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Presented to the House of Representatives and ordered, to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 2nd Day of August, 1929. Ordered, "That Standing Order No. 219 be suspended, and that a Select Committee be appointed, consisting of fourteen members, to whom shall stand referred, after the first reading, all Bills affecting or in any way relating to the lands of the Crown, or education or other public reserves ; the Committee to have power to make such amendments therein as it thinks proper, and to report generally when necessary upon the principles and provisions of the Bills ; the Committee to have power to call for persons, papers, and records ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Broadfoot, Mr. Dickie, Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Healy, Mr. Hogan, Mr. Jones, Mr. Langstone, Mr. McDougall, Mr. Macpherson, Mr. Martin, Mr. Massey, Mr. Poison, Mr. Savage, and the mover,"—(Hon. Mr. Forbes.) Thursday, the 15th Day of August, 1929. Ordered, " That all petitions not finally dealt with during the sessions of 1928 be again referred to the same Committees that they were referred to during the said sessions."—(Right Hon. Sir Joseph Ward.) Thursday, the 3rd Day of October, 1929. Ordered, " That the petition of D. G. Forlong and others be referred direct to the Lands Committee."— (Mr. Linklater.) Tuesday, the Bth Day of October, 1929. Ordered, "That the petition of Mary A. Hourigan be referred direct to the Lands Committee.—(Mr. Sykes.) Tuesday, the 22nd Day of October, 1929. Ordered, " That the petition of H. D. Jamieson be referred direct to the Lands Committee." —(Mr. Samuel.) Thursday, the 7th Day of November, 1929. Ordered, " That the petition of C. 0. Bayley be referred to the Lands Committee, and that the Lands Committee be revived in order to consider the said petition."—(Mr. Hogan.) Memoranda for the Chairman of the Lands Committee. The Bills intituled the Lyttelton Harbour Board Reclamation Validation Bill, the Bluff Harbour Board Reclamation and Leasing and Empowering Bill, and the Hawke's Bay County, Hastings Borough, and Havelock North Town Board Empowering Bill, having been read a first time in the House of Representatives on the 27th August, 1929, stand referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bill intituled the Land Laws Amendment Bill, having been read a first time in the House of Representatives on the 4th September, 1929, stands referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bill intituled the Auckland City Sinking Funds and Empowering Bill stands referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bills intituled the Borough of Lyttelton Corporation Enabling Bill, the Christchurch City Reserves Amendment Bill, and the Wellington City Empowering and Amendment Bill stand referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bills intituled the Gisborno Harbour Board Amendment Bill and the Sumner Borough Land Vesting Bill stand referred to the Lands Committee for report. The Bill intituled the Reserves and other Lands Disposal Bill, having been read a first time in the House of Representatives on the 30th October, stands referred to the Lands Committee for report.

I. —5



REPORTS. No. 66.—Petition of John Thomas Bicknell. Praying for water-supply for stock, for drainage, and for compensation for losses sustained on land at Tawaha Settlement. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. sth September, 1929.

No. 55. —Petition of Matthew Henry. Praying that the purchase of the Balachraggan Estate be inquired into by two Judges, or that the petitioner be granted £1,800 compensation. I. have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. sth September, 1929.

Lyttelton Harbour Board Reclamation Validation Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the above Bill, and recommends that, in so far as it affects the lands of the Crown, the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. sth September, 1929. —

Hawke's Bay County, Hastings Borough, and Havelock North Town Board Empowering Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this Bill, and recommends that, so far as it affects public reserves, the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. sth September, 1929.

Bluff Harbour Reclamation and Leasing and Empowering Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the above Bill, and recommends that, in so far as it affects the lands of the Crown, the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. sth September, 1929.

No. Petitioner, Ac. Pago. No. Petitioner, Ac. : Page. Auckland City Sinking Funds and 3 355 Jakobsen, J. (See Forlong, D. C.) .. 5 Empowering Bill 396 Jamieson, H. D. .. . • • • 6 316 Bates, M. J., and another .. .. 4 240 Keam, F. W., and 60 others .. 3 363 Bayley, C. 0. .. .. .. 6 66 Bicknell, J. T. .. .. 2 .. Land Laws Amendment Bill . . 3 341 Bicknell, J. T. .. .. 4 .. Lyttelton Harbour Board Reclamation 2 Bluff Harbour Reclamation and Leas- 2 Validation Bill ing and Empowering Bill Borough of Lyttelton Corporation 4 307 Mitchinson Bros, and Another .. 5 Enabling Bill 237 Moore, J. C. .. .. .. 4 303 Moriarty, T. .. .. .. 3 349 Campion, J. .. .. .. 5 135 McBurney, W. J. .. .. .. 3 229 Castles, R. M. . . .. .. 5 250 McMurtry, N. R. .. .. .. 4 Christchurch City Reserves Amend- 3 ment Bill 343 Nicklin, L. M. .. .. .. 5 393 Cronin, H. .. .. .. 6 352 Parker, W., and 40 others .. .. 5 282 de Lambert, F. C... .. .. 3 294 Parsons, W. J., and another .. 3 264 Paterson, J. C., and 103 others .. 3 Final Report .. .. . . 6 372 Peters, P. C. .. .. .. 5 315 Fisher, P., and 5 others .. .. 4 355 Forlong, D. C., and 45 others .. 5 .. Reserves and other Lands Disposal 4 386 Fowler, M. .. .. .. 6 Bill Gisborne Harbour Board Amendment 4 .. Special Report (Chairman) .. 6 Bill . • Special Report (Clerk) .. .. 6 385 Goldfinch, A., and another .. 5 1/1928 Steed, W., and 6 others .. .. 3 Sumner Borough Land Vesting Bill .. 4 Hawke's Bay County, Hastings 2 Borough, and Havelock North Town .. Wellington City Empowering and 4 Board Empowering Bill Amendment Bill 55 Henry, M. .. .. .. 2 125,279, Williams, S. F. G... .. .. 5 358 Hourigan, M. A. .. .. .. 5 323



