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RETURN No. 15. Comparative Statement of the Mileage opened, Capital expended, Earnings, Expenses, etc., of Railways in the following States (taken from Latest Official Records).

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Victoria.. .. 87,884 1,467,188 4,190 5 3 57,545,337 13,734 350 39 4 0 13,031,655 6,432,277 118-46 4,010,789 73-87 2,421,488 44-59 4-21 62-35 4 7 8 111,904,786 6,515,470 1,547 964 583 182 34-55 19-41 1-95 798 1,663 20,392 30 June, 1919, New South Wales .. 309,460 1,962,989 4,737 4 8£ 76,601,591 15,877 414 39 0 5 19,935,202 9,958,173 119-75 (5,904,450 83-00 3,053,723 36-75 4-03 69-33 5 1 5 98,568,768 12,714,012 2,102 1,457 645 238 39-46 19-52 5-59 1,279 1,659 23,076 Queensland .. 670,500 712,826 5,469 3 6 40,435,103 7,534 130 56 14 6 9,942,744 3,984,597 96-18 3,690,445 89-08 294,152 7-10 0-73 92-62 5 11 10 26,414,817 3,783,384 748 693 55 170 39-83 26-80 1-71 658 829 14,471 South Australia .. 380,070 455,900 2,285 j® ®j 19,029,801 8,353 199 41 14 9 5,412,924 2,391,409 106-03 1,829,634 81-12 561,775 24-91 2-96 76-51 5 4 10 20,176,544 2,618,510 1,040 800 246 148 43-52 19-20 2-09 489 649 9,496 Western Australia.. 975,920 323,220 3,507 3 6 17,995,941 5,131 92 55 13 6 4,256,627 1,872,897 105-60 1,567,591 88-38 305,306 17-22 1-70 83-70 .5 15 11 17,325,424 2,379,403 534 447 87 117 38-86 22-32 2-57 424 423 10,078 Tasmania .. 26,215 210,881 599 -|| 5,076,014 8,442 352 24 1 4 1,107,890 401,364 86-94 324,595 70-31 76,769 16-63 1-51 80-87 1 18 0 1,889,102 472,926 670 542 128 147 32-33 18-06 3-73 80 175 1,834 New Zealand .. 103,861 746,673 2,090 3 6 16,404,076 7,849 357 21 19 5 3,968,708 1,469,665 89-00 929,737 56-22 539,928 32-78 3-29 63-26 1 19 4 4,955,553 2,624,059 712 450 262 173 18-46 16-67 3-00 293 550 9,792 31 Mar., 1899 .. 103,861 758,616 2,099 3 6 16,703,887 7,958 361 22 0 5 4,187,893 1,623,891 93-00 1,052,358 60-31 571,533 32-69 3-42 64-80 2 2 10 5,468,284 3,127,824 774 501 273 188 21-32 16-17 2-93 304 577 10,295 „ 1900. .. 103,861 815,349 2,174 3 6 17,207,328 7,915 375 • 21 2 1 4,620,971 1,727,236 89-75 1,127,848 58-58 599,388 31-17 3-47 65-30 2 2 4 6,243,593 3,339,687 794 519 275 196 19-99 17-15 2-09 306 603 10,868 „ 1901. .. 103,861 833,137 2,227 3 6 18,170,722 8,159 374 21 16 2 5,066,360 1,874,586 88-75 1,252,237 59-32 622,349 29-43 3-43 66-80 2 5 0 7,356,136 3,529,177 842 562 280 196 21-35 17-78 3-03 362 701 12,444 „ 1902. .. 103,861 857,985 2,262 3 6 19,081,735 8,436 379 22 4 10 5,443,333 1,974,038 87-00 1,343,415 59-23 630,623 27-77 3-30 68-05 2 6 0 7,575,390 3,730,394 873 594 279 204 21-36 18-24 3-19 372 751 12,992 „ 1903. .. 103,861 882,097 2,305 3 6 20,692,911 8,977 383 23 9 2 5,685,399 2,180,641 91-75 1,438,724 60-48 741,917 31-27 3-58 65-98 2 9 5 8,306,383 4,072,576 943 622 321 213 22-21 17-22 3-14 377 809 13,433 „ 1904. 103,861 908,114 2,347 3 6 21,701,572 9,141 387 23 17 11 6,107,079 2,209,231 86-50 1,492,900 58-46 716,331 28 04 3-30 67-58 2 8 8 8,514,112 4,011,511 938 634 304 217 21-05 18-28 3-10 389 864 13,885 „ 1905. .. 103,861 933,111 2,391 3 6 22,498,972 9,410 391 24 2 3 6,413,573 2,349,704 87-75 1,621,239 60-47 728,465 27-28 3-24 69-00 2 10 4 8,826,382 4,241,422 980 676 304 229 21-99 18-86 3-01 395 906 14,127 „ 1906 .. 