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INDEX. PAGE Agriculture ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xi Balance on 31st March, 1916 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... iii Beer Duty ... ... ... ... ... ... ... viii Board of Trade ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xx Conclusion ... ... ... ... ... ... ~. xxv Consolidated Fund— Estimated Revenue and Expenditure for 1916-17 ... ... ... ... iv Expenditure for 1915-16 compared with 1914-15 Revenue for 1915-16 compared with 1914-15 ... ... ... ... ... ii Ways and Means for 1916-17 ... ... ... ... ... ... iv Cook Islands ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xviii Cost-of-living Problem ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xx Customs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vi Articles free of Duty ... ... ... ... ... . . ... xxi Defence Department:— Defence ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xii Purchase of Military Stores and Supplies for the Expeditionary Forces ... ... xii Education Department:— Education ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xvii Teachers' Superannuation Fund ... ... ... ... ... xvii Enemy, Trading with ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... viii Estimated Revenue and Expenditure for 1916-17 ... ... ... ... ... iv Expenditure:— Details for 1915-16 compared with 1914-15 ... ... ... ... ... ii Estimated for 1916-17 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... iv Friendly Societies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xiv Gold Export ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxiv '-'* Government Life Insurance Department ... ... ... ... ... ... xvi Immigration ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xv Imperial Government Supplies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xviii Increased Rentals ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxi Industrial Conditions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xiv Interest, Rates of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxiv Land and Income Tax ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... viii Lands:— Drainage of Swamp Land ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xi Land for Discharged Soldiers ... ... ... ... ... ... x Land for Settlements ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xi Land Revenue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... x Settlement of Crown Lands... ... ... ... ... ... ... x State Forests ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xi Loans : — Conversions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vi Estimated Loan Expenditure for 1916-17 ... ... ... ... ... xix Public-works Loans ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... v Redemption and Renewals ... ... ... ... ... ... ... v War Loans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... iv Marine Department .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xv Mental Hospitals ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ix Mining—Scheelite, Molybdenum, and Coal ... ... ... ... ... xiv Money ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xx ji


PAGE Money in Dominion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxiii National Provident Fund ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xiv Pensions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xvii Post and Telegraph Department... ... ... ... ... ... ... ix Proposals, Summary of ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• xxv Public Health... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ix Public Service Superannuation Fund ... ... ... ... ... ... xvii Public Trust Office ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... xv Public Works Loans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... v Rates of Interest ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxiv Rentals, Increased ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... xxi Reserve Fund... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... iv Result of the Year's Operations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... iii Revenue:— Details of 1915-16 compared with 1914-15 ... ... ... ... ... ii Estimated for 1916-17 ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• iv Land Revenue ... ... ... ... ... • • • . • • • ■ • • x Sainoan Administration... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. xiii Social Insurance, Extension of ... ... .. ... ... ... ... xx Stamp Department—Stamp and other Duties ... ... ... ... ... * State Advances Office ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... x State Fire Insurance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xvi State Forests ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. xi Tax:— Income-tax ... ... ... ... ... ■■• ... ... ix Income-tax Minimum ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxiii Land-tax ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• ... viii Special Income-tax ... ... ~. ... ... ... ... xxii Taxation Proposals ... ... ... ... ... ... ■•■ xxii Tourist and Health Resorts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xiv Trade :— Board of Trade ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xx Cost of Living ... ... ... ... ... ••■ ... ... xxi Trading with the Enemy ... ... ... ... ... ... ... viii War:— War Bonds ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxiii War Bonus .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xix War Loans ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• ... iv War Pensions ... ... ... ... ... ••■ ••• ••• xviii War Profits ... ... ... ... BBW ... ... ... xxii War Relief Funds ... ... ... ... ... ••• ... ... xiii Year's Operations, Summary of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxiv




Mr. Malcolm, — It is my pleasing duty to lay before honourable members a favourable statement concerning the finances of the Dominion for the year just concluded, and to be able to assure the House that, notwithstanding the disturbing influences of the war upon trade and commerce generally, the country's finances are in a very sound condition. It was stated in last year's Budget that, in view of the anticipated fall in Revenue and the increased burdens which would be cast on the Consolidated Fund by the necessity of providing for war pensions, interest and sinking fund on war loans, and other similar charges, a very considerable increase in taxation would be necessary, and, subsequently, legislation was introduced and passed by the House to enable the additional revenue to be raised. lam pleased to be able to inform the House that, owing to the freedom of the seas having been maintained between New Zealand and the Mother-land and other causes, there has been a very considerable revival of trade. The export from this country of meat and other farming produce has been continued at remunerative prices, and the producers of the Dominion have experienced a very favourable year. These circumstances have made it possible for the community to meet the extra taxation of last year without inconvenience, and I have thus been able not only to provide for the additional charges on the Consolidated Fund, but to show, in addition, a good surplus for the year, amounting to £2,166,077. Deducting from this surplus the sum of £149,047 carried forward from the previous year, there is left a net surplus of revenue actually received during the year of £2,017,030. In announcing this large surplus I wish to remind the House and the country that the longer the war continues the greater will become our annual burdens, and that consequently the expenditure of the year just concluded must not be taken as the maximum of the expenditure of the current and succeeding years. The payment for interest and sinking fund in respect of war loans will show a very considerable increase for this and succeeding years over the Amount paid for last year. Two items alone will entail an addi.ional expenditure this year of over one million sterling.

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REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE. The following figures show the revenue and expenditure for the year 1915-16 as compared with the figures for the previous year :—

Statement of the Revenue for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

It will be noticed that the revenue for 1915-16 exceeded that for 1914-15 by £2,058,192. This increase was partly due, of course, to the increased taxation and revenue charges imposed by last year's legislation, and partly to increased activities in the trade and commerce of the Dominion.

The Expenditure for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1915, is—

Yoar ended 31st March, 1916. Year ended 31st Maroh, 1915. Inorease. Decrease. Customs Stamp and death duties Postal and telegraph Land-tax.. Income-tax Beer duty Railways.. Registration and other fees.. Marine Miscellaneous Territorial National-endowment revenue Other receipts £ 3,366,171 1,470,307 1,689,917 1,048,356 1,392,119 157,892 4,484,337 106,263 46,228 424,505 219,314 92,655 12.073 £ 3,167,283 1,417,207 1,353,443 799,641 540,318 127,660 4,106,675 101,020 50,387 461,498 239,623 78,770 8,420 £ 198,888 53,100 336,474 248,715 851,801 30,232 377,662 5,243 £ 4,159 36,993 20,309 13,885 3,653 2,119,653 61,461 61,461 Totals 14,510,137 12,451,945 [2,058,192

Expenditure. Year endod 318t March, 1916. Year ended 31st March, 1915. Increase. Decrease. Permanent Appropriations — Civil List Interest and Sinking Fund Under Special Acts Subsidies paid to Local Authorities Territorial Revenue Endowments Old-age Pensions Widows' Pensions Military Pensions War Pensions £ 20,280 3,190,798 574,000 133,072 52,184 173,692 450,842 36,265 48,278 13,744 £ 21,954 3,071,448 545,341 121,821 51,685 173,940 436,765 31,610 47,607 £ £ 1,674 119,350 28,659 8,251 499 14,077 4,655 671 13,744 254 Annual Appropriations — Legislative Departments Departments of Finance Post and Telegraph Department Working Railways Department Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of Roads 4,693,155 34,480 90,004 1,294,712 2,954,006 100,780 4,505,177 37,552 170,134 1,244,569 2,881,087 117,676 189,906 50,143 72,919 3,072 80,130 1,928 16,896



The Expenditure for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1915— continued.

In reference to the expenditure, I desire especially to call attention to the reduction of £74,674 in the expenditure under the annual appropriations for the year 1915-16 when compared with that of the previous year, and in this connection I would like to say that this economy is largely, in my opinion, due to the care with which the Administrative Heads of Departments controlled their expenditure. On two occasions during the year I met the Permanent Heads of Departments in my office and emphasized the necessity for the exercise of economy in the public expenditure, especially at the present time, and I wish to publicly express my appreciation of the zealous manner in which these officers carried out the wishes expressed by me by carefully supervising the expenditure in their respective Departments. RESULT OF THE YEAR'S OPERATIONS. Consolidated Fund: Ordinary Revenue Account, — £ Balance brought forward on Ist April, 1915 .. .. .. 149,047 Receipts during year,— £ Revenue .. .. .. .. 14,498,064 Other receipts— Recoveries on account of £ previous years .. 9,466 Sinking fund set free .. 2,607 12,073 £ 14,510,137 Expenditure during year,— Appropriations .. .. .. .. 12,493,107 2,017,030 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. ~ £2,166,077

Expenditure. Year ended 31st Maroh, 1916. Year ended 31st March, 1915. Increase. Decrease. Annual Appropriations- -continued. Native Department Justice Department Mines Department Department of Internal Affairs Defence Department Customs, Marine, and Inspection of Machinery Departments Department of Labour Department of Lands and Survey Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce Education Department Services not provided for £ 24,877 452,227 28,552 408,058 432,227 161,225 31,676 235,322 191,774 £ 24,005 442,478 29,170 489,207 499,137 149,200 28,142 239,043 206,731 £ 872 9,749 12,025 3,534 £ 6J8 81,149 66,910 3,721 14,957 1,329,166 30,866 1,207,983 108,512 121,183 77,046 7,799,952 7,874,626 270.425 345,099 Totals 460,331 347,027 317,027 12,493,107 12,379,803 113,304



ESTIMATES OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FOR 1916-17. The revenue for the year 1916-17, on the basis of the existing statutory limitations, is estimated as follows :— Customs .... .... .... .... .... 3,300,000 Railways .... .... .... .... .... 4,450,000 Stamp and Death Duties .... .... .... 1,470,000 Postal and Telegraph .... .... .... 1,750,000 Land and Income Tax .... .... .... 2,540 475 Beer Duty .... .... .... .... 195,000 Registration and other Fees .... .... .... 104.605 Marine .... .... .... .... .... 45,850 Miscellaneous .... .... .... .... 423 500 Territorial Revenue .... .... .... 211 000 Endowment Revenue .... .... . .... 90 971 Other receipts .... .... .... .... 1 0;0 00 £14,591,401 The following figures will show the ways and means of the Consolidated Fund for the year 1916-17, estimating the revenue on the foregoing basis :— Balance forward from 1915-16, less investment £ (£2,000,000) 1 66) 077 Estimated revenue, 1916-17 .... .... .... 14,591 401 14,757,478 Estimated expenditure .... .... .... 14 390 626 Balance .... .... .... £366,852 RESERVE. Since the war began the deposits at call with the Post Office Savings-bank have increased very rapidly, and a considerable portion of these moneys has been invested in war debentures and other Government securities. In view of the possibility of heavy claims being made by the depositors when matters in Europe assume a more normal aspect, I established a reserve in London by investing, in Imperial Treasury bills, funds which are not wanted for immediate requirements. New Zealand has by this means assisted the Imperial Government, and has at the same time established a strong liquid reserve against possible sudden claims in the future. WAR LOANS. During the session of 1914 authority was granted by this House to enable £2,000,000 to be raised for war purposes, and during last session additional authority was granted for raising a sum not exceeding £10,000,000 for the same purposes, making a total of £12,000,000 in all. Of this total we had borrowed, up to the beginning of May, 1916, £9,850,000, leaving an unexhausted authority of' £2,150,000 . The Imperial Government has advanced £8,500,000 of the £9,850,000 raised and the balance, £1,350,000, has been found in New Zealand from Post Office investments. Honourable members will recognize that our war expenditure must expand in proportion to the increased number of men we put in the field. It will be seen that additional authority to borrow will have to be wanted to enable the war expenditure of the future to be met, and I proposed ask the House for authority to borrow further amounts for war purposes to the extent of £12,000,000 for this year. With the unexhausted authority of £2,150,000, this



will provide a total of £14,150,000. This is a large sum, but, as it is expected that the war costs will shortly run into over £1,000,000 per month, the amount I have mentioned should not be considered excessive. PUBLIC WORKS LOANS. During last session of Parliament authority was granted to the Government to raise a loan of £2,000,000 for public works, and this amount was duly raised without having recourse to the London market. Although the purpose of this loan did not appeal to the patriotic feelings of New-Zealanders in the same degree that it would have done had the money been required for the expenses of the war, the loan nevertheless met with great success and was considerably oversubscribed. I would especially call attention to the very small cost entailed in raising this loan. The work was performed by the; Treasury and Post Office officials, and the total expenses amounted to £5,035, or J per cent. only. These expenses consisted solely of brokerage, advertising, and printing. When it is remembered that the cost of raising a loan at par in London amounts to, roughly, 2£ per cent, the saving which has been effected will be fully recognized. As regards the future, our chief efforts must be exerted in the direction of rendering as much financial aid as it is possible to the prosecution of the war, and until its termination, the utmost economy will be exercised in the prosecution of public works, and only those works which are essential will be continued. I need. scarcely remind honourable members that it would be impossible to approach the London market, under existing conditions, for a. public-works loan, and I do not think that it would be prudent to float a loan in New Zealand for public-works purposes. I estimate that there is sufficient money now available for public works to enable us to carry on at a reduced rate of expenditure for some time, but to guard against unforeseen contingencies the House will be asked to grant authority for raising during the year half a million from the Post Office funds. It must be understood, however, that this authority will be merely a precautionary measure. REDEMPTION AND RENEWALS. In last year's Budget it was shown that loans amounting to £6,274,953 would require to be met in London before the 31st March, 1916, and I am glad to say that this has been successfully and satisfactorily completed, as follows : £ Redeemed by creation of 4-per-cent. inscribed stock .. 190,499 Redeemed by investments from the Post Office .. 655,801 Investments renewed to the Imperial Treasury .. 5,421,053 Converted under Finance Act, 1915 .. .. 2 600 Converted into 4-per-cent. inscribed stock (1943/63) . . 5,000 £6,274,953 The loans falling due during the past year in Australia and New Zealand amounted to £3,631,521, and of this sum £410,056 has been redeemed with money provided by the Treasury, £2,806,015 has been renewed for a further term of five years, and £368,100 has been converted into new debentures under the Finance Act, 1915. The balance of £47,350 has not yet been dealt with, as the Treasury has not received advice from the present holders whether they wish to renew or not.


CONVERSIONS. Under the authority of the Finance Act of last session all holders of debentures maturing on or before the Ist December, 1916, were offered the option of converting into debentures of similar terms and currency to the £2,000,000 loan raised in the Dominion for public works, and a sum of £208,900 was thus converted. I subsequently made a proposal to holders of debentures maturing on or before the 31st March, 1924, to convert into debentures with a currency of twenty-five years and bearing interest at 4£ per cent, free of income-tax. The result was most gratifying. Up to the end of April debentures to the amount of £1,891,100 had been thus lodged for conversion. It will be seen that the total amount provided for under these three headings for a considerable period amounts to approximately £12,000,000, and this, when considered in conjunction with the net surplus of £2,017,030, may be looked upon as an extraordinarily strong position with which to face the developments of the future, which are rendered uncertain by the impossibility of forecasting the termination of the war. Treasury bills, which at one period of the war reached the record amount of £1,950,000, were all paid off before the 31st March. CUSTOMS. When the estimate of Customs revenue was made for the year just closed it was anticipated that there would be a considerable restriction of importation owing to increased freights, lack of shipping faculties, difficulty of getting orders fulfilled, and the total exclusion of trade with Germany and central Europe. The revenue was accordingly estimated on a conservative basis at £2,800,000. In addition to this, it was expected that primage for seven months, and increased duties on spirits, motor-cars, gas and oil engines, would bring in £145,000, making a total of £2,945,000. The amount actually realized was £3,365,568, being £420,568 over the total estimate. This remarkable surplus is accounted for mainly by the great increase in the value of goods the world over. While the volume of imports has somewhat decreased, the value remains approximately the same as in former years. The following comparison of tonnages and values of imports shows this :—- Year. Tonnage. VaJle--1913 .. .. .. 22,288,302 1,563,464 1914 .. .. .. 21,856,096 1,538,755 1915 .. 21,728,834 1,370,057 It is gratifying to note that Great Britain and British dominions still maintain their full share of the goods ordered for New Zealand. Out of the total imports of £21,728,834, Great Britain and British dominions sent £17,727,137, the balance being distributed between the United States and other countries. The new duties for the seven months during which they were in operation amounted to £149,000, and of this amount primage duty of 1 per cent, on all imports was responsible for £98,000. Comparative figures showing the value of exports lor 1914 and 1915 are as follow :— 1914. 1915. £26,261,447 £31,748,912. The value of the exports for 1915 is the highest ever recorded, the increase being, of course, greatly due to the high prices of our staple products. The following return shows the rise in average value of the principal articles exported for the years 1913-14, 1914-15, and 1915-16 :—


BUDGET, 1916.

Erratum.—Page vi, Customs : In table of tonnages and imports transpose headings to read— Vatoe. Tonnage



Quantity stated in tit-1913-14. 1914-15. 1915-16. Items. Quantity. Average Price. Value. Quantity. Average Price. Value. Quantity. Average Price. Value. Butter .. .. .. cwt. Cheese .. .. .. C wt. Coal .. .. .. tons Gold .. .. .. oz. Gum, kauri .. .. .. tons Hides .. .. .. number Meats — Bacon and hams .. lb. Beef, frozen .. .. cwt. Lamb, frozen (whole carcases) .. cwt. .. Mutton, frozen (whole carcases) .. cwt. Potted and preserved .. .. cwt. Oats .. .. .. centals .. Phormium .. .. .. tons Sausage-skins .. .. lb. Sheep-skins — With wool .. .. .. lb. Without wool .. .. doz. Tallow .. .. .. tons Wool .. .. 394,880 742,371 177,437 378,798 9,271 193,080 114,956 330,527 1,186.638 1,249,967 39,467 62,009 27,052 3,751,773 6,647,101 638,454 24,234 182,303,750 £ s. d. 5 8 4 2 19 2 0 19 11 3 17 2 62 1 1 1 9 11 0 0 11 1 7 0 2 3 0 1 10 0 2 16 10 0 6 1 25 2 6 0 0 7 £ 2,138.419 2,195,273 177,009 1,461,955 575.285 288,807 5,174 446,704 2,548,964 1,872,654 112,096 18,858 679.628 109,459 417.138 793.777 373.484 160.803 6,769 227,410 166,365 716,289 1,120,682 1,226,124 S3,958 625.693 17.252 4,472,754 £ s. d. 5 10 6 3 0 2 0 19 0 3 19 0 59 12 3 1 14 7 0 0 10 1 17 2 2 6 0 1 14 6 3 3 7 0 6 10 22 2 9 0 0 8 £ 2,305,246 2.389.121 354,488 635,246 403.525 393,245 6,907 1,329,844 2,579.357 2,113,743 107.946 214,251 381,907 147.572 £ s. d. 397.533 6 19 1 863,138 3 10 3 297,289 1 0 2 505,001 4 0 8 5,308 60 3 0 281,732 1 17 5 466.536 0 0 10 750,938 2 2 11 1,152,736 2 10 4 1,462,525 j 1 19 9 65.120 3 13 5 159,543 0 10 1 25,647 27 0 0 4,652,911 0 0 10 £ 2,764,945 3,033, 07 299.303 2,037,275 319,272 527,624 19,143 1,612,741 2.902,151 2,907,507 239,177 80,127 692,475 194.312 0 0 8 0 19 2 28 18 7 0 0 9-98 217,321 612,096 701,085 7,584,151 6,268,375 673,115 25.793 230,669,904 0 0 9 0 19 9 28 8 6 0 0 10-93 226,857 663,833 733,140 1 >, 506, 799 3,589,075 0 0 10 703,839 0 19 1 25,062 30 3 9 184,783,586 0 1 3-28 153,873 672,095 756,606 11.764,276 • . *



TRADING WITH THE ENEMY. To ass'st the British Government in preventing supplies reaching the enemy many restrictive regulations under Orders in Council have been issued during the past year. No goods may be exported to Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, or Sweden without special application to the Minister of Customs. Hides, leather, wool, tallow, and fatty substances yielding glycerine can be exported to Britain or British dominions only. To more effectively prevent trade by enemy firms through neutral countries regulations have been issued providing that any company or firm shall be regarded as an enemy company or firm which had, prior to the war, its chief place of business in enemy territory, and it is further provided that, where the Attorney-General is satisfied that any business is carried on either in or out of New Zealand for the benefit of enemies, such business may be declared to be an enemy business, and any such business existing in New Zealand at the present time must be placed in the hands of the Public Trustee as Custodian of Enemy Property. There has been reason to believe that small quantities of goods made in Germany have reached the Dominion from time to time through neutral countries in spite of the precaution which has been taken to obtain the certificate of the British Consular Officers at neutral ports of exportation. Numerous instances of goods marked " Made in Germany " have been brought to the notice of the Department of Customs, but full investigation has frequently shown that such goods either came out of the enemy steamers which were interned in neutral ports upon the outbreak of the war or that they had been held in stock in shops and wholesale warehouses long before hostilities commenced. It is consequently unsafe to assume that all goods marked " Made in Germany " have been unlawfully imported. Nothing, however, has or will be left undone to stop the importation of all enemy goods. BEER DUTY. The new system of levying duty upon the quantity and gravity of the worts used in brewing came into force on the 1st December, 1915, and the increased returns up to the close of the financial year must be regarded as highly satisfactory from a revenue point of view. Calculated according to the old system of collection of the beer duty by means of revenue stamps, the usual estimate for the year was about £124,000. The increase for four months due to the new system is £33,900, thus making the total revenue for the financial year £157,892. It must be remembered, however, that the four months from December to March are the summer months, which yield the largest returns. I am advised that the new system has been brought into operation without a hitch of any kind, and. is working to the entire satisfaction of the Customs Department. Valuable assistance in the matter of supervision has been rendered by the Postmasters and Police in various country districts. LAND-TAX AND INCOME-TAX. The effect on the revenue of the increased taxation upon land and income is very marked. The net receipts in this Department for the past year amounted to £2,440,475 (made up of land-tax £1,048,356, income-tax £1,392,119), and, compared with the collection for the previous year, show an increase of £1,100,516. , Land-tax. The land-tax receipts for the financial year 1915-16 considerably exceeded the estimate, and, compared with those of 1914-15, are as follow : — £ Receipts, 1915-16 .. .. .. .. 1,048,356 Receipts, 1914-15 .. .. .. .. 799,641 An increase of .. .. .. £248,715



Income-tax. The income-tax receipts for the financial year 1915-16 a'so considerably exceeded the estimate, and, compared with those of 1914-15, are as follow :— £ Receipts, 1915-16 .. .. .. ..1,392,119 Receipts, 1914-15 .. .. .. .. 540,318 An increase of .. .. .. £851,801 The excess of receipts over the estimate under this heading is due partly to the fact that the dislocation of shipping at the outbreak of the war did not cause the shrinkage in trade that was anticipated, and partly to the fact that high profits were realized by taxpayers dealing -with the primary products of the Dominion. Honourable members will be interested to know that the income-tax chargeable for the past year to farmers in respect of the profits derived from land amounted to £269,000, of which sum £240,000 had been paid by the 31st March last. MENTAL HOSPITALS. The growth of these institutions continues with the steadily increasingnumber of patients. Together with the policy of enlargement, a further step is to be made in classification by segregating the aged, who comprise a fair proportion of the admissions. The Government recognizes its duty to do all that it reasonably can to promote the welfare of the patients. PUBLIC HEALTH. The operations of this Department have been considerably extended during the year, notably in connection with the accommodation and treatment of sick and wounded soldiers returning from the front. Large convalescent hospitals bave been established at the thermal-springs resorts of Hanmer and Rotorua, and every assistance has been given by the Hospital Boards throughout the Dominion, with the result that a very large number of soldiers had been restored to health. During the year the Townley Maternity Hospital was taken over from the trustees and was added to the number of maternity hospitals under control of the Government. Much attention has also been given by the Department to epidemics of infantile paralysis and scarlet fever. The responsibilities of the Department are steadily increasing, as it is felt that the health of the community is one of its most important considerations. POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. The Post and Telegraph Department's revenue shows a very material increase, which is largely due to the imposition of the halfpenny war-tax on all postal matter excepting newspapers, and to the increase in the telegraph rates. The revenue collected for the year amounted to £1,689,917. This exceeds that of the previous year by no less than £336,474. The increased charges were in operation for only six months of the year, and produced, approximately, a sum slightly below the amount which had been estimated. The Savings-bank deposits reached a total of £13,706,057, while the withdrawals amounted to £11,294,974. At the end of the year the total amount standing to the credit of depositors was no less than £22,166,365, an increase of £3,118,336. The money-order and postal-note business increased, the total issues for the year amounting to £4,252,843. The revenue from postages amounted to £801,938 ; from telegrams, £386,138 ; and from telephone exchanges, £287,547 ; the balance being made up of miscellaneous items.

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Both the telegraph and telephone-exchange services have increased at a satisfactory rate. Full details with reference to all these matters will be found in the annua] report of the Department. STAMP AND OTHER DUTIES. The revenue derivable from this Department has increased very much of late years. Less than ten years ago the revenue rarely exceeded half a million per annum. During the last seven years, however, the revenue collected each year has largely exceeded that of the previous year. This year the revenue collected was £1,470,307, as against £1.417.207 Inst year, an increase of £53,100. This is a very satisfactory result, especially in view of the fact that the ircreased charges authorized last session had only been in operation for a portion of Ihe year. The cost of collection is les.s than 1 per cent. The revenues collected by the Stamp Department are derived from various sources, con prising death and stamp duties, totalizator and bank taxes, and fees from the administration of the Joint-stock Companies, Mining Companies, Building Societies, and Industrial and Provident Societies Acts, as well as from the control of the Land Transfer and Deeds Registration Department, which also comes within the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Stamps. LAND REVENUE. The gross revenue received from Crown and endowment lands of the Dominion shows an increase for the past year. The total receipts amounted to £1,286,524, as against £1,163,127 received during the previous twelve months. Analysing the figures under the main headings the result is,— £ Ordinary Crown lands .. .. .. .. 501,941 Land for settlements .. .. .. .. 480,288 Cheviot Estate .. .. .. .. ..15,654 National endowment .. .. .. .. 115,183 Primary and secondary education endowments .. 87,504 Other sources .. .. .. .. .. 85,954 £L 286,524 The amounts outstanding at the 31st March were £23,514, representing postponements of rent granted under section 13 of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1912, and £33,737, representing ordinary arrears. SETTLEMENT OF CROWN LANDS. A total area of approximately 750,000 acres was offered for public application during the year under the various tenures provided by the Land Act and the Land for Settlements Act, &c, and the bulk of this land was readily taken up. Full particulars as to the present condition of settlement throughout the Dominion will be laid before you in a separate parliamentary paper (C.-l). In accordance with the intention of the Government to afford every facility for the selection of land by members of our Expeditionary Forces who have returned to the Dominion and who have been honourably discharged,' a considerable area has been proclaimed for selection under the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915. Other suitable areas are under survey, and will be made available as early as possible. Already numbers of applications for land have been lodged. The regulations governing the granting of financial assistance to soldier settlers have been issued, and money up to an amount of £50,000 has been authorized under the Act to provide advances to assist in developing the holdings.




The drainage-works undertaken in connection with the swamp lands on t ! c Hauraki and Rangitaiki Plains have progressed considerably during the past financial year, and the settlement of the reclaimed areas has proved a most successful undertaking. To further the development of other areas of swamp land thoughout the Dominion therSwamp Drainage Act was|fpassed last[session, and special inspections and reports are now being made regarding various swamp lands with a view to further operations. AGRICULTURE. The agricultural and pastoral pursuits of the Dominion have been most successful during the past year. Excepting that abnormally dry weather occurred in parts of Canterbury and North Otago, the season was favourable!, and the settlers have derived considerable benefit from the export of food products during the war. Prices obtainable overseas for all kinds of farm-produce remained at a very high level, with the result that the value of our agricultural exports was much higher than in any previous year. Details regarding the value of farming-produce exported during the year have been alieady referred to under the heading of " Customs." As there is at present every prospect of another good year for our farmers, and as the bulk of our exports is not in the nature of luxuries but rather of necessaries to the peoples of Europe, the outlook for the future is hopeful, although obviously it is not to be expected that the present very high level of prices will continue after peace is established. LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS. The purchase of lands for settlement during the year has been for various reasons considerably restricted. 16,495 acres, valued at £136,326, were, however, purchased. There has been a good demand for the whole. Arrangements are now being made to secure suitable lands for returned soldiers, for which purpose £500,000 will be required. Land should be available in various districts under conditions likely to induce settlement. Notwithstanding the war, land-values show no tendency to drop, owing, no doubt, to the great demand for all products. STATE FORESTS. The net expenditure during the year was £30,313, being approximately the same as that for the previous year. Owing to the falling-off of royalties on timber cut off Crown lands subject to the State Forests Act it was found that, notwithstanding a grant of £9,000 from the Consolidated Fund as against £6,000 for the past three years, the Lands Department was compelled to considerably curtail operations, the actual expenditure being £3,300 less than that estimated to be required for proper maintenance.of the thenexisting plantations and providing reasonable extensions to the plantations. It follows that with the increased area planted each year the cost of maintenance and management must necessarily show a corresponding increase. Owing to the general slackness in the timber industry there is not much demand for millingtimber this year, and it is estimated that the State forest revenue for the year will amount to only £10,500, being approximately one-half of that required for maintenance of plantations and attention to nursery stock. Proposals for the proper maintenance of the planted areas, and for enabling the stock of young trees in the nurseries to be planted out, are receiving attention. STATE ADVANCES OFFICE. There has been no change in the policy of this Office during the year. The'j limit of advances to local authorities remains at £5,000, while advances not exceeding £1,000 (including loans for the repayment of mortgages and the erection of homes in urban districts up to £450) continue to be made to settlers.



In the Workers Branch the full amount allowed by the law is being advanced. Amounts or Advances paid over during Year ended 31st March, 1916. £ Advances to settlers .. .. .. .. 814,555 Advances to workers .. .. .. .. 275,680 Advances to local authorities .. .. .. 285,410 £1,375,645 Loans authorized but not paid over as at 31st March, 1916. £ Advances to settlers .. .. .. .. 147,279 Advances to workers .. .. .. .. 85,185 Advances to local authorities .. .. .. 300,490 £532,954 There has been no increase; in the rates of interest chargeable to settlers, workers, and local bodies during the year. The rates to settlers and workers remain at 5 per cent., reducible to per cent, for prompt payment. The rate chargeable to local authorities remains at 4| per cent. DEFENCE. The work of the military authorities and of the Defence Department has steadily increased. Additional units have been added to the|original Expeditionary Force, and continual and ample reinforcements have been regularly despatched without a hitch or serious accident. This is the more creditable owing to the fact that the military authorities have, in the absence of a .naval" administration, assumed the function of fitting, equipping, and maintaining a regular troop transport system for the conveyance of troops to the seat of war. It is satisfactory toj|know that the new units and reinforcements have met with general approval by the Army Council and the Imperial Training Staff at the base in Egypt as regards their physique and training. As a natural result of active service abroad, sick and wounded invalided soldiers have been regularly returning to the Dominion. The arrangements for their reception and comfort have been carefully and well carried out by the Defence and Public Health Departments working in conjunction. Concurrently with the training and forwarding of regular reinforcements, the Territorial or home-defence training-system has been carried out. Without this regular system it is certain that the Expeditionary Force despatched to occupy Samoa, and the main force and reinforcements, could not have been so efficiently and expeditiously despatched and maintained. It is to the lasting credit of the employers within the Dominion that, despite the inconvenience to which they have been put by the enlistment of many of their employees for service abroad, they have continued to support the annual training of the Territorial Forces, and have in this manner contributed to the successful enrolment of the Expeditionary Forces and reinforcements. i During the past year a Minister of Supplies and Munitions has been appointed, and under his control the co-ordination of manufactures and supplies throughout the Dominion has been brought about, thus ensuring improvements and sufficiency of equipment to meet the military demands. The expenditure out of revenue on account of defence amounted to £432,227, or £60,616 less than the estimated requirements. PURCHASE OF MILITARY STORES AND SUPPLIES FOR THE EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. Owing to the fact that the wool-sales are held in November-December yearly, it is found convenient to estimate prices and to review expenditure over the period of a calendar year, rather than over the period of a financial year terminating on the 31st March.



The expenditure for the calendar year 1915 was as follows :— £ Stores .. .. .. .. .. .. 620,450 Supplies .. .. .. .. .. 421,593 Drugs .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,631 Total .. .. .. .. .. £1,062,674 In view of the heavy commitment to the Army Council in connection with equipping, training, and despatching, say, thirty thousand men during 1916, it is estimated that £1,548,000 will be required for the calendar year 1916. This sum is made up as follows : — £ Stores .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,100,000 Supplies .. .. .. .. .. 424,500 Drugs .. .. .. .. .. .. 23,500 Total .. .. .. .. .. £1,548,000 It has been found advisable, in order to create reserves in certain lines of equipment, to place orders for heavy deliveries during the first six months of 1916. These goods will be held in store under proper custody, and as a result the orders for goods will not be so extensive towards the close of the year as for the first six months. As far as can be ascertained, the sum of £248,000 has been paid for 1916 supplies, which leaves a balance of £1,300,000 to be provided for the remainder of the calendar year. SAMOAN ADMINISTRATION. The garrison for Samoa is still being provided and equipped by New Zealand, and the payment of troops is a charge upon the War Expenses Account. The health of the troops is good, and no difficulties are being experienced with regard to the administration. Shortly after the occupation of the Island by our troops it was deemed necessary to replace the German currency with British currency, and the early establishment of a branch of the Bank of New Zealand there greatly facilitated the settlement of the currency and exchange questions. The German currency was purchased by the issue of notes on the basis of 20*60 marks to the '-'Sovereign. The German gold coin and notes have been sold, and the proceeds invested in New Zealand Government securities. The silver and nickel coin has been forwarded to London for sale when a suitable opportunity occurs, but, owing to the; great depreciation of German currency in the market to-day, it has been found impossible to obtain a fair offer for the coin at present. WAR RELIEF FUNDS. Extremely valuable gifts in money and in kind for various relief purposes in connection with the war have been contributed during the past financial year. The monetary gifts received by the Government, almost entirely for purposes outside New Zealand, amounted to £340,335. The response for Belgian relief purposes was remarkable, not only because it far exceeded the amount asked for, but also from the fact that the contributions were received during a period when the public was contributing to funds for the relief of our own sick and wounded soldiers and their dependants. Returns sent in by the various patriotic societies show that up to the 31st December, 1915, the sum of £1,588,280 had been raised by them, of which over £980,890 was then in hand; but the funds of a number of societies have been considerably augmented since then, and it is estimated that the total funds now in the hands of patriotic organizations amount approximately to £1,250,000. Gifts of the value of £77,000 have been contributed for the poor of Belgium, and £3,000 for the poor of the United Kingdom, and £8,095 for Red Cross purposes in England, and £51,775 for hospital requisites and comforts for troops in Egypt, &c.



The gifts for Red Cross purposes, hospital requisites, and comforts for our troops in Egypt and other places represent not <mly|thejvalue of nearly £60,000, but also many thousands of hours of devoted labour, first- in the collection of money, then in the purchase of material, and finally in the making-up of the material into various useful articles. Every credit is due to the various organizations, and especially to the women of the country for the magnificent work they have performed. MINING. The Imperial authorities requested that all supplies of scheelite and molybdenum be requisitioned for war purposes at a fixed price, and the Governm<>nt is now purchasing all supplies available. The new arrangement has worked satisfactorily. The output of coal for the year was 2,208,624 tons, as against 2,275,593 tons for the preceding year, a decrease of 66,969 tons. This decrease in the output is notsurprising in view of the difficulties caused by the shortage of competent miners and also of steamers to carry the coal. INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS. No great difficulty has been experienced in dealing with the question of unemployment ; on the contrary, the enlistment of large numbers of men has caused a considerable demand for other workers to take their places. There has been one strike of note during the year—viz., that at the woollenmill, Petone —arising out of a claim by the employees for 10 per cent, increase of wages. This dispute has since been settled, work has been resumed, and it is pleasing to note that no inconvenience regarding the supply of clothing for the Expeditionary Forces has been caused. With a few minor exceptions, the industrial conditions elsewhere are reported to have been satisfactory throughout the year. Notwithstanding the number of enlistments and an increase in the cost of building-materials, there has been a continued demand for workers' dwellings, the number of which has increased from 471 on 31st March, 1915, to 553 on 31st March last, and there were in addition on the latter date thirty-seven dwellings in course of erection. Care has been exercised by the Government to proceed with the erection of dwellings only in those cases where the work could be carried out at a reasonable cost. It might be explained that all expenditure for workers' dwellings is recoverable in the rents and instalments collected from the occupants. '■* NATIONAL PROVIDENT FIND. A steady progress has been maintained, and the fund which, at the 31st December, 1914, stood at just under £54,000, had increased by the end of 1915 to considerably over £75,000. It may be noted that over one thousand members of the Fund have participated in the reduction of contributions granted by the Act to members serving in the Expeditionary Forces. The first valuation of the Fund having been completed, the Actuary's report has been duly laid before Parliament. It is satisfactory to note that the Fund is shown to be sound, and that no further subsidy is required beyond that which was provided for in the original Act. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. The grant to friendly societies of half the cost of reinsuring the funeral benefits of their members on active service has greatly assisted them in meeting the strain caused by the war mortality. Up to the end of 1915 a sum of £3,700 was paid to the societies under this heading. DEPARTMENT OF TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS. The results from this branch of the Government Service during the past year have been exceedingly satisfactory. The direct revenue from the resorts under the control of the Department, in spite of the war, shows a return of £31,048, compared with £26,630 for the previous year.



