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SELECT COMMITTEES appointed during the Fourth Session, 1856.

DATE OF APSTJBJECT. MEMBERS. PuINTMENT. REMARKS. 1. Standing Orders. Mr. Speaker. Mr. Sewell, Mr. Carle- April 17, 1856 Report brought up April 29 ; committed and To prepare Standing Orders for the adop- t( > n » Mr - Stafford, Mr. Fox, Mr On motion of adopted by the House April 30; suppletion of the House, and to report from Domett, Mr. Ii zherbert, Mr. - v lr Sewe i. in mentary report brought up May 3, and time to time as the House may appoint, Hall, Mr. Merriman. the absence of (with standing Orders) referred to the with power to confer with similar Com- Mr » Merriman Committee ; adopted by the House May 8j mittee of the Legislative Council, to petitions on private grievance! arrange the mods in which the two rereired to it June 23; private Bills July Houses shall confer and communicate 12; report on private Bills, &c., brought with each other. up July 15 ; adopted and ordered to be printed, with original report, July 16 (D.—No. 25) ; disorderly conduct of members referred to it August 6; no further report.] 2. Land Scrip. Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Carleton, Mr. April 13. Period for bringing up report enlargedi To enquire and report as to the nature and Hall, Mr. Richmond Mr. VVells. On motion of * Mr. Travers and Mr Curtis appointed amount of satisfied and unsatisfied Land Jewell, Mr. Travers, Mr. ill. Sewell. June 4; Mr. 1'ox appointed June 6 ; report Scrip and Land Orders issued within the Curtis, Mr Fox. brought up, read, and ordered to be printed Colony: to report on or before May 2. June 25 (D. No. 16); Scrip Restriction " Bill initiated July 12. 3. New Zealand Company's Debt. Mr Fox, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Staf- April 18 * Mr. Macandrew and Mr. Brittin appointed To enquire and report upon the state of the ford, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Brown, On motion of April 28; period for bringing up report account between the New Zealand Com- Mr. Featherston. Mr. Bell, Mr. Mr. Bell. enlarged; report brought up, read, and panv and the Colony in respect of their Macandrew, Mr. Brittin.* ordered to be printed June 3 (D.-No. 9); charge upon its Land Fund; to report financial resolutions adopted by the House on or before May 2. July 2. 4. Printing for the House. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Williamson, Mr. April 18. No report. To superintend the printing for the Honse, Fox > Mr - Carleton, Mr. Elliott. On motion of and the preparation of the votes and Elliott. proceedings. 5. Disputed Elections. Mr. Brittin, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Fitz- April 18 Report brought up, read, and ordered to be To consider all petitions against the return herbert, Mr. Hall, Mr Richmond, On motion of printed April 29 (D.—No 1); Bribery and of any member of the House, with power -^ r * Sewell. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Mr. Fox 1 reating Bills Nos. 1 and 2 initiated Juno to call for witnesses and papers ; to Fox, Mr. Ward. 11. report on or before May 2. 6. House Accommodation. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Bell, Mr. Hall. April 25. Period for bringing up report enlarged; re« To arrange and control all matters per- Mr. Beckham, Air. Macandrew, On motion of port brought up and read May 8 , adopted taining to the comfort and necessities Elliott. Mr Elliott. by the House June 5; supplementary of the House. reports brought up and read May 22, August 5 ; reports adopted by the House August 9. 