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1915. NX W ZEAL A N D.


Mr. Speaker,— In presenting the Kailways Statement for the year ending the 31st March, 1915, I have pleasure in announcing that, notwithstanding the fact that the exceptional circumstances created by the European war prevailed during the greatfl part of the fiscal year, the gross receipts (£4,105,457) were the highest on reeoid* The following table gives a summary of the results : — Year 1915. Year 1914. £ £ Total earnings .. .. .. .. .. 4,105,457 4,043,328 Total expenditure .. .. .. .. 2,920,465 2,880,323 Net profit on working .. .. .. £1,185,002 £1,163,005 The mileage of lines opened for traffic was increased from 2,863 at 31st March, 1914, to 2,955 for the year 1915. The average miles operated during the year under review was 2,917, against an average of 2,861 the previous year. The extensions opened during the year totalled 91 miles 25 chains. The capital cost of lines open for traffic, including plant and steamers on Wakatipu, advanced from £32,355,087 to £34,133,825. The net revenue (£1,185,002) is equal to a return of 3-53 per cent, on the capital invested in the working railways, and 328 per cent, on the capital (£36,133,155) invested in the opened and unopened lines. The gross revenue (£4,105,457), while in excess of the earnings of the previous year, fell short of the estimate by £144,543, but a saving of £109,545 effected in the expenditure brought the net revenue to within £34,998 of the estimate. The gross receipts per train-mile from North Island Main Line and Branches were 96 - 75 d., against 97d. last year, a decline of o'2sd. The South Island Main Line and Branches earned 110 - 5 d., against 109 d. last year, an increase of Tsd. per train-mile. The gross earnings per train-mile from all lines advanced 0'75d., and the expenditure increased by o's4d. per train-mile. The net result was therefore 0 - 21 d. better than achieved last year. The expenditure amounted to £2,920,455, being £109,545 less than the estimated amount. The percentage of expenses to earnings were 7D14, against 71*24 per cent, last year, a decrease in cost of 010 per cent. The sum of £524,391 was expended under the head of Additions to Open Lines in providing for signal interlocking, water services, grade-improvements, new office and station accommodation, Westinghouse brake, car lighting and heating, workshops machinery, and rolling-stock. During the year under review 24 locomotives, 34 carriages, 8 brake-vans, 84 bogie wagons, and 928 four-wheeled wagons were completed and added to the stock, and 48 locomotives, 75 carriages, 28 brake-vans, 102 bogie wagons, and 1,268 fourwheeled wagons were on order on 31st March. This will keep the railway workshops fully employed during the ensuing year.

i—D. 2.



The accumulated amount standing to the credit of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund on the 31st March was £346,156, an increase of £50,686 over the balance at credit on the 31st March, 1914. The total income for the year was £138,829, and the outgoing £88,143. Of the latter sum, £77,036 represented payments to 916 members of the service retired voluntarily or by reason of being medically unfit, 212 widows and 321 children, dependants on deceased contributors to the fund, who had not retired on superannuation at the time of their death. The income from actual contributions of subscribers amounted to £75,023, while the charges on the fund were £79,936. The total contributions were, therefore, £4,913 short of the liabilities. The receipts are, however, supplemented by the Government subsidy of £25,000 per annum and amounts accruing from interest on funds invested and fines imposed under the Railway Regulations. These amounted last year to £13,795.

EESULTS OE WOEKING. The following is a summary of results of working, for year ending the-"3lst March, 1915, as compared with 1914: —

Year ended 31st March. Pabticulabs. 1914. 1915. Total miles open for traffic 2,863 2,955 Average miles open for year 2,861 2,917 • Capital cost of opened and unopened lines £34,980,576 £36,133,155 Capital cost of open lines £32,355,087 £34,133,825 Capital cost per mile of open lines ... £11,309 £11,551 Gross earnings ... ... ... ... £4,043,328 £4,105,457 Working-expenses ... ... ... ... £2,880,323 £2,920,455 NET PROFIT ON WORKING ... .[£1,163,005 £1,185,002 PERCENTAGE OF PROFIT TO CAPITAL INVESTED - ... .. ... 361 361 353 I PERCENTAGE OF WORKING-EXPENSES TO EARNINGS ... ... ... 7124 71-24 7114 Earnings per average mile open £1,416 £1,410 Working-expenses per average mile open £1,008 £1,002 NET EARNINGS PER AVERAGE OPEN... MILE £408 £408 Earnings per train-mile ... Working-expenses per train-mile NET EARNINGS PER TRAIN-MILE d. 104-00 74-00 3000 d. 104'75 74-54 3021 'assengers, ordinary ... 13,355,893 13, 565,'/72 leason tickets 287,037 302,912 roods tonnage ... 5,661,340 6,075,282 jive-stock tonnage 358,293 378,190 .Vain-mileage 9,319,268 9,383,420 locomotives 534 557 'assenger-cars 1,363 1,397 Vagons and brake-vans ... 20,251 21,226



In view of the conditions induced by the European war, in which the Empire has been actively engaged for several months, it was deemed imprudent to commit the Dominion to any large expenditure in connection with the prosecution of the important scheme of works outlined in last year's Statement. Operations were, therefore, confined to portions of the general scheme that were in hand before the crisis occurred, the restricted expenditure being tentatively provided for out of the ordinary funds voted for the Department. The fact that a record in railway traffice was created during a year when the adverse conditions alluded to prevailed for two-thirds of the period can only be regarded as a strong indication of the imperative necessity for going ahead with the proposed scheme of works immediately the financial stringency is removed. I find that during the past ten years the train-mileage has increased by 54 per cent. ; the passenger traffic by 59 per cent. ; goods traffic by 51 per cent. ; and, notwithstanding the increase in the tractive power of the locomotives and the greater capacity of the lines resulting from improvements such as grade-easements, deviations, and like works, congestion, of traffic is still severely felt in the busy areas and depots. I am confident that on the conclusion of the war a great impetus will be given to the various industries of the Dominion, and considerable development of its vast natural resources must take place. At the ordinary rate of expansion the traffic would, exceed the capacity of the busier portions of the existing lines within the next five years. If, therefore, the railway system is to be placed in a position to deal effectively with the traffic that will undoubtedly require to be handled in the near future, arrangements must be made, as soon as funds are available, to push on the works with rapidity and complete them at the earliest moment. I estimate that the revenue for the year ending the 31st March, 1916, will be £4,000,000, and the expenditure £2,920,000. lam not including in this estimate the extra percentages levied by Gazette notices of the 16th September, 1915, for war purposes. The railway men have come forward in considerable numbers to serve the Empire in the war, and in many other practical ways have shown their sympathies for those whose lot necessitates the establishment of relief funds for, alleviation of distress. I desire to place on record my appreciation of their loyal and valuable services.



ANNUAL REPORT 01 THE GENERAL MANAGER OF THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. New Zealand Government Railways, Sic, — Head Office, Wellington, 30th September, 1915. I have the honour to report on the working of the New Zealand Railways for the financial year ending 31st March, 1915. The mileage of line open for traffic at the close of the year was 2,955 miles, an increase of 92 miles, which represents extensions opened for traffic during the year. These were, — M. eh. Otiria-Kaikohe . . .. .. . . .. 16 36 Kaihu-Tarawhati .. .. .. .. .. ..2 26 l'ohokura Whangamomona . . .. . . .. . . 6 15 Cass - Arthur's Lass . . .. .. .. . . 14 66 Cronadun-Inangahua .. . . .. .. .. . . 13 ,07 Kaiwaka-Otamatea ..... .. .. .. .. 2 47 ■ Otoko-Matawai .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 58 Big Hill-Beaumont .. .. .. .. .. 5 36 Houipapa Tahakopa .. .. .. .. .. ..17 54 91 25 The capital invested in the lines open for traffic, including the plant and steamers on Lake Wakatipu, was £34,133,825, an increase of £1,778,738 on the figures for the previous year. The gross earnings were £4,105,457, against £4,043,328 for the year 1914. The net revenue amounted to £1,185,002, equal to 3-53 per cent, on the capital invested in the railways open for traffic, and 3-28 per cent, on the total capital (£36,133,155) invested in the opened and unopened lines. The continuation all the year round of the second Auckland-Wellington express trains, the opening of railway-extensions on the North Auckland, Whangarei, Kaihu, and Stratford-Whangamomona lines, and the additions made to the Auckland and Wellington suburban services, resulted in an increase of 56,595 train-miles in the North Island, while the train-mileage in the South Island advanced by 7,557 miles, consequent on the opening of extensions of the West Coast, Catlin's River, and Beaumont Railways, and the running of additional trains on the Waipara and Orepuki lines for a portion of the year. The total train-mileage was 9,383,420, against 9,319,268 for 1914, an Increase of 64,152 miles. Traffic in the Gisborne district was completely disorganized from the 18th to the 26th May as a result of floods, which seriously damaged the permanent-way. The train services on the Stratford-Whangamomona lines were suspended between Pohokura and Whangamomona from the 14th to the I.9th December, as the.result of slips at both ends of the Whangamomona Tunnel. Coaches ran between the two ends of the interrupted line, enabling passengers to complete their journeys. The lines in the Westland district suffered from floods in December and February. The flood on the 14th December resulted in suspension of traffic on the Blackball line on the 14th and 15th of that month. A washout on the Reefton line caused considerable delay to train services, and necessitated the transhipment of passengers. The Otira and State Collieries lines were also damaged. On the 21st December the Blackball line was interrupted a second time, but traffic was resumed on the following day. On the 23rd February traffic on the Otira and State Collieries line was interrupted for some hours, and passengers on the Reefton line had to be transhipped on the 24th February. Slips on the Wairarapa line caused minor interruptions, with consequent delays to trains on the 14th December. Traffic on the Wcstport line was delayed by slips which occurred on the 27th February. The following figures, which show the record of late arrival of the principal trains during the year, indicate that, despite the difficulties experienced from floods, slips, and other unforeseen circumstances, the trains have, as a whole, run well up to time. Average Late Arrival. Mm. Mm. For long-distance passenger-trains .. .. .. 140 against 140 last year. Suburban trains .. .. .. .. • .. 0-36 ~ 0-48 ~ Long-distance mixed trains .. .. .. 2-09 ~ 2-28 „ The number of ordinary passengers carried during the year was 13,565,772, an increase of 209,879 on the previous year's business. Season tickets issued number 302,912, an increase of 15,875. Workmen's twelve-trip tickets numbered 63,954 ; workers' suburban weekly tickets 172,656 ; an increase of 5,587 twelve-trip and 9,357 workers' weekly suburban over the preceding year. Holiday excursion tickets totalled 926,615, an increase of 111,348 on the previous year's traffic. Schools, factories, and friendly societies' excursions decreased by 84,970, the total issue for 1915 being 104,017, against 188,987 for the year 1914. The decrease under this head is mainly due to the visit of the battleship H.M.S. " New Zealand " in 1913, and the Auckland Exhibition, in connection with both of which events special school-excursion trips were arranged. A number of the schools, moreover, decided to forego their excursions this year and donate the funds to the Belgium Relief Fund. The total traffic under the head of " Coaching," which includes parcels, horses, carriages, and dogs, was 1,485,977, an increase of 14,247 on the total for last year.



The total goods tonnage was 6,075,282, an increase of 413,942 tons over the previous year. Increases are as under : — Cattle .. .. .. .. .. 59,928 head; Sheep .. .. .. .. .. 62,811 head; Figs .. .. .. .. .. 17,382 head; Wool .. .. .. .. .. 6,293 tons; Firewood .. .. .. .. .. 2,440 tons; Grain .. .. .. .. .. 52,957 tons; Minerals .. .. .. 436,414 tons; and decreases as follows :— Lime, chaff, &c. .. .. .. .. 17,312 tons; Timber .. .. .. .. .. 54,895 tons; Merchandise.. .. .. .. .. 11,955 tons. The live-stock traffic of last year was abnormal as the result of the labour-conditions prevailing in 1913. The increase in live-stock traffic for the year just ended must therefore be regarded as satisfactory, especially in view of the unusual [and disadvantageous conditions prevailing during two-thirds of the year as a result of the European war. Owing to the inability of the shipping available to deal with the frozen-meat export traffic, the freezing-works became blocked, and were forced to wholly or partially close down, seriously retarding the movement of fat stock for slaughter. The effect was, however, counteracted to a large extent by. a considerable movement of shcop from drought-stricken areas for depasturing elsewhere. The increase in goods traffic is confined mainly to minerals —principally native coal. This business showed a drop of 209,000 tons in 1914 as the outcome of labour troubles, which seriously restricted the output from the Westport and Westland coal-mines. During the year just ended there was an extraordinary demand for bunker coal for naval purposes, and the output from the Westport coal-mines increased by 140,000 tons, and from the Westland coal-mines 190,000 tons, over the output of the previous year. The increase in grain traffic is mainly in the Canterbury District, where the exceptionally high prices ruling in consequence of the war has induced a free movement of grain traffic, and resulted in the releasing by owners of considerable quantities of grain that had been held in stock from the last year. The decrease in chaff, lime, &c, is largely due to the effect of the dry season on the oat crop, and also to the fact that the flax-milling industry has been affected considerably by the outbreak of the war. There has been a general falling-off in the timber traffic in all districts. To|some extent this is due to a depletion of milling-areas in close proximity to the railway, but there has in addition been a diminution in the output of a large number of mills consequent on the restriction in the demand for building-timber. This has had a material effect on the export trade and the quantity of timber shipped to ports on the East Coast for railing inland. The average number of men employed on the railway during the year was 14,614, against 14,176 for the year ending the 31st March, 1914. Ten members of the Second Division were promoted to the First Division ; 403 members of the permanent staff resigned; 99-retired on superannuation; 32 died; 116 were dismissed; and 1,283 engaged. The amount paid under the Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act during the year in respect to members who sustained injuries in the execution of their duty was £13,996. The additions made to the rolling-stock during the year comprised 24 new engines, 34 bogie cars, 8 bogie brake-vans, 1,012 wagons. Sixteen of the new engines—viz., ten heavy tank, Class Ww, six four-cylinder balanced-compound tender engines, Class X, 94 tons —were built in the Government railway workshops ; and eight engines —viz., six four-cylinder balanced-compound 72-ton tender engines, Class An, and two large simple superheated tender engines, Class Bb —were completed under contract by Messrs. A. and G. Price (Limited), Thames. Two cars damaged in collision, two vans damaged, one worn out and one sold, and thirty-one wagons worn out and damaged, thirteen wagons sold last year and two sold this year, have been replaced by an equal number of new cars, vans, and wagons respectively, all of which have been paid for out of revenue. 1,310 worn-out and condemned tarpaulins were also written off and replaced with new tarpaulins, charged against revenue. During the year 140 modern steel axles were placed under cars, vans, and wagons in substitution of old iron, axles. By this means the carrying-capacity of each wagon is increased by 2 tons, and greater stability given to the vehicle. The additional twenty-four locomotives taken in conjunction with boiler-renewals of locomotives in service has increased the tractive power by 7-33 per cent. The new wagons added to the rolling-stock give an increased capacity of 9,889 tons, equivalent to an addition of 1,648 ordinary 6-ton wagons, or 5-93 per cent, in truck capacity. The rolling-stock actually on order and under construction on the 31st March comprised 58 locomotives of heavy type—viz., 10 Aa superheated tender engines, 10 Ab tender engines, 18 Bb simple superheated tender engines, and 20 Ww heavy tank engines—77 carriages, 30 bogie brake-vans, 104 bogie and 1,286 four-wheeled wagons. Good progress has been made in respect to the equipment of the rolling-stock on the Whangarei Section with the Westinghouse brake, and it is anticipated the work will be completed at an early date. Instructions have also been given for fitting the Westinghouse brake to the rolling-stock on the Westland Section.



The motor-oars in use on the Culverden-llanmer run continued to do good service. The Westinghouse petrol electric car imported at the close of the preceding year has been placed in commission and utilized in running an experimental motor service between Wellington and Johnsonville, where it has provided a public convenience. The car is not, however, sufficiently powerful to haul a trailer on the heavy gradient of 1 in 40, and for that reason steam traction has to be resorted to whenever the passenger traffic exceeds one-car capacity. A new car of a more powerful type already on order will shortly arrive, and be placed on the Wellington-johnsonville run, liberating the Westinghouse car for service in a locality where easier grades predominate. The whole of the permanent-way and structures have been maintained in a satisfactory condition. During the year 95| miles *of track have been relaid, comprising 70j miles of main and branch lines, with 70 lb. material; fourteen miles of branch line with 55 lb. material in substitution for 40 lb. rails; 11J miles of branch line with 531b. and 561b. steel material removed from main lines and placed in branches in place of 40 lb. material. Owing to the extraordinary conditions prevailing the rate of relaying, although slightly below the standard of 100 miles per annum, is regarded as being satisfactory. During the year 228,644 sleepers and 371,385 cubic yards of ballast were used on the track. The policy of respacing sleepers to strengthen the track has been continued, the cost being charged against revenue. The strengthening of bridges on the main line with a view to enabling the heaviest locomotives to be run without restriction is now being undertaken, and the construction of bridges in steel instead of timber is being carried out wherever practicable. A large number of works having for their object the provision of greater facilities to meet the public requirements and increase efficiency in operating the railways have been completed during the year. Other similar works were in hand on the 31st March. These include additions and improvements to water-services, workshops, engine-depots, goods-sheds, enlargement of station-yards, and increasing the accommodation generally. The interlocking of points and signals has been brought into operation at Morningside, Mount Albert, Henderson, Sawyer's Bay,, and service siding at 26 m. 14 eh., while additions to and rearrangement of the system have been made at Parnell Signal-box, Newmarket, Otahuhu, Te Kuiti, Wingatui, and Mosgiol. Alterations have also been carried out at Mount Albert, Morningside, Aramoho, Thor.ndon, and Mosgiel. Fourteen flag stations and sidings have been locked with the tablet system. Thirty-five stations have been fitted with fixed semaphore signals. Of the total number of officered stations, 280 are equipped with fixed signals, 87 are interlocked, and 126 have yet to be dealt with. Special switch locks, which prevent signals from being lowered unless the facing points to which the signal applies are unlocked, have been fitted to sixty-four stations during the year —viz. three in the North Island, and sixty-one in the South Island. One hundred and" twenty-eight of the North Island stations are now equipped with this appliance. The electric-tablet system was installed and brought into operation between Morrinsville and Thames and at Avondale Brick Company's siding, Paerata service siding, Taratahi, Mangaroa, and Heretaunga. The tablet system is now operating at 362 stations, covering 1,583|- miles of single line. Forty-four miles of line were equipped with lock and block. The railway telegraph and telephone facilities have been added to materially during the year, and at the 3.lst March there were in use 276 Morse sets, 1,453 telephones, 230 electric bells, 2,529 miles of poles, and 6,727 miles of wire. Provision for the further extension of signalling arrangements and appliances, tablet system, interlocking, telegraph, and telephone facilities has been made, and the installation is going on uninterruptedly throughout the railway system. Electric light has been installed at Auckland Goods-yard, Te Kuiti, Ravensbourne, Wingatui, Mosgiel, and additional lighting has been provided at Wellington and Petone Workshops. Electric cranes have been installed at Invercargill and in the Stores yard, Wellington. Electrical work connected with the installation of additional motors for driving machinery at Hillside, Addington, and Petone has been carried out. Revenue. The gross revenue for the year amounted to £4,105,457, and exceeded the earnings of the previous year by £62,129. But for the unpropitious circumstances prevailing for eight months of the financial year, consequent on the war into which the Empire has been plunged, the estimated revenue of £4,250,000 would undoubtedly have been reached and probably exceeded. The sources from which revenue was derived were, — 1915. 1914. Increase. Decrease. £ £ £ £ Passengers 1,482,383 1,450,480 31,903 Parcels, luggage, and mails .. 227,521 236,761 .. 9,240 Goods.. .. .. .. 2,319,045 2,283,149 35,896 Rents and commissions .. .. 76,508 72,938 3,570 4,105,457 4,043,328 71,369 9,240 Notwithstanding the fact that the gross receipts fell short of the estimate by £144,543, the net revenue —£1,185,002 —exceeded that of the preceding year by £21,997, and was only £34,998 below the estimate owing to a saving of £109,545 in the estimated expenditure. In the North Island the receipts per train-mile amounted to 96-75 d., against 97d. for the preceding year. The net revenue per train-mile amounted to 28-14 d., against 28-84 d. last year. This represents a decline of 0-70 d. per train-mile. The gross receipts per train-mile in the South Island advanced from 109-od. last year to 110-50 d. for 1915, giving a net return of 28-69 d., a decline of 0-15 d. on the figures for last year. For all lines the gross earnings per train-mile advanced from 104-od. to 104-75 d., an increase



of 0-75 d. per train-mile. The net earnings per train-mile were 30-21 d., against 30-od. for last year, an advance of 0-21 d. per train-mile in the net earnings for the year. This can be considered as satisfactory, having regard to the additional services run to meet the public convenience. The gross earnings per average mile of railway declined by £6 per mile, but the workingexpenses decreased by a similar amount, leaving the net earnings per average mile open at £408, the same as for last year. The return from the Lake Wakatipu steamers amounted to £6,851, an increase of £60 on the earnings for the previous year. Arrangements are in hand for placing this service under closer supervision, which I am convinced will lead, to more satisfactory financial results. The net return , £1,185,002, was equal to 3-53 per cent, on the capital invested in the lines open for traffic, and 3-28 per cent on the capital invested in the open and. unopened lines (£36,133,155). Expenditure. The working expenditure for the year amounted to £2,920,455, an increase of £40,132 on the year 1914, but a saving of £109,545 on the estimated expenditure, which was £3,030,000. The ratio of expenditure to earnings was 71-14 per cent., a decrease of 0-10 per cent, as compared with the figures for the previous year. Expenditure. Per Cent, of Revenue. 1915. 1914. 1915. 1914. £ £ Traffic .. .. .. 870,392 838,222 21-20 20-73 Locomotive .. .. ..1,183,013 1,154,309 28-82 28-55 Maintenance .. .. .. 738,550 763,207 17-99 18-87 Management .. .. .. 122,415 117,539 2-98 2-91 2,914,370 2,873,277 70-99 71-06 Lake Wakatipu steamers .. 6,085 7,046 0-15 0-18 2,920,455 2,880,323 71-14 71-24 The increased expenditure in the Traffic Branch resulted from the improved scale of salaries, the extension of the lines open for traffic, improved train services, provision of staff for additional stations on the new lines, and the extension of the train-tablet, signalling, and interlocking arrangements, and other safety appliances, which involve the employment of additional labour. In the Locomotive Branch the increased expenditure is due to the extension of train services, working of new lines, and to the material advance that has taken place in the cost of fuel, stores, wages, and repairs. The advance in the Head and Departmental Office expenditure resulted mainly from increase in salaries under the Classification Act. In the Maintenance Branch the expenditure has been curtailed in respect to works usually debited to working-expenses, and a saving has been effected through the curtailment of mileage relaid. The expenditure per mile of railway, £254, against £267 last year, represents a decrease of £13 per mile in the cost of maintenance. A considerable number of works of miscellaneous character and representing additions and improvements to lines, structures, and rollingstock, aggregating £14,035, which could fairly have been charged against capital, have been carried out during the year and debited to working-expenses. £217,006 was spent in the Maintenance Branch on works charged to capital account under the heading of " Additions to open lines." These comprise extension of signalling and interlocking, block working, station yards and sidings, additional watorservices, houses for staff, purchase of land, erection of new station buildings, goods-sheds, engine-sheds, social halls, wharf-extensions, reclamation, overbridges, tunnel-duplication, and grade-improvements. In the Locomotive Branch £307,385 was spent in the provision of additional, rolling-stock, tarpaulins, pneumatic coaling-cranes, fitting cars and vans with steam heating-gear, purchase of petrol electric car, fitting Westinghouse brake and workshops machinery. The total expenditure under " Additions to open lines " was £524,391. The rolling-stock in respect to which, the charges were incurred comprised 22 locomotives, 35 carriages, 5 brake-vans, 84 bogie wagons, 882 four-wheeled wagons, completed on 31st March, 1915 ; and 48 locomotives, 75 cars, 28 brake-vans, 102 bogie wagons, and 1,268 four-wheeled wagons in hand but incomplete on that date. Duplications. The double line between Dunedin and Mosgiel was brought into operation on the Ist June, 1914Th c Parnell new double tunnel was completed on the sth March ; one line of rails was laid and brought into use on the 28th March. The completion of this work will materially assist traffic operations in busy seasons, and the line through the old tunnel will give additional relief during periods when traffic is congested. The loads of north-bound trains from Mercer to Auckland have been materially increased as the result of the grade-easements already completed up to the end of the year. When the deviation of the line from Pacrata Station northwards, a distance of 3 miles 65 chains, which was in hand on the 31st March, has been completed, the grade against south-bound trains will be reduced from 1 in 40 to 1 in 100. This will enable south-bound trains to take considerably heavier loads, ensuring further economy in operating. Deviation and grade-easement at Kakariki is in hand. On the Picton Section grade-easements between Koromiko and Tuamarina have been completed with beneficial effects on the working. The expenditure incurred during the year in connection with grade-improvements north of Mercer was £28,828. Reclamation at Auckland. Considerable progress has been made with the Mechanics Bay reclamation, which has been carried out by the Auckland Harbour Board in conformity with an agreement with the Department. The expenditure, including the sum involved in the purchase of land, was £37,999. Arrangements have been



made for the construction of the new 100 ft. road. At the present rate of progression the reclamation of Mechanics and St. George's Bays will be completed during the year 1917. This reclamation constitutes the first step in connection with the Auckland new station-yard. Staff Organization. The proposals outlined in my special report of the Ist August, 1914, in respect to the appointment of Assistant Traffic Managers and Commercial Agent in the Traffic Branch have been carried into effect, and the new allocation of duties consequent thereon have been arranged, with satisfactory results. The benefits accruing from the alterations are already apparent, and will become more so as the officers concerned gain experience in their new duties. The appointment of Commercial Agent has been particularly beneficial to the Department by reason of the facility it affords for getting personally into touch with our customers, and inquiring on the spot into many matters that form the subject of complaint, the satisfactory settlement of which would be tedious and often impracticable if correspondence was solely relied upon. Signal Engineer's Branch. —Owing to the highly technical character of the work undertaken in the Signalling Department, and the necessity for obtaining in the first instance an officer who has had a wide and varied experience in connection with the supervision, laying-out, erecting, and installing signals and interlocking appliances, as well as a practical knowledge of mechanical, electrical, electro-pneumatic systems, block, and telegraphs and telephones, the appointment of Assistant Signal and Interlocking Engineer has not yet been made. Inquiries have been made throughout Australasia, and the replies indicate the improbability of obtaining a suitable man in any of the States. Applications have been invited in the United Kingdom, and the result is now awaited. Information already received points to the fact that the prospects ahead of qualified men in their present spheres are so good that they are disinclined to accept offers abroad, while the attention that is being devoted to signalling-improvements on many important railway-systems has created a demand, which is in excess of the supply of qualified men available at the moment. Locomotive Branch. —An Office Engineer has now been appointed, and the office organized to fit the altered conditions. General. —A commission of three officers has been appointed for the purpose of investigating the work and conditions at the various stations with a view to a reclassification. Owing, however, to the inroads made into the Railway staff as a result of members enlisting for the front it became imperatively necessary for members of the Commission to resume their ordinary railway duties temporarily before they had finished their investigations. Arrangements will, however, be made for the resumption of the special duty at the earliest possible moment, as I am desirous of dealing comprehensively and finally with the subject at the earliest possible date. The Committee has been specially directed to note carefully the stations which in their opinion would be suitable to members of the Second Division. Advertising. The advertising on railway premises has been taken over by the Department. An Advertising Branch has been established, and suitable arrangements made for securing renewal of many advertising contracts previously in force, conserving the interests of clients by seeing that advertisements are promptly erected and properly maintained. The general object aimed at is the improvement of the appearance of stations by a standardization of advertisements, and the display, as far as possible, of specially attractive and artistically designed matter. The number of advertisements will also be limited, and their display restricted to certain positions. The display of departmental notices has also received attention, and arrangements have been made to ensure uniformity throughout the system. The net result will be the enhancement of the value of Railway premises as advertising media. Town" Ticket-offices. Good results have followed the opening of a town ticket-office in Wellington, the office being extensively patronised for booking, inquiries, &c, with a consequent desirable relief of the bookingoffice at the stations. Inquiries have been made with a view to obtaining suitable offices in other centres. Such sites as have, up to the present, been brought under the notice of the Department have not been suitable for our requirements, and as the prevailing conditions are such as to render it inadvisable to incur additional expenditure at the present juncture it has been decided to defer action in respect to other centres meantime. Train Services. After carefully reviewing the time-table arrangements a number of important alterations were made and brought into operation on the Ist November last. These included the acceleration of through passenger-trains, thus materially reducing the journey-time between Wellington, Auckland, Napier, and New Plymouth. The arrangements have worked satisfactorily. Further improvements will probably be made in the long-distance services in the near future. One of the greatest difficulties that the Department has to contend with in connection with acceleration of train services is the persistent demands that are made for increasing the number of stops. Frequent stops are, of course, incompatible with a faster service. Construction of New Lines. During the year just' ended a number of lines have been handed over to the Working Railways Department, and a considerable programme for new lines has also been approved without the Working Railways Department —which must for all time be most vitally interested and concerned —being afforded an opportunity to furnish an estimate showing the probable volume of traffic, cost of working, and to what extent the proposed lines will ultimately show a profit or loss. In view of the importance of the subject, I deem it desirable to repeat in extenso the following recommendation made in my special report, D.-2b, of the Ist August, 1914, and urge that effect be given thereto : — " The arrangements under which new railways are authorized and built in the Dominion are, I would respectfully suggest, capable of considerable improvement. At the present time a new line is undertaken without any consultation with the Railway Department, and in consequence the only


official estimate available before the country is committed to additional expenditure is the Public Works Engineer's estimate of the cost of construction. The Department which will ultimately take over and work the new railway is not consulted as to the route, grades, and alignment nor are the plans submitted to it before the new line is commenced. No estimate is obtained from the Railway Department as to the cost of building the additional rolling-stock required. No estimate is made of the annual cost in the shape of working-expenses, and no figures are prepared by the Railway Department as to the probable revenue from the proposed line, therefore no reliable calculation can be made as to whether the net revenue will represent a profit, or a loss. " I show below the form of statement which I suggest should be prepared in future before now lines are authorized. The statement is similar to that submitted to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways in Victoria. The procedure in that State is worthy of consideration. Proposals for new lines are submitted to a Parliamentary Standing Committee of Railways, which obtains from the Engineer full reports as to the routes proposed, the Working Railways Department submitting estimates as to the probable traffic, working-expenses, and net revenue. The Committee, after consideration of tho figures submitted, makes a recommendation to Parliament, that body finally determining whether the railways shall be built or not. The Railway Committee is constituted on non-party lines. " The practice in New Zealand is to hand new railways over to the Working Railways Department entirely bare of rolling-stock, the expense for providing which has to come out of the annual grant of " Additions to open lines," which has often been inadequate for the purpose. This has contributed in no small degree to the shortage of rolling stock now prevailing. " I believe I am correct in stating that there are over twenty new railways in course of construction at the present time, and I submit that this is not an economical method of procedure. It must be obvious that if the work of construction was concentrated upon, say, five of these railways, the cost of supervision would be lower and the speed at which the railways would, be finished and become traffic-bearing and revenue-earning would bo at least four times as rapid. Over twenty uncompleted and unremunerative railways are a serious handicap to a comparatively small undertaking. The Working Railways Department is vitally interested in economical construction, because the expenditure ultimately becomes a portion of the capital upon which interest has to be earned- " New Zealand Railways. — -Report on Proposed Railway. From. to Length : miles. Ruling grade, 1. in Sharpest curve, chains radius. Cost of Construction :— (Estimate svbmilted by Public Works Department.) \ The Chief Engineer for Railway-construction estimates the cost of construction at £ per mile, or a total of .. .. .. £ 'The Chief Mechanical Engineer estimates the cost of construction of rolling-stock at . . .. . . .. .. . . £ Total cost of construction of line and of rolling-stock .. £ Annual Cost:— Interest on capital expended at 4 per cent. .. .. £ S 's Working-expenses : —- Oh Locomotive .. .. .. .. .. .. £ > Traffic £ » Permanent-way... . . .. .. .. .. £ General . . .. .. .. .. .. £ Total working-expenses .. .. .. .. £ "§ Total annual cost .. .. .. .. £ <S Estimated Revenue from Proposed Line :— in Passengers . . .. .. .. .. .. £ Goods (other than minerals) .. . . .. .. t' -X Live-stock .. .. .. .. . ■ .. £ g Minerals . . .. . . . •. . . £ "§ All other traffic .. . . .. .. . . .. £ ■g Total revenue from proposed line .. .. .. £ g [2 The revenue from carriage over existing railways of new traffic due to construction of proposed line, less for working-expenses, is estimated at .. . . .. £ Total revenue .. .. .. . . . . £ Profit [or loss] on proposed line .. , .. £

ii—D. 2.




Railway Improvements. The European War, which commenced after my special report of last year was drafted, has rendered it necessary to proceed much more slowly than was originally proposed in carrying out the work to be charged to loan. The programme has been recast to meet the altered circumstances, and a number of works forming part of the major scheme have been deferred, or in the meantime been charged against the ordinary vote for " Additions to open lines." This arrangement is, however, a tentative expedient the result of abnormal financial conditions created by the war. The experience of the past twelve months has confirmed the conclusions I had formed previously as to the necessity of undertaking at the earliest possible opportunity the improvements advocated in my special report of last year. It is evident that the programme of extensive works alluded to cannot be undertaken during the existing financial stringency, but no review of the present conditions and future requirements would be complete without a clear indication of the imperative necessity that exists for providing the additional accommodation in the near future. Traffic on the Main Trunk lines and the suburban lines in the neighbourhood of the principal cities is already very congested with the existing traffic, and there is every indication of great expansion taking place. It will be impossible to deal efficiently, expeditiously, and economically with the natural growth of the railway business with the present accommodation. It was estimated that the larger works enumerated in last year's schedule would take five years to complete. The date of commencement of the new works is now uncertain, yet, before five years have elapsed, the traffic, under normal conditions, will have attained a magnitude that will compel the provision of additional means of handling. The works in question were dealt with in detail in last year's special report, but briefly may be summarized as under :— Complete reorganization of the station and yard accommodation at Auckland, Wellington, Palmerston North, Hastings, Lyttelton, Christchurch, Addington, and Timaru, where the operations of the Department are greatly hampered owing to the obsolete and insufficient accommodation now provided. Grade-easement, deviations, and duplication of lines where train services are greatly congested and the maximum limits of existing capacity have almost been reached. Bridge-strengthening, completion, of signalling and interlocking on main systems, installation of alarms at level crossings, and erection of up-to-date workshops for the manufacture of locomotives and other rolling-stock. As far as the Railway Improvements Authorization Loan is concerned, no moneys are being expended except upon works already in progress or purposes to which the Department is already pledged. No new work that does not come within the above category has been commenced under the loan proposal. At Auckland the Mechanics Bay reclamation, already half-finished, must be completed, whilst the 1 mioval of the engine-shed to allow of improvements to roads, &c, is being carried out in fulfilment of an undertaking to the Harbour Board. A series of grade-easements in progress before the war cannot be abandoned without serious waste. Certain improvements in signalling are regarded as urgent, otherwise the new works referred to above andjncluding the loan have been deferred. Railway Battalions. The Railway battalions organized under the defence scheme in 1911 have already proved their utility. Under instructions of the General Officer Commanding Defence Forces the battalions were mobilized and utilized in protecting the railway-line for a period of nearly one month after the outbreak of the war. Every tunnel and bridge connected with the New Zealand system was guarded day and night by members of the Railway Battalions. A Railway contingent of 258 men and officers was also sent to Samoa with the Advance Expeditionary Force. These men represented every company of Railway Engineers, and the whole of them reached Wellington for embarkation, fully uniformed, armed, and equipped, within forty-eight hours from the time the order was given for them to be called up. Instructional camps for officers and non-commissioned officers have been held in both the North and South Island. They were well attended, and the training received has proved of considerable value to officers concerned. The Railway Department has provided miniature rifle-ranges at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin in order to encourage rifle shooting and the defence movement among the staff. War Servicks. Railway men have by no means been backward in showing their loyalty in the crisis that has overtaken the Empire. A large number of members of all grades of the service, embracing members of the Railway battalions and civilians, have enlisted and gone abroad with New Zealand Expeditionary Forces to uphold the integrity of the Empire; while the men employed in the railway workshops at Petone and Addington rendered valuable assistance to the cause by the enerpy and ability displayed in construction in record time of ammunition-carts, limbers, and other vehicles for the New Zealand Forces at the front. Many letters have also been received from other members of the staff intimating their willingness to forego leave and in other ways to assist the Department to tide over the temporary difficulties of working with depleted staff, and I have no doubt should this difficulty become acute the service as a whole would most loyally co-operate by all means in their power so that the Department could give to the public an adequate service for carrying on the



business of the Dominion. The names of those who answered the Empire's call and those who have given up their lives or been wounded in the cause of the Empire are included in the roll-of-honour list which is appended hereto. Relief Funds. Iho members of the service have enthusiastically and most generously supported various funds having for their object the relief of the Belgians or the sick and wounded New Zealand soldiers. Entertainments have been promoted at various centres with good results, while in some districts members of the Railway service are regularly subscribing a fixed sum monthly for the alleviation of the distress arising out of the war.

m MAINTENANCE. Mr. J. Burnett, Chief Engineer, reports as follows: — Permanent-way. —The track has been maintained in good condition. Relaying as follows has been done during the financial year : — Miles. Main and branch lines, 53-56 lb. relaid with 701b. material ... . . 70 1 Branch lines, 40 Ib. relaid with new 55 Ib. steel material ... ... 14 Branch lines, 40 lb. relaid with second-hand 53 lb. and 56 lb. steel material removed from main lines ... ... ... ... ... 114 Total relaying for the year ... ... ... ... 951 This is the smallest mileage relaid since 1904-5. It is most desirable that the rate of relaying be kept up to at least 100 miles per annum. All labour and material in connection with relaying is charged to working-expenses. Sleepers. —22B,644 sleepers were put into the track during the year. Good supplies of sleepers are available. Respacing to strengthen the track has been continued. Slips and Floods. —On the Gisborne Section floods caused interruption of traffic for some days and considerable damage to the line. Floods in the Westland District caused a large washout on the Blackball line, and necessitated the provision of protective works in several places. Considerable quantities of stone have been quarried and placed in river protective works on the Midland line. A large amount of work in lightening slopes and strengthening banks has been carried out on the Otago Central Railway. Ballasting. —37l,B3s cubic yards of ballast has been used on the track during the year. At Te Kuiti quarry a second stone-crusher, with necessary siding and other works, has been installed. At Mount Egmont pit, where labour has been difficult to obtain, a mechanical ballast-loader has been erected, and is giving satisfaction. The Quertier excavator has also been used. Additional plant is being obtained to enable ballasting to be kept up to date. About 10,000 cubic yards of spoil and sand has been deposited and track lifted on the Rukuhia Swamp. Bridges, (fee.—Bridge structures have been maintained in a safe condition. Renewal of timber superstructures in steel has been continued. Painting iron and steel bridges has been attended to. The strengthening of main-line bridges to enable the heaviest engines to run is now in hand. It will be necessary in the near future to rebuild several long timber bridges. The use of steel instead of timber is being continually increased. Water-services. —Additional water-storage and other improvements to water-services have been provided. Wharves. —Port Chalmers : Extensive repairs to Export Wharf in hand. Queenstown : Slipway nearly completed. Westport : Staiths being demolished. Picton : Old wharf taken down. Buildings. —Newmarket : Considerable improvements and additions to workshops have been carried out. Linwood : Engine-depot well advanced. An electric traverser for moving engines is being installed. Invercargill: New goods-shed, with overhead electric cranes, and yardextension finished; new maintenance workshops completed, and machinery now being erected. Goods-sheds provided and station accommodation enlarged at several stations. A number of houses for employees have been built, and the work of enlarging and improving house accommodation has been continued. Additions to Open Lines. —.£2l7,oo6 was spent on these works and charged to Capital Account, the principal items being the following : Signalling, interlocking, block-working, &c.; additions to station buildings, yards, and sidings at Hamilton (completion), Hastings (completion), Newmarket, Otahuhu (completion), Avondale (part), Picton (completion), Invercargill, Penrose (com-


pletion), Windermere (part), Lambton, Addington, Opahi, Ikarhatua (part), Waipahi (part), Ngaruawahia (part), Morrinsville (part), Johnsonviile (part), Matamata (part), Makotuku, Winton, Orari, Waipara (part), Otorohanga (part), Taumarunui (part), Lyttelton (part), Christchurch, New Lynn (part), Henderson, Sefton, One Tree Point (part), Woodlands (part), Fordell (part), Wanganui (part), Featherston, Cambridge, Frankton, Onehunga Town, Opua, Morningside, Ohakune, Te Kuiti Quarry, Rata, Shannon, Palmerston North, Mangaroa, Porirua, Whakatu, Khandallah, Paremata, A.watoto, Plimmerton, Albury, Motukarura, Little River, Oamaru, Five Rivers, Huntly (completion), Otane (completion); additions to water-services, Pukekohe (completion), Ruakura (completion), Opapa, Upper Hutt, Mercer (part), Frankton, Papakura, Dannevirke, Invercargill (completion); new houses, Whangarei, Owaka (completion), Ohakune (completion), Riccarton, Glenomaru, Te Kuiti, Springfield, Ohakune (part), Mokoia (part), Tariki (part), Taihape (part), Heriot (part), Marton (part), Ranfurly, Taumarunui (part), Khandallah (part), Dargaville; purchase of land, Riccarton, Palmerston South, Malvern, Johnsonviile, Te Kuiti, Waipukurau, Woodhill, Belfast, Greymouth, Eastown; removing houses, Ngaruawahia; new station buildings, Riccarton, Mamaku; goods-sheds, Okahukura, Invercargill, Te Mawhai; goods-shed additions, Coalgate, Newmarket, Taumarunui, Dashwood (completion); goods-shed over discharging-road, Wanganui; verandas over goods-shed doors, Christchurch; veranda, Hangatiki; extension of veranda, Greymouth (part); extension of platforms, Te Aroha; stockyards, Ngapuna, Okahukura, Richmond, Windermere (part), Te Mawhai; footwarmer i'urnace-shed, Frankton; fire-brigade shed, Napier; wagon-repair sheds, Wanganui, Frankton, Dargaville; Westinghouse-brake shed, Whangarei; office for Loco. Engineer, Greymouth; loco, office, Frankton; social halls, Balclutha, Palmerston South; enlarging railway library building, Invercargill; engine-depots, Linwood (part), Paekakariki (completion), Newmarket (completion); engine-shed additions, Napier; engine-turntable, Otira; additions to workshops, Newmarket (part), Napier; electric-light installations, Te Kuiti, Mosgiel; wharf-extension, Opua (completion); slipway, Lake Wakatipu (part); reclamations, Bluff (completion), Mechanics Bay (part), Thorndon (completion); widening Mangere Bridge over railway at Onehunga Wharf; overbridges, Mount Eden (completion), Penrose (part); crossing siding between Halcombe and Feilding (completion); extension of crossing, Matamau; tunnel duplication at Auckland (Parnell) (part); grade improvements, Auckland, Mercer (part), Koromiko-Tuamarina, Kakariki (part); duplication of line, Lower Hutt, Hayward's; half-cost of 75 M.B. wagons transferred from DunedinMosgiel doubling-works; accommodation for wagon seating-gear, Penrose; connecting-clocks, "Magneto" time-system, Auckland; crane, Tuakau; approach road, Waipawa; widening Dominion Road, Auckland; connecting latrines with borough sewer, Te Kuiti, Gisborne, Gore; ballast-loading plant, Mount Egmont; fencing, Otago Central Railway. Miscellaneous Works. —Additions and improvements were carried out during the year amounting to £9,562, which was charged to working-expenses. The principal works were : Additions and improvements, Papatoetoe (completion), Christchurch (completion), Kai Iwi, Whangarata, Puha, Kaituna; siding additions and alterations, Chertsey, Porewa; additions to houses, Papatawa, Kai Iwi, Kaipara Flats, Porirua, Mount Albert (part); hot-water services at houses, Ohakune, Taihape, Rangataua; water-supply to houses, Taihape; engine-shed additions, Taihape, Arthur's Pass; new goods-sheds, Riversdale, Tariki; additions to goods-sheds, Newmarket (part); fire-prevention at goods-sheds, and engine-depot, Dunedin (completion); new stockyards, Arthur's Pass; additions to water-services, Duntroon, Otahuhu (part), Kai Iwi, Paekakariki, Papakura, Kohatu (part), Belgrove (part), Waiouru, Waipukurau, Frankton, Upper Hutt, Brightwater, Waipuku; water-service to carriage-washing sidings, Auckland; drainage to cottages, Frankton; sanitary improvements, Taihape (part); latrines, Mangaroa; connecting W.C. at Stationery-store, Wellington, with city sewer; veranda and platform extensions, Sheffield, Matamata, Kaukapakapa Goods-shed; platform., &c, at Egmont Box Company's Siding, Winiata; lighting stations, Reefton (electric light), Taihape (electric light) (part), Paekakariki engine-depot (gas), Papatoetoe (gas) • additional lighting, Waipukurau, Masterton (gas); loading-accommodation, Cliff Road, Evansdale, Rotomanu, Seddon; rifle range, Auckland, and improvements to rifle ranges, Wellington and Auckland; deviation of line at Bonny Glen (completion); alterations to barriers, Trentham; protecting skylights with wire netting, Addington shops; store for 1.P.W., Taihape; office for loco, foreman, Cross Creek; removal of house from Christchurch to Waipara; weighing-pit and storeroom, Hillside Workshops; additional loco, accommodation, Gisborne; purchase of land, Dargaville, Willowbridge, Templeton; level crossing, Morrinsville. Doubling and Improvement of Lines. —Dunedin-Mosgiel : This work is practically completed. Double-line working through from Dunedin to Mosgiel was brought into operation on the Ist June, 1914. Grade improvements, North Island Main Trunk line: £28,728 was spent during the year. The loads of north-bound trains, from Mercer are largely increased. A very small amount of work will complete the improvements between Paerata and Mercer. Ihe deviation from Paerata Station northwards to 24f in., reducing the grade against southbound trains from. 1 in 40 to 1 in 100, will be completed during the year 1915-16. The deviation and grade-easement at Kakariki has been put in hand. Grade-easements at Koromiko and Tuamarina-Picton line have been completed. Parnell Tunnel duplication : The tunnel was completed on the sth March, 1915 ; one track laid and in use on the 28th March, 1915. The second line is now being laid. The line through the old tunnel will give relief in times of very heavy traffic. Mechanics Bay Reclamation. —This work has been continued by the Auckland Harbour Board under agreement with the Department, and will be finished during the coming, financial year. Expenditure for the year, including purchase of land, £37,999. Arrangements have been made for the construction of the new 100 ft. road.



St. George's Bay Reclamation. —This work, being the first step towards the Auckland Stationyard works, is now being put in hand for the Department by the Auckland Harbour Board. Expenditure. —The expenditure of the Maintenance Branch for the year was as follows : Maintenance, charged to working-expenses, £738,550 = £253 per mile of railway maintained; other expenditure, charged to capital, other Government Departments, and public and private parties, £255,811 : making a total of £994,361. The cost of maintenance per mile of railway maintained is much lower than in any of the preceding three years. This is due to curtailment of expenditure on works of improvement debited to working-expenses, and to the smaller mileage relaid. The rate must be expected to increase. Mileage. —Mileage open for traffic on the 31st March, 1915, 2,954 miles 41 chains; opened during the year, 91 miles 25 chains. Land and Leases. —Number of leases registered during the year, 559; annual rental, £7,197. Leases current at 31st March, 1915, 4,947; annual rental, £38,185. Private-siding agreements registered during the year, 67; annual rental, £1,175. Private-siding agreements current at 31st March, 1915, 379; annual rental, £8,250. Proclamations taking or giving up land, 53. Total amount of compensation paid during the year for land, £19,696. Staff. —Maintenance Branch working staff, 4,080 men; office staff, 137 : total, 4,217. Signal and Electrical. Fixed Signals at Officered Stations. During the past year thirty-five stations have been fitted with fixed semaphore signals —viz., Wellsford, Wharepapa, Matamata, Hinuera, Tirau, Arahiwi, Mamaku, Tarukenga, Awatoto, Whakatu, Mangatainoka, Mangamaire, Hukaimi, Mangamahoe, Mangaroa, Pitcaithly's, Paremata, Matawai, Nelson Port, Nelson, Wakefield, Richmond, Belgrove, Kohatu, Sergeant's Hill, Dunollie, Moana, Mina, Waitaki Bridge, Hindon, Pukerangi, Waipiata, Balfour, Fairfax, and Orepuki. Total number of officered stations (including tablet stations), 493; equipped with fixed signals, 280; interlocked, 87; unequipped, 126. Interlocking of Points and Signals. The electric pneumatic installation at Dunedin has worked satisfactorily during the past year. The following places have been signalled and interlocked : Morningside, Mount Albert, service siding at 26 m. 14 eh., Henderson, Sawyer's Bay, and Ravensbourne. The interlocking has been added to and rearranged at Parnell signal-box, Newmarket, Otahuhu, Te Kuiti, Wingatui, and Mosgiel, and alterations have been carried out at Mount Albert, Morningside, Aramoho signal-box, Thorndon, and Mosgiel signal-box. The following sidings and flag stations have been interlocked with the tablet : Winstone's siding; Gaol siding and Public Works Department's siding, Mount Eden; service siding near Paerata; Messrs. Joughin and Hume's siding, W T aihi Branch; Hawke's Bay Farmers' Meat Company's siding, Whakatu; Messrs. William Cook and Union Timber Company's siding near Palmerston North; Terrace End local end ballast-sidings; Taonui Station; Makino Road Station; Eastown Workshops siding; Bassett's Siding, Wanganui; Awapuni Station; Manawatu Ballast-pit siding near Longburn; Makerua Station; sand and quarry sidings, Paekakariki; and Khandallah Station. Ihree additional stations in the North Island and sixty-one stations in the South Island were fitted during the year with special switch locks interlocking the facing-points with home signals. The interlocking at Waikumete, New Lynn, Avondale, Khandallah, and Lower Port, Chalmers is now in hand. Total stations now interlocked, 87; tramway crossings interlocked, 6; intermediate sidings interlocked with tablet, 43. Expenditure for the year was —New works, £20,486 Bs. 5d.; maintenance, £9,517 7s. 2d. Block Working (Electric Tablet). During the year fifty-four tablet instruments and forty-four miles of line have been fitted and brought into operation, embracing the following sections: Morrinsville—Thames; also, new stations have been installed as follows: Avondale Brick Company's siding, Paerata service siding, Taratahi, Mangaroa, and Heretauuga. Total mileage now equipped with tablet apparatus, 1,583|- miles, single line. Electric tablet instruments now in use, 874, at 362 stations. Automatic tablet-exchanging apparatus has been installed at seventeen additional stations. The total now in use is 330. Lock and Block. The electric lock-and-block system for double-line working has worked satisfactorily. Sections, Newmarket - Parnell Tunnel, f of ,a mile, and Abbot's Creek - Mosgiel, 3J miles, have been brought into use. Total mileage of line : Double line, 44 miles; single line, 2,910 miles. Total mileage equipped with lock-and-.block apparatus, 44 miles, double line. Total mileage now equipped with tablet instruments, 1,583& miles, single line.



Electric lock-and-block instruments in use, 80, at 36 stations. Electric tablet instruments in use, 874, at 362 stations. Automatic tablet exchangers in use at 330 stations. Telegraph and Telephone Facilities. Three hundred and four miles of wire and 189J miles of poles have been erected and brought into use, also various alterations and additions have been made to improve existing lines. Sixty-eight telephone connections have been brought into operation. Twenty additional connections and four extensions have been made to public exchanges. Two additional Morse connections and eight Morse instruments in Christchurch learners' gallery have been installed. A number of old-pattern instruments have been replaced by modern up-to-date appliances. All telegraph, telephone, and block wires between Addington and Sockburn have been placed underground. Totals now in use: Morse sets, 276; telephones, 1,453; electric bells, 230; miles of wire, 6,727; miles of poles, 2,529. The following work is in progress : Palmerston North - Napier (Morse line); WaipukurauPort Ahuriri (Morse line); Christchurch - Little River (telephone line); Amberley-Rangiora (telephone line); East Oxford - West Oxford (telephone line). Electric Lighting and Power. Electric light has been installed at Auckland Goods-yard, Te Kuiti, Ravensbourne, Wingatui, Mosgiel, and District Engineer's house at Invercargill, and additional lighting has been provided at Wellington and Petone Workshops. The installation of lighting at Parnell Tunnel and Loco. Depot at Linwood is in hand. Electric cranes have been installed in the goods-shed, Invercargill, and stores-yard, Wellington. The electrical work in connection with the installation of additional motors for driving machines at Hillside, Addington, and Petone has been carried out. The expenditure on electric-block working, telegraph and telephone facilities, and electric lighting for the year was : — New works— £ s , <j. Electric tablet working ... ... ... ... 5,709 8 "I Telephone and telegraph lines ... ... ... ... 3,078 14 5 Electric light ... ... ... .... ... 1,581 17 1 £10,369 19 7 Maintenance — Electric-block working and telegraph and telephone lines ... 13,811 6 10 Lines, &c, maintained by Post and Telegraph Department... 2,861 1(1 0 Electric light ..." ... ... ... ... 2,108 15 1 £18,781 II 11 Public telephone-exchange connections ... ... ... £2,822 5 0

TRAFFIC. Mr. H. Buxton, Chief Traffic Manager, reports as follows :— Whangarei Section. Revenue, £49,233 ; increase, £6,512. Passengers increased 21,849. Last year there was a decrease of 15,000, owing to restriction of travel in consequence of the outbreak of smallpox. The traffic on the Kaikohe Branch, which was opened on the Ist May, and the inclusion of Easter traffic have added to the numbers this year. Parcels increased 3,926, chiefly cream traffic. There was an increase of 26,570 tons of minerals. The output of coal was affected during the previous year by strikes. There was a slight improvement in live-stock, merchandise, and firewood ; but grain and timber decreased. Kaihu Section. Revenue, £5,575 ; increase, £587. An extension of two miles and a half of line was opened on the Ist June. The principal increases were 5,300 passengers and 2,330 tons of timber. Gisborne Section. Revenue, £22,857 ; decrease, £646. An extension of thirteen miles was opened on the 2nd November. Passenger revenue increased £485 and goods revenue £1,444, but in the previous year a considerable sum was received for the hire of engines and wagons, which accounts for the gross decrease.




The principal features of the traffic were increases of 26,470 sheep and 2,243 tons of timber, and a decrease of 3,046 tons of minerals. North Island Main Line and Branches. Revenue, £2,166,669 ; increase, £8,568. The principal items of traffic Were — Number. Number. Passengers .. .. .. .. 7,537,933; increase, 341,650 Season tickets.. .. .. .. 192,477; „ 9,771 Parcels, &c. .. .. .. .. 703,695; „ 29,370 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 3,926,845; „ 115,470 Tons. Tons. Goods .. .. .. .. 1,856,678; decrease, 15,940 The increase of passenger revenue was £25,733. Parcels levenue decreased £3,276. The decrease is caused by the competition of the parcels-post and the general tendency to economy of expenditure. The increase in numbers is caused by the number of small lots of cream, due to the use of home separators. Goods revenue decreased £13,888. The decreases were : Chaff, &c. 18,786 tons ; firewood, 842 tons ; timber, 31,530 tons ; gi am, 3,809 tons ; merchandise, 6,081 tons. There was an increase of 43,856 tons of minerals. Live-stock traffic was somewhat retarded by a shortage of shipping for frozen meat, but there were considerable movements of stock from districts where pasturage was short owing to the dry season. The annual revenue per mile of railway fell from £1,976 ss. 7d. in 1913-14 to £1,972 9s. 2d. or 1914-15. The revenue per train-mile decreased -|d. (from Bs. Id. to Bs. Ofd.). Following are the principal variations in the districts :— Auckland District. —Revenue, £762,054 ; ncrease, £26,839. Passengers increased by 38,314, due chiefly to Easter holiday bookings. Season tickets increased by 5,472, and parcels 25,083. Cattle increased 16,873, calves 3,771, sheep 49,730, and pigs 11,104. Wool increased 298 tons, and coal 38,000 tons ; but there was a decrease in other minerals (roadmetal, bricks, &c.) of 24,000 tons. Chaff decreased 8,910 tons, timber 11,667 tons, grain 4,036 tons, and merchandise 4,119 tons. Ohakune District. —Revenue, £280,003 ; decrease, £8,910. Passengers increased by 29,154, due to Easter bookings and removal of restriction placed on travel by Maoris during smallpox outbreak. Parcels increased 20,600, due chiefly to cream traffic. Cattle increased 3,000, and sheep 14,800 ; but timber decreased 17,200 tons, and grain 576 tons. Wanganui £410,597 ; decrease, £8,797. Passengers decreased 48,295. Last year large excursions took place in connection with the visit of H.M.S. " New Zealand." This year school excursions were abandoned, and passenger traffic generally has fallen off. Cattle increased 9,500, and sheep 16,000. Timber increased 3,470 tons (chiefly inward shipments of Oregon pine at Breakwater, and merchandise 1,500 tons. Decreases occurred in chaff, 2,882 tons ; pigs, 2,700 ; wool, 134 tons ; firewood, 618 tons ; grain, 2,200 tons ; and minerals, 2,100 tons. Wellington District.— Revenue, £714,015 ; decrease, £564. Passengers increased 322,879, due to Easter traffic and to traffic in connection with the military camp at Trentham. Season tickets increased 4,271. Parcels decreased 10,774 in number and £514 in revenue. Cattle increased 9,455, and pigs 2,265 ; but sheep decreased 20,558. Goods traffic was affected by the slump in the hemp (dressed flax) production, the restricted export of frozen meat and by-products from Petone and Ngahauranga, and the dislocation of shipping. Another factor was that last year the merchandise traffic was swollen by the waterside workers' strike forcing on to the railway large quantities of goods which would in the ordinary course have gone by coastal boats. Grain increased 2,979 tons, and minerals 31,355 tons. Chaff, &c, decreased 5,634 tons, timber 2,953 tons, and merchandise 3,635 tons. Picton Section. Revenue, 31,408; decrease, £842. Passenger revenue decreased £417. There were fewer school excursions during the year, and the previous year's figures were unusually large, owing to traffic induced by the visit of H.M.S. " New Zealand " to Picton.



Sheep, &c, decreased 39,378, owing chiefly to the freezing-works closing on account of the want of shipping. The very dry season caused a decrease in the export of chaff and grain. Nelson Section. Revenue, 31,478 ; decrease, £433. Passenger revenue decreased £73. There was a larger overland traffic in the previous year owing to the shipping strike. There were decreases of 800 tons timber, 400 tons grain, and 400 tons mechandise. There was an increase of 1,100 tons minerals. Westport Section. Revenue, £117,118 ; increase, £14,793. Passenger revenue increased £53. There was an increase of 145,400 tons of coal. The output, for the previous year was affected by strikes. Westland Section. Revenue, £161,075 ; increasd, £23,961. Passenger revenue increased £1,811, chiefly on account of Easter holiday traffic. The principal item of goods traffic was an increase of 194,000 tons of coal. The strike last year affected the output. There was also an increase of 3,286 tons of firewood (chiefly pit-props). Timber shows a decrease of 333 tons, and there Were also small decreases in chaff, green flax, grain, and merchandise. South Island Main Line and Branches. Revenue, £1,513,192 ; increase, £9,566. The principal items Were — Number. Number. Passengers .. .. .. .. 4,944,366; decrease, 163,090 Season tickets .. .. .. 100,547; increase, 3,029 Parcels .. .. .. .. 688,913; decrease, 20,888 Live-stock .. .. .. .. 3,161,097; increase, 21,132 Tons. Tons. Goods .. .. .. .. 2,369,993; increase, 67,008 The annual revenue per mile of railway decreased from £1,100 15s. the previous year to £1,095 7s. Id. for the year under review, but increased per train-mile from 9s. Id. to 9s. 2|d. The variations of traffic in the various districts Were approximately as under : Christchurch District. —Revenue, £693,047 ; increase, £16,245. Ordinary passenger and excursion bookings decreased by 93,614, while season tickets increased 2,549. Last year there were large bookings in connection with the visit of H.M.S. " New Zealand." Parcels decreased 2,798. The decrease from the towns was considerably larger, as from some of the country stations the number of cream consignments shows a substantial increase. Much of the decrease is attributable to postal competition. Cattle increased 5,109, calves 775, sheep 103,172, pigs 4,878. Chaff, &c, increased 8,022 tons, wool 2,623 tons, firewood 1,410 tons, grain 66,304 tons, and minerals 5,185 tons. Timber decreased by 14,558 tons, and merchandise by 4,571 tons. Dunedin District. —Revenue, 504,436 ; increase, £6,909. Passengers decreased 10,868, and season tickets increased 903. Parcels decreased 7,467 (at Dunedin chiefly). The position is the same as in Christchurch district. Cattle increased 5,986, but sheep decreased 54,309. Owing to the dry season in Canterbury there was no movement of store sheep northward. Chaff increased 834 tons, wool 2,524 tons, firewood 1,608 tons, grain 1,421 1,461 tons, and minerals 1.3,731 tons. Timber decreased 1,589 tons. Invercargill District. —Revenue, £315,709 ; decrease, £13,588. Passengers decreased 58,608 and season tickets 423. The passenger business has been affected by bad weather and the diversion of the Melbourne steamers from Bluff. Parcels decreased 10,623. Cattle increased 2,064, but sheep decreased 46,297. Chaff, &c, decreased 3,222 tons, firewood 3,174 tons, timber 6,742 tons, grain 5,982 tons, and merchandise 3,631 tons. The season Was very backward for all classes of produce. There was an increase of 7,851 tons of minerals. \* Lake Wakatipu Steamers. Revenue, £6,851 ; increase, £61. Passengers increased 2,541, and £126 in revenue. There was an increase of 5,400 sheep. Wool, grain, and minerals show slight increases, but timber decreased 200 tons and merchandise 122 tons.



