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Session 11. 1921. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


Pagu Page Adjusters of compasses, licensed.. .. 36 Certificates of survey— Boilers (land) and machinery inspected .. .. 54 Sailing-vessels .. .. .. .. 46 Casualties to shipping .. . . .. .. 53 Stoamors and oil-engine vessels .. .. 37 Certificates of competency— Colonial pilots, licenses issued to.. .. 36 Electric-tram drivers .. ... .. 59 Deceased seamen, estates of .. .. .. 29 Engine-drivers— Estates of deceased seamen, sums to credit of .. 30 Electric winding .. .. 58 Examination of masters, mates, and engineers— First class .. .. .. .. 55 Number of candidates .. .. .. 35 Second class .. .. .. .. 55 Expenditure of Department .. .. .. 21 Locomotive .. .. .. 58 Fees, &c., received .. .. .. 24 Locomotive and traction .. .. 57 Fishing-vessels registered and licensed .. .. 23 Steam winding .. .. .. 56 Light duos collected .. .. .. .. 24 Traction .. .. .. .. 58 Lighthouses—Cost of orection .. .. .. 24 Engineers—Extra first class.. .. .. 54 Lighthouses—Cost of maintenance .. .. 23 Marino—Masters and mates .. .. .. 30 Owners of boilors and engines, and class of driver Engineers.. .. .. ..31 required .. .. .. .. ..61 Number of candidates examined .. 60 j Seamen engaged and discharged .. .. 25 Certificates of exemption from examination—Third- j Training-ship " Amokura"—Boys who have served class marine engineers .. .. .. 36 during the year .. .. .. 26 Certificates' of service—Engine-drivers, first class .. 54 s Vessels registered in New Zealand .. . . 27 Certificates of service and competency—Stationary, Vessels employed in foreign and home trade .. 28 winding, locomotive, &c, engine drivers .. 54 i Wrecks and casualties to shipping .. .. 47

Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department, My Lord,— Wellington, 13th August, 1921. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department of the Dominion for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, F. H. D. Bell, Minister of Marine. His Excellency Viscount Jellicoe of Scapa, G.C.M., 0.M., 6.C.V.0., Governor-General of New Zealand.

I—H. 15.




The Secretary, Marine and Inspection or Machinery Department, to the Hon. the Minister of Marine. # Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department, Sir,— Wellington, 30th June, 1921. I have the honour to make the following report on the work of this Department during the year ended the 31st March, 1921. The different activities and services of the Department have been kejJt going during the year. I consider that the staff as a whole has endeavoured to maintain the high standard of efficiency gained by the Department. The work of the Department being largely of a technical nature, the staff has to keep abreast of the times with new improvements and scientific details so as to modernize the service from time to time. This applies more especially to shipping-surveys, lighthouse equipments and appliances, and to land machinery-construction work, with which the Department largely deals. Since the Great War finished, the Board of Trade in Great Britain has introduced many improvements, and that body has simplified conditions in many directions. The rules emanating from that body are adopted as our principal guide when dealing with the construction of ships and the installation of propelling-machinery to drive them. Shipbuilding has not altogether been stagnant in New Zealand during the year, as there were several wooden vessels under construction, for which auxiliary power is to be installed of the oilengine pattern. There are several very creditable oil-engines suitable for marine purposes now made in New Zealand, and I am hopeful that their manufacture will increase. For land purposes as a motive power many hundreds of oil-engines are made in New Zealand every year, and the oil-engine has become the farmers' and the small manufacturers' friend : it is such a useful engine for intermittent or for continuous use, and it can be made a portable motive power very readily. In this respect it has been a great labour-saver in remote districts where man-power has been scarce. The oil-engine has been almost universally used for propelling launches and other small craft in New Zealand waters. Throughout the world there has been a remarkably rapid development of the heavy oil-engine. The design of these engines has been much improved, and the disadvantages of the oil-engine compared with the steam-engine have been correspondingly decreased. In Great Britain several large engineering firms, accustomed to the construction of marine steam-engines of first-class workmanship and of the highest power, have turned their attention to the construction of the large marine oilengine. A vessel of 12,000 tons recently launched for the Bibby line of steamships, named the " Somersetshire," has two sets of six-cylinder oil-engines fitted, each set of 2,250 indicated horse-power. Nearly all the large shipping companies are following in the same direction, and the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand has also a large vessel being built and engined with oil machinery as a motive power. In Wellington the first hulk in New Zealand fitted out to store oil for ship consumption has been placed in commission. The hulk carries 2,000 tons. Shore tanks to carry large quantities of oil fuel are now in course of erection and equipment. These are being built of steel, and are placed near wharves. The oil can be either pumped into the tanks for storage or from the tanks into the vessels using oil as a fuel. A keen competitor of the motor-ship is the steamship propelled by geared turbine machinery in which oil. replaces coal as a fuel. The Department requires that the engines of motor-vessels shall be in charge of properly qualified engineers. Throe classes of certificates are issued—one for vessels plying in restricted limits, and two for seagoing vessels, the class of certificate in the latter case being governed by the vessel's horsepower. Amendments have been made to the Deck-cargo Regulations as regards the carriage of coal and timber and other approved cargo under special conditions. Amendments have been made to the General Harbour Regulations in respect to the carriage of petroleum on vessels. The carriage of petroleum has been rather a tough proposition to settle, and, as this substance is of a very inflammable nature, the greatest care had to be taken in the framing of these regulations. All interested parties were consulted, and a Minister of the Crown lent very helpful aid while the regulations were being framed and discussed. Great care has been also exercised by the Engineer-Surveyors to see that bulkheads in ships are tight and deck-spaces suitable before they issued to the owners of ships their permits for the carriage of petroleum. With slight alterations these regulations have worked admirably. New rules have been adopted for the design and construction of marine boilers. In my last report I referred to the changes in the rules, but at that time it was only known approximately what the changes would be. The complete rules have now come to hand from the Board of Trade. The rules were framed at a conference attended by representatives of the Board of Trade, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, British Corporation for the Survey and Registry of Shipping, and the Bureau Veritas International Registry of Shipping. They follow closely on the lines recommended by the British Marine-engine Design and Construction Committee, and have been recommended by the conference for adoption by the various societies represented at the conference. The unification of rules for boilerdesign and the adoption of the standard rules will do away with a great deal of the confusion and



anxiety which, has existed in the past with respect to boiler-pressures. The Department, up to the year 1909, determined the safe working-pressure of all marine boilers from the Board of Trade Rules. The Board of Trade Rules, however, are only compulsory in Great Britain for the boilers of vessels carrying more than twelve passengers ; consequently most of the cargo-boats coming here had boilers built to Lloyd's rules or the rules of some other private surveying body. The pressures granted by these societies were generally higher than would have been allowed by the Board of Trade Rules. Having regard, therefore, to the freedom from explosion of the boilers of cargo-ships, the Department agreed to accept special scantlings as sufficient for these boilers. With the standardization of the rules all boilers of equal pressures will have equal or heavier scantlings. It is surprising, when one thinks of the practical benefits of standardization, that it has taken so many years to frame standard rules. The rules which we now have are no doubt the result of the getting-together of specialists in engineering-design to assist the Empire in the late war. Uniformity of design was one of the means used for the speedy building of ships. The rules for determining the diameters of shafts for internal-combustion engines for marine purposes will be applied to all engines constructed after the Ist July, 1921. In August last copies of the rules were forwarded to the District Inspectors of Machinery, who are also Surveyors of Ships, for distribution to engine-builders, &c, and to others to whom the rules are of special interest, to enable them to make timely arrangements to comply with the rules. The question as to how often propeller-shafts of steamships should be withdrawn for examination has recently been under consideration. The practice heretofore has been to withdraw them every two years. In future only those shafts not having continuous liners fitted will require to be withdrawn every two years. Shafts with continuous liners are to be withdrawn every three years. New regulations have ( been received from the Board of Trade dealing with the bilge-pumping arrangements in passenger-steamships. The new regulations arc to be substituted for paragraphs 80 to 83 of the " Instructions as to the Survey of Passenger-steamships " issued in 1913, and are to be considered as forming part of these instructions. Every passenger-steamship whose keel is laid after the Ist January, 1921, is required to comply fully with these instructions. The rules apply to foreigngoing ships, home-trade ships, motor-ships, and open launches. Detailed instructions are given respecting the following matters : Arrangement of bilge-pipes, diameter of bilge suction-pipes, valves, cocks, &c, mud-boxes and strum-boxes, sounding pipes and pumps. Main bilge suction-pipes arc required to be not less than 2\ in. bore, and no branch pipe is to be less than 2 in. in bore or need be more than 4 in. bore. For small vessels employed in the home trade a concession is allowed in the minimum size of pipes; the diameter of pipes is determined from a formula taking into consideration the length and breadth of the vessel, the moulded depth of the bulkhead deck, and the length of the compartment. Survey of Steamships and Auxiliary-powered Vessels. Seven hundred and thirty-two steamships and auxiliary-powered vessels were surveyed. Only one vessel of over 25 tons gross was completed in the Dominion this year. This vessel is the ketch " Motu," a light-draught scow built to carry cargo below hatches. Her dimensions are 99T ft. in length by 24-9 ft. breadth and 7-6 ft. depth. Her gross tonnage is 197 and her register tonnage 169. The hull is diagonally lined. The lining and outer planking are of kauri sheathed with totara. New propelling-engines were fitted into twenty-five vessels. Sixty-six vessels had new tail-shafts, six had new stern-tubes, fourteen had new propellers, four had new propeller-blades, and one had a new propeller-boss fitted. In six vessels new crank-shafts or parts of new crank-shafts had to be fitted. Two vessels had new donkey-boilers installed, and the donkey-boilers of three vessels had to be reduced in pressure. The working-pressure of the main boiler of one vessel was reduced on account of the propeller-shaft, which was found to be too small to carry the boiler-pressure. Three vessels were converted from sailing-vessels to oil-engine vessels, and one vessel from a steam-vessel to an oil-engine vessel. The particulars of the repairs carried out to a few vessels are as follows : — S.s. " Ahuriri." —This vessel's hull was repaired as follows : Sheathing-plates were riveted on the forefoot, starboard side, 3 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. by -fe in., and on the starboard bilge amidships 8 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. by in. Three hundred rivets were renewed in the port scupper-plate amidships. A new plate, 7 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in. by J in., and a new frame were put in under the boiler. In the port bunker an angle-plate and covering-strip were renewed. The boiler-mountings were overhauled. A new blow-down cock was fitted. The main and auxiliary steam-pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure. The high-pressure cylinder was bored out, and a new piston and rings were fitted. The air-pump liner was also bored out, and a new bucket and valves were fitted. Ten holding-down bolts were renewed in the engine-bedplate. The steering-gear chains were renewed, also three guide-blocks for the chains. Repairs were carried out to the windlass and winch. S.s. " Apanui." —This vessel was surveyed on the slipway, where No. 2 plate of C strake on the starboard side was sheathed with a Jin. plate, approximately 18 in. by Sin. On the starboard bilge 36 ft. by 10 in. by J in. of sheathing-plates were riveted on, and B strake under the after hold was sheathed with a plate 3 ft. 8 in. by 18 in. by J in. On the port side No. 3 plate of C strake was sheathed with a plate 6 ft. by 3 ft. by \ in., and 12 ft. by 10 in. by \ in. of sheathing was renewed at the bilge. Several rivets were renewed in various parts of the hull. Two frames in the chain-locker and four in the after-peak tank were reinforced with angle-steel, and several slack rivets in the afterpeak tank were renewed. The tank was tested by water-pressure. The boiler and machinery were thoroughly overhauled. The stern-bush was renewed. New cylinders were fitted to the windlass. The defective steering-chain was renewed, also the rudder-pintles. The rudder-gudgeons were rebushed. The buoyancy-tanks were removed and tested, and two that were found leaking were



repaired. All boat-falls wore renewed, and also the life-lines outside. A new provision-tank was fitted in No. 2 boat. Six months after her annual survey this vessel ran ashore during a dense fog. She was again placed on the slipway, and it was found necessary to carry out the following repairs : One floor-plate in the forepeak tank was cut out, straightened, and rcriveted, and several loose rivets in the vicinity of the tank were renewed. In the port bunker and vicinity one plate, a portion of one floor-plate, and several loose rivets were renewed, and the frames were cut out, straightened, and reriveted. In the starboard bunker two frames were reinforced with angle-pieces. S.s. " Blenheim." —At the annual survey of this wooden vessel 16 ft. of the main keelson under the main boiler was renewed, and the scarfs were fastened with six 1 in. bolts. Approximately 16 ft. of the port sister-keelson were strengthened with 8 in. by 8 in. hardwood backing-pieces bolted through it and the floors. All butts and seams on the outside of the hull were hardened up where required. The boiler-chairs were renewed. A length of 20 ft. of steering-chain was renewed, and the chains were annealed. All the steering-chain fair-lead shears and pins on the after deck and bridge deck were renewed. The low-pressure cylinder was trued up. Four holding-down bolts in the main engine-bed were renewed. A new stern-post and after deadwood were fitted to No. 2 lifeboat, and the buoyancy-tanks were tested and repaired. The midship portion of the bridge deck around the fiddley and under the steering-engine was renewed. The margin-plank and the next plank to it on the port side, and three planks on the port side of the after end of the fore deck, were renewed. Dredge No. 121. —This vessel has been surveyed twice during the year. Patches have been fitted on the forepart of the ladder-well and on the port bow. About 1,700 square feet of the deck was sheathed with § in. plating, and about 300 ft. of angle-framing was renewed at various places. Three bunker hatch-coamings were renewed. Several frames under the engine were reinforced. The rudderpintles were built up with the oxy-acetylene process, and new bushes were fitted to the gudgeons. The propeller-shafts were lined up. A new length of main steam-pipe on the starboard side, and a new expansion bend for the main steam-pipe, were fitted. All the pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure. Seven new planks were fitted to the vessel's D boat. O.e.v. " Hairini." —This wooden vessel was placed on the slip for her annual survey, and the shaft-tunnel was removed and a new heel and deadwood fitted. 20 ft. of the keel, four planks on either side of the keel, and the stern-post were renewed. A new intermediate shaft of steel, a new propeller-shaft of tobin bronze, a new stern-tube with stuffing-box complete, new stern bearings, and a new exhaust-pipe wore fitted. O.e.v. " Hobsonville." —All the hull-sheathing was stripped off this vessel and all the worm-eaten planking was cut out of the bottom and deadwood, and about 600 ft. of new planking has been put in. The deadwood and rudder were repaired, and the deadwood was refastened with fin., fin., and 1 in. through bolts. The hull was caulked all over, payed, tarred, chunamed, felted, and sheathed up to the water-line with 6 in. by 1 in. totara sheathing. Several new deck-planks were fitted. Water-ballast tanks made of totara were built into the ship. The engines were thoroughly overhauled ; all piston-rings and pins in the reversing-gear were renewed. The propeller-shaft was straightened, and a new liner and stem-bush were fitted. A new benzine-tank was made, and tested by hydraulic pressure. The rudder was repaired. Thirty fathoms of new stud-link chain cable was placed on board the vessel. New running-gear was rove forward, and all. rigging lanyards were taken adrift, tarred, and set up again. A new boat was placed on board the vessel. S.s. " Jean Gordon." —This wooden vessel, which was previously named " Traveller," has been thoroughly overhauled. The engines and boiler were removed to enable this to be done. All wormeaten portions of the hull were cut out. A new keelson was fitted for nearly the whole length of the vessel; ten new floors were also fitted. The hull outside was stripped, and caulked, felted, and sheathed with totara from the keel to the water-line. The keel was coppered and then sheathed with totara. A new propeller-shaft was fitted. S.s. " John Anderson." —This vessel received an extensive overhaul. Ten new hull-plates were put in on the port side and six on the starboard side. New tie-plates were fitted, 11 ft. 6 in. long, at the starboard side of the engine and boiler house. The bottom, plating of the engine and boiler house was cut out and new plates were fitted. A new skylight, 2 ft. wider than the previous one, has been erected over the engine-space. Several gusset-plates and angle-bars in the bunkers were renewed. The bulkhead at the after end of the forehold has been repaired. A new house for the accommodation of passengers was erected abaft the after hatchway. The compartment over the stern-tube was made into a tank. A bilge injection-valve and pipes were fitted. The steering-chains were renewed. The vessel's hull, boiler, machinery, and equipment are now in good order. S.s. " Mawhera" (Dredge). —A number of sheathing-patches were fitted to this vessel's hull, as follows : Two to A and B strakes on both bows ; two to both sides of the bucket-well in way of the chafing-strips ; two on the sides at the centre of the well; two to the bottom strake in the bucket-well; and one to the top strake in the starboard side of the well forward. The plates were from 5 ft. to 12 ft. in length by 3 ft. to 4 ft. in width and § in. thick. Approximately 200 defective rivets were renewed in the forward end of the bucket-well. Both propeller-shafts were drawn, and both bushes were filled with Fenton's metal. The rudder-pintles in both rudders were renewed. A piece of the combustion-chamber of the starboard boiler was cut out, and a new piece was welded in by the acetone welding-process. All the wasted plates in the back ends of both boilers were built up by the same process. Two new stays were also fitted to the boilers, and all defective rivets were renewed. T.s.s." Moeraki." —The following repairs were made to the hull of this vessel: Fourteen reverse bars were riveted on each side to the hull-frames in way of No. 3 'tween-deck reverse bunker. Twelve sections of hull-framing on the starboard side were cut out and renewed, and eleven on the port side in way of the 'tween-deck side bunkers. Reverse angle-bars were fitted over the butts. Six reverse bars were fitted to the frames in way of the 'tween-deck side bunkers. Forty-eight test-



holes were bored in the hull-plating to test its thickness. Extensive repairs were carried out to the bunkers. The following portions of the bunkers were cut out and renewed : The two forward sections of the side-bunker casings from the bilge-framing to above the bunker-floor ; six sections of angleframing and bracket-plates in way of same carrying the bunker-floor ; eight plates and eight stiffeners in the lower side-bunker casings in way of the stokehold and forward boilers ; the two forward corners in the upper casings between the side and cross bunkers ; four angle-stays on the starboard side between the casings and the ship's side ; six plates and twelve stiffeners, and eight deck-brackets on the stiffeners, in the after-bunker trunkway, in way of the engine-room.; two plates and four stiffeners in the forward-bunker trunkway ; one plate and twelve stiffeners in the watertight bulkhead of the forward-bunker trunkway ; and twelve stiffener bracket-plates in the 'tween-decks of the forward cross-bunker. The ladders in the side bunkers and forward cross-bunker were reversed, and those in the other bunkers were overhauled and repaired. No. 3 trunkway was sheathed with one plate, 8 ft. by 4 ft. by in. In the holds all ladders were altered to come in a direct line from top to bottom. Wider angle-rests were fitted to Nos. 3 and 4 hatch coamings, and all 'thwart-ship beam-shoes were straightened up. The 'tween-deck beams in Nos. 4 and 5 holds were also straightened. The whole of the funnel-casing top, and the section of light and air trunk at the after end of it, were cut out and renewed. On the main deck in way of the crew's galley three plates were renewed. In the upper 'tween-decks a section of the fore-and-aft plating at the after end of the firemen's quarters on the port side was cut out, and three plates were renewed in way of the main galley, scullery, and a section of plating in the recess of the galley and in the alleyway behind the galley-bunker. All ballast-tanks and peaks were inspected and tested by water-pressure. In the stokehold-bilges twelve sections of floor-plates and six intercostals were renewed in way of boilerfronts, four floor-plates under boiler-seats were sheathed, several sections of reverse angles on the top of floors and keelsons were cut out and renewed. The principal repairs to the main boilers include the renewal of part of the port and starboard sides of the combustion-chambers of the port and starboard centre furnaces of the forward starboard boiler. This boiler was tested by hydraulic pressure. Several stays were renewed in the boilers, and all leaky parts and patches received attention. The auxiliary steam-pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure. All piston-rods on both sets of the main engines were taken out and turned up. The glands were rebushed and new neck-bushes were fitted. New rings wore fitted to the pistons and piston-valves. The tubes were drawn out of both condensers ; the condensers were then cleaned, and tested after the tubes had been put back. The port propeller-shaft was drawn for examination. The vessel's cargo-gear was overhauled. The fore and main lower rigging, foretopmast-backstays, maintopmast-stay, and four after funnel-guys were renewed. O.e.v. " Oban." —A new centre-board was fitted to this wooden vessel, and the bottom planks on the centre-board casing were renewed. New garboard planking alongside the centre-board was fitted. Several planks on the counter were renewed, and all planking was refastened and caulked throughout. The fracture in the keelson aft was strengthened by fitting two 9 ft. by .12 in. by 4 in. pieces alongside it. The ceiling in the hold was renewed, also all rigging and running gear. Two new sets of oil-engines for propelling purposes were installed in the vessel. P.s. " Osprey." —The following are the more important repairs made to this vessel at the annual survey :24 ft. of plate and angle bars were renewed round the fiddley. The deck-beams and gussetplates above the forward end of the boiler were renewed, as well as 25 ft. of stringer-plate. The stringer-plate below the main deck across the forward bulkhead, and carrying the steering-gear blocks, was renewed on both sides. Similar plates across the bulkhead at the forward end of the boiler were also renewed. An angle-bar and a patch on the starboard side of this bulkhead were renewed. Two deck-angles, with gusset, were renewed in the fore peak. In the starboard bunker three sheathing-patches were fitted, and four angle-bars, 4 ft. 6 in. long, with gusset-plates at each end, and six additional gusset-plates and angle-bars were renewed to strengthen the deck above the bunker. 20 ft. of angle-bar stringers, with the necessary lugs, and 23 ft. of stringer-plate, were renewed. A new frame and half-frame, with reverse bars, were fitted. An 18 in. by 14 in. patch was fitted to the side of the bunker. In the port bunker a sheathing-patch 2 ft. square was fitted to the ship's side. Reverse bars were added to three weak frames. One frame and reverse bar were renewed entirely. Part of a stringer-bar was also renewed. At the after hold, stringers 4 ft. 6in. long, across the engine-room bulkhead, on each side, were renewed, and 4 ft. 6 in. of the stringerplates across the after bulkhead, carrying the steering-gear blocks, were renewed. A new plate was riveted to the forward rudder-blade. A new steel sponson-beam 34 ft. long, three new brackets, and 44 ft. of the wooden sponson were fitted. The main boiler was thoroughly cleaned out, and the wasted plate, 14 in. by 12 in., in the starboard furnace was cut out and a new piece of plate was fitted. One stay in the starboard combustion-chamber was renewed. The main engines, pumps, &c, were thoroughly overhauled. Seven paddle-arms were renewed for half their length, and one arm was renewed entirely. One new tumbler and six new tumbler-pins for the eccentric rods, and eighty turned bolts in the paddle-arms, were fitted. Two pieces of paddle-wheel rim, with fishplates, and two spider-arms, were renewed. Five paddle-arms were strengthened. Two top planks in the vessel's boat were repaired, and a new hull on the port side fitted. The buoyancy seat-tanks were thoroughly overhauled. S.s. " Pupuke." —The hull of this wooden vessel was repaired as follows : Both sister-keelsons were scarfed with pieces approximately 16 ft. by 7§ in. by 12 in. Five angle-bar frames, 16 ft. long, were fitted to the hull amidships ; 4 ft. of the ends of nine floors were renewed. Two shelf-pieces were fitted in the stokehold —one 17 ft. by 20 in. by 4 in., and one 20 ft. by 20 in. by 4 in. One plank, 7 ft. by 14 in. by 3 in., was renewed on the port side of the hull, and two new planks were fitted in the airpockets. 300 ft. of sheathing on the ship's bottom was renewed. One piece of wood in the aperture,

H.—ls. 2 ft. by 12 in. by 3 in., was renewed. The decking on the top deck amidships was renewed and sheathed across with 350 ft. of sheathing, with felt and chunam between. Both boilers were raised 12 in. above their original position, and new stools and collision-chocks were fitted. The low-pressure piston and rings, high-pressure piston-rod and rings, high-pressure and low-pressure valve-spindles, and two crosshead brasses were renewed. The holding-down bolts of the engine-bed, which were originally of iron, were replaced with muntz-metal bolts. A new door was fitted to the condenser, and new plungers to the feed and bilge pumps. A length of the main steam-pipe was renewed, and the pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure. The steering-chains were annealed and renewed where required. B.S. "Rita." —The keel of this wooden vessel for 18ft. was renewed in ironbark. New brass straps were fitted at the apertures, and a new gudgeon in the rudder. Several new planks were put in the deck. A new mast was stepped aft, and the deck was strengthened underneath. Housing was erected over the engine-room. The bunkers were renewed. A new stay-tube and one new ordinary tube were fitted to the boiler. A compound surface-condensing engine was installed in the vessel. Liners were fitted in the cylinders, and new pistons and rings were also fitted. A new high-pressure piston-valve, new main bearing-brasses, and new thrust-block were fitted. The stern-tube was renewed in bronze. O.e.v. " Te Ton." —The two sets of steam-engines and the boiler of this vessel have been taken out and replaced by two sots of four-cycle oil-engines. New pieces 15 ft. long have been scarfed into the keelsons. Three new floors have been fitted, and. 10 ft. of new ceiling. New hatch-coamings have been fitted, and two now engine-beds have been made. The engine-room bulkhead has been lined with two thicknesses of T. and G-. timber with a layer of felt between, and covered with zinc sheeting on the engine-room side. Survey of Ships for Seaworthiness. There has been a considerable increase in the number of surveys for seaworthiness made during the year, the total being ninety-nine. Quite a number of the vessels were damaged through taking the ground, striking wharves, or colliding with other vessels ; others were damaged by fire. One accident was due to the overheating of a propeller-shaft liner; small pieces of the liner peeled off and a new liner had to be fitted. In another case a piece of a propeller-shaft liner became detached. The s.s. " Stella," which grounded on the Fish Reef, Moeraki, required extensive repairs. Seven plates were taken out of the hull, rerolled and straightened. One plate was renewed, and two were straightened in place. Five floors and twelve intercostals were renewed. The bulb-iron on top of the keelson was reinforced with heavy angle-bars extending from the forward cross-bunker to the after end of the boiler. One watertight bulkhead was refastened at the bottom. A doubling-plate, 2ft. square by fin. thick, was fitted over a thin plate on the starboard side amidships. Survey of Government Vessels. Sixteen Government vessels were surveyed during the year. Their names are as follows : S.s. " Ben Lomond," s.s. " Barnslaw," s.s. " Hauraki," s.s. " Hinemoa," o.e.v. " Huia," o.e.v. " Irini," s.s. " Janie Seddon," o.e.v. " Kohurangi," o.e.v. " Manurere," o.e.v. " Maroro," p.s. " Mountaineer," o.e.v. " Patiti," o.e.v. " P.W.D," o.e.v. " Sybil," s.s. " Tawera," and s.s. " Tutanekai." The " Hinemoa " had an extensive overhaul during the year. Both high- and low-pressure pistons of the main engines were drawn ; the rods were shimmed up, and new neck-bushes were fitted at both ends. The high-pressure guide-shoes were remetalled, and the bottom end brasses were run up. The engines were thoroughly overhauled. Both main boilers and mountings were overhauled. The bunkers were repaired and strengthened. The bulwark sides and railings forward and aft were renewed. The windlass was overhauled, and three new spur wheels were fitted. Some keel-shoeing was renewed. 30 ft. of wooden sheathing was fitted to the after deck, and the decks were caulked fore and aft. The officers' quarters were cleaned and painted out. New lavatories and bathrooms supplied with hot and, cold water were fitted up for the crew. The vessel has been employed continuously during the year on the usual lighthouse work and the cleaning and painting of buoys in the various harbours. Additional Steamers and Auxiliary-powered Vessels surveyed for the First Time. Fifty-three vessels were surveyed for the first time during the year. Some of these vessels are of fairly large tonnage and engaged in the overseas trade. Survey of Sailing-vessels. The number of sailing-vessels surveyed this year is fifty-five. The more important repairs carried out to some of them are set out in the following notes : — Schooner " Cathkit." —The hull of this wooden vessel was strengthened with thirty-six angle braces, forty struts 6 in. by 6 in. fitted under bearers, and with one piece of timber 29 ft. by 6 in. by 5 in. on the starboard side, and one piece 39 ft. by 6 in. by 5 in. on the port side and fitted on top of the beam-struts ; 34 ft. of 12 in. by 3 in. timber was fitted on each side forward, and twelve pieces, averaging 25 ft. long, were fitted in the partitions aft. Five 1| in. tie-bolts were fitted through the hull from side to side, and fifty-six | in. bolts were fitted through the covering-boards from the fore rigging to the break of the poop. Six deck-planks were renewed. The donkey-boiler was opened up and cleaned, and new bolts were fitted to all sludge-hole doors. New gauge-glass mountings were also fitted. The winch and windlass were overhauled, and also the equipment. The standard compass was repaired and adjusted.



Ketch " Comet." —This wooden vessel was placed on the slip and the following repairs were made : Both sister-keelsons were renewed, and also the false keel; fifteen strengthening-timbers were fitted where the old timbers were weak ; 14 ft. of covering-board on the port side and the ceiling in the hold were renewed ; thirty planks in the hull were renewed, and the hull below the water-line was sheathed throughout with f in. planking. The vessel was recaulked throughout. A new rudderhead was fitted. All the vessel's running-gear was renewed. After an extensive overhaul the vessel is now in good condition. Ketch " Huon Belle." —On the port side of this wooden vessel three timbers and 52 ft. of planking were renewed, and 6 ft. of planking on the starboard side. The hull-sheathing was removed and the seams of the hull caulked. Several deck-planks and the forward end of the hatch-coamings were renewed. A new rudder-stock was fitted, and defective steering-chain renewed. Barquentine " Laura." —Several new fastenings were fitted, in this vessel's hull, including the forward ends of the garboard planking. A stringer of jarrah, 78 ft. by 9 in. by 6 in., was fitted to both sides of the vessel and fastened through the deck-beams and ship's sides. About 21 in. of the end of the mizzenmast, which was rotten, was cut off, and a new step and heel-band were fitted. The donkey-boiler was taken ashore and the lum-leg was repaired. The wasted parts of the fireboxcrown were built up. Two sludge-hole compensating-rings were rerivcted. A new steam-gauge and gauge-glass mountings were fitted. The boiler was tested by hydraulic pressure. A new capstan was fitted, and the steering-gear was thoroughly overhauled. The buoyancy-tank of the lifeboat was repaired. Barquentine " Lindstol." —This wooden vessel was surveyed for the first time in New Zealand this year. The hull was bored in various places to ascertain the condition of the timbers. The bottom was stripped and caulked and chunamed, felted, and resheathed with 5 in. by 1J in. totara. A new mizzentopmast and foretopmast were shipped. The hatchway fore-and-afters were ironshod, and the hatch-rests increased in width to comply with the regulations. The pumps were tested and found efficient. The provision-tank in the lifeboat was replenished. Schooner " Saucy Kate." —3s ft. of the sister-keelsons and 28 ft. of the bilge-stringers were renewed. New steps were fitted under both masts. Two beams were reinforced. Nearly all the hull-sheathing was renewed. The hull-planking was refastened and caulked. Six new chain-plates were fitted, and new bolts were put in all the chain-plates. The sails were sent ashore and were overhauled. A cargo-gin and wire runner were renewed. Registration of Shipping. On the 31st December last there were on the register in the Dominion 163 sailing-vessels, of 23,334 tons register, and 384 steamers, of 64,837 tons register. At the end of the previous year there were 174 sailing-vessels, of 22,216 tons, and 382 steamers, of 64,943 tons. The number of seamen and boys employed on board was 3,270, as compared with 3,292 at the end of 1918. Certificates of Survey. Certificates have been granted to 250 steamers, 412 oil-ongined vessels, and 55 sailing-vessels. For the previous year 314 steamers, 464 oil-engined vessels, and 59 sailing-vessels were granted certificates of survey. Attached is a return of the vessels to which certificates have been issued. Breaches of the Shipping and Seamen Acts. Seven convictions were recorded during the year in prosecutions for broaches of the Shipping and Seamen Acts. Examination of Marine Engineers. Examinations for certificates of competency as marine engineers were hold at the following places throughout the Dominion during the year : Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, Hamilton, Greymouth, Timaru, Napier, Nelson, Queenstown, Hokianga, Russell, To Kopuru, Wanganui, Whangarei, Thames, Gisborne, Tauranga, Takaka, Palmerston North, New Plymouth, Half-moon Bay, Rotorua, and Te Aroha. The total number of applicants who sat for examination was 414. Of these, 380 passed their examinations and 34 failed. Examinations were held in the following grades: First-class marine engineer, second-class marine engineer, third-class marine engineer, river engineer for steam-vessels, first-class.marine engineer for auxiliary-powered vessels, second-class marine engineer for auxiliary-powered vessels, and restrictedlimits engineer for auxiliary-powered vessels. A return giving names of successful candidates is appended. Examination of Masters and Mates. The number of candidates who sat totalled 107; of this number 46 failed. A return of successful candidates is appended. The examinations for masters and mates are carried out in Auckland by Captain Whitoford, the Examiner who is stationed there ; at Wellington by Captain Hooper ; and at Lyttolton by Captain Hooper, who goes there for the purpose when required. The following report on the work of examination of masters and mates is made by Capta n G. S. Hooper, Principal Examiner]: — " The examinations of masters and mates have been carried out at Auckland, Wellington, and Lyttelton —at the former port by the Examiner stationed at that place, at Wellington generally by myself, and at Lyttelton by an Examiner visiting that place when necessary to do so.

