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ACCIDENTS— Forest Service, C-3, 55. Mining and quarry, C—2, 29, 34, 35, 4(5; C-2a, 9. AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL - A.eria.l top-dressing, D-l, 75 ; C-la, 4, 12. Fertilizers : Transport, I)-2, 17. APPRENTICES. See under LABOUR, AUCKLAND HARBOUR BRIDGE— D-l, 12, 35. AVIATION— Aerial photography, C-la, 4, 12. Aerial top-dressing, D—l,'7s; C-la, 4, 12. Aerodromes : Construction, &c., D-l, 30. Wellington and Christchurch, D-l, 12. Air-mail services, F—l, 7, 9. BROADCASTING— Broadcasts to schools, F-3, 6. Children's services, F-3, 7. Commercial activities, F-3, 11. Engineering Division, F-3, 17. Finance, F-3, 14, 20. Music, F-3, 2. National Orchestra and celebrity concerts, F-3, 9. News and commentaries, F-3, 3. New Zealand Broadcasting Serv'ee: Annual report, F-3. New Zealand Listener, F-3, 10. New Zealand talent, F-3, 8. Overseas broadcasts, F-3, 5. Parliamentary broadcasts, F-3, 4. Plays and feature programmes, F-3, 4. Political advertising, F-3, 12. Programmes, F-3, 2, 7, 12. Radio services (inland), F-l, 18. Relations with overseas organizations, F-3, 10. Religious broadcasts, F-3, 5. Short-wave Division, F-3, 7. Special services and co-operation with other Government Departments, F-3, 10. Sporting broadcasts, F-3, 5.

BUILDINGS. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. CANADA— Timber industry, C-3a, 77. CEMENT— D-l, 10. CHILDREN. See WOMEN AND CHILDREN. COAL. See under MINING INDUSTRY. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. See under EDUCATION. CROWN LANDS. See under LANDS. DEAF PEOPLE— Schools for, E-4, 4. DEER— C-3, 19. DEFENCE— Defence works, D-l, 34. Maps and charts, C-la, 3. DRAINAGE OPERATIONS. See under LANDS. EAST COAST MAORI TRUST LANDS— G-3 (1948-49); G-3 (1949-50); G-9, 13. EDUCATION— Apprentice training, E-2, 18. Arts and crafts, E-2, 2. Broadcasts to schools, F-3, 6. Buildings, E-l, 5 ; E-2, 3, 19 ; E-3, 5. Children appearing before Children's Courts, &c., E-4, 7, 11-14. Child welfare, E-l, 7 ; E-4. Finance, E-l, 28. Forestry, C-3, 9, 28 ; C-3a, 20-74. Handicapped children, E-l, 5 ; E-2, 6 ; E—i, 3. Higher, E-l, 6 ; E-2, 15 ; E-3, 5 ; E-7. Islands education, E-l, 8.


EDUCATION —continued Maori, E-l, 6 ; E-3 ; G—ll, 1. Minister of: Report, E-l. Physical education, E-2, 2. Pre-school, E-l, 5. Primary and post-primary, E-l, 4; E-2; E-3, 3. Pupils : Accommodation, E-l, 2. Schools — Correspondence, E—l, 6 ; E—2, 6, 12, 28, 37. Deaf people, E-4, 4. Maori, E-l, 6. Mines, C-2, 25. Private, E-2, 28. Technical, E-2, 10. Tables, E-l, 9-27; E-2, 20-44; E-3, 6-14; E-4, 10-13 ; E-7, 3-10. UNESCO, E-l, 7. Vocational guidance, E-l, 7. EX-SERVICEMEN. See under LANDS ; also REHABILITATION. EXTERNAL AFFAIRS - British Commonwealth and United States of America Survey Authorities: Conference, C—la, 4. International Telecommunications : Conferences, F-l, 19. Third World Forestry Congress, C-3a. UNESCO, E-l, 7. FINANCE— Education, E-l, 28. Forestry, C—3, 58, 88—97. Lands — Drainage operations — Hauraki Plains, C-8, 6. Rangitaiki, C-11, 3. Swamp, C-4, 2, 3. Kauri-gum industry, C-12, 2. Public domains and national parks, C-10, 7. Scenery preservation, C-6, 9. Settlement of Crown lands, C-l, 11. Survey, C-la, 6. Maori Affairs, G-3 (1948-49); G-3 (1949-50); G-9, 16 ; G-11, 2. Mining industry, C-2, 11, 27, 28, 32, 34, 36; C-2a, 1, 50-68. Ministry of Works, D-l, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 65; D-4, 3, 6, 37, 40. New Zealand Broadcasting Service, F-3, 14, 20. Post and Telegraph Department, F-l, 2, 29. Railways, D-2, 1, 5, 6, 11, 22. FIRE PREVENTION— Forests, C-3, 14, 50, 62, 82. FORESTRY— Commercial, C-3, 10, 40, 63. Conservation forestry, D-l, 80. Finance, C-3, 58, 88-97. Fires, C-3, 50, 62, 82. Legislation, C-3, 14, 56. Maori-owned forests, C-3, 27. Murupara pulp and paper mill, C-3, 11 ; D-l, 12. New Zealand Forest Service. Annual report, C—3.

