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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the. Journals of the of Representatives. Wednesday, the 18th Day of July, 1928. Ordered, " That Standing Order .No. 219 be suspended, and that a Select Committee be appointed, consisting of eleven members, to deal with all matters in connection with industries and commerce ; with power to call for persons, papers, and records ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Atmore, Mr. Bartram, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Girling, Mr. Harris, Mr. .11. Holland, Mr. MeCombs, Mr. Maemillan, Mr. Sidey, Mr. Waite, and the mover."— (Hon. Mr. McLeod.) Tuesday, the 28th Day of August, 1928. Ordered, "That the petition of G. Armstrong and others be referred direct to the Industries and Commerce Committee."—(Mr. J. S. Dickson.) Wednesday, the 29th Day of August, 1928. Ordered, " That the Licensing Amendment Bill be referred to the Industries and Commerce Committee."— (Mr. H. G. R. Mason.) ' Wednesday, the sth Day of September, 1928. Ordered, " That the petition of G. Gordon and others be referred direct to the Industries and Commerce Committee." —(Mr. J. S. Dickson.) Ordered, " That the petition of P. Hicks and others be referred direct to the Industries and Commerce Committee." —(Mr. McKeen.) Thursday, the 6th Day of September, 1928. Ordered, " That the Industries and Commerce Committee have leave to sit this afternoon during the sitting of the House."—(Mr. Girling.)




No. Petitioner, &c. | Page. 217 Adams, C. E., and 20 others .. .. 3 163 Adams, T., and 99 others .. .. 3 114 Aldridge, H., and 479 others .. 3 241 Armstrong, G., and 98 others . 3 226 Ashby, W. J. E., and 176 others .. 3 146 Atkinson, M. N., and 72 others .. 3 210 Bell, R. B., and 31 others .. .. 3 232 Bendall's Ltd. and 92 others .. 3 218 Bevan and Co. and 22 others .. 3 187 Blandford, H., and 80 others .. 3 144 Boyee, A. G., and 34 others .. .. 3 71 Carr, W„ and 90 others .. .. 3 63 Caselberg, J., and 91 others .. .. 3 151 Champion, G. T., and 96 others .. 3 65 Charli, C. L., and 34 others .. .. 3 61 Clark, D., and 660 others .. .. 3 106 Columbus, V., and 281 others .. 3 186 Cooper, A. W., and 212 others .. 3 87 Cowley, M., and 231 others .. .. 3 236 Crompton's Ltd. and 51 others .. 3 189 Curtis, J. <T„ and Co., Ltd., and230others 3 216 Dalziel, W. G., and 18 others .. 3 191 Davies, W. H,, and 20 others .. 3 135 Donne, C. E., and 592 others .. 3 117 Dunlop, J., and 352 others .. .. 3 ] 68 Duthie, A. R., and 89 others .. 3 I 215 Edkins, W. M., and 102 others .. 3 185 Edwards, E. P., and 37 others .. 3 190 Evans, E., and 27 others .. .. 3 245 Eanthorpe, and 26 others .. j 3 Final Report . . .. .. [ 4 37 Fletcher, R., and 194 others .. .. 3 134 Foster, H. C., and 114 others.. .. j 3 76 Fownes, G. E., and 95 others .. 3 72 French, A., and 119 others .. ..I 3 69 Gamble, J. P., and 7 others .. .. 3 108 Gilmour, B. M., and 39 others .. : 3 261 Gordon, G., and 299 others • .. j 4 235 Goodwin, W., and 53 others .. .. 3 234 Graham and Gebbie .. .. 3 209 Grant Bros, and Co. and 23 others .. I 3 81 \ Green, J., and 110 others .. .. 3 64- Harrop, E., and 117 others .. .. 3 228 Hart, J. A., and 18 others .. .. j 3 77 Hefford, G., and Co. and 191 others .. 3 78 Herbert, G. M., and 81 others .. 3 83 Herbert's Ltd. and 86 others .. .. 3 263 Hicks, P., and 400 others .. . . 3 227 Hodgson, H. J., and 30 others .. 3 92 Hosking, R. G., and 22 others .. 3 80 Huntington, A., and 33 others .. 3 I 89 Jack, W. N., and 19 others .. .. j 3 j 104 Jeffs, L., and 441 others .. .. 1 3 79 Judd, C. H., and 194 others .. .. j 3 j