H.—ls! " The total number of candidates examined during the year was ninety-three, of whom fiftyfour were for foreign-going certificates and twenty-nine for home-trade certificates. There were also ten candidates for local limited certificates, and sixty-two candidates for sight-test examinations. The following percentages of failures occurred : Foreign-going, 49 per cent. ; home trade, 52 per cent. ; river limits, 50 per cent. ; and sight-tests 12 per cent. " During the year there have been six examinations held for the extra-masters' certificates. As this examination calls for extensive knowledge it is not surprising that only one candidate was successful in passing the examination. " Five candidates failed in the colour-vision test, one of whom was subsequently allowed a special examination by the Department, the result of which confirmed the decision of the Examiner who conducted the first examination. The examinations appear to be conducted similarly to those carried out in Great Britain by the Board of Trade, with the exception of the signalling portion, which will be brought up to date as soon as the automatic-signalling lamps arrive from England." Deceased Seamen's Estates. The estates of sixty deceased seamen, amounting to £1,083 9s. lid., have come into the hands of the Department during the year, and, including estates previously received, forty have been finally administered. A statement is appended showing the estates dealt with and those outstanding. The sum of £75 ss. has been paid into the consolidated, revenue for estates unclaimed for over six years. Wrecks and Casualties. Seventy-eight inquiries, involving eighty-three vessels, have been held during the year, of which sixty-three were preliminary and fifteen Magisterial. Those on or near the coast of the Dominion were seventy-five, of 76,259 tons register, as compared with sixty-three, of 54,778 tons, for the previous year. The number of lives lost was thirty-one, as compared with nineteen, in the previous year. Of these, seventeen were; lost in the auxiliary schooner " Jubilee " and four in the auxiliary schooner " Kahu " (both vessels wore supposed to have foundered), six in the capsizing of the auxiliary schooner " Omaka," one in the boiler-explosion on the p.s. " Clutha," and one in the stranding of the " Te Teko." The second officer of the s.s. " Rimu " was carried overboard by a heavy sea and drowned, and a passenger on the s.s. " Monowai " disappeared and is presumed to have been lost overboard. A return is appended showing the casualties and an analysis thereof. Mercantile Marine Offices. The work of these offices has been carried out in a very satisfactory manner, and the Superintendents and their staff are deserving of commendation for the way in which they have carried out their duties. The Department has had to withhold the discharges of a good many seamen who have deserted from or failed to join their ships. Appended is a statement showing the number of seamen engaged and discharged at the various ports during the year, and the fees received for engagements and discharges. The number engaged was 23,125, and the number discharged 22,904. The fees received amounted to £3,473 15s. 9d. During the previous year the engagements were 21,094 and the discharges 20,553, the amount of fees being £2,809 15s. The transactions at the principal ports were : — Fees. Engagements. Discharges. £ B# d. Auckland .. .. .. .. 7,869 7,846 1,211 1 6~ Wellington .. .. .. .. 8,11.4 8,068 1,201 9 0 Lyttelton .. .. .. ..2,582 2,467 391 3 0 Dunedin and Port Chalmers .. ..2,141 2,129 334 11 0 During the previous year they were : — Auckland .'. .. .. ..6,723 6,627 904 2 6 Wellington .. .. .. .. 7,790 7,481 1,054 9 6 Lyttelton .. .. .. .. 2,102 ' 1,888 284 5 6 Dunedin and Port Chalmers .. .. 2,272 2,470 298 19 6 The amounts paid under the provisions of section 6 of the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1911, to sick and injured seamen totals £20,288 6s. 6d., as compared with £13,163 Bs. Bd. for the previous year. i Harbours. This Department has the control of harbours for which Harbour Boards have not been constituted, and the, buoys and beacons at these places have been overhauled, cleaned, and painted under the direction of Captain Bollons, of the s.s. " Hinemoa." He has also attended to the coastal buoys and beacons during the vessel's periodical lighthouse trips. A large number of plans of harbour-works, including wharves proposed to be constructed, has been submitted to and dealt with by the Department. Those which met the Department's requirements were approved by the Governor-General in Council in accordance with the provisions of the Harbours Act, 1908. A return of the Orders in Council giving the necessary approval is appended. The sum of £1,009 16s. 4d. was collected for pilotage and port charges in respect of harbours under the control of the Department, as compared with £783 3s. 3d. in the previous year. A return of the amounts collected at the various ports, including the amounts collected at ports under the control of Harbour Boards, is appended. Appended is a report by the Marine Engineer on the works dealt with by him during the year.



Lighthouses. The duties connected with the maintenance of the various lighthouses have been satisfactorily carried out during the year. The permanent staff has been restored, to its pre-war strength. A new crane has been erected at Stephen Island. New winches have been installed at Cape Maria van Diemen to work the overhead conveyer between the island and the mainland, and new dwellings are now in course of erection. Captain Bollons, master of the s.s. " Hinemoa," has inspected and reported on the various stations. I desire to place on record the great assistance which I have at all times received from him in lighthouse matters. During the year one keeper retired on superannuation, three were transferred to another Department, four resigned, and eight new keepers were appointed to fill, vacancies. Issue of Explosives. During the year 118 permits were issued at the Port of Wellington for the carriage of explosives on ships. Meteorological and Weather Office. The work of this division has been well maintained during the past year. The following is the report of the Director on the work : — " The work of the Weather Bureau has been carried on as usual during the past year. Every morning reports and forecasts are telegraphed to all the chief towns and ports of the Dominion, and in the evening reports and forecasts are issued to the Press Association for the morning papers. - " Weather-reporting is chiefly in the hands of telegraphic officers, who send in their reports at 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. These arc forwarded with unfailing regularity and promptitude, and serve as a basis for the forecast. The keen interest and willing co-operation taken in the work by the Telegraph Department secures efficiency; and therefore, although this system of weather-reporting has long been abandoned in many parts of the world, there is, I am pleased to say, no need to advocate a change in this Dominion. " The postponement of the scheme of district weather-reporting until better times is a disappointment ; but partial equipment of reporting-stations at Awanui and Awarua would be of assistance, especially as we have to send out estimated barometric readings with the usual radio weather-fore-casts. The full equipment of the wireless stations at Awanui and Awarua, mentioned in last year's report, will, when accomplished, prove of great service in general forecast, particularly if wireless telephony is made available for weather-reporting. " The work of the Meteorological Office rests mainly upon the voluntary labours of a small army of observers scattered throughout the Dominion. Upon their records, of the rainfall especially, depend great enterprises which are of immense importance to the Dominion, and it is impossible to overestimate their responsibilities with regard to engineering, hydro-electricity, agriculture, &c, to say nothing of future possibilities with regard to what may be based upon reliable records of the past. This speaks well for the patriotic and scientific spirit of the observers, who in the majority of cases have done so much to promote the knowledge of our climate —one of the chief assets of this Dominion. A few of the records have ceased through unavoidable removal of observers and other causes ; but various new stations have been added during the year, and we have further utilized the supply of rain-gauges from the electrical branch of the Public Works Department in this direction. A large increase in stations is, however, necessary in order that more thorough rainfall-survey of New Zealand may be made. " We have now thirty climatological stations at work over the Dominion, and their work has been on the whole satisfactorily carried on, in spite of difficulties chiefly brought about by lack of necessary instruments to replace those out of order and to more fully equip stations requiring them. There has not yet been any sign of a decrease in the price of meteorological instruments. " There have been no changes in the staff during the past year." Fisheries. A very complete and instructive report made by Mr. L. F. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, is attached, giving full information on the work of his division for the last twelve months. Attached also is an interesting report made by Mr. G. M. Thomson, chairman of the Portobello Fish-hatchery. Fifteen convictions were recorded during the year in prosecutions for breaches of the Fisheries Act. Work done under the Inspection of Machinery Act. The Engineer-Surveyors of Ships and the Examiners of Marine Engineers appointed under the Shipping and Seamen Act also act as Inspectors of Machinery, examiners of extra first-class engineers, examiners of engine-drivers (both stationary and locomotive engines), examiners of winding-engine drivers for collieries and mines—all under the Inspection of Machinery Act. They also act as examiners of electric-tramway motormen under the Tramways Act. New Boilers inspected. I have again to report a large increase this year in the number of new boilers inspected. There are signs of a revival in the overseas trade in boilers. Many inquiries have been received from overseas firms concerning designs of boilers they propose making for New Zealand. The imported boiler generally forms part of a machine or plant not manufactured in New Zealand, such as tractionengines, road-rollers, steam-shovels, steam-wagons, steam motor-cars, &c. A few of the imported

2—H. 15.



boilers are, however, of a special design suitable for installing with any steam plant. Progress in the matter of design is evident in the locomotive and traction types of boiler. One firm is making a corrugated or grooved form of flat plate which is self-supporting and does not require staying. Another firm is dispensing with the stayed construction by forming such plates as were usually flat in the form of cylinders or portions of cylinders. Every stay or other hole in a boiler is a potential source of leakage and consequent corrosion. Such construction should prolong the life of the boiler and facilitate the cleaning of the internal surfaces. Local firms continue to make numbers of boilers for dairy factories, freezing-works, &c. Some of these boilers of the multitubular underfirod type are of large size, 70 and 85 nominal horse-power. During the year replies have been received from some twenty-six firms in Great Britain and America in answer to requests for particulars of the ship and boiler material manufactured by them. This information has now been printed on a sheet in a handy form for reference ; the sheet shows the class of material manufactured, by the different firms, the brands used to distinguish the various classes of plates, &c., the position, of the brands, and any other information of interest which was received. The number of new boilers inspected during the year was 347 ; 162 of these were made in the Dominion and 185 were imported. The following table gives the districts in which the new boilers were installed, their horse-power, and also states whether they were made in the Dominion or imported . —

Inspection of Boilers. The number of boilers inspected this year totals 7,746. This shows an increase of 473 on the number inspected last year. The total number of defects in boilers was 1,592, and of this number 334 were very dangerous. No boiler-explosion occurred during the year, which shows the efficiency of close inspection made by reliable and competent practical men. In October last year it was reported that a fly-wheel of an engine had exploded. The fly-wheel was attached and formed part of a steam-engine plant driven by steam generated by a steam-boiler. The damage was estimated at £13,000. It is not generally realized how dangerous fly-wheels are, and a few remarks concerning them may be useful to steam-users having no technical knowledge of them. The most common cause of fly-wheels bursting is from an increase of speed due to defective governors or valve-gears. The main stresses in a fly-wheel are the result of the centrifugal force of the rim due to the speed at which the fly-wheel revolves. There is no possible way of overcoming these stresses. If the sectional area of the rim is increased to make a stronger rim the centrifugal force is increased likewise, because of the added weight of the rim, and the wheel is no stronger than before. There is a definite speed at which any wheel will explode, however sound, and regardless of the amount of material it contains. This theory is a mathematical truth, and has often, been verified by practice. Cast-iron wheels cast in one piece should not be run at a greater peripheral speed than a mile a minute. For built-up wheels the speed should be much less, and according to the design of the rimjoints; some rim-joints have a strength equal to 25 per cent, only of the solid rim. The stresses in a revolving fly-wheel increase as the square of the specd —that is to say, if the speed attains double the normal speed the stresses will be four times the normal stresses. This rapid increase of stress due to speed is the reason why wheels amply safe at ordinary running-speeds go to pieces without warning and cause such destruction. Fly-wheels are ordinarily made of cast iron, and require to be thoroughly examined periodically for flaws and defects. Steam-users should see that all governor and valve gear is kept in first-class condition, so that the danger of the engine running away is minimized. A fly-wheel merely averages the speed of an engine during one revolution, and prevents violent changes in the rate of motion in that time. The number of revolutions per minute can only

District. Made in Dominion. Number. Horse - power. Impi Number. irted. Total. Horse - Number. Hor8e - power. power. Auckland Auckland North .. Auckland South. .. Canterbury North. . Canterbury South Gisborne Hawke's Bay Marlborough Otago Southland Taranaki Taranaki North Wellington Wellington North Westland M (i 7 20 3 6 14 4 10 10 5 8 29 20 6 130 52 62 201 29i 15 27 12 68 146 44| 431 126 156J 801 22 4 18 12 5 23 2 20 20 ir, 5 30 5 4 239 82 980 34 23 152 5 205 50 35 209 1,068 37 39 36 10 25 32 3 11 37 6 30 30 20 13 59 25 10 369 134 1,042 235 29-J-38 179 17 273 196 252| 1,194 1931 1191 Totals .. 162 1,193* 185 3,158 34-7 4,351|



be controlled by the governor; it prevents any permanent change in the speed. A fly-wheel cannot prevent an engine running away, but a governor can, and it is necessary that it and all the gear and the belting should be maintained in first-class order and condition. At the end of the year all boilers had not been inspected that were due. Inspection of Gas-, Oil-, Water-, and Electric-driven Machinery, including Lifts. In this branch of the Department's work a large increase has to be recorded. During the year 20,807 inspections were made, which is an increase of 2,256 compared with last year's figures. AfT the end of the year there were still a number uninspected. Fencing and Guarding of Machinery. The whole of the machinery driven by prime movers has been thoroughly examined to see that sufficient protection was afforded those working in and around such plants. The great point aimed at always has been to fence and guard all the dangerous parts, so as not to destroy the efficiency of the machinery. There were issued 1,759 notices to fence and to guard machinery, and of this number 352 were considered very dangerous cases. Action was taken to eliminate the danger in the use of square-bead buzz planers by converting them into round heads. This alteration will have a marked effect in the safety of those working with this machinery. Examination of Land Engineers and Engine-drivers. These examinations were held at the principal centres throughout the Dominion, and special examinations were also held at other places to suit the convenience of applicants. The full list of places where examinations were held is as follows : Auckland,* Bleinheim,* Carterton, Christchurch,* Dannevirke, Dunedin,* Gisborne,* Greymouth,* Greytown,* Hamilton,* Hokitika, Invercargill,* Kaingaroa, Karamea, Martinborough, Mastorton, Napier,* Nelson,* New Plymouth,* Ngatapa, Norsewood, Opunake, Otaki, Pahiatua, Palmerston North,* Puponga, Reefton, Takapau, Taumarunui, Tauranga,* To Kopuru, Timaru,* Waiuku, Wanganui,* Wellington,* Westport,* and Whangaruru.* The examinations held were for extra first-class engineers, first-class engine-drivers, second-class engine-drivers, winding-engine drivers (steam and electric), locomotive- and traction-engine drivers, locomotive-engine drivers, and traction-engine drivers. Reciprocal certificates were issued to applicants from other States as follows : England, 1 : New South Wales, 1 ; United States of America, 3 : total, 5. The number who sat for the examinations total 488 ; of this number ninety-six failed to pass their examinations. New examination-papers for all first-class engine-drivers' examinations were prepared in Head Office, and at each quarterly examination throughout the year neyv papers were forwarded to all district offices. The questions set were,a good practical test of the candidates' knowledge, and contain the information necessary for the applicants to become competent in their daily duties. The appended return gives the names, &c, of successful candidates. Examination of Electrical-tramway Drivers. All those who applied for examination and who had the necessary qualifications were examined. This examination includes a practical test on the car itself under ordinary and emergency conditions. Examinations were held at Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, Napier, Wanganui, and Wellington. The number who sat for examination totalled 165. Nine out of this number failed. More than one examination was held at the places named, excepting Napier. Special examinations were also held to suit the convenience of the tramway service, as requested, throughout the Dominion. The appended return gives the names of those who passed. Board of Examiners appointed under the Inspection of Machinery Act. The Board of Examiners, consisting of the Chief Inspector of Machinery of the Marine and Inspection Department, the Engineer-in-Chief and the Resident Engineer of the Public Works Department, the Inspecting Engineer of the Mines Department, and the Chief Electrical Engineer of the Public Works Department, with Mr. J. G. Macpherson as secretary, sat at Wellington on eight days during the year. Mr. R. W. Holmes, late Engineer-in-Chief and Secretary of the Public Works Department, retired from the. Public Service last year and from this Board. Mr. Holmes sat as a member of this Board on many occasions, and his discussions and decisions at all times were very helpful and of great service in deciding on any points in dispute. Mr. F. W. Furkert, who succeeded Mr. Holmes as Engineer-in-Chief and Secretary of the Public Works Department, was appointed a member of the Board, and also Mr. C. I. McKenzie, the Assistant Engineer of the Public Works Department. The Board dealt with all matters that came before it, and issued all the necessary certificates to successful applicants. During the year a district office was opened at Gisborne. This district is growing rapidly, and the stationing of an Inspector there has saved many trips that used to be made from Napier by the Inspector stationed at Napier. The change has been much appreciated by land-machinery owners and the shipping people in the Gisborne district. I have, &c, Robert Duncan, The Hon. the Minister of Marine, Wellington. Secretary, Chief Surveyor of Ships, and Chief Inspector of Machinery.

* Places where moro than one examination was held.



The Chief Inspector of Fisheries to the Secretary, Marine Department. Sir, — Marine Department, Wellington, 29th July, 1921. 1 have the honour to present the following report on the fisheries of the Dominion for the year ended. 31st March, 1921 : The following fishing-ports and fishing-grounds were visited by me during the year, viz. : Whangaroa, Bay of Islands, Whangarei, Kaipara, Hauraki Gulf, Great Barrier, Bay of Plenty, Hawke's Bay, Cook Strait, Marlborough Sounds, Picton, Kaikoura, Kaiapoi, Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Moeraki, Port Chalmers, Invercargill, and Bluff. I inspected the oyster-beds at Whangaroa and Kaipara once, and the oyster-beds at Bay of Islands, Whangarei, Great Barrier, and Hauraki Gulf twice during the year, and supervised the oyster-cultivation work at the commencement of the work on the Coromandel coast. I also made three visits to the salmon-hatchery at Hakataramea, and supervised and assisted in repairs to the Department's temporary hatchery at Pembroke. The reports received from the Collectors of Customs and Inspectors of Fisheries show that, in comparison to the previous year, there has been a substantial increase in the quantity and value of fish landed during the year. The weather conditions have been favourable, particularly during the summer months, for fishing, and on most of the fishing-grounds fish have been plentiful. In the Auckland District large catches of snapper, mullet, tarakihi, and flounder have been made. In Hawke's Bay very good catches were made by trawlers throughout the year, flat fish being particularly plentiful from October to March ; and the reports with regard to the fishing-grounds in the Wellington, Marlborough Sounds, Kaikoura, Canterbury, and Otago Districts are equally favourable. The high price of benzine, nets, and all other fishing-gear comes hard on fishermen, for, although they are now getting a somewhat higher price for their fish, yet this increase, they claim, is not in proportion to the increase in their working-expenses. This in turn influences the quantity of fish marketed, as fishermen will go out only when the conditions are favourable for making payable catches. Fishermen report that the largest shoals of pilchard which have been seen on the east coast for a good, many years made their appearance in February last. They wore reported as having been seen at different parts along the coast from Cook Strait to Oamaru. The total quantity of fish brought in from the fishing-grounds during the year was about 241,072 cwt. ; its wholesale value, including crayfish and whitebait, was about £344,333 lis. The total quantity of oysters taken off the beds, including Foveaux Strait and the northern rockoysters, last season was 33,218 sacks, the wholesale value of which was £22,657. The quantity and value of whale-oil and other products from the whaling-stations was 478 tons oil, 80 tons bonedust, and 100 gallons spermaceti, valued at £19,307 : the total value for the year being about £386,297 lis. Rock-oysters. Owing to the difficulty in getting oyster-pickers for the Hauraki Gulf beds the sale of oysters did not commence until the Ist June, 1920, and on account of a shortage of pickers later on the season closed on the 14th October. The total quantity picked during this short season was 6,797 sacks, representing a value of £5,968 9s. The beds picked were those at Bay of Islands, Kaipara, Port Fitzroy, and part of the beds in the Hauraki Gulf. The demand for oysters throughout the season was very great, and the supply coming forward was never equal to market requirements. For the purpose of extending the beds oyster-cultivation work on a more extensive scale than in any previous season was carried out during the months of January, February, and March. The method which I have recommended the Department to adopt is the building of hollow rock walls in well-sheltered and otherwise suitable bays. These walls are built principally of clean rock obtained at and above high-water mark, and they extend from near the top of the oyster-line down to low water.- This method is the most economical, besides being permanent. Last summer six men were employed on this work at Bay of Islands and Whangarei, four at Tekumu Bay, Coromandel coast, and four at Port Fitzroy. At Bay of Islands 3,606 yards of walls wore built, 394 at Whangarei, 733 at Coromandel, and 566 at Port Fitzroy—making a total of 5,299 yards, or rather more than three miles. There is a yearly shrinkage, from several causes, in the extent of our natural rock-oyster beds, and the continual increase in the number of people who frequent the shores of the Hauraki Gulf and Bay of Islands causes a considerable yearly shrinkage in the quantity of oysters which can be taken from the beds for market. At no time during the last twenty years has the supply of oysters been sufficient for market requirements, and on account of the increase in population of late years it is safe to say that the market at the present time could absorb three times ,the quantity which can be obtained from the present beds. The necessity for extending the beds by artificial methods is thus apparent. Inspectors Bennett and Flinn and assistants have carried out their duties, both with regard to the protection of the beds and supervising the oyster-cultivation work, in a most satisfactory manner. Foveaux Strait Oyster-beds. The Inspector at Bluff reports that during the past season the oysters were plentiful on the beds and in excellent condition. The quantity dredged from the beds last season was 26,703 sacks, valued at £16,689. The quantity sold in the Dominion was 24,848 sacks, valued at £15,470, and the quantity exported to Melbourne was 1,855 sacks, valued at £1,219. I have not been able to get out on to these beds for a considerable time, but will endeavour to make an inspection of several of the beds before this dredging season closes.



Quinnat Salmon. The run of salmon last season (1920) showed a considerable increase on the two previous seasons. In the early part of the spawning season the prospects of a good run were not at all encouraging, and on that account it was not considered advisable to incur the expense of sending a gang of men to the up-country rivers to collect eggs. The Hakataramea River was unusually low all through the season, and practically no salmon entered that river, but a lot of large fish spawned in branches of the Waitaki, below where the Hakataramea joins that river. Fifty thousand eggs were taken from fish netted in these branches. Reports were received late in the season that large numbers of fish were spawning in the Ahuriri and rivers beyond the head of Lake Ohau. The manager from Hakataramea and an assistant made an inspection of these rivers and found them full of salmon, most of them spent fish, but it was then too late to collect eggs. A number of salmon went up the Clutha River last season, and spawned in the Clutha above Cromwell and in tributaries of Wanaka Lake. This season (1921) there has been a very large run of salmon in the Waitaki and Rangitata Rivers, and a good many went up the Clutha again this season. The first salmon were seen in the Waitaki River on the 23rd December, 1920, but it was not until the 19th January that the first was caught by anglers. From that date on to the 6th April they were taken in considerable numbers. The work of collecting salmon-eggs was commenced on the Ist April. The rivers netted were the Dobson, Ahuriri, Hakataramea, and a branch of the Waitaki. The Hakataramea, which in ordinary seasons has been by far the best river for getting eggs from, was again unusually low all through the season, and on that account very few salmon attempted to come in. Partly for the purpose of collecting eggs, and also to prove how salmon were running in the Clutha and its tributaries this season, I netted two tributaries of Lake Wanaka —viz., the Matatapu River and Pembroke Creek. Very few salmon came into the creek, but there was a fair run in the Matatapu. We had the nets washed out a good many times, and on that account we were able to get very few fish. Altogether fifty-one salmon of a small average size (about 10 lb. to 12 lb.) were taken, and about 75,000 eggs collected. The manager at Hakataramea says in his report, " The run of salmon this spawning season is the largest we have experienced in New Zealand. The salmon are also larger in size, many of the fish, both at the Dobson and Ahuriri Rivers, being from 4 ft. to 4 ft. 4 in. in length." The number of eggs collected is as follows : Hakataramea, 293,000; Ahuriri, 389,000; Dobson, 451,000 ; and Pembroke, 75,000 : total, 1,208,000. Further evidence of the spread and increase of these salmon along the coast has lately come to hand. Besides the large run in the Waitaki and Rangitata, and also in the Clutha, large numbers of small salmon were caught off the Timaru wharf and breakwater by residents when fishing for seafish. It is reported that as many as forty were taken by one man in a day. Schools of salmonsmolts were off Banks Peninsula in October. Fishermen netting in the bays there caught numbers in their nets. The specimens sent for identification were salmon-smolts, from 1 lb. to 2 lb. in weight. The quinnat salmon is now so solidly established that fishermen should be allowed to take them for sale, and I think it is reasonable to expect that in a very few years large quantities will be on the market, and the country will begin to reap a rich return for the money expended in introducing them. I strongly urge that the work of stocking rivers in different parts of the Dominion be vigorously pushed on. I attach copy of a report from Constable Berry for publication with this report. Acclimatization of Atlantic Salmon and other Fishes. The splendid success which has attended the systematic effort made by the Government to establish the quinnat salmon should be sufficient encouragement to persevere with the Atlantic salmon on the same lines. Past experience has shown that, with anadromous migratory fish like the Atlantic salmon, small shipments of eggs brought out at intervals of several years are useless. If the work is carried out systematically —that is, by making importations of from half a million to a million eggs each year for five, or six years in succession, and planting the young fish in one of our best rivers— I have no doubt that this splendid fish would be established. I would recommend that the Department approach the acclimatization societies with a view of getting them to provide part of the money required for importing the eggs. As I have stated in a previous report, apart from what has already been accomplished there is an immense amount of profitable acclimatization work yet to be done, and I would recommend that as soon as money is available attention should be given to the introduction of several of the fishes which I recommended in my report for the year 1919. Government Salmon-hatcheries. The buildings, ponds, fences, &c, at the Hakataramea Hatchery have been kept in good order during the year. The manager and his assistant painted all the buildings. They also did a large amount of willow-planting on the river-banks, to prevent erosion at a point near the hatchery. The manager in his report says : " The Public Works completed the river-protection works in April, and. the groins and stop-banks are in good order. So far there has not been a flood high enough to test them. The erection of the new hatching-house was completed, on time by the contractors, Messrs. James Craig and Co. It is a substantially built, roomy, and well-lighted building. A new concrete intake race for the hatchery water-supply was also put in. The concrete walls of the four ponds which were broken down by the flood of August, 1919, were rebuilt during the year, and all the ponds are now in good order again." The water-supply flumes at the Pembroke and Maori Creek Hatcheries were repaired, and the hatching-sheds put in order for the coming hatching season.

H.—ls. Report of Constable E. T. Berry re Salmon Season, 1921. " I respectfully report that the past salmon season has been an extra-good one. These fish have gone up the Waitaki in enormous numbers, and a large number of them were big fish, up to 60 lb. in weight. Fishermen have been here from all over New Zealand, but the catch by anglers has been very poor. The salmon, for some reason, would not bite at the spinning baits like they have done other years, and they all seemed to be travelling up river and not waiting about like other seasons. Another thing I noticed was that all the fish caught were in splendid condition, but the sizes varied from lb. up to 35|lb. I first noticed salmon in the river on the 23rd December, 1920, but it was not until the 19th January, 1921, that I caught the first salmon, al9 lb. female. From then on to the 6th April they were caught, about 130 fish being taken out by different fishermen. The river rose and got discoloured, but the run of salmon still went on —you could see them nearly every day. A large run passed the bridge about the 16th May, and odd ones have been seen since. I took one out near the bridge, this morning [sth June]. It was just alive- fins and tail were gone —about 221b. in weight. I heard that numbers of these fish were spawning below the stone wall. The following is a list (as near as I can get it) of the fish caught between the 19th January and the 6th April, 1921 : —

" There were about fifteen other fish landed by other fishermen, but I have no particulars of these." Summary of Reports of Collectors of Customs and Inspectors of Fisheries. The following is a summary of the information contained in the annual reports supplied by the Collectors of Customs and Inspectors of Fisheries at the various fishing-ports : — Whangaroa. —The greatest drawback to the fishing industry at this port is that the fishermen are unable to get a market for their fish. There is only a very limited demand locally, and it is only in winter that small quantities can be sent to the Auckland market. Snapper, mullet, flounder, hapuka, kingfish, and crayfish can- be caught in very large quantities on the local fishing-grounds. Hokianga. —The usual market fish caught on the local fishing-grounds were plentiful during the year. The number of boats licensed and fishing was 14, and the number of men engaged in fishing and connected with the. industry was 23. Russell. —Most of the market fish obtainable in these waters were plentiful throughout the year, especially snapper and mullet. Excepting during heavy weather, a good supply of fish was always available for market. The principal markets for fish arc Whangarei, Hukcrenui, Kawakawa, Kaikohe, and other inland townships and settlements. On account of no cool-storage facilities, and only one steamer a week to Auckland, the quantity of fish sent to that market is limited. The price obtained by fishermen for their catches is as follows : Mullet, 2s. 6d. to 3s. 6d. a dozen ; snapper, 4s. to 55., according to their size ; hapuku, 2Jd. per pound. The number of fishing-boats licensed for the year was 51, employing about 120 fishermen. The number of whales killed at the Whangamumu whaling-station was 44, yielding about 200 tons of oil and 40 tons of bonedust; total value, about £9,600. For the last season (1920) a total of 3,058 sacks of oysters were picked from the Bay of Islands beds ; of these, 282 sacks were sold locally, and the balance, 2,776, were shipped to the Auckland oyster-depot. The rock walls built last year for the purpose of extending the beds have proved very satisfactory indeed in catching spat, and these young oysters are growing splendidly, especially in the Rawhiti section. Oyster-cultivation work was continued on the same lines this year : 3,212 yards were built in the most suitable localities in the Bay of Islands, and 394 yards at Whangarei, at a total cost of £302 2s. This work will in a few years greatly increase the quantity of oysters required to meet the increasing demand. The fishing, oystering, and whaling industry in this district gives employment to about 180 men, all of whom earn good wages. The total quantity of fish taken during the year was approximately 18,000 cwt. ; value, about £8,500. Whangarei. —The number of fishing-boats licensed and fishing during the year was 12, and the number of fishermen employed was 17. The quantity of fish marketed was 4,467 cwt. ; approximate value, £4,020. Kaipara. —The figures for the year show a steady growth in the industry generally. The number of boats licensed has increased from 27 to 36, and reports show that fish are plentiful. At

Name. Number caught. Weight of Largest, in Pounds. Name. Number caught. I Weight of Largest, in Pound s. Berry, E. T. Wall .. Elliott, M. J. Hooper .. Studholme Buttcrworth Ward .. Slodden Jackson Siye Dickson Jones Nicholas Michael.. is 12 8 3 6 4 6 8 9 3 3 2 (i 6 27 22 34 35j 25i 251 18 22 29 21 22 17J 20 21 Fleming Fleming Stead .. Moorhouse Adams . . Berry, jun. Gibbs, A. Swinard Presland Dennison Corbett Belcher Wall, ,). 2 2 5 4 2 2 2 1 14 16 24 14 14 9 12 10 7 12 22 15 11



one period catches of mullet were so great that no market could be found for the fish. The demand locally is limited, and difficulties of transport to Auckland and other markets prevents the expansion of the industry. The number of boats licensed was 36, employing 57 fishermen, with 10 men employed in other ways in connection with the industry. The total quantity of all kinds of fish marketed was 9,140 cwt., valued at £11,095. Auckland. —The Inspector reports that the number of boats registered at Auckland during the year was 1.65, and he gives the number actually engaged in fishing as 46, including 6 steam-trawlers. The number of persons employed in fishing and otherwise in connection with the industry is given as 204. The total quantity of fish brought into Auckland during the year was about 68,560 cwt., valued at £84,763. Fish of all kinds have been fairly plentiful. Several trawlers have worked in the Bay of Plenty when the weather was favourable, and got good catches, while the smaller trawlers working in the Hauraki Gulf have been getting moderate catches. The Auckland line fishermen •have mostly worked outside the Great Barrier, Little Barrier, Mokohinau, Mercury, and Alderman Islands, where in fine weather they get good catches of snapper, hapuku, blue cod, and kingfish. The Inspector recommends the erection of cool-storage plant on Mercury Island. The oyster-beds in the Hauraki Gulf are showing a fair quantity of young oysters, the best fixing being on Ponui; on Waiheke Island (on the outside), and in the Waiheke Passage ; Rakino Island ; on the western side of Motutapu Island ; on Rangitoto ; and on the Coromandel coast. The total quantity picked from the Hauraki Gulf, Great Barrier, and Kaipara beds last season was 3,739 sacks. During the year 733 yards of rock walls for oyster-cultivation were built in Tckumu Bay, Coromandel coast, and 566 at Port Fitzroy, Groat Barrier. Thames. —The report from the Inspector of Fisheries states that 8,200 cwt. of fish was landed from the local fishing-grounds during the year, principally flounder and snapper, and the value of the fish is given as £28,7.19. The number of boats employed in fishing was 32, and the number of men engaged in fishing was 70, and 25 persons were employed in other ways connected with the industry. Tauranga. —There were 24 fishing-boats licensed and about 30 men engaged in fishing. The quantity of fish caught is given as 1,000 cwt., valued at £2,800. Gisborne. —There were 24 hook-and-line boats and 3 trawlers engaged in fishing, and 50 fishermen and 9 other persons were employed in connection with the industry. The principal fish caught are tarakihi and snapper. The total weight of fish brought in was 1,948 cwt., valued at £5,103. Napier. —The Inspector states in his report that during the whole of the past year the trawlers have had very good catches throughout —undoubtedly the best results for many years. From October to March large catches of soles were obtained, but of a smaller average size than usually taken. The weather conditions during the past year were most favourable, and very little lost time was experienced. About the beginning of October large quantities of sardines made their appearance in the bay and remained until the end of March. The shoals were often sto 10 acres in extent. There are now 10 steam-trawlers located at this port, but only 9 were operating all the year. The largest trawler was in commission only three months, owing to coal-shortage and the difficulty in getting suitable fishermen. The total quantity and value of fish landed was: 7,550 cwt. flounder and sole at £2 10s. per hundredweight, £18,875 ; 8,780 cwt. round fish at £1 ss. per hundredweight, £10,975 ; 500 sacks crayfish at £1 10s. per sack, £750 ; B,ooolb. whitebait at 2s. per pound, £800 : total, £31,625. Number of fish-curing places, 3, employing 4 men ; number of trawlers, 10, employing 41 men ; number of oil-launches, 22, employing 44 men ; number of rowing-boats, 40, employing 56 men. New Plymouth. —The number of boats engaged in fishing during the year was 34, employing about 60 men, a number of whom fish part of the year only. Apart from actual fishing there were about 10 persons employed in connection with the industry. The quantity of fish taken by the local boats is given as 900 cwt. ; value, £1,200. Wanganui. —The quantity of all kinds of fish caught on the local grounds during the year is given as 190 cwt. ; value, £458. Ten rowing-boats were engaged in fishing, employing 9 fishermen and 2 curers. Foxton. —Twenty-five boats were licensed for fishing, and 40 men were engaged in fishing. Most of these men only fish occasionally. The quantity of fish caught, including whitebait, was about 300 cwt., valued at about £1,200. Wellington. —The Inspector reports that during the year he inspected the boats and nets at all the fishing-stations in the Wellington District. He states that the quantity and value of the fish taken compares favourably with that of the previous year. The returns show a decrease in the number of boats licensed and men employed. The Cook Strait fishermen lost a considerable amount of time on account of stormy meather. When conditions were favourable splendid catches of hapuku were made on the new grounds located off Cape Palliser, and farther north to White Rock Station. Flounder were very plentiful on the west coast between Waikanae and. Foxton. The quantity of fish taken from the fishing-grounds near Kapiti Island has been well maintained. The supply of fish for the Wellington market has been well maintained during the year. Sixty-two fishing-boats were licensed, employing 123 fishermen. The total quantity of Ash caught was 17,250 cwt., valued at £24,230. Picton. —The local Inspector reports that the quantities of the various kinds of fish caught have been equal to previous years. After supplying local requirements the balance of the fish is sent to the Wellington market. During the year 26 oil-launches and 1 steam-trawler have been engaged in fishing, employing 35 fishermen. Three high-powered oil-driven launches are also employed in connection with the whaling industry. Forty-three humpback whales were taken last season at the Tory Channel whaling-station. The product from these was 218 tons of oil, valued at £7,242, and 40 tons bonedust, valued at about £200.



