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i Statement of the present Expenditure of such part of the Public Revenues of New Zealand as are appropriated under the authority of any General Laws of the Colony now in force, or under the authority of the General Government, estimated for the Year commencing on the Ist October, 1853, and ending on the 30fA September, 1854.


RECEIPTS. I c.-vo-rr .v {». j '• Estimated Gross Receipts of Ordinary Revenue. f A (Exclusive of Land Fund Receipts.J

Customs.—Auckland .. .. .. .. 43,000 0 0 Wellington .. .. .. .. 127,000 0 0 New Plymouth .. .. .. ... 3,600 0 0 Nelson ... .. ... .. 8,000 ! 0 0 Canterbury .. .. .. 9,000 O 9 0 s Otago ... .. .. .. 4,000 0J 0 — — >- 94,600 0 0 Post Office.—Auckland .. .. .. .. 900 0 0 Wellington ... .. ... .. 500 0 0' New Plymouth .. .. ... 75 O 0- ; Nelson .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Canterbury .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Otago .. .. ... 50 0 0 — 1,775 0 o Supreme Court Fees and Fines .. .. .. 300 0 0 Resident Magistrate's Court Fees, at Auckland, New Plymouth, and Otago .. > .. .. 600 0 0 Registration fees at Wellington, Nelson, New Plymouth, and Otago .. . . .. .. 400 0 0 Proceeds of Sale of Government Brig and Printing Materials .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 Bank of Issue .. .. .. .. .. 403 Q --Q--3,003 0 0 <4 <; < - ... . "' 1 ' ■ '•—* Total Gross Ordinary Revenue .. ~, £99,378 0 0

ORDINARY REVENUE. EXPENDITURE. II Kipnuei of Collection paid oat of the CiroM Kef«lp(« of Ordiurj Iteveaae. CUSTOMS. Auckland—Collector and Landing Surveyor .. • • 440 0 0 First Clerk and Warehousekeeper .. .. 220 0 to Second Clerk .. .. 120 0 0 Third Clerk .. .. 120 0 0 First Landing Waiter and Tide Surveyor ... ... 242 0 0 Second Landing Waiter ... 165 0 0 Locker .. .. .. 140 0 0 Assistant Locker .. .. 84 0 0 Tide Waiter .. .. ICO 0 0 Two extra Tide Waiters ... 200 0 0 Messenger (half salary) ... 36 0 0 Two Weighers .. .. 144 0 0 Boat Service .. .. 3£o 0 0 Contingencies .. .. 100 0 0 2,461 0 0 Kussell —Sub-Collector .. .. 167 0 0 Contingencies .. .. 10 0 0 177 0 0 Hoxiakoa —Sub-Collectcr ... ... 135 0 0 Contingencies and Travelling Expenses .. .. 30 0 0 165 0 0 •• , v "■ ' . "" .» Mongonui—Sub-Collector .. ... 50 0 0 Contingencies .. t . 30 0 0 80 0 0 ' Kaipaha—Sub-Collector ... .. 150 0 0 Contingencies .. .. 170 0 0 320 0 0 Kawhia—Sub-Collector .. .. 150 0 0 Contingencies ... ~, 170 0 0 320 0 0 3,553 0 0


CUSTOMS—continued. Brought forward .. 3,523 0 0 Wellington—Collector (also Sub-Treasurer) 400 0 0 First Landing Waiter .. 200 0 0 Tide Surveyor .. .. 200 0 0 First Clerk and Warehousekeeper .. .. 160 0 0 Second Landing Waiter .. 132 0 0 Locker .. .. .. 100 0 0 Second Clerk .. .. 100 0 0 Third Clerk .. 100 0 0 Five Tidewaiters, at £80 each 400 0 0 Extra pay to tidewaiters when boarded on ship .. 100 0 0 Dit;o di to when engaged assisting with office work .. 20 0 0 Contingencies—Rent of Cus-tom-house, £70; Stationary, £l 5 ; Firewood, £15 ; Postage, £6 ; Repairs for Boats, £25; Extra Clerical .. 151 0 0 2,063 0 0 Whanganci—Pub-Collector .. .. 140 O 0 Office Rent .. .. 30 0 0 Ex >ra Tidewaiters .. 10 0 0 Stationary £5, Fuel £5, Pcsta es £2 .. .. 12 0 0 Gratuity to late Sub-Collector 50 0 0 242 0 0 Nelson —Collector (also Sub-Treasurer) .. 200 0 0 Landing Waiter .. .. 120 0 0 Locker .. .. .. 66 13 4 Two Tidewaiters and Boatmen .. 160 0 o Contingencies—Fuel and Light £5, Stationery £15, Postages £4 24 0 0 570 13 4 Cantbrbuky—Collector (also Sub-Treasurer) 300 0 0 Sub-Collector, Akaroa .. 180 0 0 Landing Waiter, Lyttelton .. 180 0 0 Clerk & Warehousekeeper .. 150 0 0 Tide Surveyor (also HarbourMaster) ~ ~ Nil. Carried forward .. .. 6,393 13 4 J ll


CUSTOMS—continued.' Brought forward .. 6,398 13 Canterbury—continued—Extra Clerical Assistance .. .. 50 0 0 Tidewaiters .. .. 90 0 0 Contingencies — Office Rent £80, Fuel £10, Stationery £10, Boat Service £60, Postage, &c., £30 .. 190 0 0 1,140 0 0 Otago—Collector (also Sub-Treasurer) .. 280 0 0 Landing Waiter .. .. 150 0 0 Tide Waiters .. .. .. 50 0 0 Hire of Boatmen .. .. 25 0 0 Contingencies—Stationery £5, Fuel £3, Boat £35 .. .. 43 0 0 548 0 0 New Plymouth—Collector (also Sub-Trea-surer) .. .. 220 0 0 Occasional Clerk and Locker .. .. 60 0 0 Office Rent .. .. 13 0 0 Customs House Building 250 0 0 543 0 0 Total Customs .. ... 8,629 13 POST OFFICE. Postmaster-General .. .. .. 400 0 0 Office Rent ... ... .. 45 0 0 445 0 0 Auckland—Postmaster .. .. 100 0 0 Chief Clerk ... .. ]65 0 0 Second Clerk .. .. 130 0 0 Messenger (half salary) .. 35 0 O Village Postmasters and Letter Carriers .. .. 125 0 0 Contingencies, including gratuities .. .. 200 0 0 755 0 0 Carried forward .. ... 1,200 0 0