FORESTRY —continued Public and private forests, C-3, 25. Sawmilling and sash and door manufacture, C-3, 75. Third World Forestry Congress: Report, C-3 A. Timber— Canada and the United States, C-3a, 77. Exports and imports, C-3, 73, 74. Supplies and marketing, C-3, 3, 6. Transport, D-2, 17. GEO-THERMAL POWER. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. GOLD AND SILVER MINING— C-2, 2, 31, 32, 33. HARBOUR WORKS. See under MARINE. HAURAKI PLAINS DRAINAGE OPERATIONS— Annual report, C-8. HOUSING— D-l, 3, 10, 13, 33, 101-7. Cement and steel, D-l, 10. Maori, G-9, 2, 7. Mining industry, C-2, 27. Slum clearance, D-l, 3. HYDRO-ELECTRICITY. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. IMMIGRATION— British immigrant children, E-4, 1. INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE— Forest products, &c., C-3, 10, 40, 63. INSURANCE— Accident insurance, C-2a. INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION CONFERENCES— F-l, 19. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY— D-l, 10. IRRIGATION. See under LANDS ; also MINISTRY OF WORKS. ISLAND TERRITORIES— Education, E-l, 8. JAMES RAIHE REWETI AND ANOTHER— Petition, G-6b. JUSTICE AND PRISONS— Children's Courts, E-4, 7, 11. Prosecutions— Forest offences, C-3, 80. Mining industry, C-2, 49. KAPITI ISLAND— C-6, 9.



KAURI-GUM INDUSTRY— Annual report, 0-12. LABOUR— Apprentice training, E-2, 18. Man-power, D-l, 3, 9. Timber-workers, C-3a, 103. LANDS— Acquisition and disposal, C-6, 1, 7 ; D-l, 105. Development and settlement, C-la, 2 ; 0-1, 106. Crown — Annual report, C-l. Leases, C-l, 6. Development operations, C-l, 24. Ex-servicemen, C-l, 1, 3, 4, 13, 23. Properties purchased for others than exservicemen, C-l, 24. Statistical schedules, C-l, 63. Drainage operations — Hauraki Plains, C-8. Rangitaiki, C-11. Swamp, C—4. Finance, C-l, 11. Improvement, D-l, 32. Irrigation and water-supply, D-l, 26, 28. Kauri-gum industry, C-12. Land subdivision, C-la, 3. Land title surveys, C-la, 2. Land utilization survey, C—l, 2. Legislation, C-l, 3. Maori. See under MAORI AFFAIRS. Nassella tussock, C-3, 25. Peat, C-8, 6. Post and Telegraph Department, F-l, 25. Public domains and national parks, C-10. Scenery preservation, C-6. Surveys, C—la. LOCAL AUTHORITIES— Acceptance of greater responsibility, D-l, 2. Forest planting, &c., C-3, 27. MAORI AFFAIRS— Department— Annual report, G-9. Staff, G-9, 16. Tables, G-9, 18. Education, E-l, 6; E-3; G-11, 1. Finance, G-3 (1948-49); G-3 (1949-50); G-9, 16; G-11, 2. Housing and building, G-9, 2, 7. James Raihe Reweti and another: Petition, G-6b. Lands — Development and settlement, G—9, 1, 3. East Coast Maori Trust Lands, G-3 (194849); G-3 (1949-50); G-9, 13. Maori Land Boards, G-9, 13. Titles : Consolidation, G-9, 15. Legislation, G-9, 14. Maori claims, G-9, 14. Wanganui River: Report of Royal Commission on claims made by certain Maoris, G-2. Maori Interpreters' Board of Examiners, G-9, 15. Maori-owned forests, C-3, 28. 2—House Journals

