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1915 NEW ZEAL A N D.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly I>y Command of His Excellency.

My Lord, — Marine Department, Wellington, 22nd June, 1915. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department of the Dominion for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, f&c, W. H. Herries. His Excellency the Eight Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, 0.C.M.G., M.V.0., Governor of New Zealand.

The Secretary, Marine Department, to the Hon. the Minister or Marine, Sir, Marine Department, Wellington, 31st May, 1915. I have the honour to make the following report on the work of this Department during the year ended the 31st March last : Harbours Amendment Act, 1911. The principal provisions of this Act are that each candidate for election to a seat on a Harbour Board is to deposit £3 with the Returning Officer at the time of nomination, which is returnable to him if he polls one-eighth or more of the votes of the successful candidate polling the fewest votes ; that when an officer of a Board is absent his duties and powers may be performed by an acting-officer approved of by the Board ; that no money is to be drawn out of a hank unless authorized by the Board, and all moneys are to be paid by the Board in cash or by cheque signed by the Chairman or by any two members of the Hoard and countersigned by the Treasurer : that the Governor in Council may prescribe rules as to age, service, skill, character, and otherwise of persons appointed Harbourmasters and pilots ; that Boards may hold special meetings either on resolution of the Board or on requisition of the Chairman or any three members ; that this Governor in Council may grant the control of foreshore outside the limits of Harbour Board ports to any local authority, Domain Board, or persons as trustees for the inhabitants of the locality for recreation and bathing purposes. Inspection of Machinery Amendment Act, 1914. The principal provisions of this Act are that the Minister of Marine is to administer the Inspection of Machinery Acts ; that the Secretary of the Department instead of the Inspectors of Machinery is to issue boiler and machinery certificates, on the reports of the Inspectors : that the. Secretary may exempt any boiler or machinery from the requirement as to having a certificated driver on such conditions as he may prescribe ; that separate certificates may be issued for locomotive-engine drivers and traction-engine drivers ; that certificates without examination may be issued to New Zealand, certificated railway-engine drivers who have been employed in driving a railway locomotive or stationary engine, and that in the case of electric motors used in any factory or workshop the inspection fee is only to be charged on the boiler or engines which drive the dynamo or generator, and not on the dynamo or generator or on the motors worked by the power supplied from the dynamo or generator. , , , Mercantile Marine Offices. The work connected with these offices has been carried out in a very satisfactory manner. The withholding of the certificates of discharge of seamen for failure to join their ships and for desertion is having a good effect, as offenders are unable to ship in other vessels whilst their discharges are withheld. There are, however, still too many offences of this nature. In a few cases it has been found impossible to get properly certificated second mates for oversea ships, this being apparently

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due to certificated men having joined the Expeditionary Forces, and in order to avoid delaying the vessels the Department has, in exercise of the powers given to it by section 57 of the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1909, allowed them to sail with second mates holding certificates of competency as home-trade masters. Appended is a return showing the number of seamen engaged and discharged at the various ports in the Dominion, with the fees received for the engagements and discharges, The number engaged was 20,943, and the number discharged 20,458. The fees received amounted to £2,712 2s. During the previous year the engagements were 22,330, and the discharges 21,718, and tbe amount of fees received £3,015 18s. The transactions at the four principal ports were :— > Engagements. Discharges. £' .. Auckland .. .. .. .. 5,655 5,718 .765 12 6 Wellington .. .. .. ..7,632 7,235 907 8 0 Lyttelton .. .. .. ..1,896 1,884 281 7 0 Dunedin and Port Chalmers .. .. 3,081 3,136 427 I 6 During the previous year they were— Auckland ..' ..' .. .. 6,834 6,916 973 6 0 Wellington .. .. .. ..7,751 7.159 992 19 6 Lyttelton .. .. .. ..1,757 1,766 250 19 6 Dunedin and Port Chalmers .. .. 2,730 3,052 108 4 6 Proceedings for breaches of the law in regard to seamen were taken by the Department, with the following results : A. J. Croft, master of s.s. " Victoria," for carrying a seaman without entering into an agreement with him—fined £2 and costs ; B. E. Price, master of the schooner " Morning Light," for employing a seaman who had deserted from another vessel—fined £1 and costs ; O. Berg, master of s.s. " Wetere," for carrying a seaman without entering into an agreement with him— convicted and ordered to pay costs, also convicted and ordered to pay costs for employing a seaman in a capacity other than that for which he was engaged. Masters, Mates, and Engineers. The examination of candidates has been carried out at the various examination ports in a very satisfactory manner. 329 candidates passed and 109 failed. Of those who passed, 188 were masters, mates, and engineers of sea-going ships, 26 were masters and engineers of steamships plying in restricted limits, 2 were masters of fishing-boats and of cargo-vessels up to 25 tons register, 23 were engineers of sea-going ships propelled by mechanical power other than steam, and 90 were engineers of similar vessels plying within restricted, limits. The regulations for the examination of masters and mates have been amended to provide that time served on a training-ship shall count as equivalent to half the same time spent in service at sea up to a limit of two years ; and new regulations have been made as to examination in sight tests. The regulations for the examination of engineers have been consolidated and amended so as to bring them in line with those issued by the Imperial Board of Trade. The principal amendments are that candidates for second-class engineers' certificates must serve eighteen months at sea in a foreign-going steamer or twenty-seven months in a home-trade steamer, instead of twelve months and eighteen months respectively. Similar extensions in length of service have been made in the case of candidates for first-class certificates, and some additional problems have been added to the syllabus of subjects for examination. Provision is made that a portion of the time spent at recognized technical schools will count as equivalent to sea service, and a number of alterations have been made in the rules for the conduct of examinations. Provision was made in the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1909, that the Minister could declare certificates granted in other British dominions to be of equal force with certificates granted in New Zealand, provided that the certificates are accepted as of equal force of specified grades of certificates granted in the dominion to which the declaration referred. Application was made to this Department that New South Wales third-class certificates might be recognized as being equal to New Zealand river engineers' certificates, and the New South Wales Department of Navigation was asked whether, if such recognition was given, New Zealand river engineers' certificates would be recognized in that State as being equal to its third-class certificates. The reply received was that as the Federal Navigation Act would, be introduced in the near future, and as under that Act a thirdclass certificate would have quite a different value, the question should lie postponed until the Act came into operation. Nothing further could therefore be done in the matter. Messrs. D. B.ankin and S. N. Johnston have been appointed Examiners^offEngineers. Registration of Shipping. Beturns are appended showing the vessels registered in New Zealand on the 31st December last. On that date there were 197 sailing-vessels, of 20,984 registered tonnage, and 384 steamers of 77,901 tons register. The number of seamen and boys on board was 4,335, as compared with 5,477 at the end of the previous year. The register of 19 steamships, of 50,376 tons register, has been transferred to Great Britain to enable advantage to be taken of the Imperial Government's war insurance scheme.| Survey of Ships. Certificates have been issued to 294 steamers, 474 oil-engine vessels, and 88 sailing-vessels, as compared with 332 steamers, 428 oil-engine vessels, and 112 sailing-vessels in the previous year. Details as to alterations and repairs to vessels surveyed will be found in the report of the Chief Surveyor of Ships, which is appended hereto.



The following limits have been defined to be river and extended river limits : — Whangape : River limits, inside entrances of Whangape and Herekino on the north, t and llokianga on the south ; extended river limits, between Whangape and Herekino on the north andjbetween Whangape and ITokianga on the south. Whakatane : River limits, inside bar of Whakatane River ; extended river limits, between new outlet of Liangitaiki River and Opape Point, including Whale Island and Rurima rocks. Ohiwa : River limits, inside bar of Ohiwa River; extended river limits, same as Whakatane. Opotlki: River limits, inside bar of Opotiki River ; extended river limits, same as Whakatane. Tauranga : River limits, inside heads of Tauranga Harbour, including inside passage to Katikati; extended river limits, between Katikati and the new outlet of Rangitaiki River. Captain O. ,1. S. Lake has been appointed Adjuster of Compasses at Napier, and Captain R. 0. liarbord Adjuster at Bluff. Proceedings were taken by the Department for the following breaches of the law in connection with the survey of ships: viz., J. Shaw, for carrying passengers on ''Niagara" without life-saving appliances—fined £2 and costs ; W. Parris, master of launch " Haraemai," for running beyond limits allowed by vessel's certificate —-lined £2 and costs ; L. S. Irving, for running launch " Waiomo " without certificate—fined £1 and costs; Lapwood Bros., for running iaunches " Endova " and Waikato " without certificates --lined £1 and costs; for running launch " Rartgimahora " without certificate —lined £1 and costs ; F. Kukutai, for running launch " Tainui " without certificate —fined 10s. and costs ; C. Roose, for carrying passengers without a certificate for boat-fined £1 and costs ; G. Shalfoon, for carrying more passengers in launch than allowed by boat's certificate—convicted, but no fine imposed; E. Wade, for acting as engineer without a certificate -convicted and ordered to pay costs; C. Smith, for running launch " Oheroher" without life-saving appliances—fined Is. and costs; A. Middendorf and W. Watson, for carrying passengers without having life-saving appliances on board—cases dismissed for want of sufficient evidence ; and R. N. Anderson, master of schooner " Kereru," for carrying more passengers than allowed by vessel's certificate—fined £20 and costs. Deceased Seamen's Estates. The estates of forty-three deceased seamen have been dealt with. The amount received was £535 55., and the amount paid to relatives and other claimants was £348 Bs. 4d. Particulars of the estates are given in an appended return. The sum of £122 10s. 9d. which had remained unclaimed for over six years was paid into the Public Account. Wrecks and Casualties. During the year eighty-eight inquiries into shipping casualties were held, seventy-seven of them being preliminary inquiries and eleven Magisterial inquiries. Returns which are appended show the casualties and an analysis thereof. Those on or near the coasts of the Dominion numbered eightylive, of 39,604 tons register, as compared with eighty-seven, of 62,733 tons, in the previous year. The number of lives lost was twenty-two, as compared with five in the previous year. Nautical Publications. The Nautical Almanac for 1915, prepared by Captain Blackburne, Nautical Adviser to the Department, was issued in November last, and the sale of copies has been very good. A good number of the ABC Azimuth Tables issued by the Department has been sold, and there has been a good demand for Admiralty charts, which are imported by the Department and sold at the Mercantile Marine Office at a little over cost-price. Notices to Mariners. A return of Notices to Mariners relating to New Zealand subjects which have been issued by the Department is appended. A large number concerning matters outside the Dominion has been published by the Department and circulated for the information of shipmasters and others. Meteorological Weather Office. The Rev. Mr. Bates, Director of the Meteorological Office, reports as follows : — " I have to report the more important matters concerning New Zealand meteorology during the past year. " The development of wireless weather reports and ocean forecasts showed need of official organization, and also better equipment for ships reporting weather-conditions. The matter of charges for services rendered called for united action on the part of the Commonwealth and Dominion offices, and another subject for conference was the retention of the wireless station at Macquarie Island. For this purpose I attended conferences with the authorities in Melbourne and Sydney in June last. At these conferences the Amalgamated Wireless Company of Australasia offered reduced terms, and undertook to procure the best offer obtainable from British and foreign companies trading to Australia and New Zealand. In many directions Mr. E. T. Fisk, engineer to the Amalgamated Wireless Company, rendered us most valuable assistance. The Commonwealth office undertook to prepare codes, &c, for a maritime wireless weather service for Australasia, and to co-operate further with, the Dominion office. The development and consideration of these arrangements was, however, interrupted by the war; for, with the outbreak of hostilities, all wireless reports immediately ceased on account of the necessity for absolute secrecy as to the movements of ships.



With regard to the Macquarie Island Wireless Station, the Commonwealth authorities were unwilling to act without us, because the question of its continuance for the further study of subanwctic conditions was of universal scientific interest, and of the greatest importance to the meteorology of the Southern Ocean. It was also necessary for co-operation with the Imperial Antarctic Expedition under Sir Ernest Shaokleton. The plant of the wireless station was offered by Sir Douglas Mawson for £500, and the upkeep and supply was estimated to cost from £1,200 to £1,800 per annum. As the island is Commonwealth territory, the purchase of the plant and management of the station was regarded in the province of the Commonwealth Government, but for upkeep 1 proposed to ask the Dominion to contribute £500 per annum for three years towards its maintenance. On this the Commonwealth authorities agreed to proceed, and on the 7th July the Prime, Minister of the Commonwealth was definitely informed by the New Zealand Government of the offer. Some doubt and delay occurred at the outbreak of the war, and the consequent uncertainty of the sailing of the Imperial Antarctic Expedition, but on the 2nd October Mr. 11. A. Hunt, the Commonwealth Meteorologist, cabled to me that his Government agreed to his continuance for one year at least, and accepted our contribution. The records from the Macquaries have been regularly transmitted since its establishment by Sir D. Mawson, but on the Bth, 9th, 10th, and 11th January last no records were taken, the staff being engaged in co-operating with the search for the s.s. " Endeavour," which is believed to have foundered on returning from the island after leaving stores, &c. A member of the staff of the Commonwealth Weather Bureau who had been engaged for some time in meteorological work on the island was lost with the ship. "In my visit to the Central Weather Bureau at Melbourne and the divisional office at Sydney I was treated with the utmost courtesy and consideration, and in the short time at my disposal I saw much of the inside working of these offices. I obtained sets of forms, maps, and plans which were of great interest and value, and I would like to especially mention the system of the Queensland floodreporting inaugurated by the Weather Bureau, which I think might be applied with advantage to some of the rivers subject to floods in this Dominion. " The work of our office has gone on as usual, but with a natural growth in volume, which, without increase of staff, prevents advance in several directions regarded as desirable and important. Changes have also been postponed for want of fuller consultation with, and approval of, international meteorological authorities. " Dr. W. N. Shaw, Director of the British Meteorological Office and Chairman of the International Committee, has informed me that the decennial Conference of. Directors of Meteorological Offices throughout the world, which was to have, taken place in September, 1915, has been postponed, and probably will not assemble until a year after the declaration of peace. The Conference has many matters of particular interest to New Zealand for its consideration, particularly a system of stormwarning, upon which I have been for some time in communication with Dr. Shaw. Both he and Dr. H. R. Mill, Director of the British Rainfall Organization, however, urge the necessity of bringing New Zealand more into line with international requirements, and say that it would be beneficial if the Government were to send me Home in the meantime. " The need for more office space has been met by the Public Service Accommodation Board securing for us two extra rooms at the former rental by taking the whole under lease for a period of five years. We have now a direct telephone communication with the Telegraph-office and the room in which we prepare the daily morning weather reports. Mr. Wyatt, the Superintendent of the Wellington Telegraph-office, has instituted a system of checking the incoming weather reports, and, by occasionally speeding the returns of certain dilatory reporters, has saved great inconvenience to us as well us the telegraph operators themselves, enabling us to issue the reports more promptly to the public In some instances it has been reported to us that local Postmasters are careless about the publication of the weather reports and forecasts, but in general the services rendered to our Department by the Post and Telegraph officers show commendable zeal and public spirit. The staff of the Head Office lias assisted us. with, the utmost alacrity and to the fullest extent, and we are deeply indebted 10. them, , !i Chatham Island Wireless Station has been equipped with instruments for reporting weather dally, and on the Bth April, 1915, commenced transmitting reports at a nominal cost to this Department. This report is again sent by us as a collect telegram to Australia. " The establishment of the Public Service Commissioner's system of filing correspondence, though necessary for the growth of our operations, has entailed considerable difficulty and some delay while carrying on the usual work of the office." Arrangements have been made with the Government of the Commonwealth under which New .Zealand is to contribute £500 a year for a period not exceeding three years towards the cost of wireless communication with Macquarie Island, and under this arrangement the Meteorological Branch of the Department is receiving reports which are used for weather-forecast purposes. Go ver n n tent St earn ers. The Department has continued to employ the " Hinemoa " on her usual work of conveying material, stores, provisions, and oil to lighthouses, in attending to cleaning and painting buoys and beacons, and has been carried out in a very satisfactory manner. In addition to her ordinary work the vessel has conveyed to the site the material required for the lighthouse-tower which is being buili on Karori Bock in Cook Strait. A vote was taken last session of a part of the cost of a new steamer to replace the " Hinemoa," and steps are now being taken to invite tenders for building and equipping the vessel.



During last winter and early spring the training-ship " Amokura " was moored in Wellington Harbour, and the boys attended technical-school classes at the ship's schoolroom on the Thorndon Esplanade, instruction being given by a teacher employed by the Wellington Technical School, the Department paying his salary. The examination which was held at the end of the term showed very satisfactory results. The vessel is now moored in the harbour for this winter, and the instruction classes are being carried on in the same way as was done last winter. The vessel commenced cruising at the end of October last, having been delayed for a time owing to the outbreak of war, and in addition to coastal cruises she paid two visits to the southern islands, and one to the Kermadoc Islands, to search for castaways, and to examine the provision and clothing depots which are maintained on those islands for the benefit of persons who may be shipwrecked on them. During her coastal trips she called at Gisborne, Picton, Port Underwood, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Oamaru, Otago Harbour, Bluff, and Stewart Island. It is usually found that after she visits a place applications for admission to her come from boys at those places. No difficulty has been experienced in keeping up her full complement of sixty boys in fact, there, are usually boys waiting for vacancies. The general behaviour of the boys has been good ; their duties have been carried out with alacrity and cheerfulness, and there have serious offences against discipline. Under the arrangement made with the Union Steamship Company four more of the best boys have been placed on board the s.s. " Aparima " to be trained as officers. Their names are —S. A. Faulkner, of Devonport; W.. 11. Cadwallader, of Timaru ;F. H. Rettei, of Auckland ; and L. M.assey, of Gisborne. There are at present fifty boys who have been trained in the ship serving in the Empire's military and naval forces. They are as follows : With the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces- W. W. McNeil, C. J. Lawton, H. C. Breach, A. S. Birse, W. Brennan. F. Small, E. L. G. Mahony, A. J. Cox, W. Morrisey, P. J. Jenkins, V. J. Hay, E. C. Sarginson, J.G. Macalistcr, S. R. Billett, f. I. Moir, W. Middleton, C. C. Todd, B. W. Martin, T. j. Guthrie, A. .1. Wesfriipp, H. C. Watson, J. Scaife, P. Manson, C. G. Edwards, E. A. Latimer, G. Silvester, I. Asher, and J. Smith ; in His Majesty's Navy—R. H. Hucks. A. H. Soper, W. H. Burborough, •). P. Burrows, B. Macfarlane, 11. 0. Stone, G. M. Collins, E. Magnusson, F..C. Turvey, H. G. Ilullah, R. W. Fairweather, R. T. Lugs, H. T. M. Watson, F. Darlow, E. 0. Maney, T. W. Par'ton, F. Kivell, J. Hannan, C. .1. M. Gaby, and I. Grace; in the Imperial Army- T. R. Wagstaff :in Imperial Transport Service—M. Martin. The members of the permanent staff have carried out their duties very satisfactorily. Their quarters are very cramped, but owing to the small size of the ship they cannot be enlarged. Lighthouses. The construction of a ferro-concrete tower for the proposed light; on Karori Rock has been proceeded with during the year, but, owing to its being impossible to work ou the rock in southerly weather and to there having been a good deal of such weather, the progress of the work has been slower than anticipated. A portion of the foundation had to be started near high-water mark and built up to the top of the rock a height of 25 ft. This has been completed, and the tower has been built to a height of 32 ft. above the rock, leaving 8 ft. to be completed. The light will be, an automatic acetone-acetylene white light showing a flash of half a second followed by an eclipse of three and a half seconds. An iron tower has been erected ou Channel Island, in the Hauraki Gulf, and an automatic acetoneacetylene white light has been installed in it. It was lighted on the 11th February, .1915, last, and showed the following flashes: half-second light; two seconds eclipse; half-second light; ten seconds eclipse. Since it was lighted a defect developed in the mechanism, and pending a new flasher being procured the light is showing a flash of half-second light with eight seconds darkness. A vote was taken last session for a light on Flat Rock, in the Hauraki Gulf. The necessary steps are now being taken to alter the beacon on the rock to make it suitable for carrying a light, and an automatic acetone-acetylene light has been ordered. Automatic acetone-acetylene lights have been ordered for Nelson and Ponui Passage lighthouses. Last session of Parliament a vote was taken for a light on Okuri Point, D'Urville Island, which will serve as a, mark for the Beef Barrel Rocks, and steps are being taken to erect the necessary tower and to procure an automatic acetylene light. The Pintsch-gas light has been maintained at Jackson's Head, but I recommend that an automatic acetone-acetylene light be procured and substituted for it, as such a light will be more reliable, the work of attending to it will be much lighter, and the cost of the necessary gas less. The various lighthouses have been maintained in a state of efficiency, and the, keepers have carried out their duties satisfactorily. The Department has always necessarily provided houses for keepers, and in consequence of this being done their salaries have been less than they would have been had they provided houses themselves. Since the Public Service Superannuation Fund was established the keepers have had a valid grievance in that their superannuation allowances being based on their salaries, those allowances are less when they retired than they would have been had they provided their own houses, as is done by other public servants for whom houses are not provided. This grievance would be remedied by fixing the salaries £25 a year.higher than the rates hitherto paid, and charging the keepers £25 a year house-rent. Lightning struck Dog Island tower at 12.30 a.m. on the Ist June last, fusing the telephone-wires and speaking-tube, destroying two spare copper shutters and all connections on the telephone-line to the Bluff, breaking four windows, and smashing tank-stand where the current went to earth. On the 30th September an earthquake threw the machine out of position in the Cape Campbell tower : the light was out for, one night, when the machine was put back into its place. On the 28th October an earthquake made a deep crack in a part of East Island near the lighthouse and the principal keeper's house, but no damage was done to the buildings.



During the year I have inspected the lighthouses at Castle Point, Portland Island, East Cape, Ponui Passage, Tiritiri, Mokohinou, Chicken's Island, (.'ape Brett, Cape Maria van Diemen, Kaipara, Manukau, and Cape Egmont; but pressure of departmental work has prevented me visiting those in Cook Strait and the South. A rearrangement has beenjmade night a watches at; lighthouses where there are two keepers, which allows two watches to be kept from the Ist November to the end of February, the first watch being from sunset to midnight second from midnight to sunrise. At three-men stations the watches remain as hitherto -namely, first watch from sunset to 8 p.m., second from 8 p.m. until midnight, third from midnight to 4 a.m., and fourth from 4 a.m. until sunrise. Three keepers have died, two have, resigned, two have been transferred to othei Departments, and one has from the service for going to sleep on .watch, when the light, which is a revolving one, became stationary. Eight new keepers have been appointed to fill the vacancies. The following additions and repairs have been made to lighthouses : —(Jape Maria van Diemen : Winches repaired ; second assistant keeper's house enlarged. Mokohinou : Landing-place improved and new crane erected. East Cape : Boat-shed finished and new telegraph-cable laid. Manukau Head : Fence erected. Kaipara : Washhouse erected. Penearrow : Fence erected. French. Pass : Flagstaff erected. Stephen Island : Underground water-tanks repaired. Cape Campbell : Babbitproof fence erected. Akaroa Head : Incandescent light installed. Taiaroa Head : Telephones and washtubs put in. Cape Saunders : Winch repaired. Nugget Point : Fowlhouses, cow-shed., and stables erected. Dog Island : Roofs repaired, porches built, drains laid, and new lightning-conductor fitted. Centre Island : New boat supplied. Marine Store. The new store for the Department on the reclaimed land at Wellington has been completed, and the two old stores which were at Pipitea Point have been moved to the new site. The new store has been fitted with a travelling crane which enables the work of taking in and putting out goods to be carried out more expeditiously. Fog-signals. The explosive fog-signals at Cuvier Island, Penearrow Head, Godley Head, and Taiaroa Head have been maintained in good working-order. Repairs have been made to those at Godley Head and Taiaroa Head. The light dues collected during the year amounted to £39,216 I Os. Id., as compared with £41,745 12s. 4d. during the previous year. Harbours. The s.s. " Hinemoa " has carried out the work of cleaning and painting the buoys in the harbours under the control of the Department. Arrangements have been made for the erection of a beacon to carry a light in the Narrows, Hokianga Harbour, bstween Rawene and Kohukohu, and a light has been ordered. A new retaining-wall is being built round the area at Kohukohu, which was reclaimed by the deposit of sawdust sawmill was working there. The Department's intention when it started this wall was to road the; land, cut it up, and lease the sections, but since the work was commenced the Railway Department has asked for the area tor a site for a sawmill which it proposes to establish at Hokianga, and the question of whether' the request will be acceded to is under consideration. A portion of the foreshore at Rawene has been surveyed and, cut up into sections, which have been leased, and it is proposed to survey a further portion so that it may be out up into sections for lease as demand for them arises. As it has been found inconvenient for the Harbourmaster to be stationed at Hokianga Heads, it has been decided to move him and the boatman to Rawene, where he will be in a central position, and arrangements have been made to erect a new house for him there, and to move the boatman's house up from the Heads. The contract which was let for making a buoy to carry the proposed light at Beacon Reach, Kaipara Harbour, has not yet been completed, owing to the delay in getting the necessary material from England which arose in consequence of the war; but as soon as the buoy is ready it will be placed in position, and the light will be placed on it. In February last the automatic light at Shelly Beach in this harbour went out owing to the gas escaping from the cylinders. The light was relighted as soon as a fresh supply of gas was obtained, and there has been no difficulty with it since. The work of repairing and extending the training-wall at Karamea is being carried out. Ploods have necessitated extensive modifications and additions to the contracts. The repairs to the wharf have been completed, and it is proposed to repair the wharf-shed. The Harbours Act, 191.0, gives power to lease mud-flats on which there is not sufficient water at high water for navigation purposes, the leases not to exceed twenty-one years; and applications for leases in Kaipara Harbour have been received, the applicants desiring to reclaim the land by banking the tide out, and then to use the areas for fruitgrowing and gardening. Arrangements have been made with the Lands Department to inspect the flats, and report as to the areas in which they should be leased and as to the rents that should be charged. The practice of licensing persons to take gravel and sand from the foreshores on payment of a royalty has been continued, most of the licenses being for the Hauraki Gulf. It is proposed to proclaim a strip of land round a portion of the, gulf to be a reserve, so that the taking of the material from the foreshore may not cause injury to private land. The necessary survey has been made and the plans prepared. A report by the Marine Engineer on the various works dealt with by him is appended.



Proceedings have been taken against persons for taking shingle and sand without permits, and for offences in connection with harbours, as follows : W. Larsen, for taking shingle —fined £2 and costs ; S. Clare, for taking shingle—-fined £10 and costs ; T. Brown, for taking shingle—fined £4 and costs ;J. Spencer, for taking shingle fined £2 and costs ;W. Hadly, for taking shingle --fined ss. and costs ; and L. Vasta, master of the ketch " Coronation," for depositing ballast in Russell Harbour -fined £5 and costs. 11. Hardiraan was prosecuted for sending a boy to steal benzene from the Harbourmaster's shed at Hokianga, and was sentenced to one month's imprisonment. The sum of £1,561 16s. Id. was collected for pilotage and port charges in respect of harbours under the control of the Department, as compared with £1,440 13s. 4d. during the previous year. A return of the amounts collected at the various ports, and also the, amounts collected at ports under the control of Harbour Boards, is appended. Fisheries. On the completion of the examination of the fisheries of the Dominion last year Professor Prince, the Canadian Commissioner of. Fisheries, made a preliminary report containing valuable recommendations which are under consideration. His complete report, has not, however, been yet received, but a letter has recently been received from him stating he has it in hand. The Department continued to pick rock-oysters in the Hauraki Gulf and the Bay of Islands last season. The beds have improved so much that a greater quantity than was picked could have been taken had there been a greater demand for them. The quantity picked and sold was 8,361 sacks, and the amount realized was £5,752 6s. 6d., and the net profit made was £1,664 18s., part of which has been used to replant depleted areas. I saw some of the beds in December and January last, when they were in first-class condition, and they should this season meet all demands which is a very different state of things from that which existed when the, Department took over the picking in 1908, at which time they were becoming rapidly depleted by the indiscriminate picking which was carried on by private pickers. The price charged is 13s. 6d. a sack at the depot in Auckland, and in addition to disposing of them by the sack the Department is now selling them at the depot in quantities of five dozen for Is., and a kerosene-tin full, or about eighteen dozen, for 3s. These parcels have met with ready sale, 367 sacks having been sold in such parcels to persons who do not require so large, a quantity as a sack. The beds in Hokianga Harbour, which were very much depleted by overpicking when the system of private picking was in vogue, having recovered, they were picked last season, and the oysters were sold locally at 10s. a sack. They are being again picked this season and sold in the Hokianga district . at the same price. Of the oysters, 8,361 sacks, picked last season in the Hauraki Gulf, Bay of Islands, and Hokianga, 7,523 sacks were sold at Auckland, 255 at Russell, 38 at Hokianga, 248 at New Plymouth, 138 at Gisborne, 60 at Napier, 12 at Hokitika, 8 at Greymouth, 19 at Weijtport, 2 at Patea, 13 at Wanganui, 43 at Wellington, and 2 at Christchurch. There are now large quantities of mangrove-oysters growing on the mangrove-trees in the north of Auckland, and as there is no market for these oysters in New Zealand, it would be advisable to export them to Australia, which formed a good market for them before the export of rock and mangrove oysters was prohibited. The oysters taken from the Foveaux Strait beds last season were 24,793 sacks, valued at £12,396 10s., of which 3,285 sacks, containing 302,050 dozen, valued at £2,396, were exported to Australia. Thirteen Inspectors of Sea Fisheries, of whom eight were members of the Police Force, were appointed during the year. Mr. Henry Stephenson, who has been Inspector of Fisheries at the Bay of Islands since the Ist September, 1892, will retire on superannuation at the end of October next. He has been a most capable and zealous officer, and I regret the age-limit necessitates his retirement. Toheroa : The toheroa-bearing coast in the Kaipara district has been cut up into reasonable areas for leasing, £5 being fixed as the annual rent for each area. Provision was made in the leasing regulations that if two or more persons apply for the same area the one having a canning-factory in operation is to receive the lease, and if there are two or more applicants who have factories, the one who has had his factory the longest is to receive preference. Tenders were invited for the leases, but only two were received, and as these were for the same area and both tenderers had factories, the preference clause had to be put into operation. The report of Mr. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, is appended, and also the report on the Portobello Marine Fish-hatchery, by Mr. Anderton, the curator. Inspection of Land Boilers and Machinery. As it was found that the Inspectors employed by the Department were unable to keep the inspection-work up to date, two new Inspectors have been appointed, one of whom, Mr. D. Rankin, has been stationed at Napier, and the other, Mr. S. N. Johnston, at Wanganui ; and in order that the law requiring boilers and machinery to be inspected may be carried out, so as to provide as far as possible for the safety of life and freedom from, accident, it will soon be necessary to appoint another Inspector for the Waikato. As pointed out by the Chief Inspector in his report which is appended hereto, it is advisable that more frequent inspections should be made of passenger and goods lifts ; but it is impossible to do this without an increase in the staff. This will, of course, involve an increase in the cost of inspection, but this should not stand in the way when the safety of life is concerned. As pointed out in the synopsis of the Inspection of Machinery Amendment Act, which appears in this report, certificates for boilers and machinery are now issued by the Secretary of the Department on the reports of the Inspectors who made the inspections, which saves time and expense. Prior to



the coming into operation of the amending Act of 1914 the certificates were made out in the Head Office and sent to the Inspectors for signature, and were then posted by them to the post-offices at which the inspection fees were to be paid. Under the new system they are completed at the Head Office and sent direct to the post-office ; a notice that this has been done, with a note of the fees payable, being at the same time posted to each owner. Certificates have been issued to 414 land engineers and land engine-drivers, and a list of the persons receiving them is appended hereto. 1 have, &c., The Hon. the Minister of Marine, Wellington. George Allport, Secretary. The Marine Engineer to the Secretary, Marine Department. Sir,— 15th April, 1915. I have the honour to report as follows upon the various works dealt with during the year ended the 31st March, 1915 :— Cape Maria van Diemen Lighthouse.- A revolving cowl is being manufactured for the purpose of improving the ventilation. Hokianga : Taheke River Improvement.- A scheme for improving the river-channel has been prepared, and some work has been done in the way of removing rocks, destroying willows, &c. The remainder of the work can only be done when the river is at its lowest, and will be attended to at the first opportunity. Hokianga : Kohukohu Reclamation. —Contracts were prepared and tenders invited for the erection of a protective wall and other works, but the tenders received were considered excessive, and the work is being carried out under the direction of the Department. Small contracts have been let for the supply of Steelwork, and also for pile-driving, &c. The work is approaching completion, and the area behind the walls is being filled in. Hokianga: Harbourmaster's and Boatman s Houses. Arrangements are being made for the removal of the boatman's cottage from the Heads to Rawene, and for some additions and improvements ; also for the erection of a new residence for the Harbourmaster at the same place. Hokianga : Beacon at the Narrows. —rlt is proposed to construct a beacon with automatic acetylene light on a rock at The Narrows, Hokianga. Plans, &c, have been prepared, and arrangements made for the construction of the concrete base, and for the manufacture of the pedestal. The lightingapparatus is on order, Hokianga: Launch-landing at Rawene. Reports and estimates have been prepared in connection with a proposed launch-landing at Rawene. Hokianga : Mangamuka and Orira Rivers. A small vote for the improvement of these rivers has been expended in snagging, but further expenditure is necessary to complete the work satisfactorily. Hokianga : Karaka Point Wharf. A proposal, to erect a wharf at Karaka Point was investigated and reported upon. Mokohinou Lighthouse. A revolving cowl, similar to that which is being installed at Cape Maria, has been ordered for this lighthouse. Flat Rock Beacon. -It is proposed to instal an automatic acetylene light on the beacon at Flat Rock, Kawau Island, and the necessary information is being obtained. Great Barrier Wharf. Surveys have been made in connection with the road approaches. Kaipara : Mititai Wharf. —A further report was supplied regarding channel improvement, with estimate for a suitable training-wall. Kaipara: Beacon Reach Light-buoy. A tender has been accepted for the manufacture of a buoy to carry an automatic light for use in Beacon Reach, Northern Wairoa River. The work is not yet complete. The lighting-apparatus is being obtained. Manukau Harbour. —A report was prepared in connection with a stock route across the mudHat at Otahuhu. Puhoi River.—A report was supplied with regard to a private reclamation. Paparoa River Wharf. A report was prepared in connection with some suggested improvements and repairs. Auckland,: Tu.ranga Creek Wharf. A proposal to erect a wharf at Turanga Creek was reported upon. Auckland: Taikata Creek Bridge. A difference of opinion having arisen between the local authorities concerned as to the class of navigation to be provided for in connection with this bridge, a report and recommendation were made. Plans, &c, have since been approved. Auckland : Channel Island Light. —A wire ropeway has been constructed and the pedestal erected ready for the lighting-apparatus, which has since been fitted up and the light exhibited. Auckland Waterways Commission. —A cei'tain amount of business has been dealt with in connection with this Commission. Pinko River Entrance. —Two leading-lights are being erected to facilitate navigation. Whangapoua.— A report was furnished regarding the condition of a wharf at this place. Tauranga Harbour. -A report was prepared i*l connection with a complaint, that certain landowners had encroached upon the foreshore. Sundry reports have been furnished in connection with wharf and harbour improvements at Tauranga. The matter is complicated, by the projwised railwayline and station-yard in the vicinity, and a conference between representatives of the Government Departments and local authorities concerned has been arranged in order to devise a scheme which will meet all requirements. :



Matata.- A report was prepared with regard to the silting alleged to have taken place in consequence of the diversion of the Bangitaiki River in connection with the land-drainage scheme. Hicks Bay. —A proposal to erect a breakwater at Hicks Bay was reported upon. Waiwawa River.- Complaints having been made regarding the condition of the river, owing to timber-driving, the matter was investigated and reported upon. Waipa River. —ln order to obtain data with a view to improving the navigation of the, Waipa River, gauges were erected at several places and connected with a line of levels, and the height of water' in the liver has since been observed regularly. Kawhia.- A report has been obtained in connection with a proposed ferro-concrete wharf extension. Castle Point Lighthouse. —Suggestions have been made regarding the renewal of the roofs of the houses at Castle Point, where the present roofing-material has proved unsatisfactory. Karori Rock Beacon.- The erection of this beacon has been continued under great difficulties, due to the very exposed position of the rock. It is only when the sea is smooth that it is possible to do any work, the concrete being mixed on shore and carried by boat to the rock. Up to the present the base has been constructed, and the tower carried up to a height of about 20 ft. above it, or 45 ft. above water-level. The lighting-apparatus has been obtained, and can be fitted up as soon as the tower is completed, which should be in about two months' time, provided reasonably fine weather is experienced. Karamea. —The repairs to the wharf, which were in hand at date of last report, have since been completed. Plans have been prepared for additions to the wharf-shed. The contract for repairs to the training-wall is still in hand, as is also the contract for extension, both having been seriously affected by floods, which, have also necessitated extensive modifications and additions to the contracts. The extension of the training-wall having narrowed the channel, a number of residents, with the assistance of the Department, attempted to improve the entrance by diverting the river. Their efforts, combined with an opportune flood, resulted in the formation of a new outlet through a sandspit, which has so far proved quite satisfactory. Westport. —A report was furnished in connection with harbour-works at this port. Kaikoura. —A proposal to provide better shelter for fishing-boats was reported upon. Greymouth. —Sundry matters relating to harbour improvements have been dealt with. Godley Head Lighthouse. —A report was supplied with reference to improvements in the watersupply. Bruce Bay Landing. —Some further information has been obtained with regard to improved landing facilities at Bruce Bay, South Westland, and plans, &c, are being prepared. Pelorus Sound — Kenepuru Arm — Waitaria Wharf. —This new structure was completed in August last. Wai/makariri River. —Further reports and estimates have been furnished in connection with the proposed training-wall to fix the outlet of this river. Moerahi. —The repairs to launch-slip, which were in hand at date of last report, have since been completed. Cape Saunders Lighthouse.- A new winch has been provided for the landing-crane. Otago Harbour.- Sundry matters in connection with reclamation-works, &c, have been reported upon. Taieri River. —A new jetty, in reinforced concrete, is being erected on the northern side of the river, near its mouth, and a report and estimate was prepared in connection with repairs to the existing jetty on the southern side, at Taieri Mouth Township. Nuggets Boat-landing .— The mole protecting the fishermen's landing has been extended a short distance, the new work consisting of concrete blocks. A further sum is available and will be expended in a similar manner. Dog Island lAghthouse. —The lightning-conductor has been renewed. Ruapuke Island. —A proposal to construct a wharf is being investigated. R. W. Holmes, Marine Engineer. The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. The Chief Inspector of Machinery to the Secretary of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department. Sir,— Customhouse Building, Wellington, 27th May, 1915. I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report on the operations and work of the Inspectors of Machinery and the Ships during the twelve months which ended on the 31st March, 1915. The work connected with the surveys of steamers, of sailing-vessels, and of oil-launches i. r ; practically up to date. The launch-surveying has now assumed large proportions all over New Zealand and has engaged the attention of two Surveyors of Ships during the year. The land-boiler inspections and the machinery inspections include hydraulic and electric lifts for the carriage of both passengers and cargo. All oil and gas engines and electric motors have been inspected in all parts of New Zealand. In most of the country districts this year, owing to the weather-conditions, which have been good, a great number of new machinery inspections have been made in the more remoto'parts of the various districts. In the North Auckland district it will, I think, be advisable to open a new district office soon, either in Dargaville or Whangarei. The ship-surveys are getting very numerous in the Kaipara, Hokianga, Whangarei, and Bay of Islands, and the land machinery in and around those centres is, owing to new land-settlement, increasing very rapidly.

2—H. 15.



In the four principal towns of New Zealand the time of one Inspector is now largely devoted to inspecting passenger and goods lifts, and more time should, I think, be devoted to work of this kind in the large cities than heretofore. The speed of these lifts is fairly high and the wear-and-tear considerable. During the working-day thousands of passengers travel up and down in these passengerlifts. So far, very few accidents have been recorded with lifts, and but for the supervision given to them the number of accidents might easily have been more numerous. I personally visited most of the districts throughout the year, and I can bear testimony to the zeal displayed by the surveying and inspecting staff in their respective districts. The engineering trades have been slack during the year, and the new work offering has not been sufficient to keep all the works at their full running capacities. Ship-building has been fairly busy in Auckland and Dunedin. Annual Survey of Steamships and Auxiliary-powered Vessels. During the year new Life-saving Appliances Rules for ships came into operation. The rules deal with new boat equipment, more especially lifeboat equipment in the seagoing class of vessel, and buoyant equipment for vessels plying in restricted limits in and around harbours. Considerable alterations have had to be made in the equipments of most foreign-going vessels, and these have added to the cost of surveys this year. These regulations have led to a good deal of correspondence, but so far satisfactory arrangements have been made to comply with the regulations without unnecessary friction of any sort. There is no doubt that each year adds to the cost of running a modern ship, but any appliance that leads to the greater safety of ships should be adopted without delay. Modern passenger-ships, even in New Zealand waters, are large and carry a lengthy passenger-list, particularly in the intercolonial trades. Four new vessels, over 25 tons gross register, have been built in the Dominion during the year, and six vessels are now under construction. The plans and specifications for all these vessels were submitted to the Department for approval. Last year the engines and boilers of only one out of the throe steamers built were made in the Dominion. Of the four vessels completed this year, three are steamers, and in each case the boilers and machinery were made in the Dominion. This is a step in the right direction, and proves that satisfactory work can be done in the Dominion equal to the imported article. Two steamers, the " John Anderson " and the " Admiral," have been fitted with new boilers made locally, and these were supervised by the Department's Surveyors during the whole time of construction and installation. Of the four new vessels, two, the " Albany " and "Te Teko," were built of New Zealand wood, the other two, the dredge " Wallace " and the tug " Dunedin," of steel plating. The " Albany " is a twin-screw steamer of 35 tons gross and 20 tons register, and is employed carrying passengers in restricted limits. The "Te Teko "is an oil-engine cargo vessel of 108 tons gross and 56 tons register. She is fitted with twin screws, and the propelling-engines are of the semi-Diesel type and are of 120 b.h.p. The dredge " Wallace" was built on the Priestman system. Her length is 83 ft. 9 in., breadth 22 ft., depth 6 ft. 6 in. The propelling-engines have cylinders 9 in. by 16 in. diameter, with a stroke of 10 in. The boiler is of the dry-back marine type, 6 ft. in diameter and 5 ft. 3 in. in length. The tug " Dunedin " is of the following dimensions : Length, 124 ft. 6 in. ; breadth, 25 ft. ; depth, 13 ft. 6 in. Her gross tonnage is 345 and the register tonnage, 125. The vessel is propelled by two sets of triple-expansion surface-condensing engines, each set driving a separate propeller. A contraflo condenser with centrifugal circulating-pump has been fitted, and also an independent air-pump and a pair of feed-pumps. Salvage and fire pumps and a complete electric-lighting plant have been installed. Steam is supplied from an Inglis type of marine boiler, 14 ft. in diameter and 11 ft. in length, working at a pressure of 180 lb. per square inch. This is the first New Zealand vessel to have this type of boiler fitted. The boiler is similar to the Scotch type, except that the products of combustion first pass from the common combustion-chamber at the back of the furnaces to a flue leading to the front of the boiler. The gases then travel back again by way of the usual small tubes to the uptake at the back of the boiler. The boiler is fitted with three corrugated furnace-tubes, and the flue-tube, which is similar to the furnace-tubes, is placed directly above the centre furnace. Sixty-seven of the steamers surveyed were fitted with new propeller-shafts ; sixteen had new propoflers fitted; eleven had new blades fitted to their propellers ; twenty had now engines fitted ; several had new boilers fitted, three of which, were made in the Dominion. One vessel was fitted with a new donkey boiler. Considerable repairs and renewals to several of the vessels surveyed were made. Extensive repairs, as set out below, were effected at survey to the following vessels :— S.S. "Elsie." —ln the forward part of the hull a new keelson, 12 in. by 7 in. by 28 ft., was fitted and secured with. Muntz bolts, fin. diameter. The mast was found to be defective, and was renewed. A new casing was built over the boiler. The engines were lifted out of the ship and thoroughly overhauled, including the reboring of cylinders and the fitting of new pistons. A new donkey pump was fitted. All the main and auxiliary steam-pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure to double the working-pressure. The steering-chains were renewed. S.S. " Ennerdale." —The principal repairs at the survey of this vessel were made to the propelling machinery and the donkey boiler. The shafting of the main engines was lined up, the crank-shaft being lifted | in. and the thrust-shaft j%in. The spare propeller was fitted. In the main boiler a number of rivets in the circumferential seams at the bottom of the boiler were renewed. The landing, where forward end plates join the shell at the bottom of the boiler, was overlapped with a patch 9 ft. long by | in. thick. The bottom of the centre tube-plate at the front end was also patched. In the combustion-chambers four dog-stays, two screwed stays, one 21 in. back stay, one stay-tube, and two plain tubes and sixty rivets were renewed. In the donkeyjboiler eighty plain tubes and two stay-tubes were renewed. Two new feed-pump plungers were fitted, and new valves were fitted to the main and donkey check-valve chests.



S.S. " John Anderson." —A new main boiler, with new seats and casings, was fitted into the vessel. Structural repairs to the hull in the engine-room consisted of five new floors and reverse-bars, two new stringer-bars, and five new frames in the bunkers. The bunkers were renewed. Two new plates were fitted to hull. The bottom of the collision-bulkhead was repaired. The repairs to the machinery included the straightening of the intermediate shafting and the facing of the couplings, and the drawing and the cleaning of condenser-tubes. All winch steam-pipes were renewed. A new seat was fitted to one safety-valve. A new check-valve and a new blow-down pipe were fitted. S.S. " Karoro." —Some important repairs were made to the hull of this vessel. The main keelson on the engine-room was strengthened by fitting two pieces of hardwood on each side of it. Two new sister keelsons were placed under the boiler-bed. The bulkhead between the boiler and fore hold and seven floor-timbers in the fore hold were renewed. Nine feet of the upper part of the stern, was renewed, and four new hull-planks have been fitted on the starboard side and three on the port side. A new deck has been laid between the hatchway and the after-deck house. The vessel has been fitted with a new boiler, which was constructed in Auckland under the supervision of the local Surveyors. S.S. " Maheno." —This intercolonial steamer is of the turbine-driven class. Her original machinery consisted of three sets of direct-driven turbines driving separate propellers. Those were taken out of the vessel at Port Chalmers and two sets of geared turbines were installed. The original central propeller has been discarded. All the original turbine and shaft seatings were cut out, and new seatings for the turbines, gear-cases, thrust-blocks, and bearings were erected. New stern-tubes of lap-welded steel have been fitted. All ballast-tanks were tested by water-pressure. Alterations were also made in the passenger accommodation, and casings for eight cabins have been fitted on the port and starboard sides of the after end of the smoking-room on the promenade deck. The geared turbines were made by Messrs. Denny, engineers, of Dumbarton. S.S. " Mascolte." —The main boiler was lifted out of this vessel. New tubes, new bar-stays in steam-space, and four new stays in the combustion-chamber were fitted. The boiler was tested by hydraulic pressure to one and a half times the Working-pressure. All main steam-pipes were also tested. S.S. " Ngaliawa." —Both of the main engines were raised. The engino-seatings, all the reverse ■ angles under engine-seatings, and all intorcostals Were reriveted. Four of the intercostals were renewed. Two new 3 in. pillars were fitted in the engine-room. Both engines were relined off and fitted down to teak-wood chocks. New holding-down bolts were made and fitted. O.E.V. " Taupiri." —This vessel received a thorough overhaul. Twenty-five rib frames, two sister keelsons, and several planks on both sides of hull were renewed. The inside lining of hull, the stern-post, the deadwood rudder, and rudder-post were renewed. A new stern-tube, propeller-shaft, and propeller have been fitted. The steering-gear has been renewed throughout, and a deck-house has been erected over the machinery. S.S. " Wairoa" (of Auckland). —The wooden boaters under the boiler have been removed and replaced with two long bearers, 28 ft. by 8 in. by 6 in., which have been bolted down to the hull. A new keelson, 40 ft. by 10 in. by 10 in., has been fitted under the engine and boiler. The lower side plates of the bunkers have been renewed. The old boiler was lifted out and a new boiler installed. The new boiler was fitted with now gun-metal mountings, new stop and safety valves and chests, smoke-box, and funnel. The stern-tube was rebored, a new metal bush and a new brass-lined propeller tail-shaft fitted. The whole of the engine-shafting Was lined up. New feed-pump escape-valves and chests were fitted. A portion of the main steam-pipe was renewed, and the whole of the main and auxiliary steam-pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure to double the working-pressure. The number of steamers and auxiliary-powered vessels surveyed during the year amount to 756, which shows a considerable increase on last year's surveys. Besides the usual annual surveys, a great many visits have been made by the Surveyors to vessels between annual-survey dates at docking-times, to have a look at the hulls and to see that the boats and equipments had been kept up to the standard. The steamer excursion trips have been quite as numerous during the year as in former years, and have all been run free of accident. _ Surveys of Ships for Seaworthiness. Thirty-six of these special surveys of steam-vessels were made during the year throughout the Dominion. The principal causes for these surveys were the following : Vessels grounding, collisions, fire, boiler-defects, defects in steam-pipes, and leakage in hulls through loose rivets, mostly caused by driving vessels when light against a heavy head sea. Government Steamers. The Government steamers were all surveyed during the year, at which surveys no extensive repairs were made, with the exception of the s.s. " Janie Scddon " and s.s. " Lady Roberts," both of which have had fairly heavy repairs made to their main boilers. The names of the Government vessels surveyed are—s.s. " Ben Lomond," s.s. " Earnslaw," s.s. " Hauraki," s.s. " Hinemoa," o.e.v. " Hula," o.e.v. " Irvine," s.s. " Janie Seddon," s.s. " Lady Roberts," o.e.v. " Manurere," o.e.v. " Maroro," s.s. " Mountaineer," o.e.v. " Patiti," o.e.v. " Reremoana," s.s. " Tawora," s.s. " Tutanekai," and o.e.v. Defence launch "W." Additional Steamers and Auxiliary-powered Vessels surveyed for the First Time. Sixty-one steamships and vessels fitted with oil-engines as a motive power were surveyed -for the first time during the year. This clearly proves the healthy expansion of the shipping trade in and around the ports of the Dominion, notwithstanding the adverse conditions under which trade has been carried on during the year. Sailing-ships. All surveys that were asked for by owners have been carried out. Several of these vessels have required a fair amount of time spent on them, as the repairs in some cases Were fairly heavy. These



include new deck-beams, new stringers, new decks and new side planking, and a good many refastenings to hull. The copper sheathing, steering-gear, and centre-board gear in nearly all vessels required attention. These repairs were absolutely necessary to bring the vessels up to a seaworthy condition. Among the principal surveys made of sailing-vessels are the following : Ketch " Katie S."— This vessel was thoroughly overhauled. A new stem and apron were fitted. New planking was fitted to both sides ol the bow. New bulwarks on both sides forward, new hawsepipes, and a new pawl-post for the windlass were fitted. Other parts renewed include the centre-board, knight-heads, decking forward, wheel chains for the steering-gear, bowsprit, and headgear. The bilges were stripped and the decks caulked. Ketch " Pahiki." —The repairs to this vessel include two/new stringers, 35 ft. by 12in. by 2sin., fitted to the hull, one on either side ; three new half-beams under the deck ; new lining in the hold where required, and centre casing renewed for 3 ft. 6 in. from the top. The general repairs include three new planks in the hull on the port side, two on the starboard side, and two on the starboard bow. The bottom of the vessel was re fastened and the whole of the hull recaulked. Six new deck-planks were fitted and the decks Were caulked. A new centre-board was fitted and new coamings to the starboard side of the hatchway were new equipments were placed on board the vessel, including masts, rigging, and cargo gear. Schooner " Rangi." —The| lum-lcg of the donkey boiler was renewed, and compensating-plates were fitted at all sludge-door openings, and new mud-doors were fitted. Repairs were also made to the centre-board of the vessel, the rudder-stock, the steering-wheel and chains, and the bower anchors. Schooner " Welcome." —The repairs to this vessel include the following : Six deck-beams were renewed ; ten new pillars were fitted under the deck ; two partly new headstocks, each 14 ft. by 5 in. by 5 in., were fitted for the pillars under the deck. The following new planks were fitted to hull of vessel: Eight were fitted in the bottom and one on the side, each 25 ft. by 1 ft. 10 in. by 6 in. ; six 9 in. by 4 in. timbers were fitted in the sides, and the whole were thoroughly rebolted. New pieces of covering board, 24 ft. by 10 in. by 3 in., were fitted. Both sides of the vessel were recaulked. One iron knee on the forward bulwarks was repaired. Several pieces of deck-planking were renewed, and the c ntre-board casing was repaired and caulked. The deadwood was repaired and rebolted. All the rudder-bands were refastened, and the rudder-gudgeons were bushed and refastened. The centreboard was reversed and fitted with new sheaves and pins. The total number of sailing-vessels surveyed was ninety-five. Explosive Permits. At the port of Wellington 211 permits were given for the carriage of explosives on passenger and cargo vessels. Marine Engineers' Examinations. As foreshadowed in my report last year, new regulations have been issued for the examination of marine engineers in the Dominion to conform with regulations recently issued by the British Board of Trade. The new regulations were gazetted on the 15th Juno, 1914, and came into operation on the Ist August, 1914. A considerable alteration has been made in the service necessary to qualify for both the first-class and the second-class engineers' examinations. The machinery on board modern steamers is getting more complicated every year, and the knowledge required, both scientific and practical, covers a wide field. Examinations for certificates of competency were held during the year at Auckland,* Awanui. Ohristchureh,* Dunedin,* Greymouth,* Half-moon Bay, Hamilton,* Hokianga, Invercargill,* Kohukohu,* Napier,* Nelson,* Opotiki, Papatowai, Russell, Tauranga, Wanganui,* Wellington,* Whangaparapara, Whangarei, and Whitianga. The classes for which examinations were held were : First-class marine engineer, second-class marine engineer, third-class marine engineer, river engineer, marine engine-driver, first-class engineer of seagoing auxiliary-powered vessels, second-class engineer of seagoing auxiliary-powered vessels, and restricted-limits engineer of auxiliary-powered vessels. The total number of candidates who sat for examination was 296, of whom forty-nine failed. The examinations for marine engineers at Auckland, Wellington, Christchuroh, and Dunedin are now held every two months instead of every four months. This is of great benefit to the candidate, but the change has necessarily taken up a great deal more of the examiners' time than in former years. Examination of Land Engineers and Land-engine Drivers. These examinations were held at the principal centres throughout the Dominion, and special examinations have also been held at many places to suit the convenience of the applicants. The full list of places where examinations were held is as follows: Alexandra, Auckland,* Bannockburn, Blenheim, Christchuroh,* Dannevirke, Dargaville, Denniston, Dunedin,* Greymouth,* Hamilton,* Hawera,* Invercargill,* Kaikoura, Kohukohu, Napier,* Nelson,* Oban, Opotiki, Otautau, Palmcrston North,* Qucenstown, Tautuku, Timaru,* Waimana, Wanganui,* Wellington,* Westport,* and Whangarei. The examinations held were for extra first-class engineers, first-class engine-drivers, second-class engine-drivers, winding-engine drivers (for both steam and electric power), and locomotive and traction engine drivers. Reciprocal certificates were issued to applicants from other States as follows : England, 2 ; Canada, 1 ; New South Wales, 1 ; Queensland, 1 ; South Africa, 1 ; Tasmania, 2 ; Victoria, 2 ; and Western Australia, 1 : total, 11.

* Places at which examinations have been hold more than once during the year.


The book of regulations for these examinations was reprinted during the year. By the Inspection of Machinery Amendment Act, 191.4, a candidate will, from the Ist April, 1915, be able to sit for either the locomotive or the traction certificate separately, or he can sit as in previous years for the full traction and locomotive certificate. The total number who sat for these examinations was 547 ; of this number 133 failed. Examination of Electric-tram Drivers. Examinations for this certificate were held at Auckland,* Napier,* Wanganui,* Wellington,* Christchuroh,* Dunedin,* and Invercargill.* The numbers who sat for examination total eighty ; of this 11 umber eight failed. Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners, consisting of the Chief Inspector of Machinery of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department, the Inspecting Engineer of the Mines Department, the Engineer-in-Chief, and the Electrical Engineer of the Public Works Department, with Mr. J. G. M'acpherson as Secretary, sat in Wellington on thirteen days to issue certificates to candidates, and for other business with which the Board deals. Inspection of Gas, Oil, Water, and Electric-driven Machinery, including Lifts. Of this class of machinery there are still a number of inspections yet to be made, notwithstanding the fact that two thousand more inspections have been made this year than in any previous year. Oil-engines have been so perfected and cheapened that they are now within the reach of any one desiring a useful and an easily applied power. The machinery inspections this year total 11,053. Of this number, 1,650 were gas-engines, 4,870 oil-engines, 4,516 electric and other lifts and motors (which include water and electric motors), and .17 steam machinery. In Christchuroh the use of electric power is becoming general since the power generated at Lake Coleridge has been available. The electric motor takes up little room, and the power is easily applied. It can. be used at any time and for any purpose where power only is required for driving purposes. Fencing of Machinery and Accidents with Machinery. The fencing of machinery has received special attention this year. Some 784 notices have been given to owners to protect dangerous parts of machinery. The fencing of machinery tends to minimize the danger in connection with moving machinery, but no mechanical means can altogether take the place of the human element. Accidents will always occur, and this year quite a number of nonfatal and fatal accidents have taken place. A full account of each reported accident appears in. a return at the end of this report. Boilers inspected. During the year 7,398 boilers were examined, being an increase of 362 on the number inspected last year. 790 defects were discovered in connection with boilers, twenty-six of which were very dangerous. No boiler-explosion has taken place causing bodily injury to any one, which is a matter of great satisfaction to the Department, and I congratulate the entire technical staff on such a result. Every district as far as possible has been visited, and there were not a great many boilers overdue in any part of New Zealand at the end of the year. This branch of the Department's work has gone along very smoothly, and there have been few cases of dispute with owners. Several steam-jacketed pans of peculiar construction have been, submitted for the Department's ruling during the year. Three hundred and seventy new boilers were inspected for the first time during the year. The table below gives the districts to which they have gone, their horse-power, and whether made locally or imported :—■


District. Local. Number. power. Imported. I , ! HorseNumber. power To" ;al. Horsepower. Number. Luckland ... mckland South lawke's Bay ?aranaki Vellington North Vellington , . larlborough Telson North I elson South Vestland 'anterbury !anterbury South )tago Southland ... 50 529* 21 254" 24 195 21 308 10 91| 17 74i 5 41 5 67 5 41 6 237 23 107J 1 15 15 114£ 13 105* 529* 254 195 308 91f 74£ 41 67 41 237 107* 15 1141 105* 45 5 11 7 6 15 10 2 889* 153" 333 274 118 5514 95 26 35 28 16 32 5 15 ■ 7 6 30 5 46 24 1,419 407 528 582 209f 625| 41 1094 173 237 140f 36 319| 173 42* 132 7 4 31 11 33* 21 205 674 Totals ... ... 216 2,180* 5,001 216 2,1804 154 2,820| 370 * Plaoss at which examinations hava bjeii Leld more ihan once d" [ring the - iar.



