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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Sir, — Department of Immigration, Wellington, 23rd June, 1924. Herewith 1 have the honour to submit the annual roport upon the immigration -which has taken place into New Zealand from the United Kingdom during the year 1923-24. I have, &c, H. D. Thomson, Under-Secretary. The Hon. W. Nosworthy, Minister of Immigration.

BEPOKT. In last year's report it was anticipated, that the passing of the Empire Settlement Act of 1922 by the Imperial Parliament would have the effect of stimulating the flow of British immigrants to our shores and greatly decreasing the cost of passage-money per capita. Owing chiefly to the fact that the new agreement between the Imperial and Dominion Governments did not come into force until the Ist July, 1923, it was impossible to place before the public of New Zealand the greatly reduced fares for assisted passages from the United Kingdom to the Dominion until the latter end of last year, and therefore there has been insufficient time to show on the year's working the anticipated increase in numbers of assisted immigrants arriving in the Dominion. However, the numbers have not only been maintained but show a slight increase. The migrants have all, with very few exceptions, been satisfactorily absorbed into the population without dislocation or disruption of the labour-market. Their reception has been one of kindness and cordiality, and tho hand of friendship and fellowship has boon extended on all sides. The reception of all immigrants to the land of their adoption has always been a special feature of the Department, and it is pleasing to be able to quote tho opinion of Mr., Fenton Macpherson, Special Commissioner in New Zealand and Australia to the Daily Chronicle, London, regarding immigration for British people in New Zealand. Tie writes that ho " was specially impressed with tho kindly considerate way immigrants were treated in New Zealand. There was an entire absence of fussy officialdom. Each family or individual was interviewed separately." If, as anticipated, the increase in numbers was not achieved the same cannot be said, regarding the reduction in passage-money per capita. The present agreement, which expires on the 31st

I—D. 9.



March, 1925, offers the most advantageous conditions that have so far been offered to the people of New Zealand. Tho following table will show the .present cost of passage-money for each migrant for an assisted passage to the Dominion : —

Important.—-In any case where the nominees are unable to pay the cost of six-berth passages tho Imperial aiid New Zealand Governments, acting in concert, will, on the approval of the High Commissioner, advance to such nominees the necessary amount by way of loan, repayable within a reasonable time after their arrival in the Dominion. From this schedule it will be readily seen the encouragement that is given to that most important phase of all immigration policies — i.e., juvenile and child migration. At the present time the percentage of this class of migrant of the total number arriving stands at 32 per cent., but it is hoped on next year's figures that the result will be at least 40 per cent. Although it may be said that these juveniles and children do not immediately materially benefit New Zealand, take tho position in the near future —say, five to ten years henco : the Dominion will have secured a most valuable asset for money expended in augmenting the population. In addition to the foregoing, and in order to increase still further the number of this class of migrant, the New Zealand Government inaugurated a scheme for migration of public- and secondary-school boys, and also agreed to extend the privileges of the assisted passages to the New Zealand Sheepowners' Acknowledgment of Debt to British Seamen Fund, which has established a scheme for the training of lads in New Zealand with the object of their ultimately becoming farmers on their own account. Regarding the public-school boys scheme, arrangements have been made by the New Zealand Government, together with the executive of the New Zealand Farmers' Union and the Taranaki Chamber of Commerce, for a limited number of boys from public schools to proceed to New Zealand to be trained in farm-work with a view to subsequent settlement on the land. The boys are to be placed for training with farmers approved of by the New Zealand Government, and the Under-Secretary of Immigration and the above-mentioned bodies will act as guardians and advisers. The boys must be between the ages of sixteen and twenty years, of British birth, good character and physique, and students of a public or secondary school. They are guaranteed a minimum wage of 10s. per week, with board and lodging, to start with, and the farmers have agreed after three months to increase this amount in accordance with the ability of each boy. The total number of nominations for assisted passages taken during the year shows a decided increase compared with the previous year's figures : — 1922-23 .. .. .. .. .. 2,582. Average per week, 49-6 1923-24 .. .. .. .. .. 3,542. „ 68-1 The year's weekly average of 68-1 represents approximately 7,100 souls por annum, and this should increase to between ten and twelve thousand under the present agreement. The following are a few extracts from letters of appreciation received by the Department :— " You took such kindly interest in our small affairs that I feel you will be interested to know that we are happily settled under congenial conditions —that is, until we settle on a, place of our own. I'have secured employment on this 1,200-acre sheep-farm. The son and I do all the work, and I hope to gain useful experience of local conditions ; and, in fact, the people have all gone for a holiday and left me in charge." " I came out from Home fourteen years ago, assisted by my father, and I paid the emigration, and I must say that wore it not for the Department we would not be where we are to-day. Of course, it depends entirely on oneself ; it's no use any one thinking of coming out here to find gold in the streets like I was told ; one gets three good meals a day and only works eight hours ; I used to work fourteen at Homo on scanty rations. Once again thanking you for putting my case through in such good time." " I came out just over two years ago with a wife and seven children, and am getting on fine. It is a splendid country to bring up a family. I could guarantee work and a home for them when they get here." " In March, 1922, wo bought 25 acres at tho above address ; later on an additional 12, and this year another of 111 (all adjoining). The boys are both now with us, and in addition to the farm we are running a milk-round (two carts). We find the work very enjoyable, but it is a wee bit too much for us."