No. 135.—Petition of William John Mcßurney. Praying for (a) refund of part purchase-money paid for Crown land at Taniwha Settlement, Waikato, and (b) reduction in capital value. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. 19th September, 1929. ——

No. 264.—Petition of James C. Paterson and 103 Others. Praying for a longer term of leases of primary - education endowments, with a perpetual right of renewal, and the right to arbitration in fixing rents. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 19th September, 1929.

Land Laws Amendment Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the above-mentioned Bill, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed as amended. The Committee desires also to recommend to the Government that there be a classification of all the lands of the Dominion according to (a) whether the land is suitable for closer settlement, and (b) whether the land is suitable for closer settlement or subdivision. 19th September, 1929.

No. 303. —Petition of Timothy Moriarty. Praying for compensation for loss in connection with certain land in Grey district. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. 2nd October, 1929.

No. 1 (Session 1: 23rd Pari.). —Petition of William Steed and 6 Others. Praying that the level of Waiparara Lake be lowered, in order to protect their lands. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 7th October, 1929.

No. 240.—Petition of F. W. Keam and 60 Others. Praying that an investigation be made with a view to opening up for settlement the Crown lands near the East Coast Main Trunk Railway, Tauranga district. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for most favourable consideration. 7th October, 1929.

No. 282. —Petition of Frederick Charles de Lambert. Praying that the lessees of certain Cheviot Crown lands be not permitted to freehold the land thev hold. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for consideration ; but the Committee desires to express the opinion that the whole matter should be held over for at least twelve months with a view to the parties coming to an amicable settlement. 7th October, 1929.

No. 294. —Petition of W. J. Parsons and Another. Praying that they be granted the freehold of their pastoral leaseholds. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for most favourable consideration. 7th October, 1929.

Auckland City Sinking Funds and Empowering Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this Bill, and recommends that, in so far as it affects the rights and prerogatives of the Crown, the Bill be allowed to proceed, with the amendment shown in red in the copy of the Bill hereto attached. 14th October, 1929.

Christchurch City Reserves Amendment Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the above Bill, and recommends that, so far as it affects a public reserve, the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. 14th October, 1929.



Borough of Lyttelton Corporation Enabling Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this Bill, and recommends that, in so far as it affects the rights and prerogatives of the Crown, the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. 14th October, 1929.

Wellington City Empowering and Amendment Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this Bill, and recommends that, in so far as it affects the rights and prerogatives of the Crown, the Bill be allowed to proceed without amendment. 14th October, 1929. .

No. 237. —Petition of John Coleman Moore. Praying for £253 lis. 6d. compensation in respect of the erection of a fence on a wrong boundaryline, allegedly because of incorrect information supplied by the Lands Department. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for consideration ; and the Committee desires to express the opinion that the matter should be passed on to the Land Board for the district with a view to affording the petitioner some relief. 14th October, 1929.

No. 250.- Petition of Norman Randal McMurtry. Praying for relief from liability to the Crown in respect of lands at Kikiwa Settlement taken up under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, and sold up by the Department. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommcnds that it be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 14th October, 1929.

No. 341. —Petition of John Thomas Bicknell. Praying for water-supply for stock, for drainage, and for compensation for losses sustained on land at Tawaha Settlement. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. 14th October, 1929.

Sumner Borough Land Vesting Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this Bill and recommends that, so far as it affects the rights and prerogatives of the Crown, the Bill be allowed to proceed. 21st October, 1929.

No. 315.—Petition of Percy Fisher and 5 Others. Praying that the retrospective legislation of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1918, be repealed, so that the petitioners may be again entitled to renewals of their leases of small grazing-runs at a rental of 2J per cent, on the unimproved value. I have the honour to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition is one of policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st October, 1929.

