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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 113 of the Patents. Designs. and Trade-marks Act, 1911.

In pursuance of the requirements of the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act I have the honour to submit my report on the proceedings thereunder during the year. The number of applications during the year was 2,316, 311 less than in the previous year. The revenue, =£7,572, exceeded that for 1913 by £458 135., and the expenditure was .£564 15s. higher than in that year. The increase in the latter was due chiefly to the appointment of a Deputy Registrar, a position provided for by the Act, but not rilled since 1907, on the promotion of the officer then holding it to the Registrarship. Ordinary additions to salaries according to scale, and the somewhat larger amount than usual spent in binding specifications, also served to increase the amount. Some items of expenditure are included which do not appear in previous years' totals. In accordance with the Act, the Court, in a proceeding for infringement, may call in the aid of an assessor, whose remuneration shall be paid as part of the expenses of administering the Act, and £43 3s. 4d. was incurred in the one ease in which such assistance was employed. Furniture, stores, &c, are also charged, thus accounting for the first time fen- all expenditure in connection with the Office. It will be noticed that .£1,129 2s. 4d.. or 32 per cent., was in respect of work done and stationery supplied by the Government Printing Office. The total amount received in fees since the foundation of the Office is approximately £89,785, and the amount received over that expended since the Ist January, 1890, is £67,327. The War and Legislation. The effect of the war has been felt by the Office in the fewer applications recorded, the number for the last four months amounting to only 2033 per cent, of the year's total. While this has involved a falling-off in the fees payable on filing, it is noteworthy that the payments for the renewal of existing patents has been fully maintained. Under the special legislation passed last session rules have been made enabling the Governor in Council to order the avoidance or suspension of patents or trade-marks of subjects of a State at war with His Majesty. No application has so far been received for the avoidance or suspension, of any patent or the grant of a license thereunder, but applications have been made for the avoidance or suspension of the registration in New Zealand of two trade-marks of German proprietary. In each case suspension in favour of the applicants has been approved, subject to certain conditions. The Act has also enabled rules to be made for the suspension of proceedings in respect of applications for patents or registration of trade-marks of enemy subjects. No such applications are accepted or patents issued, but a special license permits the payment of renewal fees, and in these cases they are accordingly received and recorded. The regulations under the Act further enable the time for filing any document or paying any fee to be extended where a person has been prevented from doing so by reason of active service, enforced absence from the country, or from any other circumstances arising- from the present state of war. An extension may also be granted for any act the doing of which would by reason of the circumstances arising from the present state of war be prejudicial to the rights or interests of any applicant or proprietor. Copies of the regulations and of ihe license referred to will be found in the appendix. The legislation on the subject corresponds to that in force in Great Britain, where it may be mentioned 172 applications for licenses of patents have been granted and 20 applications have been refused. I—H. 10.



In that country up to the end of the year 91 applications were made for the avoidance or suspension of trade-marks; of these, 33 were refused and 17 withdrawn, while in 21 cases registration was suspended, and in 12 cases registration was avoided. The remaining applications were then pending. In his report the Comptroller-General of Patents, Nondon, states that "the policy has not been to destroy or confiscate the patent rights or rights arising from the registration of designs or trade-marks owned by alien enemies; the course taken has been to foster the sale and manufacture of goods by giving to the manufacturer or merchant an effective security against any legal proceedings for infringement hereafter." Although the staff has been slightly increased, the absence of members on military duty, and additional work in which it has been engaged in the compilation of a list of patents in force and the special investigation and requirements with regard to the nationality of applicants, has kept it fully occupied in spite of the falling-off in the number of applications in the latter part of the year. With the completion of the annual lists and other extra matter on which the Office has been engaged during the current year an opportunity will be afforded of revising the classification, preparing abridgments of patents for publication, and doing other work it is advisable to undertake, but for which time lias not hitherto been available. Patents. There were 1,574 applications for letters patent during the year, 201 short of the number received in 1913. 971 were left with provisional specifications and 003 with complete specifications, while 286 complete specifications were lodged in respect of applications with which provisional specifications were filed, making a total of 1,860 specifications, as compared with 2,051 for 1913, a difference of 191. The number of applications received up to 31st December was 35,761, and the patents then in force in New Zealand 3,523. The maintenance of the revenue in spite of the fewer applications is accounted for by the increase in the number of cases for sealing letters patent (£200) and the receipt of renewal fees due under the Act of 1911 after thiee years, involving an increase of £102 in addition to those payable after four rears and seven years in respect of patents granted under the former Act. The fewer applications received resulted in a corresponding reduction of fees under that head, and there is nothing calling for remark with regard to the other amounts. Thirty-two applications were received from women inventors (9 less than in 1913). 19 being in respect of domestic appliances, and 7 for articles of dress. Applications for patent of addition numbered 17 (6), and there were 23 (14) complete specifications in respect of cognate provisionals, the figures in parentheses being those for 1913. Examination op Specifications. While the Act enables the Office to inquire into the novelty of inventions sought to be patented, the extent to which such investigation can be carried out is limited by the time available for the work. At present no special provision is made for examination, and a certain number of patents are issued which a more adequate examination would enable the Office to restrict or refuse. The applications for the twelve months stated below were dealt with as follows :— Number of applications received from Ist June. 1913, to 31st May, 1914 (inclusive) ... ... ... ... ... ' ... 1,848 Applications in respect of which amendment under section 5, or compliance with other formalities, required before acceptance ... ... 417 Applications in respect of which amendment on account of want of novelty required before acceptance ... ... ... ... 139 Not accepted ... ... ... ... ... ... 77 Countries from which Applications received. hast year 1,045 applications were received from residents of New Zealand, and 529 from poisons living in other places. These numbers are respectively 128 and 73 less than those for the preceding year. The deficiency as regards applications from other countries is chiefly accounted for by 150 from Great Britain and 106 from the United States, as compared with 183 and 121 in 1913. The number from the Commonwealth was 221 in 1914. the same as in the previous year. Trend or Subject-matter of Invention. No subject stands out as haviug specially engaged attention during the year. As usual, the applications in respect of our industries are fairly well maintained. Under the heading "Dairying," 92 applications were received, as against 100 for 1913, the most noticeable feature being in respect of the releasers and teat-cup.-, of milking-machines. Attention seems to be given much more to the development of well-known types of machines than to any marked departure from generally recognized lines. Fibre-dressing accounted for 58 applications, about the same number as in the previous year. Invention with regard to this subject appears to have been to some extent stimulated by the offer of a bonus in connection with improved methods or machines. In cultivating and tilling' appliances an advance is shown from 25 applications in 1913 to 48 received last year. The large number of inventions recorded in respect of telephoning shows continued improvement in this subject, especially in respect of automatic and semi-automatic telephone systems. No other subject calls for any special remark.