7. Lazarus Berlowitz—Petition. Mr. Wells, Mr.. Bro&ie, Mr. Mac- April 28. Period for bringing up report enlarged; reTo report .after receiving correspondence andrew, Mr. Richmond. Mr. J. On motion of port brought up, rend, and ordered to be from Nelson, which, with other papers, Cargill, Mr. Domett, Mr. Fitz vlr Fitzherbert piinted June 3 (D. —No. 10); report oi was ordered for its consideration, and herbert. ( ommittee referred to select Committee on laid on the table May 13. Pensioned Officials June 6; report of Committee adopted June 5. 8. Bank of Issue. Mr. Fox. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Hall, April 29. Report brought up, read, and ordered to be To take evidence on the subject of the r * Elliott, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr On motion of printed May 2 ( D. — No 2); Bank Charters Bank of Issue; to report on or before Daldy. Mr. ( aropbell, Mr. Lud- Mr Macandrew. Bill initiated May 13 ; Private Paper Money May 2. lam » Sewell, Mr. Macandrew. Bill initiated May 16. 9. Sir George Grey's Land Regulations. Major Greenwood, Mr. Stafford, April 30 Peri d for bringing up report enlarged; reporl To enquire into alleged malpractices con- Mr, Featherston,* Mr. Ludlam, On motion of when brought up referred to select Com* nected with the administration of Sir Sewell t Captain Cargill, Mr. Mr* Brown. mittee on Pensioned Officials June 6; return! George Grey's Land Regulations of 4th Brown, Mr. Wells, Mr. Lee, Mr. as to defalcations ot public officers referred March, 1853, with power to call for Fox, Mr. Cargill. to it May 14; order discharged June 6: persons and papers; to report on or petition of James Gilligan referred to il before May 7. June 10; * Mr Featherston, Mr. Sewell, Captain Cargill, discharged June 10, and Mr. Wells, Mr. Lee, Mr. Fox, Mr. Cargill appointed same date; report brought up read, and ordered to be printed June 3i (D.-No. 19). 10. Victories in the East. Mr. Speaker, Captain Cargill, Mr. May 1. Period for bringing up report enlarged; re To prepare a cong atulatory address to her Carleton. Mr. Domett, Mr. On motion of port brought up, read r and oidered to b< Majesty on t e achievements of her Featherston, Major Greenwood, Mr. Stafford. printed May 22 (D. —No. 4); addres Majesty's forces, and those of her allies Mr. Hall, Mr. Richmond, Mr. adopted by the Hous* June 6; transmitted in ihe present war ; to report on or Stafford. to the Secretary of State for the Colonies before May 15. July 4, 11. Richard Kingdon, M. Z).—Petition. Mr. Domett, Mr. Elliott, Mr. May 1. Report brought np, read, and ordered to b, To examine his petition and claim for Featherston, Mr. Lee, Mr. East On motion of printed May 8 (D.—No. 3); adopted t)' compensation; to report on or before Mr. East. the House May 9. May 8. 1H. Tideuiaiters and E Catchpool. Mr Da'dy. Mr. Macandrew, Mr. May 1. Period for bringing up report enlarged; re 3 o examine iuto their petition and claims Cuff, Mr. Hendeison, Mr. On motion of port brought up, r ad, and ordered to bi for redress, to report on or before May Domett. Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Hall,. Air, Fitzherbert. piinted (aj also apptndix) May 22 (D — 10. Mr. Fitzherbert. No. 6); report adopted J tine 5; resolutioi as to E. Catchpool passed July 9 an( August 14.



