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B.—l [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.




page Native Department—continued. page Agriculture Department .. .. • ■ 2 Maori Purposes Fund .. .. 36 Arawa District Trust Board .. . - • • 9 Native Land Development Schemes .. .. 82 External Affairs Department .. .. . • 11 New Zealand Broadcasting Board . . . . 86 Health Department .. .. • • .. 12 New Zealand Reparation Estates .. .. 50 Howard Estate .. .. • • .. 81 Pensions Department .. .. .. 52 Immigration .. .. • ■ • • .. 34 Police Department . . .. .. 54 Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity . . 17 Post and Telegraph Department . . . . 55 Justice and Prisons .. .. • • .24 Public Service Commissioner's Office .. .. 59 Labour Department .. .. .. .. 33 Public Trust Office .. .. . . 60 Lands and Survey Department— Public Works Department: Departmental . . 62 Crown Lands .. • • • • • • 78 Scientific and Industrial Research .. . . 70 Departmental . • • • • • • • 35 State Balance-sheet .. .. • • - ■ 89 Surveys of Native Land .. .. 84 State Income and Expenditure Account .. .. 88 Mental Hospitals Department .. .. 38 Treasury : Miscellaneous .. .. 87 Native Department— Tuwharetoa Trust Board .. . . 84 Departmental ~ .. .. 42 Unemployment Board .. .. . . 73 District Maori Land Boards .. .. • ■ 44 i Valuation Department .. .. .. ■ . 77

I—B. 1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

B. —1 [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.

Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 494,882 8 7 By Rent of buildings .. .. .. 1,200 6 1 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 6,458 4 6 Territorial revenue .. .. .. 14 9 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 5,441 19 3 Balance carried down .. .. .. 505,567 17 3 £506,782 12 4 £506,782 12 4 £ s. d. By Profits from special accounts — £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 505,567 17 3 Rabbit - destruction, poisons, and poisonLosses from special accounts — mixing depots .. .. .. ... 643 19 8 Experimental farms and areas, quarantine Te Kauwhata Horticultural Station . . 437 8 4 stations, poultry-station, and cattle-dip.. 3,020 7 11 Balance .. .. .. .. 515,636 12 1 Ruakura Farm of Instruction — £ s. d. Farm working .. .. 2,998 7 4 Experimental, educational, and hostel .. .. .. 5,131 7 7 8,129 14 11 £516,718 0 1 £516,718 0 1

Note. —The following charges are included for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation : (a) Rental values as assessed by other Departments; (6) interest on capital. No charge for the cost of exchange on payments made in London is included in the accounts.


Particulars. Head Office. "TJjgiw? Dairy Division. I Fields Division. Total. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Personal services and locomotion 27,580 3 1 85,321 15 4 16,512 7 8 45,692 3 1 31,243 5 7 206,349 14 9 General establishment (officerents, 12,660 2 10 937 2 7 239 3 6 128 10 7 i 407 7 7 14,372 7 1 printing, &c.) Investigation and works for the 571 10 5 .. 26 8 4 4,880 17 7 .. 5,478 16 4 improvement of agricultural knowledge Control and destruction of diseases .. 23,761 10 8 228 8 6 .. .. 23,989 19 2 and pests Grading, testing, and laboratory 672 9 9 1,213 16 8 .. .. .. 1,886 6 5 services to improve agricultural knowledge and the standard of agricultural exports Carriage of lime and fertilizers .. 192,551 19 10 .. .. .. .. 192,551 19 10 Carriage of farm products .. 48,195 18 7 .. .. .. .. 48,195 18 7 Subsidy on superphosphate de- j 54,499 9 1 .. .. .. .. 54,499 9 1 liveries Advances for purchase of fodder j 10 0 .. .. . . ,. 10 0 for starving stock Grant to Massey Agricultural; 10,000 0 0 .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 College Compensation under the Stock Act .. 7,799 3 11 .. .. .. 7,799 3 11 Compensation under the Slaughter- .. 15,446 8 7 .. .. .. 15,446 8 7 ing and Inspection Act , i 346,732 13 7 134,479 17 9 17,006 8 0 50,701 11 3 31,650 13 2 580,571 3 9 Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Investigation and works for the j .. .. .. .. 484 2 9 484 2 9 improvements of agricultural knowledge Control and destruction of diseases .. .. .. .. 761 19 8 761 19 8 and pests Grading, testing, and laboratory j .. .. .. 32,805 12 4 519 6 10 33,324 18 2 services to improve agricultural knowledge and the standard of agricultural exports Interest on sundry advances .. .. 146 8 6 .. 27 19 10 .. 174 8 4 Refund of advances for purchase of 35 0 0 .. .. .. 35 0 0 fertilizers Fees under the Fertilizers Act .. 484 0 6 .. .. .. .. 484 0 6 Fees under the Dairy Industry Act j .. 2,568 0 0 .. 196 9 8 2,764 9 8 Fees under the Stock Act .. i .. 763 14 0 .. .. 763 14 0 Fees under the Slaughtering and I .. 45,509 6 10 .. .. 45,509 6 10 Inspection Act Fees under the Orchard and Garden j .. .. 1,381 8 3 .. 1,381 8 3 Diseases Act Fees under the Margarine Act .. .. .. .. 300 .. 300 Fees under the Veterinary Surgeons 270 .. .. .. 270 Act Balance carried down .. .. 346,211 6 1 85,492 8 5 15,624 19 9 17,668 9 5 29,885 4 11 494,882 8 7 346,732 13 7 134,479 17 9 17,006 8 0 50,701 11 3 31,650 13 2 580,571 3 9

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE— continued. EXPERIMENTAL FARMS AND AREAS, QUARANTINE STATIONS, POULTRY STATION, AND CATTLE-DIP. Working Account and Profit and Loss Account for the Yeas ended 31st March, 1935.

B —l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.


TironlnPure Motuihi Island Somes Island J, Mohakatino Total __ MamakuFarn, Marton Area. %%%££ «Joggle Quarantine w ™ iue . Cattle-dip. ™*- To Stock, 1st April, 1934- .j | ■■ <*• | S Q d Q * S Q d Q f s 5 d Q & g d Q 477 q £ .. B- d ' if 094 14 6 Uve-etock _ 3 H 3 ?* 30 12 1 393 18 8 20 13 10 18 8 11 159 15 9 7 0 0 714 12 4 Farm crops and stores 285 1 3 381 1 0 283 17 7 215 16 0 251 9 2 510 2 1 62 5 0 1,989 12 1 V\ ages ......-■•• 5 10 0 • • ■ • 148 19 8 Purchase of live-stock .. . ■ • • • • 1M i' ° | ' • 73' 13 0 557 5 2 .. . • 630 18 2 Launch and steamer services .. .. ..,.■ "i" . '•_ r ik''s a 9 7 q .. 91 9 10 Manures and seeds 59 8 4 14 o o * .. " ". ■■ 17 19 10 Cultivating, harvesting, &c. .. .. .. •• -i- 32' 17 1 15115 6 506 1 3 .. 693 3 4 Purchase of foodstuffs ... S7 14 4 3o"s 8 4o'l6 4 23 2 9 34 11 3 119 14 10 32 17 8 324 5 10 Cartage and sundries .. .. .. . • ■ ■ d/ |14 4 <su a -±o iv -± 43 13 1 43 13 1 Balance carried down.. .. • • ■ • ■ • • • '' 'J__ ' ' 999 10 2 483 17 V 774 10 9 492 15 5 1,080 5 0 1,772 13 11 1 145 15 9 5,749 8 2 £ T~d £ s d £ s d £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 74 6 6 432 10 3 0 12 11 115 19 9 499 16 5 132 7 2 .. 1,255 13 0 To Balance brought down • • 74 6 b 432 10 6 u iz 11 2 6 0 5 9 11 2 3 11 133 1 10 Repairs and maintenance 50 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 5 0 0 230 0 0 Management ou u u ov u u 30 0 0 6 0 0: .. 231 15 8 Rent •:• JO 0 « I * ».» 139 910 130 j 5 471810 464 19 7 Depreciation •• « 12 3 11 55 3 0 46 19 0 214 11 0 ' 137 7 3 i 41 2 0 669 8 2 399 11 1 569 16 5 369 6 4 250 5 11 892 4 3 I 483 15 9 99 1 3 3,064 1 0 «ad £ s d £ s d £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. „ Q1 °l\. f , • 47! 56 s - d - *" 100 14 6 56 0 3 402 12 7 .. 1,030 12 10 By Sales of live-stock :■• *'.° ° " 513 16 10 6 19 .. 592 2 7 .. 1,122 14 3 Sales of produce .. .. 10 13 1 .. old 10 iu 2 23 3 4 455 10 1 ... 135 6 6 813 19 11 Fees and certificates .. .. .. •• •• •!• T'oiO 1 8 10 0 5 0 .. •• 3 17 10 Sundries .. .. .. •• •• •• 'I 8 Stock, 31st March, 1935- 25 0 0 12 10 0 22 15 0 59 4 0 444 12 0 .. 842 16 0 Live-stock 278 :15 0 § % \ 2 47 11 0 22 12 3 9 9 3 200 19 7 10 9 3 679 14 4 Farm crops and stores ... 163 '6 11. 25 b 1 Z4/ g 132 7 2 .. 1,255 13 0 Balance carried down.. .. .. -- : •■ '* D . ." . ] lu ° 1 I 2 I 483 17 2 774 10 9~~ 492 15 5 1,080 5 0 j 1,772 13 11 145 15 9 5,749 8 2 t q "j ! £ T'd £ g. d £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. i s. d. t s. a. t, s. a. 43 13 x 43 13 1 By |l a nc"Joss U e g sf dOWn . V. '.'. '.'. '.'■ 399* il 1 j 56 9 'l6 5 36 9 "6 4 25p' 'ō 11 89 2 "4 3 483 15 9 55 8 2 3,020 7 11 369 6 250 5 11 892 4 3 483 15 9 99 1 3 3,064 1 0 stocks at 1st April, 1934, and closing S tock7at ******. l 9 of stor* fin addition to the expenditure debited in this account an amount 0, £542 10s. 6d. was expended on the Lincoln Pure Seed Station during the period by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE—continued. RABBIT DESTRUCTION, POISONS, AND POISON-MIXING DEPOTS. Working Account and Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.


Frankton Wellington Dominion _ . . Junction Kaikoura Distributions, Distributions, m£25£J?" Depot Depot. Phosphorized Sarbon Distributions, Total. "_ ' Pollard. Bisulphide. Strychnine. To Stock, L April, 1934 . . 322 3 '2 \ 3 8 If \ 2 19 % S 1 % 304 4 *i 687 17 li Wages .. .. 141 16 3 0 0 .. .. .. fg '{ g Purchase of poisons .. .. .. • 178 15 "i 2 fi<H 7 9 9 S7-! 9 k Sugar, pollard, &c. .. 113 13 0 11 1 9 ' '?£ 1! Q Sundries .... 11 17 9 15 5 13 S 2 Packing, cartage, &c. .. 160 3 0 7 15 5 3 0 7 e'*6 I 95 U 6 276 IS 7 Transfers (in) .. 4 0 0 16 19 2 146 2 3 7 10 0 117 1.1 176 9 4 Balance carried down .. 384 14 8 39 11 3 43 6 9 21 4 5 92118 1 1,410 15 2 1 » 137 13 1 1 7 235 9 0 221 17 3 4,018 2 0 T3 Cr - , £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d By poison sales .. .. .. .. __ 12110 0 2 986 i 0 1 1« U ft Phosphorized pollard sales 813 7 5 69 7 5 204 18 10 T'JS }l o Transfers (out) .. .. 163 1 5 .. n ' lo 0 Tnil 17« q I Stock, 31st March, 1935 .. 161 4 3 23 14 2 30 10 2 88 17 3 1,028 0 1 1,332 5 11 137 13 l 93 1 7 235 9 0 221 17 3 4,018 2 Ō 5/706 2 11 To Management .. .. 80 0 0 7 0 0 \o 0 % & U 0 290 0 1) fo8 0 0 Depreciation .... 121 9 0 180 ,', ,, „ Interest .. .. 126 9 0 116 6 111 6 1' 19 6 2s"s 7 160 0 1 Administration .. 12 6 8 0 16 6 2 0 0 3 2 6 57 12 q ,■ ,0 Balances (profit) 44 10 0 28 10 3 19 15 3 52 5 6 1 3 19 8 384 14 8 39 11 3 43 6 9 21 4 5 921 18 1 15 2 By Balances brought down .. 38414 8 39 U 3 *« 6*9 \l 4I5 921 18 "l 1,410 15 "2 384 14 8 39 11 3 43 6 9 21 4 6 921 18 ~L IjM 15 2

B.—l [PT. IY], SUP. to 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE —continued. RUAKURA FARM OF INSTRUCTION. Experimental, Educational, and Hostel Section Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.

Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.


Agricultural TC vnPr i. a P Vc, T m Orchard, i Education: TnoS+oi *«nh™i Homestead Vegetable Visitors. Total. j General. mental. scnooi. Garden. ! : I Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Stock at 1st April, 1934 .. 34 19 0 .. 42 0 11 13 5 6 141 14 2 .. 231 19 7 Purchases .. .. 20 8 11 281 6 10 .. .. | 30115 9 Labour .. .. 1 19 5 48 3 11 127 4 3 455 17 8 177 11 3 .. ! 810 16 6 Salaries .. .. .. 183 14 8 .. 1,027 3 1 .. 10 7 6 120 19 5 I 1,342 4 8 Horse labour . . . . .. 40 12 6 5 4 6 8 11 6 8 0 8 4 18 0 .. 1 67 7 2 Repairs and sundries paid for .. 10 15 11 36 4 6 305 14 11 46 5 11 2 18 7 .. 401 19 10 Repairs and sundries from farm . . 34 2 2 17 19 9 60 5 3 44 17 4 .. .. 157 4 6 Feed purchased . . .. . • 22 8 3 .. . . .. .. 22 8 3 Produce from farm .. .. .. 51 10 1 .. 679 12 8 .. 0 4 0 1 731 6 9 Store issues .. .. .. 2 8 9 6 2 0 15 1 9 179 12 1 2 0 8 .. 205 5 3 Balances (profit) .. .. . • • • • • 11 12 1 .. .. j 11 12 1 308 12 5 187 13 0 1,606 10 7 1,720 10 9 339 10 2_ 121 3 5 4,284 0 4 Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Sales.. .. .. .. .. 52 12 8 31 3 6 1,380 17 6 7 17 8 .. 1,472 11 4 ' Issues of produce .. .. 34 19 0 . . .. 329 3 6 118 1 2 .. 482 3 8 Stock at 31st March, 1935 .. .. 64 18 5 34 17 6 10 9 9 128 7 9 .. 238 13 5 Balances (loss) .. .. .. 273 13 5 70 111 1,540 9 7 .. 85 3 7 121 3 5 2,090 11 11 308 12 5 187 13 0 1,606 10 7 1,720 10 9 339 10 2 121 3 5 4,284 0 4 £ s. d. Gross losses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,090 11 11 Gross profits .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 12 1 £2,078 19 10 I I

I Experimental, —— Farm Working Account. Educational, and Hostel Total. Section. Dr. To Trading Account— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, being gross loss brought forward .. .. .. 653 14 3 2,090 1111 2,744 6 2 Less gross profit brought forward .. .. ... 634 10 11 11 12 1 646 3 0 19 3 4 2,078 19 10 2,098 3 2 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,107 11 4 1,053 15 8 3,161 7 0 Depreciation .. .. .. .. .. .. 411 12 1 844 2 8 1,255 14 9 Carpenter's Shop Working Account.. .. .. .. 29 6 3 29 6 4 58 12 7 Electric Light Working Account .. .. .. .. 12 5 4 24 10 9 36 16 1 Motor-car Working Account .. . . 24 2 1 48 4 2 72 6 3 Water-supply Working Account .. .. .. .. 33 9 6 33 9 7 66 19 1 Office and management expenses .. . . .. . . 108 16 1 326 8 3 435 4 4 Head Office administration .. .. .. .. 60 4 8 120 9 4 180 14 0 Compensation: Estate of late J. D. Nicol .. .. .. 381 7 3 572 1 0 953 8 3 3,187 17 11 5,131 7 7 8,319 5 6 Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Rents .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 189 10 7 .. 189 10 7 " Balance, being net loss .. .. .. .. .. 2,998 7 4 5,131 7 7 8,129 1.4 11 3,187 17 11 5,131 7 7 8,319 5 6

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE— continued. RUAKURA FARM OF INSTRUCTION— continued. Farm Trading Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.


Milk-production Herd. i | Experimental, Apiary. Dairy Herd. Farm Stores. . . j Pigs. Poultry. Sheep. Totals. Grand Totals. i. ; sneci , Sections. I ) \ I . Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Stock at 1st April, 1934 .. 310 4 10 4,740 15 7 3,333 6 7 461 19 3 32 0 3 .. 406 10 8 189 2 12,455 6 8 278 5 012,207 10 11 231 19 712,439 10 6 Purchases .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,677 9 2 .. .. 82 13 9 9 0 0 868 5 9 46 0 0 2,683 8 8 301 15 9 2,985 4 5 Labour .. .. .. 56 15 4 686 0 0 229 3 9 20 6 1 415 17 6 79 5 8 264 7 10 51 2 0 226 2 3 2 3 7 2,031 4 0 810 16 6 2,842 0 6 Salaries .. .. .. 5 12 7 153 13 10 89 1 11 108 13 5 71 12 8 17 18 0 62 18 5 15 19 10 48 15 5 28 14 5 603 0 61.342 4 8 1,945 5 2 Horse labour .. .. 0 4 9 249 1 6 36 4 9 10 15 3 31 0 0 0 0 6 19 15 4 1 4 9 30 19 0 0 9 0 379 14 10 67 7 ' 2 447 2 0 Repairs and sundries paid for .. 15 2 8 65 19 10 39 12 11 165 19 4 99 3 10 1 19 0 72 2 4 8 4 5 73 10 7 44 1 2 585 16 1 401 19 10 987 15 11 Repairs and sundries from farm 1 6 3 508 16 3 7 1 4 3 18 0 22 16 4 3 3 9 21 18 0 1 13 3 13 16 7 51 8 9 635 18 6 157 4 6 793 3 0 Feed purchased .. .. .. .. 153 14 0 .. 94 13 4 .. 446 19 8 45 8 0 4 13 9 63 19 5 809 8 2 22 8 3 831 16 5 Pastures and produce from farm .. .. 627 7 6 .. 227 12 8 70 4 7 75 17 0 3 5 9 717 14 2 275 9 2 1,997 10 10 731 6 9 2,728 17 7 Store issues .. .. 2 4 0 435 13 7 5 18 3 .. 32 17 11 14 13 2 11 12 4 2 7 7 29 7 1 1 16 4 536 10 3 205 5 3 741 15 6 Balances (profit) .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 4 9 .. . . .. 624 6 2 .. 634 10 11 11 12 1 646 3 0 Totals.. .. .. 391 10 56,840 0 74,521 11 02,449 0 61,037 19 3 187 4 81,464 15 4 327 7 85,092 17 5 792 6 1023,104 13 84,284 0 427,388 14 0 Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Sales .. .. .. 100 7 1 140 13 8 576 10 2 8 16 1 655 3 2 155 5 2 641 15 2 105 2 12,791 14 5 .. 5,175 7 01,472 11 4 6,647 18 4 Issue of produce .. .. 7 11 81,819 19 2 12 7 61,843 13 8 377 6 6 22 7 2 100 3 5 63 8 10 224 17 4 .. 4,471 15 3 482 3 8 4,953 18 11 Horse labour .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 480 4 4 480 4 4 .. 480 4 4 Stock at 31st March, 1935 .. 261 7 104,879 7 93,748 8 6 525 14 7 5 9 7 1 5 6 443 10 5 70 0 62,076 5 8 312 2 612,323 12 10 238 13 512,562 6 3 Balances (loss) .. 22 3 10 .. 184 4 10 70 16 2 .. 8 6 10 279 6 4 88 16 3 .. .. 653 14 3 2,090 11 11 2,744 6 2 Totals.. .. .. 391 10 56,840 0 74,521 11 02,449 0 61,037 19 3 187 4 81,464 15 4 327 7 85,092 17 5 792 6 1023,104 13 84,284 0 427,388 14 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Gross losses carried forward to .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 653 14 3 2,090 11 11 2,744 6 2 Profit and Loss Account Gross profits carried forward to .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 634 10 11 11 12 1 646 3 0 Profit and Loss Account Gross loss carried forward to .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 3 4 2,078 19 10 2,098 3 2 Profit and Loss Account

B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE —continued. TE KAUWHATA HORTICULTURAL STATION. Working Account and Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.

£ s. d. Profit .. .. .. 1,968 8 1 Losses .. .. .. 1,530 19 9 Net profit .. .. £437 8 4


General. Vineyard. Wine-cellar. Horticulture. Totals. — T) r £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Stock 1st April 1934 .. ■• 214 19 5 28 18 7 13,57113 5 7 17 6 13,823 8 11 WwSiB '.. .. .- 544 19 10 1,297 1 8 597 12 6 136 19 7 2,576 13 7 Inter-section transfer, 223 10 0 1,349 0 0 6 0 0 1,578 10 0 Sundry purchases 69 9 5 47 6 10 187 17 11 .. 304 14 2 Garland freight 929 44 17 3 24116 2 2 20 297 18 2 Purchase of sugar .. .. •■ I •• ■ •• 572 4 6 .. 57.2 4 b Purchase of manures and seeds . . .. 14 14 0 64 0 2 .. .. 78 14 A Purchase of bottles and corks .. .. ... ■• 570 4 6 .. 570 4 6 Purchase of cases and straws ... 256 14 9 .. 256 14 9 Balance carried down .. .. •• ■■ •• A ' A1V > x b •• 6 ' Aiti l ° 853 5 5 1,705 14 6 20,725 5 3 152 19 1 23,437 4 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down 24 15 2 365 13 0 .. 143 7 8 533 15 10 Repairs and maintenance .. .. 46 3 2 205 8 0 .. 0 13 6 Depreciation .. ■ • 61 13 9 57 9 8 72 12 5. .. 191 15 10 Interest '.'. . . ■ • ■■ 82 5 3 91 0 3 777 0 6 12 11 0 962 17 0 M Sr s e an! expenses .. .. 73 4 0 284 14 0 455 10 6 .. 813 8 6 Other charges 16 16 0 65 5 4 104 10 0 .. 186 11 4 Balance (profit) ._ ■_ 1,968 8 1 .. 1,968 8 1 304 17 4 1,069 10 3 3,378 1 6 156 12 2 4,909 1 3 Cr £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Sales of firewood 64 10 0 .. .. .. 64 10 0 Sales of stock . • .. 119 17 9 .. .. ■ • 119 17 9 Sales of produce and sundries .. .. 95 15 7 28 19 7 734 4 4 2 17 8 861 17 2 Sales of bulk wine •• •• j 4,145 12 3 .. 4,145 12 3 Sales of case wine .. ■■ j 2,71110 5 .. 2,71110 5 Inter-section transfers 396 0 0 1,250 0 0 .. ... 1,646 0 0 Stock, 31st March, 1935 152 6 11 61 1 11 13,133 18 3 6 13 9 13,354 0 10 Balance carried down 24 15 2 365 13 0 j .. 143 7 8 533 15 10 853 5 5 1,705 14 6 20,725 5 3 152 19 1 23,437 4 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Balance brought down .. .. •• •• •■ j 3,378 16 .. 3,378 1 6 Balance (loss) 304 17 4 1,069 10 3 „ 156 12 2 1,530 19 9 304 17 4 1,069 10 3 3,378 1 6 156 12 2 4,909 1 3

B.—l [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935,

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE— continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935.

A. S. Houston, Accountant, Department of Agriculture, Wellington. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account, Working Accounts, Profit and Loss Accounts, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


Experimental Farms ,, KW1 . , t ,■ and tfne e l^oT an - JotT*T n ' UuakuraEannof I SSSSSS Other than « Specia! " _. . Poutay Station, Po.3on-m.xmg Instruction. station ™ Undertakings. Total - and Oattle-dip. Depots. I Liabilities. £ s . d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d Capital, 31st March, 1935 (includes Public Works Fund capital, £179,607 6s. Id.).. .. 15,014 10 10 4,057 19 5 73,771 7 5 23,713 10 5 125,009 14 6 241,567 2 7 Sundry creditors — General .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 114 9 3 3 7 5 112 13 5 24 14 10 24,442 17 2 24,698 2 1 Departmental.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 11 9 14 0 8 23 2 7 32 15 10 30,006 10 10 30,114 1 8 Amounts received in advance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 12 6 .. 225 0 0 .. 4,598 7 9 4,826 0 3 Writings-off Reserve .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 582 3 8 'ō82 3 8 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 403,418 9 2 403,418 9 2 Profit and Loss Account.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 643 19 8 .. 437 8 4 .. 1,081 8 0 15,169 4 4 4,719 7 2 74,132 3 5 24,208 9 5 588,058 3 1 706,287 7 5 Assets - £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Land ■• 2,352 4 6 300 0 0 35,926 2 0 113 10 0 22,836 4 3 61,528 0 9 Permanent improvements .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,412 9 6 840 0 0 12,376 3 2 4,431 3 11 14,097 19 0 38,157 15 7 Furniture, fittings, and fixtures .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 14 3 12 0 95 4 0 7 9 11 4 106 2 1 4 218 12 3 Libraries .. 0 2 0 .. 27 7 2 12 8 8 15 6 4 453 13 4 lecnnical instruments and equipment .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 14 7 .. .. 5 19 1 5 319 19 11 5 334 13 7 Mechanical omce appliances .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. > i 450 g 7 * g n Implements and tools .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 670 19 8 14 8 3 1,352 9 11 2,196 7 10 1,322 0 0 5 556 5 8 Transport .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 3 6 .. 164 14 5 .. 5,009 8 8 5,194 6 7 Sundry advances .. .. .. .. .. .. 3;51g 6 3 3515 6 3 Live-stock .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 842 16 0 .. 6,521 12 0 53 15 0 321 4 0 7 739 7 0 Farm crops and stores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 679 14 4 1,332 5 11 6,074 11 1 13,317 3 11 7,698 0 8 29,10115 11 Sundry debtors — General •• •• ■• •• 109 6 5 29 4 11 184 16 2 85 12 4 10,956 10 0 11,365 9 10 Departmental.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 15 11 60 6 11 0 8 2 .. 2,113 9 7 2,187 0 7 Amounts paid in advance .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. _ _ 44 12 8 ' 44 12 8 Deposits •• •• •■ •• 203' 5 11 " .. 203 5 11 Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,020 7 11 .. 8,129 14 11 .. 505,567 17 3 516 718 0 1 Writings-off Suspense .. .. .. .. .... .. . . .. .. 2 15 4 .. 582 3 8 584 19 0 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,030 15 9 2,14119 2 3,072 19 2 3,984 18 9 .. 10,230 12 10 15,169 4 4 4,719 7 2 74,132 3 5 24,208 9 5 588,058 3 1 706,287 7 5

B— I [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

ARAWA DISTRICT TRUST BOARD. Accounts sor the Year ended 31st March, 1935. General Statement of Receipts and Payments. Beceipts £ s. d. | Payments. £ s. d. To Annual grant, New Zealand Government .. 6,000 00 By Overdraft, Ist April, 1934 .. .. ~ 88 5 7 Temporary advances- £ s. d. Maketu J arm— f ftfil 7ii Urquhart and Roe .. .. 200 0 0 Consolidation purchases .. 106 17 11 Rangmui Whakaue .. .. 1,000 0 0 Leasehold purchases .. 20 16 1 s 1,200 0 0 Interest on purchases .. 41 17 b Maori Purposes Board—Hemana Pokiha ■• 78 0 0 LoansContributions- Miscellaneous .. .. 1,657 18 0 SET; :: :: Bls , «SSS—:: :: wl t Unemployment contracts — / n isfi n n Tureporepo Road .. 29 0 0 Health (general) .. 0 0 Parekarangi (clearing) .. 21 4 4 Maraes .. '.. •• 604 8 U Parekarangi (draining) .. Education.. .. .. 309HX0 Loans refunded- Aged and infirm .. ... 10 11 Miscellaneous .. • • eSM o S _ Agricultural .. .. 14 8 9 Special- , - Workers' dwellings .. .. 167 5 9 Overseas visitors .. .. 41 14 7 1,075 1 2 Rarotongan visitors .. 18/7 M , . Caskets and vaults .. 61 17 9 Sak of Board interest .. 7 18 8 Ohinemutu Post-office 6 10 0 Sale of stock .. .. 17 0 0 Arawa Boy Scouts .. 4 8 8 24 18 8 Koutu Road .. .. 6 loo Maori Arts and Crafts-Tuwharetoa Trust Board Arawa swimmer .. .. 13 16 11 (advances refunded) 77 0 0 Bledisloe Cup .. .. 019 9 Waitangi celebrations—Contribution to fares .. 3 0 0 Sundries .. .. • ■ ? Maketu water rates —Rates paid .. . • 315 0 tct v i /i n« Special grants- £ B. d. Grant to New Zealand GoTangi courtesies refunded .. 119 17 0 vernment, 8 per cent, inTennisfees .. •• 3 3 0 come •• 480 0 0 123 0 0 Interest — Lord Bledisloe's farewell-Contribu- Bank overdraft and loans .. t 8 2 tions and refunds 20 0 0 Native Trustee .. ... Interest- | g Robert King .. .. 305_12_10 '.: V. " «-^™-*.." 1 1>550 13 6 MitaTaupopokitangi expenses-Contributions.. 51 77 | Robert King - Instalments on two bonds Tamatekapua Meeting-house—Renovation Fund 27 610 (principal) .. Ms 11 Whakapoungakau4 K -Rents ~ .. 13 6 4 Members' expenses and allowances .. 124 311 Sundrie P s _ £ s. d. Office expenses ~ f™ 4 Government grant, Taua's tangi .. 20 0 0 Salaries S 3 4 Consolidation surveys paid .. 30 0 Office rent .. 21 6 6 Arawa Maori Council .. .. Legal expenses " 36 w 0 Mitchell, H. T. (Current Account) .. .. 104 14 1 Temporary accommodations refunded.. .. 205 0 0 Overdraft, 31st March, 1935 .. 47 12 3 Development contracts .. * Waitangi Memorial Hall .. ■ • ■ • lutJ L D Mitchell, H. T. (Current Account) .. . • 138 610 Maori Bishop's stipend .. .. • • 300 7 6 Sundries — £. s - ". Suspense •■ •• •• 62 9 Maketu water-supply .. .. 13 11 6 Maori arts and crafts .. ■ ■ 13 15 0 Government grant, Taua's tangi .. 20 0 0 Motor-car .. • • • • 4 3 6 Waiariki District Land Board .. 717 2 Duke of Gloucester's visit .. 8 0 0 Fishing licenses .. ■■ 200 i 75 y aiTribal grants — Waikato .. • • • • 418 4 Tnranati . ■ 14 0 0 iaranaki .. lg lg 4 Taheke consolidation purchases .. • • 6 17 6 Whakapoungakau 15b, Section 9a .. .. 513 0 £9,608 10 1 £M° B 10 i

2—8.—1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

ARAWA DISTRICT TRUST BOARD—continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. By Arawa District Trust Board, New Zealand Aged and infirm .. .. 528 7 6 Government (annualpayment under statute).. 6,000 0 0 Educational .. .. 315 16 1 Arawa Maori Council (fees) .. .. .. 22 6 Hospital and medical .. 709 6 0 Whakapoungakau 4k (rents).. .. .. 38 0 9 Health .. .. .. 156 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 577 Maraes .. .. .. 1,040 8 2 Special .. .. .. 591 9 10 3,341 7 7 Depreciation— Maketu Farm .. .. 99 17 10 Office furniture .. .. 14 .14 10 Motor-car .. .. 37 10 0 152 2 8; Interest on loans .. .. .. .. 584 18 8 Legal expenses .. .. .. .. 21 6 6 Members' expenses .. . . 124 3 11 Office rent .. .. .. . . 65 0 0' Office expenses .. .. .. .. 206 4 3 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 332 8 0 £ s. d. Waitangi celebrations .. .. 234 0 8 Waitangi Memorial Hall . . 100 2 6 334 3 2 Balance carried down .. .. .. 883 16 1 £6,045 10 10 £6,045 10 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance carried down .. .. .. 17,897 12 3 By Balance brought down .. .. .. 883 16 I Balance, Ist April, 1934 .. .. .. 17,013 16 2 £17,897 12 3 £17,897 12 3 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. Sundry creditors — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Materials and goods .. .. 1,731 14 6 Maketu Farm property .. .. 15,724 9 1 Services rendered .. .. 942 4 6 Maketu Farm—lmprovements, £2,178 Otaramarae rents .. .. 63 0 0 9s. sd. ; less depreciation, £99 Mitchell, H. T. (Current Account) .. 260 11 2 17s. lOd. .. .. .. 2,078 11 7 Urquhart and Roe (advances) .. 362 610 Maketu consolidation purchases .. 5,235 4 3 Waiapu Board Diocesan Trustees .. 200 5 0 23,038 4 11 Ranginui Heketoro (advances) .. 1,000 0 0 Sundry Board properties— 4,560 2 0 Puketawhero .. .. .. 205 4 0 Maketu purchases— Harakekeroa .. .. . . 30 0 0 Arawa Land Co. .. .. 275 0 0 Maketu A, Section 122 .. .. 20 16 1 Robert King .. .. .. 5,182 13 5 Whakapoungakau 4k .. .. 438 6 6 5,457 13 5 Whakapoungakau 15, Section 9a 15 13 0 Native Trust loans .. .. .. 7,807 4 4 Taheke consolidation purchases .. 336 14 6 Sundries— 1,046 14 I Sundry villages . . .. 422 9 6 Taheke Blocks (Incorporated) .. .. .. 51 16 5 Sundry tribes .. .. .. 25 13 10 Tauranga Archdeaconry—Native parishes .. 1,171 6 3 Sundry Native balances.. .. 401 11 0 Suspense (unallocated grants) .. .. .. 152 16 9 849 14 4 Shares (Associated Motors) .. .. . . 5 0 0 Development scheme contracts .... 79 19 8 £ s. d. Ngati Whakaue — Office furniture .. .. .. 123 13 6 Tamatekapua Renovation Fund .. 152 3 4 Less Depreciation .. .. 14 6 10 Carnival . . .. .. 20 6 3 109 6 8 172 9 7 Tools .. .. .. .. 4 16 5 Rotoiti No. 4 . . . . .. .. 9 6 3 Less Depreciation . . . . 0 8 0 Moko Medical Association .. .. . . 2 6 3 ' 4 8 5 Bank overdraft, 31st March, 1935 .. .. 47 12 3 Motor-car .. .. .. . . 129 12 0 Income and expenditure .. .. .. 17,897 12 3 Less Depreciation .. .. 37 10 0 92 2 0 Carvings .. .. .. .. .. 6 10 0 Library .. .. .. .. .. 30 14 0 Tribal grants — Waikato .. .. .. 108 4 6 ' Taranaki .. .. .. 14 0 0 122 4 6 Maketu water-supply .. .. .. .. 61 4 2 Manupirua Bath .. .. .. .. 129 7 3 Development scheme contracts .. .. .. 169 6 11 Loans— £ s. d. Miscellaneous .. .. .. 5,199 5 6 Workers'dwellings .. .. 3,484 18 8 Agriculture .. .. .. 1,994 18 1 10,679 2 3 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 13 15 9 £36,884 0 4 £36,884 0 4

Raniera Kingi, Secretary. The Audit Office having examined the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts, required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct subject to the following comments : (1) Payments amounting to £44 18s. 6d. were unsupported by adequate receipts, the endorsed cheques only having been produced in evidence of payment; (2) Loans and Advances Ledger Accounts, other than those for workers' dwellings and agricultural loans, show only the amounts of interest received and not the interest receivable. —G. P. C, Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS. M.v. " Maui Pomare." —Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Salaries and wages .. .. .. 7,578 15 7 By Freights, passage - money, and miscellaneous Overtime .. .. •• •• 737 2 4 receipts .. .. .. •• 33,386 1 1 Pay in lieu of leave .. .. .. 311 2 6 Labour at island ports .. .. .. 575 12 4 Victualling .. .. .. .. 2,514 2 9 Cabin stores .. .. .. • • 738 13 1 Deck stores .. .. .. • ■ 670 2 0 Engine-room stores .. .. .. 1,166 1 7 Fuel oil .. .. .. 3,702 18 4 Lubricating oil .. • • ■ • 767 2 10 Repairs .. .. .. .. .. 2,526 18 11 Painting .. .. .. . . • • 280 19 11 Docking . . .. .. •. ■ • 137 1 7 Laundry . . . . .. .. 135 13 10 Medical expenses .. .. . . • • 87 15 11 Rent, storage-shed .. .. .. 22 0 0 Stevedoring and tallying .. .. .. 1,784 13 0 Harbour Board charges .. .. .. 433 0 1 Agency commission .. .. • . 790 2 7 Water 121 14 6 Claims .. .. •• 927 Printing and stationery .. . . .. 94 7 6 Transhipping charges and freights . . .. 231 1 6 Audit fee .. • • • ■ • • 45 0 0 Expenses, Technical Advisory Committee .. 63 0 0 Survey fees .. .. . . ■ • 35 16 0 Uniform allowances .. .. .. 36 0 0 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 592 11 0 Depreciation on vessel .. .. .. 2,718 4 6 Balance carried down .. .. .. 4,479 4 4 £33,386 1 1 £33,386 1 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on capital .. .. .. 2,049 8 4 By Balance brought down .. .. .. 4,479 4 4 Excess of income over expenditure .. .. 2,429 16 0 £4,479 4 4 £4,479 4 4 Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Salaries .. .. .. •• •• 1,148 210 By Balance carried down .. .. .. 1,853 12 7 Advertising . . .. • • • • 2 8 11 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. . . .. 48 4 5 Office expenses .. .. • • • • 3 9 4 Postages, telegrams, &c. .. .. .. 382 14 11 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 88 0 0 Telephone services .. .. .. 51 19 9 Rent .. . • • • • • ■ • 69 0 0 Sundry expenses .. .. .. . • 0 8 2 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 32 19 9 Depreciation .. .. . • • • 23 4 6 £1,853 12 7 £1,853 12 7 £ s. d. By m.v. " Maui Pomare" — £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 1,853 12 7 Balance of Revenue account ..4,479 4 4 Grant to Niue Island Administration .. 2,500 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. 2,049 8 4 Interest on capital .. .. 2 17 8 2,429 16 0 Excess of expenditure over income .. . . 1,926 14 3 £4,356 10 3 £4,356 10 3 Notes. —(1) The following charges, for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation, are included: (a) Rental value as assessed by the Public Works Department; (6) interest at 4J- per cent, on capital. (2) No charge for the cost of exchange on payments made in London is included in the account. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. •• •• 47,575 18 5 Stores on hand .. .. .. .. 6,842 810 Creditors — £ s. d. Office fittings .. .. .. 312 3 5 Departmental .. . . .. 64 10 6 Less depreciation .. .. 248 13 9 Sundry .. . . .. 668 17 10 63 9 8 733 8 4 N.Z.G.M.V. " Maui Pomare" .. 55,664 8 3 New Zealand Reparation Estates Account .. 2,352 15 7 Less depreciation .. .. 8,15119 6 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 5,885 15 8 47,512 8 9 Official stamps .. . . .. 17 2 4 Debtors— Departmental .. .. 2 0 0 Sundry .. . . .. 183 14 2 185 14 2 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 1,926 14 3 £56,547 18 0 £56,547 18 0 J. B. Wright, Accountant. A. W. B. Ross, for Secretary. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account, Income and Expenditure Account, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and AuditorGeneral.