Commenting on the trend of inventions in his last report the Comptroller-General of Patents, London, states, " The outbreak of war naturally provided a stimulus to inventions connected with military and naval subjects, particularly aerial warfare and submarine mining. Bombs and their projection from aircraft have claimed considerable attention from inventors, as also have means for detecting submarines and torpedoes, and for protecting ships therefrom. Applications for darts, mechanical means for throwing bombs and other projectiles, and body-armour provide an interesting side-light on the revival of ancient methods of warfare. Amongst other inventions in connection with military matters may be mentioned bullet-proof shields, periscopes for enabling observations to be made while the observer remains under cover in a trench, sleepingbags, and combination knives, forks, and spoons. The issue of Treasury notes of small denomination was the occasion of a considerable number of applications for purses for holding paper currency. Toys and games, particularly of a warlike nature, are responsible for a large number of applications. Dolls' heads and eyes, previously largely made abroad, and ' foot-cycles,' now so popular amongst the juventile section of the community, may also be worthy of mention in this connection. The disaster to the submarine A 7 directed attention to the problem of locating wrecked submarines and signalling to and rescuing their occupants. In the field of aeronautics, in which invention has been very active during the last few years, a marked falling-off is observed. The interest in visual signal-indicators for mines has been well maintained." In New Zealand the inventions traceable to the source referred to are very few, though there are possibly more than would appear from the records of this Office, as inventions relating to munitions of war to ensure secrecy are frequently communicated direct to the War Office and not patented in this country. International Convention. In proportion to the total applications received, the number under the Convention was higher last year than the year before —137 as compared with 139. Of 150 applications received from Great Britain, 64 were under the Convention (183 —58); of 106 from the United States, 25 (121 —23); and of 221 from Australia, 41 (221 —46), the figures in parentheses being the respective numbers for the previous year. Restoration, of Letters Patent and Sealing Letters Patent .ifter Application, advertised as lapsed. In eight cases orders were issued as provided by section 22 of the Act for the restoration of letters patent after they had become void owing to the non-payment of renewal fees. In like manner the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Amendment Act of 1913 authorizes the sealing of letters patent after the application had been advertised as lapsed in cases where the omission to apply for the sealing and to pay the fee was due to inadvertence. Applicants availed themselves of this provision in six cases, and were thus enabled to reap the benefit from their inventions they would otherwise have lost. Stringent provisions are inserted in orders for restoration of letters patent, and letters patent so sealed for the protection of any one who may have put the invention into use after the patent has been advertised as void or the application as lapsed. Designs. Fifty-five applications were received and 46 designs registered during the year, as compared with 65 and 58 for 1913. Judging by the very small extent to'which it is availed of, this form of protection is not gaining in favour. As pointed out in former reports, it is intended chiefly for manufacturing countries, and is not of much use in a country like this Tkade-mahks. The number of applications received during the year was 687, a decrease of 100 in that for the previous year. The fees amounted to £1,276 16s. 2d., about the same as the previous year, in which £i,284 13s, 6d. was paid. Fees on application (£341 10s.), registration (£663), and renewal (£147) constituted the principal amounts. Countries from which Applications were received. Applications by residents of New Zealand numbered 270, and by persons living in other places 417. Fewer applications were received from Great Britain, .199 (253), but slightly more from the United States, 75 (70), and Australia, 94 (86), than in 1913, the figures for which throughout this report are given in parentheses after the number for 1914. • Goods for which Trade-marks registered. The applications in Class 42 (food substances) fell to 116 last year from 167 in 1913, an increase of 67 on the number received hi the previous year. Fewer applications were made in Class I (chemical substances used in manufactures), 13 (32); in Class 13 (metal goods not included in other classes), 14 (35); in Class 38 (clothing), 40 (65); in. Class 43 (fermented liquors and spirits), 13 (22); in Class 45 (tobacco), 32 (49). More were lodged in respect of Class 2 (chemical substances used for agriculture, &c), 35 (22); in Class 44 (mineral and aerated waters), 28 (5), and a few other classes, while not much change is shown in the rest. Special Applications to the Court. In accordance with the Act of 1911, the Court may, on application, declare a mark which has been successfully used to be distinctive wdiich would not otherwise be held to be so under the ordinary provisions of the Act. During 1914 four applications were made to the Court, and, as a result, three were proceeded with and one refused.



General. Opposition. Notice of opposition was lodged in 15 cases. No notice of appeal was given or appeal heard during the year. " Patent Office Journal." The issue of this publication, which was restricted on account cf the war, has now been restored to its original number, and. is sent to the institutions set out in the schedule. Patent Agents. One agent was registered, after examination. Owing to the non-payment of the annual fee the name of one agent was struck off, the number on the roll at the end of the year being 31. The Office is indebted to the gentlemen wdio have been good enough to assist in connection with the examination of patent agents, and whose term of appointment lias now expired. Arrangements in connection with the future examination of candidates will be considered when occasion arises. Conclusion. The Appendix hereto contains the following tables and lists, viz. : — Pago A. Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1914 .. B. Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years C. Particulars of Fees received from the Ist January to the 31st December, 1914 D. Staff of Officers, and Salaries .. . . .. . . . . E. Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trademarks recorded for the Years 1890 to 1914, inclusive . . F. Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c. . . G. Table showing, over a Series of Years, the Number of Patents that were considered of Sufficient Value to be kept Alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees . . H. Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Countries in each of the Years 1912, 1913, and 1914 .. 1. Table showing Number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1912, 1913, and 1914 J. Number of Applications received under the International and Colonial Arrangements, showing the Country of Origin, in each of the Years 1912, 1913, and 1914 K. Applications pending at the End of 1914 L. Patents in Force at End of Year 1914 M. Table showing Total Number of Applications, Letters Patent sealed, and Letters Patent in Force for Full Term under the Different Patents Acts N. Designs : Table showing Number of Applications in each of the Sixteen Classes under the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1911, from Ist January, to 31st December, 1914 0. Number of Applications for Registration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Countries in each of the Years 1912, 1913, and 1914 P. Number of Applications to register Trade-marks in the Fifty Different Classes in each of the Years 1912, 1.913, and 1914 Q. Institutions filing Patent Office Journal for Free Public Inspection.. Patents (Temporary) Regulations, 1914 .... Trade-marks (Temporary) Regulations, 1914 License permitting Payment of certain Fees Note.—The lists of Inventions and Applicants for Letters Patent, Designs, and Trade-marks for the past year have been printed in the Index to Vol. 11l of the Patent, Office Journal. Patent Office, Wellington, 16th June, 1915. J. C. Lewis, Registrar.



APPENDIX. A. —Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1914. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s, d. Patent fees .. .. .. .. 6.227 5 7 Salaries .. .. •.. .. 1,963 8 2 Design fees .. .. .. .. 19 12 0 Clerical assistance .. .. .. 156 10 0 Trade-mark fees .. .. .. 1,276 16 2 Foes to local patent officers .. .. 415 0 Sale of Acts, Gazettes, Journals, Name Binding printed specifications, &c, preIndex, &.C. .. .. .. 48 6 3 sontod to Office by other countries . . 59 10 0 Printing Patent Office Journal .. . . 824 19 6 Other printing and binding .. .. 184 2 4 Stationcrv .. .. .. .. 60 10 6 Stamps " .. .. .. .. 62 0 0 Books, patent laws, &o. .. .. 712 8 Tele phono .. .. .. .. 1500 Payments refunded .. .. .. 76 810 Rent of room in Public Trust Building . . 5 14 5 Travelling expenses .. .. .. 49 18 10 Furniture, stores, &c. .. .. .. 18 19 II Typewriter repairs . . . . . . 18 6 Payment to assessor under section 32 of Act .. .. .. .. 43 3 4 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 516 3 Balance .. .. .. .. 4,035 4 9 £7,572 0 0 £7,572 0 0

B.—Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years.

il Receipts. Expenditure, j Surplus. Year. I Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Year. I . 1907 1908 1909 1910 £ s. d. .. i 5,916 4 6 .. | 5,470 6 1 .. | 6,014 12 2 .. 6,314 9 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,602 4 10 3,313 19 8 j 1911 2,822 8 5 2,648 2 8 1912 2,822 18 4 3,19.1 16 10 : 1913 2,669 9 5 3,645 0 6 I 1914 ll [ I £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. 0,535 6 0 2,440 18 7 j 4,094 7 5 6,756 7 11 2,989 3 0 3,767 4 11 7,113 7 0 2,972 0 3 4,141 6 9 7,572 0 0 3,536 15 3 4,035 4 9 I