The train services have been maintained with punctuality, as will be seen from the following table :—

Average Late Arrival of Trains, Year ended 31st March, 1915.

LOCOMOTIVE. Mr. H. il. Jackson, Chief Mechanical Engineer, reports as follows:— The engines, rolling-stock, plant, machinery, and appliances have been maintained in j borough! \ efficient working-order, details of the work done being as follows: — Locomotive*. —On the Ist April, 1914, there were 534 engines in service, and on the 31st March, 1915, there were 557 engines. Two engines were sold and written off. One tank engine in hands of Stores Branch was taken into stock, and twenty-four new engines were added to stock. Of the new engine's added to stock sixteen were built in the Government railway workshops, and comprised ten heavy tank engines', Class Ww, and six Class X 94-ton tender engines, fourcylinder " balanced-compound " ; six Class An 72-ton tender engines, four-cylinder " balanced - compound, "g and two large simple superheated tender engines, Class Bb. were completed under the contracts with Messrs. A. and G Price (Limited), of Thames. In the Government railway workshops to date 141 engines have been built, and twenty-four old locomotives have been rebuilt to modern designs. Seven hundred and fifteen locomotives passed through the workshops during the year, the details being as follows : —

Included in above are eight engines for the Public Works Department. At the close of the year there were under construction in the railway workshops thirty engines, consisting of ten Class Ab simple superheated tender engines and twenty Class Ww heavy tank engines. Under the contract with Messrs. A. and G. Price (Limited), of Thames, there were eighteen Class Bb tender engines to complete, and an order was placed with the Baldwin Locomotive Works in America for ten Class Aa simple superheated tender engines, so that at the close of the year there were altogether in hand fifty-eight locomotive engines. The new locomotives added, together with boiler-renewals, increased the total tractive power by 508,7631b., or equal to 733 per cent. The new engines being built and the boilers under construction will, when completed, still further materially increase the tractive power.

iii—D. 2.

Period ending g «; a ' s ! s » ! s j ■ a" I = ,, HJ => * sT j j] Wxpress and Mail Trains. Year ending 31st March, 112 i 1-52 ; 2-37 ; 0-65 , 0-69 0-45 0-24 0-80 0-79 3-76 1-61 2-15 11-95 1-40 1915 Year ending 31st March, | 2-48 I 2-03 j 2-07 ! 1-80 j 0-62 . 0-85 0-29 i 0-51 | 1-85 2-82 j 1-17 1-80 0-92 1-40 1914 2-15 1-80 Long-distance Mixed Trains. Year ending 31st March, 2-40 335 2-51 1-21 1-23 1-86 0-77 1-28 145 2:55 1-99 3-30 18-85 2-09 1915 i Yoar ending 31st Maroh, 3-70 3-24 2-44 i 1-25 1-02 092 I 1-06 j 1-97 j 2-54 3-10 2-44 3-15 2-28 1914 3-30 3-15 Suburban Trains. Year ending 81st March, 0-52 0-63 i 0-84 0-27 I 0-13 0-15 | 0-16 0-38 0-21 0-48 0-30 0-34 i 0-86 I 0-86 1915 Year ending 31st March, 0-59 0-87 I 0-61 0-44 0'29 0-15 i 0-23 0-39 0-59 062 0'47 0'51 0-45 0-48 1914

Number and Type. Particulars. *;? u , r - Pairliea. cylinder "Balanced-i Tender Tank Fell compound"] Engines, i Engines, j Engines. Tender Single. ; Double. Engines. Total. Number passed through shops Built new Re-erected Thoroughly overhauled Heavy repairs Light repairs Painted ... Paint touched up ... 98 213 376 6 20 2 6 ... 10 6 1 12 10 47 41 ... 3 27 6J 117 6 12 2 49 104 196 ... 5 14 52 48 2 5 31 64 56 2 2 715 1.6 L9 101 225 354 121 155 L ! _J



Boilers. —Boiler-work generally, including new boilers, renewals, and repairs, has been kept well up to date. Twenty-five new locomotive boilers were made. The following statement shows details of the boiler-work done :•■

Thirty-eight new boilers were under construction at close of year, and comprised ten Class An, seven Class F, two Class .1, one Class P, and eighteen Class Ww . Carriages. —The stock on the Ist April, 1914, consisted of 1,363 cars, and on the 31st March, 1915, the number was 1.397 cars. Two cars were damaged in a collision and written off, and replaced with two new cars. Thirty-four new bogie curs were built and added to stock. The following table shows details of ear-work for the year : —

Seventy-seven new bogie cars are under construction in railway Workshops. Brake-Van* —The number of brake vans on the line on the Ist April, 1911. was 406, and the number on the 31st March, 1915, was 410. Eight new bogie vans were built, five beingadditional stock and three to replace two vans damaged arid one written off. One van was sold and written off, and is being replaced with a new bogie van. The following table shows the work done on brake-vans during the year : —

Thirty new bogie brake-vans are under construction. Wagons. —The wagon stock on the Ist. April, 1914, consisted of 19,845 vehicles and the number on the 31st Maroh, 1915, was 20,816. Ten wagons were sold, six wagons were damaged, and twenty-five worn-out wagons were written off. One thousand and twelve new wagons were built: of these, 966 were additional stock, thirty-one wagons to replace the wagons worn out and damaged, thirteen wagons to replace wagons sold last year, and two wagons to replace wagons sold this year. The second-hand wagons sold are being replaced with new stock. The carrying-capacity of wagon stock increased by 9,889 tons, equal to 5*93 per cent., or an equivalent of 1,648 ordinary wagons. The following table gives particulars of the work done on wagons during the year : —

Description. )6S (8C cri ipt itti Kill 1. I rH °5 a. co co o n en 5; .— ■'Sfri t oJCfi , £_ - * r? 3, s a « 1 i ~ j co ! <° §■« 3 .3 -° ra 3 X ■th CO OZ r. I, 54 ill 1* r3' gi I fi £ X rrj O cp A » - <° -2 .2 "c!| « fc-§' I 1 ioilers 415 25 144 246 81 15 8 16 i 133 1 J ; I ;

i " : " i t Number and Type of Carriages. Particulars. Total. Number passed through shops ... Built new Rebuilt Heavy repairs Light repairs ... Painted Touched up ... Bogie. Six-wheel. Pour-wheel. n 1,923 109 64 36 1 1,052 13 8 834 96 61 541 16 563 7 2,096 36 J I ,068 991 557 570

Description. . 'PA \o a 3> co _« 3a ■ a " S o 2 * £■& a cuts co | « J 641 I i CO a '3 x 8 co if I w 292 i '3 _. p. J_ OJ 341 . •a CO a '3 Ph 126 i HH >0 ■3j§ . rf o 3i O 186 ■rake-vans ...

Description. 1 gco J3 <3go "fl fe SP H 5h rZi^ | Be S * £ a -J CU ft 03 „ co' .a c « S" I . I X 5 ■d <d ■ '3 Ph di ■a CO A CO o EH r agons 20,339 1,013 : 61 5,716 13,549 3,517 6,497



Included in " Built new " is one wagon for the Public Works Department. One thousand three hundred and ninety wagons were under construction in the railway workshops at the close of the year, and comprised 104 bogie and 1,286 four-wheel wagons. Tarpaulins. —The tarpaulin stock on the Ist April, 1914, consisted of 17,282 tarpaulins, and on the 31st March, 1915, the number was 17,074. By a fire at East Town Workshops on the 1 8th February last 208 tarpaulins were destroyed. These sheets will be replaced at an early date. Seventy-five fcarpaurins were made for other Departments, and 1,310 worn-out tarpaulins were condemned and written off, and replaced with a similar number of new sheets. The following table gives details of the work on tarpaulins for the year : —

Stationary Engines and Cranes. —The repairs and renewals during the year were »r follows :—

Axles. —During the year 14(1 car. van. and wagon axles were replaced with modern steel axles: this number, however, does not include axles for new rolling-stock. Practically all the iron axles in service have now been renewed with modern steel axles. The steel axles increase the carrying-capacitj of each wagon by 2 tons. Westinghouse Brake. —-The work of equipping engines and rolling-stock on the Whangarei Section with the automatic quick-acting Westinghouse air-brake lias made good progress, and will be completed during the current year; the work on the Westland Section will be put in hand at an early date. Efficient arrangements are in force for the examination and upkeep of the Westinghouse brake. All new engines and rolling-stock built for sections upon which the air-brake is in operation are equipped with if before being put into service. Car-lighting.---The oil-gas manufactured at the five separate Pintsch-gas works amounted to 11,136,940 cubic feet, oosting 2s. 4'lsd. per 100 cubic feet. The increased cost was duo to the price of gas-oil and repairs to plant. On sections not provided with Pintsch all oars arc now lighted with acetylene gas. Motor-cars. —The motor-cars in use on the Culverden—Hanraer service have been kept in good and efficient working-order. One Westinghouse petrol-electric rail motor car was completed in the railway workshops and put into traffic on suburban services. Steamers. —-The Railway Department's steamers on hake Wakatipu service have been maintained in good working-older. Renewals and Replacements. — During the year two tank engines, one brake-van, and ten wagons, all second-hand, were sold ; also two cars, two brake-vans, and six wagons were damaged; one brake-van, twenty-five wagons, and 1,310 worn-out tarpaulins were all written off. To replace the engines and rolling-stock sold or written off during the year under review and also last year, two heavy tank engines, two bogie cars, three bogie brake-vans, forty-six wagons were built, and 1,310 new tarpaulins were made. To replace the cars, vans, and wagons' sold or written off, new stock is under construction. In accordance with the practice of the Department, the cost of replacing engines and rolling-stock sold or worn out and written off is debited to workingexpenses. '/'rain Eunnmg and Mileage. —There has again been an increase in train-mileage. Compared with 1913-14 the increase in 1914-15 is 64,152 train-miles and 42.014 engine-miles. With the heavier engines now employed and taking bigger loads a material reduction in train and engine mileage is to be expected.

Description. Condemned, i Number passed Manufactured ; and replaced j through Shops. I new. with New Tarpaulins. Repaired. Tarpaulins ... [ 21,003 75 1,310 19,618

Description. Hand-cranes ... Steam-cranes Stationary engines... Pile-drivers and hoisting-engines Pneumatic cranes ... Li 01 o ' '-* CD CD CD cn 2 ■ --i u u u J§\ * * -s 1 « - 'II! 1 ! I 1 1 I I 53 : W : 1-5 - ft Eh id j ... 26 5 ! 21 2 1 4 ... ; ... ... ' 22 10 1.2 3 5 1-1 ... 26 | ... ! 1 7 18 ... 4 1 3 ... 1 ... L Boiler-repairs. CD CO O ■ ! _ ® CO ._. rrj CO § . \%a\ £ o Hj gc g So pq 5 CQ a -ft S !Z, PO .... « CD O t£ XI CO >H Ifl CD tH !!! \"i \"i '.'.'. 15 4 8 1 " 1 !



The following table shows' particulars of the expenditure per train-mile :—

STORES. Mr. H. Baxter, Comptroller of|Stores, reports as follows : — The value of stores, plant, and material (purchased under the Railway vote) on hand*og the 31st March, 1915, at the various stores, depots, and sawmills amounted to £41.8,093 19s. 1 Id., asagajnst £450,207 3s. Id. on the 31st March, 1914. The value of stores on hand on account of additions to open lines amounted to £1.3,688 18s. 10d., asl|against £38,204 19s. Id. on the 31st March, 1914. The whole stock is in good order, has been carefully and systematically inspected, and is value for the amounts stated.

The conduct of the staff as a whole has been very satisfactory. I have, &c, E. H. Hiley, General Manager The Hon. the Minister of Railways.

[ ' " " ~'~ ! I " . _ _ . Cost, in Pence, per Train-mile. Year. Train-mileage. Engine-mileage, j Locomotive i Car and Wagon Branch. Branch. __L_ I I __1 i i 1914-15 ... ... 9,383,420 12,646,587 24-42 5-84 1913-14 ... ... 9,319,268 i 12,604,573 23-73 5-99 Total. 30-26 29-72 The increased expenditure is due to the extra cost of fuel, wages, and repairs.

D.— 2



&01l of ftonour. Railway Employees who have fallen in Defence of the Empire. Name. Branch. Military Unit. |_ j_ Bannerman, E. I, •• •• Locomotive '.. Wellington Infantry Battalion. Brown. M. C. . • ■ ■ Locomotive . . . , I Otago Infantry Battalion. Burns, A. 0. .. •• •• Traffic.. .. Wellington Infantry Battalion. Clark, 8. G. .. •• •• Traffic.. .. Wellington Infantry Battalion. Coote, P. 8. ~ • • • ■ Locomotive . . . . j Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Coupoithwaitc. I. .. •• Maintenance .. .. ■ Otago Infantry Battalion. Dick, H. .1. •■ •■ Traffic.. .. • .. N.Z. Field Engineers. Downes, T. S. .. ■ ■ Maintenance . . Otago Infantry Battalion. Findlav. J. .. •• ■• Maintenance .. .. Otago Infantry Battalion. Harding, L. C. .. •• Locomotive .. Otago Infantry Battalion. Hay Ward, A. R. •• •• Locomotive .. I Otago Infantry Battalion. Hislop, R. .. ■ ■ • ■ Traffic .. .. .. j Railway Engineers. Hunter, H. . . • ■ • ■ 'traffic . . . . ... Otago Infantry Battalion. McEachun, P. .1. •• Traffic.. .. .. Otago Infantry Battalion. McFarlanc, I). S. .. ■ • Locomotive ... . ■ j Wellington Mounted Rifles. McMurtrie. .1). A. .. •■ Traffic.. .. .. Otago Infantry Battalion. Murcott 8. G. ■■ ■• Traffic.. Otago Infantry Battalion. O'Donnell, I). ... .. Maintenance .. .. Otago Infantry Battalion. O'KeerlV, .1. ~ •■ •• Locomotive .. .. Wellington Infantry Battalion, Owens. .1. I). H. .. Locomotive .. .. Otago Infantry Battalion. Quigley, R. .. •• ■ • Traffic .. .. .. Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Reynolds, S. .. ■ • Maintenance . . . . Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Selby, W. G. • • ■ ■ Locomotive .. .. Otago Infantry Battalion. Smith, E. .. ■ • ■ • Traffic .. .. . . N.Z. Field Engineers. Tonkin, li. E. .. ■ • Locomotive . . .. Auckland Infantry Battalion. TreWern, H. A. .; .. Locomotive . . . . Otago Infantry Battalion. Walinek, J. .. .. • • Locomotive .. Imperial Reservist. Ward. A. L. . . .. •• Locomotive .. .. Otago Infantry Battalion. Whitaker, .1. H, .. • ■ Traffic .. .. .. Wellington Infantry Battalion. Williams, H. .I. T. .. •• Traffic.. .. .. Canterbury Mounted Rifles. Williams, G. .. ■ ■ • • Locomotive .. .. Otago Infantry Battalion.


NEW ZEALAND EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. MEMBERS OF RAILWAY SERVICE WHO HAVE ENLISTED. Abernethy, G. C. Bond. A. Christie, J. Dender, F. A. Ackland, C. W. Bond, V. R. Christie, W. J. Devine, .J. Adams, E. R. Bond, W. C. Christopher, j. G. Devine, T. E. Affleck, K. J. Bonisch, E. J. Christophers, H H. Dick, H. J. Agnew, M. Borland, R. W. Church, A. E. Dingle, E. .1. Agnew, W. ' Boswell, R. Church, F. Diver, F. Aickin, F. W. Bower, J. M. Ciochetto, C. V. Donaldson, A. A. Aickin, P. R. Bowles, W. B. Clapham. H. A. (i. Donaldson, J. L. Aitchison, P. Boyce, F. Clark, H. G. Dooley, ,1. Aitken, C. Boyes, A. C. Clark, S. G. Downes, T. S. Aitken, J. Bradshaw, G. B. Clark, W. J. Dreavor, R. Aldridge, A. G. Brambley, P. R. Clay, J. 0. Drewery, L. 0. Allan, A. R. L. Brennan, L. J. Clayton, J. Duffy, A. N. Allan, L. S. Bright, L. Cockburu, T. Dunbar, W. F. Allison, G. Britton, E. A. Cockerell, A. R. Duncan. G. Ander, E. F. Brockliss, F. J. Cockerell, D. B, Duncan, W. M. Anderson, C. E. Brogan, W. A. Cockroft, A. G. Dunlop, W. T. Anderson, N. Brooks, H. H. Cockshott, G. A. Dunn, J. Andrews, E. W. Broome, H. S. Codd, R. E. Duston, ('. Andrews, J. R. D. Broughton, D. S. Codlin, P. Dwan, A. P. Angus, A. J. C. Brown, A. C. Colley, W. L. Dyer, C. F. Angus, N. Brown, C.J. Collier, H. Arbuckle, E. A. B. Brown, D. H. Collins, D. J. Ede, A. .1. Armstrong, J. Brown, E. Connell, J. Edwards, A. M. Ashley, A. W. Brown, H. Connor, J. Edwards, E. Askew, E. J. Brown, J. E. Cook, R. J. Edwards, G. Auld, W. R. Brown, M. ('. Cooke, R. G. Edwards, R. Austin, H Brown, N. E. Cooke, W. F. Egan, J. Anton, S. M. Brown, R. L. T. Cooney, J. Elliott, J. Avey, C.A. Bruce, H. S. Coote, P. S. Elliott, J. B. Brunton, W. (I. Cornwall, J. H. Emery, L. A. J. Bagnall, L. .1. Brydon. R. O. Couperthwaitc, P. English. C. Bainbridgc, ,1. W. Bullock, F. ,1. Coutts, M. Emus, W. (). Ball, F. E. Bulman, J. Cowie, J. H. Evans, W. D. Ballantine, D. Burke, D. P. Cox, A. ,1. Ewatt, T. Ballantyne, A. S. Burnett, A. Craw, G. Ballantyne, J. M. Burnley. H. P.. Crawford, A. N. Fahv, E. W. Banfield, W. H. Burns, A. C. Crawford, H. Falla. L. M. Banks, C. Burns, T. R. L. Crawford, T. Fama, L. C. Bannerman, E. I. Burton, T. H. Crean, P. L. Fanselow, W. S. Barber, W. H. Butler, G. S. Critchfield, J. V. Farquharson. W. Barclay, G. Butler, W. M. Crouch, F. B. Fearon, A. E. Barker, C. Culley, J. A. Fentou, J.N. Barnard, C. V. Cahill, S. Curran, '11.I 1 . Ferguson, A. L. S. Barnes, H. Caldwell, R. T. Curtis, G. M. Ferguson, R, Barnett, B. S. Callick, W. S. Ferridav, J. M. Barrett, W. Cameron, C. W. M. Dale, Alfred E. Findlay, J. Barry, C. Cameron, J. R. Dale. Archie E. Finlayson, K. C. Bashford, R. H. P. Cameron, R. L. Dallard, S. D. Finlayson, P. Bateman, F; H. Campbell, L. H. Dalley, C. Firth', M. J. Beaton, T. Cardno, G. A. Daltou, T. D. Fitzpatrick, J. Beattie, H. E. Carruthers, R. A. Daniel, J. Fletf, .1. Beauchamp, E. G. Carruthers, W. T. Dash, S. H. Florey, V. C. Beekman, A. Casey, E. B. Dasler, A. Flvnti, P. Beer, A. A. C. Casey, W. P. Davidson, J. E. Foley, W. Beetham, A. M. Cassels, A. M. Davidson, J. H. Forbes, J. M. Bell, G. J. Cathcart, W. Davidson. R. W. Ford. A. J. Bell, J. S. Cattell, S. Davies, F. Forde, J. P. Bell, J. C. Cayford, B. Davis, L. H. M. Fordham, R. E. W, Bennett. C. F. Ch'ammen, H. F. Davis, M. Foreman, J. F. Berkett, H. F. Chapman, H. J. L. Day, W. H. Forrest, J. H. Bicknell, F. G Charleston, A. A. Delahoydc, W. Forsyth, N. L. Bishop, S. A. Charlton, A. R. Delanev. N. L. Forward, S. R. Blackie, J. Christie, A. De Lucca, F. L. Foster, E. J.




Mkmbbbs of Railway Service who have enlisted— contimmd. Fountain, N. C. M. Hardham, W. J, -lull, J.. A. Meadowcroft, E. H Fowler, R. G. Harding, A, E. Meads, H. T. Fox, W. M. G. Harding, L. C. Kane, P. J. Medlin, H. B. Francis, J. A. G. Hardy, W. A. Katene, F. B. Meekin, J. Fraser, A. A. Hare, J. Keane, J. Menzies, F. W. Fraser, G. F. Harper, J. L. T. Keats, C. Menzies, J. W. C. Fraser, W. A. Harpur, W. P. Keble, G. Menzies, S. Freed, F. P.. Harrison, T, A. Keenan, P. St. J. Metrick, .1. H. D. Fry, F. L. Harvey, H. W. Keith, W. H. Middlemass, V. C, Furey, D. J. Hastedt, K. G. Kelly, M. Middleton, W. Hastings, N. Kemp, R. Milburn, R. Gaffney, T. Hat Well, F. A, L, Kernick, J. Miles, I. Gallagher. A. W. Hawke. H. G. Kilburn, D. A. Milligan, P. E. 0. Gallagher, C. A. Hawkey, T. Kilpatrick. D. Mills, A. C. Gallagher. C. M. Haxton, G. W. King, F. E. Mills, F. Gambling, E. W. Havward, A. R. King, G. H. E. Mitchell, G. Gardner, J. H. Hebditch, W. Kingi, I. Mitchell, J. B. Gawn, T. G. Helm, A. M. Knights, S. Mitchell, V. Gibb, A. Henderson, H. H. Knowles, T. E. Mole, H. P. Gibson, J. A. Henderson, H. S. L. Monro, W. Gibson, T. A. Henderson, L. A. Lambert, E. Moody. L. Gilmore, A. E. Henderson, R. Lambeth, T. A. Mooney, E. M. A. Gilmore, R. .1, Henderson, T. J. F. Lamont, P. Moore, J. C. Ginnane, J. Henson, J. H. H. Latimer, F. G. Moore, G. Girven, A. Herd, J. A. Latimer, L. H. Morris, E. G. M. Girvcn, E. A.. Herman, A. Lawless, T. Morrison, K. Godfrey, J. A. HeWett, M. Lawlor, D. Motion, W. A. Godfrey', W. A. I). Hewson, J. C. Le Comte, R. A. Mouat, F. Gocch, L. H. C. Hicldlestone, J. Lcdingham. A. R, Muirhead, J. W. Goodhue, C. tt. Higginson, N. L. Leigh, T. .1. Muilanv, C. L. Goodley, A. Hilton, J. P. Leslie, W. Mullauv. E. .). Gordon, R. H. Hislop, A. Leslie, W. E, Munn, 8. D. Gordon, W. I). Hoff, L. P. Lilly, W. H. t. Munro, H. A. Govau, D. A. Hogarth, J. Y. Lindop, W. H. Munro, P. A. Graham, W. Hollinger, A. J. Lineen, J. Murcott, S. G. Granfell, A. E, Hooper, G. S. Linehan, C. A. Grant. A. G. Hopkirk, R. E. B. Lloyd, E. L. McArtlmr, A. A. Gray, A.F. Horrobin, F. W. , Lloyd, G. M. McArthur, .1. N. Greatbach, ,1. H. Horsnell. C. Lock, B. G. McArtnev, A. Green, H. C. Howie, J. A. Lockett, R. L. B. McAuley, F G. Green, T. Howie, S. G. Lockey, L. W. McAuliffe, W. Greenslade, J. G. Howie, W. J. Logic, E. H. McCauley, J. Greenwood, E. P. Howlett, L. V. Louden, J. McComish, J. I). Greer, H. A. Hughes, W. Lough, J. McCormick, A. N. Grigg, M. H. Hughes, W. C. Lucas, E. McCormick, B. Guinness, W. J. P. Hunt, F. Lucas, J. McCullough, H. Gunn. G. W. Hunter, H. Lucy. T. M. McDonald, C. Guthrie, A. H. Hunter, W. L. Luscombe, C, E. McDonald, D. A. Guthrie, .1. H. Hutchins, A. R. Lyall, J. R. McDonald, E. J. Guthrie. T. J. Lynch, A. P. McDonald, J. Gwilliam, G. W. A. Ibbotson, H. McDonald, L. F. Gyton, E. S. Ingpen, F. G. Mac Arthur, J. 1. McDougall, J. M. Irving, R. Mackay, A. J. McEwan, D. Haddock, O. H. Islip, E. E. Mackay, J. R. MoEachen, P. J. Hales, A. Male, W. H. McFarlane, D. S. Hall, J. H. Jackson, A. W. Maloney, W. J. McFarlane, H. Hallett, N. Jackson, J. G. Mancey, C. H. McGahan, C. W. Halley. W. Jackson, W. Mann, W. McGee, F. N. Hemblin, W. J. Jacobs, H. D. Manning, P. S. McGill, A. Hamblyn, H. E. Jamieson, R. L. Marriott, P. S. McGinn, J. H. Hamilton, A. S. Jeffery, R. Marsh. J. W. McGonagle, I). C. Hamilton. J. E. Jenner, F. T. R. Marshall, C. I). Mc Grail, C. H. Hamilton, W. .lessen, J. Marshall, E. J. MoGrath, G. Hammond, J. C. Jobberns, J. Martin, A. V. McGrath, T. C. Hammond, L. .1. B. Johnson, N. W. Martin, F. 0. Mcllroy, H. Hanan, J. A. N. Johnson, W. Martin, J. H. Mclnnes, A. H. Hancock, J. Johnston, C. G. Masters, A. R. Mcintosh, W. L. Hannah, J. Johnston, F. C. Mather, A. B. W. McKain, E. T. Hansen, H. R. Johnston, J. E, Mathesou, N. M. McKeamey, M. P. Hanson, W. P. Jones, C. Matthewson, W. G. McKellar, A. D. Harcus, J. Jones, D. R. R, Maxwell, A. C. McKellar, D. I. Hardbattle, W. J. Jones, E. A. A. May, Frederick. McKenzie, M. Hardcastle, L. Jones, J. T. May, Frank. McKinstry, L.G.


Members off Railway Service who have enlisted- ■- continued. McKone, J. Rae, T. H. Sloan, T. C. Wakelin, L. T. McKone. N. Ramsay, J. W. Slodden, J. E, Walinck, J. McKubre, J. M. Ramsay, M. H. Small, C. R. Walker, A. McLaren, P. A. Ramsay, R. G. Smith, A. Walker, 0. E. S. McLean, Felix A, Ray, F. 0. Smith, B. A. Wallace, G. N. McLean, Francis A. Redpath, C. A. Smith, E. Wallace. J. R. McLean, G. H. Reeve, B. L. R. Smith. F. H. Wansbone, J, McLean. T. H. Reeve, E. J. Smith, F. W. Ward, A. L. McMillan, J.J. G. Reid, T. M. Smith, N. R. Warren, C. H. McMinn, W. E. ' Reid, W. M. Smith. S. E. Watt, J. McMurtrie. D. A. Reidy, P. Smith, W. B. Wattam. R. E. McNulty, J. E. Reveil, H. J. Smvrk, E. W. Webb, J. S. Mc Vicar, W. R. Reynolds, S. Spencer, R. T. Webb, W. Richards, S. Stanley, B. T. Wellman, G. (!. Nankivell, A. Richardson. J. Stansell, L. B. Wellstead, A. W. Nash, F. Rickman, J. G. Stanton, A. R. Welsh, E. H. Nealc, J. Riesop, C. R. Stead, R. M. Welsh, F. W. J. , Neill, C.H. Robb, R. D. Steer, G. S. West, H. C. Neilson, A. L. Robertson, D. C, Steers, H. A. West, J. B. Newman, A. V. Robinson, G. J, Stevens, J. Westerholm, N. B. 0 NeWsham, W. P. Robinson, H. Stevens, R. B. Wheeler, E. R. Newton. A. W. H. Roche, J. Stewart, W: D. Whishaw, B. G. Nicholson, C. J. S. Rogers., J. L. Stinson, J. Whitakcr, J. H Nicholson, E. C. E. Rogers, S. D. Stockdale, W. White, C. W. S. Noon, R. G. Rohloif, A. F. R. Stokes, A. J. S. White. R. L. Norton, W. J. Rolland, A. F. Strachan, J. B. White, W. A. Rollo, C. Sullivan, F. J. Whiten, S. O'Brien, A. M. Ross, J. Sutherland, F. N. Whitfield, G. E. O'Brien, E. A. Rowland, J. B. Sutherland, H. Whiting, N, A. O'Brien, W.J. Rush, D. Sutherland, T. Whittlestone, C. T. O'Connor. T. Russell, R. D. Sutherland, W. A. Williams, A. P. O'Donnell, D. Ryan, W. H. Sykes, J. W. Williams, C. F. T. O'Donohue, D. Syme, R. Williams, G. O'Keefle. J. Sage. A. H. Syme, R. A. Williams, H. J. T. Oldham, A. W. Salt, C. H. Symes, H. A. Williams, L. O'Leary. J. W. Samson, W. Symonds, A. H. Williams, R, E. Oliver, L. D. Saunders, E. Svmonds, 0 J. Williams. T. L. Oliver, J. W. Saunders, F. G. Williams, W. Olsen. W. J. Sawers, J. Tangney, B. Williams, W. A. Osborne, L. K. Scanlan, T. Tapsell,'R. R. Williamson, H. M. Owens. J. D. H. Schaw, A. H. Tatham, L. J. Williamson, T. J, Schaw, H. J. Taylor, H. A. Willis, P. G. Page, W. E. Schultz, W. T. Taylor. P. A. Wills, W. O. Parker. W. E. Scott, A. M. Taylor, S. A. R. Wilson, A. Parkin, G. I. H. Scott, G. Taylor, W. L. Wilson, A. G. H Parr, E. A. Scott, J. A. 'Dennett, A. W. Wilson, C. G. Patterson, L. Scoullar, J. S. Thomas, C. R. Wilson, F. C. Patterson, W. S. Scoullar, W. A. Thomas, J. H. Wilson, F. W. Patton, H. L. Scully, M. Thomas, R. P. Wilson, G. R. Payne, A. W. Scully, P. Thompson, C. W. Wilson, John. Pearson, J. W\ Seabourn, A.. A. Thompson, J. H. Wilson, Joseph. Peart, S. Seccombe, A. P. Thornton, W. Wilson, J. 0. Pedersen, H. Selby, W. G. Thrupp, G. E. Wilson, J. W. Perkins, C. A. R. Semple, J. N. Thwaites, T. Wilson, T. H. Perry, S. Setter, W. R. Timings, M. T. Wilson, W. D. Peryer, C. N. Shannon, E. A. Titchener, W. H. Wilson, W. E. Peryer, S. M. Sharman, J. I. Todd, W. Willsteed, W. B. Petersen, P. A. Sharp, T. Tonge, C. H. A. Winter, R. G. Phillips. H. Shaw, E. A. Tonkin, R. E. Wisnofski, A. C. Phillips, J. H. Shaw. G. E. Townscnd, F. P. Woodhead, 0. D. Pointon, R. J. Shea, J. H. TreWeek, C. W. Woodrow, T. M. Pope, H. A. Shelley, J. M. TreWern, H. A. Woods, N. G. Potts, J. K. Sheppard. J. H. Trower, A. L. Woollett, W. H. Power, J. M. Shepherd, T. Truman, T. H. Wray, W. G. Pratt, A. M. Shirley, H. H. 0. Tucker, J. N. Wren, T. Prentice, W. R. Shore.; W. H. Turnwald. B. J. Wright, A. H. B. Pritchard, A. T. Short, J. Wright. J. W. Pugh, F. G. Simmonds, W. H. Vernon, J. S. F. ' Wright, P. J. Pye, W. W. Simpson, A. Veysey, E. W. Wright, W. Simpson, F. W. Veysey, R. Quested, W. P. Simpson, W. G. Vial, J. M. Yorston, T. E. M. Quigley, R. Sirett, G. L. Vosper, E. J. L. Young, J. R. Quintan, C. P. Skilling, E. G. Quinn, E. J. F. Slaughter, H. V. M.




No. 1. General Revenue Account. , 2. General Expenditure Account. 3. Details of Classified Expenditure. 4. Classified Expenditure and Revenue, and Proportion of each Class to Mileage and Revenue. 5. Comparative Statement of Passenger and Goods Traffic. 6. Cost of Construction, Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest on Capital. 7. Expenditure under Vote " Additions to Open Lines" charged to Capital Account. 8. Traffic from Coal-mines, South Island Main Line and Branches. 9. Statement of Season Tickets issued. 10. Classified Maintenance Expenditure. 11. Return of Passenger Bookings at Excursion Fares. 12. Revenue and Expenditure of Stations. 13. Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins. 14. Locomotive Stock. 15. Comparative Statement of Mileage, Capital Cost, Earnings, and Expenditure on Coloninl Railways. 16. Comparative Statement of Mileage, Capital Cost, Earnings, Expenditure, and Traffic, New Zealand Government Railways. 17. Stores Contracts. 18. Weighing-machines, Weighbridges, Traversers and Turntables, Cranes, &c, and Water-services. 19. Renewals of Rails. 20. Renewals and Removals of Sleepers. 21. Number of Stations and Private Sidings. 22. Mileage of Railways open for Traffic and under Maintenance. 23. Weights of Rails in various Lines. 24. Particulars of Private-siding Traffic. 25. Sleepers laid and removed each Year. 26. Number of Employees. 27. Accidents. 28. Locomotive Returns. 29. Vessels loaded and discharged at Different Ports, South Island Main Line and Branches. 30. Mileage of Track, Main Line and Sidings, South Island Main Line and Branches, 31. Alterations and Additions in Scale of Charges.

I—D. 2.



RETURN No. 1. General Revenue Account fob the Year ended 31st Makch, 1915. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. fo Cash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations, Ist April, 1914 ... ... 94,921 12 IBy Gross payment to Public Account ... ... ... 4,336,90114 8 Revenue from passenger, parcels, and goods traffic, as per Return No. 5 ... 4,105,457 0 8 Less Collections for refund ... ... ... ... 229,994 4 8 *4,106,907 10 0 Cash in hand, freights, <fee, outstanding at stations, 31st March, 1915 ... ... 93,471 2 9 £4,200,378 12 9 £4,200,378 12 9 To Net payment to Public Account ... ... ... 4,106,907 10 0 By Working-expenses, as per Return No. 4 2,920,454 17 7 Less Cash in hand, fre.ght.s, &c, outstanamg at stations, Ist April, 1914, as above 94,921 12 1 Balance-Net earnings, available for interest ... 1,185,002 3 1 4 011 985 17 11 * Receipts as per Treasury accounts ... ... £4,106,675 2 0 ' ' Balance Beiund Account. 31st March, 1914, as below 15,034 11 3 4,121.7 9 13 3 Balance Refund Account. 31st March, 1915, as below 14,802 3 3 Cash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations, 31st March, 1915, as above... 93,471 2 9 " £4,105,457 0 8 £4,105,457 0 8 Collections for Eefdnd to Harbour Boards, Shipping Companies, Carriers, etc., fob the Yeab ended 31st Mabch, 1915. 1)£. £ s. d. Ce. £ s. d. To Balance brought forward, Ist April, 1914 ... ... ... ... ... 15,034 11 3By Treasury payments ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 230,226 12 8 Collections for refund ... ... ... ... ... ... 229,994 4 8 Balance', 31st March, 1915, carried forward .., ... ... ... 14,802 3 3 £245,028 15 ll £245,028 15 11 H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.



RETURN No. 2. General Expenditure Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1915. Dr. £s. d. Cn. &s.d. £ "" s. d. To Balance brought forward:— By Liabilities outstanding at 31st March, 1914, brought forward .. 136,909 2 5 Accounts due to tho Department outstanding at Ist April, 1914, for stores, work done, &o. .. .. .. .. .. -. .. 26,832 710 Classified expenditure, as per Return No. 4 .. .. .. 2,920,454 17 7 Stock of stores at Ist April, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. 450,207 3 1 Recoveries to credit of Vote 18,*— Other Government Departments, and personal accounts, Payments per Treasury Vote 18* .. .. .. .. .. 3,325,819 12 11 for stores, work done, &o. .. .. .. .. 405,970 9 3 Miscellaneous recoveries .. .. .. .. 38,761 15 3 — ■ 444,732 4 6 Liabilities outstanding at 31st March, 1915, carried forward— Wages and supplies for March paid from Treasury in April .. .. 157,574 19 0 Balance,— Accounts due to the Department outstanding at 31st March, 1915, for stores, work done, <fee. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40,243 18 5 * Payments per Treasury ... £3,325,819 12 11 Recoveries , ... 444.732 4 6 Net charge to Vote ... £2,581,087 8 5 ; Stock of stores at 31st March, 1915 .. .. .. .. 418,093 19 11 £3,960,434 2 10 t'3,960,434 2 10 * ,' ' | H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

RETURN No. 5. Comparative Statement of Passenger and Goods Traffic for the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant,

3-D. 2.

S j Passengers. Live-stock, Goods, &c. 0*~ ; Total i Total —— , 1 Sections. js £ i Season Parcels, I j _ . , I . m Tickets &c Dravs I Equivalent I c § First Class. Second Class. Total. « • Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Total. Tonnage for Chaff, Lime, &c. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. Total. I? 88 ' ota ' •J 1 - | ' | j Live-stock, See. | Tonnage. Miles. Single. Return. Single. Return. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Tons c. q.j Tons e. q. Tons c. q. Tons c. q.| Tons c. q. Tons o. q. Tons c. q. Tjns c. q. Tons c. a. Tons c. q. Whangarei .. .. 74 16,776 9,576 72,258 82,986 181,596 898 12,905 21 2,967 368 11,338 307, 15,001 1,483 17 0 1,086 0 0 .. 2,712 0 0 43,980 16 0 5,137 6 0 8,489 13 0 130,550 1 0 191,955 16 0 193,439 13 0 Kaihu .. .. 20 649 1,604 13,990 18,222 34,465 8 • 7,951 13 38 21 36 108 21 13 0 42 0 0 57 12 0 300 0 0 11,478 8 0 700 7 0 1,581 7 0 960 15 0 15,li0 9 0 15,142 2 0 Gisborne .. _ .. 44 8,342 6,146 34,793 41,836 91,117 129 8,297 46 514 56 138,246 481 139,343 6,746 4 0 1,782 0 0 2,407 4 0 2,9.0 0 o! 9,255 6 0 3,663 1 0 2,897 3 0 15,797 3 0 38,711 17 0 44,458 1 0 North Island Main Lines 1,101 240,066 709,1241,586,667 5,002,076: 7,537,933192,477 703,695 1,601 189,605 33,682 3,584,496 119,062 3,928,446 213,828 4 0 79,370 0 0 43,021 0 0 65,068 0 0 269,871 6 0 344,519 9 0 358,026 1 0 696,802 7 0 1,856,678 3 02,070,506 7 0 and Branches i ! South Island Main Lines 1,404 175,181 699,660 851,791 3,217,734 4,944,366100,547 688,913 1,295 76,183 6,098 3,036,355 42,461 3,162,392 149,499 7 0 105,386 0 0 112,480 0 0 29,434 0 0 166,774 4 0 708,875 15 0 449,503 8 0 797,539 18 0 2,369,993 5 02,519,492 12 0 and Branches Westland .. .. 157 14,181 29,836 111,592 240,814 396,423 6,249 34,062 44 3,114 192 25,425 80 28,855 2,089 17 0 1,828 0 0 307 0 0 7,612 0 0 113,561 12 0 10,316 16 0 18,369 11 0 523,197 3 0 675,192 2 0 677,281 19 0 Westport .. .. 36 475 2,326 26,279 65,512 94,592 894 7,613 19 44 74 3,536 120 3,793 174 1 0 856 0 0 0 16 0 5,814 0 0 1,664 2 0 2,976 9 0 3,909 9 0 798,830 5 0 814,051 1 0 814,225 2 0 Nelson .. 61 2,428 6,850 38,183 75,492 122,953 1,310 7,983 21 365 44 19,651 41 20,122 922 11 0 2,716 0 0 707 16 0 4,542 0 0 3,213 8 0 8,776 7 0 8,403 3 0 12,128 0 0 40,486 14 0 41,409 5 0 Pioton .. .. 48 7,938 25,260 27,615 76,158 136,971 391 7,983 25 472 197 87,262 603 88,559 3,693 19 0 25,542 0 0 2,426 16 0 1,068 0 0 1,702 7 0 16,457 5 0 8,933 9 0 10,634 2 0 66,763 19 0 70 457 18 0 Lake Wdkatipu Steamers .. 1,655 12,148 3,095 8,458 25,356 9 6,575 5 141 44 16,961 .. 17,151 730 1 0 60 0 Oj 593 8 0 18 0 0 461 14 0 1,929 13 0 1,677 9 0 1,588 5 0 6,328 9 0 7,058 10 0 Totals.. .. 2,945 467,691 1,502,530 2,766,263 8,829,28813,565,772 302,9121,485,977 3,090 273,443 40,776 6,923,306 163,155 7,403,770 378,189 14 0 218,668 0 0 162,001 12 0 119,478 0 0 621,963 3 0 1,103,352 8 Oj 861,790 13 02,988,027 19 0 6,075,281 15 06,453,471 9 0 19X3—14- I I I Whangarei .. .. 58 16,435: 10,152 63,414 69,746 159,747 681 8,979 29 863 146 9,483 386 10,907 703 5 0 1,452 0 0 .. 2,202 0 0 45,500 18 0 6,597 4 0 8,220 1 0 103,980 17 0 167,953 0 0 168,656 5 0 Kaihu .. .. 17 414; 1,296 11,921 15,554 29,185 2 4,925 17 25 .. 281 30 353 29 2 0 588 0 0 61 0 0 462 0 0 9,1*8 8 0 896 9 0 1,558 0 0 645 1 0 13,358 18 0 13 388 0 0 Gisborne .. .. 32 7,571 6,346 34,469 44,512 92,898 97 8,980 38 565 39 111,776 608 113,026 4,704 10 0 1,500 0 0 2,181 4 0 2,634 0 0 7,011 12 0 3,649 1 0 2,929 14 0 18 843 6 0 38 748 17 0 43 453 7 0 North island Main Lines 1,092 250,408 715,0801,577,193 4,653,602 7,196,283 182,706 674,325 1,627 157,331 22,109 3,524,631 107,304 3,813,002 199,640 0 0 98,156 0 0| 41,770 4 0 65,910 0 0 301,401 4 0 348,328 3 0 364,106 11 0 652,945 10 0 1,872,617 12 0 2,072*257 12 0 and Branches South Island Main Lines 1,366 182,773 746,572 861,817 3,316,294 5,107,456 97,518 709,801 1,230 62,844 6,156 3,033,789 37,176 3,141,195 144,706 19 0 99,748 0 0 107,288 4 0 29,592 0 0 192,206 16 0 647,132 4 0 456,244 9 0 770,773 14 0 2,302,985 7 02,447,692 6 0 and Branches Westland .. .. 144 14,244 27,578 110,530 237,800 390,152 3,512 33,399 92 2,645 240 21,607 20 24,604 1,808 0 0 3,792 0 0 240 4 0 4,326 0 0 113,894 12 0 11,014 1 0 18,508 2 0 329,147 14 0 480 922 13 0 482 730 13 0 Westport .. .. 36 489 2,018 26,261 64,988 93,756 751 8,308 15 44 9 3,212 16 3,296 151 15 0 1,512 0 0 .. 5,896 0 0 1,675 10 0 3,162 11 0 4,627 16 0 653,422 0 0 <i7o'295 17 0 670 447 12 0 Nelson .. .. 61 2,552 7,294 39,552 72,552 121,950 1,345 7,875 8 219 66 17,152 122 17,567 771 19 0 2,352 0 0 712 0 0 4,174 0 0 4,034 16 0 9,187 13 0 8,804 11 0 10,994 18 0 40 259 18 0 41031 17 0 Picton .. .. 48 8,501 25,984 27,578 79,588 141,651 419 7,803 23 369 403 127,031 111 127,937 5,240 6 0 26,850 0 0 2,891 8 0 1,836 0 0 1,323 8 0 18,559 3 0 6,948 2 0 9,380 15 0 67 788 16 0 73 029 2 0 Lake Wakatipu Steamers .. 1,904 11,346 3,149 6,416| 22,815 6 7,335 11 211 7 11,533 .. 11,762 537 3 Oi 30 0 II 564 12 0 6 0 0 660 16 0 1,868 2 0 1,798 17 0 1,480 10 0 17 0 0 0 Totals.. .. 2,854 485,291 1,553,666 2,755,884i 8,561,05213,355,893287,037 1,471,730 3,090 225,116 29,175 6,860,495 145,773 7,263,649 358,292 19 0 235,980 0 0 155,708 16 0 117,038 0 0 676,858 0 01,050,394 11 0 873,746 3 02,551614 5 0 5 661 339 15 06 019 632 14 0 ! I ! I 1 I 1 ' '_J_

Revenue. Mileage. Sections. I . > Pajlacngere. S«uon TiCeU. To*. Caching. Good.. HImUum* To,a! Good.. Train. "Sff" To,,!. Ballasting. 1914-15. £ 8. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ ». d. £ s. dJ £ a. d. No. No. No Whangarei .. .. 10,777 18 10 688 11 11 1,465 3 8 12,931 14 5 34,687 16 6 559 15 9 1,053 7 2 36,300 19 5 49,232 13 10 130,396 36 699 167 095 Kaihu .. .. 1,701 3 0 104 5 9 413 1 0 2,218 9 9 3,017 8 9 179 8 7 160 2 2 3,356 19 6 5,575 9 3 15 772 4 831 20*603 Gisborne .. .. 7,218 1 10 255 19 9 999 4 I 8,473 5 8 12,601 12 1 1,132 18 2 649 9 3 14,383 19 6 22,857 5 2 46'401 22*492 68*893 North Island Main Lines 791,727 15 9 99,758 14 8 126,108 16 6 1,017.595 6 11 1,086,357 3 10 22,586 7 4 40,130 4 6 1,149,073 15 8 2,166,669 2 7 5,369,691 1, and Branches South Island Main Lines 465,897 10 9 47,490 19 7 88,749 17 2 602,138 7 6 851,035 11 3 31,003 3 0 29,014 9 10 911,053 4 1 1,513,191 11 7 3,289,199 1,191,501 4,480,700 and Branches Westland .. .. 27,254 12 8 2,453 1 7 5,027 1 4 34,734 15 7 119,541 4 5 4,411 4 6 2,388 2 10 126,340 11 9 161,075 7 4 262 277 121 283 383 560 Westport .. .. 5,216 9 4 591 2 2 962 8 2 6,769 19 8 103,343 0 7 6,233 7 9 772 0 8 110,348 9 0 117,118 8 8 105 723 88*375 194*098 Nelson .. .. 7,722 13 9 929 0 11 1.591 9 7 10,243 4 3 18,333 16 0 1,643 12 3 1,257 0 2 21,234 8 5 31,477 12 8 81 050 15*083 9e'l33 Picton .. .. 8,776 9 1 446 15 7 1,373 6 6 10,596 11 2 17,887 4 6 1,890 3 9 1,034 8 3 20,811 16 6 31,408 7 8 82*911 41*915 1*4*826 Lake Wakatipu Steamers 2,939 16 0 431 0 0 831 0 7 4,201 16 7 2,593 16 9 5 17 10 49 10 9 2,649 5 4 6,851 111 Totals .. 1,329,232 11 0 153,149 11 11 227,521 8 7 1,709,903 11 6 2,249,398 14 8 69,645 18 11 76,508 15 7 2,395,553 9 2 4,105,457 0 8 9,383,420 3,263 167 12 646 587 19la _ 14 --================================= ======================== Whangarei .. .. 8,941 6 0 569 4 2 1,261 2 4 10,771 12 6 30,259 11 5 945 19 9 743 14 1 31,949 5 3 42,720 17 9 113 263 30 198 143 461 Kaihu .. .. 1,514 9 10 58 9 9 348 13 1 1,921 12 8 2,696 6 7 216 9 4 153 7 5 3,066 3 4 4,987 16 0 13 496 12*281 25*777 Gisborne .. .. 6,793 13 9 195 3 0 1,007 14 9 7.996 11 6 11,158 8 2 3,749 6 4 598 11 3 15,506 5 9 23,502 17 3 40*774 45*176 85*950 North Island Main Lines 769,988 8 4 95,764 13 10 129,385 6 1 995,138 8 3 1,098,213 3 3 26,309 11 4 38,439 10 7 1,162,962 5 2 2,158,100 13 5 5,338 432 1,7034 34 7.04M66 and Branches South Island Main Lines 461,985 5 7 49,397 13 8 95,187 4 1 606,570 3 4 841,935 0 1 27,149 16 3 27,970 14 11 897,055 11 3 1,503,625 14 7 3,307,786 1,221,442 4,529,228 and Branches Westland .. .. 25,748 16 3 2,147 15 10 4,890 18 2 32,787 10 3 96,803 16 7 5,314 18 4 2,207 17 1 104,326 12 0 137,114 2 3 242 189 121 633 363 822 Westport .. .. 5,228 14 9 524 18 0 953 15 8 6,707 8 5 88,766 9 0 6,065 13 10 785 5 0 95,617 7 10 102,324 16 3 96*933 86*886 183*819 Nelson .. .. 7,741 4 10 984 9 0 1,525 6 0 10,250 19 10 18,652 11 4 1.812 7 1 1,195 6 4 21,660 4 'J 31,911 4 7 83*738 13*626 97*364 Picton .. .. 9,133 7 0 506 16 7 1,350 10 1 10,990 13 8 18,286 14 7 2,173 16 7 798 11 3 * 21,259 2 5 32,249 16 1 82 957 50*929 133*886 Lake Wakatipu Steamers 2,854 0 11 401 0 0 850 18 9 4,105 19 8 2,625 8 1 12 14 6 45 10 0 2,683 12 7 6,789 12 3 Totals.. .. 1,299,929 7 3 150,550 3 10 236,761 9 0 1,687,241 0 1 2,209,397 9 1 73,750 13 4 72,938 7 11 2,356,086 10 4 4,043,327 10 5 9,319,268 3,285 305 12,604,573



RETURN No. 3. Classified Expenditure for the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

2 J) 2. Davidbon, Chief Accountant.

Maintenance of Way and Works. Locomotive Power. Section. j i | , Renewals i I Carriages. Wagons. Traffic. Head Office. J 1 Total. Permanent- , structureB . : Bulldings . Miscellaneous. | Tota,. J^ Te . | Fuel and Water. | Oil, Tanow, | Genera. , WAGES AND SERVICES. £ s. d. | £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d- £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 9. d. Whangarei .. .. 5,613 11 8 1,734 4 9 791 3 11 89 10 6 .. 8,228 10 10 3,843 9 2 321 12 4 .. 1,283 14 11 .. 5,448 16 5 266 0 9 1,169 12 6 6,813 5 5| 466 14 10 1,157 2 7 .. 23,550 3 4 Kaihu .. .. 1,313 18 II 167 16 7 77 14 3 83 11 9 .. 1,643 1 6 595 17 10 24 17 0 .. 295 7 8 .. 916 2 6 46 5 2 213 10 10 1,019 9 7 51 15 3 307 5 11 .. 4,197 10 9 Gisborne .. 3,815 14 3 413 17 3 284 6 8 106 17 10 .. 4,620 16 0 2,145 3 6 Cr. 162 11 0 .. 762 17 4 .. 2,745 9 10 172 14 10 266 5 4 2,254 4 1 216 6 0 603 2 3 .. 10,878 18 4 North Island Main Lines 153,210 16 3 49,242 6 9 24,094 11 1 2,442 13 4 .. 228,990 7 5 181,058 7 6 13,717 10 10 67,472 14 6 .. 262,248 12 10 31,692 13 6 39,444 4 1 375,549 16 11 20,626 9 0 39,669 7 10 .. 998,221 11 7 and Branches South Island Main Lines 136,265 3 5 30,221 8 11 25,721 7 5 1,333 13 2 .. 193,541 12 11 121,808 5 5 10,361 10 9 .. 45,700 4 10 .. 177,870 1 0 18,109 16 9 29,369 1 2 307,856 13 7 14,532 3 3 26,995 6 9 .. 768,274 15 5 and Branches Westland . •• 15,733 13 9 2,522 10 5 1,588 1 7 128 0 8 .. 19,972 6 5 11,159 10 5 586 3 6 .. 4,510 1 6 .. 16,255 15 5 1,317 18 1 3,188 17 3 24,258 10 8 1,526 2 7 3,997 3 7 .. 70,516 14 0 Westport . •• 4,477 10 0 1,358 16 6 603 8 5 29 3 4 .. 6,468 18 3 6 359 9 1 599 17 5 .. 2,143 8 5 .. 9,102 14 11 504 15 10 5,570 8 6 15,116 18 9 1,121 11 3 2,783 14 0 .. 40,669 1 6 \T e lson .. 4,463 2 5 1,492 2 2 608 5 7 172 5 1 .. 6,735 15 3 2,044 17 10 105 7 7 .. 729 0 4 .. 2,879 5 9 246 10 4 300 13 0 7,896 11 7 295 5 9 1,024 7 11 .. 19,378 9 7 Pi 0to n .. .. 4,611 1 8 1,902 19 8 682 8 0 89 3 0 .. 7,285 12 4 3,342 18 0 178 14 4 .. 1,053 17 0 .. 4,575 9 4 182 4 2 409 8 1 5,755 15 8 296 15 3 899 13 3 .. 19,404 18 1 Lake Wakatipu Steamers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,394 10 7 4,394 10 7 Totals .. .. 329,504 12 4 89,056 3 0 54,451 6 11 4,474 18 8 .. 477,487 0 11 332,357 18 9 | 25,733 2 9 .. 123,951 6 6 .. 482,042 8 0 52,538 19 5 79,932 0 9 746,521 6 3 39,133 3 2 77,437 4 1 4,394 10 7 1,959,486 13 2 STORES. Whangarei .. .. I 292 9 5 283 9 0 j 251 19 9 3 19 8 .. 831 17 10 .. 2,097 15 3 213 0 10 704 4 1 .. 3,015 0 2 187 9 9 721 12 1 545 1 10 48 9 1 20 10 10 .. 5,370 1 7 Kaihu .. i 413 0 11 102 8 9 8 13 3 15 12 7 .. 539 15 6 .. 340 17 3 18 2 0 56 5 7 .. 415 4 10 16 11 5 84 2 3 80 0 0 5 11 9 2 8 7 .. 1,143 14 4 Gisborne 121 2 11 138 11 9 271 9 2 71 7 7 .. 602 11 5 .. 2,126 11 11 89 16 5 122 19 10 .. 2,639 8 2 130 14 2 128 9 6 232 16 8 21 6 9 9 8 0 .. 3,764 14 8 North island Main Lines 77,558 19 7 15,079 0 9 18,837 1 0 2,561 1 7 .. 114,036 2 11 .. 1209,053 1 11 10,682 4 2 41,294 1 11 .. 261,029 8 0 18,886 12 10 17,328 16 4 30,696 6 8 2,142 13 6 923 19 7 .. 445,043 19 10 and Branches South Island Main Lines 66,616 10 8 14,914 19 2 18,850 0 10 623 8 2 .. 101,004 18 10 .. 120,318 2 3 5,827 1 9 25,160 19 10 .. 151,306 3 10 5,046 2 1 9,096 14 9 21,604 1 1 1,533 5 7 658 19 2 .. 290,250 5 4 and Branches Westland . •• 4,520 0 6 837 13 7 801 18 7 11 5 6 .. 6,170 18 2 .. 4,820 19 11 662 11 5 2,087 10 11 .. 7,571 2 3 510 3 2 1,418 11 5 1,983 6 9 158 3 10 66 14 0 .. 17,878 19 7 Westport - 3,214 19 1 284 12 8 248 19 0 7 14 2 .. 3,756 4 11 .. 3,259 13 10 184 16 2 918 9 8 .. 4,362 19 8 204 14 8 3,937 4 4 1,195 14 0 114 13 3 48 7 6 .. 13,619 18 4 Nelson .. 442 17 5 494 5 5 381 18 1 162 16 10 .. 1,481 17 9 .. 2,006 7 2 107 5 10 362 16 3 .. 2,476 9 3 110 18 7 170 18 9 618 7 0 31 12 9 13 8 11 .. 4,903 13 0 p ioton .. 1,384 15 3 267 0 3 497 9 10 44 17 0 .. 2,194 2 4 .. 2,779 10 8 153 6 6 654 11 7 .. 3,587 8 9 80 18 8 295 6 1 431 19 9 31 10 11 13 13 6 6,635 0 0 Like Wakatipu Steamers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 1,575 18 11 1,575 18 11 Totals .. .. 154,564 15 9 32,402 1 4 40,149 9 6 3,502 3 1 .. 230,618 9 8 .. 346,803 0 2 17,938 5 1 71,661 19 8 .. 436,403 4 11 25,174 5 4 33,181 15 6 57,387 13 9 4,087 7 5 1,757 10 1 1,575 18 11 790,186 5 7 " I ! i | ! MISCELLANEOUS. Whangarei .. 10 1 2 53 13 6 1 0 3, 1 12 9 , 837 3 5 903 11 1 .. 36 3 6 .. 405 11 7 8 6 1 450 1 2 , 106 7 11 376 5 5 439 16 3 .. .. .. 2,276 1 10 Kaihu" .. 0 18 9 0 4 2 0 0 8 1 12 7 1 16 11 4 13 1 .. 0 4 2 .. 28 0 10 0 18 5 29 3 5 2 5 6 6 17 4 63 9 9 .. .. .. 106 9 1 Gisborne . 22 7 9 109 16 8 100 15 7 23 7 4 85 17 10 342 5 2 .. 1 15 5 .. 144 18 5 3 17 8 150 11 6 Cr. 29 18 9 Or. 1 5 1 291 4 2 .. .. .. 752 17 0 North Island VT»i" Lines 1,466 11 7 5,457 14 11 4,873 9 10 1,178 18 7 3,050 13 3 16,027 8 2 .. 145 13 3 .. 18,105 18 9 1,218 14 11 19,470 6 11 8,435 12 2 10,843 3 2 37,095 1 9.. .. .. 91,871 12 2 and Branches South Island Main Lines 1,066 8 4 3,982 10 10 4,483 4 4 342 9 0 1,406 17 10 11,281 10 4 .. 76 7 7 .. 13,236 11 10 1,047 4 0 14,360 3 5 6,294 6 7 9,090 6 1 21,667 14 1 .. .. 62,694 0 6 and Branches Westland .. 193 12 6 353 8 0 272 7 1 21 5 5 137 5 1 977 18 1 .. 31 3 7 .. 877 11 1 116 13 9 1,025 8 5 2 7 9 514 1 10 3,500 4 0.. .. .. 6,020 0 1 Westport . 43 0 7 115 6 1 23 I 5 3 13 9 104 5 2 289 7 0 .. 0 7 5 .. 495 8 2 33 8 7 529 4 2 65 4 2 1,543 7 2 2,526 19 3 .. .. ■ 4,954 1 9 Nelso „ . 16 11 0 30 18 5 13 5 7 0 11 8 54 5 1 115 11 9 .. 8 6 0 .. 175 18 1 5 6 1 189 10 2 40 7 10 54 16 10 529 14 11 .. .. .. 930 1 6 p icton " .. 54 10 1 253 4 8 165 18 4 11 10 8 16 13 10 501 17 7 .. .. .. 212 6 9 5 6 6 217 13 3 Cr. 46 18 9 20 15 9 368 6 11 .. .. 1,061 14 9 Lake Wakatipu Steamers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• .. .. •. | •• U® ® - n5 0 2 Tota l K .. | 2,874 1 9 10,356 17 3 9,933 3 1 1,585 1 9 5,694 18 5 30,444 2 3 .. 300 0 11 .. 33,682 5 6 2,439 16 0 36,422 2 5 14,869 14 5 22,448 8 6 66,482 11 1 .. .. 115 0 2 170,781 18 10 Grand Totals .. 486,943 9 10 131,815 1 7 104,633 19 6 9,562 3 6 5,694 18 6 738,549 12 10 332,357 18 9 372,836 3 10 17,938 5 1 229,295 11 8 2,439 16 0 954,867 15 4 92,582 19 2 135,562 4 9 870,39111 1 43,220 10 7 79,194 14 2 6,085 9 8 2,920,454 17 7 • 1 .. - ... I -. I J i f I 1 • : 1 - » ■ ■-r;"",:;,:



RETURN No. 4. Classified Statement showing Revenue and Expenditure, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue, for the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

r ~ 'a j it* J-- Proportion of eac-h Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue. Mileage. Revenue. Olaeaitted . I | I Maintenance Looomotive. Carriages and Wagons. Traffic. Head Office. Departmental Offices. Total. S . • ' ; ' __ T I : Per Mile Repairs «*,«*.• <•* I «m -• , *o a • *o I a a *o * M a I • - - ± i!~—• ± ~ - j| iff l| j| HI u l\ Hf h a Hi |i || If! fijij ifi h ij ifi k j O (Average), j £ j £" : £ g. , £ , £* £ £. i £ £ £. I "* I £ ! £ 8. * £ | ®« 8. * | £ ■ #< 8. | *■ £ i &• 8. ! * 1914-15. Miles. Miles. I I fc dj £ 8. d.j s. d j £ 8. d. £ s. dj £ s. d I £ s. d j i «■ d. . fyj jJ J n * 1#$ h ( : d y 2() £ 24 18-34 1*11 16-41 MO 107 02 14-35 1 05 7 11 0-95 2-39 16-25 2H 63-37 430-52 57-42 Whangarei .. •• 74 130,396 *9,232 ? 9 ole i 9'is7 til I l''«SO 10 9 SH9 12 6 1162 19 4 57 7 0 309 14 6 5,447 14 2 39-23 112-29 33-29 24-40 69-84 20-70 6-63 18-97 5-63 20-86 59-70 17-70 1-03 2-95 0-87 5-56 15-90 4-71 97-71 279-65 82-90 Kaihu .. 20 15,772 5,575 9 3 286 4 7 1 2,187 0 1 1 360 10 9 369 12 6 , 62 19 W 7 O 309 14 b Q g.35 151 . 06 2 8-79 24-22 150-23 28-63 2-92 18-10 3-45 12 15 75-40:14-37 1 04 6-45 1 23 2-68 16-63 3-17 67-36 417-86 79-64 Northlstend Main Lines I.iSm&Si.AS 2 71,972 9 2 I IJ 7 9126, III 2 1 443) 341 5 4 22,769 2 6 40,593 7 51,535,137 3 7 16-57 326-87 16-05 25-05 494-10 24-26 5-85 115-28 5-66 20-46 403-60 19-81 1-05 20-73 1-02 1-87 36-95 1-81 70-85 1,397-53 68-61 South Msmd Main Lines 1,4043,289,1991,513,191 11 7 1,095 7 1 9 2* 305,828 2 1|343,536 8 3 77,006 7 5 351,128 8 9 16,065 8 10 27,654 5 111,121,219 1 3 20-21 221-38 22-31 22-70 248-68 25-07 5-09 55-74 5-62 23-21 254-17 25-62 1-06 11-63 1-17 1-83 20-02 2-02 74-10 811-62 81-81 and Branches I 0 , „ 9 , fi 1 « q 5 i iq t ; 29 742 1 5 1 684 6 fil 4,063 17 7 94,415 13 8 16-84 176-40 24-82 15-43 161-64 22-74 4-32 45-22 6-36 18-46 193-45 27-22 1-05 10-95 1 -54 2-52 26-43 3-72 58-62 614-09 86-40 Westland .. .. 157 262,277 1<>1,075 7 41,047 12 11 12 3| 27,121 2 8 24,852 6 1 6,951 19 ' 2 4 6 2 832 1 6 59,243 1 7 8-98 292-07 23-87 11-95 388-75 31-77 10-10 328-49 26-85 16 08 523-32:42-76 1-05 - 34-34 2-81 2-42 78 67 6-43 50-58 1,645-64 134-49 Westport .. .. 36 105,723 117,118 8 83,253 5 1022 1 10,514 10 2 13,994 18 9 H.825 14 8 18,839 12 0 1,236 t> j 90-9! 16-42 2-94 15-15 2-74 28-73 148-27 26-78 1 04 5-36 0-97 3-30 1702 307 80 10 413-32 74-60 Nelson .. .. 61 3l'i08 7 8 654 6 It)! 7 7 9'98? 12 3 11 4 941 14 0 2 4 328 6 2 913 6 9 27,101 12 10 31-78 207-95 28-89 26-68 174-59 24-26 3-00 19-62 2-73 20-87 136-59 18-98 1-05| 6-84 0-9o 2-91 19 0 3 2-64 86-29 78-45 . . -- 18 91,409 13 11 8 12 10(954.867 15 3 11870,391 11 1 43,220 10 7 79,194 14 2 j 2 ,914,369 7 11 17-99 254-02 18-89 2.3-26 328-42 24-42 5-56 78-47, 5-84 21-20 299-37 22-26 1 05| 14-86 1 10 1-93 27-24 2-03 70-99 1,002-38 74.54 Lake Wakatipu Steamers .. .. 6,851 1 11 .. .. •• •• •• •• •• I [ —-—- I •> 920 454 1 7 7 ' 71-14 4,105,457 0 8j -,9<:0,404 1913-14. j „ 0 2 7 213 11 5 447 4 3 1 031 19 3 31,113 10 5! 25-59 188-46 23-16 19-04 140-26 17-24 7-85 57-85 7-11 16-89 124-37 15-29 1-05 7-71 0-95 2-41 17-79 2-18 72-83 536-44 65-93 Whangarei .. •• 58 113,263 42,720 7 9 736 11 4 7 6* 10,930 12 8,13o 2 o 3,3oo 0 2 7,2 3 1 o « , 6 730 16 6- 57-73 169-37 51-20 29-48 86-49 26-15 14-24 41-79 12-63 28-39 83-28 25-18 1-04 3-07 0-93 4-07 11-93 3-60 134-95 395-93 119-69 Kaihu .. 17 13,496 4,987 6 0 293 8 0 7 4| 2,879 3 11 1,470 7 4 710 8 9 1,415 16 S ? ,, 13 ; 292 16 s I5 . 58 114-39 21-54 25-16 184-80 34-81 1-54 11-31 2-13 10-65 78-24 14-74 1-04 7-65 1-44 2-59 19-01 3-58 56-56 415-40 78-24 NOTtlXland Main Lines 1 092 5,33a! 132 2,158', 100 13 51,976 5 7 8 1 386>96 10 10i524ill8 17 9 124,915 2 1 19 11 22,440 1 5 38,525 16 31,515,949 8 3 17-89 353-57 17-36 24-29 479-96 23-56 5-79 114-39 5-62 19-45 384-48 18-88 1-04 20-55 1-01 1-78 35-28 1-73 70-24 1.388-23 68-lb Lines 3,307,7861,503,625 14 7 1,100 15 0 9 1 303,418 8 10330,958 18 11 83,208 5 2344,830 19 9 15,553 18 3 26,831 5 11,104,801 16 0 20-18 222-12 22-01 22-01 242-28 24-01 5-53 60-92 6-04 22-93 252-44 25-02 1-04.11.39 1-13 1-79 19-64 1-95 73-48 808-79 80-16 and Branches „„ - ,, i>g 1( . 4 3 u j 440 10 11 3,907 3 4 92,300 13 9 20-39 197-47 27-70 16-25 157-36 22-08 5-51 53-35 7-49 21-27 206-00 28-90 1-05 10-17 1-43 2-85 27-60 3-87 67-32 651-95 91-47 Westland .. .. 144 242,189 137,114 2 3 968 9 6 11 27,956 9 2 22 279 0 8 ,,o53 5 9 29,164 d 11 . 9 .15 260 15 23-19 13-33 378-88 33-77 9-58 272-19 24-26 17-43 495-52 44-17 1-04 29-54 2-63 2-73 77-47 6-91 53-26 1,513-75 134-93 Westport .. .. 36 96,933 102,324 16 3 2,842 7 2 21 li 9,365 11 5 13.639 16 8 9,798 18 3 10 b • 25-54 133-61 23-36 18-68 97-70 17-08 3-38 17-68 3-09 29-05 151-97 26-57 1-03 , 5-39 0-94 2-67 04-00 2-45 80-35 420-35 73-49 Nelson .. .. 61, 83,738 31,911 4 7 523 2 9 7 18 4 1,078 6 9,270 3 3 2 g x g | 31-10 28-18 189-35 26-30 5-47 36-74 5-10 19-01 127-75 17-74 1 03 6-93 0-96 2-75 18-44 2-56 89-77 603-15 83-76 . . 2,8549,319^2684,036,537 18 21,415 11 0 8 8 763,206 16 10921.564 10 4232,744 12 4 838,221 15 9 41,903 13 7 75,635 6 7 2,873,276 15 5 18-87 267-64 19-66 22-79 323-18 23-73 5-76 81-62 5-99 20-73 293-95 21-59 1-04 14-70 1-08 1-87 26-52 195 1,007-61 74-00 Lake Wakatipu Steamers .. .. 6,789 12 3 .. •• •• •• | 4,043,327 10 5 | , 2,880.322 19 10 | 1 1 , |_ [ • j [ [ [ |_ 71-24

D.— 2


RETURN No. 6. Estimated Amount of Expenditure on Construction of Railways, Rolling-stock, &c., to 31st March, 1915; Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest earned on Capital expended on Opened Lines for Year ended same Date.

