NOTE.—Paper Number before Page Number
ACCIDENT INSURANCE— Accident Insurance Branch, State Fire Insurance Office, H-6a. ACCIDENTS— Aviation, H-35, 3 ; H-37, 15, 45, 71. Bush workers, H-31, 80, 112. Factories, H-11, 25, 34, 76-78. Forest Service, C-3, 55. Loss of life in fires, H-12, 9. Mining and quarry, C-2, 29, 34, 35, 46 ; C-2a, 9. Transport, H-40, 15, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46. Treatment and prevention, H-31, 76. Waterfront, H-15, 17. ACCLIMATIZATION SOCIETIES— H-22, 19, 22. ADVERTISING— Internal Affairs Department, H-22, 39. Medical advertisements, H-31, 22. Tourist and health resorts, H-2, 8, 10. AFRICA— A-l, 35. AGAR AGAR. See under MARKETING. AGE-BENEFICIARIES. See under SOCIAL SECURITY. AGREEMENTS— Between New Zealand and — Canada : Air transport, A-14, Other countries, A-l, 94. International— Western Samoa, A-4, 69. Wheat, A-I, 78; H-44, 32.
AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL {see also MARKETING)— Aerial top-dressing. D-l, 75; C-la, 4, 12; H-37, 43. Agricultural implements and dairy machinery manufacture, H-44, 47. Agricultural labour (general report) and minimum wage regulation in agriculture, A-7 (1950 report), 6, 19. Agricultural research, H-29, 16, 23, 25, 32, 34, 80, 82, 123; H-34, 8, 39, 82, 87, 104, 105. Animal Research Division, H-29, 32. Beekeeping, H-29, 125. Honey marketing, H-30, 7, 29, 34. Cattle saleyards: Hygiene, H-31, 22. Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 19, 21, 25, 41. Fruit industry, A-3, 21, 25. Dairy industry, H-29, 71; H-30, 29. Milk, H-30, 21, 29, 30, 31 ; H-31, 18 ; H-31a ; H-34, 21. Town milk, H-29, 79 ; H-30, 22 ; H-31 a. Treatment, H-30, 25, 26. Produce : Rationing, B-6, 6 Research, H-34, 42, 87. Deer menace, H-37, 44. Department: Annual report, H-29. Director-General: Report, H-29, 2. Emergency cool-storage and meat-canning plants, B-l [Pt. ll], 42. Extension Division, H-29, 8. Farming operations : Prisons, H-20, 6. Farm labour shortage, B-6, 27. Farm training and settlement: Ex-servicemen. H-18, 13, 17, 19. Farm workers— Accommodation, H-11, 33. Agricultural Workers Act, H-11, 33.
AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL (see also MARKETING) —continued Fertilizers and lime, B-l [Pt. ll], 39 ; B-6, 26 ; D-I, 75 ; C—la, 4, 12 ; H-29, 17, 27 ; H-30, 7, 31 ; H-34, 83, 89 ; H-37, 43. Field experimental work, H-29, 16. Flax, H-29, 28. Flock House, H-29, 11. Fruit, H-29, 109, 127 ; H-34, 43, 93 ; H-44, 44. Apple and Pear Marketing Board, B-l [Pt. ll], 41., Harvesting, .&c; ; by Army personnel, B-l [Pt. ily 361 Hops, H-29, 120 ; H-34, 79. Horticulture, H-29, 109. Land-utilization and land-improvement, H-29, 29. Lectures, field-days, and farm schools, H-29, 11, 83. Live-stock Division, H-29, 93. Meat, H-34, 23. Nassella tussock, H-29, 28. Noxious weeds, H-29, 108. Plant research, H-34, 63, 95. Prices, H-29, 6 ; H-30, 22. Primary industry : Standards, H-44a, 12. Primary production, B-6, 26 ; B-13, 3 ; B-15, 7. Rabbit menace, H-28, 49 ; H-29, 107 ; H-37, 44. Rural housing, J-6, 9, 10. Seeds, H-29, 13. Share-milking Agreements Act, H-11, 37. Shearers : Training, H-11, 9. Sheep : Annual returns, H-23. Tobacco, H-29, 120. Tokelau Islands, A-6, 9. ' Tractors and farm implements, B-6, 27. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, A-l, 70. Fifth session, Washington, November, 1949 : Report, A-8. Veterinary science, H-18, 10. Vineyards and wine-production, H-29, 118. Western Samoa, A-4, 34. •Wheat, flour, and bread, H-34, 75 ; H-44, 24, 29. International Wheat Agreement, A-l, 78; H-44, 32. Wool, B-l [Pt. ll], 42 ; B-10, 8 ; H-29, 104. Young farmers' clubs, H-29, 12. AID TO BRITAIN— H-40, 34. AITKEN, C. M.— Petition, 1-9, 2. ALEXANDER TURNBULL LIBRARY— H-22, 40. ANDERSON, E.— Petition, 1-1, 2. ANIMALS PROTECTION AND GAME ACT H-22, 17, 19, 25.
ANNUAL AND STATUTORY HOLIDAYS— A-7 (1949 report), 74 ; H-11, 36 ; H-45, 13, 19. ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS— H-23. APPLE AND PEAR MARKETING BOARD— B-l [Pt. ll], 41. APPRENTICESHIP. See under LABOUR. ARMORIAL INSIGNIA OF NEW ZEALAND— Protection, H-10a, 73, 86. ARMY. See under DEFENCE. ART UNIONS— H-22, 36. ASHBURTON LICENSING TRUST— Report, H-24c. ASIA— A-l, 14, 55 ; A-17. ATLANTIC PACT— A-l, 24. s.s. " ATLANTIS " B-l [Pt. ll], 40. ATOMIC ENERGY— A-l, 40 ; A-2, 53, 57. AUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL AND AUCKLAND HARBOUR BOARD EMPOWERING BILL— Report, 1-5, 2 ; 1-16, 4. AUCKLAND HARBOUR BRIDGE— D-l, 12, 35. AUCKLAND METROPOLITAN DRAINAGE BILL— Report, 1-16, 6. Proceedings open to press, 1-16, 6. AUCKLAND RETURNED SERVICES ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED)— Petition, 1-8, 2. AUDITOR-GENERAL. See CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR-GENERAL. AUSTRALIA— Agriculture, H-29, 5. Reciprocity with, regarding social security benefits, H-9, 12. Trade with, H-44, 22. AUSTRIA— A-l, 26. AVIATION— Accidents, H-35, 3 ; H-37, 15, 45, 71. Aerial deer-control, H-37, 44. Aerial mapping, H-37, 44. Aerial photography, C-la, 4, 12.
AVIATION —continued Aerial rabbit-control, H-37, 44. Aerial top-dressing, C-la, 4, 12 ; D-l, 75 ; H-37, 43. Aerodromes, D-l, 30 ; H-37, 30. Wellington and Christchurch, D-l, 12. Aeronautical research, H-37, 7. Air Department : Annual report, H-37. Air navigation, H-37, 34, 46. Air services— Air mail, F-l, 7, 9. British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines, B-l [Pt. ll], 38 ; H-37, 42. Cook Islands-New Zealand, A-3, 22. Internal, H-35, 10 ; H-37, 39, 49, 50. International, H-37, 40. New Zealand National Airways, B-l [Pt. ll], 38 ; B-6, 10 ; H-35 ; H-37, 42. New Zealand-Tokelau Islands, A-6, 10. Pacific Regional, H-35, 10. Pan-American World Airways, H-37, 42. South Pacific trunk, B-l [Pt. ll], 38. State interests in, B-l [Pt. ll], 37. Tasman Empire Airways, B-l [Pt. ll], 37 ; H-37, 40. Air traffic control, H-37, 7, 32. Air traffic rights in the Pacific : Exchange of notes with France, A-9. , Air Training Corps, H-3.7, 11. Air transport, H-37, 39. Agreement with Canada, A-14. <Jivil aviation — Director : Report, H-37. International, A-l, 73 ; H-37, 26. Commercial aviation, H-35, 5, 6. Education, H-37, 15. Finance, H-35, 2, 8, 11-13 ; H-37, 17. Meteorological services, H-37, 7, 52. Nationalization, H—3s, 3. Passenger traffic, H-35, 1. Subsidies, H-35, 5. Telecommunications, H-37, 27, 46. Tourist industry, H-2, 4, 21. BALANCE - SHEETS AND STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS— Audited accounts, B-l [Pt. IV]. BANANAS. See under MARKETING. BANKING AND CURRENCY— Bank of New Zealand : Annual report, B-15. Cook and other islands, A-3, 24, 25. Currencies : Devaluation, A-2, 118. European recovery programme, A—l, 81. Exchange rate, B-16, 10, 12, 14, 17 ; H-44, 3. Inflation, B-6, 11 ; H-44, 13. International monetary organization, A-l, 77, 79. Money supply, B-16, 15. New-Zealand-produced gold : Acquisition, B-16, 6. New Zealand's overseas funds, B-6, 3; .T-4, .12.
BANKING AND CURRENCY—continued Sterling, H-44, 3. Devaluation, B-15, 6 ; H-44, 3. Exchange, B-16, 3. Reserves, B-6, 3. Sterling area— Currency and Securities Exemption Notice, B-16, 18. Dollar deficit, A-l, 79. New Zealand, B-16, 12. Tokelau Islands, A-6, 11. Western Samoa, A-4, 27, 35. BAKER, E. 8., AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-10, 2. BALCLUTHA BOROUGH COUNCIL VESTING AND EMPOWERING BILL— Report, 1-5, 2 ; 1-16, 5. BELSHAM, R. S.— Petition, 1-1, 4. BLAKE, J. H.— Petition, 1-12, 2. BLINDED SERVICEMEN'S TRUST BOARD— H-18, 8. BLUFF - STEWART ISLAND FERRY SERVICE— H-15, 2. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES— Allowances to members, B-l [Pt. ll], 44. \ BORSTALS— I H-20, 12. BOYD, G.— Petitions (2), 1-1, 3. BRAY, S. P.— Petition, 1-1, 3. BRAY, W. 8., AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-10, 2. BRITISH COMMONWEALTH— A-l, 9, 75, 79, 82 ; A-17. BRITISH EMPIRE GAMES— Film, H-47, 9. BROADCASTING— Broadcasts to schools, F-3, 6. Children's services, F-3, 7. Commercial activities, F-3, 11. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 22, 26, 43. Engineering Division, F-3, 17. Finance, F-3, 14, 20. Music, F-3, 2. National Orchestra and celebrity concerts, B-l [Pt. ll], 31 ; F-3, 9. News and commentaries, F-3, 3. News services, Information Section, Prime Minister's Department, H-47, 5.
BROADCASTING —continued New Zealand Broadcasting Service, B-10, 8; F-3. New Zealand Listener, F-3, 10. New Zealand talent, F-3, 8. Overseas broadcasts, F-3, 5. Parliamentary broadcasts, F-3, 4. Plays and feature programmes, F-3, 4. Political advertising, F-3, 12. Programmes, F-3, 2, 7, 12. Radio apparatus : Manufacture, H-44, 48. Radio Regulations, H-15, 4. Radio research, H-34, 30, 82. Radio services (inland), F-l, 18. Radio-telephone service : Shipping, H-15, 2. Relations with overseas organizations, F-3, 10. Religious broadcasts, F-3, 5. Short-wave Division, F-3, 7. Special services and co-operation with other Government Departments, F-3, 10. Sporting broadcasts, F-3, 5. Telecommunications, A-l, 74 ; H-37, 27, 46. Western Samoa, A-4, 36, 60. BROSNAN, J. D.— Petition, 1-1, 2. BUDGET— Financial Statement and tables, B-6. BUILDINGS (see also MINISTRY OF WORKS)— Building and construction industry : Analysis, J-6, 26. Building-materials : Production and importation, J-6, 28. Industrial, H-44, 9. Standards, H-44a, 7. BULGARIA— Observance of human rights, A-2, 40. Peace settlement with, A-l, 29. BUREAU OF INDUSTRY. See under INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE. BURMA— A-l, 22. BUSH WORKERS— Accidents, H-31, 80, 112. Bush Workers Act, H-11, 34. CANADA— Agreement with, re air transport, A-14. Agriculture, H-29, 5. Timber industry, C-3a, 77. Trade with, H-44, 20. CANTEEN BOARD AND FUND— H-19A ; H-228. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE PROGRAMME B-6, 13. CAWTHRON INSTITUTE— H-34, 80.
