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Uak ami Female Wine. Ale and Beer. Tea. far A miuntnuii ■ over Fifteen Years(including Maoris). Gallons. "ffi'j ">"*• H^d. Year. Total Population (including Maoris). Lb. Per Katee of Head. Duty. Duty. Per Head. Gallons. Heart. KateBOfDuty.Duty. Per Head. 1693 1894 1895 Ual. £ I 8. d. 430,885 112,116 0-26 5/, 6/, 9/ 32,641 1 6£ 439,198 97,934 0-22 5/, 6/, 9/ 28,412 1 3J 444,298 93,138 021 5/, 6/, 9/ i 27,102 1 2j 229 212 201 I Gal. 229,960 : 0-53 1/6 212,613 048 1/6 201,770 0-45 1/6,2/ 182,080 0-38 2/ 190,350 0-39 ' 2/ 191,580 0-39 2 175,940 0 35 2 175.620 0-34 2 188,41)0 034 2 201,528 0-86 2 204,18(1 0-35 2 203,510 0-84 2 21s.-J7(l 0-85 2 251.570 038 2 279,108 042 2/ 271.780 040 -1 252,320 036 2/ 271,594 038 2 273,650 0-37 2 296,362 039 2 299,220 0-39 j 1 ),9G0 J, 61:-! 1,770 Gal. 0-53 048 0-45 i/ 5 1/6 /6 5,2/ £ I s. d. 17,247 0 94 15,946 0 8| 17,120 0 9J 18,208 0 9 19,035 0 '.)] 19.158 0 9| 17,594 0 8J 17,562 0 8 18,849 (i 8 20,152 0 84 20,413 0 8j 20,351 0 8 21,827 0 84 25,157 0 9| 27,911 0 10 27,178 0 94 25,232 0 8i 27.159 0 9 27,365 0 9 29,636 0 94 29,922 0 9J I; £ b. d. 17,247 0 9J 1893 15,946 0 8| 1894 17,120 0 9J 1895 1893 714,258 1894 728,121 1895 740,699 1896 754,016 1897 768,910 1898 783,317 1899 796,359 1900 810,536 1901 830,800 1902 851,072 1903 875,648 1904 900,682 1905 925,605 1906 956,457 1907 977,215 1908 1,008,373 1909 1,030,057 1910 1,050,410 1911 1,075,250 1912 1,102,471 1913 1,134,506 714,1 728,1 740, ( 258 121 699 Lb. s. d. 4,083,840 572 0 6 4,126,440 5-67 0 6 4,472,528 6-04 /6,/5, /4, and /3 4,431,480 5 88 0 I 4,564,860 593 0 4 4,720,560 603 0 4 4,798,500 603 0 4 5,174,640 6-38 /4and 2 5,508,600 663 0 2 5,088,581 5-98 0 2 5.282.720 5-98 0 2 5,225,668; 5-80 0 2 5,898,391; 637 0 2 6,132,962} 641 0 2 6,771,169; 693 0 2 6,470,552; 6-41 2 & /2j| 7,302,310; 7-08 /2&/2? 7,582,530' 722 2 & /2jj S,066,151; 750 /2 4/2g 7,680,283; 6-97 /2 & /2g 7,070,430; 623 /2 & 4,08? 4,12( 4,47! 13,840 16,440 2,528 Lb 5-7! 5-0' 6-0-b. '2 >7 )4 /6, £ £ s. d. 102,096 0 2 lO^ 103,161 0 2 10 94,716 0 2 6| 73,858 0 1 11 J 76,081 0 1 ll| 78,676 0 2 0 79,975 0 2 0 68,960 0 18^ 45,905 0 1 l\ 42,405 0 10 43,606 0 1 0 4,838 0 0 1J 534 548 1,017 715 686 703 613 172 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1918 479,015 99,473 0-21 5/, 6/, 9/ 28,846 1 24 488,472 105,060 0 21 5/, 6/, 9/ 30,518 1 2} 497,619 107,595 0-2:! 