No. 316. —-Petition of M. J. and D. Bates. Praying that the retrospective legislation of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1918, be repealed, so that the petitioners may be again entitled to renewals of their leases of small grazing-runs at a rental of 2f per cent, on the unimproved value. I have the honour 'to report that, as the subject-matter of this petition is one of policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st October, 1929.

Gisborne Harbour Board Amendment Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the above Bill, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed, with the amendments shown in the copy of the Bill hereto attached. 31st October, 1929.

Reserves and other Lands Disposal Bill. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the above Bill, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 31st October, 1929.



Nos. 125, 279, and 323.—Petition of S. F. G. Williams. Praying for compensation for losses on a soldier's farm. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered the abovementioned petitions, and has no recommendation to make. 7th November, 1929.

No. 229. —Petition of Robert Malcolm Castles. Praying for £612 Bs. lOd. compensation for loss of access to land at Whetukura (Waikopiro Block). I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for consideration. 7th November, 1929.

No. 307.—Petition of Mitchinson Brothers and Another. Praying that a debt of £2,637 owing to the Crown under a mortgage be written off. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 7th November, 1929.

No. 343.—Petition of L. M. Nicklin. Praying that the threat by the Lands Department of the forfeiture of petitioner's land at Putaruru be removed. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. 7th November, 1929.

No. 349. —Petition of James Campion. Praying for compensation for loss of 741 acres of land near Fordell, shown on re-survey of the block purchased by the petitioner. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for most favourable consideration. 7th November, 1929.

No. 352.—Petition of W. Parker and 4.0 Others. Praying that the term of soldiers-settlement loans be extended. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has considered this petition, but, the subject-matter thereof being one of policy, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 7th November, 1929.

No. 355.—Petition of D. G. Forlong, Johan Jakobsen, and 45 Others. Praying that Section 9 of the Westella Estate be re-balloted for. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. 7th-November, 1929. —

No. 358. —Petition of Mary Agnes Hourigan. Praying for compensation for interest in Native leasehold surrendered before expiration of term. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for consideration with a view to assessing her equity in a year's occupation of the property, less the amount of a year's rent. 7th November, 1929.

No. 372.—Petition of P. C. Peters. Praying that section 50 of the Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1919, be repealed, and for further or other relief. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommendation to make. 7th November, 1929.

No. 385. —Petition of Albert Goldfinch and Another. Praying that they be refunded the sum of £1,800 paid out by them as trustees. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and has no recommednation to make. 7th November, 1929.



No. 386. —Petition of Matthew Fowler. Praying for a grant of title to land at Howick, claimed by petitioner in right of his grandfather. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Goverment for inquiry. 7th November, 1929.

No. 393.—Petition of Hugh Cronin. Praying that the Repatriation Branch of the State Advances Department should write off the sum of £203 17s. Id. and interest owing by the petitioner to the Department, being the balance of an advance made to enable petitioner to start poultry-farming. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 7th November, 1929.

No. 396.—Petition of Herbert Drummond Jamieson. Praying that legislation be passed authorizing the Commissioner of Crown Lands at Auckland to permit the petitioner to acquire without ballot Sections 43 and 44, Block VI, Waihou Survey District. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has carefully considered this petition, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 7th November, 1929.

Special Report. I have the honour to report that at its final meeting, held on Tuesday, the sth November, 1929, the Lands Committee unanimously passed the following resolution : " That this Committee place on record its appreciation of the able services rendered throughout the session by Mr. J. A. Macpherson as Chairman of the Committee, and directs that this resolution be recorded in the minutes and reported to the House." W. Lee Martin, Member of the Committee. 7th November, 1929.

Special Report. I have the honour to report that at its final meeting on Tuesday, the sth November, the Lands Committee expressed its appreciation of the services rendered by the Clerk, Mr. W. J. Organ, and directed that the resolution be recorded in the minutes and be reported to the House. The Committee desires also to express the opinion that the Government should endeavour to retain the services of the Committee Clerks during the recess. 7th November, 1929.

Pinal Report. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee, consisting of fourteen members, has held thirteen meetings during the session, and that the average attendance at each meeting has been nine members. Twenty-nine petitions were referred to the Committee, all of which have been considered and reported to the House. Eleven Bills were referred to the Committee, and all were considered and reported on. J. A. Macpherson, Chairman. 7th November, 1929.

No. 363. —Petition of C. 0. Bayley. Praying for compensation for the cutting-off of the main water-supply to his property through the construction of the East Coast Main Trunk Line. I have the honour to report that the Lands Committee, to which the above-mentioned petition was referred by special order of the House on the 7th November, has carefully considered the same, and recommends that it be referred to the Government for favourable consideration with a view to giving the petitioner some financial assistance in the expense to which he has been put. Bth November, 1929.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (450 copies), £8 10s.

Authority: W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 929.

Price 6d.]

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LANDS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. MACPHERSON, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1929 Session I, I-05

Word Count

LANDS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. MACPHERSON, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1929 Session I, I-05

LANDS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. MACPHERSON, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1929 Session I, I-05

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