B— 1 [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. General Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ B . d. Income. £ B . d. io Bacteriological Laboratory Service ; Net cost .. .. 3,622 15 8 By Sera : Net profit on working .. 393 7 9 Departmental institutions : Net cost as per Contributions by local bodies toInconie and Expenditure Accounts—• wards inspection services .. 11,433 11 10 St. Helens Maternity Hospital £ s. d. .Registration and other Auckland .. .. .. .. 10,088 11 0 fees £ s . d. Gisborne .. .. .. .. 6188 Private - hospital liWellington .. .. .. 7,616 15 0 cense fees .. 589 5 4 Wanganui .. .. .. 7 8 0 Medical practitioners' Christchuich .. .. .. 3,682 17 7 registration fees, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 2,254 10 11 £833 14s. Id.; less Invercargill .. .. .. 3,508 11 3 fees paid in adKing George V Orthopaedic and General _ vance, £379 15s. Id. 453 19 0 Hospital, Rotorua .. .. .. 1,857 10 10 Masseurs registration Queen Mary Hospital, Hanmer .. 13,530 5 6 and examination Pukeora Sanatorium for Consumptives, fees .. .. L 56 7 0 Waipukurau .. .. .. 66 17 8 Nurses and midwives 42,620 6 5 registration and exSubsidies to Hospital Boards and separate amination fees 979 0 4 institutions Plumbers registration On levies by local bodies for capital pur- an d examination poses .. .. .. .. -56,666 4 7 fees .. .. 479 11 6 On levies by local bodies for maintenance Opticians Act: Regispurposes .. .. .. .. 543,610 6 8 tration and examiVoluntary contributions .. .. 993 16 4 nation fees .. 248 7 0 601,270 7 7 Cemeteries Act .. 42 0 0 Grants in aid of medical and social relief — 2 948 10 2 Royal New Zealand Society for the Health Health Act: Bills of health fees .. 20 0 0 of Women and Children, and Women's Miscellaneous income .. .. 353 15 11 National Reserve .. .. .. 20,383 16 9 Balance carried down (being excess Other grants in aid of medical and social of expenditure over income) .. 792,708 1 0 relief .. .. .. .. 1,546 6 8 Relief of indigent persons . . .. 248 14 4 22,178 17 9 Sundry grants to Hospital Boards .. . . . . 350 0 0 Sundry small grants .. .. .. .. .. 169 12 0 School hygiene • Net cost .. .. .. .. 18,487 7 6 Dental hygiene : Net cost .. .. .. .. 44,758 9 7 Maori hygiene : Net cost .. .. .. .. 7,018 710 Maternal welfare : Ante-natal clinics, &c. —Net cost .. 169 14 8 Cemeteries Act: Expenses .. .. .. .. 43 6 0 Dangerous Drugs Act: Net cost* .. .. .. 46 2 7 Health Act expenses : Net cost— £ s. d. Board of Health expenses .. .. 129 2 7 Infectious diseases : Expenses of preventive measures and in connection with outbreaks .. .. .. .. 487 11 6 Fees for notification of infectious disease 217 7 6 Inspection of vessels (including medical fees and launch-hire) .. .. 1,624 9 2 Quarantine expenses : Maintenance of stations .. .. .. .. 319 7 7 Other Health Act expenses .. .. 3,934 4 8 - 6,712 3 0 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act: Private hospitals, licensing expenses of .. .. .. .. 457 13 0 Social Hygiene Act: Maintenance of V.D. clinics (including payments for treatments, &c.) .. .. .. 107 17 10 Sale of Food and Drugs Act : Net cost* . . .. 562 16 1 Medical Practitioners Act: Expenses of Medical Board, &c... 335 11 7 Masseurs Registration Act: Examination expenses, &c. .. 196 10 5 Nurses and Midwives Registration Act: Examination expenses, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 1,513 12 9 Opticians Act: Examination expenses, &c. .. .. 246 0 1 Plumbers Registration Act: Examination expenses, &c. .. 491 15 7 Transfer and maintenance New Zealand lepers at Makogai .. 553 4 5 General administration — Stores handed over to Raukawa Health £ s. d. Camp .. .. .. .. 175 6 9 Salaries and temporary assistance .. 41,057 410 Travelling, transfer, and removal expenses 4,282 6 9 Office expenses : Rent, telephone, postage, and telegrams, printing and stationery, &c. .. .. .. !. 6,742 910 Bad debts other than institutional .. 0 10 1 Law-costs .. .. .. .. 11116 Rest Home, Otaki: Interest, &c., on land purchased .. .. .. 19 5 Alterations and repairs, Wellington District Office .. .. .. 557 14 3 Expenses of Director-General of Health to Samoa and Fiji .. .. .. 49 5 0 52,877 18 5 Depreciation on buildings, equipment, &c. (other than amounts charged against specific activities) .. .. 3,066 15 11 £807,857 6 8 £807,857 6 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. . . .. 792,708 1 0 To Balance after charging interest on Interest on capital at 4J per cent, per annum (other than capital .. .. .. 802,375 17 8 amounts charged against specific activities) .. .. 9,667 16 8 £802,375 17 8 £802,375 17 8

* Do not include any portion of the fines recoveied in successful prosecutions taken under these Acts by the Department,


DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH— continued. Bacteriological Laboratory Working Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

SERA BRANCH. Trading Account fob the Yeab ended 31st Maech, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Stock on hand, Ist April, 1934 .. .. 1,369 13 0 By Sales .. .. .. .. .. 5,156 4 1 Purchases .. .. .. .. 4,472 4 8 Stock on hand, 31st March, 1935 .. .. 1,534 9 0 Gross profit .. .. ~ .. 848 15 5 £6,690 13 1 £6,690 13 1 Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. £ s. d £ s. d. To Printing and stationery .. .. .. 10 0 0 By Gross profit .. .. .. .. . - 848 15 5 Freight, &c."..'" .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 Postages .. .. .. .. 38 10 10 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 315 4 9 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 13 0 0 Telephones .. .. .. .. 16 12 6 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 56 19 7 Net profit transferred to Income and Expenditure Account .. .. .. .. .. 393 7 9 £848 15 5 £848 15 5


Station! Auckland. Dunedln. Oreymouth. Gisborne. I Hamilton. I InvercargUl. | Napier. Hy South Wellington. Whang»rei. Timam. Total». Wellington. ! Dr. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d To Stock on hand 1st April, 13 17 3 | .. 18 10 4 j .. .. .. •• ... •• ■• •• • - •■ nil i.yo4: r, a o f-Q 7 A Purchases and general ex- 46 3 2 ... 1 16 6 8 3 0 .. . . .. . • • ■ • • • • • • ■ • d 4 » oa / 4 Contributions to Hospital .. 1,215 0 0 .. 81 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 81 0 0 121 10 0 81 0 0 121 10 0 j 81 0 0 715 0 0 81 0 0 .. |2,878 0 0 Boards' laboratories n( . r . , , o i • nm i a .... 959 I 4 Salaries .. .. .. ■• 959 14 .. .. .. .. •• •■ ■• •■ | -j -j Total debits .. 60 0 5 1,215 0 0 979 8 2 89 3 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 81 0 0 121 10 0 81 0 0 ; 121 10 0 81 0 0 715 0 0_ 81 0 0 Z _J L J i _ 3^928^6^3 Or. 51 17 6 J on account of .. 7o"8 0 '.'. 3 3 0 5 'a 0 2 'Ô 6 69 '& 0 .. 15 9 2 .. 17 i.7 4 42 iō 11 226 8 11 services „ ,, 9 Stock on hand, 31st March, 9 17 1 .. 17 17 1 .. .. .. .. .. •■ •• •• •• ■• •• 14t L 1935 Total credits .. 61 14 7 | 70 8 0 17 17 1 3 3 0 5 9 0 2 0 6 69 6 0 .. 15 9 2 .. 17 17 4 42 15 11 ■■ ■_■___ 306 ° 7 Netcost* '.'. .. 1,144 i.2 0 961 'il 1 86 '6 0 144 ii 0 147 19 6 11 14 0 121 i6 0 65 i6 10 121 io 0 63 2 8 672 4 1 81 0 0 3 4 8 3,622 U 8 < I

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH— continued. Income and Expenditure Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. St. Helens Maternity Hospitals.


© <M CO >C I ,J CO CD (M lO N © 1C n - > i—I rH i ~ 1 CO © 00 (M CO CO CO <M | j g$ © rH (M © CO CM "5 r—< , I rH rH r—I r—I o HCOtJItH(MH1>CO CO CM CM »0' I> CO rfl »0 CM CO lO c_j © rt< CO © lO lO rH CO CD h CO Ifl CO C+i 05 CO 1C l> 10 (M CO I> CO CO H © t- rH COlO (Nh © rH <M rH lO <M CO (MT)t h © CM CO l> I "-H CO N IM| H • <M CO CM j CO <M "-tf )C- Tfl CO TfHrH CO 00 O W Ttl CO CO d '" H "Si I>03 00 0) O tJHCO H O rH M HHHH . rH.-lj-H 2 H ® (N I> H lO lO • COGOMHH ■ Th GO © CO M (N H OS 00 rJH 00 0> H 05 H Oi (M CO H © © CO Tj< IQ © CO Tf CO o >. rf COIOCOH (MrH»OCO 0»0»0 O •> i—I CO CO rH CO tJH CO CM CM Ttf 00 H CO O Tfl © <M O © <M H © © CO© © rH © .5 ;y2t>(M(M©COlO© © cot- rH C- CO © t- rH © .... !fl CM © t- rH 00 CM CM • CM • • 00 © • t- lO © lO i—I lO • tJH »0 t3 CM © © T* CO H (M COCO to I Q rH -rH CO rH CO W CO © CO " 00 © 00 <M »\ - »\ r* >—I (M rH rH (M <M <M © rH © CM © 00 H I> CO © ©CO © I> X5 rH rH rH M o5»OrHC-CO©©lO 00© N CO rHIO l> lO CO rH I> P rH H I H rH r-H rH rH rH £ © © © CO I—I © • (N© -IXNCO <M I- lO CM <M © • CO r> (M <M 03 ©co © oo © r> © © oo M TtlrH©COrH CM rH CM © © rH H CQ rH CO JS *• ». K ~ C+} .s », «N „ O i~H VO CO CO rH CO LO CO <M (M 00 CO © 00 <M 00 . §02 CO © CO 00 00 C— CO © 00 M 1—1 ' r—4 rH O ... . . . ... rO • • • 00 • • 00 ©• © •••rH© 00 © .2 c+i C+* o ; — * I rg O © © © ©© © © j g gj CO CO CO 00 a5 © oo 00 00 «# rH . . I " H . . . rH rH o t> • • t> t- • I> . . . © t- t- 1> «3 P crt THhCOlOHH CO C-IO © j I> © rH © t> CO © C3 O a5I>>OOOCOCDHiO© 00rft-C0©t> CO H lO ; 00 CO l> pH CO lO M 1-HiHrHrHrH rHrHrHrH -H rHrH H H H rH rH .2 © (M t— CO © © 0000 © COOOJO©CO © © S3 OH HCOIO © t>CO rH lCrfl Hh © rH j® COCM H h © ©© © © © phcoph cm ©©.r>co ©©tj j-Ht-©rHrH© rH <N © © © © -—I © (M rH © M 1O(MiMC0HH1OtI< CO lO (M © CO H © CMC© rH © rH 3 CO CO CO CO rH CO CO ©C0©©00© lO 00© 00 t— l>* © lO CO LO 00 2 C+?l>©I>CO(MHCO HCO ©©© ic (M «5 GO ©© (M >C 00 COCOUO©© COCOI>t- 00 CO© CO rH rH rH rHt><M©C0 t-rH© • * bC • * g '5b oS o * * • • • © «+-I 0j <D S • • • . . CO o S -S ■§ t 4 " I*eS <D © h H a O % i ■■£■■■ - iz '■ '■$ ■ § d : I : : : : : ° i |1 11 1 I- s| |j ©<» *3 ft «PhS I 0_2 rH PnbO m ©0O o'TJ ri ft 2 • • • oa .£ © O 03 H ©S | g .£ U gee ° S Ori „ 2 S S rOO © M ° I») 3 ° "£ .O xn _j eô eô «PH H3 © += S O P © eg ® © 1 8-g ll Ei-S-M §1 IS % 1! I |l s|<§(3ll §1 h H m m

B.—l [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH—continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Institutions other than St. Helens Maternity Hospitals.


King George Y Pukenra Queen Mary , Hospital. Hospital, Total. Rotorim! Sanatorium. Hanmer. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Provisions .. .. .. .. 3 12 7 .. 3,413 12 7 3,417 5 2 Surgery and dispensary.. .. .. 25 16 3 .. 673 19 6 699 15 9 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 221 14. 4 .. 9,795 8 3 10,017 2 7 Domestic .. .. .. .. 39 3 10 55 0 0 3,859 6 6 3,953 10 4 Establishment.. .. .. •• •• .. 1,981 13 3 1,981 13 3 Miscellaneous maintenance .. .. 11 7 5 .. 210 10 6 221 17 11 Depreciation— Buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,172 7 0 2,172 7 0 Other improvements .. .. .. .. .. 1,338 19 I 1,338 19 1 Bad debts written off .. .. .. 1,929 4 2 11 17 8 701 0 8 2,642 2 6 Ad ministration expenses .. .. .. .. 2,108 14 0 2,108 14 0 2,230 18 7 66 17 8 26,255 11 4 28,553 7 7 To Balance brought down .. .. .. 1,857 8 5 66 17 8 6,544 12 0 8,468 18 1 Grounds Account .. .. .. 0 2 5 .. 1,154 16 1 1,154 18 6 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. .. 5,830 17 5 5,830 17 5 1,857 10 10 66 17 8 13,530 5 6 15,454 14 0 Income. By Patients' fees receivable — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Male inpatients .. .. .. .. .. 4,660 9 6 4,660 9 6 Female inpatients .. .. .. .. .. 11,152 11 0 11,152 11 0 General outpatients .. .. .. .. .. 559 15 7 559 15 7 Special nursing .. .. .. .. .. 855 7 7 855 7 7 Ex-service .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,135 11 3 1,135 11 3 Examination of pensioners .. .. .. . . 39 6 10 39 6 10 Miscellaneous income— Rents .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,197 16 7 1,197 16 7 Sale of refuse .. .. .. .. .. 2 5 0 2 5 0 Meals .. .. . . .. .. .. 0 10 0 0 10 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. 373 10 2 .. 0 1 6 373 11 8 Farm Working Account .. .. . . . . 107 4 6 107 4 6 Balance carried down .. .. .. 1,857 8 5 66 17 8 6,544 12 0 8,468 18 1 2,230 18 7 66 17 8 26,255 11 4 28,553 7 7 By Excess of expenditure over income after 1,857 10 10 66 17 8 13,530 5 6 15,454 14 0 charging interest on capital

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH —continued. QUEEN MARY HOSPITAL, HANMER SPRINGS. Farm Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. To Stock on hand, Ist April, 1934— £ s. d. £ s. d. By Supplies to institution— £ s. d. £ s. d. Live .. .. .. 482 8 5 Milk .. .. .. 1,241 13 11 Other .. .. .. 213 0 8 Vegetables .. .. .. 101 19 10 — 695 9 1 — — 1,343 13 9 Repairs and renewals .. .. 46 S 7 Sales — Seeds and manures .. .. 72 19 6 Skins .. .. .. 2 7 4 Fodder .. .. .. 162 16 6 Live-stock .. .. .. 15 0 0 Salaries and wages . . .. 533 210 Produce .. .. .. 14 18 4 Live-stock .. .. . . 19 7 4 32 5 8 Other expenses .. .. .. 50 16 II Stock on hand, 31st March, 1935 — 885 8 8 Live .. .. .. 426 17 1 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 91 7 1 Other .. .. .. 123 7 9 550 4 10 1,672 4 10 Balance carried down .. .. .. 253 19 5 £1,926 4 3 £1,926 4 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 146 14 11 By Balance brought down .. .. .. 253 19 5 Balance (net profit) .. ... .. .. 107 4 6 £253 19 5 £253 19 5 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. Capital Account— £ s. d. £ s. d. Land—• £ s. d. £ s. d. Expenditure out of Public Institutions .. .. 24,363 18 6 Works Fund to Ist April, 1934 416,088 11 9 Quarantine stations, &c. .. 2,473 6 6 Expenditure out of Public 26,837 5 0 Works Fund for year ended Buildings— 31st March, 1935 .. .. 703 0 2 Institutions .. .. 115,857 9 4 ——— 416,791 11 11 Quarantine stations, &c. .. 29,115 6 1 Creditors— 144,972 15 5 Departmental . . .. 715 3 7 Stores on hand—■ Sundry .. .i. .. 54,955 16 9 At institutions .. .. 4,949 6 1 — 55,671 0 4 Sera, vaccine, and laboratory Institutional fees paid in advance .. .. 156 16 0 stores .. .. .. 1,562 3 2 Medical practitioners'fees paid in advance .. 379 15 1 Head Office bulk store .. 5,214 1 8 Institutional Fees Suspense Account .. .. 1,812 13 8 11,725 10 11 Promotion of Health Fund .. .. .. 1,095 19 8 Stores afloat.. .. .. .. 955 10 10 Writings-off, Suspense Account — £ s. d. Motor-cars, motor-cycles, ambuInstitutions .) .. 8,614 19 0 lances, and lorries — Other .. .. .. 384 0 0 Institutions .. .. 22 15 0 8,998 19 0 Other .. .. .. 3,187 410 Treasury Adjustment Acoount .. .. 702,916 17 0 3,209 19 10 Live-stock and consumable farm stores at institutions . . .. 579 3 3 Furniture, fittings, and equipment— Institutions .. .. 5,867 6 3 Other .. .. .. 7,283 16 4 13,151 2 7 Mechanical office appliances— Institutions .. .. 48 6 8 Other 173 13 3 221 19 11 Libraries (other than institutional) .. 594 1 8 Push bicycles— Institutions .. .. 3 3 2 Other .. .. .. 36 10 7 39 13 9 Plant and machinery at institutions .. . . .. • • 353 2 4 Other improvements— Institutions .. .. 17,209 1 5 Quarantine stations .. 1,469 0 11 18,678 2 4 Debtors — Sundry .. .. .. 21,024 12 8 Departmental .. .. 71 8 7 21,096 1 3 Assets in Suspense— Institutions .. .. 302 8 2 Other .. .. • ■ 383 9 11 685 18 1 National Development Expenditure Account .. 140,923 7 9 Cash in Post Office or in transit .. .. 1.317 8 4 Cash on deposit (Treasury) . . .. .. 106 11 9 General Revenue Account: Excess of expenditure over income .. .. •• 802,375 17 8 £1,187,823 12 8 £1,187,823 12 8 _ _ . =====

Note. —(1) The accounts include the following charges for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriations: (a) Rent assessed by Public Works Department; (b) interest at 4£ per cent, on capital as at Ist April, 1934 ; (c) depreciation on assets. (2) No charge for the cost of exchange on payments made in London is included in the accounts. (3) Validating legislation is being obtained in respect of the transfer of various institutions to Hospital Boards. A. Keisenberg, A.R.A.N.Z., Secretary. W. T. Findlay, A.E.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the various Income and Expenditure Accounts and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon. —Gr. F. C. Campbell, Controller and AuditorGeneral.


B. —1 [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, TOURIST, AND PUBLICITY. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. To Net loss after charging interest and portions of By Net profit after charging interest and portion Head Office administration expenses —• £ s. d. Head Office administration expenses Industries and Commerce Branch .. 7,614 5 6 Rotorua electric .. .. •• 4,878 3 Census and Statistics Branch .. .. 21,017 14 3 Passenger Booking Branch .. .. 1, ot>2 18 0 TeAroha .. .. •• 3,033 9 0 Balance, net loss .. .. •• 104,510 15 9 Rotorua Baths.. .. •• •• 12,010 1 1 Rotorua Sanatorium .. .. •• 1,404 19 6 Rotorua Gardens .. .. •• 4,879 18 9 Rotorua water and drainage .. .. 3,771 15 1 Rotorua reserves . . • • • • 1 >842 4 1 Rotorua wharves and beacons .. .. 330 1 8 Waimangu round trip .. .. • • 346 7 7 Waitomo Hostel and Caves .. . . 724 12 4 Chateau Tongariro .. .. •• 6,430 12 9 Lake House, Waikaremoana .. .. 2,175 711 Morere Hot Springs .. • ■ • ■ 213 5 1 Hermitage Hostel (leased) .. . • 1,602 10 3 Te Anau Steamer and Hotel (leased) .. 1,117 10 4 Queenstown .. . ■ ■ • ■ ■ 730 6 9 Glade House and Milford Hostel and Track.. 6,965 13 1 Miscellaneous reserves .. .. • • 835 14 3 Sydney and Melbourne Offices .. .. 6,096 711 Toronto Office .. •• •• 3,524 10 1 London Office .. .. • • • • 428 11 7 Publicity Branch .. .. •• 20,785 4 9 Subsidies to inland mails .. .. •• 611 0 0 Expenses of minor overseas agencies .. 326 3 7 Loss on demolition of portion buildings transferred from Health Department, Rotorua .. 659 2 4 Formation Scoria Flat Road . . .. 162 11 8 Miscellaneous expenditure not apportioned . . 425 1 4 Interest, National Development Account . . 386 15 0 £110,451 17 6 £110,451 17 6 INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE BRANCH. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr £ s. d. Gr. £ B. d. To Salaries . .. • • .. 3,572 6 7 By Gas Regulations Account .. .. •• 372 13 4 Advertising] purchase of books, &c. .. •• 62 7 7 Balance carried down .. .. 7,473 6 1 Rent .. . • • • • • • • 582 3 7 Postages .. • • • • • ■ • • J" 8 Office cleaning, fuel, and light .. .. 63 12 4 Printing and stationery, office fittings and requisites .. • • • ■ • • 279 18 1 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. 312 11 11 Telephones .. • • • • ■ • 135 18 11 Rail passes to H.M. Trade Commissioners .. 91 14 6 Expenses, minor overseas agencies .. •. 128 6 0 Grants — Imperial Economic Committee .. -• 1,616 0 0 Minister and Secretary, Australian visit . . 450 0 0 Expenses : Motion-picture industry inquiry .. 132 14 0 Miscellaneous • • • • ■ ■ • • 51 4 3 Depreciation .. . ■ ■ ■ • • 14 8 Writings-off . • ■ • • • • ■ 8 16 4 £7,845 19 5 £7,845 19 5 £ s. d. £ sTo Balance brought down 7,473 6 1 By Net loss to Income and Expenditure Account .. 7,614 5 6 Interest on capital .. • ■ • • • ■ 19 5 £7,614 5 6 CENSUS AND STATISTICS BRANCH. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. „ £ S. a. Gr. £ s - d - Tn Salaries"' .. ■■ 14,989 13 Bv Sale of statistical publications .. .. 345 8 4 Freight and cartage' .. 14 19 6 Work done on power machines .. 1,879 310 Fuel and light, office cleaning .. .. 103 10 5 Balance earned down 20,404 / . Maintenance of mechanical appliances . . 16 " f Postages .. ■ • • • i aql 17 o Printing and stationery .. •• •• 1/ * Rent .. •• •• •• .. 747 14 7 Preparation of statistical publications . • 3,025 15 11 Collection of statistics .. •• •• 1,077 0 1 Telephone services . . • • • • k 7 Depreciation . . • • • • • • 678 15 7 Miscellaneous .. • • • • • • 5 5V £22,678 19 4 £22,678 19 4 £ s. d. s " To Balance brought down 20,454 7 2 By Net loss to Income and Expenditure Account 21,017 14 3 Interest on capital . ■ • • • 563 7 1 £21,017 14 3 £21,017 M J 5

3 —B. 1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.


B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, TOURIST, AND PUBLlClTY— continued. TE AROHA. Working Account foe the Yeae ended 31st March, 1935. Dr - £ s. d. Or. £ s d To Stores on hand at Ist April, 1934 .. .. 1114 3 By Receipts .. .. ~ .. .. 1,085 0 5 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 2,020 13 9 Stores on hand at 31st March, 1935 " 33 0 5 Electric energy .. .. .. . . 75 18 10 Balance carried down . . .. 2 069 13 2 Repairs, purchase of stores, &c. .. .. 251 6 3 Administration expenses .. . . .. 370 18 10 Depreciation .. .. .. , . 356 9 2 Writings-off .. .. ~ .. 100 12 11 £3J87 £3,187 14 0 £ s. d. m-D , , T, , £ s. d. By Net Loss, to Income and Expenditure Account 3,033 9 0 To Balance brought down .. .. .. 2,069 13 2 Head Office expenses .. .. .. 229 9 4 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 734 6 6 P>o33 9 0 £3,033 9 "7) ROTORUA BATHS. Working Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s d To Salaries and wages .. .. .. 7,824 19 7 By Receipts .. .. .. .. 8,119 16 6 Stores issued .. .. .. .. 1,182 14 11 Value services rendered to Sanatorium 814 14 1 Repairs, travelling-expenses, &e. .. .. 234 16 1 Balance carried down .. .. 5,880 710 Electric-energy and water charges .. .. 973 2 5 Administration expenses .. .. .. 819 9 3 Laundry charges .. .. .. .. 496 3 10 Depreciation .. .. . . .. 3,240 2 9 Writings-off .. . . .. .. 43 9 6 £14,814 18 4 £14,814 18 4 To Balance brought down 5,880 710 By Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account 12,010 \"l Head Utnce expenses .. .. .. 340 16 10 Interest on capital .. .. .. 5,788 16 5 £12,010 1 1 1~7 ROTORUA SANATORIUM. Working Account for the Yeae ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ » H To Stores on hand at Ist April, 1934 .. .. 359 10 9 By Fees receivable .. 4 494 4 0 Salaries and wages .. .. .. .. 1,600 15 3 Miscellaneous receipts . " " '9515 6 Purchase 0# stores 1,357 14 7 Stores on hand at 31st March, 1935 .. .. 322 19 0 Freight, repairs, &c. 185 1 5 Balance carried down . . .. 612 4 2 HJeetric energy and water charges .. .. 182 19 4 Value of services rendered by Rotorua Baths staff 814 14 1 Laundry charges .. .. .. ~ 96 5 0 Administration expenses .. .. .. 497 19 7 Depreciation .. .. .. ~ 37g \q 4 Writings-off .. .. .. .. H5l 6 4 £5,525 2 8 £5,525 2 8 To Balance brought down 612 4 2 By Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account .. 1,404 10.6 Head Office expenses .. .. 263 0 5 Interest on capital .. .. .. ~ 529 14 11 £1>404 19 6 £lT404~l!T~6 ROTORUA GARDENS. WoEKiNG Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr - £ s. d. Or. £ s a To Stores on hand at Ist April, 1934 .. .. 39 10 11 By Game fees, rents, &c. ] 349 1« 5 Salaries and wages 3,081 0 4 Stores on hand at 31st March, 1935 .. ','. '310 10 Stores issued 887 12 0 Balance carried down .. .. 3 693 1 8 Jilectric-energy and water charges .. .. 86 13 4 Freight, repairs, and other charges . . .. 42 5 4 Administration expenses .. . . .. (543 jg 9 Depreciation .. .. . . ~ 289 5 10 Writings-off .. .. . . .. 3 14 5 £5,074 0 11 ===== £5,074 0 11 To Balance brought down . . ... 3,693 '" BBy Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account .. 4,879 18 9 Head Office expenses .. .. .. 250 15 10 ' Interest on capital .. .. .. ~ 936 j 3 £M 79 I» 8 £4,879 18 9


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, TOURIST, AND PUBLlClTY— continued. ROTORUA ELECTRIC SYSTEM. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ 8. d. 1 Or. £ s. d. To Stores on hand at Ist April, 1934 .. .. 33 15 7 By Sales, electric energy .. .. ..20,616 18 10 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 2,767 17 11 Discounts forfeited .. .. .. 286 0 9 Electric energy purchased .. .. .. 5,966 6 7 Miscellaneous charges .. .. .. 677 11 2 Stores issued .. .. .. .. 350 17 1 Stores on hand at 31st March, 1935 .. .. 15 5 10 Freight, repairs, telephones, &c. .. .. 308 15 7 Administration expenses .. .. .. 1,291 18 7 Depreciation .. 1,288 2 10 Writings-off 152 19 11 Loss on sale Diesel engine .. .. .. 1,503 19 8 Balance carried down .. .. .. 7,931210 £21,595 16 7 £21,595 16 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Head Office expenses .. .. .. 377 9 2 By Balance brought down .. .. .. 7,931 210 Interest on capital .. .. .. 2,675 911 Net profit, to Income and Expenditure Account 4,878 3 9 £7,931 2 10 £7,931 2 10 ROTORUA WATER AND DRAINAGE. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ B. d. To Salaries and wages .. .. .. .. 53112 10 By Water charges .. .. .. .. 4,721 211 Discounts allowed .. .. .. .. 254 11 5 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. 119 2 6 Stores issued, repairs, &c. .. .. .. 292 510 Electric energy charges .. .. • • 642 12 9 Administration expenses .. .. .. 713154 Depreciation .. ... •• •• 1,868 17 6 Writings-off .. .. .. . • 105 6 5 Balance carried down .. .. . ■ 431 3 4 £4,840 5 5 £4,840 5 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Head Office expenses .. .. .. 279 18 10 By Balance brought down .. .. .. 431 3 4 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 3,922 19 7 Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account .. 3,771 15 1 £4,202 18 5 £4,202 18 5 rotorua reserves. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. To Salaries and wages .. .. .. ■ ■ 387 18 3 By Miscellaneous receipts .. . . .. 48 6 Stores issued, repairs, telephones, &c. .. 271 8 9 Rents receivable . . .. .. .. 267 17 8 Administration expenses .. .. .. 95 011 Interest on advances .. .. .. 154 1 1 Depreciation .. .. •. • ■ 131 12 8 Balance carried down .. .. .. 468 15 3 Writings-off .. .. .. . • 9 1 11 £895 2 6 £895 2 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 468 15 3 By Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account .. 1,842 4 1 Head Office expenses .. .. .. 160 4 6 interest on capital .. .. .. .. 1,213 4 4 £1,842 4 1 £1,842 4 1 ROTORUA WHARVES AND BEACONS. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. To Wages, maintenance, stores, &o. .. .. 612 1 By Wharfages .. .. .. .. 16 2 0 Depreciation.. .. .. •• •• 127 4 0 Balance carried down .. .. .. 125 7 3 Writings-off .. .. .. • • • • 7 13 2 £141 9 3 £141 9 3 £ s. d. £ b. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 125 7 3 By Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account .. 330 1 8 Interest on capital .. .. .. ■ ■ 204 14 5 £330 1 8 £330 1 8


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, TOURIST, AND PUBLlClTY— continued. WAIMANGU ROUND TRIP. Working Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ a. d. To Stores on hand at Ist April, 1934 .. .. 23 610 By Round-trip receipts .. .. .. 1,379 311 Salaries and wages .. .. .. .. 705 10 6 Rents receivable .. .. .. . . 107 19 0 Stores issued .. .. .. .. 158 5 8 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. 36 19 11 Repairs, &c. .. .. .. .. 20 16 9 Stores on hand at 31st March, 1935 .. .. 13 18 10 Administration expenses .. .. .. 150 3 1 Writings-off .. .. .. .. 050 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 404 6 0 Balance carried down .. .. .. 75 7 10 £1,538 1 8 £1,538 1 8 £ s. d, , £ s. d. To Head Office expenses . . .. .. 110 12 7 By Balance brought down .. .. .. 75 7 10 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 311 2 10 Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account .. 346 7 7 £421 15 5 £421 15 5 WAITOMO HOSTEL AND CAVES. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Stores on hand at Ist April, 1934 .. .. 249 12 11 By Board and accommodation .. .. 6,409 17 6 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 2,592 10 1 Cave fees.. .. 4,436 12 6 Electric light and power .. .. .. 855 910 Sale of aerated waters, tobacco, &c. . . .. 427 18 8 Stores purchases .. .. .. .. 2,587 10 1 Hire of equipment .. .. .. 253 11 0 Freight, repairs, postages, &c. .. .. 1,155 4 6 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. 48 11 7 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 1,872 13 11 Stores on hand at 31st March, 1935 .. .. 184 11 7 Writings-off .. .. 56 13 1 Balance carried down .. .. .. 2,391 8 5 £11,761 2 10 £11,761 2 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Head Office expenses .. ..- .. 200 6 9 By Balance carried down .. .. .. 2,39] 8 5 Interest on capital .. .. .. 2,915 14 0 Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account .. 724 12 4 £3,116 0 9 £3,116 0 9 CHATEAU TONGARIRO. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Stores on hand at Ist April, 1934 .. .. 807 17 6 By Board and accommodation .. .. 15,726 4 7 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 6,224 2 4 Sale of sweets, cigarettes, &c. .. .. 1,453 8 4 Purchase of stores.. .. .. .. 8,969 611 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. 1,431 15 0 Repairs, travelling-expenses, &c. .. .. 2,239 10 6 Stores on hand at 31st March, 1935 .. .. 1,390 3 9 Freight .. .. .. .. .. 1,998 511 Balance carried down .. .. .. 2,915 3 9 Advertising .. ... .. .. 326 15 10 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 2,146 10 4 Writings-off .. .. .. .. 204 6 1 £22,916 15 5 £22,916 15 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 2,915 3 9 By Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account 6,430 12 9 Head Office expenses .. .. .. 347 14 4 Interest on capital .-. .. .. 3,167 14 8 £6,430 12 9 £6,430 12 9 lake house, waikaremoana. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Stores on hand at Ist April, 1934 .. .. 283 810 By Board and accommodation .. .. .. 2,052 17 3 Salaries and wages .. .. .. .. 1,083 22 Launch and boat hire .. .. .. 386 1 3 Purchase of stores .. .. .. .. 1,528 8 0 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. 762 9 8 Freight, postage, and repairs, &c. .. .. 883 7 6 Stores on hand at 31st March* 1935 .. .. 353 4 1 Electric light and power .. .. .. 174 1 2 Balance carried down .. -. ■. -.. 1,107 811 Depreciation .. .. .. 682 11 9 Writings-off .. .. .. .. 27 1 9 £4,662 1 2 £4,662 1 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance carried down .. .. .. 1,107 8 11 By Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account 2,175 7 11 Head Office expenses .. . . .. 186 16 II Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 881 2 1 £2,175 7 11 £2,175 7 11


B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE,,TOURIST, AND PUBLlClTY— emtimteê, MORERE HOT SPRINGS. Woeking Account foe the Year ended 31st Maech, 1935. n r £ s. d. Or. £ s. d To Salaries and wages .. 237 19 0 By Bath fees 414 10 6 Repairs, stores, &c. .. .. ■• . . 78 13 6 Miscellaneous receipts.. .. .. . . 17 12 0 Depreciation .. . ■ • • • • 87 14 0 Balance carried down .. . . ■ ■ 27 16 0 £432 2 6 £432 2 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Head Office expenses . . . . . ■ .. 49 3 0 By Balance carried down .. .. .. 27 16 0 Interest on capital .. . . ■ • • • 191 18 1 Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account . . ZVA 5 1 £241 1 1 £241 1 1 MOUNT COOK HERMITAGE. Working Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1935. j>. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Depreciation .. .. •■ •■ 741 95 By Rents receivable .. .. ..• .. 465 16 0 Interest on capital .. .. •■ .. 2,078 11 5 Interest on advances .. .. .. 751 14 7 Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account . . 1,602 10 3 £2,820 0 10 £2,820 0 10 TE ANAU STEAMER AND HOTEL. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Depreciation .. .. • ■ • • 576 19 4By Rents receivable . . .. . • • ■ 237 15 6 Interest on capital .. .. •• •■ 778 6 6 Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account .. 1,117 10 4 £1,355 5 10 £1.355 5 10 QUEENSTOWN. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. dTo Salaries and wages 548 17 2 By Game fees 138 14 0 Stores, repairs, freight, &c. .. .. .. 51 8 9 Miscellaneous (fees) .. .. .. .. 3b 14 10 Depreciation . . .. • • .. 73 3 6 Balance carried down .. .. .. 501 18 9 Writings-ofi .. .. .. • ■ ■ ■ 318 2 £677 7 7 £677 7 7 .";,-.. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 501 18 9 By Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account .. 730 6 9 Head Office expenses .. .. .. •• 50 13 11 Interest on capital .. . ■ • • • • 177 14 1 £730 6 9 £730 6 9 GLADE HOUSE, MILFORD HOSTEL, AND TRACK. Working Account for the Yeae ended 31st Maech, 1935. y>. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Stores on hand at Ist April, 1934 .. .. 1,126 18 0 By Board and accommodation .. .. .. 1,408 15 11 Salaries and wages .. .. •• ■■ 1,470 10 6 Launch and boat hire .. .. .. 300 14 1 Maintenance of track (stores, wages, tools, &c.) .. 596 7 1 Sale of tobacco, sweets, &c. .. .. .. 122 11 6 Purchase of stores .. .. ■• .. 2,262 1 4 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. 80 5 8 Freight, repairs, travelling-expenses, &c. .. 954 11 3 Stores on hand at 31st March, 1935 .. .. 1,118 o 8 Depreciation .. •• •• •• 1,473 10 5 Balance carried down .. .. •■ 4,967 18 1 Writings-off .. •• •■ •■ 114 12 4 £7,998 10 11 £7,998 10 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. ■• 4,967 18 1 By Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account.. 6,965 13 1 Head Office expenses .. .. • • 224 9 8 Interest on capital .. .. •• •• 1,773 5 4 £6,965 13 1 £6,965 13 1


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, TOURIST, AND PUBLlClTY—continued. MISCELLANEOUS RESERVES. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s . d. To Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 209 0 0 By Rents .. .. .. .. .. 379 16 1] Stores, freight, and repairs .. .. .. 205 12 3 Balance carried down.. . . . . . . 284 1 4 Depreciation.. .. .. .. .. 231 6 0 Writings-off .. .. .. .. .. 18 0 0 £663 18 3 £663 18 3 £ s. d. £ g , d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 284 1 4 By Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account . . 835 14 3 Head Office expenses .. .. .. .. 106 4 6 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 445 8 5 £835 14 3 £835 14 3 PASSENGER BOOKING ACCOUNT. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. m at Cr - £ S " d " lo Net loss at — £ s. d. By Commission on Government ticket orders .. 550 10 11 Rotorua .. .. .. .. 29 5 7 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. . . 355 110 Wanganui .. .. .. .. 102 15 1 Net profit at— Christchurch .. .. .. .. 378 611 Auckland .. .. .. .. 2,353 8 8 Invercargill .. .. ... .. 285 8 11 Wellington .. .. .. .. 779 8 3 Overseas commission on tours .. .. 860 18 8 Dunedin .. .. .. .. 28121 Miscellaneous expenses .. .. .. 199 7 8 Head Office expenses .. .. 1,130 9 I Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 17 11 10 Net profit, to Income and Expenditure Account 1,062 18 0 £4,067 1 9 £4,067 1 9 SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE OFFICES. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ S. d. Gr. £ s . d. To Salaries and allowances .. .. .. 3,334 7 11 By Commission earned.. .. .. .. 488 6 8 Rent •• •• •• 1,656 9 4 Net loss, to Inconie and Expenditure Account .. 6,096 7 11 Postages, printing and stationery, travellingexpenses, &c. .. .. .. .. 1,42308 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 72 14 1 Writings-off .. .. .. .. 49 11 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 48117 £6,584 14 7 £6,584 14 7 TORONTO OFFICE. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s . d. Gr. £ s . d. To Salaries, wages, and allowances .. .. 1,684 19 7 By Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account .. 3,524 10 1 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 323 7 2 Exchange .. .. .. .. .. 676 0 6 Postages, travelling-expenses, &o. .. .. 777 6 4 Depreciation . . . . .. .. 34 5 5 Writings-off .. .. .. .. 7 14 8 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 20 16 5 £3,524 10 1 £3,524 10 1 PUBLICITY BRANCH. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s . d. To Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 1,707 17 4 By Sale of photographs, &c. .. .. .. 375 010 Advertising in newspapers and periodicals .. 2,234 4 1 * Sale of films .. .. .. .. 644 4 7 Advertising in United Kingdom .. .. 3,105 4 7 Balance carried down .. .. !. 19,344 19 10 Films, preparation of and equipment for .. 3,861 210 Folders, booklets, and posters .. .. 4,050 311 Grants re expenses of lectures .. .. 402 5 1 Miscellaneous publicity and general expenses .. 2,045 19 0 Photographs and pictures, preparation of, and framing .. .. .. .. 1,871 2 4 Reuter's Telegram Co.: Payment for special telegrams . . .. .. .. 763 15 2 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 309 2 4 Writings-off . . .. .. .. 13 8 7 £20,364 5 3 £20,364 5 3 £ s. d. £ g< (j. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 19,344 19 10 By Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account 20,785 4 9 Head Office expenses .. .. .. 1,258 14 11 Interest on capital .. .. .. 181100 £20,785 4 9 £20,785 4 9


B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, TOURIST, AND PUBLICITY- —continued. LONDON OFFICE. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 316 12 2 By Net loss, to Income and Expenditure Account .. 428 11 7 Postages, travelling-expenses, &c. . . .. 11119 5 £428 11 7 £428 11 7 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Receipts. £ s. d. Capital: Public Works Fund .. .. 721,589 4 11 Land .. .. .. .. .. 190,865 10 5 Liability to Miscellaneous Advances Account .. 4,523 17 6 Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 273,538 10 2 Creditors — £ s. d. Stores .. .. .. .. .. 9,123 5 4 Departmental .. .. 4,173 13 3 Motor-vehicles .. .. .. .. 446 0 3 Sundry .. .. .. 3,923 12 10 Live-stock .. .. .. .. .. 554 8 10 8,097 6 1 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 24,097 8 2 Passenger booking—- Debtors — £ s. d. Ticket Sales Account .. .. .. 12,574 14 6 Sundry .. .. .. 10,367 4 8 Suspense Account .. .. .. 56 2 6 Departmental .. .. 4,194 8 7 Deposits on Tours Account .. .. 2,038 9 2 14,561 13 3 Reserve for doubtful debts .. .. .. 353 19 10 Water and drainage systems .. .. .. 83,541 10 11 Writings-ofi Reserve. . .. .. .. 3,037 19 4 Rotorua electric system : Land, transmission-line, Deposit Account: Rotorua .. .. .. 630 18 11 buildings, &c. . , .. .. . . 45,995 9 7 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 80,731 511 Plant and machinery .. .. .. 6,861 11 2 Wharves and slipways . . . . .. 4,606 9 1 Electric systems at hotels .. . . . . 25,257 10 0 Steamers, launches, and boats .. .. 4,091 13 6 Bridges .. .. .. .. .. 3,635 4 10 Garden implements . . .. .. .. 574 9 8 National Development Account .. .. 9,061 0 2 Linen, cutlery, crockery, silverware, &c. .. 12,381 910 Telephone-lines .. .. . . . . 997 2 4 Gas-testing equipment .. .. .. ' 271 8 5 Refrigerat-ing-plant (London), half-share .. 31 3 5 Exhibition material . . .. .. .. 33 10 6 Mechanical appliances (Census Office) .. .. 882 16 7 Photographic apparatus .. .. .. 856 17 2 Assets in Suspense .. .. .. .. 3,037 19 4 Cash in hand of receivers .. . . . . 367 17 8 Advance, Rotorua Golf Club .. .. .. 3,028 7 4 Cash on deposit . . .. . . . . 3,124 1 4 Cash on deposit, Rotorua office . . .. 630 18 11 Cash in General Post Office .. .. .. 457 18 7 Remittances in transit and outstanding balances at tourist bureaux. . .. .. .. 6,209 16 2 Income and Expenditure Account: Excess expenditure over income .. .. .. 104,510 15 9 £833,633 18 8 £833,633 18 8

Notes.—(l) The accounts include charges against the Department for assessed rent, interest, and capital expenditure from Public Works Fund for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriations. (2) No charge for the cost of exchange on payments made in London is included in the accounts. G. W. Clinkabd, General Manager. J. Houston, Accountant.