Drawings for each of these boilers were submitted for approval before a decision as to a workingpressure was arrived at. The whole of the moving machinery driven by steam plants has been thoroughly inspected for the employees' safety. Defective fittings in connection with boilers numbering 350 were discovered during the year, and 425 notices to have repairs made to boilers were given to owners. Districts and Inspections. Two new Inspectors and Surveyors were appointed during the year. Mr. D. Rankin was appointed on the 4th January, 1915, and Mr. S. N. Johnston on the 15th January, 1915. Mi. Johnston has been appointed permanently to assist the Wanganui District officer, and Mr. Rankin to permanently assist the Napier officer. It will be necessary to appoint another officer to permanently assist the officer at Hamilton. This district has grown very much of late, and long distances have to be covered. Assistance totalling six months has been rendered by officers to districts other than their own throughout the year. The natural increase in boilers and machinery last year easily provided work for two new Inspectors, and this year will be no exception, so far as I can see, judging by the amount of new machinery installed since the beginning of April. I have, <&0., Robert Duncan, Chief Inspector of Machinery, Chief Surveyor of Ships ; Chief Examiner of Marine Engineers, Land Engineers, and Engine-drivers. The Secretary, Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department.

The Chief Inspector of Fisheries to the Secretary, Marine Department. Sir, — Wellington, 4th June, 1915. 1 have the honour to supply the following report on the fisheries and the work curried out by me during the year ended the 3.lst March last. When I resumed my duties on the Ist April, on the expiration of my leave, I was engaged from that date until the 15th August making arrangements for and accompanying Professor Prince on his inspection tour of the fisheries of the Dominion. By instructions from the Hon. the Minister of Marine I met Professor Prince on his arrival at Auckland from. Vancouver on the 7th April, and accompanied him to Wellington by way of the Wanganui River. The Department decided to use the Government steamer " Hinemoa" to take Professor Prince on a sea cruise round the Dominion to enable him to inspect and test the various fishing-grounds. The vessel was fitted out with trawling-gear, dredges, &c, and also a supply of preservatives, and also jars and other receptacles for holding specimens, and was ready to begin the cruise on his arrival in Wellington, leaving there on the 14th April for- Lyttelton. The work of prospecting the fishing-grounds was commenced in, Pegasus Bay, off Lyttelton Heads, the following day, and from there the vessel worked south to Port Chalmers, testing the, various fishing-grounds on the way down. Mr. G. M. Thomson, Chairman of the Portobello Marine Fisheries Board, and Mr. Andcrton, Curator of the Portobello Marine Hatchery, joined the " Hinemoa "at Port Chalmers. Mr. Thomson remained on board until the work was finished as far south as Foveaux Strait, and Mr. Anderton continued on board throughout the cruise to assist Professor' Prince in collecting and sorting specimens. From Foveaux Strait the cruise was continued west to Te Waewae Bay, through the West ('oast Sounds, and up the west coast to Nelson, and from there through the Marlborough Sounds and Cook Strait to Wellington, arriving there on. the 30th April. During the cruise round the South Island twenty-eight hauls of the trawl-net were made, and. thirty-one shots of the dredge. The work of inspecting the fishing-grounds was resumed on the 4th May, when the " Hinemoa " left Wellington on her cruise round the North Island. Professor Prince remained on board until the vessel arrived at Auckland, where, owing to the limited time at his disposal, he was compelled to leave in order to commence an inspection of the lakes, rivers, and fish-hatcheries, and meet fishermen, fishsalesmen, members of Acclimatization Councils, and others interested in fish and fisheries at the various centres throughout the Dominion. The " Hinemoa " continued the work of inspecting the fishinggrounds from Auckland round the North Island, Captain Bollons directing the work, and Mr. Anderton collecting specimens and keeping the records of the work. Professor Prince commenced his overland tour through the Dominion the day he left the " Hinemoa " at Auckland (13th May), and we visited and held conferences with those interested in the fisheries generally at the following places : viz., Russell, Auckland, Thames, Tauranga, Rotorua, Okoroire, Taupo, Tokaanu, Napier, New Plymouth, Hawera, Wanganui, Masterton, Wellington, Picton, Blenheim, Nelson, Greymouth, Hokitika, Christchuroh, Lake Ellesmere, Temuka, Timaru, Oamaru, Hakataramea, Moeraki, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, Invercargill, Bluff, Riverton, and Queenstown. We also made an inspection of some of the principal rivers and lakes in the following districts : viz., Southland (including Te Anau and Manapouri Lakes and their tributaries), Lake Wakatipu, Otago, Canterbury, Westland, Grey District, Nelson, Marlborough, Wellington, Wairarapa, Manawatu, Wanganui, Hawera, Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, Taupo, Rotorua, and Waikato. Professor Prince also made an inspection of the rock-oyster beds in the Hauraki Gulf and Bay of Islands.



As will be seen from his report, Professor Prince is very favourably impressed with the extent of our coastal fishing-grounds and of the quantity and quality of the fish obtainable, also with the lakes, rivers, and inland waters of the Dominion ; and in comparing the fisheries of New Zealand with those of some other countries lie says, " there is every ground for being optimistic in regard to the future of New Zealand, fisheries. Their extent and possibilities have not been adequately realized." Professor Prince makes useful and practical recommendations with regard to the organization and development of both the sea and fresh-water fish, and I hope the Government will see its Way to act on those recommendations with as little delay as possible. Besides the general tour with Professor Prince, I have since made during the year special visits of inspection to Bluff, Invercargill, Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Lake Ellesmere, Kaikoura, Marlborough Sounds, Nelson, Napier, Auckland, Whangarei. Bay of Islands, and Kaipara. I have also made a special inspection of the Hauraki Gulf, Bay of Islands, and Whangarei oyster-beds, and also an inspection of the toheroa-beds on the Rangitira Beach., near Helensville, and the beds between North Kaipara Heads and Maunganui Bluff. With regard to the supply of fish brought to market at the various fishing-ports during the year and the condition of the fisheries generally, I beg to give the following information from the local Inspectors' reports and from my own observations. Bluff and Stewart Island.-—The Inspector at Bluff reports that during the year 8,045 cwt. of fish, valued at £11,263, was landed, and of this quantity 4,445 cwt., chiefly blue cod, Was exported to Australia. During the .season three steamers and four auxiliary vessels were employed dredging for oysters, the steamers generally worked the " east " beds and the other vessels the " west " beds. The total quantity of oysters landed, during the season was 24,793 sacks, valued at £12,396 10s., of which 3,285 Were exported to Hobart, and Melbourne. The quality of the oysters during the last two seasons has been exceptionally good. Owing to the intercolonial steamers now running triweekly instead of weekly as formerly, a set-back has been given to the export trade of both fish and oysters. The fishermen at Stewart Island report good catches of blue cod and other market fish when the weather was favourable. A good deal of stormy weather was experienced in the spring and early summer, but notwithstanding this the earnings of the fishermen have been well maintained. In the New River Estuary and Riverton, flounders have been fairly plentiful throughout the year. Otago District. —The monthly reports supplied by Mr. Adams, Inspector of Fisheries for the Otago District, show that during the winter and spring bad weather frequently interfered with fishing operations, but notwithstanding this the market was fairly well supplied from the local fishinggrounds. Good catches of flounders, trevalli, &c, were frequently made by the seine-net men inside the harbour at times when bad weather prevented the trawlers and line men from going outside. Through the summer and autumn fish have been plentiful, and in fine Weather splendid catches of the best market fish were made, and the market has been very well supplied. At Nugget Bay the fishermen say it has been a poor season. Unfavourable weather up to the end of the year interfered with fishing ; since then fair catches of groper and blue cod have been made. At Pounawea, where the fishing is all seining in the tideway of the Catlins Estuary, good catches of flounders have been made. At Tautuku there are now five boats fishing and getting good catches. With proper facilities for getting the fish to market this place is capable of supplying a large quantity of fish for the Dunedin and other city markets. At Moeraki the catches of groper and blue-cod have been poor all through the winter, and since then fishermen report that the supply has not been equal to that of an average season. At Oamaru poor catches of groper were made up to the end of the year ; since then the supply has improved. Timaru. —The Collector of Customs, in his report on the fisheries, says that " the supply of fish has only been moderately good, the catches of groper by the line fishermen being much smaller than in past years." Taking the year all through it has been a fairly successful one for the trawlers, and in the autumn there Was an improvement in the supply of groper on the lining-grounds, and within the few Weeks some large catches have been made. During the year a fish-market has been established by the fishermen close to the fishermen's wharf. The building is leased to the fishermen by the Harbour Board at a nominal rent, and the fish, are sold by the fishermen direct to the public. The market has been a great success. It is well supported by the people of Timaru, who avail themselves of the opportunity of getting fish fresh from the boats at a reasonable price, while the fisherman gets a better price for his catch, as a good part of the profit usually made by the retail fish salesman now goes into the pocket of the man who catches the fish. Christchurch.— The local fishing-grounds have for a considerable time supplied only a very small proportion of the fish required for this market, the principal supply coming from the various fishingports outside the district —at certain seasons from as far south as Nugget Bay and north to Wellington. As is to bo expected, the supply coming forward is frequently insufficient, ahd, in the summer months at any rate, often not in the best condition. During the past year the, supply has been somewhat erratic : for some time there was a considerable scarcity, but lately a good supply has been coming forward. With the extensive fishing-grounds which exist in the Canterbury Bight and to the north of Akaroa there is no reason why the City of Christchuroh and district should not be well supplied with fresh fish from the local fishing-grounds. Having prospected these grounds, I am convinced that good-sized trawlers with insulated packing-chambers to store the fish should do well on the grounds I have mentioned, particularly to the south of the Akaroa Peninsula. Such vessels could stay out, several days at a time and land in port once or twice a week with a cargo of fish.



Kaikoura.- The usual market fish caught here have been plentiful throughout the year, and largo consignments have been sent to Wellington and Christchuroh markets, and in favourable weather landed in good condition. With, cool storage and ice-making plant and a better transport service the Kaikoura fishing-grounds could supply the markets of these two cities with a large and regular supply of the finest market fish. Fishermen could fish every day when the weather would let them, and with the certainty that, every fish they caught would arrive at the market in good condition and realize the highest market price. As things are at present they can only fish part of their time, and. it is only in the winter months that there is any certainty of their catches arriving at Wellington and Christchuroh in a marketable condition. Marlborough Sounds. —The output of fish during the year has been quite up to the average of other seasons. Unfavourable weather through the winter and spring interfered somewhat with fishingoperations, but when the weather was favourable good catches were made, particularly through the summer and autumn. The, principal fish sent to market are hapuku, blue cod, moki, tarakihi, warehou, herrings, and flounders. The launches trawling in Cloudy Bay have had a successful season. Nelson.- During the year the market has been well supplied with hapuku, hake, flounders, schnapper, butterfish, red cod, and gurnard. No exceptional catches have been reported, but a fairly regular supply has been maintained. Besides supplying the local market and inland districts, considerable quantities are shipped to the towns on the west coast as far south as Hokitika. Wellington— This season the catches of groper on the local grounds have been exceptionally good. The warehou season has also been an exceptionally good one. Fish salesmen say that for the quantity and quality of the fish it is one of the best warehou seasons they have known. The supply of other fish from, the local fishing-grounds has been about the average of other seasons. The Municipal Fish-market continues to be well patronized by the public. The quantity of fish passed through shows a considerable increase on the previous year. As in all cities, an occasional short supply of fish has to be experienced, but, taking the year through, the supply coming forward to the Wellington market has been well maintained. For some time during the year the steam trawlers " Nora Niven " and " Countess " worked on the trawling-grounds in Cook Strait and Palliser Bay. The " Nora Niven " worked for a time on the west coast north of Waitara, and was successful in getting good catches of fish, principally schnapper, tarakihi, gurnard, soles, and flounders. Napier. —Very fair hauls of fish were made by the trawlers on the Hawke's Bay trawling-grounds up to the end of the year ; since then the catches have been rather poor, and said to be considerably below the average of the two previous seasons for the same period. The two larger trawlers, the " Nora Niven " and " Countess," have, as usual, worked farther out in water from 20 to 40 fathoms, getting fair catches of round fish such as schnapper, kingfish, tarakihi, &o. Lately very good hauls are reported from the grounds to the north of the Mahia Peninsula and off Tolaga Bay. The catches by the seine-net fishermen have been about the average of other years. Auckland. —lnspector Bennett reports that the market has been generally well supplied with fish during the past year. Schnapper, he says, decreasing in quantity on the old fishing-grounds near Auckland, but on the grounds farther out in the neighbourhood of the Barrier Islands, Mokohinou, and Hen and Chickens they are found in abundance. Hi reports that mullet are becoming scarcer every year, and recommends a close season extending over a number of years in the Hauraki Gulf. Flounders have been taken in fairly large quantities by net fishermen. Trevalli, tarakihi, john-dory, and hapuku are plentiful on the fishing-grounds in the Hauraki Gulf and on the outside grounds. The Hauraki Gulf and Great Barrier oyster-beds are in first-rate condition, and are being extended every year by the replanting areas which were depleted some years ago under the old system of licensed picking. Last picking season a total of 4,042 sacks were taken off these beds. Of these, 2,049 were taken from Waiheke Island, 791 from Ma.hurangi, 750 from Maeritai, 350 from Rangitoto, and 102 from Tiritiri Island. I made an inspection of the beds in Hauraki Gulf some time after the closing of the picking season, and I found that the beds had been left in a very satisfactory condition, and would all yield a good supply for the next season. The supply of first-class oysters available last season considerably exceeded the demand, for at the close of the season there was a considerable extent of the best beds in the Hauraki Gulf and Bay of Islands which had not been touched and from which about 5,000 sacks could have been taken if required. This must be considered very satisfactory indeed, and proof that the Department's system of picking and protection has been a complete success. This opinion is endorsed by Professor Prince in his report. In speaking about our rock-oyster beds and system of picking he says, " I had every reason when visiting the northern oyster-beds to conclude that the system of Government supervision carried out in the Hauraki Gulf and Bay of Islands has been the, best possible. It has saved these, beds from destruction, otherwise they would by this time have probably been entirely cleaned out. Two main objects have thus been accomplished- namely, the beds have not only been preserved, but rendered far more productive; and, secondly, the public have been able to obtain ample supplies at a reasonable rate." The beds which were replanted on the Coromandel coast and islands in the Thames Gulf are improving very satisfactorily. Young oysters are showing up along the foreshore wherever " plants " of brood oysters were made. This season some more replanting was done on several of the islands. Valuable work in extending the beds was also done on Pakihi Island and in Port Fitzroy Harbour, Great Barrier, by removing high-water rock down to the oyster-line and filling in bare, spaces between oyster-beds in the bays. Thames. —The Inspector reports that fish have been plentiful on the Thames fishing-grounds during the year, and good catches have been made. There are, forty launches and about ninety men employed catching fish. There are three fish-freezing works and cleaning and packing sheds. Most of the fish



is sent by rail to inland towns in the Waikato and through the King-country, and at certain seasons as far south as Wellington. Bay of Islands. —lnspector Stephenson reports that the principal market fish taken during the year were schnapper, mullet, flounders, garfish, kahawai, tarakihi, kingfish, and crayfish, all of which were on the whole found to be fairly plentiful; the catches being disposed of at Auckland and inland markets, and the prices obtained by fishermen is reported to have been satisfactory. There are two mullet-canneries in the district, one at and the other at Awanui. There were thirty-eight oases canned at the Purerua factory and 537 at Awanui, valued approximately at £1 per case. There are also sixteen smokehouses in all places smoking schnapper and mullet. These fish prepared in this way command a ready sale. The, number of fishing-boats registered at the Port of Russell for the year ended the 31st December, 1914, was sixty-seven, with crews totalling 161- -viz., 103 Europeans and 58 Natives. The whaling carried out by Messrs. Jagger and Cook on this coast has been considered fairly profitable, having captured fifty-seyen whales for the season, which yielded 270 tons of oil and 60 tons bonedust, the value of the oil being £4,590, and £360 for the bonedust. Oysters. -During last oyster season only a portion of both the middle and southern subdivisions were picked, giving an output of 4,278 sacks. The beds are looking very well indeed, oysters increasing and spreading in all directions. Kaipara. —Captain Savident, Harbourmaster and Inspector of Fisheries, reports that fish are plentiful and the fishermen have had a successful season. Mullet, schnapper, flounders, trevalli, and gurnard are the principal fish taken. The following are approximately the quantities of fish caught for the year"ended the 31st March: Mulled-Canned, 20,000 dozen; sold fresh, 35,000 dozen. Schnapper -Sold fresh, 8,000 dozen ; smoked, 5,000 dozen. Flounders, sold fresh, 20,000 dozen. Trevalli, sold fresh, 1,000 dozen. Gurnard, sold fresh, 200 dozen. Whitebait.- The following reports have been received with regard to the run of these fish in the principal whitebait rivers during the past year: Waikato River—The run has been better than the previous season. Ngaruroro and Tukituki (Hawke's Bay)—A fair run of whitebait, but on the whole rather below the average of other seasons. Buller River—Last whitebait season was good. Grey River—The run last season was rather poor. Hokitika River—A very fair season, rather above the average. Waimakariri, Styx, and Avon-—The last whitebait season was a very good one. Some record catches were made in the Waimakariri and Styx. Quinnat Salmon. —A succession of floods in the Hakataramea River during the month of May, 1914, interfered seriously with, the collection of salmon-eggs. The nets were washed out several times, and most of the salmon escaped up-stream and spawned in reaches of the river in the gorge. The manager at Hakataramea reports a heavier run of fish than the previous season, but owing to the unfavourable river-conditions the number of eggs collected was less. On account of the large number of salmon which escaped up the Hakataramea during the floods the river was heavily stocked with the salmon-fry hatched from the natural spawning. In the late summer and autumn thousands of fine strong healthy fish were to be seen in every pool. The total number of eggs collected for the season was 234,000, which, were disposed of as follows : 25,000 were supplied to the Tasmanian Government; 145,000 were sent to the West-Coast for stocking the Hokitika River; 53,000 were hatched out at Hakataramea. The loss during the incubation and hatching of the eggs was 11,000. During the year 41,000 three-months-old fry, 19,254 yearling salmon, 680 two-years-old and 36 three-years-old fish were liberated from the stations. The number of salmon in the ponds on the 31st March was as follows : 19,929 ten-months-old fish, 598 one year and ten months old, 100 two years old, and 35 three years old. During the angling season it was reported that salmon were caught with rod and line at the mouth of the Waitaki and Rangitata Rivers, and also that they were frequently taken with, hook and line off Timaru and Oamaru by persons fishing for sea-fish. The run of spawning salmon during the present season (1915) in the headwaters of some of the main tributaries of the Waitaki is undoubtedly the heaviest since the fish first commenced to run up from the sea. When recently in the Upper Waitaki district I was told by men who have lived for a number of years near the rivers and lakes in that region, and who are in the habit of observing the spawning every season, that there are more salmon and larger fish than any previous season. Mr. Macdonald, manager of Ben Ohau Station, said that for some years he had watched the salmon spawning in the Ohau River, and this year from its outflow from the' lake to its junction with the Waitaki River (a distance of about eighteen miles) he had never seen so many fish. When I arrived at Benmore Station after leaving the Ben Ohau Camp on the 18th, Mr. Sutherland (manager) told me his head shepherd and musterers had returned a few days before from the head of the lake and reported hundreds of large salmon spawning in the Dobson River, so I went on to the head of the lake the same afternoon to see for myself, and ascertain whether it would be possible to get any eggs. Mr. Fraser, the shepherd in charge there, provided me with a riding-horse and accompanied me to the Dobson the following morning. We examined the river from its junction with the Hopkins to where the camp joins it, a distance of about eight miles. The statement of the Benmore shepherds with regard to the fish I found to be practically correct. We saw a number of large fish in every pool—we counted as many as fifteen in one—and large spawning-beds every chain or so as far as we went. From the appearance of the fish, the number of spawning-beds, and the number of dead fish on the. shingle beaches it was evident that the spawning was about finished for this season. We saw some very large fish : two spent dead fish measured 42 in. and 42$ in., and I estimate, the average size of the fish we saw at from 201b. to 25 Ib. I may say that I inspected the Dobson

3—H. 15.



at the end of the spawning season of 1911 ; then I saw from thirty to fifty fish and a number of spawning-beds. This season I estimate there are well on to ten times as many, and much larger fish. Collection of Brown-trout Eggs. —The condition of the rivers last season was unusually favourable for netting spawning-trout, and there was no difficulty in collecting all the eggs required to supply acclimatization societies. As a matter of fact, two or three million eggs could have been collected if they were required. The total number of eggs collected was a little over a million. Of this number, 930,000 eyed and fry were supplied to acclimatization societies, and the balance of the fry hatched were liberated in the Hakataramea River. I have, &c, L. F. Ayson, The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. Chief Inspector of Fisheries.

Report op Curator, Portobello Marine Ftsh-hatchery. Gentlemen, — Portobello, 7th June, 1915. I have the honour to present this (the ninth) annual report of operations at the Marine Fishhatchery during the year ended the 31st March, 1915. Lobsters. —Of the new stock of lobsters, forty-one in number, which arrived in March, 1913, two deaths occurred during 1913, and one, a male, had died during the past year. Two deaths have also occurred amongst the survivors of the earlier shipments. As already reported, twelve, of which eight were egg-bearing females, have also been liberated in what is considered to be a suitable locality. This leaves the present stock of lobsters of both sexes in the ponds at forty-four. Eighteen females of the new shipment spawned during January and February, 1914. On examination as late as October these new-stock lobsters were found to have retained their eggs much better than those that have been confined to the ponds for a number of years, and most of them still retained their full broods. As all the indoor tanks are now in use for the turbot, we were unable to make use of these for the hatching-out of the young lobsters. The adults were therefore allowed to hatch their broods in the large, pond, as was done the previous year. The first larvae appeared in the pond on the 15th December, 1914, and from this date until early in January vast numbers were to be seen at all depths in the large pond. Owing to theincreased number of spawners, and to the fact that the adults were not handled, the past season has been a record one for the output of young lobsters, the number being estimated at ninety thousand. Many of the females have again spawned, and there is every probability of the coming season being an equally successful one. Grabs. —-As reported last year, nineteen of the adult crabs were liberated, and eight (four males and four females) were retained in the ponds ; of these, two males died in January, 1914. The four remaining females produced full batches of eggs in the spring. On the 14th December the surface of the pond was seen to be teeming with crab larvso. The four egg-bearing crabs were transferred to the hatching-boxes on the 16th December, and between this date and the 23rd December twelve million larvse were hatched and liberated in various parts of the harbour, chiefly on the ebb tide. A constant lookout is being kept for the appearance of the young stages on the banks in the harbour and amongst the stomach-contents of all fishes examined. Turbot. —None of the turbot died during 1913. Three have died during the past year. These three deaths occurred amongst the smallest of the stock, and in all cases were the ones that have shown the least growth or development. The cause of death was not apparent. The remaining stock are all in good condition. The largest now measure about 16 in. in length. Ling has again been used solely as food, and has proved most satisfactory. There are as yet no visible signs of the development of the ovaries, but there is every reason to hope that some of the larger ones will spawn during the coming season. Owing to the great increase in their size, further accommodation is being provided for them inside the hatchery, in the shape of a large concrete tank measuring 15 ft. by 5 ft. 6 in. wide. Observations on Local Fish. —The exceptionally stormy weather experienced during the greater part of the summer interfered very considerably with this important branch of the station's functions. The launch is not sufficiently seaworthy to proceed any distance off the land excepting during the finest weather. No opportunity has, however, been lost of adding to our store of knowledge, and records of all observations have, as usual, been placed in tabulated form in a log kept for this purpose. These observations have now been carried on for a period of about ten years, and although, for various reasons, these notes are not so copious and extensive as one could desire, many valuable, interesting, and hitherto unknown facts relating to the life-history, &c, of many of our indigenous fishes have been light. A report on these observations, with drawings, &c, is in course of preparation by the Chairman, Mr. G. M. Thomson, and myself. The Board is again indebted to Mr. F. J. Sullivan in allowing me to accompany his trawlers for the purpose of securing the ova of any of the fishes taken in the trawl. From eggs collected by this means 88,000 young flounders and 322,000 young soles have been hatched and the fry liberated. I have, &c, T. Anderton.



Return showing Proceedings taken for Breaches of the Fisheries Act.

Return showing Number of Fishing-boats registered and licensed at each Port during the Year ended 31st December, 1914.

Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1915.

Name of Person. Nature of Offence. Fine. L. Jenkinson J. Lambert J. Cross .. H. Wright A. Anderson H. J. Biggs D. Cincolla For illegally taking oysters For stalling .. £5 and costs. £1 and costs. 15 £2 and costs. £1 and costs. £2 and costs. £1 and costs. ,, . . . . For illegally taking oysters For having nets with undersized mesh in possession Ditto A. Tomlinson | Q. Dixon.. C. Ormes.. G. Foster W. Martin V. Picone A. Gordon T. H. Blake T. Bridger K. Ramsay W. Carter J. Bark .. .). Rabbidge G. Field .. T. Kernot E. Patrick M. McElroy For illegally taking oysters ,, £3 and costs. 51 £4 and costs. £2 and costs. 55 5, £5 and costs. £4 and costs. £1 and costs. 55

Port. Number registered. Number licensed. Port. Number Number registered. licensed iuokland Blenheim Bluff .. Dunedin and Port Chalmers Gkeymouth Hokianga Inveroargill Kaipara Lyttelton Napier Nelson 389 10 81 91 9 15 42 90 261 51 84 389 0 81 91 9 15 42 42 261 51 83 Brought forward .. New Plymouth Oamaru Picton Poverty Bay Russell Tauranga Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport 1,123 20 34 32 29 67 46 57 26 13 105 16 1 ,070 20 28 32 28 67 32 57 26 13 70 16 Carried forward .. 1,123 1,070 Totals 1,568 1,459

Nature of Expenditure.' Details. Totals. Grand Totals. Head Office : Salaries of staff Harbours: — Greymouth,— Salary of Engineer* Hokianga,— Salaries of Harbour staff Removal of snags Stores and contingencies £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,538 II 1 440 0 0 £ s. d. 560 16 8 16 0 0 130 11 3 707 7 11 Kaipara,— Salaries of staff Repairing beacon, Helensville Creek Repairing launch Fascines for sand protection Repairing and attending buoys .. Stores and contingencies 749 10 0 215 4 2 26 11 10 30 0 0 39 1 9 190 2 8 1,250 10 5 * Refunded b; Gre; -mouth Harbour Board.



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department, etc. — continued.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. £ s. d, £ s. d. £ s. d Harbours— ■coiUiuued. Wellington,— Salary of storcman Picton, — Salary .. .. . . Stores and oontingenoies Ngunguru,— Salary Whangaparapara,— Salary .. .. .. ... Stores and contingencies Napier,— Salary .. . . .. Gas aird oontingenoies Marakopa,— Salary Tongaporutu,— Salary Stores and oontingenoies .Mukau, — Salary .. .. .. .. Awakino, — Salary Nelson, — Salaries of signalmen Waitapu, — Salary Stores and oontingenoies l'uponga,— Stores and contingencies (iollingwood,— Salary Stores and contingencies Karamea, — Salary Clearing and fencing site for house Repairs and additions to cottage Removing snags and shifting beacons Stores and contingencies Little Wanganui,— Signalling vessels Removal of snags and erection of beacons Stores and contingencies. Hokitika, — Salary Gas and contingencies Okarito, — Signalling vessels Cutting channel through bar Stores and contingencies 300 0 0 38 14 4 20 0 0 15 10 6 25 0 0 14 0 2 26 0 0 4 1 9 220 0 0 338 14 4 J 5 0 0 30 I 9 35 10 6 10 0 0 39 0 2 50 0 0 20 0 0 23 6 8 25 0 0 4 6 0 29 (i 0 14 0 0 60 0 0 25 2 10 85 2 10 145 0 0 27 8 0 54 18 5 69 18 2 66 0 5 363 5 0 11 0 0 50 10 3 18 17 4 80 7 7 20 0 0 12 19 9 32 19 9 74 0 0 22 0 0 25 7 11 121 7 11 60 0 0 Okuru, — Salary Waikawa, — Salary .. .. .. .. Anglem Point, — Salary Stores an 1 oontingenoies .. .. 10 0 0 25 0 0 6 2 0 •! I i> II Supervision of beaches, Hauraki Gulf General contingencies Buoy-chain 27 3 3 27 18 4 95 11 1 Lighthouses* : — Salaries Oil, stores, and contingencies Keepers' travelling-expenses Salary of Lighthouse Expert. . 10,844 0 7 6,225 10 8 301 16 9 280 0 0 17,651 14 0 Meteorological Office :— Salaries Cleaning offices Inspection of stations Postage and telegrams, anil rent of boxes Printing and stationery Purchase and repair of instruments Rent, office equipment, &c. Telephones Weathor messages by wireless Contingencies I,366 0 0 26 0 0 61 10 4 1,317 3 5 76 13 0 399 8 6 146 19 3 48 3 10 l 50 0 0 27 0 0 3,518 18 4 * Represents total expenditure for year. Actual cos it of rniiiiileiuuiee is g: !i veil in a separate retu: ii .



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department, etc. — continued.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. Mercantile Marine Offices :— Salaries .. U*k. • • Jifci •• Cleaning offices .. Offloe equipment and rent Telephones Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,746 17 10 67 13,49 228 10 10 119 8 0 76 15 6 3 13 6 • 5,242 19 5 Protection of fish and oysters : — Salarios Benzene, oil, stores, &c. Bonuses anil gratuities to officers Casual labour Collection and distribution of brown-trout ova Fresh-water aquarium, Auckland Exhibition Hakataramea Salmon-hatchery Grant for maintenance of fish-hatchery at Portobello Picking and sale of oysters Planting oysters in Hauraki Cult' Stocking a Westland river with salmon Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies 1,434 2 4 112 9 3 25 0 0 151 10 0 109 7 4 309 18 11 73 18 10 430 0 0 4,305 5 2 87 12 2 150 II 0 195 3 7 104 11 6 Inspection of Machinery and Survey of Ships : — Salaries Advertising, books, and periodicals Collection of inspection fees Rent, eleaniug offices, fuel, and light Telephones Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies 9,614 6 11 25 3 6 150 0 0 130 8 11 96 17 10 2,902 18 4 12 18 6 7,489 10 1 Less miscellaneous credits 55,532 2 5 809 0 0 12,932 14 0 12,932 14 0 55,532 2 5 809 0 0 54,723 2 5 Government steamers : — S.s. "Hinemoa" .. Training-ship " Amokura " .. 10,419 7 2 7,824 14 9 18,244 J 11 443 13 4 Less amount received for freights, passages, &o. 18,244 1 11 443 13 4 17,800 8 7 Miscellaneous services :— Acquiring land for Beach Reserve, Hauraki Gulf Administration of Shipping and Seamen Act, and inquiries into ship] ling casualties Aquarium, Newtown Park, Wellington Auckland Inland Waterways Commission Jackson's Head Beacon Cartage and freight Charts, books, and periodicals Cheeking overcrowding of excursion steamers Compassionate allowance to widow of late John McVeigh, lightkeeper Compassionate allowance to John Driscoll Contribution towards New Zealand sailors' room, England Expenses in connection with the visit of Professor Princo to report on New Zealand fisheries Extra clerical assistance Fog-signals, cartridges, and maintenance Gas and fuel for offices Grants, — For fishermen's boat-slip, Kaikoura For erection of wharf at Batloy, Kaipara.. For repairs to Karitane Jetty For repairs to Matakohe Wharf For repairs to Waitaria Wharf For repairs to Whakapirau Wharf For clearing out canal at Titri For repairing Miranda Wharf and Bridge Grant to H. W. N. Millais, for special work Grant to R. Pitoaithley, for losses in oonneotion with Wellington Dock Legal expenses Legal and other expenses of Mr. W. T. Jennings, on action to remove him from Waitara Harbour Board Morse signals at I ighthouses New Zealand Nautical Almanac Offloe equipment Payment to diver for examining wreck of s.s. " Kairaki " Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes. . 253 5 0 297 7 5 285 7 9 461 4 5 52 19 10 136 7 10 232 11 5 488 15 8 250 0 0 50 0 0 17 17 0 1,304 ]7 11 71 3 4 164 18 10 20 12 3 56 0 0 531 3 8 41 18 0 225 0 0 225 0 0 81 17 8 15 0 0 70 17 10 100 0 0 200 0 0 78 8 8 18 17 6 9 9 0 425 16 3 107 15 9 107 15 8 910 19 I



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department, etc. — continued.

Return showing Total Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. iiscellaneous services— continued. Preparation of tide-tables Printing and stationery Prosecutions under Shipping, Harbours, and Fisheries Acts Relief of distressed seamen Relief of distressed New Zealand seamen and others in the United Kingdom Renewal of cable to East Cape Lighthouse Rent and expenses connected with examinations Repairs to boat-slip, Port Moeraki Repairing and extending wharf, Karamea Refund of redemption fee to owner of yacht " Rawene " Rewards to officers for special services Subsidy of £1 for £1 for repairs to Tairua Wharf Subsidy of £1 for £1 for repairs to Howick Wharf Telephones Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d, 687 10 0 722 4 6 82 16J 8 II 10^8 72 I 6 750 0 0 176 3 5 0 0 122 0 0 50 0 0 I 10 0 112 10 0 149 19 0 114 10 10 48 8 0 81 II 7 9,876 14 11 Less credits .. .. 10,510,, 3 .11 639 9 0 Grand total 82,400 5 11

Oil cc msumed. Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Gallons. Value. Stores and Contingencies, Totals. Cape Maria Van Dicmen Cape Brett Mokobinou Tiritiri Ponui Passage Cuvier Island East Cape Portland Island Napier Bluff Castlepoint Cape Palliser Pencarrow Head ... Somes Island Cape Egmont Manukau South Head Manukau South Head leading lights Kaipara Head Brothers Tory Channel leading lights Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Jack's Point Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island Centre Island Puyscgur Point Cape Foulwind Hokitika Kahurangi Point Farewell Spit Nelson French Pass Stephens Island £ s. d. 393 10 10 398 16 9 378 16 6 303 15 0 109 10 I 345 11 0 361 I 2 394 U 4 20 0 0 415 16 8 290 4 0 317 10 0 247 12 0 320 0 0 281 14 2 283 15 o 521 19 6 100 0 0 216 12 7 278 17 2 273 16 8 170 0 0 299 3 4 291 16 7 261 9 2 356 17 6 280 16 8 396 I 8 405 5 11 370 9 2 277 0 1 20 0 0 391 10 5 387 18 0 301 18 I 180 0 0 388 11 8 720t 706f 854* 569* 80* 684t 920* 786* Gas 697f 584f 681 f 665* 681t 748* 159* 528* 748f 182* 6211 567* 582* 318f 568* 546* 630t 717-f 750-f 739* 5611 702f 610* Gas 1,001* 656f 199* 177* 687f £ s. d. 30 0 0 29 8 4 71 3 4 47 9 2 6 13 4 28 10 0 76 13 4 65 10 0 14 10 6 29 0 10 24 6 6 28 7 6 55 9 2 28 7 6 62 9 2 13 5 0 44 0 0 30 3 4 15 3 4 25 17 6 47 5 0 48 10 0 13 5 0 47 6 8 45 10 0 26 5 0 29 17 6 30 5 0 61 11 8 24 4 2 29 5 0 50 16 8 12 15 0 83 9 2 27 6 8 16 11 8 14 15 0 28 12 6 £ s. d. (0)219 II 4 161 2 9 (JJlT'e 13 6 136 2 9 49 4 6 121 I II 125 14 11 73 11 0 I 0 0 76 18 8 87 13 8 41 6 I (<i)l37 4 11 95 10 8 89 5 3 3 5 1 (d)2\2 1 10 106 7 9 1 15 2 (e)2J5 8 I 95 18 2 (/)204 4 7 35 17 7 109 11 4 (7)149 1 10 (.1)141 6 6 (i)196 17 2 91 14 4 (i,-)318 4 10 132 17 4 166 7 4 99 5 6 0 4 9 („)148 17 4 168 19 10 27 19 8 41 I 7 (»t)200 19 4 £ s. d. 643 2 2 589 7 10 626 13 4 487 6 I I 165 7 11 495 2 I I 563 9 5 533 12 4 35 10 (> 521 16 2 402 4 2 387 3 7 440 6 I 443 18 2 433 8 7 16 10 1 539 16 10 658 10 7 116 18 6 457 18 2 422 0 4 526 11 3 219 2 7 456 1 4 486 8 5 429 0 8 583 12 2 402 16 0 775 18 2 562 7 fl 566 1 6 427 2 3 32 19 9 623 16 11 584 4 6 346 9 5 235 16 7 618 3 6 Totals | 11,032 8 8 21,623 1,363 19 6 11,032 8 8 21,623 4,460 8 10 16,856 17 0 {a) Includes £97 5s. 7d. for new winches and extra wages on account of war and quarantine du cost of clearing rabbits off reserve. (/) Im (A) Includes £23 5s., cost of new eart. (;') ; additions. (>■) includes £37 i(R, oost of pao! * Paraffin oil. f Kerosene oil. hauling-wire. (6) Includes £43 12s. 9d. for re] dies. (rf) Includes £06 6s. lid., cost of new outho eludes £66 6s. 6d-, cost of new apparatus. (ff) Includes £31 8s. 6tl., cost of repairs. (k) Indue 1 king stores. (m) Includes £3(1 9s. 9d., cost of re pairs. (c) Inc luses. (») Inoluc i Includes £23 5s., ( les £160 6s. (id., coi ipairs. hides £108 18s., Ids £49 lis. 7d., :ost of new cart, it of repairs and



Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Fees, etc., received under the Shipping and Seamen Acts, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Harbours Acts, the Fisheries Acts, the Inspection of Machinery Acts, and the Tramways Acts, during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Return showing the Amount of Light Dues collected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Return showing the Amount of Pilotage, Port Charges, etc, collected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Name of Lighthouse. Cost of Erection. ?encarrow Head kelson Ciritiri liana Island* Paiaroa Head Jodley Head Dog Island rarewell Spit Sfugget Point 3ape Campbell vlanukau Head *.. 3ape Foulwind brothers Portland Island iloeraki Centre Island Puysegur Point 3ape Maria van Diemen Ucaroa Head Jape Saunders 3ape Egmontt Mokohinou /Vaipapapa Point .. 3 onui Passage} Caipara Head French Pass juvier Island Stephens Island 3apo Palliser 5ast Cape Cahurangi Point rack's Point 3ape Brett 3astle Point micken Island Channel Islet £ arori Rock (building) Dost of telegraph-cable to Tiritiri Miscellaneous and unallocated Total .. £ s. a. 6,422 0 4 2,824 8 9 5,747 7 2 5,513 0 1 4,923 14 11 4,705 16 4 10,480 12 8 6,139 11 8 6,597 3 7 5,619 2 6 4,975 2 4 0,955 9 1 6,241 0 0 6,554 14 5 4,288 13 2 5,785 19 0 9,958 19 5 7,028 14 8 7,150 6 5 6,066 6 3 3,353 17 11 8,186 5 0 5,969 18 11 .'! 5,571 8 0 1,427 17 5 7,406 16 11 9,349 9 11 6,243 16 1 7,594 8 8 9,528 1 1 1,204 10 9 11,237 3 5 9,703 16 10 1,149 3 4 1,227 7 8 3,537 14 1 1,085 19 6 1,322 2 2 .. £219,078 0 5 * Light discontinued; moved to Cape Egmont. + Cost of iron tower, lantern, and apparatus, which were reaoved from Mana Island, is not included in this. t Built by Provincial Government of Auckland; cost not ;nown in Marine Department.

Nature of Eeceipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamen Acts :— Fees for engagement and disoharge of seamen, and sale of forms Surveys of steamers and sailing-vessels .. Measurement of ships.. Examination of masters, mates, and engineers Light dues Sundry receipts Merchant Shipping Act Harbours Acts:— Pilotage, port charges, &c. Foreshore rents, and sundry receipts .. Fisheries Acts: — Sale of oysters Sundry receipts Inspection of Machinery Acts : — Inspection of boilers and machinery Examination of engine-drivers Tramways Acts:— Examination of electrie-tram drivers .. £ s. d. 3,276 12 2 2,684 5 0 27 11 0 341 0 0 39,216 10 4 821 15 0 538 14 8 1,561 16 1 1,141 15 10 5,752 6 6 438 17 6 12,313 12 6 568 10 0 I 83 0 0 Total j , i£68,766 6 2

Port. Amount collected. Auckland Onehunga Whangarei Russell Mangonui Whangaroa Hokianga Whitianga Whangape Kaipara Whangaparapara Thames Coromandel Tauranga Poverty Bay Napier New Plymouth Waitara Patea Wanganui Wellington Wairau Havelook Picton Nelson Wostport Greymouth Hokitika Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Bluff and Invercargill £ s. d. 14,228 0 10 116 19 3 253 12 7 68 11 6 0 13 9 14 0 2 22 11 8 20 4 8 0 8 6 81 11 0 7 15 2 73 9 5 12 13 7 55 17 1 750 10 8 1,098 0 5 419 3 10 135 8 9 18 0 6 299 19 11 10,577 13 0 16 6 7 0 6 3 416 5 0 425 12 2 932 16 9 368 9 10 3,396 7 5 829 13 6 207 0 6 2,277 12 2 2,090 13 11 Total £39,216 10 4

Name of Port. Pilotage. Port Charges, &c. Total. , I Auckland* & 1 Onehunga* } Hokianga .. Kaipara Thames* Gisborne* Wairoa* Napier* N. Plymouth* Waitara* Wanganui* .. Patea* Foxton* Wellington*.. Picton Wairau* Nelson* Westport* .. Karamea Hokitika* .. Lyttelton* .. Timaru* Oamaru* Dunedin* Bluff* New River* .. Tauranga* .. £ s. d. & s. d. £ s. d. 9,688 16 8 7,438 3 1 17,126 19 9 505 15 3| 14 14 4i 358 12 S] 327 6 6 1,071 1 H 382 10 9 120 8 3 860 17 5 72 9 2 357 17 3 1,019 2 1 59 11 11 567 8 4 2,919 11 0 720 19 7 89 1 0 704 17 8 197 12 4 4,013 10 9 191 15 8 7,422 1 6 468 1 11 187 3 3 124 10 3 14 10 9 1,210 12 11 212 6 8 4,372 3 0 519 2 2 8,493 3 5 850 12 8 307 11 6 985 7 8 86 19 11 357 17 3 20,600 12 10 289 10 2 567 8 4 4,011 8 6 720 19 7 89 1 0 88 9 6 19,772 0 4 6,848 13 8 2,428 4 11 18,963 11 7 6,387 12 1 13 8 6 138 3 2 19,58110 9 229 18 3 1,091 17 6 12,667 1 6 3,373 1 0 : 10,204' 1 11 4,021 5 11 f33 9 6 7,104 18 10 3,475 12 8 2,428 4 11 8,759 9 8 2,366 6 2 13 3 6 138 3 2 Totals .. 49,401 14 0, 65,990 2 1 115,391 16 1 ge duals. * Harbor » . I lir Board reveni I I ue. t Tonnai


Return showing the Number of Seamen engaged and discharged in the Foreign and Intercolonial Trade, the Home Trade, and within Restricted Limits respectively, together with the Amount of Fees received for the same, during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1915.


j Engagements and Discharges in Engagements an£ Discharges in j Engagements and Discharges in Total Engagements Total Discharges Grand Totals Foreign and Intercolonial Trade. Home Trade. Restricted Limits. lotal engagements. lotai uiscnarges. ijrrana lotais. Port. °a1 ° a *§ ° fl« ° a °d ° a °d t s-t © as j* :d ci) s* © © 0 an sh © ® _ ><®ac ig 5 •g» Fees $ g g Fees ® g g> Fees 8 a S Fees K a s Fees « g g Fees o g Fees ® g Fees a S Fees a a m received. - <a,a received. a a £ received. -3,3 received. a S 60 received. a g,s received. - § received. a 5 received. "S § received, a ® ja®o fl®a afflo rtja a ® o a® a ® a® [ 302© | 30) a® © 3C0 cc SCO© : sCOre 2-T 302 S5 55 3 55 55 SB 55 ts 25 25 z I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. .. 2,154 158 3 0 2,272 170 14 0 3,117 193 2 6 3,055 197 12 6 384 22 12 6 391 23 8 0 5,655 373 18 0 5,718 391 14 6 11.373 765 12 6 Dunedin and Port Chalmers 1,806 109 0 0 1,581 119 7 6 1,275 87 2 6 1,555 111 11 6 .. .. .. .. 3,081 196 2 6 3,136 230 19 0 6,217 427 1 6 Greymouth .. .. 56 4 4 0 47 3 10 6 178 12 14 6 120 8 7 6 .. .. .. 234 16 18 6 167 11 18 0 401 28 16 6 Hokianga .. .. 4060 3046 13 0 19 6 15 0 19 0 .. .. .. .. 17 156 18 136 35 290 Hokitika .. .... .. .. .. 3046 2030.. .. .. .. 3 046 2 030 5 076 Invercargill .. .. 57 4 5 6 31 2 6 6 27 1 17 6 j 15 0 19 6 .. i ! 84 6 3 0 46 3 6 0 130 9 9 0 Kaipara .. .. 80 6 0 0 76 5 14 0 15 0 19 0 14 0 17 6 .. ... .. 95 6 19 0 90 6 11 6 185 13 10 6 Lyttelton .. .. 610 46 9 6 615 46 3 6 1,286 96 16 0 1,269 91 18 0 .. .. .. .. i 1,896 143 5 6 1,884 138 1 6 3,780 281 7 0 Napier.. .. .. 13 0 19 6 13 0 19 6 402 20 16 6 418 21 13 6 68 5 2 0 69 5 2 0 483 26 18 0 500 27 15 0 983 54 13 0 Nelson.. .. .. 2 0 3 0.. . . 304 20 16 6 355 18 10 6 139 8 11 0 141 8 14 0 445 29 10 6 496 27 4 6 941 56 15 0 New Plymouth .. .. .. .. 1 0 1 6 27 1 8 6 27 1 8 6 .. .. .. 27 1 8 6 28 1 10 0 55 2 18 6 Oamaru .. . . 8 0 12 0 i 6 0 9 0 j 14 1 1 0 12 0 18 0 .. .. 22 1 13 0 18 1 7 0 40 3 0 0 Onehunga .. .. .. .. .. .. 482 31 0 0 ! 477 30 17 0 .. .. .. ,. 482 31 0 0 477 30 17 0 959 61 17 0 Patea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ! 67 3 14 0 40 I 5 6 .. .. .. .. ; 67 3 14 0 40 1 5 6 107 4 19 6 Pieton.. .. .. 80 12 0 6090: 10 0 15 01 5076 .. .. .. .. ! 18 170 11 0 16 6 29 236 Poverty Bay .. .. 8 0 12 0 .. .. 73 4 15 0 83 5 4 6 .. .. .. .. 81 5 7 0 83 5 4 6 164 10 11 6 Russell .. .. 3046 3046S.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 046 3 046 6 090 Tauranga .. .. .. .. .. j 1016 2030.. .. .. .. 1 016 2 0 3 0 3 046 Thames .. .. 1 016 1 016: 5076 2 0 30.. .. .. .. 6 090 3 ' 0 4 6 9 0 13 6 Timaru .. .. 37 2 15 6 24 1 16 0 | 48 3 12 0 24 1 16 0 .. .. .. 85 6 7 6 48 3 12 0 133 9 19 6 Wairau .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 0 16 0 20 0 14 6 .. .. .. 19 0 16 0 20 0 14 6 39 1 10 6 Waitara .. .. 4 0 6 0 1 0 1 6 i 36 1 8 6 33 1 4 0 .. .. .. .. 40 1 14 6 34 1 5 6 74 3 0 0 Wanganui .. .. 14 1 1 0 9 0 13 6 ' 91 6 16 6 79 5 18 6 .. .. .. 105 7 17 6 88 6 12 0 193 14 9 6 Wellington .. .. 3,446 165 9 0 2,910 178 11 0 4,186 276 12 0 4.325 287 6 0 .. .. .. .. 7,632 442 1 0 7,235 465 17 0 14,867 907 18 0 Westport .. .. 229 17 3 6 202 15 3 0 111 7 17 0 95 6 2 0 .. .. .. 340 25 0 6 297 21 5 0 637 46 5 6 Whangarei .. .. 10 0 15 0 2 0 3 0 11 0 10 6 11 0 9 0 .. .. .. 21 1 5 6 13 0 12 0 34 1 17 6 Whangaparapara .. 1016 1016 .. .. .. .. .. .. j .. 1 016 >1 016 2 030 Totals.. .. 8,551 519 4 0 7,804 546 15 0 Il81,801 776 6 0 12,053 796 9 6 591 36 5 6 601 37 4 0 20,943 1,331 13 6 20,458 1,380 8 6 41,401 j2,712 2 0 - I I | j , ; I I J j | .



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

4—H. 15.

Class of Certificate, j Date of Issue. No. Name oi Person. Rank. John Jonathan Elvcn Victor George Carl Parker (j Alexander Cook John Stewart Gordon Archibald Grey George Andrew Drummond I! Frederick Albert Clayton Hcslop .. Ross Clark Thomas Clarkson Sawyer Ernest. Fear Cyril Brears Atkinson Alexander Pyper David Washington Nicholas John Watson Henry Alexander Anderson Alfred Frederick "lnman William Hutcheon Watt Everard John MoClellan Norman Berthold Wily Haszard Reginald Henry Baigent Andrew Granville Manners Christie Mariner' Tucker Holm Kenneth Laverton Edward MaeMillan Frederick William Banoks William Russell Woebling Edward Henry George Arthur Atwood Walter Harrington John Douglas Gibbon Chayter Francis Feary Gibson George Williani tlcatley .. Robert Everett Price Frederick Alfred Brock Johan Alfred Norling John Maylcn Johannes Sandviok Thomas Oscar Stephens John Leafberg Julius Christoffersen William Hardie Stevens Henry Scollay Groat Henry John Bourke Ceoil Sharpe Emery Jackson John Sidney Hall Ernest Herbert Cathcarl .. Charles Frederick Olson .. William Farquhar Cowie Wilson Harald Birkeland John Llewelyn Fisher Leslie Gordon Liley William Mead John James Cottier Arthur William Humphreys Arthur Thomas Day John Duncan McDonald William Fowler Christie William James George Poole Vivian Frederick McLeod. . James Edward Douglas Ernest Radford Hodgkinsnn Henry Bayne .. William Creighton .lames John Smith William Edward Wade James War burton Waru Rapana Cecil Osborne Windsor John Smith Carl Adolf Anderson William Henry Jenkins George Edgar Henderson Garden .. John Duncan McDonald Joseph Smyth .. James Robertson Kennedy 1--Extra master Master Master, steam Master .. ,, steam First mate, steam . . Second mate ,, steam.. ,, • steam.. „ steam.. Master •. ,, Foreign trade Home trade 14 Oct., 1914 .. 8 April, „ . . 28 "„ „ .. 13 July, „ .. 4 Aug., „ .. 14 July 12 Jan., 1915 . . 23 Feb., „ . . 10 Nov., 1914 .. 10 Dee.. „ .. 15 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 28 April, .. 27 Aug., „ .. 14 Oct., „ .. 23 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 18 Nov., „ .. 25 „ „ .. 8 Doe., „ .. 8 June, ,, 8 „ „ . ■ 3 July, „ .. 0 ,, ,, 13 „ „ .. 29 „ „ ... 22 Sept., „ .. 6 Oct., „ . . 10 Dec, „ .. 23 Feb., 1915 .. 15 May, 1914 .. 13 Julv, „ .. 11 Sept., „ .. 22 „ „ .. 6 Oct.. „ .. 8 Dec, „ .. 12 Jan., 1915 .. 12 „ „ ... 24 Mar., „ .. 24 „ „ .. 1 June, 1914 .. 1 ,. „ •• 1 ,, „ •• 15 „ „ .. 3 July, „ .. 3 „ „ .. 4 Aug., „ 25 „ „ .. 6 Oct., „ .. 23 „ „ .. 10 Nov., „ .. 10 „ „ .. 18 „ ,, .. 8 Dec, „ .. 15 „ „ .. 19 Mar., 1915 .. 28 April, 1914 .. I June, ,, 1 ,» „ •• 1 „ „ •• 3 July, „ .. 29 „ 25 Aug. „ .. 25 „ „ .. 6 Oct., „ .. 6 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 18 Nov., „ .. 8 Dec, „ .. 12 Jan., 1915 .. 26 „ „ .. 25 Feb., „ .. 5 Mar., „ .. 23 „ „ .. 3 July, 1914 .. 1037 1222 1224 1140 1139 1230 1237 1119 1165 1235 a 1236 1157 1223 1189 1234 1194 1235 1182 1177 1176 1180 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1231 1232 1233 1234 a 1238 5645 5750 5725 5704 5749 5710 5093 5759 5790 5734 5774 5775 5776 5777 5778 5779 5780 5781 5782 5783 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 5789 366S 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 67 Mate Master .. River steamer ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,» ■ ■ Fishing - boat or cargo-vessel under 25 tons register Ditto Foreign trade 14 Oct., „ .. 5 May, „ .. 19 ,. „ .. 19 „ „ .. 68 1145 1245 1330 William Herbert Stephens Robert Graham Francis Onslow Morath Fritz Falavai Kronfeld .. lst-class Engineer .. ,» ,, • • •



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1915— continued.

Nimo of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate, j Date of Issue. No. .lames Oswald Penman Charles Ernest Dunn Andrew Smart Young Edward Charles Roi Young William Byers Stanley Sealy .lames John Jack John Moffat .John Watson Thomson John Robert Loraine William Patrick Kiely Arthur George Rogerson Cecil Roy McLean Baird Gilbert Stuart Mitchell .. Hector Charles Hamlin Stannus Reuben Bach Benjamin Dennltts Smith.. Alexander Tough Frank Bernard Williams Leigh Easton Baxter Herman Nielsen .John .lack Wildridge Percy Robert Hunter William Anderson Sehaumann Vincent Maplesden Thomas Ralph Noble William John Ormiston Harry Granger Reginald Gordon Haughton Ernest Williams Duncan William Palmer Leslie George Wilkinson Wilson Campbell • Herbert .John Allen Knowstubb Gordon Louis Anscnne Augustus Wont-worth .Johnson Reginald James Mentiplay David Finlayson MacDonald John Stewart Norman Reginald Bawlings Kenneth Alexander Gunn.. Malcolm Elliott McLeoil .. Francis Nelson Hesketh .John Ross Oscar Hugh Wright Clement Cauty Richardson Reginald Cleveland Jones .John Edward Bish Arthur Roland Johnson ■ lames Edward O'Shea William Cunningham Ashe Williams Gordon Lancelot Dungey •Josluia Crombie Mcwhinney Kenneth James Lindsay .lames Alexander Cowan Athol Ashley McDonald . . Edward Albert Wenmouth William Melbourne Edward Napier Roberts Wallace Marama McLcod Waldemar Bruno Sanft William Hunter Campbell George Francis Smith William Harold Fuller William Earland Charles Frederick Brewin George Dallas McNeil William John Wells Douglas Lush Henry Thomas Moody George Henry Hunt .lames Blackie Howard Faulknor Frank Furneaux. . Alexander .Jack Archibald David Stevens McLaren Leslie John Berkeley Pollard Dugald MacDonald Gordon William Fairweather .lames Bode Cyril Alexander Robinson Perkins . . Henry Alfred Shacklock Gerald Henry Straker Ist-class engineer .. : Foreign trade " 2nd-class engineer . . „ 19 May. 1014 .. I!) 7 .liilv M ..' „ .. 5 Aug., „ .. 5 22 Sept.. „ .. 22 „ „ .. 22 „ „ 22 Oct., „ .. 5 Nov., „ .. 10 10 .. „ .. 10 , 10 8 Dec. „ . . 8 ' , 1") „ „ .. 12 Jan., I!)!5 .. 12 ,. „ .. 12 „ „ .. 18 Feb 5 May, nil4 .. 5 ,, „ I!) „ ,, .. 19 „ ., .. 19 .. .... 19 .. „ .. I!) ., „ .. 19 „ ., .. 14 July, „ . . 5 Ails'., ,, 5 „ „ .. 22 Sept., „ .. 10 Nov., ,, 18 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 8 Dec, „ . . 15 „ „ .. 12 Jan.. 1915 . . 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 7 April, 1014 . . 7 ii ,, 27 „ „ .. 5 May, „ .. 5 ,. ., 5 „ „ . . • r ) -, „ . . 5 „ „ .. 19 ,, „ .. 19 ,. „ .. 10 „ „ .. 19 „ „ .. 19 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 ,, „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 19 „ „ .. 19 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 19 „ „ .. 10 ,. „ .. 10 10 „ „ .. !4 July 14 „ „ .. 14 ., „ .. 14 Aug.. „ .. 14 14 „ „ .. 14 ., „ .. 14 ., „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 Aug., 1014 . . 14 14 , 1165 1717 888 .1267 1418 531 1735 1730 1737 1003 1308 1177 860 1379 1752 1160 1765 1390 1381 521 1767 947 1454 1522 1493 1407 1436 1456 1375 1527 1575 1515 1421 1561 1464 1301 1552 884 1457 1426. 1354 077 1580 1524 1509 1602 1693 1604 1695 1690 1697 1698 1600 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1700 1707 1708 1700 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1718 1719 1720 1721 " 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 3rd-olass engineer . . ,,


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates or Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1915 — continued.


