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H. —4:4 a,



Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Leave.

The Hon. D. G. Sullivan, Minister of Industries and Commerce. gjjj I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report of the New Zealand Standards Institute for the year ended 31st March, 1940. I have, &c., L. J. Schmitt, Permanent Head, New Zealand Standards Institute. A. E. Galbraith, M.lnst.C.E., F.R.S.E., Chairman, New Zealand Standards Council. E. C. Higgins, A.R.A.(N.Z.), Secretary of New Zealand Standards Institute.

REPORT: Introduction. In pursuance of its functions of co-ordinating and promoting the development of standard specifications and codes, the Standards Institute, as the national standardizing body for the Dominion, has completed a successful year. On every hand there is a growing recognition of the usefulness of authoritative standards and of the part that a central co-ordinating authority can play in the national economy, for in its publications lie the means of simplifying and production, of concentrating endeavour and stimulating scientific and industrial advances, of eliminating waste and confusion on a national scale, and of providing a measure whereby the comparative values of products may be determined. The importance of standards developed independently by the accredited representatives 01 the various bodies concerned has for manv years had recognition overseas as a necessary complement to the administration, both public and private, but at no time has this recognition been greater than when nations have been at war. This is borne out by the fact that, except in the case of the British Standards Institution, which was established in 1901, the national standardizing bodies of most countries of the world came into existence during the years of the Great War or early in the years succeeding it. At the commencement of the present conflict the resources of the standardizing bodies of the Empire have been used for the preparation of war-time standards, and it is certain that at its conclusion they will emerge as an indispensable part of the nation's activities. Despite its short period of existence, the New Zealand Standards Institute has made rapid progress in fostering the preparation and use of New Zealand Standard Specifications and Codes. At this juncture it is fitting to place on record an appreciation of the treasured support and assistance that has at all times been given by the parent standardizing body of the Empire, the British Standards Institution. The facilities that have been provided for the exchange of technical data, and the knowledge that is disseminated through the mutual exchange of draft specifications which embody, inter alia, much detail of manufacturing methods, is of increasing importance to a country such as ours, whose secondary industries are in the process of development. The contribution the national standardizing bodies of the Empire can make in fostering the industries of the British Commonwealth cannot be overestimated. The ultimate objective in the preparation of Empire standards is not solely for the purpose of the transference of goods, but for the further purpose of encouraging an improvement in one country to be used in the others. _ , . In the same way it is desired to acknowledge the assistance so freely given by the sister bodies, Standards Association of Australia, South African Standards Institution, Canadian Engineering Standards Association, and the American bodies, who have been only too ready to supply comment on draft specifications and to furnish documents and technical information for the guidance and assistance of our committees.

X —H. 44a.


As from the Ist April, 1939, the New Zealand Standards Institute was transferred from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research to the Department of Industries and Commerce because of the close connection that the work of preparing and issuing standard specifications had with the development and extension of industry, a function occupying the direct attention of the latter Department. Standards Council. The Standards Council met on three occasions during the period covered by this report, and reviewed the work of the sixty-four committees under its control, each of which was charged with the preparation of New Zealand Standard Specifications or Codes for the particular subject. At its meeting 011 the Bth June, 1939, the Council decided 011 several adjustments to its committee structure. The Building Divisional Council, which was hitherto responsible for supervising the work of all committees engaged in the preparation of standards for the building industry, was abolished in favour of the Building Code Committee, which will now assume responsibility for this work. This step was prompted in the interests of expedition and because the Building Code Committee had a personnel sufficiently representative of the affected interests to undertake the task. Decisions were also made at that meeting to disband the following committees and sub-committees whose work had lapsed for various reasons, on the understanding that these should be reinstated as soon as there was renewed support for the particular standards, and there was every likelihood that their development would be prosecuted to finality Housing Standards Committee. Milk-cans Sub-committee. Milk-coolers Sub-committee. Milk-weighers Sub-committee. Steam Sterilizers Sub-committee. Refrigerating Sub-committee. Paper and Stationery Committee.. Paper and Stationery Sub-committee. Public and Local Authority By-laws Committee. Fruit Committee. Fruit Sub-committee. Standard and Certification Mark Committee. Textiles Committee. The personnel of the Technical Advisory Committee was enlarged, and its name changed to " Executive Committee." A change was also made in the name of the Council, from " Advisory Council " to " Standards Council." The membership of the Council is as follows :— Mr. A. R. Galbraith, F.R.S.E., M.lnst.C.E., M.N.Z.1.E., Municipal Association of New Zealand (Incorporated) (Chairman). Mr. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G., M.lnst.C.E., M.l.Mech.E., M.N.Z.1.E., New Zealand Institution of Engineers (Deputy Chairman). Mr. S. Cory-Wright, B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.N.Z.1.E., New Zealand Importers' Federation and United Kingdom Manufacturers' and New Zealand Representatives' Association (Incorporated). Mr. W. Donovan, M.Sc., F.1.C., Dominion Laboratory (Mr. R. L. Andrew, F.1.C., deputy). Mr. A. Fletcher, Building Divisional Council. Mr. G. A. Holmes, B.Ag., M.Sc., Department of Agriculture. Mr. W. A. Joiner, M.Sc., A.1.C., Chemical Divisional Committee. Mr. F. T. M. Kissel, B.Sc. (Eng.), M.1.E.E., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.N.Z.1.E., Hydro-electric Branch, Public Works Department (Electrical Engineering Divisional Committee). Mr. E. H. Langford, M.A., Consumer Interests. Mr. G. A. Lawrence, B.Sc., F.1.C., New Zealand Institute of Chemistry. Dr. E. Marsden, M.C., C.8.E., D.Sc., F.R.S.N.Z., Secretary, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Mr. L. J'. McDonald, Department of Industries and Commerce. Mr. H. C. Morton, A.R.1.8.A., A.N.Z.1.A., New Zealand Institute of Architects. Mr. P. M. Muir, Stores Control Board. Mr. W. W. Mulholland, President, New Zealand Farmers' Union (Mr. A. P. O'Shea, deputy). Mr. W. L. Newnham, A.M.Inst.C.E., M.N.Z.1.E., Public Works Department. Mr. A. W. Nisbet, F.C.S. (N.Z.), New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. Mr. K. Pallo, New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. Mr. G. A. Pascoe, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. Mr. J. Read, Trades and Labour Council. Mr. L. J. Schmitt, A.C.1.A., F.C.A.A., Permanent Head, Department of Industries and Commerce (Mr. F. Johnson, deputy). Mr. E. T. Spidy, M.N.Z.1.E., Railways Department. Mr. F. B. Stephens, M.A., 8.C0m., Department of Internal Affairs. Dr. W. B. Sutch, Ph.D., M.A., 8.C0m., Consumer Interests. Mr. G. W. Wyles, A.M.1.E.E., M.1.R.5.E., Electrical Regulations Advisory Committee (Mr. C, R. Lovatt, deputy).



Committees. Nine new committees were instituted to investigate and prepare standard specifications during the period, and these, together with the committees in existence at the commencement, minus those disbanded, bring the aggregate to fifty-nine. The activities of the committees are reviewed in detail later in this report: — Number of committees in existence at Slst March, 1939 .. .. ..64 Less committees disbanded during the year .. .. .. .. 14 50 Plus new committees instituted .. .. .. . ■ 9 Total at 31st March, 1940 .. .. .. .. 59 The personnel of the committees, with the names of the interests represented, is given in Appendix I to this report, and due acknowledgment is here made of the contribution to the advancemeat of the industrial and economic welfare of the Dominion by these members, who gratuitously give their services in the preparation of authoritative standards for the guidance of those engaged in the practice of every form of industry. Meetings. In addition to the three Council meetings, there were 108 meetings of the various committees, making the aggregate number for the year 111. New Zealand Standard Specifications. Ninety-one New Zealand Standard Specifications were promulgated during the period, bringing the total number of New Zealand Standards in force to 280. In addition, in order that the specifications may not become static and fail to take cognizance of industrial and scientific progress, eighteen standards were revised. Work in progress at the end of the year is represented by fifteen draft New Zealand Standard Specifications under circulation to affected parties for comment and by the thirty-three projects in the course of investigation but not yet in the draft stage. Of the ninety-one New Zealand Standards issued, eighty-two of these ? are • British Standards which have been examined and adopted, in some cases with amendment, as New Zealand Standards. In the majority of instances these are basic engineering standards, and their adoption and subsequent promulgation will exercise an influence on industry in stimulating a move for greater precision and uniformity in production. As distinct from the British Standard Specifications adopted as New Zealand Standards, there were nine specifications originated by this ofiice : — N.Z.S.S. 95 New Zealand Standard Code of Building By-laws. Parts I-IV: Basic Requirements for Building Construction. Parts V-VI: Reinforced and Plain Concrete Construction and Panel Walls in Framed Structures. 181p Provisional New Zealand Standard Code of Clauses for Town Planning Schemes. 198 Plugs and Sockets of the Flat Pin Type for Use on 10-ampere, 250-volt Circuits. 245 Water Closet Flushing Cisterns. 246 Portable Fire Extinguishers of the Soda Acid Type. 247 Solutions and Methods for the Estimation of Acidity in Cream, Milk, and Whey. 274 Pollard. 282 Asbestos Cement Unreinforced Flat Sheets and Corrugated Sheets. 284 Dimensions and Workmanship of Asbestos Cement Spigot and Socket Rainwater Pipes, Gutters, Spoutings, and Fittings. The issue of another Index to our Standards was undertaken during the year, and some five thousand copies were made available to interested parties within the Dominion and overseas, in order that there should be a fuller acquaintance with the activity, and that there should be in existence a publication to which continual reference could be made. Through the courtesy of trade and technical journals in this country there has also been a constant reference to the issue of British and Now Zealand Standards in an endeavour to ensure that the parties have access to them and obtain the advantages which prompted their development. Sales op Standard Specifications. Sales of New Zealand Standard Specifications reached a total of 2,972 copies, with a value of £357 3s. 9d. . . Sales of British Standard Specifications, made as agents of the British Standards Institution, amounted to 2,244 copies, with a value of £308 2s. Sales of Australian Standard Specifications reached a total of 106 copies, with a value of £8 17s.