CEMENT— D-l, 10 ; H-44, 50 ; J-6, 19. CENSORSHIP— Films, H-22, 26. CENSUS AND STATISTICS— A-l, 54 ; A-4,5,47,51, 67 ; H-28, 9 ; H-31, 84, CENTRAL MILK COUNCIL— Report, H-31 a. CERAMICS— Research, H-34, 90. CEYLON— A-l, 23 ; A-17, 1, 28, 29, 84. CHATHAM ISLANDS— A-5, 11. CHATTELS TRANSFER AMENDMENT BILL Report, I-llj 3. CHILDREN. See WOMEN AND CHILDREN. CHINA— A-l, 19 ; A-2, 32. CHRISTCHURCH TRAMWAY DISTRICT AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-16, 3. CINEMA. See MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY. CIVIL AVIATION. See AVIATION. CLUB CHARTERS— H-3, 13 ; H-24A, 2. COAL. See under MINING INDUSTRY. COAL MINES AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-4, 2. COASTAL SURVEY— H-15, 2. COMMITTEES, SELECT— Agricultural and Pastoral, 1-10. Defence, 1-12. Education, 1-8. External Affairs, A-l, 8. Goldfields and Mines, 1-4. Joint Capital Punishment Bill, 1-17. Labour Bills, 1-9. Lands, I—s. Local Bills, 1-16. Public Health, 1-7. Public Petitions— A-L, 1-1. M-Z, 1-2. Statutes Revision, I—ll. COMMONWEALTH AGRICULTURAL BUREAUX— H-34, 112.
COMMUNISM— Public Service, H-14, 12. COMMUNITY CENTRES— H-22, 39. COMPULSORY MILITARY TRAINING— H-11, 15 ; H-19, 2 ; H-22, 33. CONSOLIDATED FUND— B-l [Pt. I], 4, 6, 56 ; B-6, 30, 31, 32. CONSTITUTIONAL QUESTIONS— H-22, 1. CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR-GENERAL— Report, B-l [Pt. ll]. CONTROLS— Abolition, B-6, 5. COOK ISLANDS. See tinder ISLAND TERRITORIES. COOPER, B. F.— Petition, 1-12, 2. CO-OPERATIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH AND SOUTH-EAST ASIA— Colombo plan : Report, A-17. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. See under EDUCATION. COST OF LIVING— A-3, 28, 47 ; A-4, 77. COUNTRY LIBRARY SERVICE— H-32a, 1. COURT OF ARBITRATION— B-6, 9; H-11, 37. CRIME. See under JUSTICE AND PRISONS ; also POLICE. CROWN LANDS. See under LANDS. CROWN PROCEEDINGS BILL— Report, 1-11, 4. CURTIS, H. S., AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-4, 2. CUSTOMS— Cost of collecting Customs and other revenue by the Customs Department : Return, B-12. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, A-l, 77. Import licensing— Carpets, J-4, 13, 14. Crockery, J-4, 13, 14. Ex-servicemen, H-18, 13. Import licensing in New Zealand —A review : Statement by Minister of Customs, J-4. Motor-vehicles, J-4, 15. Pianos, J-4, 13, 16.
CUSTOMS —continued Import licensing—continued Prefabricated houses, B-6, 15. Spirits, J-4, 13, 16. Watches, J-4, 13, 17. Sales-tax : Exemptions, B-6, 24. DAIRY INDUSTRY. See under AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL. DANGEROUS GOODS— H-22, 34. DAVIS, E. N. Petition, 1-1, 2. DEAF PEOPLE— Schools for, E-4, 4. DEATH DUTIES AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-11, 4. DEBT— Public— Allocation, B-6, 59. Budget Statement, B-6, 12. Burden, B-6, 37. Increase and decrease, B-l [Pt. ll], 20. London, B-6, 59. Management, B-l 6, 4. Maturity dates and domicile of debt outstanding, B-6, 36. Repayment, B-l [Pt. ll], 21. Report and statement of accounts for the year, B-2. Transactions, &c., B-l [Pt. ll], 66 DEER— C-3, 19 ; H-22, 16, 20, 21. DEFENCE— Air — Air Department : Report, H-37. R.N.Z.A.F. : Report of Chief of Staff, H-37, 5-16. Armed Services : Housing, J-6, 14. Canteen Fund and Board, H-19a ; H-22b. Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. Compulsory military training referendum, H-47, 7. Defence works, D-l, 34 ; H-37, 14. Disabled Servicemen's Re-establishment League, B-l [Pt. ll], 36 ; H-18, 8, 25. Finance, B-6, 21 ; H-19, 9. Maps and charts, C-la, 3. Military Forces : Report, H-19. Navy : Report, H-5. New Zealand and the Korean crisis : Whitepaper, J-3. Occupation Forces in Japan, B-l [Pt. ll], 36. Recruits : Aptitude tests, H-34, 60. Stores, B-l [Pt. ll], 35. DENTAL HYGIENE. See under HEALTH.
DISABLED SERVICEMEN'S RE-ESTABLISHMENT LEAGUE— B-l [Pt. ll], 36 ; H-18, 8, 25. DISARMAMENT— A-l, 41. DISPLACED PERSONS— A-l, 72 ; A-2, 84 ; A-7 (1949 report), 61. DISPUTES. See under LABOUR. DISTINGUISHED VISITORS— H-22, 28. DISTRESS AND REPLEVIN AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-11, 3. DIVIS, J.— Petition, 1-9, 1. DOMINION FIRE WASTE— H-12, 8. DOMINION MUSEUM. See NATIONAL ART GALLERY AND DOMINION MUSEUM. DOMINION SALT, LTD.— B-l [Pt. ll], 39. DRAINAGE OPERATIONS. See under LANDS. DRUGS. See LIQUOR AND DRUGS. DRUNKENNESS— H-16, 7. EARL, J. F., AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-10, 2. EARTHQUAKE AND WAR DAMAGE COMMISSION— Report, B-11. EAST COAST FARMERS' FERTILIZER CO., LTD— B-l [Pt. ll], 39. EAST COAST MAORI TRUST LANDS— G-3 (1948-49) ; G-3 (1949-50) ; G-9, 13. EDINBURGH FILM FESTIVAL— H-47, 9. EDUCATION— Adults : Vocational training, A-7 (1950 report), 7, 22. Agriculture, H-34, 104, 105. Apprentice training, E-2, 18. Arts and crafts, E-2, 2. Travelling scholarships, H-21, 11. Broadcasts to schools, F-3, 6. Buildings, B-6,15 ; E-l, 5 ; E-2, 3, 19 ; E-3, 5. Children appearing before Children's Courts, &c., E-4, 7, 11-14. Child welfare, E-l, 7 ; E-4. Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 16, 38.
EDUCATlON—continued Defence Forces, H-37, 15. Dominion Museum, H-21, 9. Ex-servicemen, H-18, 9, 19. Trade training, H-18, 6, 17, 24. Finance, E-l, 28. Forestry, C-3, 9, 28 ; C-3a, 20-74. Handicapped children, E-l, 5 ; E-2, 6 ; E-4, 3 ; 1-8, 1. : Health, H-31, 7. Higher, E-l, 6 ; E-2, 15 ; E-3, 5 ; E-7. Islands education, A-5, 8, 9 ; A-4, 53, 64, 66. 82 • E—l 8 Maori, E-1,'6 ; E-3 ; G-11, 1. Minister of : Report, E-l. National Art Gallery, H-21, 11. Nutrition, A-8, 18. Physical education, E-2, 2. Pre-school, E-l, 5. Primary and post-primary, E-l, 4 ; E-2 ; E-3, 3. Public Service staff, H-14, 4. Pupils : Accommodation, E-l, 2. School-children, H-31, 53-56. School Dental Service, H-31, 58. School Library Service, H-32a, 9. School population estimates for years 1950-60 s White-paper, J-5. Schools— Correspondence, E-l, 6 ; E-2, 6, 12, 28, 37 Deaf people, E-4, 4. Learners (industry), H-11, 32. Library School, H-32a. 12. Maori, E-l, 6. Mines, C-2, 25. Navigation. H-15, 4. Private, E-2, 28. Technical, E-2, 10. Road safety, H-40, 20. School-children killed or injured in motor accidents, H-40, 45. South and South-east Asia, A-17, 49. Tables, E-l, 9-27 ; E-2, 20-44 ; E-3, 6-14 : E-4, 10-13 ; E-7, 3-10. Teachers' recruitment campaign, H-47, 4. ' UNESCO, E-l, 7. j Vocational guidance, E-l, 7. EDUCATION AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-8, 2. EDUCATION LANDS AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-5, 3 ; 1-8, 2. EFFORD, L.— Petition, 1-17, 2. EGGS. See under MARKETING. EGLINTON VALLEY Tourist resort, H-2, 12. ELECTORAL— Compulsory military training poll, H-22, 3'2, 33 General election and licensing polls, H-22, 32. 33. Returns, H-33 ; H-33a ; H-33b. Local elections and polls, H-22, 5 ; H-28, 6.
ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. EMPLOYMENT. See under LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT. ENEMY PROPERTY EMERGENCY REGULATIONS— B-9, 4. ENGINEERING— H-44, 48. ERITREA— A-2, 27. ESTATES— Administration, B-9, 2. ESTCOURT, L. M.— Petition, 1-1, 4. ESTIMATES— Budget Statement, B-6, 19. Main, B-7 [Pt. I]. Supplementary, B-7 [Pt. ll]. ETHIOPIA— A-2, 29. EUROPE— A-l, 24 ; H-44, 20. EUROPEAN RECOVERY PROGRAMME— A-l, 81 ; B-6, 3. EVIDENCE AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-11, 3. EXCHANGE RATES. See under BANKING AND CURRENCY. EXHIBITIONS AND INDUSTRIAL FAIRS— H-44, 25. EXPLOSIVES— H-22, 34. EX-SERVICEMEN. See under LANDS ; also REHABILITATION. EXTERNAL AFFAIRS— Africa, A-l, 35. Agreements— Between New Zealand and — Canada : Air transport, A-14. Other countries, A-l, 94. International— Western Samoa, A-4, 69. Wheat, A-l, 78 ; H-44, 32. Asia, A-l, 14, 55 ; A-17. Atlantic Pact, A-l, 24. Austria, A-l, 26. British Commonwealth, A-l, 9, 75, 79, 82 ; A-17. British Commonwealth and United States of America survey authorities : Conference, C—la, 4.
EXTERNAL AFFAlRS—continued t Budget Statement, B-6, 2. Bulgaria— Observance of human rights, A-2, 40. Peace settlement with, A-l, 29. Burma, A-l, 22. Ceylon, A-l, 23 ; A-17, 1, 28, 29, 84. China, A-l, 19 ; A-2, 32. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, H-34, 112, Department— Annual report, A-l. ; Committee, Select, A-l, 8. Information and publicity, A-l, 7. Organization, A-l, 7. Publications, A-l, 104. Economic affairs, A-l, 77-82. Ethiopia, A-2, 29. Europe, A-l, 24. European Recovery Programme, A-l, 81 ; B-6, 3. Exchange of notes with the undermentioned countries regarding— France— Air traffic rights in the Pacific, A-9. Repayment of advances made by New Zealand to France in respect of military expenditure during the years 1940-45, A-12. ItalyFormer Italian colonies, A-l, 35. Peace settlement with, A-l, 29. Release of Italian assets placed under custodian control in New Zealand, A-l 3 ; B-9, 4. Norway : Mutual abolition of visas, A-10. Far East, A-l, 14. Food and Agriculture Organization, A-l, 70 : A-8 ; H-29, 30. Foreign Ministers' meeting, Ceylon, A-l, 11. Germany, A-l, 26. Greece, A-l, 27 ; A-2, 12. Human rights, A-l, 30, 40, 52 ; A-2, 40, 131 ; A-3, 9, 33 ; A-4, 41 ; A-6, 5. Hungary : Peace settlement, A—l, 29 ; A—2, 40. India, A-l, 23 ; A-17, 1,12,13, 16, 19, 69. Indians in South Africa, A-l, 36. Indo-China, A-l, 20. Indonesia, A-l, 21. International civil aviation, A-l, 73 ; H-37, 26, 40. International Children's Emergency Fund, A-l, 87; H-44, 24. International Conferences at which New Zealand was represented, A-l, 98. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, A-16 ; H-15, 2. International Labour Conferences — Asian Regional, Ceylon : Report, A-7a, Thirty-second session : Report, A-7 (1949 report). Thirty-third session : Report, A-7 (1950 report). International Labour Organization, A-l, 66 : H-9, 14 ; H-11, 46. International Meteorological Organization. A-lj 76.
EXTERNAL AFFAIRS —continued International Refugee Organization, A-l, 72 ; A-2, 84; A-7 (1950 report), 61. International standardization, H-44, 13. International telecommunications, A-l, 74 ; F-l, 19. International trade and monetary organizations, A-l, 77. International Union of Official Travel Organizations, H-2, 19. International Whaling Commission, A-l, 76. ItalyAssets placed under custodian control in New Zealand, A-13 ; B-9, 4. Foreign colonies in Africa, A-l, 35 ; A-2, 19. Peace settlement, A-l, 29. Japan, A-l, 15. Korea, A-l, 18 ; B-6, 2. New Zealand and the Korean crisis : Whitepaper, J-3. Legal and consular affairs, A-l, 65, 82. Malaya, A-l, 21 ; A-17, 1, 33, 90. Marshall Aid, B-16, 15. Middle East, A-l, 31. New members : Admission, A-l, 42. New Zealand Legation, Paris : Purchase, &c., B-l [Pt. ll], 24. New Zealand representation overseas, A-l, 84, 96 ; H-31, 8 ; H-44, 4, 23. Pacific, A-l, 12. Pakistan, A-l, 23 ; A-17, 1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 78. Palestine, A-l, 31 ; A-2, 62. Passports, H-22, 37. Peace settlements, A-l, 29. Sarawak, A-17, 1, 33. Singapore, A-17, 1, 33, 90. South Africa, A-l, 36. South and South-east Asia, A-l, 14, 55. Co-operative and economic development— Colombo plan : Report, A-17. South-west Africa, A-l, 37. Special international organizations, A-l, 66. Third World Forestry Congress, C-3a. Trade, H-44, 4, 14, 15, 23. United Nations, A-l, 38. Administration and finance, A-l, 64. Economic and social questions, A-l, 44. Field service, A-l, 44. Fourth regular session of the General Assembly, New York, 1949, A-2. International Children's Emergency Fund, A-l, 57 ; H-44, 24. Legal questions, A-l, 65. Maintenance of peace and security, A-l, 40. New members : Admission, A-l, 42. Security Council : Veto, A-l, 43. Trusteeship and non-self-governing territories, A-l, 58. UNESCO, A-l, 68 ; E-l, 7. Fourth session of the General Conference, Paris, 1949 : Report, A-11. War victims : Protection, A-l, 83. Western Union, A-l, 24. World Health Organization, A-l, 69.