Blenheim,. —The number of fishing-boats licensed for the year was 12, employing 18 fishermen. The total quantity of fish caught was 800 cwt., valued at £2,240. Notwithstanding several long periods of bad weather, the local fishermen state that they have had a very fair year. Nelson. —Sixty-two boats were licensed for fishing during the year. These include the boats engaged in fishing in Pelorus Sound and about the French Pass. The greater number of the boats licensed are owned by settlers in the outlying districts, who fish only in their spare time. The number of men exclusively engaged in fishing was 15. Approximately the quantity of fish caught on the local grounds and brought in to Nelson was 1,095 cwt., the value of which is given as £1,271. These figures do not include the French Pass catches, which are sent to Wellington. The fishing industry does not show any signs of expansion, although extensive fishing-grounds exist in the bay. Westport. —The Collector reports a very poor whitebait season. The number of boats licensed and engaged part of the time in fishing was 9. There was 1 steam-trawler and 5 launches engaged in trawling, employing 10 fishermen. The quantity of fish landed (including 43 cwt. whitebait) was 1,1994- cwt - ; total valu °. £2,002. Greymouth. —The past year has been a very poor one for the local fishermen. Most of the fish sold in the shops are obtained from the trawler working from Westport. Eleven boats were licensed for fishing, and 16 men engaged (casually) in. fishing and 6 others otherwise employed. Only 5 cwt. of fish was caught locally ; value, £119. Hokitika.- —The Inspector reports that only 1 boat was licensed during the year. Two men were engaged in fishing, and the quantity of fish caught locally is given as 77|cwt., and 9801b. of whitebait; total value, about £147. The past season was an exceptionally poor one for whitebait. Kaikoura. —The number of oil-launches licensed and engaged during the year was 23, employing 47 fishermen and 3 others in connection with the fish-freezing works. Fish have been very plentiful, good catches of groper, trumpeter, kingfish, butterfish, and blue cod being made during the greater part of the year. The quantity landed was approximately 6,265 cwt., representing a value to the fishermen of £12,308. Three powerful oil-launches were engaged in whaling last season and were successful in killing twenty humpback and one sperm whale. These yielded 63 tons of oil, the total value of which was £2,220. The sperm whale also yielded 100 gallons of spermaceti, valued at about 9s. a gallon. A safe boat-harbour is urgently required, as the present anchorage is highly dangerous in heavy weather. » Rangiora. —The past season has been a particularly poor one for whitebait, and also for the other kinds of fish usually caught in the Ashley estuary. The total catch, including 18 cwt. whitebait, was only 34 cwt. ; value, about £295. The number of boats licensed was 18, employing 21 men. Kaiapoi. —The season has been a poor one both for whitebait and flounder. The total quantity brought in is given as 240cwt., principally whitebait; value, about £2,000. Twenty-four boats (mostly rowing-boats) were licensed for fishing, employing 24 men. New Brighton. —The only fishing done is whitebaiting. The quantity taken last season was 7 cwt. ; value, £75. Souihbridge (Lake Ellesmere). —The catch of flounder for the year was very satisfactory, although the quantity taken did not come up to the previous year. Twenty-three boats were engaged in fishing, employing 35 men. The total quantity taken for the year was 2,220 cwt., valued at £4,979. Lyttelton and Sumner. —The varieties of fish taken on the local fishing-grounds were the same as in previous years. The quantity brought in for the year was 6,643 cwt., representing a total value of about £13,942. The actual number of men engaged in. fishing was 30, employing 20 boats. One steam-trawler and 6 oil-launches were engaged in trawling. Akaroa. —Good catches of groper, flounder, sole, tarakihi, blue cod, red cod, ling, barracouta, butterfish, moki, and crayfish were made. The total quantity brought in of all kinds of market fish caught was about 4,740-cwt. ; value, about £6,370. This quantity shows a substantial increase on the previous year's catch. The number of boats licensed was 14, employing 28 fishermen. Christchurch. —The number of boats licensed for fishing for the year was 184, and the number actually engaged in fishing at the different fishing-stations in the district was 122, as follows : Kaikoura, 23 boats, employing 47 fishermen ; Rangiora, 18 boats, employing 21 men ; Kaiapoi, 24 boats, employing 24 men ; Southbridge, 23 boats, employing 35 men ; Lyttelton, 20 boats, employing 30 men ; Akaroa, 14 boats, employing 28 men. Timaru. —The report states the past season has been a very poor one on the local fishing-grounds. Fish have been scarce, and the majority of the fishing-boats have been out of commission most of the time. The number of boats licensed for the year is 20, including 1 steam-trawler and 8 oil-engined trawlers, and the number of men engaged in fishing is about 30, with 8 persons employed in other ways connected with the industry. The weight of fish brought in during the year is given as 1,600 cwt.; value, £4,000. Oamaru. —Compared with last year this one shows an increase in the total quantity of fish brought in. Nine boats have been engaged in fishing, employing 18 men. The quantity of fish brought in was 3,367 cwt, ; value, £3,687. Moeraki. —There were 24 boats engaged in fishing, employing 36 men. The quantity of fish caught on the local grounds during the year was 3,560 cwt. ; value, £4,765. Otago District. —The Inspector reports a very successful year for all fishermen as regards the supply of the usual market fish obtained on the local grounds. The weather conditions have been more favourable during the greater part of the year than for several seasons, and, on the whole, fishermen have had a good year. Several of the fishermen have purchased larger boats, which enables them to go to sea and fish with much less loss of time than previously. On account of the low price obtained at the Dunedin wholesale market several of the Port Chalmers fishermen are taking their fish direct to Dunedin and selling them to the public at the wharf-landing, and one other boat sells to the public



in the same way at Port Chalmers. The number of boats licensed and engaged in fishing was 86, including 2 steam-trawlers and 7 oil-engined launches engaged in trawling, employing 146 fishermen. There are, besides, 90 other persons employed otherwise in connection with the fishing industry. The estimated total weight of fish brought in during the year is 45,220 cwt. ; value, about £49,942. Invercargill. —The total weight of the usual market fish brought in from the local fishing-grounds for the year was 1,320 cwt. ; wholesale value, £2,866 ; and the number of boats engaged in fishing was 9, employing 20 fishermen. Bluff. —The report supplied by the local Inspector states that oysters on the Foveaux Strait beds are plentiful and in excellent condition. Fifty-four fishing-vessels, comprising steam-trawlers, auxiliary cutters, and launches, were engaged in the industry during the year, employing about 115 men. The quantity of all kinds of fish brought in was 5,941 cwt., wholesale value £12,820 ; and the oyster-catch for the season amounted to 26,703 sacks, wholesale value £16,689. Stewart Island. —The report from Stewart Island shows that during the year 28 boats were engaged in fishing, employing 65 fishermen, and 8 others employed otherwise in connection with the industry. Blue cod, groper, trumpeter, butterfish, and moki were, as usual, the principal fish caught. The catch for the year was 4,645 cwt., valued at £6,988. Chatham, Islands. —There were 9 boats licensed and fishing during the year, employing 18 fishermen, and 8 others employed in connection with the fish-freezers, cleaning-sheds, &c. The quantity of fish caught was —blue cod, 1,531-1 cwt. ; and groper, 206jcwt. : value, £1,549 15s. Returns. The following returns are appended herewith, viz.:— (1.) The quantity of oysters taken from the various beds, the quantity disposed of in the Dominion, the quantity exported, and total value. (2.) The total quantity and value of fish imported into and exported from New Zealand during the year ended 31st December, 1920. (3.) The number of whales taken at each whaling-station, the species taken, and the quantity and value of oil, bonedust, or fertilizer produced. (4.) The number of steam-trawlers, oil-engine trawlers, and other vessels employed in net and line fishing, with the number of fishermen employed, and approximately the total number of persons engaged in the fishing industry at each port, for the year ended 31st March, 1921. (5.) The various kinds of fish caught, and approximately the total quantities and value of fish landed at the different fishing-ports, for the year ended 31st March, 1921. I have, &c, L. F. Ayson, The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. Chief Inspector of Fisheries.

3—H. 15.

lYSTBBS. Locality. Disposed of in Dominion. Exported. Total Number. Total Value. "oveaux Strait Saoks. 24,848 Sacks. 1,855 Sacks. 26,703 £ 16,689 s. d. 0 0 Bock-oysters. 3,058\ 2,9481 300 491J iay of Islands lauraki Gulf treat Barrier [aipara 6,797 5,968 9 0 Total ... 22,657 9 0 Whaling. Whaling-station. Number of Whales taken. Species. Yield of Oil. Quantity of Bonedust or Fertilizer produced. Total Value. Wbangamumu... Marlborough Sounds and Cook Strait 44 43 Humpback ... Tons. 200 218 40 tons bonedust ... S, 9,600 7,442 ii ii Kaikoura ( 20 1 Sperm 60 3 100 gals, spermaceti) 2,265 Totals 108 481 19,307



Return showing the Total Quantity and Value of Fish imported into and exported from New Zealand during the Year ended 31st December, 1920.

Table showing the Number of Steam-trawlers, Oil-engine Trawlers, and other Vessels employed in Line and net Fishing, with the Number of Fishermen employed, and approximately the Total Number of Persons engaged in the Fishing Industry at each Port for the Year ended 31st March, 1921. (Compiled from the returns given in the district Inspectors' reports.)

•is importei Quantity. Value. Anchovies, salted (in bulk) Oysters, fresh Other fish, fresh or frozen Fish, preserved in tins Fish, smoked, dried, pickled, and salted ... 5 cwt. Nil Nil 4,755,1371b. 2,176 cwt. £57 Nil. Nil. £251,398 £8,227 Fish exported. Now Zealand Produce. Not New Zealand Produce. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Anchovies, salted (in bulk) ... Oysters, fresh Other fish, fresh or frozen Fish, preserved in tins Fish, smoked, dried, pickled, and salted Nil 121,234 doz. 6,375 cwt. 133,4721b. 282 cwt. Nil £1,323 £14,032 £12,891 £599 Nil Nil Nil 313,6111b. 78 cwt. Nil. Nil. Nil. £11,785 £253

Name of Port. Steamtrawlers. „., . Line- and Number of Oil-engine Net . fishing Fishermen irawjors. Vessels. employed. Persons Total other than Number of Fishermen Persons employed. employed. Whangaroa Hokianga Russell Whangarei Kaipara Auckland Thames Tauranga Gisborne Napier New Plymouth Wanganui Foxton Wellington Picton Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Kaikoura Rangiora Kaiapoi Southbridge Lyttelton and Sumner Akaroa Timaru 6 3 10 1 1 12 14 51 12 36 165 32 24 24 60 34 10 25 62 26 12 62 9 11 1 23 18 24 23 20 14 11 |9 24 77 ii.9 54 28 9 7 23 120 17 57 134 70 30 50 141 60 9 40 143 35 18 15 10 16 2 47 21 24 35 30 28 30 18 36 146 20 60 10 70 25 9 4 10 2 1 135 6 4 7 23 180 17 67 204 95 30 59 145 70 11 41 278 41 22 15 10 22 2 50 21 24 35 34 28 38 18 36 236 20 115 73 26 1 6 3 6 4 8 8 Oamaru Moeraki Otago District Invercargill Bluff Stewart Island Chatham Islands 2 7 90 65 18 8 8 Totals 1,025 1,515 463 26 22 2,093



Table showing the various Kinds of Fish caught and approximately the Total Quantities and Value of Fish landed at the different Fishing-ports for the Year ended 31st March, 1921. (Compiled from the figures given in the district Inspectors' reports for the year.)

Name of Port. Kinds of Fish caught. Quantity. Total Value. Whangaroa Hapuku, kahawai, snapper, kingfish, mullet, flounder, and crayfish Snapper, mullet, flounder, and kahawai Mullet, snapper, tarakihi, trevally, kahawai, flounder, hapuku, kingfish, and crayfish Whale-oil Bonedust Oysters Snapper, mullet, flounder, gurnard, and kahawai Hapuku, flounder, snapper, mullet, and trevally Snapper, flounder, sole, mullet, hapuku, tarakihi, kahawai, kingfish, and crayfish Oysters Flounder, snapper, trevally, tarakihi, hapuku, gurnard Snapper, hapuku, flounder, herring, mullet, garfish, trevally, barracouta, kahawai, and gurnard Flounder, sole, gurnard, snapper, tarakihi, hapuku, moki, and red eod Snapper, gurnard, flounder, sole, butterfish, moki, ling, barracouta, warehou, kingfish, crayfish, and whitebait Crayfish Whitebait Snapper, blue cod, flounder, hapuku, ling, gurnard, herring, kahawai, and crayfish Blue cod, hapuku, flounder, snapper, kahawai, mullet, barracouta, and gurnard Flounder, snapper, kahawai, hapuku, mullet, and whitebait .. Flounder, solo, snapper, hapuku, hake, warehou, moki, tarakihi, gurnard, butterfish, blue cod, red cod, kahawai, and crayfish Blue cod, red cod, hapuku, butterfish, moki, flounder, sole, herring, garfish, mackerel, and crayfish Whale-oil Bonedust .. .. .. '.. Blue cod, flounder, sole, snapper, tarakihi, red cod, hapuku, hake, butterfish, kahawai, and whitebait Flounder, sole, hake, hapuku, snapper, butterfish, blue cod, red cod, gurnard, moki, kahawai, and whitebait Whitebait, flounder, sole, hapuku, snapper, kahawai, herring, gurnard, red cod, and crayfish Whitebait, snapper, red cod, hapuku, and flounder Whitebait, herring, red cod, flounder, and snapper Whitebait .. .. .. .. Trumpeter, gropor, ling, kingfish, blue cod, red cod, butterfish, and crayfish Whale-oil Spermaceti Whitebait, flounder, and herring Whitebait, flounder, herring, and red cod Whitebait and flounder Flounder, herring, and red cod Flounder, sole, groper, tarakihi, kingfish, moki, butterfish, ling, gurnard Blue cod, red cod, moki, trevally, groper, butterfish, flounder, sole, ling, tarakihi, barracouta, and crayfish Groper, flounder, sole, moki, tarakihi, ling, gurnard, red cod, kingfish, and barracouta Groper, blue cod, red cod, moki, barracouta, ling, tarakihi, warehou, and gurnard Groper, red cod, blue cod, moki, barracouta, ling, warehou, and gurnard Solo, flounder, brill, skate, groper, kingfish, ling, tarakihi, moki, blue cod, red cod, barracouta, trumpeter, trevally, garfish, gurnard, and kahawai Groper, blue cod, red cod, flounder, sole, ling, barracouta, moki, trevally, and crayfish Blue cod, red cod, flounder, sole, groper, trumpeter, trevally, and moki Oysters Blue cod, gropor, butterfish, trumpeter, and moki Blue cod and hapuku 300 cwt. £ s. d. 750 0 0 Hokianga Russell No return sup 18,000 cwt. plied. 8,500 0 0 Kaipara Whangarei Auckland 200 tons 40 tons 3,058 sacks 9,140 cwt. 4,767 cwt. 68,560 cwt, | 9,600 0 0 *3,029 16 0 11,095 0 0 8,040 0 0 84,763 0 0 Thames Tauranga 3,739 sacks 8,200 cwt. 1,000 cwt. *3,739 0 0 28,719 0 0 2,800 0 0 Gisborne 1,949 cwt. 5,103 0 0 Napier 24,830 cwt. 29,850 0 0 New Plymouth .. 500 sacks 8,0001b. 900 cwt. 750 0 0 800 0 0 1,200 0 0 Wanganui 190 cwt. 458 0 0 Foxton Wellington 300 cwt. 17,250 cwt. 1,200 0 0 24,230 0 0 Picton 2,000 cwt. 2,750 0 0 Blenheim 218 tons 40 tons 800 cwt. 7,242 0 0 200 0 0 2,240 0 0 Nelson 1,095 cwt. 1,271 0 0 Westport 1,199i cwt. 2,002 0 0 Greymouth Hokitika 5 cwt. 77 J cwt. 980 lb. 6,265 cwt. 119 0 0 147 0 0 49 0 0 12,308 0 0 Kaikoura Rangiora Kaiapoi New Brighton Southbridge Lyttelton and Sumner Akaroa 63 tons 100 gal. 34 cwt. 240 cwt. 7 cwt, 2,220 cwt. 6,643 cwt. 2,220 0 0 45 0 0 295 0 0 •j-2,000 0 0 75 0 0 4,979 0 0 13,942 0 0 4,740 cwt. 6,370 0 0 Timaru 1,600 cwt. 4,000 0 0 Oamaru 3,367 cwt. 3,687 0 0 Moeraki 3,560 cwt. 4,765 0 0 Dunedin and Port Chalmers 45,220 cwt. 49,942 0 0 Invercargill 1,320 cwt. 2,866 0 0 Bluff .. 5,941 cwt. 12,820 0 0 Stewart Island .. Chatham Islands.. 26,703 sacks 4,645 cwt. 1,738 cwt. 16,689 0 0 6,988 0 0 1,549 15 0 * Wholesale value. Mostl; whitebait.



The Marine Engineer to the Secretary, Marine Department. Sir— Wellington, 23rd August, 1921. I have the honour to report as follows upon the various works dealt with during the year ended 31st March, 1921 :— Cape Maria van Diemen. —The erection of two new dwellings is in hand, and satisfactory progress is being made despite the isolation and the great difficulties to be surmounted in landing materials and supplies. Kaipara Heads. —Two lightkeepers' dwellings are in course of erection. East Cape Lighthouse. —lt is proposed to transfer the present lighthouse to the mainland, owing .to threatened danger by erosion to the present site. Two cottages, oil-stores, workshops, &c, will be erected as usual, and two landings provided, and roads from same to the foot of hill on which light will be established. A tramway with hauling-cngine will give access to the site of the tower. Material is being purchased and assembled in readiness for transport to the site, and a commencement with the work will be made at an early date. Cape Campbell. —Two new dwellings are to be erected at this station, and the necessary material is now being obtained. Jackson's Head. —The tower for this lighthouse has been manufactured, and will be placed in position as soon as possible. Kaikoura Boat-harbour Improvement. —Plans submitted by the local body for improvement of this boat-harbour have been approved, and authority for £1,000 is being issued. The erection of a boatslip is in hand. General. The proposals submitted for approval have been dealt with as below : — Wharves and Jetties. —Little Wanganui—minor repairs effected ; New Brighton—wharf plans approved; Lake Rotorua —erection of jetties approved; Jackson's Bay —jetty plans approved; Turua—erection of wharf and shed approved ; Queonstown--construction of wharf approved ; Lake Wakatipu—jetty authorized ; Tauranga—erection of two jetties approved ; Whananaki—replacement old bridge approved ; Takapuna—repairs to wharf approved. Foreshore Leases. —Golden Bay—boat-shed site ; Balena Bay (Wellington)—extension of boatshed ; Harold Bay —boat-slip site ; Omanaia River —lease approved ; Rawene —lease approved ; Sumner—landing-stage approved ; Cambridge—landing-stage authorized ; Thule Bay (Stewart Island) —boat-shed site approved ; Momorangi Bay —lease approved. Reclamations. —Tamaki River—boat-shed site approved ; Tauranga —Harbour Board authorized to reclaim 113 acres. Harbour-works. —Waikokopu —proposals for construction of inner harbour approved ; Whakatane— proposals to combat erosion approved ; Opunake—construction of mole conditionally approved ; Tauranga—dredging of channel approved ; Takaka training-walls —so far financial considerations have prevented the Takaka County Council from proceeding with this work, which the Government is subsidizing; Bulwer Wharf—plans of this proposed structure have been prepared. F. W. Furkert, M.lnst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Marine Engineer.




Return showing the Total Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1921.

Details. Totals. lead Office : Salaries of staff [arbours : — Greymouth,— Salary of Engineer Hokianga,— Salaries of staff Stores and contingencies £ s. d. £ s. d. 5,848 1 0 600 0 0 801 8 2 217 5 8 Kaipara,— Salaries of staff Stores and contingencies Wellington,— Salary of storeman Somes Island, — Salaries Stores and contingencies Picton, — Salaries Stores and contingencies Ngunguru,— Salary .. .. Napier,— Salary Marakopa,— Salary Tongapurutu,— Salary Stores and contingencies 1,018 13 10 674 10 0 324 1 7 998 11 7 315 0 0 349 15 10 230 9 11 580 5 9 378 8 0 172 18 1 551 6 1 20 0 0 20 0 0 12 0 0 30 0 0 4 11 0 34 11 0 158 0 8 Mokau, — Subsidy Waitapu,— Salary Stores and contingencies Awakino, — Salary Stores and contingencies Collingwood,— Salary Stores and contingencies 30 0 0 4 7 0 34 7 0 25 0 0 10 10 6 35 10 0 70 0 0 38 18 9 Karamea, — Salary Stores and contingencies Little Wanganui Pilotage Hokitika, — Salary Gas Okarito, — Salary Stores and contingencies Okuru, — Salary Waikawa, — Salary Anglem Point, — Salary Stores 108 18 9 165 0 0 47 15 6 212 15 6 9 0 0 25 0 0 14 12 0 39 .12 0 130 0 0 138 13 0 268 13 0 70 0 0 12 0 0 48 15 0 22 9 0 71 4 0 Total .. 11,018 17 2 •• .ighthouses :— Salaries Oil, stores, and contingencies Keepers' station and travelling allowances 17,575 10 8 15,582 19 10 1,059 5 0 34,217 15 (i leteorological Office :— Salaries Cleaning offices Extra clerical assistance Inspection of stations Postage, telegrams, rent of boxes Printing and stationery Rent, office equipment, &c. Repairs, purchase of instruments Telephone services Contingencies .. .. 1,847 3 2 29 14 0 91 5 10 123 13 11 1,514 17 7 109 5 0 164 10 9 342 16 0 48 3 8 47 1 11 [ercantile Marine Offices :— Salaries Cleaning offices Office fittings and requisites Rent Telephones Travelling allowances and expenses Extra clerical assistance Contingencies 4,320 18 4 12,104 5 3 1 4 0 59 10 2 205 0 0 153 8 3 331 11 8 157 16 8 1 1 0 13,074 3 0



Return showing the Total Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1921— continued.

Is. Is. [nspection of machinery and survey of ships : — Salaries Advertising, books, periodicals, &c. Collection of inspection fees Rent, cleaning offices, &c. Office fittings and requisites Telephones Travelling allowances and expenses Expenses of Chief Inspector in Australia Fuel, light, power, and water Contingencies £ s. d. 19,110 5 7 63 7 7 150 0 0 108 II 0 254 8 10 212 10 7 6,348 8 2 25 0 0 1 14 9 30 4 3 £ s. d. 20,304 10 9 Protection of fish and oysters :— Salaries Benzine, oil, stores, &c. Casual labour Hakataramea Salmon-station Hatchery Erection of stop-banks and groynes Grant for maintenance, Portobello Picking and sale of oysters Planting of oysters Re-erection of salmon-hatchery shed Stocking rivers with salmon Travelling allowances and expenses Collection and distribution of trout ova Launch for Bay of Islands Purchase of nets and gear for sale Reward to Inspector J. P. Bennett Contingencies 2,573 4 2 559 13 5 205 14 11 95 8 0 141 11 3 500 0 0 5,494 18 2 870 11 6 456 8 2 120 2 0 478 9 0 25 15 4 6 4 6 3,006 10 11 30 0 0 79 5 7 government steamers: — Salaries Training-ship " Amokura " S.s. " Hinemoa " S.s. " Tutanekai" New training-ship : Cost of bringing from England 14,643 16 11 1,987 0 5 8,737 12 8 16,412 16 4 21,446 8 9 531 10 7 49,115 8 9 lliscellaneous :— Administration, Shipping and Seamen Act Checking overcrowding on steamers Contribution towards New Zealand Sailors' room, Auckland Expenses connected with examinations Extra clerical assistance Extra clerical assistance : Cost-of-living rises Fog-signals, cartridges, &c. Fuel, light, power, and water Audit fees Office fittings and requisites Postage, telegrams, &c. Preparation of tide-tables Relief of distressed seamen Relief of distressed seamen in United Kingdom Charts, &c, and advertising Superannuation of R. C. Hunter Survey of unseaworthy ships Telephones Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies Prosecutions Contribution to Mokau Harbour Board (salary) Grant to Mokau Harbour Board Rent of High Commissioner's Office, London Carriage and freight Piako River leading lights Allowances to officers performing higher duties Government advance in hands of officer committed to mental hospital Compensation to A. Peterson Cost of trip of " Tutanekai " to McQuarrie Island Cost-of-living bonus Expenses of Inland Waterways Commission Clearing willows from Mongonui and Wairau Rivers, Kaipara Repairing wharf, Okuru Nautical tables.. " New Zealand Nautical Almanac " Relief of crew, schooner " Awanui " Removal of snags, Karamea River Removal of willows, Waiotu Stream Renewal of wharves Ront, examination-room, Wellington Repairs to beacon, Jackson's Head Repairing Kenepuru Canal Motueka Harbour Repairs to Ti Point wharf Repairing and extending wharf, French Pass Repairs to Clutha River Board's dredge Typewriters, purchase and repairs War medals and ribands 357 16 9 543 11 7 17 17 0 80 14 1 1,322 8 8 62 8 10 604 1 11 43 6 6 75 0 0 2,013 I :>, 1,223 10 6 550 0 0 116 16 4 99 6 4 94 18 4 90 0 0 9 9 0" 175 10 1 274 9 8 47 12 9 15 5 1 6 13 4 75 0 0 100 0 0 249 (i 3 81 10 0 102 3 7 20 17 10 39 18 0 14 17 10 1,378 3 5 9 8 11 87 4 2 16 2 10 300 0 0 1,162 13 0 629 12 9 52 1 5 49 10 0 341 18 7 386 2 7 152 13 0 11 7 11 23 18 6 142 2 7 917 0 0 1,070 0 0 3 7 0 10 6 2 15,241 10 4 Grand total 167,937 0 9



Return showing Total Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1921.

Return showing Number of Fishing-boats registered and Licensed at each Port during the Year ended 31st December, 1920.

Oil ci insumod. Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Stores and Contingencies. Totals. Gallons. Value. Capo Maria van Diemen Capo Brett Mokohinou Tiritiri Cuvier Island East Cape Portland Island Castle Point Cape Pallisor Pencarrow Head Cape Egmont Manukau Head Kaipara Head Brothers JTrench Pass Stephen Island Tory Channel Capo Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Jack's Point Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island Contro Island Puysogur Point Cape Foulwind Kahurangi Point Farewell Spit Somes Island Hokitika £ s. d. 419 2 8 052 11 0 049 7 0 437 3 10 008 19 8 032 7 8 646 16 1 665 14 4 487 15 9 453 4 4 457 10 0 487 10 0 472 0 0 753 2 0 271 5 0 501 6 6 58 6 8 528 18 8 471 8 6 464 3 4 268 15 0 462 18 4 508 15 0 452 10 0 060 14 4 473 10 7 632 11 4 625 3 8 630 5 4 422 9 5 679 15 7 668 2 0 349 5 10 25 0 0 834 701 739 629 588 771 789 677 707 707 877 680 973 046 188 876 187 617 714 628 322 058 019 052 828 784 515 751 704 728 739 072 819 Gas £ s. d. 104 5 0 87 12 6 92 7 6 78 12 6 73 10 0 96 7 6 98 12 6 84 12 6 88 7 6 88 7 6 109 12 6 85 15 0 121 12 6 80 15 0 27 5 10 109 10 0 31 3 4 77 2 6 89 5 0 78 10 0 40 5 0 82 5 0 77 7 6 81 10 0 103 10 0 96 15 0 85 16 8 93 17 6 88 0 0 91 0 0 92 7 0 84 0 0 136 10 0 13 16 0 £ s. d. f»2,226 5 1 (6)502 8 7 113 7 2 33 0 2 68 8 7 (c)205 16 8 (n!)194 2 6 62 15 2 64 2 7 245 7 1 147 19 8 (e)88 19 4 (/)422 15 8 (</)329 8 11 ((7)110 6 10 (A)848 15 6 £ s. d. 2,749 12 9 1,242 12 1 855 1 8 548 16 6 750 18 3 934 11 10 939 11 1 813 2 0 040 5 10 786 18 11 715 2 2 662 4 4 1,016 8 2 1,163 5 11 408 17 8 1,459 12 0 89 10 0 753 18 2 721 3 10 580 18 2 405 9 3 622 6 1 699 8 4 684 12 6 923 19 7 761 2 6 840 6 4 903 1 11 871 4 10 693 2 1 1,000 8 0 1,016 14 8 716 5 9 39 12 0 (7)147 17 0 100 10 4 38 4 10 96 9 3 77 2 9 113 5 10 (3)150 12 6 0)159 15 3 (!7)190 16 11 121 18 4 (/!-, !7)184 0 9 (0152 19 6 ((7)179 12 8 (m)228 4 11 (m)264 12 8 230 9 11 0 16 0 Totals 16,978 9 5 2,870 6 10 8,161 8 11 28,010 5 2 (a) Includes £1,672 17s. 4d., cost of erection i for goods damaged. (ci) Includes £28, carriage of allowance. (17) Includes wages of temporary <i) Includes £26 5s., refund hospital expenses. it) Includes £38 5s. for new boathouse and £25 for (a) Includes £94 16s. 3d. for fodder. of now dwellings, mails. (e) Incluc keepers. (h) . (ft Includes £30 carriage of stores. (6) Includes ios £4!) 59., si [ncludes £14for new hoi (m) Iucl £306 for new oil[edging stores, &< 4 2s. 5d, for 1 t-sc. (k) Inch ludes £163 9s. 6d ■engine. (<;) Inch s. (/) Includes >oard for workmec ides £41 10a., can . for cartage and ca udes £52 6s. 7d. £36, signallingl and cement, riago of mails, irriage of mails.

Port. Number Number registered. licensed. Port. Number Number registered. licensed. Auokland Bluff and Invercargill .. Chatham Islands Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hokianga Hokitika Kaipara Lyttelton Napier Nelson New Plymouth 216 81 7 86 17 18 16 216 81 7 86 17 18 16 Brought forward .. Oamaru Patea Picton Russell Tauranga Thames Timaru Wairau Wanganui Wellington Westport 1,234 32 4 35 52 27 45 17 13 24 103 10 1,234 32 4 35 52 27 45 17 13 24 103 10 91 509 79 81 33 91 509 79 81 33 Totals 1,566 1,566 Carried forward .. 1,234 1,234



Return showing the Amount of Light Dues collected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1921.

Return showing the Fees, etc., received under the Shipping and Seamen Acts, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Harbours Acts, the Fisheries Acts, the Inspection of Machinery Acts, and the Tramways Acts during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1921.

Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Port. Amount collected. Auckland Onehunga Thames Coromandel Whitianga Whangarei Russell Whangaroa Hokianga Whakatano Whangape Mangonui Dunedin Lyttelton Wellington Greymouth Gisborne Hokitika Invercargill and Bluff Kaipara Napier Nelson New Plymouth Waitara Oamaru Patea Tauranga.. Timaru Wairau Picton Wanganui Westport .. Riverton £ s. d. 19,821 6 4 88 9 7 65 13 7 6 3 2 9 9 5 410 0 5 37 13 5 10 9 2 18 14 8 126 3 2 1 2 6 0 10 1,724 10 7 4,606 14 5 12,046 2 1 866 12 4 215 2 5 0 14 7 1,095 1 4 27 0 4 1,000 19 9 221 14 11 662 19 4 96 17 9 80 15 6 18 17 6 73 0 3 656 13 7 7 10 1 307 14 9 446 1 11 230 11 1 110 Total .. 44,982 1 11

Nature of Eeceipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamen Acts :— Fees for engagement and discharge of seamen, and sale of forms Fees for survey of steamers and sailingvessels Fees for measurement of ships Fees for examination of masters, mates, and engineers Light dues Sundry receipts £ s. d. 4,500 6 8 2,949 18 0 41 1 0 490 9 6 44,982 1 11 1,247 3 11 Merchant Shipping Act 121 8 10 Harbours Acts :— Pilotage, port charges, &c. Foreshore-rents and sundry receipts 1,002 16 3 1,204 11 8 Fisheries Acts:— Sale of oysters Sundry receipts 6,923 7 0 482 15 0 Inspection of Machinery Acts : — Fees for inspection of boilers and machinery Fees for examination of engino-drivers .. 14,056 17 6 605 10 0 Tramways Acts :— Fees for examination of electric-tram drivers 167 0 0 Total 78,775 7 3

Name of Lighthouse. Cost of Erection. Name of Lighthouse. I Cost of Erection. 'encarrow Head Telson 'iritiri lana Island* 'aiaroa Head J-odley Head )og Island I'arowoll Spit lugget Point 'ape Campbell lanukau Head lape Foulwind irothers 'ortland Island loeraki Jentre Island 'uysegur Point lapo Maria van Diemen ikaroa Head !apo Saundors Jape Egmontt £ s. d. 6,422 0 4 2,824 8 9 5,747 7 2 5,513 0 1 4,923 14 11 4,705 16 4 10,480 12 8 6,139 11 8 6,597 3 7 5,619 2 6 4,975 2 4 6,955 9 1 6,241 0 0 6,554 14 5 4,288 13 2 5,785 19 0 9,958 19 5 7,028 14 8 7,150 6 5 6,066 6 3 3,353 17 11 Mokobinou Waipapapa Point Ponui Passage} Kaipara Head French Pass Cuvier Island Stephen Island Capo Palliser East Cape Kahurangi Point Jack's Point Cape Brett Castle Point Chicken Island Channel Islet Karori Rock Okuri Point Cost of telegraph-cable to Tiritiri Miscellaneous and unallocated £ s. d. 8,186 5 0 5,969 18 11 5,660 8 0 1,427 17 5 7,406 16 11 9,349 9 11 6,243 10 1 7,594 8 8 9,528 1 1 1,204 10 9 11,237 3 5 9,703 10 10 1,149 3 4 1,227 7 8 4,570 6 1 448 18 0 1,085 19 6 1,322 2 2 Total .. .. £220,648 10 5 * Light discontinued; moved to Capi from Mana Island, is not included in th: Department. 3 Egmont. + Cosis. t Built by Pre b of iron tower, lantern, and apparatus, whii ivincial Government of Auckland; cost not ch wore removed {Down in Marine



Return showing the Number of Seamen engaged and discharged in the Foreign and Intercolonial Trade, the Home Trade, and within Restricted Limits respectively, together with the Amount of Fees received for the same, for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1921.

