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i—B. 1 [Pt. ll].

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PAGE AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT .. .. .. .. .. mil Statement of Irregularities in Connection with Public Moneys and Stores .. .. .. vi Schedule of Imperfect Vouchers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . • viii Statement showing Sums irrecoverable by the Crown .. .. .. .. .. xxiv SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS AND BALANCES :— Cash Accounts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Summary of Balances .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 Explanatory Statement op Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 Interest and Redemption Remittance Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 DETAIL STATEMENT OF REVENUE:— Ordinary Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 Ordinary Revenue, Interest on Public Moneys .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 Ordinary Revenue, Interest on Public Debt Redemption Fund .. .. .. .. 12 Ordinary Revenue, Miscellaneous Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 RECOVERIES ON ACCOUNT OF EXPENDITURE OF PREVIOUS YEARS:— Consolidated Fund (Ordinary Revenue Account) .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 Public Works Fund (General Purposes Account) .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 Public Works Fund (Electric Supply Account) .. .. .. .. .. .. 91 Education Loans Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 92 Kauri-gum Industry Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 92 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 93 Main Highways Account (Revenue Fund) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 112 Main Highways Account (Construction Fund) .. .. .. .. .. ..112 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account .. .. .. .. ..112 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..112 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 112 DISBURSEMENTS UNDER CIVIL LIST ACT, 1920 (see 8.-l [Pt. I]). DISBURSEMENTS UNDER SPECIAL ACTS:— Debt Services, Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 Debt Services, Amortization of Debt— Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 Repayment of Funded Debt .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 Transfer to Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 Debt Services, Administration and Management .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 Debt Services, Payments on Guaranteed Loans .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 Other Services .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54 UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE (see 8.-l [Pt. 1]). DISBURSEMENTS UNDER THE HAWKE'S BAY EARTHQUAKE ACT, 1931 .. .. .. 63 DISBURSEMENTS UNDER THE FINANCE ACT, 1929, SECTION 9 (WEST COAST EARTHQUAKE) .. 63 DISBURSEMENTS UNDEB RURAL INTERMEDIATE CREDIT ACT, 1927. SECTION 16 .. .. 63 DISBURSEMENTS UNDER THE IMPREST SUPPLY ACT, 1927, SECTION 4 .. .. .. 64 DISBURSEMENTS UNDER THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES EMPOWERING (RELIEF OF UNEMPLOYMENT) AMENDMENT ACT, 1928, SECTION 3 64 IMPRESTS OF THE CONSOLIDATED FUND (ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT) OUTSTANDING.. 65 LOCAL BODIES' ACCOUNTS:— Endowments of Land .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 68 GOLDFIELDS ReVENVK . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 68 Gold Duty .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 69 DEPOSITS ACCOUNT:— Summary of Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 Details of Receipts and Disbursements of Deposit Aooouhts .. .. .. .. 73 Receipts and Disbursements under the Trustee Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 87 IMPRESTS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS FUND OUTSTANDING .. 90 DETAIL STATEMENT OF TRANSACTIONS:— Advances to othkr Governments Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 91 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 93 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 Temporary Transfers under Section 40 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 .. .. .. 114

B.—l [Pγ. ll].



[ have the honour to submit my report for the year ending 31st March, 1931, in terms of subsections (2) and (3) of section 89 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, which sets out in detail the several headings under which the Controller and Auditor-General is required to present his report to Parliament, and which reads as follows : — " 89. (1) The Treasury shall as soon as practicable after the end of every financial year prepare and send to the Audit Office a statement of the revenue and expenditure of the Public Account during that year. " (2) The Controller and Auditor-General shall forthwith examine that statement, and prepare and sign a report showing — " (a) The particulars of any discrepancies between such statement and the books of the Treasury : " (b) Full particulars of every case in which the provisions of this or any other Act, or the regulations or any forms, have not been carried out or adopted, or have in any manner been varied or departed from : " (c) Every case of failure to deliver or send in accounts or to collect or account for any moneys or stores : " (d) All sums allowed or disallowed without vouchers or with imperfect vouchers or upon incorrect certificates : " (e) Any proceeding that may have been taken by or against any person in pursuance of the provisions of this Act or the regulations : " (/) All unsatisfied surcharges which have been made by the Controller and AuditorGeneral and all surcharges disallowed by a Minister on appeal: " (g) In what accounts the Controller and Auditor-General has, with the consent of the Minister, dispensed with a detailed audit: " (h) Such other information as may be prescribed, or as the Controller and AuditorGeneral thinks desirable. " (3) The Controller and Auditor-General shall annex or append to the said report copies of all cases laid by him before the Attorney-General for his opinion, together with a copy of the opinion given in every such case." DISCREPANCIES IN THE ACCOUNTS. Section 89 (2) (a), Public Revenues Act, 1926. The differences between the statement of accounts as submitted for audit and the Treasury books, owing to the method of treating investments under the authority of section 16 of the Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), and which I have reported on previous occasions, still continue. Under this authority certain amounts paid out of the various accounts by way of investment, though correctly entered as expenditure in the Treasury books in accordance with the ordinary principles of accountancy, are omitted from the expenditure as shown in the published accounts and are treated as balances in hand. CASES IN WHICH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW HAVE NOT BEEN CARRIED OUT. Section 89 (2) (b), Public Revenues Act, 1926. Finance Act, 1931 (No. 2), Section 10. Section 10 of the Finance Act, 1931 (No. 2) enacts that the provisions of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, governing the accounting for the expenditure of public moneys, shall not apply to certain payments made from the Public Account in London (through the Foreign Imprest Account) by the High Commissioner under the authority of section 20 of the Finance Act, 1928. Payments can, under this latter provision, be made on behalf of Government Departments having banking accounts outside the Public Account, such as the State Fire Office and others, or on behalf of local authorities, or on behalf of private persons or non-governmental bodies, the amounts being refunded to the Public Account. There is, of course, no objection to the practice of making these payments, but their exemption from the provisions of the Public Revenues Act is interpreted by the Treasury to exempt them from Audit supervision, and the payments, though made out of the Public Account from public moneys, are not being recorded in the public accounts kept by the Treasury or in the statutory Public Accounts presented to Parliament pursuant to the Public Revenues Act, 1926. The vouchers are not charged against the permanent appropriation provided by section 20 of the Finance Act, 1928 to cover these payments, nor are they submitted to the Audit Office for appropriation audit in terms of the Public Revenues Act. %

B.—l [Pt. ll].

One of the functions of the Audit Office is the appropriation audit of all payments, and the Controller and Auditor-General is specifically forbidden by section 72 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, to dispense with such audit. As the vouchers for the payments now in question are not charged against the appropriation authorizing the payments to be made by the High Commissioner, and do not come before the Audit Office for an appropriation audit, it is not possible for Audit to fulfil the requirements of the Public Revenues Act. In the opinion of the Audit Office the omission of cash transactions from the Public Accounts is contrary to the accepted principles of accountancy, and the section of the Finance Act, 1931 (No. 2) referred to is a serious interference with the safeguards imposed by the Public Revenues Act, 1926, on the expenditure of public moneys. The law as it stands opens the door to abuse, as, under its provisions, public moneys could be used temporarily for private purposes wit limit any record being entered in the Public Accounts. It is conceivable, for example, that loans could be granted, without interest, to unauthorized individuals, or that payments in London could be made to or on behalf of such individuals free of exchange, repayment being made in Wellington, without submitting any voucher to the Audit Office quoting the statutory authority for such payments, and without recording such payments in the Public Accounts, either in the Treasury books or in the statutory accounts submitted to Parliament. The payments in question are advances made from the Public Account, very similar in their nature to the advances on behalf of other Governments, and similar in principle to advances made to the Native Trustee, Southland Electric-power Board, Rural Intermediate Credit Board, &c, under permanent appropriations, which are all recorded in the Public Accounts. From an accounting point of view there is no more justification for omitting from the Public Accounts the payments made under section 20 of the Finance Act, 1928, than there would be for omitting these other advances. Before the amendment of the law by section 10 of the Finance Act, 1931 (No. 2), referred to, the particulars of the payments in question were shown under " Permanent Appropriations —Special Acts—Finance Act, 1928, section 20," in 8.-l [Part ll], and came before Audit in the usual manner ; but since the amendment the payments have been entirely omitted from the public accounts. As the section is mandatory in form, and is made retrospective to the date of passing of the Finance Act, 1928, it would appear that, if it authorizes the omission of the later entries from the Public Accounts, it also invalidates the earlier entries which have actually been made in the accounts. Some of the payments made in the earlier portion of the year 1930-31, before the Act was amended, were entered in the accounts and appear in 8.-l [Part ll], at the bottom of page 61, but the later payments were not BO entered. I have endeavoured to trace these later payments made during the year, and a statement is appended for the information of Parliament showing these unrecorded amounts ; but it is possible that, owing to the difficulty of tracing payments the vouchers for which are not brought into account, the statement may not be complete. The only opportunity afforded the Audit Office of tracing such transactions is when the recovery is made, and, should no recovery be made, the transaction would not come under the notice of Audit. In preparing the statement it was found that one payment of £970 was made prior to the receipt of the relative amount into the Public Account. This amount is in excess of the £500 maximum allowed by section 20 of the Finance Act, 1928, and the payment was therefore contrary to law. As the vouchers were not submitted for audit, the illegal nature of the payment was not discovered during the year.

Statement of those Payments made by the High Commissioner in the Year 1930-31 under the Authority of the Finance Act, 1928, Section 20, which have not been brought into the Public Accounts.


D.rfi™ i.,.. Amounts paid to Amounts recovered at Particulars. 31st Marc £ 1931 to 3l8t March _ 1931 at^ Sundry payments made by the High Commissioner on behalf of— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Post and Telegraph Department .. .. .. 11,247 11 1 10,337 5 7 I 910 5 6 Public Service and Teachers'Superannuation Funds .. 17,935 0 0 15,158 8 6 2,776 11 6 National Provident Fund .. .. .. .. 415 18 5 361 0 11 54 17 6 Government Life Insurance Department .. .. 3,234 4 6 2,773 4 3 461 0 3 State Fire Insurance Department .. .. .. 130 78 127 60 318 State Advances Office .. .. .. .. 144 144 Public Trust Office .. . . . . . . . 0 5 1 0 5 1 Tourist Department's Deposit Account .. . . 2 12 6 2 12 6 Greymouth Harbour Board .. .. .. .. ."> 11 0 5 11 0 Victoria University College .. .. .. . . 7 19 3 7 19 3 Canterbury College .. . . . . .. . . 0 13 5 0 13 5 Otago University .. . . .. .. . . 89 7 2 .. 89 7 2 Otago Girls' Presbyterian College .. .. . . 1 10 8 1 10 8 Christchurch Hospital Board .. .. .. 2110 2110 Hawke's Bay Hospital Board .. . .. 8 50 .. 850 Otago Hospital Board .. .. .. .. 1 12 0 .. 1 12 0 Kauri-gum Control Board .. .. .. .. 150 150 Auckland Institute and Museum .. .. .. 141 141 Taranaki Regiment .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 0 1 10 0 General Assembly Library .. .. .. .. 807 13 5 627 3 4 180 10 1 Union Jacks for the Governor-General s motor-care . . 0 15 0 0 15 0 Funeral and other expenses paid on behalf of the estate of the 1H2 0 7 .. 132 0 7 late W. S. Ferguson, formerly Trade and Produce Officer on the High Commissioner's staff 34,029 1 2 29,411 9 11 4,617 11 3

B.—l [Pt. ll].

State Advances Debt. Section 36 (b) of the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909, provided that certain loans raised for State advances under the Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908, "shall be credited by the Treasury in the Public Accounts of the Dominion in reduction of the public debt.'' The 1909 Act further made it clear that any fresh loans raised thereunder were to be charged upon the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Account and guaranteed by the Government of New Zealand, and were not to be deemed part of the public debt charged on the public revenues of New Zealand. The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Amendment Act, 11)10, authorized the loans raised thereunder to be charged on the public revenues, but in section 8 of this Act it was specifically provided that, as between the Treasury and the State Advances Office, such loans " shall not be deemed to form part of the public debt, but shall be entered in the appropriate accounts of the Advances Office as capital liabilities of the respective branches of that Office". Pursuant to these provisions of law, the loans raised under these Acts for advances to settlers, advances to workers, and advances to local authorities have been kept separate from the public debt, and have been shown in the public-debt accounts in 8.-l [Part lII], as " State Advances Debt," while the securities outstanding in respect of these loans have been kept distinct from the securities outstanding in respect of the public debt, and have been shown in separate statements following the statement of securities outstanding in respect of the public debt. The Treasury has decided to abolish this distinction and to bring all these loans within the public debt. With this end in view, the securities outstanding at the 31st March, 1931, have been brought under the heading " The Public Debt of New Zealand " in 8.-l [Part lII], pages 53 and 54, and the separate statements have been discontinued. In view of the distinction created by statute, however, it did not appear to Audit to be permissible to bring these loans within the public debt, and it has therefore been decided to introduce legislation authorizing their inclusion in the public debt. As there appears to be no good reason, from an accountancy point of view, for maintaining any distinction between these loans and the public debt, I have certified 8.-l [Part lII], in anticipation of such legislation being passed. In the statement showing the balances and summary of transactions of the public debt for the year the loans comprising the State Advances debt have not been brought into the public debt. Entries to do this will no doubt be submitted by the Treasury during the current year, after the proposed legislation has been passed. I would take the opportunity of drawing attention to the fact that the loans raised under the Rural Advances Act, 1926, which are very similar in their nature to those mentioned above, are not brought into the public debt. There can be no question that these loans are a debt of the New Zealand Government, for they are raised by a Government Department —the State Advances Office— and the principal and interest is payable, in the first place, from the Consolidated Fund, and is recoverable by that fund from the State Advances Account. It would seem, therefore, that these loans also should be brought into the public-debt accounts as part of the public debt of the Dominion. Payment of Fees to Annuitants of the Public Service Superannuation Fund who were engaged by the government to serve on a commission. Section 33 of the Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927, provides, inter alia, that when a contributor receives payment for services rendered by him to or for any branch of the Government service while in receipt of a retiring-allowance, then do more <>f such retiring-allowance shall be paid in respect of any month than is equivalent, when added to the remuneration so received by him in that month, to one-twelfth of his annual salary at the date of retirement. During the year vouchers were submitted to the Audit Office supporting claims for fees payable to two superannuitants who were appointed to a Commission to hear cases of hardship arising out of the operation of the special land tax. As the fees, together with their superannuation, exceeded the amount allowed by the section quoted above, the vouchers were not passed by Audit until the assurance of the Minister of Finance was given that a validating clause would be provided therefor. Unemployment Act, 1930.—Exemption from Payment of Levy. Certain classes of persons were granted exemption from payment of the unemployment levy by Order in Council dated the 12th December, 1930. Some persons who are entitled to exemption under these regulations had paid the December instalment of the levy before the Order in Council was published. Vouchers for refunds of these instalments were submitted, but as the Order in Council did not have retrospective effect the applicants were not legally entitled to a refund. As it did not appear equitable that applicants should be penalized as the result of delay in the issue of the regulations, Audit passed the vouchers on an undertaking being given by the Minister of Finance that validating legislation would be provided during the ensuing session. Grant by the Government to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Civil List Act, 1920. —Section 16 of the Civil List Act, 1920, and section 11 of the Finance Act, 1927, provide for the salary and allowances payable to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. In November of last year a grant of £200 was made to the Speaker to enable him to take an extended health-recruiting trip. There was no statutory authority for the payment of this amount, but Audit passed the claim on receipt of an assurance from the Government that the necessary legislative authority would be provided therefor during the ensuing session.


B.—l [Pt. ll].

Native Trust Office. —Access Road to Aohanga Station. In order to give improved road access to the Aohanga Station property, which is being developed by the Native Trustee, it was necessary to provide the County Council with the necessary funds to proceed with the work. The Native Trustee proposed to advance the sum of £500 on account of rates payable in future years, the amount to be credited by the Council in equal instalments, plus interest at 5 per cent, on the outstanding balance, against the rates payable for a period of five years. As there was no authority for the Native Trustee to make payments in respect of rates becoming due beyond the current financial year, and, also, as no authority existed for a local body to accept an advance of rates subject to the payment of interest thereon, the Audit Office was unable to pass the payment. The Minister of Finance, however, agreed to introduce legislation that would validate the proposals of the Native Trustee, and the Audit Office then agreed to pass the payment in anticipation of the legislation. Local Authorities. Breaches of the law committed by local authorities are dealt with in paragraph " Audit of accounts of Local Authorities."



Nature of Irregularity. involved Action taken, and Kesuit. Department of Health. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. £ S. d. Theft of departmental bicycle .. .. Recovered by police. Offender's identity not established. No loss to Department. Internal Affairs Department. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Failure to account promptly for moneys received 54 19 6 ( Police decided not to prosecute. No loss was sustained by Department. Department of Justice. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of departmental moneys .. .. 113 16 5 Offender pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two months' hard labour. No loss to Department resulted. Theft of departmental moneys, forgery of docu- | 323 4 10 Offender, who pleaded guilty, was ordered to come ments, and falsification of records up for sentence if called upon within twelve months. Restitution was made, and officer dismissed from the Service. Mental Hospitals Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of fat from kitchen .. .. .. 14 6 8 Police decided not. to prosecute. Dismissed from the Service. Loss to Department, £14 6s. 8d. Mines Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of departmental moneys .. .. | 433 15 2 Offender was sentenced to twelve months' reformative detention. Full restitution made. Dismissed from the Service. Theft of departmental moneys .. .. 26 6 0 Matter placed in hands of police. Inquiries not yet I completed. New Zealand Government Railways Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Failure to account promptly for fare received.. j 0 5 6 Offender dismissed from the Service. No loss to Department. Theft of departmental moneys and falsifying 119 Delinquent made restitution and was dismissed from records the Service. No loss to Department. Theft of tarpaulin and other stores .. J .. Offender pleaded guilty and was fined £10, in default two months' imprisonment. Goods were returned to Department. Offender dismissed from the Service. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of cash from Waterloo Railway-station 14 9 1 Police investigation failed to disclose perpetrator. by burglar Loss to Department, £14 9s. Id. Theft of cash from Woburn Railway-station by 2 113 Police investigation failed to disclose perpetrator. burglar ' , . ' Loss to Department, £2 11s. 3d. Theft of cash from Pakipaki Railway-station by 0 6 0 I Police investigation failed to disclose perpetrator. burglar Loss to Department, 6s. Theft of cash from Waterloo Railway-station by i 12 0 Matter investigated by police without result. Loss burglar to Department, £1 2s. Theft of cash from Manakau Railway-station by 0 13 0 Offender was admitted to probation and ordered to burglar make restitution. Theft of tickets from Portland Railway-station . . i Matter investigated by police without result. by burglar

B.—l [Pγ. ll].



Nature of Irregularity. invSJred. AcUon taken ' and Eeeult - Pensions Department. IRREGULARITIES BY PEESONS KOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. False declaration of earnings by war-pensionor, 362 14 6 Offender convicted and fined £25, and £1 10s. costs resulting in overpayment of pension Economic pension cancelled and wife's pension reduced by 15s. per week. False declaration by war-pensioner in regard to 51 5 0 Offender convicted and discharged and ordered to earnings, resulting in overpayment of pension refund money obtained by fraud. Forgery of signature of deceased pensioner .. 2 3 4 Matter placed in hands of police. Money refunded. False declaration by old-age pensioner in regard 176 3 4 Offender deceased. £100 recovered from estate. to property held, resulting in overpayment of pension Post and Telegraph Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of postal packets .. .. .. 3 0 4! Offender pleaded guilty, was fiued £5, placed on probation for two years, and ordered to make restitution. Theft of postal packets .. .. . . 6 4 3 Offender placed on probation for two years, and ordered to pay costs of prosecution and make restitution. Dismissed from the Service. Theft of postal packets .. .. .. 16 18 6 Offender pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment with hard labour. Loss made good. Theft of postal packets .. .. .. .. Offender pleaded guilty and was admitted to probation for twelve months. Dismissed from the Service. Theft of postal note by cadet .. . . 0 15 0 Offender, who pleaded guilty, was ordered to come up for sentence if called upon within twelve months. Restitution made and services of delinquent dispensed with. Theft of departmental moneys .. . . 73 7 5 Offender pleaded guilty and was admitted to probation for twelve months. Amount has been repaid to the Department. Theft of departmental moneys .. .. 595 4 10 Offender pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. Loss to the Department, £595 4s. 10d. Theft of postal packets .. .. .. 7 16 7 Offender pleaded guilty and was sentenced to twelve months , reformative detention. No loss to Department. Theft of cheque .. .. .. .. i 6 14 5 Officer pleaded guilty to receiving cheque knowing it to have been stolen, and was admitted to probation for two years. No loss to Department. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Forgery of savings-bank withdrawal-slip and I 125 0 0 Police unable to ascertain who was the delinquent. theft of pass-book Loss to Department, £125. Theft of Post-office cash-box .. .. 13 15 5 Amount was recovered from defendant, who was ordered to be detained in a Borstal Institution for two years. Theft of cash from Rai Valley Post-office by 0 5 0 Offender was sentenced to eighteen months' hard burglar labour. Loss to Department, 5s. Theft of pass-book, and forgery of Post Office 221 0 0 Offenders (two) were sentenced to two years' re-Savings-bank withdrawal-slips formative detention and six months' imprisonment with hard labour respectivelv. Loss to Department, £221. Theft of bank-notes from post-office counter .. 80 0 0 Offender pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months' hard labour. All the money was recovered by the Department. Fraudulent withdrawal from savings-bank ac- 25 0 0 Offender pleaded guilty and was committed to Borstal count Institution for two years. No loss of money. Fraudulent withdrawal from savings-bank ac- 20 0 0 Offender, who was placed on probation for three count years, was ordered to make restitution, and pay £2 13s. 6d., cost of prosecution. There will be no loss to the Department. Fraudulent withdrawal from savings-bank ac- 25 0 0 Offender was sentenced to twelve months' reformative count detention. Loss to Department, £25. Fraudulent entry in Post Office Savings-bank 47 0 0 Offender pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one pass-book and attempted uttering month's imprisonment. No loss to Department. Theft of pass-book, forgery of withdrawal-slip, 5 0 0 Offender fined £2 for theft, and on other charg, and attempted uttering placed on probation for two years. Department suffered no loss of moneys. Fraudulent withdrawal from savings-bank ac- 10 0 0 Offender pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two count years' reformative detention. Loss to Department, £10. Fraudulent withdrawal from savings-bank ac- 20 18 4 Delinquent was ordered to come up for sentence if count called upon within two years and was required to make restitution. No loss to Department. Theft of departmental moneys .. .. 17 0 Offender placed on probation for six months and ordered to make restitution. No loss to Department. Public Works Department. IRREGULARITIES BY DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of stores, falsification of documents and ! .. Police decided not to prosecute. Several officers records, forgery, and overpayments dismissed from the Service. Department of Tourist and Health Resorts. IRREGULARITIES BY PERSONS NOT DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Theft of dinghy .. .. .. .. | .. Matter placed in hands of police.

B.—l [Pt. ll].


(1) Receipts not obtained. (2) Impossible to obtain receipts. (3) Receipts lost and cannot be replaced.


Name. Department and Particulars. Amount. Total Amount. Cvstome. £ s. d. £ s. d. T. Mitchell .. •. • ■ Expenses of Official Representative proceeding to 4 13 0 England (1) F. N. Abercrombie .. .. Cost of provisions taken to camp in earthquake 0 15 0 area (1) W. J. Stevenson .. .. Travelling-expenses of Official Representative at 63 4 4 New York (1) 68 12 4 Defence. Captain K. L. Stewart .. Railway fare in England (2) .. .. .. 18 7 1 8 7 Health. J. H. Cowdrey .. ■• Purchase of medicine (2) .. .. .. 1 17 6 E H Roche .. .. .. Fees for notification of infectious diseases (3) .. 110 2 18 6 Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Pvblicitt/. T. G. Dewar .. .. .. Postage, telegrams, and stationery (1) .. .. 6 0 11 W. P. Barnett .. .. Taxi-hire (1) .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 0 — 7 10 11 Interna , Affairs. K. M. Sleight .. .. .. Taxi fares (1).. .. .. .. .. 110 0 Hon. J. G. Cobbe .. .. Service-car fares (1) .. .. .. .. 1 14 0 F.G.Matthews .. .. Radio message (1) .. .. .. .. 0 8 0 C. A. Jeffery .. .. .. Payment on behalf of the Prime Minister for services 0 10 0 rendered (1) 4 2 0 Legislative. J. McCombs, M.P. .. .. Taxi fares (1).. .. .. .. .. 2 10 0 2 10 0 Labour. A. H. Tocker.. .. .. Hotel expenses (1) .. .. .. .. 0 12 6 0 12 6 Land* and Survey. C. King Wages (3) 5 17 3 J. Prendeville .. .. .. Sleeping-berth (1) .. .. .. .. 0 13 6 L. Marshall .. .. .. Wages for scrub-cutting (1) .. .. .. 4 19 4 J. R. Franklin .. .. Locomotion expenses (1) .. .. .. 1 12 6 J. R. MacCormack .. .. Cost of sleeping-berth (1) .. .. .. 0 15 0 — 13 17 7 Marine. L. Hayes .. .. .. Wages paid to party while conducting whitebait 2 1") 0 investigations (3) " " : 2 16 0 Naval Defence. Commissioner of Police, Brisbane Travelling-expenses and telegrams in connection 27 13 0 with the arrest of a naval absconder (1) 27 13 0 Public Trust Office. Mrs. L. Alexander .. .. Amounts due on account of investment agency (3) 63 0 0 63 0 0 Public World. Black and Decker .. .. Cartage, insurance, and Customs charges (1) .. 10.6 10 6 Scientific and Industrial Research. P. Marshall .. .. .. Meals and accommodation while in earthquake 10 9 0 area (1) A. S. Mitchell .. .. Meals and accommodation while in earthquake 1 H H area(l) 11 17 6 Stale Forest Serc'n-<. G. Killner and others .. .. Allotment of wages to dependants of workmen (1) | 85 14 1 G. Groome .. .. .. Allotment of wages (1) .. .. .. 3 10 0 F. Martin .. .. .. Allotment of wages (1) .. .. .. 7 0 0 J. Woodward .. .. .. Allotment of wages (1) .. .. .. 0 14 0 H. H. C. Williams .. .. Wages (3) .. .. .. 20 3 9 V. Bradley .. .. .. Wages (3) .. .. .. .. ;. 4 18 0 * 121 19 10 Treasury. M. W. Buckley .. .. Meals and provisions purchased in earthquake 0 16 0 area (1) H. B. Burrell .. .. .. Meals, provisions, and accommodation in earthquake 8 8 3 area (1) Mrs. Lee Guard .. .. Hospital expenses, Earthquake Relief Fund (3) .. 15 0 0 Mrs. E. C. McQuitty .. .. Interest on debentures (1) .. .. .. 4 17 11 £359 0 5

B.—l [Pt. II

PEOCEEDINGS TAKEN AGAINST DEFAULTEES AND OTHERS. Section 89 (2) (e), Public Revenues Act, 1926. Particulars of the cases in which proceedings have been taken in pursuance of the Public Revenues Act or regulations thereunder are included in the statement under paragraph 89 (2) (c). SURCHARGES. Section 89 (2) (f), Public Revenues Act, 1926. There are no amounts surcharged by the Controller and Auditor-General which remain unsatisfied. No surcharges have been wholly disallowed during the year by the Minister on appeal; some were reduced. DETAILED AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS DISPENSED WITH. Section 89 (2) (g), Public Revenues Act, 1926. Section 72 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, reads as follows :— " The Controller and Auditor-General may, with the consent of the Minister, dispense with the detailed audit of any accounts, but not with any appropriation audit of such accounts. The consent of the Minister shall be given only in those cases in which he considers that there are circumstances which render a detailed audit under this Act unnecessary : Provided that a list of such cases shall be comprised and published in the Controller and Auditor-General's report in each year." There are no instances in which the Hon. the Minister of Finance has during the year given his consent to a detailed audit being dispensed with. COMMENTS BY THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR-GENERAL. Section 89 (2) (h), Public Revenues Act, 1926. Repayment ov the Public Debt. The following table gives particulars of the amount of securities redeemed during the year under the provisions of the Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925, and also of the total amount so redeemed to 31st March, 1931 : —

* Difference between the rate of interest which the securities bore and the rate (3£ per cent.) payable by the Consolidated Fund to the Public Debt Repayment Account. It will be seen that an annual saving of interest amounting to £69,198 9s. 3d. has now been effected by the operation of the Act. This saving increases year by year as the cumulative effect of the sinking fund becomes apparent, as the following figures show : — Annual Saving in Interest on Securities redeemed to — £ s. d. 31st March, 1926 .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,137 10 3 31st March, 1927 .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,043 9 3 31st March, 1928 .. .. .. .. .. .. 39,592 0 4 31st March, 1929 .. .. .. .. .. .. 46,782 0 4 31st March, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 57,218 13 7 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. .. 69,198 9 3

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Nominal Value of Securities redeemed. Rate of j Total Cost of Annual saving Interest. Total to v 1 Total to Redemptions. in Interest.*^ 31st March, 1930. * ear 3 i 8t March, 1931. Per Cent. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d 4 1,946,065 8 2 23,897 11 10 1,969,963 0 0 1,958,275 9 1 9,849 16 3 4£ 884,910 0 0 1,186,030 0 0 2,070,940 0 0 2,055,562 5 0 20,709 8 0 5 1,416,400 0 0 .. 1,416,400 0 0 1,415,846 5 0 21,246 0 0 5± I 300,500 0 0 .. ' 300,500 0 0 300,482 10 0 5,258 15 0 51 13,900 0 0 .. 13,900 0 0 13,900 0 0 278 0 0 6 474,260 0 0 .. 474,260 0 Oj 474,260 0 0 11,856 10 0 i5,036,035 8 2 1,209,927 11 10 6,245,963 0 0 6,218,326 9 1 69,198 9 3

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Increase and Decrease of the Debt. The Public Debt Accounts disclose a net increase in the public debt for the year of £8,650,015 os. 3d. This was made up as follows : — Total debt as at 31st March, 1930 (8.-l [Part lII], 1930, £ b. d. page 24) •• 267,383,342 18 4 Increase — New loans raised during the year for £ s. d. the purposes of various accounts .. .. 11,119,725 0 0 Loans raised for redemptions but not applied as at 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. 3,975 0 0 11,123,700 0 0 Decrease — Loans paid off during the year — £ s. d. From cash in various accounts .. 177.090 0 0 Repayment of funded debt .. 426,107 711 From Public Debt Repayment Account 1,209,927 11 10 From receipts in respect of war expenses .. .. .. 19,000 0 0 From reparation-moneys .. 447,496 16 0 From various sinking funds .. 194,060 0 0 Discount on loans redeemed below par 3 4 0 2,473,684 19 9 Net increase for the year .. .. .. .. 8,650,015 0 3 Total debt as at 31st March, 1931 (8.-l [Part lII], 1931, page 25) .. ..£276,033,357 18 7 The above figures do not include loans raised under the Rural Advances Act, 1926, as these loans, though raised by the Government, are not brought into the Public Debt Accounts. The amount of such loans outstanding as at the 31st March, 1930, was £2,771,200, and on the 31st March, 1931, was £3,978,950, an increase during the year of £1,207,750. The total increase in Government loan indebtedness during the year was therefore £9,857,765 os. 3d. At the 31st March, 1931, a sum of £344,182 4s. Id. appropriated for the redemption of loans was lying at credit of the Loans Redemption Account, particulars being as follows : — Finance Act, 1925, section 13 — Amount received in respect of war expenses, to be applied in redemption of £ s. d. war loans 11,697 6 2 Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 135 (2)— Amount received on account New Zealand share of German reparations, to be applied in redemption of war loans .. .. .. .. 179,708 7 1 Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 135 (4)— Amount received from Main Highways Account (Revenue Fund) for redemption of main-highways loans .. .. .. .. 144,636 0 0 Amount transferred from Ordinary Revenue Account for redemption of main-highways loans (representing interest received on main-highways moneys held in Loans Redemption Account) .. .. .. 4,165 10 10 Loans raised for redemption of securities, but not applied during the year .. 3,975 0 0 £344,182 4 1 Interest on Public Account Cash Balance Investments. In my report of last year I drew attention to the system of allocating the interest derived from certain investments to all the accounts within the Public Account instead of to those accounts only which provide the money for the investments. As there is no record in the Public Accounts for 1930-31 of the amounts allocated to each account, I append a statement showing the details. With regard to the item of £8 16s. 9d. shown in the statement under Deposits Account, I may explain that this represents half the amount allocated in respect of the balance of the Unemployment Fund. It was at first intended that this amount should be paid to the credit of the Consolidated Fund, but, as it appeared to the Audit Office that the whole of the interest earned by the Unemployment Fund should be. credited to the latter fund, the matter was referred to the Crown Law Office, and a ruling has been given to the effect that the whole of the interest earned should be credited to the Unemployment Fund. The interest in question, however, together with other amounts which have since been received as interest on investments of the Unemployment Fund, is still held in suspense.


B.—l [Pt. ll].

Deposits Account —Interest on Cash Balance Investments Account.


Receipts. Disbursements. Balance from 1929-30, representing Amounts allocated to various amounts allocated to State Ad- £ s. d. accounts— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. vances Loan Account .. .. 2,788 3 3 Ordinary Revenue Account Interest on invest- (Interest on Public Moneys), ments in New Zea- £ s. d. in respect of balances of— land .. .. 49,250 7 9 Ordinary Revenue Account.. 986 8 3 Interest on invest- Local Bodies Account .. 103 18 10 ments in London 18,802 16 9 Deposits Account .. .. 1,009 8 9 68,053 4 6 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account .. 12,317 11 7 Advances to other Governments Account .. .. 383 19 7 Education Loans Account .. 1,706 17 3 Loans Redemption Account 4,181 11 9 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account .. .. .. 4,170 15 2 Suspense Account .. 9,997 19 10 34,858 11 0 Ordinary Revenue Account (Miscellaneous Revenue), in respect of balances of Land Assurance Fund Account.. » 314 18 9 Ordinary Revenue Account (National Endowment Revenue), in respect of balances of — National Endowment Account .. .. .. 347 13 7 National Endowment Trust Account .. .. 77 1 1 424 14 8 35,598 4 5 Deposits Account (interest in respect of balances of the Unemployment Fund held in suspense pending decision as to what account is to receive credit) .. .. .. 8 16 9 Nauru and Ocean Islands Account .. .. .. 233 18 8 Nauru and Ocean Islands Sinking Fund Account .. .. 0 18 11 Public Works Fund—Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. .. .. .. .. 84 1 8 Public Works Fund —Electric Supply Account .. .. 5,262 9 11 Public Works Fund —Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account 333 16 6 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 2,497 16 1 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act 1920 Depreciation Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. 940 19 11 General Purposes Relief Account .. .. .. 142 4 8 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. 215 15 1 Howard Estate Account .. .. .. .. 0 0 1 Hunter Soldiers Assistance Trust Account .. .. 12 0 7 Hutt Valley Lands Settlement Account .. .. .. 178 14 9 Kauri-gum Industry Account .. .. .. .. 346 6 1 Land for Settlements Account, in respect of balances of— £ s. d. Cheviot Estate Account .. .. 300 0 9 Deteriorated Lands Account .. .. 187 18 6 Land for Settlements Account .. 3,757 15 4 4,245 14 7 Main Highways Account (Revenue Fund), in respect of balances of— Main Highways Account— Revenue Fund .. .. .. 3,450 7 0 Construction Fund .. .. 2,937 6 6 6,387 13 6 Mining Advances Account .. .. ,. .. 23 18 4 Native Land Settlement Account .. .. .. 703 12 6 Public Debt Repayment Account .. .. .. 50 14 2 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. .. 16 17 3 State Advances Loan Account .. .. .. .. 8,520 2 4 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. 116 18 10 State Coal-mines Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. 3 15 5 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,547 8 8 Swamp Land Drainage Account.. .. .. .. 50 9 9 Unemployment Fund .. .. .. .. .. 8 16 9 Westport Harbour Account .. .. .. .. 111189 Working Railways Account .. .. .. .. 2,476 10 2 70,120 15 1 Balance, 31st March, 1931 — Amounts allocated to State Advances £ s. d. Loan Account not yet paid .. 11 14 7 Amounts not yet allocated .. .. 708 18 1 720 12 8 Total receipts .. .. £70,841 7 9 Total disbursements .. .. .. £70,841 7 9

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Cost of Remittances to London. During the period from January to May, 1929, £5,650,(MK) was remitted to London, at a cost of £30,300, to meet repayment of the Consolidated Stock loan which matured on the Ist November, 1929, as shown in the Budget for last year, which states that stock to the amount of £1,925,500 and £4,731,356 (£6,656,856 in all) was met from funds provided from New Zealand (8.-6, 1930, page 12). Pending their application for this purpose, these moneys were temporarily invested in London, and the interest earned was as shown in the preceding comment, , page x, allocated to all the accounts within the Public Account. Under the authority of the Appropriation Act, 1926, section 13 (as amended by the Finance Act, 1929, section 14), the cost of these remittances has also been allocated against the various accounts which obtained the interest, in proportion to amounts of interest credited, and not against the accounts whose loans were maturing. This allocation does not appear to the Audit Office to be an equitable one, for the following reasons :— The maturing loans making up the £6,656,856 were for the following accounts — £ Consolidated Fund—Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. 2,292,442 Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account .. .. .. 4,072,791 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. . 23,765 Native Land Settlement Account . . . . . . .. .. 3,731 Naval Defence Act Account .. .. .. .. .. 24,613 State Coal-mines Account . . .. . . .. .. 518 State Advances Account .. .. .. .. .. 238,996 £6,656,856 and it follows that the cost of remitting these moneys should have been charged against the above accounts in proportion to the amount of loan paid off. Actually, however, the cost was charged against other accounts as well, and in proportion to the interest credited. The result has been that certain accounts on behalf of which no part of the remittances was made, as they had no loans maturing, have been charged with a portion of the costs of remittances made on behalf of other accounts. As an instance, I would refer to the case of the Electric Supply Account, against which a charge of £2,295 4s. 10d. was made for the cost of remittances, although this account had no need for any remittance to London. As a matter of fact, this account had surplus funds of its own in London at the time, which were being used to save other accounts the cost of remittances. Permanent Appropriations—Under Special Acts of the Legislature. In the Abstract of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Public Account certified by me pursuant to section 88 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, the Treasurj baa for the year ended 31st March, 1931, adopted a new method of classifying the expenditure under permanent appropriations. The new method of showing this expenditure appears to me to be a considerable improvement on the method previously followed, as it gives a clearer indication of the nature of t he services on which the expenditure was made. In two respects, however, the new classification appears to be incorrect and misleading. (a) Under the heading " Debt Services " in 8.-l [Part I], page 5, are included all payments made by the Treasury in connection with Government loans (including payments made on nonGovernment loans guaranteed by the Government), with one exception—namely, interest paid from the Consolidated Fund on loans raised by the Government under the Rural Advances Act, 1926, and recovered from the State Advances Office. This interest has been shown under the heading " Other Services, Other Special Acts. Miscellaneous," but it appears to the Audit Office that it should properly be included under the heading " Debt Services—lnterest." The item " Total debt services " would therefore appear to be incorrect, the figures shown in the " Gross " column and " Credits " column being understated by £161,662 11s. Id. and £162,501 Is. respectively (being the amount of such interest paid from and recoverable by the Consolidated Fund during the year), while the figures shown in the " Net " column are overstated by £838 9s. lid. (6) In 8.-l [Part I], pages 7 and 9, there appear the following items of net expenditure :— Westport Harbour Act, 1920, section 5a (2)— Advance to Westport Harbour £ e. d. Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 ) ooo o 0 Rural Intermediate Credit Act, 1927, section 16—Advances to Rural Intermediate Credit Board .. .. .. .. .. .. 127,900 0 0 Finance Act, 1929, section 9— Assistance towards repair to or the restoration of public works damaged by the West Coast earthquake and the provision of special services necessary as a result of such earthquake .. .. 174 0 0 Imprest Supply Act, 1927, section 4—Subsidies to local authorities in respect of amounts expended in relief of unemployment .. .. .. 1,818 6 3 Unemployment Act, 1930, section 3 (3)— Subsidy on expenditure out of Unemployment Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 159,246 11 3 Hawke's Bay Earthquake Act, 1931, section 58—Grants and special Government services in connection with the Hawke's Bay earthquake .. 29,535 18 10 Local Authorities Empowering (Relief of Unemployment) Amendment Act, 1928, section 3—Subsidies to local authorities in respect of unemployment relief works .. .. .. .. .. ~ 114,950 1 0 £438,624 17 4


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These items all consist of expenditure made under permanent appropriations under special Acts of the Legislature, and in the opinion of Audit should have been brought under that heading on page sof the Abstract. As a result of their omission from this heading the item " Total Permanent Appropriations," at the bottom of that page, is understated by the net amount of £438,624 17s. 4d. Miscellaneous Revenue. Under the heading of " Other Receipts—Miscellaneous " in the Ordinary Revenue Account in 8.-l [Part I], page 4, appears an amount of £286,303 2s. 10d. The amount under the heading " Miscellaneous " is unusually large as compared with previous years, the figures for the last five years being as follows : — £ s. d. 1926-27 .. .. .. .. .. 58,121 6 7 1927-28 .. .. :. .. .. 41,938 15 2 1928-29 .. .. .. .. .. 99,221 12 6 1929-30 .. .. .. .. .. 230,232 13 8 1930-31 .. .. .. .. .. 286,303 210 The increase is partly accounted for by the fact that the separate heading " Rents of Buildings " has in the 1930-31 accounts been discontinued, and the receipts from rents are included under " Miscellaneous." The chief reason, however, for the large amount appearing under " Miscellaneous " is the inclusion of several items of a non-recurring nature. These items are as follows :— Balance of Advances to Other Governments Account, transferred in £ e. d. terms of section 7 (3) of the Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2) .. 38,560 8 4 Balance of Land Assurance Fund Account, transferred in terms of section 53 (1) of the Finance Act, 1930 .. .. .. 61,988 14 0 Profit received from the Post Office Account on sale of Post Office investment certificates .. .. .. .. .. 40,000 0 0 £140,549 2 4 Interest on Pubmc Moneys. Another heading of revenue which shows an increase during the year is " Interest on Public Moneys," the amouni shown in 8.-l [Part I] for the year 1930-31, page 4, being £866,980 13s. 5d., as compared with £803,491 6s. 3d. for the previous year. This heading covers various items of interest received, and particulars are shown in 8.-l [Part ll], pages 11-12. As in the case of Miscellaneous Revenue, referred to above, the increased amount is due to items of a non-recurring nature coming to credit during the year. The most important of these are— Amount received from Main Highways Account, Revenue Fund— Interest on £1,226,000 under the Finance Act, 1930, section 36 £ s. d. (expires 31st August, 1931) .. .. .. .. 61,300 0 0 Interest on proceeds sale of Crown lands (section 13, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1926)— Arrears, 1926-27 to 1929-30 .. 51,001 6 5 Interest on enemy property moneys held by the Public Trustee (representing arrears) .. .. .. .. .. 30,000 0 0 £142,301 6 5 The item of £61,300 will be non-recurring only if the provisions of section 36 of the Finance Act, 1930, are not revived during the current session. It will be seen that the receipts for the year under " Miscellaneous" and " Interest on Public Moneys " included over £200,000 of a non-recurring nature (ignoring the item of £61,300), and that a considerable falling-off in the receipts under these headings must therefore be expected during the current year. Closing of the National Endowment Accounts. During the year ihe National Endowment Account has been abolished under the provisions of section 18 of the Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), and the National Endowment Trust Account has been abolished under the provisions of section 12 of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1930. Pursuant to these sections, the balance of the National Endowment Account has been paid into the Consolidated Fund, and all moneys which were hitherto payable to the National Endowment Account are now being paid to the Consolidated Fund, while in the case of the National Endowment Trust Account the balance has been paid to the Land for Settlements Account, and moneys which were hitherto payable into the Trust Account are now being paid into the Land for Settlements Account. In the latter case, pursuant to section 13 of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1930, interest is payable by the Land for Settlements Account to the Consolidated Fund on the amount of the National Endowment Trust moneys so paid into the Land for Settlements Account. There is, however, no provision for allowing interest to the National Endowment on the amount of national-endowment moneys paid into and held by the Consolidated Fund, consequently the revenue which was formerly received by the National Endowment from the investment of the moneys in the accounts now abolished will now be much reduced. Further, the rate of interest allowed by the Land for Settlements Account is fixed at 4 per cent, only, which is considerably below the ruling rate of interest. As a result of the closing of the separate accounts, therefore, the moneys available for payment to


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universities under section 297 (a) of the Land Act, 1924, will be reduced, and, similarly, the amounts available for credit of the Education vote under section 297 (6) of the Land Act, 1924, and for the payment of old-age pensions under section 298 of the same Act, will be correspondingly reduced. It seems doubtful whether this reduction, particularly in the amounts payable to universities, was contemplated when the sections were passed abolishing the separate accounts. New Zealand Reparation Estates. During the year the revenues of the New Zealand Reparation Estates situated in Samoa were, by an Order in Council under the Treaties of Peace Act, 1919 (Gazette, 1930, page 3494), brought within the Consolidated Fund and made public moneys within the meaning of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (with the exception of sections 21 and 44 of that Act), and the receipts and expenditure of these estates have for the first time been brought under the review of Parliament, a new subdivision in the estimates having been provided under vote External Affairs. This is a decided improvement, as it will tend to give a measure of parliamentary control over the expenditure on the Reparation Estates. Owing, however, to the fact that it is not contrary to law to exceed the amount of any subdivision of a vote, provided that the total vote is not exceeded, there is nothing to prevent portion of the amount voted for External Affairs, Head Office, being applied to Reparation Estates, or vice versa, and the control of Parliament is therefore not yet as effective as might be desired. Direct parliamentary control over the amount to be expended on Reparation Estates could be obtained only by making such expenditure the subject of a separate vote, and not merely a subdivision within a vote. Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), Section 6. I have more than once had occasion to call attention to the tendency of recent legislation to weaken the provisions of the Public Revenues Act in so far as they relate to the control of expenditure by Parliament. As another instance I may refer to section 6 (2) of the Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), in which it is enacted that certain advances out of the Public Account may be charged against the Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account. This latter account is merely in the nature of a suspense account in which there is no credit balance against which to charge expenditure. Section 55 of the Public Revenues Act requires that the Controller and Auditor-General, before authorizing the issue of any moneys, shall satisfy himself that there is sufficient balance to the credit of the fund or account to meet the charges named in the requisition. The advances in the clause of the Finance Act referred to above are, however, not charged against any fund or account coming within the meaning of the above section 55 ; consequently the Controller and Auditor-General is unable to comply with the provisions of the Public Revenues Act. Another objection to this method of charging advances is that it has the effect of rendering the statement of particulars of the various funds and accounts, as published, to be misleading. As the advances are not charged to the various funds and accounts in the Public Account to which the moneys belong, these funds and accounts individually show in the statements submitted to Parliament a fictitious cash balance, for, although an advance of cash has been made from the cash held on behalf of these funds and accounts, such advance has not been charged against them, and the credit balances of the individual accounts show in the published statements the same balances as if no advance had been made. The result is that the same cash shows as a cash balance in two different Government accounts. The practice of utilizing the balances of the funds and accounts so as to derive interest therefrom is, of course, not objected to, but, in the opinion of Audit, the individual amounts contributed by the various funds or accounts should be charged directly against those funds or accounts, in order that the powers of the Controller and Auditor-General can be exercised as required by the Public Revenues Act, and in order that the details of the various funds and accounts may be more accurately shown to Parliament in the accounts of the Dominion. Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), Section 13. This section enacts that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Public Revenues Act, 1926, the Treasury may direct that public moneys received in countries beyond New Zealand shall be paid into such bank as the Treasury appoints for credit to such imprest or other special account as the Treasury may determine, and that such moneys may be utilized for expenditure under any appropriation of Parliament. This clause gives power to the Treasury to overrule the provisions of sections 26 and 76 of the Public Revenues Act, which require that all public moneys shall, except as therein otherwise provided, be kept in one account at the bank—namely, the Public Account. It is understood that the section was intended to apply to New Zealand public moneys received in Samoa and Australia, and had its application been limited to these countries, or to countries where there was no branch of the Public Account, it would not have been open to serious objection. As enacted, the section would, however, apply to New Zealand public moneys received in England, where there is a branch of the Public Account, and would therefore enable the Treasury, should it so desire, to render inoperative the whole of Part VIII of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, which was intended to govern these moneys. By such action the control exercised by Parliament over the issue of such moneys through the medium of the Audit Office could be entirely evaded. It appears unlikely that the section was intended to apply to public moneys in the United Kingdom, where several millions of New Zealand public moneys are received and expended each year, and it would seem desirable to amend the section so that it will apply only in countries in which no branch of the Public Account exists.


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Rate of Interest on Loan Capital of Government Accottnts. In my report on the accounts for the year ended 31st March, 1929 (8.-l [Part ll], 1929, page xix), I drew attention to the importance of charging interest on loan capital borrowed by one Government account from another on a uniform system and at a rate bearing u reasonable relationship to the current rate offered to the public on Government loans. I find that under the English system it is a rule that the rate of interest to be charged on capital in the case of Government trading services is the current rate of interest fixed for local loans. There is a further rule, based on a recommendation of the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons, that a note should be attached to each trading account showing the rate of interest charged on capital advanced to the account. These rules support Audit views as expressed with regard to the necessity for charging interest on capital at a rate commensurate with the current rate, and the importance of the rate of interest as a factor bearing on the accuracy of the accounts, and, in my opinion, a similar practice to that obtaining in England could with advantage be adopted in New Zealand. The practice obtaining in New Zealand of fixing a rate of interest considerably below the ruling rate, and of failing to adopt a uniform method of fixing the rate payable between different Government accounts, has the effect of rendering some of the departmental profit and loss accounts and balance-sheets unreliable. As an example, I would refer to an actual transaction which took place during the year. Early in the year the Electric Supply Account borrowed moneys in London at a cost of approximately 5J per cent, after allowing for expenses. Portion of this money was subsequently lent to other accounts at 4 per cent., £100,000 beinu so lent to the Education Loans Account. Had this £100,000, instead of being lent at 4 per cent., been lent at the same rate as the Electric Supply Account was paying in London —5J per cent. —the Electric Supply Account would have benefited to the extent of £621 9s. Bd., and if it had been lent at the then ruling rate offered by the Treasury to the public in New Zealand—si per cent. —the account would have benefited to the extent of £757 Bs. 5d., whilst the account which borrowed at 4 per cent, has had a corresponding advantage. It is estimated that, taking other similar transactions into consideration, and the current rate of interest at 5i per cent., the loss to the Electric Supply Account during the year from this cause exceeded £5,500. A somewhat similar position arises as a result of the use of Post Office Savings-bank moneys by trading and quasi-trading accounts at less than the current rate payable on Government loans. Large amounts of Savings-bank moneys are invested in securities issued in respect of Treasury loan accounts, the usual rate of interest being only 4 per cent. As a result the revenue accounts and balance-sheets of the accounts receiving the use of this cheap money appear in a much more favourable light than those of the accounts which are forced to borrow at the ruling rate for Government loans. This advantage is in some cases more than sufficient to turn an actual loss into an apparent profit, with misleading effects. Another result is that the profits of the Post Office Savings-bank, which by law belong to the Consolidated Fund, are not as great as they might be, and the Consolidated Fund loses thereby. The lending of the Savings-bank moneys to Treasury accounts at less than the current loan rate has the effect of making an undisclosed subsidy from the Consolidated Fund to the account by which the money is borrowed. Instead of the full potential earnings of the Post Office Savings-bank being applied in reduction of taxation, as is apparently intended by section 95 (c) of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, a portion is used in effect to reduce the losses or increase the profits of the separate accounts which borrow the money. To illustrate the importance of this factor from an accounting point of view I append a statement of the Post Office Savings-bank investments in New Zealand Government securities as at the 31st March, 1931, showing the rates of interest and the accounts in respect of which the securities were issued. With the exception of the 31 and 3f per-cents. and the Westport Harbour loan, which were all long-term loans, nearly the whole of these securities have been issued (either for new loans or for renewal of loans) since the Ist April, 1925. Since this date the rates offered by the Government for local loans have been as follows : — Per Cent. Ist April, 1925 .. .. .. .. .. 5J Bth October, 1925 .. .. .. .. .. 5| Ist September, 1926 .. .. .. .. '.. 5£ 15th February, 1929 .. .. .. .. .. 5| 9th January, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. h\ It will be seen, however, from the following statement that some £34,000,000 has been issued by the Post Office Savings-bank during this period at 4 per cent., a rate over 1 per cent, below the ruling rate. An illustration of the effect on departmental profit and loss accounts is offered in the case of the Land for Settlements Account, which borrowed £6,162,626 at 4 per cent, from the Post Office. Had the securities for this amount been issued at 5 per cent, instead of 4 per cent., an increased charge in the Land for Settlements Revenue Account of over £61,000 per annum would have been involved, and a corresponding increase would have been realized in the Post Office Savings-bank profits to be credited to the Consolidated Fund in terms of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, section 95 (c). There might be a partial set-off against the increased amount so credited to the Consolidated Fund should the Land for Settlements Account prove unable to recoup to the Consolidated Fund the full amount of interest on loans chargeable against it, but the Consolidated Fund would certainly gain to some extent, and, what is possibly of as much importance, the various accounts concerned would disclose with greater accuracy the results of the. various undertakings.


B.—l [Pγ. ll].

Statement showing Post Office Savings-bank Moneys invested in New Zealand Government Securities as at 31st March, 1931.


Account for whioh Securities were issued. nt Amount of Securities held. Consolidated Fund— £ £ Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. 4 .. 200,000 Nauru and Ocean Islands Account .. .. .. 5 .. 250,000 Public Works FundGeneral Purposes Account .. .. .. .. 4 .. 12,253,871 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. 4 .. 584,925 Electric Supply Account . . .. .. .. 4 J 5,800 5 700,000 705,800 Cold Storage Advances Account . . .. .. .. 4 .. 73,720 Deteriorated Lands Account .. .. .. .. 4 .. 22,000 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 4 21,200 5£ 16,600 37,800 Education Loans Account .. .. .. .. 4 .. 1,988,880 Fishing Industry Promotion Account .. .. .. 4 .. 520 Fruit-preserving Industry Advances Account .. .. 4 .. 56,850 General Purposes Relief Account .. .. .. .. 4 .. 70,000 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. 3£ 60,000 3f 25,000 4 591,500 4 \ 69,500 746,000 Housing Account .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 386,275 Kauri-gum Industry Account .. .. .. .. 4 .. 57,000 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. 3£ 140,515 3f 530,425 4 6,162,626 4£ 1,047,575 7,881,141 Loans to Local Bodies Account .. .. .. .. 4 .. 2,120,225 Main Highways Account .. .. .. .. ..4 .. 100,000 Mining Advances Account .. .. .. .. 3| 5,000 4 23,500 44 29,500 Maori Land Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 4 .. 231,675 Native Land Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 3| 381,600 3f 84,500 4 2,238,500 4J 142,000 2,846,600 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account ... 4 .. 985,500 Railways Improvement Account .. .. .. .. i ■■ 414,770 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. .. 3£ 25,000 3j 10,000 4 397,000 4J 42,000 474,000 State Advances Account .. .. .. .. .. 1 3| 1,986,485 3| 137,575 4 543,530 4£ 3,525,050 6,192,640 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. . 4 97,300 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. 4 27,000 4| 125,000 152,000 Swamp Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. 4 534,000 l\ 35,000 569,000 War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 4,102 250 Westport Harbour Account .. .. .. .. 4 .. 472,250 £44,102.492

B_l [Pγ. ii].