FALLA, H. T.— Petition, 1-1, 4. FAMILY BENEFITS. See under SOCIAL SECURITY. FAR EAST— A-l, 14, 55 ; H-44, 22. FERGUSON, H. A., AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-1, 4. FERTILIZERS. See under AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL. FINANCE— Ashburton Licensing Trust, H-24c, 3, 4. Bank of New Zealand, B-15. Budget, B-6. Canteen Board and Fund, H-19a ; H-22b. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 23, 44. Co-operative and economic development in South-east Asia : Colombo plan, A-l 7. Cost of collecting Customs, B-12. Defence — Air, H-37, 17. Army, H-19, 9. Earthquake and War Damage Commission, B-11. Education, E-l, 28. Estimates, B-6, 18 ; B-7 [Pt. I] ; B-7 [Pt. ll]. External affairs, A-l, 64. Fire Services Council, H-12, 6, 11-14. Forestry, C-3, 58, 88-97. Friendly societies and trade-unions, H-l, 3. General Assembly Library, H-32, 4. Geraldine Licensing Trust, H-24b. Government Insurance Commissioner, H-8. Health, H-31, 25, 34, 42, 74. Housing, J-6, 5, 14. Industries and commerce, H-44, 24. Internal affairs, H-22, 12. Invercargill Licensing Trust, H-24, 3, 4. Labour Department, H-11, 53. Lands —• Drainage operations— Hauraki Plains, C-8, 6. Rangitaiki, C-11, 3. Swamp, C-4, 2, 3. Kauri-gum industry, C-12, 2. Public domains and national parks, C-10, 7. Scenery preservation, C-6, 9. Settlement of Crown lands, C-l, 11. Survey, C-la, 6. Licensing Control Commission, H-3, 20, 25. Linen Flax Corporation of New Zealand, H-44b, 3, 4. Local Government Loans Board, B-17. Maori affairs, G-3 (1948-49) ; G-3 (1949-50); G-9, 16 ; G-11, 2. Marine Department, H-15, 20, 22, 33, 45, 55. Marketing Department, H-30, 15, 32. Masterton Licensing Trust, H-24a, 3, 4. Mining industry, C-2, 11, 27, 28, 32, 34, 36 ; C-2a, 1, 50-68. Ministry of Works, B-6, 17 ; D-l, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 65 ; D-4, 3, 6, 37, 40.
FINANCE —continued National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum, H-21, 14. National Provident Fund, H-17 ; H-17a. New Zealand Broadcasting Service, F-3, 14, 20. New Zealand National Airways, H-35, 2, 8, 11-13. New Zealand Patriotic Fund Board, H-22a. Patents, designs, and trade-marks, H-10, 3. Police Force, H-16, 8, 13. Post and Telegraph Department, F-l, 2, 29. Printing and Stationery Department, H-36, 8. Prisons, H-20, 4. Public Accounts— Balance-sheets and statements of accounts, B-l [Pt. IV]. Controller and Auditor-General's report, B-l [Pt. ll]. Form of, B-6, 12. Public Accounts, with supplementary statements, including the public debt, B-l [Pt. I]. Public debt : Repayment, B-2. Public finances, B-6, 7. Public securities held in the Dominion or elsewhere, B-10. Public Service Superannuation Board, H-26. Public Trust Office, B-9, 5 ; B-9a. Railways, D-2, 1, 5, 6, 11, 22. Rehabilitation Board, H-18, 23. Reserve Bank of New Zealand, B-16. Scientific and Industrial Research Department, H-34, 7. Social security, H-9, 13, 15 ; H-9a. State Advances Corporation, B-13. State Fire Insurance Office, H-6. Accident Insurance Branch, H-6a. Tokelau Islands, A-6, 10. Transport Department, H-40, 14, 32, 38, 39. Waterfront Industry Commission, H-45, 15. Western Samoa, A-4, 27, 73. Works programme, B-6, 17. FIORDLAND— Tourist resort, H-2, 13. FIRES— Fire brigades— Fire-brigadesmen : National Provident Fund scheme, H-17, 2. Fire districts, H-22, 4 ; H-28, 48. Fire - fighting equipment : Standardization, H—44a, 6. Fire Services Council : Annual report, H-12. Forests, C-3, 14, 50, 62, 82. FISHING. See under INTERNAL AFFAIRS ; also MARINE. FLAX. See under AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL. FLOCK HOUSE— H-29, 11. FLOOD AND HAIL DAMAGE RELIEF— B-15, 7.
FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATIONAL, 70 ; A-8. FOODS AND DRUGS— H-31, 18, 20 ; H-34, 21. FOODSTUFFS— Basic retail prices, B-6, 42. FOOTE, R. B.— Petition, 1-1, 2. FOOTWEAR AND LEATHER— H-44, 45. FOREIGN MINISTERS' MEETING, CEYLON, 1950 A-l, 11. FOREST AND BIRD PROTECTION SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND, INCORPORATED— Petition, 1-5, 2. FORESTRY— Budget Statement, B-6, 17. Bush workers— Accidents, H-31, 80, 112. Bush Workers Act H-11, 34. Commercial, C-3, 10, 40, 63. Conservation forestry, D-l, 80. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 19. Finance, C-3, 58, 88-97. Fires, C-3, 50, 62, 82. Forestry and forest products, A-8, 17. Legislation, C-3, 14, 56. Maori-owned forests, C-3, 27. Murupara pulp and paper mill, C-3, 11 ; D-l, 12. New Zealand Forest Service : Annual report, C-3. Public and private forests, C-3, 25. Sawmilling and sash and door manufacture, C-3, 75. Third World Forestry Congress : Report, C-3a. Timber— Canada and the United States, C-3a, 77. Exports and imports, C-3, 73, 74 ; J-6, 28. Housing, J-6, 19. Preservation and protection, B-13, 12; H-34, 68. Supplies and marketing, C-3, 3, 6. Standardization, H-44a, 10. Transport, D-2, 17. Waipoua Forest: Report, 1-5, 2. Western Samoa, A-4, 34. FRANCE— Air traffic rights in the Pacific : Exchange of notes, A-9. Repayment of advances made by New Zealand to France in respect of military expenditure during the years 1940-45 : Exchange of notes, A-12. FRANZ JOSEF GLACIER— Tourist resort, H-2, 11.
FRIENDLY SOCIETIES AND TRADE-UNIONS— Annual report, H—l. FRUIT. See under AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ; also MARKETING. FULL EMPLOYMENT. See under LABOUR. GAFFEY, K. G.— Petition, 1-9, 2. GAMING— Prosecutions, H-16, 7. GAS-MANUFACTURE— H-44, 25. GAZETTE — Number printed, H-36, 1. GENERAL ASSEMBLY LIBRARY— Report, H-32. GENERAL ELECTION. See ELECTORAL. GENOCIDE— A-l, 66 ; A-2, 127. GEO-THERMAL POWER. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. GERALDINE LICENSING TRUST— Report, H-24b. GERMANY— A-l, 26 ; A-11, 8, 14. GIFFORD-MOORE, C., AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-1, 2. GOLD AND SILVER MINING— C-2, 2, 31, 32, 33. GOLDFIELDS AND MINES (see also MINING INDUSTRY)— Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. GOODS— Index numbers of volume, B-6, 43. GOVERNMENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE OFFICE— Public securities held by, B-10, 2. GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE— Economies, B-6, 21. GOVERNMENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT— Commissioner : Annual report, H-8, Public securities held by, B-10, 3. GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-5, 2. GOVERNMENT SUPERANNUATION BOARD— Public securities held by, B-10, 15.
GOVERNOR-GENERAL'S ARMS— Protection, H-10a, 73, 86. GREECE— A-l, 27 ; A-2, 12. GREEN, A. M.— Petition, 1-1, 3. HANSARD. See under PARLIAMENT. HANSEN, J. R. B.— Petition, 1-1, 4. HARBOURS. See under MARINE. HARBOURS BILL— Report, 1-16, 5. HARPER, A. P., AND ANOTHER— Petition, 1-5, 2. HARRIS, H. T.— Petition, 1-1, 2. HAURAKI PLAINS DRAINAGE OPERATIONS— Annual report, C-8. HEALTH— Accidents amongst bush workers, H-31, 80, 112. Child hygiene, H-31, 53. Clinical services, H-31, 72. Dental hygiene, H-31, 57 ; H-37, 9. Dental technicians : Registration, 1-7, 2. Department— Annual report, H-31. Boards associated with, H-31, 8. Director-General : Report, H-31, 3. Education, H-31, 7. Finance, H-31, 25, 34, 42, 74. Hospitals, H-31, 37. Library Service, H—32a, 8. Hotels : Hygiene, H-3, 15. Industrial diseases, H-31, 77. Industrial hygiene, H-11, 21 ; H-31, 76. Island territories, A-5, 3, 4, 9. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 10, 34. South Pacific Health Service, A-4, 16 ; A-5, 3, Tokelau Islands, A-6, 6. Western Samoa, A-4, 16, 43, 66, 78. Maternal welfare, H-31, 61. Medical services, H-37, 9. Mental defectives, B-9, 3. Mental hygiene, H-31, 23. National Health Institute, H-31, 7. New Zealand representation abroad, H-31, 8. Nursing, H-31, 47. Nutrition, A-8, 18. Occupational health, H-31, 76. Physical medicine, H-31, 81. Poliomyelitis, H-31, 90. Public hygiene, H-31, 9. Social security medical benefits, H-31, 74, Tuberculosis, H-31, 65. Typhoid fever, H-31, 118. Visitors from abroad, H-31, 8. World Health Organization, A-l. 69.
HENI POUTU AND ANOTHER— Petition, 1-3, 9. HOLMES CASE— H-14, 13. HOME AID SERVICE— B-6, 23 ; H-11, 43, 67. HOONE P. H. TUKARIRI AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-3, 9. HOPS— H-29, 120 ; H-34, 79. HOSPITALS. See under HEALTH. HOTELKEEPERS— Prosecutions, H-16, 7. HOTELS. See under LICENSING ; also TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS. HOUSING— Accommodation— Farms, H-11, 33. Hotels, H-3, 11. Tourist and health resorts, H-2, 5, 22. Armed Services, J-6, 14. Budget Statement, B-6, 14. Building and construction industry, H-44, 9 ; J-6, 26. Building controls, B-6, 7. Building materials, J-6, 28. Building permits, J-6, 21. Building research, H-34, 27, 79. Cement and steel, D-l, 10 ; H-44, 45, 50 ; J-6, 19. Concessions to large families, J-6, 16. Construction, D-l, 3, 10, 13, 33, 101-7. Ex-servicemen, H-18, 15 ; J-6, 12. Finance, J-6, 14. Hostels and workers' camps, B-l [Pt. ll], 34 ; H-11, 8. Housing Account, State Advances Corporation, B-l 3, 17. Housing policy—Statement by Prime Minister : White-paper, J-6. Island territories— Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 14, 38. Tokelau Islands, A-6, 8. Western Samoa, A-4, 51. Loans, B-l 3, 5 ; J-6, 9. Building, J-6, 16. Farmers, J-6, 9. Industrial employers, J-6, 10, 16. Local bodies, J-6, 10, 16. Suspensory, B-6, 14 ; B-13, 8 ; J-6, 10, 15. Maori, B-6, 14 ; G-9, 2, 7 ; J-6, 10, 23. Mining industry, C-2, 27. Mortgage repayment insurance, J-6, 15. Pensioners' homes, J-6, 11. Prefabricated, B-6, 15 ; J-6, 20. Priority in building, J-6, 18. Private dwellings inhabited : Number, J-6, 22, 24. Public Services, H 14, 11 : J-6. 14.