I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative' books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor- General.


B.—l [PT. IV] SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Income and Expenditure Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Courls and General. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Salaries. £s. d. By Supreme Court: Fees, fines, &o. .. .. 47,634 22 Judges.. .'. .. .. .. 18,198 11 10 Magistrates' and Warden's Courts: Fees, Magistrates and staff .. .. .. 80,348 6 9 fines, &e. .. .. .. .. 87,481 3 0 Travelling allowances and expenses . . .. 7,303 9 6 Money-lenders' license fees .. . . . . 1,865 0 0 Transfer and removal expenses .. .. 269 2 5 License fees re King's Counsel .. . . 10 10 0 Advertising, books, &c. . . .. .. 38 5 5 Proportion of fees under Auctioneers Act, 1928 492 10 0 Annotation of statutes .. . . .. 73 6 6 Proportion of fees under Land Agents Act . . 668 4 0 Fuel, light, &o. .. .. .. .. 2,814 12 2 Estreated recognizances .. .. .. 3 0 0 Postage, telegrams, &c. .. .. .. 2,134 17 0 Assessed rents .. .. .. .. 1,276 0 0 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 1,876 18 5 Recovery of maintenance of inebriates .. 467 19 10 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 154 18 0 Balance, being excess expenditure over income 46,982 7 9 Typewriter repairs .. . . .. 145 8 6 Telephones .. .. .. .. 2,143 9 2 Cleaning Courthouses .. .. .. 1,522 11 9 Commission on money-orders .. .. 51 1 9 Cost of inquests .. .. .. .. 3,430 8 4 Criminal prosecutions .. .. .. 12,138 3 10 Expenses under Juries Act, 1908 .. .. 104 16 2 Expenses under Reformatory Institutions Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. 1.886 4 3 Expenses, Mortgagors Adjustment Commission 17,933 13 10 Special grants (compassionate allowances, &c.) 287 15 2 Sundry expenses .. .. .. . . 87 15 2 Fines, &c, written off .. .. .. 148 13 9 Repairs and maintenance of buildings .. 5,535 12 10 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 8,692 5 4 Interest on capital .. .. .. 19,560 811 £186,880 16 9 £186,880 16 9 Patent Office. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Salaries .. .. .. . . ' 3,868 17 5 By Revenue .. .. .. .. 12,633 17 2 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. .. 53 16 9 Patent Office Journal .. .. .. 532 2 7 Postage, telegrams, &c. . . .. . . 117 16 4 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 210 3 8 Sundry expenses .. .. .. .. 3 18 9 Assessed rents .. . . .. .. 650 0 0 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 48 10 2 Interest on capital .. .. . . 182 9 5 Balance, being excess income over expenditure 6,966 2 1 £12,633 17 2 £12,633 17 2 Bankruptcy. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 6,171 14 1 By Revenue .. .. .. .. 5,064 8 2 Advertising .. .. .. .. 192 3 5 Balance, being excess expenditure over income 3,879 2 9 Fuel, light, &c. .. . . .. .. 14 6 8 Law-costs .. .. .. •. 14 14 0 Postage, telegrams, &c. .. .. .. 262 13 5 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 73 13 1 Remuneration to Deputy Assignees .. .. 732 5 6 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 1,366 0 0 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. 33 11 4 Sundry expenses .. .. .. .. 5 3 7 Depreciation .. .. . . . . 51 9 3 Interest on capital .. .. .. 25 16 7 £8,943 10 11 £8,943 10 11. Registrar-General's Office. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 9,576 4 8 By Revenue : Registration and other fees— Registration of births, deaths, and marriages— Registration of births, deaths, and marriages 18,674 5 7 Payment to non-permanents .. .. 403 11 2 Dentists Act .. .. .. .. 29 10 0 Payment to Post Office .. . . .. 1, 196 7 3 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. .. 76 9 1 Postage, telegrams, &c. .. .. .. 544 12 5 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 951 15 10 Rents 735 0 3 Sundry expenses . . .. .. •. 49 2 9 Telephone services .. .. .. 46 8 7 Travelling allowances, &c. .. .. . . ft 4 6 Typewriter repairs .. ■. •. 15 3 6 Depreciation . . . . • . ■ • 102 8 3 Interest on capital . . .. .. 22 5 0 Balance, being excess income over expenditure 4,975 2 4 £18,703 15 7 £18,703 15 7


B—l [FT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE —continued. PRISON AND BORSTAL INSTITUTIONS. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Rations 17,226 0 3 By Rent of departmental buildings .. .. 3,679 fa 8 Clothing, footwear, and equipment .. .. 6,043 16 5 Sundry credits and recoveries .. •• 9 Earnings, wages, and gratuities, prisoners and Value of prison labour capitalized on works .. > *1A dependants .. .. .. 15,327 11 8 Surplus on industry working .. • ■ 13,312 810 Hospital maintenance and medicines .. 1,214 15 11 Net cost, departmental upkeep (£9l 4s. sd. Transport and travelling expenses .. .. 4,518 11 10 per prisoner per annum) .. .. • ■ 119,101 14 Maintenance of buildings and grounds .. 2,149 17 8 Salaries and allowances .. .. .. 48,941 18 7 Fuel, light, water, &c. .. •. ■ • 5,833 9 3 Postage, telegrams, stationery, &c. .. .. 1,210 211 Compassionate allowance .. .. .. 120 0 0 102,586 4 6 Interest and depreciation .. .. .. 35,319 7 1 Head Office administration ex- £ s. d. penses .. .. .. 5,460 8 9 Deficiency, General Store Accounts .. .. . • 365 1 8 5,825 10 5 £143,731 2 0 £143,731 2 0

PRISONS HEAD OFFICE ADMINISTRATION. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. /wcome - , . . £ g. d. £ s. d. By Net expenditure for year : Head Office admmisTo Salaries and allowances .. 4,236 4 6 tration, transferred to General Income and £ s. d Advertising, books, &c. .. 46 5 0 Expenditure Account 8,460 8 9 Postages, telegrams, printing, and Prisons Board .. .. • ■ ■ • •»»» i° ° stationery .. . . • ■ 261 15 10 Office requisites .. . • 10 18 2 Transport and travelling expenses 297 1 7 Fuel, light, water, and sanitary .. 45 15 3 Grants to Prisoners' Aid Societies 115 0 0 Assistance to discharged prisoners 21 8 6 Maintenance of buildings .. 30 3 8 Sundry expenses .. ■ • 5 10 6 Rent of buildings .. .. 350 0 0 Interest on capital .. . • 19 9 5 Depreciation of furniture and fittings 20 16 10 5,460 8 9 Prison Board administration (travelling-expenses) 588 15 6 £6,049 4 3 £M 49 4 3

4—B. 1 [PT. IV], BUP. TO 1935.


Net Balances after Tnhoiir Allocation Public Account charging Labour. Labour Allocation. Surplus. Industry accounts — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Blockmaking Gr. 80 19 II 36 6 0 117 5 11 Bootmaking and repairs .. Gr. 726 15 6 910 1 1 l'??? 5 Brickwork .. .. .. Dr. 1,680 9 4 .. 1,680 9 4* Farming .. •• Dr. 12,085 4 1 6,783 19 6 5,301 4 7* Gardening Dr. 395 8 6 750 10 9 355 2 3 Laundering Or. 813 0 6 488 11 11 1,301 12 5 Roadwork and transport .. .. Gr. 5,234 17 8 4,645 17 1 ! Quarrying .. .. .. Gr. 46 19 2 4,497 10 9 4,544 9 11 Clothing industry -Or. 1,244 17 0 741 15 11 1,086 12 11 Tobacco culture and manufacture .. Gr. 260 19 4 205 9 4 466 8 8 Scoria Hat roadworks .. .. Dr. 349 19 10 202 9 4 147 10 6 Miscellaneous .. ■. Gr. 30 8 5 122 1 5 ■>- Total .. .. ..Dr. 6,072 4 3 19,384 13 1 13,312 8 10 * Deficit.

B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTlCE— continued. PROBATION ADMINISTRATION. Income and Expenditure Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1935. ■ Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d To Salaries and allowances .. 2,829 3 6 By Net expenditure for year .. .. .. 3,341 210 Postages, telegrams, printing, and stationery .. .. .. 161 18 10 Rent of buildings .. .. 107 0 0 Sundry expenses .. .. 234 5 11 Interest on capital .. .. 3 17 1 Depreciation on furniture and fittings .. .. .. 4 17 6 3,341 2 10 £3,341 2 10 £3,341 2 10 GENERAL STOKES (AUCKLAND AND WELLINGTON). Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. J Revenue. £ s. d. To Opening stocks in store and in transit .. 8,096 0 7 By Raw materials issued to workshops .. .. 5,642 5 0 Manufactured articles received from workshops 10,246 1 8 Sales to other Departments.. .. .. 4,570 11 0 Purchases for issue and for manufacture .. 7,588 12 1 Miscellaneous stores and manufactures issued Freight, cartages, postages, &c. .. .. 94 0 1 to prisons .. .. .. .. 7,101 0 1 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 244 19 0 Store charges recovered .. .. .. 363 6 1 Prison labour .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Closing stocks in store and in transit .. 8,612 10 9 Interest on capital .. .. .. 355 1 2 Deficiency to General Income and Expenditure Account .. .. .. .. 365 1 8 £26,654 14 7 £26,654 14 7 BOOTMAKING AND REPAIRING INDUSTRY (AUCKLAND AND INVERCARGILL). Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Revenue. To Opening stocks— £ s. d. £ s. d. Loose tools .. .. .. .. 202 3 2 By Manufactures and repairs .. .. .. 5,844 15 8 Work in progress .. .. .. 199 6 3 Closing stocks— Raw materials used .. .. .. 3,342 5 3 Loose tools .. .. .. .. 170 5 8 Tools, machine parts and repairs .. .. 37 9 6 Work in progress .. .. .. 194 2 6 Fuel, light, and power .. .. .. 20 6 9 Freight and cartage .. .. '.. 43 7 3 Sundries .. . . .. .. .. 5 7 7 Prison labour .. .. .. .. 910 1 1 Supervision and officers' labour .. .. 531 4 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. 45 18 5 Depreciation on plant and machinery .. 40 19 1 Rent of workshops .. .. .. 104 0 0 Net profit on industry for year .. .. 726 15 6 £6,209 3 10 £6,209 3 10 WI TAKO BRICKWORKS. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. To Opening stocks— £ s. d. £ s. d. By Sale of bricks .. .. .. .. 253 11 9 Loose tools .. .. .. 27 12 8 Closing stocks — £ s. d. Manufactured bricks .. .. 370 16 6 Loose tools .. .. .. 23 6 0 Sundry stores.. .. .. 115 9 1 Manufacturing bricks .. .. 88 0 0 513 18 3 Sundry stores.. .. .. 112 911 Interest on capital .. .. .. 583 0 6 223 15 11 Depreciation of buildings and plant .. 1,059 2 3 Net loss for year .. .. .. 1,680 9 4 Freight and cartage .. .. .. 1 16 0 £2,157 17 0 £2,157 17 0 paparua block and tile making industry. Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. Revenue. £ s. d. To Opening stocks : Stock-in-trade .. .. 222 9 11 By Sales and issues of blocks and tiles ... .. 323 13 8 Materials .. .. .. .. .. 179 8 5 . Closing stocks: Stock-in-trade .. . . 332 6 3 Sundry expenses .. .. .. .. 26 13 10 Freight and cartage .. .. .. 41 5 0 Prison labour .. .. .. 36 6 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 32 17 4 Depreciation of buildings and plant .. .. 16 1 0 Supervision and officers' labour .. . . 18 8 0 Tools, machine parts, and repairs . . . . 1 10 6 Profit on working .. .. .. .. 80 19 11 £655 19 11 £655 19 11


B.—l [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTlCE— comMmied. WELLINGTON PRISONS : FLOOR-POLISH, LEAD-HEADED NAILS, AND SANDSOAP INDUSTRIES. Profit and Loss Account for the Ybae ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ e. d. Revenue. £ a. d. To Opening stocks : Loose tools 210 0 By Manufactured products 379 i 0 I Raw materials .. 290 6 0 Closing stocks: Loose tools 2 5 0 Freight, cartage, and packing .. .. .. 29 14 2 Sundries .......... 14 7 7 Tools and repairs .. . • • ■ ■ ■ 60 4 Prison labour .. • ■ • • 24 7 5 Supervision .. .. •• •• •• 536 Interest on capital .. .. • • • ■ 46 5 Net profit for year .. .. • • • • 419 8 £381 15 1 £381 15 J. QUARRYING AND GRAVEL-PIT WORKING (AUCKLAND, NAPIER, NEW PLYMOUTH, PAPARUA). Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st Mabch, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. Revenue. £ s. d. To Opening stocks : Metal 1,451 18 2 By Sales of metal &c. 14,903 12 9 Machine parts, tools, and repairs .. .. 1,106 9 2 Royalty from leases 450 0 0 Explosives .. •• .. 288 12 2 Closing stocks: Metal .. .. •• 1,469 710 Lubricants .. . ■ ■ • • ■ 100 14 10 Horse-feed and harness expenses .. .. 32 18 1 Tractor expenses .. .■ •• •• 98 19 10 Fuel, light, power, and water .. .. 1,264 17 4 Freight and cartage .. .. .. 2,917 13 2 Hospital maintenance of accident cases .. 106 13 0 Sundry expenses .. • • • • • • 134 18 9 Prison labour .. .. •• ■■ 4 > 497 1° 9 Supervision .. .. •• ■■ 2,647 18 6 Interest on capital .. .. • • • • 9*2 16 8 Depreciation on buildings, plant, and horses .. 1,184 1 0 Net profit for year . . .. • • • • 46 19 2 £16,823 0 7 £16,823 0 7 LAUNDERING, MENDING, AND SEWING INDUSTRY : POINT HALSWELL AND ADDINGTON. Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. Revenue. To Cleaning materials .. 39 14 4 By Laundering for- t j>. d Mending and sewing materials .. .. 73 16 9 Institutions .. ,*™,° 2 Fuel, light, and power 17119 9 Government Departments .. .. I 15 Repairs to plant 88 13 4 Sewing for general store 193 4 0 Cartage, laundry-work .. • ■ ■ ■ 146 11 1 Sundries W 4 6 Prison labour 488 11 11 Supervision .. • • • ■ • ■ **j> la " Interest on capital .. • • ■ • • • 62 14 6 Depreciation of buildings and plant .. . • 64 3 0 Net profit for year .. .. • • • • 813 0 6 9 2 & Ii^JLJL WAIKUNE PRISON ROADMAKING AND MAINTENANCE. Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure Revenue. £ b. d. To Opening stocks- £ s. d. £ s. d. By Roadwork credits from other Departments -.12,904 4 0 Horses 101 19 3 Horse cartages 4 19 0 Stores 55 17 6 Sales of metal Loose tools and harness .. 264 9 2 Sundry sales •• oU id 0 422 511 Closing stocks— £ e. d. Horse feed and expenses 74 18 2 Horses •• ■• •• j>3 10 7 Replacements .and repairs to implements and Loose tools and harness .. 205 17 I tools .. • • • • • • • • 3 6 Freight and cartage .. ■• .. 4,257 6 10 Explosives . . • • • • • • 56 19 8 Sundries .. .. •■ •• •■ . ° !2 ? Hospital maintenance, accident cases .. .. 34 17 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. ■ • 10 0 0 Prison labour .. .. •• .. 3,713 16 8 Officers'supervision .. .. •• 1,684 18 3 Interest on capital .. .. • • • • 22 16 11 Depreciation of plant .. •• •■ 16 11 4 Net profit on working .. .. ■• 2,842 3 2 £13,312 8 2 £13,312 8 2


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTlCE— coritinmed. WAIKUNE PRISON SCORIA PLAT ROADWORKS ACCOUNT. Profit and Loss Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. Revenue. £ s. d To Horse-hire charges .. .. .. .. 11 49 By Credits from Tourist Department .. .. 132 1 8 Motor cartages .. .. .. .. 165 10 6 Nominal loss on working: Labour and superSundry expenses .. .. .. 14 13 0 vision, &c. .. .. .. .. 349 19 10 Prison labour . . .. .. .. 202 9 4 Officers' supervision .. .. .. .. 75 7 10 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 4 8 1 Depreciation .. .. .. . . 8 8 0 £482 1 6 £482 1 6 WELLINGTON PRINTING INDUSTRY. Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr - Or. £ s. d. To Opening stocks— £ s. d. By Printed stationery to general store and institutions 392 19 5 Loose tools, type, equipment, &c. .. .. 52 11 5 Closing stocks—Loose tools, type, equipment, &c... 49 4 4 Paper, &o. .. .. .. 17 14 9 Purchases of paper and stationery, &c. .. .. 178 9 7 Purchase of loose tools, type, equipment, &c. .. 12 5 4 Sundry expenses .. .. .. .. 2 13 Prison labour .. .. .. .. 97 14 0 Supervision and officers' labour .. .. 44 9 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 6112 Depreciation .. .. .. .. 4 18 6 Net profit on working .. .. -.. 25 8 9 £442 3 9 £442 3 9 AUCKLAND PRISON CLOTHING INDUSTRY. Promt and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Revenue. To Opening stocks — £ s. d. By Sales to Government Departments and transfers £ s. d. Completed work and work in pro- £ s. d. to general store .. .. 4.669 13 7 gress .. .. .. 67 19 10 Closing stocksLoose tools .. .. .. 12 0 4 Completed work and work in pro- £ s. d. 80 0 2 gress .. .. .. 60 0 5 Sundry expenses — Loose tools .. .. .. 11 0 8 Raw materials .. .. .. .. 2,080 19 6 71 1 1 Cleaning materials .. .. .. 15 0 0 Machine parts and repairs .. .. 4 3 7 Fuel, light, power, and water .. .. 95 19 9 Freight and cartage .. .. .. 9 0 8 Prison labour .. .. .. .. 711 15 11 Supervision .. .. .. .. 277 18 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 30 15 10 Depreciation of plant and machinery .. .. 34 4 3 Rent of workshop .. .. .. .. 156 0 0Net profit on working .. .. .. 1,244 17 0 ■ £4,740 14 8 £4,740 14 8 TOBACCO CULTURE AND MANUFACTURE INDUSTRY (AUCKLAND AND WAIKERIA). Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Opening stocks: Leaf, &c. .. .. .. 427 8 1 By Manufactures to general store . . 658 0 8 Purchases and transfers of seeds and manures .. 28 17 2 " Closing stocks— Leaf and ingredients used in manufacture .. 143 12 6 Leaf, &c. .. .. .. .. 705 10 1 Tools and equipment .. .. .. .. 4 9 4 Partly manufactured tobacco .. 8 2 7 Freight, cartage, and packing .. .. 54 5 10 Fuel, light, power, and water .. .. .. 29 9 6 Sundry expenses .. .. .. 49 1 1 Prison labour .. .. .. .. 205 9 4 Officers' labour and supervision .. 116 2 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 42 17 8 Depreciation on buildings . . .. .. 9 16 Net profit for year .. .. .. . . 260 19 4 £1.371 13 4 £1,371 13 4


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1936.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTlCE— continued. WAIKUNE PRISON MOTOR TRANSPORT. Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. Revenue. To Opening stocks: Loose tools and stores .. 376 1 5 By Cartages— £ s. d. Benzine, oils, &c. .. .. .. .. 1,677 12 10 General .. .. .. .. 4 6 6 Tires and tubes .. .. .. .. 132 19 2 For Government Departments .. .. 907 17 1 Machine parts, tools, repairs, and replacements 855 8 5 For own institution and roadworks .. 4,859 711 Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 35 13 11 For other institutions . . .. .. 760 7 10 Prison labour .. .. .. .. 932 0 5 Services of mechanics on repairing road plant .. 14 0 Supervision and officers' labour .. .. 404 0 3 Sale of benzine, oil, and stores .. .. 103 14 8 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 39 5 11 Closing stocks : Loose tools and stores .. 433 7 10 Depreciation of motors, plant, &c. .. .. 224 9 0 Net profit on working .. .. .. 2,392 14 6 £7,070 5 10 £7,070 5 10 MINOR KITCHEN GARDENS. Profit and Loss Account fob the Year ended 31st Mabch, 1935. Expenditure. Income. To Opening stocks— £ s. d. By Sales and transfers of produce— £ s. d. Tools and stores .. .. .. .. 56 3 11 Poultry and eggs .. 36 19 11 Live-stock and poultry .. .. .. 214 14 0 Vegetables .. .. .. .. 819 22 Vegetables and live-stock feed .. .. 249 9 4 Milk and cream .. .. .. .. 332 14 2 Purchase of seeds and manures .. .. 69 11 11 Pigs, pork, and beef .. .. 231 16 3 Purchase of poultry-feed .. .. .. 12 1 11 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 2 17 6 Purchase of cattle-feed and pig-feed .. .. 33 6 1 Closing stocks— Purchase and transfers of live-stock .. .. 16 7 9 Live-stock and poultry .. .. .. 208 18 0 Feed, consumed on farm .. .. .. 79 111 Vegetables and live-stock feed .. .. 200 8 7 Tools, repairs to plant, &c. .. .. .. 3 18 5 Tools and stores .. .. .. 39 0 8 Freight, cartage, &c. .. .. .. 15 19 3 Net loss on working .. .. .. 395 8 6 Rent of grazing paddocks .. .. .. 40 0 0 Sundry expenses .. .. .. .. 25 10 0 Prison labour .. .. .. .. 750 10 9 Supervision .. .. .. .. 576 4 6 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 108 1 6 Depreciation of plant, &c. .. .. .. 16 4 6 £2,267 5 9 £2,267 5 9 RANGIPO PRISON. Farm Development Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Development in progress at Ist April, 1934, brought £ s. d. By Value of developed pastures transferred to Land forward .. . . .. .. .. 239 2 6 Account during year . . .. 831 2 6 Seeds and manures .. .. .. .. 702 19 8 Firewood to institution .. .. . . 72 0 0 Fencing-wire and trees .. .. .. 324 4 7 Issues to farm, &c. .. .. . . 396 8 7 Freight and cartage .. .. .. .. 233 711 Labour charges transferred to Farm Working Prison labour .. .. .. .. 429 10 3 Account .. .. .. .. 352 12 4 Supervision and officers' labour .. .. 297 11 6 Development in progress at 31st March, 1935, Interest on capital .. .. .. 39 6 4 carried forward .. .. .. .. 632 10 0 Depreciation of plant and implements .. .. 18 10 8 £2,284 13 5 £2,284 13 5 Farm Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Incom,e. £ s. d. To Opening stocks — £ s. d. By Sales and transfers of produce .. .. 2,281 15 6 Live-stock .. .. .. -.. 2,405 15 3 Horse-labour on development, &c. .. .. 389 9 2 Crops .. .. .. .. .. 1,029 12 0 Closing stocks — Stores and tools . . .. .. .. 149 5 3 Live-stock .. .. . . 1,830 2 0 Purchase and transfers of live-stock .. .. 442 0 1 Crops .. .. .. .. .. 815 14 4 Purchases and transfers of feed from farm . . 684 0 5 Stores and tools . . .. .. .. 143 5 4 Seeds and manures .. .. . . 435 2 8 Loss on working, transferred to Institution AcTools, repairs, and plant maintenance .. 56 10 9 count .. .. .. .. 2,277 16 9 Labour on development work written off .. 352 12 4 Freight and cartage, including use of horses and tractor .. .. .. .. .. 245 9 2 Tractor expenses .. .. .. .. 43 16 10 " Sundries .. .. .. .. .. 26 10 8 Prison labour .. .. .. .. 261 6 3 Supervision and officers' labour .. .. 212 14 3 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 1,372 12 8 Depreciation of buildings, plant, &c. .. .. 20 14 6 £7,738 3 1 £7,738 3 1


B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTlCE— continued. PAPABUA PRISON. Farm Working Account īor the Year ended 31st Maech, 1935. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Opening stocks — £ 8. d. By Sales and transfers of produce and live-stock .. 4,259 12 7 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 2,109 4 1 Closing stocks — Crops .. .. .. .. ■• 1,880 611 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 2,052 9 2 Stores .. .. .. .. .. 185 14 6 Crops .. .. .. .. .. 1,559 5 4 Purchase of live-stock .. .. .. 90 4 3 Stores .. . . .. .. .. 168 8 6 Purchase of feed .. .. .. .. 78 410 Net loss on working .. .. .. 1,046 2 1 Farm-produce consumed on farm .. .. 722 0 1 Seeds and manure .. .. .. •■ 361 11 1 Fencing and trees . . . . .. . • 15 18 10 Tools, repairs, and plant maintenance .. 153 4 2 Horse-shoeing and repairs to harness .. .. 11 0 8 Veterinary services . . • • ■ ■ 9 13 3 Tractor expenses .. .. .. .• 89 14 11 Freight and cartage .. • • • • 90 14 6 Fuel, light, and power .. .. .. 17 7 10 Threshing and packing .. .. • • 68 14 6 Dairy expenses .. • • • • ■ • 26 16 6 Sundries 134 18 9 Prison labour .. .. • • • • 715 2 0 Supervision and officers' labour . . .. 897 11 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 1,175 4 7 Depreciation of buildings, plant, &c. .. .. 252 10 5 £9,085 17 8 £9,085 17 8 HAUTU PRISON. Farm Development Account eor the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Development in progress at Ist April, 1934, By Value of developed pastures transferred to Land brought forward .. .. 3,994 0 0 Account during year .. .. .. 1,765 13 6 Seeds and manures .. .. • • 868 0 4 Grazing charges . . . . . . .. 307 10 0 Fencing-wire and trees . . .. . . 313 3 6 Labour charges transferred to Farm Working Freight, cartage, and horse-hire .. .. 252 6 6 Account .. .. .. .. 1,205 4 7 Prison labour .. .. . ■ ■ • 785 13 3 Development in progress at 31st March, 1935, Supervision and officers'labour .. .. 535 18 0 carried forward .. .. .. .. 3,670 0 0 Interest on capital . . . . •. .. • 186 7 6 Depreciation of plant and implements .. 12 19 0 £6,948 8 1 £6,948 8 1 Farm Working Account tor the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. £ s. dTo Opening stocks £ s. d. By Sales and transfers of produce and live-stock .. 2,185 511 Live-stock .. .. ■■ .. 3,975 14 3 Horse-labour on development, &c. .. .. 546 12 2 Crops .. .. • • • • • • 415 5 0 Closing stocks — Stores and tools .. .. •• •• 416 1 7 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 3,364 7 6 Purchase and transfer of live-stock .. .. 316 9 Crops .. .. .. . ■ • ■ 805 18 0 Feed, &c, transferred from farm .. .. 911 6 0 Stores and tools .. .. .. .. 277 17 8 Seeds and manure . . . . .. • ■ 633 9 9 Loss on working, transferred to Institution Labour on development work written off .. 1,205 4 7 Account .. .. .. ..4,979 15 11 Tools, repairs, and plant maintenance .. 58 9 6 Freight and cartage, including use of horses and tractor .. 340 11 7 Tractor expenses .. •• • ■ • • 109 11 5 n T ■ 19Q 7 1 Sundries .. • ■ • • ■ • • • LLa ' - 1 Prison labour 722 12 6 Supervision and officers' labour .. . . 836 14 6 Interest on capital .. .. •• .. 2,341 5 1 Depreciation of buildings, plant, &c. .. .. 60 7 7 £12,159 17 2 £12,159 17 2


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE--continued. INVERCARGILL BORSTAL INSTITUTION. Farm Working Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Opening stocks — £ s. d. By Sales and transfers of produce and live-stock .. 5,294 17 6 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 2,746 10 0 Sale of firewood and timber . . .. .. 86 11 3 Crops .. .. .. .. .. 1,156 14 10 Closing stocksMiscellaneous stores and tools .. .. 365 15 6 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 3,762 19 10 Purchase of live-stock .. . . .. 428 8 10 Crops .. . . . . .. .. 840 13 1 Farm-produce consumed on farm .. .. 1,058 11 1 Miscellaneous stores and tools .. .. 404 4 7 Seeds and manures .. .. .. 153 15 0 Net loss on working .. .. .. 3,321 19 8 Sacks and threshing .. .. .. 76 8 0 Fencing and trees .. .. .. .. 45 4 6 Horse-shoeing and repairs to harness .. .. 6 19 0 Veterinary services .. .. .. 4 5 3 Tools, repairs, and plant maintenance .. 25 12 0 Freight and cartage .. .. . . 77 17 8 Fuel and oil . . .. . . .. 132 13 10 Rent and rates .. .. .. .. 474 1 6 Maintenance of farm buildings and roads .. 46 13 10 Dairy expenses .. .. . . .. 54 9 7 Sundries .. . . .. .. .. 137 13 4 Prison labour .. .. .. . . 991 10 6 Supervision and officers' labour .. 1,877 7 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 2,012 7 8 Depreciation of buildings, plant, and leaseholds .1,838 7 0 £13,711 5 11 . £13,711 5 11 waikeria borstal institution. Farm Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Opening stocks — £ s. d. By Sale's and transfers of produce and live-stock .. 15,201 7 11 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 10,094 17 2 " Closing stocks — Crops .. .. .. .. .. 2,785 16 6 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 9,777 8 0 Stores and tools .. .. .. .. 1,035 4 3 Crops, &c. .. .. .. .. 2,537 13 0 Apiary .. .. .. .. .. 34 18 5 Miscellaneous stores and tools .. .. 936 5 3 Purchase of live-stock .. .. 1,149 1 6 Apiary . . .. .. .. .. 103 14 9 Purchase of feed .. .. .. .. 114 15 3 Farm-produce consumed on farm .. .. 2,622 9 0 Seeds and manures .. .. .. 1,060 19 10 Fencing and trees .. .. . . .. 91 1 5 Tools, repairs, and plant maintenance .. 163 15 2 Horse-shoeing and repairs to harness .. .. 153 17 1 Freight and cartage, including use of horses .. 76 18 0 Sacks and threshing .. .. . . 23 10 7 Dairy expenses .. .. . . .. 34 7 6 Orchard spray .. .. .. .. 6 16 7 Blacksmithin'g .. .. .. .. 52 9 11 Sundries . . .. .. .. .. 352 15 1 Prison labour .. .. .. .. 2,946 3 6 Supervision and officers'labour .. .. 2,569 9 3 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 2,819 12 0 Depreciation of buildings and plant .. . . 231 18 5 Net profit on working .. .. .. 135 12 6 £28,556 8 11 £28,556 8 11


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTlCE—continued. WI TAKO PRISON. Farm Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Opening stocks — £ s. d. By Sales and transfers of live-stock and produce .. 2,397 1 3 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 796 7 0 Rent of pig-farm .. . . . . .. 10 0 0 Crops, &c. .. .. .. .. 455 0 0 Horses and motor-truck charges transferred .. 132 11 3 Miscellaneous stores and tools . . .. 141 0 6 Closing stocks — Purchase of live-stock .. .. .. 250 15 2 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 1,174 10 9 Farm-produce consumed on farm . . .. 155 2 3 Crops, &c. . . . . .. .. 452 10 10 Purchase of feed .. .. . . .. 34 7 1 Miscellaneous stores and tools . . .. 124 10 10 Seeds and manures . . .. . . 193 16 8 Loss on working . . .. . . .. 595 22 Fencing-wire and trees .. .. .. 2 4 6 Repairs and replacements to tools and implements .. .. .. .. . • 10 13 7 Motor-vehicle expenses .. . . .. 113 7 7 Fuel 35 5 0 Sundry expenses .. . . .. .. 41 16 6 Prison labour .. .. .. 1,147 4 9 Supervision and officers'labour .. .. 1,151 9 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 282 15 4 Depreciation of plant, &c. .. . . .. 75 22 £4,886 7 1 £4,886 7 1 COURTS, PRISONS, PATENTS, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEES, AND BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGE OFFICES. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. Capital — £ s. d. £ s. d. National Development Account Expenditure: £ s. d. Public Works Fund .. 985,878 9 6 Rangitoto Island Improvements .. .. 18,737 11 9 Consolidated Fund .. .. 104,897 3 4 Land and buildings — £ s. d. Departmental (labour im- Freeholds .. .. 359,482 11 4 provements) .. .. 237,932 3 6 Leaseholds . . . . 12,269 7 2 1,328,707 16 4 Taupo land-development cornTreasury Adjustment Account . . .. 97,479 18 7 pleted .. .. .. 80,607 16 1 Sundry creditors — Taupo land-development in Departmental .. .. 3,316 15 4 progress .. .. 4,302 10 0 Sundry .. .. .. 8,277 9 7 Buildings .. .. 672,972 4 1 11,594 4 11 1,129,634 8 8 Accrued earnings of prisoners .. .. 5,603 12 3 Libraries .. .. .. .. .. 4,238 12 4 Accrued bankruptcy remuneration .. .. 900 19 8 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 17,296 14 2 Deposits .. .. .. .. .. 31,797 9 6 Stocks of stores on hand .. .. .. 18,940 1 5 Writings-off in Suspense .. .. .. 2,137 17 3 Fixed plant .. .. .. .. 17,509 6 4 Implements and machinery .. .. .. 8,703 10 10 Motor-vehicles .. .. .. .. 1,686 17 11 Arms and accoutrements .. .. .. 575 2- 8 Loose tools and harness .. .. .. 4,138 0 3 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 21,895 1 9 Crops and gardens .. .. .. .. 8,018 11 10 Clothing and bedding .. .. .. 13,11843 Sundry debtors — £ s. d. Departmental .. .. 10,241 15 9 Sundry.. .. .. 3,487 5 1 13,729 0 10 Cash in Deposit Accounts .. .. .. 31,797 9 6 Expenditure paid in advance .. . • 427 19 4 Butterfat bonuses held on deposit .. .. 1,120 14 4 Postage-stamps on hand .. .. . . 594 18 3 Accrued bankruptcy commission .. .. 1,919 16 4 Writings-off in Suspense : Stores and live-stock. &c. .. .. .. .. .. 2,137 17 3 Expenditure and revenue balances for year — £ s. d. Courts and Head Office administration .. .. 46,982 7 9 Prisons and Borstal maintenance .. .. .. 119,151 14 1 Prisons Board and probation 3,929 18 4 Bankruptcy .. .. 3,879 2 9 Patents, trade-marks, &c. .. Cr. 6,966 2 1 Births, deaths, and marriages Or. 4,975 2 4 162,001 18 6 £1,478,221 18 6 £1,478,221 18 6

Notes. —The following charges are included in the accounts, for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriations : (a) Rental value as assessed by the Public Works Department; (b) interest on capital. The cost of erection and maintenance of buildings are appropriated in votes under the control of the Public Works Department. Cost of exchange on payments made in London and premium on loan conversions are not included in the accounts. B. L. Dallard, Under-Secretary of Justice. G. 0. Hall, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Institutional Accounts, Subsidiary Working Accounts, Income and Expenditure Accounts, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon, and to the following comment: No charge for Head Office administration has been made against the various Industry Working Accounts. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Salaries, agents' allowances, and overtime .. 36,084 3 6 By Penalties imposed by the Court in action brought Advertising, supply of newspapers, &c. .. 118 10 5 for breaches of awards and certain sections of Motor-cars, motor-cycles, and bicycles : Main- the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration tenance and repairing . . .. .. 627 19 2 Act, 1925, and the Apprentices Act, 1923 .. 277 18 0 Fees payable to assessors on Conciliation Factory registration fees .. .. .. 3,301 3 0 Councils .. .. .. .. 1,337 0 6 Servants'registry office license fees .. .. 30 6 0 Freight, cartage, and transport charges .. 48 2 5 Weights and measures verification fees .. 9,041 0 0 Heating and lighting of offices .. .. 166 13 3 Rent of buildings .. .. .. .. 58 13 9 Law-costs .. .. .. .. 12 14 0 Revenue from sale of seized articles .. .. 1 11 0 Postage, telegrams, telephone services .. 1,419 0 2 Charges for use of motor-vehicles and other Printing, stationery, office requisites, and type- incidental services in connection with weights writer repairs .. .. .. .. 1,622 2 5 and measures verification .. .. 1,517 7 4 Rates and repairs on property .. .. 11 411 Sale of departmental publications .. .. 190 310 Rent and rates on office accommodation .. 3,227 8 2 Services to Unemployment Board .. .. 7,585 4 2 Transfer expenses, travelling allowances and Excess of expenditure over income before expenses (Arbitration Court and Conciliation charging interest, carried down .. .. 30,217 3 3 Councils, £3,465 10s. 7d. ; departmental. £2,622 19s. 4d.).. .. .. .. 6,088 911 Commission on sale of literature . . .. 39 17 6 Miscellaneous expenses .. . . .. 30 2 10 Losses on realization of property .. . . 72 6 8 Compensation : Workers' Compensation Act .. 69 0 0 Grants to widows of deceased officers .. 104 6 0 Damages : Results of accidental collision . . 192 19 9 Provision for depreciation of assets .. .. 948 8 9 £52,220 10 4 £52,220 10 4 To Excess of expenditure over income before £ s. d. By Adjustment of bad debts and depreciation £ s. d. charging interest brought down .. .. 30,217 3 3 reserve .. .. .. .. 304 18 4 Interest on capital .. . . .. 357 5 6 Profit on realization of assets .. .. 16 14 3 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 30,252 16 2 £30,574 8 9 £30,574 8 9 Notes. —(1) The following charges are included for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation: (a) Rental value assessed by Public Works Department; (b) interest at 4J per cent, on capital. (2) No charge for the cost of exchange on payments made in London is included in the account. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital .. .. .. .. .. 8,537 5 3 Land and buildings .. .. .. .. 521 6 0 Creditors — £ s. d. Motor-cars, motor-cycles, and bicycles .. .. 1,393 11 6 Departmental .. .. .. 569 911 Furniture and fittings .. .. . . 1,900 611 Sundry .. .. .. 140 1 6 Mechanical office appliances .. .. .. 292 3 1 709 11 5 Library books .. .. .. .. 961 18 3 Reserve for bad debts .. .. .. 287 14 6 Weights and measures standards .. .. 3,467 19 6 Amounts held on deposit .. .. .. 476 3 4 Stationery .. .. .. .. . . 296 6 0 Writings-off, Suspense Account .. .. 78 9 4 Stamps .. .. .. . . .. 124 19 6 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 30,710 4 2 Payments in advance .. .. .. 50 10 3 Debtors — £ s. d. Departmental .. .. .. 126 9 3 Sundry .. .. .. 856 8 11 982 18 2 Assets in Suspense .. .. .. .. 7894 Deposit Accounts .. .. .. .. 476 3 4 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 30,252 16 2 £40,799 8 0 £40,799 8 0 Henry E. Moston, Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories, G. M. F. Jackson, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Incoilie and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

s—B.5 —B. 1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.


