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Presented, to the House of Representatives pursuant to the Legislature Act, 1908.

REPORT OK THE NORTH AND SOUTH ISLAND REPRESENTATION COMMISSIONS SITTING AS A JOINT COMMISSION. To His Excellency the Right Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it please Your Excellency,— We, the undersigned, constituted by virtue of the provisions of the Legislature Act, 1908, Commissioners for the North and for the South Island, were called together by the Governor-General and sat as a Joint Commission on the 10th day of September, 1917, for the purpose of dividing the Dominion of New Zealand into electoral districts for the apportionment of the representation of the people of the said Dominion, and for this purpose proceeded to ascertain the " quota." The Commission now respectfully submits for Your Excellency's consideration the results of its proceedings. The report of the Statistician showing the total population of the Dominion was received and read by the Commission. From the said report and from returns furnished by the Defence Department as to the number absent with the Expeditionary Forces it was ascertained that the total population of the Dominion on the night of the census amounted to 1,142,081 (exclusive of Maoris, and the inhabitants of the Chatham and Kermadec Islands, and interned aliens), distributed as follows : The population in fifty cities and boroughs of over two thousand inhabitants, including those on shipboard, amounted to 538,334, and the urban population within five-miles limit of the Chief Postoffices of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin Cities, exclusive of the population in cities and boroughs of over two thousand inhabitants within that limit, amounted to 36,343, making a total urban population of 574,677, leaving a rural population of 567,404. Having added 28 per cent. to the latter figures, the total nominal population of the Dominion amounted to 1,300,954. This divided by 76, the total number of members, fixed the quota at 17,118. It was further ascertained that the total actual population of the North Island amounted to 674,101, equivalent to a. nominal population, of 766,618. Likewise it was ascertained that the total actual population of the South Island, including Stewart Island, was 467,980, equivalent to a nominal population of 534,336. A. consideration, of these figures showed that the number of members to which the North Island was entitled was represented by the figures 44-78, and the South Island 31 -22. As the fractional part in the first case was greater than that in the second the number of members for the North Island was fixed at 45, and that of the South Island at 31. This result increased the number of members for the North Island by three, and reduced that of the South Island by a corresponding number. The Joint Commission having fulfilled the functions devolving upon it in terms of the above Act, resolved itself into the separate Commissions, which respectively proceeded to apportion and define the electoral districts for each Tsland. Given under our hands and seals, this twenty-first day of September, one thousand nine! hundred and seventeen. E. 11. Wclmot, Chairman [l.S.]. W. IT. Sktnner [l.S.]. J. W. A. Marchant [l.s.]. Harman Reeves [l.s], Harry Quane [l.s.]. G. H. Bullard [l.s.]. James Trounson [l.s.]. Thos. Brook [l.s.]. H. M. Skeet [l.s.]. Robt. T. Sadd [l.s.].

I—H. 28.

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NORTH ISLAND REPRESENTATION COMMISSION. REPORT. To His Excellency the Right Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it please Your Excellency,— We, the members of the North Island Representation Commission, have the honour to report that, as directed by Your Excellency on the 30th day of August last, we commenced our sittings on the 10th day of September last for the purpose of dividing the North Island into electoral districts. The boundaries having been provisionally fixed, maps wore prepared showing the same, and descriptions were published in the New Zealand Gazette, notice being given at the same time therein that objections would be received up to noon of the sth November. In all thirty-one objections were received and dealt with, as set forth in the schedule herewith. This Commission now respectfully submits for Your Excellency's consideration a map showing the boundaries of the electorates as finally fixed, with a schedule showing the actual and nominal populations in each electorate, which agree with the figures set forth in the report by the Joint Commissions ; and also descriptions of the said boundaries. Three new electorates have been created —one urban, at Auckland, to which the name " Roskill " has been given, and two rural, to which the names " Rotorua " and " Manawatu " (formerly the name of an electorate) have been given. The Town of Taumarunui being now included in the Waimarino Electorate, the name " Waitomo " has been substituted for " Taumarunui," as better describing the remodelled electorate. The name " Wellington Suburbs and Country Districts " has been curtailed to " Wellington Suburbs," there being now practically no country population included in the electorate. As directed by the provisions of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, the Commission has declared that the Auckland East, Auckland West, and Auckland Central Electorates shall constitute the Auckland Licensing District, and that the Wellington North, Wellington Central, and Wellington East Electorates shall constitute the Wellington Licensing District. Before concluding this report we, as a Commission, desire respectfully to bring under the notice of Your Excellency the following points, with suggestions thereanent: — 1. The wording of section 18 of the Legislature Act, 1908, dealing with the " margin " of population in electorates comprising " urban " and " rural," does not express the evident intention of the section—viz., that such " margin " shall be the " margin " fixed for " urban " electorates plus a number bearing the same ratio to the number 300 (the difference of " margin " for " urban " and " rural " electorates) as the " rural " population in the electorates bears to the total population therein. It is suggested that the section be amended as to wording. 2. " Urban " population includes population within circles drawn with a five-mile radius from the post-offices of the four principal cities. This arbitrary boundary was decided on when these cities were very much smaller than at present, and it is now found that in some cases real suburban areas are not included within the circles. The fact that the census sub-enumerators cannot follow these circles on the ground causes all concerned in dealing with the population figures much needless trouble. It is suggested that, instead of these imaginary lines being adopted as boundaries, the "urban" areas shall be properly defined by boundaries that will include all suburban areas and all areas within five miles of the post-offices aforesaid, and that can be followed on the ground by the Census Enumerators ; further, that such boundaries shall be fixed from time to time by Order in Council at least six months before any census is taken. 3. This Commission desires to call special attention to the difficulty experienced in obtaining electoral boundaries that will conserve community of interest and at the same time keep the population of each electorate within the limits at present prescribed by the Act. It is of opinion that the obtaining of suitable boundaries would be facilitated by increasing the " margin " allowed in respect of rural population from 550 to 1,000. It mayTbe pointed out that the margin of 550 at present allowed is on the nominal population, and only represents an actual margin of 430, while the actual margin corresponding to 1,000 would only be 781. The Commission also suggests that the increase of margin would enable Commissions to adjust boundaries in such manner as to more nearly comply with the provisions of the Licensing Amendment Act of 1914 than is at present possible, but does not believe that any reasonable margin would enable Commissions to fully comply in every case with that Act where, as with the present Commissions, it becomes necessary to increase or diminish the number of electorates in either Island. This Commission is of opinion, having regard to the fixing of the best boundaries for electoral districts, that the question of keeping licensing districts distinct from electoral districts is worthy of consideration, but, realizing that this would open up a very big public question, does not consider it within its functions to offer any definite suggestions in this direction. Given under our hands and seals, this tenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen. E. H. Wilmot [l.s.]. J. W. A. Marchant [l.s.]. H. M. Skeet [l.s.] G. H. Bullard [l.s.]. James Trounson [l.s.].




No. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Name and Address of Writer. Decision of Commission. 1 Eden Petition to inolude the Riverhead and Kumeu Hotels in tho Electoral District of Waitemata Petition from residents in the Riverhead and Kumeu districts, as owners and occupiers of property, to include the Riverhead and Kumeu Hotels in tho Electoral District of Waitemata Petition from residents in Kumeu district, as fruitgrowers and viticulturists, to include; the Riverhead and Kumeu Hotels in the Electoral District of Waitemata Objecting to the Pokono and Maungatawhiri Road Districts, tho Mercer Town District, and part of Hunua Riding being included in the Thames Electoral District Objections to Mercer Town District being included in tho Thames Electoral District Objecting to tho inclusion of Kawhia County in the Raglan Electoral District, and suggesting inclusion in the Waikato Electoral District Objecting to the inclusion of Kawhia County in tho Raglan Electoral District, and suggesting inclusion in tho Waikato Electoral District T. W. Deacon, Kumeu Acceded to. 2 Eden T. B. Brown, Kumeu, and 205 others Acceded to. 3 Eden R. A. Barnes, Kumeu, and 11 others Acceded to. Fran klin Alan Day, Clerk, Franklin County Council Impracticable t o amend boundaries. Franklin G. E. Morgan, Chairman, Mercer Town Boa I'd A. E. Langley, 'Chairman, Kawhia Town Board Impracticable t o amend boundaries. 5 6 Raglan fm practicable to amend boundaries. Raglan 0. F. K. Barton, Clork, Kawhia County Council Ethel Farquhar, Waihou Impracticable t o amend, boundaries. Ohinemuri Objecting to part of Waihou Riding of Piako County being included in the Ohinemuri Electoral District Objecting to part of Waihou Riding of Piako County being included in the Ohinemuri Electoral District Petition from electors of part of Waihou Riding of Piako County to bo included in tho Tauranga Electoral District Petition from residents, fanners, and others doing business in Waihou Township to have same included in' the Tauranga . Electoral District Objecting to tho exclusion of Opotiki County from Rotorua Electorate, and desiring that Opotiki and Whakatane Counties be in one electorate and designated " Bay of Plenty " Protesting against proposed electoral boundaries of Rotorua District Allowed; boundaries amended. i) Ohineitiuri Russell, Campbell, and McVoagh, Auokland Allowed; boundaries amended. III Ohinemur.' William Stedmanand 173 others Acceded to. I I Ohinemuri George Wei'e and 203 others Acceded to. 12 Rotorua H. O. Garraway, Secretary, Whakatane Harbour Board Suggestion impracticable. Rotorua Secretary, Whakatane Chamber of ComNot upheld. 13 14 llotorua Protesting against Bay of Plenty Electorate being divided into three electorates and being attached to part of Waikato, whore there is no community of interest; also against being separated from tho Opotiki District Protesting against Whakatane and Opotiki Counties being separated, and desiring the namo of " Bay of Plenty " being retained Protesting against separation of Whakatane and Opotiki Counties, and desiring that the new electorate should be the " Bay of Plenty District" Objecting to the proposed alterations in the Gisborno Electoral District and to the inclusion of Wairoa Borough in same merce F. B. Maunder, Hon. Secretary, Awakeri Branch Farmers' Union Unable to comply. Rotorua County Clerk, Whakatane Countv Council G. S. Brabant, Mayor of Whakatane Borough Unable to comply. 15 Lβ Rotorua Unable to comply. 17 Qisborne W. Hamilton Irvine, Hon. Secretary, Gisborne Chamber of Commerce W. H. Complin, Cierk, Havclock North Town Board H. M. Boddington, Secretary, Masterton Chamber of Commerce C. A. Mears, Town Clerk, Borough of Dannevirko Not uphold. Waipawa Objecting to inclusion of the Havelock North Town District in the Waipawa Electoral District Suggesting that all the area on north bank of Waingawa River should be included in Masterton Electorate ; also portions on the southern and eastern boundaries Asking that tho Electoral District of Pahiatua be changed to " Dannovirke Electoral District," also that Dannovirke be made the headquarters of the Pahiatua Electoral District Objecting to proposed Manawatu Electoral District, and suggesting that Marton should be the district centre, and that the boundary should be the Manawatu River Suggesting that Wanganui East bo excluded, and that portion of the Oroua District be included in Rangitikoi District instead Not upheld. 18 !) Masterton Partially complied with. Pahi atua Unable to accede to request. Manawatu Sir J, G. Wilson, Chairman of Manawatu County Council Hon. Secretary, Marton Chamber of Commerce Cannot be complied with. Rangitikei Impracticable. 12





Bay of Islands. from the confluence of the Mangakahia and Wairua Rivers to This district is bounded towards the north-oast generally * he °f at *J» m ° uth of .j* 6 , Ngunguru River; thence by the ocean from North Capo to the mouth of tho Ngunguru towards the north-cast generally by the ocean to the southern River; thence towards the south-east generally by the Bay boundary of the Mahurangi Riding of Rodney County (as of Islands Electoral District, as described in New Zealand existing on 10th day of September, 1917) at Cowans Bay; Gazette No. 76, of 27th September, 1911, from the said river 4l f noo "} a westerly direction by the said southern boundary to the north-eastern boundary of the south-eastern portion of the said Mahurangi Riding to jtsjuneti,.,, with the Marsden of Section 50, Block V, Purua Survey District; thence in a Sectoral District, as closer,bod mNew Zealand Gazette No. 76, north-westerly direction by the north-eastern boundaries of of the 27th September, 1911, at the road at the southern the south-eastern and north-eastern portions of Section 50, ? orner of . tb * southern portion of Section 37, Block IX, Block XVI, Hukoronui Survey District, and the north-eastern Mahurangi Survey District; thence towards the south-west portions of Sections 49, 48, and 39 of the said block and ? ene » b y the ""J* Marsden Electoral District to the North survey district; thence in a south-westerly direction by the Auokland Railway-line intersecting the north-east boundary south-eastern boundary of the south-eastern portion of of Section 1 1, Block IV I auhoa Survey District; thence in Section 38 of the aforesaid block and survey district to its a northerly direction by the said iuilway-n,e to its intersection south-western corner; thence by the road between Sections 36 wlth / * he aforesaid Marsden Electoral District at tho northand 40 to tho northern boundary of the Hikurangi Town £? S J boundary of _Section 23, Block XVI, Otamatea Survey District (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); Is * n f [ thence ma north-westerly direction generally by thence in a southerly direction generally by the western tha * °loctoral diHtnot to the road at the northernmost corner boundary of the said town district to the road at the south- of Section 152, Block VIII, Matakohe Survey District; thence western corner of the aforesaid town district; thence in a m a north-easterly direction across road to and along the south-easterly direction by that road to its junction with the north-western boundaries of Sections 160, 100, 10b, and 105, said Bay of Islands Electoral District; thence towards the Block IV, Waipu Survey District, to the south-western south-east and south generally by that electoral district to boundary of Whangarci County (as existing on the 10th day the ocean at the north-western corner of Block V, Waipoua ° f September, 1917) ; thence ma north-westerly direction by Survey District; and towards the south-west and north by * ho s *" d ™ T nn y S? th S Mrth ;~ t . c ™ e ' o£ b f" the ocean to tho place of commencement, including all tion 84a Block XVI, langihua Survey District; thence by adiacent islands noVth-eastem boundary of the Waikiekic Road District of the Mangapai Riding of Whangarci County (as existing on Marsden. the 10th day of September, 1917) to its junction with the This district is bounded towards the north-west and north southern boundary of the Maungakaramea Road District by the Bay of Islands Electoral District, hereinbefore described, (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) of the said

from the confluence of the Mangakahia and Wairua Rivers to the ocean at the mouth of tho Ngunguru River; thonce towards tho north-cast generally by the ocean to the southern boundary of tho Mahurangi Riding of Rodney County (as existing on 10th day of September, 1917) at Cowan's Bay; thence in a westerly direction by tho said southern boundary of the said Mahurangi Riding to its junction with the Marsden Electoral District, as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911, at the road at the southern corner of the southern portion of Section 37, Block IX, Mahurangi Survoy District; thenco towards the south-west generally by the said Marsden Electoral Distriot to tho North Auckland Railway-line intersecting tho north-east boundary of Section 111, Block IV, Tauhoa Survoy District; thence in a northerly direction by tho said railway-line to its intersection with tho aforesaid Marsden Electoral District at the northwest boundary of Section 25, Block XVI, Otamatoa Survey District; thonce in a north-westerly direction generally by that electoral district to tho road at the northernmost corner of Section 152, Block VIII, Matakohe Survey District ; thence in a north-easterly direction across road to and along tho north-western boundaries of Sections 160, 100, 106, and 105, Block IV, Waipu Survoy District, to the south-western boundary of Whangaroi County (as oxisting on tho 10th day of September, 1917) ; thoneo in a north-westerly direction by tho said county boundary to the north-east corner of Section 84a, Block XVI, Tangihua Survey District; thence by the noVth-eastem boundary of the Waikiekio Road District of the Mangapai Riding of Whangarci County (as existing on the 10th day of Soptomber, 1917) to its junction with the southorn boundary of tho Maungakaramoa Road District (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) of the said

No. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. i Name and Address of Writer. Decision of Commission. J 23 Rangitikei Objecting to proposed boundaries and the inclusion of Wanganui East, and suggesting that Rangitira and Otairi Ridings, southern portion of Awarua Hiding, with Hunterville and Mangaweka Town Districts, be included in Rangitikei District Suggesting that portion of the Whakironga district lying north of Stony Creek Road be included in Oroua Electorate, and portion of Fit/.herbort Riding remain in Palmerston Electorate Forwarding resolution carried at a public; meeting that the electorate should be divided into two electorates containing sufficient country population in each to make up quota on basis of community of interest Suggesting rearrangement of boundaries so that there should be no part of Wanganui or suburbs included in Patea Electorate Forwarding resolution by Hawera Chamber of Commerce expressing disapproval of proposed boundaries, and suggesting that the Normanby Township and the Ararata and Moremero Ridings of the Hawera County be included in electorate forwarding resolution by Chamber of Commerce entering strong protest against any portion of Wanganui Town or suburbs being included in electorate Forwarding resolution carried at a public meeting protesting against the abolition of the name " Taumarunui," and asking that the centre of the electorate bo fixed at Taumarunui Petition from residents and electors of the existing Taumarunui Electorate protesting against abolition of the name Protesting against the alteration of name of existing Taumarunui Electorate to " Waitomo " Suggesting that " Ohakune" would be preferable as the name of the electorate instead of " Waimarino " County Clerk, Rangitikei County Council impracticable. 24 Oroua I). H. Guthrie, M.I , ., Feilding Complied with as to Fitzherbert Riding. Wftnganui C. E. Mackay, Mayor of Wanganui Impraotioable. 25 C. E. Mackay, Mayor of Wanganui Complied with. 26 Patoa Secretary, Hawera Chamber of ComAcceded to as far as practicable. merce Patea Hon. Secretary, Patea Chamber of ComComplied with. 27 Waitomo merce Unable to accede. 28 F. Otto, Secretary, Taumarunui Chamber of Commerce Wai tomo A. G. Kenderdine and 470 others Unable to accede. 20 30 Waitomo A. S. Laird, Mayor of Taumarunui Narao " Waitomo " adhered to. 31 Waimarino T. Ireland, Town Clerk, Ohakune Not deemed advisable.