C. —Particulars of Fees received from 1st January to 31st December, 1914.

No. 1'ees, each. Amount received. I Patents. Applications for patent with provisional specifications .. .. .. 969 Applications for patent with complete specifications . . .. .. 602 Complete specifications left after provisional specifications.. .. ., 286 On application for extension of time for filing complete specification .. 78 On application for extension of time for acceptance of complete specification. ,"' .. j On application for extension of time for payment of fees . . .. .. ; On giving notice of opposition . . .. .. .. . . .. 7 On extension of time for filing declarations in opposition eases On hearing objections .. .. . . . , ,. . . 4 On request for sealing letters patent .. .. .. .. .. 813 Renewal fees before end of third year .. .. .. .. .. 34 Renewal fees before end of fourth year .. . . .. .. ,. 293 Renewal fees before end of seventh year . . . . . . .. 113 On application to seal letters patent after the prescribed time .. .. 6 On sealing of letters patent . . .. On application for restoration of lapsed patent .. .. .. .. 8 On restoration of lapsed patent On extension of time for filing opposition in restoration cases On application to amend specification .. .. .. .. .. 7 On request to enter name of subsequent proprietor, &c, on Register .. 102 Certificates re assignments .. .. .. .. ,. ,. IK On request to correct clerical errors .. .. ,. .. . . !> Certificates of the Registrar .. .. .. . . .. .. 5 Certifying copies of specifications and drawings . . . . .. . . 78 On request to be examined as a patent agent .. .. .. . . 1 Patent agents renewal fees . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Searches . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 488 Copies of specifications and drawings .. .. .. .. .... Expenses of Registrar in hearing patent case away from Wellington Miscellaneous £ s. d. 0 10 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 10 0 10s., £1, or £1 10s. Ditto 0 10 0 £ s. d. 484 10 0 602 0 0 286 0 0 39 0 0 | 13 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 I 0 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 3 3 0 I I (I 0 I 0 70 10 (I 3 10 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1,626 0 0 102 0 0 I,465 0 0 1,130 0 0 18 0 0 60 0 0 16 0 0 12 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 51 0 0 4 III 0 2 5 0 1 5 0 19 10 0 3 3 0 31 10 0 24 8 0 131 3 3 9 6 3 2 15 I 6,227 5 7 Designs. Applications for registration of designs On extension of period of copyright under section 52 (2) . . Copy of design certificate 5s. & 2s. (id. 16 o o 3 10 o 0 2 0 19 12 0 Trade-marks. Applications for registration of trade-marks . . . . .. . . 683 On notice of opposition .. . . .. .. ,. . . 8 On extension of time for filing opposition On extension of time for filing counterstatcinent On extension of time for filing declarations On registration .. . . .. .. .. .... 663 On registration of series of marks .. . . . . . . . . 3 On association .. .. .. . . . . .. . . 49 On renewal of registration .. .. .. .. .. .. 147 On extension of tune for payment of renewal fee .. .. .. . . 2 On restoration . . .. .. . . . . . . I On assignment of trade-mark On certificates re assignments .. ■ .. .. ... .. .. 48 On request to amend trade-mark application . . . . .. . . 6 On request to correct clerical error .. .. . . .. 2 On cancellation of entry in Register .. .. . . .. . . 5 On request to alter address . . . . . . .. . . 5 Extra space in Journal Copy of trade-mark certificates Entry of order of Court in Register Searches .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. 170 Searches under Rule 82 .. .. .. .. . . .. 82 Expenses of Registrar in hearing trade-mark case away from Wellington (paid by parties) Miscellaneous 888 8 603 3 49 147 2 I 48 6 2 5 5 0 10 0 1 0 0 I 0,0 0 5 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 J 0 0 £1 and 2s. 0 5 0 U B 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 341 10 (I 8 0 0 1 10 0 0 15 0 6 5 0 663 0, 0 0 15 0 2 I) 0 147 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 42 16 0 12 0 0 I 10 0 0 10 0 1 5 0 1 5 0 15 0 0 1 17 0 0 5 0 8 10 0 10 5 0 6 6 0 170 82 0 1 0 0 2 6 2 3 2 1,276 16 2



D.—Staff of Officers, and Salaries. £ s. d. Begistrar* ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 525 0 0 Deputy Begistrarf ... ... ... ... ... ... 330 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 220 0 0 Clerk .... ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 190 0 0 Cadet . . ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 0 0 Cadet ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 65 0 0 Librarian ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... 220 0 0 Typiste ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 108 0 0 Typiste ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 108 0 0 £2,046 0 0 * Also Registrar of Copyright, nil. I Also Deputy Registrar of Copyright, nil. -

E. —Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trademarks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1914 inclusive.

F .—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, etc.

Year. Patents. Designs. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 .1896 1897 > 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 Q1 „ j 1 Jan.-30 June ■ al/ t 1 July-31 Dec. 1913 1914 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 1,618 1,527 1,705 1,831 1,740 904 833 1,775 1,574 5 4 10 1 15 14 27 13 10 12 15 18 28 26 24" 54 36 57 79 51 46 21 15 29 65 55 160 225 290 325 347 254 279 361 343 328 348 379 412 447 592 607 702 634 685 703 818 861 384 395 787 687 781 818 906 951 1,118 1,084 1,298 1,467 1,374 1,332 1,372 1,511 1,871 2,077 2,099 2,262 2,483 2,359 2,291 2,459 2,695 2,622 1,303 1,257 2,627 2,316

I Number of Applig ! cations with which j5 Complete Specifications lodged. N.Z. Foreign. 1890! 242 207 1891 : 187 207 1892, 202 191 1893 ! 198 178 1894 278 166 1895! 229 201 18961 299 275 1897 217 303 1898 i 199 305 1899: 182 297 1900! 160 321 1901, 199 353 1902' 163 357 1903i 205 368 1901 200 321 1905 215 355 1906 230 405 1907 221 456 1908, 221 365 19091 233 407 1910 [ 250 413 1911 245 434 1912j 258 507 1913 217 467 19141 177 426 : Number i cations wi Provisional tions h N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 307 318 I 444 419 382 441 459 767 859 754 827 866 748 792 892 990 935 877 965 868 of Appli- . N ) um r'. er of f Numbe: nth which Applications for oat ions | ,1 Specifics- which Complete ; , lodged. Specifications sub- / 5 sequently lodged. Foreign. N.Z. [ Foreign. J N.Z. 60 27 17 , 202 69 29 - 25 i 191 53 40 16 , 237 52 51 24 i 262 61 69 : 16 , 352 79 75 34 l 403 l 100 68 ■ 33 439 129 87 41 481 98 102 29 447 131 84 55 409 87 97 36 452 103 119 28 ; 458 144 274 , 65 690 172 238 | 54 | 801 208 198 74 i 700 204 222 86 I 783 244 227 100 843 193 160 ' 88 748 149 211 79 ! 741 173 197 ' 99 ! 862 [ 148 254 75 i 925 126 258 59 849 95 275 ! 35 817 126 I 249 i 58 * 103 I * * *' r of Appliabandoned, Num sed, or Patent! fused. Foreign. I N.Z. 50 j 147 50 122 43 ! 125 30 133 51 173 51 133 75 185 95 181 70 172 82 ! 155 59 ! 149 76 j 200 86 , 240 116 | 263 154 254 142 ' 259 175 253 145 ' 221 107 ; 272 108 ' 263 125 ! 306 86 323 78 | 334 iber of s sealed. Poroign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 336 332 346 349 380 415 424 375 417 474 504 407 472 475 482 508 Total Number of Applications. 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 1,618 1,527 1,705 1,831 1,740 1,737 1,775 1,574 * These figun lired. is are necessarily incomplete, as the time for proceeding further with the applications has not yet OX'



G. —Table showing, over a Series of Years, the Number of Patents that were considered of Sufficient Value to be kept alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees.

H. —Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Countries in each of the Years 1912, 1913, and 1914.

Note. —A lew applications were received from joint applicants resident in different countries, also from applicants giving two addresses ; the figures will therefore total more than the actual number of applications received.

Year. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 Number of Applications received. 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 1,618 1,527 1,705 1,831 Number of Number of Number of Number of Complete T .. t, . ; Patents on which Patents c, .,. r - .Letters l J atent n -, . , . , Specifications , , Second-term on which received. Fee paid. Final Fee paid. 493 364 80 37 448 348 78 23 449 326 84 37 451 333 99 47 529 349 88 31 539 362 113 " 45 675 478 118 53 648 517 136 49 635 504 138 58 618 501 199 90 614 498 172 71 699 580 200 91 859 655 209 104 865 687 229 95 793 629 209 89 878 676 231 108 962 727 238 96 925 725 231 122 876 : 679 222 936 735 252 1,022 844 285 I ■

1912. 1913. 1914. 1 1912. 1913. 1914. New Zealand Argentina Austria Belgium Canada Cape Colony China Cuba Denmark Egypt France 1,135 1,173 1 1 1 3 12 19 1 1 1 3 4 1,045 1 Italy Mexico New South Wales Norway Queensland .. Rhodesia Russia South Australia Spain Sweden Switzerland .. Tasmania Transvaal United States Victoria Western Australia Zululand 2 1 85 6 15 I 2 1 96 3 8 1 '72 3 12 13 2 I 4 13 150 6 15 1 15 1 8 10 9 25 25 168 183 2 1 2 1 4 3 7 4 118 116 11 5 1 5 3 3 106 111 7 I Germany Great Britain Hawaii Holland 121 84 13 7 Hungary India


I. —Table showing Number of Applications for Patents for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1912, 1913, and 1914.

Note.—Owing to some inventions being classified under more than one heading, tlie figures will total rather more than the actual number of applications received. * Prior to 1911 milking-machines were included in Class Dairying, but are now a separate class.

J. —Number of Applications received under the International and Colonial Arrangements, showing the Country of Origin, in each of the Years 1912, 1913, and 1914.

2—H. 10.