B.—l [Pt. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR —continued. Income and Expenditube Account of Labour Department (Immigration) for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Administration expenses— By Cables prepaid .. . . .. .. 10 0 Salaries. £s. d. £ s. d. Excess expenditure over income, carried down . . 1,163 19 0 New Zealand .. .. .. 300 0 0 London .. .. .. 525 0 0 825 0 0 Office expenses .. .. .. 146 12 3 Rents .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 1,071 12 3 Cost of cables .. .. . . .. 7 12 0 Exchange .. .. .. .. .. 080 Passage-money: Undesirables .. . . 54 18 7 £ s. d. Passage-money paid .. 70 10 0 Less contributions by £ s. d. immigrants .. .. 37 10 0 Less contributions by Imperial Government.. 16 10 0 — 54 0 0 16 10 0 Depreciation .. .. .. . . 13 18 2 £1,164 19 0 £1,164 19 0 £ s. d. By Recoveries on account of expenditure on preTo Balance brought down .. .. .. 1,163 19 0 " vious years— Interest on capital .. .. .. 141,028 16 4 New Zealand Government contributions £ s. d. Excess income on account of Public Works towards passage-money .. . . 234 6 7 Fund, National Development Account .. 240 6 3 Supervision of domestics . . .. 0 18 Profit on realization of assets .. .. 5 18 0 Adjustment of Depreciation Reserve Account .. .. .. .. 19 9 5 Excess expenditure over income after charging interest .. .. .. .. 142,173 5 11 £142,433 1 7 £142,433 1 7 Notes—(l) The accounts include a charge against the Department for interest on capital for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation. (2) No charge for the coat of exchange on payments made in London nor credit for the premium on remittances received in London is included in the account. Balance-sheet op Labour Department (Immigration) as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Account, Public Works £ s. d. £ s. d. Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 78 1. 5 Fund, 31st March, 1934 3,318,510 3 1 Stock: Stationery .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Less recoveries on account of Loans of passage-monev to immigrants .. 933 8 7 expenditure previous years, Sundry debtors .. ' ... . . 7 0 0 1934-35 .. .. 369 18 3 Administration Account .. .. .. 142,173 51] 3,318,140 4 10 £ s. d. Creditors : Departmental .. .. .. 0 6 0 National Development Account 3,319,398 15 7 Reserves : Bad debts .. .. .. 50 0 0 Less excess income, 1934-35 240 6 3 Imperial Government— 3 Igg g 4 Loans to immigrants recovered but £ s. d. not paid . . .. 36 5 8 Contributions of passage-money recovered but not paid .. . . 215 18 3 252 3 11 Recoveries on behalf of Commonwealth Government of Australia .. .. .. 17 12 6 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 143,899 18 0 £3,462,360 5 3 £3,462,360 5 3 Henry E. Moston, Acting Permanent Head. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance - sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [Pt. IV], SUP. TO 1930.

LANDS AND SURVEY DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.

Expenditure. Income. To Annual appropriations as under — £ s. cl. £ s. d. By Administration expenses charged to other De- £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. 174,943 14 10 partments and funds .. .. .. 80,760 16 5 Inspection of Crown land .. 11,375 13 9 Miscellaneous services for other Departments Surveys .. .. .. 9,816 1 6 and funds .. .. .. .. 21,781 5 8 Rents of offices .. .. 9,978 11 6 Miscellaneous office fees .. .. .. 3,392 19 11 Land Board fees .. .. 3,910 13 5 Lease fees .. .. .. .. 2,104 11 6 Travelling-expenses .. 3,357 17 8 Profit on sale of lithographs .. .. 1,694 0 7 Postages.. .. .. 3,087 15 4 Profit on disposal of other assets .. .. 216 511 Maintenance : Motors, £1,827 Interest on advances, Greymouth Technical and 10s. 6d.; office equipment, Hokitika High Schools Endowment .. 25 10 0 £560 lis. Bd.; survey Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 6 8 9 equipment, £53 7s. 2d.; Balance carried down .. .. .. 138,023 1 6 typewriters, &c., £236 14s. sd. . . . • 2,678 3 9 Printing and stationery .. 2,174 4 7 Telephone services . ■ 1, 950 6 2 Advertising, books, &c. .. 1,941 12 6 Sundry administration costs 1,369 19 6 Sundry office expenses .. 937 9 1 Tracing-cloth and draughting requisites .. .. 889 0 10 Grants and subsidies (irrecoverable expenditure on reconstruction work in Hawke's Bay Land District amounted to £4,151 Bs. 5d.) 13,577 2 11 241,988 7 4 Depreciation of assets — Furniture and fittings .. 1,556 4 7 Machinery, instruments, and general equipment . . 1,290 6 7 Motor-vehicles .. .. 1,519 12 7 —— 4,366 3 9 Writings-off in Suspense .. . . •. 133 7 2 Lithographs, &c., used in office and issued free to other Departments .. .. .. 1,41515 3 Discount on lithographs .. .. .. 101 6 9 £248,005 0 3 £248,005 0 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. ■■ 138,023 1 6 By Adjustments on account of previous year .. 41 0 8 Interest on capital .. .. .. 4,25311 4 Balance : Excess of expenditure over income for year ended 31st March, 1935 .. ..142,235 12 2 £142,276 12 10 £142,276 12 10 Notes. —(1) The above account includes charges for assessed rents on Government buildings, interest on capital, and administration expenses in respect of territorial revenue for which the Department has no parliamentary appropriations; (2) no charge for the cost of exchange on payments made in London is included in the accounts ; (3) expenditure under the New Plymouth Harbour Endowment Act, 1874, totalling £1,592 4s. lid., which is included in the Income and Expenditure Account, is calculated on the basis of certain rents shown in the Revenue Account of the Crown Lands Account. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d f ; Capital Account .. .. .. .. 73,395 7 1 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 8,874 11 9 Sundry creditors Machinery and instruments and general equipDepartmental .. .. •• •• 2,590 17 4 ment .. .. .. .. •• 7,506 011 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 1,460 11 6 Motor-vehicles .. .. .. .. 5,453 14 11 Payments in advance— £s. d. Lithographs, &o. .. .. .. 48,936 410 Lithographs .. .. .. 2 6 0 Publications .. .. .. .. 756 10 0 Miscellaneous office fees .. 18 13 10 Advances from Consolidated Fund— 20 19 10 Greymouth Technical and Hokitika High Writings-off in Suspense .. .. .. 1, 257 15 5 Schools Endowment .. .. 500 0 0 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 143,628 16 2 Advances to Kauri-gum Control Board .. 1,368 4 8 Debtors — Departmental — £ s. d. Administration expenses .. 2,058 11 10 Miscellaneous .. .. 814 6 10 2,872 18 8 Miscellaneous office fees .. .. .. 992 8 9 Lithographs supplied .. .. .. 409 6 4 Miscellaneous .. .. .. ■. 873 5 7 Stamps on hand .. .. .. .. 90 18 2 Unexpired season tickets .. .. .. 226 15 2 Losses in Suspense .. .. .. 1,257 15 5 Income and Expenditure Account: Excess of expenditure over income for year ended 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. .. 142,235 12 2 £222,354 7 4 £222,354 7 4 W. Robertson, Under-Secretary for Lands. Wm. E. Shaw, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

MAORI PURPOSES FUND CONTROL BOARD. Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Receipts. £ s. d. P(iyyYie7its To Balance at Ist April, 1934 .. .. .. 59,553 0 1 By Educational grants— ' £ s. d. £ s. d Maori meeting at Waitangi: Contributions from Special monetary grants to sunMaori Land Boards towards expenses of meeting 100 0 0 dry colleges, schools, and Waitangi Carved Meeting-house: Contributions students ?. ' 436 0 0 towards cost of erection— £ s. d. Assisted students at Massev Arawa District Trust Board .. 100 0 0 College: Accommodation exxuwharetoa Trust Board .. 25 0 0 penses .. 410 0 — . —- — 125 0 0 440 10 0 Maori Arts and Crafts School Fund : Second Miscellaneous grants Instalment of grant from Carnegie Corporation Grant for repairs to Te Aute and of New York • - .. .. .. 727 8 0 Hukarere Colleges .. .. 750 0 0 Kuatoki Carved Meeting-house : Deposit to form Interest on grants (Presbyterian nucleus of fund for cost of timber and carvings, Church of New Zealand, £538 *7°' , • • • • • • • • 66 0 0 7s. 6d. ; General Trust Board, Refunds £675) .. .. .. 1,213 7 6 Expenses of Tokomaru Bay Meeting- £ s. d. Purchase of photographs of the house 0 10 2 Houmaitawhiti Carved MeetingJtxpenses of assisted students .. 10 5 0 house .. .. 60 0 0 „ . „ _ , — 10 15 2 Grants towards cost of waterNative Trustee : Interest at 3 J per cent, to 31st supply systems (Motiti Island, March 1935 .. .. .. 2,026 5 9 £100; Tuatini, £28 3s. 9d.; Te Araroa, 7s. 9d.).. . . 128 11 6 Grant towards cost of Whakarewarewa sewerage system .. 300 0 0 Grant towards cost of funeral of late Ren; Neketini .. 5 0 0 Grant for food for Ruatahuna children .. .. .. 35 15 8 Expenses and costs of Tokomaru Bay Carved Meeting-house .. 37 0 2 Grants to Maori Arts and Crafts Board (Wages, Waitangi Meet-ing-house, £300; lighting of carvers' cottages, £6 15s. 3d.) 306 15 3 Travelling-expenses of Maoris teaching haka, poi, &c. .. 10 14 8 Expenses of Maori meetings (Waitangi, £22 15s. 5d.; Waikato Heads, £11 45.; Ohakune, £16 16s. ; Raglan, £4 ss. 9d. ; Ngaruawahia, £9 13s. 6d.) .. 64 14 8 Subsidized salaries and expenses of Native teachers and nurses .. 540 11 0 — 3,452 10 5 Waitangi Carved Meeting-house: Transfer of contributions to special fund with Native Trustee .. .. . . .. 125 0 0 Waitangi meeting expenses : Transfer of Maori Land Board contributions to Native Department .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Raukawa Carved Meeting-house: Preliminary expenses .. .. .. .. 22 14 4 Ruatoki Carved Meeting-house : Cost of plans and estimates .. . . .. .. 25 0 0 Administration expenses— £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. 101 911 Commission .. .. .. 60 0 0 — — 161 9 11 Balance: Cash with Native Trustee .. .. 58,081 4 4 £62,608 9 0 £62,608 9 0

H. S. King, Deputy Native Trustee. R. L. Jellicoe, A. R. A.X.Z., Accountant.


B.—l [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

MAORI PURPOSES FUND CONTROL BOARD —continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. To Educational grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. By Native Trust Office: Interest at 3|-per cent, to £ s. d. Special scholarship .. .. 436 0 0 31st March, 1935.. .. .. .. 2,026 5 9 Expenses of assisted students Balance: Excess of expenditure over income attending Massey College .. 410 0 transferred from accumulated funds.. .. 2,150 2 0 440 io 0 Miscellaneous grants .. .. .. 3,452 0 3 Administration expenses — Audit fee .. .. .. 9 9 .0 Salaries .. .. .. 94 10 0 Commission .. .. .. 60 0 0 Depreciation .. .. .. 119186 283 17 6 £4,176 7 9 £4,176 7 9 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Tuakau Maori Hostel Eund .. .. .. 250 0 0 Office furniture and equipment .. 172 11 2 Maori Arts and Crafts School Eund : Carnegie grant 1,916 12 0 Equipment for meetings .. .. 65 19 6 Ngati-Kahungunu Trust Eund .. .. 10 0 0 Raukau Meeting-house Fund .. .. .. 164 8 3 238 10 8 Ruatoki Meeting-house Eund .. .. . . 41 0 0 Less depreciation .. .. 61 3 7 Sundry creditors .. .. .. ■ . 9 11 7 177 7 1 £ s. d. Cottages at Rotorua .. .. 472 0 0 Accumulated funds at Ist April, 1934 59,144 1 1 Add expenditure previous years Less adjustments previous years 196 5 0 capitalized .. .. .. 315 0 58,947 16 1 475 15 0 Less excess of expenditure over Less depreciation .. .. 15 15 10 income transferred to Income 459 19 2 a.nd Expenditure Account .. 2,150 2 0 Maori arts and crafts workshop at 56,797 14 1 Rotorua .. .. .. 363 8 3 Less depreciation .. .. 11119 351 16 6 Austin motor-vehicle .. .. 156 16 11 Less Depreciation Reserve .. 37 18 1 118 18 10 Cash with Native Trustee .. .. .. 58,081 4 4 £59,189 5 11 £59,189 5 11 R. Masters, Chairman. H. R. H. Balneavis, Secretary.

I hereby certify that the Receipts and Payments Account, Income and Expenditure Account, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the following comment: That there is no security for the expenditure from the fund in connection with the erection of buildings on lands occupied by the Maori Arts and Crafts Board in the Rotorua District. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.

MENTAL HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT. Institutional Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.


10 10 03© HOlO F-H <M lOOJOMfiOiNh -g ° r° b-OCGHl>CqOMOMOOH01CWl>(M05 I>I>lOrHOil>l>rHCO CO <N 00 H 00 rH IN CC ® ffC ffi rH r« H O HNHQOHOOOON 00 t- CO HMH§N NH C+i CO <N <» IQ rH t*CO rH 00 rH CO Oq i~h CO CO CO CO >8 OS CO ■ ■ 3! S So S CO S CO <M rH XQ -S _T rjT CO <N GVJ CO CO CO S rQ Oi !><M rH HH iflOO O CO IO I> CM CO OI O CO O Oq ta gj I> »Q CO 00 CO rt< O CO rH CO Oi rH CO 00 Cq N (M IQ CO H t> 03 ..... 1 1 1—1 r " 1 Ojj • • • r—i <N • 0> • Oi Oi t>" rH CO CO *0 i—H • i'" • »0 r—iI • • t"» fc~" rH CO CO Oi rH CO rH rH rH CO C) • (5ft • m «8 98 53 « - « 5-« -s I >0 r-T rH COCOHIOTjfHHOlOOJbTPOCO O CO H Oq CO O 00 IO rH OO rtf (NOW o •g co <3* IO CO Oi CO (M h (M tj< oq CO CO I> Oq rH g rH rH rH H rH rH rH rH rH rH -H rH H S CO • <M Oi -COCO • cq 00 • • CO t- IO Oi t> rH • IO O ffi ! ca '• £-1 C+} CO GOrHrHr—ICOrHrHrHtM IO Q0^ Oi rH rH r* oT 00 Oi CO <M 00 CO rHrHrH rHO H (M CO OI IO H ci <M O rH 00 t- CO Oq l> !> 00 CO H 00 Oq CO rH o® 3 rH rH r—I rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rHrHrH rH h • . - c rH • H (M • (N I> H N l> l> CO O «M r> in OE . .mm O rfH Oq rf< Oi 00 Oi rH H CO Oi H N OI S 00 2 W P* Ctf CD GOOJ rH Oi S 00 rjT CO CO »0 co" rH COCOCOOOOOOrHOiOOCOI>COGOCO OONOi O 00 CO CO »0 r* CO COCO ©•! O 00 CO rH CO »0 rj coi>OirHcoHcocot>oi>oqcococoo CO W l> t> O O 1> <M CO Oi rH CO t> IO 00 IC 00 CO io o 0 rH rH i—I rHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrH rH r-i q? t> COCO OO • CO r—I 00 CO cOOt> Oq HH O CO lfi H N h • £ ; % Cq rH CO »OC0I>C0Cqoqi>C0C0T*»O CO »o oo o rH £ cq Oq § Sh® h C+} rH (MCOCOrHCOI>rHr—I rH rH CO COr-H 00 O CM CO CO in r-T CO OOCOIOCOMOOHCOIOCOOO GO CO 00 COOCOO- 00 H O Th COi>COCON §, CO Oiioio cq CO 00 (M rH Oi CI Ol S CO -CO '®OOOOlOCbHWTjbHCC 10010 • "(MCOOCO CO C0' COlO rH • o »0 Oi CO COOS N (M TP H TP H Oi H CO O"! H|>t> OI l> o rH IC C<J |I) Crt CO IO ic O OI i—I r-< CO »00 IO rH i-M FH hH rH O (MO(M OHOCOCO IO 00 »000 l> O 00 CO »OCO fl ,yJO O IOO(MCOOIOCOCOM>H»OCOO t>OOi CO 00 ca CO (M COOlO rHO 00 COOrH Oh 'S . . rH rHrHrH rH HH . rHr ~ J 2 I-H .00 •THCOaO<NCOOOCOOlrHOi<NCO<MOi »0c0 03 -OiOCOO O CI CO H 00 • Oi rH § ,, S SS H Ji 10 £S'* c S H ® x ' 0 ® , - 1 »M 00 ® S oro oo So? ?: P| c+j OQ (MM N H CO O »OrHrHO! OJ 00 H H l> H CO rH rH rH r—i IO TjT GO" IO" rH C<T rH OiH(M»00»OCOCOO COCOrHOi 00 CO O »00 0c0l>000 <N Ā rH rH rH rH rH rH M O »0 CO CO H CO IO »0 »0 !OCOI>H (MHHIM »OOiOi I> Oi t-oocqcoco CO . „'~ lrHrH H HHHHH « *00C0rlHCOt>CqcOCO»O CO t* H CO .COOvJOiOq 0t>00 00 rH COlOOOt-rH ■ o • Vj tHh O GO h IO oq l> t> I> O OOlTt* O CO t> HrHO S •q C+)0 1CCO CO COt- rH CO H rHrHOqrHOO-lrH rHCO rH oi' ' rH <m o h »o o o co co rH oi oi rHO oihiowhoi>o l> <M CO »0 O CO 00 rH »OCOCO OOi OiHiMOOiOOiHrH 3 H»0»OC01>rHrH!>COH(MOHCOOiMX)H rHOqi>cO • H Oi CO I> O CO r-HOi CO CO IM O <M O 00 Oi 0 l> rH OI i—i COhNhhhiOtHhhk IO CO Oi H CO l>CO O h CO h CC L--r* oo GO Oi t> TtfrHCOCqr-HTH OI rH OlrH OJCO CO 00 CO CO CO »0 oT CO rH CO o to \ ; i © rt o 0Q ce r=3 a Qi 5P zn ® r M OJ -p -s u M £ 't3 O -H H 00 ® :::::«: § : : : : :-§J: :e:::::S§ ::: "i : e • S Ti 2 m tjj O * .2 .5 ls»c |1 » is §s • s,s s £ si k j 1 • 111 jjr § 1 f g-«|| si!. | II J J ®! <s . 1.1.1111 M ! . 1 I gigll l'g,-s HI'S ' | |,.g Ip'l 1 'I "s<|s,l|| ' J ..St F.S S S ° s Su as « „ia Si= .1 JS S S S 'S Z, -aSMsgs ■I .ai§ rfl-g-o IS 8 £ a ® 1 16 § 14 i § §^SPScSs =>-•1-2 a a bs §5 S g's 2 ! d?h g-9£ « •|-l||l|| If 8.1 - s s s Ill I II g.EiS-alU'S S o'a"§OK?OgP^r|gggJ|

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935


Depreciation .. .. ... j 5,208 19 10 j 6,816 11 0 9,100 8 0 . 2,640 3 8 4,425 18 5 9,277 14 5 5,912 14 10 3,554 1 5 4(5,936 11 7 Grants to widows of officers . . . . . . 18 14 1 .. . . .. .. •. 18 14 1 Compensation under the Workers' . . .. 135 15 6 .. . . 181 17 6 .. • ■ 317 13 0 Compensation Act ! Fares of medical officers ex U.K. .. 80 15 0 80 15 0 .. .. .. .. .. ■ ■ 161 10 0 Total .. .. .. 78,474 6 2 ' 90,388 17 11 95,394 7 9 28,841 13 3 45,346 7 5 103,521 9 7 42,611 14 3 19,711 12 1 504,290 8 5 Balance brought down .. .. 53,005 12 5 61,459 15 3 62,896 12 5 23,256 18 10 33,684 18 4 68,617 7 0 30,925 13 11 12,742 5 2 346,589 3 4 Interest .. .. .. 7,030 10 10 9,277 14 11 10,693 11 10 3,270 3 2 6,545 3 0 10,701 5 5 6,561 11 1 5,033 3 0 59,113 3 3 Total.. .. .. 60,036 3 3 70,737 10 2 73,590 4 3 26,527 2 0 40,230 1 4 79,318 12 5 37,487 5 0 17,775 8 2 405,702 6 7 Income Maintenance fees .. ... 20,917 10 2 ! 24,468 6 1 25,863 5 3 3,918 16 4 9,114 18 6 29,320 13 1 0.436 16 10 6,064 0 8 129,104 6 11 Board and lodging .. .. 4,038 0 0 3,798 0 0 4,761 18 0 1,547 15 0 2,385 8 0 5,140 12 9 1,921 18 10 895 16 6 24,489 9 1 Metal, rags, &c., sale of . . . . 119 14 1 51 16 0 . . .. .. 51 7 11 .. .. 222 18 0 Offal institution .. .. 28 7 8 224 7 7 1.509 11 1 1 2 5 3 3 5 37 7 6 165 8 3 9 9 9 1,978 17 8 Sacks .. .... .. 41 18 3 .. .. 16 11 0 .. 74 10 10 .. .. 133 0 1 Rents .. .. .. 320 0 0 370 0 0 360 0 0 100 0 0 157 19 2 273 0 0 160 0 0 .. 1,740 19 2 Sundries .. .. .. 3 3 7 16 13 0 3 1 0 0 9 8 . . 6 10 6 1 16 5 . . 31 14 2 Balance carried forward .. 53,005 12 5 ! 61,459 15 3 62,896 12 5 23,256 18 10 33,684 18 4 68,617 7 0 30,925 13 11 12,742 5 2 346,589 3 4 j ] Total.. .. .. 78,474 6 2 j 90,388 17 11 95,394 7 9 28,841 13 3 45,346 7 5 103,521 9 7 42,611 14 3 19,711 12 1 504,290 8 5 Net profits from farms . . .. 488 16 1 3,801 19 4 ! 4,488 5 2 10 9 6 1,399 7 2 2,001 0 1 2,226 1 0 729 13 4 15,145 11 8 Excess expenditure over income .. 59,547 7 2 , 66,935 10 10 , 69,101 19 1 26,516 12 6 38,830 14 2 77,317 12 4 35,261 4 0 17,045 14 10 390,556 14 11 Total .. ,.| 60,036 3 3 70,737 10 2 73,590 4 3 26,527 2 0 40,230 1 4 79,318 12 5 37.487 5 0 I 17,775 8 2 405.702 6 7 1 :— _ : : _ £ s. d. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d, j £ s. d. Average cost per patient .. j 45 8 5 51 12 2 56 0 0 65 3 0 61 4 11 50 1 6 60 9 8 54 12 8 j 53 6 10

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

MENTAL HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT— continued. Farm Working Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.


! Auckland. Christchurch. Dunedin. ! Hokitika. Nelson. Porirua. Tokanui. Kingseat. Total. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Live-stock at 1st April. 1934 .. 1,783 10 0 3,675 12 6 4,817 0 0 417 7 6 3,527 2 6 4,128 17 6 5,585 0 0 2,820 0 0 26,754 10 0 Stores and growing crops at 1st 1,881 16 8 3.087 19 8 4,472 3 2 471 1 4 1,694 8 6 900 0 0 3,834 0 0 ],634 18 0 17,976 7 4 April, 1934 Purchases of live-stock .. .. 95 16 0 358 4 2 22 16 0 4 3 0 118 2 9 78 1 7 2,026 11 7 17 12 7 2.721 7 8 Live-stock sundries .. .. 12 9 10 118 14 11 31 6 4 1 18 9 30 3 11 20 3 1 33 2 8 5 3 0 253 2 6 Salaries and wages .. .. 760 14 0 1,752 10 1 3,537 11 2 695 16 6 1,812 3 9 1,754 18 0 1,665 5 5 850 2 11 12,829 1 10 Feed .. .. .. .. 288 10 2 272 14 5 489 10 10 78 2 3 290 11 11 1,118 18 11 157 17 11 .. 2,696 6 5 Fertilizers .. .. .. 231 12 4 195 13 11 285 13 1 76 15 4 282 1 6 294 3 8 444 0 10 318 3 1 2,128 3 9 Seeds .. . . .. .. 39 1 3 210 18 10 58 12 0 48 3 9 95 6 2 42 0 7 68 15 4 202 17 2 765 15 1 Repairs (implements, harness, &c.) 114 8 4 7 8 1 138 15 5 0 11 0 33 5 11 87 9 4 249 12 ft 12 1 0 643 11 10 Sundries .. .. .. 56 14 2 316 3 11 73 12 11 29 16 8 .. 105 18 7 152 5 8 43 11 4 778 3 3 Buildings, repairs .. .. .. 12 94 036 .. 6 96 309 .. .. 22 31 Machinery repairs .. .. .. 203 0 16 3 .. 19113 .. .. 337 25 114 Harvesting .. .. .. ■. 308 10 6 . . .. . . , , .. .. 308 10 6 Fencing, draining, and roading .. 21 6 11 10 12 6 73 11 0 13 16 11 105 14 11 93 9 5 101 14 7 95 19 10 516 6 1 Freight and cartage .. .. • • .. 17 13 4 .. . . 5 17 6 .. 11 17 3 35 8 1 Rents, rates, &c. .. .. .. 677 2 1 . . .. .. .. . . 677 2 1 Depreciation .. .. .. 133 3 6 134 4 0 250 5 0 7 16 7 173 7 11 352 8 0 174 14 0 15 1 9 1,241 0 9 Vehicles other than motors .. ■ . .. -■ .. .. 700 .. 700 Carried down .. .. 2,039 15 2 5,508 1 8 5,992 7 0 81 18 0 2,513 3 11 3,299 1 8 3,278 5 2 1,463 14 11 24,176 7 6 Total .. .. .. 7,458 18 4 16,649 0 10 20,261 17 0 1,927 7 7 10,701 14 5 12,284 8 7 17,778 5 11 7,494 6 5 94,555 19 1 Interest on capital .. .. 1,550 19 1 1,706 2 4 1,504 1 10 71 8 6 1,113 16 9 1,298 1 7 1,052 4 2 734 1 7 9,030 15 10 Net profit .. .. .. 488 16 1 3,801 19 4 4,488 5 2 10 9 6 1,399 7 2 2,001 0 1 2,226 1 0 729 13 4 15,145 11 8 Total.. .. .. 2,039 15 2 5,508 1 8 5,992 7 0 8118 0 2,513 3 11 3,299 1 8 3,278 5 2 1,463 14 11 24,176 7 6 Income. Live-stock sales .. .. 400 1 4 1,629 19 1 730 11 7 13 5 0 641 7 11 721 0 2 1,741 19 2 858 1 0 6,736 5 3 Poultry and eggs .. .. 262 7 8 806 4 8 773 15 1 49 11 10 278 15 6 842 12 10 .. .. 3,013 7 7 Skins, 'hides, &c. .. .. 0 8 2 12 12 11 39 13 4 3 19 6 62 19 7 38 12 7 279 17 1 35 14 9 473 17 11 Wool .. . . .. .. . . 200 8 0 .. .. 200 5 0 40 3 10 165 8 5 .. 606 5 3 Butterfat .. .. .. 144 0 11 188 5 11 448 7 2 .. 199 1 4 76 9 3 754 14 4 740 10 8 2,551 9 7 Milk and cream .. .. 1,410 5 11 2,510 19 0 3,795 16 9 475 10 0 1,042 19 4 4,091 12 7 1,009 3 4 341 9 8 14,677 16 7 Fruit and vegetables .. .. 1,914 7 2 3,727 11 3 3,234 17 6 312 6 0 1,409 5 9 1.103 5 0 733 15 7 564 10 10 12,999 19 1 Meat .. .. .. .. 31 10 5 192 6 0 837 15 7 193 9 7 422 18 ft 209 16 6 2,460 14 0 12 18 2 4,361 9 0 Cereals, hay &c. .. .. . ■ 624 6 10 .. . . 7 6 8 .. . . 63 11 4 695 4 10 Sacks .. .. .. .. 5 18 0 .. .. 10 12 0 18 19 2 .. .. 35 9 2 Live-stock at 31st March, 1935 .. 1,755 7 6 3,361 5 0 4,888 0 0 373 15 0 3,616 17 6 4,482 0 0 7,082 0 0 3,112 10 0 28 671 15 0 Stores and growing crops at 31st 1,529 0 0 3,395 2 2 5,504 10 0 505 10 8 2,694 7 1 659 16 8 3,550 14 0 1,765 0 0 19,604 0 7 March, 1935 Sundries .. .. •• 5 11 3 .. 8 10 0 .. 114 18 0 .. . . 128 19 3 Total.. .. 7,458 18 4 16,649 0 10 20,261 17 0 1,927 7 7 10,701 14 5 12,284 8 7 17,778 5 11 7,494 6 5 94,555 19 1 Profit brought down .. .. 2,039 15 2 5,508 1 8 5,992 7 0 81 18 0 2,513 3 11 3,299 1 8 3,278 5 2 1,463 14 11 24,176 7 6 Total.. .. .. 2,039 15 2 5,508 1 8 5,992 7 0 81 18 0 2,513 3 11 3,299 1 8 3,278 5 2 1,463 14 11 24,176 7 6

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.

MENTAL HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT —continued. Income and Expenditure Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Institutional Accounts— £ s. d. By Balance .. .. .. .. 390,974 15 8 Auckland .. •. • ■ ■ • 59,547 7 2 Christchurch .. .. •. ■ • 66,935 10 10 Duuedin .. •• •• •• 69,101 19 I Hokitika .. .. •• ■■ 26,516 12 6 Nelson .. . • • • ■ • 38,830 14 2 Porirua .. .. •• •• 77,317 12 4 Tokanui .. •• •• •• 35,261 4 0 Kingseat 17,045 14 10 Interest on Wellington Land Account .. 418 0 9 £390,974 15 8 £390,974 15 8 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Account: Public Works Fund .. 1,790,524 3 8 Land .. .. .. .. .. 233,273 10 0 Sundry Creditors — £ s. d. Buildings (institutional) .. .. .. 1,034,110 310 ' Departmental .. .. 1,289 8 2 Buildings (farm) 27,071 5 6 Other .. .. • • 6,402 8 4 Improvements .. .. .. .. 79,496 3 8 7,691 16 6 Other vehicles .. .. .. 1,391 8 0 Bad Debts Reserve .. .. 6,087 0 0 Loose and artisans'tools .. .. .. 2,715 10 6 Writings-off, Reserve Account .. .. 5,245 11 0 Farm implements .. .. .. .. 3,445 17 0 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 286,937 6 0 Plant and machinery (institutional) .. .. 54,268 16 11 Plant and machinery (farm) .. .. 1,978 4 3 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 39,178 9 4 Stores and equipment .. .. .. 111,362 16 8 Motor-vehicles .. .. . ■ • • 1,460 0 0 Surgical instruments .. . . .. 463 12 2 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 28,671 15 0 Stores and growing crops .. .. .. 19,604 0 7 Sundry debtors — £ s. d. Departmental .. .. 350 12 5 Other .. .. .. 61,369 14 3 61,720 6 8 Pay ments in advance .. .. •. 53 10 5 Asset in Suspense Account .. .. 5,245 11 0 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 390,974 15 8 £2,096,485 17 2 £2,096,485 17 2

Notes. —( ft ) No charge has been made in farm accounts in respect of patients' labour ; (6) sundry debtors for maintenance at 31st March, 1935, have been estimated ; (c) the assets include amounts of a capital nature expended by the Public Works Department for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriations; (d) no charge for the cost of exchange on payments made in London is included in the accounts; (e) the following charges are included for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation: (1) Interest on capital; (2) maintenance of buildings by the Public Works Department. Theo. Gr. Gray, Director-General of Mental Hospitals. F. A. Lyford, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Farm Working Accounts, Institutional Accounts, Income and Expenditure Account, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the Departmental notes enfaced thereon.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

6 —B. 1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.


B.—l [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

NATIVE DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Yeae, ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. To Administration expenses— £ s. d. £ s. d. By Departmental receipts— £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries and allowances .. 52,249 16 1 Native Land Court fees .. 4,814 7 8 Travelling expenses and allow- Maori Land Board fees .. 423 5 0 ances .. .. .. 3,485 1 6 5,237 12 8 Freight and cartage .. .. 129 15 8 Administration receipts from — Fuel, light, and cleaning .. 145 10 10 Native Trustee .. .. 13,000 0 0 Postages and telegrams .. 1,431 1 10 Maori Land Boards .. .. 9,430 10 0 Printing and stationery .. 2,355 11 5 Native-land development .. 5,431 0 0 Maintenance of furniture, equip- 27,861 10 0 ment, and motor-vehicles .. 767 4 9 Other receipts .. .. .. .. 7 7 0 Advertising . . • • 72 2 7 Balance carried down, being excess of expendiAgents' commission .. ■ • 10 0 0 ture over income .. .. 55,168 14 1 Audit fees .. . . .. 150 0 0 Legal expenses . . .. 44 17 3 Public Service Superannuation Fund, Native Trustee's contribution towards . . .. 133 2 3 Miscellaneous . . .. 224 18 2 Depreciation .. • • 376 5 4 Rent .. .. .. 1,182 13 11 Services Post and Telegraph Department .. .. 117 17 6 Furniture and equipment, written off .. .. 12 10 4 62,888 9 5 Expenses of other services— Destruction of rabbits on Native lands ■. 1,517 2 6 Eradication of noxious weeds .. 460 5 8 Compensation to Natives for Taranaki lands .. .. 4,750 0 0 Recoupment to Public Works Fund for amount written off principal and interest of survey liens .. .. 5,000 0 0 Balance expenses Maori meeting, Waitangi.. .. .. 635 15 5 Special grant for relief of distress amongst Natives in North Auckland and Hawke's Bay .. .. • • 610 0 7 Miscellaneous grants.. .. 168 6 10 Board of Maori Arts and Crafts, expenses of .. •• 640 10 0 13,782 1 0 Expenditure under special Acts of the Legislature— Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922, section 7, and Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1923, section 13 (Arawa lakes claims) .. .. 5,520 0 0 Expenditure under Civil List Act, 1920, Part V (Native Purposes) — Medical services .. .. 3,600 0 0 Food and clothing .. .. 1,977 22 Pensions and cash allowances 22 3 6 Water-supplies and sanitation 173 19 0 Native hostels, expenses of .. 106 4 9 Miscellaneous .. .. 205 3 5 6,084 13 4 £88,275 3 9 £88,275 3 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 55,168 14 1 By Balance .. .. .. .. .. 55,759 9 3 Interest on capital .. .. • • 582 5 2 Adjustment on account of previous year . . 8 10 0 £55,759 9 3 £55,759 9 3 ===== ■ Note. —The above account includes charges for assessed rent and interest on capital for which the Department has no parliamentary appropriation.


B — 1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

NATIVE DEPARTMENT —continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. it. Capital Account .. •• •• 9,853 12 5 •• •• /400 aia Sundry creditors — £ s - d. Buildings •• " '' '' " i'jn7 011 Departmental 128 18 1 Furniture and fittings 419 11 11 Sundry .. • • .. 345 10 8 Mechanical office appliances .. • • • • 41« 11 li 474 8 9 Technical instruments .. .. •• •• 12184 Payments in advance 016 8 Motor-car for Native Health Nurse .. .. 61 0 5 Amounts held on deposit 328 16 6 Equipment for Maori gatherings .. . . 85 1b 0 Writings off in Suspense .. ?17 11 Sundry debtors ■ • Treasury adjustment account .. .. •• 73,276 2 3 Departmental .. •• 17 264 8 8 'Un 17 " " —- 17,383 5 6 Stationery .. • • • • 444 2 6 StampS 78U 5 522 16 11 Losses in Suspense Account .. .. • • 717 11 Deposit Account •. • ■ • • • • 328 16 6 Excess of expenditure over income . • .. 55,759 9 3 £83,941 14 6 £83,941 14 0. N. Campbell, Acting Under-Secretary. E. L. Jellicoe, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental note enfaced thereon.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

NATIVE DEPARTMENT.— DISTRICT MAORI LAND BOARDS. Combined and Separate Receipts and Payments Statements for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Receipts.