Name of Person. Hank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Alexander Stewart Norman Roy .Joseph Greenwood .. William Thomas Robertson Kenneth John MacLeod Allan Chamberlain Murray Hamilton St. George Pendock Tucker William Ellis Wiggins Athol Trevor McGlashan .. Robert Campbell Corbet) .. Stanley Nelson Going Alfred' Perez Frederick George Thomas. . Walter Dance Frederick William Brown Evan William Jesse Steer Frederick .Julius Von Tiinzelmann . . Charles Geddes Williamson Thomas Churchill Peacock •lames Milne Kenneth Robertson George Clement Wadsworl li .lames William McGiJJ •lames Muir Liddcll Louis Herbert I'alfrcvman William Ullrich Cyril Lionel Alphonsus Min-hol! Harold Perciva I Rhodes .. Frank George Fowler Alexander Edward Matthews Campbell Mc Vicar Henry Rix-Trott •John Pirie • lames Kennedy Robert Rutherford Douglas, jini. . . Ralph Ashl'ord Lusli James Mclvor Sydney Pearson Inman Charles Tennant Charles Bolting Neil Gauld Alexander MoCulloch Ross Douglas Harold Maelachlan William Henry Hodgson George Edward King Frank Stewart .James George Olson Wilson McKie George Alexander Nisbef . . ... Conway Braddell Charles WinWord Samuel Manders Hill John McLintock, jun. Edmund HiJlman Robert Thomas Bruce Maekic -John Solomon Taylor Richard Richmond Skewcs Edgar Blundell Oscar Camille Miiller Charles Cuthbert Lucius Fagan .Joseph Mathew Ryan Walter Malcolm Foot Douglas Gordon Jack •John Thomas Knowstubb.. •James Templar Mason Cyril Probyn Berridgc Bruce MeLcod Grant William George Krausc Arthur Amical Lundberg Trevor Russell MeLcod Victor George Judd Alexander Bowie Farmer Albert George Turvcy Alfred Herbert Bond •lames William Peterson Thomson . . Archibald Louis Ross Charles Ernest Giles Alexander Macmaster Alfred Hunt James Attwood Thomas Kay George Warner Ellis Ernes, Richard Thornton.. 3rd*ol&9S engineer . . Foreign 1 rude .. 14 Aug., 1914 .. .. 14 „ „ .. .. 14 „ „ .. .. 25 „ „ .. .. 27 ,. „ .. .. 22 Sept • • 22 „ „ .. ,, 22 „ „ .. 22 .. „ .. .. 22 „ „ .. .. 22 „ „ .. 22 ',', '.'. 22 ',', "„ '.'. .. 22 „ „ .. .. 22 „ „ .. ..14 Oct., „ .. ..10 Nov.. „ .. ■ • 10 „ „ .. -. 10 „ „ .. ■ • 18 ,, ,, .. .. 18 „ „ .. •• 18 „ „ .. .. 18 „ „ .. .. 18 „ „ .. .. 18 .. „ .. ..-■ 18 „ ,. .. ..18 .. 18 „ „ .. •• 18 „ „ .. .. 18 „ „ .. ..- • 8 Dec, ., .. .. 15 , ..12 Jan.. 1916 .. .. 26 , .. 20 „ „ .. • • 26 „ „ .. .. 25 Feb., „ .. .. 25 „ „ .. •. 25 „ „ . . .. 25 „ „ . . .. ! 25 >» • • I 25 „ ,, . . .. I 25 „ „ .. River trade . . 7 April, 1914 ..1.9 May, „ . . ,.14 July, ., .. 14 „' „ .. 5 Aug., „ . . .. 14 „ „ .. .. 22 Sept., .. .. ..18 Nov., „ . . .. 18 „ .. .. .. ! 26 Jan.. !:,., . . .. 26 „ „ .. ..19 -Mar., „ .. ..19 Skiy. 1914 .. Sea-going .. 10 ,, ,, .. 10 „ „ .. .. 19 „ „ .. .. 19 „ „ .. .. 14 July, „ . . ,, ..15 Aug.. ,, .. I 27 „ „ ., .. ! 22 Sept., „ .. .. j 20 .Jan., 1915 .. ..14 •July. HIM . . 14 Aug., „ .. ..22 Sep!., „ .. .. 22 „ „ .. .. 22 „ „ .. ..14 Oct .. 14 -„ „ -.-. ..18 Nov., „ .. ..12 Jan., 1915 .. ,, 20 Jan., ,, . . 26 „ „ .. -.26 „ River trade .. 7 April, 1914 .. .. 7 „ „ .. .. 7 „ „ .. •• i 27 „ „ .. ■ ;. I 19 May, „ .. ; 730 ,731 1732 1733 1734 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 I 740 1747 1748 1740 1750 1751 1753 1754 I 755 I 756 1757 1758 1759 1700 1761 1762 1763 1764 1760 1768 i 700 1770 1771 1772 1773 I 774 I 775 1770 .1777 1778 2210 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2220 2227 2228 2220 2230 150 218 219 155 220 222 223 225 225a 157 221 224 226 227 228 229 230 231 232233 234 235 435 436 437 438 439 Engineer .. Marine-engine driver Ist-class oil engineer ?» '> 2nd-class oil engineer S) River oil engineer .. I 1


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1915— continued.


Name of Person. Bank. i Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. ! No. •John Solem Joseph Arthur Cullen Clifford Reginald Le Grice Frederick Charles Frogley William Henry Mills Ernest Martin James Cregdala Paton Arthur Roy Brownlce Alfred Norman Ramsey Ernest Albert Wakeham Stanley Gordon Butland Edward Bernard Howe James Scott Donley Bcgg. . Marcus Hod MePherson John Samuel Austin Edward Fitzgerald Bradley John Stanley Carr John Dobbie Sporle CI ive Arthur Swears Norman McLood Wylcs Dunlop James Smith Henry McGregor Bertram Cruller Clarence Leslie Cheescman Charles Seivier Goodwill Samuel Guppy William Frederick Dolan John Lawrence Neilson Joseph Gilbert Henry Arthur Wallis Harry Osborne William Robert Norman Warren William Henry White Walter Herbert McKonzie Cecil Howard Hayward Louis Morrell I'homas KirJcwood Reginald Eton Collins .. Napier Cross William Eyro Powell John Henry Waldon Gterald Stevenson Hall William Pairis .. Leonard Thomas Dean Leonard Peterson Thomas Barker Llewelyn Mostyn Parry William MoLennan John William Henry Mitchell Harold Malcolm Keir Samuel Ralston Bourdot William .lames Smith Morrell Lewis Syd ney Morell Herbert Wilfred Subritzky Edward Ralph Shoebridge Edward Duncan Gray Ei-nest Henry Oxenham Earle Owen Evans Henry Edward Bcrridge Roy Wells Joseph Rice Walter Sharland.. Herbert James Allison Claude Pereival Tibbcy Cliarles Smolandcr William Lawson Robert William Lawson Claude Gaudin Martin Bramwell Modland Russell Bedford Graham George Robert Sutherland Henry Martin Wilde Charles Lawrence Aldriclge Charles Oliver Rowlands .. Harold Vipond Robert Bruce Sunhouse Hogwood Frank Noble Davidson Harold Bernard Wagoner John Rupert Sheppard George Henry Bartlett Richard Moody Cornelius Gothard Edwin Phillips Ernest James Dudson River oil engineer .. ' River trade 10 May, 191 I .. 19 „ „ .. io ., „ .. 10 ., „ .. 10 10 JO ., „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 ., „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. JO „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 14 .July 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ ... 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 , 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ ... 14 ., „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 14 Aug., ,, 27 „ „ .. 22 Sept., „ 22 „ „ .. 22 „ „ .. 22 , 22 , 22 „ „ .. 22 „ „ .. 22 „ „ .. 22 „ „ .. 22 „ „ .. 22 „ „ .. 22 „ „ .. 22 , 22 „ „ . . 22 „ „ 10 Nov., „ . . 10 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 18 18 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 8 Dec 8 „ „ . . 8 „ ., .. 8 , 8 „ „ .. 8 „ „ .. 8 „ „ . . 8 „ „ . . 15 „ „ .. 12 Jan., 1015 .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 12 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 25 Feb., „ .. 25 , 6 Mar., „ 440 111 442 443 444 445 440 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 157 458 459 400 461 462 403 404 465 460 467 468 409 470 471 472 473 474 475 470 177 478 470 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 402 493 494 495 100 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 500 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 " i .1 • • 11 J» ,' ■ 11 11 • • 11 " I " •• 11 • ■ : i) 4 . 11 •'• 11 • • .. ! . . | 11 ■ • ii 11 • • 11 11 • • 11 11 • • 11 11 • • 11 11 • • 11 11 • • 11 11 11 • • ■ 11 11 • • 11 11 * • 11 • . 11 • • 11 • . 1) • • ii 11 • • )) ■ • 11 • • 11 I 11 11 • • " 11 • ■ 11 • • >» 11 • ■ If . ■ 11 • ■ 11 »» • • 11 • • 11 • • 11 • . 11 • • 11 • . » ■ • ■>•> )) ' * 11 • •


Return showing the Number of Masters', Mates', and Engineers' Examinations in New Zealand during the Year ended the 31st March, 1915, showing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.

Return of Certificates of Exemption from Examination as Third-class Engineers issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Return of Licenses as Colonial Pilots issued in pursuance of Section 190 of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, during the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Return of Licensed Adjusters of Compasses in New Zealand.


A icklai .rj id. j "Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin. Otb< er Pi i .ces. 'otali Class of Certificate, rd 01 111 at ■te -8 01 '3 ft Ti id i M d w • j a at at a i hh o to ca ! o B ft h : H ; I o trl T3 01 tn co HH ft ■ o V IM . TS rri tt to co r- co co rt I oi w X ffl in Xi co CQ to . .n i hh 01 .h hh ! ca CO CO O CO i CO O CO Ph ft H ft [ ft H ] Ph 01 in tn « Ph . 01 '3 h j rtt a i '3 "3 o •a p I tn ca ' Ph •a 01 '3 ft 3 o En Foreign-going masters and 17 mates Home-trade masters and 14 mates River-steamer masters .. 8 Master, fishing-boat or cargo- 2 vessel under 25 tons register Master, sailing-vessel plying in harbours and rivers Seagoing engineers (steam) 59 River-steam or engineers .. 6 Marine engine-drivers Seagoing engineers (me- 14 ehanical power other than steam) River engineers (mechanical 45 power other than steam) 16 33 9 10 19 33 9 10 19 5 8 13 5 i . . 5 .. 5 36 34 70 7 21 8 ! 6 14 21 8 6 14 5 .. 5 .. : 5 27 13 40 4 2 12 4 4 6 10 2 2 3 1 4 1.7 2 11 2 28 4 59 6 12 2 71 8 24 6 30 8 1 5 13 1 25 4 29 9 1 1 7 6 15 1 1 7 125 8 1 23 33 2 158 10 I 32 11 9 23 2 2 li 45 2 47 I 2 2 42 3 45 90 5 95 Totals .. 165 165 54 219 46 28 21 13 34 i 34 I i I 4 38 | | 63 10 73 329 109 74 438 I I j I I I

Date of Issue. 26 June, 1914 .. Name. David Manson.

No. of ..license. Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Port of Residence. Date of Expiry of License. 43 45 46 47 49 50 10 Oct., 1914 | Felix Black 10 April, „ j John Grant 2 Sept., „ John Robertson .. 9 March, 1915 j Richard Edward Smith 7 Jan., „ William Andrew Smith 14 April, 1914 William John McLean Tate Wellington Onehunga Auokland 8 Oct., 1915. 4 April, „ 29 Aug., 30 Oct., 19 Jan., 1916. 14 April, 1915. Wellington I .

Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Address. I 9 April, 1896 15 May, „ 5 „ „ 27 April, 1897 27 May, 37,July, 1 Sept., „ 13 Aug., 1898 26 April, 1899 26 Juno, 1900 27 July, 27 Nov., 27 March, 1903 19 Oct., 1 Nov., 1906 6 Feb., 1907 22 „ 1909 28 May, 23 Oct., 1.9 June, 1911 16 Nov., 3 . 1913 27 Nov., 1914 10 Feb., 1915 Frederick Macbeth Robert Strang George Urquhart Thomson Frederick William Cox Thomas Fernandez Robert Hatehwoll Arthur G. Gifford Herbert John Richardson Robertj-Heddelston Neville Charles Frederick Sundstrum John A damson Thomas Basire George Samuel Hooper John McLennon McKenzie .. Frederick Pryoe Evans David Todd Norman Macdonald Charles Cornelius Plunket Robert Crawford Frederic George Cooper Major William Solloway Lane Cesar Anthony Oolonna John Jonathan Elven Richard Chamberlain Harbord Dunedin. Nelson. Auckland. Lyttelton. Wellington. Dunedin. Auckland. Port Chalmers. Wellington. Dunedin. Bluff. Auckland. Wellington. Totara North. Christohurch. Christchureh. Bluff.


Table showing the Number and Tonnage of Sailing and Steam Vessels which remained upon the Register of the Dominion of New Zealand on the 31st December. 1913; of those added to and deducted from the Register during the Year 1914; and of those remaining on the Register on the 31st December, 1914.

Table showing the Number and Tonnage of the Registered Vessels (distinguishing Sailing from Steam) which belonged to each of the Ports of New Zealand on the 31st December 1914.


Sailing Vesi lets. Steam Vess lets. Totals. .. - Gross \ essels. ... lonnage. Gross Tonnage. Net Tonnage. w , Gross Vessels. Xonnage , Net i Tonnage, Vessels. Gross Net Tonnage. Tonnage. Remaining on Register on 31st Decern- 225 33,931 ber, 1913 Added to the Register,— Vessels registered for the first time — Built at ports in British possessions abroad Vessels transferred from ports in 2 134 British possessions abroad Vessels registered de novo.. ■ ■ I 25 Tonnage added in consequence of re- .. 2 measurement or alteration 33.931 31,619 J 391 |220,I86 | l 127,691 616 254,117 159,310 I I 16 985 985 513 16 985 513 134 111 2 358 358 185 4 492 j 262 1.34 296 135 622 25 2 20 39 3 237 237 132 1 15 583 4 132 Total added .. .. 3 161 161 170 21 1,712 I ,712 1,396 24 1,873 ! 1,566 Deducted from the Register,— Vessels wrecked or otherwise lost . . 2 780 Vessels broken up, decayed, &c. .. Ill 3,361 Vessels converted into hulks, &o. .. 9 5,767 Transferred to ports in the United Kingdom Vessels transferred to ports in British 3 1,233 possessions Vessels registered de novo. . . . 2 209 Other vessels .. .. .. 2 28 Tonnage deducted in consequence of j remeastirement or alteration 3 2 13 9 780 3,361 i 5,767 . " I I ,233 714 3,323 5,390 I , 146 2 4 19 2 647 526 84,504 358 273 327 50,376 185 4 17 9 19 5 I ,427 987 3,887 3,650 5,767 5,390 84,504 i 50,376 I ,591 j 1 ,331 2 2 209 28 161 25 46 1 25 bi3 2 234 j 1.75 28 | 25 57 ll Total deducted ..I 31 11,378 31 11,378 I 10,805 97,438 61,991 158,552 ! 98,885 28 86,060 51,186 59 Upon the Register on the 31st December, 197 22,714 1914 ! V 197 22,714 20,984 384 135,838 77,901 581 I

Sailing Vessels. ailing vessels. Gross Net y , tonnage. tonnage. 9,044 7,863 193 266 ! 253 28 1,014 : 888 43 209 , 172 : 13 3,944 3,834 j 16 ■733 ! 690 ; 1 7,132 i 6,940 | 78 372 ! 344 j 12 Steam Vessels. Ports. Vessels. Gross Net [ Tonnage. Tonnage. A ueklaiid Napier Wellington Nelson Lyttelton Timaru Dunedin Inveroargill .. | 138 . . ! 4 .. 12 . . ' 8 .. j 14 I 18 2 22,848 12,295 3,485 2,026 12,060 6,171 2,710 1,277 4,820 2,162 942 488 87,715 52,870 1,258 612 Totals . . 197 22,714 20,984 ! 384 135,838 77,901 i



Table showing, for the Year 1914, the Number and Tonnage of Registered Vessels (exclusive of River Steamers) of the Dominion of New Zealand which were employed wholly in the Home Trade, partly in the Home and partly in the Foreign Trade, and wholly in the Foreign Trade, respectively; and the Number of Men and Boys (exclusive of Masters) employed thereon.

Under 50 foTonsand iooTonsand 200 Tons and 300 Tons and 400 Tons and jooTonsand 600 Tons and 700 Tons and 800 Tons and 1,000 Tons and 1,200 Tons and 1,500 Tons and 2,oooTons and 3,000 Tons Totals. Tons. under 100. under 200. under 300. under 400. under 500. under 600. under 700. under 800. under 1,000. under 1.200. under 1,500. under 2,000. under 3,000. and over. j co co | i oo cn co co to co ! £ j to oq >, 1 >, Class of Vessels. | || £ | j ' I' I I I 1 I i $ I &' ! ' & £ £ £ . I "O -a "3 . "3 "3 . "3. "3. "3. "5. "3. "3. "3. "3. "3. T3. "3 35 I Cm c . to £ co £ x £ x £ 03 C co £ jo — x £ co £ x S 1 5 x 5 50 C — J? "a> a> • rt'u . 1 3 • o • rty • & "5 : / rt v a rt V • u • . rtu • v ,£ ™ U ,• " M "a5 ,« rt « - * £ £ « 2 e « £ c ® 2 c « £ e « 2 c x r-x« x * £ as £ w » x £ G x £ £ * £ = * £ £ £ C x £ ~ x £ J* co £ r, co £ r x C j- co £ p. x C — x E — x — j. x £ r; x £ — x £ T. z £ rj x £ rr /J — «i !> S > H S > H S > H H H e- > r* S > H ei > H ec > H H I j i | p | t i 1 j n i i - j i j | j p i | j i j i : [ i | ** In the Home (Coastal) T rade only- — Sailing .. .. 73,1,574113 331,494107 5 708 26 1 217 .... .. .. .. .. ..|..j .. .. 1 690; 2;.., .. .. 1 836: .. 1 1,190 4.. .. j .. .. 115 6,709' 252 Steam .. .. 9612,284361 673,899498385,49848010 2,482190 41,485 67 94,112213 21,029 24 1 630 40 53,648134 32,655 77 2 2,222 79 34,083195 23,370128 242^7,3972,486 Totals .. 16913,8584741005,393605436,20650611 2,699190, 41,485 67 94,112213 21,029 24 2|i'32o 42 53-6481134 43,491 77: 3 3,412 83 i 34,083195 23,370128 , .. ..357:44,106:2,738 Partly in the Home and I partly in the Foreign i T rade — Sailing •• 1 97 4 1 324' 13 1 499 10 42,629 54 j 7 3,549 81 Steam •• " j I 44 9 1 59 7 1 1 7 I 7 •• | •• •• | •• 1 725, 24 1 974; 14 2 2,243 54 78,963198 712273307 8119737565 28,002:171: 3153, 191 1,356 Totals •• ! J | 44 9 2 156 11 1 171 7 1 324 13 1 499 10 4 2,62g| 54 1 725 24 1 974 14 2 2,243 54 78,963198 712273307 819737565 28,002171 3856,7401,437 In the Foreign Trade. 1 j I onlySailing .. 1 53: 4j 4 629 30 3 771 26 1 309 9.. I .. .* ! .. i 1,047 18 10 2,809 87 Steam .. .. 2 59 12 2 172 16 1 118 i2|..l j .. .. 1 516 21 21,504 12 , 8 2,369 73 Totals .. 2 59 12 3 225 20 5 747 42 3 771 26 ! 1 309 9 1 516 21 21,504 12 1 1,047 5,178 160 Grand Totals.. 1723,9614951055,774636497,124:55514 3,470216 62,118 89104,611223 31, 545 45 85,453108 64,373158 54,465 91 6 6,7021551013046393 9 15643435 8 19737 565 28,002 171 414 106024^4,335 , j 1 ; ; 1 1 : i j ' , : ! i ' j I i i 1 1 : . : ; : i . ! i



Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

i "" : ! Name of Lighthouse.; Order of Apparatus. Description.: Period of Revolving Light. Colour of Light, ggjl*, Dwellings built of Date first lighted. Capo Maria van j Diomen | 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed .. 1' ' White .. .. Timber Rod, to show ovor ffiEB Columbia Reef. White .'. .. Iron .. Timber 24 Mar., 1879 Cape Brett 1st order dioptric Group flashing Flashing * |21 Feb., 1910 Mokohinou Chicken Island (Marotiri) Tiritiri 1st Acetone-acetylene (unwatched) 2nd order dioptric 10" 3&" eel. .. Stone Iron .. 18 June, 1883 28 April, 1913 Fixed .. White, with red arc „ over Flat Rock Timber 1 Jan., 1866 Channel Island .. Aoetone-acelylene (unwatched) Flashing § J 2" eel. fflU0" eel. [ White .. .. „ .. White and red .. Timber White .. .. Iron .. 11 Feb., 1915 Ponui Passage .. Cuvier Island East Cape Portland Island - 5th 1st 2nd 2nd Revolving Flashing Revolving Fixed .. 30" 10" 30" Timber Iron .. Timber 29 July, 1871 22 Sept., 1889 9 Aug., 1900 2nd order dioptric Group flashing Revolving Fixed .. t '■. Red, to show over Timber Bull RookWhite .. .. Iron .. Timber Iron .. Timber 10 Feb., 1878 12 Jan., 1913 Castle Point Cape Pallisor Pencarrow Head.. Cape Egmont Manukau Head .. Kaipara Head Brothers .. \ 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd Flashing t io" 10" .. Timber Timber 27 Oct., 1897 1 Jan., 1859 1 Aug., 1881 1 Sept., 1874 1 Dec, 1884 Fixed .. | Red, to show ovor Cook Rook White .. .. Iron .. 24 Sept., 1877 Cape Campbell .. Godloy Head .. Akaroa Head Jack's Point Moeraki Taiaroa Head Capo Saunders .. Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island .. . 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 4th 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st 2nd 1st order catadioptric 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed .. Flashing Fixed .. v 10" • • I „ .. .. Stone .. Timber .. Iron .. .. Timber Red .. .. Stone White .. .. Timber Ql n „n Iron .. Stone Timber Iron .. Timber Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Stone Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone 1 Aug., 1870 1 April, 1865 1 Jan., 1880 1 July, 1904 22 April, 1878 2 Jan., 1865 1 Jan., 1880 4 July, 1870 1 Jan., 1884 1 Aug., 1865 Revolving Fixed .. Flashing Revolving i' 16" 30" .. Stone ' P i n-» li i-h \* .. Timber Qfr...„ .. Stone Centre Island Fixed .. White, with red arcs Timber overinshore dangers White Timber Timber 16 Sept., 1878 Puysegur Point .. Capo Foulwind .. Kahurangi Point.. 1st 2nd 2nd Flashing Revolving Fixed .. 10" 30" White, with red sec- Iron .. tor to show over Stewart Breaker White, with red arc over Spit end White, with red arc ,, to mark limit of anchorage Red and white, with white light on beacon White .. Iron .. 1 Mar., 1879 1 Sept., 1876 30 Nov., 1903 Farewell Spit 2nd 'Revolving V 17 Juno, 1870 Nolson 4th Fixed .. ✓' 4 Aug., 1862 French Pass 6th 1 Oct., 1884 Stephens Island .. 1st Group flashing 29 Jan., 1894 * Two flashes in twice every half-minr eclipsed pending repai i quick succession ev< ite, with interval of tl ire. >ry half-mint iree seconds 1 ite. between lii 1 Three white flashes every forty-f usees, | At present showing half-i ery forty-f wing half-i ive seconds second nasi i. I Flashing hes, eight seconds


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

5—H. 15.


Name of Vessel. M <D rfi I M cfi a o EH £ rt !h 0 r. to &££ * d to . OSi»tr, ffi als is.? h. 01 r« o Pan •2 X § I Nature of Engines. of f,^ m ., •a 3 CO ci ~a£ . rOihi a ° Mini bei ing On qu Class of cal Certificate. ( tt oi tt 's a <i imui ir of g Ch ;ew 1 lires .rrier foi: isse ilUV to I. lum lowis of j rebe Remark*, 01 a ? .a GO u a 3 a hi H lit U 1 9 Admiral.. Advance (A'kland) Advance (Hokianga) Advance II Adventure A.H.B. .. Ahuriri Ailoma .. Aio Akaroa Albany Albatross Albatross (Ham'ltn) Albatross(H'kianga) Alert .. Alert (Wanganui) Alexander Alexandra Alice Alice (Te Kopuru) All Black All Black, No. 2 .. Alma Alva Amy Anaru .. Anna Aorere Aotea Apauui Aparima Arahura Arapawa Arawa Arawa (French Pass) Arawa (Port Underwood) Ariel Arita Ark Aroha Aroha (Lyttelton) Arrino Aruraai Atalauta ♦Athleen.. Atlas Atua Audrie .. Aupouri.. Aurore .. Awahou.. Awaroa .. Awarua .. Baden Powell Balder .. Baroona Beldame Bell Bird ♦Belle Benares Ben Lomond Blenheim Bletsoe Blue Bird Branch Breeze Breta Tui Brit Brit (Auckland) .. Brit (Whangarei).. Britannia Britannia (A'kland) Britannia (Bluff).. Bruce Bulli Campbell Canopus 82 12 3 4 3 5 33 4 ii 29 20 111. 4 2 +20 5 185 5 2 44 4 4 5 4 2 50 8 7 8 10 15 17 15 20 28 9 37J 3 4 6 15 72 15 6 12 17 24 10 12 5 16 10 16 33 28 284 145 47 5 5 10 Compound .. ; Screw Compound Non-condensing Oil-engine I Restricted limits! .. Non-condensing „ .. I I Oil-engine .. „ .. Compound Compound Oil-engine Oil-ongine 97 Compound .. I Twin-screw „ .. I Screw '97 Compound Home trade .. j 1 Rostrictedlimits .. i Oil-engine Oil-engine Compound .. „ /-in : — Oil-engine .. „ 338 Compound .. Twin-screw .. Oil-engine .. Screw 338 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. 4 Restrictedlimits .. "i '3 Home trade .. 1 o i 2 Fishing. 19' 49 157 135 3,684 772 128 2 3 5 '80 Compound i 216 2,750 1,707 241 80 Compound .. „ 216 Triple-expansion ,750 „ Twin-screw ,707 241 „ Screw Oil-engine .. „ Triple-expansion ..2 Restrictedlimits .. Home trade .. 4 Foreign trade 12 Home trade .. 7 ..4 Restrictedlimits .. 4 12 7 i 2 9 6 2 3 3 3 3 Oil-engine 9 2 3 6 4 2 2* 44 5 16 8 5 10 25 6 10 5 4 55 8 74 62 30 6 24 20 15 10 5 15 50 5 5 9 84 40 14 12 16 13 40 24 5 24 20 250 Home trade .. 1 Restricted limits .. 1 2 2 2 2 220 3 151 211 2 72 3 79 4 52 5 2 33 85 li 1 3 286 36 4 5 6 3 108 10 1 29 6 835 412 I 319 478 194 149 242 412 Triple-expansion Twin-screw Oil-engine .. Screw 319 Compound .. . Twin-screw 478 Triple-expansion Screw Oil-engine .. „ 194 Compound Oil-engine .. „ 149 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion nil t.-.~i~.-Oil-engine Compound .. „ 242 „ Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Homo trade .. 5 Restrictedlimits .. Home trade .. 4 Restricted limits .. Home trade .. 2 Restrictedlimits .. Home trade .. 2 Restrictedlimits .. Home trade .. 2 Restrictedlimits .. h "i •j. - 2 2 *3 3 2 - 2 2 Oil-engine 454 454 Triple-expansion „ Oil-engine .. „ Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. 4 Rastrictedlimits .. "i :t „ .. Twin-screw „ .. Screw Non-condensing Paddle Oil-engine .. Screw Non-condensing Oil-ongine Home trade .. 1 Restrictedlimits .. I Fishing. 1,182 Compound .. | „ Oil-engine .. Twin-sorew ,182 Triple-expansion 1 Screw Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Home trade .. 6 6 3 2 3 * Surveyed twice. + Unc * Surveyed tv dor, Ler.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Naroe of Vessel. © CB B -P CO a a H to a ° 1l-~ rH SrB.a r-t d |H£ CIh, riS oofflO S I* o . II M 01 ii ■3 ■ .800 ■o»< a p n Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minimum Ni bor of foili ing ClasseE Crew Law quires to carried. )WI Of rebo Ketnn.rks I .—J ri a 51 il 3 1 Is I i 1 1 °°|« 'fl ID rt Ci a a •H a Canterbury Canterbury Capel Centaur Chance Chelmsford Clansman Claymore Clematis Oliftou .. Clio Clutha .. 521 3 6 3 79 379 119 3 2 64 96 120 24 10 32 5 25 99 54 12 7 6 24 58 568 377 Compound Non-condensing Oil-engine i Compound i Twin-sorew Screw Twin-screw Screw Restrictedlimits ,. Home trade .. 2 5 1 1 3 3 I Triple-expansion Oil-engine Restrictedlimits • Compound Stern-wheel paddle Ditto Screw " Clyde Cobar Cobar (Tryphenai Comet Comet (Stewart Isl.) Condor 69 4 8 ) 6 188 40 40 12 20 5 24 Oilengine " Compound Screw (at each end) Screw Conella Coo-ee Coquette Corinna.. Countess Countess (W'gton) Cygnet 'Cygnet (Mokau) .. Cygnot (Te Kopuru) Dairymaid Daphne Daphne (Hokianga) Daphne (Ohiwa Bay) Daphne (Queen Charlotte Sound) * Dauntless Dawn (Auckland) Dawn (Mangonui) Defender Defender (Thames) Defiance Despatoh D'Jinn .. Doak Dolly Varden Doris Doris (Napier) Doris (Pioton) Doris (Russell) .. Dot Dove Dovey Dreadnought (I'gill) Dreadnought (Port Underwood) Dredge 121 •Dredge 222 Dredge 350 Dredge 404 Duchess.. Duchess.. Dunedin Eagle Earl Earnslaw Echo Eclipse Eclipse (Te Kopuru) Eileen Ward Elsie Elsie (French Pais) Elsie (Wellington) Elsie Evans Elsie Mary Elswick,. Emerald Emily 1 3 3 812 2J 57 66 4 ) 3 2 100 ) 2 9 1 8 14 3 109 4 5 24 6 3 17 5 4 2 3 1 2 2 26 6 84 8 10 141 20 28 43 16 8 6 55 6 30 5 16 36 8 30 18 15 20 23 8 26 6 20 i 12 5 4 5 12 10 1,045 181 188 247 iie Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oilengine Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw a •. Home trade .. RestrictedlimitiHome trade .. Restrictedlimits Homo trade .. Restrictedlimits m Home trade .. Restricted limitsi Home trade .. Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Restricted limits 6J '2 2! • .1 1 1 'i i "i i i 2 i 8 2 2 2 *2 3 Fishing Stern-wheel Screw 394 502 488 215 137 1 125 138 3 155 98 2 2 100 140 117 78 81 14 500 70 8 80 60 8 8 869 585 463 785 Compound Triple-expansion Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-sorew Screw Twin-screw Paddle .. Sorew Twin-screw Home trado .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restrictedlimits 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 i ■1 3 8 Dredge. 1,000 '2 Dredge. Screw Home trade .. Restrictedlimits 472 21 3 22 6 85 4 4 5 123 30 5 11 20 60 12 12 25 . ,• 1 1 Triple-expansion Oil-engine .. j Compound .. ' Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restrictedlimits 2 « !_ * Surve; ■ed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. -g '5c 01 « m a o _,„__ * Emma .. .. 4 Empress .. j 6 Endeavour .. [ 54 Endora .. .. j 2 Energy .. .. 26 Ennerdale .. 516 Erin .. .. Erlin .. .. 4 •Erskine.. .. 90 Eureka .. .. i 2 Eureka (Hokianga) i 3 Eva .. .. 5 Eveleen Excelsior .. 29 Excelsior (Tuakau) 5 Express.. .. 36 Fairburn .. I 60 Fairy .. .. 1 2 Fairy (Napier; .. j 32 Fanny .. .. 55 Farina .. .. I 5 Ferro .. .. | 6 Fiona .. .. ! 2 Fire Float ... Flora .. .. 2 Flora (Totara N'th) 1 2 •Flora (Hobart) .. 838 Flossie .. .. 2 Foam .. .. I 3 Freda .. .. 1 5 Freetrader .. 94 Fcisbie .. .. 6 Gael .. .. 55 Gannet .. .. I 10 Gem .. .. 3 Gertie .. .. j 2 Gladsome .. I 8 Gleaner .. .. i 5 Glenelg .. .. 156 Glenlee .. .. i 5 Goshawk .. 122 Greyhound .. 83 Haeremai .. 6 Hapai .. .. I 364 Harriet .. .. I 3 Hauiti .. .. J 82 Hauraki .. 9 •Heathoote .. j 94 Himitangi .. : 149 Hina .. ..I 39 Hinemoa .. 282 Hinemoa (Try-i 2 phena) Hinemoa (Rotorua)i 4 Hinewai .. 5 Hipi .. .. 16 Hirere .. .. 20 Hobsonville .. 23 Holliday .. 4 Holmdale .. 197 Houmoana .. j 4 Huia .. .. 2 Huia (Wellington) , 69 Huia (Wellington) I .. Huia (Wil son 's i 1 Bay) Hukarere .. 1 2 Hulk Launch .. 1 2 Ida .. ... 4 Ika .. .. 7 Imperial ., 3 Inveroargill .. 123 Irene (Hokianga).. 4 Irene (Kaiapoi) .. 3 Irini .. .. j 4 Iris (Mercury Bay) 1 3 Iris (Onehunga) .. 2 Iris (Kutarere) .. ' 4 P al U 0 „> I co fc! fl £ . «m _ 2IH-S "h! ■ &» Ss » 9 IS'St 8 o«0 Sh r- © I o . hhm si if Kg ■a a Sh* oqq 5° N&tura of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mini ber 1 Clas Law beci [mum K ot Mioses of C requiri irrieil. 99 S £ a a ■§ I ft fl lumping Jrew is to Remarks a oi 01 Hi co CD U V u 10 18 ' 30 5 16 98 34 4 35 8 ' 10 20 8 24 64 25 60 7 11 30 16 24 134 4 3 180 6 10 8 50 16 20 12 6 5 5 16 75 10 28 60 18 155 8 32 34 35 45 20 150 5 Oil-engino Screw Restricted limits 'is 696 Compound Triple-expansion Non-oondensing Compound Home trade .. j 2| Restrictedlimits; Home trade .. 1 Foreign trade 5 Restrictedlimits .. 1 3 1 .. 3 .. Fishing. Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Non-oondensing Compound Oil-engino Twin-screw Screw a Home trade .. 1 Restrictedlimitsj .. Home trado .. 2 -.2 Restrictedlimits .. Fishing. 92 •ij:: Twin-sorew Screw Compound ( 140 I .. Home trado .. 2 Restrictedlimits! .. 2 ['. Oil-engine i I Non-condensing Oil-engine " 1,104 Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. 6 Restrictedlimits .. 8 2 *8 '' ioo Non-condensing Oil-engino Compound Stern-paddle Screw Home trade .. 2 Restrictedlimits .. "i '■'■ Oil-engine a . • " 1 255 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. 4 Restricted limits .. "i ' 3 :: ' "i .. .. Home trade .. 2 Restricted limi's .. 2 . .i "i 269 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Twin-screw 1 Screw .. ' Dredge. 255 76 606 Triple-expansion Compound Foreign trade 4 Home trade .. 2 Foreign trade 5 Restricted limits .. 4 2 5 ii.. 3!.. Oil-engine .. .. 10 16 11 16 15 15 27 16 4 25 2 5 126 Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. 4 Restrictedlimits .. "i 1 " 121 Compound Condensing Oil-engine . I Home trade .. 2 Restrictedlimits .. 2 2! 40 54 16 20 12 41 12 8 15 6 6 8 207 Compound Oil-engine a • • Home trado .. 4 Restrioted limits .. "i '2 w . . It • . u • • * Sur •yed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. >A 3 UI Of « 00 a c I IH ITHHH US > ct) U 0 -, ® ' a o cd .a a CO '..(' 1 G a I 3 £» S eel ' O OCQO CD o . ft to iX co 2 K 5 «a tu gj 9 » "°ci a o Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minim u ber of fi Classes Law recj be carrii imNi ollow of C jiiiiei ed. 'Mill ■ i7ing 3rew !B to Remarks, a o 01 ~ CD 02 d ft DQ s a a i B ra iH V % a u a Iris (Port Waikato) Isa Isabel (Nelson) .. Isabel (Stewart Island) •Ivy Jane (Auckland) .. Jane (Mokau) Janie Seddon John John Anderson .. John Kennedy .. "Jumbo Kaeo Kahu (Auckland).. Kahu (Napier) Kaiaia Kaiapoi Kaipara Kaipatiki Kairaki Kaitoa Kaituna Kamo Kamona Kanieri Kanieri Kapiti 'Kapuni Karaka Karamu.. Karewa Karori Karoro ♦Kate (Batley) Kate (Foxton) Katoa Kauri Kawau Kawau Kelvena.. Kelvin Kennedy Kestrel 3 3 2 5 5 5 10 5 Oil-engine Screw Restrictedlimits, 84 22 3 43 134 36 4 4 146 25 99 24 1,246 30 35 49 90 20 12 32 60 40 40 28 201 4 94 92 65 10 159 117 20 3 J 35 30 22 102 4* 147 17 24 5 335 304 15 20 7 7 38 43 199 u • - Compound ' .. Oil-ongine Twin-screw Screw Home trado .. Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Restrictedlimits i i 2 Twin-sorew Home trade .. 4 I 2 1 7 231 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Triple-expansion Screw Twin-screw Screw 1,021 Foreign trade Restricted limits 8 2 3 23 182 1.1.8 6 725 904 115 2 114 90 10 452 4 1,194 52 5 492 298 746 728 140 216 189 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Compound Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restricted limit,Foreign trade Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trado .. 4 ■1 6 6 4 "i 2i 3 3. 3 2 H 2 735 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Non-condensing Triple-expansion Restrictedlimits! Foreign trade Restrictedlimits: Foreign trado Restrictedlimits 5 '7 3 926 3 2 :i ! 1,382 1,830 37 53 4 2 131 159 1,488 1,200 127 Compound Oil-engine Foreign trade Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Restricted limits 7 8 2 6 3 2 3 2: 3 3 - -1 171 Compound Twin-screw Screw (at each end) Screw Home trade .. Restrictedlimits "* 2 •• Kia Ora Kiatere Kina Kini Kinohaku Kiritona Kismet Kittawa.. Kiwi (Whangarei) Kiwi (Weymouth) Knoxie Kohi Koi Kokiri (Russell) .. Kokiri (Whangarei) Komata.. Kopu Korari Koroi 7 6 5 702 6 75 44 708 4 1 5 20. 55 4 4 1,194 18 4 8 6 10 130 8 150 24 120 28 3 12 60 32 10 8 260 13 8 94 624 788 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin screw Screw Home trade .. Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Rostrictedlimits Home trade .. Restrictedlimits 6 2 6 3 • • i 3 "I 2 8 "• Twin-screw Home trade .. Restrictedlimits i - Screw 1,215 Triple-expansion Non-oondensing Oil-engine Quadruple-oxpan-sion Compound Foreign trade Rostrictedlimits i 3 2 8 Paddle .. Screw Kotare Kotiti Koutu Koutunui Kowhai Kowhatu Kumi Kura Kurow Lady Moira Lady^Roberts La Mascotte 79 42 2 98 404 2 5 16 1,564 2 37 1 20 14 5 26 128 8 28 35 333 5 48 4 146 76 Home trade .. 2 2 2 1 127 608 Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Restricted limits Home trade .. *2 5 *2 3 Restrictedlimits 1,737 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Foreign trade Restrictedlimits *8 6 3 *3 Twin-sorew Screw « * Surveyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. ri to ■£ I « ID a o & IS tli age 1 a 9 *.- & *tt it £ . ill I O offlO CD fr o ft <-■■ II li oqo Nat ui-o of Engines. Naiure of Propeller. Class Of Certifioatia. Minimu ber of f( Classes Law req be carrii im Numoll owing of Crew r nireiB to ed. u oa te 3 in a 01 i & Keuiarke. d -5 sa a «| I £ fa ri a J La Reine Larola Lassie .. .. Lauderdale Laurel Lena Lillian .. Lily .. Linda Little George Looh Lomond Loew Victor •Lomen .. Lorna Loyalty Lupo Lyttelton (Lyttel'n) Lyttelton (Auckl'd) Magic Maheno Maheno (Dunedin) Mabino Mahua Mahurangi Mahuta Maidi Majestio (H'kianga) Majestic (Mercer) •Makero Makuini Mana Manaia Mangakura Manuka (Dunedin) Manuka (Lyttelton) Manukau Manukotuku Manurere 20 14 6 135 10 8 10 10 9 6 14 40 6 10 35 10 133 108 60 600 40 5 28 80 11 11 5 7 4 18 90 104 12 357 3 30 16 34 Oil-engine Screw Restrictedlimits .. 3 3 719 3 12 4 1 24 4 4 4 20 4 24 3 1 24 58 13,318 24 6 j 353 95 13 12 2 3 3 4 51 630 3 2,813 3 4 3 740 *78 264 6,188 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Turbine Oilengine Twin-screw Paddle .. Twin-screw Foreign trade 6 Restrictedlimits .. Home trade .. 1 Restrictedlimits .. Home trade .. 1 -.2 Foreign trade 12 Restrictedlimits .. 6 i 1 2 12 3 i 3 18 i2 3 Compound Screw Twin-screw Screw Oil-engine 1,162 Compound Tri ple-expan sion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Pa'ddlo .. Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. 7 Restrictedlimits .. Foreign trade 11 .Restricted limits .. k 3 2 3 4,070 ii i2 6 3 Mauuwai Manuwai (Wanganui) Maori Maori (Picton) .. Maori (Taupo) Maori (Riverton).. Mapourika Marama Maramarua Mararoa Mareno .. •Maribel.. Marmot.. Marokopa Maroro Mascotte Mascotte (Wang'ui) Matakokiri Matareka •Matarere Matariki (L'ttelt'n) Matariki (Tuakau) Matea Matuku.. Maui Mavis Mavis B. 15 94 50 30 Quadruple-expan-sion Oil-engine Non-condensing Stern-wheel ••! •• 1,433 6 2 3 718 2 2 I 6 4 4 5 5,600 8 5 5 130 6 9 6 5 16 12 7 8 5 12 9 25 2 10 6 5 4 80 10 3 5,859 Turbine Oil engine Triple-screw Screw I ; Home trade .. 8 iRestricted limits .. 15 9 3 •• 1,213 Triple-expansion Oil-engine I ; Home trade .. 7 Restricted limits .. 3 2 3 » Non-condensing "3 4 Oil-engine 4 3 2 Compound Oil-engine 251 3 7 547 Non-condensing Triple-expansion Oil-engine Quadruple-expan-sion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. 4 Restrictedlimits .. 8 3 .. Dredge. Mavora May (Tryphena) .. May (Wanganui).. Melinda Melville.. Meremere Morita .. Merlin (Auckland) Merlin (Pioton) .. 4 2 1 14 4 10 5 4 5 10 3 8 4 5 it • * " a . • 3 4 3 Non-condensing Oil-engine it .. * 8uri -eyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. g i '5c « j u CS +a Cfi "Q CO a o H ,2 ? £ « w a£S •SrB'5 01 HrrJ<£ fr 8 y 0 « ® 1 d 9 01.5 Ph w a£S ■a s -S? IH.H oocqo Ng Nature of Engines. ; of^™^ler . i ll 11 i 0 . 1 * B 01 to A 1J .202 a o M Nature of Engines Nature of Propeller. Class of Cerbiiieate. Minimum Number of following Classes of Crow Law requires to be carried. Remarks. 00 " a 1 &_j 'a^^rt fl,H, IH.H °ocqo J® tJi-i O o M 01 s w CO a sh ra ® to in a 1 1 £ .§ g Ego i I Mermaid (Fr. Pass) 4 Mermaid (M'nukau) 4 Midlothian .. 3 Mikado .. .'. 6 Minoru .. .. 24 Mizpah .. .. i 44 Moa .. .. f5 Moana (Pioton) .. i 4 Moana (Tryphena) ' 2 Moata .. ..I 3! Moeraki.. .. 9,716 Moerangi .. 5 Mokoia .. .. j 2 Moana .. .. I 2 Monioa II .. | 29J Monowai .. 2,1371 Mororo .. .. 2 Moturata .. ! 13 Moturoa .. 10 Mountaineer .. 66 Muriel .. .. 3 "Muriel (Napier) .. I 22 Murihiku .. : 369, Muritai .. .. ] 5 Muriwai .. ! 6 Myrtle .. .'. 1 Namu .. .. ! 2 Nancy .. .. 1 Napier .. .. j 48 Natono .. .. ! 50 Naumai.. .. 29j Naumai (Kawhia) 5' Naumai (Meroer) 8 Nautilus .. I 8! Nautilus (One- 8 hunga) Navua .. .. 1,813 Nellie Mason .. 14 New Zealand .. 44 Ngahere .. 556 Ngakuta .. 944 Ngapuhi .. 299 Ngarita.. .. 4 Ngaru .. .. 3 Ngatiawa .. 220 Ngatoro.. .. 584 Ngoiro .. .. 139 Niok .. .. j 6 Nioola .. .. i 4 Nikau .. .. I 98 Nimrod .. .. ! 4 Nina .. .. J Nita .. .. 3 Norah .. .. 3 Nora Niven .. I 66 Norval .. .. j 50 Nydia .. .. 1 Ohinemuri .. 73 Ohura .. .. 34 Okahu .. .. I 5 Oleo .. .. 5 Oline .. .. 2| Olive .. .. 6 Olive Branoh .. 3 I lunula .. .. 3 Omawi .. .. 14 Onewa .. .. 31j Ongarue .. 91 Opaia .. .. 5 Oparau .. .. 5 Opawa .. .. 64 Opouri .. .. 218 Opoutia.. Orakei .. .. 3 Oranga .. .. 4 Orete ... .. 14 "Orewa .. .. 37 7 7 5 12 10 20 4 8 44 5 357 16 6 5 20 290 5 25 10 50 5 18 70 14 55 4 5 5 30 24 12 9 9 7 6 220 15 14 118 248 160 18 6 55 118 52 25 20 55 32 24 5 5 35 20 4 30 25 18 20 10 32 9 16 20 154 45 23 5 18 86 5 10 16 10 17 Oil-engine .. 'Screw 4,038 Triple-expansion Twin screw Oil-engine .. Screw .. j Compound '2,T31J Triplo-expansion Oil-engino ... „ Compound .. „ .. I Paddle .. Oilengine .. .Screw .. ; Compound .. „ 505 Triple-expansion Twin-sorew Oil-engine .. | Screw 98 Compound .. „ .. i Oil-engine 1,987 Triple-expansion Twin-screw .. Oil-engine .. Screw .. i Non-condensing „ 745 Triple-expansion „ 1,209 738 , „ Oil-engine .. j „ .. j „ 365 Triple-expansion | Twin-screw i j 711| „ Screw .. j „ Screw (at each end) Oil-engine .. Screw 243, Compound .. ; Twin-sorew Oil-engine .. Screw .. ! Compound .. 1 .. i Oil-engine .. „ 187 Triple-expansion .. ' Oil-engine .. „ I 142: Compound .. „ .. Condensing .. Twin-screw .. ' Oil-engine .. Screw .. Stern-wheel Compound .. Screw Oil-engine .. „ 82 Compound .. „ 577 Triple-expansion „ Non-condensing „ Oil-engine 87 Compound .. „ Restricted limits Foreign trade | Restricted limits Foreign trade Restrictedlimiti. Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restrictedlimits Foreign trade Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. Restrictedlimits ii 12 6 3 io 9i 3 3 "i *8 .. '.'. "i .... .. ..J .. .. •• •• •• •• .. .. i .. 2 li .. .. • • ■ • • • • • 2 - • i • ■ 9 6. 3 8 9 fc O, o i 6j 3 3i s! 3 3 Dredge. 5 8 I .. .. 6| 8i 2 3 5| 3! .. .. • • Home trade .. t o; 5 5 3 3 5 3| .. .. Restrictedlimits 5 3 ..j .. Home trado .. Restrictedlimits o n 2 2 2 2 ..: .. Home trade .. Restrictedlimits o r> 2 2 Fishing. 2 2 ... .. ! .. Home trade .. Foreign trade Restricted limits 2 1 .. .. A O 2 4 i 3 4 3 .. .. Home trade .. 2 i 2 1 .. .. * Hurveyed twice. I Un * Surveyed twit ider.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. u I CD I -tt CD '3> I (D t 03 i CO I a 1 o I & I una-*? _< £p ° £ ' * it 8 O ,„ «> O . o.a& s.g ta • o ii • „ 35.9 -aa -3 a -jj 01 ca !»iio -go is-ss Is o o ffl O a o I ~ Nature of Engines. Nature Class of of Propeller. Certificate. Minn bei ing Cr< qui car mini : of Cln 3W 1 ires •ried a 01 a >-t 11 follow18869 Of liaw reto be 1 i. ai 3 £ S cn a ctj a a> ?_£. Remarks . j ■ a CO 01 at Orira Oropi Osprey .. "Otara Outsider Ozone Paeora Pakahea Palatine Paloona.. Pandora Pararoa.. Parera Paritutu Pateena Patiti .. Pearl (Kaipara) .. Pearl (Maori ay) Pearleen Pearless.. Pelican Pelorus (Auckland) Pelorus (Nelson) .. Petone Pet Phantom Phyllis (Hokitika) Phyllis (Russell) .. Phyllis (TeKopuru) Pihinga.. Pilot .. Pilot Pioneer (Auckland) Pioneer (Westport) Pitoitoi Planet Pleiades Plucky Poherua Pompeii Pono Portare Presto Pukaki 1 12 138 3 4 4 45 6 4 1,735 5 4 6 233 550 1 4 16 70 12 , .. 14 1 .. 10 I .. 25 : 78 12 .. 4 I .. 443 2,611 14 .. 8 I .. 4 90 ', 648 250 11,978: 15 I .. 1 ■■ ..\ 5 : .. i 5 1.. 26 57 297 12 40 82 510 10 11 8 12 2 5 15 12 4 14 20 34 •• 12 40 268 128 698 B 52 , 174 .. 3 110 608 Oil-engine Screw .. jRestrictedlimitsj Compound Oilengine Paddle .. Screw Compound Oil-engine .. Homo trade .. „ .. Restrictedlimits 2 I Dredge. 1 .. Triple-expansion Oil-engine .. Foreign trade .. Restrictedlimits 9 '9 9 3 3 Non-condensing Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engino Non-condensing Oil-engine Twin-screw ,, Screw .. j Homo trade .. .. .Restricted limits 6 'Oi '(V 3 '3 9 ! i 4 1 3 18 388 5 18 1 4 5 SI 27 5 1 5 34 4 3 29 749 3 30 6 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oilengine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine . - Twin-screw Home trade .. Screw .. Restrictedlimits .. ! Home trade .. „ .. Restrictedlimits " i 4 8 3 .. 3 3 .. Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expunsion Oil-engine ,. Home trade .. i 6 3 '.'. 3 .. 917 Compound Quadruple-expan-sion Oil-engine Compound , -.. Restricted limits Twin-screw , Home trade .. Screw .. Restricted limits „ .. Foreign trade „ .. Restrictedlimits Twin-screw 2 6 ..! .. 3 .. Pukeore Pupuke Purau Putiki Queen Queen of the South R. No. 1 Rainbow Rakanoa Rakiura (Bluff) .. Rakiura Ralaco Rangi .. Rangimahora Rangiora Rangi Puahi Rarawa Ratanui.. Rawhiti (Auckland) Rawhiti (Stew'rtls.) Redwing Regal Regulus.. Rehutai.. Reikura Reliance (Hokianga) Relianoe (Young's Point) Reliance (On'h'nga) Reremoana Result Rhodesian 4 68 33 157 2 121 5 4 1,393 13 81 2 2 2 8 4 460 2 5 3 6 U 232 12 5 8 • r >4 7 50 30 60 323 6 40 180 24 •• 18 200 883 10 25 108 10 44 .. 10 7 U .. 140 jl,102 3 .. I ! :: 12 10 150 690 10 10 5 ' 14 ! .. Oil-engino Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engino Compound Oil-engine Screw . . Home trade .. .. Restricted limits .. i Home trade .. .. [Restricted limits ,. j Foreign trade .. ! Home trade .. „ .. [Restricted limits "i 4 7 1 2 3 2 3 .. 2 '.. 3 2 2 .. 3 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Home trade .. Screw .. Restrictedlimits 6 3 3 2 3 Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Home trade .. Screw .. Restrictedlimits ■1 '■•t 4 .14 19 4 12 10 50 10 7 " * Surveyed twice


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. hi 03 HH 'Eo to a a o & hiirtlrl £n° i.3& a a.a Us I ■ fl rn-X CD a & J, fl„_ h!3 o offlO 01 M o . Pun s? 11 "ts B £ «s +3 01 SCO rl IH a o H Nature of Engines. „ (^ atnr « B or Propeller. Glass of Certificate. JVTinimur ber of ing Ch Crew J quires carried a d •2 2 8 5 hi to .to m in n follow-i-sses of Daw roto be 1 I. Remarks 'H rD <D ri fl ° Si rn fl c3 fl 0) 1L1 I Rimu (Auckland) Rimu (Thames) .. Rimu (Inveroargill) Ripple (Hokianga) Ripple (Napier) .. Rita (Inveroargill) Rita (Thames) .. Riwaka .. Koamer Roko Rona Ronaki Rosamond Rose (Ngunguru;.. Rose (Tangiteroria) Rose (Whangarei) Rotoiti Rotokohu Rotongaro Rowena.. Ruahine Ruru (Auckland).. Ruru (Napier) St. George Samson Savaii Sea Horse Seamew Sea Wolf Secret Settler (Russell) .. Settler (Thames).. Shamrock (Greymouth) Shamrock (W e 1 - lington) Sir William Wallace Sneaker.. Sonoma.. Sonoma (Kaipara) Southern Cross .. Southern Isle Sparrow Sparrowhawk 19 44 3 4 4 462 14 3 4 6 11 4 14. i I 2i 18' 95 16 18 6 80 11 4 104 84 12 12 8 90 4 10 10 30 8 34 8 12 10 50 8 16 16 44 6 28 10 7 18 10 511 270 4.53 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engino Compound Oil-engine Compound Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Restricted limits 4 4 5 Fishing. 5 14 62 2 4 31 2 2 54 4 8 6 6 187 Oil-engino Compound Oil-engine Condensing Oil-engine Home trade .. Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Restrictedlimits 2 2 Compound Oil-engine 60 120 Twin-sorew Home trade .. 2 30 6 4 20 5 10 18 117 28 1* 32 Compound Oil-engine Screw Restrictedlimits 403 59 357 Non-condensing Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Twin-screw Scrow Double-end Foreign trade Home trade .. Restricted limits 6 2 98 Special .. Speedy Spindrift Spray "Squall .. Standard Stanley Stella Sterling (Auckland) Sterling (Hokianga) J. T. Stewart Storm Stormbird Stranger Sumner Swan Sybil (Hokianga) Sybil (Tauranga) Sylph .. Sylvia Tahawai Tahuna Tainui Tai Nui.. Taipo Takapuna Talune Tanfield Lea Tangaroa Tangihua Taniora Taniwha Taniwha 5 3 4 2 145 9 2 2 4 3 5 186 129 4 94 16 14 6 1 4 9 3 60 5 13 472 1,370 109 20 3 191 16 16 5 5 8 60 10 n 4 28 12 47 70 40 12 35 10 5 30 4 9 14 8 24 30 12 165 255 12 70 15 12 40 16 Oil-engine screw Sorew 282 Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. Restrictedlimits "i 275 203 Compound Home trade .. [ 4 4 Oil-engine Compound Restrictedlimits * •• Oil-engine 156 Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. Restrictedlimits 2 : 1,118 1,790 Compound Triple-expansion Oil-ongine Compound Home trade .. Foreign trade Restrictedlimits 6 8 2 3 3 3 Twin-screw Screw Oil-engine Compound Non-condensing Twin-screw Screw Dredge. * Surve; r ed twice.



Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

6—H. 15,

Name of Vessel. ri <u M f « te § hirptt £a° ri at h. o „ • i.S& alii t«|| OottO o . a* II H to 'Si r Xt-A a o M Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mini] bei ing On qui cai imm * of g Cl! *ew . lires rriec follow1886S Ol Jaw reto be 1 I. Remarks <0 S -h. rt a to a to h. i* CO g ra art }h fl • M % art cp 9 5 Cfi S a a Tapapa Tarakihi Tarawera Tarewai.. Tasman Tauri Taviuni 1,269 11 37 6 974 5 250 11 38 16 135 1,311 198 Oilengine Non-oondensing Compound Condensing Compound Oil-engine Quadruple-expan-sion Oilengine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Screw Twin-screw Screw Restrictedlimits Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restrictedlimits Foreign trade S 2 6 2 3 *3 888 6 3 *2 3 Tawora .. Tawera Te Aroha Te Awhina Te Kooti Te Maika Tempest Te Pioneer Tepua Terawhiti TeTeko.. Te Wake Te Whaka Te Wharu The Little Jack .. Tholma The Minerva The Peregrine The Pines .Theresa Ward Thistle (Kaipara) Thistle (Kaiapoi).. Thistle (Moana) .. Thistle (Wellingt'n) Thomas King Thor Thornyoroft •Tikirau .. Tikitere Tio Tiri Togo Toiler Toitoi Tokatea.. Tongariro Tongonge Torea Tot Totoranui Traveller Tuahine Tuatea Tuatea Tu Atu Tui (Auckland) .. Tui (Mercer) Tui (Rawene) Tuirangi Tukua Tuna .. Turanga Turua Tutanekai Tutanekai Uira Una Undine .. •Uta Vectus Ventura.. Vesper (Auokland) Vesper (Te Kopuru) Viking .. Viola Vivid Vixen W Wahine.. 44 40 25 85 99 5 10 10 13 10 99 120 5 45 H 0* 14 52 2 95 14 5 4 90 16 10 5 20 8 12 20 14 134 18 16 8 8 60 16 8 8 14 28 8 60 64 8 5 224 *i 34 25 6 8 205 34 34 10 50 16 7 32 16 14 15 14 12 26 720 Restrictedlimits 57 87 2 5 3 25 3 102 56 3 141 3 589| Twin-screw Homo trade .. 2 2 Screw Restricted limits 'is 846 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. "i 2 3 '2 3 Twin-screw Screw Restrictedlimits 3 20 162 1 9 10 4 1 77 70 6 1J 5 3 4 6 t20 28 5 5 9 4 24 6 3 Compound Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Compound Triple-oxpansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw 466 Home trade .. Restrictedlimits i *3 Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restrictedlimits 2 Compound Twin-screw Screw Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw 20 58 4 30 20 1 3 72 11 230 Compound . .. Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. Restrictedlimits 2 '2 Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine 19 1 2 412 4 1 5 23 22 3 20 3 5 3 6 15 11 1,798 802 Triple-expansion Non-condensing Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Foreign trade Restrictedlimits "e '3 '2 8 Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restrictedlimits i Non-oondensing Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Triple-screw Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. i 7,938 Turbine '9 is 12 ~3 * Surveyed twice. t U: liter.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


HrJH e « a 9 ,„ t? 1 r, O a>.S Pi s";» Sffl.9 "h S DC 5 $ ® fl PIS o oWO ® o . Pun IJ m§ ■as J 88 TD1H A 0 Min] be in; Cr qu ca imui a- of g Oh •ew ] tires .rriec followIS86B Of jaw reto be 1 Name of Vessel. h <D ~v* QQ u <0 rA DO a o Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. a CO a 1 H El--. 1. a « a a. ill Remarks. Waiapu Waihau Waihora Waihou Wai-iti .. Waikana Waikare Waikare Waikuku Waima Waimarie Waimarie Waimea Wainoni Wainui Waioma Waiomo Waione Wai-ora.. Waiora Waiotahi Waipapakauri Waipori Waipuna Wairau Waireka (Dunedin) Waireka (Russell) ' Waireka (Wanganui) Wairoa (Auckland) Wairoa (Nelson) .. Wairoa (Queenstown) Wairua (Wanganui) Wairua (Auckland) Wairuna Waitangi Waitara Waitaria Waitemata Waitohi Waitomo Waituna Waiuku Waiwera Waiwera Wakaiti Wakapai Wakatere (Auckl 'd) Wakatere (Raglan) Wakatu Wallace.. Wanaka Waro Warrimoo Waterlily *Wave Waverley Weka Weka Westland Wetere Wbakarapa Whakarire Whangapo Whanui.. •Whati .. Will Watoh Wimmera Winifred Wootton Young Bungaree.. Zephyr .. Zoe Zomar 57 1= t 2,99a 0 67 1 21 2 6 I 159 53 I 207 3 5 5 4 48 3 f20 167 5 1,229 21 59 72 3 5 85 40 410 12 47 200 4 5 5 20 48 20 100 6 10 20 10 80 15 75 56 9 180 7 20 49 5 45 1,872 627 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Non-condensing Triple-oxpansion Oilengine Screw Screw Twin screw Screw Twin-screw Paddle .. Twin-screw Screw Restricted limits Foreign trade.. limits Home trado .. Restricted limits 2 ii 3 e 8 3 8 Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw 356 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Triple-oxpansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits! Foreign trade Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits! "i "s 886 i 3 '2 *3 142 '2 2 Twin-screw Screw 49 48 5 40 16J 10 124 78 Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. Restricted limits 2 2 , f20 175 2,530 32 16 2 5 18 2,719 3 49 5 44 396 00 31 5 13 10 372 5 200 6 16 39 10 140 5 30 50 280 50 490 20 38 25 27 20 80 22 5 120 280 5 64 45 5 8 33 35 7 *i 12 2,071 293 Compound Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Twin-scrow Screw Foreign trade Home trade .. Restricted limits 10 2 9 3 3 '3 1,581 Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Foreign trade Restricted limits io 6 8 3 Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw 'ie t20 176 95 60 1,572 34 2,076 29 29 93 75 53 8 41 2 449 1,900 2 Twin-screw Screw Paddle .. Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits i Compound 134 1,073 Oil-engine Compound Non-condensing Triple-expansion Oilengine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. liestricted limits' Foreign trade Home trado .. Foreign trade Home trade .. '2 8 1 10 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 '3 2 '3 3,210 9 *6 3 Twin-screw 128 Compound *2 80 504 Screw Paddle .. Screw i 3 Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Restricted limits 565 1,177 Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Foreign trade Restricted limits 5 8 8 3 '2 *3 '48 3 31 90 2 4 11 4 Home trade .. Restricted limits 2 119 156 Compound Home trade .. 'a 1 a 2 Oil-engine Restricted limits a •. w * Surveyed twice. t Under.



Return of Sailing-ships to which Survey Certificates were granted during the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Minimum Numb Seamen required b to be carried. ier of iy Law Name of Vessel. Tons Register. Class of Certificate. Able Soamen. Ordinary Seamen. Boys. Agnes Martin Alert Alma Altair Aratapu Awanui Bee Clifton Olio Combine Comet Coronation .. Dandy Daphne Deveron Dominion Echo Edith Edna "Eliza Firth .. Esme Ethel Wells .. Eunice Falcon Qannet Gem Haere Herald Huia Huon Bello .. Ida Inez Dean Irene Jane Gifford.. Janet Joseph Craig Kapua Kororu Kiatia Kiwi Kitty Eraser .. Korora Lady of the Lake Lena Gladys.. Lily Lily Lizette Lizzie Taylor Louisa Craig.. Maggie Maid of Italy Manunui Moa Moehau Moonah 'Morning Light Ngaru Nor'west Oban Onerahi Pahiki Pearl Kasper Ranger Rangi Result Rimu Rona Rosalie Saucy Kate .. Scot Seagull Stag Stanley Sunderland .. Talisman Tally Ho The Lee The Portland Transit Venture Vindex Violet Waikonini Welcome Winnie Ysabel 41 98 56 57 122 85 24 18 81 24 20 85 82 20 26 25 98 19 22 143 20 19 171 98 25 20 99 73 20 43 25 12 30 20 22 694 18 106 20 19 25 160 19 24 84 16 25 77 683 20 15 358 99 23 83 92 66 18 24 25 20 25 64 86 23 49 618 7 25 18 25 19 90 20 84 51 19 59 19 19 23 20 23 62 19 149 Restricted limits Home trade 2 2 2 o 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 ' 1 1 2 1 1 8 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 8 1 1 6 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 I 1 1 1 2 1 4 i Restricted limits Home trade i Restricted limits i Home trade i l Restricted limits Home trade Restricted limits Homo trade i Restricted limits Home trade i l Restricted limits Homo trade Restricted limits Home trade Restricted limits Foreign trade Home trade Foreign trade .. Restricted limits i Home trade Restricted limits Homo trade i Restrioted limits Home trade Intercolonial Restricted limits i l Foreign trade Home trade • .. Restricted limits Home trade i l l l l Restricted limits Homo trade Restricted limits Home trade l l Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits i Home trade Restricted limits i Home trade Restricted limits Home trade ..I Restricted limits Home trado Restricted limits Foreign trade .. i * Surveyed twice.



List of Boys who have served on Training-ship "Amokura" during Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Name. Date of Joining. Date of Discharge. Occupation taken up on Discharge. Newton, F. J. W. . . Went, 0. L. Moore, W. Comeron, J. McFarlane, G. Me. Hay, C. J. Wickens, T. L, .. Bacon, W. S. Edwards, J. T. Retter, P. H. Massey, L. J. Robertson, A. B. .. Hardley, C. P. S. . . Cadwalladcr, W. H. Hayward, R. D. Leeder, L. R. Sundgren, G. G. Faulkner, S. H. Weston, P. R. Davis, N. . . Bowatcr, N. E. Thorpe, H. M. Leith, J. P. Jackson, L. R. Evans, J. .. Reeves, P. Robertson, L. G. .. Francis, B. C. Ingham, H. A. Thackwell, L. C. Chapman, F. G. Jcsperson, V. A. Kime, G. H. Hayes, P. A. Horton, E. C. Strongman, C. D. Sewell, J. .. Redshaw, L. J. Hooker, A. B. Henry, J. W Wolfe, J. H. Wilkins, A. P. Barlow, V. A. H. . . Shortland, P. E. P. Ramsay, A. McK. McLachlan, E. R. .. Hancox, J. C. Hards. L. G. Johnston, P. D. Murrell. H. A. 0. .. Gee, G. S... Grant, A. J. Stubbs, W. Wilcox, A. W. H. .. Collins, W. C. McGratJt, L. J. White, L. O. Sussex, V. Stalker, L. Jenkins, J. S. Hoaphy, J. Joyce, P. .. Hallklay, P. S. Williams, J. G. P. Kerr, G. D. Morris, W. A. Cruller, W. L. H. .. Body, G. A. V Neall, P. C. McArthur, M.. M. .. Edwards, K. A. Roberts, W. D. Ovondon, S. E. Smith, J. A. Milne, D. V. Haydock, A. E. J. .. Charman, P. V. H. Herivel, H. Hoare, D. O'B. Angus, S. C. J. Lundon, R. J. Stanlake, R. B. Leeves, L. W. Murrell, I. R. Laing, P. C. Sollitt, N. H. 28/5/12 29/5/12 29/5/12 29/5/12 29/5/12 12/6/12 20/11/12 20/11/12 22/11/12 27/11/12 11/2/13 11/2/13 11/2/13 13/2/13 18/6/13 18/6/13 18/6/13 18/6/13 18/6/13 18/6/13 18/6/13 20/6/13 23/6/13 24/6/13 7/7/13 23/7/13 14/11/13 19/8/13 9/9/13 23/10/13 21/1/14 21/1/14 21/1/14 21/1/14 26/1/14 22/1/14 21/1/14 22/1/14 20/1/14 27/3/14 21/5/14 21/5/14 21/5/14 21/5/14 21/5/14 21/5/14 21/5/14 21/5/14 21/5/14 21/5/14 21/5/14 21/5/14 29/5/14 27/5/14 9/6/14 9/6/14 21/6/14 30/6/14 31/7/14 3/8/14 14/8/14 14/8/14 24/8/14 3/9/14 4/9/14 17/9/14 12/10/14 28/10/14 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 27/1/15 20/1/15 20/1/15 26/1/15 17/2/15 5/3/15 9/5/14 9/5/14 1/6/14 12/5/14 11/5/14 26/5/14 16/9/14 8/9/14 11/9/14 25/9/14 13/10/4 19/10/14 17/10/14 25/9/14 6/2/15 25/9/14 9/3/15 10/3/15 11/3/15 11/3/15 14/3/15 23/12/14 Joined s.s. " Arahura " as boy. „ " Awahou " as boy. „ " Karori " as O.S. " Flora " as O.S. „ " Tutanekai " as boy. „ " Alexander " as O.S. ,, " Mapourika " as O.S. ,, " Ngahero " as O.S. ,, " Karamu " as O.S. ,, " Aparima " as apprentice. „ " Alexander " as O.S. „ '' Karamu " as O.S. „ " Kittawa " as O.S. „ " Aparima " as apprentice. Still on board. Joined s.s. " Hinomoa " as boy. Still on board. Joined s.s. " Aparima " as apprentice. „ " Paloona " as O.S. Still on board. Joined s.s. " Ngatoro " as O.S, Still on board. Joined s.s. " Victoria " as O.S. II IT „ " Wimmora " as O.S. Still on board. j» »» TT TT I, TT IT Deserted and purchased discharge. Still on board. Dismissed. Still on board. 4/3/15 »» i> 10/8/14 Purchased discharge. Still on board. >> >* ,r 21/8/14 Purchased discharge. Still on board. IT TT II »> TT IT »» TT TT TT TT »> TT TT TT I, IT



Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in pursuance of the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, during the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Return showing Amounts received prior to 1st April, 1914, standing to Credit of Estates of Deceased Seamen, and for which Claims have not been proved.

Name of Seaman. Balance to Credit of the Estate on 31st March, 1914. Amount received. Balance to Credit of Amount paid. the Estate on 81st March, 1915. Robert Collins James Swinton H. L. Halversen Benjamin Johansen John Winters William Tyrell Thomas Black Andreas Knudsen 0. Bain John West H. Nathan Andrew Erskine A. Norgrove .. Robert Wassell John McDonald Philip James Kunst Edward Espada Bryan Whishaw James Butler .. D. Mclntyrc .. George Laurenson E. Knudson .. A. Smith E. Hedgos W. Hollis F. Johnson C. Johnson W. Arnold W. H. Gittos .. T. B. Noble .. W. Garratt F. Hyphus A. Taylor J. Collingwood James Anderson W. Garratt, jun. Mary Brew Patrick Connor W. L. Leers .. D. Matheson .. P. O'Brien .. R. Powell Jamos Johnston £ s. d. I 5 8 2 14 4 £ s. d. 10 2 9 0 18 6 25 5 10 4 5 0 9 15 II 7 I 7 10 14 II 0 8 10 1 17 4 7 0 0 1 13 3 9 14 6 0 7 6 48 15 7 5 2 8 8 14 10 15 9 0 15 14 7 14 14 8 24 II 3 1 8 0 7 17 I I 7 7 8 12 18 10 1 15 8 5 4 0 19 18 8 15 3 4 13 9 11 8 13 4 8 18 4 10 0 4 9 10 8 16 5 0 4 6 8 2 2 7 0 16 11 22 5 6 17 3 6 104 14 5 10 3 I I 8 16 4 £ s. d. £ 8. d' 15 8 10 2 9 3 12 10 25 5 10 4 5 0 9 If, 11 7 17 10 14 I I 0 8 10 1 17 4 7 0 0 1 13 3 9 14 6 0 7 6 48 15 7 5 2 8 6 0 0 2 .14 10 15 9 0 15 14 7 14 14 8 0 2 6 24 8 9 18 0 7 17 IJ 7 7 8 7 16 8 5 2 2 1 15 8 5 4 0 19 18 8 15 3 4 13 9 11 8 13 4 8 13 4 10 0 4 9 10 8 16 5 0 4 6 8 2 2 7 0 J 6 11 22 5 6 17 3 0 .104 14 5 10 3 11 8 16 4 Totals 4 0 0 531 5 0 348 8 4 186 16 8

Annis, S., late fireman, "Duco " Barnes, G., late trimmer, " Penguin " Benjamin, W., late A.B., " Waiotahi" Blanquist, 0., lato A.B., "Aotea" Brown, J., late fireman, " Hinemoa " Bullen, A., late fireman, " Paeroa ".. Cameron, A., late O.S., "Duco " .. Clarke, F., late O.S., "Flora " Collins, C, late steward, " Waitomo " Dahlborg, J., lato A.B., "Duco " .. Denholm, J. S., late fireman, "Pukaki" Forman, J., late A.B. "Waitemata" Gale, E., late A.B., " Penguin " Glancy, W., late A.B., " Titania " Grimshaw, J., late A.B., " Ngatoro " Hanson, C, late A.B., "Duco " Henderson, S., late greaser, "Waipori" Holmgard, P., late A.B., " Duco " .. Kennedy, D., late A.B., " Kini" Kennedy, W., late A.B., " Moa " .. Lewis, R., late cook, "Clyde " Lewis, A. P., late engineer, "Pioneer" Lindbloom, G. W., late A.B., "Wanderer" .. Lindsay, J., late A.B., " Wanderer " £ a. d. 0 10 8 4 1 8 5 6 3 1 .1.8 2 10 12 1 11 5 2 0 9 4 0 10 0 2 7 1 0 13 4 6 18 3 3 4 5 5 4 9 2 9 2 4 10 11 0 9 4 11 19 0 0 9 4 5 16 9 1 3 2 0 16 0 1.8 8 3 2 10 10 1 0 8 Mason, E., "Maori" Matsen, L. M., late A.B., " Huia " . . Mays, J. J., late A.B., " Ngaru " . . Menard, A. L., late chief engineer, " Duco " .. Mercer, J., late cook, "Jessie Nicol" Millott, L. C, late O.S., "Maroro".. Mullcr, J., late fireman, "Arahura" Murdoch, W., late A.B., " Duco " . . Mutton, J. W., late fireman, "Duco " Mackay, W., late A.B., "Duco " .. Parry, R., late A.B., " Koromiko ".. Payne, H, late A.B., " Kini" Porter, J., late cook, "Duco " Roberts, G, late O.S., "Morning Light" Ross, A. L., late A.B., "Fanny" Sluice, G., lato cook, "Kurow" Tall, J., late A.B., "Aorere" Tronson, A., late mate, "Rangi" Wadsworth, S., late A.B., "Eva " .. Ward, J., late fireman, " Penguin ".. Waters, J. H., late second engineer, "Duco " Williams, G, late second mate, "Duco " Williams, T. B., late cook, " Opouri" Yviquel, J., late A.B., " Eliza Firth " £ s. d. 1 11 6 4 10 8 4 19 6 I. 8 0 1 4 6 I (i 6 26 15 0 0 9 4 0 10 8 0 9 4 1 15 6 70 7 II 2 11 2 3 4 11 41 2 6 0 7 0 7 11 6 6 8 7 2 15 4 7 18 7 0 13 0 0 12 0 2 5 8 0 0 (i



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1914, to the 31st March, 1915.

j 3 Number of | Nature of Number Wind. Dateof Vessel's Name, Age, Ei „ | .3 g j of Plaeewhere j j Finding of Court of Innuirv Name of Master casualty. and Class. »■* |3 | Passen .! Casual IgJ- Casualty occurred. Dir , ! g of Court of Inqmry. Name of Master. : £ gers. I * tion. j - 1914. | ! ■ I April 13 Pilot, s.s., 30 1 Sloop .. j 27 3 • • | Collision .. . [ , The primary cause of the collision was the L J. Jones. years III ' I failure of the master of the " Atalanta" to | ] keep a proper lookout, but the captain of J rwr t i) „ ttt i i -Mw ht j j. J the "Pilot" committed an error of iudg- | f ' ■ r % • Moderate rnent in not taking some steps to aviid a i f hngton Harbour collision. The master of the '< Atalanta'' j i „ 13 j Atalanta, 20 , Yacht .. j 8 5 I Collision •• III to pay assessor's fee £3 3s., otherwise each j years III i party to pay his own costs. j ' „ 14 Wairoa, s.s., 30 Cutter .. 48 8 .. General Fire; partial .. At wharf, Nelson .. .. .. Fire was discovered in saloon and galley, but 1 F. P. Ricketts. years j loss cause could not be ascertained „ 18 Wootton, s.s., 14 Ketch .. 90 10 .. Nil .. Broken shaft .. Wellington Harbour .. N.W. , Light .. When leaving Queen's Wharf, Wellington, the S. Larsen. years • ! tail-shaft broke. „ 20 Kairaki, s.s., 5 Schooner 181 15 .. Timber j Stranded; no .. Waimakariri Bar .. N.E. : Moderate Stranded through insufficiency of water on bar, W.G.Scott, years ! damage ■ but after landing a quantity of cargo she was hove off „ 27 Kawau, s.s., 15 Ketch .. 53 9 1 General Stranded; trifl- .. Mangawai Bar .. , N.E. Strong.. When crossing bar she touched the ground, \ E. Olsen. years ing damage I causing slight leakage „ 28 Cygnet, s.s., 29 ' Schooner 66 11 .. General Stripped pro- .. Akaroa Harbour .. .. Calm .. Vessel was in charge of A. J. Murray, mate, | A. J. Murray, years peller i with A.B. at wheel, when captain instructed mate to go to tea. The A.B., thinking that he was instructed also, left the bridge, j assuming the master would take the wheel, and the vessel was left with no one in charge. Shortly after, finding she was heading ashore, the A.B. ran to the wheel, and the master, taking charge, manoeuvred ; her off, but in doing so the propeller struck ' a rock and stripped three blades May, 1 Tokomaru, s.s., Schooner 3,912 60 .. General Fire in coal- .. Napier and Gisborne.. S.E. Light .. When at Napier the coal in the port bunker V. J. ! H. Bosdet. 21 years I bunker; 306 ; was found to be heated, and the vessel probales wool 1 ceeded to Gisborne where the fire was exdamaged tinguished with assistance of the fire-float " John Townley." „ 2 I John, s.s., 15 | Schooner 111 13 .. General Accident to j Otago Harbour .. S.W. Light .. Engines were not working properly, and it i S. Holm. years ' machinery; was found that the stern bush had fired trifling and damaged the tail-shaft „ 21 Wakatere, p.s., ' .. 176 32 .. .. Damaged .. OS Brown's Island, Calm .. Struck the buoy off Brown's Island with star- Wm. Sullivan. 18 years | ; paddle Auckland board paddle-wheel „ 22 Karamu, s.s., 2 ; Schooner 453 22 .. Coal .. > Struck wharf; .. ' Lyttelton .. S. Strong.. Strong wind caused vessel to bump into wharf C. Roberts, years trifling dam- j and injure hawse-pipe age I j „ 26 Maheno, o.e.v., Launch 24 .. .. .. Sank at wharf; .. Rattray Street Wharf, Calm .. Vessel's engine and shafts had been removed i 9 years ! trifling dam- Dunedin and stern tube was not properly plugged age! U P> result that vessel filled and sank 28 Torea, o.e.v., 2 j Schooner 24 5 .. Maize, Fire; no dam- .. Kaituna River .. Calm ; .. Fire broke out in tow cargo; cause unknown; ! F.W.Morris, years 1 chafE, &c. age 1 i cargo slightly damaged 1



May 31 , Kairaki, s.s., 5 ! F. & A. ] 181 16 t .. General Deck steam- , .. 18 miles N.N.E. of N.W. i Gale .. Heavy sea carried away deck forward steam- W.G.Scott, years ' j | pipes carried j Cape Campbell pipes; water got through holes in deck and away j j damaged some of the cargo June 3 . May, o.e.v. .. Cutter 2 2 .. .. Stranded; total' .. Ohiwa Bay .. N.W. Gale .. j When being taken from Whangarei to Auck- G. Bartlett. loss i land for repairs, the boat was caught in a gale and stranded at Ohiwa Bar, Great j Barrier Island ; a total wreck j „ 11 i Poherua, s.s., 24 Schooner 749 22 .. General Fire; £20 .. .. Birch Street Wharf, N. Moderate j Fire broke out in steering-house, which was B.B.Irwin, years Dunedin j used as lamp-room. Some lamps destroyed and woodwork charred ; cause of outbreak unknown „ 18 | Hauiti, s.s., 3 F. & A. 82 12 15 General j Collision; £20 j /: " Hauiti" was going to berth, and" Glenelg" \ J. McKenzie. years i j j I was taking a vessel in tow. Master of .. King's Wharf, Auckland N.W. ! Light \\ " Hauiti " mistook " Glenelg' s " lights for - „ 18 ! Glenelg, s.s., 36 Schooner 156 12 .. .. Collision; £60 | j lights on wharf, and vessels collided before 1 A. Jonas. years | / I j V! " Hauiti" could be stopped !/ ,, 20 Kaituna, s.s., 10 I Schooner 1,246 27 j Coal .. Truck of coal .. j Greymouth .. .. .. When loading coal a truck of coal fell, smash- ; J. Morley. years fell on deck; j " 1 ing a boat, boat-deck, gangway, and part of j trifling dam- i j rail age | „ 21 Joseph Craig, 36 Barque 694 16 .. General Stranded; slight .. Rough Rock, Rangitoto ; S.W. Squally The master acted unwisely in attempting to G. W. Airly, years damage Channel, Auckland enter the port at night under the conditions as they existed. The stranding was due entirely to a sudden rain-squall which obscured the lights in the channel for some time, and the master did all that was possible under the circumstances to ensure the j safety of the ship „ 21 ; Clara, o.e.v., 9 Cutter.. 4 4 .. .. Fire; total loss .. Owhanaki Bay, Wai- .. .. The vessel was totally destroyed by an explo- j H.Christian, years heke Island, Auck- sion of benzene, and subsequent fire. The : land owner has been charged with wilfully causing the fire „ 23 ! Kauri, s.s., 9 Schooner 1,830 31 .. General Stranded; .. Westport .. .. W. to Gale .. The " Kauri" was driven on to the eastern G. M. Ruxton. years j £3,000 dam- S.W. wall at the entrance of the harbour through age being struck by a sudden squall while running in a current setting from W. to E. The accident was not due to any neglect, default, or error of judgment on the part j of the master „ 23 Ihumata, s.s., 3 Schooner 680 23 .. Timber Stranded; .. Hokianga Bar .. S.W. Moderate A heavy sea had been running on the bar and R. Matheson. years j damage had evidently caused the channel to silt up, £2,500 and the vessel struck when proceeding outward. Her bottom was dented and frames bent „ 24 Clansman, s.s., Schooner 379 26 20 j General Collision; no f The collision was due to the neglect of the \ E. McLeod. 20 years j damage second officer of the "Clansman" to keep a sharp lookout. The master was lax in not seeing that a sufficient and sharp lookout was being kept. The master was ordered » ii n tt -i T*T v XT t • 1.4. ' to P a Y three-fourths of the cost of the inV .. Auckland Harbour .. W. by N. Light £3 ~ Ug and the gecond officer - the remaining fourth, £11 17s. 3d. On a rehearing of the case in the Supreme Court the order requiring the master to pay 24 Pahiki, scow, 9 Schooner 20 3 I Shingle Collision; £420 portion of the costs was annulled, and the E. D. ChristianVejvs 1 damage i ■ second officer was required to ay £10 / sen.


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.


| g o Number of I Nature ol If umber j * Wind. Date of Vessel's Name, Age, Ri „ ! .2 2 j j of ' Place where Casualt; j rv,,,rf t,,,.,,;..,, xt , „ , Casualty. I and Class. ■' a -J _ [ j Lives occurred. j ! Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. ! g gers Cargo. Casualty. lost. Direction. Force. _ j . . . . . 1914. June 27 : Oban, 17 years Schooner 24 3 I .. Coal .. | Fire ; m a i n- .. Nydia Bay .. .. .. Galley caught on fire and mainsail above G. Lang. sail burnt galley was burnt and boom charred and boom charred -Julv 17 I Tarawera, s.s., Schooner j 1,269 63 j .. j Fire; trifling j .. Queen's Wharf, Auck- .. .. Fire in saloon was caused by the action of one H. W. Parsons. 32 years I ! ' damage j land of two stewards who came on board, unknown to the officers, under the influence of liquor and went to sleep in one of the staterooms ,, 19 Kawau, s.s., 23 Schooner 37 3 4 .. Accident to .. Auckland Harbour .. S.W. Light .. i Valve-spindle of the crosshead broke .. J. Sullivan, years machinery; | trifling ,, 28 Kestrel, s.s., 9 Ferry- 159 4 j 220 .. Collision with .. Queen Street Wharf, S.E. Light .. | The " Kestrel" collided with a mooring-punt C.Daniel. years boat I | j punt; trifl- Auckland I in a dense fog ing damage | Aug. 2 Kotare, s.s., 10 Ketch.. 10 10 .. General Stranded: .. Catlin's River .. ; S.W. Strong.. 1 When entering the river the vessel was caught H. .T. Treurn. years : trifling acci- by the tide and wind and grounded on a dent , | sandbank, being refloated next day „ 2 i Tahu, o.e.v., 5 [ Launch j 4 2 | 11 .. ! Collision; ( The "Mistletoe" was entirely to blame for j Rikirangi Paul years | I ] I age £30 ! _ Off O r a k e i Wharf iwsw Moderate- the collision in attempting to cross ahead of ! Tuinga. „ 2 | Mistletoe, aux, Cutter.. 4 1 .. Fish .. Collision ; dam- j1 , ,, , w .l-,..,,. 1 the " Tahu," and her master was ordered j A. M. Bishop. 14 years j , j age £15 ) I (to pay £5 towards the cost of the inquiry ' 3 Wanaka, s.s., 27 Schooner 1,572 29 .. General Fire; no dam- .. 18 miles N.E. of Cape ! N.W. Moderate Fire occurred amongst some bundles of J. Flvnn. years j j I age to ship Palliser pressed hay in No. 2 hold, and was extinguished with some difficulty, the cargo being damaged to extent of £1,900 ,, 7 Joseph Craig, 36 Barque [ 694 17 .. j Timber Stranded; total j .. Hokianga Heads .. j S. Moderate When crossing the Hokianga Bar in tow of G. W. Airly, years j | j j loss j the" Ohinemuri" a squall struck the vessel, the towline parted, and the vessel drifted ashore. The Court found that the master committed an error of judgment in attempting to return to port instead of dropping his anchors, and he was ordered to pay the costs of the inquiry, £32 5s. 6d. ,, 9 May Howard .. Auxiliary 55 5 .. General Damaged! .. OfE Hokianga Bar .. N.W. Gale .. The wind suddenly changed from S.W. to F. G. Kemp. schooner j rigging, £15 j N.W. causing the main boom to break and carrying away part of the head-gear ,, 18 Flora, s.s. .. Schooner 818 28 .. General Collision with .. Dunedin .. .. N.E. Gale .. When hauling away from the wharf, a heavy F. W. Baron. wharf; trifl- j j squall caused her to bump against a pile ing damage j ; and slightly damaged a plate „ 31 Dandy, 13 years Schooner 82 6 j General Stranded; dam- i .. Waipapa, Bay of Is- S.W. Light .. When discharging cargo the vessel grounded J. Silveria. age, £75 j lands on a sunken log and carried away the deadwood Sept. 8 Kaipara, s.s. .. .. not 2 j .. Crown of fur- j .. Omana, Kaipara .. .. .. Crown of furnace came down through insuffi- H. Lowther. regis. nace collapsed, eiency of water in boiler damage, £300 | „ 10 Kawau, s.s. .. Schooner 4 4 9 .. Stranded ; trifl- .. Reef near Kohimarama .. Calm .. Vessel struck reef in a fog at low water, but A. Beehre. ing damage j Wharf, Auckland j floated off on the rising tide Harbour



73 7-H. 15.

Sept. 11 I Endeavour, aux., < Schooner 54 5 j .. Oil .. Fire; £150 j 1 1 Rangitoto Channel .. S. Light .. ; When filling the oil-tank with naphthalene the A. E. Ragg. 10 years damage . oil took fire by some means unknown, and the vessel's cabin was bully burnt. The engineer who was filling the tank was severely burnt, and succumbed to his injuries „ 16 Cobar, s.s., 11 Ferry- 69 5 j 21 .. Collision with j .. Ferry Wharf, Welling- N. F.B. .. i When coming to berth the vessel bumped A. Durloo. years boat j wharf ton into the Ferry Wharf, the Wool Jetty, and the hulk " Gertie," through the engines being run ahead instead of astern „ 16 Waimarie s.s... Schooner 159 17 12 General Loss of pro- I .. Waihou River .. .. Calm .. Owing to the nut having worn loose the pro- J. Freeman. peller j peller dropped off the shaft „ 22 Fairburn, aux., Schooner 60 6 .. General j Stranded; slight .. Opotiki Bar .. E.N.E. Light .. When crossing the bar the ebb tide caused the i C. Thomsen. 8 years damage vessel to run into the western bank. She was afterwards refloated. „ 23 Kereru, 8 years j Ketch .. 106 9 6 General General dam- . . Lat. 28° 56' S., long. N.E. Moderate When running before the gale the vessel R. N. Anderson. age, £40 178° 22' W. gale pooped a sea which broke the rail and stanchions, &c. „ 26 Anglo Norman Barque 762 12 . . .. Stranded; total ! . . Kaipara .. .. S.W. Light but When crossing the bar the vessel was struck F£. Jeremiassen. 38 years (Nor- loss squally by a squall, and the strong current and wegian) heavy sea caused her to drift ashore ,, 26 Kairaki s.s., 5 Schooner 181 16 j 1 General Foundered; 17 Off Point Elizabeth, W. Storm .. The 4 ' Kairaki "foundered in a storm off Point W.G.Scott, years ; total loss West Coast Elizabeth on the night of the 25th or morning of the 26th November, 1914, while on a voyage from Wellington to Greymouth with a light cargo ,, 29 Arrino, s.s., 8 Schooner 2,843 47 .. Timber Collision with .. Wharf, Dunedin .. S. Strong When berthing at the Rattray Street Wharf F.Dent. years wharf ; trifl- the vessel bumped her stern into it and ing damage dented some plates Oct., 2 Waterlily, aux., Ketch .. 29 4 . . Timber Dism asted; . . Saddle Point, Stewart W.S.W. | F.B. .. Mainsail carried away .. . . J. R. Eadie. 50 years £50 damage Island „ 6 Kini, s.s., 16 Schooner 702 22 .. Ballast Broken shaft j . . Off Cape Turnagain .. W. Gale .. During a westerly gale the tail-shaft broke .. A. R. Stewart, years „ 10 Mangapapa,s.s., Schooner j 11 4 .. Timber Stranded;! .. Bar, Karamea River.. N. Strong The stranding was caused by the sudden A. J. Tointon. 12 years j £4,600 silting-up of the bar two or three days before the casualty. The casualty was not due to any wrongful act on the part of the master, who did everything possible after the casualty for the safety of the passengers and crew „ 29 Mana, 28 years Schooner 77 10 | .. Cement Stranded; slightj . . Patea Bar . . .. W. F.B. .. Vessel touched ground when crossing bar and ■ V. Johansen. damage lost way, and had to be run ashore to save j | j damage Nov. 1 Canada Cape,s.s., Schooner 2,801 37 .. Coal and Accident to ! .. .. Moderate j Pump-crosshead broke .. .. .. j A. B. Friend. 10 years timber machinery; \ 1913. trifling Nov. 6 Iris, o.e.v., new Cutter 4 4 .. Fish .. Unknown; 4 Between Bluff and E. Gale .. j The "Iris" was last seen at Caroline Bay, i A. Light foot. total loss Ruapuke Island Ruapuke Island, on 5th November. She is supposed to have capsized when making for Bluff on 6th November, some oars and 1914. fittings belonging to her having been found Nov. 6 Koutunui .. Schooner 98 11 .. General Stranded; .. Orete Point, Bay of .. Calm .. j The cause of the casualty was the failure of Ivan Vasta. damage, £550 Plenty the captain to take any steps to accurately define the ship's position when he took charge from the mate, whose information as to the position was incorrect. The captain was ordered to pay £6 16s. 6d. towards | cost of inquiry



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

g © Number of Nature of i Number Wind. Ca». VeSS andraa8 e 6 : Age ' Big. IaL CasSSS SSSSed. i Finding of Court of Inquiry. j Name of Master. t ® o £ gSl Cargo. Casualty. | lost. j Force. — < j 1914 ! ; ' Nov. 12 Rosetta, 21 years,! Schooner ; 9 3 j .. Fish .. Stranded; .. j Caroline Bay, Ruapuke W. Gale .. j Vessel was at anchor when the cable parted W.B.Bailey, aux. ] j j total loss ; Island and she drifted ashore „ 17 R a k i u r a, 36 j Schooner | 819 .. ! Coal .. Leaky boiler ; j Puponga Harbour .. ; S.W. Light .. j When preparing for sea the boiler was found H. A. Anderson years j slight damage 1 1 j to be leaking. Temporary repairs were | | [ ; i I effected and the vessel proceeded „ 18 Warrimoo, 22 Schooner 2,076 80 j 176 j General Stranded; no .. i Blufi Harbour .. W.S.W. Gale .. ! When being swung from wharf the hawser P. W. Macbeth, years j i damage j I j parted and the vessel grounded on a sand- ! ! j | j I : bank. She was towed off when the gale moderated „ 22 Kakiura, 36 : Schooner 81 9 .. Ballast.. Struck buoy .. Wellington Heads .. , N.W. Strong When entering Wellington Heads vessel struck H.A.Anderson years * and stripped buoy off Steeple Rocks. Accident due to propeller searchlight from Seatoun dazzling captain's sight „ 26 Taviuni, s.3., 24 Schooner 974 32 .. General Damage to .. Bay of Plenty .. W. Fresh .. j A split iron nut fell into the casings and J. Morrison. years machinery, £20 t worked in on top of one of the pistons „ 28 Kahu, s.s., 29 Schooner 99 .. .. i General Loss of life .. 3 Te Awaite .. .. .. .. j When bringing bales of wool from store the E. J. Grey, years surf-boat was swamped by a big sea, and W. L. Leers, mate, D. Matheson, A.B., and , P. O'Brien, A.B., were drowned. Coroner's verdict: " Accidentally drowned " Dec., 8 Clyde, p.s., 14 .. 80 6 General Stranded; slight .. Upper Landing, Bal- S.W. Gale .. j The vessel sank at her moorings alongside J.Butler. years damage clutha the bank of the river, probably through bumping and starting a plate „ 11 Kauri, s.s., 9 [ Schooner 1,825 32 .. Ballast ! Fire; no dam- .. Wellington Harbour.. .. .. The coal in the port bunker was found to be H. S. Whyburn years j age to ship on fire, and is supposed to have been caused by spontaneous combustion „ 16 Katie S., 6 years j Ketch .. 20 3 .. .. Collision; dam- . The casualty was caused by the second mate, X. Matheson. age, £160 Neil McArthur, who was in charge of the ) "Wakatere," misjudging the distance and j at t> t- in a T . ,, position of the "KatieS.," and subsequently v. ■■ NearPonuiLjghthouse, S.W. Light J committing breaches of the regulations for f aura u preventing collisions at sea. He was I „ 16 Wakatere, s.s., Schooner 32 40 .. General No damage .. j ordered to pay £10 10s. towards cost of ) W. Sullivan. 18 years M inquiry ,5 21 Hina, s.s., 53 Cutter.. 39 7 1 General Stranded; slight .. Alongside Terakohe .. .. When coming alongside wharf, the engineer A.S.Gibson. years damage Wharf put the engines ahead instead of astern as 1915. telegraphed, and the vessel ran ashore Jan. 6 Kaiaia, o.e.v., Ketch.. 24 3 .. Timber Stranded; dam- .. Whakatane Bar .. .. Calm .. When towing in a narrow part of the channel J. McLennan, aux., 5 years age, £40 I the tide carried the vessel against a rock. and she filled and sank Feb. 1 Waikana, s.s., 5 Yacht .. 67 5 .. .. Fire; damage, .. Portobello Wharf, S.W. Moderate Whilst lying at the wharf the vessel was dis- D. Hanning. years £150 Otago Harbour covered to be on fire. It is surmised that a lighted match may have been accidentally dropped amongst the lifebelts by some perse n smoking. ,, 4 Eurasia, 30 Ship .. 1,242 .. .. Ballast.. Stranded; no .. j Thames Estuary, Auck- W. F.B. .. The ship left Auckland for Monte Video in j F. Olivari. years (Italian) damage I land ; ballast, but owing, it is said, to faulty compasses, she headed up the Firth of Thames I and grounded there, being subsequently j towed off.



Tel). 6 Wairoa, s.s., 30 Schooner 48. 8 .. i General Fire; no dam- ] .. i Railway Wharf, Nelson i .. Fire was discovered in hold, but was ex- F. P. Ricketts. years age : , tinguished without damage to vessel ,, 8 Blenheim, s.s., Schooner 85 15 .. General Stranded; trifl- | .. Wairau Bar .. N.W. F.B. Was struck by a sea on starboard quarters S.T.Brown. 10 years ing damage I and prevented from coming round in time to clear the spit „ 13 Hapai, s.s., 6 Dredge 364 11 .. .. Collision with j .. Half a mile oil Queen's j S.W. light .. The dredge was proceeding up the harbour S. Cochrane, years hulk; no j Wharf, Auckland \ when she collided with a hulk which was in damage ; I tow of a tug. The accident was due to the strong tide cau ing the master of the dredge to mistake his distance „ 16 Purau, s.s., 12 Ferry- 33 3 .. . . Dism asted; .. Lyttelton Harbour .. N.W. Calm . . When coming alongside the hulk" Darra" to Geo. Nelson, years boat £10 j coal, the engines were put ahead instead of I j | astern, and the mast of the" Purau" came in contact with a mooring-rope and was carried away ,. 18 Defender, s.s., Schooner 109 12 .. .. Leak in boiler .. Near Stephen's Island W. Strong The boiler developed a leak, and the vessel J. Jameson. 14 years j was towed to smooth water, where temporary repairs were effected ,. 19 Koromiko, s.s., Schooner 1,541 33 .. .. Collision with .. Railway and Glasgow S. F.B. When leaving the Railway Wharf the vessel J. Morley. 8 vears wharves; Wharves, Wellington got out of control owing to the strong wind, damage, £300 and bumped into the Glasgow and Railway wharves ,. 29 Arapawa, s.s., Schooner 291 14 2 General Stranded; trifl- .. Waitara Harbour .. S.W. Light .. When leaving the harbour the vessel struck E. J. Keatly. 8 years ing damage the concrete harbour-wall through smelling the ground, and therefore steering badly ,. 20 Holmdale, s.s., Schooner 192 12 . . Timber Fire; trifling .. Off Albatross Point, W. Light .. The funnel became overheated and scorched G. W. Airly. 13 years damage West Coast the lining of the cabin, &c. ,. 26 Kini, s.s., 16 Schooner 702 22 .. Coal .. Loss of life .. i 1 Off Westport .. .. .. An A.B. named James Johnston fell from H. Platts. years aloft and sustained fatal injuries. Verdict: " Accidentally killed " „ 26 lvwinana, s.s., Schooner 2,130 44 .. Timber Stranded; no .. Otago Harbour .. E. Gale •• When proceeding up the harbour the force of F.D.Lewi.--. 23 years damage the wind caused the vessel to take a sheer to starboard, and she grounded in soft mud on the side of the channel. She was hauled off by the tug „ 26 Wairau, s.s., 14 Ketch .. 59 9 .. General Broken mast. .. Opawa River, Blenheim .. .. When coming down the river the vessel W. Deiley. years £20 touched bottom and sheered inshore, and the mast, catching in a tree, was broken off „ 27 Ruru, s.s., 13 Schooner 14 3 4 Nil .. Collision; no \ , (J. Sullivan. years damage j ' „ 27 Karoro, o.e.v., Yacht.. 10 . • •- .. Side stove in j- .. Devonport, Auckland X. .. S.s. "Ruru" ran into launch "Karoro" -j 9 years and boatsunk; j whilst lying at her moorings j damage, £225 I j I Mar. 12 Storm, s.s., 11 Schooner 186 15 .. General Stranded; no .. Farewell Spit .. Calm .. Vessel touched on end of Farewell Spit, but W. McKinnon. years damage no damage resulted „ 14 Tainui, s.s., 6i Schooner 6,297124 .. General Fire in bunker; 1 .. Lyttelton .. .. A. Light .. Fire discovered in bunker-hold. Supposedly T. Moffatt. years slight damage! due to spontaneous combustion „ 22 Endeavour, Schooner 54 5 .. Ballast Collision; slight i | " Clio" was lying at anchor near Orakei Wharf \ A. E. Ragg. o.e.v., 11 years damage [ Orakei Wharf, Waite- N.E. Squally favour'' ran into her through mata Harbour uot seem 8 her anchor-light owing to misty r „ 22 Clio, 44 years.. Ketch.. 81 4 .. Coke .. £10.. .. ) mata aaroour | weather j J. R. Vieira, „ 30 Huia, s.s., 36 Schooner 69 10 .. General Leak .. 1 None .. Wellington Wharf .. N.W. Fresh .. Leak attributed to vessel bumping against A. E. Burt. years ; wharf when leaving the berth „ 31 Mahoe, o.e.v., Cutter 14 3 .. Wool .. Stranded; rud- .. WaitaraBar .. S.W. Moderate Vessel stranded when entering Waitara, as not W.B.Robertson. J year der-head enough water on bar twisting 1 * ; . |



Summary of Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1915.

Casualties on or near the Coasts of the Dominion. Casualties outside the Dominion. r ' : Total Number Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total within Dominion. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. *Don^i n^ioif ° Casualties reported. Nature of Casualty .— — ; r- -——I ; — : ; =—! ; ; ; ; i =7- | I . 43 I . -*» i +-» . 43 . ; 1.1— * • ® CO •la) CO • j 1 CD i - ® ; CO . ® cc • © ; CO m I 4> i 92 ° © cs O *"• 0© ; si O*-" O® a3 : O© *© c3 ° © ® ce . ° O© oS , C — t» S • ® -m- e • au • cc r* .oo .x 2 ' . ® . — ; • «c .a; 2 • <B -02. 2 ~ OS c O © O®; ~ O © Ox % O® O 03 2 ; O ® Offi " O © : £ O® O co 3 i J© © s z;g 5 s=.® 3 »£ § . I.£ a® 5 *.i >s.® 3 ; • 5 ;> E- J h5 E- J E- : J E- H | .4 i : ~ j 1 | j j j I • p TJ * j V' j | I j Strandings — Total wrecks .. .. .. .. 3 98 .. 2 1,456 .. 5 1,554 .. .. 5 1,554 Partial loss .. .. .. .. l 1.830 .. 1 1,830 1 1,830 Slight damage .. .. .. .. 12 1,305 .. 2 776j .. 14 2,081 .. .. 14 2,081 No damage .. .. .. .. 4 4,573 ... 1 1,242 .. 5 5,815 .. .. 5 5,815 Total strandings .. .. 20 7,306 .. 5 3,474 .. 25 11,280 ..(.... .. . .. .. 25 11,280 ; .. Foundered: Total loss .. .. .. 2 185 21 2 185 21 I .. 2 185 ■ 21 __ I | . i ! j j CollisionsPartial loss .. .. .. .... .. .. 1 20 1 20 ; ...... ...... .. 1 20 I .. Slight damage .. .. .. .. 15 6,557 .. 3 109 .. 18 6,666 18 6,666 No damage .. .. .. .. 4 802 4 802 .. .. .. 4 802 Total collisions.. .. .. 19 7,359 .. 4 129 .. 23 7,488 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 7,488 Fires — Total loss .. .. .. .. 1 4 .. .. .. .. 1 4 .. .. .. .. .. ... 1 4 Partial loss .. .. .. .. 2 115 2 115 2 115 Slight damage .. .. .. .. 5 8,566 1 1 24 .. 6 8,590 1 .. i 6 8,590 1 No damage .. .. .. 5 7,381 5 7,381 .. .. 5 7,381 .. Total fires .. .. .. 13 16,066 1 1 24 .. 14 16,090 1 .. | .. 14 16,090: 1 Miscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas 22 4,628 .. .. .. .. 22 4,628 .. 1 2,801 .. 2 1,607! -• 3 i 4,408j .. 25 9,036 to hull and cargo, loss of masts, sails, &o., and breakdown of machinery Total number of casualties reported 76 36,044 22 | 10 3,627| .. 86 ! 39,671 22 1 2,801 .. 2 1,0071 .. 3 4,408 .. 89 44,079 22



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1915.

j I j i j Date of Name of Vessel, Port of Registry. « f p • Nature of Injury: Place where Accident Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict o Jury where Accident. and Official Number. name 01 rerson mjurea. Fatal or otherwise. occurred. Coroner s Inquest held. 1914. Jan. 2 Maungamii, Dunedin, 127810 . . P. Goodman, A.S. .. .. i Crushed finger . . At sea .. .. : Caused by blow from hammer while opening fruit-case. „ 12 Kurow, Dunedin, 127804 . . .. R. MeLeod, A.B. .. .. j Sprained ankle . • • • Westport .. .. Working hatches. ,, 24 Pateena, Launceston, 79262 .. , H. Smith, scullion .. .. Strained back .. Pic'on .. .. Lifting a sack of potatoes. Feb. 3 Moa, Wellington, 40347 .. . . R. Nelson, fireman .. Burnt arms . . . • Wanganui • • Caused by an explosion. „ 22 Ngakuta, London, 128829 . . J. Nugent, fireman .. j Injured kneecap -. • • Lyttelton .. . • Caused by a fall of coal in the bunkers. Mar. 3 I Opawa, Wellington, 91800 . . A. Laudvas, A.B. . . .. Injured foot . . . . Wellington .. Cut by a piece of glass while washing decks. „ 3 j Maori, Dunedin, 117598 . . P. Barry, trimmer .. .. Internal injuries . . .. Wellington . • Fell down ladder. ,, 7 Maori, Dunedin, 117598 . . P. Quinn, trimmer .. . . Injured back . . At sea .. .. Fell down stokehold -ladder. ,, 11 Maona, Dunedin, 101479 .. -• J. Anderson, trimmer .. Poisoned hand .. .. At sea .. .. He cut his hand. „ 14 ! Mapourika, Dunedin, 101482 . . H. Jones, fireman .. .. Burnt arm . . . . Westport .. .. Caused by back-fire from furnace. „ 1("> Arahura, Dunedin, 117587 .. . . A. E. Edmondson . . .. Wound in leg • • • • Greymouth .. Bag of fireclay fell out of sling and lacerated his leg. ,, 18 J Maitai, Dunedin, 101935 .. .. I E. Connelly, trimmer . . Injured wrist . . .. Lyttelton .. .. Caused by hook when heaving ashes from stokehold. April 2 j Rimu, Auckland, 102280 .. . . J. Smith, A.B. . . . . Bruised ankle . . . . Waiheke .. .. Whilst taking in shingle a barrow struck his leg. „ 3 j Manuka, Dunedin, 117582 .. E. Boys, greaser .. . . Injured wrist . . .. Sydney .. .. Jammed his wrist while at work in engine-room. „ 3 Taniwha, Auckland, 102302 .. A. Mclntyre, cook .. . . Injured head . . .. Auckland .. .. Slipped and fell going down stairway. ,, 5 Ada, Thames .. .. .. Charles C. Bush . . .. ; Drowned . . .. Thames River .. Fell out of dinghy when overhauling fishing-nets. „ 6 Weka, Auckland, 102274 .. A. Jackson, fireman .. Amputated finger .. .. At sea .. .. Whilst oiling engines got finger caught in eccentric -strap. ,, <> Corinna, Launceston, 79252 . . H. S. Groat, A.B. . . .. I Poisoned hand . . . . At sea .. .. Cut his hand with wire hawser. „ 9 Wahine, Dunedin, 127813 .. . A. Tait, A.B. .. . . Bruised legs . . .. Lyttelton .. .. Whilst working boats something on derrick carried away. „ 9 Clansman, Auckland, 87520 . . J. R. Weston, engineer . . Injured head . . .. At sea .. .. An ash-bucket fell on his head and cut it. „ 9 Squall, Napier, 118113 .. . . S. Connolly, A.B. . . . . Injured foot .. .. j Gisborne .. .. Working cargo. „ 10 Kennedy, Nelson, 52361 .. . . j J. McClairlv, fireman .. Burnt foot . . . . Greymouth .. A live coal dropped on his foot. ,, 12 John, London, 110059 .. .. J. Hangland, A.B. .. .. Dislocated wrist .. .. At sea .. .. Staysail sheet struck him. „ 13 i Moeraki, Dunedin, 101488 .. R. Woebling, A«B. . . . . Crushed fingers . . . . Dunedin .. .. Got his fingers jammed in topping block of hydraulic crane. „ 16 j Wakatere, Auckland, 102288 . . R. Barrington, sculler \ man .. Bruised arm .. .. Thames .. .. Lid of ice-chest fell on his arm. „ 16 | Talune, Hobart, 57626 .. T. Barratt, trimmer .. Injured leg .. At sea .. .. Ricked his leg while working in stokehold. „ 16 | Maheno, Dunedin, 117590 .. R. Turnbull, trimmer .. Injured head . . At sea .. .. Piece of coal fell on him. „ 18 i Rotomahana, Auckland, 75119 . . J. Cross, A.B. . . .. Bruised hand . . .. Coromandel .. Hand bruised whilst working cargo. „ 18 Fanny, Napier, 87321 .. .. R. Swan son, boatswain .. Crushed finger .. Blackhead Beach. .. Finger crushed between rudder and rudder-post while unloading surf-boat. „ 18 Kaitoa, Nelson, 93995 .. F. Selby, fireman . . .. Poisoned arm .. .. Wellington .. Knocked his arm whilst working in bunkers. ,. 20 Blenheim. Wellington, 121107 . . B. Hagerup, A.B. . . . . Injured ankle .. . . Wellington .. Got his foot under a sling of cargo. „ 23 Manuka, Dunedin, 117582 .. P. Monaghan, fireman . . Injured arm .. At sea .. .. Slipped on stokehold-ladder and fell. „ 24 Corinna, Dunedin, 79252 . . .. W. D. Bennie, 2nd engineer Injured legs .. .. Picton .. .. Fractured right leg and bruised left leg. ,, 25 Mapourika, Dunedin, 101482 .. W. Comber, fireman .. Burnt arm .. At sea .. .. Fire blew out of furnace. „ 25 Chelmsford, Auckland, 89398 .. J. R. Owen, mate .. .. Injured shin .. .. Auckland .. .. Whilst working, grazed his shin-bone. „ 26 Talune, Hobart, 57626 .. G. Moran, carpenter .. Irjured back . . .. Aitutaki .. .. Fell off staging whilst repairing a casing. 27 Wahine, Dunedin, 127813 .. J. Graham, fireman . . Burnt arm . . At sea .. .. Furnace fire blew out. May 2 Te Aroha, Napier, 121591 . . J. W. Nilson, A.B. . . Crushed fingers .. At sea .. .. Crushed his fingers whilst hauling in sails. ,, 2 Warrimoo, Dunedin, 101901 .. A. H. Robertson, cook . . Injured foot . . ' .. Auckland .. .. Oven-door fell on his foot. „ 3 Kini, Dunedin, 104337 .. J. Buick, A.B. .. .. Bruised hand .. .. At sea .. .. Thrown over wheel while steering, and jammed his hand against standard. „ 5 Pateena, Launceston, 79262 . . J. Horton, stew ard .. Bruised hand .. At sea .. .. Galley-lift fell on his hand. 8 Squall, Napier, 118113 .. . . T. Anderson, A.B. . . .. Poisoned finger . . .. Hicks Bay .. While guiding a winch-rope on barrel a piece of wire ran into his finger.