riding and the said county; thence by the south-western boundary of the said road district to its junction with, the before-mentioned Marsden Electoral District on the northern boundary of Section JO, Block I, Tangihua Survey District; thence in a north-westerly direction generally by that electoral district to the place of commencement, including Mokohinau Island and adjacent islands, ipara. This district is bounded towards the north and north-east generally by the Bay of Islands and Marsden Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the ocean at the northwestern corner of Block V, Waipoua Survey District, to the southern boundary of tho Mahurangi Riding of Rodney County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) at Cowan's Bay ; thence towards the cast generally by the ocean to tho southern boundary of the Wainui Riding of Waitemata County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) at the mouth of the Weiti River; thence towards the south by the southern boundary of the said riding to its junction with the eastern boundary of Kaukapakapa Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thenco by the eastern and southern boundaries of the said riding to the southern boundary of the Helensvillo Town District (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence by the southern and western boundaries of tho said town district to the north-western comer of the aforesaid town district at the Kaipara River ; thence towards tho south-west by the Kaipara Riven-, the middle of the Kaipara Harbour, and Kai para entrance to the ocean ; thence in a north-wosterly direction by the ocean to the place of commencement, including all adjacent islands. w This district is bounded towards the north by tho Kaipara Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of the eastern boundary of Kaukapakapa Riding (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) of Waitemata County, with the southern boundary of the Wainui Riding to the ocean at tho mouth of the Weiti River ; thence towards the east generally by the ocean to the North Head of tho Waitcmata Harbour ; thence towards the south and south-west generally'by the northern side of Waitemata Harbour to the north-western corner of Section 214, Block VI, Waitemata Survey District; thence across tho said harbour to a point in line with tho northern boundary of the said section at the eastern boundary of Section 15 of the said block and survey district; thence in a south-westerly direction by the eastern boundary of the said Section 15 and the southern boundary of Section 72 of tho aforesaid block and survey district to tho south-eastern corner of Section 52, Block V, Waitemata Survey District; thence by tho southern boundary of the said Section 52 to and along the road forming part of the southern boundary of the aforesaid Section 52 and passing through Sections 140, 63, and forming the northern boundary of Section 44, north-western boundary of Section 108, and passing through Section 9 of the said block and survey district to the Auckland-Helensvilic Railway-line ; thence in a northwesterly direction by the said railway-line to its intersection with the southern boundary of the Waikoukou Block ; thence in .an easterly and northerly direction by tho southern and eastern boundaries of the said block to tho south-western corner of Section 160, Block V, Waitemata Survey District; thence by tho western boundary of tho said section and its production to the road north of the aforesaid section ; thence in a north-westerly direction by tho said road to the southeastern corner of Section 70a ; thonce by the south-eastern and north-eastern boundary of the said section and northeastern boundary of Section 70, Block I, of the said survey district, and the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 66 and 53 to the Waitemata Electoral District (as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911) at the north-oast corner of the said Section 53 ; thence towards the west generally by the said Waitemata Electoral District to its junction with the Kaipara Electoral District, hereinbefore described, at the south-western corner of Section 59, Block IV, Kumeu Survey District; thenco by the said Kaipara Electoral District to the place of commencement, including Titiri Island, Bean Rock, Great Barrier Island, Little Barrier Island, Rakitu Island, Rangiahua Island, Kawau Island, Motuhora Island, Pine Island, Motukete Island, Moturekareka Island, and adjacent islands. Eden. This district is bounded towards the north and oast generally by tho Kaipara Electoral District, hereinbofore described, from tho ocean at tho Kaipara Entrance to the Waitomata Electoral District, hereinbefore described, at the

south-western corner of Section 59, Block XIV, Kumeu Surrey District; thenco by the said Waitemata Electoral District to the western coast-line of the Waitemata Harbour ; thence towards the north-east generally by the western and southern coast-line of tho said Waitemata Harbour to tho eastern boundary of the Eden Electoral District, as doscribed in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911, at the mouth of the Motions Creek; thonce in a south-easterly direction generally by the said Eden Eloetoral District to the north-western corner of Section 35; thence by the northern boundaries of Sections 35, 34, and 28 to School Road; thence by School Road to the New North Road; thoneo by the New North Road to Kingslatid Road; thence in a south-westerly direction by Kingsland Road and its continuation past Edondale Road to Coyle Street; thenco by Coyle Street to Fowld's Road; thoneo by Fowld's Road to Taumata Road ; thenco by Taumata Road to Euston Road ; thenco by Euston Road to the said Eden Electoral District at Mount Albert Road ; thoneo towards tho south-oast by tho aforesaid Edon Electoral District to Manukau Harbour, and by tho said harbour to tho ocean ; thenco towards the southwest generally by the ocean to tho place of commencement, Auckland East This district is bounded towards tho north gonorally by the Waitemata Harbour from a point in line with tho middle of Queen Street to the King's Drive at the south-western corner of St. George's Bay ; thonce by tho King's Drive to the St. George's Bay Road; thence towards the oast generally by tho St. George's Bay Road to Garfield Street; thence by Garfield Street to Manukau Road; thenco by Manukau Road to the eastern corner of original Section 37a ; thence by tho south-eastern boundary of the said original Section 37a to tho Auckland City boundary (as existing on the 10th day of' September, 1917) at the north-eastern boundary of tho Auckland Domain ; thence in a southeasterly and south-westerly direction by the said Auckland City boundary to its junction with tho northern boundary 0 f the Borough of Newmarket (as existing on the 10th day 0 f Soptember, 1917) at Park Road East; thoneo by the northern, eastern, and southern boundaries of the said Borough of Newmarket to tho junction with the former Auckland East Electoral District, as describod in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of tho 27th September, 1911, at tho junction of Almorah and Seccombe's Roads ; thonce in a southerly and westerly direction by the said Auckland East Eloetoral District to tho junction' of Victoria Avenuo and tho Now North Road; thence by Victoria Avenue to Sussex Streot; thence by Sussex Street to Newton Road ; thenco by Ne W ton Road to Gladstone Street; thonce by Gladstone Street to East Stroot; thence by East Street to the aforesajti Auckland East Electoral District at Queen Street; thence towards the west by the before-mentioned Auckland j ( } as t Electoral District to the place of commencement. This district also includes all wharves and extensions seaward an( i tne Rakine, Motuihi, Pakatoa, Rotoroa, Ponui, Pahiki, anc i Rangitoto Islands and adjacent Islands, Auckland Central. 'Phis district is bounded towards the east generally by tho Auckland East Electoral District hereinbefore described from the Waitemata Harbour to tho junction of Victoria Avenue and the New North Road ; thence towards the south-west, west, and north-oast generally by the former Auckland Central Electoral District, as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of tho 27th September, 1911, to tho place of commencement, including all wharves and oxtensions seaward, Auckland West. This district is bounded towards the west and north by the Waitemata Harbour from tho mouth of Cox's Creek to tho eastern boundary of the Auckland West Electoral District, as doscribed in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911 ; thenoe towards tho oast by the said Auokland West Electoral District to the junction 0 f R o ss Road and Williamson Avenue ; thence towards the south generally by Ross Road to Cross Street; thence by Cross Street to tho aforesaid Auckland West Electoral Distriet at Richmond Road; thenco by the boforo-mentioned Auckland West Electoral District to tho mouth of Cox's Creek, the place of commencement, including all wharves and extensions seaward. BEY YNNThis district is bounded towards tho north-east genorally by the Auckland West, Auckland Central, and Auckland East Electoral Districts, hereinbefore describod, from



tho mouth of Cox's Creek the eastern boundary of tho Mount Eden Reserve at Almorah Road ; at tho north-western corner of Soction 97 ; thoneo towards tho oast gonorally by the wostorn boundarios of tho said Soction 97 and Soctions 98, 99, and 100, the southorn boundary of Soction 100, tho north-western boundaries of Sections 1, 38, and 57, and tho western boundary of tho said Section 57 to tho southeastern corner of Section 10; thonce by tho southern boundary of tho said Section 10; to the Mount Eden Road ; thenoe in a northerly direction by tho said Mount Eden Road to Prospect Rise ; thonce towards tho south gonorally by Prospect Rise to and along tho wOstorn boundary of Lot 5, to and along tho northern boundary of original Allotment 5 to Valley Road; thenco by Valloy Road to Dominion Road; thence by Dominion Road to Onslow Road ; thenco by Onslow Road to the New North Road ; thenco by the New North Road to School Road; thence by School Road to tho Auckland City boundary, as oxisting on tho 10th day of September, 1917 ; thenco by the said city boundary forming the northern boundaries of Sections 28, 34, and 35 to the forme,- Grey Lynn Electoral District, as describod in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th So,)tember, 1911, at the north-western corner of the said Section 35; thenco by tho said Groy Lynn Electoral District to tho mouth of Cox's Crook, tho place of commencement. * Pabneli This district is bounded towards tho north generally by the Waitemata Harbour from the Auckland East Electoral Distriot, hereinbefore described, to the mouth of the Tamaki River; thence towards the east generally by the said Tamaki River- to the mouth of the Panmure Basin; thence towards tho south generally by the north-eastern side of tho said Panmuro Basin to the easternmost corner of Lot lof Section 4 ; thenoe by the north-eastern boundary of tho said Lot 1 to tho Panmuro-Otahuhu Road; thenoe in a northeasterly direction by the said road to its junction with tho Panmure-Howick Road; thence by tho Panmure Howick Road to tho road on tho eastern boundary of the Ellerslie Town District (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thonce by the eastern and northern boundaries of the said town distriot to the Ladies' Mile; thonce in a southerly direction by Bella Street to Morrin Street; thenoe by Morrin Stroot to Gladstone Road ; thenco by Gladstone Road and the road forming tho north-eastern boundary of Section 7a to tho Groat South Road ; thence in a north-westerly direction by the Great South Road to its intersection with Green Lane ; thenoe in a westerly direction by Green Lane to the north-eastern corner of Section 21a ; thonce by the eastern boundary of Section 21A and Lots 19, 17, Hi, 15, and 14 of Section 22 to the north-eastern cornor of Soction 12 ; thenoe by the eastern boundaries of Sections 12 and 54 (recreation reserve) to the northern boundary of Section Part 18 (educational reserve) ; thenoe by the northern, eastern, and southern boundaries of the said educational reserve to tho Auckland Onohunga Road; thonce in a northerly direction by that road to Owon s Road ; thenoe by Owen s Road to tho Auckland City boundary at the south-western corner of Section 57 ; thenco by the western boundary of the said Section 57 to the Grey Lynn Electoral District, hereinbefore described at the south-eastern corner of Section 10; thonce towards tho west gonorally by tho said Grey Lynn Electoral District to its junction with tho Auckland East Electoral Distriot, hereinbefore described, at tho north-western corner of Section 97 ; thonce by the said Auckland East Electoral District to the Waitemata Harbour, tho placo of commencement. Roskill This district is bounded towards tho north generally by the Groy Lynn and Parnoll Eloetoral Districts, horoinbofore described, from the junction of tho Kingsland and Now North Roads (o tho junction of Owen's Road with the OnohungaEpsom Road; thoneo towards the east generally by the Onohunga-Epsom Road to its junction with the Mount Albert and Mount Smart Roads at the northern boundary of the Borough of Onohunga (as existing on tho 10th day of Soptombor, 1917); thonce by tho northern and wostorn boundarios of tho said borough to tho Manukau Harbour at tho mouth of tho Puhea Crook; thoneo towards the south generally by the northern shore of tho Manukau Harbour to the Edon Electoral District, horoinbofore doscribod; thence towards the west generally by tho said Edon Eloetoral District to tho placo of commoncomont. Manukau This distriot is boundod towards tho north gonorally by the Parnoll Eloetoral District, horoinbofore describod, from the Onehunga-Epsom Road at the south-western corner of Section Part 13 (Educational Rosorvo) to the Tamaki River at

Tamaki Bridge ; thonce to tho right bank of the said river, by the said bridge ; thoneo by tho right bank of the aforesaid river and tho southern shores of Tamaki Strait to the eastern boundary of Tauranga Riding (as existing on the 10th day of Soptombor, 1917) at the easternmost cornor of Waiomaru Block ; thenco towards the south-east generally by tho south-oastorn boundary of tho said riding to its junction with tho eastern boundary of Papatoitoi Riding (as oxisting on tho 10th day of Soptombor, 1917) at tho eastern boundary of Soction 91, Block XII, Otahuhu Survey District; thoneo by the eastern and southern boundaries of tho said riding to tho Manukau Harbour; thoneo by the eastern shores gonorally of tho said Manukau Harbour to tho Roskill Electoral District, hercinboforo describod, at tho mouth of tho Fuhea Crook; thonce towards tho west generally by tho said Roskill Eloetoral District, to the placo of commencement, including Week's Island, all adjacont islands, and all wharves and oxtonsions soaward. Franklin. ~,. •,....., , , . , ~ ~ ~ , v ' ,lls <^ toot « bounded towards the north generally by *>° southern and eastern shores of Manukau Harbour from " lout u h of *>"> si » d harbour to tho Manukau Electoral ', h « rel " bo /° ro described ; thence by the said Manukau Electoral Distort to the Tamak Stent at tho easternmost cornor ot Waiomaru Block ; thonce towards the north-oast gonorally by tho Tamiki Strait and tho Firth of Thames to tho southern boundary of Manukau County (as existing on the 10th day of Soptombor, 1917) at tho mouth of tho PuwhoUUB Stream ; thoneo in a westerly direction by tho southorn boundary of tho said county to it's intersection with a branch 0 f the Mangatangi Stream in Wliarekawa (Part No. 4a) Block ; thoneo in a southorly direction by the said stream to its intersection with tho southern boundary of Block 111, WharoJ iawa S urV oy Distriot; thonce in a westerly direction by the sou th boundary of the said block and tho southorn boundary Q f Block VIII, Opahoko Survoy District, to tho Mangatawhiri Ri vor ; thence in a south-westerly direction by tho said river to tho formor Franklin Eloetoral District (as described m New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th Soptombor, 1911) ; thoneo in a westerly direction by the said Franklin Electoral District to its junction with the eastern boundary of tho Pukokohe Riding (as existing on tho 10th day of Soptombor, 1917); thoneo in a southorly direction by tho eastern boundary 0 f the said riding ami its production to tho loft bank of tho Waikato Rivor; thoneo towards tho south-oast gonorally by tho left bank of tho said rivor to the ocean ; thonce towards tho south-west by tho ocean to tho placo of commencement, Raglan. Th is district is bounded towards tho north and east generally b tho lofc bank ()f - Ulc Waika t o River from the ocean to and across to the right bank of t he said river at a point in lim) with the southern boundary of Section 39, Blocks VII JUI( , VI[I( R al , gi ,. ir i , Sul . V( , y District; thence in a southerly direction by the right bank of the aforesaid river to and along t he road forming the southern boundary of Section 35, Block VIIIi of the said SU rvey district; thenco by the eontinuation of that road forming the southern boundaries of Soc ti o ns 34, 33, 32, 397, intersecting Section 343 and southern boun daries of Sections 492, 491, 388, 387, and 308 of the afor6gaid blook and survey district, tho southern boundaries of Soc ti o ns 368, 367, 364, 363, 362, and 36(5, Block V, Hapuakoho Sul . voy District, to its intersection with the Mataburu Rivor . t hcncc in a south-easterly direction by the said river to t he road forming the northern boundary of Section 241 of t he said block and survey district; thence in a southerly direction by that road forming the western boundary of the said Section 241 and tho road forming the northern and western boundaries of Section Part 465 (as shown on Land Transfer Plan 8336), and forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 183, 184, 193, 192, 190, 189, and 188 (as shown on Land Transfer Plan 8207) of Block IX of the aforesaid survey district to the Mangawara Stream ; thence in a south-westerly direction by the said Mangawara Stream to its confluence with the stream forming the northern boundary of Section 77, Block IV, Newcastle Survey District; thenco by that stream to and along the eastern boundary of tho said Section 77 to the Komakorau Rivor ; thence by that river to and along the roa d forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 219 an d 231, Block I, Komakorau Survoy District, and Block IV, Newcastle Survoy District, to the road at the north-west corner of Lot 15, Kainui Estate ; thenoe in a south-easterly direction generally by that road forming tho eastern boundaries Lots 8 ' 9 ' 10 ' "■' 5 ' 17 ' anc * 19, °* tne Kainui and Freshfield Estates to the southernmost corner of tho said Lot 19 ; thence by tho south-western boundary of Lot 5 of the said Freshfield Estate and its production to tho road forming tho south-eastern boundary of the said Lot 5 ; thence in a north-easterly direction generally by that road to its