Notk.—The amount stated in this return as the cost of construction of opened lines includes the Provincial and General Government expenditure on railways. It also includes the Midland Railway and expenditure by the Greymouth and Westport Harbour Hoards on railways and wiiarves under the provisions of section 7 of the Railways Authorisation Act, the information regarding tun last mentioned being furnished by the respective Boards. The rate of interest earned has been computed on cost proportionately to the time during which lines taken over by the Working Bailways Departmeut within the financial year were earning revenue, thus: — Whangavei Section— Otiria-Kaikolie ... ... ... ... ... ... Opened for traffic Ist May, 1914. Kaihu Section— ciaihu Booms-Tarawhati ... ... ... ... .... Opened for traffic Ist June, 1914. Gisborne Section — O oko-Miituwai ... ... ... ... ... ... Opened for traffic 2nd November 1914. North Island Main Lino and Branches— Pohokm-a-Wbaiißamoniona ... ... ... ... ... Opened for traffic Ist July, 1914. KHiwaka-Otamatea ... ... ... ... ... ... Opened for traffic Ist August, 1914. South Island Main Lines and Branches— Cass-Arthur's I'ass ... ... ... ■•■ <■■ Opened for traffic Ist July, 1914. Big Hill-Beaumont ... ... ■•■ •• •■• •■■ Opened for traffic 15th December, 1914. Houioapa-Tabakopa ... ... „■ ■■■ — ■■• Opened for traffic 4th February, I9IS. Westland Section— Cronadun-Inangahua... ... ... ... ••• ••• Opened for traffic Ist July, 1914. H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

RETURN No. 7. Expenditure under Vote for Additions to Open Lines, charged to Capital Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1915.


Section of Railway. Cost of Construction. Opened Lines. £ £ 754,565 85,799 103,913 Net Revenue. Bate of Interest tarned. Whangarei £ 18,036 £ s. d. 2 8 7 Kaibu 128 0 2 8 Tauranga Gisborne North Island Main Lines and Branohes South Island Main Lines and Branches.. Westland 99 .'. 194,459 573,189 - .. 175,538 14,554,271 676,960 14,321,252 i .. 60,738 2,052,264 514,115 591,045 86,638 538,615 26,807 587,361 79,128 43,661 7,461 631,532 391,972 66,660 1 14 8 4 "4 1 2 lrf <T, 3 6 0 Westport 57,875 9 18 2 Nelson 6,265 1 3 3 Picton .. 4,307 0 14 8 Lake Wakatipu steamer service In suspense — Surveys, North Island Miscellaneous, North Island Surveys, South Island Miscellaneous, South Island P.W.D. stock of permanent-way W.R.D. stock of A.O.L. stores " 34,368 5,169 5,752 5,168 98,592 18,689 I 766 1 15 1 £34,133,825 £1,999,330 £36,133,155 £1,185,002 £3 10 7 Total cost of opened and unopened lines at 31st Maroh, 1915 .€1,185,002 £3 5 7

Amount. Total. J Material on hand at31st March, 1914 ::::..:: Expenditure charged to Vote 89 by Treasury .. £ s. d. 38,204 19 1 499,874 16 10 £ a. d. Less material on hand at 81st March, 1915 538,079 15 11 13,688 18 10 524,390 17 1 Expenditure on works, &c. — Way and Works Branch Locomotive Branch 217,005 12 11 307,385 4 2 524,390 17 1



RETURN No. 7— continued. Way and Works Branch: Particulars of Works, etc.

Work, &c. Amount. Total. Railway. Whangarei Station rearrangement, Opua Wharf-extension, Opua Additional dwelling Additional siding-accommodation Westinghouse-brake shed Tablet-installation Telegraph and telephone facilities Signals and interlocking £ s. d. 417 19 6 1,472 19 8 590 5 6 255 10 0 236 1 10 437 1 10 61 9 10 237 15 9 £ s. d. Kaihu 3,709 3 11 Additional dwelling Repairs-shed 163 4 4 167 10 11 330 15 3 Gisborne Water-services for Locomotive Branch Drainage 76 4 3 402 10 0 North Island Main Lines and Branches 47? J4 3 Sidings, loading-banks, stockyards, crossings, &c. Additions to station buildings, extension of station-yards, and other facilities Additional works, water-services, &c, for Locomotive Branch Reduction of grades and improvement of curves Additional dwellings Purchase of land Reclamation of land Bridge-work and subways .. .. .. ... Additions to workshops .. Engine depots Farnell Tunnel duplication Duplication of line —Lower Hutt —Hay ward's Plant for improvement-works Mechanical ballast plant Crane Tablet-installation Telegraph and telephone facilities Fixed signals at officered stations Interlocking points with tablet Signals and interlocking Interlocking points at crossing-stations Installing automatic crossing-alarms.. 9,023 3 1 18,864 4 1 3,073 8 6 29,853 11 1 5,638 2 4 2,556 1 0 39,398 15 4 3,850 9 1 4,849 9 6 2,163 15 3 29,298 5 2 600 0 0 3,750 0 0 1,418 0 2 119 5 4 4,147 1 3 442 17 1 869 19 7 985 7 0 9,286 15 4 277 18 8 348 0 0 170,814 8 9 South Island Main Lines and Branches Sidings, loading-banks, stockyards, crossings, &c. Additions to station buildings, extension of station-yards, and other facilities Water-services for Locomotive Branch Additional dwellings Purchase of land Reclamation of land Engine depot Tablet-installation Telegraph and telephone facilities Fixed signals at officered stations Signals and interlocking Interlocking points at crossing stations Installing automatic crossing-alarms 3,819 13 8 11,339 0 0 151 2 10 1,696 17 10 1,224 4 0 198 2 6 10,591 2 5 747 11 10 857 4 2 665 8 II 4,529 9 10 497 10 9 364 12 3 36,682 1 0 Lake Wakatipu Slipway, Queenstown 1,071 12 3 1,071 12 3 Westland Stockyards Additional siding-accommodation Office for Locomotive Engineer Verandah-extension Purchase of land Engine-turntable Fixed signals at officered stations Signals and interlocking 88 0 0 194 7 8 136 10 11 249 1 5 139 11 0 154 6 0 66 13 11 30 0 0 1,058 10 11 NelsoD Stockyards, &c. Fixed signals at officered stations Signals and interlocking 172 1 0 378 2 8 200 0 0 Pioton New station and yard alterations Reduction of grades and improvement of curves Additions to goods-shed Telegraph and telephone facilities 750 3 8 1,090 8 3 919 18 1 85 10 0 14 6 7 2,110 2 11 £217,006 12 11


RETURN No. 7—continued. Locomotive Branch: Particulars of Rolling-stock, etc.


Description of Stock ordered. Sf Number Number Order, pleteo'n I Complete Incomplete March HI I on on 1914 'I Sis* March, 1915. 31stMarch, 1915. Expenditure in Year ended 31st March, 1915. £ s. d. Wagons, four-wheel, 1910-1911 programme .. M—8 23 23 .. 337 12 6 Wagons, bogie, 1911-12 programme .. .. R—8 2 2 .. 5211110 Wagons, four-wheel, 1911-12 programme .. S—8 5 5 .. 612 3 2 Locomotives, Class Wo .. .. .. TJ—8 8* 8 .. 12,660 15 9 Locomotives, Class X.. .. .. .. V—8 6 6 .. 20,220 2 11 Locomotives, Class Ad (contract) .. .. X—8 6 6 .. 17,030 13 7 Carriages, Class A, 1.912-1913 programme .. B—9 .. .. .. 188 16 8 Brake-vans, Class F, 1912-1913 programme .. C—9 2 2 .. 623 2 3 Wagons, bogie, 1912-1913 programme .. .. D—9 15 15 .. 1,238 6 8 Wagons, four-wheel, 1912-1913 programme .. E—9 402 292 1.10 .15,440 19 4 Wagons, Class P, for Whangarei .. .. F—9 .. .. .. 700 0 I Pneumatic coaling-cranes .. .. .. H—9 .. .. ... 4 7 9 Fitting Gisborne rolling-stock with Westinghouse I-—fl .. .. .. Cr. „9 14 10 brake _ -•'., Fitting brake-vans with Pintsch gas .. .. K —9 .. .. " .. 5-6 0 Fitting cars and brake-vans withsteam heating-gear M—9 .. .. .. 52 15 2 Carriages, Class A, 1913-1914 programme .. N—9 .19 15 4 10,959 19 11 Brake-vans, Class F, 1913-1914 programme .. 0—9 2 2 .. 953 4 11 Wagons, bogie, 1913-1914 programme .. .. P—9 62 62 .. 15,858 1 4 Wagons, four-wheel, 1913-1914 programme .. Q—9 409 229 180 33,569 16 6 Tarpaulins, 1913-1914 programme .. .. R—9 .. .. .. 74 2 6 Westinghouse petrol electric car .. - .. S —9 I I .. 1,015 10 5 Fitting Whangarei rolling-stock with Westinghouse T—9! .. .. .. 6,355 1 3 brake Locomotives, Class Wo .. ... .*. V— 9 i 10 .. JO 13,526 8 9 Locomotives, Class B (contract) .. .. W—9 20 2 18 31,674 13 3 Carriages, Class A, 1914-1915 programme .. X—9 40 .19 21 25,813 3 6 Brake-vans, Class F, 1914-1915 programme .. Y—9 13 .. 13 2,528 2 7 Wagons, bogie, 1914-1915 programme .. .. Z—9 32f 6 27 4,981 6 3 Wagons, four-wheel, 1914-1915 programme .. A—10 543$ 333 210 58,570 3 6 Carriages, Class A, 1915-1916 programme .. B—10 50 .. 50 763 0 I Brake-vans, Class F, 1915-1916 programme .. C—10 16 1 15 2,760 19 6 Wagons, bogie, 1915-1916 programme .. .. D—10 | 75 .. 75 4,446 12 3 Wagons, four-wheel, 1915-1916 programme .. E—10 768 .. 768 7,664 14 0 Locomotives, Class A .. .. .. F—10 10 .. 10 5,210 4 6 Fitting sleeping-cars with electric light .. .. G—-10 .. .. .. 127 11 10 Locomotives, Class Wo .. .. .. H —10 10 .. 10 Workshop machinery .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,105 9 6 M—-8 R—8 S—8 TJ—8 V—8 X—8 B—9 C—9 D—9 E—9 F—9 H—9 1—9 K—9 M—9 N—9 0—9 P—9 Q—9 R—9 S—9 T—9 23 2 5 8* 6 6 2 15 402 .19 2 62 409 23 2 5 8 6 6 2 15 292 15 2 62 229 1 I V—9 W—9 X—9 Y—9 Z—9 A—10 B—10 C—10 D—10 E—10 F—10 G—10 H—10 10 20 40 13 32f 543} 50 16 75 768 10 "2 19 5 333 1 10 Total .... .. .. .. .. .. .. £307,385 4 2 Total locomotives .. .... 70 22 48 „ carriages .. .. .. .. 110 35 75 „ brake-vans . . .... 33 5 28 „ wagons, bogie .. .. .. 186 84 102 „ wagons, four-wheel . . 2,150 882 1,268 * Order reduced by 2. t Order increased by 22. t Order increased by 145. Expenditure under the Railways Improvements Authorization Act, 1904, charged to Capital Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1915. £ s. d. Dunedin-Mosgiel, duplication and deviation of line .. .. .. .. 5,272 17 3 Charges and expenses of raising loan, as per Treasury-books .. .. .. 0 7 0 £5,273 4 3 The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1903 and 1905, for the Year ended 31st March, 1915. £ s. d. New Hutt Road .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Cr. £1,432 3 3 Charges and expenses of raising loan as per Treasury books .. .. 0 3 6 Net Or. £1,431 19 9 H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.



RETURN No. 8. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. Return of Coal Traffic from Local Mines during the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

RETURN No. 9. Statement of Season Tickets issued for the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

I Mino. 1913-14. 1914-15. Increase. Decrease. J St. Helens, White Cliffs.. Homebush, Glentunnel Mount Somers Coal Company, Mount Somers Albury Bush Gully, Coalgate .. .. ' Peebles Papakaio Ngapara Shag Point Coal Company, Bushey Allandale Company, Bushey Hunt, Shag Point Twinning, Shag Point Mcintosh, Shag Point Herbert Saddlo Hill Fernhill Oturehua Mosgiel Taratu Mine, Lovell's Flat Brook Bros., Bushey Benhar Stirling Kaitangata Bruce Coal Company, Milton Drummond, Conical Hills Knuckey and Junker, Pukerau .. G. Lynch, Riversdale New Zealand Express Company, Gore Kyle, W., Mataura Boattie, Coster, and Co., Mataura Colliories Company, Mataura Nightcaps Coal Company, Nightcaps McKenzio, D., Wairio Grant, J., Wairio Moss Bros., Wairio .. .. Wairio Coal Company Diamond Lignite, Asher's Clark, Wyndham T. D. M flat, Dome Johnson, Waimea Taylor, Wairio Excel!, Wairio.. Thistle, Wairio Robertson, Wairio Tons. 1,373 5,587 744 103 9 18 82 425 158 35,759 19,611 45 1,259 17,113 1,122 200 9 138,470 25,078 1,942 14 16 4,835 214 4,830 9,721 77,141 758 55 324 1,456 49 '' 33 | Tons. 557 1,971 161 106 5,045 "l4 111 1,327 73 36 1,225 78 93 34,836 16,441 22 1,513 26,833 167 92 137,572 25,573 1,863 10 23 2,557 3,997 4,647 67,132 24 *468 23,697 3,805 98 6 25 16 10 90 14 Tons. Tons. 816 3,616 583 3 5,045 "29 902 "36 1,225 78 93 254 9,720 "83 495 9 4 85 923 3,170 23 1,122 33 898 "79 4 7 1.44 23,697 2,349 49 6 "l6 10 90J 1±J 2,278 214 833 5,074 10,009 734 55 8 Totals 348,553 362,328 44,345 30,570

Description of Tickets. Number. Amount. travellers'Annual, all lines 'ravellers' Annual, North Island 'ravellers' Annual, South Island ieporters' Annual iectional Annual, North Island iectional Annual, South Island tourists', all lines Jurists', North Island 'ourists', South Island fifty-trip commutation (ordinary) 'if ty-trip commutation (family) Ichool ... Venty-trip commutation ... Velve-trip workmen's Veekly workmen's ill other season ... 3 42 42 91 368 311 867 5,373 513 3,555 1,872 29,705 1,438 63,954 172,656 22,122 £ s. 223 0 2,208 0 2,157 0 914 0 11,279 1 9, ,502 4 8,956 10 33,551 5 3,219 10 2,877 0 2,959 8 16,540 2 973 0 9,421 13 17,637 8 30,730 7 d. 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 6 8 6 8 9 0 1 Totals ... 302,912 153,149 11 11 H. Davidson, Chii if Accountant.



6—D. 2.

RETURN No. 10. Statement showing Classification of Expenditure on Maintenance of Way and Works for the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Sections. Classification of Work. Whangarei. i Kaihu. Gisborne. North Island j South Island Main Lines and j Main Lines and Branches. Branches. I _ Westland. _ I Westport. Nelson. Picton. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. : £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Track-surfacing .. .. .. 4,797 13 0 Track-renewals .. .. .. 363 14 6 1,084 1 7 2,725 3 6 120,188 19 11 ;120, 046 II 1 11,802 3 4 3,290 2 0 3,925 12 0 3,836 3 6 271,696 9 11 571 18 1 35 16 9 81,916 13 7 67,501 5 4 5,259 5 6 '. 3,846 15 1 573 16 4 1,319 15 8 161,389 0 10 Ballasting .. .. .. .. 443 18 11 Banks, cuttings, ditches, tunnels .. 310 15 10 35 18 3 311 13 1 20,124 6 10 8,079 17 1 1,027 18 2 477 13 7 47 15 4 289 4 5 30,838 5 8 36 0 8 886 11 ' 10,006 7 1 8,320 8 11 2,357 19 9 120 19 0 375 7 2 605 3 5 23,019 13 5 Bridges, culverts, drains .. .. 599 5 1 133 19 9 312 1 0 28,971 3 2 21,629 10 1 1,790 3 1 404 3 8 674 4 6 1,332 9 4 55 846 19 8 Fences., gates, cattle-stops, hedges .. 253 17 7 20 5 4 91 18 o 9,832 0 1 9,420 3 7 719 17 3 133 3 5 062 16 9 276 13 1 21,416 15 7 Roads, approaches, &c. .. .. 41 13 3 Water-services, signals, cranes, appliances 555 14 0 11 2 3 Cr. 38 4 2 6,504 12 4 2,314 10 1 145 0 2 89 13 5 49 4 0 57 6 10 9,174 18 2 22 11 8 295 12 i 22,847 13 1 13,816 5 5 950 15 8 645 11 6 190 13 1 285 8 3 39,610 5 0 .... Wharves .. .. .. .. 620 17 4 82 10 6 0 18 0 1,623 13 9 1,932 9 9 107 15 10 486 3 3 440 7 8 471 7 1 5,766 3 2 Buildings .. .. .. .. 1,044 3 11 86 8 2 656 11 a 47,805 1 11 49,054 12 7 2,662 7 3 875 8 10 1,003 9 3 1,345 16 2 104,533 19 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 95 2 1 1 ! 100 16 11 201 12 9 6,182 13 6 ■ 2,299 10 4 160 11 7 40 11 3 335 13 7 145 10 8 9,562 3 6 General charges .. .. .. 837 3 5 i 1 16 11 85 17 10 3,050 13 3 j 1,406 17 10 137 5 1 104 5 2 54 5 1 16 13 10 5,694 18 5 Totals .. .. .. | 9,963 19 9 j , J _ 2,187 10 1 5,565 12 7 359,053 18 6 305,828 2 1 27,121 2 8 j 10,514 10 2 j 8,333 4 9 9,981 12 3 738,549 12 10 2,187 10 1 5,565 12 7 1359,053 18 6 Rate per average uiilo opened .. .. I 137 10 0 112 5 10 ! 151 1 0 326 17 5 221 7 7 176 8 0 292 1 5 136 12 3 207 19 0 254 0 5 221 7 7 176 8 0 292 1 5 136 12 3 207 19 0 112 5 10 151 1 0 326 17 5 254 0 5 I i H. Davidson, Chief Accountant. »



RETURN No. 11. Statement Showing Number of Passenger Tickets Issued at Cheap Excursion Rates for Yeah ended 31st March 1915.

Schools, Factories, and Friend: Schools, Factories, and Fbiekdly Societies. )LY y Societies. Holiday Excursions Gross Total— School and Holiday ExcunsioNS. Holiday Excursions. Sections. Schools, Schools onlv. Schools, Factories, and, - _, «.„;„ ', t, . j, o > Factories, and Friendly Socs. 0 • c . , _ ■ -,, — i- Senior Scholars over Friendly Children not j 15 but not exceed- | Societies. exceeding ' ing 23 Years of Age, 15 Years of i and Teachers. Adults. Age. : I Number Total. Revenue. 1st Class. 2nd Glass. Total, j Revenue. of Revenue. Tickets. .j_ Whangarei Kaihu Auckland Ohakune Gisborne "Wanganui ... ... Wellington ... ... Picton Nelson Westport Westland Christchurch ... Dunedin Invercargill si n rch ill ... No. No. No. i 109 14 15 559 ... .862 3,052 726 2,628 1,086 190 623 798 26 174 ... ! 6,155 1,338 4,559 ... ! 5,588 1,168 4,489 1,201 103 555 1,009 328 161 330 19 190 3,661 149 3,350 10,884 1,736 12,944 5,496 993 9,811 7,918 1,184 7,S36 No. 109 559 3,052 1,086 798 6,155 5,588 1,201 1,009 330 3,661 10,884 5,496 7,918 No. No. j No. I £ s. d. j 14 15 138 ; 6 15 9 .862 1,421 , 62 15 4 726 2,628 6,406 460 7 5 190 623 1,899 189 7 0 26 174 998 40 4 5 1,338 4,559 12,052 i 865 16 11 1,168 4,489 11,245 ! 697 4 6 ; 103 555 1,859 79 12 7 328 161 1,498 63 15 8 19 190 539 ' 14 12 10 149 3,350 7,160 . 429 0 9 I 1,736 12,944 25,564 2,285 0 1 993 9,811 16,300 : 1,243 18 6 ; 1,184 7,S36 . 16,938 j 1,480 10 0 i 1 No. 14 726 190 26 1,338 1,168 103 328 19 149 1,736 993 1,184 ! No. 15 .862 2,628 623 174 4,559 4,489 555 161 190 3,350 12,944 9,811 7,836 I i No. j £ s. d. I No. j No. No. j £ s. d. _ s. d 138 6 15 9 543 : 4,805 5,348 723 2 2 5.486 729 17 11 1,421 ! 62 15 4 36 • 592 628 66 9 0 2,049 129 4 4 6,406 460 7 5 9,884 \ 164,281 174,165 45,419 1 4 ; 180.571' 45,879 8 9 1,899 189 7 0 1,995 26,976 28,971 11.970 12 6 30,870 ! 12,159 19 6 998 40 4 5 453 j 9,175 j 9,628 : 848 5 4 10,626 888 9 9 12,052 i 865 16 11 10,652 92,679 ! 103,331 31,772 14 3 115.383' 32,638 11 2 11,245 ! 697 4 6 45,826 ; 108,982 154,808 48,919 1 10 i 166,053: 49,616 6 4 1,859 79 12 7 1,940 8,905 10,845 1,102 4 7 12 704' 1 181 17 2 1,498 i 63 15 8 i 1,481 6,464 7,945 801 5 1 9,443: '865 0 9 539 ' 14 12 10 : 54 3,952 4,006 406 2 2 4,545' 420 15 0 7,160 j 429 0 9 2,864 j 28,977 31,841 4.083 6 3 39,001: 4,512 7 0 25,564 2,285 0 1 : 27,268 149,819 177,087 I 49,061 7 11 | 202,651 51,346 8 0 16,300 i 1,243 18 6 ' 34,023 100,115 134,138 \ 42,970 3 10 : 150,438 44,214 2 4 16,938 i 1,480 10 0 7,241 | 76,633 83,874 21,403 14 3 \ 100,812 22,884 4 3 _ . __ m , , (1915 ... Totals J 1914 __ 47,846 111,029 7,974 48,197 104,017 I 7,919 1 9 18,246 59,712 188,987 13,235 8 4 104,017 j 7,919 188,987 13,235 1 8 9 4 144,260 \ 782,355 '■. 926,615 259,547 10 131,416 683,851 , 815,267 210.109 0 I 6 ; 1,030, 632267, 466 12 9 1,004,254 223,344 9 Increase Decrease 63,183 10,272 11,515 84,970 5,316 6 7 10,272 i 11,515 84,970 5,316 6 7 12,844 98,504 ' 111,348 : j 49,438 9 9 26,378 44,122 3 ■ 1 i ' 50,511 \ 239,164 ! 289,675 50,232 12 11 397,689 57,478 18 I 58,464 ; 313,724 , 372,188' 63,439 0 0 456,716 69,055 2 i 66,012 , 383,569 449,581 80,822 8 1 530.006 86,392 6 i 70,531 ! 411,747 , 482,278 , 84,794 15 6 ; 574,173 91,010 7 i 81,528 501,176 ! 582,704 96,154 7 5 657,323100,906 11 i 87,544 541,624 629,168 (102,932 10 9 708,184108,167 7 ( 95,628 588,813 684,441 136,813 0 1 770,391142,279 16 1( 84,448 517,566 602,014 103,279 8 6 691,157109,329 19 < 100,417 594,967 695,384 125,624 4 0 807,067133,049 3 \ 100,968 592,485 ; 693,453 1130,068 16 9 807,112137,559 12 < 110,823 626,852 737,675 140,939 16 3 857,895148,822 12 t 1125,280 731,132 - 856,412 1194,185 2 9 952,076 200,700 1 ] 1113,617 , 618,518 732,135 141,519 16 11 845,215149,124 7 I 122,312 [ 667,867 : 790,1791166,471 6 3 907,223174,112 12 ] 128,277 735,561 863,838 211,133 6 10 979,243219,098 2 i 107,208 576,251 '. 683,459 |155,444 10 11 ' 827,334164,933 5 ( 135,590 704,883 840,473 1206,472 13 1 ; 975,298 216,175 8 ' 159,730 , 804,965 964,695 271,611 17 7 1,098,592281,121 6 S 131,416 ; 683,851 815,267 210,109 0 9 1,004,254223,344 9 1 144,260 i 782,355 i 926,615 259,547 10 6 jl,030, 632 267,446 12 I 8 8 2 2 3 5 0 9 7 9 4 1 3 5 6 4 2 1 3 Total, year ending — 31st March, 1896 ... 31st March, 1897 ... 31st March, 1898 ... 31st March, 1899 ... 31st March, 1900 ... 31st March, 1901 ... 31st March, 1902 ... 31st March, 1903 ... j 31st March, 1904 ... I 31st March, 1905 ... j 31st March, 1906 ... 31st March, 1907 ... j 31st March, 1908 ... 31st March. 1909... 31st March, 1910 ... 31st March, 1911 ... 31st March, 1912 ... 31st March, 1913 ... 31st March, 1914 ... 31st March, 1915 ... I 63,598 44,610 39,963 45,748 37,839 38,864 42,506 41,540 £0,364 52,742 55.478 48,044 51,031 55,199 53,917 66,381 62,289 63,040 111,029 47,846 | ■ 5,949 38,467 108,014 7,246 5 9 5,993 33,925 84,528 , 5,616 2 8 5,398 35,064 80,425 , 5,569 18 1 6,192 39,955 91,895 : 6,215 11 8 5,616 31,164 74,619 , 4,752 3 10 5,602 34,550 79,016 ' 5,234 16 8 5,736 37,708 85,950 : 5,466 16 9 6,048 41,555 89,143 6,050 11 3 6,975 54,344 111,683 ; 7,424 19 7 7,359 53,558 113,659 7,490 16 0 7,715 57,027 120,220 7,882 16 1 7,837 39,783 95,664 : 6,514 18 4 8,163 53,886 113,080 7,604 10 4 9,266 52,579 117,044 7,641 5 10 7,811 53,677 115,405 , 7,964 15 7 ; 10,799 66,695 143,875 ! 9,488 14 7 8,924 63,612 134,825 ; 9,702 15 3 9,723 61.134 133,897 ■ 9,509 8 7 ! 18,246 59,712 188,987 13,235 8 4 7,974 48,197 104,017 | 7,9,19 1 9



RETURN No. 12. Statement of Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

6—D. 2.

OUTWABD. INWARD. Nombek of Tickets. Tv „„ k „ I Stations. Number ° f Bales Trucks Timber, | 1 rucks Trucks Timber Stations. First- First- Second- Second- , ,e£on "K* %£ Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. o, F ?<' Grain. ch^8e . Mineral, penary Season Parcels . & M«d Goods. cell^eoua . TSSJffiT "ST' Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Bales of Hundreds of Grain . Merchan- MineraIs . class class class class Total. Tickets. - ' wood. Feet. miscellaneous. wood Feet Single. Return. Single. Return. ; &c * _ . — — — ~ j ■ — North Island Main Line North Island Main and Branches— Ts. c. Ts. c. Ts. c. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ts. c. Ts. c. Ts. c. Line & Branches— Auckland (Passenger) .. 26,574 27,423 160,724 245,798 460,519 13,103 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 122,161 5 11 18,352 10 0 .. Or. 171 1 0 .. 489 14 9 384 4 7 141,216 14 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Auckland (Pass). (Parcels) .. .. .. .. 72,126 .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,242 7 9 4,430 3 8 Or. 89 8 2 9 1 10 .. 12,592 5 1 40,102 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. „ (Parcels). (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 360 670 542 33 628 3,252 27 57} 21,193 95,210 12 61,103 11 42,984 4 .. .. .. 149,742 0 3 1,172 19 2 1,997 17 0 152,912 16 5 .. 107 1,550} 470 44 1,490 306 19,670 187} 98,020 23,013 12 32,813 19 69,965 18 „ (Goods). Newmarket .. .. 3,339 6,146 27,441 61,034 97,960 5,667 3,488 28 14 13 1 2 .. 15 2,390 242 13 2,749 4 367 11 6,900 6 8 1,092 9 9 273 3 2 87 13 3 4,290 8 4 23 7 11 910 2 8 13,577 11 9 ! 7,948 9 185 56 .. .. 1 .. 198} 61,468 1,401 8 900 8 13,918 7 Newmarket. MountEden .. .. 952 1,835 22,060 58,180 83,027 3,266 1,064 1 107 108 1 .. 10 .. .. 2,869 225 17 1,167 10 9,329 19 3,472 3 4 768 15 0 56 0 2 20 3 4 3,135 1 1 48 19 7 449 10 0 7,950 12 6 1,628 .. 323 2,052 27 1,328 .. .. 78 37 241 417 15 6 566 13 31 185 12 Mount Eden. Avondale .. •• 784 1,794 38,051 129,454 170,083 27,299 1,614 3 6 582 79 228 190 13 1 333 1,172 10 478 1 45,410 10 5,156 7 7 3,575 10 3 107 9 2 7 17 4 6,313 11 8 11 0 8 44 17 6 15,216 14 2 1,499 3 293} 515 20 .. 7 19 4 713 1 426 4 413 16 6,166 6 Avondale. Henderson .. •• 378 860 11,252 36,268 48,758 5,332 7,989 3 23 575 77 6,954 167 212 156 5,125 1,665 6 661 14 577 15 2,602 10 6 862 15 6 430 7 9 5 0 6 2,021 16 11 5 11 6 46 15 3 5,974 17 11 11,137 11 88} 375 90 1,617 18 7 44} 4'990 1,'962 12 1,005 3 14,009 14 Henderson. Helensville .. •• 2,620 2,006 18,193 27,751 50,570 497 14,008 9 25 4,435 380 29,268 1,501 4,042 55} 26,189 1,557 3j 2,718 2 64 19 6,281 16 7 315 18 11 1,323 2 6 20 2 1 8,023 14 2 62 2 6 137 4 6 16,164 1 3 9,086 54 77} 1,387 381 7,805 23 .. 39} 3'998 6 453 1 7 427 14 5 500 9 Helensville. Wellsford .. •• 407 221 4,239 5,047 9,914 57 2,425 6 4 8,349 135 14,423 341 391 2 400 678 5 220 1 46 15 2,166 1 0 28 10 0 144 14 4 4 9 10 3,632 17 10 266 8 0 14 9 8 6,257 10 8 4,520 24 27 1,744 1,138 4,713 5 1 l'o04 2' 333 2 '938 13 3J38 16 Wellsford. Otamatea .. •• 184 82 824 609 1,699 .. 244 .. .. 12 .. 164 76 .. 121 139 9 75 3 4 0 632 10 8 .. 9 19 10 2 14 7 262 9 9 918 14 11 .. 1,826 9 9 833 4 7 565 74 3,846 .. .. 2 135 1,430 13 384 9 942 3 Otamatea. Remuera .. •• 1,140 2,334 4,794 9,511 17,779 1,967 323 3 2 1,074 6 398 34 89 7 17 22 17 12 6 526 1 10 780 18 10 81 6 9 2 11 4 380 4 4 7 0 11 28 10 0 1,806 14 0 1,005 10 26 1,902 153 370 99 9 3 043 17 15 52 5 1 948 17 Remuera. GreenLane .. •• 2,634 7,012 14,933 46,366 70,945 6,893 262 .. 129 5 16 23 6 24 2 1,808 5 7 1,509 4 6 14 5 2 3 19 10 57 19 8 5 7 8 .. 3,399 2 5 1,142 .. 38} .. .. .. .. .. 26 1,641 49 4 67 4 3,941 14 Green Lane. Ellerelie .. •• 1,714 6,546 17,525 43,895 69,680 8,442 730 5 2 21 1 .. .. .. 20 33 11 38 10 27 8 2,192 8 4 1,771 5 11 546 14 0 4 5 1 98 18 9 7 15 0 57 5 2 4,678 12 3 1,132 1 74} 40 1 20 8 1 973 319 18 117 0 1 688 18 Ellerslie. Penrose Junction .. 589 1,689 8,124 16,230 26,632 1,990 1,211 .. .. 489 288 6,230 337 2,165 .. 16 3,793 17 28,300 7 8,858 5 1,069 17 3 369 16 3 61 18 1 6 11 6 8,875 16 8 12 19 3 51 10 0 10,448 9 0 354 .. 110} 30,740 4,149 258,976 5,195 4 9} 2,197 1,367 18 181 2 9,973 18 Penrose Junction. OnehungaTown .. 1,251 1,021 12,703 12,751 27,726 5,351 1,094 5 5 .. .. .. 1 593 357 10 243 14 894 9 1,564 18 5 1,056 10 1 64 15 10 10 14 0 760 0 4 6 17 11 71 10 0 3,535 6 7 1,211 1 101 9 1 56 .. 77 57} 1,219 6 846 1 7 17 Onehunga Town. „ Wharf .. 335 12 1,073 42 1,462 .. 233 8 1,204 5 .. .. 787 .. 3 7,193 3,691 13 2,269 13 13,493 11 74 16 10 .. 26 2 3 3 18 6 5,063 11 6 380 2 11 .. 5,548 12 0 1,817 5 89} 25 9 21 4 .. .. 8,967 11,244 18 12,408 16 11,131 11 „ Wharf. Otahuhu .. •• 887 2,752 12,955 56,927 , 73,521 6,787 1,693 13 14 1,571 670 15,697 6,209 .. .. .. 8,198 6 240 3 716 11 4,156 18 6 1,087 5 2 129 16 0 29 1 7 6,462 15 5 9 10 11 5 5 0 11,880 12 7 1,385 2 164} 7,476 198 50,187 6,254 3 42 7 439 5 143 13 3 565 6 22 083 16 Otahuhu. Papatoetoe .. •• 424 1,517 4,914 22,944 29,799 1,831 13,968 12 89 578 42 1,187 13 126 1 1,068 228 3 266 19 .. 1,806 7 8 612 8 6 973 2 9 8 4 9 590 7 5 3 7 3 .. 3,993 18 4 1,577 9 43 1,468 95 983 14 .. 55 4,198 1,233 8 545 2 2,094 16 Papatoetoe. Papakura ■■ •• 403 1,086 7,508 37,322 46,319 1,477 7,146 8 84 632 158 12,093 740 114 25 204 141 6 365 10 90 4 3,841 0 8 396 5 1 551 8 8 19 2 6 783 16 4 429 960 5,605 2 0 2,884 9 41} 321 47 5,197 12 6 4 322 3 515 9 1 276 19 2 665 16 Papakura. Drury .. •• 224 232 4,582 10,569 15,607 161 4,547 10 162 236 501 9,441 600 176 37 87 727 12 291 9 687 12 1,554 0 4 95 0 10 307 16 11 12 6 7 996 14 2 9 17 9 12 8 0 2,988 4 7 1,346 9 24} 62 .. 2,182 16 37 2 537 781 3 326 15 '964 10 Drury. Pukekohe .. •• 1,063 1,394 13,030 19,570 35,057 266 11,769 50 216 4,976 1,322 9,801 1,295 72 10 322 8,733 14 801 15 29 12 5,698 19 7 167 10 11 567 16 0 52 12 1 6,414 18 6 31 9 0 386 14 4 13,320 0 5 14,151 39 50} 2,056 78 10,395 235 .. 57 7,253 5 3,203 19 14,495 1 Pukekohe. Tuakau •• •• 456 387 5,018 8,279 14,140 234 8,004 12 68 1,785 219 25,725 1,142 701 1 87 924 6 352 1 20 0 2,132 5 8 119 0 6 463 7 4 7 14 2 1,816 6 7 2 6 1 57 5 0 4,598 5 4 2,661 17 13 811 162 14,297 111 .. 13 2 419 2 429 1 1 249 14 1 596 19 Tuakau. Pokeno •• 87 195 3,057 4,534 7,873 120 3,922 .. 16 942 281 2,997 488 74 1 18 178 11 94 17 11 0 977 18 0 66 2 4 191 15 3 3 12 11 410 16 2 6 18 8 .. 1,657 3 4 1,142 9 35 302 38 2,125 J1 .. 13 1,227 1,106 15 ' 404 8 '536 1 Pokeno. Mercer .. •• 639 623 7,275 7,361 15,898 144 5,228 3 125 2,818 312 13,519 3,329 1,796 113} 11,391 1,318 3 881 3 2,230 10 2,933 9 8 138 2 0 387 11 7 19 1 9 4,371 0 0 12 9 4 517 13 3 8,379 7 7 22,951 8 36 2,297 268 10,213 379 32 5 115 '1 372 2 1 037 9 3 709 8 Mercer. Huntly •• •• 721 726 10,931 11,264 23,642 42 13,496 9 18 629 27 4,057 378 118 29 206 265 4 500 6193,723 18 4,518 19 5 43 0 0 572 6 7 32 5 9 68,494 8 11 634 1 9 75 10 0 74,370 12 5 5,930 26 101} 966 530 3,040 140 .. 105 8,195 2 10 2'l41 18 Huntly. Taupiri .. •• 138 137 2,846 3,912 7,033 10 4,222 14 41 2,205 241 9,681 934 225 38 20,147 113 14 113 5 1,133 13 1,023 2 2 4 3 0 185 0 2 4 12 6 2,862 17 5 4 18 3 1 0 0 4,085 13 6 1,606| 15 1 647 385 1,988 74 .. 9 1,364 1,676 4 558 16 296 8 Taupiri. Ngaruawahia .. •• 1,024 663 11,149 6,784 19,620 36 3,687 10 41 2,821 196 28,089 2,179 910 80 105 2,407 18 611 7 69,496 15 3,252 0 7 23 10 4 260 3 1 32 11 7 29,420 2 2 772 19 -4, 44 13 0 33,806 0 1 29,226 23 33 1,092 303 13,324 1,003 .. 30 7,271 2,655 18 2,160 0 2 057 2 Ngaruawahia. Frankton Junction .. 4,382 2,101 45,286 23,825 75,594 335 3,757 10 67 11,133 1,439 45,086 10,836 567 15 284 2,900 14 1,421 14 237 9 19,225 10 8 1,210 13 6 691 10 9 227 7 0 8,957 19 1 84 10 6 596 1 2 30,993 12 8 40,997 25 30 2,999 400 30,947 17,918 12 43} 7 503 3 239 13 1 343 5 7 536 9 Frankton Junction. Hamilton .. .. 3,255 1,995 28,017 15,198 48,465 387 12,367 208 181 2,256 337 21,882 3,220 472 17 1,901 4,093 10 3,691 12 1,375 4 8,555 4 10 1,015 5 0 955 14 1 232 16 7 9,024 14 10 50 17 5 958 2 0 20,792 14 9 10,656 96 156 2,083 117 7,085 318 1 119} 40,438 6 801 14 6 548 2 19 912 6 Hamilton. Cambridge .. •• 1,759 926 11,390 11,706 25,781 76 5,485 32 108 3,855 1,137 11,372 2,551 291 8 384 631 16 726 10 141 6 4,995 8 9 102 16 4 753 1 3 32 5 5 3,095 10 0 24 19 5 196 15 8 9,200 16 10 5,411 61 31 1,452 127 7,177 338 .. 112 ll'555 7 248 2 3 493 2 6 880 8 Cambridge. Morrinsville .. •• 950 730 12,631 12,479 26,790 120 12,867 28 276 4,905 1,276 43,057 6,718 739 9 358 1,241 14 728 6 2,257 1 4,865 12 5 120 0 6 1,032 18 8 29 9 8 5,272 8 10 34 5 8 141 1 1 11,495 16 10 4,416 45 169 1,493 258 13,383 1,597 .. 213 15'o98 13 1 13,355 18 Morrinsville. Matamata ..' •• 295 149 3,966 3,563 7,973 6 11,693 12 174} 4,068 1,103 30,846 2,238 498 10 18 484 11 444 18 76 3 2,193 15 8 48 13 4 1,118 12 8 12 14 2 3,596 15 4 25 16 11 47 13 4 7,044 1 5 4,536 65 10 1,547 154 10,459 860 .. 178 8 856 5 356 16 1 395 13 14 480 4 Matamata. Putaruru 262 190 3,222 3,635 7,309 28 4,933 7 35 495 121 3,588 514 219 315 79,825 205 3 237 15 19 7 1,860 2 10 61 3 0 207 14 2 4 9 2 11,494 1 0 30 2 11 63 16 6 13,721 9 7 4,170 33 35 776 152 13,131 65 .. 15 493 4 322 2 l'883 1 1 378 0 Putaruru. Mamaku .. •• 140 119 1,778 3,713 5,750 134 1,623 .! 12 5,579 203 7,423 105 28 578} 87,539 118 19; 226 7 54 18 1,167 51 58 66 91 86 408 16,089 15 6 1 10 7 23 0 0 17,435 6 10 2,396 6 23 548 96 734 11 .. 5 40 '652 5 '568 13 '395 11 Mamaku. Rotorua .. •• 3,976 924 17,941 9,568 32,409 394 4,558 7 .. 1,092 51 7,706 22 637 2 25 188 14 524 15 91 2 14,363 9 2 590 5 0 642 11 11 63 14 9 1,984 13 4 17 0 11 187 6 3 17,849 1 4 8,865 25 207 1,632 325 10,379 63 .. 153 5,892 2,895 13 2,825 8 3,422 3 Rotorua. TeAroha .. •• 1,534 660 14,273 11,299 27,766 308 5,617 17 100 1,599 344 9,131 1,449 58 2 900 350 15 1,501 0 20,121 4 4,869 3 10 129 6 3 1,033 16 9 60 10 5 4,136 14 10 31 7 0 168 6 3 10,429 5 4 6,675 55 55 1,308 113 6,640 3,137 3 168} 13,756 3,295 17 1,763 11 6,321 19 Te Aroha. Paeroa .. •• 1,776 1,611 19,385 20,032 42,804 875 9,791 23 97} 1,932 224 4,675 1,994 3 39 3,737 2,965 17 1,838 9 4,788 8 5,406 15 4 338 5 3 631 1 5 39 1 10 3,869 2 4 19 11 11 118 9 6 10,422 7 7 8,902 7 63 785 34 4,381 305 .. 33 53,931 433 17 751 11 12,430 13 Paeroa. Karangahake .. •• 418 436 7,162 10,911 18,927 341 1,453 .. 17 .. .. .. .. .. 26 43,572 17 8 158 17 37 6 1,895 4 6 169 8 9 63 18 2 9 4 1 1,679 12 4 0 13 3 .. 3,818 1 1 1,518 34 1 .. .. .. .. 25} 1,569 319 1 318 6 15 478 7 Karangahake. Waikino •• •• 265 203 3,178 4,974 8,620 276 1,020 ..3 2...... 6 2 433 18 18 74 15 12 0 771 13 6 99 7 9 48 14 5 4 12 5 100 5 2 0 16 6 1 0 10 0 1,025 19 9 1,180 .. 119 38 3 50 .. 57 88 353 10 171 15 12 587 3 Waikino. Waihi .. •• 1,505 1,084 12,657 16,013 31,259 281 2,198 2 8 209 22 315 80 7 3 381 92 9 477 13 46 8 5,934 18 2 66 10 3 247 13 11 45 11 4 735 12 8 15 11 10 49 10 0 7,095 8 2 4,713 17 205} 1,144 147 4,607 31 .. 75 5 064 2 622 8 2 237 18 19 967 5 Waihi. Shortland .. •• 1,140 712 13,797 5,675 21,324 370 5,121 .... 2 1 .. .. .. .. 458 159 7 1,313 5 48 6 3,001 6 4 232 8 10 341 12 1 32 7 9 2,165 0 7 4 9 10 12 0 0 5,789 5 5 2,510 1 80 7 341 3 .. 90 8,463 138 19 '363 3 1 088 11 Shortland. Thames .. •• 827 410 11,166 9,775 22,178 40 3,372 .. 2 43 .. 162 94 .. 1 870 175 5 1,000 3 1,486 1 3,038 17 7 247 0 0 351 14 7 46 8 0 1,945 16 7 10 5 0 23 19 6 5,664 1 3 4,903 2 122 1,302 306 8,480 118 .. 46 1,982 542 12 540 18 4,952 14 Thames. Ohaupo .. •• 172 102 2,312 3,084 5,670 132 12,911 1 112 7,467 3,235 38,402 1,583 186 2 67 311 1 304 1' 15 0 810 13 1 65 8 0 921 16 0 6 18 0 3,557 9 6 2 1 2 9 10 0 5,373 15 9 1,227 5 2 1,435 231 61,277 142 .. 45} 2,533 2,206 10 683 18 2,380 5 Ohaupo. Te Awamutu .. •• 1,094 510 10,647 8,980 21,231 208 26,261 11 93 2,373 498 13,465 2,767 405 l 235 373 12 715 8 597 10 5,465 10 0 140 12 2 1,771 10 10 42 17 2 2,520 10 8 22 11 11 33 10 0 9,997 2 9 4,161 31 22 1,044 68 12,024 367 .. 153 11 837 4 307 2 2 815 3 14 082 11 Te Awamutu. Otorohanga .. .. 471 233 5,342 7,626 13,672 23 11,321 6 555} 1,306 427 12,147 1,018 775 16 159 359 10 362 6 26,891 18 2,390 9 3 8 17 0 450 18 6 7 3 1 4,818 15 4 6 17 10 16 13 9 7,699 14 9 6,838 50 65 1,231 549 12,770 123 .. Ill 8,673 3'601 6 l'736 12 K269 9 Otorohanga. Te Kuiti .. •• 2,150 1,214 21,420 16,205 40,989 121 6,183 53 14 4,049 133 39,155 433 2,549 272 37,208 788 13 1,306 7 2,502 19 11,052 7 1 155 2 4 547 1 4 87 2 7 10,121 9 7 19 1 2 377 9 0 22,359 13 1 21,813 84 286 6,258 3,403 44,055 209 .. 159 13,968 4 099 9 3*675 0 8 305 11 Te Kuiti. Ongarue .. 101 48 3,773 4,197 8,119 81 5,517 20 9 1,301 11 16,807 59 1,768 124 8,885 127 18 385 17 44 0 1,547 9 3 38 14 0 318 8 7 7 7 0 3,327 12 7 11 3 5 26 9 0 5,277 3 10 6,269 36 99 2,547 876 16,258 24 .. 134 2,069 4 1 5 3]791 19 Ongarue. Taringamotu .. .. 10 5 2,008 1,313 3,336 1 498 6 2 7 .. 8 310 250 73,262 34 19 86 16 16 0 246 18 1 3 18 2 24 17 0 0 16 11 15,930 13 3 226 11 10 1 0 0 16,434 15 3 3,070 11 25 260 203 647 .. .. 1 496 633 5 809 15 1,421 13 Taringamotu. Taumarunui .. .. 2,232 1,105 46,066 42,365 91,768 77 6,256 27 7 1,069 21 20,073 23 604 788} 126,174 152 0 2,570 11 7,077 5 17,055 16 0 218 19 6 516 19 10 145 6 0 27,017 12 6 27 1 6 205 12 2 45,187 7 6 12,392 38 183 2,643 1,742 32,649 49 .. 63 3,721 1,809 18 2 484 15 1,561 11 Taumarunui. Waimarino .. .. 25 22 1,179 1,137 2,363 .. 1,475 18 3 434 .. 15,691 18 1,190 838} 138,104 24 3 685 4 760 5 546 9 10 .. 114 2 9 13 6 5 30,895 16 2 7 9 1 140 2 6 31,717 6 9 7,464 17 93 972 986 19,456 .. .. 2 3,197 1 553 8 2 049 13 1 662 2 Waimarino. Ohakune .. .. 1,209 874 13,499 11,320 26,902 34 1,868 7 3 242 .. 18,612 8 2,398 244 142,651 140 2 401 5 76 1 8,111 5 7 29 4 0 273 10 3 83 5 10 27,606 7 1 26 17 3 524 3 7 36,654 13 7 6,367 24 201 829 525 4,998 .. .. 8} 1,058 2,154 0 l'987 19 1,789 18 Ohakune. Rangataua .. .. 350 218 3,287 2,696 6,551 10 985 1 5 45 22 2,108 .. 45 780 89,573 89 10 179 19 81 6 1,205 84 32 96 80 49 786 18,079 17 7 200 3 0 27 0 0 19,632 11 8 3,710 6 96 629 238 3,620 80 1 5 591 670 5 620 10 176 14 Rangataua. Waiouru .. 243 144 1,077 1,645 3,109 22 983 1 4 261 .. 8,916 .. 1,912 39 10,345 14 13 58 3 55 6 734 8 10 11 0 0 101 0 9 4 14 11 3,358 8 5 41 14 8 19 15 0 4,271 2 7 2,938 2 30 100 .. 1,349 .. .. 32 1,184 426 12 364 18 157 10 Waiouru. Mataroa .. .. 276 410 2,552 5,068 8,306 166 1,043 3 .. 284 57 48,229 .. 5,344 60 59,241 110 4 138 7 17 10 810 8 1 83 12 0 91 3 2 8 8 11 13,781 8 10 15 7 10 29 18 0 14,820 6 10 1,648 4 17 176 27 1,582 22 4 .. 114 407 19 334 4 26 13 Mataroa. Taihape .. 2,328 1,974 21,475 13,588 39,365 398 12,391 8 4 1,090 83 67,985 130 3,277 29 8,122 450 6 712 6 55 5 9,296 12 7 256 7 1 1,166 11 1 140 9 7 6,022 1 3 179 6 11 458 3 4 17,519 11 10 4,800 7 96 608 56 6,327 4 .. 20 3,475 1,875 18 2 456 14 1,511 4 Taihape. Utiku .. •• 186 154 2,205 3,137 5,682 3 1,085 2 2 122 22 28,685 152 1,804 391 21,513 133 3 1,954 1 20 0 635 3 6 2 0 0 66 0 0 6 5 8 8,031 2 5 8 3 2 11 18 6 8,760 13 3 2,269 5 19 226 30 4,416 6 .. 1 6,387 359 1 410 10 110 13 Utiku. Mangaweka .. .. 449 665 2,663 3,277 7,054 9 1,321 9 .. 576 50 46,801 281 2,976 6 2,993 272 11 148 1 130 0 1,869 8 8 1 11 6 144 14 6 15 17 2 3,538 19 8 12 9 5 28 11 3 5,611 12 2 1,641 6 31 420 77 5,002 .. .. 2 505 649 12 740 16 129 1 Mangaweka. Ohingaiti .. .. 185 241 1,159 2,059 3,644 1 1,643 .. 324 47 27,410 98 1,153 55 2,356 35 9 42 16 16 10 590 1 2 0 10 0 98 10 9 3 16 5 1,743 1 1 2 11 5 38 16 10 2,477 7 8 1,153 3 13 39 74 1,531 91 .. 1 564 311 10 274 1 48 12 Ohingaiti. Hunterville .. .. 967 906 5,734 6,398 14,005 96 6,975 10 371 1,906 532 101,971 903 6,153 98 765 618 5 289 4 19 6 3,067 18 7 54 1 6 410 2 8 40 18 0 7,705 15 3 27 11 11 26 5 9 11,332 13 8 4,114 7 58 731 45 3,141 293 171 14 2,328 1,578 15 1,320 14 802 16 Hunterville. Marton .. •• 3,420 2,616 13,031 12,038 31,105 83 4,544 34 1,727 1,736 393 112,341 1,489 3,831 153 1,984 4,42116 727 17 250 10 9,472 10 8 139 18 10 640 8 5 232 13 2 12,207 5 7 135 6 7 706 15 0 23,534 18 3 9,966 12 80 457 96 21,898 1,032 7 315 12,392 3,228 13 2,000 19 4,04111 Marton. New Plymouth (Coach).. 7,350 3,461 39,626 21,505 71,942 672 9,660 .. .. .. ,. .. .. , .. .. .. .. i .. .. 15,179 11 2 1,152 16 8 1,195 19 10 213 7 0 Or. 30 19 8! 12 9 6 626 15 0 18,349 19 6 5,684 .. .. .. .. i .. .. .. .. I .. .. .. .. New Plym'th (Coach). (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. 8 26 156 77 261 2,037 433 13 9,287 23,598 18 22,888 0 8,845 16 .. .. .. .. 22,855 1 8 1,048 13 3 .. 23,903 14 11 .. 18 188 1,352 84 9,040 77 327 270 32,747 10,322 18 25,027 10 10,645 1 „ (Goods). Breakwater .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 16,718 .. 22,165 9 6,358 1 .. .. .. .. 5,270 1 8 .. .. 5,270 1 8.. 1 4 .. .. 278 .. 19 .. 12,511 10 19 16 Breakwater. Waitara .. .. 1,177 901 11,761 11,014 24,853 367 980 2 59 535 75 1,501 1,851 399 2 401 2,650 9! 1,026 9 3,264 6 3,257 3 11 284 11 6 109 13 6 25 13 1 2,417 0 9 26 14 8 127 4 4 6,248 1 9 1,380 6 53 6,577 1,288 118,613 3,151 4,410 64 12,357 5,443 2 2,410 5 5,822 19 Waitara. Inglewood .. .. 870 821 8,105 10,493 20,289 482 2,069 4 15 2,209 760 15,252 869 626 77 1,414 1,320 9 673 9 64 16 3,176 3 4 291 12 1 172 14 0 32 1 11 2,064 1 7 29 2 6 22 6 0 5,788 1 5 3,163 4 74 826 321 6,107 2,800 .. 7 2,330 3,569 15 1,808 19 1,608 3 Inglewood. Tariki .. .. 78 85 2,178 3,213 5,554 163 471 1 1 103 10 3,181 886 113 54 .. 156 3 54 3 8,476 10 614 5 7 88 0 0 39 18 6 3 7 1 1,091 3 5 0 16 5 15 8 0 1,852 19 0 674 4 8 165 58 988 13 .. 10 1,567 690 8 296 6 200 18 Tariki. Midhirst .. .. 178 112 4,090 3,743 8,123 231 200 2 .. 29 524 2,474 1,583 171 153 428 953 14 106 16 15,936 9 787 12 5 121 0 0 25 9 4 6 11 9 2,844 16 6 2 14 3 20 14 6 3,808 18 9 695 1 29 ! 166 .. 2,005 .. .. 2 742 950 15 568 3 79 10 Midhirst. Stratford .. .. 2,746 1,844 20,624 16,655 41,869 471 5,246 18 14 2,626 1,981 32,686 4,618 3,619 155 413 4,392 2 1,842 16 1,603 0 7,370 12 1 332 0 8 486 4 10 119 15 1 5,760 17 2 75 18 5 918 15 7 15,064 3 10 7,401 8 158 j 1,805 320 19,357 114 1,354 35 9,830 5,152 5 3 913 1 2,936 18 Stratford. Te Wera .. .. 343 329 3,015 3,564 7,251 21 1,573 2 1 248 23 9,642 431 941 47 8,507 23 18 128 3 50 12 1,159 9 1 53 6 0 271 16 3 3 8 8 1,350 2 2 191 6 9 7 0 0 3,036 8 11 2,161 1 34 622 708 13,601 122 .. 4 1,622 1,789 6 1,056 11 7,519 13 Te Wera. Whangamomona .. 582 559 4,586 6,302 12,029 .. 300 14 1 495 75 8,393 17 1,103 .. 226 45 2 79 13 46 4 2,137 12 3 .. 44 17 9 10 10 9 907 13 11 716 3 3 .. 3,816 17 11 825 5 27 693 934 4,149 27 31 1,559 951 6 592 16 16,149 12 Whangamomona. Eltham .. .. 1,055 1,178 11,548 13,425 27,206 127 2,030 4 2 740 599 13,584 5,717 1,700 30 4,235 5,500 1 1,842 15 2,956 1 5,389 12 8 149 7 11 229 4 1 64 19 9 5,774 0 6 34 7 6 156 4 8 11,797 17 1 4,982 5 173 ; 277 27 1,947 4,381 .. 43 22,296 5,151 19 4,296 9 3,258 15 Eltham. Normanby .. .. 138 124 4,034 3,617 7,913 91 305 2 3 310 372 4,166 2,585 69 3 4 2,735 1 239 4 45 15 1,154 15 9 44 8 8 48 16 6 10 12 11 1,297 9 10 3 17 9 16 10 0 2,576 11 5 668 .. 34 540 6 1,357 7 .. 16 1,613 1,138 I 895 7 906 19 Normanby. Hawera .. .. 3,903 3,030 30,659 28,134 65,726 333 6,457 15 11 6,408 2,310 54,574 9,043 2,118 10 2,143 9,176 5 1,864 5 228 0 13,766 9 6 848 9 4 1,077 13 6 172 8 6 8,465 9 7 53 4 2 73 11 3 24,457 5 10 7,887 19 231} 4,554 118 47,123 5,768 17 305 26,327 7 886 7 7,958 18 15,609 7 Hawera. Patea.. .. .. 767 922 5,712 5,771 13,172 90 1,862 6 32 2,401 988 26,855 1,370 553 3 485 5,477 6 6,590 0 1,675 8 2,585 13 4 124 14 10 220 16 1 26 0 0 10,517 6 1 271 0 11 136 15 2 13,882 6 5 3,383 .. 25 3,584 815 19,420 75 1,515 54 7,372 15,013 10 1,499 5 5,201 14 Patea. Waverley .. .. 760; 631 4,211 4,747 10,349 77 1,808 2 5 2,535 397 55,292 889 1,838 6 127 801 4! 219 2 49 12 2,322 13 3 62 12 10 219 18 6 24 6 0 3,144 3 10 11 8 4 10 0 0 5,795 2 9 2,618 2 46 1,842 368 20,758 177 .. 56 3,431 1,179 2 860 2 3,573 16 Waverley. Waitotara .. .. 251 262 2.059 3,417 5,989 66 2,180 .. 4 2,598 1,270 51,830 154 2,843 3} 4 104 12 126 16 4 0 1,106 19 6 40 12 4 182 8 11 12 13 1 3,320 16 10 7 7 9 1 0 0 4,671 18 5 1,589 4 18 499 41 9,424 30 .. 35 2,224 775 17 471 16 1,228 11 Waitotara. Kailwi .. .. 83: 72 1,855 1,795 3,M)5 47 3,313 1 13 922 122 38,489 114 1,675 3 15 272 6| 66 4 21 11 401 13 4 22 1 6 172 4 11 4 17 2 1,964 3 0 2 14 3 3 15 0 2,571 9 2 1,189 1 17 223 57 5,176 29 .. 76} 2,174 .581 10 326 7 504 15 Kai Iwi. Aramoho .. .. 2,099 986 9,289 6,189 18,563 42 2,927 9 13 607 80 21,029 739 392 28 691 784 16 325 0 2,821 13 4,712 18 10 28 4 6 178 9 2 81 11 5 2,379 18 11 10 0 7 220 3 6 7,611 6 11 5,603 1 44 ! 181 6 1,392 259 .. 98 7,250 535 13 221 18 1,204 10 Aramoho. Wanganui (Passenger) .. 10,529, 5,966 45,474 28,459 90,428 356 .. .. .. .. .. 25,848 13 11 1,977 6 1 .. 30 0 0 .. 33 19 5 1,543 12 2 29,433 11 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Wanganui (Pass.) „ (Parcels) .. .. .. .. 21,112 .. .. .. .. .. 2,357 14 4 415 13 2 Or. 53 8 1 4 1 9 .. 2,724 1 2 16,197 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. „ (Parcels). „ (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. 14 25 2,883 507 49,571 202 194 32 4,439 4,618 17 7,333 7 1,405 9 .. .. .. .. 18,394 1 5 103 17 0 .. 18,497 18 5 .. 14 341 4,967 599 146,283 280 16,783 433 38,227 2,846 14 3,150 9 4,612 0 „ (Goods). „ (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. 2 48 .. .. 22 .. .. 7 819 6,096 19 1,779 4 7,509 8 .. .. .. .. 7,558 9 8 4,319 0 11 .. 11,877 10 7 2 890 .. 5,362 .. 553 .. 43,696 4,169 17 160 5 4 0 „ (Wharf). „ p. Office) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 369 16 6 .. 369 16 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. „ (D. Offioe). Fordell .. .. 589 327 3,251 2,743 6,910 34 2,214 4 87 1,228 50 31,108 233 3,712 7 59 586 7 133 3 88 19 941 4 10 42 7 6 218 11 3 14 18 8 2,256 9 9 14 6 2 2 0 0 3,489 18 2 1,736 2 28 235 1,231 5,450 34 .. 79 2,631 676 14! 548 17 528 7 Fordell. Turakina .. .. 314 195 3,381 2,839 6,729 40 2,831 11 316 2,521 94 26,915 103 1,369 3 55 632 Id 103 8 184 12 969 16 7 23 8 6 152 9 9 14 4 10 2,782 19 6 2 8 10 5 0 0 3,950 8 0 1,511 5 4 463 71 9,964 55 118 66 943 977 4 355 2 408 14 Turakina. Greitford .. .. 542 412 2,631 2,469 6,054 22 ; 889 .. 310 758 142 43,544 13 344 1 29 587 tj 133 4 70 7 1,106 1 8 25 16 10 181 10 9 12 3 4 2,854 1 8 7 0 11 15 0 0 4,201 15 2 2,146 1 4 55 88 8,537 21 .. 35 1,193 736 11 449 15 557 11 Greatford. Halcombe .. .. 224 417 2,779 5,825 9,245 40 1,114 6 174 292 102 33,940 472 750 3 23 390 2 79 19 .. 1,005 16 8 27 7 0 157 16 10 10 2 8 1,892 10 7 8 3 lo! 27 7 2 3,129 4 9 3,304 2 1 : 181 221 14,415 178 6 10 ! 1,768 715 13 411 10 689 4 Halcombe. Feilding .. .. 3,978 2,940 20,855 20,559 48,332 42] 6,781 23 136 5,804 491 239,238 1,951 8,898 6 1,238 3,694 13 1,633 11 61 10 10,688 16 10 126 17 4 924 19 6 176 12 7 16,826 9 0 47 2 11 211 11 10 29,002 10 0 9,078 19 65 ; 1,438 1,251 80,357 980 430 54 25,488 4,698 15 4,594 16 4,727 11 Feilding. I I [ I I



RETURN No. 12—continued. Statement of Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1915—continued.