MAORI AFFAIRS —continued Maori Purposes Fund Board, G-11. Maori Trustee, G-9, 12. Maori welfare, G-9, 10. Maori youths : Training, G-9, 9. Rates: Payment, C-11, 3. Raureti Te Huia and others : Petition, G-6. Rehabilitation : Ex-servicemen, G-9, 13. Subsidies, G-9, 17. Tiki Riiti and others : Petition, G-6 a. MARINE— Lighthouses and harbour-works, D-l, 30. MARKETING— Forest products, C—3a, 76. METEOROLOGICAL— D-l, 72. MINERALS Production, C-2, 2, 22, 31, 32, 33. MINING INDUSTRY— Annual Mines Statement, C-l. Coal— Production, D-l, 29. Railways Department, D-2, 12. State coal-mines — Annual report, C-2a. Co-operative mining, Greymouth, C-2, 21. Finance, C-2, 1, 11, 27, 28, 32, 34, 36 ; C-2a, 1, 50-68. Legislation, C-2, 20, 49. Miners' benefits, C-2, 28. Mining privileges, State forest land, C-3, 24. MINISTRY OF WORKS— Aerial top-dressing, D-l, 75. Aerodromes : Construction, &c., D-l, 30. Wellington and Christchurch, D-l, 12. Annual statement, D-l. Buildings— Annual report, D-l, 96. Education, E-l, 5 ; E-2, 3, 19 ; E-3, 5. Post and Telegraph Department, F-l, 25. Public, D-l, 1, 11, 96. Coal-production, D-l, 29. Defence works, D-l, 34. Design Office, D-l, 36. Finance, D-l, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 65; D-4, 3, 6, 37, 40. Forestry conservation, D-l, 80. Government policy, D-l, 1. Housing, D-l, 3, 10, 13, 33, 101-7. Cement and steel supply, D-l. 10 •' !um clearance, D-l, 3. Hydro-electricity, D-l, 2, 10, 12, 17. Geo-thermal power, D-l, 12. Rural Electrical Reticulation Council, I)-4, 37. State Hydro-electric Department, D-4. Irrigation and water-supply, D-l, 26, 28. Lands — Acquisition and disposal, D-l, 105. Development, D-l, 106. Improvement, D-l, 32. Lighthouses and harbour-works, D-l, 30.



MINISTRY OF WORKS—continued Local authorities : Acceptance of greater responsibility, D-l, 2. Main highways, roads and bridges, D-l, 33 37, 65. Auckland Harbour bridge, D-l, 12, 35. Mining-areas, C-2, 36. Man-power, D-l, 3, 9. Murupara pulp and paper project, D-l, 12. Plant and mechanical equipment, D—l, 35. Railways— Construction, &c., D-l, 15. Improvement: Auckland area, D-l, 12, 15. Soil conservation and rivers control, C-8, 5; D-l, 69-95. Works programme, D-l, 2, 9. MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY— Forests. C-3, 62, 63. MURUPARA PULP AND PAPER MILL— C-3, 11 ; D-l, 12. MUSIC— F-3, 2 NATIONAL FILM UNIT— Forest-fire prevention publicity, C-3, 62. NATIONAL ORCHESTRA— F-3, 9. NATIONAL PARKS. See PUBLIC DOMAINS AND NATIONAL PARKS. NATIONAL SAVINGS— F-l, 32. NEW ZEALAND BROADCASTING SERVICE. See BROADCASTING. NEW ZEALAND FOREST SERVICE. See FORESTRY. NEW ZEALAND GEOGRAPHIC BOARDC—IA, 16. NEW ZEALAND LISTENER — F-3, 10. NEW ZEALAND SURVEY BOARD—C—I a, 16. OPOSSUMS— C-3, 19. PAPER— Murupara pulp and paper mill, C-3, 11 ; D-l, 12. PARLIAMENT - Broadcasts, F-3 4 PETROL— Production, C-2, 4. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND WELFARE— E-2,2.