Statement showing Post Office Savings-bank Moneys invested in New Zealand Government Securities as at 31st March, 1931 —continued. SUMMARY. Per Cent. £ 3£ .. .. .. .. .. 2,593,600 31 .. .. .. .. .. 792,500 4-1 .. .. .. .. .. 34,756,867 4* .. .. .. .. .. 4,992,925 5J .. .. .. .. .. 950,000 .">.'... .. .. .. .. 16,600 £44,102,492 Departmental and State Balance-sheets. AD Departments Lave submitted income and expenditure or revenue accounts and balance-sheets for the year 1929-30, and these have been duly examined by the Audit Office. There were only ten accounts for the year, against twelve the previous year, which, for various reasons, were not completed in time to be presented to Parliament during the 1930 session. I have pleasure in reporting that the improvement recorded last year in the preparation of accounts has been well maintained li\- the accounting staffs of the Departments, existing difficulties are being gradually overcome, and better methods of procuring more accurate dissections of expenditure are being brought into operation. I would, however, point out that there are certain practices adopted in regard to the allocation of interest, &c, and which I have dealt with elsewhere, which serve to render some of the balancesheets unreliable. These practices may be summarized as follows :— (a) The practice of allocating interest to accounts which have not earned it (see comment headed " Interest on Public Account Cash Balance Investments," on page x hereof). (/*) The practice of charging cost of remittances to London against accounts which did not require to make any remittances (see comment on this subject on page xii hereof). (c) The method adopted for fixing rates of interest on loans between Government accounts (see comment on this subject on page xv hereof). For the year 1928 29 the Treasury was able, for the first time since the inception of departmental balance-sheets, to publish an unaudited Preliminary State Balance-sheel as a foundation for the compilation of future State Balance-sheets. For the year 1929-30 an audited amalgamated State Balance-sheet was presented to Parliament. It would not be possible to present a complete review of all the various departmental accounts which have come before Audit within the limits of this report, and I have accordingly selected for comment the accounts of the Departments of Agriculture and Health, as being fairly representative of all Departments, and also the State Balance-sheet, which appears in the audited list for the first time Agriculture Department. In 1921 the Department of Agriculture published a General Revenue Account and Balance-sheet which was not audited. No accounts were published showing the results of the operations of the subsidiary schemes of the Department. At this stage the system of book-keeping in the Departmeni was very incomplete, the accounts being roughly compiled at the end of the year. Accounts on similar lines were prepared for the year ended 31s1 March, 1922, and submitted for audit, luit owing to the incomplete nature of the accounts they were not certified by Audit or published. For the next year an audited General Revenue Account and Balance-sheet were published. together with separate accounts for the Kuakura Farm of Instruction. For the year ended 31st March, L 924, separate farm working and profil and loss accounts were published for every farm and station operated by the Department, the balances being incorporated in the General Revenue Account. As the Ruakura Farm accounts were not audited, they were not published. For each subsequent year there have been published complete accounts for everj undertaking of the Department, the General Revenue Account being tabulated to show the cost of the Head Office and the four Divisions of the Department. The accounts of the bigger farms, such as Ruakura, are prepared at the farms, which are treate in the Head Office books as branches. In the case of the smaller farms and stations the total cash transactions are recorded in the Head Office books and the farm working and profit and loss accounts are made up in the Head Office from detailed information supplied by the institutions concerned. Farm Managers are required to report to the Head Office giving explanations as to the accounts and the reason for any undue fluctuation in the results of the different years' operations. The method of recording and classifying the expenditure is one of the most complete in the Service, the matter of capital expenditure and the recording of assets being on particularly sound and thorough lines. The accounts now enable each year's income and expenditure to be analysed and contrasted with previous years, and should greatly assist the Department.

iii—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


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Department of Health. The first accounts published by this Department for the year ended 31st March, 1921, were unaudited, and comprised a General Revenue Account and Balance-sheet. There was no complete system of book-keeping, and the accounts for thai and the following year were produced under great difficulties and did not accurately represent the result of the Department's operations. An improved system of accounts was installed during the financial year ended 31st March, 1922, and for the following year audited accounts for each of the Department's institutions, together with General Revenue Account and Balance-sheet, were published. For the succeeding years, farm working accounts have been produced for each farm run in conjunction with the different institutions, and tabular institutional income and expenditure accounts have been published. Improvements in the nut hods of dealing with the accounts were gradually made with a view to providing fuller and more accurate in f< intuition as to the cost of different undertakings of the Department. The accounts are now sufficiently advanced to enable comparisons to be made between costs at the various similar institutions, although I am not aware if full use has been made of the information available. There are many factors which tend to make comparisons of cost of treatment in hospitals difficult, but there are certain linef on \\ hich some degree of comparison may be made ; for instance, the average cost of provisions per bed in different St. Helens Hospitals for the last year under review varied from £54 3s. at Dunedin to £77 at Wanganui. State Balance-sheet. A purpose which has been steadily kept in view from the date of the inception of commercial departmental accounting has been realized, and to accomplish this result a great amount of work was necessary in the Treasury. The whole of the public debt had to be accounted for, and, while the loan liability of each special account was known, there was still left a large amount of debt which did not definitely belong to any particular Department or account. The greatest portion of this represented loans raised and paid into the Public Works Fund, General Purposes Account, and expended on behalf of numerous other Departments. The Treasury made an allocation of these loans outstanding, apportioning a share to each Department holding assets created from the Public Works Fund. In view of the great difficulties the Treasury had to contend with, this allocation, although of an arbitrary nature in some cases, may be considered fair and reasonable. It was also necessary to balance the total cash receipts and payments of the Public Account with the cash statements of the Departments. This in itself required very considerable care, as all Public Account cash is not recorded under the names of the separate Departments, but appears under numerous headings, each affecting many, or all, Departments. A great deal of work was also entailed in clearing up inter-departmental and inter-account items in order that the asset? or liabilities should not be overstated through debts of one account to another being included twice as assets and liabilities in the amalgamated balance-sheet. As each account has dealings with practically all the others, and some of them are rather involved, it will be readily understood that this thinning-out by offsetting debits and credits required much care and attention. There were, in addition, some assets and liabilities which belong to no particular account, but every precaution was taken to see that these were not omitted. In order that the full amount of the public debt outstanding should be shown, it was found necessary to raise nominal assets for the amount of loans outstanding in respect of which no tangible asset now exists. A footnote to this effect is appended to the balance-sheet. The balance-sheet was produced by amalgamating the audited departmental balance-sheets, with the addition of the general assets and liabilities previously mentioned. It is. I understand, intended by the Treasury, in the near future, to open a central set of books in which will be recorded all general assets and liabilities, and appropriate accounts for all subsidiary departmental accounts will be shown. In concluding my comments on the departmental accounts I would specially draw attention to the fact that the preparation of accounts on commercial lines is of itself of little benefit if the figures from year to year are not carefully studied, analysed, and compared. The building-up of the system has entailed considerable expense to the Government, and the system can only be maintained at an annual outlay. It is therefore incumbent on Departments to study the results with a view to economy in administration, and so derive the fullest benefit from the expenditure. Audit of Government Property and Stores. The audit of Government stores does not merely comprise the checking of the receipt of the stores and of the amount of cash paid for them. The mere checking of the purchase, receipt, and payment for Government stores is quite straightforward and simple. It is in the subsequent application of the stores to the purposes for which they have been purchased that the difficulties of audit are experienced. The systematic audit of Government stores was not introduced in New Zealand till the year 1920, and at the outset considerable difficulties were experienced in introducing proper accounting methods into Departments.


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Each individual Department, has been required by the Treasury to prepare stores rules for the guidance of its officers. These departmental rules are submitted to audit before they are finally printed, and thereafter the Audit Inspectors have the duty of seeing that the rules are being properly observed. The only important Department which has not yet completed the revision of its stores rules is the Railways Department. The reorganization of the stores system in such a large Department must necessarily take time, and I am pleased to say that a very complete and efficient set of rules is in course of preparation and will be submitted for Audit review shortly. Stores may b< , classed into two main categories — (a) consumable, (b) non-consumable. The audit of consumable stores is especially difficult, as there is necessarily little, if any, trace left of them after use to guide the auditor. It is here that misappropriation can so easily take place, unless the system of check is very strict and very carefully observed. In one instance it was found that in order to account for valuable stores which had been misappropriated fictitious vouchers purporting to account for their use had been passed through the office. With regard to non-consumable stores, the same difficulties do not arise as in the case of consumable stores, but here again it has been ascertained in the course of Audit inspections that non-consumable stores have mysteriously disappeared at times and have subsequently been written off by the responsible officers of the Department without due inquiry. It may be said in general terms that the difficulties of the Audit Department in its endeavours to check abuses in the handling of store are chiefly centred in the period after their issue for use. lam pleased to say that Audit officers now receive from all the Departments the fullest support and co-operation in their endeavour to save loss and expense to the Dominion through careless control over Government stores. In the course of the Audit inspection of departmental accounts it was ascertained by the Inspector that the account sales received for certain Government produce submitted to a well-known firm of auctioneers for sale did not appear to represent the current market values of the produce sold. It seems that the goods, instead of being offered to the public at auction, were "bought in - ' by the firm, and then disposed of by the firm. This led to an investigation by the police, in conjunction with the Audit officer, with consequent Supreme Court action. After very lengthy and expensive litigation the jury failed to agree on the major charge, and a new hearing was ordered. The Audit Office does not, however, consider that the expense of continuing the action in the Supreme Court would be justified, and will proceed by civil action to recover the amount of profit and commission which it considers should have been paid to the Government.

List of Departments the Property and Stores of which have been Audited during the Year.


Department and Office. Number. Date. Hemarks. Agriculture Department — Offices of Inspectors of Stock .. .. 22 Various Cash and stores. District Office, Auckland .. . . .. 6/3/31 : Cash and stores. District Office, Dunedin.. .. .. .. 1/11/30 i and stores. Tβ Kaimhata Horticultural Station .. .. 14/4/30 Cash and stores. Ruakura Farm of Instruction .. .. .. 25/11/30 Cash and stores. Palmerston North Seed-testing Station .. .. 14/10/30 Stores. Galloway Experimental Farm .. . . .. 9/4/30 Cash and stores. Defence Department — Regimental Funds Grant Accounts .. 105 Various Cash. Receivers and Sub-receivers .. .. 18 Various Cash. Units .. .. .. .. 56 Various Stores. Ordnance Depot, Ngaruawahia .. .. .. 22 9/30 Stores. Ordnance Depot, Trentham .. .. .. 9/9/30 Cash and stores. Ordnance Depot, Burnham .. .. .. 6/10/30 Stores. Education Department — Child Welfare Offices .. .. .. 5 Various Cash and stores. Boys' Training-farm, Levin .. .. .. 15/12/30 Cash and stores. Receiving-home, Christchurch .. .. .. 10/2/31 Cash and stores. Boys' Probation Home, Christchurch .. .. 17/3/31 Cash and stores. Girls' Home, Burwood .. .. .. .. 22/7/30 Cash and stores. External Affairs Department — M.V. " Maui Pomare" .. .. .. . 7/4/30 Stores. Health Department — St. Helens Hospitals . . .. .. 0 Various Cash and stores. King George V Hospital, Rotorua .. .. 20/6/30 Cash and stores. Sanatorium, Otaki . . .. .. •. 13/9/30 Cash and stores. Queen Mary Hospital, Hanmer .. .. .. 7/2/31 Cash and stores. District Office, Christchurch .. .. .. 26/1/31 Cash and stores. District Office, Dunedin.. .. .. .. 11/10/30 Cash and stores. Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity Department — District Office, Te Aroha .. .. .. 20/5/30 Cash and tickets. District Office, Rotorua .. .. .. 16/10/30 Ca«h and stores. District Office, Wanganui .. .. .. 26/5/30 Cash and tickets. District Office, Nelson . . .. .. • • 28/2/31 Cash and tickets. District Office, Dunedin. . .. . . .. 7/6/30 Cash and tickets. Publicity Officer, Wdlingtmi .. .. .. 7/6/30 Stoics. Sanatorium and Baths, Rotorua .. .. .. KM0/30 Cash and stores. Hostel, Waitomo Caves .. .. .. 1/12/30 Cash and stores. Lake House, Waikaremoana .. . . .. 12/8/30 Cash and stores. Internal Affairs Department — Custodians of Government Buildings .. I Various Stores. Explosive Magazines .. .. .. 4 Various Stores. Conservator of Fish and Game RotOTita .. .. 23/5/80 Cash and stores. Store, Wellington .. .. .. .. 11/6/30 Stores.

B.—l [Pt. 11 J.

List of Departments the Property and Stores of which have been Audited during the Year — continued.

Audit of Accounts of Local Authorities. I am pleased to state thai the position disclosed in my last report regarding the work of auditing the accounts of local authorities has been well maintained during the pasi pear. The duties of the Audit inspecting staff increase progressively with the development of the local authorities' districts, and, in addition, the work has recently been added to by the necessity for undertaking the auditing of expenditure on works carried oui by local authorities under the unemployed-relief sche es. Local Authorities' Finance. Local authorities are required by law to provide for their ordinary obligations in each year out of the revenue of that year, ami their power of borrowing on overdraft or temporary loan is limited at the end of the year by the amount of revenue outstanding at that date.


Department and otticc. Number, iwir. Remarks, Lauds and Harvey Department — Land-drainage, Kerepeclu .. .. .. 2/4/30 Cash and stores. Land-drainage, Kaitaia .. .. .. i .. 17 II 30 Cash and stores, Land-drainage, Hikurangi .. .. .. 18/11/30 Cash and stores. Intive Department — Bellamy's .. .. .. .. .. 12 0/30 Stores. Uarint i>< pariment — Mercantile Marine Office, Wellington .. .. 24/9 30 Stop Mercantile Marine Office, Lyttelton .. .. u'fi I ."I Cash and store . Moeraki Lighthouse .. .. .. .. 24/7/30 Stores. ■I Hoepttale Department — Mental Hospital, Avondale .. .. .. Hi 7 30 Cash and stores. Mcn'.il Hospitals, Tokanui .. .. .. 31/1/31 mdstore . Mental Hospitals, Nelson .. .. .. 28/2 31 Cash and stores. Mental Hospitals, Seaview .. .. .. II '■'• ■'»! Cash and stores. Mental Hospitals, Sunnyside .. .. .. 7 7 30 tores. Mental Hospitals, SeacUfi .. .. .. :ll "j :;o Cash and stores. Mint Department — State Coal Depot, Wanganui .. .. .. 18/6/30,31 ll 30 Cash and stores. State Coal Depot, Wellington .. .. .. j 18/6/30, 8/12/30 Cash and stores. State Coal Depot, Christchuroh .. .. .. 29/4/30,28 10/30 Cash and stores. State Coal-mines, Greymouth .. .. .. 29/12 30 Cash and stores. "■' Department — h accounts .. .. .. .. 39 Various Cash. Provision accounts .. .. .■ 19 Various Stc» Clothing accounts .. .. .. II Various Stores. Miscellaneous accounts .. .. .. 21 Various Boatswain's stores, engineers' stores, gunners' stores, medical stores, permanent Naval stores, mess-traps, materials, and ledgers. ;d Base, Auckland .. .. .. .. 1/9/30 Stores. R.F.A. " Nuoula " .. .. .. .. 11/8/30 Stores. R.N.V.R. " Dunedin " .. .. .. .. 19/7/30 -Stores. Police !>• pariment — Police-station, Auckland .. .. .. 11/6 30 Cash and stores. Police-station, Wellington .. .. .. 27, :.' :;l Stoics. Minor police-stations .. .. .. i"i Various Stores. Post and Telegraph Department — Workshops, Auokland .. .. .. .. 8/10/30 Stores. Workshops, Wellington .. .. .. .. 19/9/30 Stores. Workshops, Christchuroh .. .. .. lt/10/30 Stores. Workshops, Dunedin .. .. .. .. 2/10/30 Stores. Prisons Department — Prisons .. .. .. .. 8 Various Cash and stores. Borstal Institution, Waikeria .. .. .. • :>o Cash and stores. I'.'.rstal Institution, Invereargill .. .. .. 15/11/30 Cash and stores. Public Works Department — District offices .. .. .. 12 Various Cash and stores. Works stores .. .. .. .. lo Various Stores. Road and construction works .. .. 27 Various Stores. Arapuni .. .. .. .. .. 8/12/30 Stores. Waikaremoana .. .. .. .. 30/6/30 Cash and stores. Mangahao .. .. .. .. .. 5/8/30 Cash and stores. Lake Coleridge .. .. .. .. 4/9/30 Cash and stores. Wailaki .. .. .. .. .. 80/3/31 Cash and stores. Workshops, Auckland .. .. .. .. 27/7/30 Stores. Workshops, Wellington .. .. .. .. 6/11/30 Stores. Scientific and Industrial lie*'in-h Department — Dominion Laboratory, Wellington .. .. 24/6/30 Stores. State Forest Service — Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 1/10/30 Cash and stores. Rotorua .. .. .. .. ... 18/8/30 Cash and stores. Hanmer Springs .. .. .. .. 14/2/31 Cash and stores. Nelson .. .. .. . . . . 25/3/31 Cash and stores. Hokitika .. . . .. .. . . 23/2/31 Cash and stores. Christchuroh .. .. .. .. . . 3/9/30 Cash and stores. Naseby .. .. .. .. . . 31/12/30 Cash and stores. Invercargill .. .. .. .. .. 25 10/30 Cash and stores.

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During the past year there were no less than thirty-six instances where the above-mentioned statutory requirements were not complied with, and in each case the local body concerned was required to take immediate measures to rectify the position. The accounts of local authorities disclose the fact that in the past a rigid budgetary control of expenditure has not as a rule been characteristic of local bodies' finance, and at a time when the exercise of economy is essential it is nei inappropriate to draw attention to the necessity for local bodies to carefully review their estimates from time to time during the currency of a year for the purpose of ensuring that their expenditure is kept strictly within the statutory limits. Machinery and Plant Working Accounts and Renewal Funds. —Another breach of statutory provisions which during the past year was noted in the accounts of twenty-two local bodies was the setting-up of machinery and plant working accounts. The desirability of maintaining these accounts is admitted, but in the present state of the law local authorities have no power to set up such accounts or to create machinery and plant-renewal funds, other than in connection with statutory trading undertakings and certain public works of municipalities. No difficulty should be placed in the way of a local authority which wishes to conduct its finance on sound commercial lines, and the question of conferring a general statutory power on local authorities to set up such accounts and create such funds is one which should be considered. Stores Systems. —Progress continues to be made in the direction of the instituting of stores systems in the accounts of local authorities. Many local authorities, however, still fail to realize that stores and stocks represent money requiring to be accounted for in the same way as money itself, and that the absence of an adequate stores system leaves open the door to extensive misappropriation of the ratepayers' money. It is desirable, therefore, that the keeping of stores records by the responsible officials of local authorities should be made compulsory by statute. Disqualifications. —Nine members of local bodies were automatically disqualified during the past year for trading with the local body of which they were members to an extent in excess of the. statutory limits. One of the difficulties which has to be contended with in administering the law relating to local authorities' accounts is the varying statutory provisions defining the conditions which constitute disqualification of members of the different local authorities. The inclusion in some general Act of a provision for uniform conditions constituting disqualification would be of assistance to the Audit Office and of benefit to the local authorities. Under the existing law, members of some local bodies would be disqualified for acts which, if committed by members of other local bodies, would not cause disqualification. Defalcations. —Ten instances where the funds of local authorities had been misappropriated by employees were reported during the past year by Audit Inspectors, and in each instance the defaulter was dealt with by Criminal Court action. The largest sum misappropriated by any one official in the ten cases mentioned was approximately £1,800. Breaches of Statute. —The breaches of statute by local-body members and officers, which the Audit Office was required to deal with during the past year, are detailed in Schedule A below. An adjustment of the accounts or a recovery of the moneys, as the case may be, has been required in all cases, except in cases where a satisfactory explanation has been made or where the special circumstances were such that an adjustment has been waived conditionally on legislation being obtained to validate the irregularities. A list of the cases where this conditional waiver was granted is set out in Schedule B. Schedule A. Depreciation in trading accounts, absence or inadequacy of charge.. .. .. ..10 Disqualification of local-body members on account of breaches of law .. .. .. 9 Expenditure without legal authority .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 Fidelity securities (absence of) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Imprest accounts without authority of law .. .. .. .. .. ..6 Investments contrary to law .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 Local Bodies' Finance Act, 1921-22 (offences under) .. .. . . .. .. 36 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926 (offences under) — (a) Loans raised in excess of, or without statutory authority .. .. .. .. 8 (ft) Loan-moneys illegally expended .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 (c) Interest on loan fixed deposit, wrongly applied .. .. .. .. .. 3 (d) Loan-moneys not in separate bank accounts .. .. .. .. ..11 (e) Sinking funds not established or provided for .. .. .. .. .. 17 (/) Separate accounts not kept for loan allocations .. .. .. .. ..8 (g) Sale of debentures at a discount . . .. .. . . .. .. 3 Moneys not banked regularly as required by law.. .. .. .. .. ..16 Mortgage, land illegally purchased subject to .. .. .. .. .. ..2 Overdrafts without statutory authority .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Overdrafts without consent of Minister .. .. .. .. .. .. ..5 Payments unsupported by receipts and/or vouchers .. .. .. .. ..39 Purchase on term, or by instalments, and. interest payments thereon, contrary to law .. 5 Elates, dues. Ac. not levied according to law .. .. .. .. .. ..16 Reserves for depreciation, &c, not invested .. .. .. .. .. ..4 Separate accounts established without statutory authority.. .. .. .. ..22 Separate accounts not kept as required by law .. .. .. .. .. .. • 5


B.—l [Pt. ll].

Schedule A —continued. Travelling expenses and allowances in excess of or without statutory authority .. ..7 " Unauthorized " and other payments in excess of legal limits .. .. .. 18 Unlawful sinking and other funds .. .. .. .. . . .. 8 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..48 Public Reserves. Domains, &c, Act (offences under) — (a) Borrowing without authority of law .. .. .. . .. 18 (6) Breaches of trustee law .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 7 (c) Failure to bank funds as required by statute .. .. .. .. ..17 (il) Investments and deposits without authority of law .. .. .. ..11 (e) Payments without statutory authority . . .. .. . . . . ..12 (/) Miscellaneous . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 Cemeteries Act (offences under) — (a) Breaches of trustee law.. . . . . .. .. .. .. 1 (6) Failure to bank funds within prescribed time .. .. .. .. ..16 (c) Miscellaneous . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 8 Attention has been drawn during the year to the following matters winch relate to the accounts of local authorities but which are not breaches of statute :— Unsatisfactory system of accounts .. .. .. .. .. .. ..23 Excessive sundry debtors, including laxity in collecting rates, &c. .. .. .. ..28 Profit and Loss Account —Balance incorrectly stated .. .. .. .. 16 Schedule B. — Breaches of Law passed subject to Validation uf Irregularities. Raglan County Council Entering into an agreement without authority of law to contribute over a period of years towards cost of erection of an overhead railway-bridge. I'uakau Town Board — Entering into an agreement without authority of law to contribute over a period of years towards cost of erection of an overhead railway-bridge. Also limit of provision for unauthorized expenditure exceeded. .Masterton Fire Board--Omission to obtain approval of Local Government Loans Board to purchase of land by way of mortgage. Pukekohe Borough Council—Payment of a compassionate allowance without authority of law. Waimairi County Council —Limit of provision for unauthorized expenditure exceeded. Leamington Town Board—Water charges fixed according to quantity used without consent of Governor-General in Council being obtained. Auckland and Suburban Drainage Board—Agreements entered into without authority of law with certain contributory local bodies for construction of works. Mangapu Drainage Board—Expenditure incurred without authority of law in connection with constitution of district and formation of Board. Opunake Electric-power Board —Bank overdraft in excess of legal limits Dannevirke County Council —Special orders not passed as required by law for apportioning certain expenditure between Riding Accounts and General Account and for charging certain expenditure in full to General Account. W'aikato Hospital Board—Approval of Local Government Loans Board not obtained to raising of loan. Napier Harbour Board—Portion of loan raised maturing at a date later than that provided by the loan authority. Also Loan Account not recouped from General Account with value of material originally purchased with loan-moneys, but used for general purposes. Wairoa Borough Council —Bank overdraft in excess of legal limits. SUGGESTIONS BY THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR-GENKK A 1.. Section 90, Public Revenues Act, 1926. Consolidation of Government Loans. The Public Accounts of the Dominion, and particularly the statements relating to the public debt, are rendered more complicated than is necessary by the fact that there are many loan authorities or authorizing Acts for each account tor which loans are raised. In one case over forty loan Acts have from time to time been passed for the one account, and, as there are usually a number of loans bearing different dates of maturity and different rates of interest raised under each Act. the amount of detail in the accounts cm lie readily understood. In the opinion of Audit there is no need for more than one loan authority for each account —that is to say, for each particular purpose —and if arrangements could be made to consolidate the loan authorities which have been passed, so that there would be only the one consolidated authority for each account, a very large amount of detail could be dispensed with, and great advantage from the point of view of efficiency, simplicity, and economy would result. As regards future legislation providing for the raising of additional loans. I would suggest that, instead uf passing a new authorizing Act when the original authority lias been exhausted, an amendment of the principal Act extending tin; amount originally authorized might be passed. This matter has been discussed with the Treasury, and, in view of the pressing need for economy at the present time. I would suggest that steps be taken to introduce legislation to enable the loan authorities to be consolidated. It has been suggested that the consolidation mighi go even further than this, and that all Govemmeni loans should be consolidated irrespective of the account for which they were raised ; but. in my opinion, this would not be desirable, as it is essential in the interests of proper accounting that the loans of each separate account should be kept distinct from the loans of other accounts.


B.—l [Pt. ITJ.

STATEMENT OF ROYALTIES PAYABLE TO THE CKOWN AND UNPAID AT THE 31st MARCH, 1931. Section 91 (2), Public Revenues Act, 1926. Section 91 (2) of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, reads as follows : — "The Controller and Auditor-General shall include in the report to be prepared by him pursuant to subsection two of section eighty-nine hereof a statement as to all royalties payable to the Crown and for the time being unpaid, setting forth in respect of such royalties— " (a) The name of the person by whom the same are payable ; " (b) The amount payable by each such person ; and " (c) The steps (if any) that have 1 n taken to recover the said royalties, and. if no such steps have been taken, the reasons for allowing the said royalties to remain outstanding." Following the course previously adopted, the names of those in arrear are not published, but in the figures hereunder are included all amounts which were shown on the Department's books as owing and unpaid on the 31st March last. No attempt has been made to distinguish between the persons who have reasonable grounds lor non-payment and those who have nut : — Department. Amount unpaid. Forestry— £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland Region .. .. .. .. 1 13 9 Nelson Region .. .. .. .. 89 8 1 Rotorua Region .. .. .. .. 3,235 10 9 Wellington Region .. .. .. .. 149 7 6 Westland Region .. .. .. .. 536 16 10 4,012 16 11 Lands — Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 658 14 4 Canterbury .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 Gisliorne .. .. .. .. .. 845 0 0 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. 235 17 0 North Auckland .. .. .. .. 1,498 10 3 Southland .. .. .. .. .. 165 13 5 Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. 3,252 0 1 Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 1,582 1 6 Westland .. .. .... .. 1,082 2 1 9 ; 320 8 8 Defence .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 0 0 Marine 307 12 2 Mines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,971 10 9 Native .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,994 18 7 Prisons .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,349 6 4 Public Works 5 13 3 £28,003 6 8 MONEYS AND STORES WRITTEN OFF. Section 3 (3), Public Revenues Act, 1926. With reference to the writing-off of losses through the annual Appropriation Act, I have been advised by the Crown Solicitor that section 3 (3) of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, which provides that no losses of moneys or stores may be finally written off, save with the authority of Parliament, applies only to money and stores, and not to losses of real property ; and although there is no practical difference between losses in the revaluation or realization of real property and losses in the realization of money and stores, the former are apparently excluded from the provisions of this section, and will not be brought before the notice of Parliament, and no application for authority to write off will come before Audit for investigation. As there is apparently no statutory authority for the writing-off of such losses, it is advisable that section 3 (3) of the Act be amended so as to include real property. Appended is a statement of the items representing moneys and stores to the writing-off of which the Audit Office has given its concurrence since last report. STAFF. I desire to express my appreciation of the zealous attention which has been given by all members of the Audit staff to their duties during the year, and also of the willing assistance to Audit Inspectors and others which has been accorded by the various departmental staffs and also t he stall's of local bodies. Audit officers have at times in the course of their inspections to perform duties of a somewhat delicate nature, but I am pleased to say that they have at all times during the year received the fullest consideration and assistance both from Government Departments and local bodies. G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor General. 3rd August. 1931.


B.—l [Pt. ll].




Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Stores. Ca«h. Agriculture. £ s. d. £ s. d. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Loss on sale, deficient, broken, obsolete. 188 4 4 or burnt Value of stock .. .. .. .. Loss on sale, died, or replaced .. 777 8 7 Value of publications .. .. .. Gratuitously issued .. .. .. 20 17 9 Value of motor-vehicles .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 496 17 11 Value of buildings .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 75 4 10 Value of land .. .. .. • • Loss on realization . . .. .. 130 6 9 Sale of poultry .. .. .. •• Debtor maintains that amount was .. 3 0 0 I posted by him in cash Dairy instruction and grading fees.. .. Company in liquidation .. .. .. 15 14 11 Sale of wine .. .. .. •• Company in liquidation .. .. .. 5 0 11 Cost of stationery and replacement of window Debtor serving a period of reformative | .. 0 17 8 at Ruakura Farm .. detention Audit. Value of office equipment .. .. Unserviceable .. .. . . 0 7 1 [ Audit fees .. .. .. .. Fees reduced owing to special circum- .. 11 7 0 stances Cook Islands. Value of rugs and umbrellas .. .. Gratuitously issued to Native chiefs .. 13 10 4 Customs. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Destroyed by earthquake .. .. 8 0 6 Defence. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient, stolen, broken, or destroyed by 881 4 10 fire Value of horses .. .. .. .. Die<]. destroyed, or loss on realization .. 385 6 8 Value of clothing and equipment on issue to Untraceable or destroyed by fire .. 133 15 11 trainees Value of buildings .. .. .. Loss on demolition .. .. .. 299 15 0 Value of shorts .. .. .. .. Gratuitously issued to Auckland City 337 10 0 Mission Value of blankets .. .. .. Gratuitously issued to Auckland Be- 12 10 0 turned Soldiers' Association Value of aeroplane .. .. .. Crashed while on loan to Aero Club .. 381 10 6 Value of beds .. .. .. .. Gratuitously issued to Waikato Child- 118 2 6 rell's Camp Le;i Education. Value of stores .. .. ■. .. Stolen, broken, or deficient .. .. 120 2 f> Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died .. .. .. .. 60 7 ( ; . Value of furniture .. .. .. Handed over to Y.M.C.A., Auckland .. 250 0 0 ' Maintenance fees .. .. ■• Debtors in poor circumstances, untrace- .. 1.7117 1!) .'1 able, or deceased Sale of school building and site .. .. Amount remitted in recognition of Hie .. : 1,000 0 0 work done liv the association acquiring the property Sale of publications .. .. .. Debtors untraceable .. .. .. B 16 1 External Affairs. Value of publications .. .. .. Lost in wreck of R.M.S. " Tahiti " .. 7 10 0 Value of land and building, New Zealand I Loss on realization .. .. .. 17,929 8 (i Reparation Estates Value of lighter, New Zealand Reparation Wrecked .. .. .. .. 192 0 0 Estates Interest due on mortgage to Administration Rebate of one year's interest allowed .. 50 0 0 of Western Samoa owing to poor returns from property Health. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Missing, destroyed, broken, unserviceable, 1,268 0 11 or loss on realization Value of poultry -run, Pukeora .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 1,044 7 11 Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died, destroyed, or loss on realization .. Hit) 8 8] Value of motor-vehicles .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. Iβ S 4 Maintenance and treatment .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances, deceased, .. I 3,577 19 6 or untraceable

B.—l [Pγ. 111.


iv—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Scores. Cash. Immigration. £ s. d. [ £ s. d. Passage-money to New Zealand .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances, deceased, .. r>7 2 1 or untraceable Industries and Commerce, Tourist, and Publicity. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Broken, stolen, deficient, or destroyed .">90 11 6 by fire Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. .. 58 5 10 Value of flowers.. .. .. .. baaed gratuitously to Grand Hotel, 1 13 0 I Ii'torua Value of launch.. .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 27 0 0 Sale of exhibit;- at Toronto Exhibition .. Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 78 15 2 Advertising charges .. .. .. Company in liquidation .. .. .. 2 17 9 Harbour revenue, Rotoi Hi .. .. Debtor nnlinancial .. .. .. . 33 3 6 Electricity supplied .. .. .. Debtors bankrupt or untraceable .. .. 47 6 7 Launch - hire for guests of Electric - power Board not called upon to pay the amount .. 8 5 0 Board Rotorua Sanatorium fees.. .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances .. .. 164 10 0 Row-boat and waterman's license fees .. Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 1 10 6 Sale of scrap metal .. .. .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 35 6 11 PhotoR supplied.. .. .. .. Debtor untraceable .. .... .. 1 7 (i Internal Affairs. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, burnt, or loss on realization 89 10 3 Value of buildings .. .. .. Loss on demolition or realization .. 159 10 6 Value of cemetery registers .. .. Lost .... .. .. (I !l (I Advances by High Commissioner, cost of Debtors in poor circumstances, or nil- .. 234 12 1) cables, and search fee for birth-certificate traceable Costs incurred in bringing back ship-wrecked Family destitute .. .. .. .. 116 2 family from Samoa to Xew Zealand Freight on posters from London .. .. Society to which posters were supplied .. 2 11 10 has no funds Justice. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, obsolete, or loss on realize,- :i.'i 10 1 lion Fees and fines .. .. .. .. Short-collected ; debtors in poor circum- .. 58 19 6 stances, insolvent, or deceased Costs of prosecutions .. .. .. Debtors in mental hospital or untraceable .. 23 18 6 Labour. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, unserviceable, broken, destroyed by 176 16 7 lire, or loss on realization Value of motor-vehicles .. .. . . Loss on realization .. .. .. 35 16 it Fares for workmen .. .. .. Debtors in poor circumstances, bankrupt, .. 61 11 9 or untraceable Publications supplied .. .. .. Efforts to collect unsuccessful.. .. .. 0 4 0 Penalties and costs .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial, bankrupt, or un- .. 6 7 4 traceable Fees under Weights and Measures Act .. Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 12 7 Land and Income Tax. Income-tax .. .. .. .. Debtors deceased or untraceable .. .. 303 17 + Lands and Survey. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Stolen, broken, deficient, obsolete, or j 740 8 0 loss on realization Value of lithographs .. .. .. Obsolete or destroyed by fire .. .. 1,762 7 7 Value of motor-vehicles .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 30 18 11 Value of launch .. .. .. Lose on realization .. .. .. 143 2 2 Rents .. .. .. .. .. Debtors nnlinancial. bankrupt, deceased, .. 13,406 4 10 or untraceable Legal expenses .. .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial. deceased, or un- .. 15 19 4 traceable Insurance premium .. .. .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 12 1 Interest on deferred payment licenses .. Debtors bankrupt, unfinancial. or un- .. 1,023 14 10 traceable Advances under Discharged Soldiers Settle- Loss on realization of securities .. .. 164,941 18 4 ment Act Advances, Waimarino Bush-fire Relief .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 339 11 8 Exchange on cheques .. .. .. Department unable to collect .. .. 0 7 0 Grazing-fees .. .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 17 11 6 Gum royalties .. .. .. .. Debtors untraceable .. .. .. 0 5 1 Timber royalties .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial or deceased .. .. 105 6 8 Survey liens and interest .. .. Amounts due not collected when land .. 235 10 10 disposed of, remission made on account of a gift of land, subdivision loaded is a cemetery reserve Interest on well-bore and grass-seed advances Department unable to colled .. .. 0 9 9 Lithographs, tracings, and prints supplied .. Debtors untraceable or unrinancial .. .. 4 7 6 Patetonga tram freights .. .. .. Debtors unfrianeial .. .. .. .. 60 12 3

B.—l [Pγ. llj.



Department and Particulars. Keason for writing off. Value of Stores. Caeu. Legislative. £ s - d. £ s - d - Value of stores .. .. .. .. Defioient, stolen, or unserviceable .. 245 13 Value of publications .. .. .. Lost in transit .. .. .. I 14 3 Marine. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Unserviceable, lost, stolen, obsolete, or 70 1 0 loss on realization Value of lighthouse, Kahurangi .. .. Destroyed by earthquake .. •• 1,809 13 9 Value of oil-engine .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 575 0 0 Value of buoys, Awanui .. .. .. Handed over to Harbour Board .. 105 2 6 Value of oysters .. .. ■■ Gratuitously issued .. .. .. - Id o Machinery*and boiler inspection fees .. Maohinery destroyed ; debtors in poor .. <>.'( 3 II circumstances, bankrupt, or untraceable Foreshor rental .. .. •• Debtor bankrupt .. ., .. .. 15 0 0 Light (In, .. .. .. .. j Vessels employed in relief duties in con- .. 52 13 11 nection with Hawke's Bay earthquake Order-in-Council fee, license to occupy fore- Lioense revoked, not lifted by company .. 2 10 0 shore Mental Hospitals. Value of stores .. .. ..' .. Broken, deficient, destroyed, or unser- 2,126 4 (i viceable Value of live-stock .. .. . . Died or destroyed .. .. .. 914 4 0 Value of motor-vehicles .. .. .. Damaged beyond repair .. .. 236 0 8 Sale of sheep-runners .. .. . . I tebtors bankrupt .. .. .. .. 38 18 10 Mines. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Deficient, unserviceable, or loss on 114 8 2 realization Value of coal shortages .. .. .. Due to handling, evaporation, and stone 2,049 10 I Value of buildings .. .. . . Loss on realization .. .. .. 46 0 0 Value of plant .. .. .. .. Destroyed or lose on realization .. 191 12 7 Rents and royalties on coal-mining areas .. Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 15 8 3 Timber supplied .. .. . ■ Debtor bankrupt .. .. . .. 11 13 9 Court costs .. .. .. •■ Debtors deceased, in poor circumstances. .. 7 6 0 or untraceable Hire of plant .. .. .. . Debtors unfinanoial .. .. .. .. 19 14 5 Sale of coal .. .. .. .. Debtors bankrupt or unfinaucial .. .. 93 1 8 Advances for dewatering mine .. .. Debtors unfinancial, operations unsuc- .. I , lli."> 0 0 cessful Penal rate of interest on housing loan .. Debtor in poor circumstances .. .. 2 19 7 Mileags fee .. .. .. ■• Debtor unfinanoial .. .. ■■ .. (I 4 0 Nativi . Value of stores .. .. .. .. Broken, damaged, lost, or unserviceable 9 lti S Native Trust. Local body debentures .. .. . Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 1,739 5 0 Sural Defence. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Stolen, broken, deficient, condemned, or 1,429 3 10 loss on realization Value of provisions, H.M.N. " Dunedin " . . Issued at less than cost .. .. 451 8 11 Value of provisions, H.M.N' Philomel" .. Issued at less than cost .. .. 292 15 8 \ .ihh ol provisions, H..M.T. ■'Wakakura ".. Issued at less than cost .. .. 82 12 0 Valuo of provisions, H.M.S. " Diomede " . Issued at less than oosi .. .. 135 10 2 Value of clothing, &c, H.M.S. " Dunedin ".. Issued at less than cost .. .. 211 7 7 Value of clothing, &c, H.M.S. " Philomel ".. Issued at less than cost .. .. 140 14 0 Value of clothing, &c, H.M.S. " Diomede ".. [ssued at less than oost .. .. 19 10 8 Value of motor-vehicles .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 4 3 ! Value of buildings .. .. .. Loss on demolition and transfer .. 868 0 0 Advances of pay and clothing allowance .. Debtors deserted from the Navy .. .. 9 4 4 Xi a- Zealand Government Railways. Value of wagons .. .. .. Damaged beyond repair in various 2,250 0 0 accidents Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, or stolen .. .. 1,804 5 (> Rent .. .. .. .. •• I >ebl.>!> untinancial or untraceable .. .. 206 '.I 0 Loss on advertising contracts .. .. Debtors untinancial or bankrupt .. .. 206 11 1 Freight .. .. .. ■■ Debtors unfinanoial .. .. .. .. 56 X 3 Pensions. Value of furniture and fittings .. . . Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 61 7 4 Value of official stamps .. .. .. Lost in earthquake and fire, Napier .. .. 3 18 11 Police. Value of stores .. .. .. . . Deficient at stocktaking .. .. 4 16 2 Value of buildings .. .. . . Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 13 8 0 Costs of prosecutions .. .. .. Debtors in mental hospital or untraceable .. 8 16 6 Post and Teleyrajiii. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, stolen, broken, obsolete, deficient 2,511 5 2 at stocktaking, or destroyed by fire Value of telephones .. .. .. Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 1,647 15 0 Value of motor-vehicles .. .. .. Destroyed by fire or loss on realization and 503 14 3 reconstruction Toll accounts .. .. .. ..I Debtors unfinancial, bankrupt, or un- .. 11!) 8 8 traceable

B.—l [Pt. ll].



Department and Particular*. Reason for writing ofl. Vahm of Stores. Cash. Pott and Telegraph —continued. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. Repairs to telephone wires damaged by col- ; Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 2 8 2 hsion Cost of installation of telephone equipment Company in liquidation .. .. .. 10 7 3 Overpayment of salaries for December, 1929 Offioers dismissed before expiration of .. 10 14 1 month Overpayment of salary .. .. .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 0 5 10 Printing and Stationery. Value of stor. .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, destroyed, stolen, or deficient (i(i 18 2 Value of publications .. .. .. Lost in transit or deficient .. .. 105 12 5 Value of machinery .. .. .. Loss on realization or unserviceable . . 132 9 8 Sale of Year-book .. .. .. Debtor untraceable .. .. . . .. 10 7 Sale of statutes and Transport Department Act Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 1 14 7 Prisons. Value of stoves .. .. .. .. Stolen, damaged, obsolete, unserviceable, Xil 15 6 or deficient at stocktaking Value of live-stock .. .. .. Died or destroyed .. .. .. 891 18 11 Value of motor-vehicles . . .. .. Loss on realization . . .. . . 19 14 3 Value of buildings .. .. .. Loss on demolition .. .. .. 277 10 0 Maintenance and medical treatment of accused Debtors committed, unfinancial .. .. 6 0 0 persons Gravel supplied .. .. .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 2 4 0 Value of sandals belonging to prisoner .. Lost while in custody of the State .. .. 0 7 6 Damage to prison property .. .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. .. 0 10 l'nson labour .. .. .. .. Company in liquidation .. . . .. 774 7 3 Public Service Superannuation Fund. Loans on mortgage .. .. .. Loss on realization of securities .. .. 8,620 13 10 Public Trust. Value of furniture and fittings .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 97 4 3 Loans on mortgage .. .. .. Loss on realization of securities .. .. 4.461 14 8 Public Works. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, stolen, broken, obsolete, deficient 3,939 10 1 at stocktaking, destroyed by fire, oi loss on realization Value of buildings .. .. .. Loss on realization or destroyed by fire 111,404 1 5 and earthquake Value of plant .. .. .. .. Ser.i]>|)ed. obsolete, or loss on realization 782 2 5 Value of motor-vehicles . . .. .. Loss on realization . . .. .. 54 19 10 Plant, sub-station, Bunnythorpe .. .. Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 4,700 0 0 Value of quarry plant, Tauraroa .. .. Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 3,056 9 2 Value of launch .. .. . . Loss on realization . . .. .. 24 0 0 Value of horses .. .. .. .. Died or destroyed . . .. .. 105 8 6 Value of flag .. .. .. .. Gratuitously issued to Empire Games 10 0 Committee Fares of workmen .. .. .. Debtors untraoeable or unfinancial .. .. 16 1 11 Kent and other oharges tine from tenant of i Charges assumed as a liability of the .. 62 5 9 building acquired by the Government Crown Rent of buildings in process of demolition .. ' Concession on account of loss of business j .. 30 7 1 Ren1 of whare and of section .. .. Debtors unfinancial .. .. .. .. 22 16 4 \\ at ei-power license .. .. .. Minimum charge reduced .. .. .. 7 10 0 Electric energy supplied .. .. .. Debtor untraceable .. .. . .. 1 4 11 Hire of steam-shovel .. .. .. Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 182 19 11 Hire of tent .. .. .. .. Debtor bankrupt .. .. .. .. 1 13 2 Haulage charges on meat-wagons .. .. Wagons in excess of number required . .. 8 16 supplied to workmen .. .. Debtors unfinancial or untraceable .. .. lit 111 10 Repairs to departmental ear damaged in I)ebtor untraceable .. .. .. .. 12 8 6 collision Power account. 10-per-cent. penalty for late Payment by Power Boards delayed oh i11 .. 555 17 2 payment to absence of accountant on holidays and sickness of oashier, or owing to Ifawke's Bay earthquake Scientific and Industrial Research Value of stores .. .. .. .. Lost, broken, or unserviceable .. 63 17 10 Stamp Dvlii <. Value of furniture .. .. .. Loss on realization or unserviceable .. 93 14 9 State Advances. Value of typewriter .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. . . 5 2 0 State Advances — Housing Section. Advances and rent .. .. .. Loss on realization ; debtors in poor cir .. 3,587 17 0 ciimstances or untraceable State Advances — Workers Branch. Principal, interest, and rates .. .. Loss on realization; debtors unfinancial, .. 5,188 9 7 bankrupt, or untraceable



B.— J [Pγ. ll].

Department and Particulars. Reason for writing off. Value of Stores. Cash. State Advances — Settlers Branch. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Loans on mortgage .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. .. 52,322 15 6 State Advances — Repatriation Section. Loans to returned soldiers for business or Debtors in poor circumstances, deceased, .. 9,629 13 2 furniture or untraceable State Advances — Fruit-preserving Industry. Advance to Fruit-packing Association .. Loss on realization of assets .. .. .. 563 18 5 State Advances — Cold Storage. Advances to meat com]) .. .. Companies wound up or unable to meet .. 14,579 4 4 full liabilities Slate Fire Insurant . Value of stores .. .. .. . . Stolen .. .. .. . • 17 5 Value of motor-vehicles .. .. .. Loss on realization .. .. .. 83 16 5 Rent of offices .. .. .. • ■ Debtor's estate assigned .. . . .. 91 16 6 Insurance premiums .. .. .. Cash stolen from Hastings agent's office .. 14 18 7 after earthquake Stale Forest Service. Value of stores .. .. .. .. Stolen, broken, unserviceable, burnt, or 122 7 8 untraceable Value of horses .. .. .. ■■ Destroyed, missing, or loss on sale .. 31 14 0 Value of buildings . . .. .. Destroyed by fire .. .. 624 12 2 j Value of trees, Hanmer plantation.. .. Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 1,475 8 0 Value of trees, Maramarua plantation . . Destroyed by fire .. .. .. 150 18 9 Value of peed .. .. .. .. Failed to germinate .. .. .. 13 1 0 Rente and royalties .. .. .. Debtors unfinancial or untraceable .. .. 725 17 6 Fine for timber trespass .. .. .. Debtor served sentence under warrant .. 64 17 10 issued for recovery of amount owing Treasury. Value of stores .. .'. .. .. i Deficient or broken .. .. •■ 5 9 6 Value of furniture .. .. .. I Missing or loss on realization .. .. 4 114 Orchard-manuring advance .. .. Debtor unfinancial .. .. .. -. 14 12 8 Advances to Working Railways Account in Insufficient funds in Working Railways .. 153,410 19 2 terms of section 37 (1) (a), Government Account to meet the liability Railways Act, 1926, and interest to 25th October, 1930 V ablation. Value of office equipment .. ■ Destroyed by fire .. .. . 4 2 (i Certified copy of roll entry .. .. Debtors bankrupt .. .. . . .. 10 6 78,796 0 3 ;450,005 16 3 £528,801 16 6

8.-i [Pt. ll].



I- B. I[Pt. ll].


B,—l ;[Pt. llj .



Balances on 31st March, l'J30. Transactions, 1930-1931. Balances on 31st March, 1931. Dβ. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cβ. CONSOLIDATED FUND :— £ s. d. £ B. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ordinary Revenue Accoint .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,356,337 6 0 29,296,667 1 2 27,218,930 15 !) .. 278,601 0 7 Xatru and Ocean Islands Account .... .. .. .. 3,171 17 4 36,385 9 2 30,269 7 1 .. 3,055 15 3 Xaiki- and Ocean Islands Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. 312 4 0 11,205 5 0 10,941 18 6 .. 48 17 6 Accounts of Local Bodies .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,728 15 4 32,787 11 11 29,184 3 1 .. 6,125 6 6 Deposits Accoi NT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 348,306 13 6 1,221,207 10 2 1,186, LSI 9 0 .. 313,280 12 4 PUBLIC WORKS FUND :— Genhral Pubposbs Account .. .. .. .. .. .-. 348,124 11 5 5,186,183 1 5 6,178,094 4 9 .. 1,340,035 14 9 \\ Aiiiou and Ohinemuri Rivers IMPROVEMENT Account .. .. .. 3.343 14 5 40,56'J 1 1 42,743 17 6 .. 5,518 10 10 Electric Supply Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 341,881 8 5 1,720,494 8 2 13 1 .. 150,008 13 4 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. .. 172,728 13 4 159,821 11 7 29 747 15 10 .. 42,654 17 7 ADVANCES TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS ACCOUNT .. .. .. 21,046 0 11 187 615 9 9 166 570 8 10 BANK OP NEW ZEALAND SHARES ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 1,859,375 0 0 246,312 10 0 245' 312 10 0 .. 1,859,375 0 0 CHEVIOT ESTATE ACCOUNT .. .. 230,894 14 6 217.787 6 0 16,892 11 6 DETERIORATED LANDS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 11,393 7 6 11 8*6 1 7 432 14 1 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. 240,222 16 3 1,323,134 9 6 1,342,443 1110 .. 259,53118 7 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT LOANS ACT 1920 DEPRECIATION' FUND ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 558,734 10 5 99 7 5 l>2.326 13 7 .. 580,962 2 7 EDUCATION LOANS ACCOUNT .. 19,841 14 11 653,174 8 5 646.199 17 3 .. 12,867 3 9 GENERAL PURPOSES RELIEF ACCOUNT .. .. 31,031 4 1 11,666 16 9 3,79117 9 .. 23,756 6 1 HAURAKl PLAINS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. 24,252 9 2 55,997 19 7 45,686 16 6 .. 13,941 6 1 HOWARD ESTATE ACCOUNT .. 0 11 !» 0 0 9 0 0 1 .. 0 11 1 HUNTER SOLDIERS ASSISTANCE TRUST ACCOUNT .. .. .. 6,104 17 3 120 9 7 852 8 2 6 836 15 10 HUTT VALLEY LANDS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 61 5 2 28,106 17 4 28,184 6 0 . 138 13 10 KAURI-GUM [NDUSTRY ACCOUNT .. 16,722 1 7 ■ 18,786 12 8 3,052 il 0 .. 1,587 17 11 LAND ASSURANCE FUND ACCOUNT .. 84,938 3 11 87,613 1 0 -'074 17 1 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 557,618 10 0 1,020,457 16 3 1,204,945 3 1 .. 742,105 16 10 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT:— DI80H4BGBD SOLDIERS SKTTLEMENT ACCOUNT ...... LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 220,150 7 2 31,724,352 16 0 31,848,384 12 11 .. 344,182 4 1 MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT REVENUE FUND .. 136,452 13 6 1,717,494 8 4 1920 927 13 10 . 339,885 19 0 MAIN HIGHWAYS ACCOUNT CONSTRUCTION FUND .. .. .. 160,567 6 3 907,906 8 4 849,976 0 0 ' .. 102,636 17 11 MIXING ADVANCES ACCOUNT .. 14,723 13 4 14,882 3 9 520 17 4 .. 362 6 11 NATIONAL ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT .. I:!."), 008 5 10 215,308 14 2 80,300 8 4.. NATIONAL ENDOWMENT TRUST ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 42,20119 8 45,444 3 2 3 242 3 6 NATIVE LAND SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .-,.-,,741 19 7 230,106 8 9 203,272 5 7 .. 28,907 16 5 PUBLIC DEBT REPAYMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 3,052 14 2 1,210,129 14 9 1,207,109 6 8 .. 32 6 1 RAILWAYS IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION ACT 1914 ACCOUNT .. 327,156 16 10 1,048,205 18 8 1,141 832 19 2 420,783 17 4 RANIJITAIKI LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 2.418 4 2 7.783 2 5 10,671 13 .. 5,306 3 0 REMITTANCES FROM LONDON ACCOUNT.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 404 6 7 464 6 7 REMITTANCES TO LONDON ACCOUNT 3,898 15 5 .. 23,602 4 10 24.282 10 8 3,218 9 7 RESERVE FUND ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,068,563 5 7 .. .. . 2,068,563 5 7 STATE ADVANCES LOAN ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 100,396 12 6 2,706,517 0 6 2,646,122 13 0 .. 40,002 5 0 STATE COAL-MINES ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 59,056 13 0 306,851 7 2 288,605 2 10 .. 40,810 8 8 STATE COAL-MINES SINKING FUND ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 7,944 10 11 7,904 5 8 7,698 7 9 7 738 13 0 STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 48,721 12 1 393,242 9 4 375,624 7 2 .. 31,103 9 11 SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 7,007 10 0 88,614 19 9 87,945 7 4 .. 6,337 18 1 UNEMPLOYMENT FUND .. .. 319,141 5 9 388,256 8 0 .. 69,115 2 3 WESTPORT HARBOUR ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,999 10 10 63,378 12 9 59,137 14 10 .. 1,758 12 11 WORKING RAILWAYS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 77,236 3 2 7,008,025 5 6 7,427,252 9 4 .. 496,463 7 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,898 15 5 10,719,171 16 3 89,635,911 14 10 88,562,308 5 5 3,218 9 7 9,644,888 1 0* • For explanatory statement see page 5.


B.—l [Pi. 11].