HOUSING —continued Slums, D-l, 3 ; J-6, 12. State, J-6, 14. Rental : Lower-income groups, J-6, 8. Sale, B-13, 18 ; J-6, 17, 18. State employees, H-14, 11 ; J-6, 14. Tenancy, H-11, 49, 85. Timber supplies, J-6, 19. Timber workers, B-13, 19. Transit, B-13, 18 ; J-6, 9. Urban, B-13, 17. HOWARD, B.— Petition, 1-12, 2. HUMAN RIGHTS— A-l, 30, 40, 52 ; A-2, 40, 131 ; A-3, 9, 33 ; A-4, 41 ; A-6, 5. HUNGARY— A-l, 29 ; A-2, 40. HUNTLY BOROUGH EMPOWERING BILL— Report, 1-16, 3. HUTT VALLEY ELECTRIC POWER BOARD EMPOWERING BILL— Report, 1-16, 3. HYDRO-ELECTRICITY. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. IMMIGRATION— A-7 (1949 report), 12, 44, 50, 55, 56 ; B-6, 18 ; E-4, 1 ; H-9, 14 ; H-11, 55, 67, 68 ; H-31. 49 ; H-47, 4. IMPORT LICENSING AND CONTROL. See under CUSTOMS ; also INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE. INCENTIVES— Budget Statement, B-6, 28. INCOME-TAX. See under TAXATION. INDIA— A-l, 23 ; A-17, 1, 12, 13, 16, 19, 69. INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA— A-l, 36. INDO-CHINA— A-l, 20. INDONESIA— A-l, 21 ; A-2, 60. INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-9, 2. INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE Agricultural implements and dairy machinery. H-44, 47. Asbestos-cement sheeting, H-44, 43. Building construction, H-44, 9 ; J-6, 26. Business loans, H-18, 12, 22 ; J-6, 10,
INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE —continued Cardboard-lined plaster-board, H-44, 43. Cement and steel, D-l, 10 ; H-44, 45, 50 ; J-6, 19. Chemicals, H-10a, 45, 82 ; H-44, 43. Coal supply, H-44, 8. Commercial aviation, H-35, 5, 6. Controls— Prices, H-44, 27. Rationing, H-44, 28. Removal, H-44, 4. Cosmetic and toilet preparations, H-44, 43. Department— Accounts, H-44, 24. Annual report, H-44. Library and information services, H-44, 26. Organizations associated with, H-44, 27. Domestic machinery and equipment, H-44, 48. Earth-moving equipment, H-44, 47. Electrical engineering and allied production, H-44, 48. Employers : Housing loans, J-6, 10. Engineering research, H-34, 31. Exhibitions and industrial fairs, H-44, 25. Factories — Capital invested and assets, H-44, 41. Production, H-44, 6, 42. Statistics, H-44, 39, 40. Workers, H-44, 6, 7. Fibrous plaster, H-44, 42. Fish : Exports and imports, H-15, 32. Footwear, H-34, 90 ; H-44, 45. Forest products, &c., C-3, 10, 40, 63. Fruit and vegetable canning, H-44, 44. Gas-manufacturing industry, H-44, 25. Hydro-electricity, H-44, 8. Import control and licensing, B-6, 6 ; H-44, 3, 10, 13. Ex-servicemen, H-18, 13. Prefabricated houses, B-6, 15. Review—Statement by Minister of Customs : White-paper, J-4. Trafficking in licences, J-4, 10. Incentives : Budget Statement, B-6, 28. Industrial disputes, H-11, 39. Industrial Efficiency Act, H-22, 35. Industrial hygiene, H-11, 21 ; H-31, 76. Industrial research, H-34, 13, 2S. Industrial welfare and industrial relations, H-11, 5, 19, 37. industry— Bureau of, H-44, 11. Appeals against decisions, H-44, 12. Decentralization and development of industrial areas, H-44, 9. Expansion, H-44, 6. Production, H-44, 12, 42. Wage rates, H-44, 7. Inflation, H-44, 13. Iron and steel, D—l, 10 ; H—34, 26 ; H—44, 45. Island territories, A-3, 9, 22, 24, 42, 45 ; A-4, 30, 76 ; A-6, 11. Lawn-mowers, H-44, 48. Leathers, H-34, 90 ; H-44, 45. Linen-flax, B-l [Pt. ll], 37. Linen Flax Corporation of New Zealand : Annual report, H-44b.
INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE —continued Linseed-oil, H-44, 44. Machinery and machine tools, H-44, 46. Man-power shortage, H-44, 13. Manufacturing industries, B-6, 27 ; H-34, 81. Matches, H-44, 43. Materials-handling equipment, H-44, 47. Merchandise marks, H-10a, 67, 85. Motion-picture industry, B-l [Pt. ll], 31 ; C-3, 62, 63 ; H-22, 26, 34", 40 ; H-44, 24 ; H-47, 8. Non-ferrous metals, H-44, 46. Paint and varnish manufacture, H-44, 44. Paper bag and box making, H-44, 42. Plant, materials, &e., H-44, 8. Plastics, H-44, 43. npQ Control, H-44, 27. New Zealand goods, H-44, 12, 13. Overseas, H-44, 3, 4. Radio apparatus, H-44, 48. Retail delivery services, H-40, 33. Soap and candle making, H-44, 43. Softboard and hardboard, H-44, 42. Standards Council : Annual report, H-44a. Tanning, H-44, 45. Tobacco and cigarettes, H-44, 35, 44. Toy-manufacture, H-44, 49. Trade — External, A-8, 5 ; B-16, 14 ; H-44, 14, 15. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, A-l, 77 ; H-44, 14. New Zealand trade representatives. A-l, 17 ; H-44, 4, 23. With— Australia, H-44, 22. Europe, H-44, 20. Far East, H-44, 22. United Kingdom, H-44, 19. United States of America and Canada, H-44, 20. World trade : Development, H-44, 14. State trading undertakings, B-6, 10. Trade training, H-18, 6, 17, 24. Transport, H-44, 10. Automotive parts, H-44, 47. Commercial road, H-40, 24. Motor-vehicle tires and tubes, H-44, 49. Petrol : Sale, H-44, 12. Trailers, H-44, 47. Wheat, flour, and bread — Subsidy, H-44, 24. Wheat : International agreement, A-l, 28 ; H-44, 32. Woollen-mill industry, H-44, 7. INFANTS AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-11, 3. INFLATION. See under BANKING AND CURRENCY. INFORMATION SERVICE— Industries and Commerce Department, H-44, 26. Prime Minister's Department: Annual report, H-47.
INNES, A. W.— Petition, 1-12, 2. INSURANCE (see also GOVERNMENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT)— Accident insurance, C-2a, 9. Earthquake and war damage, B-11, 2. Government Insurance Commissioner : Report, H-8. Housing : Mortgage repayment insurance, J-6, 15. State Fire Insurance Office, H-6. Accident Insurance Branch, H-6a. Storm and flood disaster, B-11, 2. INTELLECTUALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN'S PARENTS ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED), AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-8, 1. INTEREST RATES— State Advances Corporation, B-13, 8. INTERNAL AFFAIRS— Advertising Branch, H—22, 39. Alexander Turnbull Library, H-22, 40. Community centres, H-22, 39. Constitutional questions, H-22, 1. Department : Annual report, H-22. Distinguished visitors, H-22, 28. Electoral, H-22, 5, 32. Explosives, dangerous goods, and cinematograph theatres, H-22, 34, 40. Film censorship, H-22, 26. Finance, H-22, 12. Fishing, H-22, 16, 22, 24. Local government, H-22, 2 ; H-28. Naturalization, nationality, and citizenship, H-22, 37. Passports, H-22, 37. Visas : Abolition between New Zealand and Norway, A-10. Physical welfare and recreation, H-22, 10. Racing, H-22, 36. Raffles and art unions, H-22, 36. Translation service, H-22, 37. War funds, H-22, 39. War graves, H-22, 31. War history, H-22, 30. War memorials, H-22, 38. Wild life, H-22, 15. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. See EXTERNAL AFFAIRS. INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S EMERGENCY FUND— A-l, 87 ; H-44, 24. INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION— A-l, 73 ; H-37, 26, 40. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES— At which New Zealand was represented, A-l, 98. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION— Safety of life at sea : Report, A-16 ; H-15, 2.
INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION— A-l, 66 ; H-9, 14 ; H-11, 46. Conferences — Asian Regional, Ceylon : Report, A-7a. Thirty-second session : Report, A-7 (1949 report). Thirty-third session : Report, A-7 (1950 report). INTERNATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION— A-l, 76. INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND— A-l, 79. INTERNATIONAL REFUGEE ORGANIZATION— A-l, 72 ; A-2, 84 ; A-7 (1949 report), 61. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION— H-44a, 13. INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS A-l, 74 ; F-l, 19. INTERNATIONAL UNIONS OF OFFICIAL TRAVEL ORGANIZATIONS— H-2, 19. INTERNATIONAL WHALING COMMISSION— A-l, 76. INTERNATIONAL WHEAT AGREEMENT— A-l, 78 ; H-44, 32. INVALID BENEFIT. See under SOCIAL SECURITY. INVENTIONS— H-10a, 14, 42, 61, 79, 84. INVERCARGILL LICENSING TRUST— Report, H-24. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY— D-l, 10 ; H-34, 26 ; H-44, 45. IRRIGATION. See under LANDS ; also MINISTRY OF WORKS. ISLAND TERRITORIES— Administrative structure of the Government, A-4, 68. Agriculture, A-3, 19, 41 ; A-4, 17. Chatham Islands, A-5, 11. Cook and Mue IslandsAnnual report, A—3. Auditing of accounts, B-l [Pt. ll], 43. Cost of living, A-3, 28, 47 ; A-4, 77. Dental services, H-31, 60. Department: Annual report, A—s. Economic advancement, A-4, 24, 65, 66. Education, A-3, 16, 38, 53, 64, 66, 82 ; A-5. 9; E-l, 8. Finance, A-3, 23, 24, 44, 45 ; A-4, 27, 73. Fisheries, A-3, 20, 41. Forests and mines, A-3, 20 24, 34.
ISLAND TERRlTORlES—continued FruitBanana scheme, A-5, 8. Citrus, A-3, 21, 25. Geography, A-3, 5 ; A-5, 3. Health, A-3, 10, 34, 36 ; A-4, 16, 43, 49, 66, 78 ; A-5, 3, 4, 9. Historical survey, A-3, 5, 30 ; A-4, 6. , Housing, A-3, 14, 38 ; A-4, 51. Human rights, A-3, 9, 33 ; A-4, 41. Information— Development programmes, A-3, 26. Relating to individual islands, A-3, 27. International agreements, A-4, 69. International and peace security : Maintenance of law and order, A-4, 17. International and regional relations, A—4, 16. Justice and prisons, A-3, 7, 15, 32 ; A-4, 22, 52, 72. Labour, A-3, 9, 34 ; A-4, 42. Lands, A-3, 21, 40, 42 ; A-4, 32. Liquor and drugs, A-4, 49, 50. Local government A-4, 84. m.v. " Maui Pomare," A-5, 6, 12. Meteorological, A-3, 28, 30, 46 ; A-4, 63, 83. Monopolies, A-4, 32. New Zealand Reparation Estates, A-5, 5. Physical and political geography, and basic economy, A-4, 5. Police, A-3, 15, 33. Political advancement, A-4, 18, 64, 66. Publications, A-4, 62. Public Service, A-3, 8 ; A-4, 20, 37 ; H-14, 18. Religion, A-3, 30, 31, 33 ; A-4, 6. Scientific and industrial research, A-4, 62. Apia Observatory, A-4, 63. Social conditions, A-3, 9 ; A-4, 39, 64. Social security and welfare, A-4, 51. South Pacific Commission, A-3, 32 ; A-4, 16, 17 ; A-5, 4. South Pacific Health Commission, A-4, 16 ; A-5. 3. Standard of living, A-3, 22, 40, 42. Status of territory, &c., A-4, 9. Taxation, A-4, 30. Tokelau Islands : Annual report, A-6. Trade, A-3, 24, 45 ; A-4, 30, 35, 76. Secondary industries, A-3, 22, 42. Transport and communications, A-3, 22, 43 ; A-4, 35. Vital statistics : Population, &e., A-3, 4, 5, 9, 29, . 30, 35 ; A-4, 51, 67. Welfare of islanders in New Zealand, A-5, 10. Western Samoa : Annual report, A—4. Women : Status, A-4, 41. ITALY— Foreign colonies in Africa, A—l, 35 ; A—2, 19. Italian assets placed under custodian control in Xew Zealand, A-13 ; B-9, 4. Peace settlement, A-l, 29. JAMES RAIHE REWETI AND ANOTHER— Petition, G-6b ; 1-3, 8. JAPAN— A-l, 15 ; A-11, 9, 14.