OUTWARD. INWARD. _ A ,, Number of Tickets. m . _ _ Stations. Number Trucks Truoks Timber, Trucks Trucks Timber, Stations. szr *xst *«. ass. D * T & oattle " CftlveB " Sheep - pigs ' — -as* — cSaast »sr » «■* «- "er — Single. Return. Single. Return. &c - ' &c. — _J . I - — - - — —— _____ . __ « North Island Main North Island Main Lines Lines & Branches and Branches— Tg o. Ts. c. Ts. c. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ts. c. Ts. c. Ts. c. —continued. almerston N. (Passenger) 12,639 8,491 92,443 61,845 175,418 617 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40,469 5 6 2,195 0 1 .. 55 0 0 Cr. 17 15 0 52 7 1 841 2 3 43,594 19 11 .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Palmerston N. (Pass.) •• •• •• •• 27,613 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,121 16 3 910 17 5 Cr. 63 10 11 18 3 10 .. 3,987 6 7 21,966 .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• » (Prcls). . ., ». (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. in 160$ 11,153 1,470 76,515 1,058 3,219 29 4,383 8,623 17 6,900 3 3,776 11 .. .. .. .. 21,136 14 11 198 10 5 21 335 5 4.. 73 560* 5,778 724 58,054 599 473 965§ 50,223 12,456 5 13,509 12 13,238 7 „ (Goods). Asnnurst .. .. 284 354 5,902 6,067 12,607 33 3,504 1 7 225 28 43,051 736 2,512 24 2,131 216 10 85 15 138 4 1,440 17 3 15 19 2 350 7 4 20 12 2 2,464 3 10 8 14 4 80 5 0 4 380 19 1 1,262 1 46 1,069 32 23,869 5 .. 22 8,016 821 11 672 4 2, 234 0 Ashhurst. l-ongburn .. .. 339 810 7,490 11,650 20,289 25 2,039 6 307$ 3,964 402 67,310 2,086 4,716 43 72 5,880 15 3,941 16 2,588 13 1,549 0 0 14 18 6 276 1 9 16 0 6 10,967 9 7 Cr. 84 5 4 68 3 8 12!807 8 8 2,272 2 103 890 8 50,550 .. 185 50 3,263 1,023 11 2,983 12 3,254 2 Longburn. noxton .. .. 646 675 12,534 11,053 24,908 78 1,823 5 18 118 45 4,866 128 3 7 840 3,655 4 10,084 18 3,129 9 2,695 5 7 55 3 6 207 13 10 20 18 7 12,925 16 6 745 12 6 268 9 6 16,919 0 0 4,692 9 198$; 393 44 8,014 74 7,491 227 10,128 4,051 1 2,243 2 7,304 14 Foxton. Shannon .. .. 499 402 5,835 8,318 15,054 29 4,172 7 5 1,445 242 33,692 1,519 1,006 22 332 4,992 17 415 17 62 0 2,443 14 2 22 4 2 523 5 2 40 1 1 4,510 4 7 12 17 5 4 15 0 7 557 1 7 3,913 9 47 ' 386 58 11,724 622 .. 49 6,285 1,439 1 1,212 5 6,063 11 Shannon. •• •• x > 014 !> 166 8,627 9,428 20,235 183 6,618 10 52 2,823 463 27,919 1,662 981 116 601 1,392 2 761 1 4,119 1 4,453 19 1 78 13 4 785 0 4 68 12 6 3,731 17 8 23 3 9 20 2 9 9'l61 9 5 5,747 18 45 i 2,208 137 39,025 388 1 25 4,716 2,052 16 1,941 19 1,913 8 Levin. TO I u 1 ■ " " 947 778 7,707 6,245 15.677 91 9,683 5 8 2,926 307 29,030 368 963 34 1,316 2,341 18 523 6 177 13 3,089 2 7 112 3 5 1,596 4 5 43 16 8 3,444 19 8 30 16 6 256 15 0 8!573 18 3 8,730 20 50 770 18 12,800 177 .. 36 3,516 1,967 2 2,064 12 1,423 0 Otaki. rae kakariki •• •• 1,294 4 > 667 9 > 734 27,850 43,545 805 10,035 7 1 1,021 273 27,794 191 1,158 45§ 2,181 1,071 11 376 0 379 2 4,289 6 5 115 6 9 1,561 10 3 18 1 10 2,133 14 8 11 8 7 423 8 0 8,552 16 6l 4,297 7 151 ' 348 132 4,157 332 .. 31 3,713 1,514 2 1,256 12 4,555 14 Paekakanki. Jonnsonville .. .. 941 5,712 6,906 33,456 47,015 6,354 2,289 1 1 630 97 16,126 9 628 3 43 147 19 239 1 88 3 2,797 17 6 1,273 3 11 219 1 10 20 0 8 661 13 7 13 15 10 8 10 0 3 4 2,350 2 63 8,092 1,086 55,431 352 37 2,692 863 9 386 3 2,782 10 Johnsonville. Thorndon (Coaching) .. 20,943 30,576 73,155 138,257 262,931 6,574 49,826 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 96,192 4 2 9,184 8 2 8,893 18 7 1,972 9 10 Cr. 84 6 0 173 5 2 459 19 2 116,791 19 1 38,828 .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• Thorndon (Coach'g). Lambton (Passenger) .. 18,296 67,556 64,844 234,729 385,425 10,418 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34,035 13 2 9,899 1 4 .. 88 0 0 .. 224 9 0 335 5 0 44,582 8 6| .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Lambton (Pass). W.i'n + ( /"£' •• •• •• •• 23,682 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,449 4 6 1,972 0 6 Cr. 29 13 2 2 1 0 .. 4,393 12 10 30,220 .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• » (? arc T>' Wellington (Uoods) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 1,17s 2,057 10 2,341 .. 22,889 8 24,337 44,650 19 43,430 10 63,583 16 .. .. .. .. 126,584 2 8 1,688 8 2 933 11 6 129 206 2 4 . 22 956 3,362 96 3,086 .. 106,949 812§ 86,732 32,012 9 55,221 1 27,814 4 Wellington (Goods). (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. 20 .. 37 137 11 147 12 338 14 .. .. .. .. 43 15 2 .. .. '43 15 2 .. .. •• •• 6,541 1 361 4,492 15 1,000 6 .. „ (Wharf). p!f r ° '• 231 10,622 1,889 21,420 34,162 5,566 230 .. .. .. .. .. 2,525 8 6 737 15 8 11 15 1 14 18 4 Cr. 8 12 1 2 14 4 .. 3,283 9 10 10,042 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• .. •• •• J eAro ;.„ ,, Centra] Booking-office .. 949 1,604 812 3,121 6,486 679 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .; .. .. .. 8,759 15 9 3 786 18 10 .. .. .. 21 13 10 12 568 8 5.. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Central Book g Office. Ngahauranga .. .. 306 1,394 5,339 22,166 29,205 1,440 225 1 67 .. 101 34 57 2 .. 2,162 3 14,116 17 420 8 725 5 2 ' 235 4 4 13 11 11 4 18 1 3,821 3 3 2 4 8 " 4*802 7 5 1 41 " 37 9,297 903 522,568 40,961 246 8 124 20 16 422 5 6,773 15 Ngahauranga. fetone •• .. 1,902 20,228 19,238 108,933 150,301 26,009 1,334 1 7 77 3 939 .. 40 .. 108 2,105 14 18,816 6 96 12 7,073 1 2 4,091 15 9 109 0 6 78 8 3 5,693 11 4 46 4 9 83 0 0 17 J75 1 9 2,101 1 164 7,169 615 871,252 1,504 45 97 23,190 348 12 506 15 16,777 1 Petone. -Lower Hutt .. 4,015 19,169 18,177 75,742 117,103 22,448 23,224 2 16 45 1 467 23 100 13 303 111 10 227 9 36,452 9 6,612 5 2 4,696 11 0 1,756 18 6 134 1 0 4,937 4 0 48 5 9 40 0 10 18,225 6 3 3,152 2 912 271 17 29 2 4 109§ 9,137 766 4 316 14 3,997 3 Lower Hutt. UpperHutt .. .. 1,518 5,305 13,256 48,210 68,289 2,534 9,759 2 4 1,372 46 6,292 140 11 119 19,699 70 7 111 4 1,709 15 5,333 3 6 654 12 3 1,550 15 0 33 12 10 1,859 5 1 31 11 9 71 0 0 9 534 0 5 4,783 5 298 3,248 174 4,127 351 .. 48 1,456 2,293 6 1,443 7 3,418 10 UpperHutt. £ ai ™ k ® - •• 46 4 5 624 972 1,687 .. 2,122 .. .. 13 .. 10 5 416 176$ 2,006 5 0 29 17 .. 156 15 11 .. 68 10 9 .. 415 15 0 0 6 7 445 6 0 K086 14 3 1,224 .. 4 7 14 498 .. .. 7 98 128 13 162 15 80 2 Kaitoke. reatherston .. .. 2,058 2,052 6,391 5,626 16,127 63 4,879 2 125 2,609 285 193,660 2,283 7,286 43 39 1,919 6 506 4 12 11 3,871 9 7 34 12 6 734 1 1 72 11 ' 1 7,920 18 5 70 3 11 77 18 0 12 781 14 7 7,009 12 18 825 52 4,188 509 1 176 7,885 2,645 16 3,107 6 2,411 10 Featherston. ureytown .. .. 682 1,092 3,224 3,266 8,264 59 1,484 .111 9 136 12,277 55 400 .. 25 578 3 164 9 1 7 1,716 7 7 32 1 6 139 19 6 24 4 8 1,032 17 3 8 18 8 16 0 0 9 2 1,745 2 8 .. 13 974 6 4 548 651 14 1,018 4 847 19 Greytown. Oarterton .. .. 1,504 1,266 8,100 5,918 16,788 49 2,935 9| 296 1,309 316 128,941 866 7,428 31 202 2,209 18 11,307 13 527 12 3,531 12 1 69 11 3 277 3 4 79 8 11 19,025 5 11 8 8 4 47 2 6 23,038 12 4 3,706 6 44 1,768 78 90,323 1,363 158 14 15,307 2,208 12 2,836 4 2,510 18 Carterton. Masterton .. .. 5,923 4,232 23,375 22,252 55,782 216 5,672 9 620 2,654 514 140,450 278 12,849 78 13,433 2,085 15 1,924 16 891 18 14,038 13 11 969 3 6 799 13 9 235 5 10 13,079 19 5 212 18 11 357 2 6 29 692 17 10 9,154 17 26 1,014 52 5,886 165 403 85 23,183 6,671 13 7,286 1 10,492 11 Masterton. Maunceville .. .. 145 94 1,237 2,585 4,061 25 731 1 104 102 44 16,445 698 1,832 61 1,102 541 13 74 11 153 0 619 3 5 29 16 0 93 12 5 8 12 5 1,612 13 11 1 15 4 34 1 10 2,399 15 4 938 .. 8 38 19 809 338 .. 3 354 392 18 244 19 169 1 MauriceviUe. iwEetanuna .. .. 975 956 4,782 4,048 10,761 55 2,362 5 6 567 42 75,233 867 5,040 103 68 518 2 309 8 12 12 2,742 4 4 22 18 2 185 6 10 33 4 7 4,125 11 0 18 16 10 27 5 0 7 155 6 9 3,043 3 87 449 204 5,567 190 1 .. 2,203 1,864 2 1,623 10 825 1 Eketahuna. ttukanm .. .. 110 56 1,637 1,742 3,545 2 665 7 12 115 92 5,651 1,741 213 475 520 476 13 127 9 127 0 592 12 8 1 0 0 68 9 7 7 15 0 1,636 7 10 3 10 7 29 5 3 2'339 0 11 998 3 43 442 24 1,700 16 .. .. 388 363 4 343 5 77 0 Hukanui. Jraniatua .. .. 1,444 1,012 6,901 4,593 13,950 30 2,087 4 3 954 188 93,679 2,084 5,499 40 51 1,162 13 619 10 4 0 3,734 13 7 27 12 6 261 5 10 45 16 11 6,600 4 5 24 12 3 95 12 9 10,789 18 3 4,187 2 186 565 210 13,459 273 376 22 6,081 2,419 11 2,439 11 1,224 10 Pahiatua. Mangatainoka.. .. 195 151 1,531 1,724 3,601 .. 981 1 99 3 6,554 631 1,155 1 13 491 11 1,201 1 4 0 812 19 6 1 10 0 127 1 1 10 14 5 2,639 19 11 2 0 9 42 19 6 3 637 5 2 703 2 23 279 43 1,144 181 .. 2 1,349 575 16 640 13 350 10 Mangatainoka. Woodville .. .. 1,699 1,296 12,197 12,890 28,082 61 4,844 3 121 1,849 209 59,649 825 2,065 735$ 461 1,811 18 903 7 39 6 5,012 9 1 273 1 10 472 12 10 76 17 2 6,906 2 5 71 0 6 688 8 6 13,500 12 4 3,577 5 57§ 1,317 191 12,406 10,596 .. 12 2,426 1,384 7 1,439 13 1,709 18 Woodville. JUannevirke .. .. 3,330 2,173 19,173 12,184 36,860 496 6,133 14 61 2,357 113 133,335 1,383 8,845 465f 8,937 1,505 11 1,415 10 425 13 8,878 18 11 656 18 10 720 5 5 150 7 7 13,103 0 5 32 4 8 76 12 6 23,618 8 4 10,571 14 385 1,059 71 15,279 4 219 163 5,643 4,665 4 5,195 0 3,330 9 Dannevirke. Makotuku .. .. 159 123 1,977 3,107 5,366 95 1,754 .. 29 949 24 57,688 53 997 829 10,729 38 11 107 2 51 9 639 17 7 46 15 6 83 4 6 5 8 5 4,122 10 11 0 9 2 23 15 0 4,922 1 1 1,039 .. 16 198 27 2,700 .. .. 3 1,588 290 14 327 18 119 8 Makotuku. Ormondville .. .. 471 376 3,935 4,985 9,767 52 1,870 3 7 260 38 20,673 287 1,563 116 40 399 12 240 10 .. 1,620 14 9 41 12 0 81 15 6 18 3 10 2,067 1 8 14 17 8 32 11 0 3,876 16 5 4,391 .. 16 131 9 2,527 .. .. 8 1,428 787 0 728 16 117 8 Ormondville. Takapau .. .. 725 511 3,869 3,755 8,860 70 3,359 11 480 1,592 .. 123,671 23 3,410 716 3,591 344 15 481 3 2 10 2,053 10 11 28 7 0 238 13 0 23 2 5 8,842 2 0 23 11 7 16 9 6 11,225 16 5 4,323 19 37 1,460 136 4,018 14 .. 37 2,691 1,426 1 1,285 8 475 7 Takapau. VVaipukurau .. .. 3,364 2,251 14,854 16,342 36,811 125 2,506 4 193 5,718 132 154,300 201 7,497 6 1,171 356 2 373 7 101 2 5,999 11 1 140 6 9 269 14 0 80 16 11 7,601 14 8 32 3 0 523 13 10 14,648 0 3 8,055 5 52 765 67 6,300 64 .. 446 10,294 2,007 19 2,052 9 1,521 2 Waipukurau. vyaipawa .. .. 1,881 1,412 6,827 6,828 16,948 44 2,763 .. 239 683 6 90,437 35 5,262 5 137 605 17 373 10 1,014 0 3,529 12 10 199 14 0 261 17 0 48 7 5 4,213 8 4 16 4 3 18 14 2 8,287 18 0 4,309 5 6 136 14 1,449 26 .. 94 3,170 1,960 17 1,797 12 1,186 7 Waipawa. n™®®, •• •• 704 512 3,181 3,865 8,262 126 1,408 .. 52 1,185 68 80,412 4 5,531 2 5,947 64 13 196 18 18 4 1,294 1 0 40 4 6 87 8 10 14 16 7 3,026 3 5 4 14 2 0 10 0 4,467 18 6 3,258 8 15 61 1,176 .. .. 70 1,527 941 8 861 15 424 8 Otane. p pa •• •• I 20 89 1,360 1,866 3,435 57 1,316 .. 27 3,197 252 87,846 28 1,510 13 2,199 321 9 131 1 l.,612 8 509 8 9 29 15 6 73 9 11 4 18 9 5,274 16 0 0 10 1 26 10 0 5,919 9 0 1,357 1 6 50 2 1,370 .. .. 25 1,700 611 18 480 10 7,090 10 Opapa. Hastings .. .. 8,537 17,826 40,487 77,023 143,873 1,381 10,390 26 376 1,068 6 6,126 .. 7,536 20 1,823 6,452 7 10,281 14 948 8 21,206 5 3 1,637 9 11 2,113 13 6 369 9 4 12,569 9 5 101 3 4 1,592 10 7 39,590 1 4 10,000 11 134 6,213 17 163,929 17 1,340 1,030$ 49,225 10,151 12 6,291 14 37,078 17 Hastings, vr™ n •• ®61 2,470 3,016 11,218 17,265 372 1,017 .. 105 80 1 1,006 .. 4,131 3 13 1,088 8 13,046 1 7,874 6 1,219 6 6 108 8 0 96 8 4 14 7 11 6,224 8 5Cr.ll7 10 6 5 1 0 7,550 9 8 1,004 1 7 1,885 30 181,861 .. 469 79 5,519 379 19 361 2 1,168 9 Farndon. p„5. f. . . l°.l 76 17,085 30,750 61,636 119,647 4,098 15,684 3 35 248 .. 587 .. 33 8 950 1,064 5 3,237 3 9,407 0 28,556 17 5 3,247 15 6 1,801 5 4 472 0 10 5,885 1 4 73 7 6 285 16 8 40,322 4 7 8,323 8 242 72 .. 1,112 46 126 372 24,198 883 12 1,761 7 17,511 4 Napier. t" 1 "" , * ■ • ' • •• ,, •• •• •• •• 747 3 241$ 492 18 1,419 1 1,001 5 8,206 14,195 13 9,336 10 35,087 9 .. .. 52 6 6 0 0 6 20,208 15 10 597 16 4 56 10 0 20,915 9 2 450 2 280 353 104 85,343 196 44,326 410 22,000 1,781 2 21,890 3 1,121 16 PortAhurin. Accountant .. 2,619 15 1,149 6,744 10,527 896 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. 3,663 7 11 10,115 8 2 .. 37,827 19 0 .. 4,459 6 316,983 10 9 73,049 12 1 .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Chief Accountant. T otals .. .. 240,066 354,5621,586,667 2,501,038 4,682,333192,477 703,695 1,601 13,228$189,605 33,682 3,584,496119,062 215,10510,844§ 1,214,423 344,519 9 358,026 1 696,802 7 791,727 15 9 99,758 14 8 73,126 7 9 52,982 8 91,086,357 3 10 22,586 7 4 40,130 4 6 2,166,669 2 7 703,695 1,601 13,228$ 189,605 33,682 3,584,496 119,062 215,105 10,844$ 1,214,423 344,519 9 358,026 1 696,802 7 Totals. Whangarei Section— Whangarei Section — wif n r ! h i • "• •• 4, Z~ „ 5? 6 13,731 5,094 24,179 68 194 4 7 12 102 2 47 272 1,631 16 2,916 13 300 14 816 0 6 34 14 0 39 18 9 5 4 4 2,274 4 8 328 14 2 2 0 0 3,500 16 5 545 .. 82 24 128 .. .. 53 31,155 646 19 1,259 2 122,667 13 Onerahi. Hit f 2 2,653 34,334 16,898 62,144 502 2,708 5 2 670 103 2,882 .. .. 6 1,051 845 19 1,203 16 2,848 6 4,874 18 9 221 16 0 229 3 5 95 12 8 1,508 15 7 119 11 7 177 5 0 7,227 3 0 2,120 3 62 1,886 26 4,854 214 .. 45 8,094 338 5 1,072 13 3,077 19 Whangarei. mkurangi .. .. 510 343 5,770 5,557 12,180 224 2,220 6 116 379 238 2,846 234 .. 347 44,575 668 4 409 18123,870 0 952 10 11 121 9 0 76 19 7 4 0 6 20,792 13 2 2 14 7 25 10 0 21,975 17 9 6,691 2 5 20 2 452 28 .. 20 3,556 1,434 18 1,887 3 1,088 16 Hikurangi. •• •• 250 92 1,643 1,688 3,673 35 3,187 1 49 1,708 13 3,115 49 .. 49 94,681 39 13 402 2 2,712 15 361 5 5 17 10 0 204 2 11 2 1 7 4,727 3 5 0 5 10 1 0 0 5,313 9 2 1,542 3 7 554 326 2,089 .. .. 281 1,413 857 14 928 19 665 11 Otrna. o 0 , he •• •• ®50 287 2,627 3,019 6,483 .. 148 .. 2 182 4 1,744 .. .. .. 6,959 22 14 264 0 145 3 1,076 0 9 .. 30 1 8 9 6 8 968 14 2 3 9 11 0 10 0 2,088 3 2 642 7 383 14 2,536 20 1 1,804 730 1 1,232 9 598 6 Kaikohe. . Wa " "■ ' 334 6,889 2,255 10,713 27 3,884 2 3 43 1 486 22 .. 3 49,562 159 14 502 15 134 6 971 19 0 8 17 6 146 3 0 5 2 7 2,037 15 0 0 7 0 5 10 0 3,175 14 1 655 6 10 99 80 .. .. 50 96,935 986 14 1,563 19 261 10 Kawakawa. n?=* +r>« " " 1( 583 7,264 6,658 15.619 38 564 3 2 23 9 163j .. .. .. 812 1,769 6 2,790 9l 538 17 1,680 17 6 8 11 0 31 10 10 5 15 2 2,378 10 6 120 19 10 20 18 3 4,247 3 1 710 .. 15 1 .. 1,199 45 .. 2 54,955 142 15 545 8 2,190 6 Opua District Office .. .. .. 324 324 4 .. ■[ .. .. .. 44 6 0 275 14 5 .. 580 0 0 .. Cr. 16 7 2 820 13 11 1>04 7 2.. .. ! •• •• District Office. lotals •• •• 16,776 4,788 72,258 41,493 135,315 898| 12,905 21 181 2,967 368 11,338 307 .. 452 197,912 5,137 6 8,489 13130,550 1 10,777 18 10 688 11 11 758 0 2 707 3 6 34,687 16 6 559 15 9 1,053 7 2 49,232 13 10 12,905 2l| 181 2,9f7 368 11,338 307 .. 452 197,912 5,137 6 8,489 13 130,550 1 TotaU. —j - 1 | Kaihu Section— Kaihu Section — Dargaville .. .. 486 684 11,278 6,819 19,267 7 1,655 9 1 25 21 36 .. .. 5 2,773 663 15 838 6 520 11 1,255 14 6 49 10 0 54 12 8 11 13 7 931 7 0 150 19 11 6 15 0 2,460 12 8 6,296 4| 6 13 .. .. .. 288 45 48,879 36 12 743 1 440 4 Dargaville. icf. . „_ '• •• 10 3 118 2,712 2,160 5,153 .. 6,296 4 6 13 .. .. 288 45 48,879 36 12 743 1 440 4 432 6 6 .. 174 3 1 2 11 8 2,086 1 9 28 9 6 82 7 4 2,805 19 10 1,655 9 1 J5 21 36| .. .. 5 2,773 663 15 838 6 520 11 Kaihu. District Office .. .. .. 132 132 l[ .. [ ■■ .. .. .. 13 2 0 54 15 9 .. 170 0 0 _J Cr. 0 0 10 70 19 10 308 16 9 •_ •• | •• - •• District Office Totals •• •• 649 802 13,990 9,111 24,552 8| 7,951 j 13 7 38 21 30| .. 288 50 51,652 700 7j 1,581 7) 960 15 1,701 3 0 104 5 9 228 15 9 184 5 3 3,017 8 9 179 8 7 160 2 2 5,575 9 3 7,951 13 7 38 21 36 .. 288 50 | 51,652 700 7 1,581 7 960 15 Total*. ! 1 ' Gisborne Section— Gisborne Section — Gisborne .. .. 4,715 1,251 23,655 11,578 41,199 102 3,408 26 6 146 9 2,015 17 .. 25 3,919 2,909 1 2,281 5 2,096 3 3,526 7 4 104 0 3 195 15 9 120 0 7 3,735 0 11 539 13 10 202 10 0 8,423 8 8 4,629 20 268 268 46 128,534 446 12,036 401 35,988 712 10 581 1 13,701 0 Gisborne. leKaraka .. .. 2,772 1,484 8,629 7,500 20,385 26 4,633 18 291 289 47 115,830 450 10,634 298 20,283 751 18 407 19 13,582 5 2,618 2 0 15 12 6 167 8 9 8 3 4 6,200 19 9 3 0 4 26 0 0 9,039 6 8 2,503 16: 5 1121 9 494 23 .. 82 5,043 2,103 12 1,625 2 1,818 0 reKaraka. Matawai .. .. 855 333 2,509 1,840 5,542 .. 256 2 .. 79 .. 20,401 14 1,402 162 17,447 2 2 207 19 118 15 1,048 18 6 .. 20 9 1 7 6 7 2,665 11 5 10 0 3 1 0 0 3,753 5 10 1,165 10 24 134 ; 1 9,218 12 2 618 846 19 691 0 278 3 Matawai. District Office .. .. •• .. j 1 .. .. "■ | .. .. .. j .. 24 14 0 136 7 0 .. 480 0 0 .. 580 3 9 419 19 3 1,641 4 0 .. | .. .. •• - •• District Office. Totals .. .. 8,342 3,073 34,793 . 20,918 67,126| 129 8,297 46 297 514 56 138,246 481 12,036 485 41,649 3,663 1 2,897 3 15,797 3j 7,218 1 10 255 19 9 383 13 7 615 10 6 12,601 12 1 1,132 18 2 649 9 3j 22,857 5 2 8,297 46 297 514! 56 138,246[ 481 12,036 485 41,649 3,663 1 2,897 3 15,797 3 Totals.



RETURN No. 12—continued. Statement of Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1915 —continued.

7—D. 2.

OUTWABD. INWAED. Numbeb op Tickets. Trunks station!. . Number j , of r Trucks Timber, r, <e Trucks | Trucks Timber clafs" 2te Se class a " W Total & I *'*'■ Fir'e- SupS'j Grain. chaise. Mi — ls ' Passes. K. Parcels, & c. Goods. CommtstSfn. "SK* j£g- Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Bale-o, "IjJ Grain . Meghan- Mjnerals Single. Return. Single. Return. ' <fec. wood. Feet. &c • woo d. Feet. — | —r j— 1 J I I L ! J | I South Island Main Lines South Island Main and Branches— t= «' t= « t« . * i f « H I fad £ s d £ s d I £sd£sdi£sd£sd m m ™ Lines & Branches Lyttelton (Coaching) .. 27,254 42,730 44,200 84,612 198,796 8,499 5,159 .. j .'. ' ' 14,100 4 8 1,893 17 11 580 5 11 108 15 9 Cr. 9 19 2 52 12 l6| 7 0 0 16,732 17 11 12,297 .. ..... • S ' S ' °" S ' °" LvtteftonTcoachVl " " " " 72 65 2,143 49 20,785 818120,781 198}! 270,546 63,736 5 115,053 16194,342 8' .. .. •• 104,900 19 1 12,015 8 4 1,545 19 11 118,462 7 4 184 1,921 1,281 145 7,218 7471 39 25*703 133 878 19 68 405 10 11 769 4 Goods) „ (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,773 .. 21,266 869 16' 12.516 7 8,141 11 .. .. ■■ •• 2,217 18 .. .. 2,217 18.. .. .. I 95 479 286 39'o79 7 7'll0 6 1 'n«9 s " wi.rfl Heathoote .. .. 785 2,838 3,252 18,257 25,132 2,003 1,041 .. .. .. 5 2 .. 63 2,248 1 33 2 20 1 743 18 8 422 5 7 35 17 0 5 16 0 481 4 3j 3 16 0 83 0 0 1,775 17 11 476 .. 261 . . 1 ' 6 503 3 026 12 192 17 2 7J1 6 Heathcote Woolston .. .. 258 478 1,723 6,992 9,451 1,819 1,366 ..4 7 1.. 50 11,786 2 50 604 15; 2,713 9; 1,438 14 329 7 2 289 11 10 57 8 10 0 13 10 1,655 3 ll! 0 12 2 25 0 0 2,357 17 9 124 .. 73 15 .. (i 9 114 I 1,'200 16 5,574 J 7,'040 18 Woolston.' Opawa .. .. 468 781 1,730 4,256 7,235 2,417 348 . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 10 1 ol .. 388 16 8 352 17 0 20 4 8 0 6 11 6 12 4! 0 3 0| .. 769 0 7 200 .... 5 2 2 7 n™™ Christchurch (Passenger) 45,023 68,748 123,345 212,582 449,698 22,715 .. .. .. .. .. .. 81,046 16 2 9,010 18 6! .. .. .. 167 6 2 451 9 3 90,676 10 1 51,158 .. " ' " " " Christcimrrh fPasi 1 (Parcels) .. .. .. 121,285 j .. .. .. .. 9,841 5 2 3,505 0 8 Or. 86 0 4 10 9 8 .. 13,270 1 5 2 .! ! " " " " " " fParcoisl " !S° »" " " " " " " " 500 8 22 75 40,72 5 18 28,251 16,092 8| 43,651 8 5,270 3 .. •• •• 50,575 10 1 1,681 18 9| 1,306 6 0 53,563 14 10 96 1,607} 899 5 72 35 42,592 543 157,599 24 763 4 101,208 15 120 537 15 " (Goods) (Manager) .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 82 10 (>: .. .. .. 0 4 2 .. 82 14 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. # | " (Man^gr). Aldington .. .. 541 663 ; 4,609 4,891 10,704 1,399 3,932 27 137 4,442' 745 188,062 7,751 9,941 31 7,686 23,419 sj 2,310 4 361 121 1,306 15 1 206 18 6 468 13 3 68 6 3 12,930 14 10; 466 5 11 393 3 6 15,840 17 4 28,742 12 622 13,457 1,131 479,777 25,844 11,416 150 72,426 33,174 ll! 1 607 10 11 473 1 Addington Riccarton .. 40o 205 842 038 2,090 168 ,380 .. 5 . .. .. .. .. 12 740, 5,062 4 22 10 36 19 ! 350 18 1 19 1 3 17 15 1 13 14 11 939 1 5 0 14 5 0 10 0 1,341 15 2 461 1 56 !. .. .. .71 .. 41 8 259 5 328 9 65 6 8 198 0 Riccarton Papamu .. .. 1,443 784 4,542 2,783 9,o52 765 1,749 1 29 65 .. 144 984 4,187 12 76 9 11 0| 1,055 12 5 134 3 6 87 11 3 27 7 2 1,509 8 3 0 19 4 44 0 0 2,859 1 11 671 .. 11 120 573 10 0 107 7 5'225 12 Papanui ' ® 4 y x •• •• .. 345 42 1,600 428 2,415 15 421 .. 78 .. .... 1 642 , 5 .. 2,192 2 15 10! .. 103 10 8 8 0 6 22 8 1 2 10 1 751 18 0 0 2 5 .. 888 9 9 151 .. 3 3 1 76 11 45 13 1 18 fitvx Belfast •• •• 497 708 4,231 10.163 10,589 185 1,115 .. 130 99 9 1,364 195 15,789 19 - 182 10,470 9j 10,813 13 26 5 819 2 1 110 7 9 66 9 4 8 0 11 8,353 9 5 12 9 10! 61 12 6 9,431 11 10 566 .. 25 1,003 144 249,667 3,286 9,153 "3 6,354 4 1,474 17 7 Belfast. Kaiapoi .. 806 2, 465 7,1 Z? 2 Z' 0 ? 2 37,525 280 7,342 3 432 686 199 21,704 1,123 1,594 171 4,108 17,373 12 443 19 1,264 17 3,118 19 0 189 15 0 393 6 5 67 2 2 5,732 9 8 14 4 5; 131 5 2 9,647 1 10 3,001 5 31 44 1 2.980 365 1 479 19 5 862 2 937 10 663 0 5 936 2 TCaianoi Rangiora .. .. 1,949, 4,943 9,996 30,064 2 ;H f'J? 13 11 12 1 1>J 73 563 47,995 2,497 1,877 9 445 7,993 14 971 19 351 0 5,076 11 6 247 15 10 530 9 2 90 11 6! 4,072 0 6 48 7 5 146 0 0 10,211 15 11 8,078 5 414 561 13 17,489 73 ' 1 33} 4'385 4*017 10 2 257 14 5'll7 1 Rangiora £ ust •• 11® 1° 8 1,282 i' 55 3,310 34 1,679 .. 4o 118 lb 6,169 46 200 13 48 3,952 10 55 0 10 12 442 5 4 19 5 10 73 10 11 9 7 6 1,400 9 7 0 9 4 1 00 1,946 8 6 2,534 .. 6 55 34 3,069 129 1 216 76'' 14 345 7 082 5 Cnst" Bennetts .. .. 228 270 2,29,5 6 '?5 9 '5 1 '°2 7 " 31 50 156 6,774 10 571 7 .. 2,045 0 21 12 22 11 620 15 11 9 0 10 32 5 6 3 8 0 778 5 10 0 12 7 4 10 0 1.448 18 8 2,004 .. 30 85 3 3,936 20 4 437 3 083 16 268 0 1 815 5 Bennett's Oxford East .. .. 239 301 1,841 3,0o4 5,435 16 2,661 lj 117 286 32 34,196 285 753 13 35 624 8 137 8j 7 0 922 18 2 11 15 0 188 18 7 15 11 11 1,196 19 0 0 11 0 8 10 0 2,345 3 8 3,410 2 3 128 12 7,552 13 .. 1,867 862 18 738 10 l'o67 3 Oxford East. Oxford West .. .. 250 377 2,522 2,506 5,655 19 910 .. 59 115 7 858 66 801 136 68 914 1 65 13 0 5 725 2 7 13 5 0 41 16 9 6 9 0 786 10 3 6 16 11 14 11 3 1,594 11 9 1,559 1 1 37 2 125 181 1 264 176 14 107 6 208 15 Oxford West A '• fnl J'SK 2'EI 22 HI? t 7 1' 19 4,739 234 185 4,237 9 205 17 22 10 340 15 3 22 0 6| 100 9 8 8 11 1 1,576 13 9 0 13 10 55 3 10 2J04 7 11 3 2 40 1 588 .. " 7 30 2 543 530 it 255 12 1 286 1 So/ton Amberley .. .. o39 o7o 1,869 2,741 5,724 36 2,361 / 48 410 14 48,573 45 1,056 I 56 906 7 126 8 157 15! 862 13 7 24 4 0 156 0 9 18 17 1 1,558 12 6 6 18 0 123 5 3 2,750 11 2 4,470 6 16 219 82 9,028 25 10 2,145 782 8 572 7 1 'll6 17 Amberley Waipara .. .. 721 olo 3,132 3,053 7,421 4o 2,939 10 75 bOo 19 118,732 289 3,809 9 71 : 1,320 11 173 lj 385 13 1,706 15 0 25 18 4 229 1 4 9 10 0, 4,509 4 Oj 5 19 0 67 5 0 6,553 12 8 1,340 1 25 269 .. 3,654 12 3 167 174 6 175 3 '134 2 Waipara tna -- •• •• 173 119 801 724 1,817 •' 2,441 1 bl 2 80 9 46,156 179 1,439 .. .. ; 1,622 10 169 5 6 0 645 11 2 .. 208 4 0 7 1 3 2,788 17 5 9 6 11 18 12 6 3,677 13 3 5,678 JO 13 392 375 7,904 174 24 2,252 1,296 7 978 9 1,215 5 Mina. Parnassus .. .. 618 194 1,124 452 2,388 6 506 2 2 1,494 3 47,435 .. 1,581 .. 157 157 14 811 16 4 1 1,016 6 8 3 0 0 72 13 10 10 8 5 3,605 6 9 38 5 11; 1 0 0 4,747 1 7 1,592 111 11 788 81 3,416 2 1 8 1 079 478 7 322 19 337 4 Parnassus Waikari .. 62o 653 3,099 5,071 9,448 21 1,758 .. 4 207 5 43,594 36 1,962 .. 3 1,243 2 193 6 6 17 1,448 15 8 13 6 2 115 13 5 13 7 2 1,879 17 10 0 12 3 47 9 0 3,519 1 6 3,011 7 19 68: 2 4,182 78 .. 17 1 174 513 3 458 0 1 0 Waikari Culver? 611 " " 3 446 864 2 669 19m s'ssn 2 » I'rll 9 Q7 , E 68,204 ! 50 3,088 1 •• 2, 326 2 178 16! 6 16 575 10 11 20 2 6! 101 14 9 11 1110 3,560 1 7 1 2 7 1 10 0 4,271 14 2 2,587 5 16 151 28 5,055 10 .. 13 11005 582 11 576 14 '586 8 Hawarden. Culverden .. .. 3,446 864 2,669 1,901 8,880 9 2,642 2 37 1,345 29 99,192 132 6,398 .. 19 2,312 2 272 0 7 0 2,897 17 8 26 10 0 289 13 4 34 4 8 5,896 1 1 44 7 10 42 5 0 9,230 19 7 7,242 22 32 601 257 3,992 12 36 5,345 1 461 19 2,062 2 3 673 0 Culverden. Hornby .. .. 200 32/ 3,223 3,874 7,624 121 935 o 183 243 20 5,594 128 .. .. 63 3,373 6 730 19 9,938 0 372 16 2 86 6 4 677 14 2 8 17 6 2,220 11 10 7 9 9, 58 5 0 3,432 0 9 671 I 40 1,696 19 14,844 872 3 8J 409 551 11 2,166 15 3,663 2 Hornby. Prebbleton .. .. 96 88i 1,779 2,250 4,213 105 811 .. 764 15 .. 383 141 .. .. 1 7,774 13 30 2! .. 267 0 9: 55 0 0 29 19 11 3 0 9 2,122 7 4 0 3 0! 0 10 0 2,478 1 9 503 I 54 15! 823 108 1 63 399 15 113 5 338 7 Prebbleton W f " tfif f'mt f'rfifi I'lll i9n o'oq! I 3 fo " 39, 662 l,070j 1,282 9 39 5,222 18 123 828 3 745 8 2 24 18 6 224 17 6 18 6 1 2,527 1 1 5 1 7 81 9 0 3,627 111 1,899 5 2 135 11 6,325 674 1 15 1,442 1,087 17 338 12 3 472 7 Lincoln eK™ " " 6- 73 S77 f'ons Q7 lot OI 4 ' 119 576 159 2,287 2 24 17 1 17 322 14 3 65 5 4 117 9 5 6 5 0 722 15 1 0 6 6 5 0 0 1,239 15 7 686 .. 2 34 8 3,747 393 .. .. 327 330 14 202 19 591 8 Springston. Ellesmere .. .. 6/ 73 377 o49 1,066 13 1,908 .. 37 485 22 17,315 499 389 2 5 073 4 63 17 .. 139 6 9 18 15 0 90 11 6 2 7 9 1,629 1 7 2 11 8 26 0 0 1,908 14 3 796: .. 3 38 1,140 .. 1 1 158 278 11 91 17 226 7 Ellesmere Doyleston .. .. o2 103 824 1,744 2,723 39 1,843 2 51 465 117 5,231 l,560j 126 .. 7 2,'392 0 61 2 13 18 386 0 7 24 19 0 225 18 10 5 11 8 952 17 4 0 7 0 .. 1,595 14 5 1,498 2 : 5 88 3 4,437 684 1 l'o53 639 7 337 5 942 12 Doyleston. Leeston .. .. 328 492 2,l3 5 3,8 33 6,788 85 2,723 1 85 609 47 11,301 3,820i 227 2 2 3 397 10 147 7 0 5 1,059 16 6 55 18 2 136 14 8 17 15 4 1,549 16 1 4 14 1 54 10 0 2,879 4 10 3,344 3 2 126 10 6,725 22S .. 7 1 118 663 13 540 14 1 732 17 Leeston L?H1 R 86 " " 1678 16?" 6*7st !«'??« Hi t 5 f 511 41 30,3 65 4,486 530 80 908 7,'742 17 186 13 .. 1,500 15 2 42 0 0 282 5 2 11 13 2 3,625 11 6 0 9 10 25 0 0 5,487 14 10; 2,993 lj .. 216 10 8,086 1,920 .. .. l'oi3 901 3 555 17 l',094 19 Southbr'idge. " " 342 377 3 049 7*908 22 7OT f ' 1 63 81 ' 8 °° ' ' 310i 6981 58 245 307 10 128 1 1,380 0 3,019 3 4 33 18 10 362 17 6 18 0 10 2,389 17 9 2 6 11 160 0 0 5,986 5 2 4,911 8 77 702 409 22,395 330 .. 8J 1,507 905 16 753 8 1,93116 Little River. " "• 3 L 7 f'sfto I' 9 ? 8 f 2 , 793 i • 5 125 83; 5,912 .. 21 ! 2,948 9 15,298 1 226 5 381 11 1 13 3 6 29 18 1 4 4 10 6,478 2 6 1 3 6 25 0 0 6,933 3 0: 283 .. 28 1,003 15 452,354 85 8 .. 2,613 2,432 15 4,184 18 4 217 1 Islington (.mpleton .. .. 148 38b 1,568 4,503 6,605 14 1,086 3 250 12 17 5,074 36' 102 108 31 ! 3,579 18 47 11 6 15 396 2 9 7 0 0 40 8 7 8 18 2 1,017 10 8 0 5 9 3 8 0 1,473.13 11 405 5 7 39 5 796 .. .. .. 395 392 0 142 12 1,454 10 Templcton. Rolleston .. .. 164 430 1,443 6,320 8,357 28 952 3 110 129; 20 10,875 344 373 5i 5 2 366 7 52 9 724 16 1 21 18 4 51 2 7 14 13 9 926 11 4 2 11 4 4 5 0 1,745 18 5 888 4 7 137 3 2,896 147 .. 3 337 591 1 184 5 360 7 Rolleston i 2,57 2 4,010 32 819 3 40 186 43 23,356 477| 542 44 .. 3!223 12 178 2 0 4 521 14 2 17 8 4 43 18 9 8 4 7 1,554 13 2 2 0 5 6 10 0 2,154 9 5 2,173 8 5 56 2 12,115 228 1 654 1 193 13 454 1 722 0 Kirwee Sheffield " " 83 MO 888 982 f'nfit a'm6 i 2 5o 2 «! 7 5 0,220| 418: 1,239 4 324 12 210 13 59 6 1,419 16 8 88 15 loi 109 0 8 18 i9 7 4,104 12 5 ® 12 8 46 15 10 5,793 13 8 2,421 3 I 35 8,443 51 2 965 '579 2 560 6 735 14 Darfield. SnrStlH " " Us 2 ?6fi 4kaq lid 91 , 3 23 .237 469 1 473 35 36 1,409 4 76 16 549 1 335 7 9 65 I 8 1311211 7 0 ' i ,3 I? , 4 1 0 4 °| 36 2 6 1,951 14 0 2,065 4 4 166 52 11,452 13 .. 8 1,208 813 17 378 12 701 17 Sheffield. Springfield .. .. 34< 398 2,166 4,b4J /,o60 64 1,789 23 137 1,024 239 11,497 47 1,650! 154 56 712 7 637 2 508 18 1,319 6 6 40 0 4 169 15 3 7 4 3 2,201 18 5 438 400 3,746 8 5 2,675 11 4 63 1 3,360 76 .. 50 533 766 8 455 12 492 2 Springfield. 7 p •• •• . 551 ; 189 1,0 J 8 . 757 I'f 1 ® '• 197 40 ■ I 5 •• 384, .. 75i 28 7 6 6 109 5 4 0 829 11 4, 54 0 9 0 18 6 421 15 5 338 17 2 0 1 8 1,645 4 10 859 16 35 718 .. 469 13 .. 129 214 6 389 13 161 18 Cass. " " f J? ?'*6R 9'rftR 'ill, 9 fo, f "ia '• 783 ' • 22 1 16 19 176 17 .. 3,045 6 10 135 9 6 19 2 2 217 I 9 2 2 0 9 221 10 0 3,641 8 5 2,170 2 28 431 247 6,260: 23 8 37 151 737 1 513 10 295 2 Arthur's Pass. ■R.r h " " !r ifi '5!{! a to 2,197 4 74 4861 2 35,464 342 2,988 2 53 1,477 9 360 9 8,764 12 851 0 0 121 10 0 142 7 4 20 5 5 4,206 5 6 96 14 6 31 13 8 5,469 16 5 4,886 5 9 109 61 5,422 134 .. 40 4,437 1,461 8 1,378 3 1,593 1 Coalgate. " "• ll qIq at , ™ " 5, 37 25 15,988 102, 322, .. 2,673 5 54 7 .. 376 16 9| 9 0 0 18 9 9 o 2 2 1,048 18 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 1,460 8 0 675 .. 18 34 11 708 2 2 273 333 0 171 7 354 4 Burnham. •Selwyn .. .. 61 28 344 929 1,307 90 1,486 8£ 115 217 5,516! 333 164 48 610 17 28 19 5 9 166 5 0i 48 8 0 99 0 1 0 19 6 402 10 2 4 10 6 5 0 0 726 13 3 459 I 39 1 3,524 13 .. .. 174 349 17 108 13 380 0 Selwyn. Rak»t ndel " " ill Vnnn s'?qo ino I ,aI S 24 ' 58 39,454' 183 978 .. 30 5,022 7 251 3 21 6 1,105 18 7 84 10 0 227 18 8 17 5 i 2,640 5 3 3 9 10 41 12 6 4,120 19 7 2,101 6 5 1,358 15 11,175 86 .. 8 1,492 656 2 426 15 968 2 Dunsandel. M " " 9la 9'rbq i'in. 2k f'to f ! 31 1 2 7 ,155; 676 3,028 3 141 22,853 15 366 14 64 17 2,791 6 7 102 17 4 309 8 7 46 6 1 13,035 8 2 20 6 7 129 5 1 16,434 18 5 4,959 11 13 106 3 20,396 175 2: 10 2,789 1,683 19 1,091 9 1,908 2 Rakaia. Methven .. 248 426, 2,b83 4,91/ 8,274 35 1,825 1 27 597 21 98.153 1 242 2,432 ' 49 5,600 15 189 15 0 1 2,257 8 5 50 5 0 159 8 2 17 9 8 o,539 10 10 8 10 10 123 0 0 8,155 12 11 5,682 17 10 335 8 26,953 45 1 23J ' 4,582 2,983 0 1,493 6 3,297 17 Methven. ? in "u- v "" 9 ™ o 9!'q«7 97'ioK i! " 36 39,373 868 5,538 8 .. 6,659 3 6,225 2 19 10 476 12 2 14 6 6 131 2 0 5 13 8 10,457 3 11 2 6 3 73 15 0 11,160 19 6 1,787 .. 17 117 .. 19,972 1 I .. 998! 1,211 6 515 6 1,109 13 Chertsey. Ashburton (Coaching) .. 2,723 3,516 21,367 27,925 o5,53l 553 12,058 .. .. .. .. .. _ j I _ 12,564 1 7 471 6 4 1,152 17 8 214 1 Oi Or. 22 17 3 19 15 2 .. 14,422 1 9 21,826 .. .. .. .. .. .. _ Ashburton(Coach'g). " (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. ' •• •• .. U 137 762 51 6,092 1,001 2,897 7 3,751 18,225 18 3,483 5 1,346 0 .. •• •• 11,892 14 5 95 11 6 652 2 1 12,640 8 0.. 22 75 359 71 18,142 78 943 107 19,326 8,387 3 5,268 13 14,325 5 „ (Goods). Tinwald .. .. 236 9lj 3,453 1,285 5,065 194 1,910 6; 152 536 24 62,406, 1,447 2,798j 24 6 8,097 19 204 6 161 19 262 0 11 96 1 0 125 10 3 3 7 0 5,901 13 11 6 16 10 59 10 0 6,454 19 11 543! I 4 174 238 18,239 122 51 31 637 266 7 171 13 1,906 10 Tinwald. Mount Somers.. .. 59 85 395 1,217 1,756 33 1,269 3 167 189 9 8.982! 284 2,008' 65 25 887 8 74 6 305 7 419 15 0 20 10 0 225 18 1 2 18 9 1,655 11 0 12 8 5 0 0 2,329 15 7| 4,718| 7 10 127 18 9,161: 216 45 6J 2,221 2,141 4 953 11 1,420 14 MountSomers. Winslow .. .. 31 10/ 450 731 1,319 08 1,078 143 307 6 5,899| 1,314 686 8 16 3,303 4 38 12 12 4 118 14 6 29 0 0' 79 8 11 1 5 2 1,771 0 o 0 1 9 41 11 3 2,041 2 0 485 2 1 223 3 2,519 65 6 345 665 12 147 0 587 6 Winslow. Hinds .. .. 134 136 2,038 2,731 o,039 8/ 1,546 1 125 430 26 37,969 841 2,386i 49 3,313 8! 127 19 12 18 750 7 7 46 10 0 97 17 11 14 5 3 2,746 1 2 2 1 11 3 12 0 3,660 15 10 2,297: 9 3 124 26 4,241 .. .. 21 1,739 1,534 11 595 1 1,474 6 Hinds. Rangitata .. .. 105; 72 875 1,708 2,760 .. 1,146 22 31 6 92,033' .. 1,509| 21 180 3,012 13 85 4 57 19 482 14 9 •• 67 8 4 9 12 2 2,430 1 4 3 2 2 218 17 8 3,211 16 5 1,506 2 3 15 2 1,044 .. 9J 831 559 2 188 8 285 9 Rangitata. Orari .. .. 729 675 3,519 8,069 12,992 1,8 60 3 31 994 1 32,874 60 766: 56i 255 3,766 16 268 5 56 7 2,761 16 2 34 5 2 174 14 7 39 18 1 2,377 14 9 3 14 3 6 0 oj 5,398 3 0 4,574 2 .. 200 14 13,762 .. .. .. 2,435 1,012 1 946 5 2,076 10 Orari. Winchester .. .. 178 311 1,650 2,77 6 4,91 5 5 8 !'® 37 2: 9 110 4 4,276 71 1.410 12 3 3,290 ll 125 14' .. 625 4 8 32 3 4 103 17 2 8 18 9 1,140 13 2 0-9 11 37 10 0 1,948 17 0 1,241 4 360 95 3 1,098 .. 427 3 327 903 5 400 16 1,396 7 Winchester. w m uj a i " •• E ' inl o'f? if 4,248 0 34 2,093 79 13,273 499 737 17 235 9,688 I 296 4 87 6 4,127 4 5 30 12 0' 403 17 9 56 4 4 3,152 1 2 6 12 2 122 3 i\ 7,898 15 2 6,440 8 6 308 12! 8,566 6 1,106 13 5,635 1,666 4 900 5 4,257 14 Temuka. Washdyke .. .. 102 92; 1,785 1,452 3,431 2J 2,091 1 145 579 20 7,363 1 7,134 .. .. 7,196 19 11,714 3 35 2 208 10 11 15 7 0 186 14 3 4 10 3 6,021 3 6 I 4 10 39 10 6 6,477 1 3 499 .. 14 467 24 78,809 124 823 1 1,330 1,188 7 1,235 17 4,011 10 Washdyke. Pleasant Point .. 339 522 2,942 5,923 9,726 48 3,112 .. 32 123 .. 22,959 .. 2,215 7 129 11,089 4i 236 3 356 2 1,189 11 1 27 18 4: 149 2 3 16 15 7 3,015 18 6 15 11 1 36 2 Oj 4,450 18 10 2,616 4 5 115 2 6,168 1 32 15$ 1,472 1,298 9 425 5 1,786 0 Pleasant Point. Albury .. .. 157 217 1.699J 3,338 5,411 73 1,584 .. 5 99 2 30,960 2 1,856! .. 16 3,854 19i 145 121 110 1 942 4 5 38 6 8' 79 19 1 14 2 11 1,970 1 6 10J 0 13 4 23 5 0 3,069 8 3 3,927! 13 2J 124 4 1,798 1 .. 16J 2,597 1,644 11 788 15 1,295 17 Albury. Fairlie .. 669 632 3,803 5 ,7 1 7 10,821 38 2,440 6 2 236 2 52.749 3 6,790 8 3,318 7 178 10! 12 10 2,562 19 6 74 2 10 179 0 10 27 6 3 3,093 10 4 6 2 3 71 10 4 6,014 12 4 5,424 15 13 132 25 2,046 42 4,997 1,940 1 1,541 18 2,375 11 Fairlie. Timaru (Coaching) .. 6,817 6,350 47,621 49,749 110,537 983 24,264 .. .. .. .. .. : | .. .. _ .. 23,198 7 7 676 17 3 1,820 3 1 717 7 5 Or. 28 12 9 24 3 9 100 5 0 26,537 4 1 28,327 ; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ .. .. Timaru (Coaching). •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 33 16 314 3 4,906 32 45|247 ; i9 63,587 1b, 9,097 14 20,088 7 .. •• •• •• 23,861 9 9 3,056 11 7 1,520 0 11 28,438 2 3 .. 20 685 1,054 4 289,322 39 35,474 130 38,227 79,660 19 45,785 15 32,966 8 „ (Goods). (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. _ _ _ n8 | 34,995 5,340 6 21,304 4 24,199 8 .. •• 4,351 411 •• •• 4,351 4 11 .. .. .. .. : .. .. .. 42,192 .. 120 46,538 9 .1,683 9 6 0 (Wharf). Sr t 'i A ? C i reW S " " 264 ?'55 < ' 5' 393 9,393 123 ; 2,531 2 113 220 6 11,595 18 4,900 4 4 10 033 2 6,602 4 261 15: 1,087 19 9 62 10 0 107 10 2 14 6 6 4,604 6 11 5 8 1 70 0 0 5,952 I 5, 2,791 2 4 763 120 105,516 61 113 3 1,127 2,345 3 653 5 3,732 10 St. Andrew's.Mabkihi .. .. 84 90: 1.291 2,488 3,953 65' 2,435 2 337 60 22 9,871 .. 771 .. 6 4 971 8 97 7 141 16 604 2 10 38 19 2 96 17 5 8 2 3 2,225 1 3 1 19 1 • 73 9 4 3,048 11 4 1,453 2 .. 21 .. 1,128 .. .. 5 618 1,159 18 350 1 857 16 Mikikihi. Studholme Junction .. 477 589 3,637 2,972 7,675 36 3,130 .. 362 454 92 28,749 514 397 78 5 541 15 132 15 24 16 1,044 16 9 20 7 6 149 4 3 20 2 11 2,947 17 3 4 12 9 68 10 0 4,255 11 5 1,085 3 65 254 .. 3,984 57 .. 3 694 948 3 284 5 807 3 Studholme Junction. Waimate .. .. 1,232 1,314 9,4031 10,183 22,132 68 9,703 3 261 331 .. 78.453 458 2,335 4 245 7 626 17 704 6 28 5! 4.573 4 9 61 17 8 672 13 11 82 16 2 5,520 19 10 16 19 5 243 3 0; 11,171 14 9 8,578 12 25 347 88 2,870 34 4 49 9,565 4,006 17 2,944 8 7,290 8 Waimate. Morven .. .. 61 150 1,19 / 2,780 4,188 45 2,744 1 479 222 11 30,409 127 7041 .. 34 7'334 8 116 16 15 0 743 2 2 33 4 0 154 6 4 8 1 0 4,103 19 7 2 12 9 2 0 0 5,047 5 10 1,841 .. 53 8 4,961 1 .. 20| 672 717 10 301 5 1,100 18 Morven. Glenavy .. .. 62 140 1,505 2,926 4,633 6 7 6,708 2 46 248 4 9,92b 8 676 2 295 19 88 19! 4 3' 736 11 6 25 16 0 241 3 6 14 8 8 930 19 2 0 6 0 9 2 6; 1,958 7 4 2,234 2 4 134 9 8,138 .. .. 7 1,273 663 9 408 2 654 16 Glenavy. : ' ' I '• Pukeuri Junction .. 37 214 1,505 1,271 3,027; 42: 4,6721 1 32 295 .. 24,280 129| 5 399 9 1 6 690 4 5,949 10 1 26 0 220 15 8 22 0 0 291 2 9 5 10 6 7,082 8 11 0 6 10 45 6 0 ; 7,667 10 8 1,318) 1 9 175 3 90,815! 1 7! 6 376 472 2 658 17 3,124 14 Pukeuri Junction. Duntroon .. .. 151 107 876 2,016 3,150 165 5,770 1 34 497 .. 28,747 .. l'll2 .. 3 167 12 215 ll! 80 17 538 13 6 89 5 0 254 4 9 6 16 10 2,404 9 0 3 11 3 7 5 0 3,304 5 4 4,838 12 6 68 23 2,256; 93 .. Ill 1,559 931 13 826 0 1,122 18 Duntroon. Kurow •• •• 390 499 3,964 6,496 11,349[ 29 1,874 2 13 481 .. 24.708 .. 8,693| .. 8 1 0 183 15' 2,415 3 2 16 7 6) 186 1 91 12 8 5 3,432 3 9 6 18 6 7 17 4! 6,077 0 5 5,900 16 16 123 92 1,385 1 .. 32 2,624 980 3 1,131 0 2,031 8 Kurow. Oamaru (Passenger) .. 2,673 3,070 26,945 25,315 58,003 486 .. .. .. .. .. 14 420 4 11 442 5 11 .. 37 10 0 5 16- 7! .. 14,905 17 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... . Oamaru (Past). (Parcels) i .. .. .. .. 23,701 " " 1 " " " ' .. •• 1,637 18 5 341 7 »> Or. 47 10 0 25 13 8 .. 1,957 9 7 47,338| .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. „ (Parcels). „ (Goods) .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 1 5 512 69 6,017 ! 67| 12,007 35 21 387 18 4,254 0 1,721 12 •• •• •• , 8,932 2 6 281 8 6 480 13 9 9,694 4 9 .. 15| 111 357 .. 5,131 36 11,594 102$ 22,176 21,324 7 8,379 4 15,515 17 „ (Goods). Breakwater .. .. .. .. .. .. ; .. .. .. .. 1 .. # .. 194 6 15,317 2!o57 0 3,143 3 8,880 10 •• • •• 1,990 19 1 1,164 2 6 .. 3,155 1 7.. .. 259 .. .. .. .. 10,726 .. .. 20,613 19 3,052 4 4,589 7 Breakwater. Waiareka Junotion .. 118 20 8ba, 32/ 1,330, 52 5,147 6 510 403 24] 20,705 216 2,606! 53 429 7|473 4: 380 3 1,991 7 81 13 11 25 3 0 312 3 3 2 8 0 4,795 17 3 18 0 5 4 19 li 5,240 5 4 3051 .. 2f 222 22 12,066 9 3 329 98 0 43 19 2,234 12 Waiareka Junction. Ngapara .. .. 126 267 3,518; 4,926 8,837; 73 1,024 2 4 132 li! 5.709 9 390 2 4 271 7 74 3 332 19 911 19 11 42 7 0 67 13 6 3 12 2 1,862 0 3 0 3 1 3 0 0 2,890 15 11 7,283 ]8i 9J 97 20 11,043| 35 2 301 2,486 5,026 1 1,025 2 2,881 9 Ngapara. Ma<heno •• •• 209 2,013 2,755 5,140 180 3,059 4 46jj 2,994 14,652 189 I 561 62 22 t> 4 815 15 °42 11 1,015 13 682 8 5 97 7 6 330 6 0 10 10 0 3,834 16 0 4 15 9 14 19 4,975 2 8 2,95<) 3 4| 51 .. 3,131 44 13 1,584 2,296 8 483 4 1,505 17 Maheno. Herbert .. .. 32 84 865 2,863 3,844! 58 2,918 .. 3 206 I 3,668 13 '253 3 .. ~ '573 13 150 01 83 7 571 2 8 31 1 6 176 19 0 5 0 11 529 9 4 0 2 3 .. 1,313 15 8 ; 1,438 1 3 29, 10 1,206 .. .. 5 494 565 12 239 5 601 5 Herbert. Hampden .. .. 156| 200 1,832 2,653 4,841 64; 3,605 8 11 601 22 12,523 33 48') 45 0 1 375 iq! 399 M 1,403 12 913 14 0 32 4 4 223 3 2 12 16 3 1,979 7 0 9 7 7 52 1 5. 3,222 13 9 3,211 3 20 86 3 4,105 2 .. 9 849 1,706 3 421 19 916 14 Hampden. Palmerston .. .. 834 1,052 12,054 12,366 26,306; 155 5,461 5 79 576 14 25.696 18 1,172 3 122 679 5 406 is| 1,405 18 3,553 17 6 82 18 6 382 15 0 35 4 7 1,890 4 4 20 5 11 55 10 0 6,020 15 10 6,367 6 19 166 6 5,446j .. 23 34§ 2,362 1,270 10 938 14 2,546 17 Palmer.ston. Makareao .. .. j .. .. .. ... .. 1,644 .. .... . 1 12 11 1 1 •• •• •• 2,039 14 9 .. 2,093 14 9 .. .. .. ' 2 4 7 42 12 22 6 3,137 6 Makareao. Dunback .. .. 51 16 542 526j 1,135 9 476 .. 42 202 3 8 878 1 578 " 16 351 4 77 18' 13 15 152 15 8 9 16 8 56 16 11 13 9 822 17 11 6 5 11 6 0 0 1,055 16 10 1,058 .. .. 78 .. 120! .. .. 14 666 400 13 347 10 945 19 Dunback. Waikouaiti .. .. | 192 318 2,035; 3,444! 5,989| 117 3,300 4 16 854 104 14 372 85 * 884 131 79 594 19 333 17 42 1 918 8 9 108 2 6 215 4 4 12 15 7 1.209 4 3 6 6 1 18 10 4 2,488 11 10 3.307 2 8 146 25 2,392 19 .. 16 1,799 733 12 607 17 3,058 4 Waikouaiti. Seacliff .. .. 225 329 2,416 3,693 6,663 163 1,919 .. 12 209 .. 927! 274 303: 26 73 219 2 >94 4 16 1 756 3 6 356 5 0 169 13 I 3 4 8 417 18 5 16 17 10 3 10 0; 1,723 12 6 3,214 2 41 117 3 709 14) .. 7 3,522 1,126 6 594 4 4,032 18 Seacliff. Waitati .. .. ] 351 562 3,111 9,730 13,754 151 2,294 .. 1 266 57 972 .. 143) 74 1,632 192 15 157 61 .. 1.036 15 8 76 5 6 130 18 7 6 4 1 371 9 3 14 0 11 4 10 0 1,640 4 0 1,798 1 33 236 48 1,573 34 4 .. 1,571 763 5 351 7 974 7 Waitati. Port Chalmers, Upper .. 494! 2,391 2,298 8,809 13,992 76, 1,147 .. .. 2071 30 703| 34 211 2 2 0 14 70 14 1 . 1,454 19 7| 26 12 6 88 13 5 3 10 4 98 18 1(1 0 3 6 0 10 01 1,673 8 2 120| .. .. 2 12 .. .. .. .. 32 2 14 5 9 .. Port Chalmers,Upper. Sawyer'sBay .. .. 566 2,178 5,341 11,392 19,477 1,650 743 .. .. 91 31 236 51 6 48 105 15 ">96 12' 4 854 9 801 8 11 336 2 2 41 12 11 2 5 7 1.673 8 11 0 13 0 2,855 11 6 715 32 67 16 63 66 1 .. .. 858 424 17 1,593 14 2,930 9 Sawyer'sBay. Port Chalmers (Coaching) 2,942 18,093 11,826: 42,897 75,758 6,096 2,651 " I 3 826 10 6 1,594 19 7 150 14 0 19 7 0 Cr. 0 12 3 0 16 6 1 0 11 5,592 15 4 3,858 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. P.Chalmerb(Coach'g). (Goods .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 28 1 .. "33 '217 "3 i'529 698 5 27 382 11 7 098 3 •• •• •• 8,734 7 8 518 7 2 85 16 (1 7,338 10 10 .. .. 318 151 .. 38 124 48,341 7 11,534 5,414 2 31,068 0 8,106 4 „ (Goods). Burke's .. .. 364 2,955 1,116 6,302 10,737 1,213 110 .. .. .. .. .. .! 2 16 2 18| .. 318 19 11 378 10 0 5 1 10 1 4 8 2 15 5 .. .. 706 11 10 177 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 7 4 22 17 65 17 Burke's. Ravensboume .. .. 906 7,705 2,571 28,406 39,588 4,635 192 0 7 9! 937 19 1 1,042 18 2, 10 13 3 4 16 7 11 9 0 1 2 10 .. 2,008 18 11 384| .. 16 1 .. .. .. .. .. 301 136 11 22 13 1,740 15 Ravensbourne. Pelichet Bay .. .. 432 2,763 2,310 12,616 18,121 4,114 263 .. 8 .. .. " " 3 " '28 ~242 251 3 70 13 18 509 0 750 1 1 447 16 0 14 9 11 8 11 11 2,317 9 9 21 7 10 .. 3,559 16 6 169, .. 72f .. .. .. 14 .. 38 230 6,967 17 113 3 19,274 9 PeUchet Bay. Dunedin (Passenger) .. 20,162 81,191 80,333 214,683 396,369 11,176 ' ' 80 551 12 3 8.661 15 5 42 0 0 33 0 1 531 8 11 89,819 16 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Dunedin (Pass). „ (Parcel*) .. .. .. .. .. 112,029 .. .. .. " " " " 9,254 14 6 2,881 6 9 Or. 76 14 5 235 16 8 12,295 3 6 62,681 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. „ (Parcels). (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. 180 960Jj 1,067 3 95 "45 45,976 36J 23,622 30,005 10 42.912 6' 13,454 16 •• •• •• 83,442 13 0 1,047 13 3 875 5 0 85,365 11 3 .. 35 6,019 2,341 1 1,439 41 47,922 244 63,811 41,006 2 23,676 11 110,535 4 „ (Goods). Caversham .. .. 497 1,420 4,184 9,591 15,692 2,151 3,873 I I 44 21 5 477 15 154 9 1 661 8 0 276 5 2 248 6 10 16 9 1 784 1 4 1 19 1 9 0 0 2,997 9 6 1,355 .. 12 .. .. .. .. .. 26 238 498 5 202 4 5,640 8 Caver^ham. Burnside .. 486 2,080 3,364 10,133 16,063 1,795 124 .. 3 3.345 162: 2'' 097 542 428 77 8 789 4 9 955 4 11 814 9 466 4 6 289 12 2 15 5 8 I 17 11 13.131 3 10 38 19 1 3 0 <> 13.946 3 2 284 llli 12,103 497 356,452 3,085 1,341 7i 2,691 1,010 13 1,945 4 25,142 16 Burns-ide. Green Island .. .. 1,126 7,887 4,497 28,070 41,580! 3,046 471 11 | ' 505 "l '10 '501 1"> ' 93 15 39'009 13 1 326 7 3 803 18 0 23 18 11 7 7 11 4,607 3 9 8 17 0 82 8 0 6.860 0 10 645 643 I 142 47} 984 2,237 16 236 3 4,753 7 Green Island. Abbotsford .. .. 427' 3,366 3,571 23,998 31,362: 3,883; 243: .. ' 1 "*62 ' 219 17 3 9 7*621 13 1*263 2 8 654 8 10 14 14 8 6 9 5. 2.669 19 4 2 10 6 4,611 5 0 369 .. 8} ., .. I .. .. 22} 167 97 3 50 5 507 13 Abbot,ford. Wingatui .. .. 547 2,104 2,325! 8,455 13,431 759 916 8 84 247 II 8.988 103 1.641 3 "lOl 424 5 291 8 199 17 '886 3 1 187 9 0' 90 1 11 11 2 5] 1,628 1 4 1 7 0 11 3 4 2,815 8 1 2,011 2 5 227 .. 3,142 .. 3 757 191 5 106 8 859 13 Wingatui. Middlemarch .. 293 338 1,180 1,108 2,919 63 4,941 21 270 2,163 50 24 735 174 1 311 4 113 722 6 638 15 9 3 735 2 5 33 15 0 273 2 9 8 12 0 2,913 14 4 11 17 5 23 5 u 3,999 8 11 4,494 21 44 1,221' 36 3,190 2 38| 1,541 872 2 1,052 11 1,671 5 Middlemarch. Hyde 60 21 438 437 956 20 1,919 6 204 354 "1 29*176 a'o93 7 694 18 590 1 176 9 7 10 0 0 153 4 9 1 16 6 2,983 12 10 4 13 4 3 0 0 3,332 17 0 2,021 4 4 72 11 3,290 4} 412 235 14 207 13 533 14 Hyde. Ranfurly .. 313 256 1,493 1,171 3,233 .. 2,668 5 124 409 2 32*784 1*479 699 1 013 12 398 7 24 5 1 118 12 11 198 8 7 13 10 0 3,137 15 1 13 6 2 10 15 0 4,492 7 9 5,783: 24J .. 224 21 2,971 6 .. 28} 2,244 1,048 0 1,224 14 2,671 5 Ranfurly. Girarehua .. .. 78 50 456 378 962 10 1.209 3 285 415 70 32 764 •''54'' 1 0 9Q4 7 5'4 1 9 2 0 335 8 2 5 0 0 99 6 10 4 10 2 3,786 6 4 6 13 7 4.237 5 1 1,959 5 36 2 4,074 2 7f 409 325 19 427 12 89 5 Oturehua. Omakau . .. .. 135 13tt 1,564, 1,474 3.303 in 992 2 105 t78 1U987 M96 35 710 0 409 15 3 1.055 9 7 19 0 0 97 14 4 8 18 7 1,970 16 2 19 9 2 1 O 11 3,172 7 10 3.392 20 14 97 17 2,164 .. 355 12 1,790 1.812 12 996 14 1,820 5 Omakau.