Class. 1912. 1918, nut. Class. 1912. j 1913. 1914, Advertising and displaying, signs, &c. 18 16 21 Illuminating (except gas-manufac-ture) Indicating, calculating, and measuring (including moisture-testers) 29 28 16 Aeronautics Amusements, music, exercisers, games, &c. Attaching and securing (including bolts, ties, &c.) 8 43 4 41 8 36 41 32 23 20 28 17 Kitchen utensils and cookingappliances (including ovens) 32 59 42 Boilers (steam) Boots and shoes Bottles, bottling, and glass-working Boxes, cans, and casks Brewing, distilling, &o, Brooms and brushes (including mops) Building, construction (brick and cement, compositions and moulding) „ (windows and doors) 18 29 27 45 1 10 13 20 24 47 5 8 10 37 22 29 2 10 Lifting, hauling, and loading Looks, latches, and hinges .. j Marine and submarine (including lake and river engineering) Marking (tickets, labels, &c.) Medicines and surgical appliances (including ear-instruments, dental work, &c.) Metal-working (including welding, stamping, and plating) Milking-machines* .. .. j Minerals (inoluding filtration, lixiviation, screens, &o.) Ditto (magnotic separators) „ (stampers and pulverizers) .. 28 28 24 20 20 18 41 39 I 22 10 10 6 24 15 11 28 28 37 28 31 21 19 14 12 23 21 20 Chemicals Cleaning, polishing, &c. Closets and urinals Coin-freed mechanism Cooling and freezing Cultivating and tilling Cutting and sawing, and tools 18 15 19 7 11 32 69 4 20 17 6 6 25 49 5 13 12 5 3 48 47 72 28 68 30 62 • 29 •3 1 3 .3 Oils and lubricators .. 9 13 10 Dairying* Drains and sewers Dredging and excavating (inoluding rock-drills) Drying .. .. .... 32 4 12 27 2 3 30 5 7 Paints and painting (inoluding kauri-gum) Pipes, tubes, and hose .. .. j Preserving Presses Printing and photography Pumps and sprayers (except rotary , pumps) 8 15 6 3 28 12 13 10 3 3 22 21 9 10 9 1 9 12 16 12 8 ■ Electricity and magnetism Engines (air, gas, and oil) (steam), including rotary pumps (miscellaneous and engineaccessories) including— Current motors, Solar motors, Tide motors, Wave motors, Windmills, Miscellaneous motors Explosives, firearms, and targets .. Exterminating (including trapping animals) 11 34 19 IS 42 18 17 31 • 19 40 8 80 8 77 4 29 42 31 Railways and tramways Roads and ways (including roadwatering) Seed-dressing, ohaffcutting, and ! threshing Seed-sowers Sewing and knitting Sheep and cattle (including veterinary applianoes) Sheep shearing and clipping Shop and hotel fittings .. Stationery and paper .. 7 12 10 6 9 24 7 4 32 5 6 27 13 16 18 30 9 10 6 6 37 4 6 38 8 17 27 Fencing (strainers) Fibre-dressing (including ropemaking) Filters Firo alarms, escapes, ladders, and extinguishers Food .. Furnaces and kilns (including smokeconsumers) Furniture and upholstery, desks, blinds, curtains, &c. 30 6 34 20 10 56 18 8 58 Telephony and telegraphy (including phonographs) Tobacoo 64 61 82 3 15 4 12 1 7 10 11 1 9 27 10 29 7 11 Valves and cocks Vehicles (velocipedes) Ventilating 16 43 50 5 6 45 42 5 9 34 44 7 51 61 52 Washing and cleansing .. Water-supplying Wearing-apparel .. Wools and bides .. .. ! 32 1 69 9 23 11 55 4 14 5 44 6 Gas-manufacture for lighting, heating, or power purposes 29 24 26 23 6 23 • 20 6 36 19 9 33 Miscellaneous inventions not in other classes, as indiarubber manufacture, fishing-appliances, &c. 3 11 8 Harness (including horse, &c, covers) Harvesting and grading Heating and fuel-manufacture

Country. 1912. 1913. 1914. Country. 1912. 1913. 1914. Australia Austria Belgium Canada 50 46 41 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 12 6 2 65 j 58 64 41 Holland Hungary Norway Spain ... Sweden Switzerland United States of America 1 2 1 3 1 "2 France "2 64 Germany Great Britain 1 12 1 23 25



X. —Applications pending at End of 1914. Total. 1336. L. Patents tn Force at End of Yeah, 191 I. Patents sealed from 31st December, 1910, to 31st December. 1914, .. 2,020 Third-year fees paid from 31st December, 1913, to 31st Decomber, 1914 .. 34 Fourth-year fees paid from 3.lst December, 1911, to 31st December, 1911 .. 775 Seventh-year fees paid from 31st December, 1907, to 31st December, 1914.. 691 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,523

M.—Table showing Total Number of Applications for Patents, Letters Patent sealed, and Letters Patent in Force for Full Term under the Different Patents Acts, up to 31st D ecember, 1914 (i ncl usive ).

N.—Table showing Number, of Applications for Registration of Designs in each of the Sixteen Classes under the. Patents, Designs, and Tradr-marks Act. 1911. prom I siJanuary to December, L 914. Glass I. Articles com posed wholly of metal or in which metal predominates, not included in Class 2 17 Class 2. Jewellery . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . 2 Class 3. Articles composed wholly of wood, bone, ivory, papier-mache or other solid substances not included in other classes, or of materials in which, such substances predominate.. .. 9 Class 4. -Articles composed wholly of glass, earthenware, or porcelain, bricks, tiles, or cement, or in which such materials predominate .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Class 5. Articles composed wholly of paper (except paperhangiiigs), cardboard, millboard, or gtrawboard, or in which such materials predominate .. .. .. .. ..12 Class 6. -Articles composed wholly of leather or in which leather predominates, and bookbinding of all materials . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . .... ClasB 7. —Paperhaagings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Class c?.—-Carpets and rugs in all materials, floorcloths, and oilcloths . . .. .. .... Class 9. —Laoe.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Class 10. —Hosiery .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... Glass ll■ Millinery and wearing-apparel, including boots and shoes .. .. .. ..2 Glass 12. Ornamental needlework on muslin or other textile fabrics ■■ ■■ .. .. .. Glass 13. Printed or woven, designs on textile piece-goods (other than checks or stripes) Class 14. -Printed or woven designs on handkerchiefs and shawls (other than checks or stripes) Glass 15. Printed or woven designs (on textile piece-goods or on handkerchiefs or shawls) being checks or stripes . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 4 Glass 16. Goods not included in other classes . . . . . . .. . . .. 7

O. —Number of Applications for Registration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Countries in each of the Years 1912, 1913, and 1914.

I Number VT u Total on which . u f mb f er Number of Letters Patent ol , ■ a ? on J: s °!' Applications. have been w 1 t l loh F,nftl sealed. reepam. Act of 1860 ... „ 1870.... „ 1883 Acts of 1889 and 1908 Act of 1911 ... 1861. to 1870 1871 to 1883 1884 to 1889 1890 to 30th June, 1912 1st July, 1912, to 31st December, 1914 109 109 109 881 687 465 3,170 1,757 368 27,419 12,711 1,270* 4,181 1,180* : * Grand totals ... 35,760 16,444* 2,212* 35,760 16,444* * Incomplete.

New Zealand Austria Belgium Canada Cape Colony.. China Denmark France Germany Great Britain Holland Hungary India 1912. 1913. 1914. 303 303 270 3 .. 3 1 4 6 8 2 9 I 1 4 .. 10 6 3 19 20 20 297 253 L99 2 2 1 I 2 .. Italy Japan Natal New South Wales Norway Philippines Queensland Strait Settlement Sweden Switzerland Transvaal United States of America Victoria 1912. 1 41 I . . 1913. 54 6 10 4 ! 1914. 3 I 44 (i .. 3 12 1 4 2 7 2 2 1 66 20 7(1 28 75 l(i Note.—A few applications ■ total more than the actual mini were rer-ehed I'l-iini persons givill ber of applications received. ig addresses in two or more eonr itrios; the figures wil I therefore


P.—Number of Applications to register Trade-marks in the Fifty Different Classes, in each of the Years 1912, 1913, and 1914.