Total Sales of Specifications.


Mod ' | M gsy 1 t —■ £ s. d. 1937-38 .. •• •• 1,444 201 14 9 1938-39 .. . • • • 4,791 450 13 6 1939-40 .. •• 5 >322 674 2 9


It will be seen that tlie substantial increase in the sales of specifications in the 1938-39 period has been maintained, and even exceeds those figures by 531 copies, to a value of £223 9s. 3d. This is indeed a gratifying feature, since it not only indicates that there is a growing appreciation of the value of standard specifications, but also furnishes evidence of the fact that the standards are being applied, and that national specifications are gradually superseding private specifications with their varying requirements. Review of Draft Specifications issued by the Empire Standardizing Bodies. The recommendations of successive Imperial Conferences concerning the advantages of the reciprocal exchange of draft standard specifications prepared in one part of the Commonwealth for the observations of the standardizing bodies in other parts have always been appreciated by the Standards Council. In the past there has been a continuance and extension of this practice to such an extent that New Zealand makes a contribution by the despatch of technical comment towards the promulgation of Empire standards. The various committees of this organization have reviewed sixty-five draft British and Australian Standard Specifications, and have made their opinions available to the originating bodies in the preparation of their final standards. Quite apart from rendering a distinct service through the disclosure of much manufacturing detail, the draft specifications also serve as an encouragement to our industries to have similar specifications, for it is conceivable that economies and benefits which accrue to the oversea industry from the promulgation of its standards, and which promote their preparation, will in certain cases proportionately be available to our industry if like standards are promulgated. 1. Executive Committee. The work of reviewing all reports of committees and of making recommendations thereon to the Standards Council was continued by this committee during the year. Its duties have been, mainly administrative, but yet the executive have been instrumental, and have performed valuable work, in facilitating the deliberations of the Standards Council through its prior review of all committee activity. 2. Civil Engineering Divisional Committee. As a Divisional Committee responsible for the preparation of standard specifications in the sphere of civil engineering, this committee has reviewed six draft British Standard Specifications and. has forwarded comments thereon to the British Standards Institution. It has issued the following New Zealand Standard Specification : — N.Z.S.S. 197 Rolled Steel Bars and Hard Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement • being B.S.S. 785-1938. At the request of the New Zealand Institution of Engineers, standard conditions of contract for civil engineering works and standard conditions of tender for the same are in the course of preparation. A recent conference with representatives of the Institution and the Divisional Committee has done much to expedite the issue of these specifications, which were under consideration at the date of the last annual report and which are urgently required. The necessity of a standard for underground fire hydrants in order to achieve the maximum of interchangeability in fire-fighting equipment caused the committee to examine the corresponding B.S.S. 750-1937, which was found to be unsuitable for New Zealand requirements, but the position has been represented to be so unsatisfactory that the question of preparing a separate New Zealand Standard Specification as a guide for future installations will be further investigated. Fencing-wire Sub-committee. —Following an expression of opinion from the farming community, proposals for a New Zealand Standard Specification for Iron Fencing Standards and Droppers have almost reached the stage when a draft will be circulated to affected interests for comment. Likewise, specifications for barbed wire and wire netting are under consideration, and it is likely that representations will be made to the Standards Association of Australia in an endeavour to have our requirements covered by common specifications. Tests conducted by the Dominion Laboratory and the Physical Testing Section of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research have materially assisted the work of the sub-committee, for which due acknowledgment is made. Cement and Concrete Sub-committee.—N.Z.S.S. 192, Methods of Testing Concrete, in the issue of which the sub-committee played a prominent part, was published. The standard will meet the widely felt need for uniform methods of testing concrete, and will place the results of tests on a comparable basis, while the composition tests specified therein will enable the quick determination of gross departures from the required mixtures. At the instigation of the Wellington City Council and subsequent support by other large users, a draft specification for reinforced-concrete pressure pipes for water-supply was prepared and is under circulation for review. Proposals for a specification for reinforced-concrete drainage-pipes are being compiled. Reviews of two draft British Standard Specifications— CF(PW) 1466 : Ordinary Portland and Rapid Hardening Portland Cements : CF(PW) 1467 : High Alumina Cement: were made, and comments despatched to the British Standards Institution.



3. Mechanical Engineering Divisional Committee. The following New Zealand Standard Specifications were issued during the year:— NZ S S 23 Tensile Test Pieces, Forms of; being B.S.S. 18-1938 (revision). 24 Pipe Threads for Iron or Steel Pipes and Tubes (Report on) ; being B.S.S. 21-1939 (revision). 27 Milling Cutters and Reamers ; being B.S.S. 122-1938 (revision). 196 Test Sieves ; being B.S.S. 410-1931, amended to suit New Zealand conditions. 200 Rubber Joint Rings for Gas Mains ; being B.S.S. 772-1938. 202 Steel Flanged Joints for Hydraulic Pipe Lines for Pressures up to 4,500 lb. per Square Inch ; being B.S.S. 778-1938. 204- High Duty Iron Castings, Grades 1, 2, and 3 ; being B.S.S. 786-1938. 205 Nickel Silver Sheets and Strip of 10 to 30 per cent. Nickel Content (up to and including 3 S.W.G. (0'252 in.) thick); being B.S.S. 790-1938. 206 Round Strand Steel Wire Ropes for Cranes ; being B.S.S. 302-1938. 219 Wrought Iron Tubes and Tubulars, Gas (Light), Water (Medium), and Steam (Heavy) Qualities ; being B.S.S. 788-1938. 220 Steel Tubes and Tubulars, Gas (Light), Water (Medium), and Steam (Heavy) Qualities ; being B.S.S. 789-1938. 221 General Grey Iron Castings (Grades A and C); being B.S.S. 321-1938. 223 Y-alloy Castings (as Cast) for General Engineering Purposes ; being B.S.S. 703-1936. 224 Y-alloy Castings (Heat treated) for General Engineering Purposes ; being B.S.S. 704-1936. 225 Underfeed Screw Type Stokers ; being B.S.S. 749-1937. 226 System for the Direction of Rotation of Machine Tool Hand-wheels and Levers relative to Movement produced ; being B.S.S. 754-1937. 227 Wrought Iron Bars, " Special " Grade ; being B.S.S. 762-1938. 228 Internal-combustion. Engines, Carburettor-type, excluding Aero-engines ; being B.S.S. 765-1938. 249 Steel for Die Blocks for Drop Forgings ; being B.S.S. 224-1938. 250 Hydro Extractors ; being B.S.S. 767-1938, amended to suit New Zealand conditions. 251 Grub Screws (8.5. W., 8.5. F., 8.A., and 8.5.P.) ; being B.S.S. 768-1938. 252 Phosphor Bronze Sheets, Strip, and Foil, Grades 407/1, 407/2, 407/3 (up to and including 10 S.W.G.-0-128 in. thick), excluding Drawn Material; being B.S.S. 407-1939. 253 Steel Tubular Poles (Circular Cross Tubes) ; being B.S.S. 8-1939. 254 Cast Iron Straightedges (Grades A and B); being B.S.S. 818-1938. 255 Steel Storage Bins and Racks ; being B.S.S. 826-1939. 256 Mild Steel Drums for Lubricating Oils ; being B.S.S. 814-1938. 257 Cast Iron Surface Plates and Tables for Inspection and Marking Purposes ; being B.S.S. 817-1938. 258 Ferrous Pipes and Piping Installations for and in connection with Land Boilers ; being B.S.S. 806-1938. 259 Code for Commercial Acceptance Tests for Steam Boilers; being B.S.S. 845-1939. 260 Cold Rolled Mild Steel Strip for General Engineering Purposes ; being B.S.S. 847-1939. 275 Steel Cylinders for the Storage and Transport of " Liquefiable " Gases ; being B.S.S. 401-1931. 276 Forms and Dimensions of Boiler Rivets (as manufactured) (J in. to 2 in. diameter); being B.S.S. 425-1931. 277 British Standard Cycle (8.5.C.) Threads ; being B.S.S. 811-1938. A-VYlfflldcd 136 B.S.S. No. 349-1932 Slip No. CE(CH) 7034 : Identification Colours for Gas Cylinders. Twenty-two draft British and Australian Standards were reviewed and comments forwarded to the British Standards Institution and the Standards Association of Australia respectively. A draft New Zealand Standard Specification for Road-roller Cutting-edges and Tynes and Road-roller Tynes—a subject for which it was agreed standards were necessary—w r as issued for comment; and although the draft has yet to be reviewed by the committee in the light of the comments received, these are so diverse that it will be difficult to reconcile the conflicting opinions and issue a standard that will give general satisfaction. A suggestion that trailer connectors should be the subject of a standard specification is being investigated. Fire-extinguishers Sub-committee.—N.Z.S.S. 246, Portable Fire-extinguishers of the Soda Acid Type, was promulgated as the first of a series which will cover the foam and carbon-tetrachloride types as well. The draft New Zealand Standard Specification for Portable Fire-extinguishers of the Foam Type has been issued for comment, and a similar draft for the carbon-tetrachloride extinguisher is almost ready. In the preparation of these standards the sub-committee has aimed at specifications which, as between the soda-acid and foam types, will provide for the maximum interchangeability with inter-related parts. Simplification of production in the interests of economy and efficiency is the endeavour. Representations that a New Zealand Standard Specification for Bucket Pumps as a fireextinguisher was desirable have been taken up by the Institute, and this sub-committee is to examine the question. Thanks are again due to the Dominion Laboratory and the Physical "resting Section of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research for services in connection with the tests necessary to determine certain provisions of the specifications.