Balances on 31st March, 1930. Tbansactions, 1930-1931. Balances on 31st March, 1931. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. I J PUBLIC ACCOUNT:- £ s . d . £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Bank op New Zealand in the Dominion .. .. .. .. 1,370,553 9 3 .. 49,370,817 3 4 49,767,732 11 9 973,638 0 10 Bank of New Zealand in London .. .. .. .. 3,689 3 4 .. 23,299,727 2 0 23,284,298 10 9 19,117 14 7 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS :— Miscellaneous Imprests .. .. .. .. .. '.'. 48,756 12 6 .. 27,923,200 15 9 27,903,447 3 7 68,510 4 8 Foreign Imprest Account .. .. .. .. .. 236,504 6 6 .. 1,943,566 17 7 2,029,173 18 2 150,897 5 11 INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS:— Consolidated Fund, — Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. .. 713,966 0 0 .. 2,015,760 0 0 2,7211.726 0 0.. Nauru and Ocean Islands Account .. .. .. .. 3,050 0 0 .. .. 3,000 0 0 50 0 0 Nauru and Ocean Islands Sinking Fund Account .. .. 300 0 0 .. .. 300 0 0 Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 336,373 8 0 .. 372,355 0 0 432,220 0 0 276,508 8 0 Public Works Fund, — General Purposes Account .. .. .. .. ..' .. .. 6,021,894 15 0 5,514,274 15 0 507,620 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .... Electric Supply Account .. .. .. .. .. 176,500 0 0 .. 1,229,970 0 0 1,398,150 0 0 8,320 0 0 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. 172,690 0 0 .. 65,110 0 0 197,390 0 0 40,410 0 0 Cheviot Estate Account.. .. .. .. .. .. 170,290 8 10 .. 85,800 0 0 256,090 8 10 Df.tkiuorated Lands Account .. .. .. .. .. 10,057 3 0 .. .. 10,057 3 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 24,640 17 0 .. 742,450 0 0 0 0 52,140 17 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act 1920 Depreciation Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 200,743 6 10 .. 1,249,250 0 0 1,004,125 0 0 445,868 6 10 Education Loans Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 245,000 0 0 246,000 0 0 General Purposes Relief Account .. .. .. .. 14,790 0 0 .. 57,180 0 0 71.470 0 0 500 0 0 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 20.000 0 0 Hunter Soldiers Assistance Trust Account .. .. .. 5,750 0 0 .. 5,850 0 0 7,950 0 0 3,650 0 0 Kauri-gum Industry Account .......... Land Assurance Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. 26,100 0 0 '.'. 55,200 0 0 81,300 0 0 '.. Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. 290,190 0 0 .. 1,528,565 0 0 1,515,700 0 0 303,055 0 0 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. 102,800 0 0 .. 733,560 0 0 586,400 0 0 249,960 0 0 .Mu\ Highways Account Revenue Fund .. .. .. 15,900 0 0 .. 550,900 0 0 451,800 0 0 115,000 0 0 Main Hiohwats Account Construction Fund .. .. .. .. .. 263,340 0 0 263,340 0 0.. Mnmra Advances Account .. .. .. .. .. 14,000 0 0 .. .. 14,000 0 0 National Endowment Account .. .. .. .. .. 90,850 0 0 .. 20,000 0 0 110,850 0 0 National Endowment Trust Account! .. .. .. .. 39,140 0 0 .. 7,750 0 0 46,890 0 0 Native Land Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 110,000 0 0; 110,000 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account .. 155,000 0 0 .. 1,560,000 0 0 1,615,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 State Advances Loan Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 260,000 0 0 280,000 0 0 State Coal-mines Account .. ..■ .. .. .. 50,800 0 0 .. 7,400 0 0 18,900 0 0 39,300 0 0 State Coal-mines Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. 7,600 0 0 .. .. 7.(500 0 0 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 209,985 0 0 209.085 0 0 Unemployment Find .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 138,000 0 0 138.000 0 0 Wbstport Harbour Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■ 6 > 000 0 0 (i.000 0 0 Working Railways Account .. .. .. .. .. 6,300 0 0 .. 2<885 8 0 .. 9,185 8 0 Bank of New Zealand Shares Account .. .. .. .. 1,859,375 0 0 .. .. .. 1,859,375 0 0 Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account .. .. 2,500,000 0 0 .. 14,445,000 0 0 14,595,000 0 0 2,350,000 0 0 Reserve Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,068,563 5 7 .. .. .. 2,068,563 5 7 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,715,273 0 10 .. 134,546,517 1 8 135,620,120 11 1 9,641,669 11 5

B.—l [Pt. 11]




Dβ. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 992,755 15 5 Consolidated Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 601,111 12 2 Consolidated Fund: — Public Works Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,538,217 16 6 Naubu aud Ocean Islands Account Investment Account .. 50 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 259,531 18 7 Deposits Account Investment Account .. .. .. 276,508 8 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act 1920 Depreciation Fund Public Works Fund: — Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 580,962 2 7 General Purposes Account Investment Account .. .. 507,620 0 0 Education Loans Account .. .. .. .. .. 12,867 3 9 Electric Supply Account Investment Account.. .. .. 8,320 0 0 General Purposes Relief Account .. .. .. .. 23,756 6 1 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account Investment Account .. 40,410 0 0 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 13,941 6 1 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account Investment Account .. 52,140 17 0 Howard Estate Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 0111 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act 1920 Depreciation Fund Hunter Soldiers Assistance Trust Account .. .. .. 6,836 15 10 Account Investment Account .. .. .. .. .. 445,868 6 10 Hutt Valley Lands Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 138 13 10 General Purposes Relief Account Investment Account .. .. 500 0 0 Kauri-gum Industry Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,587 17 11 Hunter Soldiers Assistance Trust Account Investment Account .. 3,650 0 0 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. .. .. 742,105 16 10 Land for Settlements Account Investment Account .. .. 303,055 0 0 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. .. 344,182 4 1 Loans Redemption Account Investment Account .. .. .. 249,960 0 0 Main Highways Account Revenue Fund .. .. .. .. 339,885 19 0 Main Highways Account Revenue Fund Investment Account .. 115,000 0 0 Main Highways Account Construction Fund .. .. .. 102,636 17 11 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account Investment Mining Advances Account .. .. .. .. .. 362 6 11 Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 Native Land Settlement Account.. .. .. .. .. 28,907 16 5 . State Coal-mines Account Investment Account .. .. .. 39,300 0 0 Public Debt Repayment Account .. .. .. .. .. 32 6 1 Working Railways Account Investment Account .. .. .. 9,185 8 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account .. .. 420,783 17 4 Reserve Fund Account Investment Account .. .. .. 2,068,563 5 7 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. 5,306 3 0 Bank of New Zealand Shares Account Investment Account .. 1,859,375 0 0 State Advances Loan Account .. .. .. .. .. 40,002 5 0 Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account .. .. 2,350,000 0 0 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. .. 40,810 8 8 Dominion and Foreign Advances .. .. .. .. .. 219,407 10 7 State Coal-mines Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. .. 7,738 13 0 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 31,103 9 11 Swamp Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. .. 6,337 18 1 Unemployment Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. 69,115 2 3 Westport Harbour Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,758 12 11 Working Railways Account .. .. .. .. .. 496,463 7 0 Remittances from London Account .. .. .. .. 464 6 7 Remittances to London Account .. .. .. .. ■• Dr. 3,218 9 7 Reserve Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,068,563 5 7 Bank of New Zealand Shares Account .. .. .. .. 1,859,375 0 0 Total £9,641,669 11 5* Total £9,641,669 11 5* ♦For explanatory statement see page 5.

b.— l [p T . nj




Amounts Invested Liability representing within the , outstanding Louns Public Account which j borrowed from Amounts invested are not available [ Accounts within the Name of Account. outside the until the Liabilities ! Public Account, Public Account. shown in Column (4) ! which Loans are are repaid, or the shown in those Sale of these Accounts as Securities is effected, i Investment Balances. (1) (2) i (8) ! (4) Consolidated Fund :— £ s . <1. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 76,150 0 0 Nauru and Ocean Islands Account .. .. .. .. r>11 0 0 ; 240,800 0 0 Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. 43,390 0 0 233,118 8 o| Public Works Fund :— General Purposes Account .. .. .. .. 25,860 0 0 481,760 0 0 766,478 8 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. .. .. 20,075 0 0 Electric Supply Account .. .. .. .. .. 8,320 0 0 18,200 0 0 Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. 9,000 0 0 31,410 0 0 Bank of New Zealand Shares Account .. .. 1,859,375 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. 7,590 17 0 44,550 0 0 150 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act 1920 Depreciation Fund Account .. .. .. .. 207,293 6 10 238,575 0 0 Education Loans Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 53,600 0 0 General Purposes Relief Account .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. 53,000 0 0 Hunter Soldiers Assistance Trust Account .. .. .. 3,650 0 0 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. 192,715 0 0 110,340 0 0 72,930 0 0 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. 127,800 0 0 122,160 0 0 Main. Highways Account : Revenue Fund .. .. 115,000 0 0 Mining Advances Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,490 0 0 Native Land Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. 66,000 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account .. 100,000 0 0 2,160 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. .. 20,100 0 0 Reserve Fund Account .. .. .. .. 2,068,563 5 7 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. .. 39,300 0 0 . State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Swamp Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. .. 18,000 0 0 Working Railways Account .. .. .. .. 9,185 8 0 Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account .. : 2,350,000 0 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 7,015,772 17 5 1,413,733 8 0 £8,429,506 5 5 £1,413,733 8 0

B.—l [Tt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.



Balances as at Slst March, 1930. Transactions, 1930-1981. Balances as at ! 1st March, 1B81. Debit. Credit. Debit. Credit. Debit. (relit. : Interest Remittance Account— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bank of England .. .. 5,314,547 4 2 i 5,301,949 12 3 5,271,717 13 7 .. 5,284.315 5 6 High Commissioner .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,670 18 2 1,383,868 12 7 1,398,398 6 0 .. 28,200 11 7 Redemption Remittance Account .. .. .. .. 8,588,930 11 6 11,981,049 13 4 4,610,007 7 11 .. 1,217,888 6 1 Suspense Remittance Account .. .. .. .. 13,917,148 13 10 .. 11,280,123 7 6 18,666,867 18 2 6,530,404 3 2 Totals . .. .. .. .. 13,917,148 13 10 13,917,148 13 10 29,946,991 5 8 29,946,991 5 8 6,530,404 ?. 2 6,530,404 3 2

B—l [Pt. ll] •




B.—l [Pt. II




Receipts. Refunds. Net Revenue. TAXATION:— £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Customs .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,628,371 12 0 22,395 2 4 7,605,976 9 8 Beer Duty .. .. .. .. .. 575,846 7 4 746 12 2 j 575,099 15 2 Film Hire Tax .. .. .. .. .. 41,756 4 10 .. 41,756 4 10 Motor-vehicles—Duties, Licenses, etc., — Tire-tax .. .. .. .. .. 130,603 0 5 194 19 4 130,408 1 1 Fees and Fines (Section 24, Motor-vohicles Act, 1924) 393,797 11 1 .. 393,797 11 If Petrol-tax .. .. .. .. .. 1,417,363 3 9 100,978 10 10*1,316,384 12 11 1,941,763 15 3 101,173 10 2 1,840,590 5 If Stamp and Death Duties, — Adhesive Stamps .. . .. .. 415,326 8 2 323,843 11 0 91,482 17 2 Duty on Instruments .. .. .. .. 332,300 4 10 6,179 6 2 326,120 18 8 Estate Duty .. .. .. .. .. 1,456,456 1 9 31,168 17 1 1,425,287 4 8 Succession Duty .. .. .. .. 326,296 14 6 .6,887 0 9 319,409 13 9 Gift Duty .. .. .. .. .. 65,350 3 7 311 18 6 65,038 5 1 Fines and Penalties .. .. .. .. 2,697 3 9 173 8 5 2,523 15 4 Impressed Stamps .. .. .. .. 198,896 8 0 . 383 8 8 198,61] 19 4 Licenses to Companies .. .. .. .. 87,523 12 10 34 0 8 87,489 12 2 Nharebrokers' Licenses .. .. .. .. 1,479 15 0 i> r> 6 1,470 9 6 Bank Composition .. .. .. .. 233,558 18 0 240 6 0 233,318 12 0 Totalizator Revenuo .. .. .. .. 529,159 12 5 16 16 11 629,142 16 <i Amusements-tax .. .. .. .. 106,004 10 68 8 7 105,935 12 5 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 1,286 7 8 1,224 14 5 61 13 3 Receipts under Section 4, Mortgagees' Indemnity (Workers' Chargos) Act, 1927 .. .. .. 1,54115 0j 0 9 0 1,541 6 0 3,757,876 6 6 j 370,541 11 8 3,387,334 14 10 Land-tax .. .. .. .. .. 1,207,728 10 5 [ 62,111 5 10 1,145,617 4 7 Income-tax .. .. .. .. .. 4,038,902 10 0 35,297 0 1 4,003,605 9 11 Total, Taxation.. .. .. 19,192,246 6 4 502,265 2 3 18,599,980 4 1 INTEREST :— Interest on Railway Capital Lia- £ s. d. iiii.iTY (interest at £4 5s. per cent, on oapital expenditure from Public Works Fund, reduced by £8,100,000 in terms of the Finance Act, 1929, Section 20, and at £4 15s. 2d. per cent, on capital expenditure from the Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account, as provided l>\ Regulations under the Government Railways Act, 1926) .. 2,255,345 9 10 Less amount unpaid at 31st March, 1931 .. .. 1,570,345 9 10 685,000 0 0 .. 685,000 0 0 Interest on Postal and Telegraph Capital Liability (interest as determined under Section 96 of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928, at £4 6s. per cent, on the amount of the capital liability as at let April, 1930, together with interest at the rate of £2 3s. per cent, on the net amount applied for the purposes of the Department out of the Public Works Fund during the year)— £ s. d. £ s. d. Year 1929-30 .. .. 1,826 9 .i Year 1930-31 .. 512,209 15 11 Less unpaid at 31st 10,036 5 2 March, 1931 502,173 10 9 504,000 0 0 .. 504,000 0 0 Interest on the Public Debt Redemption Fund (details on separate statement) .. .. .. 858,892 16 4 .. 858,892 16 4 Interest on other Public Moneys (details on separate statement) .. .. .. •• ..j 871,919 5 3 4,938 1110 866,980 13 5 Total, Interest .. .. .. 1 7j 4,938 1110 2,914,873 9 9 Carried forward ■.. .. .. 22,112,057 7 11 j 597,203 14 1 21,514,853 13 10 £ s. d. * Refunds by Customs Department of Revenue incorrectly received or credited 68 16 8 Rebates by I'cxt Oilier in respect of motor-spirits used otherwise tlvan as fuel for motor-vehicles, in terms of Section 8 of the Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927 100,909 14 2 £100,978 10 10 t £393,797 Us. Id. of this amount consists of fees, fines, &c, which are not taxation.

B.—l [Pt. II



2—B. 1 [Pt. 111.


Receipts. Refunds. Net Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 3. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 22,112,057 7 11 597,203 14 1 21,514,853 13 10 OTHER RECEIPTS :— Justice — Court fees, fines, and bankruptcy commission .. 227,163 2 1 6,842 6 1 220,320 16 0 Marine,— Pilotage Rates and Harbour Fees .. .. 1,129 16 10 17 18 4 1,11118 (i Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908 .. .. .. 91,936 17 2 123 0 0 91,813 17 2 Rents of Foreshores, Royalty, &c. .. .. .. 4,393 18 I I 16 0 0 4,377 18 11 Sale of Oysters under Fisheries Act, 1908 .. .. 6,439 18 8 17 10 0 6,422 8 8 Units from Toheroa Areas .. .. .. 166 0 0 .. 155 0 0 Wlmliim Industry License Fees, &c. .. .. 6 0 0 74 15 0 Dr. 69 15 0 104,060 11 7 249 3 4 103,811 8 3 Native — —■ Fees collected in stamps under tho provisions of the Native Land Act, 1909 .. .. .. 6,696 11 II .. 6,696 1111 Printing and Stationery— General receipts .. .. .. .. 252,779 5 2 7,999 9 10 244,779 15 4 i ■ — Stamp Duties — Land Registry and Deeds Register Office fees .. 77,097 3 10 .. 77,097 3 10 Tourist and Resorts, — Receipts in respect of Reserves under the Tourist and Health Resorts Control Act, 1908 .. .. 70,737 2 9 I 281 11 7 70,455 11 2 Registration and other Fees, — Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22 .. 76 15 0 j .. 76 15 0 Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22 (Part III) 8,862 16 9 56 6 0 8,806 10 9 Apprentices Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 33 6 0 .. 33 6 0 Arms Act, 1920 1,818 15 0 .. 1,818 15 0 Auctioneers Act, 1928 .. .. .. .. 14,430 0 0 2 0 0 14,428 0 0 Aviation Act, 1918 .. .. .. . . 160 0 3 3 8 6 156 11 9 Births. Deaths, and Marriages .. .. •• 19,194 18 0 21 7 6 19,173 10 6 British Nationality and Status of Aliens (in New Zealand) Act, 1928 .. .. .. .. 578 13 0 12 10 0 566 3 0 By-laws Act, 1910 .. .. .. ■ • 25 4 0 .. 25 4 0 Cemeteries Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 26 5 6 5 5 0 1 21 0 6 Cinematograph Films Act, 1928 2,655 1 I I 31 5 6 2,623 16 5 Coal-mines Act, 1925 .. 234 17 0 I 2 2 0 232 15 0 Copyright Act, 1913 .. .. .. •• 250 .. 250 Crown Grant Fees .. 46 2 11 30 10 0 15 12 11 Customs Act, 1913 12,13113 1 132 11 7 11,999 1 6 Dairy Industry Act, 1908.. .. .. .. 2,594 2 li 5 0 0 2,589 2 6 Dentists Act, 1908 20 10 0 .. 20 10 0 Distillation Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 204 0 0 4 0 0i 200 0 0 Education Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. 40 (I 100 300 Eleotrioal Wiremen'e Registration Aot, 1926 .. 871 16 1 17 1 0 854 15 1 Engineers Registration Act, 1924 .. .. .. 41 5 0 .. 41 5 0 Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act, 1908 .. 5,206 3 0 29 6 0 5,176 17 0 Factories Act, 1921-22 3,910 10 5 15 0 3,904 6 0 Finance Act, 1915 (Part III), (Beer Duty) .. .. 1,293 9 1 .. 1,293 9 1 Finance Act, 1920 (Section 49), (fees for transfer of New Zealand Stock and Bonds from London to New Zealand Registers) .. .. . - • • 1 10 6 .. 1 10 6 Fisheries Act, 1908 493 5 11 10 0 492 5 11 Friendly Societies Act, 1909 .. .. .. 260 .. 260 Health Act, 1920 23 0 0 .. 23 0 0 Hospital and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926 .. 496 13 0 0 10 0 496 3 0 Immigration Restriction Act, 1908.. .. .. 100 0 0 .. 100 0 0 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1925 .. 460 10 5 3 10 457 9 6 Inspection of Machinery Act, 1928 .. .. 21,818 11 7 102 8 6 21,716 3 1 Land Agents Act, 1921-22 10,328 2 6 1,880 0 0 8,448 2 6 Licensing Act, 1908 50 0 0 .. 50 0 0 Life Insurance Act, 1908 0 10 0 .. 0 10 0 Margarine Act, 1908 6 0 0 .. 6 0 0 Masseurs Registration Act, 1920 .. .. .. 45 18 6 .. 45 18 b M.-dical Practitioners Act, 1914 280 8 0 5 5 0 276 3 0 Mining Act, 1926 656 13 0 7 16 6 648 16 6 Native Land Act, 1909 .. .. .. •• 880 .. 88 0 Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act. 1926, Section 14 (Taupo Waters)— Fees, Licenses, and Camp Sites 2,426 11 4 203 9 7 2,223 1 9 Fines and Penalties .. .. .. .. 11 8 0 .. j 11 8 0 Carried forward 111,63116 10 2,562 18 8 109,068 18 2 Carried forward 738,533 17 4 15,372 10 10 723,161 6 6 Carried forward .. .. .. 22,112,057 7 11 597,203 14 1 21,514,853 13 10

B—l TPt. 111.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.



Receipts. Refunds. Net Revenue. £ s. d. i £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 22,112,057 7 11 597,203 14 1 21,514,853 13 10 — OTHER RECEIPTS— continued Brought forward .. .. .. I 738,533 J7 i 15,372 10 10 723,161 6 6 Registration and other Fees — continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 111,631 16 10 2,562 18 8 109,068 18 2 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 .. .. 736 4 0 .. 736 4 0 Nurses and Midwives Registration Act, 1925 .. 8,433 18 6 9 7 8 8,424 10 10 Opticians Act, 1928 .. .. .. .. 404 12 6 84 18 0 : 319 14 6 Orchard and Garden Diseases Act, 1928 .. . . 609 0 6 10 6 608 0 0 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1921-22 .. 13,805 8 s 102 5 4 13,703 3 4 Plumbers Registration Act, 1912 .. .. .. 818 10 0 I 6 12 6 811 17 6 Servants' Registry Offices Act, 1908 .. .. 29 5 0 | .. 29 5 0 Shorthand Reporters Act, 1908 .. .. .. 880 .. .880 Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1908 .. .. 37,023 19 6 8 0 6: 37,015 19 0 Stock Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 1,309 11 0 4 15 0 | 1,304 16 0 Stone-quarries Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. 119 0 0 .. 119 0 0 Timber Export Act, 1908 .. .. .. 390 .. 390 Timber-floating Act, 1908 .. .. .. 15 9 6 0 10 n 14 19 6 Tobacco Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 300 10 0 .. 300 10 0 Tramways Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 47 0 0 .. 47 0 0 Valuation of Land Act, 1925 .. .. .. 42,148 14 4 291 8 6 .41,857 5 10 Veterinary Surgeons Act, 1926 .. .. .. 740 .. 746 Weights and Measures Act, 1925 .. .. .. 8,854 6 11 28 17 0 8,825 9 11 226,306 8 9 3,100 13 8 ' 223,205 15 1 National Endowment Revenue — Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), Section 18 (1)—Balance transferred from National Endowment Account .. 75,861 14 10 .. 75,861 14 10 Amounts transferred from State Forests Account in terms of Section 39 (2) of the Forests Act, 1921 22 9,494 12 8 .. 9,494 12 8 Rents, Royalties, &c. .. .. .. .. 31,052 6 5 913 9 4 1 Refunds arising out of operation of Section 6, De- > 30,001 11 0 teriorated Lands Act, 1925 .. .. .. .. 137 6 1 j Interest on Sales .. .. .. .. 1,352 14 4 .. 1,352 14 4 Interest under Section 13, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 776 14 8 I .. .776 14 8 Interest on Investments of the National Endowment Account, accrued to the date of closing the account 827 13 0 .. 827 13 0 Interest on Investments of National Endowment Trust Account, accrued to the date of closing the account 554 5 11 .. 554 5 11 119,920 1 10 J 1,050 15 5 . 118,869 6 5 Territorial Revenue — Rents from Leases .. .. .. .. 153,399 3 4 3,185 2 9 1 Refunds arising from operation of Deteriorated Lands J-148,073 14 10 Act, 1925, Section 6 .. .. .. .. .. 2,140 5 9 j Royalties .. .. .. .. .. 13,679 3 6 63 16 4 13,615 7 2 Interest on Sales of Crown Lands .. .. 13,007 15 8 583 4 3 12,424 11 0 Under Coal-mines Act, 1925 — Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 4 0 II .. 4 0 0 Rents from Leases .. .. .. .. 1,348 5 4 23 12 2 1,324 13 2 Royalties .. .. .. .. .. 7,017 14 7 .. 7,017 14 7 Rents from Licenses .. .. .. .. 40 7 0 0 7 9 ■ 39 19 3 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 4,807 4 8 930 17 8 3,876 7 0 Marine Department Leases .. .. .. 186 2 6 .. 186 2 6 Rents from Mining Districts Land Occupation Leases 842 16 f> .. 842 16 5 Thermal Springs District Act, 1910—Rents from Leases 3 16 '.) .. 3 Iβ 9 194,336 8 4 6,927 6 8 187,409 1 8 Rents of Buildings .. .. .. .. 13,965 1 10 13,965 1 10* Miscellaneous (details on separate statement) . . 287,284 3 II 981 1 1 i 286,303 2 10 Recoveries on account of Expenditure of Previous Years (details on separate statement) .. .. 15,128 9 6 .. 15,128 9 5 Total, Other Receipts .. .. 1,595,474 11 5; 41,397 9 6 1,554,077 111 Total Revenue .. .. .. 23,707,531 19 I 038,601 3 7 23,068,930 15 9 i I • Transferred to " Miscellaneous."

B.—l [Pγ. ll].




Interest on Public Moneys :— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. On credit balances of — Foreign Imprest Account, London .. .. .. .. 446 14 0 New Zealand Public Account, London .. .. .. 520 10 9 Public Debt Charges Account, London .. .. .. 27 0 2 Public Account, Wellington .. .. .. .. 10,497 1 6 Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. .. .. 249 11 6 '. 11,740 17 1) On investments made in respect of the— Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. 3,754 6 (i Education Loans Account .. .. .. .. 2,784 13 2 I/and Assurance Fund .. .. .. . . .. 68 12 1 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. .. 2,757 16 10 Loans Redemption Account (Main Highways money.-) .. 2,954 5 1 Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. 26,519 18 3 Bank of New Zealand Shares Account: Interest transferred to Ordinary Revenue Account in terms of section 8 (3), Finance Act, 1926— Dividend on £500,000 preference A shares .. 50,000 0 0 Final dividend and bonus on £1,375,000 preference B shares for year ended 31st Maroh, 1930 .. 139,583 6 8 Interim dividend on £1,375,000 preference B shares for year ended 31st March, I!!. , !I .. .. 41,666 13 4 Half - yearly dividend on £234,375 C long - term mortgage shares to 31sl .March, 1930 .. .. 7,031 5 0 Half - yearly dividend on £234,375 C long - term mortgage shares to 30th September, 1930 .. 7,031 5 0 245,312 10 0 Public Works Fund, General Purposes Aooount .. .. 81,137 14 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 22,572 12 0 j Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. .. .. 6,115 8 4 Reserve Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. 85,213 13 7 Public Account Cash Balance Investment Account, being amounts allocated in respect of the balar, of the— Advances to Other Governments Aooount .. 383 19 7 Deposits Account .. .. .. .. 1,009 8 9 Education Loans Account .. .. .. 1,706 17 3 Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. 4,344 16 3 Local Bodies' Account .. .. .. .. 103 18 10 Ordinary Revenue Account .. . . .. 986 8 3 Public Works Fund, General Purposes Account .. 12,317 11 7 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Ac- ■ count .. .. .. .. .. 4,170 15 2 Suspense Account .. .. .. .. 9,997 19 10 35,021 15 6 514,213 4 10 On temporary transfers to other accounts, under section 40, Public Revenues Act, 1926, in respect of — Education Loans Account .. .. .. .. 309 0 9 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. 18 12 7 Swamp Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. 54 7 2 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. 12 10 1 394 10 7 On £1,226,000 appropriated out of Public Works Fund and paid to Main Highways Account Construction Fund, in terms of paragraph (6), section 16, Main Highways Act, 1922— Finance Act, 1930, section 36 .. .. .. .. 61,300 0 0 On £462,824, net profits of the Cheviot Estate Account, in terms of section 19 (4) of the Finance Apt, 1930 (No. 2) .. 18,512 19 3 On amounts appropriated out of the Consolidated Fund and paid to State Forests Account — Section 21 of the Finance Act. 1926— On £59,250 .. .. .. .. .. 2,666 5 0 Section 3 of the Finance Act, 1927— On £45,000 .. .. .. .. .. 2,362 10 0 \ 5,028 15 0 On amount transferred from Consolidated Fund to Westport Harbour Account, pursuant to section 5a (2), Westport Harbour Act, 1920 .. .. .. .. 4,228 13 3 On capital moneys received from sale of Crown lands and paid into the Land for Settlements Account (section 13, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1926) — Interest for year, 1926-27 .. .. .. 18,191 0 11 Interest for year, 1927-28 .. .. .. 4,974 1 11 Interest for year, 1928-20 .. .. .. 7,625 12 7 Interest for year, 1929-30 .. .. .. 20,210 11 0 Interest for year, 1930-31 (on account) .. .. 65,000 0 0 116,001 6 5 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 205,071 13 11 i 526.348 13 4

B.—l [Pt. Ilj.


DETAIL STATEMENT of INTEREST on PUBLIC MONEYS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1931 — continued.



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 205,071 13 11 526,348 13 4 Interest on Public Moneys—continued. On enemy property moneys held by Public Trustee .. .. 30,000 0 0 On loans to local bodies under Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 73,467 8 5 On loans to Samoan Treasury in terms of section 33, Samoa Act, 1021 .. .. .. .. .. 6,200 0 0 On value of Crown Lauds declared to be subject to the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, and former Land for Settlements Acts —■ Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929 (section 47— Year 1929-30 .. .. .. .. .. 8,405 12 0 Year 1930-31 .. .. .. .. .. 8,405 12 0 16,811 4 0 331,550 6 4 On miscellaneous advances — For erecting hostel, Mount Albert Grammar School .. . . 86 3 0 For motor-cars sold by Education Department .. .. 16 9 11 For purchase of quarry plant, Moehau .. .. . . 63 9 8 From Vote " Agriculture," to various agricultural associations .. .. .. .. .. .. 187 11 4 To Buller Hospital Board .. .. .. .. .. 15 8 5 To discharged soldiers under Repatriation Act, 1918 .. 1,800 12 3 To Gore Borough Council (protective works) .. .. 76 7 0 To Mangawara River Board for improvements to Mangawara Stream .. .. .. .. .. ] 88 14 3 To Maori Land Board under section 274, Native Land Act, 1909: Oturei mortgage .. .. .. .. 48 19 10 To Otanomomo River Board, on account of stop-bank .. 133 5 10 To Thames Borough Council, on account of pumpingplant .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 18 0 To Clifton Grove Land-settlement Association, in terms of section 13 (1) of Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909 .. 0 14 0 To Southland Electric-power Board, in terms of section 34, Finance Act, 1928 .. .. .. .. 825 0 0 Under the village-homestead scheme .. .. .. 58 0 6 3,558 14 0 Miscellaneous interest on— Amount paid for compensation for improvements to education-endowment reserves in terms of section 29 of the Education Reserves Act, 1928 .. .. .. 5 7 1 Balance of Post Office Savings-bank Account used by the District Office, Education Department, Auckland .. 2 12 11 Debentures under the Hutt Road Apt, 1915 .. .. .. 1,869 0 0 Debentures and shares held as security for payment of tax .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 412 17 6 Fixed deposit of £1,000, German reparation moneys .. .. 180 0 0 Mortgage due to Reparation Estates .. .. .. 5 0 0 Outstanding balances— Contribution towards cost Waitarere Beach Road .. 59 14 5 Royalty on coal, Grey Valley collieries .. .. 9 6 8 69 1 1 Purchase-moneys in connection with sales of land— Waikeria .. .. .. .. .. 12 0 8 Poroti Block .. .. .. .. .. 4 13 8 School-sites .. .. .. .. .. 152 6 11 — 169 1 3 Purchase price— Taieri Ferry property .. .. .. .. 13 10 3 Tokanui Estate .. .. .. .. 12 18 3 Waimea-Kumara water-race .. .. .. 316 7 9 342 16 3 Crown's proportion of Greymouth Harbour Board special coal rate: Credited as interest on sums of £114,439 Is. and £27,200 in terms of section 12 of the Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884.. .. .. 2,467 3 8 5,522 19 9 £866,980 13 5

Interest earned by the capital moneys of the Public Debt Redemption Fund held by— £ s. d. Public Trustee .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 416,608 11 3 State Advances Office .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 152,950 18 5 Interest at 4 per cent, on £10,850,000 transferred from Consolidated Fund to Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account— From 1st March, 1930, to 1st November, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 289,333 6 8 £858,892 16 4

B.—] [Pp. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.



MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE. £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. Treasury Department:— Conscience-money .. .. .. .. .. 34 6 6 Exchange, commission, discount, &c. .. .. .. 1,775 9 10 Unclaimed moneys,— Under Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 30 — Courts of Law Trust .. .. .. .. 497 3 8 Gaolers' deposits .. .. .. .. 8 3 2 Goldfields deposits .. .. .. .. 29 12 7 Land Revenue deposits .. .. .. .. 18409 Labour deposits .. .. .. .. 69 1 8 .Marine deposits .. .. .. .. 2 2 6 Transfers from Deposits Account— Miscellaneous Deposits Account .. .. 22 12 6 Unclaimed Earnings Account .. .. .. 598 7 8 Unpresented Cheques Account .. .. 74 15 6 Under Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 95 — Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908 .. .. .. 8 0 9 General estates .. .. .. .. 4,830 7 7 Bankruptcy Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 963 6 8 Rating Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 316 5 7 Unclaimed land balances .. .. .. 873 14 4 Under Unclaimed Moneys Act, 1908, section 6 .. 1,110 19 0 Dividends uncluimed— 4-per-cent. 1929 stock .. .. .. .. 242 15 3 3£-per-cent. 1940 stock .. .. .. .. 23 1 5 4 per-cent. 1943-63 stock .. .. .. 49 15 0 3-per-eent. 1945 stock .. .. .. .. 7 13 0 Bank of England fractions of interest .. .. 170 17 9 Excess cash at Government offices .. .. .. 3 15 3 Money found by, or handed to, police officers, not claimed 10 11 Balance of Advances to other Governments Account transferred in terms of section 7 (3) of the Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2) .. .. .. .. .. 38,560 8 4 Balance of Land Assurance Fund Account transferred in terms of section 53 (1) of the Finance Act, 1930 .. \ 61,988 14 0 Interest on investments, Land Assurance Fund, accrued to date of closing the account .. .. .. 524 0 9 Cash seized in gaming raids .. .. .. .. 1116 Forfeited deposits transferred in terms of regulations under the Immigration Restriction Act, 1908, and Amendment Act, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Half Public Trust Office profits received from the Public Trustee for year ended 31st March, 1930 .. .. 5,498 7 7 New Zealand's share of proceeds of sale of Pacific cable undertaking under section 3, Pacific Cable Sale Authorization Act, 1929 (on account) .. .. .. 886 19 4 Post Office Savings-bank profits received from the Post Office Account in terms of section 6 (1) (c), Post and Telegraph Amendment Act, 1927, — For year 1929-30 (balance) .. £35,793 18 9 1 For year 1930-31 (on account) .. £44,206 1 3 80,000 0 0 Profits on sale of investments, Ordinary Revenue Account ! 95 5 0 Profit received from the Post Office Account on sale of Post Office Investment Certificates .. .. .. 40,000 0 0 239,761 15 6 Public Works Department : — Receipts from irrigation and water-supply schemes .. 11,856 1 0 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 5,118 5 3 Water-power license revenue .. .. .. 1,156 7 0 j 18,130 13 3 Native Department :— Sale of equipment for Maori gatherings in reimbursement of amounts charged against Civil List, Part V, Native purposes .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 8 0 Department op External Affairs : — Assets taken over from New Zealand Reparation Estates 50 0 0 Sale of furniture, New Zealand Reparation Estates .. 10 0 0 60 0 0 Department of Industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity : — Overcharges on bookings, &c, unclaimed .. .. 62 16 4 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 1,087 8 0 Value of tickets, &c, issued and unpresented .. .. 357 4 5 1,507 8 9 Department of Jtjbtice : — King's counsel fees .. .. .. .. 15 15 0 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 193 18 7 209 13 7 Prisons Department :— Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 118 15 9 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 259,824 14 10

B.—l TPt. II




£ s. d. « £ s. d. f s. d. MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE— continued. Brought forward .. .. . .. 259,824 14 10 Police Department :— Rents of bmldinge .. .. .. .. .. 582 19 7 Sale of— Firearms (confiscated) .. .. .. .. 132 3 5 Liquor (confiscated) .. .. .. .. 132 16 7 847 19 7 Mines Department : — Commission on coal and goldfields revenue collected .. 576 1 4 Hire of drills .. .. .. .. .. 353 10 3 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. • • 27 10 0 957 1 7 Department of Internal Affairs :— Fees for camp licenses and sites .. .. . . 45 2 6 Fees for storage of powder .. .. .. .. 2,734 13 5 Passport fees .. .. .. .. •• 3,110 1 6 Rent for hoarding .. .. .. .. .. I 50 0 0 Rente of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 4,106 14 2 Sale of— Deer licenses .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Fishing licenses, Rotorua Acclimatization District .. 996 9 6 Liquor .. .. .. •■ •• •■ 281 Publications .. .. .. .. .. 52 5 1 War graves photographs .. .. .. .. 5 7 5 Waste paper .. .. .. .. •• 7 0 11 11,120 2 7 Department of Health : — Rente of buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 913 3 0 Naval Defence Department : — Forfeited deferred pay .. .. .. .. 798 9 10 Purchase of discharge by New Zealand ratings .. 107 2 6 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 256 3 4 1,161 15 8 Defence Department : — Fines inflicted under Defence Act, 1909 .. .. 9 13 0 Hire of equipment, &c. .. .. .. .. 270 13 10 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 5,769 12 8 Sale of war trophies .. .. .. .. 1 10 0 — — 6,051 9 6 Customs Department : — Duty on jewellers' sweepings exported .. .. 10 0 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. ■• 117 0 0 Sale of goods seized by Customs and fees for redemption 70 17 3 188 17 3 Marine Department : — Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 148 14 2 Department of Labohr : — Rente of buildings .. .. .. .. . • 94 10 i Sale of scales (confiscated) .. .. .. .. 0 5 0 94 15 0 Department of Lands and Survey :— Scenery-preservation receipts,— Rents 631 17 10 Less refund of amounts received in previous years— Rente of buildings.. .. .. £1 16 0 Scenery-preservation receipts (sale of land) .. .. .. .. £14 15 0 — 16 11 0 615 6 10 Electoral Department :— Forfeited deposit, Parliamentary election .. .. .. 10 0 0 Department of Agriculture : — Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,084 12 10 Department of Education :— Fees for teachers' certificates, licenses, &c. .. .. 539 14 6 Hire of furniture .. .. .. .. .. 500 Money found on inmates and unclaimed .. .. 0 16 4 Rents of buildings .. .. .. .. .. 1,313 19 4 Sale of sewing-machine, &c. .. .. .. .. 2 15 0 Wages of deceased inmates .. .. .. .. 11164 1,973 11 6 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research : — Fees for analyses .. .. .. .. .. .. 310 18 6 £286,303 2 10

B.—l [Pt. ll].


DETAIL STATEMENT of OTHER RECEIPTS, RECOVERIES on Account of EXPENDITURE of PREVIOUS YEARS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1931. Ordinary Revenue Account.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Legislative Departments :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 132 16 0 Prime Minister's Department :— Recovery of rail fares to General Assembly, League of Nations, Geneva .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 16 10 Treasury Department : — Recovory of— Cost of printing forms " Earthquake Relief " incorrectly charged .. .. .. .. .. 550 Exchange paid .. .. .. .. .. 108 17 9 Refund of advances made to stranded New-Zealanders by High Commissioner .. .. .. .. 2 0 0 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 5 0 0 121 2 9 National Provident and Eriendly Societies Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 2 4 0 . Land and Income Tax Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 5170 Stamp Duties Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. ! 900 Department of Industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity :— Refunds on account of defalcations .. .. .. 13 10 0 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 88 17 4 102 7 4 Department or J ustice : — Sale of— Land .. .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 27 7 0 327 7 0 Prisons Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 79 18 6 Police Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 69 0 7 Pensions Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 1310 Mines Department :— Recovery of loss on drill carbons .. .. .. 130 17 6 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 30 12 2 161 9 8 Department of Internal Affairs :— Instalment of loan on " Donbank," paid by Y.M.C.A. . . 250 0 0 Sale of— Building .. .. .. .. .. 500 Surplus and obsolete storos .. .. .. 37 3 6 292 3 6 Mental Hospitals Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. ,. .. 237 18 0 Department of Health :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. v 409 18 10 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 1,980 1 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].


DETAIL STATEMENT of OTHER RECEIPTS, RECOVERIES— continued. Ordinary Revenue Account— continued.


£ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 1,980 1 0 Naval Defence Department :— Recovery of deferred pay incorrectly paid in 1922-23 .. 7 17 6 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 9 15 9 17 13 3 j Defence Department : — Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 64 4 2 Customs Department :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 19 1 10 Marine Department :— Sale of— Land and buildings .. .. .. .. 46 5 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 277 15 5 324 0 5 Department of Labour :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 14 1 2 Department of Lands and Survey :— Recovery of— Expenses of administration of Hutt Valley Land Settlement Act, 1925, from inception to 31st March, 1930 11,530 18 9 Depreciation on Parrett tractor .. .. .. 13 15 10 Improvements in 1922-23 under section 83 (1) of the Land Act, 1924 .. .. .. .. 27 0 0 Repayment of advances for purchase of grass-seed .. 27 10 0 Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 135 1 10 — 11,734 6 5 Electoral Department : — Sale of — Maps .. .. .. .. ■ • • • 0 16 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 25 16 0 26 12 0 Department of Agriculture :— Instalment on sale of improvements, Poroti Block .. 8 5 4 Repayment, of loans to agricultural associations, &c. .. 255 2 10 Sale of— Land and buildings .. .. .. .. 15 0 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 245 17 7 * 524 5 9 I Department of Education :— Instalments on account of purchase of motor-cars and motor-bus .. .. .. • • • • 278 8 1 Recovery of — Boarding-out payments .. .. .. .. 33 0 11 Expenses of appointment, Art Instructor, Palmerston North Technical school .. .. .. .. 32 19 2 University fees .. .. .. •• •• 880 Sale of— Stock 10 10 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. •• .. 45 13 3 v 408 19 5 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research :— Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. 14 9 0 (j Transport Department :—- Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. • ■ 0 15 0 r £15,128 9 5

B._i [Pt. 11:.



3—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


B.—l [Pt. 11l


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE, and of RECOVERIES in respect of such DISBURSEMENTS, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1931. Debt Services—Interest.


Bof. ' Grose Interest Net Interest Act Priuciual d<t Half-yearly Maturity Amount of cli.irged to _ ._, oharged to ACfc Wlndpal. c ptr Due Datc . Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. ! £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ 9. d. Aid to Publtc Works and j 175,000 0 1/8/30 ! 1/8/31 ' 3,500 0 0 Land Settlement Act, : 175,000 0 0 I 4 1/2/31 i 1/8//31 3,500 0 0 1896 25,000 0 0 (i 1 '8/30 1/8/31 750 0 0 25,000 0 0 0 1/2/31 1/8/31 750 0 0 1 8,500 0 0 .. 8,500 0 0 Aid to Public Works and 91,300 0 0 i 1/5/30 1/5/30 1,826 0 0 Land Settlement Act, '■ 600 0 0 5J 1/7/30 1/1/31 j 16 10 0 1900 600 0 0 5J 1/1/31 1/1/31 16 10 0 91,300 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/5/50 1,826 0 0 3,685 0 0 .. 3,686 0 0 Aid to Public Works and 104,500 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/12/33 2,090 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 104,500 0 0 4 1/12/30 1/12/33 2,090 0 0 1901 4,180 0 0 .. 4,180 0 0 Aid to Public Works and 145,200 0 0 i 1/6.30 1/12/30 2,904 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 145,200 0 0 4 1/12/30 1/12/30 2,904 0 0 1902 300 0 0 U 1/6/30 1/12/32 6 15 0 300 0 0 4J 1/12/30 1/12/32 6 15 0 5,821 10 0 .. 5,821 10 0 Am to Public Works and ; 16,500 0 0 I 5J 1/7/30 1/1/31 453 15 0 Land Settlement Act, 16,500 0 0 | 5J 1/1/31 1/1/31 453 15 0 1903 300 0 0 6 1/7/30 1/1/32 ' 9 0 0 300 0 0 6 1/1/31 1/1/32 ' 9 0 0 2,500 0 0 5i 15/8/30 15/8/33 : 65 12 6 2,500 0 0 5J ! 15/2/31 15/8/33 65 12 6 479,065 0 0 4 ! 1/7/30 1/1/34 ! 9,581 6 0 479,065 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/34 9,581 6 0 600 0 0 4i 1/7/30 1/1/34 13 10 0 600 0 0 4J 1/1/31 1/1/34 13 10 0 1,850 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/9/37 16 8 5 20,262 15 5 .. 20,262 15 5 Aid to Public Works and 153,700 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/31 3,074 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 153,700 0 0 4 1/1'31 1/1/31 3,074 0 0 1905 53,500 0 0 5J 1/7/30 1/1/31 1,471 5 0 53,500 0 0 5J 1/1/31 1/1/31 1,471 5 0 500 0 0 5£ 1/3/31 1/9/37 4 8 9 9,094 18 9 .. 9,094 18 9 Aid to Public Works and 24,900 0 0 6 1/7/30 1/1/32 747 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 24,900 0 0 6 1/1/31 1/1/32 747 0 0 1906 681,500 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/34 13,630 0 0 681,500 0 0 4 1 1/1/31 1/1/34 13,630 0 0 600 0 0 4J 1/7/30 1/1/34 13 10 0 600 0 0 4J 1/1/31 1/1/34 13 10 0 28,781 0 0 . 28,781 0 0 Aid to Public Works and 24,300 0 0 6 1/7/30 1/1/32 729 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 24,300 0 0 6 1/1/31 1/1/32 729 0 0 1907 200,500 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/33 4,010 0 0 200,500 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/33 4.010 0 0 6,050 0 0 5J 1/2/30 1/2/33 166 7 6 127,800 0 0 5* 1/8/30 1/2/33 3,514 10 0 127,250 0 0 5J 1/2/31 1/2'33 3,499 7 6 41,000 0 0 4 15/8/30 15/8/33 759 6 10 41,000 0 0 4 15/2/31 15/8/33 820 0 0 48,850 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 276 16 7 7,850 0 0 5J 15/l> 31 15/8/33 206 1 3 18,720 9 8 .. 18,720 9 8 Aid to Public Works and 50,000 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/4/30 1,000 0 0 I.4SD Settlement Act, 50,000 0 0 4 l/10/.'iO 1/4/49 1,000 0 0 •908 2,000 0 0 i .. 2,000 0 0 Carried forwurd .. .. .. .. .. .. 101,045 13 10 j .. 101,045 13 10

B.—l [Pγ. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-19 3 1

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest -continued.


. I Gross Interest Net Interest „ . . " ate Half-yearly Maturity Amount of cii:.rged to BenmnH— charged to *<*• rrlndpal. per Due D . lt( . Interest. Ordinar; Revenue Recoveries Ordinary Revenue uent. Account. Accojint. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. ; 101,045 13 10 .. 101,045 13 10 Aid to Public Woeks and 173,463 15 3 * 1/6/30 .. 4,314 9 7 Land Settlement Act, 172,047 18 9 * 1/12/30 .. 4,279 5 3 1910 8,593 14 10 .. 8,593 14 10 Aid to Public Woitics and I 149,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/49 2,980 0 0 Land Settlement Act, j 149,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/49 2,980 0 0 1911 5,960 0 0 .. 5,960 0 0 Aid to Public Works and ' 186,500 0 0 4 15/4/30 15/4/30 3,730 0 0 Land Settlement Act, ! 186,500 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/4/49 3,454 1 9 1912 7,184 1 9 .. 7,184 1 9 Aid to Public Works and 2,450,000 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/11/30 49,000 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 2,450,000 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/11/30 49,000 0 0 1914 60,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/7/49 39 9 0 98,039 9 0 .. 98,039 9 0 Aid to Public Works and 4,100 0 0 6 1/2/30 1/8/31 123 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 100,650 0 0 6 1/8/30 1/8/31 3,019 10 0 1921 89,850 0 0 6 1/2/31 1/8/31 > 2,695 10 0 3,700 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/32 97 2 6 3,000 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/32 78 15 0 34,900 0 0 5J 1/8/30 1/2/36 , 959 15 0 34,900 0 0 5J 1/2/31 1/2/36 959 15 0 1,100,000 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/12/51 ; 22,000 0 0 1,100,000 0 0 4 1/12/30 1/12/51 22,000 0 0 51,933 7 6 .. 51,933 7 6 Aid to Water - poweb 32,500 0 0 5 1/4/30 1/10/30 812 10 0 Works Act, 1910 32,500 0 0 5 1/10/30 1/10/30 812 10 0 16,500 0 0 5 1/5/30 1/11/30 412 10 0 16,500 0 0 5 1/11/30 1/11/30 \ 412 10 0 50 0 0 6J 15/2/30 15/8/33 16 3 124,100 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 3,257 12 3 122,100 0 0 ■ 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 | 3,205 2 6 5,800 0 0 ' 4J 1/4/30 1/10/49 j 130 10 0 5,800 0 0 4$ 1/10/30 1/10/49 130 10 0 20,000 0 0 4 J 1/5/30 1/5 50 450 0 0 20,000 0 0 4i 1/11/30 1/5/50 450 0 0 10,075 1 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. •■ 10,07e 10 .. from Electric Supply Account Appropriation Act, 1912 15,000 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/11/50 300 0 0 (Irrigation and Water- 15,000 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/11/50 300 0 0 supply) 600 0 0 .. 600 0 0 Appropriation Act, 1918, 70,000 0 0 4 1/9/30 1/3/34 1,400 0 0 section 33 (Waimarino < 70,000 0 0 4 1/3/31 1/3/34 1,400 0 0 Bush-fire Relief) 2,800 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. •• 1,900 0 0 900 0 0 from General Purposes Relief Account Coal-mines Act, 1925 .. ] 105,200 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/4/34 2,104 0 0 105,200 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/4/34 1,993 12 4 4,097 12 4 Lees amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. •• 4,097 12 4 from State Coalmines Account Deteriorated Lands Act, 22,000 0 0 j 4 1/4/30 1/4/32 440 0 0 1925 22,000 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/4/32 440 0 0 880 0 0.. Less amount recovered from—■ Deteriorated Lands .. .. .. .. M0 0 0 Account Land for Settlements .. .. .. .. 440 0 0 Account •• 880 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. •• 291,209 0 3 16,952 13 4 274,256 6 11 * £4 19s. C-88d. per cent.

B.—l [Pγ. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE continued. Debt Services-Interest- continued.


Ea| . e ! Gross Interest I Net Interest Act. Principal ti'cr Half-yearly Maturity Amount of cluirged to rmvwi.h..« charged to rnucpai. per Due Date Date Interest. Ordinary Kevenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. . Account. £ s. (1. f s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. • Brought forward .. 2!>! .L'li'.l 0 3 16,952 13 4 274,2.36 6 11 Discharged Soldiers 2,856,450 0 04 1/9/30! 1/9/31 57,129 0 0 Settlement Loans Act, 2,856,450 0 0 4 l/3/.'il 1/9/31 r>7.129 0 0 1919, section 4 (Land 90,550 0 0 4£ 1/9/30 1/9/31 2,037 7 6 for Settlements) 90,550 0 0 4J 1/3/31 1/9/31 2,037 7 6 118,332 15 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 72,788 15 0 45,544 0 0 from Land for Settlements Account Discharged Soldiers 100 0 0 5J 1/7/27 1/7/30 2 12 6 Settlement Loans Act, 100 0 0 5£ 1/1/28 1/7/30: 2 12 6 1920 100 0 0 54 1/7/28 1/7/30 2 12 6 100 0 0 5J 1/1/29 1/7/30 2 12 6 150 0 0 5J 1/7/29 1/7/30 3 18 9 200 0 0 5£ 1/1/30 1/7/30 5 5 0 22.400 0 0 5J 1/7/30 1/7/30 588 0 0 33,000 0 0 6 1/8/30 1/8/31 990 0 0 33,000 0 0 6 1/2/31 1/8/31 990 0 0 300 0 0 5J 15/1/29 15/1/33 8 5 0 2,100 0 0 5J 15/7/29 15/1/33 57 15 0 lit, 900 0 0 5£ 15/1/30 15/1/33 547 5 0 1,140,100 0 0 5£ 15/7/30 15/1/33 31,352 15 0 1,123,900 0 0 5J 15/1/31 15/1/33 30,907 5 0 25,690 0 0 5 15/7/30 Various 637 8 8 23,620 0 0 5 15/1/31 Various 347 12 2 66,445 19 7 Less amount recovered from Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account— Year 1929-30 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,114 8 7 Year 1930-31 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 66,445 19 7 Cr.2,114 8 7 District Railways Pur- 40,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/7/49 800 0 0 chasing Acts, 1885-86 40,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/7/49 800 0 0 1,600 0 0 .. 1,600 0 0 Education Purposes Loans 680,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/31 13,600 0 0 Act, 1919 680,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/31 13,600 0 0 50,000 0 0 4J 1/7/30 1/1/31 1,125 0 0 50,000 0 0 4J 1/1/31 1/1/31 1,125 0 0 33,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 j 18/3/31 448 8 9 33,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 18/3/31 660 0 0 33,000 0 0 4| 1/7/30 18/3/31 231 18 0 5,150 0 0 5 1/7/30 29/3/31 128 15 0 5,150 0 0 5 1/1/31 29/3/31 128 15 0 830 0 0 5 1/7/30 19/5/31 20 15 0 830 0 0 5 1/1/31 19/5/31 20 15 0 490 0 0 5 1/7/30 26/5/31 12 5 0 490 0 0 5 1/1/31 26/5/31 12 5 0 530 0 0 5 1/7/30 19/7/31 13 5 0 530 0 0 5 1/1/31 19/7/31 13 5 0 110 0 0 5 1/7/30 3/8/31 2 15 0 110 0 0 5 1/1/31 3/8/31 2 15 0 13,500 0 0 6 1/8/30 1/8/31 405 0 0 10,500 0 0 6 1/2/31 1/8/31 315 0 0 58,390 0 0 5 1/4/30 1/10/31 1,459 15 0 58,390 0 0 5 1/10/30 1/10/31 1,459 15 0 11,000 0 0 6 1/8/30 1/2/32 330 0 0 11,000 0 0 6 1/2/31 1/2/32 330 0 0 2,000 0 0 5i 15/8/30 15/2/32 52 10 0 2,000 0 0 5\ 15/2/31 15/2/32 52 10 0 1,640 0 0 4J 1/4/30 j 1/10/32 36 18 0 1,640 0 0 4J 1/10/30 1/10/32 36 18 0 169,510 0 0 5J 1/4/30 1/10/32 4,449 12 9 169,510 0 0 5} 1/10/30 1/10/32 4,449 12 9 600 0 0 5£ 1/7/30 1/7/33 16 10 0 600 0 0 5| 1/1/31 1/7/33 16 10 0 6,850 0 0 5} 15/2/30 15/8/33 179 16 3 91,750 0 0 5i 15/8/30 15/8/33 2,408 8 9 85,050 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 2,232 11 3 1,074,100 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/34 21,135 3 4 1,074,100 0 0 4 I 1/1/31. 1/1/34 i 21,482 0 0 85,000 0 0 4J 1/7/30 1/1/34 ! 1,075 8 7 30,900 0 0 4J 1/1/31 1/1/34 695 5 0 250,300 0 0 1/7/30 1/7/35 6,570 7 6 234,300 0 0 5j 1/1/31 1/7/35 6,150 7 6 100,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/7/49 2,000 0 0 30,800 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/10/49 616 0 0 30,800 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/10/49 | 616 0 0 i 109,717 16 5 . 109,717 16 5 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. I 587,305 11 .! lf>S,301 16 6 429,003 14 9

B.— J [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued . Debt Services- Interest— continued.


j, , ' Gross Interest Net Interest Ack. PrineiDal t>er i Half-yearly Maturity Amount ol oharged to Recoveries charged to P (Yrit | Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenue ' Account. Account. £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. I .. .. | .. ] .. 587,305 11 3 158,301 16 6 ! 429,003 14 9 Education Purposes Loans 7,000 0 0 4J 1/8/30 1/8/31 I 2 11 9 Act, 1919, and Finance | 7,000 0 0 4£ 1/2/31 1/8/31 i 157 10 0 Act, 1927 (No. 2), sec- I 5,000 0 0 4£ 1/10/30 1/10/31 ' 2 9 4 tion 4 | 15,000 0 0 5 1/7/30 1/1/32 361 12 10 15,000 0 0 5 1/1/31 1/1/32 375 0 0 j 37,800 0 0 5 1/8/30 1/8/32 15 10 8 37,800 0 0 5 1/2/31 1/8/32 945 0 0 240,820 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/33 4,816 8 0 240,820 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/33 4,816 8 0 40,410 0 0 4i 1/8/30 1/2/33 909 4 6 1 40,410 0 0 4i 1/2/31 1/2/33 909 4 6 600 0 0 5 1/8/30 1/2/33 15 0 0 600 0 0 5 1/2/31 1/2/33 15 0 0 2,000 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 52 10 0 2,000 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 52 10 0 15,000 0 0 5} 1/7/30 1/1/35 I 379 14 6 15,000 0 0 5i 1/1/31 1/1/35 393 15 0 55,200 0 0 5J 1/8/30 1/8/35 23 16 4 55,200 0 0 5J | 1/2/31 1/8/35 1,449 0 0 40,000 0 0 5J I 1/10/30 1/10/35 23 0 3 200 0 0 51 15/2/30 15/2/37 5 2 5 10,100 0 0 ot 15/8/30 15/2/37 258 16 6 9,900 0 0 5| 15/2/31 15/2/37 253 13 6 48,050 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/37 1,321 7 6 48,050 0 0 5* 15/2/31 15/2/37 1,321 7 6 1,200 0 0 5J 1/9/30 1/9/37 6 17 4 22,050 0 0 5i 1/3/31 1/9/37 < 567 3 1 34,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/49 655 15 7 34,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/49 680 0 0 : 40,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/7/49 800 0 0 112,260 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/7/49 2,146 4 3 23,731 13 4 .. j 23,731 13 4 Electric - power Works j 200 0 0 5 15/7/29 15/7/30 5 0 0 Loan Act, 1919 | 1,250 0 0 5 15/1/30 15/7/30 31 5 0 53,250 0 0 5 15/7/30 15/7/30 1,331 5 0 700,000 0 0 5 15/1/31 15/7/35 17,500 0 0 18,867 10 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,867 10 0 from Electric Supply Account FINANCE ACT, 1909 (PUBLIC 46,901 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/8/30 938 0 5 WORKS) 46,901 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/8/50 938 0 5 200,000 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/11/50 3,030 2 8 100,000 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/11/50 2,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 4* 1/5/30 1/11/50 1,072 12 1 j 100,000 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/11/50 2,250 0 0 — 10,228 15 7 .. 10,228 16 7 Finance ACT, 1915, SEC- 799,205 0 0 4 15/6/30 15/12/30 15,984 2 0 TION 105 (PUBLIC 799,205 0 0 4 15/12/30 15/12/30 14,663 10 11 WORKS) 30 0 0 4£ 15/6/22 15/12/30 0 13 6 5 0 0 4£ 15/6/26 15/12/30 0 2 3 5 0 0 4I 15/12/26 15/12/30 0 2 3 5 0 0 4£ 15/6/27 15/12/30 0 2 3 5 0 0 4£ 15/12/27 15/12/30 0 2 3 5 0 0 4J 15/6/28 15/12/30 0 2 3 5 0 0 4£ 15/12/28 15/12/30 0 2 3 240 0 0 4J 15/6/29 15/12/30 5 8 0 355 0 0 4* 15/12/29 15/12/30 7 19 9 125,180 0 0 4* 15/6/30 15/12/30 2,174 9 4 76,865 0 0 4£ 15/12/30 15/12/30 1,729 9 3 25 0 0 5A 15/6/26 15/12/30 0 13 9 25 0 0 5£ 15/12/26 15/12/30 0 13 9 25 0 0 5J 15/6/27 15/12/30 0 13 9 25 0 0 i 51, 15/12/21 15/12/30 0 13 9 25 0 0 1 51 15/6/28 15/12/30 0 13 9 75 0 0 5j 15/12/28 15/12/30 2 1 3 75 0 0 J 5J 15/6/29 15/12/30 2 I 3 445 0 0 5i 15/12/29 15/12/30 12 4 9 58,600 0 0 ! 5£ 15/6/30 15/12/30 1,611 10 0 58,600 0 0 5* 15/12/30 15/12/30 1,611 10 0 25 0 0 | 4J 15/12/29 15/12/35 0 11 3 16,070 0 0 4J 15/6/30 15/12/35 361 11 6 12,765 0 0 ! 4i 15/12/30 15/12/35 287 4 3 19,950 0 0 ! 5* 1/3/31 1/9/37 228 0 3 5 0 014} 15/12/28 15/12/40 0 2 3 5 0 0 4| 15/6/29 15/12/40 0 2 3 55 0 0 | 4J 15/12/29 15/12/40 1 4 9 371,700 0 0 ! 4i 15/6/30 15/12/40 8,363 5 0 371,590 0 0 4£ 15/12/30 15/12/40 8,360 15 6 48,000 0 0 4 15/6/30 15/12/50 568 2 2 | 48,000 0 0 4 15/12/30 15/12/50 960 0 0 56,940 15 .. 56,940 1 6 Carried forward .. j .. .. .. .. .. 697,073 11 7 177,169 6 6 519,904 5 1

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest— continued.