Jlasses. Classification of floods. 1912.* -h o h « _■ 1918. w CO §• O <u >. O . $ *» a g-* o © "» £ * a H i r 1914. I 2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 9 II) II 12 13 II 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used [or agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy Raw or partly prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not included in other classes [Inwrought and partly wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, exoep! agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of suoh machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes j instruments and apparatus for (caching Musical instruments tiorological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in oilier classes .. floods of precious metals (inoluding aluminium, nickel. Britannia-metal, &c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware .. .. .. .. Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments not included in Classes 19 and, 20 Carriages (a) Cotton yarn ; (b) sewing-cotton Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 . . Linen and hemp yarn and thread .. Linen and hemp pieoe-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 Jute yarns and tissues, ami other artioles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloths and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair . . .. Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 31.. Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, uiiwrouglif anil wrought, and articles made of leather not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except papoi'hangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubbcr and guttapercha not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or as ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural and horticultural purposes Caudles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, healing, or lubricating oils ; matches ; and siarch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes. Perfumery (including toilet artioles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap (lames of all kinds, and sporting artioles not included in other classes . . Miscellaneous .. 11 13 24 32 9 1-1 23 22 i 13 32 76 (il 2 2 4-8 ■1 13 17 12 12 12 24 20 3 b 9 12 s 2 Hi 8 3 3 (i 14 3 14 4 1 I (i 4 5 9 5 20 1(5 36 35 8 19 4 6 . . 8 4 6 (i 2 2 2 4 18 4 4 8 12 9 13 9 22 19 6 3 9 2 5 5 K) 10 2 .. 2 1 I 1 2 .. 3 1 4 1 1 .. I 2 (i 0 | 12 8 2 2 1 ..III 2 3 5 6 .'!() 41 71 85 7 |() 17 (i 4 3 7 7 3 I 4 3 -19 51 100 107 It 12 26 22 2 4 0 5 2 40 42 49 3 2 5 .. 29 20 55 50 21 25 40 45 I I 5 36 17 ; 53 37 13 35 02 15 13 15 13 8 II 9 II 7 2 8 0 5 Mi 3 3 4 3 1 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 1 6 2 I 3 • i I 3 a 38 39 40 II 10 3 in Hi 10 41 42 43 44 45 40 17 I 51 12 4 40 2 26 I 16 13 28 32 5 49 18 25 111 49 50 I 17 41 * The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, ion, came into force oi a 1st July, 1912. V, 1912.



Q. —Institutions filing Patent Office Journal for free Public Inspections Nmw Zealand. New Z v aland—coMii/wed. Auckland : — Hawke's Bay —continued. Auckland—-Supreme Court Library. Waikopiro—Publio library. 1.: :■".'. .'II Auckland Public Library. Waipawa—Public Library. jjgjLeys Institute. Waipukurau—Public Library. Local Patent Oifiee, Supremo Court. Wairoa—Mechanics' institute. Chamber of Commoree. Webor—Publio Library. University College. Woodville—Public Library. Bombay—Publio Library. , jDargavillo—Public Library. Wellington : —■ ' Drury—Public Library. ' Apiti—Public Library. East Tamaki—Public Library. Beaconsfield—Public Library. Gisborne—-Local Patent Office, Courthouse. t larterton Public Library. Technical School. Eketahuna—Public Library. Glenfield—Public Library. Peilding -Teohnical School. Gordon—Public Library. Enxton—Borough Library. Hamilton—-Local Patont Office, Courthouse. Greytown Public library. Hinuera—Public Library. Kimbolton—Public Library. Howick—Public Library. Levin—Public Library. Huntly—Public Library. Lower Hutt—Public 'Library. Kaeo—Public Library. Makino—Public Library. Kamo—Public Library. Martin borough—Public Library. Katikati—Public Library. Marton -Public Library. ICaukapakapa—Public Library. Mastorton—Local I'atont Office, Courthouse. Kawakawa—Public Library. Maxwolltown—Public Library. tvawhia— Public Library. Ngaputahi- Public Library. ' Kohukohu—Public Library. Nireaha—Publio Library. Kuaotunu—Public Library. Ohariu—Public Library. Mahurangi—Publio Library. Otaki—Public Library. Marorotu—Public Library. Pahiatua—Public Library. Mercury Bay—Public Library. Palmerston North—Local Patent Office, Court Onehunga—-Public Library. house. Otahuhu—Public Library. Petone—Public Library. Paeroa—Publio Library. Porirua—Public Library. Papakura—Publio Library. Rangiwahia—Public Library. Pokono—Public Library. Sanson—Public Library. Port Albert—Publio Library. Shannon -Public Library. Pukekoho—Public Library. Taihape—Looal Patent Office, Courthouse. Raglan—Public Library. Wanganui—Local Patent, Office, Courthouse. Ruatangata—Public Library. Teohnioal College. Silvordale—Public Library. Public Library. Taneatua—Opouriao Library. Wellington—General Assembly Library. Tapuhi—Publio Library. Supreme Court Library. Taupiri—Public Library. Aust. Inst, of Marine Engineers. Tauranga—Public Library. (Jhamber of Commerce. Te Aroha—Public Library, care of Tourist Agent. Newtown Public Library. To Aroha West—Public Library. Patent Office. Te Awamutu—Public Library. Public Library. To Karaka—Public Library. Te Uku—Public Library. Nelson: Thames—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Apploby Public Library. Turanganui—Public Library. , > enn i Bt on—PubUc Library. Upper Waiwera—Public Library. Lower Takaka—Pu blic Library. Waihi—Local Patont Office, Courthouse. Millerton- -Public Library. Waikino—Public Library. Murchison—Public Library. Waikumete—Public Library. Nelson- Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Wairoa South—Public, Library. Mechanics' Institute. Whakatano—Public Library. Public Library Whangarata—Public Library. Seddonville—Public Library. Whangarei—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Stoke Public Library. Public Library. n Moutere—Public Library. Whangarei Heads—Public Library. Wairangi—Public Library. , Taranaki: — Marlborough : — Alton—Public Library. Blenheim—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Auroa—Public Library. Technical School. Hawera—-Public Library. Havoloek- -Public Library. Inglewood—Public Library. Ward—Public Library. Lepperton—Public Library. New Plymouth—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Kaponga-Publie Library. Canterbury .-- Opunake—Public Library. Ashburton—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Waitara—Public Library. Teohnical School. Balcairn—Public Library. Hawke's Bay ;— Belfast—Public Library. Dannevirke—Public Library. Brookside—Public Library. Hastings—Public Library. Chertsey—Public Library. Napier—Local Patent Offico, Courthouse. Cheviot—Publio Library. Municipal Library. Christchureh—Local Patont Office, Supremo Court. Technical College.' < 'auterbury Public Library. Norsewood—Public Library. Jfree Publio Library. Ongaonga—Public Library. Supreme Court Library. Ormondville—Public Library. School of Engineering. Taradak—Public Library. Technical College.


Q. —Institutions filing Patent Office Journal for bree Public Inspection— continued. New Zealand— continued. New Zealand— continued. Canterbury —continued. Southland : — Clarkville—Public Library. Campbelltown—Public Library. Oust—Public library. Croydon—Public Library. Dunsandol—Public Library. Edendale—Publio Library. East Oxford—Publio Library. Gore—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Gleniti—Public Library. IToddon Bush—Public Library. llighbank—Public Library. Invercargill—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Hororata—Public library. Athenseum. Islington—Public Library. Technical College. Kaiapoi—Mechanics' Institute. Knapdalo—Public Library. Killinchy—Public Library. Limehills—Public Library. Lincoln—Public Library. Mataura—Public Library. Linwood—Public Library. Nightcaps—Public Library. South Loburn, Loburn—Public library. Ocean Beach—Public Library. Lyttolton—Public library. Seaward .'Downs—Public Library. May field—Public library. Stowart Island—Public Library. New Brighton—Public library. Te Tua—Publio Library. Pareora—Public Library. Tuturau—Public Library. Rakaia—Public Library. Waikaia—Public Library. Kangiora—High School Board. Rangitata—Public library. Chatham Islands—Public library. Saltwater Creek, Ashley—Public Library. Spotswood—Pu blic Library. Springfield—Public library. . Southbridge-Public library. Australian Commonwealth. Sumner—Public library. New South Wales: — Sydenham—Public Library. Goulburn -Technical College. lai Capu—Public Library. Newcastle—Technical College and School of Mines. The Peaks-Public Library. Sydney-Patents Library. 1 nuaru-Local Patont Office, Courthouse. Patonts Sub . offioe . Teohnical School. p ublic Library. ~- rr-„ U " K ;S!° J ! T oral 'y- University of' Sydney. View HilL-Public Library. Incorporated Law Institute Waiau-Pubho Library Technological Museum. Waihaorunga-Pubhc Library. Weßt Maitland—Teohnical College. Waikari—Pu hue Li brary. Waimate —Public Library. Waitohi Plat—Public Library. Queensland :— Waltham—Public Library. Brisbane -Chamber of Conimerce (Inc.). Watorton—Public library. Colloctor of Customs. West Eyreton—Public Library. Municipal Library. Woolston—Public library. Public Library of Queensland. Charters 'lowers—School of Mines. Weslland: — . Ipswich—Technical College. Granity-Public Library. Molmt Morgan—Teohnical College. Greymouth—-Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Municipal library. South Australia :— Hokitika—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Adolaide—Adelaide University Library. Eree Public Library. Chamber of Commerce (Inc.). Jacob's River, Bruce Bay—Public Library. Public library of South Australia. Okura—Public Library. Moonta—Moonta School of Mines. Runanga —Seddon Memorial Institute. Mount Gambier—Mount Gambior Institute. Waimangaroa—Public Library. Wostport—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Free Public Library. Tasmania .•— Beaconslield—School of Minos. Otago : Hobart—Collector of Customs. Balolutha—Public Library. University of Tasmania. Beaumont—Public library. Launeoston—Tochnioal School. Clinton—Public library. ' Queenstown—Public Library. Clyde—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Zeehan—.Sohool of Mines. Cromwell—Public Library. Dunedin—Local Patont Offico, Supreme Court. „, , . Free Public Library. Vlctona <~ University of Otago. Ballarat—School of Mines and Industries. Supreme Court Library. Bendigo- School of Mines. Technical School. Geelong—Gordon Technical College. .Duurobin—Public Library. Mcl bourne—Aust. Inst, of Pat. Agents, Melbourne. Garston—Public Library.' Patent Offico. Gibbston—Public Library. Melbourne (Jhamber of Commerce. Glonorchy—Public Library. University of Melbourne. Green Island—Public Library. Public Library of Victoria. Kakanui—Public Library. ' Working-men's College. Lawrence—Public Library. Stawell—School of Mines. Morton—Public Library. Warrnambool—Public Museum. Milburn—Public library. Mosgiel—-Public Library. Oamaru—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Western Australia .•— Otepopo—Public Library. Boulder City—Public Library. Owaka—Public Library. Kalgoorlie — Chamber of Mines of Western Palmerston—Publio Library. Australia (Inc.). Papakaio—Public Library. Perth—Public Library of Western Australia. Queenstown —Local Patont Office, Courthouse. Technical School. Roslyn—Public Library. Trade-marks and Patonts Office, CustomWaikouaiti—Public Library. houso.