JERUSALEM— A-l, 32 ; A-2, 62. JOINT CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BILL— Report, 1-17, 2. Evidence taken in public, 1-17, 2. JOINT CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BILL COMMITTEE, SELECT. See under COMMITTEES. JOINT FAMILY HOMES ACT, 1950 J-6, 7. JUSTICE AND PRISONS— Children's Courts, E-4, 7, 11. Court of Arbitration, H-11, 37. Genocide, A-l, 66 ; A-2, 127, 131. International Law Commission, A-l, 65. Island territories — Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 7, 15, 32. Tokelau Islands, A-6, 5, 8. Western Samoa, A-4, 22, 52, 72. Law of New Zealand relating to patents, designs, and trade-marks : Report of Commission of Inquiry, H-10a. Prisons — Acting-Controller-General : Report, H-20. Board : Report, H-20a. Offenders' probation : Report, H-20b. Prosecutions — Forest offences, C-3, 80. Gaming, H-16, 7. Hotelkeepers, H-16, 7. Labour Department, H-11, 83, 84, 86. Marine Department, H-15, 2. Mining industry, C-2, 49. Police, H-16, 7, 8, 9. Sly-grog selling, H-16, 7. Social Security Department, H-9, 25. Traffic laws and offences, H-40, 21, 22, 47. Traffic laws, H-40, 34. KAPITI ISLAND— C-6, 9. KAURI-GUM INDUSTRY— Annual report, C-12. KEITA KAIKIRI KOHERE AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-36. KING-COUNTRY— Licensing, H-3, 17. KOHERE, R. T., AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-3, 6. KOREA— A-l, 18 ; A-2, 36 ; B-6, 2. New Zealand and the Korean crisis : Whitepaper, J-3. LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT— Accidents, H-11, 25, 34, 76-78 ; H-31, 80, 112, Accommodation on farms, H-11, 33. Agi'icultural Workers Act, H-11, 33. Annual Holidays Act, H-l I, 36 ; H-45, 13, 19.
LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT —continued Apprenticeship, H-11, 41, 81 ; E-2, 18. Bush workers, H-11, 34. Accidents to, H-31, 80, 112. Compulsory military training, H-11, 15. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 22, 34. Court of Arbitration, H-11, 37. Department : Annual report, H-11. Employment, A-l, 54 ; A-2, 73 ; A-7 (1949 report), 8, 12, 44, 50, 55, 56, 75 ; H-11, 3, 7, 10, 54, 57. Ex-servicemen, H—lB, 5. Maori, H-11, 10. Factories — Accidents, H-11, 25. Capital invested and assets, H-44, 41. Factories Act, H-11, 19. Hygiene, health, and welfare, H-11, 21. Juveniles in, H-11, 31. Numbers employed in, H-11, 70-75 ; H-44, 6, 7. Outworkers' licences, H-11, 30. Overtime work, H-11, 29. Production, H-44, 6, 42. Statistics, H-44, 39, 40. Farm, B-6, 27. Finance, H-11, 53. Home Aid Service, B-6, 23 ; H-11, 43, 67. Hostels and camps, H-11, 8. Immigration, A-2, 82 ; H-11, 11, 55, 67, 68. Incentives, B-6, 28. Industrial associations and unions, H-l, 4; H-11, 38, 89-110. Industrial disputes, H-11, 38, 39. Industrial hygiene, H-11, 21 ; H-31, 76-81. Industrial position for twelve months, H-11, 3. Industrial welfare and industrial relations, A-7 (1949 report), 5, 13 ; A-7 (1950 report), 8, 73 ; H-11, 5, 19, 37. Inspections carried out, H-11, 82. International Labour Organization, H-9, 14; H-11, 46. Conferences— Asian Regional, Ceylon, A-l a. Thirty-second : Report, A-7 (1949 report). Thirty-third : Report, A-7 (1950 report). Labour force in general industries, H-11, 63. Lead Process and Accumulator (Lead Process) Regulations, H-11, 24. Legislation, H-11, 40, 49, 83. Man-power, A-7a ; B-6, 27 ; A-l, 3, 9 ; H-44, 13 ; H-45, 9 ; J-6, 5, 27. Maritime conventions, A-7 (1949 report), 13. Minimum Wage Act, H-11, 39, 79. Personnel Advisory Service, H-11, 44. Prosecutions, H-11, 83, 84, 86. Public contracts : Labour clauses, A-7 (1949 report), 19, 24. Requisitions for improvements served, H-11, 87. Right to organize and to bargain collectively, A-7 (1949 report), 16. .Scaffolding and Excavation Act, H-11, 35. Schools for learners, H-11, 32. Servants' Registry Office Act, H-11, 37. Share-milking Agreements Act, H-11, 37. •Shearers : Training, H-11, 9. Spray Painting Regulations, H-11, 25.
LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT —continued Supervisors : Training within industry, H-l 1, 44. Timber-workers, C-3a, 103. Tables, H-11, 57, Tenancy, H-11, 49, 85. Tokelau Islands, A-6, 6. Unemployment benefits, H-9, 9. UNESCO : Liaison with labour organizations. A-11, 13. Vocational guidance, A-7 (1949 report), 10, 32. Wages, A-7 (1949 report), 9, 25, 30, 74 ; B-6, 9 ; H-11, 39, 77, 88. Waterfront industryAccidents, H-15, 17. Commission : Report, H-45. Disputes, H-45, 5, 9, 10, 73. Resumption of work on waterfront—Statement by Minister of Labour: Whitepaper, V-2. Stoppage of work on waterfront —Statement by Prime Minister : White-paper, J-l. Weights and Measures Act, H-11, 50. Western Samoa, A-4, 42. Workers' compensation, B-9, 45 ; H-11, 50. LABOUR BILLS COMMITTEE, SELECT. See under COMMITTEES. LAND AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-5, 3. h.m.s. "LACHLAN"— Coastal survey, H-15, 2. LAKE PUKAKI— H-2, 17. LAKE TAUPO — H-2, 11. LAKE TE ANAU— H-2, 12. LAKE WAIKAREMOANA — H-2, 10. LAND-AGENTS— H-22, 9. LAND AND INCOME TAX ACT— Text of a draft consolidation : White-paper, J-7. LAND AND INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT—tSociaI Security Act, 1938 : Administration, H-9A. LANDS— Acquisition and disposal, C-6, 1,7; D-l, 105. Aorangi Block: Compensation claim, B-l [Pt. ll], 27. Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 21, 42. Development and settlement, B-6, 16 ; B-13, 3 ; C—la, 2 ; D-l, 106. Crown — Annual report, C-l. Leases, C-l, 6.
LANDS —co ntinued Development and settlement—continued Development operations, C—l, 24, Ex-servicemen, C-l, 1, 3, 4, 13, 23. Properties purchased for other than exservicemen, C-l, 24. Statistical schedules, C-l, 63. Drainage operations— Hauraki Plains, C-8. Rangitaiki, C-11. Swamp, B-l [Pt. ll], 33 ; C-4. Finance, C-l, 11. Flood damage, &c., B-11, 2 ; B-15, 7. Improvement, D-l, 32. Irrigation and water-supply, D-l, 26, 28 ; H-29, 25. Kauri-gum industry, C-12. Land purchases from Members of Parliament, B-l [Pt. ll], 6. Land sales, B-6, 6. Land subdivision, C-la, 3. Land title surveys, C-la, 2. Land utilization and land improvement, H-29, 29. Legislation, C-l, 3. Maori. See under MAORI AFFAIRS. Moutoa Estates, B-l [Pt. ll], 25, 30, Nassella tussock, C-3, 25. Peat, C-8, 6. Post and Telegraph Department, F-l, 25. Public domains and national parks, C-10. Research, H-34, 16, 52, 72, 97. Scenery preservation, C-6. Surveys, C-la. Taxation— Exemptions, B-6, 24. Land and Income Tax Act : Text of a draft consolidation, J-7. Western Samoa, A-4, 32, 72. LAND TRANSFER AMENDMENT BILL — Report, 1-11, 3. LAUNDERERS, DRY-CLEANERS, AND DYERS— Research, H-34, 92. LE COUTEUR, W. J.— Petition, 1-1, 3. LEAD PROCESS AND ACCUMULATOR (LEAD PROCESS) REGULATIONS— H-11, 24. LEATHER AND SHOES— Research, H-34, 90. LIBRARIES— Alexander Turnbull, H-22, 40. Country Library Service, H-32a; 1. General Assembly, H-32. Industries and Commerce Department, H-44, 26. National Library Service, H-32a. LIBYA— A-2, 12.
LICENSING— Accommodation, H-3, 11. Ashburton Licensing Trust, H—24c. Club charters, H-3, 13 ; H-24a, 2. Conditional licences, H-3, 12. Finance, H-3, 20, 25. Geraldine Licensing Trust, H—24b. Health and sanitation, H-3, 15. Invercargill Licensing Trust, H-24. King-country, H-3, 17. Licensing Committees, H-3, 17. Licensing Control Commission — Annual report, H-3. Policy and decisions, H-3, 7. Power to make recommendations, H-3, 21. Recommendations, H-3, 23. Licensing polls, H-22, 33. Local option and general licensing polls, 1949 : Return, H-33b. Licensing Trusts and local licensing Trusts, H-3, 16. Masterton Licensing Trust, H-24a. Tourist-house licences, H-3, 12. Wholesale licences, H-3, 11. LIFE-SAVING— Publicity, H-47, 4. LIMITATION BILL— Report, 1-11, 4. LINEN-FLAX INDUSTRY— Finance, B-l [Pt. ll], 37. Linen Flax Corporation of New Zealand : Annual report, H-44b. LIQUOR AND DRUGS— A-l, 55 ; A-4, 49, 50 ; H-31, 18, 20 ; H-34, 21. Liquor : Import licensing, J-4, 13, 16. LITTLE BARRIER ISLAND— H-2, 17. LOANS— Foreign Governments, B-16, 3. Guaranteed by the Government, B-l [Pt. I]. 71. Housing, B-13, 5. Building, J-6, 16. Farmers, J-6, 9. Industrial employers, J-6, 10, 16. Local authorities, J-6, 10, 16. Suspensory loans, B-6, 14 ; B—l3, 8 ; J-6.. 10, 15. Industries, B-l [Pt. ll], 36. Internal, B-l [Pt. ll], 5; B-6, 17, 53-55 ; B-16, 19. Local authorities, B-13, 19 ; J-6, 10, 16. Local Government Loans Board : Report*. B-17. London, B-6, 55-58. National development, B-l [Pt. ll], 5 ; B-16, 19. Rehabilitation, B-13, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12 ; H-18. 11, 20, 22. Rural intermediate credit (stock), B-13, 9. State Advances Corporation, B-13, 2, 4.
LOCAL AUTHORITIES— Acceptance of greater responsibility, D-l, 2. Accounts, B-l [Pt. ll], 43. Fire services, &c., H—l2, 6, 7, 10 ; H—2B, 48. Forest planting, &c., C-3, 27. General organization legislation, &c., H-22, 2. Loans, B-13, 19. Housing, J-6, 10, 16. Local elections and polls, H-22, 5 ; H-28, 6. Local Government Commission : Annual report, H-28. " Local Government in New Zealand " : Publication, H-22, 8. Local Government Loans Board : Report, B—l7. Sinking funds, B-l [Pt. ll], 44 ; B-9, 6. Western Samoa, A-4, 84. LOCAL BILLS COMMITTEE, SELECT. See under COMMITTEES. LOCAL ELECTIONS AND POLLS AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-16, 5. LOCAL LEGISLATION BILL— Report, 1-16, 6. LOCAL OPTION AND GENERAL LICENSING POLLS, 1949 Return, H-33b. LOCKIE, C. J.— Petition, 1-1, 2. LUTTRELL, H. S.— Petition, 1-1, 3. MeCONVILLE, J. H.— Petition, 1-2, 2. McDERMOTT, M.— Petition, 1-12, 2. MAGISTRATES' COURTS AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-11, 3. MALAYA— A-l, 21 ; A-17, 1, 33, 90. MANIAPOTO OTENE, P.— Petition, 1-3, 9. MAN-POWER. See under LABOUR. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. See under INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE. MAORI AFFAIRS— Aorangi Block, B-l [Pt. ll], 27. Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. Department— Annual report, G-9. Staff, G-9, 16. Tables, G-9, 18. Education, E-l, 6 ; E-3 ; G-11, 1. Electoral rolls, H-22, 33. Employment, H-11, 10. 2—House Journals
MAORI AFFAIRS —continued Finance, G-3 (1948-49) ; G-3 (1949-50) ; G-9, 16 ; G-11, 2. Housing and building, G-9, 2, 7 ; J-6, 10, 23. James Raihe Reweti and another : Petition, G-6b. Lands— Development and settlement, G-9, 1, 3. East Coast Maori Trust lands, G-3 (194849) ; G-3 (1949-50) ; G-9, 13. Maori Land Boards, G-9, 13. Titles : Consolidation, G-9, 15. Legislation, G—9, 14. Maori claims, G-9, 14. Wanganui River : Report of Royal Commission on claims made by certain Maoris, G-2. Maori Interpreters' Board of Examiners, G-9, 15. Maori-owned forests, C-3, 28. Maori Purposes Fund Board, G-11. Maori Trustee, G-9, 12. Public securities held by, B-10, 4. Maori welfare, G-9, 10. Maori youths : Training, G-9, 9. Rates : Payment, C-11, 3. Raureti Te Huia and others : Petition, G-6. Rehabilitation : Ex-servicemen, G-9,13 ; H-18, 16. Subsidies, G-9, 17. Tiki Riiti and others : Petition, G-6a. MAORI PURPOSES BILL— Report, 1-3, 7. MARGINAL LANDS BILL— Report, 1-5, 3. MARINE— Bluff - Stewart Island ferry service, H-15, 2. Charts, H-15, 2, 3. Coastal survey, H-15, 2. Compasses, H-15, 4. Dangerous cargoes, H-15, 17. Department : Annual report, H—ls. Fisheries, A-3, 20 ; A-4, 34 ; H-8, 17 ; H-15, 20-56. Harbours — Ferry services, H-40, 31. General Harbour Regulations, H-15, 17. Harbour Boards, H-15, 1. Maintenance, D—l, 30. Pollution, H-15, 9. Westport, B-l [Pt. ll], 33 ; H-15, 6. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, A-16 ; H-15, 2. Land engineers, &c., H—ls, 18, 56. Lighthouses, radio beacons, &c., D-1,30; H.—ls, 5. Machinery, H-15, 13. Marine engineers, H—ls, 8, 58. Masters and mates, H-15, 3, 58. Navigation schools, H—ls, 4. " New Zealand Nautical Almanac and Tide. tables," H-15, 4. New Zealand Standards Institute, H-15, 18. Notices to mariners, H-15, 3. Port facilities : Overloading, H-45, 8.