Third Class. I lomestics. ! Farm Labourers |(Single Men, and Married Couples not accompanied by Children). Single Adults 19 Years of Age and under 50, and Married Couples not accompanied by Children. Married Adults accompanied by at least One Child under 19 Years of Age.* Juveniles— i.e., Boys and Girls 12 but not 17 Ytaisof Age. Boys and Girls 17 but not 19 Years of Age.f Children under 12 Years of Age. (1-) _ (2.) (30 (*■) (5.) (6.) (7.) Six-berth Four-berth Two-berth Free . . Free .. Free, .. Each Person. £ s. d. 11 0 0 13 0 0 17 0 0 Each Person. £ s. (1. 1.6 10 0 18 10 0 22 10 0 Each Person. £ s. d. 1.1 0 0 13 0 0 17 0 0 Each Person. £ s. d. Free Bach Person. £ s. d. 5 10 0 7 10 (I 11 .1.0 0 Each Person. £ s. d. Free. 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 * Also ai to rejoin her h are classed as pplies to a » mshand. ('1 adults (see c ddower, or a wido 'his rate applies o column 3 for rates >w, accompanied a inly to the parent! •)■ ,s above, or to a wi 3 or parent.) >man similarly •f Children ! / accompanied 19 years of a; . proceeding ;e and over



" Some two- years ago I got a farm worker through your Department. I have much pleasure in stating that ho has boon a first-class hand and most conscientious workman, and is still in my employ." "I am very pleased to say that lam getting on all right up to now. I came out on the s.s. "Tainui " in October, 1920, and have never done farm-work before, and now I have taken up 246 acres, and also got a Government advance, which is going through, for £450. I also sent my first can of cream this last week." "We came out here a few years ago. I had nothing then, but, 1 have accumulated about £2,000 worth of plant, and I employ eight men at present, and I can assure you that I never regretted, the day that I came out here as an immigrant." " At the same time I wish to thank all the Departments from England to here for the treatment received, especially the staff at Auckland, who so clearly explained every move, from leaving the boat, to train, thence onward to here. I started to work on the fourth day after arriving. The person who nominated me, my wife, and family, has been more to us than we ever expected, and fulfilled the obligations ho imposed upon himself past the letter. I therefore desire to get out to this splendid country all whom I think anything of and who 1 know will do well here." " I secured two men from the Immigration Department," said a speaker at tho Farmers' Union executive meeting to-day, " and one who came from Scotland was the best man I have ever employed." He recommended farmers who had difficulty in securing- competent men to follow the same course. The total number of arrivals in New Zealand from the United Kingdom during the year ended 31st March, 1924, was 11,488, excluding returning New-Zealanders. Out of the total number of persons arriving, 6,752 were assisted by the New Zealand Government. During the year thirty-three steamers brought out assisted immigrants as follows : —

Numbers assisted by Governments per each Vessel, and Total Number of Applied and Nominated Passengers.