No. | pdtitioner, &c. Page. 82 Kershaw, J. W., and 85 others .. 3 188 Kilmister, W., and 94 others .. 3 136 Kirkcaldie, Sidney, and 808 others .. 3 88 Laidlaw, K. A., and 320 others .. 3 68 Lorimer, G. M., and 21 others .. 3 118 MeGibbon, A. C., and 67 others .. 3 116 McMillan, M. V., and 159 others " .. 3 110 McLaughlin, J., and 2 others .. 3 94 McLay, M. E., and 600 others .. 3 90 Maine, W., and 36 others .. .. 3 250 Malone. D. J., and 52 others .. 3 73 Marsden, G. W, and 363 others .. 3 167 Martin, J. W., and 117 others .. 3 74 Martyn, C., and 409 others .. .. 3 147 Matheson's Ltd. and 6 others .. 3 62 May, H., and 19 others .. .. 3 133 Mitchell, Ada, and 479 others .. 3 46 Moore, H. L., and 15 others .. .. 3 233 Needham, F., Ltd., and 105 others .. '3 137 Osborn, J. S., and 11 others .. .. 3 27 Paul, G., and 315 others .. .. 3 66 Pearce, S. D., and 93 others .. .. 3 246 Ralls, E. V., and 84 others . . .. 3 84 Ramson, M., and 33 others .. .. 3 143 Ray, M., and 4 others .. .. 3 138 Reason, W., and 33 others . . .. 3 107 Roach, G. F., and 180 others .. 3 249 Robson, H., and 42 others .. .. 3 225 Roth well, F. J., and 260 others .. 3 148 iScarfe, D. P., and 76 others .. . . 3 86 Semple, R. H., and 16 others .. 3 253 Sharp, B. W., and 36 others .. .. 3 247 Shaw, J., and 131 others .. .. 3 111 Shipton, P., and 33 others .. .. 3 112 Smith, R. B., and 104 others .. 3 67 Speak, E. T. C., and 34 others .. 3 Special Report (Chairman) .. .. j 4 Special Report (Clerk) . .. .. 4 251 Spencer and Dunkley and 111 others .. j 3 105 Taylor, W., and 477 others .. .. 3 132 Terry, D., and 98 others .. .. 3 96 Vaughan, N., and 70 others .. .. 3 70 Walden, P., and 16 others .. .. 3 91 Walker, J. H., and 17 others.. .. 3 113 Warrington, G., and 320 others .. 3 85 Waugh, A. E., and 20 others. . .. 3 93 White, H., and Co. and 85 others .. 3 119 White, S. V., and 172 others .. 3 248 Willan, J., and 48 others .. .. 3 115 Willett, N. F., and 275 others .. 3 109 Williamson, 0., and 448 others .. 3 75 Wiseman, F., and 191 others.. .. 3 95 Woods, S. A., and 295 others .. 3


REPORTS. No. 27. —Petition of G. Paul, of Wanganui, and 315 Others (and 72 similar Petitions, as per Schedule attached). Praying for the abolition of the cash-on-delivery parcel system. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petitions should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 13th September, 1928.

Schedule. No. 37. —R. Fletcher and 194 others. No. 95.—5. A. Woods and 295 others. No. 46. —A. L. Moore and 15 others. No. 96. —N. Vaughan and 70 others. No. 61.—D. Clark and 660 others. No. 104.—L. Jeffs and 441 others. No. 62. —H. May and 19 others. No. 105.— W. Taylor and 477 others. No. 63.— J. Caselberg and 91 others. No. 106. —V. Columbus and 281 others. No. 64.— E. Harrop and 117 others. No. 107.— G. F. Roach and 180 others. No. 65. —C. L. Charli and 34 others. No. 108.— R. M. Gilmour and 39 others. No. 66.—5. I). Pearce and 93 others. No. 109. —O. Williamson and 448 others. No. 67.— E. T. C. Speak and 34 others. No. 110. —Jno. McLaughlin and 2 others. No. 68. —G. M. Lorimer and 21 others. No. 1 11.—P. Shipton and 33 others. No. 69. —J. P. Gamble and 7 others. No. 112.— R. B. Smith and 104 others. No. 70. —Percy Walden and 16 others. No. 113. —G. Warrington and 320 others. No. 71. —W. Carr and 90 others. No. 114. —H. Aldridge and 479 others. No. 72.—Albert French and 119 others. No. 115.— N. F. Willett and 275 others. No. 73.— G. W. Marsden and 363 others. No. 116.—M. V. McMillan and 159 others. No. 74.—Chas. Martyn and 409 others. No. 117.— J. Dunlop and 352 others. No. 75. —F. Wiseman and 191 others. No. 118.—A. C. McGibbon and 67 others. No. 76. —G. E. Fownes and 95 others. No. 119. —5. V. White and 172 others. No. 77.— G. Hefford and Co. and 191 others. No. 132. —D. Terry and 498 others. No. 78. —G. M. Herbert and 81 others. No. 133.—Ada Mitchell and 479 others. No. 79.—C. H. Judd and 194 others. No. 134.— H. C. Foster and 114 others. No. 80.—A. Huntington and 33 others. No. 135. —C. E. Donne and 592 others. No. 81. —J. Green and 110 others. No. 136.—5. Kirkcaldie and 808 others. No. 82.— J. W. Kershaw and 55 others. No. 137.— J. S. Osborn and 11 others. No. 83.—Herbert's Ltd. and 86 others. No. 138.— W. Reason and 33 others. No. 84.—M. Ramson and 33 others. No. 143. —M. Ray and 4 others. No. 85. —A. E. Waugh and 20 others. No. 144. —A. G. Boyce and 34 others. No. 86. —Robt. H. Bem pie and 16 others. No. 146.—M. N. Atkinson and 72 others. No. 87.—M. Cowley and 231 others. No. 147.—Mathesons Ltd. and (i others. No. 88.—Robt. A. Laidlaw and 320 others. No. 148. —1). P. Scarl'e and 76 others. No. 89. —W. N. Jack and 19 others. No. 151.— G. T. Champion and 96 others. No. 90. —W. Maine and 36 others. No. 163.— T. Adams and 99 others. No. 91.— J. H. Walker and 17 others. No. 167.— J. VV. Martin and 117 others. No. 92.— R. G. Hosking and 22 others. No. 168.—A. R. Duthie and 89 others. No. 93. —H. White and Co. and 85 others. No. 245. —F. Fanthorpe and 26 others. No. 94. —M. E. McLay and 600 others.