4—H. 15.

Engagements and Disci Foreign and Intercolonii carges in d Trade. Engagements ai Home id Discharges in frade. Engagements and Discharges in Restricted Limits. Total Engagements. Total Discharges. Grand Totals. Port. 1 "H rr! CC 00 !-; 00 CC g s cc Fees 8 S S .a a h ._ £ s a a os So received. =csa a co a - co o aao a sec m Fees : S g roc Fees received, j h d S\ received. o; co ror o u CD DC a g sh F ees h 0S3 received. 3 oo o H 00 — .iCOtl • a? Fees 5 S S •3 a tso received. a g.a 3CE oe C3J0 ce Fees received. u a 3 a si a 3r/o Fees received. is Sec S3 Fees received. "o . a Fees received. £ s, d. Auckland .. .. 3,543 293 15 6 3,667 Dunedin and Port Chalmers 1,565 125 0 6 1,545 Greymouth .. ... 74 6 0 6 81 Hokianga .. .. 5 0 8 6 3 Hokitika Invercargill .. .. 57 j 4 4 6 49 Kaipara .. .. 25 j 1 17 6 25 Lyttelton .. .. 683 57 7 6 : 703 Mangonui Napier .. .. 14 1 4 0 13 Nelson .. .... New Plymouth .. .. 53 4 0 6 55 Oamaru .. .. 52 5 1 6 51 Onehunga .. .. 8 0 12 0 41 Patea Picton .. .. 7 0 10 6 4 Poverty Bay .. .. 10 0 15 6 51 Russell .. .. j 11 10 0 6 Tauranga .. ..-'.. Thames .. .... Timaru .. .. 27 i 2 4 0 26 Wairau Wanganui .. .. 12 1 1 0 19 Wellington .. .. 3,968 296 13 0 3,823 Westport .. .. 41 3 2 6 43 Whangape Whangarei .. .. 2 ' 0 4 0 3 Totals .. .. 10,157 J805 3 0 10,208 £ s. <L £ s. d. ! 295 10 0 3,711 ,272 11 0 125 11 0 576 39 15 0 6 7 6 124 i 9 7 6 0 5 0 19 12 0 10 0 7 0 3 10 6 2 0 3 0 1 19 6 38 3 3 6 59 0 6 1,899 140 19 0 12 0 311 19 12 0 519 32 17 6 4 4 6: 29 260 4 19 6 I 10 0 17 0 2 18 6 | 567 40 3 0 9 0 13 6 0 6 0 12 0 19 0 3 10 0 43 3 8 0 0 11 6 I .. 12 0 18 0 £ s. d. 3,568 264 7 6 584 44 4 0 85 6 3 6 7 0 7 0 17 0 11 0 1 0 16 42 3 13 6 1,764 133 16 0 2 0 3 0 346 21 7 6 501 31 12 6 35 2 15 0 11 0 19 0 493 34 16 6 16 0 17 0 17 18 0 52 4 10 1 0 16 12 0 18 0 1 0 16 47 : 4 1 6 17 I 1 0 6 115 J 6 1 0 4,245 315 18 6 48 2 10 6 4 0 7 0 1 0 16 2,032 882 5 6 £ s. d. 615 42 3 0 611 53 4 4 0 53 668 46 7 0 664 £ s. d. 42 8 0 4 4 0 £ s. d. 7,869 608 9 6 2,141 164 15 6 198 15 8 0 24 1 10 6 10 0 7 0 59 4 7 0 03 5 10 2.582 198 0 0 378 j 25 0 0 519 32 17 0 82 0 0 0 02 5 18 0 575 40 15 0 9 0 13 0 19 19 0 53 4 3 6 11 10 0 12 0 18 0 7,846 2,129 166 10 17 50 67 2,467 2 412 501 90 62 534 16 21 103 7 12 1 73 17 134 8,068 91 4 4 £ s. d. 602 12 0 169 15 6 12 11 0 0 12 0 0 11 0 3 12 0 5 13 0 192 16 6 0 3 0 26 13 6 31 12 6 6 19 6 5 18 6 37 15 0 0 17 0 1 14 0 7 17 6 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 16 6 5 0 10 6 7 15 3 597 3 0 5 8 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 15,715 4,270 364 34 27 109 130 5,049 2 790 1,020 172 124 1.109 25 40 156 18 24 1 154 47 244 16,182 211 5 7 £ s. d. 1,211 1 6 334 11 0 27 19 0 2 2 6 0 18 0 7 19 6 10 14 0 391 3 0 0 3 0 51 13 6 64 10 0 13 6 0 11 17 0 78 10 0 1 10 6 3 3 6 12 1 0 1 13 0 1 16 0 0 1 6 13 0 0 3 5 0 14 11 9 1,201 9 0 13 15 0 0 9 0 0 12 6 2 3 6 I 54 4 11 0 30 2 4 6 1 14 3 98 5 15 6 281 5 0 j 4,146 307 12 6 2 17 6 79 j 5 4 6 10 2 0 0 5 0 1 j 0 2 0 81 | 6 15 0 30 2 4 6 110 6 16 6 8,114 604 5 6 120 8 7 0 1 0 2 0 3 | 0 6 0 798 14 3 12,300 894 14 0 12,032 882 5 6 46 12 0 23,125 jl,746 4 0 :22,904 1,727 11 9 46,019 3,473 15



List of Boys who have served on the Training-ship "Amokura" during the Year ended 31st March, 1921.

Namo. Date of Joining. Date of Discharge. Occupation taken up on Discharge. I lushes, H. M. Hemp, H. J. McL. .. McKenzie, J. D. Morris, S. O. Lever, H. Barclay, A. Benseman, R. C. Chenery, H. M. Hamlin, St. G. S. Herbert, A. V. Holmes, H. M. Perano, C. L. Poole, K. X. Sole, O. P. White, F. C. Williams, R. W. H. Wright, A. G. Anderson, J. R. Doorey, H. S. Harrison, R. T. Jenkins, A. E. Long, T. J. White, R. T. Mangin, W. H. J. .. Gould, W. P. Helling, T. R. Callaghan, E. R. Bloomfield, F. A. M. Fergusson, A. S. Hagenson, C. E. McNab, N. T. Scott, A. Henderson, W. W. .. Langdon, H. F. Stanley, B. L. King, W. R. Bell, A. G. Miller, I. M. McArthur, S. R. Smithson, J. E. Walker, E. Amor, E. J. Beddie, M. F. Brough, F. A. Hawkins, K. T. Healy, CO. Murray, K. M. Hills, L. C. McGillivray, D. H. .. Scott, D. M. Searby, C. B. Smith, J. R. Wright, H. C. Boyce, E. R. Burgess, J. A. Bushwell, G. Catley, N. P. Collins, H. N. Dix, W. E. Howie, S. D. Martinson, L. C. Smith, K. M. Sommerville, J. N. .. Steffenson, M. W. . . Graham, A. E. Woolf, D. F. Frost, A. G. Kirkland, J. I. Weir, E. E. Malier, J. L. Jollie, E. A. B. Subritzky, F. H. .. Wright, W. J. D. Messervy, P. G. Subritzky, C. E. Gaby, C. F. Bauman, A. Carter, W. G. Harrison, D. M. Hartley, F. Hesketh, F. R. F. .. Hogg, A. W. Mc Rue, J. H. Pearson, A. W. Spraggon, D. N. Stewart, R. G. 26/9/18 20/9/18 26/9/18 20/9/18 8/10/18 29/1/19 29/1/19 29/1/19 29^1/19 29/1/19 29/1/19 29/1/19 29/1/19 29/1/19 29/1/19 29/1/19 31/3/19 2/4/19 1/4/19 3/4/19 2/4/19 1/4/19 2/4/19 13/5/19 13/5/19 13/5/19 13/5/19 13/5/19 27/8/19 28/8/19 28/8/19 30/8/19 27/8/19 30/8/19 30/8/19 28/8/19 1/10/19 1/10/19 1/10/19 1/1.0/19 7/10/19 22/1/20 22/1/20 22/1/20 22/1/20 22/1/20 22/1/20 22/1/20 22/1/20 22/1/20 22/1/20 22/1/20 22/1/20 5/5/20 5/5/20 5/5/20 5/5/20 5/5/20 5/5/20 5/5/20 5/5/20 5/5/20 5/5/20 5/5/20 5/5/20 9/6/20 15/9/20 15/9/20 15/9/20 15/9/20 15/9/20 15/9/20 15/9/20 15/9/20 20/9/20 ■ 20/9/20 13/10/20 13/10/20 13/10/20 13/10/20 13/10/20 18/10/20 13/10/20 27/10/20 13/10/20 13/10/20 4/4/20 19/4/20 31/3/20 1/4/20 22/4/20 17/8/20 3/9/20 17/8/20 17/8/20 10/8/20 6/8/20 17/8/20 19/4/20 3/9/20 18/8/20 25/8/20 25/9/20 28/9/20 12/1.0/20 7/10/20 23/10/20 12/10/20 25/9/20 1/7/20 -/1/21 13/1/21 17/1/21 10/1/21 Joined s.s. " Hinemoa " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Kennedy " as O.S. „ s.s. " Mapourika " as O.S. „ s.s. Kokiri " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Kowhai " as O.S. „ s.s. " Kahu " as O.S. ,, schooner " Isabel " as boy. „ s.s. " Kennedy " as O.S. „ s.s. " Kittawa " as O.S. ,, brigantine " Aratapu " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Marama " as O.S. ,, s.s. "Mapourika" as O.S. Discharged, as unsuitable. Joined schooner " Isabel " as boy. „ schooner " Lily " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Karamu " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Rosamond " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Kamo " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Moana " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Kamona " as O.S. „ s.s. " Karamu " as boy. ., s.s. " Kokiri " as O.S. „ s.s. " Rosamond " as O.S. Discharged (sickness). Joined s.s. " Te Anau " as O.S. „ s.s. " Te Anau " as O.S. „ s.s. " Te Anau " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Rosamond " as O.S. Still on board. 23/2/21 Joined s.s. " Kittawa " as O.S. Still on board. ,, .. 16/9/20 Dismissed for misconduct. Still on board. 21/8/20 Returned home (unfit). Still ui) board. " ,



Table showing the Number and Tonnage of Sailing and Steam Vessels which remained upon the Register of the Dominion of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1919, of those added to and deducted from the register during the Year 1920, and of those remaining on the Register on the 31st December, 1920.

Table showing the Number and Tonnage of the Registered Vessels (distinguishing Sailing from Steam) which belonged to each of the Ports of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1920.

Sailing-vessels. Gross Net ' Tonnage. Tonnage. Steam-vessels. Vessels. L Gross ... Net Vessels. Tonnage. Tonnage. Steam-vessels. Totals. Gross Net Tonnage. Tonnage. Vessels, Upon the register on the 31st December, 1919 174 24,354 22,216 382 116,261 64,943 556 140,615 87,159 Added to tho register,— Vessels registered for the first time —■ Built at ports in United Kingdom Built at ports in British possessions abroad Purchased from foreigners Vessels transferred from ports in the United Kingdom Vessels transferred from ports in British possessions abroad Vessels registered de novo Other vessels Tonnago added without re-registra-tion Error in previous return 1 1 197 123 169 107 3 7 1 155 694 6 280 5 44 8 1 4 891 6 278 449 5 151 1 42 18 6 341 199 7 383 217 8 in 20 119 20 1 1 Total added 3 371 294 17 1,307 548 20 1,678 842 Deducted from the register,— Vessels wrecked or otherwise lost .. Vessels broken up, decayed, &c. Vessels converted into hulks, &c. .. Vessels sold to foreigners Vessels transferred to ports in British possessions Vessels registered de novo Tonnage deducted without re-regis-tration Errors in Registrar's roturns Other vessels 3 3 1 3 908 110 24 185 822 102 20 151 7 1 1 5 533 31 io7 262 252 20 93 86 10 1 3 2 8 1,441 31 110 131 447 1,074 20 102 113 237 3 148 2 129 39 II 197 3 148 13 12!) 236 1 14 10 14 "l 13 2 ' 27 10 20 6 Total deducted 14 1,391 1,287 18 957 654 29 2,348 1,941 Remaining on the register on the 31st December, 1920 163 23,334 21,223 384 116,611 64,837 547 139,945 86,060

Ports. Sailing-ves Veft»pls Gr0SS Vessels. Tonnage. Sailing-vesi sels. Net Tonnage. v««««iq Gross Net vessels. Tonnage . Tonnage. Steam-vessels. \7 a ft-,j,i Gross Net Vessels. Tonnage Tonnage. Totals. Auckland.. Napier Wellington Nelson Lyttelton.. Timaru .. Dunedin .. Invercargill 105 4 14 6 11 1 20 2 7,379 266 3,179 169 3,628 733 7,608 372 6,094 253 2,892 126 3,489 690 7,335 344 208 29 38 17 17 1 64 10 23,060 3,842 12,243 2,963 6,167 942 66,239 1,155 11,804 2,223 6,040 1,396 2,992 488 39,349 545 313 33 52 23 28 2 84 12 30,439 4,108 15,422 3,132 9,795 1,675 73,847 1,527 17,898 2,476 8,932 1,522 6,481 1,178 46,684 889 Totals 163 23,334 21,223 384 116,611 64,837 547 139,945 86.060



REGISTERED VESSELS EMPLOYED IN THE HOME (COASTAL) AND FOREIGN TRADE, CLASSIFIED AS TO THEIR SIZE. Table showing for the Year 1920 the Number and Tonnage of Registered Vessels (exclusive of River Steamers) of the Dominion of New Zealand which were employed wholly in the Home Trade, partly in the Home and partly in the Foreign Trade, and wholly in the Foreign Trade, respectively; and the Number of Men and Boys (exclusive of Masters) employed thereon.

Under 50 Tons. 50 Tons and j 100 Tons and 200 Tons and under 100. under 200. j under 300. 300 Tons and under 400. 400 Tons and 500 Tons and under 500. under 600. 600 Tons and 7ooTonsand 8co Tons and 1,000 Tons and r,20oTonsand 1,500 Tons and 2,000 Tons and under 700. under 800. I under 1,000. under 1,200. under 1,500. under 2.000. over. Totals Class of Vessels. o -a ™ c H S C JO S > o' CO S-. I S co o > c c to CQ G c GO o CQ c C _co C i to s «■ rt i 1 > rt. S |> H CO V s o CQ C to rt u s > -a s I i m s : as ■ G g 3 c o c I C no rt "-JJ s > > r c CQ PQ - to ™ c « * S > h I S > H ! CQ rt s v O > H rt ii at <t> co > c o "3 to > U > co o In the Home (Coastal) Trade only — Sailing Steam Totals Partly in the Home and partly in the Foreign TradeSailing Steam 47 106 !53 1 987 2,124 3 jIII l 90 " 7S 354 — 432 4 I .. 23 68 H 9i \ 1,701 4.845 ' i6, 54 6 ! 2 « 75 510 5S; 14 I" 6 28 " 34 ! ] 1 785 4,062 4,847 263 199 462 36 365 401 9 8 1 13 M "i I 288 217 j 3,206 , 3.423 ■• 237 237' — 12 •■ 5 —, " " •• 1.797 1.797 " I ! 68 68 — "1 's s - " 3,660 3,660 l8 2 182 — " -I • 8 " I2,074 59 2,o74 59 " " 1 1 __, 2 " 690 630 1,320 •• 40 40 8 - " I 7 785 5,838 *• .» 3 178 181 — •• 1 4 5 — •• 836 3,644 4,480 •• i°3 I0 3 " ": H I - ", 1,190 " — 1,190 " 4 4 — "3 3,883 3 3,883 4 4,928 4 4,928 in 110.. no in 3 5,014 91 in 35,014 91 19 102 23,566 97 121 2 3,566 97 342 58,580188 '■ I II " •• ! 2,137 2,137 " : 11 77 "I 81 252 333 I |37> II 5 : |44,3°6: 885! 10,141 igl 2,28. 2,47! 3« 2I( Totals H 1 H — H I 288 — - u — ii j - - -i - . I 1 90 4 2 244' 14 2 17 1 12 •• •• .. " " •• '• in " 13 II,026 24. — j I - -J — - 1 - ft1 ' ;— — - > — ! I 1 ! In the Foreign Trade only — Sailing Steam I 286 1 1,380 3 4,033 4,627 13,254 3 2 176 15 1 337 380 i 18 29 1 8 309 9 2 1 1,293 638 !'28 783 13 1 19 102 11 IK 43: ■■■ 9 1 411 3° " " • • 1.763 •• •' ! 58 1 " " I 4h •• " 20 • • ■ • 2 75 2 2,243 3 .. 17 Totals - — li 286 8 : H - — 48 783 " 58 - I 1 I 44 9 5 4*5 27 5 717 47 1 1 309 9 1 4IIJ — 3 1,931 '3 2 !,7°3 75 2 2,243 4 4 5.4 I 3 121 " ' ' 28 [17,881 54: " " — - — - i — r~ - - - — Grand totals .. 3,245 445; 93 7.205! 626 41 6,026 465 16, 3.997, 257 2,106 77 4.07 1 212 2,074 59 3,251 88 6,621 !94| 6,243 178! 3,433 62 1114,224 II 342 ■ ;2,i37: 11 374 73,213 3,27'



Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in pursuance of the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, during the Yeah ended 31st March, 1921.

Name of Seaman. Balance to Credit of the F.state on Mist March, 1920. Amount received. Amount paid. Balance to Credit of the Estate on 81st March, 1921. A. S. Hill T. R. Carter .. R. H. Owen Robert O'Brien Guy Tripps Joseph Gobie William Harper Johan jNylander Frederick John Beach .. K. L. Freeman J. S. Mills H. T. Wynyard John West Robert Wassell A. E. Connoly William Henry Mugridge Thomas Rutter P. M. Korfontaine William Hall A. W. Apes A. Smith E. Hedges W. Hollis John Wall Gerald Oldfield R. Powell F. Z. Ruddy .. D. McRoberts James Monaghan David Carroll Joe Iro T. Savig W. Marlow Robert McNab W. F. Mulgan A. Mclntyre Michael Stone George Murdoch M. Hudson E. Greenwood Alexander Knowles William H. Hopkins .. Percy Brandon L. Messer F. Howard E. Espada C. W. Thompson John Riley James Burns .. C. Melllaney B. Cossar W. G. Totman W. Jalfon W. Hogg F. H. Saintsbury S. J. Haskins D. Millett M. Fisher L. J. Redshaw V. Lundgren A. Engdahl .. C. Ahlblad .. H. Wold A. Mclntyre .. C. Rooke W. L. Watson A. Dudfield .. R. L. Fowler Tohata Dick Pake Tohatata Alick Lupo J. Weeks H. Stapleton £ s. d. 32 14 3 £ s. d. 14 2 1 4 18 0 11 16 6 1 15 11 5 8 2 2 18 1 13 3 11 12 16 0 45 13 7 8 12 1 4 16 10 6 11 7 £ s. d. 14 2 1 4 18 0 44 10 9 5 8 2 2 18 1 13 3 II 12 16 0 £ s. d. 1 is 11 45 i3 7 8 12 1 1 17 4 0 7 6 23 I 8 4 16 10 6 11 7 1 17 4 0 7 6 23 1 8 25 13 2 25 i3 2 8 4 2 9 0 4 9 7 8 3 17 6 8 4 2 8 5 0 9 7 8 21 8 0 7 17 11 43 4 5 1 5 4 17 11 2 7 14 10 16 8 8 36 8 0 6 II 6 4 6 7 4 12 10 21 8 0 7 17 11 43 4 5 1 5 4 15 16 2 1 15 0 7 14 10 16 8 8 36 8 0 6 11 6 46 7 4 14 0 4 6 0 4 6 0 58 19 1 17 8 4 58 4 3 4 14 0 49' 2 9 39 0 4 58 19 1 17 8 4 9 1 6 109 10 0 3 10 0 5 9 9 40 11 5 4 3 1 25 7 6 4 2 11 19 6 59 12 9 11 18 3 8 16 9 5 9 9 109'io 0 42 10 4 40 11 5 4 3 1 13 i7 4 39 4 10 4 2 11 1 9 6 59 12 9 4"3 10 11 18 3 8 16 9 4 3 10 8 2 7 8 9 0 4 19 9 87 7 3 10 18 5 10 14 3 22 10 0 19 18 7 1 1 3 22 5 4 17 17 2 28 6 8 12 19 0 13 16 10 13 16 10 13 7 10 10 5 4 11 8 7 6 3 3 8 14 2 14 11 10 14 5 7 15 17 4 15 17 4 15 17 4 15 17 4 17 0 0 15 1.7 4 23 4 6 8 2 7 87 7 3 7 10 0 22 10 0 22*'5 4 12 19 0 8 2 7 8 9 0 4 19 9 3 8 5 10 14 3 1918 7 1 1 3 17 17 2 28 6 8 13 16 10 13 16 10 13 7 10 10 5 4 11 8 7 6 3 3 8 i4 2 14 11 10 14 5 7 15 17 4 15 17 4 15 17 4 15 17 4 17 0 0 15 17 4 23 4 6 8*'2 7 291 1 2 1,083 9 11 732 4 1 642 7 0



Return showing Amounts eeoeived prior to Ist April, 1920, standing to Credit of Estates of Deceased Seamen, and for which Claims have not been proved. £ s. d. £ s. d. Devere, A., late boatswain, " Flora " .. 15 16 5 McEvoy, J., late trimmer, " Koromiko " .. 0 610 Doran, G., late trimmer, " Waihora " .. 18 8 7 McKen'drick, J., late trimmer, " Maitai " .. 012 4 Flynn, William, late trimmer, " Kamo " .. 11 13 6 MoLauchlan, J., late fireman, " Flora " .. 314 8 Fowler, Charles, late A.8., "Kokiri" .. 518 9 McLeod, M„ late steward, " Kittawa" .. 7 4 0 Gourlay, John, late fireman, " Kaiapoi" .. 316 9 O'Connor, Michael, late A.8., " Koutunui ".. 19 10 10 Geige, Charles, late A.8., " Alexander " .. 20 16 3 O'Flaherty, 8., late fireman, " Whangape ".. 117 8 Harvey, C, late steward, " Mapourika " .. 414 8 Pope, Thomas, late steward, " Ngahere " .. 6 8 0 Healey, Patrick, late fireman, " Monowai ".. 814 7 Puleiki (Niue Islander), late boy, " Awanui " 17 8 Hilditch, H. C, late fireman, " Ngahere ".. 6 3 5 Rawlins, A. W., late boy, " Storm " .. 512 5 Hunter, J., late fireman, " Stormbird " .. 16 11 Rindedal, H. M., late A.B., " lima " ..967 Karautu, James, late deck hand, " Pono " .. 214 0 Staw, Charles, late A.8., " Waihora " .. 7 14 Kyle, R., late fireman, " Stormbird " .. 16 1 Stead, F. R., late fireman, " Maori " .. 13 16 3 Larsen, A., late A.8., " Queen of the South " 716 0 Suskoner, W., late fireman, " Whangape " .. 5 7 7 Larsen, Jacob, late A.8., " Houto " ..528 Tautonga, late cook, " Mahurangi " ..480 Larseni, Carl, late fireman, " Manuka " .. 21 16 7 Vasseau, C. R., late lamps, " Tongariro " .. 817 0 Linddahl, J., late A.8., " Kapuni " ..525 Victor, Charles, late cook, " Kiritona " .. 17 8 4 Lookyer, Edward, late A.8., " Wanaka " .. 71 18 6 Wallace, B,obert, late cook, " Tarawera " .. 7 8 1 Logan, John, late scullion, " Monowai" .. 511 10 Warolin, F., late A.8., " Koromiko" .. 4 0 4 Make-atu, A., late cook, " Ngatiawa " .. 2 3 0 Williams, John, late cook, " Regulus " .. 517 0 Martini, Santiago, lato A.8., " Antiope " .. 9 110 Wright, Edward, late A.8., " Simplon ".. 18 16 1 Mitchelson, F., late A.8., "Te Teko " .. 414 11

Return of Masters and Mates to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1921.

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. I William Robert Percy William Russell Woebling Walter Geoffrey Kelsey William John Keane Arthur Lovat Fraser Charles James Townsend Hatfield .. Edwin Havelock Willson John Ritchie Henry Leslie Hay Alexander Hutchinson Howie James Winfred Knox John McDonald Etheridge Benjamin Frank Fisher Ernest Gilling Alexander Mercer Guy Miller Simpson Charles Burgess Stanley Ernest Martin Ernest Sutherland Frank Harrison Retter Henry Theeman Robert Cyril Ingram William James Freeman John Lewin Adams Leslie Goyder Peek George Henry Peters Alec Dudfield Robert Griffiths Lester David Clark Philip Earl Ryan William Rimell Scantlebury George Albert Conway John Warcup Victor Reginald Bowling Stanley Upham Johnson Michael William Monoghan George Henry Martin William Robert Williams William John Jennings Frederick Savage Arthur William Humphreys George Carey William Herbert Stephens Ernest Gilling Edward William Norton John McDonald Etheridge Harold Birkland Alfred Nelson William Watts Raynes Peter Eva Trevethiok Leslie Peter Granville Fox Fergus Mackenzie Frank Doreen Gilbert Vivian Glazbrook Master ,, (steamship).. First mate ,, (steamship) Second mate Foreign trade 20/4/20 20/4/20 21/6/20 21/6/20 9/8/20 20/12/20 4/2/21 20/4/20 27/1/21 23/3/21 28/8/20 23/9/20 30/9/20 2/11/20 27/1/21 21/3/21 11/5/20 31/5/20 13/10/20 20/12/20 27/1/21 4/2/21 21/3/21 20/4/20 20/4/20 9/8/20 28/8/20 26/11/20 28/4/20 10/5/20 31/5/20 9/8/20 20/9/20 18/11/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 4/2/21 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 11/5/20 13/9/20 20/9/20 20/9/20 22/9/20 23/9/20 23/11/20 20/12/20 27/1/21 21/4/21 20/7/20 9/8/20 27/1/21 27/1/21 1.244 1336 1273 1259 1118 1117 1288 1266 1279 1272 1292a 1345 1320 1347 1305 1328 1300 1315 1346 1296 1352 1353 1293a 1335 1334 1340 1343 1349 1337 1338 1339 1341 1344 1348 1350 1351 1354 5853 5875 5859 5787 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5782 5831 5834 5841 5876 5877 5884 3 „ (steamship) ,, », Master Home trade ,, . • ,, • • ,, Mate Ernest Edmond Goodall David Frederick Soott William James Barrie Graham William Thomas Webb Charles William Smith Ernest Colin Nelson Leslie Alexander Murrell .. Master (sailing-vessel under 25 tons) Master (sailing-vessel) Master Restricted limits Harbours and rivers River steamer 31/5/20 9/8/20 13/9/20 30/9/20 13/10/20 20/12/20 27/1/21 6 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756



Return of Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1921.

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. William Wallace Macgregor John Manson William Ellis Wiggins Bruce McLeod Grant Duncan Barclay McLaren Donald Kerr Young James William Irvine Victor Tainui Standring Alfred Nicholas Blackwell Smith .. Henry Alexander McGregor J ames Patrick Neville Arthur John Drew William Charles Falconer Robert James Herbert Sheppard .. John Edward Bish Andrew Langmuir Smith William Evan Jesse Steer Robert Gardner James Gordon Macdonald Maurice Hamor Mayo Norman Campbell Byrne Joseph Boot William Scott Frederick Hongi Rewi Stidolph William Henry Lucas Walter Scott William Wilson Elder William Looney.. David Stevens McLaren Leslie Robert McCaskey Andrew Kenneth Liddell.. Thomas Albert Carr William Ullrich Frederick Morton Ashby Palmer .. Wesley Johnston Wilfred Prior Bryant Alexander Neil Samuel Alexander Steven James Edward Carr William Michael Hannafin Wilhelm Kraus Cyril Herbert Preston Hector James Hoare John Leslie Pickford Harold Bright Oedric Colborne Mosley John William Evcrs Frank Charles Ogg Edward Blcchynden Rodion Pairman John Harold Stalker Robert Muirhead Couper Harry Baggott Frank Vause James Thomas Keary Wilfred Alexander Atkinson Leonard George Walker Arthur Coupland Harding Michael Neville Arthur John Huston Yemm William James Rugg Victor Roy McGregor William Orr Matthews Percival Hunt Claude Adolphus Duthie Atherton Wilfred Martin Gibbs George Thomas Fraser Thomas Davidson John Hiorns Mander John Fairhurst Dickie John Turnbull Young Duncan Harvey Cameron Leslie Harder I.orimer Sunley Reginald Francis Houghton Robert Alexander Brown Erwin Robert Ramage Harry Alexander Inglis Henry Ferguson Miller David Abercromhie John James Miller Richard Francis Clough Athol Vere Prince Charles Mouat Jeromson lst-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. Foreign trade 20/4/20 20/6/20 24/7/20 24/7/20 28/8/20 13/9/20 30/9/20 2/11/20 2/11/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 27/1/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 24/3/21 20/4/20 20/4/20 18/5/20 31/5/20 21/6/20 21/6/20 20/7/20 16/8/20 20/8/20 28/8/20 28/8/20 28/8/20 11/10/20 2/11/20 23/11/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 28/2/21 24/3/21 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 10/5/20 10/5/20 18/5/20 18/5/20 31/5/20 31/5/20 31/5/20 31/5/20 21/6/20 21/6/20 21/6/20 20/7/20 20/7/20 20/7/20 20/7/20 20'7 .'20 20/7/20 24/7/20 24/7 '20 24/7/20 16/8/20 16/8/20 16/8/20 16/8/20 16/8/20 16/8/20 16/8/20 2179 612 2198 2199 2216 1617 2228 2244 1846 1819 1788 2275 1842 1287 1693 1826 2296 2297 1806 1878 1921 1188 1332 1657 1904 1936 1626 1600 1722 1927 1993 2236 1758 1983 2020 202.'! 672 2050 2310 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 \ \



Return of Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1921— continued.

Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Alexander Victor Evans David Robertson Newson Norman Leslie Thompson Robert Hugh McKenzie Tizard Eric Milton Denby Sydney Thomas King Cornelius Francis Murphy William Erskine Boyd Victor Charles Webb Thomas Richard Randle William John Meban Joel Collingwood Taylor Andrew Gordon Jerrat Albert Alfred Courtenay Gordon Claus Cordes Colin Richard Mackay Massey Frank Colebourne Arthur William Hickman William Patrick Walshe George Ernest Broadbent Walter Gordon Soper William Robert Butcher William George Milne Colquhoun .. James Cameron Albert Harry Gordon Kendrick Harold McCrorie Adam Cruiokshank Charles George Suters Alexander Ritchie Charles La Roche Owen Joseph Syron George Rowland Chipp James Small Stewart Erie Worthington McLean John Williamson Gordon Marshall Wilson Henry Maxwell Arthur George Brown Martin O'Brien Harry Tounsley Thomas James Barclay Gerald Cahill William Charles Rankin Leslie John Phillips William Ephraim Lowe Jaffray Mc Donald Christian Raymond Richard Taylor Harnett Athol Ha/.elden Crawley Percy Lawrence Frederick Thomas Frye Hans Peter Julius Jensen Harold Thomas Ridler Raymond John Hastings Rogerson Henry Clouston Alexander James Ross Frederick Julian Norman Schultze Alan Dichl William Merriless Millar Norman Pearce Livingstone Leo Paul O'Connell James Holden Edward Neville Green Thomas Wallace Sim .. Tracy Sceats Knight Norman Dewey Brown Reuben Hjalmar Magnusson John Keller George Watson Albert James Storer Alexander George Park Ernest John Burt John Albert Henry Longley Horace Oriel Kovaleske Ernest Albert McBurney Murray Auty John Thomas Weir James Marshall Dalziel George Wilson Albert Thomas Crumpton John Ommond Meiklejohn Frank Methven Walter Henry Dennis John Baden Berryman Ernest Craeroft Kclsey 3rd-class engineer .. Foreign trade 16/8/20 16/8/20 16/8/20 20/8/20 20/8/20 20/8/20 13/9/20 13/9/20 13/9/20 20/9/20 20/9/20 20/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 11/10/20 11/10/20 11/10/20 11/10/20 11/10/20 11/10/20 11/10/20 2/11/20 2/11/20 2/11/20 2/11/20 2/11/20 2/11/20 2/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 27/1/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21. 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216a 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2276 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302



Return of Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1921— continued.

