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ficta Zealand.


Note.—For all Proceedings on Bills, Petitions, and Select Committees, subsequent to their initiation see the various abstracts; also, for fuller descriptions of Papers and Messages see Schedules of the same.

A. PAOB - Absence of Members (see House). Acts of Provincial Councils, Governor's assent to .. .. .. 121. Adderley, C. B , Esq., M. P., latter from, on the subject of New Zealand Company's Debt .. 245. Address of Governonon opening Session .. .. .. .. 2. " proroguing " .. .. .. .. 284. Addresses to Her Majesty— Governor, Salary of .. .. .. .. •• 207. Native Affairs, Control of .. .. .. ' .. .. 271,284. Peace, Proclamation of • • .. .. .. 265. Privileges Bill .. •• •• •• •• 260,275. Victories in the East .. •• •• .. ..87. " to his Excellency — Assembly, next Session of .. .. .. .. .. 66,155,159. Bacot, Staff-Surgeon, Petition of .. .. .. .. 192. " Buffalo" Seamen .. •• •• .. 178 Canterbury, Land Fund .. .. .. .. .. 6,11,255. " Roads and Watercourses .. .. .. .. 20,27. Chatham Islands, British authority at .. .. .. ..49,73. Chilman Richard, Petition of . • .. .. . • 241. Finance— Berlowitz L., Compensation to .. .. .. .. 84,159. Browne, A. Pension to .. •• .. •. .. 219, *81. Committee Rooms, Purchase of, &e. .. .. .. .. 83, 159. Government House, Furniture .. .. .. .. 262,265. Library for the Houses .. .. .. .. .. 223,246. Native Expenditure .. .. .. .. .. 279. Piercv, Mr. J. J., Arrears of Salary to .. .. .. .. 246,255. Posts, Local, Maintenance of .. .. .. ..281. Steam Communication .. .. .. .. .. 96,184. Surplus Revenue (distribution of) .. •• .. •• 70. Tidewaiters, Wellington .. .. .. .. •• 83,159. " Zingari," Charter of .. .. .. .. .. 73,184. Flax, Exportation of .. .. •• .. • ■ 271. Judges of Supreme Court .. .. .. .. •• 211." Light Houses, Colonial .. •• •• •• •• 129,133. Magistrates, Justices of the Peace .. .. .. •• 103, 114,147. Militia, Arming of .. • • .. .. • • 191. Native Affairs Management of .. .. .. •• 272. " Disturbances, New Plymouth .. .. .. .. 38,45. " Education .. .. ... •• • • 203. I



PAGE. Addresses to his Excellency—continued. Native Land Purchases .. .. .. •• .. " " (Mr. McLean's account current) .. .. '48, 228, 251. " Mill to Wairarapa .. .. .. • • • • *■; p* " Offenders .. .. .. .. .. New Munster, records of .. .. .. .. 51 " . Reply to opening speech .. .. .. .. .. 7, 2b, 27. " presentation of and answer to .. .. .. 31, 33. Scrip .. .. .. .. •• .. 12,55. Superintendents. Position and Precedence of .. .. .. '2,27. Writ, new, for Cbristchureh Town .. .. .. •. " " Country Districts .. .. .. 237. " Grey and Bell Districts .. .. .. .. 280. " Hutt District .. v .. .. 283. " Motueka and Massacre Bay District .. .. ..12. Adjournments (see House). Agent-General of the Colony, Despatch respecting (see Papers).. .. " " Balance due to .. r. .. .. "9. Allowances to Officer administering Government, correspondence respecting (see Papers) .. 69 » 177. "" " question of .. .. Appropriation Bill initiated .. . • . • .. .. Assembly, (see General Assembly) .. .. .. .. .. Assent to Bills .. .. .. .. .. •. 03, 280, 284 Attorney-General, opinion of, respecting Justices of the Peace (see Papers) .. .. 14 ?. "" •' Otago Provincial Council Ordinance (see Papers).. 61,99. Arms and Ammunition Ordinance, alteration of .. .. .. .. 1 39. Auckland Grammar School Trusts, reiurns relative to (see Papers) .. .. 143, 199. Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Bill, initiated .. .. .. 227. "mm referred to a select Committee.. .. 2ri *- Audit of Accounts, resolution .. .. .. .. .. Auditor- Gen eral— Memorandum of, in reference to financial statements (see Papers) .. 42 - Manager of Bank of Issue, surcharge of salary of .. .. .. 237. Examination of, in the House (supply Estimates) .. .. .. 262. Office of, resolution regarding .. .. .. .. 262. August 17th, 1854, resolutions of (question) .. .. .. .. 21. B Bacot, Staff-Surgeon— Correspondence relative to his claim at Howick .. .. 15. Petition of .. .. .. .. .. .. 87. " referred to a select Committee .. .. .. 91. " motions relative to .. .. .. ~ 129, 134, 147.169, 192. Bank of Issue, select Committee of Enquiry .. .. .. ..19. " amount in chest .. .. .. .. .. 113. " Winding up Bill initiated .. .. .. .. 121. Banking Companies, establishment of .. .. .. .. 25. Bank Charters Bill initiated .. .. .. .. ..42. " referred to a select Committee .. .. ..51. " new Bill initiated .. .. .. .. ..70. Bay of Islands (see Returning Officer). Beckham, T Esq., petition against return of .. .. .. .. 5. Berlowitz, L. petition of .. .. .. .. .. 11. " " referred to a select Committee .. .. .. '6. " motion for correspondence .. .. .. .. 16,42,177. " compensation to .. .. .. .. .. 83,151,159,547. Bills, Assented to .. .. .. .. .. .. 32. 5180, 284. " Reserved for Her Majesty's assent .. .. .. .. 284. Bills of Sale Registration Hill, initiated .. .. .. .. 95. Bishop, salary of, correspondence (see Papers) .. .. .. ..69. Boundaries of Provinces, alteration of .. .. ' .. .. 227. Bribery and Treating Bills Nos. 1 and 2, initiated .. .. ..95. Brigham, John petition of .. .. .. .. .. I*l. British authority (see Chatham Islands) Brittan, W. Guise. Esq., arrears of salary to .. .. .. .. 69,227. Brittin, D. A skham. Esq., resignation of .. .. .. .. 234. Brodie, W. Esq., petition against return of .. .. .. ..5. " petition of (disputed election) .. .. .. ..5. Biown, Charles, Esq., resignation of .. .. .. .. 280. Browne, A., wounded volunteer, petition of .. .. .. ..4 1. " referred to a select Committee .. .. .. 69. " pension and gratuity to .. .. .. SI 12, 234, 267, S3l. Buckland, W., petition of (disputed election) .. .. .. ..5 '■ Buffalo" Seamen, petition of .. .. .. .. ..113. " " referred to a select Committee .. .. .. 117,178. B i ding Societies Amendment Bill, initiated .. .. .. .. 91. Busby, J"s., Esq., petition of (No. 1) pensioned officials .. .. .. 15. 2, " (No. 2) land claim, Wangarie .. .. ..63