DATE OF APSUBJECT. MEMBERS. POINTMENT. REMARKS. (3 Native Disturbances, New Plymouth. Mr. Bell, Mr Richmond, Mr. East, May 1. Period for bringing up report enlarged; To examine the petition of certain settlers Mr. Campbell, Mr. Stafford, Mr. On motion of Committee discharged May 29. as to hostilities among the Natives at Featherston, Mr. Cargill, Mr Mr.Brown. New Plymouth, with power to call for Brown. persons and papers; to report on or before May 15. 14 Finance. Mr. Campbell, Mr. Featherston, May 8. * Mr. Hail, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Brodie, apTo consider the state and management of Mr Stafford, Mr C brown, On motion of pointed May 13; financial returns for the public finances of the Colonv ; tore- Captain Cargill, Mr Sewell. Mr. Mi. Bell. 18.-S-o4.oj ; refened to it May 22 ; period Wnrt on nr hefore Mav V> " Fitzherbert, Mr Macandrew, for bringing up report enlarged ; progress P • Mr Bell, *Mr. Hall, Mr. Elliott, report, with evidence taken, brought up Mr. Brodie. and ordered to be printed June 4 (D. — No. 11.) 15. Thomas McDonnell, R.N. —Petition. Major Greenwood, Mr. Domett, -Mav 8. Period for bringing up report enlarged ; reTo take into consideration his petition, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Cuff, Mr On motion of port brought op,. read, and referred back with leave to confer with similar Com- Brittin. Mr. Bnttin. far amendment May S3 ; amended report mittee of the Legislative Council, and fought up June 10; ordered to be printed power to call for persons and papers; June 24 (D. io. 15). to report on or before May Tl. 16. Constitution Act. Mr Speaker, *Mr. Richmond, Mr. May 9. Period for bringing up report enlarged; *Mr. To consider and report as-o the changes Domett, Mr Fitzherbert, Mr. On motion of StaffordI discharged June 4 ; Mr. Richmond, which it may be desirable to make in Fox, Mr. Ca leton. Mr Merriman, Mr. Sewell. Mr. Merriman, Mr. Featherston, Mr. the Constitution Act, and the best mode Mr. Brittin. Mr Featherston, Mr Sewell discharged June 6; Mr. Ward apof effecting the same, with power to Stafford, Mr. Sewell. Mr. Ward, pointed same date ; l\lr lravers appointed confer with similar Committee of Legis- Mr. lravers Mr. Hall, Mr. Beck. June 11 ; Bribery and Treating Bills Nos. lative Council; ro report on or before ham, Mr. Bell I and 2 referred to it July 12; Mr Hall, Mav 23 Mr. Beckham, Mr. Bell, appointed July 16 ; 1 ' ' Mr. Merriman reappointed same date; report brought up, read, and ordered to be .printed July 29 (D. —No. 28); Purity of Elections Bill initiated July 30, 17. Inter-Provincial Steam Communication. Mr. Fitzlieibert, Mr Hall, Mr. Mav 9. Power to call for witnesses and papers granted To consider the most efficient mode of : Macandrew, Mr Brown, Mr. On motion of May 17 ; period for bringing up report enmaintairant' a rapid and frequent com- Graham, Mr. Elliott. Mr. Elliott. larged; report brought up, read, and ordered mumcation between all the Provinces ol >e be printed, wi'h evidence taken before it, the Colonv; to report on or before Mav June 6 (D. No. 14); report adopted; 23 # " " June 11. 18. Land Claims. Mr. Taylor, Mr Wil iamson, Mr. May Period for bringing up report enlarged ; petiTo consider and report as t'i the nature and Daldy, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Elliott, On motion of tion of James Busby, ( No. 2) referred to it extent of outstanding land claims and Mr Richmond, Mr. Domett, Mr Mr. Sewell. May 26; petitions of Francis White and the best means of finally disposing of the Sewell. Baron de Thierry referred to it June 4 ; same ; to report on or before May 23. petition of G. O. Ormsby referred to it June !7 ; report brought up and ordered to be printed July 16 (D. —No. 21); Land Claims Settlement Bill initiated July 24. 19. Supreme Court Procedure. Mr. Merriman, Mr. Fox, Mr Ward, May 0. Report brought up, read, and ordered to be To consider his Excellency's Message No. Mr Brittin, Mr. Domett, Mr. On motion of printed May 23 (D.