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

Date of Name of Vessel, Port of Registry. Vamp r>f Ppvsnn ininr«ri Natul'e of Injury: Place where Accident Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Accident. ! and Official Number. ~ J Fatal or otherwise. occurred. Coroner's Inquest held. 1914. | May 9 j Squall, Napier, 118113 .. .. A. J. Walton, fireman .. Poisoned finger .. .. Tokomaru Bay .. While guiding a wire rope on winch a broken strand tore his ! I finger. „ 10 Whangape, Dunedin, 110641 .. T. Black, cook .. .. j Fractured skull, fatal .. Wellington .. Fell on to foredeek. „ 10 Gael, Auckland, 118965 .. .. G. McKay, O.S. .. .. Crushed finger .. . . Auckland .. . . Got his finger jammed between ship and boat. „ 12 Maitai, Dunedin, 101935 .. .. J. Hogan, fireman .. .. Burnt arm .. At sea . . . . Fire blew out of furnace-door. „ 12 Maitai, Dunedin, 101935 .. .. R. Dodds, fireman .. .. Burnt arm . . At sea .. . . Fire blew out of furnace-door. ,, 13 Tarawera, Dunedin, 84480 .. .. W. Charnley, cook .. .. Poisoned hand . . At sea .. . . Cut his hand while cleaning fish. „ 15 Moa, Auckland, 122925 .. .. T. Pellv, A.B. .. .. Poisoned wrist .. . . Tauranga .. .. Skinned his wrist while working timber. „ 17 Taviuni, Dunedin, 84500 .. .. F. Edge, mate .. .. j Injured finger .. . . At sea . . . . Cabin-door swung to and jammed his finger. „ 20 Morning Light, Lyttelton, 89368 .. A. Paulsen, A.B. .. .. Fractured leg .. .. Lyttelton .. .. Whilst working cargo. „ 22 Bravo, Auckland, 102291 .. .. S. Bredensen, A.B. .. .. ■ Injured finger . . . . Auckland . . . . Whilst fitting new jib a piece of wire punctured his finger. „ 23 Himitangi, Wellington, 108074 .. I G. Southgate, cook .. Injured leg .. .. Lyttelton .. .. Fell partly through bunker-hatch. „ 23 Rimu, Auckland, 102280 .. .. W. Armour, A.B. .. .. Sprained ankle .. . . Onehunga .. Slipped on a case whilst working cargo. „ 26 ; Wairuna, Dunedin, 118495 .. M. Westman, A.B. .. Injured eye .. . . Auckland . . .. While screwing up tank-top, spanner slipped and struck him. „ 29 Moeraki, Dunedin, 101488 .. J. Callaghan, trimmer .. Injured shin .. At sea .. .. Whilst working in bunkers a piece of coal fell on him. ,, 30 Waikonini, Auckland, 102336 .. W. White, cool* .. .. Injured head .. . . Waiheke .. .. Topsail-halyard carried away and struck him on forehead. June 2 Monowai, Dunedin, 84497 .. .. C. Bam, steward .. .. j Drowned .. .. Auckland .. .. Verdict: Deceased fell from King's Wharf into Auckland Harbour, and was drowned, but no evidence to show how he came to fall into water. „ 4 Kia Ora, Southampton, 124487 .. j Sam S. King, A.B. .. Broken arm . > At sea .. . . Slipped on wet deck. „ 4 Navua, Dunedin, 117583 .. .. S. S. Hayes, greaser .. Internal injuries .. . . Auckland .. . . Fell down stokehold -ladder. ,, 5 Claymore, Auckland, 115188 .. j N. E. Owens, A.B. .. Injured back . . . . Kawhia . . . . Ricked his back jumping from ship to shore. „ 6 Kurow, Dunedin, 127804 .. .. J. Murphy, A.B. .. .. Scalds .. .. . . Auckland . . .. While painting funnel the steam from exhaust-pipe scalded arm and leg badly. „ 7 Arahura, Dunedin, 117587 .. .. J. T. Archer, 2nd C.A.S. .. Scalds .. .. .. Westport .. .. Spilt hot water on foot „ 8 Daphne, Auckland, 122922 .. H. Harwood, A.B. .. .. . Injured finger . . . . Auckland .. .. Ran a nail into his finger whilst working cargo. 9 Huia, Wellington, 78367 .. .. W. Muir, A.B. .. .. Sprained wrist .. . . Wellington .. Slipped whilst working cargo in hold. „ 9 Tarawera, Dunedin, 84480 .. E. Anderson, 2nd C.A.S. .. Sprained back .. .. Wellington .. While carrying linen. „ 9 Arahura, Dunedin, 117587 .. .. R. McCartney, trimmer .. Sprained back .. .. Westport .. .. While working in bunkers. „ 11 Warrimoo, Dunedin, 101901 .. W. Aldridge, butcher .. Injured shin .. .. At sea .. . . He slipped in galley. „ 12 Warrimoo, Dunedin, 101901 .. E. Eberhardt, greaser .. Crushed foot .. .. Auckland .. .. Happened while at work in engine-room. „ 15 Manuka, Dunedin, 117582 .. J. Kane, greaser .. .. j Crushed foot .. . . Auckland .. .. Slipped while oiling engine; got foot crushed by engine-crank. „ 16 Akaroa, Auckland, 74636 .. T. Thorltensen, A.B. .. Injured foot .. . . Whangarei .. Whilst working in hold. ., 19 Kauri, Dunedin, 120501 .. A. Norgrove, A.B. .. .. Killed .. .. . . Auckland .. .. Fell down hold. „ 19 Warrimoo, Dunedin, 101901 .. C. Rodgers, fireman .. Strained back .. At sea .. .. Whilst working in stokehold. „ 20 Kahu, Napier, 37116 .. .. W. Leers, mate .. . . Crushed ankle .. .. Napier .. .. , Whilst taking in a piece of machinery. „ 21 | Gael, Auckland, 118965 .. D. Harvey, fireman . . Injured foot .. .. Auckland .. . . Fell down ladder carrying coal, and bruised his toes. „ 22 j Mapourika, Dunedin, 101482 .. J. Roberts, O.S. .. .. Injured finger . . . . Wellington .. Jammed it in boat's guy. „ 24 | Ripple, Napier, 120627 .. J. Gray, 2nd engineer .. Injured thigh .. At sea .. . . Fell down engine-room ladder. „ 29 ; Maitai, Dunedin, 101935 .. .. W. Brown, fireman.. .. j Injured eye .. .. Wellington .. Hot ashes got in his eye. July 1 ! Makarini, London, 132703 .. E. W. F. Austin, 3rd engineer Injured head . . .. Auckland .. . . Fell down hold. Sent to hospital; died same evening. „ 3 ! Mapourika, Dunedin, 101482 .. J. Sherrill, fireman . . Burnt hand . . At sea .. .. Caused by fire blowing back. 5 Whangape, Dunedin, 110641 .. A. Erskine, chief steward .. Drowned .. .. Kaipara Harbour .. Verdict returned at inquest : " Found drowned." „ 7 i Daphne, Auckland, 122922 . . R. Matzki, A.B. .. .. I Injured hand . . . . Whitianga .. Whilst taking in cargo, cut his hand with piece of wire, poisonI i , ing it.



-July 8 | Greyhound, Auckland, 102315 .. C. Anderson, A.B. .. .. ! Injured ankle .. .. Auckland .. .. j Struck with a sling while discharging timber. „ 11 j Clansman, Auckland, 87520 .. Thomas New, 2nd cook .. Sprained .. .. Auckland .. . . ] Slipped on gangway and sprained his ankle. „ 13 ; Huia, Auckland, 122915 .. J. Kemp, O.S. .. .. Injured arm .. .. Port Chalmers .. ; Tore his arm with wire rope, causing blood-poisoning. „ 14 Hauiti, Auckland, 130093 .. D. Amey, cook .. .. Injured hand .. .. Auckland . . .. ! Cut his hand with broken plate while at work in galley. „ 15 j Manaia, Auckland, 101481 . . W. Hoskin, A.B. .. .. Injured foot .. .. Auckland .. .. j Fell down ladder and hurt his right foot. „ 16 | Daphne, Auckland, 122922 .. H. Harwood, A.B. .. .. Injured hand .. .. Auckland .. .. I Hurt his hand whilst working timber cargo. „ 16 I Maori, Dunedin, 117598 .. A. Schules, fireman .. Strained back .. . • Wellington .. j Caused by lifting a bunker-door. „ 17 j Rosamond, Dunedin, 89594 . . H. Clarke, donkeyman .. i Sprained ankle .. •. Auckland . . .. i Pell down stokehold-ladder. „ 20 Daphne, Auckland, 122922.. .. P. Bates, A.B. .. .. j Injured thigh .. .. Whangarei .. | Struck on thigh through lead-block carrying away. „ 21 Moeraki, Dunedin, 101488 .. . . Mrs. S. McLeod, stewardess .. I Injured ribs .. .. Dunedin .. .. | Slipped in pantry and struck table. „ 24 Greyhound, Auckland, 102315 .. J. "West, A.B. .. .. j Drowned .. At sea .. .. I Lost overboard. „ 25 Flora, Hobart, 82526 .. J. Eukstad, A.B. .. .. j Injured finger .. .. Greymouth Roads .. j Crushed in steering-gear. „ 29 Lily, Lyttelton, 57552 .. A. John, A.B. .. .. j Fractured collar-bone .. Christchurch .. j Whilst working cargo. Aug. 3 Moeraki, Dunedin, 101488 .. R. McArdle .. .. 1 Hernia .. .. .. Wellington .. ! While lifting stores, suffered strain. „ 4 Navua, Dunedin, 117583 .. .. H. Jeffrey, steward .. Poisoned hand .. .. Auckland .. While carrying meat he cut his hand; blood-poisoning set in. „ 4 Wahine, Dunedin, 127813 .. .. S. Doherty, fireman .. ! Injured finger .. .. Lyttelton.. .. 1 Whilst shovelling, struck hand against iron door, injuring finger. ,, 6 Waimana, Southampton, 131795 .. Peter Weiss, fireman .. Fatal .. . . .. Wellington . . Pell between vessel and wharf and was crushed, his injuries being fatal. „ 7 | Mahurangi, Auckland, 127879 .. J. Chappell, A.B. .. .. Sprained wrist .. .. Auckland .. .. Happened whilst working yard-arm. „ 7 1 Ngakuta, Middlesborough, 128829 .. T. Rudder, fireman . . Injured wrist . . .. Lyttelton . . . . Whilst working in stokehold. „ 8 i Kotare, Dunedin, 117667 .. P. Sinclair, A.B. .. . . Bruised ankle .. . . Dunedin . . . . Struck by a sling of timber. „ 9 I Mapourika, Dunedin, 101482 .. D. McFarlane, fireman .. Burnt arm . . At sea . . .. Caused by back fire. „ 9 Korimiko, Dunedin, 117599 .. T. Pearson, A.B. .. .. Injured shoulder .. .. At sea .. .. Caused by being thrown against a winch. „ 10 Waitomo, Dunedin. 132990 .. D. Gunn, assistant steward . . Injured hand . . . . Fiji .. ,. ; Whilst carving meat, his knife slipped and cut a vein. ,, 10 | John, Wellington, 110059 .. J. Linton, A.B. .. . . Jammed finger .. . . Wanganui .. Trapped it in a door. „ 13 ; Arapawa, Wellington, 108090 .. R. S. Farquhar, A.B. .. Bruised foot .. .. Onehunga .. Whilst working cargo a plank fell on his foot. „ 14 Maori, Dunedin, 117598 .. .. G. Fletcher, fireman .. Contusion of hand .. Lyttelton.. .. Whilst dumping ashes the blow-door fell on hand, injuring it. „ 16; Waitomo, Dunedin, 132990 .. J. Mulvenna, A.B. .. Internal injuries .. .. Fiji .. Struck by a sling of cargo. „ 22 Wanaka, Dunedin, 95018 .. J. Davies, A.B. .. .. Poisoned leg- . . .. Napier . . .. Caused by a slipping cable which tore his leg. ,, 24 Moana, Dunedin, 101479 .. J. Gillespie, fireman .. Rupture .. . . . . At sea .. .. Slipped on plates while working in stokehold. ,, 25 ; Claymore, Auckland, 115188 .. James Laing, O.S. .. .. Crushed finger .. . . Auckland .. . . Whilst working cargo he crushed his finger. „ 25 Wahine, Dunedin, 127813 .. .. R. Coleman, fireman .. Burnt hand and forearm .. Lyttelton.. .. Whilst opening furnaces. „ 29 Manuka, Dunedin, 117582 .. .. J. Laing, trimmer .. .. Sprained shoulder. . .. At sea .. .. Fell while at work. „ 29 Eunice, Lyttelton, 102343 .. J. Vincent, O.S. .. .. Crushed fingers .. . . Lyttelton .. .. Whilst working cargo he got them crushed in a sling of timber. „ 30 Poherua, Dunedin, 98061 .. S. Hansen, fireman .. Burnt arm .. At sea .. .. Caused by furnace-door swinging on his arm. „ 31 Ngakuta, Middlesbarough, 128829 .. H. Denham, fireman . . Injured hand .. . . Lyttelton .. .. Fell down engine-room ladder. Sept. 1 Ulimaroa, Melbourne, 120744 .. R. McPherson, 4th engineer.. Scalds .. . . . . Wellington ,. Caused by the bursting of a steam-pipe. „ 4 Karma, Dunedin, 127809 .. R. Smith, fireman .. .. ! Broken arm . . . . At sea .. ,. Caused by falling on deck. „ 6 Moana, Dunedin, 101479 .. .. J. Deeming, cook .. .. Scalds .. .. .. At sea .. .. Caused by a sea breaking aboard into the galley. „ 7 i Ngakuta, Middlesborough, 128829 .. John Beattie, fireman .. Crushed finger . . . . Greymouth .. Accident happened through finger being jammed or crushed in the step of a door, which was swinging through not having been hooked back properly. ,, 8 Kini, Dunedin, 104337 .. .. J. Breen, A.B. .. . . Injured arm .. .. Greymouth .. Caused by falling down No. 1 hatch. „■ 11 Endeavour, Auckland, 118972 .. P. J. Kunst, engineer .. Severe burns . . .. Auckland .. .. ' He was filling tank when an explosion occurred. The burns he received resulted in his death. „ 11 Endeavour, Auckland, 118972 .. : W. Suteliffe, A.B. .. .. Burns .. .. .. Auckland.. .. Occurred while assisting the engineer „ 14 Ngapuhi, Auckland, 102329 .. ! P. Saintsbury, chief cook .. Scalds .. .. .. Onehunga .. . Scalded his foot. ,, 16 Mokoia, Dunedin, 101483 .. .. R. Collier, trimmer .. Injured arm .. .. At sea .. .. Fell down bunker through vessel rolling. .. 17 Moonah, Auckland, 112546 .. J. M. Patey, A.B. .. .. Injured head and hand .. Auckland.. .. While working wdnch the handle struck his head and hand. „ 18 : Pukaki, Dunedin, 84491 . . Z. Gillanders, A.B. .. Concussion . . .. Wellington .. Fell down hold while working 'tween decks. Na vua. Dunedin, 117583 .. J. Hannah, fireman .. Burns .. . . At sea .. .. Back-fire from furnace caused severe burns.



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

I I I I - ' ' j Date of Name of Vessel, Port of Registry, Mam . _ f p evcftn Nature of Injury: Place where Accident Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Accident. and Official Number. ~ Fatal or otherwise. occurred. Coroner's Inquest held. | ______ j 1914 Sept. 25 j Komata, Duneclin. 117593 .. .. j W. Haddaway, A.B. .. j Injured foot .. .. | Wellington .. While handling thwart ship-beam. „ 29 ! Rosamond, Dunedin, 89594 .. j W. Miller, A.B. .. .. j Injured leg .. .. ; Auckland .. . . : Fell down companion-way. Oct. 3 i Mokoia, Dunedin, 101483 .. .. W. G. Benda.ll, baker .. Scalded foot .. .. Gisborne .. .. When stepping out of galley he put his foot into a pan of hot water, severely scalding it. ,, 10 j Wairoa, Auckland, 102271 .. (■. Halm, A.B. .. .. j Injured foot .. .. Whangarei .. Happened whilst rafting logs. „ 12 ! Corinna, Dunedin, 79252 .. T. Lawler, fireman .. Sprained wrist .. . . Wellington . . Whilst stoking he strained the tendons of his wrist. „ 16 Kanna, Dunedin, 127809 .. J. Dobbil, fireman .. .. Fractured wrist .. .. Wellington .. Struck by a basket of coal. „ 20 Fanny, Napier, 87321 . . R. Harding, cook .. Injured kneecap .. .. Port Ahuriri . . Tripped over rope on deck. „ 21 Moeraki, Dunedin, 101488 .. M. McCallum, trimmer .. Ricked back .. .. At sea .. .. Caused by lifting machinery. „ 21 Warrimoo, Dunedin, 101901 . . E. Laning, fireman .. Contused rib .. At sea .. .. Fell into bilge in stokehold. Nov. 1 Wahine, Dunedin, 127813 .. .. G. Freeman, A.B. .. Injured chest .. .. At sea .. .. Outside Lyttelton while hauling in log, "Cygnet " fouled same. ,, 6 Ionic, Liverpool, 115337 .. J. Harris, greaser .. .. Injured hand .. At sea .. . . While working in engine-room. „ 10 Karori, Dunedin, 118306 .. .. B. Cossar, cook .. .. Cut thumb .. .. Greymouth „ 11 Maitai, Dunedin, 101935 .. J. Owens, fireman .. . . Injured shoulder .. At sea .. . . Outside Wellington a heavy sea caused him to be thrown on his shoulder against stokehold-plates. ,, 17 Stormbird, Wellington, 31760 .. S. Manson, A.B. .. Braised haricl .. .. Wellington .. Block fell and bruised hand. „ 17 | Corinna, Dunedin, 79252 .. .. W. Warger, trimmer .. Injured knee . . .. At sea .. .. Fell down scuttle. „ 20 | Tarawera, Dunedin, 84480 .. J. Healev, fireman . . .. Burnt foot . . .. Auckland .. .. Put his foot on some soot while working in stokehold. ,, 20 j Weka, Auckland, 102274 . . .. W. Jones, fireman .. .. Sprained knee .. . . Coromandel . . Slipped on wharf while working cargo, and severely sprained his knee. „ 25 i Kennedy, Nelson, 52361 .. .. B. Johanson, A.B. .. .. Struck by rope .. . . I Nelson . . .. Struck by rope while working on deck. „ 27 j Koromiko, Dunedin, 117599 .. J. Nicholson, fireman .. Crushed fingers .. .. Timaru . . .. Through iron door closing on them. „ 27 j Himitangi, Wellington, 108074 .. J. Foster, A.B. .. .. Poisoned finger .. At sea .. .. His hand became inflamed. Dec. 2 j Pukaki, Dunedin, 84491 .. J. Doxley, fireman .. Strained back .. .. Lyttelton .. .. Whilst firing low fire, wrenched his back. „ 3 Annie Hill, Lyttelton, 57569 .. Halodan Nystrom. 1st mate Broken leg . . .. Greymouth .. Caused by being struck by timber falling from a sling. „ 9 : Tokomaru, Southampton, 99624 .. B. Hilferty, A.B. .. .. Injured ribs . . .. Wellington . . While working on deck he fell over some coal. „ 10 Kauri, Dunedin, 120501 .. .. W. Cossantine, 1st mate .. Rupture .. At sea .. Heavy sea struck him and washed him under a derrick. „ 10 i Rimu, Auckland, 105235 .. W. McCallum, fireman .. Crushed .. .. .. Kawhia .. . . While taking in cargo he got crushed between the cargo and hatch-combing. Was discharged for treatment on arrival. „ 10 I Arapawa, Auckland, 108090 .. C. Napper, A.B. .. .. Bruised elbow .. .. Wanganui.. .. Cargo-hook knocked him down whilst working cargo at Wanganui. „ 11 Wakatere, Auckland, 102288 .. J. J. Walker, fireman .. Crushed arm .. .. Auckland.. .. While working cargo on wharf a box fell on his arm, crushing it severely. He was sent to the hospital for treatment and discharged. „ 13 Aratapu, Auckland, 78354 . . . . F. Lindback, O.S. .. .. Injured right leg .. . . Lyttelton . . . . Fell between deck planks under repairs and injured his leg. „ 16 I Wahine, Dunedin, 127813 .. ..ID. Burke, fireman .. .. Strained back .. .. Wellington . . While working in engine-room, the 4th engineer slipped from ladder and fell on Burke's back. „ 21 j Koutunui, Napier, 121594 .. .. E. Phillips, cook .. .. Scalded hand .. .. Port Ahuriri .. ,, 22 Corinna, Dunedin, 79252 . . .. { H. Cope, fireman .. Injured toe . . .. Newcastle . . Dropped a lump of coal on his toe. „ 23 j Pateena, Launeeston, 79262 .. j J. Campbell, cook .. .. Injured elbow .. At sea .. .. Bumped his elbow against galley-door. „ 25 Koutunui, Napier, 121594 .. E. Evans, A.B. .. .. Injured wrist .. .. Gisborne .. .. Whilst working mooring-rope. „ 29 I Taviuni, Dunedin, 84500 .. R. Lehmann, cook .. .. Poisoned leg . . .. Auckland . . . . While cleaning fish, was scratched on leg. „ 29 j Lily, Lyttelton, 57552 . . P. Parry, A.B. .. Crushed fingers .. .. Lyttelton .. . . Whilst discharging timber his finger was crushed in the sling. „ 31 j Maori, Dunedin, 117598 .. P. P. Walsh, assistant steward Sprained back .. .. Wellington .. Hurt his back carrying linen.



B—H. 15

Dec. 31 i Corinna, Dunedin, 79252 .. S. Cameron, A.B. .. .. Injured hand .. .. Wellington .. Got his hand caught in cog. 1915. J Jan. 3 Rimu, Auckland, 105235 .. .. A. H. McDonald, 2nd mate .. Crushed hand .. .. Onehunga.. .. Got his hand jammed with yard-rope while working cargo. „ 5 William Bowden, Liverpool, 62017 .. A. Strachan, carpenter .. Fatal .. .. .. Bluff .. .. Fell down forward hatchway and was accidentally killed. „ 8 Moeraki, Dunedin, 101488 .. .. F. Webster, assistant cook .. Poisoned hand .. At sea .. .. Got a scratch with a bone while cut 1 ingJish. „ 9 Takapuna, Dunedin, 66540.. .. C. H. West, 3rd engineer .. Injured hand .. .. Wellington .. Slipped while working at main engines. ,, 13 Opouri, Lyttelton, 76083 .. J. Cochrane, fireman .. Injured knee .. .. Lyttelton .. .. While going to his quarters he slipped and injured his knee. „ 15 Irene, Norway .. .. J. Stanley, seaman .. .. Drowned .. .. Off Otago Heads .. Fell overboard off main rigging and was drowned. „ 15 Waitemata, Dunedin, 127801 E. P. Rulgen, fireman .. Injured elbow . . At sea .. .. Knocked his arm. ,, 18 Arahura, Dunedin, 117587 .. .. T. G. Jeromsen, A.B. .. Strained back .. .. Greymouth .. While lifting gangway at Greymouth. „ 19 John, Wellington, 110059 .. W. Kilstein, A.B. .. .. Sprained wrist .. .. Nydia Bay .. While working timber. „ 21 Waimea, Nelson, 93993 .. G. Sutton, A.B. .. .. Injured leg .. .. Nelson .. .. Sustained injury to leg while squaring up gear. „ 21 Warrimoo, Dunedin, 101901 .. F. McEwen, butcher .. Cut tendon .. .. Dunedin .. .. When sharpening knife, handle of steel came off, causing knife to slip and causing injury. „ 21 J Wahine, Dunedin, 121142 .. G. Absolum, fireman .. Crushed finger .. .. Lyttelton .. .. While working, two firebricks fell on his hand. 21 I Mapourika, Dunedin, 101482 .. E. W. Ormerod, fireman .. Poisoned hand .. .. At sea .. .. "While working below he cut his hand with a dirty shovel. ,, 21 Wahine, Dunedin, 121142 .. .. C. W. Webster, steward .. Strained muscles of abdomen Wellington .. While lifting bags of linen. ,, 28 Apanui, Auckland, 122906 .. A. Smith, A.B. .. .. Twisted ankle .. .. Awanui North .. While taking in gangway he slipped and twisted his ankle. ,, 28 Squall, Napier, 118113 .. ... A. King, A.B. .. .. Sprained hand .. .. On East Coast .. While working surf-boat. ,, 30 Kowhai, Dunedin, 128040 .. .. E. H. Brown, winchman .. Crushed hand .. .. Greymouth .. Got right hand crushed in winch whilst changing gear. Feb. 1 Wirral, Liverpool, 131376 .. .. S. Green, deck boy .. Drowned .. .. Lyttelton.. Dragged into water through rope getting entangled in propeller. „ 3 Moeraki, Dunedin, 101488 .. A. Sumner, pantryman .. Poisoned hand .. At sea .. .. Poisoned his hand while working at sink. „ 4 Tarawera, Dunedin, 84480 .. M. MacPhail, A.B. .. .. Injured foot .. At sea .. .. Batten fell on instep while working. „ 7 Ngahere, Port Glasgow, 102580 .. E. P. Ferguson, greaser . . Injured finger .. .. Leaving Napier . . While working in engine-room, got his finger jammed. ,, : 8 Arahura, Dunedin, 117587 .. R. Dawson, assistant steward Injured elbow .. .. Westport .. .. Fell through a skylight, cutting his elbow. „ 9 Mapourika, Dunedin, 101482 .. I H. Stapleton, A.B. .. Strained back .. .. Picton .. .. Strained muscles of back lifting gangway at Picton. „ 10 Wahine, Dunedin, 127813 .. ■ • 1 F. Muller, fireman .. .. Burnt hand .. .. Lyttelton .. .. While on duty in stokehold he slipped and burnt his hand on shovelful of hot coal. „ 10 Clansman, Auckland, 87520 .. J. Hayes, fireman .. .. Injured foot .. .. Auckland .. .. Pump-block fell on left foot. „ 12 Tarawera, Dunedin, 84480 .. .. J. P. Jones, steward .. Injured shin .. Wellington . . While carrying luggage he knocked his shin on brass step. „ 12 Ngapuhi, Auckland, 102329 .. T. Corrigan, 2nd engineer .. Strained side .. .. Tauranga .. .. While working inside boiler, he strained his side, developing into rupture. „ 12 Pateena, Launceston, 79262 .. F. Morgan, trimmer .. Injured knee .. . . Wellington .. Slipped going into foc'sle. ,, 13 Navua, Dunedin, 117583 .. .. F. Gillard, trimmer .. Poisoned hand .. .. At sea .. .. Poisoned left hand while working in stokehold. „ 14 Whangape, Dunedin, 110641 .. P. Connor, trimmer .. Injured head .. At sea .. .. Lump of coal struck him on head whilst trimming. ,, 16 Waimea, Nelson, 93993 .. .. William Abis, fireman .. Injured testicles .. .. Wellington .. Injured by being struck by a shaft when vessel coming off slip. ,, 19 Tarawera, Dunedin, 84480 .. H. McMahon, fireman .. Twisted ankle .. At sea .. Twisted his ankle while at work in stokehold. „ 22 Westmeath, Greenock, 117381 .. S. Maloney, trimmer .. Injury to coccyx .. .. Dunedin .. .. Fell off staging during " field day" in stokehold. „ 23 Canopus, Dunedin, 101490 .. .. F. Fandemer, A.B. .. Slight injury .. .. Westport .. .. Fell from boat-deck to main deck, injuring sciatic nerve. „ 23 Moeraki, Dunedin, 101488 .. .. A. M.Samuels, assistant steward Strained back .. .. Wellington .. While lifting luggage. „ 24 Mapourika, Dunedin, 101482 .. T. Reynolds, fireman .._ Strained heart .. .. Wellington .. While working below. „ 25 Kurow, Dunedin, 127804 .. .. G. Langley, trimmer .. Injured knee-bone.. .. Auckland.. .. Slipped and injured right knee-bone while cleaning bilges. „ 26 Kini, Dunedin, 104337 .. .. James Johnston, A.B. .. Fatal .. .. At sea .. .. Fell from mizzen-rigging and succumbed to injuries. Mar. 3 Rimu, Auckland, 105235 .. M. Morgan, 1st mate .. Strained side .. .. Raglan .. Whilst taking in sheep he slipped and fell, straining his right side. „ 4 Manuka, Dunedin, 117582 .. .. j F. McKinnon, A.B. .. Sprained leg .. .. Wellington .. Whilst at boat-station he twisted his leg taking in sail. „ 8 Holmdale, Wellington, 117677 .. : C. J. Tully, chief engineer .. Strained back .. .. Onehunga .. Whilst effecting repairs to engines. „ 10 Maori, Dunedin, 117598 .. .. G. Swales, trimmer.. .. Scalded legs and arms .. Lyttelton.. Slipped down ladder whilst carrying tea to mess, hurting his back and scalding himself.



Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen under Section 6 of the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1911, for the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Name of Seaman. Amount paid for Wages, Maintenance, &c. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Abis, W. Abis, W. Absolom, G. Absolon, G. Albert, H. Aldridge, W. Alsop, G. Amery, D. Anderson, A. jAnderson, C. Anderson, D. Anderson, E. Anderson, J. Anderson, T. Anderson, W. G.. . Archer, J. T. Armour, W. Baker, J. Barnard, J. H. . . Barnsley, J, Barratt, T. Barrington, R. Barry, P. Barton, W. Bates, F. Beattio, John Bell, J. Bennie, W. D. Billington, S. Karamea. . Waimea Wahino .. Maheno Mapourika Warrimoo Matatua Hauiti Rosamond Greyhound Pateena Tarawera Moana Squall Maunganui Arahura Rimu Nikau Manuka Woka . . Talune Wakatere Maori Maori Daphne Ngakuta Opawa Corinna Athenie Appendicitis Injured testicles Crushed finger Rheumatism Poisoned hand Injured shin Nasal troublo Injured hand Rupture Bruised ankle Rupture Strained back Poisoned hand Injured finger .. Rheumatic fever Scalded foot Sprained ankle Gastritis ,, Rheumatism Poisoned hand Injured leg Bruised arm Internal injuries Inflamed glands Injured thigh Crushed finger Pains in chest Fractured leg .. Cerebral haemorrhage and heartfailure Influenza Injured wrist Bruised hand Illness Strained hack Rhoumatism Nervous breakdown Measles .. . . Canoer of rectum Injured finger Injured arm Abscess on ear Pneumonia Hand crushed in winch Cellulitis of jaw Injured eye Strained muscles of shoulder Injured shin Injured hand Injured elbow .. BoUs and debility Injured eyes Sprained wrist Poisoned hand English cholera Lumbago Sprained ankle Rupture Injured knee Nervous breakdown Burnt hand and arm Poisoned arm Burnt arm Cold in back Wound on leg Injured foot Injured toe Septic throat Rupture Cut thumb Influenza Poisoned finger Poisoned hand Bruised hand Injured arm Poisoned finger Nervous breakdown Poisoned leg Lymphitis Injured elbow £ s. d. 3,8 1 2 5 6 8 9 9 10 13 10 8 12 2 3 11 2 5 4 0 0 0 16 8 16 4 3 11 19 6 26 15 8 7 3 8 12 8 6 7 1 2 11 14 8 9 18 2 116 3 15 14 0 21 19 8 20 15 2 8 18 2 11 7 11 13 12 0 9 8 11 14 17 10 23 8 9 7 17 6 36 12 0 9 12 6 Bomons, A. Boys, E. Buick, J. Buncock, A. Burke, D. Burns, B. Burt, H. Burrows, J. Butler, J. Bredensen, S. Breen, J. Bride, T. Brown, E. Brown, E. H. Brown, G. Brown, W. Brown, W. V. CaUaghan, J. Cameron, S. Campbell, J. Campbell, W. Carroll, W. ChappeU, J. Charnley, W. Clark, C. Clarke, H. Clarke, H. Coates, E. Cochrane, J. Coleman, E. Coleman, R. Collier, R. Comber, W. Connell, T. Connelly, G. Connolly, S. Cooper, H. Corbett, H. Corrigan, T. Cossar, B. Cotteroll, J. Cowan, James Cronin, J. Cross, J. Cullen, J. Cullen, J. Dalgleish, A. S. Davies, J. Davios, T. H. Dawson, R. Victoria Manuka Kini Apanui Wahino Kahu Warrimoo Maori Werribee Bravo Kini Marere Queen of the South Kowhai Opawa Maitai Himitangi Moeraki Corinna Pateena Ngakuta The Portland Mahurangi Tarawera Victoria Breeze Rosamond Star of India Opouri Poherua Wahine Mokoia Mapourika Kamona Himitangi Squall Wairuna Rotorua Ngapuhi Karori Wahine Wetere Kaituna .. Rotomahana Rarawa Waitomo.. Moeraki Wanaka Arahura Arahura .. 4 4 0 12 4 0 23 15 3 6 4 3 8 19 3 11 4 4 117 16 0 14 3 0 12 0 0 5 I 9 19 1 5 40 19 2 27 1 8 7 4|| 9 5 6 17 18 5 13 4 3 9 16 0 12 II 8 7 1 1 13 5 11 9 4 0 6 18 0 19 4 8 14 12 8 13 15 0 12 4 10 6 8 0 19 14 4 1.1 7 2 8 17 3 12 9 11 11 18 10 13 1 1 18 16 6 44 12 2 8 8 10 10 19 0 28 0 0 28 13 4 12 9 (i 7 14 0 18 I 10 9 7 5 43 3 4 8 7 4 12 0 6 16 0 5 30 9 2 5 10 0



Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.

Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Amount paid for Wages, Maintenance, &c. Nature of Injury or Illness. i Dean, P. Doeble, W. H. . . Deeming, .1. Dempster, A. Denham, H. Dobbie, J. Dobson, H. Dodd, L. A. Dodds, R. Doggant, A. Doherty, S. Donovan, J. Dowden, R. Duwling, J. H. . . Duff, A. J. Dursig, W. Fbcrhardt, E. Edge, F. Edlington, ,1. B. Edmeads, J. Edmondson, A. E. Ellen, J. Elliott, Gi. Elliott, O. Enkstad, J. Evans, E. Farquhar, J. H. Farquhar, R. S. Ferguson, F. Ferguson, P. Fletcher, G. Flynn, W. Foster, J. Francis, E. Gallagher, J. Gerson, H. Gibson, M. D. Gillard, F. Goodman, P. Graham,, J. Gratwiok, G. Gray, J. Groat, H. S. Guar, S. C. Gunn, D. Hadaway, W. Haguerup, B. Hall, J. Hammond, C. Hammond, J. Hampshire, G. . . Hangland, J. Hannah, J. Hansen, S. Harding, W. Harrington, E. Harris, J. Harris, W. Harvey, D. Harvey, R. Harwood, H. Hayes, J. Hayes, S. S. Healey, J. HiU'erty, B. HiUman, E. Hills, A. Hodges, F. Hogan, J. Hollingsworth, G. Holmroos, A. Holyman, L. Hoskin, W. ivanoff, S. Jackson, A. Jackson, C. Jansen, G. Jeffrey, H. Joromsen, S. Jeromsen, T. G. . . Johansen, B. John, A. .. Maori Wairuna . . .. | Moana Westralia Ngakuta Kanna .. I Nerehana . . I Surrey Maitai '. . Breeze Wahine .. .. | Hawke's Bay Manuka Karori Mapourika Mapourika Warrimoo Taviuni Tasman Taneatua Arahura Kurow Breeze Wakatere .. Flora Koutunui Echo Arapawa Rakanoa Ngahere Wahine Makura Himitangi Komata .. . . Clan McDonald .. | Nairnshire Kamona Navua Maunganui Wahine Delphic Ripple Corinna Kahu Waitomo Komata Blenheim Westralia Star of Australia . . Kauri Wahine John Navua Poherua Fanny Maori Ionic Warrimoo .. Gael Kamona Daphne Clansman Wairua Tarawera Tokomaru Kaitangata Terawhiti Paloona Maitai Wahino Pampa Waihora Manaia Arahura .. .. Weka .. Rimu .. Weka Navua Arahura .. Arahura Kennedy .. Lily Sore throat Dislocated shoulder Scalded back and chest Illness Injured hand Fractured rib Gastritis Appendicitis Burnt arm . . Bronchitis Lacerated finger Throat trouble Diarrhcea and catarrh of stomach.. Rupture Abscess in hi 1 1-jilint Inflamed fooi Crushed foot Injured finger Crushed foot Influenza Lacerated leg Pain in ear Bronchitis Severe cold Lacerated finger Injured wrist Hernia Bruised foot Influenza injured finger Influonza Gastritis Poisoned finger Rupture Insomnia and delirium Pains in chest Pleurisy Poisoned hand .. Crushed finger Burnt arm Pleurisy Injured thigh Poisoned hand Pleurisy Injured hand Injured foot Injured ankle Bronchitis Rheumatism Piles Pleurisy Dislocated wrist Severe burns Burnt arm Injured kneecap Influenza Injured hand Throat and skin trouble .. Bruised foot Pneumonia Injured finger Bruised foot Internal injuries Burnt foot Injured rib Pains in abdomen Quinsey Rheumatism Burnt arm Influenza Lachycardia General debility.. .. Injured foot Swollen glands Amputated fingers Abscess Lumbago Blood-poisoning Influenza Strained back Struck by rope Fractured collarbone £ s. d. 6 16 2 16 8 2 .11 10 0 10 13 I 13 11 6 15 8 9 26 14 0 19 19 6 14 1 0 11 19 8 9 2 9 10 15 0 .15 7 0 .15 4 7 29 16 8 13 5 4 55 4 10 23 18 6 35 0 4 11 11 11 17 15 3 7 4 11 22 16 7 10 6 3 11 17 6 13 4 2 23 9 I 13 18 9 10 1 11 21 6 1 11 II 0 3 .18 0 17 0 0 30 12 8 3 4 0 14 12 9 39 7 4 7 18 .10 26 12 0 18 13 9 4 9 6 16 4 6 10 7 10 20 14 1 6 8 7 7 9 I 10 17 5 13 1 I 8 7 6 20 7 1.1 8 13 4 18 11 2 7 3 8 11 2 8 62 19 7 .10 10 6 33 11 0 10 12 5 22 15 8 15 18 9 10 17 4 9 0 4 17 8 8 10 9 10 6 I I 0 29 0 I 7 17 0 8 14 8 10 1 0 9 3 0 16 17 9 10 3 0 10 5 6 14 0 4 28 15 6 9 11 5 16 5 0 7 4 5 51 6 0 12 9 0 16 17 9 15 5 6



Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.

Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Johnson, T. . . . . Wakatere Johnston, James.. .. Kini Jokovitch, L. . . . . Fanny Jones, H. .. . . Mapourika Jones, H. .. Wahine .. Jones, H. .. .. ; Awahou Jones, J. P. .. .. j Tarawera Kane, J. . . .. . Manuka Koaley, W. .. .. j Maitai Kemp, J. .. .. I Huia Keohane, J. . . .. Apanui Korr, J... . . . . John Kevisloy, A. .. . . I Kurow Kilstoin, A. .. .. John King, A. .. . . I Squall King, C. . . . . I Falcon King, S. S. . . . . Kia Ora Kinloy, R. . . .. Rosamond Knight, J. .. .. Arahura Kunst, P. J. .. .. Endeavour Lachman, J. .. .. Taviuni Laing, James .. .. Claymore Landvas, A. .. .. Opawa Langloy, G. .. .. Kurow Laning, P. .. . . Manuka Lanning, E. .. .. Warrimoo Laurenson, G. . . .. Kapuni Laurenson, G. .. .. Kapuni Lawler, H. .. . . Maunganui Lawler, T. . . . . Corinna Leers, G. .. .. Kahu Loith, A. .. .. Echo Lie, A. .. .. .. Kaiapoi Linn, A. .. .. Koromiko Linton, J. .. .. John Loveridge, A. . . .. Kanieri MacPhail, M. . . .. Tarawera Malm, G. .. .. Wairoa Moloney, S. .. .. Westmeat h Mapper, C. . . . . Arapawa Mart, G. . . . . Moana Martin, H. E. . . . . Opawa Mason, H. . . . . Monowai Matheson, K. .. . . Wahine Matzki, R. .. . . Daphne McCairley, J. .. . . Kennody McCallum, M. . . . . Moeraki McCallum, W. .. .. Rimu McCartnoy, R. .. . . Arahura McColl, J. .. . . Kauri McDonald, A. .. . . Koutunui McDonald, A. H. . . Rimu McDonald, J. . . .. Tarawera McDougall, W. . . .. Maori McEwen, F. .. .. Warrimoo McFarlane, D. . . .. Mapourika Mclntyre, A. .. .. Taniwha McKay, G. .. .. Gael McKechnie, A. .. Monowai McKcwan, C. . . .. Wahine McKinnon, J. . . .. Manuka . . McLoan, N. .. .. Kiritona McLean, N. .. .. Kiritona McLeod, R. .. .. Kurow . . McLeod, R. .. .. Waihora McLeod, S. (Mrs.) .. Moeraki McMahon, H. . . .. Tarawera McPherson, R. . . .. Uhmaroa McTighe, J. . . .. Whangape McTighe, J. . . .. Himitangi ..-.■■ Moad, W. .. .. Taniwha.. Miller, G. .. .. Wahine .. MiUer, H. .. .. Flora Miller, W. .. .. Rosamond Moir, A. C. . . .. Kawau Monaghan, P. .. Manuka Monson, A. .. .. Maori . . .-.-■• Moran, G. .. .. Talune .. Morgan, F. .. .. Pateena .. •;-. Morgan, N. .. .. Rimu Morris, D. .. .. Manuka Morrisey, J. .. .. Wahine .. Nature of Injury or Illness. Pleurisy Fell from rigging (fatal) . . Sevorc cold Burnt arm Rupture Poisoned finger Injured shin Crushed foot Severe cold Blood-poisoning Pneumonia Muscular rheumatism Tonsilitis Sprained wrist Sprained hand Injured thumb Broken arm Heat lash on face Festered finger Fatal burns Poisoned leg Crushed finger . . ... Injured foot .. ... Injured knee-bone Sprained shoulder Contused rib Measles Typhoid fever Ulcerated throat Sprained wrist Crushed ankle Bronchitis Rheumatism Rheumatism Crushed finger Severe cold Injured foot Injured foot Injury to coccyx Bruised elbow Pleurisy Neuritis Poisoned arm Abscess in rectum . . i Poisoned hand Burnt foot Ricked back Crushed Strained back .. ... Poisoned hand Rheumatism Injured hand Scalpi wound Influenza Cut tendons in hand Burnt arm Injured head Injured fingers Gastritis Influenza Sprained leg Injured leg Inflammation of the eye . . Sprained ankle Appendicitis Injured ribs and shock . . Twisted ankle Scalds on body Bronchitis Gastritis Abdominal pains Septic throat . . ' .. Abscess in mouth Injured leg .. Pneumonia .. ■ Injured arm .. Lumbago Injured back Injured knee ,.'-•'- Strained side ,.'■-• ... Pains in groin Inflamed pits Amount paid for Wages, Maintenance, &c. £ s. d. 8 4 10 7 19 4 12 19 0 10 18 4 12 10 4 .17 4 9 6 19 0 40 J 8 I I 5 6 8 8 4 7 15 6 8 10 3 7 ii 0 7 14 12 2 16 3 10 12 3 10 16 13 9 7 10 10 9)25 9 0 0 7 14 4 9 9 4 22 5 2 16 1 5 8 8 6 11 19 2 6 17 8 .19 7 0 16 16 3 U 10 0 45 2 2 18 16 4 29 11 9 9 2 4 10 17 ] 26 7 4 .12 17 6 16 3 8 7 13 6 25 5 I 8 3 6 15 5 0 14 5 1 45 II 0 9 12 16 7 5 8 6 0 13 0 11 16 4 6 30 J 8 10 12 8 I 13 1] 2 10 17 0 10 4 7 13 14 6 12 0 2 13 14 11 7 8 1.1 13 4 0 12 4 2 10 12 3 17 12 4 18 2 2 16 14 2 47 15 I] 8 9 0 14 I 2 7 10 0 25 4 9 20 8 5 8 10 9 9 4 4 10 5 0 16 Hi 0 27 4 9 17 2 2 10 18 4 15 8 8 13 12 1 15 13 7 24 12 0 9 17 4

H. —15

Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen — continued.


Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid for Wages, Maintenance, &c. Muir, W. .. . . Huia Mulholland, J .. . . Niagara Muller, F. .. . . Wahine Mulverend, J. .. .. Waitomo.. Murphy, J. .. .. Kurow .. Murphy, W. .. . . Terawhiti Naulls, A. E. .. . . | Mokoia Neal, S. .. . . Maori Nelson, A. . . Excelsior.. Nelson, R. .. Moa Nelson, W. H. .. Manaia New, Thomas .. .. Clansman Nicholson, J. .. .. Koromiko Nilsson, J. W. . . .. To Aroha Nygent, J. . . . . Ngakuta Nystrom, Halodan . . Annie Hill Oliphant, R. . . .. Marama O'Neil, P. . . .. Ulimaroa Orley, J. . . .. Mokoia Ormerod, E. W. . . .. Mapourika O'Shoa, W. G. . . . . Maunganui Owen, J. R. . . . . Chelmsford Owens, N. E. . . . . Claymore Pain, W. .. Karori Paris, J. . . .. Flora Parker, E. .. . . Warrimoo Patey, G. M. . . . . Moonah Paulsen, A. . . .. , Morning Light Paulsen, P. N. .. .. Echo Pearce, W. . . . . Fanny Pearson, J. .. . . Mooraki Pearson, T. .. .. Koi-omiko felly, T. . . . . Moa Phillips, E. .. .. Koutunui Phipps, Edward . . . . Nikau Phurgar, 0. . . . . Moeraki Pointer, R. E. . . .. Mapourika I'oojf, H. . . .. Arahura Powell, R. . . .. Karori Power, H. . . . . Pateena Quinn, P. .. .. Ngahoro Quinn, P. .. .. Maori Rao, J. .. .. Wahine Rankin, J. .. . . Mapourika Revell, P. .. . . Mokoia Reynolds, T. .. .. Mapourika Richardson, P. . . .. Weka Riley, P. .. .. Maori Riorden, M. .. . . Westward Ho Roberts, J. .. . . Mapourika Robertson, A. H. .. Warrimoo Rodgers, C. . . .. Warrimoo Roe, R. .. . . Storm, Ross, F. C. . . . . : Buteshire Rout, G. . . Kanieri Rauparaha, R. . . . . Wakatu Rudder, T. . . . . Ngakuta Rucgen, E. P. . . . . Waitemata Russell, H. .. ... Arahura Russell, T. . . Paloona Saddler, F. . . . . Wahine Saintsbury, T. H. . . Ngapuhi Samuels, A. M. .. Mooraki Schott, 0. .. . . Moeraki Schules, A. . . . . Maori Scott, G. . . . . Storm Scott, J. . . .. Woolston Scott, J. . . Wahine Selby, F. . . Kaitoa Sench, S. R. . . .. Talune Sharpe, S. E. . . Make Sherrill, J. . . . . Mapourika Shioldham, H. . . . . Taniwha Simpson, M. .. Warrimoo Simpson, S. . . .. Maori Sinclair, P. .. Kotare Singloton, J. S. .. .. Pateena Sliming, A. . . .. Moeraki Smith, A. .. .. Apanui Smith, B. .. Pateena Smith, H. . . . . Pateena Smith,.!. .. .. Rimu Sprained wrist Appendicitis Burnt hand Interna] injuries Scalded arm and leg Influenza Influenza Bronchitis Blood-poisoning.. Burnt arms Boils on neck Sprained ankle Crushed finger Crushed fingers injured kneecap Broken leg Injured back Phimosis Influenza Poisoned hand Rheumatic fever Injured shin Injured back Influenza Strained heart Rupture Injured head and hand .. Fractured log Rheumatic fever Poisoned finger Pleurisy Injured shoulder Poisoned wrist Scalded hands Rheumatism Hsemophysis Acute rheumatism Shingles Appendicitis (fatal) Influenza Bronchitis Injured back Inflammation of kidneys .. Severe chill Pharyngitis Strained heart Pain in back Poisoned arm Affection of oyes Injured finger Injured foot Straiued back Rupture Sciatica Severe cold Pneumonia Injury to wrist, Injured elbow .. Intestinal catarrh Dysentery Rheumatism Scalded foot Strained back Poisoned leg Strained back Haemorrhoids Diphthoria Severe cold Poisoned arm Rupture Swollen arm Burnt hand Crushed arm Rheumatism Influenza Bruised ankle Dysentery Inflammation of eye Twisted ankle Carbunole Strained back Bruised ankle £ s. d. 7 9 4 10 9 0 8 (i 9 10 11 9 17 16 3 8 14 3 8 16 3 7 18 9 12 13 10 44 8 3 9 2 3 31 17 4 26 17 0 11 16 10 14 19 3 40 2 6 4 15 0 12 16 II 7 4 4 9 7 0 I I. 14 8 II 6 2 9 2 4 10 2 10 23 0 1 18 17 5 8 8 11 18 0 0 20 7 2 25 3 5 9 8 3 13 6 6 7 19 6 8 11 3 11 5 2 6 19 0 3 1 11 10 0 7 30 15 2 .18 3 4 16 I 7 24 I 9 8 7 3 12 4 6 9 11 7 9 19 8 1116 12 10 5 8 10 6 10 0 2 34 14 11 9 II 6 27 15 4 8 [8 9 6 12 10 54 15 0 11 16 8 15 18 (i 8 16 4 6 1.4 10 9 8 6 15 .17 5 6 12 8 10 3 9 8 13 10 28 18 8 18 4 7 14 13 10 33 0 4 8 6 7 0 16 6 9 18 0 7 7 I 5 19 4 19 12 2 6 10 9 6 19 5 6 5 4 7 2 6 9 13 3 34 5 6 15 10 2


Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.


Naiuo of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Amount paid for VVagns, Maintenance, &c Nature of Injury or Illnnss. Smith, R. Southgate, G. Speigelhaltor, J. . . Staines, G. . Stephenson, W. .. Sullivan, J. Sumner, A. Sutcliffc, W. Sutton, G. Svindsen, C. Swales, J. Swainson, R. Tait, A. Taylor, J. Taylor, J, G. Taylor, W. Thomas, G. Thompson, W. .. Thorstensen, T. .. Thmns, G. Tinton, .1. Townsend, W. Tulchor, T. Tully, C. J. Tracey, G. Trewett, J. Vautior, C. Viimont, J. Wahlstroni, E. . . Walker, J. Walker, J. Walker, J. J. Walker, T. Walsh, P. P, Walton, A. .1. .. Warne, P. Wasou, W. Waterfall, J. Waters, P. Watts, W. Waugh, R. Woathcrston, 1). .. Webster, C. W. Webster, P. Welsh, P. West, C. H. Weston, S. J. Wheeler, J. White, H. C. White, W. Williams, 0. Williams, E. Wilson, J. Wilson, W. Woebling, ll. Kanna Himitangi Delphic Karamea Orura Chelmsford Moeraki Endeavour Waimea Moa (scow) Maori Fanny Wahine Wahine Maori Karamu Wanaka Kanna Akaroa Fanny John ,. ,. Storm bird Moeraki Holmdalo Kamo Wairoa Te Aroha Eunice Kamo Wahine Pateena Wakatere Taviuni Maori Sipiall Tasman Maitai Mapourika Pateena Maori Whangape Maori Wahine Moeraki Maori Takapuna Clansman Maori Kowhai Waikoniui (scow) . . Koromiko Himitangi Oncrahi Pukaki Moeraki . . Broken arm Wound on leg .. Epileptic fits . . . . ' Appendicitis Severe cold Gastritis Poisoned hand Burns Injured leg Swollen hand Scalded legs and arms Crushed finger Bruised legs Epilepsy Abscess under chin inlluen/.a Rash on body .. Pleurisy Injured foot Removal of growth Rheumatism Inflammation of shoulders Poisoned hand Strained back Cold and infernal pains . . Measles Rupture Crushed fingers Inllucnza .. Influenza Strained back Crushed arm .. Ill with diarrhoea Strained back I'oisoned finger HI with diarrhoea Poisoned arm Abscess on log Influenza Chicken-pox Erysipelas in hand Poisoned hand Strained abdominal muscles Poisoned hand Influenza injured hand Injured head Inflammation of bladder .. Granulations of ear Injured head Pleurisy .. Poisoned finger .. Strained chest-muscles Asthma Crushed fingers .. £ s. d. 22 17 5 18 16 6 20 13 6 16 18 0 24 0 0 14 15 9 7 8 4 11 14 8 7 6 2 7 8 3 I I 18 8 I) 10 8 12 19 11 8 19 5 (i 0 10 8 10 0 14 3 3 2 11 6 9 Iti 4 16 6 6 II 16 4 9 3 4 13 7 3 15 9 7 9 15 4 6 12 5 9 6 8 7 15 3 8 5 I 13 9 2 !» 16 10 14 5 4 8 12 10 8 13 9 29 17 3 8 12 9 12 16 2 9 11 4 7 9 0 52 17 7 9 11 0 15 4 4 5 10 5 10 4 2 13 0 0 18 14 6 III 11 0 10 5 9 17 6 (i 12 Hi 0 7 III 17 0 0 19 4 9 11 12 8 7 0 4 £5,739 9 9



Return of Accidents to Waterside Workers reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Date. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury : Fatal or otherwise. Place Accident j Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury if Inquest held. j r ' " 1914. April 1 P. Shirley .. .. Injured foot .. .. .. Lyttelton .. .. Whilst working cargo a case fell on his foot. „ £_ 3 Thomas Cauldwell.. .. Killed .. . . .. .. Wellington .. .. Whilst working in the hold of s.s. " Maitai " a sling of cargo fell on him through rope breaking. „ 6 j William Knowles .. .. j Lacerated foot .. .. .. Bluff .. .. .. Caused by hatch : beam falling on his foot. ,, 12 ; P. Hanson .. .. Injured thumb .. .. .. Greymouth .. .. Caused by truck-door. „ 15 j Frank Wortley .. .. Injured back .. .. .. Wellington .. .. Struck by an empty coal-basket whilst coaling s.s. Ngakuta." ,, 18 | J. Barth .. .. .. Bruised and shaken .. .. Wanganui .. .. Struck by basket of coal whilst coaling. „ 21 ! Vernon Howe .. .. Slight concussion .. .. .. Wellington . . .. Carcase of frozen mutton fell out of sling, striking his head. ,, 22 | R. Whitford .. .. Scalp wound .. .. .. Lyttelton .. .. Knocked over by basket of coal. ,, 23 I J. T. Loader .. .. Crushed fingers .. .. . . Lyttelton . . .. While climbing over some trucks he got his fingers crushed between buffers. ,, 23 ; John Hagland .. .. j Fractured arm .. .. .. Wellington .. .. Fell down hold. „ 23 | A. S. Coburn .. .. I Ricked back .. .. .. Greymouth .. .. Caused by lifting heavy timber. May 2 j George Mortimer .. .. Injured foot . . . . .. Westport.. .. .. Caused by a piece of falling timber. „ 4 | A. Kail .. .. .. Fractured arm and thigh .. . . Wellington .. .. While coaling " Clan Matheson " a coal-trolley fell on him. j, 4 j A. Bannister .. .. Fractured arm .. . . .. Wellington .. .. Fell into hold through plank giving way. „ 12 ! F. Saunders .. .. Injured leg .. .. .. Greymouth .. .. Sling of sleepers struck him. 15 T.Patterson .. .. Bruised shoulder .. .. .. Greymouth .. .. Slipped on ladder descending hatch. . 19 A. H. Towgood .. .. Broken ribs .. .. .. Timaru .. .. .. Fell down hold of s.s. " Westmeath," severely bruising back and breaking two ribs. 19 j W.Whiteside .. .. Bruised toe .. .. .. Greymouth .. .. Struck by sling of sleepers. „ 20 I J. Tippet .. .. Strained side . . .. . . Lyttelton .. .. Whilst loading trucks. „ 22 i Charles M. Smith .. .. Injured foot .. .. .. Wellington .. .. Bale of wool fell on it. „ 23 j J. Herron.. .. .. Fractured leg .. .. .. Lyttelton .. .. Whilst loading timber on s.s. " Karamu." „ 25 : P. Piper .. .. .. Injured foot .. .. .. Lyttelton .. .. Dropped a heavy piece of iron on it. „ 25 ; W. Wooster .. .. j Crushed fingers .. .. .. Greymouth . . .. Whilst putting on cross-beam. „ 28 J. Pringle.. .. .. Bruised arm .. .. .. Wellington .. .. Crushed against side of hold by a sling. „ 30 : O. Jackson .. .. ; Broken leg .. .. . . Greymouth .. .. Sack of cement fell on it. June 9 A. Baldwin .. .. Injured finger .. .. . . Invercargill .. .. Hand caught in truck-door. ,, 15 William Paterson .. .. Killed .. .. .. .. Gisborne .. .. .. Fell between s.s. " Waiwera " and lighter, and was crushed. „ 20 0. Peterson .. .. Tops of two fingers cut off . . Wellington .. .. Whilst shackling derrick-guv on to hatch-coamings guy jerkedand jammed his fingers. „ 25 A. Campbell .. .. Fatal injuries .. .. .. Timaru .. .. .. While traction-engine was being lowered off s.s. " Waiwera," tackle broke and case fell, striking him, causing severe injuries. Verdict returned that there was no evidence to show who was responsible for breaking of the gear. ,, 29 C. Nelson.. .. .. Injured back .. .. .. Wellington .. .. Whilst working on a hulk a basket struck him on the back. July 11 G. Smith .. .. .. Bruised head .. .. .. Greymouth .. .. Fell off truck. „ 12 P. Nelson.. .. .. Fractured rib . . . . .. Greymouth .. .. Fell off foc'sle to deck. „ 16 T. Moriarty .. .. Crushed fingers .. .. .. Greymouth .. . . Fingers got jammed in a sling of timber. „ 18 A. Scalmer .. .. | Bruised back . . . . .. Greymouth .. .. Caused by timber falling on him from sling. „ 28 G. Llewelyn .. .. Lacerated fingers . . .. .. Timaru .. .. .. Finger caught in bight of sling of grain which he was knocking down. Aug. 3 R. Pryde .. .. .. Crushed fingers .. .. . . Dunedin .. .. .. While engaged in discharging cargo. „ 5 A. T. Andrews .. .. Injured back .. .. . . Lyttelton .. .. Knocked out of a truck. „ 5 A. Beaton .. .. Injured shoulder . . .. . . Oamaru .. .. >. Caused by a falling sack of potatoes. „ 6 T. Mence .. .. .. Concussion .. .. .. Bluff .. .. .. Knocked down by a sling. ,, 7 W. T. Harris .. .. Fractured nose .. .. .. Lyttelton .. .. Struck by a sling of cargo. „ 8 G. Bullimere .. .. Bruised head .. .. .. Greymouth .. .. Fell from truck on to wharf. „ 10 | A. Nicholson .. .. Broken wrist .. .. . . Bluff .. .. .. Fell out of a truck. „ 12 John McKay .. .. Injured hand .. .. .. Wellington .. .. Thumb torn off through hand being caught in pulley-block.



