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PAQK Mines Statement .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1-8 Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 1 Mineral-production .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Coal-mining .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. 3 Tungsten (Scheelite) . . . . . . .. . . ~ . . .. 4 Petroleum .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. ~ 4 Quicksilver .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 Kauri-gum .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. 4 Stone-quarries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Persons"engaged in Mining .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 5 Geological Survey .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 Influenza Epidemic- . . . . . . . . ... . . .. .. 6 Mining and Quarry Accidents .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 Schools of Mines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 Subsidized Prospecting .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . 7 Government Prospecting-drills .. . . .. . . .. .. . . 7 Roads and Tracks .., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 Government Water-races .. .. . . ~ .. .. .. . , 8 Tables to accompany the Minus Statement .. .. .. .. .. 9-]4 No. I. Export of Minerals and Coal-output .. .. .. .. ~ ',) No. 2. Coal —Output from Different fields .. . . .. .. . . 9 No. 3. Coal- Output of Different Classes.. .. .. .. ..10 No. 4. Coal and Oil-shale -Annual Production ~ .. .. .. .. 10 No. 5. Coal —Imports and Exports .. .; .. .. .. .. 11 No. 6. Number of Persons employed in Mining .. .. .. .. ~ 11 No. 7. Mining Companies—Statements of Affairs .. .. . . . . . . 12 Appendices to the Mines Statement .. .. .. .. .. .. in-70 Appendix A. —Reports relating to Metalliferous Mines and Stone-quarries .. ~ 15-39 Report by Inspecting Engineer .. .. .. . . . . . . 15 I. Minerals entered for Exportation .. .. .. .. .. 16 11. Persons employed .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 111. Accidents .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 IV. Gold-mines .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. 17 (I.) Quartz-mining .. .. .. .. .. ~ 17 (2.) Dredge Mining .. .. .. .. .. ~ 19 (3.) Alluvial Mining .. .. .. ... ,-..' .. 20 V. Minerals other than Gold .. .. .. .. ~ .. 20 Tungsten-ore .. . . .. .. .. . . . . 20 Petroleum... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 Cinnabar .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 22 Kauri-gum .. .... .. .. .. .. 22 VI. Stone-quarries " .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 23 (1.) Quarry Inspection and Statistics .. .. .. .. 23 (2.) Quarry Accidents .. . . . . ~ 23 VII. State Aid to Mining .. .. .. .. ■ ... .. .. 24 (1.) Subsidized Prospecting .. .. .. . . .. .. 24 (2.) Government Prospecting-drills .. .. .. .. ... 26 (3.) Subsidized Roads on Goldfields . . . . .. .. ... 27 (4.) Government Water-races .. .. .. .. .. 27 VIII. Schools of Mines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27

i—C. 2.



Appendices to the Mines Statement -continued. paok Appendix A— continued. Annexure A. —Summary of Reports by Inspectors of Mines .. .. . . 28 Northern Inspection District .. ' . . .. .. .. .. 28 Quartz-mining .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 Oil-wells .. .. .. .. .. .. . . • .. 29 Accidents .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 Quicksilver .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 Marlborough, Nelson, and West ('oast District ..- .. .. .. 31 Quartz-mining .. .. .. .. .. . • • • 31 Dredging .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 32 Alluvial Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Southern Inspection District . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Quartz-mining .. . . . . .. . . . . . . 34 Alluvial Mining .. . . .. . . . . . . . . 35 Dredge Mining .. ". . .. .. .. .. .. 36 Minerals other than Gold .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 Accidents .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 Annexure B—Summary of Reports of Government Water-race Managers .. .. 37 Waimea-Kumara Water-races .. .. . . . . .. . .- 37 Mount Ida Water-race .. . . .. . . .. . . . . 38 Annexure C —Summary of Report of inspector of Stone-quarries . . . . 39 Appendix B —Reports relating to the Inspection of Coal-mines .. .. .. 40-62 Section I. Output .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 40 Section 11, Persons employed .. .. .. .. ... .. 41 Section 111. Accidents .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 42 Section IV. General Remarks .. .. .. .. .. .. 44. Annexure A—Summary of Reports by Inspectors of Mines .. .. .. 48 Northern District .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 48 West Coast District .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 Southern District ... .. .. .. .. .'. .. 54 Annexure B—Colliery Statistics .. .. .. .. ' .. .. 58 Appendix C Reports of the Board, of Examiners .. .. .. .. .. 63-X0 Lis!, of Certificate-holders under the Mining Acts .. .. .. .. 63 List of Certificate-holders under the Coal-mines Acts ~ .. .. .. 65




Mr. Speaker,— During the currency of the war mining interests have suffered considerably, but now that victory has happily crowned our efforts on the battlefield, and our soldiers. are returning to their former avocations, we may confidently look forward to an extensive revival. For some years past the mining industry, owing to the war, has not received the attention and encouragement that it deserved, and the time has now come for a considerable forward movement. The staff of the Mines Department, and particularly of the Geological Survey Branch, has become greatly depleted, so that the important functions devolving on the Mining Department of the State cannot be adequately and satisfactorily performed. This calls for an immediate remedy, and several new appointments have been or are to be made. It was felt that a second Inspecting Engineer was badly needed, so that the important coal-mining industry might monopolize the services of one of these officers, and leave the metalliferous mining, oil-boring, &c, to be supervised by the other. Applications for the position of Inspecting Engineer of Metalliferous Mines were duly invited, and eight replies were received; but I am pleased to be able to announce that the candidate considered to possess the best qualifications was found amongst the Department's own. staff, and the officer selected for the position has now entered upon his duties. §| The Geological Survey staff has been strengthened by the appointment of several additional officers, notably a Field Geologist and two Assistant Geologists, while a Palajontologist has been, advertised for. With the enlarged staff we shall be able to put in hand a great deal of survey work that has been standing over for some time —in some cases for several years. Inquiries are also being made for a suitable man to act as Government Metallurgist, who it is hoped will be able to advise practically and acceptably regarding the reduction of our refractory ores, and also as to the smelting of our iron-ores and titaniferous ironsands. A General Manager of the State Coal-mines has also been appointed, such an appointment having been found to be necessary in view of the opening of new coal-mines at Waikokowai (North Island) and Nine-mile (near Greymouth). With a view to giving the Inspecting Engineer of Metalliferous Mines a good start with his work, and to ensure our methods and procedure being quite abreast of the times, he was instructed to visit Australia to make himself acquainted with

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the best mining practice in the Commonwealth. The officer has recently returned to the Dominion, and I am sure that the valuable information he has gained will be of the greatest use to the mining community in New Zealand. At a later date I hope to send him on a similar tour of the United States, as I am confident that the information he will gather will amply repay the time and expense involved in obtaining it. To further assist the mining industry I have undertaken a partial revision of the mining law, and have already introduced Bills to amend the Mining Act, the Coal-mines Act, the Stone-quarries Act, and the Miner's Phthisis Act. I am fully aware that the whole mining law is much in need of consolidation and improvement, but there will not be time for so extensive a task as that this session, but I trust to be able to take it in hand during the recess and to be able to bring down consolidation and amending Bills next session. I am also arranging for the issue of a series of mining leaflets, each one dealing with some branch of the mining law or mining methods or practices or procedure, as the need of authoritative information in a handy form is much felt by miners, who are quite justified in looking to the Mines Department to supply them with what is needed in this respect. I will now proceed to furnish the usual official and statistical information customarily contained in the Mines Statement. Owing to the abnormal conditions prevailing during 1918 there has again been a decrease in the production from metal-mines and collieries. In addition to shortage of labour and the increased cost of all material used in the mining industry the output has been considerably reduced owing to complete or partial cessation of work for two or three weeks during the influenza epidemic which occurred in the latter part of the year. MINERAL-PRODUCTION. The following table shows the quantity and value of a portion of our mineral export during the years 1917 and 1918, also the quantity of native coal consumed in the Dominion during the same periods. I regret that I cannot go into the matter more in detail, but the Imperial authorities are of opinion that it is still inadvisable to give exact information regarding the production and export of gold, and hence the reason for the curtailment of the information usually supplied.

There has been a decreased production of most minerals during the past year. There has, however, been an increase in value of the output for 1918, which is due to the value of the coal-output being now for the first time estimated at the value placed upon it by the Customs Department for coal exported. During previous years it has been estimated at the very inadequate value of 10s. per ton.

Year ended Product, 31st December, 1917. 31st December, 1918. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. lilver Quicksilver 1 ungsten-ore liscellaneous minerals view Zealand coal exported ... lew Zealand coal used in New Zealand [auri-gum Joke 787,152 oz. 105,299 879,383 oz. 4£tons 170 „ 2,300 „ 182,603 „ 1,851,647 „ 2,419 „ 70 „ £ 171,456 2,122 37,922 5,882 227,228 2,303,449 157,313 146 161 tons 2,357 „ 221,125 „ 1,847,294 „ 4,594 „ 119 „ 28,972 6,844 236,063 923,647* 291,917 240 * This is the figure given in last ■ear's Statement, bui it is much bi ilow the true value.



COAL-MINING, The output of coal during 1918 amounted to 2,034,250 tons, as compared with 2,068,419 tons during 1917, being a decrease of 34,169 tons. The following is a comparative statement of the coal and lignite raised during the years 1916, 1917, and 1918 :—

The decline in the annual output for 1918 amounts to nearly 2 per cent. There was also a decrease in the output per person employed underground, from 715 tons during 1917 to 703 tons during 1918, which is likewise at the rate of nearly 2 per cent. This alone would account for the decrease of total output; but had it not been, for the influenza epidemic, to which sixty-six coal-miners succumbed, and which caused most of the collieries to cease production for two or three weeks, an increased output would have resulted. The considerable decline in the production of bituminous coal was principally due to scarcity of miners on the West Coast. The comparative tonnage of the various classes of coal for the years 1917 and 1918 is summarized as follows :—

During the year prospecting-operations by Government drills have proved considerable areas of workable coal near Awaroa in the Parish, of Whangape, on the Waikato coalfield. An area of nearly 1,300 acres of excellent coal-bearing land has accordingly been acquired, on which a State mine for the North Island will be established as soon as the necessary preliminary works call be undertaken. Also within the Government colliery reserve on the low coastal range adjacent to the Point Elizabeth State Colliery a good coal-seam has been proved, and here also coalmining operations will be undertaken as soon as a short branch railway has been constructed to the site of the mine-mouth. The opening of this new colliery will afford an opportunity of utilizing nearly all the plant at the existing Point Elizabeth Colliery, which will shortly be closed on account of exhaustion. The question of providing adequate and superior housing-accommodation for the State miners has also received careful consideration, with the result that at Waikokowai it has been decided to lay out a new township on " town-planning " lines, and provided with an efficient water-supply and drainage system, and furnished with electric light and power and all modern conveniences. Similar conveniences will be supplied as far as possible at Runanga. It is also proposed to inaugurate a superannuation scheme for our men, and to also permit them to elect a representative on a Board of Management so that they may have a voice in matters of control. It is hoped by these means to gain the full interest of the miners in the success of the undertaking, and to ensure the permanence and continuity of their employment.

Inspection Distriot. Output for Output for Increase iqi 17 inn or Decrease, law. iwis. 191g _J Output for 1916. ! i Decrease between Years 1917 and 1916. forthem Vest Coast louthern (Canterbury, Otago, and Southland) Totals .. Tons. Tons. Tons. 470,638 549,778 79,140* 1,146,778 997,089 j 149,689t 451,003 487,383 36,380* 2,068,419 2,034,250 34,169t Tons. Tons. 486.114 15,476 1,295,635 148,857 475,386 24,383 2,257,135 188,716 * Increase. "|" Decrease.

Class. Output for 1918. Output for 1917. Increase or Decrease for 1918. Bituminous and semi-bituminous Brown coal Lignite Tons. 1,122,308 705,773 206,169 Tons. .1,247,989 629,174 191,256 Tons. Decrease 125,681 Increase 76,599 14,913 Totals .. ... 2,034,250 2,068,419 Decrease 34,169



TUNGSTEN-ORE (SCHEELITE). The quantity and value of tungsten-ore obtained during the year was 143 tons 6cAvt., valued at £31,279, as against 199 tons Bcwt., valued at £37,863, during 1917. There was, however, an increase in the quantity and value exported during 1918, due to the liberation of ore which had been held back by some producers in anticipation of an increased price being offered by the Imperial Government. During the war period the price per unit of tungstic acid per ton of ore has been increased from £2 Iss. to £3 Bs. ; prior to 1914 the market price was about half the latter amount. The decline in production can only be attributed to depletion of known deposits, and unless further deposits are discovered the decline will probably continue. PETROLEUM. Drilling in search of petroleum has, during the year, been carried out in Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, and Canterbury, but no development of real commercial value has yet occurred. Throughout the Dominion twenty-five deep boreholes in search of petroleum have been drilled or are in progress, the deepest being that known as the " Blenheim " well of the Blenheim Oil Company at Moturoa, which has attained a depth of 5,488 ft., drilling being still in progress. Near Waikaia, Southland, a small area of oil-shale has been proved by drilling; and attention has again been drawn to the oil-shale deposit near Orepuki, which it is hoped will be worked in the near future. In connection with this deposit extensive oil-shale works were installed about seventeen years ago, but operations were suspended shortly after production began. The importance of a petroleum industry in this Dominion can hardly be overestimated, and it is in consequence of this that-the Government is assisting in some of the boring operations. QUICKSILVER. During the year our first exportation of quicksilver was made—the product of the New Zealand Quicksilver-mines (Limited), whose mine and works are situated at Puhipuhi, North Auckland. This company produced during the year 11,296 lb. of marketable quicksilver, valued at ss. per pound. KAURI-GUM. The kauri-gum industry being under the administration' of a separate Department, my reference thereto is confined to the quantity and value of this mineral exported, which during 1918 amounted to 2,419 tons, valued at £157,313, as against 4,594 tons, valued-at £291,917, during 1917. The total quantity and value of kauri-gum exported to the end of 1918 is respectively 356,292 tons and £18,325,252. During the past five years attempts have been made to dredge kauri-gum from swamps, but up to the present time the profits therefrom have been small. Since 1917 progress has been made in the development of kauri peat-oil extraction. Plants have been installed by two companies at Kaimaumau and at Redhill. From the crude oil it is proposed to refine motor-spirit, also paint and varnish oils. Should these operations prove successful an important industry will become established, as the area of land available for sueh 1 operations is large. A new process has been discovered for cleaning low-grade gum, known as the " salt vacuum process," the patentee being Dr. J. S. Maclaurin, Dominion Analyst. Practical demonstrations have proved the process to be most satisfactory. STONE-QUARRIES. The operations of the Stone-quarries Act are confined to those places (excluding mines) where stone is quarried or tunnelled by the use of explosives, and where the rock-face is more than 20 ft. deep. A large number of important quarrying operations, regarding which safety provisions are as necessary as at those places to which the Act applies, are excluded by this definition. It is therefore proposed to enlarge the scope of the Act to make it apply more generally.



The quarrying industry of the Dominion is rapidly increasing in importance, more especially "with regard to the output of limestone for agriculture, cementmanufacture, and building-stone. At those quarries which come under the operations of the Act about fifteen hundred persons were employed during the year, the output being nearly 1,000,000 tons. PERSONS ENGAGED IN MINING. The following table shows the number of miners in each inspection district, and the branch of mining in which they were engaged : —

During the period of the war there has been a decline of 740 in the number of persons working at or about coal-mines, amounting to 16 per cent, of the total number employed during 1914. The greater number of these men were voluntarily on active service abroad, but a considerable number have left the mines for other employment. Regarding the occupation of coal-mining there exists a general but erroneous impression that it is dismal, unhealthy, and extremely arduous. In this Dominion this assumption is incorrect. The thickness of the coal-seams generally obviates the necessity of working in cramped positions, and likewise permits of adequate ventilation, superior generally to that in factories. The proportion of deaths from fatal accidents during the past three years has been less than l\ per annum per 1,000 persons employed, comparing favourably with that in any other country. The facility by which coal may be mined in New Zealand is proved by the official statistics regarding output. During 1917 the output per person employed underground was 715 tons, as against 306 tons for the United Kingdom during the same period. The average earnings of coal-miners are probably as high as those prevailing in. any other country, and during the period of the war such, wages have increased to a greater extent than have food-prices. At the principal collieries the average net daily earnings per fortnightly pay, taken over a period of several months, were approximately —for coal-hewers, 17s. to £l 4s. ; truckers, 18s. ; boys, 13s. ; and deputies, £4 to £4 10s. per week. Under the Coal-mines Act a day's work is limited to eight hours from the time of entering the mine to the time of departure therefrom ; thus the travelling-time, also that taken for a meal, is included in the daily shift. In addition to the abovementioned favourable conditions obtained by the coal-miner, he may obtain a home at low rental, or if he so desires he may build for himself by the aid of a loan from the Government; by such means many pleasant miners' homes have been established, those at Runanga, bluntly, Granity, and Kaitangata being especially so. Gardening is specialized in by coal-miners generally throughout the Empire, and some of the miners' gardens at these places are very attractive. For two successive years a Kaitangata colliery trucker has from his quarter-acre section produced roses which gained the champion prize in open competition at the Dunedin Flower Show, one of the principal shows in the Dominion. At all colliery townships coal is supplied to the miners at a purely nominal charge, at the State collieries such charge being 3s. 4d. per ton. It will thus be seen that the coal-miners' life has many attractions, and admits of a person of

Im Classification. Northern. ipcction District. West Coast. ' Southern. 1918. I Total Is. 1917. Increase or Decrease. I i ( Gold, silver, and tungsten ore t 1,264 Coal .. .. .. 904 Cinnabar and asbestos .. 13 Totals .. .. 2,181 I 760 2,041 3 2,804 542 2,566 1,049 3,994 16 1,591 6,576 2.996 3,983 16 Decrease 430 Increase 11 6,995 Decrease 419



provident disposition saving enough money to enable him to eventually buy land, or take up a lighter occupation for advancing years. I have dwelt upon this subject at some length, hoping to remove the prevailing erroneous impression regarding the life of a coal-miner, and thus to encourage young men to give this lucrative occupation a fair trial; one of the most serious questions facing the Dominion at present being how to overcome the shortage of coal-miners. While much has already been done to provide satisfactory dwelling-accommo-dation for coal-miners, there is no doubt that more still remains to be done. At the new State mine in the Waikato a township will be laid out on town-planning lines, with an efficient water service and good drainage system; and good comfortable residences for the miners will be built, and either let or sold to them as they may prefer ; or they may lease or purchase sections and build houses themselves, provided that the designs of such houses are approved by the Department's Architect. Similar improvements, as far as now reasonably practicable, will also be made at Runanga (Greymouth). A clause has also been inserted in this year's Coal-mines Amendment Bill requiring all colliery-owners to provide reasonable residence accommodation for their workmen, and to let same at reasonable rates. In cases where colliery-owners are unable to provide the requisite capital the Government may advance the same on mortgage at a reasonable rate of interest. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. During the past field season a detailed geological survey of the Mokau coalfield has been completed, and a full report is now in preparation. An area in the Waikokowai district, west of bluntly, was also carefully examined with a view to ascertaining its suitability for a State coal-mine. Various localities in the South Island were visited by officers of the Geological Survey in order to obtain information concerning coal, gold, limestone, phosphate rock, &c. During the war the Geological Survey has been severely hampered in carrying out its work. Several officers have been lost by death or resignation, and one is still with the Expeditionary Forces. It is, however, proposed to appoint several new officers at an early date, and so restore the staff to at least its pre-war strength. INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. The number of miners who succumbed to the epidemic during 1918 was ninetytwo (twenty-six metal-miners and sixty-six coal-miners), being 1-39 per cent, of the number employed at or about all mines ; the mortality among coal-miners being at the rate of 1-65 per cent., and that of metal-miners 1-0 per cent. The estimated average death-rate from the epidemic throughout the Dominion of all persons, including coal and metal miners, was about 0-6 per cent. The following table shows the number of miners' deaths by epidemic and the number of miners employed in the Dominion during 1918 : —

Inspection District. Number of Deaths. Number of Persons employed in or about Mines. Percentage of Deaths. Northern District (North Island) — Coal-mines Metal-mines .Vest Coast District (of South Island) — Coal-mines Metal-mines Southern District (Canterbury, Otago, and Southland) — Coal-mines Metal-mines Totals (coal-mines) ,, (metal-mines) 24 14 904 1,277 2-65 1-09 16 10 2,041 2,582 0-78 0-38 26 2 66 26 1.049 542 3,944 2,582 2-47 0-37 1-65 1-00



At the State collieries near Greymouth 432 persons were employed, none of whom succumbed to the epidemic. The West Coast suffered least of all districts. I am unable to offer any explanation for the higher percentage of deaths of coalminers than of metal-miners, except that the epidemic happened to be more virulent in certain colliery townships such as Humbly, Kaitangata, and Nightcaps. The ventilation of coal-mines is probably superior to that of metal-mines ; both are provided with bath and change-house accommodation at the principal mines. There is no marked difference in the character of their homes. Coal-miners usually receive on the average higher wages, and they do not work in deleterious siliceous dust from rock-drills, as do some metal-miners. MINING AND QUARRY ACCIDENTS. No fatal accident occurred at any colliery, metal-mine, or stone-quarry in the North Island during 1918, in which operations 4,158 persons were employed. No fatal accident occurred in or about any metal-mine in the Dominion during the year; but two fatalities, one of which occurred at an oil-bore and the other at a gold-dredge, have been counted as mining accidents, such operations coming under the provisions of the Mining Act. At stone-quarries two fatal accidents occurred in the South Island. In or about the collieries of the South Island six fatalities occurred, all being from falls of coal, stone, or timber. In no case was any person held blameworthy by the Coroner's jury which inquired into the circumstances of these accidents. In such cases it is usually found that the sufferer or his companion * failed to properly protect themselves by timber supports as required by the regulations. The proportion of fatalities during 1918 per 1,000 persons employed is as follows : Metal-mines, 0-77 ; collieries, 1-50; stone-quarries, 1-40: total (8,002 persons), 1-24, being the lowest for any year since mining was commenced in New Zealand. SCHOOLS OF MINES. The expenditure by the Department on the schools of mines at Coromandel, Thames, Waihi, Karangahake, and bluntly in the Auckland Provincial District, and at Westport, Reefton, and Otago in the South Island, for the year ended 31st March, 1919, amounted to £4,300. The present regulations relating to Schools of Mines scholarships are much in need of revision, and are now receiving attention at the hands of the departmental experts, acting in conjunction with the Directors of the schools. A proposal by the Otago University authorities for the granting of mining bursaries is also receiving careful consideration, with a view to its adoption in a more or less modified form. SUBSIDIZED PROSPECTING. During the year ended 31st March, 1919, nine approved prospecting-parties were granted subsidies amounting to over £1,400, of which over £1,200 was expended during the year. In addition to this, £9,942 granted during previous years was also expended. In two cases payable quartz was proved by subsidized work. During the year no loans for the development of mining under Part Xof the Mining Act were granted, and it would appear that the part of the Act referred to stands in need of amendment to enable mining companies to take advantage of it to a larger extent than at present. I may say that the present provision has now been in force for fourteen years, and only six loans have so far been granted under it. In the Mining Amendment Bill which I hope to see placed on the statute-book this session provision is made for enlarging and improving this provision. GOVERNMENT P ROSPECTING-DRILLS. Extensive use has been made during the year of the Government prospectingdrills, which are lent to hirers free of charge. This class of State aid to mining has proved to be most beneficial to the industry. The results of boring during the



year in most cases were highly satisfactory. An aggregate depth of 12,366 ft. was drilled by diamond, keystone, and percussion drills in search for coal, oil-shale, and alluvial gold. Two valuable extensions of known coalfields were proved in the neighbourhood of Huntly and Point Elizabeth respectively ; two workable alluvial gold-mining claims were proved in Westland ; also an oil-shale deposit at Waikaia, which may after further exploration be found to be of value. ROADS AND TRACKS. The expenditure by subsidies and direct grants out of the Public Works Fund vote, " Roads on Goldfields," during the year amounted to £4,185. This expenditure would have been greater had more labour been available. GOVERNMENT WATER-RACES. The Waimea-Kumara and Mount Ida Water-races, which greatly aid alluvial gold-mining in the Kumara and Naseby districts, have during the year supplied claims employing thirty-five miners with water for sluicing, by which gold to the value of £8,481 was obtained. The cash received for water sold was £1,583, and the expenditure on the upkeep of the races was £3,350. TABLES AND REPORTS. The usual statistical tables and departmental reports are appended.




No. 1. Table showing the Quantity and Value of Minerals (other than Gold) entered for Exportation for the Years ended the 31st December, 1917 and 1918, and the Total Value since the 1st January, 1853. The Coal-output is also included.

No. 2. Table showing the Output of Coal from the various Coalfields, and the Comparative Increase and Decrease, for the Years 1917 and 1918, together with the Total Approximate Quantity of Coal produced since the Mines were opened.

2—C. 2.

For Year ended the ittst December, 1918. For Year ended the . a . J"'* 1 '* 31st December, 1917. uantity. Value. Quantity. Oz. £ Oz. 787,152 105,299 21,793,912 •om the , 1853, to the nber, 1918. Name of Metal or Mineral. Quantity. I Value. Quantity. Value. Silver .. Oz. 879,383 £ 171,456 Oz. 787,152 £ 2,458,248 Mineral produce, including kauri-gum— Copper-ore Chrome-ore Antimony-ore Manganese-ore Haematite ore.. .. .. Tungsten-ore Quicksilver Sulphur (orude) Mixed minerals* Coal (New Zealand) exported Coke exported Coal, output of mines in Dominion (less exports) Oil-shale Kauri-gum Tons. 13 " 169*$ *4 ! £ 6 104 37,922 2,122 Tons. 6 "l61 £ 163 28,972 Tons. 1,504 5,869 3,781 19,364 77 2,163}$ 44 4,927 55,959J 4,894,843 16,753 43,297,997 £ 19,378 38,002 55,045 61,905 469 268,444 2,122 13,241 237,328 4,656,670 25,512 22,934,813 i 2,286-J 182,603 70 1,851,647 5,772 227,228 146 2,303,449 2,851 221,125 119 1,847,294 2 6,679 236,063 240 923,647 2,419 157,313 i] 594 291,917 14,444 356,292 7,236 18,325,252 Total quan tity and value of minerals other than gold and silver 2,039,212§g 2,734,062 2,075,650 1,487,683 48,673,978Jg 46,645,417 * Including—Pyrites, 1 ton ; lime, 22} tons; pumice sand, 2,210 tons; pumice atom marble and stone of weight unspecified by the diatoms Department. e, 52 tons; sto me (hewn), 1 ton : also dreued

Out iut. Approximate Total Output up to 81st December. 1918. Name of Coalfield. 1018, 1917. Increase. Decroase. North Auckland Waikato (inoluding Mokau) Nelson Buller .. Inangahua &rey Canterbury Otago Southland Tons. 125,349 424,429 13,954 580,796 16,237 386,102 20,475 316,449 150,459 Tons. 101,320 369,318 19,616 652,183 14,766 460,213 18,063 274,306 158,634 Tons. 24,029 55,111 1,*471 2.412 42,143 Tons. 5,662 71,387 Tons. 3,739,303 5,354,412 342,241 15,634,050 295,612 9,566,773 757,135 9,443,892 3,069,522 74,111 8,175 Totals 2,034,250 2,068,419 34,169* 48,192,840 I • Net d., 84,169 torn t.



No. 3. Table showing the Output of Different Classes of Coal.

No. 4. Table showing the Increase or Decrease in the Annual Production of Coal and Oilshale in the Dominion, and the Quantity of Coal imported since 1878.

Class of Coal. Out] 1918. put. Increase. Decrease. Approximate Total Output to the 31st December, 1918. I 1917. Bituminous and semi-bituminous Brown Lignite Totals Tons. 1,122,308 705,773 206,169 2,034,250 Tons. 1,247,989 629,174 191,256 Tons. 761599 14,913 _L Tons. Tons. 125,681 31,171,005 >.. 14,480,157 2,541,678 34,169 48,192,840 2,068,419

Coal and St the Di iale raised in iminion. Coal imported. Year. Increase over Preceding Year. Tons. Yearly Increase or Decrease. Tons. Decrease below Preceding Year. Prior to 1878 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 .. 1885 .886 1887 ' .. 1888 .889 L 890 .891 .892 L893 .894 .895 .896 .897 1898 .899 .900 .901 .902 .903 .904 1905 1906 l907 1908 L909 .910 1911 .912 .913 .914 915 .916 .917 .918 709,931 162,218 231,218 299,923 337,262 378,272 421,764 480,831 511,063 534,353 558,620 613,895 586,445 637,397 668,794 673,315 691,548 719,546 726,654 792,851 840,713 907,033 975,234 1,093,990 1,239,686 1,365,040 1,420,229 1,537,838 1,585,756 1,729,536 1,831,009 1,860,975 1,911,247 2,197,862 2,066,073 2,177,615 1,888,005 2,275,614 2,208,624 2,257,135 2,068,419 2,034,250 Inc. 69,000 „ 68,705 , 37,339 „ 41,010 „ 43,492 „ 59,069 „ 30,232 „ 23,290 . 24,267 . 55,275 Dec. 27,450 Inc. 50,952 „ 31,397 4,521 „ 18,233 „ 27,998 7,108 „ 66,197 ,, 47,862 „ 66,320 „ 68,201 „ 118,756 „ 145,696 „ 125,354 „ 55,189 „ 117,609 47,918 „ 143,780 „ 101,473 „ 29,966 » 50,272 „ 286,115 Dec. 131,289 Inc. 111,542 Dec. 289,610 Inc. 387,609 Dec. 66,990 Inc. 48,511 Dec. 188,716 34,169 174,148 158,076 123,298 129,962 129,582 123,540 148,444 130,202 119,873 107,230 101,341 128,063 110,939 125,318 125,453 117,444 112,961 108,198 101,756 110,907 115,427 99,655 124,033 149,764 127,853 163,923 147,196 169,046 207,567 220,749 287,808 258,185 232,378 188,068 364,359 468,940 518,070 353,471 293,956 291,597 255,332 6,664 24|904 26,722 14j 379 135 9451 4,520 16,072 33,778 '.380 6,042 18,242 10,329 12,643 5,889 17,124 8,009 4,483 4,763 6,442 15!772 24,378 25,371 21,911 36," 070 21,850 38,521 13,182 67,059 16," 727 29,623 25,807 44,310 176,291 104,581 49,130 164,599 59,515 2,359 36,265


No. 5. Table showing the Total Quantity and Value of Goal imported into and exported from New Zealand from and to each Country during the Year ended 31st December, 1918.

No. 6. Number of Persons ordinarily employed at or about Mines other than Coal-mines during the Year ended 31st December, 1918.


Imports. 1 Exports. I Country. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. United Kingdom India Uanada, via west ooast Australia Fiji Egypt 3hile Jnited States of America, via west ooast Samoa in British occupation .. juam Hawaii Society Islands fonga ruamotn Archipelago Tons. £ Tons. 90,890 400 4,959 27,112 4,871 2,506 1,100 18,177 1,293 29,372 11 2,457 1,989 370 £ 122,854 400 8,266 31,886 7,064 3,569 1,664 18,177 1,770 28,853 30 3,390 2,745 370 255*332 202,102 Totals 255,332 202,102 185,507 231,038 • Countries whence imported. t All coal included, bi ooal mined in othe; r countries us well a: inkers and cargo, am in N r ew Zealand.

Number of Persons ordinarily employed at T Tol tal. County ur Borough. Gold-quartz Gold Gold- ,' Mines other than . 9 . s Mines. Alluvial Mines. dredges. ; Gold and Ooal. 1918. 1917. Northern Inspection Distriot. County and Borough of Thames .. 74 .. .. . . 74 County of Oliinomuri .. .. 254 .. .. .. 254 ,, Coromandel .. .. 17 .. .. .. 17 Piako .. .. .. 4 .. .. .. 4 Borough of Waihi .. .. .. 887 .. •. .. 887 Tauranga district .. .. .'. 25 . . .. .. 25 I'nhipuhi distriot .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 13 Great Barrier Island.. .. .. 3 .. .. .. 3 74 ' 254 17 4 887 25 13 3 74 ' ->fU 254 17 A 11.7 291 19 5 971 10 Hi 3 887 sir. 13 25 13 ll .i West Coast Inspection District. f ounty of Marlborough .. .. 60 4 .. 4 68 Waimea ...... 5 14 .. 3 22 „ Collingwood ., .Murchison .. .. 2 21 .. .. 23 Buller .. .. .. 3 26 .. .. 29 Inangabua .. .. 372 2 39 .. 403 Grey .. .. .. 7 56 3 . . 65 Westland .. .. .. .. 105 34 .. 139 Borough of Ross .. .. .. 14 .. .. .. 14 39 3 34 4 3 68 °2 23 29 403 65 139 14 73 12 42 35 528 76 150 9 Southern Inspection District. County of Taieri .. .. .. 4 .. .. 10 14 „ Tuapeka .. .. .. i .. 92 .. .. 92 Vincent .. .. .. I 40 84 .. 125 Maniototo .. .. .. 43 7 .. 60 ,, Waihemo .. .. 19 .. .. 35 54 Waitaki .. .. .. .. 15 .. .. 15 Lake .. .. .. .. 21 .. 59 80 Wallace .. .. .. .. 32 .. .. 32 Bnioo ,' Southland .. 50 30 80 Stewart Island .. .. 84 7 Hi 35 '' 59 14 92 125 60 54 15 80 32 17 121 151 58 42 16 96 32 3 119 30 80 Totals .. .. .. 1,761 520 187 124 ; 2,582 3,012 Summary of Persons ordinarily employed in or about New Zealand Mines during 1918 ant T 1917. 1918. 1917. : ~° 1917. Incr Dec •ease or urease. ue Gold, silver, and gold-scheelite mines ... ... 2,458 2,908 Di Other metalliferous mines, including those worked for 124 104 In scheelite alone Coal-mines ... ... ... ... 3,994 3,983 2,908 .1.04 De, Inc o. 450 5. 20 3,983 11 Totals ... ... ... 6,576 6,995 De, 6,576 6,995 Dec. 419



No. 7. Statement of Affairs of Mining Companies, as published in accordance with the Companies Act, 1908.

Name of Company. I Amount Value of Scrip „ . o ri Quantity and Value of Date of anharriheH of i given to Share- Number «„,„„„* «.m i™.» asaS, Gold and Silver produced Registra- Capital holders on of Shares A ™° U $,.S? 1(I £*S£?£ II •§ since Registration, tion. capital. ac t U aUv , which no Cash aUotted. per Share. of Calls, holders at as ft Daid ud Daid present. a g i j paia up. j paia. j, „ Qaantit y j VallleTotal Total Amount Expenditure Amount of ot Debts since Dividends owing by Registration. paid. Company. Quantity. Value. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. £ I £ ■ I Alluvial Claims (Limited) .. .. .. j 24/10/16 2,500 ; 2,220 I Gallant- Gold-mining Company (Limited) .. | 20/10/15 526 524 : Golden Belt Gold-mining Company (Limited) .. 122/12/11 23,451 7,512 j Great Northern Waihi Gold -mining Company I 13/8/14 18,233 6,112 (Limited) Hauraki Reefs (Limited) .. .. .. 28/4/10 17,500 11,682 Komata Beefs Gold-mining Company (Limited).. 16/10/00 40,000 Kuramii Gold-mining Company (No Liability) .. 5/6/14 21,750 1 2,125 Maoriland Mines (Limited) .". .. .. j 4/8/13 441 , 441 New Waltaia Gold-mining Company (Limited) .. : 25/2/09 15.000 i 8.113 I New Zealand Crown Mines (Limited) .. .. 13/3/14 39,413 i 11,356 I North Prince of Wales Consolidated Gold-mining 23/3/12 3,019 4,099 Company (No Liability) Ohinemuri" Gold and Silver Mines (Limited) .. 1/6/14 75,584 8,060 Old Hauraki Gold-mines (Limited) .. .. 3/8/07 Rising Sun Gold-mining Company (Limited) .. 1/10/08 16,555 | 11,125 Tairua Broken Hills Gold-mining Company (Li- 1/5/16 6,000 < 4,132 mited) United Gold-mine (limited) .. .. .. 17/7/15 18,664 ; 8,664 Waihi Extended Gold-mining Company (Limited) 12/8/95 149,967 : 59,452 Waihi-Paeroa Gold-extraction Company (Limited) 4/3/10 125,000 I 65,000 Waiotahi Gold-mining Company (Limited) .. 28/7/71 18,000 I 16,000 Waitangi Consolidated Gold-mining Company (No 23/10/08 147,833 '28,930 Liability) Zeehan Consolidated (Limited) .. .. 23/10/10 11,300] 3,060 New Zealand Quicksilver Mines (Limited) .. 16,7/18 12,219 : 1,230 -Antonio's Limited .. .. .. .. 21/12/17 5,000 j 2,551 Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited) .. 7/12/87 495.907 I 19,212 £ | £ s. d. 600 I 50 2 2 3; 2,125 21,210 0 2 6 I 17,027 i 117,255 0 4 0 6,000 j 88,000 5.083 I 175,000 0 18. I 800,000 0 1 0 ; 87,000 0 0 8: 105,800 0 0 1: 2.500 I 150,000 0 15 0 4 0 1 1.250 j 24,150 0 2 6' 55,000 151,168 0 5 0 2,229 ; 110.368 0 2 8 I 60,000 0 13; 10,000 22,000 10 0 5,498 149,967 0 10 8*1 60,000 125,000 1 0 0 _: 240,000 0 14 1,000 ! 170,800 0 4 9j! 3.700 i 150,000 i 0 0 6} 6.070 : 48,876 ! 0 5 0 2.4,50 10,000 : 0 10 0 1 0 0 | £ 19 2 47 115 223 18 412 375 192 38 98 133 298 160 12 116 172 179 ! 4S 73 47 267 101 154 570 103 55 107 15 79 29 2,247 ! Oz. £ | £ fill .. .. 2,258 569 .. 9 j 2,491 1,850 20,577 1 .. ... 5,830 9,176 20,833 I .. ! 77,797* 372,313 329,583 7,467 4 .. 22 2,374 | 2,620 3,611 : 1 6,483 24,025 22,617 j 1,875 4 3,635f 15,540 32,139 ; 3,462 | 13 1,892 387 8,187 I 30 12,486 I 24,382 35,470 2,759 3 340 ! 647 4.730 7 7 .. 9,633 1 1 4 62,143 10 47,331i 274,473 373,696 18,749 4 .. 680,169 282,360 400,800 7 .. 4,132 46,386 5,060 10 9,375 lb.§ 2,344 2,220 8 .. .. 2,219 573 17,204.122 11.878.705 6,438,917 850,799 £ 43 9 427 126 43 15 623 80 2,278 134 1,179 52 306 5 7,069 355 286 39.874 * 363,782 oz. of silver iroduced. t Silver. 13,191 oz. J Silver. 560,661 oz. luieksilver.