A gratifying feature has been an influx of visitors from Australia, due in a great measure to the adoption of methods for advertising the attractions of Rotorua, the alpine regions, and the Southern Lake districts. The facilities afforded by the booking bureaux in the different centres have been greatly appreciated by the travelling public. The total amount of money taken for tours booked has amounted to £35,477. Owing to the war, no Works of any special importance have been undertaken during the year, but the various resorts have been kept in an up-to-date state of repair, and the results on the whole have been most satisfactory. MARINE. The Marine Department has done valuable work during the year for the further protection of shipping and the safety of passengers and crews on vessels that frequent our coasts and harbours. A new lighthouse has been finished at Karori Rock, Cook Strait. Automatic lights at Okuri Point, near the French Pass, and Flat Rock, Hauraki Gulf, are in hand. The s.s. " Hinemoa " has continued to carry out the duty of tendering the various lighthouses, and has also overhauled and painted coastal buoys and buoys in harbours under the control of this Department. The training-ship " Amokura " continues to be used for training boys for the sea. She has made two trips to the southern islands, and one to the Kermadecs, to search for castaways, and examine the provision and clothing depots maintained by the Government on those islands for the benefit of shipwrecked persons. The Department has found no difficulty in keeping up her full complement of sixty boys—indeed, there are a great many boys at present waiting for admission when vacancies arise. IMMIGRATION. Since the outbreak of the war the Government has not been accepting the nomination either in New Zealand or in the United Kingdom of immigrants who are eligible for military service, as it was deemed inadvisable to adopt any course of action that might interfere with the requirements of the Imperial military authorities. Domestic servants are still being assisted to the Dominion under the scheme inaugurated in 1913, and persons residing in New Zealand also have the privilege of nominating relatives (other than men eligible for military service) for •assisted passages from the United Kingdom. THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE. The moneys of estates in the Public Trust Office are placed mainly in the common fund, where they realize interest at a rate, fixed by Order in Council, not exceeding the statutory limit of 4j per cent. -The rates of interest allowed to beneficiaries of estates should be raised. For several reasons it is not practicable to raise the amount fixed by statute, but I propose to have legislation introduced enabling a certain proportion of tin; surplus profits of the office to be taken and given to beneficiaries in the form of an annual bonus. The Office is making large profits. It should not be a profit-making concern only. Estates under the administration of the office should be entit'ed to receive a larger portion of the profits earned. The proposed concession, besides benefiting all classes of beneficiaries, will especially materially help those beneficiaries who are affected by increased cost of living due to war-conditions. I arranged for the Public Trustee to prepare, free of charge, and undertake the custody of the wills of soldiers, and an office was opened at Trentham for that purpose with qualified officials in attendance. Many thousands of soldiers have availed themselves of the privilege, and it is desirable that all soldiers should do so, as the system of making wills in the pay-book has proved unsatisfactory. Previously the wills in many cases were lost or destroyed, and many wills were not clearly drawn. These disadvantages have been completely removed under the new system.



A special non-profit scale of charges for administering the estates of deceased soldiers has also been established. In estates under £400 the Public Trustee does not, as is the case with a private trustee, require to take out probate or letters of administration, entailing the cost of Court fees and solicitors' charges. The Public Trustee, in lieu of such procedure, simply files an election to administer at a total cost of 3s. This is of great advantage to soldiers' estates, which are usually of modest amount. The office charges nothing for handling military pay, and charges only 1 per cent, on the other assets. There is no charge for legal services. This arrangement has been the means of administering some hundreds of soldiers' estates at purely nominal cost. The Public Trust Office has also made arrangements to act as attorney or agent for soldiers, with power to pay allowances, insurance premiums, &c. A nominal fee of 10s. 6d. or £1 Is. a year, according to the work to be done, is charged, and interest is allowed on any moneys held by the Public Trustee under the agency. Many hundreds of soldiers have availed themselves of this arrangement, and I desire in the interests of the soldiers that the existence of the privilege should be widely known. GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. The outbreak of the war and the heavy casualties suffered by the New Zealand Forces have naturally caused a large increase in the claims under policies in the Government Insurance Department, and war claims to date have been received in respect to 295 policies, representing £63,433 assured. The Department's policies issued prior to the war were and are free from any restrictions, so practically nothing in extra premiums has been received in respect to these policies. For new insurances in the case of those joining the Forces engaged in the war an extra premium at tie rate of £7 10s. per cent, per annum on the sum assured is now being charged, but, unfortunately, up to the present time the mortality has been about 12| per cent., and the extra premium should therefore be at least £12 for each £100 of insurance. Until the Department has had some further experience it is not proposed, however, to increase the extra rate. At the time of the earlier casualties some uncertainty arose as to the proper attitude for the Department to take up in connection with the settlement of claims under policies on the lives of soldiers dying at the seat of the war. The difficulties more particularly arose in respect of the smaller claims. It may be mentioned that the Department is empowered by law to settle claims under policies assuring £200 and under without requiring administration to be taken out. In the case of policies over that amount probate or letters of administration are necessary. When settlement is effected without administration, evidence has, of course, to be produced to show that the deceased policyholder has left no will, or that if a will is forthcoming it is the last will. In view of the special facilities in the matter of the execution of wills after leaving New Zealand afforded to soldiers, it was finally decided to ask for administration in the case of all war claims irrespective of the amount assured ; and, as it has been felt that the expenses attendant upon this course might perhaps press unduly upon small estates, the Department now pays the Court fees in respect of death-claims where the sum assured is £200 and under, and where administration would not be otherwise necessary. It should be added that there are two classes of war claims — (a) where the military authorities certify that the soldier has been actually killed, and (b) where they certify that tin; soldier is believed to be killed. In both cases the Department raises no difficulty as regards admission of the claim and payment of the sum assured if administration is granted by the Court. STATE FIRE INSURANCE. The year 1915 has proved the most prosperous in the history'of the State Fire Insurance Office. The income amounted to £76,299, as compared with £67,693 for 1914. The net profits, after placing an additional £1,000 to Investment Fluctuation Reserve and an additional £2,608 to Unearned Premium Reserve, amounted to £25,652, as against £18,660 for 1914. The total of accumulated funds at the close of 1915 amounted to £116,684, as compared with £87,423 at the close of 1914.



The loss ratio was 38-6 per cent, for 1915, and 43-5 per cent, for 1914. The ratio of working-expenses was 27-5 per cent., the same ratio as recorded for 1914. PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION FUND. Under the authority of an amending Act passed last session the Board itself has undertaken the investment of the moneys belonging to the fund, in place of the Public Trustee, who hitherto has controlled the investment on behalf of the Board. It is anticipated that the interest derived from the investment of the fund will thus be increased, and that the effect will be to relieve the Consolidated Fund of part of its liability. EDUCATION. Every endeavour is being made to keep down expenditure, and in this respect the Education Boards are assisting the Department. Any increases which may appear in the estimates for the current year will be due to statutory provisions. The largest increase is that of £38,000 in the item for public-school-teachers' salaries, due partly to the natural increase of attendance and partly to the amending provisions of the Education Act, 1914, relating to staffing of schools and salaries of teachers. Of this sum about £25,000 is absorbed by the annual increments in the teachers' salaries, and the remainder is due to increases in staff. The erection of new school buildings and additions to existing schools is being limited to those cases in which there is no alternative course open by which provision may be made for substantial increases in attendance. Strict economy is being exercised in the administration of the Industrial, the Special, and the Native schools directly under the control of the Department. The number of teachers who have joined the Expeditionary Force is 360. Teachers' Superannuation Fund. The income during the year ended the 31st December, 1915, was £83,319, made up as follows : Contributions of members, £52,644 ;. interest on outstanding contributions, £244 ; interest from Public Trustee, £13,359 ; contributions transferred from other funds, £72 ; Government subsidy, £17,000. The expenditure for the year was £45,438. The value of the Fund on the 31st December, 1915, was £340,582, as against £302,701 on the 31st December, 1914, an increase of £37,881. The number of contributors increased from 4,269 on the 31st December, 1914, to 4,444 at the e»d of 1915, an increase of 175. The annual allowances payable as at the end of 1915 were £39,000, as against £35,000 at the end of 1914. Provision has been made for the payment by the Government of the contributions of members of the Fund who have enlisted with the Expeditionary Force until the release of the contributors from military duties. The number of contributors who have joined the Force is approximately 210. PENSIONS. A steady increase continues to be recorded in the expenditure under the Pensions Act, the gross payments for the past year being as follows :— £ Old-age pensions .. .. .. .. .. 479 ; 359 Widows' pensions .. .. . . .. 36,357 Military (Maori War only) pensions .. . . .. 48,273 £563,969 These figures show an increase of £23,920 over the gross expenditure during the previous year. As the Department has now received practically all the fresh applications following on the provision of the 1913 Act, under which the pension age for women was reduced to sixty, the figures may be deemed to represent a normal state of affairs. The increases for the various classes of pension are as follows : Old-age, £18,525 ; widows', £4,738 ; and military, £657.

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The number of pensioners on the roll at the close of the year was 23,017, as follows : Old-age, 19,804 ; widows', 1,890 ; and military, 1,323. The old-age and widows' figures represent increases of 452 and 102 respectively, but the military pensions payable to veterans of the Maori War are a diminishing quantity, as the total deaths during the year amounted to 124, while the new pensions totalled 60. During the year a miner's pension was provided for by the Miner's Phthisis Act, under which up to the 31st March 145 claims had been lodged. In 120 of these claims, including 16 by widows of miners, pensions were granted representing an annual charge of £5,445. The amount actually paid to the close of the year was £1,508. WAR PENSIONS. The War Pensions Act has been amended during the present session of Parliament, and bas recently been so fully discussed in all its aspects that I need do no more here tban state that it is certain to come up for further consideration later on, and that the country can be relied upon to do its duty in regard to those who have fought, and will yet fight, for the preservation and freedom of our Empire. The amount expected to come to charge during this year will probably approximate £200,000, but whatever amount is required will be provided for. COOK ISLANDS. The administration of the affairs of the Cook Islands, in accordance with the provisions of the Cook Islands Act of last session, has now been placed under the control of the Permanent Head of the Justice Department. During the year public works have been carried out as far as the finances would permit. Unfortunately, the revenue of the Islands has been seriously affected by recent hurricanes, and the lack of tonnage due to the war has further affected the financial position. A material improvement cannot be looked for until after the war. The loyalty of the Natives to the Empire has been splendidly demonstrated by their voluntary contributions of men and money, and also of comforts for the men at the front. Niue Island has now some 150 men on active service, and Rarotonga has contributed forty-five men, while many more are ready and anxious to serve their country. IMPERIAL GOVERNMENT SUPPLIES. The arrangement entered into with the Imperial Government by which all beef, mutton, and lamb available for export should be purchased on account of the Imperial Government, and which became operative on the 3rd March, 1915, has been continued throughout the year. The total shipments up to the? 9th May, 1916, have been— 719,089 quarters beef. 3,045,732 carcases mutton. 4,376,426 carcases lamb. The payments to freezing companies and producers have amounted to £9,143,794. The question of the supply of insulated tonnage has been a matter of considerable concern to the Government. Representations have been made to the Imperial Government, with the object of securing additional insulated tonnage. In response to these representations, five steamers have been made available from Australia. The number of insulated steamers despatched during the twelve months ending 31st March last was eighty-one, compared with eighty for the previous year. Three steamers engaged as meat-carriers have been put out of commission—the " Clan McTavish " was sunk by the enemy, and the " Matatua " and " Rangatira " were lost as the result of marine casualties. A clearance of the freezing-stores was practically effected when the new season commenced. At the beginning of May there remained in store approximately two million 60 lb. carcases at the freezing-works, but the outlook for the balance of the season is favourable.



It is satisfactory to note that many of the freezing companies have taken in hand the matter of increasing the storage accommodation. In November last a requisition for 15,000 tons first-grade cheese was made by the Imperial Government, the price fixed being 7jd. per lb. f.o.b. In order to comply with this requisition, all factories were notified that approximately one-third of their output for the season would be required for Imperial Army purposes. A working scheme was drawn up between the factories and the Government, and up to the 9th May, 1916, 12,725 tons had been shipped, and the payments to dairy factories and producers totalled £845,474. A notification was received in September last to secure for Imperial Government purposes the whole of the output of scheelite ores from the Dominion to the 31st December next, the price being fixed at £2 15s. per unit of tungstic acid per ton of ore. Arrangements were made with the mining companies, and a working scheme prepared and put into operation. Up to date 151 tons have been shipped, the payments to mining companies and producers totalling £28,683. Funds to finance the purchases of ore are requisitioned from the Imperial Government by the Treasury as required. The number of mining companies and producers of ore has considerably increased. At the inception of the scheme only two mining companies were operating in scheehte ores, while at the present time business is done with twenty-six suppliers. At the close of the year it was arranged that the Imperial Government Supply Office should take over the management of the kauri-gum produced and purchased under the Kauri-gum Industry Act, 1914. The value of kauri-gum at present on hand is approximately £27,607, and arrangements are now being made to dispose of this in the United States. Considerable congestion is being experienced in the export of general cargo, owing to the shrinkage in the world's tonnage. This condition is due, firstly, to the heavy and ever-increasing demands of our own and allied Governments for tonnage for war purposes ; secondly, to the sinking of a number of cargo-steamers by the enemy and the loss of two large carriers, and also to the fact that the output of general cargo is above the normal. There are indications that the tonnage available in the months of June and July will clear the accumulation, and the situation should wholly right itself by the end of August. The congestion may reasonably be said to have reached its worst in March and April, and, given the safe arrival of steamers now on the way to load, it should decline by August and become normal by September. WAR BONUS. Since the beginning of the war a very large amount of additional work has been cast upon the officers of all State Departments, and the Government desires to offer some recognition of the extra services which have been so readily given. It is also recognized that the cost of living has greatly increased during the past two years, and, in consequence, many of the lower-paid officers of the State find it increasingly difficult to maintain their families in ordinary comfort. With a view of offering some recompense to these officers it is proposed to grant a war bonus, fixed in accordance with a specified scale, to those officers of the Railways and all other branches of the Public Service, including school-teachers, whose salaries do not exceed £315 per annum. I estimate that a sum of £400,000 will be required to cover this charge, and this amount will be placed on the estimates accordingly. As soon as the Appropriation Bill becomes law the full bonus will be paid in one sum to those entitled to it. ESTIMATED LOAN EXPENDITURE FOR 1916-17. I estimate that it will be necessary to provide from sources within the Dominion a sum not exceeding ,£2,500,000 during the current year to provide for the carrying-on of works and other services which are deemed to be necessary. This amount has been cut down to the lowest figure possible, and care will have to be exercised in the expenditure, as difficulties are likely to occur if further sums are required.



Of the above-mentioned sum, £500,000 represents money for the purchase of land for soldiers, and as this may be paid for by means of debentures I estimate that the net amount which it will be necessary to obtain for works will amount to, approximately, £2,000,000. How far this will be given effect to must necessarily depend upon the sums which are from time to time available for investment on account of various Departmeots. EXTENSION OF SOCIAL INSURANCE. With the view of further promoting social insurance and the well-being of the State, I will ask the House to set aside a sum of £22,500 to provide for the establishment of a scheme that will enable the Government, through the National Provident Fund, to enlist the co-operation of the friendly societies. This sum will provide members with a maternity allowance of £4 at each birth. The vote also will include a subsidy which will enable members of friendly societies to obtain an annuity at the age of sixty at half the rates now charged to the National Provident Fund contributors. In this connection I wish to point out that by subsidizing friendly societies in this manner the policy established under the National Provident Fund will be further promoted, and the principles underlying that Fund, by which assistance in their family responsibilities is granted to contributors, will be maintained. This feature of the proposals also advances the State's policy in regard to social reform, and will be of special value in contributing towards the preservation of infantlife at birth—a matter of vital importance to the nation at the present time, having regard to the present tremendous war wastage. BOARD OF TRADE. Arising out of the legislation passed last session, a Board of Trade consisting of three members, Messrs. W. G. McDonald, J. R. Hart, and P. Hally, was set up under the presidency of the Prime Minister. The Board commenced work on the Ist March last, and has been empowered to investigate breaches of the Commercial Trusts Act, and matters respecting increases in prices of the main necessaries of life, to devise schemes whereby the future trade of New Zealand may be fostered and encouraged, and to collect information which may serve as the basis of legislation regarding '-* post-war trade with enemy countries. Much information valuable to the Government and to the public generally will be collected by the Board, which will be helpful in determining the causes governing increased prices, now alleged to be partly due to exploitation. The Board will fill a gap in New Zealand's economic and industrial legislation, and will deal with problems directly affecting all classes of the Dominion. COST-OF-LIVING PROBLEM. During the year this matter has received a great deal of attention from the Government with a view to preventing high prices being charged to the people for their food-supplies. Every aspect of the matter was considered prior to the appointment of the Board of Trade, but difficulties of solution, due to the war, presented themselves in almost every direction. The needs of the great war have caused the Imperial Government to requisition a great proportion of the steamers and ships of the mercantile marine, and other countries have also made unusual demands on the ships sailing under their own flags. The tonnage remaining for general trade purposes of the British Empire has proved quite inadequate for carrying on the transport and commercial requirements of the Empire, and the oversea dominions have suffered in consequence. The regrettable but inevitable result was that freights rose to an unparalleled height, at which they still remain. This, with the phenomenal increase in the prices of goods in outside countries, including Great Britain, added enor-



mously to the cost of goods imported into this country. In this respect, as far as New Zealand is concerned, the Government was powerless to immediately effect a remedy. Firstly, ships could not be built, chartered, or purchased. Secondly, if they could have been built, chartered, or purchased, the necessities of the war would have taken precedence of everything else; in fact, the ships would have been rightly commandeered for Imperial purposes. Thirdly, the first cost of goods of nearly every description in the countries of origin could not be controlled from here. The Government consequently directed its attention to preventing exploitation, and the Board of Trade, when it was set up, was specially instructed to leave nothing undone to help in this direction, and it has been engaged since its constitution in making close inquiries in different portions of the country. The reports will be made available for Parliament. It seems almost impossible during war-time, owing to the world-wide increases in freights, added to the general increase of the first cost of goods in the countries of origin, to hope for a general lowering of prices until the war is over. Similar difficulties present themselves regarding our own produce, which is, fortunately, in general demand. As prices are fixed by the law of supply and demand in all parts of the world it seems apparent that only the lowering of values in the outside world can effectively bring about a reduction of prices in New Zealand. If relief by the remission of Customs duties would have helped, this would have been proposed. It will be seen, however, that practically all articles of food and materials largely in use are already free of duty. INCREASED RENTALS. Since the commencement of the war many complaints have been received regarding the advance in house-rents. There can be no doubt that increase of house-rents adds greatly to the cost of living, especially to those of limited salaries or wages. Honourable members will be asked to pass legislation'to restore rents to their pre-war rates, and to prevent their being increased during the war period. ARTICLES FREE OF DUTY. I have had a return prepared showing articles of food at present free of duty. They are as follows : Arrowroot; farinaceous foods (n.0.e.); dried fruits— currants, dates, figs, prunes, raisins; fresh fruits—bananas, oranges, other '"Irinds; maizena and cornflour; rice, dressed; rice, undressed; infants' and invalids' farinaceous foods ; macaroni and vermicelli; mustard; nuts, edible, other than almonds and walnuts ; sago and tapioca, except flour; salt, refined and table ; sugar, molasses, and treacle; tea in packages containing 51b. or over. The value of the articles imported under these headings during 1915 amounted to £2,046,910, and if the duty at the ordinary average rate had existed for that year, including sugar at a duty of £d. per pound, and tea at 2d. per pound, the duty would have amounted to £576,679. During the same year the following articles of clothing and wearingapparel were admitted free of duty : Children's boots, sizes 0 to 6 ; gum boots ; buttons, tapes, waddings, pins, and needles; cotton piece-goods; linen piecegoods ; union, cotton and linen piece-goods ; waterproof clotb ; sewing silks and threads. The value of these imports amounted to £1,210,757. If duty had existed at the ordinary rates it would have approximated £240,000 for the year, so that with free food imports the sum of £8f6,679 per annum is represented by these two classes of imports. I mention this matter in consequence of the somewhat unfair strictures levelled at the New Zealand Government in reference to the increase in the cost of food prices. It is clear that in regard to the articles I have referred to nothing further can be done at present to reduce their imported cost, as they are all free of duty. It certainly cannot be denied that the prices of these commodities materially affect the masses of the people, and it is our clear duty to do all in our power to bring about a reduction in the cost of living. It was for the purpose of preventing exploitation that the Board of Trade was established by the Government.



TAXATION PROPOSALS. I propose to effect some important changes in taxation. The ordinary landtax on mortgages will be repealed, and an income-tax substituted on the income! derived from the mortgages. This change, while giving relief to the owners of small sums invested on mortgage, will impose a heavier tax on income of those having large investments. I will ask the House; to make provision for exempting frotn assessment of income-tax in New Zealand any income earned elsewhere and which has already been taxed in the United Kingdom or any British dominion, with the view of avoiding as far as we can the duplicate taxation of income within the Empire. There is no room to doubt that the present system is unjust, and acts as a constant barrier to the full and free development of commerce within the British Empire. Amendments of the Land and Income Assessment Act to give effect to the foregoing alterations will be submitted for consideration. MONEY. During the year the financial condition of the country has been a singularly peculiar one. Money has been plentiful, but the uncertainty of the future has made the fortunate owners of sums in excess of their own requirements exceedingly cautious ; the result has been a marked indisposition to invest in existing industries or in new undertakings. The fact that no one can, with any degree of accuracy, gauge what conditions will prevail after the war makes the position anything but easy to forecast. It, however, appears certain that after the war the whole world will find a new and, indeed, an unprecedented situation, and that the change in the economic, industrial, social, and financial condition must necessarily bring about changed methods of finance. All industries, whether trade or primary, to a large extent are dependent on the stability of the country's finance. I am convinced that it is a wise course to keep the year's surplus in a liquid form, and I decided some months ago not to use the surplus for ordinary governmental requirements, but to invest it in liquid securities, and part of this £2,000,000 has since the close of the financial year been invested in Imperial Treasury bills, and the remainder will be similarly invested at an early date. I have from the first recognized that it is our duty to aid the Motherland during this great war to our utmost capacity. I had previously invested a sum of £1,325,000 in Imperial Treasury bills, and with this further £2,000,000 a total of £3,325,000 '' will be provided as a reserve. I think this investment in Imperial Treasury bills may be regarded as a partial set-off by New Zealand against the war funds so generously advanced by the Motherland. I hope during the current year to further increase I his reserve. WAR PROFITS. Money for the conduct of the war must be had, and there is no valid reason why those who have surplus moneys, largely due to war-conditions, should not be called upon to provide a portion of the capital required. Those who have made extra profits during the war, either from business or directly from primary products, cannot object to provide out of such profits a share of the finance necessary. I will ask the House to give authority to take by way of taxation 45 per cent, of the excess profits earned during the last year. These will be ascertained by taking the average profits realized for each of the three years previous to the war and comparing this average with the returns made since the war commenced. I estimate to receive £2,000,000 from this source. The date of payment will probably be about the end of the current financial year. SPECIAL INCOME-TAX. Those taxpayers who derive their incomes from other sources than war profits should likewise at this juncture be required to contribute something further than they are at present called upon to pay, and I propose to ask for authority to levy a special tax of 5 per cent, upon incomes earned last year from all sources, exclusive of war profits which have already been dealt with. This tax will be collected in March next. I calculate that £750,000 will be realized under this heading.



INCOME-TAX MINIMUM. I direct attention to the minimum upon which income-tax is charged in this Dominion. So far as I can ascertain, the amount at which we start to levy income-tax is the highest in the world—by that I mean we exclude from the payment of any tax all those who receive wages or salaries not exceeding £300 per annum. Nothing is proposed in the direction of increasing the income-tax revenue by reducing the minimum upon which income-tax is leviable, but it will become a question for serious consideration if the war continues beyond the end of next year whether this should not be done. It is only right that those who are well-to-do or possessors of wealth should contribute the greater proportion of the cost of this war, the successful winning of which means such enormous advantages to them as well as to every other section of the community. Even the humblest in the land would probably take exception to being altogether excluded under the law from making some slight contribution towards helping to win the war and towards assisting to maintain a pensions scheme for the benefit of the widows and dependants of those who are, on behalf of every class, great or small, throughout the Dominion, fighting for the freedom of this country. WAR BONDS. I will also ask the House to provide for a system of war bonds to be issued in New Zealand, with a currency of twenty-five years, bearing interest at per cent, free of income-tax. This will enable those desirous of helping war finance to do so. The financial requirements during the year will be obtained partly from the Old Country and partly from New Zealand, and will, of course, be limited to the Dominion's needs. The course I am suggesting will give those desirous of helping the Motherland the opportunity of doing so. Our war expenditure is now reaching very large figures, but the proposals I am submitting will, in my opinion, supply the means for providing everything that is necessary for the pensions, equipment, transport, and pay of our soldiers, and this must be the first duty of the country during the crisis through which the Empire is now passing. 1 hope not only to supply the necessary means for current requirements, but eventually to provide for the full repayment of the loans received from the Imperial Government for war purposes. It would, of course, be impossible at present to continue the war expenditure without assistance from the Home-land. For the months of May and June it has been found possible to reduce the usual Imperial contribution by more than half, owing to the assistance derived from local investments, and it will be my endeavour in the future to continue to relieve the Imperial Government to the fullest extent possible. How far this can be accomplished will largely depend upon the total amount we obtain from tax on war profits and from the special income-tax, but I feel justified in saying that the amount will be considerable. I wish to point out that no additional taxation is being suggested, except to provide for war expenditure, and though the extra tax may be severely felt by some of those who will be called upon to respond to the needs of the country during the war, they will, I am sure, cheerfully accept the additional burdens which are essential to achieve the final victory in this great conflict. It may be necessary as soon as I know definitely what amount is required for authorization on the supplementary estimates to ask the House to provide for an increase of taxation to further strengthen the consolidated revenue. I shall inform'the House when I am in a position to do so. MONEY IN DOMINION. It is, in my opinion, the duty of those who own or control money made in this country to utilize it in the Dominion as much as possible during the currency of the war, in order to help to maintain the stability of the trade and commerce of the country. I propose to ask the House for authority to



ensure that this will be done until twelve months after peace has been declared. This will also apply to deposits in banking or other institutions in so far as they represent money in New Zealand, but will not affect remittances for legitimate trade or other purposes. Authority will be asked to have suitable provision made by regulations to enable this proposal to be carried out. RATES OF INTEREST. Last year the House gave authority to control the raising of public loans by local bodies, and this provision has worked well. 1 have not given authority for any local public body throughout the country to raise loan-money at a higher rate than 5 \ percent. In a number of instances I was asked to do so but refused, and the fact that the money has been obtained within the maximum rate fixed shows that had this provision not been made the rate of interest throughout the Dominion would in all probability have been materially increased. As already mentioned, the Government rate for the State Advances Local Bodies Branch has been kept at A\ per cent. Under the abnormal conditions at present ruling an inflated interest rate would be highly undesirable. I propose, in order to prevent the possibility of a general increase in the rates of interest, to apply a similar restriction to the rates to be allowed in respect of deposits, and to fix a rate applicable to all financial institutions, whether banking, companies, or private firms, so that no institution can take advantage of another of the same class by offering higher rates for deposits. GOLD EXPORT. The exigencies of the war have caused the Imperial Government to stop the exportation of gold from the British Isles, and this course has been followed by Australia. The stoppage of gold-export from these countries necessarily interferes with trade finance, and the banks find it somewhat difficult to provide a sufficiency of gold within the Dominion for trading purposes, while at the same time they must of necessity maintain their requisite proportion of yold reserve. I propose to submit legislation to meet this difficulty, which I will explain fully when bringing down the necessary measure. I may add that there is not the slightest cause for any uneasiness; on the contrary, the trade and commerce of the country have been carried on throughout the war uncommonly well in the face of many unprecedented difficulties. OAR'S OPERATIONS. For the convenience of honourable members I now summarize the most important items relating to the financial operations of the past year : — A loan for £2,000,000 for public works successfully floated within the Dominion. The establishment of a reserve of £3,325,000 in London. Redemption and renewals of loans falling due in London up to 31st March, 1916, amounting to £6,274,953. Conversion of loans falling due in New Zealand maturing up to Ist December, 1916, to the amount of £208,900. Conversion of loans falling due in New Zealand maturing up to 31st March, 1924, amounting to £1,891,100, into a new currency of twenty-five years. Treasury bills in Dominion paid off, £1,950,000. None have since been issued. Net surplus of the year's revenue, £2,017,030. War loans received up to the beginning of May from Imperial Government, £8,500,000.



PROPOSALS. I also place in concise form the new proposals submitted to honourable members:— Reduce public-works expenditure. Repeal mortgage-tax, and substitute an income-tax on sums invested on mortgage by owners. Abolish duplication of income-tax by exempting in New Zealand income earned elsewhere within the British Empire, and which has already been taxed there. Provide for annual bonus out of profits of Public Trust Office to beneficiaries of estates. Provide for war bonus during war to employees of all branches of the Public Service whose pay does not exceed £315 per annum. Provide £2,000,000 for internal expenditure. Provide £500,000 for purchase of lands for soldiers. Adjust conditions by legislation to meet the changes war has brought about in regard to banking. Provide for acquirement of 45 per cent, of profits realized by warconditions. Provide a proportion of moneys required in aid of war finance by issuing war bonds in New Zealand. Provide a tax of 5 per cent, on all incomes, exclusive of those obtained from war profits. To regulate the transfer of moneys from the Dominion except for legitimate trade purposes. To regulate the rate of interest chargeable on deposits. Provide for financial assistance to friendly societies. Provide for borrowing an additional £12,000,000 for war purposes. CONCLUSION. It now only remains for me to say that I fully realize the tremendous growth of the public debt, due chiefly to the Great War ; but, although our responsibilities are increasing enormously, there is no need for misgivings as to the future. New Zealand has wonderful natural advantages, and owing to this fact and the patriotism of the people we are in the fortunate position of being able to meet demands upon our finances. Individual sacrifices, no doubt, have to be made; this is inseparable from the conditions that now exist, but the resources of the country as a whole are more than sufficient to bear the increased strain. I remind the country that there is a sinking fund for the repayment of all loans, including those raised and to be raised for war purposes. The renewal and conversion of loans completed during the year for some years to come will greatly help in providing further financial requirements. The future financial outlook may be viewed with confidence. It is not at any time a pleasant task to submit to the country proposals for increased taxation, but, in view of the justice of the cause for which the Motherland, with her Allies, is now fighting, I do so in full confidence that the people of this Dominion will be in the future, as they have ever been in the past, ready and willing to shoulder the additional burdens with unflinching courage. I feel sure that they will shrink from no sacrifice which will help in the overthrow of an unscrupulous enemy who has forced an unjust war upon the British Empire "and those great countries associated with her. I thank honourable members for the courtesy and patience they have been good enough to extend to me.

iv—B. 6.


TABLES TO ACCOMPANY THE KOKKOOINII STATEMENT. Page Table No. 1.---Abstract of Receipts and Expenditure or the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1910 2 Table No. 2.—Thk Public Debt on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. .. ..53 Table No. 3. The Debt transferred to the New Zealand State Advances Office at 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..61 Table No. 4.—Statement of the Estimated Liabilities of the Consolidated Fund outstanding on 31st March from 190(i to 1916 inclusive .. .. .. .. ..63 Table No. S.—Statement of the Estimated Liabilities of the Public Works Fund and other Accounts outstanding on 31st March from 1906 to 1910 inclusive .. .. .. 64, 65 Table No. 6.—Statement showing the Total Ways and Means of the Public Works Fund and the Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. .. 00 Table No. 7.—Estimated Expenditure of 1916-17, compared with the Actual Expenditure of 1915-10 07 Table No. B.—Estimated Revenue of 1910-17, compared with the Actual Revenue of 1915-10 .. 07 Table No. 9.—Statement showing the Amount charged to " Unauthorized " in each Financial Year from Ist July, 1875, to 31st March, 1910 .. .. .. .. ..68 No. 10.—Statement showing the Financial Position of the Dominion on the 31st March, 1916. compared with the 31st Mabch, 1915 .. .. .. .. ..69

I—B. 6.



Table No. 1.

ORDINARY REVENUE 1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915-1916. £ s. d. Balanoe at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. ... Imprests outstanding - In the Dominion In London On acoount of Imperial Pensions .. On account of other Governments £ s. d. £ s. d. 378,875 3 0 70,953 19 10 29,464 3 9 13,598 4 1 620 19 4 4,346 12 3 35,466 I 8 28,519 1 8 10,144 17 7 3,962 19 11 149,047 0 8 426,905 2 5 3,167,283 6 9 1,417,206 15 3 1,353,443 9 7 799,640 12 1 540,318 0 8 127,659 14 6 4,106,675 2 0 101,020 5 8 50,387 3 ' 1 461,497 16 3 Ordinary Revenue, — Customs Stamp and Death Duties Postal and Telegraph Rovenue Land-tax Inoome-tax Beer Duty Railways Registration and other Fees Marine Miscellaneous 3,366,170 17 4 1,470,306 12 7 1,689,917 5 3 1,048,356 7 1 1,392,118 17 5 157,892 4 1 4,484,337 0 0 106,262 10 10 46,227 18 7 424,505 9 9 14,186,095 2 11 12,125,132 5 10 239,622 14 7 Territorial Revenue, — Pastoral Runs, Rents, and Miscellaneous 219.818 17 2 "r 78,770 0 10 National Endowment Revenue 92,654 17 4 12,443,525 1 3 14,498,063 17 5 •-> Temporary transfer to the War Expenses Account under Section 2 of the Imprest Supply Act, 1915, now restored to the Consolidated Fund 225,000 0 0 Sinking Funds set free, — New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— New Zealand Loan Act, 1863 2,607 2 11 8,350 19 2 63 0 11 Recoveries on account of Expenditure of Previous Years Unauthorized 5,364 3 8 4,101 14 0 9,465 17 8 8,420 0 1 251,350 0 0 2,900 0 0 Sinking Funds set free to redeem Debentures, — The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— New Zealand Loan Act, 1863 Canteibury Loan Ordinance, 1862 254,250 0 0 £14,884 183 18 8 £13,133,100 3 9 Totals



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915.

1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1915916. £ s. d. Permanent Appropriations,— Civil List.. Interest and Sinking Fund.. Under Special Acts of the Legislature Subsidies paid to Local Bodies Amounts paid over to Local Bodies and to Deposit Accounts — Payments under the Land Acts Endowments— New Plymouth Harbour Board Greymouth Harbour Board Westport Harbour Board National Endowment Residue. Pensions Aot, 1913— Old-age Pensions Widows' Pensions .... Military Pensions War Pensions Act, 1915 £ s. d. £ s. d. 21,953 19 5 3,071,448 8 1 545,341 1 9 124,820 19 5 20,279 14 11 3,190,797 17 5 574,000 1 3 133,072 2 4 51,684 16 3 52,183 17 0 4,734 7 10 30,281 12 0 00,159 10 2 78,770 0 10 5,675 10 0 24,625 7 1 50,736 7 5 92,654 17 4 436,765 6 10 31,610 0 11 47,607 5 9 450,841 15 1 36,265 0 0 48,277 18 9 13,744 9 1 4,505,177 9 3 4,693,154 17 8 37,551 15 9 170,133 13 0 1,244,568 12 11 2,881,087 8 5 117,676 1 4 24,004 11 1.1 442,478 9 0 29,170 10 9 489,206 10 8 499,136 17 2 Annual Appropriations,— Class I.—Legislative Departments II.—Department of Finanoe III. —PoBt and Telegraph Department IV.—Working Railways Department.. V. —Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of Roads .. VI.—Native Department VII.—Justioe Department VIII. —Mines Department IX. —Department of Internal Affairs X. —Defence Department XI. —Customs, Marine and Harbours, and inspection of Machinery Departments XII.-Department of Labour XIII.—Department of Lands and Survey XIV. —Department of Agrioulture, Industries, and Commerce XV. —Education Department Services not provided for 34,479 14 10 90,003 13 9 1,294,711 16 7 2,954,006 9 0 100,779 11 6 24,877 5 10 452.226 13 9 28,552 4 6 408,058 5 0 432.227 8 10 149,199 10 3 28,141 17 5 239,043 7 11 206,731 0 9 1,207,982 14 4 108,512 12 4 161,224 19 1 31,676 9 4 235,321 14 11 191,774 8 3 1,829,166 2 8 30,865 10 2 7,799,952 3 0 1 7,874,625 13 10 •«^ Temporary transfer to the War Exponses Account under Section 2 of the Imprest Supply Act, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 225,000 0 0 Revenue transferred to the Public Works Fund 350,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908, — The Now Zealand Loan Act, 1863— Debentures matured 15th July, 1914, redeemed 251,350 0 0 2,900 0 0 The Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862— Debentures matured 2nd January, 1915, redeemed .. 70,953 19 10 35,466 1 8 28,519 1 8 10,144 17 7 3,962 19 11 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Acoount Imprests outstanding— In the Dominion In London .. .. .. On account of Imperial Pensions On aocount of other Governments 1,989,812 19 6 37,246 16 11 127,497 8 0 3,825 3 3 7,694 10 4 2,166,076 18 0 149,047 0 8 Totals :13,133,100 3 9 £14,884,183 18 8



Table No. 1— continued.