Return of Accidents to Waterside Workers reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

Date. Xame of Person injured. I .Nature of Injury : Fatal or otherwise. Place Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury if Inquest held. . " j 1914. Aug. 17 | Patrick Quinn . . .. Fractured leg . . .. .. Wellington .. .. Caused by a sling of timber striking him. „ 17 ; William Whitly .. .. Crushed foot .. .. .. Timaru .. . . . . Glut containing rails fell on his foot. „ 17 | C.Richardson .. .. Bruised legs .. .. .. Timaru .. .. .. Sleepers dislodged from truck by other trucks bumping into it fell on his legs. ,, 18 ! G. Runne.. .. Crushed fingers .. . . Greymouth .. .. Caused by sling of timber in hatch. „ 21 Thomas Moody .. .. Fractured leg .. . . j Wellington . . .. Caused by a bale of flax falling on him. „ 26 Ross Tait.. . . .. Concussion .. . . . . Wellington .. .. Struck by falling sling of chaff on s.s. " Pateena." „ 26 O. Johnson . . .. Crushed fingers .. .. .. Lyttelton . . .. Caused by a fall of timber. „ 26 William Lobb . . .. Fractured ribs . . .. .. j Westport . . .. Fell down hold. Sept. 3 C. Charlwood . . . . Shock .. . . .. | Wellington . . .. Fell into hold. „ 3 L. Cagle .. .. .. Crushed finger .. .. j Lyttelton .. .. j Whilst working s.s. " Kaituna." „ 11 C. Stuart .. .. .. Sprained ankle .. . . . . Bluff .. . . .. j Fell off truck. „ 12 T. Cunliffe .. .. Crushed fingers .. .. .. Greymouth . . . . Landing iron in truck. „ 14 Martin Bryne . . Injured head .. .. j Wellington .. .. Struck by a basket of coal. „ 18 : E. Marchant .. .. Injured hand .. . . .. j Wanganui .. . . Got his hand jammed in a bullrope and tee-iron. ,, 19 | W. Bryne.. .. .. Bruised leg .. .. .. I Greymouth . . . . Slipped when boarding ship. Oct. 1 I John White . . . . Fatal .. . . .. . . \ Wellington . . .. Caused by falling down hold. „ 1IC. Chenery . . .. Injured head . . .. . . Lyttelton .. . . Struck by a basket of coal. „ 3 j John Sayther .. .. Bruised ribs .. .. .. : Wellington .. .. Fell into harbour. „ 7 P. Ball .. .. . . Broken thumb .. .. . . Greymouth .. .. Caused by sling of timber against tunnel. „ 16 F. Kettenburg .. . . Injured foot .. .. ... Lyttelton . . . . Knocked from truck on to wharf. „ 16 McBride .. .. .. Injured leg .. .. .. Greymouth .. .. Caused by falling on thwartship beam. Nov. 6 J. Ripley .. . . .. Injured wrist .. . . . . Dunedin .. . . .. Whilst working cargo. „ 19 Edward Nelson .. Contused arm .. .. .. Wellington .. .. Slipped and fell against hatchway. „ 26 J. Larder.. . . . . Injured head . . . . .. | Wanganui . . .. Caused by a fall from ship's side to wharf while coaling. „ 28 R. Read .. . . .. Injured head . . .. .. | Wanganui .. .. Struck by a basket of coal while coaling. Dec. 7 J.Williams .. .. Injured arm .. .. Westport .. .. Caused by a sling of cargo falling on front of hand- truck causing handles to strike him. „ 8 F.Smith .. .. .. Injured arm and thigh .. .. j Lyttelton .. .. Fell off staging 25 ft. ,, 14 j G. Halsey . . .. Injured thighs .. .. .. Lyttelton .. . . Crushed between two trucks. „ 18 | Charles Stagg .. .. Broken leg .. .. .. Bluff .. .. .. Caused through stack of bags of sugar falling in truck. „ 23 I C. J. Wood . . .. Fatal .. . . .. .. Wellington .. .. Crushed between two trucks. „ 31 T. Cornish . . Injured eye .. .. .. Lyttelton .. .. Struck in eye by piece of wood used in packing. 1915. Jan. 7 James Hay . . .. Injured knee .. . . . . Lyttelton .. .. Slipped between a row of sacks. „ 15 James Lewis . . . . Crushed foot .. .. . . Wellington .. . . Caused through a bag of sacks falling on him. „ 15 Ernest Loveridge .. . . Injured foot . . . . New Plymouth . . .. Through sleeper slipping and rolling on to foot. „ 21 | John Duncan .. .. Lacerated finger .. .. . . New Plymouth .. .. Whilst working cargo. Feb. 1 | Jose Jackson . . .. Killed .. . . . . Dunedin .. .. .. Fell down hold. Verdict : Accidental, no blame attachable to any one. „ 2 ! George Fisher .. .. Injured foot .. .. .. Lyttelton .. . . Whilst traversing wagons his left foot was injured by being caught under the brake. „ 11 : H. W. Martin .. .. Fatal .. .. .. .. Bluff .. .. .. Run over by railway-truck during shunting operations. Died on way to hospital. Mar. 5 ; George Newport . . Broken leg .. .. .. Wellington .. .. Sling of wool swung against his leg, knocking him up against another bale and breaking his leg. „ 8 i S. Heywood .. .. Bruised head, body, and legs .. Timaru .. .. .. Bale of wool fell off truck on to deck of " Petone." Heywood fell with it, landing on the bale. Injuries slight. „ 12 | G. Walin .. .. .. Injured wrist and knee .. .. Lyttelton .. .. Knocked out of truck through faulty working of ship's gear. „ 15 F.Taylor.. .. .. Fractured thigh .. .. .. Lyttelton .. .. Sling of manure fell on him. „ 15 ! E. Furness .. .. Bruised head .. .. . . Greymouth .. .. Caused by timber falling out of sling. „ 23 Herman Rather . . .. Broken nose and collarbone .. Wellington .. .. Was struck by some timber which slipped from a sling.



Return of Convictions of Seamen, etc., for Offences against the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, under Proceedings taken by Masters and Others, reported to the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

9— H. 15,

-Same of Person. Position held. Ship. Particulars of Offence, Ac. Conviction Penalty imposed. Abrahamson, J. .. .. j O.S. .. I Remuera .. j Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 29/1/15 One month's imprisonment. Alfrido, W. .. .. Fireman .. j Hamley .. „ .. .. •• .. .. ] 10/11/14 i Placed on board. Anno, A. .. .. A.B. .. .. Verdala .. j Absent without leave .. •. .. .. I 10/12/14 ; Convicted and placed on board. Baker, H. .. .. Fireman .. j Arawa. .. j „ .. .. .. .. 1 2/10/14 Fined £1 7s. Baker, S. .. .. : Corinthic .. Drunk and disorderly .. . • .. .. 30/9/14 Fined £1 10s. and 10s. 6d. medical expenses. Bartell, J. .. .. „ • - „ • ■ j „ .. ■ • - ■ .. 30/9/14 [ Fined £2. Benson, W. .. .. | „ •• I Arawa ..I Absent without leave .. •• .. .. j 2/10/14 j Fined £1 7s. Bollard, J. .. .. „ • • j Corinthic .. j Drunk and disorderly .. .. .. .. 30/9/14 i Fined £2. Boyle, F. .. .. „ • • Delphic . .. I Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 3/7/14 Fourteen days' imprisonment. Buckley, W. .. .. A.B. .. • • Ruahine .. Absent without leave .. • • .. . ■ 12/10/14 Fined one day's pay. Burnecle, A. .. .. Fireman .. Turakina .. „ .. .. .. .. 25/7/14 Three days' imprisonment; placed on board. Burrows, W. .. .. Trimmer .. Orari .. .. ,, .. .. .. .. 4/9/14 Wages forfeited. Capara, L. .. .. A.B. .. .. Combermere .. Absent without leave and assault .. .. .. 28/7/14 Twenty-four hours'imprisonment. Carstein, E. .. .. Fireman .. Ruahine .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 11/3/15 Fined 7s. and returned to ship. Chambrias, C. .. .. j Greaer .. Orari .. .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 6/3/15 One month's imprisonment. Cheshire, E. .. .. Fireman .. Flora .. .. j Disobeying lawful commands .. .. .. 6/7/14 Fined £5 and costs 3s. 6d. Chisholm, D. .. .. J ,, Mimiro Absent without leave ■■ •• ■■ 28/1/15 Fined £5 10s. and costs £1 10s. Cleverly, F. .. .. „ .. Pakeha • • ! » ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ • 5/11/14 ; Fined one day's pay. Collins, J. .. .. „ Ruahine .. j „ .. .. .. .. 21/10/14 j Convicted and placed on boat. Collopy, M. .. .. A.B. Kapuni .. Refused to obey orders .. .. .. .. 21/5/14 | Fined £1 10s.; and forfeit two days'pay. Condzitt, F: .. .. Fireman .. Hamley .. Stowaway .. .. .. .. .. 12/11/14 Five hours'imprisonment. Connelly, E. .. .. ,, .-. Ngakuta .. Disobeying lawful commands .. .. .. 26/6/14 Fined £1. Coombes, H. T. .. .. J Deckhand .. Waimana .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 7/4/14 ; One month's imprisonment. Cooper, J. .. .. Fireman .. Ruahine .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 5/11/14 Fined one day's pay. Dimsky, A. .. .. • • Star of New Zaa- ,, .. .. . . .. 11/12/14 Fined two days' pay. land Ellison, W. .. .. O.S. .. .. Arawa .. ,, .. .. .. .. 14/8/14 Fourteen days' imprisonment. Eltensen, L. .. .. Trimmer .. Pakeha .. ,, .. .. .. .. 5/11/14 j Fined one day's pay. Ericksen, C. M. .. .. A.B. .. .. Turakina .. Desertion .. .. .. 6/7/14 j Fourteen days'imprisonment. Erola, O. .. .. . .. Verdala .. Absent without leave .. .. ■. • ■ 10/12/14 | Convicted and placed on board. Fannon, T. .. .. Fireman .. Buteshire .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 6/3/15 : Seven days' imprisonment. Foley, B. .. .. A.B. .. .. Corinthic .. ,, .. .. .. .. .. 26/3/15 j One month's imprisonment. Fulton, J. .. .. : Fireman .. Tongariro .. Absent without leave .. .. .. 27/5/14 | Seven days'imprisonment and put on board. Garrett, W. .. .. I ,, .. Ruahine .. „ .. .. .. .. 7/10/14 ' Fined 7s. and forfeit two days' pay. Garrett, W. .. .. J „ .. „ .. „ .. .. .. .. 11/3/15 Fined 7s. and returned to ship. Gibbs, D. .. .. O.S. .. .. Anglo-Brazilian .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 2/2/15 Fourteen days' imprisonment. Glancy, M. .. .. Fireman .. Jlimiro .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 29/1/15 ; One month's imprisonment. Graham, F. .. .. „ .. Kapuni .. Refusing to obey orders .. .. .. .. 21/5/14 Fined £1 10s. and forfeit two days'pay. Granger, E. .. .. „ .. Ruahine .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 21/10/14 ; Convicted and placed on board. Hamm, S. G. .. .. Steward .. Westmeath .. „ .. .. .. .. 25/5/14 Fined 12s. 4d. and placed on board. Hartigan, W. P. .. .. Quartermaster .. Delphic .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 24/8/14 j Pay costs. Harvey, J. • ■ .. A.B. .. .. Ruahine .. Absent without leave .. .. •. •. 12/10/14 Fined one day's pay. Hasan, A. .. .. „ .. .. Renioustriint .. „ .. .. .. .. 20/4/14 j Fourteen days' imprisonment. Hatch, W. .. .. Fireman .. Corinthic .. Obscene language .. .. .. 30/9/14 Fined 10s. Hayter, J. .. .. A.B. .. .. Makarere .. Disobeying lawful commands .. .. .. 28/1/15 Fined £2 and law-costs 7s. Holland, T. .. .. Fireman .. Kapuni .. Refusing to obey orders .. .. .. .. 21/5/14 Fined £1 10s. and forfeit two days'pay.



Return of Convictions of Seamen, etc., for Offences against the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, under Proceedings taken by Masters and Others, reported to the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1915— continued.

Name of Person. Position held. ' Ship. | Particulars of Offence, <£c. CiSviction Penalty imposed. . - | . | Hornsby, A. .. .. Fireman .. Delphic .. | Desertion .. .. .. .. .. I 3/7/14 Fourteen days'imprisonment. James, A. .. .. „ .. Corinthic .. Drunk and disorderly .. .. .. .. | ! 0/9/14 Fined £1 10s. and 10s. 6d. medical expenses. Jasper, W. .. .. „ .. Whakatane .. Stealing ship's stores .. .. .. .. 9/6/14 I One month's imprisonment and forfeit £1 from wages. Jenkins, A. .. .. „ .. Rakaia .. Absent without leave . • •. ■. ■ - 4/12/14 I Fourteen days. Jessop, C. .. .. „ .. Whakatane .. Stealing ship's stores .. .. .. .. 9/6/14 j One month's imprisonment and forfeit £1 from wages. Johansen, J. .. .. A.B. .. .. Renioustriint .. Absent without leave • • • • .. .. 20/4/14 I Fourteen days' imprisonment. Johansen, J. .. .. Trimmer .. Pakeha .. „ .. .. .. .. 5/11/14 Fined one day's pay. Johansen, D. .. .. A.B. .. .. Hollington .. „ .. .. .. .. 16/5/14 Seven days' imprisonment. Jones, E. .. .. Fireman .. Corinthic .. Drunk and disorderly .. .. .. .. 30/9/14 Fined £2. Jorgensen, J. .. .. A.B. .. .. Hollington .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 16/5/14 Seven days' imprisonment. Keddy, W. .. .. „ .. .. Renioustriint .. „ .. .. .. .. 20/4/14 Fourteen days' imprisonment. Lancefield, R. .. .. j Fireman .. Pakeha .. - ,, .. .. - .. .. 5/11/14 Fined one day's pay. Lawton, H. .. .. ] „ .. Star of Victoria.. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 7/10/14 Fourteen days' imprisonment. t Lees, J. .. .. A.B. .. .. Matatua .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 27/3/15 Fined 7s. costs and placed on board. Lemmens, L. .. .. j Trimmer .. Pakeha .. Disobeying lawful commands and absent without leave.. 23/4/15 Three days'imprisonment and fined 7s. costs. Linehan, W. J. .. ..I ,, .. Marere.. .. Broaching cargo .. •• -. ■■ 25/7/14 : Three months'imprisonment. Linstead, A. .. .. O.S. .. .. Arrino .. Disobeying lawful commands .. .. .. 12/10/14 Fined £1 7s. or forty-eight hours' imprisonment. Lloyd, R. .. .. Fireman .. Delphic .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 10/7/14 Seven days'imprisonment and put on board. Logan, R. .. .. ,, . . Buteshire .. ,, .. .. .. .. .. 24/2/15 Fined 7s. costs of Court. Malone, E. .. .. ,, .. Tokomaru .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 8/12/14 Fined 5s. Martin, A. .. .. „ .. Norfolk .. Refusing duty .. .. . . .. .. 19/5/14 j Fined 14s. Martin, A. .. .. „ .. ,, .. Disobedience .. .. .. .. .. j 19/5/14 Fined 7s. Martin, P. .. .. „ .. Mapourika .. Obscene language and assault .. .. .. 7/4/14 Fined £4. McCarthy, E. .. .. ,, .. Delphic .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 10/7/14 Seven days'imprisonment. McCoy, I. .. .. A.B. . . .. j Athenic .. „ .. .. .. .. 8/4/14 Fined 13s. 8d. costs and put on board. McDonald, J. .. .. Fireman .. i Haniley .. Evading boat fare .. .. .. .. 29/10/14 Fined £1. McGuire, J. .. .. ,, .. j Corinthic .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 16/3/15 ; Fourteen days' imprisonment. Mclntyre, C. .. .. ,, .. Flora .. .. Disobeying lawful commands .. .. .. 6/7/14 Fined 5s. and costs 3s. 6d. McKechnie, A. .. .. ,, .. Wirral .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 8/2/15 One month's imprisonment and fined £5 6s. 6d. McKechnie, A. .. .. ,, .. I ,, .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 28/1/15 Fined two days'pay. MeKenna, J. .. .. Greaser .. j Waihora .. ,, .. .. .. .. 5/12/14 Fined £3 0s. 4d. and placed on board. McNamara, P. .. Trimmer .. ; Wahine .. Assault .. .. .. .. .. .. 2/5/14 Fined £2 7s. McNeil, T. .. .. A.B. .. .. ! Ruahine .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 12/10/14 Fined one day's pay. Melville, G. .. .. Fireman .. j Corinthic .. „ .. .. .. .. 12/2/15 Fined 7s. costs. Meskill, J. .. .. Greaser .. j Waihora .. Obscene language .. .. .. .. .. 5/12/14 Fourteen days' imprisonment. Meskill, J. .. .. ,, .. i ,, .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 5/12/14 . Fined 7s., conviction. Meskill, J. .. .. „ .. „ .. „ .. .. .. .. 5/12/14 Fourteen days' imprisonment. Moran, M. .. .. „ .. I Mamari .. „ .. .. .. . . 14/12/14 Twenty-four hours' imprisonment. Morris, Thomas .. .. Fireman .. : Ennerdale .. Disobeying lawful commands .. .. .. 12/3/15 Fined 7s. costs and solicitor's fee £1 Is. Mule, G. .. .. „ ,.| Corinthic .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. j 22/3/15 One month's imprisonment. Murton, H- .. .. „ .. Opawa .. ,, .. .. .. .. . . 1/10/14 Placed on board. Newton, W. .. .. „ .. | Tahiti .. .. „ .. .. .. .. .. 14/9/14 Convicted and discharged. Newton, W. .. .. Seaman .. i ,, .. ,, .. .. .. .. .. 6/8/14 Convicted and discharged. Newton, W. .. .. „ .. „ .. Assault .. .. .. .. .. .. 22/7/14 Fined £5 or one month's imprisonment. Niemi, K. H. .. .. ,, .. Pampa .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 11/1/15 One month's imprisonment. Nilsen, N. .. .. A.B. .. .. | Action .. „ .. .. .. .. ... 9/10/14 Fourteen days with hard labour.

H.— 16


O'Donnell, W. .. .. Fireman .. Opawa.. .. I Evading boat fare.. .. .. .. .. 7/10/14 Fined £1. Patterson, W. .. •. Seaman .. Morning Light .. I Disobeying lawful commands .. .. .. 6/3/15 Fined £1. Paulsen, F. .. A.B. .. .. Kaeo .. .. Assault ... .. .. .. .. .. 9/10/14 Seven days'imprisonment, hard labour, and fined 7s. Quinn, j. .. .. Fireman .. Corinthie .. Drunk and disorderly .. .. .. .. 30/9/14 Fined £1 10s. and 10s. 6d. medical expenses. Bead, 6. .. •• „ .. Opawa.. .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 1/10/14 Placed on board. Kendall, R. • - • • .. Arawa .. .. Absent without leave .. . ■ . ■ •. 2/10/14 Fined £1 7s. Rice, G. E. .. .. „ .. Turakina .. „ .. .. .. .. 25/7 /14 Three days' imprisonment and put on board. Richardson, Y. .. .. Trimmer .. Marere.. .. Broaching cargo .. .. •• •• •• 25/7/14 Three months'imprisonment. Roberts, E. .. .. Fireman .. Opawa.. Evading boat fare.. .. •• •• 7/10/14 Fined £1. Robertson, L. G... •• ■ Quartermaster .. Delphic .. Broaching cargo .. .. •• -■ 29/7/14 Fined £3 and 15s. expenses. Roche, P. .. • • Fireman .. Hamley .. Assault on high seas on engineer . • .. .. 20/10/14 Convicted and discharged. Roche, P. •• . . j „ .. „ .. „ on 3rd officer .. .. .. 20/10/14 Fined £5 or one month. Rudder, T. .. .. I „ .. Ngakuta .. Disobeying lawful commands .. .. .. 26/6/14 Fined £1. Samuelson, A. .. A.B. .. .. Indrabarah .. Broaching cargo .. .. ■ • .. .. 13/6/14 ( Seven days' imprisonment and fined 12s. Scott, W. .. .. Fireman .. Rimutaka .. Absent without leave . • • • ■ ■ .. 13/6/14 j Fined one day's pay and 7s. costs. Sims, J. W. .. .. „ .. Pakeha .. „ .. .. .. .. 5/11/14 Fined one day's pay and 7s. costs. Sims, T. .. •• A.B. .. .. Orari .. .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 1/10/14 Seven days with hard labour. Slater, H. .. . • Fireman .. Arawa .. .. Absent without leave .. • ■ .. .. 2/10/14 Fined £1 7s. Smith, A. .. .. „ .. | „ .. „ .. .. .. .. 2/10/14 Fined £1 7s. Smith, J. .. : „ •• Tongariro .. „ .. .. .. .. 27/5/14 Seven days'imprisonment and placed on board. Sorensen, N. .. ... A.B. .. .. j Renioustriint .. „ .. .. .. .. 20/4/14 Fourteen days' imprisonment. Stewart, W. .. Fireman ... . Arawa.. .. „ .. .. .. .. 2/10/14 Fined £1 7s. Stocks, H. ■■ Ruahine .. „ .. .. .. .. 21/10/14 | Convicted and placed on board. Stone, J. •• .. I „ .. | El Cordobes .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 22/3/15 One month's imprisonment. Stone, J. •• " "I ® emuera •• » •• •• 22/3/15 One month's imprisonment. Strathmere, W. R- ■ • Steward .. . Manuka .. Assaulting chief steward .. .. .. .. 1/6/14 Fined £5 or seven days' imprisonment. Thorn, W. .. .. Fireman .. Whakatane .. Stealing ship's stores .. .. .. .. 9/6/14 One month's imprisonment. Trainer. J. .. • • O.S. .. .. Westmeath .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 31/3/15 Seven days'imprisonment and 7s. costs. Trott, G. • • • • Fireman .. Waihora .. Absent without leave .. . • • ■ •. 5/12/14 | Fined £3 0s. 4d. and placed on board. Tuck, J. • • • • A.B. .. .. Matatua .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 26/3/15 | Seven days' imprisonment. Turner, T. .. . ■ j „ ... •- i Alexander .. Broaching cargo .. .. •• •• ■ • ] 29/7/14 Fined £3 and 15s. expenses. Turner. T. .. .. Fireman .. ; Opawa.. .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. j 1/10/14 Placed on board. Veyanoff, R. •• j I Star of New Zealand Disobeying orders .. .. .. .. | 11/12/14 Two days'imprisonment. Walden. J. .. .. A.B. .. .. Verdala .. Absent without leave .. .. -. •. 1 10/12/14 Convicted and placed on ship. Wallbridge, J. •• Indrabarah .. Broaching cargo .. .. .. ■■ .. 13/6/14 Seven days'imprisonment and fined 12s. Walsh, T. P. .. Fireman .. Corinthie .. Absent without leave .. .. •• 13/2/15 Seven days'imprisonment. Wanters, A. .. .. Trimmer .. | Pakeha .. Disobejing lawful commands and absent without leave 23/4/15 Three days'imprisonment and 7s. costs. Watson, A. .. Fireman .. j Buahine .. Absent without leave .. .. .. -. 11/3/15 Fined 7s. costs and returned to ship. Watson, J. .. - ■ „ ■ • I Corinthie .. Drunk and disorderly .. .. .. .. 30/9/14 Fined £2. Webb, C. • • • • I ,, • - : Waihora .. : Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 5/12/14 Fined £3 0s. 4d. and placed on board. Wendicott, E. .. ,, .. 1 Ruahine .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. | 20/10/14 Remanded to Wellington. Wendicott, E.. .. .. I „ ■■ „ • - j Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 22/10/14 Fined £3 8s. Whall. W. .. - ■ ! ,, . ■ Remuera .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 9/3/15 One month's imprisonment. Whiting, T. F. .. „ • • I Ruahine .. ! Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 22/10/14 Fined £3 8s. Whiting, T. F. .. „ - - j „ .. j ,, -. .. .. • ■ ■ • 7/10/14 Fined 7s. and forfeit two days' pay. Wickstone, J. -• „ - • [ Somerset .. j Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 26/1/15 One month's imprisonment . Wickstone, J. .. - - » •• » •• j „ •• ■■ •• •• 8/1/15 One month's imprisonment. Wilson, J. .. .. j „ •• Ruahine .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 11/3/15 Fined 7s. and returned to ship. Wire, P. .. - ■ | A.B. .. .. Renioustriint. .. j ,, .. .. .. .. 20/4/14 Fourteen days' imprisonment. Woodstock, M. .. •• j Fireman .. . Flora .. .. Disobeying commands .. .. .. .. 9/4/14 1 Fined £1 7s. and placed on board.


Return showing the Notices to Mariners relating to Matters within the Dominion issued by the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1915.


Port or Place. Subject of Notice. Akaroa Harbour Auckland Harbour TT • ■ II • ■ TT • • TT • • IT • • IT • • TT • • TT • • TT ■ • TT • - TT • • TT ■ • TT • ' TT Bluff Harbour .. .. French Pass Gisborne Golden Bay Greymouth Hokianga TT Kaipara Harbour Light on balcony of boathouse. Gridiron, Julians wall. Western tide-deflector. Fog-signal, Queen's Wharf. Wreck off King's Wharf. Takapuna Wharf light altered. Rangitoto Channel, cable : Prohibited anchorage. Erection of beacons, Tamaki River Dredging, Nelson Wharf. Pile-driver off Orakei Wharf. Dredging, Queen's Wharf. Takapuna Wharf light discontinued. New wharf lights. Time-ball signal arrangements. Dredging Nelson Street basin. Time-ball arrangements. Erection of beacon off Dcvonport Sandspit. Dredging off Queen's Wharf. Western tide-deflector. Chevalier Point beacon down. Erection of beacon off Dcvonport Sandspit. Slipway, Freeman's Bay, light and dolphins. Devonport Sandspit beacon. Devonport Sandspit beacon, erection complete! . Dredge-mooring buoy. Tide-signals. Removal of beacon in entrance channel. Breakwater light. Breakwater light. Buoy off Terakohe Wharf. South breakwater staging broken away. Bar-channel shoaled. Bar shoaled. Bar shoaled. Bar-soundings. Helensville River light replaced. Bar-channels. Lighted and whistling buoy oil harbour entrance. Lighted and whistling buoy off harbour entrance removed for cleaning. Berthing-signals, breakwater harbour. Discontinuance of semaphore guiding-signals. Erection of beacons. Erection of beacons. Erection of beacons. Time service arrangements. Errata : Tallies for azimuth great circle sailing and reduction to the meridian, " New Zealand Nautical Almanac," and " Modern Up-to-date Navigation,' by 11. S. Blaekburne. Shoal off Motunau or Table Island. Examination anchorages. Public traffic regulations. Relighting of harbour and coastal lights. Rock off Kahurangi Point. Errata: "New Zealand Nautical Almanac" for 1914. "New Zealand Nautical Almanac" for 1915 issued. Blackburnc's "Azimuth Tables": Use in examinations authorized. Hauraki Gulf, Channel Island light. Beacon light in Otago lower harbour. Amended bearings of leading-lights. Taiaroa Head fog-signal. Havelock, new beacons. Demolisliing old Railway Wharf. Discontinuance of green light at end of old wharf. Half-moon Bay: Buoy incorrectly charted. Half-moon Bay: Buoy moved. Wharf light. Leading-lights, Tapu Creek. Harbour closed for traffic. Anchorage buoy, Worser Bay. New leading-lights. Western breakwater, obscuration of signal-station lights. Western breakwater light. Lyttelton TT Napier Harbour New Plymouth Harbour.. New River New Zealand coast TT • • TT • • Otago Harbour TT ■ • Pelorus Sound Picton Stewart Island TT • • Tauranga Thames Wairau Harbour Wellington Harbour Westport Harbour TT ■ •



Return showing the Orders in Council which have been issued during the Year ended the 31st March, 1915.

Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1914. April 3 i, 6 „ 7 8 Fixes royalty to be paid for shingle, sand, &e., taken from foreshores. Amends Order in ('ounoil making regulations as to ships being provided with wireless-telegraphy apparatus, Makes provision for the election of certain members of the Wanganui Harbour Board. Makes provision with respect to the representation of the County of Waitematajand the Borough of Takapuna on the Auckland Harbour Board. Approves plans of bridges ovor Hingaia and Whangamaire Streams, and authorizes Karaka Road Board to construct. Licenses Northern Steamship ('ompany (Limited), to use and occupy part of foreshore of Mahurangi River as site for wharf for fourteen years. Revokes license of Waikawa Sawmilling Company to occupy foreshore, Waikawa Harbour. Makes regulations re, control and management of certain wharves in Kaipara Harbour under the control of the Otamatea County Council, and prescribes thwtt and rates for the use of the said Approves plan M.D. 4268 of works in connection with deepening the Waipapakauri River, and authorizes and licenses Mangonui County Council to construct such works in accordance with said plan. Approves plan M.D. 4234 of protection-works which the Wanganui Borough Council proposes to carry out at Taylorvillc, and authorizes the Council to oonstruot such works in accordance with the said plan. Approves plan M.D. 4258 of wharf which the Napier Harbour Board proposes to construct to the eastward of the breastwork in the Iron Pot, Napier, I ubject to the condition that Board accepts fuU responsibility for the stability of the structure. Approves plan M.D. 4242 of boat-shed and s#p which Mr. George Wicks proposes to erect on foreshore at Purakanui. Licenses Mr. George Wicks to occupy foreshore at Purakanui as site for boat-shed and I lip. Approves plan M.D. 4271 of concrete retaining-wall for Mangonui County Council. Appoints Commission to inquire into and report as to system of canals and inland waterways and other transport improvements in Auckland District. Validates election of Jacob Marx as member of New Plymouth Harbour Board. Validates election of Newton King and Ebenezer Maxwell as members of New Plymouth Harbour Board. Approves plan M.D. 4266 of Whakatane harbour-improvement works. Amends regulations for election of members of Harbour Boards by electors of combined districts. Approves plan of wharf for Waikato County Council at Rangiriri. Licenses Waikato County Council to occupy foreshore at Rangiriri, Waikato River, as site for wharf. Approves plan of wharf and shed for Waikato County Council nt Whangamarino Falls, Whangamarino River. Licenses Waikato County Council to occupy foreshore on Whangamarino River as site for wharf. Amends regulations as to ships being provided with wireless-telegraphy apparatus. Revokes Order in Council extending time for election of member of Lyttelton Harbour Board by combined district of Counties of Tawera, Malvern, &c. Fixes royalty for removal of shingle, sand, &c, from foreshores, and revokes Order in Council of 3rd April, 1914. Licenses Rangiora Timber ('ompany to occupy site at Hokianga for stacking timber. Declares a portion of the foreshore of Arapaoa River, in Kaipara Harbour, to be an oyster-fishery wherein Maoris only may take oysters for their own food. Appoints W. S. Short, Esq., to be a Commission to inquire into and report as to the construction of a bridge called the " Lincoln " over Hutunuru Creek, and as to construction of other bridges over navigable creeks in the upper Auckland Harbour. Approves plans of launch-landings for Auckland Harbour Board alongside Quay Street breastwork, between Hobson Wharf and Ferry Wharf, Auckland Harbour. Approves plans of Waitemata County Council's bridge over Helensville River, Kaipara Harbour, and authorizes Council to construct bridge. Approves plans of scow-landing for Auckland Harbour Board on each side of Devonport. Wharf at Devonport. Authorizes Tauranga Borough Council to construct a line in connection with its hydro-electric scheme along foreshore of Waikareao Estuary, as shown on plan M.D. 4197, and approves plan M.D. 4197. Approves plans marked M.D. 4294 of works which Wanganui Harbour Board proposes to carry out. Approves plan M.D. 4303 of turning-basin in Wade River for Pukeatua Road Board, and authorizes Board to carry out work. Approves plan of boat-shed for James Macandrcw on Papanui Inlet. Licenses James Macandrcw to occupy foreshore, Papanui Inlet, as a site for boat-shed. Makes life-saving appliances rules for ships. Extends close season for oysters at Nelson up to the 7th September, 1915. Approves plan M.D. 4302 of bridge for Waikato County ('ounoil over Mangawara Stream, and authorizes County Council to carry out work. Revokes rent charged for wharf-site at Tokomaru Bay. Approves plans of structures for T. P. Lane, G. T. Clendon, Sidney Cooper, T. Hartley and Son, and A. S. Andrewes and Son on foreshore, Rawene. Licenses Andrewes and Son, T. P. Lane, G. T. Clendon, S. Cooper, and Hartley and Son to occupy foreshore at Rawene as sites for buildings. Licenses Leyland-O'Brien Timber ('ompany (Limited) to occupy foreshore, Mill Creek, Whitianga Harbour, as site for timber-booms. Approves plan M.D. 4280 of timber-booms for Leyland-O'Brien Timber Company (Limited) on Mill Creek, Whitianga Harbour. Makes general harbour regulations for British armed merchant ships. Approves of removal of coal-staiths at Westport being carried out by Railway Department, at cost of Harbour Board. Approves plans of road which Public Works Department proposes to oonstruct at Opua, Bay of Islands. Licenses W. Russek, of Waiwera, to occupy foreshore and to reclaim such land. Approves plan M.D. 4317 of temporary launch-landings which the Auckland Harbour Board proposes to construct on the western side of " The Ferries " in Auckland Harbour. Approves plans M.D. 4310 of repairs to fishermen's wharf at Helensville and authorizes Board to carry out work. 25 28 28 May 13 18 18 18 18 18 22 22 22 22 22 30 June 1 1 1 I 8 8 8 23 23 July 7 7 7 7 13 20 27 27 27 27 27 August 3 10 10 10 10 10 24 31 „ 31 31 Sept. 7 ,, 7


Return showing the Orders in Council issued, etc. — continued.


Date of Order. Purpose of Order. Purpose of Order. r-urposo or uraer. 1914. Sept. 14 14 14 Vests management of wharf at Onawe, Duvauehelles, Akaroa Harbour, in Akaroa County Council. Approves plan of John Connolly's wharf at Miritu Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound. Licenses Mr. John Conolly to occupy foreshore at Miritu Bay, Queen Charlotte|Sound,fas site for wharf. 14 14 14 21 21 21 Approves plans of wharf for Hobson County Council at Scarrots, Kaipara Harbour. Licenses Hobson County Council to occupy foreshore at Scarrots, Kaipara Harbour, as site for wharf. Makes by-laws under the Harbour Act, 1908, in regard to licensing of boats plying for hire. Approves plan M.D. 4297 of wharf for R. W. Wells at Wakatahuri, Sounds County. Licenses R. W. Weils to occupy foreshore at Wakatahuri, Sounds County, as site for wharf. Licenses Otamatea County Council to occupy foreshore at Hukatero, Wairoa River, as site for a roadmetal hopper. Approves plan M.D. 4298 of road-metal hopper which Otamatea County Council proposes to erect at Hukatere on Wairoa River. Vests management of Mill Wharf, Dargavillc, in Hobson County Council. Approves plan M.D. 4278 of extension which Hobson County Council proposes to make to Mill Wharf, at Dargaville. Approves of additional machines and tools being procured for railway workshops at Westport at a cost of £1,500, and also approves of extension to lifting and tarring shop at Westport Railway Workshops at a cost of £425 to be carried out by Railway Department at cost of Westport Harbour Board. Approves plan M.D. 4326 of a boat-shed which Wellington Model Yacht Club proposes to erect in Evans Bay, Wellington Harbour. Approves plan M.D. 4325 of an additional slip which Mr. James Jones proposes to con: tract at Balena Bay, Wellington Harbour. Authorizes the construction of bridges over Meola and Motions Creeks. Authorizes deviation in construction of the Motukaraka Wharf, approves the plan making the modification, and licenses the Hokianga County Council to carry out the work. Approves plans of extension of No. 1 wharf which the Timaru Harbour Board proposes to carry out. Approves plans of a wharf which Messrs. T. Borthwiek and Sons propose to construct on the Waitara River. Revokes the license authorizing the Pelorus Refrigerating Fisheries and Supply Company (Limited) to use and occupy part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark at Forsyth Bay, Pelorus Sound, as a site for a wharf. Licenses the Akaroa County Council to use and occupy foreshore at Akaroa as a site for a boat-slip. Approvos plans of boat-slip which the Akaroa County Council propose to erect at Akaroa. Licenses the Akaroa County Council to occupy foreshore at Robinson's Bay, Akaroa, as a site for wharf and also as a site for reclamation for road to the said wharf. Approves plans of wharf which the Akaroa County Council proposes to erect at Robinson's Bay, and also a reclamation for a road. Extends the time for the Commission appointed to inquire into and report on the bridge over the Lincoln Creek and as to the construction of other bridges in upper Auckland Harbour. Approvos plans of additions to the wool-jetty which the Wellington Harbour Board proposes to construct. Approvos plans of the training-wall which the Wairau Harbour Board proposes to construct. Approves plans of a store which Mrs. E. J. Cooper proposes to erect at .Horeke. Licenses Mrs. Elizabeth Josephine Cooper to use and occupy land below low-water mark at Horeke, as a site for a store. Licenses the Kauri Timber Company (Limited) to occupy foreshore at Te Kopuru as sites for wharves, and prescribing dues for their use. Approves plans of a launch-landing which the Auckland Harbour Board propoi es to construct in Manukau Harbour. Approves plans of extension to breakwaters which the Patea Harbour Board proposes to construct. Approves plans of dredging proposed to be carried out by the Whangarei Harbour Board. 21 21 21 21 21 21 28 28 October 5 ,, 5 Nov. 2 16 16 16 16 Dee. 1 I 1 21 22 21 22 22 22 1915. Jan. 12 12 1.9 19 Approves plans of wharf for Messrs. Lichtenstein, Arnoldson, and Co. at Putiki Bay, Waiheke. Licenses Messrs. Lichtenstein, Arnoldson, and Co. to occupy foreshore at Putiki Bay, Waiheke Island. Makes provision for the representation of the Waipukuraii County on the Napier Harbour Board. Licenses Messrs. A. W. Cheeseman, M. Munro, and H. Norman, as trustees for inhabitants of the district to occupy foreshore at Te Hapua, Parongaronga Harbour,-as site for a wharf. Approves plans of wharf which Messrs. A. W. Cheeseman, M. Munro, and H. Norman as trustees for inhabitants of district propose to erect at Te Hapua, Parengarenga Harbour. Appoints W. S. Short, Esq., to be a Commissioner to inquire into and investigate the working of the Wellington Harbour Board Empowering Act, 1910, so far as it affects one Robert Pitcaithly. Makes regulations under the Fisheries Act, 1908, re stalling on mud-flats in Kaipara Harbour. Approves plan of road which Otahuhu Borough Council proposes to construct across the tributaries leading into Manukau Harbour near Otahuhu Railway-station. Fixes closing of poll on election day for certain combined districts for members of Lyttelton Harbour Board. Approves plans M.D. 4387 of a new wharf at Westport to replace portion of coal-staiths which is being taken down. Approves plan M.D. 4379 of Waitemata County Council's Wharf at Shelley Beach, Kaipara Harbour. Licenses Waitemata County Council to occupy foreshore at Shelley Beach, Kaipara Harbour, as site for wharf. Makes a regulation under section 13 of the Harbours Amendment Act, 191.0, as amended by section 14 of the Harbours Amendment Act, 1914, re exercise by attorneys of voting-papers on behalf of payers of dues or owners of British ships at election of Harbour Board members. Approves plans M.D. 4364 and 4386 of an effluent pipe-line which Nelson Bros. (Limited) propose to lay from their freezing-works on Taruheru River to the sea. Appoints a Commission to inquire into Auckland Harbour Board by-laws. Makes provision for the representation of certain districts on the Lyttelton Harbour Board. Makes regulations as to licenses for taking tohoroa at Kaipara, on the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand. Prohibits the export of vessels, boats, and craft. 19 26 26 Feb, 6 6 13 22 22 22 22 24 March 2 9 9



Return showing the Orders in Council issued, etc. — continued.

Return showing the Number of Land Boilers and Machinery Inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1915. Boilers.

Machinery. Class. Number. Hydraulic lifts ... ... ;.. ... ... ... ... 264 Gas-lifts ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 37 Electric lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 424 Steam-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 95 Oil-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Gas, hydraulic, and electric-motor hoists ... ... ... • ... 371 Water-engines, water and electric motors, and water-wheels ... ... 2,940 Peltons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 248 Turbines ... ... ... ... ... ... 128 Gas-engines ... ... ... ... ... .. ... 1,650 Oil-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,870 Steam machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 Total ... ... ... ... ... 117053 Return showing the Number op Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding, Locomotive and Traction, and Stationary Engine Drivers, and to Electric-tram Drivers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1915. Class. Number. Steam stationary— Service—First class .. .. .. .. .. 13 Competency— Extra first class .. .. .. . . . . .. 1 First class .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 Second class .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 224 Steam winding, competency .. .. .. .. .. 18 Electric winding, competency .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 Locomotive and traction, competency .. .. .. .. 144 Electric tram., competency . . . , . . . . . . 81 525

Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1915. larch 12 Approves plan M.D. 4394 of storage tank which the Patea Borough Council proposes to construct in connection with proposed sewage system. Approves plan M.D. 4393 of M. A. Harding's Wharf, Gumstore Creek Kaipara. Licenses M. A Harding to occupy necessary foreshore at Gumstore Creek, Kaipara, as a site for a wharf. . Revokes licen- anted to G. J. Smith to occupy foreshore at Oruawharu River, Kaipara, as a site foi wharf. 25 25 25 25 25 Approves plan of market house for Native inhabitants of district of Rawene. Licenses Heremia Te Wake, Kahi Tipene, Moki Mitikakau, and Hohepa Heperi, as trustees for Native inhabitants of district to occupy foreshore at Rawene as site for market homo. Licenses Hokianga Meat Supply Company (Limited) to occupy foreshore at Rawene as site for store. Approves plan M.D. 4402 of a store for the Hokianga Meat Supply Company, at Rawene. Approvos plan M.D. 4044 of Otago Harbour reclamation, and authorizes Otago Harbour Board to reclaim the land. Approves plan of launch-moorings which Auckland Harbour Board proposes to erect alongside launchlandings in Quay Street. Approves plan M.D. 4398 of stone wall which Auckland Harbour Broad propoi es to con; tract in St. George's Bay, Auckland Harbour. Approvos plan of landing-stage which Leyland-O'Brien Timber Company (Limited) propoi-es to erect on foreshore at Custom Street West, Auckland Harbour. Approves plan of dolphins and training-pier which Auckland Harbour Board propoi es to erect at its 600-ton slipway, Freeman's Bay. Amends regulations for the election of members of Harbour Boards. 25 25 29 29 29 29 29 29

Class. Not exceeding 5 Horse-power. Excoeding 5 but not exceeding j 10 Horse-power. Exceeding 10 Horse-powor. Total. stationary ... 'ortable 2,467 180 939 1,287 2,085 440 5,491 1,907 Totals 2,647 2,226 2,525 7,398



Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1915.

Same and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. . 1 ! * I Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company (Li- ; Worsted-drawing .. F. H. Finnie ; 16 years .. 3rd April, 1914; fingers lost .. Finnie's left hand was caught between the rollers. His forefinger mited), Mosgiel and part of second finger were crushed, and had to be amputated. New Zealand Paper-mills (Limited), Paper-mill .. 1 S.J.Allan; 39 years .. 6th April, 1914 ; thumb lost .. Allan's right thumb came in contact with the revolving scraper of Auckland j the rollergang, and was taken off. McLeod, Weir, and Hopkirk, Wellington Buzzer .. .. Donald McLeod ; 37 years .. 15th April, 1914; fingers lost .. When planing a piece of timber it jumped and McLeod's left hand slipped and came in contact with the knives, causing the loss of the forefinger and thumb. Robert Holt and Sons, Napier . . Planing .. .. Fred Lord ; 35 years .. 21st April, 1914 ; wrist injured .. Lord was freeing the side head of the machine when his wrist was gashed by one of the knives. William Cook, Palmerston North .. 1 Wood-working .. R. Belk ; 21 years .. .. 23rd April, 1914 ; hand injured .. While working the carriage of a jointer Belk put his hand into a hand-hole on the bed-plate, and as the carriage ran forward his hand was caught and cut. L. D. Nathan and Co. (Limited), Auck- Electric lift .. F. Cunningham ; 16 years .. 23rd April, 1914 ; head injured .. When the lift was in motion Cunningham put his head over the land lift to call an employee in the basement. His head was caught between the lift and gate, his scalp and jaw being injured. Gregory Bros., Auckland .. .. Gas-engine . . John Mathews ; 21 years .. 23rd April, 1914 ; head injured .. Mathews went into the engine-room while the engine was in motion. His overcoat was caught in the belt-pulley and he was dragged about, receiving several bruises and a cut on his forehead. F. Cooper (Limited), Wellington .. Electric lift .. C. Blake ; 15 years .. .. 28th April, 1914 ; body injured .. The lift was set in motion by another lad in the cellar. Blake hurriedly got on the lift while it was in motion. A brick archway over the entrance caught him about the groin, and he received a fractured pelvis and internal injuries. New Zealand Paper-mills (Limited), Paper-bag .. Doris Little ; 16 years .. 5th May, 1914; fingers injured .. When cleaning up, Little attempted to pull a piece of paper from Auckland the machine, and got the third and fourth fingers of her right hand crushed between the rollers. Andersons Limited, Christchureh .. Emery grinder . . David Blyth ; 48 years . . 13th May, 1914 ; hand injured . . Blyth was grinding a plate ,- it caught in the machine and flew out, cutting his hand. Sims Bros., Newmarket .. .. Circular saw .. G. W. Sims ; 29 years .. 20th May, 1914 ; hand injured .. Through not looking at his work, Sims's left hand came in contact with the saw, causing the loss of three fingers. James Mann and Co., Dunedin .. Boring .. . . Sydney Jones ; 18 years .. 26th May, 1914 ; finger injured .. The middle finger of Jones's left hand was caught in the socket for holding the drill, and was cut open. Cossens and Black (Limited), Dunedin.. Steam-hammer .. William Criek ; 40 years .. 28th May, 1914 ; finger injured .. Through Crick's left hand getting too far forward on the swage the descending hammer crushed his middle finger. Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Boiler . . .. Charles Rose ; 33 years .. 29th May, 1914 ; head injured .. While Rose was slicing the fire under the boiler a backward rush Export Company (Limited), Inver- of flame and hot gases from the furnace scorched the right side cargill of his neck, face, and head. Alexander Harvey and Sons (Limited), Flanging . . A. Keep ; 16 years .. .. 2nd June, 1914 ; finger injured .. While Keep was feeding the machine the first finger of his right Auckland hand was caught and crushed. D. K. Whyte, Auckland .. .. Circular saw .. D. K. Whyte ; 49 years .. 6th June, 1914 ; finger injured .. When Whyte was picking up chips behind the saw his finger touched the saw and was lacerated. Phoenix Company (Limited), Dunedin .. Chocolate -mixing Maud Cotton ; 22 years .. 11th June, 1914 ; finger injured .. Cotton used a piece of wood to lift out the chocolate, and the kettle third finger of her left hand was caught in the mixer and injured.



10— H. 15.

« A. J. Entrican and Co. (Limited), Auck- j Electric lift .. ; James Thompson ; 21 years .. 13th June, 1914 ; leg injured .. When empty cases were being carried on the lift one of them land caught on one of the floors and caused the others to press against Thompson, who was knocked down. His leg projected over the edge of lift, was caught between the floor and the lift, and was broken at the thigh. Otago Daily Times and Witness News- Electric lift .. Frank Larking ; 67 years .. 13th June, 1914 ; leg injured .. Larking was about to send down a case, when the lift caught and paper Company (Limited), Dunedin then fell with him, causing compound fracture of his right leg. ! Wellington Technical School, Wellington ! Lathe .. .. H. Boocock; 17 years .. 15th June, 1914 ; hand injured .. Instead of using the lathe-rest Boocock had the shank of the drill between his fingers. The drill went slightly off the centre, jammed in the hole, and injured the palm of his hand. P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christ- Circular saw .. William Tebay ; 62 years .. 15th June, 1914 ; fingers injured.. While sawing wood Tebay's fingers came in contact with the saw, church the index and third fingers of his right hand being cut. McLeod, Weir, and Hopkirk, Wellington Planer .. .. W. Hendriksen; 48 years .. 16th June, 1914 ; fingers injured .. Hendriksen tripped over a board and put out his hand to save himself. His right hand was caught by the knives of the machine, the thumb and end of little finger of right hand being severed. Alexander Harvey and Sons (Limited), Tin-stamping press Arthur Cloke ; 16 years .. 17th June, 1914 ; fingers injured .. The article Cloke was stamping slipped from the die and caused Auckland the forefinger of his right hand to come under the press. His finger had to be amputated. George and Jessie Cook, Petone .. Saw-stave jointer .. E. Donald ; 32 years .. 18th June, 1914 ; finger injured .. Donald's right hand slipped and the second finger was cut by the machine. Wellington Woollen Manufacturing Com- Carding .. .. Albert Savory; 23 years .. 22nd June, 1914; arm injured .. When working at the machine Savory's left arm was caught in pany (Limited), Wellington the belt and crushed between the belt and the pulley. H. D. Preston, Invercargill . . .. Buzzer .. .. Alfred Harris ; 33 years .. 24th June, 1914 ; fingers injured.. Whilst Harris was planing a piece of wood it jumped off and his left hand came in contact with the knives, three fingers being injured. P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christ- Guillotine .. David Kerr; 27 years .. 30th June, 1914 ; finger injured .. Through Kerr neglecting to block up the quadrant while workchurch ing, the top of the middle finger of his left hand was taken off by the cogs. Moore and Mitchell, Timaru .. .. Steam-mangle .. Nellie Pendrick ; 22 years .. 7th July, 1914 ; hand injured .. Pendrick's hand passed the guard on the mangle and was crushed between the rollers. Christchurch Meat Company (Limited), Mincing .. .. John Moffatt; 22 years .. 9th July, 1914 ; arm injured .. When Moffatt was feeding the machine his left arm came in conIslington tact with the knives, the arm being severed between the elbow and the wrist. Andersons Limited, Christchurch .. Cold-iron saw .. B. Cocks ; 18 years .. .. 9th July, 1914 ; thumb injured .. Cock's left thumb was caught between the cog and the frame, the top of the thumb being severed. McArthur, Millikin, and Co. (Limited), Drilling .. .. Leo Mann ; 17 years.. .. 15th July, 1914 ; finger injured .. The first finger of Mann's left hand was caught in the pinion on Kaiwarawara top of the machine, and was severed. Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company (Li- Loom .. .. Nellie Rolfe ; 36 years .. 15th July, 1914 ; head injured .. The shuttle flew out of the loom and struck Rolfe on the forehead, mited), Mosgiel Leyland-O'Brien Timber Company (Li- Bevel-gearing of saw Joseph Richards ; 40 years .. 16th July, 1914 ; finger injured .. Through inattention Richards's finger was crushed in the bevel mited), Auckland wheels. P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christ- Drilling .. .. Fred Robertson ; 18 years .. 21st July, 1914 ; finger injured .. The middle finger of Robertson's right hand was caught in the church cog-wheel and severed. McLachlan and Wright (Limited), Dun- Circular saw .. S. Gillan ; 24 years .. .. 22nd July, 1914 ; fingers injured .. Gillan used his left hand instead of a piece of wood to push the edin timber through the saw, part of his thumb and first finger being severed. R. G. Spiers, Invercargill .. .. Dome mudgqard- James Cull; 20 years .. 22nd July, 1914 ; arm injured .. Cull's shirt-sleeve was caught in the cog-wheels and his arm was bending strained. James Macalister (Limited), Invercargill Boring .. .. John Macpherson ; 18 years .. 25th July, 1914 ; finger injured .. When Macpherson was placing one of the bars on the table it fell on its side and crushed the tip of one of his fingers. New Zealand Paper-mills (Limited), Paper-mill .. P. E. Lingard ; 30 years .. 27th July, 1914 ; side injured .. When Lingard was shifting the clutch on the machine the lever Auckland flew out and crushed his side.



Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery, etc.— continued.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident, and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Hewetson and Teeee, Awa .. .. Portable engine .. Arthur Stringer; 43 years .. 3rd August, 1914 ; knee injured .. While Stringer was oiling the main-crank shaft of the engine he slipped on to a flat bar of iron and cut his knee. James Macalister (Limited), Invercargill Rolling .. .. S. B. Batchelor; 15 years .. j 4th August, 1914 ; fingers injured When angle-iron wheel-rims were being rolled Batchelor's hand was caught between the iron and the roller, three fingers being injured. Wanganui Steam Laundry Company, Wringer (power- Mary Nixon ; 40 years .. i 10th August, 1914 ; fingers injured When Nixon was placing clothes in the machine her fingers were Wanganui driven) caught in the rollers and bruised. Murrays Limited, Underwood .. Guillotine • • Hugh McLeod ; 16 years .. : 21st August, 1914 ; nail injured .. McLeod was cutting tin into strips when his finger got under the knife. Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch .. Biscuit-cutting .. George Davidson ; 21 years .. | 2nd September, 1914 ; fingers cut When working about the cutters Davidson's right hand came in contact witi the knives, the tips of three of his fingers being cut. William Jones, Grovetown .. .. Chaff-cutter .. JohnWratt; 21 years .. 16th September, 1914 ; fingers in- Wratt was wearing a leather glove which was caught in the rollers. jured His hand was drawn across the knife, four fingers and the point of the thumb of his left hand being severed. Sam Aburn and Sons, Dunedin . . Planer .. .. Charles Lowery; 25 years .. 1st October, 1914; fingers injured While pushing timber into the machine Lowery's left hand slipped and came in contact with the knives, three fingers having to be amputated. G. S. Day, Maungatautari .. .. Oil-engine .. Mary H. Hicks ; 7 years .. 23rd October, 1914 ; scalp injured] The girl climbed on the bails, and put her head through between the milk-tray and the shaft. Her hair was caught on the shafting and her scalp completely torn off. Isaac Stevenson, St. Leonards .. Gold-dredge .. E. Donaldson; 35 years .. 24th October, 1914 ; eye injured .. While the gauge-glass was being tested it burst and a piece struck Donaldson, cutting his left eye. P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christchurch Shearing .. A. Sadler; 40 years .. .. 9th November, 1914 ; nail injured When Sadler was cutting sheet-iron the material twisted and jammed his middle finger against the knife, causing the nail to be torn off. The Phoenix Company (Limited), Dunedin Biscuit-cutting .. E. C. Prattley ; 16 years .. 9th November, 1914 ; fingers in- Prattley was cleaning dough from the cutters while in motion jured when two fingers of his right hand were crushed by the cutter. The Devonport Steam Ferry Company Shafting (driven by Richard Lean; 38 years .. i 20th November, 1914 ; arm injured Lean was standing on a ladder and oiling the bearings of the (Limited), Auckland gas-engine) I shaft when he fell to the floor of shed and broke his arm. The Greymouth Evening Star and Pub- Printing .. .. John Greengrass ; 39 years .. ; 25th November, 1914 ; fingers in- The paper bunched in passing through the machine, and instead lishing Company (Limited), Greymouth j jured of tearing the paper off, Greengrass tried to push the lump through the rollers. His hand was caught and three of the fingers injured. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Planing .. .. Robert Lange ; 24 years .. 7th December, 1914 ; leg injured .. Lange's left leg was crushed between the moving table and the bridge of the machine. Lane, Walker, and Rudkin (Limited), Hydro-extractor .. W. P. Walker; 31 years .. 11th December, 1914 ; arm injured Walker was holding the slack pulley and refilling the grease-cup Ashburton when the machinery was in motion. His hand came under the belt of the fast pulley and he was thrown over the shaft, his arm being broken. William Cable and Co., Kaiwarawara.. Steam-crane .. J. Tollan ; 50 years .. .. 18th December, 1914 ; arm injured When working at the crane Tollan's left arm was caught in the cog-wheels and lacerated. The Steel Construction Company (Li- Angle shears .. William Little ; 40 years .. 18th December, 1914 ; finger in- The middle finger of Little's right hand was caught by the lever mited), Auckland I jured of the machine and severed at the first joint. P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christ- Punching .. 1". Chapman ; 33 years .. 24th December, 1914; throat in- A piece of the punch broke off the machine and struck Chapman church jured on the windpipe, causing a cut about Jin. long.