5—H. 15.

Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Alexander Jesse Humphries Andrew Bruce Fordyce Frederick Charles Gloeson Percy Kitchener Sandlant Rowland Hudson John Erie Rogers Douglas James Hay] Peter Rudolph Derricksen Joseph William Byrne Reginald Autheman Fdward Bradley William Cowan Guildford Francis Robert Bramley Charles Eli James Salter Joseph Oliver Frank Catterall Albert Edward Norman Reginald Herbert Jones Cecil Osborne Lucas George Hunt Horace Henry Harold Whittington Ronald Peter Binns John Ronskley Trickett Edwin Alfred Howe John Frederick Beachamp Todd .. Anaru Temihi William David Bell Arthur Percy George Plimley Ernest Matthew Roiall John Wickstone George Colligan Reginald Herbert Clarke George William Wallace Albert Beswiok Edward McGuinness Henry Herbert Marshall John Speed Webster Walter Polglaze James Charles Seigmond Jacobsen Arnold Symes Wilson Edwin William Carr Kenneth Hubert Brown Charles Robert Hyde William Ephraim Lowe William Orr Matthews Oswald Albert Dryland Norman Dewey Brown Bernard Robert Jack Herbert Crawford Leonard Ernest McQueen George Henry Davis Walter David Smith Ernest William Lamberg William Henry Lucas William John Meban Joel Collingwood Taylor .. Zala Cromer Tatton William Stanley Hill Roland Ernest Napier Harold Sinclair Muschamp William Frederick Haigh William Gordon Hollis Percival Hunt Morton Alfred Seafield Manhire .. Leslie Robert McCaskey Clive Erwin Helliwell Leslie Horton Busby Henry Maxwell Erie Malcolm Phillips James Philip Taylor John William Alfred Cooper William Henry Bcckman Walter Raymond Messenger Eric Neal Kirtlan Thomas Edgar Jensen Albert Charles Pulman Victor Joseph Sayer Leo Paul O'Connell Arthur Brown Henry Herbert Marshall Lewis Graham Thomas Norman Tremewan John Terrell Weekes Albert Cedarman 3rd-class engineer .. ,? .. ,, ■ - :, . ' Engineer Ist-elass oil engineer Foreign trade ,5 J, ,, ,, Riverjtrade ,, ,, ,, ,, Seagoing .. 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 16/4/20 20/4/20 31/5/20 21/6/20 28/7/20 28/7/20 16/8/20 16/8/20 16/8/20 13/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 11/10/20 11/10/20 2/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 20/12/20 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 20/4/20 1.0/5/20 10/5/20 18/5/20 31/5/20 31/5/20 31/5/20 31/5/20 31/5/20 31/5/20 24/7/20 28/7/20 28/7/20 28/7/20 28/8/20 28/8/20 28/8/20 13/9/20 20/9/20 20/9/20 11/10/20 2/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 27/1/21 27/1/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 20/4/20 20/4/20 31/5/20 21/6/20 21/6/20 24/7/20 28/7/20 16/8/20 16/8/20 13/9/20 2303 2304 2305 2300 2307 2308 2309 2280 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 30fi 307 174 343 327 313 93 369 370 371 374 376 377 378 381 382 383 384 387 388 337 391 392 393 396 397 402 403 404 405 406 407 411 412 413 414 415 416 363 365 368 372 373 373a 375 379 380 385 2nd-cla8s oil engineer



Return of Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1921 — continued.

< Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Robert William McKenzie James Sutherland James Thomas Lovings Harry Williams Joseph John Multrus Walter Wosby McKelvey Henry Lyall Sinclair Daniel Tyson Satterthwaite William Cotter Eiiinim Ashburnham Dugdale James Maraku Henry James Capper Albert Victor McNabb Robert Coulson John Naysmith Paton Leo Arthur Curtis Frederick Louis Pierce Friedman .. Paki Wilson Withers Alan Hamilton Thomson William Henry Strude Norman Freeman Porter Archy Alfred Scott John Wiley Ernest John Niccol Joseph Vuletich Roy Harold Sanders Leslie Charles Sanders Thomas Edward Blenkin Edwin Stanley Brookes Lawerance Joseph Multrus Richard Freeman Raine Frank Howlett Hugh Somerville Taranaki Tarau James Edward Wilkins John David Dicker Harold George Leslie Adams Oswald Millea Caldwell Eric Cartman William John Rowe Richard Dudley Thompson John Charles Simpson Levi Alfred Wintour William Mason George Ehrke Gordon Hector Phillips Charles Woodward Alfred Matthew Green William Henry Chetham Tuhea Haupokia Alexander Grant Ernest Cecil Farr George Walter Thomas Daniels Cyril Samuel Wheeler Edward William Fordham William Bush Angus James Denize Alfred Armour Philip Henry O'Mara John Davies Donald Grant Roland Herbert Bell John Thompson.. Duncan Maencill Gillies George Stuart Clark John Thompson William Nepia Bertram James Bell Frederick Colville Shaw Jack Walker Hugh Talbot Burgoyno Walker .. Harold William Lee Albert William Walker Oscar John Smith Anderson Richard Ivanhoe Maney Jack Craig Wilson Francis Leslie MacRac Charles Valentine Renen Richard George Wilkinson George David Foster Fitzroy Erskine McFarlane Frederick Strongman James Hines Wilfred Brian Fitchett .. 2nd-class oil engineer Seagoing .. 13/9/20 30/9/20 11/10/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 27/1/21 27/1/21 28/2/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 20/4/20 28/4/20 10/5/20 18/5/20 18/5/20 18/5/20 18/5/20 31/5/20 31/5/20 31/5/20 31/5/20 31/5/20 21/6/20 21/6/20 20/7/20 20/7/20 24/7/20 24/7/20 24/7/20 28/7/20 28/7/20 28/7/20 28/7/20 28/7/20 13/9/20 13/9/20 13/9/20 13/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 30/9/20 11/10/20 11/10/20 11/10/20 2/11/20 2/11/20 2/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 23/11/20 386 389 390 394 395 398 399 400 401 408 409 410 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 ,, River oil engineer .. Restricted limits ,, • • ,, • • ,, • • ,, • • ,, • • ,, • • >, * * ,, • ■ ,, • ■ »



Return of Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1921 — continued.

Return showing the Number of Masters', Mates', and Engineers' Examinations in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1921, showing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.

Name of Person. Hank. Class of Certillcate. Date of Issue. No. George Edward Jarvis Horatio Murdoch Mackay Sidney Ensor Thomas Herbert Moss Herbert Isaacs Frederick Ernest Kirby Harold William Stanaway James Nelson Lorimcr Maurice Topi Patuki Thomas Joseph Anthony Reardon William Alfred Davidson Jack Charles Stubbs Arthur Thomas Latchmore John Edwin Casey Edward Donovan James Silich William John Alder William Cowper Tennent Albert Samson Percy James Anderson Eric Lewes Frank Gordon Seceombe ,. John Alexander King George Bromley Hill Barney Williams John Wallace Orchard Neville Douglas Braithwaite Leslie Frederick Dawson Herbert Nelson Hawker Jerry Palmer Hayward Charles Lees Samuel Walker Charles Kem Daniel Cyril Lane William Makis Cochrane Francis William Lees Charles Edward Brown David Chapman Joseph Kerby Victor Eadie Sommerville Henry Sedgwick Harrod Walter Brown Charles James Harrod Charles Henry Pirika Hovell River oil engineer .. ,, • ■ ,» • • ,, • ■ a • - ,, • • a • • ,, • ■ Restricted limits 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 20/12/20 27/1/21 27/1/21 27/1/21 27/1/21 27/1/21 27/1/21 27/1/21 27/1/21 27/1/21 27/1/21 27/1/21 27/1/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 28/2/21 8/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 22/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 24/3/21 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 , 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1120 1127 1128 ,, • • ,, • ■ ,, • • ,» • ■ ,, • • 5, * * ,, * *

Ai ickla: id. Wellington. ■ttelti ni. medin. Oth. >r PI. -ces. Totals. Class of Certificate. •a 9 a ■a "o3 HH HI o O Ql -". m ftl, al uu .h hh oj 03 O ri fH H ■d to •a co cd ■6 "3 *5 o EH -d o tn tn cd (In ■a 2, « "3 o rH H ■d CO 01 to •6 Ph ■0 o ft 2 o H ■O rH id co n tn ftft c3 tn — hh aj 03 O ft ft EH Foreign-going masters and mates Home - trade masters and mates River-steamer masters Waster, restricted limits (sail-ing-vessel under 25 tons register) Master, sailing-vessel plying in harbours and rivers Seagoing engineers (steam) River-steamer engineers .. Seagoing engineers (mechanical power other than steam) River engineers (mechanical power other than steam) 17 1.0 4 14 9 2 31 19 6 11 5 9 2 1 20 7 1 9 1 IS I 2 2 1 I 1 I 1 37 16 6 I 32 II 3 1 69 27 9 1 54 Hi 28 7 I 1 61 .1.7 29 55 6 10 5 60 6 11 13 1 6 13 1 7 35 2 I 37 I 2 is 6 I I 4 2 2 22 8 16 175 29 60 IS 4 5 193 33 65 1 I 2 53 5 58 1 3 8 8 5 5 -IS 1 49 116 7 123 Totals 182 39 221 19 108 38 10 48 44 3 47 9 97 441 80 521 SO 88

H._ 15


Return of Certificates of Exemption from Examination as Third-class Engineers issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1921.

Return of Licenses as Colonial Pilots issued in pursuance of Section 190 of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, during the Year ended 31st March, 1921.

Return of Licensed Adjusters of Compasses in New Zealand.

Date of Issue. Name. August 21, 1920 February 16, 1921 25, 1921 Horace John Albert Barlow. Edward Arthur Rutter. William Johnston.

No. of License. Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Port of Residence. Date of Exiiiry of License. 47 49 44 26 Oct., 1920 .. Richard Edward Smith 19 Jan., 1921 .. Wm. Andrew Smith 28 „ 1921 .. Charles McArthur Auckland Wellington .. Oct. 30, 1921. .. Jan. 19, 1922. „ 29, 1922.

Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Address. April 9, 1896 May 15, 1896 5, 1896 April 27, 1897 July 27, 1897 Sept. 1, 1897 Aug. 13, 1898 April 26, 1899 June 26,1900 July 27, 1900 Nov. 27, 1900 Mar. 27, 1903 Oot. 19, 1903 Nov. 1, 1906 Feb. 6, 1907 22, 1909 May 28, 1909 Oct. 23, 1909 Juno 19, 1911 Nov. 16, 1911 3, 1913 27, 1914 Feb. 10, 1915 Sept. 27, 1918 July 5, 1919 Mar. 3, 1920 Sept. 23, 1920 Frederick Macbeth Robert Strang George Urquha'rt Thomson Frederick William Cox Robert Hatchwell Arthur G. Gifford Herbert John Richardson Robert Heddelston Neville Charles Frederick Sundstrum John Adamson Thomas Basire George Samuel Hooper John McLennon McKenzie .. Frederick Pryoe Evans David Todd Norman Macdonald Charles Cornelius Plunket Robert Crawford Frederic George Cooper Major William Solloway Lane Cesar Anthony Colonna John Jonathan Elven Richard Chamberlain Harbord William Robert Allen Mathew Lapham Singleton .. Walter William Hendor .* Mariner Tucker Holm Dunedin. Nelson. Lyttelton. Wellington. Dunedin. Auckland. Port Chalmers. Wellington. Dunedin. BluS. Auckland. Wellington. Totara North. Christchurch. Bluff." Port Ahuriri. Auokland. Wellington.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1921.

1HIT3HH 8 3 P o3 fn O 02 i.s& Sag ■ w a|.a H * CJ> ™ Qal a .9s*i« 3 |offlO N $ & O Pita CD O Sri ■o a r-l*H Min: be inj Cr qu ca: imum Num>r of followg Classes of -ew Law relires to be .rried. Na-ine of Vessel. CD "5c pq a o H Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. e Q 01 *$ CC a 01 a CD Uo S g I S Kemarks. Admiral.. Advance A.H.B. .. Ahiki Ahuriri •Aio Akaroa Albatross Alert (Wanganui) Alert (Paeroa) Alexander (Nelson) Alexander(Rotorua) Alice (Te Kopuru) All Black No. 2 Alma Almora Amy (Tauranga) .. Anzao Aotea Apanui Arahura Aranui Arapawa Arawa (Rotorua) .. Arita Ark (Pukenui) Aroha (Russell) .. Arohanui Arrino Arumai Atua Audrio Aupouri Aurero Aurora Awahou Baden Powell Baroona Beldame Bell Bird (A'kland) Bell Bird (M'nukau) Belle Benares Bon Lomond Billy Blenheim Breeze .. Brit Britannia (A'kland) Britannia (Oneh'ga) Brittania (Bluff).. Bruoe Bulli Oallie .. Calm 82 12 5 6 33 4 29 111 5 f20 185 4 4 4 5 4 2 4 157 135 772 4 128 2 2 3 6 4 2 6 2 2 220 3 4 151 72 55 4 52 2 5 2 33 5 87 286 6 108 3 10 1 29 5 523 50 8 15 30 17 20 28 37 15 6 72 20 12 24 16 24 5 6 33 28 145 10 47 5 4 2 16 16 5 10 8 8 55 8 35 74 30 24 20 15 10 10 5 15 9 50 84 16 40 13 3 5 24 35 550 81 394 217 1,659 257 Compound Non-condensing Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine a • • Sorew Twin-screw Screw Twin-sorew Screw a .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits'.. a . ■ 1 4 4 4 7 I 3 2 G 3 3 3 391 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-sorew Screw Home trade .. River limits .. '5 8 297 181 149 Compound Twin-screw Screw Home trado .. 4 2 2 8 a a Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine River limits .. 204 436 Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Twin-screw Paddle .. Screw Home trade .. River limits .. a 5 2 3 Fishing-vessel River limits .. Canopus Centaur Chelmsford Christina Clan Dougal Clansman Claymore Clematis M'nukau) Clematis (A'kland) Clematis (Kaipara) Clyde .. .. 835 6 79 6 4 379 119 3 6 4 f20 250 32 25 16 5 99 54 8 24 12 40 551 1,155 Compound Oil-engine Surface oond'sing, triple-expansion Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engino Twin-sorew Screw Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. 5 3 a 3 6 3 3 '62 2 i 579 347 Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engino Home trade .. '0 4 8 3 River limits .. Compound Stern-wheel paddle Screw Cobar (Wellington) Colleen Comet .. .. Condor 69 2 6 188 40 4 5 24 Oil-engine Compound Screw eaoh end Screw Conella Coquette Corinna.. Coronation 1 3 791 59 4 10 141 50 1,039 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. 6 2 '3 'a "3 w . • * Surveyed twice. t Under tons.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

► I >H Or.* ->SS i.H& Sag *3ji a„ftS= OOrOO r. 9 o . P.KI 5 3 Ph CU ■a a "to 0 o M Min be in Ci q> ca nmum Nr sr of foil. it! Classes row Law uiroH to irried. :iwt of robe Name of Vassal. © tn 'Ea B. BB fl O H Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. fl • 02 to m A r. a 1 s a to 01 Bt coil U 0 Countess (Hokitika) Countess (Well'gtn) Cowan Curlew Cygnet (Te Kopuru; Cygnet (Mokau) .. Daisy (Thames) .. Daphne (Auckland) Dawn (New Ply'th) Defender (Thames) Defender (Inver'gil) Despatoh Digger .. D'Jinn .. Dominion Doris (Napier) Doris (Russell) .. Doris (Pioton) Dreadnought Dredge 121 Dredge 222 Duohess.. Duco Eagle (Auckland).. Eagle (Dargaville) Earnslaw Eoho Elly Elsie (French Pass) Elsie (Thames) .. Elsie (Auckland).. Elsie Evans Elsma Elspie Emerald Emily Emma Endeavour Erin Ethel W. Eva Eveline Excelsior Express Fairburn Fanny (Napier) .. Ferro (Queenstown) fFerro (Auckland) Fire Float Flirt Flora (Dunedin) .. Flora (Totara N.) Foam (Kawhia) .. Freetrader Gannet Geisha Gilda Gisborne Pilotlaunoh Glenelg Glyn Bird Gosford Goshawk Haku Hananui II Hapai (dredge) .. Harmony Hauiti (Tolaga Bay) Hauiti (Auokland) Hauraki Hawera Hazel Hilda Hina Hinemoa (On'hnga) Hinemoa (Hok'nga) Hinemoa (Rotorua) 101 15 10 5 6 5 4 3 2 6 394 502 137 2 138 2 155 98 1 3 4 24 6 3 2 4 5 4 54 *20 4 5 *20 6 1 60 55 3 6 *20 4 838 2 4 94 10 4 5 5 5' 8i 20 28 24 16 8 16 20 55 7 18 10 20 15 23 24 20 20 4 16 100 140 81 5 70 6 80 103 4 5 15 30 20 10 5 12 25 8 30 4 20 20 8 24 5 60 30 7 30 13 12 180 8 12 50 12 12 12 12 180 140 267 927 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Screw Twin-screw Sorew Paddle .. Sorew Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trado .. River limitH .. » ■ • Home trade .. River limits .. 2 1 'a \ 6 'a a a 2 a i 3 'a 8 Non-condensing Oil-engine Twin-screw Sorew Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River limits .. Homo trade .. i 135 Compound Oil-engine a 2 2 River limits .. 978 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engino Home trade .. River limits .. *6 3 2 "a Non-condensing Compound ]Oil-engine Stern-whoel Screw Twin-screw 156 6 23 122 4 44 364 2 12 82 9 92 3 5 47 4 2 4 75 40 30 28 41 58 155 6 20 32 4 31 8 20 20 12 6 15 253 Compound Oil-engine Compound Screw Home trade .. River limits .. 4 3 266 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River limits .. 2 3 120 Compound 193 Homo trade .. River limits .. h a Oil-engine 89 Compound Oil-engine 'Home trade .. River limits .. 2 i •eUndor 20 tons. + Survo; ■ed twice.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

Name of Vessel. u ■D +-> B a □j a o fH J--.ri3«M q a ° o «. • °*"E ;.aa En 2 Kao; ft-lEft-fl„_ *hS °OfflO To in ID I. P. to 3,3 ■sa sS a" Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minimum Number of following Classes of Grew Law requires to be carried. Bemark». a\\ a a. a 1 r-t H r-t 02 1 l-l CD Hinemoa (W'gtn) Hipi Hirere 'Hobsonville Houto Huia (Wellington) Huia (L. Roto'hana) Ida Ika Imp Indarra 'Invercargill Iona Iranui Irini Iris Isa Isabel Isabella de Fraine Ivy 'James Oosgrove .. Janie Seddon J.D.O. .. Jean Gordon Jersey Lily John John Anderson .. "John Townley (dredge) "Joyce J. T. Stewart Jubilee 'Kahika Kahiwai 'Kahu (Napier) Kaiaia Kaimaka Kaipara.. Kaipatiki Kaitangata Kaitoa Kaituna "Kaiwarra Kakapo Kamo Kamona Kanieri (L. Kanieri) Kanieri (Auckland) Kanna Kapiti Kapousa Kapuni Karaka Karamu Karma .. Karora Karoro Kate (Foxton) Katio S. Kawatiri Kawau (Auckland) Kawau (Auckland) Kekerangu Kelvin Kennedy Kerepeehi Kestrel 28' 11 21 a: 81 tai 150 11 16 15 45 2 4 7 20 4 20 41 25 10 15 8 5 5 60 30 61 48 28 8 12 90 20 39 680 Compound Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Screw Twin-screw Foreign trade River limits .. Govt, steamer. Screw '2 Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. River limits .. ia: 284 Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. River limits .. ■I a 8 4 3 3 5 70 9 114 43 88 7 4 134 34 85 480 Triplo-expansion Compound Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River limits .. Home trado .. River limits .. ii *4 3 212 Oil-engine JCompound Home trade .. 4 2 a Twin-screw River limits .. 2 5 105 528 3 96 24 11 120 23 1,195 118 1,208 1,847 949 725 903 2 115 1,049 114 6 97 10 452 3 6 52 f20 6 1,856 53 37 1,866 2 131 55 159 6 47 35 103 10 40 46 24 4 10 200 65 200 2,000 90 159 117 4 20 158 35 10 30 22 102 28 30 17 5 12 429 20 15 430 7 38 27 43 Oil-engine Screw 618 Triplo-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Foreign trade Home trado .. River limits .. Home trade .. "l 6 M 213 *2 1 2 Twin-screw River limits .. Compound Sorew 1,025 321 1,049 1,779 732 742 739 Triplo-expansion Compound Triple-expansion Twin-screw Screw Foreign trade Home trado .. Foreign trade 7 4 7 8 6 (i 6 8 2 2 3 8 *8 3 * • ■ 8 8 8 2 2 8 8 152 1,084! 218 Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion River limits .. Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. River limits .. Home trado .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. 4 7 4 a 8 a 2 *2 3 165 a 747 '5 3 Oil-engine 1,386 92 Compound Non-condensing Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. River limits .. Foreign trade River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. 1 8 2 1 *3 3 '0 1 1,682 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound 8 (3 1 8 *3 156 137 Twin-screw "i 'a Screw each end Screw Kina Kini Kirita Kiritona Kittawa.. Kiwi (Dunedin) .. Kiwi (Whangaroi) Knoxie .. .. I 5 702 6 75 708 6 4 5 25 135 30 150 120 14 28 12 686 726 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-sorew Sorew Jlome trade .. River limits .. Home trado .. 6 'a e ':-! 'li River limits .. n . . * Surveyed twice. I Under 20 tons.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

E= ca n O -3 CSr= L = ? CO — io, SUA rH a.a.9 ■sS-3-f ,5 offlo >H fa CD IS o . ft to la w 9 *a J2 « "la ° .2-0 iT-l *H Minimum Number of following Classes of Crew Law requires to be oarried. Name of Vessel. Ol in •a 01 « ID a o H Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. to m iH 01 m d co -. e Remarks Koau Kohatu Koheroa Kohi Koi Kokiri (Russell) .. Kokiri (Wellington) Komata Kopu Koroi (Auckland) 21 51 170 8 12 60 32 10 135 260 13 10 7.0 1,250 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Sorew River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Foreign trade Home trade .. River limits .. 1 .. .. 6 '3 'a 8 3 2 i "ii 8 3 3 3 3 711 1,29II *2I Non-condensing Quadruple-expan-sion Compound Paddle .. Screw Kotare Kotiti Koutunui Kowbai Kumea Kaha Kumi LadJ* Eva Lady Moira La Masootto La Reine Laurel Lena Gladys Lighter Lillian Lily Linda Lion Lizette Lomen Lone Star Lorna Loyalty Lupe Lyttelton Lyttelton Mao Magic Mahanga Mahau Mahino .. Mahoe Mahua Mahurangi Maidi Maid of Italy Mako (Napier) Mana ■Manaia Manaroa Manu (Auokland) Manu (Mangonui) Manuka Manuka (Ly'tton) Manukau Manurere 81 4: 91 40' 20 14 26 128 40 28 120 5 10 20 10 27 10 8 30 9 5 16 6 20 10 35 10 133 108 6 60 17 5 5 45 28 80 11 10 65 90 104 24 45 8 357 O 30 4 138 61 154 Twin-screw Sorew Home trade .. 2 a 2 5 a 1 2 3 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Foreign trade River limits .. a .. Home tiade .. River limits .. 1 Twin-sorew Screw Home trade .. River limits .. 1 Homo trade .. River limitB .. 1 2 *2l Compound Oil-engine 24 3 1 24 2 58 4 3 6 14 353 95 12 6 247 51 630 75 5 2 2,813 3 4 *20 78 Compound Oil-engine Compound Home trade .. River limits .. i i 290 Oil-engine Twin-screw Paddle .. Sorow Twin-screw Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. i 8 a Screw Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. 1 191 Compound Twin-screw Screw a a 413 1,015 147 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Paddle .. Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. 'f> 7 8 8 a 3 River limits .. 3,637 Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Quadruple-expan-sion Non-condensing Turbine Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Foreign trade River limits .. n 9 (i 8 Manuwai Maori (London) .. Maori (Stewart Is.) Maori (Taupo) "Mapourika Marama Marama (London) Mararoa Mareno Maribel Maritana Marne Mary Mascotte Matakakiri Matariki Matatua Matea MaudT. 94 1,567 3 2 718 3 3,992 1,329 4 6 6 4 5 20 3 5 4 2 3 30 5,600 5 5 130 4 1,500 530 5 16 14 10 7 6 9 16 16 5 35 1,071 4,277 3,027 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Storn-wheel Triple-screw Sorew Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Foreign trade Homo trade .. River limits .. '9 '7 18 8 16 '3 ia 8 9 a 6 3 8 8 3 Compound Oil-engine * Under 20 tons. Surve; twice.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

6—H. 15.

Name of Vessel. GO co a, a O rHITj^H oo g o O ,r « ■ a ° co" a W a O J r-SW-S ™ DC 3-28™ a_Sa OoMO u CD ■ o . Pico go n « ■as oo tf US a o Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minimum Ni ber of folli ing Classes Crew Law quireB to oarried. :>wl of robe Remarks. a S CO £ ao ! a I *H H 2 3 1 u CoMaui Mavis (Stewart Is.) Mavis (Whakapirau) Mavis (Picton) .. Mavis (Onehunga) Mavora May (Wanganui).. May (Tryphena) .. M.C. .. Morita Merlin (Picton) .. Merlin (Foxton) .. Mermaid (Wairoa) Minoru .. Miro Miss Thyra Mizpah Moa (Taieri M'uth) Moana (Tryphena) Moana (Pioton) .. Moana (London) .. Moata Moeraki Moerangi Mokoia (Rotorua) Mokoia (London).. Molly Monica Monica II Moonlight Morning Light .. Mororo Moturata Mountaineer Muratai Muriel Murihiku (dredge) Muritai Muriwai Nada Namu Nanoibel Nancy Natone Naumai (Kawhia) Naumai (A'kland) Nautilus (New Brighton) Nautilus (Hoki'nga) Nautilus (Stewart Island) Navua Nellie Mason Neptune Ngahere Ngaire Ngapuhi Ngarita Ngatea Ngatiawa Ngatimaru Ngoiro 6 4 3 6 2 4 1 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 5 5 2 4 2,415 3 2,715 5 3 2,112 3 3 23 4 59 2 18 66 4 22 369 3 6 1 2 5 2 50 5 29 4 ii 5 14 12 6 10 4 5 6 10 5 4 10 5 15 20 4 9 8 372 5 357 16 14 255 15 12 20 6 100 5 25 50 12 18 70 5 55 6 5 25 10 24 9 12 18 3,041 3,825 1,892 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Sorew Twin-screw Screw * . ■ River limits .. Foreign trade River limits .. Foreign trade River limits .. Foreign trade River limits .. io n io 9 9 6 e 'e a ':') 3 8 iie 521 Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Paddle .. Screw Twin-sorew Screw Home trade .. i 4 a 8 River limits .. Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine 3 4 7 5 1,773 14 4 556 2 299 4 6 220 4 139 220 15 14 118 5 160 18 14 55 10 52 1,867 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Foreign trade River limits 9 6 3 3 745 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Non-oondensing Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. 5 3 850 Twin-screw Screw 5 3 394 Twin-sorew Screw Screw each end Screw Home trade .. River limits .. River limits .. "b 3 Nick Nicola Nikau .. Nile Nimrod Nita Nora Niven Norval 'Nor-west 'Oban Ocean Queen Odin Oei Ohia Ohura .. 4 98 18 4 6 CO 50 (i 21 4 3 5 V 31 25 10 55 12 32 10 35 20 15 20 8 40 7 20 25 269 187 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Sorew Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Homo trade .. Home trade .. River limits .. a i a i i .3 1 2 Twin-screw Screw Condensing Twin-sorew Rivor limits .. *Sur 'eyed twice.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

Nam* of Vessel. rr> to •a 01 fl ■ a o ti -.■Cl "ft. 01 fl O 1 a ° ai.3 P. m cc ■ *-; a! . a a .a °0«O to 9 6. ft *> m ® m •=•• f% n « ■si ■S » ■"3«W Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minimui ber of ing Ch Crew 1 quires carriec followisses of jaw reto be i I. Remarks. a 9 AS § 31 ! CO (Li Wi •o a 1 'u H to IH 01 III ol 01 H CD Oleo Olga .. Oline .. Olive Olive Jean Olivene Omana Omati Omawi Onawe Oneroa Onewa Ongarue Opaia Oparau Opawa Opihi Opoutia Oranga Orepuki Orewa Orini Orion Osprey (Raglan) .. Osprey (Auokland) Otakou Otunui Ozone Pacific Paihia Palatine Paloona.. Pania Parenga.. Parera Paritutu (dredge) Paroto Patiti Pearl Pearl Kasper Peerless Polioan Pelorus Peregrine 20 10 10 32 25 18 14 35 20 25 15 15 53 23 5 18 86 5 16 78 17 120 8 4 70 13 75 10 15 15 5 443 11 10 4 90 120 15 7 22 15 57 12 52 Oil-engine Screw River limits .. Compound Oil-engine 14 5 29 81 9 5 5 59 638 •20 4 226 37 19 4 1 138 24 12 4 4 4 4 1,725 35 4 6 233 48 •20 9 16 4 62 3 162 Stern-wheel Screw Compound Oil-engine 74 542 Compound Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Compound Home trade .. Foreign trade River limits .. a 6 3 426 Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. 4 8 Oil-engine Twin-screw Sorew Compound Paddle .. Screw a .. Oil-engino // •. 2,413 Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Non-condensing Triple-expansion Oil-engine Foreign trado River limits .. 9 9 - 3 "a 648 Twin-sorew Screw Home trade .. River limits .. Non-condensing Oilengine Home trade .. River limits .. 1 256 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Twin-screw Screw Screw each end Twin-screw Screw Pet Petrel (Picton) .. Petrel (Onehunga) Phantom Phyllis (Hokitika) Phyllis (Russell) Phyllis (Te Kopuru) Pihinga Pilot .. Pioneer Pitoitoi Pleiades Plucky Poherua Pono Ponui Portare Presto Prinoess Pukeore Pupuke 6 2 6 20 1 4 5 3 6 3 34 3 29 716 30 3 6 *20 5 4 68 10 20 15 11 3 15 2 5 30 5 20 12 40 128 52 62 24 3 5 7 50 Oil-engine 140 Compound Oil-engine Homo trade .. River limits .. a Compound Oil-engine 270 648 Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. I 6 3 3 Twin-screw Screw River limits .. Compound Oil-engine # • • a •. Compound Sorew each end Twin-screw Screw Purau Putiki Queen Queen of Beauty .. Rainbow Rakino Rakiura Rama Rangi II Rarawa .. 9 168 2 4 4 3 13 244 2 460 30 60 6 16 12 8 10 97 10 140 320 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Home trade .. River limits .. "i 8 Home trade .. Foreign trade River limits .. Home trade .. i 4 1,108 a «■ Twin-screw 8 1 '2I '3 * Under 20 tons.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

Name of Vessel. fa ID +o til '& OJ M DO l-l o ti torto-lr £a° IS Ol rH o to ' a ° co .3 a, 2 a* ogs» „aa.a ft. to ts fl H lo^r o offlO z, rM 02 ?§ p K <d •a a J* d ° l-JUH a o Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minimum NumI ber of followl ing Classes of Crew Law requires to be carried. Remarks. a a .22 8 si s GO £ CD gj "h fl ® fl » ad 3 Rawhiti Regulus.. Reliance Reo (Hamilton) .. Reo (Whangarei).. Reomoana Result Revenge Rhodesia Rimu (Thames) .. Rimu (Invercargill) Ripple (Onehunga) Ripple (Napier) .. Riverton Riwaka Roko Rona Ronall.. Ronaki Rosamond Rose (Whangarei) Rose (Kaiapoi) .. Rotoiti Rotokohu Ruahine Ruawai Rubi Seddon (dr'ge) Ruby Ruru Sambo Samson Savaii Soarboro Soout Sea Bird II Sea Queen I Settler Shamrock (Ruru) Shamrock (A'kland) Shamrock Leaf .. Silver Bell Silver Cloud Silver Fern Simplon Sir Wm. Wallace Sneaker Sokol Southern Cross .. Sparrowhawk 23: 5 150 12 5 45 50 10 14 7 16 18 5 80 8 11 12 25 15 5 90 10 15 30 8 12 52 80 8 50 40 16 16 10 20 16 25 20 4 6 55 7 10 12 75 20 5 10 117 32 606 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Screw Twin-screw Screw River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. 4 8 6 14 19 6 4 6 28 8 187 5 19 3 4 6 4 462 4 4 5 11 5 177 349 3 62 5 4 9 5 4 6 6 6 2 2 6 2 3 2 69 30 6 7 403 99 a • • Compound Oil-engine Twin-sorew Sorew 285 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. River limits .. "i 3 445 Compound Oil-engine Homo trade .. River limits .. 5 3 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Sorew 1.88 Homo trade .. River limits .. 'a a 'hi Condensing Oil-engine Home trade .. River limits .. i l Compound Home trade .. River limits .. a i Oil-engino a . • 347 Triple-expansion Compound Twin-sorew Sorew eaoh end Screw Foreign trade River limits .. 'o 8 Speedwell Speedy Standard Stanley Stella .. Sterling.. St. George Storm Sunbeam Sylvia Symbol Tahawai Taiho Taihoa Tainui Taipo Takitumo Talune Tamure.. Tanfield Lea Tangaroa Taniwha (dredge) Taniwha Tararawa Tarawera Tarewai.. Tasman.. 4 3 9 2 122 4 2 186 5 4 8 9 2 3 5 13 2 1,370 24 5 10 8 90 28 8 70 8 9 6 14 4 20 30 12 5 255 10 12 70 16 40 45 250 11 45 270 251 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine u • * Foreign trade River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. a *. 4 "i a 3 n • . 1,554 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-sorew Sorew Twin-screw Sorew Twin-sorew Screw River limits .. Foreign trade River limits .. 8 '("; 'a *8 3 109 16 191 21 1,240 11 87 Compound Non-condensing Compound Oil-engine Compound Condensing Compound 8 6 8 8 1,404 Foreign trade River limits .. Home trade .. 215 Twin-screw 'a a