No. 7— continued. Statement of affairs of Mining Companies, as published in accordance with the Companies Act, 1908— continued.

Name of Company. - Amoant \alue of Scrip ' Wfimh „ o -rj Quantity and Value of n . , , A mrt i,«+ „ D »*°[ I Subscribed «* ' *\£ M * JSSS, 1 Amount paid Arrears , of Store- |g| G° ld and Silver produced A ™*lot olTeb. ir . 2s& Lssrs* issz \ **»&■ -**■ «-s- pi s ' ncesegi3tration - «*"««>■ -« paidup > paid , present. | | | Registration. pa.d. Company. NELSON DISTRICT (INCLUDING WEST COAST). I £ £ £ £ s. d. £ Blaekwater South Gold-mining Company (Limited) 2/11/14 6.602 6,101 ! .. 58,203 0 10 0 39 Boatman's Consolidated Gold-mines (Limited) .. I 10/8/15: 29,592 21,516 22,000 51,952 .. 435 Dominion Consolidated Developing Company (Li- 18/1/11 15,000 7,000- 8.000 15,000 10 0 niited) Five-mile Beach Gold-extraction Company (Li- j 16/6/13 16,305 I 7,727 '. 1,000 ; 16,305 10 0 1,578 mited) Kapitea Goldflelds (Limited) .. .. .. j -/7/16 3,750 j 3,750 6,250 10.000 1 0 0 Mount Greenland Gold-quartz Mining Company 21/11/14 . 5,000 ' 4,448 855 I 10,000 ' 0 10 0 (Limited) Murray Creek Gold-mining Company (Limited) .. 30/5/11 j 50,000 44,271 2.000 50,000 1 0 0 20 New Big River Gold-mining Company (Limited) 19 8 07! 6,000: 600 1 .. 24,000 0 0 0 New Keep-it-Dark Mines (Limited) .. .. 26/2/17 : 50,000 j 10,407 ; 32,983 I 50,000 0 17 0 131 North Blaekwater Development Syndicate (Li- 19/11/15 • 31,930 I 22,972 j .. 3,193 mited) Victory Mines Syndicate (Limited) .. ... 20/2/18 3,500 3,231 : 3,750 I 290 25 0 0 43 341 47 , 75 44 90 133 61 201 39 100 ■ 19 | 50 ! 13 j 80 42 40 S Oz. £ £ 5,813 32.564 13,198*] 48,891 107,099 6,287 2,418 < 9,416 13,209 1,362 ' 5,355 6,285 15,111 I 49,720 116,160 57.751 ' 233,185 164,081 2.760 10,537 21,944 30,302 6,437 £ £ 195 2,560 3,750 | 455 2,541 1,500 498 500 290 350 100,800 77 15,749 3,112 6 OTAGO DISTRICT (INCLUDING SOUTHLAND). Deep "Stream Gold-mining Company (Limited) .. 19/11 00 2.500 | 500 2.000 2,500 10 0 Dredges (Limited) .. .. .. .. 28/4,17- 10,000 5.000 .. 10,000 0 10 0 88 Earnscleugh Gold-dredging Company (Limited).. 15/7/01: 8 8 10.992 11.000 1 0 0 Gabriel's Gully Sluicing Company (Limited) .. 2/5/07 i 600 I 180 .. 600 0 6 0.. Golden Crescent Sluicing Company (Limited) .. 26/11/98 3,500 3,500 .. 3,500 10 0 Havelock Sluicing Company (Limited).. .. 3/3/08! 4,000 j 3,400 600 4.000 1 0 0i Ladysmith Gold-dredging Company (Limited) .. 19/4/00 ; 12,000 ! 3,964 3,000 14,500 0 10 0 Lawrence Sluicing Company (Limited).. .. 18/3/16; 5,000 5,000 .. 5,000 1 0 0 Lower Nevis Dredging Company (Limited) .. 29/9/06 '■ 600 : 600 600 : 1,200 : 10 0 Mare burn Gold and Scheelite Mining Company 18/4/14 ' 6,000 5,947 ; .. 6,000 10 0 53 (Limited) Muddy Terrace Sluicing Company (Limited) .. 4/10/06 14,400 14.400 | 5,550 19.950 1 0 0 New Alexandra Gold-dredging Company (Limited) 16/2/16: 1,325 1,325: .. 1,325 1 0 0 Now Crewe Gold-dredging Company (Limited) .. 2/11/16 | 1,000 500 .. 1,000 0 10 0 North Blaekwater Mines (Limited) .. .. 23/7/18 | 200,000 3,156 . 179 200,000 10 0 Ngapara Gold-dredging Company (Limited) .. 9/9/11 ' .. .. 2,400 3,000 ! 0 16 o Nokomai Hydraulic Sluicing Company (Limited) 26/3/98 24,000 7,000 17,000 24,000 I 10 0: Ourawera Gold-mining Company (Limited) .. 23/5/95 3.000 3.000: .. 3,000 j 1 0 0 Pho?nix Water-race Company (Limited) (Regd.) 12/10/67 1.500 1.500 I .. 1,000' 110 0 * Scheelite, 23 tons, £57,514. 12 17 9 i 13 79 22 8 126 13 19 I 58 10 69 17 19 21 18 7 5 4 7 4 6 15 10 13 9 25 8 2,528 9,713 9,428 I 4,854 I 56,150 215,595 191,267 11,654 45,037 i 37,389 10,018 39,046 29,983 7,939 30,460 24,149 13,147 i 50,660 38,797 958 3,728 4,639 6,734 ; 25.863 24,221 I 4:51 1,612 7,464 .11,910 ; 47,365 78,574 1,216 ' 4,676 6,859 3 I 12 294 I 3,148 1,049 : 4,040 ! 25,392 46,295 172,991 I 128.807 14.513 ! 57,863 47,286 I" .. 1,459 2,000 : 325 307 30,250 I 692 12,455 | 201 11,900 j 80 10,800 I 1,563 16,376 ! 70 250 I 55 2,970 I 136 48 : 16,989 1,184 12 606 4,950 142 51,083 410 14,815 9,562 14



No. 7— continued. Statement of Affairs of Mining Companies, as published in accordance with the Companies Act, 1908-continued.

Name of Company. I Amount Value of Scrip 1 I - ff „„ h „ r o -j Quantity and Value of -, , , „ . , tion. Capital. , actnallv which no Cash allotted. : per share. of Calls. , holder, at, 63 » « since Dividends owing by paid up. paid. I P reseilt - : g f ~" ~ | ~ Registration. paid. Company. I v l \ " » Quantity. Value. OTAGO DISTRICT (INCLUDING SOUTHLAISD)— coniinued. | £ £ £ I £ s. d. : £ I Pukepouri Gold-mining Company (Limited) ..; 22/1/14: 2,500 2.277 .. 2.500 1 0.0 224 I 24; Pukerangi Gold and Scheelite (Limited) .. 15/8/17 15,000 2,500 5.000 30,000 10 0 .. 28! Rise-and-Shine Gold-dredging Company (Limited) j 24/2/00 | 10,000 9,746 2,000 12,000 10 0: 254 154 : Rising Sun Gold-dredging Company (Limited) .. i 16/2/01 8,000 5,500 2,500 ! 8,000 10 0 .. 79 Round Hill Mining Company (Limited) .. j 30/7/02 28,245 6,753 21,492 5,649 5 0 0 .. 180 Sailor's Gully (Waitahuna) Gold-mining Company ! 3/6/96 8,400 200 8,200: 8,400 1 0 0i .. 24 (Limited) Scandinavian Water-race Company (Limited) .. i 10/12/07 : 7 .. 9,750 : 9,757 10 0: .. 20 Skipper's Sluicing Company (Limited) .. 20/11/11 3,450 345 3,105! 3,450. 10 0: .. 30 Success Gold-dredging Company .Limited) .. i 25/5/10 10,000 I 8,000 2,000 10,000- 10 0: .. 127 Tallaburn Hydraulic Sluicina Company (Limited) 3/12/04: 1,200 j 1.200 ..- 12 100 0 0 j 9 Teviot-Molyneux Gold-mining Company (Limited) 24/12/09 35,000 [ 25,000 10,000: 35,000 10 0: .. 23 Undaunted Tinkers Gold-mining Company (Li- I 6/9/17 20,007 j 2,748 15,000 ! 20,007 0 18 0 \ 214 53 mited) United M. and E. Water-race Company (Regd.) {23H4/7II ".600 | 7,600 .. 152 I 50 0 0 | 9 Vinegar Hill Hydraulic Sluicing Company (Li- 23/9/00 6,000 j 6,000 .. 6,000 10 0 .. 13 mited) Waikaka Deep Lead Gold - dredging Company j 16/6/13 I 6,000 j 6,000 .. 6,000 10 0 .. 13 (Limited) 2 19 10 16 6 ! 5 11 2 12 9 3 3 1 I Oz. I £ £ 22 87 3,581 698* 3,409 49,449 191,905 150,540 25,385 98,270 76,062 45,340 181,458 177,872 6,604 ! 25,326 21,148 7,319 27,869 30,458 i 1,344 5,178 5,733 12,356 48,720 50,362 1,808 6,984 8,236 ! 836 3,156 50,453 542 2,087 5,910 16,945 65,311 71,199 3,974 15,267 14,146 3,130 12,520 21,114 £ ! 53,100 [ 24,000 12,287 ! 5,000 5,500 1,380 3,306 300 £ 1,086 105 1.032 170 1,100 324 7,044 401 133 290 1,097 199 274 3,367 FOREIGN MINING COMPANIES. Hohonu Diamond Terrace Gold-mining and 8/6/14 I 22,500 i 3,714 .. .. .. 570 I Water-race Company Talisman Consolidated (Limited) .. .. 14/9/16 345,000 4,500 .. .. 10 0 .. |. 1,331 Waihi Grand Junction Gold-mining Company (Li- 28/12/97 385,000:40,495 .. .. 10 0 .. 1,187' mited) 3 ; 120 353 : 549 . 2,152 13,306 100,014 264,635 121,995 1,679,680 1,514,532 86,250 j 123,836 I 600 9,683 3,659 * Scheelite.





The Inspecting Engineer of Mines to the Under-Secretary of Mines. Sir,-- Wellington, 15th April, 1919. 1 have the honour to present my thirteenth annual report on metalliferous mines and stone-quarries, together with annexures and statistical information, for the year ended 31st December, 1918. At the request of the Imperial authorities the quantity and value of gold produced or exported during 1918, as during the period of the war, is not published in this report. In accordance with the usual, practice, the tables showing expenditure on roads, bridges, tracks, prospecting operations, &c, are for the period covered by the financial year—viz., from the Ist April, 1918, to the 31st March, 1919. The reports, &c, are divided into the following sections : — 1. Minerals (other than Gold) entered for Exportation. 11. Persons employed. 111. Accidents. IV. Gold-mining. (1.) Quartz-mining. (2.) Dredge Mining. (3.) Alluvial Mining. V. Minerals other than Gold. VT. Stone-quarries. (1.) Quarry Inspection and Statistics. (2.) Accidents. VII. State Aid to Mining. (1.) Subsidized Prospecting. (2.) Government Prospecting-drills. (3.) Subsidized Roads on Goldfields. (4.) Government Water-races. VIII. Schools of Mines. Annexures, — (A.) Summary of Reports by Inspectors of Mines. (B.) Summary of Reports by Water-race Managers. (C.) Summary of Report by the Inspector of Stone-quarries for the North Island.



I. MINERALS ENTERED FOR EXPORTATION. The following statement shows the value of minerals (other than gold) entered for exportation from metal-mines, quarries, and kauri-gum fields from the Ist January, 1853, to the 31st December. 1918 :

11. PERSONS EMPLOYED. The following statement shows the number of persons ordinarily employed in or about the metalliferous mines of the Dominion during the year : —

During the period of the present war- viz., 1914 to 1918 inclusive - the number of metal-miners employed bas declined 430; but as most of the principal quartz-mines have considerably reduced their ore reserves during the war period the shortage of metal-miners is by no means so acute as that of coal-miners.

111. ACCIDENTS. The following is n nummary of persons killed or seriously injured in metalliferous mines during 1918:

The proportion of fatalities per 1,000 persons employed was 0-77, being, with one exception, the lowest hitherto recorded for the metal-mines of the Dominion, and less than one-quarter of the proportion of fatalities in the United States or South Africa. Neither of the two fatalities occurred in or about mines, however, one being in connection with drilling for oil ; the other happened upon a, gold-dredge. Both operations being controlled by the Mining Act, the fatalities have been included among mining accidents.

Classification. 1917. 1918. Increaso Total from the or 1st January, 1853, to the Deoroase. ' 31st Deoember, 1918. i Silver Quicksilver Tnngsten-ore Other minerals Kauri-gum... £ 105,299 28,972 6,847 291,917 £ 171,456 2,122 37,922 5,882 157,313 £ £ Inc. 66,157 I 2,458,248 2,122 ' 2,122 8,950 268,444 Dec. 965 425,368 „ 134,604 j 18,325,252

Classification. I: ispection Distrl it. Southern. Total, 1918. Northern. West Coast. Gold, silver, and tungsten Cinnabar Asbestos 1,264 13 760 542 2,566 18 3 3 Totals for 1918 Totals for 1917 1,277 1,432 763 925 542 655 2,582 3,012

i Surface. „ Ab ' Dre< Expl .sives. Gro is of und. ins: tafts. Miscellaneous Underground. >ut Tel ;al. Inspection District. ! Iges. as 3 ED CU • op v F5"-i a, a) 3 s 2. "m '5* 03 Jj IIS 03 3 s 03 J-l 0Q H CJ F& : -d" en cj 3 £ .2 •£. 'fl 'n 8 03 r-. id 03 0 i-rd 03 0) • 3JJ FfJ '--'□*! 3 1> fH k2 ±"5 CO 03 3 FF .2. as 22 "6 03 5 M OJ 3 H u a m r-i CD Northern West Coast Southern 2 ... 1 ... 1 ::: "i 1 2 1 1 I Totals 3 ... 1 1 2 3



The following is a description of fatal accidents during 1918 at operations which are under the Mining Act:—

IV. GOLD-MINES. The following statement shows the dividends declared, number of persons employed, and number of gold-mines and dredges :—■

(1.) Quartz-mining. The following is a statement showing the tons of ore treated and the amount of dividends paid by quartz-mining companies in oach of the inspection districts during the years 1917 and 1918 :

3—C. 2.

Date. Name anil Situation of Mine or Operations. Name, Age, and Occupation of Person killed. Description of Accident, and Remarks. 1918. 29 Oct. Taranaki Oilwells (Limited), Moturoa Frank Salmons Drury (33), derrick hand He with four other men were at No. 5 bore, rotating fishingrods, working with two pairs of tongs, one used for holding the strain, the other for rotating. The tongs used for rotating were pullod around by block and tackle ; those at tho time of the accident were being pulled by an engine. They had considerable strain on the fishing-stem, when, releasing the pulloy hold, the strain was all on the holdingtongs. When about to hook tho blocks on to take a fresh hold the pin that holds the chain in place on the bottom tongs sheared off, allowing tho pulling-tongs to swing back with considerable force, striking in the first instance another man, but not doing him much harm, and then hitting deceased, inflicting injuries from which ho died tho same day. Tho Coroner found that the occurrence was entirely accidental, no blame being attachable to any one. His body was found jambed between two pinions of a winch on the opposite side to that on which the driver usually stands. Tho winch was in good order. The dredgemastcr believed that deceased thought ho had steam shut off, and either wont to put the clutch in, or to look at tho toothed wheels, and whilo doing so touched tho reversing-lever and set tho engine in motion, and was caught by his loose clothing and drawn into the wheels. Ho was an experienced, careful, and sobor man. The Coroner's jury found that there was no conclusive evidence to show how the accident occurred, and that no porson was blameworthy. 21 Nov. Rise - and - Shine No. 2 Dredge, Cromwell Job n Macauley Wrightson (41), winchman

Dividends paid. Dividends paid. (By Registered Companies only.) Quartz-mining Dredge mining Alluvial mining (By Registered Companies only.) 1918. 1917. ... 193,519 203,069 4,925 4,800 4,953 5,710 Number of Persons ordinarily employed, 1918. Number of Productive Quartzmines, Alluvial Mines, and Dredges, 1918. 1,751 187 520 50 28 153 Totals ... 213,579 203,397' 213,579 I __„^__ 2,458 231

Inspection District. Statute Tons of Ore Dividends pa; treated. tered Com 1918. 1917. 1918. id. (ByRegispanies only.) 1917. Jorthern Vest Coast iouthern 259,103 86,495 1,690 298,396 105,539 5,381 £ 178,619 14,900 £ 195,619 7,450 Totals ... 347,288 409,316 | 193,519 203,069



The following is a statement of the quantity of quartz treated, dividends declared, and the number of persons employed by the principal gold-quartz mining companies during 1917 and 1918 :-

The following is a brief summary of the operations at the principal mines during the year ; more detailed references are contained in the Reports of the Inspectors of Mines appearing in Annexure A accompanying this report :— Northern Inspection District. Waihi Gold-mining Company. —At the lowest or No. 12 (1,448 ft.) level no development was carried out, this level being under water. At No. 11 (1,301 ft.) level quartz of low value was proved in the Empire and Royal lodes. At No. 10 (1,151 ft.) level the Empire lode was proved to conta ; n payable values. A small decrease occurred during the year in the production of ore and bullion, but the average value per ton was maintained. Waihi Grand Junction Gold-mining Company. —Development was confined to No. 8 (1,320 ft.) level owing to suspension of pumping from the lowest level of the adjoining Waihi Mine. At No. 8 level the Empire and Royal lodes where exposed, contained low values. There was a decline in the production of ore and of bullion, also in the value per ton treated. Talisman Consolidated. —Operations at the lowest or No. 16 level ceased during the year and pumps were withdrawn. The ore treated was obtained principally from stopes in the Bonanza section immediately below No. 13 level; little of this rich ore now remains to be sloped. Prospecting by means of a Government diamond drill is now being carried out to prove the Woodstock lode under the crosscut driven 70 ft. below No. 13 level ; also the Bonanza lode from holes to be drilled at the bottom of winzes Nos. 6 and 12 respectively, being approximately from the horizon of No. 15 level. The annual production has slightly declined, but the value per ton increased from £8 12s 5d to £9 os. sd. Waihi-Paeroa Gold-extraction Company. —This company, which since March, 1912, has recovered and re-treated tailings from various mines deposited in the Ohinemuri River, a proclaimed sludgechannel, during the year went into liquidation and offered its extensive treatment plant for sale. Since the commencement of operations 907,138 statute tons of tailings were treated for a return of £276,211, being an average value of 6s. Id. per ton. The total expenditure by the company was about £320,000. Dividends amounting to £25,000 were declared. The reason for the failure of this undertaking is obvious, values obtained being too low to cover costs. Muir's Gold Reefs, This recently formed company, the mine of which is situated on freehold land near Te Puke, having developed from adits a moderate reserve of ore, has installed a ten-stamp mill and small cyanide plant, which will be in operation at an early date. This company received a Government subsidy during the year for driving a level on its proved lode. West Coast Inspection District. Boatman's Consolidated Mine.— The old Fiery Cross shaft having been retimbered and continued to a depth of 1,025 ft., a crosscut was projected eastward to intersect the supposed course of the Fiery Cross lode, profitably worked in the upper levels many years ago before the shoot of ore disappeared. The, results so far attained have been negative, only a series of parallel fissures or faults having been encountered in the vicinity of the supposed lode course. The operations of this company were subsidized by the Government to the extent of £10,000. Blackwater Mines.— Development at No. 7 (1,065 ft.) level at a distance of about 750 ft southward from the shaft proved the lode to be faulted and horizontally displaced about 95 ft. The lode

Name of Company. Quantity of Quarti treated, 1918. 1918. Dividends paid. Total to End of December, 1918. ■ 03 . «,= >>CQ 0„OH Q3 -Tri xs vt a bC ag°.s -Sr3k If. f.— S3 as C TO Ph 3 a Quantity of Quartz treated, 1917. j | Northern District— Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited)* Waihi Grand Junction Gold-mining Company (Limited) . . Talisman Consolidated (Limited) Waihi-Paeroa Gold-extraction Company West Coast District— Wealth of Nations Blaekwater Mines (Limited) Now Big River Gold-mining Company (Limited) Progress Mines of New Zealand (Limited) Murray Creek Gold-mining Company Other quartz-mines throughout New Zealand Statute Tons. 108,748 71,010 13,805 99,181 38,438 34,500 0,250 £ J 5,238,87(1 ! 207,004 1 1,133,722 ) 25,000 553 325 131 60 [Statute Tons. 171,198 103,087 10,007 3,720 31,728 4,163 1.0,320 9,749 27,379 12,500 .2,400: ' 2501 I, 174,994 , 100,800 320,502 21,727 I . 24 108 36 75 5.1 17,133 34,417 5,201 19,840 9,728 32,105 Totals 347,288 193,519 7,288,745 1,751 409,310



being subsequently located was found to be about 6 ft. in thickness, containing average values. This development is of importance. The maintenance of the Blackwater lode in course, average thickness, and values is probably unique as regards New Zealand lodes, frequent faulting or pinching out of the lode being the rule at most of the quartz-mines of the Dominion. The prospectors who discovered the Blackwater lode were assisted by a Government subsidy. Murray Creek Gold-mining Company.- —The only development was carried out at No. 4 level, where a small quantity of ore was proved. The value of the bullion obtained per ton of ore treated declined Gs. 6d. New Big River Gold-mining Company.- Development was confined to No. II (1,775 ft.) levelDuring the year there was a decline in the quantity of ore produced, and of ss. lOd. per ton in its value. North Blackwater Development Syndicate.— -Little development was carried out owing to the installation of winding plant. Chambers have been excavated for proposed levels. Crosscuts were driven at the 1,000 ft. and 1,200 ft. levels. This syndicate was assisted by a Government subsidy of £10,000. Wealth of Nations and Progress Mines of New Zealand. —The production was small owing to tin' destruction by fire in April, 1918, of the shaft head-gear and nearly all the surface buildings, together with much machinery. Southern Inspection District. In Otago and Southland gold-quartz mining operations were unimportant. The Otago Central Gold-mining Company, operating near Bannockburn, received a Government subsidy for driving, but no discovery of value resulted. (2.) Dkedge Mining. On the West Coast seven dredges produced gold. In Otago and Southland twenty-one dredges produced gold. The number of persons employed upon gold-dredges in the Dominion was 187. During the year a considerable amount of prospecting was carried oul by Government Keystone drills under the superintendence of Mr. G. E. I). Scale on claims in the Arahura Valley and at Rimu Flat, Westland. The results are reported to be satisfactory. A dredge formerly known as " Worksop No. 2 " has been removed to the Arahura Valley and has during the current year been put into commission. The results so far attained have been moderate. The following is a statement showing the capacity and profits of bucket gold-dredges during 1918. (Note. -The profits made by privately owned dredges are not obtainable for publication.)

Name of Dredge. Locality. is SfS S9 £.2 S.8 Ill o (fi (-. fSf, a ft 73 <_ If o fcc . S £-£ rS-G 2 Jil rC, ■al of Ms F-l FF © § te 3 o o p. f5 O ri rS fi as = 3 J gap 2 2£.2 la S -fl 3 -/} & s n n M ii ?? II II II II g g co ft; Dividends During 1918. declared. Total. Otago and Southland. Rise-and-Shino No. 1 Rise-and-Shine No. 2 Rising Sun Ferry (private) Earnscleugh No. 3 Earnscleugti No. 5 Cromwell 5i 51 7 +i 7 6 5 0 5 5 4 31 s| H H 4 R. fii 0 3. 10 10 10 11J 12 13 10J 10 11 10 n 10 12 12 10 11 9 9 II 11 9 20 20 > 25 10 150 150 10 25 10 10 12 12 12 70* 16 12 16 20 16 16 10 Ft. S 40 S 40 S 45 S 40 B 50 E 35 8 30 S 35 S 40 H .1.5 S 10 S 10 S 30 SG 16 S 16 S 9 S 14 S 35 S 18 S 20 S 30 £ £ I J 53,100 33 24,000 Alexandra I > 30,250 Ngapara Now Alexandra (private) Gorge (late Manuherikia) . . Olrig Lower Nevis Nevis Crossing (private) Crewe No. 2 Otakau Roscdalc. (private) •Star (private) McGcorgo's Freehold No. 2 (private) .. McGcorge's Freehold No. 3 (private) .. Charlton Valley (private) Koputai (private) Kura (private) 525 4,950 Nevis 300 2,970 Kyeburn Waikaka Waikaka Valley .. 300 2,925 Charlton Creek Waikaia 2,600 4,527 West Coast. Near Hokitika Near Kumara Ahaura River Rimu Antonio's Creek Tawhai (near Reefton) Capleston . . 0 5 ! 7 ! 7 8 5 6 12 10 11 10 14 11 11 25 10 20 16 16 12 20 S 30 S 8 35 S 20 8 21 S 10 8 30 500 1,000 5,500 1,500 Succoss Kapitoa Ahaura Rimu No. 1 Worksop No. 2 .. Slab Hut Creek Hessey, Cameron, and Tacon 43,350 61480 * Brake horse-: lower.



(3.) Alluvial Mining. On the West Coast two new sluicing companies, having almost completed their water-races and surface works, propose to commence sluicing during the current year -viz., the Hochstctter Goldfiolds (Limited), which has expended about £100,000 upon a water-race from Lake Hochstctter to its claims on the terraces at Rivervicw, on tho Arahura River, and the Westland Prospecting Syndicate, the recipient of a Government subsidy for prospecting-shafts, whose claims are situated near Lake Kanieri. It will be seen, therefore, that alluvial mining either by sluicing or dredging on the West Coast still attracts a considerable amount of capital where the ground has been properly tested by drilling and sinking preparatory to the installation of plant and construction, of water-races.

V. MINERALS OTHER THAN GOLD. Tungsten-ore. The quantity of tungsten-ore exported during tho year amounted to 169 i tons, valued at £37,922, as compared with 161 tons, valued at £28,972, in 1917. The following statement shows the quantity and value of ore exported : —

The quantity of tungsten concentrate obtained during the year was 143=,",- tons, as compared with 199-jjj tons for the previous year, and 258 tons during 1910. The increased quantity exported during 1918, aw shown in the above table, is due to the liberation of concentrate which had been held back in anticipation of an increased price being offered by the Imperial Government. During the war period the price was raised from £2 15s. per unit (per ton of tungstic acid) to £3 Bs. Prior to 1914 the market price was about half the latter amount. The decline in production may be attributed to depletion of known deposits and neglect of development underground. The number of persons employed at scheelite-mines has been maintained. During 1919 the, Imperial Government has discontinued buying the whole of the output of tungsten-ore produced in the Empire, which will probably affect the current price as previously fixed by war requirements.

I:" Year. Quantity. Value. Year. Quantity. Value. il 1899 Tons. 32 £ 2,788 1910 .. Tons. 143 £ 15,070 1900 54 2,635 1911 .. 138 11,853 1901 2 83 1912 .. 135 13,347 1902 39 1,200 1913 .. 221 22,933 1903 42 1,439 1914 .. 204 21,498 1904 17 791 1915 .. 194 27,784 1905 28 ' 1,848 1916 .. 266 49,070 1908 55 3,407 1917 .. 161 28,972 1907 137 15,4-86 1918 .. 1691 37,922 1908 68 6,055 Totals 1909 58 4,263 2,163 I 268,444



The following is a table showing the quantity of quartz crushed and scheelite concentrates obtained for the year ended the 31st December, 1918:—

Petroleum. No development of commercial value occurred during the year as the result of oil-prospecting operations, and none of the existing bores yielded oil in payable quantity. The Taranaki Oil-wells (Limited) was engaged during the year recasing No. 5 bore with 8 in. pipe. No drilling was clone. During 1918 7,550 gallons of crude oil was obtained from No. 3 bore. The Blenheim Oil Company continued drilling its Blenheim borehole to a depth of 5,329 ft., the greatest depth attained in the Dominion. The Canterbury Petroleum Company, operating near Chertsey, continued drilling through gravel and conglomerate to a total depth of 1,820 ft. The Kotuku Oilfields Syndicate attained a depth of 3,466 ft. in the Waipatiki bore and obtained strong gas emissions.

I I I Name of Mine or Company. Locality. Quart/. , Scheelite Conconcrushed. I trates obtained. Value. larlborough — Dominion Consolidated Company Deep Creek Gold-mining Syndicate J. M. Cadigan.. .. Wakamarina .. ,, Tons. Tons. cwt. qr. lbs. 11,973 23 1 2 4 77 0 1 0 0 Concen- 4 0 0 0 trates. £ 4,761 23 800 ,, • ■ * * j. Whiting .. Topkouse 0 13 4 26 Hugo and Southland — Glenorohy Sclieelite Company, and five parties of miners John R. Tripp Sutherland and Hood Hall and Ross W. H. Long Black and MoPherson Grant and Sinclair Hood and Beasley Thomas Scurr Paulin and Tripp Huntly Groves Golden Point Gold-mining Company Deep Dell (jr. A. Carson A. Phelan F. A. .Smith Fraser and Gay tan Gaytan and Innes Hugh Fraser .. Phelan and McConuell Philip Donoghue A. A. Cookerell Cockerel! and Randall .. C. Brown .1. H. Evans Donaldson Bros, and Ellis D. Allan Stoneburn Mining Company Mareburn Mining Company R. A. Mathewson Pukerangi Mining Company U.S. Molineaux C. G. White .. Reefs Syndicate Glenorohy, Lake County .. .> •>■> >1 33 it )) 33 j; 3 jj »l 33 oi It .. it a a 3j .; • • Macrae's, Waihemo County 3. 33 ' it H ot 33 33 33 1,059 65 0 1 5 0 6 0 0 5 10 1 10 10 2 11 0 1 0 42 3 5 2 1 0 19 2 3 3 23 18 2 16 2 3 0 16 1 9 16 6 13 3 21 50 1 3 2 19 31 2 6 2 4 8 15 2 11 1| 0 6 2 8 2 0 10-2 1 8 10 2 9 20 5 3 2 1 14 2 18 1 22 9 0 15 0 2 4 0 12 3 27 6 1 6 3 1.1 3| 0 7 0 0 32" 4 10 I. 26 2 0 7 3 3 0 13 0 14 3?, 0 15 3 18 15 2 7 I 16 386 0 5 0 15 819 2 6 0 23 0 13 14 118 2 2 0 22 40 0 8 18 10 0 7 8 24 339 0 5 0 0 14,365 66 226 564 50 455 486 625 180 1,480 262 513 283 73 116 227 1,144 646 166 143 297 77 999 86 145 176 524 57 510 21 466 92 88 55 it 33 33 !» 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 it it 53 33 3? 33 33 33 3? Stoneburn, „ Hyde, The Beefs, Taieri County .. 31 33 • • 3 3 3 3 33 31 Totals, 1918 Totals, 1.917 .. 15,098 143 6 0 17 19,655 199 8 2 11 31,279 37,863 I lecrease 4,557 56 2 1 12 6,584 Certain of the above mines also p iroduced a quantity of gold.



The following are particulars regarding the deep boreholes in the Dominion :-—

CINNAHAII. The Whangarei Cinnabar-mining Company, whose operations are carried on at Puhipuhi, North Auckland, has been renamed the " New Zealand Quicksilver-mines (Limited)." During 1918 the company mined and retorted about 582 tons of ore for a return of 11,296 lb. of quicksilver, valued at £2,824. The Customs returns show that during the same period there was entered for exportation 4} tons (10,0801b.) of quicksilver, valued at £2,122. The Inspector of Mines reports that during the year mining development has not been carried out, the reserve, of ore being drawn upon to supply the retorts. Kauri-gum. The kauri-gum industry being under the administration of a separate Department controlled by a Superintendent, and reported on in an official annual report by that officer, reference to such industry in this report: is confined, to the publication of the quantity and value of this mineral which lias been exported, and to new processes which have and are being adopted lor the recovery or treatment of kauri-gum prior to shipment, and to the extraction of oil therefrom. During 1918 2,419 tons of kauri-gum, valued at £157,313, was exported, the total quantity and value of gum exported to the end of 1918 being respectively 356,292 tons, valued at £18,325,252. During the past five years attempts have been made to raise kauri-gum from swamp land by means of gold-dredges, but up to the present time the profits therefrom, if any, have been small. Since 1917 progress has been made in the development of the kauri-peat oil-extraction. Plants are being installed by two companies- viz., the New Zealand Peat-oils Company (Limited), who propose to operate on 3,000 acres at Kaimaumau, north of Mangonui, and by the Parenga Gumfields (Limited), who will shortly commence operations at Red hill; Northern Wairou, upon 6,000 acres. ft is proposed to refine from the crude oil motor-spirit (benzine), paint-oil, and varnish-oils, with the residuum pitch. The following is the result of analyses by the Dominion Analyst of samples of peat from Kaimaumau taken from a depth of 12 ft, : — Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Total crude oil, in gallons per ton .. 29-8 17-3 20-2 40-9 29-0 Gas (cubic feet per ton) .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,300 Ammonia sulphate, in pounds per ton 11 -9 13-2 11-2 10-5 14-1 Charcoal (hundredweight per ton) .. . . .. .. . . 7-2 Acetic acid (pounds per ton) . . . . . . . . .. B*o A new process for cleaning low-grade gums has been discovered and patented by Dr. J. S. Maclaurin, Government Analyst. By this process, known as the " salt vacuum process," the gumcontaining dirt is agitated in a conical tank containing a strong solution of common salt, the air being removed by a pump. Upon stopping the agitation the gum and dirt separate by gravity, the gum rising to the top of the tank, while the dirt sinks to the bottom, where it is drawn off.

Name or .Name of Company. Xuinbur of Well. Total Locality. Depth in Feet. I Result oi Drilling and Present Operations, ii any. Taranaki Oil-wells . . .. I 33 ■ • ■ » I — Moturoa .. .. 3,030 3,045 Suspended. Feebly productive; 8 in. casing. Feebly productive, intermittently ; 4 in. casing. Unproductive; casing withdrawn. Productive; relining with 8 in. casing. Casing withdrawn. Unproductive ; abandoned. 3 4,040 ■1 850 „ 2,950 „ .. ... 0 (rotary) I 2 Blenheim Oil Company .. : Blenheim 2,885 Boll Block, Waitara . . 3,821. 2,970 Moturoa .. .. 5,329 Feebly productive at 2,200 ft.; very small flow ; 5 in. casing to 5274 ft., thence 3}in. easing. Abandoned or suspended. Drilling stopped ; hole blocked. Drilling stopped. Abandoned or suspended. Abandoned (in primary rock). Stopped; strata unfavourable. Drilling; strong gas omissions. Drilling stopped. Abandoned or suspended. I Phoenix Oil Consolidated Oilfields of Taranaki Bonithorn Freehold Oil United Oil .. Kotuku Oilfields Syndicate 2,300 Huiroa . . .. 4,921 Near Now Plymouth .. , 2,505 Tikorangi, Waitara River 695 Near Lake Brunner .. 952 1,335 ,, .. Kaimata bore I ' 1 -.2 New Zealand Oilfields.. .. I 2 Mangaone Oilfields .. .. I Near Waipatiki, Hawke's 3,466 Bay Ditto .. .. 2,000 Totangi, Gisborne .. 511 Waihiroro . . .. 1,375 Mangaone Valley, near 3,000 Eketahuna Near Eketahuna .. Ill Near Chertscy .. 1 ,896 ■. ; 2 Canterbury Petroleum Prospecting I Company Still drilling; 1,500 ft. of gravel anil conglomerate ; 5 in. casing ; traces of oilgas. I I



VI. STONE-QUARRIES. (1.) Quakry Inspection and Statistics. The operations of the Stone-quarries Act are confined to those places (excluding mines) where stone is quarried or tunnelled by means of explosives, and to those places where the rock-face is more than 20 ft. deep. It will thus be seen that an important section of the quarrying industry, including the Oamaru limestone-quarries and those at which high faces are worked without explosives, likewise all Government quarries, do not come under the operations of the Act, which is unfortunate from the viewpoint of safety or the collection of statistics. In the Stone-quarries Act or Regulations no provision has been made for annual returns of quarrying statistics, such as is provided in the Coal-mines and Mining Acts, for the annual returns of output and other particulars necessary for the compilation of statistics. Under these circumstances the Quarry Inspectors are dependent upon the generosity of quarry owners or managers for any statistical information which is required for official use. The table accompanying this report, containing the number of quarries, the number of persons employed, also the output, must therefore be regarded as approximate only. From the information available, however, it will be seen that the quarrying industry is rapidly growing to considerable importance. The production of 247 stone-quarries which are under the operation of the Act amounted to 840,426 tons. At these quarries 1,453 persons were employed. The production of limestone for agriculture and cement-manufacture amounted to 123,314- tons. A decline occurred in the quantity of stone used upon harbour-works.