Vessel. Assisted As f ted Date of by i * i Arrival. N.Z. Go- *?P erlal vomment. ( " ive, : n " ment. Assisted J* both Governments. Total. I Nominated. Applied. Totals. Dorset Tainui Rotorua Ionic Remuera Arawa Athenic Corinthic Paparoa . Rotorua Tainui Dorset Ionic Remuera Rimutaka Port Victor . . Port Denison. . Arawa Ruahine Ormuz Ruapehu Athenic Suffolk Rotorua. Ormonde Balranald Osterley Corinthic 16/4/23 3 4 16/4/23 5 6 4/5/23 I 2 28/5/23 I 15/6/23 .. 5 20/6/23 .. 2 10/7/23 2 10 19/8/23 12 1 24/8/23 .. 1 17/9/23 6/10/23 1 1 21/10/23 .. 2 23/10/23 .. 8 26/10/23 .. 2 5/11/23 6 2 20/9/23* 23/10/23* 20/11/23 4 1 2/12/23 J8/8/23f 17/12/23 24/12/23 12 11/1/24 .. 1 11/1/24 1. 13/10/23f 4/10/23J 8/12/23f 5/2/24 1 11/2/24 3 22/2/24 .. 1 26/2/24 18/3/24 6/2/24* 200 187 302 230 199 53 266 313 211 258 283 253 246 258 188 1 1 296 213 1 256 338 368 247 2 1 1 341 230 257 302 348 I 207 198 305 231 204 55 278 326 212 258 • 285 255 254 260 196 1 I 301 213 1 256 350 369 248 2 1 1 342 233 258 302 348 1 203 4 20' 163 35 19! 263 42 301 .193 38 23 199 5 20' 19 36 51 232 46 27i 280 46 32i 164 48 21: 226 32 25! 240 45 28! 253 2 25! 229 25 25256 4 26< 191 5 191 J 1 270 31 30. 207 6 21! 1 236 20 251 307 43 35( 333 36 36! 229 19 24. 2 .. '. 1 .. J 207 198 305 231 204 55 278 326 212 258 285 255 254 260 196 1 1 301 213 1 256 350 369 248 2 1 1 342 233 258 302 348 1 Paparoa Remuera Tainui Ionic Port Pirie I .. J 297 45 345 228 5 23^ 244 14 25c 235 67 30i 289 59 34c 1 .. 1 Totals .. 52 19 6,651 6,752 5,994 758 6,752 * Dal e of sailing. t On ,te of sailing (via Austral: ia).


Nominated and Applied Passengers per each Boat, showing Men, Women, and Children, from the 1st April, 1923, to the 31st March, 1924.


Nominated. Applied. Totals. Vessel. Men. Women. Children. Total. Men. Women, j Children. Total. Men. Totals. Women, j Children. Dorset Tainui Rotorua Ionic Remuera Arawa Athenic Corinthic Paparoa Rotorua Tainui Dorset Ionic Remuera Rimutaka .. Port Victor .. Port Denison Arawa Ruahine Ormuz Ruapehu Athenic Sufiolk Rotorua Ormonde Balranald .. Osterley Corinthic Paparoa Remuera Tainui Ionic Port Pirie .. I 16/4/23 16/4/23 4/5/23 28/5/23 15/6/23 20/6/23 10/7/23 19/8/23 24/8/23 17/9/23 6/10/23 21/10/23 23/10/23 26/10/23 5/11/23 20/9/23* 23/10/23* 20/11/23 2/12/23 18/8/23f 17/12/23 24/12/23 11/1/24 11/1/24 13/10/23f 4/10/23f 8/12/23t 5/2/24 11/2/24 22/2/24 26/2/24 18/3/24 6/2/24* 72 55 72 63 55 4 74 92 48 49 97 63 65 81 53 1 1 85 89 63 108 116 72 104 54 73 91 91 1 68 55 87 65 61 9 78 86 54 88 81 77 83 78 67 88 46 82 97 98 83 1 1 95 71 80 68 86 63 53 104 65 83 6 80 102 62 89 62 113 81 97 71 97 72 91 102 119 74 98 103 91 76 112 • 203 163 263 193 199 19 232 280 164 226 240 253 229 256 191 1 1 270 207 236 307 333 229 2 1 1 297 228 244 235 289 1 4 6 4 3 5 14 17 24 17 1 1 4 5 5 6 2 15 16 18 25 4 11 32 18 29 38 35 36 32 29 24 26 28 24 26 18 28 20 20 1 2 35 31 1 10 4 35 42 38 5 36 46 46 48 32 45 2 25 4 5 31 6 76 61 76 66 60 4 88 109 72 55 114 64 66 85 58 1 1 90 95 68 84 125 100 61 45 120 115 78 114 109 78 107 78 67 114 46 100 125 118 84 1 1 115 72 82 103 117 63 53 104 65 83 6 80 102 62 89 62 113 81 97 71 97 72 91 102 119 74 98 103 92 76 122 | i 207 198 305 231 204 55 278 326 212 258 285 255 254 260 196 1 1 301 213 256 350 369 248 2 1 1 342 233 258 302 348 1 20 43 36 19 65 123 132 90 1 45 14 67 59 129 58 84 123 109 1 i " 263 484 Totals 1,893 1,934 2,167 5,994 11 758 2,156 2,428 2,178 6,752 * Date of sailing. t Date of sailing (via Australia).