IN D E X—continued.

PAGE. Busby, Jas., Esq., petition of (No. 3) against Land Claims Bill.. .. .. 231. " heard within the Bar of the House .. .. .. 238. Business of the House (see House). c. Campbell, Lieut.-Colonel, application from (see Papers) .. ..69. Canterbury Land Fund— Letter and resolution of Provincial Council .. .. .. 5. Motion for coriespondence (see Papers) .. .. .. .. 6,11. " Committee of Enquiry .. .. .. .. 255. " Land OfficePayment of cost of survey instruments and maps (see Paper 3) .. .. 96, 114, 245. " Roads, motion for, correspondence (see Message No. 10) .. .. 20,27. " Supreme Court, sittings of. resolution of Provincial Council (see Papers) .. 151. Carleton, Hugh, Esq., Chairman of Committees .. .. .. ..6. Cargill, J., Esq.. motion for letter of .. .. .. .. 237. " leave of absence to .. .. .. .. 167. '* Captain " .. .. .. ..167. Cassidy, Joseph, insanity of .. .. .. .. 203. Catchpool, E., Wellington, petition of .. .. .. .. 19. " " " referred to a select Committee .. .. 23. " Commission of Enquiry appointed .. .. .. 84, 177, 281 Chatham Islands, Establishment of British Authority, Appointment of Mr. A. Shand as Collector of Customs and Resident Magistrate— Motion for correspondence (see Papers) .. .. .. .. 49,73. Chilman, R., petition of .. .. .. .. 211. " " referred to a select Committee .. .. .. 219. " report referred to Provincial Government, New Plymouth .. .. 241. Christchurch, Town of, new Writ for .. .. .. ~ 284. " Country Districts, new Writ for .. .. .. .. 237. Civil List, appropriation of (see Message No. 17) .. .. .. .. 41. " proposed application of .. .. ~ 61. Clifford, Charles, Esq , elected Speaker .. .. .. ..1 Coates, G. petition of .. .. 151. Colony, liabilities of (question) .. .. .. .. ~ 69. Commissions of His Excellency (see Message No, 2) .. .. ..5. Commission of the Peace, new Issue .. .. .. .. 37. Superintendents to recommend appointments to (see Papers) .. 113, 117. Commissioners negotiating land purchases, return for .. .. .. 12,114. Committees of the whole House (see House) — " •• Chairman of, elected .. .. ~ ..6 " " in the chair .. .. .. .. 241,247, 255, 259, 265, 271, 275, 277, 279, " Select (see Abstract). Company's Debt, select Committee appointed .. .. .. ..9. " letter, C. B. Adderley, Esq., M.P. .. .. ~ 245. " liquidation of (question) .. .. .. ..70. Constitution Act, changes in (see Papers) .. .. .. ..34. " select Committee appointed .. .. .. ..37,81. " resolution adopted .. .. .. ..215. Contempt of House .. .. .. .. ' 155. Counties Bill, initiated .. .. .. .. '' 191. Crown Land Grantees Legal Estate Bill, initiated .. .. .. . . 183. C ustoms— Deputy-Collector at Wellington, appointment of Captain Sharpe, motion for correspondence .. .. .. .. .. 37,42. Receipts and Expenditure for various ports in the Colony (see Papers) .. 122, 155, 252. Receipts for four months ending 30th April, 1855-56 (see Papers) .. .. 63,104. Return for all goods taken out of bond at Auckland for four weeks ending 7th August. 1856 (see Papers) .. .. .. .. 255, 260. Return for probable receipts from Customs in 1856-57, under the new tariff (see Papers) .. .. .. .. .. 252,260. Appropriation of part, to Provinces - - .. .. .. 45. Appropriation of cost 3, charges of collection, and management, resolution as to .. 262. Duties Bill, initiated .. .. .. .. .. 247. " when to be levied .. .. .. .. .. 248. Established at the Chatham Islands (see Chatham Islands). Return for all goods taken out of bond, to be published in Government Gazette .. 260. Revision of Tariff .. .. .. ~ 61, 183, 260. D. Debenturb Debt, Land Claims, Wellington .. .. .. .. 134 Bill initiated .. .. .. .. .. 95 ' Deery, Henry, petition of .. .. .. .. .. 143.