—No. 7); Supreme 12, together with the Judges' reports, Richmond, Mr. Sewell. Court Procedure Bill and Law Amendment and other documents accompanying the Bill read a second time May 29. same ; to report on or before May To. 120. Resident Magistrates' Courts. Mr. Ward, Mr Richmond, Mr May 9. Period for bringing up report enlarged; reTo consider the expediency of an Act for Beckham, Mi*. Sewell, Mr Fox, On motion of port brought up, read, and ordered to be providing a more effective administia- Mr Elliott . Mr. Merriman, Mr. Mr. Macandiew printed May 29 (D.—No. 8); District tion of justice, and the establishment of Macandrew, Courts Bill initiated June 3. , Provincial Courts of Judicature, with limited powers, both in civil and criminal cases ; to report on or before May 15. 21. Bank Charters, Mr Richmond, Mr. Stafford, Mr May 16. Report brought up, read, and ordered to be To consider the provisions of the li Bank Sewell, Mr Fitzherbert, Mr On motion of printed May 22 (D —No, 5), both Bills Charters" and Private Paper Money" Fox ' Mr - Cargill, Mr. Hall, Mr. jMr. Macandrew lapsed, and the Bank Paper Currency Bill Bills, with power to call for persons and Mr. Carleton, Mr. Lud- initiated iu lieu of them May 27. papers; to report on or before May 22. lam, Mr. Henderson, Mr, Mac j and ew ■22. Alexander Browne—Petition. Mr. Smith, Mr Macandrew, Mr. Mny22. Report brought up and read June 10 ; ordered To take into consideration the petition of Cull, Mr. Elliott, Mr. fcast, Air, On motion of to be printed June i2 (D, No. 12); report Alexander Biowne, with power to call Dee. j Air. Lee. adopted July 26. tor persons and papers ; to report on or before June 10. 23. Wesley an Proper ty Sale Bill— Private Bill. Mr Fox, Mr. Wells, Mr. Curtis, 1 June 5. Report brought up June 10; Bill read * To enquiie into and report on the preamble Colonial Secretary, Mr. i On motion of second time June 17. of the Bill. Travers. Mr. Travers. a. Pensioned Officials. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. June 6. Committee appointed by ballot; * Motion To consider the correspendence relative to Hall, Mr. fitzherbert, Mr, Fox. On motion of made, and upon a point of order, by leave , the Nelson defalcation, also any reports Mr. Fox. withdrawn by Mr. H41 to have his name j of tiie select Committee on Lazarus Ber- discharged June 12 ; period for bringing up lowitz's petition, and Sir George Grey's report enlarged ; correspondence respecting Regulations, also the petition of James I Captain Salmon's land claim referred to it



DATE OF APSUBJECT. MEMBERS. POINTMENT. REMARKS. Busby, (No. 1) and any other evidence June 16; report brought up, and, with the or report tending to shew official miscon- evidence of Mr. Sinclair, ordered to b» duct on the part of the pensioned officials, printed July 11 (D. —No. 20). with the object of forwarding such report to the Home Government with the Pensions Bill; to report on or before June 12. 25. Library. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Stafford, Mr. June6. Period for bringing tip report enlarged; reTo consider the best means of establishing Fitzherbert, Mr. Carleton, Mr On motion of port brought up, read and ordered to be a Library; with power to confer with Bell, Mr.Travers. 1 ravers - P r,n,e 4 <D.-No. **) i report of similar Committee of the Legislative Committee adopted July 28. Council; to report on or before June 20. SO. Staff-Surgeon Bacot-Petition. Mr Domett, Mr. Beckham. Mr June 10. Report brought up, read, and ordered to be To enquire into the statement, in his peti- Graham. Mr Curtis, Mr. Ward, <?" motion of printed June 17 (U—No 13); resolution tion, concerning the refusal of the deeds Mr. Carleton. Mr- Carleton. adopted by the House, referring report to for his house and land at Howick, with the Home Authorities, July 15. power to call for persons and papers ; to report on or before June 17. 27. Taranaki Bill. Mr. Campbell, Mr. Stafford, Mr June 12. Period for bringing up report enlarged; ComTo consider the provisions of the Bill; to Featherston, Mr. Brittin, Mr On motion of mittee discharged July 1. report on or before June 19. Graham, Captain Cargill, Mr. Mr. Brown. Taylor, Mr. Brown. 