LS 1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915-1916. . £ 8. d. £ 9 . d. £ s. d. 1,630,000 0 0 Treasury Bills issued during Year .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,950,000 0 0 1,050,000 0 0 Treasury Bills issued in renewal during Yoar .. .. .. .. 800,000 0 0 2,750,000 0 0 2,680,000 0 0 £2,680,000 0 0 £2,680,000 ll n Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £2,750,000 0 0 STATE FORESTS £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Yoar, — £ s. d. : £ s. d. 13,588 17 2 Cash in the Public Acoount .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,695 13 10 Imprests outstanding — 266 13 1 In the Dominion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 214 8 4 £ s. d. 13,588 17 2 266 13 1 3,910 2 2 13,855 10 3 •J,t7i.V -S 4 13,855 10 3 14,370 13 3 Rents from Lands set anart .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,611 7 10 2 10 Fees 20,611 7 10 M 379 11 3 14,370 13 3 2 10 20,611 7 10 j 20,611 7 10 14,372 14 3 Contribution from the Consolidated Fund towards cost of forest-tree growing and 6,000 0 0 planting .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,000 0 0 14,372 14 3 The Publio Revenues Act, 1910, Section 56,— Temporary transfer from Cheviot Estate Account .. .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 9,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 £84,228 4 6 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £37,521 10 0 v- - — £34,228 4 6 t* £37,521 10 0 STATE COALSTATE COAL- £ s. d. 30,694 15 4 £ 8. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — £ a. d. £ s. d. 30,694 15 4 Cash in the Public Acoount .. .. .. ,. .. .. 25,233 4 10 Imprests outstanding— 522 4 11 In the Dominion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 403 2 3 25,636 7 1 31,217 0 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 25,233 4 10 522 4 11 403 2 3 31,217 0 3 — 25,636 7 1 213,066 9 0 Prooeeds of Sale of Coal .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 224,326 2 4 224,326 2 4 213,066 9 0 1,600 0 0 Recoveries on account of expenditure of previous years .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 1,600 0 0 50 0 0 £245,883 9 3 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £250,012 9 5 £245,883 9 3 £250,012 9 5 ' , "' ■



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915— continued.

AOLhUUII I , 1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1915-1916. £ s. d. ! 1,630,000 0 0 Treasury Bills redeemed during Year .. 1,050,000 0 0 Treasury Bills renewed during Year .. £ I. d. £ s. d. .. 1,950,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 _ 2,750,000 0 0 2,680,000 0 0 £2,680,000 0 0 Totals 2,750,000 0 0 ACCOUNT. ACCOUNT. £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— 30,318 2 4 Vote 116—State Forests Branch £ s. d. £ s. d.! £ a. d. 30,312 15 0 £ 8. li. 30,318 2 4 30,312 15 0 The Public Revenues Act, 1910, Section 56,— Tomporary transfer from Cheviot Estate Acoount now restored 4,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 Balanoe at end of Year, — 3,695 13 10 Cash in the Public Acoount Imprests outstanding— 214 8 4 In the Dominion H 910 9 9. 3,695 13 10 3,206 17 6 1 17 6 3,208 15 0 3,208 15 0 214 8 4 3,yio a v £34,228> 4 6 Totals 3,910 2 2 £37,521 10 0 £37,521 10 0 £34,22$. 4 6 MINES ACCOUNT. MINES ACC £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— 209,642 0 9 Vote 117—State Coal-mines £ s. d. 209,642 0 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 206,487 19 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. 206,487 19 10 10,605 1 5 ; Interest recouping the Consolidated Fund in respect of Debentures issued 8,564 9 0 8,564 9 0 10,605 1 5 t Balance at end of Year, — 25,233 4 10 Cash in the Publio Acoount Imprests outstanding— 403 2 3 In the Dominion 25,636 7 1 34,832 0 7 128 0 0 34,960 0 7 34,832 0 7 34,960 0 7 25,233 4 10 403 2 3 128 0 0 25,636 7 1 ——)"--- ' — £245,883 9 3 Totals £245,883 9 3 £250,012 9 5 £250,012 9 5 ; — — ——"



Table No. 1— continued.

SCENERY PRESERVATION 1914-1915. RECEIPTS 1915-1916. 1914-1915. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — £ r. d. £ s. d. 1,427 13 4 Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. 3,602 10 6 £ s. d. 1,427 13 4 62 8 0 Rents .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 99 1 8 62 8 0 Recoveries on acoount of expenditure of previous years.. .. .. .. .. 23 8 10 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Scenery Preservation Act, 1908— 10,000 0 0 Debentures issued 10,000 0 0 £11,490 1 4 Totals .. .. .. .. .. £3,725 1 0 £11,490 1 4 NAVAL DEFENCE £ s. d. Balanoe at beginning of Year,— £ ■;. d. £ s. d. 7,044 0 9 Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. 117 11 9 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Naval Defence Act, 1909— 2,100 0 0 Proceeds of sale of 4-per-cent Inscribed Stock (1929 issue) .. . 2,100 0 0 £117 11 9 £9,144 0 9 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £117 11 9 £9,144 0 9 V V ACCC UNTS OF ACCOUNTS OF £ s. d. Balanoe at beginning of Year,— £ s. d. £ a. d. 11,745 0 3 Cash in the Publio Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,120 8 6 Imprests outstanding— 73 15 In the Dominion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 2 2 7,25110 8 11,818 1 8 £ s. d. 11,745 0 3 £ s. d. 7,120 8 6 131 2 2 £ a. d. 7,251 10 8 73 1 5 11,818 1 8 Revenue reoeived for Local Bodies,— 5,659 5 2 Fees, Fines, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,144 6 4 1,409 6 1 | Endowments of Land, &c... .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,259 1 1 13,469 13 5 I Goldfields Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14,117 19 7 7,818 0 6 Gold Dutv .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,41116 10 5,659 5 2 1,409 6 1 13,469 18 5 7,818 0 6 6,144 6 4 2,259 1 1 14,117 19 7 28,411 16 10 50,933 3 10 • — 50,933 3 10 28,356 5 2 28,356 5 2 Counties Separate Account,— 99 2 0 Revenue of Counties in which the Counties Act, 1908,is not in full operation .. .. 113 7 4 113 7 4 99 2 0 Advance Acoounts,— ♦ 20,094 16 0 Amount repaid by Local Bodies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,256 15 11 • 20,094 16 0 20,256 15 11 £60,368 4 10 ] Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 878,554 17 9 £60,368 4 10 £78,554 17 9



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915—continued.

ACCOUNT. .... .... ! 1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1915-1916. £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— 7,887 3 10 Vote 118—Scenery Preservation £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,728 7 3 The Now Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — The Scenery Preservation Act, 19080 7 0 Charges and Expenses Balance at end of Year, — 3,602 10 6 Cash in the Public Aocount 996 13 9 I £11,490 1 4 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. j £ £3,725 1 0 28,725 1 0 ACT ACCOUNT. £ s. d. 9,000 0 0 Expenditure under the Aot .. £ s. d. £ s. d. The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908, — The Naval Defence Aot, 1909— 26 9 0 ' Charges and Expenses Balanoe at end of Year, — 117 11 9 Cash in the Public Aocount 117 11 9 £9,144 0 9 j Totals £117 11 9 £117 11 9 •* LOCAL BODIES. £ s. d. Revenue paid over to Looal Bodies, &c, — 7,020 18 9 ! Fees, Fines, &c. .. 2,327 0 11 Endowments of Land, &c. .. 13,794 14 4 Goldfields Revenue 9,770 3 0 Gold Duty .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ! 32,912 17 0 £ 8. d. 7,020 18 9 2,327 0 11 13,794 14 4 9,770 3 0 £ s. d. ! 5,708 17 2 1,144 5 0 12,877 8 3 27,440 8 9 41 £ a. d. £ a. d. 7,170 19 2 47,170 19 2 32,912 17 0 Counties Separate Acoount, — Amount distributed amongst Local Bodies where the Counties Act, 1908, is 97 18 7 not in full operation 107 18 4 107 18 4 97 18 7 Advance Accounts, — 20,105 18 7 Payments on behalf of Local Bodies 20,105 18 7 2C 20,174 4 3 0,174 4 3 Balance at end of Year,— 7,120 8 6 Cash in the Publio Aocount .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Imprests outstanding— 131 2 2 In the Dominion 7.251 10 fi 7,120 8 6 11,101 16 0 11 11,101 16 0 11,101 16 0 1,101 16 0 131 2 2 7,251 10 8 i,ioi iv a £60,368 4 10 Totals £78 8,554 17 9 £60,368 4 10 £78,554 17 9 —————



Table No. 1—continued.

DEPOSIT 1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915-1916. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — £ s. d. £ s. d. 143,111 0 9 Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 301,495 5 11 Imprests outstanding— 219 15 0 In the Dominion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,959 15 6 29,000 6 9 In London .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,105 1111 1 331,560 13 4 172,331 2 6 Lodgments,— 52,676 6 4 Education Reserves Amendment Aot, 1910 .. Education Resorves Amendment Aot, 1914— 20,180 16 0 Primary-education Endowments .. .. .. .. .. .. 75,948 0 6 Secondary-education Endowments— £ s. d. 442 9 0 Auckland Provincial District .. .. .. .. 1,404 0 6 310 14 1 Taranaki Provincial District .. .. .. .. 847 2 6 862 14 7 Wellington Provincial District .. .. .. .. 2,608 7 4 643 1111 Hawke's Bay Provincial District .. .. .. 1,767 10 8 34 7 6 Nelson Provincial District .. .. .. .. 507 9 9 40 12 a Marlborough Provincial District .. .. .. 81 18 9 99 0 9 Westland Provincial District .. .. .. .. 95 4 9 273 17 3 Otago Provincial District .. .. .. .. 1,036 6 5 8,348 0 3 4,658 14 0 Emigrants'Deposits .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 0 0 8 9 2 : Fisheries Aot, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 10 70 0 0 General Assembly Library .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 2,199 0 4 Gold Duty Suspense Account .. .. .. .. .. ... 5,780 2 B 1,784 1 0 Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884, Special Coal Rate Aocount .. .. 2,606 16 0 8 7 9 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Acts, 1909 .. .. .. .. 36 3 0 Imperial Government Cheese-supply Account .. .. .. .. 682,000 O 0 Imperial Government Condensed-milk Supply Aocount .. .. .. 6,818 4 1 539,000 0 (I Imperial Government Meat-supply Account .. .. .. .. .. 7,841,000 O 0 Imperial Government Scbeelite-supply Account .. .. .. .. 18,500 0 0 Land Act, 1908— 1,514 4 3 Mining Districts Land Occupation Account .. .. .. .. 1,704 7 9 Loan Suspense Aocount .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 122,978 10 0 330,476 2 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 484,352 0 0 248,464 14 4 Money-order Settlement Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 251,831 5 4 («0 0 Nelson Rifle Prize Fund .. .. .. .. .. ... .. 32 0 (I 451 19 0 j New Plymouth Harbour Board, " fourths " overpaid .. 5 10 0 ! New Zealand University Endowments, Wostland .. .. .. .. 5 10 0 211 0 0 North Island Experimental Dairy School .. .. .. .. .. 183 0 0 746 5 10 Otago University Reserves Act, 1904 .. .. .. .. .. 2,213 4 8 62,74116 (i Public Trust Office Remittance Account .. .. .. .. .. 49,590 17 10 500 0 0 Railways .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,967 10 0 '"*.. State Advances Office Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,168,248 19 2 611 5 8 Taranaki Scholarships Endowmont Account .. .. .. .. .. 611 18 9 47 6 4 Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Aot, 1896 .. .. .. 145 13 2 64 15 6 | Thermal Springs Districts Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. .. 92 3 3 95 9 8 Trustee Act, 1908 2,026 10 11 Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884, Special Coal Rate Aocount .. 2,394 1 7 10,731,468 4 7 10,731,468 4 7 , t u± tuo -± I 1,271,234 1 11 £1,443,565 4 5 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £11,063,028 17 11 £11,003,028 17 11 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the PUBLIC WORKS FUND for the S FUND for the £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year,— £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,142,577 16 10 Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 596,100 14 0 Imprests outstanding— 11,006 2 10 In the Dominion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39,505 10 7 15,000 0 0 In London .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60,155 17 9 10,000 0 0 Investment Aocount ar.n i7co o 10 £ s. d. 695.702 2 10 ' 695.762 2 10 1,178,583 19 8 1,178,583 19 8 The New Zealand Loans Acts, 1908 and 1915,— Finance Act, 1915 — 4J per cent. Debentures issued on account of £2,000,000 loan .. .. 2,000,000 0 0 4i per cent. Debentures issued to cover expenses of raising £2,000,000 loan .. 5,030 0 0 o fir\K item n n i 2,005,030 0 0 1 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 1,275,000 0 0: Debentures issued .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 929,900 O O 250,000 0 0 Scripisaued ooo nnn n n 2,005,030 0 0 929,900 0 0 929,900 0 0 1,525,000 0 0 i atr. nno o o 1,525,000 o o 3,630,692 2 10 2,708,583 19 8 2,708,583 19 8 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,630,692 2 10



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915—continued.

2—B. 6.

ACCOUNTS S 1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1015-1916. £ s. a. 07 0 8 70,801 14 7 20,130 16 0 Withdrawals, — Colonial Exhibition Account Education Roserves Amendment Act, 1910 .. Education Reserves Amendment Aot, 1914— Primary-education Endowments Secondary-education Endowments— £ s. d. Auckland Provincial Distriot .. .. .. •• 1,404 12 3 Taranaki Provincial Distriot .. .. .. • ■ 964 7 2 Wellington Provincial District .. .. .. •• 2,68119 4 Hawke's Bay Provincial District .. .. .. 1,765 9 5 Nelson Provincial District .. .. •. ■ • 372 17 1 Marlborough Provincial District . .. .. 117 6 6 Westland Provincial District .. .. .. .. 138 14 0 Otago Provincial District .. .. • • • • 996 9 7 £ s. .1.1 £ s. d 75,948 0 6 5,118 2 7 70 0 0 1,731 10 3 12 12 9 369,250 4 6 801 11 2 187 0 0 310,173 0 4 283,905 3 5 451 19 0 43 18 0 47,505 11 10 500 0 0 203 5 0 325 0 8 23 4 7 602 9 9 100 0 0 Emigrants' Deposits Fisheries Act, 1908 General Assembly Library Gold Duty Suspense Aocount Hospitals and Charitable Institutions .Acts, 1909 Imperial Government Cheoae-Bupply Aocount Imperial Government Condensed-milk Supply Account Imperial Government Meat-supply Account .. Imperial Government Scheolite-supply Account Land Act, 1908— Mining Districts Land Occupation Account Loan Suspense Aocount ... Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905, Aocount .. Miscellaneous Money-order Settlement Account Nelson Rifle Prize Fund .. New Plymouth Harbour Board, " fourths " overpaid Otago University Roserves Act, 1904 Public Trust Office Remittance Account Railways .. Reserves and other Lauds Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1912 Taranaki Scholarships Endowment Account Tauranga Educational Endowmont Reserves Act, 1896 Thermal Springs Districts Act, 1910 Trustee Act, 1908 .. Unclaimed New Zealand Bonds 8,441 15 4 22 0 0 9 3 11 50 0 0 6,660 13 4 1 17 5 662,213 11 7 6,818 4 l 7,779,853 5 S 18,500 0 0 1,034 0 10 122,978 10 (I 382 8 8 368,600 11 0 195,743 3 9 10 I 0 0 43,028 17 4 1,405 0 0 611 5 8 750 0 0 32 15 8 9,293,191 4 6 1,112,004 11 1 301,495 5 11 2,959 15 6 27,105 11 11 •A 301,495 5 11 2,959 15 6 27,105 11 11 331,560 13 4 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Imprests outstanding— In the Dominion In London Investment Account (State Advanoos Offioe Account) 470,960 3 8 4,968 0 0 125,660 10 7 1,168,248 19 2 1,769,837 13 5 331,500 13 4 £1,443.565 4 5 Totals £1,443,565 4 5 £11,063,028 17 11 ear ended 31st Iarch, 1916, oompared with tho Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915. £ s. d. 111,421 12 1 1,065,170 19 10 335,774 4 8 13,672 13 5 5,166 8 7 10,010 0 10 £ s. d, £ s. d. 100,624 8 3 1,146,753 5 11 416,999 16 5 17,131 1 10 8,232 2 4 33,219 1 11 514,429 19 9 2,383 19 11 288,395 5 7 15,221 12 9 13,809 16 0 Annual Appropriations,— Class XVI.—Publio Works, Departmental XVIL—Railways .. XVIII.—Public Buildings XIX.—Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences .. XX.—Tourist and Health Resorts XXI.—Immigration .. .. ■• • • •• . • • XXII.—Construction, Maintenance, and Supervision of Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works XXIII.—Development of Mining , XXIV.—Telegraph Extension XXV.—Contingent Defence l XXVI.—Lands Improvement „ XXVII.—Plant, Material, and Stores .. Services not provided for 424,494 8 6 6,601 17 8 249,554 1 9 37,619 6 10 5,936 4 4 74,418 0 2 66 15 6 94 4 11 2,339,906 13 9 2,557,294 15 7 Carried forward 2,339,906 13 9 2,557,294 15 7



Table No. 1—continued.

I 1914-1915. 1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915 1915-1916. 1916. ] £ s. d. 2,703,583 19 8 2 £ s. d. £ 1,703,583 19 8 Brought forward £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. 3,630,692 2 10 £ s. d. 3,630,692 2 10 7,905 9 4 Recoveries on account of Expenditure of previous Years 7,905 9 4 6,130 6 0 6,130 6 0 1,516 0 11 Special Receipts in oonncotion with the Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and 1,516 0 11 Akaroa Railway Trust Account 1,585 10 0 1,585 10 0 The Public Revenues Act, 1910, section 56,— 50,000 0 0 Temporary transfer from War Expcnsos Aocount 50,000 0 0 The Now Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1913— Instalments received in respect of £1,750,000 4-per-cent. ton-years convertible 217,778 0 0 Debenturo Loan 8,750 0 0 Premium 14 1 Interest on overdue instalments 226,529 4 1 217,778 0 0 8,750 0 0 1 4 1 226,529 4 1 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stook creatod to cover expenses of raising loans — 1929 issue— 26,114 5 5 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1913 (£1,750,000) 26,114 5 5 ••> 350,000 0 0 350,000 0 0 Revenue transferred from the Consolidated Fund in aid of Publio Works £ 13, 365,648 19 5 TotalF £3,638,407 18 10 £3,365,648 19 5 £3,638,407 18 10 WELLINGTON-HUTT RAILWAY AND £ s. d. Balanoe at beginning of Year, — £ 358 15 11 Cash in the Public Acoount s. (I. £ s. d. 1,790 15 8 1,800 0 0 I Recoveries on account of expenditure of previous years .. £2,158 15 11 Totals £1,790 15 8 £1,790 15 8



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the PUBLIC WORKS FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915—continued.

1914-1915. 1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 19151916. £ s. d. 2,557,294 15 7 £ s. d. 2,557,294 15 7 Brought forward .. .. .. .. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,339,906 18 9 628 8 0 15 0 0 3 6 34,865 9 6 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— Charges and Expenses in respect of loans raised under— 628 8 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 The Finance Act, 1915, and Now Zealand Loans Aot, 1915 .. 15 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907 0 3 6 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settloment Act, 1911 34,865 9 6 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1913 .. 35,495 6 0 18 0 5,035 12 6 35,495 6 0 5,037 0 6 The Plllesmere Land Drainage Act, 1905, — 296 15 0 Expenditure under section 6, subsection (1) .. 3G2 6 9 296 15 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settloment Act, 1900 500 0 0 Debentures maturod 1st February, 1915, redeemed .. 500 0 0 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Sottlement Act, 1903 1,000 0 0 Debentures matured 1st January, 1915, redeemed .. 1,000 0 0 10,300 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907— 10,300 0 0 Debentures matured 1st January, 1915, redeemed .. 15,000 0 0 The Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Aot, 1914, — 15,000 0 0 Expenditure under section 104 The Publio Revenuos Act, 1910, section 56, 50,000_»0 0 Temporary transfer from War Expenses Account, now restored 50,00_»0 0 596,100 14 6 39,505 10 7 60,155 17 9 Balance at end of Year, — 596,100 14 6 Cash in the Publio Acoount Imprests outstanding— 39,505 10 7 In the Dominion 60,155 17 9 In London Investment Aocount enn uao o in 880,323 1 7 5,192 17 9 45,085 18 6 362,500 0 0 1,293,101 17 10 695,762 2 10 23,365,648 19 5 Totals 695,762 2 10 £3,365,648 19 5 £3,638,407 18 10 ROAD IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT. £ s. d. . £ s. d. £ s. d. ' Annual Appropriation,— Vote 123—Hutt Railway and Road Improvement 142 6 0 Unauthorized Expenditure, 367 16 9 Servioes not provided for .. The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Aot, 1910— 0 3 6 Charges and Exponses Balance at end of Year, — 1,790 15 8 Cash in the Publio Aocount 1,648 9 8 £2.158 15 11 Totals £1,790 15 8 £2,158 15 11



Table No. 1—continued.

1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915-1916. 1916. i £ s. d. 5,529 15 6 Balance at beginning of Yoar, — £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,256 11 3 £ s. d. 5,256 11 3 3,750 0 0 Recoveries on account of expenditure of previous )eurs .. .. .. .. .. 326 0 0 326 0 0 5,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908,— The Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910— Debentures issuod £14,279 15 6 TotalB .. .. .. .. .. .. £5,582 11 3 £5,582 11 3 THE RAILWAYS IMPROVEMENT £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d £ s. d. Tne New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — The Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914— Debentures issued .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 148,000 0 0 148,000 0 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £148,000 0 0 £148,000 0 0 THE WAIHOU AND OHINEMURI HINEMURI HOU AND £ s. d. 25,287 6 9 60,000 0 0 Balance at beginning of Year,— £ s. d. £ s. d Cash in the Publio Aocount .. .. .. .. 13,558 1111 Investment Aocount .. .. .. .. .. .. 60,000 0 0 73,558 11 11 £ s. d. 13,558 11 11 60,000 0 0 £ s. d. 85,2fl7 6 9 Contributions under the Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Aot, 1910 (Sections 17 and 18), and Amendment Act, 1912— Consolidated Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,111 6 8 Gold Duty .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,666 13 4 Gold-mining Companies 7,778 0 0 73,558 11 11 1,111 6 8 664 6 5 1,111 6 8 6,666 13 4 7,778 0 0 1,775 13 1 Interest on Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,500 0 0 4,500 0 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. £85,836 11 11 £87,062 19 10 £85,836 11 11 AID Ti WATER- £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Publio Acoount £ s. d. £ s. d. 37,162 16 1 2,871 7 0 40,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — The Aid to Water-power Works Aot, 1910— Debentures issued 54,000 0 0 £77,162 16 1 Totals £50,871 7 0



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the PUBLIC WORKS FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915—continued.

IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT. IMPROVE 1914-1915. EXPENDITURE 1914-1915. 1915-1916. £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— 9,022 17 3 Vote 121—Railway Improvements .. £ s. d. 9,022 17 3 £ s. d. £ a. d. Or. 3 16 2 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — The Government Railways Amendment Aot, 1910 — 0 7 0 Charges and Expenses 0 7 0 Balanoe at end of Year, — 6,256 11 3 Cash in the Publio Acoount 5,256 11 3 5,586 7 5 £14,279 15 6 ' Totals •• £14,279 15 6 £5,582 11 3 £5,582 11 3 AUTHORIZATION ACT, 1914, ACCOUNT. £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— Vote 122—Railway Improvements .. £ £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. 139,753 7 8 £ s. d. 139,753 7 8 The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908,— The Railways Improvement Authorization Aot, 1914— Charges and Expenses 0 17 6 0 17 6 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account 8,245 14 10 8,245 14 10 Totals £148,000 0 0 £148,000 0 0 £148,000 0 0 j RIVERS IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT. £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— 10,004 7 11 Vote 126—Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ a. d. 9,224 9 11 £ b. d. 9,224 9 11 3,500 0 0 Interest recouping the Consolidated Fund in respect of Debentures issued •-> 3,500 0 0 3,500 0 0 3,500 0 0 Balanoe at end of Year, — 13,558 11 11 Cash in the Publio Acoount 60,000 0 0 Investment Aocount 73 fifis 11 11 13,558 11 11 60,000 0 0 1; 6( 13,112 2 0 60,000 0 0 3,112 10,000 2 0 0 0 73,112 2 0 73,112 2 0 73,O0B 11 11 £87,062 19 10 Totals 73,558 11 11 £85,836 11 11 £85,836 11 11 £87,062 19 10 PDWER WORKS ACCOUNT. POWER £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— 74,290 15 1 Vote No. 124—Development of Water-power £ s. d. 74,290 15 1 £ £ a. d. £ s. d. 55,408 11 11 s. d. £ s. d. 55,408 11 11 The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908, — The Aid to Water-power Works Aot, 1910— 0 14 0 Charges and Expenses 0 14 0 110 1 1 0 Balanoe at end of Year, — 2,871 7 0 Cash in the Public Account 2,871 7 0 1,461 14 1 1,461 14 1 £77,162 16 1 i Totals £77,162 16 1 £56,871 7 0 £56,871 7 0



Table No. 1—continued.

IRRIGATION AND 1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915-1916. £ s. d. 1,709 4 10 Balanoe at beginning of Year, — £ Cash in the Public Account £ | s. d. s. d. £ s. d. 4,719 10 1 35,100 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 1913— Debentures issued 29,900 0 0 Totals £36,809 4 10 £34,619 10 1 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the CHEVIOT ESTA 1 'E ACCOUNT £ 8. d. 37,148 7 5 50,000 0 0 d. 5 0 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Publio Account Investment Account £ s. d. 34,067 7 2 55,000 0 0 £ s. d. 87,148 7 5 89,007 7 2 13,611 12 11 40 0 0 0 II 0 11 Reoeipts under the Land Aot, 1908,— Rents from Lands Sales 15,642 3 7 12 0 0 15,654 3 7 13,651 12 11 11 7 Other Receipts,— Interest on Securities held by Investment Acoount 1,566 10 7 2,149 1 1 Publio Revenues Aot, 1910, Section 56 — Temporary transfer to State Forests Acoount now restored 4,000 0 0 £102,366 10 11 11 Totals £110,870 11 10 V STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the LAND FOR iETTLEMEN S ACCOUN £ s. d. 64,297 6 11 1 a. u Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Publio Aocount £ s. d. £ s. d. 34,079 2 0 122,200 0 0 2,912 0 0 117 0 0 0 0 4 10,500 0 0 349 3 8 o 0 0 4 0 8 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913— Debentures issued Instalments reoeived in respect of £23,400 4-per-oent. ten-years convertible Debentures Loan Premium Interest on overdue instalments Sorip issued 4-per-oent. Inscribed Stock created to cover expenses of raising loan, 1929 issuo 60,000 0 0 60,000 0 0 136,078 4 0 11 Carried forward .. r 200,375 10 11 94,079 2 0



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the PUBLIC WORKS FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915—continued.

TER-1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1915-1916. £ s. a. 32,088 10 8 Annual Appropriation,— Vote No. 125—Irrigation and Water-supply £ £ s. d. £ s. d. 29,874 1 3 14 6 New Zoaland Loans Act, 1908, — Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 1913— Charges and Expenses 0 10 6 4,719 10 1 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Aocount 4,744 18 4 £36,809 4 10 Totals .. .. .. .. .. • £34,619 10 1 J !or tho Year ende. d 31st March, 1916, oompared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915. £ s. d. 13,299 3 9 Interest recouping the Consolidated Fund in respect of Debentures issued £ s. d. £ s. d. 8,866 2 6 Public Revenues Aot, 1910, Seotion 56, — Temporary transfer to State Forests Aocount, 4,000 0 0 34,067 7 2 55,000 0 0 Balance at end of Year,— Cash in the Publio Account Invostment Aocount 38,004 9 4 60,000 0 0 98,004 9 4 89,007 7 2 Totals £102,366 10 11 £110,870 11 10 V ! or the Year endi id 31st March, 1916, oompared with the Financial Year ended 31si March, 1915. £ s. d. Annual Appropriations,— Vote 119—Land for Settlements Expenses £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,160 12 2 Incidental Expenses. 4,765 6 4 Name of Estate. Purchase-money. Total. 0 4 0 33 13 5 75 8 2 23 18 8 107 11 3 16 9 11 46 11 3 41 6 9 790 2 4 204 2 0 4 6 2 462 8 4 31 6 11 15 18 5 0 4 6 19 5 11 287 8 9 28 1 4 3,817 17 2 19 8 10 16,619 19 7 68 11 5 511 5 0 19 7 7 Acquirement of Estates, and Expenses incidental thereto, — Adjoining Section 36231 Airedale Albury Allauholm Annan Annandale Aorangi .. .. .. Ardgowan Ardluasa Argyll Ashley Gorge Ashwick Avenel Avenel Extension Aviemore Aylesbury Balachraggan Barnego Bartholomew Beaumont Bellamy Bickerstaffe Blaythwayt's Blind River 34 4 2 76 11 11 22 5 9 115 1 3 41 17 9 39 10 8 167 16 2 188 12 10 6 10 7 297 8 9 40 17 6 38 5 0 0 4 6 19 18 0 65 5 1 83 18 5 8 2 1 13 4 1 79 9 9 49 0 10 34 4 2 76 11 11 22 5 9 115 1 3 41 17 9 39 10 8 167 16 2 188 12 10 6 10 7 297 8 9 40 17 6 38 5 0 0 4 6 19 18 0 65 5 1 33 18 5 8 2 1 13 4 1 79 9 9 49 0 10 19 7 7 19 7 7 Carried forward 1,357 12 8 1,357 12 8 4,705 6 4 23,244 17 8



Table No. 1—continued.

1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915 1916. £ s. d. 200,375 10 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. 94,079 2 0 Brought forward 1,567 8 2 Receipts on account of oapital value of land under the Land Aot, 1908, — Seotion 191 860 18 3 310,992 0 3 121,604 1 0 Receipts derived from Estates,— Rents, &o. Sales 331,984 3 9 151,242 15 0 483,226 18 9 432,596 1 3 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1912, Seotion 5, — Sale of Crown Lands 181,330 19 6 167,119 0 0 1,803 11 0 Interest on Seourities held by Investment Account 5,299 0 2 i 3,576 17 10 Proceeds of Sale of Workers' Dwellings on Settlement Lands under Section 16 of the Workers'Dwellings Act, 1910 .. 12,103 5 11 Recoveries on acoount of Estates, — Riverside 5 3 6 30 15 10 Credits in reduotion,— Makareao •A Carried forward 807,069 5 0 Carried forward .. 776,965 8 1



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915—continued.

3—B. 6.

1914-1915. 1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1915-1916. £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,160 12 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,765 6 4 7,160 12 2 Brought forward 23,244 17 8 25 5 4 1 15 11 41 9 7 3 15 11 0 1 2 69 15 4 48 7 5 12 19 0 6 10 7 14 15 8 61 6 6 267 11 4 57 ' 7 10 133 14 3 8,493 11 9 4 15 11 199 11 11 36 19 11 24 13 2 18 5 8 160 5 8 4 4 5 16 15 0 0 9 2 207 11 8 94 11 8 30 15 5 55 4 9 17 12 8 0 3 1 31 13 0 8,323 2 9 40 19 11 20,754 5 10 241 6 10 60 9 2 487 18 1 521 2 2 3 5 2! 59 13 9 113,960 0 0 1 17^10 91 5 9 29,056 13 2 29 13 9 185 7 8 25 11 11 579 19 11 12 17 6 20 3 4 65 19 6 19 14 1 10,451 14 3 276 14 9 ' 4 15 8 ! 23 4 6 88 0 1 8 14 7 5 4 8 50 6 9 0 17! 2 9 4 i 9 9 7 154 19 3 1 17 4 117 12 10 8 3 3 0 19 10 33 16 5 ■ 7 16 5 I 443 13 3 39 4 2 7 10 3 219,615 15 2 Name of Estate. Purchase-money. Acquirement of Estates, and Expenses incidental thereto— continued Bourndale Braoo Braeburn Buddo Cardrona Carrington Chamberlain Clandeboye Clandeboye No. 2 Clandon Claremont Clareview Clifford (H. J. Clifford) 10,67110 0 Clydebank Conical Hills Copland Cradock Culverden Douglas Drayton Dunoan Dyer Earnsoleugh .. .. .. ,. Eooleston No. 1 Eooleston No. 2 Edendale Elderslie Elderslie No. 2 Elsthorpe Epuni .. .. Epworth .. .. Ermedale Falloon Fenoourt Finlay Downs Flaxbourne Forest Gate.. Fortification Hill Four Peaks Fyvie Glenham Glenmark Gleutanner Gorton (W. F. Sinclair) .. .. .. 15,106 12 0 Greenfield .. Gwavae Hall-Jones Hatuma .. .. .. .. .. Hawtrey Heatherlea Hekeao Hetana Highbank .. ri i kfiw^rn Hilderthorp'e'(T. Hitchon) .. .. ..' 7,156 18 6 Hillborough Hillersden (trustees in estate, T. C-irter) .. 183 0 0 Hornby .. .. .. .. ... Horsley Downs Huinga Janefleld Kaimahi Kanakanaia .. .. .. .. Kapua Kapuatohe Karapiro .. .. .. .. Kauroo Hill Koreta Kinlooh Kitohener Kohatahi Kohika Kohika No. 2 . Kowhatu (B. Gillies) .. .. .. 19,035 7 5 Knowsley Park Kumeroa Kurow Carried forward .. .. .. 52,153 7 11 Incidental Expenses. Total. 1,357 12 8 26 2 3 1 4 4 39 17 4 3 18 0 0 12 81 3 1 47 8 5 22 13 2 8 2 3 20 5 11 j 37 10 8 12 12 4 j 15 11 10 56 14 6 83 10 9 36 15 11 1 6 1 141 18 3 123 1 8 17 10 0 3 9 9 147 3 8 3 1 8 6 10 0 0 6 1 134 8 8 93 3 9 49 17 6 52 17 2 15 18 2 1,357 12 8 26 2 3 1 4 4 39 17 4 3 1810 0 12 81 3 1 47 8 5 22 13 2 8 2 3 20 5 11 87 10 8 12 12 4 10,687 1 10 56 14 6 83 10 9 36 15 11 16 1 141 18 3 123 1 8 17 10 0 3 9 9 147 3 3 3 18 6 10 0 0 6 1 134 8 8 93 3 9 49 17 6 52 17 2 15 18 2 14 11 10 424 18 11 32 16 1 264 13 10 273 6 6 53 5 8 19 5 9 35 6 10 18 4 4 43 5 11 2,244 2 8 8 10 9 36 10 8 118 6 1 41 6 1 3 3 7 170 9 10 8 2 6 35 15 8 30 19 0 2 15 3 74 2 5 26 1 2 14 11 10 424 18 11 32 16 1 264 13 10 273 6 6 53 5 8 19 5 9 85 6 10 18 4 4 43 5 11 2,244 2 8 3 10 9 15,143 2 8 118 6 1 41 6 1 3 3 7 170 9 10 8 2 6 35 15 8 30 19 0 2 15 3 74 2 5 26 1 2 7,156 18 6 30 3 9 1,991 9 11 17 9 6 17 14 10 48 19 11 11 1 10 6 3 5 47 18 10 6 16 2 7 11 9 9 1 151 18 11 1 17 10 117 12 10 0 8 10 6 0 6 32 14 7 7 16 4 19,035 7 5 113 19 9 37 19 9 13 16 0 30 3 9 1,808 9 11 17 9 6 17 14 10 43 19 11 11 1 10 6 3 5 47 18 10 0 16 2 7 11 9 9 1 151 18 11 1 17 10 117 12 10 0 8 10 6 0 6 32 14 7 7 16 4 113 19 9 37 19 9 13 15 0 9,102 2 9 61,255 10 8 4,765 6 4



Table No. 1—continued.