1N D E X—-continued.

PAGE. Defalcation of Collector of Customs at Nelson, correspondence (see Papers).. .. 81, 88. " referred to a Select Committee .. •• •• •• 88. " Captain Salmon's Land Claim referred to it .. .. .. >07. ' " Resolutions respecting .. .. .. •• •• 139,143,149,160. " by Public Officers, return relative to (see Message No. 13) .. .. 19,34. •' •' referred to Select Committee .. .. ..45 De Thierry, Charles Baron, Petition of .. .. •. ..81. Disqualification Bill initiated .. .. .. •• •• >09. Districts Courts Bill initiated .. .. -. •• .. "9. Divisions in the House (see House). " in Committee (see House). Duder, Thomas, Petition of .. .. •• •• •• 113.117,178. Duppa, George, Crown Grant to .. .. .. •• • .. 121- " decision of Air. Justice Stephen relative to land claim of (see Papers) .. 134,147,177. E. 4. East. A. W. Esq., leave of absence to .. .. .. ..5. £ Election petitions .. .. •• •• •• ..5. " referred to a select Committee .. .. .. .. 9,16,20. Electoral Regulations, referred to Constitution Act Committee .. .. .. 81. " rolls, representation of Provinces .. .. .. .. 191. " " purification of (see Papers) .. .. .. .. '69, 203. Elliott, Chas. Esq., leave of absence to .. .. .. .. 87. 237. English Acts Act. 1854, 1855, distribution of .. .. .. .. 95. " Bill, initiated .. .. .. .. .. 122. Estimates of Expenditure (with proposed application of Civil List) .. .. 61. " " Supplementary (question) .. .. .. 69. " " data of calculation (question) .. .. 70. " " General, Supplementary and Additional, transmitted (see Messages) 152,159, 167, 168, 184 233, 241. 242, 24b', 255, 265, 272. " " committed .. .. .. •• 156,16!), 173, 178, 184, 193, 208, 216. 231, 234, 261. 265, 266. " " adopted in series of resolutions .. .. .. 266,267. " " Supplementary, in excess, postponed .. .. .. 261. " " " Auditor-General's examination .. .. 262. " " " Miscellaneous, to be paid out of Temporary Loan.. Estimated returns (see Finance). Expenses of Members (see House). F. Facan, Thos. petition of (Nelson) .. .. .. .. .. 155. Earmer, Jas., petition of (disputed election) .. .. .. .. 5. Farmers' Club. Auckland, petition of .. .. ' .. .. 173Eeatherston, I. Eail, Esq., leave of absence to .. .. .. .. 167. Fencibles (see Pensioners). Finance— Select Committee appointed .. .. .. .. 33. Resolutions (see Policy). Returns, Appropriation of Civil List (see Message No. 17) .. .. 41. " of the Assets and Liabilities of the Colony (see Papers) .. .. 91. " comparative Statements of Expenditure (see Papers) .. .. 38, 57, 59. " estimated Ordinary Revenue for 1856-57, under new Tariff (see Papers).. 252, 260. " " Expenditure chargeable on Temporary Loan (see Papers) .. 252,260. " " " additional, chargeable on Ord. Revenue (see Papers) 252, 260. " " balance for Provinces .. .. .. 252. Statements (see Message No. 5) .. .. .. .. 11. " memorandum of Auditor-General relative to .. .. 42. Fitzgerald, J. E., Esq., leave of absence to .. .. .. .. 12. Fitzherbert, W. Ksq., leave of absence to .. .. .. ..160. Flax, exportation of .. .. .. .. .. .. 271. •' Flora Nova; Zealandise" (see Message No. 15) .. .. .. .. 41. Forbes, Margaret, petition of .. .. .. .. .. 155,192. Friendly Societies' Bill, initiated .. .. .. .. .. 107. G. Gazettes and Ordinances, Provincial, House supplied with .. .. .. 103. General Assembly, next meeting of .. .. .. .. .. 63, 151, 155, 159, 168, 195, 272, 275, 283.


IN DEX—continued.