POST OFFlCE—continued. Brought forward .. ™ 1,200 0 0 Wellington—Postmaster ... .. 200 0 0 Clerk .. ... .. 75 0 0 District Postmasters & Letter Carriers .. .. 50 0 0 Contingencies & gratuities .. 100 0 0 Kent .. .. 35 0 0 460 0 O Pbtre —Postmaster ... .. 40 0 0 Contingencies .. .. 20 0 0 60 0 0 New Plymouth—Postmaster (also Registrar of l)eeds) .. .. Nil. Contingencies .. 36 0 0 36 0 ■ Nelson—Postmaster .. .. .. 150 0 0 Contingencies, including building of Oiiice and Gratuities ~ 100 0 0 250 0 0 Canterbury —Postmaster .. .. 160 0 0 Subposts, Christchurch .. 100 0 0 Contingencies and Gratuities.. 50 0 0 310 0 0 Otaoo—Postmrister (also Collector of Customs) .. .. • • Nil. Clerk .. .. .. 75 0 0 Subpost at Dunedin .. .. 30 0 0 Contingencies .. .. .. 50 0 0 b 155 0 0 Postal Intek-Provincial — Overland between Auckland, New Plymouth, and Wellington .. 500 0 0 J 500 0 0 Total Post Ornce .. 2,971 0 0


(A.)-RECAPITULITION. Shewing the Receipts of Ordinary Revenue available after deducting Cost of Collection.

Gross Cost of Receipts. Collection. Net Proceeds. ORDINARY REVENUE. £ £ 8. d. £ s. d. Customs.—Auckland .. .. 43,000 3,523 39,477 Wellington .. .. 27,000 2,305 24,695 New Plymouth .. .. 3,600 543 3 057 Nelson .. .. 8,0"0 570 13 4 j 7,429 6 8 Canterbury .. .. 9,000 1,140 7,860 Otago .. .. 4,000 548 3,452 94,600 8,629 13 4 85,970 6 8 Post Office.—Auckland .. .. 900 755 Wellington.. .. 500 520 New Plymouth .. 75 36 Nelson .. .. 100 250 Canterbury .. 150 310s * Otago .. .. 50 155 Postmaster General .. .. 445 Inter-Provincial Posts .. 500 Fees, Fines, &c. .. .. 3,003 ____ —* 4,778 2,971 Jj8 07 0 0 [ Net Receipts £87,777 ~7"l~ * Note.—Deficit of Post Office Revenue .. ,, £696



! 11. statement of General Charge* on the estimated \et Itevenue of SBWI 6s Bd. (Vide Recapitulation A.) CIVIL LIST. £ i. d. Govpmor's Salary .. .. ~ .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 Chief Justice .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Puisue Judge .. .. .. .. .. .. 800 0 0 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GENARAL GOVERNMENT, GOVERNOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. Private Secretary and Clerk to the Executive Council . t .. .. .. 300 0 0 J Ai le de-Camp, 10s. 6d. per diem.. .. 191 13 0 Cl.rk .. .. .. 180 0 0 liiterpieter .. .. .. •• 100 0 0 771 13 0 COLONIAL SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT. i o'on'al Secretary .. .. .. 700 0 0 Commissioner of Crown Lands charged with the correspondence relating to Crown Lauds in all the Provinces, and acting as ( hi?f t. Lrk .. .. .. 3"io 0 0 First Clerk .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Second Clerk.. .. .. ..150 00 1,450 0 0 COLONIAL TREASURER'S DFPARTMENT. Colonial Treasurer .. .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Attiiney-General .. .. .. 600 0 0 AUDITOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Auditor-General .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Clerk .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Carried forward 4,171 13 0 4,300 0 0


Brought forward 4,171 13 0 4,300 0 0 CONTINGENCIES. Stationery .. .. .. 2 2 Printing .. .. •• " J J Petty Expenses .. .. • • ' 52g ? Q Total Establishment of the General Government .. 4,700 0 0 NATIVE PURPOSES. Schools under the management of the Church of England .. .. 3 500 0 0 Ditto ditto Wesleyans .. .. 1,600 0 0 Ditto ditto Rome .. .. .. 800 0 0 5,900 0 0 Resident Magistrate, Auckland .. .. 300 0 0 )t New Plymouth .. 200 0 0 „ Rotorua .. •• 175 0 0 „ Waikato .. .. 125 0 0 Hawk s Bay .. 200 0 0 Pensions for Te Whero Whero •• .. 50 0 0 ' „ 'l e Puni .. .. .. 50 0 0 ' 1,100 0 0 Total Native Purposes .. 7,000 0 0 Total Civil List .. £16,000 0 0

DEPARTMENTS OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT. I t K {Rot provided for in the Civil List.) GOVERNOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. Allowance to Governor in lieu of Government House and office rent .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Clerk (also Private Secretary .. .. .. Nil. Unofficial members of the Council at per annum, for three months ending 30th September, 1854 .. ~ GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Legislative COUNCIL— Speaker, per annum ~ .. cierk .. ;; 7 C „ Messenger .. ~ • • 1 pjcpenses of Members ~ } Carried forward 900 0 0 16,000 0 0


in ' ' Brought forward 000 0 0 J 6.000 0 0 House o» Representatives— Speaker ...... \ Clerk .. .. J Assistant Cletk .. V say 2,000 0 0 Messenger .. .. Expenses of Members • • / ' jjj Printing, Stationery, and Contingencies .. .. 1,000 0 0 COLONIAL SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT. Messenger .. .. .. .. .. 8000 C 0 — COLONIAL TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. Chief Clerk .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 AUDITOR-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Temporary Assistance .. .. .. .. 100 00 n BANK OF ISSUE. V * Auckland — Manager .. •• 200 0 0 Wellington—Manager .. .. 150 0 0 _ Clerk .. .. 125 0 O ' 7 j|(| 475 0 0 SUPREME COURT. Auckland—Registrar .. .. .. 300 0 0 Crier .. .. 72 0 0 Contingencies ~ .. 30 0 0 1 ' 402 0 0 Wellington—Registrar (also RegistrarGeneral and Registrar of Deeds .. .. 300 0 0 Crier, Messenger, and Tipstaff .. .. 72 0 0 Contingencies .. .. 70 0 0 " ' n 442 0 0 Nelson - —Deputy-Registrar .. . . 20 0 0 Contingencies .. .. 5 0 0 25 0 0 as. REGISTRY OF DEEDS. Wellington—Registrar (also Registrar of dupreme Court .. Nil. Deputy-Registrar.. .. 150 0 0 Contingencies .. .. -30 15 &ti 180 15 0 Carried forward 4,754 15 0 16,000 0 Q V w