junction with Dawson's Road; thence by Dawson's Road i to and along the road forming the north-western boundaries < of Lots 9, 8, 7, and 16, and northern boundary of Lot I and eastern boundaries of Lot 9, Sections 151, 150, 149, and 148 < of the aforesaid Freshfield Estate to and along the road on i the northern boundary of Section 223, Block VI, Komakorau j Survey District, and forming the northern boundary of Part < Lot 2, as shown on Land Transfer Plan No. 4488a ; thence in a southerly direction by the eastern boundary of the said Lot Part 2 to and along the road intersecting Lot Part 2 b and forming the eastern boundary of Lot 3 as shown on Land Transfer Plan No. 7126 to and along the road forming the western boundaries of Lot North Part 22 as shown on Land Transfer Plan No. 5379a and Lots 1, 2, and 3 as shown on Land Transfer Plan No. 9969 to the Hamilton - To A rob a Railway-line,; thence, in a north-easterly direction generally by the said, railway-line to the south-western corner of Lot Part 26 as shown on Land Transfer Plan No. 6754 ; thence, by the western boundaries of the said Lot Part 26 as shown on Land Transfer Plans Nos. 6754 and 3792a to and along the road forming the north-eastern boundary of the said ' Lot Part 26 to the aforesaid railway-lino; thence by that railway-line to the Raglan Electoral District, as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911 ; thence towards the east by that electoral district to its junction with the south-eastern corner of the Tamahere Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence in a westerly direction generally by the southern boundary of the said riding to the Kirikiriroa Riding (as existing on the 10th day of Soptombor, 191.7); thence by that riding to the Waikato River; thence in a westerly direction generally by that river to its junction with the eastern boundary of the Borough of Hamilton (as existing on the 10th day of September, 191.7); ■thence by the north-eastern boundary of the said borough to the said Raglan Electoral District and by that oloctoral district to its junction with the eastern boundary of the Newcastle Riding' of Waipa County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the said riding to the Waipa River; thence in a southerly direction by the Waipa River to the Mangapiko River ; thence in an easterly direction by that river to the eastern boundary of the Town of Pirongia (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence in a southerly direction by the eastern boundary of the said town to the Waipa River; thence by the said river to its junction with the Puniu Rivor, and thence by the said Puniu River to the eastern boundary of Waitomo County (as existing on the 10th day of September, • 1917) ; thence by the eastern boundary of the said county to its junction with the southern boundary of Te Rauamoa Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence in a westerly direction by the southern boundary of the said riding to the westernmost corner of Turoto C No. 2 Block ; thence by a right line to the northernmost corner of Orahiri No. 2 Block, Section 1 ; thence by the last-mentioned block to the road which intersects its north-western boundary ; thence by that road to the Tapuae Road and by that road to the southern boundary of Otorohanga Riding, (as existing on the 10th day of Soptember, 1917) ; thence in a westerly direction by the southern boundary of the said riding to its junction with the oastern boundary of Kawhia County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1.917); thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the said county to the ocean at the mouth of the Marakopa River ; thence towards the west by the ocean to of commencement. Thames. This district is bounded towards the north and west generally by the Franklin Electoral District, hereinbefore described, the Firth of Thames, and the Hauraki Gulf from the Waikato River at the oastern boundary of Pukekohe Riding to Cape Colvillo ; thence towards the north-east and east generally by the ocean to the Thames Electoral District, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th Septembor, 191 I) at the mouth of the Otahu River ; thence towards the south generally by tho said Thames Electoral District to the north-eastern corner of Waikaka B Block, Block X, Waihou Survey District; thence by the north-western boundary of tho said Waikaka B Block to and along tho southern boundary of Block IX of the said survey district to tho drainage reserve ; thence by the drainage reserve to the road forming the northern boundaries of Sections 54, 53, 52, 21, 20, and 19, Block XIII, of tho aforesaid survey district to its junction with the Waitakaruru Morrinsville Road ; thence in a northwesterly direction by that road to its junction with the Torehapa Road in tho Ngarua No. 5a Block ; thence in a south-westerly diroction by that road and the Torehapa Stream to the eastern boundary of Waikato County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence in a

southerly direction by the eastern boundary of tho said county to its junction with the aforesaid Thames Electoral District; thence in a westerly direction by that electoral district to the Raglan Electoral District, hereinbefore described, at the Mangawara Stream ; thence towards the west generally by the said Raglan Electoral District to the place of commencement, including Cuvicr Island, Croat Mercury Island, Slipper Island, and adjacent islands. Waitomo. This district is bounded towards the north by the Raglan Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the ocean at the mouth of the Marakopa River to the eastern boundary of Waitomo County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence towards the east generally by the western boundary of the Rotorua Electoral District, hereinafter described, to the south-eastern corner of Waitomo County (as existing on the 10th day of Soptember, 191.7); thence towards the south generally by the southern boundary of the said county to its junction with the north-eastern corner of Ohura County (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence in a southerly direction by the eastern boundary of tho said county to its junction with the south-eastern corner of Matiero Riding (as oxisting on tho 1st day of November, 1917); thence in a westerly direction by, the southern boundary of tho said riding to its junction with the eastern boundary of tho Nihoniho Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence in a southerly direction by the eastern boundary of tho said riding to its junction with tho north-eastern boundary of the Turoto Riding (as oxisting on the 1.0th day of September, 1917); thenco in a southerly direction generally by the eastern boundary of the said riding to the south-eastern corner of Section 10, Block XI, Ohura Survey District; thenco in a westerly direction generally by the southern boundary of the said section to its junction with the Kakahi Road ; thence by that road to the Turoto Road ; thence by that road to the Ohura River, and by that river to the western boundary of the said Turoto Riding; thence in a southerly and easterly diroction by the western and southern boundaries of the aforesaid Turoto Riding to the Wanganui Rivor and by the said river to the southernmost point of tho said Ohura County at the Wanganui River; thence in a southerly and westerly direction by the eastern and southern boundaries of the aforesaid Ohura County to the eastern boundary of Clifton County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence in a westerly diroction generally by tho south-eastern boundary of the said county to the north-eastern corner of the Ngatimaru Riding (as existing en tho 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence by the northerly and westerly boundaries of the said riding to the Taumarunui Electoral District (as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911); thenco in a westerly direction generally by the s .uthern boundary of the said electoral district to the south-western boundary of the said Clifton County ; thence in a north-westerly direction by the south-western boundary of the aforesaid Clifton County to the southern boundary of the Borough of Waitara (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917); thenco by the southern, western, and northern boundaries of tho said -borough to tho Waitara River ; thence by that river to the ocean ; thenco towards the west generally by tho ocean to the place of commencement. Ohqomuri. This district is bounded towards the north generally by tho Raglan and Thames Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the Mangawara Stream, at its confluence with the stream forming the northern boundary of Section 77, Block IV, Newcastle Survey District, to the mouth of the Otahu River; thence towards the east generally by the ocean to tho Ohinemuri Electoral District, as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911, at the Katikati entrance of Tauranga Harbour ; thence by that electoral district to the scuth-castern corner of Section Part 20 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 4936a ; thence towards the west by the southern boundary of tho said section and southern boundaries of Sections 9 and 10 of Block VTI, Wairere Survey District, to the western boundary of Te Aroha Riding, as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917; thence in a north-wosterly direction by the western boundary of the said riding to its junction with the southern boundary, of the Borough of Te Aroha (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence by the southern, eastern, northern, and western boundaries of the said borough to the Morrinsville - Te Aroha Railwayline ;• thence in a south-westerly direction by that railwayline to its intersection with the Piraunui Stream ; thence in a south-easterly direction by that stream to tho southern boundary of Waihou Riding (as existing on the 10th da,y



of September, 1917); thenco by tho southern boundary of the said riding to its junction with the eastern boundary of the Waitoa Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence by the eastorn, southern, and western boundaries of tho said Waitoa Riding to its junction with tho south-eastern corner of Morrinsville Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, .1917); thence by tho southern boundary of tho said riding to its junction with the eastorn boundary of the Morrinsville Town District (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence by tho eastern, northern, western, and southorn boundaries of tho said town district to the junction of the eastern boundary of the said Morrinsville Riding ; thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the said riding to the Raglan Electoral District hereinbefore described ; thence towards the south and west generally by the said Raglan Electoral District, to the place of commencement. Taukanga. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Raglan and Ohinemuri Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the eastern boundary of Section 63, Block VIII, Hamilton Survey District, to tho Katikati entrance of Tauranga Harbour; thence towards tho north-east generally by the ocean to tho Waihi Estuary ; thence towards the east by the eastern and southern shores of the said estuary to tho mouth of the Kaikokopu River, and by that river to tho road on the northern boundary of Section 9, Block VIII, Maketu Survey District; thence by that road forming tho northern and eastorn boundary of the'said Section 9, and western boundaries of Sections 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 of the said block and survey district to the northern boundary of the Village of Manitutu (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence by the northern, western, and southern boundaries of the said village to and along tho road forming the western boundaries of Sections 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 1.5, 14, and 21, of Block XII of the aforesaid survey district, and by the production of that road to tho southern boundary of 'Pauranga County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence towards the south generally by the southorn boundary of the said county to its junction with the north-eastern boundary of Matamata County (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence by the north-eastern boundary of the said county to tho southeastern corner of Matamata Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence in a south-westerly direction generally by the southern boundary of tho said riding to its junction with the eastern boundary of the Taotaoroa Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence in a southerly direction by the eastern boundary of that riding to the Waikato River; thence in a westerly direction by that river to the eastern boundary of the Borough of Cambridge (as existing on the 10th day of Soptember, 1917) ; thence by the eastorn, northern, and westorn boundaries of the said borough to tho said Waikato River, and by that river to and along the road forming the oastern boundaries of Sections 118, 119, and 123, the southern and eastern boundary of Section 100, and the eastern boundaries of Sections 50, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63 of Block VIII, Hamilton Survey District, to the place of commencement. Including Matakana Island, Motiti Island, and adjacent islands. Waikato. This district is bounded towards the west, north, and northeast by the Raglan and Tauranga Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the Waipa River at the south-eastern corner of Raglan County to the south-eastern corner of Section 118, Block VIII, Hamilton Survey District; thence again towards the north-east by the said Tauranga Electoral District, from the said south-eastern corner of the said Section 118 to the north-eastern corner of the Leamington Town District (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917); thence towards the south-oast generally by tho eastern and southern boundaries of the said town district to the road at the northeastern corner of Section 170, Block XIII, Cambridge Survey District; thence in a southerly direction by that road forming the eastern boundary of the said Section 170, and passing through Sections 191 and 192 of the said block and survey district to and along tho northern boundary of Section L of the aforesaid block and survey district, and Block XVI, Hamilton Survey District, to tho road at the north-western corner of the said Section L; thence in a southerly direction by that road forming the western boundaries of the aforesaid Section L, Section M, Sections 2, 1, and 10 of the last-mentioned block and survey district, and Block IV, Puniu Survey District, to the northern boundary of Section 133 of Blocks III and IV of the said Puniu Survey District, intersecting, forming part of the eastern boundary, and again intersecting the said Section 133 to the junction of roads within the aforesaid Section 133 ; thence

by the road intersecting Soction 330, south-eastern boundary of Section 338, southorn boundary of Section 339, western boundary of Sections 190, 189, 188, 187, 186, and 19, northern and western boundary of Section 16, and western boundary of Section 17, all of Blocks 111 and VII of the aforesaid Puniu Survey District, to tho stream intersecting the said Section 17; thence in a north-westerly direction by that stream to tho eastern boundary of the Borough of Te Awamutu (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence in a southerly direction by the eastorn boundary of the said borough to its junction with tho eastern boundary of Mangapiko Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence by tho eastern boundary of the said riding to its junction with the southern boundary of Waipa County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thenoe in a westerly direction by tho southern boundary of tho said county to the placo of commencement. Rotoeiia. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Waikato and Tauranga Electoral Districts hereinbefore described, from the Puniu River at the eastern boundary of Waitomo County to the Bay of Plenty at the Waihi Estuary ; thence by the Bay of Plenty to the eastern boundary of Whakatane County (as oxisting on tile 10th day of Soptemher, 1917); thenco towards the oast by the eastern boundary of the said county to its junction with tho southern boundary of the Bay of Plonty Electoral District (as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911); thence towards the south gonorally by the said Bay of Plenty Electoral District to its junction with the Waikato Eloetoral District (as describod in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th Soptombor, 1911) at tho mouth of the Waihora Stream; thoneo towards tho south-west by the said Waikato Electoral District to tho south-eastern corner of Waitomo County (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) at Puroora Trig. Station; thonce by the eastern boundary of tho said Waitomo County to the Puniu River, the place of commonc - ment. n , p 0F rLENTY - This district is bounded towards tho north by tho ocoan from tho eastern boundary of the Rotorua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to East Capo ; thonce towards the east by the ocean to the mouth of the Hamanatua Stream ; thonce towards tho south generally by the Hamanatua Stream to the road forming tho eastern boundary of Section 3, Block IV, Turanganui Survey District; thonce by the road along the southorn boundaries of Sections 3 and 2 to the Waimata River ; thence by the Waimata River to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Section 17, Block 111, of tho said survey district; thenco to and by the south-western boundaries of the said Soction 17 and Section 16 to its westernmost corner; thoneo by tho road forming parts of the southern boundaries of Sections 15 and 13 of the said block and survey district to tho south-eastern boundary of the Mangapapa Town District (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thonce by south-eastern, north-oastern, and north-western boundaries of the said town district to and along tho Taruheru Rivor to tho north-eastern corner of the cemetery south of Section 20, Block 11, Turanganui Survey District; thonce by tho eastern boundary of * he said cemetery to and along the road forming the northern boundaries ot Matawhero B and Matawhero No 1 Blocks to tho Waipaoa River; thence by the Waipaoa River to the north-eastern corner of Murawai Riding (as existing on the oth *** of September 1917) ; thence by the northern bo . undar y °| * he f ld r ?™?8 to 0 north-eastern comer of Warngake Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September J£ 17 ) . ~t hen b / *£» northern and western boundaries ol , ho s ' ud ™ dm S <*> *c southern boundary of Cook County as cx l at]I }g on * he 10thda y of September, 917); thence t° wa " ls th ? west generally by the south-western boundary th< ? s . a,d c ° unt y to * c „ (j,b ; b °™ C OCt ° r ra ' describedl m New Zealand Gazette Nc.76 of the 27th Septombor, 1911); at the junction ol the Oisborno-Waikaro-,noa,la , R " ad w > th **• »**? K "° Road i thenoe by that electoral district to the Rotoma Electoral District, hereinbofo:'? described, and by tho Rotorua Electoral District to the P laoe of commencement, _ UISBOBNE. This district is bounded towards the nort-west and north generally by the Bay of Plenty Elect iral District, hereinbefore described, from tho westernmost corner of Waingake Riding to the ocean at the mouth of the Hamanatua River ; thence towards the east and south generally by the ocean to the western boundary of the Borough of Wairoa (as existing on the 10th day of Soptember, 1917) at the mouth of tho



Wairoa River; thence towards the west generally by the i western boundary of the said borough to the said Wairoa i River, and by that river to the northern boundary of Mahia Riding (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thenco by the northern boundary of the said riding to the northern boundary of Wairoa County (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917), and by the northern boundary of that county to tho place of commonooment. Hawkb's Bay. This district is bounded towards tho north by the Rotorua j Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the western- I most corner of Wairoa County (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917) to tho easternmost corner of Whakatane County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; ! thence towards the east generally by the Bay of Plenty and [ Gisborne Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the I ooean at the mouth of the Wairoa River; thenco towards the south-east generally by the ocoan to the Western Spit at the northern boundary of Horetaunga Survey District; thence by tho said northern boundary across ! the Western Spit to the eastern boundary of the Puketapu Riding (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917); [thence by the eastern boundary of the said riding to the north-western corner of the Taradale Town District (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence by the western and southern boundaries of the said town district to the Tutaokuri River ; thenoe by that river to the road at the north-eastern comer of Section 21, Block XII, of the said Horetaunga Survey District; thence by that road forming the eastern boundaries of tho said Section 21 and Sections 30, 35, and 36 to the junction of roads at tho south-eastern corner of tho said Section 36 ; thence by tho road forming the southorn boundaries of the aforesaid Section 36 and Sections 38 and 40 and its production to the Tuti Kaiwai Mati River; thence by that river to its confluence with the Ngaruroro River ; thenco by that river to Hawke's Bay ; thence by that bay to the north bank of the Tukituki Rivor ; thence towards tho south generally by the north bank of tho said river to tho northernmost corner of the Havelock Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thenco by the northern boundary I of the said riding to the Hawke's Bay Electoral District (as described in New Zealand Gazelle No. 76, of tho 27th September, 1911) at tho old Ngaruroro River; thence in a westerly and northerly direction generally by the said Hawke's Bay Electoral District to tho place of commencement. Napier. This district is bounded towards the north, wost, and south by tho Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described, and towards tho east by the ocean. Waipawa. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the north-western corner of Okawa Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) to Hawke's Bay at the mouth of the Tukituki River ; thence towards the cast generally by the ocean to the southern boundary of the Eperaima Riding (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917) at the mouth of tho Porangahau River ; thence towards tho south generally by tho southern boundary of tho said riding to the easternmost corner of Dannevirke County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thonce by the north-eastern boundary of the said county to tho northern boundary of tho Ngapaoruru Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence by the northern boundary of the said riding to the eastern boundary of Mangatoro Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence towards the west and north generally by the eastorn boundary of the said riding to the confluence of the Mangatera and Whakaruatapu Streams ; thence by the said Mangatera Stream to the Waipawa Electoral District (as described in New Zealand Gazelle No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911) at the main road from Dannevirke to Napier; thence by that electoral district to the place of com-, mencement. Pahiatua. This district is bounded towards the north and north-west generally by the Waipawa Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the northernmost corner of Dannevirke Riding (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917) to the ocean at the mouth of tho Porangahau River ; thence towards the east by the ocean to the Pahiatua Electoral District (as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911) at tho mouth of the Aohanga River; thence towards the south and north-west generally by the said Pahiatua Electoral District to the place of commencement.