PAGE. General Assembly, next meeting, period of .. .. .• •• 211. General Government, powers of, Constitution Act .. •• •• 45. Gilligan, James, petition of .. .. .. • • ..87. " " proceeding on • • .. • • •• 215. Gold Fields at Nelson, correspondence and question (see Papers) .. ..69. Government House, Auckland .. .. .. •• • • 117, 462,281. " " Furniture for .. .. .. •• •• 262, 265. " Responsible (see Ministry). " Seat of •• •• • • •• •• Governor, Addresses to (see Addresses). " Deputation to present Address to .. .. •• •• 31,33. " Deputy Bill, initiated .. .. .. •• •* 246. " Salary of, and Bill initiated .. •• • » •• 207, 246. " Summons to attend upon.. .. • • •• 284. Graham, Robert, Esq., leave of absence to .. .. •• •• 203. Grammar School, Auckland, returnwelative to .. •• •• •• 143, 199. Greenwood, Joseph, Esq., petition against return of •• •• •• 5. Grey and Bell Districts, new Writ for .. •• •• •• 280. Grey's, Sir George, Land Regulations (see Land). Grimstone, S. E. compensation to, correspondence (see Papers) .. .• 69. Gunpowder, exportation of from New South Wales (see Message No. 8) .. •• 15. '• stolen by Natives .. •• •• •• 37,257. " storeage of •• •• •• •• *49, 159. H. Henderson, Thomas, Esq., leave of absence to .. .. .. •• 260. House— Meeting of .. •. .. • • .. 1. Governor's Address to .. .. .. •• ..2. Members of present and absent .. .. •• .. I. " Commission to Chief Justice for swearing read .. ..1. " " Mr. Speaker for swearing read .. • 11,63,151. " sworn .. .. .. •• •• 1,11,63,151. " absence of .. .. .. •• •• 191. " resignation of .. .. .. •• .. 12, 234, 280, 283, 284. " leave of absence to .. .. •• 5, 12,87, 160, 167, 192, 203, 237, 260. " payment of expenses to .. .. •- •• 59, 169. Officers of, salaries of .. .. •• •• •• 134. Speaker, election of .. .. • • •• 1. " salary of .. .. -• •• •• 169. " illness of .. .. •• •• •• 241,247. Chairman of Committees, election of .. •• •• ..6. " in the chair .. .. .. • • 241, 247, 255, 259, 265, 271, 275, 277, 279. Adjournments (special) .. .• • •• 1, 3, 9, 12, 26, 38, 51, 61, 76, 100, 103, 121, 125, 147, 169, 183, 199, 215, 220, 238, 260, 268, 282. " for want of a quorum .. . • •• •• 29, 39,82,149,163, 171, 181, 201, 256, 275, 277. Business of, order of .. .. •• • » •• 6,12,16. " of the session, Speaker's report.. .. •• •• 284. Call of, motion and order for .. •• •• 219. " order discharged .. •• •• •• 237,251. Called .. .. •• " •• 245. Resolutions of 17th August, 1854 ... .. •• ••21. Improvement of accommodation in .. •» •• •• 12,83. Deputation of to present address to Governor •• •• 33. Summons to attend Governor .. •• • • 284. Prorogation of .. .. •• •• •• 284. " Governor's address .. •• — •• 284. House, Divisions of the whole— Assembly, next meeting of the Geßeral .. ... •• •• 64, 65, 168, 195, 196. Adjournment .. .. .. .. •• 134. " (special) .. .. .. •• •• 183. Bank Charters Bill (second reading) ._ .. •• 49. Chairman of Committees, election of •-• • 6. Chilman, Richard, petition of .. •• •• •• 241.



PAGE. House, Divisions of the whole—continued. Customs Tariff .. .. .« .. ..183. " Revenue, apportionment of .. .. .. ~45. Financial resolutions (committed and adopted) .. .. .. 125,162. Government House, purchase of .. .. .. •• 281. Magistrates, Justices of Peace .. .. •• .. I "3. Native Land Purchasers (Mr. McLean's account current) .. .. 251. " Offenders Bill (second reading) .. .. •• .. 199. Pensions Bill .. .. .. •• ..13,16. Piercy, Mr. J. J., petition of .. .. •• .. 2.33. Policy of Government, defeat of the Ministry .. •• >* 73. Reply to opening speech .. .. .. .. 27. Resident Magistrates' Courts Extension of Jurisdiction Bill (committal) .. 247. " " " (recommittal) .. 252. Scrip Restriction Bill, initiated .. .. •• .. 187. Seat of Government, removal of .. .. .. ..63. Superintendents of Provinces, Members of Executive Council .. .. 96. Wellington Provincial Council, memorial of .. .. ..96. House, Committees of the whole— BillsAppropriation .. .. .. •• .. 280. Auckland Hospital and Grammar School .. .. .. 242. Bank Charters .. .. • • • • 79. Bank of Issue .. .. .. •• ..163. Bills of Sale Registration .. .. •• •• 114,126,135. Bribery and Treating JSo. 1 .. •• •• ..188. Building Societies .. .. •• •• •• HO. Counties .. .. .. ... .. 204. Customs Duties .. .. •• •• •• 247,248,260. Debentures .. .. •• •• .. 135,184. District Courts .. .. .. •• •• 104,107, 110, 140. English Acts .. .. .. .. .. 140. Friendly Societies .. .. .. •• .. 148, 152. Governor's Salary .. .. .. •• .. 246. Land Claims .. . .. .. .. .. 238,242,247, 281. Law Amendment .. .. .. .. .. 79. Loan .. .. .. .. .. 193. Magistrates Indemnity .. .. .. .. 126. Marriage Act .. .. .. .. .. 148. Native Reserves .. .. .. •. .. 134,140. Naturalization .. .. .. .. ~88. Nelson Trust Funds.. .. .. .. .. 135. Pensions .. .. .. .. 12, 16, 20, 21,23, 25. Privileges .. .. .. .. .. 208. Provincial Council Indemnity .. .. .. .. 208. " Criminal Law .. .. .. .. 208. Provincial Postage .. .. • • .. .. 255. Public Offices .. .. .. .. .. 234. Purity of Elections .. .. ■ • • • .. 234. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts .. .. .. 148, 196. Resident Magistrates Courts Amendment .. .. .. 114,140,148,152. " " " Extension of Jurisdiction .. .. 248. Savings Banks .. .. .. .. .. 408. Scotch Law Practitioners .. .. .. .. 281. Scrip Restriction .. .. .. .. .. 228,231. Superintendents' Deputy .. .. .. .. 188,193. Supreme Court Practitioners .. .. .. .. 148. " " Procedure .. .. .. ..84. Waste Lands .. .. .. .; .. 197,203. Wesleyan Property Sale .. .. .. ..110. Constitution Act. changes in .. .. .. .. 215. General Assembly, next meeting .. .. .. .. 168,275. Native Affairs, control and management of .. .. .. 275, 284. Standing Orders .. .. .. .. ..21. Supply— Berlowitz, Lazarus, compensation to .. .. .. 83, 267. Brittan, W. Guise, arrears of salary .. .. .. 227. Browne, Alexander, pension and gratuity .. .. .. 219,261,281. Customs, Receipts and Expenditure, appropriation .. .. 262. Estimates .. .. .. .. .. 156, 169, 173, 178, 184, 193, 208, 216, 231, 234, 261, 265, 266. Government House, transfer of .. .. .. .. 262. Governor's Salary, increase of .. .. .. .. 207. House accommodation .. .. .. .. 83. Judges' Salary, increase of .. .. .. .. 207, 211. Libraiy, formation of .. .. .. .. 223. Local Posts, Maintenance of .. .. .. .. 281.