RETURN No. 12 —continued. Statement of Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1915—continued.

OUTWARD. INWARD. Number of Tickets. _ , I Tmpkn Stations. Number ituoks „ , Trucks Timber, t,noons* a f Trucks Timber, Stations. First- First- Second- Second- Season Pl &™ lB ' I,'' 1 ""' Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. of F ° r f fi . Superficial Qraln ' Minerals. p2ss™ge?s. Kck™ Parcels, &c. au.t Goods. Miscellaneous. C o mmiaBion . forwarded. &C. 1 ' D &c. B ' Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. B f 0 ! o| of F f r 'e- "upelflcia"' Grain. Minerals. class class class class Total. Tickets. C^ fl ' W ° o1, wood. Feet. • Miscellaneous. onaff, wood Feet Single. Keturn. Single. Return. ] South Island Main South Island Main Lines Lines & Branches & Branches—continued. Ts. c. Ts. c. Ts. c. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d £ s. d. £ s. d. Ts. c. Ts. c. Ts. c. —continued. Alexandra .. .. 345 245 1,316 1,115 3,021 7 2,363 2 2 15 .. 458 .. 391 4 79 248 10 262 4 17 0 1,083 8 9 31 11 6 147 0 9 11 6 10 750 18 4 4 1 10 3 10 0 2,031 18 0 2,026 10 82 42 2 1,725 16 .. 7 1,083 402 13 771 4 889 16 Alexandra. Clyde .. .. 739 367 2,751 2,377 6,234 66 3,097 3 3 517 1 7,257 .. 4,973 .. 20 2,382 17 459 5 2,912 18 11 61 10 0 236 18 7 15 18 6 4,216 1 0 29 19 3 22 8 0 7,495 14 3 2,717 27 53 238 .. 2,926 .. .. 23 4,142 845 16 2,423 2 2,413 17 Clyde. Mosgiel .. .. 1,433 6,298 10,269 41,440 59,440 4,054 3,959 24 401 414 45 6,405 163 298 56f 35 2,708 3 588 9 14,098 0 4,781 8 9 919 4 3 797 7 !; 85 15 9 2,766 1 5 48 4 6 4 10 0 9,402 12 5 4,238 3 24 977 .. 3,823 1 52 1 2,774 1,871 4 1,000 2 625 14 M sgiel. Outram .. .. 458 448 4,390 4,335 9,631 124 1,893 5 13 101 5 3,844 100 1,205 .. .. 750 13 139 13 17 14 831 2 3 93 3 9 217 15 8 10 0 0 454 7 9 5 2 4 1 0 0 1,612 11 9 2,643 1 76$ 182 5 1,443 40 1,888 20 2,731 1,596 6 1,025 4 4,882 1 Outram. Allanton .. .. 100 520 1,147 6,647 8,414 27 1,431 5 85$ 529 194 8,168 158 239 2$ 1,733 4 65 12 46 0 687 6 1 17 0 0 109 19 i\ 8 16 0 795 14 7 2 11 11 .. 1,621 7 11 884 2 33 700 2 6,042 3 1 26 438 529 0 142 17 2,160 8 Allauton. Henley .. .. 104 179 1,352 2,978 4,613 19! 1,595 ! 28 395 46 4,030 212 416 2 327 4 180 19 4 2 413 18 8 10 13 4 136 13 8 7 10 9 382 10 11 3 7 6 .. 954 14 10 2,356 10 33$ 1,117 8 2,724 46 .. 2 770 865 1 389 8 2,108 19 Henley. Waihola .. .. 115 110 903 1,256 2,384 19 1,179 .. 29 225 .. 1,309 I 265 3 .. 83 16 200 0 6,412 1 266 7 9 8 6 10 52 19 0 3 2 8 1,347 15 8 1 4 0 0 10 0 1,680 6 8 1,405 3 1 160 .. 1,405 .. .. 241 199 314 16 156 4 561 11 Waihola. Milburn .. .. 20 70 839 1,206 2,135 14 422 1.161$ 139 1 8,399 5 244 .. .. 259 18 77 6 875 15 248 19 2 8 7 9 35 8 (I 1 2 19 1 1,917 17 6 40 5 10 .. 2,253 18 1 889 4 4 51 25 1,821 14 .. 28 264 502 1 321 7 10,887 2 Milburn. Milton (Coaching) .. 682 1,251 6,175 12,729 20,837 131 4,961 .. .. .. •• •• 4,426 1 1 137 9 5 322 0 10 64 7 9 Cr. 3 16 10 3 18 10 .. 4,950 1 1 6,817 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Milton (Coaching). „ (Goods) .. .. 7 287$ 516 16 30,624 16 1,297 6 2,815 2,075 3j 786 16 16,471 6 .. .. .. .. 7,399 18 2 204 10 0 132 15 0 7,737 3 2.. 7 19 258 7 9,344 47 1,828 54 3,043 2,223 12 1,544 8 6,596 17 „ (Goods). Waitahuna .. .. 88 135 1,050 2,350 3,623 43 1,104 3 52 95 .. 8,445 .. 719 41 351 10 146 5 112 12 649 12 1 24 5 6 60 5 3 4 18 10 703 8 5 13 17 1 10 15 01 1,467 2 2 2,434 6 14 161 68 6,938 4 .. 22 1,028 1,083 16 465 18 3,116 5 Waitahuna. Lawrence (Coaching) 637 888 4,825' 6,336 12,686 25 3,234 .. .. .. .. 2,899 16 9 77 2 0 246 3 9 23 7 4 Cr, 4 10 10 1 1 11 9 0 0 3,252 0 11 4,630 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Lawrence (Coaching). (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 54 268 .. 19,423 46 1,715 1$ 170 317 19 1,528 4 106 4 .. 3,842 19 11 60 7 7 .. 3,903 7 6.. 7 17 310 2 3,267 36 .. 40$ 2,992 1,825 5 1,907 5 3,382 14 „ (Goods). Beaumont .. .. 124 32 588 304 1,048 .. 556 1 9 56 2,388 10 1,929 .. .. 969 2 99 8 105 5 296 9 6 .. 29 15 11 3 9 0 1,601 19 4 3 8 8 .. 1,935 2 5 723 4 17 2 85 .. 4 948 210 7 403 17 278 5 Beaumont. Lovell's Flat ... .. 29 125 751 1,284 2,189 50 1,062 1 91 87 1 7,956 66 501 62 84 625 16 79 0 30,370 4 318 3 4 25 10 0 52 18 6 1 9 2 7,945 13 0 293 17 6 .. .8,637 11 6 1,244 2 12 36 .. 1,042 .. .. 29$ 1,287 747 9 240 1 937 8 Lovell's Flat. ■ Stirling .. .. 153 427 4,511 7,090 12,181 100 1,897 62 1,131 73 8,972 223 305 2 57 915 17 293 17133,417 11 2,400 18 2 71 11 5 138 4 11; 10 19 10 43,476 17 1 1,187 14 1 8 0 0 47,294 5 6 4,892 7 85 1,928 7 4,331 195 .. 379 4,155 1,608 18 1,096 5 2,996 12 Stirling. Balclutha (Coaching) .. 902 1,626 15,430 16,280 34,238 142 9,616 .. .. .. .. •• 6,754 2 7 128 14 10 687 14 2 111 5 9 Cr. 14 18 2 3 13 10 7,670 13 0 8,169 .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Balclutha (Coaching). (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 251 1,556 59 34,124 64 3,782 558 3,681 2,503 18 4,319 5 10,194 1 .. .. .. 9,700 13 5 667 6 9 100 10 0 10,468 10 2 .. 17 75 2,324 60 48,716 72 42 105$ 8,912 3,016 13 2,577 17 5,537 0 ,. (Goods). Owaka .. .. 117 132 3,080 2,866 6,195 16 2,802 9 8 722 36 10,043 6 363 642$ 28,797 615 1 829 0 320 3 1,137 1 9 11 8 4 256 9 0 8 6 6 6,352 9 3 17 3 3 7 0 0 7,789 18 1 6,184 51 138 868 102 36,472 13 8 7 1,713 2,518 10 1,959 15 19,613 9 Owaka. Maclennan .. .. 6 171 99 333 609 93 .. .. .. .. 647 42 7$ 489 13 6 45 14 123 0 4 4 5 11 .. 205 12 5 2 5 3 .. 335 3 11 318 2 2 104 1 440 1 .. 317 54 5 60 2 152 1 Maclennan. Waiwera .. .. 123 85 923 1,623 2,754 30 1,262 .. 257 96 13 17,291 3 852 3 44 432 3 117 12 .. 519 0 7 20 16 8 68 6 7 4 0 4 1,315 6 6 0 10 5 .. 1,928 1 1 2,648 4 1 26 1,708 39 .. 18 1,450 1,653 0 325 9 2,467 13 Waiwera. Clinton .. .. 349 577 7,445 11,296 19,667 45 1,306 1 131$ 319 253 20,283 15 1,393 1$ 14 279 15 182 9 2,972 19 5 64 5 10 141 8 1 16 5 10 1,583 1 1 12 12 7 369 7 10 5,160 0 8 3,232 5 5 73 1 4,922 .. .. 24$ 1,093 806 6 412 3 1,694 4 Clinton. Waipahi .. .. 153 207 1,290 2,565 4,215 16' 1,437 2 86 126 1 14,914 1,159 1 18 814 4 151 6 990 1 760 14 3 7 1 6 8 84 1 10 6 17 2 1,558 12 1 1 11 0 79 14 2 2,499 7 2 1,943 .. 2 35 2 2,060 .. .. 11$ 450 834 13 200 7 1,975 12 Waipahi. Tapanui .. .. 217 228 1,452 1,423 3,320 .. 920 .. 15 221 4 10,936 .. 293 8 1 448 5 144 19 881 0 843 7 8 .. 95 8 6 6 2 11 1,039 13 9 2 11 7 2 0 0' 1,989 4 5 2,790 4 1 38 1 1,623 - 33 .. 11 1,579 1,090 5 517 19 1.656 3 Tapanui. Kelso .. .. 121 151 1,140 1,321 2,733 2 644 3 93 .. 16,915 .. 991 9 404 726 16 140 17 22 1 573 13 5 2 0 0 43 1 4 5 13 5 1,466 6 7 3 2 11 46 2 6 2,140 0 2 1,585 3 3 49 3 408 .. 14 711 810 8 240 3 977 13 Kel o. Heriot .. .. 224 138 2,776 3,107 6,245 18.' 2,812 2 43 263 22 39,234 103 3,053 7 103 3,141 14; 303 4 4 0 1,384 15 3 11 10 0 172 17 9 9 12 8 4,581 11 3 4 19 5 69 0 0 6,234 6 4 2,382 5 2 87 117 1,493 7 1 45$ 4,635 1,247 13 923 13 2,498 5 Heriot. Pukerau .. .. 34 106 1,106 3,434 4,680 73 1,010 3 148 1,020 2 10,290 .. 2,017 10 6 2,410 19. 235 19 664 9 623 1 10 41 4 11 75 2 4 3 17 7 2,123 9 7 1 17 1 50 19 0 2,919 12 4 3,301 10 11 105 2 1,006 8 .. 47$ 2,720 2,429 13 6-7 17 2,687 8 Pukerau. Gore (Coaching) .. 1,600 2,820 21,248 27,947 53,615 632 13,621 .. .. .. •• 11,059 6 9 608 19 5 989 19 6 217 2 6 Cr. 25 4 11 8 16 6 Cr. 3 8 0 12,855 11 9 15,616 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Gore (Coaching). „ (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 118 1,276 23 30,583 110 6,305 16 1,079 11,326 1 2,254 2 3,407 19 .. .. .. .. 9,744 16 1 56 3 10 872 19 2 10,673 19 1 24 238 676 12 4,292 65 2,772 127 9,106 11,683 14 3,636 3 4,813 18 „ (Goods). Riversdale .. .. 218 318 2,329 4,227 7,092 43 4,482 2 109 376 .. 25,003 8 1,826 3$ 96 5,555 18 344 17 8 3 1,224 5 0 30 1 1 261 4 8 10 5 4 3,441 18 1 10 13 2 90 2 6 5,068 9 10 3,488 4 9 99 3 2,538 9 53$ 1,506 1,676 15 771 10 2,467 2 River dale. Switzers .. .. 89 97 1,571 2,404 4,161 56 512 .. 5 89 ll 7,828 .. 1,230 6 252 292 6 141 0 10 2 938 9 4 30 18 4 42 6 10 6 4 10 917 8 7 2 3 0 1,937 10 11 3,169 7 10 99 .. 890 18 .. 15$ 1,334 1,235 5 524 ( 892 1 Switzers. Balfour .. .. 83 130 1,303 2,275 3,791 78 969 2 56 225 9 18,074 1,381 8 2,483 17 175 3 25 0 824 3 3 41 1 0 59 0 11 7 0 4 2,264 5 6 3 17 6 29 10 0! 3,228 18 6 2,308 6 17 86 4 3,482 .. . _ 38$ 1,868 1,368 18 449 3 4,048 15 Balfour. Mataura .. .. 264 455 4,861 12,971 18,551 349 1,685 4 172 468 18 3,687 29 1,412 .. 48 2,394 6 5,355 3 9,395 14 2,770 11 8 229 8 11 112 5 10 31 7 0 7,584 16 11 11 7 4 84 14 0 10,824 11 8 6,086 10 17 945 5 57,125 28 .. 52$ 5,968 2,632 8 2,174 6 2,014 17 Mitaura. Edendale .. .. 436 681 4,451 8,269 13,837 262 979 1 71 1,198 22 7,955 85 443 71 5,488 2,604 4 286 16 13 6 2,424 17 6 129 18 6 136 19 2 25 5 6 2,352 7 9 1 5 14 1 46 11 3 5,121 13 9 5,620 13 11 493: 43 ! 2,590 .. .. 42$ 3,764 2,278 2 907 2 7,246 0 Edendale. Wyndham .. .. 390 858 4,199 6,976 12,423 177 1,454 5 35 1,145 2 5,126 43 1,209 9 6,214 1,762 19 584 19 334 9 1,980 16 8 114 17 2 126 10 7 23 7 5 2,386 7 11 3 15 1 28 12 6 4,664 7 4 6,529 16 24 291 .. 1,574 .. 1 41 2,777 2,086 12 982 14 3,529 0 Wyndham. Woodlands .. .. 176 383 2,739 6,080 9,378 109 1,009 1 235$ 897 14 13,005 605 120$ 1,394 1,655 16 802 5 33 12 1,312 3 1 67 5 10 105 18 2 16 15 10 1,826 3 8 6 10 8 11 0 0 3,345 17 3 2,851 3 37$ 124 3 3,963 1 56 24$ 2,822 2,229 6 1,225 12 9,270 8 Woodlands. Invercargill (Passenger).. 7,580 16,985 74,643 129,853 229,061 3,138; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37,543 9 10 3,363 12 0 .. j .. .. 30 14 9 .. 40,937 16 7 .. .. | .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Invcrcargill (Pass.). (Parcels) .. .. .. .. 65 479 .. .. .. .. •• 4,335 4 0 ! 873 12 1 Gr. 57 0 1 147 0 3 .. 5,298 16 3 25,944 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. „ (Parcels). (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. 124 156$ 3,077 374 22,049 108 24,072 376$ 25,352 27,568 16 19,837 18 5,617 14 .. .. 34,086 5 4 684 16 0 1,554 6 9 36,325 8 1.. 53 1,264$ 2,832 175 19,778 108 18,731 370$ 58,068 27,754 2 21,728 9 63,492 9 „ (Goods). Waimahaka .. .. 244 630 7,122 11,585 19,581 38; 1,220 7 • 98 1,782 42 13,841 18 1,050 181 25,300 522 1 232 10 2,045 17 2,501 16 2 19 14 0 110 0 9 5 8 2 4,959 11 5 20 19 6 48 5 6 7,665 15 6 7,590 39 82$ 736 229 2,174 15 62 4,718 2,843 13 1,099 12 10,833 17 Waimahaka. Bluff (Coaching) .. 965 5,598 6,596 21,703 34,862 759 8,274 .. .. .. .. .. 3,170 10 0 363 3 11 579 11 6 20 4 3 Cr. 4 16 10 4 3 8 .. 4,132 16 6 6,600 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. BluS (Coaching). „ (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 22 21 1 33 31,354 9 13,576 34,717 3 22,090 17 26,356 8 .. .. .. .. 22,896 4 1 1,915 11 11 908 2 6 25,719 18 6 8 293$ 3,399] 85 124,690 5 32,902 32$ 13,928 30,983 0 19,189 0 13,288 7 „ (Good.-). „ (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 405 6,580 4 1,753 13 2,435 13 .. .. .. .. 716 7 8.. .. 716 7 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31,233 .. 171 12,220 0 3,978 13 1,993 3 „ (Whart). Mikarewa .. .. 71 164 1,706 936 2,877 622 1,714 4 124$ 1,185 118 15,685 3 2,507 30$ 22,203 2,865 6 5,462 17 23,195 10 170 5 5 120 0 0 96 7 2 4 4 9 10,129 9 6 4 18 4 58 1 0 10,583 6 2 2,054 3 61 2,657 30 73,314 8 49 11 2,868 1,062 0 1,102 18 6,349 17 Makarewa. Thornbury .. .. 201 248 2,601 5,942 8,992 102 961 3 88 382 46 9,049 .. 252 6 252 605 1 178 5 1,200 0 938 14 2 54 17 10 75 16 11 6 17 5 717 8 9 4 3 7 0 10 0 1,798 8 8 3,005 5 33$ 94 15 3,193 1 12 1,749 1,756 11 448 3 1,366 10 Tnornbury. Riverton .. .. 577 1,129 5,552 5,662 12,920 299 3,813 5 31$ 223 20 3,215 6 201 280$ 64,347 806 10 1,106 16 196 18 2,084 18 7 170 1 0 397 8 6 34 11 2 10,564 8 4 3 18 3 90 15 0 13,346 0 10 4,550 6 86$ 151 41 524 16 .. 102$ 3,437 948 19 681 3 2,424 4 Riverton. Orepuki .. .. .276 446 5,625 5,814 12,161 237 2,110 2 40 1,443 143 6,304 .. 128 195$ 34,206 1,164 15 316 4 65 11 1,547 7 2 129 1 10 99 14 8 9 16 3 6,911 2 3 16 4 0 57 10 8 8,770 16 10 5,019 15 88$ 168 33 1,343 1 .. 36 496 807 11 961 1 2,060 7 Orepuki. Tuatapere .. .. 245 465 5,036 6,821 12,567 4 690 17$ 482 3 7,361 .. 729 209 40,318 553 4 373 0 13 4 2,254 5 9 2 10 0 66 18 4 13 3 11 8,372 18 10 Cr. 15 12 4 42 3 0 10,736 7 6 3,180 20 50$ 520 102 1,715 .. .. 36 1,071 1,123 3 754 12 694 7 Tuatapere. Fairfax .. .. 43 29 948 1,899 2,919 66! 333 3 17 90 .. | 15,954 9 478 9 9,632 1,018 5 137 10 2,342 7 373 7 11 36 7 6 44 9 4j 4 18 7 2,320 11 0 3 5 10 13 11 0 2,796 11 2 1,001 4 10 58 9 667 .. .. 5 176 740 13 192 3 1,519 0 Fairfax. Otautau .. .. 474 668 3,121 5,906 10,169 197 2,076 6 27$ 524 32 31,998 32 2,018 52 9,227 2,415 18 557 1 24,730 19 1,831 3 3 103 15 9 181 3 1 15 1 10 9,498 4 5 278 1 10 49 12 6j 11,957 2 8 4,312 5 7 112 49 2,734 .. .. 18 1,360 1,583 15 1,162 6 2,652 9 Otautau. Nightcaps .. .. 265 685 2)897 7,426 11,273 154 640 4 23 .. 1,646 8 1,385 .. 53 847 17 222 8 46,991 16 2,216 2 10 90 13 0 73 4 1 4 18 9 15,260 19 5 26 11 8 17,672 9 5,142 5 24$ 79 .. 418 65 .. 120 4,424 1,733 4 1,080 13 5,624 17 Nightcaps. Winton .. .. 789 940 7,549 13,038 22,316 205 3,593 8 820$ 506 6 25,809 10 1,906 39 2,703 2,165 19 639 10 427 7 3,023 16 3 149 8 5 321 16 10 34 8 3 3,570 1 3 30 19 8 36 8 6 7,166 19 2 8,248 15 35$ 213 8 3,895 1 1 7 3,804 3,588 14 1,939 3 8,074 12 Winton. CentreBush .. .. 56 99 1,131 1,529 2,815 76 1,352 4 72 489 88 35,948 .. 1,933 39$ 8,207 2,533 19 339 11 4 0 467 13 5 38 10 6 96 15 11 6 18 10 3,337 9 9 6 10 3 39 10 0 3,993 8 8 2,560 8 9 154 2 2,182 .. .. .. 970 1,376 4 413 16 2,386 2 Centre Bush. Dipton .. .. 110 175 925 1,788 2,998 34 930 I 33$ 281 .. 13,714 2 967 2 2 645 14 123 5 5,642 5 622 16 6 12 9 6 45 10 5 5 4 7 1,353 12 3 2 15 9 14 4 0 2,056 13 0 2,807 5 8$ 74 4 593 .. .. 5$ 986 905 8 377 17 1,413 11 Dipton. Lunuden .. .. 755 1,150 7,305 9,291 18,501; lOOj 5|,270 5 78$ 497 49 27,473 5 4,696 12 25 1,850 15 646 13 19 17 3,406 13 11 70 4 8 335 17 8 33 12 3 3,828 16 7 6 13 7 39 0 0 7,720 18 8 4,069 9 15 380 1 3,573 .. .. 35$ 2,117 1,412 1 827 3 1,944 13 Lumsien. Kingston .. .. 175 1031 1,488 2,025 3,79l! 18 443 1 11 50 .. 1,422 .. .. 6 23 60 2 47 10 0 3 907 19 0 9 0 0 24 3 0 2 5 7 101 9 2 3 9 8 10 0 0 1,058 6 5 4,895 11 21 162 26 1,670 5 .. 35$ 2,282 771 9 691 15 1,218 13 Kingston, Through traffic (Lake Waka- 909 2,901 1,998 3,428 9,236' 31,525 1 10 60 39 6,860 .. 2,963 3 1,721 1,813 1 1,299 8 1,481 1 7,085 16 1 .. 459 14 7 5 11 6 6,510 11 2 .: .. 14,061 13 4 3,525 1 10 60 39 6,860 .. 2,963 3 1,720 1,813 1 1,299 8 1,481 1 Through traffic tipu) (Lake Wakatipu). Through traffic (Westland) 140 205 506 328 1,179 .. .. .. ..!.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 676 9 0 .. .. .. .. •• •• 676 90 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Through traffic (We-tland). Chief Accountant .. 5,168 .. 3,525 8,421 17,114 278 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,329 13 11 7,448 2 11 .. 25,137 18 6 .. 3,160 8 612,486 6 7 53,562 7 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Chief Accountant,. I : ; 1 1 _ Totals .. .. 175,181 349,830 851,791 1,608,867 2,985,669100,547 688,913 1,29517,564$ 76,183 6,098 3,036,355 42,461562,400 4,905$ 750,487 708,875 15 449,503 8 797,539 18 465,897 10 9 47,490 19 7 52,607 10 0 36,142 7 2 851,035 11 331,003 3 0 29,014 9 10 1,513,191 11 7 688,913 1,295 17,564$ F6.183 6,098 3,036,355 42,46l] 562,400 4,905$ 750,487 708,875 15 449,503 8 797,539 18 Totals. Westland Section— j Westland Section — Ross.. .. .. 570 866 5,980 8,157 15,573 26 533 1 .. 374 1.897 .. 185 58$ 2,308 268 4 154 3 208 14 1,358 15 i 15 2 0 27 8 2 10 15 7 288 14 4 1 11 4 8 2 0 1,710 8 9 1,840 5; 14 78 15 114 .. .. 16 178 829 4 813 4 954 5 Ross. Hokitika .. .. 2,158 1,901 10,833 9,572 24,464 155 2,853 6 4 20 1 8 543 51 89,274 915 7 1,886 6 176 18 2,646 5 8 111 3 0 242 3 1 89 8 4 7,337 3 11 26 6 11 85 16 5 10,538 7 4 2,630 5 10 180 1 2,159 29 167 130 2,589 446 19 5,895 17 5,845 17 Hokitika. Kumara .. .. 444 677 3,018 3,750 7,889 90 617 .. 2 428 2 1,121 .. 104 360$ 117,546 105 16 505 0 619 13 717 8 11 64 10 0 44 15 9 14 0 1 5,605 2 11 13 19 4 57 15 6 6,517 12 6 2,229 1 6$ 95 45 714 5 .. 13 898 1,187 1 893 4 1,705 1 Kumara. Greymouth (Coaching) .. 6,080 6,446 50,598 45,548 108,672 1 933 18 017 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 10,798 4 0 879 4 10 1,117 2 0 408 7 10 Cr. 7 13 5 11 3 8 10 0 0 13,216 8 11 7,435 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , .. .. .. .. Greymouth (Coach). (Goods) .. .. .. .. 10 34$ 587 20 3,133 71 24$ 4,482 4,925 7 4,670 12 1,365 14 .. .. .. 17,019 17 7 3,900 17 11 464 14 10 21,385 10 4 7 7 1,000 7 9,605 .. 680 348 16,942 540 15 1,484 4 12,847 5 „ (Goods). (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 224 49 1 74 .. .. .. 1,478 3,429 1 8,303 9 499 5 .. .. 7,456 19 5 .. .. 7,456 19 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 688 25$ 471,369 220 II 983 9 489,564 5 33" „ (Wharf). „ (District Office) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. "* (D.Office). Runanga .. .. 146 482 8,689 18,478 27,795 3,470 403 3 .. .. .. 13 175$ 1,972 81 14 818 14127,967 16 1,140 6 1 545 9 6 20 14 9 7 17 1 13,191 7 11 94 15 5 18 10 0 15,019 0 9 1,156 2 17 8 3.. .. .. .. 1,605 543 17 563 8 246 7 Runanga. Rewanui .. .. .. 274 2,792 781 3,847 30 13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. .. 0 12 6 11 61,689 12 127 7 8 15 10 0 0 8 2 0 1 0 6,596 16 11 21 1 0 6,761 4 4 320 .. 10 .. .. .. .. .. 161$ 1,495 195 0 460 8 58 8 Rewanui. Brunner .. .. 99 345 1,863 4,043 6,350 189 1,341 12 5 2 2,836 90 5 123 12 27,377 14 427 0 6 103 7 6 41 11 6 6 10 3 3,390 15 8 0 2 0 15 5 0 3,984 12 5 457 .. 1 .. .. 30 .. .. 76$ 614 340 5 344 9 701 15 Brunner. Stillwater .. .. 202 362 2,923 1,948 5,435; 42 1 374 1 6 2 2 8 12 288 99,465 21 10 132 19 11,132 6 345 14 3 28 12 4 48 9 7 13 3 5 6,748 1 7 1 4 7 41 10 0 7,226 15 9 523 .. .. 241 2 484 .. .. 44 167 39 9 118 19 169 15 Stillwater. Ngahere .. .. 217 336 3,301 4,943' 8,797 105 1 526 2 . . 53 2 727 1 33 37 18,352 37 9 259 12 412 12 847 18 (i 75 17 10 58 12 7 26 5 4 1,158 12 5 2 3 2 31 7 6 2,200 17 4 1,044 3 7 235 .. 1,322 23 .. .. 320 254 10 383 11 1,210 4 Ngahere. Blackball .. .. 122 472 2,892 7,029 10,515 44 385 1 2 .. .. .. 12 19 132 1 287,363 15 1,218 1 7 51 0 0 21 11 5 7 13 2 37,171 8 1 0 9 0 0 10 0 38,470 13 3 1,563 1 16 11 1 23 361 1,815 670 11 1,281 0 265 17 Blackball. Ahaura ..• .. 282 327 1,667 1,785 4,061 47 1,084 j 7 .. 675 23 4,671 .. 257 63 6,531 55 13 154 14 103 10 516 17 11 23 18 4 67 13 9 8 19 11 783 2 4 1 10 0 15 10 0 1,417 12 3 979 4 5 8 60 5,435 17 .. 5 1,505 283 2 354 7 374 16 Ahaura. Ikamatua .. .. 248 266 2,411 2,733 5,658 28 1 708 3 16 227 6 3,258 .. 151 10$ 35,191 119 7 180 17 687 0 777 16 ; 15 8 6 76 3 9 14 17 4 2,556 6 2 67 17 11 63 9 2 3,571 19 5 2,320 9 33 175 46 611 .. 1 1,048 900 10 1,027 15 3,407 14 Ikamatua. Reefton ... .. 1,962 1,369 8,856 7,440 19,627 56 1,310 4 25 53 5,206 88 4 784 132 2 567 19 2,312 12 3,482 18 (i 46 5 6 189 11 9 46 10 8 1,193 17 4 35 16 3 52 0 0 5,046 19 6 4,712 4 142 699 6 2,774 .. .. 4 7,022 1,867 2 2,322 11 1,644 4 Riefton. Moana .. .. 158 94 2,095 996 3,3431 18 1 612 6 7$ 272 71 3,877 149 180 130,720 79 12 385 15 1,279 17 286 15 6 11 2 0 105 9 1 10 7 7 8,878 15 1 6 19 7 176 13 6 9,476 2 3 2,966 .. 8 300 6 830 .. .. 16 245 334 2 408 7 1,054 3 Moana. Otira.. .. .. 1,353 496 3.168 2,009 7,026! 2' 1.286 .. .. 398 6 1,451 .. .. 14 91 41 18 87 7 0 5 2,057 17 0 1 0 0 204 2 8 21 5 9 171 16 2 85 13 9 38 14 0 2,580 9 4 3,888 3 28$ 84 .. 1,324 6 .. 67$ 3,218 1,664 8 1,034 18 3,147 7 Otira. Chief Accountant .. .. .. .. 867 867 14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 107 16 0 465 10 3 .. 2,075 0 0 .. 139 12 8 1,308 4 11 4,096 3 10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Chief Accountant. Through traffic (S.I.M.L. 140 205 506 328i 1,179 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 397 9 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. 397 98 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Through traffio & B.). (S.I.M.L. & B.). : ___i Totals .. .. 14,181 14,918 111,592 120,407 1 261,098 6,249] 34,062 44 304$: 3,114 192 25,425 80 1,535 1,268$ 511,030 10,316 16 18,369 11523,197 3 27,254 12 8[ 2,453 1 7 2,265 18 0 2,761 3 4 119,541 4 5 4,411 4 6 2,388 2 10 161,075 7 4 34,062 44 304$ 3,114 192] 25,425 80 1,535 1,268$| 511,030 10,316 16 18,369 11 523,197 3 Totals. | .. Westpobt Section— Westport Section — Westport .. .. 271 275 11,628 11,803, 23,977 265 4,450 12 119 31 1 3,514 .. .. 616 860 2,460 12 3,199 11 636 19 2,027 17 7 207 8 0 171 3 2 97 15 9 7,026 6 1 6,154 13 5 345 6 0 16,030 10 0 2,198 7 15$ 10 72 10 120 4 14 4,139 384 2 550 15 797,769 11 We<tport. Waimangaroa Junction .. 48) 328 4,706 6,477 11,599 201 2 190 1 .. 11$ 5 2 221 .. 4 342 4,915 361 2 370 14294,366 15 765 12 10 77 1 0 71 11 6 3 8 5 32,480 3 9; 48 15 5 41 0 9 33,487 13 8 2,133 2 81 .. .. ; 779 .. .. 479 917 1,096 5 1,555 17 602 0 Waimangaroa June. Granity .. .. 156| 560 9,945 14.284 24 945 4'8 973 7 12 8 71 .. 120 .. 11 1,715 154 15 339 4 503,826 11 2,395 3 11 218 10 8 53 0 10 25 8 6 63,836 10 !l 29 19 5 89 10 0 66,648 4 1 3,282 10 46 34 2 2,747 .. .. 476 2,434 1,496 2 1,802 17 458 14 Granity. District Office .. .. 192 192 .71 ' .. .. .. 27 15 0 88 2 6 540 0 0 .. ! Cr. 0 0 6 296 3 11 952 0 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. District Office. [ ] ' j j 1 1 1 — 1 j * * Totals .. 475 1,163 26,279 32,756 60,613 894 7 613 19 142* 44 74 3,536 120 4 969 7,490 2,976 9 3,909 9 798,830 5 5,216 9 4 591 2 2 295 15 6 666 12 8 103,343 0 7 6,233 7 9 772 0 8 117,118 8 8 7,613 19 142$ 44 74 3,536 120 4 969 7,490 2,976 9 3,909 9 798,830 5 Totals. 1 -> , . —— jx "■•I Nelson Section — Nelson Section — Pott.. .. .. .. .. 1 89 j .. .. 199 l 168 16 .. .. 437 3,081 16 3,158 11 8,548 10 .. .. 3 8 3 5 1 8 10,585 7 6 1,531 1 7 505 0 o! 12,629 19 0 206 .. 80$ 17 4 389 14 762 65 247 1,702 11 2,501 15 168 0 Port. Nelson .. .. 1,455 2,663 22,525 18,569 45,212 910 4 079 9 71 46 4 331 .. 139 1 447 3,188 17 3,807 19 309 5 3,832 7 2 556 9 5 226 1 6 141 4 9 3,167 17 0 42 15 6 228 3 6' 8,194 18 10 2,392 4 316 56 2 10,710 11 2,774 688 12,303 1,935 16 2,912 2 10,437 15 Nelson. Wakefield .. .. | 114 165! 3,217 4,212 7.708 314 10 285 61 36 6,588 .. 1,196 129 2,789 2,024 11 998 15 3,039 8 735 6 1 200 16 9 74 1 11 18 14 2 1,742 6 11 12 12 3 12 10 0 2,796 8 1 2,071 .. 7 5 1 846 16 3 1 472 3,335 7 1,266 18 1,276 6 Wakefield. Belgrove .. .. 219 428 7,096 9.060 16.803; 62 303 2 25 11 .. 1,457 .. 351 356 1,151 99 12 98 2! 100 14 1,237 2 6 33 3 9 14 19 7 5 16 11 469 16 4 2 9 0 5 8 6 1,768 16 7 492 3 6 668 .. .. 49 274 2 241 17 47 1 Belgrove. Kohatu .. .. 53 35 852 917 1,857 23 1,322 .. 671 47 3 9,279 .. 1,281 264 9,365 261 8 226 12 .. 250 7 10 15 0 0 47 16 5 8 0 5 1,877 3 4 8 15 1 2,207 3 1 457 3 1 8 5 2,634 .. .. 3 347 191 2 196 14 11 15 Kohatu. Glenhope .. .. 587 134 4,493 4,808 10 022 .. 7271 .. 4 1 1,828 25 572 7 274 120 3 113 4 130 3 1,622 9 2 .. 58 0 10 17 3 2 491 4 11 33 1 11 1 0 0 2,223 0 0 2,365 11 48 273 32 4,404 .. .. .. 1,045 1,337 9 1,283 17 187 3 Glenhope. District Office .. .. .. .. j 180 180j .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 1 0 123 11 0 .. 971 0 0 .. 12 16 11 504 18 2| 1,657 7 1.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. .. .. District Offioe. Totals .. .. 2,428 3,425 38.183! 37,746 81,782! 1,310| 7 983 21 452f 365 44 19.651 41 3,539 757 14,463 8,776 7' 8,403 3 12,128 0 7,722 13 l> 929 0 11 424 8 e| 1,167 1 1 18,333 16 0 1,643 12 3 1,257 0 2 31,477 12 8 7,983 21 452$ 365 44 19,651 41 3,539 757 14,463 8,776 7 8,403 3 12,128 0 Totals. 1—-H 1 1 ! 1 j —A —! f— ] j j Picton Section— Picton Section — Picton .. .. 3,309 5,871 ll,58f> 16,60"> 37,370 170 1 816 2 93 118 31 3,526 49 147 149 3,563 3,443 6 6,548 3 9,868 2 3,328 11 I 110 12 0 116 8 11 52 9 5 7,840 10 0 1,338 15 4 171 7 0 12,958 13 9 2,245 7 3,130 96 12 63,353 222 7,710 8 116 9,060 18 1,186 9 272 9 Pioton. Blenheim .. .. 3,993 6,122 12,11", 15,706 37,936 2111, 20 3,089 174 161 60,855 262 7,451 29 3,803 10.698 13 2.184 15 667 14 3,809 17 8 201 16 9 275 1 11 74 18 9 7,713 12 8 123 2 10 517 12 2 12,716 2 9 2,553 2 1,117 204 35 15,979 341 4,419 138 3,429 5,481 4! 6,635 15 9,059 18 Blenheim. Ward .. .. 636 637 3,915 5,612 10,800 I 1 297 3 1,075 180 5 22,881 292 4,536 297 2,315 6 200 11 98 6 1,600 19 4 6 16 9 92 0 !> 8 6 9 2.333 1 10 56 1 11 0 10 0 4,097 17 4 3,185 16 10 172 150 7,930 40 5 32 4,118 1,915 3 1,111 5 1,301 15 Ward. District Office .. .. .. .. .. 150 156 1 . . 37 1 11 127 10 1 754 0 0 372 3 8 344 19 1 1,635 13 10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. District Office. j | [ / I 1 i J j ; Totals .. 7,938 12,830; 27,615 38,079 86,262' 3911 7,9831 25 4,257 472 197 87,262 603 12,134 178 | 7,663 16,457 5 8,933 9i 10,634 2 8,776 9 1 446 15 7 483 11 7 889 14 11 17,887 4 6 1,890 3 9 1,034 8 3 31,408 7 8 7,983 25 4,257 472 197 87,262 603 12,134 178 7,663 16,457 5 8,933 9 10,634 2 Totals. ————— | j I ________ _____ _____________ __________ _________ - _____________ ______________________ - ■ - - - ______ ■ _____ ______ _________________________ _________________ _________ ■ Lake Wakatiptt Lake Wakatipu Steamers— ' Steamers — Totals .. 1,655 6,074 3,095 4,229 15.053 ll 8,575 5 10 141 44 16,961 2,967 3 2,080 1,929 13 1.677 9 1,588 5 2.939 16 0 431 0 0 267 3 9 563 16 10 2,593 16 9 5 17 10 49 10 9 6,851 J1 ll| 6,575 5 10 141 44 16,961 .. 2,967 3 2,080 1,929 13 1,677 9 1,588 5 Totala. .


RETURN No. 13. Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1915.

B—D. 2.


DurHnription. 'qj & Class. u> 3 rP & e6 si § r-'° g ca cj r=i ■a fl q co „_J 0 j3| : 1 S.S_! S $f j I a CO *H S a CO o CO *o Zl o o ■_ cc z. a o .S 6 a 3 o s Carriages. 10 22 31 10 2 .. .. i 10 .. ..I 22 .. ; .. i 31 .. .. 10 Sleepers, bogie, 50 ft. First-class day-cars, bogie, 50 ft. .. Second-class cars, bogie, 50 it. Refreshment-cars, bogie, 50 ft. Royal saloon, bogie, 50 ft. i, 44 ft. Gallery-cars, bogie, 44 ft. Saloon, bogie, 44 ft. „ 41ft. „ 391ft. .. „ 374 ft „ 35 ft. Refreshment-cars, bogie, 52 ft. „ 471 ft. ■• „ 44 ft. .. Motor-train oars, bogie, 60 ft. First-class, bogie, 50 ft. .. „ 471 ft. ,, 44ft „ 43 ft. . . „ 30 ft. .. ,, 4-wheel Composite, bogie, 60 ft. .. „ 50 ft. .. „ 471ft. „ 46 ft. .. „ 44 ft. . . „ 43 ft. .. „ 424 ft. „ 39| ft. „ 30 ft. . . „ 6-wheel Second-class, bogie. 50 ft. . . „ 471ft, „ 46 ft. „ 44 ft. „ 43 ft. „ 42J ft. „ 391ft. „ 35 ft. „ 30 ft. ,, 6-wheel - ■• „ 4-wheel Postal, bogie, 50 ft. „ 44 ft. „ 391ft. .. „ 30 ft. „ ,, composite, 44 ft. .. Aa j .. .. A* ... .. Aa .. Aa .. .. Aa A A A •• A.|.. A I .. A j .. A ; .. ;; I ;; A j .. A . .. A j .. .. A i .. A .. .. B , .. D 2 A A A A .. A 8 A 1 .. A A ; .. B ! .. C i 2 A A I .. A ! .. A ' 2 A .. A A A B .. C 5 .. D 5 A .. A ! .. A .. B .. .. A h. .. j 5 •• I 7 .. I 2 1 1 4 4 31 48 2 11 1 8 47 101 l 5 2 3 •• I 7 .. 6 •• I 1 1 '.'. '52 2 V. "4 1 2 91 7 2 83 2 "l 1 "8 1 .. .. 2 .. .. 1 .. .. 5 .. .. 2 .. .. 8 14 r> .. .. 2 ..,,.., 3 .. .. -■ 1 .. .. .6 .. .. 5 .. I .. 5 .. I .. 31 .. i 2 102 .. j .. 4 .. j .. 11 .. ; .. 5 .. .. 9. ..',.. -i .. .. 8 .... 48 2 2 207 68 8 13 2 16 "s : '2 .. .. 7 . . j . . I 2 3 176 2 , .. .. ! 68 77 2 30 4 20 3 5 1 74 4 101 4 I "2 I J I ..;..[ 8 .. .. 43 2 ! 1 10 .. ; .. 36 .. I .. 14 .... 69 .. I .. 157 3 3 80 16 1 10 3 5 8 3 A .. .. 4 2:3 199 .. .. 16 .... 16 .... 13 '.! i4 3 2 8 3 2 2 14 5 15 3 2 4 1 "2 1 I .. .. .. 3 .. 1 20 4 .. 33 .. .. 8 21 31 .... 10 .. .. 7 .! 1 .. .. 2 1 .. .. 1 1 .. .. I Totals 24 729 12 558 36 LO 12 12 1,39 Wagons, axo. Brake-vans, 4-wheel „ bogie Fell Horseboxes Cattle Sheep Covered goods Sleeping-vans High sides F 6 F 3 F .. G 2 H 14 .. J 2 K 8 K L 69 T.. F F F G H J K K L La Lb M Ma Mb N O P Q w X Xa Xb Y Yb R Rb Rd Rn 6 3 2 14 2 8 2 10 185 7 123 233 854 21.3 30 4,567 375 2 2 1 4 30 2 53 101 99 201 625 358 42 4,508 1,526 7 9 3 6 14 7 24 3 208 2 5 4 4 3 I 5 10 6 I 103 3 ; 3 ■ 4 4 29 3 89 311 10 236 479 1,557 620 77 9,661 1,901 45 1,392 160 145 484 108 188 1,109 260 219 162 103 26 326 284 91 64 40 59 i ii 5 1 17 154 4 Wharf Low sides „ steel Work-train Timber Iron hopper Platform coal Movable hopper Frozen meat Cool, insulated . . ,, ventilated „ ventilated Work-train hopper La Lb .. M 22 .. Ma ..Mb .. N 112 O P 159 .. Q .. .. W .. .. X 3 .. Xa 1 .. Xb 1 Y v\> 22 i2 372 160 110 91 49 29 35 842 45 50 24 i4 21 112 40 35 165 36 32 59 8 159 495 614 3 1 1 i 180 187 83 51 65 29 70 51 25 115 51 21 is '7 High side, bogie .. Yb R 2 191 222 70 64 40 20 9 ,, >> • ■ KiB », ,» * • Rd IS s> Rn .. Carried forward .. 392 1392 (12 8,496 |117 8,982 936 1763 170 1228 20.141

D.— 1 2.

RETURN No. 13- continued . Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, etc. — continued.

RETURN No. 14. Statement of Locomotive Stock for the Year ending 31st March, 1915.


Description. Wagons, etc. — continued. Brought forward Sheep, bogie Cattle, „ Platform, „ Gas-storeholders, bogie Platform, ,, Horseboxes, „ Frozen meat, „ Covered goods, „ Totals.. 1 ■ a „ a •a 9 co 2 cs „ I rSS'S a a.gi5 a g claBS ' S a 231 S _.3a I I B, 5 | SgJ I 1_.g| ! | 1 £ d; I| M s «_3 n * * . , . . -- .. 392 62 8,496 ,117 8,982 936 763 S .... 73 I .. 52 T .... 49 .. 26 TJ : 8 .. 197 i 15 60 28 j 2 Ua j .. .. 8 .. 7 ,-..-,... Ub I .. .. 127 i .. 90 44 ; .. Ug .. .. 22 : .. 16 .. ! .. V : .. ..J 46 j .. 75 .. Vb .. .. 30 .. 10 Z .... 55 .. 27 Zp .. .. I .. .. 3 .... .. 400 62 9,103 1132 9,348 1,008 |765 —; [ : 9 a _ 3 o .1 S5 Hi -_ o ■ EH I 170 ,228 4 6 20,146 125 75 320 15 261 38 121 40 82 3 . ! . .. j .. -.. I .. 62 9,103 !132 1,008 765 21,226 9,348 174 23* Tarpaulins .. 100 24 7,057 |115 8,976 j 285 52 24 7,057 115 I 8,976 1 285 52 175 1290 i 1¥,074

Cylinder. nfete'r. Stroke ' No - ) in. in. 12&19 22 6 pled iels. T: Wl ruck heels. rr" 0 ■rC a =s _ £ -o! a a 231 1 3 SaJ g cs o-affl c c3 a eg X it l-H* US iq • £ co _ S »a-3 a rn.a o IH H J0 i III 3 5| ■a r £ a HH HH CO CO O CD it jt* L 5 8 -: S 3 73 ■3 .2 o S5 CM ECO CO ca 5 Diameter. j No. Diameter. ! : A Tender (4-cyl. balanced compound) A Tender (simple) Ad Tender (4-cyl. balanced compound) Ft. in. 4 6 1 ! 6 in. 301 .. .. | 20 I .. : 7 .. .. 27 17 26 I 6 12&19 22 i 6 4 6 4 6 6 I 6 301 301 !. !! :io 1 .. .. 1 .. .. 30 Ad B B Tender Ba Be „ (compound) Ba Re I6&I7I 22 j 8 16 22 j 8 Y % & 1 20 I 8 I 91 18 ! 4 j 91 18 4 ! 91&16 18 j 12 i 8 8 8 3 61 j* 3 61 4 1 9 3 7 -' 2 6 ' I 2 f 4 1 4 4 ( 2 1 2 2 2 2 30H 261 j 261 28 I 30 } 18 18 261 , •• I •• I 2 .. .. .. |.. j i .. 8 10 •-j •• .. 1.. .. ! .. 10 .. .. 10 .... 1 C D E C Tank 12 j 2 61 2 3 0J 2 ! 3 01 2 1 .. 3 1 .. 9 ..'••■ 1 '.'. i4 .. 2 .. .. 6 1 1 27 .... 1 i I D E „ (articulated | compound) F F Fa G 101 18 6 12 18 6 101 18 4 14 16 4 14 20 6 12 20 4 12 18 4 12 18 4 13 20 4 6 6 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 3 01 .. 3 01 2 3 01 4 2 8 2 3 61 2 4 11 4 3 61 6 3 9 4 3 61 6 4 11 ] A 4 1 4 4 1 4 3 0J 1 2 3 7 2 3 7:2 3 7 2 3 5 2 4 11 {4 3 01 4 3 01| 4 3 OJi 2 4 6 4 4 11 4 4 111 4 4 l| ! 4 4 11 4 4 10 4 4 11! 4 ,3 01 4 3 3|| 4 3 Si 4 3 3J 6 3 61 8 3 9 6 3 9 8 3 1 4 3 Ml 3 MI 24 21 30 24f 30J 261 261 281 281 I 30 | 30 30 281 30 30 30 261 30 | 26. j 361 361 24|301 30 26J 30 30 28 I 261 261 281 25 25 301 301 261 241 30 | 26 f 301) 261) 2 ; 24 ■2 i .. 5 37 1 4 5 !'2 1 ! 2 . .1 .. 1 .. 71 3 2 20 .. 4 4 .. .. 6 .... 32 .... 8 .. .. 10 .. .. 5 4 l 3 2 4 Fa .. .. I 6 ..... 17 .. i .. : 2 .. I .. 9 .. I G H „ (Fell) J Tender '.'. is .. j 6 •• 1 l K L Tank La | „ M '.. \ '.'. I '4 5' .. N j Tender 15 20 6 6 ..|... 11 .. j .. 1 .. .. .. 12 Na j „ (compound) .. Nc j „ „ O Oa „ (compound) .. Ob „ Oo : „ (compound) .. P 10&17 20 6 10&17 20 6 15 18 8 1II&I8 20 8 16 20 8 11&18 20 8 15 20 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 .. .. 2 .... 2 .... 6 .. .. 1 .. .. 2 .... 1 .. .. 4 .. : i .. .. i .. .. 2 .. ,. 2 .'. .. 6 .. .. 1 .. .. 2 .. .. 1 .. .. 10 '.'. 6 1 1 Q R [ Single Fairlie.. S T j Tender U Da „ Ub j Ub i „ Uc ' Ud j V W : Tank Wa i „ Wb ; „ Wd ! „ Wb Wf . „ Wg Wh „ 6 .... 6 7 .'.'.. 13 16 22 6 12£ 16 6 13 16 6 15 18 8 16 20 6 16 20 6 16 20 6 16 22 6 16 22 6 161 22 6 15 ! 20 6 14 20 6 14 20 6 14 ! 20 6 14 20 6 16 22 ; 6 14 22 6 14 22 6 12 18 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ! ; 6 6 6 6 .... 10 .... 4 .. j .. 2 '.'. '.'. 2 ... .. 3 8 4 9 6 20 2 10 '.'. io .. .. 18 .. .. 4 .. .. 6 .. .. 9 .. .. 6 .. .. 20 .. .. 2 .. .. 10 .. .. 2 .. .. 13 .. .. 2 .. .. 11 .. .. 12 .. .. 18 .... 2 .. .. 38 .. .. 40 .. .. 2 .... 5 5 .. 1 .. .. 14 .... 1 .. .. 22 .. I .. 40 .. ; .. 2 3 !. 2 .. 3 .. 1 5 !! 4 i .. '.' i6 17 20 j 8 j 8 • •;!•• l .... 1 Wj x ( Tender (4-cyl. balanced | compound) .. Small Tank .. 1^& |}22 I .8 : 8 .. .. 18 .. .. 18 .... 1 .... 1 1 9 2 294 5 7 557 7 4 205 :2o 11 Totals I ..