1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915-1916. £ a. d. - 807,069 5 0 , if* Brought forward .. £ a. d. £ s. d. 770,965 8 1 8 '■ • i : I T'l I ! .. '■• ' ! - ■■■;': I I ! '■■ .. ' ! I :. ■ I ■:■:. : : i 1 i •■■■ i 01 - J. ; 8 8 ?."J [: I V £ fJ Uo ■•' I ,; Hi oi f. i : ff'i-J ox fJ :;■-.- : i ;:..; 'i i ' " ■ r, - <'. 4f V* I re v /; - ■■ e ■ :■ . i -, ; :I . . 807,069 5 0 Carried forward 776,905 8 1 — y —^^ —**J7 '



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915—continued.

1914-1915. EXPENDITURE 1915916. £ s. d. 7,160 12 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I .•■ £ a. d. [| 4,765.6 4 Brought forward Name of Estate. Purchase-money. Incidental Expenses. Total. 219,615 15 2 22 6 1 I 1,361 3 1 51 3 2 398 9 2 24,908 9 5 135 15 8 10 2 4 30 3 5 19 0 1 41 6 4 i 70 5 3 80 0 4 36 7 11 54 1 2 I j Acquirement of Estates, and Expenses incidental thereto— continued Ladbrook Lake Langdale Lansdowne Lees Valley Lindsay Linton Longbush Lyndon No. 1 Lyndon No. 2 Lynton Downs Maerewhenua Mahora Mahupuku Makareao and extension Manga-a-toro Mangapouri Mangatahi Mangawhata Mangawhero Maori Hill Maraweka (Fonwick, J. H., C. L. H, and E. F.) Marawiti Matakanui Matamata Maungaraki Maytown Mead Meadowbank Meadows Melling Merrivale Methuen Mills Momona Morioe Mount Nessing Ngatapa Normandale Northbank Ohakea • .. Ohauiti Okauia Omaka Omihi Valley Opouriao Orakipaoa Otahu Otaio • ■ > Otamatakau Otamauri (G. O. Bayley) Otanomomo Otarakaro Otekaike Otway Papaka Paparangi Parahi Pareora No. 1 Pareora No. 2 Part Seotion 550791 Patoa Pawaho Peaks Pitt Plumer Plunket Foerua Pomahaka Poroporo Pouparae Pourerere Presoott 52,153 7 11 9,102 2 9 12 5 0 77 8 1 49 19 4 76 16 2 590 18 5 113 15 3 10 14 11 27 19 5 18 19 4 51 7 7 296 4 4 80 18 8 29 1 5 41 10 8 75 17 7 88 14 4 12 19 11 94 7 10 6 6 11 23 10 11 486 3 6 93 3 2 16 8 4 2 14 5 139 2 0 7 14 2 6 8 11 23 1 1 18 13 11 17 10 7 12 9 30 9 0 1 11 0 117 12 3 14 2 1 48 12 6 338 2 8 84 13 4 12 8 11 8 17 4 24 6 9 248 2 11 5 0 5 13 3 8 0 3 4 28 16 2 9 15 3 8 0 7 4 19 8 61,255 10 8 12 5 0 77 8 1 49 19 4 76 16 2 590 13 5 113 15 3 10 14 11 27 19 5 18 19 4 51 7 7 296 4 4 80 18 8 - 29 1 5 41 10 8 75 17 7 88 14 4 12 19 11 94 7 10 6 6 11 23 10 11 486 3 6 20,777 2 6 16 8 4 2 14 5 139 2 0 7 14 2 6 8 11 23 1 1 18 13 11 17 10 7 12 9 30 9 0 1 11 0 117 12 3 14 2 1 48 12 6 338 2 8 84 13 4 12 8 11 8 17 4 24 6 9 248 2 11 5 0 5 13 3 8 0 3 4 28 16 2 9 15 3 8 0 7 4 19 8 • 107 10 0 14 1 7 107 12 9 36 16 9 24 15 8 1,152 9 1 1 17 6 15 19 0 4 7 0 256 12 5 7 12 10 5 12 10 22 8 2 65 9 4 16 1 5 134 19 10 45 19 8 24 12 2 20 6 1 4 6 0 45 7 3 56 6 0 137 11 1 23 >«6 10 10 0 4 85 4 4 1,636 16 11 6 8 7 13 7 4 0 10 0 32 2 8 8 11 0 12 2 10 5 0 2 0 13 9 20,68319 4 18,755'l2 9 374 2 9 0 19 11 113 17 2 321 6 4 21 11 6 10 10 4 376 3 3 8 15 3 75 12 3 18,755 12 9 374 2 9 0 19 11 113 17 2 321 6 4 21 11 6 10 10 4 376 3 3 8 15 3 75 12 3 820 7 9 2 10 10 114 19 11 15,036 0 9 21 15 1 11 11 7 14,449 5 0 9 8 10 83 19 2 0 4 7 3 16 11 2 8 5 4 6 2 16 0 5 11 7 48 17 9 0 10 6 25 17 1 3,706 18 8 30 19 1 39 10 4 0 9 9 3 8 4 2 17 5 3 13 2 1 5 10 0 14 10 48 18 2 6 9 2 27 7 10 768 4 8 7 13 6 19 2 5 0 6 6 3 8 4 2 17 5 3 13 2 1 5 10 0 14 10 48 18 2 6 9 2 27 7 10 768 4 8 7 13 6 19 2 5 0 6 6 285,347 17 6 Carried forward 91,593 0 0 14,885 15 1 106,478 15 1 -4,765" S 4



Table No. 1—continued.

1914-1915. 1916 1916. RECEIPTS. £ s. d. 807,069 5 0 Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. 776,965 8 1 • •-> Carried forward I 807,069 5 0 776,965 8 1



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915—continued.

1914-1915. 1914-1915. EXPENDITURE 1915-1916. £ s. d. 7,160 12 2 £ s. d. 7,160 12 2 Brought forward .. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,765 6 4 Name of Estate. Purchase-money. Incidental Expenses. Total. 285,347 17 6 0 11 3 1 3 6 4 7 5 36 1 9 1 18 4 7 5 7 24 2 2 16 2 11 i 10 3 10 60 14 11 12 2 4 3 16 17 10 5 27 19 4 18 0 2 9,453 0 1 ; 3 0 9 5 10 6 294 15 5 49 16 0 113 0 13 9 22 19 6 227 2 5 896 17 11 104 13 0 16 5 0 552 19 3 129 13 3 111 14 3 5 10 25 17 7 9 13 1 1 13 0 51 0 6 0 14 11 28 11 10 2 19 10 50 11 6 4 0 4 eos'-'e io 16 2 2 43 2 11 67 12 8 6 7 7 143 10 4 j 313 4 2 2 12 0 16 2 9 3 14 7 41,639 12 11 158 10 1 12 2 9 327 0 8 90 18 0 3 3 4 73 1 7 56 7 10 38 8 6 32 6 5 5 4 11 5 0 6 10 16 8 422 12 8 1,408 2 10 373 5 5 25 9 11 11 3 4 52 0 11 11 6 4 6 12 8 264' 6 0 36 16 2 6 19 1 31 8 7 Acquirement of Estates, and Expenses incidental thereto — continued Puhipuhi Puhuka Puketapu Punaroa Rainoliff Rainford .. .. .. "*.. Rakitairi Rangiatea Rapuwai Raumati Raureka Rautawiri Rewi Richmond Brook Ringway Riverside Roimata Rosebrook Rosewill Ruapuna No. 2 .. .. Rural Sections Rugged Ridges Scargill Solwyn Sborenden Sherwood Downs Spotswood Springhill Starborough Steward .. .. .. .. St. Helens Stoke Strathmore.. Studholme Junotion.. Tablelands Tahawai Takitu Tamai Tara Tarawahi Tariki Taumata Tautari Tawaha Teanaraki Te Arai Teasdale Te Mata Te Matua Te Puke Tesohemaker Timaunga Timaunga Extension Tokaora Tokarahi Tomoana Tongoio Totara Tripp Valverde Waari .. ■ .. .. ,. Waddingtpn Waiapi Waiarikiki Waihau Waikakahi Waimana Waimarie Waimate Waipapa Waipuka Waitahuna (Sutherland, J.) .. Waitakaruru Wangapeka.. Wharenui Whitehall .. 91,593 0 0 14,885 15 1 0 11 2 17 4 4 0 10 36 15 9 1 18 4 7 10 7 22 14 3 13 15 8 8 15 1 59 17 11 7 19 7 2 15 0 17 0 3 30 7 11 9 13 11 2 1 5 7 18 6 301 6 0 45 2 2 1 7 5 22 1 0 78 17 2 94 14 8 326 1 4 40 1 6 37 6 5 145 7 10 Hi 8 1 5 10 18 19 5 10 9 7 0 16 6 136 6 1 0 17 0 28 4 10 2 17 6 34 4 10 2 18 2 22 1 7 22 15 0 25 14 4 57 11 6 6 6 8 122 17 11 7 16 1 19 0 13 5 2 12 7 7 109 13 1 99 16 4 21 3 0 142 6 10 92 0 4 2 12 7 56 1 3 56 7 9 45 8 4 31 19 8 1 17 1 7 0 9 7 5 2 6 15 9 73 14 4 357 19 7 26 8 7 10 1 4 26 17 3 10 6 11 6 6 6 95 4 7 7 5 11 9 14 3 4 8 2 6 0 4 106,478 15 1 0 11 2 17 4 4 0 10 36 15 9 1 18 4 7 10 7 22 14 3 13 15 8 8 15 1 59 17 11 7 19 7 2 15 0 17 0 3 30 7 11 9 13 11 2 15 7 13 6 301 6 0 45 2 2 1 7 5 22 1 0 78 17 2 94 14 8 326 1 4 10 1 6 87 6 5 145 7 10 111 8 1 5 10 18 19 5 10 9 7 0 16 6 136 6 1 0 17 0 28 4 10 2 17 6 34 4 10 2 18 2 22 1 7 22 15 0 25 14 4 57 11 6 6 6 8 122 17 11 7 1 6 1 19 0 13 5 2 12 7 7 109 13 1 98 16 4 21 3 0 142 6 10 92 0 4 2 12 7 56 1 3 56 7 9 45 8 4 31 19 8 1 17 1 7 0 9 7 5 2 6 15 9 73 14 4 357 19 7 26 8 7 10 1 4 26 17 3 10 6 11 6 6 6 9,007 19 8 7 5 11 9 14 3 4 8 2 6 0 4 8,91215 1 343,960 2 11 343,960 2 11 Carried forward 100,505 15 1 18,170 18 0 118,676 13 1 4,765 6



Table No. 1—continued.

1914-1915. .. , _ £ s. d. 807,069 5 0 Brought forward RECEIPTS. £ 1915-1916. I s. d. £ s. d. 776,965 8 1 •^ .itals Totals ;807,069 5 0 £776,965 8 1



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915—continued.

1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1918_ 1915-1916. £ s d , £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,160 12 2 Brought forward Name of Estate. PurchaBe-money. Bxp'en'ses 1 Tota1 ' £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,765 6 4 Purchase-money. Incidental Expenses. Total. Acquirement of Estates, and Expenses incidental 343,960 2 11 thereto— continued .. .. .. 100,505 15 1 18,170 18 0 118,676 13 1 65 16 8 Wigan .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 9 1 57 9 1 2 19 3 Wilford .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 2 4 10 2 4 18 0 11 Willows .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 10 7 17 10 7 39 6 10 Winchester .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 14 2 23 14 2 37 0 8 Windsor Park No. 1 .. .. .. .. .. 36 6 0 36 6 0 19 14 2 Windsor Park No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. 19 14 2 19 14 2 40,727 11 4 Wither Run .. .. .. .. .. 209 9 3 I 209 9 3 Seotions 36056 and 36057 .. .. \ / .. 068! 068 Section 36469 .. .. .. \% .. 0 11 6 0 11 6 1862 .. .. ■■„ .. 0 1 6 | 016 36226 .. .. 1 §"2 •■ 024j 024 30791 .. .. .. V co 9 K .. 0 12 1) 0 12 1 36278 .. .. .. I § S .. 0 11 4 0 114 36228 .. .. ••Il •• 058 058 36231 .. .. ••II •• 080 080 2682 .. .. . /. > .. 006 006 384,870 12 9! Totals .. .. .. 100,505 15 I 18,548 3 2 119,053 18 3 100,505 15 1 18,170 18 0 57 9 1 10 2 4 17 10 7 23 14 2 36 6 0 19 14 2 209 9 3 0 6 8 0 11 6 0 10 0 2 4 0 12 1 0 11 4 0 5 8 0 8 0 0 0 6 118,676 13 1 57 9 1 10 2 4 17 10 7 23 14 2 36 6 0 19 14 2 209 9 3 0 6 8 0 11 6 0 16 0 2 4 0 12 1 0 11 4 0 5 8 0 8 0 0 0 6 ■ 1 119,053 18 8 The Now Zealand Loans Aot, 1908,— The Land for Settlements Aot, 1908— 300 0 0 Debentures matured 1st February, 1915, redeemed 700 0 0 The Land Laws Amendment Aot, 1913— 497 9 0 Charges and Expenses 0 17 6 270,966 5 11 Interest reoouping tho Consolidated Fund in respeot of Debentures issued .. 288,728 0 8 Amount transferred to Loans Redemption Aooount to meet payment of Debentures .. under the Land for Settlements Act, 1908 (due 1st February, 1915) 500 0 0 The State Advanoes Aot, 1918,— 41,936 15 7 Sinking Fund under section 26 41,870 15 7 The Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913, Section 63, — Amount transferred to Land for Settlements Account (Opening up Crown Lands for 51,000 0 0 Settlement Account) 45,000 0 0 Amount credited during previous year to revenue under seotion 191 of the Land Aot, 1908. now transferred to Reoeipts derived from Estates —Sales 2,000 0 0 Seotion 90 of the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Aot, 1909,— 10,250 0 0 Interest 8 7 7 Interest under subsection (8) of section 191 of the Land Aot, 1908 Balanoe at end of Year, — 34,079 2 0 i Cash in the Public Acoount 274,346 9 9 £807,069 5 0 I Totals £776,965 8 1



Table No. 1—continued.

I 1914-1915. | RECEIPTS. 1915-1916. 1914-1915. I £ s. d. | Balance at beginning of Year, — £ s. d. £ i. d. 121,888 12 5 | Cash in the Public Acoount .. .. .. .. .. 15,199 18 9 Imprests outstanding— 2,205 8 11 In the Dominion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 97 6 9 £ s. d. 121,888 12 5 2,205 8 11 15,297 5 6 1G1 rtCtA 1 A 124,094 1 4 x -x The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908,— Native Land Amendment Aot, 1913 — 100,000 0 0 Debentures issued .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 367,200 0 0 Instalments reoeivod in respect of £250,000 4-per-oent. ten-years convertible 31,111 0 0 Debenture Loan 1,250 0 0 Premium .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ] 0 3 5' Interest on overduo instalments .. .. .. .. .. 3,730 12 3 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock created to cover expenses of raising loan, 1929 issue , 367,200 0 0 136,091 15 8 I 26,511 14 9 Amount received in respect of Survey Liens .. .. .. .. .. .. 29,766 2 2 13,743 19 1 Rents, &o. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,276 10 11 199 8 0 Land SaleB .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 462 14 6 Ropayments of Advances by Maori Land Boards under section 274, Native Land Act, 1909,— 578 7 1 Prinoipal .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 555 6 8 1,662 19 7 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,648 5 0 ! 2,203 11 8 2,241 6 8 £302,882 5 6 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £434,206 4 9 £302,882 5 6 £434,206 4 9 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE of the OPENING UP CROWN LANDS FOR SETTLE- '£ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balanoe at beginning of Year, — 44,588 11 6 Cash in the Publio Aocount Imprests outstanding696 15 10 In the Dominion 45,285 7 4 £45,285 7 4 Totals .. STATEMENT of the REOEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT (Opening .!_....._ .3 I £ a. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash in the Publio Aocount .. .. .. .. .. .. 16,188 1 1 Imprests outstanding— In the Dominion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 1 3 16,189 2 4 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913, — 51,000 0 0 Amount set aside from Land for Settlements Acoount under section 63 .. .. 45,000 0 0 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913, — 8,998 7 7 Revenue received under section 63 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,730 10 0 Appropriation Aot, 1914, Section 24, — 45,285 7 4 Transfer of Balanco at oredit of Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account 5,134 5 11 State Advances Amendment Aot, 1914, seotion 3 .. .. ... £110,418 0 10 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. £73,919 12 4 £73,919 12 4



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the NATIVE LAND SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915.

4—B. 6.

1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1911 EXPENDITURE. 19151916. £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— £ s. d 1,548 16 9 Vote 135—Native-land Purchase Expenses .. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,972 6 5 Expenditure under the Act, — r,f. a dml , „ !( Lands Department .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38,369 17 1 *?"•«" ** * l\ Native Department .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 330,546 16 4 38,369 17 1 330,546 16 4 368,910 13 5 1,055 0 9 Interest recouping the Consolidated Fund in respect of Debentures issued 45,428 1 4 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Native Land Amendment Act, 1913— 4,981 13 2 Charges and Expenses 10 13 6 4,981 13 2 Payment to the State Advanoes Office under section 95 of the New Zealand Stateguaranteed Advanoes Aot, 1909, — 19,785 7 4 Interest 19,735 7 4 1,856 9 10 Thermal Springs Districts Aot, 1910, — 1,856 9 10 Sections 10 and 11 Balance at end of Year, — 15,199 18 9 Cash in the Publio Aocount .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,883 10 1 Imprests outstanding— 97 6 9 In the Dominion IK 9Q7 K fi 15,199 18 9 17,883 10 1 17,883 10 1 97 6 9 15,297 5 6 £302,882 5 6 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 15,297 5 6 £302,882 5 6 £434,206 4 9 VIENT ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st Marc MENT ACCO :, 1915. «•» £ s. d. £ 8. d. Appropriation Act, 1914, Section 24, — Transfer to Land for Settlements Aocount (Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Aooount) £ s. d. 45,285 7 4 Totals £45,285 1 4 ip Crown Lands fi ir Settlement) for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with tho Financial 'ear ended 31st M. .RCH, 1915. £ s. d. 92,975 4 9 Annual Appropriation— Vote 120—Roads to open up Lands for Settlement £ s; d. £ s. d. 47,974 2 7 Interest reoouping the Consolidated Fund in respect of Debentures issued 7,980 19 4 1,253 13 9 Refund part of Advance under Seotion 77 of the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909, Whakamariua Block (transferred from Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account) Balanoe at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Acoount Imprests outstanding— In the Dominion 17,964 10 5 17,964 10 5 16,138 1 1 51 1 3 16,189 2 4 Totals £110,418 0 10 £73,919 12 4



Table No. 1—continued.

1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915 1916. £ s. d. 7, 105 3 2 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Stock Agents— Cash £ s. d. 8,232 8 5 £ a. d. 795 8 6 1,114 8 10 9,346 17 3 7,900 11 8 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — 4-per-cont. Inscribed Stock, 1943-63 issue— Issued for conversion on aocount of— £250,000 Scrip issued under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1914 .. £3,500,000 Loan £4,500,000 Loan 257,250 0 0 77,164 0 0 1,571,616 0 0 5,250 0 0 5,250 0 0 1,900,030 0 0 35,349 0 4 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1929 issue— Issued for expenses of conversion issuea ior expenses oi conversion .. £1,949,279 12 0 Totals Totals £14,596 17 3 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPEND1TU RE of the WAR £ s. d. '-*■ •" Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Acoount Imprests in the. hands of officers of the Government In London £ s. d. 4,503 13 0 43,611 18 9 239,126 0 2 £ s. d. The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908, — The Publio Revenues Amendment Act, 1915, Section 5— Amount received on account of £10,000,000 Loan Securities iss-ued to cover Expenses of raising £2,400,000 (part of £10,000,000 Loan) 6,030,000 0 0 24,242 8 5 287,301 11 11 6,054,242 8 5 The Public Revenues Amendment Aot, 1915 (No. 2), Seotion 6— Amount received for Remittances to Soldiers Remittances received from Soldiers .. .. ... 13,512 1 10 2,702 0 10 13,512 1 10 2,702 0 10 16,214 2 8 159,137 7 9 Contributions, &c, received towards War Expenses Fund 6,779 15 7 Pay Warrants Acoount 19,400 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Tiie Public Revenues Amendment Aot, 1915 (No. 2), Section 9— The Public Revenues Amendment Aot, 1914, Section 8— Securities issued to cover ExpenaeB of raising £2,000,000 Loan 105,263 3 2 Temporary transfer from the Consolidated Fund under Seotion 2 of the Imprest Supply Aot, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 225,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 Advance on the security of Reserve Fund Securities 500,000 0 0 1,100,000 0 0 Advances on seourity and proceeds of Treasury Bills as per contra 50,000 0 0 The Publio Revenues Act, 1910, Section 56,— Temporary transfer to tho Public Works Fund, now restored .. 2,000,000 0 0 The Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914, Section 8, — Treasury Bills issued »8,609,187 7 9 Totals £7,214,201 1 9


B. 6

STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the CONVERSION ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915.

1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1915 1916. £ s. d. 257,250 0 0 Scrip and Debentures converted into 4-per-cent. converted. ate - um ' Inscribed Stock, 1943-63 issue,— £ £ j £ Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 .. .. •• .. .. 5,000 105 250 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1913 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advanoes Aot, 1909-10 — Advances to Settlers •5,000 .. 250 5,250 0 0 5,250 0 0 Amount converted. £ Kate. £ Premium. £ £ s. . d. £ s. d d. 5,000 105 250 1,571,616 0 0 77,164 0 0 1,906,030 0 0 •5,000 250 5,250 0 0 } 0 5,250 0 0 33,152 4 6 528 17 8 89 1 5 132 11 2 Expensos Aocount, — Stamp Duty .. .. .. .. .. .. • • .'. 297 5 0 Rent and Office Expenses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 501 17 1 Brokerage and Commission Disoount.. 799 2 1 297 5 0 501 17 1 5 0 1 1 799 2 1 33,902 14 9 8,232 8 5 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,482 8 5 Advances in the hands of Stock Agents— Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,005 6 9 8.547 15 2 1 5 5 9 8,547 15 2 6,482 8 5 1,114 8 10 2,065 0 9 9,346 17 3 a,047 LO •/, Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. •• £14,596 17 3 £1,949,279 12 0 £14,596 17 3 lCCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915. IXPENSES l £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 10 Expenditure under Seotion 8 of the Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914 (War Purposes) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• .. 5,712,892 5 8 Expenditure under Soctiou 6 of the Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (Relief Purposes) .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• .. 72,500 0 0 The Public Revenues Amendment A'it, 1915 (No. 2), Section 6 — Remittances to Soldiers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1, 584 13 0 Remittances from Soldiers.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,787 2 8 3,321 15 8 Pay Warrants Aooount .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 19,344 10 0 The Now Zealand Loans Aot, 1908,— The Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), Section 9— The Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914, Section 8— Charges and Expenses .. .. .. .. .. •• .. 105,263 3 2 The Public Revenues Amendment Act 1915 (Section 5) — Charges and Expenses .. .. .. .. •■ •• .. 24,242 11 11 Temporary transfer from the Consolidated Fund under Section 2 of the Imprest Supply Aot, 1915, now restored .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 225,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 Appropriation Act, 1914, Seotion 25 .. The Publio Revenues Act, 1910, Section 56, — Temporary Transfer to the Public Works Fund 50,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 700,000 0 0 The Publio Revenues Amendment Act, 1914, Section 8, — Treasury Bills redeemed .. Advanoes repaid 1,100,000 0 0 4,563 13 0 43,611 18 9 239,126 0 2 Balanoe at end of Year, — Cash in tho Publio Acoount .. .. .. .. .. .. 199,159 13 6 Imprests in the hands of officers of the Government .. .. .. .. 336,645 18 3 In London .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 515,831 3 9 199,159 13 6 336,645 18 3 515,831 3 9 1,051,636 15 6 287,301 11 11 £3,609,137 7 9 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £7,214,201 1 9 £7,214,201 1 9



Table No. 1—continued.

1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915-1915-1916. ■1916. i i __ £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — 4,445 1 7 Cash in the Publio Account .. .. .. .. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,265 19 4 £ s. d. 4,265 19 4 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913— 9,000 0 0 Debentures issued 11,000 0 0 11,000 0 0 Receipts under Section 5 of the Hauraki Plains Aot, 1908, — 9,954 17 11 Rents 244 8 6 I Land Sales 249 12 6 Miscellaneous 9,449 14 10 1,347 0 0 743 8 8 9,449 14 10 1,347 0 0 743 8 8 11.540 3 6 11,540 3 6 10,448 18 11 | 11,04U O O 771 9 2 | State Advances Amendment Act, 1914, section 3 £24,665 9 8 \ Totals 1 £26,806 2 10 £26,806 2 10 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of tho NATIONAL E fATIONAL ENDOWMEN' INDOWMENT £ s. d. Balanoo at beginning of Year, — 80,486 15 0 Cash in the Public Aocount Investment Account 80,486 15 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d 65,854 17 4 26,800 0 0 92,654 17 4 £ s. d. 80,486 15 0 65,854 17 4 26,800 0 0 92,654 17 4 105,638 18 5 Rents, &c, from National Endowment Lands .. 80,486 15 0 108,094 2 5 105,638 18 5 108,094 2 5 £186,125 13 5 Totals .. £200,748 19 9 £200,748 19 9 £186,125 13 5 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of thi le WORKERS' DWELLING £ s. d. Balance at end of Year, — 6,631 6 11 Cash in the Public Account £ s. d. 6,631 6 11 £ s. d. £ s. d 9,909 8 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. 9,909 8 7 3,278 1 8 Proceeds of sale of Workers' Dwellings under seotion 16 of the Workers' Dwellings 3,278 1 8 Aot, 1910 20,808 7 6 20,808 7 6 £9,909 8 7 Totals £9,909 8 7 £30,717 16 1 £30,717 16 1 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and ! STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and E2 EXPENDITURE XPENDITURE of the MININ( of the MINING £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — 910 3 6 Cash in the Public Account £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. 435 13 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. 910 3 6 435 13 11 8,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— Mining Amendment Act, 1913— 8,000 0 0 Debentures issued 3,500 0 0 3,500 0 0 499 14 1 Interest on Advances 499 14 1 208 18 9 208 18 9 £9,409 17 7 Totals .. — £4,144 12 8 £9,409 17 7 £4,144 12 8 i — i



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the HAURAKI PLAINS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915.

1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. It 1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1915-1916. £ s. d. £ s. Unauthorized Expenditure— Servioes not provided for .. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. 14,333 13 10 353 0 9 In torest recouping the Consolidated Fund in respeot of Debenturea issued 353 0 9 3,997 10 0 The Now Zealand Loans Aot, 1908, — Hauraki Plains Amendment Aot, 1913— 0 7 0 Charges and Expenses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 7 0 0 7 0 16,608 12 7 Expenditure under the Aot .. 16,608 12 7 Payment of Principal and Interest under seotion 84 of the New Zealand State3,437 10 0 guaranteed Advanoes Aot, 1909 3,437 10 0 Balanoe at end of Year,— 4,265 19 4 Cash in the Public Aocount 4,265 19 4 8,474 12 0 £24,665 9 8 Totals £24,665 9 8 £26,806 2 10 ACCOUNT wr the Year ended 31st March, 1916, oompared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915. March, 1915. £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— £ s. 9,150 13 8 Vote 127—Roads to open up National Endowment Lands £ s. d. £ s. d. 13,344 5 4 84,320 2 5 Expenditure under the Land Aot, 1908 99,577 7 5 Balanoe at end of Year, — 65,854 17 4: Cash in the Publio Aooount .. .. .. .. .. .. 87,827 7 26,800 0 0 Investment Account 87,827 7 0 j 87,827 7 0 92,654 17 4 £186,125 13 5 Totals £200,748 19 9 ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, oompared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915. •-> £ s. d. Balanoe at end of Year — 9,909 8 7 Cash in the Publio Aocount £ s. d. £ s. d. 30,717 16 1 £9,909 8 7 Totals £30,717 16 1 DVANCES ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915. £ s. d. 1,850 0 0 Advances, — Waihi Reefs Gigantio Consolidation (Limited) W. Buohanan, G. W. Teasdale, and G. Williamson .. Teviot-Molyneux Gold-mining Company Ross Goldfields Reconstructed (Limited) £ s. d. 650 0 0 350 0 0 1,002 7 7 £ s. d. 2,50612 5 4,434 16 11 8,791 9 4 82 3 10 2,002 7 7 Interest recouping tho Consolidated Fund in respect of Debentures issued 1,515 17 7 0 10 6 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Mining Amendment Aot, 1913— Charges and Expenses 0 10 6 100 0 0 State Advanoes Aot, 1913, Seotion 26, — Sinking fund 100 0 0 435 13 11 Balanoe at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Aocount 525 17 0 Totals £4,144 12 8 £9,409 17 7


Table No. 1—continued.


1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915-1916. £ b. d. 557 0 0 875,000 0 0 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Investment Account £ s. d. 773,200 0 0 £ s. d. 773,200 0 0 875,557 0 0 573,200 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908,— State Advances Act, 1913, — Advances to Settlers Branoh— Debentures issued Instalments received in respect of £250,000 4-per-cent. ten-years convertible Debenture lioan Premium IntereBt on overdue instalments 31,111 0 0 1,250 0 0 0 3 5 50,000 0 0 31,111 0 0 1,250 0 0 0 3 5 Advances to Workers Branch— Debentures issued Instalments received in respect of £250,000 4-per-cent. ten years convertible Debenture Lean .. .. .. .. Premium Interest on overdue instalments 200,000 0 0 Local Authorities Branoh — Debentures issued Instalments received in rospoot of £500,000 4-per-cent. ten-years convertible Debenture Loan Premium Interest on overdue instalments 62,221 0 0 2,500 0 0 0 6 10 952,643 18 8 3,730 12 3 3,730 12 3 4 6 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stook created to cover expenses of raising Loan (1929 issue) — Advances to Settlers Branch Advances to Workers Branch Local Authorities Branoh 14,922 9 0 Totals 21,843,123 2 8 £773,200 0 0 i STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the RANG ITAIKI LANI DRAINAGI £ s. d. '£ s. d. £ s. d. 1,835 13 10 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account 3,030 18 4 17,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Acta, 1913 and 1914— Debentures issued 19,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act 1913 (Section 6)— Rate Account 640 18 2 79 14 8 Receipts under the Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, 1910 38 10 1 105 12 6 State Advances Amendment Aot, 1914, Seotion 3 £19,021 1 0 Totals £22,710 6 7


STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the STATE ADVANCES LOAN ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915.


1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1915 1916. r~ £ s. d. Amounts paid over to the State Advances Office Account on account of Loan, — Advances to Settlers Branch Advances tb Workers Branch Looal Authorities Branch .. £ s. d. £ s. a 550,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 273,200 0 0 773,200 0 0 500,000 0 0 1,050,000 0 0 4,980 15 8 4,980 15 8 9,961 11 4 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— State Advances Aot, 1913— Charges and Expenses— Advances to Settlers Branch Advances to Workers Branoh Advanoes to Local Authorities Branch 19,923 2 8 Balance at end of Year, — Investment Aocount 773,200 0 0 i : Totals •«> £1,843,123 2 8 £773,200 0 0 L I , Ot.) , I z-i £ O I ObUlK .. .. .. .. .. ., CCOUNT 'or the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year eudod 31st March, 1915. £ s. a. £ s . a. 15,572 1 6 Expenditure under the Aot .. £ s. d. 15,572 1 6 £ s. d. 14,328 15 4 417 10 8 Interest recouping the Consolidated Fund in respect of Debentures issued 417 10 8 2,545 7 9 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Acts, 1913 and 1914— 0 10 6 ! Charges and Expenses 0 10 6 0 17 6 Balance at end of Year, — 8,080 18 4 CaBh in the Publio Aocount 3,030 18 4 5,835 6 0 £19,021 1 0 Totals .. £19,021 1 0 £22,710 6 7



Table No. 1— continued.

1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915-1916. £ s. d. * B. U. * B. U. Balance at beginning of Year,— Investment Aooount .. .. .. .. .. ... .. '.. 875,000 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 875,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 375,000 0 0 Bank of New Zealand Aot, 1913, Seotion 6, — 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stook, 1943-63 issue, created and issued to Bank of New Zealand £875,000 0 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £875,000 0 0 £875,000 0 0 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the RESERVE FUND ACCOUNT £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 800,000 0 0 Balance at beginning of Year, — Investment Aooount .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 800,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £800,000 0 0 £800,000 0 0 £800,000 0 0 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the NEW ZEALAND CONSOLS ACCOUNI £ b. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Balance at boeinnine of Year.— 106 14 0 475,385 0 0 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in Deposit Account .. Investment Acoount Balance at oeginmng oi xear, — Cash in Deposit Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 106 14 0 Investment Acoount .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 475,885 0 0 475,991 14 0 475,991 14 0 Totals Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £475,991 14 0 £475,991 14 0 £475,991 14 0 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the KAURI- £ a. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Publio Aooount Imprests outstanding— In the Dominion 8,978 10 2 28 16 0 - 4 9,007 6 2 14,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908,— Kauri-gum Industry Aot, 1914— Debentures issued 18,000 0 0 Miscellaneous Receipts .... .. 2 6 6 Totals £27,009 12 8 £14,000 0 0


B.— 6

STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the BANK OF NEW ZEALAND ACTS, 1903 and 1913, ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915.

s—B. (5.

1914-1915. 1911 1916. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balanoe at end of Year,— 875,000 0 0 Investment Aooount .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 875,000 0 0 875,000 0 0 875,000 0 0 £875,000 0 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £875,000 0 0 £875,000 0 0 £875,000 0 0 for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915. for the Year endei £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 800,000 0 0 Balanoe at end of Year,— 800,000 0 0 Investment Account* .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 800,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 £800,000 0 0 £800,000 0 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £800,000 0 0 £800,000 0 0 * Hypothecated to Imperial Government for War Advances. for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, oompared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915. for the Year endi £ s. d. £ s . d. £ s. d. Balance at end of Year,— 106 14 0 Cash in Deposit Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 106 14 0 475,885 0 0 Investment Account . .. .. .. .. .. .. 475,885 0 0 tC 475,991 14 0 475,991 14 0 £ 8. d. 106 14 0 475,885 0 0 475,991 14 0 £475,991 14 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. £475,991 14 0 £475,991 14 0 £475,991 14 0 GUM INDUSTRY ACCOUNT for the Year ending 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915. £ a. d. £ s. d. i £ s. d. 4,992 10 4 Expenditure under tho Act .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 04 344 jj 5 Now Zoaland Loans Aot, 1908, — Kauri-gum Industry Act, 1914— 0 3 6 J Charges and Expenses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 17 6 Balance at end of Year, — 8,978 10 2 [ Cash in the Public Account .. ... .. .. 2,676 3 8 Imprests outstanding— 28 16 0 In the Dominion ., .. .. ,, .. ,, 18 0 1 9,007 6 2 2,694 3 9 £14, Odd 0 0 Totals.. .. .. .. .. .. .. £27,009 IB 8


Table No. 1—continued.