Mild Steel Dustbins Sub-committee. —The need for a New Zealand Standard Specification for Mild Steel Dustbins —particularly for the purpose of having a uniform specification which can be written into by-laws of those local authorities controlling the collection of refuse —was made apparent to the Institute. Such questions as reasonable sizes to facilitate handling, and effective shape, were involved. The draft New Zealand Standard Specification is in the course of circulation to the parties. 4. Electrical Engineering Divisional Committee. New Zealand Standards issued are as follows :— N.Z.S.S. 51 Electricity Meters ; being B.S.S. 37-1937 (revision). 58 Parallel-sided Carbon Brushes for D.C. Commutator Machines ; being B.S.S. 96-1938 (revision). 62 Metallic Resistance Materials for Electrical Purposes ; being B.S.S. 115-1938 (revision). 63 Oil Circuit-breakers, Oil Switches, and Oil Isolating-switches for Alternating Current Circuits— Part 1 : Three-phase Oil Circuit-breakers with Breaking-capacity Ratings up to 500 MYA Single-phase Oil Circuit-breakers, Oil Switches, and Oil Isolating-switches; being B.S.S. 116, Part 1, 1937 (revision). Part 2 : Three-phase Oil Circuit-breakers with Breaking-capacity Ratings above 500 MYA. ; being B.S.S. 116, Part 2, 1937 (revision). 73 Marking and Arrangement for Switchgear Bus-bars Main Connections and Auxiliary Wiring ; being B.S.S. 158-1938 (revision). 81-88 Overhead Line Wire Material (Non-ferrous) for Telegraph and Telephone Purposes— (lvol.) 81 Hard "Drawn Copper Wire; being B.S.S. 174-1938 (revision). 82 Bronze Wire and Cadmium-copper Wire ; being B.S.S. 175-1938 (revision). 83 Copper Binding and Jointing Wire ; being B.S.S. 176-1938 (revision). 84 Copper Tapes and Binders ; being B.S.S. 177-1938 (revision). 85 Bronze Tapes and Binders and Cadmium-copper Tapes and Binders ; being B.S.S. 178-1938 (revision). 86 Copper Jointing Sleeves No. 10 ; being B.S.S. 179-1938 (revision). 87 Copper Jointing Sleeves, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 ; being B.S.S. 180-1938 (revision). 88 Bronze Jointing Sleeves Nos. 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 12 and Cadmium-copper Jointing Sleeves Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 ; being B.S.S. 181-1938 (revision). 129 Electric Power Switchgear for Indoor and Outdoor Installations up to and including 220,000 Volts; being B.S.S. 162-1938 (revision). 188 Synthetic Resin (Phenolic) Moulding Materials and Mouldings ; being B.S.S. 771-1938. 210 Train-lighting Accumulators (Lead-acid Type); being B.S.S. 454-1938 (revision). 211 Bus-bars and Bus-bar Connections in Air, Oil, or Compound; being B.S.S. 159-1932. 212 Fittings for Double-capped Tubular Lamps ; being B.S.S. 495-1933. 213 Metal-sheathed Paper-insulated Plain Annealed Copper Conductors for use in Mines, including Voltage Tests ; being B.S.S. 760-1938. 214 Contactors when supplied separately or in connection with other Gear; being B.S.S. 775-1938. 215 Electric Lamps for Railway Signalling; being B.S.S. 469-1939. 216 Non-ignitable and Self-extinguishing Properties of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials (including Classification and Methods of Test), Definitions for ; being B.S.S. 738-1937. 217 Switchgear Cells and Cubicles Constructed of Concrete or Moulded Stone ; being B.S.S. 268-1926. 218 Radio-interference Suppression for Trolley-buses and Tramways ; being B.S.S. 827-1939. 278 Vitreous-enamelled Steel Reflectors for Electric Lighting, Open Dispersive Type; being B.S.S. 232-1938. Amendment Slips —• B.S.S. No. 51 37-1937 Slip No. CE(EL) 8401 : Electricity Meters. 58 96-1938 Slip No. CF(EL) 33 : Parallel-sided Carbon Brushes for D.C. Commutator Machines. 153 519-1933 Slip No. CE(EL) 6828 : Tractive Armature Direct-current Neutral-polar Line Relays. 155 452-1932 Slip No. CE(EL) 6817 : Tractive Armature Direct-current Neutral Track Relays. Eleven draft British Standard Specifications were reviewed and comments sent to London. Heating-elements Sub-committee. —Further investigation into the possibility of preparing a New Zealand Standard for Ratings and Methods of Test for Heating-elements for Hot-water Cylinders was made, both from sources within the Dominion and overseas, and the Institute is now in possession of sufficient data to call a meeting of the above sub-committee appointed by Divisional Committee to proceed with the work. Plugs and Sockets Sub-committee. —N.Z.S.S. 198, Plugs and Sockets of the Flat Pin Type for use on 10-ampere 250-volt Circuits, has been issued, with the object of gradually making plugs and sockets for like purposes interchangeable. Ceiling-roses Sub-committee.—Consequent upon a request for a New Zealand Standard Specification for Ceiling-roses, the Divisional Committee has instituted a sub-committee to investigate and, if the need is established, to proceed with the drafting. Fuses and Fuse-holders Sub-committee. —Likewise, the Divisional Committee has instituted a special drafting committee to examine the question of a New Zealand Standard for Fuses and Fuse-holders.