Brought forward .. 5,754 15 0 16,000 Gft Nelson—Registrar (also acting as Commissioner for hearing and deciding claims to land under the New Zealand Company's Land Claimants' Ordinance •. • • 200 0 0 Clerk .. .. 0 0 Contingencies.. . • • • 50 0 0 New Plymouth—Registrar (also Postmaster .. .. 200 0 0 200 0 0 REGISTRY OF BIRTHS. DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. Auckland —Registrar-General Regist ar-General and DeputyRegistrar .. .. 100 0 0 Contingencies .. .. 12 0 0 112 0 0 Wellington—Registrar-General (also Registrar of Supreme Court . .. Nil. RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S DEPARTMENT. Auckland —Chief Clerk .. .. 200 0 0 Clerk and Interpreter .. 200 0 0 Extra Clerk .. .. 150 0 0 Bailiff .. .. ... 127 15 0 677 15 O Russell—Resident Magistrate, also SubTreasurer .. .. 200 0 0 Interpreter .. .. 9l 10 0 Contingencies .. ... 15 0 0 306 10 0 Mongonui—Resident Magistrate, also Sub- 150 0 0 Collector of Customs and District Surveyor.. .. Nil. 150 0 0 New Plymouth—Resident Magistrate .. 200 0 0 Contingencies .. 20 0 0 220 0 0 Carried forward 7,796 0 0 16,000 0 ©


N Brought forward .. 7,796 0 0 16,000 0 0 akoakoi—Resident Magistrate .. 200 0 0 Horse allowance, 3s. per diem 54 15 0 Interpreter, ss. per diem .. 915 0 1 . 340 0 0 n A go—Resident Magistrate .. . • 200 0 O Office rent .. .. . • 25 0 O Contingencies .. >. . • 16 0 0 241 0 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS. GOVERNMENT DOMAIN AT AUCKLAND. •dener .. .. .. •• 91 5 0 ive Labourer .. .. .. 54 12 0 lger .. ... ... •• 72 0 0 rper of Government Grounds .. 15 12 0 J r 233 9 0 GOVERNMENT DOMAIN AT WELLINGTON. itingencies .. .. •• ••• ••• 100 ® 0 INTEREST ON DEBENTURES. erest on 8 per cent Debentures — Principal £27,"i53 lis. 10(1. ... 2,180 13 0 erest on 5 per cent Land Debentures — Principal issued at Auckland, £911 Bs. 9d. .. .. ... 45 11 0 Principal issued at Wellington, £3,675 16s ... .. ... 183 15 0 2,409 12 0 II ivernment Brig •• •• •• 1,800 0 0 nting and Stationary .. .. 700 0 0 wood .. . . .• •• 200 0 0 ) ivelling Expenses .. •• 300 0 ® iscellaneous .. •• .. 1,800 0 0 4,800 0 0 15,126 1 0 Carried forward ... .. £31,126 1 0 I \4


<B.)~ RECAPITULATION. Shewing' the Balance of Ordinary Revenue unappropriated. Net Revenue available for general Purposes after deducting First Charges (vide Recapitulation A.) .. .. .. «. •• 87)777 6 8 General Charges as shown in Statement 11. .. ... •• •• 31,126 1 4 Balance available for Provincial purposes .. .. £56,651 5 4

Statement showing the distribution of the surplus Ordinary Revenue among the several Provinces established in New Zealand according to the provisions of the 66th Section of the Constitution Act. Auckland .. .. «• 25,750 Wellington ... .. ... 16,170 New Plymouth .. •> .. 2,160 Nelson .. .. .. .. 4,780 Canterbury .. .. ... 5,400 Otago .. .. .. .. 2,390 £56,650 ;


111 Estimated Gross Receipts from the Disposal of Crown Grants. Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 40,000 0 0 New Plymouth ~ .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Wellington ... .. .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Canterbury ... .. .. .. ~ 26,000 0 0 Otago .. .. .. ... .. .. 4,000 0 0 £100,000 0 0 LAND REVENUES. EXPSKDJTUHE. IV. Statement of the first Charges on Gross Receipts of Land Fund. NEW ZEALAND COMPANY'S CLAIM. One-fourth of the Gross Receipts .. .. .. .. £25,000 0 0

LAND PURCHASE DEPARTMENT. Principal Commissioner ... .. 400 0 0 Travelling expenses ... .. 100 0 0 Native Secretary attached to the Department 250 0 0 District Commissioner ... .. .. 600 0 0 Two Clerks at Bs, and 7s. per diem •• 273 15 0 Contingencies .. ... .. 200 0 0 Presents to Native Chiefs .. .. 300 0 0 Survey Branch .. .. 100 0 0 2,223 15 0 Carried forward ~ .. .£25,000 0 0