103,861 961,604 2,427 3 6 23,504,272 9,570 396 24 8 10 6,755,454 2,624,600 93-00 1,812,482 64-21 812,118 28-79 3-45 69-06 2 14 7 9,600,786 4,592,099 1,078 744 334 253 23-37 18-90 2-80 398 966 14,605 „ 1907. .. 103,861 985,318 2,469 3 6 24,365,647 9,861 399 24 14 7 7,051,274 2,761,938 93-75 1,949,759 66-18 812,179 27-57 3-33 70-59 2 16 1 9,756,716 4,834,534 1,114 786 328 258 24-96 19-40 2-76 410 1,002 15,475 „ 1908. .. 103,861 1,016,044 2,556 3 6 27,762,592 10,351 398 27 6 6 7,458,236 2,929,526 94-00 2,114,815 67-89 814,711 26-11 3-13 72-19 2 17 8 10,457,144 4,871,874 1,148 828 320 258 25-56 20-73 3-16 452 1,116 16,476 „ 1909. .. 103,861 1,035,211 2,704 3 6 28,513,476 10,494 383 27 10 10 7,889,166 3,249,790 98-75 2,169,474 65-84 1,080,316 32-91 3-80 66-76 3 2 9 11,141,142 5,223,414 1,203 803 400 230 25-35 18-96 2-96 465 1,140 17,220 „ 1910. .. 103,861 1,055,640 2,742 3 6 29,606,546 10,723 385 28 1 0 8,141,075 3,494,182 102-75 2,303,272 67-75 1,190,910 35-00 4-06 65-92 3 6 2 11,200,613 5,555,292 1,275 840 435 254 25-81 18-10 2-81 478 1,166 18,036 „ 1911. .. ' 103,861 1,081,344 2,801 3 6 30,506,089 10,864 386 28 4 2 8,371,687 3,676,509 105-25 2,465,896 70-52 1,210,613 34-73 3-98 ! 67-07 3 8 0 20,336,577 5,599,756 1,314 881 433 263 27-30 18-27 2-76 493 1,212 18,521 „ 1912. 103,861 1,111,592 2,840 3 6 31,611,220 11,053 391 28 8 9 9,016,224 3,971,002 105-50 2,705,609 71-84 1,265,393 33-66 4 04 68-13 3 11 5 22,310,867 5,957,005 1,400 954 446 271 28-20 19-40 2-64 513 1,282 19,515 „ 1913. 103,861 1,139,669 2,861 3 6 32,355,087 11,309 398 28 7 9 9,319,268 4,043,328 104 00 2,880,323 74-00 1,163,005 30-00 3-61 71-24 3 10 11 23,173,472 5,661,340 1,416 1,008 408 268 29-72 20-73 2-91 534 1,363 20,251 „ 1914. .. 103,861 1,150,430 2,917 3 6 34,133,825 11,702 394 29 13 5 9,383,420 4,105,457 104-75 2,920,455 74-54 1,185,002 30-21 3-53 71-14 3 11 4 23,542,903 6,075,282 1,410 1,002 408 254 30-26 21-20 2-98 557 1,397 21,226 „ 1915. .. 103,861 1,152,048 2,959 3 6 34,857,882 11,780 389 30 5 2 9,356,522 4,548,356 116-50 2,910,883 74-50 1,637,473 42-00 4-72 64-00 3 19 0 24,600,693 5,960,562 1,540 985 555 251 29-77 19-60 2-50 585 1,452 21,994 „ 1916. .. 103,861 1,150,605 2,970 3 6 35,378,664 11,912 387 30 15 0 9,146,331 4,800,810 125-75 2,926,864 76-63 1,873,946 49-12 5-30 60-97 4 3 5 24,782,602 5,826,265 1,619 987 632 244 30-88 18-87 2-47 607 1,480 22,380 „ 1917. . 103,861 1,154,559 2,977 3 6 36,001,432 12,029 389 32 0 11 7,468,646 4,687,700 150-50 3,042,907 97-54 1,644,793 52-96 4-60 64-91 4 1 3 21,438,325 5,373,136 1,578 1,023 555 240 40-02 20-38 2-67 624 1,488 22,517 „ 1918, j 103,861 1,175,325 2,993 3 6 36,167,681 12,084 393 30 15 6 7,477,583 4,988,632 160-00 3,308,575 105-97 1,680,057 54-03 4-65 66-32 4 4 11 22,030,327 5,611,738 1,670 1,107 563 252 44-35 20-73 2-70 620 1,489 22,653 „ 1919. 103,861 1,223,915 3,00ti 3 6 36,390,115 12,106 407 29 14 8 7,408,608 5,752,487 186-00 4,105,067 132 72 1,647,420 53-28 4 53 71 36 4 14 0 24,582,186 6,000,279 1,923 1,372 551 281 57 84 22 66 2-99 616 22,937 1920. . rr ~r\ 2 * The figures for passenger traffic in New Zealand prior to 1912 are exclusive of season tickets.

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