Totals - Tokerau. Mmiapatō. WaiariM. Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. South Island. Cash balances at 1st April, 1934 £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d £ s d £ s d In hand and m bant 11,740 12 9 I 337 1 5 695 19 5 1,810 10 7 7,135 15 2 1,347 11 8 86 12 11 i" 7 17 oTrtmS 8 . e :: :: :: 186 . 811 489 1 4 238 18 8 161 1 6 11 208 ; o s uil I Withdrawals of principal from amounts on deposit with 11', 192 18 3 3,500 0 lK 0 0 Ī 7 § *2 \o 822 M " 3 Native Trustee _ ' t id ru 56,530 5 3 4,023 10 4 11,746 0 9 21,091 10 10 7,296 16 8 10,852 15 8 1,117 13 9 40 1 17 3 Rents and royalties . 80,345 3 5 3,517 8 6 10,970 8 7 14,144 11 0 24.571 14 9 17,112 10 5 6 324 16 4 3 703 13 10 Purchase-moneys and compensation .. .. 47,488 0 5 650 13 9 12,860 8 1 11,265 13 6 11,294 9 7 4 602 1 0 4 879 2 9 1 935 11 9 Repayments, mortgages, and other investments .. 32,018 18 9 7,805 11 3 7,814 18 11 5,285 7 0 5,825 6 10 652 14 9 4*635 0 0 Other receipts for beneficiaries 4,370 1 8 1,464 19 0 „ .. .. j >M1 n q 0 11 24 10 9 164,222 4 3 13,438 12 6 31,645 15 7 30,695 11 6 41,691 11 2 23,908 17 2 17,178 0 0 5,663 16 4 Interest received on — * " ' Mortgages and other investments .. .. 9,074 19 8 388 14 1 1,488 8 8 2,902 10 8 2 392 14 11 1 371 2 9 257 13 Q 973 1*110 Native Trust Office deposits 6,208 4 2 24 19 8 2! 139 17 7 ' 9 23 ĪO 5 21 it 0 2'M 10 0 «3 3 3 254 8 3 New Zealand Government securities .. .. 2,339 13 8 .. 90 11 8 .. 2,076 18 0 112 4 0 60 0 0 17,622 17 6 413 13 9 3,718 17 11 3,826 1 1 4,491 7 11 3,913 16 9 730 17 0 528 3 1 Commissions (not including transfers from blocks) .. .. 2,186 12 2 44 14 8 298 3 5 632 6 11 656 19 0 275 0 2 172 13 1 106 14 JL Proceeds of sales and other credits from farms .. .. 11,439 14 5 .. 2 609 17 1 8 ggg 17 4 " Miscellaneous receipts (including sundry deposits for .. 28,340 11 8 1,079 15 8 1,201 0 0 6,568 1 10 15,275 7 4 3 776 18 6 4*>6 3 6 Vt d m repayment, refunds, and recoveries) ' ' nu j.o u 3 o id 4 10 Totals '• •• •• •• 280,342 5 3 19,000 6 11 48,609 17 8 65,423 9 3 69,412 2 1 51,557 5 7 19,625 7 4 6,713 16 5 N t^^nd^n^;aLcS tire " 223.812 0 0 14,976 16 7 16 if "44,331 18 5 62,115 5 5 1 0 ,704 9 11 1 8 ,507 13 f 6,311 19 2 * I

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

NATIVE DEPARTMENT.— DISTRICT MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued. Combined and Separate Receipts and Payments Statements for the Year ended 31st March, 1935— continued. Payments.


Totals. Tokerau. Maniapotō Waiariki. Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. South Island. Payments to beneficiaries .. .. .. .. 138,376 10 *4 £ " 8,962 "l *7 28,263 16 *5 32,010 15 H 31,695 2 10 21,321 18 *4 11,407 15 'if 4,715 0 1 Miscellaneous payments on behalf of beneficiaries and 56,270 8 0 1,443 17 4 3,689 10 1 8,287 13 3 26,610 7 4 15,859 14 9 366 0 5 13 4 10 Boards (including payments on deposit, refunds, &c.) Instalment, of principal and interest on Treasury loans 260 172 185 72 .. .. .. 75 10 0 under Native Land Act, 1931, section 340 194,907 15 6 Administration expenses .. .. .. .. 11,375 6 2 770 8 7 2,662 18 1 2,004 18 3 2,119 1 3 2,054 6 9 1,186 2 10 577 10 5 206,283 1 8 11,361 14 8 34,616 4 7 42,303 7 5 60,424 11 5 39,311 9 10 12,959 18 5 5,305 15 4 Grants for Native purposes .. .. .. .. 50 1 3 .. .. 50 1 3 50 1 3 Investments — Interest on Native Trust Office deposits capitalized .. 6,063 4 4 24 19 8 1.994 17 9 923 10 5 21 15 0 2,430 10 0 413 3 3 254 8 3 Mortgages and other investments .. .. 51,193 8 0 6,505 6 5 9,645 11 3 20,775 1 7 5,205 8 7 8,310 17 5 751 2 9 Purchase of land, buildings, furniture, &c. .. .. 821 0 2 .. 65 15 10 17 0 9 55 10 2 678 63 355 119 — 58,077 12 6 6,530 6 1 11,706 4 10 21,715 12 9 5,282 13 9 11,419 13 8 1,167 11 5 255 10 0 Total payments .. .. .. .. 264,410 15 5 17,892 0 9 46,322 9 5 64,069 1 5 65,707 5 2 50,731 3 6 14,127 9 10 5,561 5 4 Cash balances at 31st March, 1935 — In hand and in bank .. .. .. 14,109 18 0 890 3 8 1,799 5 4 1,142 8 1 3,622 8 7 695 1 9 5,114 12 11 845 17 8 Post Office imprests .. .. .. 1,821 11 10 218 2 6 488 2 11 211 19 9 82 8 4 131 0 4 383 4 7 306 13 5 Other imprests .. 15,931 9 10 1,108 6 2 2,287 8 3 1,354 7 10 3,704 16 11 826 2 1 5,497 17 6 1,152 11 1 Totals .. .. .. •• 280,342 5 3 19,000 6 11 48,609 17 8 65,423 9 3 69,412 2 1 51,557 5 7 19,625 7 4 6,713 16 5

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

NATIVE DEPARTMENT.— DISTRICT MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued. Revenue Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Interest Account.


Totals. Tokerau. Maniapotō. Waiariki. I Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. South Island. ■ •• Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest on amounts held and invested under Native Land Act, 1931, 3,196 8 9 11 0 0 1,020 11 11 58 19 6 127 18 2 660 4 10 1,196 3 11 121 10 5 section 281, and other amounts specially invested Interest received on amounts on deposit with Native Trustee .. .. 6,207 14 1 24 9 7 2,139 17 7 923 10 5 21 15 0 2,430 10 0 413 3 3 254 8 3 Interest on other investments .. .. .. .. .. 12,109 5 6 1,693 13 9 1,649 6 8 2,850 17 4 3,546 0 3 1,356 15 4 864 3 3 148 8 11 Interest on overdrafts .. .. .. .. .. .. 611 19 0 .. 121 12 3 .. .. 457 10 3 32 16 6 22,125 7 4 1,729 3 4 4,931 8 5 3,833 7 3 3,695 13 5 4,905 0 5 2,506 6 11 524 7 7 Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest allocated in full on amounts held under Native Land Act, 1931, 3,196 8 9 11 0 0 1,020 11 11 58 19 6 127 18 2 660 4 10 1,196 3 11 121 10 5 section 281, and other amounts specially invested (as per contra) Other interest allocated to sundry blocks, &c. .. .. .. 4,301 14 5 393 7 11 877 0 7 274 14 10 455 3 7 1,693 15 1 607 12 5 Interest on advances from other Boards Balance transferred to Income and Expenditure Account .. .. 14,627 4 2 1,324 15 5 3,033 15 11 3,499 12 11 3,112 11 8 2,551 0 6 702 10 7 402 17 2 22,125 7 4 1,729 3 4 4,931 8 5 3,833 7 3 3,695 13 5 4,905 0 5 2,506 6 11 524 7 7

B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

Appropriation Accounts.

NATIVE DEPARTMENT.— DISTRICT MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued. Revenue Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1935— continued. Income and Expenditure Accounts.


Totals. Tokerau. Mania "Waiariki. Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. South Island. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Net interest on investments .. .. .. .. .. 14,627 4 2 1.324 15 5 3,033 15 11 3,499 12 11 3,112 11 8 2,551 0 6 702 10 7 402 17 2 Board commission .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,869 2 11 169 10 604 9 9 718 7 7 1,050 17 7 807 3 4 393 4 4 125 19 4 Profit on Board farms .. .. .. .. .. .. *l,051 6 9 .. .. *l,051 6 9 Sundry credits (registration fees, lease fees, &c.) .. .. .. 1,269 0 8 241 0 6 314 4 9 4 18 1 385 15 5 320 17 11 2 4 0 18,714 1 0 1,734 16 11 3,952 10 5 3,171 11 10 4,549 4 8 3,679 1 9 1,097 18 11 528 16 6 Expenditure. Expenses of management — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Contribution towards expenses of Native Department .. .. 9,432 10 0 1,000 0 0 2,244 0 0 1,260 0 0 1,656 0 0 1,656 0 0 1,079 0 0 537 10 0 Audit fees reserve .. .. .. .. .. .. 468 16 6 90 0 0 100 0 0 105 10 6 68 17 0 50 0 0 38 14 0 15 15 0 Miscellaneous office and other expenses .. .. .. .. 2,720 16 7 366 9 8 345 1 3 366 3 0 1,105 12 10 410 9 9 84 12 7 42 7 6 Depreciation on buildings and furniture .. .. .. .. 870 10 11 24 12 9 216 18 0 128 16 11 217 3 10 259 6 5 15 15 4 7 17 8 Balance (being surplus for year) transferred to Appropriation Account 5,221 7 0 253 14 6 1,046 11 2 1,311 1 5 1,50111 0 1,303 5 7 *120 3 0 *74 13 8 18,714 1 0 1,734 16 11 3,952 10 5 3,171 11 10 4,549 4 8 3,679 1 9 1,097 18 11 528 16 6 * Loss.

Totals. Tokerau. Waikato- Waiariki. Talrawhiti, Aotea. Ikaroa. South Island. Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Unappropriated balances at 1st Apri], 1934 .. .. .. .. 63,880 16 7 6,884 7 7 5,358 7 10 1,344 17 1 23,093 2 10 22,270 19 2 3,170 5 9 1,758 16 4 Sundry adjustments, previous years .. .. .. .. 19 18 3 11 9 8 8 8 7 Investments Reserve Account .. .. .. .. .. 15,186 7 4 475 8 1 22 5 0 597 9 3 1,607 17 8 11,419 0 6 915 16 4 148 10 6 Surplus for year ended 31st March, 1935, from Income and Expenditure 5,221 7 0 253 14 6 1,046 11 2 1,311 1 5 1,50111 0 1,303 5 7 *120 3 0 *74 13 8 Account 84,308 9 2 7,624 19 10 6,435 12 7 3,253 7 9 26,202 11 6 34,993 5 3 3,965 19 1 1,832 13 2 Expenditure. Appropriations during year — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Investments Reserve Account .. .. .. .. .. 22,829 19 11 1,959 10 5 970 4 4 2,617 9 6 6,201 8 6 11,081 7 2 Purchase of land, buildings, furniture, &c... .. .. .. 769 4 4 .. 65 15 10 17 2 3 .. 683 0 10 2 3 8 119 Mortgage Investment Depreciation Reserve .. .. . . 300 0 0 .. .. .. ■ • 300 0 0 Grants for Native purposes .. .. .. .. .. 50 1 3 .. .. 50 1 3 Sundry adjustments, previous years .. .. .. .. 1,009 13 1 244 18 3 637 3 3 .. 5 0 0 35 6 11 .. 87 4 8 Reserve for interest on purchase-money held at call .. .. 6,027 3 1 .. .. .. 4,877 3 1 .. 750 0 0 400 0 0 Reserve for interest losses on Common Fund investments .. .. 850 0 0 .. .. .. • • • • '50 0 0 100 0 0 Reserve and Assurance Fund .. .. .. .. .. 3,708 2 2 .. .. .. .. • • 2,463 15 5 1,244 6 9 Unappropriated balances at 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. 48,764 5 4 5,420 11 2 4,762 9 2 568 14 9 15,118 19 11 22,893 10 4 84,308 9 2 7,624 19 10 6,435 12 7 3,253 7 9 26,202 11 6 34,993 5 3 3,965 19 1 1,832 13 2 * Loss.

NATIVE DEPARTMENT.— DISTRICT MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued. Combined and Separate Balance-sheets as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities.

I hereby certify that the Statement of Receipts and Payments, Income and Expenditure Accounts, Appropriation Accounts, and Balance-sheet have been compared with the accounts and balancesheets of the respective Maori Land Boards, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the following comments :— Tokerau : (a) Owing to the inadequacy of the records relating to the stores and sundry debtors of the Te Kao Store, the Audit Office is unable to certify to the values of the stores on hand and to the amount of the sundry debtors ; (b) no provision has been made in respect of the bad and doubtful debts of the Te Kao Store Account; (c) the amount of £50 administration expenses charged to the Te Kao Store appears to be inadequate ; (d) the balance of the Deposit Control Account has not been reconciled with the individual deposits included therein. Waikato-Maniapoto : (a) The wages of the supervisor and of the clerical assistant of the Waipipi and Kaihu farms have been charged against administration expenses of the Board and not against the farm trading accounts ; (b) as departmental supervision has been kept on portion only of the timber cut, the correctness of the amount of the royalties received by the Board depends partly on the accuracy of the returns received from the hcensees ; (c) in the opinion of the Audit Office the amount of rent and interest outstanding is excessive. WaiariM : (a) The valuations given of the tools and stores on hand at the Tihiotonga Station have been accepted ; (b) the balance of the Control Account of the Arawa section of the beneficiaries' accounts does not agree with the total of the schedules of balances of these accounts ; (c) payments to two beneficiaries amounting to £6 12s. 3d. were unsupported by adequate receipts, the endorsed cheques only having been produced as evidence of payment; (d) the net loss for the year in respect to the Tihiotonga Station has been understated by the inclusion in the Profit and Loss Account of sundry charges for truck hire amounting to £619 19s. Bd. incurred by sundry debtors prior to the year under review. Tairawhiti : (a) The values of live-stock on hand at the Anaura Station have been accepted on the Manager's certificate ; (b) the Audit Office is unable to certify to the adequacy of certain securities owing to the absence of information as to the values of the land secured. Ilcaroa and South Island : The rents and royalties due in respect of Trust Accounts which have formerly been shown as an asset and per contra as a liability in the annual accounts of the Board have been deleted from the balance-sheet on "the instruction of the President of the Board.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.


Totals. Tokerau. Maniapotō Waiariki. Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. South Island. Liability to Native beneficiaries — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s.* d. Amounts held under section 281, Native Land Act, 1931, and other trusts — Specially invested (section 101 (2), 1931) .. .. 32,864 19 6 300 0 0 11,009 19 6 .. .. 14,955 0 0 6,000 0 0 600 0 0 Invested in Common Fund .. .. .. 86,913 8 10 6,548 17 5 22,705 8 4 1,199 4 5 2,922 17 7 34,294 11 0 17,471 15 7 1,770 14 6 Other amounts held — Specially invested (section 101 (2), 1931) .. .. 64,103 14 4 .. 2,278 3 1 14,255 2 11 29,323 8 4 3,847 0 0 14,400 0 0 Otherwise invested .. .. .. 253,428 13 9 31,533 12 4 67,106 9 11 38,817 1 4 58,371 14 10 31,429 5 11 15,839 3 4 10,331 6 1 —437,310 16 5 38,382 9 9 103,100 0 10 54,271 8 8 90,618 0 9 84,525 16 11 53,710 18 11 12,702 0 7 Sundry amounts held ori deposit and in suspense .. 4,210 8 2 735 0 0 193 8 8 1,225 8 3 1,967 8 1 53 0 6 36 2 8 Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. .. 4,465 6 10 1,042 14 11 52 12 3 892 5 7 3 17 1 2,184 10 9 275 16 0 13 10 3 Commission receivable (not yet earned) .. .. 1,035 16 3 44 15 5 296 14 7 415 3 2 .. 96 16 0 104 2 6 78 4 7 Loan liability on blocks (as per contra) — Treasury loans .. .. .. .. •• 7,620 13 4 6,696 0 10 .. .. .. 924 12 6 Other loans .. .. .. •• •• 961 14 6 .. .. .. .. 961 14 6 Liability to Treasury for advances under Native Land 2,872 16 0 . • .. .. 2,872 16 0 Act, 1931, section 522 Liabilities of special trusts under Native Land Act, 1931, 88,272 0 10 .. •• 35,217 11 7 53,054 9 3 section 358 109,438 15 11 8,518 11 2 542 15 6 2,532 17 0 40,061 12 9 57,275 3 6 416 1 2 91 14 10 Property Reserve .. .. .. •• 37,293 12 2 282 18 9 12,043 8 6 2,954 17 5 7,831 13 5 13,900 3 2 196 11 10 83 19 1 Investments Reserve .. .. .. •• 68,839 3 4 1,959 10 5 16,178 3 2 33,408 14 1 6,201 8 6 11,091 7 2.. Property Realization Reserve .. .. •• 1.338 1 0 .. 98 1 0 .. .. 1,240 0 0 Audit Fees Reserve .. .. .. ■ • 638 8 3 141 19 6 174 15 3 67 10 0 60 0 0 85 5 6 77 8 0 31 10 0 Depreciation Reserve .. .. .. •• 7,837 10 6 207 10 5 1,135 12 1 1,227 3 5 2,086 17 7 3,017 4 10 110 0 9 53 1 5 Reserve unpaid interest, Common Fund investments.. 850 0 0 .. .. .. .. . . 750 0 0 100 0 0 Reserve interest on purchase-money held at call .. 6,027 3 1 .. .. .. 4,877 3 1 .. 750 0 0 400 0 0 122,823 18 4 2,591 19 1 29,630 0 0 37,658 4 11 21,057 2 7 29,334 0 8 1,884 0 7 668 10 6 Reserve and Assurance Account .. .. .. 3.708 2 2 .. .. .. .. .. 2,463 15 5 1,244 6 9 Appropriation Account .. .. .. .. 48,764 5 4 5,420 11 2 4,762 9 2 568 14 9 15,118 19 11 22,893 10 4 52,472 7 6 5,420 11 2 4,762 9 2 568 14 9 15,118 19 11 22,893 10 4 2,463 15 5 1,244 6 9 Totals „ „ ._. LJ 722,045 18 2 54,913 11 2 138,035 5 6 95,031 5 4 166,855 16 0 194,028 11 5 58,474 16 1 14,706 12 8

B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

NATIVE DEPARTMENT.— DISTRICT MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued. Combined and Separate Balance-sheets as at 31st March, 1935— continued. Assets.

0. Campbell, Under-Secretary. E. L. Jellicoe, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant.

7 —B. 1 [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935,


Totals. Tokerau. Waikato- Waiariki. Tairawhiti. Aotea. Ikaroa. South Island. : I I ! Cash balances— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d In hand and in bank .. •• 14,109 18 0 890 3 8 1,799 5 4 1,142 8 1 3,622 8 7 695 1 9 5,114 12 11 845 17 8 Post Office imprests .". 1,8211110 218 2 6 488 2 11 21119 9 82 8 4 131 0 4 383 4 7 306 13 5 15,931 9 10 1,108 6 2 2,287 8 3 1,354 7 10 3,704 16 11 826 2 1 5,497 17 6 1,152 11 1 Investments — °Mortsazesaaid-Bliarees ■■ 180,100 11 0 35,966 13 5 28,315 5 0 13,980 2 11 57,690 10 3 20,553 1 6 18,089 17 2 5,505 0 9 On dfposit with Native'Trustee '.'. .. .. 174,743 19 2 54 10 10 58,739 0 5 22,237 11 4 2,726 10 3 71,518 18 6 11,943 14 1 7,523 13 9 Miscellaneous.. .. 35,137 8 7 .. 4,514 0 3 .. 29,323 8 4 1,300 0 0 Particular estates — „„.„„„„ Mortgages •• •• 48,770 2 7 300 0 0 11,023 2 7 .. .. 17,047 0 0 20,400 0 0 Miscellaneous 4,020 0 0 .. 2,265 0 0 .. .. 1,755 0 0 °MorW-es •• 30,847 13 640 0 4 6,896 3 7 17,052 7 1 .. 6,258 10 3 Advances on overdraft to blocks, &c 17,726 3 6 1,959 10 5 3,179 15 10 544 16 7 6,201 8 6 4,749 14 3 921 1 4 169 16 7 Farm properties 35,056 12 11 .. .. 35,056 12 11 Miscellaneous 28,252 3 5 .. 5,579 0 9 .. 22,600 0 0 73 2 8 .. 554,654 2 5 38,920 15 0 120,511 8 5 88,871 10 10 118,541 17 4 123,255 7 2 51,354 12 7 13,198 11 1 Assets of special trusts under Native Land Act, 1931, 88,272 0 10 .. .. •■ 35,217 11 7 53,054 9 3 Printing n and stationery stocks on hand .. .. 140 19 2 22 18 3 16 13 6 9 8 0 40 0 0 33 1 5 12 12 0 6 6 0 Sundry miscellaneous transactions 9,338 11 2 7,015 3 10 756 17 5 963 19 6 28115 5 132 7 10 188 7 2 Interest &c • 5,789 10 764 2 11 1,816 11 2 388 9 8 1,238 1 4 '503 11 9 932 8 8 145 15 6 Commission' ■■ 1,035 16 3 44 15 5 296 14 7 415 3 2 .. 96 16 0 104 2 6 78 4 7 Accrued interest on investments 92114 3 58 10 0 302 2 3 .. .. 33112 10 188 3 10 41 5 4 Accounts prepaid :. 86 3 3 .. 4 15 73 8 11 8 12 11 ■■ 105,584 5 11 7,905 10 5 3,193 0 4 1,850 9 3 36,777 8 4 54,160 12 0 1,425 14 2 271 11 5 Land and buildings 32,853 5 6 .. 11,048 12 5 2,210 5 11 6,780 18 5 12,815 8 9 Office furniture and fittings ■■ 4,440 6 8 282 18 9 996 16 1 744 11 6 1,050 15 0 1,084 14 5 196 1110 83 19 1 j 37,293 12 2 282 18 9 12,043 8 6 2,954 17 5 7,831 13 5 13,900 3 2 196 II 10 83 19 1 Blocks loaded with loans (as per contra) — Treasury loans .. 7,620 13 4 6,696 0 10 .. .. .. 924 12 6 Other loans 96114 6 ■■ ■■ -j - 961 14 6 ■■ 8,582 7 10 6,696 0 10 .. .. .. 1,886 7 0.. Totals .. .. .. .. .. 722,045 18 2 54,913 11 2 138,035 5 6 95,031 5 4 166,855 16 0 194,028 11 5 58,474 16 1 ' 14,706 12 8

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

NEW ZEALAND REPARATION ESTATES, WESTERN SAMOA. Trading Accounts for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Debit.


Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Or. To Salaries .. 2,825 0 6 By Rents on dwellings and planta- £ s. d. £ s. d. Less amount re- tions leased .. .. 3,698 18 10 covered from Less— £ s. d. Banana Scheme Ground rents Account .. 637 10 0 paid .. 641 10 8 2,187 10 6 Plantations Printing and stationery .. 11910 leased, exTravelling allowances and ex- perises .. 78 17 6 penses .. .. .. 67 0 11 720 8 2 2,373 12 5 2,978 10 8 Motor-car — Interest on mortgage and advances 531 14 0 Running-expenses .. .. 183 4 1 Banana scheme .. .. 108 16 8 Hire expenses .. .. 9 18 2 640 10 8 193 2 3 Earnings— Residence and business pro- Commissions .. .. 140 12 8 perties — Exchange Account .. .. 118 14 9 Maintenance .. .. 315 18 11 Yard meat-sales .. .. 20 16 6 Rates, taxes, and insurance .. 844 18 11 280 3 11 1,160 17 10 Profits on workings Audit fees .. .. .. 150 0 0 motor-boats— £ s. d. Beetle research .. .. 76 18 2 " Taumafai" .. 156 9 10 General expenses .. .. 190 17 7 loss on Interest on mortgages and deposits 181 11 10 ■" Tausala ".. 156 7 9 London general expenses ..10189 021 Postages and radios .. .. 177 14 3 Motor-lorries .. . . .. 22 6 2 Survey fees .. .. .. 27 13 6 Engineering Shop Working Ac906 4 1 count .. .. .. 77 0 3 Depreciation, not including de- Paint Shop Working Account .. 18 8 0 preciation on plantation assets 2,320 11 . £ s. d. Less adjustment of depreciation, Yard Labour Account 258 15 3 1933-34 .. .. .. 1 10 0 Less yard-mainten-2,318 11 1 an °e ■• .. 190 8 4 Reserve for bad and doubtful 68 6 11 debts .. .. .:. .. 187 1 10 Trading Account: Losses as per 186 3 5 Summary Account .. .. 1,583 16 8 Less loss on Weighbridge AcVaipapa Development Account .. 71 6 I count .. .. .. 0 10 1,655 2 9 186 2 5 Profit on stores and rations, but not including plantation sales.. .. 317 13 2 Sundries— Vaivase water rates .. .. 13 0 0 Sundry income .. .. 0 9 0 Bad debts recovered .. 6 17 6 Plantation Benevolent Fund .. 710 0 27 16 6 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. 4,363 14 11 £8,794 12 3 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. To Balance," Ist April, 1934 .. ~ S2 L n t> -d Cr ' a £ s ' d - Reserve : Renewal of plantations " 9000 on J es f rve Accolmt: General 32,565 13 0 Profit and Loss Account: Balance transferred Realization Account: Profit .. .. 358 5 0 from Profit and Loss Account .. 4,363 14 11 carried down 5,990 17 10


I ? ~ Item. Rubber. j Copra. Cocoa. Sundries. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Stock at 1st April, 1934 .. .. .. 1,223 0 0 990 0 0 25 0 0 2,238 0 0 Production .. .. .. 846 0 0 12,918 0 0 7,551 0 0 139 0 0 21,454 0 0 Expenses.. .. .. .. 1 0 0 248 0 0 1,174 0 0 3 0 0 1,426 0 0 Purchases .. .. .. .. .. 291 0 0 .. 291 0 0 Losses on consignments .. .. .. 293 0 0 857 0 0 7 0 0 1.157 0 0 Profit .. .. .. .. .. 500 .. 44 00 49 00 Totals .. .. .. 847 0 0 14,687 0 0 10,863 0 0' 218 0 0 26,615 0 0

Item. Rubber. Copra. Cocoa. Sundries. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Sales, consignments, and profit on con- 327 0 0 14,092 0 0 9,072 0 0 180 0 0 23,671 0 0 signments Stock at 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. 595 0 0 322 0 0 38 0 0 955 0 0 Refund duty .. .. . . . • • • 356 0 0 .. 356 0 0 Losses .. .. .. .. 520 0 0 .. 1,113 0 0 .. 1,633 0 0 Totals .. .. .. 847 0 0 14,687 0 0 10,863 0 0 218 0 0 26,615 0 0

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1930.

NEW ZEALAND REPARATION ESTATES—continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Capital Account .. .. .. .. 707,779 3 2 Properties unoccupied — £ s. d. £ s. d. Reserves — Land .. .. .. 85,344 13 3 Black Boys' Repatriation Con- £ s. d. Buildings .. .. .. 213 15 0 tingency Account .. .. 2,000 0 0 Improvements .. . . 2, 292 711 Plantation renewals .. .. 1,400 15 7 3,400 15 7 Total non-revenue-producing items .. 87,850 Lb 2 Writing-off in Suspense Account .. .. 4,643 12 5 Properties leased — Mortgages payable in Samoa .. •• •• 3,313 15 7 Residential and Sundry creditors .. .. . • • ■ 632 3 6 buildings £ s. d. Land .. 17,359 2 8 Buildings . . 33,227 0 0 Plant and machinery .. 1,483 11 5 Furniture .. 462 9 6 52,532 3 7 Plantations — Land .. 101,415 5 10 Buildings .. 20,986 5 4 Improvements 7,568 8 5 129,969 19 7 Properties worked — Land .. .. 352,192 13 7 Buildings .. 24,895 10 0 Plant and machinery .. 3,968 1 6 Furniture .. 348 4 11 Stores .. 173 7 3 Live-stock .. 27,260 0 0 408,837 17 3 Plant and machinery, Head Office — Yard plant .. 193 7 2 Carpenters and engineer's shop 225 18 11 Weighbridge .. 96 10 0 515 16 1 Sundry assets — Motor-boats and equipment, &c. 1,146 11 3 Motor-lorries and trailers .. 116 0 0 Leaupuni water - supply .. 211 3 0 1,473 14 3 Total revenue-producing items 593,329 10 9 Sundry debtors — Ordinary debtors £ s. d. and rents owing 3,545 8 3 Estates in bankruptcy .. 1 > 094 6 5 4,639 14 8 Secured debtors — Land purchases 5,032 0 2 Mortgages .. 5, 964 10 2 Bills of sale .. 414 6 4 11,410 16 8 16,050 11 4 Less reserve for bad and doubtful debts .. 1,232 16 5 14,817 14 II Less receipt awaiting allocation .. .. ■ • 125 14 11 — —- 14,692 0 0 Bank of New Zealand Account .. 1,231 17 6 Paymaster-General's Account, Wellington .. . ■ • • 1 >135 8 1 Stamps .. .. • • 1 10 3 — 2,368 15 10 Rent paid in advance .. .. • • 177 2 0 Stores and stocks on hand .. 3,192 8 1 Produce on hand .. .. 953 18 0 Produce in hands of consignees .. 2,729 12 6 6,875 18 7 Losses on realization .. .. 2,328 7 3 Outstanding losses in Suspense Account .. •• 4,643 12 5 6,971 19 8 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. •• •• 5,990 17 10 Banana Scheme Account — Stock of cases and nails .. 2,470 4 4 Payments on account consignment 1,693 17 9 4,164 2 1 Less Scheme Account .. 2,651 12 8 1,512 9 5 £719,769 10 3 £719,769 10 3 A. C. Bridle, Accountant. I hereby «certify that the Profit and Loss Account, Trading Accounts, and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

PENSIONS DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditube Account eoe the Yeak ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. To Pensions £ s. d. £ s. d. By Credits from national-endowment residue for £ s. d. War pensions and allow- _ old-age pensions .. .. .. 41,128 19 6 ances .. .. 1,262,730 2 4 Credits from sundry outstandings .. , LB5l 4 9 Old-age pensions ..1,506,290 0 1 Commission for paying Imperial pensions .. 3,323 Oil Widows pensions .. 297,085 2 6 Credits from pensions paid to retired officers Military pensions (Maori ... on account of Post and Telegraph Depart- , Wal ') •• 3,668 14 9 ment 6 F 145 17 5 Miners'pensions .. 58,354 14 9 Credits from other GovemPensions for the blind .. 20,962 19 10 ments on account of Family allowances .. 152,777 5 4 payments, made- £ s. d. Pensions and allowances Canadian Government . . 115 18 11 to disabled ex-members Commonwealth Governof New Zealand con- ment _ _ _ 24 109 1 0 tangents to South African Imperial Government .. 3,467 11 2 War and dependants of Government of Fiji .. 018 11 deceased members Deposits Account, Imthereof . . . 2,090 3 2 perial Pensions .. 194,871 12 10 Pensions to epidemic- 222 565 210 widows and their de- Excess of expenditure over income .. ..3,425,999 1 0 pendants .. .. 2,086 6 1 Pensions to ex-members of New Zealand Defence and Naval Forces .. 2,236 19 5 Police pensions .. 1,434 15 9 Special annuities .. 5,790 16 8 Pensions under Civil Service Act .. .. 5,261 9 3 Judicature Act, 1908 .. 2,682 4 4 Pensions to retired postal officers .. 145 17 5 1 3,323,597 11 8 Administration charges— Advertising .. .. 13 7 9 Sundry office expenses .. 40 4 8 Depreciation .. .. 208 9 1 Exchange and commission 270 2 0 Fees for certificates of age 119 5 11 Fuel, light, power, and water .. .. 107 19 11 Office equipment (repairs) 117 12 8 Loss on fittings written off 2 6 6 Overtime . . .. 363 5 1 Post Office services .. 18,182 14 4 Postage and telegrams .. 3,252 9 3 Printing and stationery .. 1,590 4 8 Rent of offices .. 2,991 1 6 Salaries .. .. 36,616 3 4 Telephone services .. 310 0 9 Travelling-expenses (departmental officers) .. 1,110 2 6 War Pensions Appeal Board expenses .. 3,901 0 1 — 69,196 10 0 Other charges— Clothing-allowances .. .. 421 7 10 Life-insurance loadings .. .. 175 3 3 Medical fees .. .. .. 6,740 16 9 Medical treatment— Ex-members New Zealand Expeditionary Forces .. .. 67,341 3 8 South African War veterans .. .. 133 17 0 New Zealand Defence and Naval Forces .. 32 13 7 67,507 14 3 Rail concessions to disabled soldiers .. 1,570 18 0 Re-establishment of disabled soldiers in Civil employment (including grant of £500 to Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment League) .. .. .. .. 1,129 7 10 Travelling-expenses (pensioners) .. 2,108 14 0 Payments on account of other Governments (details as per Cr.) .. .. .. 222,565 2 10 £3,695,013 6 5 £3,695,013 6 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. ..3,425,999 1 0 By Balance after charging interest .. ..3,426,078 0 7 Interest on capital .. .. .. 78 19 7 £3,426,078 0 7 £3,426,078 0 7 Percentage of cost of administration to total expenditure, 1-87. Notes. —(1) Included in above expenses are items which do not appear in annual appropriations —i.e., interest on capital, £78 19s. 7d. ; rental assessed by Public Works Department, £1,994. (2) No charge for the cost of exchange on payments made in London is included in the account.


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

PENSIONS DEPARTMENT —continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. Capital .. .. .. .. .. 1,868 9 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. Creditors — Furniture and fittings .. .. 1,442 10 1 Departmental .. .. . . .. 694 0 7 Mechanical appliances .. .. 242 18 5 Sundry .. .. .. .. 5,508 15 5 Permanent fittings, Auckland office 183 0 6 Pensions due but unpaid .. .. 34,804 14 8 1,868 9 0 Rent due but unpaid .. .. .. 715 0 Medical stores on hand .. . . . . 474 14 1 Pensions paid but not cleared .. .. 689 3 8 Stationery on hand . . .. .. • . 782 2 5 Writing-off Reserve Account .. .. 2 6 6 Stamps on hand .. . . .. .. 123 14 8 Deposits Account, Miscellaneous (J. Petrie), Pensions prepaid .. .. .. •• 248,851 5 6 (Canadian Government) .. .. .. 18 2 9 Accounts prepaid .. . . .. .. 74 4 5 Deposits Account Imperial. Pensions .. 25,809 1 6 Assets in Suspense .. .. .. .. 2 6 6 Imperial pensions not cleared .. .. 9, 299 4 1 Sundry debtors — £ s. d. Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 3,693,267 13 2 Departmental .. .. 41,256 13 11 Advances on account other Governments (Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), section 7) — Canadian Government .. 180 11 8 Commonwealth Government.. 14,308 1 10 Imperial Government .. 2,342 6 3 Government of Fiji .. 4 4 10 58,091 18 6 Deposits Account, Miscellaneous (J. Petrie) : Cash 18 2 9 Deposits Account: Imperial pensions (cash) .. 35,604 711 Excess of expenditure over income .. ..3,426,078 0 7 £3,771,969 6 4 £3,771,969 6 4 J. H. Boyes, Commissioner of Pensions. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

POLICE DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935, Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Administrative charges— £ s. d. £ s. d. By Subsidies from loca! bodies .. 241 10 0 Salaries .. .. .. 347,991 0 2 License fees, Arms Act .. 2,895 7 6 Pent •• •• •• 2,828 18 11 Sale of confiscated firearms .. 158 8 2 Office expenses .. .. 954 14 10 Sale of confiscated liquor .. 159 0 8 Printing and stationery .. 3,686 13 8 Payment for special police serPostage and telegrams .. 3,876 13 4 vices .. .. .. 1,215 17 4 Telephones .. .. 6,681 3 1 Interest .. .. .. 33 3 9 House allowances .. .. 23,577 0 6 4,703 7 5 Transfer expenses .. .. 4,268 10 0 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 480,336 9 5 Travelling-expenses .. 13,446 19 2 — 407,311 13 8 Other charges — Upkeep of bicycles, horses, and motor-vehicles .. 9,115 15 10 Freight, cartage, &c. .. 230 13 11 Clothing, stores, &c. .. 9,102 1 3 Fuel, light, water, scavenging 4,320 4 1 Police prosecutions .. 2,747 3 7 Prisoners' rations .. .. 565 5 4 Maintenance and repairs to buildings, &c. .. .. 7,703 11 1 Rewards .. .. .. 252 0 0 Medical expenses .. .. 407 11 9 Police examinations .. 149 4 1 Compassionate allowances .. 200 0 0 Sundry expenses .. .. 51 3 11 34,844 14 10 Depreciation on— Buildings .. .. 11,772 15 0 Office furniture .. .. 854 1 3 Mechanical office appliances.. 83 2 11 Libraries .. .. 608 5 6 Arms and accoutrements .. 354 910 Motor-vehicles .. .. 265 2 10 Bicycles .. .. . . 15 10 0 Horses .. .. .. 48 0 0 — 14,001 7 4 Loss on stores sold, &c. .. 103 4 7 Loss on buildings sold, &c. .. 9 4 0 Rent irrecoverable .. .. 80 3 3 192 11 10 Interest on capital .. .. .. 28,689 92 £485,039 16 10 £485,039 16 10 Note. —The accounts include charges for interest and expenditure on construction of buildings, for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation, and also credit for rent from the Valuation Department for which that Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation.—No cost of exchange on payments made in London is reflected in the account. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital: Liability to Treasury, Public Works Land .. .. .. .. .. 226,020 19 1 Eund, 31st March, 1935 .. .. .. 676,362 16 11 Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 305,076 13 5 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 362,214 9 7 Office furniture .. .. .. .. 3,811 15 9 Creditors — £ s. d. Mechanical office appliances .. .. .. 95 610 Departmental .. .. 381 11 0 Libraries .. .. .. .. .. 7,843 12 2 Sundry .. .. .. 1,766 17 3 Arms and accoutrements .. .. .. 8,002 16 10 2,148 8 3 Motor-vehicles .. .. .. .. 1,319 1 9 Writings-ofl, Suspense Account .. 180 4 9 Bicycles .. .. .. .. .. 132 7 2 Horses .. .. .. .. .. 155 0 0 Stores and equipment .. .. .. 6,693 5 7 Official stamps on hand .. .. .. 1,088 6 11 Debtors : Sundry .. .. .. . . 149 19 10 Assets in Suspense .. .. .. .. 180 4 9 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 480,336 9 5 £1,040,905 19 6 £1,040,905 19 6 Note.—The proportion of police to population was 1 to 1,280, and the cost per inhabitant for the year 1934-35 (exclusive of expenditure on the erection and maintenance of buildings, interest, and depreciation charges) was ss. 7d. E. F. Madden, Secretary, Police Department. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon. —G. E. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B. —1 [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. POSTAL BRANCH. Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d„ Gr. £ s. d. To Working-expenses .. .. .. 1,204,417 15 4 By Postages .. .. .. .. 939,793 10 5 Earthquake expenditure, Suspense .. 13,045 6 4 Rents received .. .. .. .. 11,122 2 4 Depreciation (6) .. .. .. 23,319 8 5 Private box and bag rents .. .. 26,974 17 8 Rural delivery fees .. .. .. 20,018 1 5 Money-order and postal-note commission .. 58,599 5 11 Miscellaneous revenue .. .. •• 152,391 12 2 Loss before charging interest on capital, carried down. . .. .. .. 31,883 0 2 £1,240,782 10 1 £1,240,782 10 1 £ s. d. To Loss brought down .. .. .. 31,883 0 2 By Loss on year's working transferred to General £ s. d. Interest on capital (a) .. .. .. 66,866 2 9 Profit and Loss Account . . .. .. 98,749 2 11 £98,749 2 11 £98,749 2 11 TELEGRAPH BRANCH. Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. To Working-expenses .. .. .. 304,538 1 0 By Revenue .. .. .. .. 276,158 12 4 Earthquake expenditure, Suspense .. .. 1,206 6 8 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 72,026 19 10 Depreciation (b) .. .. .. .. 35,163 8 9 Rents received .. .. .. .. 1,022 0 5 Profit before charging interest on capital, carried down .. . . .. .. 8,299 16 2 £349,207 12 7 £349,207 12 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on capital (a) .. .. .. 28,363 16 10 By Profit, brought down .. .. .. 8,299 16 2 Loss on year's trading transferred to General Profit and Loss Account .. .. 20,064 0 8 £28,363 16 10 £28,363 16 10 TOLL BRANCH Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. To Working-expenses .. .. .. 196,190 16 4 By Revenue .. .. .. .. 448,562 11 1 Earthquake expenditure, Suspense .. .. 3,479 0 1 Rents received .. .. .. .. 2,972 11 9 Depreciation (6) .. .. .. .. 102,274 5 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 16.963 0 3 Profit before charging interest on capital, carried down .. .. .. .. 166,554 1 2 £468,498 3 1 £468,498 3 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest oil capital (a) .. .. .. 82,497 7 7 By Profit, brought clown .. .. .. 166,554 1 2 Profit on year's trading transferred to General Profit and Loss Account .. .. 84,056 13 7 £166,554 1 2 £166,554 1 2 TELEPHONE BRANCH. Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. To Working-expenses .. .. .. 466,278 12 10 By Telephone revenue .. .. .. 1,174,466 1 II Earthquake expenditure, Suspense . . 4,994 14 10 Rents received.. .. .. .. 4,258 7 9 Depreciation (6) .. .. .. 390,039 14 8 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 55,149 1 2 Profit before charging interest on capital, carried down .. .. .. 372,560 8 6 £1,233,873 10 10 £1,233,873 10 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on capital (a) .. .. .. 324,641 8 8 By Profit, brought down .. .. .. 372,560 8 6 Profit on year's working transferred to General Profit and Loss Account .. .. 47,918 19 10 £372,560 8 6 £372,560 8 6


B.—l [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT— continued. WIRELESS BRANCH. Profit and Loss Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s . d. To Working-expenses .. .. .. 8,389 16 11 By Revenue on wireless traffic .. .. 4,706 9 5 Depreciation (6) .. .. .. .. 2,089 10 10 Loss before charging interest on capital, carried down .. .. .. .. .. 5,772 18 4 £10,479 7 9 £10,479 7 9 £ s. d. To Loss, brought down .. .. .. 5,772 18 4 By Loss on year's working transferred to General £ s. d. Interest on capital (a) .. .. .. 1,732 6 0 Profit and Loss Account .;. .. .. 7,505 4 4 £7,505 4 4 £7,505 4 4 SERVICE GARAGE. Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. I Gr. £ s. d. To Working-expenses .. .. .. 48,756 12 11 By Revenue .. .. .. .. 67,549 7 0 Depreciation (b) .. .. .. .. 7,848 3 4 Profit before charging interest on capital, carried down . . .. .. . . .. 10,944 10 9 £67,549 7 0 £67,549 7 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on capital (a) .. .. .. 5,088 311 By Profit, brought down .. .. .. 10,944 10 9 Profit on year's working transferred to General Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. 5,856 6 10 £10,944 10 9 J £10,-944 10 9 GENERAL PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. To Postal Branch, loss .. .. .. 98,749 211 By Toll Branch, profit ~ .. .. 84,056 13 7 Telegraph Branch, loss .. .. .. 20,064 0 8 Telephone Branch, profit .. .. .. 47,918 19 10 Wireless Branch, loss .. .. ... 7,505 4 4 Garages, profit .. .. .. .. 5,856 610 Net profit .. .. .. .. 11,513 12 4 £137,832 0 3 £137,832 0 3 GENERAL PROFIT AND LOSS APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT, 1934-35. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Payments to Treasury .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 By Balance forward .. .. .. .. 31,676 16 2 Balance.. .. .. .. .. 30,190 8 6 General Profit and Loss Account .. .. 11,513 12 4 £43,190 8 6 £43,190 8 6


POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT— continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Receipts and Expenditure on Capital Account.