5. Chemical Divisional Committee. This sectional committee has issued the following New Zealand Standards : — N.Z.S.S. 208 Testing Gelatines, Methods for ; being B.S.S. 757-1937. 209 Crucible Swelling Test for Coal, Method for the ; being B.S.S. 804-1938. 274 Pollard. 279 Sampling of Fats and Fatty Oils in Packages or in Bulk ; being B.S.S. 627-1935. 280 Ampoules ; being B.S.S. 795-1938. 281 Turbine Oils ; being B.S.S. 489-1933. Fifteen draft British and Australian Standard Specifications have been reviewed and comments forwarded to the originating bodies. In addition, several matters of chemical interest have been raised with the British Standards Institution, and suggestions forwarded for consideration on the revision of existing British standards. It having been represented that there was need for a simple specification for creosote for the preservation of timber, a draft New Zealand Standard was prepared, and is now in circulation for comment. The Timber Committee will be associated with this sectional committee in its review of the draft. A draft New Zealand Standard Specification for Dry-cleaning Solvent is also under circulation. Requests have been received from the dairy industry that a standard specification for the tinning of dairy equipment was required, and the Institute has the whole matter covering the quality of the base metal, the tinning, and the use of detergents under investigation. In connection with supplies of suitable base metal, arrangements have been concluded with the British Standards Institution to set up a sub-committee tci prepare, if possible, suitable British standards which will eliminate the defects complained about. At the same time the Chemical Divisional Committee has been gathering information on the practices used in the trade in New Zealand in tinning, in an endeavour to discover whether the subject is one that could be covered by a standard specification, and, if so, the features it should contain. An investigation is also in hand concerning the need for a New Zealand Standard for the Testing of Disinfectants. Meal Sub-committee.—Further consideration was given to the promulgation of a standard specification for meat-meal and meat-and-bone meal, but the manufacturers contended that the varying nature of the raw materials and the climatic and general conditions affecting the industry precluded the development of a standard. Further action in this connection must await fresh representations. 6. Dairy Products and Requisites Committee. The following New Zealand Standard Specifications have been issued :— N.Z.S.S. 207 Density Hydrometers for Use in Milk ; being B.S.S. 734-1937. N.Z.S.S. 247 Solutions and Methods for the Estimation of Acidity in Cream, Milk, and Whey. Eleven draft British Standard Specifications and interim documents were reviewed and comments supplied to London. The interchange of documents and expression of opinion on all matters relating to the chemical and bacteriological aspects of standards for use in the dairy industry have been continued with the British and Australian interests through the national standardizing bodies. There is no gainsaying the fact that short-range collaboration with Australia, through the exchange of minutes of meetings and other reports, and examination of all British documents, is a contributing factor towards Empire standards for the industry. In this respect it will be acknowledged that our Dominion can offer much advice and assistance in the preparation of these specifications. The committee has other specifications in the varying stages of preparation : — The Coagulating Strength of Rennet (in respect of which tests are being conducted). Chemical Analysis of Butter. Chemical Analysis of Cheese. Apparatus and Methods for Gerber and Babcock Tests for determining the Percentage of Fat in Milk and Milk Products. Methylene Blue Reductase Tests for Milk. At the request of the Committee, the British Standards Institution has undertaken to prepare a British Standard Specification for Dairy Thermometers which will take cognizance of the requirements of the Dominion. Moreover, representations have been made to London concerning standards for salt for dairy purposes to the effect that a comprehensive Empire standard should be issued. Detergents used in the dairy industry also came within the purview of this committee, but after examination of the question it was decided that it was not practicable to define standards for these. 7. Plumbing Committee. N.Z.S.S. 245, Water Closet Flushing Cisterns, was established with the object of reducing the unnecessary diversity of types and sizes on the market and providing for the maximum interchangeability of component parts. N.Z.S.S. 248, being B.S.S. 602-1939, Lead Pipes for other than Chemical Purposes, was also promulgated. Plumbing Supplies Sub-committee.—The draft specification for household taps has been advanced to the stage when certain points were referred to the manufacturers for their serious consideration. The work of the sub-committee has had considerable assistance from a similar draft British Standard Specification which arrived during the preparation of the New Zealand Specification. Proposals for a New Zealand Standard Specification for Sanitary Pedestal Pans of the Wash-down Type are nearing completion,



8. Testing Facilities Committee. Recognizing the interdependence of standard specifications and adequate testing facilities, the Institute has endeavoured to encourage and support the extension of testing services. 9. Timber Committee. There have been no meetings of this sectional committee. Hardwoods Sub-committee.—A draft New Zealand Standard Specification for New South Wales Hardwoods has been prepared at the request of the Forestry Commission of New South Wales and local users. The draft, which is under circulation for criticism, covers the following timbers :—■ Crossarms up to and including 16 square inches in section ; Crossarms greater than 16 square inches in section ; Select-grade structural timbers in sections of less than 25 square inches ; Select-grade structural timbers in sections of 25 square inches and over ; Standard-grade structural timbers in sections of less than 25 square inches ; Standard-grade structural timbers in sections of 25 square inches and over ; Bridge transoms; Crossing-sleepers ; Track-sleepers ; Piles. 10. Paints and Coatings Committee. The following New Zealand Standards have been issued :— (a) Pigments for Paints N.Z.S.S. 199 Ultramarine Blue for Paints ; being B.S.S. 314-1938. 201 Venetian Red for Paints ; being B.S.S. 370-1938. 203 Prussian Blue for Paints; being B.S.S. 283-1938. 230-234- Black Pigments for Paints— (1 vol.) 230 Carbon Black; being B.S.S. 284-1937. 231 Bone Black; being B.S.S. 285-1937. 232 Vegetable Black; being B.S.S. 286-1937. 233 Lamp Black ; being B.S.S. 287-1937. 234 Mineral Black ; being B.S.S. 288-1937. 235, 236 Vermilion and Red Pigments for Paints—■ (1 vol.) 235 Vermilion; being B.S.S. 320-1938. 236 Red Pigments (Red Lakes, Toner, or Pigment Dyestuff) ; being B.S.S. 333-1938. 237, 238 Green Pigments for Paints— (1 vol.) 237 Brunswick and Chrome Greens (Pure or Reduced); being B.S.S. 303-1938. 238 Green Oxide of Chromium; being B.S.S. 318-1938. 243, 244 White Pigments for Paints— (1 vol.) 243 Genuine White Lead ; being B.S.S. 239-1935. 244 Lithopone being B.S.S. 296-1935, amended to suit New Zealand conditions. 263 Aluminium (Powder and Paste) for Paints ; being B.S.S. 388-1938. 264, 265 Black and Purple Oxides of Iron for Paints —■ (1 vol.) 264 Black Oxide of Iron ; being B.S.S. 306-1937. 265 Purple Oxides of Iron ; being B.S.S. 339-1937. 266-269 Earth Colours for Paints— (1 vol.) 266 Natural Sienna (Raw and Burnt) ; being B.S.S. 312-1937. 267 Natural Umber (Raw and Burnt) ; being B.S.S. 313-1937. 268 Vandyke Brown; being B.S.S. 319-1937. 269 Ochre; being B.S.S. 337-1937. 270-273 White Pigments for Paints— (1 vol.) 270 Antimony Oxide; being B.S.S. 338-1935. 271 Titanium Dioxide ; being B.S.S. 392-1935. 272 Titanium White ; being B.S.S. 636-1935. 273 Basic Sulphate of Lead ; being B.S.S. 637-1935. (b) Extenders for Paints :— N.Z.S.S. 239-242 Extenders for Paints—■ (1 vol.) 239 Asbestine ; being B.S.S. 255-1938. 240 Barytes; being B.S.S. 260-1938. 241 Blanc Fixe ; being B.S.S. 281-1938. 242 Silica; being B.S.S. 301-1938. (c) Driers for Paints : — N.Z.S.S. 261-262 Driers for Paints— (lvol.) 261 Paste Driers; being B.S.S. 331-1938 \ ~, ~T „ . 1 262 Liquid Driers ; being B.S.S, 332-1938/ amended to smt New Zealand conditions.



Four draft British and Australian Standard Specifications were examined and comments furnished. As most of the paint ingredients are now covered by Now Zealand Standard Specifications, the committee has commenced to investigate the position of ready-mixed paints. As an initial step, the private specifications of larger users are being examined to ascertain the extent to which it is possible to supersede these by national specifications. The committee has been active in supporting research into such paint problems as the drying efficiencies of the different driers and the quality of the white lead marketed. 11. Building Code Committee. Charged with the responsibility of preparing a National Building Code, the above committee has undertaken a task of some magnitude. The Municipal Association of New Zealand, Inc., has closely identified itself with the work, for the code is being drafted in a form suitable to enable its various parts to be incorporated in the by-laws of local authorities. In this way it is hoped, as far as building construction is concerned, to introduce gradually uniform and adequate by-laws throughout the Dominion. There has been an encouraging response in respect of the six parts of the code issued during the year. The City Councils and the Councils of the principal boroughs liavo intimated that the Parts I-VI will be written into their existing by-laws. Building Code Technical Sub-committee.—N.Z.S.S. 95, New Zealand Standard Code of Building By-laws —Parts I-IV, Basic Requirements for Building Construction; and Parts V-VI, Reinforced and Plain Concrete Construction, and Panel Walls in Framed Structures—have been issued. A further part —Steelwork —which will also provide for welding as an alternative to riveting or bolting, is nearing completion. There remain but two sections of the previous Standard Model Building By-law, issued in 1935, to be revised—namely, Masonry Buildings of Bearing Wall Construction, and Chimneys. Structural Welding Sub-committee—A part of the National Building Code to cover the application (workmanship) of metallic arc welding to building construction was prepared and circulated for comment in draft form. This draft has been the subject of overseas commendatory reference. Another draft New Zealand Standard Specification for Electrodes for Metallic Arc Welding in Mildsteel Construction, intended for use in connection with the Welding Code, is also under circulation. The issue of specifications for machines and equipment will complete the programme of work of this sub-committee. _ . Fire-prevention Sub-committee. —On the Bth September this sub-committee completed the diart Part XlV—Means of Egress—of the New Zealand Standard Code of Building By-laws. The clauses cover all types of exits from buildings, which includes factories, commercial houses, retail stores, hotels, public institutions, theatres, &c., and they provide for all matters concerning construction, design, alteration, repair, allocation, and maintenance of such exits. Further provisions to be developed by this sub-committee are to cover fire-prevention in respect of building construction, as well as fireprevention generally. _ Indoor Fire-prevention Equipment Panel.—This panel was set up for the purpose ot developing standard specifications for indoor fire-fighting appliances, and rules or codes covering the installation of such appliances. At the first meeting of the panel a programme of work was decided upon, and subsequently it proceeded to develop a Standard Code of Practice for the Installation of Automatic Sprinkler Systems. Reference is made to various English and American publications on the subject,, and the code will embrace not only the ordinary type of sprinkler, but also systems such as the multijet drencher and types used for the protection of electrical equipment. Although the work is being approached expeditiously, it is anticipated that this project will engage the attention of the panel for at least twelve months. The code will probably be comprised of nine or ten parts, the first of which has already been completed in draft. Further specifications to be developed by the panel will cover Fire-resisting doors: Wired glass: Indoor fire hydrants: Fire-hose couplings: Fire-hose: Fire-hose branches and nozzles. Flats and Apartment-house By-laws Sub-committee. —Another part of the National Building Code, prescribing general conditions for residential buildings, fiats, and apartment-houses, awaits the disposal of a few outstanding points before it will be released by the sub-committee m the final form. Trade Headings Sub-committee— The preparation of a New Zealand Standard Specification to establish a standard sequence of trade headings and specification items for building-work has the approval of the building industry. Its issue will do much to faciliate reference to works specifications and assist in the elimination of misunderstandings. 12. Town-planning Committee. In order that local authorities preparing town-planning schemes under the provisions of the Townplanning Act, 1926, may have a set of clauses for their guidance, a revision of the 1 rovisional Code of Clauses (N.Z.S.S. 181p), issued in March, 1939, has just been undertaken, lhe Department of Internal Affairs is closely associated with the work in an endeavour to produce a satisfactory code. It is not intended that the code should establish clauses for universal application, for conditions vary from town to town, but its issue is designed to assist local authorities without in any way infringing their discretion.