IN D EX—continued»

PAGE. House, Committees of the whole—continued. Native Expenditure »• « •• 263,273,279. Pensions to retiring Officials .. -. •• 12^16,20. Piercy, Mr. J. J , arrears of salary .. .. •• *33,246. Steam Communication .. >• •• •• 16,73. Survey Officers, compensation to .. •• •• •• 228. Tidewaiters at Wellington .. •• •• ..83. Ways and Means, Policy of Government .. .. •• " Financial resolutions.. •• 129,134,139, 143, 147, 155, 162. " « adopted .. ■> ..160. House, Divisions in Committee of the whole .» Bills— Bribery and Treating No. 1 .. .. •• •• ®05. Customs Duties .. .. •• •• 310,311. District Courts .. . • • > »• Land Claims .. •• •• •• ,ilo, .. Pensions .. •• • • •« 289, 290. Resident Magistrates Courts Ordinance Amendment .. .. 297, 298, 299. Sctip Restriction .. .. •• •• 309. Constitution Act, changes in .. .. .. •• 307, 308. General Assembly, next meeting (Message No. 26) .. .. .. 301,302,393. 11 11 (Message No. 46) ~ .. •• 812,313. Supply— Brittan, W, Guise, Esq., arrears of salary to .. .. .. 308. Estimates of Expenditure— Judge, Acting Puisne .. .. .. •• 307. Legislative Council, Members of .. .. .. 304. Postmaster, Nelson .. .. .. .. 305. Resident Magistrates, Wanganui .. .. .. 304Estimates, Supplementary, in excess .. .. .. 309. Government House, Transfer of .. .. .. .. 314. Governor, Salary of .. .. •• •• 306. House Committee, Report .. .. -. .. 293. Judges, salary of .. .. .. .. -• 306, 30,. Native Expenditure (Message No. 28) .. .. .. 311,312. " " (Message No. 45) .. .. .. 313,314. Resident Magistrates' Courts .. .. .. ..3 3, 304. Survey Officers' Compensation .. .. .» .. 303. Ways and Means — Financial Resolutions .. .. •• ». 294, 295,296,59/, 299, 300, 301. Policy of Government .. •• •• 291. 292. Houses of Assembly, fencing enclosure round .. • • ■ • . • 2ci6. Hua and Bell Settlers, Petition of .. .. • • • • .. 15. Hutt District, New Writ for .. •• •• •• 283. I. Immigration from Canada (see Papers) .. .. >• 139. " " Victoria, Melbourne (see Papers) .. .. .. 113,199. " Letter from Dr. Stratford (see Papers) .. .. .. 251. Intestate Estates, Fees received from (see Papers) .. .. .. 51,216. 1. Johnson, David (Nelson) Petition of .. .. .. •• I>>s. Johnstone, J. C., Captain, Land Claim, Correspondence (see Papers) .. .. 207,216. Judges, increase of salary to, correspondence (see Papers) .. .. ..81. " " " Resolutions as to .. .. .. •• 207, 211. " Mr. Justice Stephen's Memorandum (see Papers) .. .. ■■ 227. Justices of Peace, Circular to Provinces recommending new Candidates for appointment to (see Papers) .. .. •• •* H3. K. Kaipaea, Pilot at, question .. .. .. .. .. 27. Kingdon, Richard, M.D., Petition of .. .. .. .. 21. " " referred to a Select Committee .. .. ~23. Kororareka Settlers, Petition of .. .. .. .. .• 265.


IN D E X—continued.