23. Marriage Act, 1854. Mr Fox, Mr. Hall, Mr Domett, June 14. Period for bringing up report enlarged; reTo consider the Act, and the amendments Mr. Brittin, Mr. Carleton, Mr. On motion of poit brought u;>, read, and ordered to be necessary thereto: to report on or before Lee, Mr. Ward. Mr. Ward. printed June 26 (D. No. 30) ; Marriage June 19. Amendment Bill, 1856, read a second time June 27. 29. —Registration Bill. The Colonial Treasurer, Mr.Travers, June 14. Period for bringing up report enlarged; To consider the best system of registration the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Mac- On motion of Committee discharged July 16. to be adopted in the Colony; to report andrew, Mr. Ward, Mr. Fox, Mr. Fox. on or before June 24. 30. Reporting Debates. The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Bell, June 17. Period for bringing up report enlarged; reTo consider the best mode of carrying out Mr. Carleton, Mr Williamson, On motion of port brought up, read, and ordered to be a resolution of the House of 14th June, Mr Fox, Mr. Fitzherbert. Mr.Fitzherbert. printed July 1 (D.—No. 17). relative to the securing correct reports of speeches ; to report on or before J une 24. 31. Re-printing Documents. The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Fox June 18. Power to confer with similar Committee o: To consider what Acts, Ordinances, and Mr. Williamson, Mr. Domett, On motion of Legislative Council June 21 ; period foi other public documents should be re-! Mr. Bell, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Mr. Fitzherbert. bringing up report enlarged; report brough: printed; to report on or before June 24 Fitzherbert. U P> read, and ordered to be printed July (D. —No, 31) ; report adopted July 9. 22. Seamen of II. M. S. " Buffalo" —Petition. Mr. Merriman, !\"r. East Mr June 19. Report brought up, read, and ordered to b( To consider its prayer; to report on or Cargill, Mr Taylor, Mr. Hender- On motion of printed June 26 (D. No. 18); repor before June 26. son, Mr. Lee, Mr. Williamson. Mr. Williamson adopted, and name of Robert Williamsoi added to petitioners July 9. 33. Certain Pensioners—Petition. Mr. Merriman, Mr. Williamson, July 12. Petition of Henry Deery referred to it Julj To consider the various petitions presented Mr. East, Mr. Taylor, Mr. On motion of 12; report brought up, read, and ordere< to the House during the session from Henderson, Mr. Lee, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Fox. to be printed July 15 (D. No. 23); reso certain pensioners, as also the rei ort of Mr. Hall, Mr. Fox. luiion passed referring the question to tin the select Committee appointed last Provincial Government of Auckland Juh session on the same matter ; to report on 28. _ or before July 19. 34. Mr. J. J. Piercy—Petition. Mr. Beckham, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Hall, July 15. Per'od for bringing up report enlarged; re To consider the matter of the petition, with Mr. Lee, Mr. Brodie. ' On motion of port brought up, rend, and ordered to b the minutes attached thereto, as laid on Mr. Brodie. printed July 29 (D.— No 26); report Q the table of the House by Mr. Stafford j Committee adopted August 5. July 2, in return to an ordt-r of the House June 27, with power to call for persons and papers; to report on or before July 22. 35. Officers of Surveyor-General's Department— Mr. Smith, Mr. Fast, *Mr. Brown, July 15. * Mr. Brown appointed in lieu of Mr. Weill Petition. Mr. Ward, Mr. Beckham, Mr. On motion of ;s an amendment to original questiot To consider the prayer of the petitioners Lee, Mr. Williamson. Mr. Williamson. July 15, report brought up, read, an for compensation for loss sustained owing ordered to be printed July 22 (D. Nc to a sudden dismissal from their offices ; 24) ; adoption of the report negatived i to report ou or before July 22. Committee of the whole July 29. 