Kate Gross Interest Net Interest AOs. PrlndDal Der Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to r p( ~„Hp« charsed to ™* lp ' c 5! nt Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue { Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ b. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 697,073 11 7 177,169 6 6 j 519,904 5 1 FINANCE ACT, 19 1 5 . 5,200 0 0 44 1/7/30 1/1/31 117 0 0 SECTION 106 5,200 0 0 44 1/1/31 1/1/31 117 0 0 800 0 0 44 1/7/30 1/1/36 18 0 0 800 0 0 44 1/1/31 1/1/36 18 0 0 1,000 0 0 44 1/5/30 1/5/36 22 10 0 1,000 0 0 4£ 1/11/30 1/5/36 22 10 0 900 0 0 44 1/7/30 1/1/41 20 5 0 400 0 0 44 1/1/31 1/1/41 9 0 0 2,200 0 0 4£ 1/8/30 1/2/41 49 10 0 2,200 0 0 44 1/2/31 1/2/41 49 10 0 127,500 0 0 4| 30/9/30 31/3/41 2,868 15 0 127,500 0 0 4J 31/3/31 31/3/41 2,868 15 0 71,700 0 0 4£ 1/4/30 1/4/41 1,613 5 0 71,700 0 0 44 1/10/30 1/4/41 1,613 5 0 19,500 0 0 44 15/4/30 15/4/41 438 15 0 19,500 0 0 44 15/10/30 15/4/41 438 15 0 153,200 0 0 44 1/5/30 1/5/41 3,447 0 0 153,200 0 0 44 1/11/30 1/5/41 3,447 0 0 212,900 0 0 4* 1/6/30 1/6/41 4,790 5 0 212,900 0 0 44 1/12/30 1/6/41 4,790 5 0 15,000 0 0 44 | 1/1/30 1/7/41 337 10 0 832,600 0 0 44 1/7/30 1/7/41 18,733 10 0 811,500 0 0 44 1/1/31 1/7/41 18,258 15 0 1,000 0 0 44 I 1/2/30 1/8/41 22 10 0 153,400 0 0 4£ 1/8/30 1/8/41 3,451 10 0 151,900 0 0 4| 1/2/31 1/8/41 3,417 15 0 6,800 0 0 4i 1/9/30 1/9/41 153 0 0 6,800 0 0 4£ 1/3/31 1/9/41 153 0 0 71,286 15 0 Less amount recovered — From Land for Settle- .. .. .. .. 25,660 2 6 ments Account From State Advances .. .. .. .. 450 0 0 .. 26,110 2 6 ! 45,176 12 6 Office (Advances to Workers Branch) . FINANCE ACT, 1916, SEC- 1,600 0 0 4 1/9/30 1/9/30 32 0 0 TION 35 (WAR EXPENSES) 100 0 0 44 1/3/17 1/9/30 2 5 0 100 0 0 4£ 1/9/17 1/9/30 2 5 0 100 0 0 44 1/3/18 1/9/30 2 5 0 100 0 0 4£ 1/9/18 ' 1/9/30 2 5 0 350 0 0 4£ 1/3/19 1/9/30 7 17 6 350 0 0 4J 1/9/19 1/9/30 7 17 6 400 0 0 4J 1/3/20 1/9/30 9 0 0 400 0 0 4J 1/9/20 1/9/30 9 0 0 400 0 0 44 1/3/21 1/9/30 9 0 0 450 0 0 44 1/9/21 1/9/30 10 2 6 450 0 0 4J 1/3/22 1/9/30 10 2 6 400 0 0 4J 1/9/22 1/9/30 9 0 0 400 0 0 44 1/3/23 1/9/30 9 0 0 750 0 0 4\ \ 1/9/23 1/9/30 16 17 6 700 0 0 4J , 1/3/24 1/9/30 15 15 0 400 0 0 1/9/24 1/9/30 9 0 0 400 0 0 4i 1/3/25 1/9/30 9 0 0 400 0 0 4i 1/9/25 1/9/30 9 0 0 600 0 0 4£ 1/3/26 1/9/30 13 10 0 450 0 0 4i 1/9/26 1/9/30 10 2 6 600 0 0 4£ 1/3/27 1/9/30 13 10 0 600 0 0 44 1 1/9/27 1/9/30 13 10 0 1,850 0 0 44 1/3/28 1/9/30 41 12 6 2,850 0 0 44 1/9/28 1/9/30 64 2 6 4,150 0 0 44 1/3/29 1/9/30 93 7 6 10,450 0 0 44 1/9/29 1/9/30 235 2 6 98,300 0 0 44 1/3/30 1/9/30 2,211 15 0 4,515,050 0 0 44 1/9/30 1/9/30 101,588 12 6 450 0 0 6 1/2/30 1/8/31 13 10 0 46,350 0 0 6 1/8/30 1/8/31 1,390 10 0 45,600 0 0 6 1/2/31 1/8/31 1,368 0 0 13,000 0 0 44 1/11/30 1/11/31 3 4 1 8,000 0 0 44 1/12/30 1/12/31 6 18 1 3,000 0 0 44 1/3/31 1/3/32 1 2 2 21,000 0 0 5 1/11/30 1/11/32 5 15 1 Carried forward .. .. 107,255 16 11 | 768,360 6 7 203,279 9 0 565,080 17 7

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest -continued.


B-t- Gross interest Net Interest Act. Principal ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries «h*rged to rruicipai. per D ll(1 D a t e . j Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenur Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. ..I .. 107,255 16 11 768,360 6 7 203,279 9 0 565,080 17 7 FINANCE ACT, 1916, sec- 5,000 0 0 5 1/12/30 1/12/32 4 15 11 TION 35 (WAR EXPENSES) 34,400 0 0 5J 1/11/30 1/11/35 9 17 11 —continued 19,600 0 0 5J 1/12/30 1/12/35 19 14 8 150 0 0 54 1/2/30 1/2/36 4 2 6 20,050 0 0 54 1/8/30 1/2/36 551 7 6 19,700 0 0 54 1/2/31 1/2/36 541 15 0 4,450 0 0 5* 1/9/30 1/9/37 1 12 11 1,114,550 0 0 5i 1/3/31 1/9/37 22,934 1 6 50 0 0 44 1/3/17 1/9/41 0 13 10 50 0 0 44 1/9/17 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/3/18 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 4i 1/9/18 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/3/19 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/9/19 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 4J 1/3/20 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/9/20 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 4i 1/3/21 1/9/41 12 6 50 0 0 44 1/9/21 1/9/41 12 6 50 0 0 44 1/3/22 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/9/22 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/3/23 1/9/41 ! 12 6 50 0 0 44 1/9/23 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/3/24 i 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/9/24 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/3/25 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/9/25 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/3/26 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/9/26 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/3/27 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/9/27 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/3/28 1/9/41 1 % 6 50 0 0 44 1/9/28 1/9/41 1 2 6 50 0 0 44 1/3/29 1/9/41 I 2 6 1,000 0 0 44 1/9/29 1/9/41 22 10 0 11,550 0 0 44 1/3/30 1/9/41 259 17 6 715,550 0 0 4i 1/9/30 1/9/41 16,099 17 6 694,950 0 0 4* 1/3/31 1/9/41 15,636 7 6 2.001.600 0 0 4* 1/3/31 1/9/51 22,984 16 11 4,301,712 11 8 + 1/6/30 106,994 6 11 4.266.601 13 4 t 1/12/30 .. 106,121 1 0 399,469 16 0 .. 399,469 16 0 FINANCE ACT, 1916, SEC- 950,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/8/33 19,000 0 0 TION 49 (Public WORKS) 950,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/8/33 19,000 0 0 38,000 0 0 .. 38,000 0 0 FINANCE ACT, 1916, sec- 27.000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/8/30 540 0 0 tion 50, and Finance 540 0 0 Act, 1920, section 16, (State Forests) Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 540 0 0 from State Forests Account FINANCE ACT, 1917, SEC- 725,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/8/30 14,500 0 0 TION 77 (AID TO PUBLIC 725,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/8/50 14,500 0 0 Works) 29,000 0 0 .. | 29,000 0 0 Finance ACT, 1918, SEC- 240 0 0 5 1/7/30 27/2/30 1 17 6 TION 10 (WAR EXPENSES) 2,006,900 0 0 4 20/4/30 20/4/30 40,124 6 3 200 0 0 5J 1/7/29 1/7/30 5 5 0 2,350 0 0 54 1/1/30 1/7/30 61 13 9 73,800 0 0 54 1/7/30 1/7/30 1,937 5 0 32,700 0 0 54 15/8/30 15/8/33 459 19 0 12,000 0 0 54 15/2/31 15/8/33 315 0 0 28,850 0 0 54 15/8/30 15/2/37 195 3 7 28,850 0 0 54 15/2/31 15/2/37 793 7 6 2,006,900 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/4/49 36,069 3 10 5,993,719 10 1 t 1/6/30 .. 149,078 15 9 5,944,798 5 10 f 1/12/30 .. 147,861 19 11 — — 376,903 17 I .. 376,903 17 1 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,612,273 19 8 203,819 9 0 1,408,454 10 8 t £4 19 5'88d. per cent.

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest — continued.


T>« to Gross Interest Net Interest AoL Princio&l ner Ha K-y ea rly Maturity Amount of charged to R«oovfiHP» charged to " Cent e Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue cove . Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,612,273 19 8 203,819 9 0 1,408,464 10 8 i Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 560 0 0 5 1/7/30 27/2/30 4 7 5 Part IV (War Ex- 66,700 0 0 4J 1/7/30 1/7/30 1,309 0 9 penses) 31,250 0 0 I 5J 1/7/30 I 1/7/30 820 6 3 9,850 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/37 66 14 4 9,850 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/37 270 17 6 100 0 0 4£ 20/4/20 20/4/39 2 11 3 100 0 0 4* 20/10/20 20/4/39 11 5 0 to 20/10/22 200 0 0 4J 20/4/23 20/4/39 9 0 0 to 20/10/23 300 0 0 4} 20/4/24 20/4/39 6 15 0 200 0 0 4£ 20/10/24 20/4/39 4 10 0 700 0 0 4i 20/4/25 20/4/39 47 5 0 to 20/4/26 900 0 0 4i 20/10/26 20/4/39 60 15 0 to 20/10/27 2,000 0 0 4J 20/4/28 20/4/39 45 0 0 2.200 0 0 4J 20/10/28 20/4/39 49 10 0 2,700 0 0 4i 20/4/29 20/4/39 60 15 0 10,300 0 0 4J 20/10/29 20/4/39 231 15 0 2,138,600 0 0 4* 20/4/30 20/4/39 48,118 10 0 2,000,100 0 0 4* 20/10/30 20/4/39 45,002 5 0 10,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/7/49 133 13 11 40,000 0 0 4i 1/1/31 1/7/49 751 8 9 1,990 0 0 5 20/4/30 Various 49 15 0 1,990 0 0 5 20/10/30 Various 4 14 0 97,060 14 2 S .. 97,060 14 2 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 2,500,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/34 12,432 16 2 section 29 (Public 2,500,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/50 12,054 14 9 Works) 2,500,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/50 46,055 12 2 200,000 0 0 2£ .. 19/3/31 1,232 17 6 300,000 0 0 2£ .. 30/3/31 1,849 6 4 500,000 0 0 2J .. 30/3/31 2,928 1 8 50,000 0 0 2ft .. 7/4/31 269 13 10 450,000 0 0 i 2£ .. 30/4/31 2,773 19 5 50,000 0 0 2J .. 12/5/31 304 15 11 800,000 0 0 2} .. 27/5/31 5,364 7 8 200,000 0 0 2jSi< .. 19/6/31 1,346 18 4 100.000 0 0 ' 2g.J . 30/6/31 657 14 1 500,000 0 0 . 2-ft .. 30/6/31 3,229 9 0 350,000 0 0 I 2| .. 30/6/31 2,315 15 1 92,816 1 11 .. 92,816 1 11 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 73,720 0 oi 4 1/9/30 1/3/34 1,474 8 0 section 30 (Cold 73,720 0 0 | 4 1/3/31 1/3/34 1,474 8 0 Storage Advances Ac- 2,948 16 0 count) Less amount recovered from State Advances Office (Cold Storage Advances Account) — Year 1929-30 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,515 2 0 Year 1930-31 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 678 8 0 GV.244 14 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), 221,200 0 0 4 1/9/30 1/3/51 4,424 0 0 section 31 (Discharged 221,200 0 0 4 1/3/31 1/3/51 4,424 0 0 Soldiers Settlement) 200,000 0 0 2 .. 30/6/31 1,277 14 9 10,125 14 9 Less amount recovered .. I .. .. .. .. 10,125 14 9 from Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account FINANCE ACT, 1919, SEC- 6,900 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/37 32 4 0 tion 5 (PUBLIC WORKS) 6,900 0 0 5J 15/2/31 | 15/2/37 189 15 0 89,900 0 0 j 4 1/1/31 1/7/49 1,168 4 9 500,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/50 10,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/50 10,000 0 0 21,390 3 9 21,390 3 9 Finance Act, 1920, sec- 1,700 0 0 4£ 1/4/30 : 1/10/30 38 5 0 tion 15 (Electric- 1,700 0 0 4£ 1/10/30 j 1/10/30 38 5 0 power Works) 18,020 0 0 5 1/4/30 1/10/30 450 10 0 18,020 0 0 5 1/10/30 i 1/10/30 450 10 0 38,300 0 0 5i 15/8/30 15/8/33 1,005 7 6 38,300 0 0 5} 15/2/31 ! 15/8/33 1,005 7 6 250 0 0 5J 1/2/30 ' 1/2/36 6 17 6 96,850 0 0 5| 1/8/30 1/2/36 2,663 7 6 95,150 0 0 54 1/2/31 1/2/36 2,616 12 6 8,275 2 6 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,275 2 6 from Electric Supply Account Carried forward .. .. 1,844,890 12 9 225,413 16 3 1,619,476 16 6

B.—l [Pγ. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest- continued.

4—B. 1 [Pt. 11l •


Gross Interest Net Interest _ . , . Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries ~ charged to Act. Principal. per Due Date Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue ivecove es. Oidlnary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. •• •• 1,844,890 12 9 225,413 16 3 1,619,476 16 6 FINANCE ACT, 1920, SEC- 502,000 0 0 5 1/6/30 1/12/30 12,550 0 0 TION 15 (Nauru AND 502,000 0 0 5 1/12/30 1/12/30 12,366 18 4 Ocean Islands) 24,916 18 4 Less amount recovered .. .. .. •• •• •• 24,916 18 4 from Nauru and Ocean Islands Account FINANCE ACT, 1920, SEC- 1,599,240 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/12/30 30,439 11 8 TION 15 (PUBLIC WORKS) 1,399,240 0 0 4 1/12/30 1/12/30 27,984 16 0 3,150 0 0 5 1/6/30 1/12/30 78 15 0 3,150 0 0 5 1/12/30 1/12/30 78 15 0 2,400 0 0 5 1/6/30 5/10/31 60 0 0 2,400 0 0 5 1/12/30 5/10/31 60 0 0 2,000 0 0 5 1/6/30 5/1/32 50 0 0 2,000 0 0 5 1/12/30 5/1/32 50 0 0 1,220 0 0 5 1/6/30 4/2/32 30 10 0 1,220 0 0 5 1/12/30 4/2/32 30 10 0 100 0 0 5j 15/8/29 15/2/32 2 12 6 1,900 0 0 5J 15/2/30 15/2/32 49 17 6 41,300 0 0 5} 15/8/30 15/2/32 1,084 2 6 40,750 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/32 1,069 13 9 150,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/50 526 0 5 150,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/50 246 11 4 50,000 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/12/50 515 1 4 50,000 0 0 4 1/12/30 1/12/50 1,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 2ft 30/6/31 638 17 5 200,000 0 0 2| .. 15/6/31 1,401 7 4 250.000 0 0 2$ .. 15/6/31 1,711 18 0 150,000 0 0 SU .. 15/6/31 1,039 1 8 150,000 0 0 2f| .. 25/6/31 986 11 2 — — 69,134 12 7 .. 69,134 12 7 Finance ACT, 1921, sec- 150,000 0 0 4 1/9/30 1/9/31 3,000 0 0 TION 10 (PUBLIC Works) 150,000 0 0 4 1/3/31 1/9/31 3,000 0 0 550 0 0 5J 15/2/30 15/2/32 14 8 9 25,100 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/32 658 17 6 25,100 0 0 5i 15/2/31 15/2/32 # # # Finance ACT, 1921-22, 92,000 0 0 5 1/4/30 1/4/34 2,300 0 0 SECTION 26 (Samoan 92,000 0 0 5 1/10/30 1/4/34 2,300 0 0 Loan) v 4,600 0 0 * 4,600 0 0 FINANCE ACT, 1924, SEC- 13,150 0 0 5J 1/7/30 1/7/30 345 3 9 TION 2 (PUBLIC WORKS) 110 0 0 5 1/7/30 29/8/30 2 15 0 110 0 0 5 1/1/31 29/8/30 0 17 9 140 0 0 5 1/7/30 29/9/30 3 10 0 140 0 0 5 1/1/31 29/9/30 1 14 6 2,850 0 0 5 1/7/30 11/11/30 71 5 0 2,850 0 0 5 1/1/31 11/11/30 51 18 6 240 0 0 ! 5 1/7/30 23/11/30 6 0 0 240 0 0 5 1/1/31 23/11/30 4 15 4 830 0 0 1 5 1/7,30 11/1/31 20 15 0 830 0 0 t 5 1/1/31 11/1/31 20 15 0 250 0 0 | 5 1/1/31 1/1/35 3 13 8 75,000 0 0 5J 1/8/30 1/2/36 2,062 10 0 74,500 0 0 5J 1/2/31 1/2/36 2,048 15 0 11,700 0 0 I 5| 15/8/30 15/2/37 79 3 9 11,700 0 0 5i 15/2/31 15/2/37 321 15 0 40,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/7/49 354 4 4 „ 5,399 11 7 .. 5,399 11 7 FINANCE ACT, 1925, SEC- 32,000 0 0 5 1/4/30 1 /'4/34 800 0 0 TION 4 (SAMOAN LOAN) 32,000 0 0 5 1/10/30 1/4/34 800 0 0 1,600 0 0 I»t>UU O U FINANCE ACT, 1929, SEC- 179,300 0 0 5£ 1/3/31 1/9/37 4,258 19 8 TION 2 (Public WORKS) 100,000 0 0 2§ .. 8/7/30 654 9 0 175,000 0 0 2J§ .. 29/7/30 1,077 2 4 100,000 0 0 2ft .. 29/7/30 607 14 1 1 6,598 5 1 .. 6,598 5 1 Carried forward 1.964,472 4 1 250,330 14 7 1,714,141 9 6 * Interest is received on the amounts advanced to Samoa and is credited to " Ordinary Revenne, Interest on Public Money*.

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest- continued.


I . Gross Interest Net Interest . „ I Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to ,, charged to Principal. per ]> lle i) a te. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenue 1/1 Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. ! .. .. .. 1,964,472 4 1 250,330 14 7 1,714,141 9 6 Fishing Industry Promo- 520 0 0 4 1/6/30 ! 1/12/33 10 8 0 tion Act, 1919 520 0 0 14 1/12/30 I 1/12/33 10 8 0 2,685 0 0 4£ 1/6/30 1/12/33 60 8 3 2,685 0 0 4£ 1/12/30 1/12/33 60 8 3 270 0 0 5 1/6/30 1/12/33 6 15 0 270 0 0 i 5 1/12/30 1/12/33 6 15 0 155 2 6 Less amount recovered from State Advances Office (Fishing Industry Promotion Account) — Year 1929-30 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 103 8 5 Year 1930-31 .. .. .. .. .. .. ■. 69 0 8 ft. 17 6 7 Forests ACT, 1921-22 .. 123,500 0 0 4J 1/8/30 1/8/33 2,778 15 0 123,500 0 0 4£ 1/2/31 1/8/33 2,778 15 0 8,500 0 0 i 5| 15/8/30 15/8/33 223 2 6 8,500 0 0 i 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 223 2 6 1,000 0 0 44 1/8/30 1/2/34 22 10 0 1,000 0 0 I 4J 1/2/31 1/2/34 22 10 0 27,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/8/50 540 0 0 6,588 15 0 Less amount recovered .. .. j .. .. .. 6,588 15 0 from State Forests Account Forests ACT, 1921-22, SEC- 5,700 0 0 4£ 1/6/30 1/12/30 128 5 0 TION 40, AND FINANCE 5,700 0 0 I 4J 1/12/30 ' 1/12/30 128 5 0 ACT, 1924, SECTION 16 20,400 0 0 5 1/6/30 1/12/30 510 0 0 20,400 0 0 | 5 ; 1/12/30 [ 1/12/30 510 0 0 53,150 0 0 5J 15/8/30 j 15/8 33 1,395 3 9 53,050 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 1,392 11 3 4,064 5 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. . ■ 4,064 5 0 from State Forests Account Forests ACT, 1921-22, and 24,890 0 0 5 1/8/30 | 1/8/30 622 5 0 FINANCE ACT, 1926, SEC- 24,890 0 0 5 1/2/31 ' 1/8/32 622 5 0 TION 6 55,010 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 1,444 0 3 54,610 0 0 5J 15/2/31 j 15/8/33 1,433 10 3 » 20,000 0 0 5j 1/7/30 I 1/1/35 506 6 0 20,000 0 0 5£ 1/1/31 ! 1/1/35 525 0 0 171,000 0 0 5* 15/8/30 15/2/37 3,895 13 0 163,000 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/37 4,482 10 0 500 0 0 4| 1/8/30 1/8/50 11 5 0 500 0 0 41 1/2/31 1/8/50 11 5 0 13,553 19 6 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,553 19 6 [ from State Forests Account Fruit-preserving Indus- 58,590 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/4/30 1,171 16 0 try Act, 1913, and 56,850 0 0 1 4 1/10/30 ! 1/4/49 1,137 0 0 Finance Act, 1917, sec- 2,308 16 0 tion 80 Less amount recovered from State Advances Office (Fruit-preserv-ing Industry Advances Account) — Year 1929-30 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,313 16 7 Year 1930-31 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,171 5 1 Cr. 176 5 8 Government Railways Act, 1908— Finance Act, 1909 .. 55,500 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/34 1,110 0 0 55,500 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/34 1,110 0 0 1,000 0 0 4£ 1/8/30 1/2/34 22 10 0 1,000 0 0 i 4J 1/2/31 1/2/34 22 10 0 2,265 0 0 .. 2,265 0 0 Railways Improvement 19,900 0 0 6 1/7/30 1/1/32 597 0 0 Authorization Acts, 19,900 0 0 6 1/1/31 i '1/32 597 0 0 1904-7 193,600 0 0 14 1/7/30 1/1/34 3,872 0 0 193,600 0 0 j 4 1/1/31 1/1/34 3,872 0 0 8,938 0 0 .. 8,938 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. J2, 002,346 2 1 |277, 195 4 10 |l, 725,150 17 3

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest — continued.


_ . Gross Interest Net Interest Ant Prwin.1 ntr Half-yearly Maturity Amount of chnrged to charged to Act - Priucip»l. per Due J) at< / Dote / Interest. Ordinary Revenue Kecoveries. Ordinary Bevenue uenl- . Account. Account. £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,002,340 2 1 277,195 4 10 1,725,150 17 3 Government Railways i 162,670 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/34 3,253 8 0 Amendment Act, 1910 162,670 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/34 3,253 8 0 4,160 0 0 4£ 1/7/30 1/1/34 93 12 0 4,160 0 0 4J 1/1/31 1/1/34 93 12 0 6,694 0 0 .. 6,694 0 0 Hatoaki Plains Act, 1926 i:to,ooo 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/8/30 2,600 0 0 I'D,000 0 0 4j 1/8/30 1/8/30 372 16 5 222,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/31 4,379 14 6 222,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 I 1/2/31 4,440 0 0 20,000 0 0 4£ 1/8/30 i 1/2/31 i 64 2 2 201,600 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/8/33 3,648 15 2 i>01.500 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/8/33 4,030 0 0 223,000 0 0 4J 1/8/30 1/8/33 2,962 12 8 116.500 0 0 4J 1/2/31 1/8/33 2,621 5 0 20,000 0 0 5 1/8/30 1/8/33 71 4 8 50,000 0 0 3i 1/4/30 1/10/47 S75 0 0 50,000 0 0 3£ 1/10/30 1/10/47 875 0 0 10,000 0 0 3i 1/4/30 1/10/48 178 0 0 10,000 0 0 3i 1/10/30 1/10/48 175 0 0 25,000 0 0 1 3J 1/4/30 1/4/49 468 16 0 25,000 0 0 3f 1/10/30 1/4/49 468 15 0 4,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/8/50 I 67 18 11 144.000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/8/50 ' 2,880 0 0 6.000 0 0! 4} 1/2/31 1/8/50 136 0 0 31,310 19 6 Less amount recovered .. .. .. . .. .. 14,450 0 0 16,860 19 6 from Hauraki Plains Settlement Account Housing Act, 1919, sec- 345,t>00 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/7/30 6,900 0 0 TION 30 47,820 0 0 4i 1/7/30 1/7/30 498 16 4 34;-),000 0 0 4" 1/1/31 1/7/49 6.900 0 0 10.520 0 0 4J I 1/1/31 1/7/49 236 14 0 37,300 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/7/50 506 17 5 37,300 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/7/50 746 0 0 15,788 7 9 Less amount recovered from State Advances Office (Housing Account) — Year 1929-30 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,97;". 19 0 Year 1930-31 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,905 13 9 Cr. 93 5 0 Housing Act, 1919, sec- 3,975 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/31 79 10 0 TiON 46 (Loans to Eμ- 3,975 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/31 79 10 0 ployers fok \\<ikki:us 159 0 0 Dwelling Account) Less amount recovered I from State Advances Office, Loans to Employers for Workers' Dwellings Account — Year 1929-30 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 118 1 8 Year 1930-31 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 3 5 0 14 11 Hutt Railway ani> Road ! 284,180 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/5/30 5,683 12 0 Improvement Acts, 1903, 9,200 0 0 U 1/5/30 1/5/30 l:Xi 16 10 1905, 1907, and 1910 10,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/34 135 17 9 . 10,000 0 0 4 1/1/30 1/1/34 200 0 0 11,700 0 0 4£ 1/7/30 , 1/1/34 108 lo B 1,700 0 0 44 , 1/1/31 1/1/34 38 5 0 9,200 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/5/50 63 10 I 293,380 0 0 t I II 30 I ". 50 5.867 12 0 12,231 4 4 .. 12,231 4 4 Irrigation and Water- 40,100 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/10/49 802 0 i> supply Act, 1913 40,100 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/10/49 802 0 0 59,900 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/11/60 1,198 0 0 r>9.900 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/11/50 1,198 0 0 I 4,000 0 0 .. 4,000 0 0 Kauri-gum Industky 50,000 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/5/30 1,000 0 0 Amendment Act, 1914 50,000 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/5/60 1.000 0 0 2,000 0 0 .. 2,000 0 0 Kauri-gum Industry 10,500 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/5/30 ! 210 0 0 Amendment Act, 1914, 14,500 0 0 4.', 1/5/30 1/5/30 : 242 15 0 and Appropriation Act, 10,500 tt 0 4" 1/5/30 : 1/5/50 i 72 9 10 1918, section 45 25,000 0 0 4 1/11/30 I 5/60 500 0 0 1,025 4 10 .. 1,025 4 10 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,075,554 18 6 307,685 2 8 1,767,869 15 10

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest- continued.


Gross Jntereet Net Interest orf. i i Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries ° n * rge ,? t0 Act- Principal. per Due Date . Date. Interest. Ordinary Kevenae neoovenra. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,075,554 18 6 307,685 2 8 j 1,767,869 15 10 Land for Settlements 500 0 0 4 1/7/13 1/1/22 10 0 0 Act, 1908 37,000 0 0 5 15/3/30 15/3/30 925 0 0 43,650 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/31 873 0 0 43,650 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/31 873 0 0 17,400 0 0 4£ 1/7/30 1/1/31 319 11 0 12,750 0 0 4| 1/1/31 j 1/1/31 286 17 6 9,600 0 0 54 1/7/30 1/1/31 264 0 0 9,600 0 0 5J 1/1/31 1/1/31 264 0 0 4,100 0 0 54 1/8/30 ' 1/2/31 112 15 0 4,100 0 0 5J 1/2/31 1/2/31 112 15 0 7,600 0 0 6 1/7/30 1/1/32 228 0 0 7,600 0 0 6 1/1/31 ! 1/1/32 228 0 0 5,700 0 0 6 1/8/30 1/2/32 171 0 0 5,700 0 0 6 1/2/31 ] 1/2/32 171 0 0 4,000 0 0 5J 1/7/30 1/1 33 110 0 0 4,000 0 0 54 1/1/31 1/1/33 110 0 0 25,500 0 0 5J 1/8/30 1/2/33 701 5 0 26,600 0 0 54 1/2/31 1/2/33 701 5 0 34,307 9 7* 1/6/30 .. 853 6 3 34,027 9 2 * 1/12/30 j .. 846 6 11 8,161 1 8 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. -. ■• 8,161 18 from Land for Settlements Account Land for Settlements 9,950 0 0 4 1/7/30 I 1 31 135 4 2 Act, 1925 9,950 0 0 4 1/1/31 1 1/31 199 0 0 I 5,300 0 0 44 1/7/30 1/1 31 37 4 10 841,066 0 0 4 \ 1/9/30 1 3 32 16,821 6 4 S41.066 0 0 4 1/3/31 1/3/32 16,821 6 1 13,000 0 0 5J I 1/9/30 1 3 32 341 5 0 13,000 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/3/32 341 5 0 180,000 0 0 44 1/4/30 1/4/33 4,050 0 0 ISO,000 0 0 4| 1/10/30 1/4/33 4,050 0 0 8,400 0 0 5J 16/8/30 16/8/33 220 10 0 6,200 0 0 5£ 15/2/31 16/8/33 162 15 0 800 0 0 l> 30/9/30 30 !• X! 18 0 0 800 0 0 44 31/3/31 30 9 33 18 0 0 1,009,160 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/34 20,170 7 7 1,009,160 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/34 20,183 4 0 347,175 0 0 44 1/7/30 1/1/34 7,780 9 10 345,175 0 0 44 1/1/31 1/1/34 7,766 8 9 141,100 0 0 44 1/8/30 1/2/34 3,174 15 0 141,100 0 0 44 1/2/31 1/2/34 3,174 15 0 244,800 0 0 44 1/9/30 1/3/34 5,508 0 0 244,800 0 0 44 J 1/3/31 1/3/34 5,508 0 0 147,100 0 0 44 1/4/30 1/4/34 3,309 15 0 147,100 0 0 44 i 1/10/30 1/4/34 3,309 16 0 37,000 0 0 5 15/9/30 15/3/35 925 0 0 12.380 0 0 5 1/12/30 1/6/35 235 6 10 1,600 0 0 5J 15/8 30 L6 2/37 38 8 9 1,600 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/37 38 8 9 142,860 0 0 54 15/8/30 15/2/37 3,926 10 5 131.300 0 0 r> \ 15 2 .11 l"> 2/37 3,610 15 0 38,350 0 0 : 54 ] 1/3 31 1/0/37 761 4 7 1,378,150 0 0 i 4 1/10/30 1/4/49 27,563 0 0 23,764 16 7 4 1/5/30 : 1/11/50 475 5 11 23, 764 16 7 4 1/11/30 1/11/50 140 13 4 160,816 0 5 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 160,816 0 5 from Land for Settlements Account Land Laws Amendment 764,050 0 0 4 1/4/30 1,4/30 15,281 0 0 Act, 1913 , 15,281 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,28100 from Land for Settlements Account Land Laws Amendment 614,100 0 0 4 1/4/30 I 4 30 12,282 0 0 ; Act, 1913, and Appro- 12,282 0 0 PRIATION Act, 1918, section 42 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,282 0 0 from Land for Settlements Account Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,272,095 0 7 504,225 4 9 1,767,869 15 10 * £4 19s. 5-88d. per oent

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-19 31.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest — continued.


n ., : Gross Interest Net Interest ... PiWiiml tiTr Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Rervwiriea charced to Act - principal, per Uue Dttte _ Interest. Ordinary Revenue Kecovenes. ordinary Kevena* UM - Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,272,095 0 7 504,225 4 9 1,767,869 15 10 Lands Improvement and 400,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1 '2/50 8,000 0 0 Native Land Acquisi- 400,000 0 0 4 1/2/31- 1/2/50 8,000 0 0 TION Act, 1894 16,000 0 0 .. 16,000 0 0 Local Bodies' Loans Act, ,1,870,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/50 37,400 0 0 1908 11,870,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/50 37,400 0 0 74,800 0 0 .. 74,800 0 0 Local Bodies'Loans Act, 250,225 0 0 4 1/9/30 1/9/30 5,004 10 0 1908, and Government 250,225 0 0 4 1/3/31 | 1/9/51 5,004 10 0 Loans to Local Bodies' \ 10,00!t 0 0 .. 10,009 0 0 Act, 1886 Main Highways Act, 1922 4,250 0 0 4J 1/4/30 1/4/30 95 12 6 17,050 0 0 5 1/4/30 1/4/31 426 5 0 17,050 0 0 5 1/10/30 I I 31 426 5 0 100,000 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/6/31 2,000 o 0 100,000 0 0 4 1/12/30 ! 1/6/31 2,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 4£ 1/6/30 1/6/31 1,125 0 0 50,000 0 0 4£ 1/12/30 1/6/31 1,126 0 0 33,450 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 878 I 3 33,450 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 878 1 3 21,550 0 0 5J 1/4/30 1/4/34 565 13 9 21,550 0 0 6} 1/10/30 1/4/34 565 13 9 4,450 0 0 f> 1/5/30 1/5/34 96 19 2 4,450 0 0 5 1/11/30 1/5/34 111 5 0 4,250 0 0 4J 1/10/30 1/4/35 95 12 6 9,550 0 0 5J 15/8/30 -15/2/37 244 14 10 9,550 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/37 244 13 11 100 0 0 5J 15/2/30 15/2/37 0 9 11 132,950 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/37 3,027 7 7 131,250 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/37 3,609 7 6 42,950 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/9/37 1,117 19 0 18,634 I 11 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,634 III from Main Highways Account (Revenue Fund) Maori Land Settlement 181,675 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/50 3,633 10 0 Act, 1905 181,675 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/50 3,633 10 0 7,267 0 0 .. 7,267 0 0 Maori Land Settlement 50,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/50 1,000 0 0 Act Amendment Act, 50,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/50 1,000 0 0 1907 — 2,000 (I (I .. 2,000 0 0 Mining Amendment Act, 11,500 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/5/30 230 0 0 1913 11,500 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/5/50 230 0 0 — 460 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 460 0 0 from Mining Advances Account Mining Amendment Act, 12,000 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/5/31 240 0 0 1913, and Amendment 12,000 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/5/31 240 0 0 Act, 1919 10,550 0 0 4i 1/5/30 1/5/31 221 2 2 6,490 0 0 4J 1/11/30 1/5/31 146 0 6 ! 847 2 8 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 340 0 0 507 2 8 from Mining Advances Account Native Land Amendment 855,900 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/4/30 17,118 0 0 Act, 1913 261,000 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/4/31 5,03!) 15 7 261,000 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/4/31 5,220 0 0 123,600 0 0 4J 1/4/30 1/4/31 2,735 11 3 112,600 0 0 4J 1/10/30 I 1/4/31 2,633 10 0 100,000 0 0 5J 15/8/30 ! 15/8/33 \ 2,625 0 0 100,000 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 2,625 0 0 940,000 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/4/34 15,793 12 2 940,000 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/4/34 18,800 0 0 340,000 0 0 4£ 1/4/30 1/4/34 (i,()95 7 3 181,500 0 0 4£ 1/10/30 ! 1/4/34 4.083 15 0 25,000 0 0 5 1/4/30 1/4 31 .1111 5 6 3,000 0 0 4i 5/6/30 5/12/37 67 10 0 3,000 0 0 4* 5/12/30 5/12/37 67 10 0 20,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 I/I 19 385 15 1 20,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/49 400 0 0 855,900 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/4/49 17,118 0 0 3,730 12 3 4 1/5/30 1/11/50 74 12 3 3,730 12 3 4 1/11/30 1/11/50 22 1 7 102,215 5 8 .. 102,215 5 8 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,504,327 10 10 523,659 6 8 1,980,668 4 2

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 30-19 31.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest — continued.


p . Gross Interest Net Interest ntr Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to Act - Principal. per ue j) ate Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue * Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. ' £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 2,504,327 10 10 523,659 6 8 1,980,668 4 2 NATIVE LAND Pubchase 125,000 0 0 4 30/4/30 31/10/32 2,500 0 0 ACT, 1892 125,000 0 0 4 31/10/30 31/10/32 2,500 0 0 — 5,000 0 0 .. 5,000 0 0 NAVAL Defence ACT, 1909 618,958 16 7 j * 1/6/30 .. 15,395 1 1 605,459 18 11 * 1/12/30 .. 15,059 6 0 30,454 7 1 .. 30,454 7 1 NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 13,000 0 0 14 15/4/30 15/4/30 260 0 0 1908, AND Consolidated 13,000 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/4/49 240 15 4 Loan ACT, 1867 500 15 4 .. 500 15 4 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908:— Consolidated Stock Act, 744,700 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/34 14,894 0 0 1884 744,700 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/34 14,894 0 0 29,788 0 0 .. | 29,788 0 0 Defence and other Pur- 100,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/50 2,000 0 0 poses Loan Act, 1870 100,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/50 2,000 0 0 ' 4,000 0 0 .. I 4,000 0 0 General Purposes Loan 60,700 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/11/50 1,024 8 4 Act, 1873 60,700 0 0 j 4 1/11/30 1/11/50 1,214 0 0 2,238 8 4 .. 2,238 8 4 Immigration and Public 27,900 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/50 558 0 0 Works Loan Act, 1870 27,900 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/50 558 0 0 1,116 0 0 .. 1,116 0 0 New Zealand Consoli- .. 4 1/5/29 1/11/29 Gr.4,397 13 10 dated Stock (London 1,889,500 0 0 4 1/11/29 1/11/29 9,294 12 8 Issue) 17,176,532 0 0 3J 1/7/30 1/1/40 300,589 6 2 17,176,532 0 0 3J 1/1/31 1/1/40 300,589 6 2 2,500 0 0 3 1/4/30 1/4/45 37 10 0 9,659,480 1 1 3 1/10/30 1/4/45 144,892 4 0 9,657,480 1 1 3 1/4/31 1/4/45 144,862 4 0 10,884,628 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/63 217,692 11 1 10,884,628 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/63 217,692 11 1 1 1 -1,331,252 11 4 Less — Amount recovered from Cheviot Estate Account on £160,918 2,816 1 3 3 J-per-cent. Stock, 1940 Amount recovered from Land for Settlements Account — £ s. d. On 3-per-cent. Stock, 1945 .. .. 2,074 18 10 On 4-per-cent. Stock, 1943-63 .. .. 34,346 0 8 On 3J-per-cent. Stock, 1940 .. .. 38,426 3 1 74,847 2 7 Amount recovered from State Advances Office — On £3,008,728 13s. 7d. 3 per cent. 1945 Stock, 1 year to 1 April, 1931— Settlers Branch (£3,001,582 10s. 2d.) .. 90,047 9 6 Workers Branch (£2,382 Is. 2d.) .. .. 71 9 4 Local Authorities Branch (£4,764 2s. 3d.) .. 142 18 8 On £1,032,365 3£ per cent. 1940 Stock, 1 year to 1 Jan., 1931 — Settlers Branch (£881,848) .. .. 30,864 12 10 Workers Branch (£147,184) .. .. 5,151 8 10 Local Authorities Branch (£3,333) .. 116 13 0 On £2,834,521 4 per cent. 1943-63 Stock, 1 year to 1 Feb., 1931 — Settlers Branch (£1,426,188) .. .. 57,047 10 2 Workers Branch (£410,000) .. .. 16,400 0 0 Local Authorities Branch (£998,333) .. 39,933 6 8 239,775 9 0 Amount recovered from State Coal-mines Account— On 3J-per-cent. 1940 Stock .. .. 14 11 8 On 4-per-cent. 1943-63 Stock .. .. 2,066 13 4 2,081 5 0 .. 319,519 17 10 1,011,732 13 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,908,677 12 11 843,179 4 6 3,065,498 8 5 * £4 103. 5-88d. per oent.

B.—l [Pγ. 111.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest — continued.


Gross Interest Net Interest . , D . , la Ball-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Ttecovi-rips charced to Act. Principal. per Due jjate. jj ate . Interest. Ordinary Revenue reveries. Ordinary liexenue t ' ent - Account. Account. I £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. •• 3,908,677 12 11 843,170 4 6 3,065,408 8 5 New Zealand Loans Act, : 1908 — continued. New Zealand Consolidated Stock. 1933-43— Aid to Public Works and 3,000,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/43 60,000 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 3,000,000 0 0 4 1/1/31; 1/1/43 60,000 0 0 1922 120,000 0 0 _ New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10— Land for Settle- 210,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/43 4,200 0 0 ments Branch 210,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/43 4,200 0 0 8,400 0 0 Advances to Settlers 40,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/43 800 0 0 Branch 40,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/43 800 0 0 1,600 0 0 J Advances to Work- 750,000 0 0 4 1 7/30 1/1/43 15,000 0 0 ers Branch 750,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/43 15,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 I ! 160,000 0 0 Less amount recovered, — From State Advances Office — New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10 — Advances to Settlers Branch .. .. .. .. 1,600 0 0 Advances to Workers Branch .. .. .. .. 30,000 0 0 From Land for Settlements Account— New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acta, 1909-10 — Land for Settlements .. .. .. .. .-I 8,400 0 I) .. 40,000 0 0 120,000 0 0 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1944— Aid to Public Works 324,851 10 6 4£ 1/9/30 1/3/44 7,309 IS l , and Land Settlement 324,85110 6 41 1/3/31 1/3/44 7,309 3 2 Act, 1922 i 14,618 (i 4 Education Purposes 250,000 0 0 4J 1/9/80 L/3/44 5,625 0 0 Loans Act, 1919 250,000 0 0 -4J 1/3/31 1/3/44 5,025 0 0 ' 11,250 0 0 Finance Act, 1923, sec- 3,211,599 15 9 4t 1/9/30 1/3/44 72,260 19 1] tion 2 (Public Works) 3,211,599 15 9 4J 1/3/31 1/3/44 72,260 19 11 144.521 19 10 . Native Land Amend- 200,000 0 0 4J 1/0/30 1/3/44 4,500 0 0 ment Act, 1913 200,000 0 0 4J 1/3/31 1/3/44 4,500 0 0 9,000 0 0 ! New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10— Land for Settlements 22,739 12 3 4i 1/9/30 1/3/44 511 12 10 Branch 22,739 12 3 4J 1/3/31 1/3/44 511 12 10 , 1,023 5 8 Advances to Settlers 4,331 7 0 4J 1/9/30 1/3/44 97 9 1 Branch 4,331 7 0 4J 1/3/31 1/3/44 97 9 1 194 18 2 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. •• 14,068,677 12 11 J883, 179 4 6 J3,185,498 8 5

B. 1 [Pγ. ll]


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest — continued.


Rate ' Gross-Interest Net Interest Act. Principal ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Reverie, charged to Cent. e Bate. Interest. Ordinary ltevenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenu* Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,068,677 12 11 883,179 4 6 3,185,498 8 5 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—continued.. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1944—contd. New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10—contd. Advances to Workers 81,212 17 7 4| 1/9/30 1/3/44 1,827 5 10 Branch 81,212 17 7 4J 1/3/31 | 1/3/44 1,827 5 10 State Advances Act, 3,654 11 8 1913— Advances to Sett.lers 1,603,132 8 6 4J 1/9/30 j 1/3/44 36,070 9 7 Branch 1,603,132 8 6 4J 1/3/31 ! 1/3/44 36,070 9 7 72,140 19 2 Advances to Workers 1,603,132 8 5 4£ 1/9/30 1/3/44 36,070 9 7 Branoh 1,603,132 8 5 4£ 1/3/31 1/3/44 36,070 9 7 72,140 19 2 I Swamp Drainage Act, 50,000 0 0 4£ 1/9/30 1/3/44 1,125 0 0 1915, and Appropria- 50,000 0 0 4J 1/3/31 j 1/3/44 1,125 0 0 tion Act, 1918, section 46 2,250 0 0 1 330,795 0 0 Less amount recovered from State Advances Office, — New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10— Advances to Settlers .. .. .. .. .. 194 18 2 Advances to Workers .. .. .. .. .. 3,654 11 8 State Advances Act, 1913— Advances to Settlers .. .. .. .. .. 72,140 19 2 Advances to Workers .. .. .. .. .. 72,140 19 2 Less amount recovered from Land for Settlements Account, — New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10 — Land for Settlements .. .. .. .. .. 1,023 5 8 .. 149,154 13 10 181,640 6 2 New Zealand Consolidated Stock 19d5 Aid to 'Public Works 1,084,009 1 9 4| 1/9/30 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 and Land Settlement 1,084,009 1 9 4J 1/3/31 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 Act, 1922 48,780 8 2 Electric-power Works 542,004 10 10 44 1/9/30 1/3/45 12,195 2 1 Loan Act, 1919 542,004 10 10 4£ 1/3/31 1/3/45 12,195 2 1 24,390 4 2 Finance Act, 1923, sec- 1,084,009 1 9 4£ 1/9/30 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 tion 2 (Public Works) 1,084,009 1 9 1/3/31 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 48,780 8 2 Finance Act, 1924, sec- 1,626,013 12 6 4£ 1/9/30 1/3/45 36,585 5 11 tion 2 (Public Works) 1,626,013 12 6 4J 1/3/31 1/3/45 36,585 5 11 73,170 11 10 Main Highways Act, ; 542,004 10 10 4J 1/9/30 j 1/3/45 12,195 2 1 1922 542,004 10 10 4J 1/3/31 1/3/45 12,195 2 1 24,390 4 2 Railways Improvement 542,004 10 10 4| 1/9/30 1/3/45 12,195 2 1 Authorisation Act, 542,004 10 10 1/3/31 1/3/45 12,195 2 1 1914 24,390 4 2 State Advances Act, \ 1913— Advances to Settlers 1,084,009 1 8 4i 1/9/30 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 Branch |l,084,009 1 8 4* 1/3/31 ; 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 I I | | 48,780 8 2 Advances to Worker" jl,084,009 1 8 4t 1/9/30 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 Branch 1,084,009 1 8 4$ | 1/3/31 | 1/3/45 24,390 4 1 I 48,780 8 2 I — j 341,462 17 0 Carried forward .. 4,740,935 9 11 1,032,333 18 4 5,367,138 14 7

B.—l [Pt. lIJ.