PAGE. L Land Claimants, New Zealand Company, motion for return relative to .. .• 191. Land Claims, Correspondence respecting (see Message No. 8) .. .. " outstanding, referred to a Select Committee .. • • • • 37. " " settlement of (question) .. •• •• *47. " " " Bill, initiated -. •• •• 2 "* " Jas. Busby, Esq., heard within the bar .. *- •• 238. Land Fund. Canterbury, (see Canterbury). Land Purchases from Natives— " effectuating Modification of the Law for .• •• ..2/2. " " Question as to the mode of .. •• .. 70v " " Resolution for a Loan for .. •• • • 46. " Estimates in detail of the Expenditure for 1856-7, on account of the Department of .. •• •• ■ 203. " " adopted in a vote for 40,000 for .. .. 266. " Mr. McLean's Expenditure on account of, motion for return for (see Papers) 148, 228, 251. " " reports upon the state of the question of, throughout the Colony, motion for .. •. .. 96. " Return of, from sth July, 1850, to 31st March, 1856, (see Papers) .. 12, 114, 14SK Land Regulations, Sir G. Grey's, Select Committee appointed .. .. ..21. Land Revenue, Disposal of, Circular Letter (see Papers) .. •• •. 184. " " changes in (question) .. .. .. 70. Land Sales, in all the Provinces, from sth July, 1850, to 31st March, 1856 (see Papers) .. 19, IP4, 255. " " for twelve months ending 31st December, 1855 (see Papers) 122,139. " Wellington, Report of Comission ot Enquiry into (see Papers) .. .. I 113, 117, 139* Land Surveys, and Purchases, Resolutions as to .. .. •. .. 1 266. Law Amendment Bill initiated .. .. .. •• 33. •' referred to a Select Committee .. • 38. Leave of absence (see House). Lee, Walter, Esq., Petition against return of .. •. 5. Legislative Council, vacancies in .. .. .. •• .. 187. Library, formation of, Select Committee appointed .. .. ..88. " Resolution and Estimate adopted .. .. .. .. 233, 246.267 V Light Houses, C olonial, motion for correspondence (see Papers) .. .. 129,133. Literaiy and Scientific Institutions Bill initiated .. .. •• .. 99. Local Posts Bill initiated .. .. .. .. 227. " maintenance of .. .. .. •• ..281. " revenue from, appropriation of ... ... .. .. 256. Ludlam, Alfred, Esq., leave of absence to .. •• • « .. 160. " resignation of .. .. .. .. 283. Lunatics' Ordinance Amendment Bill initiated .. .... ... ... 237. M. Macandrew, James, Esq., leave of absence to .. .. ... .. 167. Macdonnell, Commander R. N., Petition of .. .. .. ..15. " " referred to a Select Committee .. .. 33. Magistrates, nominal return of (see Papers) .. .. .. ... 61,99, 114. " opinion of Mr. Attorney-General as to appointment of (see Papers) .. 103,147,167Magistrates Indemnity Bill initiated .. .. .. .. 109. Majesty, Her (see Addresses). Maori Messenger, file of (see Papers) .. .. ... .. 133. Marriage Act, 1854, Gommittee appointed to consider .. .. .. 104. " Amendment Bill initiated ... .... .. 99. Marsden, Charles, execution of .. ».. .. .. .. 188,199. Members (see House).. Merriman, F. W. Esq., Petition against return of .. .. .. 5. Messages (see Schedule of Messages, also Commiteesof the whole House). Meurant, Widow, Land Claim, Correspondence (see Message No. 8) ... .. 15. Militia, arming of .. .. .. .. .. ..191. Ministry, Responsible, formation of.. .. .. .. .. 3,49,79. Relations of His Excellency the Governor with (see Papers) .. 33. " " Resignation of .. .. .. .. 49,75. " S'iperintendents of Provinces, Members of .. .. 59,151. " Want of confidence, defeat of. .. .. .. 70,73. Munro, Daniel, Petition of .. .. ... ... .. 13$. Murder, executions for (see Cassidy and Marsden). N, Native Affairs— Control and management of .. .. .... ... 271,272, 284. Disturbances, Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. 177. " New Plymouth .. ~ .. . .15. " " referred to a select Committee .. .. 23. " " motion, for correspondence (see Message No. 18) ... 38, 45.


IN D E X—continued.