1914-1915 RECEIPTS. 1915-1916. £ s. d. 37,690 10 7 4,748,400 0 0 Balance at beginning of Year. — Cash in the Public Account Investment Account 237,668 13 6 237,668 13 8 237,668 13 6 4,786,090 10 7 Debentures issued for redemption of Debentures, — Tho New Zealand Loans Act. 1908— Land for Settlements Aot, 1908, due 1st August, 1915 Land for Settlements Aot, 1908, due 15th Ootober, 1915 Land for Settlements Aot, 1908, due 1st January, 1916 I,anil for Settlements Act, 1908, due 1st February, 1916 Lands Improvement and Native Land Acquisition Act. 1894, due 30th September, 1915 Public Works Act. 1908 (Waikaka Branoh Railway Aot, 1905), due 1st May, 1915 Wellington-Manawatu Railway .Purchase Act, 1908, due 1st March, 1916 Government Advanoes to Settlers Aot, 1908. due 1st March. 1916 Government Railways Aot, 1908, due 30th June, 1915 Government Railways Aot, 1908, due 15th October, 1915 .. Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913, due 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. i Land Laws Amend merit Act, 1913, due 1st February, 1916 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1903, due 1st January. 1916 . . Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903, due 1st February. 1916. . Aid to Public Works and Land Set I lenient Act. 1914. duo 31st Decom'bcr. 1915 Land for Settlements Act. 1908, due 1st January, 1915 Land for Settlements Act, 1908. duo 1st February, 1915 Land for Settlements Act. I90S. due 1st March, 1915 63,550 0 0 5,500 0 0 93,535 0 0 8,270 0 0 2,000 0 0 53,476 0 0 499,700 0 0 100,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 4,500 0 0 71,025 0 0 25,000 0 0 59,900 0 0 100,000 0 0 4,575 0 0 172,640 0 0 10,000 0 0 1,019,056 0 0 287,215 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908,— Sinking Funds set free to redeem Debentures — Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862. due 1st July. 1915 6,700 0 0 Tho Finance Act, 1909— Debenture issued to repay balance of temporary advance obtained for Redemption of Debentures, duo 1st April, 1915 46,901 0 0 Amount transferred from Land for Settlements Account to meet payment of Debenture under the Land for Settlements Act. 1908. due 1st February, 1915 500 0 0 V The New Zealand Loans Act. 1908, — 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1929 issue— Created to repay part of temporary advance obtained for redemption of Debentures due 1st April, 1915, under the Finanoe Aot, 1909 Created for expenses of raising £190,499 Inscribed Stock for redemptions ('rented for expenses of redemptions ('rented for exponsos of raising £1,476,600 Loan .. (Vented for redemption of Debentures. New Zealand Loan Act. 1863.. 190.499 0 0 9,501 0 0 190.499 0 0 9,501 0 0 5,050 0 b. 22,034 9 4 12,450 0 0 200,000 0 (I 39,534 9 4 Debentures issued in renewal, — New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Consolidated Stock Act, 1884. due 1st January. 1916, renewed to 1st January, 1921 Lands Improvement and Native Land Acquisition Act. 1894. due 30th September, 1915, renewed to 30th September, 1920 Hutt Railway and Road Improvements Acts, 1903, 1905. and 1907. due 1st. May, 1915, renewed to 1st May, 1920 .. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlements Act, 1901. due 1st January, 1916, renewed to 1st January. 1921 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlements Act, 1903, duo 1st January. 1916, renewed to 1st January, 1921 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlements Act, 1903, due 1st January, 1916, renewed to 1st January. 1926 Government Railways Act. 1908. due 30th June, 1915, renewed to 30th June, 1920 Government Railways Act. 1908, due 1st August, 1915. renewed to 15th October, 1915 Finance Act, 1909, and Government Railways Aot, 1908. due 30th June, 1915. renewed to 30th June, 1920 .. Government Advances to Settlers Act. 1908. due 1st June, 1915, renewed to 1st Juno, 1920 Government Advances to Settlers Act. I90S. due 6th June, 1915. renewed to 5th June, 1920 Government Advances lo Settlers Act. 1908 (Part III. Workers), due 1st June. 1915, renewed to 1st June, 1920 165,000 0 0 398,000 0 0 127,000 0 0 32,900 0 0 106,840 II (I 25.000 0 0 120,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 105,000 0 0 so,ooo 0 0 25,000 0 0 165,000 0 0 398,000 0 0 127.000 II 0 32,900 0 0 106,840 0 0 25.000 0 0 120,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 105.000 0 0 80,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 Carried forward 1,236,740 0 0 1,236,740 0 0 5,112,839 19 II 1,510,825 13 6



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915.

1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1915-1916. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. 100.000 0 0 12,450 0 0 10,800 0 0 75,000 0 0 281,500 0 0 84,300 0 0 41,975 0 0 10,000 0 0 433,500 0 0 953,500 0 0 172,640 0 0 Debentures Redeemed, — \V» Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Land for Settlements Act, 1908. due 1st February. 1915 H>Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 1st August, 1915 £J( Land for Settlements Aot, 1908, due 16th October, 1915 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, duo 1st January, 1916 I Land for Settlements Aot, 1908, due 1st February, 1916 .. .. •• Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Aot, 1894, due 30th Sop- I £$ jgtember, 1915 , Publio Works Act. 1908 (Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905), duo 1st May. 1915 Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908, duo 1st March, 1910 Government Advances to Settlers Act. 1908. due 1st Maroh, 1916 .. Government Railways Aot, 1908, duo 30th Juno, 1915 Government Railways Act, 1908, duo 15th October, 1915 . . Land Laws Amendment Aot, 1913, due 31st Maroh, 1915 Laud Laws Amendment Act, 1913, duo 1st Fobruary, 1916 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903, due 1st January, 1916 . . Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903. due 1st February, 1916.. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914, duo .'list December, 1915 Finance Act, 1909, duo 1st April, 1915 Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862, due 1st July, 1915 New Zealand Loan Aot, 1863, due 15th July, 1914 General Purposes Loan Aot, 1873, due 15th May, 1914 Government Railways Act, 1908 (Railways Improvement Authorization Aot, 1904), due 30th June, 1914 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 30th June, 1914 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 1st July, 1914 ' .. Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 1st January, 1915 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 1st March, 1915 Naval Defenoe Aot, 1909, due 1st July, 1914 Naval Defence Aot, 1909, due 31st Docember, 1914 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10 — Advances to Settlers Branch, due 1st July, 1914 Advances to Settlers Branch, due 1st December, 1914 Advances to Settlers Branch, due ,31st December, 1914 .. Advances to Workers Branch, due 1st July, 1914 Advanoes to Workers Branch, due 30th June, 1914 Advances to Workers Branch, due 31st Deoember, 1914 Land for Settlements Branch, due 1st July, 1914 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900, due 1st July, 1914 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901, due 1st July, 1914 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1903, due 30th June, 1914 .. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903, due 1st July, 1914 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1904, due 1st July, 1914 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908, due 1st July, 1914 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910, due 31st Deoember, 1914 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1911, due 1st July, 1914 500 0 0 63,550 0 0 T5,500 0 0 93,435 0 0 8,270 0 0 2,000 0 0 53,476 0 0 499,700 0 0 100,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 4,500 0 0 71,625 0 0 25,000 0 0 59,900 0 0 237,400 0 0 6,700 0 0 867,300 0 0 70,000 0 0 1,675,000 0 0 750,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 325,000 0 0 210,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 117,700 0 0 25,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 565,500.,0 0 100,000 0 0 189,100 0 0 I,226,000 0 0 1,263,556 0 0 8,626,265 0 (I Debentures redeemed by renewal, — New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Consolidated Stock Act, 1884, due 1st January, 191 (i Lands Improvement and Nativo Land Acquisition Act, 1894, duo 30th September, 1915 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1903, 1905. and 1907, due 1st . May, 1915 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1903 and 1905, duo 1st May, 1915 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901, duo 1st January, 1916 .. Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903, due 1st January, 1916 .. j Government Railways Act, 1908, due 30th June, 1915 .. .. Government Railways Act, 1908, due 1st August, 1915 .. .. .. J Finance Act, 1909, and Government Railways Act, 1908. duo 30th June, 1915 | < tovernment Advances to Settlers Act, 1908, due 1st June, 1915 Government Advances to Settlors Act, 1908, due 5th June, 1915 Government Advances to Settlors Act, 1908, (Part III, Workers), duo 1st June. 1915 Land for Settlements Act. 1908, duo 1st August, 1915 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 1st January, 1916 Land for Lettlcmcnts Act, 1908, due 1st February. 1916 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913, duo 22nd July, 1915 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908, duo 1st January, 1916 .. .. .. I Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908, duo 1st March, 1916 .. .. .. I Post and Telegraph Act, 1908, duo 1st July, 1915 .. .. .. General Purposes Loan Act, 1873, duo 28th November. 1914 Consolidated Stock Act, 1884, due 31st Docember, 1914 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907, due 1st January, 1915 .. 105,000 0 0 398,000 0 0 77,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 32,900 0 0 131,840 0 0 120,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 105,000 0 0 80,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 27,550 0 0 115,475 0 0 33,250 0 0 8,000 0 0 790,000 0 0 395,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 i 05,000 0 0 398,000 0 0 77,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 32,900 0 0 131,840 0 0 120,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 105,000 0 0 80,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 27,550 0 0 115,475 0 0 33,250 0 0 8,000 0 0 790,000 0 0 395,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 54,700 0 0 385,500 0 0 5,800 0 0 446,000 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. • • .. 2 2,806,015 0 0 1,211!, 550 0 0 8,626,265 0 0 2,806,015 0 0



Table No. 1—continued.

1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915 1916. £ i. (1. 5,112,839 19 11 Brought forward £ s. d. 1,236,740 0 0 £ s. d. 1,510,825 13 6 54,700 0 0 Debentures issued in renewal— continued. New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— continued. Lmd for Settlements Act, 1908. due 1st August. 1915. renewed to 1st August. 1920 Land for Settlements Act, 1908. due 1st August, 1915, renewed to 15th October. 1915 Land for Settlements Act, 1908. due 1st January, 1916. renewed to 1st January, 1921 Land for Settlements Aot, 1908, due 1st February, 1916. renewed to 1st February, 1921 Land for Settlements Ael, 1908, due 1st February, 1916. renewed to 1st February, 1926 .. .. Land Laws Amondment Act, 1913, due 22nd July, 1915, renewed to 22nd July, 1916 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908. due 1st January, 1916, renewed to 1st January, 1921 Local Bodies' Loans Ael. I90S. due 1st March. 1916. renewed to 1st March, 1921 Post, and Telegraph Act. 1908. due 1st July, 1915, renewed to 1st July. 1920 General Purposos Loan Act, 1873, due 28th November, 1914, renewed to 28th November, 1919 Consolidated Stock Act, 1884, duo 31st December, 1914, renewed to 31st Docember, 1919 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907, duo 1st January, 1915, renewed to I st January, 1920 Land Laws Amendment Aot, 1913, and Land for Settlements Act, 1908— IJue 1st January, 1915, renewed to 1st January, 1920 Due 1st February, 1915, renewed to 1st Fobruary, 1920 Due 1st February, 1915, renewed to 1st Fobruary, 1916.. Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 — Due 1st March, 1915, ronowed to 1st March, 1920 Due 1st September, 1914, renewed to 1st September, 1919 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 1st February, 1915, renewed to 1st February, 1920 .. .. .. .. Government Railways Aot, 1908, due 1st March, 1915, renewed to 1st March, 1920 Government Railways Aot, 1908, and Finance Aot, 1909, due 1st Maroh, 1915, renewed to 1st Maroh, 1920 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911, due 31st March, 1915, renewed to 31st March, 1920.. 22,050 0 0 5,500 0 0 115,475 0 0 32,950 0 0 300 0 0 8,000 0 0 790,000 0 0 395,000 0 (I 200,000 0 0 385,500 0 0 5,800 0 0 40,500 0 0 135,550 0 0 4,500 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,300 0 0 •• 4,800 0 0 1,600 0 0 1,200 0 0 50,000 0 0 1,184,450 0 0 2,806,015 0 0 Debentures issued iu conversion of Debentures, New Zealand Loans Acts, 1908 and 1915 — Finance Act, 1915 (Section 106), as per contra 500,400 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, .1908 — Memorandum of Security issued in renewal (by endorsement), due 31st March. 1916, renewed to 31st March, 1917— New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910, Advanoes to Settlers Branch New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts. 1909 and 1910. Advances to Workers Branch Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1910 Naval Defence Act. 1909 Land for Settlements Act, 1908 1,836,842 2 I 342,105 5 3 199,052 12 7 1,003,684 4 3 39,368 S 5 3,421,052 12 7 The New Zoaland Loans Act, 1908,— Memorandum of Socurity created to cover Expenses ul raising £3,250,000 Loan — New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts. 1909 and 1910, Advances to Settlers Branch New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, .1909 and 1910, Advances to Workers Branch Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1910 Naval Defenco Act, 1909 Land for Settlements Act. 1908 . . 91,842 2 1 17,105 5 3 9,952 12 7 50,184 4 3 I,968 8 5 171,052 12 7 Treasury Bills issued in renewal, — Public Revenues Amendment Act. 1914 (Section 8), (War Expenses) — Treasury Bills, due Slst March, 1915, renewed to 31st March, 1916 .. Treasury Bill, due 16th December. 1915, renewed to 16th December, 1916 Treasury Bill, due 28th December, 1915, renewed to 28th December, 1916 Treasury Bill, due 16th January. 1916, renewed to Kith January, 1917 Treasury Bill, due 16th February, 1916, renewed to 16th February, 1917 Treasury Bills, due Slst March, 1916, renewed to 31st Alarch, 1917 700,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 700,000 t) 0 2,700,000 0 (I li, 297,289 19 11 Carried forward 11,109,345 18 8


STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 3lst March, 1915—continued.


1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1915-1916. £ s. d. 8,626,265 0 0 Brought, forward £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,806,015 0 0 ' 1,263,556 0 0 446,000 0 0 Debentures Redeemed by Renewal— continued. New Zealand Loans Act, 1908— continued. Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913 (Land for Settlements Act, 1908), due 1st January, 1915 .. ... .. .. .. • Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913 (Land for Settlements Act, 1908), due 1st February, 1915 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908, due 1st March, 1915 Government Loans to Local Bodies Act. 1886, duo 1st September, 1914 Government Railways Aot, 1908, due 1st Maroh, 1915 Government Railways Act, 1908, and Finance Act, 1909, due 1st March, 1915 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 1st February, 1915 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911, duo 31st March, 1915 .. 40,500 0 0 t40,050 0 0 250,000 0 0 250,300 0 0 1,600 0 0 1,200 0 0 4,800 0 0 50,000 0 o •• 1,184,450 0 0 8,806,018 o 0 Debentures oonverted under Seotion 106 of the Finance Act. 1915, — New Zealand Loans Act. 1908— Aid to Publio Works and Land Sottlement Act, 1903, due 1st January, 1916 .. Aid lo Public Works and Laud Settlement Act. 1903, due 1st February, 1916 Aid to Public Works anil Land Settlement Act. 1914, due 31st December, 1915 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 1st January, 1916 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, duo 1st February, 1916 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 30th September, 1916.. Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908, duo 1st Maroh, 1916 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913, duo 1st February, 1920 46,675 0 0 175.000 0 0 100,000 0 0 30,125 0 0 18,600 0 0 127,500 0 0 300 t) 0 2,200 0 0 500,400 0 0 The Now Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Finance Act, 1909 — Repayment of temporary Advance obtained for redemption of Debentures due 1st April, 1915 .. .. 237,400 0 0 V New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Memorandum of Security, due 31st March, 1910, renewed (by endorsement) New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910, Advanoes to Settlors Branch New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts. 1909 and 1910, Advances to Workers Branch Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1910 Naval Defence Act, 1909 Laud for Settlements Act, 1908 .. 1,836,842 2 I 342,105 5 . 3 199,052 12 7 1,003,684 4 3 39,368 8 5 3,421,052 12 7 Treasury Bills renewed, — Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914 (Section 8), (War Expenses)— Treasury Bills, due 31st March. 1915 Treasury Bill, due Kith December, 1915 .. Treasury Bill, due 28th December, 1915 .. ... Treasury Bill, due Kith January, 1916 Treasury Bill, due Kith February, 1916 .. Treasury Bills, due 31st Maroh, 1916 700,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 700,000 0 0 2,700,000 0 0 111 3 198 9 7 2,618 19 0 Expenses Account, — New Zealand Loans Act. 1908 — Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 Lands improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act, 1894 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1901 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1903 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1910 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1914 Mull Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 190.'!. 1905. and 1907 .. Land for Settlements Act, 1908 . . Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 .. . Government Railways Act, 1908 0 3 6 0 7 0 0 3 li 0 17 (i 9,952 12 7 0 3 li 0 3 6 1,979 13 6 0 10 (i 1 1 (I 7,287 17 7 1.491 I S 11.901 2 1 11,93.1 16 1 Carried forward 10,928.423 12 7 9,810,715 0 0


Table No. 1 —continued.

The Treasury, Wellington, 28th April, 1916.


1914-1915. RECEIPTS. 1915-1916. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 6,297,289 19 11 Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,109,345 18 8 Temporary Advance for Redemption of Debentures — The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — 237,400 0 0 Finance Act, 1909, due 1st April, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. j The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — £3,250,000 Loan raised for redemptions— The Now Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10— 70,000 0 0 Advances to Settlers Branch, due 1st December, 1914 1,675,000 0 0 Advances to Settlers Branoh, due 31st Decembor, 1914 325,000 0 0 Advances to Workers Branch, due 31st December, 1914 189,100 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910, due 31st December, 1914 953,500 0 0 Naval Defence Act, 1909, due 31st Docember, 1914 37,400 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 1st January, 1915 3,250.000 0 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — £1,476,600 Loan raised for redemptions (part of £4,500,000 Loan) — £ General Purposes Loan Act, 1873, due 15th May, 1914 .. 10,800 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903, due 30th June, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,000 Government Railways Act, 1908, due 30th June, 1914 .. .. 75,000 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 30th June, 1914 .. 281,500 Land for Settlements Act, 1908, due 1st July, 1914 .. .. 84,300 Naval Defence Act, 1909, due 1st July, 1914 .. .. .. 433,500 Now Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910 — Advances to Settlers, due 1st July, 1914 .. .. .. 566,500 £1,476,600* 183,756 0 0 * Instalments 7,383 0 0 Premium 191,139 0 0 10 4 Interest on overdue instalments 5,000 0 0 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, 1943-63 issue, created for expenses of redemptions .. Refund of amount overpaid Bank of England for stamp duty, &c., on Debentures of 64 9 11 £3,500,000 Loan, 1913 .. Amount received from the Stato Advances Office to provide for redemption of Scrip Nos. 7 and 10, £50,000 each, under the New Zealand State-guaranteed ,» Advances Act, 1909 (Advances to Workers Branch), matured in London 30th 100,(5t)0 0 0 June, 1914 £10,080,894 10 2 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £11,109,345 18 8 STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the FRUIT-PRSSERVING INDUSTRY £ s d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year— Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,499 16 6 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Fruit-preserving Industry Act, 1913 — 11,500 0 Debentures issued .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,900 0 0 Repayment of Principal and Interest, — Principal .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 300 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 426 17 4 726 17 4 £11,500 0 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. £9,126 13 10 STATEMENT of tho RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the DISCHARGED £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915— Debentures Issued .. .. .. . . • • • • .. 1,000 0 (I Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £1,000 0 0 ■■ I == l



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915—continued.

G. P. C. Campbell, Secretary to the Treasury A. Morgan, Examined and found correct. Accountant to the Treasury Robert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.

1914-1915. EXPENDITURE. 1915-1916. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 9,810,715 0 0 Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,935 16 1 10,928,423 12 7 11,901 2 1 Expenses Account—continued. Now Zealand Loans Act, 1908—continued,. Public Works Act, 1908 (Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905) .. .. 0 3 6 Finance Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,502 12 0 Finance Act, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 960 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. .. .. 9 13 6 8,642 8 8 Naval Defence Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. . . 50,184 4 3 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910 — 11,297 19 4 Advances to Settlers Branch .. .. .. .. .. .. 91,842 2 1 9 19 3 Advances to Workers Branch .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,105 5 3 2 15 9 Land for Settlements Branch 215 3 5 General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 156 17 6 New Zealand Loan Act, 1863 2 13 1 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 7 10 3 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904 16 7 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 16 5 9 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 31 5 0 Charges and expenses £5,000 Stock, 1929, for redemption expenses 194 5 0 Charges and expenses £10,000 Stock, 1943—63, for redemption expenses 18 15 0 Discount on Stock created for general expenses 12 10 0 Brokerage .. .. — .180,589 2 8 32,510 16 8 Balance at end of Year, — 237,668 13 6 Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 333 3 5 £10,080,894 10 2 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £11,109,345 18 8 | ADVANCES ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st Mabch, 1915. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. : Advances under the Fruit-preserving Industry Acts, 1913 and 1914 .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — Fruit-preserving Industry Act, 1913 —■ 0 3 6 Charges and Expenses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 036 Advances under the Fruit-preserving Industry Acts, 1913 and 1914, and the 10,000 0 0 Appropriation Act, 1914, Section 21 Balance at end of Year— 1,499 16 6 Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,626 10 4 £11,500 0 0 1 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £9,126 13 10 SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1916. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance at the end of Year —• j Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 j Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £1,000 0 0



Table No. 1— continued. SUMMARY of BALANCES on 31st MARCH, 1916.

Balances. Balances. II Cash. Imprests. Investments. Total. - i I Consolidated Fund :— Ordinary Revenue Account State Forests Account State Coal-mines Account Scenery Preservation Account .. Naval Defence Act Account Accounts of Local Bodies Derosit Accounts l__ !__ £ s. d. £ s. d. Consolidated Fund : — 2,166,076 18 0 Ordinary Revenue Account 3,208 15 0 State Forests Account.. 34,960 0 7 State Coal-mines Account 996 13 9 Scenery Preservation Account .. 117 11 9 Naval Defence Act Account 11,10116 0 Ac-counts of Local Bodies 1,769,837 13 5 Deposit Accounts £ a. A. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,989,812 19 6 176,263 18 6 3,206 17 6 1 17 6 34,832 0 7 128 0 0 996 13 9 117 11 9 11,101 16 0 470,960 3 8 130,628 10 7 1,168,248 19 2 £ s. d. 2,166,076 18 0 3,208 15 0 34,960 0 7 996 13 9 117 11 9 11,101 16 0 1,769,837 13 5 I - 3,986,299 8 6 2.511.028 2 9 307.022 6 7 1.168.248 19 2 3.986.299 8 6 2,511,028 2 9 ' 307,022 6 7 1,168,248 19 2 3,986,299 8 6 2,011,1128 2 9 O I :l,10a,Z4B 19 A 3, aab, -jyy o o I . _ I Public Works Fund Wellington-Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account The Railways Improvements Account The Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, Account The W'aihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. , Aid to Water-power Works Account Irrigation and Water-supply Account Cheviot Estate Account Land for Settlements Account.. Native Land Settlement Account Land for Settlements Account (Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account) National Endowment Account .. Hauraki Plains Settlement Account Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account Workers' Dwellings Account .. Mining Advances Account Conversion Account Loans Redemption Account New Zealand Consols Account.. War Expenses Account Kauri-gum Industry Account Fruit - preserving Industry Advances Account .. Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account Reserve Fund Account.. Bank of New Zealand Acts, 1903 and 1913 Account Silver and Bronze Coin Account 1,293.101 17 10 Public Works Fund 880,323 1 7 50,278 16 3 362,500 0 0 1,293,101 17 10 1,293,101 17 10 _ 1,648 9 8 Wellington-Hutt Railway and 1,648 9 8 Road Improvement Account The Railways Improvements Ac1,648 9 8 1,648 9 8 5,586 7 5 i count The Railw-ays Improvement Autho8,245 14 !0 sization Act, 1914, Account The Waihou and Ohinemuri 73,112 2 0 I Rivers Improvement Account .. Aid to Water-power Works Ac1,461 14 1 count Irrigation and Water-supply Ac4,714 18 4 count 98,004 9 4 Cheviot Estate Account 274,346 9 9 Land for Settlements Account. . 17,883 10 1 Native Land Settlement Account Land for Settlements Account (Opening up Crown Lands for 17,964 10 5 Settlements Account) 87,827 7 0 National Endowment Account .. Hauraki Plains Settlement Ac8,474 12 0 count Rangitaiki Land Drainage Ac5,835 6 il count 30,717 16 i Workers' Dwellings Account .. - . . 525 17 0 Mining Advasces Account 8,547 15 2 Conversion Account 333 3 5 Loans Redemption Account 475,991 14 0 New Zealand Consols Account.. 1,051,636 15 6 War Expenses Account 2,694 3 9 Kauri-gum Industry Account Fruit - preserving Industry Ad7,626 10 4 vances Account Discharged Soldiers Settlement 1.000 0 0 Account 800.000 0 0 Reserve Fund Account Bank of New Zealand Acts, 1903 875,000 0 0 and 1913 Account 14,255 4 11 Silver and Bronze Coin Account Totals 9.152.865 17 5 5,586 7 5 8,245 14 10 13,112 2 0 .. 60,000 0 0 1,461 14 1 4,744 18 4 38.004 9 4 .. 60,000 0 0 274,346 9 9 17,883 10 1 17,964 10 5 . 37,827 7 0 8,474 12 0 5,835 6 0 30,717 16 1 525 17 0 6,482 8 5 i 2,065 6 9 333 3 5 ! 106 14 0 ! .. 475.885 0 0 199,159 13 6 j 852,477 2 0 2,676 3 8 18 0 1 7,626 10 4 j .. '.'. 1,000 0 0 i 800,000 0 0 875,000 0 0 5 1 11 14,250 0 0 4,125,120 6 7 1,226,111 11 8 3,801,633 19 2 5,586 7 5 5,586 7 5 8,245 14 10 73,112 2 0 1,461 14 1 4,744 18 4 98.004 9 4 274,346 9 9 17,883 10 1 17,964 10 5 87,827 7 0 8,474 12 0 5,835 6 0 30.717 16 1 525 17 0 8.547 15 2 333 3 5 475,991 14 0 1,051,636 15 6 2,694 3 9 7,626 10 4 1.000 0 0 800,000 0 0 875.000 0 0 14,255 4 11 9,152,865 17 5 8,245 14 10 73,112 2 0 1,461 14 1 4,744 18 4 98.004 9 4 274,346 9 9 17,883 10 1 17,964 10 5 87,827 7 0 I 8,474 12 0 5,835 6 0 30.717 16 1 525 17 0 8.547 15 2 333 3 5 475,991 14 0 1,051,636 15 6 2,694 3 9 7,626 10 4 1.000 0 0 800,000 0 0 875.000 0 0 14,255 4 11 Totals .. 9,152,865 17 5

Table No. 1 — continued. STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Sums voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.


6—B. 6.


-\ b Issued. Voted. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. I Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. Class I.—Legislative Departments :— £ s. d. 1 | Legislative Council .. .. .. .. 1,555 16 5 2 House of Representatives .. .. .. 7,414 8 8 3 General Expenses .. .. .. .. 25,689 5 6 £ s. d. 43 8 3 69 5 4 67 2 2 £ s. d. 1,512 8 2 7,345 3 4 25,622 3 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,512 8 2 7,345 3 4 25,622 3 4 £ s. d. 1,950 0 0 8,529 0 0 28,598 0 0 £ 8. d. 437 11 10 1,183 16 8 2.975 16 8 £ s. d. Total Class I .. .. .. 34,659 10 7 Class II. —Department of Finance :— 1 Treasury Department .. .. .. .. 10,752 18 3 5 National Provident and Friendly Societies Office .. 12,247 11 0 6 Rates on Crown Lands.. .. .. .. 113 10 9 7 ! Rates on Native Lands .. .. .. 0 8 0 8 Land and Income Tax Department .. .. 25,839 12 2 9 Pensions Department .. .. .. .. 9,917 16 6 10 Naval Defence .. .. .. .. 29,806 12 4 11 Treasury : Miscellaneous Services .. .. 7,569 7 8 10,752 18 3 12,247 11 0 113 10 9 0 8 0 25,839 12 2 9,917 16 6 29,806 12 4 7,569 7 8 179 15 9 1,016 18 11 42 13 0 330 5 11 34 8 4 3,622 3 6 1,197 13 3 179 15 9 1,016 18 11 42 13 0 330 5 11 34 8 4 3,622 3 6 1,197 13 3 179 15 9 34,479 14 10 9.735 19 4 12,204 18 0 ! 113 10 9 0 8 0 25,509 6 3 9,883 8 2 26,184 8 10 6,371 14 5 34,479 14 10 9.735 19 4 12,204 18 0 ! 113 10 9 0 8 0 25,509 6 3 9,883 8 2 26,184 8 10 6,371 14 5 34,479 14 10 74 • 742 6 11 42 6 11 • 34,479 14 10 I 9,735 19 4 12,204 18 0 113 10 9 0 8 0 25.509 6 3 9,883 8 2 26,926 16 9 6,371 14 5 34,479 14 10 9,735 19 4 12.204 18 0 113 10 9 0 8 0 25,509 6 3 9,883 8 2 26,926 15 9 6,371 14 5 34,479 14 10 39,077 0 0 " 9,899 0 0 13,306 0 0 200 0 0 25 0 0 27,667 0 0 10,415 0 0 100,318 0 0 8,268 0 0 39,077 0 0 4,597 5 2 i 163 0 8 1,101 2 0 86 9 3 24 12 0 2.157 13 9 531 11 10 73.391 4 3 1.896 6 7 Total Class II .. .. .. 96,247 16 8 96,247 16 8 6,244 2 II 0,244 2 11 90,003 13 9 90,003 13 9 74 742 6 11 42 6 11 90,746 0 S 90,746 0 8 170,098 0 0 i 79,351 19 4 Class III. —Post and Telegraph Department: — 12 Postal and Telegraph Salaries .. .. ... 825,165 4 0 13 Conveyance of Mails by Sea .. .. .. 92,273 10 6 14 Conveyance of Inland Mails .. .. .. 99,350 7 5 15 Carriage of Mails by Railway .. .. .. 71,874 17 0 16 Maintenance of Telegraph and Telephone Lines .. i 119,570 1 3 17 Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. .. 196,412 0 6 825,165 4 0 92.273 10 6 99,350 7 5 71,874 17 0 119,570 1 3 196,412 0 6 5 2 1 57,427 4 2 22,508 15 8 3,867 0 0 7,294 17 7 18,836 7 2 57,427 4 2 22,508 15 8 3,867 0 0 7,294 17 7 18,836 7 2 767,737 19 10 69,764 14 10 95,483 7 5 71,874 17 6 112,275 3 8 177,575 13 4 767,737 19 10 69,764 14 10 95,483 7 5 71,874 17 6 112,275 3 8 177,575 13 4 3 0 3 4 14 4 3 4 1 0 3 14 4 767,741 0 1 69,764 14 10 95,483 7 5 71,874 17 6 112,275 3 8 177,580 7 8 767,741 0 1 69,764 14 10 95,483 7 5 71,874 17 6 112,275 3 8 177.580 7 S 794,550 0 0 74,520 0 0 98,950 0 0 71,265 0 0 95,400 0 0 ! 163,330 0 0 i I 26.808 19 11 4.755 5 2 1,466 12 7 609 17 6 16,875 3 8 14,250 7 8 Total Class III .. .. .. 1,404,646 1 2 1,404,646 1 2 | 10 109,934 4 7 19,934 4 7 1 1,294,711 16 7 1,294,711 16 7 7 I 7 14 7 1,294,719 11 14 7 jl 1,294,719 11 2 2 1,296,015 0 0 33,030 17 8 31,735 8 10 Class IV. —Working Railways Department: — 18 Working Railways .. .. .. .. 3,425,213 0 7 i 47 71,206 11 7 2 2,954,006 9 0 14 43 I 12 7 2 ',954,150 1 7 1 I 18 3,425,213 0 7 471,206 11 7 2,954,006 9 0 143 12 7 2,954,150 1 7 3,023,314 0 0* (69,163 18 5 Total Class IV .. .. .. 3,425,213 0 7 3,425,213 0 7 47 471,206 11 71,206 11 7 2 7 2,954,006 9 0 ■ 2,954,006 9 0 14 143 12 7 2,954,150 13 1 12 7 2 2,954,150 1 7 1 7 3,023,314 0 0 69.163 18 5 Class V.—Public Buildings, Domains, and Main- _ tenance of Roads: — 19 Public Buildings .. .. .. .. 62,784-18 10 20 Government Domains .. .. .. ■ .. 2,626 18 3 21 Maintenance and Improvement of Roads.. .. 43,385 6 0 19 20 21 62,784 18 10 2,626 18 3 43,385 6 0 t i 7,992 0 4 I 25 11 3 l_ 7,992 0 4 ! 25 11 3 \ 54,792 18 6 I 2,626 18 3 I 43,359 14 9 54,792 18 6 I 2,626 18 3 I 43,359 14 9 10 100 0 0 DO 0 0 54,792 18 6 2,626 18 3 43,459 14 9 54,792 18 6 2,626 18 3 43,459 14 9 74,830 0 0 3,400 0 0 50,091 0 0 20,037 773 6,631 _j_ 1 6 1 9 5 3 Total Class V .. .. .. 108,797 3 1 108,797 3 1 8,017 11 7 | 8,017 11 7 100,779 11 6 i 100,779 11 6 10 100 0 0 00 0 0 100,879 11 6 100,879 11 6 | 128,321 0 0 27,441 8 6 * Inciu udes £100,000 additional amount appropriated in terms of section 45 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910.


Table No. 1— continued. STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND, &c.—continued.


Issued. Issued i0 Voted. Amount Unissued. in Expenditure. Excess. Credits. Net Expenditure., Imprests. Total. 22 23 Class VI. —Native Department :— Native Department Miscellaneous Services £ s. d. 23,243 16 7 1,737 1 7 £ s. d. 100 6 4 3 6 0 £ s. cl. 23,143 10 3 1,733 15 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 23,143 10 3 23,884 0 0 740 9 9 1,733 15 7 1,755 0 0 21 4 5 . £ s. d. ! 23,143 10 3 1,733 15 7 £ s. d. 23,884 0 0 1,755 0 0 £ 740 21 s. cl. 9 9 4 5 £ s. d. i £ s. d. Total Class VI 24,980 18 2 103 12 4 103 12 4 24,877 5 10 24,877 5 10 24,877 5 10 25,639 0 0 761 14 2 24,877 5 10 25,639 0 0 761 14 2 ' — I I "' I I i I I 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 36 37 Class VII. —Justice Department :— Department of Justice Crown Law Office Patent Office Supreme Court Bankruptcy Magistrates' and Wardens' Courts Criminal Prosecutions Coroners Justice : Miscellaneous Services.. Prisons Police Department Police : Miscellaneous Services .. Stamp Department Lands and Deeds Registry 2,845 1 11 5,943 7 0 3,099 16 0 10,719 15 2 4,540 0 8 49,901 7 11 10,513 7 11 3,811 11 5 14,555 8 9 71,174 7 6 247,468 4 11 566 5 0 15,415 13 4 31,172 15 4 29 11 8 28 18 7 18 16 6 6 10 3 3,301 12 7 380 4 8 7 11 0 440 9 9 11,982 8 1 2,912 12 5 217 11 5 174 2 2 2,815 10 3 5,943 7 0 3,070 17 5 10,700 18 8 4,533 10 5 46,599 15 4 10,133 3 3 3,804 0 5 14,114 19 0 59,191 19 5 244,555 12 6 566 5 0 15,198 1 11 30,998 13 2 2,815 10 3 5,943 7 0 3,070 17 5 10,700 18 8 4,533 10 5 46,599 15 4 10,133 3 3 ! 3,804 0 5 14,114 19 0 59,191 19 5 244,555 12 6 566 5 0 15,198 1 II 30.998 13 2 300 0 0 21 1 5 451 3 9 5 0 0 843 3 11 300 0 0 21 1 5 451 3 9 5 0 0 843 3 11 2,815 10 3 ; 3,247 0 0 431 9 9 5,943 7 0 I 6,122 0 0 178 13 0 3,070 17 5 3,797 0 0 726 2 7 11,000 18 8 11,457 0 0 456 1 4 4,554 11 10 4,071 0 0 46,599 15 4 51,522 0 0 4,922 4 8 10,584 7 0 11,250 0 0 665 13 0 3,804 0 5 4,500 0 0 695 19 7 14,114 19 0 14,335 0 0 220 1 0 59,196 19 5 53,990 0 0 245,398 16 5 255,069 0 0 9,670 3 7 566 5 0 676 0 0 109 15 0 15,198 1 11 | 15,826 0 Oj 627 18 1 30,998 13 2 i 34,558 0 0 j 3,559 6 10 2,815 10 3 5,943 7 0 I 3,070 17 5 11,000 18 8 4,554 11 10 46,599 15 4 10,584 7 0 3,804 0 5 14,114 19 0 59,196 19 5 245,398 16 5 566 5 0 15,198 1 11 j 30,998 13 2 ' 3,247 0 0 6,122 0 0 3,797 0 0 11,457 0 0 4,071 0 0 51,522 0 0 11,250 0 0 4,500 0 0 14,335 0 0 53,990 0 0 255.069 0 0 676 0 0 15,826 0 0 j 34,558 0 0 431 9 9 178 13 0 726 2 7 456 1 4 4,922 4 8 665 13 0 695 19 7 220 I 0 9.070 3 7 109 15 0 627 18 1 3,559 6 10 483 11 10 5,206 19 5 483 11 10 5,206 19 5 Total Class VII 471,727 2 10 19,500 9 1 452,226 13 9 1,620 9 1 j 453,847 2 10 I 470,420 0 0 22,263 8 5 5,690 11 3 ■ J J . I . . 38 39 40 Class VIII. —Mines Department: — Mines Department Geological Survey Branch Miscellaneous Services 10,069 18 4 3,829 17 9 16,217 8 0 915 18 8 15 15 6 633 5 5 915 18 8 15 15 6 633 5 5 9,153 19 8 3,814 2 3 15,584 2 7 9,153 19 8 3,814 2 3 15,584 2 7 9,153 19 8 ! 3,814 2 3 15,584 2 7 9,153 19 8 10,345 0 0 i,191 0 4 3,814 2 3 4,295 0 0 480 17 9 15,584 2 7 j 22,083 0 0 6,498 17 5 10,345 0 0 4,295 0 0 22,083 0 0 1,101 0 4 480 17 9 6,498 17 5 Total Class VIII 30,117 4 1 30,117 4 1 1,564 19 7 1,564 19 7 j 28,552 4 6 28,552 4 6 28,552 4 6 28,552 4 6 36,723 0 0 I 8,170 15 6 30,723 0 0 8,170 15 6


Table No. 1— continued. STATEMENT showing the NEI ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND, &c.— continued.