B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

General Balance-sheet. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Sundry creditors— ' £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Account balance .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,192,685 0 8 Money-order payees for unpaid money-orders .. .. .. 50,838 9 8 Stock at Stores, District Telegraph Engineers' and Workshops, and in transit .. 404,218 8 4 Other administrations on money-order, postal, and cable accounts 104,143 18 10 Sundry debtors— , £ s. d. Postal-note payees for unpaid postal notes .. .. .. 78,966 6 10 Other administrations on money-order account .. .. 4,690 12 0 Sundry other creditors .. .. .. .. .. 446,782 7 2 Government Departments .. .. .. .. 26,475 15 8 Other Government Departments .. .. .. .. 157,878 17 6 Sundry other debtors .. .. .. .. .. 52,330 14 0 838,610 0 0 83,497 1 8 Assets written off Reserve Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,279 10 6 Post Office Investment Certificate Account: Investments held in War Loan Certificate Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,344 1 11 Government loans .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,132,650 0 0 Post Office Investment Certificate Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,139,742 1 5 Postmasters' balances .. .. .. .. .. 1,983,347 15 1 Money-order Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,414 14 2 Head Office Account, including cash in bank .. .. .. 4,438,364 6 5 Postmasters : For advance to Postmasters of stamps, postal notes, British postal orders, Post Office investment certificates, and other documents of value, including 6,421,712 1 6 stocks, held in the General Post Office .. .. .. .. .. 1,919,655 12 1 Less Savings-bank funds held in balances .. .. .. 4,057,905 6 10 Depreciation Reserve (including maintenance and renewals, equalization reserve, 2,363,806 14 8 telegraph, toil, and telephone systems) .. .. .. .. .. 3,824,717 0 0 Assets written off, Suspense Account .. .. .. .. .. 3,279 10 6 Fire Insurance Reserve .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 85,000 0 0 Post Office investments under section 100 of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928 .. 2,615,710 0 0 Investments held on behalf of Radio Broadcasting Board .. .. .. 45,000 0 0 Investment (Radio Broadcasting Board of New Zealand) .. .. .. 33,550 0 0 Interest accrued on investments held on behalf of Radio Broadcasting Board .. 162 8 2 Interest accrued on investments .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,440 10 11 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. .. .. .. .. 30,190 8 6 Loan Conversion Expenses Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 55,278 10 0 £7,895,115 16 9 £7,895,115 16 9 Notes.— (a) Interest on capital equal in amount to depreciation reserve investments is at the average earning-rate on such investments, interest on balance of capital is at £4 ss. per cent. (6) Depreciation has been allowed for on balance of assets as at Ist April, 1934, the total charge being carried to Depreciation Reserve, (c) No charge for the cost of exchange on capital payments made in London is included in the account. A. Marshall, A.R.A.N.Z., Director of Finance and Chief Accountant. G. McNamara, Director-General, Post and Telegraph Department. I hereby certify that the Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B—B. 1 [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.


I li r. As at 31st March, Amount debited As at 31st March, ; Capital as at 1st Amount received Capital as at 31st Dr • 1934. during Year. j 1935. jj April, 1934. Year 1934-35. March, 1935. To Expenditure — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Telegraph and toll systems, including 2,460,749 6 8 26,296 3 6 2,487,045 10 2 By Receipts: Public Works Fund .. 12,841,735 3 4 243,689 6 2 13,085,424 9 6 works in progress Telephone-exchange systems, including 8,419,509 1 10 45,991 9 10 8,465,500 11 8 works in progress Wireless systems .. .. .. 33,509 9 0 244 16 3 33,754 5 3 Buildings and sites .. .. 2,741,648 17 2 108,376 15 6 2,850,025 12 8 Plant and workshops .. .. 34,392 8 7 233 17 9 34,626 6 4 Motor-garages, &c. .. .. .. 234,033 7 6 Or.2,252 3 10 231,781 3 8 12,841,735 3 4 243,689 6 2 13,085,424 9 6 Furniture and fittings .. .. 176,988 7 4 Or. 1,612 611 175,376 0 5 Balance, carried to General Balance- .. .. 1,192,685 0 8 sheet 14,100,830 18 1 177,278 12 1 14,278,109 10 2 14,278,109 10 2

B.—l [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT—continued,. SAVINGS-BANK BRANCH. Profit and Loss Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest credited to depositors'accounts .. 1,318,651 15 5 By Interest received .. 1,508,226 6 0 Management expenses .. .. .. 128,359 13 11 Plus interest accrued to Balance carried to Appropriation Account.. 79,509 .6 6 to 31st March, 1935 .. 307,666 3 6 1,815,892 9 6 Less interest accrued on 31st March, 1934 323,339 15 4 1,492,552 14 2 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 33,968 1 8 £1,526,520 15 10 £1,526,520 15 10 Appropriation Account for the Year ended -31st March, 1935. Dr. £ S. d. Gr. £ g. d. To Savings-bank profits, paid to Consolidated Fund 145,750 0 0 By Balance brought forward .. .. .. 120,723 1 10 Balance carried forward .. .. .. 54,482 8 4 Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. 79,509 6 6 £200,232 8 4 £200,232 8 4 Balance-sheet of the New Zealand Post Office Savings-bank as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Balance at credit of depositors'accounts .. 49,426,059 12 4 Cash on hand and at bank .. .. 4,057,905 610 Letters of credit and other liabilities .. 16,685 14 2 Investments .. .. .. .. 46,312,684 0 8 Reserve Fund .. .. .. .. 1,173,509 12 4 Interest accrued on investments .. .. 307,666 3 6 Advances to Postmasters, &c.. of stamps, &c. .. 2,874 10 1 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 280 18 1 Advance for school savings-bank expenses .. 5,000 0 0 Thrift stamps held by teachers .. .. 75 8 2 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. 54,482 8 4 £50,678,611 17 3 £50,678,611 17 3 A. Marshall, A.R.A.N.Z., Director of Finance and Chief Accountant. 6. McNamara, Director-General, Post and Telegraph Department. I hereby certify that the Profit and Loss Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. Income and Expenditure Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Examinations .. .. .. .. 399 14 1 To Permanent Charges—Salaries .. .. 1,558 13 2 Balance carried down .. .. .. 5,929 8 1 Annual appropriations— £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. 3,509 13 3 Advertising .. .. 0 3 9 Office fittings and requisites .. 8 6 2 Printing and stationery .. 178 3 10 Postage and telegrams .. 92 5 1 Rent .. . • • ■ 390 0 0 Telephones .. .. 91 18 1 Travelling-expenses .. .. 195 16 1 Appeal Board .. .. 183 13 6 Meal and overtime allowances 3 11 0 Sundry payments .. .. 10 4 0 4,663 14 9 Loss on broken table-top not fully depreciated.. 3 12 0 Depreciation .. .. .. ■ • 103 2 3 £6,329 22 £6,329 22 £ s. d. By Recoveries on account of expenditure from £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. 5, 929 8 1 previous years .. .. .. .. 4 0 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 13 16 6 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 5,939 4 7 £5,943 4 7 £5,943 4 7 Note. —4J per cent, interest on capital is included in the above charges. The office possesses no parliamentary appropriation for this item. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. A ssets. £ s. d. Capital Account .. .. .. - - 301 6 1 Office furniture .. .. .. .. 301 6 1 Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. .. 5,969 2 6 Stationery on hand .. .. .. .. 50 10 0 Sundry creditors — £ s. d. Official stamps on hand .. .. .. 151410 Post and Telegraph Department .. 48 3 Assets —Suspense .. .. .. .. 312 0 Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 5,939 4 7 Publicity Department .. . • 410 8 Other than Government Departments 27 8 0 36 6 11 Writing-off reserve .. .. .. .. 312 0 £6,310 7 6 £6,310 7 6 T. Mark, Secretary, Public Service Commissioner. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental note enfaced thereon.—J. H. Fowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IY], Sup. TO 1935.

PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE. Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st Maech, 1935. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 213,292 6 2 By Commission and other income .. .. 355,564 5 5 Overtime.. .. .. .. , . 105 19 1 Service charges— £ s. d. Agents'commission .. 3,963 6 11 Services of High Commissioner 1,110 10 0 Services of General Post Office 869 17 0 5,943 13 11 Audit of books and accounts .. .. 850 0 0 Maintenance of premises and plant: Repairs, insurances, &c. .. .. .. .. 7,641 18 9 Rent . . .. .. .. .. 1,762 16 11 General charges— £ s. d. Advertising .. .. 3,201 4 5 Cleaning, lighting, heating, and power .. .. .. 5,092 9 7 Legal expenses .. .. 210 0 0 Rates .. .. .. 817 13 2 Miscellaneous payments .. 363 14 0 Postages and freight .. 4,008 8 6 Stamp duty on receipts and cheques .. .. 1,212 10 4 Telephone subscriptions .. 1,579 6 3 Printing, stationery, and requisites .. .. 5,262 1 10 Travelling-expenses .. 3,464 10 10 Salaries and expenses of Farm Inspectors .. .. 3,798 16 10 Salaries of custodians and staff 5,584 12 2 34,595 7 11 Compassionate allowances to dependants of deceased officers .. .. .. .. 1,102 10 0 Losses on realization of mortgages and of mortgage securities acquired and reserve for anticipated losses on mortgages and on advances (on overdraft) to estates and accounts .. .. 63,832 9 2 Depreciation on office premises, furniture, plant, &c .. .. .. .. 15,614 1 9 Contribution to subsidy to Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. .. 3,659 18 8 Land-tax .. .. .. .. 445 1 4 Balance, being net profit for year, transferred to Appropriation Account .. .. .. 6,718 1 9 £355,564 5 5 . £355,564 5 5 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. £ a. d.. £ g. d To Consolidated Fund: One-half profits for year By Balance .. .. .. 658 18 6 ended 31st March, 1934, payable in accordance Profit and Loss Account: Balance transferred.. 6,718 1 9 with section 24 (1) of the Finance Act, 1929 658 18 6 Investment Fluctuation Account .. .. 3,359 011 Balance .. .. .. .. .. 3,359 010 £7,377 0 3 £7,377 0 3


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE —continued. Balance-sheet of the Public Trust Office as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amounts held in Common Freehold and leasehold premises and sites .. 419,141 12 11 Fund for sundry estates Furniture and plant, &c. .. .. . • 40,437 10 5 and funds .. .. 24,979,343 16 1 Stationery and stores, &c. .. .. .. 4,799 0 5 Amounts held for special in- Stock, bonds, and debenvestment on behalf of tures (book value)— £ s. d. certain funds, but not yet Government securities .. 3,359,375 0 0 invested .. .. 292,390 16 0 Less reserve for preAmounts specially invested miums and discounts on behalf of certain estates on conversion or purand funds .. .. 11,394,462 7 10 chase .. .. 10,002 0 7 36,666,196 19 11 Sundry creditors, including 3,349,372 19 5 accounts passed for pay- Rural Intermediate Credit ment, but not yet paid .. .. 138,051 10 8 Board debentures .. 60,050 0 0 Reserve in respect of ex- Fixed deposits, £400 ; less enemy-property moneys 18,729 2 7 discount on purchase, £3 397 0 0 Special reserve for securities 56,051 4 10 _ Local bodies' debentures, General Legal Expenses £7,517,494105. Bd. ; less Account .. .. 7,860 17 0 reserve for premiums Investment Fluctuation Ac- and discounts on concount . .. 81,428 19 6 version or purchase, — 164,070 3 11 £168,514 7s. 2d. .. 7,348,980 3 6 Assurance and Reserve Fund .. .. 413,715 16 1 10,758,800 211 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. 3,359 0 10 Mortgages, &c. (book value) 12,543,984 5 10 Less reserve .. .. 107,408 19 10 12,436,575 6 0 Advances for protection of securities acquired or in possession, &c. .. .. 56,051 4 10 Properties acquired (book value) .. .. 198,181 4 10 Less reserve .. .. 15,854 611 182,326 17 11 Advances (on overdraft) to estates and accounts (book value) .. 568,602 11 7 Less reserve .. .. 2,846 18 1 565,755 13 6 Interest and rent accrued, due, and overdue —• Interest accrued up to 31st March, 1935, but not yet due, and interest overdue .. .. 743,406 4 0 Rent due or accrued .. 194 19 8 743,601 3 8 Less reserve .. 206,018 5 6 537,582 18 2 Sundry debtors .. .. •• •• 109,395 9 5 • Cash in hand on current account and on deposit in New Zealand and London .. 845,682 15 4 Investments of reserve for mortgages : Mortgages, &c. .. .. .. 34,382 11 9 Special investments (book value) held on behalf of certain estates and funds — £ s. d. Government securities .. 3,089,157 3 11 Rural Intermediate Credit Board debentures .. 29,000 0 0 Rural Advances bonds .. 2,182,982 15 0 Local bodies'debentures 1,202,789 3 5 Private debentures and shares .. .. 16,567 4 4 Realty .. .. 600 0 0 Fixed deposits .. 273 14 0 Mortgages .. .. 4,726,483 5 4 Mortgage securities acquired .. .. 28,390 17 7 Loans .. .. 5,611 14 11 Savings-banks accounts 722 8 10 Overdue interest on special investments .. .. 111,884 0 6 11,394,462 7 10 £37,385,393 11 5 £37,385,393 11 5 E. 0. Hales, Public Trustee. F. Menneer, Chief Accountant. I hereby certify that the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General


B.—l [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT (PUBLIC WORKS FUND). Roads, Harbour Works, Roads on Goldfields, Lands Miscellaneous, etc. Income and Expenditure on Capital Account for Year ended 31st March,, 1935. Expenditure. Income lo Net expenditure (including a proportion of By Recoveries on account of expenditure of pre- £ g, d. genera] departmental administrative vious years . , . 290 10 4 expenditure on the following works : — £ s. d. Balance being excess of capital expenditure R; oads •• •• .. 411,783 19 5 over capital income, on roads, harbour works, Harbour works .. .. .. 2,573 0 6 &c., transferred to National Development Lands Miscellaneous .. .. .. 87,509 9 9 Account .. .. .. .. 501 575 19 4 £501,866 9 8 £501,866 9 8 The following charges are included for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation :— (а) Proportion of departmental administration expenditure. (б) Transfer to other Departments- of expenditure which appears in their separate balance-sheets. PUBLIC WORKS FUND—RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION. Income and Expenditure on Capital Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income To Net expenditure, including a proportion of By Balance, being excess of expenditure over capital £ s. d. general departmental'' administrative ex- income for the year, transferred to Railway penditure on the following railway lines;:—■ £ s. d. Construction Account ... .. a «45 n 7 Stratford-Main Trunk .. .. 1,901 3 0 ' Land claims .. .. .. .. 6,743 17 7 £8,645 0 7 £8,645 0 7 N.B. (1) The following amount has been handed over to the Railway Department without parliamentary appropriation : Recoveries during 1934-35 on lines previously handed over, £5,137 4s. lid. (2) The following amount has been included in the 1934-35 accounts for railway construction without parliamentary appropriation : — £549 for "departmental" administration. IRRIGATION AND WATER-SUPPLY (P.W. FUND) SCHEMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Income and Expenditure on Capital Account for the Year ended 31st March. 1935. Expenditure. Income. To Net expenditure on the construction and upkeep By Balance, transferred to Irrigation Construction £ s. d of dams, weirs, water-races, &c„ in course of Account, being excess of expenditure over construction, Otago Central schemes : — £ s. d. income for year .. ~ 93 082 6 4 Omakau .. .. .. .. 60,658 4 0 ' Ida Valley drainage .. .. .. 4,353 7 7 Surveys and general .. .. .. 120 3 3 Teviot River diversion .. .. .. 8,884 0 1 Last Chance Dams .. .. .. 1.534 1 1 Manoburn Lower .. .. . . 83 12 2 Timaru Creek .. .. .. .. 358 16 3 Eweburn Reservoir .. .. .. 310129 Maniototo survey .. .. .. 2,679 18 4 Galloway .. .. .. .. 20 14 7 Totara Creek .. .. .. .. Gr. 107 16 1 Investigations in Canterbury .. .. 5,088 8 5 Conroys Creek Dam .. .. .. 6,480 17 11 Payment to workmen .. .. .. 635 3 8 RedcliS .. .. .. .. 1,982 2 4 £93,082 6 4 £93,082 6 4 Note.—Charge for " departmental " administration and cost and expenses of raising loans have been included without appropriation.


PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT— continued. IRRIGATION AND WATER SUPPLY, CENTRAL OTAGO. Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Gross Revenue Account.

Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935—continued. Net Revenue Account.

B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.


Ardgour. Arrow River. : Bengerburn. Earnsclengh. Hawkdun. Idaburn. Ida Valley. Galloway. Last Chance. Manuherikia. Tarras. Teviot. Total. ; ; _J 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ToManagement and operation 685 14 1 1,374 14 8 .. SOI 19 12,709 8 5 125 3 72,128 5 10 509 15 11 786 9 102,581 0 61,461 16 81,074 4 1013,938 13 5 expenses: Salaries, wages, horse allowance, race repairs, &e. Administration charge .. 500 500 10 00 500 500 500 800 200 500 500 500 500 65 00 Gross profit, carried down .. 175 19 2 230 7 5 38 10 1 77 6 61,236 17 1 129 8 63,748 13 2 727 10 2 303 19 7 103 17 11 158 5 1 902 2 8 7,832 17 4 866 13 3 1,610 2 1 48 10 1 584 5 7 3,951 5 6 259 12 15,884 19 01,239 6 11,095 9 52,689 18 51,625 1 91,981 7 621,836 10 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Sales of water .. .. 826 15 101,525 14 1 44 16 9| 567 19 33,679 15 3 256 13 85,559 14 01,152 19 51,001 9 82,532 17 01,560 3 101,910 10 020,619 8 9 Rebates forfeited .. .. 26 17 5 47 8 0 3 13 41 16 6 4 239 14 3 2 18 5 251 15 6 70 1 2 92 9 9 131 1 5 38 5 0 69 7 6 989 18 1 Bents of cottages .. .. 13 0 0 37 0 0 .. .. 31 16 0 .. 73 9 6 16 5 6 1 10 0 26 0 0 26 12 11 1 10 0 227 3 11 866 13 31,610 2 1 48 10 1 : 584 5 73,951 5 6 259 12 15,884 19 01,239 6 1 1,095 9 52,689 18 51,625 1 91,981 7 621,836 10 9 Sales of irrigation water totalled £19,830 18s. 3d. Sales of mining water totalled £788 10s. 6d. •

Ardgour. Arrow River. Bengerburn. Earnscleugh. ' Hawkdun. j Idaburn. j Chance. | Manuherikia. Tarras. | Teviot. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ; £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest at per cent, on 1,440 0 3 6,086 8 2 29 6 6 491 6 5 2,981 4 3 287 13 3 11,841 7 1 1,257 18 10 9,971 10 2 5,838 19 11 2,544 7 7 42,770 2 5 capital and 4 per cent, on Depreciation Reserve Reserve for depreciation .. 44 0 0 550 0 0 , . 220 16 0 205 11 3 12 0 0 84 19 3 125 0 0 150 0 0 93 10 0 511 8 0 1,997 4 6 Amounts written off .. 246 0 8 154 13 10 .. 83 19 6 1,491 0 7 .. 1,870 6 2 827 10 5 829 12 11 601 14 5 815 12 7 6,920 11 1 1,730 0 11 |6,791 2 0 29 6 6 796 1 11 4,677 16 1 299 13 3 13,796 12 6 2,210 9 3 10,951 3 1 6,534 4 4 3,871 8 2 51,687 18 0 I £ s. d. j £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Gross profit, brought down 175 19 2! 230 7 5 ! 38 10 1 77 6 6 1,236 17 1 129 8 6 4,476 3 4 303 19 7 103 17 11 158 5 1 902 2 8 7,832 17 4 Balance to accumulated profit 1,554 1 9 6,560 14 7 Gr. 9 3 7 718 15 5 3,440 19 0 170 4 9 9,320 9 2 1,906 9 8 10,847 5 2 6,375 19 3 2,969 5 6 43,855 0 8 and loss j 1 . 1,730 0 11 6,791 2 0 29 6 6 796 1 11 4,677 16 1 299 13 3 13,796 12 6 2,210 9 3 10,951 3 1 6,534 4 4 3,871 8 2 51,687 18 0

B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT—continued. PUBLIC BUILDINGS (PUBLIC WORKS FUND). Income and Expenditure on Capital Account fob the Year ended 31st Mabch, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. To Departmental buildings .. .. .. 30,489 17 0 By Amounts transferred to DeWorkshops . . .. .. .. 401 0 6 partments— £ s. d. £ s. d. Other Government buildings— £ s. d. Health .. .. .. 656 0 2 Courthouses .. .. 774 8 7 Justice .. .. .. 532 18 5 Prisons .. .. .. 1,664 12 5 Mental hospitals .. .. 98,629 12 0 Police-stations .. .. 2,729 11 4 , Police .. .. .. 2,753 15 1 Post and Telegraph .. 116,442 411 Postal and Telegraph .. 100,484 2 0 Mental hospitals .. .. 93,681 3 1 Prisons.. .. .. 1,604 15 1 Health and hospitals .. 398 0 2 Agricultural .. .. 88 6 0 215,690 0 6 204,749 8 9 Balance, being excess of capital expenditure over capital income transferred to— Departmental buildings and offices .. .. 41,430 8 9 Workshops buildings .. 581 5 6 Workshops machinery .. Cr. 180 5 0 41,831 9 3 £246,580 18 0 £246,580 18 0 Note. —No parliamentary appropriation is held for the following : (a) Proportion of departmental administration expenditure for the year added to the cost of buildings under the Department's own control; (6) transfer to other Departments of expenditure which appears in their separate balance-sheets. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTAL (PUBLIC WORKS FUND). Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. To Net expenditure for year on administration and By Income for year as under :— £ s. d. supervision expenses, &c., as under : — £ s. d. Recoveries (salaries, &c.) from other DepartSalaries .. .. .. .. 163,955 17 4 ments and accounts .. .. .. 112,787 11 9 Travelling expenses and transfer expenses of Fees from — officers .. .. .. .. 23,745 14 0 Inspection and licenses, &c., electric lines Equipment and other allowances .. 2,727 3 8 and installations .. .. .. 437 16 0 Printing and stationery, lithographic work, Water-power licenses .. .. .. 1.361 6 10 plans, periodicals, &c. .. .. 7,586 16 5 Balance carried down, being excess of net exWork done by High Commissioner's staff .. 941 0 0 penditure over income for year prior to Postages, telegrams, telephone connections, apportionment against various works .. 109,013 0 1 and rents of private letter-boxes and bags 8,162 6 5 Repairs and upkeep, &c., of instruments .. 933 17 5 Rents of offices throughout New Zealand .. 14,917 0 0 Sundries .. .. . . .. 538 8 3 Depreciation on departmental library at 5 per cent. .. .. .. .. 91 11 2 £223,599 14 8 £223,599 14 8 Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 109,013 0 1 By Amount over-allocated, 1933—34 .. .. 2,010 910 Balance carried forward to 1935-36.. .. 16,102 811 Amount recovered from sales of plant in excess of plant-card value .. .. .. 1,242 6 9 Amounts apportioned to various works and services as under :— Railway construction and £ s. d. improvements .. .. 1,049 0 0 Public buildings .. .. 15,379 0 0 Lighthouses and harbour works .. .. 572 0 0 Tourist resorts .. .. 958 0 0 Roads, &c. .. .. 57,463 0 0 Irrigation works .. .. 8,401 0 0 Electric supply .. .. 28,178 0 0 112,000 0 0 Material and stores (administration costs) .. 9,862 12 5 £125,115 9 0 £125,115 9 0 Note. —The following charges have been included without appropriation under the above vote : — (a) Assessed rentals of offices, &c., occupied by Public Works Department throughout New Zealand. (b) Transfer of excess recoveries from Plant Account.


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT —continued. PLANT, MATERIAL, AND SERVICES (PUBLIC WORKS FUND). Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. . Income. To Expenditure, including By Sundry recoveries, &c , from salaries, wages, &c., on— £ s. d. £ s. d. miscellaneous works and p lant 10,920 10 7 other Departments—■ £ s. a. fc s. a. Material'and stores 51',68114 4 Plant .. .. 17,760 0 4 Buildings, &o„ for Hospital Material and stores .. 38,009 711 Boards .. .. 3 10 6 Buildings, &c„ for Hospital Freight and cartage .. 9,251 8 9 Boards .. .. o 19 7 Services, other Departments 127,222 15 4 Freight and cartage .. 8,458 12 7 199,079 19 6 Services, other DepartBalance, excess of capital in- ments . • ■ • 128,253 9 10 } come over capital expenditure for the year Balance, excess of capital extransferred penditure over capital Plant Account .. .. 6,839 9 9 income for the year, Services, other Depart- transferred to ments Account .. 1,030 14 6 Material and Stores Account 13,622 6 5 7.870 4 3 Freight and Cartage Account . . .. 792 16 2 Hospital Boards .. 2 8 3 14,417 10 10 £206,950 3 9 £206,950 3 9 ACQUISITION AND OPERATION OF QUARRIES—MOTUTAR A QUARRY. Trading Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Or £ s - Gr ' Q KKQ R To Stripping 357 11 4By Sales of metal 9 ' , Quarrying .. •• .. 2,508 18 8 Transport recoveries .. •• •• 11 zl7 b Crushing . . .. • • • • .. 1,896 1 9 Loading .. .. • • • ■ • • 4! o Signalling .. •• " ® Transport .. .. •• •• 3,110 lb b Gross profit'carried down .'.' !.' .'! 1,226 12 4 Metal on hand, 31st March, 1935 .. .. 330 19 11 £10,013 3 9 £10,013 3 9 £ s. d. £ s: d. Knnervkion . •• •• 626 13 4By Gross profit brought down .. .. •• 1.226 12 4 Wolidav Dav •• •• 81 4 8 Tools and supplies (stock adjustments) .. 75 011 Accommodation " ! 162 11 0 Loss for year 2,444 8 7 Land-survey qk 1« S Water-supply .. .. - 35 18 8 Depreciation .. . • • • • • 080 ' jInterest .. . • • ■ • • • • 250 19 9 _____ £3,746 1 10 £3,746 1 10 ACQUISITION AND OPERATION OF QUARRIES (P.W. FUND)—TAURAROA QUARRY. Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr £ s - d - Gr - -L rd a ToOuarrvina . •• •• 3,169 15 4By Sales of metal .. •• •• 5 >315 6 8 Crushing . •• 1,079 19 6 Unemployment Board subsidy .. •• 939 5 0 Transport .. •• •• 394 1 0 Gross profit carried down .. •• •• i,olu id iu £6,254 11 8 £6,254 11 8 £ s~Z £ s ' d ' To Salaries &c 595 6 2 By Gross profit brought down MlO 15 10 HanfSte andholidayPay " '• •• 106 10 0 To'l fnfsupplfes (stock adjustment)'' 619 117 Depreciation »»» « ' LoSS f ° r Interest 10 11 Miscellaneous .. ■■ , , Rent 12 2 11 - £2,380 9 11 £2,380 9 11 Notb. —Charge for interest is made without parliamentary appropriation.

9—B. 1 [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT— continued. MAINTENANCE OP AND REPAIRS TO ROADS, CONTROL OF RIVERS, ETC. (CONSOLIDATED FUND). Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure,. £ s. d. Income. £ g d £ = d To Maintenance and repairs to roads .. .. 5,299 12 2 By Interest on advances to local Restoration of flood damage .. .. 1,969 15 10 bodies from Public Works Fund 4,401 3 1 River protection and clearing .. .. 90 0 Less abatement under section 28, Renewal of road bridges .. .. .. 742 0 9 Taieri Rivers Improvement Act 1,338 18 0 Contribution towards maintenance, &c., of 3 q 62 5 i Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers improvement Balance, being excess of expendiworks .. .. .. 1,150 7 2 ture over income for the year, Interest at 4 5 per cent, credited to Treasury on transferred to annual mainadvances to local bodies from Public Works tenance accounts Fund .. .. .. .. 3,760 7 4 Roads, &c. .. .. 8,718 11 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Account.. .. .. 1,150 7 2 9,868 18 2 £12,931 3 3 £12,931 3 3 Note. Charge for interest is made without parliamentary appropriation. MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS (CONSOLIDATED FUND). Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. „„ , . Expenditure. £ s . d. Income. £ s . d. To Salanes .. .. . .. .. 5,145 18 3 By Miscellaneous recoveries .. .. 562 14 11 Accident compensation, &c. .. .. 252 911 Recoveries from other Departments for mainDrainage, water, &0., rates .. . . 265 4 9 tenance of buildings, proportion of seweragft Maintenance— rates, &c. .. . S 29 103 8 5 Government houses .. .. .. 3,989 22 Rent of officesGovernment buildings 38,306 13 10 Recovered through Public £ s d Maintenance of workshops (exclusive of Wei- Account . 10 550 9 10 lington and Auckland workshops) .. .. 1,314 7 4 Recovered by assessment .. 95,481 0 0 leiephone services, postages, &c. .. .. 119 14 6 106 031 910 Maintenance—Parliamentary Buildings .. 2,555 11 4 ' Rents paid for Government offices in the Dominion. . .. .. .. .. 8,915 11 2 Travelling expenses and allowances .. .. 572 14 2 Wages of overseers and staff workmen .. 793 4 9 Services and supplies for other Departments ..CV.1,527 6 5 Advertising and sundries .. .. .. 442 10 3 Electrical Wiremen's Registration Board .. Gr. 77 15 1 Engineers' Registration Board .. .. 96 5 10 Proportion of expenses of High Commissioner's offi ce . . .. . . .. 120 0 0 Insurance of Government buildings .. . . 10,000 0 0 Depreciation at 2 per cent, on brick, stone, or concrete buildings, and 3 per cent, on wooden buildings— £ s. d. Departmental buildings .. 10,883 0 0 Government houses .. 1,515 0 0 Ministerial residences . . 210 0 0 Parliamentary Buildings . . 8,224 0 0 Workshops, garage, &c. .. 2,180 0 0 23,012 0 0 Balance, excess of income before charging interest .. .. .. .. 41,401 6 5 £135,697 13 2 £135,697 13 2 £ s. d. £ s d To Interest at 4J per cent, on capital .. .. 67,570 010 By Balance brought down .. .. .. 41,401 6 5 Interest on advances .. .. . . 4 2 11 Balance, excess of expenditure over income after charging interest on capital, transferred to Maintenance Account .. .. .. 26.164 11 6 £67,570 0 10 £67,570 0 10 Note. The following charges have been included for which no parliamentary appropriation is held by the Department under the vote : (a) Interest at 4J per cent, on capital value of public buildings ; (b) depreciation of fixed assets. following credits have been taken without appropriation: (a) Rentals assessed against other Departments for accommodation m General Government Buildings; (b) value of maintenance work carried out and rates paid for other


B.—l [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT— continued. GOVERNMENT AND OTHER DOMAINS (CONSOLIDATED FUND). Income and Expenditure Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Net expenditure on Government domains — By Balance, being excess of expenditure over income Salaries .. •• •• ■• 3,796 16 4 for the year, transferred to Domains MaintenCasual labour .. .. .. ■■ 48 2 8 ance Account .. .. .. .. 4,084 810 Coal, coke, water, &c. .. • ■ • • 23 11 5 Slower seeds, bulbs, plants, &c. .. .. 49 10 1 Garden implements, &c. .. .. • • 120 19 5 Horse feed, shoeing, and general .. .. 45 811 £4,084 8 10 £4,084 8 10 PUBLIC BUILDINGS (CONSOLIDATED FUND): P.W. WORKSHOPS, WELLINGTON. Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the Yeah ended 31st March, 1935. Manufacturing Account. l> r . £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Stock on hand, Ist April, 1935 .. •• 1,165 18 1 By Completed work to 31st March, 1935 .. 19,375 1 2 Materials •• ■• •■ 7,172 6 0 Less work incomplete at Ist April, 1934 .. 505 511 Waaes " ■■ ■■ 7 > 729 9 4 Cartage and freight '.'. 350 16 11 18,869 15 3 Travelling-expenses recoverable .. .. 42 18 8 Plus work incomplete at 31st March, 1935 .. 325 3 5 Balance—Gross profit carried down .. .. 3,650 0 0 " 19, 1y4 ±o o Stock at 31st March, 1935, as per sheets .. 916 10 4 £20,111 9 0 £20,111 9 0 Profit and Lo,ss Account. Dr £ s. d. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Salaries supervised .- 1,364 11 7 By Gross profit on Manufacturing Account carried Wages, supervised .. •• 372 1 0 down MM 0 0 Travelling-expenses, supervised .. 108 13 2 Balance, being net loss .. .. .. 1,083 12 9 1,845 5 9 Holiday-pay 4» » « Accident compensation .. •• ■■ 18d 18 LL Maintenance of shops .. •• -■ 111185 Power . . . ■ • • • • • 15 « Amounts written off . ■ • ■ • ■ 0 8b Depreciation of plant, tools, &c. .. • ■ 252 10 b Rent of premises .. •■ •■ ■• 1,382 0 0 Interest on capital at 4J per cent. .. .. 376 0 0 £4,733 12 9 £4,733 12 9 Note. Charge for interest is made without parliamentary appropriation. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WORKSHOPS, AUCKLAND. Manufacturing Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Inside. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. T .iu..., 1 407 9 4 2,985 15 2 4,393 4 6 By Completed works — lo Wages - £ s a (a) Sundry debtors .. 9,083 13 6 Materials .4,428 5 3 (6) Stock manufactures . 81 14 6 Less re- ' c ' Trading Account transfers 1,423 12 11 turns 44 18 10 W Maintenance, workshops ' 832 16 4 3,550 10 1 4,383 6 5 and machinery .. 121 11 8 Miscellaneous services 72 10 8 539 18 3 612 811 (e) Machinery Account (capital) 717 6 Cartage 12 3 0 338 6 1 350 9 1 10,718 10 1 Balance carried over.. .. ■• 1,094 4 2 Incomplete works .. .. 115 3 ° £10,833 13 1 £10,833 13 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Gas, water, and electricity .. 84 8 8 By Balance carried over .. .. .. 1,094 4 2 Maintenance — Workshops .. ■ • ■ • 50 18 6 Machinery .. • • ■ • 81 14 1 Depreciation — Plant and machinery . . . . 104 14 8 Tools 14 16 9 336 12 8 Gross profit to Profit and Loss Account .. 757 11 6 £1,094 4 2 £1,094 4 2


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT—continued. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WORKSHOPS, AUCKLAND—continued. Trading Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1935. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Stock on hand, Ist April, 1934 .. .. 1,153 8 7 By Materials issued to jobs .. 1,396 17 11 Manufactures for stock .. .. .. 81 14 6 Less returns .. . . 44 18 10 Transfers from Completed Works Account .. 1,423 12 11 1,351 19 1 Purchase for stock .. .. .. .. 1,333 16 2 Issues to other votes or Departments .. .. 1,766 8 8 Gross profit to Profit and Loss Account .. 345 611 Stocks as per stock sheets, 31st March, 1935 .. 1,219 11 4 £4,337 19 1 £4,337 19 1 Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Accident compensation .. .. 18 19 4 By Manufacturing Account .. .. .. 757 11 6 Holiday-pay .. .. .. 328 17 8 Trading Account .. .. .. .. 345 611 347 17 0 Overhead on incomplete works, 31st March, 1935 10 5 5 Telephone rental and bureau fees .. .. 17 11 6 Miscellaneous transfers .. . . .. 10 5 3 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 554 13 8 Net loss transferred .. .. .. .. 451 6 10 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 494 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 160 13 9 £1,574 15 11 £1,574 15 11 CONSOLIDATED FUND—MAINTENANCE OF UNOPENED RAILWAY LINES. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. To Net expenditure on maintenance £ s. d. £ s. d. By Net recoveries during the year— £ s. d. of unopened lines — Recoveries on account of goods and passenger Okaihau -Rangiahua .. 680 3 1 traffic— £ s. d. Dargaville Branch .. .. 767 11 0 Dargaville Branch .. .. 762 1 10 Gisborne-Waikokopu .. 535 12 6 Waikokopu Section .. .. 2,804 16 8 Waikokopu Section .. .. 1,035 13 8 3,566 18 6 Napier-Wairoa .. 2,140 9 0 Interest received on sales of plant on time Wharanui-Parnassus .. 1,172 13 11 payment .. .. .. .. 112 5 5 Kawatiri-Inangahua .. 159 14 0 Balance, being excess of expenditure over income, Westport-Inangahua .. 624 13 6 transferred to Maintenance Account .. 10,558 18 11 — — 7,116 10 8 Working expenses of running goods and passenger traffic — Dargaville Branch .. .. 2,096 0 5 Waikokopu Section .. .. 4,893 11 9 6,989 12 2 Compassionate grant to injured workman .. 40 0 0 Interest at 4J per cent, credited to Treasury on balance outstanding on sales of plant on time payment .. .. .. .. 92 0 0 £14,238 2 10 £14,238 2 10 Note. —Charge for interest is made without parliamentary appropriation.


PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT— continued. General Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities.

(a) Expenditure on national development to 31rt March, 1935. (6) unopened lines. («) Water-races, pipe-lines, dams, &o. (d) Timber rights. („) Departmental library. (/) Maintenance Account, 1934-35. (g) Incomplete work. Note.—No charge for the cost of exchange on payments made in London is included. 6 T. A. Bareow, Accountant. C. E. Bennett, Assistant Under-Secretary. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Accounts and General Balance-sheet and the subsidiary acounts for irrigation schemes and quarries in operation have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

B.- 1 [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.



T*aK&*T7 +n T-pncnTv Trpftsnrv -,.*_ ; Profit and Loss ! Writings off Departmental Tnt&i Name of Account. %nA. Cap&cUt. AdjtrctS Amount. | Creditors. | Account | in Susp = ense . Suspense Account. Total - £ s. d. £ e. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d 1. National Development .. 27,657,012 13 3 .. 3,800 0 0 41,021 9 8 .. 1,306 8 3 .. 27, ; 03,140 11 2 2. Railway Construction 5,388,252 13 9 .. .. 495 lo 9 .. 7,27/ 0 3 .. D '2M2 0 2 3. Irrigation (under Construction) '.. 273,995 19 2 .. .. 9,692 1 0 .. •- •• ooo'Sqi J I 4. Irrigation in Operation) .. 988,396 11 3 12,640 9 3 304,928 15 6 709 1 9 .. 16,116 16 7 .. 1.322.TO1 H 4 5. Public Buildings (Public Works Fund) 1,817,985 15 9 326 0 0 .. 25,261 4 b .. ■• •• 84 ?'»], .1 t 6. Timber-supply and Sawmills Dr. 4,063 12 11 .. 8,900 3 9 .. 110 12 5 ' •• •• 4,94, 3 A 7. Plant, Material, and Services 109,563 13 7 .. .. 15,553 3 o .. 2,749 4 2 •• Iq'Ito il 1ft 8. Public Works, Departmental Dr. 61,114 5 3 .. 86,373 17 3 1,906 8 4 .. 157 16,102 8 11 43,2,9 14 10 9. Acquisition and Operation of Quarries 9,188 11 2 .. 8,776 8 0 954 3 4 .. 10 0 0 .. 18,929 2 b 10. Mahitenance of Roads, Bridges, &c. (Consolidated Fund) .. .. .. .. 22,79112 9 1,912 16 3 .. 1,338 18 0 .. 26,043 7 0 11. Maintenance of Government and other Domains (Consolidated Fund) .. .. 4,264 7 2 50 13 11 .. •■ ka'iqi i in 12. Maintenance of Public Buildings (Consolidated Fund) .. .. .. 20,567 5 2 26,21111 3 3,39111 9 .. 20 13 8 .. 50,191 110 13. Wellington Workshops . .. .... .. .. ■■ 33,642 17 9 381 19 2 .. .. •• 34,024 16 11 14. Auckland Workshops .. ■■ 10,663 4 10 763 4 11 .. .. .. U.«6 9 9 15. Maintenance of Unopened Railway Lines (Consolidated Fund) .. .. .. 9,567 4 6 1,340 7 0 - -j w ' au 36,179,217 19 9 33,533 14 5 519,920 2 9" 103,434 0 9 110 12 5 28,830 6 6 16,102 8 11 36,881,149 5 6

_ .... Plant and Furniture and Stocks of Sundry Loans ! Stores, <Sc, Profit and Loss jTreasury Adjust- Oash Other Assets. Total. Land. , buildings. Machinery. Fittings. Materials. Debtors. Outstanding. , Deficits. Account. i ment Account. 0 213 196 18 2 4 416 6 4 7 277 0 3 .. ■• •• 5,171,135 5 0(6) o,396,02o 9 9 1 ■■ " " '■• ■' 16 223 2 2 4 466 1111 '.'. .. .. .. 262,998 6 l(c) 283,688 0 2 4 •■ ■■ •■ ■• I! 3;i27 17 9 26;007 12 9 :: 16,11616 1611 .. .. 982,242 10 4(c) 1,322,791 14 4 5 .. 806,469 Oil 753,450 0 3 523 18 0 .. 858 15 7 158 7 2 .. .. •• 282,112 18 4 .. .,=<>, o,,a a'uJ a I g 695 0 0 .. •■ ■■ •• 4,252 d d((J) 4,y4, d 6 7 " I! !! 41,00f 0 0 .I 55,232' 6 8 28,883 10 4 .. 2,749 4 2.. .. •• •■ 1|73« 1 2 8 .. .. 5,060 110 .. 1,478 4 7 35,514 0 2 .. 11 5 7 .. .. ■- 1,216 2 8(e) 43,2/9 14 10 9 .. 1,526 6 4 .. 6,84111 4 .. 3,012 2 0 1,627 7 6 .. 10 0 0 5,91115 4 .. .. •• « b J? - - |5 11 0 H,576 19 10 1,338 18 0 .. .. 9 868 Iβ 26,043 7 0 2 •■ '• ■• :: 20,567-5 2 ill IB ll 2,725 II 8 " • 2o'i3 8 V. V. •• «6,164 11 6 50! 191 1 10 13 " 733 9 3 79 7 11 1,662 18 8 1,870 15 11 .. ■■ 29,353 19 .. .. 325 3 % 34,024 16 11 Ī2 "' lVq ll 2 1 Sll 7 10 3 360 3 7 6,209 18 6 .. .. 125 8 5{g) 11,426 9 9 }* ■ •■ •• 419 11 5 .. 1,311 7 10 3,360 7 .. .. , 10,558 18 11(/) 10,907 11 6 807,995 7 3J 753,450 0 3~54, 579 11 1020,646 13 1331,326 12 0156,526 13 1198,418 10 10 28,830 6 6336,571 12 6282,112 18 41,193,331 4 232,817,359 14 10 36,881,149 5 6

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935.


„ , Research Dominion Geological Meteorological Dominion oSStorv A P ia Total | Head Office. investigation. Laboratory. Survey. Office. | Observatory. SS. | Observatory. 10tal - Expenditure. £ s d £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 3,489 4 0 .. 6,483 5 8 3,976 13 7 2,929 7 3 1,045 7 5 1,372 0 8 1,426 17 1 20,722 15 8 Books, publications, and periodical papers .. 65 10 3 .. 109 0 4 26 10 1 55 17 9 24 13 1 1 2 5 14 15 10 297 9 9 Advisory Council: Honoraria, travelling allowances 480 7 8 .. .. • • • • • • • • • • 480 7 8 and expenses Chemicals, apparatus, and repairs to apparatus .. .. • • 864 108 .. .. .. •• •• 864 10 8 Field expenses .. . . .. .. .. • • • • 193 9 8 .. .. .. .. 193 9 8 Freight and cartage .. .. .. .. .. • • 150 15 10 20 8 4 .. .. .. .. 171 4 2 Fuel, light, power, and water .. .. .. 50 11 1 • • 447 16 4 46 12 10 27 19 6 36 10 1 28 7 5 . . 637 1/ 3 General expenses .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • • • • 32 18 1 .. 151 7 1 184 5 2 Grounds, maintenance .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • • • • 30 0 0 .. .. 30 0 0 Grant to wife of deceased employee .. .. .. • • 25 1 0 .. .. •. • • • • 25 1 0 Grant to officer in lieu of leave on retirement •. 27 0 0 . . • • • • • • • • • • • • 27 0 0 Grant to New Zealand Institute .. . . 500 0 0 .. .. • • • • • • • • • • 500 0 0 Grant to New Zealand Standards Institution . . 112 0 0 .. •. • • • • • • • • • • 112 0 0 Instrument and outfit allowance .. .. .. • • • • 155 3 6 .. .. .. .. 155 3 6 Instruments, equipment, and repairs thereto .. .. •. • • • • 105 18 0 138 13 6 114 1 6 80 17 2 439 10 2 Laboratory accommodation and maintenance .. .. •• 60 1410 .. .. .. .. .. 60 1410 Mineral specimens: Purchase .. .. .. .. • • • • 0 10 9 .. .. .. . . 0 10 9 National Research Scholarships .. .. .. 175 0 0 .. .. • • • • • • • • • • 175 0 0 New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology .. 459 68 .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 459 6 8 Observatories, maintenance, and establishment of .. .. • • • • • • 100 13 0 13 3 9 105 5 9 .. 219 2 6 Office-cleaning .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 600 .. .. .. 600 Office accommodation and maintenance .. .. 25 16 5 . . .. 9 19 1 .. .. .. 240 15 6 276 11 0 Office fittings and requisites .. .. .. 12 95 .. 798 2 18 3 1 17 8 080 0 19 0 020 26 40 Postage, telegrams, rent of boxes, broadcasting 105 3 2 .. 46 17 2 30 5 8 3,166 3 10 40 10 7 7 2 4 .. 3,396 2 9 weather reports Printing and stationery .. .. .. 170 19 7 .. 145 1 11 63 12 5 310 10 3 68 3 11 16 0 3 22 9 3 796 17 7 Printing bulletins .. .. .. .. .. • • • • 396 8 7 .. .. .. .. 396 8 7 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 195 0 0 .. 1,120 12 9 306 0 0 222 0 0 589 0 0 .. .. 2,432 12 9 Subscriptions to technical societies .. .. .. . . 52 9 8 .. .. .. . . .. 52 9 8 Telephone services .. .. .. . . 73 19 2 .. 90 18 1 25 15 0 64 0 6 49 19 1 18 10 1 .. 323 1 11 Travelling allowances and expenses . . . . 197 1 3 . . 15 14 6 114 16 7 110 12 4 7 0 5 72 7 1 .. 517 12 2 Wages of field hands .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 185 11 10 .. .. .. .. 185 11 10 Provision for depreciation .. .. .. 65 14 7 1,094 10 6 648 0 5 164 16 3 14 19 7 170 11 11 175 15 8 50 1 10 2,384 10 9 Losses: Assets broken, lost, or destroyed .. .. 81 55 .. 37 10 .. .. 180 .. 86 13 Compensation for damage caused by water, Keeble's .. 279 16 3 .. .. .. • • • • • • 279 16 3 Building, Palmerston North Dairy research .. .. . . .. .. 12,601 19 3 . • • • • • • • • • • • 12,601 19 3 Flax research .. .. .. .. .. .. 337 3 0 .. •. .. • • .. .. 337 3 0 Fruit research .. .. .. .. .. 3,929 36 .. •• •• •• •• •• 3,929 3 6 Fuel research .. .. . . .. .. .. 416 15 0 . • •. • • • • • • • • 416 15 0 Geophysical prospecting .. .. .. .. 5,350 12 11 . . • • • • • • • • • • 5,350 12 11 Imperial Agricultural Research Bureaux .. .. .. 5,138 0 6 .. .. •• •• •• •• 5,138 0 6

B.—l [PT. TV], Sup. TO 1935.

Notes.— -(1) The following charges are|included for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation : (a) Rental value as assessed by Public Works Department; lb) interest on capital. (2) JNo charge for the cost of exchange on payments made in London is included in the account.


Leather, hides, and pelts research .. .. .. 1,230 0 7 .. .. .. 1 230 0 7 Mineral-content of pastures and soil surveys .. .. 2,024 10 6 .. .. .. .. 2 024 10 6 Miscellaneous researches .. .. .. .. 1,029 17 11 .. .. ; 1 029 17 11 Plant research .. .. .. .. .. 4,347 1 0 .. .. " ' ' " "I 4' 347 j 0 Wheat research .. .. .. .. .. 4,284 19 2 .. .. " "I 4'284 19 2 Canterbury Agricultural College grant .. .. .. 4,817 0 0 .. .. 4 817 0 0 6,205 3 3 46,962 15 6 10,268 8 10 5,723 0 3 7,115 19 8 2,246 19 10 1,913 0 2 j 1,987 5 9 82,422 13 3 To Balance brought forward .. .. .. 6,205 3 3 21,648 18 10 9.961 5 2 5,665 8 8 7,115 19 8 2,246 19 10 1,913 0 2~ 462 15 5 55 219 11 0 Interest on capital .. .. .. .. 147 5 4 699 18 11 287 6 0 177 5 0 9 11 3 46 13 1 65 19 8 26 4 5 1,460 3 8 6,352 8 7 22,348 17 9 : 10,248 11 2 j 5,842 13 8 7,125 10 11 2,293 12 11 1,978 19 10 j 488 19 10 56,679 14 8 Income. „ . , . , £ s. d. f s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. ; £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. by Analysis fees .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 307 3 8 .. .. | 307 3 8 Contributions.. 18,444 16 0 .. .. .. .. .. | 1>5 24'l0 4 19.969 6 4 bale 01 bulletins and maps . . .. .. .. .. .. 57 11 7 57 11 7 Miscellaneous recoveries .. .. .. . .. 6,869 08 .. i g ggg q g Balance carried forward .. .. .. 6,205 3 3 21'648 18 10 9,961 5 2 5,66ō'8 8 7,115 19 8.1 2,246'l9 10 1,913' 0 2 462'l5 5 11 0 6,205 3 3 46,962 15 6 10,268 8 10 5,723 0 3 7,115 19 8 ! 2,246 19 10 1,913 0 2 1,987 5 9 82,422 13 3 By Excess of expenditure over income .. . . 6,352 8 7 22,348 17 9 10,248 11 2 5,842 13 8 7,125 10 11 2,293 12 11 _ 1,978 19 10 56,679 14 8 6 >352 8 7 22,348 17 9 10,248 11 2 5,842 13 8 7,125 10 11 2,293 12 11 1,978 19 10 488 19 10 56,679 14 8

B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935. #

DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH— continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935.

E. Mabsden, Secretary. R. D. McGillivray, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


„ , „„ Research Dominion Geological Meteorological 1 Dominion , Obseivatorv, nu Apl ? TotalHead Office. Investigations. Laboratory. Survey. Office. Observatory. Christchurch. Observatory. Liabilities. Capital - £ B. d. ! £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d £ , i. w i -p, 705 19 6 •. • • • • • • • • 7oo iy o ConBoHdatedPund " " " 3,484 * 4 10 j 16,421 4 9 6,584 13 1 3,972 18 1 262 18 4 1,044 10 7j 1,494 6 6 604 0 0 33,868 16 2 155 12 6 I 2,798 11 9 190 15 10 103 17 0 27 19 9 28 4 5 31 19 9 12 8 3 3,349 9 3 Departmental .! " il !! 8 6 5 i 91 2 11 27 19 1 0 2 0 4 5 1 3 2 0 | 0 5 1 .. 135 2 7 A, Wh"!t^:': m,le " 08il ' .. 846 9 1 .. .. .. .. •• •• 846 9 1 Wheat levies ...... , .. 2,025 9 0 2,025 9 0 Grant Apia Observatory 83' 10 8 " 3*7 10 .. 1 8 0 .. 88 6 6 :: :: :: 6,208 a 4[21.44919 2 9 12,559 4 0 7,0981m 2,262 6 6 1,99311 0 5 46 i 8 1 62,I 6 QI 9 9 9,856 15 1 42,456 17 10 16,845 5 9 16,639 8 11 7,393 15 1 3,338 3 6 J 3,521 10 4 3,188 15 4 103,240 11 10 Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. T „ m l .. .. 2,057 26 .. .. 330 .. •• 2,060 5 6 .. 3.639 19 5 .. .. 89 10 0 .. 169 2 5 57 15 8 3,956 7 6 Tools and equipment " " ... •• 300 14 6 13 12 11 31 2 5 9 2 3 2 1 6 .. 9 3 1 365 16 8 Motorcars " •• 286 1 3 .. .. ... •• •• 286 1 3 Motor-cars ...... 7 0 0 26 17 1 Bicycles and transport equipment .. .. •• •• 1 > 1 • ■ • 81^2 " " " " 286*18 6 1.076 *1 1 443*14 1 187*16 0 59*15 0 120*6 6 43*6 11 104* 4 3 2,322 5 9 Mechanical office aDDliances . . • • 44 13 9 106 8 3 8 14 7 1 10 0 5 16 0 40 2 9 161 3 10 44 17 2 413 6 4 Libraries 249 9 1 568 0 2 1,290 14 6 225 13 3 3 8 7 169 19 5 44 4 5 22 19 6 2,574 8 11 ItoZ'sSaWepubHcationBonhand* !! !2,86112 10 736*6 9 " 3,403 14 1 " " !! " 6,99113 8 • • • • 3 13 3 198 8 11 .. 6 18 0 . . .. • • • ■ 209 0 2 Sundry !! !■! 0 14 11 1,792 7 2 12 1 6 .. 5 5 10 .. 46 16 0 70 6 6 1,927 11 11 Permanent improvements: Roading, fencing, &c. . . . • 331 3 9 . . • • • • • • • • • • 3 9 TechnSd instruments, apparatus, and equipment " 51*10 8 7,680 6 7 3,608*10 8 38*16 4 92*3 6 712*0 5 1,076*8 11 358*0 4 13.617 17 5 SSdcoE* plates ** :: :: 1 :: :: :: » o o :: :: :: moo o o WaHnumware " •• •• 1,219 6 4 .. .. .. •• 1,219 6 4 jr iatmum w arc ..•••••• „ n a i o a no p /» Assets in Suspense .. ■■ •• 83 10 8 .. 3 / 10 .. .. •• ■ - 6,352*8 7 22,348 17 9 10,248*11 2 5,842*13 8 7,125*10 11 2,293*12 11 1.978*19 10 *488 19 10 ft 1679 14 8 i 9,856 15 1 42,456 17 10 16,845 5 9 16,639 8 11 7,393 15 1 3,338 3 6 i 3,521 10 4 3,188 15 4 103,240 11 10 i= ' - ' -

B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

UNEMPLOYMENT FUND. Receipts and Payments Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Rieeipts. Payments. To Balance at beginning of By Annual appropriation, Vote, year— £ s. d. £ s. d. " Unemployment exCash .. .. .. 552,911 1 2 penses"— £ s. d. i s. d. Imprests outstanding .. 68,606 10 6 Salaries .. .. 58,433 2 3 621,517 11 8 Advertising .. .. 280 9 4 Unemployment Act, 1930: Board members' fees, Receipts under the salaries, and expenses 2,064 17 8 Act — Ex gratia payments to Unemployment levy .. .. .. 433,665 5 1 relief workers who Emergency unemploy- suffer permanent disment charge — ability as the result of Tax on salary or wages an accident whilst enpaid in cash .. 1,461,200 14 10 gaged on relief work.. 715 0 4 Tax on salary or wages Fitting up labour bureaux 498 0 1 paid by sale of" Un- Law-costs .. .. 75 19 9 employment Relief " Motor-vehicles— stamps .. .. 1,360,623 9 5 Purchase of .. 843 0 8 Maintenance and re--2,821,824 4 3 pairs to .. .. 612 7 11 Tax on income other Office equipment .. 2,310 12 5 than salary or wages 1,349,229 18 10 Office expenses .. 850 10 2 • 4,171,054 3 1 Overtime and meal allowFines .. .. .. 207 11 6 ances .. .. 1,783 4 7 Interest on investments .. 10,754 1 9 Postages, telegrams, and Interest on loans under rent of letter-boxes .. 4,689 16 1 section 18, Unemploy- Printing and stationery 6,436 5 7 ment Act, 1930 .. 1,287 11 3 Printing unemployment Repayment of loans under relief stamps . . 343 12 3 section 18, Unemploy- Rent, heating, and lightment Act, 1930 .. 6,241 13 0 ing .. .. 2,910 5 8 Recoveries on account of Services rendered by expenditure of previous other Departments .. 49,543 13 7 years .. .. 121 10 0 Special Advisory Comiscellaneous .. .. 228 18 4 mittee, fees, expenses, 18,841 5 10 &c„ of .. .. 25 18 10 Telephone services .. 1,774 15 7 Transfer and removal expenses .. .. 45 11 3 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. 4,374 15 9 Typewriters and mechanical office appliances— Purchase of .. 306 2 6 Maintenance and repairs to .. .. 72 19 6 Contingencies (including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the Vote) .. 8 14 5 138,999 16 2 Grants under section 18, Unemployment Act, 1930— Scheme No. 4a .. 81,833 19 2 Scheme No. 4b .. 113,236 11 8 Scheme No. 4o .. 476 7 4 Scheme No. 4d .. 9,618 15 11 Scheme No. 5 (revised) 2,481,951 9 0 Scheme No. 6a .. 18,416 9 10 Scheme No. 6b .. 5,022 7 1 Scheme No. 6o .. 154,736 4 2 Scheme No. 7.. .. 343 15 1 Scheme No. 8a and other assistance to subsidized gold-prospectors .. 184,519 13 1 Scheme No. 8b .. 3,169 3 0 Scheme No. 10 .. 144,648 12 9 Scheme No. 11 .. 8,836 13 1 Scheme No. 12 .. 38,544 4 4 Small Farm Plan .. 18,030 17 11 Assistance to flax industry . . .. 18,886 11 9 Assistance to steel industry .. .. 525 0 0 Assistance to timber industry .. .. 1,570 2 6 Relief of unemployment among Maoris .. 39,842 10 11 Relief of unemployment among women .. 10, 497 0 0 Relief of unemployment among boys .. 2,250 0 0 Payments on account of insurance of relief workers .. .. 9,119 14 3 Miscellaneous grants and subsidies .. .. 51,022 14 7 — — 3,397,098 17 5 Carried forward .. .. .. 5,245,078 5 8 Carried forward .. .. 3,536,098 13 7

JO —B, 1 [FT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.

UNEMPLOYMENT FUND—continued. Receipts and Payments Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935—continued. Receipts continued. Payments—continued. £ s. d. £ s d Brought forward .. .. .. 5,245,078 5 8 Brought forward .. .. .. 3,536,098 13 7 Loans under section 18, Unemployment Act, 1930.. .. .. .. .. 14,403 4 4 Loans under section 17, Unemployment Act, 1930.. .. .. .. .. 8,000 0 0 Payments under section 17, Unemployment Act, 1930 .. .. .. .. 39,362 2 1 Sustenance payments under section 20, Unemployment Act, 1930 .. .. 239,983 0 8 Purchase of food, clothing, &c., section 14, Unemployment Amendment Act, 1932— Purchase of foodstuffs by £ s. d. rationing system .. 38,640 17 10 Purchase of footwear .. 34,551 4 11 Purchase of blankets .. 317 12 6 Miscellaneous .. 375 12 4 73,885 7 7 Grants to persons entitled to sustenance .. .. .. 400 1 10 Balance at end of year— Cash .. .. 1,332,169 12 8 Imprests outstanding .. 776 2 11 1,332,945 15 7 £5,245,078 5 8 £5,245,078 si J. S. Hunter, Commissioner of Unemployment. H. L. Bockett, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Statement of Receipts and Payments has been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly states the position as disclosed thereby — J. H. Bowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General. ' •


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

UNEMPLOYMENT FUND—continued. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Grants— £ s. d. £ s. d. By Levies 431,212 0 2 Scheme No. 4a .. 77,067 4 5 Emergency unemployment charge from tax on Scheme No. 4b .. 121,467 9 5 salary and wages — £ s. d. Scheme No. 4c .. 490 0 10 Received in cash .. 1,466,068 17 11 Scheme No. 4d .. 9,498 12 11 Received by sale of unScheme No. 5 (revised).. 2,469,499 010 employment -rel i e f Scheme No. 6a .. 15,674 12 1 stamps .. .. 1,351,366 9 11 Scheme No. 6b .. 4,179 1 8 Scheme No. 6o .. 156,665 10 6 2,817,435 710 Scheme No. 7 .. 307 19 5 Received from tax on Scheme No. 8a and other income other than assistance to gold pro- salary and wages .. 1,320,028 10 4 specters .. .. 184,50116 10 4,137,463 18 2 Scheme No. 8b .. 3,354 16 0 Interest on investments .. .. .. 10,271 18 0 Scheme No. 10 (revised) 117,145 9 8 Interest on loans .. .. .. 1,974 7 6 Scheme No. 11 .. 8,92117 11 Fines .. .. .. .. .. 204 9 2 Scheme No. 12 .. 101,368 9 3 Miscellaneous revenue .. .. .. 453 4 3 Small-farm plan .. 17,660 0 10 Assistance to flax industry .. .. 19,329 6 3 Assistance to steel industry .. .. 656 5 0 Assistance to timber industry .. .. 1,661 9 6 Relief of unemployment among Maoris .. 75,000 0 0 Relief of unemployment among women .. 10,436 19 11 Relief of unemployment among boys .. 2,869 0 0 Relief of unemployment among teachers .. 23,333 6 8 Accident compensation to relief workers .. 9,324 0 4 Miscellaneous grants and subsidies .. .. 1,943 0 3 3,432,355 10 6 Payments to assist primary and secondary industries .. .. .. .. 6,396 10 4 Sustenance payments .. .. .. 240,270 16 6 Grants to persons entitled to sustonance .. 983 4 9 Grants for supervision of relief works .. 5,506 19 7 Special Christmas grant to relief workers .. 46,525 6 0 £ s. d. Purchase of foodstuffs, &c. .. 38,691 15 7 Purchase of footwear .. 36,535 9 7 Purchase of blankets .. 2,162 1 7 77,389 6 9 Administration expenses— Salaries .. .. 58,162 4 9 Advertising .. .. 281 4 11 Board members' fees, salaries, and expenses .. 1,941 711 Ex gratia payments to relief workers .. .. 510 11 4 Fitting up labour bureaux.. 210 9 0 Law-costs and insurance .. 58 7 3 Motor-vehicles, maintenance of and repairs to .. 618 5 4 Office expenses .. .. 874 11 7 Overtime and meal allowances .. .. 1,745 15 4 Postages, telegrams, and rent of letter-boxes . . 4,688 12 6 • Printing and stationery .. 6,343 12 4 Printing of unemploymentrelief stamps .. .. 114 8 3 Rent, heating, and lighting 2,957 211 Services rendered by other Departments .. .. 43,723 11 8 Special Advisory Committee, fees and expenses of .. 40 4 4 Telephone services .. 1,831 3 8 Transfer and removal exexpenses .. • • 41 2 3 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. 4,326 6 4 Typewriters and mechanical office appliances, maintenance of and repairs to 75 0 3 Depreciation .. .. 408 14 2 ■ 128,952 16 1 Excess of income over expenditure .. 643,199 6 9 £4,581,579 17 3 £4,581,579 17 3


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

UNEMPLOYMENT FUND—continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. Assets Creditors— £ s . d. £ s. d. Debtors— ' £ B . d. £ s. d. Departmental .. .. 72,223 11 8 Departmental .. .. 12,153 15 2 Sundry .. .. .. 221,965 10 2 Sundry .. .. .. 22,630 7 8 294,189 1 10 34,784 2 10 Payments m advance .. .. 56 1 7 Levies due but not paid .. 20,250 0 0 Levies paid in advance .. 4,109 15 0 Emergency unemployment charge Emergency unemployment charge due but not paid .. .. 33,090 0 0 paid in advance .. .. 38,910 2 9 53 340 q q — 43,019 17 9 Interest due but not paid .. 515 18 2 -Refunds of unemployment tax Interest accrued but not due .. 659 6 7 due and unpaid .. .. .. 1,248 10 10 1,175 4 9 Writings off in Suspense .. .. 258 3 6 Subsidy from Consolidated Eund accrued but not Excess 01 income over expendi- due .. .. 165 403 11 2 ture to 31st March, 1934 .. 752,937 7 3 Buildings .. .. .! .! '' '570 13 1 Excess of income over expendi- Motor-vehicles .. . . .. .. 1 737 10 9 ture^ for year ended 31st March, Office equipment .. .. .. .. 4,381 9 1 * * •• •• 643,199 6 9 Plant, machinery, tools, stores, &c. .. .. 16'520 3 5 -Plus bad debts reserve not re- Typewriters and office appliances .. .. 477 12 7 quired .. .. .. 2,178 0 0 Humphreys Gully water-race .. .. 7,276 510 1,398,314 14 0 Loans .. .. .. .. .. 68,097 13 9 £ s. d. Stock of blankets .. .. 1,017 5 0 Stock of boots and wearingapparel .. .. .. 6,835 10 4 Stock of meat .. .. 811 13 0 8,664 8 4 Assets in Suspense .. .. .. 258 3 6 Cash held by Post Office .. 41,453 14 10 Cash in Public Account .. 1,332,169 12 8 Imprests outstanding .. 776 2 11 1,374,399 10 5 £1,737,086 9 6 £1,737,086 9 6 Note.—The statutory provision for payment of the subsidy from the Consolidated Fund was withdrawn by the Unemployment Amendment Act, 1932, but the subsidy shown in this Balance-sheet as accrued but not due can, if necessary, still be paid at the discretion 01 the Hon. the Minister of Finance. Part of the subsidies granted to the gold-mining industry is recoverable out of the proceeds of gold sold, while various payments made for fares issued to persons proceeding to employment are recoverable unless certain conditions are fulfilled. J. S. Hunteb, Commissioner of Unemployment. H. L. Bockett, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant, Unemployment Board. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the above departmental note. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B. —l [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

VALUATION DEPARTMENT. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. To Advertising, books, newspapers, and other ' By Fees charged for valuers'reports .. .. 19,225 14 11 publications .. .. .. .. 136 7 5 Fees charged for certified copies of existing roll Assessment Court expenses .. .. 496 7 2 values.. .. .. .. .. 2,464 14 0 Depreciation on office furniture, requisites, Contributions from— maps, and motor-car .. .. .. 925 10 4 Local bodies .. .. .. .. 10,587 0 6 Fees to valuers .. •• .. 10,439 0 8 Land and Income Tax Department .. 10,587 0 6 Freight, cartage, and transport charges . . 27 14 2 State Advances for agency work .. .. 500 0 0 Fuel, light, power, and water .. .. 22 2 10 Levying and collecting hospital rates in Sounds Law-costs .. .. .. . . 7 17 6 and Taupo Counties and in part Waiheke Maps (maintenance) .. .. . . 161 16 6 Island .. . . .. .. .. 170 0 0 Office expenses . . .. .. .. 242 6 6 Profit on furniture sold .. .. .. 410 3 Payment to Post and Telegraph Department .. 100 0 0 Balance, exclusive of interest, carried down .. 7,296 11 3 Postages, telegrams, and rent of post-office boxes 474 19 5 Rent .. .. .. .. .. 2,157 4 7 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 29,073 9 7 Telephone services .. .. .. 479 3 10 Travelling allowances and expenses .. . . 4,911 2 5 Typewriters (repairs) .. .. .. 33 6 6 Overtime and meal allowances .. .. 116 9 Printing and stationery .. .. .. 686 3 11 Transfer and removal expenses .. . . 376 15 9 Fees irrecoverable, written off .. .. 12 1 6 Grant to officer on retirement .. .. 60 14 I £50,835 11 5 £50,835 11 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance, exclusive of interest, brought down .. 7,296 11 3 By Balance, after charging interest .. .. 8,121 5 5 Interest .. .. .. .. .. 824 14 2 £8,121 5 5 £8,121 5 5 Note.—The accounts include charges against the Department for rent and interest and depreciation for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation. No charge for the cost of exchange on payments made in London is included in the accounts. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital Account .. .. .. .. 15,985 18 5 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 391 8 1 Creditors— £ s. d. Mechanical appliances .. .. .. 148 18 9 Departmental . . .. 206 16 9 Motor-car . . .. .. .. .. 192 11 3 Sundry .. .. ■.. 1,153 12 11 Maps .. .. .. .. .. 15,253 0 4 1,360 9 8 Stationery .. .. .. .. .. 666 0 2 Payments in advance .. . . .. 5 7 6 Expenses paid in advance ... .. .. 0 16 Reserve —Bad debts .. .. . . .. 45 0 7 Debtors— £ s. d. Suspense Account—Hospital rates, Hospitals and Local bodies .. .. 6,111 3 0 Charitable Institutions Act, 1926 .. .. 116 15 1 Land and Income Tax DepartTreasury Adjustment Account .. .. 26,545 3 7 ment .. .. .. 10,587 0 7 Assets written off reserve .. .. .. 7 2 3 State Advances Department .. 715 7 2 Sundry departmental .. 1,142 I 2 Sundry .. .. .. 625 19 4 19,181 11 3 Deposits Account: Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926 .. .. .. 103 2 11 Assets in Suspense .. . . .. .. 7 2 3 Excess of expenditure over income .. .. 8,121 5 5 £44,065 17 1 £44,065 17 1 W. Stewart, Valuer-General.' I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon.—G. E. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

CROWN LANDS ACCOUNT. Revenue Account foe the Year ended 31st Mabch, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Administration expenses .. .. .. 13,015 15 2 By Accrued rent .. .. .. .. 252,274 4 3 Rebates.. .. .. .. .. 9,542 1 1 A*ceraed interest .. .. .. 25,417 3 9 Remissions — £ s. d. Accrued royalty .. .. .. .. 8,812 16 3 Under Land Act, 1924 .. 33,084 13 6 Residue of receipts from mining district landUnder Deteriorated Land occupation licenses paid to Public Account Act, 1925 .. .. 1,927 111 under section 317, Land Act, 1924 .. 900 12 11 Under Mortgagors and Ten- Interest under section 13, Land Laws Amendants Relief Act, 1933 .. 3,709 10 4 ment Act, 1926 .. .. .. 76,454 4 5 Under Discharged Soldiers Interest under section 47, Land Laws AmendSettlement Amendment ment Act, 1929 .. .. 8,477 12 0 Act, 1923 .. .. 32 5 4 Miscellaneous .. .. 511 13 1 38,753 11 1 " Thirds " under section 139 of Land Act, 1924 7,677 18 7 Irrecoverable rents : Writings-off in Suspense 4,551 15 7 Depreciation of buildings, Kapiti Island .. 15 18 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 2 19 10 Balance carried down .. .. .. 299,288 7 4 £372,848 6 8 £372,848 6 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest on capital .. .. .. 373,315 1 0 By Balance brought down .. .. .. 299,288 7 4 Adjustment Account previous years : Rents and interest .. .. .. .. 2,178 12 6 Balance, Thermal Springs District Act, 1910, Revenue Account .. .. .. 344 7 3 Balance, Mining District Land Occupation Account, Revenue Account .. .. 1,182 4 11 Balance, loss for year .. .. .. 70,321 9 0 £373,315 1 0 £373,315 1 0 ORAKEI BLOCK ACCOUNT. Teading Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Land on hand at cost, plus expenses of sub- By Sales .. .. .. .. .. 275 0 0 division, reading, &c, as at Ist April, 1934 364,718 16 6 Land on hand at cost, plus expenses of subExpenditure on— division, loading, &c, as at 31st March, 1935 371,168 5 9 Internal roading .. .. .. 55 0 3 Waterfront roading to Mission Bay (cutting back cliffs) .. .. .. .. 544 14 0 Surveys and contingencies— £ s. d. Buildings repairs .. 63 8 1 Insurance premiums .. 2 15 0 Rates .. .'. .. 20 0 7 86 3 8 Value of sections forfeited .. .. 6,037 15 4 Balance transferred to Profit and Loss Account 0 16 0 £371,443 5 9 £371,443 5' 9 Profit and Loss Account for the Year ended 31st Maech, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Administration expenses .. .. .. 108 11 9 By Balance transferred from Trading Account .. 016 0 Depreciation Reserve: Buildings .. .. 77 18 6 D.P. accrued interest .. .. .. 2,499 10 4 Interest on capital— £ s. d. Accrued rent .. .. .. .. 567 9 2 Interest on purchase-money 6,758 3 11 Balance: Net loss for year carried down .. 18,538 1 0 Interest on expenditure .. 14,529 10 4 21,287 14 3 Ordinary remissions .. .. .. 18 7 1 Writings-off in Suspense : Irrecoverable rents and interest .. .. .. .. 113 4 11 £21,605 16 6 = £21,605 16 6 £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. 18,538 1 0 By Balance : Loss to 31st March, 1935, carried £ s. d. Balance brought forward from previous year .. 98,411 14 4 forward, vide Crown Lands Account .. 116,949 15 4 £116,949 15 4 £116,949 15 4


B. —1 [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.

CROWN" LANDS ACCOUNT— continued. ORAKEI BLOCK ACCOUNT— continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. Sundry creditors for payments in £ a. d. £ s. d. Land on hand at coat plus expenses of roading, sub- £ s. d. advance— division, &c. .. .. .. .. 371,168 5 9 Instalment principal .. 3 5 1 Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 2,162 0 4 Interest .. .. .. 21 7 2 Debtors for— £ s. d. Rent .. .. .. 0 13 0 Instalment principal .. 1,125 17 6 25 5 3 Interest .. .. .. 4,955 9 1 Rent due but not accrued .. .. 72 10 0 Rents .. .. .. 208 16 0 Crown Lands Account .. 379,299 19 8 Sale of land (not yet payable) 47,825 13 6 Land for Settlements Account .. 49,002 1 3 54,115 16 1 428,302 Oil Interest accrued but not due .. .. 645 2 9 Postponed interest .. .. 254 15 11 Postponed principal .. .. 53 15 4 308 11 3 £428,399 16 2 £428,399 16 2 W. Robertson, Under-Secretary for Lands. Wμ. E. Shaw, Accountant. THERMAL SPRINGS DISTRICT ACT, 1910, ACCOUNT. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ a. d. Or. £ s. d. To Administration expenses .. .. .. 92 15 6 By Accrued rent .. .. .. .. 1,709 6 6 Balance carried down .. .. .. 1,616 11 0 £1,709 6 6 £1,709 6 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Disbursed to Rotorua Borough Council .. 1,414 6 6 By Balance brought forward .. .. .. 142 2 9 Balance carried forward .. .. .. 344 7 3 Balance brought down .. .. .. 1,616 11 0 £1,758 13 9 £1,758 13 9 MINING DISTRICT LAND OCCUPATION ACCOUNT. Revenue Account por the Year ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Remissions of rent .. .. ... .. 24 12 0 By Accrued rent .. .. .. .. 1,815 18 5 Balance carried down .. .. .. 1,791 6 5 £1,815 18 5 £1,815 18 5 To Disbursement of revenue at Ist April, 1934, in £ s. d. £ s. d. terms of Land Act, 1924 : Section 317 (3), paid By Balance brought down .. .. .. 1,791 6 5 to territorial revenue .. .. .. 900 2 0 Balance from previous year .. .. .. 1,207 9 8 Provision for moneys received during the year Adjustment on account of previous year •■ 0 10 10 and payable under section 317 (3), Land Act, 1924, on Ist April, 1935, to local bodies .. 917 0 0 Balance carried forward .. .. .. 1,182 411 £2,999 6 11 £2,999 6 11