Ross and Glendining (Limited), Bunedin Worsted-spinning .. Ruth Webb ; 21 years .. 6th January, 1915 ; scalp injured While sitting near the shaft Webb's hair fell down and was caught on the shaft, her scalp being torn off. S. Kirkpatrick and Co., Nelson .. j Tin-stamping press j Peter Matthews ; 18 years .. I 8th January, 1915 ; fingers injured j Matthews' left hand was caught in the press, the forefinger and thumb being severed. S. Kirkpatrick and Co. (Limited), Nelson Circular saw .. j George Woolletts ; 25 years .. 8th January, 1915 ; hand injured When cutting a board Woolletts's left-hand came in contact with the saw and was cut. C. Collett and Sons, Makarewa .. Traction-engine .. i J. H. Collett; 25 years .. 12th January, 1915 ; hand injured Collett's right hand was caught in the speed-wheel and crushed. The Golden Bay Cement Works (Limited),; Screwing .. 1 George Tucker; 36 years .. 26th January, 1915 ; thumb injured While Tucker was screwing bolts the spanner slipped and Ms Tarakohe thumb was crushed between the cogs. Bunedin Engineering and Steel Company j Rail-bending .. j Thomas Money ; 40 years .. 26th January, 1915; foot injured .. Money's left foot slipped and came in contact with the driving(Limited), Bunedin i j gear and was crushed. Bryant and May, Bell and Co., Welling- Matchmaking .. I William Buff; 15 years .. 1st February, 1915 ; hand injured Buff's hand was caught in the sprocket-chain and lacerated. South | Leyland-O'Brien Timber Company (Li- Rip saw .. .. William Soulter; 43 years .. ! 3rd February, 1915 ; hand injured Soulter was reaching over the saw to remove a piece of timber mited), Auckland I j ! when his left hand touched the saw and was badly cut. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Bunedin .. j Turret lathe .. Robert MoAuliffe ; 16 years .. 4th February, 1915 ; thumb injured McAuliffe's right hand slipped and his thumb got under the chuck of lathe and was bruised. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Bunedin .. j Screwing .. James McBride ; 15 years .. 11th February, 1915 ; arm and McBride's right arm was caught by the chuck of the lathe, his shoulder injured arm being twisted and his shoulder bruised. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Bunedin .. ' Brilling .. .. Sidney Williams ; 16 years .. 16th February, 1915 ; internally ; While Williams was drilling holes he was caught in the material, j _ injured thrown under the planer, and injured internally. Waitemata Sawmill Company, Freeman's Buzzer .. J. Chaplin; 45 years .. 5th March, 1915; finger injured .. When Chaplin was brushing shavings off the machine his little Bay finger touched the knives and was cut off at the first joint. Isaac Stevenson, St. Leonards . • Gold-dredge .. A. James ; 36 years .. .. 19th March, 1915 ; heel injured .. While James was putting a new side line on winch-barrel he had one foot on the frame to keep the rope even, when the pinion caught his heel and cut it. The Steel Construction Company (Li- Radial drilling .. A. Given ; 14 years .. .. 19th March, 1915 : arm injured .. Given was shifting a steel plate when the stud holding the drill mited), Auckland in its socket caught his sleeve, and his arm was dragged against the spindle and bruised and lacerated. Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Li- Crushing and grind- — Beecher; 45 years .. 22nd March, 1915 ; shoulder injured When leaning over to put the belt on a moving pulley the collar mited), Auckland ing of his coat caught between the belt and pulley, his shoulder being dislocated. The Christchurch Meat Company (Li- Refrigerating .. P.H.Thompson; 32 years .. 25th March, 1915 ; finger injured.. Through inattention the third finger of Thompson's left hand mited), Islington came in contact with the moving part of machine and was cut and bruised. Phoenix Company (Limited), Bunedin Lozenge-dough .. R. Elliott; 21 years .. 29th March, 1915 : finger injured.. Wliile Elliott was feeding dough into a machine his finger was caught in the rollers and bruised.



Return of Fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1915.

Name and A. ddress of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. ! ' ' j H. C. Gibbons and Co. (Limited), Wei- Electric lift .. Stephen Alderton ; 20 years .. 14th May, 1914 ; fatal .. . . It is presumed that Alderton put his head out of the door as the lington lift-carriage was passing through the third floor, and was caught by the ceiling and knocked down to the floor of lift. New Zealand Sulphur Company (Li- Sulphur-refining re- John L. Williams ; 33 years .. 18th May, 1914 ; fatal .. . . Through the bursting of a sulphur-retort. mited), Auckland tort James Blyth. Temuka . . . . Circular saw . . F. A. Wurm ; 52 years .. 13th February, 1915 ; fatal . . While sawing wood a piece bumped off the saw and struck Wurm in the abdomen, causing internal injuries which resulted in his death. The National Bank of New Zealand, j Electric lift . . Miss M. E. Dewes ; 24 years .. 26th March, 1915 ; fatal .. Miss Dewes was stepping from the cage at the second floor of the Auckland building, when the cage suddenly dropped and crushed her between the floor of the building and the roof of the cage. 1 I * !



Return of Engineers to whom Extra First-class Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1914, to the 31st March, 1915.

Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1914, to the 31st March, 1915.

Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1914, to the 31st March, 1915.

'.SS oi ■erti 'cate : Extra First-class Stationary, Competency. Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Ibert Siddall .. December 16th, 1914 90

] ass of 'erti, 'icate: in ■it-CA lass Stationary, Service. Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Name of Pemrm. Date of Issue. Wo Pcroy Thornton James Donaldson Andrew McDougall John Kennedy John Patrick Farroll Albert Thomas Couohe Stevans Charles Eustace 1914. May 6 July 28 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 William Lai-kin Ellery Frank Harris James Peter Anderson William Kerr McLean Charles Gartside David Alexander Head 1914. .. Oct. 15 .. Dec. J 6 1.915. .. Mar. 22 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 ,, Aug. 14 1733

Class of Certificate : First-t <,ss Stationary, Competency. Name of J?eiwm. Datri of I w „ Issu.. j Vo - I Wam.ofV.-on. ~' Date of Issue. No. John Arthur Liversedge. Ernest Dodgsou Charles Arthur Perry Fred Barclay John Connolly Lindsay Joseph McCaffrey Alexander Dunne John Austin Anderson Albert Victor Fairey John Henry Campbell William Fleming Peter Christian Hoisel Petersen Nicholas Power George Francis Grant Metcalf Israel Blackburn Gilbort Alexander Gillies Noah Hingley David Patton William John Kirker George Patton David Telfer 1914. .. May 6 j 1690 „ 1691 1692 • .. j „ 1693 .. ] May 14 1694 1695 .. July 28 1696 .. Aug. 14 1697 „ 1698 1699 „ 1700 „ 1701 1702 1703 1704 „ 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1914. George William Brown .. .. Oct. 15 Thomas Huthersal Sebastian Goode . . „ David Alexander Henderson Hay .. ,, Herbert Palmer .. .. .. j Dec. 16 Walter William Gaiger .. .. „ James Jackson .. .. .. „ John Harlon . . . . .. | ,, Percy Clyde Payne.. .. .. j „ Frederick Charles Bettjemann .. „ Robert Jope Gibb .. .. .. „ Walter Zealand Walker .. .. ,, Ralph Matthews .. .. .. ,, Richard Pengelly .. .. ... „ Thomas Lidbelter Cooper .. .. „ 1915. George Warner Jackson .. . . Mar. 22 Joseph Bergin .. . . Edward Matthews .. .. .. „ Charles Elliott Lavers .. .. „ William Robert BendalJ .. .. ,, Charles Tcnnant .. .. .. „ 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730



Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st april, 1914, to the 31st March, 1915. Class of Certificate: Second-class Stationary, Competency.

Name of Person. Date of jt Issue. JN0 - Name of Person. Date of w. Issue. ! Wo - 1914. .lames Leask .. .. .. May 6 4017 Hugh Guthrie .. .. .. '„ 4018 James Oliver Hall .. ,. „ 4019 Walter Paterson Easton .. .. „ 4020 Harry Adkins .. .. .. „ 4021 Rowland Wilfred Langdown .. „ 4022 Robort John Wilson .. .. „ 4023 Edward George Alexander .. .. ,, 4024 Georgo Smith .. .. .. „ 4025 Ambrose Soagrave .. . . .. ,, 4026 Nicol Burns .. .. .. 4027 James Collins .. .. .. „ 4028 Harold Herbert Finn .. .. „ 4029 John Henry Taylor .. .. „ 4030 James Thompson .. .. .. ,, 403.1. Alexander McLeod . . .. „ 4032 Ernest Lionel Levert . . .. „ 4033 Charles Wators Lynch .. .. ,, 4034 Henry Truefitt Pearcy . . .. „ 4035 Joseph Currington .. . . .. „ 4036 John Rood .. .. .. „ 4037 James Andrew Crompton .. ... „ 4038 Wallace William George Reeves Hans- ,, 4039 ford Joseph Kilpatrick .. .. .. ,, 4040 George Langtry Maginness .. ,. ,, 4041 Adam Hamilton Meharry .. .. „ 4042 William McLachlan .. .. „ 4043 David Reid .. .. .. „ 4044 Walter Smith .. .. .. „ 4045 Samuel Tarver .. .. .. „ 4046 CarlUstallo .. .. .. „ 4047 Mark Wallaoe .. . . .. „ 4048 John Phillip King McKay . . .. „ 4049 John Houlihan .. .. .. „ 4050 John Alexandra- Falconer .. .. „ 4051 George William Smith .. .. „ 4052 Charles Stephen Weston .. .. „ 4053 Walter Manson .. .. .. „ 4054 Donald .Alexander Robertson .. „ 4055 Richard Henry Wray .. .. „ 4056 Alexander Eraser .. .. .. „ 4057 Henry William Keeble .. . , „ 4058 Thomas Atkinson .. .. .. May 14 4059 Richard Aulsebrook .. .. „ 4060 Herbert Campbell .. .. .. „ 4061 William Thomas Dick .. .. „ 4062 Anthony Stewart Leslie Fagan .. „ 4063 Georgo Howarth .. .. .. j „ 4064 William Arthur Mason .. .. „ 4065 Thomas Henry McKogg . . .. ,, 4066 Donald McRa'e .. .. .. „ 4067 Morten Jorgon Martinus Nielsen .. „ 4068 Robert William Renals .. .. „ 4069 Robort Sanderson .. .. .. „ j 4070 Henry Hector Worthington .. „ 4071 William Parker .. .. .. „ '• 4072 Thomas Hunter .. .. .. „ 4073 Samuel Simmons .. .. .. I ,, , 4074 John Charles Stancliffe .. .. „ j 4075 Norman James Climie Maodonald .. July 28 j 4076 Arthur Leonard Eason . . .. „ : 4077 Leslie John Hall .. .. .. „ 4078 Frederick William King .. .. „ 4079 Edmoud Mark Power . . .. „ 4080 Edwin Barnsley .. . . .. „ 4081 William Aokland .. .. .. „ 4082 Albin Russell Durbridge . . .. „ 4083 Sydney John Sapsford .. .. „ 4084 David Archibald Cowan .. .. ,,' 4085 William Bailey .. . . .. „ 4086 William Goorge Wyeth .. .. „ 4087 Reginald Alfred Tyler . . .. „ 4088 Herbert Springall Stratford . . .. „ 4.089 Thomas Branton .. .. .. „ 4090 Andrew Linton . . .. .. „ 4091 Bernard Hammersley .. .. „ 4092 George Dickson .. .. .. „ 4093 David Thomas King .. .. Aug. 14 4094 Sidney Smith Waide .. .. „ 4096 Frank Roy Barber Elgie Edward Corner Alfred Cressweller Groom Henry George Morgan j Leo Percy Bennett Percy Victor Stott William Ireland Hulme Henry Underbill White George Clarke Gilbert Benjamin Curnow Henry Samuel Dick Ivan Clifton Funncll David Edward Henry Hollis Ashley Roy Whelham David Wood William Alexander Adams Joseph Clyde Crequor William Duncan .. John Charles Findlay Thomas Frederick Jago James Macilree Harry Areda Andrew Stirling Johnson James Andrew McCall William Daniel Parkes I Frank Reginald Silby .. 1 Walter Wheeler Walter Charles Porter Alexander Shand Karl Wilhelm Otto Lauert 1 Frederick Walter Cook Georgo Halden Cook James Doolcy Edwin Poster Harry Parker Harry Wood Robert John Shaw James Cochrane David Lloyd Kendriok Joseph Patrick Ransley Kenneth Archibald James Thompson Charles Dowie Begg Eric William Rutherford Sydney Frederick Board Lawrence Gordon Culpan John Handley Burns Francis Charles Fleming Robert Girven Robort Percy Kershaw Robert Robson Pringle Frank Ramsay Charles Ryan Alexander Taylor Andrew Te Mihi Thomas Shaw William Henry Jebb John Alexander Bethune Brown Frank BrowningHenry Hazelwood Giles David Sawers McQueen William Nicolson Robert Smith Robert Cuthbert Nairn David McKinlay Stephen Charles Feredine Lancaster .. Henry Hughes Robort Williamson Donald Cameron Bertram Browning Leonard Price George Allan Bowker Avon Elthorpe McAlley Frederick Newman Thomas Beange Kenneth Oliver Campbell James Charles Dean John Rowe Eden Stevens William MeKenzie William Edward Andrew 1914. Aug. 14 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 41.29 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 1143 4144 '. 4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 41.56 4157 4158 Oct. 16 4159 4160 4161 4162 Dec. 16 i 4163 4164 . 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 I 4172 ! 4173 4174 I 4175



Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers, etc. — continued. Class of Certificate: Second-class Stationary, Competency —continued.

Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1914, to the 31st March, 1915. Class of Certificate: Locomotive and Traction, Competency.

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Name of Person. Date of w . Issu.. No - 1914. Herbort Sydney Bull .. .. Dec. 16 4176 Erie Hamilton Clark .. .. „ 4177 Kenneth Malcolm Forsyth .. .. ., 4178 Lawrence Herbert George Gwillium .. „ 4179 Benjamin Leon Jerome .. .. ,, j 4180 George Henry Cross .. .. .. j 4181 Amos Henry Garbett .. .. ., 4182 Percy Holloway .. .. .. ,, 4183 Andi-ow Smith' .. .. .. „ 4184 William Cowin Christian .. .. „ 4185 Adam Stein .. .. .. ., 4186 Samuel Baird . . .. . . ., 4187 Edgar Colson .. . . . . .. 4188 Maloolm MoDonald .. .. „ 4189 j Charles Finlay McGeohie .. .. ,, 4190 Benjamin Porter Rawoliffe .. .. .. 4101 George Scott .. .. .. ., I 4192 Harold Ivo Silby . . .. .. I „ II93 Sydney Joseph Tidswell .. ,, 4194 Francis Ivo Tukc .. . . .. ,, 4195 John Oats .. .. .. „ '4196 Patrick Soullion .. .. .. „ 4197 1915, Alexander Russell .. .. .. Mar. 22 4198 David Hill .. .. .. „ 4199 Charles Gover Stockley .. .. ,, 4200 Frederick Vincent Stoddard Cottorill „ 4201 Joseph Byatt .. .. „ 4202 John Bailey McClure . . . . „ 4203 Bernard Harry Goldsmith .. .. ,. 4204 James Johnstone .. .. . . .. 4205 Frederick John Bullard Crampton .. ., 4200 Arthur Joseph William Byron .. i „ 4207 Hedley Hubert MoKerrow .. William Robert Nairn Henry Albeit Scott James Shea Boyd Alexander Coulter John Steven Doyle Paul Gerhard George Behn Robert William Duncan Harry Tinker Alexander Donald Archer Charles Hope Cowman , John Lewis Latimer I Cornelius Francis Sexton Alexander M'cKinlay Lniril .. Andrew Logan James Weir McLean Alexander McPherson Frederick James Wilfred Tosswill David MoLaohlan Georgo James Harvey Arthur Treadwill Gulliver Francis Joseph Hodgson Adam Dale Hutchison David James Irvine Francis John Christopher Robinson .. Henry Nathaniel Howe Arthur Stanley Rowel] Christopher James Soulless Edward Tippctt George Muir Ward.. .. .; David Edroond Charles James Morn ii , George Hendry 1915. Mar. 22 >» 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240

Name of Person. Date of Issue. Nil. Nam* of Person. Date of Nn Issue. ao - Stephen Herbert Adams Nicholas Fox Jackman Robort Pritohard James Smith John . . Allan Erskine John Johnson Nicholas Power Armand Harold McLachlan Alexander Reid Alfred William McKenzie I 'linrli'.-: Herbcrl Neumann John O'Neill Hiirrap William Hopkins Joseph I Li 11 \- .luck Timmin - William John McLeod William Rendall James John Bullock Frederick Richard Drew Richard John Pullen David Georgo Fullorton William Kean Frederick Charles Cornwell . . Charles Henry Crighton William August Herkt Ernest John Niceol Albert Edward Norman Charles Christie Palmer John Henry Davis Collard . . Frederick Henry Mart in James John Williams James Smeaton Smith Archibald k George Drummond 1914. May 6 May 14 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 Thomas William Bean Thomas Dumbleton Henry Joseph Wilkinson Henry Livingstone | Sidney Ollington. James Reid Lewis Arthur Sigglekow Collingwood Dunbar Chisnall $ I John Coull S Alexander Amos Martin i James Robertson McCurrach William Patterson William Kelly David Clinton John Glass Fred Locker Sydney Worsfold Daniel Grant Dick Charles Jackson Joseph Harris Reginald John James James Connell Frederick William Archer . . Valentine Armstrong James Hugh McMillan James Edward Nioholls William Wilson Richard James Kerr : Ernest Farmery i Herbert Hughes Kenneth Ferris Abbot Edward Stanley Bullock I' Charles Sydney Chambers .. 1914. May 14 July 28 Aug. 14 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 298! 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003

FL -15


Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers, etc. — continued. Class of Certificate: Locomotive and Traction, Competency —continued.

Return of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1914, to the 31st March, 1915. Class of Certificate: Winding, Competency.

Name of Porsou. Date of N Issue. "°' I Name of Person. Date of v,. Issue. So ' Arthur Williams Robert James Warburton William Henry Bray William Rambaum. . Robert Allan .. . . ' Charles Dickson William Mathieson Samuel CoUett John Joseph Stack.. James Wilson Phillip Drummond Anderson George William Brown Charles Athelstan Ryall Thomas Charles Evans Hugh Victor Jermyn Thomas Edward Holley William George Bain ViInm Corbet! Andrew Don Michael O'Keefe Randolph Edward Pearson . . Charles Selman Archibald Stuart Georgo Tate John Alexander Taylor Albert Thompson Frederick Fifield Richard Frederick Andrews .. Frank Hughes Charles William Marsh Ruder Friedrieeh Mehrtens . . Gordon Saunders Peryman . . Albert Charles Small John Thomson Albert Charles Blakemore Patrick Joseph O'Shea James Vincent Cooney John Cecil Foster Henry Sydney Henderson .. Robort Henry Sinclair 1914. Aug. 14 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 Oct. 15 3012 3013 3014 3015 Dec 16 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 i 3026 i 3027 ! 3028 j 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 Dec. 16 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 Alexander John Gillies William Henry Robert McRobic Thomas Lally Henry Edward Berridge Arthur Edwin Hibbs Hugh Patrick Keenan John Muir John Stephen Stevens Alfred Capper William Gwyn David Brown Fea Michael Shanahan Boyd Plank Charles William O'CaUaghan William Patterson Edwin Gordon Eden Victor Stephen Bravo George Charles Henry Clist .. Kenneth Malcolm Forsyth . . William Holmes Henderson John Herrick Benjamin Melville Charles Edward Storer Francis Forsyth Ivan Hayman Timothy Lyons, jun. Joseph Walls Frederick Sydney Ramlose .. William Alexander Nicholson Neil Leslie Nicholson Edward Matthews William Henry Williams Clarence Weeber Markham .. Harry Miles Woolsey Allen, jun. Alfred Fischer Frederick Grimwood .1914. Dec. 16 1915. Mar. 22 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3080 3081 3082 Mar. 22

Name of Person. Date of Issne. .V,i. Name of Person. Date of u„ Albert Ernest Alston Smith .. Charles William Eaddy Thomas Edward Ryall Lionel Gregory Kemp George Henry Hunt Herman Henry Ingerson Arthur Whitaker Alexander Dunne Walter Zealand Walker Walter Foster 1914. May 6 May 14 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 1914. William James Taylor . . .. Dec. 16 526 Edward Turton .. .. .. „ 527 Albert Ernest Ritchie .. .. „ 528 Gilbert Gibson .. .. .. „ 529 Allan Lawrence Stewart .. .. „ ■ 530 1915. Robert Holland Taylor . . .. Mar. 22 ; 531 Robert Sharman Hughes Richardson. . „ 532 Clarence William Welsh .. .. „ ! 533 July 28 Aug. 14 Dee 16 I i I


Return of Electric-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1914, to the 31st March, 1915. Class of Certificate: Electric Winding, Competency.

Return of Electric-tram Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1914, to the 31st March, 1915. Class of Certificate: Electric-tram, Competency.

11— H. 15


Name of P Paul Adams Clifford Thomas Donnelly .. Name of Person. Pe or rso on. "issue 0 ' Na Name of PuKon - 1914. .. Aim-. 14 46 j Thomas William McAuley .. 47 Date of j Issue. 1915. .. Mar. 22 Date of N Issue. j ™° No 48

Name of Person. Date of Issue. I No. Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. 1914. May 18 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 37.1 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 Monty Connolly Bartholomew Davey Peter Eraser John Joseph Harding .lames .Holmes Straw Walter Yates .lames Hal, all Andrew MoCroric Leonard Oswald Roden Andrew Charles Wilson Leslie Raeburn Thomson Arthur Richard Thomas Horace Walter Cook William Henry Graham Frederick John Holberton .. Eric Innes-Jones Ernest William Killick Arthur Porter Percival Stafford White Robert Raymond Huston John Patrick Tohill David Burtcnshaw Anthony Fernandez Thomas Hilary White Alexander Christie Arthur Finnis Knowles John Peterson, jun. Henry Tibbs Arthur Blakeway Philip Henry Davies-Colley .. George William Copsey Stephen Lawrence Eyre Lawrence Patrick Donnelly .. John William Bennett William Edward Belcher John Blackburn Abin Herbert Bruton Albert Canute Dobson Robert Owen Griffiths Robert Leslie Pascoe 1914. .. | Aug. 19 1915. .. Jan. 16 '.'. Mar.' 24 • • ;; • * )» • • ;> William Martin Georgo Maddams Clement Rodin George Edgar Tomlinson Reuben Henry Trewern Charles Raistrick Harold Edwin Blakeway Leslie OITwood Samuel Henderson Cowan . . Robert Cowan Guildford Geoffrey Barlow Almond Alfred John Chorley Claude Simon John Alfred Brooking Reuben Ayres John Charles Waters Robert Anderson Richard Blencowc George Bruce Walter Arthur Bnrbery John George Ruddenklau Clark Lewis Herbert Coe Charles Magnus Cronquist .. James Alfred Edmonds Arnold Edwin Glcnsor George Jones Christopher Kendal WiUiam Lewis Maguirc William Davidson Main Herbert Painter Herbort William Prosser Frederick Charles Whiterod . . Alfred William Adams William Sarsfield Clancy John Eraser Andrew Hannah Edwin James Mills.. William Paine Francis Henry Rainham Andrew Reekie Wilmot Armstrong Aug" 19 7. 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 410 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 )»



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers.

I , . p ,• j a ro r»f Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. p t!T 0 ! Class of Driver required. Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders BoHer M gmem mcnes. are now amended. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Abbott, R. A. .. .. .. .. ] Matata .. .. Dredging.. .. 8 ! Two 9 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Crane and Finlayson, Whangarei. Adams, H. H. .. .. .. .. Thames .. .. „ .. .. 20 8 and 13 .. .. First class .. .. Late Foreshore Gold-dredging Company. Adams Gold-dredging Company .. .. Coromandel .. „ .. 20 „ .. „ .. .. Late Armstrong Gold-dredging Company, Coromandel. Amburys Limited.. .. .. .. Helensville .. Creamery .. 18 9 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Ashley, E., and Son .. .. .. New Lynn .. Tannery .. .. 29 10 .. .. ,, .. .. „ Auckland City Council .. .. .. Auckland .. Pumping.. .. 40 26 and 42 .. First class .. .. ,, » • • •. • • i ,» • • » • • 40 „ .. „ .. .. „ ,, -. .. .. „ .. Road-roller .. 8 8| .. .. Locomotive and traction ,, „ .. .. .. ,, .. Destructor .. 115 Nil .. .. Second class .. .. ,, ,, .. .. .. „ .. Electric light .. 303-5 Two 17, 37£, 21, j First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 31, and 48 „ .. .. .. „ .. Road-roller No. 4 .. 4 6|- and .. Locomotive and traction Late Grey Lynn Borough Council. „ .. .. .. Mount Eden .. Stone-crushing .. 61 11 and 14J .. ; First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. .. „ .. Pumping .. 42 11 and 22 .. „ .. .. xldditional. Auckland Electric Tramways Company .. Auckland .. Power-house .. 123 20, 29f, and 46| .. | „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. 123 ,, i „ „• „ .. Electric traction .. 123 17 and 34, 20, 29f „ .. .. „ and 46^ „ „ .. „ • • „ • • 123 Ditto .. .. I „ .. .. „ „ „ „ .. Power-house .. 123 ,, .. .. „ .. .. Additional. 123 I „ „ „ „ .. 123 i 20, 29J, and 46£ .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. .. -• | ..123! „ .. I • • ! -. „ 123 I „ • - j „ .. „ .. 123 ! • • • • „ .. 123 „ ... .... Auckland Farmers' Co-operative Milk-supply Kyber Pass .. Butter-factory .. 30 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Company Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company .. Southdown .. Freezing-works .. 118 16 and 28, 19 and 28, First class .. .. „ and 8 „ „ .. „ .. | „ .. 118 Ditto .. .. | „ .. .. „ „ „ .. „ .. | „ 84 „ .. „ .. .. Size of cylinder amended. „ „ .. Westfield .. „ 84 „ .. .. j „ .. .. „ „ „ ,, .. „ 84 „ .. .. „ .. .. „ Auckland Gas Company (Limited) .. . . Freeman's Bay .. Gas-making .. 100 Turbines, 50 h.p. .. „ .. .. „ „ „ .. „ 100 „ I .... „ „ .. .. „ .. „ 95 „ .. „ ... .. Additional. „ .. „ .. „ .. I 95 „ „ Auckland Harbour Board .. .. .. Auckland Harbour Suction dredge .. 93 16, 26, and 43, and „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 12 and 24 „ .. .. .. „ .. • „ 93 Ditto .. .. j ,, .. .. „ „ .. .. .. Calliope Dock .. Pumping .. 56 Two 14, two 26 ,, .. .. „ » • • .. • • „ .. „ 56 „ .. „ .. .. „ .. ! ..56 „ .. |



Auckland Harbour Board .. .. .. Auckland .. j Dredge No. 1 .. 65 I 6 and 14, 14 and 24 First class .. .. Additional. „ .... .. ,, .. Dredging.. .. j 10 Two 9 .. Second class .. .. „ „ .. .. .. I . „ .. | Dredge No. 3 .. | 10 „ .. .. „ .. .. „ Auckland Meat Company .. .. .. Westfield .. ( Meat-works .. 51 | 10 .. .. „ .. .. .. Auckland Rimu Timber Company .. .. I Newmarket .. i Sawmill .. .. 34 ! Two .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Bodle Bros. .. .. .. .. Manurewa Street .. j General .. .. 51 5J and 8f .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Bond Bros. .. .. .. .. j Devonport .. ! Timber-mill .. 23 12 .. .. Second class .. .. „ Brett Publishing Company.. .. .. Auckland .. j Steaming .. 61 14J and 13 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. .. ! „ .. | Printing .. .. 35 | 13 and 14J .. „ .. .. Additional. Burns, J., and Co. (Limited) .. .. Onehunga .. j Experimental work 8 j ojandll .. Second class .. .. „ Boyles, David .. .. .. .. Rangataiki Swamp | Flax-mill.. ..I 16 j 9J amd 14f .. First class .. .. „ Carder Bros. .. .. .. .. Ponsonby .. Pottery- works .. 38 11 J .. .. Second class .. .. „ „ .. .. .. .. Helensville .. I „ .. 20 10J .. .. „ .. .. „ .. Hobsonville .. ., .. 20 10J .. .. „ .. .. „ Christie, H. .. .. .. .. Towai .. .. j Hauling logs .. 5 7 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late B. Melville. Clarke, R. O. .. .. .. .. Hobsonville .. Brickmaking .. 74 One 20 and 40 and First class .. .. Additional. 9 i Colonial Sugar and Refining Company .. Chelsea .. .. : Sugar-works .. 168 Four 12, two 18J and „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 16 .. .. J ..! 35 14 and 10 .. .. 38 One 14 and 10 .. „ .. .. 38 14 and 10 „ „ „ .. .. 190 Four 12, two 18£, one „ .. .. „ 16 „ „ „ .. „ 141 Five 16, three 14, „ .. .. Additional. two 22, two 24 Cook, H. F., and Co. .. .. .. Mangamumu .. Boiling-down .. 83 Two .. .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Comrie, James .. .. .. .. Runciman .. General .. .. 5 7 1 .. .. Locomotive and traction I Additional. Devonport Borough Council .. .. Devonport .. Pumping .. 30 24 and 13 .. First class .. .. ,, Direct Supply Furniture Company .. .. Auckland .. Furniture-factory.. i 65 ; 10 and 17 .. „ .. .. „ Donald and Son .. .. .. .. Grey Lynn .. Tannery .. .. I 18 6J .. .. Second class .. .. „ Duder, R. and R. .. .. .. Devonport .. Brickworks .. J 50 14 .. .. 1 ,, .. .. „ Easson Limited .. .. .. .. Kaikohe .. .. Hauling logs .. 8 6and 10 .. Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended. Late H. King. Eclipse Timber Company .. .. .. Morningside .. Timber-mill .. i 25 12 .. .. Second class .. . . Size of cylinders amended. Faithfull and McConnell .. .. .. Nevesville .. Log-hauling .. ! 18 Two 8J .. .. „ .. • ■ Additional. .. j 20 Faucett, G. E. .. .. .. .. Pukekohe .. General .. .. 6 7 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ Ferguson, J. .. .. .. „ .. .... .. 6 8 .. .. ,, .. „ .. ..58 Fraser, George, and Sons .. .. .. Auckland .. Ironworks .. 25 10 and 6-J .. Second class .. .. „ Fraser, C. .. .. .. .. „ .. ..25 Two 4' .. .. ,, .. Late J. M. Robertson. Gammans Limited .. .. .. Wairoa River .. ; Planing-mill .. 45 14J .. .. First class .. .. Additional. Gardner Bros, and Parker .. .. .. New Lvun .. Brickworks .. 56 14Jandl4 .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amftided. ..43 „ .. „ .. .. „ Greig and Bates .. .. .. .. Manawahe .. Sawmill .. .. 20 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Hallett, Thomas .. .. .. .. Te Teko .. .. Flax-mill.. .. 12 Two 8J .. .. „ .. .. „ Henderson and Pollard .. .. .. Mount Eden .. Joinery-works .. 46 12 and 20 .. First class .. .. | ,, Hamilton and Jones .. .. .. Marua .. .. Hauling logs .. 8 7 and 11 .. Locomotive and traction Late S. G. Browne. ,, .. .. .. ., .. .. „ .. 8 7 and 11 J .. „ .. Late Parker and Lamb, Auckland. Hikurangi Coal Company .. .. .. Auckland .. Mining .. .. 25 Two 8J, one 14 . . Second class .. .. Additional. „ .... Hikurangi .. ,, 25 „ ,, . . .. ,, Hine, A... .. .. .. .. Maketu district .. General .. .. 4 4f and 6| .. Locomotive and traction ,,



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

i I Snwer I T>i am eter nf Ovlimlpr* of ! Additional Boilers ; Names of late Owners of Transferred Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. I p f uwi-no i„ t« nf i Class of Driver required. Boilers; and also showing where Size of (Minders j Boiler. ! lncnes. j are nQW amended . AUCKLAND DISTRICT —continued. H.M. Prisons .. .. .. .. j Mount Eden .. \ Stone-crushing .. 1 23Jj Two 8 .. .. j Second class .. .. Additional. Hauraki Reefs Gold-mining Company .. \ Coromandel .. ' Winding .. .. 25 6 and 7 .. .. Winding .. .. Late Union Hauraki Gold-mining Company, Coromandel. « Jagger, Prank, and Co. .. .. .. j Richmond .. Tannery .. .. 43 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Kauri Timber Company .. .. .. | Auckland .. Sawmill .. ... 50 Two 20 and one 16 First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. ... Whitianga .. j Fire-engine .. 24 12 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. „ .. .. .. | Auckland .. Sawmill .. .. 50 Two 20 and one 16 First class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. „ ..50 „ .. | 50 „ .. .. .. i „ .. Hauling .. .. I 23 Two 9J .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. „ .. .. .. j Waipuna.. .. Sawmill .. .. 50 Two 18 .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Lane and Sons .. .. .. .. Lake Ohia .. Hauling logs .. 8 6§ and 11J .. Locomotive .. .. Late M. McLean, Kaiaka. Laurie Bros .. .. .. . . 1 Waikumete .. Brickworks .. 30 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Leyland and O'Brien .. .. .. Auckland .. Sawmill .. .. 36 12J .. .. „ .. .. ,, Manakau Water-supply Board .. .. Onehunga .. Pumping .. ! 25 10 and 16 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ „ .. .. „ .. „ .. 25 „ .. „ .. .. „ Moody and Sly .. .. .. .. Whangarei .. Hauling .. .. 8 Two 6J .. .. Locomotive and traction Late H. Christie. Morningside Quarries (Limited) .. .. Morningside .. „ .. .. 9A Two 8J .. .. „ Additional. „ ,, .. .. ,, .. Quarry .. .. 67 and 13 .. First class .. .. „ Mount Roskill Road Board .. .. Mount Roskill .. Pumping.. .. 28 Two 14 .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended; late J. J. O'Brien. Mount Albert Borough Council .. .. Mount Albert .. Road-roller .. 4 4} and 6J .. Locomotive and traction Additional. „ „ .. .. „ .. Steaming.. .. j 21 5 j .. .. „ „ McLennan, M. .. .. .. Kaiaka .. .. Hauling timber .. 7'4 Two 7 .... „ „ McDonald, G. A. .. .. .. .. I Waimana .. Sawmill .. .. 14' Two 8J .. ... First class .. .. „ .. 12 10 New Waitaia Gold-mining Company .. -.Cuaotunu .. Crushing .. 35 15 .. .. „ .. .. Late Waitaia Gold-mining Company New Zealand Brick and Tile Company .. New Lynn .. Brickworks .. 110 13 and 22 .. ,, .. .. Additional. New Zealand Glue-Tirorks .. .. .. j Onehunga .. Glue-works .. 28 !0 .. .. Second class .. .. „ New Zealand Government Lands Department Rangitaiki Swamp Dredging.. .. 10J Two 9 .. .. „ .. .. „ j „ „ 10i New Zealand Government Mental Hospitals .. Avondale .. Steaming.. .. 30 7 and 9 .. .. „ .. .. „ New Zealand Government (Public Works Depart- Tauranga .. Quarry .. .. 12 Two 8J .. .. „ .. .. „ ment) Ditto .. .. .. .. .. ! „ .. Stone-crushing .. 14 „ .. ,, .. .. „ New Zealand Laundry Company .. .. Auckland .. ; Laundry .. 25 10 .. .. ,, .. .. „ New Zealand Paper-mills .. .. .. Riverhead .. ! Paper-mills .. 52 17 and 34 .. First class .. .. „ .. » ■■ » ..76 Niccol, George .. .. .. .. | Mangere Bridge .. Pile-driving .. 16 Two 9 .. Second class .. .. „ „ .. .. .. .. j Papatoetoe .. : Farm-work .. 4 4f and 7 .. Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended. Northern Coal Company .. .. .. Hikurangi .. j Mining .. 65 Two 10, one 12, two 8 Second class .. .. „ Northern Roller Mills .. .. .. Fort St., Auckland Flour-mills .. 60 12£ and 23 . . First class .. .. Additional. Northern Steamship Company .. .. Hulk" Eure" .. Hoisting .. 25 Two 7 .. .. Second class .. .. 1 Size of cylinders amended. Northern New Zealand Coal and Cement Com- Whangarei .. Coal-mine .. 25 Two 10 .. .. Winding .. .. „ pany Ditto .. .. .. „ .. „ 50 „ .. .. „ .. „



Old Hauraki Gold-mining Company.. .. Coromandel .. j Pumping and winding 25 i Two 8, one 10 .. First and winding .. Size of cylinders amended. Onehunga Sawmill Company .. .. Onehunga .. ; Sawmill .. .. j 22 18J and 15 .. First class .. .. Additional. •• 40, Parker Land and Timber Company.. .. Mechanics Bay .. j „ .. .. 85 20 and 20J .. „ .. .. , „ „ .. .. Auckland .. | „ .. .. 74 22 and 22J .. „ .. . ., Pongakawa Sawmill Syndicate .. .. Kaikokohu .. | „ .. .. 14 Two 9 .. .. Second class .. .. ,, Pukemiro Collieries (Limited) .. .. Pukemiro .. Coal-mine .. 74 10 .. .. „ .. .. „ Rangiora Timber Company .. .. Rangiora.. .. Sawmill .. .. 80 13J and 12 .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Redshaw, J. .. .. .. .. Richmond .. Steaming.. .. 18 8 .. .. ,, .. .. j Additional. Roke Bros. .. .. .. .. Matakana .. Sawmill .. .. 31 14 .. .. „ .. .. „ Ruawai Dairy Company .. .. .. Helensville .. Dairy .. .. 25 10 .. .. .. .. Sutherland, W. .. .. .. Onehunga .. j Tannery .. .. 37 8 and 15 .. First class .. .. „ Suttie Bros. .. .. .. .. j „ .. ,, .. .. 22 10 .. .. j Second class .. .. „ Takapuna Sawmill Company .. .. Takapuna .. Sawmill .. .. 25 llf .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Talisman Gold-mining Company .. .. Karangahake .. Pumping .. 95 18 and 35 .. First class .. .. ! Additional. „ .. .. „ .. „ 95 „ .. ,, .. .. : , Taringamotu Sawmilling Company .. .. Taringamotu .. Sawmill .. .. 40 .. Second class .. .. „ Te Aroha Sawmilling Company .. Wairongomai .. j „ .. .. 17 15 .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Thames Hospital Board .. .. . • Thames .. .. ! Steaming.. ..21 .. Second class .. .. Additional „ ..21 .. „ , Thames Valley Dairy Company .. .. Kopu .. .. Butter-factory .. 16 9 .. .. „ .. .. „ Thomas and Scanlon .. .. .. Tuakau .. ' .. ! General .. .. 5 7| .. .. Locomotive and traction ,, Union Box Company . . .. .. Rawene .. .. j Sawmill .. .. 40 14J .. .. First class .. .. „ United Coal Company .. .. .. Maramarua .. ! Pumping.. .. 25 7 and 10 .. Second class .. .. „ | 12 .. I „ ..33 „ United Timber Company .. .. .. Mercer .. .. Sawmill .. .. 70 15J .. .. First class .. .. Late Waihi Gold-mining Company. „ .. .. .. „ .. .. 70 15J .. .. I „ .. .. „ „ Waihi Gold-mining Company .. .. Waikino .. .. Slimes-treatment .. 40 12 and 21, 14 and 8 „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. .. .. Waihi .. .. Pumping and winding 88 60 and 110, 35 and 70. First class and winding .. „ 15 and 30, two 8, two 12, two 18 ,. .. „ .. „ 88 Ditto .... „ .. „ .. „ 88 ,, .. „ .. „ 64 „ First class .. .. ., • • | „ 64 ,, .. .. „ 145 ,, .. .. First class and winding .. „ .. „ 145 „ .. „ .. „ 22 Two 10 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. ......... „ 18 „ .. .. ,, .. .. j Winding .. 70 Two 18, two 8, two 6, Winding .. .. Size of cylinders amended. two 8 „ .. „ .. „ 70 Ditto .. .. „ .. .. „ Waihi Reef Gigantic Consolidated (Limited) .. „ .. .. Pumping and winding 50 10, 16, and 26 .. First class and winding .. Late Waihi Consolidated Gold-mining Company. ., „ .. Waihou .. .. „ 50 „ .. First class .... „ „ ....... „ 63 „ .. „ .... „ „ .. Waihi .... „ 50 Two 10, 16, and 26 First class and winding .. ,, „ Warnock Bros. .. .. .. .. Auckland .. Swamp works .. 60 16 .. .. First class .. .. Additional. Whakamarama Land and Timber Company . . Amokoroa .. Sawmill .. .. 195 Two 10-1 .. ,, .. .. ,, Whangarei Co-operative Dairy Company .. Whangarei .. Butter-factory .. 23 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Whangape Timber Company .. .. Whangape .. Sawmill .. .. 70 14J .. .. First class .. .. Late Mitchleson Timber Company, Owhata. Whangarei Freezing-works.. .. .. Whangarei .. Freezing .. .. 32 .. Second class .. .. Additional. White Island Sulphur Company .. .. White Island .. ; Sulphur-works .. 22 Two 5J .. .. „ .. .. „



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

?nwi>T Tiinmotp,- TviinrforQ nf Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. I Purposes for which used. 1 L',...; i Class of Driver required. Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders BoUer : incnes. are now amended. AUCKLAND DISTRICT —continued. Wilson's Portland Cement Company .. Warkworth .. Steaming .. .236 , 21 and 44, 14J and ; First class .. .. Additional. 29, 16J and 30 „ .. „ .. „ 67 Ditto .. .. .. .. „ ;; „ .. „ .. „ .. eg „ .. .. 70 70 „ 70 .. j ■ „ „ ., .. 1 ,, .. ,, 72 | „ .. .. j ,, .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Wilson's and Carnham (Limited) .. .. Panmure .. Fellmongery .. 20 12 .. .. Second class .. Late Parker-Lamb Timber Company. Wilson and Horton .. .. .. Auckland .. Burning rubbish .. 53 9 and 13.. .. First class .. .. Additional. 100 „ .. ! AUCKLAND SOUTH DISTRICT. Anderson, A. E. .. . . .. .. Piriaka .. .. Sawmill .. .. 26 12 .. .. i Second class .. . . Late Smith and Donald. Barnett, Walter .. .. .. .. Waotu .. .. j „ .. .. 16 Two 9 .. .. j „ .. ... Late G. M. Barnett. Conder, J. H. .. .. .. .. Hinuera .. .. Traction .. .. 5 and 8 .. Locomotive and traction Late Eynon and Conder. Ellis and Burnard .. .. .. Ongarue .. .. Sawmill .. .. 75 18 .. .. First class .. .. Additional. „ .. .. .. „ .. .. 75 .. Second class .. . . „ Manunui .. .. ! Hauling .. .. 22J Two 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late Gammans Limited. Farrow and Liggins .. .. .. Waitoa .. .. Flax-mill.. .. 40 14J .. .. First class .. .. Late R. E. Farrow. Hamilton Borough Council .. .. Hamilton .. Road-roller .. 5 5J and 8 . . Locomotive and traction Additional. Hunter, R. .. .. .. Ohinewai .. Flax-mil]. . .. 25 12£ . . .. Second class .. .. Late M. F. Burke. Miller, H. .. .. .. .. Kiwitahi .. Threshing .. 6 of and 10 .. Locomotive and traction Late P. J. O'Donohue. Mountain Rimu Timber Company .. .. Mamaku .. .. Sawmill .. .. 12 Two 7£ .. .. „ Size of cylinders amended. New Zealand Dairy Association (Limited) .. Ngaruawahia .. Butter-factory .. 34 8 and 16J .. ! First class .. .. „ ,, ,, ,, .. .. .. ,, .. 1 ,, 70 ,, .. „ .. .. „ New Zealand Packing Company .. .. Matangi .. .. ; Milk-factory .. 90 9 and 6 .. .. Second class .. . . ,, Parker, Lamb, and Co. .. .. .. Mamaku.. .. j Sawmill .. .. 35&50 Two 9 and 16 .. i First class .. .. Boilers now coupled. Piopio Co-operative Dairy Company . ■ Te Kuiti .. Dairy factory .. 25 7J .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Pukemiro Collieries (Limited) .. .. Huntly .. .. Hauling .. .. 17 Two 12 .. .. j Locomotive and traction „ „ „ .. .. Pukemiro .. j Coal-mining .. 74 10 .. .. Second class .. .. „ Shaw. W. J. . . .. .. • • Kihikihi .. .. Chaffcutting .. 6 7J .. .. Locomotive and traction Late Melville and Bailey, Te Awamutu. Taringamotu Sawmilling Company .. .. Taringamotu .. j Sawmill .. .. 40 .. j Second class .. .. : Additional. Taupo Totara Timber Company .. . • Mokai .. .. | Log-hauling .. 71 Two 12 .. .. First class .. . . Size of cylinder amended. „ .. .. | Sterling .. .. Sawmill .. .. I 58 ; ,, .. .. j ,, .. .. j „ „ .. .. Mokai Line .. Hauling .. .. 38-8 Two 10 and two 16 Locomotive and traction Additional. Taupiri Coal-mines (Limited) .. .. Huntly .. .. Pumping.. .. 75 Two 9J .. .. First class .. .. „ „ „ Taupiri West .. | Winding .. •. 20 Two 9 .. .. Winding .. .. Size of cylinders amended. .. 1 , 14 .. „ .. .. „ Walker, J. S. .. .. .. .. Hairini .. .. j Threshing .. 6 7J .. .. I Locomotive and traction Late Melville and Bailey. Waipa Railway Collieries .. .. Te Akatea .. Coal-mining .. 57-8 Two 9 .. First class .. .. Additional „ .. .. .. Ngaruawahia .. Hauling .. .. 33 Two 12.. .. Locomotive and traction „ Waihou Valley Dairy Company (Limited) .. Waihou .. .. Dairy factory .. 20 9 .. .. Second class .. .. ; „ White, John .. .. .. . ■ Raurimu .. Sawmill .. .. 38 13 .. .. „ .. .. 1 m v a /•. x -



CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Andersons Limited .. .. .. Christchurch .. i Foundry .. i 20 9 and 15 .. First class .. .. Additional. .... .. .. „ .. ! „ .. 20 Akaroa County Council .. . . District .. .. J General .. .. 9 6 and 10J .. j Locomotive and traction „ Andrews Twine Company (Limited) .. Rangiora.. .. j Flax-mill.. .. 9 Two 8J .. .. ! Second class .. .. „ Aulsebrook and Co. .. .. Christclmrch .. j Confectionery .. 20 7J, 11J, 8, 12| .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Atlas Biscuit and Confectionery Company .. „ ■. I Heating .. .. 24 .. Second class .. .. ] Late G. Scott. Bowron Bros.' Trading and Export Company Woolston .. j Tannery .. .. 17 Nil .. .. | „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. (Limited) Ditto .. .. . - .. .. „ .. 20 „ .. .. i „ .. .. „ Calder, John .. .. .. .. Halkett district .. j General .. .. 9 10 .. .. Locomotive and traction | Additional. Canterbury Agricultural College .. .. Lincoln .. .. „ .'. .. 8 j 6J and 10 .. „ ,, „ Boring Company .. .. Chertsey .. j Boring .. .. 26 Two 9 .. .. j Second class .. .. „ „ Frozen Meat Company .. .. Belfast .. .. Freezing .. .. 30 10, 7, 8, and 14 .. j First class .. .. j Size of cylinder amended. .. 70 9,14J, 25, 10 and 17, „ .. ... 8 and 14 „ .. .. „ .. .. j „ .. .. 40 j 9, I I}, 25 .. j „ .. .. I „ „ „ .. .. j „ .. .. ! Fellmongery .. 36 9, 14}, 25 .. „ .. .. „ | „ 36 9, 14}, 25 .. „ .. .. | „ „ .. .. „ .. I Manure-works .. 15 9J and 16 .. I „ .. ... „ ..i„.. .. | „ 36 9, 14}, 25 Cherry, George .. .. .. .. | Sefton district .. : Chaffcutting .. 4 7| .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Christchurch City Council .. .. .. j Christchurch .. Road-rolling .. 6 5} and 9} „ „ „ Gas Company .. .. „ .. Gasworks .. 35 9, 7, 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ Meat Company .. .. Islington .. : Hauling .. .. 14 9| .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. „ „ .... Hornby .. , Refrigerating .. 30 13, 25, 18, 29 .. First class .. .. Late Nelson Bros. .. ! .. j „ .. 30 13, 25, 18, 29 „ .. ... „ „ .. .. j Islington .. j Freezing.. .. 40 15and 27, 16 and 30, „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. two 10 and 18 „ Tramway Board .. .. | Christchurch .. j Hauling .. .. 20 Two 10 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. „ „ .... „ .. Electricity .. 110 Turbines .. First class .. ... „ Deans, J. .. .. .. .. j Glentunnel .. Steaming ... 15 14- .. .. „ .. .. ,, „ .. .. .. .. „ .. Hauling .. .. 9 Two 7 .. Locomotive and traction „ „ .. .. .. .. „ .. Brickworks .. 125 .. .. First class .. .. „ Dunedin Steel and Engineering Company .. ; District .. .. General .. .. 9 6J and 10£ .. Second class .. .. „ Gibbs, C. H. and L. G. .. .. .. 1 Halswell .. .. „ .. .. 6 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late P. D. Boag. Greenslade, John .. .. .. j Prebbleton .. J Threshing .. 8 6| and 10 „ J „ „ .. .. .. .. „ .. I „ .. 8 6} and 10| .. „ Late Smith and Son. n ■■ i ..9 „ .. „ ! Hadler, B. .. .. .. .. Amberley district .. ! General .. .. 5 7J .. .. ,, Additional. Hadecke, A. .. .. .. .. Rangiora district .. | „ .. .. 8 9 .. .. I „ ! „ Herman, E. . . .. .. .. District .. .. „ .. .. 8 6J and 10 „ ' Size of cylinder amended. Holland, Alfred .. .. .. .. Darfield .. .. I ,, .. 7 8| .. .. „ „ Homebush Coal and Pottery Works .. Christchurch .. Pottery .. .. 50 12} .. .. Second class .. .. Late Christchurch Brick Company. Kaiapoi Timber Company .. .. .. Kaiapoi .. .. j Sawmill .. .. 14 7 and 12 .. I „ .. .. Additional. Lill, Fred .. .. .. .. Doyleston .. i General .. .. 9 6 and 10J .. Locomotive and traction Late John Boag, jun., Brookside. Lyttelton Harbour Board .. .. .. Lyttelton .. Electric light .. 43 Two 9 and 14 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. .. .. j ,, .. | „ .. I 16 9 and 14 .. „ .. .. j „ „ .. .. | „ .. Pile-driving .. 18 Two 8} .. .. Second class .. .. Late Jameson Bros., Christchurch. „ .. .. ; „ .. ; Pumping-dock .. 15 13-J- .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. .. j .. ! 15 13J .. „ .. .. .. : „ .. 1 „ ... 16 i 9 and 14 .. i „ .. .. I „



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

i ? 0rs ,fr i nhmrfflr ri'iiniWo r.t Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Name of Owner. 1 Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used, i * ! Class of Driver required. Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders oi | engine in Inches. are amended. [ . | Boiler, j CANTERBURY DISTRICT— continued. Lyttelton Borough Council .. .. Lyttelton .. Pumping-dook .. i 12 Two 12 .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended „ .. j 20 „ .. .. „ ■. I Road-rolling .. j 4 4| and 8J .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Manning and Co. .. .. .. Christchurch .. j Brewery .. .. ■ 50 7 .. .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Maw Bros. .. .. .. .. District .. .. General .. .. 8 6f and 11 .. Locomotive and traction Late C. Layers. Miles, Thomas .. .. .. .. Rangiora.. .. 8 8§ .. .. „ . Additional. McCartney, R. .. .. . . Doyleston .. j „ .. ■ .. 8 8| .. .. ,, Size of cylinder amended. McLachlan, A. .. .. ... „ .. j Threshing ..89 .. .. „ Additional. Moorhead, Mrs. Agnes .. .. .. Southbridge district „ .. 8 9 .. .. „ >, New Zealand Glue Company .. .. Woolston .. . Glue-works .. 35 17 .. .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. New Zealand Provision and Produce Company Belfast .. .. Soap-works .. 17 9 .. .. „ .. . ,, Osborne, G. W. .. . . .. .. Doyleston .. Threshing .. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction : Late Job Osborne. Pearce, Edward .. . .. .. Kaiapoi district .. General . . .. 8 9J .. .. „ | Additional. Palmer, H. .. . . .. .. Christehurch .. Sawing .. .. 8 .. .. „ j Late A. Swanston. Papanui Timber Company .. .. Papanui .. .. Woodwork .. 20 7J and 11 J .. „ 1 Additional. Philpots, Charles .. .. .. .. Christchurch .. Hauling . . .. 7 7| .. .. „ Size of cylinder amended. Powell, j. R. .. .. .. .. Waddington .. General .. .. 8 6| and 11 .. „ Late G. Daikee. Progress Brickworks .. .. .. Christchurch .. Brickmaking .. 20 11 J .. .. Second class .. .. Late J. Smith Souden, T. G. .. .. .. .. Aylesbury .. General .. .. 8 8J .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Simpson, G. F. .. .. .. Southbridge .. Threshing ..89 .. .. „ j ,, Strachan, J. W. .. .. .. .. Kaiapoi district .. General .. .. 8 6f and 11 .. ,, j „ Union Steamship Company (Limited) .. Lyttelton .. Hoisting .. .. 21 Two 5J .. .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. ■ ■ ' „ ..21, Walker, James .. .. .. .. Selwyn district .. General .. .. 9 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction ; Additional. Ward and Co. .. .. .. .. Christchurch .. Brewery .. .. 25 8 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Cheviot County Council. Watson, Gavin .. .. .. .. j „ .. ; Sawing, &c. .. 25 ! <! {- .. .. ,, .. • * Size of cylinder amended. Westport Coal Company .. .. .. I Lyttelton .. Hulk " Dana " 18 8, two 7 and 9 „ .. .. Additional. CANTERBURY SOUTH DISTRICT. Anderson, W. .. .. .. .. Flemington .. Chalicutting .. 8 j 8f .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Anderson, W. and D. .. .. .. Methven .. .. General .. .. 8 6 and 10 .... ,, „ Ashburton Woollen-mills .. .. .. Ashburton .. Woollen-mills .. 30 18 . . .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Ashton Bros. .. .. .. .. Seafield . .. General .. .. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Beattie, Q. .. .. .. .. Orari .. .. ,, .. .. 8 6J and 11 .. „ Late A. Beattie, Geraldine. Bell, J. .. .. .. .. .. Lismore .. .. Chaffcutting .. 8 9 .. .. .. Additional. Bennison Bros. .. .. .. .. Tinwald .. .. General .. .. 8 7 and 11.. ,, ; , Bishop Bros. .. .. .. .. Wheatstone .. Threshing .. 0 : and 10 .. „ „ Canterbury Boring Company .. .. Chertsey .. .. Boring .. .. 26 Two 9 .. Second class .. .. „ Chapman Bros. .. .. .. .. Willowby .. Chaffcutting .. 7 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction Chisnall, W. .. .. .. .. Hinds .. .. General .. .. 8 6 and 10J .. ,, ,, Christchurch Meat Company .. .. Smithfield .. Heating .. .. 40 Nil .. .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ „ .. Freezing . . .. 83 16 and 29 .. First class .. .. Additional. Church, E. G. .. .. .. .. Ashburton .. General .. .. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ Cleeve Bros. .. .. .. .. Methven .. .. ,, .. .. 6 6 and 9f. . ..



12— H. 15.

