.Ch. Do. 21 5ft 2|in Do. Fresh Light Brown Cut scar on middle fiinger of left hind. Servant. HowellElizabeth John ... ■England Ireland Vagrancy /. disorderly 48 hours’ hard labour Feb. 2, 1871, E.M.C., Ch Ch. Feb. 4, 1^74 29 6ft Do. Pale Dark Do. Labourer. • 3 months’, hard labour, ,Do. - 21 5ft 2^in Do. Fresh Light Brown Cut scar on middle fiinger of left • v i Nov. 4,'1873, r ** o3 1 i I)’'- . i LG/. : 1 .. ' hand.'" Servant. V-' E.M.'V, Ch.Ch! j U,< *,.}« : John ... Henry Ireland. NewZealand disorderly Violent - lab' months’ labour, ur. Feb. 4, 1874 29 6ft Do. Pale , ! Dark Dd. Labourer. 1 1871, Dec. 1873, i)‘K ■ ■ ! * :‘,/l (I'jm • ill >• • • t E M C., Ch.Ch. Feb. 5, 1874 26 5ft 6in Do. Fair Brown Do. Top of first and second finger of left hand deformed. Stock driver. V -V« nr » James ... . ff Tjrn'fiinic.o E.M.C., Ch Chi •; _7 ' ; ( Scotland Drunk and disorderly 7 days’ hard labour, Jan. 31, 1874, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Feb. 6, 1874 33 5ft 4in Do. Sallow Dark Grey Labourer. Henry John Knighton NewZealand England assault. Do. months’ labour, hard labour, Feb. 5, 1874 26 5ft 6in Do. Fair Brown Dd. Top of first and . second fine er Feb. 5, 1874, E.M.C, Ch.Ch. Feb. 7, 1874 21 5ft 8in Stout Pale Do. Blue Crown in wreath on right arm, J K. on wrist, camp with flatr and anchor on back of right hand. Labourer. - Dec. 6, 1873,1 Jr-' - . j Z » si ■0i«» : - )’• [. ■ V ’! j j ' LO/iiij of’ left" hand deformed, Scotland ' . ' - ' . j. ’ E.M.C., Ch.Ch. 1 • Grey Stock driver. ■ James ... James Murphy Drunk and disorderly ,. 7 . days’/ hard ., labour, Feb. 6, 1874 33 5ft . 4in Do. Sallow Dark Labourer. Do. Drunk and disorderly, and resisting the police Fined 20s., or in default 72 hours’ haid labour. Jan. 27, 1874, R.M C . Timaru Jan. 30, 1874 33 5ft 5|in Do. Dark Dark Hazel Labourer. iTH77 Charles M'Kaine Jan. 31, 1874, : • ! | . - . . ! - : 'V|' Scotland Do. Fined 50s., or in default 96 hours’ hard labour, Jan. 28, 1874, R.M.C., Timaru Jan. 31, 1874 54 oft 7fin Medium Fair Sandy Blue Tailor. . ‘./E.M.C',-. Ch.Ch! . ■: ■ •. - ! /....'/ !v - ■ .(■ j ‘ ■ '•■'■'Mf ■ ■ pMI.V:/ C J'r.Jl ' " J •; ; John ...: Enigh Do. 48 hours’ hard. labour, '' Feb/ 7, 1874 ■■ 21 5ft 8in /j Stout jn Pale ( I ;. DO. , Blue. Crown in wreath on right arm, ■ ‘ ' .:Eeb. o, 1874, '. 7 _ -. J.K. on wrist,- camp 'with ■ England i ‘/.E.M.C,- Ch.Ch. I ; flaR and anchor on back of • 1 ' ' ’ '*' / T /;/! :■ ■' ,‘il 1 ft’ rZ ,..■ (O' 1 I o y.: ,, : Hazel right hand. Labourer. 1 Do. Drunk and disorderly, 1 and Fined 20s., or in 1 deJan. 30, 1874 33 ' 5ft, 5^in Do. Dark Dark” Labourer. ‘resisting the police fault. 72 hours’ hatd ‘ ■/-.. • / ■ i o' o .7:;/p/ .;/.p ■ j. V " . ../.labour/' .Jan. 27,. 1874, 1 ' 7/ -j ' - 1 , f; ' ! r ' ' " ■ ! ■'. b ! James MurphyCharles ... f P .3* Ji/i-r- , •->; / \*y. r, ; , , I . ‘ '• i'-’l j 1 VV* E.M C , Timaru Do. Fined ! 50s., or in deJan. 31, 1874 ' 64 5ft 7|in Medium Fair Sandy Blue ’ Tailor/- ■ ; '' 'T ? ault 96 .hours’ .hard . . - Scotland ■ ' • labour,' : J an. 28, 1874, ■ r r.3* r?ir • -f; . T:» ’ r K ■ j j ';*• 1 ni l Y‘ r (: gA ; (j • - — ' L r ■ r c - i .... ■ D.M.U., iimaru i • ■ ! ■ —— j w$tX\


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Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 4, 16 February 1874, Page 25

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Missing Friends. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 4, 16 February 1874, Page 25

Missing Friends. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 4, 16 February 1874, Page 25

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