5/, 6/, 9/ 31,138 1 3 505.899 111,049 022 5/, 6/, 9/ 32,045 1 3 514.900 116,188 0'22 5/, 6/, 9/ 33,614 1 Hi 552,028 123,591 022 5/, 6/, 9/ 35,864 1 565,533 126,447 0 22 5/, 6/, 9 * 36,744 1 3i 581,906 122,490 021 5/, 6/, 9 35,710 I 598,583 120,120 0-20 5/, 6/, 9 35,018 1 2j 615,187 113,185 0-18 5, 6/, 9 33,071 1 Oj 651,559 128,120 019 5/, 6/, 9/ 37,532 1 665,777 146,175 022 2 9/ 42.731! 1 3J ' 676,447 149,107 023 2/, 5/, 6/, 9 42,797 1 3i 702,379 138,699 0-20 2,5,6,0 38,749 1 1| 715,908 153,435 021 40,887 1 1$ 734,236 143,136 019 2/, 5/, 6/, 9/ 38,606 I OJ 752,934 153,611 0-20 2/,5;, 6/, 9, 41,251 1 ]j 774,939 147,131 0-19 2/, 5/, 6;, 9; 39,198 1 0J | 182 190 191 175 175 188 201 204 203 2 IS 251 279 271 252 271 273 296 299 2,080 ),350 L,58O 5,940 5,620 3,490 L,5'23 4,130 3,510 8,270 1,570 D.108 1,780 2,320 ! 1,594 3,65(1 6,362 9,220 0-38 0-39 0-39 035 034 034 036 0-35 084 0-85 038 0-42 040 O 3(1 0-88 0-37 I 0-3S D 2 5 2 4 2 4 2 5 2. i 2 5 2 0 -i 6 2 8 2 7 2 9 2 9 , 2 il il ■1 2/ i - 18,208 0 9 1896 19,035 0 9J 1897 19.158 0 9J 1898 17,594 0 8j 1899 17,562 0 8 llllid 18,849 (i 8 1901 20,152 0 Sj 1902 20,413 0 8$ 1903 20,351 0 8 1904 21,827 (I 84 1905 25,157 0 9| 1906 27,911 0 1C 1907 27,178 0 9J 1908 1 25,232 0 H.< 1909 1 27.159 0 9 I'.IKl 1 27,365 (I 9 1911 1 29,636 0 94 1912 1 29,922 0 9j I 19)3 1 754, ( 768,1 783,i 810,.' 830, t 851, ( 875, ( 900,( 925, ( 950,977,: 1,008,; l,030,( l,050,r 1,075,: l,102,< 1,134,; 016 910 317 359 536 800 072 682 605 457 215 373 657 410 260 471 506 4,431 4,56< 4,72( 4,79S 5,17< 5,50i 5,08S 5.28: 5,22; 5,89* 6,18! 0,771 6,47( 7,30! 7,58! S,06( 7,68( 7,O7( 11,480 i4,860 10,560 18,500 4,640 18,600 18,581 12,720 15,668; 18,391 ♦ 12.S62; 1,169; 0,552; 12,310; 12,530; 16, iji; 10,283; 0,430; 5 81 60; 00: 6-31 6-6! 591 5'J! 5-8( 6-4: 69; 6-4: 7-2: 7-a 6-91 6-2i 18 (3 18 /4 >3 18 18 !0 17 13 18 /2 !2 2 i0 /2 17 /2 !3 /2 ' Alterations,— 1BH5. Wine { Australian) ... ... ... I r> (Sparkling) 6/6 (Other kinds) ... ... 5/6 South African (Sparkling) ... „ (other kinds) 188H. 5/ 9/ 6/ 19U7. 2/ + Alterations,— Ale and Beer (Wood)... (Bottle) ; Includes all tea free of duty. 1888. 1/6 1/6 18*6. 2/ 2/

Coffee, Cocoa, and Chicory. Sugar. I Ad Valorem Goods. Total Year. Population (including Maoris). Lb. Per Head. ««J» y °' Duty. Per Head. Lb. Pur Head. ltfttes of Duty. Duty. Per Head. Duty. Per Head. Kates of Duty. ■Lb. £ s. d. Lb. s, d. E s. d. & . £ s. d. Per Cent. 1893 714,258 561,300 0-79 /3, /5 7,021 0 2| .511,508,480 883 0 0.J 123,976 3 5A 492,236 0 13 9} 5,10,15,20,25 1894 728,121 490,864 067 3, 5 6,145 0 2 63,515,040 87-2 0 0J 132,323 3 7* 429 594 0 11 94 5,10,15,20,25 1895 740.0!)'.! 