Table showing the Number of Quarries under the Stone-quarries Act, 1910, also the Number of Persons ordinarily employed thereat, and the Annual Output of Crude Stone during 1918.

Further particulars regarding the inspection of stone-quarries in the North Island, are contained in the annual report by Inspector James Newton, appearing in Annexure B accompanying this report. (2.) Quarry Accidents. The following is a summary of persons killed or seriously injured during 1918 at stone-quarries and places within the operation of the Stone-quarries Act: —

Provincial District. anas as • s 3 h >r§ Name and Address of Government Inspector of "g fttone-qimrriCB. « I'L S so acy-t, 'A O 4. — — ffi & "J» 1-6 at'5 a s At ll M gig a u" a c i S£ 3 ffl Sb »|g 5* CIS Olltpn 1 be a '3 M it of Orudi o u 9 wi ■ Stone. i- < ■So SB 03 I: 2S . S T- -H ■2 3 J FF 2 & ff ss f?i Si *s «jj J3 -t! .6 § S Pf N a! Auckland .. Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington .. Q r e y m o u t h and Westport Nelson Westland f Canterbury \ Otago L Southland ) .lames Newton, Mines Dept., 100 Auckland M. Paul, Mines Dept., Waihi I 11 (Hauraki Mining District only) .lames Newton, Mines Dept., j 11 Auckland Ditto .. .. .. 15 ..60 (J. Duggan, Mines Dept., [ 2 Greymouth .'J. F. Downey, Mines Dept., j J 4 Reefton j \ 1 E. R. Green and A. Whitley, i „„ Mines Dept., Dunedin j - I l Tons. Tons. Tons. , Tons. 651 ;322,92l \ 8,505 Tons. 2,578 Tons. I Tons. Tons, 250 115,420 Tons, 71 j 39,904 : 735 I 65 I 18,215 16,000 60 j 38,237 147 ! 59,773 12,605 15 ' .. 15,369 4,001 .. ' 112 | 400 15| •• 98 65,993 33,602 161 56,430 7,980 48 j 9,296 12,000 653 23,494 400 4,428 1,642 56,748 11,371 5,000 4,980 86,807 36,507 Is.OOO 69,861 154,717 5,050 ! 231 '.'. 437 2,500 5,749 i '' "* 2,500 6,186 .. 3,124 Totals 1918 Totals 1917 247 151 247 151 1,453 kill,169 90,061 1,000 620,261 180,161 4,197 6,409

Cause of Accident. Explosives Falls of ground Falling from face, or during ascent or descent Miscellaneous Number of Accidents. Number oi Fatal. Serious. Killed. 1 2 2 2 Seriously Injured. Sufferers. 2 2 Totals ..2 3 2 i _


The fatal accidents were in the proportion of 1-40 per 1,000 persons employed. The total number of quarry accidents is the lowest since the Act came into operation during 1910. Both the fatal accidents were caused by falls of rock. That by which James Ward Cotton, a, carter, lost his life at Shiel's quarry, Dunedin, was due to neglect by the management in not making the face safe. A fine of £20 and costs was inflicted for this breach of the law. In the case of John King, quarry foreman, killed at Cobden quarry, the evidence at the inquest showed that deceased took a risk by working under loose rock, and that no other person was blame;worthy. The non-fatal accidents were only four in number. The regular and efficient inspection of stone-quarries by experienced Inspectors of Mines, who are also Inspectors of Stone-quarries, has greatly improved the conditions of the stone-quarries as regards safety. The following is a description of fatal accidents during 1918 at quarries which are under the Stone-quarries Act: —

VII. STATE AID TO MINING. (1.) Subsidized Prospecting. During the year ended 31st March, 1919, nine approved prospecting parties were granted subsidies amounting to £1,404 lis. Bd., of which £1,206 Is. Bd. was expended duing that period. In, addition to this, £9,942 lis. Id. granted during previous years was expended by ten parties during the past financial year. The following statement shows the total expenditure during the year ended 31st March, 1919 :— £ s. d. Tauranga County .. .. .. .. 479 6 8 Coromandel County .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 0 0 Thames County .. .. .. .. .. .. 106 13 4 Ohinemuri County .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 0 0 Pelorus Road District .. .. .. .. .. 17 10 0 Grey County .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Buller County .. .. .. .. .. .. 77 13 4 Westland County . . . . .. 315 19 0 Prospecting associations, &c. .. .. .. .. .. *10,039 9 11 Total .. .. .. .. .. £11,148 12 9

* Includes subsidy to Boatman's Consolidated Gold-mining Company (Limited), £9.201 os. 3d, : and to TeviotMolyneux Gold-mining Company (Limited), £500,


i..,»,. Name anil Situation uale ' of Quarry. Name, Age, and Occupation of Person killed. Description of Accident, and Remarks, I! July Shiel's quarry, St. Clair, Dunedin .fames Ward Cotton (42), carter He was sent by his employer, 0. J. Mead, a carting contractor to the Dunedin City Council, to Shiel's quarry to load stone into his dray. On arrival there ho was directed by Henry J. Harrison, quarry foreman, to back his dray and load broken stono from a fall at the face near an ovorhanging basalt column, the base of which had been removed by blasting some time previously. While he was loading at the place directed a small fall of stone occurred from the overhanging face, striking him on the head and inflicting injuries from which he died five days later. Shiel's quarry has boon worked for about twentyfivo yoars, and has a front of about 200 yards, and a maximum height of about 102 ft. The quarry, owing to the almost perpendicular Assured and jointed basalt columns, was worked from the bottom by blasting tho base of each column separately, and removing workmen from the vicinity until the column fell; by this method there had been no serious accident for many years. In the case of this accident, however, the above precaution had not been taken, and deceased was put to load stone under an unfa Hon column, with the result stated. Tho quarry foreman, Mr. Harrison, was subsequently prosecuted by the Inspector of Stono-quarries, Mr. E. R. Green, for broaches of section 9 (d) of tho Stone-quarries Act, and of Regulation 1 under that Act, in that the quarry at tho time of the accident was not securely protected and mado safe for persons employed therein, and that tho working of tho quarry was not carried out so as to prevent dangerous falls. A conviction with a fine of £20 and costs was imposed. When holding dog-hooks in position upon a large stone about 60 ft. up the quarry-faco, preparatory to tho stono being lowered by a crane, a fall of loose stones occurred from above that being moved, two of which stones, of considerable size, knocked him down and pinned him to tho ground, inflicting injuries from which he died the following day. He was an experienced and careful quarryman, but committed an error of judgment by not first removing the stones which fell. Tho face of the quarry where the fall occurred has a slope of about 45°. 26 Aug. : Cobden quarry, Greymouth John J. H. A. King, quarry foreman I



4—0. 2.

The following is a statement showing the number of subsidized prospectors, the amount of subsidy granted and paid, also the character and result of such prospecting operations from the 1st April, 1918, to the 31st March, 1919 :—

Name of Prospecting Party. Number of Pro- Locality of Operations. Amount of Subsidy grranted. specters. I Amount Of Tti«tjlllee Subsidv "Si,.; Nature of Claim. Character of Operations, expended. driven. Remarks. Northern Inspection District. Waitangi Gold-mining Company^ Muir's Gold Reefs W. S. C.'Niehol 6 25 25 2 I Thames Te Puke £166 13s. 4d., at 6s. Sd. per foot £100, at 6s. Sd. per foot £380, at 6s. 8d. per foot £50, at 5s. per foot £36, at £1 10s. each for three months £ s. d. Ft. I 166 13 4 500 Quartz 100 0 0 300 380 0 0 1,140 38 0 0 152 36 0 0 Driving .. Driving on lode; average width, 4ft. Assay shows average value £1 per ton. „ .. Driving upon 5 ft lode. Value, about £3 per ton. ,, .. Driving upon 5 ft. lode. Value, about £2 per ton. .. „ .. After driving 152ft. work suspended. Nothing payable discoyercd. Surface prospecting Work in progress. Nothing payable so far discovered. Waitekauri C. Wells and G. Blvtlic 2 Cabbage Bay West Coast Inspection District. Consols 2 Lyall £ s. d. I - Batson and party Dominion Consolidated Development Company Fiddes and Jordan M. D. O'Keeffe Webster and party Westland Gold-prospecting Syndicate T. Waugh 2 2 2 1 1 6 Hokitika Wakamarina Ahaura ... .... Deep Creek Back Creek j\rahura and Lake Kanieri Body" Town 75 0 0 243 6 S 120 0 0 £110 and £60 173 6 8 77 13 4 233 Quartz 11 0 6 147 Alluvial 74 0 0 296 Quartz 26 0 0 17 10 0 40 4 0 26 Ailuvial 264 15 0 800 202 13 4 608 Quartz 24 13 4 74 162 10 0 Driving .. Driving on reef 250 ft. below old Tyr Connel tunnel. Small bodies of quartz encountered. ,, .. Nothing of value located. .. i ,, .. Driving on reef, Empire City claim. Good values opened up. General prospecting. Nothing of value found. Driving .. Small values found for considerable distance, but nothing rich enough for blocking out. Sinking .. Shaft-sinking on ailuvial prospect. Values of payable nature said to have been got. For prospecting (500 ft. of driving). Driving .. Royal Standard reef intersected and proved gold-bear-ing, but no discovery of importance made. ,, .. Driving to cut scheelite vein ; work in progress. Surface prospecting No discovery of importance made. and trenching Driving .. Driving on scheelite lode ; work in progress. Southern Inspection District. Otago Central Gold-mines Deep Dell Consolidated Company R. Symes and party .. ,-;,*. .. Pukerangi Gold and Scheelite Mining Company 4 2 2 2 Bannockburn Macrae's Bald Hill Flat . .. The Reefs

C.-2. s

(2.) Government Prospecting-drills. The following is a table giving the result of operations by Government drills during 1918:—


Type of Drill. Name of Drill Superintendent. Number of Holes drilled. : 'fo whom lent. | Mineral sought Total deptli for. in Feet. Character ofjCountry pierced. : Average Co F s o 0 r ; ™~ drilled, °{ including ilole " : Transport. Results. i J I . I i ! Schramm - Hacker dia- W. H. Warburton mond drill (oil-driven), Schramm - Harker dia- W. H. Warburton mond drill Schramm - P mond drill Ditto .. .. [ -. - W. H. Warburton i 17 1 s. d. Inches, i ' (1) 57"! f 9 6 2 1 : 8 ft. 3 in. oil-shale. I (2) 70 4 9 24 No oil-shale; fair gold in gravels, 4 gr. per yard. (3) 106 3 11 24 No oil-shale; fair gold in gravels, 3 gr. per yard. (4) 58 I 4 6 3 j 1 ft. oil-shale. (5) 66 4 11 - 3 I 9 ft. oil-shale; good gold in gravels, 40 gr. per vard. (6) 60 4 5 3 14 ft. 6 in. oil-shale. (7) 75 3 4, 3 i 17 ft. 9 in. oil-shale. 17 Waikaia Oil-shale DevelopmentJCom- Oil-shale <[ (8) 50 J- Fine gravels, carbonaceous sand and U 4 11 3 j No shale. pany (Limited) ■ (9) 86 clay beds 5 6 3 16 ft-. oil-shale. (10) 47 6 1 24 15 ft, oil-shale. : (11) 50 6 9 2J No shale. (12) 70 4 1 24 ! (13) 86 3 9 24 ! (14) 45 7 3 24 (15) 120 4 1 24 | 1 ft. 6 in. lignite; no oil-shale. (16) 114 3 8 2J ! 6 in. lignite; no oil-shale. (17) 78 J [ 6 10 24 j No shale. 1 Lyttelton Borough Council .. .. Water .. 630 Hard basalt and scoria .. ..134J 1„ Drilled from bottom of shaft, 280 ft.; no water found. Mines Department: Awaroa Land ~] (\ (1) 1501 [ 4 01 24 16ft. coal, lift, broken and dirty, at Company's area 118 ft, deep. Ditto .. .. .. .. (2) 145 4 4' 24 14 ft. coal, hard and clean, at-118 ft, deep. ......... : (3) 113 4 24 24 12 ft, coal, hard and clean, at 94 ft. deep. ......... i (4) 131 4 3 2J 15 ft. coal, hard and clean, at 114 ft, deep. ......... (5) 157 [ 4 4 24 ; 21 ft, coal, hard and clean, at 132 ft. deep. ......... (6) 162 4 li 2J 14 ft. 6 in. coal, hard and clean, at 141 ft, 6 in. deep. „........! (7) 313 4 74 24 17ft. coal, hard and clean, at 293ft, deep. 14<( ,, .. .. .. .. VCoal ■{ (8) 300 > Calcareous sandstone, clays, clay- < 4 7 24 18 ft. coal, hard and clean, at 277 ft. 6 in. shales to greywacke deep. „ .. .. .. .. (9) 138 10 2 24 I 19ft. 6in. coal, hard and clean, at- 109ft, 6 in. deep. Whangape Coal Company's area .. (10) 129 4 11 24 21 ft. coal, hard and clean, at 109 ft. deep. (11) 129 3 0 24 15 ft. 6 in. eoal, hard and clean, at 112 ft. 6 in. deep. Awaroa Coal Company's area .. (12) 85 5 11 2 I No coal found. (2a) 175 5 11 2 2 ft, coal at 29 ft, deep. ..J (_ (3a) 234 j : (_ 6 11 2 1 ft. coal at 61 ft. deep. 90 Westland Gold-prospecting Syndicate Alluvial gold Aggregate ! River gravel .. .. .. 5 6 6 Payable gold was proved. (Limited) (D. Ziman) 1,812 81 Metals Exploration Company (New „ .. Aggregate „ .. .. ..'56 6 Results unsatisfactory^. York) 3,381 22 Dunedin City Corporation reservoir „ Aggregate Gravel .. .. .. .. 6 Payable gold proved in holes numbered 11 area, Post-office Creek, Waipori 616 to 14 inclusive. deepest 42 13 Reservoir area, Waipori Flat .. .. Aggregate '■ „ .. .. .. .. 6 Unpayable results. 487 deepest 74 8 State Collieries, Point Elizabeth Ex- Coal .. | Aggregate Sandstone and mudstone .. .. 24 An 8 ft. coal-seam was proved over about tended area 883 300 acres, which will be developed as a State colliery. 1 '. WJ TJ - HT,.».l^,«4-~« .. j >W. H. Warburton W. H. Warburton ,, ,, . . . . Percussion drill -. Keystone placer drill.. j G. E. D. Seale .. I G. E. D. Seale .. 90 81 Keystone .. .. - H. Butland H. Butland 22 13 Percussion



Extensive use has been made during the year of the Government prospecting-drills which are lent to hirers free of charge other than wages and maintenance. The result of boring in most cases was highly satisfactory, and has well warranted this class of State aid to mining. An aggregate of 12,366 ft. was drilled in 246 holes, a summary of which is as follows :—

( ' (3.) Subsidized Roads on Goldfields. The following schedule shows the amounts expended by subsidies and direct grants out of the Public Works Fund, vote " Roads on Goldfields," in the different counties, &c, during the year ended 31st March, 1919 :— Direct Grants. .Subsidies. £ s. d. £ s. d. Corornandel County .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 Thames County .. .. .. .. 445 15 6 500 0 0 Ohinemuri County .. .. .. .. 305 10 6 Pelorus Road District .. .. .. 60 0 0 Collingwood County .. .. .. .. 144 0 0 45 0 0 Buller County .. .. .. 636 1 0 Inangahua County .. .. .. .. 437 12 0 Westland County .. .. .. .. 32 8 8 253 1 4 Grey County .. .. .. .. 447 14 0 Maniototo County \. .. .. .. 75 18 0 Lake County i. .. .. 402 7 2 Wallace County .. .. .. .. " 150 0 0 Taieri County .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Totals .. .. .. ..£3,387 6 10 £798 1 4 (4.) Government Water-races. The Waimea-Kumara and Mount Ida water-races, which render possible mining in the Kumara district, Westland, and the Naseby district, Central Otago, have during the year ended 31st March, 19.19, supplied claims employing thirty-five miners with water for sluicing, by which gold to the approximate value of £8,481 was obtained. The cash received for water sold amounted to £1,583, the expenditure on the upkeep of the races being £3,350. From the foregoing it will be seen that the expenditure on upkeep exceeded the cash received for sales of water by £1,767 ; no depreciation on the capital expenditure of about a quarter of a million sterling being provided for. The loss on the races during the year represents £50 per miner employed, and 20 per cent, of the total value of gold won.

till. SCHOOLS OF MINES. ■ The following table shows the expenditure by the Government on schools of mines during 1918-19 :— £ s. d. Subsidies towards erection and maintenance .. .. .. 1,792 13 0 Salaries of teachers, travelling-expenses, &c. .. .. .. 2,506 13 2 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. £4,299 6 2 Owing to the epidemic during the latter part of 1918 the annual Government examination of students attending the schools of mines was not held until the early part of 1919. Very few students presented themselves for examination on mining subjects. I have, &c, Frank Reed, Inspecting Engineer of Mines.

Number of Holes drilled. Mineral searched for. Type of Drill used. (.'ost per Foot, Including Transport. Aggregate Depth attained. Results. 11 Coal Diamond .. s. d. r 4 3. 1 ". to - L 5 11 J 3,105 Very good ; workable area, Waikato coalfield. Very good; workable area, State Colliery Reserve, Point Elizabeth. Negative. 11 Percussive.. 1,377 1 Water Diamond .. 13 4 r 3 a i -; to I I 7 3 J 5 6 350 17 Oil-shale . . Keystone .. 1,238 Partially successful at Wakaia. 206 Alluvial gold Keystone .. 6,296 One of the three localities bored proved profitable ground. 246 12,366



ANNEXURE A. SUMMARY OF REPORTS BY INSPECTORS OF MINKS. Northern Inspection District (Mr. M. Paul, Inspector of Mines). Quartz-mining. Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited). — The following are the particulars of the principal development-work carried out in this mine during the year : — No. 12 level (1,447| ft. below the collar of No. 4 shaft) : No work has been done in this level during the year. No. 11 level (1,301 ft. below the collar of No. 5 shaft) : The drive on the north section of the Empire lode west of Pistol Crosscut was advanced 341 ft., making a, total of ft. The width varied from 2 ft. to 5 ft., and the values were low. The Royal lode was intersected in the Southeast Crosscut, 165 ft. from the Edward lode, being vertical and its course 56° (true). The first 12 ft. was 'quartz of an average value of 16s. per ton ; the next 4 ft. was country rock, followed by a mixture of quartz and country rock. No. 10 level : At 250 ft. in Cow South-east Crosscut from the south wall of the Martha lode the north section of the Empire lode was intersected, course 30° (true), dip lin 3 north. Five feet of mixed quartz was succeeded by 5 ft. of country rock, and then the north section of the Empire lode, 54 ft. wide, consisting alternately of sulphide-ore, quartz, calcitc, and finally sulphide-ore. Driving east and west was started. The east drive was driven 70 ft., values varying from 2s. 9d. to £2 4s. Id. per ton. The west drive was driven 163 ft., the values varying from 3s. 3d. to £6 Is. 3d. per ton. At 50 ft. in the east and west drives crosscuts were driven through the lode ; in the former it showed a width of 21 ft., whilst in the latter it was proved to be 25 ft. with 2 ft. of sulphide-ore on the north wall. The next 5 ft. was country rock, and the remaining 18 ft. was mixed quartz and country rock. This lode was again cut at 100 ft. west, showing a width of 28 ft. No. 7 level (Martha lode) : The north section east of No. 6 shaft crosscut was driven on a further 226 ft., making a total of 447 ft. There is payable ore from 4 ft. to 9 ft. wide on the north wall from 301 ft. to 447 ft. Shafts :No shaft-sinking was done during the year. A large number of men are employed in the upper levels driving and stoping on the different lodes, and from which a considerable tonnage is being won. High-grade ore is also still being won from arches left in under tho levels. The, system adopted —described in last year's report —enables the ore to be extracted with safety, and no serious accidents have occurred during the year. Waihi Grand Junction Gold-mining Company. —No. 8 level (1,320 ft.) (Empire lode) : Drive west advanced 179 ft., making a, total of 464 ft. The face is close to the western boundary. From 285 ft. to 462 ft. over an average width of 56 in. the average value was £1 14s. 2d. per ton. Crosscuts were driven at 350 ft. west of the south-east crosscut. The south crosscut was driven for 50 ft. and passed through 17 ft. of quartz mixed with country rock (value, 3s. 5d.), and the north crosscut for 122 ft. The first 3| ft. was quartz (value, 19s. 3d.), the balance country rock and quartz stringers of low value. Drive east Empire lode advanced 280 ft., making a total of 867 ft. The following values were obtained : 585 ft. to 600 ft., width 56 in., values 14s. 6d. (south wall exposed) ; 600 ft. to 615 ft., width 43 in., values Is. (north wall exposed) ; 615 ft. to 630 ft., country rock ; 630 ft. to 645 ft., broken quartz, values 3s. 4d., width 61 in. ; 645 ft. to 688 ft., disturbed country; 688 ft. to 746 ft., quartz, dipping south ; values lis. Bd., width 57 in. Lode cut off or faulted at 777 ft. Drive continued in firm country rook to 867 ft. In breaking out this reef preparatory to stoping, from 275 ft. to 470 ft., tho average width, was 99 in. and the assay value £1 Bs. Id. per ton. Drive east on Royal lode advanced 110 ft., making a total of 396 ft. From 280 ft. to 345 ft. over width of 56 in., value lis. sd. per ton. At 375 ft. lode cut off by fault. Drive west on Royal lode advanced 400 ft., making a total of 600 ft. From 200 ft. to 590 ft. the average width, was 60 in. and assay value 16s. Bd. per ton. The drive on lode intersected in north-west crosscut, 17 ft. from shaft-chamber, was advanced east for a distance of 178 ft. At 75 ft. east this lode is 42 ft. in width. The first 6 ft. on footwall assayed 7s. 10d., the next 36 ft. Is. 6d. The following is a summary of development-work done : Main and intermediate drives on lodes, 1,434| ft. ; crosscutting lodes from drives, winzes, and rises, 283| ft. ; rises on lodes and through country rock, 363$ ft. ; winzes, 320 ft. ; driving and crosscutting through country rock, 743| ft. : total, 3,145 ft. The upper levels of this mine are almost depleted, and it is absolutely essential that arrangements be made whereby sinking can be resumed, otherwise it will be impossible to keep the mill going. Waihi Extended Gold-mining Company. —Owing to the difficulty in getting in calls work in this mine was suspended ; protection applied for and granted for twelve months from the Ist July, 1918. Waihi Reefs Consolidated (Limited). —The lode, 20 ft. in width, intersected at 300 ft. level. Favona shaft was driven upon for 30 ft., when funds became exhausted, and the mine is now held under protection.



Rising Sun Gold-mining Company, Owharoa. —The only development-work in progress in this mine is driving a crosscut at a point 2,100 ft. from the entrance of low level. A small lode 2$ ft. in width has boon intersected ; values low. Stoping is proceeding above low level, but there is a falling-off in values. Rock-drilling plant installed which greatly facilitates operations. Master Key and Orient Gold-mining Syndicate, Waikino. —A small prospecting-shaft, 6 ft. by 4 ft., has been sunk to a depth of 160 ft., and a crosscut driven west for 110 ft. with the object of endeavouring to locate the lode which shed loose gold-bearing stone found in this locality. . Talisman Consolidated (Limited). —No. 16 level : Work at this level has been suspended and pumps withdrawn. No. 15 level : This level has also proved disappointing as far as values are concerned, but quartz has been found to exist in a section which in the level above showed a vein fissure filled with clay. Driving south at this level in tho Dubbo section has disclosed two short shoots of fair-grade ore. With a view of ascertaining whether the reefs continue at depth, and also to prove the country, it was decided to put down three boreholes—the first at the end of the crosscut at the bottom of the Woodstock shaft, the second from No. 6 winze, and the third from No. 12 winze. This work Is now in progress, arrangements having been made with the Mines Department for the use of a diamond drilling plant. New Zealand Crown Mines (Limited). —At No. 4 level a, crosscut is being driven to test a block of ground situated between the Talisman and Adeline reefs. The old Talisman No. 1 level is also being cleaned out for the purpose of exploring the Talisman reef in this section of the mine. Ten wages men and nine tributers are employed. Waihi Paeroa Gold-extraction Company. —Owing to the high cost of cyanide, and flints for the tube mills, together with low grade of river sand, this company decided to go into liquidation, and the plant is now being sold. Komala Reefs Gold-mine (Mr. H. H. Adams, owner). —Two men have been employed prospecting, but nothing of importance lias been discovered. United Gold-mines, Maratoto. —Very little work has been dono in the mine during the year, the men being engaged completing mill and cutting a branch water-race. This work is now finished, and everything is ready to commence crushing. Ohinemuri Gold and Silver Mines, Maratoto. —A stoping block 130 ft. in length has been opened up on tho Queen lode, which varies from 5 ft. to 12 ft. in width. The ore contains silver tclluride, 5 tons of ore sent to Australia yielding silver to the value of £385 ss. Bd. Samples treated by the oilflotation process gave a very high extraction. Bendigo Mine, Waiorongomai. —6o tons of ore treated produced bullion valued at £67. Four men employed. Waiotahi Mine, Thames. — Work confined to stoping various small rich leaders above sea-level. These have now been worked out, and this company, in order to continue mining operations, has taken up the old Eclipse Claim at the head of Tararu Creek, now known as the Waiotahi No. 2. Sylvia Reefs (Limited). —The quartz won from the stoping block opened up on Norfolk lode proved to be of much lower grade than anticipated, consequently the directors decided to go into liquidation and soil the mine and mill, which was purchased by Mr. H. H. Adams. Waitangi Consolidated.--A distance of 300 ft. was driven at No. 2 level on the lode, varying from 2 ft. to 10 ft. in width. 530 tons of quartz treated produced fairly good gold. Mount Zeehan Consolidated (Limited). —Owing to legal and financial difficulties this company was granted protection for six months. Reconstruction of the company is now in progress to provide £33,000 working capital. Four men arc now employed in the mine. Golden Bell Gold-mining Company, Neavesville. —The drive south of main lode at No. I level has been extended 170 ft. ; values low. Nonpareil Claim. —Owner, Mr. F. Sawyer. A portion is let on tribute. Gold to a fair value was obtained during the year. There are a number of other small claims at work in the Thames County, but nothing worthy of note has been discovered. Oil-flotation Process. -On the Thames foreshore Mr. 11. H. Adams lias recently erected an oilflotation plant, and for nearly a year has been experimenting with small parcels of ore obtained from different parts of the Eauraki Peninsula. It is claimed that in every case the extraction proved satisfactory. Mr. Adams now proposes to treat by this method several hundred tons of tailings lying on the Thames foreshore, also a large tonnage of ore from tho Sylvia Mine. Commanded. —Mining in this district is still confined to prospecting, but it is anticipated that tho Old Hauraki Gold-mining Company, having succeeded in raising further capital, will shortly resume operations. Barrier Reefs Gold-mining Company, Great Barrier Island. —Driving east and west on the lode intersected at the low level was continued, values being low. A winze has been connected with surface which provides ample ventilation. Muir's Gold Reefs (Limited), Te Puke. —Low level : The lode has been driven upon south for 580 ft., having an average width of 5 ft., stated to bo worth £2 per ton. A rise has also been continued to the surface, and the upper level has been timbered ready for stoping. Owing to the difficulties in transit, shortage of labour, and wet weather, the erection of the mill took longer than anticipated. lam informed that everything is now ready to commence crushing. Oil-wells. Taranaki (New Zealand) Oil-wells (Limited). —During the year the drilling staff has been engaged recasing and cleaning out No. 5 bore, which is no*w recased with 8 in. pipe to a depth of 2,140 ft.



with water cemented off, and it is anticipated that the old oil horizon will be penetrated shortly. No. 3 bore: Depth, 4,019 ft., with 4 in. casing. No work- has been done to this well during the year. This well flows intermittently. Rotary bore: 4 in. and 5 in. casing being withdrawn. No. 2 bore: Depth, 3,045 ft., in Sin. casing. New derrick erected but no drilling done. Oil obtained during the year, 7,550 gallons. Blenheim Oil Company. —Blenheim well : During the year 253 ft. have been drilled, making the total depth 5,274 ft. About the end of July the casing parted, bent, and telescoped. The fishing operations which, followed were not completed until the end of December. Drilling has since been resumed, and although a very strong outburst of gas occurred in January no oil was obtained. Production from 2,200 ft. during the year, 7,940 gallons. Waipaliki Oil-wells (Limited). —The main bore has been sunk to a depth of 3,468 ft- 1,132 ft. having been drilled for tho year. At several points a good (low of natural gas was met with, and indications of oil strongly in evidence;. A very strong flow of natural gas is obtainable from three bores put down to a depth of 80 ft., 120 ft., and 140 ft. respectively, and also from the surface a short distance from these bores, and it is estimated that the present supply of gas per diem is about 30,000 cubic feet. Certain experiments with a gas-engine proved that natural gas was far more efficient than ordinary coal-gas. A gas-engine has been obtained, which is now being installed, and it is hoped will develop sufficient power to drive the machinery and. plant by electricity. Accidents. I am pleased to state that no fatal accidents occurred, in the metal-mines under my supervision during tho year, but unfortunately a man named Frank Salmon Drury, aged thirty-two years, was killed on the 29th October at the Taranaki Oil-wells (Limited) No. 5 bore by being struck on the head by chain-tongs. This accident was caused by the pin holding the chain in place shearing. Non-fatal Accidents. 26th March : F. Houghton lost the sight of one eye by a blasting accident in the Golden Belt Mine, Neavesville. 14th November: L. F. Collins had the drum of both ears injured by concussion from a shot in tho Waihi Mine. Full details of accidents arc contained in tabulated remarks of the Inspecting Engineer of Mines. North Auckland Inspection District (Mr. Boyd Bennik, Inspector of Mines). New Zealand Quicksilver Mines (Limited). —The former company, known as the " Whangarei Cinnabar-mining Company," was absorbed by the now company, under the above title, in. July last, the new company taking over all assets and liabilities as from the 19th July, 1918. During the year there were mined and treated at the company's works 582 tons (estimated) of ore, for a return of 11,296 lb. of mercury, valued at £2,824, being at the rate of ss. per pound at Auckland. During that period an average of fourteen men were employed by the company at their mine and works. It is reported that the company's mines are under option for sale to a British company, who have had the mines examined by a well-known mining engineer in the Auckland District. The result of that inspection is not known yet, or only by tho option - holding company. Mining development at the mine during the year has boon much neglected, the reserve ore in the mine* being worked. Work in tho form of sinking, driving, and crosscutting was entirely neglected, due, I suppose, in a measure, to tho shortage of miners and also to the isolated nature of the mining claim. During the year the company has built several huts for the workmen, and is erecting mine offices and improving the manager's residence, all of which were much needed. By a rearrangement of the boundaries of the Whangarei and. Bay of Islands Counties the mines are now in the Whangarei County, and already some improvements have been made to the roads leading to the mines. Mining-timber is difficult to obtain. It appears that a settler adjacent to the mine has got a license to remove kauri, rimu, and totara timber standing or lying on. his pastoral lease over the mining company's claim ; in consequence of this there has been friction between the company's officials and the settler over access to the mine and using timber found on the mining claim. Collins's Alluvial Cinnabar Claim. —The Collins brothers have been busy during the year in preparing to work the mine, their time being occupied in forming a water-dam, with tail-race and ground tram, but no real mining has been done. Jojfre Mine (D. X. McLeod, owner). —An adit level had been driven on a cinnabar-lode formation. I visited the mine twice during the y»ar and found that little or no work had been done in extending the tunnel referred to. At a distant portion of the claim a prospeeting-drivc has been driven, but nothing of real value was discovered. Two bores were put down. The claim is not manned as required by the Mining Act. There are a number of mining claims granted on the field, but they are apparently held for speculative purposes. The New Zealand Quicksilver-mining Company, Collins brothers, and D. X. McLeod are the only ones working on their claims.



West Coast Inspection District (Mr. J. F. Downey, Inspector of Mines). Quartz-mining. MARLTSOROUOH. Dominion Consolidated Mining and Development Company (Limited}.- The influenza epidemic in November and December affected this mine considerably. Nearly all the employees were attacked by the disease, and four of them are reported to have died. Otherwise work proceeded smoothly throughout the year, an average of fifty men being employed. The bulk of the work was carried out on a big reef in the Golden Bar section of the property. A small amount of driving was done here, but the hands were mostly employed at sloping. The reef continued to open up fairly well. On the Empire City side a good deal of development was carried out, No. 2 intermediate drive being extended nearly to the Bar workings, with which connection should be made within the next few months, which will greatly improve working-conditions in the latter section. This development revealed good scheelite-values. Deep Creek Gold-mining Syndicate. —No fresh development-work was done. The battery and tram-lines were! completed, however, and a small parcel of 77 tons put through for a return of 9 oz. 16 dwt. gold and 1 cwt. scheelite, valued at £60 os. 9d. altogether. Alford and Party (Mountain Camp). —Practically no development has been done for the year, but the party is making arrangements, I understand, to erect a small crushing plant. Cadigan's Treatment Works. — Some 4 tons of scheelite, valued at £800, were recovered by this plant, but work was adversely affected to a great extent by litigation. NELSON. Colossus Gold-mining Development Company. — This company has, with an average of five men, carried on its prospecting operations at Wangapeka, There are a number of reefs and lodes on the property, and a good deal of work has been done on some of them, particularly on one known as the Surprise reef, which carries very good values in silver, lead, and copper. No plant has yet been erected. Another reef, known as O'Malley's, has been, driven on for a considerable distance, revealing at least one pay-shoot. This is the only quartz-mining in the Nelson District. LYELL. New Alpine Consols Company. — Owing to difficulty in securing labour this company had to obtain protection for some months during the year. The low-level drive on the reef line was carried on several hundred feet farther, and is now being pushed ahead to pick up the stone met with on the old Tyr Connel tunnel, 250 ft. higher up. capleston. Boatman's Consolidated Gold-mines (Limited). —The Fiery Cross shaft was continued to 1,025 ft., and a crosscut was put out easterly for a distance of 810 ft., with a view to striking the line of reef worked in the old days. Quite a number of small stringers of quartz was encountered, but nothing that could be definitely considered as the main reef. At 455 ft. from the shaft driving was started north on a small formation that seemed to show seme promise. A little quartz was in evidence, but after driving a few feet this cut out, and no more was picked up although the drive was continued for 104 ft. A start was then made to drive south on. the same formation in the hope of picking up the downward continuation of the Walhalla shoot, and this drive has now been carried on about 300 ft. Boulders of quartz were picked up, but no defined reef. Progress-payments were made from the Government subsidy of £10,000, which was practically exhausted. reefton. Blackwater Mine. —A good deal of development-work was done, particularly in the north end of Nos. 7 and 8 levels and in the south ends of Nos. 6, 7, and 8. In the north end the reef was considerably broken by faulting, but the southern developments were all good. Preparations arejbeing made to sink the shaft another 150 ft., and this work will be under way early in the New Year. During the yea.r tho company paid a dividend. Blackwater South Mine. —This has been idle, pending the formation of a new company with further capital. Cumberland Mine. —Litigation, which was continued during the year, prevented anything being done on this claim. Keep-it-Dark Mine. —Some development-work was done on Nos. 8 and 9 levels, several blocks of stone being opened up. All the stone encountered was, however, of low grade. For the year 8,138 tons were crushed. Owing to the shortage of labour brought about by the influenza epidemic the mine closed down the first week in December. Murray Creek Mine. —Work was carried out steadily throughout the year, and in spite of the fact that only fifty-one men were employed, as against an average of seventy-five in 1917, the quantity of stone crushed was slightly greater than during 1917, the figures being 9,749 tons as compared with 9,728 tons. The company is now giving consideration to a scheme for utilizing water-power for driving their mill in place of the steam-power now employed. If this is done it may rosultjin a considerable cheapening of the treatment-costs and put the company in a better position to carry on its development-work, Very little development-work has been, done throughout the year, and this was confined to No. \ level, when a small shoot of good stone was picked^up.