Nominated and Applied Domestics who arrived in the Dominion from the 1st April, 1923 to the 31st March, 1924.

Nominated and Applied Farm Labourers and Miners who arrived in the Dominion from the 1st April, 1923, to the 31st March, 1924.

Vessel. Date of Arrival. ■d © -3 I rH I "aoW r> n -d g> o ft o u S d o ,-2 o bo a 5 1 1 o cc C3 H d p Lii .» "oo is 1 a is "3 "o H Dorset Tainui Rotorua Ionic 16/4/23 16/4/23 4/5/23 28/5/23 15/6/23 20/6/23 10/7/23 19/8/23 24/8/23 17/9/23 6/10/23 23/10/23 20/11/23 17/12/23 24/12/23 11/1/24 5/2/24 11/2/24 26/2/24 18/3/24 13 12 2 1 10 3 H 10 9 10 II 12 12 13 9 8 2 12 6 5 8 7 4 1 1 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 9 21 23 1 39 in 37 2 Remuera Arawa Athenic Corinthic Paparoa Rotorua Tainui Ionic 1 9 2 1 7 3 8 1 6 4 8 1 5 1 4 2 3 5 3 1 5 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 4 3 4 I 2 4 2 2 2 1 I 2 22 L9 13 9 II 24 16 L6 3 15 9 15 1 18 23 I 1 1 38 II 34 29 37 38 II 38 31 .'i'.i 30 39 1 Arawa Ruapehu Athenic Suffolk Corinthic 1 2 1 3 8 2 I '• 2 Paparoa Tainui Ionic 5 8 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 41 43 Totals .. 17 45 5 11 267 4 649 169 84 38

Nominated. Applied. Totals. j )istriot. s 1 is d I I a o is d CD 1 *3 Hi o I ® a o IS' d CO -a 1 Grand 'Totals. d co Auckland Canterbury . . Hawke's Bay Marlborough.. Nelson Otago Southland Taranaki Wellington .. Westland 85 29 10 40 6 2 74 7 6 199 42 18 45 29 8 1 2 10 3 1 134 2 1 47 30 8 1 2 10 3 1 145 130 58 18 1 31 39 13 9 166 13 42 7 2 74 7 6 246 72 29 29 10 8 32 13 8 9 6 2 II 4 20 20 11 4 17 6 57 58 27 14 60 23 8 9 6 2 17 4 20 20 11 4 22 6 26 1 59 68 30 15 205 23 6 5 Totals . . 245 9 5 247 478 97 170 745 88 165 498 233

B.— 9

Farm Labourers and Miners who arrived in New Zealand per each Vessel between the 1st April, 1923, and the 31st March, 1924.