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest— continued.

s—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


Gross Interest Net Interest Act PriiiciDal ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Rpnnveries charged to Cent ue Date ' Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ g. d. £ a. d. £ s/d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 4,740,935 9 11 1,032,333 18 4 3,367,138 14 7 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—continued. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1945—ctd. Less amount recovered from— Electric Supply Account (Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919) 24,390 4 2 Main Highways Account Revenue Fund (Main Highways Act, 1922) 24,390 4 2 State Advances Office — State Advances Act, 1913— Advances to Settlers .. .. .. .. .. 48,780 8 2 Advances to Workers .. .. .. .. .. 48,780 8 2 .. 146,341 4 8 195,121 12 4 New Zealand Consolidated Stock 1935-45 Aid to Public Works 30,083 6 8 5 1/7/30 1/7/45 752 1 8 and Land Settlement 30,083 6 8 5 1/1/31 1/7/45 752 1 8 Act, 1902 1,504 3 4 Aid to Public Works 2,861,553 6 8 5 1/7/30 1/7/45 71,538 16 8 and Land Settlement 2,861,553 6 8 5 1/1/31 1/7/45 71,538 16 8 Act, 1921 —— 143,077 13 4 Discharged Soldiers 255,495 16 8 5 1/7/30 1/7/45 6,387 7 11 Settlement Loans 255,495 16 8 5 1/1/31 1/7/45 6,387 7 11 Act, 1920 12,774 15 10 Education Purposes 510,991 13 3 5 1/7/30 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 Loans Act, 1919 510,991 13 3 5 1/1/31 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 25,549 11 8 Electric-power Works 510,991 13 4 5 1/7/30 1/7/45 12,774,15 10 Loan Act, 1919 510,991 13 4 5 1/1/31 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 25,549 11 8 Forests Act, 1921-22 204,396 13 5 5 1/7/30 1/7/45 5,109 18 4 204,396 13 5 5 1/1/31 1/7/45 5,109 18 4 10,219 16 8 Native Land Amend- 255,495 16 9 5 1/7/30 1/7/45 6,387 7 11 ment Act, 1913 255,495 16 9 6 1/1/31 1/7/45 6,387 7 11 New Zealand Loans 12,774 15 10 Act, .1908 — Publio Works Fund— General Purposes 5,000,000 0 0 5 1/7/30 1/7/45 125,000 0 0 Account 5,000,000 0 0 5 1/1/31 1/7/45 125,000 0 0 250,000 0 0 War Purposes Loan 510,991 13 3 5 1/7/30 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 ; Act, 1917, .. 510,991 13 3 5 1/1/31 1/7/45 12,774 15 10 i 25,549 11 8 507,000 0 0 Less amount recovered from—Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account (Discharged Soldiers 12,774 15 10 Settlement Loans Act, 1920) Electric Supply Account (Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919) 25,549 11 8 State Forests Account (Forests Act, 1921-22) .. .. 10,219 16 8 .. 48,544 4 2 458,455 15 10 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1946— , Electric-power Works 2,066,661 6 2 5 1/7/30 1/1/46 1 51,666 10 8 Loan Act, 1919 2,066,661 6 2 5 1/1/31 1/1/46 51,666 10 8 103,333 1 4 Finance Act, 1920, sec- i 500,000 0 0 5 1/7/30 1/1/46 12,500 0 0 tion 15(PublicWorks) 500,000 0 0 5 1/1/31 1/1/46 12,500 0 0 Carried forward .. .. 5,247,935 9 11 1,227,219 7 2 4,020,716 2 9

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 0-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest- continued.


t I Gross Interest Net Interest Act Principal m-i Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Reoovertm „ charged to .P. Due Date. \ Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenue ! Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 5,247,935 9 11 1,227,219 7 2 4,020,716 2 9 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—continupxl. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1946 —cnid. 25,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1925, sec- 4,151,450 10 2 5 | 1/7/30 1/1/46 103,786 5 3 tion2 (Public Works) 4,151,450 10 2 5 j 1/1/31 1/1/46 103,786 5 3 207,572 10 6 Finance Act, 1926, sec- 3,597,270 9 10 5 1/7/30 1/1/46 89,931 15 3 tion 2 (Public Works) 3,597,270 9 10 5 1/1/31 1/1/46 89,931 15 3 179,863 10 6 Railways Improvement 934,076 7 4 5 1/7/30 1/1/46 23,351 18 2 Authorization Act, 934,076 7 4 5 1/1/31 1/1/46 23,351 18 2 1914 46,703 16 4 Railways Improvement 1,644,466 10 3 5 1/7/30 1/1/46 41,111 13 3 Authorization Act, 1,644,466 10 3 5 1/1/31 1/1/46 41,111 13 3 1914, and Finance Act, 1926, section 3 82,223 6 6 644,696 5 2 Less amount recovered from Electric Supply Account (Electric- .. .. 103,333 1 4 541,363 3 10 power Works Loan Act, 1919) New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1947 — Electric-power Works 1,081,909 7 2 4* 1/5/30 1/11/47 24,342 19 2 Loan Act, 1919 1,081,909 7 2 4i 1/11/30 1/11/47 24,342 19 2 48,685 18 4 Finance Act, 1926, sec- 1,622,864 0 9 4i 1/5/30 1/11/47 36,514 8 9 tion 2 (Public Works) 1,622,864 0 9 4J 1/11/30 1/11/47 36,514 8 9 73,028 17 6 Finance Act, 1927 (No. 1,622,864 0 9 4£ 1/5/30 1/11/47 36,514 8 9 2), section 2 (Public 1,622,864 0 9 4£ 1/11/30 1/11/47 36,514 8 9 Works) 73,028 17 6 New Zealand Loans 590,453 4 2 4J 1/5/30 1/11/47 13,285 3 11 Act, 1908, Ordinary 590,453 4 2 4J 1/11/30 1/11/47 13,285 3 11 Revenue Account— Miscellaneous 26,570 7 10 Public Works Fund— 5,256,348 7 9 4£ 1/5/30 1/11/47 118,267 17 0 General Purposes 5,256,348 7 9 4J 1/11/30 1/11/47 118,267 16 11 Account 236,535 13 11 Railways Improvement 1,081,909 0 0 4£ 1/5/30 1/11/47 24,342 19 2 Authorization Act, 1,081,909 0 0 4£ 1/11/30 1/11/47 24,342 19 2 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), 48,685 18 4 section 3 506,535 13 5 Less amount recovered from— Electric Supply Account — Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. .. .. 48,685 18 4 457,849 15 1 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1949— Education Purposes 210,000 0 0 5 15/12/30 15/12/49 5,250 0 0 Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), section 4 Finance Act, 1915, sec- 100,000 0 0 5 15/12/30 15/12/49 2,500 0 0 tion 105 (Public Works) — Finance Act, 1920, sec- 592,566 7 4 5 15/12/30 15/12/49 14,814 3 2 tion 15 (Electricpower Works) ——-i Finance Act, 1920, sec- 150,000 0 0 5 15/12/30 15/12/49 3,750 0 0 tion 15 (Public Works) Finance Act, 1927 (No. 196,730 9 6 5 15/12/30 15/12/30 4,918 5 3 2), section 2 (Public Works) Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,399,167 8 6 1,379,238 6 10 5,019,929 1 8

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest — continued.


j, t Gross Interest Net Interest Act Princinal ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Rwnverie. charged to A L rnncipai. per Due Date Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,399,167 8 6 1,379,238 6 105,019,929 1 8 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—contin tied. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1949—contd. Finance Act, 1928, sec- 1,185,132 14 8 5 15/12/30 15/12/49 29,628 6 5 tion 2 (Public Works) , Finance Act, 1929, sec- 13,737,119 4 6 5 15/12/30 15/12/49 93,427 19 7 tion 2 (Public Works) i Land for Settlements 110,000 0 0 5 15/12/30 15/12/49 2,750 0 0 Act, 1925 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— Public Works Fund—, 360,835 18 0 5 15/12/30 15/12/49 9,020 17 11 General Purposes Account Railways Improvement 857,615 6 0 5 15/12/30 15/12/49 21,440 7 8 Authorization Act, 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), section 3 1 187,500 0 0 Less amount recovered from— Electric Supply Account — Finance Act, 1920, section 15 (Electric-power Works) .. 14,814 3 2 Land for Settlements Account— Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. • .. .. 2,750 0 0 .. 17,564 3 2 169,935 16 10 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1951— State Advances Act, 1913— Advances to Settlers 1,250,000 0 0 5J 1/8/30 1/2/51 34,375 0 0 Branch 1,250,000 0 0 5£ 1/2/31 1/2/51 34,375 0 0 68,750 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 68,750 0 0 from State Advances Office (Advances to Settlers Branch) New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1936-51— Electric-power Works 1,076.938 9 3 6 1/8/30 1/8/51 32,308 3 1 Loan Act, 1919 1,076,938 9 3 6 1/2/31 1/8/51 32,308 3 1 64,616 6 2 Finance Act, 1916, sec- 1,774 12 10 6 1/8/30 1/8/51 53 4 9 tion 50, and Finance 1,774 12 10 6 1/2/31 1/8/51 53 4 9 Aot, 1920, section 16 — (State Forests) 106 9 6 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 512,533 0 8 6 1/8/30 1/8/51 15,375 19 10 2), Part IV (War 512,533 0 8 6 1/2/31 1/8/51 15,375 19 10 Expenses) 30,751 19 8 Finance Act, 1920, sec- 807,703 17 0 6 1/8/30 1/8/51 24,231 2 4 Ition 15 (Electric- 807,703 17 0 6 1/2/31 1/8/51 24,231 2 4 power Works) 48,462 4 8 Finance Act, 1921, sec- 2,423,111 10 11 6 1/8/30 1/8/51 72,693 6 11 tion 10 (Public 2.423,111 10 11 6 1/2/31 1/8/51 72,693 6 11 Works) 145,386 13 10 | Railwavs Improvement 1,076,938 9 4 6 1/8/30 1/8/51 32,308 3 1 Authorization Act, 1,076,938 9 4 6 1/2/31 1/8/51 32,308 3 1 1914 64,616 6 2 353,940 0 0 Less amount recovered from— Electric Supply Account— Electric power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. .. 64,616 6 2 Finance Act, 1920, section 15 (Electric-power Works) .. 48,462 4 8 113,078 10 10 State Forests Account —Finance Act, 1916, section 50, and 106 9 6 Finance Act, 1920, section 16 .. 113,185 0 4 240,754 x9 8 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1948-58 — New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— Public Works Fund— 12,227,987 13 3 4* 1/9/30 1/3/58 275,129 14 5 General Purposes 12,227,987 13 3 4£ 1/3/31 1/3/58 275,129 14 5 Account 550,259 8 10 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,009,357 8 6 1,578,737 10 45,430,619 18 2 1 ! : : ! i_l

B.—l [Pt. II

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services—Interest— continued.


Pat,, Gross Interest Net Interest Act Prinoinil Half-yearly Maturity Amount of oliarged to n-*.™,,!.. charged to Qg U (. Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recover es. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. I £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,009,357 8 6 1,578,737 10 4 5,430,619 18 2 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—continued. , New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1948-58 —ctd. Finance Act, 1920, see- 1,000,000 0 0 4J 1/9/30 1/3/58 22,500 0 0 tion 15 (Electric- 1,000,000 0 0 4£ 1/3/31 1/3/58 22,500 0 0 power Works) 45,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2,500,000 0 0 4J 1/9/30 1/3/58 56,250 0 0 2), section 2 (Public 2,500,000 0 0 4A 1/3/31 1/3/58 56,250 0 0 Works) 112,500 0 0 Finance Act, 1928, sec- 2,000,000 0 0 4J 1/9/30 1/3/58 45,000 0 0 tion 2 (Public Works) 2,000,000 0 0 4J 1/3/31 1/3/58 45,000 0 0 90,000 0 0 Railways Improvement 1,441 11 6 4£ 1/3/30 1/3/58 32 8 8 Authorization Act, 1,500,000 0 0 1/9/30 1/3/58 33,750 0 0 1914, and Finance 1,499,038 19 0 4| 1/3 31 1/3/58 33,728 7 7 Act, 1927 (No. 2), section 3 67,510 16 3 865,270 5 1 Less amount recovered from—Electric Supply Account—Finance Act, 1920, section 15 (Electric-power Works) .. .. .. 45,000 0 0 820,270 5 1 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Aid to Public Works and 100 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/9/37 0 17 9 Land Settlement Act, 100 0 0 5£ 1/3/30 1/9/41 2 12 6 1900 600 0 0 5J 1/9/30 1/9/41 15 15 0 600 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/9/41 15 15 0 35 0 3 .. 35 0 3 Aid to Public Works and 38,700 0 0 5J 1/9/30 1/9/41 1,015 17 6 Land Settlement Act, 38,700 0 0 5} 1/3/31 1/9/41 1,015 17 6 !9<> 2 2,031 15 0 .. 2,031 15 0 Aid to Public Works and 4,430 0 0 5£ 1/7/30 1/1/31 121 16 6 Land Settlement Act, 4,430 0 0 5J 1/1/31 1/1/31 121 16 6 1903 1,000 0 0 5j 15/8/30 I 15/8/33 26 5 0 1,000 0 0 5{ 15/2/31 15/8/33 26 5 0 4,880 0 0 5A 1/3/31 1/9/37 43 7 4 10,000 0 0 4$ 1/1/31 1/7/41 225 0 0 200 0 0 5 1/9/30 1/9/41 5 0 0 200 0 0 5 1/3/31 1/9/41 5 0 0 183,800 0 0 5i 1/9/30 1/9/41 4,824 15 0 183,800 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/9/41 4,824 15 0 10,224 0 4 .. 10,224 0 4 Aid to Public Works and 50,000 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/9/37 444 10 5 Land Settlement Act, 444 10 5 111 10 5 1905 Aid to Public Works and 100 0 0 6 1/7/30 1/1/32 3 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 100 0 0 6 1/1/31 1/1/32 3 0 0 1906 1,000 0 0 5i 1/9/30 1/9/41 26 5 0 1,000 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/9/41 26 5 0 58 10 0 .. 58 10 0 Aid to Public Works and 900 0 0 6 1/7/30 1/1/32 27 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 900 0 0 6 1/1/31 1/1/32 27 0 0 1907 5,000 0 0 5J 1/2/30 1/2/33 137 10 0 211,700 0 0 5| 1/8/30 1/2/33 5,821 15 0 207,700 0 0 5J 1/2/31 1/2/33 5,711 15 0 23,250 0 0 5j 15/8/30 15/8/33 610 6 3 23,250 0 0 5I 15/2/31 15/8/33 610 6 3 5,000 0 0 4£ 1/1/31 1/7/41 112 10 0 1,700 0 0 5j 1/9/30 1/9/41 44 12 6 1,700 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/9/41 44 12 6 13,147 7 6 .. 13,147 7 6 Carried forward .. .. j .. .. .. .. 7,900,568 17 1 1,623,737 10 4 6,276,831 6 9

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest — continued.


j» ate Gross Interest Net Interest kcl. Princlnal ncr Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Ti p «wrprlp« charged to * Cent ue ate * Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue * Ordinary Revenue . Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. . 7,900,568 17 1 1,623,737 10 4 6,276,831 6 9 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917—ctd. Aid to Public Works and 25,000 0 0 5J 1/9/30 1/9/41 656 5 0 Land Settlement Act, I 25,000 0 0 5} 1/3/31 1/9/41 656 5 0 1911 ; 1,312 10 0 .. 1,312 10 0 Aid to Public Works and 60,000 0 0 5J 1/7/30 1/7/30 1,575 0 0 Land Settlement Act, 40,000 0 0 5£ 30/6/30 31/12/30 1,100 0 0 1914 40,000 0 0 5J 31/12/30 31/12/30 1,100 0 0 60,000 0 0 5£ 15/8/30 15/2/37 406 11 11 60,000 0 0 5| 15/2/31 15/2/37 1,650 0 0 j j 5,831 11 11 .. 5,831 11 11 Aid to Public Works and 300 0 0 5£ 1/2/24 1/2/27 8 5 0 Land Settlement Act, 300 0 0 5£ 1/8/26 1/2/27 8 5 0 1921 300 0 0 5£ 1/2/27 1/2/27 8 5 0 74,960 0 0 6 1/8/30 1/8/31 2,248 16 0 74,960 0 0 6 1/2/31 1/8/31 2,248 16 0 4,000 0 0 6 1/8/31 1/8/31 19 1 4 I 300 0 0 5} 1/8/30 1/2/32 8 5 0 300 0 0 5J 1/2/31 1/2/32 8 5 0 33,740 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/2/32 885 13 6 33,740 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/32 885 13 6 150,050 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/8/33 3,938 16 3 150,050 0 0 51 15/2/31 15/8/33 3,938 16 3 39,360 0 0 5£ 1/8/30 1/2/36 1,082 8 0 39,360 0 0 54 1/2/31 1/2/36 1,082 8 0 16,371 13 10 .. 16,371 13 10 Aid to Water-power Works 600 0 0 51 15/2/30 15/8/33 15 15 0 Act, 1910 270,100 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/8/33 7,090 2 6 272,100 0 0 5>1 15/2/31 15/8/33 7,142 12 6 14,248 10 0 Less amount recovered from Electric Supply Account— Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. .. 14,248 10 0 Discharged Soldiers Settle- 50,050 0 0 : 51 1/9/30 1/9/32 1,313 16 3 ment Loans Act, 1919, 50,050 0 0 51 1/3/31 1/9/32 1,313 16 3 section 4 80,000 0 0 5£ 1/8/30 1/2/36 2,200 0 0 80,000 0 0 54 1/2/31 1/2/36 2,200 0 0 " I 7,027 12 6 Less amount recovered from Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. 7,027 12 6 Discharged Soldiers Settle- 2,000 0 0 ! 51 1/1/30 1/7/30 52 10 0 ment Loans Act, 1920 100,760 0 0 51 1/7/30 1/7/30 2,644 19 0 100 0 0 5i 15/7/23 15/1/33 2 15 0 2,500 0 0 5£ 15/1/29 15/1/33 Or. 68 15 0» 2,350 0 0 54 15/7/29 15/1/33 64 12 6 11,150 0 0 5£ 15/1/30 15/1/33 305 6 10 2,979,340 0 0 5£ 15/7/30 15/1/33 81,929 10 5 2,976,110 0 0 54 15/1/31 15/1/33 81,835 1 0 166,765 19 9 Less amount recovered .. | .. .. .. .. .. 166,765 19 9 from Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account Education Purposes Loans 100,000 0 0 51 1/7/30 1/7/30 2,625 0 0 Act, 1919 1,000 0 0 6 1/2/31 1/8/31 30 0 0 7,000 0 0 6 1/8/30 1/2/32 210 0 0 7,000 0 0 6 1/2/31 1/2/32 210 0 0 770 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/2/32 20 4 3 770 0 0 51 15/2/31 15/2/32 20 4 3 1,450 0 0 | 51 ! 15/2/30 15/8/33 38 1 3 81,390 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/8/33 2,136 9 9 79,040 0 0 51 15/2/31 15/8/33 2,074 16 0 3,600 0 0 51 1/7/30 1/7/35 94 10 0 17,600 0 0 51 1/1/31 1/7/35 462 0 0 7,921 5 6 .. 7,921 5 6 Carried forward .. | .. .. .. .. .. 8,120,048 0 7 1,811,779 12 7 6,308,268 8 0 I j j ' * £68 15s overcharged (1929-1930) refunded.

B.—l [Pt. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest — continued.


■o . Gross Interest Net Interest . . D Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Pi0 _„ or - charged to Principal. per Due j) ate Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recover es. Ordinary Kevenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. . 8,120,048 0 7 1,811,779 12 7 6,308,268 8 0 New Zealand Inscribed Stock A.ct 1917^~cidt Education Purposes Loans 3,770 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/8/33 98 19 3 Act, 1919, and Finance 3,770 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 98 19 3 Act, 1927 (No. 2), sec- 1,050 0 0 51 15/2/30 15/2/37 26 18 2 tion 4 56,390 0 0 5-J 15/8/30 15/2/37 1,445 0 4 55,140 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/37 1,412 19 8 300 0 0 5J 15/2/30 15/2/37 0 15 4 87,060 0 0 5i 15/8/30 15/2/37 2,394 3 0 84,860 0 0 51 15/2/31 15/2/37 2,333 13 0 220 0 0 51 1/9/30 1/9/37 0 1 4 33,090 0 0 5J ! 1/3/31 1/9/37 807 7 5 8,618 16 9 .. 8,618 16 9 Electrio - power Works 806,560 0 0 5 15/7/30 15/7/30 20,164 0 0 Loan Act, 1919 160,000 0 0 5£ 15/8/30 15/8/33 4,200 0 0 160,000 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 4,200 0 0 28,564 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. j .. .. .. .. 28,564 0 0 from Electric Supply Aocount Finanoe Act, 1915, sec- 50 0 0 5J 15/12/27 15/12/30 1 7 6 , tion 105 (Publio Works) 50 0 0 5£ 15/6/28 15/12/30 1 7 6 50 0 0 5J 15/12/28 15/12/30 1 7 6 50 0 0 5J 15/6/29 15/12/30 1 7 6 750 0 0 4J 15/6/30 15/12/30 16 17 6 750 0 0 4J jl5/12/30 15/12/30 16 17 6 250 0 0 54 >15/12/29 15/12/30 6 17 6 131,970 0 0 o| 15/6/30 15/12/30 3,629 3 6 131,970 0 0 5£ 15/12/30 15/12/30 3,629 3 6 500 0 0 4J 15/6/30 15/12/35 11 5 0 I,200 0 0 4J 15/12/30 15/12/35 27 0 0 92,950 0 0 51 1/3/31 1/9/37 1,064 2 7 11,850 0 0 4i 15/6/30 15/12/40 266 12 6 11,950 0 0 4| 15/12/30 15/12/40 268 17 6 300 0 0 51 1/3/30 1/9/41 7 17 6 84,970 0 0 51 1/9/30 1/9/41 2,230 9 0 84,795 0 0 54 1/3/31 1/9/41 2,225 17 2 13,406 10 9 .. 13,406 10 9 Finance Act, 1916, sec- 1,300 0 0 4| ' 1/3/30 1/9/30 29 5 0 tion 35 (War Expenses) 234,850 0 0 4£ 1/9/30 1/9/30 5,284 2 6 650 0 0 6 1/2/30 1/8/31 19 10 0 263,180 0 0 6 1/8/30 1/8/31 7,895 8 0 262,230 0 0 6 1/2/31 1/8/31 7,866 18 0 65,000 0 0 6 1/8/31 1/8/31 619 14 5 680 0 0 5£ 1/2/30 1/2/36 18 14 0 224,520 0 0 5J 1/8/30 1/2/36 6,174 6 0 223,500 0 0 1 5J 1/2/30 1/2/36 6,146 5 0 10,000 0 0 5i 15/2/31 15/2/37 245 12 4 20,430 0 0 1 5i 1/9/30 1/9/37 15 3 10 12,197,125 0 0 j 5£ 1/3/31 1/9/37 42,303 5 11 ! 36,250 0 0 4* 1/9/30 1/9/41 815 12 6 47,300 0 0 41 1/3/31 1/9/41 1,064 5 0 78,498 2 6 .. 78,498 2 6 Finance Act, 1918, sec- 346,620 0 0 5J 1/7/30 1/7/30 9,098 15 6 tion 10 (War Expenses) 194,660 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/8/33 5,109 16 6 193,210 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 5,071 15 3 240,530 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/2/37 1,630 6 11 243,030 0 0 51 15/2/31 15/2/37 6,683 6 6 27,594 0 8 .. 27,594 0 8 Finance Aot, 1918 (No. 2), 154,300 0 0 51 1/7/30 1/7/30 4,050 7 6 Part IV (War Expenses) 19,000 0 0 41 1/9/30 1/9/30 427 10 0 50,000 0 0 51 1/9/30 1/9/32 1,312 10 0 50,000 0 0 5} 1/3/31 1/9/32 1,312 10 0 128,630 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/2/37 871 17 8 128,630 0 0 51 15/2/31 15/2/37 3,537 6 6 11,512 1 8 .. 11,512 1 8 Finance Act, 1919, sec- 228,300 0 0 5 15/7/30 15/7/30 5,707 10 0 tion 5 (Public Works) 11,500 0 0 51 15/8'30 15/8/33 301 17 6 II,500 0 0 51 15/2/31 15/8/33 301 17 6 165,400 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/2/37 772 8 11 164,250 0 0 51 15/2/31 15/2/37 4,516 17 6 11,600 11 5 .. 11,600 11 5 Carried forward .. .. .. .. •• 8,299,842 4 4 1,840,343 12 7 6,459,498 11 9

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest — continued.


. Gross Interest Net Interest . Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Rpcnveriw* charged to Act - Principal. per Due Date Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue ivecovenes. ordinary Revenue Account. Account. I I I £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,299,842 4 4 1,840,343 12 7 6,459,498 11 9 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act 1917 ctd» Finance Act,' 1920, sec- 146,980 0 0 5} 15/8/30 15/8/33 3,858 4 6 tion 15 (Electric-power 146,980 0 0 5| 15/2/31 15/8/33 3,858 4 6 Works) 2,300 0 0 5£ 1/2/30 1/2/36 63 5 0 300,300 0 0 51 1/8/30 1/2/36 8,258 5 0 299,450 0 0 5J 1/2/31 : 1/2/36 8,234 17 6 209,800 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/37 1,825 16 9 210,000 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/37 5,775 0 0 31,873 13 3 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 31,873 13 3 from Electric-supply Account Finance Act, 1920, sec- 3,350 0 0 5J 15/2/30 15/2/32 87 18 9 tion 15 (Public Works) 288,180 0 0 5J ! 15/8/30 15/2/32 7,564 14 6 277,740 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/32 7,290 13 6 1 14,943 6 9! .. 14,943 6 9 Finance Act, 1921, sec- 4,020 0 0 5J 15/2/30 15/2/32 105 10 6 I tion 10 (Public Works) 74,900 0 0 5J I 15/8/30 15/2/32 1,966 2 6 I i 71,900 0 0 5} 15/2/31 15/2/32 1,887 7 6 3,959 0 6! .. ] 3,959 0 6 j Finance Act, 1923, sec- 11,000 0 0 4£ 1/9/30 1/3/44 247 10 0 tion 2 (Public Works) 11,000 0 0 41 1/3/31 1/3/44 247 10 0 495 0 0 .. 495 0 0 Finance Aet, 1924, sec- 72,550 0 0 51 1/7/30 1/7/30 1,904 8 9 tion 2 (Public Works) 275,000 0 0 5J 1/8/30 1/2/36 7,562 10 0 275,500 0 0 5| 1/2/31 1/2/36 7,576 5 0 65,680 0 0 5} 15/8/30 15/2/37 445 2 8 64,780 0 0 5£ 15/2/31 15/2/37 1,781 9 0 19,269 15 5 | .. ; 19,269 15 5 Finance Act, 1929, sec- 94,600 0 0 5£ 1/3/31 1/9/37 2,253 1 9 tion 2 (Public Works) 2,253 1 9 .. 2,253 1 9 Forests Act, 1921-22 .. 135,000 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 3,543 15 0 135,000 0 0 5>J 15/2/31 15/8'33 3,543 15 0 7,087 10 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,087 10 0 from State Forests Account Forests Act, 1921-22, and 20,750 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/8/33 544 13 9 Finance Act, 1924, sec- 20,750 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 544 13 9 tion 16 1,089 7 6 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,089 7 6 from State Forests Account Forests Act, 1921-22, and 950 0 0 6J 15/2/30 15/8/33 24 18 9 Finance Act, 1926, sec- 234,600 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/8/33 6,158 5 0 tion 6 233,900 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 6,139 17 6 700 0 0 5i 15/8/29 15/2/37 11 9 11 2,420 0 0 51 15/2/30 15/2/37 62 0 3 184,500 0 0 51 L5/8/30 15/2/37 4,727 17 8 181,600 0 0 51 15/2/31 15/2/37 4,653 11 4 1,200 0 0 51 15/2/30 15/2/37 3 2 11 260,700 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/2/37 4,209 13 1 260.500 0 0 51 15/2/31 15/2/37 7,162 7 3 800 0 0 51 1/3/31 1/9/37 1 11 4 33,154 15 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 33,154 15 0 from State Forests Account Government Railways Act, 1908 — Finance Act, 1909 .. 300 0 0 51 1/9/30 1/9/41 7 17 6 300 0 0 51 1/3/31 1/9/41 7 17 6 15 15 0 .. 15 15 0 Railways Improvement j 500 0 0 6 1/7/30 1/1/32 15 0 0 Authorization Acts, : 500 0 0 6 1/1/31 1/1/32 15 0 0 1904-7 | 30 0 0 .. | 30 0 0 ! 1 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,414,013 9 6 1,913,548 18 4 6,500,464 11 2 I ! i !

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest — continued.


jj... Gross Interest Net Interest Act 1 Priricloal ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of oharged to charged to | ' Qg nt Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue e --' Ordinary Revenue I ' j Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 3. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,414,013 9 6 1,913,548 18 4 6,500,464 11 2 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 —ctd. Government Railways 500 0 0 5J 1/9/30 1/9/41 13 2 6 Amendment Act, 1910 500 0 0 5} 1/3/31 1/9/41 13 2 6 26 5 0 .. 26 5 0 Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 10,000 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/37 275 0 0 10,000 0 0 54 15/2/31 15/2/37 275 0 0 550 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 550 0 0 ' from Hauraki Plains Settlement Account Land for Settlements 800 0 0 5$ 1/7/30 1/1/31 22 0 0 Act, 1908 800 0 0 54 1/1/31 1/1/31 22 0 0 5,500 0 0 6 1/7/30 1/1/32 165 0 0 5,500 0 0 6 1/1/31 1/1/32 165 0 0 5,500 0 0 6 1/8/30 1/2/32 165 0 0 5,500 0 0 6 1/2/31 1/2/32 165 0 0 1,000 0 0 5} 15/8/30 15/2/32 26 5 0 1,000 0 0 5i 15/2/31 15/2/32 26 5 0 1,500 0 0 54 1/7/30 1/1/33 41 5 0 1,500 0 0 5A 1/1/31 1/1/33 41 5 0 40,750 0 0 54 1/8/30 1/2/33 1,120 12 6 40,750 0 0 5£ 1/2/31 1/2/33 1,120 12 6 42,750 0 0 1/9/30 1/9/41 1,122 3 9 42,750 0 0 5i 1/3/31 1/9/41 1,122 3 9 5,324 12 6 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,324 12 6 from Land for Settlements Account Land for Settlements 3,500 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 91 17 6 Act, 1925 3,500 0 0 5-f 15/2/31 15/8/33 91 17 6 23,620 0 0 54 15/2/30 15/2/37 25 11 10 379,410 0 0 5| 15/8/30 15/2/37 10,099 19 9 377,060 0 0 5.1 15/2/31 15/2/37 10,369 3 0 232,370 0 0 5i 1/3/31 1/9/37 5,052 13 11 1,000 0 0 44 1/7/30 1/7/41 22 10 0 6,000 0 0 4i 1/1/31 1/7/41 135 0 0 1,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/8/41 22 10 0 25,911 3 6 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,911 3 6 from Land for Settlements Account Land Laws Amendment 18,000 0 0 5£ 15/8/30 15/2/32 472 10 0 Act, 1913 18,000 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/32 472 10 0 5,500 0 0 5i 1/9/30 1/9/41 144 7 6 5,500 0 0 5i 1/3/31 1/9/41 144 7 6 1,233 15 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. 1,233 15 0 from Land for Settlements Account Main Highways Act, 1922 196,550 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 5,159 8 9 196,050 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 5,146 6 3 500 0 0 :>i 15/2/30 15/2/37 12 16 3 197,600 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/37 5,063 10 7 197,200 0 0 51 15/2/31 15/2/37 5,053 5 7 9,475 0 0 54 15/2/30 15/2/37 14 15 5 462,120 0 0 54 15/8/30 15/2/37 8,775 17 2 461,270 0 0 54 15/2/31 15/2/37 12,684 18 6 11,520 0 0 54 1/9/30 1/9/37 14 4 7 155,730 0 0 54 1/3/31 1/9/37 4,179 1 0 46,104 4 1 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. 46,104 4 1 from Main Highways Account Revenue Fund Maori Land Settlement 900 0 0 5J 1/9/30 1/9/41 23 12 6 Act, 1905 900 0 0 5} 1/3/31 1/9/41 23 12 6 47 5 0 .. 47 6 0 Carried forward .. • .. .. .. 1 .. .. 8,493,210 14 7 1,992,672 13 5 6.500,538 1 2

B.—] [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 0-193].

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest — continued.

6—B. 1 Pt. I] .


Rate Gross Interest Net Interest Act. Principal nor Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to char-red to Cent. Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Reco • Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. i f i I f £ s. d. I £ s. d. f s. d. £ s. d. I £ 8. d. Brought forward .. .. j .. .. .. .. 8,493,210 14 7 1,992,67213 5 6,500,538 1 2 New Zealand Inscribed ! Stock Act, 1917—eld. Native Land Amendment j 40,000 0 0 4$ 1/7/30 1/1/31 900 0 0 Act, 1913 40,000 0 0 U 1/1/31 1/1/31 900 0 0 | 800 0 0 5J 15/2/30 15/2/37 3 7 6 98,730 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/37 2,667 12 0 1 98,630 0 0; 5J 15/2/31 15/2/37 2,712 6 6 2,750 0 0 5| 1/9/30 1/9/37 1 13 3 140,850 0 0 5* 1/3/31 1/9/37 3,199 8 10 10,384 8 1 .. 10,384 8 1 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— Ordinary Revenue Ac- 350 0 0 5| 15/2/30 15/2/37 7 1 3 count—Miscellaneous 621,600 0 0 of 15/8/30 15/2/37 15,928 11 2 622,700 0 0 ! 5J 15/2/31 15/2/37 15,956 14 11 9,875 0 0 5i 15/2/30 | 15/2/37 21 13 2 471,900 0 0 51 15/8/30 15/2/37 12,354 11 10 i 470,400 0 0 | 5* 15/2/31 ! 15/2/37 12,936 0 0 112,000 0 0 5£ 1/9/30 1/9/37 543 5 3 j 133,830 0 0 | 5j 1/3/31 1/9/37 3,548 4 10 61,296 2 5 .. 61,296 2 5 1 Public Works Fund— 5,890 0 0 5| 15/2/30 15/2/37 150 18 8 General Purposes Ac- 1,806,340 0 0 5£ 15/8/30 15/2/37 46,287 12 1 count 1,805,390 0 0 5-| 15/2/31 15/2/37 46,263 5 3 500 0 0 5J I 15/2/30 | 15/2/37 0 2 4 i 675,090 0 0 51 15/8/30 I 15/2/37 13,334 7 2 675,510 0 0 54 15/2/31 1 15/2/37 18,576 10 6 9,890 0 0 j 5£ j 1/9/30 | 1/9/37 51 14 6 22,420 0 0 1 5i 1/3/31 j 1/9/37 611 5 6 125,275 16 0 .. 125,275 16 0 New Zealand Statc-guar- 2,000 0 0 5£ 1/9/30 1/9/41 52 10 0 anteed Advances Acts, 2,000 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/9/41 52 10 0 1909-10 (Guaranteed 105 0 0 .. 105 0 0 Mining Advances) New Zealand State guar- I 52,500 0 0 ; 6} 1/9/30 1/9/41 1,378 2 6 anteed Advances Acts, 52,500 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/9/41 1,378 2 6 1909-10 (Land for ; 2,756 5 0 Settlements Branch) Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. ! .. 2,756 5 0 from Land for Settlements Account Railways Improvement 12,490 0 0 5 15/7/30 15/7/30 312 5 0 Authorization Act, 1914 700 0 0 5J 1/2/30 1/2/36 19 5 0 58,310 0 0 5$ 1/8/30 1/2/36 1,603 10 6 58,310 0 0 5} 1/2/31 1/2/36 1,603 10 6 1,000 0 0 5i 1/8/31 1/2/36 5 8 6 2,190 0 0 5j 15/8/30 15/2/37 10 4 0 2,190 0 0 5$ 15/2/31 15/2/37 60 4 6 3,614 8 5 .. 3,614 8 5 Railways Improvement 50,000 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 1,312 10 0 Authorization Act, 1914, 50,000 0 0 5} 15/2/31 15/8/33 1,312 10 0 and Finance Act, 1926, j 2,625 0 0 .. 2,625 0 0 section 3 Railways Improvement 102,700 0 0 5i I 15/8/30 15/2/37 547 15 7 Authorization Act, 1914, 139,300 0 0! 15/2/31 15/2/37 3.830 15 0 and Finance Act, 1927 34,550 0 0 1 51 1/9/30 1/9/37 230 14 11 (No. 2), section 3 34,550 0 0 5i 1/3/31 1/9/37 950 2 6 5,559 8 0 .. 5,559 8 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. "I 8,704,827 2 6 1,995,428 18 5 6,709,398 4 1

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services—Interest-continued.


. Gross Interest Net Interest Aet Prinelnal r>7-, Half-yearly Maturity Amount ot charged to Recoveries charged to • Principal. pel i> uc Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue ' Ordinary Revenue Account. Aoeount. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 8,704,827 2 6 1,995,428 18 5 6,709,398 4 1 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917—ctd. State Advances Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers 51,000 0 0 5J 30/6/30 30/6/31 1,402 10 0 Branch 51,000 0 0 5£ 31/12/30 30/6/31 1,402 10 0 159,390 0 0 5i 15/8/3(1 15/8/33 4,183 19 9 159,390 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 4,183 19 9 684,400 0 0 5i 9/4/30 9/10/34 17,965 10 0 684,400 0 0 5J 9/10/30 9/10/34 17,965 10 0 6,250 0 0 5J 1/2/30 1/2/36 171 17 6 2,062,450 0 0 1/8/30 1/2/36 56,609 12 11 2,049,100 0 0 5| 1/2/31 1/2/36 56,348 10 4 1,000 0 0 5J 1/8/31 1/2/36 0 3 0 4,350 0 0 5J 15/2/30 15/2/37 83 6 6 721.220 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/37 18,481 6 5 840,870 0 0 54 15/2/31 15/2/37 21,547 7 1 6,930 0 0 5* 15/2/30 15/2/37 17 7 3 498,820 0 0 5£ 15/8/30 15/2/37 12,909 5 3 496,370 0 0 5£ 15/2/31 15/2/37 13,650 3 6 19,380 0 0 5I 1/3/31 1/9/37 20 14 10 1,113,500 0 0 5* 1/8 30 1/2/51 ! 30,621 5 0 1,130,500 0 0 5| 1/2/31 1/2 51 31,088 15 0 288.653 14 1 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 288,160 12 0 493 2 1 from State Advances Office (Advances to Settlers Branch) Advances to Workers 8,000 0 0 5£ 30/6/30 30/6/31 210 0 0 Branch 8,000 0 0 5J 31/12/30 30/6/31 210 0 0 3,100 0 0 5£ 15/2/30 15/2/32 81 7 6 518,530 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/32 13,611 8 3 517,280 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/32 13,578 12 0 5,880 0 0 5>i 15 2/30 15/8/33 154 7 0 1,474,700 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 38,710 17 6 1,475,950 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8 33 38,743 13 9 150,000 0 0 5J 9/4/30 9/10/34 3,937 10 0 150,000 0 0 5J 9/10/30 9/10/34 3,937 10 0 16,720 0 0 5J 1/2/30 1/2/36 459 16 0 722,690 0 0 5J 1/8/30 1/2/36 19,824 12 6 716,690 0 0 oi 1 2/31 1/2/36 19,708 19 6 143,650 0 0 15/8/30 15/2/37 3,681 1 4 143,500 0 0 54 15/2/31 15/2/37 3,677 4 5 588,960 0 0 5£ 15/8/30 15/2/37 9,130 4 5 596,540 0 0 5i 15/2/31 15/2/37 16,358 5 8 345,680 0 0 5£ 1/9/30 1/9/37 1,035 19 9 349,220 0 0 5$ 1/3/31 1/9/37 9,583 10 4 502,000 0 0 5I l/8'30 1/2/51 13,805 0 0 502,000 0 0 5J 1/2/81 1/2/51 13,805 0 0 224,244 19 11 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 224,165 9 5 79 10 6 from State Advances Office (Advances to Workers Branch) Swamp Drainage Act, 12,000 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/37 330 0 0 1915, and Appropria- 12,000 0 0 5£ 15/2/31 15/2/37 330 0 0 tiou Act, 1918, sec- 660 0 0 .. 660 0 0 tion 46 War Purposes Loan Act, 1,000 0 0 4£ 1/3/30 1/9/30 22 10 0 1917 79,390 0 0 4J 1/9/30 1/9/30 1,786 5 6 '1,000 0 0 6 1/8/30 1/8/31 30 0 0 4,000 0 0 6 1/2/31 1/8/31 120 0 0 900 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/32 23 12 6 900 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/32 23 12 6 100 0 0 5J 15/2/29 15/8/33 2 12 6 1,100 0 0 5i 15/8/29 15/8/33 28 17 6 11,800 0 0 5J 15/2 30 15/8/33 309 15 0 971,170 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 25,493 4 3 963,970 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8 '33 25,304 4 3 13,850 0 0 5j 1/3/31 1/9/37 380 17 6 53,525 11 6 .. 53,525 11 6 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 9,271,911 8 0 2,507,754 19 10 6,764,156 8 2 I I

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest— continued.


.. . Gross Interest ! Net Interest i Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to I'pcnverien I charged to Aa Principal. per | Due Date Interest. Ordinary Revenue i.ecoveries. Ordinary Revenue uenl * | ! Account. j Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,271,911 8 0 2,507,754 19 10 6,764,156 8 2 New Zealand Inscribed Sthok APT 1Q17^—/*//7 War Expenses .. 100 0 0 5 20/4/28 20/4/29 2 10 0 2,810 0 0 3 15/5/30 15/11/38 42 3 0 2,810 0 0 3 15/11/30 15/11/38 42 3 0 500 0 0 4} 15/11/21 15/11/38 11 5 0 2,620 0 0 4} 15/5/23 15/11/38 58 19 0 200 0 0 4J 15/11/25 15/11/38 4 10 0 2,000 0 0 4J 15/11/27 15/11/38 45 0 0 200 0 0 4} 15/5/28 15/11/38 4 10 0 200 0 0 4i 15/11/28 15/11/38 4 10 0 4,350 0 0 4} 15/5/29 15/11/38 97 17 6 14,500 0 0 4J 15/11/29 15/11/38 326 5 0 17,672,669 0 0 4J 15/5/30 15/11/38 397,622 18 10 17,715,209 0 0 4i 15/11/30 15 11 398,282 10 11 3,750 0 0 4£ 15/5/31 15/11/38 34 4 0 200 0 0 4J 20/10/25 20/4/39 4 10 0 450 0 0 4| 20/4/28 20/4/39 10 2 6 100 0 0 4J 20/10/28 20/4/39 2 5 0 2,500 0 0 4* 20/10/29 20/4/39 56 5 0 5,574,630 0 0 41 20/4/30 20/4/39 125,412 2 0 5,744,900 0 0 4} 20/10/30 20/4/39 129,048 5 8 1,000 0 0 4| 20/4/31 20/4/39 4 3 0 500 0 0 5 1/9/29 1/9/41 12 10 0 6,050 0 0 5 1/3/30 1/9/41 151 5 0 96,120 0 0 5 1/9/30 1/9/41 2,403 0 0 97,970 0 0 5 1/3/31 1/9/41 2,449 5 0 200 0 0 51 1/3/26 1/9/41 5 5 0 600 0 0 5J 1/9/29 1/9/41 15 15 0 16,890 0 Oj 5J 1/3/30 1/9/41 443 7 3 2,544,010 0 0 51 1/9/30 1/9/41 66,780 5 3 2,531,460 0 0 5i 1/3/31 1/9/41 66,450 16 6 1,189,828 8 5 .. 1,189,828 8 5 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908: — Ordinary Revenue Ac- 900 0 0 5 1/5/30 1/5/34 22 10 0 count —Miscellaneous 900 0 0 5 1/11/30 1/5/34 22 10 0 13,750 0 0 5} 1/8/30 1/8/34 360 18 9 13,750 0 0 5} 1/2/31 1/8/34 360 18 9 25,000 0 0 5} 1/4/30 1/10/34 656 5 0 25,000 0 0 5} 1/10/30 1/10/34 656 5 0 40,000 0 0 5} 1/5/30 1/11/34 1,050 0 0 40,000 0 0 5} 1/11/30 1/11/34 1,050 0 0 143,750 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/37 3,381 14 8 126,050 0 0 5£ 15/2/31 15/2/37 2,565 14 5 100,000 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/10/49 2,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/10/49 1,698 12 6 455,911 14 11 4 1/5/30 ' 1/11/50 5,618 19 5 850 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/11/50 4 15 0 60,000 0 0 4J 1/5/30 ! 1/11/50 1,350 0 0 60,000 0 0 4J 1/11/30 1/11/50 1,350 0 0 200,000 0 0 4 1/9/30 i 1/9/51 4,000 0 0 ! 200,000 0 0 4 1/3/31 1/9/51 4,000 0 0 30,149 3 6 30,149 3 6 Public Works Fund— 2,850 0 0 4J 1/5/30 1/5/30 64 2 6 General Purposes Ac- 11,150 0 0 4£ 1/7/30 1/7/30 250 17 6 count 2,000 0 0 4} 1/8/30 1/8/30 45 0 0 38,200 0 0 5 1/5/30 1/5/31 955 0 0 38,200 0 0 5 1/11/30 1/5/31 955 0 0 11,150 0 0 4} 1/1/31 1/7/31 250 17 6 21,600 0 0 5 1/7/30 1/7/31 540 0 0 21,600 0 0 5 1/1/31 1/7/31 540 0 0 2,000 0 0 4J 1/2/31 1/8/31 45 0 0 43,300 0 0 5 1/8/30 1/8/31 1,082 10 0 / 43,300 0 0 5 1/2/31 1/8/31 1,082 10 0 7,750 0 0 5 1/5/30 1/5/34 193 15 0 7,750 0 0 5 1/11/30 1/5/34 193 15 0 57,300 0 0 5} 1/5/30 1/5/34 1,504 2 6 57,300 0 0 5} 1/11/30 1/5/34 1,504 2 6 7,600 0 0 5£ 1/5/30 -1/5/34 209 0 0 7,600 0 0 51 1/11/30 1/5/34 209 0 0 36,850 0 0 5} 1/7/30 1/7/34 967 6 3 36,850 0 0 5} 1/1/31 1/7/34 967 6 3 70,850 0 0 5} 1/8/30 1/8/34 1,859 16 3 ' 70,850 0 0 5} 1/2/31 1/8/34 1,859 16 3 15,278 17 6 Carried forward .. j .. .. .. .. 10,491,888 19 112,507,754 19 10 7,984,134 0 1

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest— continued.


R , Gross Interest Net Interest , , PrlnHtial nor H»l f -y<-arly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to Principal. p r |) uc Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue ' ' Ordinary Revenue nl- Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. j .. .. 15,278 17 6 10,491,888 19 llj2,507,754 19 10 7,984,134 0 1 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—continued. Public Works Fund — General Purposes Ac- 31,350 0 0 5J 1/9/30 1/3/35 771 5 3 count—continued. 31,350 0 0 • 5J 1/3/31 1/3/35 822 18 9 2,850 0 0 4A | 1/11/30 1/5/35 64 2 6 15,350 0 0 5] ! 1/6/30 1/6/35 28 14 0 15,350 0 0 5J 1/12/30 1/6/35 402 18 9 6,300 0 0 5J 15/2/30 15/2/37 161 8 8 123,950 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/37 3,176 6 0 ! 123,100 0 0 5| 15/2/31 15/2/37 3,154 7 2 423,948 10 0 54 15/8/30 15/2/37 9,165 5 7 395,600 0 0 5\ 15/2/31 15/2/37 10,879 0 0 65,350 0 0 5J 1/9/30 1/9/37 307 8 10 64,550 0 0 5| 1/3/31 1/9/37 1,775 2 6 60,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/7/49 1,200 0 0 60,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/7/49 1,200 0 0 200,000 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/5/50 4,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/5/50 4,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 4\ 1/5/30 1/5/50 2,250 0 0 : 100,000 0 0 | 4£ 1/11/30 1/5/50 2,250 0 0 1,153,647 3 0 I 4 1/5/30 1/11/50 19,284 6 8 i 394,047 3 0 j 4 1/11/30 1/11/50 931 14 9 100,000 0 0 1 4 1/9/30 1/9/51 2,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 4 1/3/31 1/9/51 109 11 8 83,213 8 7 J .. 83,213 8 7 New Zealand StateQIJARANTEED ADVANCES Act, 1909 Guaranteed Mining Ad- ; 5,000 0 Oj 3f 1/4/30 1/4/49 93 15 0 vances Branch 5,000 0 0 3| 1/10/30 1/4/49 93 15 0 187 10 0 .. 187 10 0 Land for Settlements 25,000 0 0 3J 1/4/30 1/10/48 437 10 0 Branch 25,000 0 0 3£ 1/10/30 1/10/48 437 10 0 470,000 0 0 3} 1/4/30 1/4/49 8,812 10 0 470,000 0 0 3} 1/10/30 1/4/49 8,812 10 0 18,500 0 0 Less amount recovered ! .. • • • • • • • • • • IB, 500 0 0 from Land for Settlements Account Local Authorities Branch — Opening up Crown 33,000 0 0 4£ 1/4/30 1/4/33 742 10 0 Lands for Settlement 33,000 0 0 4J 1/10/30 1/4/33 742 10 0 Account 112,000 0 0 3£ 1/4 30 1/4/48 1,960 0 0 112,000 0 0 3£ 1/10/30 1/4/48 1,960 0 0 3,515 0 0 3| 1/4/30 1/10/48 61 10 3 3,515 0 0 3£ 1/10/30 1/10/48 61 10 3 60,425 0 0 3| 1/4/30 1/4/49 1,132 19 5 I 60,425 0 0 3f 1/10/30 1/4/49 1,132 19 5 8,800 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/4/49 176 0 0 8,800 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/4/49 176 0 0 8,145 19 4 .. 8,145 19 4 Rangitaiki Land Drain-; 5,000 0 0 H 1/4/30 1/4/33 112 10 0 age Account 5,000 0 0 4J 1/10/30 1/4/33 112 10 0 25,000 0 0 3* 1/4/30 1/10/48 437 10 0 25,000 0 0 3£ 1/10/30 1/10/48 437 10 0 10,000 0 0 3} 1/4/30 1/4/49 187 10 0 10,000 0 0 3£ 1/10/30 1/4/49 187 10 0 1,475 0 0 .. 1,475 0 0 Native Land Settlement 80,000 0 0 4J 1/4/30 1/4/33 1,800 0 0 Branch 80,000 0 0 4J 1/10/30 1/4/33 1,800 0 0 20,000 0 0 3£ 1/4/30 1/10/47 350 0 0 20,000 0 0 3* 1/10/30 1/10/47 350 0 0 361,600 0 0 3j 1/4/30 1 1/10/48 6,328 0 0 | 361,600 0 0 3+ 1/10/30 1/10/48 6,328 0 0 ! 54,500 0 0 3} 1/4/30 1/4/49 1,021 17 6 54,500 0 0 3} 1/10/30 1/4/49 1,021 17 6 30,000- 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/4/49 600 0 0 30,000 0 0 4 1/10/30 1 '4/49 600 0 0 20,199 15 0 .. 20,199 15 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,623,610 12 10 2,526,254 19 108,097,355 13 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest — continued.


R t Gross Interest Net Interest Act Principal ner Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to i*rmcipai. per 2j ue D a t e Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. ! £ 9. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. | .. .. .. .. .. 10,623,610 12 10 2,526,254 19 10 8,097,355 13 0 New Zealand StateGDARANTEED ADVANCES Act, 1909-10 Native Land Settlement 50,000 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/4/34 1,000 0 0 Branch 50,000 0 0 4 1/10/30 1/4/34 1,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 3J 1/4/30 1/4/49 562 10 0 30,000 0 0 3| 1/10/30 1/4/49 562 10 0 3,125 0 0 .. 3,125 0 0 Post and Telegraph Act, 200,000 0 0 j 4 1/7/30 1/7/30 4,000 0 0 1908 200,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/7/49 4,000 0 0 8,000 0 0 .. 8,000 0 0 Public Revenues Amend- 1,877,497 2 11 * 1/6/30 .. 46,698 0 11 MENT Act, 1914, section 1,862,172 17 3 * 1/12/30 .. 46,316 17 11 8 (WAR Expenses) 93,014 18 10 .. 93,014 18 10 Public Revenues Amend- 2,093,750 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/34 41,875 0 0 MENT Act, 1915, SECTION 2,093,750 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/34 41,875 0 0 5 (War Expenses) 7,361,369 14 5 * 1/6/30 .. 183,095 13 5 7,301,285 12 10 * 1/12/30 .. 181,601 4 7 — 448,446 18 0 .. 448,446 18 0 PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 200,000 0 0 4 30/9/30 31/3/31 942 9 2 1926, section 41 (TREA- 50,000 0 0 4 30/9/30 31/3/31 169 17 3 suby BILLS) 200.000 0 0 4 30/9/30 31/3/31 942 9 2 100,000 0 0 4 30/9/30 31/3/31 339 14 5 150,000 0 0 14 30/9/30 31/3/31 509 11 8 150,000 0 0 4 30/9/30 31/3/31 509 11 8 50,000 0 0 4 30/9/30 31/3/31 169 17 3 1,000,000 0 0 5i .. 1/12/30 13,089 3 4 100,000 0 0 4 .. 24/2/31 87 13 4 100,000 0 0 4 .. 20/3/31 865 15 0 100,000 0 0 4 .. 20/3/31 1,479 9 0 500,000 0 0 5J .. 2/3/31 6,544 10 5 500,000 0 0 5J .. 3/3/31 6,616 8 6 600,000 0 0 2 ft- .. 14/3/31 3,703 15 4 200,000 0 0 4 .. 20/3/31 1,621 18 3 25,000 0 0 2J .. 25/3/31 158 14 8 125,000 0 0 2ft .. 25/3/31 815 14 2 900,000 0 0 4 .. 31/3/31 17,950 13 8 200,000 0 0 4 .. 31/3/31 241 1 10 56,758 8 1 .. 56,758 8 1 Railways Improvement 56,200 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/34 1,096 5 5 Authorization Act, 56,200 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/34 1,124 0 0 1914 9,200 0 0 44 1/8/30 1/2/34 29 9 9 11,340 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/7/49 211 5 3 673,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/50 13,460 0 0 I 673,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/50 13,460 0 0 29,381 0 5 .. 29,381 0 5 Railways Improvement 245,000 0 0 4 1/9/30 1/9/33 4,900 0 0 Authorization Act, 245,000 0 0 4 1/3/31 1/9/33 4,900 0 0 1914, and Finance Act, 90,000 0 0 4£ 1/9/30 1/9/33 2,025 0 0 1926, section 3 90,000 0 0 41 1/3/31 1/9/33 2,025 0 0 13,850 0 0 .. 13,850 0 0 Railways Improvement 128,950 0 0 5£ 15/8/30 15/2/37 757 15 6 Authorization Act, 88,250 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/37 2,426 17 6 1914, and Finance Act, 14,650 0 0 5J 1/9/30 1/9/37 100 17 6 1927 (No. 2), section 3 12,950 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/9/37 356 2 6 3,641 13 0 .. 3,641 13 0 Rangitaiki Land Drain- 5,000 0 0 5£ 1/9/30 1/3/33 131 5 0 age AMENDMENT Act, 5,000 0 0 5j 1/3/31 1/3/33 131 5 0 1913, and Amendments | 168,000 0 0 4 1/9/30 1/3/34 3,360 0 0 168,000 0 0 4 1/3/31 1/3/34 3,360 0 0 37,000 0 0 4I 1/9/30 1/3/34 832 10 0 37,000 0 0 44 1/3/31 1/3/34 832 10 0 8,647 10 0 .. 8,647 10 0 j Rangitaiki Land Drain- 45,000 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/12/30 900 0 0 age Amendment ACT, ; 45,000 0 0 4 1/12/30 1/12/30 900 0 0 1913, and Finance Act, ! 55,000 0 0 4J 1/6/30 1/12/30 957 17 8 1920, section 16 j 31,000 0 0 4J 1/12/30 1/12/30 697 10 0 24,000 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/12/50 247 4 8 24,000 0 0 4 1/12/30 1/12/50 480 0 0 4,182 12 4 .. 4,182 12 4 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,292,658 13 6 2,526,25419 10 8,766,403 13 8 * £4 19s. 5-88d. per cent.

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services—Interest— continued.


Rat . Gross Interest Net Interest Act PrinciDal Der Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to charged to ' Cent Hue Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue -Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,292,658 13 6 2,526,254 19 10 8,766,403 13 8 Ranoitaiki Land Drain- 82,000 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/12/51 1,640 0 0 age Amendment Act, 82,000 0 0 4 1/12/30 1/12/51 1,640 0 0 1913, AND Finance ACT, — — 3,280 0 0 .. 3,280 0 0 1921-22, section 23 Ranoitaiki Land Drain- 50,000 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/12/51 1,000 0 0 age Amendment Act, 50,000 0 0 4 1/12/30 1/12/51 1,000 0 0 1913, AND Finance ACT, 2,000 0 0 .. 2,000 0 0 1923, section 5 Ranoitaiki Land Drain- 18,000 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/12/30 360 0 0 age Amendment Act, 18,000 0 0 4 1/12/30 1/12/30 360 0 0 1913, AND Finance ACT, — 720 0 0 .. 720 0 0 1924, section 5 State Advances Act, 1913— Local Authorities Branch | 10,000 0 0 5J 1/6/30 : 1/6/30 256 5 0 230,000 0 0 31 1/4/30 1/4/47 4,025 0 0 230,000 0 0 3J 1/10/30 1/4/47 4,025 0 0 200,000 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/6/51 4,000 0 0 | 200,000 0 0 4 1/12/30 I 1/6/51 4,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 4 J 1/12/30 1/6/51 225 0 0 16,531 5 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 16,531 5 0 from State Advances Office (Advances to Local Authorities Branch) Advances to Settlers 3,250 0 0 5 1/8/30 3/2/31 81 5 0 Branch 3,250 0 0 5 1/2/31 3/2/31 81 5 0 18,800 0 0 5 1/9/30 1/3/31 470 0 0 18,800 0 0 5 1/3/31 1/3/31 470 0 0 40,000 0 0 44 1/6/30 1/6/31 900 0 0 40,000 0 0 44 1/12/30 1/6/31 900 0 0 11,100 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 291 7 6 11,100 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/8/33 291 7 6 205,000 0 0 44 1/6/30 1/12/33 4,612 10 0 205,000 0 0 44 1/12/30 1/12/33 4,612 10 0 105,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/34 2,100 0 0 105,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/34 2,100 0 0 49,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/34 980 0 0 49,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/34 980 0 0 22,950 0 0 5J 1/9/30 1/3/34 602 8 9 22,950 0 0 5i 1/3/31 1/3/34 602 8 9 55,000 0 0 4£ 1/4/30 1/4/34 1,£37 10 0 55,000 0 0 4A 1/10/30 1/4/34 1,237 10 0 440,600 0 0 5J 9/4/30 9/10/34 11,565 15 0 440,600 0 0 5i 9/10/30 9/10/34 11,565 15 0 5,700 0 0 4* 1/9/30 1/3/35 128 5 0 5,700 0 0 4jt 1/3/31 1/3/35 128 5 0 150 0 0 5£ 1/8/27 1/2/36 4 2 6 250 0 0 5i 1/2/28 1/2/36 6 17 6 550 0 0 5i 1/8/28 1/2/36 15 2 6 850 0 0 5J 1/2/29 1/2/36 23 7 6 1,000 0 0 5J 1/8/29 1/2/36 27 10 0 8,000 0 0 54 1/2/30 1/2/36 220 0 0 439,100 0 0 54 1/8/30 1/2/36 12,075 5 0 431,850 0 0 54 1/2/31 1/2/36 11,875 17 6 25,600 0 0 5J 1/3/31 1/3/36 11 0 11 244,250 0 0 54 15/8/30 15/2/37 6,258 18 9 112,000 0 0 54 15/2/31 15/2/37 2,869 19 5 125 0 0 54- 15/2/30 15/2/37 0 9 5 54,300 0 0 54 15/8/30 15/2/37 1,435 3 11 53,000 0 0 54 15/2/31 15/2/37 1,457 10 0 3,650 0 0 54 1/3/31 1/9/37 20 8 1 136,500 0 0 54 1/8/30 1/2/51 3,753 15 0 117,500 0 0 54 1/2/31 1/2/51 3,231 5 0 573,200 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/6/51 11,464 0 0 573,200 0 0 4 1/12/30 1/6/51 11,464 0 0 1,321,180 0 0 44 1/6/30 1/6/51 26,692 2 7 1,096,180 0 0 44 1/12/30 1/6/51 24,664 1 0 163,508 19 1 Less amount recovered ! .. .. .. .. .. .. 163,83210 1 Cr. 323 11 0 from State Advances Office (Advances to Settlers Branch) Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,478,698 17 7 2,706,618 14 11 8,772,080 2 8

B.—l |Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-19 31.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services —Interest — continued.