36. Next Session of General Assembly. Mr. Henderson, Mr. Williamson, July 16. The names of Mr. Speaker, Mr. Brown, M: To enquire into the most practicable man- tfie Colonial Secretary, Mr. Fox, On motion of Curtis, and the Colonial'!reasurer propose ner of carrying out the resolution of the Mr Hall, Mr. Stafford. Mr. Stafford. to be added, as an amendment, and nega House as to the next session of the Ge- tived ; the Colonial Treasurer proposed l neral Assembly, and the question of the li eu °f ie Colonial Secretary, as a secoii seat of Government, with power to con- amendment, and negatived; perio c duct its proceedings conjointly with any bringing up report enlarged; repoi roug^ similar Committee of the Legislative U P? read, and ordered to be printed u y



DATE OF APSUBJECT. MEMBERS. POINTMENT REMARKS* Council; to make either a joint or sepa- (D.—No. 27); consideration of his Excelrate report; to report on or before July lency's Message No. 46 lapsed in Com«3_ mittee of the whole August 12; Message No. 49 reeeiveii August 16. 37 Scrip Restriction Bill. The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Bell. July 22. Ordered to take into its consideration certain To consider the provisions of the Bill ; to Mr. Daldy, Mr. Taylor, Mr. On motion of resolutions proposed by the Colonial Trearenort on or before July 29. Curtis, Mr. Brown, Mr. Ward, Mr. Fox. surer July 23; report brought up and read Mr. Fox, July 28; Bill, as amended in the select Committee, committed July 29. 38. Native Offenders' Bill. Mr. Daldy, Mr. Williamson, Mr. July 23. Period for bringing up report enlarged ; reTn the provisions of the Bill, with Henderson, Mr. Campbell, Mr. On motion of port brought up, read, and ordered to be to ; to report on or Brown, the Colonial Tourer. the Colonial printed August 4 (D -No 29) ; Bill nebefore July 29 Treasurer. gativcd on committal August 11. 39 Literary and Scientific Institutions Bill. Mr. Stafford, Mr. Hall, Mr. Bell, July 24. Period for bringing up report enlarged; ComTo consider the provisions of the Bill; to Mr. Williamson, the Colonial On motion of mutee discharged August 9. report on or before July 31. Secretary. the Colonial 40. Richard Chilman—Petition. The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Car- July 26. Period for bringing up report enlarged; reTn rnnsider the nraver of the petitioner leton, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Smith, On motion of port brought up and read August 4 ; on with oower to caU for persons and papers' Mr. Cuff, Mr. Fox, Mr, Brown. Mr. Brown. question that it be printed, amendment put witn power to can tor persons ana papoiS; and ssed t h at lt referred to the Superto take evidence as to the alienation of intendent of New Plymouth for further public lands; to report on or before enquiry into the matter by the Provincial July 30. authorities August 4. 41. Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Mr. Campbell, Mr. Daldy, Mr. July 31. Report biouglit up and read August 1; Bill Reserves Bill. Brodie, Mr. Williamson, the On motion of committed August 4. To enquire into and report on the preamble Colonial Secretary. Mr. Stafford. of the Bill; to report on or befoie Aug. 1. 42. Transfer of Government House, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Augusts. Report brought up, read and ordered to be T„ tv,,, rpsnlntirm nn thi« subiect Bell, Mr. Ward, Mr. Williamson, On motion of printed August 11 (D. —No. 32); report proposed by Mr? Fitzgerald for adoption Mr. Daldy Mr Domett, Mr. Mr. Campbell. and resolutions adopted by the House by the House; to report on or before Brown, Mr. Campbell. August 14. August 11.

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SELECT COMMITTEES appointed during the Fourth Session, 1856., Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

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SELECT COMMITTEES appointed during the Fourth Session, 1856. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

SELECT COMMITTEES appointed during the Fourth Session, 1856. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1856 Session I

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