LAND OFFICERS AND SURVEYS. Brought forward 2,223 15 0 0 0 Auckland Surveyor-General .. •• 730 0 0 Deputy Surveyor-General, in charge of Finance Branch of Department . • • • s ® at Monganui 300 0 0 District Surveyor .. •• •• "9 ® 9 Draughtsman .. •• •• r :: JsS 2 o Clerk •• •• " "• ia n Two Cadits, ss. per diem each .. l 3° " ( ' Surveyor and two chainmen .. •• 15 ) Survey labourers .. •• •• . ' * Messenger ... ... ... •• U U Contingencies, including tour assistants in the preparation of Crown Grants, 125/. each.. Contract Surveys .. •• •• 600 0 r ft ■ %J } OO I •) " New Plymouth.—Commissioner of Crown Lands .. .. 200 0 0 Surveyor ... •• 170 0 0 Survey Labours •• 1~0 0 0 Contingencies... ••• 125 0 0 Repairs of Crown Land Office .. .. 200 0 0 soi _ o q Canterbury.-- Commissioner • • 400 0 0 Accountant .. .. 20 0 0 Rent of Offices .. .. 75 0 0 Chief Surveyor .. .. 300 0 0 First Assistant Surveyor .. 250 0 0 Second ■ ditto .. 200 0 0 Assistant Surveyor and Draughtsman .. .. 150 0 0 Survey Labourers... .. 2tio 0 0 Contingencies .. »• 100 0 0 1,935 0 0 Wellington. Bay District. — Commissioner (also Resident Magistrate) .. .. 200 0 0 Chief Surveyor .. .. 300 0 0 „ Forage .. ... 51 15 0 Draughtsman .. .. It 910 0 Survey Labourers .. 450 0 0 Contingencies .. .. 100 0 0 1,234 5 0 Wellington District. —Commissioner .. 400 0 0 Principal Clerk .. •• 180 0 0 Accountant • • • • 150 0 0 Extra Clerk .. .. 136 17 6 Contingencies , v • • 60 0 0 926 17 6 Carried forward 10,706 2 6 i. 25,000 0 0


CROWN LANDS AND SURVEYS—continued, ll Brought forward 10,706 0 0 25,000 0 0 Survey Office at Wellington.— Surveyor in charge .. 200 0 0 Draughtsman .. ... 150 0 0 Survey Labourers .. .. 150 0 0 Contingencies ... .. 100 0 0 600 0 0 Survey Office at Wanganui.— Chief Surveyor .. .. 300 0 0 Horse allowance ... .. 54 15 0 Assistant Surveyor .. .. 150 0 0 Survey Labourers .. ... 300 0 0 Contingencies .. .. 50 0 0 854 15 0 Survey Office, Wairarapa.— Surveyor .. .. .. 300 0 0 Survey Labourers ... 150 0 0 Contingencies .. 50 0 0 500 0 0 ) Nelson.— Commissioner .. ... 400 0 0 Chief Clerk ... .. 1.50 0 0 Assistant Clerk .. .. 109 10 0 Chief Surveyor .. ~ 150 0 0 Extra Clerk and Draughtsman .. 109 10 0 Contingencies, Repairs of instruments, £30; Stationery, &c., £100; Repairs to Office, £50.. 180 0 0 Survey Labourers .. .. 200 0 0 — 1,?99 0 0 3tago.—Commissioner .. ~ 300 0 0 Chief Surveyor . , ~ 200 0 0 Clerk arid Surveyor .. ... 150 0 0 Assistant Surveyor .. .. 200 0 0 Survey Labouiers .. 375 0 0 Stationery and incidents .. 100 0 0 Office Rent, 12s.per week ... 31 4 0 1,356 4 0 -- " ' t'liacELLANEovs.—Temporary assis'ance in the Colonial Secretary's Office to prepare Crown Grants .. 300 0 0 jANc PujßcjiAs^s.—Wellington .. 18,720 0 0 Auckland ... ... 19,800 0 0 New Plymouth .. 3,881 0 O Otago . .. 2,000 0 0 Nelson .. .. 1,000 0 0 45,401 0 0 ■ i\ U. , . 61,077 l 6 - Crown Lands and Surveys ~ '.. gg 077 j mi


NATIVE PURPOSES. Charged on 15 per cent, of the Land Fund of the Province of Auckland in accordance with Governor Grey's Instructions dated Bth August, 1853, being in excess of the sura of £7,000 provided in the Civil List. Brought forward .. .. .. 86,077 1 6 Rev. R. Maunsell's School at Waikato— For building purposes ... ... 500 0 0 Agricultural instructor .. . • 54 12 0 Carpenter .. .. .. 60 0 0 614 12 0 St. Stephen's Native Girls' School— For building purposes .. .. 500 0 0 Rev. J. Morgan's School, Otawhao— For building purposes .. .. 150 0 0 Ashwell's School, at Pepehi— For building puiposes .. .. 150 0 0 Taurangi School — Labourer .. .. • • 52 0 O Grey's Institution, New Plymouth— Housekeeper's salary ... .. 60 0 0 Farm overseer .. .. .. 52 0 0 Maori Pupils (maintenance) .. 60 0 0 172 0 O Schools under the management of the Church of Rome ... .. .. 600 0 0 Ditto ditto Wesleyans •• .. 700 0 0 1,300 0 O 100 Iron Bedsteads for Waikato Schools *• 126 10 Q

NATIVE SECRETBRY'S DEPARTMENT. Native Secretary .. .. .. 200 0 0 Junior Clerk, acting as Interpreter to the Resiuent Magistrate and Surveyor-» General, and assisting in land Purchases, and publication of Maori Messenger... 200 0 0 Maori Messenger .. ... 250 0 0 650 0 0 HOSPITALS. New Plymouth.—Colonial Surgeon's salary.. 150 0 O Horse allowance .. 54 15 O Nurse and Cook, Is. Cd. per diem .. .. 27 9 0 Servant, Is. 6d. .. 27 9 0 Rations .. .. 64 0 0 Contingencies .. .. 10 0 O Say three fouths to be borne by the General Government 333 13 0 250 5 0 3,956 7 0 86,077 1 «