RETURN No. 15. Comparative Statement of the Mileage opened, Capital expended, Earnings, Expenses, &c., of Railways in the following Colonies (taken from Latest Official Records):-

9—D. 2.

21 D.—2. RETURN No. 15. Comparative Statement of the Mileage opened, Capital expended, Earnings, Expenses, &c., of Railways in the jollowing Colonies (taken from Latest Official Records) : a v = -i . fe . Expenses. | i S Q co u o3 cc — S3 Q, G A i» a | I Gauge Total t |1 Luis' Gros8 * Working- |l Pr 0 ° n flt |l go ftf || Passengers Tonnage |f || j| gj ° g g g s||| I 1§ £$ Year « | | e - ~ j jj ac; - — | j| 1| ii ||j jjj ca " ied -' of 1! It ll llffi !j flli I P is 0UdiD8 I £ s (£| I < |< * || §g| 1 Jill a J j ]j_[ _ * aa j | °"&q g * Ft. in. £ | £ £ s. d. £ d. £ d. £ d. £ s. d. £ £ £ £ I d. I 1914. Viotoria .. 87,884 1,421,985 3,747 5 3 49,629,06212,941371 34 18 015,028,649 5,560,958 88-81 3,752,643 59 93 1,808,315 28 88 3-64 67-48 3 18 3116,611,448 5,816,0881,484 1,001 483 250 26 14 19-18 2 05 735 1,46018,217 30 June. New South Wales 309,460 1,831,716 3,967 4 8J 61,264,86915,442 462 33 8 1120,549,695 7,742,241 90-425,409,820 63 18 2,332,421 27 24 3-8769-87 4 4 6 86,328,421 13,245,8421,9551,366 589 28031-39'l9-26 1-57 1,065 1,47821,054 Queensland .. 670,500 660,158 4,570 3 6 33,845,676 7,406144 51 5 511,346,334 3,660,022 77-502,371,26150-251,288,76127-25 3-8064-79 5 10 11 22,252,476 3,884,398 812 526 286144-21-4817-94 1-35 608 70312,590 South Australia . 380,070 438,000 1,815 || ® | 15,700,137 8,509 237 35 16 11 6,731,284 2,337,251 83-331,505,765 53-69 831,486 29-64 5-33 64-42 5 6 8 19,809,533 3,103,4711,288 830 458165 28 6515-66 1-20 403 590 8,603 Western Australia 975,920 320,130 2,910 3 6 15,873,852 5,455110 49 11 9 5,565,062 2,257,011 97-341,572,008 67-79 685,003 29-55 4 32 69-65 7 1 0 19,208,420 3,538,630 775 540 235125 32-2118-43 2 07 416 40010,032 Tasmania .. 26,215 196,756 519 f? 4,496,634 8,664 378 22 17 0 1,000,740 330,168 79-18 222,713 53-41 107,455 25-77 2-38 67-45 1 13 6 1,708,334 389,251 629 424 205110 230o'l7-48 3-22 82 175 1,733 1 ' 1899. New Zealand .. 103,861 746,673 2,090 3 6 16,404,076 7,849 357 21 19 5 3,968,7081,469,665 89-00 929,737 56-22 539,928 32-78 3-29 63-26 1 19 4 4,955,553 2,624,059 712 450 262,17318-4616 67 3 00 293 550 9,732 31 Mar. 1900. .. 103,861 758,616 2,099 3 6 16,703,887 7,958361 22 0 5 4,187,8931,623,891 93-001,052,358 60-31 571,533 32 69 3-42 64-80 2 2 10 5,468,284 3,127,824 774 501 273188 21-3216 17 2-93 304 577 10,295 31 Mar. 1901. .. 103,861 815,349 2,174 3 6 17,207,328 7,915 375 21 2 1 4,620,9711,727,236 89-751,127,848 58-58 599,388 31-17 3-47 65-30 2 2 4 6,243,593 3,339,687 794 519 27519619-9917-15 2 09 306 60310,868 31 Mar. 1902. .. 103,861 833,137 2,227 3 6 18,170,722 8,159374 21 16 2 5,066,3601,874,586 88-751,252,237 59-32 622,3492943 3-4366-80 2 5 0 7,356,136 3,529,177 842 562 28019621-3517-78 3-03 362 701 12,444 31 Mar. i 1903. .. 103,861 857,985 2,262 3 6 19,081,735 8,436 379 22 4 10 5,443,3331,974,038 87-001,343,415 59-23 630,623 27-77 3-3068-05 2 6 0 7,575,390 3,730,394 873 594 279 204 21-3618-24 319 372 75112,992 31 Mar. 1904. .. 103,861 882,097 2,305 3 6 20,692,911 8,977 383 23 9 2 5,685,399 2,180,641 91-751,438,724 60-48 741,917 31-27 3-58 65-98 2 9 5 8,306,383 4,072,576 943 622 321213 22-21 17-22 3-14 377 80913,433 31 Mar. i 1905. .. 103,861 908,114 2,347 3 6 21,701,572 9,141387 23 17 11 6,107,079 2,209,231 86-501,492,900 58-46 716,3312804 3-3067-58 2 8 8 8,514,112 4,011,511 938 634 304 217 21-0518-28 3-10 389 86413,885 31 Mar. | 1906. .. 103,861 933,111 2,391 3 6 22,498,972 9,410391 24 2 3 6,413,573 2,349,704 87-751,621,239 60-47 728,465 27-28 3-2469 00 2 10 4 8,826,382 4,241,422 980 676 304 229 21-9918-86 3-01 395 906 14,127 31 Mar. 1907. .. 103,861 961,604 2,427 3 6 23,504,272 9,570 396 24 8 10 6,755,454 2,624,600 93-00 1,812,482 64-21 812,118 28-79 3-45 69-06 2 14 7 9,600,786 4,592,0991,078 744 334 253 23-3718 90 2-80 398 96614,605 31 Mar. It | ■ 1908 - .. 103,861 985,318 2,469 3 6 24,365,647 9,861399,24 14 7 7,051,274 2,761,938 93 75 1,949,759 66-18 812,179 27-57 3-33 70-59 2 16 1 9,756,716 4,834,5341,114 786' 328 258 24 9619-40 1 2-76 410| 1,002 15,475 31 Mar. 1909. .. 103,861 1,016,044 2,556 3 6 27,762,59210,351 398 27 6 6 7,458,236 2,929,526 94-00 2,114,815167-89 814,71126-11 3-1372 19 2 17 8 10,457,144 4,871,874 t,148 828 320258 25-56 20-73 3-16 452 1,11616,476 31 Mar. 1910. .. 103,861 1,035,211 2,704 3 6 28,513,47610,494 383 27 10 10 7,889,166 3,249,790 98-75 2,169,474 65-841,080,316 32-91 3-80 66-76 3 2 9(11,141,142 5,223,4141,203 803 400230 25-3518-96 2-96 465 1,14017,220 31 Mar. 1911. .. 103,861 1,055,640 2,742 3 6 29,606,54610,723 385 28 1 0 8,HI,0753,494,182102-752,303,27267 751,190,91035 00 4 06 65-92 3 6 2 11,200,613 5,555,292 1,275 840 435 254 25-8118 10 2-81 478 1,16618,036 31 Mar. 1912. .. 103,8611,081,344 2,801 3 6 30,506,08910,864 386 28 4 2 8,371,687 3,676,509105-25 2,465,896 70-521,210,613 34 73 3-98 67-07 3 8 0 11,891,134 5,599,7561,314 881 433263 27-3018-27 2-76 493 1,212 18,52l! 31 Mar. 1913. .. 103,8611,111,592 2,840 3 6 31,611,22011,053 391 28 8 9 9,016,224 3,971.002105-50 2,705,609 71-841,265,393 33-66 4-0468-13 3 11 5 13,123,879 5,957,0051,400 954 446 27128-2019-40 2 64 513 1,28219,515 31 Mar. 1914. .. 103,861 1,139,669 2,861 3 6 32,355,08711,309 398 28 7 9 9,319,268 4,043,328104-00 2,880,323 74-001,163,005 30 00 3-6171-24 3 10 11 13,355,893 5,661,3401,4161,008 408268 29-72 20-73 2-91 534 1,363 20,251 31 Mar. 1915. .. 103,861 1,150,430 2,917 3 6 34,133,82511,702 394 29 13 5 9,383,420 4,105,457 104-75 2,920,455 74-54 1,185,002 30 21 3-53 71-14 3 11 4 13,565,772 6,075,2821,4101,002 408254 30-26 21-20 2 98 557 1,397 21,226 31 Mar. ! I | Q TJ O * The figures for passenger traffic in New Zealand are exclusive of season tickets #



RETURN No. 16. Return showing the Mileage, Capital Cost, Traffic, Revenue, and Expenditure of the New Zealand Government Railways from 1883 to 31st March, 1915. MILEAGE, CAPITAL COST, TRAFFIC, AND REVENUE.


Passengers. Season Tickets. Coaching. • o I » . a 3 # a Year. Miles. Capital Cost. Jueago. j T "I g Cattle. Sheep. Pigs. chaff. Wo °'- 1 Timber. Grain. § Minerals. Total. Goods §| Total „ _ „ a $ O .(j o Revenue. = j» «g Revenue. TrainNo. Revenue. No. Revenue. Parcels. Horses. 3 Dogs. Revenue. £ i v ® © 2 mile. O.S u .2" P5o I j S I § O 1882-83 .. 1,358 10,478,998 2,785,683 3,283,378 362406 8,621 f. 308,620 9350 975 34,658 928 421%71 51°,703 75°740 Wffll 867428 350*823 510088 1 564 823 aA* Aw oJ o d ' 1883-84 .. 1,396 11,078,500 2,841,745 3,272,644 321,615 9,036 14,763 325,675 9,555 906 24,666 35,143 939 29,675 627 090 29 522 16 470 62 067 81 255 183 449 432 223 350*263 574 }*70o'o4n «'£? o'oo? 3 347 82 '°° 1884-85 .. 1,477 11,810,194 2,882,422 3,232,886 348,628 8,999 16,406 313,047 10,358 793 24,020 35,592 756 32 738 666 522 30 268 17 030 68 523 86 670 178 909 414 590 365'623 Sfl'Sl? I'TSS'MB m'SS S5 *2 04 8100 1885-86 .. 1,613 12,472,814 3,020,550 3,362,266 346,895 10,717 16,482 317,242 9,518 653 22,668 33,271 660 36,634 781 470 40 558 14 985 74 778 80 280 202 571 413 847 368 225 AM 081 629*R?n S'JS M I 8700 1886-87 .. 1,727 13,017,567 3,008,949 3,426,403 339,255 11,821 16,998 341,634 9,165 689 21,598 33,749 597 37,435 856 431 48 151 22 110 82 963 73 040 175 581 345 254 329 227 m'™ I'W'TS ' Jf'SS JJ'ES ' 9 83 ' 00 1887-88 .. 1,758 13,352,978 2,944,786 3,451,850 334,926 11,518 17,800 368,680 9,301 619 21,128 34,727 592 32 766 857 397 50,046 22 190 84 147 65 860 158 024 -358 022 347 Ira TO0II0 }'?&?& wJ'SS !!'«?? 7950 1888-89 .. 1,777 13,472,837 2,796,007 3,132,803 305,632 11,817 17,816 370,707 8,378 650 19,971 34,101 547 29,426 842,840 47 126 24 335 78 203 67 045 160 399 447 027 356 732 786'SSS I'SO'IS? 8100 1889-90 .. 1,809 13,899,955 2,868,203 3,376,459 347,844 12,311 21,504 375,271 9,358 708 21,209 37,097 678 31 700 985 336 51 539 37 900 91 214 77 454 172 814 498 198 399'25s W U a'm'Sl ' }2*S5 tSI'SS 85 ' 5 ° 1890-91 .. 1,842 14,278,586 2,894,776 3,433,629 333,122 13,881 20,471 380,319 9,790 757 22,965 38,997 582 35,209 1,258,471 54,684 29,800 87,701 73 650 153*078 528683 385'020 828'o79 2'086 Oil 6qo'??q on'™ it'r?! J'?on 1 ' 50 1891-92 .. 1,869 14,656,691 3,010,489 3,555,764 342,563 16,341 22,054 393,407 11,370 819 25,439 41,795 653 36,248 1 067 614 49 639 26 605 85 888 87 834 170 520 442 277 379 768 §TO899 I'ttMTCl 22?'JE ?q'q«« M 2 HMi f' 00 1892-93 .. 1,886 14,733,120 3,002,174 3,759,044 367,594 16,504 23,025 420,610 12,993 921 26,780 44,801 796 33,597 1 321 046 38 814 34 314 96 841 88,186 168 910 523 637 397 411 884*03? 2'193'330 w'ltl MMO 2?'12 1893-94 .. 1,948 15,137,036 3,113,231 3,972,701 378,480 17,226 23,540 448,770 12,350 793 25,667 45,206 831 39,223 1 356 434 38 022 38 610 101 340 84 658 183 192 411 191 377 116 864*538 aoflo'w? fiKq JS'SS lAlt 22'22 1894-95 .. 1,993 15,352,613 3,221,620 3,905,578 360,243 28,623 24,906 444,981 11,185 750 23,517 43,270 705 40,890 1,519,921 43,292 36 972 103 328 85 102 198 578 388 556 377 938 857*917 1" 048* 891 BM'TOR Jf'Sw 2?'S? HE'S? 22'22 1895-96 .. 2,014 15,425,532 3,307,226 4,162,426 359,822 36,233 29,412 455,511 11,115 716 22,551 54,736 693 39,651 1 839 712 53 346 53 260 99 363 78 804 213 132 374 699 389 881 8TO659 I'SotTM 698 n5 ll'Aa MMn 2S'Z5 1896-97 .. 2,018 15,577,392 3,409,218 4,439,387 378,684 43,069 31,476 489,825 11,347 778 22,891 58,084 841 35,909 1,964,110 52,327 60 542 98 958 80 014 257 825 423 888 415 448 1 032 252 2*368*92? mlm on'oos ol'toa HMo 22'12 1897-98 .. 2,055 15,993,903 3,666,483 4,672,264 399,262 48,660 34,168 530,993 9,936 862 23,069 60,872 926 44,935 2,356,595 42,784 77,226 103,055 83,656 313 073 427*448 465 041 1 048'868 2'518'367 837'*M1 fq'fiqt o a'J 6 ™22 1898-99 .. 2,090 16,404,076 3,968,708 4,955,553 438,367 55,027 37,186 589,372 10,348 998 24,963 66,418 1,106 55,878 2,518 233 34 512 83 084 97 396 87 038 310 266 420 071 178 851 1 147 M8 2'624'o59 889*0?? on'qoJ 1899-1900.. 2,104 16,703,887 4,187,893 5,468,284 474,793 63,335 40,228 624,115 11,474 1,159 27,066 68,488 1,345 65,063 2,523,787 36,049 77,292 104 621 92 126 334 677 764 033 536 428 1 218 698 8*127*874 AM Sot «'?« 22'E? J'fS'fS? 89 '2° 1900-1901.. 2,212 17,207,328 4,620,971 6,243,593 503,051 82,921 41,925 633,770 11,421 1,336 30,658 72,712 1,566 72,868 2,412 191 51 059 78 844 96 519 92 830 380 803 772 571 551 879 1 36624? 3*339*687 1M,M OT fim ■ '2£'2S 22'°° 1901-1902.. 2,235 18,170,722 5,066,360 7,356,136 575,697 100,778 45,322 677,804 11,926 1,506 30,404 79,561 1,564 83,458 2,724,860 55.L59 86 378 101 878 100 236 427 153 813 345 556 395 1 443I92 8* MB' 177 KJ £'?£ MS* 222 22'Z2 1902-1903.. 2,291 19,081,735 5,443,333 7,575,390 576,529 118,431 49,169 731,762 12,737 1*646 34,202 87,273 1,921 102,461 3,821,333 61,844 121 092 116 309 100 498 436 008 718 376 633 685 1 604 426 S'tm'mI HM10 Oq'qfin 'm '2 'S 22'IS 1903-1904.. 2,328 20,692,911 5,685,399 8,306,383 652,080 129,919 52,580 798,800 14,629 2,056 36,816 110,151 2,340 107,435 3,756,378 70,268 132,562 101 316 106 066 509 712 820 453 658 144 1 744 323 4 072 576 M 'm 'S i'fIS'2!? ' 2T"22 1904-1905.. 2,374 21,701,572 6,107,079 8,514,112 680,905 140,453 57,252 825,468 15,651 2,228 38,592 115,051 2,307 110,924 3,412,984 77,768 131,714 107,625 109,174 493 327 732'479 630832 1806360 401l'511 1 277 Q7fi o'ona'oti 21*22 1905-1906.. 2,406 22,498,972 6,413,573 8,826,382 723,867 147,989 63,006 892,037 17,008 2,376 40,097 142,642 2,350 119,311 3,348,685 92,702 144 884 116,086 106 510 534 533 772 258 628 603 1 938 548 4*241*422 ffiSS MS S'222 2'2E'£} 5 ° 1906-1907.. 2,456 23,504,272 6,755,454 9,600,786 823,067 165,504 68,986 929,929 17,770 2,440 42,081 151,913 2,496 133,031 4,661,001 115,222 168,316 128 161 109 236 567 835 770 706 712 399 2 135 446 4'592'o99 lMHfiBB !!'fiq9 22'222 ' 87 'Z 5 1907-1908.. 2,471 24,365,647 7,051,274 9,756,716 835,473 185,174 77,505 937,565 18,423 2,829 47,766 176,876 2,530 150,751 4,593,100 12 5 ; 9 87 169,767 120; S 93 110 154 616 892 739 568 757 647 2 319 913 48MM4 AllUt S'?2 2'22f'222 93 '°° 1908-1909.. 2,682 27,762,592 7,458,236 10,457,144 921,411 192,547 90,248 961,293 19,124 2,550 50,798 187,040 2,427 159,884 5,211,489 117,626 182,666 137,916 102,620 582 860 793'793 729*971 2342048 4'871*874 1*630704 w'lf? 49'q™ O'IOQ'koa 3 ' 75 1909-1910.. 2,717 28,513,476 7,889,166 11,141,142 1,070,791 199,371 100,249 1,047,806 20,571 2,532 51,235 192,585 2,490 176,412 5,126,762 126,930 179,902 151,051 98 360 523 845 1 044 468 739 667 2*486'121 5'223'414 1775*546 Vr']H 94 ' 00 1910 1911.. 2,761 29,606,546 8,141,075 11,200,613 1,104.295 222,104 119,117 1,118,361 20,137 2,751 52,762 193,789 2,441 210,848 5,911,291 160,379 198,546 143 247 109 400 627 107 1 013 298 808*444 2 655 250 5'555'292 Allmt S'J?? 5q 'nl ' , 98 ' 75 1911-1912.. 2,808 30,506,089 8,371,687 11,891,134 1,185,825 236,957 133,289 1,190,907 20,510 2,801 56,156 203,334 2,904 207 546 5,454 443 147 268 191 794 141 607 110 436 718 414 949 556 811 166 2 676 783 SI56 2 032M5 n'Vl m'JOQ 2*M O J^' 75 1912-1913.. 2,860 31,611,220 9,016,224 13,123,879 1,314,340 265,259 147,533 1 320,873 21,971 2,904 57,388 215,209 3,189 221,595 5,388,805 136 130 213 322 147 735 112 072 695 060 1 181 899 845 934 2 760 983 5 957*005 5 ' 25 1913-1914.. 2,863 32,355,087 9,319,268 13,355,893 1,299,929 287,037 150,550 U92.814 21,778 2,755 54,383 236,762 3,090 254,291 6,860,495 145,773 235,980 165,109 117,033 676,853 873,746 I 5T16U HS n|9S9 "IMSISU 1O4"M 1914-1915.. 2,955 34,133,825 9,383,420 13,565,772 1,329,233 302,912 153,150 " 227,521 3,090 314,219 6,923,306 163,155 218,668 162,002 119,478 621,963 1,103,352 861,791 2,988,028 6,075,282 2,249,399 69,646 76,508 4,105,457 104-75

g £ l~l Maintenance of Way. Locomotive Power. Carriages and Wagons. Traffic. Head and Departmental Offices. General Charges and Sundries. Less Credit Recoveries.' 8 s>.a sa® Year. ® © — — i i ~~~ _ agjg I 2 . » Percent. Per Mile Per PerCent. Per Percent. Per PerCent. Per I Per Cent. Per PerCent. Per PerCent Pov £3 H Eh ho Amount. ° w Train- Amount. of Train- Amount. of Train- Amount. of Train- Amount. of Train- Amount. of Train- Amount of Train- 8* Revenue. Railway. mile. Revenue. mile. Revenue, mile. Revenue. mile. j Revenue, mile. Revenue, mile. Revenue, mile. s d. £ £ £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d £ £ d e 1882-83 .. 51-07 62-18 209,823 2201 155-54 1808 153,607 16 11 13-23 38,887 408 3-35 156,334 16-40 13-47 .. .. .. 34 170 2-94 'id- * 1883-84 55-40 68-24 233,936 24-34 169 29 19*76 162,558 1691 1373 51,304 5 34 4-33 166,848 17 36 14 09 4l'345 4-30 3-49 " " " A^'oon 1884-85 .. 57-45 65-99 254,329 24 32 176-87 21-18 166,576 15-93 13-87 56,245 5 38 4 68 171,822 1643 14-30 .. .. " 4l'o55 3-93 3 42 " " " fiQn'noR 1885-86 .. 54-85 65-91 247,566 23-64 160-32 19-67 162,860 15-55 12-94 55,303 5-28 4-40 180,352 17 22 14-33 .. .. 44'259 4 22 3-51 " " " fion'qln 1886-87 .. 55-76 69-99 252,530 25-28 149 85 20-14 166,407 16 66 1327 59,107 5-92 4-72 177,825 17-80 14-18 .. .. ' 43'203 4-33 3-45 " " " fiaS'n™ 1887-88 .. 56-02 69-09 246,340 24-76 14135 20 08 159,757 1606 13 02 65,018 6-54 5-30 173,991 17 49 14-18 .. .. 42*222 4-24 3-44 " " " « o 1888-89 .. 55-54 64-86 ! 232,915 23 35 131-31 19-99 153,807 15-42 13 20 55,422 5-55 4-76 176,995 17-74 15-19 .. , 27*906 2-80 2 40 " " " 1889-90 57-13 62-32 ; 242,075 22 10 134-70 20-26 159,180 14 53 1332 67,211 6 13 5-62 182,427 16*65 1527 .. .. " 31 894 291 2 66 " " " til'7H7 1890-91 .. 58 09 62 47 241,330 21-51 132-27 20 01 1 172,064 15-34 14 26 66,228 5 91 5-49 193,461 17*25 16 04 .. .. 27'622 246 229 " " " ?nn 7M 1891-92 .. 56-32 63 34 245,163 21 98 131-41 19-54 177,156 15-88 14-12 57,723 5-17 4-60 198,654 1781 15-84 .. .. 27'822 2-50 2 22 " " " Jnfi' ?? 1892-93 .. 58-53 61-97 262,600 22-23 140 18 20-99 183,774 15 55 14-69 53,962 457 432 202,153 17-11 16-16 .. .. 29 653 251 2-37 " " " 7QOi2o 1893-94 .. 56-69 62-70 268,451 22 89 140-35 20-70 177,833 15 16 1371 56,470 4-82 4 35 201,166 17-15 15-51 .. .. 3l' 4 40 268 2 42 " " " 7^'qJq 1894-95 .. 54 54 63 62 272,718 23 70 138 57 20-32 175,758 15 27 13 09 50,949 4 43 379 201,641 17-52 1502 .. .. 3l'o95 2 70 2 32 " " " 1895-96 .. 54-53 6351 282,593 23 89 141-45 20-51 185,669 15 69 13-47 54,692 4-62 3 97 207,253 1752 15-04 37,979 321 2-76 ' 16 - 8i 8 i-isi 149 mqfis 1896-97 .. 55-55 61-35 301,981 2348 149-77 21-26 190,543 14-82 13-41 65,825 5 12 4 64 213,914 16 63 15 06 39 072 3 03 2 75 " 22 280 1-7S 1-S7 sq'oy 1897-98 .. 5611 62-30 327,987 23 84 160 53 21-47 209,289 15-21 13-70 65,344 475 4 27 232,646 1691 15 23 41 062 2 98 2 69 " " 19 137 iw swiQl 1898-99 .. 56-22 63-26 357,189 24 30 172-92 21-60 231,532 15-75 14 00 73,680 5 01 4-46 244,932 16 67 14 81 44,319 302 2 68 .! " " 21914 1-49 1-33 Sot™ 1899-1900.. 60-31 64-80 394,619 24 30 187 99 2261 295,542 18 20 1693 76,555 4 71 4-39 262,552 16-17 15-05 47 717 2-93 2 74 " " 24 6-27 IS? wi 1 nw'qsa 1900-1901.. 58-58 65 30 426,405 24 69 196 14 22 15 293,383 16 98 15 24 91,532 5 30 4-75 236,159 17-15 15 38 51 590 2 99 2 68 " " 31 221 1-81 1-62 1 127 R4H 1901-1902.. 5932 6680 436,847 2330 196-17 2069 351,172 18-73 16 64 99,522 5 31 4-71 333,211 17*78 1579 56,756 303 2-69 .. " " 25 271 1-35 1-20 1 2S22H7 1902-1903.. 59-23 6805 460,398 23-32 203-55 20-30 378,575 1918 16-69 .105,976 5-37 467 360,061 18-24 1589 621997 3-19 2 77 .! !! !! 1-25 1-08 118481415 Lake Wakatipu Steamers. 1903-1904.. 60-48 65-98 490,819 2258 212-94 20-72 414,168 1905 17-48 111,988 5 15 4 73 374,347 1722 15-80 68,223 3 14 2-88 6 048 86 45 26 869 1-23 1-13 1 438 724 1904-1905.. 58-46 67-58 508,735 2309 21664 19 99 425,717 19-32 16 73 109,918 4-99 432 402,715 18-28 15-83 68 353 3 10 2-68 5 198 88 14 27 736 1-26 109 I'II'MS 1905-1906.. 60-47 69*00 546,805 2333 22867 20 46 468,315 19-98 17*52 119,437 5*10 4-47 442,064 18 86 1654 70 539 3-01 2 61 5 227 87 33 " 31 148 1-33 1-16 1 Sl'mQ 1906-1907.. 64*21 69*06 613,890 23*45 252*78 21-81 522,100 19-94 1855 135,793 5-19 4*82 494,942 1890 17*58 73 376 2*80 2*61 5'082 82*52 " 32 701 1*25 1*16 1 812 482 1907-1908.. 66*18 70*59 638,560 23*18 258*31 21*73 572,586 20 78 19*49 160,818 5*84 5 47 534 634 19-40 18-20 76 082 2 76 2 59 5 377 81 02 ** 38 298 1-39 ISO ' * 1908-1909.. 67-89 72 19 656,154 22-45 257-63 21-11 628,410 21-50 20-22 165,850 5 67 5-34 605,940 20-73 19-50 92 445 3-16 2-98 5 058 7856 " 39 042 1-33 1 26 liulu 1909-1910.. 65-84 66 76 620,008 19-12 229-94 18 86 669,559 20-65 20 37 163,833 5*05 4-98 615,033 1896 18-71 95 902 2-96 2*92 5 139 75-99 " SWITI 1910-1911.. 67-75 65-92 693,445 19-89 253-58 20 44 695,062 19 93 20-50 180,221 5 17 5*31 631,380 18*10 18*61 98 135 2-81 2-89 5'029 75-70 I'w Sara 1911-1912.. 70*52 67-07 735,546 20 04 263-46 21*08 743,443 20 26 21*31 209,039 5*70 5*99 670,631 18*27 19*22 101,240 2*76 2*92 5'997 89 92 " " " 9^'aQfi 1912-1913.. 71*84 68*13 765,860 19 32 270-61 20 38 833,146 21 02 22 18 226,146 5 71 602 768,936 19-40 20-47 104,902 2-64 2*79 e'619 94-27 " " " " ,m'mo 1913-1914.. 74*00 71*24 763.207 18*87 267 64 19*66 921,564 22 79 23 73 232,745 5 76 5 99 838,222 20-73 21*59 117 539 2 91 3-03 7'046 103 78 2'aan'<m 1914-1915.. 74-54 71-14 738,550 17-99 254-02 18-89 954,868 23-26 24*42 228,145 5 56 5*84 870,392 21-20 22-26 122Ul5 2-98 3-13 6,085 88 83 !! " !! aliMMM * Since the year 1009-1910, recoveries have been created to the branch in which they relate.



RETURN No. 17. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c., current during the Year ending 31st March, 1915.

10—D. 2.

Service. Period. Name ot Contractor. Eate. Auckland— General stores .. Bing, Harris, and Co. (Limited) Briscoe and Co. (Limited) G. T. Brown John Burns and Co. (Limited) A. and T. Burt (Limited) John Chambers and Son (Limited) J. J. Craig (Limited) Hardleys Limited A. R. Hislop Indiarubber, Guttapercha, and Telegraph Works Company (Limited) Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) T. and S. Morrin (Limited) .'. Andrew M. Paterson Phillipps and Impey (Limited) Ross and Glendining (Limited) Sargood, Son, and Ewen (Limited) Fred. Schlaich H. G. Teagle (Limited) Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) Winstone, Limited Hayward Bros, and Co. (Limited) Bunting and Co. (Limited) New Zealand Portland Cement Company (Limited) Welsbach Light Company (Limited) .. Castendyk and Focke Dunlop Rubber Company (Limited) .. Perdriau Rubber Company (Limited) .. William Cooke and Co. (Limited) North Company (Limited) J. Boyle .. N. Guthridge (Limited) L. G. Porter Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited) Caselberg, Stein, and Co. (Limited) As per tender. 31/3/1917 ,, ,, ,, .. . .. ii ,, ii ,, • . . . a « ,, a ,, Boots, gum Brushes, New Zealand Cement, Portland, New Zealand a 3/5 per cwt. Gas-chimneys,'' Inea " brand Gum, core Hose, indiarubber a As per tender. 27/6 per cwt. As per tender. Iron, bar.. Leather, buffalo skins, English Paint, haematite, New Zealand Polish, metal, " Solarene " .. Polishing-cloths, " Redio " .. Soda 1/1 and 1/2| sq. ft. 11/6 per cwt. 4/ and 7/ doz. tins. 5/6 and 2/9 dozen. As per tender. Twine, office WellingtonVarious stores 31/3/1917 H. G. Anderson and Co. T. Ballinger and Co. (Limited) W. M. Bannatyne and Co. (Limited) . . Briscoe and Co. (Limited) A. arid T. Burt (Limited) J. Chambers and Son (Limited) J. J. Craig (Limited) J. Duthie and Co. (Limited) Hayward Bros, and On. (Limited) A. R. Hislop Indiarubber, Guttapercha, and Telegraph Works Company (Limited) Jenkins and Maek Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) Kirkealdie and Stains (Limited) E. W. Mills and Co. (Limited) Ross and Glendining (Limited) Sargood, S ;n, and Ewen (Limited) Fred. Schlaich Smith and Smith (Limited) Stewart Timber Companv (Limited) .. H. G. Teagle (Limited) R. and E. Tingey and Co. (Limited) .. Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) G. Winder Bunting and Co. (Limited) Golden Bay Cement Works (Limited).. Herbert Hill and Co. Peter Hutson and Co. (Limited) Welsbach Light Company (Limited) .. Castendyk and Focke .. - Dunlop Rubber Company (Limited) .. Perdriau Rubber Company (Limited) .. John Lysaght (Limited) Ballinger Bros. North Company (Limited) . . N. Guthridge (Limited) L. G. Porter Caselberg, Stein, and Co. (Limited) As per tender. ,, »i »» ,» i* »» *f ,» »* » Brushes, New Zealand Cement, Portland, Golden Bay Drainpipes and tiles Firebricks Gas-chimneys Gum, core Hose, indiarubber ,, ii », j, 3/5 per cwt. As per tender. 200/ per 1,000. As per tender. 25/6 per cwt. As per tender. j, ,» Iron, sheet, black Lead, bends Leather, buffalo-skins, English Polish, metal, " Solarene " Polishing-cloths, " Redio," yellow .. Twine, office 280/ &*300/ per ton. 35/ per cwt. 1/1 and 1/2| sq.ft. 4/ and 7/ doz. tins. 2/9 per dozen. As per tender.



RETURN No. 17—continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c. — continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. christchurch— General stores .. 31/3/1917 Aitken and Roberts (Limited) Andersons Limited Archer and Halliburton Ashby, Bergh, and Co. (Limited) A. and T. Burt (Limited) J. Chambers and Son (Limited) J. J. Craig (Limited) Dalgety and Co. (Limited) Donaghy's Rope and Twine Company (Limited) Hayward Bros, and Co. (Limited) A. R. Hislop Homebush Brick and Coal Company (Limited) Indiarubber, Guttapercha, and Telegraph Works Company (Limited) Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) Andrew Lees E. Reeco and Sons (Limited) Ross and Glendining (Limited) Sargood, Son, and Ewen (Limited) Fred. Schlaich Smith and Smith (Limited) H. G. Teagle (Limited) Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) John Brightling Bunting and Co. (Limited) Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Limited) Dunlop Rubber Company (Limited) .. Perdriau Rubber Company (Limited) .. William Cooke and Co. (Limited) North Company (Limited) Michaelis, Hallenstein, and Farquhar .. Christchurch Brick Company (Limited) N. Guthridge (Limited) L. G. Porter Castendyk and Focke Caselberg, Stein, and Co. (Limited) As per tender. »» M ,, »» ,» ,, ,, . . . . »> ,, .. .. ... ,, », " W ,, ,, a ,, Bricks, red ' - .. Brushes, New Zealand Cement, Portland, New Zealand .. 45/and 70/per 1,001 As per tender. 3/61 per cwt. Hose, indiarubber As per tender. Iron, bar .. Leather, buffalo-skins, English ,, English, sole Lime, white, ordinary Polish, metal, " Solarene " Polishing-cloths, " Redio," yellow .. Soda, acetate of Twine, office 1/1 and 1/2J sq. ft. 2/6 per lb. 1/1 per bushel. 4/ and 7/ doz. tins. 2/9 per doz. 25/6 per cwt. As per tender. )unedin — General stores .. 31/3/1917 Allen, Son, and McCluro (Limited) Bing, Harris, and Co. (Limited) A. and T, Burt (Limited) Briscoe and Co. (Limited) Burton Bros. (Limited) J. Chambers and Son (Limited) J. and T. Christie .. R. B. Denniston and Co. John Edmond Farra Bros. .. .. Hayward Bros, and Co. (Limited) A. R. Hislop Indiarubber, Guttapercha, and Telegraph Works Company (Limited) Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) Andrew Lees Laidlaw and Gray (Limited) G. Methven and Co. (Limited) Michaelis, Hallenstein, and Farquhar .. Milburn Lime and Cement Company (Limited) P. McSkimming and Son New Zealand Hardware Company (Limited) James Park and Co. Paterson and Barr (Limited) Ross and Glendining (Limited) Sargood, Son, and Ewen (Limited) Fred. Schlaich Smith and Smith (Limited) H. G. Teagle (Limited) .... Thomson, Bridger, and Co. (Limited) .. Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) C. and W. Gore Bunting and Co. (Limited) Welsbach Light Company (Limited) .. R. B. Denniston and Co. Dunlop Rubber Company (Limited) .. Perdriau Rubber Company (Limited) .. As per tender. 99 ,, • . . . ,, . . . . . . 99 ,, . ■ • . . . ,, . . • • . . », ,, . • . . . . >» ,, • . . . ,, . . . . . . >» ,, . . • • . . ,, ■ • • . • . ,, • • • . . . ,, • • . • . . ,, r» r, ,, • . . . . . », ,, . . . . . . »> ,, . . . . . . Jr Bricks, red Brushes, New Zealand Gas-chimneys Glasses, gauge Hose, indiarubber 40/and 80/per 1,001 As per tender. 99...



RETURN No. 17—continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c.— continued.

Period. Name of Contraotor. Rate. Service. Dunedin (continued) — Leather, buffalo-skins, English Mattresses, wire, woven Polish, metal, " Solarene " Soda, acetate of Tents and flies Twine, office 31/3/1917 North and Co. (Limited) .. .. 1/1 and l/2f sq. ft. W. Nees and Sons (Limited) . . 10/3,13/6, & 16/eac i N. Guthridge (Limited) .. .. 4/and 7/doz.Jins. Castendyk and Focke .. .. 25/6 per cwt. 5§ Vll l. A. Thompson and Sons . . .. 25/9 and 17/6 each. Caselberg, Stein, and Co. (Limited) . . As per tender. It Invercargill— General stores 31/3/1917 Bing, Harris, and Co. (Limited) .. As per oontraot. Briscoe and Co. (Limited) . . .. „ Broad, Small, and Co. . . .. ,, A. and T. Burt (Limited) .. .. ,, J. Chambers and Son (Limited) .. I ,, John Edmond .. .. .. „ Hayward Bros, and Co. (Limited) .. „ Indiarubber, Guttapercha,, and Tele- „ graph Works Company (Limited) Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) „ Andrew Lees .. .. .. „ Michaelis, Hall nstein, and Farquhar .. ,, P. McSkimming and Son . . .. ,, New Zealand Hardware Company (Li- ,, mited) James Park and Co. .. .. ,, Ross and Glendining (Limited) .. „ Sargood, Son, and Ewen (Limited) .. „ Sheehan and Brown .. .. „ Smith and Laing (Limited) .. .. ,, Thomson, Bridger, and Co. (Limited) .. „ Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) .. „ C. and W. Gore .. .. .. 40/and 80/ per 1,000. Bunting and Co. (Limited) . . As per tender. Milburn Lime and Cement Company | 3/11 per cwt. (Limited) T. Todd and Sons (Limited) . . As per tender. Welsbach Light Company (Limited) . . „ H. G. Teagle (Limited) .. .. 3/5 and 2d. per doz. Dunlop Rubber Company (Limited) .. As per tender. Perdriau Rubber Company (Limited) .. „ North and Co. (Limited) .. .. 1/1 and I /2| sq. ft, N. Guthridge (Limited) ... 4/ and 7/ doz. tins. L. G. Porter .. .. .. 2/9 per doz. a • - * ■ • • »> ii . . . . t* • • a • * • • • • it a • • * • *t »» >» • • • • • ■ a *, . . • • a it * ■ * • • • tt ,» .. .. .. »> ii .. .. ■ ■ I, • • • . tt ,i • . . . . , tt tt • • . . »» ii .. .. . . tt tt ■ • . . tt ,, . . . . jj Bricks, red Brushes, New Zealand Cement, Portland, Milburn tt t> ») Drainpipes and tiles Gas-chimneys Gas-mantles and supports Hose, indiarubber ti t> Leather, buffalo-skins, English Polish, metal,'' Solarene Polishing-cloths, " Redio," yellow .. Greymouth— General stores ,i ■ . . • • • ,, . . • . ■ . ii «. .. .. „ ii . . • . . . ,, . . . . ,, .. •. .. i, ,j . . . . 31/3/1917 tt tt tt it it tt F. W. Badger and Co. .. .. As per tender. J. J. Craig (Limited) .. .. „ Dispatch Foundry Company (Limited) ,, Forsyth and McKay .. .. „ Griffen and Smith .. .. .. „ Hayward Bros, and Co. (Limited) .. „ W. Heinz .. .. .. .. „ D. McLean Ross and Glendining (Limited) .. „ W. Scott E. M. Sheedy and Co. Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) .. „ Bunting and Co. (Limited) .. .. i „ Wilson's Portland Cement Company 3/10 per cwt. (Limited) Welsbach Light Company (Limited) .. As per tender. H. G. Teagle (Limited) .. .. 3/5 and 2d. per doz. Dunlop Rubber Company (Limited) . . As per tender. Perdriau Rubber Company (Limited) . . „ N. Guthridge (Limited) .. 4/ and 7/ doz. tins. Donaghy's Rope and Twine Company 52/ per cwt. (Limited) Castendyk and Focke .. .. 30/ per cwt. Brushes, New Zealand Cement, Portland tt Gas-chimneys Gas-mantles and supports Hose, indiarubber Polish, metal, " Solarene " Rope, manila, " Star " >> Soda, acetate of ... >) Westport— General stores 31/3/1917 Bailie and Co. (Limited) .. As per tender. J. J. Craig (Limited) .. .. „ Donaghy's Rope and Twine Company „ (Limited) G. H. Gothard (Limited) .. .. „ Hayward Bros, and Co. (Limited) .. „ Martin and Co. .. .. .. „ Ross and Glendining (Limited) .. ,, Sims, Cooper, and Co. .. .. „ ii ii JJ »» ii it >t ,, . . . . . . tt ii . . ■ • tt



RETURN No. 17-continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c. — continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. Westport (continued) — General stores 31/3/1917 Brushes, New Zealand Drainpipes and tiles Gas-chimneys Gas-mantles Hose, indiarubber Taylor, Enright (Limited) Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Limited) Bunting and Co. (Limited) .. G. Snow and Son Welsbach Light Company (Limited) .. H. G. Teagle (Limited) Dunlop Rubber Company (Limited) .. Perdriau Rubber Company (Limited) .. N. Guthridge (Limited) L. G. Porter Castendyk and Focke As per tender. »» A ,) fi ii Polish, metal, " Solarene " Polishing-cloths, " Redio " Soda, acetate of 4s/ and 7/ doz. tins. As per tender. 30/ per cwt. Nelson — General stores .. 31/3/1917 E. Buxton and Co. (Limited) J. J. Craig (Limited) Donaghy's Rope and Twine Company (Limited) Hayward Bros, and Co. (Limited) Nelson Brick and Pottery Works Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) Wilkins and Field Hardware Company (Limited) Bunting and Co. (Limited) Golden Bay Cement Works (Limited).. Welsbach Light Company (Limited) .. H. G. Teagle (Limited) Dunlop Rubber Company (Limited) .. Perdriau Rubber Company (Limited) .. L. G. Porter Castendyk and Focke ■ As per^tender. ,, . . . . n »• ,, n Brushes, New Zealand Cement, Portland Gas-chimneys Gas-mantles and supports Hose, indiarubber 3/6 per cwt. As per tender. 3/5 and 2d. per doz. As per tender. Polishing-cloths, " Redio " Soda, acetate of 30/ per cwt. Brooms and brushes — Auckland 31/3/1917 Bunting and Co. (Limited) Kapai Corn Broom Company (Limited) J. Trevethick Bunting and Co. (Limited) Kapai Corn Broom Company (Limited) C. Trevethick Bunting and Co. (Limited) Otago Brush Company (Limited) Bunting and Co. (Limited) Otago Brush Company (Limited) As per tender. Wellington » j, Christchurch if ii Dunedin and Invercargill n Dandles, soap, and oil-oleine — Auckland — Candles 31/3/1917 Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited) Ditto McLeod Bros. (Limited) Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited) As per tender. Soap tt ,i Oil-oleine 2/10 per gal. Wellington— Candles Soap 31/3/1917 John Newton and Son (Limited) As per tender. ii • - ... Oil oleine Christchurch — Candles tl McLeod Bros. (Limited) John Newton and Son (Limited) 3/3 per gal. 31/3/1917 McLeod Bros. (Limited) Zealandia Soap and Candle Company (Limited) McLeod Bros. (Limited) Zealandia Soap and Candle Company (Limited) McLeod Bros. (Limited) Zealandia Soap and Candle Company (Limited) McLeod Bros. (Limited) 5Jd. per lb. 5d. per lb. Soap As per tender. Dunedin and invercargill— Candles j. 31/3/1917 5£d. per lb. 5d. per lb. Soap Oil-oleine SJ As per tender. 30/ per cwt. Rope, New Zealand flax ; rope, manila; and flax-tow — North Island Sections 31/3/1917 Donaghy's Rope and Twine Company (Limited) Maddren Bros. As per tender. South Island Sections



RETURN No. 17—continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c.— continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. Rope, wire, galvanized— W. N. Brunton and Son, Scotland.. 31/3/1917 H. G. Anderson andjCo. As per tender. Uniforms — Stationmasters Guards and porters Russell - cord coats, for guards and porters »» W. Strange and Co. (Limited)]! A. Levy .. .. .. .. |W. Strange and Co. (Limited) As per tender. it ii Uniform caps — Stationmasters, summer „ winter Drivers and firemen, summer „ winter White cap-covers Rainproof cap-covers Guards, summer ,, winter Porters, summer „ winter tt It Rapsonjandjlrvine ii • • . • 8/11 each. 9/3 „ 3/2 „ 4/1 „ 1/9 ,, ' " 4/8 „ 4/1! „ 3/5 „ 3/8 „ SH i ; ' » - • • Bing, Harris, and Co. (Limited) a It ii ii • • tt ii fi • • ii ii . • Disinfectants— Liquid formaldehyde F. G. Lennard and Co. .. J W. and G. Turnbull and Co. (Limited) 6/6 gal., in 1 -gal. tins, 6/5 gal., 5-gal. drums. As per tender. 4/6 gal., in 1-gal. tins. 4/ gal., 5-gal. drums. Sheep-dip, Lawes's tt Liquid " Izal " ... Arthur D. Riley and Co. (Limited) I Coal-supply — Waro—Hikurangi Huntly-—" Ralph's "or " Extended " Auckland—Westport Onehunga—Blackball „ Stockton 31/3/1915 Hikurangi Coal Company Taupiri Coal-mines (Limited) Westport Coal Company (Limited) Blackball Coal Company (Limited) Westport-Stockton Coal Company (Limited) Blackball Coal Company (Limited) Westport-Stockton Coal Company (Limited) Westport Coal Company (Limited) Blackball Coal Company (Limited) Westport-Stockton Coal Company (Limited) Blackball Coal Company (Limited) Westport Coal Company (Limited) Blackball Coal Company (Limited) Westport-Stockton Coal Company (Limited) Westport Coal Company (Limited) Blackball Coal Company (Limited) Westport Coal Company (Limited) Blackball Coal Company (Limited) Westport-Stockton Coal Company (Limited) Westport Coal Company (Limited) Westport-Stockton Coal Company (Limited) Westport Coal Company (Limited) Blackball Coal Company (Limited) Westport Coal Company (Limited) Westport-Stockton Coal Company (Limited) Westport Coal Company (Limited) 10/6 per ton. 10/9 26/ 26/ 26/9 New Plymouth—Blackball „ Stockton 26/ 26/9 Wanganui—Westport Blackball .. ,, Stockton 28/ 27/ 27/9 It Foxton-—Blackball Wellington—Westport Blackball .. ,, Stockton .. tt 28/ 24/1 23/1 23/10 „ Napier—Westport „ Blackball Lyttelton—Westport Blackball „ Stockton 26/ 26/ 25/ 24/ 24/9 Timaru-—Westport „ Stockton 26/6 „ 26/3 Oamaru —Westport ,, Blackball Dunedin —Westport „ Stockton 26/6 25/6 26/ 25/9 Bluff—Westport Nelson —Westport Milton—Waronui Stirling—Kaitangata Bruce Railway and Coal Company New Zealand Coal and Oil Company (Limited) .. Nightcaps Coal Company (Limited) .. 26/6 27/ 8/10 10/ tl Nightcaps —Nightcaps 8/9 „ New Zealand timber — Christchurch Section Dunedin Section 31/3/1916 31/3/1915 William Stephens and Co. (Limited) .. Southland Sawmilling Company New Zealand Pine Company A. and D. Macpherson New Zealand Pine Company State Sawmills, Kakahi and Piha As per tender. Invercargill Section ii • ■ • • North Island Sections .. ,. Schedule rates.


RETURN No. 17— continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c. — continued.


Service. Period. Name ol Contractor. Kate. Varnish (Lewis Berger and Sons) (Limited)— Finest railway, Finest pale railway, body Best hard-drying, body Best black japan Gold-size 31/3/1915 H. G. Teagle (Limite-d) ii ii ■ • 15/3 per gal. 14/ 11/1 „ 10/J 7/3 „ ii ,i ■ * • - it I, ii ■ • Printing and stationery 31/3/1915 Government Printer As per agreement. Cartage— Auckland Wellington 31/3/1916 J. J. Craigj(Limited) Munt, Cottrell, and Co. (Limited) As per tender. It ■ Iron castings— Westland Greymouth 31/3/1915 S. Riley and Sons Dispatch Foundry Company (Limited) , .. , — 10/ per cwt. 13/ Ingot metals — Copper Lead Tin 31/3/1915 Noyes Bros. (Limited) Russel and Somers Mount Bischoff Tin-mining Company .. As per tender. Market rates. ,, Oil, dark, axle— 10,000 gallons, cold test, Auckland 20,000 „ |„ Wellington 10,000 „ „ Christchurch 10,000 „ „ Dunedin 5,000 „ „ Invercargill 10,000 „ Auckland.. 28,000 „ Wellington 12,000 „ Christchurch 10,000 „ Dunedin .. 30/7/1914 Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) lifd. per gal. 24/2/1915 >> ,, it Oil, castor- — 22,000 gallons, Auckland. . 36,000 „ Wellington 10,000 „ Christchurch 10,000 „ Dunedin .. 11/12/1914 Landale and Clark (Limited) Calcutta rates. ii ii Oil, mineral, colza-— 20,000 gallons, Auckland.. 30,000 „ Wellington 13,000 „ Christchurch 8,000 „ Dunedin 16/12/1914 Philips and Pike 104<1. per gal. ,i ii Oil, boiled linseed — 3,500 gallons, Auckland 4,000 „ Wellington 3,000 „ Christchurch 2,000 „ Dunedin 500 „ Invercargill 30/6/1914 Landale and Clark (Limited) Calcutta rates. ii >> ii Oil, raw, linseed — 3,000 gallons, Auckland 3,000 „ Wellington 2,000 „ Christchurch 1,000 „ Dunedin .. 30/6/1914 Landale and Clark (Limited) Calcutta rates. ii Oil, pale, machinery— 1,500 gallons, Auckland 1,500 „ Wellington 1,500 „ Christchurch 1,000 „ Dunedin .. 500 „ Invercargill 1,000 „ Auckland 2,000 „ Wellington 1,000 „ Christchurch 30/7/1914 >5 Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) ii ii ii ii • • lifd. per gal. ii 24/2/1915 ii ii • . ii ii ii • . ii ir ii • • Oil, vacuum, valve — 8,000 gallons, Auckland.. 17,000 „ Wellington 6,000 „ Christchurch 30/7/1914 Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) 2/11 per gal. ii ii ii



RETURN No. 17-continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c.— continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. Oil, locomotive, cylinder— 2,000 gallons, Auckland 2,000 „ Wellington 2,000 „ Christchurch 30/7/1914 Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) n ,1 1/8 per gal. 11 11 . • n Oil, gargoyle, vacuum, valve — 2,000 gallons, Auckland 4,000 „ Wellington 4,000 „ Christchurch 24/2/1915 Vacuum Oil Compauy (Limited) 2/14 per gal. >l tt ,1 11 • • 11 Oil, locomotive, cylinder — 3.000 gallons, Wellington 3.000 .. Christchurch 24/2/1915 Vaouum Oil Company (Limited) 1/8 per gal. Jarrah timber — I.I 94,000 super, ft. w 31/3/1915 Millar's W.A. Hardwood Company (Limited) 25/to 35/per 100 ft. Sleeper-supply— 178,600 jarrah 31/3/1915 The S.W. Timber-hewers' Co-operative Association Settlers and mills 4/9J to 4/11 each. 55,000 native 2/ to 4/6 each. Grey ironbark timber, hewn and sawn— Whangarei Section Auckland ,, Ohakuno ,, Wanganui ,, Wellington-Napier ,, Gisborne ,, Christehureli ,, Dunedin ,, Invercargill ,, Westland ,, Westport ,, Nelson „ 31/3/1915 il Fraser and Oo. 32/ per 100 ft 29/6 & 30/6 30/ & 32/6 31/6 & 35/6 30/ & 32/6 31/ 30/ 30/ to 33/ 2.8/ 31/ 30/ 32/6 Grey ironbark piles— Auckland Section Wanganui ,, Wellington-Napier „ Christchurch „ Dunedin ,, Invercargill ,, Westland „ 31/3/1915 Fraser and Co. 2/10 per li'n. ft 3/3 2/8 2/11 2/8 & 2/9 2/8 & 2/9 2/10 it Grey ironbark timber, hewn — Auckland Section Wellington ,, Lyttelton „ Dunedin ,, Bluff 31/3/1915 J. W. Wallace and Co. (Limited) 29/6 to 37/per 100 ft, 29/6 to 33/ 29/6 to 37/6 „ 29/6 to 37/ 29/6 to 35/ ,i ,1 ,, ,, 11 n Grey ironbark piles— Auckland Section Wellington „ Lyttelton „ Dunedin ,, 31/3/1915 J. W. Wallace and Co. (Limited) 2/91 per tin. ft 2/9* 2/9 2/9. »» »* • •


RETURN No. 18. Statement of Weighing-machines, Weighbridges, Traversers, Turntables, Cranes, and Pumps for the Year ended 31st March, 1915.


Description. H 3 a efi IS a h O X s IT,* l ! a © il I-H .r Oil g g y —*s *d fl fl =e n |rj« ■ tfi flfl M.fl O -gat. §■_« •6 a CC +H CO 0J >H o g. CQ © a o 07 V, I o 7a o Ea 5 "3 M — \ cwt... 4 . •• 1 „ •■ 14 . •• 2 „ .. 2-1 . .. 24 . •• 3 „ .. 34 . .. 4 . .. 5 „ .. 54 . .. 6 ,, .. 7 „ .. 8 . .. 9 . .. 10 ... 11 » •• 12 ... 124 . .. 13 . .. 14 „ .. 15 ... 16 ... 18 ... 20 .... 21 ... 22 ... 23 ... 25 ... 27 ... 60 . .. • 240 lb. .. 244 . 248 , 250 . 600 . 650 „ 900 „ 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 i i i 3 1 2 2 2 16 "6 '54 31 41 13 13 2 52 15 10 3 2 8 13 1 2 1 11 12 15 3 6 1 32 36 5 49 11 8 4 57 32 8 1 10 5 9 21 2 8 8 6 8 2 1 12 i i 2 i 2 3 *6 3 3 '_ 3 2 12 14 29 15 3 21 1 91 .79 -■«.. 98 • 26 22 6 125 54 19 1 13 7 18 38 2 n l 10 2 2 i i i *2 2 1 7 i i 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 3 2 2 1 1 4 5 3 2 4 1 1 2 Totals 6 750 13 298 370 32 8 14 t'eighbbidges :— 3 tons (oart) 6 . 7 „ 8 . 10 . 15 . 10 „ (wagon) 11 . 12 „ 14 . 15 „ 20 „ 25 , 30 „ 40 , 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 8 1 1 32 24 3 1 2 1 1 i i i 1 12 11 1 16 6 2 1 2 1 4 i i Totals 5 1 3 80 30 37 'bavkrskrs . . 1 26 21 2 'URNTABLES :— 43-feet (engine) 50 „ 55 „ 12 „ (wagon) 13 „ 14 . 19 11 1 28 20 3 33 8 3 I 50 31 3 42 14 "8 4 1 1 1 Totals 141 42 93


RETURN No. 18— continued. Statement of Weighing-machines, &c.— continued.

RETURN No. 19. Statement of Rails relaid during the Year ending 31st March, 1915

11—D, 2.


I •53 a Description, acja Ii I rl 6 a u o -O CQ 3 i ) a ™ fl fl 5 « m 3 a) m CD flrfl CD Q fl m fl *- 3 fl ir o-3« |-_m Pn g cog 3 ® is U o A rjfj a c 37 a o CJ ft o Cranes :— J-ton, stationary, hand I . • . 1 „ , „ .. 14 2 „ „ „ .. 3 „ „ „ .. 4 „ „ „ .. 5 „ „ „ .. 7 „ „ „ .. -10 „ » „ .. 15 . . „ .. 4 „ ,, hydraulic. 14 » - 8 „ „ .-• .. 10 . ',„ „ .. .... 12 . „ „ .. 1 . „ pneumatic 14 . ■ . 2 „ „ , 4 „ travelling, overhead .. . X ". "„ "„ '.'. .. '.'. '.'. 14. . ,1 „ 2 , „ , .. 3 „ . , .. 5 „ „ „ .. .. 2 „ „ hand 3 . . „ '..;; 5 „ „ „ .. .... 6 „ , „ .. 8 „ . „ .. 10 „ I „ . steam 14 2 . . „ .. 3. . ..... 3 5 ... .... 7 „ 2 74 „ . 12 „ „ „ .. 15 ,. „ „ .. 20 „ . „ .. Pile-driving and hoisting engnes, steam i 2 14 9 50 : 22 5 12 1 3 9 28 2 2 1 : 2 4 4 2 1 ' 3 1 1 1 5 2 4 17 7 4 3 2 1 2 8 2 9 4 1 "l 1 2 2 1 5 2 9 2 4 5 7 1 17 11 2 14 50 5 1 9 2 1 : 4 .. 3 1 1 1 5 4 17 4 3 1 2 8 9 9 22 12 3 28 2 2 4 2 12 "7 "2 2 4 1 2 1 3 3 1 i 3 3 2 'a • * ** 2 23 80 20 4 37 7 3 8 -' 2 A 3 3 1 1 1 1 7 4 28 4 6 1 2 13 2 18 1 1 2 2 4 6 16 7 15 1 2 1 3 33 2 i i '•2 i i i i 3 "l "2 2 2 5 1 2 1 5 9 4 7 1 i i i l 2 i l i l l 3 l 17 11 2 2 Totals .. .. .. 5 1 176 144 176 144 20 12 9 9 376 5 Water-services :— .' Steam .. .. .. .... 1 . Hand .. .. .. .. 1 2 Windmill .. .. .. .... 1 Hot-air Hydraulic . Oil .. .. .. .. 2 Gravitation.. .. .. .. 9 2 Gas-engine Dynamo i 1 2 1 I 2 1 1 i 2 2 1 1 8 10 45 78 28 58 1 8 31 24 36 19 64 49 1 2 1 8 45 28 1 31 36 64 1 10 78 58 8 24 19 49 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 16 1 1 1 1 5 6 1 22 136 96 13 58 60 155 3 1 2 9 2 i 2 7 6 Totals .. .. .. 12 6 12 6 7 214 I 249 12 544 ' 7 214 249 27 8

Weight. CC trj fl ca £* a '3 I i 6 a I 3 r.-0 n a g <a co £ to ® r?.2S "ih a_i r°'3« a a «j ".s-S rJ a 5-im £ CO CD r* Ph O ft ■io 3 is a o ■i. Io Z, a 3 o s C Er ,AILS RELAID : — 55 lb. steel.. 56 , .. 70 „ .. "l4 10,976 4,198 4,198 14 17,799 5,916 525 382 Totals 10,990 I 10,114 525 382 22,011 _ I


RETURN No. 20. Statement of Sleepers relaid and removed during the Year ending 31st March, 1915.

RETURN No. 21. Return of Number of Stations and Private Sidings on each Section for the Year ending 31st March, 1915.


Description. S S M _; S 3 :? « r- — -a -a g C ni . ri co r-. <_> U •— ■- o G C i s ■° s a ™ • Sum o.Sta ri o a. u a 5 Z c 3 id C Sleepers relaid :— Totara Jarrah Silver-pine Puriri Ironbark Powellized Matai Birch Grey-gum Kauri '.'. 299 299 1,634 '43 1,634 '43 3.867 101 83,321 .. 101,910 7,979 .. 9,237 1 313 671 .. 126 234 .. 763 890 2,519 17 3.867 83,321 7,979 313 671 234 890 101 101,910 9,237 ']20 763 586 6,218 586 6,218 3,105 494 209 947 2,223 69 5.602 186,026 29,709 *n55 1,360 997* 890 869 2,519 17 22 847 2,519 17 Total.. 299 299 1,677 1,677 99,811 101 112,036 1 99,811 101 112,036 6,804 6,804 3,599 1,178 3,139 228,644 Sleepers removed :— Matai Totara Birch Jarrah Silver-pine Puriri Creosoted Ironbark Grey-gum .. Kauri .. Maire Blue-gum Powellized .. 4 '.'. '91 '.'. 189 4 '91 1,677 2,322 .. 4.002 47,650 101 22,044 330 .. 8,544 9,397 .. 7,792 14,395 .. 50,139 29,714 .. 940 25 .. 10,419 2,485 .. 303 2 79 300 111 1 .. 460 2,322 47,650 330 9,397 14,395 29,714 25 2,485 ioi 4.002 22,044 8,544 7,792 50,139 940 10,419 303 2 305 5,773 305 5,773 'is 4,057 965 '48 2,965 'is 6,324 69,847 13,109 17,207 74,382 30,745 10,444 2,797 2 1,945 300 111 .461 "9 189 1,677 79 300 ill 460 1 Total.. 284 1,677 106,698 101 104,756 6,078 4,075 965 3,040 227,674

Sections. Number of Stations and Stopping-places on the Time-tables. Number of Private Sidings. Length. At Stations, j Total. Whangarei Kaihu Gisborne .. .. North Island Main Line and Branches South Island Main Line and Branches Westland Westport Nelson Picton M. eh. 74 28 19 41 44 28 1,109 32 1,415 9 157 26 35 78 60 20 48 19 30 12 16 390 522 73 17 23 21 5 4 9 12 3 2 3 5 105 38 143 163 26 189 23 5 28 112 3 14 4 1 5 Totals 2,954 41 1,104 307 81 388



RETURN No. 22. Comparative Statement of Mileage of Railways open for Traffic and under Maintenance on 31st March, 1915.