New Big River Mine. —Shortage of men has affected this mine in common with all others in the district. The tonnage crushed was 4,163 tons. A dividend absorbing £2,400 was paid, bringing the total dividends paid by the company to £100,800. Very little development-work has been done for the year, and has been confined to No. 11 level. Under the present conditions of labour-supply and the greatly increased cost of mining requisites it is difficult for a. company to undertake any large development schemes. North Blackwater Development Syndicate. -During the year this syndicate was compelled, [lending the erection of air-compressing plant, to discontinue the eastern crosscut at the .1,000 ft. level of (he Prohibition shaft at 315 ft. Chambers wore then cut for the Nos. 1 to 6 levels, and a start was made to crosscut at No. 6 (1,200 ft.). The, first of the gold-bearing reefs cut in No. 7 was met, but work then ceased underground until such time as the new winding and steam plant is erected. Good progress is being made with this, and it should be in commission within a few months. Progress Mine. —A. little development-work was done on Nos. 10 and 11 levels without any very satisfactory results. Only one shift of men has been employed during the year in underground operations, and there was an average of twenty less employees than during last year. During 1917 19,840 tons were treated. Wealth, of Nations and Energetic Minus. —Owing to a fire which look place in April destroying the poppet-heads, winding-ropes, practically all the surface buildings, and. doing considerable damage to the boiler and winding plant, mining operations had perforce to cease, and as it was not possible under the war conditions existing to secure, new winding-ropes no further work was done for the year. Prior to the fire, however, 3,720 tons of quartz was crushed. As far as the work went it would appear that there was an improvement in the values per ton treated. HOKITIKA AND ROSS. Mount Greenland Company. —Work was carried on steadily in a small way throughout the year. Only seven men were employed altogether, and 567 tons of quartz were mined and crushed. Practically no development-work was done. Owing to the out-of-the-way locality of the mine great difficulty is experienced in securing suitable labour for it. WESTPORT. Bagley's Reward Mime.—Three men were, employed here during the year repairing and restoring the old Columbia Reef plant, and putting in a drive to intersect the discovery made there last year at a spot whore the work will not be affected by slip country. Tho reef has not yet been cut. STILLWATER. Victory Mine.-'-A. little development-work was carried on, but work was mainly concentrated on the erection of tho battery and aerial tramline. These are now approaching completion, and crushing should be started within a few months. General Remarks on Quartz-mining. , Apart from the work referred to in connection with the mines little or no prospecting has been done for quartz reefs in any part of the district. Men have been so scarce that few could be spared for this class of work, and tho high prices to which ail mining requisites, such as drill-steel, explosives, candles, wire ropes, &c, soared have had a great tendency to further discourage any efforts in this line. The mines have all been inspected at frequent intervals and every endeavour made to see that the regulations were strictly observed. No fatal accidents occurred, and. the only accident of any kind that happened was one in which a miner at the Big River Mine lost an eye as the result of an explosion. As far as could be learned the mate of the injured man was firing four charges in a face. Some difficulty occurred in getting one of the fuses to light, and in trying to set it off the men apparently remained too long in the neighbourhood, with the result that the other blasts went off and they wore struck by the flying debris. One man was only slightly injured ; the other was struck in the face and, as mentioned before, suffered the loss of an eye. One mine-manager was prosecuted for failing to provide adequate, ventilation, but the case was dismissed. A. few applications were received from men for assistance in the nature of a, subsidy to enable them to prospect in certain localities. In one case assistance was given at the rate of £1 10s. per weelc pci 1 man for two men for some months, but nothing of any value was found. Dredging. The dredging industry in the district has fallen back badly during the year. The Ahaura dredge, after being closed down for a, considerable, part of 1917, made another effort, but the results were, so unsatisfactory thai, it only worked a couple of months, ceasing altogether about the end of April. The Worksop No. 2 dredge started, operations at the beginning of the year, but only worked a week or so, when it was decided to cease for good, as the payable ground was evidently worked out. The Slab Hut dredge worked about half the year, and closed down for the same reason,




Rimu No. 1 dredge only worked during the first two months of the year. As it could not be made to pay it was then laid up. The high cost of working and inability to secure supplies owing to war conditions were given as the main reasons for this action, but it would appear that the trouble lay in the fact that the dredge was neither large nor powerful enough to cope with the heavy ground encountered. The Success dredge did fairly well through the year, handling about 400,000 yards of material. The Knpilea dredge also did well. The Hessey, Cameron, and Tacon dredge resumed work at Caploston towards the end of the year. The Westland Prospecting Syndicate has been energetically getting ready to work its ground in the Arahura Valley. The Worksop No. 2 dredge was purchased and removed to the Arahura, where it lias now been re-erected and will shortly be in commission. The pontoon has been lengthened and more powerful boiler plant installed. This, it is expected, will enable the dredge to work, if necessary, at a greater depth than formerly. The spot at which this dredge has now been launched is not far from the old Humphrey's Gully sluicing claim, on a prospecting claim held by the syndicate. It is intended, however, to work with it certain portions of the Arahura Native Reserve, which the syndicate has received permission to do on the condition that tho soil is replaced on top of the tailings in some such way as practised at various places in Otago. To enable this to be done the dredge has now been provided with an extra shoot apart from the ordinary tailings-shoot, which projects out 20 ft. farther than the latter. The two shoots are side by side, and at the tumbler end a door is so arranged that the material being handled can be immediately diverted into one shoot or the other according as gravel or soil is being dredged. There is no reason why this arrangement should not fully carry out tho intentions for which it was designed, and if it does the result should be that these upper sections of the reserve should be left in a more valuable condition for pastoral purposes than they are at present. A large quantity of valuable white-pine (probably 1,500,000 sup. ft.) is growing on the area to be dredged. In order that this may not be destroyed the syndicate has installed a sawmill to cut it, and this is now in full working-order, employing ten men, and putting out 4,000 to 5,000 sup. ft. per day. Tho syndicate, it may also be mentioned, has also purchased the Ahaura dredge, said to be, the largest in the Dominion, and this also is to be removed to the Arahura, where it will be placed in the river near Hungerford's bridge. At the present time it is dredging its way out of the stream at the Ahaura River to a spot where it will be dismantled, three shifts of men being employed to push the work on. The Westland Prospecting Syndicate is to be commended for its enterprise and the energy with which it has carried on its operations under difficult conditions, and it is to be hoped that its undertakings will bring it the reward it well deserves. Alluvial Mining. MARLBOROUGH. Very little work has been done in this part of the district, the only returns being 3 oz. 10 dwt. COLLINGWOOD. There has been,only one return furnished, and this for a very small quantity of gold. HOWARD DIGGINGS. The number of miners here has still further shrunk to twenty-five. Most of the old claims have been worked out, and no fresh finds have taken place. MURCHISON. Hunter's at Matakitaki and Beilby, Richardson, and Lewis's claims at Horse Terrace are still the only producing ones. addison's plat. Addison's lAmited. —This property resumed operations and recovered some gold, as did also W. Williamson and party in the same locality, and Mouat and party, working a beach claim at Fairdown. CHARLESTON. Powell Bros.' beach claim has worked steadily, also Butterworth and Norris. One other small claim returned 8 oz. Only eleven men in all were employed. GREY VALLEY. Hochstetter Goldfields (Limited). —The construction of the tunnels on the water-race has been pushed on energetically, an average of thirty-three men being employed. It is expected that the whole work will be completed early in 1919, and sluicing operations should therefore be begun within a few months at most. The company has had a great struggle to carry this work on to the present stage, the expenditure to date having been about £100,000. The Grey Valley Sluicing Company at Goat Terrace and the. Maori Gully sluicing claim (T. Costigan) both produced gold, and at No Town Robertson's claim also made, a return. Several other small claims worked, but the results were poor.

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BARRYTOWN. The Barrytown Hydraulic Elevating Company, although working with five men less, showed an increase in production as against the previous year. At North Beach Chapman's and Williamson and party's claims produced gold. KUMARA. At Kumara, Goldsborough, Stafford, and Callaghan's things have been quiet. About thirtythree men have been employed altogether, and the total gold won amounted to 1,233 oz. 13 dwt. HOKITIKA. Brighton Terrace Sluicing Company. — Owing to returns from this claim not coming up to expectations work was stopped about the end of May. The plant has since been shifted to Seddon's Terrace locality, where the Woolston Tanneries Company has taken an option over a claim previously worked by the Rimu Sluicing Company. The Westland Prospecting Syndicate has limited its operations during the year in this locality to a claim at Lake Kanieri, where a large number of shafts were put down to test an area of virgin ground apparently of considerable extent. The results were sufficiently satisfactory to warrant the syndicate in exercising its option over the old Humphrey's Gully Water-race, and putting a plant on. About twenty men on an average have been employed, and already 100 chains of ditching has been cut. It only remains now for the pressure-pipes to be laid to make a start at sluicing operations. About 40 chains of pipes altogether have to be laid. These are all on the ground, and many of them in place. Sluioing should be in full swing about May. Tin 1 ground is heavily timbered, and, as at Arahura, the syndicate, is erecting a mill to cut it. Reference has already been made, under the head of " Dredging," to this syndicate's further operations at the Arahura Valley, where two dredges will probably be at work before the end of 1919 on areas that have been well prospected by means of Keystone drills. Rimu Options (Limited). —On the large area (500 acres) held by this company extensive prospecting operations have been carried out during the year on behalf of an American company which has taken an option over the areas. The work has consisted mainly in putting down bores with the Government Keystone, drills, but a large number of shafts have also been sunk. About ninety drillholes have, I understand, been already put down. No information has been made available as to the values obtained. Fourteen men were employed. REEFTON. Very little has been done throughout the year. The largest producer was Sewell's claim at Merrijigs. At Antonio's the Auckland company known as Alluvial Claims (Limited) has spent a considerable sum in constructing a race to bring water to a claim it prospected there. This work is in progress now, and it is hoped that sluicing operations will begin early in the new year. Southern Inspection District (Mr. A. Whitley, Inspector of Mines). Quartz-mining. glenorchy. Glenorchy Scheelite-mining Company (Limited). —Glenorchy Mine : Operations have been directed chiefly to stoping blocks of ore at Nos. 1a and 5 levels, and driving No. 6 level to locate the upward continuation of a run of high-grade ore which was worked from No. 5 level. The lode in No. 1a level is descending strongly, carrying payable values in scheelite, while coarse gold is occasionally seen in the ore from the stopes. The company proposes to drive another level to open up the lode 100 ft. below No. la. Junction Mine : In the Bonnie Jean section sluicing has been carried on continuously during the year. Owing to the broken nature of the country on the hanging-wall of the lode this system of working was found to be the most economical. Water for the purpose, was brought from Junction Creek. Nl Mount Alfred Mine : There has been no mine-development to report. Ore treated during the year has been won from stoping the east lode at No. 2 level and the west lode at No. 3 level. At the battery ten heads of stamps and Wilfley table were installed for dealing with low-grade ore and tailings from screens and jigs. %« Fifteen small parties of miners were profitably employed during the summer and autumn seasons working the outcrops of scheelite lodes and veins on the mountains in the vicinity of Glenorchy at altitudes of 3,000 ft, to 6,000 ft. MACETOWN. ' United Goldfields (Limited).- —The low level in the Garibaldi section was extended about 200 ft. on the lode without meeting with any payable ore. In Andeison's section a level was driven SCO ft. on the Caledonian reef, and a small lens of quartz showing a little gold opened up. A jack-termer drilling plant was installed, for driving the low level in the All Nations section, but owing to scaicity of labour very little work was done in this part of the mine,



MACRAE'S. Golden Point Gold and, Scheelite Company. —Development-work at this company's mine comprised driving 500 ft. at the intermediate level above Donaldson's low level and rising 30 ft. on the main lode. The lode in the rise averaged 7 ft. in width, and is carrying good schcelitc-oro. Deep Dell Consolidated Company. —The extension of Evans drive on a scheelite vein in the northeast section of the mine was the only development-work undertaken by this company. Slonelmrn and Mareburn Mining Companies ceased operations during the year. Mining plant and batteries were dismantled and sold. the reefs. Pukerangi Mining Company. —This company crushed .118 tons of ore from the drive and stopes at tho battery level. The Reefs Syndicate.- -Operations were confined to stoping a small block of ore, on the Barewood reef. As the. returns were not payable the syndicate ceased working. Other parties working scheelite lodes in this locality are .Betty and party and 11. S. Molineaux, Hetty and party are opening up tin' mine which was worked by Buckland and Ewart in 1914-15. BANNOCKBUHN. Otago Central Gold-mines. —The extension of the Carrick low level has been in progress during the year. The, Royal Standard reef was cut at 825 ft. from the surface and driven upon 200 ft. The reef over the distanoe driven consisted of crushed schist and small lenses of quartz, the formation being about 3 ft. in width. Some of the quartz showed free gold, but the quantity opened up was small. bendigo. Come in Time. —H. Birley and party crushed 100 tons of ore from the mineralized shear-zone in this mine, Alluvial Mining. TUAPEKA COUNTY. Gabriel's Gully Sluicing Company (Lawrence). —Good returns are being obtained from the tailingsdeposit from Blue Spur. Two elevators are kept steadily at work. Tuapeka Sluicing Company (Lawrence). —This company's water-races were repaired and work in the claim was resumed in the latter part of the year. Lawrence Sluicing Company (Munro's Gully). —Sluicing and elevating the tailings-deposit from Blue Spur with payable results. Golden Crescent Sluicing Company (Weather stone's). —Operations have been carried on steadily throuohout the year, and continue to show a small profit. Havelock Sluicing Company (Wailahuna). —This company is working an alluvial deposit near Waitahuna Township. Operations for the year resulted in the recovery of gold. Waipori Claims. —Seven sluicing claims were operating in branches of the Waipori River. Payable returns were obtained by Munro and George, Post Office Creek; R. J. Cotton, Nardoo Creek ; and A. Rogers, North West Creek. x Waipori Flat. —Prospecting operations by means of a Mines Department Keystone drill have been undertaken by the Dunedin City Corporation. The, area to be tested comprises about 900 acres of river-flat, extending from 30 chains below the confluence of Post Office Creek with the Waipori River to within two miles and a half of Waipori Township, and. 40 chains up Post Office Creek. The work is bein<' done to prove if payable auriferous ground exists within the area, If no payable around is found the, Corporation will apply for a license for a dam over the area for storing water for power purposes. Teviol Molyneux Gold-mining Company (Roxburgh). — This company is carrying on the work of sluicing and elevating within an area of 10 acres in the claim at White's Flat. In the southern part of the area a bar of hard schist rock was met which had been subjected to a great amount of scour. Numerous large schist boulders were resting upon it, but very little payable wash was found. As work proceeded towards the north a rich seam of wash came in. Several stoppages of sluiciijg operations occurred during the year. A period of three months was occupied in repairing a break in the water-race and shifting one of the elevators to command the deepest part of the ground, which is 60 ft. below the level of the river. Ladysmith Gold-mining Company (Roxburgh). —Working on the eastern boundary of the claim, near the road-line. The wash is very stony, and not so rich as formerly. MANIOTOTO COUNTY. Scandinavian Water-race Company (St. Balkan's). —This company is working part of the United M. and E. Company's ground, on the boundary-line between the two claims, under an agreement which provides that the latter company shall receive one-third of the gold won. Payable returns are being obtained.

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United M. and E. Company (St. Balkan's). —Sluicing and elevating auriferous quartz drift from a depth of 50 ft., which is the greatest depth that can. be worked with the available hydraulic head. Morgan Bros. (Cambrian). —The seam of auriferous quartz drift opened up by this party is yielding payable returns. Naseby Claims. —Sixteen small parties of miners were engaged in sluicing operations in the several gullies in this locality. The rainfall was more regular and the water-supply better than for some years past. Most of the claims are supplied from the Government water-races. WAITAKI COUNTY. Maerewhenua and Livingstone. —Mining in these localities has remained almost stationary for the past three years. During 1918 fifteen men were employed. VINCENT COUNTY. Undaunted Tinkers Gold-mining Company (Malakanui). —This company has been concentrating the whole of its water-supply upon one face in shallow blocks of recent gravels, with better results than when two faces were worked. Nevis Claims. —Six claims were in operation in this part of the district. Of these Graham and party were the most successful. An average of four men was employed in each claim. LAKE COUNTY. Alluvial mining in the Arrow River and its branches has practically ceased. Eight claims were working within the watershed of the Shotover. Campbell and Murray, operating in the gorge of the, Shotover below Moke Creek, obtained gold. SOUTHLAND COUNTY. Nokomai Hydraulic Sluicing Company. —This company has kept two elevators working in Victoria Gully with two shifts of men throughout the, year, but scarcity of labour has hampered operations considerably. A. Mutch (Alhol). —Four heads of water have been brought on from Dome, Creek to work the alluvial deposit on the high terrace between the Mataura and Nokomai Rivers. Muddy Terrace Sluicing Company (Waikaia).— Sluicing operations were carried on in Maori and Long Gullies and at Amanda Hill. Three faces were, worked, varying in height from 5 ft. to 50 ft. WALLACE COUNTY. Ourawera Gold-mining Company (Round Hill). —A new paddock has been opened up in Italian Gully, and a new set of gold-saving tables installed. Eight men were employed. Round Hill Gold-mining Company. —Floods in March considerably damaged the company's water-races. Owing to this cause, and the scarcity of labour, only one claim has been kept in operation throughout the year. Dredge Mining. This branch of the mining industry continues to steadily decline. Six dredges were dismantled during the year—viz., Electric No. 2, at Cromwell; Olrig, at Alexandra; New Golden Run, at Island Block ; Rosedale and Star, at Waikaka Valley ; Charlton Valley, at Charlton Creek. The Electric Gold-dredging Company, which was wound up during the year after having been in active operation for a period of nineteen years, was the most successful dredging company in the Dominion, This company's two dredges, working on the Clutha, and Kawarau Rivers in the vicinity of Cromwell, obtained a good return of gold. Minerals other than Gold. Scheelite. —A decline in the production of this mineral is recorded from all scheelite-producing localities throughout the district. The output for the year amounted to 116 tons, valued at £25,663. No discovery of importance has been made during the year. Accidents. 21st November : John Wrightson, winchman on the Rise and Shine Company's No. 2 dredge, was killed through being caught in the cog-wheels of the winch. In the Southern Inspection District no serious non-fatal accident occurred during 1918.



ANNEXURE B. SUMMARY OF REPORTS OF GOVERNMENT WATER-RACE MANAGERS. Waimea-Kumara Water-races, Westland (Mr. James Rochford, Manager). Waimea Water-race. The cash received from sales of water from this race for the year ended the 31st March, 1919, was £480 10s. 9d., and the expenditure on management, maintenance, and repairs amounted to £809 18s. 9d., showing a debit balance of £329 Bs. on the year's transactions. The average number of miners supplied with water during the year was 11.-83, a, decrease of 7-17 on the, previous year. The, sales of water, which only amounted fo £'150 Is. KM., were the smallest for over twenty years, and showed a, decrease of £250 2s. 3d. on. the previous year, and £577 Bs. 4d. as compared with the, year ended 31st March, 1915. The chief cause for the falling-off in the sales from this race was the scarcity and consequently high, price of labour, and the increased cost of mining equipment, caused by the war. The high price of labour and the increased cost of living pressed more heavily on the mining industry than any other, because, the miner could, not pass on the, increased cost of production to the purchaser of the produce of his labour, with the, result that claims that were, paying £4 to £5 per week prior to the war were closed down or abandoned, as they would not give the miner and his wife and family a living-wage. The Waimea Race is the only race, that commands the large areas of auriferous ground from Fox's to Kelly's Terrace and Scandinavian Hill, and, now that miners are returning from the front, the, probabilities are that some of those areas will be developed in the near future, more particularly if an active and progressive policy- of prospecting is to be adopted by the State. The cash received was £232 10s. 7d. less than in the previous year, and owing to breaks the expenditure, showed an increase of £72 12s. 3d. The year was unusually wet even for the West Coast, and the Waimea Siphon was running full all the time. Branch Race to Callaghan's and Middle Branch Flat. The cash received for sales of water from this race for the year ended 31st March, 1919, was £103 12s. 10d., and the expenditure on management, gauging, maintenance, and repairs amounted to £298 18s. Bd., showing a debit balance of £195 ss. lOd. on the year's transactions. The, average number of miners supplied with water from this race was 1-5, a decrease of 1-83 on the previous year. The sales of water amounted to £82 10s. 10d., a decrease of £14 14s. 2d. as compared with 11n; previous year, and the smallest ever recorded since the completion of the race in 1897. These decreased sales can in a, great measure be, attributed to the same causes as set forth in my remarks on the Waimea, Race- viz., scarcity of suitable labour and the increased cost of living and mining equipment. The Callaghan's Race, which is, of course, totally dependent on the Waimea Race for its supply of water, commands some of the richest unworked ground in the district at Middle Branch and Callaghan's Flats. A considerable area of known payable ground at Middle Branch has been locked up since the end of 1915, when the Inspector of Mines stopped the sluicing through the Waimea Main Tail-race owing to its being unsafe for men to work in. Since that time the condition of the, main tail-race has become much worse, and at the present time it would probably take £600 to put it in safe working-order. There is a very extensive, area of ground at Callaghan's Flat that would return- payable results if it were, properly developed and worked on up-to-date principles. The cash received was £10 12s. 2d. less than last year, and the expenditure decreased by £51 Is. lOd. In addition to. the cash received, £10 was written off W. Hanrahan's account by authority of the Under-Secretary. Kumara Water-race. The cash received from this race for the year ended 31st March, 1919, was £1.2. and the expenditure on management, gauging, maintenance, and repairs amounted to £201 14s. 10d., showing a debit balance of £189 14s. lOd. on the, year's transactions. No miners were supplied with water from this race during the year, and at the present time, there does not appear to be any likelihood of a revival of mining taking place on the south side of the Taramakau River, the, only reasonable possibility being that the lead that originally distributed the gold on the Kumara field may yet be found in McGrath's area at Upper Larrikins ; but unfortunately, owing to the shortage of competent mining labour, no work has been done on this property during the past three years. The sales of water amounted to £14 16s. Bd., a decrease of £24 Bs. 4d. as compared with the previous year. This water was supplied to the Kumara Flax-milling Company for scutching purposes ; and, although the revenue derivable from this source at any time will not lie large, it must be. admitted that the company's operations were unduly hampered by the break in the trans-Taramakau pipe-line, which stopped stripping operations and incidentally the whole plant for seven mont s of the year.



The cash received was £27 ss. less than last year, and the expenditure decreased by £116 4s. 7d. ; but this expenditure does not include the sum of £66 13s. 4d., the gauger's salary for four months whilst engaged working on the restoration of the trans-Taramakau pipe-line across Third Gully. Nearly the whole of the expenditure debited to the Kumara Raoe was Spent on the maintenance of the, section between its intake at the No. 1 Kapitea Reservoir and. the intake of the trans-Taramakau pipe-line. This section includes the Kumara Head-race tunnel, which is the key of the whole of the Kumara-trans-Taramakau water-system. The section of the Kumara Race from the intake 'of the trans-Taramakau. pipe-line to its terminus at the Kumara Borough only supplies water for scutching and fire-brigade purposes, but its cost of maintenance is practically nil. Kumara-trans-Taramakau Water-race. The cash received for sales of water from this race for the year ended 3.lst March, 1919, was £59 18s. 10d., and the expenditure on management, gauging, maintenance, and repairs amounted to £327 16s. 7<1., showing a debit balance of £267 17s. 9d. on the year's transactions. The, average number of miners supplied with water during the year was 4-16, a decrease of 6-92 on the previous year. The, sales of water amounted to £65 16s. 4d.. a decrease of £73 18s. 3d. on the previous year. The cash received was £80 4s. Id. less than last year, and the expenditure showed an increase of £2 2s. Id. The falling-off in the sales was caused by a break which occurred in the section of old 36 in. cast-iron, pipes in the trans-Taramakau pipe-line across Third Gully, which cut off the supply of water to the Kumara Flax-milling Company for power-development purposes, and also stopped. Lawrence and party from sluicing at Quinn's Terrace for about seven months of the year. During the year an Otago syndicate under the management of Mr. James Jackson acquired the mining rights to a large area of ground at Payne's Gully, on the north bank of the Taramakau River. This company has already expended a considerable sum of money in constructing 50 chains of a water-race (with a carrying-capacity of 40 heads) from the Taramakau Water-race to their claim, and carrying out other preparatory work,, and they should bo in a position to purchase Government water in about two months. Erin-go-Bragh Water-race. The cash received from this .race for the year ended the 31st March, 1919, was £219 13s. 3d., and the expenditure on management, gauging, maintenance, and repairs amounted to £308 4s. lid., showing a debit balance of £88 lis. Bd. on the, year's transactions. The average number of miners supplied with water was 5-58, a decrease of 4T7 on the previous year. The sales of water amounted to £208 lis., a decrease of £12 9s. Bd. as compared with the previous year. The cash received was £3 15s. 3d. less than in the previous year, and the expenditure showed an increase of £17 16s. The slight falling-off in the sales can be more than accounted for by the, stoppage of one of the claims at Argus Terrace for the last five months of the year owing to the death of the owner. Wainihinihi Water-race. A small break: occurred in one of the tunnels near the intake of this race on the 9th February, but, repairs were immediately started and the water was again turned on by the 12th. The open ditching in this race is in excellent condition, but some of the timber sets in different parts of the tunnels are badly decayed, and a few of them will have to be replaced with new timber during the ensuing year. Waimea-Kumara Water-races. The, following is a summary of the revenue and expenditure of the above races for the year ended Slat March, 1919: Sales of water, £821 19s. Bd. ; cash received, £875 15s. Bd. ; expenditure, £1,946 13s. 9d.; average number of miners, 23"07. The sales of water showed a decrease of £375 12s. Bd., and the cash a decrease of £354 7s. Id. In addition to the above sales free water to the value of £23 os. lid. was supplied to parties to open up new ground. The total expenditure on the combined races was £1,946 13s. 9d., as against £2,054 9s. lOd. for the previous year, a decrease of £1.07 16s. Id. Comparing the sales of water with the expenditure, the combined races show a loss of £1,124 14s. Id. The cash received was £53 16s. greater than the sales, and this, together with the £10 written off by departmental authority, rcdueed the outstandings by £63 16s. Mount Ida Water-race, Central Otago (Mr. J. 0. Buchanan, Manager). The total sales of water from the Mount Ida Water-race during the year amounted to £706 14s. 9d., a decrease on that of last year of £493 9s. 9d. The expenditure on maintenance and repairs for the same period amounted to £1,403 lis. 9d., an increase on that of last year of £236 lis. Bd. The total cash received was £706 14s. 9d. Free water for washing up was supplied to the value of £55 is. 7d., and free water for opening out was supplied to the value of £8 os. 4d. The total value of water supplied from this race amounted to £769 16s. Bd., a decrease on that of last year of £526 16s. 4d. The average number of men employed was 12-16.



From the Ist April to the 23rd June the weather continued very dry, with a shortage of watersupply. Rain on the, 23rd June gave an abundant supply of water till the 30th, when 6 in. of snow fell and was followed by very severe frost, which compelled the, claims to close down. The winter continued severe until the 17th August, when a thaw set in, which enabled the claims to make a start after being idle for six weeks. From the 17th August to the 26th January there was a fairly good supply of water. On the 26th January heavy rain set in and continued for six days, causing one of the largest floods ever known in this locality. This large quantity of rain did considerable damage to the race, and from this date to the end of March all available, men were employed cleaning the race and repairing the, damage caused by the flood. Owing to the shortage of labour some of the elevating claims were unable to work throughout the year : this, with a dry autumn, followed by a severe winter, and then the flood in January, were the chief causes of the small returns from this race. The war being over, labour should become more plentiful and enable the claims which have been closed down for the last two seasons to recommence operations.

ANNEXURE C. Summary of the Report op the Inspector op Stone-quarrtes foe thr North Island (Mr. James Newton). Most of the year has been spent in actual inspection of the quarries that come within the scope of the Act, a great many of which are operated intermittently, and I have, endeavoured to inspect all such places in the several districts whether they have actually been under operation at the time of my visit or not. In many cases I have found that operations were not being carried out in strict compliance with the regulations, having regard to the storage and use of explosives and the working of the quarry-face. Persons responsible for these conditions have on every occasion been warned and instructed to effect immediate remedial measures in accordance with the requirements of the law. There has, however, been found in a great majority of the quarries substantial improvement in these matters, and it is noticeable that those responsible, are showing much genuine inclination to do the right thing, and I have no doubt further good results will follow as the direct result of frequent inspection. I am pleased to be able to report that no fatal or serious quarry accident has happened in the North Island during the year. With regard to quarries not sufficiently high at the face, to bring thorn within the scope of the Act but where explosives are used, together with those quarries where the faces reach a greater height than that mentioned in the Act but where no explosives are used, I have found a varjdng amount of real carelessness in the storage and use of explosives, and an astonishing amount of undue risk taken in the actual winning of the metal at the face of the quarry. I am of the opinion that it would be wise to bring such places within the scope of the Stone-quarries|Act.




REPORTS RELATING TO THE INSPECTION OF COAL-MINES. The Inspecting Engineer of Minks to the Under-Secretary of Mines. Sir,— . Wellington, 31st March, 1919. I have the honour to present my thirteenth annual report, together with statistical information, in regard to coal-mines of the Dominion, for the year ended 31st December, 1918. The report is divided into the following sections : — I. Output of Mineral. 11. Persons employed. 111, Accidents. IV. General Remarks — (a.) Exploration and Development of Coal Areas. (/>.) Safety Provisions. (/,'.) Oil-shale Resources. Annexures— A. Summary of Annual Reports by Inspectors of Mines. B. Colliery Statistics.

SECTION I.—OUTPUT. The output of the several classes of coal mined in each inspection district is summarized as follows :—

The decline in output for 1918 amounts to 34,169 tons, being 2 per cent, of the total output, There was likewise a decline in the. output per underground miner from 715 to 703 tons per annum, which also is in the proportion of 2 per cent. This alone accounts for the annual decrease of output; had it not been, however, for the epidemic, by which most, of the mines were rendered idle for two or three weeks and to which sixty-six working coal-miners succumbed, there would have been an increased output for 1918. The considerable decline at bituminous collieries is partly attributable to shortage of miners on the West Coast,

Output of Cral during 1918. Class of Coal. Northern Distriot, West Coast District. Southern Distriot. Toial. _ Total Output to the End of 1918. lituminous and semi-bitu-minous" Tons. 125,349 Tons. 996,959 Tons. Tons. 1,122,308 Tons. 31,171,005 irown ... lignite 420,430 3,999 130 285,213 202,170 705,773 206,169 14,480,157 2,541,678 Totals for 1918 ... 549,778 997,089 487,383 2,034,250 48,192,840 Totals for 1917 ... 470,638 1,146,778 451,003 2,068,419 46,158,590 Including eoal firmerly classified as " pitch " coal,


The production from and the number of persons employed at the principal collieries of the Dominion are shown in the following table :


During the period of the war there has been a decline of 740 in the number of persons employed at or about collieries, which amounts to 16 per cent, of the total number employed during 1914. The greater portion of these men were voluntarily on active service abroad, but a considerable number have given up coal-mining during the war. On the other hand, to avoid military service some men temporarily left other occupations to work at collieries, being thus exempt from conscription. It appears probable that the shortage of colliers will continue.

G—C. 2.


Name of Colliery. Locality. Clans of Ooal. Output for 1918. Total Output to 31st December, 1918. Total Number of Persons ordinarily employed. Northern District. Tons. Tons. 1,165,283 Hikurangi ... ... ... Hikurangi... Semi-bitu-minous 65,361 Tons. 65,361 109 Taupiri Extended ... ... Huntly ... Brown Taupiri Eotowaro... ... ... Eotowaro... „ ... Pukemiro ... ... ... Pukemiro... „ Waipa ... ... ... ... Glen Massey „ 203,011: 31,616 114,456 69,08-f 203,015 31,618 114,458] 69,085 2,385,196 33,274 296,424 388,784 373 69 160 73 West Goast District. 240,096 179,630 154,120 95,106 5,492,521 7,781,218 1,857,612 2,350,823 ; 406 391 276 134 ,,„,-,, Millerton ... Bituminous (Joalbrookdale ... ... : -r. • , ( Denmston „ Westport-Stockton ... ... Mangatini „ (Point Elizabeth... Dunollie ... Semi-bitu-State Coal-mines j minous (Liverpool ... Eewanui ... Bituminous Blackball ... ... ... Blackball ... Paparoa... ... ... ... Eoa ... „ 240,096 179,63C 154,12C 95,106 113,01, 121,25? 34,14. 113,013 121,259 34,145 585,484j 2,709,639 297,694 298 284 85 Southern District. 124,985 53,805 3,632,480 1,307,949 293 109 Kaitangata and Castle Hill ... Kaitangata Brown Nightcaps ... ... ... Nightcaps... „ 1-24,98. 53,80,: Other New Zealand collieries ... All coalfields Various ... 434,554 434,554 18,408,459 934 Totals 2,034,25( 2,034,250 48,192,840: 3,994

Inspection District. Average Number of Persons omployed during 1918. Above Ground. Below Ground. Total. Northern West Coast Southern 242 662 904 520 1,521. 2,041 340 709 1,049 904 2,041 1,049 Totals, 1918 1,102 2,892 3,994 2,892 3,994 Totals, 1917 1,090 2,893 3,983 2,893 3,983


SECTION lII.—ACCIDENTS. The following is a summary of coal-mining accidents during 1918, with their causes : —

The death-rate from accidents was 1-50 per 1,000 persons employed, or 2-95 deaths per 1,000,000 tons of coal produced. All of the six fatalities were due. to falls ; with proper care most of these would have been avoided. The explanation for nearly all of the fata] accidents was the usual concealed joint known to miners as "greasy," "slippery," or "sooty" "backs." The most reliable preventive of such dangers is provided for in the regulations —viz., by systematic timbering right up to the face, and by the frequent use of sounding-rods and ladders for high places. During my inspections I seldom visit a colliery without finding one or more cases of needless risk being taken by miners by failure to support the roof and face of-their working-places. In the case of William Downs, killed by a fall at Blackball Colliery, the, evidence at the, inquest showed that there, was no sounding-rod or ladder in the working-place, although the overhanging coal which fell was 15 ft. above the floor. In the ease of Prank Mitchell, killed by a fall in the Wareatea Section of the Coalbrookdalc Colliery, it is probable that if the use of props and bars had been insisted upon by the management, as instructed by Inspector Newton and myself, this accident: would not have occurred. The following is a description of fatal accidents in connection with coal-mining operations during 1.918 :—


Fatal Ac icidents. Serious Non-i !atal Accidents. ~ I H~ Number of Soparate Fatal Accidents, Number of Deaths. Number of Separate Non-fatal Accidents. | Numbor of Persons injured, including those injured by Accidents which proved Fatal to their Companions. Explosions of fire-damp or coaldust Palls of ground Explosives... Haulage Miscellaneous—Underground... On surface ... 1 1 fl fi 8 10 2 12 . "2 12 Totals 6 23 25

Date. Name and Situation of Colliery. Name, Ago, and Occupation of Person killed. Description of Accident, and Remarks. 1918. 7 Jan. Blackball Colliery, Blackball William Downs (32), m iner In H level, Section 17, of the panel workings, he was with his mate employed bringing back in a retreating manner overhead coal from above a split through a pillar. Tho split was about 64 ft. high and 8$ ft. wide when first driven. The coal-seam 18 ft. abovo its floor contains a clay band about 1 ft. in thickness, above which the top coal is left unworked for a roof. He was preparing a shot in the overhanging coal and band, at a height of about 15 ft. above tho floor, when a fall occurred without warning, covering him and Inflicting injuries from which ho died the following day. No sounding-rod or ladder was provided in. the place to enable an. examination of tho overhead coal and roof, which is in this mine extremely treacherous, and has caused several fatal accidents. Tho , Coroner, when giving his verdict at the inquest, stated that " sounding-rods, prickers, and ladders should bo provided in any place whore the height exceeds 9 ft. or 10 ft. But I do not find that in this case deceased's death was in any way caused by the want of any of those appliances." There is no provision in the Coal-mines Act or Regulations that they shall be supplied. He was working with his mate in a lift off a pillar in D section of the mine when about 10 owt. of coal foil without warning from, a slippery joint, striking and. killing him almost immediately. 'The height from the floor to the strong sandstone roof was about 10 ft. A clay parting occurred in the coalseam 2$ ft. below the roof ; from this parting the joint extended 3 ft. to the. roof. At the inquest the mate of deceased stated that tho face of the lift whore tho fall occurred was practically square and did not overhang ; no sprag or face prop was sot, The Coroner's jury found that no blame was attachable to any one. The circumstances raise a doubt as to the, adequacy of the roof-support prior to the full. The "slippery joint" was then invisible, but such must everywhere bo anticipated by systematic tim boring. Edward John Paterson (32), miner 4 April Westport-Stockton Colliery, Mangatina



lintr. Name and Situation o Colliery. 5 Name, Age, and Oooupatloi of Person killed. tion Description of Accident, ami Remarks. 3 duly Kaitangata No. 2 Colliery, Kaitangata Edgar Salzburger (34), mil ler lb' was employed mi oontract driving through conglomerate a place 6ft. wide. The drive was timbered by props and liars only, the last set being about 5 ft. from the face. While preparing a new set a large piece of elaystonc fell from the top side, striking him and severely injuring his back and leg. A month later be was discharged from the hospital, where he had made good progress towards recovery, and such progress continued until the 23rd Ootober, when he contracted the so-called influenza, which was followed by pneumonia, from which he died on the 27th October. 'The doctor attending him considered that the accident four months and a half previously was a contributary cause to his death, and for that reason this case has been included among fatal colliery accidents. in the Waretea section of the mine, with his mate, he was working. They wore standing together near the face of their linnl, when, without warning, a. fall of coal from a slippery joint in the roof occurred, bringing a prop with it, and inflicting injuries from which he died the following day. At this colliery the system of timbering generally em ployed is by props with cap-pieces, the roof being friable coal. The manager has on several occasions been notified by the Inspector of Mines under Regulation 56 (e) that two props and a bar shall lie used systematically instead of a prop and a cap in bords where slippery joints occurred. If this notification bad been observed this accident might possibly have not occurred. With two mates ho had driven a split through a pillar, and 9 ft. props had been set. At the time of the accident they were bringing back in a retreating manner the overhead coal, about 4 ft. thick. A shot had been fired and the coal removed; another shot had been prepared by him in the overhead coal. In the split about 2 ft. back from the lip a 9 ft, by 6 in. prop was set to the roof ; this prop the men decided to leave in when the proposed shot was fired. Deceased had finished charging the hole, and was passing near the prop when, owing to roof-pressure, it sprung out, striking him with force on the head and killing him instantly, it was stated in evidence, at the inquest that the prop was correctly set and that it was not. broken. About 7 cwt. of coal fell with the prop, but it did not strike him. The Coroner's jury added to its verdict of accidental death a rider that in its opinion not more than two men should be employed in one place while working pillar or head coal. As in all the foregoing fatal accidents from falls, in this case also a doubt must be raised as to the adequacy of the roof-support by timber prior to the fall. lie was working with his brother and another miner at the opencast workings stripping the cover from the coal-seam in advance of and above the working coal-face, such, face being about 12 ft. high. At ten minutes to 12 a.m. a fall of coal occurred, and deceased and his brother descended and picked sonic dirt from the fallen coal, which occupied a minute or two, and they were just about to leave for dinner when a piece of coal weighing about a ton fell without warning from between two diagonal joints, a distance of about 9ft., striking deceased but not rendering him unconscious, lie was removed to the Rivcrton Hospital, where he died that evening. In the morning he had been working near the coal which fell, and might have then loosened it. He was an experienced miner. The Coroner's jury returned a verdict of accidental death. Upon inspection of the scene of this accident a month later I observed the coal-scam to contain a series of almost vertical parallel joints, also defined horizontal cleavage, rendering the place dangerous. 12 Aug. Coalbrookdale Colliery, Denniston Drank Mitchell miner (40), I i Oct. Nightcaps Colliery, Nightoaps M i c Ji a e I l'rcndcvillo (42), miner 19 Dec. Moss Bank Colliery, near Nightcaps David McKenzie (42), permit - holder as manager



The following statement shows the tons of coal and shale raised, persons employed, lives lost by accidents in or about coal-mines, fas., from 1878 to 1918 : —

SECTION IV.—GENERAL REMARKS. (a.) Exploration and Development of Coal Akeas. Boring operations by Government drills were carried out in the Parish of Whangape on the Waikato Coalfield upon. Sections 116, 202, 201, 2(17, and 209, the property of the Awaroa Land Company; also upon Section 125, owned by the Whangape Coal Company. Upon the first-named property twelve holes were drilled, in nine of which brown coal of workable, thickness was proved. The maximum thickness of the coal-scam is 21ft., and. the average thickness 16ft. din. To estimate the thickness of workable coal in this locality a, deduction of 3 ft. or more is necessary, which being required to support the tender fireclay roof would not be removed when mining. Adjoining this property to the north-east upon Section 125, Owned by the Whangape Coal Company, three holes were drilled during the year, in two of which the coal-seam, averaging 18 ft. in thickness, was proved to exist over a, portion of the, .section. The exploration here recorded proves a valuable addition tot the known areas of brown coal on the Waikato Coalfield. At Huntly the extension northward of the two workable coal-seams has been proved by underground development and boring at the Taupiri Extended Colliery.