EH O Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 Class IX. —Department of Internal Affairs :— Clerk of Executive Council Department of Internal Affairs (Head Office) Ministers' Secretaries Messengers, Office-keepers, and Charwomen Audit Department Registrar-General's Office Electoral High Commissioner's Office Museum Dominion Laboratory Printing and Stationery Mental Hospitals Home for Defectives Tourists Public Service Commissioner's Office Public Health, Hospitals, and Charitable Aid Cook Islands Administration Miscellaneous Services .. £ s. d. 50 0 0 58,877 19 0 1,555 1 5 27,377 6 9 20,877 11 6 14,761 1 9 8,837 16 0 12,450 .15 11 2,279 0 5 4.156 18 2 126,147 4 0 187,263 3 10 1,251 13 9 48,981 5 3 6,067 5 7 55,605 2 7 7,479 0 3 42,508 1 4 £ s. d. 14,507 19 4 35 8 4 3,599 15 7 13,589 10 5 18 17 3 104 5 2 1.608 1 4 3 18 11 138 4 3 105.508 8 9 57,472 2 4 265 7 7 1.015 1 2 349 7 10 8,873 14 2 1,411 19 9 9,966 0 4 £ s. d. 14,507 19 4 35 8 4 3,599 15 7 13,589 10 5 18 17 3 104 5 2 1.608 1 4 3 18 11 138 4 3 105.508 8 9 57,472 2 4 265 7 7 1.015 1 2 349 7 10 8,873 14 2 1,411 19 9 9,966 0 4 £ s. d. 50 0 0 44,369 19 8 1,519 13 1 23,777 11 2 7,288 1 1 14,742 4 6 8,733 10 10 10,842 14 7 2,275 1 6 4,018 13 11 20,638 15 3 129,791 1 6 986 6 2 47,966 4 1 5.717 17 9 46,731 8 5 6,067 0 6 32,542 1 0 £ s. d. 50 0 0 44,369 19 8 1,519 13 1 23,777 11 2 7,288 1 1 14,742 4 6 8,733 10 10 10,842 14 7 2,275 1 6 4,018 13 11 20,638 15 3 129,791 1 6 986 6 2 47,960 4 1 5.717 17 9 46,731 8 5 6,067 0 6 32,542 1 0 £ s. d. 913 11 10 0 6 6 11 9 0 176 1 7 417 8 6 £ s. d. 50 0 0 45,283 11 6 1,519 13 1 23,777 11 2 7,288 7 7 14,742 4 6 8,733 10 10 10,842 14 7 2,275 1 6 4,018 13 11 20,638 15 3 129,802 10 6 986 6 2 48,142 5 8 5,717 17 9 47,148 16 11 6,067 0 6 32,542 1 0 i £ s. d. 50 0 0 47,631 0 0 1,849 0 0 25,209 0 0 11,200 0 0 18,812 0 0 7,577 0 0 10,952 0 0 3,226 0 0 5,147 0 0 27,872 0 0 135,152 0 0 1,307 0 0 52,280 0 0 6,280 0 0 52,374 0 0 8,539 0 0 23,929 0 0 £ s. d. 2,347 8 6 329 6 11 1,431 8 10 3,911 12 5 4,069 15 6 109 5 5 950 18 6 1,128 6 1 7,233 4 9 5,349 9 6 320 13 10 4,137 14 4 562 2 3 5,225 3 1 2,471 19 6 £ s. d. 1,156 10 10 8,613 1 0 _ _ .. 218,468 2 6 408,058 5 0 1,518 17 5 409,577 2 5 439,386 0 0 ! 39,578 9 5 Total Class IX 626,526 7 6 \ 218,468 2 6 408,058 5 0 9,769 11 10 ■ 59 80 61 Class X.—Defence Department :— Adjutant-General's Branch General Staff Branch .. .. .. Quartermaster-General's Branch 167,127 1 7 ! 3,994 8 6 275,130 19 0 1,659 3 3 i 45 14 3 12,320 2 9 165,467 18 4 3,948 14 3 262,810 16 3 13,165 10 5 178,633 8 9 3,948 14 3 276,538 12 6 183,662 0 0 10,420 0 0 298,761 0 0 5,028 11 3 6,471 5 9 22,222 7 6 13,727 16 3 Total Class X 446,252 9 1 446,252 9 l| 14,025 0 3 14,025 0 3 432,227 8 10 432,227 8 10 26,893 6 8 459,120 15 6 492,843 0 0 ' 33,722 4 6 02 63 IU 05 66 Class XL —Customs. Makine and Harbours, and Inspection of Machinery Departments :— Customs Offices and Services Customs : Miscellaneous Services Marine and Harbours and Inspection of Machinery Government Steamers Marine : Miscellaneous Services .. i 59,830 0 7 15,480 3 0 61,290 11 5 19,815 13 6 8,528 18 1 59,830 0 7 15,480 3 0 61,290 11 5 19,815 13 6 8,528 18 1 915 13 2 14 10 0 1,816 17 0 i 437 3 6 536 3 10 915 13 2 14 10 0 1,816 17 0 437 3 6 536 3 10 58,914 7 5 15,465 13 0 59,473 14 5 19,378 10 0 7,992 14 3 58,914 7 5 15,465 13 0 59,473 14 5 19,378 10 0 7,992 14 3 4 15 0 11 19 0 0 2 5 58,919 2 5 15,465 13 0 59,485 13 5 19,378 12 5 7,992 14 3 62,268 0 0 17,680 0 0 62,821 0 0 33,773 0 0 | 9,776 0 0 | 3,348 17 7 2,214 7 0 3,335 6 7 14,394 7 7 1,783 5 9 i 3,720 7' el 161,224 19 1 Total Class XI 164,945 6 7 164,945 6 7 3,720 7" 6 161,224 19 1 16 16 5 161,241 15 6 i I 186,318 0 0 25,076 4 6 Class XII. —Department of Labour :— Department of Labour 32,354 11 5 32,354 11 5 678 2 1 678 2 1 31,676 9 4 31,676 9 4 67 31,676 9 4 | 31,911 0 0 234 10 8 Total Class XII 32,354 11 5 32,354 11 5 678 2 1 678 2 1 31,676 9 4 31,676 9 4 31,676 9 4 31,911 0 0 234 10 8


Table No. 1 —continued. STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND, &c.—continued.


1 -r- > Issued. Issued in Excess. Voted. Amount Unissued. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. I Class XIII. —Department of Lands and Survey :— £ s. d. 68! Department of Lands and Survey .. .. 190,910 4 5 69 [ Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. .. 56,901 13 2 70 | Valuation .. .. .. .. .. 38,582 12 10 68 69 70 £ s. d. 190,910 4 5 56,901 13 2 38,582 12 10 £ s. d. 42,014 3 10 1,142 11 4 7,916 0 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 42,014 3 10 148,896 0 7 1,142 11 4 55,759 1 10 7,916 0 4 30,666 12 6 £ s. d. 148,896 0 7 55,759 1 10 30,666 12 6 £ s. d. 286 0 5 £ s. 286 0 5 £ s. d. 149,182 1 0 55,759 1 10 30,666 12 6 £ s. d. 149,182 1 0 55,759 1 10 30,666 12 6 £ s. d. 159,325 0 0 55,732 0 0 33,143 0 0 £ s. d. 159,325 0 0 55,732 0 0 33,143 0 0 £ s. d. 10,142 19 0 2,476 7 6 £ 27 s. d. 1 10 Total Class XIII .. .. .. 286,394 10 5 286,394 10 5 51,072 15 6 ! 235,321 14 11 51,072 15 6 235,321 14 11 286 0 286 0 5 5 235.607 15 4 235.607 15 4 248,200 0 0 248,200 0 0 12,619 6 6 27 1 10 I I Class XIV. —Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce :— 71 | Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce .. .. 234,317 13 6 . 42,543 10 3 191,774 3 3 1,242 1 6 193,016 4 9 220,118 0 0 I __ 71 234,317 13 6 42,543 10 3 191,774 3 3 1,242 1 6 193,016 4 9 220,118 0 0 27,101 15 3 ! Total Class XIV .. .. .. 234,317 13 6 234,317 13 6 42,543 10 3 191,774 3 3 42,543 10 3 191,774 3 3 1,242 1 1,242 1 6 6 I 193,016 4 9 193,016 4 9 220.118 0 0 220.118 0 0 27,101 15 3 | Class XV. —Education Department :— 72 Head Office .. .. .. .. .. 13,357 2 9 73 | Elementary Education.. .. .. .. 1,013,211 9 8 74 Secondary and Higher Education .. .. 113,452 3 1 75j Technical Instruction .. .. .. .. 78,920 17 6 76 | Training Colleges and Training of Teachers .. I 47,989 19 8 77 Medical Inspection .. .. .. .. 2,390 2 2 75 Physical Training and Junior Cadets .. .. 6,839 18 0 79 1 Native Schools .. .. .. .. 37,453 10 4 80 Schools in Outlying Islands .. .. .. 2.412169 81 Infant-life Protection .. .. .. .. 1,520 9 11 Special Schools :— 82; School for the Deaf .. .. .. .. 6,177 17 9 83 1 Education of the Blind .. .. .. 874 1 11 84 | Otekaike Home for Boys .. .. .. 5,330 14 8 85 Richmond Home for Girls 86 Industrial Schools .. .. .. .. 67,162 0 2 87 School Buildings, Furniture, and Sites .. .. 114,833 14 6 88 j Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. .. 13,318 15 8 190 2 4 13,167 0 5 121,572 6 5 891,639 3 3 ' 5,069 13 4 108,382 9 9 22,421 12 7 56,499 4 11 2.269 7 3 45,720 12 5 42 13 7 2,347 8 7 1,447 11 10 5,392 6 2 3.291 2 2 34,162 8 2 46 14 2 2,366 2 7 44 17 3 1.475 12 8 2,635 18 3 3,541 19 6 921 15 5 Cr. 47 13 6 2,317 10 0 3,013 4 8 29,246 12 4 37,915 7 10 521 3 3 114,312 11 3 4,040 11 8 9,278 4 0 582 17 5 13.167 0 5 892,222 0 8 108,382 9 9 i 56,499 4 11 45,720 12 5 2.347 8 7 5,392 6 2 34,162 8 2 2,366 2 7 1.475 12 8 3,541 19 6 Or. 47 13 6 3,013 4 8 37,915 7 10 114,312 11 3 9,278 4 0 15,200 0 0 913.301 0 0 112,476 0 0 57.015 0 0 47,751 0 0 3,205 0 0 7.075 0 0 35,172 0 0 2,420 0 0 1,570 0 0 4,220 0 0 275 0 0 6,179 0 0 1.092 0 0 44,373 0 0 126,178 0 0 14,341 0 0 2.032 19 7 21,078 19 4 4,093 10 3 515 15 1 2,030 7 7 857 11 5 1.082 13 10 1,009 11 10 53 17 5 94 7 4 678 0 6 322 13 6 3,165 15 4 1,092 0 0 6,457 12 2 11,865 8 9 5,062 16 0 Total Class XV .. .. .. 1,525,245 14 6 1,525,245 14 6 196,079 11 10 1,329,166 2 8 196,079 11 10 1,329,166 2 8 582 17 582 17 5 1,329,749 0 1 5 1,329,749 0 1 1 1,391,843 0 0 1,391,843 0 0 62,093 19 11 l_ Unauthorized :— Services not provided for .. .. .. 54,963 18 6 24,098 8 4 30,865 10 2 30,865 10 2 54,963 18 6 24,098 8 4 30,865 10 2 30,865 10 2 30,865 10 2 I Total Unauthorized .. .. .. 54,963 18 6 54,963 18 6 24,098 8 4 30,865 10 2 24,098 8 4 30,865 10 2 30,865 10 2 30,865 10 2 30,865 10 2


B.— 6

Table No. 1—continued. STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND, &c.—continued.

Issued. Voted. amount Unissued. Issued inExcess. p—" Pviv,„.iifi,i a Expenclituie. j Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. Credits. Total. jsxcfss. I III SUMMARY. £ s. d. Class I.—Legislative Departments .. .. .. 34,659 10 7 ,, II. —Department of Finance .. .. .. 96,247 16 8 III. —Post and Telegraph Department .. .. 1,404,646 1 2 „ TV. —Working Railways Department .. .. 3,425,213 0 7 „ V.—Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of 108,797 3 I Roads VI.—Native Department .. .. .. 24,980 18 2 „ VII. —Justice Department .. .. .. 471,727 2 10 „ VIIL— Mines Department' .. .. .. 30,117 4 1 „ IX. —Department of Internal Affairs .. .. 626,526 7 6 ,, X.—Defence Department .. .. .. 446,252 9 1 ,, XL —Customs, Marine and Harbours, and Inspection of Machinery Departments .. .. 164,945 6 7 ,, XII. —Department of Labour .. .. .. 32,354 11 5 „ XIIL—Department of Lands and Survey .. .. 286,394 10 5 „ XIV. —Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Com- . . £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 179 15 9 34,479 14 10 .. 34,479 14 10 39,077 0 0 6,244 2 11 90,003 13 9 742 6 11 90,746 0 8 170,098 0 0 109,934 4 7 1,294,711 16 7 7 14 7 1.294.719 11 2 1,296,015 0 0 471,206 11 7 2,954,006 9 0 143 12 7 2,954,150 1 7 3,023,314 0 0* 8,017 11 7 100,779 11 6 100 0 0 100,879 11 6 128.321 0 0 103 12 4 24,877 5 10 .. 24,877 5 10 25.639 0 0 19,500 9 1 452,226 13 9 1,620 9 1 453,847 2 10 470,420 0 0 1,564 19 7 28.552 4 6 .. 28,552 4 6 36,723 0 0 218,468 2 6 408,058 5 0 1,518 17 5 409,577 2 5 439,386 0 0 14.025 0 3 432,227 8 10 26,893 6 8 459.120 15 6 492,843 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,597 5 2 79,351 19 4 1,295 8 10 69,163 18 5 27,441 8 6 761 14 2 16,572 17 2 8,170 15 6 29,808 17 7 33,722 4 6 3,720 7 6 161,224 19 1 16 16 5 161,241 15 6 186,318 0 0 678 2 1 31.676 9 4 .. 31,676 9 4 31,911 0 0 51,072 15 6 j 235,321 14 11 286 0 5 235,607 15 4 248,200 0 0 42,543 10 3 191,774 3 3 1,242 1 6 193,016 4 9 220,118 0 0 196,079 11 10 1,329,166 2 8 582 17 5 1,329,749 0 1 1.391,843 0 0 24,098 8 4 30,865 10 2 .. 30,865 10 2 25,076 4 6 234 10 8 12,592 4 8 27,101 15 3 62,093 19 11 ; 30,865 10 2 merce .. .. .. ..| 234,317 13 6 „ XV. —-Education Department .. .. .. 1,525,245 14 6 Services not provided for .. .. .. .. 54,963 18 6 ! Total Consolidated Fund .. .. .. 8,967,389 8 8 1,167,437 5 8 7,799,952 3 0 33,154 3 0 7,833,106 6 0 8,200,226 0 0 397,985 4 2 i 30,865 10 2 * Includes £100,000 additional amount appropriated in terms of section 45 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910.


Table No. 1— continued. STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the NEW ZEALAND STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the STATE COAL-MINES ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the SCENERY PRESERVATION ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.


New Zealand State Forests Account :— i 116 State Forests Branch of the Lands and Survey Department Expenditure. £ s. d. 30,420 10 3 Issued. Credits. Net Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. 107 15 3 30,312 15 0 Imprests. £ s. d. 1 17 6 Total. £ s. d. 30,314 12 6 Voted. £ s. d. 33,773 0 0 Amount Unissued. £ s. d. 3,458 7 6 Issued in Excess. £ s. d. . —- ..— —- .- '—, - - - -:t—: — Total 30,420 10 3 107 15 3 ; 30,312 15 0 107 15 3 | 30,312 15 0 1 17 6 1 17 6 30,314 12 6 30,314 12 6 33,773 0 0 33,773 0 0 j 3,458 7 6 j 3,458 7 6

& o Eh O — " ,- Issued. , — ! Voted. amount AmountUnissued. in Issued in Excess. > Expenditure. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Imprests. Total. ! UNISSUED. Exces :ss. ' i__ i i_ i State Coal-mines Account: — 117 State Coal-mines Total £ s. d. 213,446 10 4 213,446 10 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 6,958 10 6 206,487 19 10 6,958 10 6 206,487 19 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. 128 0 0 206.615 19 10 128 0 0 206,615 19 10 £ s. d. 262,367 0 0 262,367 0 0 £ s. d. 55,751 0 2 55,751 0 2 £ s. d.

I o > ] Expenditure. Expenditure. I Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. i Issued in Excess. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. I I £ s. d. 2,728 7 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,728 7 3 j £ s. d. j 11,762 0 0 | I £ s. d. 9,033 12 9 £ s. d. Scenery Preservation Account :— 118 Scenery-preservation £ s. d. 2,783 7 3 £ s. d. 55 0 0 Total 2,783 7 3 55 0 0 2,728 7 3 2,728 7 3 i 11,762 0 0 9,033 12 9



Table No. 1— continued. STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the PUBLIC WORKS FUND for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Sums voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

o > Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. . 89 Class XVI. —Public Works, Departmental: — Public Works, Departmental .. £ s. d. ! 124,620 17 6 £ s. d. 13,199 5 5 £ s. d. 111,421 12 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 111,421 12 I £ s. d. 116,351 0 0 £ s. d. 4,929 7 11 £ s. d. Total Class XVI 124,620 17 6 13,199 5 5 111,421 12 1 111,421 12 1 116,351 0 0 4,929 7 11 90 91 Class XVII. —Railways: — Railway-construction .. Additions to Open Lines 721,934 17 9 443,590 3 9 59,015 12 10 41,338 8 10 662,919 4 11 402,251 14 11 062.919 4 11 402,251 14 11 700.000 0 0 500,000 0 0 37,0£0 15 97,748 5 1 1 Total Class XVII .. 1,165,525 1 I 100,354 1 8 1,065.170 19 10 i i 1,065,170 19 10 1,200,000 0 0 134,829 0 2 ' 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Class XVIIl. —Public Buildings (including Purchase of Properties, Sites. Furniture, Fittings, &c.) :— General Courthouses .. Gaols Police-stations Postal and Telegraph Agricultural .. Mental Hospitals Hospitals and Charitable Institutions School Buildings Workers' Dwellings 50,641 1 7 4,955 4 6 17,814 1 5 25,529 8 2 35.2S1 0 11 2,980 3 8 55,012 8 3 1.434 16 9 98,556 16 2 55,896 7 2 11.458 4 7 53 9 10 27 12 8 45 0 0 23 9 2 8 1 0 114 14 2 8 16 8 5S4 18 5 2 17 10 39,182 17 0 4,901 14 8 17,786 8 0 25,484 8 2 35,257 11 9 2.972 2 8 54,897 14 1 1 ,426 0 1 97,971 17 9 55.893 9 4 i I 39.182 17 0 4.101 14 8 17.7815 8 9 25,484 8 2 35.257 II 9 2,972 2 8 54,897 14 1 1,420 0 1 97,971 17 9 55,893 9 4 j 04.100 0 0* 5.E0O 0 0 18,450 0 0 37,600 0 0 66,675 0 0 4,000 0 0 56,500 0 0+ 1 .."00 0 0 120,000 0 0 55,000 0 0 24.917 3 0 596 "i 4 663 11 3 12,115 11 10 31,417 8 3 1.027 17 4 1,602 5 11 73 19 11 22,028 2 3 893 9 4 Total Class XVIII 348,101 8 7 12,327 4 4 335.774 4 3 335,774 4 3 429,325 0 0 94,444 5 1 893 9 4 !02 103 .04 Class XIX. — Lighthouses. Harbour-works, and Harbour defences: — Lighthouses .. Harbour-works Harbour-defences 1,415 2 0 9.370 2 0 2,902 18 11 j 15 10 0 1.415 2 0 9,354 12 6 2,902 18 11 I 1,415 2 0 9,354 12 6 2,902 18 11 2,500 0 0 16,635 0 0 1.500 0 0 1,084 18 0 7,280 7 6 1,402 18 11 Total Class XIX 13,688 3 5 15 10 0 13,672 13 5 13,672 13 5 20,635 0 0 8,365 5 6 1,402 18 11 105 Class XX. — Tourist and Health Resorts (including Sites, Furniture, Fittings, &c.) :— Tourist and Health Resorts 5,218 13 7 5,830 17 3 52 5 0 5,166 8 664 8 8 7,500 0 0 j 1,669 2 9 Total Class XX 7,500 0 0 1,669 2 9 5,218 13 7 52 5 0 5,166 8 7 664 8 8 5,830 17 3 • Exclusive of £6,500 transferred to Vote 98 under order of tin Governor, 24th December, 1915. t Inclusive of £6,500 transferred from Vote 92 under Order of the Governor, 24th December, 1915.



Table No. 1— continued. STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the PUBLIC WORKS FUND, &c.— continued.

a > Issued. Issued Voted. Amount Unissued. in Expenditure. Excess. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. , i Class XXI. — Immigration: — £ s. d. 106 Department of Immigration .. .. .. 21,135 10 2 Total Class XXI .. .. .. 21,135 10 2 £ s. d. 21,135 10 2 £ s. d. 11,125 9 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. : £ s. d. 11,125 9 4 10,010 0 10 11,125 9 4 10,010 0 10 £ s. d. 10,010 0 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. 10,010 0 10 £ s. d. 30,000 0 0 £ s. d. 19,989 19 2 £ s. d. 21,135 10 2 11,125 9 4 I 10,010 0 10 10,010 0 10 30,000 0 0 19,989 19 2 I ■ Class XXII. —Construction, Maintenance, and Supervision of Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works: — 107 Roads, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 321,870 7 5 108 Backblock Roads, &c. .. .. .. .. 114,060 19 9 109 Roads and other Works on Goldfields and Mineral Lands .. .. .. .. .. 26,407 18 11 321,870 7 5 114,060 19 9 26,508 13 2 295,361 14 3 9,360 6 1 104,700 13 8 26,508 13 2 295.361 14 3 9,360 6 1 104,700 13 8 161 13 2 1,975 18 4 24,432 0 7 161 13 2 295,361 14 3 j 104,862 6 10 24,432 0 7 317,125 0 0 160,925 0 0 40,000 0 0 21,763 5 9 56,062 13 2 15,567 19 5 26,407 18 11 1,975 18 4 24,432 0 7 _ . _. 1 - 424,656 1 8 518,050 0 0 93,393 18 4 Total Class XXII .. .. .. 1 462,339_. 0 1 37,844 17 7 37,844 17 7 424,494 8 6 161 13 2 424,494 8 6 161 13 2 Class XXIII. —Development of Mining :— I 110 Development of Mining .. .. .. 6,951 6 2 I I 349 8 6 6,601 17 8 349 8 6 6,601 17 8 6,951 6 2 6,601 17 8 10,000 0 0 3,398 2 4 Total Class XXIII .. .. .. 6,951 6 2; 6,951 6 2 349 8 6 6,601 17 8 349 8 6 6,601 17 8 6,601 17 8 10,000 0 0 3,398 2 4 Class XXIV. —Telegraph Extension :— 111 Telegraph Extension .. .. .. .. 315,910 10 8 Ill 66,356 8 11 249,554 1 9 ' 3,861 16 1 I 253,415 17 10 j 332,000 0 0 78,584 2 2 Total Class XXIV .. .. .. 315,910 10 8 j • 66,356 8 11 249,554 1 9 3,861 16 1 253,415 17 10 332,000 0 0 78,584 2 2 | Class XXV. —Contingent Defence: — 112; Contingent Defence .. .. .. .. 38,087 2 3 112 467 15 5 37,619 6 10 467 15 5 \ 37,619 6 10 37,619 6 10 50,000 0 0 12,380 13 2 Total Class XXV .. .. • .. 38,087 2 3 467 15 5 37,619 6 10 467 15 5 37,619 6 10 37,619 6 10 50,000 0 0 12,380 13 2 Class XXVI. —Lands Improvement :— 113 Improved-farm Settlements .. .. .. 4,916 13 1 114 Lands, Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 4,584 10 7 'll3 114 3,553 10 7 1,363 2 6 120 12 0 11 8 9 4,573 1 10 384 7 10 , I ' I 1,483 14 6 4,957 9 8 11,610 0 0 8,390 0 0 10,126 5 6 3,432 10 4 i —r3,564 19 4 5,936 4 4 6,441 4 2 20,000 0 0 13,558 15 10 Total Class XXVI .. .. .. 9,501 3 8 3,564 19 4 5,936 4 4 504 19 10 504 19 10 I 1 Class XXVII. —Plant, Material, and Stores :— 115 Plant, Material, and Stores .. ... .. 76,158 17 10 Total Class XXVII. . . .. .. 76,158 17 10 115 1,740 17 8 74,418 0 2 1.740 17 8 74,418 0 2 i 1,740 17 8 74,418 0 2 74,418 0 2 100,000 0 0 25,581 19 10 1,740 17 8 74,418 0 2 74,418 0 2 100,000 0 0 25,581 19 10 Unauthorized :— Services not provided for .. .. .. 66 15 6 66 15 6 6b 15 6 66 15 6 66 15 6 | 66 15 6 Total Unauthorized.. .. .. 66 15 6 66 15 6 66 15 6 66 15 6 66 15 6 66 15 6

Table No. 1—continued. STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the PUBLIC WORKS FUND, &c.— continued.

7—B. 6

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the WELLINGTON-HUTT RAILWAY AND ROAD IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.



'I ' I ' Voted. Total. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. ' I Issued. < Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Expenditure. Imprests. SUMMARY £ s . d . | £ s . d . £ s. d. Class XVI.— Public Works, Departmental .. .. 124,620 17 6 13,199 5 5 111,42112 1 XVII—Railways . - - 1,165,525 1 6 100.354 1 8 1,065,170 19 10 " XVIIL— Public Buildings 348,101 8 7 12,327 4 4 335,774 4 3 XIX. —Lighthouses. Harbour- works, and Harbourdefences .. .. .. •• 13,688 3 5 15 10 0 13,672 13 5 XX.—Tourist and Health Resorts .. .. 5,218 13 7 52 5 0 5,166 8 ; „ XXI.—Immigration .. 21,135 10 2 11.125 9 4 10,010 0 10 XXII. —Construction, Maintenance, and Supervision of Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works .. .. .. •- 462,339 6 1 37,844 17 7 424,494 8 6 „ XXIII.—Development of Mining .. .. .. 6,951 6 2 349 8 6 6,60117 8 „ XXIV.— Telegraph Extension .. .. .. 315,910 10 8 66,356 8 11 249,554 1 9 XXV.— Contingent Defence .. .. -- 38,087 2 3 467 15 5 37,619 6 10 „ XXVI.— Lands Improvement 9,501 3 8 3,564 19 4 5,936 4 4 ., XXVII.—PJant,.Material. and Stores .. 76,158 17 10 1,740 1- 8 74,418 0 2 Services not provided for .. .. .. .. 66 15 6 .. 66 15 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 111,421 12 1 ,065,170 19 10 335,774 4 3 I £ s. d. '.'. 1,( 664 8 8 161 13 2 3,861 16 1 504 19 10 i £ s. d. £ s. d. 111,421 12 1 116,351 0 0 ,065,170 19 10 1.200,000 0 0 335,774 4 3 429,325 0 0 £ s. d. 4,929 7 11 134,829 0 2 93,550 15 9 £ s. d. 13,672 13 5 5,166 8 7 664 8 8 j 10,010 0 10 . - 13,672 13 5 20,635 0 0 5,830 17 3 7,500 0 0 10,010 0 10 30.000 0 0 6,962 6 7 1,669 2 9 I 19,989 19 2 i 424,494 8 6 161 13 2 6,601 17 8 249,554 1 9 3,861 16 1 37,619 6 10 5,936 4 4 504 19 10 74,418 0 2 66 15 6 424,656 1 8 i 518,050 0 0 6,601 17 8 10,000 0 0 253,415 17 10 332,000 0 0 37,619 6 10 50.000 0 0 6,441 4 2 20,000 0 0 74,418 0 2 j 100,000 0 0 66 15 6 93,393 18 4 3,398 2 4 78,584 2 2 12,380 13 2 13,558 15 10 25,581 19 10 ! 66 15 6 : I ' | Total Public Works Fund |2,587, 304 16 11 j 247,398 3 2 2,339, 906 13 9' 2,339,906 13 9 ! 5,192 17 9 5,192 17 9 2, 2,345,099 11 6 2,833,861 0 0 488,828 4 0 66 15 6 \

a r- > Issued. oted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Voted. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. __ 1 . I I Wellington-Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account :— 123 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement .. £ s. d. 142 6 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. £ s. d. I 142 6 0 142 6 0 250 0 0 j 107 14 0 Total 142 6 0 142 6 0 142 6 0 142 6 0 250 0 0 107 14 0 _ J =



Table No. 1— continued. STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the RAILWAYS IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916. compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the RAILWAYS IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION ACT, 1914, ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the AID TO WATER-POWER WORKS ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

C Issued. Voted. Amount. Unissued. Issued in Excess. Kxn;nditure. Credits. Net Expsnditurc. Imprests. Total. 122 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, Account :— Railway Improvements £ s. d. 139,929 17 5 £ s. d. 176 9 ,9 £ s. d. 139,753 7 8 £ [ s. d. £ s. 139,753 7 d. I 8 £ s. d. 250,000 0 0 £ s. d. 110,246 12 4 £ s. d. I Total 139,929 17 5 I 176 9 9 176 9 9 139,753 7 8 139,753 7 8 139,753 7 139,753 7 8 8 250,000 0 0 250,000 0 0 110,246 12 4 110,246 12 4

a Eh O I Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. Aid to Water-power Works Account :— 124 1 Development oi Water-power .. £ s. d. 67,067 9 2 £ s. d. 11,658 17 3 £ s. d. 55,408 11 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. 55,408 11 11 £ s. d. 55,000 0 0 £ a. d. £ s. d. 408 11 11 408 11 11 Total 67,067 9 2 11,658 17 3 55,408 11 11 55,408 11 11 55,000 0 0 [_ l_ I

a i EH Expenditure. Credits. Ne Issued. et Expenditure.! ] Issued. Impr rests. Total. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. l__ Railways Improvements Account :— 121 Railway Improvements Total £ s. d. 2,187 0 4 i 2,187 0 4 £ 8. d. 2,190 16 6 2,190 16 6 £ s. d. Cr. 3 16 2 Cr. 3 16 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. Cr. 3 16 2 Cr. 3 16 2 £ s. d. 70 0 0 £ s. d. 73 16 2 £ s. d. Cr. 3 16 2 Cr. 3 16 2 70 0 0 73 16 2

Table No. 1— continued. STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the IRRIGATION AND WATER-SUPPLY ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR endsd 31st MARCH, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the WAIHOU AND OHINEMURI RIVERS IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT (OPENING UP CROWN LANDS FOR SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT) for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

B.— 6.


fI o > Expenditure. V Credits. Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. I8SUED IN Excess. Net Expenditurej Imprests. Total. Irrigation and Watbr-supply Account :— 125 Irrigation and Water-supply Total £ s. d. 31,747 7 10 31,747 7 10 j £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,873 6 7 29,874 1 3 1,873 6 7 29,874 1 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 29,874 1 8 29,874 1 8- £ s. d. 40,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 £ s. d. 10,125 18 9 10.125 18 9 £ s. d. 29,874 1 3-! I 40,000 0 0 10.125 18 9

B o > Expenditure. Issued. iprests. Total. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account :— • 126 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Total £ s. d. 9,266 17 8 9,266 17 8 £ s. d. 42 7 9 42 7 9 £ s. d. 9,224 9 11 9,224 9 11 £ s. d.! £ s. d. 9,224 9 11 £ a. d. 20,000 0 0 £ s. d. 10,775 10 1 £ s. d. 42 7 9 9,224 9 11 9,224 9 11 20,000 0 0 10,775 10 1

a EH o > Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. Land for Settlements Account: — 119 Land for Settlements Expenses Total £ s. d. 4,771 6 4 4,771 6 4 £ s. d. 6 0 0 £ s. d. 4,765 6 4 . r £ a. d. -■ £ s. d. 4,765 6 4 £ s. d. 9,350 0 0 £ s. d. 4,584 13 8 £ s. d. 6 0 0 4,765 6 4 4,765 6 4 9,350 0 0 4,584 13 8

a CA o > Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued IN Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. Land for Settlements Account (Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account) :— 120 Roads to open up Land for Settlements Total £ s. d. 49,538 16 4 £ s. d. 1,564 13 9 £ s. d. 47,974 2 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. 47,974 2 7 £ s. d. 130,200 0 0 £ s. d. 82,225 17 5 £ s. d. 49,538 16 4 ! 1,564 13 9 47,974 2 7 47,974 2 7 130,200 0 0 82,225 17 5



Table No. 1—continued. STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the HAURAKI PLAINS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the NATIONAL ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the NATIVE LAND SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1916, compared with the Amount voted under the Appropriation Act, 1915.

. — — _ _ _ ■ - . i The Treasury, 29th 4\pril, 1916. G. F. C. Campbell, Examined and found correct. Secretary to the Treasury. Robert J. Collins, A. Morgan, Controller and Auditor-General. Accountant to the Treasury.

a EH O Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure Imprests. Total. Hauraki Plains Settlement Account :— Unauthorized — Services not provided for Total £ s. d. 14,333 13 10 14,333 13 10 £ s. d. : £ s. d. 14,333 13 10 14,333 13 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. 14,333 13 10 £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 14,333 13 10 14,333 13 10 14,333 13 10 14,333 13 10

o > Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. I Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. I 127 National Endowment Account :— Roads to open up National Endowment Lands .. £ s. d. 13,478 18 4 £ s. d. 134 13 0 £ s. d. 13,344 5 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 13,344 5 4 £ s. d. 40,000 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 26,655 14 8 26,655 14 8 Total 13,478 18 4 134 13 0 13,344 5 4 13,344 5 4 40,000 0 0

a EH o I Expenditure. Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. I Native Land Settlement Account :— 135 Native Land Purchase Expenses £ s. d. 1,972 6 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,972 6 5 ! £ s. d. £ a. d. 1,972 6 5 £ s. d. 1,980 0 0 ! £ s. d. 7 13 7 £ s. d. - Total 1,972 6 5 1,972 6 5 1,972 6 5 | 1,980 0 0 7 13 7 I ■I



Table No. 2. The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1916.