MARKETING —continued Oranges, H-30, 9. Pineapples, H-30, 10. Potatoes, H-30, 4, 31. Raspberries, H-30, 6. Rice, H-30, 19. Sheep and lamb pelts, H-30, 46. Sheep-skins, H-30, 58. Skins : Export permits, H-30, 19. Storage, H-30, 29, 30. Tallow, H-30, 45, 54. Tinplate, H-30, 20. Tomatoes, H-30, 29. Woolly sheep-skins, H-30, 46. MARSHALL AID— B-16, 15. MARUIA SPRINGS— H-2, 18. MASTERTON LICENSING TRUST— Report, H-24a. MASTERTON TRUST LAND BILL— Report, 1-5, 2 ; 1-16, 4. g.v. "MATAI"— H-15, 2. MENTAL HYGIENE. See under HEALTH. METEOROLOGICAL— A-l, 76 ; A-3, 28, 46 ; A-4, 63, 83 ; A-l, 72 H-34, 70; H-37, 7, 52. MIDDLE EAST— A-l, 31. MILFORD SOUND— H-2, 13. MILK— B-l [Pt. ll], 40 ; H-30, 21, 29, 30, 31; H-31 18 ; H-31a ; H-34, 21. Central Milk Council: Report, H-31a. Town milk, H-29, 79 ; H-30, 22 ; H-31a. Treatment, B-l [Pt. ll], 37 ; H-30, 25, 26 ; H-31a, 2. MINERALS— Production, C-2, 2, 22, 31, 32, 33. MINIMUM WAGE ACT— H-11, 39, 79. MINING INDUSTRY— Annual Mines Statement, C-2. Coal— Coal-mines : Acquisition, B-l (Pt. ll], 28. Geological survey, H-34, 45. Production, D-l, 29. Railways Department, D-2, 12. Research, H-34, 25. State Coal-mines— Annual report, C-2a. Co-operative mining, Greymouth, C-2, 21 Supply, H-44, 8.
MARINE —continued Prosecutions, H-15, 2. Radio Regulations, H-15, 4. Seamen, A-7 (1949 report), 13, 70 ; H-15, 5, 6, 10. Search and rescue organization, H-15, 4. Shipping—- " Atlantis," B-l [Pt. ll], 40. Charter of vessels, H-44, 24. Casualties, H-15, 57. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 23, 43. " Lachlan," H-15, 2. " Matai," H-15, 2. " Maui Pomare," A-5, 6, 12. Radio-telephone service, H-15, 2. Registration, H—ls, 6. Small Craft Regulations, H-15, 4. Tokelau Islands, A-6, 10. Western Samoa, A-4, 36. Sight tests, H-15, 3. Waterfront industry— Accidents, H-15, 17. Commission : Annual report, H-45. Resumption of work on waterfront —Statement by Minister of Labour : White-paper, J-2. Stoppage of work on waterfront —Statement by Prime Minister : White-paper, J-l. MARKETING— Agar agar, H-30, 21, 29, 30. Apples and pears, B-l [Pt. ll], 41 ; H-30, 12, 29, 30, 31. Bacon subsidy, H-30, 21. Bananas, H-30, 8. Bobby calf marketing pool, H-30, 18, 53. Butter, H-30, 29. Canning, H-30, 29, 43. Casein, H-30, 29. Coffee, H-30, 9. Copra, A-3, 22, 41. Department — Annual report, H-30. Branches, H-30, 29. Public securities held by, B-10, 5. Desiccated coconut, H-30, 20. Eggs, H-30, 2, 29, 30, 31. Fertilizers, H-30, 7, 31. Finance, H-30, 15, 32. Fish-liver and whale oils, H-30, 20. Food and agricultural products, A-8, 16. Hides, H-30, 47. Honey, H-30, 7, 29, 34. Hops, H-30, 6. Importations for Stores Control Board, H-30, 18. Ingot tin, H-30, 20. Lemons, H-30, 11, 29, 30, 32. Maize, H-30, 6, 30. Marketing organizations : Advances by Reserve Bank of New Zealand, B-16, 3. Meat, H-30, 21, 38, 49. Milk, B-l [Pt. ll], 40 ; H-30, 21, 29, 30, 31 ; H-31, 18 ; H-34, 21. Central Milk Council : Report, H-31a. Town milk, H-29, 79 ; H-30, 22. Treatment, B-l [Pt. ll], 37 ; H-30, 25, 36 ; H-31 a, 2. Onions, H-30, 5.
H-2, 18.
MINING INDUSTRY —continued Department, public securities held by, B-10, 6. Finance, C-2, 1, 11, 27, 28, 32, 34, 36 ; C-2a, 1, 50-68. Gold, New - Zealand - produced : Acquisition, B-16, 6. Legislation, C-2, 20, 49. Miners' benefits, C-2, 28 ; H-9, 9. Mining privileges, State forest land, C-3, 24. Western Samoa, A-4, 34. MINISTRY OF SUPPLY— Activities : Payments made relating to finahzation, H-44, 24. MINISTRY OF WORKS— Aerial top-dressing, D-l, 75. Aerodromes : Construction, &c., D-l, 30. Wellington and Christchurch, D-l, 12. Annual statement, D-l. Buildings— Annual report, D-l, 96. Education, E-l, 5 ; E-2, 3, 19 ; E-3, 5. Public, A-4, 37, 54 ; B-6, 15 ; D-l, 1, 11, 96 ; F-l, 25 ; H-31, 24 ; H-37, 14. Coal-production, D-l, 29. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 44. Defence works, D-l, 34. Design Office, D-l, 36. Finance, D-l, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 65 ; D-4, 3, 6, 37, 40. Forestry conservation, D-l, 80. Government policy, D-l, 1. Housing, D-l, 3, 10, 13, 33, 101-7. Cement and steel supply, D-l, 10. Slum clearance, D-l, 3. Hydro-electricity, B-6, 15 ; D-l, 2, 10, 12, 17 ; H-44, 8. Dams : Rock materials investigation, H—34, 20. Department : Cadets, H-47, 4. Geo-thermal power, B-6, 15 ; D—l, 12. Rural Electrical Reticulation Council, D-4, 37. State Hydro-electric Department, D-4. Supply : Local authorities, H-28, 50. Irrigation and water-suppiy, D-l, 26, 28. Lands — Acquisition and disposal, D-l, 105. Development, D-l, 106. Improvement, D-l, 32. Lighthouses and harbour-works, D-l, 30. Local authorities : Acceptance of greater responsibility, D-l, 2. Main highways, roads, and bridges, A-4, 36, 37, 38 ; B-6, 17 ; D-l, 33, 37, 65 ; H-40, 10, 14, 39, 40, 41. Auckland Harbour bridge, D-l, 12, 35. Mining-areas, C—2, 36. Man-power, D-l, 3, 9. Murupara pulp and paper project, D-l, 12. Plant and mechanical equipment, D-l, 35. Railways— Construction, &c., D-l, 15. Improvement, B-6, 16 ; D-l, 12, 15. Soil conservation and rivers control, C-3, 7, 23 ; C-8, 5; D-l, 69-95. Works programme, B-6, 17 ; D-l, 2, 9.
MISSING PERSONS— Declaration of death, A-l, 66 ; A—2, 125. MONEY. See under BANKING AND CURRENCY. MONOPOLIES—H—IOa, 10, 80. MORERE HOT SPRINGS— H-2, 16. MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY— B-l [Pt. ll], 31 ; C-3, 62, 63 ; H-22, 26, 34, 40 ; H-44, 24 ; H-47, 8. MORTGAGES— Housing : Mortgage repayment insurance, J-6, 15, MOTOR-VEHICLES. See under TRANSPORT. MOUTOA ESTATES— B-l [Pt. ll], 25, 30. MURRAY, B.— Petition, 1-2, 2. Proceedings open to press, 1-2, 2. MURUPARA PULP AND PAPER MILL— C-3, 11 ; D-l, 12. MUSIC— B-l [Pt. ll], 31 ; F-3, 2. NAPIER CITY SPECIAL RATES CONSOLIDATION BILL— Report, 1-16, 5. NATIONAL AIRV/AYS. See under AVIATION. NATIONAL ART GALLERY AND DOMINION MUSEUM— Report, H-21. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT LOAN— B-l [Pt. ll], 5 ; B-16, 19. NATIONAL FILM UNIT— B-l [Pt. ll], 31 ; C-3, 62 ; H-47, 8. NATIONAL INCOME AND EXPENDITURE— B-6, 46, 47, 48. NATIONAL LIBRARY SERVICE— Report, H-32a. NATIONAL ORCHESTRA— B-l [Pt. ll], 31 ; F-3, 9. NATIONAL PARKS. See PUBLIC DOMAINS AND NATIONAL PARKS. NATIONAL PROVIDENT FUND— Actuary's report on the valuation of the fund as at 31st December, 1947, H-17a. Annual report, H-17. Board, public securities held by, B-10, 7.
NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY AMENDMENT BILL— Petition, 1-8, 2. NEW ZEALAND WOOL DISPOSAL COMMISSION. Public securities held by, B-10, 8. NGATA, late Hon. Sir APIRANA, M.L.C.— Tribute, 1-3, 3. NGAWAI BROWN AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-3, 5. NIUE ISLAND. See under ISLAND TERRITORIES. NORTH BORNEO— A-17, 1, 33, 90. NORTH SHORE DRAINAGE BILL— Report, 1-16, 6. Proceedings open to press, 1-16, 6. NORTORNIS— H-22, 18, 25. NORWAY— Exchange of notes with, concerning abolition of visas, A-10. NURSING. See under HEALTH. OFFENDERS' PROBATION. See under JUSTICE AND PRISONS. OPOSSUMS— C-3, 19 ; H-22, 16, 19, 21. ORSULICH, J. AND A.— Petition, 1-2, 2. OTAGO HARBOUR BOARD EMPOWERING BILL— Report, 1-16, 4. PACIFIC— A-l, 12. PAHALAD, R. A.— Petition, 1-2, 1. PAKISTAN— A-l, 23 ; A-17, 1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 78. PALESTINE— A-l, 31. Jerusalem and the protection of the Holy Places, A-2, 62. PALMERSTON NORTH CITY GASWORKS AND ELECTRICITY EMPOWERING BILL— Report, 1-16, 3. PAPER— Murupara pulp and paper mill, C-3, 11 ; D-l, 12.