Q.— Institutions filing Pathnt Office Journal for free Public Inspection— continued. Great Britain and Ireland. Great Brtoain and Ireland— continued. Aberystwyth—National Library of Wales. Lakeside—Publio Library. Accrington—Public Library. Lock—Nicholson Institute. Airdrie—Public Library. Lincoln --Public library. Bangor—Library, University College of North Wales. Liverpool-William Brown Street Public library. Barnsley—Barnsley Public Library. Lockerbie—Public library. Free Public Library, Harvey Institute. London—Stepney Reference Library. liarrow-in I'urness —Public Library. C. Pem'bo, W. Kensington. Barry Dock—Public, Library. Rotherhithe Branoh Library, Bermondsey. Birkenhead—Public Library. Central Library, Bermondsey. Birkenhead Central Library. Public libraries, Bermondsey. Birmingham—University library, Edgbaston Bow Public library. Central Eree Library. Tate Central library, Brixton Oval. Blackpool—Public Library. ■ Public Library, Canning Town. Bolton—Farnworth Public library. East Ham Central library. Public library. Public Library, Pinsbury. Bootle—Central Public library and Museum. North Public library, Fulhani. Bournemouth—Public Library. Public library (South Branch), Kulliam. Bradford—Public library. Central Public Library, Hackney. Central Publio Library. Central Public Library, Hammersmith. Branksome—Public Library. Public Library, tlainpslead. Brechin—Publio Library. Public Library, llarlosdon. Brentford—Public Library. Public library, Islington. Brighton—Publio library. Public Library, Kensington. Bristol—Central Public: Library. .Manor House Publio Library, Lee. Camberwell—Public Library. Public Library, Lcytonstouc. Canterbury—Public library. Public library, Battersea. Cardiff —Central Public Library. Public Library. Passmore Edwards. Cheltenham—Public Library. Public Library, Plaistow. Chester—Publio Library. Public Library, Plumstead. Chesterfield—Public library Bromley Public, Library, Poplar. Chiswick —Public Library. Ctibitt Town Public Library, Poplar. Colne—Public Library. Poplar Public Library, Poplar. Coventry—Public Library. Public Library, Shoreditch. Dalton-in-Furness—Public Library. Public Library, Sydenham. Darlington—Public Library. Publio Library, Tottenham. Darwon—Public Library. Public library, Wandsworth. Deansgate—Public Library. Public Library, West Kilburn. Devonport—Public Library. Public Library, Willesden Green. Dewsbury—Public library. Public Library, Wimbledon. Donoaster—Public Library. Central Public library, Lavender Hill. Dublin—Public library. Institute of Civil Engineers, Westminster Dudley—Public library. S.W. Dumbarton—Public Library. Royal Colonial Institute. Dundee—free Public libraries. National Liberal Club. Albert Institute and Victoria Galleries. Royal Institution (Library). Haling—Public Library. School of Economies and Political Science Ecoles—Public Library. (library). Edinburgh—Public Library. Imperial Institute, South Kensington. Advocates' Library. Ealing Public library (W. Ealing Branch). Enfield—Public Library. Patent Offioe. Central Public Library. Leeds—Central Public library. Carnegie Public Library. Lower Edmonton—Central Public Library. Erith —Publio library. Luton—Publio Library. Falkirk—Publio Library. Macclesfield—Public Library. Feme Hill—Carnegie .Public library. Manchester—Keeper of Cotton Marks. Fleetwood—Fielden Free Library. Public library. Gainsborough—Public, library. Merthyr-Tydtil—Public library. Galashiels—Publio Library. Middleton —Public Library. Glasgow—Stirling's Library. Morven —Public Library. Gloucester—Public Library. Montrose—Public library. Goole —Public library. Nantwich —Public Library. Gravesend —Public Library. Nelson—Public Library. Great Yarmouth—Public Library. Newburgh—Laing Free Library. Greenock —Public Library. Newton Abbot —Public library. Greenwich —Public library. Newton-in-Makerfield- —Public Library. Guille-Alles —Public Library. Northampton—Public Library. Halifax —Allnyd Branch library. Norwich —Public library. Hanley—Public Library. Oldburn —Public library. Hawick —Public library. Oldbury—Central Public Library, lleckmondwike—Public Library. Oxford —Public Library. Ilorbury—Carnegie Public Library. Peterborough—Public Library. Ilornsey N.—Public Library. Plymouth—Public Library. Hounslow —Public Library. Portsmouth —Public Library. Isleworth Branch Public library. Central Library. Hoy Library. Preston —Public Library. Huddersfield—Public Library. Kadclifl'e —Public Library. Hull—Public Library. Rathmincs—Publio Library. Hyde—Public Library. Rawtenstall—Public Library. Ilford—Public Library. Rotherham—Public Library. Ilkley—Public Library. St. Anne's-on-the-Sea —Public Library. Inverness —Public Library. St. Helens —Public Library, Gamble Institute. Ipswich—Public Library. Saltaire — Shipley Urban District Council Public Kcighley—Public Library. Library. Kettering—Bothwell Public Library, Sheffield—Public library. Kidderminster —Public Library. The Cutlers' Company. Kirkcaldy—Beveridge Public, Library. Sittingbourne—Public library.