Year. I Persons employed. Output. Above. : Below. Total. Tons raised per j oach Person em ployed Underground. Per Million Tons raised. lives Lost. Per Number Thousand by Persons Aooiemployed, dent. Prior 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 .1887 1888 1889 1890 189.1 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 709,931 ! 162,218 i 147 366 513 231,218 802 299,923 1,038 337,262 963 378,272 1,043 421,764 : 361 888 1,249 480,831 393 890 1,283 511,063 338 1,145 1,483 534,353 392 1,213 , 1,605 558,620 388 1,111 1,499 613,895 i 414 1,275 | 1,689 586,445 466 1,251 ! 1,717 637,397 . 512 1,334 j 1,846 668,794 416 1,277 1,693 673,315 485 1,196 1,681 691,548 590 1,298 1,888 719,546 506 1,393 1,899 726,654 525 1,274 1,799 792,851 590 1,347 1,937 840,713 ; 531 1,381 1,912 907,033 i 556 1,447 ! 2,003 975,234 \ 554 j 1,599 ] 2,153 1,093,990 617 1,843 j 2,460 1,239,686 688 2,066 2,754 1,365,040 H03 2,082 | 2,885 1,420,229 717 ' 2,135 ' 2,852 1,537,838 763 2,525 3,288 1,585,756 833 2,436 3,269 1,729,536 1,174 2,518 3,692 1,831,009 1,143 2,767 3,910 1,860,975 992 2,902 '. 3,894 1,911,247 1,159 3,032 I 4,191 2,197,362 I 1,136 3,463 4,599 2,066,073 ! 1,365 i 2,925 ! 4,290 2,177,615 ! 1,130 i 3,198 ' 4,328 1,888,005 I 1,053 3,197 : 4,250 2,275,614 ! 1,176 3,558 4,734 2,208,624 1,050 3,106 4,156 2,257,135 988 3,000 3,988 2,068,419 1,090 2,893 3,983 2,034,250 1,102 2,892 3,994 443 475 540 456 440 503 481 468 477 523 563 533 516 618 588 609 627 609 593 600 655 665 609 651 687 662 641 633 634 706 681 590 639 711 750 715 703 194-64 6-66 2'96 5'28 4-74 6-23 5'87 7-16 6-51 6-82 12-55 5-98 1.-48 7-23 8-33 6-88 83-24 4-75 110 3-07 3-65 2-42 1-46 2-81 2-60 3-78 3-46 ■ 6-55 2-68 3'65 7'28 6-77 413 3-18 21-53 407 2-65 1-93 2-95 * 0 44-00 351 1-92 2 1-04 1 1-91 2 1-60 2 2-34 3 2-01 3 ■■:■■ o 2-66 4 2-36 4 2-37 i 4 4-33 i 8 2-36 4 066 1 2-64 5 3'16 6 3-33 5 34-07 66} 2-09 4 049 1 1-39 3 1-62 4 109 3 0-69 2 1'40 4 1-21 4 1-83 6 1-62 fi 3-07 12 1-28 5 1-79 7 3-55 16 . 3-26 1.4 2-08 9 1-38 6 10-35 ■ 49^ 216 9 1-50 6 1-00 4 1-50 6 Totals i 48,207,283 18,207,283 335 * No life lost, explosion. fYoar ir of Kaitangata of Kaitangata explosion. J Year of Brum explosion } Yea ,r of Brunm ir explosiot .. $j Year of Ralph's Huntly)



On the west, coast of the South Island, on the, low coastal range in close proximity to and northward of the Point, Elizabeth State Colliery, between Seven-mile and Nine-mile Creeks, at a distance of about two miles and a half from Runanga, a workable area, of semi-bituminous coal of about 300 acres has been proved by recent boring arid surface prospecting carried out by tin; Mines Department. Tho coal-seam, averaging S ft, in thickness, occurs at altitudes between 200 ft. and 350 ft. above tile sea, The, construction of a branch railway thereto from Runanga presents no engineering difficulty; a short, incline tramway would connect a mine with such railway. This coal area is situated on the State Colliery Reserve. For the purpose of obtaining an average sample for analysis of the coal contained in this area short drives were put in at six different places, and from these twelve samples were obtained. The following is the average analysis of such samples, and for comparison there are given from the Fortieth Annual Report of the Dominion Laboratory the analyses of some of the principal household coals mined in the Domiuion, all analyses being made, by the Dominion Analyst:— Point Elizabeth ~ . , .... , ~ Taupiri ~ ~ . NightExtended pom * Elizabeth Extended Kaitangata »» Area. ( ""'W- Colliery. (!olliery - Colliery. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. Fixed carbon .. .. .. 40-45 48-70 43-73 38-00 31-04 Hydrocarbon .. .. •• 51-12 11-52 42-12 39-96 39-24 Water .. .. .. .. 6-00 <S-3(i 11-72 18-22 24-80 Ash .. .. .. 2-43 1-43 2-43 3-82 4-92 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 Sulphur, pei- cent. .. . . .. 3-40 0-82 0-32 0-40 0-23 Calories, per gram . . .. .. 7,254 7,143 6,129 5,553 4,767 British thermal units, per pound .. 13,057 12,857 11,032 9,995 8,581 Evaporative power iv pounds of water at 212° F. .. .. .. 13-53 13-33 11-11 1.0-36 8-89 It will be seen from I,he above flint In hydrocarbon and evaporative, power the coal from the new area is the highest of all, in water-contents it is the lowest, and in ash the lowest but one; it is somewhat high in sulphur, however, but not prohibitively so. The coal may be classed as a superior household coal useful also for steam-production. Any areas of coal high in sulphur could be left un worked, its is customary. In Canterbury, near Avoca, the Mount Torlesse Collieries (Limited) commenced operations on the 23rd May on their lease from Canterbury College situated on the north side of Broken River, but in October work was discontinued thereon owing to faulting after an output of only 2,020 tons was obtained. Mining operations were then transferred to the Crown lease on the south side of Broken River, where several coal-seams, including one of considerable thickness, outcrop. These seams occur at very high angles, varying up to 75°. The area of workable coal is thus restricted, and mining is rendered somewhat difficult. From the mine-mouth to the screens at Avoca Station, distant three miles, five changes iv the haulage system occur. The coal may be classed as a superior brown coal, and is in considerable demand in Canterbury for household requirements. Tin; company's employees mostly live in tents near the, mine, but it is proposed to erect cottages and a boardinghouse upon a town-site about midway between the mine and Avoca Station. At Liverpool State Colliery,. Rewanui, important development of the. Morgan seam is being carried out by the, construction of a low-level tramway and stone drive about three-quarters of a mile in length, from the middle hydraulic brake on the main haulage incline to intersect the Morgan seam near the forks of Seven-mile Creek, thus enabling the 17 ft. scam to be worked haulage and drainage free,, in addition to reducing tho distance of haulage by the avoidance of the upper section of the main haulage incline. The area of coal thus rendered available will be adequate to supply requirements for a number of years. In the Wairio district, near Nightcaps, Southland, several small collieries have been established to work a thick seam of brown coal, an extension of the Nightcaps Coalfield. The coal areas thus being developed have hitherto proved of small extent, being isolated fragments of erosion, insufficient in area to warrant the installation of large mining plants. (I>.) Safety Provisions. Ventilation. -In most of the. mines, especially those at which thick seams are worked, the ventilation litis heen good. At practically all the, collieries of any importance modern fans have been installed, and the officials understand the methods of distribution of the air; it therefore is their duty to sec that the air is properly distributed. In some mines, however, a dullness in the ventilation at the working-faces has been observed. At Hikurangi Colliery, owing to the length of tin; intake and the smallness of its sectional area, the fan of small capacity has at times been found inadequate to provide adequate ventilation. At Kaitangata collieries the ventilation was in some places found dull owing to defective distribution, short-circuiting, and failure to properly erect and maintain the brattice. At Nightcaps, owing possibly to a parsimonious policy, no brattice at all was used in the mine to carry air to the, faces on the occasion of my inspection this year. The, management informed me that none could be, procured, but as every other colliery of importance obtained it I am unable to understand why such a, prosperous company as the Nightcaps Coal Company should tender such an explanation for neglect to comply with the law.



At the following mines firedamp mixtures have been reported most frequently by deputies during the year:— Number Maxim tun of Estimated Occasions. Accumulation. Taupiri Extended .. .. .. .. .. 63 18,000 cub. ft. Kaitangata, No. I .. .. .. .. .. 65 500 cub. ft. Castle Hill .. .. .. .. ..20 Unspecified. Liverpool No. I .. . . ... 21 300 cub. ft. Liverpool No. 3 .. .. .. .. .. 20 1,000 cub. ft. Only two ignitions of gas came to my knowledge during the, year. On the 21sf, March Michael llallinan received burns from an ignition of gas in a fireclay drive, at the Brunner Mine, and on the 20th September R. Kianey received slight burns at Westport-Stockton Colliery from an ignition of coal-gas distilled by an underground fire. Neither of these occurrences was notified, by the manager to the Minister of Mines as required by section 10 of the Coal-mines Act of 1914. Explosives.- An adequate supply of Imperial "permitted" explosives was available during the year, but there has been from some, unexplained cause a great number of missfires owing to defective detonators, also incomplete detonation of " permitted " explosives and gelignite, which must chiefly be attributed to defects in manufacture. At the Liverpool No. I Colliery, which is a, comparatively small mine, between the 2nd October, 1918, and the 13th March, .1.919, the number of missfires was 179, five of which were due to defects in the wires from tho exploder, eighty-nine to defective detona tors, and sixty-six to defective " permitted" explosive. At Taupiri .Extended Colliery during 1918 165 cases of missfire, and incomplete detonation occurred, due to six defects in wires, ninety defective, detonators, and fifty-nine charges of defective explosive. At other collieries where " permitted " explosives and gelignite were used the results were also unsatisfactory. Support of Roof and Sides. ■ Notwithstanding that all the six fatal accidents which occurred during the year wen; caused by falls of coal, stone, or timber, and that such are, the, most prolific cause of colliery accidents in all countries, yet some miners take little notice, of the regulations regarding systematic timbering, and the workmen's inspectors in their reports, to my knowledge, have never "referred to neglect by the miner to protect himself by observance of Regulation 56, pertaining to the distance apart, of props anil the distance from the face of the nearest prop I regard this defect, as the most serious in connection with the inspection and' management of mines ; it is most common on the West Coast, but also occurs in some of the Waikato mines, and to a much smaller extent at Kaitangata. There is also a tendency to make the bonis too wide on the West Coast and Waikato coalfields. - Supply of Material .—-Although the supply of materials from abroad has been practically cut off, yet (luring the period' of the, war collieries have carried on their operations making the best of what they could procure locally and of old material from unworked mines and other sources. The shortage of steel rope and brattice was the most severely felt requirement, but no serious accident resulted from such shortage. Electricity at Collieries. —During 1918 there litis been no increase in the number or capacity of electrical installatit ms. The following is a, summary of the annual returns, in accordance with. Regulation 160 (c), regarding electrical apparatus at collieries: — Number of collieries at which electrical apparatus is installed . . ..' . . 11 ~ continuous-current installations . . ... . . .. . . 9 ~ alternating-current installations .. .. .. .. .. 2 ~ collieries electrically lighted .. .. .. .. .. 11 ~ collieries using electrical ventilating-machines .. .. .. 6 ~ ~ pumping plants . . . . . . . . 2 ~ ~ haulage plants . . . . .. .. 5 ~ ~ screening plants . . . . . . .. 2 ~ ~ miscellaneous plants . . . . . . 2 ~ ~ locomotives . . . . . . . . I Total horse-power employed from motors on surface .. .. .. .. 1,7411 ~ „ underground.. .. .. .. 609| (c.) Oil-shale Resources. During the year boring operations by Government diamond drill were carried out, near Waikaia,, Southland, by the Waikaia Oil-shale, Development Company (Limited), a company having a nominal capital of £5,000. Seventeen boreholes were drilled, in six of which nn oil-shale seam varying in thickness from I ft. to 17 ft. 9 in. was proved, also in some of the boreholes pax-able alluvial gold was found in the surface-gravels. The company is now obtaining a lease to cover these developments. The following is a recent analysis of Waikaia oil-shale by the Dominion Analyst : Per Cent. Fixed carbon .. .. .. .. .. 13-51 Volatile hydrocarbon .. .. ... .. 35-04 Water . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-60 Ash .. .. .. .. .. .. 11-85 100-00 Total sulphur .. .. .. .. 3-41


C— 2

Near Orepuki, Southland, where the oil-shale property of the New Zealand Oil and Coal Company (Limited) is situated, mining and retorting operations have been suspended since 1903, but in view of the attention which has recently been directed towards a petroleum industry in the Dominion I have recently, by instruction from you, inspected the property, the following being a brief report thereon :— The oil-shale-bearing area and oil-works are situated in the County of Wallace, adjoining the Township of Orepuki. A Covernment lease for mining coal and shale over .1,260 acres is held by the company over sections 37, 106, and 6, Blocks I, 11, and 111, Longwood Survey District. The lease is held for a fixed, annual rental of £63, merging into a royalty of 3d. per ton, the duration of the lease being for sixty-six years from the 27th June, 1899. After securing its lease the company systematically laid out oil-works of modern, type to treat (iO tons of shale per day, the. cost with subsequent expenditure fining stated by the managing director to be £124,000. The mining and treatment of tho shale commenced during 1901. About two years later viz., on the 17th July, 1903 ■- operations were suspended, and have not been resumed ; but during the past six years it is stated that £6,000 has been expended, chiefly in boring. The total output of oil-shale was 14,422 tons. The, company earned during 1903 the Government bonus of £5,000 for the production of the first 100,000 gallons of crude petroleum. Since March, 1913, the company has annually been granted suspensions of the output clauses of its lease. The last suspension terminates on the 11th September, 1919. The output conditions of the lease, require a production of 12.000 tons of coal or shale per annum. Failure to comply with the output conditions entails "liability to forfeiture of the lease by the Crown. During 1910 three successful boreholes were drilled by Government diamond drill. These proved the oil-shale over a distance of about 16 chains to be from 4 ft. to 4 ft. 10 in. in thickness. The following are, I believe, the causes of failure of the initial operations at Orepuki : (I.) Retorting at too high a temperature, the result being a low extraction of crude oil and tin excess iv sulphur contents. (2.) Difficulties at the mine, which was opened in an isolated and miichfaulted fragment of shale of small extent, the. roof being difficult to support. The shale and underlying coal-floor was liable to spontaneous combustion and fires. Future Prospects.- Although the operations of the company have hitherto been unsuccessful, the shale-deposit should not be condemned. By further boring to prove its extent, and by the installation of improved retorts of more up-to-date type, a superior oil will probably be produced. During 1906 a shipment of 57 tons of this shale was tested at the Pumphcrston Oil-works in Scotland under the direction of Sir Boverton Redwood, an acknowledged authority. The results showed the average yield of the shale to be 38-41. gallons of crude, oil and 19-12 lb. of sulphate, of ammonia per ton. Samples of the 1 crude oil obtained during the tests were refined, and the report states that: the various oils and solid paraffin were found to resemble the corresponding products from Scotch shaleoil ; further, that no special process of desulphurization in the treatment of the oil was necessary. The following is an abstract of the fractionation as taken from the analyses in Sir Boverton Redwood's report: — Per Cent. Burning-oil or kerosene .. .. .. .. .. .. 25-92 Gas-oil .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3-07 Medium oil .. .. . . .. . . . . . . 4-05 Lubricating-oil .. .. . . . . . . . . v 17-55 Hard paraffin containing 4 per cent, of oil M.P. 119-s°. . .. .'. 1.9-03 Soft paraffin M.P. 86-5° .. .. .. .. .. .. 1-08 Total per cent, of commercial products .. .. .. 70-70 Loss in refining . . . . . . . . . . 29-30 100-00 The Pumphcrston Oil-works are of similar type to those at Orepuki. With an output of 100 tons of shale, per day, upon these results, during one year, there may be produced—kerosene or burning-oil, 299,500 gallons; lubricating-oil, 201,600 gallons; in addition to other oils and hard paraffin. This output would provide only for a very small proportion of the Dominion's requirements, the total quantity and value of imported oils during 1917 being - Value. Burning-oil (viz., kerosene) .. .. .. 4,534,862 gallons 134.367 Lubricating-oil .. .. .. .. 934,973 ~ 96,798 Gas-oil .. .. .. .. .. 8,528,635 „ 594/788 Paraffin wax.. .. .. .. .. 3,174,530 lb. 66,130 £892,083 The above value is estimated at a fair market price at the place of production plus 10 per cent. During tho current year the company has commenced to work the coal-seam of about 12 ft. to 14 ft, in thickness from an outcrop on its lease on the bank of the Waimeamea Stream, situated about one mile north-west of the shale-works, and about a quarter of a mile from Waimeamea Railway-siding on the Invercargill-Tuatapere Railway. In view of the fact that (lie company's operations ill connection with the Orepuki oil-shale deposits constitute up to the present time the most advanced step in this Dominion towards a muchdesired oil industry, further boring is warranted and necessary to prove the extent of the oil-shale seam. I have, &c, Frank Reed, Inspecting Engineer and Chief Inspector of Coal-mines.



ANNEXURE A. SUMMARY OF REPORTS BY INSPECTORS OF MINKS. Northern Inspection District (Mr. Boyd Bennie, Inspector), Taupiri Collieries Extended Mine.- The mine-workings are located in the north-west and south-west dip sections respectively. In my report of 1917 reference was made to a mine-creep in the No. 6 level, north-west section. The pillar coal crushed to such a degree that there was danger of fire ; the section was therefore closed off and flooded with water, and remains so. In the, extension of the main dip heading, northern section, a considerable, upthrow fault has been met with. At a point a few chains back from the heading-face a drive has been carried into the upper coal-seam, when it was found that only a few feet of fireclay separates the main and the upper coal-scam. The upper coal-seam is about 1.8 ft. thick, of good hard coal. It is intended to work the upper seam first. The work throughout the north-west section is being vigorously prosecuted. At No. 1 level a stone drive is now being driven into Aitken's Freehold (Section 2), and when completed a branch of the main dip haulage will be extended into the coal area lying along the eastern bank of the Waikato River. It is believed that this section contains a large quantity of good coal lying adjacent to the old Kimiliia Mine. Western dip section: The upper coal-seam has been cut into at No. 4 level on the south side, and the workings have been driven close, up to the Ralph's barrier pillar. The main and the upper coal-seams are separated by about 40 ft. of fireclay; Ihe main seam has been worked under this new section, but the, pillar coal has not been extracted. In the upper coal-seam methane litis been given off almost continuously, causing some inconvenience and anxiety at times. Every precaution has been taken for the safety of the, workmen, safety-lamps being used throughout the mine ; in the western dip section generally this gas has been found more frequently than in the northern dip. The mine-workings arc regularly examined, and the company's officials and the workmen's inspectors have made many inspections of the old and disused portions of the mine. No serious falls of roof have been reported during the year. The mine-workings are fully a mile from the winding-shaft, and the time occupied, by the workmen travelling to and from their work in the mine is seriously hindering the daily output of coal. The western and northern sections at the heading-faces are each one mile in length from the junction at the fan shaft, and between the two headings there is a distance of one, mile. There appears to be an extensive area, of coal yet to be worked in this mine. The present winding-shaft being too small to allow of more up-to-date means of raising coal preparations are being made to wind coal up the fan shaft also. Work at the. mine, has been continuous through the year, and there have been no fatal accidents, nor any of a really serious nature. Taupiri Collieries, Rotowaro Mine.- The main-adit dip has been extended to a length of 20 chains in hard coal. Nos. I and 2 levels have been driven 13 and 7 chains respectively, also in good hard coal. There are many segregations of stone in the coal. The mine is comparatively dry. The mining plant and installation of machinery is completed for the present. A sirocco fan has been installed, and the ventilation is good. A ground tram is about to be constructed to connect with the No. 2 Mine tunnel. The, company has erected houses for the manager and the principal officials of the mine, also a number of comfortable cottages with modern conveniences for the miners, at the new township near the Rotowaro Railway-station. A comfortable change-room or shelter-shed has been erected at the mine. The miners have requested the company to build change and bath rooms as required by the. Coal-mines Act. Pukemiro Collieries. Tin- mine has worked continuously through the year, and, despite the loss of time by miners through (lie influenza epidemic, the output for the year was 114,458 tons, an increase of 25,083 tons above the previous year's output. No. 1 Mine continues to produce coal of the best quality, and no further faults have been met with. The section over the upthrow fault is opening up satisfactorily. The ventilation and conditions generally throughout the mine are good. No. 2 Mine, beyond the. downthrow fault: This mine is entered by an adit dip level of about 2 chains in length ; the coal is of good quality, hard and clean, and free from bands of stone ; but there are segregations of stone met with, as in No. 1 Mine. This is characteristic of the high-level areas of the Waikato coalfield. This section is not connected underground with No. 1 Mine. Electrical-haulage endless rope and an electrically driven fan have been installed. I have examined the colliery a number of times during the year and found it, safely worked. The workmen's inspectors have made several inspections of the mine and old workings, and report them all safe. Methane has not, been found in the mines, and open lights are used through the workings, with electric light and telephones at the haulage stations. Waipa Collieries. In the No. 2 section of this colliery the, pillar coal is being worked by six miners, so that the quantity of coal produced is not great, and I anticipate that from six to twelve months will finish the mine. No. 3 section has not been reopened, and it is the intention of the management to work' the coal beyond the upthrow fault from No. 4 Mine level section. A new



haulage-tunnel has been driven, through which the mine will be worked and the endless haulage-rope of the ground tram will be extended into the mine. This will give greater facilities in the delivery of the coal over the previous methods. The coal in No. 4 section is of a good quality, amd the coal-seam is from 6 ft. to 8 ft. thick. I made eight visits of inspection to the mine during the year and found the mine safe, but the ventilation, though adequate in the main intake and return airways, was defective in workmen's bords, due to the want of brattice-cloth and stoppings in the worked-out places. On my recommendation that condition was amended, and the ventilation was eventually much better. The ground tram has been much improved by the completion of a tunnel and the installation of a haulage main and tail rope, replacing horse haulage. The mine machinery and buildings are in good order. The output of coal from the mine is 12,633 tons short of the output for the previous year, due to the closing of Nos. 1 and 3 Mines, and in some degree to the loss of working-time by miners who were victims of the influenza. Waikato Extended. —During the year a tunnel was driven through rock from the 7 ft. coal-seam into the big coal-seam at a higher level, and there the workmen have been employed and have mined 2,254 tons of coal, an increase of 1,364 tons over last year's output. There are only a few men employed, and the company ship their coal in barges to settlers adjacent to the Waikato and Waipa Rivers. More vigorous methods might be employed in disposing of the coal, and it is doubtful if the present methods will pay working-expenses. T found the mine safely worked. Huntly Coal and Fireclay Mining Company. —The opencast mine being worked out, after some prospecting a small coal-seam was located a few chains north of the opencast. An adit level has been driven about half a chain into the coal. The fireclay in the company's quarry is intersected by inferior clay bands, but as work proceeds it is believed the quality of the clay will improve. The coal mined and used at the works was 3,782 tons, being 607 tons increase over the previous year. I inspected the mine and quarry a number of times during the year and found them safely worked. Crown Lease, Aria. —ln June I visited the mine and found that the coal-seam was much broken, and it appeared that there was an upthrow fault ahead of the main drive. Later I was informed that this fault had been cut into, but I have not yet heard what is the amount of the displacement. It is my intention to visit the mine soon, when I will make a careful examination with the view of advising the owner for future development-work. The coal being of an inferior quality due to crush, there has not been a demand for it as a household fuel. During the year there was sold 217 tons of coal, mostly to the Aria Dairy and Butter Factory. Hikurangi Collieries. —The company's mines are at Waro, the coal underlying the lime rocks there. As previously stated, there was some trouble in draining the mines, but that difficulty has been overcome and the pillar coal is being worked. No. 6 adit is at the southern end of the lime rocks, while No. 2is just beyond the rocks at their northern end. Both mines are working the pillar coal, commencing at a fault-line about midway between the two tunnels and working back so as to leave the waste in tho centre. Good progress is being made. Early in the year excessive quantities of timber were used in building chocks and pillars to protect the main haulage and airway roads. Since then the consumption of timber has been normal as in such cases. The work is being carried on with great care. The Phoenix Mine : The workings have been driven up to the boundary of the Great North Road, where there is an upthrow fault close to the company's boundary. The seam is from 8 ft. to 1.2 ft. thick, and the coal is of a superior quality ; there appears to be several years' supply in the area. I am informed that on the north-west side of the fault-line referred to a number of boreholes have been drilled into the coal, and that there is a prospect of extending the mining to that area. At present a new stone drive is being driven as an adit dip in-a line with the screening plant to connect the Phoenix Mine workings, and it may be extended into the new area. This new tunnel will greatly facilitate the mine-coal haulage, being direct and worked by endless haulage-rope. I found the mines safe and the ventilation generally good. The miners suffered to some degree by the epidemic, which resulted in much lost time at the mines ; nevertheless the year's production of coal, was 65,361 tons, being an increase of 33,480 tons over the previous year. The output for 1917 was much below the previous years' record. Northern Goal-mining Company, Hikurangi Sections. —Tauronga section : The old Northern Mine is worked out, but there are six men working in a small mine on the Tauronga section, where the coal-seam is from 4 ft. to 7 ft. thick. The area is very small. The men are working on the co-operative or tribute system, mining and delivering the coal to the Northern Company at a fixed tonnage rate. During the year there was mined 1,380 tons from the Tauronga section and 10,701 tons from the company's Crown lease, being part of Section 2, Block 16, Hikurangi Survey District (Little and party, tributers). This latter area is now worked out and the mine closed. The total output from the Tauronga and Crown lease is therefore only 12,081 tons, as compared with 27,782 tons for the previous year, being a decrease of 15,701 tons. I have found the mines safely worked. The Northern Company's Waro Rocks section : The company are preparing to reopen this mine, and are now calling for tenders for the sinking of an air and drainage shaft, which is to be sunk to the north-west of the mine-workings. However, it will be some time before the Waro Mine section is again working, as some new and improved machinery will have to be installed for haulage, drainage, and ventilation. The old mining plant is inadequate and obsolete. Northern Company's Kiripaka Mine. —Crown lease, Section 17, Block VII, Whangarei Survey District, Te Kiripaka section : The mine has been worked continuously throughout the year. The north-east level has been continued along the line of fault or fold, and the coal mined up the folded

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portion of the seam to a height of from 50 ft. to 60 ft., when the coal thins out to an unworkable thickness. The south-west section of the mine has been worked out, the pillar coal having been extracted. On the north-east portion of the lease an adit level is being driven where the coal is showing in an old drive driven many years ago, known as Shephard's drive. It is said that the coal-seam is 7 ft. thick there. A ground tram is being constructed to connect with the mine mainhaulage tram-line. No. 1 Mine, freehold : Four men are working there taking out pillar coal. The area is small, and six months hence the mine will be closed. No. 2 Mine,, freehold : Four men are at work, pillar coal being worked, and the mine will be worked out in a few months, I found all three mines being safely worked, and the ventilation good. The coal mined for the year was 28,633 tons, of which 15,946 tons was from the Crown lease and 12,687 tons from the company's freehold, being an increase of 7,379 tons as compared with the previous year. Foot and Doel's Crown Lease (Part of Section 2, Block 16, Hikurangi Survey District).- A portion of the mine has been worked and the pillars removed. Another mine having been opened, and the main drive extended to the boundary, it was found that the levels right and left soon entered soft unsaleable coal, with no prospect of improving, therefore the area is very small, and at present it appears that the mine will be closed in a few months' time. Some of the pillar coal has already been worked. I found the mine carefully worked. During the year 7,733 tons of coal were mined, and during the previous year 1,855 tons, being an increase of 5,878 tons for the present period. Kerr and Wyatt's Crown Lease (Section N.E. 39, Block 16, Hikurangi Survey District). — The company has been very successful in locating coal left in by a former mining company, and during the year it has mined 6,924 tons of coal, as compared with 7.585 tons the previous year, being a decrease of 661 tons. The mine is being carefully worked, and very little coal is lost. It would appear that the mine will be worked out during 1919. The Hikurangi Coal Company purchase the coal. Cunningham's Crown Lease (Section N.E. 48, Block 16, Hikurangi Survey District). —The owner has suffered from the influenza and has not been at work since. The prospects at the mine are very poor. During the year 469 tons of coal were mined. North New Zealand Coal-mining Company. —This mining company is in the unfortunate position of being unable to sell its coal. It is alleged that the coal is of an inferior quality, yet the analysis from samples taken by me from every mine in that district proved that it was equal to any of the other coal. Unfortunately the company has been mining in a highly faulted area, and to some extent the coal would be adversely affected. A more vigorous development of the mine and the extension of the main dip headings would, I believe, have proved coal of better quality, where the faulting would have been less frequent, and the difficulties now facing the company might have been avoided. The coal in the deepest workings of the mine was much thicker and less subject to faulting- than the area previously worked, and it is stated that the old Kamo Mine was working the coal some distance ahead of this mine, and that the coal in that mine was very good and the seam from 8 ft. to 10 ft. thick. I examined the mine in May last just prior to it being closed. Twenty-five men were employed in and about the mine. Serious Non-fatal Accidents during 1918. Taupiri Collieries. —George Williams, miner, slipped and fell while using a spanner on a coal-cutting machine, and sprained his knee. The accident, which was not considered serious at first, happened on 6th August, but later the miner had to enter the Hamilton Hospital and have the semi-luna cartilage removed. The man is still off work, and to all appearances the knee will be permanently weak. William Ingram, with some other youths, was tending to a rope in the Extended Mine. The rope had been at a standstill, and the youths were sitting down ; the rope started, and Ingram put his right hand on the rope to raise himself up, with the result that his hand was drawn into a pulley and two fingers severed, and the third so severely injured that it had to be amputated at the Hamilton Hospital. The accident happened on the 24th September. Ben Housley had two fingers amputated while working at the screening-belt at the Extended Mine on the 21st May. Pukemiro Collieries. —Bene Poutu, miner, permanently disabled through conjunctivitis in a severe form, 22nd February. Richard Shilton, miner, permanently disabled through conjunctivitis (severe) caused by injury to the eye by flying coal, 20th June. Hikurangi Collieries.-— James Russell, miner, had his left ankle injured on the 26th March by a prop falling upon it; off work 214 days. Northern Collieries, Kiripaka. —John Craig, miner, sustained a comminuted fracture of the right leg, while getting down coal, by a lump of coal falling away from a fault and crushing his leg against a prop. I was at the mine when the accident happened, and found the place well timbered right up to the face ; a sprag had been in position under the coal, and had just been removed when the accident happened. Date of accident, sth October. During the year there occurred sixty-four accidents, which necessitated the injured persons being off work twenty-five ■ days or more, six of these being from eye accidents due to flying coal. There also occurred forty-one other eye accidents, causing the sufferers to be off work for a shorter period.



West Coast Inspection District (Mr. George Duggan, Inspector). New Zealand Stale Coal-mines. Liverpool Colliery. —No. 1 section : The workings of this section have been developed mainly to the north, and the main headings to the rise are now approximately 31 chains from the main level. One of the higher levels, going cast, has holed out on tho bank of Puru Creek, and this has considerably increased the quantity of air circulating in the rise workings. Pillar-extraction is proceeding on the lower east side, as well as on the west side of the Seven-mile Creek. The coal from this section is still of a friable nature. Morgan seam : Work in the Morgan seam has been confined to the development of the east and west levels, and .very little wide work has yet been done. The east levels arc now 15 chains in from the haulage road, and the west levels 10 chains. Owing to the shortage of truckers, work in the west levels has been temporarily suspended. The Morgan scam continues to be of good quality, but is friablcr The endless-rope haulage has been carried in to the end of the main stone drive. As a considerable area of coal lies to the dip of the main levels in the Morgan seam, and to reduce the length of haulage, another stone tunnel will soon be commenced from the Seven-mile Creek near the middle brake to intersect the coal-seam. No. 3a section : All of the output is now obtained from pillar-extraction. A small area of about 6 acres, containing low coal, to the east of the old dip, remains to be worked. No. 3 section : Tho development during tho past year has been in a northern and eastern direction. Only a limited area now remains unworkod between this section and No. 3a section. The fourth level, going eastward, is within 2 or 3 chains of the cliff overlooking the Seven-mile Creek, and when through will materially assist the ventilation. The pillar workings on the west side of the first level arc almost exhausted, and the output from the section is gradually diminishing. The up-to-date safety-lamp house, whore 200 electric safety-lamps were charged and stored, was destroyed by the landslip. Only forty lamps were recovered, and are now reserved for the use of the truckers. The coal-hewers have had to revert to the use of ordinary safety-lamps. The bins being erected to replace those demolished are almost completed. A number of reports of small quantities of inflammable gas were recorded at the No. 3 section and at the Morgan seam. The output from the Liverpool mines, 113,013 tons, is nearly 33,000 tons less than that for 1917. This was mainly duo to tho stoppage caused by the landslip. Point Elizabeth Colliery. —Tho dip portion of the No. 1 section ceased output in October, and in a few weeks the rise portion will be exhausted. It is anticipated that the No. 2 section will also be exhausted during the coming year. A few reports of inflammable gas were recorded at the No. 2 section. The output from the Point Elizabeth Colliery for 1918 was 95,106 tons. New Coalfield near the Sea-coast, eight and a half miles from Greymouth. —Prospecting and boring is now being done on this field, and has already proved a considerable extent of workable coal. The coal is very hard and is non-caking, and should take the place of the nearly exhausted Point Elizabeth coal for household purposes. Paparoa Colliery. —The output from this mine, 34,145 tons, has boon considerably curtailed through numerous strikes occurring. One of these, commencing on the 18th October, was still unsettled at the end of the year. Very little development has been done during the past year. One level go ng south-east from the head of tho first jig is approximately 7 chains in, and will open up a small area bolow some of the standing pillars. Most of the output was obtained from pillar workings in the slant heading section. Inflammable gas has again been reported in small quantities during the year. Very little progress having boon made towards the erection of bath-houses, the management were notified that proceedings would be taken if the work was not facilitated. Owing to the protracted strike labour has since been unobtainable for this purpose. Blackball Colliery. —The output from the Blackball Mine was 121,259 tons, being'nearly 11,000 tons less than that of the previous year. This reduction was mainly due to an inrush of water carrying down a huge quantity of debris on to the haulage-road. This occurred in July, and no output has since been obtained from the inner workings. The miners employed in these workings were found places by working two shifts in all places in the No. 9 dip and the No. 1 rise sections. The bottom of No. 9 dip is 13 chains below the main level. The dip itself is not at present being driven owing to very acid water destroying tho pumps., Levels are driven from the bottom of the dip and are now approximately 24" chains in. They have another 16 chains to go before striking the fault. Black-damp is given off from the floor of the main and water levels, needing ample ventilation to dilute it. The area stoped off, through spontaneous combustion in the rise workings, has been under constant surveillance, and, although at times troublesome, has been kept well in hand. A fatality, caused by a fall of coal in pillar workings, occurred at this mine in January. North Brunner Colliery. —This mine will be compjletely exhausted during the coming year. Only a few miners are at present employed on pillar-extraction in the top section. The lower section is now finished. Output for 1918 was 11,489 tons. Brunner Mine. —Most of the output is obtained from pillar-work in the St. Kilda section. A few solid places are being driven south-east of the dip. A pair of miners are engaged in the Coal-pit Heath area driving through old workings to obtain pillars left in during the previous working. The inclined stone drive, to cut a deposit of fireclay, has been full of water the greater part of the year. A low level is being driven to cut the stone drive about half-way down from surface. The year's output was 11,090 tons.