HOSPlTALS—continued. Brought forward 3,965 0 0 86,077 1 6 Whanoanui—Colonial Surgeon's Salary .. 150 0 0 Two attendants ... ... 60 0 0 Rations, &c., .. .. 275 0 0 Medicines .. ~ 25 0 0 Hospital linen, &c. .. .. 60 0 0 Repairs .. .. ... 60 0 0 Say two-thirds to be borne by the General Government . ■ 630 0 0 420 0 0 Wbllington—Colonial Surgeon .. .. 200 0 0 Forage .. .. .. 54 15 0 Two hospital attendants .. 120 0 0 Assistant attendant .. 35 0 0 Cook ... .. ... 30 0 0 Rations for cook and assistant 33 2 8 Rations for patients ~ 365 0 0 Firewood .. .. 84 0 0 Clothing for patients ... 30 0 0 Medicines .. 30 0 0 Washing .. ... 40 0 U Stationery, =f6, light and soap, £15, blankets and sundries, £53 15s. cleaning chimneys, £5, Straw, £6 .. .. 85 15 0 Boarding kitchen, and bricking yard .. .. ... 10 0 0 Painttng and Whitewashing ~ 50 0 0 Say one-half to be borne by the General Government .. ■ 1,147 12 8 573 16 4 OtaGo, —Colonial Surgeon .. .. 150 0 0 Contingencies .. .. .. 150 0 O Say five-sixths to be botne by the General Government .. .. 300 0 0 250 0 0 Presents to Natives .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 PENSIONS. One Pensioner .. .. ... 18 5 0 Walker Nene's Ordinance — Walker Nene's Annuity .. ... 100 0 0 Gratuities to Chiefs .. ... 100 0 0 218 5 0 New Ply mouth—Nine Native Assessors .. 210 0 0 Three Native Policemen, at £4 Is, 4d. per month •• •• 177 0 0 387 0 0 Total Native Purposes .. C,334 8 4 Erection of House of General Assembly, including Furniture, &c. .. •• 2,600 0 0 2,600 0 0 92.411 9 10


(C.)—RECAPITULATION. Shewing the Balance of Land Fund unappropriated.

Deduct cost of erection of House of General Assembly ~ 2,600 0 0 Land Purchase Department . . 2,223 0 0 Preparation of Crown Grants .. ~ ~ 300 0 05,128 15 0 Balance unappropriated ,* .. £4,888 10 2

Statement showing the distribution of the surplus Land Revenue among the several Provinces established in New Zealand according to the provisions of the 66th Section of the Constitution Act. Auckland .. .. .. 1,956 v New Plymouth .. .. .. 195 Wellington ... .. ... 977 Nelson ... .. .. 295 Canterbury .. .. ... 1,270 OtagQ .. ~ .. .. 195 £4,888

_ First Charges. Gross —— NetReNew Zealand | Land and Native Land cei Receipts. I s „ rey ,, parpo „, £ £ £ ■ £ Auckland.... 40,000 10,000 3,651 5 0 6,334 8 4 19,800 214 6 8 New Plymouth 4,000 1,000 815 0 0 3,881 1,696 0 0 — Wellington .. 20,000 5,000 4,095 17 6 18,720 7,815 17 6 — Nelson 6,000 1,500 1,299 0 0 1,000 2,301 0 0 Canterbury .. 26,000 6,500 1,935 0 0 17,565 0 0 Otago 4,000 1,000 1,356 4 0 2,000 " 35G 4 0 — 100,000 25,000 13,152 6 6 6,334 8 4 45,401 10,012 0 0 1111 ——————————————L——■————— | m

PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND. Superintendent .. • .. • • £800 0 0 Provincial Council .. •. • • • • 900 0 0 Superintendent's Establishment .. .. .. 1,358 0 0 Provincial Engineer .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Public Works (General) .. .. • • .. 475 4 0 Road Department .. .. . • .. ?38 19 0 Harbour Department .. .. •• . • 770100 Police Department .. .. • • • • 3,335 0 O Medical Department .. «• •. .. 1.889 5 0 Judicial Department .. .. •• .. 392 0 0 Law Officer .. .. • • • • • • 400 0 0 Resident Magistrates .. .. .. .. 237 15 0 Sheriff's Department .. . « «• .. 1,190 5 0 , Coroner's Department .. .. .. .. 3000 Inspector of Sheep •. • • .. . • 100 0 0 Miscellaneous .. •• .. . • 3,844 6 3 Public Works (Special) .. .. .. •• 15,400 0 0 Amounting in the whole to the sum of ~ .. 32,262 1 9

PROVINCE OF NEW PLYMOUTH. SUPERINTENDENT'S DEPARTMENT. jperintendent's Salary .. .. £250 0 0 esidence and Offices .. • • .. 40 0 0 rivate Secretary .. .. .. 50 0 0 £340 0 0 PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. lerk of Council (also Attorney for the Province) .. .. 150 0 0 PROVINCIAL TREASURER. reasurer .. .. 40 0 0 llerk .. • • .. .. 0 0 0 40 0 0 ittorney for the Province (also Clerk of Council) ~ Nil. GAOL DEPARTMENT. raoler (also Inspector of Weights and Measures, and Inspector of Slaughter House) .. 91 10 0 lations for Prisoners .. • < .. 30 0o 121 10 0

22 PROVINCE OF NEW PLYMOUTH—continued. HARBOUR MASTER'S DEPARTMENT. Harbour Master .. . • • • 120 0 0 Coxswain, Permanent and Occasional Boatmen and Contingencies .. .. •• 101800 Boat-shed, Capstan-rope, Out-haul-rope, small rope, House for Native Boatmen, paint, &c. 220 0 0 1358 0 ARMED POLICE FORCE. Sub-Inspector (also Interpreter to the Province) .. 125 0 0 Horse allowance for Sub-Inspector .. .. 25 0 0 Six Privates .. .. .. 436 16 0 Contingencies .. ~ .. 40 0 0 626 16 Inspector of Sheep .. .. .. ~ ~ 20 0 MISCELLANEOUS. Rent of Council Chamber and various Offices .. 40 0 0 Furniture for same .. .. .. 20 0 0 Printing, Stationery, &c- .. .. .. 150 0 0 Contingencies ~ ~ ~ 150 0 0 360 0 £3016 6 CHARGEABLE ON LAND FUND, r < v - Roads, Surveys, and Contingencies .. •• .. ~ 1000 0 £4016 6

PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON. Charges of Civil Government. £ s. Superintendent's Department—lst August, 18.13, to 30th September, ? 85 . 4 , „ " •• -• •• .. 750 0 Provincial Secretary's Department .. ~ , 588 6 Provincial Treasurer's Department # I{)s 0 Board of Audit .. ... .. [[ 155 0 Provincial Solicitor .. .. f , >t _ 201 13 Public Works Department ~ ~ t . f ' _ 42y ig Harbour Department .. , . ' g4 O 15 Supreme Court Department .. .. ~ ** 164 14 Resident Magistrates Department .. , . 819 5 Sheriff's Department .. .. " 528 15 Armed Police t , „ . .. " j jfe o9 2 Medical Department—Proportional Share of Province .. " ?50 0 Lunatic Asylum .. .. .. ** ' * 602 10 Inspector pf Sheep Department .. _ 80 0 Pound •• .. ' I! " 9 2 Coroner's Fees M .. !! S0 0 Miscellaneous „ .. 6 < 0 0 provincial Council .. ~ .. .. _ ]j075 0 „ Panting ~ .. ~ 125 0 j' j, f• 90.52 0


PROVINCE OF WELLlNGTON—continued . . Public Wobks and Undertakings. Geological Research .. .. .. .. £200 0 0 Gaol .. .. .. .. .. 1,180 0 0 Pound .. .. .. •• .. .• 20 0 0 Asylum .. •. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Compensation to Gaol Contractor.. .. .. .. 350 0 0 Education Commission .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Ferries and Bridges . .. .. .. 500 0 0 Grant for a Trunk Line from Wanganui to Rangitikei .. .. 1,000 0 0 Grant in Aid of Assessments and Local Contributions .. .. 2,000 0 0 North Road Repairs .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Repairs Road to Hutt .. ~ .. .. 400 0 0 „ Korokoro to Taitai .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Gorges and Bridges .. .. .. . 200 0 0 Widening Beach ~ .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Interests on Loan .". ~ .. . • .. 750 0 0 Total for Public Works, &c. .. ... 8,950 0 0 Total for Charges of Civil Government ... ... 9,052 0 2 Grand Total ... ... £18,002 0 2

PROVINCE OF NELSON. £ s. d. The Superintendent and Establishment .. • < 485 0 0 Provincial Council Establishment .. . • 454 0 0 Solicitor's Department .. .. 200 0 0 Treasurer's Department .. .. 122 Q 0 Public VYoiks Department •• . • 280 0 0 Harbour Department .. •. 450 0 0 Government Wharf .. >, 53 6 8 Sheriff and Gaol Department ~ • • 354 0 0 Police Department .. •. G9B 17 6 Medical Department . 130 0 0 Coroner's Department .. .. 45 0 0 Charitable Aid .. 121 10 9 Nelson School Society .. .. 180 0 0 Native Interpreter to all the Public Departments .. 50 0 0 Miscellaneous .. ••• ... 490 0 0 Public Purposes ... ... ... 6,810 0 0 Amounting in the whole to tl>e sum of ... ... £10,953 14. 11

PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY. £ 9. d. His Honor the Superintendent ... ... ... 725 0 0 'Ihe Provincial Council ... ... ... 225 0 0 The Supreme Court ... ... ... 200 0 0 The Provincial Secretary ... ... ... 300 0 0 „ Treasurer ... ... ... 540 0 0 „ Auditor ... ... ... 155 0 0 „ Solicitor ... ... 300 0 0 The Registrar &c. ... ... ... 365 0 0 The Resident Magistrate ... ~, ... 30 0 0 The Sheriff and Gaol ... ... 234 10 0


PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY—continued. The Police .. •• •• " " £48i 1 3 The Provincial Surgeon .. - " *• 0 0 The Coroner - • •• •• J7 0 0 The Harbour Master .. •• •• •• •* 362 10 0 The Inspectors of Sheep .. •• •• •• • 400 0 0 Akaroa .. •• •• •* " 0 0 Advances in aid of the Post-office .. .. •• •• 150 0 0 Education .. •• •* •• •• •* 1,000 0 0 Immigration .. .. •• •• •• •* 10,000 0 0 Public Works .. .. •• •• •• •• 2,445 0 0 Printing .. .. • •• •• •• 0 0 Census .. .. .. •• •• ® ® Weights and Measures .. .. •• •• •• 100 0 0 Total 7 18,999 1 3

PROVINCE OF OTAGO. Salary of His Honor the Superintendent •. .. 300 0 0 Provincial Secretary .. .. .. .. 0 0 0 Provincial Treasurer .. ~ • • • 50 0 0 Provincial Solicitor .. .. ». •• 100 00 Clerk of Council .. .. .. .. 1 150 0 0 Clerk to the Bench r . .. .. .. j Harbour Department— Harbour Master .. .. .. 0 0 0 Pilot and Boat's Crew .. .. .. 220 0 0 Re-mooring and keeping in -repair Buoys, Oil for Lighthouse, &c. .. .. 130 0 0 350 0 0 Poundkeeper and Inspector of Slaughter-houses .. .. 20 0 0 Gaoler .. .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 Hations for Prisoners .. .. .. .. 60 00 Police or Constables .. .. .. .. • • 260 0 0 Re-survey of Road Lines .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Miscellaneous— Rent of Council Chamber ... ~, , r . 20 0 0 Printing, Stationery, and Contingencies ... ... 150 0 0 Roads (repairing) ... ... ... 200 0 0 Rent of Court House ... ... ... 25 0 0 Inspector of Sheep for 6 months ... 25 0 0 Coroner's Fees ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 430 0 0 Amounting in whole to the sum of £1995 0 0