PAGE. Native Affairs—continued. Education, Allocation of part of Civil List, motion for correspondence 75. " Correspondence with Secretary of State relative to (see Message No. 32) 192, 203. " Distribution of money grants to religious bodies for (see Papers) .. 75, 173. " Report Church of England Board on (see Papers) .. 55 Expenditure (see Messages Nos. 28 and 45) .. .. 263, 272, 273, 279. Lands (see Lands). Offenders Bill, initiated .. .. .. ~ 188. " referred to a select Committee .. .. .. 208. " resolutions as to .. .. .. .. 256,271, 273. Reserves Bill, initiated .. .. .. .. ~113. Natives — Outstanding Loans to .. .. .. .. .. 139. Sale of Spirits to (see Message No. 9) .. .. .. ..20. Vaccination of (see Papers) .. .. .. .. 177, "Wairarapa, correspondence relative to 5 per cent, to (see Papers) .. .. 69. Naturalization Bill, initiated .. .. .. .. ~ 37. Naval Officers in New Zealand, correspondence relative to allowances (see Papers) .. 69. Nelson Defalcation (see Defalcation). Nelson Trust Funds Amendment Bill, initiated .. .. .. ~ 110. New Munster, records of (see Message No. 19) .. .. .. 49,51. New Plymouth, Harbour Department, vote for .. .. .. .. 263. " Superintendent of Member of the Ministry .. .. ..59. New Zealand Company's Debt (see Company). " Debenture Bill, initiated " .. .. .. .. 95. " Loan Bill, initiated .. .. ~ .. ..95. 0. Officers of the Army and Navy (see Privilege). - Oliver,Wm, petition of .. .. ~ .. t> 113,117,178. O'Neill, James, petition of (disputed election) .. .. .. 5. Ormsby, G. 0., petition of .. •• .. .. mm )07. " " referred to Committee on Old Land Claims .. .. 109. Order of Business .. .. .. .. .. 129,192. " point of .. .. .. .. .. 99, 195, 245. Otago, Colonial Surgeon's salary, correspondence (see Papers) .. .. ..69. " Crown Lands, sale of in .. .. .. .. _ 133. " Otago Provincial Council Ordinance" (see Papers) .. .. .1 97, 99. " Opinion of Attorney-General on above .. .. .. 97. " Unsigned Memorandum relative to above.. .. .. .104. P. Paper Currency Ordinance, repeal of .. .. .. ..25. Parker, Charles, Esq , resignation of .. .. .. .'! 12* Peace with Russia, congratulatory address .. .. .. 11 j " Proclamation of (see Message No. 42) .. .. || 259.' Pensions Bill initiated (see Message No. 7) .. .. .. " )•» " Resolutions respecting .. .. .. ~ " 15* 20 2*3 " Memorandum of Governor (see Message No. 14) .. .. || 34.' ' ~ Pensioners, assisted passages of, motion for return .. .. " 21 " Cottages, leasing of (see Papers) .. .. .. 11 203 " Petition of .. .. .. || 10 y| " " referred to a select Committee .. .. " 188.' " report referred to Auckland Provincial Government .. ~ 223. " Staff Officers of, conditions of service (see Papers) .. .. .'. 97 133. Petitions (see Abstract of;. Piercy, Mr. J. J., Petition of (see Papers) .. .. .. .. 159 ig7 " referred to a select Committee .. .. 192' " Resolution regarding .. .. || 233," 246, 255, 267. irolicemen, votes or, resolution respecting .. .. .. g4 Policy of the Government .. .. .. || || 45,'57, 84, 91, 117, 122 125 " Financial Resolutions .. ~ .. .. 70 73 160 Pollen, Daniel, Petition of (disputed election) .. .. .. o ' ' ' Postal Steam Communication (see Steam). Post Office, Gratuities to Masters of Vessels .. .. .. .103 " Return of Letters passing through various Branches of .. .1 273' Posts, Local, maintenance of .. .. .. .. || g56 281 Printing Acts, Otdinances. &c., Committee appointed .. .. * 113'125 177 Printing Returns, cost of (see Papers) .. .. .. !! 45 55 59. Printing for the House, Select Committee sppointed .. .. || 9 ' ' Private Grievances (see Standing Oiders Select Committee) .. .. '. jgp. Private Paper Money Bill initiated and referred to Select Committee .. .. 51 Privileges Bill initiated .. .. .. .. 147. Address to her Majesty relative to Officers of Army or Navy .. .. 241, 260, 275.


INDEX —continued.

PAGE. Provinces, payment of balance due to (question) .. •. -- " Provincial Councils Acts-Indemnity Bill initiated. * • • •• "" • " Criminal Law Bill initiated .. — • ■ * * . • Provincial Governments, powers of .. •• " " " 097 " Postage Bill initiated Purity of Elections Bill initiated .. -- "• Queen, the (see Addresses), Quorum (see House). R. Receivers of Public Revenue (see Message No. )3). ... •■» " " referred to a Select Committee ... •• •• -• lg g " resolution regarding .. .. •• — "49 51 Eecords of New Munster (see Message No. 19) .. .. •• •• 87'95* 10* Registration at ilr± Wairau, Nelson (see Papers) .. • • •• ' * " of Deeds Bill initiated .. .. •• •- *• ' IQR •< •' referred to a Select Committee .. -- , ' Eeligious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Bill, initiated .. .. — 25*27 31 33. Eeply to opening speech of Governor ... -- 99' 104° ' Eeporting Debates, resolution referring to .. .. • • ' " Committee appointed to consider best means of —• »•- luy * Eepresentation of the Provinces (see Electoral Rolls)) Resident Magistrates Courts Ordinance Amendment Bill initiated .. •• j?** " Extension of Jurisdiction Bill initiated .. •• • " '* Ordinance, Committee appointed to consider .... Eesignation of Members (see House). " Ministry (see Ministry) .. .. • «• ty'«V 81 Returning Officer, Bay of Islands, proceedings < f (see Papers) .. ... •» 57, ' " Officers, duties of ... .. ... ~ fi " " voting papers rejected by (see Papers) .. •• •• ' Returns for the House, cost of printing (see Papers) .. •• •• . . ' Revenues Bill (Customs charges appropriation) initiated .. -. — " (Provincial and General Revenue) initiated. .. .. • Roads at Ctnterbury (see Message No. 10) .. •« " - ' s. Salaries of public officers, resolution relative to .. .. >» '^4. Salary of Speaker . .. .. •• •• •• '^9. Salmon's Land Claim; correspondence (see Message No. 8) .. ... • JoSavings Banks Ordinance Amendment Bill, initiated .. •• Scotch Law Practitioners' Bill, initiated .. •• • • •• , Scrip available for land purchasers, motion for return of (see Message No. 22), .. 12, bo. Scrip Committee appointed .. .. .. •• " Restriction Bill initiated , .. .. .. • • •• 1 • " " referred to a select Committee .. • « " special, issued to certain Native chiefs (see Message No. I<>) ... •• 41. Select Committees (see Abstract of). " " sittings of .. ... . • Session (see House). Sebastopol, fall of, congratulatory address to the Queen .. .. ..87. " " "■ select Committee appointed to prepare •• 23. Sewell, Henry, Esq , resignation of.. .. .. .. •• tiB4 '„ Shand, Mr Archibald, appointments of (see Chatham Islands) .. .. —. 49,73. Sharp, Thomas, Nelson, petition of.. .. .. — • . I^s. Sharpe, Captain, Wellington, appointment of (see Customs) .. .. •• 37, 42. Speaker— Election and Confirmation of (see Message No. 1) .. •. »• 1Illness of .. .. 7. .. .. •• 241,217, 255,2=9,. 265, 271, 3i5, 277, 279. Salary of .. .. ... .. .. ..169. Spirits to Natives, alteration of the law against selling (question) .. .. 167. " petition relative to sale of (see Message No. 9) .. .. 20. Standing Orders — Select Committee appointed .. .. .. .. 5,26. Adopted .. .. .. ... .. .. 21 Assented to .. .. •• •• •• ..53. 216. On Private Bills .. .. .. .. .. IK7, 192, 196. " Grievances .. .. .. .. .. 129. Suspension of ■ •• •• 9,12,16,19,20,25, 37,42,51,73,75, 83, 91, 134,147 162, 215.