Farm Labourers. Miners. Totals. Vessel. Date of Arrival. Nominated. Applied. Nominated. Applied. Grand Totals. M. w. C. T. M. W. C. T. M. w. C. T. M. W. C. T. M. w. c. I Dorset.. Tainui.. Rotorua Ionic .. Remuera Arawa.. Athenic Corinthic Paparoa Rotorua Tainui.. Dorset.. Ionic .. Remuera Rimutaka Port Victor Port Denison Arawa-.. Ruahine Ruapehu Athenic Suffolk Rotorua Corinthic Paparoa Remuera Tainui.. Ionic .. 16/4/23 16/4/23 4/5/23 . 28/5/23 15/6/23 20/6/23 10/7/23 19/8/23 24/8/23 17/9/23 6/10/23 21/10/23 23/10/23 26/10/23 5/11/23 20/9/23* 23/10/23* 20/11/23 2/12/23 17/12/23 24/12/23 11/1/24 11/1/24 5/2/24 11/2/24 22/2/24 26/2/24 18/3/24 9 6 4 5 3 4 1 3 2 1 5 3 2 6 18 10 10 3 6 3 2 4 3 6 3 2 4 13 5 6 9 10 6 3 3 5 4 11 10 6 10 10 30 18 15 24 24 25 17 13 16 17 10 4 6 7 5 16 10 12 16 51 31 28 35 28 6 7 7 4 6 5 3 5 3 1 1 2 10 3 6 5 2 6 2 7 7 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 6 1 1 3 O 7 9 8 8 6 14 5 5 .6 1 1 6 10 3 6 11 3 6 2 7 7 4 12 20 4 13 1 1 4 5 1 12 14 21 13 2 1 4 5 8 4 9 7 11 6 7 3 2 3 3 7 2 1 5 1 6 5 4 6 1 1 1 1 2 ' 6 1 6 1 11 12 12 16 1 4 1 4 14 3 19 26 24 27 28 9 8 3 5 9 27 2 5 1 1 26 25 36 15 31 12 11 12 10 1 1 10 18 12 23 22 20 5 15 34 20 6 2 - 8 7 4 10 2 1 3 • 6 I 2 11 14 12 22 2 4 1 38 29 55 36 47 44 15 17 14 1 i JL 17 24 33 23 33 22 32 5 16 34 26 1 ! 5 5 2 15 16 18 25 3 8 27 16 1 1 1 1 1 6 5 3 15 17 19 26 3 9 27 22 3 2 7 5 2 1 4 4 13 6 1 1 1 5 1 5 -• Totals 129 27 33 | 189 232 9 ! 5 246 116 I 61 132 309 478 97 170 745 * Date of sailini



Occupations as per Individual Boats.