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

Name of Vessel. 02 '/. 'co <L X a> fl Ci eu a O o ® Sg-A £•"■ K arg§ Or- H*3 ,$oMO H-H fa CO I o . Pi ui is X Ol ■o a J5 « "os ® .2-0 •a -w a o tH Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mil I '" ii mmumNumior of follownf-! Classes of ,,rew Law rejuires to be larried. Remarks. CD 3 i a ■° u i> A O fe ID u 02 3 I u H in H Ol i a; J-. CD Taupiri Tauri Tawera (Auokland) Tawera (Ham'lton) Tawera (Lake Te Anau) Tawera (Taupo) .. Te Anau.. Te Aroha Te Awhina Te Hauraki Tempest Te Pioneer Terawhiti Teriruka Te Toa Te Tui .. Te Whaka (dredge) Te Wharu Te Wiremu Thelma.. The Pines Theresa Ward Thetis .. Thistle (Thamesl Thistle (Kaiapoi) Thomas King Thor Tiki Tinopai Tio Tiri Tiroa Tofua Togo Toiler Toitoi Tongariro Tot Tuahine Tuatea (Raglan) .. Tuatea (Dunedin) Tuatu Tuhoe Tui (Akaroa) Tuirangi Turanga Tutanekai (R'torua) Tutanekai (Russell) Uira Undine Uta Ventura Venture.. Vera Vesper (Te Kopuru) Vesper (Auckland) Viotory (Helensv'le) Victory (Auckland) Viking Vindex Viola .. Waiapu Waihau Wai-iti .. Waikana Waikato Waikuku Waima (Darg'ville) Waima (Auckland) Waimarama Waimarie (A'kland) f Waimarie (W'gton) Waiinea Wainui (Pioton).. Wainui (Akaroa).. Waioma 3 6 44 11 •20 7 16 40 11 25 Oil-engine Non-condensing Compound Screw River limits .. 2 957 57 87 5 3 25 102 4 9 31 141 3 4 3 1 9 2 4 4 70 6 10 3 4 6 93 2,634 *20 22 5 9 6 20 4 58 20 98 6 72 19 2 2 4 5 23 3 6 4 3 5 4 17 5 16 3 57 6 5 67 6 2 3 6 4 159 53 207 2 5 5 8 250 85 99 40 10 13 99 6 60 32 45 8 14 5 2 95 5 7 5 16 12 1,209 462 846 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engino Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-sorew Screw Twin-screw Screw Foreign trade Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade . . River limits .. i; a a -i 3 3 "s a 2 ;i 8 488 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. River limits .. i 8 70 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oilengine 8 12 20 31 354 14 13 18 8 30 14 8 28 60 120 22 22 25 10 8 3 10 50 7 14 16 16 32 14 30 14 32 15 35 40 47 200 10 5 10 20 8 48 20 100 5 10 20 130 3,233 •• 204 Compound Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Foreign trade River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. ii 1 a a !» i a '('-. ••I 8 Twin-screw Screw Twin-sorew Screw Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River limits .. i Home trade .. River limits .. i Compound Oil-engine Twin-sorew Screw Compound Non-condensing Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Paddle .. Twin-screw Screw n 510 Home trade .. River limits .. "i fl ,, .. * Under 20 tons. t Surveyed twice.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

Name of Vessel IM OO -fc* B '3d E .3 § *h-0*K •a° O.SS * a ° S.h p. Si fa a £ o g £«* WiS; rHSM-a * li °* a-2 S a SS si ooBO in CD I. °-% £§ fi« •si il .2 to ao ftH Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mini be ini Cr qr ca mini >r of g Cli few I lires .rriec followbsses of jaw reto be i I. Remarks a CO 02 CO a o a 02 u s U » is a cr] Hi - ■T-IiT: CIS Twin-sorew Screw Waione Waiora Wai-ora.. Waiotahi Waipu Wairau Waireka (Dunedin) Waireka (W'ng'nui) Wairere Wairoa Wairua (Auckland) Wairua (Wang'nui) Waitangi (A'kland) Waitangi (Dunedin) Waitemata (Aland) Waitomo Waiuku.. Wakaiti Wakapai Wakatere (Raglan) Wakatere (A'kland) Wakatu Wallaoe Wanderer (A'kland) Wanderer (A'kland) fWaterlily Waverley Weka Westella Westland Wetere .. fWhakarire (dr'dge) Whakarongatai .. Whangape Wharekawa Wharepapa W.H.B. Will Watoh Winnie May Wootton Worker f Young Bungaree.. Zephyr II Zita Zoe 48 20 3 167 76 56 72 r, o 41 48 220 •20 74 32 18 2,719 49 15 *20 4 176 95 60 23 4 29 93 20 3 8 41 449 2 1,900 4 80 75 15 56 50 20 49 45 25 16 44 70 66 60 75 372 200 43 10 5 140 30 50 30 12 20 25 80 14 86 22 120 10 280 18 18 15 45 8 33 12 35 10 60 4 349 204 127 70 285 1,604 131 Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Non-condensing Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Non-condensing Oil-engine Twin-sorew Screw Twin-sorew Screw Paddle .. Screw Twin-screw Screw Twin-screwj Sorew Twin-screw Sorew Twin-screw Screw Paddle .. Screw River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Foreign trade River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trado .. a a a 10 l a i 4 a a 3 a 2 i ':'i l 6 a s* 3 123 Compound Twin-sorew Screw i 2 o l l 445 Oil-engine Compound Paddle .. Screw Twin-sorew Sorew .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Foreign trade River limits .. "l 8 642 0 3 1,160 Oilengine Triple-expansion Oil-engine 8 8 2 3 3 -IH 3 90 a a 3 73 1. Home trado .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. a 131 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine 'a 156 Home trado .. Rivor limits .. "a • Under 20 tons. Surve; ■cd twice.



Return of Sailing-vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1921, with Particulars of Tonnage, etc.

Minimum Number of Seamen required by Law to be carried. Name of Vessel. Tons Register. Class of Certificate. Able Seamen. Ordinary Seamen. Apprentices or Boys. Agnes Martin (Lighter) Alert Alma ♦Altair Cathkit Clifton Combine Comet Dartford Deveron Edna Elsie Mary Esme Ethel Wells Haere Hazel Repton Herald Hero Huanui Huon Belle Irene Jane Gilford Kiatia Kitty Eraser "Laura Lindstol Maggie Moa (Auckland) Moa (Napier) Moonah Motu Ngaru Northern Chief Onerahi Pahiki Rangi *Raupo Rewa Rira Rona Saucy Kate Scot .. Sea Gull Senorita Talisman The Portland Waikonini Waiti Wanganui *Ysabel Zingara 41 98 23 57 139 18 24 20 1,196 26 22 99 20 19 99 100 73 25 99 42 24 20 20 25 326 354 20 99 66 97 169 66 263 25 20 86 683 7 105 610 25 18 25 324 70 59 23 17 309 148 90 River limits Home trade 2 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 10 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 1 2 2 2 4 2 5 1 1 2 8 1 2 8 1 1 1 6 2 2 1 1 6 4 2 i Foreign trade Home trade ,, Foreign trade Home trade 2 3 i River limits Home trade ,, i i ,, i River limits Home trade River limits Home trade Foreign trade i i i 1 River limits Home trade River limits Foreign trade Home trade i i i i Foreign trade Home trade i l i ,, i i Foreign trade River limits Foreign trade i l 2 2 Home trado », Foreign trade River limits Home trade i i i River limits Foreign trade i i l Home trade i * Surveyei twice.



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921.

Date of Vessel's Name, Age, Casualty. and Class. Rij » Si Number of Nature of Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. j Direction. Wind. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. Ufa | Passenfa gers. Cargo, Casualty. Force. 1919. | lov. 8 j Clutha, p.s., 9 years 173 7 W. General Collapse of boiler ; damage, £1,500 to £2,000 Clutha River .. W. Moderate Shortage of water in the boiler caused the crown of the furnace to collapse and allow the steam to escape. The Court found that the accident was due to the negligence of the fireman in allowing the water in the boiler to become so reduced as to cause the collapse of the furnace. The fireman succumbed to the injuries he received When crossing the bar a heavy rain squall obscured all land-marks. The Court exonerated the master and crew from any blame The ship was lost at sea with all hands on or about 26th March, 1920, whilst on a voyage from Motiti Island to .Auckland. The Court was of opinion that she foundered in exceptionally bad weather The launches were in each case being steered by passengers, and the collision was probably due to their inexperience K. Tsukigawa. 1920. 'eb. 25 | Kittawa, s.s. 708 25 Stranded ; trifling damage Manukau bar .. W. E. R. Nicholas. Schooner Chaff J.. W. Moderate -About Iar.g26 Kahu, aux., 31 years Schooner 25 4 Maize .. Foundered ; total loss 4 Not known .. S.E. S.E. Gale .. John Leafberg. „ 31 Sampson No. 2, o.e.v., 6 years „ 31 Nancibel, o.e.v., new ipril 5 Fannie, 48 years Cutter .. General Near Turua, Thames River, Auckland A. M. McMahon. 3 1 3 Collision; damage, £50 Collision; damage, £70 Fire ; total loss.. } Calm J Cutter .. 5 1 30 C. McCarthney. Hulk .. 9 .. Whangaroa, Chatham ! Islands The owner was cleaning engines with benzine when an explosion took place, and the vessel took fire and was totally destroyed Vessel was loading sulphur when it took fire in No. 2 lower hold. The fire was put out by water, and no more sulphur shipped. Damage to ship (if any) not ascertained Fire was caused by heat from donkey-boiler „ 9 Port Melbourne, s.s., 8 years Schooner 5,852 93 12 General Fire Galveston, U.S.A. .. N. Light .. F. Kearney. „ 14 The Portland, 10 years „ 30 Inga, s.s., 16 years Schooner 59 4 Fire j damage, £30 A. Nelson. 14 30 Schooner Wharf, Auckland South Taranaki Bight E.S.E. Light .. The Court was of opinion that the casualty was contributed to by the default of the master in failing to use the patent log and by the neglect of the chief officer in failing to call the master, as instructed, when she was passing Otomotua Point, as this would have given the master an opportunity of discovering that the vessel had run off her course through apparently being affected by a set inshore. The Court considered that the conduct of the second officer called for severe censure and that of the master for some censure, and ordered them to pay the cost of the inquiry (£11 lis.) in equal shares J. H. Bull. 570 20 Coal and timber Stranded; considerable damage I



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

Date of Casualty. Vessel's Name, Age, and Class. Rig. fa ?. m ex il a cxa to o Number of | Passenfa gers. Nature of Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Win Direction. Wind. nd. Force. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. Cargo. Casualty. 1920. May 12 Waiotahi, s.s., 29 Schooner years Akaroa, s.s., 44 Schooner years 168 18 General Stranded; damage, £50 Stranded; damage, £200 Mercury Bay S.E. W. Fresh breeze Light .. Touched bottom when in Wigmore Passage J. Wilson. and damaged some plates The vessel struck the reef, broke several H. Subritsky. frames and dented three plates. The Court found that the steersman, F. S. Gosset, failed to steer the course set by the master and thus caused the accident The Court w _ as of opinion that the master J. W. Crotty. committed an error of judgment in not seeking shelter, which he could have done, when he found that the ship was leaking badly, and that the pumps could not cope with the inflow of water. Except for this there was no neglect on his part or on that of the crew, and he took a proper course in beaching the vessel The " Goshawk " was making for her berth H. Bruick. and the " Tauranga " leaving hers when a slight collision, caused by the strong wind G. G. Sang. and tide, occurred Fire occurred in No. 4 hold amongst straw A. Cain. packing. Cause not known Wheel-chain on engine-barrel carried away E. Harris. owing to faulty link A leak was found in the forepeak tank caused R. Pearson. by the plating being fractured, probably by the anchor Crowns of furnace were found to have come D. P. James. down, probably owing to high density and dirty water River was in flood, and there was a dense fog E. A. Eden. which obscured the lights, and the vessel ran on top of the training- wall Part of main deck, deckhouse, upper deck, J. Smyth. wheel - house, and steering - gear burnt. Cause of fire unknown Fire occurred in starboard bunker. Cause H. G. Menzies not known Fire occurred amongst cargo in hold. Cause R. Johnson. not known. Considerable damage to cargo A floating tree fouled the rudder, breaking off H. G. Menzies a blade Vessel was struck by heavy sea which broke A. E. Stenbael the rudder-stock short off in the ruddertrunk, and she returned to Auckland for repairs. „ 22 29 7 Elizabeth Reef, Auckland Produce Stranded; total loss Rangitikei Beach W. Gale .. i, 23 ftAorere, s.s., 34 Schooner years 26 Gale Goshawk, s.s., 11 Ferry-boa years Turanga, o.e.v., 10 Launch years Westmeath, s.s., Schooner 17 years Waitomo, s.s., 9 Schooner years Opihi, s.s., 35 years Schooner Auckland Harbour .. May 26 „ 26 Ferry-boat Launch 122 19 4 3 ! Collision; trifling damage Collision; trifling damage Fire; damage, £38 } J W.S.W. Mode- J rate j Light .. H. Bruick. G. G. Sang. „ 28 „ 28 Schooner Schooner 5,914 2,719 75 42 Wheat Trifling accident to machinery Fractured plate; damage, £20 Lat 11° 6' S., long. 104° 5' W. Lat. 42° 58' S., long. 157° 52' E. Auckland Harbour .. E.S.E. S.W. Gale .. A. Cain. E. Harris, „ 31 Schooner 638 24 R. Pearson. June 5 Schwarzenfels, s.s., Schooner 6 years Schooner 5,258 61 Phosphate Collapse of furnace crown; damage, £360 Stranded; no damage D. P. James. 7 Invercargill, s.s., - Schooner 35 years Schooner 123 12 General Wanganui River Calm .. E. A. Eden. „ 16 Karaka, s.s., 9 Tug years Tug .. 10 Fire ; considerable damage Wellington Harbour.. Calm .. J. Smyth. „ 17 Wairua, s.s.. 5 Cutter .. years itfanaroa, s.s., 23 Schooner years Wairua, s.s., 5 Cutter .. I Cutter .. j 220 12 50 General Fire; damage, £1,000 Fire; slight damage Damaged rudder Helensville Calm .. H. G. Menzies. „ 17 Schooner 75 11 General 40 miles east of Timaru E. Light .. R. Johnson. „ 18 Cutter .. 220 12 Dargaville N.E. Fresh breeze Gale .. H. G. Menzies. „ 22 Tararawa, s.s., 34 Ketch .. Ketch .. 21 0 General Broken rudderstock Lat. 34° 50' S., long. 174° 40' E. W.S.W. A. E. Stenbaek. years


NEW ZEALAND Wreck Chart. 1st APRIL, 1920, to 31st MARCH, 1921.

By authority. Marcus F. marks. Government Printer. Wellington,



7—H. lfi

June 23 „ 23 Durham, s.s., 16 | Schooner years Rira, 15 years .. ! Ketch .. Schooner Ketch .. 5,: ,299 j 66 106 7 General General General General Fractured tank; damage, £1,000 Collision; slight : damage Broken propellerblades ; damage, £20 Defective shaftliner ; damage, £2,100 Between Sydney and Auckland Albert Wharf, Auckland N.W. N.W. 1 Top of No. 2 tank was found to be fractured, J. Watkins. probably caused by heavy weather Gale .. j Vessel was lying at the wharf when the R. W. Anderson schooner " Endeavour" in tow of s.s. " Mahurangi " bumped into her. Accident caused by the gale Calm .. Propeller struck anchor of dredge and broke A. H. Fisk. tips of two blades „ 30 Waitangi, s.s., 31 Schooner years Schooner 74 11 Patea River July — Canastota, s.s., 13 j Schooner Schooner 3,139 44 Off Pitcairn Island .. | Pieces of the shaft-liner were found to be A. Williams, peeling off. On arrival at Auckland section of shaft was taken out and new liner fitted. Accident due to overheating A passenger named S. J. Thacker was found A. T. Norton. to be missing at 5 a.m. in the morning, and is presumed to have been lost overboard Light .. High-pressure piston-valve broke. Temporarily repaired at sea and finally at Auckland Gale .. The ship encountered two heavy squalls in M. Pierotti. succession which caused her to lurch heavily to port. The second officer, A. S. Hill, was on the bridge, and the lurch of the vessel threw him heavily against the rail, and he overbalanced and fell overboard. All possible steps were taken for his rescue, but he was not seen again Light .. Fire broke out in No. 1 shelter deck. Cause A. M. Andrews, not known, probably short-circuiting of electric wire Moderate The vessel struck the bar when leaving the W. Earl. Hokitika River, ran ashore .on the beach, and became a total wreck. The Court exonerated the master and officers from blame During a dense fog the " Duchess " ran into the " Ruahine," lying at the wharf, striking her on the starboard side, abreast of the forepart of No. 4 hold, causing indentation E. G. Smith, of plates from 9 ft. above to 4 ft. below water-mark, loosening plates and rivets and Calm J bending three frames. The Court found ' that the casualty was due to error of judgment on the part of the master of the " Duchess " in running at full speed for John Lowry. three minutes after he entered the bank of fog and in underestimating the speed of his vessel, and he was ordered to pay half the (_ costs of the inquiry Calm .. When backing out the vessel swung into bank Jas. Owen, of river, broke two propeller-blades and bent rudder Moderate ' Fire occurred in coal in reserve bunker ; cause R. L. Biggins, not known j years 4 Monowai, s.s., 29 Schooner years Schooner 2,137 j .. : Loss of life 1 Between Gisborne and Auckland 8 Karamea, s.s., 21 Schooner years I Schooner 3,466 i 62 General Accident to machinery ; damage, £300 Loss of life 1 Lat, 9° 53' S., long. S 101° 9' W. S.E. „ 12 Rimu, s.s., 22 years Schooner Schooner 169 21 7 miles south of Manu- > kau Bar W. 21 ,, 22 Raranga, s.s., 4 | Schooner years General Fire ; slight damage Glasgow Wharf, Wellington S. Schooner 5,073 81 General S. Light .. „ 23 Paeroa, s.s., 29 Schooner years Schooner 45 8 2 Timber Timber Stranded ; total j loss Bar, Hokitika River.. N. N. Moderate ! Ruahine, s.s., 10 Schooner years 162 General Collision: damage, £16,000 Collision; damage, £200 Queen's Wharf, Wellington „ 27 6,823 General „ 27 *- Calm - Duchess, s.s., 23 Ferry years steamer 137 5 104 „ 30 General Manawatu River Kennedy, s s., 40 Schooner years Ariosto, s.s., 10 Schooner years 131 12 General Stranded; slight damage i Calm .. Aug. 1 2,760 37 General General Fire ; no damage Outside Taiaroa Heads, Otago N.E. N.E. Moderate

H.—J 5.


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

Ii Nl iber of Nature of Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. «on C - I Force. Date of Casualty. Vessel's Name, Age, and Class. Rig. " tA jFinding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. Passengers. Cargo. Casualty. Te Teko, aux.. 6 Schooner years i Gale Gale Light Light Light Gale Light Squall Vessel ran ashore and became a total wreck. The Court found that the stranding w~as caused by a strong set towards the coast and that the casualty could not reasonably have been avoided Whilst lying at the wharf, Kaikoura, a heavy south-west gale came up, and the " Cygnet" was compelled to make for Lyttelton for safety. Owing to the heavy bumping against the wharf at Kaikoura she was leaking badly, and had to be towed into port by the tug "Lyttelton" Touched patch of coral in Vuya Passage, Fiji, landmarks being obscured by rain The Court found that the master of the " Oban" was in fault in not keeping a proper lookout, and that the master of the "Vindex," < approaching the " Oban," did not give sufficient sea room to allow for emergencies. They were ordered to pay the costs of the inquiry in equal shares Whilst on passage from Vancouver to Union Bay, B.C., fire was discovered in coal-bunker and was apparently extinguished. After leaving Victoria, B.C., for Auckland, fire again appeared in wooden bulkhead and was finally extinguished Whilst vessel was at Hicks Bay the wind suddenly shifted and she had to beat to sea. In lifting anchor windlass carried away, anchor and chain being lost, and a heavy squall striking the vessel carried away the mainmast and sails Vessel struck Pipe Beacon Rock when leaving harbour and broke rudder and a propellerblade ly j The scow " .Alert" weighed anchor to be towed to the wharf, but before the tug reached her a heavy squall caused her to drift down on the " Altair" and carried away the latter's spare anchor Hole blew out in combustion chamber 1920. Aug. 6 Schooner 56 8 General Stranded; total loss General 1 South-east end of Slipper Island N.E. E. Sellars. " a „ 13 Cygnet, s.s, 35 Schooner years Schooner 66 General Leaking Off Point Gibson, Gore Bay S.W. „ 15 ...... E J. M. Appleyard. Rakanoa s.s., 25 Schooner 1.366 30 100 Sugar .. Stranded; no damage .. Lat. 17° 2' S., long. 178" 42' E. N. N. Light .. I years „ 17 Oban, o.e.v., 23 ! Schooner years Vindex, o.e.v., 23 Ketch .. years 21 Coal .. Collision; slight |*1 damage Collision; slight damage J General Fire ; no damage to ship 3 miles off Waikato, Golden Bay, Nelson Lat. 48° 10' N., long. 125° W. S. N.W. Light < J. M. Reeves. 3 „ 17 16 3 S. W. J. Tre.gidga. ,. 18 Canadian Exporter, Schooner s.s., new N.W. Light .. W. Bradley. j3,384 43 „ 19 • Fairburn, aux., 14 Schooner years 58 General Damaged rigging, £100 General Hicks Bay ... ! S.S.E. S.S.E. Gale S. Hakanson. „ 27 ■ F. G. Shirley. 1 Tasman, s.s., 17 Schooner years sT 14 General Stranded; damage, £60 General Whakatane Harbour S.W. S.W. Light .. 27 57 Collision ; no damage to ship Off Albert Wharf, .Auckland W. w. Squally J. Jackson. Altair, 17 years .. Ketch .. ft „ 30 I Ohinemuri, s.s., 29 Ketch .. Boiler-plate blown out; damage, £250 General Probably foundered 17 Kaipara Bar ' In vicinity of Niue Island 73 E. Sellars. years Sept. 4 Jubilee, aux., 23 Schooner years 90 7 General The "Jubilee " left Auckland on 15th August, 1920, for Niue Island, where she was due on 4th September. A heavy cyclonic storm arose on that da}', accompanied by waterspouts, and it is supposed the vessel was lost in the storm W. H. Champion. 10 : I I


H.- 15

Sept. 10 Ngoiro, s.s. Ferry-boat 139 Collision with raft; ' slight damage Auckland Harbour .. ' N.E. Fresh breeze N.E. The " Ngoiro " ran into a raft of logs which was being towed by the o.e.v. " Muriwai," owing to the latter vessel not showing proper lights. The master of the " Muriwai" was prosecuted and fined for breach of the regulations Starboard main steam-pipe developed extensive crack, probably caused by vibration of engines through defective engine-bed foundation Whilst swinging inside the breakwater the port bow struck wharf and damaged some plates The tide set the vessel against the wharf and the projecting end of a stringer damaged her side Touched some obstruction when going through the passage Fire occurred in donkey-room W. P. CliftonMoag. J. Jack. E. J. Wann. J. Mawson. E. Johannsen. ■ ■ „ 11 Otira, s.s., 1 year Schooner . Steampipe cracked; damage, £250 Damaged plates , trifling Lat. 6° 21' S., long. 108° 11' W. S.E. Light .. ,911 bD General S.E. . „ 14 Port Alma, s.s., 19 years Schooner - 4,344 02 Wool .. New Plymouth S.S.E. S.S.E. Moderate Oct. 15 Waimarie, s.s., 24 years Schooner 159 17 General Collision with wharf; trifling damage Stranded; no damage Fire; trifling damage Collision with jetty: slight damage Hikutaia Wharf, Parua River „ 20 Mokoia, s.s., 22 years „ 23 War Lord, s.s., 3 years ,, 25 Flora, s.s., 48 years Schooner 2,112 102 150 General Laucala Bay Passage, Fiji Wharf, Gisborne S.E. S.E. Light .. Schooner 98 8 Schooner 818 33 No. 4 jetty, Lyttelton S.W. Gale .. S.W. The vessel was blown against the jetty and damaged some of her plates A. A. McLellan. „ 29 Mana, s.s., 36 years Nov. 2 Kennedy, s.s., 55 years 2 Huon Belle, 24 Schooner 77 11 1 Stranded; no damage Stranded ; damage, £3,000 Bowsprit broken ; damage, £15 Stranded; total loss Bar, Wanganui River W.N.W. W.N.W. Fresh breeze W Moderate Vessel grounded when crossing the bar owing to its having shoaled Vessel struck on the bar, gradually worked off, and then struck the south spit Struck bridge over river owing to sudden change of wind and squall Accident was due to error of judgment on the part of the master in not taking shelter for the night in lee of Kapiti Island instead of continuing into a position of difficulty when he found the wind and sea increasing. He was ordered to pay costs of the inquiry The vessel was found to be leaking, and as the pumps could not keep the water down she returned to Lyttelton to have seams recaulked Fire occurred in No. 1 upper 'tween deck. Damage to ship being two beams bent and three plates buckled. Cause unknown D. Bonner. J. R. Owen. E. Donovan. A. E. H.Purvis. A. J. Holm. F. Hart. f A. Durloo. Schooner 131 12 General Bar, Manawatu River W Ketch .. 3 Coal .. Whangarei River S.W. S.W. Light .. years „ 2 , Lily, o.e.v., 46 years Schooner 59 6 General Kapiti Island N.N.W. N.N.W. Fresh breeze 9 Wotton, s.s., 30 years Schooner 90 Leaking; trifling damage 25 miles off Godley Head N.W. Gale .. „ 11 Corinthie, s.s., 15 years „ 15 Cobar, s.s., 17 years „ 15 Natone, s.s., 20 years ,, 19 Waiotapu s.s., 7 years „ 22 Coronation, o.e.v., 18 years Schooner 7,830 210 General Fire ; considerable damage Glasgow Wharf, Wellington Sloop .. 69 5 107 Collision; slight ~] damage I Collision, no | damage J Fire ; no damage to ship 1 Wellington Harbour S. Light .. When backing out from Ferry Wharf the - vessels collided. Trifling mishap As the result of heavy weather some drums of phosphorus were broken and ignited, causing fire amongst the cargo Vessel was at anchor in Evans Bay when a heavy gale arose, causing the cable to part, and she drifted ashore 1 H. W. Har- [_ greaves. F. P. Evans. A. Taylor. Cutter 50 4 Schooner 4,561 56 General Lat. 52° N., long. 25° W. W.S.W. Moderate N.N.W. Gale .. Ketch .. 59 Stranded: slight damage Evans Bay, Wellington Harbour



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

r, CO ■§§> Hi iber of Nature of Number of Lives Lost. 'ind. Name of Master. Date of Casualty. Vessel's Name, Age, and Class. Rig. Place where Casualty occurred. Finding of Court of Inquirv ga CD H Passengers. Cargo. Casualty. Direction. Force. 1920. tec. 4 Flora, s.s., 38 years Schooner 818 33 General Stranded ; trifling damage French Pass S.W. Moderate When proceeding through the Pass the wheelchain carried away and the vessel grounded on the middle bank, floating off on rise of tide Fire broke out in engine-room, caused by heavy lurch causing a lamp to upset Vessel stranded in a fog which came down suddenly. The Court exonerated the master and officers from blame Stranded owing to strong current and beam sea. Vessel refloated. Total loss of cargo valued at £2,000 Fire occurred in No. 5 hold. Slight damage to cargo When leaving the harbour the ship touched ground slightly with port bilge Lost way through engine stopping, and was driven ashore by the strong wind Fire broke out in forecastle. Cause not known A. A. McLella-n. Zita, aux., 43 years Apanui, s.s., 15 years Brigantine General Fire; damage, £200 16 miles N.E. off Farewell Spit Karaka Channel, .Awanui North W. Moderate gale Moderate R. Goldie. „ * 73 9 „ 7 Schooner 135 15 28 General Stranded; damage, £200 N.N.W. E. H. Goertz. „ 11 Te Aroha, o.e.v., 11 years Schooner 7 10 Frozen Stranded; slight damage Bar, Wairoa River, Hawke's Bay N.W. Moderate B. M. Carpenter. meat „ 18 Remuera, s.s., 9 years -Armagh, s.s., 4 years Oban, aux., 23 years Waitangi, s.s., 23 years Nora Niven, s.s., 14 years Schooner 7,154 165 General Fire ; no damage King's Wharf, Wellington Bluff Harbour N. Light .. J. J. Cameron. „ 18 Schooner 7,878 102 General Stranded ; no damage Stranded ; no damage Fire ; damage, £40 W. Fresh breeze S. Vint. „ 24 Ketch .. Schooner 21 31 3 6 Entrance Nelson Harbour Wharf, Dunedin S.W. Strong.. G. N. Westrupp. „ 25 M. Hargreaves. „ 27 Schooner 66 Leaking; damage, £100 Queen's Wharf, Wellington Vessel was found to have 2 ft. of water in her over stokehold plates. Pumped dry and small hole found in bottom plate, caused by internal corrosion Fire occurred in No. 1 hold bulkhead, caused by heat from boiler When heaving the anchor the winch carried aw-ay An explosion of gas occurred in starboard fore and side bunker Oil accumulated round " fan " and was fired whilst boilermakers were cutting out a plate, and the fan-rotary was damaged When entering Port Nicholson the vessel broached to and capsized in the heavy confused sea, the master and crew being drowned Fire occurred in the lamp-room, supposed to have been caused by watchman dropping a match Fire occurred in forehold, probably caused by spark from donkey-boiler Vessel grounded owing to strong eddy and swirl of tide After entering Port Nicholson a heavy squall struck the vessel, and she missed stays and went ashore, becoming a total wreck C. Ormes. 1921. Jan. 2 Huia, s.s., 42 years Schooner 9 Fire; trifling damage Winch carried Queen's W T harf, Wellington Napier Roadstead Calm .. J. W. Crotty. 64 ., 15 Dorset, s.s., 17 years Navua, s.s., 17 years Navua, s.s., 17 years Schooner 5,542 106 General E.N.E. Gale .. S. S. Vine. „ 17 „ 19 Schooner Schooner 1,773 1,773 79 40 General General away Fire; damage, £629 Fire; damage, £250 King's Wharf, Auckland King's Wharf, Auokland S.W. S.W. Light .. Light .. H. Fletcher. H. Fletcher. „ 30 Omaka, aux., 34 years Schooner 39 Produce Capsized; total loss 6 Pencarrow Heads, Wellington Harbour S. Gale .. A. E. H. Purvis. Kini, s.s., 27 years Schooner Coal and timber Fire; damage, £30 Wharf, Lyttelton Calm .. R. Cordy. Feb. 23 702 25 „ 28 Mar. 18 Moa, 14 years Nikau, s.s., 12 years Schooner Schooner 99 248 5 16 28 Timber General Fire ; damage, £100 Stranded; no damage Stranded ; total loss Tauranga Harbour .. French Pass S.W. s.w. Fresh breeze Light .. W. Bourke. R. J. Hay. „ 26 Magic, aux., 20 years Schooner 58 6 Marble.. Pencarrow Heads, Wellington Harbour N.W. Gale .. W. Mackintosh.



Summary of Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1921.

Casualties on or near the Coasts of the Dominion. Casualties outside the Dominion. Total Number of Casualties reported. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total within Dominion. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total outside Dominion. Nature of Casualty. CD o Eco I *h O *rt m o- ! 0-3 55.- 55 £ rt! | > CD o ■52 1 *Z m O CD 55 .£ CD bo a o -4= . CO Hi en . en CD a a o to I ' 0*3 Hi [ > CD 0 0 Hi > CD DC ft a a o en •52 o o 55.2 rt! O CO O ■rt J5 J en O a, > O CD Stran dings — Total wrecks Partial loss Slight damage No damage 5 4 7 7 244 865 1,978 11,825 1 " " 5 4 7 7 244 865 1,978 11,825 1 " •■ " " " •• " " " " .. .. ._ .. Total strandings 23 14,912 1 I i : 23 14,912 1 ! — I 23 14,912 .. Foundered — Total loss ! 3 I 154 27 3 154 I 27 " i i " 3 j 154 27 Collisions — Partial loss Slight damage No damage ; 2 10 2 6,960 1,458 69 " 1 *57 2 10 3 6,960 1,458 126 •• •• 2 10 3 6,960 1,458 126 I .. ■■ ! ! 8,487 I ; , : 8,544 Total collisions.. 14 1 57 •• 15 8,544 " .. 1 ■■ .. 15 " Fires — Total loss Partial loss Slight damage No damage ' 1 5 8 2 9 9,906 13,730 9,914 1 1 59 99 1 5 9 3 9 9,906 13,789 10,013 33,717 " .. i 1 5 9 6 9 9,906 13,789 23,810 47,514 "3 13,797 •• .. "3 13,797 •• " .. ■• Total fires 16 33,559 2 3 13,797 ! ! i 3 13,797 21 158 18 .. .. Miscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas to hull and cargo, loss of masts, sails, &c., and breakdown of machinery 13 | 16,623 I 1 1 3 14 16,626 1 5 19,543 5 19,534 " , 36,160 69 73,735 29 218 73 73,953 2,306 29 8 33,331 3,3331 81 107,284 Total casualties to shipping 4 • • 8 • • Loss of life only 2 2,306 2 " 2 2 1 i ; " " 1 " 2 2,306 " 1 Total cumber of casualties reported 71 ! 76,041 01 31 4 218 : - 75 76,259 31 8 33,331 I I 8 33,331 109,590 •• .. .. .. 83



Return showing the Number of Land Boilers and Machinery inspected during the Financial Year ended 31 st March, 1921.