481,800 066 /2, /3, /5 5,677 0 1| 65,568,960 88-5 0 0£ 136,602 447,749 0 12 l" 5, 10,15, 20,22$, 25, 40 1890 754,016 524,408 070 /2, /3, /5 5,495 0 1 ; ; 67,395,840 894 0 0J 140,408 3 8} 562,901 0 14 11 5, 10,15, 20,22J, 25, 40 1897 768,910 514,288 0 70 2, /8, /5 5,722 (I lj 70,799,040 920 0 0| 147,498 3 10 O34O4:i Old "»• 5,10,15,20,224,25,40 1898 783,317 523,392 0 07 2, 8, 5 5,403 0 1; 73,296,960 936 O o\ 152.702 3 10! 637,506 0 10 ■'.', 5, 10, 15,20, 22J, 25, 40 1899 7<J6,8SU 640,152 080 /2,/8, 5 0,908 0 2 77,255,040 970 0 o>, 100. J M 682,722 O 17 I; 5,10,15,20,224,25,40 1900 810,536 407,008* 0-57 2 :;. 5 5,285 0 -U 80,119,200 98-8 0 o.i 166,915 I I 775,649 0 L9 IV 5,10, 15,20, 22J, 25, 40 1901 830,800 371,76Of 0-44 :; 1,647 U l> 81,882,720 98-5 0 O.j 170,589 4 1 808,532 0 19 54 5,10, 15, 20, 22$, 15, 40 1902 8,01, U72 422,902' 049 :l 5.287 0 U 87,508.0(10 102-8 0 o\ 182. :MN i :;. 867,209 1 II 4 5,10,15,20,224.25.40 liW 5 ! 170,080t 054 8 5,951 U ;M,075,200 lo-l-o 0 O.j L8U.740 4 4~ 'J82.800 1 2 5* Various. L'.KM '.100,082 5oO,720f 061 ■', I o Lj '.11.522,080 L049 0 01 190,921 1 IJ 1,098,387 1 I ij Various. l'J° 5 '.125.005 490,9001 0-53 8 0,137 0 I 1 , 92,792,640 1002 0 O.i 193,318 4 2" 1,097,968 1 ■', 8', Various. 1 ,0,i 956, lei 494,320f 051 8 6,179 U I 1 , L01,023,680 105-6 0 o| 210,466 I 4j 1,210,617 1 5 33 Various. 1907 977,215 007,050+ 0 02 /3 7,5'Jli 0 1, 104,173,440 1000 Jd. & free 217,028; I .',] 1,317,200 1 7 0 Various. 1908 1,008,373 553,798+ 055 /3 and /3jj 7.:!7O o Lj 105,000,490 1039 Free .. .. 1,202 050 1 5 (M Various. 1909 1,030,057 453,690f 0-44 /Sand US 6,370 O li 118,274,912 :117 Free . .. 1,088,757 1 1 l| Various. 1910 1,050,410 504.3021 0-54 /Sand 8j 7,854 0 lj 113,337,875 107 9 Free .. .. 1,220,073 1 3 4" Various. 1911 1,075,250 556,876t o 52 /3 i«id 3 : .; 7,79:) 0 i ,- 124,122,029 1154 Free .. .. 1,402,799 I 0 1 Various. 1912 1,102,471 611,499f 0-55 3and/3Jj 8,469 0 135,239,888 1227 Free .. .. 1,503,000 1 7 31 Various. 1J13 1.134,500 599.0501 (I53 ,3 and 3| 8,197 0 1 ,' 138,904.448 122 5 Free .. .. 1,559,647 1 7 6 Various. , ™ . N ° TE - —To ? al rev-uuiie from Customs: 1S93, £1,669,318, equal to £2 6s. 9J. per head : 1913, «t,fiH,631, equal to £i Oβ. did. per head. Increase per head equal to 29 5 per cent. Total increase equal to 103 0 per cent. lUis i does not include cottee, raw, admitted free under 1900 tariff, and coffee, roastel, and cocoa, entered free between passing of first and second resolutions, from 18th to 2Stu August, inclusive. t This does not include raw coffee. J Estimated.

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