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

CROWN LANDS ACCOUNT—continued. Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. Assets. Capital— Land— £ s. d. £ s d Public Works Fund— £ s. d. £ s. d. Leased.. .. ..5,893,890 2 3 Revenue-earning .. 5,880,329 18 4 Unlet .. .. .. 2,279 535 0 11 Consolidated Fund — Provisional State forest .. 750,862 4 4 Revenue-earning ..2,705,036 3 9 Areas subject to section 8, Non-revenue-earning ..3,661,788 6 9 Land Laws Amendment — 12,247,154 810 Act, 1929 .. .. 35,414 6 5 Discharged Soldiers Settle- Areas subject to operations ment Account: Merged of Small Farms (Relief of interests under section 20, Employment) Act, Discharged Soldiers 1932-33 .. ..' 8,241 2 6 Settlement Amendment Areas included in land-for-Act, 1923 settlements estates .. 211,940 0 0 Not yet payable .. 20,773 14 3 Ngamahanga Block (under Principal due . . .. 959 6 5 control of Native DeInterest due .. .. 2,224 15 8 partment) .. .. 5,646 0 7 —————— 23,957 16 4 — 9,185,528 17 0 Buildings Account: Equity on buildings and Undivided interests in landimprovements due to outgoing lessees .. 993 011 Crown interests in sundry Unpaid purchase-money in respect of Native Native consolidation land acquired: Account rates, succession schemesduty, &c., payable by Natives .. .. 601 1 2 In Tokerau Native Land Sundry creditors— £ s. d. Court District .. 20,024 1 6 Rents, &c., paid in advance ..1,808 7 9 In Waiariki Native Land Royalties paid in advance . . 97 0 I Court District .. 12,080 5 3 Interest paid in advance 183 9 6 In Waikato - Maniapoto Departmental .. .. 21 6 10 Native Land Court Miscellaneous .. .. 1,610 18 10 District .. .. 21,631 16 10 3,721 3 0 Mo ha ka Consolidation Suspense Account: Credits under Deteriorated Scheme .. .. 8 971 13 4 Land Act, 1925 . . .. .. .. 976 19 8 Northern Waiapu ConRents charged in advance .. .. .. 73,350 13 10 solidation Scheme .. 6,72113 7 Interest on capital invested in Orakei Block .. 153,354 11 4 Interests acquired for Writings-off in Suspense .. .. .. 2,698 3 8 cash in sundry Native Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 264,939 1 6 blocks .. .. 127,462 12 9 196,892 . 3 3 Proceeds of sale of Crown land paid to Land for Settlements Account under section 20, Land Act, 1924 .. .. .. .. 2,482,592 11 7 Expenditure on surveys of Crown land .. 6,098 0 3 Unpaid purchase-price (not yet payable): Buildings .. .. .. 15,146 16 6 Advances for grass-seed, &c. .. .. 3,563 6 11 Orakei Block (videsubsidiary Balance-sheet) .. 379,299 19 8 Expenditure from Public Works Fund on Native development areas proclaimed subject to section 522, Native Land Act, 1931 .. 6,535 1 7 Sundry debtors— £ s. d. Rents .. .. .. 164,728 1 6 Royalties .. .. 3,193 10 6 Principal buildings instalments .. .. .. 657 12 3 Interest on sales .. .. 30,598 3 11 Rates on Native blocks in Waiapu Native Consolidation Scheme .. .. 5,964 4 7 Interest on advances for grass-seed .. .. 97 15 5 Tairawhiti Maori Land Board Account, rates received and not paid to Public Account at 31st March, 1935 .. 725 5 1 Departmental . . .. 6 19 5 Miscellaneous .. .. 2,336 5 2 208,307 17 10 Interest under section 13, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1926 .. 36,454 4' 5 Postponements, rents and interest, Land Act, 1924 .. 43,504 6 4 Mortgagors and Tenants Relief Act, 1933 .. 6,179 9 7 49,683 15 11 Postponed principal instalments : Buildings . . 165 12 5 State Forest Service : Interest re Hurakia Block 3,202 5 9 Interest on sales accrued but not due.. .. 6,046 22 Losses in Suspense .. .. .. 2,698 3 8 Profit and Loss Account: Orakei Block .. 116*949 15 4 Revenue Account: Loss for year carried forward 70,321 9 0 Cash in Local Bodies' Deposit Accounts of Receivers of Land Revenue— Mining district land occupation leases .. .. .. 1,834 0 0 Thermal Springs District Act, 1910, leases .. .. 426 17 0 2,260 17 0 £12,771,747 0 3 £12,771,747 0 3 Notes.—(l) The Revenue Account includes rents upon which expenditure under the New Plymouth Harbour Board Act 1874, totalling £1,592 4s lid. for the year ended 31st March, 1935, is based. This expenditure is included in the Income and Expenditure Account of the Lands and Survey Department Account. (2) The Revenue Account includes a charge for. interest for which the Department has no parliamentary appropriation. W. Robertson, Under-Secretary for Lands. Wm. E. Shaw, Accountant.


B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.

I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental liotes enfaced thereon. The following comments are appended: (1) Expenditure under the New Plymouth Harbour Endowment Act, 1874, totalling £1,592 4s. lid., which is now reflected in the Income and Expenditure Account of the Lands and Survey Department Account, should, in the opinion of the Audit Office, be included in the Revenue Account and shown as a charge against rents ; (2) The charges on land with respect to expenditure under section 47 of the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, or the corresponding provisions of any former Act, have not been abolished as required by section 17 (5) (6) of the Land". Laws Amendment Act, 1927; (3) Separate capital liability bearing interest and sinking-fund charges is not shown for expenditure on Crown Lands under the Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 ; (4) In the opinion of the Audit Office, the assets Land, Ngamahanga Block, £5,646 os. 7d., and expenditure from Public Works Fund on Native developmental areas proclaimed subject to section 522, Native Land Act, 1932, £6,535 Is. 7d., which represents expenditure from Crown Lands Account on assets of the Native-land developmental schemes controlled by the Native Department, should be reflected in the accounts of the schemes ; (5) The provisions of section 537, subsection 5 (a), of the Native Land Act, 1931, have not been complied with in respect to the asset sundry debtors for rates on Native blocks in Waiapu Consolidation Scheme, £5,694 4s. 7d. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor General. HOWARD ESTATE ACT, 1919 : ESTATE OF JOSIAH HOWARD. Farm Working Account for Year ended sth January, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Horses Account .. .. .. .. 13 10 0 By Sheep Account .. .. .. .. 1,693 12 1 Wages .. .. . ■ .. 1,232 9 9 Cattle Account .. .. .. . ■ 330 0 6 Balance, being gross profit carried down to Wool and Hides Account .. .. 1,462 18 0 Profit and Loss Account .. .. 2,615 11 8 Produce Account .. .. .. 375 0 10 £3,861 11 5 £3,861 11 5 Farm Profit and Loss Account for Year ended sth January, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Maintenance and general expenses .. .. 2,202 9 2 By Gross profit brought down from Farm Working Smedley Bo3^s'Training Farm .. .. 560 3 8 Account .. .. .. .. 2,615 11 8 Fence and serub-cutting .. .. .. 293 711 Sundry revenue .. .. .. .. 5 9 2 Balance, being net loss carried down to Income Account .. .. .. . 434 19 11 £3,056 0 9 £3,056 0 9 General Estate Income Account for Year ended sth January, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. To Net loss brought down from Farm Profit and Loss By Dividends and interest .. .. .. 318 4 2 Account .. .. .. •• 434 19 11 *Transfer from reserve for value of produce Advisory Board expenses .. .. •• 71 17 ! unrealized .. .. .. .. 1,146 0 0 Balance transferred to Estate Account.. .. 957 6 11 £1,464 4 2 £1,464 4 2 Balance-sheet as at sth January, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 163 8 0 Land and buildings .. .. .. .. 61,045 18 5 * Reserve for value of produce unrealized ... 2,096 0 0 Farm implements, machinery, &c. .. .. 660 13 11 Capital .. .. .. •• 85,396 10 6 Furniture .. .. .. .. .. 134 16 2 Live-stock — £ s. d. Sheep .. .. .. 7,530 8 8 Cattle .. .. .. 2,472 6 0 Horses .. . . 400 0 0 10,402 14 8 Produce .. .. . . .. .. 493 0 0 Wool, hides, and skins .. .. .. 1,603 0 0 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 5 14 5 Shares .. .. .. .. .. 125 0 0 Cash .. .. .. .. .. 8,461 8 7 Expenditure capitalized— Smedley Boys' Training Farm .. .. 2,083 0 7 Fence and Scrub-cutting Account .. .. 2,640 11 9 £87,655 18 6 £87,655 18 6 * Reserve created to ensure that the value of unrealized produce is not made available for payment as income. B. C. Ashwin, Accountant to the Treasury. I hereby certify that the Balance-sheet and accompanying Accounts have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

11 —B. 1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.


8.-l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

NATIVE LAND DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES. Revenue Account fob the Yeae ended 31st March, 1935. Dr. Cr TOA &Ws ati ° neXPenSf : ..2,959 18 d 9 £ "*' % Balailcp "' transferred from Interest Account .. 12,761 15 "e Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. .. 2,761 13 10 General administration expenses 482 8 0 Valuation fees .. .. 4 4 0 6,208 4 7 Maintenance : Departmental motor-vehicles . . 1,700 6 9 Depreciation— £ s. d. Departmental motor-vehicles .. 537 610 Departmental surveyors' equipment .. .. .. 22 0 5 559 7 3 Balance transferred to Net Revenue Account .. 4,293 16 11 £12 > 761 15 « £12,761 15 6 Net Revenue Account foe the Year ended 31st March, 1935. To Balance at Ist April, 1934 .. .. 29,196 6 (i BypaW transferred from Revenue Account .. 4,293 16 U Adjustments previous years (net) .. .. 45 610 Balance, 31st March, 1935 .. .. 24,857 2 3 £29 > 196 6 0 £29,196 6 0 Interest Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1935. To Interest on loan capital .. 31,704 55 By Interest on amounts expended on development & Interest on advances from Consolidated Fund schemes and advances to units .. .. 38 241 6 5 under section 8, Finance Act, 1929 . . 225 0 0 Interest on advances under section 340 Native Interest on unpaid balance of development ' Land Act, 1931 (Maori Land Boards) 294 12 0 expenditure, Tokerau District Maori Land Interest on advances under section 521, Native Board ;■_,•• . ■■ ■■ 285 511 Land Act, 1931 (Native Trustee) .. .. 6 229 18 7 Balance transferred to Revenue Account .. 12,761 15 6 Interest on advances under subsection (7), section 522, Native Land Act, 1931 (Native Settlers).. 174 12 9 Interest on Oturei mortgage .. .. 35 17 1 £44,976 6 10 £44,976 6 10


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.

NATIVE LAND DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES—continue^ Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. Assets t , ,) !-i- i s. d. £ s. d. Native Land Development: AcLoan capital— .. .. 797,205 12 6 counts of units- £ s d £ „f] Liability to Consolidated Fund : Principal .. .. 270 942 10 2 Advances under section 8, Interest ' s'nsn « q Finance Act, 1929— £ s d merest 8,080 6 9 T p r° ip t al ■/,' '• o®'f° 2 0 Settlement expenditure (settlers ' 16 " Interest on loan capital .. 32,970 12 6 not yet determined) .. 404,881 14 7 o j ... 37,970 12 6 Advances under subsection (7), Sundry creditors- section 522 Natiye L d Departmental .. .. 1,318 8 9 1931 ' « finn ~ n Tokerau Maori Land Board (prin- " " ' 0 „ eipal, £7,015 3s. lOd. ; interest, Advances 407,681 14 7 £285 ss. lid.) .. .. 7,300 9 9 Native Trustee, under section General .. .. .. 18,471 16 6 521, Native Land Act, 1931 .. 125,824 18 9 ~ .tt i ~, . " 27,090 15 0 Interest accrued .. .. i 151 16 7 Maori Unemployment Grant Account .. .. 41,042 17 7 _______ Writings off in suspense 7,545 8 8 Maori Land Boards, under section ' 340, Native Land Act, 1931 .. 7,164 4 2 Interest accrued . . .. 95 14 1 n , .P1 , 7,259 18 3 Oturei Block .. .. 652 13 g Interest accrued .. .. 13 0 4 r> w * 7 . , , 665 14 0 -Departmental motor-vehicles .. .. . . [ 878 g 7 Surveyors'equipment .. .. . 'ooi o 9 Sundry debtors— £ g _ Departmental .. .. 44,537 2 0 Miscellaneous .. .. 4,937 3 0 Advances to Maori Land Boards (instalments — principal, £368 6s. Bd.; interest, £260 16s. Bd.) 629 3 4 Advances to Natives : Interest.. 72 16 0 : 50,176 4 4 -Losses 111 suspense .. .. ~ 7 545 8 8 Cash in Deposits Account: Miscellaneous .. 4,499 15 2 Net Revenue Account, Ist April, £ s. d. 1934 •• .. 29,196 6 6 Less adjustments previous years (net) • • .. . . 45 610 29,150 19 2 Less excess of income over expenditure for year ended 31st March, 1935 .. .. 4,293 16 11 — 24,857 2 3 £910,855 6 3 £910,855 6 3 Note. Included in the Crown Lands Balance-sheet are the following assets which are under the control nf Hi.- \r.,11 , W Nga-ahanga Bbck (Waihua Native Land Development Scheme), 1 5 ,646 ol S i(^ Native-land development areas proclaimed subject to section 522, Native Land Act 1931 £6 535 Is 7d These * tto «,,, to toe Crown of to, «pM*. oflands or Into»» in, now .«■"»» ' T ? "2?"' safiSr 1 * p " « - —»•"»"«»■'<* «*»». - w-3r2ira£KSfl O. N. Campbell, Under-Secretary. R. L. Jellicoe, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet, have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes _ enfaced thereon. The following comments are appended : (1) The loading of the various schemes for administration expenses is not sufficient to cover the full cost ; (2) moneys expended out of the surveys of Native Land Account on Native-land development schemes have not been recouped.—G. F. C Campbell Controller and Auditor-General. >


B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.

SURVEYS OF NATIVE LAND ACCOUNT. Revenue Account foe the Year ended 31st Maech, 1935. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Irrecoverable interest: Writings-ofi in Suspense 885 18 10 By Interest on liens .. .. .. .. 6,041 5 0 Remissions in accordance with see- Recovery of loss previously written off .. 48 17 6 tion 503, Native Land Act, Balance carried down .. .. .. 23,568 13 11 1931— £ s. d. Principal .. .. .. 25 13 0 Interest .. .. .. 89 16 8 115 9 8 Remissions of interest pursuant to parliamentary report G.-7, Bth November, 1932 .. .. 28,657 7 11 £29,658 16 5 £29,658 16 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. ..23,568 13 11 By Loss for year carried forward .. .. 31,362 12 2 Interest on capital .. .. .. 7,793 18 3 £31,362 12 2 £31,362 12 2 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Capital: Public Works Fund .. .. 170,373 4 9 Liens .. .. .. .. .. 162,065 9 7 Sundry creditors: Departmental .. .. 118 19 7 Interest on liens .. .. .. .. 97,979 9 4 Payments in advance — £ s. d. Suspense Account: Liens not yet established .. 6,466 16 11 On account principal .. .. 457 4 4 Sundry debtors: Miscellaneous .. .. 414 0 On account interest .. .. 36 0 8 Losses in Suspense .. .. .. .. 872 8 6 493 5 0 Liens written off in pursuance of Writings-off in Suspense .. .. .. 872 8 6 parliamentary report, G.-7, Bth £ s. d. Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 128,995 3 1 November, 1932 .. .. 22,10110 5 Less received from Consolidated Fund .. .. 20,000 0 0 : 2,101 10 5 Revenue Account: Loss for year .. .. 31,362 12 2 £300,853 0 11 £300,853 0 11 Note.—The Revenue Account includes a charge for interest for which the Department has no parliamentary appropriation. W. Robertson, Under-Secretary for Lands. Wμ. E. Shaw, Accountant. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental note enfaced thereon. The following comments are appended : (1) The completion of the clearance of all survey liens included in the recommendations of conference of departmental officers as reported in parliamentary paper G.-7, 1932, does not appear to be fully practicable, and a further conference should be arranged ; (2) interest in respect of survey charges on land under consolidation schemes has not been charged as required by section 500 of the Native Land Act, 1931.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. TUWHARETOA TRUST BOARD. Accounts fob the Yeae ended 31st March, 1935. Receipts. Payments. To Grant from New Zealand Govern- £ s. d. £ s. d. By Balance bank overdraft, Ist April, £ s. d. £ s. d. ment .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 1934.. .. .. .. 937,15 4 Less deduction of 9 per cent. 270 0 0 Less credit Post Office Savings2,730 0 0 bank, £6 Is. Id.; and less Repayments against advances — petty-cash balance, £3 4s. 7d. 9 5 8 Principal and interest .. 494 12 0 928 9 8 Interest, Post Office Savings- Grants — bank .. .. .. 0 3 7 Medical expenses .. .. 185 17 9 494 15 7 Medical grants .. . . 5 12 0 Balance bank overdraft, 31st 191 9 9 March, 1935 .. .. 21 2 7 Maraes .. .. .. 38 10 9 Outstanding cheques .. 117 8 1 Educational .. .. .. 85 1 0 — Miscellaneous .. .. 612 7 11 138 10 8 735 19 8 Less outstanding lodgments 53 8 6 Members' allowances .. .. 40 7 0 Members' travelling-expenses .. 20 16 6 85 22 61 3 6 Less balance, Post Office Office expenses— Savings-bank, £6 4s. Bd.; Printing, &c. . . .. .. 6 10 6 and less balance, pettv cash, Secretary's salary .. .. 45 0 0 £4 12s. sd. .. .. 10 17 1 51 10 6 74 5 1 Petty cash expended .. .. .. 8 12 2 Audit Office .. .. .. .. 16 13 6 Sundry unclassified expenses.. .. .. 14 2 9 Interest overdraft .. .. .. .. 0 9 3 Sundry creditors paid .. .. .. 398 7 4 Debenture interest .. .. .. .. 21000 £ s. d. Loans .. .. .. 70 19 4 Refunds (credit balances) .. 77 6 8 148 6 0 Jones's Estate, debentures redeemed .. .. 500 0 0 Jones's Estate, legal expenses paid .. .. 33 16 7 £3,299 0 8 £3,299 0 8


B.—<l [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

TUWHARETOA TRUST BOARD—continued. Statement of Income and Expenditure foe the Yeae ended 31st Maech, 1935. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Grants £ s. d. £ s. d. By Grant from New Zealand Government .. 2,730 0 0 Medical expenses .. .. 185 17 9 Interest on loans and investments— £ s. d. Less discounts sundry creditors .. 39 9 3 Paid.. .. .. .. 39 0 9 146 8 6 Accrued and due .. .. 253 17 7 Medical 5 12 0 292 18 4 Educational .. .. • • • • 65 0 6 Marae .. .. .. ■ • • • 6 4 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 612 7 11 £ s. d. Members' allowances .. .. 40 7 0 Members' travelling-expenses .. 20 16 6 61 3 (i Office expenses — Rent .. .. • • 15 12 0 Secretary's salary . . .. 45 0 0 Printing, &c. .. .. .. 6 10 6 67 2 6 Petty cash expended .. ■ • ■ ■ 8 12 2 Sundry unclassified expenses .. .. 31 6 0 Depreciation Assets Reserve .. .. 3 18 0 Debenture interest .. .. • ■ • ■ 210 0 0 Balance carried down .. .. 1 > 805 2 9 £3,022 18 4 £3,022 18 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance carried forward .. .. .. 10,055 17 7 Balance brought down .. .. .. 1,805 2 9 Balance brought forward from previous year .. 7,958 5 3 Sundry creditors written oft' .. .. .. 292 9 7 £10,055 17 7 £10,055 17 7 Balance-sheet as at 31st Maech, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Reserve for depreciation .. .. • ■ 31 4 0 Taupo property .. . . .. . ■ 400 0 0 Suspense Accounts .. .. .. .. 8 15 Office furniture .. ~. .. .. 42 2 9 £ s. d. Office appliances .. .. .. .. 17 7 0 Debenture Issue Account: Sold .. 1,000 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank deposit .. .. 6 4 8 Tongariro Timber Owners' Claims Petty cash on hand .. .. . . .. 4 12 5 Account .. .. •• 2,000 0 0 Tongariro timber-owners'claim .. .. 2,000 0 0 Tuwharetoa Timber Co., Ltd., on Ngati-Tuwharetoa compensation claim (principal loan.. .. •• •• 500 0 0 and interest) .. .. .. •• 1,307 15 11 Jones's Estate Account .. .. 3,000 0 0 Sundry debtors— £ s. d. Donald Weaver .. .. 15 0 0 6,500 0 0 G. Barclay .. .. .. 22 1 9 Redeemed (Jones's Estate) .. 500 0 0 37 1 9 6,000 0 0 Advances (principal and interest) as per schedule Sundry creditors (Native accounts) .. .. 28 5 9 attached .. .. .. .. .. 6,425 18 3 Bank of New Zealand, Rotorua .. . . 85 22 Jones's Estate, Debtors' Account .. .. 5,967 8 2 Excess of income over expenditure .. .. 10,055 17 7 £16,208 10 11 £16,208 10 11 — Hoani te Hetjhetj, Chairman. P. Alfred Grace, Secretary. The Audit Office, having examined the Balance-sheet and accompanying Accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct subject to the following exceptions : (1) Insufficient security has been obtained by the Board in respect of an advance of £500 made in the form of an issue of debentures to the Tuwharetoa Timber Co., Ltd. ; (2) certain advances to Board members were not confirmed by a Maori Land Board and/or are not secured as required by section 41, Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1927, and section 56, Native Purposes Act, 1931— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. IV], SUP. to 1935.

THE NEW ZEALAND BROADCASTING BOARD. Revenue Account for Year ended 31st December, 1934. Expenditure. Income To Expenditure on programmes, including payments to artists, performing rights, £ s. d. By License fees ...... ' £ s. d. relay lines, music, salaries and expenses of programme staff, records, Net interest " " '* " "" *' 164,928 10 8 stationery and sundry misceUaneous items 46,167 13 10 Proceeds from sale of assets previously written off " I ' s9 ® n f Maintenance of plant, power, salaries of engineering and operating staffs .. 11,797 18 1 * '' *' ' * 7 9 6 General expenses, including rent, rates, insurance, lighting, heating, legal, audit, printing, stationery, salaries and wages, telephones, travelling-expenses, repairs and maintenance of buildings, and sundry miscellaneous items' . . 12,749 8 2 Administration salaries and expenses, including expenses of Advisory Council .. 6,017 0 1 Subsidies to " B " stations .. .. .. .. # _ 2 518 13 4 Depreciation of assets .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. 23' 348 0 2 Appropriation towards meeting capital expenditure.. .. .. .. 60 \ 000 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $'936 14 10 • £166,535 8 6 ===== £166,535 8 6 Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1934. Liabilities. , 40,357 o'o * " 1934 IdV £ £ s.d. Balance of Revenue Account at 31st December, 1933 .. 2,393 22 Additions during 1934 at cosf" ® ple ° la lOn " " 22,751 2 0 Appropriation from Revenue Account towards meeting capital Machinery and plant '' "" '' ' expenditure 60 ,000 0 0 Value at Ist January, 1934, less depreciation .. .. 3 ? Reserve for renewals and replacements U 000 0 0 Addltlons during 1934 at cost, less depreciation .. .. 17 5 Liabffity to Post and Telegraph Department, fixed by Minister of ' Office and studio equipment— 36,696 4 4 Telegraphs as price of assets acquired 59,839 17 2 Value at Ist January, 1934, less depreciation a. q« q « „ Less repayments .. .. .. .. 25 03°) 17 2 • mo* , . ? uepieoiaraon .. .. 4,869 0 11 ' Additions durmg 1934 at cost, less depreciation .. 2 554 11 9 0 34,800 0 0 "* z Sundry creditors .. 34;858 6 , stocks on hand .. 7,423 12 1 Revenue Account: Balance at 31st December, 1934 3,936 14 10 Sundry debtors and prepayments ® 22 Post and Telegraph Department— " " " " 1,443 9 5 License Pees Account .. .. .. .. .16 928 10 8 Investment Account .. .. .. __ 4s'ooo 0 0 Cash at bank and in hand— " 61 ' 928 10 8 Li hand 7 ' 310 0 10 in hand .. .. .. . _ _ _ 170 0 0 — — 7,480 0 10 £190,345 31 — — ===== £190,345 3 1 H. D. Vickery, Chairman. E. C. Hands, General Manager. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and comnared with the relative i,„ n i a j , , . , „ audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— J. H. Fowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General. documents submitted for


B. —1 [PT. IV], SUP. TO 1935.

TREASURY: MISCELLANEOUS. Income and Expenditure Account. Expenditure. £ s. d. Income. £ s. d. Interest on public debt not recouped to Ordinary Interest on Railway and Post Office capital .. 1,633,490 18 9 Revenue Account .. .. .. 8,023,812 10 6 Profits and salary savings from trading departCharges and expenses of loans .. .. 74,209 14 0 ments .. .. .. .. .. 186,654 8 6 Costs of exchange .. .. .. 1,459,158 15 1 Profits from sale of gold coin .. .. 1,364,118 3 9 Subsidies to superannuation funds .. .. 200,000 0 0 Petrol, tire, and mileage tax, &c. .. .. 323,720 17 3 Miscellaneous .. .. 4,168 7 6 Interest on cash balances .. .. .. 345,080 15 8 Credit for interest charged on Public Works Fund and Consolidated Fund capital .. 1,658,754 14 5 Gold duty .. .. .. .. 8,907 2 6 Unclaimed moneys .. .. .. 7,035 10 0 Interest-tax (net) .. .. .. .. 7,038 2 9 Sundry income .. .. .. .. 982 7 8 Excess expenditure over income .. 4,225,566 5 10 £9,761,349 7 1 £9,761,349 7 1 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Public debt: Portion not Cash in Public Account .. .. .. 992,951 2 4 allocated to other balance- Cash and investments : Receiver-General's Desheets .. .. .. .. 78,582,247 18 10 posit Account .. .. .. .. 38,048 4 2 Interest on total public debt— £ s. d. Interest on investments of Accrued .. .. 2,333,270 14 I Treasury Accounts— £ s. d. Due and unpaid .. 17,412 15 0 Accrued .. .. .. 28,395 18 0 2,350,683 9 1 Due and unpaid .. .. 2,770 7 6 Sundry depositors .. .. .. 252,206 14 4 31,186 5 6 Treasury Adjustment Ac- Sinking fund investments .. .. .. 87,450 19 0 count .. .. ■ 1,206,100 3 6 Deposit with Bank of International Settlements 36,023 0 0 Investment in Reserve Bank of New Zealand 1,000,000 0 0 Miscellaneous loan expenditure .. .. 75,980,032. 8 11 Income and Expenditure Account .. .. 4,225,566 5 10 £82,391,238 5 9 £82,391,238 5 9 Tbeasuky Notes. —(1) The above accounts include certain income, expenditure, assets, and liabilities of the State which cannot be appropriately recorded in any other departmental balance-sheet. (2) The asset account — Miscellaneous loan expenditure—is included to represent expenditure of certain loan-moneys not represented by tangible assets. (3) Details of that part of the public debt shown in the above balance-sheet are : — £ s. d. Reserve Bank investment .. .. .. . . ■ . 1,000,000 0 0 War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. .. 65,142,599 9 8 Defence and Maori wars .. .. .. .. .. 3,008,319 8 7 Naval defence .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,389,656 1 5 Loans to local authorities .. .. .. .. .. 3,037,229 19 2 Land for Settlements Account (D.S.S.) .. .. .. .. 1,138,600 0 0 Land for Settlements Account (Opening up) .. .. .. 217,740 0 0 Maori Land Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 247,050 0 0 Westport Harbour .. .. .. .. .. .. 244,675 9 11 Revenue deficiencies .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,216,856 6 6 Old provincial liabilities .. .. .. .. .. 878,738 19 9 Loan charges, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60,782 3 10 £78,582,247 18 10 B. C. Ashwin, M.Com., A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant to the Treasury. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon.—Gr. E. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B.—l [PT. TV], Sup. TO 1935.

DOMINION OF NEW ZEALAND. State Income and Expenditure Account foe Year ended 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. Income. General administration — Taxation — £ s. d. £ s. d. Treasury, Audit, Internal £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs and sales tax .. 10,376,433 10 9 Affairs, and other offices 1,496,561 9 11 Land and ineome tax .. 4,249,074 II 6 Interest on war and other Unemployment-tax . . 4,568,675 18 4 unproductive debt .. 4,922,670 14 5 Stamp duties .. .. 3,260,781 7 0 Exchange on remittances.. 1,459,158 15 1 Petrol and tire tax, &c. .. 1,387,203 12 5 7,878,390 19 5 Other taxation.. .. 15,945 5 3 Expenses of Taxation Departments .. .. 228,150 11 5 23,858,116 5 3 Law and order .. .. .. .. 1,016,085 14 7 Profits from sale of gold com .. 1,364,118 3 9 Defence .. .. .. .. .. 1,029,93324 Rents, royalties, and other Maintanance of public works and services .. 1,834,221 5 3 territorial revenues .. .. 1,423,768 13 7 Development of primary and secondary indtis- Interest and dividends — tries .. .. .. .. .. 956,507 1 4 Interest recovered from Social services— £ s. d. State Advances Office.. 2,252,103 IS 6 Unemployment.. .. 3,938,380 10 6 Interest on investments of Pensions .. .. 3,470,530 1 0 Public Debt RedempEducation .. .. 3,268,628 11 8 tion Fund .. .. 653,954 4 4 Health.. .. .. 848,800 10 5 Dividends on Bank of New Mental Hospitals .. 572,852 8 3 Zealand shares .. 164,062 10 0 Other social services .. 130,634 11 6 Interest charged to Land 12,229,826 13 4 Development Accounts 903,651 8 11 Land development and work- Other interest and diviing .. .. .. 2,291,179 4 5 dends .. .. 473,227 4 2 Expenses of Investment Ac- 4,446,997 5 11 counts— Fees and fines .. .. .. 902,350 7 7 Interest on loan capital . . 1,866,885 .18 8 Revenues of commercial Other expenditure .. 243,321 4 3 enterprises— , 2,110,207 2 11 Railways .. .. 6,627,927 18 3 Expenditure of commercial Post Office .. .. 3,332,734 12 10 Departments— Electric supply .. 940,863 3 4 Railways .. .. 7,871,322 11 1 Other.. ... .. 50,921 5 7 Post Office .. .. 3,321,221 0 6 10,952,447 0 0 Electric supply .. .. 934,621 15 11 Miscellaneous revenues, inOther.. .. .. 189,585 10 7 eluding payment for ser12,316,750 18 1 vices rendered by nonTotal expenditure .. .. .. .. 41,891,252 13 1 trading Departments— Excess of income over expenditure .. .. 2,097,786 3 1 Social services Departments .. .. 301,198 11 5 Development of primary and secondary industries 152,224 10 6 Other miscellaneous revenues .. .. 587,817 18 2 — 1,041,241 0 1 £43,989,038 16 2 £43,989,038 16 2 Note. —The above Ineome and Expenditure Account has been prepared by summarizing all the departmental Revenue Accounts. It includes all Governmental expenditure for the year, whether actually paid or not, and all income accrued. The account does not include capital transactions such as, for example, repayment of the public debt or purchase of -fixed assets. The expenditure includes depreciation on departmental assets and certain other charges which are not recorded in the cash accounts. G. C. Eodda, F.1.A.N.Z., F.R.A.N.Z. Secretary to tlie Treasury. I hereby certify that the State Income and Expenditure Account has been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly states the position as disclosed thereby. — G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


B. —1 [FT. IV], SUP. TO 1935

STATE BALANCE-SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH, 1935. Liabilities. ' Assets. Capital— £ s. d. Land and buildings, including Crown, settlement, and £ s. d. Public debt* .. .. .. 284,431,217 610 endowment land, departmental land and buildings 40,283,405 17 7 Rural Advances bonds .. .. 4,213,050 0 0 Forests, nurseries, and plantations .. .. 38,473,759 5 3 Public Debt Redemption Fund .. 17,225,644 10 6 Railways, including permanent-way and works, ■Creditors — rolling-stock, and unopened lines .. .. 59,176,273 411 Sundry .. .. .. 2,144,585 16 0 Telegraphs, telephones, and wireless systems .. 11,021,636 3 6 Interest on debentures and stock Electrical schemes .. .. .. .. 12,992,304 14 8 due and unpaid .. .. 17,412 15 0 Drainage and irrigation schemes .. .. 4,164,244 12 7 Interest on public debt accrued but Collieries, sawmills, quarries, &c. .. .. 388,633 3 10 not due .. .. .. 2,333,270 14 1 Armament and military stores, aviation equipment 2,785,708 7 4 Wages and other payments accrued 7,245 13 5 Oyster-beds, fish-hatcheries, equipment, &C; .. 122,345 13 0 Payments in advance, &c. .. .. 457,359 6 1 Wharves, bridges, harbour-works, lighthouses, &c... 726,493 9 11 Reserves — Plant, material, and furniture .. .. .. 2,985,316 3 1 General .. .. .. 3,767,466 4 6 Libraries, books, museum exhibits, stationery, Sinking fund and reserves for loan- stamps, &c... .. .. .. .. 219,971 4 10 redemption .. .. .. 3,272,681 10 1 Live and dead stock, farm crops, &c. .. .. 252,915 3 9 Depreciation .. .. .. 6,424,618 4 8 Government steamers, launches, motor-cars, &c. .. 495,506 2 6 Fire, accident, and marine insurance, Advances on loan or mortgage .. .. .. 55,731,964 12 2 bad debts, &c. .. .. 1,156,094 11 II Debtors — Amount held on deposit .. .. 570,376 311 Sundry .. .. .. .. .. 2,058,346 16 2 Suspense .. .. .. 298,611 5 1 Unpaid purchase-price of land and buildings and Post Office investment and war-loan interest thereon .. .. .. .. 2,157,948 2 9 certificates .. .. .. 1,147,086 3 4 Postponed rents, &c. .. .. .. 433,304 4 11 Miscellaneous liabilities .. .. 53,892 10 9 Interest and rent, due and unpaid, and due and Excess of assets over liabilities .. 59,010,458 911 accrued .. .. .. .. .. 3,579,597 14 9 Special investments — Nauru phosphate rights .. .. .. 565,040 0 0 Bank of New Zealand shares .. .. .. 2,109,375 0 0 Reserve Bank of New Zealand . . .. 1,000,000 0 0 Public Trust Office (Public Debt Redemption" Fund, &c.) .. .. .. .. 7,966,688 11 2 Special assets of various accounts — Native land schemes, &c. .. .. .. 950,416 7 4 Unallocated loan charges .. .. .. 627,663 7 9 Payments in advance .. .. .. .. 251,218 10 9 Properties acquired by Crown and properties in course of realization .. .. .. 1,122,023 18 3 Investments — Reserve Fund .. .. .. .. 324,907 9 3 Sinking funds .. .. .. .. 657,140 8 2 Miscellaneous, including investment of Treasury accounts .. .. .. .. 5,138,417 17 4 National Development Account — Expenditure on— £ s. d. Main highways, roads, &c. 29,943,424 011 Development of mining .. 867,467 15 11 Education .. .. 8,238,834 3 9 Immigration .. .. 3,319,158 9 4 Harbour-works .. .. 1,045,081 10 0 Land-development .. 783,799 7 6 Cost of raising loans .. 76,475 3 8 44,274,240 11 1 Other loan expenditure— War expenditure .. .. 65,142,599 9 8 Naval defence .. .. 1,389,656 1 5 Local bodies .. .. 3,037,229 19 2 Maori-land settlement .. 247,050 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. 6,163,496 18 8 75,980,032 8 11 Cash — Public Account .. .. 5,666,605 17 5 Receiver-General .. .. 23,724 3 10 State Advances Office Account 980,157 18 4 Post Office or Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 508,386 9 0 Deposit accounts .. .. 34,335 9 1 In hand and in transit .. 37,173 0 6 Deposit with Bank of International Settlements .. 36,023 0 0 Public Trust Office .. 185,602 4 8 7,472,008 2 10 Miscellaneous assets .. .. .. 42,223 15 9 £386,531,071 6 1 £386,531,071 6 1 Notes.—(l) To account for the whole public debt, loan expenditure on war and other purposes not represented by tangible assets has been included under the heading " Other loan expenditure." Interest is received in respect of portion of the local bodies' loan expenditure. *(2) Of the amount shown as public debt, £1,193,441 17s. Id. is held by investment accounts within the Public Account. Interest accrued and interest due and unpaid in respect of this sum is also shown in both sides of the Balance-sheet. (3) Contingent liabilities : — Subsidies (not including accumulated interest) short paid to— £ s. d. Teachers' Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. 1,403,084 0 0 Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. 2,304,085 0 0 3,707,169 0 0 Excess of subsidies recommended by Actuary over subsidies paid : Railway Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. 1,273,000 0 0 4,980,169 0 0 Local authorities' loans guaranteed by the Govern- £ s. d. ment .. .. .. .. .. 2,975,075 0 0 Less Accumulated sinking funds .. 941,541 4 0 2,033,533 16 0 £7,013,702 16 0 G. C. Rodda, F.1.A.N.Z., F.R.A.N.Z., Secretary to the Treasury. I hereby certify that the above amalgamation of Balance-sheets has been compared with the relative audited accounts, and correctly states the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the departmental notes enfaced thereon.—G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (502 copies), £136 10s.

By Authority: G. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington. —1936.

Price Is. 9d.)

12 —B. 1 [PT. IV], Sup. TO 1935.


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BALANCE-SHEETS AND STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS OF VARIOUS GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1935. AUDITED ACCOUNTS. (Presented to Parliament in Terms of Section 57 of the Finance Act, 1932.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, B-01-part05

Word Count

BALANCE-SHEETS AND STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS OF VARIOUS GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1935. AUDITED ACCOUNTS. (Presented to Parliament in Terms of Section 57 of the Finance Act, 1932.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, B-01-part05

BALANCE-SHEETS AND STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS OF VARIOUS GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1935. AUDITED ACCOUNTS. (Presented to Parliament in Terms of Section 57 of the Finance Act, 1932.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1936 Session I, B-01-part05

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