Class. Machinery. Number. Hydraulic lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 262 Gas-lifts ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 14 Electric lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 675 Steam-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 16 Gas, hydraulic, and electric-motor hoists ... ... ... ... 770 Water-engines, water and electric motors, and water-wheels ... ... 6,002 Peltons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 242 Turbines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11l Gas-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,308 Oil-engines ... ..' ... ... ... ... ... 11,406 Steam machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Total ... ... ... ... ... 20,807 Return showing the Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Stationary, Winding, Locomotive and Traction, Locomotive, and Traction-engine Drivers, and to Electric-tram Drivers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1921. Class. Number. Steam stationary— Service' —First class .. .. .. .. .. 10 Competency— Extra first-class engineer .. .. .. .. 14 First class .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 Second class .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 234 Steam winding, competency .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 Electric winding, competency .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Locomotive and traction, competency .. .. .. .. .. 141 Locomotive, competency .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 Traction, competency .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 Electric tram, competency .. .. .. .. .. .. 141 Total .. .. .. .. .. ..703

Return of Engineers to whom Extra First-class Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921.

Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921.

• Oti iers. Class. Not exceeding 5 Horse-power. Exceeding 5 but not exceeding 10 Horse-power. Exceeding 10 Horse-power. Total. Stationary ... Portable 2,894 191 824 1,214 2,170 453 5,888 1,858 Totals 3,085 2,038 2,623 7,74:6

Name of Person. Date ot Issue. No. Ldair, James Graham .ndrews, Ernest Percival .. irown, Arthur Edward Holmes iawson, Wilfred Milne )urbridge, Albin Russell .. lunter, William Patterson .. IcAllister, Archibald 4/3/21 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 120 117 108 113 109 118 111

Name oi Person. Date o( Issue. No. Mountfort, Haworth Hillary Neich, Augustus Hugh Rasmussen, Wilfred Neill .. Read, George Blakeway Rickards, Percy William Stephenson, Harry Newton Thomas, Frank George 26/8/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 110 107 116 114 112 119 115

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. idams, John Bird Hunter .. )ean, James Vincent 'leming, William Robertson Jreen, John tickman, William Francis .. .. 27/11/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 .. 27/11/20 1784 1779 1780 1789 1783

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Ingerson, Herman Henry .. Jones, Alfred Kitching, Lionel Thomas .. Patterson, Lorenzo Thackeray, Richard Nelson 27/11/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 27/11/20 26/8/20 1785 1787 1788 1786 1781



Return of First-class Stationery-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921.

Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st april, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921.

Date of Issue. No. Name of Person. Andrews, William Edward .. Barber, Joseph Henry Boyd, William Erskine Boyd, William Philip Burge, Henry ChaHis, Alfred James Clifford, James Cook. George Halden Cooper, ffilliard Charles Crossan, Charles Baden Powell Dale, William Drake, Thomas Waddington Elgie, Herbert Fleming, James Naismith .. Furby, Harold Richard Grundy, John Hamilton, William James .. Harrison, Frederick Healy, Victor Joseph Herkt, William August Higgins, George Leslie Holmes, William Houston, Cecil Johnson, Arthur William .. Jones, Reginald Herbert Joy, Joseph William 27/11/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 1998 1999 1981 1990 2000 1994 1966 1973 2013 1979 2001 1971 1992 1969 2008 1980 1985 2011 1978 1972 1982 1986 2009 1975 2002 2005

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Keeble, Henry William Levings, Alfred John Lodge, Clement Lucas, Cecil Osborne McDowell, Roy McKay, John McQuillan, Gladwyn Marsh, William Nicholas Mason, James, jun. Morettes, Francis Morton, Thomas William . . Nicholson, Neil Leslie Norman, Albert Edward Pettit, Herbert Rooke, Edward Sadd, Philip Nelson Spieer, Herbert Richard Stapley, Charles Lewis Tatton, Zala Cromer Walker. Frederick John Wiles, William Wilkinson, James Henry Willan, Thomas George Winstanley, Thomas William Wood, David Wood, George Francis 4/3/21 27/11/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 26/8/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 29/5/20 5/10/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 2010 1996 1974 1967 1984 1965 1970 2004 2012 2007 1976 1997 1991 2003 1968 1963 1964 2006 1977 1961 1989 1962 1987 1995 1993 1960

Kam« of Ferson. Date of i w„ Issu.. "°- Sydney \hern, /lames Patrick Alexander, Frank fallen, Charles William indcrsen, Oscar Smith Anderson, David Rutherford Armstrong, Hector Armstrong, William Thomas irnerich, Harry Baker, Ernest Walter Barnes, James Carrington .. Barnsdale, William Baxter, Thomas Joseph Beange, Alexander Beesley, Henry Abel Bertram, Herman Weston .. Bigland, John Blanco, John William Braithwaite, Charles Harold Bull, David Kerr Bunn, John balder, George Cameron, John Stewart Campbell, Kenneth William Cannons, Lionel .. Dapper, Henry James Carlson, John Victor fashion, Jeremiah 3ave, Francis Harold , Cavo, William Arthur Chalmers, Alexander Chambers, William Chiplin, Edward John Clarke, Christopher Ularkson, Samuel Clearwater, Albert James .. Clement, Harry Jlements, Reginald Coddington, Henry Francis Cole, Reginald Stanley Coleman, Andrew Anthony.. Condon, William Alexander Cook, Walter Coombes, John Roy Cooper, Francis George 4/3/21 26/8/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 29/5/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 20/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 5328 5220 5239 5136 5243 5225 5329 5132 5286 5213 5145 5297 5287 5231 5263 5137 5156 5155 5300 5198 5259 5131 5191 5244 5283 5127 5175 5149 5224 5340 5301 5330 5245 5285 5298 5232 5291 5158 5274 5126 5196 5202 5305 5205 5260

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Coward, Frank Craig, James Matthew Craig, William Victor Creagh, Peter Cresswoll, Cuthbert John Crothers, James Davis, Alfred Cyril Dawson, Alfred Day, Dudley Vivian Dearlove, Arthur Honore Denham, Lewis Stewart Dent, Jack Donnelly, James Drake, Alfred George Drube, Herbert Louis Drummond, Donald Duff, Bertram Lawrence Eden, Richard Egan, John Ellicott, Reginald George Ellis, Frederick George Emery, Charles James Eteveneaux, Louis Ewens, Thomas Henry Biddlecombe Ferrel, Henry Albert Fieldsend, Octavius Fleming, John James Ford, John Goodwin Ford, Samuel Foster, William Andrew Fowler, Arthur Garton, Allan Franklin Glass, David Munro Goodey, Joseph Edward Gow, John Cameron Grant, Horace James Gray, Albert Grooby, Reginald Thornton Guy, Charles Richard Hall, John Hampton, Harry Hardy, Frank Leslie Harris, Ernest Alexander Harris, Thomas Dromgool Harvey, Harold Edward 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/.20 4/3/21 4/3/21 5292 5208 5307 5135 5275 5188 5211 5336 5226 5123 5246 5255 5271 5146 5227 5193 5159 5344 5133 5221 51.42 5189 5140 5293 5331 5308 5177 5272 2564 5160 5276 5319 5178 5309 5310 5341 5311 5150 5206 5315 5179 5247 5157 5320 5355



Return of First-class Stationery-engine Drivers, etc. — continued.

Return of Winding (Steam) Engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921.

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Haylock, Ernest John Heaven, Raymond George . . Henderson, Henry Thomas Hilford, Frank Christopher, jun. Hill, Stacey Edward Hollins, Arthur Holmes, Robert Anthony .. Horton, John Pearson Hosio, Allan Hourston, Glonen Robert .. Hughes, William Hutchinson, Thomas Fowler James, George Henry Jenkins, Patrick Philip Johnston, Arthur Sharpe Johnstone, Charles Jones, Alfred Rees Judson, Frank Reginald Julian, Louis Nicholas Jull, Edward K*ay, David Keanoy, Hughy Kerr, William Knapman, Reginald George Knapp, Kempster James .. Knight, John William Lamond, John Landman, Leopold Valentine Langhorne, Charles Owen .. Latta, Robert James Le Prou, Edmund Emile Lockington, Francis Edward Long, Harry Kin Hong Low, George Clarke Lowndes, Frederick Edin .. Lyall, Robert Alexander McArtney, Alfred David McConnel, Robert Harold .. McDonald, Angus McDowell, Robert John McEwin, John Andrew Mackay, Donald McLachlan, Robert McLelland, James Thomson MacRae, Norman Thomas .. Madsen, Hans Peter Mann, Charles Mason, William Mason, William Mawhinnoy, Leonard Mcharry, James Alexander Meildejohn, Robert James .. Michelle, Richard Harvey, jun. Milne, Charles Robert Mitchell, James Scott Moffitt, William Robert .. Moore, Fred Morrow, John Mortensen, Axel Brerad Mortensen, Peter Axel Napier, Ernest Colin Nicholson, Albert Edward .. Nicol, Claud David William Nicol, James Norton, William Olen, James Gladstone York Paisley, Walter Parson, Walter Pearce, William Henry Petch, Oswald Herbert Petersen, William Mervyn .. Pitts, William Henry 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 20/8/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 20/8/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 4/3/21 27/11/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 4/3/21 29/5/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/1,1/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 5161 5222 5162 5153 5266 5267 5265 5172 5176 5235 5337 5228 5203 5214 5269 5201 5163 5296 5314 5229 5204 5349 5350 5334 5284 5138 5236 5154 5256 5167 5277 5306 5288 5240 5313 5197 5187 5352 5237 5317 5241 5342 5180 5168 5230 5128 5321 5233 5302 5181 5194 5182 5303 5347 5289 5234 5201 5169 5333 5278 5183 5312 5299 5290 5279 5129 5356 5273 5238 5215 5218 5248

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Potter, Ernest Harold Potter, William John Prentice, Allan Prestney, David Prince, Horace Thomas Pritehard, George Pulham, Leslie Bannatyne Purvis, George Radford, Gilbert Randerson, Claude Douglas Ree, Andrew Reesby, Thomas Charles Reid, Lester Herbert Restall, George Alfred Revell, Lewis St. John Rider, James Harry Munro Robertson, Robert George Hepburn .. Ross, James David Rowell, Harry Ernest Ruffett, James Rutledge, Frederick Robert Ryan, Albert John Scott, Robert James Seath, James Coutts Seccombe, Frank Gordon Seddon, Clifford Scddon, William Seidelin, Alfred George Shiels, William Sinclair, Dugald Single, George Dunmore Smith, James Roy Soronsen, George Thomas Sorensen, Paul Charles Sorenson, William Alfred Soilness, Fergus Robert George Spray, Edward Francis Stevens, Harold Morrison Stevens, John Ascott Stevenson, William John Strong, Percy Alfred Sturt, William Arthur Summers, Walter Frederick Sweney, Frederick Charles Symes, Frederick St. Elmo Tanner, Walter Taylor, Frank Herbert Thompson, John Tilley, Ernest Todd, Arthur Todman, William Tregea, James Henry Trounson, Lucius Walker, Francis Pullen Walker, George Walker, James John Walker, Thomas Wallace, John Warren, Charles Edward Waters, John Watts, Charles William Webb, William Charles Wells, Clinton Frederick Wells, Richard Charles West, Fred Howard West, William Henry Whitaker, George Herbert .. ... Whittington, Horace Henry Harold .. Wickstone, John Williams, Charles Workman, Edward Wright, George Thomas John 29/5/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 29/5/20 4/3/21 29/5/21 29/5/21 29/5/21 4/3/21 4/3/21 4/3/21 27/11/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 29/5/21 26/8/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 27/11/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 20/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 29/5/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 29/5/20 20/8/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 26/8/20 26/8/20 20/8/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 4/3/21 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 5184 5249 5207 5216 5250 5147 5324 5144 5323 5151 5186 5152 5322 5354 5326 5304 5318 5257 5338 5357 5174 5251 5262 5351 5325 5280 5141 5170 5164 5192 5281 5282 5143 5165 5294 5210 5217 5258 5139 5166 5252 5295 5253 5219 5268 5209 5348 5148 5171 5200 5190 5270 5346 5134 5242 5345 5353 5254 5212 5195 5122 5223 5124 5343 5339 5335 5125 5199 5173 5185 5130 5310

Name of Porson. Date of „„ Issue. ■ N0 - Desmond, John Patrick Hill, James McEwan, Joseph Taylor 29/5/20 574 .. 27/11/20 575 4/3/21 576

Name of Person. Name of Person. Date of Date of Issue. No. name oi reraon. Issue. Mills, Harry Grant Williams, Frederick ' Wilson, Sidney Robert 4/3/21 .. 29/5/20 .. 29/5/20 57' 57: 57:



Return of Locomotive- and Traction-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921.

8-H. 15.

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Allan, Charles Alfred Allen, Joseph Anderson, John Ander Anderson, Peter Annabell, Arthur Armstrong, Richard . i Barnes, Frederick George .. Bartholomew, Charles Henry Bartholomew, Joe Bateman, Archie Otto Beatson, Conrad Martin Benyon, Walter James Bisset, Ernest James Blight, Joseph Blows, Pereival Thomas Wright Booth, Herbert Bradbury, John Johnson Brighton, John Brothers, Joseph Edward Eric Brown, William Nimmo Buchanan, Robert Louis Calvert, Oswyne Cantwoll, Duncan Hepburn Cartman, Frank Cheeseman, Edwin Thomas Clark, Charles Henry Clark, David Fraser Coard, James Oolligan, Robert Corieh, John James Cox, William Beresford Crothers, Cecil Samuel Curtis, Arnold Davidson, Leonard George . . Davy, Edgar Palgrave Devine, John William Dixon, Thomas Henry Doyle, James Arnold Duff, Donald Evans, Herbert Shaw Everiss, Arthur William Farrell, Leslie Flynn, John David Joseph .. Fowler, William Thorpe Fry, Henry Edward Garlick, Thomas Gibson, Ernest Stanley Gibson, James Arthur Giehard, William George Gilshenan, Lawrence Peter .. Gough, John James Graham, George Haigh, James William Hamilton, Joseph Edmund. . Harle, William Ridley , Harris, Norman Eugene Hausch ild, Frederick William Hay, David Herries, Frederick Stanfield Higgins, Charles Vincent Higgins, Robert William Hill, George Hill, Leslie Arnold Horton, John Pearson Hughes, Bernard Hume, Charles John William Hynes, Peter Aloysius Jackson, Willie James, Henry Herbert Moray Johansen, William John Kelleher, William 4/3/21 4/3/21 26/8/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 20/8/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 26/8/20 5/10/20 20/8/20 20/8/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 20/8/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 20/8/20 7/11/20 20/8/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 3830 3821 3761 3813 3775 3754 3738 3744 3739 373:! 3700 3720 3752 3822 3820 3763 3780 3712 3786 3700 3729 3789 3764 3725 3773 3781 3750 3804 3711 3724 3824 3098 3755 3694 3834 3809 3710 3792 3802 3831 3795 3734 3828 3737 3751 3771 3735 3762 3776 3810 3765 3826 3741 3778 3702 3774 3742 3723 3746 3791 3787 3793 3796 3756 3837 3811 3730 3777 3770 3788 3817

Name of Person. « Date of Issue. No. Kolliher, Patrick Kitto, John Latham, Edward Reginald .. Lawrence, Joseph Howard . . Lawson, Herbert Wilfred Lay, George John Lees, Albert Levings, Alfred John Leyland, Ernest Charles Lindsay, George Nairn Luxton, Thomas Davey Lyons, Benjamin Bennett .. McDoll, William Henry McGaughey, Benjamin McGillivray, John.. McLeod, Mark Francis McNeil, Donald Me Williams, Frederick Douglas Mason, William Metherell, Harold Moody, Arthur James Mudford, John Leslie Muir, James Crosbie Murfitt, Malcolm James Nathan, Richard Nicol, John Hector Nissen, Eric Clause Oliphant, Robert Olive, Samuel Thomas Osborne, Francis William .. Page, William Painter', Frederick Joseph .. Parker, William Alexander.. Parsons, David Isaac Pearson, John Watson Penny, Robert Penrose, John Christopher .. Peryman, Keith Lavington.. Potter, George Stephen Prain, George Munro Reynolds, Arthur Pretoria .. Richards, Victor Norman Voake Riley, Victor George Robertson, Robert Rowse, Frank Henry Scott, Thomas Graham Shaw, Gordon James Smart, Ernest Frederick Smith, Edgar Arthur Smith, Joseph Stapley, Charles Lewis Sterling, Isaac Alfred Stewart, Donald Allan Storey, Herbert John Lisle .. Strong, Percy Alfred Tennant, Fleetwood. Robert Thomas, Frank George Thomas, William Harold Thomson, David Trevella, James Treweek, Reginald James .. Turkington, Walter Twomey, Patrick Wallace, John Watt, James Richard Whiting, Alfred Charles Wilkins, Robert Wilsher, George Albert Wilson, Walter Young, Albert 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/5/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 4/3 /21 29/5/20 4/3/21 29/5/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 27/11/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 26.8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 29/5/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 29/5/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 29/5/20 3743 3805 3716 3800 3703 3717 3772 372] 3838 3740 3769 3768 3727 3798 3745 3812 3799 3699 . 3825 3747 3835 3707 3810 3708 3814 3827 3785 3790 3695 3705 3807 3736 3794 3732 3783 3728 3713 3760 3832 3836 3714 3782 3748 3718 3757 3779 3784 3719 3766 3833 3815 3726 3753 3715 3808 3800 3801 3758 3839 3731 3767 3704 3759 3722 3823 3818 3696 3749 3819 3709



Return of Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificate of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921.

Return of Traction-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921.

Return of Winding (Electric) Engine Drivers to whom Certificate of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921.

Name of Person. Dawson, John Henry Dreckman, Alfred Edward .. Date of w Issue. JN0 - 29/5/20 14 29/5/20 15

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Fraser, William George .. 27/11/20 17

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Adams, William George Alexander, Frank Andreassen. Tcodor August Ballance, John Selby Osborne Barker, Walter Frederic Barter, Frederick William .. Bassett, Robert William Bateman, Arthur George .. Bell, Daniel Bishell, William Marriott .. Blair, Henry Bowman, Richard Oscar Bowring, Charles .Alfred Brogden, Douglas John Brooks, Hector Francis Campbell, William Carl!, John Henry Chambers, Charles Harold .. Clark, Alfred Edward Cooper, Arehard Wilfred Crawford, John Croy, Albort Arthur Cullen, Peter Leo Dawson, Arthur Ernest Dawson, Christopher Henry Dillon, James Dobson, Charles Herbert Dobson, Edwin Dobson, Henry Downes, Fritz Silvester Ealam, William John Eden, Clement William Eden, James Thornton Egerton, Arthur William Ferrier, Robert Adam Fowler, Ralph Howard Fuller, William Henry Garlick, Richard Giesen, Herbert Wellington.. Gillespie, Lawrence Livingstone Goodrick, Robert Percy Grant, John Vincent Gray, Herbert Howard Hague, Charles Hanifin, Jeremiah H arkness, Charles Scott Harrington, Duncan Hoise .. Hattrill, Albort Victor Haugh, Robert Alexander .. Henderson, Robert Ramsay 26/8/20 29/5/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 27/11/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 20/8/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 349 325 319 348 370 331 307 347 360 329 317 407 355 398 358 350 361 332 373 381 314 372 321 385 386 387 405 400 362 356 337 339 340 388 315 341 401 378 338 370 354 322 357 330 323 364 393 351 409 394

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Higgins, David Emery Holland, Samuel Hore, Joseph Hughan, Eric Ironside, William Richard Jackman, Thomas, jun. Jane, Cecil Godfrey Johnston, Charles Stuart McDonald .. Jones, Frederick Gordon Lang, John William Lawrence, Harry Douglas Le Prou, Victor Eugene Long, Charlie Winifred Ekin Lott, James Mcintosh, George Macintosh, Walter Wilson Mackie, William Valintine Mc.Malion, John William .. Maindonald, Lauritz Eugene Marshall, John Henry Mills, Frank Hubert Morris, Sydney William Murdook, Robert Newell, Seth O'Callaghan, Alec. Osborne, George William Reginald . . Page, John James Pearson, Lawrence George William .. Reid, Andrew Garden Richards, Henry Edward Harrison .. Rooke, Arthur Percy Ryan, Norman George Sefton, David Small, Phillip Geoffrey Smallfield, Percy Walton Smith, Harold Colin Soal, Ernest Soutor, James, jun. Spark, John Storer, Edward William Stringer, Francis Henry Champ Sutherland, John Comric Campbell .. Taylor, George Maxwell Troup, James Wilson Vavasour, Edward Joseph Walker, William Ward, Ernest Watson, Arthur Watts, Charles Frederick Whale, Arthur Edward 27/11/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 4/3/21 20/8/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 26/8/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 20/8/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 20/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 4/3/21 27/11/20 4/3/21 20/8/20 27/11/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 29/5/20 27/11/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 29/5/20 4/3/21 20/8/20 26/8/20 4/3/21 26/8/20 26/8/20 27/11/20 29/5/20 27/11/20 4/3/21 27/11/20 27/11/20 368 402 379 404 846 399 408 328 377 374 389 359 363 320 334 326 390 335 392 342 324 397 412 413 383 395 343 375 352 365 406 410 327 384 382 414 366 318 411 336 353 396 344 345 369 :!l(i 371 403 391 380

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. lurns, Egerton Joseph 26/8/20 66

Name of Person. Date of , Issue. Date of Issue. No. No. Parker, Edmund Barton . . 27/11/20 67



Return of Electric-tram Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted FROM the 1st April, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921.

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Agnew, Edward Donnelly .. Askew, Ernest Walter Belworthy, Charles Windsor Beresford, Edmund Berridge, Cyril Bignold, Alfred Ernest Blundell, Percy Bool, Rupert Lawrence Brodie, William Brown, William Thomas Buckley, Lance Norman Burns, David Butler, Charles Edward Byatt, Bernard Benson Calvert, Albert Horace Carson, Martin Carter, Bertram Henry Cecil, Egerton Burleigh Cooper Clark, Charles Arthur Colhoun, Robert Conley, Ernest Alexander .. Cook, George William Cramp, William Crawford, Alphonso Crawford, John Currie, James Thomas Delahunt, William Donaldson, Richard Doughty, Harry Isle Drake, Henry Driver, John Alexander Duffey, Patrick Ellis, Francis Pearce Ellis, Hugh Warwick Emmerson, Robert England, Francis Hugh Evans, Harold Eyre, Frederick James Ferrel, William Findlay, Roderick George .. Fletcher, Christopher Fowler, Ernest Vincint Gallagher, Leonard Francis Gard, Vernon Claud Griffiths, William Evan Charles Hamlin, William Henry Harding, Leslie Alexander .. Harris, Sidney Frank Harvey, Edgar Hawkins, John Heeney, John Hellberg, John Hill, Harold Walter Horton, Charles Thomas Howie, Arthur Thomas Iremongor, James Frederick Jackson, Leo Michael Jarvis, Sydney William Johnston, Thomas Albert .. Jones, George King, Daniel John Kingstone, Thomas James .. Lacey, Albert Edward Lawrence, Arthur Lott, James Stanhope Maber, Arthur William McBratney, William Aloxander McClymont, Hugh McCullough, William James McDermott, Robert Reginald McGuire, Archie Howard .. 28/5/20 22/11/20 22/11/20 24/8/20 4/3/21 28/5/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 24/8/20 28/5/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 4/3/21 22/11/20 22/11/20 28/5/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 22/11/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 28/5/20 28/5/20 4/3/21 28/5/20 28/5/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 28/5/20 4/3/21 28/5/20 28/5/20 28/5/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 22/11/20 4/3/21 28/5/20 4/3/21 24/8/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 24/8/20 28/5/20 22/11/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 22/11/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 24/8/20 24/8/20 4/3/21 22/11/20 24/8/20 28/5/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 996 1057 1079 1003 1099 985 1004 1073 1005 986 1006 1040 1106 1070 1117 997 1007 1067 1060 1008 1075 1009 1010 1080 998 1001 1109 1002 999 1110 1107 987 1095 976 1000 977 1029 1041 1061 1011 1032 1033 1062 1063 I I OS 988 1115 1012 1034 1042 1096 1093 1013 978 1081 1043 1044 1015 1014 1077 1064 1100 1103 1016 1017 1097 1059 1018 989 1019 1045

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Mcintosh, Alexander Mcknight, Hugh McLaughlin, Arthur MoLennan, Donald MoNioholl, Herbert James .. Mel'ike, Samuel .. Mark. Thomas Ernest Mason, < Iscar Christian Metcalfe, Frederick Mills, Ernest Henry Mimical', Ernest Alfred Mitchell, Sidney Charles Molloy, William John Morris, Lewis Owen Morris, William Alon/.a Murtha, William Neely, James Blackwood Neely, William Leonard John Nevin, Herbert Harold Norris, George Stanley Noyer, Alfred Joseph 0' I la i a, William Hector Parkes, Isaac Pearcc, Mark Allen Piening, Leopold George Pilkington, Harry Pino, Harold Daniel Piner, George Pivach, Ivan Joseph Powley. Thomas Henry Pyoroft, Edward James Qnayle, Frederick Earnest .. Rioketts, 'Ernest Henry Robbins, John Isaac Rollerson, Edward William Ryan, William Patrick Ryland, Andrew Gilbert Sadler, J ack Scoble, William Shannon, John Shaw, James Alexander Shcahan, Francis Daniel Siffleet, Stephen Alexander Sim, Alexander Simpkiss, John Charles Skelsey, Thomas Smith, William Dc Lamotte Sneddon, Samuel Brittain .. Sullivan, Ernest James Sullivan, George Francis Sundbcrg, Otto Sundgren, Eric Taylor, Thomas Charles Thompson, Ernest Henry .. Thornhill, Edward William.. Tuck, Norman Henry Urquhart, Murdoch Maclvor Vickers, George Anthony .. Wagner, James Walker, Harold William Ward, William John Watson, Arthur Watt, James Lionel West, George Isaac Wilkinson, George Henry .. Williams, Cedric Joseph Williamson, James George .. Wolland, Kenneth Hilton .. Wren, Richard Henry Young, John Stewart 24/8/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 24/8/20 28/5/20 22/11/20 28/5/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 4/3/21 22/11/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 4/3/21 22/11/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 28/5/20 28/5/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 24/8/20 22/11/20 22/11/20 4/3/21 28/5/20 473/21 22/11/20 4/3/21 24/8/20 24/8/20 4/3/21 24/8/20 4/3/21 22/11/20 22/11/20 24/8/20 28/5/20 22/11/20 28/5/20 4/3/21 24/8/21 22/11/20 4/3/21 28/5/20 22/11/20 28/5/20 28/5/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 4/3/21 24/8/20 28/5/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 22/11/20 22/11/20 24/8/20 22/11/20 28/5/20 24/8/20 4/3/21 4/3/21 1035 1020 1066 1016 979 1069 984 1036 1021 1113 1068 1022 1058 I09S 1082 1047 1071 990 980 lots 1023 1104 1092 1037 1056 1074 1116 981 1090 1083 11 11 1019 1050 1112 1030 1094 j 089 1076 1051 991 1078 982 1091 1024 1072 1105 992 1084 983 993 1052 1053 1025 1101 1054 995 1027 1028 1038 1065 1031 1085 1088 1086 1039 1087 994 1055 1102 1111



Number of Candidates who were examined for Extra First-class Engineer, First- and Second-class Stationary, Winding (Steam and Electric), Locomotive and Traction, Locomotive, and Traction Engine Drivers' and Electric-tram Drivers' Certificates from the 1st April, 1920, to the 31st March, 1921.

Place. Extra First First. Class. P. F. P. F. Second Class. Steam. Electric. Winding. Locomotive and Traction Locomotive. Traction. lili-i Tr; 'trie im. Total. P. F. I I P. F. P. F. P. P. P. P. P. F. P. I P. P. F. ""Auckland ♦Blenheim Carterton *Christc!uirch Dannevirke * Dunedin *Gisborne *Greymouth "Grey town ♦Hamilton H okitiku "Invercargill Kaingaroa Karamea Martinborough Masterton *Napier .. *Nelson .. *New Plymouth Ngatapa Norsewood Opunake Otaki Pahiatua ♦Palmerston North Puponga Reef ton Takapau Taumarunui ♦Tauranga Te Kopuru ♦Timaru Waiuku ♦Wanganui ♦Wellington ♦Westport ♦Whangarei 3 5 3 1 i 17 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 4 1 2 2 2 I i i 39 1 2 11 1 19 3 15 2 20 11 i 4 7 25 6 2 2 4 3 2 i l 3 5 I 2 3 i i .. : •• r . i.. i '.'. 14 12 5 14 ii 8 1 I! 1 i 3 1 i i 3 i - 2 ll i i 27 i3 1 ii i 2 6 3 i i 3 i 78 23 io 5 1 5 1 i 153 2 2 81 1 60 4 39 2 36 36 10 15 31 18 1 i 9 1 11 8 4 i 2 8 7 171 3 2 88 1 69 5 50 2 44 1 40 1 1 1 1 12 23 38 1 1 1 1 1 28 1 1 1 1 3 1 32 1 22 75 6 19 1 I.. i .. .. i i . . I 1 16 31 19 70 5 16 3 1 13 1 1 9 1 2 i2 i 1 1 1 4 1 11 17 4 8 .. i i i i 2 24 l i i 'i ! i ! 12 1 1 1 1 i " 9 1 8 i 3 2 i 4 29 i l 3 5 1 3 2 Totals 2| 49 25 40 6 i 2 I.. 93 i ,20 i 98 8 156 9 644 105 749 14 225 * I'll .COS ■here lore than one exai linal lion was hi lid.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Horse-P.irnr.cie-1 far which used power Diameter of Cylinders of Purposes tor whicn used. Qf Engine in Inches. Boiler. Class of Driver required. ! Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. ftAUCKLAN ) NORTH DISTRICT. Anderson, H. S. .. .. .. .. Dargaville .. General Atkinson and Christensen .. .. .. Kaiaka .. .. Sawmill Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company .. Waipuna .. Freezing Awakino- County Council .. .. .. Piopio .. .. Hauling Bay of Islands County Council .. .. Kawakawa .. Road-rolling Brown, S. G. .. .. .. .. Whakapara .. Sawmill Cook, H. F., and Co. .. .. .. Whangamumu .. Steaming Herekmo Dairy Company .. .. .. Herekino.. .. Dairy Hitchens Bros. .. .. .. .. Maungakaramea .. Sawmill McCallum and Coulthard .. .. .. Orokau .. .. Hauling New Zealand Government Public Works De- Waitera .. .. Road-roller partment Ditto .. .. .. .. .. Kaikohe .. .. Stone-crushing Parker-Lamb Timber Company .. .. Whangaruru .. Hauling Tangiahua Timber Company .. .. Tangiahua .. Sawmill Whangarei Timber Company .. .. Whangarei .. ,, Wyndur and Hodges .. .. .. Dargaville .. Gum-washing 7 8 25 8 18 6} 7* 5J 5iand8-J-20 Two 10 .. 83 5 16| 38 Two 8f .. 6 6 and 9 .. 4 . Two 4f .. Locomotive and traction Second Traction Second Locomotive and traction Traction Additional. Late Dargaville Timber Company. Additional. Late McCallum and Coulthard. Cylinders amended. Additional. 20 Two 9| .. 23 Two 9 .. 44 Two 10 .. 20 9 16 8J Second Locomotive and traction Second Cylinders amended. Additional. AUCKL U.D DISTRICT. Second Additional. Auckland Gas Company .. .. .. I Auckland .. Gasworks 96 .. 96 56 Two 14, two 26, one 12 56 Ditto 5 9 and 5472 20 72 20 4-2 5i and 9 24 ! NO 141 i Two 24 .. 141 ' Two 24 .. 38 ! Two 24 .. 38 Two 24 .. 4 Two 5 .. 6 8 32 ! llf 44 : 30 16-& Auckland Harbour Board .. .. .. Calliope Dock .. Pumping.. First Cylinders amended. Birkenhead Borough Council .. .. Birkenhead .. Road-roller Brick -tile, (Limited) .. .. .. Avondale .. Brickworks Locomotive and traction First Late Waihi Borough Council. Late J. J. Craig (Limited). Burns, John (Limited) .. .. .. Auckland .. Road-rolling Clark, Archibald, and Son .. .. .. Grey Lynn .. Steaming Colonial Sugar-refining Company .. .. Chelsea .. .. ,, Locomotive and traction Second First .. Additional. Late Waihi Gold-mining Company. Cylinders amended. I •• •• „ • " Gilberd, D. .. .. .. .. Manurewa .. Road-wagon Hartland, J. H. .. .. .. .. Buckland .. General Hisshion, D. .. .. .. .. Omodeo Bay .. Lime-works Kauri Timber Company .. .. .. Mount Eden .. Sawmill Lake Ohia Gum Development Syndicate .. Lake Ohia .. Pumping Locomotive and traction Traction Second Late R. and W. Hellaby (Limited). Late W. A. Smeed. Cylinders amended. Additional. Late Waihi Grand Junction Gold-mining Company. Additional. Late Brookes Bros. Late New Zealand Dairy Association. Cylinders amended. First .. Langlands and Co. (Limited) .. .. Nihotapu .. Hauling Makakirau Saw-mill Company .. .. Whitianga .. Sawmill New Zealand Co-operative Dairy Company .. Clevedon.. .. Butter-factory ,, .. Pukekohe .. Dairy factory 19 Two 8| .. 12 7J and 11* 27 10 42 12 and 19 60 12 and 19 Locomotive Second First .. « • * ,, *