| Masterton. This district is bounded towards the north generally by ! the Pahiatua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Tararua Range to the ocean at tho mouth of the Aohanga River ; thence towards tho south-east by the ocean to tho Masterton Electoral District (as described [ in New Zealand GazettA No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911) at tho mouth of the Mataikona River; thenco towards tho south-east generally by tho said Mastorton Electoral District to tho Waingawa Rivor at Soction 5, Block IV, Tiffin Survey I District; thence by tho said river to the road forming the j north-western boundaries of Sections 123, 124, and 103, north-eastern boundaries of Sections 103, 97, and 96, and tho north-western boundary of Soction 95, all of tho said block ! and survey district, to the Upper Plain Road ; thonce by that [ road to the junction of roads in Section 18, Block XV, Mikimiki Survey District; thonce in a north-easterly and northwesterly direction generally by the road intersecting Sections 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 71 of the said block and survey district, and Section 9, Block XI, of the aforesaid survey district, to the Matahiwi Road ; thenco by tho Matahiwi Road to the south-eastern corner of Section 67 of the said Block XIJ; thence by the southern boundary of the said Section 67 and northern boundary of Sections 70, 2, 4, and 5 of the aforesaid Block XI, and northern boundaries of Sections 4 and 3 of Block X, to the western boundary of Masterton County (as oxisting on tho 10th day of Soptember, 1917) ; thenoe by the western boundary of the said county to the Wairarapa Electoral District (as described in New Zealand Gazelle No. 76, of tho 27th Soptomber, 1911) at the summit of the said Tararua Rango; thence towards the north-west generally by the said Wairarapa and Mastorton Electoral Districts to tho place of commencement. Wairarapa. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Masterton Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Tararua Range to tho ocean at the mouth of the Mataikona Rivor ; thenco towards the south-east by the ocean to Cape Palliser ; thenco towards the Bouth generally by tho ocean to Capo Turakirae ; and thence towards the north-west by the summit of tho Rimutaka and Tararua Ranges to the place of commencement. Stratford. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Waitomo Electoral District, hereinbefore describod, from the northernmost point of the Moa Riding (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) at the Waitara Rivor to the Wanganui Rivor; thenco towards the south-east generally by the said river to tho Stratford Electoral District (as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th Soptember, 1911) at tho confluence of the Tangarakau and Wanganui Rivers ; thenco towards tho east, south, and west generally by tho said Stratford Electoral District to the south-west cornor of tho Borough of Inglewood (as existing on the 10th day of Soptomber, 1917); thonce by the western and northern boundaries of tho said borough to the aforesaid Stratford Electoral District, and by that district to and along tho northern boundary of the said Moa Riding to the place of commencement. Taranaki. This district is bounded towards the north-east by the Waitomo Electoral District, hereinbefore doscribed, from the ocoan at the mouth of tho Waitara River to tho Stratford Electoral District, hereinbefore describod, at the northernmost point of the Moa Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thenco towards tho south-east by the said Stratford Electoral District to tho summit of Mount Egmont; thence by a right line to the eastern end of Puniho Road at tho Forest Reserve boundary ; thence in a southerly direction by the said Forest Reserve boundary to the southeastern corner of Section 3, Block XV, Cape Survey District ; thonce by the southern boundary of tho said Section 3 and southern boundary of Section 12, Block XIV, to the Tohu Road ; thence by the Tohu Road to its intersection with the Kapoaiaia Stream ; thonce by that stream to the north-eastern corner of Seotion 13 of the said Block XIV; thence by the northern and western boundaries of the said Section 13, western boundary of Section 18, and southern boundary of Section 6, of tho aforesaid Block XIV, and southern boundary of Section 8, Block XIII, and southern boundary of Section 102, Block XII, to the South Road ; thence by that road to the south-eastern corner of Section 53 of the said Block XII; thonce by the southern boundary of the said Section 53 and southern boundaries of Sections 50, 49, 48, 47, and 46 of tho aforesaid Block XII to the ocean ; thence towards the north-west generally by the ocean to the place of commencement.

2—H. 28


Egmont. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Taranaki and Stratford Districts, hereinbefore described, from the ocean to the Egmont Electoral JDistrict (as describod in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911) at the Koanc Road at its junction with tho southorn boundary of Block V, Taurakawa Survey District; thenco towards the south-east generally by the said Egmont Electoral District to the north-eastern corner of Mokoia Riding (as existing on tho Ist day of September, 1917) at Trig. Station A (Tarere) ; thence by the northern boundary of the said riding to its intersection with the Whareroa Road ; thence by that road to tho Ohangai Road ; thoneo by that road to its intersection with tho Mangimangi Stream ; thence by that stream to the south-eastern boundary of Section 165, Block VI, Hawera Survey Distriot; thence by the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of the said Section 165 and northeastern and north-western boundaries of Section 164 to the Austin Road ; thence by the Austin Road to Waihi Road ; thence by Waihi Road to the said Ohangai Road; thence by the Ohangai Road to Ketomarae Road ; thence by Ketemarao Road to tho South Road ; thence by the South Road to the Ohawao Road ; thence by the Ohawae Road and the south-eastern boundary of Section 2, Block VITI, War in ate Survey District, to the ocean ; thence towards the southwest generally by the ocean to the place of commencement. Pat ha. mi •i-a• a • v jj a i 4T 3i 13 i ,i this district is bounded towards the north generally by the -r, . , ~ . , „ i TV, a• a t • v t a Kgmont and Stratford Mectoral Districts, hereinbefore dc■i a i ™ au au t, a is i i t\- a• a / scribed, from the ocea.ii to the Patea Electoral District (as i -v a ■ ut )v 7 j n „ T.T m. cat nr,4i c described in New Zealand Gazelle No. 76, ot the 27th Sepa , ,„,,, aat a c m t 3 3ir • tember, 1911) at tne ooniiuenoe ot Tangarakau and Waneanui t,. au* j ai ai ai a 1 ai -i Rivers ; thence towards the north-east and east by the said „ , -m, , 3 Tv- a• a au v a 1 au Patea Electoral Distriot to the eastern boundary of the Borough ot Wanganui, on the rigit bank of the Wanganu, River (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence by the eastern, northern, and north-western boundx au -a v v a ~ 3. • 1 t. a m 1 1 aries ol the said borough to the aforesaid Patea Klecforal tv a• a a ai. -3 1 t> i j 3 au a 3 a 3iDistrict at the Kaikokopu Road, and by that electoral dis- ~ au j au au 3 ii trict to the ocean ; thonce towards the south-west generally , au a au 7 C by the ocean to the place ot commencement. •' J Wanganui. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Patea Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the ocean to the eastern boundary of the Borough of Wanganui (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) on the right bank of the Wanganui River; thence towards the south-east by tho said Wanganui River to Jihe ocean ; thence towards the south-west by the ocean to the place of commoncement. Waimabtno. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Waitomo Electoral District, hereinbefore describod, from the Wanganui River at the southernmost point of the Ohura County to the south-western boundary of the. Rotorua Electoral District, hereinbefore doscribed, at the southeastern corner of tho Waitomo County ; thence towards the north-east generally by the said Rotorua Electoral District to the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described, at the Rangitaiki River at the crossing of tho main road from Napier to Taupo ; thonce towards the east generally by tho said Hawke's Bay Electoral District to the Waipawa Electoral District, hereinbefore described, at the Ngaruroro River ; thoneo towards tho south-oast generally by the said Waipawa Electoral District to the Waimarino Electoral District (as doscribed in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th Septomber, 1911) at the Rangitikei River at the crossing of the main road from Moawhango to Napier ; thenco by the said Waimarino Electoral District to its intersection with tho main road from Moawhango ; thence by that road to the north-western corner of Section 9, Block V, Ohinewairua Survoy District; thence by a right line due west to the North Island Main Trunk Railway line ; thence in a southerly direction by that railway-lino to its intersection with the Hautapu River; thence by that rivor to the Paharakcke Road ; thence by that road to tho southern boundary of Wanganui County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence towards the south generally by the, southern boundary of tho said county to its junction with the eastern boundary of Mangamahu Riding (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 191 7) ; thence by the eastern and northern boundaries of tho said riding to the northern boundary of the said*Wanganui, County ; thonce by the northern boundary of the said county to the Patea Electoral District, hereinbefore

described, at the Wanganui Rivor; thence towards the south-west generally by the said Patea Electoral District to thft Stratford Electoral District, hereinbefore described, at * c confluence of the Tangarakau and Wanganui Rivers; thence b ? tho f aid Stratford Electoral District to the place of commencement, _ Rangitikei. This district is bounded towards the north by the Waimarino Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from tho Wanganui River to the Rangitikei River at the crossing of the main road from Napier to Moawhango ; thence towards tho east genorally by the Waipawa Electoral District, herein - before described, to the south-eastern corner of the Rangitikei County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence towards the south generally by the southern boundary of the said county to the said Rangitikei River ; thence by that river to the northern boundary of Mangawcka Town District (as existing on the I.oth day of September, 1917); thence by the north-western boundary of the said town district to the Marton-Taihape Road ; thence by that road to the Rangitikei Electoral District, (as described in New Zealand Gazelle No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911) at tho Makohine Valley Road; thenco by tho said electoral district to the north-western corner of the Otairi Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thenco towards tho cast; generally by the western boundary of the said riding to the north-westcm corner of Rangitira Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence by the western boundary of the said riding to the north-wostorn c a 4- i n tji„ i, ytt -™- „v, a.,„, ~ t»;.,4„;„3corner of Section 17, Block XII. Wangaemi Survey District; ~ , ~, , .i„, „, _ , ~' j ' „t at, ..;j o«»m™, k thence by the south-western boundary ot the said hoction .1.7 •, ,( a v ,i • tat' io« rr„ i, a -w,„ t and south-western boundaries ot Section 127. larakoto JNos. 1 io vi i , 4U t„ „,-,! t>,„„-a-i, • t?i „3-„„,i tv;„*.„!«a and 2 Blocks, to the aforesaid Rangitikei Electoral District , tl t> -t-i ■ r>- 41, 1 n. 4 1 „t„ „i ,i--,4 -„i- *„ at the Rangitikei River; thonce by thai electoral district to ~ ,-. n , <4U t>„ t>-,i- i„„ „• <■■„„ the south-eastern corner ot the Porewa Riding (as existing h |()th d ((f R t ember, 19)7); thence towards the h j, -, the southern and western boundaries of J*. ria * J tho nor th-eastern corner of the Otakapu -„.]. , ■ ,■ „ ,v lm u j„„ „f a ~4 ~v „ 10173 Riding (as existing on the 10th day ot September. .191/ ,v v 4U au v ,i„ ,J ai, „,vi -a-„„ 41, thonce by the noiftarn boundary 01. the said ndmg to the ,„» v t>- au v v, I ■ a, at, „„ at, „ Wangachu River; thence by that river to the ocean ; thence , i au at, a v au a„ ai, ™ . at, „*■ au towards the south-wost by the ocean to the mouth ot the •,-,, . r,. au a j au a v at, a • a Wanganui River ; thence towards the west by that river to the place of commencement. Oboiia. Thjs district is bounded towards tho north by tho Rangitikei Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the north-western corner of the Otairi Riding to the Waipawa Electoral Distriot. hereinbefore described, at the southRas t om corner of the Rangitikei County ; thonce towards the ( .. lst K( , ne rally by the said Waipawa Electoral District and the Pahiatua Eloetoral District, hereinbefore described, to the Manawatu River at the Manawatu Gorge ; thenoe by the Manawatu River to the southernmost corner of Section 456, Block 111, Gorge Survey District; thence by the road forming the south-western boundary of the said Section 456, across branch of said river, and along south-western boundary of- Section 457, of the said block and survey district, and eastern and south-western boundaries of Section 54 to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 26 and 25, Block VIII, Kairanga Survey District, to the southern boundary of the Oroua County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence towards the, south-wost generally by the south-western boundary of the sa id county to tho south-eastern corner of tho Borough of Feilding (as existing on, the 10th day of September, 191.7); thence by the southern and western boundaries of the said borough to and along the south-western boundary of the aforesaid Oroua County to the said Rangitikei Electoral Dis'riot at the south-eastern corner of the Porewa Riding; thence, towards the wost generally by the said Rangitikei Electoral District to the place of commencement, " Palmbrston. This district, is bounded towards the north by the Oroua Electoral Distriot, hereinbefore described, from the junction of the Bunnythorpe-Kairanga Line with the south-western boundary of Oroua County to the Manawatu River at the Manawatu Corge ; thence towards the south-east by the Pahiatua and Masterton Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the southernmost corner of Kairanga County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 191.7); thence towards the south-west generally by the south-western boundary of the said county to and along the north-western boundary of Section 333, 'Block VI, Arawaru Survey District, to the Kahutorawa Road ; thence in an easterly direction by that




road to the north-eastern corner of Soction 324; thence along tho northern and western boundary of tho said Section 324 and tho northern boundary of Section 353 of tho said block and survey district, the southern end of Millrick's Line, thenco by that line to the Manawatu River, thenco by that river to tho southern end of Karere Road, thence by that road to tho Kairanga No. 1 Line, thenco by that line to the Longburn-Campbelltown Road, thenoe by that road to the Bunnythorpo-Kairanga Line ; thenco towards the northwest by that line to the place of commencement. Manawatu. This district is bounded towards the north, north-oast, and east generally by the Rangitikei, Oroua, Palmerston, and Masterton Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the ocean at the mouth of the Wangaehu River to the southernmost corner of the Tokomaru South Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence towards the southwest generally by tho south-western boundary of tho said riding to the Manawatu River ; thence by that river to the ocean ; thenco towards tho west generally by the ocean to the place of commencement. Otaki. This district is bounded towards the north-east and east generally by the Manawatu, Masterton, and Wairarapa Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from tho ocean at tho mouth of the Manawatu River to tho Wellington-Napier Railway line crossing the Rimutaka Range at the Summit Tunnel; thence in a northerly, westerly, and southerly direction generally by the said Wellington-Napier Railway line to its intersection with the north-eastern boundary of Section 130, Block II, Rimutaka Survey District; thonce towards the south-oast generally by the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 130 and north-eastern boundaries of Sections 293 and 294 to and along the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 294, to and along the north-eastern, southeastern, and south-western boundaries of Section 289, to and along the south-western boundaries of Sections 448, 290, and 291 to the Mungaroa Road ; thence by that road to the north-eastern boundary of Section 147 ; thence by tho northeastern boundary of the said Section 147 and tho northeastern and northern boundaries of Section 148 of the said block and survey district to the south-eastern corner of the Upper Hutt Town Distriot (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917); thence by the southern and western boundaries of the said town district to the Hutt Electoral District (as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911) at the Hutt River; thence by tho said electoral district to Port Nicholson ; thence by the said Port Nicholson to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Soction 15, Block XII, Belmont Survey District; thenoe towards tho south generally by a right line to and along the north-eastern boundary of tho said Soction 15 to and along the eastorn, northern, and western boundaries of Section I of the said block and survey district to the south-eastern corner of Section 40, Paparangi Settlement; thence by tho southern boundary of the said settlement to the north-eastern corner of the Johnsonville Town District (as existing on the 1.0th day of September, 1917); thence by tho northern boundary of the said town district to tho Ohariu Valley Road at the north-western corner of tho aforesaid town district; thence by tho said Ohariu Valley Road to the Johnsonville—Ohariu Road; thence by that road to the southern boundary of the Porirua Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence by tho southorn boundary of that riding to the ocean ; thence towards the north-west generally by tho»ocean to tho place of commencement : including Mana Island and Kapiti Island. Hutt. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Otaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Hutt River at the north-western corner of the Upper Hutt Town District to the Hutt Electoral District (as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911) at

the Wellington-Napier Railway line crossing the Rimutaka Range; at the Summit Tunnel; thence towards tho southeast generally by the said Hutt Electoral District to the ocean at Capo Turakirae; thence towards the south-west by tho ocean and the eastern shores of Port Nicholson to tho said Otaki Electoral District ; thonce towards the north-west by that electoral district to the place of commencement : including Somes Island. Wellington North. This district is bounded towards the north by the Wellington North Electoral District (as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of tho 27th September, 1911) from Wadestown at the southern end of Wold Street to Port Nicholson ; thonce towards the north-east and cast by Port Nicholson and Lambton Harbour to a point in line with the middle of Taianaki Street, thonee by a right line and along Taranaki Street to Dixon Street; thenco towards the south generally by Dixon Street to Willis Street, thence by Willis Street to Ghuznee Street, thence by Ghuznee Street to the said Wellington North Electoral District, and by that electoral district to Noma Crescent; thenco towards the west generally by Noma Crescent to Raroa Road, thenco by Raroa Road to Plunket Street, thence by Plunkot Street to Upland Road, thence by Upland Road to Boundary Road, thence by Boundary Road to and along tho eastern boundaries of Sections 354, 307, 308, 309, and 310 to the Main Karori Road, thence by the Main Karori Road to Patanga Crescent, thence by the south-western side of Patanga Crescent and its production to the southernmost corner of tho Town Belt at the south-eastern comer of Section 13, thenco by the western boundary of the said Town Belt to the place of commencement; including all wharves and extensions seaward. Wellington Central. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Wellington North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Noma Crescent to Lambton Harbour, thence by Lambton Harbour to the Wellington Central Eleotoral District (as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911) a); Clyde Quay; thenoe towards the oast, south-west, and north by tho said Wellington Central Electoral District to the place of commencement : including all wharves and extensions seaward. Wellington East. This district is bounded towards the north, east, south, and west by the boundaries of the Wellington East Electoral District (as described in New Zealand Gazelle No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911). Wellington South. This district is bounded towards the north-east and south generally by the Wellington South Electoral Distriot (as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911) from the south-western corner of Wellington Central Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the junction of Russell Terrace and Herald Street; thence towards the south by Herald Street and Britomart Street to tho said Wellington South Electoral District ; thonce towards the south and west generally by tho aforesaid Wellington South Eleotoral District to the place of commencement. Wellington Suburbs. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Otaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the ocean at the south-western corner of Porirua Riding to Port Nicholson ; thence towards tho south-east generally by Port Nicholson to the Wellington North Electoral District, hereinbefore described; thenco by the said Wellington North Electoral District, and by the Wellington Central, Wellington South, and Wellington East Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to Evans Bay; thence by Evans Bay and Port Nicholson to the ocean at Palmer Head ; thence towards the south, west, and north-west by the ocean to tho place of commencement.