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1. STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE —continued. Debt Services —Interest —continued. T>«te Gross Interest Net Interest int Prinriml nrr Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to Recoveries charged to Principal. ] r Due Date. Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenue u nl ' Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,478,698 17 7j2,706,618 14 118,772,080 2 8 Statk Advances Act, 1913 —continued. Advances to Workers. 65,330 0 0 5 1/6/30 1/6/30 1,633 5 0 Branch 22,230 0 0 5 1/9/30 1/9/30 555 15 0 8,000 0 0 4} 1/6/30 1/12/30 162 14 9 8,000 0 0 4} 1/12/30 1/12/30 180 0 0 19,400 0 0 5 1/7/30 1/1/31 485 0 0 19,400 0 0 5 1/1/31 1/1/31 485 0 0 1,700 0 0 4} 1/8/30 1/2/31 38 5 0 1,700 0 0 4} 1/2/31 1/2/31 38 5 0 11,250 0 0 5 1/8/30 1/2/31 281 5 0 11,250 0 0 5 1/2/31 1/2/31 281 5 0 510 0 0 5 1/8/30 25/3/31 12 15 0 510 0 0 5 1/2/31 25/3/31 12 15 0 5,000 0 0 4} 1/7/30 1/7/31 4 18 7 5,000 0 0 : 4} 1/1/31 1/7/31 112 10 0 5,000 0 0 4} 1/9/30 1/9/31 3 1 8 5,000 0 0 4} 1/3/31 1/9/31 112 10 0 40,000 0 0 5 1/6/30 1/12/31 904 2 2 40,000 0 0 5 1/12/30 1/12/31 1,000 0 0 40,870 0 0 5 1/8/30 1/2/32 1,021 15 0 40,870 0 0 5 1/2/31 1/2/32 1.021 15 0 300 0 0 5J 15/8/29 15/2/32 7 17 6 650 0 0 51 15/2/30 15/2/32 17 1 3 105,250 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/2/32 2,762 16 3 102,950 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/32 2,702 8 9 670 0 0 5 15/8/30 22/4/32 16 15 0 670 0 0 5 15/2/31 22/4/32 16 15 0 240 0 0 5 15/8/30 29/4/32 6 0 0 240 0 0 5 15/2/31 29/4/32 6 0 0 65,330 0 0 5 1/12/30 1/6/32 1,633 5 0 470 0 0 5 1 15/8/30 16/6/32 11 15 0 470 0 0 5 15/2/31 16/6/32 11 15 0 10,000 0 0 5 1/7/30 1/7/32 10 19 2 10,000 0 0 5 1/1/31 1/7/32 250 0 0 750 0 0 5 15/8/30 28/7/32 18 15 0 750 0 0 5 15/2/31 28/7/32 18 15 0 970 0 0 5 15/8/30 1/9/32 24 5 0 970 0 0 5 15/2/31 1/9/32 24 5 0 5,000 0 0 5 1/9/30 1/9/32 3 8 6 27,230 0 0 5 1/3/31 1/9/32 680 15 0 950 0 0 5i 15/2/30 15/8/33 24 18 9 615,420 0 0 5J 15/8/30 15/8/33 16,154 15 6 606,720 0 0 5i 15/2/31 15/8/33 15,926 8 0 25,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/34 500 0 0 25,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/34 500 0 0 27,200 0 0 5J 1/8/30 1/2/34 714 0 0 27,200 0 0 5i 1/2/31 1/2/34 714 0 0 31,400 0 0 5j 1/6/30 1/12/34 795 11 0 31,400 0 0 5} 1/12/30 I 1/12/34 824 5 0 3,750 0 0 4} 1/7/30 1/1/35 84 7 6 3,750 0 0 4.1 1/1/31 1/1/35 84 7 6 15,000 0 0 5} 1/10/30 1/4/35 360 6 1 j 28,100 0 0 5.1 1/7/30 1/7/35 32 "6 8 ! 28,100 0 0 5 J 1/1/31 1/7/35 737 12 6 70,000 0 0 51 1/9/30 1/9/35 50 6 10 70,000 0 0 5} 1/3/31 1/9/35 1,837 10 0 400 0 0 5} 1/8/29 1/2/36 11 0 0 3,950 0 0 5} 1/2/30 1/2/36 108 12 6 263,200 0 0 5} 1/8/30 1/2/36 7,238 0 0 254,600 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/36 7,001 10 0 55,150 0 0 5£ 15/8/30 j 15/2/37 1,413 5 0 54,850 0 0 5J 15/2/31 15/2/37 1,405 10 0 226,350 0 0 5* 15/8/30 ! 15/2/37 2,628 17 11 194,350 0 0 5} 15/2/31 15/2/37 5,342 16 6 134,900 0 0 5} 1/9/30 1/9/37 319 15 7 169,750 0 0 5} 1/3/31 1/9/37 4,636 9 9 23,340 0 0 5 1/8/30 1/2/50 583 10 0 23,340 0 0 5 1/2/31 1/2/50 583 10 0 400,000 0 0 4} 1/5/30 1/5/50 9,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 4.V 1/11/30 1/5/50 9,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 4} 1/8/30 1/8/50 9,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 4} 1/2/31 1/8/50 9,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 4.1 1/5/30 1/11/50 1,109 11 9 50,000 0 0 4} 1/11/30 1/11/50 1,125 0 0 125,418 12 11 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,478,698 17 7 2/706,618 14 118,772,080 2 8

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest- continued.


Rate tt .r . Gro9S Intere8t Net Interest Act Prinrinal npr Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to PaAA charged to Cent. Due ■ Date Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ S. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 125,418 12 11 11,478,698 17 7 2,706,618 14 11 8,772,080 2 8 State Advances Act, 1913—continued. Advances to Workers 500 0 0 5| 1/8/30 1/2/51 13 15 0 Branch —continued. 500 0 0 5J 1/2/31 1/2/51 13 15 0 50,000 0 0 4 1/6/30 1/6/51 1,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 4 1/12/30 1/6/51 1,000 0 0 1,034,700 0 0 4* 1/6/30 1/6/51 23,280 15 0 1,034,700 0 0 1/12/30 1/6/51 23,280 15 0 1,670 0 0 4£ 1/9/30 1/9/51 37 11 6 1,670 0 0 4£ 1/3/31 1/9/51 37 II 6 174,082 15 11 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. 171,727 2 8 2 355 13 3 from State Advances Office (Advances to Workers Branch) SWAMP Drainage Act, 1915 11,000 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/5/31 220 0 0 11,000 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/5/31 220 0 0 15,000 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/5/50 300 0 0 15,000 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/5/50 300 0 0 20,000 0 0 4£ 1/5/30 1/5/50 450 0 0 20,000 0 0 4£ 1/11/30 1/5/50 450 0 0 1,940 0 0 | 1,940 0 0 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, 246,000 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/5/31 4.920 0 0 and Appropriation Act. 246,000 0 0 4 1/11/30 1/5/31 4,920 0 0 1918, section 46 5,000 0 0 4£ 1/5/30 1/5/31 112 10 0 5,000 0 0 4J 1/11/30 1/5/31 112 10 0 41,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/49 790 15 10 41,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/49 820 0 0 176,000 0 0 4 1/5/30 1/5/50 3,323 11 2 176,000 0 0 4 | 1/11/30 1/5/50 3,520 0 0 63,000 0 0 4J 1/5/30 1/5/50 1,298 4 4 48,000 0 0 4J 1/11/30 1/5/50 1,080 0 0 20,897 11 4 20,897 11 4 Waihou and Ohinemuri 50,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/8/30 1,000 0 0 Rivers Improvement 100,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/8/33 2,000 0 0 Act, 1910 100,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/8/33 2,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/8/50 1,000 0 0 ! 6,000 0 0 Less amount recovered .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 085 0 0 1,915 0 0 from Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account Waihou and Ohinemuri 60,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 i 1/8/30 1,200 0 0 Rivers Improvement 90,000 0 0 4J 1/8/30 1/8/30 1,504 0 11 Act, 1910, and Finance 27,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/8/50 458 12 7 Act, 1919, section 6 89.500 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/8/50 1,790 0 0 60,500 0 0 4£ 1/2/31 1/8/50 1,361 5 0 6,313 18 6 .. 6,313 18 6 Waihou and Ohinemuri 150,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 ! 1/2/50 3,000 0 0 Rivers Improvement 150,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/50 3,000 0 0 ACT, 1910, AND Finance 6,000 0 0 .. 6 000 0 0 Act, 1922, section 16 Wadiou and Ohinemuri 35,000 0 0 5i 15/8/30 15/2/37 962 10 0 Rivers Improvement 35,000 0 0 5£ 15/2/31 15/2/37 962 10 0 Act, 1910, and Finance 115,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/50 2,300 0 0 Act, 1924, section 6 115,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 : 1/2/50 2,300 0 0 6,525 0 0 .. 6,525 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri | 70,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/33 1,400 0 0 Rivers Improvement 70,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/33 1,400 0 0 Act, 1910, AND Finance ! 10,625 0 0 4 1/4/30 1/10/49 190 19 2 Act, 1926, section 7 j 10,625 0 0 4 11/10/30 1/10/49 212 10 0 5,000 0 0 4 1/7/30 1/1/49 96 8 9 5,000 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/49 100 0 0 5,000 0 0 4J 1/1/31 1/7/49 93 3 0 . 3,493 0 11 .. 3,493 0 11 —————— Carried forward ..I .. .. .. .. .. 11,703,951 4 3 2,882,430 17 7 8,821,520 6 8

B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest- continued.

7—B. 1 [Pγ. ll].


,. . Gross Interest Net Interest .„, D.i ,i«.i iz,. Half-yearly Maturity Amount of charged to n*™,.,?,,,, charged to Act - Principal. pel Dup bate Date. Interest. Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Bevenae uent - ount. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. ] £ s. cl. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. j .. .. .. .. .. 11,703,98] 4 3 2,882,430 17 78,821,520 6 8 War Purposes Loan Act, 12,000 0 0 0 1/8/29 1/8/31 360 0 0 1917 8,000 0 0 6 1/2/30 1/8/31 240 (I 0 100 0 0 5J 15/8/29 15/8/33 2 12 6 3,800 0 0 5i 16/2/30 ' 15/8/33 99 IB 0 132,700 0 0 5J 15/8/30 I 15/8/33 3,483 7 fi 128,300 0 0 51 15/2/31 \ 15/8/33 3,387 17 6 90,000 0 0 4 1/8/29 1/2/34 1,800 0 0 90,000 0 0 4 1/2/30 1/2/34 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 4J 15/5/28 15/11/38 : 40 10 0 1,900 0 0 4£ 115/11/28 15/11/38 42 15 0 6,300 0 0 4£ 15/5/29 15/11/38 , 141 15 0 21,800 0 0 4J 115/11/29 15/11/38 490 10 0 1,3-14.150 0 0 4£ J 15/5/30 15/11/38 97,743 7 (i 1,275,100 0 0 4J 15/11/30 15/11'38 96.189 15 0 : 205,802 5 0 .. i05,802 5 0 War Pukposes Loan Act, 100 0 0 5 15/5/23 15/11/27 2 1(1 0 1917, and Finance Act, 100 0 0 5 15/5/24 15/11 27 2 10 0 1917, section 68 100 0 0 E 15/11/24 15/11/27 2 1<l 0 200 0 0 5 15/11/27 15/11/27 5 0 0 12 10 0 .. 12 10 (I War Purposes Loan Act, 14,386,312 18 3 ♦ 1/6/30 .. 109,098 11 4 1917, section 2, and 4,350,511 9 7 * 1/12/30 .. 108,208 1 11 War Purposes Loan 1 217,306 13 3 .. 217,306 13 3 Act, 1917 (No. 2) Wellinoton and Mana- 500,000 0 0 4 1/9/30 1/3/51 ', 10,000 0 0 watu Railway Pur- 500,000 0 0 4 1/3/31 1/3/51 10.000 0 0 chase Act, 1908 20,000 0 0 .. 20.000 0 0 Westport Harbour Act, 1920 :— Westport Harbour Board 500,000 0 0 4 I 1/7/30 1/1/49 9,965 2 S Act, 1884, and Loan 497,900 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1/49 9.682 17 11 Acta, 1896, 1897, and 19,648 0 7 1900 Lees amount re- .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,657 13 Sf 8,090 7 4 covered from Westport Harbour Account Weetport Harbour Board 200,000 0 0 5 15/8/30 15/2/45 5,000 0 0 Loan Act, 1908 200.000 0 0 5 15/2/31 15 2/45 5,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 Less amount re- .. .. .. .. .. .. ' 5,882 7 Of 4,117 13 0 covered from Westport Harbour Account State Advances Dkpt :— Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908— Advances to Settlers.. 12,900 0 0 4 1/7 30 1/1/34 258 o 0 12,900 0 0 4 1/1/31 1/1 34 258 0 o 51,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/34 | 1,020 0 0 51,000 0 0 4 1/2/31 1/2/34 1,020 0 0 2,550 0 0 j Less amount re- .. .. .. .. ■ •• j 2,556 0 0 covered from State Advances Office (A dv a n c e s to Settlers Branch) Carried forward .. . I .. 12,179,276 13 12,902,426 17 10 9,276,849 15 3 ; I * £4 10s. 588 1. per cent. t Recovery in respeot of jj2 of the lo*n only apportionei to Woatoort Harbour Account, pursuant to sec-tion 3, Westport Harbour Amendment Act, 192*>.

8.-l [Pr. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 0-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE — continued. Debt Services-Interest- continued.


I Gross Interest I Net Interest i> i Half-yearly Maturity Amount of 1 charged to Recoveries charged to Act. Principal. ptr | | )ue ]. [ Date. ! Interest. Ordinary Revenue | ' Ordinary Revenue wnt. Account. ] Account. — £ 8 d. | £ s. d. £ H. d. £ s. d.| f. s. d. Brought forward . . .. .. .. •• •• 12,179,276 13 1 2,902,426 17 10 0,276,849 15 3 State Advances Debt — continued. New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10-Advances to Settlers 752,093 15 0 4| 1/8/30 1 '2/34 16,022 2 2 Branch 752,093 15 0 4* 1 1/2/31 1/2/34 16,922 2 2 1,762,626 5 3 4J 1/6/30 1/12/45 39,659 1 10 1,762,626 5 3 4A 1/12/30 1/12/45 39,659 1 10 113.162 8 0 Less amount re- j .. .. •• •• •• •• 113,162 8 0 covered from State J Advances Office | (Advances to Settlers Branch) Advances to Workers 200,000 0 0 4 1/8/30 1/2/34 4,000 0 0 Branch 200,000 0 0 4 1/2.31 1/2/34 4,000 0 0 5,406 5 0 1/8/30 1/2/34 121 12 10 5,406 5 0 U 1/2/31 1/2/34 121 12 10 328,282 16 6 4<j 1/6/30 1/12/45 7,386 7 3 328,282 16 6 4i 1/12/30 1/12/45 7,386 7 3 23,016 0 2 Less amount re- .. j .. •• •• •• 23,016 0 2 covered from State Advances Office (Advances to Workers Branch) , ~ 12,315,455 1 3 3,038,605 6 0 9,276,849 15 3 Amount recovered from State Advances Office (Housing Branch), which cannot be allotted to any particular authorizing Acts, being interest at 4 per cent, on £319,918 Is. 7d., expended from Public Works Fund under Vote "Workers' Dwellings." (On account of £12,796 14s. 6d.) — For year 1929-30 .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 8,882 4 4 For year 1930-31 3,50112 1 Or. 12,383 16 o I 1 Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 40:— Interest on temporary transfers between accounts, — Paid on behalf of — Education Loans Account .. .. .. .. 1,285 9 6 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. .. | 39 9 0 Rangitaiki Land Draina - e Account .. .. .. .. 23 6 10 Swamp Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. 674 7 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. .. 187 10 4 2,210 2 8 .. 2,210 2 8 1 12,317,665 3 11 [ 3,050,989 2 5 9,266,676 1 6 I I — 1 —:

B. — l [Vr ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE and of RECOVERIES in respect of such DISBURSEMENTS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1931. Debt Services.


Gross Amount Net Amolin' charged t« p.,,,,,,,.,1.. rliarocd to Ordinary Kevenue Keeovenes. Ordiu.iry Kevrnur Account. Account. 'C a. d. *! s. d. £ s. d. Interest (details as shown in foregoing statement)— .. 12,317,665 3 11 3,050,989 2 5 9,266,676 1 6 AMORTIZATION OF DEBT. Sinking Fund. Finance Act, 1928, section 13 (4) (o) :— Westport Harbour Act, J920, — Westport Harbour Board An. ISM Sinking Fund for one year to 1st March, 1931, in respect of loans raised for Westport Harbour Board— Payment in terms of above Act .. 7,000 0 0 Less amount recovered from Westport Harbour Board .. .. .... .. .. ] 4,117 12 10* 2,882 7 J Finance Act, 1928, section 13 (4) (c) : — Weetport Harbour Act, 1920, — West port Harbour Board Aot, 1884— Amount payable in respect of redemption of £16,150 of loan raised for Westport Harbour Board .. i 179 i) I Less amount recovered from Westport Harbour Board .. .. .... .. .. 282 0 7* 197 8 6 Finance Act, 1928, section 13 (4) (rf) : — Westport Harbour Aot, 1920,— West port Harbour Board Act, 1 SSI • Amount payable in respect of redemption of .£2.1 no of loan raised for Westport Harbour Board .. 94 lo 0 Less amount recovered from Westpori Harbour Board .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 1 1 10* 38 18 t Total, Sinking Fund .. .. 7,573 19 l| 4,455 5 3j 3,118 13 10 I Repayment of Funded Delt. Repayment O] Funded Debi (in terms of section 8 of the Finance Act, I!I2l'. under Memorandum of Agreement with the Imperial Government dated (ith September, 1922):— Finance Act, 1916 (section 35), (War Expends) .. 71,0!)") 2 7 Finance Act, 1918 (section 10), (War Expenses) .. 99,069 4 4 Public Revenues Amendment Act, li)14 (section 8), (War Expenses) .. .. .. .. ..31 ,029 14 4 Public Revenues Amendment Act. 1915 (section 5), (War | Expenses) .. .. .. .. .. 121,662 12 0 War Purposes Loan Act. 1917 .. .. .. 72,493 8 9 395,340 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910 .. 2,866 17 4 Land for Settlements Act, 19us .. .. .. 567 0 2 Naval Defence Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. 27,333 10 5 426,107 7 11 Less amounts recouped from Land for Sett lenient s Account — £ s. (1. For half-year ended 1st June, 1930 280 0 5 For half-year ended 1st December, 1930 286 19 !) .. 567 0 2 425,540 7 9 Total, Repayment of Funded Debt .. 126,107 7 11 567 0 2 425,540 7 y Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925. Repayment of thb Public Debt Act, 1926: — Section 11 (a),— Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution for the Year 1930-31 of £ per cent, on the public debt within the meaning of the Act outstanding at 31st March, 1930 (It per cent. on £196,323,912 14s. 10d.) .. .. .. 981,619 11 3 .. 981,619 11 3 Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution of i per cent, on £5,036,035 8s. 2d., debt redeemed under the Act to 31st March, 1930 .. .. .. .. 25,180 3 6 .. 25,180 3 6 Carried forward .. .. .. 1,006,799 14 9 .. 1,006,799 14 9 Carried forward .. .. .. 12,751,346 10 11 3,056,011 7 10 9,695,335 3 1 * Recovery in respect of gjj of loan only apportioned to Westport Harbour Account, pursuant to section 3, WestP 01 * Harbour Amendment Act, 1926.

B.—l [Pt. ll].


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Debt Services — continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount charged to Recoveries charged to Ordinary Revenue ivtcovtries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 12,751,346 10 11 3,056,011 7 10 9,695,335 3 1 AMORTIZATION OF DEBT —continued. Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 —continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 1,006,799 14 9 .. 1.006,799 14 9 Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925—continued Section 11 (6), — Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution of 3J per cent, on £5,036,035 8s. 2d., debt redeemed under the Act to 31st March, 1930 .. .. .. .. 176,261 4 9 .. 176,261 4 9 Amount transferred to the Public Debt Repayment Account, being contribution of 3J per cent, on £1,209,927 lis. 10d., debt redeemed under the Act during the year 1930-31, computed from the dates of redemption to 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. 23,997 13 0 .. 23,997 13 0 Total, Repayment of the Public Debt Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1,207,058 12 6 ... 1,207,058 12 6 - Transfer to Loans Redemption Account. Public Revenues Act, 1926, section 135 (4) :— Amount transferred to the Loans Redemption Account for the redemption of Main Highways loans, representing proportion of the interest on the balance of the Loans Redemption Account earned by moneys held in that account for the redemption of Main Highways loans .. .. .. .. .. 2,954 5 1 .. 2,954 5 1 Total, Transfer to Loans Redemption Account .. .. .. 2,954 5 1 .. 2,954 5 1 ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT. Finance Act, 1926 :— Section 23 (3), — Stamp duty on transfers of New Zealand Consolidated Stock .. .. .. .. .. 7,033 15 0 Less Amounts recovered from— £ s. d. Electric-supply Account .. 207 1 1 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 103 10 5 Land for Settlements Account .. 7 17 Native Land Settlement Account 165 14 9 State Advances Account— Settlers Branch .. .. 1,163 14 11 Workers Branch .. .. 554 11 3 State Forests Account .. 73 5 1 Swamp Land Drainage Account 25 2 4 .. 2,300 1 5 4,733 13 7 Finance Act, 1928, section 9 : — Charges and expenses of paying off securities, and raising redemption loans— Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 .. 0 5 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 .. 14 11 6 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 .. 127 2 6 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 .. 13 12 6 Finance Act, 1915, section 105 (Public Works) .. 124 5 0 Finance Act, 1916, section 35 .. .. .. 8,388 3 5 Finance Act, 1918, section 10 .. .. .. 172 6 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV .. .. 86 9 4 Finance Act, 1919, section 5 (Public Works) .. 71 3 6 Finance Act, 1924, section 2 (Public Works) .. 38 3 2 Naval Defence Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. 24 12 3 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 .. .. .. 54 10 0 Ordinary Revenue Account—Miscellaneous .. .. 2,916 18 4 12,032 2 6 .. 12,032 2 6 i Carried forward .. .. .. 19,065 17 6 2,300 1 5 16,765 16 1 Carried forward ... .. .. 13,961,359 8 6 3,056,011 7 10 10,905,348 0 8

B.—l [Pγ. 11.


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Debt Services — continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount charged to Uprovprifts charged to Ordinary Revenue Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. 13,961,359 8 6 3,056,011 7 10 10,905,348 0 8 ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT —continued. Brought forward .. .. 19,065 17 6 2,300 1 5 16,765 16 1 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 :— Section 26, — Amount paid Bank of England for year ended 31 October, 1930, for management of New Zealand Consolidated Stock.. .. .. .. 35,358 12 3 Less amounts recovered from—- £ s. d. Cheviot Estate Account .. 23 13 6 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 78 13 5 Electric Supply Account .. 2,223 1 8 Land for Settlements Account .. 672 3 4 Main Highways Account .. 165 0 11 Native Land Settlement Account .. 215 19 9 State Coal-mines Account .. 15 10 2 State Forests Account .. .. 63 9 7 State Advances Department— Settlers Branch .. 2,533 1 6 Workers Branch .. .. 1,235 9 5 Local Authorities Branch .. 299 5 5 Swamp Land Drainage Account .. 15 4 4 .. 7,540 13 0 27,817 19 3 Total, Administration and management 54,424 9 9 9,840 14 5 44,583 15 4 PAYMENTS ON GUARANTEED LOANS. Finance Act, 1928, section 36 :— Instalment of principal and interest due to Public Trustee in respect of loan of £40,000 to the Tongariro National Park Board, and guaranteed by the Government— £ 8. d. Instalment of principal .. .. 171 7 3 Instalment of interest .. .. 1,185 9 2 1,356 16 5 .. 1,356 16 5 Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909 :— Section 13 (1), — Interest in arrear made good under Government guarantee —■ Kelman Land Settlement Association .. 166 4 0 Clifton Grove Land Settlement Association .. 400 0 0 Less Repayment by the Clifton Grove Land Settlement Association under subsection (5) .. .. 165 0 0 401 4 0 Local Bodies' Loans Amendment Act, 1908 : — Section 10, — Subsidies on instalments of sinking fund — Cambridge Borough Council, due 30 April, 1930 .. 25 0 0 Grey Lynn Borough Council, due 1 April, 1930 .. 225 0 0 Levin Borough Council, due 1 April, 1930 .. 135 0 0 Sydenham No. 3 Waterworks Loan— Due 31 March, 1931 .. .. .. .. 715 0 Taihape Borough Council, due 1 April, 1930 .. 125 0 0 .. 581 5 0 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, section 76 :— Payments to State Advances Office by way of subsidy on instalments due by local authorities in respect of loans for roading outlying districts .. .. .. 233 17 0 .. 233 17 0 Total, Payments on Guaranteed Loans 2,738 2 5 165 0 0 2,573 2 5 TOTAL, DEBT Services .. .. 14,018,522 0 8 3,066,017 2 3 10,952,504 18 5 I _J

B.—l [Pt. [[].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE and RECOVERIES fn respect of such DISBURSEMENTS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1931. Other Services.


Gross Amount Net Amount Act - Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. * s. <!. Grants and Subsidies. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926 :— Subsidies, — £ s. d. Hawke's Bay Children's Home .. 870 10 4 Jubilee Institute for the Blind .. 986 19 10 St. Andrew's Orphanage .. .. 127 8 4 Wellington Convalescent Home .. 130 8 S Wellington Ladies' Christian Association 414 4 (i Wellington Society for Relief of Aged Needy .. .. .. .. 122 9 0 Hospital Boards .. .. ..668,194 14 11 670,846 15 4 .. 670,846 15 4 Total, Hospitals and Charitable Institutions.. .. .. 670,846 15 4 .. 670,846 15 4 EDUCATION (Grants and Subsidies). Education Boards, &c. Education Act, 1914 :— Education Boards, — Public Primary Schools—Subsides .. .. 14,842 5 1 Technical Instruction— Subsidies .. .. .. 873 14 7 National Scholarships—Grants .. .. .. 10,283 8 n Secondary Schools—-Subsidies .. .. .. 1,745 7 11 .. 27,744 15 7 Marlbokough Hinn School Act, 1899 : — Grant to Marlborough High School for year 1930-31 .. 400 0 0 .. 400 0 0 University Colleges. Auckland University Colleoe Act, 1882 :— Grant to Auckland University College for year 1930-31 .. 4,000 0 0 .. 4,000 0 0 New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1914 : — Section 16, — University National Scholarships .. .. .. 3,055 6 4 Section 28,— University Bursaries .. .. .. ..I 17,047 0 0 .. 20,102 6 4 New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1919 :— Section 4, — Annual grants for workers' extension lectures— Auckland University College .. .. .. 500 0 0 Victoria University College .. .. .. 500 0 0 Canterbury College .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 University of Otago .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 .. 2,000 0 0 \i;w Zealand University Amendment Act, 1926: — Section 21,— Subsidies on voluntary contributions — Auckland University College .. .. .. 673 17 6 Victoria University College .. .. .. 398 1 3 Canterbury College .. .. .. .. 599 lit li University of Otago .. .. .. .. 10,576 K n .. 12,248 6 3 New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1928: — Section 7,— Annual grants— Auckland University College .. .. .. 9,750 0 0 Victoria University "College .. .. .. 7,750 0 (' Canterbury College .. .. .. .. 6,00000 University of Otago .. .. .. .. 15,350 0 0 . 38,850 0 0 Victoria College Act, 1905, and Queen's Scholarships Act, 1906, section 3 :— Payment to Victoria College of grant for year 1930-31 .. < 4,000 0 0 .. 4,000 0 0 1 Massey Agricultural College. Massey Agricultural College Act, 1926 :— Section 23, — Annual grant towards maintenance of College .. 15,000 0 0 .. 15,000 0 0 Total, Education .. .. 124,345 8 2 .. 124,345 8 2 Carried forward .. .. .. 795,192 3 6 .. j 795,192 3 6

B.—l [Pt. 111.


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Other Services- continued.


Oros« Amount Not Amount charged to | charged to Ordinary Revenue j ' Ordinary Revenue Account. j Account. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 795,192 3 6 .. 795,192 3 6 \ OTHER GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES. Contributions, &e., to Superannuation Funds. Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927 :— Section 50, — Annual contribution to Public Service Superannuation Fund .. .. .. .. .. 86,000 0 0 Less amounts recovered from— £ 8. d. Post and Telegraph Department 68,427 3 2 Government Life Insurance Department .. .. .. 1,353 13 6 Public Trustee .. .. 6,792 18 5 State Coal-mines Account .. 297 3 10 State Fire Insurance Office .. 1,435 11 1 State Forest Service .. .. 1,655 1 3 Native Trustee .. .. 362 1 5 State Advances Office .. 994 2 9 New Zealand Meat-producers' Board 27 8 5 Westport Harbour Account .. 253 4 5 Electric-supply Account .. 2,219 13 9 .. 83,818 2 0 2.181 18 0 Section 112, — Annual contribution to Teachers' Superannuation Fund 43,000 0 0 .. 43,000 0 0 Section 114, — Payments to Superannuation Funds to meet increased superannuation allowance to widows and children— Public Service Superannuation £ s. d. Fund .. .. .. 15,332 11 3 Teachers'Superannuation Fund .. 3,906 18 3 19,239 9 6 Less amounts recovered from—Post and Telegraph Department .. 4,576 6 3 Government Life Insurance Department .. .. .. 92 6 4 Public Trustee .. .. 53 1 0 State Forest Service .. .. 65 16 9 ■ State Advances Office .. .. 13 0 0 .. 4,800 10 4 14,438 19 2 Subsidies and Allowances, National Provident Fund. National Provident Fund Act, 1926 :— Section 42 (2), — Maternity allowances for friendly societies .. .. 36,576 0 0 Section 52, — Subsidy on total contribution from approved friendly societies for year ended 31 December, 1929 .. 737 19 7 Section 70, — Maternity allowances .. .. .. .. 6,924 0 0 Section 74 (2), — Subsidy on contributions to the fund .. .. 61,236 9 3 .. 105,474 8 10 Subsidies to Local Authorities on Rates. Appropriation Act, 1916 :— Section 9, — Subsidies to the local authorities of counties, road districts, and town districts on rates collected .. 94,192 19 11 Less amount recovered from Main Highways Account Revenue Fund .. .. .. .. .. 94,192 19 11 Municipal Corporations Act, 1920 :— Section 72, — Subsidies to Borough and City Councils on rates collected 22,231 3 7 Less amount recovered from Main Highways Account Revenue Fund .. .. .. .. .. 22,231 3 7 Payment to Racing Clubs of Proportion of Totalizator Duty. Finance Act, 1925:— Section 8,— Rrfunds to racing clubs of proportion of totalizator duty 23,603 5 0 .. 23,60 i 5 0 Carried forward .. .. .. 393,741 6 10 205,042 15 10 ; 188,698 11 0 Carried forward .. .. .. j 795,192 3 6 .. i 795,192 3 6

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 193 0-1931.

DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Other Services- continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount Act charged to Recoveries „ charged to ct ' Ordinary Revenue Recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 795,192 3 6 .. 795,192 3 6 OTHER GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES —continued— Brought forward .. .. 393,741 6 10 205,042 15 10 188,698 11 0 Contribution towards Cost of Singapore Naval Base. Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2): — Section 5.. .. .. .. .. .. 125,000 0 0 125,000 0 0 Miscellaneous Grants and Subsidies. Auctioneers Act, 1928 :— Section 42, — Amount of auctioneers' foes payable to looal bodies after deducting cost of administration .. .. .. 18,008 10 0 18,008 10 0 Finance Act, 1925 :— Section 7, — Payment towards general expenses of New Zealand Institute ... .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 i 1,500 0 0 Fire Brigades Act, 1926 :— Section 26 (1), — Subsidies to Fire Boards .. .. .. .. 3,880 5 2 3,880 5 2 Greymouth Harbour Board Amendment Act, 1920 :— Section 5, — Subsidy to Greymouth Harbour Board .. .. 15,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 Land Act, 1924 :— Sections 139 and 358, — Amount paid by Receivers of Land Revenue into Local Bodies' Deposit Accounts, for payment to local authorities in respect of rents, royalties, &c. (" thirds," " fourths," and " halves") .. .. .. 8,666 10 3 8,666 10 3 Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1925:— Section 13, — Fifth and final annual payment to Maori Purposes Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 .. 3,000 0 0 New Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment Act, 1874 :— 25 per cent., of proceeds from land-sales, rents, &c„ to 31 December, 1930, paid to New Plymouth Harbour Board .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,920 14 7 .. 1,920 14 7 Police Offences Act, 1927 :— Section 15, — Fines paid to Societies for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals .. .. .. .. .. 65 11 0 j 65110 Rotorua Borough Act, 1922, section 6, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 7 :— Payment to Rotorua Borough Council, portion of bath receipts .. .. .. .. .. 1,300 0 0 .. 1,300 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, section 17 (d), and Appropriation Act, 1916, section 27 :— Contribution to Waihou and Ohinomuri Rivers Improvement Account towards interest and cost of administration and maintenance .. .. .. 1,117 11 5 1,117 11 5 Total, Other Grants and Subsidies 573,200 9 3 205,042 15 10 368,157 13 5 Carried forward .. .. .. 1,368,392 12 9 205,042 15 10 1,163,349 16 11 I

B.—l [Pt. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 193 0-193].

DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Other Services — continued.

B—B. 1 [Pt. TTI.


Gross Amount Net Amount. Aot - Ordinary'llevcnue Recoveries. Ordlna" g RovJnue Account. Account. £ 9. d. £ •*. d. £ <». d. Brought forward .. .. .. 1,368,392 12 9 205,042 15 10 1,163,349 16 11 SALARIES AND HONORARIA. Legislative. Appropriation Act, 1926:— Section 16, — Special allowances to Members of the House of Representatives in addition to the amount provided for in the Civil List Act, 1920 Adjustment on account of amount paid during the year 1929-30 .. .. .. .. Or. 1 6 11 Amount repaid by Members on account of allowances received during the year 1929-30 .. .. .. 100 0 0 Cr. 101 6 11 Section 24 (2), — Salary of Minister for Cook Islands in excess of the amount appropriated under the Civil List Act, 1920— 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 .. .. .. 180 0 0 .. 180 0 0* Civil List Act, 1920:— Part III, Section 16, — Speakers of both Houses and Chair- £ s. d. men of Committees .. .. 2,552 3 6 Part III, Section 17, — Members of the Legislative Council.. 11,676 4 8 Members of the House of Representatives .. .. .. .. 29,532 18 1 Part IV, Section 22, — Officers of Legislative Council and House of Representatives .. 2,800 0 0 46,561 6 3 . 46,561 6 3 Finance Act, 1927 : — Section 11, — Allowance to Speaker, House of Representatives (Sir C. E. Statham) .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 .. 100 0 0 Justice. Judicature Amendment Act, 1920 (Section 3): — The Judges,— The Chief Justice — Myers, Sir M„ K.C.M.G., K.B., salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 .. .. .. .. 2,250 0 0 The Puisne Judges— Adams, A. S., salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 2,000 0 0 Herdman, A. L., salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 McGregor, W. C., salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Ostler, H. H., salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 2,000 0 0 Reed, J. R„ salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 2.000 0 0 Smith, D. S., salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 2,000 0 0 Blair, A. W„ salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 2,000 0 0 Kennedy, R., salary, 1 April. 1930, to 31 March, 1931 2,000 0 0 .. 18,250 0 0 Magistrates' Courts Act, 1928 :— Section 8, — Salaries of Magistrates .. .. .. .. 27,325 0 0 Less refund from Vote Valuation of salary of J. G. L. Hewitt, S.M., for period 8 June, 1930, to 9 December, 1930, while engaged on Assessment Court work .. 168 15 10 27,156 4 2 Other Salaries. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1925 Section 64, —- Judge of the Arbitration Court— Frazer, F. V., salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 2,000 0 0 Section 73, — Members of the Arbitration Court— Monteith, A. L., salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Prime, W. C., salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 750 0 0 3,500 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. 95,914 19 4 268 15 10 95,646 3 6 Carried forward .. .. .. 1,368,392 12 9 205,042 15 10 1,163,349 16 11 i ' i • Salary (£990) and house allowance (£200) also paid and charged under Civil List, Part II (see B.-l [Pt. I]).

B.—l [Pγ. ll].


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Other Services — continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount • - charged to charged to ct " Ordinary Revenue enoe. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 1,368,392 12 9 205,042 15 10 1,163,349 16 11 SALARIES AND HONORARIA—continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 95,914 19 4 268 15 10 95,646 3 6 Other Salaries —continued. TIioh Commissioner Act, 1908 :— Section 6, — Salary, High Commissioner (Wilford, Hon. Sir T. M., K.C.), I April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 .. .. 2,000 0 0 .. 2,000 0 0 Public Revenues Act, 1926 :— Section 6, —- Salary, Controller and Auditor-General (Campbell, G. F. C., C.M.G.), 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 .. 1,300 0 0 .. 1,300 0 0 Public Service Act, 1912, and Appropriation Act, 1925, Section 20, Subsection (1) (a): — Public Service Commissioner, —• Verschaffelt, P. D. N., C.M.G., salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 .. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 .. 1,500 0 0 Public Service Act, 1912, and Appropriation Act, 1920 :— Section 16 (1), — Assistant Public Service Commissioner, — Dallard, B. L., salary, 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 1,092 0 0 .. 1,092 0 0 Total, Salaries and Honoraria .. 101,806 19 4 268 15 10 101,538 3 6 PENSIONS. Family Allowances. Family Allowances Act, 1926 :— Section 18, — Allowances towards maintenance of children .. 63,607 12 6 .. 63,607 12 6 Old-age Pensions. PffKQTnw Apt 1Q9A • Old-age pensions .. .. .. .. 1,118,285 10 6 .. 1,118,285 10 6 Widows' Pensions. Apt 1Q9R - Widows'pensions .. .. .. .. .. 325,997 19 3 .. 325,997 19 3 War Pensions. War Pensions Act, 1915:— Pensions and allowances .. .. .. .. 1,245,499 7 5 .. 1,245,499 7 5 Other Pensions. Civil Service Act, 1908 :— Pensions .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,250 15 2 .. 9,250 15 2 Defence Act, 1909 :— Pensions and allowances .. .. .. .. 2,620 1 3 .. 2,620 1 3 Finance Act, 1923 :— Section 13, — Annuity to daughter of late Sir William Fraser .. 150 0 0 .. 150 0 0 FiNiNCE Act, 1924:— Section 30, — Annuity to Lady Salmond .. .. .. 200 0 0 .. 200 0 0 Finance Act, 1926:— Section 34, —• Pensions for ex-members of New Zealand Defence and Naval Forces .. .. .. .. .. 1,483 11 4 .. 1,483 11 4 Carried forward .. .. .. 2,767,094 17 5 .. 2,767,094 17 5 Carried forward .. .. .. 1,470,199 12 1 205,311 11 8 1,264,888 0 5

B.—l [Pt. ll].


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Other Services — continued.


i; roes Amount Net Amouut ,., charged to Hm-nvnriea charged to Act - Ordinary Revenue Keco\«ies. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 1,470,199 12 1 205,311 11 8 1,264,888 0 5 PENSIONS— continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 2,767,094 17 5 .. 2,767,094 17 5 Other Pensions — continued. Judicature Act, 1908 : — Sections 12-14, — Superannuation allowances — Chapman, Sir F. R., 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 1,083 6 8 Stout, Right Hon. Sir R., P.O., K.C.M.G., 1 April, 1930, to 19 July, 1930 .. .. .. 451 12 3 Stringer, Sir T. W., 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 750 0 0 —— .. 2,284 18 11 Pensions Act, 1926 :— Miners'pensions .. .. .. .. .. 58,441 1 8 |. Less gold duty collected under section 448, Mining Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,507 12 10 55,933 8 10 Military pensions, Maori War .. .. .. 9,101 11 7 .. 9,101 11 7 Pensions for the blind .. .. .. .. 15,795 14 7 .. 15,795 14 7 Public Service Superannuation Act, 1927:— Section 62,— Pensions in respect of death or disablement of police officers .. .. .. .. .. 1,741 0 10 .. 1,741 0 10 Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1916 :— Section 67, — Compensation to Mrs. Ann Noble for loss of orchard .. 78 0 0 .. 78 0 0 Total, Pensions .. .. .. 2,854,537 5 0 2,507 12 10 2,852,029 12 2 MOTOR TAXATION. Tire-tax, Fees, and Fines transferred to Main Highways Account. Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2) :— Section 24 (1),— Transfer to Main Highways Account Revenue Fund as under — £ s. d. Tire-tax .. .. .. 129,188 6 5 Motor-vehicles feee, fines, &c. .. 393,797 11 1 522,985 17 6 .. 522,985 17 6 Tax on Motor-spirits transferred to Main Highways Account. Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927: — Section 9.— Allocation of residue after deduction of expenses*— Subsection 1 (a), 92 per cent, of residue transferred to Main Highways Revenue Fund for period 1 April, 1930, to 31 July, 1930 .. .. .. 343,646 3 11 .. 343,646 3 11 Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927, Section 9 (1) (a), and Finance Act, 1930, Section 38 : — Allocation of residue after deduction of expenses,*— 94£ per cent, of residue transferred to Main Highways Revenue Fund for period 1 August, 1930, to 31 March, .. 875,562 7 9 1931 .. .. .. .. .. .. 875,562 7 9 Tax on Motor-spirits paid to Boroughs. Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927:— Section 9, — Allocation of residue after deduction of expenses*— Subsection (1) (b), residue paid to Borough Councils— 8 per cent, for period 1 January, 1930, to 31 July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 51,168 3 8 5J per cent, for period 1 August, 1930, to 31 December, 1930 .. .. .. .. 31,843 18 2 .. 83,012 1 10 Expenses of Collecting and Making Refunds. Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2) :— Section 24 (3),— Transfer to the credit of Vote Customs in respect of the expenses incidental to the collection of tire-tax .. 1,219 14 8 .. 1,219 14 8 Carried forward .. .. .. 1,826,426 5 8 .. 1,826,426 5 8 Carried forward .. .. .. 4,324,736 17 1 I 207,819 4 6 4,116,917 12 7 * So deduction has been made Iα respect of any expanses iacide it to the allocution of the residue .

B.—l [Pγ. 11 J.


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Other Services — continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount i„t charged to RAmmrle. charged to Ordinary Revenue ' Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 4,324,736 17 1 207,819 4 6 4,116,917 12 7 MOTOR TAXATION—continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 1,826,426 5 8 .. 1,826,426 5 8 Expenses of Collecting and Making Refunds—continued Motor-spirits Taxation Act, 1927 :— Section 7, — Expenses of collecting tax on motor-spirits paid to the credit of Vote Customs for the period 1 January, 1930, to 31 December, 1930 .. .. .. 14,400 8 6 .. 14,400 8 6 Expenses of refunding tax on motor-spirits paid to the Post Office, for the period 1 January, 1930, to 31 December, 1930 .. .. .. .. 1,934 14 0 .. 1,934 14 0 Total, Motor Taxation .. .. 1,842,761 8 2 .. 1,842,761 8 2 ADVANCES On Account of other Governments. Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2): — Section 7, — Advances made on behalf of other Governments — British Guiana .. .. .. .. 42 19 9 42 19 9 Canada .. .. .. .. .. 267 19 0 .. 267 19 0 Ceylon .. .. .. .. 1,167 16 10 1,125 16 10 42 0 0 Commonwealth of Australia .. .. .. 14,118 2 5 14,045 15 6 72 6 11 Cook Islands .. .. .. .. .. 19 19 0 1,053 14 10 Or. 1,033 15 10 Cyprus .. .. .. .. .. 296 11 0 296 11 0 Federated Malay States .. .. .. 1,902 13 1 2,073 13 1 Or. 171 0 0 Fiji .. .. .. .. .. . 130 0 0 130 0 0 Gambia .. .. .. .. .. 174 2 11 174 2 11 Gold Coast .. .. .. .. .. 273 7 6 273 7 6 Hong Kong .. .. .. .. .. 51 16 10 51 16 10 Imperial Government— General advances ... .. .. .. 23,799 7 8 16,426 6 4 7,373 1 4 Payment of Imperial Pensions .. .. .. 94,718 8 11 94,706 8 6 12 0 5 Johore .. .. .. .. .. 26 13 0 26 13 0 Nigeria .. .. .. .. .. 292 12 4 292 12 4 Niue Island .. .. .. 2 2 0 675 0 8 Cr. 672 18 8 Nyasaland .. .. .. .. .. 93 6 8 93 6 8 Palestine .. .. ., .. .. 64 1 0 64 1 0 Straits Settlements .. .. .. .. 389 18 0 389 18 0 Trinidad .. .. .. .. .. 169 18 2 59 4 3 110 13 11 Union of South Africa .. .. .. 181 11 6 217 7 4 Cr. 35 15 10 138,183 7 7 132,218 16 4 5,964 11 3 Public Revenues Act, 1926:— Section 137, subsection (1), — Amount paid to Advances to other Governments Account 10,000 0 0 Less Amount not required transferred to the Consolidated Fund under subsection (4) .. .. .. 9,348 0 7 651 19 5 To Working Railways Account. Government Railways Act, 1926: — Section 37 (1) (a),— Loan to Working Railways Account .. .. 100,000 0 0 Less Amount repaid .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 Miscellaneous Advances. Education Reserves Act, 1928 :— Section 29 (1) (6), — Compensation paid for improvements to outgoing occupiers in respect of leases or licenses of Education reserves or endowments .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Less Amount recovered from the Primary Education Endowment Deposit Account on account of above payments in respect of Primary Education Endowment contained in Reserve 121b, Block V, Poerua Survey District .. .. .. .. .. 493 11 8 1,006 8 4 Finance Act, 1929 : — Section 8, — Advance to the Native Land Settlement Account for the purpose of enabling the Native Minister to make advances to Natives under the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1929, section 23 (7) .. .. .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 .. 1,500 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. 251,183 7 7 242,060 8 7 9,122 19 0 Carried forward .. .. .. 6,167,498 5 3 207,819 4 6 5,959,679 0 9

B.—l [Pt. ll],


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE— continued. Other Services — continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount am charged to p.»«, o ,i« charged to Acl - Ordinary Revenue liecovene". Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 6,167,498 5 3 | 207,819 4 6 5,959,679 0 9 ADVANCES— continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 251,183 7 7 242,060 8 7J 9,122 19 0 Miscellaneous Advances — continued. Rural Intermediate Credit Act, 1927 :— Section 18,— Advance to Rural Intermediate Credit Board repayable within ten years, to provide for the preliminary expenses of associations .. .. .. 400 0 0 .. 400 0 0 Total, Advances .. .. .. 251,583 7 7 j 242,060 8 7 9,522 19 0 OTHER SPECIAL ACTS. Maintenance of Overseas War Graves and Memorials. Appropriation Act, 1925 :— Section 15, — Fifth Annual payment .. .. .. .. 30,750 0 0 .. 30,750 0 0 Expenditure incurred in respect of Military Police in Samoa. Finance Act, 1928 :— Section 7 .. .. .. .. .. 5,460 Iβ I 729 15 9 4,731 0 4 Compensation for Stock destroyed or condemned. Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1908, Section 60, and Amendment Act, 1910, Section 2 :— Compensation to owners for stock condemned .. .. 14,490 8 8 tee* Amount received from sale of stock .. .. .. 10 8 9 14,479 19 11 Stock Act, 1908 :— Section 45, — Compensation for stock destroyed an account of disease 17,225 3 6 Less Credits in reduction, being proceeds from sale of stock destroyed, credited under section 43 .. .. 1,095 0 3 16,130 3 3 Contribution to Fire Insurance Fund. Poblic Revenues Act, 1926:— Section 133,— Annual contributions to fund for reinstating public buildings destroyed by tire .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 .. 10,000 0 0 Miscellaneous. Appropriation Act, 1926 :— Section 13,— Exchange on remittances to and from London .. 1,139 10 3 Less Amounte received from— £ s. d. Post Office .. .. .. 1,240 1 10 Government Life Insurance Department .. .. .. 10 15 3 The High Commissioner .. .. 44 2 10 Various Government Departments in respect of amounts remitted to London for investment on their behalf .. .. .. 11,406 3 7 .. 12,701 3 6 Cr. 11,561 13 3 Section 15, — Travelling-expenses of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral and staff in excess of amount provided under the Civil List Act, 1920 .. .. .. 2,362 17 0 .. 2,362 17 0* Finance Act, 1928:— Section 20,— Sundry payments made by the High Commissioner on behalf of— Post and Telegraph Department .. .. .. 3,038 2 0 Public Service and Teachers' Superannuation Funds 5,589 6 11 Government Life 1 nsurance Department .. .. 844 15 1 State Fire Insurance Department .. .. 118 15 0 Victoria University College .. .. .. 11 11 0 Canterbury College .. .. .. .. 11 15 4 Auckland University .. .. .. .. 6 0 0 Auckland City Council .. .. .. .. 0 2 10 Auckland Hospital Board .. .. .. 2 13 6 Cook Hospital Board, Gisborno .. .. .. 2 19 Less Amounts recovered from the various Departments or bodies .. .. .. .. .. 9,625 4 2 Carried forward .. .. .. 91,053 19 8 24,161 12 5 66,892 7 3 Carried forward .. .. .. 6,419,081 12 10 449,879 13 1 5,969,201 19 9 • see also under civil List, Fart I (B.-l [Ft. I]).

B.—l [Pt. ll].


DISBURSEMENTS and RECOVERIES under SPECIAL ACTS of the LEGISLATURE-continued. Other Services — continued.


Gross Amount Net Amount Art charged to charged to Act> Ordinary Revenue recoveries. Ordinary Revenue Account. Account. £ s. d £ a. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 6,419,081 12 10 449,879 13 1 5,969,201 19 9 OTHER SPECIAL ACTS —continued. Brought forward .. .. .. 91,053 19 8 24,161 12 5 66,892 7 3 Miscellaneous—continued. Haoraki Plains Act, 1926 : — Section 13 (6), — Rates on unoccupied Crown lands subject to above Act 604 15 6 .. 604 15 6 Land Act, 1924: — Section 295 (2), — Administration expenses of national-endowment land .. 4,458 14 6 .. 4,458 14 6 Land and Income Tax Act, 1923, Section 134, and Land and Income Tax Amendment Act, 1925, Section 6 :— Interest on income-tax paid in advance .. .. 599 13 4 ,. 599 13 4 Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922, Section 27, and Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1923, Section 13 :— Seventh annual payment to Arawa District Trust Board for the benefit of the Arawa Tribe .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 .. 6,000 0 0 Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1926 :— Section 15 (1), — Fourth annual payment to Tuwharetoa Trust Board for benefit of Tuwharetoa Tribe in connection with Lake Taupo claims .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 .. 3,000 0 0 Public Revenues Act, 1926:— Section 30, — Deposits credited to Consolidated Fund as unclaimed, now paid to claimants .. .. .. 94 13 11 94 13 11 Section 96, — Refunds to the Public Trustee to enable him to disburse to the persons entitled thereto the unclaimed balances in the estate of deceased persons .. .. 59 2 0 .. 59 2 0 Section 151, — Free issue of official postage-stamps to members of the House of Representatives and to members of the Legislative Council .. .. .. .. 2,294 10 0 .. 2,294 10 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, 1910:— Section 6 (8), — Rates on unoccupied Crown lands within the drainage area— For period 1 April, 1930, to 31 March, 1931 .. 128 8 5 .. 128 8 5 Rural Advances Act, 1926: — Section 8 (2), — Interest paid on Rural Advances bonds — 5-per-cent. bonds to mature 15 September, 1947 — £ s. d. Interest due 15 September, 1929 12 10 0 Interest due 15 March, 1930 .. 4,900 0 0 Interest due 15 September, 1930 75,132 4 10 Interest due 15 March, 1931 .. 81,117 16 3 161,162 11 1 Less amount recovered from State Advances Office .. 162,001 1 0 Or, 838 9 11 5-per-cent. bonds to mature 15 September, 1938 — £ s. d. Interest due 15 September, 1930 250 0 0 Interest due 15 March, 1931 .. 250 0 0 500 0 0 Less amount recovered from State Advances Office .. 500 0 0 Total, other Special Acts .. .. 269,956 8 5 186,662 13 5 83,293 15 0 TOTAL, OTHER Services .. .. 6,689,038 1 3 636,542 6 6 6,052,495 14 9

B.—l [Pγ. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under the HAWKE'S BAY EARTHQUAKE ACT, 1931, Section 58, and of RECOVERIES in respect of such DISBURSEMENTS for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1931.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under the FINANCE ACT, 1929, Section 9 (WEST COAST EARTHQUAKE), for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1931. £ s. d. Assistance towards repair to or the restoration of Public Works damaged by tho West Coast Earthquake, and the provision of special services necessary as a result of such Earthquake— Payment for Work done by the Westport Borough Council .. .. .. .. .. 174 0 0

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under the RURAL INTERMEDIATE CREDIT ACT, 1927, Section 16. Advances to the Rural Intermediate Credit Board.

Note.—ln terms of the Rural Intermediate Credit Act, 1927, the amounts advanced and outstanding at any time shall not exceed in the aggregate the sum of £400,000. Every advance shall be free of interest for the period of ten years immediately succeeding the date on which the first such advance is made. After the expiration of the said period of ten years interest shall be payable half-yearly, at such rate as the Minister of Finance shall from time to time determine.