PAGE. Steam Communication — . , Between Great Britain and the Australian Colonies, circular despatch on (see Message No. 4) .. .• •• ".• Resolution adopted in reference to the above .. •• •• > Correspondence between Governments of New South Wales and Victoria (sea Message No. 21) .. .. •• •• 53. Inter-Provincial, select Committee appointed J* ••■ •• J 7- " Charter of '■ Zingari" .. •. •• •• ?3. " Resolution and estimate adopted .• •• •• 96,184,267. Superintendents of Provinces, Members of Ministry .. • • •• 59, 87, 96. « " Position and Precedence of (see Mess&ge No. 10) .. 12,^27. Superintendents'Vaoancy and Temporary Absence Bill, initiated .. •• 17 3 - Supply (see Gotnmiitees of the whole House). Supreme Court Practitioners Bill, initiated .. • • •• •• " Procedure Bill, initiated .. •• •• •• f 3a '• referred to a select Committee .. •. • • " Session of at Canterbury .. •• •• a a New Plymouth .. .. •• •• Surplus Revenue, distribution of to Provinces (question) .. • • 70. Surplus Revenues Distribution Bill, initiated .. .. •• •• J2l. Survey Department, Officers of .. .. •• •• •• ***• a a petition of .. . • •• •• '°' m a t* a referred to a select Committee •• •• 178, 192, 228-. Surveyor-General's Department, expenditure on account of (see Message No. 8) .. 15. Survey of Native Lands, resolution respecting .. •• •• •• 2Li5 - T. Taranaki Bill, initiated •• •• •- •• •• " referred to a select Commtttee .. .. •• •• lu "- " map in illustration of .. .. •• •• " Committee on discharged .. . • •• ..153. Tariff (see Customs). Taylor, Cliarles John, Esq., petition against return of .. • • "10 Tidewaiters, Wellington, petition of • • . •• •• " u a referred to a select Committee .• •• *<>• it « motion for correspondence .. •• •• u u compensation to . - •• •• •• 85,151,159,267. Travers, W. T. Locke, Esq., leave of absence to .. •• »• 12,167. Turner, Benjamin E., Kororareka, petition of .. • • •• •• u, Union Bank of Australia, Balance due to (question) •• •• 69, V s Vaccination of Natives (see Natives). Victuallers of Auckland, petition of . •• • • •• 99.. Votes and Proceedings, circulation of . . .. •• • • 122. Votes of Policeman, resolution respecting .. .. •• •• 84, Voting Papers rejected at the late elections in Auckland, return of (see Papers) .. 88, 216, 255, w, Wairarapa, erection of Mill at , .. .. .• 103. " Natives, correspondence relative to 5 per cent, due to (see Papers) .. 69. Wairau, Registration at ~ .. .. •• 87, 95, 104. " Return of Letters passing through, to Nelson or Wellington .. • • 273. Waste Lands (see L mds). Waste Lands Bill (Provincial) initiated ~ .. .. .. 103. Wavs and Means •» .. — •• 125, 129.134, 139, 143, 147, 155( 162 financial resolutions adopted .. .. .. • • 160, Defeat of Ministry .. .. ..70. Wellington, Commission of Enquiry into disposal of land (see Papers) .. •• 113, 117,139* Provincial Council, Memorial of .. •• ••96. Wells, William, Esq., leave of absence to .. .. •• 192. Wesleyan Methodists, Nelson, petition of .. .» •• 79, " Property Sale Bill, initiated ~ • • ••81, referred to ft select Committee ~ .» ..84.


INDEX —continued.

PAGE. White, Francis, petition of (land claim) .• .. •• .. 81. . Williamson. J. Esq , petition against return of •• .. •• '* i 7« Wood, Reader G., petition of .. •• .. -• •• - I ' - Words taken down (see Marsden). Works of Art and Literature .. •• «• •* •• ' ' Writ, new, motion for address for .. •• •• •• •• 284 Wynyard Colonel R. H., C. B. &c. (see Allowances). z. " Zingari," Charter of .. .• •• •• .. 73, 160.

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INDEX TO THE VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 1856., Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

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INDEX TO THE VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 1856. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

INDEX TO THE VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 1856. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

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