Annual Charge. Annual Charge. Amount outstanding. Due Date. Amount outstanding. Due Date. ™ G IN ~ _»* Sinking Funds. Net Indebtedness. Rate. e. _ Amount. When payable. KBHABKn Lmount. When payable. ! I Int. | Int. ! S.F. S.F. I Sew Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1896 £ £ 200,000* 15 Aug., 1921 £ £ % 200,000 3J % £ 7,000 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. * Loan may be paid ofi at any time on six months' notice being given. Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 I Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1901 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902 1 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1904 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, | 1905 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act,1906 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1907 j Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act. 1908 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1910 Carried forward 56,500 , / 1 May, 1916 41,600 ' IMay, 1916 2,000 roi.ouu l Uay> 1919 51,500 1 (l May, 1923 10,000 ( 1 Dec, 1916 2,500 ' 1 Dec, 1918 8,100 106,300 , : 1 Dec.,1918 52,800 I! I 1 Dec, 1918 32,900 ' { 1 Jan., 1921 128,000 1 ( 1 Dec, 1917 70,500 R „ 1 Dec, 1919 3,000 4b(,ttU0 ij an , ]l9 2y 266,300 ] ( 1 Dec, 1922 9,850 Uan., 1916 148,140 I I Uan., 1921 30,225 ' Uan., 1921 25,100 . ,„„ „ 1 Feb., 1921 12,900 oM,blo T T an ._ 1922 12,500 j Uan., 1923 299,800+| j j 1 Feb., 1924 25,000 Uan., 1926 565,500 1 Aug., 1923 500,000 11 riri nor, I Uuly, 1916 210:000!' a0 ' 000 ; Uan, 1921 5,000 I I Uan., 1917 61,750 ' Uan., 1919 8,650 q fi0 000 Uan., 1919 29,400 9b0,000 Uan., 1919 500,000 j Uan., 1922 355.200 Uan., 1922 5,800 I 1 Jan., 1920 200,000 qsq 7 on Uan., 1922 178,900 aay,<ou Uan., 1922 605,000 ' I 1 Jan., 1923 50,000 1 April, 1916 189,100 31 Mar., 1917 4,953,515 56,500 i 3£ 41,600 j 4 2,000 4 51,500 I 4 10,000 4 2,500 3J 8,100 3J 52,800 4 32,900 4 128,000 3| 70,500 4 3,000 4 266,300 4 9.850 4 148,140 4 30,225 4J 25,100 4 12,900 4 12,500 4 299,800 4 25,000 4J 565,500 4 500,000 ; 4 210,000 ! 4 5,000 4 61,750 34 8,650 3| 29,400 4 500,000 34 355,200 4 5,800 4 200,000 34 178,900 4 605,000 4 50,000 34 189,100 j 34 4,953,515- .. 1,977 1 May „ 1 Nov. 1,664 1 May .. 1 Nov. 80 1 May 1 Nov. 2,060 1 May . 1 Nov. 400 1 June . 1 Dee. 87 ! 1 June 1 Dec. 304 1 June „ 1 Dec. 2,112 1 June 1 Dec. 1,316 Uan. 1 July. 4,800 1 June .. 1 Dec. 2,820 1 June 1 Deo. 120 1 June .. 1 Dec. 10,652 1 June „ 1 Dee. Outstanding 31/3/16. 5,926 1 Jan. and 1 July. 1,360 Uan. , 1 July. 1,004 1 Feb .. 1 Aug. 516 1 Jan. . 1 July. 500 I 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 11,992 i 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 1,125 1 Jan. , 1 July. 22,620 1 Feb. 1 Aug. 20,000 1 Jan. , 1 July. 8,400 Uan. „ Uuly. 200 1 Jan. . 1 July. 2,161 Uan. ,. Uuly. 324 1 Jan. . 1 July. 1,176 1 Jan. ., 1 July. 17,500 Uan. Uuly. 14,208 Uan. .. Uuly. 232 1 Jan. ., 1 July. 7,000 Uan. „ Uuly. 7,156 Uan. „ Uuly. 24,200 Uan. Uuly. 1,750 1 April . 1 Oct. 6,618 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 191,360 » \ Loan may be paid off at anytime on six months' notioe being given.


Table No. 2— continued. The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1916— continued.


Amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Net Funds. Indebted- E t NESS. Int. | te. S.F. Annual Charge. Amount. When payable. Annual Charge. Bate. Int. [ S.F. Amount. When payable. Kbharks. I " ' Brought forward Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, I 1911 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1912 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, J 1914 Aid to Water-power Works Aot, 1910 Appropriation Aot, 1912 (Irrigation and Water- ( supply Account) ( Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862 Coal-mines Act, 1908 .. £ £ i 4,953,515 25,000 \) I 1 Dec, 1919 49,000 \ 174 000 ' Uan., 1920 50,000 f i ' 4 - uuu ] 31 Mar., 1920 50,000 i (31 Mar., 1920 25,700 \\ (15 April, 1920 175,300 I 206, 000 - 15 April, 1920 1 5,000 1 (15 April, 1922 100,000 -, 1 Feb., 1916 625,000 INov., 1919 1,100,000 12,104,900 - 1 May, 1920 220,000 j 1 Nov., 1920 59,900 ) 131 Dec, 1920 165,000 . I 1 May, 1918 50,000 I INov., 1919 50,000 :- 309,000 1 May, 1919 14,000 j 1 May, 1920 30,000 ) \ INov., 1920 } iOlO 00 » Nov., 1919 • ".'. 5,500 2 July, 1916 30,000 1 ( 1 April, 1916 10,000 150,000 j 1 April,1918 110,000 ) ( 1 April, 1919 25,000 1 April, 1919 1,000 1 Mar., 1921 40,000 1 July, 1919 46,901 1 Aug., 1920 1,095,360 \\ /15 Dec, 1920 1 332,385 ' 15 Dec, 1925 ! 86,240 . - 2,005,030 \ 15 Dec. 1930 16,930 i j 15 Dec, 1935 474,115 ,) U5 Dec, 1940 ■ 100,000 \ 31 Dec, 1920 45,875 1 Jan., 1921 17,200 1 Feb.. 1921 300 1 Mar., 1921 23,325 1 .„ inn , 1 Jan., 1926 5,200 oou,4UO Uan.,1931 800 1 Jan., 1936 1,600 j Uan., 1941 178,600 1 Feb., 1941 [ 127,500 / \31 Mar.. 1941 10,536,246 £ £ % 4,953,515 25,000 4 49,000 3J 50,000 34 50,000 3| 25,700 4 175,300 3f 5,000 4 100,000 4 625.000 4 1,100,000 4 220,000 4 59.900 4 165,000 4 50,000 3} 50,000 4 14,000 4 30,000 4 I 10,000 3| \ 5,000 ' 4 17,336 Cr. 11,836 6 30,000 34 10,000 34 110,000 3| 25,000 3| 1,000 4 40,000 4 46.901 4 2,005,030 44 100,000 44 45,875 4| 17,200 4| 3C0 44 23,325 ' 44 5,200 4| 800 44 1,600 44 178,600 4| 127,500 ' 44 17,336 10,518,910 ' .. % £ 191,360 1,000 1 June and 1 Dec. 1,837 1 Jan. „ Uuly. 1,750 1 June „ 1 Dec. 1,875 Uune . 1 Dec. 1,028 15 April „ 15 Oct. 6,574 15 April ,. 15 Oct. 200 15 April „ 15 Oct. Outstanding 31/3/16. 25,000 I 1 May and 1 Nov. 44,000 1 May „ 1 Nov. 8,800 1 May „ 1 Nov. 2,396 30 June „ 31 Dec. 6,600 1 May „ 1 Nov. 1.875 1 Mav 1 Nov. 2,000 1 May 1 Nov. 560 1 May 1 Nov. 1,200 1 May 1 Nov. 375 1 May ,. 1 Nov. 200 1 May .. 1 Nov. 330 30 June . 31 Dec. 1,050 1 April . 1 Oct. 350 1 April „ 1 Oct. 4,125 1 April ., 1 Oot. 937 1 April , 1 Oct. 40 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1,600 1 Jan. , Uulv. 1.876 1 Feb. , 1 Aug. 90,226 15 June . 15 Dec. 4,500 30 June „ 31 Dec. 2,064 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 774 1 Feb . 1 Aug. 14 1 Mai. . 1 Sept. 1,050 Uan. . 1 July 234 Uan „ Uuly 36 1 Jan. „ 1 July 72 1 Jan „ 1 July 8,037 1 Feb „ 1 Aug. 5,738 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 421,683 Coal-mines Aot, 1908 (Appropriation Act, 1912) .. Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915 District Railways Purchasing Acts, 1885-86 Finance Act, 1909 Finance Act, 1915 (New Zealand Loans Act. 1915) ■ I (Section 106) .. .. .. .. < Debentures issued in oon. version of Debentures. Carried forward 17,336

B.— 6

Table No. 2 —continued. The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1916— continued.


Annual Charge. Amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Funds. Net Indebtedness. Rate. Int. | S.F. Amount. When payable. Remarks. Brought forward Fruit-preserving Industry Act, 1913 Government Railways Aot, 1908 — Railways Improvements Authorization Acts, -I 1904-7 Finance Act, 1909 .. .. .. J Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910 h Hauraki Piains Amendment Act, 1913 .. Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1903, ! 1905, 1907, and 1910 1 Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 1913 .. Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914 j Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Aot, 1894 I ~ I £ £ 10,536,246 18,400 1 April, 1920 3,300 \ / 1 Feb., 1917 17,500 -\ 30 June, 1917 1,600 i ,.,„ „. 1 Mar., 1920 140,000 : aw 30 June. 1920 2,000 M lAug.. 1920 68,100 / I Uan., 1922 20,600 \\ 1 lFeb., 1917 1,200 I I 1 Mar., 1920 50,000 \\ 75,000 -30 June, 1920 1,500 , 1 Feb., 1922 1,700 I I 1 Feb., 1923 50,350 k 1 Feb., 1917 3,000 | 1 Feb., 1917 11,150 1 Jan., 1918 42,490 fi 1 Jan., 1918 42,560 f ib9 ' &;5u , 1 Jan., 1919 10,000 1 1 Jan., 1919 4,980 Uan., 1920 5,000 \> V 1 Jan., 1920 14,000 I „. I 1 Feb., 1919 11,000 J ffl ' uw 1 lFeb., 1920 12,600 |v / 1 Feb., 1917 42,590 1 Feb., 1917 100.000 [ I 1 May, 1918 5,190 V 306,680 -30 June, 1918 2,000 i 1 May, 1919 127,000 IMay. 1920 17,300 / * 1 Jan., 1922 35,000 ;) ( lOct., 1918 40,100;'- 100,000 ■ 1 Oct., 1919 24,900 j i lOot., 1920 14,000 I „ nft „ I lNov.,1919 18,000 i) <",uuo ( 1NoV-| i920 400,000 30 Sept., 1920 ! j 17,336 10,518,910 i .. .. 18,400 4 3,300 4 j .. 17,500 j 4 ! .. 1,600 4 1.. 140,000 4 2,000 4 68,100 4 20,600 4 1,200 4 50,000 4 1,500 4 1,700 4 50,350 34 3,000 4 ! .. 11,150 34 42,490 4 42,560 4 10,000 3| 4,980 4 5,000 3f 14,000 4 11,000 4 12,600 4 42,590 34 100,000 34 5,190 4 2,000 4 127,000 4 17,300 4 35,000 4 40,100 4 24,900 4 14,000 4 18,000 4 400,000 4 £ 421,683 736 1 April and 1 Oct. 132 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 700 30 June ., 31 Dec. 64 1 Mar. . 1 Sept 5,600 30 June ., 31 Dec 80 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 2,724 ' Uan. „ Uuly. 824 1 Feb. ., 1 Aug. 48 1 Mar. ,. 1 Sept. ■2,000 30 June .. 31 Dee. 60 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 68 1 Feb. ., 1 Aug. 1,762 1 Feb. .. 1 Aug. 120 1 Feb. ,. 1 Aug. 390 1 Jan. 1 July. 1,700 Uan. „ Uuly. 1,702 1 Jan. 1 July. 375 1 Jan. 1 July. 199 1 Jan. 1 July. 187 1 Jan. 1 July. 560 1 Feb. 1 Aug. 440 1 Feb. , 1 Aug. 504 1 Feb. ., 1 Aug. 1,491 1 Feb. , 1 Aug. 3,500 1 May . 1 Nov. 208 30 June 31 Dec. 80 1 May 1 Nov. 5,080 1 May INov. 692 1 Jan. 1 July. 1,400 1 April .. 1 Oct. 1,604 I April . 1 Oct. 996 1 April , 1 Oct. 560 1 May . 1 Nov. 720 1 May . 1 Nov. 16,000 31 Ma'r. 30 Sept. Carried forward .. .. .. j 11,895,356 1 i 11,895,356 17,336 11,878,020 .. 474,989



Table No. 2— continued. The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1916— continued.

Amount oi Annual Charge. rsTANDiNG. Due Date. Bands' Indebted- Eate NESS !__ Amount. When payable. Int. | S.F. Remarks. I i IIII I I Brought forward Land for Settlements Aot, 1908 £ 1,100 3,800 62,000 27,000 38,500 28,700 800 44,925 37,400 413,000 135,000 67,675 220,015 10,000 91,100 348,510 28,600 8,270 33,550 442,650 20,000 27,400 45,000 100,000 83,950 40,000 126,000 77,000 300 10,000 8,000 4,500 108,000 15,000 40,500 175,550 10,000 15,000 45,000 19,100 10,500 166,000 30,000 £ £ £ % % £ 11,895,356 .. 17,336 11,878,020 °. .. 474,989 f 1 Aug.. 1915 .. 1,100 4 .. .. Outstanding 31/3/16. Uan.. 1916 .. 3,800 4 .. .. Outstanding 31/3/16. 1 April, 1916 .. 62,000 34 2,170 1 April and 1 Oct. IMav. 1916 .. 27,000 3§ .. 945 1 May INov. 1 April, 1916 .. 38,500 I 4 .. 1,540 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 May, 1916 .. 28,700 i 4 .. 1,148 1 May , 1 Nov. 30 Sept., 1916 i .. 800 4 32 31 Mar. ., 30 Sept. Uan., 1918 ' .. 44,925 34 .. 1,572 Uan. „ Uuly. 31 Mar. 1917 i .. 37,400 3| .. 1,309 31 Mar. .. 30 Sept. Uan., 1917 .. 413,000 4 .. 16,520 Uan. Uuly. 1 Feb., 1917! .. 135,000 4 .. 5,400 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. Uan.. 1918 j .. 67,675 4 .. 2,707 Uan. Uuly. 1 Feb., 1920 I .. 220,015 4 .. 8,801 1 Feb. ., 1 Aug. „, ... 1 Mar., 1920 .. 10,000 4 .. 400 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. f" A*w,44iH iAug.,1920i .. 91,100 4 .. 3,644 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 1 Jan., 1921 .. 348,510 4 .. 13,940 Uan. ,. Uuly. Uan., 1921 .. 28,600 4J .. 1,287 Uan. , Uuly. 1 Feb., 1921 .. 8,270 4 .. 331 1 Feb. 1 Aug. 1 Feb., 1921 .. 33,550 44 .. 1,510 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. Uan., 1922 .. 442,650 4 .. 17,706 Uan. .. Uuly. Uan., 1922! .. 20,000 4 800 1 April ., 1 Oct. 1 Feb, 1922 j .. 27,400 4 .. 1,096 1 Feb. , 1 Aug. lApril,1922! .. 45,000 4 .. 1,800 1 April „ 1 Oct. lAug.,1922 1 .. 100,000 4 .. 4,000 1 Feb. ., 1 Aug. Uan., 1923 .. 83,950 4 .. 3,358 Uan. . Uuly. 1 April, 1923 .. 40,000 4 .. 1,600 1 April 1 Oct. 1 May, 1923 .. 126,000 4 .. 5,040 1 May INov. 15Mar..l925 .. 77,000 4 .. 3,080 15 Mar. ,. 15 Sept. I I 1 Feb., 1926 .. 300 4J .. 14 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. f31 Mar., 1916 .. 10,000 4j .. .. Outstanding 31/3/16. 22 July, 1916 .. 8,000 4} .. 340 22 Jan. and 22 July. 1 Feb., 1921 .. 4,500 4 180 1 Feb. .. 1 Aug. lApril,1919 .. 108,000 4 .. 4,320 1 April „ 1 Oct. lApril,1920 .. 15,000 4 .. 600 1 April . 1 Oct. Uan., 1920 .. 40,500 4 .. 1,620 Uan. Uuly fi „ ,„ 1 Feb., 1920 .. 175,550 4 .. 7,022 1 Feb. 1 Aug. - do/,iou -J 31 Mar.,1920 .. 10,000 4 ... 400 31 Mar. 30 Sept. 31 July, 1920 .. 15,000 4J .. 638 3Uan. 31 July, i 1 Oot., 1920 .. 45,000 4 .. 1,800 1 April 1 Oct. 30Mar.. 1921 .. 19,100 i\ .. 812 30 Mar. 30 Sept. I 30 June, 1921 .. 10,500 4 420 30 June ,. 31 Dec. 30 Mar., 1924 .. 166,000 44 .. 7,470 30 Mar. . 30 Sept. (.31 Mar., 1924 .. 30,000 44 .. 1,350 31 Mar. .. 30 Sept. 15,114,751 .. 17,336 15,097,415 .. .. 603,711 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913 657,150 Carried forward 5,114,751 !_



Table No. 2— continued. The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1916— continued.

B—B. 6.

Annual Charge. Amount outstanding. Due Date. Vp T Sinking i NI) " F btkd- ! Funds. °™^ D Sate. Amount. When payable. j Int. j S.F. Remarks. i i \ Brought forward Local Bodies' Loans Aot, 1908 — Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886 J ( Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 .. .. -j I V Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 .. J Maori Land Settlement Act Amendment Aot, 1907 Mining Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. -j Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. ■< £ 15,800 234,500 416,000 50,000 i50,000 790,000 25,000 370,000 25,650 23,900 150,000 £ £ 15,114,751 «;*» ( 250,300 416,000 \ 50,000 i50,000 1 - qf)1 „„„ 790,000 - 1 ' 901 ' 000 25,000 370,000 / 25,650 ) 23,900 \ 199,550 150,000 J ■ 50,000 7,000 1 ,, .„„ a ™ \ ll,o00 4,oOO I ' 98,500 \ 250,000 160,000 „,. ,„. 2J400 f o15 -' 00 2,100 I 2,400 / 125,000 953, 500 469a-t6 } 475 ' 991 £ 15,114,751 ' l 250,300 1 Sept., 1919 / 1 Mar., 1918 1 June, 191S -1,901,000 ] J **-"»? 1 Jan., 1921 I 1 Mar., 1921 / V 1 Mar., 1921 ) ( 1 Jan., 1918 :- 199,550 J 1 Jan., 1918 J . ( 1 Jan., 1921 50,000 1 Jan., 1921 | ,, ™ jl May, 1919 1 11,000 - , , T ■" .„,„ | ' I 1 Maw 1920 \ j 1 April, 1919 1 Aprii, 1920 ,,- ,„, 1 Oct., 1920 >- 515,700 ., T ' 1nl1 1 Jan., 1921 I 1 Oct., 1922 I \ 1 Jan., 1926 125,000 31 Oct., 1917 1 Sept., 1919 1 1 Mar., 1918 1 June, 1918 1 Mar.. 1920 1 Jan., 1921 I 1 Mar., 1921 ' 1 Mar., 1921 ( 1 Jan.. 1918 J 1 Jan., 1918 ( 1 Jan., 1921 1 Jan., 1921 1 May, 1919 ( 1 May, 1920 I 1 April, 1919 1 Aprii, 1920 ! 1 Oct., 1920 i 1 Jan., 1921 1 Oct., 1922 \ 1 Jan., 1926 31 Oct., 1917 31 Mar., 191T 1 Feb., 1925 I | £ £ ' °/ °/ £ 17,336 15,097,415 .". .. 603,711 ( 15,800 3* .. 553 1 liar, and IS { 234,500 i" .. 9,380 1 Mar. „ IS 416,000 3* .. 14,560 1 Mar. . IS 50,000 i 3| .. 1.750 1 June „ II 250,000 I 4 .. 10,000 1 Mar. . IS 790,000! 4 .. 31,600 1 Mar. „ IS 25,000 34 .. 875 1 Mar. „ 1 S 370,000 4 .. 14,800 1 Mar. „ IS 25,650 j 34 .. 898 Uan. , Ui 23,900 I 4 .. 956 Uan. „ l'J 150,000 4 .. 6,000 1 Jan. „ U 50,000 I 3A .. 1.750 Uan. „ 1J 7,000 4" 280 1 May . 1 N 4.500 ! 4 .. 180 1 May , 1 N 98,500 ! 4 .. 3/J40 1 April „ 10 250,000! 4 .. 10,000 1 April . 10 160,000 4 .. 6,400 1 April . IC 2,400 4* .. 108 Uan. , U 2,400 4| .. 108 1 April . 1 0 2,400 4* .. 108 Uan. . 1J 125,000 3} .. 4,687 30 April „ 31 C 953,500 j 3 j 4 33'372 } 31Mac - • 30 s ( 6,845 34 .. '240 1 Feb. „ 1A \ 469,146 4 .. 18,766 1 Feb. . 1A 1 liar, and 1 Sept. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1 June „ 1 Dec. 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1 Jan. » 1 July. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 May . 1 Nov. 1 May „ 1 Nov. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April . 1 Oct. 1 Jan. , 1 July 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 Jan. „ 1 July 30 April „ 31 Oct. ) 01 „„ or, o i ' "Sinking Fuud payable on j 31 Mar. . 30 Sept. - £1833J20 fo A 9 16-17. 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 7,000 4,500 98,500 250,000 160,000 2,400 2,400 2,400 Native Land Purchases Act, 1892 Naval Defence Act, 1909* 953,500 31 Mar., 191T I 475,991 1 Feb., 1925 New Zealand Consols Act, 1908.. .. -[ ,845 469,1-16 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Consolidated Loan Act, 1867.. Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 .. .. -j Defence and other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 h] General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 .. 4 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 i 194,200 301,000 84,500 165,000 8,100 16,900 75,000 15,200 54,700 800 20,900 7,000 13,000 194,200 I, 301,000 84,500 [ ,41 '' uu 165,000 l) 8,100 h 16,900 \\ 100,000 75,000 ) 15,200 54,700 L 60,700 800 J 20,900 , 7,000 I Z? ' 900 20,543,592 13,000 15 April, 1920 I t 1 Feb., 1919 744 700 J 31 Deo.. 1919 1*9, IUU T 31Deo _ i igi g j ( 1 Jan., 1921 ( Uuly, 1917 \ 100,000 J IJulv, 1917 ) (l5 April, 1920 ) (15 Oct., 1918 60,700 \ 28 Nov., 1919 j (15 Oct., 1920 1 97 QOO 115 April, 1920 27,900 | 16April 1920 15 April, 1920 I 1 Feb., 1919 I 31 Dec, 1919 ] 31 Dec, 1919 ( 1 Jan., 1921 f IJulv, 1917 J Uuly, 1917 (l5 April, 1920 (15 Oct., 1918 \ 28 Nov., 1919 115 Oct., 1920 115 April, 1920 (15 April, 1920 13,000 3| .. 487 15 April . 15.0 194,200 3| .- 7,282 1 Feb. . 1A 301,000 4 .. ' 12,040 30 June „ 31 E 84,500 34 .. 2,958 30 June „ 31 D 165,000 4 .. 6,600 1 Mar. „ IS 8,100 34 .. 284 1 Jan. „ U 16,900 4 .. 676 Uan. , U 75,000 3| .. 2,812 15 April „ 15 0 5,200 4 .. 208 15 April . 15 0 54,700 4 .. 2,188 28 May . 28 N 800 4 32 15 April „ 15 O 1 .. 20,900 3j .. 784 15 April . 15 O 7,000 44 .. 315 15 April . 15 0 17,336 20,526,256 .. .. 885,117 15 April . 15'.Oct. 1 Feb. . l'Aug. 30 June „ 31 Dec 30 June „ 31 Dec. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 15 April „ 15 Oct. 15 April . 15 Oct. 28 May . 28 Nov. 15 April . 15 Oct. 15 April , 15 Oct. 15 April .. 15 Oct. ■ Carried forward 20,543,592 17,336 20,526,256


Table No. 2— continued. The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1916— continued.


Annual Ch, Anniai. Charge. IARGE. AllOUXT OUTSTANDING. DUE DATE. Funds!" lNn . , ] :';: 1 "' '■ Rate. Int. ! S.F. Amount. When payable. Remarks. ■ i I i ; £ £ Brought forward .. .. .. .. 20,543,592 Ni w Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — continued. I 29,876,607 \ I 1 Nov., 1929 New Zealand Consolidated Inscribed Stock j -62,153,261* - \ a °:j *g 4 ? ( 9io70il07 ( 1 Feb..' 1963 New Zealand Loan Act, 1863 .. .. .. 2,500 15 July. 1914 Memorandum of security issued to secure repayment to the Imperial 1'reasurv of amount of discount on £1,180,000, part "of £3.250.000 loan for redemptions — Aid to Public Works and Land £ Settlement Act, 1910 (£189,100) 9,953 Naval Defence Act, 1909 (£953,500) 50,184 Land for Settlements Act, 1908 (£37,400) .. .. .. 1,969 62,106 62,106 31 Mar.. 1917 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act 1909— Land for Settlements Branch { I mmQ j 1 Oct.U948 / 80,000 j \ / 1 April, 1918 20,000 1 Oct., 1947 Native Land Settlement Branch .. J 361,600 f 546,100 I 1 Oct.. 1948 I 54,500 ] 1 April, 1949 30,000 ) \ 1 April, 1949 Guaranteed Mining Advances Branch.. .. .. 5,000 1 April,1949 Local Authorities Branch — £ - £ % % 17,336 20,526,256 29,876,607 4 16,586,567 34 6,669,980 3 9,070,107 4 .. 2,607+ Cr. 107 5 1 62,106 34 : .. 25,000 i 34 | .. 470,000 3| ' .. 80,000 4 20,000 34 361,600 3| 1 .. 54,500 3f : .. 30,000 4 ! .. 5,000 i 3J .. £ 885,117 1,195,064 578,780 200,099 362,804 2,174 i 875 17,625 3,200 700 12,656 2,044 1,200 187 £ 885,117 1,195.064 578,780 200.099 362,804 1 May and 1 Nov. 1 Jan. . 1 July. 1 April , 1 Oct. 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. Outstanding 31/3/16. 31 Mar. and 30 Sept. 1 May and 1 N 1 Jan. . 1 J 1 April „ 1 O 1 Feb. . 1 A Outstanding 31/3/ 31 Mar. and 30 Si 1 April and 1 0 1 April „ 1 0 1 April „ 1 O 1 April „ 1 0 1 April . 1 O 1 April . 1 O 1 April . 1 O 1 April . 1 0 * Does not include £223,795 4-per-cent. (1929),£1,032,365 34 - per - cent., £2,990,000 3 per-cent.. and £1,814,218 4-percent. (1963) stock trans ferred to the State Advances Office. f This amount was credited to Consolidated Fund during 1915-16, and is held to meet the debentures outstanding when presented. 2,174 875 17,625 3,200 700 12,656 2,044 1,200 187 1 April and 1 Oct. 1 April , 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April . 1 Oct. 1 April . 1 Oct. 1 April . 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. I 10,000 ! \ ( 1 April, 1918 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. -! ?°,'°j!2 l 95 000 \ 1 Oct., 1947 10,000 1 Oct., 1948 \ 25,000 ! ) I 1 April, 1949 t 33,000 -j / 1 April, 1918 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement „,„„,.„ 7 ? ot V, 7? 4 ? Account \ 000 ' 217 ' 740 1 1A P rl1 . 19 * 8 60,425 : 1 April,1949 I 8,800 j ] 1 April, 1949 ( 5,000 ) ( 1 April, 1918 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. <j 25,000 - 40,000 \ 1 Oct., 1948 ( 10,000 j ( 1 April, 1949 Carried forward .. .. .. .. 84,160,299 10,000 ! 4 50,000 ! 34 10,000 34 25,000 3f 33,000 J 4 3,515 I 34 • .. 112,000 j 34 60,425 3} 8,800 i 4 5,000 '4 25,000 34 10,000 3J 19,943 84,140,356 .. 4 4 4 4 3S 400 1,750 350 937 1,320 123 3,920 2,266 352 200 875 375 3,275,393 400 1,750 350 937 1,320 123 3,920 2,266 352 200 875 375 1 April . 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April . 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April , 1 Oet. 1 April „ 1 O 1 April „ 1 0 1 April „ 1 0 1 April „ 1 O 1 April „ 1 O 1 April , 1 0 1 April „ 1 0 1 April „ 1 O 1 April „ 1 O 1 April „ 1 O 1 April „ 1 Oi 1 April , 1 Oi 19,943 84,140,356 3,275,393



Table No. 2 —continued. The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March. 1916— continued.

Annual Charge. Amount outstanding. Duit Date. Sinking Funds. Net Indebted NESS. i Kate. Int. I S.F. Amount. When payable. Remarks. Bi ought forward New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10— f £ £ 84,160,299 £ 14,160,299 £ £ 19,943 84,140,356 % % £ 3,275,393 Land for Settlements Branch ... .. -{ 39,500 741,066 73,700 33,000 , 99,000 600 8,000 64,850 12,350 144,815 I 21,500 61,300 22,500 30,000 15,300 : 10,000 24,000 210,000 50,000 30,000 1 f 1 April, 1917 31 Oct., 1917 31 Oct., 1917 1 April, 1918 lOct., 1918 INov., 1918 1 Nov., 1918 1 Jan., 1919 I, .,, in, 1 Jan., 1919 -1,611,481 H 1Jan _. igl9 lFeb , 1919 lFeb., 1919 1 1 April, 1919i IMay, 19191 1 May, 1919: 1 Mar., 1920 IMar., 1923 J (_ lAug., 1923 1 80 000 ' 1 April, 1919 I BU ' UUU ■ 1 April, 1949 10,000 1 Julv, 1922 200,000 1 July, 1920 800,000 1 Aug., 1917 1,611,481 39,500 741,066 ' 73,700 33,000 99,000 600 8,000 64,850 12.350 144,815 21,500 61,300 22,500 30,000 15,300 10,000 24,000 210,000 50,000 30,000 10,000 200,000 800,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8* 1,580 1 April and 1 Oct. 27,790 30 April . 31 Oct. 2,579 30 April . 31 Oct. 1,320 1 April . 1 Oct. 3,465 1 April . 1 Oct. 24 1 May . 1 Nov. 280 1 May „ 1 N.v. 2,270 1 Jan. , 1 July. 463 1 Jan. „ 1 Julv. 5,793 1 Jan. , 1 Julv. 806 1 Feb. . 1 Aug 2,452 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 900 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1,200 IMay . 1 Nov. 574 1 Mav „ 1 Nov. 400 1 Mar. » I Sept. 960 1 Mar. , 1 Sept. 8,400 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 1,875 1 April . 1 Oct. 1,125 1 April . 1 Oct. 400 1 Jan. . 1 Julv. 8,000 1 Jan. . 1 July. 28,000 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. Native Land Settlement Branch .. j Guaranteed Mining Advance; Branch.. Post and Telegraph Act, 1908 Public Revenues Act, 1910 (Reserve Fund Securities Act, 1907) ■- •• Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914 (sec- j tion 8), War Expenses —Treasury Bills Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2) (section 9) 300,000 400,000 300,000 300,000 700,000 : 105,263* \ / 16 Dec.,1916 28 Dec, 1916 9 105 9fiq _, 16 Jan., 1917 f 2,100,263 . 16Pebil917 I 31 Mar., 1917 / v 31 Mar., 1917 300,000 400,000 300,000 300,000 700,000 105,263 3| 3J ] - J -It I 10,500 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 14,000 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 10,500 31 Mar. . 30 Sent. 10,500 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 24.500 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 3,684 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. ftl _». * Security issued to secure lOsioOO 31 Mar. . 30 Sept. to Imperial 1091 31 Mar. . 30 Sept. 7 JZ^Lxv"' 134!000 31 Mar „ 30 Sept. °° unt on £2,000,000 War 38,000 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. , q":, , , ° f Security issued to secure repayment to Imperial 2,587 31 M.r. „ 30 Sspt. Treasurv of amount of 2,139 ! May . 1 Nov. discount on £2,400,000. I Sinking Fund pavable on 3,817,145 | £8,159,506 for 1916-1917. i Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (section 5), War Expenses 2,400,000 24,243f 2,680,000 950,000 -6,054,243 j. j j 1 Feb., 1921 2,400,000 24,243 2,680,000 950,000 5 4 i J Public Works Act, 1908— Paeroa-Waihi Railway Act, 1903 Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905 86,250 i 31 Mar., 1919 53,476 , IMay, 1920 86,250 53,476 3 4 Carried forward 95,161,012 19,943 95,141,069 19,943 95,141,069 I



Table No. 2— continued. The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1916— continued.

L Amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Funds. I Net |- IndkbtedNESS. A Rate. lut. S.F. , Annual Charge \nnuai. Cha Amount. abgf. When payable. Remarks Brought forward Railways Improvements Authorization Act, 1914 \ Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913 Rangitaiki Lann Amendment Acts, I 1913-14 { Soenery Preservation Aot, 190 1 -: .. J State Advanoes Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers Branch.. Advances to Workers Branch Advances to Local Authorities Branch Waihou an i Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908 Public Debt Extinction Act, 1910 £ 8,000 12,000 19,000 10,000 30,000 20,000 19,000 5,000 £ £ £ % 95,161,012 .. 19,943 95.141,069 .? I 148 OOO : ! x A "g-> 1920 •• 140,000 4 J 148,000 j 1Angl921 __ 8000 4 10,000 1 Mar., 1919 .. 10.000 4 I qi oon I 1 Sept., 1919 .. 12,000 4 J 6 1,UUU "(1 Sept.. 1920 .. 19,000 4 1 Nov., 1916 .. 10,000 34 1 1 May, 1918 .. 30,000 3| \ 84,000 , 1 May, 1919 .. 20,000 3| ( 1 May, 1919 .. 19,000 4 ) \ 1 May, 1920 .. 5,000 4 573,200 Uune, 1919 .. 573,200 4 50,000 Uune, 1919 .. 50,000 4 200,000 1 June, 1919 .. 200,000 4 100,000 1 Aug., 1918 .. 100,000 3>} 499,700 1 Mar., 1921 .. 499,700 4 % £ 3.817,145 5,600 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 320 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 400 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 480 1 Mar. . 1 Sent. 760 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 350 1 Mav , 1 Nov. 1.050 1 Mav . 1 Nov. 750 1 Mav „ 1 Nov. 760 1 May . 1 Nov. 200 1 May „ 1 Nov. . 22,928 Uune . 1 Dec 2,000 1 June . 1 Dec. 8,000 Uune „ 1 Dec 3,500 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. State Advances Debt (Table 3) 96,856,912 ' 19,913 ' 96,836,969 12,780,485 .. 799,495 11,980,990 j .. 19,988 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 171,301* .. * On £83,000.000. 4,055,532 452,086 109,637.397 819,438 Il08.817.959 Less Sinking Fund in respeot of— Government Loans to Local Bodies Acts War aud Defence Loans Public Debt Extinction Act, 1910 Naval Defence Act, 1909 Land for Settlements Native-land Settlement Guaranteed Mining Advances .. Section 26 (5a) State Advances Act, 1913 War Loans : 108.817.959 799.601 192,691 842,628 340,187 645,363 11,977 529 6,497 21,053 2,860,526 2,860.526 109,637,397 3,679,964 105,957.433 Totals 2,860.526 105,957.433 4,507,618



Table No. 3. Particulars of the Public Debt transferred to the State Advances Office, and Loans raised by or on behalf of that office for which the dominion is indirectly liable, as at 31st March, 1916.

„ , Annual Charge. Amount outntanding. Due Date. Indebtedness. Rate. Amount. When payable. RAISED BY TREASURY AND TRANSFERRED. ADVANCES TO SETTLERS BRANCH. The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1894. Extension, 1901. £ £ £ % £ 80,000 5 June, 1920 80,000 4 3,200 1 June and 1 December. 80,000 The, Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908. 12,900 1 January, 1919 I 12.900 1 516 1 January and I July. 105,000 1 June, 1920 ! 105,000 4 1,200 1 June and 1 December. 100,000 1 March, 1921 100,000 4 4,000 1 March and 1 September. 45,000 1 July, 1922 45,000 4 1,800 1 January and I July. 262,900 The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10. 205,000 1 December, 1916 205,000 i 4 8,200 j 1 June and 1 December. 70,000 31 March, 1917 70,000 3£ ' 2,450 ! 31 March and 30 September. 1,675,000 31 March, 1917 1,675,000 3| 58,625 31 March and 30 September. 750,000 23 October, 1917 750,000 3| 28,125 23 April and 23 October. 42,000 1 August, 1923 42,000 4 1,680 1 February and 1 August. 2,742,000 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 N.Z. Consolidated Inscribed Stock. 166,910 1 November, 1929 166,910 4 6,676 1 May and 1 November. 881,848 1 January, 1940 881,848 3J 30,865 1 January and 1 July. 2,990,000 1 April, 1945 2,990,000 3 89,700 1 April and 1 October. 1,170,885 1 February, 1963 1,170,885 4 46,835 1 February and 1 August. 5,209,643 The, New Zealand Loans Act, 1908. — Memorandum of Security issued to secure » Repayment to the Imperial Treasury of Amount of Discount on £1,745.000. Part of £3,250,000 Loan for Redemptions. 91,842 31 March, 1917 91,842 j 3£ 3,214 31 March and 30 September 91,842 8,386,385 ADVANCES TO WORKERS BRANCH. The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 (Par/ III). — Workers. 25,000 1 June, 1920 25,000 I 1,000 1 June and 1 December. 15,000 1 July, 1922 15,000 4 600 : 1 January and 1 July 40,000 The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10. 325,000 31 March. 1917 325,000 3J 11,376 I 31 March and 80 September. 205,000 1 January, 1919 ! 205,000 ' 3| 7,175 ; 1 January and 1 Julv. 7,000 1 October, 1922 7,000 ,4 280 1 April and 1 October. 750,000 1 August, 1923 750,000 j 4 30,000 I February and I August 1,287,000 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — N.Z. Consolidated Inscribed Stock. 52,743 1 November, 1929 52,743 4 2,110 1 May and 1 November. 147,184 I January, 1940 147,184 3J 5,151; 1 January and 1 July. 155,000 ] February, 1963 155,000 4 6,200 I February and I August. 354,927 8,386,385 Carried forward.