Boustridge's Prospecting-area. —Prospecting is being done on tho south side of the Grey River at the eastern end of the Brunner-Stillwater Railway tunnel. A level, in coal varyingffrom*3 ft. to 7 ft. thick, has been driven about 150 ft. This drive has had to be diverted to the east owing toja large " roll " coming in on the right side. Reefton Coal Company's Mine.-—This mine has worked continuously during the year, and has produced 6,636 tons of coal, being 2,332 tons more than the output for 1917. Towards the end of the year an outcrop was discovered about 11 chains up the creek from, the mine-mouth. Further prospecting will prove whether this is a lower seam than the one being worked at present. The coal shown at the outcrop is from 10 ft. to 12 ft. thick and of excellent quality. A survey has been made from the Reefton Railway-station with the object of taking the railway-hoppers up to the four mines in the Burkes Creek district — i.e., the Reefton Coal Company's, Lockington's, Morris and Learmont's, and the Waitahu mines. At present the coal is conveyed from the Reefton Coal Company's mine to the railway-station along a narrow-gauge tramway and drawn by a horse. From the other three mines the coal has to be conveyed the greater part of the way by drays. A serious accident occurred on the Reefton Coal Company's tramway, which is mentioned further in the report. Other Reefton Mines. —Very little development has been done on this field during the year, although numerous coal leases and prospecting licenses have been applied for. Lockington's and Morris and Learmont's mines changed ownership, and the Waitahu Mine resumed mining operations in April. A fault was struck in this mine in the level, and driving was continued into the fault for 105 ft. This drive is still in coal-measures which are almost perpendicular at the face. The management now contemplate putting down a borehole from surface 800 ft. ahead of the face of tho drive. The Lankey's Creek mine, which only supplied coal for the Energetic Gold-mine, has been idle since May, owing to a fire destroying the Energetic shaft. Other small mines in the Reefton field still produce a little coal, mostly for household purposes. Westport District. Coal Creek Mine, Mokihinui. —This mine has produced 4,007 tons for the year, as compared with 2,554 tons for 1917. Seven miners are now employed. Pillar-extraction continued in the lower workings until October, when this section was abandoned. In the upper workings a drive is going through a " roll " to get to an unworked area to the rise. A coal-prospecting license has been obtained by this party over 105 acres further up Coal Creek, who state that outcrops of coal 18 ft. thick are exposed on the area. Co-operative Mine, Seddonville. —From the old No. 4 section workings the yearis output was 2,813 tons. The coal varies in quality, much " brassy " coal being left unminod. An area of 200 acres, comprising part of the old Cardiff workings and some of the former State mine area, has been applied for by this party Westport-Stockton Colliery. —Considerable development has been made at the new mine. A new haulage-road has recently been completed to an area of about 20 acres to the east of the C tunnel, old mine. The seam is about 6 ft. thick and of good quality. Work at the old mine consists mainly of pillar-extraction. Near the electric-haulage road to the new mine a small area, called Sandeap, of about 4 acres, has been connected up, and. mining operations commenced therein. The seam here is about 7 ft. thick and very hard, and has an excellent sandstone roof. Six pairs of miners are employed on single shift. At the new mine a stone drive, going south-west, is being constructed to shorten the motor-haulage road, and when completed this will allow the extraction of a large section of pillars near the present mine-mouth. A dip in coal going westward is being driven towards a borehole which has proved 18 ft. of hard coal. This dip will command an area of 15 to 20 acres. Early in July a fire, caused by the explosion of a small distributing-magazine, broke out near the mine-mouth. The fire was with difficulty confined to a small area of goaf to the east of the minemouth. The output from the Westport-Stockton Mine for 1918 was 154,120 tons. A fatality occurred in the pillar workings of this mine on the 4th April. Millerton Colliery. —Mangatina and old dip sections : At the Mangatina section coal is still being won along the eastern boundary of the lease near the boardinghouse. The south Mangatina heading has not been extended during the year, but boreholes have heen put down ahead, and to the west of the face of the heading. One of these boreholes proved 11 ft. of coal, and another 13 ft. It is proposed to extend the heading in a south-western direction, and it is anticipated that the coal will be struck within a few chains, the borehole being only 7 chains from the face of the heading. Old dip section :In this section all the miners are employed on solid work. The coal in the headings going south is very steeply inclined, and tho headings were recently stopped. The face of the main heading is only 5 chains from the Mine Creek workings, but the country between is much folded, and all driving to make the connection must now be done from the Mine Creek side. A stone drive to facilitate haulage is proceeding in the old dip section. This drive is parallel to and about 5 chains to the west of the old main jig. Another haulage-road is proposed, going south-west through the workings, towards, an outcrop of coal in the left branch of Granity Creek, and will open up the area near the curved stone drive. Mine Creek Mine. —Most of the output from this extensive area is still obtained from solid workings. Development is to the west and the north, but the northern workings (dip sections) will soon connect to the old dip section. Pillars are being extracted in the top south near the fire area. Heating was apparent in the fire area during November, but prompt measures were taken and water was pumped in through one of the brick stoppings for a few days and the temperature reduced to normal. Last year's output was 240,096 tons, being nearly 40,000 tons less than that of the previous year.



- Denniston Collieries. —The output from the Denniston mines for 1918 was 179,630 tons. These mines suffered severely through the shortage of labour, and tho influenza epidemic was very virulent at Burnett's Face and Denniston. Ironbridge Mine. —Mining operations in the Shaft, Inner Shaft, and Right-hand Kruger's sections are confined to pillar-extraction. No coal was won from the Inner Shaft section during the last six weeks of the year. Upper Kruger's section : A. dip has been driven into an area of coal 10 ft. to 12 ft. thick, lying between this section and the Inner Shaft. The extent of this area has not so far been proved, but present indications are encouraging. No. 8 section : Development in the bottom seam has been continuous, but the area remaining to be won is very limited. A fireclay roof necessitates constant renewal of the timber supports. Deep Creek section : In addition to the extraction of pillars in the old Deep Creek section, a new endless-rope-haulage road is being formed to the Extension field. Thirty chains of heavy formation has been completed and has reached a small area of coal. Tt is intended, to extend this road for another 25 chains to reach the main field. This portion will not be so difficult to construct as that already completed. - Kiwi section.: All coal won from this section has been from pillar-extraction, and used principally for power purposes. An accident of a serious nature occurred in the Kruger's section on the 10th October, the details of which are appended. Coalbrookdale Colliery! —Wareatea jig section : Tho, two winning headings, going due west, have been driven a total distance of 40 chains. The coal won in the headings has been of good quality. Little wide work has yet been done, and if a good haulage-road existed it would be possible to place all the men in the mine in this one section. The output is delivered by horse haulage along a circuitous level. In order to deal with the large output that this section is capable of producing attempts were made to form a new rope-road through heavily fallen ground. A further heavy fall occurred recently, and work on the road has temporarily been stopped. Wareatea Extended section : Tho large " reverse fault " recently met in the main heading has hampered development in this section. During the latter part of the year a number of boreholes have been put down. Coal has been proven at depths varying from 30 ft. to 60 ft. A drive through the fault was made, but the coal met is gradually thinning and is now only 15 in. thick. It is anticipated that 5 chains ahead of the face of the drive thick coal will again be struck. A large area of coal is known to exist south-west of the present workings. No. 8 Cascade section : All of the output from this section is obtained from pillar-extraction. The coal is generally low and the ground very heavy, necessitating the use of a large quantity of timber for supports. Signs of heating were noticed in a place in No. 8 section. The heated coals were immediately filled away and the temperature soon reduced to normal. Callaghan's dip section : A few pairs of miners are still engaged on pillar-extraction. The little dip was stopped owing to the haulage-road becoming dangerous, and only a few stumps of pillars remained. The commodious bathhouse near tho entrance to the Wareatea section has been kept in good order and much used by the miners. A fatality occurred in the Wareatea Extended section on the 12th August, particulars of which are appended. Nelson District. Puponga Mine. —No work has been done at the main mine during tho year, but a party of six miners started pillar-extraction, in September, at the top section. North Cape Mine. —No solid work remains to be done at this mine, and the whole output, 13,225 tons, was obtained from pillar workings. The main dip was stopped early in the year, having struck a " downthrow fault," and, although a good deal of stone-work was done, no coal was proved to exist. A cross-measures drift was driven 219 ft., and two small seams, about 12 in. thick, were pierced. At the inner end of the drive a borehole was put down 20 ft. and struck the conglomerate, so the drive was stopped. The coal-seam being thin the pillars will be exhausted in two years. Fatalities. Three persons lost their lives underground during the past year. On the 17th January a miner named W. Downes, whilst working back " tops " in the Blackball Mine, was struck by a fall of coal and stone with fatal results. On the 4th April E. J. Paterson, a miner, had his neck broken by a fall of coal from the face of the lift in pillar workings at the Stockton Mine. On the" 12th August F. Mitchell, a miner, while in the act of removing his coat from a prop, was struck by a lump of coal falling from the roof. The prop, which had been supporting this coal, had become loosened and fell. When assistance was first rendered a broken leg was suspected, but the deceased's spine was broken, and he died thirteen hours after the accident. Serious but Non-fatal Accidents. Millerlon Mine. —20th April: J. Bazeena, a horse-driver, received a broken leg through falling over a trolly whilst trying to get clear of his horse. Reefton Coal Company's Mine. —24th May : T. Lamberton, a horse-driver, sustained a fractured leg by a branch of a tree being blown by the high winds across the tramway as he was driving from the mine to tho railway-station.



Ironbridge Mine. —loth October: Robert Meadows, a miner, was struck by a fall of coal from the roof in his working-place, and received severe injuries to his spine, and a fractured thigh. Dangerous Occurences requiring Notification according to Regulation 31. Blackball Colliery. —On the sth June a fire occurred at the outcrop on No. 17r> section, but was immediately attended to and subdued. It again broke out on the 17th June, and again subdued after the breaks in tho overlying measures were filled in. Coalbrookdale Colliery. —On the 9th May a small area in No. 8 seotion became heated, and a pair of miners were employed filling away the heated coal. After this was completed the temperature became normal. Stockton Colliery. —On the 4th July a small underground magazine exploded and set fire to the surrounding coal. Water was brought on to the burning area, and a cut subsequently made in the overlying strata over an old bord, thus confining the fire to a small area of old workings. Brunner Mine. —On the 21st March a miner named M. Hallinan was slightly burned about the face and arm by an ignition of a small quantity of firedamp in the stone drive to the fireclay-deposit. Coaldust. —Permitted explosives, as a preventive of coal-dust explosions, are now used at most of the collieries in the district. Many miss-shots have been reported at Blackball and the State mines. Some of these have boon caused through the explosive having absorbed moisture and deteriorated. Others were caused through the shot-firers or deputies not taking sufficient care in the charging of the shot. If the detonator be not central in the shot-hole, then the detonating wave will strike towards the side of the charge, and, losing its effect, portions of the charge will remain unexplodcd. If more care, is taken in the charging of the shot tho number of miss-shots will bo reduced. Southern Inspection District (Mr. E. R. Green, Inspector). Canterbury. Mount Torlesse Collieries (Limited), Avoca. —The mining operations on the Canterbury College lease from outcrops on the north side of Broken River, which were commenced on the 23rd May, 1918, were suspended in October of the same year owing to faulting and pinching of the coal-seam, which had never exceeded 5 ft. in thickness in that section. The manager had introduced the longwall system prior to tho suspension of work. Mining operations were then transferred to the company's Crown lease of 1,000 acres on the south side of Broken River, where several coal-seams, one of considerable thickness, outcrop. These seams occur at very steep angles, varying up to 75°. It was proposed to construct jigs in the coal-seam (having the roof and floor on the sides of the jig) connecting levels, the pillar-extraction to commence from the apex of the top level—bridges of coal being loft under each level to prevent the goaf from falling into the section below. Sheffield Goal-mine, Sheffield.- --Tho shaft had been sunk to the bottom of tho, coal-scam, sft., but no further working had been done during the year. Bush Gully Coal-mine, Coalgale. —Underground mining suspended. Some prospecting-work had been done at surface outcrop to south of former workings. Homebush Coal-mine, Glentunnel.---llngine seam, dip section : Coal-seam to dip having become thin and inferior, the pillars wore extracted and the section stopped off owing to heating in the waste. Workmen were scattered and coal was being won from six separate places on the outcrops of the several seams which had been worked. A 3 ft. 6 in. seam at a depth of 70 ft. below the main scam was expected to continue and provide future output. A boring plant was being obtained to test the ground to the dip of the field. St. Helens Coal-mine, Whilecliffs. —Another drive had been made on the hillside and the small steam plant moved to recover a small known area of seam left at former working. Slaveley Goal-mine, Springbum. — ■ Prospecting on a Crown lease area recently approved. Tripp's Coal-mine, Mount Somers. —Pillar and head coal extraction continued. An air-shaft had been sunk for ventilating the far-in places. Woolmers Coal-mine, Mount Somers. —The 5 ft. coal-seam had been worked until the winter, when snowfalls caused temporary stoppage. Albury Coal-mine, Albury. —A heavy fall underground blocked the lower level, rendering it necessary to drive around in the solid to the dip to recover the working-faces. Meanwhile an old drive to the rise was reopened to get the pillars supposed to have been left. Allanholme Coal-mine, Waihao Forks. —Dip drive, 200 ft. to the working-face in a good seam of lignite, probably the best seen in the district. St. Andrew's Coal-mine, Papakaio. —The old mine had become worked out and work was suspended in September. Prince Alfred Coal-mine, Papakaio. —Some heating had occurred in the dip pillared section, which was blocked off in time. Ventilation fair. Ngapara Coal-mine, Ngapara.—A small mine worked for local requirements. Ventilation good. Shag Point (Old) Mine, Shag Point. -Pillaring and robbing continued. Rise workings almost finished. A contracted known area to dip was being driven on. Some heating from the waste had been stopped off.



Shag Point Coal Company's Coal-mine, Shag Point. —Developing to dip ; advancing levels suspended meantime, consequently ventilation improved by the shortening of airways. Coal Creek Coal-mine, Coal Creek Flat. —Opencast working in good order. McPherson's Coal-mine, Coal Creek Flat. —Low-level drain being put in with dredging-scrcens for pipes, side pressure being very heavy. Alexandra Coal-mine, Alexandra. —The seam to dip was continuing beyond the boundary, and an extension of the coal area was being applied for. Workings in good order. Ventilation good. Cromwell Coal-mine, Cromwell. —Dip driven 6 chains in the seam at an angle of 30° ; coal-seam split. Return airway made. Shepherd's Creek Coal-mine, Bannoekhurn. Installing new steam boiler on the surface. Pillar working to dip continued. Running sand overlying the seam much dryer than at first working ; water lias apparently been drained off, thus permitting pillar and head coal extraction. Gibson's Coal-mine, Bannockburn. —Drive to dip and level broken away. Cardrona Coal-mine, Cardrona. —Opencast. Stripping surface by sluicing with water brought in for the purpose. The almost vertical seam appeared to be making going southward. Gibbston Coal-mine, Gibbston. —Pillar-extraction continued. Mine in good order and ventilation good. Nevis (E. J. Williams) Coal-mine, Nevis. —A small drive had been put in, but stripping being shallow the lessee proposes removing it by sluicing. Nevis Crossing Coal-mine, Nevis. —This opencast pit had not been reopened since the severe winter, but is expected to start soon. Fernhill Coal-mine, Abbotsford. —Ventilation good. Additional second outlet provided, with ladderway at near working-places. \ Freeman's Coal-mine, Abbotsford. Places in good working order and ventilation good. Green Island Coal-mine, Green Island. —A new entrance had been made owing to the former one having fallen in. Substantial fire-stoppings in against the waste. Ventilation is to bo improved by extra brattice, and ladderway in shaft to be completed. Jubilee Coal-mine, Saddle Hill. —Withdrawing pillar coal; stentons kept up for ventilation. A drive was being projected towards Walton Park old workings, some considerable distance away. Saddle Hill Nos. 1 and 2 Mines, Saddle Hill. —Pillar and head coal extraction. Fan ventilation good. East, Taieri Goal-mine, East Taieri. —Pillar and head coal extraction continued, Tho " creep " necessitated close attention to timbering for safety. Brighton Coal-mine, Brighton. —Preparing for increased output from the new inlet. Shaft sunk for ventilation. Salisbury Coal-mine, North Taieri. —Prospecting by boring on the flat and driving into the hillside, at several points, at one of which a 6 ft. seam of lignite had been struck. Waronui Coal-mine, Milton. —Floor heaving badly in remaining pillaring area to rise where output being obtained. Fan ventilation good. MeGilp's Coal-mine, Milton. —Natural ventilation not entirely satisfactory on occasions when weather unfavourable ; workmen were then withdrawn. Taralu Coal-mine, Lovell's Flat. —The old mine is exhausted and outlet closed. Barclay's seam near surface is over 20ft. in thickness, with strong roof; bords are driven to tho outcrop. Pillar and head coal has been withdrawn from the fault. In the shaft seam a new drive from the waterlevel to the dip had been commenced. Mahara Coal-mine, Kaitangata.- -Worked chiefly for local summer sales. A company was being formed to increase the scale of operations. Port Arthur Coal-mine, Kaitangata.- -Work suspended meantime as the seam between outcrop and the, fault had apparently been worked out. Smoke was coming from the mine-mouth, which had fallen in. Longridge Coal-mine, Kaitangata- Output continued on a small scale. Kaitangata No. 1 Mine, Kaitangata.—No. 21 dip section had become worked out to No. 19 dip, at which the air-shaft pillars had been left intact. The output had been chiefly derived from Mundy's dip and No. 6 dip sections. At No. 6 dip section the usual methods of extraction had been followed —viz., development in solid and robbing pillar and head coal backward, leaving ample, coal barriers for isolation of worked panels by permanent ash and sand fire-stoppings inserted at all openings. Mundy's dip section of work had provided substantial output from pillar and head coal in retreat toward, the dip haulage-way. Firedamp had occasionally been reported as occurring at the edges of the goaves and gate-end lips, when workmen were not permitted to enter the section until these places had been made safe by ventilation or stopped off as occasion required. The largest quantity of firedamp reported as accumulated at one time during the year amounted to 500 cubic feet, on the 24th August, 1918. Kaitangata No. 2 Mine, Kaitangata. —Workings in Nos. 1 and 2 dips were drawing in gradually ; the " creep " was still in evidence, consequently much contraction of haulage-roads and airways necessitating constant renewals of timber and air-spaces for ventilation. The cross-measures stone



drive, had met the coal-seam somewhat troubled and disturbed, but a pair of levels wore being driven northerly m the seam for prospecting purposes. The 6 ft. scam had boon further developed, and was round to be continuous over an area as yet undetermined. The fan drift outlet was being lined with concrete to prevent leakage. This mine continued to be reported free from firedamp, but salety-lamps only are permitted to be used. Castle Hill Mine, Kaitangata.- -The blower of gas mot in Carson's seam has ceased. Owing to shortage, of miners at Kaitangata collieries this mine had not been worked full-handed durin°- the year. ° The Inspector of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has again reported that the ponies and pit-horses at Kaitangata mines wore well cared for. Materials for construction of bath and change house are on tho ground ready for erection when workmen are available. Benhar Coal-mine, Stirling.—Dip driven through the fault and levels opened on both sides ; seam thick and strong, making good roof and sides. Stevenson Collieries, Stirling.— Large timbers used for support of roof in this thick seam of stron" lignite. Pukerau Coal-mine, Pukerau.— -Lignite produced for local requirements until the winter period, when, the pit was closed down. Whiterigg Coal-mine, East Gore— Output steadily maintained. Seam strong and safely worked. Green's Coal-mine, Gore.— The new air-shaft provided for adequate clearance of powder-smoke from working-faces. The old pillar " fire "is kept down by water laid on for the purpose. Bushy Park Coal-mine, Gore. —Opencast pit. Lignite used locally. Burnwell Coal-mine, North Chatton.—A new inlet and haulage-way for output being made. Ramsay's Coal-mine, North Chatton. -Working continued steadily. Seam strong and worked safely. Pyramid Coal-mine, Riversdale. —Only 166 tons of coal was obtained as the result of prospecting and boring. Mining is again discontinued. Glenlee Coal-mine, Waikaka. —An opencast pit worked for local requirements. Greenvale Coal-mine, Waikaka. —Unwatered and preparing for resumption of work-. Rossvale Coal-mine, Waikaia. —Safely robbing head and pillar coal. Waikaia Coal-mine, Waikaia. —A small output; only one man employed. Argyle Coal-mine, Waikaia. —An opencast pit supplying local trade. Waikaia. Oil-shale Development Company, Muddy Terrace. —The area having been proved by the Government boring-drill, application has been made for a lease, and development may be expected at an early date. Princhester Creek Coal-mine, The Key. Opencast pit. Coal-deposit irregular ; stripping heavy. Mataura Collieries, Mataura.—The, mine, which had been flooded by the backwaters of the Mataura River during winter storms, was restored, and coal-production was proceeding steadily. The powder-magazine is well kept. Mataura Lignite-mine, Mataura.- -Natural ventilation at present adequate, but this may be expected to become insufficient as underground working extends Nightcaps No. 1 Mine, Nightcaps. No. I. Section : Pillaring outward to head of No. 3 winch dip. A dip drive in the resin seam has been commenced. No. 3or Lloyd's dip section : The lower workingfaces were about 10 chains from the public-road line. Rise workings pillared safely. . Nightcaps No. 2 Mine, Mount Hilda. —Seam 20 ft. to 25 ft. in thickness. The opencast face had slipped in, but was being reopened. The coal-seam in prospecting-drivo underground is steeply inclined at an inclination of 1 in 2. Black Diamond Coal-mine, Nightcaps. —Being developed on the bord-and-pillar system. A new tram-line had been laid for conveyance of coal from the mine to Nightcaps public road. Burndale Coal-mine, Nightcaps. —Driving to the dip from the outcrop. Water-inflow rather heavy. Previously driving from the outcrop in the 9 ft. coal-seam. Coaldale Coal-mine, Nightcaps. —Working was recently suspended pending Ohai Railway extension. New Brighton Coal-mine, Wairio.- -Driving to dip, tho seam having been enlarged from 5 ft. to 7 ft. in thickness. Fan ventilation fair. Wairio Coal-mine, Wairio. —Extraction of pillar coal continues, but the end of the old mineworkings is in sight. A prospecting-drive to the rise has developed a small area of workable coal. An application had been made for a lease over an adjoining area into which it was hoped that the coalseam existed. McKenzie and Sheddan's Coal-mine, Nightcaps. —A new mine. 199 tons had been won when the coal-seam became faulted and disappeared. Work now suspended. Wairaki Coal-mine, Nightcaps- -Only a small output had been obtained when operations were suspended ponding the extension of the Wairio Branch Railway to Ohai. Mossbank Coal-mine, Nightcaps. Is now oponcasting the seam, which had previously been won by underground mining. A connection by tram-line made with Wairio Branch Railway extension provides at present for limited output. Linton Coal-mine, Nightcaps. —There are two seams averaging 10 ft. to 12 ft. each of coal separated by a 4 ft. band of stono. Foujcjmen'were employed winning coal by opencast for land sale. It was anticipated|that the. Wairio Railway extension would be completed before winter, as the mine was ready to produce coal.



Diamond Lignite-pit, Seaward Bush. —Some driving had previously been done, but opencast working has been reverted to. Stripping is not well kept back from the face, also one part of face is undermined. I strongly pointed out to the workman the danger of this. Orepuki Coal-mine, Orepuki. -Opencast pit on the banks of Waimeamea Stream. The Orepuki Shale Company has recently resumed work, and a mine was being driven in the seam. Soulhporl Coal-mine, Preservation Inlet. —A coal lease had been granted over 1,000 acres of Crown land at Gulches Head, Preservation Inlet. Three drives had been put in to the face of coal, but no development has been done since the lease was issued. The two seams proved to be 4 ft. and 6 ft. in thickness respectively. Fatal Accidents. Kaitangata No. 2 Mine, Kaitangata.- r-Srd July: Edgar Salzborger, 34, miner—fracture of spine and extensive bruising of left lung by fall of stone from low roof and side while preparing for a sot of timber. Death ensued on the 21st November from hemorrhage of left lung, caused, according to the medical certificate, by Salzborger having contracted a severe cold, and violent coughing had brought on tearing of old pleuritic, adhesions due to the accident. Nightcaps Coal-mine, Nightcaps. —17th October: Michael Prendeville, 42, miner--fracture of skull behind ear, struck by a falling prop at the working-place. Mossbank Coal-mine, Nightcaps. —l.9th December : David McKonzie, 42, mine-manager under permit—fractured thigh and internal injuries by a fall of coal from side of opencast pit while passing by. Serious Non-fatal Accidents. Castle Hill Coal-mine, Kaitangata. —4th April: Benjamin Beardsmore, 40, repairer—hand jambed against prop by a rolling stono, necessitating amputation of little finger of left hand ; 107 days off work. Bth October : Josh. Gilmour, 37, miner—scalp wound and general bruising ; struck by piece of coal falling from face ; 59 days off work. Kaitangata No. 2 Mine, Kaitangata. —24th April: Alexander Morrison, 44, miner- fracture of skull and left thigh by fall of stone from, roof while working at the face ; still off work. New Brighton Coal-mine, Wairio. 11th May: A. 0. Dixon, 33, miner—dislocation of loft thigh by fall of stone from roof while, setting timber ; 55 days off work. Taratu Coal-mine, Lovell's Flat. —27th May : James Thompson, son., 54, miner—fracture of right clavicle ; crushed against working-face by coal-box while filling ; 108 days off work. Nightcaps No. 7 Mine, Nightcaps. —l3th June : Patrick Hayden, 34, miner—fracture of left foot, caught between rail and wheel of box of coal being lifted on to the road ; 95 days off work". Nightcaps Coal-mine, Nightcaps. - -27th June : J. Sheehan, 35, miner—crushed left foot by a rolling lump while picking coal; 105 days off work. 29th November : Herbert Dahren, 27, miner— dislocated left shoulder and bruises ; while barring a lump of coal it gave away unexpectedly ; still off work. Kaitangata No. 1 Mine, Kaitangata.--2nd July : Gordon Beadle, 18, horse-driver —fracture of left thigh ; caught between empty boxes and timber on roadside ; 167 days off work. Bth July : Alfred E. Hawkins, 37, minor- -compound fracture of right tibia and bruised chest by fall of coal and timber while repairing ; still off work. Bth July :L. L. Grimshaw, 29, miner—bruised back and right knee by fall of coal and timber while repairing ; 120 days off work. Bth July : William W. Miller, 40, miner—crushed chest and hip-joint by fall of coal and timber while repairing ; 60 days off work. 13th August : William Miller, 35, miner—bruised lumbar muscles and laceration of ear ; struck by proud coal flying from face ; still unable to werk. Taratu Coal-mine, Lovell's Flat. —20th July: A. Cunningham, 50, miner—fracture of rib, left side, and bruised chest; prop fell while setting it ;61 days off work. Stevenson Collieries, Stirling. —-30th July: A. C. McLelland, 43, mine-manager—severe burns of face and arms by ignition of blasting-powder while serving it out; still off work. Freeman's Coal-mine, Abbotsford. —Bth October : J. McGilvary, 42, miner—bruised chest and right forearm ; struck by runaway coal-box ; 77 days off work. Coal-miners' Relief Fund. A total of 129 accidents was reported to me during the year, mainly in connection with the Coalminers' Relief Fund. Of those, four claims were not prosecuted or disallowed as ineligible, applicants being less than one week off work, leaving 125 cases of workmen disabled for a period of one week or more on account of accidents. The following is an abstract of accidents : — Above Below Ground. Ground. Fatal accidents . . .. .. . . .. .. 1 2 Non-fatal accidents (serious and severe) .. .. 16 (ordinary) .. .. .. .. ..11 96 Totals .. .. .. .. .. ..12 114 Eye accidents from flying coal comprised seven of the accidents reported. Fortunately all were able to resume work in from twelve to sixteen days from the date of accident. Four eye cases occurred at Kaitangata, one at Mahara (near Kaitangata), one at Nightcaps, and one at Shag Point. At the end of the year five claimants severely injured remained on the fund,

8-0, 2,





Name of Mine and Locality. Name of Manager. Fl at as (-1 o Qualitv of Coal. 2 ZC -;S Thickness of Seams. Thickness worked. ' ~ Approximate System of i •Ri*«i fhriaim* Total Underground! © Output to working. I % ior iiua. 31st December, 1 *§ 1917. Approximate Total Output to 31st December, 1918. Number of Men ordiuarily employed. as o m "3 o Means of Ventilation. NORTHERN INSPECTION DISTRICT. North Auckland Coalfields. Whangarei, North Coal Company Northern Tauronga, Hikurangi .. Northern Crown Lease, Hikurangi Northern Kiripaka, Kiripaka .. ■ II '| ! E. J. Scoble .. 8 Semi - bitu- j 1 6' to 10' 6' to 10' Bord and 2 j minous ; pillar H. Tipton .. 21 Ditto . .. 1 6' 5' I Ditto .. 1 G. Doel .. .. IJ „ .. 1 6' to 7' 6' to 7' ., .. 1 E.Nelson .. 3* „ .. 1 5'to 11' Full „ ..4 I | E. A. Cunningham.. 4J- „ .. i 1 5'to 8' 5'to 8' „ ..1 F. H. Kells .. 3 „ .. "2 3' to 10' Full „ .. .. G. Doel .. li „ .. | 1 5' 5' ., .. 1 A. H. Taylor .. 27 „ • .. 1 6' to 10' ' 6' to 10' „ .. 3 T.Thomson .. 5 Brown .. ] 1 '• 10' 8' Bord and .. pillar W. Wood .. 30 : „ .. 1 | 10' to 34' 20' Ditto .. 2 A. Penman .. 1 ,. .. : 1 6' to 15' 7' ,. .... A. Burt .. .. 3J: „ ... 1 , 16' to 18' 6' to 12' „ .. : ..' R. Greenwell .. 6J; Lignite .. 1 15' 15'and 6' Opencast ; .. and bord and pillar W T . C. Davies .. 2jt Brown .. 1 161' 12' Bord and pillar A.Morgan .. ' 2 j Lignite ..1 12' 9' . Level .. j ..! evious statements at which operations are abandoned or suspended .. ! .. ! Tons. I Tons, j 3,7150 26,908 j 1,778 610,964 10,701 22.512 : 28,633 325,959 j 469 ! 21,197 6,924 i 9,569 7,733 ! 1,855 65,361 I 1,099,922 69,085 319,699 j 203,015 2,182,181 31,618 1,656 114,458 181,966 3,782 17,085 2,254 920 217 75 i 3,721,489 Tons. 30,658 612,742 33,213 354,592 21,666 i 16,493 9,588 j 1,165,283 388,784 2,385,196 33,274 296,424 20,867 } 3,174 \ 292 ! 3,721,489 ■ 4 1 I i ! 18 1 34 25 71 28 50 3 2 1 20 24 : Fan. 4 5 ■ Natural. 7.81 30 48 : Fan one sec tion,, others natural. 2 3 j Natural. 8 10 9 10 75 109 j Fan. 48 73 | „ 302 | 373 \ „ 41 69 { „ 110 I 160 „ 1 i 4 i Natural. - 4 : 6 1 2 ; Northern Co-operative, Hikurangi Kerr and Wyatt, Hikurangi Foot and Docl, Hikurangi Hikurangi Waikato Coalfields. Waipa, Glen Massey Taupiri Extended, Huntly Taupiri Rotowaro, Rotowaro .. Pukemiro, Pukemiro Huntly Coal and Brick, Huntly.. Waikato Extended, Huntly West Greeneastle, Aria .. .. i Output of mines included in pi Nelson Coalfield. Puponga Colliery WEST COfAST INSPECTION DISTRICT. A. J. McHardy .. 15 Bituminous 1 5' 6* j Full height | Bord and pillar William Morgan .. : 8 „ 1 | 2J to 4|' | „ Ditto .. .. 729 215,453 13,225 54,697 j 216,182 67.922 i 3 15 4 ; 7 ! Natural. 20 35 ! Mechanical North Cape Colliery ..



Butler Coalfield. Co-operative Mine .. .. H. Chester (P.) .. 4 Bituminous j 1 ; Coal Creek Mine .. i.. W. McGuire .. 3 „ 1 Westport-Stockton Colliery . . P. Hunter .. 10 „ 1 Millerton Colliery .. " .. R. Fox and W. Pear- 27 „ 1 son Ironbridge Colliery .. .. i G. Smith 27 „ 2 Ooalbrookdale Colliery ..IN. Milligan 38 „ 1 Rocklands Mine .. .. J. P. Burley (P.) .. 16 j Brown .. 1 I i 10' 8' Bord and . . pillar 5' 5' Ditto .. 1 4' to 20' Full height „ .. 2 5' to 14' .. „ .. .. 3' to 30' „ I 4'to 20' .. ...... j" 27' 8' , 2,813 j 4,007 154,120 240,096 179,630 130 4,661 7,474 1 5 5,031 9,038 3 6 1,203,492 1,357,612 87 189 5,252,425 5,492,521 56 j 350 n cm -oo - -oi .no : I 60 141 ,,601,o88 i,i81,218 : , 7,065 7,195 .. 2 6 Natural. 9 276 Mechanical 406 201 j 190 2 Natural. lnanijalnia Coalfield. Coghlan's Freehold Mine .. : J. Coghlan (P.) .. 22 Semi - bitu- 1 minous Archer's Freehold Mine .. F. W. Archer (P.) .. 23 Ditto .. 2 Reefton Coal Company's Mine .. A. Thompson .. 17 ,, .. 1 Deep Creek Mine .. .. E. F. Lockington (P.) 17 ,, ..2 Phoenix and Venus Mine .. W. Julyan (P.) 37 ,, .. 2 Lankey's Creek Mine .. ..' F. Knight (-P.) ..16 „ ..1 Louglman's Mine .. .. H. Griggs (P.) 32 „ .. 1 Big River Mine .. .. W. Kirwan (P.) .. 5 „ ..1 WaitahuMine .. .. J I. Rhodes (P.) .. 16 „ ..1 Morris and Learmont's Mine .. J. Eager (P.) .. 5 ' „ .. 1 G-rey Valley Coalfield. Paparoa Colliery .. .. j H. Talbot .. 10 j Bituminous 1 Blackball Colliery .. .. : G. Davidson .. 28 „ 2 North Brunner Colliery .. J. Armstrong .. 9 „ 1 Brunner Colliery . . . . R. jVlison 54 '. „ 1 12' 8' Bord and .. pillar 9'to 12' 8'to 10' Ditto .. . .'■ 12' 8' 28' 7' „ .. .. 25' to 30' 8' „ .. .. 8' r „ .. .. 4' Full height 2'to 12' ., 14' 8' 20' 8' 5' to 25' Full height Bord and pillar 17' 15' Ditto 3'to 10' Full height 4'to 12' .. 1,100 940 i 6,636 877 : 3,516 295 1,552 766 160 395 34,145 121.259 11,489 11.090 6,826 7,926 .. 2 1 20,216 21.156 1 2 32,570 | 39,206 6 9 3,696 I 4.573 3 2 37,920 : 41,436 2 4 24,789 ! 25,084 .. 2 15,047 ' 16,599 1 2 3,431 4,197 .. 2 4,719 4,879 3 4 125 520 .. 3 263,549 297,694 20 65 2,588,380 2,709,639 57 l 227 104,384 i 115,873 16 ' 24 2,408,252 2,419,342 8 12 2 ! Natural. 15 j 5 ! „ 6 ! 2 i 2 : 7 j „ 3 85 Mechanical 284 : 40 | Natural. 20 : Mechanical i X.Z. State Coal-mines. Point Elizabeth Colliery .. O. J. Davis .. 14i: Bituminous 2 Liverpool Colliery .. .. W. Parsonage .. 6 ! „ 3 Output of mines included in previous statements at which operations are abai 4'to 16' 4'to 10' Bord and .. pillar 4'to 16' I Full height Ditto .... mdoned or suspended .. .... 95,106 | 113,013 i - 2,255,717 2,350,823 42 92 472,471 585,484 ! 76 ' 222 2,135,249 2,135,249 .. 134 298 ! Canterbury. SOUTHERN INSPECTION DISTRICT. Mount Torlesse, .. W. Leitch .. 1 Brown .. 1 Bush Gully, Coalgate .. .. James Gillick .. 5 „ .. 1 Homebush, (ilentunnel .. j James Gillick .. 45 „ .. 1 St. Helens, Whitecliffs .. J. Sutherland 37 „ . . 1 Tripp's, Mount Somers .. J. McClimont (P.) ..- 52 „ ..1 Woohner's, Mount Somers .. J. Watt (P.) .. 2 „ .. 1 Stavely, Stavely .. .. D. Kane . . .. 1 „ . . 1 Te lioana. Geraldine .. .. G. D. Macfarlanc .. 4 „ .. 1 ' Albury, Albury .. .. T. F. Slowey (P.) .. ! 27 j „ ..1 5' 5' Bord and : 1 j pillar 5' 5' Ditto .. 1 6' 6' .... I 6' 5' .. I 1 40' 15' „ .. 1 5' 4' 6' „ .. 1 ; Variable 8' Semi-ver- ..; tical 5' 5' Bord and pillar 16' 10' Ditto .. 1 2,946 396 10,172 688 2,278 644 80 j 2 932 2,946 21 j 35 37,183 j 37,579 1 2 | 299,578 i 309,750 : 9 29 26,874 : 27,562 1 3 68,138 ! 70,416 1 3 294 938 1 2 80 . .. 2 145 147 16,785 18,717 1 4 56 Fan. 3 38 Natural. 4 4 3 2



COLLIERY STATISTICS, 1918— continued.