Gross Amount Net Amount charged to BBMri charged to Ordinary Revenue I Keco\er)ee. Ordinary llevenue Account. Account. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Grants and special Government Services in connection with the Hawke's Bay Earthquake— Loan to Napier Borough Council .. .. .. 5,000 0 o .. 5,000 0 0 Grant to Napier Borough Council .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 .. 5,00000 Grant to Hawke's Bay Rivers Board .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 .. 5,000 0 0 Special Grants for Relief of Distress, administered through the Local District Public Trust Offices — Dannevirke .. .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 .. 250 0 0 Hastings .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 .. 1,000 0 0 Havelock North .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 .. 50 0 0 Palmerston North .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 .. 500 0 0 Wairoa .. .. .. .. .. .. 239 7 10 .. 239 7 10 Clearing Napier Streets .. .. .. .. 6,772 6 7 6 7 0 6,765 19 7 Clearing Hastings and Wairoa Streets.. .. .. 4,537 15 3 7 0 5; 4,5301410 Special Government Services .. .. .. 1,594 5 1 394 8 6 1,199 16 7 29,943 14 9 407 15 11 29,535 18 10

One-third of Two-thirds of Advance to be . ,., Date from which Advance (in Cash) credited to the Rural Total Advance Date of Advance. Term. "ate on wiucii Interest becomes for the Purpose of Intermediate Credit in Terms of Kcpayment is due. paynMe. carrying on Business Redemption Fund Section Iβ. under the Act. in Terms of Section 17 (1). Years. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. ,1 une 30, 1928.. 20 June 29, l<148.. June 30, 1938 3,400 0 0 1,700 0 0* 5,100 0 0 June 30,1928.. 20 June 29,1948.. I „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 July 31,1928.. 20 July 30,1948.. „ „ 10,000 0 (I 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Aug. 15,1928.. 20 Aug. 14,1948.. I „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 Aug. 21,1928.. 20 Am;. 20. 1948.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 Sept. 13,1928.. 20 Sept. 12,1948.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7.500 0 0 Oct. 3,1928.. 20 : Oct. 2,1948.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7.500 0 0 Oct. 8,1928.. 20 i Oct. 7,1948.. ,. „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Oct. 19,1928.. 20 Oct. 18,1948.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Nov. 8,1928.. 20 Nov. 7,1948.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 Dec. 21,1928.. 20 \ Dee. 20.1948 „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 April 10, 1929.. 20 i April 9,1949.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 May 16,1929.. 20 May 15,1949.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 May 27,1929.. 20 i May 26,1949.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 ! 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 June 4.1929.. 20 June 3,1949.. „ „ 5,000 0 0 | 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 June 27, 1929.. 20 June 26, 1949.. „ „ 8,000 0 0 4,000 0 0* 12,000 0 0 June 28, 1929.. 20 June 27, 1949.. „ „ 30,000 0 0 15.000 0 0* 45,000 0 0 Aug. 28, 1929.. 20 Aug. 27, 1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Sept. 16, 1929.. f 20 Sept. 15, 1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5.000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Oct. 3,1929.. I 20 Oct. 2,1949.. ., „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Oct. 24,1929.. i 20 Oct. 23,1049.. „ ., 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Nor. 5,1929.. ! 20 Nov. 4,1949.. „ „ 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0* 15,000 0 0 Amount advanced prior to year 1930-31 .. .. 181,400 0 0 90,700 0 0 272,100 0 0 April 16,1930.. 20 ' April 15, 1950.. \ June 30, 1938 5,000 0 0 2,500 0 0* 7,500 0 0 May 1,1930.. 20 April 30, 1950.. i „ „ 20,000 0 0 10,000 0 0* 30,000 0 0 May 30,1930.. 20 May 29, 1950.. „ „ 20,000 0 0 10,000 0 0* 30,000 0 0 Junel7, 1930.. 20 June 16, 1950.. „ „ 20,000 0 0 10,000 0 0* 30,000 0 0 June 30, 1930.. 20 June 29, 1950.. „ „ 20,270 0 0 10,130 0 0* 30,400 0 0 Amount advanced during year 1930-31 .. .. 85,270 0 0 42,630 0 0 127,900 0 0 Total amount advanced to 31st March, 1931 .. 266,670 0 0 133,330 0 0 400,000 0 0 • Securities issued in lieu of cash, in terms of subsection (4) of section 17.

B.—l Pt. II .

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under the IMPREST SUPPLY ACT, 1927, Section 4, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1931. Subsidies to Local Authorities in respect of Amounts expended in Relief of Unemployment.

STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) under the LOCAL AUTHORITIES EMPOWERING (RELIEF OF UNEMPLOYMENT) AMENDMENT ACT, 1928, Section 3, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1931. Subsidies to Local Authorities in respect of Amounts expended in Relief of Unemployment.


Name of Local Authority. s/bS'paid. Name of Local Authority. Su^sfpafd. £ s. d. £ s. d. Dunedin City Council .. .. 1,512 12 2 Brought forward .. .. 1,597 8 10 Gore Borough Council .. .. 82 0 0 Lower Hutt Borough Council .. 170 17 5 Invercargill Borough Council.. .. 2 16 8 Ross Borough Council .. .. 50 0 0 Carried forward .. .. 1,597 8 10 £1,818 6 3

Name of Local Authority. SubridTefpa'd. Name of Local Authority. SuiXsVald. £ s. d. £ s. d. Alexandra Borough Council .. 137 16 3 Brought forward .. .. 56,784 15 10 Ashburton County Council .. .. 175 6 11 Newmarket Borough Council .. | 56 16 2 Auckland City Council .. .. 6,472 14 2 New Plymouth Borough Council .. 4,995 2 8 Birkenhead Borough Council .. 30 0 0 '• Northcote Borough Council .. 67 3 6 Blenheim Borough Council .. .. 2,002 0 2 ! Oamaru Borough Council .. .. 1,077 10 8 Cambridge Borough Council .. 64 4 11 Onehunga Borough Council .. 654 1 3 Carterton Borough Council .. .. 180 0 9 Otahuhu Borough Council . . .. 321 6 10 Christchurch City Council .. .. 6,369 17 10 Paeroa Borough Council .. .. 701 0 0 Cromwell Borough Council .. .. 93 10 2 ! Palmerston North City Council .. 3,587 7 4 Dannevirke Borough Council .. 300 2 4 ; Pet one Korough Council .. .. 1,398 0 0 Devonport Borough Council .. 106 0 0 ! Port Chalmers Borough Council .. 259 12 2 Dunedin City Council .. .. 14,450 11 3 Rangitikci County Council .. .. 57 2 5 Eastbourne Borough Council .. 516 (I 0 Riverton Borough Council .. .. 127 3 11 Kltham Borough Council .. .. 24 0 0 j Shannon Borough Council .. .. 242 14 3 Feilding Borough Council .. .. 412 0 0 Sluggish River Drainage Board .. 46 15 5 Foxton Borough Council .. .. 250 0 0 Southland County Council .. .. 1,020 17 9 Gisborne Borough Council .. .. 4,622 0 0 Stratford Borough Council . . .. 407 7 8 ' Glen Eden Town Board .. .. 234 12 6 j Sumner Borough Council .. .. 1,327 15 8 Greymouth Borough Council .. 533 0 0 | Taieri County Council .. . . 150 0 0 Hamilton Borough Council . . .. 4,955 13 7 Taihape Borough Council . . . 83 0 0 Hastings Borough Council .. .. 1,941 2 4 Takapuna Borough Council .. .. 320 17 5 Havelock North Town Board .. 166 0 0 Taradale Town Board .. . . 250 8 0 Hawke's Bay Rivers Board.. .. 347 4 0 Taranaki County Council .. .. 107-16 1 Heathcote County Council .. .. WO 0 0 Tβ Aroha Borough Council .. . 220 0 0 Hokitika Borough Council .. .. 246 0 0 Tβ Kuiti Borough Council .. .. 119 6 2 Inglewood Borough Council .. 257 0 0 Temuka Borough Council .. .. 109 it 4 Invercargill Borough Council .. 2,109 1 0 Thames Borough Council .. .. 81 4 6 Kaiapoi Borough Council .. .. 276 13 9 Timaru Borough Council .. .. 3,266 0 0 Kaponga Town Board .. .. 42 0 0 Upper Hutt Borough Council .. 1,370 0 0 Lower Hutt Borough Council .. 4,789 10 6 Waihi Borough Council .. .. 692 8 7 Miikcrua Drainage Board .. .. 1,279 18 7 Waimairi County Council .. .. 566 7 0 Masterton Borough Council .. 978 0 0 Waimate Borough Council .. .. 148 18 9 Mataura Borough Council .. .. 81 0 0 ! Waipawa Borough Council .. .. 47 12 0 Milton Borough Council .. .. 207 13 11 Wairoa Borough Council .. .. 30 0 0 Morrinsville Borough Council .. 51 9 0 Wanganui City Council .. .. 2,153 15 5 Napier Borough Council .. .. 1,037 2 11 Wellington City Council .. .. 31,118 8 10 Nelson City Council . . 133 0 0 West Harbour Borough Council .. 406 15 5 New Brighton Borough Council .. 395 4 5 Whangarei Borough Council .. 385 0 0 New Lynn Borough Council .. 117 4 8 i Winton Borough Counoi] .. .. 100 0 0 Carried forward .. .. 56,784 15 10 I £114,950 1 0

B.—l [Px. Hi •

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

STATEMENT of IMPRESTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) OUTSTANDING as at the 31st March, 1931, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued.

9—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


Consolidated Fund : — Ordinary Revenue Account, — Under Special Acts— £ a. d. Appropriation Act, 1925, section 15.. .. .. .. .. .. 0100 Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), section 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,132 18 6 Rural Advances Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,263 15 0 War Pensions Act, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,488 2 8 Interest on Loans .. .. .. .. .. .. 79 14 3 Votes— Public Buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,920 15 4 Department of External Affairs .. .. .. .. 420 8 7 Cook Islands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 154 12 10 Department of Industries and Commerce, Tourist and Publicity .. 628 0 11 Department of Justice .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 213 14 5 Police Department .. .. .. .. .. .. ■. 15 12 4 Pensions Department .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. •. 224 Department of Internal Affairs .. .. .. .. .. .. 148 14 3 Printing and Stationery Department.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 881 10 11 Department of Health .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 15 5 Naval Defence .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 13,789 8 1 Defence Department .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 906 10 3 Customs Department .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •. 154 0 6 Marine Department .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 2 11 Department of Lands and Survey .. .. .. .. .. . .. 186 5 11 Department of Education .. .. .. .. .. . .. 108 15 4 Emergency Expenditure Account .. .. .. .. .. . .. 1,000 3 0 General Imprest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 2,322 16 4 General Services Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 61,576 6 11 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. £127,495 17 0

B.—l [Pγ. ll].


a.--] [Pt. nj.




B.—l [Pt. IT]


SUMMARY of ACCOUNTS of LOCAL BODIES for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1931.


Balances on Payments and Balances on 31st March, 1930. Kecelpts. Transfers. 31st March, 1931. ENDOWMENTS OP LAND. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. .£ s. d. Harbour Board :— (Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884, Section 7) — Greymouth .. .. .. 1,632 6 0 2,801 0 3 4,218 13 6 214 12 9 1,632 6 0 2,801 0 3 4,218 13 6 214 12 9 Counties :— (Land Act, 1924, Section 138 (6) and 357, and Finance Act, 1924, Section 17 (2) )— Fiord .. .. .. .. 184 18 7 .. 184 18 7 Sounds 1,365 15 11 32 12 8 .. 1,398 8 7 Taupo .. .. •• 646 17 9 163 16 3 .. 810 14 0 2,012 13 8 381 7 0 2,394 1 2 TOTAL Endowments OF LAND .. 3,644 19 8 3,182 7 9 4,218 13 6 2,608 13 11 GOLDFIELDS REVENUE. (Mining Act, 1926, Section 447.) Counties : — Bay of Islands .. .. .. •. 1 10 0 1 10 0 BuJler .. .. •• •• 154 9 7 292 7 3 342 3 5 104 13 5 Clutha .. .. .. .. .. 0 50 .. 050 Collingwood .. .. ' 11 8 0 286 14 6 291 2 6 7 0 0 Coromandel . • .. - •• 46 17 11 158 1 1 177 19 0 27 0 0 Ellesmere . - ■ • • • • • 0 10 0 .. 0 10 0 Featherston .. .. .. •. 0 10 0 .. 0 10 0 Grey .. .. .. •• 2,678 12 2 6,031 1 10 7,692 6 6 1,017 7 6 Horowhenua .. .. .. •• 30 0 250 0 15 0 Hutt 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 Inaneahua •• .* .. 514 9 2 1,106 3 5 1,102 6 8 518 5 11 Lake .. .. .. 40 6 0 890 17 5 678 11 11 252 11 6 Makara .. 15 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 Manawatu .. .. .. . • 0 15 0 0 15 0 Mangonui .. .. •• 550 550 Maniototo > ■ . - • • 61 17 0 260 1 6 236 0 4 85 18 2 Marlborough . • .. . • 1150 138 2 0 125 7 0 24 0 0 Murchison .. .. .. 5 0 1 91 2 9 57 7 7 38 15 3 Ohinemuri .. .. .. 81 1 5 356 5 8 340 13 4 96 13 9 Piako .. .. .. •• •• 2 10 0 05 0 250 Rangitikei .. .. •• 250 250 Rotorua .. .. .. 050 050 Southland .. .• • • 30 10 6 202 14 5 145 19 5 87 5 6 Stewart Island .. .. .. .. 13 5 0 13 5 0 Taieri .. .. .. .. 050 6 15 0 6 15 0 050 Takaka 30 2 6 33 3 8 57 16 2 5 10 0 Taumarunui .. .. .. .. 500 500 Tauranga .. .. •. • • 10 0 .. 10 0 Thames .. • ■ • • ■ • 115 12 3 288 13 2 367 1 11 37 3 6 Tuapeka.. .. •• •• 43 6 6 179 18 9 183 19 11 39 5 4 Vincent.. .. .. 106 8 10 1,090 5 4 777 0 3 419 13 11 Waihemo .. •. •• 450 3 10 0 0 15 0 Waikouaiti .. .. .. 806 HO 6 Waimea * * .. • • 17 17 4 43 8 7 52 11 9 8 14 - Waipawa .. . • •• 700 / 0 0 .. Wairarapa .. .. • • 0 5 0 0 5 0 Wairoa .. .. .. ■. • • 0 10 0 0 10 0 Waitaki .. .. . • • • 4 0 2 34 9 9 35 2 7 3/4 Wallace .. .. .. .. 46 0 10 110 5 11 105 14 3 50 12 6 Westland .. .. .. 1,490 14 7 4,509 4 5 5,750 19 4 248 19 8 Whangarei .. . • .. 8 3 9 35 2 4 30 13 7 12 12 6 Woodville .. .. .. •• 300 300 5,498 18 7 16,205 9 3 18,612 2 11 3,092 4 11 Borouohs :— Cromwell .. •• •• •• 050 050 Gore .. .. .. .. .. 050 .. 050 Grevmouth .. .. * • 2 10 0 2 5 0 0 5 0 Carried forvvar 1 • • 300 2 10 0 0 10 0 I j ;

B.—l [Pt. ll]




Balances on Payments and Balances on 31st March, 1930. neeeipte. Transfers. 31st March, 1931. GOLDFIELDS aEVBNUE— continued. £ s. d. £ e. d. £ s. d. £ g. d. (Mining Act. 1926, Section447.) Boroughs— continued. Brought forward .. .. 300 2 10 0 0 10 0 Hokitika .. .. .. 0 5 0 4 11 3 S 12 6 13 9 Kaitangata .. .. . . .. 0 5 0 0 5(1 Kumara .. .. .. 15 0 9 15 0 9 15 0 1 f> 0 Napier .. .. .. . . 0 10 0 .. 0 10 0 Picton .. .. .. .. 050 050 (MOO Ross .. .. .. . . 23 13 0 135 2 0 126 10 0 32 5 0 Tβ Aroha . . .. . . 26 1!) 6 294 0 10 199 10 10 121 9 6 Thames .. .. .. .. 38 0 0 198 10 r> 208 9 8 28 0 9 Waihi .. .. .. .. 411 10 0 1,534 10 10 1,718 0 6 228 0 4 502 7 6 2,180 0 4 2,269 13 6 412 14 4 Town Boabl> :— Cobden .. .. .. .. 10 0 350 350 100 Wyidham .. .. .. .. 050 .. 050 I II (i 3 10 0 3 5 0 15 0 Total Goldfiel us Rkvenui: .. 6,002 6 1 18,388 19 7 20,885 1 5 \ 06 4 3 GOLD DUTY. (Gold Duty Act, 1908, Section 12.) t Counties :— Coromandel .. .. .. 34 1 7 15 19 2 48 l(i 9 14 0 Ohinemuri .. .. .. 10 1 7 359 2 2 369 3 9 Thames .. .. .. .. 37 6 5 92 19 II 121 i o B 4 4 SI 9 7 468 1 3 539 2 6 10 8 4 BOBOL'OHS : — Thames .. .. .. .. .. 41 10 6 41 10 6 Waihi .. .. .. .. .. 7,453 4 0 7,453 4 0 7,494 14 6 7,494 14 6 81 9 7 7,962 15 9 8,033 17 0 10 8 4 Less adjustments between aooounts, being amount transferred from Waihi Borough to Ohinemuri County in terms of Order in i Council dated 21st July, 1913 .. ! .. 350 0 0 350 0 0 Total Gold Duty .. 81 9 7 7,612 15 9 7,683 17 0 10 8 4


11—1 [Pt. ll].

B.—l [Pt. ll].




P>. 1 I Ft. II


SUMMARY of DEPOSITS ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1931.


Tleimsit Accounts Balances on ReceiDts Payments and Balances on Deposit Accounts. . 31at Marohj 1980- receipts. Transfers. 31st March, 1931. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Coal-mines Amendment Act, 1922, Section 23 10 0 0 .. .. 10 0 0 Dairy-produce Export Control Act, 1923 .. 4,783 7 3 40,571 1 5 39,160 5 9 6,194 2 11 Deposits on Contracts .. .. .. 72 8 0 4,528 1 6 4,483 11 6 116 18 0 Distribution of Wool Profits .. .. 2,428 14 7 .. .. 2,428 14 7 Earthquake Relief Fund (West Coast) .. ! 7,846 15 9 42,755 15 7 50,501 0 3 101 11 1 Education Reserves Act, 1928 — Sales of Land under Section 27 — Primary-education Endowments .. 12,809 8 5 1,190 19 0 5 0 0 13,995 7 5 Secondary-education Endowments— Auckland Provincial District .. 347 07 69 180 .. 416187 Taranaki Provincial District .. 14 14 0 50 0 0 .. 64 14 0 Hawke's Bay Provincial District .. 24 7 2 .. .. 24 7 2 Otago Provincial District .. .. 303 4 5 13 10 0 .. 316 14 5 Education Reserves Aot, 1928 - Primary-education Endowment Deposit Account .. .. .. .. .. 102,740 1 6 102,740 16 Secondary-education Endowment Deposit Accounts— Auckland Provincial District .. .. 1,312 8 3 3,223 16 7 j 3,479 17 9 1,056 7 1 ! Taranaki Provincial District .. .. 497 6 7 1,149 6 4 1,615 18 3 30 14 8 Wellington Provincial District.. .. 1,310 6 5 2,737 9 1 2,917 10 8 1,130 4 10 Hawke's Bay Provincial District .. 665 9 11 2,124 16 2 2,282 4 0 508 2 1 Nelson Provincial District .. .. 33 18 4 320 8 10 290 14 10 63 12 4 Marlborough Provincial District .. 44 13 6 267 13 2 279 17 2 32 9 6 Otago Provincial District .. .. 838 2 8 1,764 12 2 1,788 12 1 814 2 9 Emigrants'Deposits .. .. .. 68 0 0 1,042 2 3 1,095 2 3 15 0 0 Fisheries Act, 1908 .. .. .. | .. 006 .. 006 General Assembly Library Fund .. .. .. 151 8 5 151 8 5 Gold Duty Suspense Account .. .. 273 7 3 1,380 1 10 1,376 11 3 276 17 10 Greymouth and Hokitika High School Acts, 1 1883 .. .. .. .. .. 58 15 0 266 16 8 246 3 3 79 8 5 Hauraki Plains Drains Deposit Aeconnt .. 30 0 0 .. 10 0 0 20 0 0 ; Hawke's Bay Earthquake Relief Fund .. .. 304,516 0 4 285,302 5 9 19,213 14 7 Hayman. L., Deposit Account .. .. 9,985 0 0 355 12 0 10,340 12 0 Honey-export Control Act, 1924 .. .. 1 4 7 56 11 7 43 6 7 14 9 7 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926 2 18 5 440 19 7 355 16 0 88 2 0 Immigration Restriction Act, 1908 .. 2,570 0 0 2,830 0 0 3,960 0 0 1,440 0 0 Imperial Stamps and Postal Orders .. 331 9 6 330 10 0 224 16 0 437 3 6 Interest on Cash Balance Investments Account 2,788 3 3 68,053 4 6 70,120 15 1 720 12 8 Kauri-gum Control Act, 1925 .. .. 185 1 7 1,105 4 2 1,205 7 2 84 18 7 Land Agents Act, 1921-22, Section 7 .. .. 780 0 0 780 0 0 Land Assurance Fund Account .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 22,000 0 0 Meat-export Control Act, 1921-22 .. .. 1,100 0 2 40,288 17 11 39,916 9 3 1,472 8 10 Mining Act, 1926 .. .. .. 118 19 1 130 3 3 167 15 11 81 6 5 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 4,236 9 6 99,388 5 3 75,528 16 5 28,095 18 4 Money-order Settlement Account .. .. 4,108 0 2 128,894 19 9 129,884 10 4 3,118 9 7 Moumahaki Endowment— Revenue Account .. .. .. 205 17 5 1,094 19 0 1,181 19 5 118 17 0 Capital Account .. .. .. 873 14 4 32 13 11 .. 906 8 3 National Health Insurance Stamps.. .. 26 2 9 9 2 0 35 4 9 Native Trustee's Cash In vestments.. .. 40,072 15 6 1,186 6 7 41,259 2. 1 Naval Remittances .. .. .. 5,355 7 4 9,032 10 4 10,773 2 5 3,614 15 3 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund .. .. .. 1,028 13 3 49 15 3 12 0 0 1,066 8 6 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund Investment .. Dr.1,000 0 0 .. ,, Dr. 1,000 0 0 New Zealand Farmers' Tour .. .. .. 9,156 14 8 9,156 14 8 New Zealand Reparation Estates.. .. .. 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 New Zealand University Endowment — Westland .. .. .. .. 2,363 4 9 109 0 6 0 4 0 2,472 1 3 North Island Experimental Dairy School .. 9,216 11 7 1,141 0 8 834 15 4 9,522 16 11 Orchard-tax Act, 1927 .. .. .. 440 12 2 1,274 13 6 1,351 18 4 363 7 4 Payments through the High Commissioner .. 9,671 8 1 26,488 16 10 34,281 8 2 1,878 16 9 Post Office Investments Post Office Savings-bank Deposits .. .. .. 1,074 13 0 1,074 13 0 Promotion of Health Fund .. .. 5 0 0 2,506 16 2 258 9 9 2,253 6 5 Receipts by the High Commissioner for Payment in New Zealand .. .. .. 550 16 0 149,552 0 6 147,935 5 5 2,167 11 1 Receiver-General's Deposit Account .. 146,000 0 0 .. 35,000 0 0 111,000 0 0 Remittances to Immigrants .. .. 94 10 0 333 10 0 400 0 0 28 0 0 Rotorua College and Grammar School Account .. 640 8 0 640 8 0 Samoan Loan Sinking Fund Account .. 15,338 12 3 3,400 19 0 .. 18,739 11 3 Samoan Notes Security Account .. .. 32,000 0 0 1,217 18 2 1,217 18 2 32,000 0 0 Samoan Treasury Account .. .. 14,288 11 6 89,485 4 1 93,140 17 9 10,632 17 10 State Advances Investments .. .. .. 63 3 8 63 3 8 Taranaki Scholarships Endowment Account.. 324 2 8 868 16 10 819 4 7 373 14 11 Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Act, 1896 .. .. .. .. 231 10 3 169 18 8 231 10 3 169 18 8 Thermal Springs Districts Act, 1910 .. 37 19 6 37 19 6 51 1 3 24 17 9 Trustee Act, 1908 .. .. .. 8,397 17 2 .. .. 8,397 17 2 Unclaimed Earnings .. .. .. 1,759 16 2 3,152 4 9 2,171 11 7 2,740 9 4 Unemployment Insurance Stamps .. .. 34 8 10 57 1 1 66 1 2 25 8 9 Unpresented Cheques .. .. .. 231 18 0 307 13 10 204 11 10 335 0 0 Victoria College Endowments Deposit Account 37 99 20 00 38 99 1900 Weraroa Agricultural Endowment Account— Revenue Account .. .. .. 395 2 5 1,559 17 0 1,803 9 9 151 9 8 Capital Account .. .. .. 627 3 7 72 8 1 .. 699 11 8 Wheat Research Levies .. .. .. 497 13 11 1,566 16 1 1,949 15 8 114 14 4 TOTALS .. .. .. 348,306 13 6 1,186,181 9 0 1,221,207 10 2 313,280 12 4

B.—l [Pt. ll].



10-B. 1 [Pt. 111.


Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Dairy-produoe Export Control Act, 1923. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. 4,783 7 3 Levy on export .. .. .. 40,571 1 5 .. 40,571 15 Payments to Board .. .. .. .. 38,768 13 8 Transfer to Customs Vote—Cost of collecting, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 391 12 1 .. 39,160 5 9 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 6,194 2 11 45,354 8 8 45,354 8 8 Deposits on Contracts. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 72 8 0 Deposits on account of contracts .. .. 4,528 1 6 .. 4,528 16 Refunds of deposits on account of contracts .. 4,483 11 6 .. 4,483 11 6 ' Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 116 18 0 4,600 9 6 4,600 9 6 Earthquake Relief Fund (West Coast). Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 7,846 15 9 Contributions .. .. .. .. 1,055 15 7 Realization of investments .. .. 41,700 0 0 — .. 42,755 15 7 Administration expenses .. .. .. .. 36 3 11 i Allowances to settlers on account of loss of access to farms .. .. .. .. 2,928 12 6 Allowances to widows and dependants of persons killed .. .. .. .. .. 13,047 19 0 Fares of refugees .. .. .. • • 235 1 0 Food, board and lodging, and living-allow-ances .. .. .. • • •. • • 39 2 5 Medical treatment of refugees .. .. .. Ill 7 0 Replacement of clothing and personal effects .. 19 7 10 Expenditure on restoration of earthquake damage, and towards replacement of loss, &c. .. 34,083 6 7 .. 50,501 0 3 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. ■• 101 11 1* 50,602 11 4 50,602 11 4 — . , . . . - j ■ = ==—■•*= Education Reserves Act, 1928 : Sales of Land under Section 27. Primary Education Endowments. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — Cash .. .. .. ■. ■ ■ 959 8 5 Investments .. .. .. .. 11,850 0 0 — .. 12,809 8 5 Sales of land .. .. .. .. 657 14 0 Interest on investments .. .. . ■ 533 5 0 ——— .. 1,190 19 0 Purchase of land.. .. .. •■ .. 5 0 0 .. 5 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 — Cash .. 2,145 7 5 Investments .. .. .. .. ■• 11,850 0 0 .. 13.998 7 5 14,000 7 5 I 14,000 7 5 | • In addition to this cash balance, £20,405 15s. 9d. was held by the Public Trustee In the Common Fund at 31st March 1931.

B.- 1 [Pt. ll].




Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Jteceipts. Disbursements. for Year, for Year. ! I ; Education Reserves Act, 1928: Sales of £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Land under Section 27—continued. | Secondary Education Endowments : Auckland Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. 47 0 7 Investments .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 .. 347 0 7 Sales of land .. .. .. .. 56 8 0 Interest on investments .. .. .. 13 10 0 .. 69 18 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931— Cash.. .. .. .. .. .. 116 18 7 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 .. 416 18 7 416 18 7 416 18 7 Secondary Education Endowments : Taranalci Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 14 14 0 Sales of land .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 64 14 0 64 14 0 64 14 0 Secondary Education Endowments: Otago Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. 345 Investments .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 .. 303 4 5 Interest on investments .. .. .. 13 10 0 .. 13 10 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 14 5 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 .. 316 14 5 316 14 5 316 14 5 Education Reserves Act, 1928 : Primary Education Endowment Deposit Account. Rents .. .. .. .. .. 101,601 19 1 Interest on funds held by Public Trustee .. 1,138 2 5 — .. 102,740 1 6 Refunds of revenue—Rents (arising out of operation of the Deteriorated Lands Act, 1925, section 6) .. .. .. .. 11 13 8 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 29 (4) (a) and (5), payments to Consolidated Fund in respect of charge for compensation paid to outgoing occupier for improvements, or on determination of lease .. .. .. .. .. j 498 18 9 Section 30 (2), transfer to Vote " Education " for primal-education purposes .. .. j 94,463 13 11 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. I 6,828 15 11 Section 31 (3), maintenance, repairs, &c. .. .. | 499 8 11 Section 31 (3), surveys and permanent improvements .. • .. .. .. .. 437 10 4 .. 102,740 1 6 Balance, 31st March, 1931 102,740 1 6 102,740 1 6 Education Reserves Act, 1928 : Secondary Education Endowment Deposit Accounts. Auckland Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 1,312 8 3 Rents .. .. .. .. 3,223 16 7 .. 3,223 16 7 Amount transferred to Rotorua College and Grammar School Account, to adjust revenue erroneously credited in previous years . . .. 640 8 0 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30(3), payments to secondary schools .. 2,590 9 6 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 202 18 3 Section 31 (3), maintenance, repairs, &c. .. .. 2 0 0 Section 31 (3), surveys and permanent improvements .. .. .. .. .. 4420 .. 3,479 17 9 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 1,056 7 1 4,536 4 10 4,536 4 10

B.—l [Pt. ll]




Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. j Education Reserves Act, 1928 : Secondary Education Endowment Deposit Accounts—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Taranaki Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 497 6 7 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 1,149 6 4 .. 1,149 6 4 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 1,389 5 6 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 77 18 11 Section 31 (3), maintenance, repairs, &c. .. .. | 148 13 10 .. 1,615 18 3 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 30 14 8 1,646 12 11 1,646 12 11 Wellington Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 1,310 6 5 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 2,737 9 1 .. 2,737 9 1 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 2,734 5 5 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 183 5 3 .. 2,917 10 8 | Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 1,130 4 10 4,047 15 6 4,047 15 6 Haivlce's Bay Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 665 9 11 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 2,124 16 2 .. 2,124 16 2 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 2,139 17 7 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 123 18 11 Section 31 (3), maintenance and repairs .. .. 18 7 6 .. 2,282 4 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. . . .. 508 2 1 2,790 6 1 2,790 6 1 Nelson Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 33 18 4 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 320 8 10 .. 320 8 10 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 265 13 2 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 25 I 8 .. 290 14 10 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 63 12 4 354 7 2 354 7 2 ________ : i==s — ====s===; _ =i ;^= ===s=====^=sl Marlborough Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 44 13 6 .. Rents ,. .. ■. . • • • 267 13 2 .. 267 13 2 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— ' • •• Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 266 4 0 Section 31 (1), administration expenses - .. 13 13 2 .. 279 17 2 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 32 9 6 312 6 8 312 6 8

B.—l [Pt. ll].




Particulars of Particulars of Total Eecelpts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. Education Reserves Act, 1928: Secondary Education Endowment Deposit Accounts —continued. Otago Provincial District. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 838 2 8 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 1,764 12 2 .. 1,764 12 2 Payments under Education Reserves Act, 1928— Section 30 (3), payments to secondary schools .. 1,693 0 8 Section 31 (1), administration expenses .. .. 95 11 5 .. 1,788 12 1 . Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 814 2 9 2,602 14 10 2,602 14 10 . _ 1 Emigrants' Deposits. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 68 0 0 Amounts received from emigrants by the High Commissioner .. . .. 1,042 2 3 .. 1,042 2 3 Amounts paid over to emigrants in New Zealand .. 1,095 2 3 t# I Q95 2 3 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. 1 .. .. 15 0 0 1,110 2 3 1,110 2 3 Fisheries Act, 1908. Royalty on trout netted (Regulation 13) .. 0 0 6 .. 0 0 6 Balance, 31st Maroh, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 Generai Assembly Library Fund. Fees for private Bills under section 272 of Legislature Act, 1908 .. .. .. 150 0 0 Sale of books .. .. .. .. 0 0 9 Refund of subscriptions .. .. .. 17 8 .. 151 8 5 Payment to General Assembly Library .. .. 151 8 5 .. 151 8 5 151 8 5 151 8 5 Gold Duty Suspense Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — Ohinemuri County .. .. .. .. .. 273 7 3 Amounts retained from Gold Duty towards satisfaction of charge under section 18 of Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910— £ s. d. Ohinemuri County .. 276 17 10 Waihi Borough .. 1,103 4 0 1,380 1 10 .. 1,380 1 10 Transfers to Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account — £ s. d. Ohinemuri County .. 163 10 3 Waihi Borough .. 1,103 4 0 .. 1,266 14 3 Payment to local body of amount retained in excess of requirements— Ohiilemuri County .. .. .. .. 109 17 0 .. 1,376 11 3 Balance, 31st March, 1931— Ohinemuri County .. .. .. J. .. .. 276 17 10 1,653 9 1 1,653 9 1

B.—l [Pt. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 193 0-19 31.



Particulars of Particulars ot Total .Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. (or Year. for Year. Greymoutii and Hokitika High School £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Acts, 1883. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. ,. .. 58 15 0 Rents .. .. .. ' .. .. 266 16 8 .. 266 16 8 Payments to Greymouth Technical High School .. 116 8 3 Payments to Hokitika High School .. .. 116 8 3 Administration expenses under Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, section 4 .. .. 13 6 9 .. 246 3 3 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 79 8 5 ! 325 11 8 325 11 8 Uaubaki Plains Drains Deposit Account. * lialance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Payments to depositors— W. J. Bell .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 •• 10 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 Hawke's Bay Earthquake Relief Fund. Contributions .. .. .. .. .. .. 304,516 0 4 Payments to Public Trustee .. .. .. 285,302 5 9 — .. 285,302 5 9 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 19,213 14 7 304,516 0 4 304,516 0 4 Hayman, L., Deposit Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 9,985 0 0 Interest on investments .. .. .. 355 12 0 .. 355 12 0 Payment to Stamp Duties Department being interest on death duty outstanding in terms of section 26 (2), Death Duties Act, 1921 .. .. 0 3 8 Payment of interest to Adams Bros., Dunedin .. 340 8 4 Amount invested in names of trustees in 5J-per-cent. stock .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 .. 10,340 12 0 10,340 12 0 10,340 12 0 Honey-export Control Act, 1924. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 147 Levy on export .. .. .. .. 56 11 7 .. 56 11 7 Payments to Board .. .. .. .. 41 3 10 Transfer to Customs Vote—Cost of collecting, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 2 9 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. ., 14 9 7 57 16 2 57 16 2 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926. Balance, 1st April, 1930— Auckland Hospital Board .. .. 10 0 i Waikato Hospital Board .. .. 1 18 5 .. 2 18 5 Rates collected— Auckland Hospital Board .. .. 15 12 10 Marlborough Hospital Board .. .. 123 1 7 Picton Hospital Board .. .. 9 16 4 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. 292 8 10 .. 440 19 7 Payments to Hospital Boards— Picton Hospital Board .. .. .. 9 16 4 Marlborough Hospital Board .. .. .. 91 9 5 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. .. 180 19 0 Transfer to Vote "Valuation" for cost of levying Rates— Auckland Hospital Board .. .. .. 16 12 10 Marlborough Hospital Board .. .. .. 5 0 0 Waikato Hospital Board .. .. .. 51 18 5 ' Balance, 31st March, 1931— 355 1:6 0 Waikato Hospital Board .... .. 61 9 10 Marlborough Hospital Board .. . . .. 26 12 2 .. 88 2 0 443 18 0 443 18 0

B.—l [Pt. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Immigration Restriction Act, 1908. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 2,570 0 0 Deposits made by aliens .. .. .. 2,830 0 0 .. 2,830 0 0 Repayments to aliens .. .. .. .. 3,850 0 0 Transferred to Miscellaneous Revenue—Deposits forfeited or unclaimed .. .. .. 110 0 0 .. 3,960 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. I 1,440 0 0 5,400 0 0 5,400 0 0 Imperial Stamps and Postal Orders. Balance, 1st April, 1930 ., .. .. .. .. 331 9 6 Stamps and postal orders supplied to H.M. New Zealand ships by the Admiralty .. 330 10 0 .. 330 10 0 Postal orders paid .. .. .. .. 224 16 0 .. 224 16 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. ., 437 3 6 661 19 6 661 19 6 Interest on Cash Balance Investments Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 2,788 3 3 Interest on investments in New Zealand .. 49,250 7 9 Interest on investments in London .. 18,802 16 9 .. 68,053 4 6 Amounts credited to Ordinary Revenue Account .. .. .. .. .. 35,598 4 5 Amounts credited to other accounts .. .. 26,002 8 4 Amounts paid to the State Advances Office.. .. 8,520 2 4 .. 70,120 15 1 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 720 12 8 70,841 7 9 70,841 7 9 Kauri-gum Control Act, 1925. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 185 1 7 Levy on export .. .. .. .. 1,105 4 2 .. 1,105 4 2 Payments to Board .. .. .. .. 1,193 6 1 Transfers to Customs Vote—Cost of collection, &c. .. ... .. .. .. .. 12 1 1 .. 1,205 7 2 Balance, March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 84 18 7 1,290 5 9 1,290 5 9 Land Agents Act, 1921-22, Section 7. Fidelity and guarantee bonds .. .. 780 0 0 .. 780 0 0 Payments under Section 7— Subsection 4—Costs and expenses .. .. 26 0 0 Subsection 4 (a) —Compensation for loss .. .. 722 2 11 Subsection 4 (6) —Refunds to sureties .. .. 31 17 1 .. 780 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 780 0 0 780 0 0 Land Assurance Fund Account. 1 Amount transferred in terms of section 53, Finance Act, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 Payments under section 53 (4), Finance Act, 1930.. .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 .. 3,000 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. 22,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 25,000 0 0

B.—l [Pt. ll]




Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Meat-export Control Act, 1921-22. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 1,100 0 2 Levy on export .. .. .. .. 40,288 17 11 .. 40,288 17 11 Payments to Board .. .. .. .. 39,528 5 8 Transfers to Customs Vote—Cost of collecting, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 388 3 7 .. 39,916 9 3 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 1,472 8 10 41,388 18 1 41,388 18 1 Mining Act, 1926. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — Thames and Coromandel Native Account .. 14 3 3 Thames and Coromandel European Account 78 17 9 Thames High School .. .. .. 24 18 1 Greymouth Harbour Board .. .. 10 0 .. 118 19 1 Goldfields revenue received under section 25 (c), Mining Act, 1926, payable to Native and European owners, and special endowments — Section 447 (5), Mining Act, 1926— Thames and Coromandel Native Account 89 10 1 Thames and Coromandel European Account .. .. .. .. 30 3 3 Section 6, Thames Boys' and Girls' High School Act, 1878— Thames High School .. .. .. 9 9 11 Section 7, Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884— Greymouth Harbour Board .. .. 10 0 .. 130 3 3 Revenues paid over under section 447 (5), Mining Act, 1926, to— Waikato - Maniapoto District Maori Land Board, in terms of section 17 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1928— Thames and Coromandel Native Account .. 77 9 3 European owners— Thames and Coromandel European Account .. .. .. .. .. 90 6 8 .. 167 15 11 Balance, 31st March, 1931 — Thames and Coromandel Native Account .. .. 26 4 1 Thames and Coromandel European Account .. 18 14 4 Thames High School .. .. .. .. 34 8 0 Greymouth Harbour Board .. .. .. 2 0 0 .. 81 6 5 249 2 4 249 2 4 Miscellaneous Deposits. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 4,236 9 6 Amuonts lodged .. .. .. 99,388 5 3 .. 99,388 5 3 Amounts paid out .. .. .. .. 75,528 16 5 .. 75,528 16 5 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 28,095 18 4 103,624 14 9 103,624 14 9 Money-order Settlement Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 4,108 0 2 Amounts received for settlement of moneyorder transactions on behalf of the Post Office 128,894 19 9 .. 128,894 19 9 Amounts paid .. ,, .. .. .. 129,884 10 4 .. 129,884 10 4 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 3,118 9 7 133,002 19 11 133,002 19 11

B.—l [Pγ. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Moumahaki Endowment. Revenue Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 205 17 5 Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1924, Section 130— Rents from leases .. .. .. 1,074 4 10 Interest on Investments .. .. .. 20 14 2 .. 1,094 19 0 Refund of Vote " Agriculture " of expenditure on agricultural instruction chargeable against the endowment. Section 130 (3), Reserves, &c., Act, 1924 .. .. .. .. 1,060 12 3 Administration expenses under Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, Section 4 .. .. 121 7 2 .. 1,181 19 5 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 118 17 0 Capital Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 873 14 4 Sales of buildings .. .. .. 32 13 11 .. 32 13 11 Balance, 31st March, 1931 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 8 3 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 850 0 0 .. 906 8 3 2,207 4 8 2,207 4 8 National Health Insurance Stamps. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 26 2 9 Amounts received from sale of stamps .. 9 2 0 .. 9 2 0 Amounts from sale of stamps paid to Ministry of Health, London .. .. .. .. 35 4 9 .. 35 4 9 35 4 9 35 4 9 Native Trustee's Cash Investments. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. 72 15 6 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 40,000 0 0 40,072 15 6 Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,186 6 7 .. 1,186 6 7 Principal repaid to Native Trustee .. .. 40,000 0 0 Interest paid to Native Trustee .. .. .. 1,259 2 1 — — .. 41,259 2 1 41,259 2 1 41,259 2 1 Naval Remittances. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 5,355 7 4 Remittances from officers and ratings of the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy .. 9,032 10 4 .. 9,032 10 4 Amounts paid through the Admiraltv .. .. 10,773 2 5 .. 10,773 2 5 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. i. 3,614 15 3 14,387 17 8 14,387 17 8

n—B. i [Pt : ii].

B.—l [Pt. II




Particulars of Particulars of I Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. | for Year. for Year. Nelson Rifle Prize Fund. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. 28 13 3 Investments .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 .. 1,028 13 3 Interest on investments .. .. .. 49 15 3 .. 49 15 3 Finance Act, 1928, Section 14— Payments qn account of prizes for rifle shooting .. .. .. .. .. 12 0 0 .. 12 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 66 8 6 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 .. 1,066 8 6 1,078 8 6 1,078 8 6 New Zealand Farmers' Tour. Deposits by farmers for tour of Australia .. 9,156 14 8 .. 9,156 14 8 Accommodation .. .. .. .. .. 61 11 2 Fares, &e. .. .. .. .. .. 7,468 5 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 17 0 8 Expenses and allowances of F. Pawson .. .. 79 3 7 Repayment of unused portion of deposits .. .. 1,530 13 6 .. 9,156 14 8 9,156 14 8 9,156 14 8 New Zealand Reparation Estates. Amounts received from Union Steamship Co., Apia, to be repaid at Wellington .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Amounts repaid at Wellington .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 New Zealand University Endowment, Westland. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. 63 4 9 Investments .. .. .. .. 2,300 0 0 .. 2,363 4 9 Rents from lands reserved under the University Endowment Act, 1868, for disposal under section 35 of the New Zealand University Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. 5 10 6 Interest on investments .. .. .. 103 10 0 .. 109 0 6 Administration expenses under Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, Section 4 .. .. 0 4 0 .. 0 4 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 172 1 3 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 2,300 0 0 .. 2,472 1 3 2,472 5 3 2,472 5 3 North Island Experimental Dairy School. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. 1,716 11 7 Investments .. .. .. .. 7,500 0 0 .. 9,216 11 7 Receipts from lands under Reserves and Crown Lands Disposal and Enabling Act, 1896, section 8, and Waimate Agricultural Reserve Dairy School Act, 1906 —Rents .. 389 16 2 Proceeds sale of timber— Principal .. .. .. .. 431 5 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 17 19 6 Interest on investments .. .. .. 302 0 0 .. 1,141 0 8 Administration expenses under Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, Section 4 .. .. 34 15 4 Waimate Agricultural Reserve Dairy School Act, 1906 (2) (6) —Transfer to Vote " Scientific and Industrial Research" for purpose of carrying on Dairy Research Laboratories at Massey Agricultural College .. .. .. 800 0 0 .. 834 15 4 Balance, 31st March, 1931 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,022 16 11 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 7,500 0 0 .. 9,522 16 11 10,357 12 3 10,357 12 3

B.—l [Pt. ll].




Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Orciiard-tax Act, 1927. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — Tax levied for general purposes .. .. 349 0 9 Tax levied for protection from fireblight— Hawke's Bay District .. .. 33 19 9 Thames District .. .. . 17 16 0 Waimea District .. .. .. 21 3 0 Nelson District .. .. .. 15 0 0 Gisborne District .. .. .. 3 12 8 .. 440 12 2 Section 3, tax levied for general purposes .. 734 0 2 Section 4, tax levied for protection from fireblight— Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. 4 5 3 Thames District .. .. .. 20 10 6 Waimea District .. .. .. 520 17 3 Nelson District .. .. .. Dr. 15 0 0 Gisborno District .. .. .. 10 0 4 .. 1,274 13 6 Section 6, expenses of collection and administration transferred to Vote "Agriculture"— Tax levied for general purposes .. .. .. 498 0 5 Tax levied for protection from fireblight— Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. 14 18 6 Thames District .. .. .. .. 115 6 Waimea District .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Gisborne District .. .. .. .. 2 6 6 Section 7, tax levied for general purposes— Payment to New Zealand Fruitgrowers' Federation, Ltd. .. .. .. .. 316 12 10 Section 8, fireblight— Payments to Fireblight Committees— £ s. d. Gisborne .. .. 8 4 7 Waimea .. .. 500 0 0 .. 508 4 7 .. 1,351 18 4 Balance, 31st March, 1931— Tax levied for general purposes .. .. .. 268 7 8 Tax levied for protection from fireblight— Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. 23 6 6 Thames District .. .. .; .. 36 11 0 Waimea District .. .. .. .. 32 0 3 Gisborne District .. .. .. .. 3111 .. 363 7 4 1,715 5 8 1,715 5 8 Payments through the Hroir Commissioner. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 9,671 8 1 Amounts remitted to tho High Commissioner for payment on behalf of various persons .. 26,488 16 10 .. 26,488 16 10 Amounts paid by the High Commissioner .. .. 34,281 8 2 .. 34,281 8 2 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 1,878 16 9 36,160 4 11 36,160 4 11 Post Office Savings-dank Deposits. Amounts received by the High Commissioner from various depositors .. .. 1,074 13 0 .. 1,074 13 0 Amounts paid to Post Office .. .. .. 1,074 13 0 .. 1,074 13 0 1,074 13 0 1,074 13 0 Promotion of Health Fund. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 500 Donations .. .. .. .. 3 0 0 Receipts from sale of Charity stamps .. 2,503 16 2 .. 2,506 16 2 Transfer to Vote " Health " under section 34 (3), Finance Act, 1929 .. .. .. .. j 258 9 9 .. 258 9 9 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 2,253 6 5 2,511 16 2 2,511 16 2 I I I

B.—l [Pγ. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 30-19 31.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Ueccipta. ' Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Receipts by the High Commissioner for £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. •PAYMENT IN NEW ZEALAND. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 550 16 0 Amounts received by High Commissioner for payment to various persons and bodies .. 149,552 0 6 .. 149,552 0 C Amounts paid in New Zealand .. .. .. 147,935 5 5 .. 147,935 5 5 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 2,167 11 1 150,102 16 6 150,102 16 6 Receiver-General's Deposit Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — Cash.. .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Investments .. .. .. .. 141,000 0 0 .. 146,000 0 0 Investments realized and proceeds paid to the Receiver-General .. .. .. .. 35,000 0 0 .. 35,000 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931— Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 111,000 0 0 146,000 0 0 146,000 0 0 Remittances to Immigrants. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 94 10 0 Amounts paid in for remittance to immigrants through the High Commissioner .. .. 333 10 0 .. 333 10 0 Amounts remitted through the High Commisj sioner .. .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 .. 400 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 28 0 0 428 0 0 428 0 0 Rotorua College and Grammar School Account. Amount transferred from Secondary-education Endowments, Auckland Provincial District, to adjust revenue undercredited in previous years .. .. .. .. 640 8 0 .. 640 8 0 Expenditure under Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1926, section 12 (2) (a) — Transfer to Education Loans Account in reduction of expenditure incurred in connection with erection of Rotorua High School .. .. .. .. .. 640 8 0 .. 640 8 0 640 8 0 640 8 0 Samoan Loan Sinking Fund Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. 043 Investments .. .. .. .. 15,338 8 0 ; — — .. 15,338 12 3 Interest on investments .. .. .. 693 1 4 Sinking Fund contribution from Samoan Treasury under Section 33 (2), Samoa Act, 1921 .. .. .. .. .. 2,707 17 8 .. 3,400 19 0 Balance, 31st March, 1931 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 451 3 3 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 18,288 8 0 .. 18,739 11 3 18,739 11 3 18,739 11 3

B.—l [Pt. II

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Samoan Notes Security Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. 32,000 0 0 . Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,217 18 2 .. 1,217 18 2 Transferred to Samoan Treasury Account — Interest on investments .. .. .. 1,217 18 2 Proceeds of sale of securities .. 1,217 18 2 Balance, 31st March, 1931— Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32,000 0 0 36,217 18 2 33,217 18 2 Samoan Treasury Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 14,288 11 6 Amounts received on behalf of the Samoan Treasury .. .. .. .. 50,140 19 5 Interest on investments .. .. .. 126 6 6 Interest on investments of the Samoan Notes Security Account .. .. .. 1,217 18 2 Grant from New Zealand Government— j To Samoan Administration, for medical, educational, and wireless services .. 38,000 0 0 .. 89,485 4 1 Payments made on behalf of the Samoan Treasury .. .. .. .. .. 82,070 0 1 Interest paid on loans from New Zealand Government .. .. .. .. .. 8,363 0 0 Sinking Fund Contribution on loans .. .. 2,707 17 8 .. 93,140 17 9 Balance, 31st March, 1931 — Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,132 17 10 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 6,500 0 0 — .. 10,632 17 10 103,773 15 7 103,773 15 7 State Advances Investments. Interest on investments .. .. .. 63 3 8 : .. 63 3 8 Interest paid to State Advances Office .. .. 63 3 8 .. 63 3 8 63 3 8 63 3 8 Taranaki Scholarships Endowment Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 324 2 8 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 868 16 10 .. 868 16 10 Payments to Public Trustee in terms of section 22, New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. 775 15 9 Administration expenses under section 4, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, and section 31 (2), Land Laws Amendment Act, 1929 .. .. 43 8 10 .. 819 4 7 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 373 14 11 1,192 19 6 1,192 19 6 Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Act, 1896. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 231 10 3 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 169 18 8 .. 169 18 8 Transfer to Vote " Education," in terms of section 7, Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Act, 1896 .. .. .. 231 10 3 .. 231 10 3 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 169 18 8 401 8 11 401 8 11

B.—l [Pt. 11l

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 3 0-1931



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. Disbursements. for Year. for Year. Thermal Springs Districts Act, 1910. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 37 19 6 Rents .. .. .. .. .. 37 19 6 .. 37 19 6 Payments to Waiariki District Maori Land Board of rents due to Natives .. .. .. 5113 .. 51 1 3 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 24 17 9 75 19 0 75 19 0 Unclaimed Earnings. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 1,759 16 2 Workmen's earnings unclaimed and paid to Public Account .. .. .. 3,152 4 9 .. 3,152 4 9 Amounts paid to claimants .. .. .. 1,573 3 11 Amount transferred to Miscellaneous Revenue (unclaimed) .. .. .. .. .. 598 7 8 .. 2,171 11 7 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 2,740 9 4 4,912 0 11 4,912 0 11 Unemployment Insurance Stamps. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 34 8 10 Amounts received from sale of stamps .. 57 1 . 1 .. 57 1 1 Amounts from sale of stamps paid to Ministry of Labour, London .. .. .. 66 1 2 .. 66 1 2 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 25 8 9 91 9 11 91 9 11 Unpresented Cheques. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 231 18 0 Cheques unpresented and paid to Public Account .. .. .. .. 307 13 10 .. 307 13 10 Amounts paid to claimants .. .. .. 129 16 4 Amount transferred to Miscellaneous Revenue (unclaimed) .. .. .. .. .. 74 15 6 .. 204 11 10 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 335 0 0 539 11 10 539 11 10 Victoria College Endowments Deposit , Account. Balance, let April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 37 9 9 Rents under sections 38 and 39, Victoria College Act, 1905 .. .. .. 20 0 0 .. 20 0 0 Payment to Victoria College .. .. .. 32 18 6 Administration expenses under section 39, Victoria College Act, 1905 .. .. .. 5 11 3 .. 38 9 9 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 19 0 0 57 9 9 57 9 9

B.—l [Pt. IT].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.



Particulars of Particulars of Total Receipts Total Disbursements Receipts. j Disbursements. for Year. for Year. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ 9. d. Weraroa Agricultural Endowment Account. Revenue Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. ., .. 395 2 5 Receipts under section 12, Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1928—Rents .. 1,545 4 7 Interest on investments .. .. .. 14 12 5 .. 1,559 17 0 Cost of roading and making fit for settlement under section 17, subsection (2), Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927 .. .. .. .. 391 12 9 Administration expenses under section 4, Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927 .. .. 135 17 0 Transfer to Vote "Agriculture," in terms of section 12 (3), Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act, 1928 .. .. .. .. 1,276 0 0 .. 1,803 9 9 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 151 9 8 Capital Account. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. ... 627 3 7 Sale of buildings .. .. .. 72 8 1 .. 72 8 1 Balance, 31st March, 1931— Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. 99 11 8 Investments .. .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 .. 699 11 8 2,654 11 1 2,654 11 1 i " Wheat Research Levies. Balance, 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 497 13 11 Levies received for research in connection with wheat and flour .. .. .. 1,566 16 1 -1 .. 1,566 16 1 Amount transferred to Vote " Scientific and Industrial Research" in terms of the Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), section 27 (1) .. .. 1,949 15 8 .. 1,949 15 8 Balance, 31st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 114 14 4 2,064 10 0 2,064 10 0

B.—l [Pr.ll]



STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS under the Trustee Act, 1908, to 31st March, 1931, with Particulars of the BALANCE at CREDIT in the DEPOSIT ACCOUNT on that Date. (Published in Terms of Section 72 of the Trustee Act, 1908.)

RECEIPTS. DISBURSEMENTS. 1930. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1930. £ s. d. £ s. d. April 1 Balance on 31st March, 1930 .. .. .. .. 8,397 17 2 March 31 Balances on 31st March, 1931— Estate of Susan Small wood .. .. .. 93 10 0 J. Matheson and H. Graeie .. .. 414 3 3 Mary McKay .. .. .. 43 3 10 William Tattley .. .. .. 45 1 5 Barthia Wilkie .. .. .. 287 11 1 „ Robert .Miller .. .. .. 22 4 7 „ Paora Patau and W. R. Miller .. .. 23 0 0 ! „ Francis Humphreys Heigh way .. .. 46 12 5 „ George Moore .. .. .. 2,414 0 0 Richard Galway .. .. .. 836 13 9 „ E. W. Alexander .. .. .. 649 7 8 Edward Ruddock .. .. .. 538 15 10 John Burk .. .. .. .. 74 7 10 „ Geoffrey Arthur Harney .. .. 44 15 3 John Hewitt .. .. .. 162 12 0 Mark Earl .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Edward Thurlow Field .. .. 24 8 1 Michael McKey .. .. .. 2,249 5 4 „ Martha Robinson .. .. .. 38 17 11 John Bealy .. .. .. .. 49 17 1 „ Ernest Groome Gresham .. .. 23 1 8 Moanatairi Extended Gold-mining Co. .. .. 16 7 8 Direct Supply Co., Ltd., Auckland (in liquidation) 33 5 10 Wellington-Manawatu Railway Co., Ltd... .. 95 9 8 Inglewood Oil-boring and Prospecting Co., Ltd. .. 21 5 0 8,397 17 2 Total .. .. .. .. £8,397 17 2 Total .. .. .. .. .. £8,397 17 2

B.—l[Pt. ll].