No. 185.—Petition of E. P. Edwards, of Otaki, and 37 Others (and 30 similar Petitions, as per Schedule attached). Praying for relief in the matter of motor taxation on commercial motor-vehicles. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petitions should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. And the Committee is further of opinion that the petitioners are entitled to some relief. 13th September, 1928. Schedule. No. 186. —A. W. Cooper and 212 others. No. 228.— J. A. Hart, and 18 others. No. 187. —H. Blandford and 80 others. No. 232.—Bendall's Ltd. and 92 others. No. 188. —VV. Kilmister and 94 others. No. 233.— F. Needham Ltd. and 105 others. No. 189.— J. J. Curtis and Co., Ltd., and 230 others. No. 234.—Graham and Gebbie. No. 190. —E. Evans and 27 others. No. 235.— W. Goodwin and 53 others. No. 191. —W. H. Davies and 20 others. No. 236.—Crompton's Ltd. and 51 others. No. 209.—Grant Bros, and Co. and 23 others. No. 241. —G. Armstrong and 98 others. No. 210. —R. B. Bell and 31 others. No. 246.— E. V. Ralls and 84 others. No. 215. —W. M. Edkins and 102 others. No. 247. —J . Shaw and 131 others. No. 216.— W. G. Dalziel and 18 others. No. 248. —J. Willan and 48 others. No. 217. —C. E. Adams and 20 others. No. 249. —H. Robson and 42 others. No. 218. —Bevan and Co. and 22 others. No. 250.—D. J. Malone and 52 others. No. 225. —F. J. Rothwell and 260 others. No. 251.—Spencer and Diinklev and 111 others. No. 226. —W. J. E. Ashby and 176 others. No. 253.— E. W. Sharp and 36 others. No. 227.— H. J. Hodgson and 30 others. No. 263.—P. Hicks and 400 others.



Licensing Amendment Bill. I have the honour to report that, the member in charge of the Bill having stated to the Committee his intention of asking leave of the House to withdraw it, the Committee recommends that such leave be accorded. 4th October, 1928.

No. 261.—Petition of G. Gordon, of Auckland, and 299 Others. Praying for the abolition of the cash-on-delivery system. I am directed to report that, the subject-matter of this petition having been dealt with in an earlier report of this Committee during the present session, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 4th October, 1928.

Special Report. I have the- honour to report that the Industries and Commerce Committee desires to record its great appreciation of the ability and courtesy with which the Chairman, Mr. Girling, has conducted the business of the Committee during the-session. It further desires that the resolution shall be recorded in the minutes of the Committee, and be reported to the House. C. E. Macmillan, A Member of the Committee. 4th October, 1928.

Special Report. 1 have the honour to report that the Industries and Commerce Committee desires to express once more its complete satisfaction with the care and attention shown bv the Clerk, Mr. Fox, in the performance of the various duties of the position. 9th October, 1928.

Final Report. I have the honour to report that the Industries and Commerce Committee, consisting of eleven members, has held seven meetings during the session, with an average- attendance of seven. The Committee dealt with 104 petitions, of which 71 referred to the cash-on-delivery system (C.0.D.), and the remainder with the subject of motor taxation fees on heavy motor-vehicles. Favourable consideration was accorded to both groups. The Committee also considered one Bill and reported it to the House. 4th October, 1928. W. J. Girling, Chairman.

Approximate Cost nf Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (450 copies), £4 10s.

Authority: W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92B.

Price 3d. J


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Bibliographic details

INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. GIRLING, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, I-13

Word Count

INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. GIRLING, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, I-13

INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. GIRLING, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1928 Session I, I-13

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