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurposes for which used. P™* °' Boiler. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. New Zealand Co-operative Dairy Company .. I Waiuku .. ,, .. Tuakau .. New Zealand Government Public Works De- Paeroa .. partment Ditto „ .. .. .. .. .. Huarau .. ,, .. .. .. .. .. Tauranga AUCKLAND DISTRICT— continued. Dairy factory .. 50 12 .. 20 Butter-factory .. 32 Steam-shovel .. 49-46 Two 6 .. .. 49-46 Two 6 .. Railway-works .. 22 Two 6 Steam-shovel .. 21-4 Two 6 .. „ . .. 21-4 Two 6 .. General .. .. 4| 6 Sawmill .. .. 59 Two 12 .. 59 Two 12 .. General .. .. 9 6J and 10| Road-rolling .. 4 4 and 6 .. Fruit-preserving .. 20 Hoisting .. .. 22 Two 4J, two 6, and one 7J Quarry .. .. 8 Two 10 .. Pumping and wind- 88 60 and 110, 35 and ing 70, 15 and 30, two 8, two 12, two 18 Ditto .. .. 88 Ditto 88 ..145 ..145 88 Fertilizer-works .. 84 Second cond Late New Zealand Dairy Association. Late Waikato Cheese-factory. Late Waikato Co-operative Dairy Company. Additional. Porter, E., and Co. .. .. .. j Auckland Ross, W. J. R. .. .. .. .. | Mangawai Traction First .. -action rst Late D. E. Morrison. Late Ferguson Mining and Smelting Company. Smeed, W. A. .. .. .. .. Tuakau .. Thames County Council .. .. In distriot Tyer and Co. .. .. .. .. Auckland Union Steamship Company .. .. „ Traction Locomotive and traction Second Second faction icomot.ivr. and traction ncomotive anu traction i-cond icond Additional. i ,, Late Taupo Totara Timber Company. Cj'linders amended. Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited) .. Waikino .. „ „ .. Waihi First and winding irst and winding - n « 99 ■ • >» • • .. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. .. .. | Otahuhu .. Second ;cond .. I Additional. Atiamuri Sawmilling Company .. .. .Atiamuri.. Cambridge Co-operative Dairy Company .. Hautapu AUCKLAND SOUTH DISTRICT. Second .cond Late Arihui Sawmill Company. Additional. Ellis and Burnand .. .. .. Waihou .. Endean and Co. .. .. .. .. Maharakau Sawmill .. .. 30 13 Milk-powder factory 132 132 132 132 Sawmill .. .. 13 Two 8f .. 26 12 40 15J „ .. .. 40 Dried milk .. 40 13 Sawmill .. .. 20 12f Hauling .. .. 8 5} and 9 Brewery .. .. 35 9J Sawmill .. .. 12 7~and 10 First irst .. ;cond ,, Late Stevens and .Anderson. Late Taringamotu Sawmill Company. Additional. Late New Zealand Dairy Association. Additional. Gardner, George, and Sons.. .. .. Taringamotu Glaxo Manufacturing Company .. .. Matamata Hardy and Co. .. .. .. .. Waimarino Heller, F. F. .. .. .. .. Piopio .. Innis, C. L., and Co. .. .. .. Hamilton Millburn, J. .. .. .. .. Taumarunui Second Traction Second raetion 3eond Late Cambridge Co-operative Dairy Company. Additional



New Zealand Co-operative Dairy Company .. ' Rukuhia .. .. ] „ .. j Frankton Junction ,, .. Gordonton .. j ,, .. Matangi .. .. I „ .. Ngaruawahia .. < Cheese-factory Butter-factory Cheese-factory Dried milk Butter-factory 50 20 72 70 44 35 50 84 30 95 95 72 72 72 43 86 84 84 84 84 22 6i 10 and 16 6J 11 and 19 16i 16J 6 13 13 9 11 and 19 11 and 19 11 and 19 < 11 and 19 11 and 19 10 10 and 11 Second .. First .. Second .. First Second .. First Second .. First .. Additional. Late New Zealand Dairy Association. ,» ,» „ ■ .. j Orini ,, .. Matamata Cheese-factory Dried milk yy >y „ .. j Manawaru „ .. Matangi .. .. j Cheese-factory Dried milk Late Manawaru Cheese Company. Late New Zealand Dairy Association. ,» ,, ,, .. Frankton Junction Casein-factory Butter-factory Milk-powder yy H S> „ .. Waitoa Additional. „ .. New Zealand Government Public Works De- Huntly partment Pukemiro Collieries (Limited) .. .. Pukemiro Selwyn Timber Company .. .. .. Mangatapu Thames Valley Co-operative Dairy Company .. Waihou Tunnel Timber Company .. .. .. Waimiha Rai lway-works Two 6 .. Second Coal-mining Locomotive Butter-factory Hauling .. 74 3 40 5 5 57 57 50 45 20 25 20 20 I 12 and 17 3J and 6 141 5 and 8J5f and 8 12 and 22 12 and 22 12 and 22 12 and 22 12 12| 12 and 20 13 .. First Locomotive and traction .. First Traction .. First Second .. First .. Second Late Waitoa Flax-mill Company. Late C. Jarrrett and Son. Waihou Valley Co-operative Dairy Company .. Te Aroha West Dried milk Cylinders amended. Waikato Timber Company (Limited) .. Te Hoe Walsh, J. A. .. .. .. .. Ohinewai Waotu Timber Company .. .. .. Putururu Watkins Bros. .. .. .. .. Kakahi Sawmill . . Flax-mill.. Sawmill .. Log-hauler Late Orini Sawmilling Company. Late P. Hendry. Additional. Anson, G. E. M. .. .. .. .. Christchurch Bailey, R. .. .. .. .. Ashley Bowman, J. W. .. .. .. .. Riccarton Bradshaw, G. .. .. .. .. Sheffield Bryden Bros. .. .. .. .. Waipara Buckman, C. S. R. .. .. .. Coalgate Christchurch Tramway Board .. .. Christchurch Clark and Cook .. .. .. .. Ohoka Doreen, F. G. .. .. .. .. Loburn Gibbs Bros. .. .. .. .. Halswell Gurdler, H. .. .. .. .. Christchurch Homebush Pottery Company .. .. Glentunnel Jones and Hodgetts .. .. .. Oxford Kempthorne, Prosser, and Company .. Hornby King, A. .. .. .. .. i Barry's Bay cant: IRBUI .Y DISTRICT. Late J. Goodman. Late G. W. Bailey. Late J. Johnston. Late Meredith and Co. Additional. Late H. Gurdler. p4dditionaL Late Clark Estate. Late W. Gee. Late R. Reddicliff. Late A. Swanson. Late Hewson Bros. Cylinders amended. Late E. Feather and Sons. Additional. ■ Late S. Lizzard. General 4 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 8 8 7 8 20 8 23 9 3 and 5 .. 6 and 10J 8 8 6J and 11 J 8f 4 and 7 .. 8j 6J and 10| 9 61 and 10 8 and 5 .. 61 and 10 Two 9J .. 6* and 10 .. J Traction Locomotive and traction .. : Second Traction Locomotive Traction Threshing General .. Road-wagon Threshing General .. Hauling .. Sawmill .. Hauling .. Wood-cutting



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurooses for which used power Dia meter of Cylinders of Purposes, lor wnicn used. of Engine in Inches. Boiler. Class of Driver required. I Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferrl Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. CANTERBURY DISTRICJ"— continued. Lyttelton Harbour Board Marshall, J. Mcintosh, George Mcintosh, K. Maw Bros. Pearson, W. G. . . Small Bros. Southbridge Timber Company Spreydon Borough Council St. Helen's Coal Company Tai Tapu Dairv Companv Taylor, R. J. " .. Union Sawmilling Company Union Steamship Company Watson, Gavin, and Son Lyttelton .. Hauling .. .. 38 Two 8 .. Glentunnel .. Sawmill .. .. 16 8 and 12J Southbrook .. Chaff-cutting .. 8 9 Kaiapoi .. .. General .. .. 4 7|Southbridge .. Threshing .. 8 9 Southbrook .. General .. .. 8 j 6J and 10ft North Loburn .. „ '.. .. 10 ! 6} and 11*} Ohoka .. .. Sawmill .. .. 12 6} and 11 \ Spreydon .. Road-roller .. 6 8 Whitecliffs .. Wagon .. .. 6 j 14-rV and 7 Tai Tapu .. Dairy factory .. 23 I 8 Rangiora.. .. General .. .. 8 8J Christchurch .. Sawmill .. .. 15 j 12 and 21 15 | 12 and 21 Lyttelton .. Hoisting .. .. 21 Two 8 .. Christchurch .. Woodwork .. 30 12 Second First Traction Second Traction Second Traction First Second Cylinders amended. Late Marshall and Roud. Late R. Mcintosh. Additional. Late Mrs. A. Moorhead. Cylinders amended. .. Late P. J. Pulley. Late Andrews Twine Company. Additional. Late W A. McLaren and Co. Additional. Late H. Storer. Late William Hunsley. Cylinders amended. Late J. Brightling. HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. Traction Second .. Late T. Willan. Additional. Late W. J. Graham. Additional. Benson, Henry .. .. .. .. i Gardner and Yeoman Graham. S. New Zealand Government Public Works Department Parsons and Christiansen Bros. Pearson Bros. Poverty Bay Farmers' Co-operative Meat Companv Riddiford, D. G. .. Smith, F. Waipatiki Oil Wells Wairoa Farmers' Co-operative Meat Company Ormond .. .. ] Hauling .. .. "i\ 6J- and 10 Woodville .. Sawmill .. .. 30 13 Kiritahi .. .. j „ .. .. 12 7f and 11£ Gisborne .. j Hoisting .. .. 40 Two 8|- .. Makaretu . . Sawmill .. .. 14 j Two 9 .. Tahoraiti .. Chaff-cutting .. 6 8 Waipaoa .. Steaming .. 95 4 Takapau .. Threshing .. 6 8 Gisborne .. General .. .. 6 9 Waipatiki .. Drilling .. .. 21 I Two 11 .. Wairoa .. .. Steaming .. 95 | 15 and 32 95 ! 15 and 32 95 15 and 32 95 15 and 32 Traction Second Late W. Parsons. .. Late S. Park. Additional. Traction First Late D. Cattanaeh. .. Late F. Hall. Cylinders amended. ..I Downie Bros. .. .. .. Gray and Waters .. .. Jackson, S. R. .. Marlborough Fruit Packing and Preserving Company (Limited) Pike, W. D. Prentice Bros. .. .. .. Robertson Bros. .. .. .. Vavasour, J. D. Webley and Wallace MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Owen Junction .. Sawmill .. .. 30 8 and 12f Blenheim .. Wood-working .. 15 7 and 11 \ „ .. Threshing .. 8 9 „ .. Fruit-preserving .. 20 Nil „ .. General .. .. 7 ' 6| and 11 8 7 and 11 Opouri Valley .. Sawmill .. .. 20 Two 10J .. Tunakino Valley .. ' „ .. .. 20 9 Ugbrooke Station .. General .. .. 10 6| and 11 J Opouri Valley .. Sawmill .. .. ' 14 1 Two 9^First Second Traction Second Additional. Late J. A. Moreland. Late A. W. Jackson. Additional. I Traction .. Late W. D. and T. Pike. First Second Traction Second .. - Late Griffiths Bros, and Co. (Limited). Additional. Late John Higgins. Additional.



9—H. 15.

NELSON NORTH DISTRICT. Neiman, C. H. .. .. .. .. Appleby .. Onakaka Iron and Steel Company .. .. Onakaka Schroder, P. A. E. .. .. .. Hope .. General .. .. 6 | 8 .. .. Traction Iron-works .. 68 j 15 .. .. First General .. ... 8 | 5} and 9J .. | Traction Late F. A. J. Bockman. Additional. .. I Late P. H. Best. NELSON SOUTH DISTRICT. Blackball Coal Company .. .. .. I Blackball Davidson, G., and party .. .. .. j Humphreys Diggers' Sawmilling Company .. .. Buller Road „ .... Rimu Dobson Coal-mining Company .. .. Dobson .. Ferndale Coal Company .. .. .. ! Reefton .. New Zealand Government State Coal-mines .. Seven Mile Nyberg and Armstrong .. .. .. Ngahere .. Schroder .. .. .. .. Rimu Watson, D. .. .. .. . . Waimangaroa .. Mining .. .. 48 i Two 7, 11, and 15, First one 13,14£, and 21 .. ; Sawmill .. .. 33 I Two 10£ .. .. " 20 ' 8 and 12} „ .. ..36 .. Mining . . .. 60 Two 16 .. Hauling .. .. 16 .. Second .. ! Mining .. .. 64 Two 7, one 14 . . First .. j Sawmill .. .. 20 ! 8 and 13 .. „ .. .. 12 Two 12£ .. .. Second .. I Flaxmill .. .. 30 ! 8 and 11_ .. i Cylinders amended. Late Westland Gold-prospecting Company. Late T. Lines. Late New Zealand Government State Coal-mines. Additional. Cylinders amended. Late Moonlight Gold-dredging Company. Late Buller County Council. Late D. J. Williams. OTAGO DISTRICT. Bruce County Council .. .. .. Milton Bruce Railway and Coal Company .. .. Waronui Bruce Woollen Mills .. .. .. Milton .. Campbell, Colin .. .. .. .. Puketiro Carrodus, J. H. .. .. .. .. Windsor .. Clutha Dairy Company .. .. .. Balclutha Currie, W. .. .. .. ... Hyde Dunedin City Corporation .. .. .. Dunedin .. Goss, William (Limited) .. .. .. Ratanui .. Griffiths, A. H. .. .. .. .. I Kyeburn Hansen, Edgar .. .. .. .. | Middlemarch Henley Dairy Factory .. .. .. j Henley .. Hogg and Co. .. .. .. .. j Tahakopa Hogg, William .. .. .. .. Evans Flat Houipapa Sawmill Company .. .. Romahapa Hurring, John .. .. .. .. Houipapa Jackman, Thomas .. .. .. Reidston Kempthorne Prosser and Co. .. .. Dunedin .. McLennan, William .. .. .. Owaka McSkimming and Son .. .. . . Benhar .. Main, J. A. .. . . .. .. Waiwera South Milburn Lime and Cement Company .. ! Milburn .. Miller, John .. .. .. .. j Clinton .. Otago Iron-rolling Mills .. .. .. Green Island Poison, J. .. .. .. .. Enfield .. Shag Point Coal-mining Company .. .. Shag Point Sharp and McDowell .. .. .. Tahakopa Sim, G. G. .. .. .. .. Kaitangata Somerville, J. A., and Sons .. .. Waitapeka South Otago Freezing Company .. .. Balclutha .. ] Motor-wagon .. 6 Two 6|f .. .. Traction .. ! Hauling .. .. 23 Two 9| .. .. Locomotive .. | Woollen mills .. 118 12 and 21 .. First Sawmill .. .. 18 14 .. .. Second General .. .. 8 9 .. .. Traction Dairy factory .. 20 6J .. .. Second .. Chaffing .. .. 8 10 .. .. Traction .. Asphalt roller .. 10-4 Two 6 .. .. Sawmill .. .. 20 Two 10 .. .. Second .. Chaffing .. . . 8 j 9-& .. .. Traction .. j General .. .. 8 19 .. .. .. i Dairy factory .. 18 I .. ! Second .. l Sawmill .. .. 20 ! Two 10 .. Chaffing .. .. 9 9 .. . . Traction .. Sawmill .. .. 30 i 16 .. .. First .. Flaxmill .. .. 20 | 8 J and 11 J .. Second .. j Threshing .. 8 6J and 10J .. Traction .. j Chemical works .. 20 I 7 and 14J .. | First .. _ Sawmill .. .. 18 .. Second .. ; Brick and tile works 16 | 7 and 11J .. „ .. j General .. .. 6)3 and 10 .. Traction .. ; Hauling .. .. 12J Two 8 .. .. Locomotive .. j General .. .. 9J 9 .. .. Traction Iron-works .. 55 20 .. .. ! First .. „ .. 55 20 .. Chaffing . . .. 8 8 .. .. Traction Hauling .. .. 23 Two 9f .. .. Locomotive .. Sawmill .. .. 12 7} and 11 J .. Second Hauling . . .. 8 19 .. ..': Traction .. Chaffing . . .. 8 9 Hauling .. .. 23 .. Locomotive Late Ross and Glendining. Additional. Late W. Gwyer. Late D. Clarke. .. ; Late Dawson and McKechnie. .. | Late Hay Bros. Additional. Late Christie and Begg. , .. j Late S. Harris. Late C. Garlick and Co. .. ! Late Perseverance Gold-dredging Company. .. ] Late William McLachlan. Late J. E. Watson and Co. .. Late H. F. Moss. Late D. McKenzie. Late Robertson Bros. .. Cylinders amended. Late A. Sime. Cylinders amended. Late W. Kirkland. Late Bruce Rail and Coal Company. Additional. Late W. A. Milmine. Additional. Late W Brown. Late Reed Bros. Additional. • • yy



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. OTAGO DISJBICT— continued. Stewart, D. A. .. .. .. .. I Waitapeka Waite, George .. .. .. .. Tapanui .. Wilson Malt-extract Company .. .. Dunedin .. Tweedie, William .. .. .. ! Milburn .. General .. .. 6 18 .. Threshing .. 7f 8 .'. Steaming .. 16 j Nil .. Threshing .. 8 j 9 .. | Traction Second Late Brown Bros. Late Tapanui Chaff-cutting Syndicate. Late James Watson. Late A. Leslie. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Bates and Duncan .. .. .. Waikawa Butcher, W. E. .. .. .. .. Wright's Bush Butler, Frederick .. .. .. Lochiel .. Butler, John Thomas .. .. . . Winton .. Clifden Sawmilling Company .. .. j Clifden .. Clode and Svensson .. .. .. Colac Dawson Bros. .. .. .. .. Kennington Dawson Bros. .. .. .. .. ,, Doherty, J. .. .. .. .. Centre Bush Federal Hardware Company .. .. Oware Goodlet, Colin .. .. .. .. Edendale Henry, Francis .. .. .. .. West Plains Mcintosh, Walter .. .. .. Fortrose .. McKenzie Bros. .. .. .. .. Barkly .. McLeary, John .. .. .. .. Wyndham Milne, P. D. Y. .. .. .. .. Woodlands Murray's Limited . . .. .. .. Underwood Neiderer, L. A. .. .. .. .. Gorge Road New Zealand Government Public Works De- Gore partment New Zealand Pine Company .-. .. Colac Ocean Beach Freezing-works .. .. Ocean Beach Poole Bros. .. .. .. .. Centre Bush Price, Thomas . . .. .. .. Kawana .. Sinclair, Donald .. .. . . .. Wyndham Smith, Albert . . .. .. .. Grove Bush Southland Electric-power Board .. . . Monowai Tipsett, D. T. .. .. .. .. Waimatua Watson, ,7. E., and Co. .. .. .. Mabel Bush i .. General .. .. 8 9 „ .. .. 6 8 Threshing .. 6 8 .. General .. .. 8 9 . . Sawmill .. .. 20 9J and 13J 14 Two Si .. .. General . . .. 8 9 „ •• 6 7i Lime-works . . 16 7 and 11 . . Sawmill .. .. 20 8 and 13 .. | General .. .. 6 7 .. j Sawmill .. .. 20 15 General .. .. 6 6 and 10J Lime-works .. 20 One 9, one 10 .. General .. .. 6 1\ .... .. 6 7i Milk-preserving .. 86 j Four 10 . . .. Sawmill .. .. 20 Two 10 .. .. Hauling .. .. 6-jj Two 7 .. 23 Two 9J .. .. Steaming .. 87 Nil ' .. .. General".. 6 7J .. FlaxmiU .. 20 8 and 12| .. Chaff-cutting .. 6 7J General . . .. 5 .. Sawmill . . .. 12 Two 8J . . .. General .. .. 8 9 ' .. 8 8J Traction .. First Second Traction Second .. First Traction .. First Traction Second Traction .. First Second Locomotive Second Traction ... First Traction Second Traction Late Scammell and Saunders. Late Hardy and O'Connor. Late Mrs. E. Poole and Sons. Late James Butler. Late J. P. Graham. .. ■ Late T. H. Watson. Late Garvie Bros. Late C. Collett and Sons. .. ! Late James Butler. .. | Late Paterson and Kelly. Late R. Marshall. .. | Late John Cameron. Additional. Cylinders amended. .. j Late McLeary and Sinclair. .. | Late Milne and Capon. Additional. .. i Late Glenham Sawmilling Company. Additional. .. j Late O'Shannesey Bros. .. Late T. Steel. Late McLeary and Sinclair. Additional. Late Hamilton and Co. Late Thomas Crooks. Additional. TARANAKI NORTH DISTRICT. Awatuna Co-operative Dairy Company .. Awatuna ,. ,, .. Taungatara Bartle, H. M. .. .. .. .. Oaonui .. Bell Block Co-operative Dairy Company .. Bell Block Cheese-factory .. I 22 9 :, .. I 38 8 .. Sawmill .. .. .1 25 11 Cheese-factory .. | 25 10 Second Additional.



10— H. 15.

Borthwick, T., and Sons V Waitara .. Freezing .. 190 11 and 20 65 18 and 32 65 18 and 32 179 18 and 32 Sash and door factory 26 12 Cheese-factorv .. 27-9 10 32 , 9 General .. .. 6 5J and 9J „ .. 14 Two 8J .. Brewery . . .. 22 7J General . . .. 6 6 and 10 3-8 4Jand7J Cheese-factory .. 17 6 17 8| ..30 25 8 41 10 21f 9 16" 8 20 8 20 6 Sawmill .. .. 20 12J Cheese-factorv .. 20 8 .. j 30 8 Dairy factory .. ! 20 9 Cheese-factory .. : 20 8 Road-roller .. 6 of and 9 Crane .. .. 10 Two 9J Hauling .. .. 24 , Two 10 .. Sash and door factory , 45 i 13 .. . .. Steam-shovel .. 12-7 Four 5, two 3| First Additional. ,, Brown, Henry, and Co. Cape Egmont Co-operative Dairy Company .. Cardiff Co-operative Dairy Company Chant, CD. Christoffel, John Egmont Brewery Company Inglewood County Council Johnston, A. W. .. Joll Co-operative Dairy Company New Plymouth Fungarehu Cardiff New Plymouth Second Traction Second Traction Kaimata Co-operative Dairy Company Kaponga Co-operative Dairy Company Kaupokonui Co-operative Dairy Company Lepperton Co-operative Dairy Company McCluggage, J. Mangatoki Co-operative Dairy Company Inglewood Waitara Te Ngutu Auroa Te Ngutu Kaimata Kaponga Rowan Road Riverlea Kapuni Lepperton Pohokura Mahoe Mangatahi Midhurst Waitoitoi New Plymouth Moturoa Moturoa New Plymouth Mokau Second >J )) • ■ " "'1 Midhurst Co-operative Dairy Company Mimi Co-operative Dairy Company New Plymouth Borough Council New Plymouth Harbour Board ,) Traction Second Locomotive Second Traction Second Cylinders amended. Additional. New Plymouth Sash and Door Factory New Zealand Government Public W'orks Department North Taranaki Dairy Company Oaonui Co-operative Dairy Company Okato and Puniho Co-operative Dairy Company Onero Oaonui Puniho Okato Pembroke Road Rahotu Toko Pembroke Road Co-operative Dairy Company Rahotu Co-operative Dairy Company Stratford Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited) Ditto Butter-factory .. 25 i 8 Cheese-factorv .. 31-5 9 17 51 .. 35 8 17 9 20 9 28 8 "•I Stratford.. Cheese and butter 36 10 factory Sawmill".. 32 13J Stone-crushing .. j 8 7 and 11 General .. .. 4-9 4 J- and 7 Freezing .. . . 28 Two 8, one 7 Oil wells .. .. j 32 One 13£, 9, and 15 Steaming . . 40 One 2H, one 10 .. Freezing .. .. 42 One 21i, one 10 Butter-factory .. 25 10 21 10 Cheese-factory .. 20 8J Tahora Land and Sawmilling Company Taranaki County Council Tahora New Plymouth Traction Taranaki Farmers' Meat Company Taranaki Oil Lands and .Acquisition Company Taranaki Producers' Freezing Company Moturoa Second First Tikorangi Co-operative Dairy Company Waitara Co-operative Dairy Company Warea Co-operative Dairy Company Tikorangi Waitara Newall Road Second ..



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. i Purposes for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Name, of late Owners of Transferred Boilers ; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. i Hawera Co-operative Dairy Company .. Whareroa McGregor, Gregor.. .. .. .. Wanganui Maoriland Dairy-produce Company (Limited).. „ Meremere Co-operative Dairy Company .. Ohangai . . New Zealand Casein Company (Limited) .. Aramohi i.. New Zealand Meat-packing and Bacon Company Eltham . . (Limited) Wanganui Gas Company .. .. .. Wanganui Warrengate Threshing Company . . .. „ TARANAKI DISTRICT. Cheese-factory .. 27 8 .. j General .. .. 6 8 .. I Butter-factory .. 25 7 .. i Cheese-factory .. 50 6} .. j Casein-factory .. 30 12 Bacon-factory .. 56 j Nil .. Gasworks .. 26 j 12 Threshing .. 6 j of and 81 .. | Second .. j Traction Second Traction Cylinders amended. Additional. Late Inglewood Co-operative Bacon Company. Cylinders amended. Additional. .. j Cylinders amended. .. ] Late A. G. McDonald. TIMARU DISTRICT. Bean, T. .. .. .. .. Hook Bell Bros. .. .. .. .. Lismore .. Bishop, James .. .. .. .. i Tinwald .. Boulton, A. H. . . .. .. .. Otaio Breach, W .. .. .. .. Methven .. Casey, Thomas .. .. .. .. Fairlie Capon, A. .. .. .. .. Winchmore Clandeboye Dairy Company .. .. Clandeboye Coffey Bros. .. .. .. .. Makikihi Dominion Tile and Porcelain Company .. Temuka . . Dunstan, W. .. .. .. .. Chertsey .. Dunstan, W. D. .. Gadd Bros. .. .. .. .. Lyndhurst Gadd, Charles .. .. .. .. ,, Grant and McCraw .. .. .. Otipua Hunt, J. .. .. .. .. j Ashburton Knox Bros. .. .. .. .. I „ Lane, Walker, and Rudkin .. .. • „ Long Bros. .. .. .. .. Chertsey .. Long, Charles .. .. .. .. Pendarnis Maiger and Manning .. .. .. Methven .. Moriarty, J. .. .. . . .. Ashburton Mount Somers Lime and Stone Company .. Mount Somers Mulford Dairy Company .. .. .. Temuka .. Myers and Saners .. .. .. Waimate O'Brien, R. .. .. . . .. Ashburton Patterson, W., and Co. .. .. .. ,, Pearson Bros. .. . . .. .. „ Quinn's South Canterbury Brickworks (Limited) Makikihi .. Ruddenklau, George .. .. .. Glenavy .. Genera] . . .. I 8 j 8f 8 | 9 8 6 and 10J 8 6J and 10J 8 9 .. 6 8 8 6J and 10| .. Dairy factory .. 20 Nil 8 9 Tile-works .. 15 9 and 14 General .. .. 9 6f and 10| 8 6J and 11 8 6 and 10 8 8| 8 9 8 6| and 10£ .. 8 6 and 11 Woollen-factorv .. 20 .. General .. .. 8 j 9 10 6f and 11J 8 6 and 10 .. General .. .. 8 6J and 10J .. Crushing .. .. 20 Two 10 .. Dairy factory .. 25 General . . .. 6 8J 8 8| 6 6 and 10 8 6| and 10J .. Brick-works .. 20 8J and 13| .. General .. .. 9 fif and ll| Traction Second .. First Traction Second Traction Second Traction .. First Traction Late William Hanifin. .. Late J. Bell. Additional. Late G. Sparke. Late Capon Bros. .. | Late Hanifin Bros. .. j Late Capon Bros. Additional. Late J. Meyers. Additional. Late D. Crothers. Late D. Campbell. Late J. Drummond. Late A. Drummond. Late R. and J. Tacon. Late J. Thompson. Late G. Saunders. Additional. Late T. Rainey. Late J. L. Soal. Late D. and W. Anderson. Late W. Moses. Additional. Late Lane Bros. Late J. McLachlan. Late McElhinney Bros. Late J. Moriarty. Late Quinn Bros. Late Pelvin Bros.



Soal, F. and E. .. .. .. .'. I Longbeach Stewart, D. .. .. .. .. | Waimate.. Tozer, E. .. .. .. .. | Levels Tozer, F. .. .. .. .. „ Tozer, H. J. .. .. .. .. j Pleasant Point Waimate County Council .. .. .. Waimate.. Watson, A. .. .. .. .. Ashburton Wright, C. W. .. .. .. .. Waimate.. .. i General .. .. 6 7 8 8 9 8 8 8 9 5J and 8}] .. [ Traction 5| and 9} 6} and 11-} 6-J and 11 .. ., 6| and 10J 6 and 10} 9 6| and 11 9* .. j Late James Bishop. Additional. .. j Late H. J. Tozer. Additional. Late G. Saunders. Late S. Gibson. Late T. Lister. .. Late W. H. Bell. Late J. Greaves. WELLINGTON N( )RTH DISTRICT. Andrew and Gray .. .. .. I Sanson .. Egmont Box Company .. .. .. Ohakune Feilding Sash and Door Company .. .. Makaranui Gray, Arthur .. .. .. .-. Marton . . Kairanga Dairy Company .. .. j Longburn Makatuku Timber Company .. .. Raetihi . . Nathan, Joseph, and Co. .. .. .. Makino . . Paraeroa Sawmilling Company .. .. Raetihi . . Reliance Co-operative Dairy Company .. Ran,giotu Tiratu Sawmilling Company .. .. Pokako .. Waugh, Robert . . .. .. .. Kimbolton Webley, Frank .. .. .. .. Moutoa .. General . . .. I 8 .. Sawmill .. .. 16 .. ! 65 General .. .. 6 .. : Dairy factory .. 30 Log-hauling .. 15 Dairy factory .. 30 Sawmill .. .. 15 Dairy factory .. 16 Sawmill .. .. 14 General .. .. 7 .. Flax-mill.. .. | 17 9 .. .. Traction Two 9f .. .. Second 16 .. .. First 8 .. .. Traction Second Two 8} .. -lSf~- -- Two 10 .. 8 7} and 12 .. First 8 .. .. Traction 12 .. .. Second Late J. Warring. Additional. Late R. G. Edwards. Additional. Late M. Beazer. Late Manawatu Co-operative Dairy Company Late George Jack. Late Waugh and Son. Late F. Bryant. WELLINGTO: .. DISTRICT. Booth, W., and Co. (Limited) .. .. Booth's Siding Brownlee (Limited) .. .. .. Featherston George, T., and Co. .. .. .. Piriroa .. Konini Co-operative Dairy Company .. Konini Lever Bros. .. .. .. .. Petone Murphy Bros. .. .. .. .. Wellington New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Bacon and Ngahauranga Meat-packing Company (Limited) New Zealand Government Public Works De- Shannon . . partment Ditto .. .. .. .. .. Mangahao New Zealand Rubber Products (Limited) .. Miramar . . Odlin, C. and A. .. .. ... Petone Pahiatua Dairy Company (Limited) .. Pahiatua Silverstream Brick and Tile Company .. Silverstream Union Steamship Company .. .. Evans Bay Wellington City Council .. .. ... Wellington Wellington City Council Municipal Milk Depot : Otaki Wellington Woollen Manufacturing Company Petone .. Sawmill .. .. I 35 i 14 .. j 12 Butter-factory .. 32 Soap-works .. 30 ..30 Brick-works .. 25 Meat-works .. 118 .. Public Works .. 64 Sawmill .. .. 14 Cooking waste rubber 30 .. Sawmill .. .. 35 Cheese-factory .. 30 Brick-works .. 35 ..30 Laundry .. .. 32 Generating electric 455 light .. Ditto .. .. 455 Dairy factory .. 37 Hosiery-factory .. 20 Second Two 10 .. Two 8} .. 10 .. 14 and 19 .. i First .. 14 and 19 .. „ .. 13f .. .. Second First .. 7JJ and 12 .. „ .. 12 .. .. Second 9 7 and 13} .. First .. 7 and 13} .. „ .. 8 . . .. Second Turbines .. .. First .. Additional. Late Pohui Fibre Company. Late Martinborough Sawmill Company. Cylinders amended. .. Late H. Hill and Co. Additional. " I. .. Late'k. Udy. Additional. Cylinders amended. 12} 6 ......... Second Additional. Late Upton's laundry.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

tlpproximate Cost of Paper. — Preparation, not given; printing (700 copies, including chart), £135.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1921

Price Is. 9d.

Name of Owner. WTiere Boiler used. Horse- i Purnoses for which used power i Diamet er of Cylinders of .rurpoaes tor wmcn used. of Engine in Inches. .Boiler. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where size of Cylinders are now amended. WES1 AND DISTRICT. Aratika Sawmilling Company Brownlee and Co. Dense Bros. Donnelly Bros. Forest Sawmilling Company Greymouth Bed Hill The Camp Nelson Creek Bell Hill Road .. Nelson Creek Ngahere Hokitika Humphrey's Dillmanstown Flowery Creek Greymouth Kokatahi Cashmere Bay Mananui Kanieri Junction .. Hauling .. Hauler Saw-mill . . Hauling .. Hauler Hauling .. Sawmill .. 14 25 Two 9 .. 19 8 and 12| 7 5 and 8} 20 Two 8J .. 13 Two 7} .. 87 20 Two 11 .. 29 Two 9 .. 47 : 14 20 : 12 and 8 20 Two 10 .. 12 Two 8} .. 48 17 12 ! Two 7 .. 16 Two 9 .. 12 Two 8J .. Locomotive Second First .. Traction Second Locomotive Second First .. Second .. ] Additional. .. I Late Lake Brunner Sawmilling Company. Late Kotuku Oil Syndicate. Late New Zealand Greenstone Company. Cylinders amended. Additional. Late Ikamatua Sawmill Company. Additional. ,, •. Graham and Johnston Humphrey's Sawmills (Limited) Kumara Sawmilling Company McGuire and party Stratford, Blair, and Co. (Limited).. Stuart and Chapman Te Kinga Land and Timber Company Westland Sawmilling Companv Whitley, R., and Co. Wright, J. Hauler .. Sawmill . . I ** •■ First .. Second First .. Locomotive Second Late New Zealand Government State Coal-mines, Additional. .. , Late Kanieri Sawmill Company. Cj'linders amended. Additional. Late Rotomana Flax-milling Company. Late Waitaha Flax-milling Companv. •>) ■ ■ Locomotive Sawmill .. »» • •

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Bibliographic details

MARINE AND INSPECTION OF MACHINERY DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1920-21., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, H-15

Word Count

MARINE AND INSPECTION OF MACHINERY DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1920-21. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, H-15

MARINE AND INSPECTION OF MACHINERY DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1920-21. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, H-15

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