B.—l [Pt. I]].



12— B. l [Pt. ll],


B._l ip-r. ll],

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.



STATEMENT of IMPRESTS of the PUBLIC WORKS FUND (GENERAL PURPOSES ACCOUNT) OUTSTANDING as at the 31st March, 1931, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued.


PtJBLic Works Department : — £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Allocation of general " departmental " administration expenditure in accordance with Cabinet decision, — For the Year 1929-30— Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. .. .. .. ■• _ 846 0 0 Electric-supply Account.. .. .. .. 15,525 0 0 Instalment — In respect of mortgage, Oturei .. .. .. 08 6 7 Of sinking fund on loan of £2,500 tn Mount Cook Tourist Co. .. .. .. .. .. ■ • 200 (I 0 On loan for purchase of— Land at Waikeria .. .. .. .. 63 0 8 Quarry plant at Moehau .. .. .. 9 18 2 On loan to— Gore Borough Council .. .. .. .. 248 13 9 ngawara River B< .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Otanomomo River Board .. .. .. 30 3 5 On purchase price, Wiinica-Kumara water-race .. 260 0 0 Miscellaneous recoveries .. .. .. .. 7 9 6 Recovery of one-third cost of supplying and laying waterpipes at Rotorua .. .. .. .. 2,289 1 9 Sale of— Land and buildings .. .. .. .. 20,02f> 12 1 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 1 Hi 10 0 41,019 15 11 Less refunds of amounts received in previous years —■ £ B. d. Sale of plant .. .. .. 2 12 <i Repayment of advances in respect of village-horn lemeht lands. . 27 10 0 30 2 6 40,989 13 B Prisons Department:— Sale of surplus and obsolete stop's .. .. .. .. 3 3 1 Police Department : — Sale of shed .. .. .. .. .. .. 400 Defence Department : — Recovery of cost of repairs, &c, Waikato Military Camp 563 5 0 Sale of— Land and buildings .. .. .. .. 1800 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. 5 0 0 586 5 0 I £41,583 1 6 I '

| Pcblio Works Fund :— £ 8 - d. General Purposes Account, — Vote —Railway-construction .. .. .. .. .. . • •• 12,969 8 6 —Development of Tourist Resorts .. .. .. •• 052 —Department of Immigration .. .. .. .. .■ 2,893 14 11 —Roads, &c. .. .. .. .. ■■ •• •• •• 1,7156 14 9 —Telegraph Extension .. .. .. •. .. • • 8 10 4 —Plant, Material, and Stores .. .. .. •• 2,787 9 0 £20,416 2 8

B.—l [Pt. ll].




I 930-1931.




Sale of- £ s. d. £ B. d. Land and buildings .. .. .- •• ■ ■ ls "' " Power-line, Arapuni .. .. •• •■ •■ •■ 2,600 0 ( Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. • ■ ■ • • • 484 1!) 0

■ Balance at Transfers 0 31st March, 1930. during the Year. ' ° the Account. Transfers from Consolidated Fund £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. E s. d. in terms of Section 137, Public Revenues Act, 1926 .. .. 56,214 14 6 10,000 0 0 9,348 0 7 56,866 13 11 56,866 13 11 I _J - - ■ ! halancc at Date MuftSSfi*. M ~- Advances to other Governments— £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. British Guiana .. .. .. 34 11 5 84 11 6 Canadian Government .. 136 9 9 1 11 6 138 9 9 1 11 (i Ceylon .. 1,474 13 7 1,474 13 7 Commonwealth Government .. 14,155 8 3 13,472 9 1 19,569 2 7 8,058 14 9 Cook Islands .. .. 991 10 10 2,282 1 6 2,239 16 5 1,033 15 10 Falkland Islands .. .. 82 15 11 .. 82 15 11. Federated Malay States .. .. 1,923 4 6 1,752 4 6 171 0 0 ■ Fiji . . . .. 108 6 8 108 6 8 Gold Coast .. .. .. .. 273 7 3 273 7 :! Hong Kong .. 51 16 6 51 16 6 | Imperial Government .. 18,034 6 9 26,947 1 0 37,074 1(1 6 7,906 11 3 Imperial pensions .. .. 2 6 0 90,463 7 10 90,478 4 :s Cγ, 12 10 5 Johore •• 26 13 0 26 13 0 Kenya .. .. 293 0 0 366 11 6 511 13 4 I 147 18 2 Nigeria .. .. .. .. 374 17 1 374 17 I Niuelsland.. .. .. 1,160 17 1 1,289 4 7 1,777 3 0 672 18 8 Palestine •• 64 1 0 64 1 0 Sarawak .. .. .. .. 180 0 0 180 0 0 Straits Settlements .. .. .. 35 9 7 35 9 7 Trinidad .. 11 7 6 11 7 6 Union Government of S. Africa i 312 19 0 326 5 10 312 19 0 326 5 10 35,169 13 7 139,707 0 10 156,570 8 III 18,306 5 7 ; 18,306 5 7 Balance of account transferred to Consolidated Fund in terms of Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), Section 7 (3) £38,560 8 4 •Note These balances, when recovered from the various Governments, will be credited direct to the Consolidated Fund under " Special Acts/ , in terms of Finance Act, 1930 (No. 2), section 7 (2), see page 60.

8.-l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 930-1931.






Sale of school buildings and sites— , £ s. d. Wanganui Education Board .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £390 2 6

£ b. d. Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '

B.—l [Pγ. ll].




DETAIL STATEMENT of EXPENDITURE relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT and of CREDITS IN REDUCTION of such Expenditure for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1931.


£ s. d. Loan repayments on Benmore —Otago University .. .. . • •• •• 11756 ■

Name of Estate. Purchase-money. Total. Expenditure under the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, Section 45,— Acquirement of Estates — £ s. d. £ s. d. Anaura 530 0 0 Apanui 20,500 0 0 Aponga 452 19- !> Arthurton 20,263 9 7 Awamate .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 21,750 0 0 Awanui 11,093 3 11 Brinklands .. .. .. .. •• •• ■■ 100 0 0 Bushmere 7,000 0 0 Downs I 30,000 0 0 Dreadon " I 3,313 2 0 Dryden .. .. .. .. . . .. •• •• 2,900 0 0 Galatea 5,000 0 0 Gower .. .. .. .. •• ■• •■ •• 1.000 0 0 Hutt Valley .. .. 1.902 14 8 Kakariki " 12,500 0 0 Mangakura •• 3,921 13 3 Morgan 6,228 15 0 Nelson .. 6.783 8 11 Nolan 11.571 Iβ 6 Otarao .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 13,153 9 8 Pukahu 2,341 17 2 I'ukotarata .. .. •• •• ■• •• •• 9.015 1 4 Repongaere .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 1.963 2 4 Rockburn 3,481 9 10 Ruangarehu .. .. •• •• ■• •• •• 5,447 18 1 Rvlands 17,438 15 0 Tapuwae .. .. -. •• ■• •• •• 6.063 11 3 Te Waewae .. .. .. •• ■■ •■ ■• 9,997 5 4 Waitawa •• •• H.322 10 1 Walters 11,156 3 6 Whakata .. .. .. •• •■ •• •• 10,000 0 0 Woodlands .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 11,168 15 4 279,361 2 5 Incidental Expenses. Expenses incidental to Estates — £ >. d. Akitio 134 0 8 Almadale .. .. .. •■ •• •• •• 0 19 0 Apanui .. .. ■.. .. •■ ■• ■• •• 387 12 3 Aponea .. .. .. .. • ■ ■ ■ ■ • • • 67 6 1 Ardkeen 1,184 17 8 Arthurton 279 12 11 Ashton 2 10 8 Avenel .. .. .. .. ■• •• ■• •• 18 1 Awamate .. .. ■ ■ ■ • • • ■ ■ • • 500 17 0 Awanui . . .. .. ■ • •• •• • ■ •• 166 9 7 Bickeretaff .. . • • • ■ • ■ • • • • • 1 6 11 Brinklands .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 854 1 6 Brydone.. .. .. •• •• •• •• 15 7 8 Buckley 26 7 9 Bushmere .. .. •■ •• ■• •• ■• 770 Chines 161 2 2 Carried forward 3,791 5 11 279,361 2 5

B.—l [Pt. 111.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.

DETAIL STATEMENT of EXPENDITURE relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT and of CREDITS IN REDUCTION of such Expenditure for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1931— continued.


I I Name of Estate. . Incidental Expenses. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 3,791 5 11 279,361 2 5 Expenditure under the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, Section 45—continued. Expenses incidental to Estates—continued. Downs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 232 15 4 Dreadon.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 550 Fernhill .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 282 2 4 Fernleigh .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 171 3 3 Gorton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 300 Hall-Jones; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 325 11 4 Heights .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 18 3 Hereford Park .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 19 6 Hikuai .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 19 7 Hillersden .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 110 Horahia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 13 5 Horahora .. .. ,. .. .. .. ., 0 12 3 Huatoki .. ., .. .. .. .. .. 62 10 1 Hutt Valley .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,755 14 9 Johnson .. .. ... .. .. .. 0 15 2 Kakariki .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 82 15 7 Kohika No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 15 4 Kopuku .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1116 Makareao .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 525 9 4 Mangakura .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 241 5 7 Maraeweka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Marama-a-mau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 400 Mataikona .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 18 3 Matakitaki .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 866 3 5 Matuku .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 8 Melville Park .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 16 0 Motutara .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 179 Murrayfield • .. .. .. ., .. .. .. 183 16 9 Nesdale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 120 Normandale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 17 11 Ohuka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 387 15 0 Otarao .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 14 0 Parahi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 656 Paramu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 039 Piu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 151 15 3 Pukahu .. .. .. ,, .. .. .. 576 Pukemapou .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 901 Puketarata .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 121 16 2 j Remuera .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 18 7 Reparoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 246 Repongaere .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 15 6 Rockburn .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 7 0 Rockford .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 128 9 0 Roseberry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,334 7 3 Ruangarehu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 586 Rylands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 171 6 1 Scotson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 4 10 Strathmore .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 15 2 Tahaia .. .. .. .. .. .. 045 Tamatea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 5 8 Tangao .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 5 10 Tangowahine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 241 1 1 Tapanui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 368 10 10 Tapuwae .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 17 0 Te Pua .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 252 7 4 Te Waewae .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 44 11 11 Te Wera .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,074 15 2 Te Whiti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 030 Tongoio.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 1 11 Tupurupuru .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Tuturumuri .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 445 9 0 Waari .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 116 4 Wairakau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 322 3 5 Wairere .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 045 Waitawa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 69 4 11 Walters .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 9 6 Westcott .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 113 9 Westella.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 68 17 11 Whakata .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 10 0 Wharekaka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 63 18 10 Wilden .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,833 13 6 Wilford .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,060 9 9 Woodlands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26 14 0 28,105 7 4 Administration Expenses of Estates .. .. .. .. .. 9,903 13 4 Total expenditure .. .. .. .. .. £317,370 3 1

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PDBLIC ACCOUNTS, 193 0-193 1

DETAIL STATEMENT of EXPENDITURE relating to Purchase of and Incidental Expenses in connection with Estates in the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT and of CREDITS IN REDUCTION of such Expenditure for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1931— continued.


Name of Estate. Credits in reduction of Expenditure under the Land for Settlements Act, Credits in Reduction 1925, Section 45, — _ °' Acquirement of Estates- Purclme-money. Apanui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Awamate .. .. .. .. .. • .. 63 5 2 Beach .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 Brinklands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 73 15 0 Clunes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70 0 0 Downs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Homebusli .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 490 17 ]o Mangamaire .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Murrayfield .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 230 0 0 Ngatapa.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 202 14 '0 Reparoa .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 7 10 0 Selwyn .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 1 4 Tapanui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Tokiri .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. 365 0 0 Wellburn .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. I73 0 0 Wilden .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,008 14 0 4,479 17 4 Credits in Reduction Expenses incidental to Estates— Incidental^Expenses. Apanui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 5 Ardkeen .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 92 14 10 Bickerstaff .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 5 11 Brinklands .. .. .. .. .. ,, 800 Clunes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 19 8 Hikuai .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 19 7 Horahia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 13 5 Horahora .. .. .. .. .. ,. ,. 0 12 3 Hutt Valley .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 406 3 0 Makaraeo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 508 10 10 Mataikona .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ]25 0 0 Matuku .. .... .. .. .. .. .. 148 Murrayfield .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 14 0 Parahi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 347 Piu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 15 6 Pukahu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 18 7 Pukemapou .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 11 1 . Reparoa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 052 Roseberry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 5 10 Tamatea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 163' 0 0 Tapanui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 117 75 0 Te Miro .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 14 7 Teviot .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Dr. 22 10 ~ 0 Waari .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 19 0 Wairere .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Dr. 0 5 7 Walters .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 17 5 Westcott. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1139 Wilden .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. 827 0 9 Wither .. .. .. .. .. ,, .. 434 2,288 3 7 Total oredits in reduction .. .. .. .. £6,768 0 11

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DETAILED STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS of LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1931.


New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917, Section 3:— £ s. d. £ s. d. Inscribed Stock issued in Conversion of Bonds, — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 — 4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1941 .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907— 5£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. .. .. 7,300 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907-4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1941 .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. .. . 2,000 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920— 5|-per-eent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. .. .. 7,300 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919— 5$-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1935 .. .. .. 51,200 0 0 6-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1931 .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 4 — 5$-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works) — 4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1935 .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 4i-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1940 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— 4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 17,250 0 0 4j-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1941 .. .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV— 4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1939 .. .. .. .. 157,000 0 0 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Finance Act, 1921, Section 10 (Public Works) — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1932 .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works) — 5|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1936 .. .. .. .. 500 0 x 0 Finance Act, 1929, Section 2 (Public Works) — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 2,800 0 0 Forests Act, 1921-22— 5£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926, Section 6— 5£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925— 4| per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1941 .. .. .. .. 7,000 0 0 Sj-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 4,100 0 0 Main Highways Act, 1922— 5j-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. ,. 5,600 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908- Ordinary Revenue Account — Miscellaneous —Defence and Maori Wars— 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 2,200 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account— Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 I oj-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 14,900 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 3 — 5}-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 48,400 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 121,750 0 0 5|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1934 .. .. .. .. 27,000 0 0 Inscribed Stock, 1936 .. .. .. .. 2,950 0 0 5|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 2,600 0 0 sj-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1951 .. .. .. .. 26,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch)— 5£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 5 j-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1936 .. .. .. .. 900 o 0 5|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 20 000 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— 4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1938 .. .. .. .. 95,450 0 0 6-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1931 .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 672,150 0 0 Inscribed Stock issued in Conversion of Death Duty Stock,— Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920— 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. .. .. 2,900 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— 4£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1939 .. .. .. .. 1 500 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 3 — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. ,. 500 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. ,. .. 200 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— 4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1938 .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 7,100 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 679,250 0 0

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£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 679,250 0 0 ! New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917, Section 3—continued. Debentures issued in Conversion of Inscribed Stock, — Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— 5J-per-cent. debentures, 1937 .. .. .. .. • - 700 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Workers Branch) — -per-cent , debentures, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 1,200 0 0 Inscribed Stock issued in Replacement of Death Duty Stock :— Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920, Section 5 (6), — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920— 5£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. . .. 200 0 0 Finance Act, 1917, Section 76 (4), — War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— 4i-per-cent, Inscribed Stock, 1938 .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 5}-per-eent. Inscribed Stock, 1933 .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 15 (6), — Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— 4J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1939 .. .. .. .. 1,850 0 0 Finance Act, 1925, Section 3 (6), — New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —Ordinary Revenue Account—Miscellaneous —Defence and Maori Wars— 5J-per-eent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — 5£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1936 .. .. .. •• 10,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) — 5i-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 900 0 0 14,240 0 0 Public Revenues Act. 1926, Section 143 :— Inscribed Stock issued in Replacement of Lost Bonds, — New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— 4|-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1930 .. .. .. • ■ 600 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 — 41-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1938 .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 900 0 0 Finance Act, 1922, Section 3 (5) :— Inscribed Stock issued in Replacement of Stock Certificates, — Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— 4}-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1939 .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— 4J-pe"-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1938 .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 " v 1,300 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 :— Consolidated Stock issued for Redemption of Debentures before Maturity,— Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works) — 5-per-cent. Consolidated Stock, 1949 .. .. 100,000 0 0 Premium received applied to cover charges and expenses .. .. 250 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Public Works) — 5-per-cent. Consolidated Stock, 1949 .. .. .. •• 150,000 0 0 Premium received applied to cover charges and expenses .. . 375 0 0 250,625 0 0 Inscribed Stock issued for Redemption of Death Duty Stock, — New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926, Section 6— 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. .. .. 800 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — Inscribed Stock, 1936 .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. -. .. 6,200 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch)— 5i-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 .. .. . • •• 6,600 0 0 15,100 0 0 Inscribed Stock issued for Redemption of Inscribed Stock before Maturity,— New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. • • • • 10 0 0 10 0 0 Inscribed Stock issued for Redemption of Debentures before Maturity,— New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 60,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— To mature 1st September, 1937 •• •• •- 805,325 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .■ •• 21,900 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works) — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. •• •• •• 24,460 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — To mature 15th February, 1937 •- . • •• 23,760 0 0 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. •• .• .. 3,730 0 0 Carried forward .. •• •• •• •• 939,175 0 0 962,625 0 0

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I £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 939,175 0 0 962,625 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—continued. inscribed Stock issued for Redemption of Debentures before Maturity—contd. New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917—continued. Ordinary Revenue Account—Miscellaneous—Defence and Maori Wars — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 6,850 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 134,000 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account— To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 269,755 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 17,920 0 0 1,367,700 0 0 Inscribed Stock issued for Redemption of Securities at Maturity,— New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Finance Act, 1916, Section 35— To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. •• 386,860 0 0 396.860 0 0 Inscribed Stock issued for Redemption of Debentures at Maturity,— New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. 505,550 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 6,450 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 3,800 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works) — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,900 0 0 517,700 0 0 Inscribed Stock issued for Redemption of Securities at or before Maturity,— New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 — To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,350 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1921 — To mature 1st August, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works) — To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 8,130 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 436,020 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 900 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 149,460 0 0 650,110 0 0 Inscribed Stock issued in Renewal of Inscribed Stock matured, — New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 — Renewed to 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 3,530 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works) — Renewed to 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 86,620 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— Renewed to 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 46,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— Renewed to 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 237,080 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses) — Renewed to 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 124,230 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) — Renewed to 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 142,950 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works)— Renewed to 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 39,320 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — Renewed to 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Native Land Amendment Aet, 1913 — Renewed to 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 24,500 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914— Renewed to 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 2,190 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— Renewed to 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 3,350 0 0 710,370 0 0 Inscribed Stock (Death Duties) issued for Redemption of Debentures before Maturity,— New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 24,150 0 0 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account— To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 5,800 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 3,100 0 0 33,050 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,638,415 0 0

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£ s. d. j £ 8. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,638,415 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —continued. Inscribed Stock ( Death Duties) issued for Redemption of Securities at Maturity— New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 4,950 0 0 Inscribed Stock (Death Duties) issued for Redemption of Debentures at Maturity,—■ New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 18,650 0 0 Inscribed Stock (Death Duties) issued for Redemption of Inscribed Stock at Maturity,— New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. 2,700 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. . . . 200 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— — To mature, 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 10,500 0 0 13,400 0 0 Inscribed Stock (Death Duties) issued for Redemption of Securities at or before Maturity,— State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Debentures issued for Redemption of Debentures at Maturity,— Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 — To mature 1st August, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1920, Section 16— To mature 1st December, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Local Authorities Branch) — To mature 1st June, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, and Finance Act, 1919, Section 6 — To mature 1st August, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 32,500 0 0 Debentures issued for Redemption of Inscribed Stock at Maturity,— Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 —■ To mature 15th July, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 700,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works) — To mature 1st December, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 19,050 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— To mature 15th February, 1937 .. ... .. .. 3,300 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 1,400 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) —- To mature 15tli February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 To mature 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 19,900 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works) — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914 — To mature 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 8,000 0 0 754,650 0 0 Debentures issued for Redemption of Treasury Bills at Maturity,— Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 29 (Public Works) — To mature 1st February, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 2,500,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Public Works) — To mature 1st February, 1950 .. .. .. .. 150,000 0 0 2,650,000 0 0 Debentures issued for Redemption of Debentures before Maturity,— Finance Act, 1916, Section 35— £ s. d. To mature 1st November, 1931 .. .. 13,000 0 0 To mature 1st December, 1931 .. .. 8,000 0 0 To mature 1st November, 1932 .. .. 21,000 0 0 To mature 1st December, 1932 .. .. 5,000 0 0 To mature 1st November, 1935 .. .. 34,400 0 0 To mature 1st December, 1935 .. .. 19,600 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. 435,000 0 0 536,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— To mature 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 6,800 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works) — To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. 4,250 0 0 Carried forward .. 557,050 0 0 8,118,565 0 0

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PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-3 1. DETAILED STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS of LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 557,050 0 0 8,118,565 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —continued. Debentures issued for Redemption of Debentures before Maturity—continued. New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account —- £ s. d. To mature 15th February, 1937 .. .. 115,725 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. 66,350 0 0 To mature 1st June, 1935 .. .. .. 15,350 0 0 To mature 1st November, 1950 .. .. 10 0 0 197,435 0 0 Debentures issued for Redemption of Securities at Maturity,— 754,485 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 — To mature 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 12,300 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1914— To mature 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 60,000 0 0 To mature 1st December, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 39,150 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919— To mature 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works) — To mature 1st December, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 130,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)—To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 87,800 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1951 .. .. .. .. 1,980,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works)— To mature 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 64,850 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works) — To mature 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 37,030 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — To mature 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 — To mature 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 15,500 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914 — To mature 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 2,300 0 0 2,538,930 0 0 Debentures issued for Redemption of Securities at or before Maturity,— Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 — To mature 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 — To mature 1st January, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 1,190 0 0 To mature 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 2,700 0 0 To mature 1st May, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 — To mature 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 14,000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914— To mature 1st December, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 850 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919— To mature 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 30,900 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works) — To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. . .. .. 3,300 0 0 To mature 1st December, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 11,300 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— To mature 1st February, 1932 .. .. • .. .. 10,000 0 0 To mature 1st March, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 To mature 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 30,200 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 137,850 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) — To mature, 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 5,150 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works) — To mature 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 2,970 0 0 Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910To mature 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — To mature 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 2,400 0 0 To mature 1st February, 1950 .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 — To mature 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. 9,500 0 0 To mature 1st April, 1949 .. .. .. •• •• 66,100 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914— To mature 1st July, 1949 .. .. •• 1,040 0 0 To mature 1st February, 1950 .. .. •• 1,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1910, and Finance Act, 1920, Section 16 — To mature 1st December, 1951 .. •• 8,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — To mature 1st March, 1936 .. ■■ •• •• •• 25,600 0 0 To mature 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. -. •. 26,400 0 0 To mature 1st June, 1951 .. • ■ •. 500,000 0 0 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and Appropriation Act, 1918, Section 46 — To mature, 1st May, 1950 .. .. •• •• •• 20,000 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, and Finance Act, 1919, Section G— To mature 1st August, 1950 .. .. .. •• 40,425 0 0 982,375 0 0 Carried forward ,, .. ■■ .. .. ■■ 12,394,355 0 0

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£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,394,355 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — continued. Debentures issued in Renewal of Debenture Loans matured, — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 — Renewed to 1st May, 1950 .. .. .. .. . 91,300 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902Renewed to 1st December, 1951 .. .. .. .. 145,200 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 Renewed to 1st September, 1937 .. . ,, .. 3,750 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905— Renewed to 1st September, 1937 .. . . . .. 500 0 0 Renewed to 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 153,700 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 Renewed to 1st April, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, I'M2 Renewed to 1st April, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 180,500 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 — Renewed to 1st November, 1950.. .. .. .. 2,450,000 0 0 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 — Renewed to 1st October, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. j 32,500 0 0 Renewed to 1st November, 1935.. .. .. .. .. 16,500 0 0 Consolidated Loan Act, 1867— Renewed to 1st April, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919— Renewed to 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 763,000 0 0 Renewed to 1st April, lii:Ui .. .. .. .. .. 5,150 0 0 Finance Act, 1909 — Renewed to 1st August, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 46,901 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works)— Renewed to 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 20,350 0 0 Renewed to 1st December, I'.).")] .. .. .. .. 701,095 0 0 Finanoe Ad. 1(116, Section 35— Renewed to 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. 497.450 0 0 Renewed to 1st September. ]!•.",! .. .. .. .. 1 .000 0 0 Finance Act, 1917, Section 77 (Public Works)— Renewed to 1st August. Ii>50 .. .. .. .. .. 725,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section III (War Kxpenses)— Renewed to 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 25,550 0 0 Renewed to 1st April. 1!M<i .. .. .. .. .. 2,006,900 0 0 Finance Act. [918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— Renewed to 15th February, 1937 .. .. •• .. 9,150 0 0 wed to 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. •■ W.OOO 0 0 Finance Act, 1920. Section IS (Public Works)— Renewed to 1st December, 1951 .. .. .. .. L,399.,240 0 0 >wed to 1st December, 1938 .. ■• ■• •• 3,150 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 16 (Electric-power Works)— Renewed to 1st October, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 19,720 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 16 (Nauru and Ocean Islands)— Renewed to let December, 1951 .. .. .. .. 490,800 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section -' (Public Works)— Renewed to 1st January, 1935 .. .. .. ■• ■■ 260 0 0 Renewed to 1st November. I i>35. . .. .. .. -■ 3,920 0 0 Renewed to 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. 5,460 0 0 Forests Act. HUM 22— Renewed to 1st August, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 27,000 0 0 Forests Act. 1921 -22, and Finance Act, 1924, Section 16— Renewed to 1st December, 1935 .. .. .. .. 26,100 0 0 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926, Section 6— Renewed to 1st August, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 24,890 0 0 Fruit Preserving Industry Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1917, Section 80— Renewed to 1st April, 1949 .. .. •• ■■ •• 56,850 0 0 Hauraki Plains Act, 1926— Renewed to let February, 1960 .. .. .. •• ■• 222,000 0 0 Renewed to 1st August, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 136,000 0 0 Sousing Act, 1919, Section 30 — Renewed to 1st. Inly. Ill I!' .. .. .. .. .. 355,520 0 0 Housing Act, 1919, Section 46— Renewed to 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 3,975 0 0 Hutt Railway and Road improvement Acts, 1903, 1905. 1907, and I'.llO— Renewed to 1st May. 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 284,180 0 0 Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914 — Renewed to 1st .May. 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 Kauri-gum Indn liv Amendment Act, 1914, and Appropriation Act, 1 ills. Section 45 — Renewed to 1st May, I!>.->i.' .. .. ■• •• •■ 14,500 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925— Renewed to 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. 4,600 0 0 Renewed to 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 66,360 0 t> Renewed to 1st April, in lit .. .. .. .. .. 1,378,150 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. •. 12,557,741 0 0 12,394,355 0 0

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£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 12,557,741 0 0 12,394,355 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—continued. Debentures issued in Reneiral of Debenture Loans matured—continued. Local Bodies' Loans Aot, 1908, and Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886— Renewed to 1st September, 1951 .. .. .. .. I 250,225 0 0 Main Highways Act, 1922— Renewed to 1st April, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 4,250 0 0 Mining Amendment Act, 1913 — Renewed to 1st May, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 11,500 0 0 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 — Renewed to 1st April, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 855,900 0 0 Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account— Renewed to 1st July, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 11,150 0 0 Renewed to 1st August, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 j Renewed to 1st May, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 2,850 0 0 ' Post and Tolegraph Act, 1908 — Renewed to 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1920, Section 16 — Renewed to 1st December, 1951 .. .. .. .. 66,000 0 0 i Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1924, Section 5— Renewed to 1st December, 1951 .. .. .. .. 18,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch)Renewed to 1st January, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 3,250 0 0 Renewed to 1st April, i936 .. .. .. .. .. 18,800 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) — Renewed to 1st June, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 65,330 0 0 Renewed to 1st September, 1932 .. .. .. .. 22,230 0 0 Renewed to 1st December, 1935 .. .. .. .. 8,000 0 0 Renewed to 1st January, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. j 19,400 0 0 Renewed to 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. 12,950 0 0 Renewed to 1st April, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 510 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 — Renewed to 1st August, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, and Finance Act, 1919, Section 6— Renewed to 1st August, 1950 .. .. .. .. .. 120,500 0 0 — 14,300,586 0 0 Treasury Bills issued for Redemption of Securities at Maturity,— Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 29 (Public Works)— To mature 19th June, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 To mature 30th June, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 800,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 Treasury Bills issued for Redemption of Securities before Maturity,— Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 29 (Public Works) — To mature 19th March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 To mature 30th March, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 800,000 0 0 To mature 7th April, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 To mature 30th April, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 450,000 0 0 To mature 12th May, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 To mature 27th May, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 800,000 0 0 To mature 30th June, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 150,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 31 (Discharged Soldiers Settlement) — To mature 30th June, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Public Works) — To mature 15th June, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. I 600,000 0 0 To mature 25th June, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 150,000 0 0 To mature 30th June, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. ! 100,000 0 0 3,550,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1925, Section 13 : — Amount received in respect of War Expenses to be applied in Repayment of War Loans, — Subsection (3), Repatriation receipts paid in by State Advances Office .. .. 12,061 3 8 Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 135 (2): — Amount received on account of New Zealand Share of German Reparations .. 527,521 8 8 Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 135 (4): — Amount received from the State Advances Office for redemption of debentures at maturity— Fruit Preserving Industry Act, 1913, and Finance Aot, 1917, Section 50 1,740 0 0 Amount received from Main Highways Account Revenue Fund for the Redemption of Loans .. .. .. .. .. .. 44,180 0 0 Amount transferred from Ordinary Revenue Account for Redemption of Main Highways Loans .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,791 0 7 Sinking Funds held by Public Trustee set free to redeem debentures under — Westport Harbour Act, 1920, and Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884, and Loan Acts, 1896, 1897, and 1900 .. .. .. .. 15,150 0 0 63,861 0 7 Total receipts for the year .. .. .. .. £31,848,384 12 11

B.—l [Pt. ll]


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1931.

14— B. 1 [Pt. ll].


New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917, Section 3: — £ s. d. £ s. d. Bonds and Debentures converted into Inscribed Stock, — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903, and Finance Act, 1915, Section 106— Due 1st July, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907— Due 1st February, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 7,300 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907, and Finance Act, j 1915, Section 106— Due 1st July, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 — Due 15th August, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 — Due loth January, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 7,300 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919— Due 1st August, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Due 1st July, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 51,200 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 4— Due loth February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works)— Due 15th December, 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 Due 15th December, 1940 .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 17,250 0 0 Due 1st September, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— Due 20th April, 1939 .. .. .. .. .. .. 157,000 0 0 Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Finance Act, 1921, Section 10 (Public Works)— Due 15th February, 1932 .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works)— Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Finance Act, 1929, Section 2 (Public Works) — Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 2,800 0 0 Forests Act, 1921-22— Due 15th August, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926, Section 6— Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 1,100 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, and Finance Act, 1915, Section 106 — I Due 1st July, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Main Highways Act, 1922 — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 1,700 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 3,900 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —Ordinary Revenue Account—Miscellaneous —Defence and Maori Wars— Due loth February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 2,200 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 13,750 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 1,400 0 0 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909-10 (Land for Settlements Branch), and Finance Act, 1915, Section 106 — Due 1st August, 1941 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 j (No. 2), Section 3— Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 48,200 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — Due 9th October, 1934 .. .. .. .. .. 27,000 0 0 Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 2,950 0 0 Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 124,350 0 0 Due 1st February, 1951 .. .. .. .. .. 26,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) — Due 15th August, 1933 .. .. .. .. .. 2,500 0 (I Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 900 0 0 Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 17,700 0 0 Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 2,300 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 — Due 1st August, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Due 15th November, 1938 .. .. .. .. .. 95,450 0 0 672,150 0 0 Inscribed Stock converted into Debentures, — Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 — Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) — Due 1st September, 1937 .. .. .. • • •. 500 0 0 1,200 0 0 Carried forward •• 673,350 0 0

B — 1 [Pt. lIJ.




£ s. d. £ a. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 673,350 0 0 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917, Section 3 —continued. Inscribed Stock (Death Duties) converted into Inscribed, Stock, — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920, Section 5 (5) — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 (5£ per cent., 1933) .. 2,900 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 15 (5) — Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses), (4J per cent., 1939) .. 1,500 0 0 Finance Act, 1917, Section 76 (3) — War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 (4i per cent., 1938) .. .. 2,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1925, Section 3 (5) — Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), Section 3 (5J per cent., 1937) .. .. .. 500 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch), (5A per cent., 1037) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 7,100 0 0 Inscribed Stock (Death Duties) replaced by Inscribed Stock : — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920, Section 5 (6), — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1920 (5£ per cent., 1933) .. 200 0 0 Finance Act, 1917, Section 76 (4)— War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 (4£ per cent., 1938) .. .. .. 40 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 (5i per cent., 1933) .. .. .. 250 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 15 (6) — Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses), (4£ per cent., 1939) .. 1,850 0 0 Finance Act, 1925, Section -3 (0) — New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Ordinary Revenue Account—Miscellaneous— Defence, and Maori Wars (5J per cent., 1937) .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 » State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch), (5£ per cent., 1936) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch), ( per cent., 1936) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 900 0 0 14,240 0 0 Finance Act, 1922, Section 3 (5): — Stock Certificates replaced by Inscribed Stock, — Finance Aot, 1918, Section 10 .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 1,300 0 0 Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 143 :— Bonds lost and replaced by Inscribed Stock, — Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses) .. .. .. 600 0 0 War Purposes Loans Act, 1917 .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 900 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 :— Death Duty Stock redeemed at Maturity,— New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — 5J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1936 (Death Duties) — State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — £ s. d. Matured 14th May, 1930 .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Matured 17th May, 1930 .. .. .. 500 0 0 Matured 29th May, 1930 .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Matured 4th December, 1930 200 0 0 Matured 2nd February, 1931 .. 1,000 0 0 7,700 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) — Matured 29th May, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 5£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1937 (Death Duties) — Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926, Section 6 — Matured 2nd February, 1931 .. .. .. .. 800 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers) — £ s. d. Matured 4th September, 1930 .. .. 500 0 0 Matured 17th September, 1930 .. .. 600 0 0 Matured 13th October, 1930 .. .. 500 0 0 1,600 0 0 15,100 0 0 Finance Act, 1921-22, Section 24:— Securities redeemed and cancelled before Maturity,— Inscribed Stock under — New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1921— Due 1st August, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908 —Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account—Due 15th February, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914— Due 1st February, 1936 .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 5,010 0 0 711,990 0 0 :

B.—l [Ft. IIJ.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 30-19 31.


15— B. 1 [Pγ. 11 J.


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-19 3 1. STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT —continued. £ b. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 5,010 0 0 711,990 0 0 Finance Act, 1921-22, Section 24—continued. Securities redeemed and cancelled before Maturity—continued. Debentures under — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 — £ s. d. Due 15th August, 1933 .. .. •• 2,000 0 0 Due 1st January, 1934 .. .. .. 1,190 0 0 Due 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. 2,700 0 0 5,890 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 — Due 1st January, 1949 .. .. .. . • • • 11 >000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914— Due 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. .. •• 60,000 0 0 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 — Due 1st January, 1934 .. .. .. •• •• 30,900 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works) — Due 15th December, 1930 .. .. •• •• •• 100,000 0 0 Due 1st December, 1951 .. .. •• •• •• 10,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— Due 1st September, 1951 .. • • • • • • .. 1 ,999,995 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 29 (Public Works)— Due 1st February, 1950 .. .. •• •• •• 2,500,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 31 (Discharged Soldiers Settlement)— Due 1st March, 1951 200.000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— Due 1st July, 1049 .. .. .. •• •• •• 10,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works)— Due 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. •• •• •• 33,900 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Public Works) — £ s. d. Due 1st February, 1950 .. .. •- 150,000 0 0. Due 1st December, 1951 .. •• •• 850,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works) — Due 1st July, 1949 .. .. •• •• •• •• 31,680 0 0 Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910 — Due 1st January > 1934 .. .. •• •• •• 3,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 — £ s. d. Due 15th August, 1933 .. •• •• 1,000 0 0 Due 1st November, 1950 .. ■ • • • 23,760 0 0 24,760 0 0 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 — £ s. d. Due 1st April, 1931 .. .. • • • • 600 0 0 Due 1st April, 1934 .. ■ * •• •• 65,500 0 0 Due 1st January, 1949 .. .. •• 9,500 0 0 Due 1st November, 1950 .. •. • .. 3,730 0 0 79 3'to 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908—Ordinary Revenue Account, -Miscellaneous —Defence, and Maori Wars — £ s. d. Due 15th February, 1937 .. .• •• 40,000 0 0 Due 1st October, 1949 .. •• •• 100,000 0 0 Due 1st November, 1950 .. • • • • 850 00 140,850 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, Public Works FundGeneral Purposes Account — £ s. d. Due 1st November, 1950 .. .. •• 394,010 0 0 Due 1st September, 1951 .. .. •• 100,000 0 0 494,010 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914 — Due 1st July, 1949 .. .. •• ;• •• •* 1,040 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, °1920, Section 16— Due 1st December, 1951 .. •• •• •• 8,000 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) Due 1st June, 1951 .. .. •• •• . •• 707,460 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and Appropriation Act, 1918, Section 46— Due 1st May, 1950 .. .. •• •• '• •• 20,000 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, and linance Act, 1919, Section 6— Due 1st August, 1950 .. •• •• •• •• 40,4-.) 0 0 Westport Harbour Act, 1920, and Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884, and Loan Acts, 1896, 1897, and 1900 — Due 1st January, 1949 .. lo.lBO 7,532,400 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 :— Debentures redeemed at Maturity,— Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900— Due 1st January, 1931 600 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903— „ „ Due 1st January, 1931 12 > 750 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905— Due 1st January, 1931 .. •• •• •• •• •• ->3,000 0 0 Carried forward .. •• •• •• •• 66,350 0 0 8,244,390 0 0 15—B. 1 [FT. II].

B.—l [Pt. [I]




£ s. rl. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. | 66,350 0 0 8,244,390 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —continued. Debentures redeemed at Maturity—continued. Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works) — Due 15th December, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 112,555 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses) — Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 2,840,470 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,350 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,800 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works) — Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,650 0 0 Fruit Preserving Industry Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1917, Section 80— Due 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,740 0 0 Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 —- Due 1st August, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1908— £ s. d. Due 1st January, 1931 .. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Due 1st February, 1931 .. .. .. 3,100 0 0 9,100 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, and Finance Act, 1915, Section 106 — Due 1st January, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,200 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1920, Section 16 —• Due 1st December, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Local Authorities Branch) — Due 1st June, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, and Finance Act, 1919, Section 6— Due 1st August, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 3,086,715 0 0 Inscribed Stock redeemed at Maturity,— New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Aid to Public Works and I,and Settlement Act, 1903— Due 1st January, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 900 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 — £ s. d. Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. 60,000 0 0 Due 31st December, 1930 .. .. .. 40.000 0 0 100,000 0 0 Education Loans Act, 1919 — Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. 100.000 0 0 Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 — Due 15th July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 700,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works) — Due 15th December, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 45,300 0 0 Finanoe Act, 1916, Section 35 — Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 159,190 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,300 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.400 0 0 Finance Act., 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) — Due 15th July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 85,350 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works) — Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 33,230 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 190?— Due 1st January, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913— Due 1st January, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 15,500 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914— Due 15th July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10.300 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 10,500 0 0 1,265,170 0 0 Treasury Bills redeemed at Maturity,— Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 29 (Publio Works) — £ s. d. Due 27th May, 1930 .. .. .. ,. 300,000 0 0 Duo 5th June, 1930 .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 Due 14th June, 1930 .. .. .. .. 700,000 0 0 Due 21st June, 1930 .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 Due 24th June, 1930 .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 Due 28th June, 1930 .. .. .. .. 750,000 0 0 Due 30th June, 1930 .. .. .. .. 250,000 0 0 Due 19th March, 1931 .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 Due 30th March, 1931 .. .. .. .. 800,000 0 0 3.500,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Public Works'— Due 30th June, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 150,000 0 0 3,650.000 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 16,246,275 0 0

8.-l [Pt 11 J.




£ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. :. 16,246,275 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — continued. New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917, — Inscribed Stock redeemed by Renewal— Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903— Due 1st January, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 3,530 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works)— Due 15th December, 1930 .. .. .. .. 86,620 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 46,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. •• 237,080 0 0 Finance Act. L918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 124,230 0 0 Finance Act, 1919, Section 5 (Public Works) — Due 15th July, 1930.. .. .. .. .. .. 142.950 0 0 Finance Act. 1924, Section 2 (Public Works)— Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 39,320 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1908— Due 1st January, 1931 .. .. .. . . .. 600 0 0 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913— Due 1st January, 1931 .. .. .. .. .. 24,500 0 0 | Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914— Due 15th July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 2,190 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— Due 1st September, L930 .. .. .. .. ■■ :s.:!r>0 o 0 \ 710,370 0 0 Debentures redeemed by Renewal^ — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900Due 1st May, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 91.300 0 0 Aid to Public Worka and Land Settlement Act, 1902— Due 1st December, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 145,200 0 0 Aid to Public Works and I,ami Settlement Act, 1903— Due 1st January, 1931.. .. .. .. .. .. 3,750 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905— Due 1st January, 1931.. .. .. .. . .. 154,2(K| o 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908— Due 1st April, 1!):!() .. .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1912— Due 15th April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. . 186,500 0 0j Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914— Due 1st November, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 2,450,000 0 0 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910— £ s. d. Due 1st October, 193(1 .. .. .. .. 32,500 0 0 Due 1st November, 1930 .. .. .. 16,500 0 0 49,000 0 0 Consolidated Loan Act, 1867— Due 15th April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 Education Purposes Loan Act, 1919 — £ s. d. Due 1st January, 1931 .. .. .. 730,000 0 0 Due 18th March, 1931 .. .. .. .. 33,000 0 0 Due 29th March, 1931 .. .. .. .. 5,150 0 0 768,150 0 0 j Finance Act, 1909 (Public Works)— Due 1st August, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 46,901 0 0 Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works)— Due 15th December, I!i.lo .. .. .. .. .. 721,445 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 199,050 0 0 Finance Act, 1916, Section 50, an 1 Finance Act, 1920, Section 16 (State Forests)— Due 1st August, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1917, Section 77 (Public Works) - Due 1st August, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 725,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section In (War Expenses) — £ s. d. Due 20th April, 1930 .. .. .. .. 2,006,900 0 0 Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. 25,550 0 0 2,032,450 (i 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2). Part IV (War Kxpenses)— Due 1st July. ]!):{(> .. .. .. .. .. .. 49,150 0 0 Finance Act, HlL-'o, Section 1.1 (Electric-power Works) — Due let October, 1980 .. .. .. . 19,720 0 0 Finance Act, l!)2o. Section 15 (Nauru and Ocean Islands) — Due 1st December, 1080 .. .. .. .. .. 490,800 0 0 Finance Act. 1920, Section 15 (Public Works)— Due 1st December, 1980 .. .. .. .. .. 1,402,390 0 0 Finance Act, 1924, Section 2 (Public Works)— £ s. ,1. Due let July, 1930 .. .. .. .. 5,460 0 0 Due 29th August, 1930 .. .. .. 110 0 o Due 29th September, nijii .. .. .. 140 0 0 Due 11th November. !'.i:i< > .. .. .. 2,850 0 0 Due 23rd November, ]93( I .. .. .. 240 0 0 Due 11th January, 1931 .. .. .. 830 0 0 9,620 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 9,u;H,(i2(i 0 0 16,966,646 0 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.



I £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 9,934,626 0 0 16,956,645 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —continued. Debenture# redeemed by Renewal --cont inued. Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1924, Section 16— Due 1st December, 1930 .. .. .. .. . 26,100 0 0 Forests Act, 1921-22, and Finance Act, 1926, Section 6 — Duo 1st August, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. 24,890 0 0 Fruit Preserving Industry Act, 1915, and Finance Act, 1917, Section 80— Due 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 56,850 0 0 HauraKi Plains Act, 1926 — £ s. d. Due 1st August, 1930 .. .. .. •- 136,000 0 0 Due 1st February, 1931 .. .. .. 222,000 0 0 358,000 0 0 Housing Act, 1919, Section 30 — Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. • . 355,520 0 0 Housing Act, 1919, Section 46— Due 1st January, 1931.. .. .. .. .. .. 3,975 0 0 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act, 1903, 1905, 1907, and 1910— Due 1st May, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. •• 284,180 0 0 Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914 — Due 1st May, 1930 .. .. .. .. •• •• 50,000 0 0 Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914, and Appropriation Act, 1918, Section 45— Due 1st May, 1930 .. .. .. .. •• •• 14,500 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1908 — £ s. d. Due 1st January, 1931.. .. .. .. 60,000 0 0 Due 1st February, 1931 .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 61,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1925— Due 1st January, 1931.. .. .. .. .. •• 9,950 0 0 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913— Due 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. ■■ 764,050 0 0 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913, and Appropriation Act, 1918, Section 42— Due 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. . • 614,100 0 0 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908, and Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886— Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. .. •• 250,225 0 0 Main Highways Act, 1922 — Due 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. •• 4,250 0 0 Mining Amendment Act, 1913— Due 1st May, 1930 .. .. .. .. •• •• 11,500 0 0 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 — Due 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. .. •• •• 855,900 0 0 Public Works Fund—General Purposes Account — £ s. d. Due 1st May, 1930 .. .. .. .. 2,850 0 0 Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. 11,150 0 0 Due 1st August, 1930 .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 16,000 0 0 Post and Telegraph Act, 1908 — Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. •• •• •• 200,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1920, Section 16— Due 1st December, 1930 .. .. .. •• •• 66,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1924, Section 5 — Due 1st December, 1930 • .. .. .. •• 18,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) — £ s. d. Due 3rd February, 1931 .. .. .. 3,250 0 0 Due 1st March, 1931 .. .. .. .. 18,800 0 0 22,050 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) — £ s- d. Due 1st June, 1930 .. .. .. .. 65,330 0 0 Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. 22,230 0 0 Due 1st December, 1930 .. .. .. 8,000 0 0 Due 1st January, 1931 .. .. •• 19,400 0 0 Due 1st February, 1931 •• 12,950 0 0 Due 25th March, 1931 .. .. .. .. 510 0 0 128,420 0 0 Wailiou and Oliinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 — Due 1st August, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, and Finance 4et, 1919, Section 6— Due 1st August, 1930 .. .. .. .. •• .. 1,20,500 0 0 14,300,586 0 0 Charges and Expenses of raising Loans, — Finance Act, 1915, Section 105 (Public Works), (redemptions) . 250 0 0 Finance Act, 1920, Section 15 (Public Works), (redemptions) .. 375 0 0 625 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 31,257,856 0 0

B.—l [Pt. ll]




£ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 31,257,856 0 0 Wab Credits applied in Redemption of Loans in Terms of Section 13 (1) of the Finance Act, 1925 :— Securities redeemed at Maturity,— Inscribed Stock — New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— Due 1st .July, 1930 .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,000 0 0 Reparation Moneys applied in Redemption of Loans in Terms of the Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 135 (3): — Securities redeemed at Maturity,— Inscribed StockNew Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— £ s. d. Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. 87,240 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV— Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. 28,670 0 0 Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. 1,450 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. 5,350 0 0 122,710 0 0 Debentures— Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— Due 1st September, 1930 .. .. .. 96,200 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— Due 21st April, 1930 .. .. .. 900 0 0 Due 11th May, 1930 .. .. .. .. 750 0 0 Due 11th June, 1930 .. .. .. 340 0 0 Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. 34,800 0 0 Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— Due 1st July, 1930 .. .. .. .. 40,900 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917, and Finance Act, 1917, Section 68— Due 15th November, 1927 .. .. .. 200 0 0 174,090 0 0 Death Duty Stock — New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — 4£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1939 — Finance Act, 1918, Section 10 (War Expenses)— Matured 3rd December, 1929 .. .. 1,000 0 0 Matured 10th June, 1930 .. .. 1,000 0 0 Matured 11th July, 1930 .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Matured 21st July, 1930 .. .. .. 16,000 0 0 Matured 1st August, 1930 .. .. 250 0 0 Matured 16th August, 1930 .. .. 300 0 0 Matured 28th October, 1930 .. .. 500 0 0 Matured 18th November, 1930 .. .. 300 0 0 Matured 2nd February, 1931 .. .. 200 0 0 20,550 0 0 4£-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1938— War Purposes Loan Act, 1917— Matured 1st April, 1930 .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Matured 4th April, 1930 .. .. . . 190 0 0 Matured 15th May, 1930 .. .. .. 70 0 0 Matured 29th May, 1930 .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Matured 21st July, 1930 .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 Matured 16th August, 1930 .. .. 1,300 0 0 Matured 8th October, 1930 .. .. 10,000 0 0 Matured 28th October, 1930 .. .. 1,000 0 0 Matured 15th November, 1930 .. .. 1,500 0 0 Matured 18th November, 1930 .. .. 1,000 0 0 Matured 14th January, 1931 .. .. 250 0 0 Matured 2nd February, 1931 .. .. 500 0 0 Matured 5th March, 1931 .. .. 2,000 0 0 Matured 27th March, 1931 .. .. 200 0 0 35,010 0 0 352,360 0 0 Securities redeemed and cancelled before Maturity in Terms of Section 24, Finance Act, 1921-22, — Debentures under— Nominal Value. Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Part IV (War Expenses)— £ s. d. Due 1st July, 1949 .. .. .. .. 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 Inscribed Stock under— New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Finance Act, 1916, Section 35 (War Expenses)— Due 1st August, 1931 .. .. .. 65,000 0 0 65,000 0 0 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 — Due 15th November, 1938 .. .. .. 140 0 0 136 16 0 95,136 16 0 95,140 0 0 Total disbursements for the year .. .. .. .. £31,724,352 16 0

b.—l [p T . m.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1930-193 1.










REVENUE FUND. £ s. d. Sale of surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 o i' CONSTRUCTION FUND. £ s. d. Sale of old road .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 0 0

£ 8. d. f S. d. Sale of land .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 280 0 0 Value of machinery written off recovered from Working Railways Account— Applied in reduction of capital expenditure .. .. .. .. 1,587 13 2 £1,867 13 2 i

£ s. d. £ s. d. Recovery of insurance on cottage destroyed by fire .. .. .. 160 0 0 Sale of— Buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 10 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. .. .. 657 17 8 —! tH.-i.S 7 H

£ 8. d. £ s. d. Miscellaneous recoveries .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 Sale of Buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 11 0 0 Surplus and obsolete stores .. .. .. .. .. .. 116 Iβ 11 Value of sections taken bv Lands Department .. .. .. .. 50 3 3 £177 10 2


19 3 0-1931.



B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of TEMPORARY TRANSFERS between ACCOUNTS within the PUBLIC ACCOUNT in terms of Section 40 of the PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1926, during the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1931.

A. D. Park, Secretary to the Treasury. G. C. Eodda, Assistant Secretary to the Treasury. Examined and found correct. G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General, The Treasury, Wellington, sth August, 1931. sth August, 1931. Approximate Coat of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing 558 copiee), £260. Price 2a. 6d.\

By Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1931.


Transfer to Transfer fiom Date of Transfer. A ™ansfer. f Repayment due. Amounts repaid. Date repaid. rts5?l2S5hJl#8J? ( II i Per Cent. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Public Works Fund —Waihou and Deposits Account .. .. .. 16 Dec., 1930 4 .. 1,375 0 0 16 Dec., 1931 1,375 0 0 9 Mar., 1931 Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement | Account Ditto .. .. •• Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans : 31 May, 1930 4 .. 5,000 0 0 31 May, 1931 5,000 0 0 21 Aug., 1930 Act 1920 Depreciation Fund .. Ditto .. .. .. .. 30 Sept., 1930 4 .. 5,000 0 0 30 Sept., 1931 5,000 0 0 9 Mar., 1931 .. ! 31 Oct., 1930 4 .. 3,000 0 0 31 Oct., 1931 3,000 0 0 9 „ .1931 Education Loans Account .. ,, .. .. .. .. j 24 April, 1930 4 .. 30,000 0 0 24 April, 1931 30,000 0 0 21 Aug., 1930 .. ! 13 May, 1930 4 .. 30,000 0 0 13 Mav, 1931 30,000 0 0 21 „ 1930 .. j 4 June, 1930 4 .. 30,000 0 0 4 June, 1931 30,000 0 0 21 „ 1930 .. Land Assurance Fund .. .. 21 „ 1930 4 .. j 30,000 0 0 21 „ 1931 30,000 0 . 0 21 „ 1930 ,, .. j Railways Improvement Authorization 19 July, 1930 4 .. 30,000 0 0 19 July, 1931 30,000 0 0 21 ,, 1930 Act 1914 Account Hauraki Plains Settlement Account ; Deposits Account .. .. ..31 Dec., 1930 4 .. 2,500 0 0 31 Dec., 1931 2,500 0 0 9 Mar., 1931 .. „ Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account 30 Jan., 1931 4 .. 5,000 0 0 30 Jan., 1932 5,000 0 0 9 ,, 1931 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account j Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans j 30 Ang., 1930 4 .. 1 1,000 0 0 30 Aug., 1931 1,000 0 0 31 „ 1931 Act 1920 Depreciation Fund Swamp Land Drainage Account .. Deposits Account .. .. .. j 22 Nov., 1930 4 .. 3,000 0 0 22 Nov., 1931 3,000 0 0 9 „ 1931 ,, .. Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans 13 May, 1930 4 .. 5,000 0 0 13 May, 1931 5,000 0 0 9 ,, 1931 Act 1920 Depreciation Fund ' Ditto .. .. .. .. 17 June, 1930 4 .. 5,000 0 0 17 June, 1931 5,000 0 0 9 „ 1931 .. 22 Aug., 1930 4 .. 5,000 0 0 22 Aug., 1931 5,000 0 0 9,, 1931 .. 1 „ .. .. .. .. 30 „ 1930 4 .. 5,000 0 0 30 „ 1931 5,000 0 0 9,, 1931 „ .. .. .. .. , 21 Oct., 1930 4 .. 1 5,000 0 0 21 Oct., 1931 5,000 0 0 9 „ 1931 „ .. .. .. ..I 24 Dec., 1930 4 .. i 2,500 0 0 24 Dec., 1931 2,500 0 0 9,, 1931 ,, .. Land Assurance Fund .. .. j 18 July, 1930 4 .. 5,000 0 0 18 July, 1931 5,000 0 0 22 Aug., 1930 ,, .. Unemployment Fund .. 21 Jan., 1931 4 .. 5,000 0 0 21 Jan., 1932 5,000 0 0 9 Mar., 1931 £213,375 0 0 £213,375 0 0

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