Name of Mine and Locality. Name of Manager. fi t5 Quality of Coal. "c • Thickness of m"S Seams. £ c Thickness worked. System of 2 ™ . . 0lltnllt Underground: ° °fo rl q ]8 P working. 3 for 1918. i so I a I Number of Men Approximate { Approximate ordinarily employed. Total Totai Output to Output to — 7— j - 31st December.' 31st December, 1917.. 1918. Ill , < =3 H Means of Ventilation. SOUTHERN INSPECTION DISTRICT— continued. Canterbury —continued. Allanholm, Waihao Forks .. A. Todd (P.) .. 3 A. E. Kirk, Waihao Forks .. J. Corry .. .. 1 Dalgety's, Hakataramea .. E. W. Ensor .. 37 North Otago. St. .Andrew's, Papakaio .. T. Nimmo (P.) .. 40 Prince Alfred, Papakaio .. A. Beardsmore (P.) 49 Ngapara, Naapara .. .. W. Nimmo (P.) .. 40 Shag Point (old mine), Shag Point W. H. Hunt (P.) .. 4 Shag Point Coal-mining Company Job Hughes .. 10 Central Otago. Larsen and Brown's, Kyeburn .. Larsen and Brown.. j 1 Coal Creek. Roxburgh .. J. Barber .. j 48 McPherson's, Coal Creek Flat .. J. Weatherall (P.) .. j 48 Perseverance.. .. ..J. Craig .. .. j 31 Alexandra, .Alexandra.. .. .A. W. Whittlestone ' 37 Cambrian, Cambrian .. .. David Jones ... 57 Laudervale. Cambrian .. J. Rutherford .. 14 St. Bathan's, St. Bathan's .. J. Enwright .. 21 Roughridge, Oturehua .. J. Beck (P.) .. 32 Idaburn, Oturehua . . .. J. White (P.) .. 48 Gimmerbum, Gimmerburn .. C. Dougherty .. 62 Cromwell, Cromwell . . A. Scott . . .. 4 Shepherd's Creek, Bannockburn W. R. Parcell .. 41 Gibson's, Bannockburn .. J. Gibson (P.) .. 1 Cardrona, Cardrona .. .. R. McDougall (P.). . 34: Gibbston. Gibbston .. .. R. Cowan (P.), .. 32 Nevis, Nevis.. .. .. E. J. Williams (P.) 18 Nevis Crossing, Nevis .. . . R. Ritchie .. 15 Dillon's, Blackstone Hill .. J.Dillon.. ..'•'211 Tons. Brown ..1 15' 9' : Bord and .. 1,264 pillar „ ..15' 5' Open .. .. 73 .. 1 30' 15' Bord and pillar Brown ..1 7' 6' Bord and 1 397 pillar .. 1 9' 7' Ditto .. 1 1,516 ..1 25' 8' „ .. 1 725 „ .. 1 4' 4' „ .. 1 1,460 „ .. 1 5' 5' .. 1 10,676 Lignite .. 1 2' 2' Open .... 2 „ .. 1 20' 7' „ .. .. 395 ..1 10' 20' „ ..1 1,786 ..1 75' 25' Bord and 1 8 pillar ..1 11' 7' Ditto .. 1 3,680 ..1 30' .All Open .. .. 422 .. 1 12' „ „ .. .. ..1 20' 20' „ .... 130 ..1 20' 20' , 1.342 .. 1 | 20' 20' „ .. .. 962 •• 1 12' 12' „ .. 1 7' 6' Bord and .. 1,029 pillar ..1 12' 6' ' Ditto .. .. 5,699 ! .. 1 18' 8' : Dip and 1 316 ! levels ..1 10' 10' Open .... 130 ..I 15' 10' Bord and .. 1,096 pillar .. 1 20' 20' Levels .. .. 358 ..1 16' 16' Open .... 360 ..1 12' 12' „ .-. .. 10 Tons. 753 I 3,590 56,708 62,445 31,491 409,928 34,142 60,677 70,634 60,491 93.450 49,071 1,309 6.151 31,038 46,284 3,253 i 3,019 86.558 | 25,928 23.559 I 6,575 13,365 282 i Tons. 2,017 73 3,590 57,105 63.961 32,216 411,388 44,818 2 61,072 72,420 • 60,499 97,130 49,493 1.309 6,281 32,380 47,246 3,253 4,048 92,257 316 26,058 24,655 6,933 13.725 292 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 » 2 1 - 1 I 2 i 2 1 2 i 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 10 4 3 2 2 6 21 i 10 2 3 6 Natural. 2 4 Natural. 3 3 31 2 Natural. 3 8 Exhaust steam: 2 2 ■ 3 j Exhaust steam. 12 | 3 : Natural. 3 5 Natural. 1 2 j



South Olitrjo. Fernhill, Abbotsford .. .. Thomas Gray (P.).. 41 Lignite .. 1 I Freeman's, Abbotsford .. G. F. Whittlestone 3S ' „ .. 1 | Green Island, Green Island .. T. Barclay, jun. .. 31 „ .. 1 Jubilee. Saddle Hill .. .. T. Barclay .. 21 „ ■ .. j 1 j Saddle Hill (No. 1), Saddle Hill Robert Hill .. 46 „ .. i 1 ! Saddle Hill (No. 2), Saddle Hill Robert Hill .. 17 „ .. 1 East Taieri, Riecarton .. W. Coulter (P.) .. 7 „ .. I Salisbury. North Taieri .. L. C. Hazlett .. 8 „ .. 1 Brighton. Brighton .. .. H. C. Russell (P.) .. 3 „ .. 1 , Waronui, Milton .. .. James Carruthers .. 14 Brown .. 1 McGilp's, Milton .. .. James Carruthers 14 „ 1 Taratu, Lovell's Flat .. A. Morris .. 17 Lignite .. 3 Mahara. Kaitangata .. J. Neilson (P.) .. 10 Brown ..1.1 Port Arthur, Kaitangata .. J. M. Morrison .. 9 ,, .. ! 1 > Longridge, Kaitangata .. N. Maekie (P.) 10 ,, 1 N.Z. Coal and Oil Company (Limited )— • Kaitangata No. 1, Kaitangata A. S. Gillanders 42 ,, .. 1 Kaitangata No. 2, Kaitangata W. Carson .. 6 „ 3 Castle Hill, Kaitangata .. W. Carson .. 25 „ .. ! 1 Benhar, Stirling .. .. J. Walls (P.) .. 55 Lignite .. 1 Stevenson Collieries, Stirling .. J. Throp (P.) .. 2 ■ „ .. 1 Southland. Pukerau. Pukerau .. .. I F. A. Junker (P.) .. 38 Lignite .. 1 Whiterigs?, East Gore .. .. W. C. Johnston (P.) 40 ; „ .. 1 Green's. Gore .. .. J. Mason.. .. j 30 ,, .. 1 Bushy Park, Croydon .. G. M. Wilson ..13 „ .. 1 Burn well. North Chatton .. W. Mclvor (P.) .. 19 j „ .. 1 Ramsay's. North Chatton .. J. Ramsay (P.) .. 15 ,, .. 1 Glenlee, Waikaka .. .. | D. T. McGill (P.) .. 25 „ .. 1 Greenvale. Waikaka .. .. A. A. Edge (P.) .. 2 „ ..1 Kelly, W., Greenvale .. ... A. A. Edge (P.) .. 1 „ .... Pyramid, Pyramid .. , .. E. Jones .. .. 2 ,, 1 Rossvale, Waikaia .. .. . R. Craig (P.) .. , 15 „ .. 1 Waikaia. Waikaia .. .. J. Johnston (P.) . . ■ 10 ,, .. 1 Argyle, Waikaia .. .. M. C. Hutton .. | 27 „ .. 1 I Princhester Creek, The Key .. J. A. Denton .. j 16 ,, .. | 1 Mataura Collieries, Mataura .. R. Brown .. ! 22 ,, .. ! 1 Mataura Lignite, Mataura .. E. Charles .. I 42 ,, • ■ ■ 1 Heatherlee, Waimumu .. F. Barber « .. 7 ! ,, .. 1 Torrie, Andrew, Waimumu .. A. Torrie.. .. 1 ,, 1 Ota Creek, Wyndham.. .. E. Genge (P.) .. 38 „ .. 1 Clarke's, Wyndham .. .. ! Hunter and Rice .. 11 : ,, .. 1 Glenham, Wyndham .. .. [ N. McEwan .. 3 ,, .. 1 ' 11' 8' 10 to 12 All 10' 8' 6 to 10 All 20' 20' 20' 20' 10' 7' 6' 6' 6' 6' 18' 8' 12' 10' 6' to 30' 7' to 15' O' 7' 10' 8' 4' 4' 25' to 32' All 26' and 7' AH 18' 18' 25' 12' to 16' 15' 10' 14' 14' 20' 12' 20' 14' 20' 18' 20' 12' 20' 15' 14' 10' 14' 10' 14' . 10' 9' 8' 10' 8' 8' 6' 12' 12' 6' 6' 17' 12' IS' 14' 10' 8' 8' All 9' 9' 12' 12' 6' 6' Bord and I 1 pillar Ditto .. 3 .. 1 ■ • 1 ..1 Level .. '< 1 Bord and | 1 pillar Ditto .. 1 .. 1 • - 2 ! Open .. J Bord and ' 1 pillar Ditto .. 1 Open .... Bord and 1 pillar Ditto .. J .. Open .... Bord and \ 1 1 pillar Open .... Bord and pillar Ditto .. ! 1 .. 1 I Open .. .. i Bord and 1 pillar Ditto .. Open .. I .. 3,0!»8 11.350 3,565 20.497 j 8,088 I 16.136 2,751 15 i 468 j 12.048 18.036 47,391 1.538 1,614 184 ! 124.985 8.924 3,262 301 3,366 16,121 415 845 ; 1,892 971 111 166 1,889 209 331 J 88 I 10.264 ! 17,095 64 101 1.550 403 159,219 557, 594 131,444 339,971 241.997 250,264 15.108 4.433 3.513 190,936 40,127 307,076 2,249 1,312 3.814 3,507,495 169,834 196 42.103 68,144 j 190,275 22,514 40,505 84,951 15,890 770 2.775 40.237 14.753 5.711 1,731 187,016 173,050 ! 564 I 21,308 14,894 385 : 162,317 ■ 3 ' 568,944 9 135,009 3 360,468 10 250,08a 4 ! 266,400 7 17,859. i 1 i 4,448 I 2 j 3,981 1 202,984 13 58,183 I 2 354,467 16 3,787 2 I 2.926 ! 3 3,998 ' .. 3,632,480 • gg 178,758 1 '3,438 ; 3 42.404 : 1 J 71,510 1 [ 206,396 3 22.929 1 41,350 i 1 86,843 1 i 16,861 , .. 770 . .. Ill 1 I 2,941 1 42,126 1 14.962 1 6,042 2 1,819 1 197,280 ■ 2 190,145 8 628 I 1 101 ! .. 22,858 j 2 15,297 I 2 385 > .. 4 22 I IS 6 4 14 16 52 1 111 109 6 6 8 2 9 2 3 8 7 7 \ Natural. 20 Fan. 7 ! Furnace. 32 12 I Fan. 7 I Natural. 2 5 27 Fan. 18 Natural. 68 Fan & natural, 5 Natural. 145 I Fan. 148 ,. 7 Exhaust steam. 9 J Natural. 1 3 Exhaust steam. 11 ' Fan. 1 I 3 ! Natural. i 3 Natural. 4 1 2 1 10 Exhaust steam. 15 1 I



COLLIERY STATISTICS, 1918— continued.

jN ame of Mine and Locality. Name of Manager. -r Quality of Coal. I m "g j Thickness of t-1, Seams. fS* Thickness worked. ! . I ~ ' Approximate Approximate System of C . Tnf „, n„tn„t Total Total Underground = ,„,c,vf Output to Output to working. £ iorj.»ro. , 3i s t December, : 31st December, ■S " 1917. 1918. I I ' Number of Men ordinarily employ d. M(*ans of Ventilation. SOUTHERN INSPECTION DISTRICT— continued. Southland —continued. Tons. Tons. Toils Nightcaps No. 1, Nightcaps .. W. Barclay .. I 37 Brown .. i 3 6', 12'. and All | Bord and 2 43,024 |~) , 16' pillar 25 70 95 ! Two fans am Nightcaps X.». 2. Nightcaps .. W. Ban-lay .. 2 „ ..1 28' 20' Bord and .. 10,781 U, 254, 144 1,307,949 natural, /gj pillar [_ 9 5 14 Natural. And open Black Diamond, Nightcaps .. G. Tinker (P.) ..3 „ ..1 25' 10' Bord and .. 4.352 ' 2,752 7,104 3 5 8 pillar Burndale (Beattie's), Nightcaps G. Beattie (P.) ..4 „ ..1 9' 7' Ditto .. .. 923 34 957 1 3 4: „ - Coaldale. Nightcaps .. J Robertson .. j 1 ,, .. 1 10' 6' ,, .... 665 .. 665 2 5 7 „ New Brighton. Nightcaps .. W.Dixon .. 12 „ ..1 7' All „ .. 1 7,092 48,529 55,621 4 13 17 Fan. Wairio, Nightcaps .. .. C. R. Heycock ..13 „ ..I 14' All „ .. .. 18.879, 66,224 85.103 14 22: 36 Natural. McKenzie and Sheddan. Nightcaps J.Robertson ..1 „ ..1 14' 7' , 199 [ .. 199 1 2:3 The Willow. Nightcaps .. J. O. Clapp ..5 „ ... 1 12' .. Open .... 62 2,501 2,563 1 .. 1 Wairaki, Nightcaps .. .. W. Excell ... S „ .. 1 9' 7' Bord and i .. 241 350 591 2 i 3 | 5 Natural pillar Beaumont, Nightcaps .. A. Hunter ..10 ,, ..1 20' .All j Open .. .. .. 12.234 12.234 Mossbank, Nightcaps .. .. fA. Hunter ... 4 „ ..1 14' 14' „ .. .. 3,609 2.637 6,246 4 3 7 Linton, Nightcaps * .. .. C. R. Heycock ..3 „ ..1 20' 20' „....' 203 ', 3,779 3.982 5 .. 5 Wellwood Park, Pukerau .. A. M. Mason .. 17 Lignite ..1 7' 7' , 12 364 376 Otikerama, Pukerau .. .. W. J. Voight ..21 „ ..1 7' 7' „ .. .. 10 332 342 .. Riverview, Gore .. .. J. Nicol .. .. 31 ! ..1 10' 10' , 30 1.968 1,998 Diamond Lignite, Seaward Bush W. Robertson (P.).. 16 „ ..1 25' 18' „ .... 2,652 15,303 17,955 3 1 4 Orepuki, Orepuki .. .. W. Herrick .. 2-2 Brown ..1 10' 10' „ .. .. 1.529 21.925 26,-154 3 3 Lynwood, Te Anau .. .. N.Z. Govt. Tourist . 8 Lignite ..1 ',' 7' .. j .. 14 2.365 i 2.379 1 .. 1 Department Output of mines included in previous statements at which operations are suspended or abandoned .. .. .. .. , 2,673.220 2,673.226 .. .. .. Totals, Southern District, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 487.383 j 12,595,523 13,082,906 340 I 709 1,049 South Island Totals, West Coast Dis- .. .. \ .. .. .. .. .. .. 997. 0S9 ] 24,721,753 | 25,718,842 520 1,521 2.041 trict, South Island Totals, North Island .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 549.778 j 8,543,957 j 9,093,735 242 662 901 i : : ' Grandtotals .. | .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 2,034,250 ' 45,861.233 47,895,483 1,102 .2,892 3,994 Output of some mines prior to 1890 not included in the above statement .. .. .. .. .. .. 311.7711 Shale exported .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21.. ..... 48,207.283* ___! ' j _j i | | I * This total includes 14,443 tons ol" oil-shale mined prior to 1914. 3,994



APPENDIX C. REPORT OF THE BOARDS OF EXAMINERS. Mines Department, Wellington, 10th June, 1919. The Under-Secretary for Mines, Wellington. I have the honour to submit the following report on behalf of the Boards of Examiners Tinder the Mining Act and Coal-mines Act for the year 1918-19 —or, rather, for the period from the 11th November, 1918, to the 31st May of this year. Examinations for mine-managers' and battery superintendents' certificates were held in December, 1918. Interim examinations were held on the 20th May last, to which all candidates who were unsuccessful at the previous examination or were debarred from sitting through the influenza epidemic were admitted. A meeting of the Board of Examiners under the Coal-mines Act was held on the 29th January, 1919, in order to consider the results of the examinations held on the I.oth December and following days. A first-class mine-manager's certificate under the Coal-mines Act was granted to James Noilson, and W. C. Davies was granted a partial pass. Alexander Cain and John Rrennan obtained partial passes for second-class mine-managers' certificates. It was resolved that all candidates who had been prevented by the influenza epidemic from sitting for the December examination should be permitted to sit at the interim examination in May. This lias been carried into effect, and the same, privilege was extended to candidates who had intended to sit for examination under the Mining Act. A motion was carried recommending that all candidates for mine-managers' certificates, <fee, who succeeded in passing the written examinations for mine-managers' and battery superintendents' certificates should undergo an oral examination before the Board. It is probable that provision for the oral examination of such candidates will be made during this year; and, if so, candidates who pass the written examinations to be held, next December will be expected to present themselves in Wellington at the next meeting of the Boards, which is to be held at the end of January, 1920. No meeting of the Board of Examiners under the Mining vVct has been held during the period for which this report is made. Tho following oil-well managers' permits have been issued since tho 14th October, 1918, under Regulations Nos. 199-201 : Neil. Christenson, New Plymouth ; Jan Federowicz, New Plymouth ; Lafayette Keith, New Plymouth ; B. C. O'Dowd, New Plymouth. These are the first permits issued under the above-mentioned regulations. Thomas Myers, Kiripaka, has been granted a second-class coal-mine manager's certificate in exchange for an equivalent British certificate. Examinations for under viewers and firemen-deputies under the Coal-mines Act were held at Dunedin on the 11th March, with the result that the following gained certificates : Underviewer— James Phillips, Taratu. Firemen-deputies —Fred Barclay, Kaitangata ; John Hannah, Glentunnel ; William Hollows, Fairfield ; John Mackie, Kaitangata ; William Snowdon, Kaitangata. I greatly regret having to report the death on the 20th April of Mr. 11. P. Hornibrooke, of Auckland, who had been a member of the Board of Examiners under tho Mining Act for many years. P. G. Morgan, Chairman of Boards.

LIST OF MINE - MANAGEBS, BATTEBY SUPERINTENDENTS, AND DREDGEMASTERS WHO HOLD CERTIFICATES UNDER THE MINING ACTS. First-class Mine-managers' Certificates. Certificates of Service issued under the Mining Act, 1886, without Examination. Adams, H. H., Waiorongomai. Harrison, R. H., Coromandel. Ralph, J, G., Thames. Andrews, T., Thames. Hunter, R., Thames. Reid, P., Coromandel. Barclay, T. H., Thames. Jamieson, A., Coromandel. Rooney, F., Reefton. Bennett, J., Alexandra. Jenkins, M., Wakatipu. Scott, T., Waiorongomai. Black, T., Waiomio. Johnstone, H..-Bluespur. Smith, J. E., Thames. , Burch, W. H., Thames. Kerr, J., Thames. Stone, F., Karangahake. Cameron, A., Macetown. McGruer, G. N., Karangahake. Sturm, A., Waipori. Chapman, J. A., Dunedin. Mcintosh, D., Bluespur. Todd, C., Heriot. Davis, J. E., Queenstown. Moore, H. W., Thames. Treloer, J. S., Reofton. Edwards, J., Skipper's. Morrishy, A. A., Glenorchy. Watson, T., Reefton. Elliott, J., Macetown. Newman, W., Naseby. Wearne, T., Endeavour Inlet. Evans, J. H., Skipper's. Polton, A., Karangahake. Williams, J., Skipper's. Frewen, J. 8., Queenstown. Porter, J., Waipori. Wylie, W., Ross. Gilmour, T., Thames. Quinn, E., Te Aroha, Young, G., Skipper's, Glass, W. M., Naseby.



First-class Mine-managers' Certificates— continued. Issued after Examination under the Mining Act, 1886, and Amendment Acts. Baker, W., Thames. Fleming, M., Thames. Hosking, G. F., Auckland. Cochrane, D. L., Reefton. Harris, W, Thames. Kruizenza, W., Reefton. Colebrook, J. D., Coromandel. Horn, G. W., Thames. Logan, H. F., Wellington. Crawford, J. J., Thames. Home, W., Coromandel. Mouat, W. G., Dunedin. Donaldson, W., Otago. Horniek, M., Thames. Watkins, W. E., Reefton. Issued on Production of Certificate from a Recognized Authority outside the Dominion under the Mining Acts, 1886, 1891, 1898, 1905, 1908, and 1913. Argall, W. H., Coromandel. Dataon, J., Manaia. Hall, E. X., Reefton. Beokwith, L. H., Wellington. Dodd, William, Milton. McKenna, Thomas, Dunedin. Brook, R. H. T., Reefcon. Griffiths, A. P., Auckland. Molineaux, H. S., Gore. •Cock, J., jun., Ross. Griffiths, H. P., Auckland. Rich, F. A., Auckland. Cock, W. Waiomio. Hailey, R. 0., Dunedin. Williams, W. H., Auckland. Issued after Examination under the Mining Act, 1891. Agnew, J. A., Thames. Lawn, C. H., Capleston. Robertson, D. 8., Stafford. Annoar, William, Reofton. Linck, F. W., Thames. Ross, Richard, Thames. Bennett, E. P., Thames. Morrison, R., Thames. Russell, Murray, Dunedin. Boydell, H. C, Coromandel. McDermott, G., Thames. Shepherd, H. F., Thames. Bradley, R. J. H., Te Puke. McDermott, J., Thames. Stanford, W. J., Macetown. Carroll, J., Lyell. McDermott, W., Thames. Tierney, R., Thames. Cartwright, E., Thames. MoGregor, W. T., Thames. Vialoux, F., Coromandel. Crabb, J., Reefton. McKenzie, H. J., Coromandel. Warne, George, Thames. Evans, H. A., Wellington. McPeake, J., Thames. Waters, D. 8., Skipper's. Gilmour, J. L., Thames. O'Keeffe, M. D., Thames. White, G. H, Thames. Hodge, J. H., Thames. Paltridge,Henry, Thames. Whitley, A., Thames. Keam, P. E., Thames. Paul, Matthew, Thames. Issued after Examination under the, Mining Acts, 1898, 1905, and 1908. Allen, Henry, Waihi. Fry, S., Waimangaroa. Morgan, William, Waihi. Autridge, L. E., Thames. George, M. T., Waihi. Morrison, William, Waihi. Baker, 8. G., Thames. Goldsworthy, C, Karangahake. Moye, Michael, Reefton. Barker, 8., Thames. Goldsworthy, W., Coromandel. Oats, John, Blaok's Point, Reefton. Barrance, K. M., Karangahake. Gordon, J. A., Thames. O'Shea, J., Reefton. Bell, 0., Waihi. Grayden, P., Thames. O'Sullivan, J. W., Thames. Bennie, Boyd, Waihi. Greening, W., Karangahake. Rimmer, J. C, Helensville. Birch, J. J., Waihi. Gudgeon, C. W, Macrae's. Rodden, John, Reefton. Bishop, Thomas Otto, Skipper's. Hitchcock, W. E., Barewood. Ruffin, R. C, Reefcon. Blenkhorn, C, Coromandel. Hooker, John, Coromandel. Saunders, W. H., Reefton. Bolitho, Joseph, Reefton. Irwin, Samuel, Waihi. Scoble, E. J., Waihi. Bower, J. W., Coromandol. Jaokson, G. T., Waihi. Sheehan, D., Karangahake, Broad, R., Waihi. Johnson, J. H., Coromandel. Smith, Walter,.Karangahake. Buddie, Frank, Coromandel. Kingsford, C, Waihi. Spearing, J. R., Waihi. Bull, C. W., Waihi. Langdon, H., Waihi. Stewart, F., Waihi. Caisley, John, Karangahake. Langford, G. S., Waihi. Stewart, R. A., Reefton. Carroll, A. M., Reefton. Lautour, H. A. de, Waihi. Sullivan, T., Reefton. Carroll, John, Kuaotunu. Lawn, Nicholas, Reefton. Thomson, J. R., Waihi. Carter, R. P., Waihi. Lewis, Ralph Reginald, Waihi. Thomson, Thomas, Waihi. Clouston, R. E., Kaitangata. Lowes, G. W., Reofton. Thome, G. M., Waihi. Collier, E., Reefton, Mackie, Portland George A., Waihi. Tucker, E. S., Coromimdel. Cooper, J. H., Thames. McConachie, W., jun., Waihi. Turnbull, E. V., Coromandel. Cooper, Thornhill, Waihi. McDonald, R. M., Table Hill. Turner, C. E., Murchison. Cordes, F. M., Karangahake. McGruer, A., Karangahake. Turner, G. W. E., Reefton. Comes, J. G., Waihi. MacLaren, J. A. J., Coromandel. Ulrich, G. A. C, Waihi. Dooherty, W. H., Coromandel. McMahon, J. H., Reefton. Walker, A. J., Waihi. Downey, J. F., Reefton. McMahon, T., Reefton. Watson, J. L., Thames. Dutton, W. F., Waihi. McMillan, T., Waihi. Wood, P. H, Reefton, Ellery, John, Reefton. Mitchell, William J., Barewood. Wotherspoon, James, Waihi. Evered, N. J., Waihi. Moore, L. 0., Waihi. Issued under Section 313 of the Mining Act, 1891. Hornibrooke, H. P., Coromandel. Snow, Thomas, Huntly. White, John S., Karangahake. Martin, James, Reefton. Thomas, James, Thames. Williams, John, Kuaotunu. Rickard, John, Thames. Trelease, J. H., Thames. Certificates of Competency granted to Holders of Provisional Warrants under Section 32 of the Mining Act Amendment Act, 1896. Alexander, Thomas, Deep Creek. Harvey, A. G., Coromandel. Moorecraft, Walter, Coromandel. Argall, A. E., Coromandel. James, Robert, Thames. Morgan, William, Owharoa. Battens, H., Coromaudel. Jamieson, John, Reefton. Moyle, Thomas, Thames. Bunney, Joseph, Waihi. Johns, Thomas, Waihi. Patton, William, Macetown. Campbell, Alexander, Cullensville. Kennerloy, W. H., Thames. Pearco, Francis, Reefton. Carlyon, Samuel, Coromandol. McCombie, John, Karangahake. Potter, William H., Thames. Comes, C. A., jun., Karangahake. Mac Donald, H., Coromandel. Rillstono, Charles, Waipori. Daldy, Edward Arthur, Coromandel. MeEnteor, James, Tararu. Somervell, John, Thames. Draffin, Samuel, Waitekauri. McLean, Benjamin J., Waitekauri. Thomas, Archelaus, Tapu, Thames. Farmer, 0. S., Waitekauri. Meehan, James, Westport. Turnbull, Thomas A., Whangamata. Goldsworthy, William, Karangahake. * Alluvial.



First-class Mine-managers' Certificates— continued. Issued to Inspectors of Mines by virtue of Office under the Mining Acts, 1886, 1891, and 1898. Binns, G. J., Dunedin. Green, E. R., Dunedin. McLaren, J. M., Thames. Cochrane, N. D., Westport. Hayes, J., Dunedin. Tennent, R., Westport. Second-class Mine-managers' Certificates. Certificates of Service issued under the Mining Act, 1891. Agnevv, J. A., Coromandel. Grimmond, Joseph, Ross. McNeill, George, Upper Kuaotunu Argall, A. E., Coromandel. Guthrie, John, Wellington. Meagher, John, Karangahake. Blair, Thomas, Kuaotunu. Hardman, James Edward, Thames. Morgan, William, Upper Thames. Bolitho, James, Reefton. Hetherington, William, Thames. Moyle, Thomas, Thames. Bremner, John, Coromandel. Hill, Alexander Grey, Waikakaho. Newdick, Alfred, Thames. Brokenshire, James, Thames. Hollis, Frederick J., Waihi. O'Keefe, M. W. D., Thames. Brown, John, Macrae's. Hore, John, Wellington. Page, John, Lyell. Bunny, Joseph, Thames. Hornibrooke, H. P., Kuaotunu. Peebles, Alexander, Kuaotunu. Byrne, John, Karangahake. Jamieson, John, Reefton. Pettigrew, Robert, Sydney, Comer, W. W., Thames. Jobe, James, Thames. Primrose, J., Kuaotunu. Comer, George, Thames. Johns, Thomas, Thames. Richards, A. H., Kuaotunu. Corbett, T., Paeroa. ■ Johnstone, William, Collingwood. Rickard, John, Thames. Crabb, Thomas, Reefton. Kerr, George, Kamo. Rogers, William Henry, Kumara. Daniel, P. F., Greymouth. Kirker, Thomas, Thames. Shaw, James, Karangahake. Dobson, John Allen, Kuaotunu. Law, John, Thames. Sligo, Alexander, Nenthorn. Edwards, George, Westport. Loughlin, S., Thames. Thomas, A., Thames. Ellery, John, Reefton. Mackay, William, Nenthorn. Thomas, James, Thames. Foster, Thomas, Wellington. Martin, David, Black's Point. Thomson, John, Dunedin. Gemmings, Charles, Thames. Martin, James, Reefton. White, John S., Karangahake. Gill, George, Thames. Mayn, John, Coromandel. Williams, Jamos, Thames. Goldsworthy, William, Mauku, Auck- McCombie, John, Karangahake. Williams, John, Thames. land. McEwen, James, Reefton. Worth, Robert, Waihi. Gribble, James, Norsewood. Issued after Examination under the Mining Acts, 1891, 1898, and 1908. Benney, J., jun., Paeroa. Christie, William, Waitekauri. McNeil, A. H., Coromandel. Bennie, Boyd, Coromandel. Draffin, S., Waitekauri. Tiisley, G., Thames. Birch, J. J., Dunkin, T., Coromandel. White, F. H., Kuaotunu. Cahill, T. M., Upper Kuaotunu. Evans, H. A., Skipper's. White, G. H., Thames. Carroll, John, Upper Kuaotunu. Mathewson, A., Hyde. Issued under Section 313 of the Mining Act, 1891. Gonnon, William, Thames. Edwards, E.,,Coromandel. McCormick, W. J., Waitekauri. Certificates of Competency granted to Holders of Provisional Warrants under Section 32 of the Mining Act Amendment Act, 1896. Allen, W. J., Coromandel. Davis, James, Coromandel. Martin, William, Tararu, Thames. Barney, Montague T., Waitekauri. Gardnor, James, Waimangaroa. Murphy, Joseph, Coromandel. Brownlee, Henry, Thames. Howe, Albion S., Waitekauri. O'Brien, John, Westport. Collins, Charles, Waitekauri. Johnson, Frank H, Collingwood. Prescott, Arthur J., Coromandel. Curtis, Charles, Taylorville. Kirwan, William, Reefton. Ruffin, Richard, Manaia, Coromandel. Certificates of Service, issued under the Mining Amendment Act, 1910. Adams, Albert Augustine, Thames. Hansen, Charles Hans, Puketui. Lynch, James, Glenorchy. Adams, R. W., Thames. Hayes, James, Thames. McKenzie, D., Georgetown. Barker, J. W., Coromandel. Hill, Harrold Alexander, Thames'. Reid, George, Glenorchy. Brabyn, John, Clarendon. Hyde, Henry John, Karangahake. Reynolds, Edmond Francis, CoromanButcher, F. J., Waitekauri. lies, E. J., Bannockburn. del. Donaldson, George, Macrae's Flat. Inglis, Robert, Kuaotunu. Sheehan, James, Thames. Gillan, Thomas, Thames. Kell, Arthur, Karangahake. Tallentire, John, Waiorongomai. Grace, Pierce, Waitekauri. Battery Superintendents' Certificates. Issued under the Mining Act 1891 Amendment Act, 1894, without undergoing Examination. Adams, H. H, Waihi. Hope, John S., Waitekauri. Noble, James R., Karangahake. Aitken, R. M., Reefton, Hutchison, William, Karangahake. Park, James, Thames. Banks, Edwin Gripper, Waihi. Margetts, Frederick Ernest, Kuao- Shepherd, Henry Franklin, Waihi. Barry,' Hubert Percy, Waihi. tunu. Sims, C. F., Tararu. Goldsworthy, Henry, Kuaotunu. MoKenna, T. N., Tararu. Walker, James A., Kuaotunu. Goldsworthy, John, Kuaotunu. McLellan, William, Waitekauri. Wilson, Arthur E., Waihi. Greenway, H. Howard, Auckland. Issued after Examination under the Mining Act 1891 Amendment Act, 1894. Adams, A. A., Thames. Fuller, J. P., Kuaotunu. Morgan, P. G., Thames. Allen, F. 8., Thames. Gray, J. W., Waihi. Morrin, W. S., Thames. Allom, H. 0., Thames. Hayward, F. W., Komata. Noakes, H. L., Waihi. Ansley, Comyn, Paeroa. Horn, G. W., Kuaotunu. Raithby, R. W., Reefton. Ansley,' Walter, Thames. Jackson, J. H, Paeroa. Robinson, J. R., Waitekauri. Banks,'J. H., Waihi. Jones, Achison, Waihi. Stafford, B. H., Waihi. Bowers, W., Thames. Kidd, F. D., Thames. Taylor, C. H., Tararu. Brown, A. E., Thames. Laurie, D. 8., Karangahake. Thorpe, A. H., Thames. Clarke,' J. L., Thames. Lee, J. W., Reefton. Vercoe, R. 8., Thames. Clarke, R., Waitekauri. Macdonald, W., Waihi. Williams, A. G. R., Thames Clarke, W. J., Waihi. McKenzie, H. J., Thames. Wingate, H. M., Maratoto. Day, A. T., Thames. McMicken, S. D., Thames. Winslow, G., Thames. Dixon, Clement, Waihi.

9—C. 2.



Battery Superintjdndf.nts' Certificates— continued. Issued after Examination under the Mining Acts, 1898, 1905, and 1908. Adams, J. H., Coromandel. Ellis, L. L., Waitekauri. McKinlay, John, Waihi. Adams, J. H, Thames. Empson, J. 8., Karangahake. McNeil, A. R., Karangahake. Adams, Richard W., Tararu, Thames. Evans, G. C, Waihi. McPadden, J., Coromandel. Airey, Hubert, Karangahake. Evans, J., Waihi. Melrose, P., Waihi. Aitken, Alexander Hugh, Waihi. Evans, W. 8., Reefton. Metcalf, G. H., Karangahake. Allen, D. V., Thames. Ewen, H. F., Auckland. Montgomery, A. E., Opitonui. Allen, H. E., Wellington. Fletcher, H. T., Katikati. Morgan, Robert Jameß, Waihi. Anderson, David, Waihi'. Fry, Sidney, Westport. Motherwell, William, Waihi. Andrews, T. T., Waihi. Fuller, John P., Kuaotunu. Moyle, W. T., Upper Tairua. Auld, J. 8., Crushington. Fyfe, A., Dunedin. Orbell, G. S., Waikouaiti. Baker, W. H., Thames. Gardner, E. A., Reefton. Orr, F. S., Waiuta. Banks, C. A., Waihi. Gibson, William, Waihi. Paltridge, F., Thames. Banks, E. J., Thames. Gilpin, J., Waihi, Pond, H. C, Auckland. Barrance, K. McK., Karangahake. Gow, E. A., Crushington. Quick, J. N., Thames. Barrett, J. J., Karangahake. Grayden, J., Waitekauri. Reid, J. E., Great Barrier. Barron, William E., Waikino. Grayden, Peter, Thames. Reynolds, E, A., Auckland. Baskett, E. G., Karangahake. Grumitt, P. H., Thames. Roberts, H. C, Waihi. Bell, L. M., Waihi. Gwilliam, Benjamin, Karangahake. Rodden, William, Lyell. Bidlake, A. E., Waiomio. Halliwell, L. V., Karangahake. Rosewarne, R. H., Thames. Bird, A. W., Thames. Hargraves, E. P., Waihi. Royso, W. G., Reefton. Bishop, T. 0., Reefton. Harsant, 0., Puketui. Sanford, A. G., Waihi. Blackadder, William, Crushington. Hay, Adam, Karangahake. Shaw, D. S., Waikino. Bradley, R. J. H., Karangahake. Hazard, T. R. C, Waitekauri. Shaw, L. J., Waikino. Brown, F. M., Karangahake. Hitchcock, W. E., Barewood. Stephens, H., Dunedin. Brown, J. E., Komata. Hogg, 8., Karangahake. Sutherland, J. A., Reefton. Brown, W. 15., Roefton. Hogg, T. R., Karangahake. Thomson, G. W., Bendigo. Browne, E., Waitekauri. Horn, G. W., Kuaotunu. Thurlow, J. R., Coromandel. Bums, William, Waiomio. Gillooly, T., Roxburgh. Tomlinson, A., Karangahake. Bush, E. F., Parawai. Gillstrom, Carl A., Berlin's. Tomlinson, David Mitchell, Barewood. Bush, George Arthur, Karangahake. Hutchison, R. M., Karangahake. Tomlinson, W. F., Dunedin. Bush, H. R„ Thames. Johnson, Edward, Waihi. Turnbull, E. V., Waihi. Campbell, Colin, Thames. Jones, R. D., Karangahake. Ulrich, G. A. C, Komata. Carless, Noel, Waihi. Kidd, R. 8., Waitekauri. Ulrich, Herstall, Whangapoua. Carpenter, W. E., Karangahake. Kingsford, A., Karangahake. Walker, Alfred James Dickson, Waihi Carroll, John, Kuaotunu. Kingsford, 0., Waihi. Waters, D. 8., Waihi. Carter, S., Waihi. Kitching, L. J., Thames. Watson, A. 8., Waitekauri. Chappell, G. A., Karangahake. Langford, G. S., Waikino. Watson, A. P., Crushington. Clark, John L., Waihi. Launder, G. H, Waitekauri. Watson, J. P., Reefton. Clarke, Thomas, Waihi. Lawless, L. J., Paeroa. Watson, J. R., Reefton. Coote, J. M., Thames. Lawn, H., Roefton. Watson, W. A., Crushington. Couper, J., Thames. Littlejohn, W. D., Karangahake. Wearne, W., Reofton. Cowles, R. X., Crushington. Lovelock, J. E., Crushington. White, A. S. H., Karangahake. Crawford, H., Macrae's. Maokay, John, Crushington. White, E. D., Karangahake. Crompton, H., Maratoto. Maltman, A., Reefton. Williams, A. C, Waihi. Croucher, Herbert, Waihi. Mann, C, Westport. Williams, James, Reefton. Dawson, 8., Ellerslie. Matheson, A. M., Barewood. Williams, Joseph, Reefton. Donnelly, Thomas, Waihi. Maxwell, W. L., Waihi. Williams, William Eustaoe, Waihi. Donovan, Willie, Waikino. McDonall, P. H., Waihi. Wilson, A. P., Crushington. Draffin, Eugeno, Kuaotunu. MoEwin, J. A., Reefton. Eaton - Turner, Geoffrey William, Waihi. Dredgemasteus' Certificates. Issued without Examination under the Mining Act, 1898, and Amendment Acts, 1901 and 1902. Anderson, L. C, Alexandra. Faithful, William, Greymouth. MoCormack, D., Kanieri. Andrews, Ralph, Canvastown. Foohy, J. M., Alexandra. McDonald, E. A., Waitiri. Baker, J. R., Alexandra. Gibb, William, Croydon Siding. McDonald, J., Sofala. Ballantyne, D., Miller's Flat. Gibson, A., Island Block. McDonald, John, Cromwell. Barnes, T. J., Beaumont. Graham, J. M., Gore. McGeorgo, Alexander, Dunedin. Bradley, Neil, Alexandra. Grogan, William A., Miller's Flat. McGeorgo, J., Dunedin. Bennett, George, Gore. Hay, James, Dunedin. McGregor, D., Kanieri. Bennett, James, Kumara. Hedley, A., Cromwell. McGregor, G. R., Alexandra. Blue, G. P., Alexandra. Herbert, J., Beaumont. Mcintosh, D. J., Lowburn Ferry. Brand, Peter, Waikaka. Hewitt, James, Clyde. McLean, D., Waitiri. Brennan, Philip, Palmerston South. Hogg, Thomas, Cromwell. MoMath, D. C, Ross. Bremner, A. P., Lower Shotover. Hoskins, Thomas, Maori Point. MoMath, Thomas, Alexandra. Biiee, William If., Cromwell. Hoy, Samuel, Alexandra. Mills, Edward, Murohison. Bringans, D., Alexandra. Inwood, W. J., Rocklands Beach. Mitchell, D. A., Dunedin. Brown. T. G., Ahaura. Johnston, E. A., Alexandra. Morel, C. G., Inangahua Junction. Bunting, James, Mnrchison. Johnstone, Alexander, Cromwell. Morris, G. S., Cromwell. Busbridge, P., Gore. Kennedy, Angus, Alexandra. Murray, D., Clyde. Butler, Ewen, Roxburgh. Kitto, Edward T., Miller's Flat. Murray, Madget, Cromwell. Butler, M. J., Kanieri. Kitto, Francis, Lowburn, ■ Neilson, S., Miller's Flat. Cameron, Samuel, Alexandra. Kitto, J., Lowburn Ferry. Nicholson, W. E., Alexandra. Clarke, Edward, Port Chalmers. Kitto, John F., Miller's Flat. O'Leary, D., Waiau. Compton, Albert, Dobson. Kitto, W. H., Cromwell. Olsen, Charles, Roxburgh. Coimack, W., Groymout.h, Kloogh, N. P., Lowburn Ferry. Parsons, J. D., jun., Clyde. Cornish, J. T., Miller's Flat. Lawson, Edward, Dunedin. Peroy, John, Clyde. Coiitls, Henry, Milhr's Flat. Ledingham, J., Bannockburn. Perkins, A. C, Dunedin. Cowan, Alexander, Stillwater. Lee, George, Collingwood. Pettigrew, George, Nelson Creek. Cowan, James, Nelson Creek. Lidicoat, R. H., Forn Flat. Poulter, G. W., Alexandra. Orookston, W. L., Flat. Luke, S. J., Alexandra. Pringle, John, Miller's Flat, dimming, J. C, Beaumont. Magnus, A., Roxburgh. Ray, J. C, TotaraFlat. Curtis, Charles, Stillwater. Mngnus, Olaf, Box 130 a, Christchurch. Reeder, Philip, Bald Hill Flat. Cutten, W. H., Dunedin. Mailer, John, Stillwater. Rennie, Andrew, Roxburgh. Deniston, R. A., Cromwell. Maitland, A. E., Miller's Flat. Ross, Alexander, Cromwell. Dewar, John, Abxandra. McClure, F. C, Rongahere. Ross, Robert, Alexandra, Donaldson, J. G. A., Greenstone. MoConnell, J.,Cromwell. - Richmond, J., Gibbston.