POPULATION. Table showing the Actual and Nominal Populations of the Electoral Districts in the North Island. (Quota, 17,118.)

No. and Name of District. Aotual Population. Number of Members. Urban. Rural. Actual Total, Nominal Population. 1. Bay of Islands ., 2. Marsden 3. Kaipara 4. Waitemata 5. Eden 6. Grey Lynn 7. Auckland West 8. Auckland Central 9. Auckland East 10. Roskill 11. Parnell 12. Manukau 13. Franklin 14. Thames 15. Ohinemuri 16. Raglan . . *.. 17. Waikato 18. Tauranga 19. Rotorua 20. Bay of Plenty 21. Gisborne 22. Hawke's Bay 23. Napier 24. Waipawa 25. Pahiatua 26. Masterton .. 27. Wairarapa . . 28. Wellington East 29. Wellington Central 30. Wellington North 31. Wellington South 32. Wellington Suburbs 33. Hutt 34. Otaki 35. Palmerston North 36. Manawatu 37. Oroua 38. Rangitikei 39. Wanganui 40. Patea 41. Egmont 42. Taranaki ,. .• 43. Stratford 44. Waitomo 45. Wairaariiio 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 ] I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ] 3,490 15,234 6,794 17,203 17,366 16,888 16,564 16,810 16,088 10,802 3,473 4,996 7,921. 9,699 8,352 13,570 3,519 6,211 17j 113 17,255 17,159 17.330 17.102 12.(557 90 13,510 3.630 3,052 12.134 3,574 9.141 2,853 2,102 13,455 10,739 13,624 1,768 7,843 449 407 823 4,949 13,419 10,306 9,138 12,998 6,991 12,988 13,115 13,281 6,182 7,128 3,053 13,721 10,806 8.442 12,957 13,455 14,229 13,624 17.002 14,637 17,203 17,366 16,888 17.013 17,2,1.7 16,911 15,751 13,419 13,779 14,134 12,998 14,912 12,988 13,115 13,281 15,881 15,480 16,623 13,721 14,325 14,653 12,957 17,113 1.7,255 17,159 17,330 17,239 16,247 13.373 16.078 12.973 13,843 14.393 15,712 13,738 1.3,043 14,959 13.663 13.407 13,014 17,222 17,236 17,439 17,497 16,833 17,203 17,366 16,888 17,139 17,331 17,141 17,137 17,176 16,665 16,692 16,637 16,869 16,625 16,787 17,001 17,612 17,476 17,478 17,563 17,351 17,017 16,585 17,113 17,255 1.7,159 17,330 17,277 17,252 17,092 16,797 16,605 16,703 17,568 16,714 16.584 16,695 16,588 16,690 16,572 16,658 137 3.590 13,283 2,568 12,973 10,213 11,341 3,578 10.164 13,043 5,818 10.810 11.305 13,014 Totals .. 45 343,682 330.419 674.101 766,618



SOUTH ISLAND REPKESENTATION COMMISSION. REPORT. To His Excellency the Right Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion ol New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it please Your Excellency,— We, the members of the South Island Representation Commission appointed by Your Excellency on the 28th day of August, 1917, have the honour to report that we commenced our sittings on the 11th day of September last for the purpose of dividing the South Island into electoral districts. Notice of the boundaries as provisionally fixed by us under the authority of our Commission was duly published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 11th day of October, 1917, and on the 7th day of November, 19.1.7, the Commission again met, and the objections and suggestions that were received were duly .considered and dealt with by the Commissioners in the manner set forth in the attached schedule. By the alteration of the provisional boundaries of a number of the electorates it was found possible to give effect to a large proportion of the objections and suggestions. With regard to the objections of certain of the electors to the change of names, your Commission decided that the old name of " Bruce " should be retained, that " Buller " should be substituted for " Grey," and " Motueka " for " Buller," and the name " Huranui " should be retained. In accordance with the provisions of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1.910, the Commission has declared that the Christehurch Licensing District shall comprise the Christehureh North, Christchurch East, and Christchurch South Electoral Districts, and that the Dunedin Licensing District shall comprise the Dunedin North, Dunedin West, and Dunedin Central Electoral Districts. After due consideration your Commission found it impossible to include the licensed premises of Heriot in a licensed district, for the following reason : That by including Heriot in Wakatipu the Commissioners would be ignoring the provisions of section 1.7 (2) (c) of the, Legislature Act, 1908 that is, community of interest, facility of communication, and topographical features. Your Commission subsequently finally approved and confirmed the boundaries of the electoral districts, and now respectfully submit for Your Excellency's consideration the names and descrip tions of the same, together with a map showing the actual and nominal populations respectively, agreeing with the totals as allotted by the Joint Commission. Given under our hands and seals, this twelfth day of November, one thousand nine hundred nnd seventeen. Robt. T. Sadd. Chairman [l.s.J. Harry Quane [l.s.]. W. H. Skinner [l.s.]. Harman Reeves [l.s.]. Thos. Brook [l.w.J.


No. 1 ■) Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Namo of D e ri 8 j O n of Commission. Wairau .. I Objecting to inclusion of portions of the I Walter Cowin, of Alteration of boundWaimca Plains and the Motueka Valley in ! Stanley Brook, and | aries impracticable; proposed Electorate of Wairau ; also to the 41 others name "Motueka" name of " Buller" being given to same, and retained, requesting that the name of " Motueka " be retained Wairau .. Objecting to inclusion of portions of the VV. W. Cowin, of Alteration of boundWaimea Plains and the Motueka Valley in Thorpe, and 27 ariesimpracticable; proposed Electorate of Wairau ; also to the others name " Motueka" name of " Buller " being given to same, and retained. requesting that the name of " Motueka " be retained Wairau .. Objecting to inclusion of portions of the K. 15. Goodall, of , Alteration of boundWai mea Plains and the Motueka Valley in ; Tadmor, and 24 ! aries impracticable; proposed Electorate of Wairau ; also to the I others name " Motueka" name of " Buller " being given to same, and retained, requesting that the name of " Motueka " be retained 3




So. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Name and Address of Writer. Decision of Commission. 4 4 Wairau u Wairau t> Wairau 7 Wairau 8 Wairau Wairau (Objecting to inclusion of portions of the Waimea Plains and the Motueka Valley in proposed Electorate of Wairau ; also to the name of " Buller " being given to same, and requesting that the name of " Motueka " be retained , Objecting to inclusion of portions of the Waimea Plains and the Motueka Valley in proposed Electorate of Wairau ; also to the name of " Buller " being given to same, and requesting that the name of " Motueka " be retained Objecting to inclusion of portions of the Waimea Plains and the Motueka Valley in proposed Electorate of Wairau ; also to the name of " Buller " being given to same, and requesting that the name of " Motueka " be retained . . Objecting to inclusion of portions of the Waimea Plains and the Motueka Valley in proposed Electorate of Wairau ; also to the name of '" Buller " being given to same, and requesting that the name of " Motueka " be retained Forwarding resolutions carried by Nelson Chamber of Commerce protesting against elimination of the name " Motueka," and urging its retention for district lying west of Nelson Protesting against inclusion of Foxhilr, Belgrove, Upper Motueka, Motupiko, and Tapawera districts in Wairau Electorate L. G. Mead, of Motupiko, and (il others Alteration of boundaries im practicable; name Motueka" retained. u Wairau .T. E. Mytton, of Pokororo, and 20 others Alteration of boundarics impracticable ; name '" Motueka " retained. 8 Wairau F. l< , . Fowler, of WakeHeld, and 21 others Alteration of boundaries im practicable ; name " Motueka " retained. Wairau F. Coleman, of Wakefiold, and 2f> others Alteration of boundaries impracticable ; name " Motueka " retained. 7 Wairau C. Richmond Fell, on ■ behalf of Nelson Chamber of ComComplied with. merce C. Richmond Fell, on behalf of Nelson Chamber of ComImpracticable t o amend boundaries. . Suggesting inclusion of Waikawa, French Pass, Admiralty Bay, and D'Urvillc Island in proposed Wairau Electorate merce C. Richmond Fort, on behalf of Nelson Chamber of ComSuggestions impracticable. Suggesting inclusion of FoxhiU and Bclgrovc in proposed Nelson Electorate merce C. Richmond Fell, on behalf of Nelson Chamber of Commerce C. Richmond Fell, on behalf of Nelson Chamber of ComSuggestions impracticable. Suggestions impracticable. Suggesting that boundary between Nelson and Motueka be watershed from Spooner's Range to Ruby Bay Suggesting the inclusion of the Moutere, Tasman, and Motuoka Valleys and Murehison County in Motueka merce C. Richmond Fell, on behalf of Nelson Chamber of Commerce C. Richmond Fell, on I behalf of Nelson Chamber of ComSuggestions impracticable. 9 Wairau .0 Wairau Suggesting the inclusion in the West (Joast electorates of Rcefton and all south and west of the Murehison, Ta'<aka, and Collingwood Counties Supporting resolutions carried by -Nelson Chamber of Commerce Supporting resolutions carried by Nelson Chamber of Commerce Suggestions impracticable. 9 merce County Clerk, Murohison County Council N. B. North, Hon. Secretary, MotupikoKorere Branch N.Z.F.U. Alec. Thompson, jun., Hon. Secretary, Murchison B ranch N.Z.F.U. John Glen, Secretary, I Nelson Agj'icultural and Pastoral Association W. Dickson Harkness, Provincial Secretary, Nelson Farmers' Union A. H. Fletcher, ActingChairman, Collingwood County Council A. H. Fletcher, ActingChairman, Collingwood County Council Suggestions impracticable. Suggestions impraoticable. (I 1 Wairau Supporting resolutions carried by Nelson Chamber of Commerce Suggestions impracticable. .> .2 Wairau Supporting resolutions carried by Nelson Chamber of Commerce Suggestions impracticable. 3 .3 Wairau Supporting resolutions carried by Nelson Chamber of Commerce Suggestions im practicable. A Wairau Supporting resolutions carried by Nelson Chamber of Commerce Suggestions impracticable. I • 5 Buller Protesting against substitution of name " Buller " for " Motueka " Suggesting that the name of " Motueka " shou Id be substituted for the proposed name of " Buller " Name " Motueka " retained. James A. Wallace, Mayor of Motueka Complied with.




No. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Name and Address of Writer. Decision of Commission. Lβ 17 Buller Buller Forwarding resolution carried at a meeting of electors of Motueka protesting against the elimination of the name " Motueka " Forwarding resolution carried at a meeting of electors of Takaka endorsing protest by Nelson ('hamher of Commerce and electors of Motueka against elimination of the name " Motueka " James A. Wallace, Mayor of Motueka ; Horatio Everitt, Chairman, Waimea County Council and Motueka Harbour Hoard George Winter, jun.. Chairman. Takaka County Council, and A. Q. Salisbury, Chairman, Takaka Town Board J. A. Wallace, Mayor of Motueka ; Adolph Bensemann, Chairman, Upper Moutere Road Board F. Giles, Clerk, Collingwood County Council Protest sustained. Protest sustained. 18 Buller Forwarding resolution carried at a meeting of electors of Motueka protesting against elimination of the name " Motueka" Protest sustained. 19 Buller Forwarding resolution carried at a meeting of Collingwood eleotors held at Rockville supporting the resolution carried by the Nelson Chamber of Commerce with respect to electoral boundaries of Motueka Electorate and the retention of the name " Motueka " Letter appreciating proposed new boundaries for Buller Electorate, and requesting that Reefton be lixed as the electoral and licensing centre Forwarding resolution carried by Greymouth Branch of New Zealand Labour Party protesting against Greymouth being included in proposed Westland Electorate Objecting to alteration of boundaries of this district, and suggesting that the electorate! be called " Westland-Grey," also that Cobden should be included in electorate Impracticable to amend boundaries; name " Motucka " retained. Buller ' H. C. Lawry, Hon. Secretary, Rccfton Chamber of ComReceived and forwarded to Chief Eleotora) Offloer. 20 21 Westland merce F. Furley, Secretary, Greymouth Branch N.Z. Labour Party Impracticable t 0 amend boundaries. 22 Westland .J. D. Lynch, Mayor, Greymouth Borough Impracticable t o amend boundaries; name " Westland " considered m o s t suitable. Protest sustained. Grey Protesting against the name of proposed electorate being any other than " Buller " Forwarding resolution carried at public meeting protesting against the electorate being called " Grey," and requesting that the name " Buller" bo retained Protesting against change of name of this electorate from " Buller " to " Grey " Protesting against the proposed change of name of this electorate from " Bullet , " to (Irey Clerk of Buller County Council, Westport A. Leaver, Mayor of Westport 2:i 24 Grey Protest sustained. Grey Secretary, Westport Harbour Board R. W. Oliver, Secretary, Westport Chamber of ComProtest sustained. 2o 2G Grey Protest sustained. II uniniii Forwarding request from the residents of Sections 44 and 4r>, Opawa, to be included in Wairau Electorate Forwarding resolution of Kaikoura County Council that the proposed electorate be called " Kaikoura " Forwarding resolution of Kowai County Council protesting against alteration in name of the electorate Petition from the electors in the Chcrtscy district and others to include the Chertsey Hotel in the Ellesmere Electoral District Petition from members of the United Commercial Travellers' and Warehousemen's Association to include the Chertsey Hotel in the Ellesmere Electoral District merce R. McCallum, M.I'., Blenheim Acceded to. 27 28 11 ui'unui Hurunui A. C. Renner, Clerk, Kaikoura County Council .1. Fitzpatriok, Clerk, Kowai County Council Thomas Blaokley, J.P., of Rakaia, and (i() I others H. B. Gould, General Secretary of the association, Christchurch, and 137 others T.J. Halliday, Chert- " Hurunui " considered more suitable. " Hurunui" retained. 29 30 Ashburton Aooeded to. 31 .Ashburton Aoceded to. Ashburton Petition from licensee of Chertsey Hotel to be included in Ellesmere Electoral District Objecting to the inclusion of the Chertsey Hotel in the Ashburton Electoral District on the grounds of public convenience andagainst the wishes of the eleotors Objecting to the inclusion of Mount Herbert County in the Lyttelton Electorate, and requesting the inclusion in Ellesmere Electoral District Petition from electors of County and Borough of Akaroa to be included in the Ellesmere Eleotora] District Acceded to. :sl> xi Ashburton Lyttelton sey Hon. C. Loiiissoii, Manager, Crown Brewery Company, Christcliurch Luke Haughey, of Port Levy, and 1 I I others Acceded to. fin practicable. 34 33 Lyttelton Lyttelton Supporting petition from Mayor of Akaroa Borough and t>75 others to be included in the Ellesmere Electoral District G. Armstrong, Mayor of Akaroa Borough, and (>7~> others After careful consideration found impossible to give effect to petition. After careful consideration found im possible to give effect to petition. 36 Mayor, Chairman, and members of Akaroa County Council