Section. Mileage open for Traffic on j 31st March, _ 1014. Additional Lengths opened during Year, Length opened. Reduced Mileage equivalent to Maintenance for whole Period. Length closed during Year. Line. Length. Equivalent i Net Addition ' Net Addition Total Mileage Tota .' Mileage to Mileage to Mileage open for Traffic maintained open R under" on 3 .st March, c £^fJ'Xn for Traffic. Maintenance. ioic. cial Year ended y - 31st March, Line opened. Date of Opening. Line. .. . M. eh. 57 72 Otiria-Kaikohe.. M. ch. 1st May, 1914 .. 16 36 M. eh. 15 8 M. ch. M. ch. 16 36 2 26 8 62 12 58 M. oh. M. eh. M. ch. 15 8 74 28 73 0 1 75 19 41 19 10 6 30 1,109 32 1,107 [0 5 18 44 28 36 68 Whangarei-Kawakawa Kaihu 17 15 Kaihu-Tarawhati 1st June, 1914 .. 2 26 1 75 North Island Main Line and Branches I 1 100 50 fKaiTraka-Otamatea (Pohokura-Whangamomona 1st August, 1914 2 47 1st July, 1914 .. 6 15 1 581 4 52/ Gisborne 31 50 i Otoko-Matawai.. 2nd Nov., 1914 .. ' 12 58 5 18 (Cass-Arthur's Pass 1,364 69 I-j Big Hill-Beaumont I Houipapa-T ahakopa I South Island Main Line and Branches 1st July, 1914 .. 1 14 66 15th Dec., 1914.. : 5 36 1st February, 1915 j 17 54 11 10] 1 48^ 2 69) 37 76 ■ 15 47 1,402 65 1,380 36 Ditto, Private Line — Nightcaps Branch 2 24 I ,. 13 7 j ■ 2 24 2 24 9 65 157 26 154 4 35 78 35 78 60 20 60 20 ' Westland 1st July, 1914 .. 13 7 I 9 65 144 19 Cronadun-Inangahua Westport 35 78 j .. " Nelson .. 60 20 Picton 48 19 .. 48 19 48 19 Totals 91 25 54 3 91 25 54 3 2,954 41 2,917 19 2,863 16 ! I 1

D— 2


RETURN No. 23. Statement showing Weights of Rails in various Lines on 31st March, 1915.

i t i Line. Wbangarei-Kawakawa Section — Onerahi-Opua Kaikohe Branch Kaihu Section — Dargaville-Kaihu North Island Main Line and Branches — Auckland- Wellington Newmarket-Otamatea Penrose-Onehunga Frankton-Thames Paeroa-Waihi Cambridge Branch Morrinsville-Botorua Marton-New Plymouth Waitara Branch Stratlord-Whangamomona Mount Bgmont Branoh Aramoho- Wanganui Foxton Branch Palmerston-Spit Wellington-Woodville Greytown Branch Te Aro Branch Gisborne Section — Gisborne-Matawai South Island Main Line and Branches — Lyttelton-Blufi Addington-Culverden Oxford Branch Byreton Branch Waipara-Parnassus Southbridge Branch Little River Branch Springfield Branch White Cliffs Branch Rakaia Forks Branch Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch Waimate Branch Waimate Gorge Branch Duntroon Branch Oamaru Breakwater Branch 401b. Iron. M. ch. 6 14 0 20 5' 8 333 0 65 145 0 23 401b. Steel. M. ch. 6 10 6'48 0 75 1146 0 3 12 49 24 3 451b. Steel. M. ch. 627 521b. 521b. Iron. Steel. | M. eh. | M. ch. 6' 7 '.'. 7 31 3 7 1 59 '.'. 22 20 2 2 8 21 4 34 53)b. 551b. 561b. Steel. Steel. Iron. M. ch. ! M. ch. M. ch. 24 44 28 12 0 50 ; 16 36 17 15 2 26 .. I 7 12 2 44 17 18 2 23 9 .78 6 75 2 36 68 5 16 55 3 77 15 45 21 60 ii 13 .. .'. i 1 56 19 1 19 26 26 2 23 31 53 18 37 .. 0 5 15 0 12 52 23 19 10 0 32 .. 1 41 4 57 4 60 11 46 22 44 ! 4 78 2 4* 28 18 .. '.'. 0 40 561b. Steel. M. ch. 4 46 35 57 21 61 18 40 12 22 2 42 0 9 41 41 0 3 0 30 6 2 1 79 0 69 36 3 ; 16 28 0 1 17 62 4 42 | 0 8 3 31 31 29 1 20 30 17 ; 7 66 3 24 651b. Steel. M. ch. 26 26 701b. • 701b. lino lb. Iron. Steel. j Steel. M. oh. M. ch. M. ch. 356 62 42 44 0 26 34 37 0 2.. 0 8.. 0 46 78 49 :: \ 14 :: 75 18 79 11 j 383 46 1 50 1 25 34 51 0 6.. 32 52 Total. M.oh. 57 72 16 36 19 41 425 77 84 07 2 59 62 75 12 24 12 1 68 60 136 65 4 62 37 55 6 2 3 20 19 33 113 72 114 43 3 7 1 10 44 28 392 1 67 57 33 45 20 11 44 01 25 39 22 48 72 26 11 46 22 20 27 36 36 18 4 46 8 21 37 41 0 63 Carried forward 11 48 : 11 48 49 74 49 74 6 27 6 27 25 2 24 22 25 2 24 22 369 05 138 4 2 16 369 05 : 138 4 298 331 298 3? 26 26 26 26 1 25 1,119 72 1 50 1 25 1,119 72 1 50 2,074 i_ i_ ! ______ 1 _ J 1 L «'»' l L I I I



RETURN No. 23—continued. Statement showing Weights of Rails in various Lines on 31st March, 1915— continued.

Line 401b. Iron. I 401b. Steel. 451b. Steel. | 521b. Iron. 521b. Steel. 531b. Steel. 551b. Steel. 561b. Iron. 561b. Steel. 651b. Steel. 701b. Iron. 701b. Steel. 100 lb. _ . j Steel. lotal - Brought forward South Island Main Line and Branches — continued. Ngapara Branch Livingstone Branch Waihemo Branch .. Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park Branch Fernhill Branch Otago Central Railway Outram Branch .. . Lawrence Branch .. Catlin's River Branoh Tapanui Branch Waikaka Branch Wyndham Branch Seaward Bush Branch Invercargiil-Kingston Makarewa-Tuatapere.. Thornbury-Nightcaps Forest Hill Branch Mararoa Branoh Waimea Plains Railway Riversdale-Switzers Westland Section — Greymouth-Otira Greymouth-Ross Stillwater-Inangahua Blaokball-Ngahere Coal Creek Branch Westport-Mokihinui Westport- Te Kuha Nelson-Glenhope Picton- Ward .. Totals .. M. eh. M. ch. 11 48 49 74 11 46 6 29 7 5 0 7 '.'. 0 4 " 528 '.'. 227 12 63 10 16 .. i 02 01 .. | 0 10 36 20 75 20 I „ . M. ch. 24 22 M. oh. M, ch, 369 5 138 4 M. ch. 26 26 M. ch. M. ch. 1 25 1,119 72 I M. ch. 6 27 M. ch. 25 2 M. ch. 2 16 M. eh. 298 32 M. ch. 1 50 M. eh. 2,074 3 I 11 44 | 3 45 15 9 11 75 8 65 1 26 2 49 1 57 134 51 9 0 34 68 42 68 26 21 12 57 9 35 33 65 87 0 48 23 24 51 12 66 10 41 36 41 13 67 •• .. 6'59 1 0 1 ■• ■• •• ■ " •■ .. •■ •• •• I ! 025 0 1 0 17 1 55 i 1 57 ; .. 65 73 3 0 6 34 0 69 1 29 18 26 19 2 20 4 10 39 9 3 12 55 9 1 1 66 19 48 44 59 17 76 8 6 V. 0 "3 0 24 4 22 1 77 11 69 067 65 58 1 57 15 9 3 37 6 59 .. -• ■• .. •• 1 . . l' 9 .. f 1 .. .. 6' 2 0 34 I .. " - I 7 3 23 56 10 21 10 50 7 75 12 0 22 24 I - 6 1 0 72 •• •• 13 74 17 33 0 1 - i - 016 24 33 18 26 31 25 13 29 10 0 15 10 70 5 61 24 41 17 60 16 13 I* 55 11 30 17 43 6 64 2 31 4 62 I 14 65 2 40 5 35 '.'. 3 8 19 11 " 50 48 38 29 56 73 3 31 8 5 30 IT 5 61 60 20 48 19 I i' 1 0 70 16 75 16 29 - .. 0 2 - 6 27 24 22 693 24 294 12 1 50 2,954 41 42 7 2 16 514 51 26 26 11 75 1,226 11 !



RETURN No. 24. Particulars of Private-siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1915.

- - 111 . Cif ■dS Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Xearest Station. By whom paid for. Amount Term of Traffic of Grant. guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1915. In. Out. Total. Tn. WHANGAREI SECTION. M. ch. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1226 R. 04/3988 .. Mar. 1, 1910 Northern Coal Company (Limited) .. Waro .. .. t 5 vears* .. t Repairs, 64 6 1 £18 0s. 6d. 12301 R. 05/3060 .. July 1,1910 R. P. Gibbons (Limited) .. .. .. Hikurangi .. t 5 „ *.. t Repairs, £2 1252; R. 08/3024 .. Sept. 1,1910 North New Zealand Coal and .. Kamo .. .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. 180 0 0 13 9 Cement Company (Limited) 1306 R. 02/551 .'. Jan. 1,1907 Hikurangi Coal Company (Limited) .. Waro .. .. t 5 „ *.. t Repairs, 39 5 6 £15 10s. 3d. 1319! R. 12/531 ..; April 1,1912 Kauri Timber Company (Limited) .. Waipuna .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. 712 0 0 3,658 8 5 1320i R. 02/550 .. ! Jan. 1, 1907 Hikurangi Coal Company, Northern .. . .. .. Govt. .. 5 „ •.. .. .. 93 6 5 Coal Company, and J. R. Rey- i burn 1383; R. 06/3579 .. i Oct. 26, 1912 A. L. Stokes .. .. .. ; 20 60 Whakapara .. f 5 ■ , . *.. t Repairs, £3/2/9 14 14 5 1420 : R. 13/2859 ..Aug. 1,1913 Kauri Timber Company (Limited) .. Pokapu .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. 70 0 0 15 9 1 1473 ; R. 14/152 .. I July 1, 1914 Kauri Timber Company (Limited) i 40 0 ! Opahi .. .. ,„ 5 „ *.. 100 0 0 12 12 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 5,456 10 11 5,520 17 0 269 15 4 269 15 4 170 6 7 171 10 4 8,633 18 9 8,673 4 3 2,328 6 7 5,986 15 0 3,330 8 2 3,423 14 T 300 19 7 315 14 0 1,603 14 7 1,619 3 8 1,110 19 8 1,123 12 0 KAIHU SECTION. 1286: R. 06/2737 .. Oct. 1, 1911 I H. P. Clear .. .. ..13 2 I Flax-mill .. I t I 5 years'.. t .. 11 5 3 1315 R. 02/1438 .. Jan. 1, 1912 I James Trounson .. ..; 16 15 ! Kaihu Booms ..Govt. .. 5 „ *.. .. .. 92 0 11 1471 R. 13/5527 .. June 1, 1914 I James Trounson .. .. ; .. Tarawhati .. I Grantee ! 5 „ *.. Premium .. j 80 0 0 37 0 7 11 5 3 202 0 4 294 1 3 6 2 4 43 2 11 GISBORNE SECTION. 956; R. 05/901 .. July 1, 1905 I New Zealand Shipping Company .. Gisborne .. Grantees 10} ears*.. Premium.. 250 0 0 199 13 11 (Limited) Rental, £25 1227' R. 09/2717 .. May 1, 1910 Gisborne Borough Council .... „ .. „ 5 „ *.. . .. 260 0 0 105 8 4 1364J R. 03/106 .. Aug. 1, 1912 Gisborne Borough Council .. 12 21 Kaiteratahi .. Govt. .. 6 . *.. 1389; R. 11/4503 ..Mar. 1,1913 Gisborne Sheep - farmers' Frozen .. Gisborne .. Grantees 10 „ "..Premium.. 741 0 0 Meat Company (Limited) Rental, £50 1433i R. 07/4316 .. : Nov. 1, 1913 Gisborne Borough Council .... „ .. | 5 . *.. .. ! Rental, £8/16 39 6 0 199 13 11 105 8 4 39 6 0 NORTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. 977, R. 02/1392 ..Mar. 1, 1906 Bartholomew Land and Timber 43 20 Ngatira ..Grantees 10 year,*.. Premium.. 896 0 0 23413 7 Company (Limited) Rental, £50 989i R. 03/4035 .. \ Nov. 9,1905 Waihi Gold-mining Company (Li- .. Waikino ..Govt. .. 10 „ *.. t •• 4,139 14 8 mited) 990 R. 03/4035 .. Feb. 1,1906 N.Z. Crown Mines Company (Li- .. Karangahake -- .. .. 10 „ *.. .. .. 109 6 11 mited) 1010 R, 06/3300 .. Nov. 1,1906 Auckland City Council .. .. .. Westfield .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 426 0 0 68 6 0 Rental, £25 1085' R. 06/3864 .. Aug. 1,1908 Dalgety and Co. (Limited) .. .. Auokland .. „ j 10 „ *.. „ .. 156 10 p* ; 1,414 15 8 Rental, ,£50 1113 1 R. 03/4153 .. Jan. 1,1909 Gardner Bros, and Parker .. .. New Lynn .. . 5 „ * .. t Repairs. £14 13' 376 9 10 977 989j 990 2,945 1 7 3,179 15 2 47 3 9 4,186 18 5 2 15 10 112 2 9 1,981 16 2 i 2,050 2 2 208 9 4 | 1,623 5 0 2,654 19 3 3,031 9 1 1010 1085' 1113



1139 R. 08/2805 .. 1171 R. 04/2378 .. 1190l R. 02/2630 .. 1205 R. 99/1601 .. R. 00/107 .. 1210 R. 05/867 .. Nov. 1, 1908 New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) June 1, 1909 Auckland Veneer and Timber Com- I pany (Limited) Oct. 1, 1909 I Wilson's Portland Cement Company : (Limited) Jan. 1, 1910 : R. and W. Hellabv (Limited) Jan. 1, 1910 | Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limited) April 1, 1910 Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company (Limited) Nov. 1, 1909 Ellis and Burnand (Limited) and Patate Timber Company (Limited) Mar. 1,1910 Kauri Timber Company (Limited).. May 1, 1910 Pukuweka Sawmills (Limited) Mar. 1,1910 Drury Fireclay, Brick, and Potteries (Limited) Oot. 1, 1910 Leyland O'Brien Timber Company (Limited) Feb. 1, 1910 Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited) Oct. 1, 1910 J. J. Craig (Limited) .. .. Otahuhu ■ Onehunga Te Kuiti Westfield ' Auckland I Grantees t t t I Grantees t 10 „ *.. Premium.. 1,202 2 6 9,974 2 5 1,126 12 2 , Rental, £25 10 „ *.. t I Rental, £25 3,036 1 6 53 15 7 Rep'rs, £9/8/11 5 „ *.. f Rental. £12 354 3 10 1,005 16 0 m II j i I 10 .*.. Premium.. 60 10 2 2,218 19 1 2,382 10 2 Rental, £25 10 „ *.. + Rep'rs,£80/18/5 2,340 18 10 ! 4,160 14 5 Rental, £25 5 „ *.. .. Repairs, £14/9/ 829 16 11 32 13 7 Rental. £50 5 „ '..Premium..; 478 10 0 318 5 9. 13,979 8 0 XJ. , 1UU A* t 3,089 17 1 1,359 19 10 4,601 9 3 6,501 13 3 862 10 6 1217 R. 04/2105 .. Manunui Grantees 14,297 13 9 1219' R. 10/653 .. 1229! R. 02/2510 .. 124 2j R. 04/3883 .. 1243 R. 04/1368 .. 1246 R. 00/990 .. Owharoa Matapuna Drury "t t 5 „ *.. » .. 544 0 0 5 0 3 1,476 9 5 5 „ *.. .. .. 130 4 1 4,891 10 7 5 „ * .. + Repairs, £33 12s. 2d. 5 „ *.. f Rep'rs,£ll/15/3 2,570 13 8 Rental, £50 10 „ * .. t Repairs, £919s. 888 15 6 458 14 6 Rental. £25 10 „ *.. Premium.. 345 0 0 1,601 10 0 21 1 6 Rental, £25 10 „ «.. f : Rental, £25 438 8 9 86 8 10 Undefined Premium..: 117 19 11 2,452 12 9 5,541 3 1 Rental, £25 10 years* .. » .. ' 170 0 0 330 4 8 125 16 11 Rental, £25 10 „ *.. t Rental, £50 : 2,667 5 2 10 . *.. t Rental, £25 ; 18,943 16 6 3,706 8 3 1,481 9 8 5,021 14 8 Auckland t 2,570 13 8 Westfield t 1,347 10 0 1249 R. 10/349 .. Mount Eden Grantees 1,622 11 6 1261 R. 00/668 .. July 1, 1910 , New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Dec. 13, 1880 [ Gear Meat Preserving and Freezing i 6 37 Company (Limited! Oct. 1, 1905 ' De Pelichet-McLeod Company .. Hamilton t 524 17 7 221 R. 98/365 .. Petone Grantees 7,993 15 10 965| R. 05/2546 .. Hastings 456 1 7 973 R. 96/114 .. 1002 R. 03/951 .. Jan. 1,1906 Robert Holt .. .. ..11179 June 1, 1906 Wellington Meat Export Company (Limited) Oct. 1,1906 Henry Brown and Co. Napier Ngahauranga Govt. .. Grantees 2,667 5 2 22,650 4 9 ' 652 8 9 1014J R. 01/2396 .. Morley Street .. 10 . *.. Premium.. 156 0 0 495 14 6 156 14 3 Rental, £25 10 „ * •. . 135 0 0 165 17 9 7 17 1 Rental, £25 10 „ * .. „ .. 185 0 0 200 19 2 394 17 9 Rental, £25 10 „ *.. „ .. 3 10 0 131 10 9 3,358 11 8 Rental, £25 10 , *.. „ .. 94 0 0 886 3 4 648 14 0 Rental, £25 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25 706 3 11 1,384 5 2 1018 R. 06/2769 .. 1022 K. 06/3785 .. Feb. 1, 1907 Department of Mines Jan. 1,1907 R. Wilson and Co. Wanganui 173 14 10 Marton 595 16 11 1034 R. 02/3212 .. Mar. 26, 1907 Wellington Meat Export Company (Limited) Oct. 1 1907 New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited) Mar. 1,1908 Levin and Co. .. Waingawa 3,490 2 5 1046 R. 07/1141 .. Foxton 1,534 17 4 1069 R. 97/3534 .. Masterton Govt, and grantees Grantees 2,090 9 1 1077: R. 02/2937 .. May 1,1908 Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative Association Oct. 1,1908 W. G. Bassett .. .. ..2 11 Jan. 1, 1909 : Dalgety and Co. .. .. [ Feb. 1. 1909 ■ N. King 10 „ *.. Premium.. 152 0 0 195 16 9 137 19 7 Rental, £25 10 . *.. t Rental, £25 1,453 5 1 16 16 7 10 . *.. .. Rentil, £25 583 12 7 53 2 3 10 „ *.J .. i Rental, £26 339 18 0 320 15 4 333 16 4 1087 R. 98/3331 .. 1094i R. 98/3766 .. 1103 s R. 05/3440 .. Wanganui Port Ahuriri New Plvmouth .. 1,470 1 8 636 14 10 660 13 4 * Three months' notice. t Siding originally laid under old agreement. t


RETURN No. 24—continued. Particulars of Private-siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1915— continued.


(I- . Ml ! Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. I - Nearest Station. , ■ By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March. 1915. In. Out. I Total. NOl ;th is: LAND MAIN LINE AND Bl AND BRANCHES— continued. 1110 R. 08/187 .. 1142 R- 09/1892 .. Jan. 1, 1909 April 1, 1909 Masterton Borough Council National Mortgage and Agency Com - pany of New Zealand (Limited) George Bartholomew Company (Limited) C. N. Clausen New Zealand Powell Wood Process Company (Limited) Rangitikei County Council Thomas Borthwick and Sons (Australasia, Limited) Williams and Kettle (Limited) H. D. Bennett Wellington Farmers' Meat Company (Limited) William Booth and Co. (Limited).. New Zealand Post and Telegraph Department West Coast Steamship and Trading Company (Limited) James Garnett M. ch. Masterton .. Grantees Longburn .. t Grantees 5 years*.. I Premium.. t 10 „ *.. i t £ s. d. 470 0 0 Rental, £25 £ s. d. 944 3 1 1,601 11 5 £ s. d. 6 15 5 3,631 8 3 £ s. d. 950 18 6 5,232 19 8 1165|R. 97/2271 .. Aug. 1, 1909 Feilding .. t t 10 „ *.. f Rental, £25 2,240 6 8 36 0 0 2,276 6 8 1177J R. 98/2734 .. 1188 R. 09/3045 .. 1196 R. 04/3525 .. 1199; R. 99/854 .. 1200J R. 00/1180 .. 1202: R. 04/1256 .. 12.32' R. 10/195 .. Feb. 1, 1909 July 1, 1909 Palmerston North t Rangataua .. Grantees t 10 „ *.. t Grantees 5 » * .. Premium.. Rental, £25 61 0 0 3,208 5 0 45 18 3 66 18 7 2,488 14 9 3,275 3 7 2,534 13 0 Jan. 1, 1910 Jan. 1, 1910 Ohingaiti .. t . Waitara .. t t 5 „ *.. f t 10 . '.. t Repairs, £6 Is. Rental, £25 Rental, £25 5,159 3 7 33 7 6 5,192 11 1 Jan. 1, 1910 Oct. 28, 1909 April 1, 1910 '" Port Ahuriri .. f Winiata .. t Waingawa .. Grantees t 10 . *.. t t 5 . *.. t Grantees 10 , *.. Premium.. 1,811 16 7 51 6 11 4,348 1 5 317 8 11 111 1 9 11,776 4 1 2,129 5 6 162 8 8 16,124 5 6 730 "o 0 Rental, £50 1237! R. 00/2261 .. 1244! R. 10/1969 .. April 1, 1910 July 1, 1910 Carterton .. f Wellington .. Grantees Foxton t 5 „ *.. t Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 240 0 0 1,501 16 4 64 18 2 16 19 9 1,561 11 % 1,518 16 1 1,626 9 5 1253J R. 06/1474 .. July 1, 1910 10 „ * .. «■„.,->• 102 0 0 Rental, £25 Repairs, £2 Rental, £25 610 0 0 Rental, £50 Repairs, £25 Rental, £25 8 3 0 15 8 1 23 11 1 1257 R- 98/3937 .. Oct. 1, 1910 Hastings .. j t t 10 . *.. t Grantees 10 . *.. Premium.. 1,402 4 8 2 5 6 1,404 10 2 1262 R. 09/4760 .. Nov. 1, 1911 Egmont Box Company (Limited) .. Winiata .. Grantees Woodville .. t Silverstream .. t Inglewood .. f Owhango .. Grantees Huntly .. -f Pakipaki .. Grantees 472 10 8 4,123 5 8 4,595 16 4 1269 R. 01/299 .. Apr.l 1, 1911 The Woodville Bacon Company (Limited) Silverstream Brick and Tile Company Henry Brown and Co. August Carlson .. Coates Limited .. .. Pakipaki Brick and Lime Company (Limited) James McGill Napier Gas Company (Limited) .. Henry Alexander Waikopiro Timber Company (Limited) Taranaki Producers'Freezing-works Company (Limited) Egmont Box Company (Limited).. t 10 . *.. f 1,218 2 11 1,063 1 8 2,281 4 7 1276 R. 01/182 .. ; June 1, 1911 t 5 . *.. + Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. + 5 „ *.. t Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 287 8 8 1,246 6 9 1,533 15 5 1278 R. 99/2633 .. 1283 R. 10/5446 .. 1284 R. 06/842 .. 1285 R. 09/803 .. | April 1, 1911 | June 1, 1911 •June 1, 1911 Aug. 1, 1911 260 0 0 Repairs, £2 16s. 500 0 0 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 Repairs, £33 Repairs, £8 9s. 379 12 2 14 14 11 32 17 6 219 9 8 75 11 6 2,452 1 10 1,516 15 4 232 17 10 455 3 8 2,466 16 9 1,549 12 10 452 7 6 94 59 1287 R. 99/2390 .. 128S R. 01/2827 .. 1289 R. 05/3657 .. 1295 R. 02/1544 .. i Sept. 30, 1911 : Oct. l, i9ii July 1, 1911 ; Aug. 1, 1911 88 60 46 79 Palmerston North f Hastings .. f Mataroa .. -jRakaiatai .. j . t 10 „ *.. t t 5 „ *.. t t 5 . *.. f t . 5 » *.. t 2,690 2 11 983 8 2 275 1 11 18 17 7 874 17 4 16 0 9 2,965 I 10 1,002 5 9 874 17 4 16 0 9 1296 R. 00/1143 .. j Sept. 30, 1911 Moturoa .. Grantees Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 248 0 0 Rental, £25 i 55 0 0 Rental, £25 3,141 4 3 2,704 5 10 5,845 10 1 1297; R. 99/2453 .. : Oct. 1, 1911 ■_... Eltham 10 . *.. 3,626 7 3 544 11 10 4.170 19 1


39 Jan. 1,1912 i i 1308 R. 09/4442 .. Mar. 1, 1912 R. 10/5454 .. Sept. 1,1912 Mar. 1,1912 O 1318 R. 07/2777 .. Mar. 1,1912 to 1323 R. 07/1584 .. ! May 1, 1912 • 1324J R. 10/3879 .. Dec. 31,1911 .. April 1,1912 1329 R. 99/1294 .. May 1, 1912 1331 R 07/895 .. July 1, 1912 1332 R. 09/1157 .. ; April 1,1912 1334 R. 12/3243 .. April 1, 1912 1337 R. 01/886 .. Nov. 1,1911 1339 R. 02/2478 .. Sept. 1, 1912 1346 R 03/3714 .. July 1, 1912 1347 R. 07/2501 .. : Aug. 1, 1912 1348 R. 07/618 .. . Sept. 1, 1912 1351 R. 03/600 .. ; July 1, 1912 1357 R. 02/3099 .. Sept. 1, 1912 1360 R. 12/3433 .. ' Oct. 1, 1912 1361 R. 03/3698 .. t Oct. 1, 1912 1362 R. 12/2857 .. Oct. 1, 1912 W. Dimoek and Co. .. .. .. Westfield .. Grantees 10 , *.. Waikato Farmers' Co-operative .. Frankton .. „ : 10 „ *.. Bacon Company (Limited) A. Hatrick and Co. (Limited) .. .. Waitara .. „ I 10 „ *.. Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative .. Carterton .. „ 10 „ *.. Association Napier Gas Company (Limited) .. .. Napier .. .. . 10 „ * .. Selwyn Timber Company (Limited) .. Putaruru .. f 5 „ *.. f Feilding Sash and Door Company .. Ohakune .. Grantees 5 ,. *.. Premium.. (Limited) B. L. Knight .. .. .. .. Raurimu .. „ 5 „ * .. J. J. Craig (Limited) .. .. .. Auckland .. f 3 „ * .. Andrews and Gosse .. 11 28 Belmont .. f 5 „ *.. f Public Works Department .. .. Mount Eden .. Grantees 5 „ * .. .. 64 56 Wayby.. .. „ 5 „ * .. West Coast Refrigerating Company .. Patea .. f 5 „ * .. f (Limited) Wanganui Co-operative Dairy Com- .. Aramoho .. ] 5 „ * .. t pany (Limited) Winstone Limited .. .. .. Mount Eden .. f 10 , * .. t Belmont Quarry Company (Limited) .. Belmont .. t 5 „ * .. f Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneer- .. Matamata .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. ing Company (Limited) Winstone Limited .. .. .. Auckland .. f 3 „ * .. f Williams and Kettle (Limited) .. .. Hastings .. j 5 „ * .. j Te Aroha Quarry Company .. .. Tirohia .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. Gilmer and Maguire .. .. 9 55 Belmont .. „ 5 „ * .. „ Eltham Co-operative Dairy Factory .. Eltham .. „ 10 „ * .. „ Company (Limited) Public Works Department .. .. Wellington .. Govt. .. 5 „ *.. Auckland Brick and Pottery Com- .. New Lynn .. f 5 „ * .. f pany United Coal Company (Limited) .. 44 33 Whangamarino .. f 5 „ * .. t Wellington Woollen Manufacturing .. Petone.. .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. Company (Limited) Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneer- .. Frankton .. „ 10 „ * .. ing Company (Limited) Goodfellow Limited .. .. .. „ .. „ 10 „ * .. May Morn Estates (New Zealand) 23 10 Mangaroa .. „ 10 „ * .. „ (Limited) J. N. Williams .. .. .. .. Hastings .. „ 10 „ * .. Kendriek Bros. .. .. .. .. Aramoho .. f 5 „ * .. t Levin and Co. (Limited).. .. .. Kaiwarra .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. Hawke's Bay Farmers' Co-operative .. Waipukurau .. „ 10 . * .. Association (Limited) 838 0 0 124 4 8 776 14 10 900 19 6 Rental, £25 146 10 0 437 11 2 102 1 7 539 12 9 Rental, £25 84 0 0 146 0 4 127 18 0 273 18 4 Rental, £25 220 0 0 15 3 0 69 8 9 84 11 9 Rental, £25 160 0 0 487 6 1 273 10 2 760 16 3 Rental, £50 46 16 5 1,410 1 7 1,450 18 0 300 0 0 83 2 1 4,443 2 8 ; 4,526 4 9 190 0 0 .. 1,305 2 0 1,305 2 0 100 0 0 11,820 11 11 39 18 11 11,860 10 10 Repairs, £3/5/- 7 18 7 437 15 9 445 14 4 24 16 0 112 7 4 137 3 4 Repairs, £6/10/- 3,427 3 5 2,969 16 2 6,396 19 7 Rep'rs,12s.8d. 146 18 2 93 11 3 ■ 240 9 5 Rental, £25 ! Rental, £25 2.954 12 0 64 14 3 ' 3,019 6 3 Repairs. £2/4/- 10 10 2 1,964 10 2 1,975 0 4 161 0 0 711 6 4 80 6 8 791 13 0 i Rental, £25 Rental, £50 4,197 14 0 39 5 2 4,236 19 2 Rental, £25 676 10 8 331 1 0 1,007 11 8 384 0 0 .. 1,123 10 11 1,123 10 11 498 0 0 5 15 11 715 17 8 i 721 13 7 600 0 0 167 10 8 778 7 6 945 18 2 112 19 10 897 5 7 1.010 5 5 Repairs, £86 189 4 4 124 15 11 314 0 3 Repairs, £37 12s. 7d. 129 O 0 294 7 7 .. 294 7 7 Rental, £25 151 11 6 916 4 0 115 17 10 \ 1,032 1 10 Rental, £25 151 11 6 98 9 0 582 2 11 680 11 11 Rental, £25 663 0 0 44 11 1 132 1 5 176 12 6 Rental, £50 340 0 0 Rental, £25 28 5 5 128 14 5 156 19 10 352 0 0 5,701 12 4 1 17 0 5,703 9 4 Rental, £50 309 0,ft 509 15 4 133 8 1 643 3 5 Rental, £G5 13631 R. 12/4080 .. July 1, 1912 1868 R. 00/613 .. Nov. 1, 1912 1369! R. 02/670 .. Oct. 1,1912 1372 R. 11/4903 .. j Nov. 1, 1912 1373! R. 12/4815 .. ; Deo. 1, 1912 1376! R. 12/4814 .. ! Dec. 1, 1912 1382 R. 10/5535 .. Jan. 1, 1913 13841 R. 10/3878 .. Nov. 1, 1912 1386 R. 00/2214 .. Jan. 1,1913 1387 R. 12/1096 .. June 1, 1913 1388; R. 12/2555 .. Jan. 1, 1913 l I * Three months' notice. r Siding originally laid under old agreement.


RETURN No. 24—continued. Particulars of Private-siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1915— continued.


'ri . Sir-, ' Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Posi- I tion. I Xearest Station. By whom paid for. Ti rm of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1915. In. Out, Total. NO] WTH. IS iLAND MAIN LINE AND B: AN CHE S— continued. III I 1393 R. 12/3461 .. Jan. 1, 1913 Ellis and Burnand 1395 R. 07/2868 .. Jan. 1, 1913 Rangataua Timber Company (Limited) 1399 R. 02/1854 .. April 1,1913 Tiratu Sawmilling Company M. ch. ! _ Ongarue .. ! Grantees Rangataua .. - t I £ s. d. 5 years* .. Premium .. 574 0 0 5 , * .. t j Repairs, £22 £ s. d. £ s. d. 25 4 7 179 0 11 38 9 2 2,963 15 1 £ s. d. 204 5 6 3,002 4 3 Mangatera .. t 5 „ * .. t Repairs, £21/12/5 „ * .. 164 16 8 567 8 8 43 14 0 251 13 0 732 5 4 1403 R. 00/2784 .. June 1,1913 Mauriceville Lime Company (Limited) 1405 R. 12/4796 .. \ Nov. 1,1912 Taranaki (N.Z.) Oil Wells (Limited) Mauriceville .. t Moturoa .. Grantees 10 „ * .. Premium.. 544 0 0 Rental, £25 10 „ * .. » .. 101 0 0 Rental, £50 2 „ * .. .. Rental, £50 166 5 10 426 8 11 4,440 14 3 40 8 11 6.091 13 2 281 5 2 295 7 0 592 14 9 1406 R. 12/5040 .. May 1, 1913 Auckland Rimu Timber Company (Limited) 1111 R. 98/3568 .. Aug. 1, 1913 Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company (Limited) 1414 R. 12/1095 .. Aug. 1,1913 Te Aroha Borough Council 1415 R. 04/2878 .. Aug. 1,1913 Ellis and Burnand (Limited) 1418 R. 03/2233 .. May 1, 1913 i Taupiri Coal Mines (Limited) 1424 R. 13/2417 .. Oct. 1, 1913 Auckland Rimu Timber Company (Limited) 1427 R. 96/3S27 .. Nov. 1, 1913 Nelson Bros. (Limited) 1431 R. 13/1914 .. Dec. 1,1913 New Zealand Dairy Association (Limited) 1434: R. 13/1903 .. ; Dee. 1,1913 J. H. Robson .. 1435J R. 12/2997 ..: Dec. 1,1913 Wellington Harbour Board 1439J R. 93/3515 .. i Oct. 1, 1913 Carr, Pountney, and Co. .. 1440! R. 08/3724 .. ! Jan. 1, 1914 George Syme and Co. (Limited) .. i Newmarket .. „ 4,481 3 2 Auckland .. t 6,372 18 4 Te Aroha .. ; Grantees 10 „ * .. Premium.. 157 0 0 Rental, £25 7§ „ * .. ., .. 265 0 0 Rental, £25 5 „ *.. „ .. 402 0 4 5 „ * .. „ .. 427 0 0 463 17 9 619 16 2 353 1 6 151 16 1 19,349 6 6 3,602 9 10 463 17 9 Hamilton .. „ 972 17 8 Huntly .. „ Ngongotaha .. „ Tomoana .. t Frankton .. Grantees 19,501 2 7 3,602 9 10 8,231 12 7 1,005 10 11 1441] R. 08/2869 .. j Jan. 1, 1914 G. Gardner and Sons 1442! R. 04/956 .. I Jan. 1, 1914 A. and G. Price (Limited) 1443 R. 13,5132 .. Feb. 1, 1914 : New Zealand Packing Company (Limited) 1446 R. 08/3485 .. Jan. 1, 1914 William Booth and Co. (Limited) .. 1418 R. 14/206 .. April 1,1914 Hawke's Bay Farmers' Meat Com pany (Limited) 1453! R. 14/1977 .. Jan. 1,1914 Robert Holt and Sons .. 1455: R. 14/2229 .. Oct. 1,1913 Levin and Co. (Limited) .. • 1462 R. 14/1417 .. June 1,1914 Department of Justioe .. 1463 R. 14/1417 .. June 1,1914 Post and Telegraph Department .. 29 75 250 48 Pohokura .. „ Wellington .. „ Morrinsville .. t Tangiwai .. t Hihitahi .. t Thames .. j I . _ ' Matatigi .. , Grantees 10 „ *.. .. Rental, £25 10 „ * .. Premium.. 127 0 0 Rental, £25 5 „ *.. „ .. 300 0 0 5 „ * .. „ .. 235 0 0 10 „ * .. .. Rental, £25 5 „ * .. .. Repairs, £14 17s. 5 „ * .. .. Repairs, £32 5 „ * .. .. Repairs, £32 12s. lid. 10 „ * .. Premium .. 140 0 0 Rental, £25 5 . * .. .. Repairs, £17 10 „ * .. Premium .. 406 0 0 Rental, £25 8§ „ * .. .. Rental, £25 5 . *.. .. Rental, £25 5 „ * .. .. ' Repairs, £7 13s. Id. * 5 * .. .. Repairs, £7 13s. '4d. 3,691 1 8 4,540 10 11 202 11 4 802 19 7 215 1 6 7,022 12 0 74 14 0 96 19 4 8 9 9 1,937 18 3 56 3 11 1,710 4 2 36 18 1 1,501 15 0 2,854 18 2 755 3 6 1,263 8 5 19 14 9 140 12 11 84 12 3 84 2 4 64 4 5 16 1 0 85 7 6 215 1 6 7.022 12 0 171 13 4 1,946 8 0 1,766 8 1 247 10 : Hihitahi .. f ' Whakatu .. Grantees 1,538 13 1 3,610 1 8 Hastings .. t Foxton.. .. Govt. Mount Eden .. f 1.283 3 2 •225 5 2 148 6 9 t 101 8 6 I !

D.— 2


1464 R. 14/1417 .. June 1, 1914 Colonial Ammunition Company (Limited) 1465 ; R. 14/2693 .. June 1, 1914 Taupiri Coal Mines (Limited) 1467 R. 14/1415 .. May 1, 1914 Wanganui Sash and Door Factory and Timber Company (Limited) .464 .465* .467 .. i Mount Eden .. j f .. j Huntly .. t I Wanganui .. f 5 „ * .. 5 „ * .. Repairs, 180 15 3' .. 180 15 3 £7 13s. 4d. 178 9 5 42,468 10 9 42,647 0 2 Repairs, 1,640 13 6 48 6 3 1.688 19 9 £13 14s. * Rental, £25 108 8 10 116 1 0 2,455 0 11 2,571 1 11 Rental, £50 60 0 0 916 0 10 709 19 7 1,626 0 5 Rental, £25 Repairs, £33 720 15 10 5,892 8 4 6,613 4 2 1468! R. 14/2184 .. July 1, 1914 ; Firth Pumice Company (Limited) 1472 R. 04/291 ..Mar. 1, 1914 ' William Cook .. 1468] Ohinewai .. t 10 „ * .. Premium.. 1472 88 35 I Palmerston North f 10 „ * 1474] 14741 R. 03/1660 ..I April 1,1914 Taupo Totara Timber Company (Limited) 1475 R. 09/262 ..Jan. 1,1914 Quin Bros. 1476 R. 08/1608 .. Feb. 2, 1914 Mornings-ide Quanies (Limited) .. 1477| R. 04/1751 .. Feb. 17, 1912 ! Waitemata County Council and Kaipara Co - operative Dairy Company (Limited) 1479 R. 04/945 .. June 1, 1914 New Zealand Brick, Tile, and Pottery Company (Limited) 1482! R. 13/6113 .. ' Sept. 1, 1914 The O.K. Metal Company 1483] R. 01/1877 ..jjan. 1,1914 Mokau Cal and Estates Company (Limited) 1484 R. 02/4089 .. ! Mar. 1, 1914 j Union Timber Company (Limited) 1489 R. 06/3575 .. April 1, 1914 The Hawke's Bay Fruit, Produce, and Cool Storage Company (Ltd.) 1490 R. 03/1221 .. Oct. 1, 1914 Te Aroha District Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited) 1491, R. 12/2589 ..! Oct. 1,1914 Manawatu County Council 1493 R. 08/3737 .. Jan. 1,1914 Taringamotu Totara Sawmills (Limited) 1501 R, 08/608 ..iOct. 1,1914 Perham, Larsen, and Co. 1502 R. 03/4058 .. j Nov. 1, 1914 Manawatu Racing Club 1507 R, 10/3878 .. Nov. 1,1914 McLeod and Gardener (Limited) .. 1508 R. 04/2222 .. I Oct. 1, 1914 ! Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company (Limited) 1509! R. 14/4705 .. Feb. 1,1915 Pukerniro Collieries (Limited) 1512 R. 04/1516 .. Nov. 1,1914 Thomas Borthwick and Sons Putaruru .. f l 5 „ *.. 1475 1476 14771 Hihitahi .. t Morningside .. f Helensville South . 5 „ * .. 5 „ * .. 10 „ * .. Repairs, £17 76 8 4 2,022 11 1 2,098 19 5 Repairs, £20 212 6 2 1,000 1 8 1,212 7 10 Repairs, £61 90 17 3 490 8 6 581 5 9 Rental, £25 New Lynn .. t Karangahake .. Grantees Waitara .. f Palmerston North t Hastings .. f 5 „ * .. 5 „ * .. Premium.. 1 „ * .. 429 4 8 2,106 19 10 2,536 4 6 514 0 0 15 18 3 .. 15 18 3 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 98 5 8 21 9 2 119 14 10 .. . . . ... . - ... .. - ' - — 10 „ * .. Premium.. 60 0 0 1,186 4 9 15 5 1 1,231 9 10 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 194 5 10 1,169 17 9 , 1,364 3 7 Q 7 * _ . 182 0 0 196 1 1 .. 196 1 1 Rental, £25 Repairs, £8 240 10 11 .. 240 10 11 Repairs, 214 3 10 10,375 11 3 j 10,589 15 1 £17 2s. Repairs, £96s. 28 17 0 3,952 18 1 3,98115 1 Repairs, £7 70 14 0 139 11 7 210 5 7 Rental, £25 323 3 0 .. 323 3 0 Rental, £50 9,347 7 4 3,418 16 4 12,766 3 8 61 0 0 Rental, £25 Repairs, £510s. 5,404 7 3 3,323 3 11 8,727 11 2 Rental, £25 ' Waihou .. i Grantees 10 „ * .. Premium.. Himatangi .. f Taringamotu .. t Rangataua .. f Awapuni .. i f Hastings .. j Grantees Southdown .. t 5 .. * .. 5 „ * .. 5 „ * .. 5 „ * .. 8 „ * .. 1 „ * .. Mount Eden .. j Grantees j Pakipaki .. I t 10 „ * .. Premium.. 10 „ * .. J. Mill and Co. .. 3 R. 96/1630 .. Dec. 28, 1870 j Richard Allen .. 13 R. 98/4310 .. Dec. 18, 1874 I Oamaru Harbour Board 20 R. 96/1984 .. Dec. 11, 1875 j Richard Evans 32 R. 99/3100 .. April 7, 1876 D. C. Turnbull and Co. .. 33 R. 00/945 .. April 22, 1876 J. Deans 37 R. 02/641 .. July 18, 1876 Clark Bros. 120 R. 00/2193 .. Jan. 23,1878 Oamaru Harbour Board .. j SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE A! SID BRANCHES. 3 13 20 32 33 37 Oamaru .. Govt. .. 1 17 Riccarton .. Grantees 157 77 Oamaru 1 52 Wilson's Siding .. 105 54 Timaru .. Govt. .. 8 75 Glentunnel 166 27 Maheno 157 65 Oamaru (1st sidg.) 1 157 65 , (2nd . ) j " Indefinite Undefined Indefinite 793 5 9 631 7 5 1,424 13 2 859 11 0 1,442 16 5 2,302 7 5 1,773 1 9 1,518 11 6 3,291 13 3 392 12 9 763 4 9 1,155 17 6 313 10 1 283 1 4 596 11 5 26 3 5 972 4 10 998 8 3 410 15 7 1,376 19 0 1,787 14 7 {R 3 e 0 ntai%5H9'f ™ 10 ° 435 10 6 1 ' 233 ° 6 Undefined 120 Indefinite Premium.. * Three months" notk-e. t Sidiui ori* ;inall; t laid under old agreement.

2>.— 2.

RETURN No. 24— continued. Particulars of Private-si ding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1915— continued.


Z i Amount Liquidated Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the ~ d.™ „« tj ,„,,. Posi- ! „ ..„ ». Bv whom Term of Traffic Damages Year ending 31st March, 1915. °.A Papers ' pnfL, Present Holder. tion Nearest Station. paid(ol . ,„ Grant, guaranteed 3-2 • ujshm. per Annum. Premium. In. Out. Total. o . Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. 'alue of In. I the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1915. Out. Total. I i — i i i 1 t 1 _j j i i j SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES— continued. M. ch. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d178 R. 89/2248 .. 1878 Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company 0 73 Mosgiel Township Govt. .. Indefinite .. .. 355 13 0 83 7 3 439 0 3 914 R. 94/3672 .. Oct. 1,1904 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. Dunedin .. Govt. and | 10years* .. t i Rental, £50 1,954 4 10 383 12 4 2,337 17 2 Company (Limited) grantees 948 R. 01,2761 .. Jan. 1,1905 J. E. Watson and Co. (Limited) .. .. Bluff .. .. I Grantees 10 „ * .. t ' Rental. £50 : 687 19 0 917 11 4 1,605 10 4 952 R. 95/2127 .. May 1,1905 G. McClatchie and Co. .. ..16 9 Christchurch .. Govt. ...10 „ *.. t Rental, £50 2.79512 0 45318 6 3,249 10 6 964 R. 05/2953 ..Sept. 1,1905 Dalgety and Co. (Limited) .. .. Timaru .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 75 0 0 420 1 5 848 10 8 768 12 1 Rental, £50 ! 974 R. 98/111 .. Jan. 1, 1906 Broad, Small, and Co. .. .. 374 46 i Invercargill .. Govt. .. 10 „ * .. „ .. 6 0 0 183 13 11 27 3 4 210 17 3 Rental, £50 979 R. 03/1149 ..Jan. 1,1906 J. G. Ward and J. T. Carswell .. 374 39 , .. Grantees 10 „ * .. „ .. 12 10 0 196 10 3 738 16 0 935 6 3 Rental, £50 982 R. 05/2912 ..! Jan. 1,1906 New Zealand Farmers'Co-operative .. Lake Road .. „ 10 „ * .. „ .. 30 0 0 ] 13 2 7 1,04416 5 1,05719 0 Association (Limited) Rental, £25 994 R. 01/776 ..May 1,1906 Fleming and Co. .. .. .. Gore .. .. „ 10 ,. * .. t Rental, £25 1,398 6 9 1,210 2 2 ! 2,608 8 11 996 R. 06/946 ..May 1, 1906 N.Z. Govt. Mines Department .. .. Christchurch .. „ 10 „ *.. Premium.. 220 0 0 1,856 9 10 46 16 5 ' 1,903 6 3 Rental, £50 1000 R. 96/2443 .. I July 1, 1906 ! Christchurch Meat Company (Ltd.) .. Hornby .. „ 10 „ * .. t Rental, £25 444 3 8 97 16 5 541 0 1 1001 R. 96/3013 .. j July 1, 1906 James Macfie and Co. (Limited) .. .. Dunedin .. „ 10 „ * .. Rental, £50 736 15 3 48 19 2 785 14 5 1015! R. 02/2502 ,,jAug. 1, 1906 , William Quinn ,, .. ..12176 Otaio .. .. Govt, and 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25 29 5 11 123 8 9 152 14 8 grantees 1017' R. 06,3093 ..Jan. 1, 1907 ; N.M. and A. Co. of N.Z. (Limited) .. Invercargill .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 12 0 0 319 4 7 679 19 2 ! 999 3 9 Rental. £50 1019, R. 98/410 ..;Dec. 1, 1906 Christchurch Meat Company (Ltd.) .. Smithfield .. „ 10 „ * .. t Rental, £25 7.285 12 1 5,224 15 0 12.510 7 1 1028! R. 99/671 .. i Mar. 1, 1907 •■ Bruce Woollen Manufacturing Co. .. Milton .. .. , 10 „ * .. .. Rental, £25 ] 555 8 8 11 7 7 566 16 3 1053 ! R. 97/4377 .. ' Oct. 1, 1907 ! P. McGill (Limited) .. ..27140 „ .. Govt. ..10 ., * .. .. Rental, £25 < 511 4 7 317 13 6 ] 828 18 1 1056 R. 06/3430 .. Jan. 1, 1908 ! Westport Coal Company.. ■.. .. Christchurch .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 255 0 0 2,807 4 11 11 1 2 2,818 6 1 Rental, £50 1059 R. 01/600 .. Jan. 1. 1908 Evans and Co. (Limited) .. .. Timaru .. Govt. ..10 „ *.. .. Rental, £50 2.501 1 1 1,797 2 9 4,298 3 10 1060 R. 98/1147 .. Jan. 1, 1908 j Homebush Brick and Coal Com- .. Christchurch .. „ .. 10 „ * .. .. Rental, £50 1,283 8 6 274 18 9 ; 1,558 7 3 pany (Limited). 1064 R. 02/3375 .. Sept. 1, 1907 Timaru A. and P. Association .. 103 63 Smithfield .. Grantees 10 „ * .. .. .. 90 16 6 34 7 10 • I 125 4 4 1066 R, 07/3100 ..July 1,1907 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. Methven .. „ 10 „ * .. Premium.. 220 0 0 39 4 5 549 12 2 j 588 16 1 Company Rental, £25 1070 R. 08/472 .. Jan. 1.1908 A. S. Paterson and Co. (Limited).. .. Christchurch .. „ 10 „ * .. „ .. , 167 0 0 648 10 8 399 7 9 1,047 18 5 Rental, £50 1071 R. 06/2609 ..Feb. 1,1908 Murray, Roberts, and Co. .. ... Dunedin -.. „ 10 „ * .. .. Rental, £50 1,205 17 11 386 11 4 1,592 9 3 1072 R. 91/4426 .. Nov. 1,1907 Timaru Milling Company .. .. Timaru .. „ 10 „ *... Premium.. 25 0 0 2,166 0 10 1,756 10 2 3,922 11 0 Rental, £50 1080 R. 07/3358 .. July 1,1908 Dalgety and Co. (Limited) .. .. Invercargill .. „ 10 „ * .. „ .. 219 0 0 323 17 3 342 12 6 666 9 9 Rental, £50 ,; 1088 R, 04/2833 .. Sept. 1,1908 Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy .. Fairfield .. „ ] 10 „ * .. .. : Rental, £50 2,113 19 0 8,137 14 8 | 10,251 13 8 Produce Export Company (Ltd.)

1).- _


1091 R. 06/2890 ..' Oct. 1,1908 W. Stephens and Co. (Limited) .. .. Addington 1092 R. 99/490 .. Jan. 1,1909 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agenoy .. Lyttelton Company (Limited) 1105 R. 01/1450 .. Dec. 18,1908 N.M. and A. Co. of N.Z. (Limited) .. Ashburton 1116 R. 00/478 . .JFeb. 1,1909 The Canterbury (N.Z.) Seed Com- .. Addington pany (Limited) 1122. R. 99/2092 ..May 1,1909 National Mortgage and Agency Com- 374 56 Invercargill pany of New Zealand (Limited) 1123 R. 99/2422 .. May 1, 1909 Friedlander Bros. (Limited) .. .. Ashburton 1124 R. 03/2053 .. ! May 1, 1909 Friedlander Bros. (Limited) .. 58 73 1127 R. 99/1832 .. May 1, 1909 Bedford Mills Company (Limited) .. Timaru 1128; R, 09/1233 .. April 4, 1909 j H. Matson and Co. (Limited) .. .. Addington 1129] R. 99/1738 .. May 1, 1909 '■ Canterbury (N.Z.) Seed Company .. Heathcote (Limited) 1131] R. 05/2759 .. May 1, 1909 ! William Goss .. .. .. .. Christchurch 1133 R, 99/1728 .. May 1. 1909 ; Dalgetv and Co. (Limited) 1134 R. 03/2054 .. May 1, 1909 I Friedlander Bros. (Limited) .. .. Tinwald 1135 R. 99/2208 ... Jan. 1, 1909 ] Christchurch Gas, Coal, and Coke .. Christchurch Companv (Limited) 1136 R. 99/2427 ..May 1, 1909 ] Canterbury Roller Flour-mills Com- .. Gore .. pany 1138; R. 98 3247 .. ; April 1, 1909 ] Friedlander Bros. (Limited) .. .. Lyndhurst 1140; R- 99/2174 ., (May 1, 1909 I Fleming and Co. (Limited) .. .. Elles Road 1143 R. 99,1935 ..May 1, 1909 Thomas Newton Pratt .. .. .. Christchurch 1144 R. 99/2066 .. ! June 1, 1909 National Mortgage and Agency .. Dunedin Company of New Zealand (Limited) . .- 1145 R. 99/1120 .. July 1, 1909 ] Wright, Stephenson, and Co. .. Invercargill (Limited) 1146 R, 09/358 .. July 1, 1909 William Hugh Paterson .. .. .. Willowbank 1147 R. 99/1967 .. June 1,1909 Crown Milling Company (Limited) .. Dunedin 1148 R. 99/1968 ..Aug. 1,1909 William Scott and Co. .. .. .. Southbridge 1150 R. 97/2821 .. Aug. 1, 1909 Dalgetv and Co. (Limited) .. .. Dunedin 1154 R. 07/4774 .. , July 1, 1909 ] Jarrah Timber Company.. .. .. Addington 1167 R. 08/2000 .. ] Aug. 1, 1909 ! Milburn Lime and Cement Company .. Milburn (Limited) 1176 R, 99/2065 .. ! Aug. 1, 1909 William Nioholls .. .. .. Belfast 1178! R. 99/2218 .. Aug. 1, 1909 H. O'Kane and Co. .. .. .. Makarewa 1181 R. 99/2042 .. Oct. 1, 1909 New Zealand Shipping Company .. Bluff (Limited) 1182, R. 02/1255 .. Nov. 1,1909 Invercargill Corporation .. .. .. Waikiwi 1185] R, 99/1719 .. Aug, 1, 1909 Bowron Bros. Export and Trading .. Woolston Company (Limited) .. : „ ,10 „ *... Premium., i 230 0 0 1,290 18 6 Rental, £25 i 10 „ * .. .. Rental, £50 348 2 8 7 „ * .. .. : Rental, £25 710 15 0 10 „ *.. t ; Rental, £25 1,035 11 0 t 10 „ * .. . t : Rental, £50 207 14 7 f 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25) „„„ ., - t 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25} dbd X1 b t 10 „ * .. t Repairs, £22 640 2 6 : Rental, £50 .. Grantees 10 „ * ., Premium.. 266 0 0 1,571 12 4 ! Rental, £25 10 „ * .. „ .. 44 5 0 520 11 6 ! Rental, £25 t 10 „ * .. t Rep'rs,£32/13/6 968 7 2 Rental, £50 t 10 „ *.. t Rental, £50 194 6 3 t 10 „ * .. t Rep'rs, £30/10/ 26 3 10 Rental, £25 .. Grantees 10 , *.. Premium.. ! 110 0 0 4,062 6 2 Rental, £50 t 1 i, *■■ t Rental, £25 144 16 0 t 10 . *.. Premium.. 51 10 0 ! Rental, £25 t 10 „ *.. t Repairs, £2 1,395 17 6 Rental, £50 t 10 „ * .. f ! Rental, £50 246 11 10 t 10 „ *.. t Rental, £50 3,904 1 6 f 10 „ * .. f Rental, £50 1,433 2 9 .. Grantee 5 „ * .. Premium.. 155 0 0 .. t 10 „ * .. f ; Rental, £50 1,194 11 4 .. t 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25 400 17 0 .. ! f 10 „ *.. t Rental. £50 4,634 11 9 + 10 „ * .. .. Repairs, £81 305 6 9 Rental. £25 f 5 .' *.. t .. 979 9 8 t 10 „ *.. t ; Rental, £25 1,313 17 0 t 5,,*.. t •• 110 t 10 „ *.. t Rental, £50 1,672 9 2 1- 5 „ * .. t 'Repairs, £210s. 115 7 4 t 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25 1,500 6 1 138 11 4 | 1,429 9 10 338 9 10 686 12 6 . 790 13 6 1,501 8 6 769 16 4 1,805 7 4 52 12 0 260 6 7 998 16 5 1,367 7 10 614 10 6 1,254 13 0 790 6 4 2,361 18 8 309 18 6 830 10 0 241 17 5 ! 1,210 4 7 1,072 2 0 1,266 8 3 1,077 1 6 ! 1,103 5 4 177 14 4 4,240 0 6 767 3 4 911 19 4 563 6 8 583 6 8 559 18 2 1,955 15 8 139 18 5 386 10 3 524 1 7 4,428 3 1 726 3 2 j 2,159 5 11 197 16 5 1,392 7 9 181 11 3 582 8 3 730 12 9 5,365 4 6 106 4 3 411 11 0 1,174 8 7 2,153 18 3 702 1 6 i 2,015 18 6 32 11 6 : 33 12 6 325 1 7 1,997 10 9 23 9 1 138 16 5 492 13 1 1,992 19 2 * Three months" notice. i Siding originally laid under old agreement.



RETURN No. 24- con tinued. Particulars of Private-siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1915— continued.