Dredgemasters' Certificates — continued. Issued without Examination underithe Mining Act, 1898, and Amendments Act, 1901 and 1902 —continued. Ritchie, J. S., Waitiri. Skilton, A. G., Old Diggings. Yon Plaast, J. H, Clyde. Sanders, H. P., Clyde. Sligo, N. X., Ahaura. Wallace, John A., Miller's Fiat. Sanders, John, Cromwell. Smith, Alfred, luangahua Junction. Weaver, Charles, Alexandra. Sandeis, Thomas, Alexandra. Steel, Archibald, Kawarau Gorge. Williamson, R., Miller's Flat. Schaumann, H., Alexandra. Steel, Thomas, Dunedin. Williamson, Walter, Miller's Flat. Scott, M. G., Alexandra. Tompleton, Ivie, Rongahere. Wilson, S. W., Waikaka Valley. Scott, Robert, Oapleston. Thompson, T., Miller's Flat. Wood, R. M., Cromwell, Shore, T. M., Queenstown. Troy, G. C, Cromwell. Woodhouse, W. S., Roxburgh. Shore, William, Gore. Turnbull, W. D., Oanvastown. Young, Andrew, jun., Roxburgh. Simonsen, Charles, Alexandra. Tyson, John, Rongahere. Issued after Examination under the Mining Acts, 1898, 1901, 1902, 1905, and 1908. Anderson, Andrew, Alexandra South, Hopburn, D. 0., Alexandra. Newick, Albion Edgar Charles, BanAnderson, Bertram, Maori Point. Hewetson, Sydney, Nelson Creek. nockburn. Anderson, G. 8., Roxburgh. Hogg, J., Nevis. Nicholson, Charles S. G., Mataura. Archer, D. J., Ngakawau. Holdon, Charles, jun., Cromwell. Noble, William, Alexandra. Baird, William G., Clyde. Holden, John, Cromwell. Omond, Thomas, Nevis. Bardsley, John James, Cromwell. Hughes, John L., Miller's Flat. Orkney, H. E., Cromwell. Bate, H. T. G., Greymouth. Johnston, John, Maori Gully. Orr, H. T., Cromwell. Bishop, Hugh Arthur, Collingwood. Johnston, Louis, Beaumont. Orr, William W., Cromwell. Blair, G., Abbotsford. Jones, David Rowland, Island Block. Parker, P. R., Roxburgh. Borthwick, Robert, Alexandra. Jones, T. R., Miller's Flat. Paterson, J. 8., Miller's Flat. Bourke, John, Clyde. Junker, Frank J., Berlin's. Patterson, J., Clyde. Brent, C. D., Cromwell. Kane, William, Clyde. Plumb, E. H., Maori Point. Briggans, Thomas, Alexandra. Kean, F. F., Waikaka, Poppelwell, William, Alexandra. Briggans, William, Alexandra. Kellett, C. H., Dunedin. Rait, Hume, Albertown. Broderick, T., Lyell. Kennedy, A., Ophir. Ray, J. F., Bannockburn. Bruce, J. A., Kawarau Gorge. Kitto, Henry, Alexandra South. Ray, Robert Marshall, Bannockburn. Burley, J. P., Westport. Kitto, John, Clyde. Reiderer, Edward, Cromwell. Burnside, Walter, Alexandra. Linney, William, Island Block. Reynolds, T., Greymouth. Burton, A. P., Miller's Flat. Livingstone, D., Alexandra. Roberts, G., Three-channel Flat. Callaghan, E., Three channel Flat. Lloyd, Arthur, Inangahua Junction. Robertson, D. J., Alexandra. Campbell, G. W. T., Alexandra. Lloyd, Hubert, Lyell. Robertson, W. R., Alexandra, Carnegy, A., Three-channel Flat. Mac Donald, C. J., Cromwell. Rooney, J. 8., Roxburgh. Oarr, W., Alexandra. MacGinnis, J. A., Cromwell. Rumble, Charles, Ngahere. Carter, W. W., Sandy Point. MacGinnis, M. P., Alexandra. Rumble, Joseph, Miller's Flat. Chapman, Robert, Maori Point. MacLaron, John, Alexandra. Sanders, W. J., Ahaura. Clark, D., Callaghan's Crook. Marklund, 0. 0., Lowburn Ferry. Saunders, C. E., Cromwell. Clarke, R. S. 8., Alexandra South. Mathews, James Halbert, Miller's Sawle, J., Cromwell. Coup, George, Albertown. Flat. Sawyer, J. F., Alexandra. Cox, R. D., Alexandra. Matthews, A. A., Three-ohannel Flat. Sherwood, T. W., Greymouth. Craig, D. A., Shag Point. Mayne, W. C, Nelson Creek. Simpson, Edward Robert, Cromwell. Curno, C. 8., Alexandra. McCallum, W. S., Alexandra. Sparrow, J. A., Upper Nevis. Dalton, J. R., Threo-channol Flat. McDonald, C. J., Waitiri. Steele, Thomas, Alexandra. Dalzell, T. L., Cromwell. McDonald, G., Alexandra. Steele, W. H, Miller's Flat. Donaldson, John, Lawrence. McGregor, Dougald S., Alexandra. Taylor, Alexander, Alexandra. Downie, Henry, Totara Flat. MoKenzie, John, Roxburgh. Taylor, J. T., Dunedin. Eaton, Edgar W., Alexandra. McKinnon, John, Alexandra. Theyers, C, Alexandra. Elder, D. D., Roxburgh. McLean, John, Roxburgh. Theyers, J. W., Alexandra, Fache, S. C, Gore. Melvin, j. R., Roxburgh. Turner, T. F., Moonlight. Faithful, Alfred, Bannockburn. Merchaut, Isaiah, Clyde. Vickerman, E, M., Cromwell. Farmer, Nathan C., Miller's Flat. Milne, John A., Roxburgh. Walker, J. J., Alexandra South. Farquharson, George, Alexandra. Moffitt, R. W., Miller's Flat. Wasserbreuner, M., Alexandra. Filippi, S. de, Westport. Mollison, William, Stillwater. Wathen, James, Miller's Flat. Findley, David, Dunedin. Moncrieff, Honry, Miller's Flat. Watson, E. H., Collingwood. Fisher, Hurtle, Miller's Flat. Monson, C. H., Miller's Fiat. Weaver, P., Alexandra. Foley, S., Lowburn Ferry. Morel, A. E., Noble's. Weir, R., Gore. Forno, D., Inangahua Junction. Morel, L. H., Inangahua Junction. Weir, T. R., Cromwell. Fraser, W. J., Roxburgh. Morgan, Harold, Roxburgh. Weir, W., Nevis. French, T. E. X., Three-channel Flat. Morgan, John, Alexandra. Wescombe, Alfred L., Island Block. Gibson, William H., Cromwell. Morris, V., Cromwell. Westcott, P. A., Miller's Flat. Graham, Thomas Arthur, Goro. Mouat, W. G., Greymouth. Williams, Frederick, Alexandra. Gunn, W. E., Beaumont. Munro, C. T., Waitiri. Wilson, George, Marsden. Guy, Donald, Cobden. Munro, Hugh, Alexandra South. Wilson, Stephen L., Inangahua JuneGuyton, James, Dunedin. Munro, R. F., Ross. tion. Harming, C. J., Clyde. Murray, H. 8., Cromwell. Wood, W. W., Cromwell. Hansen, H. C, Three-ohannel Flat. Murray, Robert John, Canvastown. Woodhouse, F., Bannockburn. Harden, J., Stafford. Nelson, Edgar, Brunnerton. Woodhouse, G. G., Waitiri. Harliwick, Matthew, Roxburgh. Nelson, George L., Brunnerton. Wylde, G. R., Inangahua Junction. Oil-wells Managers' Service Permits. Issued under Regulations 199-201. Christensen, O, New Plymouth. Keith, L., New Plymouth. O'Dowd, B. 0., New Plymouth. Fodorowicz, J., New Plymouth,

LIST OF PERSONS WHO HOLD CERTIFICATES UNDER THE COALMINES ACTS. First-class Mine-managers' Certificates. Issued under the Coal-mines Acts, 1886 and 1891. Aitken, T., Wendon. Kerr, G., Kamo. Smith, A. E., Nelson. Alexander, T., Brunnerton. Lloyd, J., Invercargill. Smith, T. F., Nelson. Binns, G. J., Dunedin. Love, A., Whangarei. Sneddon, J., Mosgiel. Bishop, J., Brunnerton. Mason, J., Nightcaps. Swinbanks, J., Kawakawa, Cameron, J., Denniston. May, J., Greymouth. Taylor, E. 8., Huntly. Cochrane, N. D., Dunedin. Moore, W. J., Springfield. Thompson, A., White Cliffs. Collins, W., Taupiri. Ord, J., Huntly. Walker, J., Collingwood. Dando, M., Brunnerton, Reed, F., Westport.

10—C. 2.



First-class Mine-managers' Certificates— continued. Issued under the Goal-mines Acts, 1886, 1891, 1905, and 1908, after Examination. Armitage, F. W., Auckland. Fry, Sydney, Waimangaroa. McLean, M., Ngakawau. Armstrong, J., Brunnerton. Gibson, John, Westport. Milligan, N., Westport. Barclay, T., Kaitangata. Gillanders, A., Shag Point. Morgan, William, Waihi. Barclay, W., Kaitangata. Green, E. R., Abbotsford. Mosley, J. T., Kaitangata. Bennio, Bojd, Waihi. Green, J., Brunnerton. Murray, T., Westport. Bishop, T. 0., Reefton. Hamilton, J. S., Burnett's Face. Newton, Jamos, Brunnerton. Brown, J. C, Denniston. Herd, J., Brunnorton. Parsonage, W., Runanga. Burt, A., Waihi. Heycock, C. R., Nightcaps. Pearson, W., Waihi. Campbell, Peter, Fairfield. Hill, Robert, Abbotsford. Penman, A., Huntly. Carruthers, J., Shag Point. Hosking, G. F., Auckland. Scoble, E. J., Waihi. Carson, W., Kaitangata. Hughes, Job, Puponga. Smith, George, Fairfield. Crookett, S., Millorton. Jebson, D., Canterbury. Sowerby, H., Denniston. Crowe, W., Ngakawau. Jones, T., Kimihia. Strongman, O, Ngakaw.iu. Davis, 0. J., Runanga. Ki)ig, T , Granity. Talbot, H., Brunnerton. Dixon, 0. W., Granity. Langford, G. S., Huntly. Tattley, E. W., Huntly. Dixon, W., Kaitangata. Leitch, J., Blackball. ' Tattley, F. J., Mercer. Duggan, George, Burnett's Face. Leitch, W., Blackball. Taylor, A. H., Waikato. Dunn, Andrew, Denniston. Marshall, A. G., Denniston. Thomson, Thomas, Denniston. Dunn, W., Brunnerton. McCaffrey, Patrick, Ferntown. Turner, G. F., Shag Point. Fleming, J., Kaitangata. McCormack, W., Denniston. Westfield, C. H., Fairfield. Fietcher, James, Granity. McEwan, Robert, Coromandel. Whittlestone, A. W., Shag Point. Fox, R. A., Denniston. McGeachie, J., Mokau. Young, James H, Waimangaroa. Issued under the Goal-mines Act, 1886, on Production of English Certificate. Binns, G. J., Dunedin. Cochrane, N. D., Dunedin. Reed, F., Wellington. Black, T. H., Waipori. Hayes, J., Kaitangata. Tattley, W., Auckland. Broome, G. H., Ngakawau. Hodgson, J. W., Ross. Issued to Inspectors of Mines by virtue of Office, under the Goal-mines Acts of 1886 and 1891. McLaren, J. M., Thames. Issued under the Coal-mines Acts of 1891, 1905, and 1908, on Production of Certificate from a recognized Authority outside the Dominion. Alison, J., Mangatini. Goold, A. L., Auckland.' McAvoy, H, Christchurch. Alison, R., Greymouth. Hunter, Peter, Ngakawau. Morris, A., Huntly. Bayne, J. A. C, Roa. Irvine, James, Dunedin. • Nelson, E., Hikurangi. Broadhead, A. X., Ngakawau. James, Isaac Angelo, Westport. Torment, R., Brunnerton. Clark, W., Blaokball. Kane, D., Denniston. Twining, C. EC., Dunedin. Davidson, Gavin, Blackball. Kirkwood, D., Coromandel. Watson, James, Greymouth. Davies, D. J., Ngakawau. Lamont, J , Dovonport. Watson, John, Blackball. Fletcher, George, Westport. Lewis, W., Blackball. Wight, E. S., Auckland. Frame, Jcseph, Kaitangata. Mark, W. S., Kaitangata. Woods, William, Mokihitiui. Gillick, J., Kaitangata. Second-class Mine-managers' Certificates. Issued under the Coal-mines Act, 1891. Collier, Levi, Kamo. Lobb, Joseph, Mokau Sara, James, Reefton. Clarke, Edward, Shag Point. Mcintosh, Allan, Shag Point. Thomas, James, Springfield. Elliot, Joseph, Coal Creek. McLaren, J. M., Thames. Wallace, William, Huntly. Harris, John, Denniston. Murray, Thomas, Denniston. Willetts, John Morris, Papakaio. Herd, Joseph, Brunnerton. Radcliffe, William, Roefton. Young, William, Waimangaroa. Howie, James, Kaitangata. Issued under the Goal-mines Acts, 1886, 1891, 1905, and 1908, after Examination. Allan, J., Brunner. Duncan, James, Kaitangata. Mills, Walter, Huntly. Austin, W. 8., Sheffield. Duncan, J. E., Kaitangata. Morganty, Louis, Ngakawau. Ball, A., Kimihia. Duncan, John, Lovell's Flat. Mosley, J. T., Stirling. Barber, John, Shag Point. Ferguson, A., Kaitangata. Neilson, J., Runanga. Barclay, T., Kaitangata. Ferguson, G., Roa. Neilson, Moffat, Abbotsford. Barclay, T., jun., Kaitangata. Fox, R. A., Blaokball. Newburn, S., Kaitangata. Barclay, William, Kaitangata. Harris, A., Saddle Hill. Orr, Hugh, Fairfield. Barnes, A. E., Shag Point. Hewitson, W. E. G., Burnett's Face. Paroell, W., jun., Bannockburn. Broome, J., jun., Gore. Heyes, T., Kaitangata. Penman, C. P., Kaitangata. Brown, Robert, Kaitangata. Heycock, C. R., Nightcaps. Price, F. J., Burnett's Face. Cadman, J., Hikurangi. Hill, R., Abbotsford. Robertson, J., Nightcaps. Campbell, Peter, Fairfield. Hodson, John, Kaitangata. Scoble, E. J., Blaokball. Carruthers, J., jun., Nightcaps. Hughes, Job, Boa. Snow, T., Mercer. Charles, E., Glentunnel. Hunter, A., Southland. Tattley, F. J., Mercer. Cherrie, R. C, Mokau. Kells, F. H., Denniston. Taylor, Joseph, Collingwood. Christie, James, Saddle Hill. Lewis, David, Puponga. Thompson, Joseph, Blackball. Clemo, G., Whangarei. Lewis, J., Nightcaps. Thomson, James, Nightcaps. Craig, John, Coal Creek Flat. Lindsay, J. 8., Orepuki. Todd, T., Nightcaps. Crockett, S., Millerton. Lowden, W., Millerton. Waldie, A. 8., Mokau. Dale, E. G., Kaitangata. McAllister, Neil, Kaitangata. Watson, A., Soldier's Creek. Davies, W. C, Huntly. McLelland, J., Kaitangata. Westfield, C., Fairfield, Otago. Dixon, W., jun., Kaitangata. McLelland, A. O, Kaitangata. Whittlestone, A. W., Shag Point. Doel, G., Lovell's Flat. McNeill, D., Fairfield. Whittlestone, G. F., Atbotsford. Duffy, Frank, Burnett's Faoe.



Second-class Mine-managers' Certificates— continued. Issued under the Coal-mines Acts of 1891, 1905, and 1908, on Production of Certificate from a recognized Authority outside the Dominion. Arundel, W., Hikurangi. Greenwell, R., Huntly. Molony, C. V. P., Auokland. Barlow, H., Greymouth. Grenall, S., Granity. Myers, T., Kiripaka. Baxendale, J., Mine Creek. Inglis, A., Huntly. Newburn, F., Roa. Black, J., Granity. Jones, T., Kimihia. Parsonage, W., Dunollie. Boyd, J,, Hikurangi. Kerr, D., Collingwood. Penman, A., Huntly. Brownlie, T., Huntly. Lennox, W., Springfield. Provan, P., Runanga. Burley, T., Hikurangi. Little, W., Wellington. Robertson, R., Roa. Burt, A., Huntly. Littlewood, G. G,, Denniston. Sneddon, J., Blackball. Clarkson, S., Kaitangata. Longstaff, H. C, Kaitangata. Strachan, J., Dunedin. Cross, G,, Hikurangi. McCall, John, Wellington. Tennant, D., Paparoa. Dickinson, W., Gore. MoGeachio, J., jun., Mokau. Talbot, H., Huntly. Dodd, W., Granity, McGuire, P., Mount Somers. Tipton, Harry, Hikurangi. Eyeington, G., Huntly. McGuire, William, Seddonville. Webb, T. E., Huntly. Graham, D., Huntly. McHardy, A. J., Ferntown. Underviewers' Certificates. Issued under the Coal-mines Amendment Act, 1909. Allan, James, Puponga. Green, Richard, Abbotsford. Nimmo, Thomas, Papakaio. Attrill, Charles Waterford, Mercer. Hawthorn, James, Puponga. Nimmo, William, Ngapara. Berry, A. H., Huntly. Hunter, Peter, Ngakawau. Penman, John, Denniston. Bond, John, Waikaia. Johnston, William Crowan, Gore. Proctor, William, Kaitangata. Boustrage, T. Hubert, Brunnerton. Johnstone, Thomas, Denniston. Robertson, William, Mosgiel. Broome, James, Gore. Levick, Harry, White Cliffs. Todd, Thomas, Nightcaps. Clough, Henry, Millerton. Marsh, Charles George, Glentunnel. Walker, John, Blackball. Davidson, William, Mine Creek. Muncaster, William, Runanga. Williams, William, Kaitangata, Davis, William, Runanga. MeAlisler, Robert, Kaitangata. Wilson, Daniel, Kaitangata. Donaldson, James, Kaitangata. McNeill, William, Fairfield. Winter, John, Denniston. Flynn, John, Bannockburn. Newlands, George, Brunnerton. Issued under the Goal-mines Amendment Act, 1909, after Examination. Ainscough, William, Huntly. Hewitson, W. E. G., Burnett's Faoe. O'Brien, D. Q., Mangatini. Armstrong, V., Runanga. Honey, A, J., Burnett's Face. Peacock, Thomas, Denniston. Atkinson, John, Puponga. Hughes, T. G., Huntly. Pearson, William, Burnett's Face. Bashall, J., Puponga. Hunter, Peter, Stockton. Pendleton, Samuel, Blackball. Berry, A. H., Huntly. Jack, W., Millerton. Phillips, J., Taratu. Boddy, A. J., Rewanui. Johnston, C. M., Seddonville. Powell, Isaao, Rewanui. Brennan, John, Kaitangata. King, T. H., Granity. Rogers, James, Ngakawau. Brown, Charles Henry, Denniston. Lowden, William, Millerton. Strongman, C. J., Cobden. Cain, A., Kaitangata., Malier, William, Denniston. Sweeney, J. L., State Collieries. Carson, F. Kaitangata. Makinson, J., Huntly. Thomson, James, Huntly. Chippendale, John, Westport. McDonald, Thomas, Ngakawau. Tucker, J., Kaitangata. Clark, W. S., State Collieries. Mclvor, D., Runanga. Turnbull, E. V., Thames. Dowgray, John, Granity. McKernan, John, Millerton. Turner, Alfred, Kiripaka. Duffy, F,, Burnett's Face. McLean, Malcolm, Granity. Turton, J., Huntly. Dymond, John, Mine Creek. McLeod, J. G.. Millerton. White, Edward, Ngaruawahia. Griffon, J., Kaitangata. Morganty, Ij., Stockton. Whittlestone, G. F., Abbotsford. Hadcroft, John, Dunollie. Mosley, J. T., Denniston. Williamson, W. R., Rewanui. Hall, Thomas, Kaitangata. Nicholson, D., Huntly. Young, Joseph, Huntly. Issued under the Coal-mines Amendment Act, 1910. Buardsmore, E., Denniston. Jones, David, Nightcaps. Mason, Edward, Kingston Crossing. Cuthbertson, Robert, Fairfield. Jones, Morris, Nightcaps. Mitchell, Alexander, Runanga. Evans, William, Abbotsford. Jones, W., Waikaka Valley. McCaughern, John, Kaitangata. Fisher, T., Westport. Kitto, Richard, Kaitangata. Neill, S., Kawakawa. Gibson, M., Abbotsford. Manderson, P., Runanga. Nowburn, S., Kaitangata. Greene, M., Kaitangata. Mann, D., Granity. Statham, Robert, Kaitangata. Hadcroft, J., Runanga. Marshall, J. W., Weptport. Walker, J. R., Brighton. Hunt, W., Shag Point. Issued under the Coal-mines Amendment Act, 1914, ,on Production of Certificate of Corresponding Glass granted in any British Possession or E'oreign Country. Martin, Elias, Ngakawau. Middleton, Robert, Runanga. Firemen ahd Deputies' Certificates. Issued under the Coal-mines Amendment Act, 1909. Aitken, George, Glentunnel. Gibson, Matthew, Abbotsford. Murdoch, Colin MoColl, Stirling. Allan, A. George, Abbotsford. Gibson, Robort, Millerton. McCaffroy, James, Seddonville. Allan, Charles, Brunnerton. Gilmour, William, Millerton. McCaughern, John, Kaitangata. Boardsmore, Edward, Denniston. Glover, Richard, Runanga. McDonald, John T., Millerton. Berry, Albert Henry, Huntly. Gray, Thomas, Abbotsford. McGhee, William, Kaitangata. Blanoy, James, sen., Kaitangata. Gribbon, John, Kaitangata. McGill, Douglas Thomas, Waikaka. Boyd, Robert, Waronui. Headcroft, James, Runanga. MoGill, John, Huntly. Bradley, Robert, Denniston. Hamilton, John, Hikurangi. McKenzie, James, Nightoaps. Buchols, Joseph, Waikaka. Hargreaves, Charles, Millerton. Newburn, Robert, Kaitangata. Burgess, William Charles, E. Gore. Harris, John, Reefton. Newburn, Samuel, Kaitangata. Callaghan, Frederick, Kiripaka. Hartley, John, Denniston. Nicholas/William, Kaitangata. Campbell, Samuel, Millerton. Hay, James, Denniston. Oliver, William, Kaitangata. Chamley, William, Millerton. Heron, Ralph, Kimihia. Parcell, Henry Clyde, Bannockburn. Clausen, EmilP.,c/o J. Worthington, Higgins, Thomas James, Denniston. Park, Francis, Stirling. 33 Hiropi Street, Newtown, Wei- Hislop, William, Denniston. Penman, Robert, Kaitangata. lington. Iloldon, Samuel, Granity. Richards, James, Brunnerton. Connelly, Michael, Denniston. Housley, Benjamin, Huntly. Rodgers, Edwin, Kaitangata. Gonnew, John, Puponga. Howe, Goorge Charles, Shag Point. Sanderson, John, Kurow. Coppersmith, John. Denniston. Jarvie,William Marshall, Kaitangata. Scott, Charles, Nevis. Coulthard, Thomas, Brunnerton. Jaspers, George F., Denniston. Scott, John, Runanga. Cowan, Robert Black, Gibbston. Jenkins, James, Ngakawau. Smith, William, Seddonville. Cuthbertson, Robert, Fairfield. Johnston, C. Mountier, Seddonville. Sneddon, James, Blackball. Davis, Evan, Denniston. Jones, David, Nightcaps. Statham, Robert, Kaitangata. Deeming, William, Hikurangi. Kaye, Charles, Runanga. Taylor, David, Roa. Dellaway, Archibald, Denniston. Kitto, Richard, Kaitangata. Taylor, James, Springfield. Dickson, Richard, Hikurangi. Looming, J. T., South Malvern. Thin, William, White Cliffs. Dillon, Lawrence M., Nightcaps. Lutton, William, Millerton. Tripp, Albert, Kaitangata. Duncan, Frank, Huntly. Mann, Duncan, Millerton. Wallace, John, Mataura. Duncan, Hugh, Kaitangata. Mason, William, Denniston. Wardrope, Franois, Hikurangi. Evans, John, Granity. Mears, Andrew David, Runanga. Watson, Andrew, Roa. Evans, William, Abbotsford, Monorieff, Thomas, Nightcaps. West, George Thomas, Waronui. Findlay, Charles, Denniston. Moore, Thomas, Mangatini. Wilson, Walter William, Springfield. Foot, Frederick Ernest, Denniston. Morganty, Charles, Ngakawau. Young, Thomas Gardner, Waikaia.



Firemen and Deputies' Certificates— continued. Issued under the Coal-mines Amendment Act, 1909, after Examination. Allan, George, Huntly. Hardie, J., Millerton. Paul, James, Seddonville. Allan, James, Brunnerton. Harvey, D., Huntly. Pearson, James Thomas, Mataura. Anderson, Walter, Blackball. Hawkins, Joseph, Burnett's Face. Pearson, Samuel G., Burnett's Face. Armstrong, V., Runanga. Hendry, John, Millerton. Pearson, William, Burnett's Faoe. Atkinson, J., Puponga. Hicks, J. R., Kiripaka. Pendleton, S., Blackball. Baddeley, Jesse, Dunollie. Hill, A., Lovell's Flat. Phillips, J., Puponga. Ball, A., Kimihia. Hill, E. E., Brunnerton. Ponton, F., Millerton. Barolay, F., Kaitangata. Hilton, Thomas, Denniston. Powell, J., Dunollie. Birohall, J., Burnett's Face. Hogg, C, Blackball. Pratt, Alexander, Millerton. Blair, Peter, Huntly. Hollows, W., Fairfield. Ralph, J., Huntly. Boddy, Arohibald John, Runanga. Honey, Arohibald John, Denniston. Ramsay, J. McK., Kaitangata. Bond, W. T., Huntly. Hopkinson, Joseph, Seddonville. Reed, W. H, Hikurangi. Brennen, J., Kaitangata. Hughes, T. E., Huntly. Reid, Henry, Millerton. Broadbent, Samuel, Huntly. Innes, Andrew, Runanga. Reid, Henry, Huntly. Brown, J., jun., Denniston. Isherwood, T., Runanga. Richardson, W., Dunollio. Buchanan, William, Millerton. Johnßon, J. H., Hikurangi. Robson, W., State Collieries. Burdon, George, Denniston. Johnson, Thomas, Huntly, Rodgers, J., Huntly. Burt, T., Huntly. Jones, 8., Millerton. Rodgers, J., Ngakawau. Calder, Thomas, Ngakawau. Jones, J., Hikurangi. Rogers, A. G., Kaitangata. Caldwell, Tnomas, Blaokball. Jones, J., Kimihia. Rowse, J., Runanga. Callaghan, M., Blackball. Kerry, E., Huntly. Ruston, Edwin Walter, Huntly. Campbell, J. C, Glentunnel. King, Thomas Henry, Granity. Rutherford, W. R., Kaitangata. Carson, Frederick. Lancaster, Herbert, Puponga. Scott, James, Blackball. Chadwick, A., Millerton. Lauder, Matt Currie, Runanga. Seddon, William, Huntly. Chapman, A. E., Kaitangata. Lewis, 1., Puponga. Sharp, J. R., Kaitangata. Chippendale, J., Millerton. Lowden, W., Millerton. Shore, W. M., Taratu. Clark, W. S , Dunollie. McAuley, P., Ngakawau. Smith, C. 8., Dunollie. Clarke, 8., Roa. McAvoy, William, Ngakawau. Smith, J. A., Seddonville. Cleveland, F. L., Kaitangata. McDonald, J., Ngakawau. Smith, Thomas W., Millerton. Colledge, A., Huntly. McDonald, Thomas, Burnett's Faoe. Smith, W. A., Denniston. Connolly, John, Runauga. McGovorn, R., Wairio. Snell, J., Kaitangata. Connolly, John Joseph, Runanga. McGuinness, E., Runanga. Snowdon, W., Kaitangata. Cooper, J. J., Milton. Mclvor, David, Runanga. Southward, William, Runanga, Cowan, J., Millerton. McKenty, H., Denniston. Strongman, Charles Jamos, Cobden. Cruikshank, P. G., Runanga. McKernan, John, Millerton. Sutherland, J., Millerton. Curragh, A., Burnott's Face. McLaughlin, J. W, Huntly, Sweeney, John Lewis, Runanga. Curran, James, Ngakawau. McMillan, John, Huntly. Tate, Anthony, Seddonville. Cuthbertson, John, Glentunnel. McMillan, John, Kaitangata. Taylor, Christopher, Millerton. Danks, Peter, Millerton. McMillan, R., Kaitangata. Thawloy, William, Denniston. Darby, W., Huntly. Mackie, J., Kaitangata. Thomson, J., Huntly. Davidson, Thomas, Mine Creek. Maokinson, Job, Hikurangi. Thomson, Thomas, Mine Creek. Davies, F., Puponga. Maddison, W., Huntly. Throp, J., Kaitangata. Davis, Oliver James, Runanga. Maher, W., Denniston. Timms, H., Huntly. Delaney, J. E., Puponga. Makepeace, Henry, Runanga. Tunstall, A. G., Hikurangi. Dowgray, John, Millerton. Martin, T. N., Huntly. Tunstall, W., Hikurangi. Downes, William Norbury, Cobden, Miles, B. C, Millerton. Turner, F., Kiripaka. Duggan, Francis, Runanga. Mitchell, A., Seddonville. Turton, John, Huntly. Dunsdale, George, Rewanui. Morganti, Louis, Millerton. Unwin, James, Runanga. Dutton, John, Granity. Moreland, S., Hikurangi. Veitch, D., Blaokball. Dymond, J., Millerton. Mosley, J. T., Denniston. Vurlow, Frederick Alexander, DenEckersley, W, Paparoa. Moye, John Patrick, Denniston. niston. Fairhurst, R. W., Huntly. Myers, Richard, Millerton. Walker, W. J., Granity. Fannigan, P., Ngakawau. Nicholson, David, Huntly. - Wallwork, Moses,.Runanga, Ferguson, A., Kaitangata. Nicholson, J., State Collieries. Wear, Daniel, Huntly. Forrest, John, Runanga. Niven, Peter, Ngakawau. Webster, Oliver, Huntly. Frow, W., Huntly. Nolan, John, Granity. White, Edward, Granity. Gox, Henry John, Blaokball. Nuttall, John, Blackball. Williamson, W. R., Rewanui. Gilligan, H., Runanga. O'Brien, Denis Quinsin, Millerton. Wilsfln, J. T., Kamo. Green, T., Kaitangata. O'Brien, Martin, Millerton. Woods, A., Millerton. Griffen, James, Kaitangata. O'Fee, J., Kaitangata. Wood, W., Huntly. Hale, J., Kaitangata. Oliver, R., Kaitangata, Worthington, T., Millerton. Hall, R. H., Huntly. Parker, Andrew, Greymouth. Wyse, A., Blackball. Hall, Thomas, Kaitangata. Parr, Joseph, Burnett's Face. Young, Joseph, Huntly. Hannah, J., Glentunnel. Parrott, W., Waiuta. Young, Thomas, Granity. Issued under the Coal-mines Amendment Act, 1910. Broadfoot, W., Millerton. Halsey, W. J., Saddle Hill. Mcintosh, A. S., Shag Point. Burgess, R. S., Waikaka. Hartshorne, W. C, Brunnerton. Mclvor, W., Waikaka. Cain, Alexander, Waikaia. Hodgetts, 1., Burnett's Face. Nelson, J. 11., Pukerau. Cameron, D., North Chatton. Hunt, William, Shag Point. Ramsey, George, Waikaka. Churchill, S. G.,.Alexandra South. Junker, F. A., Waikaia. Robinson, R., Ngakawau. Clasen, Charles, Shag Point. % Kidd, G. C, Albury. Russell, H. C, Bannockburn. Grabbe, George, Alexandra South. King, J., Granity. Saunders, W., Denniston. Cumming, J. S., Denniston. Lee, S., Nightcaps. Stevenson, J., Shag Point. Cunningham, Thomas, Kaitangata. Mackie, N., Kaitangata. Thomas, 8., Denniston. Dixon, A., Nightoaps. McAuley, John, Kaitangata. Tinker, G., Nightoaps. Garrey, W., Kaitangata. MoClimont, John, Mount Somers. -Whittlestone, G. F., Abbotsford. Gray, Hugh, Dunedin. MoDowell, R., Nightcaps. Issued under the Coal-mines Amendment Act, 1914, on Production of Certificate of Corresponding Class granted in any British Possession or Foreign Country. Barr, T., Coalgate. Davies, W. 0., Huntly. Quinlan, A. E., . Coan, R., Huntly. Maloolm, A., Nightcaps. Tucker, J., Kaitangata.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l9.

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Bibliographic details

MINES STATEMENT BY THE HON. SIR WILLIAM FRASER, MINISTER OF MINES., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1919 Session I, C-02

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MINES STATEMENT BY THE HON. SIR WILLIAM FRASER, MINISTER OF MINES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1919 Session I, C-02

MINES STATEMENT BY THE HON. SIR WILLIAM FRASER, MINISTER OF MINES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1919 Session I, C-02

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