PARLIAMENT — Broadcasts, F-3, 4. Hansard : Number printed, &c., H-36. 1. Ministers : Salary payments, B-l [Pt. ll], 29. Reports and statements to, B-l [Pt. ll], 25. PASSPORTS— H-22, 37. PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS— Annual report, H-10. Commission of Inquiry : Report, H-10a. PATRIOTIC FUNDS— H-22, 8 ; H-22a. PEACE PROPOSALS— A-l, 29, 41. PETROL— B-6, 6 ; C-2, 4 ; H-34, 47 ; H-40, 9, 34 ; li-44, 12. PHARMACY— H-44, 12. PHYSICAL WELFARE AND RECREATION— E-2, 2 ; H-22, 10. POLICE FORCE— Administration, H-16, 1. Annual report, H-16. Arms and ballistics, H—l6, 5. Buildings, H-16, 4. Commissioned officers : Conference, H-16, 3. Commissioners of Police : Conference, H-16, 3. Communications, H-16, 4. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 15, 33. Crime : Prevention, H—l6, 5. Criminal Registration Branch, H-16, 6. Criminal statistics, H-16, 7, 9. Department : Growth, H-16, 8. Motor patrol, H-16, 5. Pay and allowances, H-16, 13. Personnel, H-16, 1. Police Force Regulations, H-16, 1. Prosecutions— Gaming offences, H-16, 7. Hotelkeepers, H-16, 7. Sly-grog selling, H-16, 7. Transport Act, H-16, 8. Recording system, H-16, 5. Retirements, H-16, 2. Special investigation squad, H-16, 5. Strength and distribution, H-16, 13. Tokelau Islands, A-6, 8. Transfers, H-16, 4. Transport, H-16, 3. Uniforms, H-16, 4. Western Samoa, A-4, 17. Women police, H-16, 2. Work for other Government Departments, H-16, 6. POLIOMYELITIS. See under HEALTH, 3 —House Journals
POPULATION— A-l, 54 ; A-3, 4, 59, 29, 30, 35 ; A-4, 5, 13, 39, 40, 41, 51, 67 ; A-6, 1, 4 ; H-28, 9 ; H-31, 84. School population estimates for the years 1950-60 —Statement by Minister of Education : White-paper, J-5. POST AND TELEGRAPH— Department— Annual report, F-l. Buildings and land, F-l, 25. Motor-vehicles, F-l, 28. Profits, B-l, [Pt. ll], 32. Public securities held by, B-10, 9. Services to other Departments, B-l [Pt. ll], 32. Staff, F-l, 2. Finance, B-6, 10 ; F-l, 2, 29. International telecommunications, A-l, 74. Island territories — Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 22, 43. Western Samoa, A-4, 35. National savings, F-l, 32. Postal services, F-l, 6, 30. Post Office Savings-bank, B-6, 41 ; F-l, 23, 31. Public relations, F-l, 6. Radio services (inland), F-l, 18. Telecommunication services (overseas), F-l, 19 ; H-37, 27, 46. Telephones and telegraphs, B-6, 16 ; F-l, 12, 13, 20, 31. POTTERY— H-34 ,90. PRESS— Freedom of information, A-l, 53. PRICES— Agriculture. B-13, 3 ; H-29, 6 ; H-30, 22. Control, B-6, 6 ; H-44, 27. Kauri-gum, C-12, 1. New Zealand goods, H-44, 12, 13. Overseas, H-44, 3, 4. Retail : Basic foodstuffs, B-6, 42. Staple commodities, Cook and Niue Islands, A-3. 28, 47 Timber price-index, C-3, 86. PRIME MINISTER'S DEPARTMENT— Information Section : Annual report, H-47. Publicity, A-l, 7. PRIME MINISTERS' MEETING, LONDON, 1949 A-l, 9. PRINTING AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT— Annual report, H-36. PRISONS. See JUSTICE AND PRISONS. PRIVATE ENTERPRISE— Housing, J-6, 6. PROPERTY LAW AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-11, 3,
PROPERTY LAW AMENDMENT BILL (No. 2)— Report, I—ll, 5. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS— Balance-sheets and statements of accounts: Audited accounts, B-l [Pt. IV]. Controller and Auditor-General's report, B-l [Pt. ll]. Form of, B-6, 12. Public Accounts, with, supplementary statements, including the public debt and transactions, B-l [Pt. I]. PUBLICATIONS— Agriculture, H-29, 69. Information Section, Prime Minister's Department, H-47, 5. Scientific and industrial research, H-34, 38. Social security, H-9, 15, 23. Tourist and health resorts, H-2, 9. PUBLIC DOMAINS AND NATIONAL PARKS— Annual report, C-10. PUBLIC FINANCES— B-6, 7. PUBLIC HEALTH (see also HEALTH)— Committee, Select. See under COMMITTEES. PUBLIC HYGIENE. See under HEALTH. PUBLICITY— Information Section, Prime Minister's Department, A-l, 7 ; H-47, 2. Forests, C-3, 62. National Publicity Studios, B-l [Pt. ll], 31 ; H-47, 6. New Zealand : Overseas, H-47, 5. Tourist and health resorts, H-2, 8, 10. PUBLIC MONEYS AND STORES— Statement of irregularities in connection with, B-l, [Pt. ll], 6. PUBLIC PETITIONS COMMITTEE, SELECT. See under COMMITTEES. PUBLIC SECURITIES HELD IN THE DOMINION OR ELSEWHERE— Return, B-10. PUBLIC SERVICE— Administrative appointments, H-14, 17. Amalgamations, H—l4, 6. Appeals, H-14, 16. Classification List, H-14, 21. Commission — Annual report, H-14. Representation outside Wellington, H-14, 18, 26. Communism, H-14, 12. Conditions and efficiency of the Service, H-14, 3, 6. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 8 f
PUBLIC SERVlCE—continued Government Service Tribunal, H-14, 14. Holmes case, H-14, 13. Hostel accommodation, H-14, 11. Housing, H-14, 11 ; J-6, 14. Inspection of Departments, H-14, 3. Islands administration, H-14, 18. Office accommodation, H-14, 10. Organization and methods, H-14, 4. Permanent Heads : Designations, H-14, 17. Politics and the Public Service, H-14, 12. Positions graded above £1,060 per annum, H-14, 10. Public administration, H-14, 7. Public Service magazine, H-14, 7. Public Service Superannuation Board, H—26. Regulations and Manual of Instructions, H-14, 16. Rewards for suggestions, H-14, 6. Salaries, H-14, 10, 15. StaffAbility and merit, H-14, 6. Cadets and other juniors, H-14, 8. Casual, H-14, 24. Education, H-14, 4. Employed, H-14, 15. Leave on retirement, H-14, 18. Professional officers, H-14, 9. Promotion by merit, H-14, 6. Recruitment and turnover, H-14, 8, 10, 25. Reports on officers, H-14, 11. Seniority, H-14, 16. Shorthand-typists, typists, and machinists, H-14, 9. Temporary, H-14, 17, 23. Training, H-14, 4. Welfare, H-14, 5. Steps taken to improve efficiency, H-14, 3. Western Samoa, A-4, 20. PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE— Accounts for the year, B-9a. Annual report, B-9. Public securities held by, B-10, 12 QUEENSTOWN— H-2, 16. RABBIT MENACE— C-3, 19 ; H-29, 107. RACING— H-22, 36. RADAR— H-34, 36. RADIO. See BROADCASTING, RAFFLES— H-22, 36. RAIHA REWETI, J., AND ANOTHER— Petition, 1-3, 8.
RAILWAYS— Annual report, D-2. Coal and oil, D-2, 12. Construction, &c., D-l, 15. Finance, B-6, 10 ; D-2, 1, 5, 6, 11, 22. Losses, D-2, 1. Electrification, D-2, 3. Growth, D-2,2. Improvement, B-6, 16. Auckland area, D-l, 12, 15. Road services, D-2, 14, 33. Staff, D-2, 17. Subsidiary services, D-2, 14. Transportation, D-2, 15. Trucks : Shortage, H-45, 8. RANGITAHI KARETI HIRA PATEORO AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-3, 4. RANGITAIKI LAND DRAINAGE— Annual report, C-11. RANGIWHAKAPU TANA— Petition, 1-3, 4. RAPANA, T. W., AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-3, 6, RATES— Hauraki Plains drainage operations, C-8, 6. Local authorities, H-28, 50. Rangitaiki land drainage, C-11, 3. RATIONING— B-6, 6 ; H-44, 28. RAURETI TE HUIA AND OTHERS— Petition, G-6 ; 1-3, 3. REFUGEES— A-l, 72 ; A-2, 84 ; A-7 (1949 report), 61. REHABILITATION— Board : Annual report, H-18. Business loans and special arrangements, H-18. Chart and statistical tables, H-18, 19. Children of deceased and totally disabled servicemen, H-18, 9. Demobilization, H-18, 5, 19. Departmental administration, H-18, 5. Departmental and loan expenditure, H-18, 2. Employment, H-18, 5. Farm training and settlement, H-18, 13, 26. Housing, H-18, 15 ; J-6, 12. Import licences, J-4, 11. Loans, B-13, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12 ; B-15, 6 ; H-18, 2, 20, 22. Maori rehabilitation, G-9, 13 ; H-18, 16. Organization, H-18, 4. Overseas bursaries, H-18, 9. Provision for the disabled, H-18, 8. Trade training, H-18, 6, 17, 24. Transport business, H-40, 31, 59.
RELIGION— Broadcasts, F-3, 5. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 31, 33. Western Samoa, A-4, 6, 41, 59. RENATA KELVIN POVEY AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-3, 4. RENTAL VEHICLE SERVICE. See under TRANSPORT. RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND— Annual report, B-16. RESERVES AND OTHER LANDS DISPOSAL BILL— I Report, 1-5, 3. RETURNS OR STATEMENTS— Required by law or resolution to be laid before the House, H-13 ; I—ll, 5. REVFY, J. L. T.— Petition, 1-7, 2. ROTORUA— Acclimatization district, H-22, 22. Tourist resort, H-2, 6, -13. ROUMANIA— Observance of human rights, A-2, 40. Peace settlement with, A-l, 29. ROYAL ARMS— Protection, H-10a, 73, 86. ROYAL NEW ZEALAND AIR FORCE BILL— Report, I—ll, 4. ROYAL NEW ZEALAND NAVY. See under DEFENCE. RURAL ELECTRICAL RETICULATION COUNCIL— Report, D-4, 37. RYAN, P. M.— Petition, 1-5, 3. SALES TAX. See under TAXATION. SAMPSON, P.— Petition, 1-12, 2. SARAWAK— A-17, 1, 33. SAVINGS— Budget Statement, B-6, 41. SCAFFOLDING AND EXCAVATION ACT— H-11, 35. SCENERY PRESERVATION— Report, C-6.
SCHOOL POPULATION ESTIMATES— For the years 1950-60 —Statement by Minister of Education : White-paper, J-5. SCHOOLS. See EDUCATION. SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH— Aeronautical research, H-37, 7. Agriculture, H-29, 16, 23, 25, 34, 80, 82, 123. Agronomy, H-34, 8. Animal ecology, H-34, 12. Apia Observatory, A-4, 63. Applied mathematics, H-34, 12. Auckland industrial development, H—34, 13. Botany, H-34, 16. Buildings, H-34, 79. Cawthorn Institute, H-34, 93. Chemical products, H-10a, 45, 82. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, H-34, 112. Dairy industry, H-34, 87. DepartmentAnnual report, H-34. Branches : Report, H-34, 8. Finance, H-34, 7. Dominion Laboratory, H-34, 18. Dominion Physical Laboratory, H-34, 18. Entomology, H-34, 39. Fats, H-34, 42. Fertilizers, H-34, 89. Forestry, C-3, 28. Fruit, H-34, 43. Geological survey, H-34, 45. Geophysical Observatory, H-34, 48, 51. Grasslands, H-34, 52. Hops, H-34, 79. Incorporated research associations, H-34, 87. Information Bureau, H-34, 56. Launderers, dry-cleaners, and dyers, H-34, 92. Leather and shoe, H-34, 90. Magnetic survey, H-34, 58. Manufacturing industry, H-34, 81. Minerals, C-2, 25. Minister's statement, H-34, 3. Occupational psychology, H-34, 59. Plants, H-34, 61, 63. Pottery and ceramic, H-34, 90. Radio, H-34, 82. Research Committees, H-34, 79. Scientific Liaison Service, H-34, 111. Scientific Personnel Section, H-34, 111. Secretary's report, H-34, 4. Seismological Observatory, H-34, 70. Soils, H-34, 72. Tobacco, H-34, 82. University colleges, H-34, 100. Wheat, H-34, 75. Woollen-mills, H-34, 91. SCOTT, J.— Petition, 1-9, 2. SEAMAN. See under MARINE. SECURITY COUNCIL. See under EXTERNAL AFFAIRS.
SERVANTS' REGISTRY OFFIGES ACT— H-11, 37. SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS. See under LANDS. SHARE-MILKING AGREEMENTS ACT— H-11, 37. SHIPPING. See under MARINE. SHOPS AND OFFICES ACT— H-11, 32. SINGAPORE— A-17, 1, 33, 90. SOCIAL SECURITY— Beneficiaries—Home Aids : Allowable income, B-6, 23. Benefits— Age, H-9, 4. Budget Statement, B-6, 22. Cash, H-9, 3, 26. Emergency, H-9, 11. Family, H-9, 7. Increase, B-6, 9. Invalid, H-9, 8. Medical, H-31, 74. Miners, H-9, 9 ; 0-2, 28. Monthly, H-9, 4. New legislation, H-9, 3. Orphans, H-9, 7. Quarterly, H-9, 3. Reciprocal, H-9, 11. Reciprocity with— Australia, H-9, 12. Great Britain and Northern Ireland, H-9,13. Sickness, H-9, 10. Summary, H-9, 24. Superannuation, H-9, 3. Thrifty elderly people, B-6, 9. Total expenditure, H-9, 13. Total number of benefits in force, H-9, 13. Unemployment, H-9, 9. Weekly, H-9, 9. Widows, H-9, 7. Department— Administration and staff, H-9, 25. Annual report, H—9. European immigrants, H-9, 14. Fund, B-6, 20, 34 ; H-9, 15. International Labour Office, A-7 (1949), 67 ; H-9, 14. Migrants and their dependants, A-7 (1949 report), 67. Overseas pensions paid in New Zealand, H-9, 22. Prosecutions, H-9, 25. Publications, H-9, 15, 23. Social Security Act, 1938 : Administration, H-9a. Social Security Charge Act—Text of a draft consolidation : White-paper, J-7. Sundry pensions and special annuities, H-9, 24. War pensions, H-9, 16, 27, 28. Western Samoa, A-4, 51.