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13. Asbestos-cement Products Committee. Four New Zealand Standard Specifications for asbestos-cement products have been issued. Three of these are based on the provisions of the corresponding British Standard Specifications, and the fourth is a British Standard Specification adopted without amendment. N.Z.S.S. 282 Asbestos Cement Unreinforced Flat Sheets and Corrugated Sheets. 283 Dimensions and Workmanship of Asbestos Cement Spigot and Socket Flue Pipes for Gas-fired Appliances ; being B.S.S. 567-1934, amended to suit New Zealand conditions. 284 Dimensions and Workmanship of Asbestos Cement Spigot and Socket Rainwater Pipes, Gutters, Spoutings, and Fittings. 285 Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipes ; being B.S.S. 486-1933. 14. Timber Building Code Committee. The preparation of an important part of the National Building Code relating to buildings constructed of timber has been entrusted to this committee. A draft in respect of light-timber construction is in the course of circulation for comment, and attention is now being given to similar proposals for heavy-timber buildings. 15. Cost Accounting Terminology Committee. In response to a request from the Ministry of Supply, which met with the approval of the various accountancy and commercial organizations, a committee has been instituted to promulgate a New Zealand Standard Code of Cost Accounting Terminology. The code, which will be confined to the more important terms of cost accounting, will establish a definite terminology as a measure towards eliminating confusion. 16. Fibrous-plaster Committee. At the request of the manufacturers, and with the support of the principal users, the question of having a New Zealand Standard Specification for Fibrous-plaster Wallboard has been investigated. As a preliminary measure the committee arranged for various tests to be conducted by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research on samples of wallboard supplied in order to obtain some information concerning the composition and the strength of the different boards. Concurrently with this action, inquiries have been initiated to identify a suitable fibre for the manufacture of these boards, which would be referred to in the standard. At the date of writing this report the result of these investigations awaits the consideration of the committee. 17. Statistical and Financial Return Forms Committee. The work of this committee was concluded during the year, when recommendations were presented to the Government designed to simplify the statistical and financial return forms issued by Government Departments. 18. Motor-spirits Committee. After having studied data received from overseas and given careful consideration to the question of preparing a New Zealand Standard Specification for Motor-spirit, the committee concluded that the time was inopportune for the issue of a specification. 19. Road Traffic Signals Committee. Requests for the issue of a New Zealand Standard Specification for Road Traffic Control Light Signals led to the establishment of a committee to go fully into the question and, if necessary, to prepare the specifications or codes. It was concluded that there was need for a code of practice for road traffic signals, and accordingly the committee put its preparation in hand. The code in the main will deal with the warranty for installation of road traffic signals, uniformity of position, and uniformity of practice. The Transport Department has associated itself with the committee's activity, and it is felt that, apart from being useful as a guide for traffic authorities, the code will be of assistance to the Department in its administration of traffic problems. In response to a recent request, the committee will also investigate further phases of traffic engineering connected with safety-zones and street-marking. 20. Pram-tyres Committee. Following representations concerning the need to establish a standard range of sizes for perambulator-tyres, a conference of interested parties was arranged to explore the possibility. As a result, it was decided to obtain more definite information in respect of a patented tyre and in respect of the supply of wheels without the tyres. 21. Bungs Committee. At the suggestion of the New Zealand Farmers' Union, proposals have been prepared to effect the standardization of bungs for oil-drums. A multiplicity of bungs for which an effective opening-tool was not always handy caused much inconvenience to the farming community. Moreover, damaged drums which had been punched or drilled because of inability to remove the bung represented a loss to the suppliers. General approval had been accorded the project and the committee's recommendations forwarded to overseas manufacturers to ascertain what degree of uniformity could be achieved in the manufacture of the bungs. Australia and South Africa have intimated that the proposals are generally satisfactory to them, as have the American steel-barrel manufacturers. The decision of the American bung-manufacturers is, however, awaited before the matter is brought to finality. A. R. Galbeaith, M.lnst.C.E., F.R.S.E., Chairman of the Standards Council,




COMMITTEE MEMBERS. Executive Committee. Name of Member. Representing F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. (Chairman) .. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. C. W. 0. Turner (deputy, E. E. Hendriksen) Building Code and Civil Engineering Divisional Committees. F. T. M. Kissel .. .. .. .. Electrical Engineering Divisional Committee. G. E. Breeze (deputy, E. Brown) .. .. Mechanical Engineering Divisional Committee. W. A. Joiner .. .. .. .. Chemical Divisional Committee. W. L. Newnham .. .. .. Public Works Department. K. Pallo .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. F. B. Stephens .. .. .. .. Standards Council. A. E. Dennis .. .. .. .. Department of Industries and Commerce. Civil Engineering Divisional Committee. C. W. 0. Turner (Chairman) .. .. Public Works Department. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. .. .. .. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. H. C. Lusty .. .. .. •. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. A. R. Galbraith .. .. .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. E. R. McKillop .. .. .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. S. A. R. Mair .. .. .. .. New Zealand Counties' Association. K. Pallo .. .. .. . • New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. A. C. Mitchell .. .. .. .. New Zealand Federated Ironmasters' Association. E. D. Cachemaille .. .. .. Harbours Association of New Zealand. C. G. Wilson .. .. .. .. New Zealand Railways. Fencing-wire Sub-committee. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. (Chairman) .. .. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. Hugh Morrison .. .. .. .. New Zealand Farmers' Union. L. R. L. Dunn .. .. .. .. Dominion Laboratory. A. G. Elliott .. .. .. ■ • Department of Agriculture. W. G. Black .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation and Wellington Manufacturers' Association. Steel Sub-committee. A. C. Mitchell (Chairman) .. .. .. New Zealand Federated Ironmasters' Association. K. Pallo .. .. • . • • New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. .. .. • • New Zealand Institution of Engineers. A. R. Galbraith .. .. .. • • Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. C. W. 0. Turner .. .. .. .. Public Works Department. Bridge Loads and Stresses Sub-committee. C. W. 0. Turner (Chairman) .. .. Public Works Department. E. R. McKillop .. .. .. •. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. S. A. R. Mair .. .. .. .. New Zealand Counties' Association. Cement and Concrete Sub-committee. Dr. P. Marshall (Chairman) .. .. Co-opted. H. W. Cormack .. .. .. .. Co-opted. Ernest Leese .. .. .. • ■ Cement-manufacturers. E. R. McKillop .. .. .. • • Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. R. M. Bruce .. .. .. • • Chemical Divisional Committee. Hendry Luke .. .. .. .. North Island Brick and Pipe Association. A. H. M. Wright.. .. .. • • North Island Brick and Pipe Association. R. F. D. Ritchie .. .. .. • • Public Works Department.