CUSTOMS. Civil Secretary's Office, Wellington, Bth August, 1853. Sir, — lam directed by Governor Sir George Grey to communicate to your Honour the following financial arrangements, which have been provisionally and temporarily made by His Excellency, with the view of enabling the Provincial Government efficiently to perforin its duties until such time as the General Assembly shall have passed some enactment upon the subject. It appears to His Excellency, from the nearest estimate which can be made, with the means at his command, that the Revenue of the whole colony of the Islands of New Zealand, after the costs of collection and management have been defrayed, will for the present, amount to 62,000 Z. per annum, and that the charges upon account of the Civil List, or those imposed by Ordinances of the General Legislature; such, for instance, as the Interest upon Public Securities, the expenses of Savings Banks, the charges upon account of Education, &c., &c., &c., will amount to a sum of about 21,0001 per annum, or one-third of the net Revenue of the Colony. The Collector of Customs will therefore receive instructions, to make up his account to the close of each week, and then having first deducted the amount necessary to defray the expenses of that Department, to pay over two-thirds of the Balance remaining in his hands, to the Provincial Treasurer, or to the Provincial account at the Union Bank of Australia, and to remit the remaining third of such Balance to the Colonial Treasurer of New Zealand. This mode of adjustment, will not, in every instance, be perfectly accurate, as the Revenue of the Province will, from time to time vary ; as will also, the proportion which the Civil List, and the expenses of the General Government bear to the whole revenue of New Zealand, which may now be expected rapidly to increase; consequently the above arrangement cannot be considered as being final. When therefore, the accounts of the Revenue of each quarter reach the Treasurer of New Zealand, a final account will be made out, showing the gross Revenue of each Province, the charges on account of collection, the proportion of the Balance due to each Province during the quarter; any Balance which may then be found due to any Province, in addition to the two thirds of its Revenue already paid, will therefore be paid over to the Treasurer of the Province, or to the Provincial account at the Union Bank of Australia. In like if from the anticipated increase in the Revenue of the Colony, it should shortly be found that the proportion of the Revenue to which each Province is entitled, exceeds two-thirds of the Revenue collected therein, arrangements will immediately be made for altering the amount to be paid from two-thirds of such sum, as each Province may be found entitled to. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your Honour's most obedient, humble servant. (Signed) Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary His Honour the Superintendent, Province of Auckland,

CROWN LANDS. DISTRIBUTION OF LAND FUND. Civil Secretary's Office, Wellington, Bth August, 1853. Sib, — I am directed by Governor Sir George Grey to acquaint your Honour that, until further provision is made by the General Assembly, the Land Fund will be appropriated in the following manner:— One-fourth of the gross proceeds of land sold or let in the manner stated in the 74th clause of the New Zealand Constitution Act, will be retained for the benefit of the New Zealand Company. The remaining three-fourths of such gross proceeds, together with the proceeds arising from he Rents of Crown Lands, from the Fees on Crown Grants, &c., &c., &c., will be subject in the first place to deductions for the cost of the Land Department, Surveys, &c., as also for such proportion of the Land Fund as the Commissioners may be directed to deduct for the payments to the Aborigines for the purchase of their Lands After these deductions have been made, the balance remaining is to be divided into two equal parts one of which is to be retained by the Commissioner for Emigration purposes, while the other part will be paid over at the close of each month to the Provincial Treasurer or to the Provincial account at the Union Bank of Australia. The General Government will for the present apply the proportion of the Land Fund applicable to emigration purposes, in accordance with the terms of the Proclamation of the 4th of March 1853; but if the Provincial Council of the Province of Auckland would prefer having any alteration made in this arrangement, the Governor will be prepared to consider any representations which you may, in behalf of that body, make to His Excellency upon the subject. It must however, be understood that, if any portion of the Province is proclaimed a Hundred, nothing contained in the foregoing paragraphs will prevent the Governor, under the authority of the Royal Instructions of the 12th of August, 1850, from authorising the application of any proportion not exceeding one-third of the gross proceeds of the sales of Crown Lands within such Hundred, to such purposes as shall be signified to him by the Wardens of that Hundred, I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Honour's most obedient humble servant, (Signed) Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary, His Honour the Superintendent, Province of Auckland.

CROWN LANDS. INCREASE TO SURVEY DEPARTMENT. Civil Secretary's Office, Wellington, 12th August, 1853. Sir, — It has appeared to Governor Sir George Grey that it may often be for the interest of a particular Province, with a view to encourage the occupation of the Land, to undertake Surveys upon a larger scale than the receipts of the Land Fund would at the time justify the General Government in undertaking. In such cases the Provincial Council might feel disposed to make advances from the share of the General Revenue, which they are empowered to administer, for the purpose of increasing the Survey Staff, and expediting the Surveys, relying upon the probable increase of the Land Fund from such a measure for the reimbursement of the expenses incurred in carrying out this plan. The Commissioner of Crown.Lands has accordingly received instructions that if the Provincial Government should, at any time undertake to pay the additional expense of the Suvry establishment, if increased beyond the limit which His Excellency has authorised, the Establishment is to be immediately augmented to such an extent as your Honour may guarantee the expense of. All the costs of the angmeutation to the fixed Establishment must be paid directly by the Provincial Government and not by the Commissioner, even if the Land Fund should increase to such an extent as to enable the extra expense lo be defrayed from it, that officer is not to appropriate it to such a purpose until His Excellency's authority has been received, but must disburse the Fund in the proportions directed by the General Instructions on the subject. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Honour's most obedient, humble servant, (Signed) Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary. ■His Honour the Superintendent Province of Auckland.

CROWN LANDS. RELATING TO THE APPROPRIATION OF PART OF THE LAND FUND TO EMIGRATION. Civil Secretary's Office, Wellington, 12th August, 1853. Sib, —in reference to the Circular Letter of the number and date quoted in the margin, on the subject of the appropriation of the Land Fund of the Province, I am directed by Governor Sir George Grey, to acquaint your Honour that care must be taken against guaranteeing the payment of half the passage money for assisted passages to such an extent as to incnr at any time a greater liability on this account than can be met by the funds applicable for that purpose at the date of entering into each of such engagements. The Commissioner of Crown Lands has received a communication to this effect, and has been further instructed that as soon as your Honour shall have notified to him that the Provincial Council have agreed to a Resolution to the effect that they are desirous of undertaking the management of that portion of the Land Fund, which, under the present instructions, is applicable to emigration purposes, it will be his duty to pay to the Provincial Treasurer the sum appropriated for those purposes, as well as that portion which is now applicable to Public Works. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Honour's most obedient, humble servant, (Signed) Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary, His Honour the Superintendent Province of Auckland.

CROWN LANDS. NEW ZEALAND COMPANY'S DEBT AND NATIVE LAND PURCHASES. To the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Civil Secretary's Office, Wellington, Bth August, 1853. Sir, — Instead of paying into the Commissariat Chest the 4th of the proceeds of Land Sales charged by the New Zealand Constitution Act towards the liquidation of the debt due to the New Zealand Company, you will have the goodness to pay such amount into the General Treasury, &c., &c., &c. You will further hare the goodness to pay one fifteenth part of the proceeds of the Bales of any lands purchased from the aborigines previously to this date into the General Treasury, in order that such amounts may be devoted to objects for the benefit of the native race, in accordance with agreements entered into with the owners at the time of the purchase of those lands, I have, &c., (Signed) Alkbed Domett, Civil Secretary.