POST AND TELEGRAPHDepartment— Annual report, F-l. Buildings and land, F-l, 25. Motor-vehicles, F-l, 28. Staff, F-l, 2. Finance, F-l, 2, 29. Moaey-order and savings-bank services, F-l, 23. 31. National savings, F-l, 32. Postal services, F-l, 6, 30. Public relations, F-l, 6. Radio services (inland), F-l, 18. Telecommunication services (overseas), F-l, 19, Telegraph services, F-l, 12, 30. Telephone services, F-l, 13, 31. PRICES— Kauri-gum, C-12, 1. Timber price-index, C-3, 86. PUBLIC DOMAINS AND NATIONAL PARKS— Annual report, C-10. PUBLICITY— Forest, C-3, 62. RABBITS— C-3, 19. RAILWAYS— Annual report, D-2. Coal and oil, D-2, 12. Construction, &c., D-l, 15. Finance, D-2, 1, 5, 6, 11, 22. Losses, D-2, 1. Electrification, D-2, 3. Growth, D-2,2. Improvement: Auckland area, D-l, 12, 15. Road services, D-2, 14, 33. Staff, D-2, 17. Subsidiary services, D-2, 14. Transportation, D-2, 15. RANGITAIKI LAND DRAINAGE— Annual report, C-11. RATES— Hauraki Plains drainage operations, C-8, 6. Rangitaiki land drainage, C-11, 3. RAURETI TE HUIA AND OTHERS— Petition, G-6. REHABILITATION—G—9, 13. RELIGION Religious broadcasts, F-3, 5. RURAL ELECTRICAL RETICULATION COUNCIL— Report, D-4, 37. SCENERY PRESERVATION— Report, C-6.



SCHOOLS. See under EDUCATION. SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH— Forestry, C-3, 28. Minerals, C-2, 25. SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS. See under LANDS. SOCIAL SECURITY— Miners' benefits, C—2, 28. SOIL CONSERVATION AND RIVERS CONTROL— C-3, 7, 23 ; D-l, 69-95. SPORTS AND RECREATION— Forests, C-3, 24. Mining townships, C-2, 27. Sporting broadcasts, F-3, 5, 13. STABILIZATION— Subsidies — Coal-production, C-2, 20, 36. Maori purposes, G—9, 17. Rural Electrical Reticulation Council, D-4, 38. STATE COAL-MINES. See under MINING INDUSTRY. STATE HYDRO-ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. STEEL. See IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY. STORES— Post and Telegraph Department, F-l, 27. Railways, D-2, 13. SUBSIDIES. See under STABILIZATION.

SURVEYS— Annual report, C-la. Geological: Mining industry, C-2, 15, 24. National forest, C-3, 35, 45. SWAMP DRAINAGE— Annual report, C-4. TAXATION— Forest, C-3, 25. TELEGRAPHIC SERVICES. See POST AND TELEGRAPH. THIRD WORLD FORESTRY CONGRESS— Report, C-3a. TIKI RIITI AND OTHERS— Petition, G-6a. TOURIST INDUSTRY— National parks, C-10, 5, 8. TRANSPORT— Motor-vehicles : Registration, &c., F-l, 28. Railway Road Services, D-2, 33. WANGANUI RIVER— Claims made by certain Maoris: Report of Royal Commission, G-2. WATER-SUPPLY. See under MINISTRY OF WORKS. WOMEN AND CHILDREN— British immigrant children, E-4, 1. Child welfare, E-l, 7 ; E-4. Handicapped children, E-l, 5 ; E-2, 6 ; E-4, 3. Women's and children's broadcasts, F-3, 6, 7, 13.

By Authority: R. E. Owen, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9sl.



APPENDIX TO THE JOURNALS OF THE House of Representatives

Vol. II 1950 [With Index] „ C-G

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Back Matter Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1950 Session I

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