Mechanical Engineering Divisional Committee. Name of Member. Representing 6. E. Breeze (Chairman) .. .. .. Marine Department. P. E. Angus .. . . . . .. New Zealand Railways. V. R. Earnshaw (deputy, A. R. Johnson) .. Post and Telegraph Department. N. J. M. McLeod .. .. .. Public Works Department. A. C. Mitchell .. .. .. .. New Zealand Federated Ironmasters' Association. K. Pallo .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. C. W. Burgess .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. M. Cable .. .. .. .. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. J. K. L. Webling .. .. .. New Zealand Institute of Marine and Power Engineers, Fire-extinguishers Sub-committee. G. E. Breeze (Chairman) .. .. .. Marine Department. N. J. M. McLeod .. .. .. Public Works Department. P. R. Angus .. .. .. .. New Zealand Railways. W. J. Wakelin (deputy, E. B. Taylor) .. Labour Department. H. Girling Butcher .. .. .. Internal Affairs Department. J. Mercer .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. V. R. Earnshaw .. .. .. .. Post and Telegraph Department. F. F. Gilmore .. .. .. .. Council of Fire and Accident Underwriters' Associations of New Zealand. Electrical Engineering Divisional Committee. F. T. M. Kissel (Chairman) .. .. Public Works Department. P. H. Gwynn .. .. .. .. Electrical Regulations Advisory Committee. H. M. Millar .. .. .. .. Electrical Regulations Advisory Committee. G. W. Wyles (deputy, C. R. Lovatt) .. New Zealand Railways. M. A. Pike .. .. .. .. Post and Telegraph Department. S. H. Wilson .. . . . . .. Dominion Laboratory. Nelson Jones .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. H. N. Maunder .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. H. S. Lamburd .. .. .. .. New Zealand Electrical Traders' Federation. H. E. Taylor .. .. .. .. New Zealand Electrical Traders' Federation. L. B. Hutton .. .. .. .. Electric Supply Authority Engineers' Association. H. F. Toogood .. .. .. .. Electric Supply Authority Engineers' Association. F. F. Gilmore .. .. .. .. Council of Fire and Accident Underwriters' Associations of New Zealand. Heating-elements Sub-committee. H. M. Millar (Chairman) .. .. .. Electrical Regulations Advisory Committee. L. B. Hutton .. .. .. .. Electric Supply Authority Engineers' Association, Nelson Jones .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. H. N. Maunder .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. F. F. Gilmore .. .. .. .. Council of Fire and Accident Underwriters' Associations of Now Zealand. Flat Pin Plugs and Sockets Sub-committee. Nelson Jones (Chairman) .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. F. F. Gilmore .. .. .. .. Council of Fire and Accident Underwriters' Associations of New Zealand. H. M. Millar .. .. .. .. Electrical Regulations Advisory Committee. Ceiling-roses Sub-committee. F. F. Gilmore .. . . .. .. Council of Fire and Accident Underwriters' Associations of New Zealand. P. H. Gwynn .. .. .. .. Electrical Regulations Advisory Committee. L. B. Hutton .. .. .. .. Electric Supply Authority Engineers' Association. Nelson Jones .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation.


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Chemical Divisional Committee. Name of Member. Representing W. A. Joiner (Chairman) .. .. .. Dominion Laboratory. R. E. R. Grimmett .. .. .. Department of Agriculture. R. M. Bruce .. .. .. •. New Zealand Railways. M. L. H. Stewart .. .. .. New Zealand Institute of Chemistry. F. W. Saxton .. .. .. .. Department of Industries and Commerce. A. D. Monro • .. .. .. University of New Zealand. G. A. Lawrence .. .. .. . • New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. Meal Sub-committee. P. R. Parr (Chairman) .. .. .. New Zealand Institute of Chemistry. M. J. Scott .. .. .. .. Department of Agriculture. R. E. R. Grimmett .. .. .. Chemical Divisional Committee. Professor W. Riddet .. .. .. Massey Agricultural College. E. A. Rowe, jun. .. .. .. National Pig Industry Council. F. G. Knight .. .. .. .. North Island Freezing Companies' Association. J. P. Noonan .. .. .. .. South Island Freezing Companies' Association. J. N. McLean .. .. .. .. New Zealand Poultry Board. M. M. Mac Donald .. .. .. Abattoirs' interests. Dairy Products and Requisites Committee. Professor W. Riddet (Chairman) .. .. Dairy Research Institute. Dr. H. R. Whitehead .. .. .. Dairy Research Institute. Dr. F. H. McDowall .. .. .. Dairy Research Institute. W. H. Udy .. .. .. .. New Zealand Dairy Science Association. P. 0. Veale .. .. .. • • New Zealand Dairy Science Association. W. A. Snell .. .. .. .. New Zealand Dairy Science Association. C. B. Radcliffe .. .. .. .. New Zealand Dairy Science Association. Dr. C. R. Barnicoat .. .. .. New Zealand Dairy Science Association. Dr. G. M. Moir .. .. .. .. Department of Agriculture. G. Valentine .. .. .. • • Department of Agriculture. W. M. Singleton .. .. .. .. Department of Agriculture. W. C. Neil .. .. .. • • Market milk trade. Plumbing Committee. C. G. Swinburne (Chairman) .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. E. A. Christie (deputy, H. W. Kersley) .. United Kingdom Manufacturers' and New Zealand Representatives' Association, Incorporated. A. Mack .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. R. Wainwright .. .. .. .. Wellington Master Plumbers' Industrial Union of Employers. S. Natusch (deputy, W. E. Lavelle) .. New Zealand Institute of Architects. H. C. Heays .. .. .. .. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. H. W. Johnson .. . . . . . . Department of Health. H. R. Climie .. .. .. • • Department of Housing Construction. J. B. Clark .. .. .. .. Co-opted. Plumbing Supplies Sub-committee. H. C. Heays (Chairman) .. .. .. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. H. R. Climie .. .■. .. .. Department of Housing Construction. C. G. Swinburne .. .. .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. R. Wainwright .. .. .. .. Wellington Master Plumbers' Industrial Union of Employers. A. C. Hinman .. .. .. .. Plumbing Merchants' Association. D. F. McEwan .. .. .. .. Co-opted. W. D. Robinson .. .. .. .. Co-opted. Plumbing By-laws Sub-committee, H. W. Johnson (Chairman) .. .. Department of Health. H. R. Climie .. .. .. • • Department of Housing Construction. D. F. McEwen .. .. .. .. Wellington City Council. H. Taylor .. .. .. .. Dunedin Drainage and Sewerage Board. C. G. Swinburne .. .. .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. R. Wainwright .. .. .. .. Wellington Master Plumbers' Industrial Union of Employers. J. B. Clark .. .. .. .. Co-opted.



Footwear Sub-committee. Name of Member. Representing W. Dyer (Chairman) .. .. .. Education Board, Wellington. Dr. Elizabeth. Gunn .. .. .. School Hygiene, Health Department. I. B. Hubbard .. .. .. .. Headmasters' Association. Miss E. M. North .. .. .. Secondary schools. A. F. McMurtrie .. .. .. .. Education Department. Miss A. M. Bowbyes, M.A. .. .. University of Otago (Faculty of Home Science). Mrs. E. Kelso .. .. .. .. Dominion Federation of Women's Institutes. Philip White .. .. .. .. Dominion Laboratory. Lieutenant-Colonel T. J. King .. .. Defence Department. H. B. Duckworth .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. Rocke O'Shea .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation and New Zealand Tanners' Association. G. Shields .. .. .. .. Dominion Federated Boot Trades' Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. R. A. Marsh .. .. .. .. Footwear-manufacturers. P. Edwards .. .. .. .. Footwear-manufacturers. W. Denby .. .. .. .. Footwear-manufacturers. G. Rees-Jones .. .. .. .. Co-opted—representing retailers' interests. Miss E. Huntingdon, M.A. .. .. Co-opted member. W. Hickson .. .. .. .. New Zealand Educational Institute. D. W. Woodward .. .. .. Department of Industries and Commerce. Footwear Sub-committee Panel. D. W. Woodward .. .. .. Department of Industries and Commerce. Philip White .. .. .. . . Dominion Laboratory. W. Denby .. .. .. .. Footwear-manufacturers. P. Edwards .. .. .. .. Footwear-manufacturers. R. A. Marsh .. .. .. .. Footwear-manufacturers. Testing Facilities Committee. G. W. Wyles (Chairman) .. .. .. New Zealand Railways. W. Donovan .. .. .. .. Dominion Laboratory. W. L. Newnham .. .. .. Public Works Department. Dr. E. Marsden, M.C., C.B.E. (deputy, N. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Wright) L. J. McDonald .. .. .. .. Department of Industries and Commerce. K. Pallo .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. Timber Committee. A. R. Entrican .. .. .. .. State Forest Service. A. C. Ward .. .. .. .. State Forest Service. G. L. O'Halloran .. .. .. Department of Industries and Commerce. F. Johnson .. .. .. .. Department of Industries and Commerce. J. T. Mair .. .. .. .. Government Architect. C. Buckingham .. .. .. .. Valuation Department. L. E. Brooker .. .. .. .. State Advances Corporation. A. Tyndall, C.M.G. .. .. .. Department of Housing Construction. G. J. Bertinshaw .. .. .. New Zealand Railways. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. .. .. .. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. F. E. Greenish .. .. .. .. New Zealand Institute of Architects. W. E. Jones .. .. .. .. New Zealand Federated Builders and Contractors' Industrial Association of Employers. S. M. Stone .. .. .. .. New Zealand Timber-merchants' Federation. A. Seed .. .. .. .. Dominion Federated Sawmillers' Association. A. Martin .. .. .. .. Wellington Furniture and Furnishing Trade Industrial Union of Employers. Hardwoods Sub-committee. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. (Chairman) .. .. Standards Council. H. C. Lusty .. .. .. .. New Zealand Railways. M. J. Quirk .. .. .. .. New Zealand Timber-merchants' Federation. D. S. G. Marchbanks (deputy, A. J. H. Harbours Association of New Zealand. Hutchison) A. J. Inder .. .. .. .. Post and Telegraph Department. L. B. Hutton .. .. .. .. Electric Supply Authority Engineers' Association. W. C. Ward .. .. .. .. State Forest Service. J. S. Lysaght .. .. .. .. State Forest Service. H. H. Sharp .. .. .. .. Public Works Department.