Q. Institutions filing Patent Office Journal for free Public Inspection— continued. Great Britain and Ireland— continued. Greece. South Shields—Public Library. Athens —Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Stirling—Public Library. Stourbridge—Public library. Sunderland —Public Library. ~ Thornabv-on-Tees—Public Library. ~, ~ _~ , ~ _, ' ~,,,. . Iruro Public Library Doltt —.1 eohmscho lloogc Scliool BlbhotneeK. Tynemouth—Public Library. Luxembourg- -Patent <mice. Walsall—Publio Library Hague—Bureau voor due industncelc Eigendom. Public Library and Art Gallery. Waterloo—Public Library. Italy Watford--Public Library. ~ .... . , ~ . . ~ ' w„ i „ i D ~. ~; Horne —Ministero di Agnooltura. Wodnesbury- Public Library. c West Bromwich—Public library. West Ham—Public Library. Japan Weston-super-Mare—Public library. ~, , . .„. ~ ~ ~ ~,- d i,r -r 'v lokio— he Patent, Bureau. YVigan—Public Library. Leyland Free Library and Museum. Woolwich—Public Library. Norway Worcester —Public Library. _~.., , „ , ,' . ~ Victoria Institute Christiama —Styret for dot Industrielle Rotsvaern. York—Public Library. City of York Public library. Portugal. Lisbon—Reparticao da Propriedade Industrial. British Guiana. Georgetown—Government Secretary's Office. I'tIKSIA. „ Potrograd—Departement de l'lndnstrie, Ministers dv ( ' ANAT)A - Commerce. Ottawa—Patent Office. Director de la Bibliothequc Imperials PnhToronto—Public Library. lique. Sweden. _. _ , -~.,„ ,' „ m Stockholm—Patent-oeh Registreringsverket. Port, Louis —Colonial Secretary s Oliice. Switzerland. Cane Colony • Berne—Bureau International de I'Union de la Pro- • priete Industrielle. Port Elizabeth—Public Library. Ki(lg . Amt f ur se i st iges Eigentum in Bern. Ivimberley—Public Library. Zurich—Rektorat dor Eidgenossichen Teohnisehen. Nyassaland Protectorate : — Blantyre -The Registrar of Patents' Office. . SoOTH America. Argentine.: — Buenos Aires —Director de la Seccion Patentes. Rhodesia : Sonor Comisario de Patentes, Palaoio Salisbury—The Registrar of Patents' Office. de Justicia. Ministero de Justioia o Instrnccion Transvaal .'— , Public. Pretoria—Registrar of Patents. Ecuador :— Quito —Al Ministerio de Relaoiones Exteriores. Peru : — Trinidad. Lima —Offioina de Canjes y Publioaoiones del Colonial Secretary's Office. Ministerio de Fomento. Uruguay : — _ Monte Video —Minister of Industries. Bulgaria. Sofia Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Labour. Central Amerioa. Guatemala: — Belgium. Offioina de Marcas y Patentes. Brussels M. le Direoteur-General de.l' Administration de I'lndustrie. Honduras : — Ouiia. Tegucigalpa—Ministro de Fomento y Obras. Havana—Secretaria do Agricultura, Comeroio y Trabajo. Mexico :— Officina de Patentes y Marcas. Denmark. Copenhagen —Patent, Kommissionen. United States op Amertoa. Finland. Akron —Public Library. ~..,, „ . , ~ . , ~. r, . . ■ Alameda—Public Library. llelsingtors-Kegistcrulning lor Firmer, Patent och Albany-State library. Varumarken. Augusta-State Library. Aurora—Public Library. J!BANf,E - Boston—Public Library. Paris —M. le Ministre dv Commerce, 2i)2 Rue St. Publio Library, Copley Square. Martin. Brooklyn—Public library. British Chamber of Commerce. Buffalo —Public Library.' Direction de la, Bibliotheque Nationale. Grosvenor Public Library.



Q. —Institutions filing Patent Office Journal for free Public Inspection -continued. New York —American Railway Association. United Status of America— continued. [ndiarubber World. Butte—Public. Library. U.S. Trade-mark Association, 32 Nassau Chicago —Public Library. Street. Chillicothe—Public Library. W. Wallace White, Patent and Trade Danbury—Public Library. mark Review, 305-309 Broadway. Decatur—Public Library. Omaha—Public Library. Denver —State Public Library. Oswego City—Public library. Public Library. Otis —Public library. Dcs Moines—Public Library. Peoria—Publio Library. Evanston —Public Library. Philadelphia.—Journal of the Franklin Institute. Fort Wavne —Public Library. Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Gloversville—Public Library. Pittsburg—Engineers' Society of West Pennsylvania. Grand Rapids -Public Library. Carnegie Library of Pittsburg. Haokley—Public! Library. Poughkeepsie—Adriance Memorial library. Hoboken—Public Library. Riverside—Public Library. Ithaca —Cornell University Library. Rochester—Public Library. Jersey City—Public Library. Sacramento—California State Library. Kalmayor—Public Library. San Diego—Public library. Kookuk —Public library. San Francisco —Public Library. La Fayette—Public Library. • Mechanics' Mercantile Library. Lansing—Michigan State Library. San Jose —Public, library. Lexington—Public Library. Springfield—Public Library. Los Angeles—Public Library. City Library Association. Lynn—Public Library. St. Joseph—Public Library. Madison —State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Stockton —Public Library. Newark-Public Library. Syracuse—Public Library. Free Public Library. Terre Haute—Emmeline Fairbanks Memorial Free New Haven—Public Library. Public Library. Newton—Free Library. Troy—Central V.M.C.A. Library. New York—Public Library, Astor, Lennox, and Tilden Urbana —University of Illinois Library. Foundations. Westfield—Public library. Public Library, 476 Fifth Avenue. Worcester —Public Library. Public Library, City Hall. Wirkington—Public Library. Columbia University. Washington—The Commissioner of Patents. Public Library, Cooper Union. Yalesburg—Public Library.



Patents (temporary) Regulations, 19/J/. LIVE RPO 0 L, Gove mo r. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this fourteenth day of December, 1914. Present: His Excellency the Goveknok in Council. In pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred upon him by the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Amendment Act, 1914, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following temporary regulations relating to patents; and doth declare that this Order shall come into force on the seventeenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. REGULATIONS. 1. The Governor in Council may, on the application of any person, and subject to such terms and conditions, if any, as he may think fit, order the avoidance or suspension, in whole or in part, of any patent or license granted to a subject of any State at war with His Majesty; and the Governor m Council, before granting any such application, may require to be satsified on the following heads : — (a.) That the patentee or licensee is the subject, of a State at war with His Majesty; (6.) That the person applying intends to manufacture, or cause to be manufactured, the patented article, or to carry on, or cause to be carried on, the patented process; (o.) That it is in the general interests of the country or of a section of the community or of a trade that such article should be manufactured or such process carried on as aforesaid. 2. The fee to be paid on any such application shall be that specified in the First Schedule to these rules, and the fee payable on depositing foreign documents or other papers for the purpose of a record not already provided for under the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1911, shall be that specified in the First Schedule to these rules. 3. An application under this section must be made on Patents Form No. 22 contained in the Second Schedule to these rules, and shall be filed at the Patont Office. 4. The Governor in Council may at any time, in his' absolute discretion, revoke any avoidance or suspension of any patent or license ordered by him. Such revocation may be subject to the right of any person or persons manufacturing the invention to continue to do so on the payment by the patentee to such person or persons of compensation for the stoppage of such manufacture. 5. For the purpose of exercising in any case the powers of avoiding or suspending a patent or license, the Governor in Council may appoint such person or persons as he shall think fit to hold an inquiry. 6. Any application to the Governor in Council for the avoidance or suspension of any patent or license may be referred for hearing and inquiry to such person or persons, who shall report thereon to the Governor in Council : Provided that the Governor may at any time, if in his absolute discretion ho deems it expedient in the public interest, order the avoidance or suspension in whole or in part of any such patent or license, upon such terms and conditions, if any, as he may think fit. 7. The Registrar may, at any time during the continuance of these rules, avoid or suspend any proceedings on any application made under the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1911, by a subject of any State at war with His Majesty. 8. The Registrar may also at any time during the continuance of these rules extend the time prescribed by the Patents', Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1911, or any rules made thereunder, for doing any act or filing any document, upon such terms and subject to such conditions as he may think fit in the following cases, namely : — (a.) Where it is shown to his satisfaction that the applicant, patentee, or proprietor, as the case may be, was prevented from doing the said act, or filing the said document, by reason of active service or enforced absence from this country, or any other circumstances arising from the present, state of war which, in the opinion of the Registrar, would justify such extension : (b.) Where the doing of any act, would, by reason of the circumstances arising from the present state of war, be prejudicial or injurious to the rights or interests of any applicant, patentee, or proprietor as aforesaid. 9. The term "person " used in these rules shall, in addition to the meaning given thereto by section 5 of the Interpretation Act, 1908, include any Government Department.

3—H. 10.