k>. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Name and Address or Writer. Decision of Conuufosion. I " ~~ " 37 Waitaki Protesting on behalf of residents against the inclusion of that portion of the Maniototo County from Idaburn to Beck's in the proposed Waitaki Electorate Petition from the residents of St. Bathan's, Lauder, and Idaburn Ridings of Maniototo County to be included in Wakatipu Electoral District R. Scott, M.P., Kyebum, Otago Central I. Scott, M.]\, Kyoburn, Otago Central Acceded to as far tl as practicable. 38 Waitaki Noil Nicholson, St. Bathan's, and 42 others lei] Nicholson, St. Bathan's, and 42 others lounoillor E. Morgan. Maniototo County, i. Acceded to for the 2 Lauder and St. Bathan's Ridings; impracticable as regards Idaburn. i, Acceded to. Waitaki Petition from the electors of Lauder Hiding of Maniototo County to be included in the Wakatipu Electoral District Protesting against the inclusion in proposed Waitaki Electorate of the area surrounding St. Bathan's Riding of Maniototo County, and the area converging on Hawea Riding of Vincent County Protesting against the inclusion in proposed Waitaki Electorate of the Hawea Riding of Vincent County Protest by residents of Hawea Hiding of Vincent County against exclusion from proposed Wakatipu Electoral .District Protest by residents of Hawea Plat of Vincent County against exclusion from proposed Wakatipu Electoral District Protesting against the inclusion of Middlemarch Township in proposed Tuapeka Electorate Protesting on behalf of proprietors of Middlemarch hotels against inclusion in proposed Tuapeka Electorate Petition from residents of Clark's against inclusion of the hotel at Clark's in proposed Tuapeka Eleotoral District Petition from residents of Lee Stream against the inclusion of the hotel at Lee Stream in the Tuapeka Eleotoral .District Petition from residents and electors of Outram and surrounding district against inclusion in the proposed Tuapeka Electorate Requesting that the district from Waikoikoi, Merino Downs, to Moa Flat Watershed be included in Clutha Electoral District, and that the Borough of Kaitangata be left in proposed Tuapeka Eleotoral District Requesting that the district lying between Waikoikoi and Moa Flat be included, in the Clutha Electoral District Petition from residents of Merino Downs to include portion in proposed Tuapeka Electorate in the Clutha Electorate Suggesting that the portion of Merino Downs included in proposed Tuapeka Electorate be included in the Clutha Electorate Petition from residents of Heriot that district lying between Waikoikoi and Moa Plat be included in the Clutha Electoral District Petition from electors in and around Heriot to have the township included in the Wakatipu Electoral District Objecting to the hotel at Heriot being included in the Tuapeka Electorate Petition from electors in and around the towniof Dunkeld and Bastings to be included in the Wakatipu Electoral District Forwarding resolution carried by Bruce County Council strongly protesting against the name " Tuapeka " being substituted for " Bruce " Forwarding resolution carried by Milton Borough Council against the name " Tuapeka " being substituted for ' ; Bruoe " Councillor B. Morgan, Maniototo County, and 52 others James Aiistey, M.P. 39 4(1 Waitaki and 52 others ames Aiistey, M.P. Protest sustained. Waitaki R. Poison, President, Expansion League, Lindis Crossing Smith, Tarras . . I. Poison, President, Expansion League. i, ; Protest sustained. II 42 Waitaki Lindis Crossing Smith, Tarras . . Protest sustained. Waitaki 1). Urquhart and P. McCarthy, Hawea. Elat >. Urquhart an<l P. McCarthy, Hawea Protest sustained, i 4:! 44 Tuapeka -James Muir, Middlemarch flat ames Muir, Middlemarch Protest sustained. 45 Tuapeka Hislop, Lang, and Patterson, solicitors, Dunedin N. J. Mac Donald, Clark's, and 47 others .lames Borthwick, Lee Stream, and 12 others Francis D o h e r t y, farmer, Outram, and 501 others A. S.Malcolm, M.P.. . lislop, Lang, and Patterson, solici1 Protest sustained. 6 Tuapeka tors, Dunedin .1. Mac Donald, Clark's, and 47 , Protest sustained. 7 ■7 Tuapeka others ames Borthwick, Lee Stream, and 12 ,», j Protest sustained. > ■8 Tuapeka others rancis D o h e r t y, farmer, Outram, , Acceded to. 49 Tuapeka and 501 others . S. Malcolm, M.P.. . Acceded to as far as practicable. Tuapeka William MoKenzie, Dunrobin, and 95 others Alex. Brock, (Jlenkenich, and 23 others Charles Todd, Heriot /illiam MoKenzie, Dunrobin, and 95 others , Acceded to as tar as i practicable. 50 r>1 Tuapeka ocnera lex. Brock, Glenkenich, and 23 Acceded to. ( 52 Tuapeka others harles Todd, Heriot t Acceded to. 53 Tuapeka William Walker, jun., Heriot, a n d 23 others R. E. Hyde, .I.P., Heriot, ' and 293 others Samuel Dunn, licensee, Heriot E d w a r d Pearson, Beaumont, and 37 others William Roy, Clerk, Bruoe County Council Town Clerk, Milton Borough ( -ounoi] /illiam Walker, jun., Heriot, a n d 23 , Acceded to. 54 Tuapeka others -. E. Hyde, J.P., Heriot, ' and 293 , Cannot be given 1 effect to. fi. r ) Tuapeka others imuel Dunn, licensee Heriot (I w a r,d Pearson, Beaumont) and, 37 e, Cannot b<3 given effect to. , Acceded to. 36 Tuapeka 57 Tuapeka others illiam Hoy, Clerk, Bruoe County Council , I Name " Bruce" to ■ j. be retained. Tuapeka oil own Clerk, Milton Borough ( Jounoi] i Name " Bruce " to lie retained. 58



Nelson. District; thenoe in a southerly direction by tho said road This district is bounded towards the north and north- forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 106 and 11 of west generally by Tasman Bay, from the mouth of the said blook and surve y district to tho Ahaura River; Moutere River to Croiselles Harbour ; thence by Croiselles tllenco generally in a north-westerly direction by the said Harbour and Squally Covo to the Waimca County bound- nvcr to lte junction with the foot-track on the south bank ary (as existing on the 10th day of Soptomber, 1917); °, f the aforesaid river in. Block I, Ahaura Survey District; intersecting Section 4, Block VII, Wangamoa Survey Dis- thenoe m a southerly direction by the said foot-track to and trict at Whakitcnga Bay ; thence by the said Waimea County CT °ssing Callaghan s Creek ; thence by tho aforesaid track boundary to tho Nelson Electoral District boundary (as following the said creek to and crossing Young s Creek to its described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of tho 27th junction with a track running in a south-westerly direction of September, 1911); thence by tho said Nelson Electoral *° Ne ']son Groek - and th ence in a' north-westerly direction District to tho confluence of the'Roding and Wairoa Rivers; b y that orook to the Gr °y »»▼«! thence by that river to thence by the Wairoa River to the road forming the eastorn the north-eastern cornor of Brunnor Borough (as existing on boundary cf Section 16 on the left bank of the said river * he lOth da y of September, 1917); thenco by tho eastern in Block XIII, Waimea Survey District; thence by that boundary of tho said borough and the eastern boundary of road, Pig Valloy Road, the road passing through Wairoa Brunnerton Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, Gorge and the Church Valley Road to the junction of roads 1917 > to its junction with tho northern boundary of Maori intersecting Section 40, Block XVI, Wai-iti Survey District; Creek Ridin S ( as existing on tho 10th day of September, thence by the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of 1917 ) I thonce by the southern and western boundaries of Sections 2of 2 and 79a and intersecting original Sections 79 tne said Brunnerton Riding to tho Grey River, and by that and 85 to its intersection with the Nelson-Tadmor Railway rlver to ihe °°can, tho place of commencement. line; thence in a south-westerly direction by the said railway line to the left bank of tho Wai-iti Rivor; thenoe in a Wiostland. north-easterly direction by tho said bank of the said river This djgtriot . g bounded towardß the north generally by to the road forming the south-western boundary of Sec- fche Bul , oT and Motueka E | cotoral Districts, hereinbefore tion 154, Block XV Wai-iti Survey District; thonce m a desoribod from tho oC6an at the mouth of the a Kivor north-westerly direction by that road Trass s Valley Road to north . oastern corner o{ the G Count ( and the road forming part of the northeastern boundary of on tho 10th d rf Beptembor 1917) on the Spenoer Moun B Section I, Block XI Sections I and 2, Block Xof the said tai thenco towards tho south-oast by the said Grey survoy district to the northernmost corner of the said Sec- Count bomd to its junction wit h the Westland County Jim'- -J Ta- y / * e f torn \T n ty f S fl Wn . S \ to boundary (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917)'; tot^ll* 1 i ng (a S °^ Stmg !" * ° I ?, t tHu* Se P tembCT > thenco by the eastern and southern boundaries of that county 917) ;_ thonce towards the west generally by the said riding t() ocear , thenoe towards the north . west genet . aUy by th J 0 to its junction with tho Moutere Riding (as existing on the Qcean tQ tho mQuth rf the Q Rj , ace > om . 10th day of September, 1917); and thence by the south- menoomen t, western and western boundaries of the said riding to tho mouth of the Moutere River, the place of commencement, Wairau. including D'Urville Island, Stephen's Island Rangitoto This distrio 3. is bounded towards the west and north-west Islands, Trio Islands, Rabbit Island, Saxton s Island, Oyster genorally by the Motueka and Nelson Electoral Districts, Island, Pepin Island, and Fifcshire Island. hereinbefore described, from the point due south from Trig. Station P to Croisilles Harbour ; thence by Croisillos HarMotueka. hour, Tasman Bay, Current Basin, tho French Pass, Hamilton This distriot is bounded towards the wost, north-west, and Ba y> Admiralty Bay, to Clay Point; thence towards the north by the ocean from the mouth of the Ngakawhau River north-wost and south-east generally by Cook Strait to the to Cape Farewell Lighthouse; thence towards the oast mou I th of the Wairau River ; thence by that river to its generally by Golden Bay and Tasman Bay to the Nelson confluence with the Opawa River ; thenco in a. westerly Electoral District, hereinbefore described; thenco towards direction by that river to tho eastern boundary of the Borough the east generally by tho said Nelson Electoral District to °, f Blenheim (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); the southernmost corner of Motueka Riding (as existing qjj the n°e by the eastern boundary of the said borough to the the 10th day of September, 1917); thenco towards the north-eastern cornor of Soction 45, Block XVI, Cloudy Bay south-west by the said riding to the Motuoka River, thenco Survey District; thence by the eastern boundary of the said towards tho south-east genorally by the Motuoka River to Section 45 to and along tho eastern and southern boundaries its confluence with tho Whangapeka Rivor, thonce by the ° f , & o *"* 44 , to the north-western cornor of Soction 42, said rivor to its confluence with tho Dart Rivor ; thonce by Blook 'V > Baylor Pass , S t UI ' VOy Dlstnot i thence & the western that river to Trig. Station Pat the summit of the watershed boundary of the said Section 42 to the road forming the at the headwaters of tho said river; thonce by a right line northern boundary of Soction 9, Wither Settlement, of the duo south to the northern boundary of Murohison County (as Bald block and survey district ; thence _ m a westerly existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence towards direction by that road to its junction with the western the north-east gonorally by tho northern boundary of. the said boundary of Omaka Riding (as existing on the 10th day of county to tho north-oastern cornor of tho aforesaid county ; September, 191.7) ; thence in a westerly direction by tho thence towards the south-east and south generally by the sald " dm g to , **. Junction with tho south-western corner eastern and southern boundaries of that county to tho June- of S V™>g Greek Riding (as existing on the 10th day of Seption with tho south-eastern boundary of Inangahua County tember - 1917); thonce by the western boundary of the said (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917); thonce ™ dln g to its junction with Polorus Riding (as existing on towards the south, north-west, and north genorally by the £ he 10th day of September, 1917); thence in a north-westerly southern, western, and northern boundaries of tho said county direction genorally by tho south-western boundary of the to the junction with the western boundary of the before- said ridmg to its junotion with the Wairau Eleotoral District mentioned Murohison County ; thence towards the wost by a * Mount Riley, as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, the western boundary of tho last-mentioned county to the of 27th September, 1911; thonce towards the south-cast southorn boundary of the Motuoka Electoral District, as and south generally by tho said Wairau Electoral District describod in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of tho 27th day of to tiw P laco oi commencement, including all adjacent islands. September, 1911, north of Bald Hill; thoneo towards the south-west gonorally by that oloctoral district to the place of Hurunui. commencement. This district is bounded towards tho north-west and north Buller. generally by the Wairau Electoral District, hereinbefore describod, from the northern junction of the Marlborough This district is bounded towards the north-west generally and Amuri Count boundaH((S (as existing 0 n tho 10th day by the ocean from the mouth of tho Grey River to tho mouth of September, 1917) to tho mou th of tho Wairau River ; of the Ngakawhau River; thence towards the north and thonco towarda the north . east and south-east generally by south-east generally by the Motuoka Electoral District here- Cook gtrait and tho ocean to the BOuthorn boun d a ry of inbeforo described to its junction with the Grey and Wai- Kowai Count (aB exigting on tlle 10th day o{ September, puna Rivers in Block XV, District; 1917) at the mouth of the Ashley River ; thence in a westerly f hence in a southerly direction by the said river to its june- dil . cction by the said County boundary to its junctio with tion with the metal horse-track at the confluence of Noblo s the eastern boundary 0 f Ashloy County (as existing on tho Creek and the aforesaid river; thenoe in a, southerly direc 10th d bf S epteinbor, )917) ; thence by the southern, tion by the said track to and crossing Napoleon Hill; thenco westenl) and nor thern boundaries generally of the said in a westerly direction by the road to and passing along county to t ho junction with tho southern boundary of Waipara the northern boundary of Orwoll Creek Township; thence by Coua i y (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); Orwell Creek Road to the junction of roads at tho north- thence in a nort h-westerly direction generally by the said eastern corner ot Soction 106, Block 11, Ahaura Survey oounty boU ndary to its junction with the Westland Electoral

District; thenoe in a southerly direction by the said road forming tho eastern boundaries of Sections 106 and 11 of tho said block and survey district to tho Ahaura River; thence generally in a north-westerly direction by the said rivor to its junction with the foot-track on the south bank of the aforosaid river in. Block I, Ahaura Survey District; thence in a southerly direction by the said foot-track to and crossing Callaghan's Creek; thence by tho aforosaid track following tho said crock to and crossing Young's Crock to its junction with a track running in a south-westerly diroction to Nelson Creek, and thenoe in a north-westerly direction by that crook to the Grey River; thence by that river to tho north-eastern cornor of Brunnor Borough (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thenco by the eastern boundary of the said borough and the eastern boundary of Brunnerton Riding (as existing on the 10th day of Soptember, 1917) to its junction with the northern boundary of Maori Creek Riding (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) ; thonce by the southern and western boundaries of the said Brunnerton Riding to tho Grey River, and by that river to the ocean, tho place of commencement. Westland. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Buller and Motueka Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from tho ocean at the mouth of the Grey Rivor to the north-eastern corner of the Grey County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) on the Spencer Mountains ; thenoe towards tho south-oast by the said Grey County boundary to its junction with tho Wostland County boundary (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917); thenco by the eastern and southern boundaries of that county to tho ocean ; thonce towards the north-west generally by the ocean to the mouth of the Grey Rivor, the placo of commencement. Wairau. This district is bounded towards tho west and north-west generally by the Motueka and Nelson Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the point due south from Trig. Station P to Croisilles Harbour ; thence by Croisilles Harbour, Tasman Bay, Current Basin, the French Pass, Hamilton Bay, Admiralty Bay, to Clay Point; thenoe towards the north-wost and south-east generally by Cook Strait to the mouth of the Wairau River ; thence by that river to its confluence with the Opawa River ; thenco in a westerly direction by that river to the eastern boundary of the Borough of Blenheim (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917); thenco by the eastorn boundary of the said borough to the north-eastern cornor of Soction 45, Block XVI, Cloudy Bay Survey District; thence by the eastorn boundary of the said Section 45 to and along the oastern and southern boundaries of Soction 44 to tho north-western corner of Section 42, Block IV, Taylor Pass Survey District; thenco by the wostern boundary of the said Section 42 to the road forming the northorn boundary of Soction 9, Wither Settlement, of the said block and survey district ; thence in a wostorly direction by that road to its junction with the western boundary of Omaka Riding (as existing on the 10th day of Soptember, 1.91.7) ; thenco in a wostorly direction by the said riding to its junction with tho south-westorn cornor of Spring Creek Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thenco by tho western boundary of the said riding to its junction with Pelorus Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 191.7) ; thence in a north-westerly direction generally by tho south-westorn boundary of the said riding to its junction with tho Wairau Eleotoral District at Mount Riley, as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of 27th September, 1911 ; thence towards the south-cast and south generally by tho said Wairau Electoral District to tho place of commencement, including all adjacent islands. Hurunui. This district is bounded towards tho north-west and north generally by the Wairau Electoral District, hereinbefore doscribed, from the northern junction of the Marlborough and Amuri County boundaries (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) to tho mouth of tho Wairau Rivor ; thenco towards the north-east and south-oast generally by Cook Strait and the ocean to the southorn boundary of Kowai County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) at tho mouth of the Ashley River ; thence in a westerly direction by the said County boundary to its junctio with the eastern boundary of Ashley County (as oxisting on the 10th day of Septembor, 1917) ; thence by the southern, western, and northern boundaries genorally of the said county to tho junction with tho southern boundary of Waipara County (as existing on the 10th day of Soptember, 1917) ; thence in a north-westerly direction generally by the said county boundary to its junction with the Westland Electoral

B—H. 28.