Paints ant> Coatings Committee. Name of Member. Representing L. R. L. Dunn (Chairman) .. .. Dominion Laboratory. J. Rogers .. .. .. .. Public Works Department. C. W. 0. Turner .. .. .. .. Public Works Department. R. M. Bruce . . . . . . . . Chemical Divisional Committee. H. E. Guise .. .. .. .. New Zealand Federation of Painters, Decorators, and Signwriters' Associations. W. J. Shannon .. .. .. .. New Zealand Painters and Decorators' Industrial Union of Workers. H. Neal .. .. .. .. Paint-manufacturers. D. F. Sutton .. .. .. .. Paint-manufacturers. Building Code Committee. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. (Chairman) .. .. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. R. A. Campbell .. .. .. .. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. C. R. Ford .. .. .. .. New Zealand Institute of Architects. H. C. Morton .. .. .. .. New Zealand Institute of Architects. W. E. Aked .. .. .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. A. R. Galbraith .. .. .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. F. B. Stephens .. .. .. .. Department of Internal Affairs. J. T. Mair .. .. .. .. Public Works Department. C. W. 0. Turner .. .. .. Public Works Department. Dr. E. Marsden, M.C., C.B.E. .. .. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Building Code Technical Sub-committee. F. W. Furkert, C.M.C. (Chairman) .. .. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. W. E. Aked .. .. .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. C. W. 0. Turner .. . . . . .. Public Works Department. C. R. Ford .. .. .. .. New Zealand Institute of Architects. S. Irwin Crookes. jun. .. .. .. Co-opted. P. Holgate .. .. .. .. Co-opted. E. E. Hendriksen .. .. .. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. Auckland District Revisionary Panel. J. Tyler (Chairman). J. J. Booth. S. Irwin Crookes, jun. C. R. Ford. R. Stewart. A. J. Dickson. J. R. Marks. Structural Welding Sub-committee. C. W. 0. Turner (Chairman) .. .. Public Works Department and New Zealand Institution of Engineers. J. I. King .. .. .. .. New Zealand Institute of Architects. W. E. Aked .. .. .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. J. Cable .. .. ~ .. New Zealand Federated Ironmasters' Association. S. Cory-Wright .. .. .. .. Electrical Traders' Federation. C. N. Hay ward . . .. .. .. Welding Supply Merchants. E. D. Edmundson .. .. .. Acetone Welding Co., Ltd. A. E. Berriman .. .. .. .. New Zealand Railways. L. J. O'Contiell .. .. .. .. Amalgamated Engineering and Allied Trades' Industrial Union of Workers. Heating and Ventilation Sub-committee. E. M. Taylor .. .. .. .. Co-opted. J. B. Clark .. .. .. .. Co-opted. H. Vale.. .. .. .. .. Co-opted. A. J. Mack .. .. .. .. Co-opted. R. B. Mac Curdy .. .. .. .. Co-opted. F. F. G-ilmore .. .. .. .. Council of Fire and Accident Underwriters' Associations of New Zealand. A. Morrie Taylor.. .. .. .. Gas Institute of New Zealand, Incorporated. R. S. Maunder .. .. .. •. Electrical Supply Authority Engineers' Association,



Fire-prevention Sub-committee. Name of Member. Representing H. Girling Butcher (Chairman) .. .. Chief Inspector of Fire Brigades. F. F. Gilmore .. .. .. .. Council of Fire and Accident Underwriters' Associations of New Zealand. Captain T. J. Watts .. .. .. United Kingdom Fire Brigades' Association. C. H. Mitchell .. .. .. • • New Zealand Institute of Architects. E. R. McKillop .. .. .. • • New Zealand Institution of Engineers. W. E. Aked .. .. .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. W. A. Fisher .. .. .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. W. A. Waters .. .. .. .. Electrical Supply Authority Engineers' Association. C. A. Woolley .. .. .. .. Co-opted. Indoor Fire-prevention Equipment Panel. F. F. Gilmore (Chairman) .. .. .. Council of Fire and Accident Underwriters' Associations of New Zealand. H. Girling Butcher .. .. . • Internal Affairs Department. W. A. Fisher .. .. • • New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. R. Fox .. .. .. .. • • Co-opted. Flats and Apartment-house By-laws Sub-committee. W. E. Aked (Chairman) .. .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. F. F. Gilmore .. .. .. •• Council of Fire and Accident Underwriters' Associations of New Zealand. W. K. Cook .. .. • • • • New Zealand Institute of Architects. H. W. Johnson .. .. .. .. Health Department. R. B. Hammond .. .. • • Town-planning Committee. Trade Headings Sub-committee. L. E. Brooker (Chairman) .. .. State Advances Corporation. W. F. C. Vine .. .. • • • • Public Works Department. R. A. Widdicombe .. .. .. Education Department. C. Firth .. • • ■ • • • Department of Housing Construction. J. A. Bertinshaw .. • • ■ ■ New Zealand Railways. S. W. Drake .. .. •• • • ■ Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors. W. Parkin .. . • • • • • New Zealand Federated Builders and Contractors' Industrial Association of Employers. J. Hallewell .. . • • • • • Clerk of Works Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. J. M. Dawson .. .. ■ ■ • • New Zealand Institute of Architects. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. .. .. • • New Zealand Institution of Engineers. A. Maltby .. . • • • • • Quantity Surveyors (co-opted). Town-planning Committee. J. O'Shea (Chairman) .. .. • • Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. Hon. T. Bloodworth, M.L.C. .. .. Town-planning Board. S. G. Scoular .. .. • • • • Dunedin City Council. A. H. Bridge .. .. • • • ■ Christchurch City Council. K. E. Luke .. .. • • ■ • Wellington City Council. J. Tyler .. .. • • • • Auckland City Council. W. H. Gummer .. .. .. ■ ■ New Zealand Institute of Architects. J. H. White .. .. • • • • New Zealand Institute of Architects. C. K. Grierson .. .. .. •. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. A. Fletcher .. .. .. .. New Zealand Federated Builders and Contractors' Industrial Association of Employers. H. Butcher .. .. • • • • Co-opted. R. B. Hammond .. .. .. •. Housing Construction Department. J. W. Mawson .. .. • • • • Internal Affairs Department. F. B. Stephens .. .. .. • Internal Affairs Department. H. E. Walshe .. .. ■ • .. Lands and Survey Department. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. .. .. ■ • New Zealand Institution of Engineers. F. E. Greenish .. .. ■, ~ New Zealand Institute of Architects.



Town-planning Sub-committee. Name of Member. Representing R. B. Hammond .. .. • • • ■ Department of Housing Construction. H. E. Walshe .. • • • • • • Lands and Survey Department. F. B. Stephens .. .. • • • • Department of Internal Affairs. J. W. Mawson .. .. • • • • Department of Internal Affairs. Ceramic Committee. L. R. L. Dunn .. .. • • • • Dominion Laboratory. E. W. Ackland .. .. • • • • New Zealand Institution of Engineers. H. Meyer .. .. • • • • New Zealand Federated Builders and Contractors'' Industrial Association of Employers. Stanley Natusch (deputy, F. E. Greenish) .. New Zealand Institute of Architects. T. E. Clark .. .. • • • • New Zealand Brick, Clayworking, and Concrete-pipe Manufacturers' Association, North Island Branch, j r Todd .. .. • • • • New Zealand Brick, Clayworking, and Concrete-pipe Manufacturers' Association, North Island Branch. Parker McKinlay .. .. . . New Zealand Brick, Clayworking, and Concrete-pipe Manufacturers' Association, South Island Branch. Asbestos-cement Products Committee. A. R. Galbraith (Chairman) .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. F. W. Furkert C.M.G. .. . • • • New Zealand Institution of Engineers and Building Code Committee. G A. Hart .. .. ■ ■ • • New Zealand Institution of Engineers. E. H. de J. Clere .. ■ • • • New Zealand Institute of Architects. Hon. W. H. Mclntyre, M.L.C. .. •. New Zealand Counties' Association. FF. Gilmore .. .. •• •• Council of Fire and Accident Underwriters' Associations of New Zealand. C. W. 0. Turner .. .. • • • • Public Works Department. H.W.Johnson .. .. •• Health Department. A. C. McDougall.. . ■ • • • • J as - Hardie and Co. Pty., Ltd. J. L. Knutson .. • • ■ • • • J as - Hardie and Co. Pty., Ltd. W. T. Strand .. .. • • • • Hume Pipe Co. (Aust.), Ltd. A Fletcher .. ■ • • • • • New Zealand Federated Builders and Contractors' Industrial Association of Employers. E. R. McKillop .. • • • • • • New Zealand Institution of Engineers. Timber Building Code Committee. A. R. Entrican (Chairman) .. • ■ State Forest Service. J. T. Mair .. . • • • • • Public Works Department. H. C. Gayford .. .. • • • ■ Housing Department. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. .. .. • ■ New Zealand Institution of Engineers. L. E. Brooker .. .. • • • • State Advances Corporation. F E. Greenish .. .. • • • • New Zealand Institute of Architects. W E Jones .. • • • • • • New Zealand Builders and Contractors' Industrial Association of Employers. N. C. Haigh .. ■. ■ ■ • • Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. A." Seed & .. • ■ • ■ ■ • Dominion Federated Sawmillers' Association. General Construction Sub-committee. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. (Chairman) .. .. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. W. E. Jones .. . • • • • • New Zealand Builders and Contractors' Industrial Association of Employers. F E. Greenish .. .. • • New Zealand Institute of Architects. G. F. Wilson .. .. • • ■ • Housing Department. Foundations Sub-committee. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. (Chairman) .. .. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. A. R. Entrican .. .. • • ■ • State Forest Service. L. E. Brooker .. .. • • ■ • State Advances Corporation.