I CD 2 .2 H I J of i 03 5 CD • -8 m as .3 .-e 3 2 5=1 Oq es ds S 1 si CD j-j 3 i a 8 i EH 1 i I 1 S Ph - S a co '55 Sao , s S 'P -2 ■a & O -S 3 J CO" r-i © © GO © r5 Vessel. Date of Arrival. ■J. i 1 © 'S CD CO o o o - © do M & s a .2 S 3 A £ \ S CD a 5s a H 03 £ © s d 3 -las si -13 O © o if 00 s H s 1-5 5 _£ I H Dorset Tainui Rotorua Ionic . . Remuera Arawa Athenic Corinthic Paparoa Rotorua Tainui Dorset Ionic .. Remuera Rimutaka Port Victor Port Denison Arawa Ruahine Ormuz Ruapehu Athenic Suffolk Rotorua Ormonde Balranald Corinthic Paparoa Remuera Tainui Ionic .. Port Pirie Totals L ■_...__- .. I 16/4/23 .... 1 10 4 23 .. .. 4. 4 5/23 1 1 2 28/5/23 .. .. 1 15/6/23 20/6/23 10/7/23 1 .. 4 19/8/23 .. 1 .. 24/8/23 .. .. 1 .. , 17/9/23 .. 3 1 .. i 6/10/23 3 .. 1 21/10/23 1 1 .. .. 23/10/23 . . j 26/10/23 .. .. 1 .. I 5/11/23 ■ .. I 20/9/23* .. 23/10/23*! .. .. .. . . 20 11 23 1 111 2/12/23 I .. 2 18/8/23fl .. 17/12/23 I 2 1 1 .. 24/12/23 1 .. .. 11/1/24 1 .. .. n/i/24 :. 1 1 .. 13/10/23t 4/10/23-f 5/2/24 .. .. 2 11/2/24 .. 1 1 22/2/24 1 .. 26/2/24 3 .. 1 18/3/24 .. 3 .. 6/2/24*! 16 13 25 i I . 1 .. .. I .. 6 .. 1 .. 6 1 .. .. 1 .. 2 .. .. 2 1 11 1 .. 1 .. 2 .. .. 1 2 .. .. 2 2 .. .. 1 1 2 I 1 2 .. .. | 1 2 5 6 14 .. 3 12 1 .. 55 .. 5 23 1 6 i 59 2 3 11 3 . . 49 1 4 11 2 j 5 10 . . 3 17 1 I .. 39 6 2 51 .. 9 23 6 3 48 2 10 32 2 3 33 . . 3 30 1 4 51 1 2 15 4 j 6 57 .. 7 30 2 | 1 4 3 1 14 2 2 53 1 5 11 6 2 13 1 7 20 4 15 1 5 13 1 1 8 56 1 8 20 6 5 3.. 3 29 .. .. 1 3 4 40 2 .. 9 3 5 54 2 7 40 2 4 45 2 7 33 2 3 20 2 1 27 5 3 58 . . ' 5 43 3 .. 9 1 3 11 7 5 10 ' 2 .. 20 3 2 51 1 6 43 4 4 53 3 2 27 1 .. 4 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 ■• 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 I l .. 1 3 .. 3 1 .. I 1 11 ! 2 1 2 1 1 .. ••!•'• 1 3 .. 2 18 1 1 .. 4 6 2 3 118 1 3 ... 4 9 ..2 3 3 13 1 2 6 1 .. 11 3 8 14 5 5 3 .. 1 12 1 5 .. -.. 8 3 9 1 2 19 1 4 .. .. 11 1 3 .. 1 17 3 7 1 3 11 I 3 .. 3 9 1 .... ..... .. 4 .. 1 .. .... 1 2 .. .. 1 .. i .. 4 . . 1 .. ] ...... .-. .. | .. I | - - - - i • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 ..3 2 .. .. 1 .. 2 3 4 .. 2 .. .. .. 2 1 3 1 3 3 1 4 2 4 3 5 3 5 6 3 2 5 j 5 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 42 25 56 41 41 4 45 51 34 44 30 62 42 52 38 23 16 29 16 [2 21 32 10 hi 25 17 17 20 15 144 145 201 166 121 49 198 224 150 169 223 142 173 163 125 ........ ...... I . . i .. i ! .. 2 1 .. 3 2 1 3 3 i I -- i 1 6 .. 3 11 2 2 .. 2 18 I .'. '3 i I I 1 1 3 3 .. 6 I 1 i i i 2 1 2 2 42 30 25 12 2n14" I .. I i I i ..' 1 .. .. 12 1.. ..511 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 i I i i i i 2 I 3 1 3 4 5 1 3 18 1 12 .. .. 10 1 S 7 .. 3 10 3:5 1 1 6 2 l .. 2 1 1 2 1 7 .. 7 5 1 3 3 1 2 3 7 1 46 51 58 51 1 15 34 50 28 1 161 24251 17I I •• •■ 1 1 1 •• •• - . . ., ... 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 ...... .1 .. I 1 .. 2 .. 2 3 .. 2 1 i 1 3 2 13 1 1 1 3 3 4 1 1 40 51 50 41 57 30 21 30 25 2 4 1.. 1 1 .. 1 1 2 .. .. 1 6 .. .. 1 .. 2 1 4 2 7 1 5 17 3 5 .. 1 2 7 2 3.. 6 4 14 .. .. 12 3 6 2 1 10 1 2 3 1 3 2 4 5 4 1 1 8 1 1 24 224 22( 1 1 31 33 9 11 81 87 951 28 110 566 ■ I I .......... 56 132 16 47 277 I .. .. .. 31 33 16 30 9 23 10 12 27 8 77 58 77 58 24 39 1,125 563 4,57I * Date of sailing. f Date of sailing (via Austn .lia).