First Schedule. Fee payable on application under Rule Ito avoid or suspend patent £ s. d. rights or license ... ... ... ... ... ...200 Fee payable on depositing foreign documents or other papers for the purpose of a record not already provided for under the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1911 ... 0 2 6 Second Schedule. Patent, £2. (Stamp.) Patents Form No. 22. Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Amendment Act, 191J f . To the Registrar of Patents', Wellington. 1. [or We] [Here insert (in full) name, address, and description or calling of persons applying], hereby request to order the avoidance or suspension of the letters patent No. of [Here insert number of patent and name of patentee], or the license granted to [Here insert name of licensee] for [Here insert particulars of license] under letters patent No. [Here insert number of patent]. Dated this day of , 19 . (Signed.) J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Trade-marks (temporary) Regulations, 191£. LIVERPOOL, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this fourteenth day of December, 1914. Present: His Excellency the Goveknok in Council. In pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred upon him by the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Amendment Act, 1914, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby make the following temporary regulations relating to trade-marks; and doth declare that this Order shall come into force on the seventeenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. REGULATIONS. 1. The Governor in Council may, on the application of any person, and subject to such terms and conditions, if any, as he may think fit, order the avoidance or suspension, in whole or in part, of the registration of any trade-mark the proprietor whereof is a subject of any State at war with His Majesty; and the Governor in Council, before granting any such application, may require to be satisfied on the following heads :— (a.) That the proprietor is the subject of a State at war with His Majesty; (b.) That the person applying intends to manufacture, or cause to be manufactured, the goods or any of them in respect of which the trade-mark is registered; (c.) That it is in the general interests of the country or of a section of the community or of a trade that the registration of the trade-mark should be so avoided or suspended. 2. The fee to be paid on any such application shall be that specified in the First Schedule to these rules. 3. An application under this section must be made on Form T.M. No. 29 contained in the Second Schedule to these rules, and shall be filed at the Patent Office. 4. The Governor in Council may at any time, in his absolute discretion, revoke any avoidance or suspension of any registration of a trade-mark ordered by him; but such revocation may be subject to the right of any person or persons who have traded in goods under the mark to continue to do so on the payment by the proprietor to such person or persons of compensation for the stoppage of the use of such trade-mark.

REGULATIONS. 1. The Governor in Council may, on the application of any person, and subject to such terms and conditions, if any, as he may think fit, order the avoidance or suspension, in whole or in part, of the registration of any trade-mark the proprietor whereof is a subject of any State at war with His Majesty; and the Governor in Council, before granting any such application, may require to be satisfied on the following heads : — («.) That the proprietor is the subject of a State at war with His Majesty; (6.) That the person applying intends to manufacture, or cause to be manufactured, the goods or any of them in respect of which the trade-mark is registered; (c.) That it is in the general interests of the country or of a section of the community or of a trade that the registration of the trade-mark should be so avoided or suspended. 2. The fee to be paid on any such application shall be that specified in the First Schedule to these rules. 3. An application under this section must be made on Form T.M. No. 29 contained in the Second Schedule to these rules, and shall be filed at the Patent Office. 4. The Governor in Council may at any time, in his absolute discretion, revoke any avoidance or suspension of any registration of a trade-mark ordered by him; but such revocation may be subject to the right of any person or persons who have traded m goods under the mark to continue to do so on the payment by the proprietor to such person or persons of compensation for the stoppage of the use of such trade-mark.



5. For the purpose of exercising in any case the powers of avoiding or suspending the registration of a trade-mark, the Governor in Council may appoint such person or persons as he sha'l think fit to hold an inquiry. 6. Any application to the Governor in Council for the avoidance or suspension of any registration of a trade-mark may be referred for hearing and inquiry to such person or persons, who shall report thereon to the Governor in Council : Provided always that the Governor in Council may at any time, if in his absolute discretion he deems it expedient to the public interest, order the avoidance or suspension in whole or in part of any such registration of a trade-mark, upon such terms and conditions, if any, as he may think fit. 7. The Registrar may, at any time during the continuance of these rules, avoid or suspend any proceedings on any application made under the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1911, by a subject of any State at war with His Majesty. 8. The Registrar may also at any time during the continuance of these rules extend the time prescribed by the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1911, or any rules made thereunder, for doing any act or filing any document, upon such terms and subject to such conditions as he may think fit in the following cases, namely : — (a.) Where it is shown to his satisfaction that the applicant, patentee, or proprietor, as the case may be, was prevented from doing the said act, or filing the said document, by reason of active service or enforced absence from this country, or any other circumstances arising from the present state of war which, in the opinion of the Registrar, would justify such extension : (b.) Where the doing of any act would, by reason of the circumstances arising from the present state of war, be prejudical or injurious to the rights or interests of any applicant, patentee, or proprietor as aforesaid. First Schedule. Fee payable on application under Rule Ito avoid or suspend the regis- £ s. d. tration of a trade-mark ... ... ... ... ...200 Second Schedule. Trade-mark, £2. (Stamp.) Form T.M. No. 29. Patents, Designs, and Trade-m,arks Amendment Act, 191£. To the Registrar of Trade-marks, Wellington. I, [or We] [Here insert (in full) name, address, and description or calling of person or persons applying], hereby request the to order the avoidance or suspension of the registration of trade-mark No. [Here insert number and class in which the trade-mark is registered], registered in Class for Dated this day of , 19 . (Signed.) J. F. ANDREWS, Clerk of the Executive Council. Procedure to le followed under Nos. 1 to 6 of the above Regulations. 1. A copy of the application when received will be at once sent to the address for service in New Zealand given by the patentee, licensee, or proprietor of the trade-mark, as the case may be, or to any one whose name appears upon the register as having an interest in the patent or trade-mark. 2. The date for hearing the application will be fixed on receipt of the application, and will be notified to the applicant, and to the patentee, proprietor, or other person interested, at his address for service in New Zealand. The application will be advertised in the Patent Office Journal, and the date fixed for the hearing will be not less than seven days after the advertisement of the application in the Journal. 3. The applicant must produce evidence at the hearing to satisfy the tribunal in respect -of (a), (b), and (c) of Rule 1, and that he is not himself an alien enemy. The evidence may be either oral or by way of statutory declaration. The patentee or proprietor of the trade-mark, or any one interested, may appear at the hearing in opposition to the application, provided that notice of his intention so to appear be given in writing to the Registrar at the Patent Office before the date of the hearing. Procedure to be followed under Nos. 7 and 8 op the above Regulations, 1. During the continuance of the war no patent will be sealed, and no registration of a trademark will be granted, to a subject of any State at war with His Majesty (hereinafter called " such subject "). The term " such subject " will be taken to include (a) a firm which by reason of its constitution may be considered as managed or controlled by such subjects, or the business whereof is wholly or mainly carried on on behalf of such subjects; (6) a company which has received its constitution in an enemy's State; (c) a company registered in His Majesty's dominions the business whereof is managed or controlled by such subjects, or is carried oil wholly or mainly on behalf of such subjects.



2. As regards applications for patents or trade-marks, no distinction will in the first place bo drawn between those made by such subjects and those made by other persons. All proceedings thereunder will be carried on as usual down to the time of acceptance, but in the case of applications by such subjects formal acceptance will not be issued. 3. Applicants who fail to conform to the provisions of the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1911, and the rules made thereunder, will run the risk of losing their rights, unless they are able to bring themselves under the provisions of Rule 8 of the rules set out above. Applications under Eule 8 (a) should be made and will be considered at such time as the applicant, patentee, or proprietor of a design or trade-mark, as the case may be, is in a position to do the said act or file the said document as aforesaid. Applications under Rule 8 (b) should be made before the date for the doing of any such act. 4. As regards opposition to the grant of patents and the registration of trade-marks, arising after the commencement of war, («) opposition by such subjects where the grant or registration opposed is one to a British citizen or alien friend will not be entertained; (b) in the case where the grant or registration opposed is a grant or registration to any such subject, the notice of opposition will be accepted, but all further proceedings will be suspended until the end of the war. 5. As regards inventions for which patents are applied for by the nominee or assignee of the inventor, or some pei'son deriving the invention from such actual inventor, these will be treated in the same manner as if made directly by the inventor.

License permitting Payment of certain Fees in respect of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks. LIVERPOOL, Governor. Wiimhras by a Royal Proclamation relating to trading with the enemy, dated the ninth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen,' and published in the New Zealand Gazette. of the fifteenth day of the same month, it was declared that the persons therein referred to were prohibited from doing certain acts therein mentioned : And whereas it was further declared by the said Proclamation that nothing therein should be taken to prohibit anything that should be expressly permitted by license given by a Secretary of State or the Board of Trade : And whereas' by a Royal Proclamation dated the eighth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the twelfth day of the same month, it was provided that the power to grant such license as aforesaid may be exercised in any British possession by the Governor thereof : Now, therefore, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance of the power conferred by the said Proclamation of the eighth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, and of all other powers enabling me in that behalf, do hereby give and grant license to all persons resident, carrying on business, or being in New Zealand— To pay any fees necessary for obtaining the grant or renewal of patents, or for obtaining registration of designs or trade-marks, or the renewal of such registration, in an enemy country; And also to pay on behalf of an enemy any fees payable in New Zealand on application for or renewal of the grant of a patent, or on application for the registration of designs or trade-marks, or the renewal of such registration. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this seventeenth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. A. L. HEKDMAN, Minister of Justice.

Approximate Uom ot Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing c 850 copies), 216 10s.

Authority : John Mackax, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ls.

Price 9d.]

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, H-10

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