3—H. 44a.



Hides Committee. Name of Member. Representing E. J. Fawoett (Chairman).. . . .. Department of Agriculture. S. J. Collins ;. .. .. .. Department of Industries and Commerce. P. White .. .. .. .. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. W. W. Mulholland .. .. .. New Zealand Farmers' Union. A. P. O'Shea . . .. . . .. New Zealand Farmers' Union. R. B. Allen .. .. .. .. New Zealand Hide and Skin Buyers and Exporteas, Association. W. V. Watson .. .. .. .. New Zealand Hide and Skin Buyers and Exporters' Association. G. Roberts .. .. .. .. New Zealand Woolbrokers'Association. W- Hammond. -.. .. .. .. New Zealand Woolbrokers'Association. A. E. Lawry .. .. .. .. New Zealand Tanners' Association. Dr. R. 0. Page -(deputy, S. L. Wright) .. New Zealand Tanners' Association. S. Dickson .. .. .. .. North and South Island Freezing- Companies' Associations. A. Rowlands .. .. .. .. North and South Island Freezing Companies' Associations. • P. Borthwick (deputy, E. G. Norman) .. North and South Island Freezing Companies' Associations. M. McDonald .. .. .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. Cost Accounting Terminology Committee. P. E. Pattrick (Chairman) . . . . New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. New Zealand Society of Accountants and Associated Chambers of Commerce. E. T. Spidy .. .. .. .. New Zealand Institution of Engineers. , G. J. J. Feil .. .. .. .. Incorporated Institute of Accountants of New Zealand. J. R. Middleton - .. .. .. Department of Industries and Commerce. W. Machin .. .. .. .. New Zealand Employers' Federation. P. Harle . . .. .. .. Australasian Institute of Cost Accountants. . Fibrous-plaster Committee. F. G. Johnson (Chairman) .. New Zealand Federated Builders and Contractors' Industrial Association of Employers. A. Wigginton .. .. .. .. Fibrous-plaster manufacturers. A. Wardrop .. .. . . ~ Fibrous-plaster manufacturers. C. J. Phelps .. .. .. .. Fibrous-plaster manufacturers. L. E. Brooker . . .. .. .. State Advance Corporation. H. C. Gayford .. .. .. .. Housing Construction Department. E. H. de J. Clere .. .. .. New Zealand Institute of Architects. W. F. C. Vine .. .. .. .. Public Works Department. L. R. L. Dunn .. .. .. .. Scientific and Industrial Research Department. Statistical and Financial Returns Forms Committee. F. B. Stephens (Chairman) . . . . Department of Internal Affairs. L. C. Scott .. .■■ ... Department of Agriculture. A. J. Costelloe .. .. Census and Statistics Department. F. B. Aburn .. .. .. • • Land and Income Tax Department. J. A. E. Engel .. .. .. • • Public Service Commissioner. A. W. Gyles .. .. ■ • • • Printing and Stationery Department. A. McGregor .. .. .. • • Treasury Department. R. T. G. Patrick ! . . . .. Customs Department. G. M. F. Jackson .. . ■ • • Department of Labour. P. E. Pattrick .. .. .. • • Associated Chambers of Commerce. A. P. O'Shea .. .. . ■ ■ • New Zealand Farmers' Union. G. J. J. Feil .. .. ~. . . New Zealand Society of Accountants. R. G. Buckleton ... .. .. New Zealand Manufacturers' Federation. A- L. Wall. ■.. .. .. • • New Zealand Importers' Federation. W. S. Radcliffe .. .. .. .. New Zealand Employers' Federation. Illumination Committee. .. - . , J. C. Forsyth (Chairman) .. .. .. Electric Supply Authority Engineers' Association •of New Zealand. M. J. Kennedy .. .. ■ ■ . • Gas Institute of New Zealand (Incorporated). H. E. Taylor (deputy, C. W. Bearman) .. New Zealand Electrical Traders' Federation and New Zealand Lighting Service Bureau.. •C. E. Fuller .. .. .. .. New Zealand Lighting Service Bureau. W. J. McKeown.. •• •• •• New" Zealand Institute of Architects. j. x. King .. .. • • • • New Zealand Institute of Architects. A. E. Forsyth .. .. .. •. Transport Department. Dr. E. Marsden, M.C., C.B.E. .. .. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Dr. J. H. Beaumont .. .. .. Co-opted.


H. —44a

Illumination Sub-committee. Name of Member. Representing €. E. Fuller (Chairman) . . .. New Zealand Lighting Service Bureau. J. I. King . . . • ■ ■ • • New Zealand Institute of Architects. Dr. E. Marsden, M.C., C.B.E. .. .. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Dr. J. H. Beaumont .. .. .. Co-opted. Legal Committee. J. O'Shea (Chairman) .. .. .. Municipal Association of New Zealand, Incorporated. A. G. Harper .. .. .. • • Department of Internal Affairs. A. G. Todd .. .. • • • • Law Drafting Office. E. C. Higgins .. .. ■ • • • New Zealand Standards Institute. Motor-spirit Committee. W. A. Joiner (Chairman).. .. .. Dominion Laboratory and New Zealand Institute of Chemistry. A. W. Keyes .. ■ ■ • • • ■ Transport Department. P. C. Ellerm .. .. • • ■ ■ Stores Control Board. G. L. O'Halloran .. .. • • Department of Industries and Commerce. Wing Commander A. de. T. Nevill .. Air Department. H. M. Clapham .. .. . • ■ • Vacuum Oil Co. Pty., Ltd. L. F. Elsby (deputy, T. T. N. Coleridge) .. The Shell Co. of New Zealand, Ltd. W. A. Sutherland .. .. •• North Island (New Zealand) Motor Union, Incorporated. R.Wilson .. .. •• •• South Island (New Zealand) Motor Union, Incorporated. Road Traffic Signals Committee. G. W. Wyles (Chairman) .. .. • • New Zealand Railways. G. N. T. Goldie .. .. • • Civic authorities. A. E. Forsyth .. .. . • • • Transport Department. R. Wilson .. .. • ■ ■ • South Island (New Zealand) Motor Union. W. A. Sutherland .. .. • • North Island (New Zealand) Motor Union. Pram-tyres Committee. L. Perkins .. .. • • • • New Zealand Wicker and Perambulator Manufacturers' Association. A. H. Carrington .. .. .. New Zealand Wicker and Perambulator Manufacturers' Association. €. H. Burson .. .. .. • • New Zealand Wicker and Perambulator Manufacturers' Association. L. Stewart .. .. ■ • ■ • New Zealand Wicker and Perambulator Manufacturers' Association. W. A. Thompson .. .. ■ • New Zealand Wicker and Perambulator Manufacturers' Association. G. C. W. Reid .. .. .. •. Rubber-tyre manufacturers. Bungs Committee. F. W. Furkert, C.M.G. (Chairman) . . Standards Council. G. E. Breeze .. .. • • • • Mechanical Engineering Divisional Committee. 'C. J. Choat .. .. • • ■ • Shell Co. of New Zealand, Ltd. L. W. Gilbert .. .. .. • Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd. R. Thomson .. .. .. • Atlantic Union Oil Co., Ltd. G. Finlayson .. .. • • • • Texas Co. of Australasia, Ltd. L. Ashcroft Edwards .. .. • • Associated Motorists Petrol Co., Ltd.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (1,220 copieß), £30.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—l94o.

.Price 9d.]


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NEW ZEALAND STANDARDS INSTITUTE. (DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE.) ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1939-40., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, H-44a

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NEW ZEALAND STANDARDS INSTITUTE. (DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE.) ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1939-40. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, H-44a

NEW ZEALAND STANDARDS INSTITUTE. (DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE.) ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1939-40. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1940 Session I, H-44a

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