District hereinbefore described; thence in a north-easterly direction generally by the said electoral district to tho placo of commencement. Kaiapoi. This district is bounded towards tho north-east and north generally by the Hurunui Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from tho northern junction of the wostorn boundary of Oxford County (as oxisting on tho 10th day of Septemhor, 1917) with tho Waipara County to the mouth of the Ashley River ; thence towards tho oast by tho ocean from Pegasus Bay to tho northern boundary of the borough of Now Brighton (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence by the northern and western boundaries of tho said borough to the Avon River ; thence in a north-westerly diroction by the said Avon Rivor to the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section 1068, Block XII, Christchurch Survey District; thence by the road forming tho north-eastorn boundary of the said section and the road forming the northern boundary of Horseshoe Lake and Sections 1327 and 2550 of Blocks VII and VIII of the said survey district to its intersection with the Canal and Road Reserve at the northwostern corner of tho said Section 2550 ; thence in a southorly direction by the said canal and road reserve to the Christchurch City boundary (as existing on the 10th day of September, .191.7) at Shirley Road ; thenco towards the southwest generally by the said Christchurch City boundary to the southernmost corner of Soction 1048, Block XI; thence towards tho west generally by the south-western and northwestern boundaries of the said" Section 1048 to Winter's Road ; thence towards tho south by that road forming the northei n boundary of Section 313, Block VII, to the south-eastern corner of Harewood Riding (as existing on the 10th day of Septemhor, 1917) ; thenco by the southern and wostern boundaries of that riding to the southorn boundary of Eyre County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thence in a westerly direction by the said county boundary to its junction with the south-eastern corner of Oxford County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) ; thenco towards the south-west and west generally by tho said county boundary to the place of commencement. Christchurch North. This district is bounded towards the north-west by the north-western boundary of the City of Christchurch (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) from the northwestern corner of tho said city boundary to tho junction of Innes Road and Shirley Road; thence towards the northeast generally by the north-oastern boundary of the said city to the junction of Hill's Road and Shirley Road ; thence towards the south-east generally by Hill's Road to North Avon Road ; thenco by North Avon Road to Boaley Avenue ; thonce by Bealoy Avenue to Churchill Streot; 'thence by Churchill Street to the River Avon ; thenco by that river to its junction with Salisbury Street; thoneo by Salisbury Streot to Colombo Street; thenco by Colombo Street to Armagh Street; thonce by Armagh Streot to the western boundary of tho aforesaid City of Christchurch at tho junction of tho said Armagh Street and Rolleston Avenue; thence towards the south-wost generally by the western boundary of the said city to tho placo of 'commencement. ' L/HRlSTCiiuucH JiAST. This district is bounded towards tho north generally by tho Christchurch North Eloetoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of Colombo Street and Salisbury Street to the River Avon ; thence by the said rivor to its junction with Fitzgerald Avenue; thence towards tho oast genorally by Fitzgerald Avenue to Ferry Road ; thoneo by that road to the eastern boundary of the City of Christchurch (as existing on the 10th day of Soptombor, 1917) at tho junction of Ferry Road and Ensor's Road ; thoneo towards the south-east gonorally by tho south-eastern boundary of tho said city from Ensor's Road to Colombo Street; thence towards the west by Colombo Street to Tennyson Street; thoneo by Tennyson Street to Longfellow Street; thence by Longfellow Street to Southhampton Street; thonce by Southhampton Street to Montroso Streot; thence by Montrose Street to Huxley Street; thence by that street to Colombo Street; thenoe by that streot to its junction with Salisbury Street, tho place of commencoment. Christchurch South. This district is bounded towards tho north and north-oast gonorally by tho Christchurch North Eloetoral District. hereinbefore described, from the junction of tho "Christchurch City boundary (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917) with the northern boundary of Hagley Park to the junction of Armagh Streot with Colombo Street; thence |

towards the east generally by the Christchurch East Electoral District, hereinbefore describod, to the Hoathcote River at tho southernmost end of Colombo Streot and tho southeastern cornor of the Borough of Spreydon (as oxisting on tho 10th day of Soptomber, 1917); thoneo towards tho south-east and south-wost and north-wost gonorally by tho south-eastern, south-western, and north-western boundaries of the said borough to tho junction of tho south-western boundary of tko Borough of Riccarton (as oxisting on the 10th day of Soptomber, 1917) at Lower Lincoln Road; thence by the south-western boundary of the said borough to tho DunodinChristchurch Railway line ; thence in an oasterly direction by the said railway-line to a point in lino with the West Town Belt; thenco by a right line to and along tho said West | Town Belt to the Avon River ; and thence by that river~to the placo of commencement, Avon This district is bounded towards the north gonerally by the Kaiapoi Electoral Distriot, hcroinbeforo described, from tlve junction of Hill's Road and Shirley Road to tho northern boundary of tho Borough of New Brighton (as existing on the 10th day of Septcmbor, 1917) at Pogasus Bay; thence towards the oast by the said Pogasus Bay to the estuary of the Avon and Heathcoto Rivers; thenoe towards the southwost and south-oast by tho said ostuary to tho north-oastern boundary of tho Borough of Woolston (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thoneo towards the south-west generally by the north-oastern and north-wostern boundaries of the said borough to tho Christchurch East Electoral District, hereinbefore described, and thenco towards tho wost generally by the said Christchurch East and Christchurch North Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to tho placo of commencement. Riccarton. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Kaiapoi Electoral District, hereinbefore desoribod, from the junction of the wostorn boundary of Malvorn County ( as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) with Oxford County to the north-western corner of Harewood Riding (as oxisting on tho 10th day of Soptomber, 1917); thence Awards the east genorally by the said Kaiapoi, Christohurch ff th ' and .Christchurch South Eloetoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to tho Riccarton Electoral District, as deNew Zealand Gazette No. 76, of tho 27th September, ftithe north-western corner-of theßorough of Spreydon; tb ™ oe towards tho south gonorally by the southern boundary °, f tb ? said R'ecarton Eloetoral District to the confluence of tbo Hawkins and Selwyn Rivers ; thence in a north-westerly dlTOctlon b / tho Ba id Selwyn River to the road intersecting «ff? a * the north-eastern corner of Soction 26374, Block VIII, Hororata Survey District; thenoe m a north-easterly diction to the intersection of roads at the south-eastern °, orner " f Section 15139 of the said block and survey district ; thoneo b y a road forming the eastorn boundary of the said , ect,on . 15139 to t, he Rolleston-Whiteclifts Railway line ; thoIK!0 ln an y^^^?} 11011 , b y„ that ra ' lwa y llne to . lts junction with the Sheffield Branch Railway line ; thonce in a north-westerly direction by tho said railway line to tho southeastern- boundary of the Sheffield Riding (as oxisting on the /10th day of September, 1917); thonce towards the south-west generally by the south-eastern, south-western, and wostern boundaries of the said riding to the place of commencement, T Lyttelton. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Christchurch South, Christchurch East, and Avon Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the southernmost corner of tho Borough of Spreydon to the north-eastern boundary of the Borough of Woolston at the estuary of the Hoathcote and Avon Rivers ; thenoe towards the north-east generally by the said estuary to Pegasus Bay j thonce towards the south-east generally by tho said Pegasus Bay and the ocean to tho wostern boundary of Akaroa County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) at Island Bay; thence in a northerly direction along tho said county boundary to the Lyttelton Electoral District, as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911 ; thence towards the south and west generally by the said electoral district to the place of commencoment. Ellesmere. This district is boundod towards tho north and east generally by the Hurunui, Kaiapoi, and Riccarton Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the northernmost corner of Tawera County (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917), south-wost of Harper's Pass, to tho Selwyn



River at its intersection with the Dunedin—Christohurch Rail- . way lino; thenco towards the north-west and east generally by tho said Riccarton, Christchurch South, and Lyttelton Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the southwestern cornor of Section 1387, Blocks VII and XI, Halswell Survey District; thence towards the north and cast, by the said Lyttolton Electoral District to the ocean at Island Bay; thenco towards the south generally by the ocea.n to the mouth of the Rakaia River ; thence towards the south-west generally by the middle of that river to its intersection with the Great South Road; thence in a southwesterly direction by that road to the South Town Belt; thenco by the South Town Bolt to tho Dunedin-Christchurch Railway line ; thonce by that railway line to its junction with William Street, of Chortsoy Extension (Private Township) ; thence by William Street to Alexander Street; thonce by that street to Wakanui Road (Beach Road); thence by that road to the south-eastern corner of Chertsey (Govornmont Township) (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) ; thenco by the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of the said township to tho said Dunedin-Christ-church Railway line; thenco in a north-easterly direction by that railway line to a point in line with the Chertsey and Methvon Road; thence by a right line to and along tho said Chortsoy-Methvon Road to the West Coast Road ; thence in a southerly diroction by that road to and along tho northern boundary of Section 24404, Block VII, Spaxton Survey District, to the southernmost corner of Section 21371 ; thonce Jby the south-western boundary of that section to the Boundary Road; thonoe by the northern boundary of Section 30314 to the said West Coast Road; thence by that road to Barker's Road; thenoe by that road to the Back. Road at the northernmost corner of Section 30440, Block VIII, of the said Survey District; thence by the said Back Road to and along the road forming tho northern boundaries of Sections 47, 46, 45, and 44 of the High Bank Settlement; thonce by a right line to a point in tho middle of the said Rakaia River in line with the production of the last-mentioned road; thence towards the west generally by the aforesaid Rakaia River to a point in lino with that portion of Slooman's Road intersecting Section 20876, Block XIII, Hororata, and Block I, Hall Survey District; thence by a right line to and along the said Sleeman's Road to the Tramway Reserve ; thenco by that reserve to a point in line with Nelson's Road ; thence by a right line to and along Nelson's Road to Rockwood Road; thence by tho road forming the north-western boundaries of Soctions 33879 and 22837, Blocks IX and X, of the said Hororata Survey District to Downs Road ; thence by that road to tho western boundary of Hororata Riding (as oxisting on tho 10th day of September, 1917); thence by the western boundary of the said riding to the south-western boundary of the said Tawera County; thenco by the south-western boundary of tho aforesaid county to the Hurunui Electoral District, as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911, at the Acheron River; thence by the western, southern, and north-western boundaries of the said electoral district to tho place of commencement. Ashuueton. This district is bounded towards the north and north-east gonorally by tho Ellesmcre Electoral District hereinbefore described, from the junction of tho northorn boundary of Solwyn County with Wostland County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) to the ocean at the mouth of the Rakaia River; thenco towards the south-east by the ocean to the mouth of the Rangitata River; thence towards the south-wost generally by the said river to its intersection with the Dunedin-Christchurch Railway line; thence in a north-oastcrly direction by the said railway line to its intersection with the Hinds River; thence in a north-westerly direction by the Hinds River to the road crossing tho said river at tho confluence of the north and south branches of the aforesaid river; thence in a south-westerly diroction by that road to the junction of Hinds Road with the Rangitata Bridge, Mayfield, and Mount Somers Road to the junction of the Coskeries, Barnswood, Shepherd's Bush, and Maronan Roads ; thonce in a north-westerly direction by the Shepherd's Bush to Maronan Road to its junction with Moorhouse's and Montalto Roads ; thence by a road forming the northorn boundary of Seotions 36179, 30797, 30790, 28912, and 28913, of Block IX, Shepherd's Bush Survey District, to the south-western boundary of Ashburton County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) at the Rangitata River; thence towards tho south-west generally by the said county boundary to its junction with tho western boundary of Wostland County (as existing on the 10th day of Soptomber, 191.7); thenoe towards the north-west by the said Wostland County boundary to the place of commencement.

I Timaru. ' This district is bounded on tho north by the Opihi River from the junction of tho western boundary of tho Seadown Riding of Levels County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) to the ocean at tho mouth of the said river; thence towards the south-east by tho ocean from the mouth of tho aforesaid rivor to the southern boundary of tho Timaru Electoral District, as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911 ; thence towards the south-west generally by the said electoral district to its junction with the eastern boundary of Point Riding (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) at the intersection of Lovols Valley and Downs Roads; thenco towards the west generally by tho oastern boundary of the said riding to tho western boundary of the said Seadown Riding; thence by tho western boundary of the aforesaid Seadown Riding to the place of commencement. Temuka. This district is bounded towards the north-oast generally by the Ashburton Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from tho junction of tho northern boundary of Mackenzie County with Wostland County (as existing on tho 10th day of Soptombor, 1917) to the ocean at tho mouth of tho Rangitata River ; thenco towards the south-east by tho ocean to the Timaru Electoral District, hereinbefore describod, at the mouth of tho Opihi River; thenco by the said Timaru Electoral District in a wostorly and southerly diroction to the southern boundary of Lovols County (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) at the road intersecting tho Pareora River and forming tho north-wostorn boundary of Section 16029, Block III, Otaio Survey District; thonce towards tho south and wost generally by tho southern boundaries of Levols and Maekonzio Counties (as oxisting on the 10th day of Soptomber, 1917) to the junction of tho said Maekonzio County with tho said Westland County ; thence towards tho northwest generally by the south-oastern boundary of tho aforesaid Westland County to the placo of commencement. Waitaki. This district is boundod towards tho north gonorally by the Temuka and Timaru Electoral Districts, horoinbeforo described, from the junction of tho south-western boundary of Maekonzio County (as oxisting on tho 10th day of September, 1917) with the south-eastern boundary of Westland County to the ocean at the mouth of tho Pareora River ; thenco towards tho east generally by the ocoan to the northern boundary of Waitaki County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) at the mouth of the Waitaki River ; thence towards tho south by the northern boundary of the said county to its junction with tho western boundary of Papakaio Riding (as oxisting on the 10th day of Septombor, 1917); thonce towards tho south-east generally by the wostorn boundary of the said riding to its junction with the northern boundary of Waiareka Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thonce in a north-westerly and southerly direction generally by tho northern and western boundaries of tho said riding to its junction with tho northern boundary of Incholmo Riding (as oxisting on the 10th day of Soptember, 1917); thence in a south-westerly diroction generally by tho northwestern boundary of the said riding to its junction with the south-western boundary of the said Waitaki County at the northernmost corner of Waihemo County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) at Kakanui Peak; thonco in a south-westerly diroction by the north-western boundary of the said Waihemo County to its junction with the Taieri River ; thenoe in a north-westerly direction by the said river to tho southern boundary of Kyeburn Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence towards the south generally by the south-western boundary of the said Kyeburn Riding, the southern boundaries of Mount Ida, Gimmerburn, and Idaburn Ridings (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917) to the western boundary of Maniototo County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thenco by the western and south-western boundaries of the said county to the north-western boundary of the said Idaburn Riding; thenoe towards the west and south-west generally by the north-western boundary of the aforesaid Idaburn Riding to the Waitaki Electoral District (as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911) on the summit of tho Hawkdun Range; thence by tho said Electoral District to the place of commencement. Oamaru. This district is bounded towards tho north by the Waitaki Electoral District, hereinbefore describod, from the northwostorn corner of Papakaio Riding (as oxisting on tho 10th day of September, 1917) to the ocoan at the mouth of the Waitaki Rivor ; thence towards the south-east gonorally by the ocean

4—H. 28.



to the southorn boundary of Waihomo County (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917) at tho mouth of the Pleasant River; thonce towards tho south-wost gonorally by the southorn boundary of tho said county to tho south-eastern corner of Dunback Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thenco by tho eastorn and northorn boundaries of the said riding to tho south-wostorn boundary of Waitaki County (as oxisting on the 10th day of Soptomber, 1917) ; thonce by tho south-western boundary of tho said Waitaki County to tho said Waitaki Eloctoral District at the easternmost cornor of Incholme Riding (as oxisting on tho 10th day of Soptomber, 1917) ; thoneo towards tho north-west generally by the aforesaid Waitaki Eloctoral District to the place of commencement. Dunedin North. This district is bounded towards tho north by tho northorn boundary of tho City of Dunedin (as oxisting on tho 10th day of Soptomber, 1917) from tho summit of Swampy Hill to tho north-eastern corner of Soction No. 72, Block VIII, North Harbour and Blueskin Survoy Districts; thoneo towards the east and north-east gonorally by tho said boundary of tho City of Dunodin to its junction with tho northern boundary of tho St. Loonard's Ward of tho Borough of West Harbour (as oxisting on the 10th day of Soptember, 1917) ; thoneo in an oastorly diroction by the said northern boundary of tho said St. Leonards Ward of the said Borough of West Harbour to the Otago Harbour; thenoe in a southeasterly diroction generally by tho said Otago Harbour to its junction with the Dunedin North Electoral District, as doscribod in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of 27th September, 1911, at a point on the shore of Otago Harbour in line with tho middle of Fredorick Street; thoneo towards tho south-wost and north-west generally by tho said Dunedin North Electoral District to tho placo of commoncomont. Dunedin West. This district is bounded towards the north-oast gonorally by tho Dunedin North Electoral District, horoinbofore described, from the western boundary of Dunodin City (as oxisting on the 10th day of September, 1917) at the westernmost oorner of Soction 53 and tho eastern boundary of Section 59, to a point on tho shore of Otago Harbour in lino with the middle of Fredorick Street; thence towards tho south-oast by tho Otago Harbour to a point in lino with the middlo of Stuart Streot; thonce towards tho south gonorally by a right line to and along Stuart Streot to High Stroot; thenco by High Street to Graham Stroot; thonce by Graham Stroot to Maclaggan Stroet; thenco by Sorpentine Avenue to tho south-westorn ond of Canongate Streot, across that stroet to tho southernmost ond of Arthur Stroet, across that streot to tho south-eastorn cornor of Section 13 ; thonce by tho southern boundaries of Soctions 13 and 24 to Adam Streot, across Adam Stroet to tho south-eastorn cornor of Section 25 ; thonce by the southorn boundary of Soction 25 and the wostern boundarios of Soctions 25, 26, 27, 28, and the southorn boundarios of Soctions 31 to 39 and the southwestern boundary of Section 39 to the southorn boundary of tho Dunodin West Eloctoral District (as described in New Gazette No. 76, of tho 27th September, 1911) at York Place; thence towards tho south-wost and north-west gonorally by the said Dunodin West Electoral District to the place of commencement. Dunedin Central. This district is bounded towards the north gonorally by the Dunodin West Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the wostern boundary of Dunedin City (as oxisting on tho 10th day of September, 1917) from the north-western cornor of Section 50 to the Otago Harbour at a point in lino with tho middle of Stuart Street; thence in a southeasterly direction gonorally by the said Otago Harbour, following tho lino of reclamation to the said Dunodin City boundary at the south-westorn end of the road crossing Andorson's Bay; thence in a south-easterly and northeasterly diroction generally by the coasMino of Anderson's Bay and Otago Harbour to tho junction of tho Portobello Beach, Lower Portobello and District Roads at the northwestern corner of Section 16, Block VIII, Anderson's Bay Survey District; thence in a south-easterly direction by the said District Road to its junction with the aforosaid Dunedin City boundary at the junction of Scott Stroet and the aforesaid District Road ; thence towards the cast and south generally by that city boundary to its junction with the eastern boundary of the Borough of St. Kilda (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) ; thenco in a northwesterly direction generally by the said borough boundary to its junction with King Edward Stroot, Dunodin City ; thonce by tho said King Edward Street to its intersection with