Copeland, James .. .. . . .. Chertsey .. . . 1 Threshing .. 8:9 .. .. Locomotive and traction ; Additional. Coward, B. .. . . . . Mayfield .. . . General .. 8 9 .. .. „ j Late W. J. Bennett. „ .. .. .. .. „ .. „ .. . . 7 6 and 10 .. .. „ j Additional. (Mothers, H. J. .. . Lauriston .. Threshing . . 9 6| and lOf ,, j „ Davison, W. . . . . . . . . Rakaia . . .. Chaffcutting ..(58 .. .. „ „ Dawson, W. .. .. . . . . Flemington . . „ 8 9J .. „ Drummond, Alex. .. . . . . Lauriston • . Threshing 8 8} .. „ „ Drummond, P. .. . . Barrhill . . . . General .. 8 6 and 10 ... . ,, „ Duncan, W. . . . . . . . . Willowbridge .. Chaffcutting 8 and 10J .. ,, Late H. Hayman. Fechney, D. . . . . . . Westerfield .. ,, . . S 9£ .. .. ,, Additional. Frost, L. .. .. Mayfield .. . . General .. . . 6 6 and 10 . . ... ,, ,, Gudsill.JAlex. .. .. . . . . Winchester . . „ . . . . 10 6} and 11} .. „ Late W. W. Gaiger. Harris, H. It. .. .. Washdyke . . Wool-scouring .. 20 10 . . .. Second-class .. .. Additional. Harris Bros. .. .. .. . Hakataramea .. Threshing .. 10 6} and 11 J .. Locomotive and traction „ Harrison, H. . . . . ' Rakaia .. . . General .. . . 10 „ .. „ „ Harrison, W. .. .. .. „ .. .. Threshing ..89 .... „ „ Henderson, J. .. .. . . . . Levels .. .. „ ..89 .. .. „ „ 1owes, V. .. .. . . Albury .. .. General .. .. 9 9 .. .. „ „ I ingsbury, R. H. .. . . . . Kyle .. .. ,, .. .. 8 6£ and 11 .. „ ,, Kirk, A. H. .. . . Timaru .. .. „ .. 8 9£ .. .. „ „ Knox Bros. .. . . . . . . Ashburton . . Threshing ..89 .. .. „ „ Lane, George .. .. . . . . Waimate .. General .. . . 8 9£ • • • • « Late George Hicks. Levels County Council .. . . . . Timaru .. . . Road-work . . 8 6£ and 10} .. „ Additional. Lister, Thomas .. . . . . . . „ .. . . General .. ..89 .. .. „ „ Lockhead, J. C. .. .. .. .. Lavington .. „ .. .. 10 6} and 11} .. „ „ Lyon Bros. .. . . . . Temuka .. . . Threshing .. 8 6£ and 10£ . . ,, ,, Lynch, D. . . . . . . . . Chertsey.. . . General . . . . 8 6£ and 10£ ,, ,, Manchester, James .. Waimate .. „ .. .. 8 9 .. .. „ Late C. Kelcher. Martin, Alex. .. .. . . . . Temuka .. .. ,, .. .. 6 8 .. .. „ Additional. Martin, A. .. . . .. . . ,, .. „ .. 6 8| .. .. ,, „ Milne, James .. . . Rakaia .. .. ., .. .. 7 6 and 10 .. .. „ Late B. Coward. „ „ .. .. „ ... 10 6} and llf Moore and McKav . . Methven .. .. „ .. .. 8 9 .. .. „ Late Wood Bros. Mulvihill, C. .. . . „ .. „ .. 8 9 McCrenor, Mrs. H. .. . . ,, .. „ .. .. 8 6£ and 10£ .. „ Late H. McCrener, Methven. McElhinny Bros. .. . . Ashburton .. „ .. .. 6 6 and 10 .. .. ,, Additional. McLachlan, J. .. . . . . „ .. „ .. 9 6£ and 10 ,, „ Oliver, J. W. .. .. . . . . „ . . Traction, threshing 9 6 and 10£ .. ,, „ „ „ .. .. . . .. „ .. Greneral . . ..79 . . . . ,, „ Peache, A. E. (Executors of) Mount Somers . . Hauling . . . . 10 Two 7£ .. .. ,, „ Reid, A. .. . . . . . . Eiffelton .. . . Threshing . . 8 8| . . .. „ „ Ross and McLintock .. Waimate .. „ .. 8 .. „ „ 8 6| and 10£ Ross, William .. . . . . . . Lyndhurst .. „ .. 8 8£ .... ,, ,, Scannell, M. .. .. .. .. Mawaro .. .. „ .. 8 9£ . . . . „ „ Staples, William .. . . . . .. . . Idle .. . . 7 8} . . .. „ Late Thomas Hawkins. Stewart, A. .. . . . . Dorie .. . . General .. .. 8 9 . . .. „ Late W. J. Russell. Stewart, James .. .. . . Chertsey.. .. „ .. .. 8 8} . . .. „ Additional Stewart A. .. .. . . . . Rakaia . . .. „ .. . . 8 9| .. .. „ | „ Taylor, W. J. .. . . . . . . Flemington . . Chaffcutting .. 8 9f .. .. „ „ Thompson Bros. .. .. .. . . Lyndhurst .. Threshing 8 9| . . .. „ „ Timaru Harbour Board .. .. Timaru . . Slip . . 10 13f . . .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers — continued.

r,nwpr TMameter nf rviiniiei* nf Additional Boilers; iv ames of late Owners of Transferred Xam« of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which nsed. tJLhL Class of Driver required. Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders Boiler. engine 111 Ancnes. are nQW amended . CANTERBURY SOUTH DISTRICT —continued. Timara Harbour Board .. .. .. Timaru .. .. Hauling .. .. 33 Two ,. Locomotive and traction ; Additional. „ .. .. .. „ .. .. 5-ton crane .. 7 Two 9 .. Second class .. .. „ Timaru Milling Company .. .. .. ,, .. .. Flour-mill .. 140 16 and 29 .. First class .. .. j „ Tozer, H. J. .. .. .. .. Levels .. .. General .. .. 8 6fandlH .. Locomotive and traction „ „ .. „ .. 8 9 White, L. .. .. .. .. Rakaia .. .. Chaffcutting .. 8 9 .. ' .. ,, „ Wilson, T. .. .. .. .. Ashburton .. General .. ..68 .. .. „ j „ Win ton Bros. .. .. .. .. Cave .. .. Threshing .. 8 6^-and 11 .. „ ; Size of cylinder amended. HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. Barry, D. .. .. Gisborne .. Brewery .. .. 62 12 .. .. second class .. .. Additional. Brausch, C. .. .. .. ..I Hastings .. Chaffcutting .. 8 and 11 .. Locomotive and traction „ Cave Bros. . . .. .. j Gisborne .. Sawmill .. .. 46 14 .. .. Second class .. .. „ Codd, A. C. .. .. .. .. I Napier district .. Hauling .. .. 6 5J and 9 .. Locomotive and traction Late E. Turpin. Colley, J. .. .. .. .. Gisborne .. Sawmill .. .. 23 13| .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Dannevirke Borough Council .. .. 1 Dannevirke .. Road-roller .. 52 5-| and 8' .. Locomotive and traction „ Gisborne Borough Council .. .. .. Gisborne .. Traction -work .. 6 5J and 7J .. „ „ ....... .. „ .. 6 „ .. .. .. „ .. i „ .. 6 Two 5 .... „ „ „ 4 „ „ * ,, .. .. .. „ .. Road-roller .. 8 6 and 9f .. „ „ Gisborne Harbour Board .. .. ; „ .. Hauling .. .. 10 Two 10 .. .. Second class .. .. ,. „ .. .. .. „ .. Hoisting .. . . 26 Two 8 .. „ .. .. ,, Gisborne Laundry Company .. .. „ .. Laundry .. .. 21 .. .. „ .. .. „ Gisborne Sheep-farmers' Co-operative Freezing „ .. Freezing .. .. 78 9, 6, 12, 22 .. First class .. .. „ Company Griffen, J. .. .. .. .. Napier .. .. Brickwork .. 20 9 . . .. Second class .. .. „ Hastings Borough Council .. .. . Hastings .. Road-roller .. 5*2 5-|- and 8£ .. Locomotive and traction ,, „ .. .. „ .. Hauling .. .. 5*8 Two 7 .... „ „ Hawke's Bay County Council .. .. Hawke's Bay .. „ .. .. 9J 6J and 11 „ „ Hawke's Bay Farmers' Freezing Company .. Whakatu .. Freezing .. .. 95 15 and 30 .. First class .. .. „ Hawke's Bay Dairy Company .. .. Dannevirke .. Butter-factory .. 20 8|- .. .. Second class .. .. „ Hawke's Bay Timber Company . . .. Ha pier . . .. Hauling .. . . 7 6 and 10 .. Locomotive and traction „ Holt and Sons .. .. .. .. Hastings „ 6 „ .. „ „ .. .. .. .. j Napier .. .. „ .. „ .. ,, „ .. .. .. .. j „ .. .. Sawmill .. .. 40 16 .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Jones, W. S. .. .. .. .. Puketapu .. Hauling .. .. 5 of and 10 .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Kotuku Oilfislds Syndicate .. .. Waipatiki .. Oil-boring .. 21 Two 12 .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Langlands and Co. .. .. .. Gisborne .. Hauling .. .. 14 I 9 . .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Leipst, A. . . .. . . .. | Hastings .. Well-sinking .. j 6 | 6f „ „ Mans on and Clark .. .. .. ! Napier .. .. Sawmill .. .. 12 Two 8i .. .. Second class .. .. ,, Mills Bros. .. .. .. .. I Hastings .. .. Hauling .. .. 6 6 and 10| .. Locomotive and traction ,, McLeod and Gardner .. .. .. I „ .. .. Sawmill .. .. j 16 8 and 14 .. First class .. ..



Napier City Council . .. .. Napier Pumping .. 40 10,17} .. .. First class Size of cvlindei s amended. „ . . .. .. „ .. „ .. 100 21 and 42 .. „ .. .. . „ Napier Harbour Board .. .. .. • .. .. Dredge . .. 20 . . First class and two seconds Late Paterson's Freehold Gold-dredging Com pany. Napier Hospital Board . . .. .. „ .. .. Steaming .. 42 6 . . .. Second class .. .. Additional. Neilson, C. C. .. .. .. .. Dannevirke .. General .. .. 6 8 . . . . Locomotive and traction „ Nelson Bros. .. .. .. .. Gisborne .. Freezing-works .. 42 12 and 13. and 25 .. First class .. .. „ „ •• „ ..42 „ .. „ .. „ .. .. .. .. Tomoana .. „ ..90 19 and 28, 18 and „ .. .. Size of cylinder amended. „ •• „ ..90 „ „ .. .. | New rick, F. C. .. .. .. Hastings .. Hauling .. .. 6 0 and 10J . . Locomotive and traction Additional. „ J. A. .. .. .. „ .. Threshing .. 6 6§ and 11 „ „ North British and Hawke's Bay Freezing Com- Westshore .. Boiling-down .. 50 19 and 28 .. First lass .. .. Size of cylinders amended. pany Ditto .. .. .. .. „ .. „ .. 50 „ .. „ .. .. „ Parke and Co. .. .. .. . . Woodville .. Hauling .. .. 6 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late T. T. Parke. Peacocke, H. .. . . .. Te Karaka . . Sawmill .. .. 14 10 and 14 . . First class .. .. „ Shanks, G. . . .. .. .. Hastings . . Threshing .. 7 and 1 11 . . Locomotive and traction „ Smith, George .. .. .. .. Gisborne . . Sawmill .. .. 20 12 . . .. Second class .. .. Additional. Thomson, C. and F. W. .. .. . . Makaretu „ .. 25 12 . . .. ,, .. .. „ Tokomaru Freezing Company .. . . Tokomaru . . Pile-driving .. 30 Two 8j .. .. ,, . . .. Change of ownership. Tokomaru Sheep-farmers' Freezing Company Tokomaru Bay .. .. 107 18 and 22 .. First class .. .. „ Totara Leather Company .. .. .. Tomoana .. . . Tannery .. 32 9 .. . . Second class .. .. Late A. G. Light band. Woodville Bacon-factory . . .. .. Woodville . . Freezing .. 37 21 .. .. First class .. .. j Size of cylinder amended. „ .. .. .. „ .. „ .. 37 21 .. .. .. .. ! Late Frimley Canning Company. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Bis hell, D. .. .. .. .. Blenheim . . Traction-work .. 8 7 and .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Brownlee and Co. .. .. . . Rai and Pelorus Val- Locomotive .. 12 Two 9 .. „ Size of cylinders amended. leys Bryant Bros, and Miller . . .. .. Pelorus Valley . . Sawmill .. .. 28 10J .. .. Second class .. . . Late Bryant Bros., Pelorus Valley, Christchurch Meat Company .. .. Picton .. .. Freezing-works .. 106 22 and 2,10J, two 10, First class .. .. Additional. seven 6, 4-J, two 3 Dodson, V. .. .. .. .. Spring Creek .. Traction-work .. 8 9 .. . . Locomotive and traction ,, Jackson, A. W. .. . . .. . . Blenheim .. ,, ..89 .... „ ,, Jones, W. .. .. .. .. ,, .. „ .. 8 9 .. .. „ „ Moreland, J. A. . . .. .. .. „ .. Sash and door factory 15 7 and .. Second class . . .. Late Smart Timber Company. Robertson Brds. .. .. .. . . Rai Valley .. Locomotive .. 10 10 . . .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Thorns and Watson .. .. .. The Elevation, Picton Bush engine .. 14 Two 7} .... ,, „ Wakamarina Sawmilling Company .. .. Wakamarina .. Sawmill .. 36 16J .. .. First class .. .. Late Charles W. Smart, Canvaatown White, C. .. .. .. .. Onamalutu .. „ 20 Two 10J .. .. „ .. .. Additional. 'NELSON NORTH DISTRICT. Baigent, H. .. .. .. .. Nelson .. .. Sash and door factory 23 10 .. .. Second class .. .. | Additional. Bartlett, Robert .. .. .. .. Takaka district .. Traction-work .. 4 4| and 6-| .. Locomotive and traction ,, Challis Bros. .. .. .. .. Waimea West .. Threshing and chaff- 8 5 and .. ,, „ cutting Dodson, J. R. .. .. .. .. Nelson .. .*. Brewery .. .. 20 6 .. .. Second class .. .. ,, Jessop, W. A. .. .. .. .. Waimea .. .. Traction-work .. 8 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late H. H. Schwass. Kirkpatrick, S., and Co. .. .. .. Nelson .. .. Preserving .. 50 9, two 8, and 16 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Motueka Harbour Board .. .. .. Motueka .. Dredging.. .. 25 Two 12 .. .. „ .. .. „ Nelson Steam Laundryj .. .. .. Nelson .. .. Steam laundry .. 20 7 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

j Horse- j j Additional Boilers: Names of late Owners of Transferred Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. • Purposes for which used. ! P°^ er ( r nci s oi class of Driver required. Boilers: and also showing where Size of Cylinders BoUer ! Englne m lncnes - | are now amended. NELSON NORTH DISTRICT —continued. Pro use and Saunders .. .. .. Mangarakau .. ! Locomotive .. j 9 Two 8 .. .. ' Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended. Seaford Coal Company .. .. .. Puponga .. „ ..87 .. .. ,, Additional. „ .. .. .. „ .. „ .. 8 Two 7 .. , „ .. Late Puponga Coal Company •„ .. .. .. ,, .. Coal-mining .. 40 Three 8, one 18, one 9 ! First class .. .. „ .. .. .. „ .. 47 Ditto .. j .. „ ... j 40 j „ Webby, G. E. .. .. .. .. Waimea .. .. Traction-engine .. 6 , 6 and 10 J .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Win Bros. .. .. .. .. Dovedale .. Traction-work .. 6 8 .. .. „ Formerly leased by G. Webby. NELSON SOUTH DISTRICT. Bunn, R. .. .. .. .. Murchison .. Sawmill .. .. 14 Two 9| .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Consolidated Goldfie Ids of New Zealand (Limited) Where required .. Hauling .. .. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ „ „ Waiuta . . .. Mining .. .. 56 Two 14. two 14, one First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 16, two 7, one 4J „ „ „ Reefton .. .. Hauling .. .. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Downie Bros. .. .. .. .. Murchison .. Sawmill . . .. 30 8 and 12J .. First class .. .. „ Lines, J. .. .. .. .. Inangahua Junction ,, .. 20 ,, .. „ .. .. ,, Lockington, E. .. .. .. Reefton .. .. „ .. .. 20 ,, .. „ .. .. „ Newman. E. W. .. .. .. .. Fairdown .. ,, .. .. 30 Two 8 .. Second class .. .. ; „ „ .. .. .. .. ,, .. „ . . .. 30 „ .. .. „ .. .. Late of J. Hawes, Westport. Slab Hut Gold-dredging Company .. .. Tawhia .. .. Dredging.. .. 20 7 and 11 J .. „ .. .. I Size of cylinders amended ; late Hessy, Cameron Tacon, and Co. Stratford and Blair .. .. .. Grevmouth district Unknown .. 26 Two 9 . . Locomotive and traction Late E. A. Whorton. Wealth of Nations Gold-mining Company .. Crushington .. Mining .. .. 60 I2f and 20 First class .. .. Late Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand (Limited). „ „ „ .. ,, „ 60 „ .. „ .. .. Ditto. Westport Coal Company .. .. .. Millerton .. „ .. .. 86 Four 14J, one 20, „ .. .. Size of cylinder amended. one 30, one 6i „ .. .. .. ,, .. ,, . . 55 Ditto .. .. ,, .. .. „ „ .. .. .. „ .. ,, .. .. i 55 j ,, .. .. ,, .. .. „ ,, .. .. .. Brake head .. ,, .. .. 84 Three 16, six 8, four ,, .. .. „ 7, three 6, two 5, one 18, six 10 „ .. .. .. „ .. ,, 84 Ditto .. .. ,, . . .. ,, „ .. .. .. Coalbrookdale .. „ .. .. 84 10 and 16, three 14. ,, .. .. Additional. two 12 „ .. .. .. Kiwi .. .. „ .. .. 50 Three ] 4, two 12, two „ .. .. Size of cvlinders amended. 6 ,. .. .. .. ,, .. .. „ .. 50 Ditto .. .. ,, .. .. „ Brake head .. „ .. .. 84 One 18, three 16, 6, ,, .. .. and 10, six 8, four 7, three 6, two 5 ,, .. „ . . .. 84 Ditto .. .. First class and winding .. „


H. -10

Westport Coal Company .. . . .. Kiwi .. .. Mining .. .. 84 i Three 14, two 12, First class and winding Size of cylinders amended. two 6 „ .. . .. .. ,, .. .. 50 I Ditto .. . .♦ ,, .. „ „ .. .. .. „ .. .. „ o0 ! .. .. „ ,, .. .. .. Westport .. „ 84 ; ,, .. .. „ .. »> Westport Harbour Board .. .. .. „ .. Boring plant .. 16 11 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. „ .. .. .. „ .. Hauling .. .. 20 Two 9jJ .. .. Locomotive and traction „ Westport Stockton Coal Company . . .. Ngakawau .. Mining .. .. 95 Two 12, two 27, two First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 26, two 8, one 6, one 5| „ .. . „ .. ,. 95 Ditto .. .. „ .. .. „ 95 „ .. .. „ .. I - ., .. .. 95 „ .... OTAGO DISTRICT. Beattie, David, jun. .. .. .. Tapanui district .. j Threshing .. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Brown, J. P. .. .. . . .. Lawrence district .. General .. .. 8 9 .. .. ,, Late Spiers. Brown, Mat .. .. .. .. Silverstream district , Threshing and chaff- 9 9 .. .. „ Additional. cutting Brown, A. and R. .. .. .. Blue Mountain .. Sawmill .. .. 14 7J and 11 J .. Second class .. .. ,, Bruce Dredging Company .. .. .. Glen ore .. .. Gold-dredge .. 18 8 and 13 .. .. First class .. .. Bruce Woollen -mills Company .. .. Milton .. .. Woollen-mills .. 16 12 and 21 .. ,, .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Burt, A. and T. .. .. .. .. Dunedin .. .. Machine tools .. 30 Two 9, one 10, one 16 „ .. .. Additional. Cameron Bros. .. .. .. .. Glenore .. .. Gold-dredge .. 20 8 and 12f .. „ . . .. Late Cameron's Freehold Dredging Syndicate. Chalmers, R. .. .. .. . . Oamaru .. .. Threshing .. 8 9vf- .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Christie, T. B. . . .. .. . . Allanton district .. „ ..68 .. .. „ Size of cylinders amended. Clark, D. .. .. .. .. Maheno .. .. General .. .. 8 6} and 11 .. „ Late O'Neill. Christ church Meat Company .. .. Pukeuri Junction .. Freezing .. 45 13 and 21 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. Burnside .. „ .. .. 80 12 and 22, 11 and 20, .. .. „ 8 and 10 „ .. .. .. „ .. .. 95 12 and 22, 11 and 20 „ .. .. Additional. ,, .. .. „ .. 80 12,22,20,11,10,8 „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. .... Pukeuri Junction .. ,, .. .. 53 13 and 21 .. .. „ „ .. .. „• .. j 45 ,', • ,, .. .. ,, Cooney, J. .. .. .. .. Oamaru .. .. Chaff cutting only .. 7j 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late James Muir. Creighton and Reed Bros. .. .. . . Kokonga.. .. Threshing only .. 8 .. .. „ Size of cylinder amended. „ .. .. .. „ .. .. Chaffcutting ..89 .. „ Additional. Crooks, White, and Watson .. .. Ahuriri Flat .. Sawmill .. .. 14 Two 8i .. .. Second class .. .. ,, Crown Roller Mills .. .. . . Dunedin .. .. Flour-mills .. 40 Nil .. .. „ .. .. Cylinders removed. Currie Bros. .. .. .. . . Palmerston S. district Hauling .. .. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Dawson and McKechnie .. .. . . Ratanui .. .. Sawmill .. .. 20 Two 10 . . .. Second class .. .. Douglas, Alex .. .. .. .. Oamaru .. .. .. 8 91 .. . . Locomotive and traction Late C. Bennett. Dunedin City Council .. .. .. Dunedin.. .. General gasworks .. 95 13 and 22 .. First class .. .. Additional. Dyer, L. S. .. .. .. . . Silverstream .. j Condensed-milk fac- 30 7 .. .. Second class .. .. „ j tory „ .. .. .. .. ,, .. I Ditto .. .. 20 7 .. ,, .. .. ,, Falconer, James .. .. .. .. ! Tapanui district .. Threshing .. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ Forbes Bros. .. .. .. .. Herbert .. .. „ .. 8 9 .. .. „ „ .. .. 1 „ 6 8 Geddes, John .. .. .. .. Palmerston S. district Chaffcutting ..8 9 .. .. „ ,. Geddis, W. .. .. .. .. Tuapeka Mouth .. ,, .. .. .. ,, Late T. D. Heenan. „ .. i „ .. 9 ' 9 .. .. „ Additional.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Horse- I ! nnwpr Triamrtpr of rvlinHprs nf i Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. i Purposes for which used. p Engine in Inches Class oi Driver required. Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders Boiler. j are now amended. ! I , OTAGO DISTB 1CT —continued. Hamilton, J. .. . • . .. Palmerston S. district; Chaffeutting .. j 8 9 . . Locomotive and traction Additional. Harris, A. .. .. .. .. Kyeburn district .. ; Threshing and chaff- 8 .. ,, „ cutting Hill and Frame .. .. .. .. Herbert district .. J Ditto .. .. 8 9^ 6 - .. .. „ Size of cylinder amended. Jack man and Son .. .. .. j Reidston .. i Chaff cutting .. 7 5-Jand9J .. ,, Late Jackman and Dillon. Jones, J. E. .. .. .. .. Brighton .. „ .. 8 9| .. .. „ Additional. Jones, C. B. .. .. .. .. j Milton .. .. Brick and pottery 18 14| .. .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. works Kerr and Harper .. .. .. .. ; Tawanui .. .. Sawmill .. .. 16 Two 10 .. .. „ .. .. Late H. Lyders. King, Dr. J. .. .. .. .. j Tahakopa .. „ .. .. 27 j 9 and 14 First class .. .. Late Hogg and Co. Kirkland, W. .. .. .. .. j Middle march .. General .. .. 0 5 and 10 .. Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended. Knowles, W. W. .. .. .. .. | Gore district .. j Threshing .. 9 (H and 11 .. „ Additional. Koppitt, H. .. .. .. ... .. 1 „ ..18:9 .. .. „ „ Lay burn, J., and Son .. .. .. j Dunedin .. .. Tallow-works .. 28 Nil .. .. Second class .. .. „ Ledingham, G. .. .. .. j Georgetown . . Threshing .. 8 ! 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ Leslie, Alexander .. .. .. .. ! Mil burn .. .. ,, ..89 .. .. „ „ Macadie Bros. .. .. .. .. j Ida Valley district.. i Threshing and cha If- 8 9 .... „ „ ' cutting Meek Bros. .. .. .. .. j Enfield .. .. Chaffeutting .. 7 8-J „ .. .. .. .. | ,, .. .. „ .. 8 6| and 10i .. „ Late Mitchell Bros. Milburn Lime and Cement Company . . ] Inch Valley .. Hauling .. .. 30 j Two 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Montgomery and Anderson .. .. j Waimea South .. Threshing .. 9 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ Murray, Roberts .. .. .. .. Middlemarch district General .. .. 8 9 .. .. „ McCullock, T. .. .. .. .. | Ngapara .. . . Threshing 8 9 .. .. „ ,, McCullock and Son .. .. .. Kahuika .. .. Sawmill .. .. 14 Two 8} .. .. Second class .. .. „ McDonald. J., jun. .. .. .. Middlemarch .. Threshing only .. 8 9 . . .. Locomotive and traction ,, McSkimming and Son .. .. .. Benhar .. .. Pipe-making .. 16 and llf .. Second class .. .. ,, Newbigging Bros. . . .. . . Milton district . . Threshing .. 6 8 . . .. Locomotive and traction „ New Zealand Government Public Works .. Ida Valley .. Hauling .. .. 9 7£ and 11 .. „ „ New Zealand Paper-mills Company .. .. Woodhaugh .. Paper-mills .. 80 14and 24 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Oarnaru Borough Council .. .. .. Oamaru .. .. Road-roller .. 7 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late City Council, Christchurch. Omimi Dairy Company .. .. .. j Omimi .. .. Dairy factory .. 21 5 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Otago Hospital and Charitable Aid Board .. Dunedin.. .. Heating and cooking 56 9 .. Size of cylinder amended. Otago Harbour Board . . .. .. „ .. .. Pile-driving .. 5J Two 9 .. „ .. .. Additional. Oteka ike Special School .. .. .. j Otekaike .. Sawing wood .. 8 9| .. .. Locomotive and traction „ „ .. .. . ,, .. „ ..10 6j-and llf .. „ Late Harris Bros. Overton Bros. .. .. .. .. Henley district .. Threshing .. 6 8 .. .. „ Additional. Robertson Bros. .. . . .. . . Incholm district . . Threshing .. 8 and 1 OA .. ,, „ Ryan, M. . . .. .. .. j Waitahuna district General . . .. 8 9 . . .. „ „ Sime, A. .. .. .. .. j Mount Cargill .. Sawmill .. .. 18 11 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Adams and Cardus. Southgate Bros. .. . . .. .. Kapuni district .. Threshing .. 8 9 .. Locomotive and traction Additional. ,, .. .. .. .. ,, .. . .. 8*9 61 and 11 . ,, „ Speight, J., and Co. .. .. .. Dunedin .. .. Brewery .. 20 Nil .. .. ! Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Stirling Dairy Company .. .. Stirling .. .. Dairy factory .. 28 8 .. .. „ .. .. Additional.



Stevenson, Charles .. .. .. j Port Chalmers .. ; Steam-wagon .. 5 Two 4J .. . . Locomotive and traction Late Charles Stevenson. Taieri and Peninsula Milk-supply Company .. Dunedin ... .. Dairy factory .. 20 8 and 14 .. j First'class .. .. ; Additional. Wallis Gold-dredging Syndicate . . .. Moa Flat .. ; Gold-dredge . . 14 7 and 11 .. j Second class . . .. ! „ Willcock, O. .. . . .. | Dunback district .. I General .. . . 8 8| .. . . Locomotive and traction ,, Wilson, J. and J. .. .. .. ! Te Kouka .. I Threshing .. 7 ! 5| and 9£ .. ,, „ SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Aiken. John .. . . .. .. Wendon Valley .. General .. .. 7 8 .. .. Locomotive and trac tion j Additional. Allen, Thomas .. . . .. .. Pukerau district .. Threshing ..89 .. .. „ Late R. Balloek. Armour Johnson (Limited).. .. .. Wyndham .. Machine-shop .. 16 5 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Aspray, John .. .. .. .. Wallacetown .. Soap-works .. 35 10 .. .. „ .. .. ,, Balloek Bros. .. . . .. .. Riversdale district Threshing . . 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ „ .. .. .. .. ,, „ ..89 .. .. „ Late A. W. Johnstone. Bichan, G. .. .. .. .. Mataura .. .. Flax-mill.. .. 20 1 Of .. .. Second class .. .. „ Bird Bros. (Limited) . . . . .. Otautau .. .. Sawmill .. .. 25 12 .. .. „ .. .. Late Bird and Schwan. „ ,, .. .. .. „ .. Hauling .. .. 14 Two 8 .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Boardman, H. J. . . .. Croydon .. .. Pumping and hauling 16 and 14 .. Second class .. .. Late Edwards and Party, Gore. Bridgeman, J. and H. . . . . .. Mabel Bush .. Chaff cutting .. 6 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late W. McRobie. Butler, C. J. .. . . .. Winton district .. „ .. 4| .. .. „ Additional. Caird, J. .. . . . .. Wyndham .. General .. .. 8 .. .. „ Late M. J. Hickey. Cody, P., jun. .. . . .. .. Riversdale district Threshing .. 9 9 .. .. j ,, Additional. Collet, C. .. . . . . .. Makarewa .. Chaff cutting .. 6 .. .. i „ Late J. and J. Mclntyre. Craig, Walter B. .. . . .. Riversdale .. „ .. 8 9 .. .. ,, Late Balloek Bros. Crane, Thomas .. . . . . .. Edendale .. General .. .. 7 5J and 9 .. ,, Additional. Crawford, R. .. . . . . . . Mataura .. . . Threshing ..89 .... ,, „ 9, .. .. .. .. ,, .. .. General .. ..89 .. .. „ ,, Dixon, F. .. .. .. .. ,, .. .. Chaffcutting .. 6| .. .. „ Late Dixon Bros. Ferries, Alex. .. . . . . .. Riverton district .. Threshing .. 8 9 .. .. „ Additional. Garvie Bros. .. .. . . .. Mabel Bush .. Chaffcutting ..89 .... „ ,, Glenhain Sawmilling Company (Limited) .. Glenham .. Log-hauler ..179 .. .. Second class .. .. Size o,f cylinder amended. Grant Bros. .. .. . . . . j Lime Hills district General . . .. 9 9 . . .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Halliday, William . . . . .. Kamahi .. .. Stumping ..89 .. .. „ „ Harrington Bros. .. . . Fairfax .. .. Sawmill .. .. 20 Two 10 .. .. Second class .. .. ,, Holland, James .. . . .. .. Gore .. . . General .. .. 8 and .. Locomotive and traction ,, Hood, John .. .. .. Balfour district .. Threshing and chaff- 8 9 .. .. ,, Late W. McDonald. cutting Invercargill Borough Council .. Otatara . . .. Reclamation depart- 8 Two .. .. „ Additional. ment » .. .. I ,, .. Ditto .. .. 10 Two 7 .... „ „ Jenkins, A. R. . . .. .. Wallacetown . . Threshing and chaff- 8 9 .... ,, „ cutting Kay, David .. . . . . Mataura district .. Ditto .. .. 8 9| . . .. ,, Size of cylinder amended. Kilkelly Bros. .. . . .. .. Forest Hill . . Sawmill .. .. 54 15£ .. .. First class .. .. Additional. Magnum Bonum Gold-dredging Company .. Muddle Creek .. Gold-dredge .. 26 8 and 13 .. One first, two second .. Size of cylinders amended. Marshall, J. M. .. . . Wyndham district Chaffcutting and 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late Marshall Bros. hauling Melvin Bros. .. . . . . . . Tokonui .. .. Sawmill .. . . 20 Two 11.. .. First class .. .. Late J. Melvin, Tokonui. Miles, A. .. . . .. Winton district .. General .. .. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. McDonald, John .. . . .. Waikaia district .. Threshing and chaff- 8 6J and 10| .. „ „ cutting » • • .» .. .. . , .. Ditto .. .. 8 ,, .. „ ,,



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Sower" Diameter of Cylinders of Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. " < ;l 01 Class of Driver required. Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders J Briler JiI1 S lne m lncnes - are now amended. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT —continued. Mclvor, W. .. .. .. .. [ North Chatton .. Hauling .. .. 20 Two 6£ .. .. Second class .. .. Late A. Nicholson. Mcintosh and Blair .. .. .. Waimahaka .. ! Chaffcutting ... H H • • .. Locomotive and traction Additional. McLac-hlan Bros. .. .. .. .. j Tahakopa .. Sawmill .. .. 20 Two 10 .. .. j Second class .. .. Late Jarvis and Fosbender. McRobie Bros. .. .. .. .. ! Mataura .. .. Threshing .. 8:9 .. .. Locomotive and traction \ Late Bray Bros., Jacobstown. McRobie and Tressider .. .. .. | „ .. .. Chaffcutting .. 6 7 .. .. j „ .. j Additional. Nees and Scott .. .. .. .. j Charlton Valley .. Gold-dredge .. 20 7 and 11 j .. | Second class .. .. i Size of cylinders amended. New Zealand Government Mines Department | Waikaia .. .. Borer .. .. 4:8 .. .. Locomotive and traction j Additional. Size of cylinder amended. New Zealand Pine Company .. .. | Gorge Road .. Sawmill .. .. 52 14 .. .. Second class .. .. ! Additional. New Zealand Sugar of Milkand Casein Company j Edendale.. .. Factory .. .. 144 12 .. ; ., .. (Limited) Nightcaps Coal Company (Limited).. .. j Nightcaps .. Winding and air- | 60 One 16, two 8, two 8 : First class ... .. ; Size of cylinders amended. compressor .. j „ .. Ditto .. 120 „ „ .. O'Connor, Vincent .. .. .. j Longridge district., j Threshing and chaff- I 8 6| and 11 .. Locomotive and traction i Additional. cutting Orr, R. A. .. .. .. . .. Balfour .. .. j General .. .. 7 8£ .. .. : „ „ Paterson Bros. .. .. .. .. 1 Mataura Island .. Flax-mill.. .. 14 Two 8i .. .. i Second class .. .. ] Late W. Shaw. Perry, Smith, and Co. .. .. .. ; Wakapatu .. i Sawmill .. .. 14 14 .. .. „ .. .. 1 Late Perry Bros. Southland Butchers' By-product Company (Li- West Plains .. I Felhnongery .. 16 7 and 11 .. ,, .. ..I Late W. Cawthome. mited) Southland County Council .. .. .. Southland County.. • General .. .. 6 o-J and 9J .. Locomotive and tract-ion j Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. '.. j Green Hills .. j Stone-crusher .. 20 i Two 10 .. .. „ j Additional. Templeton, C. .. .. .. .. j Waimahaka .. ! Flax-mill.. .. 14 i Two 8J .. .. ; „ I Size of cylinders amended. Te Tua Dairy Factory Company .. Te Tua .. . . Dairj factory .. 5J| 5 .. .. ' ., Additional. Todd and Wilson .. .. .. Waikiwi .. .. Brickworks .. 16 j 11 J .. .. .. Thistle Coal Company .. .. .. Nightcaps .. Hauling .. .. 18 5 and 10 .. „ Size of cylinders amended. Trapski, F. .. .. .. .. Pukerau .. .. j Chaffcutting .. 6 ; 7 .. .. „ Additional. Turn bull, John .. .. .. .. j Waikaka Valley .. j Gold-dredge .. 16 : and 11 .. ! Three second class .. i „ Waikaka Deep Lead Gold-dredging Company.. I No. 1 Dredge, Little ! „ .. | 20 ] 8J-and 1.3 ... First class .. .. i Size of cylinders amended. Waikaka » ,, ■■ Ditto .. .. ,, .. 40 8£andl7 .. First and two second class j" „ Wairaki Coal Company (Limited) .. .. Nightcaps .. Hauling and pumping 16 ; Two 6 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Quin and party. Wairio Railway and Coal Company .. .. j Wairio .. .. Hauling .. .. 13 : Two 7-J- .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Wallace County Council .. .. .. 1 Otautau district .. General .. .. 6-|-i 8 .. .. „ 1 Watson, J. E. .. .. .. .. i Invercargill district „ .. .. j . 8 j 9 .. .. „ j Late W. S. Scott. Weatherburn, Thomas .. .. .. J Mataura .. .. Threshing and chaff- 7 7 .. .. „ j Additional. cutting Whiterigg Co-operative Dairy Company .. Whiterigg .. Dairy factory .. 16 6| .. .. ; Second class .. .. Late H. Bloomfield. Woodlands Co-operative Dairy Company (Li- [ Woodlands .. „ .. 32 9 . . .. „ .. .. Size of cylinder amended mited) Wyndham Timber Company (Limited) .. Oware .. .. ; Sawmill .. .. 20 8 and 13 .. First class .. .. Additional. * i



13— H. 15

TARANAKI DISTRICT. Alton Co-operative Dairy Company .. .. Kakaramea .. J Cheese-factory . . 27 Two 9 .. .. Second class .. .. ! Additional. Bartle Bros. .. .. .. .. Opunake .. Sawmill .. .. 25 11 .. .. „ .. . . Late H. M. Bartle. Bonithon Freehold Petroleum Company Ex- New Plymouth . . Oil-boring .. 29 10£ .. .. ,, .. . . Size of cylinder amended. tended (Limited) Charteris, Robert .. .. . . Patea district . . Chaffcutting .. 6 7J .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Clements, W. C. .. .. Te Kiri .. .. Sawmill .. .. 30 12 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Parkes and Brooker. Edgar, J. .. .. .. .. Hawera .. .. Chaffcutting .. 6 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Fowler, J. .. .. .. . . Patea district .. Threshing .. 6 5 and 9 .. .. „ .. „ Inglewood Borough Council .. .. Inglewood .. Road-roller 4 „ „ Johnston Bros. .. .. .. .. Waitara .. .. Hauling .. .. 6 5Jand8J .. „ „ „ .. .. .. .. „ .. General .. .. 3-8 4J and 7\ .. „ „ Kaupokonui Co-operative Dairy Company .. Kaupokonui .. Dairy factory .. 80 6andl3f .. Second class .. .. Late Wanganui Freezing Company. „ ,, .. ,, .. Cheese -factory .. 25 „ .. ,, .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Mere Mere Co-operative Dairy Company .. Ohangai .. .. Dairy factory .. 50 7 .. .. ,, .. .. Additional. Muggeridge Bros. .. .. .. Manaia .. .. Threshing .. 6 7| .. .. Locomotive and traction „ McDonald, A. G. .. .. .. .. Fordell district .. ChafEcutting .. 6 of and 8J . .. „ „ New Plymouth Sash and Door Factory .. New Plymouth . . Woodwork-factory 45 13 .. .. First class .. .. „ New Plymouth Borough Council .. .. „ .. Hauling .. .. 9 6£ and lOf .. Locomotive and traction Late C. H. Johnston. Normanby Co-operative Dairy Company .. Normanby .. Cheese -factory .. 26 8 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Patea County Council .. .. .. District .. .. Road-roller .. 5£ and 8i .. Locomotive and traction „ Patea Farmers' Meat-freezing Company .. Patea .. .. Manure-works .. 80 9 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Wanganui Freezing Company. Phoenix Oil Company .. .. .. Moturoa .. .. Oil-boring .. 32 13f .. .. „ .. .. Additional. Riversdale Co-operative Dairy Company .. Inaha .. .. Cheese -factory .. 38 8 .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Rutherford, J. G. .. .. .. .. Flax-mill.. .. 12 7 and 11 .. „ .. .. Additional. Stratford Farmers' Co-operative Dairy Company* Stratford.. .. Butter-factory .. 16 10 .. .. „ .. .. „ Symons, F. O. .. .. .. .. Carrington Road .. Sawmill .. .. 35 Two 10J .. .. j First class .. . . Late T. V. Symons. Taranaki County Council .. .. .. District .. .. Hauling .. .. 8 5 and 9£ .. .. ; Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. .. New Plymouth dist. Road-roller .. 4-9 5Jand8£ .. „ Additional. Taranaki Oil Lands and Distribution Company Moturoa .. .. Oil-boring .. 32 13f .. .. Second class .. .. „ Taranaki New Zealand Oil-wells (Limited) .. „ .. .. Refining oil .. 41 15 .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Waitotara County Council .. .. .. Kai Iwi .. .. Road-roller .. 7 6 and 10 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Waitotara Co-operative Dairy Company .. Brixton .. .. Butter-factory .. 20 10 .. .. Second class .. .. „ Wanganui Borough Council .. .. Wanganui district Hauling .. .. 6 4 and 7 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ „ .. .. .. „ „ ..6 4Jand7i .. „ Late Hatrick and Co. ...... „ 6 .. „ Wanganui Co-operative Dairy Company .. Aramoho.. .. Butter-factory .. 30 8 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Wanganui Gasworks .. .. .. Wanganui .. Gasworks .. 26 14 .. .. „ .. .. „ ,, .. .. .. ,, .. Steaming .. 48 6, 6, 14, 6 .. ,, .. .. ,, Wanganui Harbour Board .. .. .. Kaiwhaiti Crane .. .. 6 Two 8 . . Locomotive and traction „ ,, . . . . . . ,, . . ,, . . . . 6 „ . . . . 1 ,, ,, Wanganui Meat-freezing Company .. .. Castlecliff .. Freezing.. .. 191 12 and 28, 15 and 27 First class .. .. „ Wanganui Volunteer Fire Brigade .. .. Wanganui .. Fire-engine .. 12 Two 8£ .. .. Locomotive and traction „ 12 8£ .. j WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Allen, L, jun. .. .. .. .. Masterton .. | Threshing .. 8 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction ! Additional. Ballance Co-operative Dairy Company .. Ballance .. .. Butter-factory .. 19 10 .. .. Second class .. .. „ ,, „ .. Konini .. .. ,, .. 32 10 . . .. „ .. .. „ Bisdee, S. C. .. .. .. .. Pahiatua .. I Brickworks .. 17 8£ .. .. ,, .. .. ,, Brogden, J. C. .. .. .. Masterton .. Threshing . . 6 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ Cable, W., and Co. .. .. .. Kaiwarra .. ! Shop-tools .. 52 and 13 .. First class .. .. „ Cook, Thomas .. .. .. .. Petone .. .. j Cooperage .. 26 5|- and 9 .. Second class .. .. „ Crabtree and Sons .. .. .. Wellington .. I Shop-tools .. 16 j 11 .. .. „ .. .. „ Cunningham, J. .. .. .. .. Pahiatua .. Sawmill . . .. 25 10 .. .. „ .. .. Late Ora Flax-milling Company. Dimock and Co. .. .. .. .. Ngahauranga .. Steaming .. 50 Nil .. .. „ .. .. Additional.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

I mm ninmi-tc- nf Pvlinflpra nf Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Name of Owner. | Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. 1 u . Ensine in Inches Class of Driver required. Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders j Boiler 1 " are D0W amen ded WELLINGTON DISTRICT —continued. Easton, F. S. .. .. .. .. Piaka .. .. Flax-mill.. .. 20 : 8J and 13£ .. First class .. .. Additional. Excelsior Laundry .. .. .. Wellington •. Steaming .. 32 12 .. .. Second class .. .. „ fg] Featherston County Council .. .. Featherston .. Road-rolling .. 5| and 8J .. Locomotive and traction „ Gardner and Yeoman .. .. .. Maku .. .. Sawmill .. .. 21b Two .. .. Second class .. .. Late Gosling and Son. Gear Meat Company .. .. .. Petone .. . . Hauling .. .. 12 Two 8 .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Hausman and Temple .. .. .. Kakaka .. .. Ploughing .. 10 7 and .. „ Late C. Hausman. Hill and Barton .. .. .. .. Wellington .. Butter-factory .. 25 9 .. .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Horowhenua County Council .. .. Levin .. • • Stone-crusher .. 6 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late T. Beavan, jun., Manukau. Hutson, P. .. •. .. .. Newtown .. Brickworks .. 38 14 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. Hughes, W. .. .. .. .. Masterton .. Threshing .. 6 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ Kakaramea Dairy Company .. .. Patea .. .. Dairy factory .. 30 9 .. .. Second class .. .. „ Levin Co-operative Dairy Company.. .. Levin .. .. j „ .. 18 11J .. .. „ .. .. „ Liggins, J. .. .. .. .. Tokomaru .. Flax-mill.. .. 32 12 and 20 .. First class .. .. „ ,, .. .. .. .. „ .. „ .. .. 12 7 and .. Second class .. .. „ Loughnan and Levin .. .. . . Makerua .. „ .. .. 14 Two .. .. „ .. .. I „ Mace and Nicholson .. .. .. Ngahauranga .. Stone-crusher .. 30 12 J .. .. „ .. .. „ .. .. .. .. Wellington district Hauling .. .. and 7 .. Locomotive and traction Late Dr. Rayner. May Morn Estate.. .. .. .. Mangaroa .. Log-hauler .. 12 Two .. .. Second class .. .. „ „ .. .. .. .. „ .. „ .. 13 „ .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. .. .. „ .. „ 22 Four 7 .. Locomotive and traction „ „ .. .. .. .. .. ,, ..12 Two 8| .. .. Second class .. .. Number and size of cylinders amended. Miller and Compton .. .. .. Featherston .. Chaffcutting .. 6 6 and 104 .. Locomotive and traction Late J. Arbell. McLeod, A. .. .. .. .. Matawai .. .. Sawmill .. .. 33 Two 9f .. .. Second class . . .. Size of cylinders amended. New Zealand Candle Company .. .. Kaiwarra .. Making candles .. 45 6 and 8£ .. .. „ . . .. ,, New Zealand Government Mental Hospital .. Porirua .. .. Steaming 43 .. „ . . . . Cylinders removed. Odlin, C. and A. .. .. .. .. Wellington .. Sawmill .. .. 33 16 .. .. First class . . . . Size of cylinder amended. Otaki-Manakau Dairy Company .. .. Otaki . . . . Dairy factory .. 17 6 .. .. Second class .. . . „ Porter, E. .. .. .. .. Koputaroa .. Flax-mill.. .. 12 7 and 11 .. .. „ .. .. Additional. Seifert, A. and L. .. .. .. Makerua .. .. ,, .. .. 38 12 and 20 .. First class . . . . Late H. and F. Seifert. „ .. .. .. .. „ .. .. „ .. .. 12 11 and 7 .. Second class . . .. ! Additional. Seifert, George .. .. .. .. Tokomaru .. „ .. .. 12 7 and 11 .. First class .. .. „ „ .. .. .. .. „ .. „ .. 47 9Jandl6 .. ,, .. .. „ Stewart Timber Company .. .. .. Wellington .. Sawmill .. .. 23 20f .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinder amended. „ 42 20f Te Mukanui (Limited) .. .. .. Tokomaru .. Flax-mill .. 12 7 and 11 .. Second class .. .. Additional. ...... •• j „ •• .„. •• 12 Union Steamship Company (Limited) .. Hulk "Tobias" .. Hoisting.. .. 21 Two 5J .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. ,, „ .. Evans Bay .. Steaming .. 32 Nil .. .. „ .. .. Additional. ,, ,, .. Wellington .. Coaling .. .. 22 Three 8, two 6 „ .. .. „ „ „ .. Hulk "Lutterworth" „ .. .. 34 One 8, two 7,four 6 „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ „ .. Hulk " Occident" Hauling .. .. 46 Two 6, two 7, two 8, „ .. .. „ two 10 „ „ .. Hulk " Dartford" „ .. 33 Ten 6, two 5, two 4J „ .. .. j „ „ „ .. Evans Bay . . Laundry .. 32 Nil .. . . „ .. .. Number of cylinders amended. „ „ .. Hulk" Ganymede" Coaling .. .. 22 Three 8, two 6 „ .. .. Additional. Victoria Laundry Company .. .. Wellington .. Laundry .. 87 10 and 15 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Wellington City Council .. .. .. „ .. Power-house .. 65 17, 27J .. „ .. .. „ „ .. .. .. Lyall Bay .. Stone-crushing .. 25 9 .. .. Second class .. .. Additional.



Wellington City Council .. .. ■ • Harris Street, Wei- 1 Electric lighting .. 100 | Turbine - .. .. First class .. i Turbines, late cylinders. lington „ .. .. .. I Ditto .. ... „ .. 455 | „ .. .. „ .. .. | Additional. „ .. .. . . Wellington Hauling .. .. 6 j 4 and 7 .. Locomotive and traction „ „ .. .. .. Clyde Quay .. ; Pumping .. il5 j 9J and 23 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended „ .. .. .. | „ .. „ .. 115 : 9-|, 15, 23 .. „ .. .. j Additional. „ .. .. .. | Wellington .. Road-roller .. 8 | 8J .. . . Locomotive and traction I „ Wellington Farmers' Meat Company .. Waingawa .. Freezing .. .. 88 ' 17 and 27 .. First class .. .. Late Wellington City Corporation. „ „ .. ,, .. 107 j ,, .. „ .. .. | Size of cylinders amended. Wellington Gas Company .. .. .. 1 Wellington .. Pumping .. 72 j 8 and 7 .. ... Second class .. .. j „ „ .. .. .. Miramar .. .. „ .. 72 i Two 8, one 8, one 10, „ .. .. Additional. one 7J, two 10 Wellington Harbour Board .. ... Wellington .. j „ .. 106 15 and 30 .. First class .. .. I „ „ .. .. .. 1 Waterloo Quay .. I Pile-driving .. 19 j Two 12 .. .. „ .. .. J „ „ .. .. .. : Wellington .. j Pumping .. 16 Two 9| .. .. Second class .. .. „ ,, .. .. .. „ .. Hoisting .. .. 5 and 7| .. Locomotive and traction „ Wellington Meat Export Company .. . . Alicetown . . Pumping .. 40 12 .. .. Second class .. .. „ „ „ .. .. Ngahauranga Hauling .. .. 16» ! Two 11 .. Locomotive and traction Size of cylinders amended. ,, „ .. .. „ . . Steaming .. 124 19 and 28 .. First class .. .. „ „ ,. .. .. ,, .. ,, 60 .. Second class .. .. „ .. 90 Wellington Patent Slip Companv .. Evans Bav Hauling .. .. 23 16 and 16 .. First class .. Additional. .. •• „ .. „ 23 | „ Wellington Woollen Company .. .. Petone .. . . Woollen-mills .. 65 17J and 37 .. „ .. .. „ Whitehead, Mrs. Anne .. .. .. Whakaronga .. I Dairy factory .. 12 7 and 11 .. Second class .. .. „ WELLINGTON NORTH DISTRICT. Beazer, Mark .. .. .. ... Feilding district .. General .. .. 6 5 and 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Bennett and Punch .. .. .. Rangataua .. Sawmill .. 72 17 .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Berg Bros. .. .. .. . . Horopito .. ,, .. 36 14 .. .. j Second class .. . . Additional. Egmont Co-operative Box Company .. Utiku .. .. Log-hauling .. 15J Two 9 .. 1 ,, .. .. „ „ „ .. Ohutu .. .. Sawmill .. .. 14 Two 8J .. .. ,, .. - „ Foxton Cordage Flax-milling Company .. Foxton .. .. Flax-mill.. . . 26 10J . ■ . • „ ■ . .. Late Ora Flax-milling Company. Feilding Sash and Door Factorv .. .. Ohakune .. Sawmill .. . . 20 12 .. .. „ .. .. Additional. „ 55J 13 .. .. „ .. .. ! Gammon and Co. .. .. .. „ .. Log-hauling .. 19 Two 8J .. .. Locomotive and traction Late Taupo Totara Timber Company. Gilford and Henson .. .. .. Mt. Stewart district Threshing only .. 6 7f . . .. „ Additional. Goldfinch and Co. .. .. .. | Ohakune .. Hauling .. .. 6 Two 41 .. .. „ Late Derby Bros. Hanson, John .. .. .. .. Marton .. .. General .. .. 6 8 .. .. „ Additional. Harvey, Thomas B. .. .. .. j Marton district .. „ .. .. 8 9 . . .. „ ; Late J. C. Meyer. Hutton, Charles .. .. .. .. Manui .. .. Sawmill .. .. 25 101 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Clement and Hutton. Mangawhero Sawmilling Company .. .. Ohakune .. ,, .. 36 14 .. .. ,, .. .. Size of cylinder amended. McDonald, Kenneth .. .. .. Rangiotu .. Dairy factory .. 16 Nil .. .. „ .. .. Late Bunnythorpe Co-operative Dairy Company. Nathan, Joseph, and Co. .. .. .. Bunnythorpe .. Dried-milk factory 30 „ .. .. „ .. . . Cylinders removed. ,, .. .. .. „ .. „ 51 6 .. .. „ .. .. Additional. New Zealand Powell Wood -process Company.. Rangataua .. Hauling .. .. 7j Two 7 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ „ „ .. „ .. Wood-preserving .. 32 8 and 13 .. First class .. .. j „ ,, ,, .. ,, .. ,, .. ; 32 . .. ,, .. .. „ ,, ,, .. .. ,, .. 50 ,, . • .. ,i .. • • ,, 56 16 Ora Flax-milling Company.. .. .. Rangitane .. Flax-mill.. .. 20 Two 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Broad and Ingram. Perham, Larson, and Co. .. .. .. Rangataua .. Sawmill .. .. 70 12J .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Primus Flax-milling Company .. .. Kairanga .. Flax-mill.. .. 12 7 and 11 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Green and Donald. Quin Bros. .. .. .. .. Hihitahi .. .. Hauling .. .. 16 Two 9 .. .. Locomotive and traction j Additional. Rangataua Timber Companv .. .. Rangataua .. Sawmill .. .. 23 12 .. .. Second class .. .. | „ „ 35 13 „ .. .. I . „



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not givr-n : printing (1,050 copies, including chart), £100.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ls.

I'iict. 2s.]

1 ; 1 i ' 7 i i I ® ors ®~ i TV«m p+pr f r rV h f Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Xam e of Owner. j Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. I P 0T Y er j diameter 01 L\_nnaers or Class of Driver required. Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders or j engine m mcnes. I are n amended. J Boiler, j WELLINGTON NORTH DISTRICT —continued. Rangataua Timber Company . . .. Rangataua .. Sawmill .. .. 50 16J- .. .. First class .. .. I Additional. Seifert, Lewis .. .. ,. .. Rangitane .. Flax-mill .. 13 Two 8f .. .. Second class .. .. 1 „ Silver Pine Sawmilling Company .. .. „ .. „ 36 14-J .. .. „ .. .. „ Simpson, R. R. .. .. .. Marton .. .. General .. .. 6 5 and 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction „ Sy me, George .. .. .. .. Tangiwai.. .. Hauling .. .. 8 Two 6J .... „ „ „ .. .. .. .. „ .. Sawmill .. .. 40 14 .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. „ 30 16 Tiratu Sawmilling Company .. .. Ohakune.. .. „ .. 39 12 .. .. „ .. .. „ Waugji and Son .. .. .. . . Kimbolton district General .. .. 7 8 .. .. Locomotive and traction Late Waugh Bros. Waimarino County Council .. .. Raetihi .. .. „ .. .. 4 4f and 7 .. .. „ Additional. WESTLAND DISTRICT. Butler Bros. .. .. .. .. Ruatapu .. .. Locomotive .. 14 Two 9J .. .. Locomotive and traction P ; Additional. Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand (Ltd ) Waiuta .. .. Mining .. .. 48 16, 14, Two 14, two First class and winding.. Size of cylinders amended. 7, one 4J Five-mile Beach Gold-dredging Company .. Okarito .. .. Gold-dredge .. 53 12f and 20| .. First class .. .. Additional. Forest Sawmilling Company .. .. Nelson Creek .. Sawmill .. .. 30 9 and 14.. .. j „ .. .. „ Goss, W., jun. .. .. .. . . Moana .. .. „ .. .. 36 14 .. .. Second class .. .. Size of cylinder amended. Late Moana Sawmilling Company. K. K. Sawmilling Company .. .. Kumara .. .. Locomotive . . 9 Two 7 .. Locomotive and traction Additional. Kotuku Sawmilling Company . . .. Aratika .. .. ., . . 18 Two 8 „ „ ,, .. „ .. Sawmill .. .. 60 18 .. .. First class .. .. „ Malcock, E. T., and Co. .. .. .. Kanieri .. .. ,, .. .. 12 Two 8J .. .. Second class .. . . Late Benjamin and Malcock. « 99 •• .. .. ,, .. .. „ .. .. 13 Two 8f .. .. „ .. .. „ ,, , 9 .. .. .. „ .. .. Hauling .. .. 6 6| and 10J .. Locomotive and traction Late G. Wilmott. Millerton Syndicate Gold-mining Company .. Kukawai .. Mining .. .. 60 Two 12,one 16, one 6 First class and winding.. Size of cylinders amended. New Zealand Government State Mines .. State mines .. „ .. .. 49 Two 7 and 11, two 9, First class .. . . Additional. one 10, two 6, one 6 „ .. „ „ ..64 Seven 11, two 16, „ .. .. „ two 18, one 14, one 10, one 4 „ .. „ „ .. 36 13 and 17J .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. ,, .. Rewanui .. Bin machinery . . 64 12, 10, 6, 4J, two 4 Second class .. .. ,, ,, ,, .. Mining .. .. 72 11 J, one 19, 3J and 7 First class .. .. „ ,, .. ,, 43 16, three 7, two 6. „ .. .. „ two 5, one 4J New Zealand Greenstone Mountain Company Wainihinihi .. „ .. .. 58 8 and 12.. .. „ .. .. Additional. North Brunner Coal Company .. . . Stillwater .. „ .. .. 61 and 12§ . . „ .. .. „ Perotti, A. .. .. .. . . Reefton .. .. Hauling .. . . 10 Two 8 .. Locomotive and traction „ Paynter and Hamilton .. .. .. Jacksons.. . . Sawmill .. .. 20 12§ .. .. j Second class .. . . Late Christchurch Timber Company. Red Jack's Creek Gold-mining Company .. Red Jack's Creek . . Dredging.. . . 30 9 and 14. . .. First class .. . . Additional. Rotomana Flax-milling Company .. .. Rotomana .. Flax-mill.. .. 16 Two 9 .. .. Second class .. .. „ Stratford and Blair .. .. .. Snowy .. .. Sawmill .. .. 16 8 and 12f .. First class .. .. „ Totara Timber Company .. .. .. Papakamai .. „ .. .. 20 12 .. .. Second class .. .. „ Watson, R. .. .. .. . . Kumara .. .. Hauling .. .. 5 5 and 9 .. . . Locomotive and traction Late C. Tyler and Sons. Westland Borough Council .. .. Greymouth .. Road-roller .. 5 o| and .. ,, Additional. Wilson, G. .. .. .. .. Stafford .. .. Dredging.. .. 33 and 12f .. First class .. .. Late Stafford Gold-dredging Company. Ziman, L. R. .. .. . . .. Waiuta .. .. Mining .. .. 20 14 .. . . Winding .. • .. Late Just-in -Time Gold-mining Company.


NEW ZEALAND WRECK CHART. 1st APRIL, 1914, to 31st MARCH, 1915.

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Bibliographic details

MARINE DEPARTMENT: ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1914-15., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, H-15

Word Count

MARINE DEPARTMENT: ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1914-15. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, H-15

MARINE DEPARTMENT: ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1914-15. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, H-15

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