CROWN LANDS. NATIVE LAND PURCHASES. Thi3 was also communicated to the Superintendents of Wellington and Auckland oa the 27th December, 1853. W. Gisborne. Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, 24th December, 1853. Sib,— , . . I have the honour to forward, enclosed for your information, a copy of certain m■tructionsrespecting advances of money made to the Commissioner of Crown Lands for the purchase of lends, which, by direction of His Excellency the Governor, have been issued to that Officer. I have, &c., (Signed) Andrew Sinclair, Colonial Secretary. His Honour the Superintendent New Plymouth. MEMORANDUM. One fourth of the gross proceeds of Land Sales in the Province of New Plymouth is to be paid into the Colonial Chest to the credit of the Land Purchase Deposit account. A separata Land Purchase Deposit account will be open for the Province. Moneys issued from the Colonial Treasury for the purchase of lands are to be r; paid from th» Provincial Deposit account. If the advances are issued from the Land Fund Deposit account of other Provinces, you will be required, after defraying the first charges on the Land Fund, to remit the monthly balance of the proceeds of Land £'aies to the Colonial Treasury at Auckland, or Sub-Treasury at Wellington, as the case may be, until the whole of the advance from the Land Purchased eposits of the other Provinces has been repaid, making, in the interim, no payments to tae Provincial Treasury, nor making any apportionment either on account of the Province, or Immigration,

POST OFFICE? Extract from letter of Civil Secretary to Postmaster General (l(sth August, 1853,) communicated in a circular to the Superintendents, dated 12th September, 1853. All expenses in the Post Office Department which are now authorised may he continued for the present, under the authority of the Postmaster General. The Postmaster General will decide the proportion of the receipts of the Provincial Departments of the Post Offices, which is to be deducted therefrom, and transmitted to him for defraying the general expenses of the After the expenses of each Central Provincial Office, and the proportion of the general expenses to be paid in the manner above stated, have been deducted from the receipts of the Officers, the balance remaining is to be paid over to the Provincial Treasurer at the end of each month. Any »urplus which may remain in the hands of the Postmaster General at the end of every quarter, will be transmitted by him to the Treasurers of the respective Provinces, in the same proportions in which the gross eds of the Post Office revenue shall have arisen therein respectively. If the Post Office Revenue in any month does not suffice for the payment of the current expenses during that month, the Postmaster General will draw upon the Colonial Treasurer for the amount required to cover the deficiency, and will at the same time forward to the Colonial Secretary full explanation as to the manner in which the deficiency has arisen. And the amount so drawn must be recovered from future Post Office receipts of the Province or Provinces in the proportion in which the deficiency may have ferisen. All sums thus recovered must be remitted to tiie Colonial Treasurer. \ The Postmaster General is authorised to correspond direct with the Superintendent ot any Province upon all subjects connected with the postal arrangements of that Province. If that portion of the revenue derived from any Provincial Post Office which, under these arrangements is to be paid to the Provincial Treasurer, exceeds the expenses of the Department, the Postmaster General is authorised, in concert with the Superintendent of the Province, to extend its postal communications to such an extent and in such manner as the revenue will bear, or to any greater extent, for which the Provincial Council will vote the necessary funds. This regulation will not, how- ver, prevent the Postmaster General from establishing, under the authority of the General Government, any lines of postal communication of apparent utility to two or more Provinces. All existing orders or regulations relating to the Post Office department will, for the present remain in force. (Signed) A. Domett, Civil Secretary,

SUPREME COURT. EXPENSE OF PROSECUTIONS AND ALLOWANCE TO WITNESSES. Civil Secretary's Office, Wellington, 27th August, 1863. Sir, — I am directed by his Excellency the Governor to inform your Honour of the following arrangements made with respect to some particulars in the proceedings of the Supreme Court of this Colony in their relation to the several Provincial Governments which the late changes have rendered necessary. The expense of criminal prosecutions will in future be borne by the Province. A general scale of costs to be allowed for prosecutions will it is presumed, be established by the Provincial Council, as was done by the General Government in a notice in the Gazette of the 3rd March, 1845. But this scale should be submitted to his Honour the Chief Justice for approval. The Law Officer conducting the criminal prosecution will also be paid by tho Province. The amount of allowances for witnesses has already been regulated by the Supreme Court in the Rules attached to the Supremo Courts' Ordinance, Session 4, No. 1. But the funds for this purpose will be provided by the Government of the Province in which the offence under prosecution was committed. On the subject of the custody of the funds arising out of the official administration of Intestate Estates, or otherwise under the control and direction of the Supreme Court, I shall have the honour of addressing you in a separate communication. I have, &c., (Signed) Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary, His Honour the Snperintendent, Province of Auckland,

EXTRACT FROM LORD JOHN RUSSELL'S DESPATCH TO GOVERNOR HOBSON, DATED 20th JANUARY, 1854. As often as any sale shall hereafter be effected in the colony of lands acquired by purchase from the aborigines, there must be carried to the credit of the department of the protector of aborigines a sum amounting to not less than 15, nor more than 20 petcent. in the purchase-money, which sum will constitute a fund for defraying the charge of the protector's establishment, and for defraying all other charges which, on the recommendation of the protector, the Governor and Executive Council may have authorised for promoting the health, civilization, education, and spiritual care of the natives. Such sums, when not immmediately required, must be invested in the best securities which can be obtained in New Zealand or in New South Wales in the name of the governor. If at any future time the fnnd shall be found to exceed every reasonable demand for this service, any ulterior augmentation of it may be suspended, until the want of additional funds for these purposes shall become apparent, oi shall be reasonably anticipated. But generally speaking, the proceeds will be probably expended within tho year,

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ORDINARY REVENUE., Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1854 Session I-II

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ORDINARY REVENUE. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1854 Session I-II

ORDINARY REVENUE. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1854 Session I-II

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