Nominated and Overseas Settlement Passengers who Arrived in New Zealand from the 1st April, 1923, to the 31st March, 1924.


Nominated. Overseas. Totals. Vessel. Totals. Men. Women. Children. Total. Men. Women. (Children. Total. Men. Women. Children. Dorset Tainui Rotorua Ionic Remuera Arawa Athenic Corinthic Paparoa Rotorua Tainui Dorset . . . Ionic Remuera Rimutaka .. Port Victor . . Port Denison Arawa Ruahine Ormuz Ruapehu Athenic Suffolk Rotorua Ormonde Balranald Osterley Corinthic Paparoa Remuera Tainui Ionic Port Pirie . . 16/4/23 16/4/23 4/5/23 28/5/23 15/6/23 20/6/23 10/7/23 19/8/23 24/8/23 17/9/23 6/10/23 21/10/23 23/10/23 26/10/23 5/11/23 20/9/23* 23/10/23* 20/11/23 2/12/23 18/8/23f 17/12/23 24/12/23 11/1/24 11/1/24 13/10/23f 4/10/231 8/12/23-f 5/2/24 11/2/24 22/2/24 26/2/24 18/3/24 6/2/24*. 71 50 72 63 55 4 73 92 48 49 96 63 65 81 53 1 1 85 89 63 108 116 72 104 54 73 91 91 1 66 55 86 65 60 8 76 85 53 88 81 76 82 77 66 87 46 82 97 98 83 1 1 95 71 79 68 86 62 52 103 65 79 5 73 102 62 89 62 112 74 96 70 97 72 91 102 119 74 98 103 91 76 112 199 157 261 193 194 17 222 279 163 226 239 251 221 254 189 1 1 269 207 236 307 333 229 2 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 7 1 1 1 4 6 2 5 2 10 1 1 1 2 8 2 2 1 72 55 72 63 55 4 74 92 48 49 97 63 65 81 53 1 1 85 89 68 55 87 65 61 9 78 86 54 88 81 77 83 78 67 63 53 104 65 83 6 80 102 62 89 62 113 81 97 71 203 163 263 193 199 19 232 280 164 226 240 253 229 256 191 1 1 270 207 236 307 333 229 2 1 1 297 228 244 235 289 1 63 108 116 72 1 88 46 82 97 98 83 1 1 97 72 91 102 119 74 .. 1 1 297 228 243 235 289 1 1 1 104 54 73 91 91 1 95 71 80 68 86 1 98 103 91 76 112 Totals 1,885 L,885 1, 1,919 ,919 2,142 5,946 15 25 48 1,893 1,934 2,167 5,994 * Date of sailing. "f Date of sailing (via Australia).


The distribution by the various districts is shown hereunder : —

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (575 copies), £12 10s.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 924.

Price 6d.]

2—T). 9.


Nominated. Overseas lettlemei it. Totals. District. a I a g I I a o H l| a' © a I a I 1 o a o H i a a CO a o a I 3 o Grand Totals Luckland Canterbury . . lawke's Bay larlborough. . Telson )tago Southland Vellington .. Vestland 678 262 88 11 95 184 46 48 423 50 718 226 101 13 85 184 41 54 458 39 791 225 129 15 109 211 57 54 508 43 2,187 713 318 39 289 579 144 156 1.389 132 1 7 3 2 l(i 8 5 18 11 7 679 262 88 11 95 184 46 48 430 50 725 229 103 13 85 1.84 41 • 54 ,461 39 801 233 134 15 109 211 57 - 54 510 43 2,205 724 325 39 289 579 144 156 1,401 132 I • • I ■ * 7 3 2 12 I Totals . . 1,885 1,919 2,142 5,946 8 15 25 48 1,893 1,934 2,167 5,994

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Bibliographic details

DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION (ANNUAL REPORT OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, D-09

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION (ANNUAL REPORT OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, D-09

DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION (ANNUAL REPORT OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1924 Session I, D-09

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