SOCIAL SERVICES— B-6, 20, 40. SOIL CONSERVATION AND RIVERS CONTROL— C-3, 7, 23 ; 0-8, 5 ; D-l, 69-95. SOLWAY, R.— Petition, 1-2, 2. SOMALILAND— A-2, 25. SOUTH AFRICA— Indians in, A-l, 36. SOUTH AND SOUTH-EAST ASIA— A-l, 14, 55. Co-operative and economic development— Colombo plan : Report, A-17. SOUTHERN LAKES ACCLIMATIZATION DISTRICT— H-22, 24. SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION— A-l, 12 ; A-3, 32 ; A-5, 4. SOUTH PACIFIC HEALTH SERVICE— A-5, 3. SOUTH-WEST AFRICA— A-l, 37 ; A-2, 108. SPAIN— A-l, 28. SPORTS AND RECREATION— Big-game fishing, H-15, 33. British Empire Games, H-47, 9. Forests, C-3, 24. Mining townships, C-2, 27. Racing, H-22, 36. Sporting broadcasts, F-3, 5, 13. Tourist and health resorts, H-2, 18. SPRAY PAINTING REGULATIONS— H-11, 15. STABILIZATION— Subsidies, H-35, 5. Annual saving arising from reduction or cancellation of, B-6, 59. Bacon, H-30, 21. Charter of vessels, H-44, 24. Coal, C-2, 20, 36. Fertilizers, B-6, 26. Maori purposes, G-9, 17. Public libraries, H-32a, 2. Removal, B-6, 8. Rural Electrical Reticulation Council, D-4, 38. Wheat and flour, H-44, 24. STANDARDIZATION— H-15, 18. Standards Council, H-44a.
STANDARD OF LIVING— A-3, 22, 42 ; A-4, 40 ; A-6, 10. STATE ADVANCES CORPORATION OF NEW ZEALAND— Annual report, B-13. Housing Branch, public securities held by, B-10, 13. STATE COAL - MINES. See under MINING INDUSTRY. STATE FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE— Annual report, H-6. Accident Insurance Branch, H-6a. Public securities held by, B-10, 14. STATE HYDRO-ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. STATE TRADING ACTIVITIES— B-6, 10. STATUTES AMENDMENT BILL— Report, I—ll, 4. STATUTES REVISION COMMITTEE, SELECT. See under COMMITTEES. STEEL. See IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY. STOCK REMEDIES AMENDMENT BILL— Petition, 1-10, 2. STOPPAGE OF WORK ON WATERFRONT. See under LABOUR ; also MARINE. STORES— Defence Forces, B-l [Pt. ll], 35. Irregularities in connection with, B-l [Pt. ll], 6. Post and Telegraph Department, F-l, 27. Railways, D-2, 13. Written off, B-l [Pt. ll], 45. SUBSIDIES. See under STABILIZATION. SUMS IRRECOVERABLE BY THE CROWN, ETC.— Statement, B-l [Pt. ll], 46. SUPERANNUATION— Public Service Superannuation Board, H-26. Social security, H-9, 3. SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES. See ESTIMATES. SURVEYS— Aerial mapping, H-37, 44. Annual report, C-la. Coastal, H-15, 2. Geological, C-2, 15, 24 ; H-34, 45. Magnetic, H-34, 58. National forest, C-3, 35, 45. SUSPENSORY LOANS. See under LOANS.
SWAMP DRAINAGE— Annual report, C-4. SWEDEN— Agriculture, H-29, 2. TAHATERE TOMLINS AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-3, 6. TAKAHE — H-22, 18, 25. TAKURUA TAMARAU AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-3, 5, TALLOW— H-30, 45, 54; H-34, 42. TASMAN EMPIRE AIRWAYS. See under AVIATION. TATA WAHANUI AND ANOTHER— Petition, 1-3, 9. TAUPIRI AND RENOWN COAL COMPANIES BILL— Report, 1-4, 2. TAXATION— Adjustments, B-6, 23. Budget Statement, B-6, 19. Forest, C-3, 25. Housing : Building materials, J-6, 8. Income-tax— Arrears, B-l [Pt. ll], 26. Budget Statement, B-6, 25. Farming community, B-6, 25. Land and Income Tax Act and Social Security Charge Act —Text of a draft consolidation : White-paper, J-7. Land : Exemption, B-6, 24. Motor-vehicles, H-40, 38. Sales tax : Exemptions, B-6, 24. Western Samoa, A-4, 30. TAXI-CABS. See under TRANSPORT. TE AROHA— H-2, 7, 15. TELEPHONES. See POST AND TELEGRAPH. TENANCY— H-11, 49, 85. TE PUIA SPRINGS— H-2, 17. THAR AND CHAMOIS— H-22, 20, 21. THIRD WORLD FORESTRY CONGRESS— Report, C-3a. THRIFTY ELDERLY PEOPLE— Social security, B-6, 9.
TIKI RIITI AND OTHERS— Petition, G-6a ; 1-3, 7. TIMBER. See under FORESTRY. TIOPIRI KINGI AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-3, 4. TOBACCO— H-29, 120 ; H-34, 82 ; H-44, 34, 35. TOKELAU ISLANDS. See under ISLAND TERRITORIES. TOLLAN, C. H. Petition, 1-9, 1. TONGARIRO NATIONAL PARK— H-2, 10. TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS— Accommodation, H-2, 5, 22. Administrative changes, H-2, 22. Advertising, publicity plans, &c., H-2, 8, 20. Auckland, H-2, 6. Bank of New Zealand agencies at airports and wharves, B-15, 9. Bureaux and agencies in New Zealand, H-2, 6. Christchurch, H-2, 7. Commonwealth Liaison Committee, H-2, 19. Department : Annual report, H-2. Dunedin, H-2, 7. Eglinton Valley, H-2, 12. Finance, H-2, 22. Fiordland, H-2, 13. Franz Josef Glacier, H-2, 11. Hotels, &c., H-2, 9, 22. International Union of Official Travel Organizations, H-2, 19. Invercargill, H-2, 7. Lake Pukaki, H-2, 17. Lake Taupo, H-2, 11. Lake Te Anau, H-2, 12. Lake Waikaremoana, H-2, 10. Liaison with allied interests, conferences, &c., H-2, 18. Little Barrier Island, H-2, 17. Maintenance of hotels, resorts, and reserves, H-2, 9. Maruia Springs, H-2, 18. Milford Sound, H-2, 13. Morere Hot Springs, H-2, 16. Mount Cook, H-2, 11. National parks, C-10, 5, 8. New Zealand National Tourist Conference, H-2, 19. Organization, H-2, 3. Overseas bureaux— Australia, H-2, 3. Britain, H-2, 4. Publications, H-2, 9. Publicity, H-47, 4. Queenstown, H-2, 16. Rotorua, H-2, 6, 13. Sales, H-2, 3. Sport, H-2, 18. Te Aroha, H-2, 7, 15.
TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS —continued Te Puia Springs, H-2, 17. Tongariro National Park, H-2, 10. Tourist arrivals, H-2, 6. Tourist-house licences, H-3, 12. Transportation— Internal, H-2, 5, 21. Overseas, H-2, 4, 21. Travel promotion, H-2, 3. Wairakei, H-2, 10. Wellington H-2, 6. TOWN MILK SUPPLY. See under MILK. TOWN-PLANNING— A-4, 51 ; H-44, 8. TRADE. See INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE. TRADE-MARKS. See PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. TRAFFIC IN PERSONS— Suppression, A-2, 79. TRANSPORT— Accidents, H-40, 15, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46. Children killed or injured, H-40, 44. School pupils killed or injured, H-40, 45. Air, H-37, 39. Agreement with Canada, A-14. Appeals, H-40, 31, 58, 81. Commercial road, H-40, 24. Cook and Niue Islands, A-3, 22, 43. Delays : Building supplies, J-6, 20. Department : Annual report, H-40. External Affairs Department, A-l, 53. Fares and charges, H-40, 31. Finance, H-40, 14, 32, 38, 39. Goods service, H-40, 28, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 7581, 84. Government's policy, H-40, 1. Harbour ferry services, H-40, 31. Motor transport development, H-40, 8. Motor-vehicles, H-40, 9, 23, 26, 37, 49, 50. Import licensing, J-4, 15. Registration, &c., F-l, 28. Taxation, H-40, 38. Passengers and passenger services, H-40, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 82. Petrol, H-40, 9, 34. Police Force, H-16, 3. Railway road services, D-2, 33. Rehabilitation —Ex-servicemen : Licences granted, H-40, 31, 59. Rental vehicle services, H-40, 27, 51, 54, 73-74, 83. Retail delivery services, H-40, 33. Roads, H-40, 10, 14, 39, 40, 41. Road safety, H-40, 15. Taxi-cab services, H-40, 26, 51, 53, 54, 69-72, 83. Traffic laws, H-40, 21. Traffic offences, H-16, 8 ; H-40, 22, 47. Transport Co-ordination Council, H-40, 33. Transport laws, H-40, 34. Tourist industry, H-2, 4, 5, 21, Western Samoa, A-4, 35,
TREASURY— Public securities held by, B-10, 16. TRIESTE— A-l, 29. TRUSTEESHIP AND NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES— A-l, 58; A-2, 92. TUBERCULOSIS. See under HEALTH. TUBERCULOSIS AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-7, 2. TUKARIRI, P. H., AND OTHERS— Petition, 1-3, 7. UNEMPLOYMENT. See under LABOUR. UNITED KINGDOM— Agriculture, H-29, 4. Tourist industry, H-2, 4. Trade with, H-44, 19. UNITED NATIONS. See under EXTERNAL AFFAIRS. UNITED NEW ZEALAND DENTAL LABORATORIES ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED— Petition, 1-7, 2. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA— Agriculture, H-29, 3. Trade with, H-44, 20. VISAS— Abolition : New Zealand and Norway, A-10. VITAL STATISTICS— A-3, 35 ; A-4, 51, 67. WAGES— A-7 (1949 report), 9, 25, 30, 74; B-6, 9. WAIPOUA FOREST— Petition, 1-5, 2. WAIRAKEI — H-2, 10. WAITOMO CAVES— H-2, 10. WANGANUI RIVER— Claims made by certain Maoris : Report of Royal Commission, G-2. WAR— Disarmament, A-l, 41. Earthquake and War Damage Commission, B-11. Exchange of notes with — France, relating to repayment of advances made by New Zealand to France in respect of military expenditure during the years 1940-45, A-l g,
WAR —continued Exchange of notes with —continued Italy, relating to the release of Italian assets in New Zealand, A-13 ; B-9, 4. Missing persons : Declaration of death, A-l, 66 ; A-2, 125. New Zealand and the Korean crisis, J-3. Preparation for a new war, &c., A-2, 29. United Nations Security Council members : Armed Forces reduction, A-2, 57. War victims : Protection, A-l, 83. WAR EXPENSES ACCOUNT— B-6, 12, 35. WAR FUNDS— H-22, 39. WAR GRAVES— H-22, 31. WAR HISTORY— H-22, 30. WAR MEMORIAL CARILLON— H-21, 12. WAR MEMORIALS— H-22, 38. WAR PENSIONS— B-6, 9 ; H-9, 14, 16, 27, 28. WATER— Research, H-34, 21, 46. WATERFRONT INDUSTRY. See under LABOUR ; also MARINE. WATER-SUPPLY. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. WEEKLY REVIEW— H-47, 8. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ACT— H-11, 50. WELLINGTON CITY TRADING DEPARTMENTS' RESERVE AND RENEWAL FUNDS AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-16, 5. WESTERN SAMOA. See under ISLAND TERRITORIES. WESTERN UNION— A-l, 24. WESTPORT HARBOUR. See under MARINE. WHAKATANE HARBOUR AMENDMENT BILL— Report, 1-5, 2 ; 1-16, 4.
WHALING— A-l, 76. WHANGAREI HARBOUR BOARD VESTING AND EMPOWERING BILL— Report, 1-5, 3 ; 1-16, 6. WHEAT. See under AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ; also INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE. WHEELER, H. C.— Petition, 1-5, 3. WIDOWS' BENEFITS. See under SOCIAL SECURITY. WILD LIFE— H-22, 15. WILD PIGS— H-22, 20. WOMEN AND CHILDREN— British immigrant children, E-4, 1. Child hygiene, H-31, 53. Children killed or injured in motor accidents, H-40, 44. Children of deceased and totally disabled servicemen, H-18, 9. Child welfare, E-l, 7 ; E-4. General housekeeping : Health standard, H-31, 79. Greek children : Repatriation, A-2, 18. Handicapped children, E-l, 5 ; E-2, 6 ; E-4, 3 ; 1-8, 1. Home Aids, B-6, 23 ; H-11, 43, 67. International Children's Emergency Fund, A-l, 57 ; A-2, 87 ; H-44, 24. Juveniles in industry : Medical examination, H-31, 79. Protection, A-7a, 20. Traffic in, A-2, 79. Women police, H-16, 2. Women's and children's broadcasts, F-3, 6, 7, 13. Women's Auxiliary Air Force, H-37, 8. Women, Western Samoa : Status, A-4, 41. WOOL. See under AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL. WOOLLEN-MILLS— H-34, 91 ; H-44, 7. WORKERS' COMPENSATION— B-9, 4, 5 ; H-11, 50. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION— A-l, 69. YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS— H-29, 11.
By Authority: R. E, Owen, Government Printer, Wellington, —1951.
Vol. IV 19SO Y/ith Sessional liide H--35-
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Back Matter, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1950 Session I
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12,417Back Matter Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1950 Session I
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