Table No. 3— continued. Particulars of the Public Debt transferred to the State Advances Office, and Loans raised by or on behalf of that office for which the dominion is indirectly liable, as at 31st March, 1916 — continued.

Annual Chiurcrp. „ . Annual tjnarge. Amount outstanding. Duo Date. Indebtedness. Rate. Amount, i When payable. nnual large. RAISED BY TREASURY AND fltANSFBRBlD— continued. ADVANCES TO WORKERS BRANCH— continued. £ 8,386,385 Brought forward. The Neiv Zealand Loans Act, 1908. Memorandum oj Security issued to secure Repayment to the Imperial Treasury oj Amount oj Discount on £325,000, Part oj £3,250,000 Loan jor Redemptions. £ £ °/ £ 17,105 I 31 March, 1917 17,105 3J 599 I "31 Maroh and 30 September, 17,105 1,699,032 LOCAL AUTHORITIES BRANCH. The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — N.Z. Consolidated Inscribed Stock. 4,142 1 November, 1929 4,142 4 166 1 Mav and 1 November. 3,333 1 January, 1940 3,33.3 'ii 117 1 January and 1 Julv. 488,333 1 February, 196.3 488,333 4 19 533 1 February and 1 August. 495,808 495,808 Total £10,581,225 (Transferred from Treasury.) RAISED BY SUPERINTENDENT. The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909. (Advances to Settlers.) 100,000 1 October, 1948 100,000 4 I 3,500 I Apri and 1 October. 37,0(1(1 1 April, 1949 37,000! 3 1,387 1 April and 1 October. 137,000 (Advances to Workers.) 75,000 1 June, 1917 75,000 4 3,000 1 June and 1 December. 325,000 1 October, 1948 325,000 34 11,375 1 1 April and 1 October. 100,000 1 April, 1949 100,000 3f 3,750 i 1 April and 1 October. 500,000 (Local Authorities Branch.) 400,000 1 April, 1947 400,000 i 3£ 14,000 l 1 April and J October. 425,000 1 October, 1947 425,000 \ 3J 14,875 1 April and 1 October. 100,000 1 April, 1948 100,000 ! 3J 3,500 1 April and 1 October. 361,485 1 October, 1948 361,485 [ 3| 12,652 1 April and 1 October. 575 1 April, 1949 575 3f 22 1 April and 1 October. 275,000 1 April, 1949 275,000 i\ 9,625 1 April and 1 October. 200 1 April, 1949 200 4 8:1 April and 1 October. 1,662,260 Total £2,199,260 Superintendent's Debentures. Total £12,780,485 State Advances debt.


Table No. 4. Statement of the Estimated Liabilities chargeable on the Consolidated Fund (Revenue Account) outstanding on the 31st March, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910. 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, and 1916.


31st March, 1906. 31st March, 1907. 31 Revenue Account. £ s. d. £ s. d. Permanent Appropriations, — Civil List .. .. .. 460 7 6 287 8 8 Interest and Sinking Fund Under Special Acts of the Legislature .. .. 895 6 1 849 11 8 Subsidies payable to Local Authorities .. .. .. 760 0 0 Under the Land Acts, payable to Local Authorities .. 1,757 0 1 1,757 0 1 Pensions .. .. .. I Land Act National Endowments ' 31st March, 1906. 31st March, 1907. 31st March, 1908. list March, 1908 £ s. d. 332 0 8 2,541 18 6 1,045 0 0 1,757 0 1 31st March. 1909. 31st March, 1910. i 31st March, 1911. 31st March, 1912. j 31st March, 1913. 31st March, 1914. 31st March, 1915. 31st March, 1916. .1 . .1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 663 15 10 765 13 4 £ s. d. 753 11 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ s. d. 230 18 2 208 6 9 227 16 9 3,372 10 3 2,518 4 6 14,937 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 143 19 6 3,200 0 0 8,614 13 4 15,508 6 8 6,324 6 0 3,939 8 9 1,458 11 10 '.'. '.'. 68 11 8 '.'. 72 13 11 2,787 11 3 .. 3,112 13 8 3,654 0 5 3,654 0 5 5,675 19 3 5,675 19 3 6,988 1 10 7,492 13 4 2,212 3 6 3,603 8 5 2,726 11 3 ' 15,233 8 5 8,758 12 10 18,781 0 7 Annual Appropriations,— Legislative .. .. .. 7 12 6 184 3 9 Department of Minister of Finance* .. .. .. 2,878 12 5 4,269 11 1 Postmaster-General .. .. 34,910 0 0 36,725 0 0 • Working Railways .. .. 103,381 3 5 119,289 0 0 li Public Buildings and Domains 723 15 11 850 14 3 Maintenance and Improvement of Roads .. .. .. .. 1,746 8 1 Minister of Justicet .. .. 2,102 11 8 6,071 19 1 Minister of Defence .. 10,685 15 10 3,620 12 3 Minister of Mines ... Department of Internal Affairs 7,040 16 11 8,798 0 7 Commissioner of Customs .. 203 15 0 370 17 8 Minister of Marine .. .. 1,662 13 1 4,293 5 4 Minister of Labour .. .. 351 3 9 485 2 0 Minister of Lands .. .. 1,710 1 5 4,561 5 9 1 Minister of Agriculture .. 6,033 18 6 10,552 12 5 Minister of Education .. 3 0 11 2,638 3 0 • • 7 12 6 184 3 9 64 1 9 2,878 12 5 4,269 11 1 2,150 13 8 34,910 0 0 36,725 0 0 43,550 0 0 103,381 3 5 119,289 0 0 156,471 0 0 723 15 11 850 14 3 848 18 10 1,746 8 1 1,297 17 5 2,102 11 8 6,071 19 1 3,097 8 4 10,685 15 10 3,620 12 3 3,944 2 6 64 1 9 2,150 13 8 43,550 0 0 56,471 0 0 848 18 10 1,297 17 5 3,097 8 4 3,944 2 6 8,297 3 4 170 9 3 2,730 0 8 1,185 7 10 18,811 17 4 7,166 16 6 327 4 10 ic;o 11Q o 9 33 19 6 62 3 5 176 2 0 2,308 0 9 i 1,600 11 3 1,780 15 0 41,703 0 0 42,545 O'O 49,039 0 0 191,727 0 0 129,131 0 0 143,363 0 0 832 0 4 663 9 4 1,543 1 9 1,690 16 1 3,611 7 6 448 0 0 3,627 5 9 6,733 2 11 6,788 1 3 10,583 14 7 7.398 6 2 3.152 2 10 1,912 5 10 30 16 8 6,765 16 7 7,477 2 11 j 11,549 2 5 o !?n 1C i o '3,309 10 2 2,469 19 1 3,312 2 2 1,002 8 5 959 8 9 412 5 5 5,924 14 2 4,761 16 5 6,768 15 8 8,428 13 4 2,818 1 9 4,044 10 7 56 2 6 255 18 5 1,979 15 7 74 15 11 1C3 14 4 152 2 1 246 11 0 427 16 8 182 7 5 592 14 6 397 4 6 63,981 0 0 58,831 19 10 63,566 5 6 79,466 10 8 172,451 0 0 150,514 0 0 136,909 0 0 157,575 0 0 1,961 15 11 3,487 6 1 ; 1,719 8 6 9,195 0 0 5,472 0 0 j 3,516 0 0 6,099 0 0 6.156 0 0 5,973 6 0 12,178 15 11 8,884 4 8 6,707 6 9 6,648 6 0 12,958 10 5 7,055 15 5 25,369 5 11 6111 2 8,658 17 6 6,846 13 11 11,311 12 2 10,968 16 10 19,064 12 2 14,655 17 5 2,760 16 5 ; 2,927 6 10 1,447 16 4 : 1.234 2 1 400 3 9 393 7 8 63.474 0 0 113,679 0 0 6,281 0 0 3,435 0 0 7,04i 0 1 20,408 19 1 7,040 16 11 8,798 0 7 8,297 3 4 203 15 0 370 17 8 170 9 3 1,662 13 1 4,293 5 4 2,730 0 8 351 3 9 485 2 0 1,185 7 10 1,710 1 5 4,561 5 9 18,811 17 4 6,033 18 6 10,552 12 5 7,166 16 6 3 0 11 2,638 3 0 327 4 10 10,791 15 6 1,248 16 8 255 3 6 .. 869 0 7 465 17 10 6,170 12 3 11,385 5 3 4,065 19 9 2,625 5 2 11,716 11 4 10,403 7 0 8,420 0 0 3,134 0 0 850 0 1 8,877 16 11 2,402 10 6 13,862 8 2 570 4 3 1,695 8 10 6.500 0 0 41,060 0 0 171,695 1 4 204,456 15 3 250,113 2 3 180,144 10 8 211,357 15 8 |233,514 11 7 290,054 16 3 286,396 18 0 '269, 907 7 6 327,937 3 5 276,981 15 11 171,695 1 4 204,456 15 3 2; Services not provided for .. 21 9 0 783 19 3 21 9 0 !50,113 2 3 6 11 10 10,922 12 3 I 783 19 3 6 11 10 647 9 1 82 10 1 Totals .. .. 174,829 4 0 208,894 14 11 21 174,829 4 0 155,796 13 4 236,374 4 2 1293,740 14 9 289,123 9 3 285,140 15 11 336,695 16 3 |295,762 16 6 ;208,894 14 11 255,795 13 4 ( 287,132 12 6 229,773 1 3 - Includes rates on Crown lands. t Includes Native and Crown Law.



Table No. 5. Statement of the Estimated Liabilities chargeable on the Public Works Fund outstanding on the 31st March, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, and 1916.

31st March, 1906. 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 31st Marcn, 31st March, 1907. 1908. 1909 1910. 1911. 31st March, 1912. 31st March, 1913. 31st March, 1914. 31st March. 1915. 31st March. 1916. [ Annual Appropriations — Public Works, Departmental Railways Utilization of Water-power Development of Water-power Irrigation and Water-supply Public Buildings Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences Tourist and Health Resorts Immigration Roads Development of Mining Native Lands Purchases Telegraph Extension Rates on Native Lands Contingent Defence Lands Improvement Plant, Material, avid Stores.. £ s. d. 196,099 10 8 3 18 6 £ s. d. 210,242 19 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.| £ s. d. £ s. d. 97 18 4 47 3 3 34 0 0 10,242 19 1 797,179 13 4 761,628 0 5 687,004 6 2 636,640 12 11 £ s. d. 283 19 3 622,761 12 2 £ s. d. 105 17 1 287,777 3 10 £ s. d. 1,930 0 0 417,718 0 0 £ s. d. 710 0 0 293,522 0 0 .. 51,967 11 8 34,813 6 4 212 13 6 10 0 34,813 6 4 60,328 4 8 52,457 9 5 200,406 17 3 221,135 14 6 56,157 9 1 176,855 6 3 80,910 10 11 80,910 10 11 235,148 17 9 I 175.040 13 11 I 188,640 8 11 158 10 8 39,046 16 7 637 0 0 21,805 19 8 667 4 1 109,681 12 2 2,616 18 3 637 0 0 83 10 1 793 6 3 286 0 7 347 5 7 21,805 19 8 12,446 16 2 7,369 12 9 5,142 4 4 442 1 9 667 4 1 7 15 0 2,857 14 0 159 0 0 22 0 0 09,681 12 2 132,260 17 2 155,275 0 4 69,553 9 4 157,326 0 0 2,616 18 3 4,101 12 1 4,400 10 8 2,290 16 2 2,034 4 7 75,110 5 1 103,550 0 0 68,837 0 0 39,310 0 0 71,904 0 0 669 15 0 11 0 0 65 13 0 .. 303 9 8 221 18 9 33 5 10 828 11 8 1,155 6 7 407 11 11 574 14 11 1,973 12 0 722 19 6 880 17 6 3,595 6 10 219,069 0 0 111,372 0 0 148 15 2 1 1 527 9 i 1,791 0 ( 162,258 11 ( 171,297 1 ( 1,240 18 5 527 9 8 1,791 0 0 945 13 9 4,889 0 0 133 14 7 1,642 0 0 53 0 0 1,217 0 0 139,080 6 4 2,886 10 5 51 5 4 83,295 0 0 360 0 0 13,329 0 0 393 9 4 162,258 11 6 226,114 16 4 1,192 4 9 250,195 0 6 499 12 2 174,220 0 0 : 75,110 5 1 669 15 0 65 13 0 828 11 8 171,297 1 0 235,665 16 3 j 247.113 17 4 11,468 0 0 1,240 18 2 55 0 0 203 16 1 288 15 1 399 7 4 34 11 8 7,801 0 0 .. Services not provided for 526,671 19 6 457,139 4 4 1.111,124 15 11,054,427 13 9 1004.996 10 91,092.106 10 8 1,191,847 5 9 122 0 0 673,932 10 11 992,098 5 10 11,094, 961 0 11 •- ■ •• • •• Totals 526,671 19 6 1,004,996 10 91,092,106 10 8 1,191,969 5 9 673,932 10 11 j 677.666 0 7 457,139 4 4. 1,111,124 15 11,054,427 13 9 992,098 5 10 1,094,961 0 11 I I



Table No. 5— continued. Statement of the Estimated Liabilities chargeable on the undermentioned Separate Accounts outstanding on the 31st March, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, and 1916.

9—B. 6

31st March, 1906. 31st March, I 31st March, 31st March, 31st March. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 31st March, ' 31st March, 1911. 1912. 31st March, 1913. 31st March, 31st March, 1914. 1915 31st March, 1916. \ a £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d £sd £sd State Forests Account 225 19 0 1,730 15 10 1,326 3 4 58117 1 161 8 i State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. 13 606 4 9 Scenery Preservation Account .. .. 16 8 3 53" 18 8 682' 0 4 ls'o 1 'll3 7 0 Land for Settlements Account .. .. 6,194 3 8 4,900 0 10 3,455 18 3 2,544 3 8 1,664 14 5 Maori Land Settlement Act Account .. .. 747 47 6 12 9 150 7 0 Loans to Local Bodies Account .. .. 6,087 13 6 2,656 2 8 5 499 11 5 5 978 9 4 7 04512 8 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. ' ° °'°'° .? * *2S » n Paeroa- Waihi Railway Account .. .. \\ ooi n d /aa / 9 Wellington-Hutt Railway and Road Improve4i^ n \v C ,° 0Unt "™ , •; - •• 19,707 1 6 8,422 0 0 8,671 0 0 19,638 0 0 15,320 0 0 Aid to Water-power Works Account .. .. Irrigation and Water-supply Account Waikaka Branch Railway Account .. .. | .. 52017 10 Railways Improvements Account .. .. 7,856'n 8 33,809' 0 0 20,304 0 0 22,494' 0 0 19 277' 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, \ ' 1914 Account .. .. .. Cheviot Estate Account .. .. I ,. r 12 n State Advances Account 28~7 2 103" 19 4 132' 4 10 129 12 7 355*7 6 Public Trustee's Account .. .. .. .. 24,87110 0 7,756 8 7 Government Life Insurance Account .. 1,019 2 6 1,069 15 2 326 11 0 1213 14 9 2 553' 7 0 Government Accident Insuiance Account .. .. nan fi 4 aro 1 ,? , " State Fire Insurance Account 8 S6 8 ' 632 9 10 it 0 National Endowment Account .. .. .. b32 9 10 790 18 0 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account .. Native Land Settlement Account ...... Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .... Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account Kauri-gum Industry Account ...... War Expenses Account ...... £ s. d. 559 1 0 14,547 3 9 83 8 0 2,849 17 1 21 19 2 15,324 0 0 31,862 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. : £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 600 19 8 390 4 6 183 10 7 286 10 1 153 9 11 10,707 3 7 2,044 15 10 .. 10,000 0 0 102 2 3 76 8 9 .. 131 6 0 2,977 3 9 1,195 19 0 3,385 13 7 3,452 5 4 2,452 0 0 1,861 3 1 163 7 10 45 15 7 165 3 9 10017 7 7,600 0 0 7,777 0 0 3,679 0 0 200 0 0 132,162 1 4 34,964 0 6 12,919 0 0 22,861 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 6,740 0 0 3,705 0 0 132.486 0 0 103,233 0 0 63,669 0 0 '.'. '.'. 215,792 0 0 389 0 11 470 8 8 899 0 0 331 3 11 361 0 0 412 11 10 1,256 11 0 447 19 0 645' 6 6 366' 9 0 606 14 4 293 8 10 313 16 5 279 1 4 315 18 4 884 1 7 711 18 4 1,507 9 2 819 16 5 1,071 12 7 4,687 5 8 2,732 18 3 468 0 0 4,862 0 0 3,177 0 0 9,582 0 0 9,396 0 0 13,566 0 0 14,362 0 0 5,843 0 0 429 10 0 2,559 10 11 2,567 17 10 1,294 S 9 1,105 11 7 889 3 8 310 13 4 344 5 7 117 19 1 115 16 0 j 9,902 5 6 8,050 1 1 8,215 18 0 4,558 0 0 1 283 0 0 188 8 11 I 1,351 5 0 596,709 15 1 916.436 0 0 31811 5 432 10 0 543 18 4 904 15 10 4,945 3 0 10,376 0 0 173 18 3 142 15 3 I


Table No. 6. STATEMENT showing the Total Ways and Means of the Public Works Fund and the Total Net Expenditure to the 31st March, 1916.


WAYS AND MEANS. Loans :— Immigration and Publio Works Loan, 1870 Immigration and Publio Works Loan, 1873 Immigration and Publio Works Loan, 1874 General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 New Zealand Loan Aot, 1876 New Zealand Loan Aot, 1877 .. New Zealand Loan Act, 1879 New Zealand Loan Act, 1882 New Zealand Colonial Inscribed Stook Loan Act, 1882 North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Act, 1882 New Zealand Loan Act, 1884 New Zealand Loan Act, 1886 .. District Railways Purchasing Acts, 1885 and 1886 New Zealand Loan Aot, 1888 Native Land Purchase Aot, 1892 Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act, 1894 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1896 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Amendment Act, 1897 .. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Amendment Act, 1898.. Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1899 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907 Aid to Public Woiks and Land Settlement Act, 1908 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1909 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1911 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1912 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1918 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1914 The Finance Act, 1909 Financo Act, 1915, and'New Zealand Loans Act, 1915 The Post and Telegraph Aot, 1908 Midland Railway Potitions Settlement Acts, 1902-3 Paeroa-W.aihi Railway Act, 1903 Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905 Wellington and Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908 £ s. d. 4,000,000 0 0 2,000,000 0 0 4,000,000 0 0 750,000 0 0 750,000 0 0 2,200,000 0 0 5,000,000 0 0 3,000,000 0 0 250,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,500,000 0 0 1,325,000 0 0 479,487 7 11 1,000,000 0 0 149,700 0 0 500,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 250,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,011,600 0 0 1,250,000 0 0 1,750,000 0 0 997,690 0 0 750,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 989,700 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,250,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,750,000 0 0 1,500,000 0 0 1,748,900 0 0 1,750,000 0 0 2,454,900 0 0 1,250,000 0 0 2,000,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 75,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 £ s. d. 55,581,977 7 11 Receipts in Aid : — Amount transferred from Consolidated Fund Contributions of Canterbury Province for Railways Proceeds of Railway Material handed over to Cook County Council Stamp Duties to 31st December, 1876 Transfer from Confiscated Lands Liabilities Account Reoeipts under Section 16 of the Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1912 Special Receipts under section 9 of the Railways Construction Act, 1878 Special Receipts under the Ellesmere Lake Lands Acts, 1888 and 1893 Special Reoeipts under the Railways Authorization and Management Act, 1891 Special Receipts under the North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Act, 1886 Sinking Funds released 10,305,000 0 0 56,000 0 0 4,963 7 4 264,657 16 4 19,963 1 3 21,890 4 5 60,616 3 0 50,103 10 0 2,257 1 9 114,550 19 6 506,819 19 3 11,406,822 2 10 £66,988,799 10 9 NET EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. Expenditure on— Immigration Publio Works, Departmental Railways, including Surveys of New Lines „*J Roads .. (jLand Purchases Development of Mining .. Telegraph Extension Public Buildings Lighthouses, Harbour Works and Defences Contingent Defence Rates on Native Lands Thermal Springs Tourist and Health Resorts Lands Improvement Plant, Material, and Stores Charges and Expenses of raising Loans Coal-mines Interest and Sinking Fund Payment to Midland Railway Bondholders Irrigation and Water-supply Development of Water-power I £ s. d. 2,331,739 6 0 1,062,952 3 10 34,099,899 7 4 11,040,253 18 0 2,062,830 9 10 891,422 7 4 3,207,722 8 9 6,624,550 3 4 1,136,307 10 6 1,027,235 15 11 68,671 16 10 14,599 13 2 257,414 3 0 140,500 14 5 74,418 0 2 1,253,037 7 5 10,835 8 0 218,500 0 0 150,000 0 0 4,356 5 0 18,450 14 1 "Balanoe on 31st March, 1916, — Cash in the Public Account Imprests outstanding Investment Account880,323 1 7 50,278 16 3 362,500 0 0 65,695,697 12 11 880,323 1 7 50,278 16 3 362,500 0 0 1,293,101 17 10 £66,088,799 10 9


Table No. 7. Estimated Expenditure of the Consolidated Fund (Revenue Account) for 1916-17, compared with Actual Expenditure of 1915-16.

Table No. 8. Estimated Revenue of the Consolidated Fund (Revenue Account) for 1916-17, compared with the Actual Revenue of 1915-16.


Estimate ' Actual Differences, for tor 1818-17. 1916-16. IooMM(>| , UecreaBe . Revenue Account. Permanent Appropriations,— £ £ £ £ Civil List .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,300 20,280 7,020 Interest and Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. 3,928,794 3,190,798 737,996 Under special Acts .. ... .. .. .. 2,093,600 1,482,077 611,523 6,049,694 4,693,155 1,356,539 Annual Appropriations,— Legislative Departments .. .. .. .. 36,120 34,480 1,640 Departments of Finance .. .. .. .. 170,996 90,004 80,992 Post and Telegraph Department .. .. .. 1,366,659 : 1,294,712 71,947 Working Railways Department .. .. .. 3,045,000 2,954,006 90,994 ! Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of Roads .. 117,200 100,780 16,420 Native Department .. .. .. .. .. 24,814 24,877 .. 63 Justico Department .. .. .. .. .. 490,625 452,227 38,398 Mines Department .. .. .. .. .. 31,613 28,552 3,061 Department of Internal Affairs.. .. .. .. 493,723 408,058 85,665 ! Defence Department .. .. .. .. ,. 494,923 432,227 62,696 ; Customs, Marine, and Inspection of Machinery Depart- 166,001 161,225 4,776 ments Department of Labour .. .. .. .. 33,520 31,676 1,844 Department of Lands and Survey .. .. .. 237,358 235,322 2,036 Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce .. 224,523 191,774 ' . 32,749 I Education Department .. .. .. ..1,407,857 1,329,166 | 78,691 34,480 90,004 1,294,712 2,954,006 100,780 24,877 452,227 28,552 408,058 432,227 101,225 1,640 80,992 71,947 90,994 16,420 38,398 3,061 85,665 ! 62,696 4,776 63 31,676 235,322 191,774 1,329,166 7,769,080 1,844 2,036 . 32,749 78,691 8,340,932 7,769,086 571,909 63 571,909 63 30,866 Services not provided for .. .. .. .. .. 30,866 .. 30,866 30,866 1,928,448 30,929 1,928,448 30,929 - 30,929 30,929 Total .. .. .. .. 14,390,626 12,493,107 1,897,519 1,897,519 12,493,107

i i Estimate Actual ' Iterances, for for —: — 1916-17. 1916-16. InCTease ! Deerettsc RmvFiNTrE Account. Ordinary Revenue, — Customs Railways Stamps and Death Duties Postal and Telegraph Land-tax Inoome-tax Beer Duty Registration and other Fees .. Marine .. .. ... Miscellaneous Territorial Revenue Endowment Revenue Other Reoeipts £ £ £ £ 3,300,000 3,366,171 .. 66,171 4,450,000 4,484,337 .. 34,337 1,470,000 1,470,307 .. 307 1,750,000 j 1,689,917 60,083 1 2,540,475 j 2,440,475 100,000 195,000 I 157,892 i 37,108 I 104,605 106,263 .. 1,658 45,850 46,228 .. 378 423,500 424,505 .. 1,005 211,000 219,314 .. 8,314 90,971 92,655 .. 1,684 10,000 12,073 .. 2,073 Total 197,191 115,927 • 115,927 14,591,401 14,510,137 81,264



Table No. 9. Statement showing the Amount charged to "Unauthorized" in each Financial Year from 1st July, 1875, to 31st March, 1916.

Financial Yeah. Consolidate id Fund.—Revenue Account. I'UBLIO WOHKS ' rp_ m . T Fund. Total. Services not provided for. Othek Accounts. Excess of Votes, i Total. 1875-76 .. 1876-77 .. 1877-78 .. 1878-79 .. 1879-80 .. 1880-81 .. 1881-82 .. 1882-83 .. 1883-84 .. 1884-85 .. 1885-86 .. 1886-87 .. 1887-88 .. 1888-89 .. 1889-90 .. 1890-91 .. 1891-92 .. 1892-93 .. 1893-94 .. 1894-95 .. 1895-96 .. 1896-97 .. 1897-98 .. 1898-99 .. 1899-1900 .. 1900-1901.. 1901-1902 .. 1902-1903 .. 1903-1904 .. 1904-1905 .. 1905-1906 .. 1906-1907 .. 1907-1908 .. 1908-1909 .. 1909-1910 .. 1910-1911.. 1911-1912.. 1912-1913 .. 1913-1914.. 1914-1915 .. 1515-1916.. £ s. d. 13,167 4 8 18,397 17 1 19,079 12 6 11,413 16 1 5,818 9 9 6,151 13 9 3,899 16 3 4,473 15 8 7,293 9 9 5,981 17 8 9,337 11 2 14,337 19 7 7,303 17 10 3,521 18 2 4,412 5 3 10,610 1 0 2,288 3 2 1,741 7 10 2,350 7 0 8,985 3 7 22,422 16 10 3,188 17 7 2,258 19 7 3,305 15 11 11,187 13 8 26,367 18 6 3,836 7 0 9,027 5 4 3,344 11 0 6,215 4 8 8,576 16 7 4,989 9 1 4,133 3 3 ' 14,127 8 1 15,324 5 7 10,427 9 4 20,332 3 1 2,506 15 0 4,730 15 8 109,512 12 4 30,865 10 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. 19,195 17 1 32,363 1 9 13,398 7 0 j 31,796 4 1 58,709 17 2 | 77,789 9 8 47,466 4 5 ! 58,880 0 6 18,466 2 1 i 24,284 11 10 37,825 6 6 ! 43,977 0 3 38,474 18 9 i 42,374 15 0 64,631 0 2 i 69,104 15 10 45,284 2 6 52,577 12 3 '39,039 17 11 45,021 15 7 47,106 10 3 50,444 1 5 38,117 18 5 52,455 13 0 42,104 15 10 49,408 13 8 35,167 16 5 38,679 14 7 43,257 1 0 47,669 6 3 76,778 5 11 87,388 6 11 21,026 16 4 23,314 19 6 28,283 15 11 30,025 8 9 7,376 7 4 9,726 14 4 9,148 0 5 18,133 4 0 16,229 5 9 38,652 2 7 24,195 2 9 27,384 0 4 39,314 18 4 41,573 12 11 36,468 0 10 39,773 16 9 60,652 18 7 71,840 7 3 02,788 3 2 89,156 1 8 68,866 10 9 72,702 17 9 101,070 10 4 110,103 15 8 47,775 11 4 ; 51,120 2 4 22,109 12 2 | 28,324 16 10 52,385 3 7 j 60,962 0 2 28,559 6 2 [ 33,548 15 3 37,713 8 11 ! 41,846 12 2 50,890 5 1 | 65,017 13 2 23,100 14 0 38,424 19 7 27,200 14 6 37,628 3 10 62,950 14 7 83,282 17 8 115,428 2 5 117,934 17 5 80,228 10 11 ! 84,959 6 7 68,004 2 1 1177,516 14 5 47,222 18 9 78,088 3 11 £ s. d. 3,155 9 2 3,490 6 1 653 6 5 3,938 14 8 1,005 3 10 13,443 11 3 13,590 6 10 12,343 2 2 9,003 18 7 7,163 15 3 13,965 10 1 6,212 16 7 27,821 16 11 13,506 2 8 23,631 7 1 5,459 18 11 9,183 10 6 4,754 17 10 522 12 2 1,890 7 5 16,995 9 9 24,726 3 6 4,743 17 10 2,304 8 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. 63,875 11 8 99,394 2 7 2,197 4 5 37,483 14 7 22,009 14 0 100,452 10 1 32,179 1 1 94,997 16 8 17,096 9 9 42,386 5 5 34,133 17 3 91,554 8 9 2,217 9 8 58,182 11 6 8,137 17 11 89,585 15 11 31,741 17 10 93,323 8 8 872 0 11 53,057 11 9 6,405 17 5 76,875 8 11 28,633 10 8 87,302 0 3 30,407 2 3 107,637 12 10 18,633 2 10 70,819 0 1 12,287 18 10 83,588 12 2 7,097 19 9 99,946 5 7 7,594 1 2 40,092 11 2 11,149 14 2 45,929 15 9 1,335 12 11 11,584 19 5 330 8 1 20,353 19 6 33,245 2 4 88,892 14 8 7,051 0 8 59,161 4 6 53,648 14 0 99,966 4 9 8,222 10 6 50,300 16 1 7,990 18 7 79,831 5 10 17,518 3 7 107,336 12 10 6,955 4 10 79,911 11 5 12,837 3 6 123,140 19 2 9,584 9 11 62,952 18 9 31,862 8 3 73,734 16 8 19,965 16 2 104,884 6 2 55,556 14 10 101,973 0 9 80,170 3 3 122,446 4 5 16,641 15 7 96,916 19 10 11,638 18 8 53,564 5 3 12,833 7 5 51,471 0 10 4,982 8 7 89,125 11 7 73,404 8 3 191,403 0 8 16,671 3 3 101,767 15 6 8,189 3 10 186,559 1 8 2,363 3 9 95,193 13 5 662 7 7 253 8 10 200 0 0 2,248 6 6 13,547 11 7 23,956 9 10 12,867 10 8 429 9 0 15,257 11 1 3,500 7 0 1,009 9 7 860 5 4 63 15 0 137 5 8 853 3 5 14,742 5 9


Table No. 10. Statement showing the financial position of the Dominion on the 31st March, 1916, as compared with the 31st March, 1915:— [Note. —The term " liabilities " in these tables includes expenditure on public works for which contracts had been signed or material ordered on the 31st March, 1916.] CONSOLIDATED FUND. £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. 149,047 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. 336,696 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. ..2,166,077 Liabilities on 31st March, 191(5 .. .. .. .. .. 295,763 STATE FORESTS ACCOUNT. £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. 3,910 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. 287 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. . . 3,209 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. .. 153 STATE COAL-MINES ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 25,636 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 25,000 50,630 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. . . Nil. Balance on 31st March. 1916 . . ... .. .. 34,960 Unexhausted authority for raising loan . . .. 25,000 59,961) Liabilities'on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 10,000 SCENERY PRESERVATION ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 3,603 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 16,000 19.603 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 131 on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 997 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 16,000 16,997 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. Nil. PUBLIC WORKS FUND. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 695,762 Loan-money to receive .. .. .. .. 1,475,000 2,170,762 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 1,094,961 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 1,293,102 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 545,100 1,838,202 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 677,666 WELLINGTON-HUTT RAILWAY AND ROAD IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 1,791 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 3,320 5,111 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 200 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 1,648 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 3,320 4968 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. Nil.




Table No. 10 — continued. RAILWAYS IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 5,257 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 55,470 60,727 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. Nil. Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 5,586 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 55,470 61,056 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. Nil. RAILWAYS IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZATION ACT, 1914, ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1916 . . . . . . . . 8,246 Unexhausted authority for raising loan . . . . 1,360,000 ■ 1,368,246 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 215,792 WAIHOU AND OHINEMURI RIVERS IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 73,559 Unexhausted authority for raising loan . . .. .. 50,000 — 123,559 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 4,558 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 73,112 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 50,000 • 123,112 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 283 THE AID TO WATER-POWER WORKS ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 2,871 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 245,000 247,871 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 12,919 '* Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 1,462 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 191,000 192,462 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 22,861 IRRIGATION AND WATER-SUPPLY ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 4,720 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 29,900 34,620 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 6,740 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. . . 4,745 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 3,705 CHEVIOT ESTATE ACCOUNT. £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .'. .. 89,067 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. . . 98,004 NATIONAL ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT! £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. 92,655 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 4,862 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. . . . . . . .. 87,827 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 3,177



Table No. 10 — continued. LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. . . .. .. 34,079 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. .. 467,300 501,379 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 3,452 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 274,346 Unexhausted authority for raising loan . . .. .. 555,000 829,346 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 2,452 NATIVE LAND SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 15,297 Unexhausted authority for raising loan. . .. .. 400,000 415,297 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 1,294 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 17,884 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. 140,000 157,884 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 1,106 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT. (Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement.) £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 16,189 Unexhausted authority for raising loan.. . . . . 49,000 65,189 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 14,362 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 17,965 Unexhausted authority for raising loan . . .. .. 55,000 72,965 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. . . 5,843 HAURAKI PLAINS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 4,266 Unexhausted authority for raising loan.. .. .. 41,000 45,266 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. 165 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 8,475 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. .. 30,000 38,475 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 101 RANGITAIKI LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 3,031 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. .. 38,000 41,031 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 118 Balance on 31st March, 1910 .. .. .. .. 5,835 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. .. I 9,000 24,835 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 116 WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACCOUNT. £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 . . . . . . .. .. 9,909 Balance on 31st March, 1916 . . . . .. , . 30,718



Table No. 10 — continued. STATE ADVANCES ACCOUNT. £ £ Balanoe on 81st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 1,062,959 Loan-money to receive .. .. .. .. 773,200 Unexhausted authority for raising loan .. .. .. 2,426,800 4,262,959 Liabilities and commitments on 31st March, 1915 .. .. 682,753 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 247,272 Loan-money to receive .. .. .. .. 773,200 Unexhausted authority for raising loan . . .. . . 3,250,000 4,270,472 Liabilities and commitments on 31st March, 1916 .. .. 533,315 WAR EXPENSES ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. 287,302 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. ... .. 596,710 Balance on 31st March, 1916 .. .. . . . . 1,051,637 Unexhausted authority for raising loan . . .. .. 3,170,000 4,221,637 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. . . .. . . 916,436 MINING ADVANCES ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. . . .. 436 Unexhausted authority for raising loan. . .. .. 12,000 —: 12,436 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. Nil. Balance on 31st March, 1916 . . .. . . . . 526 Unexhausted authority for raising loan . . .. .. 16,500 17,026 KAURI-GUM INDUSTRY ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 9,007 Unexhausted authority for raising loan.. . . .. 36,000 45,007 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. . . .. 188 Balance on 31st March, 1916 . . . . . . . . 2,694 Unexhausted authority for raising loan . . . . . . 18,000 20,694 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. .. 1,354 FRUIT-PRESERVING INDUSTRY ADVANCES ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 1,500 Unexhausted authority for raising loan.. .. .. 13,500 15,000 Liabilities on 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. Nil. Balance on 31st March, 1916 . . .. . . .. 7,627 Unexhausted authority for raising loan . . . . . . 6,600 14,227 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 . . . . . . .. Nil. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT. £ £ Balance on 31st March, 1916 . . . . . . . . 1,000 Unexhaused authority|ior raising loan . . ' . . . . 49,000 50,000 Liabilities on 31st March, 1916 .. . . .. .. Nil. By Authority : Marcus V. Marks, Government Printer. Wellington.—l9l6.

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Bibliographic details

FINANCIAL STATEMENT (In Committee of Supply, 16th June, 1916) BY THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR JOSEPH WARD, BART., P.C., K.C.M.G., MINISTER OF FINANCE., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1916 Session I, B-06

Word Count

FINANCIAL STATEMENT (In Committee of Supply, 16th June, 1916) BY THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR JOSEPH WARD, BART., P.C., K.C.M.G., MINISTER OF FINANCE. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1916 Session I, B-06

FINANCIAL STATEMENT (In Committee of Supply, 16th June, 1916) BY THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR JOSEPH WARD, BART., P.C., K.C.M.G., MINISTER OF FINANCE. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1916 Session I, B-06

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