Cargill Road ; thoneo by tho said Cargill Road to tho District (Surroy) Road; thonce by that road to its junction with tho Dunodin Central Eloctoral District, as doscribod in the New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of 27th Soptomber, 1911, at Ferguson Streot; thence towards the south and north-west fonorally by tho said Dunedin Central Electoral District to ho place of commoncomont. \ Dunedin South. This district is bounded towards the north gonorally by tho road on tho southorn side of the Mosgiol-Outram Railway from a point whoro it forms the north-wostorn boundary of Section 9, Block XI, East Taieri Survoy District; thence in a north-easterly direction by that road to tho north-eastorn corner of Section 7, Block XIV, of the said survoy district; thenco in a south-oastorly direction by tho lino forming tho eastern boundary of Soctions 7 and 1, Block XIV, and 7 and 1 of 1, Block XIII, of tho aforesaid survoy district to tho road intersecting tho said Section 1 of 1 at the northwestorn corner of Soction 1 of 1, Block VI, of Dunedin and East Taieri Survoy District; thence in an easterly diroction generally by tho said road forming tho northern boundary of tho said Block VI of tho said survey district to its junction with the road forming the eastern boundary of Block IV of tho aforesaid survey district; thence in a north-westerly diroction by that road to the south-western corner of Soction 31, Block V, of Dunedin and East Taiori Survoy District; thonce in an eastorly direction by tho southern boundary of the said Section 31 and southern boundarios of Soctions 2 of 32 and 1 of 32 to tho Dunodin West Electoral District, as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of 27th Soptomber, 1911, on tho westorn boundary of the City of Dunedin; thenco towards the oast and south-east generally by the Dunedin West and Dunedin Central Electoral Districts heroinbeforo doscribod, to the eastern boundary of tho Borough of St. Kilda (as existing on tho 10th day of Septombor, 1917) at the road at tho north-eastern corner of Tahuna Park ; thenco by the eastern and southorn boundaries of the said borough to the westorn boundary of tho aforesaid borough at Forbury Road ; thonce in a south-easterly direction by the said Forbury Road to the ocoan ; thence towards tho south generally by the ocean to tho Kaikorai Stroam ; thoneo in a north-easterly direction by the said stroam to its confluence with Abbott's Crook on the northorn boundary of Section 47, Groon Island Bush Survoy District; thonce in a northerly direction by that creek to its intorsoction with tho road from Green Island Borough to Mosgiel Borough at tho northern boundary of original Section 2, Green Island Wost Survey District; thenco in a north-westerly diroction generally by the said road passing centrally through the said Groon Island Wost Survey District and forming tho southern boundary of Soctions 23, 30, 74, and 1 of 29, of Block VII, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to the junction of roads at the south-westorn corner of Soction 32 of the aforesaid block and survey distriot; thence by tho aforesaid road forming the southorn and western boundary of Section 1 of 33 of the aforosaid block and survoy district, intersecting Soction 32, part of Irregular Block, East Taieri Survey District, and lying south of tho Borough of Mosgiel (as existing on tho 10th day of Septombor, 1917) to the. southernmost junction of roads in tho said Soction 32 ; thonce by a road to a point in lino with the south-western boundary of the said borough in Section 33 of tho said Irregular Block ; thenco in a northwesterly direction by a right lino to the south-wostern cornor of the aforesaid Borough of Mosgiel; thence by tho southeastorn, north-eastorn, and north-western boundaries of that borough to the road forming tho south-western boundary of Section 12, Block VI, East Taieri Survoy District; thoneo in a north-westerly direction to the junction of roads at tho south-wostern cornor of Section 6, Block X, of tho said survey district; thence by a road intersecting Sections 1, 2, and 3, Block XI, of the aforosaid survoy district to a point in line with the south-wostern boundary of Section 9 ; thence by a right line to and along tho south-westorn boundary of tho said Section 9 to tho placo of commencement. Chalmers. This district is bounded towards the north-oast gonorally by the Oamaru Electoral District, heroin before doscribod, from the junction of tho western boundary of Waihomo County (as oxisting on tho 10th day of Soptember, 1917) with the south-western boundary of tho Waitaki County to the ocean at the mouth of tho Pleasant River ; thoneo towards the east and south-east generally by the ocean to the Chalmers Electoral District, as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of 27th Soptomber, 1911, at the mouth of the Taieri Rivor; thenco towards tho wost generally by tho said Chalmers Electoral District to its junction with tho south-eastern boundary of the Outram Town District (as existing on tho



lOth day of September, 1917) at the Taieri River ; thence by the south-eastern, south-western, and northern boundaries of the said town district to tho said Chalmers Electoral District at the aforesaid Taieri River ; thence towards the west generally by tho westorn boundary of the aforesaid Chalmors Electoral District to its junction with the western boundary of the Oamaru Electoral District as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of 27th September, 1911, thence by the said Oamaru Eloctoral District to tho southorn boundary of the said Waihemo County; thence by tho southorn and western boundarios of the aforesaid county to the place of commencement, excluding tho Dunodin North, Dunedin Central, and Dunedin South Eloctoral Districts hereinbefore doscribed. Wakatipu. This district is bounded towards tho north generally by the Westland Electoral District, hcreinboforo described, from the ocean at Big Bay to the summit of tho Southern Alps at the northernmost corner of Vincent County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence towards the east generally by the Waitaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the Taieri River ; thence by that river to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Lot 122, Middler tnarch, Block IX, Strath-Taieri Survoy District; thence by a right line to and along tho road forming the south-eastern boundary of tho said Lot 122 and south-eastern boundarios of Lots 127, 128, 129 to the junction of roads in the northeastern boundary of Section 50 ; thence by the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of tho said Section 50 to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 39 to the road forming tho eastern boundary of Section 31 ; thence by that road and the road forming the north-eastern boundary of the said Section 31 and north-eastern boundary of Sections 73 and 16 to the junction of roads at tho northernmost corner of the said Section 16 ; thence by the road on the eastern and northern boundary of Section 7 to the junction of roads at the north-western corner of the said Soction 7 of the said Block IX ; thonce in a southerly and westerly direction by the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections 4, 3, and 2, Block VIII, to and along tho road forming the northern boundary of Section 1, intersecting Sections 5 and 6 of the said Block VIII, to and along the sledge-track to its junction witl) the track north-east of the Castle Rock ; thence by a right line north-west to McHardie's Creek; thence in a southwesterly direction by tho said crock to its junction with tho western boundary of Strath-Taieri Riding (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) at the confluence of the said McHardie's Creek and Loganburn Creek; thenco in a southerly and easterly direction by tho western and southern boundaries of tho said riding to the old Dunstan Road; thence in a south-easterly direction by that road to its junction with a road at the south-western corner of Section 19, Block IX, Mount Hyde Survey District; thence by the road forming the northern boundary of Section 8, north-eastern boundary of Section 7, the eastern boundary of Section 14 of the said Block IX, to its junction with the Lee Stream ; thence in a south-westerly direction by the said stroam to the north-eastern corner of Section 1 of tho aforesaid Block IX ; thence by the eastern, southern, and western boundaries of the said Section 1 to the aforesaid Leo Stream ; thence towards the south generally by that stream to the Bruce Electoral District, as described in New Zeahnd Gazette No. 76, of tho 27th September, 1911, at tho north-wostorn corner of tho Maungatua Riding (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917); thence by the said electoral district to tho south-eastern corner of Block XIIT, Crookston Survey District ; thenco by the eastern boundary of tho said Block XIII to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections 16 and 17, Block XVII, to the eastern boundary of the said Block XVII at the south-eastorn corner of the said Section 17; thence by the eastern and northorn boundaries of the aforesaid Block XVII and the norfhe n bo ndary of Blocks IX and VIII of the said Crookston Survey District to the eastern boundary of the Crookston Riding (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence by the eastern and north-eastern boundaries of the said riding to the Wakatipu Electoral District, as described in New Zealand Gazelle No. 76, of the 27th September, 1911, at the summit of the Whitocoomb Range at Whiteeoomb ; thence in a southerly and westerly direction by the said electoral distriot to the junotion of roads at the north-western corner of Section 29, Block I, Chatton Survey District; thonce in a westerly direction by the road forming the northern boundaries of Sections 30 and 31 of the said Block I and northern boundaries of Blocks X, XVII, and XVIII, and northern boundary of Section 12, Block XI, north-eastern boundaries of Sections 19 and 20, and northern boundaries of Sections 21 and 22, Block VI, of the said survey district, and the northern boundaries of Sections 10, 9, 8, and 7, Block II, Otama Survey District, and northern and western boundary of

Section 6 to tho junction of roads at the south-eastern corner of Section 6a of the said block and survey district; thenco by a right line due south to the Mataura River ; thenoe towards the south-west generally by that river to the southernmost corner of Lake County (as existing on the 10th day of September, 1917); thence by the western and south-western boundary of tho said county to the aforesaid Wakatipu Electoral District at Hummock Peak; thence by tho southwestern boundary of that electoral district to the ocean at Bligh Sound ; thenco towards the north-west generally by the ocoan to tho place of commencement. Bruce. This district is bounded towards tho oast generally by the Chalmers Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of the southern boundary of Waihemo County at its junction with tho Taieri River to the ocean at the mouth of the said Taieri River; thence towards the south-oast by the j ocean to the mouth of tho Clutha River; thenoe towards the south-west generally by the said river to its confluence with the Matau River ; 'thenoe by that river to the eastern boundary of the Borough of Balclutha (as existing on tho 10th day of September, 1917) at the northern confluence of the said Matau and Clutha Rivers ; thence by the eastern, northern, and western boundaries of the said borough to tho aforesaid Clutha River ;i thenco by that river to the Wakatipu Electoral Distriot, hereinbefore described, at the southernmost corner of Block I, Crookston Survoy Distriot; thenco towards the north-west gonorally by the said Wakatipu Eleotoral District to the place of commencement. Clutha. This district is bounded towards the north-oast generally by tho Wakatipu and Bruco Electoral Districts, horoinbofore describod, from the summit of the Whiteeoomb Range at Whiteeoomb to the ocean at the mouth of the Clutha River ; thence towards tho south-east and south by tho ocean to a point due south of the road at the south-western corner of Section 8, Block II, Otara Survoy District ; thence towards tho wost generally by a right line to and along the road from the south-wostern corner of the said Section 8 to the junction of roads at tho south-eastern cornor of Section 11, Block I, of the said survoy district; thence by the road forming tho eastern boundaries of the said Soction 11 and Sections 12, 28, and 27 to the Tokanui Stream ; thence by that stream to tho eastorn boundary of Block X, Tootoes Survey District; thenco by tho eastern boundaries of the said Block X and Blocks VI and III to tho road at the south-eastern corner of Soction 15 of the said Block III; thence in a westerly direction by the road form - ing the southern boundary of the said Section 15, intersecting Soction Part 14, of tho aforesaid Block III, intersecting Sections 17, 15, and 18 of Block II of the said survey district, the south-western boundary of Section 41, Block IX, Wyndham Survoy District, intersecting Sections 42 and 43, and forming the southern boundaries of Sections 44 and 45 of the said Block IX, the northern boundary of Section 34, Block VIII of the said survey district, to the main road from Wyndham to Fortrose ; thence in a southerly direction by that road to the southern boundary of Section 24, Block IV, Toetoes Survoy District; thonce by the southern boundary of the said soction to the Seaward Bush Railway line ; thence by that railway line to its intersection with the western boundary of the Clutha Electoral Distriot. as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th day of September, 1911 ; thence by that electoral district to the junction of roads at the confluence of the Waiarikiki Stream and Mimihau Stream ; thence in a north-easterly direction by the road on the eastern side of the said Waiarikiki Stream to tho junction of roads in Section 20, Block IX, Tuturau Survey District; thence by a road intersecting the said Section 20, forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 28, the southern and eastern boundaries of Section 32, intersecting Section 22 of the said block, intersecting Section 17, Block VIII of the said survey district to the said Clutha Electoral Distriot at the eastern boundary of the said Block VIII ; thence by the aforesaid Clutha Electoral District to the said Wakatipu Electoral District at the southeastern corner of Block VIII, Chatton Survey District; and thence by the aforesaid Wakatipu Electoral District to the place of commencement. Mataura. This district is bounded towards tho north-oast and east gonorally by tho Wakatipu and Clutha Electoral Districts, hereinbefore doscribod, from tho junction of roads at the north-wostorn cornor of Soction 29, Block I, Chatton Survey District, to the ocean at a point duo south of the road at tho south-westorn cornor of Soction 8, Block II, Otara Survey District; thenco'towards tho south gonorally by tho ocoan to the Mataura Electoral District, as doscribed in tho



New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of tho 27th day of Soptombor, 1911, at a point in line with the western boundary of Block XXIII, Invorcargill Hundred; thence towards tho west and north-west genorally by tho western and northwestern boundarios of tho said doctoral district to the placo of commencement. Wallace. This district is bounded towards tho north-east gonerally by tho Wakatipu Electoral District, hereinbefore desoribod, from tho ocoan at Bligh Sound to tho Mataura River at the oastornmost corner of Oroti Riding (as oxisting on the I.oth day of September, 1917) at the south-eastern corner of Section 540, Block XVII, Hokonui Survoy District; thenco towards the south-oast generally by the south-eastern boundary of the said riding to its junction with the eastern boundary of the Wallaco Electoral District, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 76, of the 27th day of September, 1911, at Cowan's Creek; thenoe by the said electoral district to the ocean at the mouth of tho Waimatuku Stream ;

thence towards the south and north-wost by the ocoan to the place of commencement, including Contre Island, I'ig Island, Resolution Island, and adjacent islands, Inveroabqill. Xhis district is bounded towards the north, east, south, and west by tho northern, eastorn, southern, and western boundaries of tho Invorcargill Electoral District, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 7b, of tho 27th Septemhor, 1911. Awabtja. This district is bounded towards the wost, north-wost, and north-east by the Wallace and Wakatipu Electoral Districts horcinbefore described; towards the east generally by tho Mataura Electoral District horoinbofore described , towards the south-west by Foveaux Strait to the said Wallace Eloetoral District, the placo of commencement, exclusive of the lnvercargill Electoral District hereinbefore doscribed, and including Stewart Island, Ruapuke Island, Dog Island, and all adjacent islands.

POPULATION. Table showing the Actual and Nominal Populations of the Electoral Districts in the South Island (including Stewart Island). (Quota, 17,118.)

Approscimate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (750 copies, including maps), £03

By Authority ; Mabcus P. Masks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lB.

Price Us. 3d.]

Number of Members. Actual P. ipulation. No. and Name of District. Actual Total. Nominal Population. Urban. Rural. 1. Nelson 2. Motueka 3. Buller 4. Westland 5. Wairau 6. Hurunui 7. Kaiapoi 8. CL.ristoh.uroh North 9. Christohurch South 10. Christchurch East 11. Avon 12. Riccarton 13. Lyttclton 14. Ellesmcre 15. Ashburton 16. Terauka 17. Timaru 18. Waitaki 19. Oamaru 20. Dunedin Nortli . . 21. Dunedin West .. 22. Dunedin Central. . 23. Dunedin South . . 24. Chalmers 25. Wakatipu 26. Bruce 27. Clutha 28. Mataura 29. Wallace 30. lnvercargill 31. Awarua 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 l l ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9,181 4,405 7.404 4,000 2,400 17,132 17,114 17,122 17,176 10,525 12,870 892 2,961 6,578 13,630 10,123 7,'917 10,352 13,173 11,638 5,246 3,087 13,021 11,321 13,638 3,429 13,770 9,580 15,759 13,630 .14,528 15,321 14,352 13.173 14,038 17,132 17,114 17,122 17.176 15.771 15,957 13,913 14,282 13,638 16,258 13,770 11,967 17,252 17,035 17,136 16,944 14,400 13,563 13,224 12,949 13,766 13,535 16,995 13,280 17,601 17,446 17,362 17,538 17,250 16,861 17,296 17,132 17,114 17,122 17,176 17,240 16,820 17,559 17,452 17,457 17,218 17;626 17,649 17,252 17,035 17,136 17,134 17,486 17,361 16,927 16,575 16,578 17,326 17,608 16,999 12,829 5,387 17,252 17,035 17,136 16,265 ' 3,379 3,724 679 11,021 J 3,563 13.224 12,949 10,042 13,535 2,189 13,280 14,806 Totals 31 230,995 236,985 467,980 534,330





NORTH ISLAND (TE IKA-A-MAUI) NEW ZEALAND Showing boundaries of the ELECTORAL DISTRICTS as defined by the North Island Representation Commission. October, 1917.

SOUTH ISLAND (TE WAI-POUNAMU) NEW ZEALAND Showing boundaries of the ELECTORAL DISTRICTS as defined by the South Island Representation Commission. October, 1917.

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REPRESENTATION COMMISSIONS' REPORT., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, H-28

Word Count

REPRESENTATION COMMISSIONS' REPORT. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, H-28

REPRESENTATION COMMISSIONS' REPORT. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, H-28

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