S3 . I c . Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 33st March, 1915. In. Out. Total. SOUTH IS1 LAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES— continued. M. ch. 1192 R, 99/2406 .. (Aug. 1,1909 Christchurch Meat Company (Limited) 1193 R. 09/3046 .. Oct. 1, 1909 James Holland 1194 R. 99,2416 .. Nov. 1, 1909 ! N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) 1197 R. 99/2209 .. Jan. 1, 1910 ] John Marshall 1201 R. 99/281 .. Nov. 1, 1909 ! Lyttelton Harbour Board 1209 R. 05/293 .. Jan. 1,1910 Friedlander Bros. (Limited) 1212, R. 99/367 .. Feb. 1, 1910 ! N.Z. Farmers' Co-operative Association of Canterbury (Limited) 1214] R. 00/991 .. April 1, 1910 J. Montgomery and Co. .. .. i 1215, R. 99/2357 .. May 1, 1910 James Craig and Co. .. .. ! 1216; R. 00/1193 .. April 1, 1910 ; J. and T. Meek .. .. .. 158 19 1218! R. 99/3088 .. May 1, 1910 , Wright, Stephenson, and Co 1221 R. 08/3776 .. April 1,1910 Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Company (Limited) 1222 : R. 00/568 .. July 1, 1910 : Christchurch City Council 1223 R. 99/2653 .. April 1, 1910 I William White and Co. (Limited) 1225J R. 00/1774 .. May 1, 1910 Lyttelton Harbour Board 1231] R. 03/2208 .. Aug, 1, 1910 , New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association of Canterbury (Ltd.) 1235] R, 05/2886 .. .June 1, 1910 : Milburn Lime and Cement Company (Limited) 1240! R. 10/2527 .. July 1, 1910 G. S. Wilson and H. E. Wilson .. 1256; R. 10/947 .. Nov. 1,1910 Miss Sophia McDonald .. 1258] R. 00/2042 .. Oct. 1, 1910 National Mortgage and Agency Companv of New Zealand (Limited) 1259' R. 99/2905 .. Oct. 1, 1910 Milburn Lime and Cement Company (Limited) (Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd ) I 1260 R. 00/1040 .. Deo. 1, 1910 ! -j Otago Farmers' Co.-operative As- f ( sociation of New Zealand (Ltd.) 1263 R. 00/141 .. Jan. 1, 1911 | Henry Harraway .. . .1 1265; R. 00/2041 .. Feb. 1, 1911 j R. Meekand Co., McCallum andt'o. 1266 ; R. 07/4656 .. Jan. 1, 1911 John London 1267] R. 01/1037 .. Mar. 1, 1911 Lyttelton Harbour Board 1268: R. 10/2436 .. April 1,1911 Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company (Limited) 1273 R. 99/1934 .. ! May 1, 1911 Fleming and Co. (Limited) 1274] R. 09/3044 .. : April 1, 1911 ! G. McClatchie and Co. .. 1275] R. 04/562 ..! April 1,1911 New Zealand Pine Company I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Islington .. t 10 years*.. I t Rental, £25 14,558 1110 6,092 17 6 20,651 9 4 Kaiapoi .. f 5 „ * .. t .. .. 93 4 1 93 4 1 Bluff .. f 10 „ *.. t Repairs, £13 923 2 1 1,232 14 5 : 2,155 16 6 Rental, £50 Centre Bush .. f 5 „ *.. t Repairs, £2 5s. Lyttelton .. 5 „ *.. t .. ' 5,297 17 8 2,201 7 2 7,499 4 10 Lyndhurst .. f 10 „ * .. t .. 21 1 6 1,624 5 4 1,645 6 10 Ashburton .. t 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25 ! 1,139 4 9 685 12 6 1,824 17 3 Addington .. t 10 „ * .. j f Rental, £5 150 6 3 208 4 9 358 11 0 Oamaru .. t 10 „ * .. '• { Rental, £50 785 5 5 235 4 8 1,020 10 1 t j 10 „ *.. t Rental, £50 ] 1,544 17 0 715 12 3 2,260 9 3 Balfour .. t j 10 ., * .. t Rental, £25 307 17 7 763 0 10 1,070 18 5 Makarewa .. Grantees ■ 10 „ *.. Premium.. 473 0 0 2,355 5 1 3,272 1 4 5,627 6 5 ! Rental, £25 Chaney's .. 1:5,,*.. t Addington .. t i 10 „ * .. t ! Rental, £25 962 15 5 173 8 9 1,136 4 2 Lyttelton .. f 5 „ *.. t •• (In eluded in No. 12 01.) 8'BTC° r*^" : Christchurch .. t ] 10 „ * .. .. Rental, £50 3,020 17 0 1,783. 8 0 4,804 5 0~ Burnside .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 978 0 0 12 9 3 611 14 10 624 4_1 Rental, £50 Glenomaru .. ,. 5 „ * .. „ .. 230 0 0 5 6 6 33 16 0 39 2 6 Whitecraig .. „ 5 „ *.. ! „ .. 110 0 0 440 7 10 877 0 8 1,317 8 6 Ashburton .. t 10 „ * .. t Repairs,£7/19/8! (In eluded in No. 1105.) Rental, £25 PelichetBay .. f 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 3,355 4 10 793 10 8 4,148 15 6 Dunedin .. t 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 7,830 19 11 1,176 8 9 9,007 8 8 Green Island .. f 10 „ * .. . f Rental, £25 879 1 2 184 13 1 1,063 14 3 Fairfax .. t , 5 „ * .. . t .. 38 4 5 899 4 3 937 8 8 Geddes and Wai- Govt. .. j 10 „ * .. t .. .. 114 16 0 114 16 0 ! ton Park Lyttelton .. t 5 ., * .. t .. (Included in No. 12 01.) Bluff .. .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. ' 116 0 0 1.854 17 8 180 3 7 2,035 1 3 Rental, £50 Gore .. .. f ! 10 „ * .. \ Rental, £25 * 129 13 4 159 11 10 289 5 2 Leeston .. f 10 ,. *..| f Rental, £25 65 5 0 .. 65 5 0 Ryal Bush .. t I 5 „ *.. I + I .. 0 16 2 650 7 9 651 3 11



1277] R. 10/2870 .. May 1,1911 Corporation of Invercargill .. .. Invercargill .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium... 133 10 0 749 11 0 .. 749 11 0 Rental, £50 Jan. 1,1911 Dominion Lime and Phosphate .. Milburn .. „ 5 ,. * .. „ .. 732 0 0 406 2 9 384 14 10 790 17 i Company (Limited) July 1,1911 William Borlase .. .. .. Sawyer's Bay .. + 5 „ *.. + •• 2 2 10 1,447 9 11 1,449 12 9 July 1,1911 South Otago Freezing Company 2 9 Finegand .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 550 0 0 875 8 5 .. 875 8 5 (Limited) Rental, £50 Sept. 1, 1911 National Mortgage and Agency .. Gore .. .. t 5 „ * .. + Repairs, £28 410 12 6 229 15 8 640 8 2 Company of New Zealand (Li- Rental, £25 mited) Sept. 14, 1911 Federal Steam Navigation Com- .. Ocean Beach .. f 5 „ *.. + Repairs, £1 3,686 15 5 1,394 7 10 5,081 3 3 pany (Limited) Rental, £25 Dee. 1, 1911 D. H. Brown and Son .. .. 7 29 Addington .. t 5 „ *.. t Rental, £25 268 2 5 279 10 1 547 12 6 Aug. 1, 1911 Moir and Co. .. .. .. .. Southbrook .. + 10 „ *.. t Rental, £25 448 1110 556 5 0 1,004 16 10 Oct. 1,1911 New Zealand Provision and Produce .. Belfast .. + 5 „ *.. t j Rental, £25 816 3 8 506 9 8 1,322 13 4 ; Company Dec. 1,1911 J. E. Watson and Co. (Limited) .. .. Riversdale .. t 10 „ * .. f Rental, £25 139 13 3 545 17 7 685 10 10 Jan. 1, 1912 > Invercargill Corporation .. .. .. Greenhills .. f 5 . *.. j Repairs, £710s 17 18 0 1,113 12 3 1,13110 3 Jan. 1,1912 Wood Bros. (Limited) .. .. .. Addington .. 10 . *.. t Rental, £25 1,28116 3 494 16 2 1,776 12 5 Mar. 1, 1912 Lyttelton Harbour Board .. .. Lyttelton .. t 5 „ *.. j .. (Included in No. 1201.) Mar. 1, 1912 ', William Harrison .. .. .. Winchester .. t 5 „ • .. t Repairs, £6 .. 94 10 7 94 10 7 Rental, £25 Jan. 1, 1912 Christchurch Meat Company (Li- .. Burnside .. f 10 , * .. f Repairs, £70 5,873 16 0 5,166 3 9 11,039 19 9 mited) Rental, £50 April 1,1912 New Zealand Pme Company .. .. Bush Siding .. Grantee 5 „ *.. Premium..] 74 0 0 8 13 0 304 13 4 313 6 4 Aug. 1,1912 George Bailey .. .. .. .. Templeton .-. t 5 „ *.. t Repairs, £2 7s. .. 11 12 8 11 12 8 July 1,1912 Christchurch City Council .. .. Sockburn ,. t 5 „ *.. t •• 344 11 7 .. 344 11 7 Feb. 1,1912 Canterbury Farmers' Cooperative .. Timaru .. Grantees 10 " *.. Premium.. 497 0 0 3,357 18 5 2,495 7 6 5,853 5 11 Association (Limited) Rental. £50 April 1, 1912 Public Works Department .. .. Addington .. „ 5 „ * .. .. .. 151 3 8 144 6 7 295 10 3 April 1,1912 „ .. Dunedin .. . 5 „ *.. .. .. 11 14 3 594 8 0 606 2 3 April 1,1912 Southland Frozen Meat and Produce .. Mataura .. t 5 „ *.. t Rental, £25 992 9 8 4,082 19 8 5,075 9 4 Export Company (Limited) Oct.' 1, 1912 C. and W. Gore .. ' .. .. Wingatui .. t 1 „ *.. t •. 130 4 6 678 0 10 808 5 1 April 1,1912 National Mortgage and Agency Com- .. Addington .. t 10 „ *.. Premium.. 105 0 0 1,324 14 722 4 9 2,046 6 1 pany of New Zealand (Limited) Rental, £25 April 1,1912 Kempthorne, Prosser, andCo.'s New .. Burnside .. t 10 „ *.. t Rental, £50 2,921 8 8 2,879 17 6 ! 5,801 6 2 Zealand Drug Company (Limited) May 1,1912 Andersons Limited ' .. ..I .. Lyttelton .. t 2/j „ * .. f Rental, £50 275 9 8 186 9 1 46118 9 April 1,1912 Otago Harbour Board. (The lessee I .. Port Chalmers .-. t 5 „ *.. t Rental, £50 605 0 10 149 4 2 754 5 0 of the Board's Freezing Works may use siding) Oct. 1, 1912 | Wairio Railway and Coal Company ] .. Wairio.. .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. 382 0 0 44 16 9 .. 44 16 9 (Limited) Oct. 1, 1912 S. P. Andrews .. .. ..] .. Coalgate .. , 5 „ *.. 373 0 0 Jan. 1,1913 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. Chertsey ...» 5 „ *.. » .. 13 0 0 .. 461 2 4 461 2 4 Company (Limited) Rental, £25 Oct. 1,1912 Dunedin Saleyards Company (Li- \ .. Burnside .. t 5 „ *.. t •• 9,551 6 5 3,782 7 9 13,333 14 2 mited) Oct. 1,1912 Otago Iron [Rolling Mills Company ! 0 6 Green Island .. t 10 „ *.. t Rental, £50.* 1,192 13 0 100 18 4 1,293 11 4 (Limited) 1279] R. 09/5156 .. 1281 R. 01/1604 .. 1282 R. 10/2923 .. 1290 R. 06/1868 .. 1291 R. 03/2223 .. 1292 R. 01/2857 .. 1294 R. 01/1660 .. 1298 R. 01/2518 .. 1302 R. 99/691 .. 1307 R. 99/2990 .. 1311; R. 01/2438 .. 1316 R. 03/754 .. 1317! R. 97/1122 .. 1321 R. 00/1690 .. 1322 R, 12/897 .. 1325 R. 07/2200 .. 1328 R. 01/1860 .. 1330 R. 99/2224 .. 1333 R. 12/3242 .. 1335 R. 12/3244 .. 1338 R. 02/2053 .. 1345] R. 98/4318 .. 1349 : R. 01/1837 .. 1350 R. 01 1661 .. 1352 R. 00/1324 .. 1353] R. 02/1439 .. 1359 R. 11/4617 .. 13651 R 12/3534 .. 1367] R. 06/1347 .. 1370 R. 06/4051 .. 1371 R. 12/3167 .. * Three months' notice. t Siding oriainallv laid under old agreement. ■eement. + Sidin! orii jnallv laid under old as


RETURN No. 24— continued. Particulars of Private-siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1915— continued.


fi* Papers. Date Posiof - Present Holder. ! Nearest Station, (rrant. Date of Grant. f By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Damages Year ending 31st March. 1915. Premium. In. Out. Total. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINI E AND BRA/ AND BR. INCHES— continued. .NCHES— < ■continued. 1 1374 13751 1378 1379 1380 1381 1390 1391 1392 1396 1400 1402 1404 1408 R. 02/3673 .. _ . R. 00/2781 .. ; R. 05/669 .. R. 00/1107 .. R. 12/2775 .. R. 02/3211 .. R. 10/1418 .. R. 12/3166 .. | R. 02/3422 .. R. 12/5553 .. R. 12/2834 .. R. 03/1919 .. R. 12/2834 .. R. 05/3076 .. M. cb. Nov. 1, 1912 i N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. , Timaru Company (Limited) Jan. 1, 1913 Canterbury Central Co-operative .. Addington Dairy Company (Limited) May 1, 1912 H. A. Massey .. .. .. .. Gore Jan. 1,1913 J. and G. Drummond .. .. 4 72 Conical Hill Deo. 1, 1912 ] Southland Farmers' Co-operative .. Invercargill Association (Limited) Jan. 1, 1913 : J. G. Ward and Co. (Limited) .. .. Bluff .. Nov. 1, 1912 j Canterbury Saleyards Company (Li- .. Addington mited) Oct. 1, 1912 Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy- .. Belfast produce Export Company (Limited) Jan. 1, 1913 William H. Martyn .. .. .. Wetheral Jan. 1, 1913 ! Lyttelton Harbour Board .. .. Lyttelton Sept. 1, 1912 ] John Hill and Co. (Limited) .. .. Port Chalmers .. June 1, 1913 Pyne and Co. .. .. .. .. Christchurch Sept. 1, 1912 Shaw, Savil!, and Albion Company .. Port Chalmers .. (Limited) Aug. 22, 1912 Timaru Harbour Board subtenants: .. Timaru.. National Mortgage and Agency Company, Ltd.; John Mill and Co.; Shaw, Savill, and Co.; West-land-Timatu Timber and Coal Company, Ltd.; Westport Coal Company; Briscoe and Co.; Mason, Struthers, and Co.; E. A. i Crawford and Co.; and Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) Jan. 1, 1913 i Christchurch Meat Company (Li- .. ; Pukeuri mited) Feb. 1, 1913 New Zealand Loan and Mercantile .. j Gore Agency Company (Limited) May 1, 1913 A. P. Tutton and Son .. .. .. Rangiora July 1,1913 S. J. Adams .. .. .. .. Waimate : Feb. 1, 1913 Canterbury Farmers' Co operative .. ; Studholme .Association (Limited) i Aug. 1,1913 Canterbury FrozenMeat and Produce .. : Pareora Export Company (Limited) Sept. 1, 1913 Post and Telegraph Department .. .. Addington t - t 1 t t Grantees 1 t t 1 t Govt. .. t t 1 t t 1 Grantees ] t 1 t t Grantees j Grantees ; t t Grantees t t t Govt. .. t t t t t . ! t 5 years* .. Premium.. 10 „ *.. t 5 „ *.. t 5 „ *.. t 10 „ * .. Premium.. 5 . * .. t 5 ., *.. t 10 „ * .. t 5 „ *.. t 5 „ *.. 5 „ * .. 10 „ * .. 5 „ * .. .. 10 , * .. t 5 years*.. 10 „ * .. 5 „ * .. 10 „ *.. 5 „ 5 „ " .. 10 „ * .. 5 „ * .. 5 „ *.. 5 „ * .. 10 „ * .. 5 „ * .. 10 , * .. 10 „ * .. 10 , 5 . 7 „ 10 „ * .. 10 „ * . 10 „ Premium.. t t t Premium.. t t t t t i . Premium., i . Premium.. . Premium.. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d 107 7 6 514 8 1 449 6 10 963 14 l: Rental, £50 ! Rental, £50 860 1 0 296 4 6 1.156 5 I Rental, £25 172 18 4 71 16 11 244 15 S Repairs, £1 ] .. 187 11 11 187 11 lj 115 10 0 187 14 8 72 7 11 260 2 ' Rental, £50 Rental, £50 733 8 11 117 3 9 850 12 i Repairs, £175 7,138 9 9 4,94110 9 12,080 0 ( Rental, £25 : Rental, £25 31 15 9 75 10 5 107 6 : (Included in No. 12 01.) 262 17 7 1,928 8 9 2,191 6 ■ Rental, £50 1,939 9 1 1,442 0 8 3,381 9 ! 376 8 11 1,974 5 3 2,350 14 : Rental, £25 4,832 4 8 3,023 13 0 7,855 17 I for eaoh tenant 1,000 0 0 2,793 18 3 4,018 13 5 6.812 11 I , Rental, £25 Rental, £25 208 6 8 320 8 6 528 15 : Rental, £25 (In eluded in No. 14 59.) Rental, £25 1,438 12 8 11 17 10 1,450 10 I 294 0 0 286 0 7 476 5 8 762 6 Rental. £50 Rental, £50 ! 4,351 7 3 2,80112 1 7,152 19 340 0 « i 43 12 9 18 10 10 62 3 Rental. £50 £ s. d. 963 14 11 1,156 5 6 244 15 3 187 11 11 260 2 7 850 12 8 12,080 0 6 107 6 2 01.) 2,191 6 4 3,381 9 9 2,350 14 2 7,855 17 8 d. II 6 3 11 7 8 6 2 4 9 2 8 8 2 6 3 4 7 1409 1410 1412 1413 1416 R. 12/4494 .. R. 12/5667 .. R. 03/1083 .. R. 13/3654 .. R. 02/1454 .. 10 10 „ * .. Premium.. ' 1,000 0 0 2,793 18 3 4.018 13 5 , Rental, £25 Rental, £25 208 6 8 320 8 6 Rental, £25 : (In eluded in No. 14 Rental, £25 1,438 12 8 11 17 10 294 0 0 286 0 7 476 5 8 Rental. £50 Rental, £50 ] 4,351 7 3 2,801 12 1 340 0 « i 43 12 9 18 10 10 Rental, £50 6,812 11 8 528 15 2 59 ) 1,450 10 G 762 6 3 1419 R. 03/2316 .. 5 7 10 10 10 „ * .. Premium.. „ * .. Premium.. 7,152 19 4 1422 R. 13/1261 .. 62 3 7



13—1). 2.

1423 1425 1426 1429 1430 1432 1436 1437 1438J 14451 1449 1450 1451 1454 1456 1457 1458 R. 04/3479 ..Oct. 1. 1913 : Taieri County Council .. .. .. Mosgiel ..j + o . "... .. .. .. 392 6 11 R. 13/3008 .. Nov. 1,1913 Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Li-: .. Addington .. ] Grantees i 10 „ *.. Premium.. 350 0 0 330 13 11 ' 210 16 11 mited) Rental, £50 R. 96/4223 .. Oct. 1,1913 Oamaru T.T. and O.K. Stone Com- .. Wbitecraig .. 1 5 „ *.. .. .. 2 13 7 220 11 8 pany (Limited) R. 08/3510 .. Aug. 1,1913 I. W. Raymond and Co. (Limited).. 47 76 j Tuatapere .. Grantees : 5 ,. * .. Premium.. 3 0 0 R. 98/4319 .. Dee. 1,1913 Palmer ami Co. .. .. ..] .. Logan's Point .. f 3 „ *.. .. .. 26 14 2 | 2,327 16 1 R. 11/4447 .. I Oct. 5, 1913 Corporation of Invercargill .. .. ! Invercargill .. t 1 ,. * .. .. Rental, £50 69 19 9 i 41 16 0 R. 03/2231 ..I May 1,1913 Nichol Bros. .. .. .. .. ! Bluff .. .. t 10 „ * .. .. Rental, £50 387 9 1 214 15 3 R. 03/2231 ..'May 1, 1913 j National Mortgage and Agency .. „ t 10 „ * .. ,. ; Rental, £50 827 3 9 1,175 6 2 Company of New Zealand (Limited) R. 06/2668 .. i Nov. 30,1913 New Zealand Express Company .. Gore .. .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. 38 0 0 17 4 3 .. ■ (Limited) Rental. 625 R. 03/3959 ..April 1,1914 Freeman's Coal Company ■■ ■■ Fernhill .. f 5 „ *.. .. .. 28 6 11 1,406 0 2 R. 99/1940 .. ! Kov. 1,1913 Kaye and Carter (Limited) .. .. Lvttelton .. t 1 „ *.. .. Rental, £50 2,435 14 5 4a9 13 1 R. 99/1910 ..Nov. 1, 1913 Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company .. . „ . .. t 1 „ *.. .. Rental, £50 1,197 6 7 636 18 4 (Limited) R. 05/2585 ..July 1, 1913 0. P. Sleeman .. .. .. .. Mataura .. t 5 „ *.. .. .. .. 683 15 6 R. 03/477 .. Dee". 1, 1913 Donald Reid and Co. (Limited) .. .. Dunedin .. t 10 „ * .. .. Rental, £100, 3,389 0 9 41S 15 5 siding and land R. 03/147 ..April 1, 1914 I New Zealand Coal and Oil Company .. J Otepuke .. t 5 „ * .. .. .. 33 12 9 1,01112 S (Limited) R. 14/1069 ..June 1, 1914 ] Vacuum Oil Company Proprietary .. Christchurch .. t 4J§„ *.. .. , Repairs, £80 507 10 2 107 17 10 (Limited) i i Rental, £50 R. 14/1066 ..June 1, 1914 , New Zealand Loan and Mercantile .. » .. t 4fJ „ * .. .. Repairs, £120 758 7 8 544 18 0 Agency Company (Limited) Rental, £50 R. 03/4076 .. June 1,1914 New Zealand Farmers'Co-operative Rangiora .. t 10 „ * .. .. Repairs, £21 337 3 5 445 18 5 Association of Canterbury (Ltd.) Rental, £25 R. 14/1539 ..Feb. 1, 1914 , John Mill and Company (Limited) .. Bluff .. .. + 10 . *.. .. , Rental, £50 1,534 4 7 1,382 5 6 R. 07/2596 ..Jan. 1, 1914 ] Southland Sawmilling Company .. .. Te Tumutu t 5 „ * .. .. .. .. 1,822 10 0 R. 05/2585 .. ! April 1,1914 Beattie, Coster, and Co. .. .. .. Mataura .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. 62 0 0 .. 151 1 S R. 04/1850 .. July 1, 1914 ] Christchurch Tramway B:-ard .. .. Christchurch .. f 2 ., '.. .. , Rental, £50 1,677 10 2 21 3 3 R. 03/3161 .. Oci 1,1914 Bird Bros. (Limited) .. .. .. Otautau .. 1 5 „ *.. .. .. 14 4 8 136 16 0 . R. 14/1368 .. July 1,1914 Southland County Council .. .. Greenhills .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. 91 0 0 .. 121 2 6 R. 14/3150 .. Aug. 1,1914 Walton Pa. k Coal Company: Wal- .. Saddle Hill .. t 5 , *..i .. .. 3 4 9 185 17 7 ton "Park Brick and Tile Company (Limited) R. 14/3785 .. Aug. 1,1914 Smart and Son .. .. .. .. Hornby .. t 10 „ * .. .. Rental, £25 29 4 3 808 9 7 R. 14/3400 .. Aug. 1,1914 Lvttelton Borough Council .. .. Heathcote .. 5 „ *.. .. .. 19 2 9 . R. 01/1673 .. Mar. 28, 1908 Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative .. Timaru .. f 10 „ * .. Association (Limited) R. 14/3114 ..Aug. 1,1914 Oamaru Borough Council ..j .. Oamaru ... t I 10 „ * .. .. Rental, £50 182 4 0 59 9 0 R. 14/3200 .. Aug. 1,1914 Corporation of Invercargill .. .. Invercargill .. + ' 10 „ * .. .. Rental, £50 422 7 9 : 48 17 0 R. 07/2503 .. Nov. 1,1913 North Otago A. and P. Association .. Oamaru .. f IS , '.. Premium.. 120 0 0 16 13 0 20 18 4 R. 14/4322 ..;Dec. 1,1914 New Zealand Loan and Mercantile .. i Invercargill .. 1 I 10 » *.. .. Rental, £50 235 0 11 ; 602 14 6 Agency Compay (Limited) R. 14/5158 ..Jan. 1,1915 J. G. Ward and Co. (Limited) .. .. Limehills t ' 5 „ * .. .. .. 572 12 0 90 0 9 R. 14/1746 . .;Feb. 1,1915 George Borgfeldt .. .. .. j Papanui .. t 10 , * .. a 184 12 10 Rental, £25 i R. 04/2853 ..iJan. 1, 1915 ! Thomas Todd and Sons (Limited).. 3 41 ] West Plains .. t 10 „ *.. Premium.. 52 10 0. 327 14 2 387 13 5 I \ I j Rental, £50 ' I 392 6 11 541 10 10 223 5 3 2,354 10 3 111 15 9 602 4 4 2,002 9 11 17 4 3 1,434 7 1 2.935 7 6 1,834 4 11 683 15 6 3,807 16 2 1,045 5 5 615 8 0 1,303 5 8 783 1 10 2,916 10 1 1,822 10 0 151 1 8 1,698 13 5 151 0 8 121 2 6 189 2 4 837 13 10 19 2 9 241 13 0 471 4 9 37 11 4 837 15 5 662 12 9 184 12 10 715 7 7 1459 1461 1466 1469 1480 1481 1485 1487 1488 1494 1495 1496 1497 1500 1505 1506 1511 1514 1 Three months' notice. t Siding originally laid under old agreement.



RETURN No. 24— continued. Particulars of Private-si ding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1915 — continued.

Iz Date & Papers. of rrj 3 Grant. 'Ill Amount d.™,.- . xr~i.w Posi- ,- „ . Q+ ,. ■ ' By whom Term of Traffic Present Holder. tion Nearest Station. for. ! of Grant. guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Damages Year ending 31st Man-h, 1915. or r - _ "" i Premium. In. Out. Total. WESTLAND SECTION. 1007 R. 00/2624 .. Aug. 1, 1906 1107 R. 03/1446 .. Oct. 1,1908 1152 R. 03/4351 .. July 1,1909 1168 R. 03/4189 .. June 1, 1909 1184! R. 99/1730 .. , April 1, 1909 1187 R. 08/4493 .. April 1.1909 1213 R. 09/2106 .. Dec. 1, 1909 1247 R. 02/554 .. Oct. 1, 1910 1248 R. 02/553 ..Oct. 1,1910 1250 R. 02/557 .. Oct. 1, 1910 1251 R. 02/556 .. Oct. 1, 1910 1254 R. 02/558 .. Oct. 1, 1910 1255 R. 08/3432 .. Feb. 1, 1910 1264 R. 00/197 . . Jan. 1, 1910 1270 R. 05/1908 .. Dec. 1, 1910 1271 R. 02/552 .. May 23, 1911 1272 R. 01/356 .. April 1, 1911 I I M. ch. Dispatch Foundry Company (Ltd.) .. Grevmouth .. Grantees 10 years* .. t W. T. Ogilvie .. .. .. .. Gladstone .. „ 5 . * .. t G. T. Moss .. .. .. Te Kinga .. » 5 „ * .. t Red Jacks Sawmilling Company .. .. Ngahere .. f 5 „ *.. t Stratford, Blair, and Co. .. ..] .. Greymouth .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. Ikamatua Sawmilling Comtany .. j „ .. „ 10 „ * .. Butler Bros. .. .. .. .. Ruatapu .. „ 5 „ *.. Premium.. William Goss (Limited) .. .. .. j Moana .. .. t 5 „ * .. f Kotuku Sawmilling Company .. j .. ] Aratika .. f 5 „ *.. f Stratford, Blair, and Co. (Limited) ; .. Kokiri .. .. t 5 „ * .. t Lake Brunner Sawmilling Company j .. Ruru .. .. f 5 „ * .. i Baxter Bros. .. .. .. Kokiri.. .. j 5 „ *.. t North Brunner Coal Company (Ltd.) .. Stillwater .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. K.K. Sawmilling Company .. .. Kumara .. f 5 „ *.. f Murphy and Co. .. .. I .. Stafford .. 5 » * .. j Blackball Coal Company .. .. .. Blacknall .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. Wes land Sawmilling Company (Li- .. Inchbonnie .. f 5 „ *.. f mited) Westland Sawmilling Company (Li- .. Cameron's .. Grantees ! 5 , * .. t mited) Stratford, Blair, and Co. (Limited) .. Hukarere .. f 5 „ * .. t Jack Bros. .. .. .. .. Kotuku .. 5 „ * .. Harris and Osborne .. .. .. Reefton .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium.. Greymouth Harbour Board .. ■ • Greymouth .. Govt. .. 5 „ * .. Tyneside Proprietary (Limited) .. .. Brunner .. 1 5 „ * .. f Ikamatua Sawmilling Company .. .. Ikarnatua .. f 5 „ * .. f Te Kinga Land and Timber Company .. ■ Te Kinga .. t 5 „ *.. (Limited) Stratford, Blair, and Co (Limited) 10 49 Arnold .. f 5 , *.. J. C. Malfroy and Co. .. Ho Ho .. t 5 "„ * .. t Westland Kapitea Brick Company .. Kapitea .. f 5 „ * .. f (Limited) Midland Sawmilling Company (Li- .. Ngahere .. t 5 „ *.. f mited) £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ s. d. Rental, £25 63 15 3 258 19 0 I 322 14 3 41 8 11 2 ! 1,043 5 1 3 18 4 756 3 8 760 2 0 20 0 0 556 18 8 49 9 2 606 7 10 Rental, £25 20 0 0 Rental. £25 180 0 0 183 17 0 2,950 9 4 3,134 6 4 Repairs, £6/12; 15 16 9 647 7 0 663 3 9 Repairs, £6 60 9 4 866 0 4 926 9 8 Repairs,£18/14/ 25 7 9 668 2 1 693 9 10 71 1 11 2,847 4 2 ; 2,918 6 1 Repairs, £6/12/ 31 1 2 908 19 7 940 0 9 50 0 0 .. 948 18 4 948 18 4 27 4 5 893 15 4 920 19 9 98"o 0 271 13 2 29,268 16 1 29,540 9 3 Repairs, £6 70 15 8 1,408 4 11 1,479 0 7 150 0 0 66 2 6 878 13 6 944 16 0 71 5 1 1,480 9 8 1,551 14 9 93 10 4 1,625 8 7 1,718 18 11 166 0 0 .. 207 14 1 207 14 1 10111 3 3,696 5 8 3,797 16 11 31 16 8 631 5 4 663 2 0 50 13 9 1,500 9 2 1,551 2 11 3 15 2 109 6 7 113 1 9 81 17 2 1,253 16 2 1,335 13 4 46 19 0 16 19 11 63 18 11 45 9 0 641 17 7 687 6 7 1280] R. 10/2362 .. April 1, 1911 13001 R. 07/774 .. Nov. 1.1911 1301] R. 01/456 .. : Oct. 1, 1911 ] 1327! R. 12/193 .. April 1, 1912 ! 1344J R. 12/3761 .. May 1, 1912 ; 1394 R. 12/3867 .. : Jan. 1, 1913 ' 1397; R. 06/440 .. ' Mar. 1, 1913 1407! R. 07/3061 .. ] Jan. 1, 1913 ! 142li R. 99/1729 .. Sept. 1. 1913 14981 R. 14/4834 .. ! Nov. 1, 1914 1503 R. 03/2385 .. ! Nov. 1, 1913 1504i R. 04/2611 .. - Nov. 1, 1914 1195: R. 00/2091 .. Aug. 1, 1909 1355] R. 07/591 .. j Sept. 1, 1912 1452 R. 14/917 .. Mar. 1.1914 WESTPORT SECTION. D. P. Mumm .. ... .. .. Mokihinui ..I + 5 years*.. t Westport Stockton Coal Company .. Ngakawau .. f 5 „ * .. (Limited) J. and S. Marris .. .. 26 72 • Mokihinui .. I t 2 „ * .. , 0 10 0 .. 0 10 0 • 280 1 1 17,865 8 11 18,145 10 0 16 5 9 80 5 1 96 10 10



n jciuqvj.-* omuiioii. 958 1204 R. 05/892 .. R. 00/1834 .. j July 1, 1905 Oct. 1, 1899 E, Buxton and Co. (Limited) .. .. Nelson .. Grantees | 10 years* .. Nelson Seed and Produce Company .. „ .. (RightheldUn connection with] lease) Nelson Freezing Company (Li- .. I Stoke .. Grantees | 10 years* .. mited) Neale and Haddow .. .. 1 0 I Nelson .. | f 10 „ * .. Premium.. 180 0 0 Rental, £25 67 18 0 344 13 0 i 251 4 3 82 18 2 I 427 11 i 148 3 5 399 7 8 124l| R. 08/3377 .. R. 00/2399 .. Sept. 1, 1908 i Jan. 1,1910 t 320 0 0 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 1 465 17 10 [ S 16 10 474 14 8 13031 R. 02/866 .. PICTON SECTION. t Rental, £25 303 11 6 ; 77 14 2 I 381 5 8 1313 Nov. 1, 1911 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency , .. Picton .. t 5 years* .. Company (Limited) Levin and Co. (Limited) .. .. 17 69 ' Blenheim .. t 10 „ * .. i R. 01/2132 .. ! Feb. 1, 1912 t Repairs, £15 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Repairs, £4 Rental, £25 25 0 0 Rental, £25 802 0 0 Rental, £25 916 18 9 637 9 7 j 1,554 8 4 1417 1428 1470 R. 99/2880 .. R. 93/3737 .. R. 13/3410 .. July 1, 1913 Nov. 1, 1913 June 1, 1914 Robert H. Smale .. .. I 13 38 Spring Creek .. t 5 „ * .. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency [ .. Blenheim .. t 10 „ * .. Company (Limited). Corry and Co. .. .. .. .. Seddon .. Grantees 10 „ * .. Corry and Co. .. .. .. .. Blenheim .. . 10 „ * .. i I ■ 14 15 2 536 2 8 22 13 10 37 9 C 418 18 3 955 0 11 1492 R. 14/3262 .. '■■ Nov. I, 1914 Premium.. I ' * Three months' notice t Siding originally laid under old agreement.



RETURN No. 25. Statement showing approximately Sleepers laid and removed up to 31st March, 1915.

RETURN No. 26. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employees for March, 1914, and March, 1915.

Year. 1867 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-801 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-1902 1902-1903 1903-1904 1904-1905 1905-1906 [906-1907 1907-1908 1908-1909 1909-1910 [910-1911 1911-1912 1912-1913 1913-1914 t9i4-i9i5 Approximate Length opened each Year. North Island, Middle Island. Total. ' f ' M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. '45 7° 45 7° 18 58 18 58 n 68 11 68 27 62 27 62 10 55 11 21 21 76 61 19 126 78 j 188 17 69 23 24.8 4 317 27 64 24 152 39 216 63 103 76 94 58 198 54 27 19 36 4 6 83 65 26 33 40 73 67 26 68 39 32 71 101 30 22 67 40 16 63 3 22 40 19 42 21 22 19 22 50 44 69 56 o 24 o 80 o 43 26 47 S 2 90 78 58 72 11 39 7° 3 1 11 47 17 32 28 79 18 31 .. 18 31 n 57 20 68 32 45 28 21 5 68 34 9 27 27 27 27 17 26 .. 17 26 28 38 33 58 62 16 16 62 27 24 44 6 14 73 3 48 18 41 3 64 1 11 4 75 27 46 10 2 37 48 22 4 6 11 13 33 59 19 26 19 26 4 30 103 38 107 68 11 20 12 32 23 52 28 4" 27 43 56 3 33 12 4 44 37 56 17 61 27 75 45 56 23 5 ! 8 52 31 57 50 7 50 7 10 38 4 61 15 19 186 21 23 21 I 209 42 3 60 31 43 35 23 14 64 29 76 44 60 23 30 23 1 46 31 25 37 26 77 52 34 36 36 40 22 51 3 91 25 I j Sleepi Laid during Construction. (2,100 per mile.) 96,338 39,323 24,885 58,327 46,095 395.246 666,409 455,254 417,217 176,006 141,382 212,888 132,379 88,751 94,2ii 168,000 191,048 147.814 60,874 42,814 68,381 71,636 57.4°8 36,382 130,620 92,558 38,876 10,370 78,960 70,848 40,582 226,485 49,665 117,679 79,170 95,970 66,596 105,184 31.999 440,003 74,104 93,975 97,414 110,092 6,458 i9i,756 1 srs. Removed during Maintenance,' 74,261 73.947 '06,7153 125,632 148.325 " 1 37.993 139,040 122,027 io8,6go 129,634 1 33.954 139,912 1 32.569 I55. 8 27 170,681 188,291 210,588 2 43.479 282.326 302,354 345.433 369,339 330,029 309,296 302,252 309,183 283,293 331.678 279,190 236,390 282,682 273,586 235,37 8 261,748 227,674 Totals 6,138,432 1 6,138,432 71 503,444 * Comple dete information ete information not recorded until 1880-81. f N lot recorded until 1880-81. t «i fine months only. ine I te months only.

Department. i £,« S rt rt S .c rt ! £* X! *c3 ■ V a o -D 5 T3 M c « 5i rt a -^ "O CO C 4) <u ; d CrC j *«§ 1 |'3B ! « a. (0 D o Z s c « C E1914- 15. rener&l 'raffie Maintenance locomotive 40 72 38 "e 12 7 17 34 18 2,467 2,169 2,678 1,929 1,484 2,120 135 151 139 81 50 115 48 42 23 30 51 26 632 4,753 4,065 5,164 14,614 Totals i 150 25 69 7,314 5,533 425 246 113 107 1913-14. leneral 'raffie laintenance .. jocomotive 38 53 33 6 14 9 '17 19 23 ; 2,390 : 1,979 2,507 1,912 1,556 2,077 138 150 137 79 66 109 65 45 25 31 70 28 600 4,676 3,952 4,948 Totals 124 129 14,176 29 59 6,876 5,545 425 254 135



RETURN No. 27. Statement of Accidents for the Year ending 31st March, 1915.

j Shunting Accidents. Accidents on Wharves and in Sheds. Accidents in Workshops. Train Accidents. Accidents on Line (other than Train-running). Passengers. Employees. : Other Persons. Employees, j Other Persons. '. Employees. to on S to w 2 to to S ; fc w I S ft gq S. ' fc w « _ Total. Other Persons. Emplovees. j Other Persons. Employees. Other Persons. . I j 00 M ! go 1 £ 00 j w . Ml" 3 ■- - 3 C • \Wt \ L •IO[»- 3 I- • 3 J; i £ <8 i £ <2 j I £ j rJS j § £ j J3 s £ » j s | £ <£ s Whangarei-Kawakawa .. .. I .. Kaihu .. Gisborne .. North Island Main Line 2 1 1 .... 13 6 and Branches South Island Main Line 1 1 7 ' .. .. 3 4 and Branches Westland .. ! .. .. 1 1 Westport .. 2 Nelson .. I .. Picton . '. I .. Totals .. .. 3 2 10 .... 17 11 1 i 1 [ : !' ! I ' I 2 .. ..- 1 ! i .. 1 .. i .. .. j .. 4 _;■ j I < I . ...... 1 1 4 .. 147 .. .. 2 2 .. 68 .. .. 2 .. .. 129 .. 1 1 .. .. 126 14 3 1 489 2 .. .. 78 .. .. 1 2 3 50 2 ..1 3 ..138 .. .. 1 .. ..147 12 ! 4 | 427 I i .. .. 1 .. 11 j 6 .. .. 1 .. .. 5 .. i .. I 6 2 ; .. 30 1 .. .. 3 i .. 4 .. .. 5 .. 15 2 5 ....: ' .. 7 4 ! '. .. 4 1 4 5 .. 248 .. .. 3 4 3 127 2 .. 4 3 .. 282 ! .. 1 2 .. .. 284 28 7 979


RETURN No. 28. Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1915.


Type. I ! I . .9 I § a ■ C0-rH ra Glffi | CO CJD5S jo a 2 Train. Engine-mileage. Detail. I Bhunting w k . Detail. Engine-mileage. total. Coal. Qua Quantity of Stores. antity o Runn Oil. Running. of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-mile, in Pence, ling. Repairs. : Running. Repairs. ; Running. -. i ! 1— i— ■ Wages Total. Wages . Total, j j Tallow.: Waste. and Stores. Fuel. Wages. and Stores, j Fuel. Wages. Material. Material. Cost. Repairs, i Running. a CO a P I 1 Type. WHANGAREI SECTION. C .. Fa.. .. j Wb 1 15 1 15 2 17 5 17 ! I i 5,835 i 5,456 30,074 ! 89,031 i 4,099 3,991 5,173 18,545 124 1,116 929 2,722 10,058 10,563 36,176 110,298 Cwt. Qt. 2,665 364 2,806 347 12,377 1,187 57,668 4,054 lb. lb. 25 130 21 | 135 70 319 210 1,385 £ 43 142 910 990 £ 14 13 47 157 i— £ 72 75 330 1,544 £ 217 226 669 2,151 [ £ 346 456 1,956 4,842 II I 1-03 0-33 1-72 3-23 0-30 1-70 6-03 0-31 j 2-19 2-16 | 0-34 3-36 5-18 i 8-26 5-13 10-36 4-44 12-97 4-68 10-54 185 164 321 1,021 C. Fa. Wb. - i— : 1Totals General charges Totals 9 . .. ; ! ' I" L — I 1— .. j 130,396 130,396 ; 31,808 31,808 4,891 4,891 167,095 167,095 75,516 75,516 5,952 " i '' I 5,952 326 j 1,969 326 1,969 2,085 2,085 i 231 231 2,021 2,021 3,263 3,263 7,600 1,314 7,600 1,314 8,914 2-99 0-33 2-90 f 2-99 0-33 2-90 4-69 10-91 1-89 12-80 4-69 10-91 1-89 1,691 i .. 8,914 12-80 . ! KAIHU SECTION. F .. General charges 2 15 ■• I 1— 15,772 ; 3,906 925 20,603 4,869 467 26 226 334 17 ' ' ! 341 463 1,155 206 3-89 0-20 3-97 5-39 13-45 2-40 323 F. i Totals .. I 2 1— n I I 1,361 1,361 15-85 ! .. i I . I I I 1 ! 15,570 53,323 [ I 4,802 ! 579 19,772 ! 2,314 33 97 GISBORNE SECTION. BORNI 187 i 743 E SECTI 240 978 [ON. 20 ; 79 342 1,429 350 952 1,181 3,667 3-70 ; 0-30 ! 5-27 4-40 0-36 ! 6-43 5-40 5-31 14-67 192 16-50 : 604 Fa.. .. i Wa 1 ! 16 3 15 i 9,526 36,875 3,148 I 2,896 8,229 8,219 Fa. Wa. Totals .. j General charges 4 : .. | 46,401 11,377 11,115 68,893 1 — 24,574 ; 2,893 130 930 1,218 99 j 1,771 1,531 4.619 916 4-24 0-35 6-17 5-33 16-09 3-19 | 796 Totals " I 5,535 t .. I 19-28 j



RETURN No. 28 -continued. Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1915— continued.

» i a I u Engine-mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. I Cost per Engine-mile, in Pence. Cost per Engine-mile, in Pence. I Type. or. o 5 fa fc j <! Detail. I Shunting w v Train. and *L°f*Emnty. train - Detail. Total. Coal. Oil. Running. j Tallow. Waste. i Repairs. Running. ! i i Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. Wages Total, and Stores. Fuel. ! Wages. Material. Repairs. Running. .a >7 a Type. Wages Tota!and i Stores, j Fuel. Wages. Material. I I NORTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. LINE AND BRANCHES. A and An .. 50 B .. ..2 Be . . .. 1 C .. .. 3 *D.. .. 9 E (simple) .. 4 E (compound) 1 F and Fa 29 H .. ..6 J .. 17 K .. ..2 L .. .. 9 M .. ..4 fN (simple) .. 10 N (compound) 5 Na and Nc O and Ob .. 8 Oa and Oc . 2 P . . 4 Q .. .. 6 R .. 10 S .. ..4 T .. ..2 Un ..2 V .. .. 3 JWa, ffr, Wa, 69 and Wh §Wb, Wd. and 16 Wj We ..1 X .. .. 18 Rail motor .. 1 HSmal' tank .. 1 I'll ! 25 1,450,742 : 87,432 ! 13,919 U.552, 093 20 1,232 ; 416 i .. 1,648 20 16,479 2,443 I .. 18,922 15 .. 25,669 ! .. 25,669 15 11,453 i 73,507 43,389 128.349 20 16.506 I 30.847 10,455 i 57.808 6 282 ' 161 .. 443 20 75,740 ! 417,092 49.558 542.390 6 28,940 i 17.008 70 46,018 20 410.856 58,144 9,969 478,969 25 25,737 i 5,778 1,454 32,969 20 114,195 ! 34.472 2,200 j 150,867 20 55,920 ! 17,099 14,543 ! 87,562 25 j 255.710 ! 35.778 ; 8,688 : 300.176 20 | 124,988 7,638 : 2.736 135.362 1 I I ii ll " : " I Cwt. Qt. . lb. lb. £ £ , £ £ I £ 685,959 ; 69,471 3.403 27.229 I 19.076 2.754 41.623 24,832 88,285 1,045 : 79 5 37 8 3 71 39 121 11,732 843 53 386 707 : 31 759 465 1,962 4,347 490 78 313 46 I 21 275 748 1,090 21.307 2,435 219 i 1,124 878 86 1,185 2,517 j 4,666 19,827 1.899 132 978 362 70 1.237 1,613 3.282 631 : 73 3 24 13 2 41 22 78 165.690 17,598 922 5,376 7.741 | 606 8,554 16,242 33,143 41,945 3,129 240 1,712 3,404 i 118 ! 2,723 2.301 8.546 195,094 16.636 034 ' 5.288 7.725 584 j 11,989 9,247 29,545 13,441; 1,260 67 527 399 47 I 827 717 1.990 55,042 | 4,222 267 1,436 2,017 155 ; 2,771 3,335 : 8,278 27,504' 2,213 152 931 2,463 83 I 1.789 1,610 5,945 132,051 i 9,497 454 3,496 5,315 353 | 8,414 5,189 19,271 69.288 4,317 225 1.572 i 1,247 153 I 4,497 2,548 8,445 89,210 - 5,515 283 2.254 3,714 | 203 i 5,747 3,768 13,432 20.716 1,460 81 499 1.327 54 1,349 833 3,563 50,575 ! 3.787 152 1,190 2,004 130 2,572 1,784 6,490 129,678 | 9,398 ' 210 2,125 3,090 311 6,410 3,667 13,478 60.248 4,724 377 2,242 2,683 177 3,837 4,464 11,161 24,444 2,189 157 ; 1,114 1,999 87 1,595 2,255 5,936 18,635 | 1,767 82 i 659 279 I 64 1,094 1.028 2,465 28,045 1,836 85 580 1,276 67 1.828 934 4,105 36,787 2,376 130 912 1,880 88 2,370 1,558 5.896 807,620 62.279 2,804 20,739 26,338 2,316 49,258 35,624 113,536 242,884 15,839 | 669 4,970 9,624 574 15,721 9,439 35,358 20,342 1,118 47 I 351 160 42 1,327 652 2,181 277.464 33,291 916 7,700 8,857 1,152 18.024 ; 8,232 36.265 13,752 418 , .. 130 64 23 312 138 537 74 .. .. .. 74 ; . ■! . L_— _J ! I " " I 2-95! 0-42 6-44: 3-84 13-65 11, A and Ad. 1-16 i 0-44 10-34 ; 5-68 ! 17-62 20 B. 8-97 | 0-39 9-63 I 5-90 j 24-89 ; 210 Be. 0-43 j 0-20 2-57 6-99 ' 10-19 ! 610 C. 1-64 J 0-16 2-21 4-71 < 8-72 ! 2,236 *D. 1-50 | 0-29 5-13 6-71 13-63 778 E (simple). 7-04 I 1-08 22-21 11-92 , 42-25 14 E (compound). 3-42 0-27 ! 3-78 j 7-19 14-66 6,882 F and Fa. 17-75 0-62 14-20 12-00 44-57 j 1,266 H. 3-87 0-29 601 | 4-63 14-80 ; 4.204 J. 2-91 ; 0-34 6-02 ; 5-22 14-49 431 K. 3-21 0-24 4-41 j 5-30 13-16 '< 1,920 L. 6-75 0-23 4-90 I 4-41 16-29 837 M. 4-25 0-28 6-73 4-15 15-41 2.474 fN (simple). 2-21 0-27 7-97 4-52 14-97 1.206 N (compound) Na and Nc. 5-40 0-29 8-35 ! 5-47 19-51 i 1.824; O and Ob. 9-67 0-40 9-83 607 25-97 416'OAandOc. 5-93 0-39 7-62 ' 5-28 19-22 929j P. 3-82 0-39 7-93 4-54 16-68 1.549! Q. 3-54 0-23 5-05 5-88 14-70 2.161 R. 6-94 0-30 5-53 ; 7-83 20-60 880; S. 1-45 ! 0-33 5-70 I 5-35 12-83 507i T. 4-99 ! 0-26 7-14 ! 3-65 16-04 442 Ud. 5-37 ' 0-25 6-78 | 4-45 ! 16-85 708! V. 3-64 ' 0-32 680 ! 4-92 15-68 16.964 IWa, Vft: Wa, and Wh. 5-01 i 0-30 8-19 4-92 18-42 4,194§Wb, Wd, and Wj. 1-40 I 0-37 11-61 5-70 19-08 291 We. 5-31 ! 0-69 10-80 4-93 21-73 3.505; X. 1-77 j 0-63 8-62 ; 3-81 14-83 243 Rail motor. 35-80 ; .. .. .. 35-80 j 30:|| Small tank. 18 142.308 22,481 427 165,216 20 22.969 6,813 3.142 32,924 18 64,332 8,722 8,000 81.054 25 j 172.238 20,570 1,150 - 193,958 20 i 94,707 70,976 16,546 182,229 20 [ 6,574 62.271 297 69,142 18 1 2,956 1,239 41,898 46,093 30 ! 58,098 3,266 72 ! 61.436 20 69,241 : 14,538 189 83,968 25 1,416.983 281,764 ! 38,775 1,737,522 20 326,208 59,281 j 75,308 j 460,797 15 21,714 5,565 158 27,437 20 375,359 25,113 .. 400.472 20 7.224 1.4 6 .. 8,690 6 .. 496 .. 496 Totals .. 299 .. 5,369.691 [l,398, 045 342.943 7,110,679 i3.25I.551 If 3,752 251,551 280,159 12.847 95,894 114.770 il0.354 198.199 il45,801 469.124 If 3,752 280,159 12.847 95,894 114,770 il0,354 198.199 1145,801 469.124 3-87 ,0-35 | 6-69 I 4-92 15-83 69,689| 3-87 I, 0-35 General charges j ■■ i 73,624 L - I Totals .. I .. 2-49 18-32 I ,542,748 I" . ■ I I * ID sold in October. US (simple) transferred to Westland in December. 11 Wh sold n August. $ 1 Wb transferred to Whangarei in October. i Wages, fuel. &c, supplied by Stores Branch. f Gallons petrol.

D.— A


RETURN No. 28 -continued. Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1915 -continued.

Type. 5 Engine-mileage. a J" Detail. - Q, . 94 SJ x> *2 i Shunting w . 3 feS Train. and £°*f 3 >* Empty. W8m - Total. Coal. Quantity of Stores. Running. Repairs. ! j Wages | Oil. Tallow. Waste. and ; Store-. , Material. [ Repairs. ! Cost. Cost. Cost per Engine-mile, in Pence. Running. Repairs. : Running. Total. Wages Total. Fuel. Wages. and Stores. Fuel. I Wages. Material. Cost per Engine-mile, in Pence. cd rH. Type. Running. Running. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. '111 I l Cwt. A (simple) .. 1 30 19.537 1.355 .. 20.892 10,775 A (compound) 7 30 222,791 6.994 134; 229,919 96,310 B .. ..8 20 177,312; 26.567 60; 203.939 135,830 Ba .. 10 20 196,619 30,080 120 j 226,819 152,116 D .. .. 14 18 608: 100.603 14,072! 115,283 31.828 F and Fa .. 41 20 117,052! 527.486 34.289 678,827 265.226 J .. .. 15 25 i 299,568 ; 35,615 14,243 349,426 167.284 K .. .. 6 25 : 80,62.5 10,986 101 91.712 42,210 L .. .. 1 20 13,594 3.284 263 17,141 4.825 P .. .. 6 i 18 102,171 15.357 15.637 133.165 90.330 Q .. .-. 7 30 218,750 13.318 12 232,080 129,545 R .. .. 8 20 17.144 54.981 : 33.697 105,822 33,794 T .. .. 4 ' 18 50.368 5,421 1,349 57,138 30.040 U.TJa, andUc 25 | 30 616,102 39,209 7.298 662.609 348,029 Ub .. 22 ! 30 591,634 40,405 706 632,745 329,532 V .. .. 10 ! 25 222.168 16.171 1,246 239,585 165.379 Wd .. 4 20 59,179 17.122 L5.201 91.502 38,720 Wf .. 16,25 283,977 76,905 j 31,214 392,096 177,306 Total .. 205 ; .. 3,289,199 1,021,859 169,642 4.480,700 2,249.079 General charges .... Totals .. I .. .. Qt. lb. lb. 677 50 342 8,150 404 3.164 8.351 469 3,301 j 11,018 ; 539 3.729 2,488 ! 212 1,568 19,363 1,311 7,572 9,578 719 4.557 2,375 212 1,426 524 58 327 4,163 251 1.810 7.829 ! 317 2.562 2,514 I 277 1.802 1.655 \ 130 1,059 19,256 I 1,225 8,802 19,506 1,003 7,752 6,218 450 2,961 3,243 196 1.400 12,753 779 5.272 £ 674 5.371 6.010 4,489 1,170 8.584 5,855 977 124 2,026 2,749 2,815 1,295 12.407 9.394 4,172 1,428 7,623 £ £ £ £ 29 640 340 1,683 319 5.686 3.094 14.470 336 7.406 4.736 18.488 424 8.617 5,467 18,997 90 1,295 3,633 6.188 641 10.368 22,366 41.959 357 : 7,540 7.185 ' 20.937 92 ! 2.180 1.936 5.185 22 299 514 f 959 160 3,364 3,001 8,551 303 6,552 3,420 13.024 107 1,862 3.100 7.884 69 1,781 1.554 4.699 736 19,243 12.068 j 44,454 775 j 19,595 11.081 40.845 217 4,423 4,599 13.411 132 2,266 2,127 ! 5.953 499 10,446 9.408 27,976 —! —: :— J 7-74 0-33 7-35 5-61 0-33 5-93 7-07 0-40 8-72 4 75 0-45 9-12 2-44 ! 0-19 2-69 303 '' 0-23 3-66 4-02 . 0-25 5-18 2-55 j 0-24 5-70 1-74 0-31 4-18 3-65 0-29 606 | 2-84 0-31 6-78 6-39 0-24 4-22 5-44 0-29 7-48 4-50 0-27 6-96 3-56 0-30 7-43 4-18 I 0-21 4-43 3-74 ! 0-35 5-94 4-66 ; 0-31 6-39 i 3-91 19-33 ' 163 A (simple). 3-23 1510 1.384 A (compound). 5-57 21-76 1.988 B. 5-78 2010 2.436 Ba. 7-56 12-88 2.123 D. 7-91 14-83 10,080 F and Fa. 4-93 ■ 14-38 i 3.701 J. 5-07 ' 13-56 | 1.204 K. 7-20 13-43 ! 287 L. 5-41 15-41 1.443 P. 3-54 13-47 1,577 Q. 7-03 17-88 1,530 R. 6-53 19-74 ! 860 T. 4-37 ! 16-10 ; 6.047 U, Ua, and Uo. 4-20 15-49 ! 5,223 Ub. 4-61 13-43 . 2,382 V. 5-58 15-61 | 1,024 Wd. 5-76 17-12 ! 4,200 Wf. \_ 139,061 8,602 !59.406 77,163 5.308 113.563 99.629 295.663 46,152 308 113.563 99,629 295.663 ; 46,152 4-13 0-29 608 4-13 ! 0-29 6-08 5-34 15-84 47.652 2-47 | .. , 341.815 18-31 j WESTLAN! SECTION. D .. ' .. 1 18 F and Fa .. 6 20 La .. .. 5 20 N .. .. 1' 25 Wand Wa .. 5 18 Wb .. 1 : 20 We .. 1.15 Totals .. 20 General charges ..:..! 7.470 74.779 53,722 , 2.410 60.426 " 10.718 19.587 7,917 524 ; 86,860 ! 17.835 1 315 20.773 2,905 ; 96 11.522 ■ 4,298 403 262,277 97,472 23.811 'J_ ; ___H_ ____ 7.470 130,911 90.73! 8,441 106.010 23,774 16,223 383. 560 1,550 : 37.540 | 29,396 3,325 ! 46,190 10.336 i 8.956 | 137.293 ! 332 ; 4.696 3.749 322 4,046 1.043 962 .1 15.150 29 168 244 ! 1,362 204 1,166 16 121 174 1,393 44 ! 391 43 ! 438 754 I 5.039 63 1,834 1,142 | 35 3,669 216 271 11 54 275 403 162 j 1 ,283 i 3.381 6.660 ,130 I 1.007 2,036 4.315 12 112 ! 156 315 146 ! 1 .578 2.390 | 7,783 37 ! 353 ! 561 ! 1,167 35 I 306 i 591 1,203 2-02 0-35 1-74 3-36 0-29 I 2-35 302 0-34 , 2-66 0-99 ! 0-34 i 3-18 8-31 j 0-33 3-57 2-18 ; 0-38 3-56 4-01 0-52 4-53 8-83 i 12-94 156! D. 6-20 12-20 1,572! F and Fa. 5-39 11-41 1,261! La. 4-44 8-95 89! N. 5-41 17-62 1,084: Wand Wa. 5-66 11-78 267 Wb. 8-74 17-80 255! We. i 97,472 j j 23,811 383.560 137.293 ' 15.150 754 j 5,039 7,230 | 533 4,693 j : - L 9.390 ; 21,846 | 3,006 | 4-62 0-33 ! 2-94 5-88 13-67 I 4,684i 1-88 j .. Totals j j " I 24,852 15-55 I I

RETURN No. 28-continued. Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1915— continued.


14—D. 2


w I Engine-mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-mile, in Pence. IB to- a^ Detail. Detail. Running. Repairs. Running. Repairs, j Running. Wages Total. Wages Total, and Stores. Fuel. Wages. aud Stores. Fuel. Wages. Material. Material. I i_ Repairs. Running. Repairs. ! Running. a CD Q Type. Type. Train. Shunting Work . . Total. and *-,..,;„ Empty. tram - - Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. WESTPORT SECTION. C .. F and Fa Wb 2 12 I 10 4 15 ! 20,253 5 20 I 85,460 I 19,419 37.208 4.595 27,153 Cwt. Qt. lb. lb. £ £ £ £ 19,429 6,817 1,003 64 413 363 33 i 210 721 62,056 22,875 2,245 130 995 466 88 | 703 1,953 112,613 72,339 4,839 205 ! 1,524 2,334 186 j 2,222 2,618 £ ; 1,327 3,210 7,360 | 4-48 | 0-41 2-59 8-91 1-80 0-34 ! 2-72 7-55 4-97 I 0-39 4-74 5-58 16-39 294 12-41 925| 15-68 1,153 C. F and Fa. Wb. Totals General charges 11 .. | 105,723 83,780 ! 4,595 ' 83,780 ! 4,595 ; 194,098 102,031 8,087 j 399 ! 2,932 | 3,163 ' 307 3,135 ' 5,292 — [ — — J— IL-' — - : H_ 194,098 102,031 j— 8,087 ; 399 ': 2,932 j 3,163 ! 307 3,135 5,292 11,897 2,098 ! 3-91 ' 0-38 3-88 6-54 14-71 2-59 Totals i - I 13,995 17-3 I ] NELSON SECTION. D .. .. 1 ' 18 F and Fa .. 4 18 Totals .. 5 ! .. ' General charges ..''.. 3.738 77,312 81,050 3,203 1.225 10,655 ; 13,858 1,225 I 8,166 87,967 2.424 268 26,470 2,906 31 126 139 1,117 ! 46 1,232 11 103 165 1.778 196 418 1,591 4,704 j 1-35 0-32 3-36 0-28 4-85 4-86 5-76 12-28 4-34 12-84 246 946 D. F and Fa. 81,050 13,858 1,225 96,133 28,894 ! 3,174 | 157 1,256 1,278 114 1,943 1,787 j 5,122 423 f 3- 19 0-28 4-85 ; 4-46 12-78 1,192 1-06 ! .. ; ._ Totals 5,545 13-84 i PICTON SECTION. D .. .. j 1 Fa .. 2 G .. .. i 4 18 18 18 1,663 39.984 41,264 8,215 6.745 15,099 82 102 11,672 9,960 46,831 68.035 2,922 ! 444 17.517 1,519 19,483 2.245 13 51 132 182 ! 401 779 118 i 858 906 ol 76 200 1.189 1,322 326 i 659 ' 877 ! 2,975 1.436 ! 3,740 ! I | 2-84 | 0-36 I 4-82 4-39 0-26 6-09 ' 3-20 0-27 4-66 7-86 15-88 4-50 15-24 5-06 13-19 219 D. 422 Fa. 788 G. Totals .. I 7 General charges; 82,911 30,059 11,856 11.856 124,826 124,826 39,922 4,208 39,922 4,208 196 | 1 196 1,362 j 1 .362 , ] 1,882 | 1,882 | 142 I 2,711 142 2,711 2.639 7.374 '■ ! 1,007 I 3-62 0-27 [ 5-21 5-07 ; 14-17 1-94 1,429 •' i •• ! ; ; i .! I Totals .. j .. -- T < 8,38*1* ' 1 16-11 I


RETURN No. 29. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. Return of the Number of Vessels discharged and loaded at the Ports of Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, and Bluff, for the Year ended 31st March, 1915.

RETURN No. 30. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. Showing Mileage of Track in Main Line and Sidings open for Traffic on 31st March, 1915, on the South Island Main Line and Branches.


Port. 1913-14. 1914-15. Increase Increase. Decrease. lISCHAEGED : — Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin Bluff .. l_ No. 1,788 370 174 75 85 197 No. 1,769 295 169 44 112 210 j No. "27 18 No. 19 75 5 31 Totals 2,689 2,689 2,599 2,599 90 iOADED :— Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin Bluff ■ • I 1,860 371 191 42 38 196 1,882 304 191 62 48 211 | 22 "20 10 15 07 Totals 2,698 2,698 2,698 2,698 . . m

Line of Railway. Main Line. Sidings. Branches. „ T . otal Railway. Main (.inc. I Branches. ; Total. M. ch. M. ch. M. oh. ! M. ch. M. ch. 229 49 97 33 . . 97 33 53 56 4 79 44 1 4 45 48 7 6 67 83 72 , 328 32 .. 9 03 I 36 43 22 20 I' 3 14 27 36 i 1 75 36 13 i 3 11 12 67 ; ' 2 69 / Total Equivalent of Single Track. Single. Double. ! >iristohtjkch Division :— Main Line Rangiora-Sheffield and Eyreton Junction - Bennett's Waipara-Parnassus Southbridge and Little River Branches Springfield and White Cliffs Branches Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Branch Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch Waimate Branch M. ch. 211 57 M. ch. 17 72 M. ch. 327 2 , 58 55 48 46 54 74 92 75 25 34 29 31 39 24 j \ 15 56 Totals, Christchurch Division 211 57 17 72 328 32 558 1 97 33 36 43 133 76 691 77 Dtjnedin Division :— Main Line Duntroon Branch Oamaru-Breakwater Branoh .. Ngapara & Livingstone Branches Waihemo Branch Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park Branch Fernhill Branch Otago Central Railway Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch 165 40 11 24 37 41 0 63 27 4 8 65 1 26 2 49 1 57 134 51 9 0 34 68 i 42 68 176 641 72 69 3 13 1 62 2 44 0 63 3 65 0 79 0 24 10 40 0 63 3 13 4 41 72 59 249 43 40 54 2 46 29 48 9 48 5 11 3 48 2 1 145 11 9 63 38 I 47 29 301 12, 32 27 Totals, Dunedin Division .. 165 40 I I 24 301 1.2 477 761 72 59 32 27 105 6 588 2 [nvercakqiix Division :■ — Main Line Tapanui Branch Waimea Plains Branoh Switzer's Branch Waikaka Branch Wyndham Branch Seaward Bush Branch Kingston Branch Makarewa - Orepuki Branch .. Thornbury-Wairio and WairioNightcaps Branches Forest Hill Railway Lumsden - Mararoa Branch .. 82 41 26 21 36 41 13 67 12 57 9 35 33 65 87 0 48 23 24 51 82 41 34 79 / 2 70 3 29 2 3 2 3 1 0 J 3 3 < II 47 9 49 3 77 1 13 I \ 1 3 34 \ 79 117 40 29 II 39 70 15 70 14 60 10 35 36 68 98 47 57 72 28 48 ■315 67 41 57 12 66 10 41 13 79 11 44 Totals, Invercargill Division 82 41 315 67 398 28 34 79 41 57 76 56 475 4 Grand Totals —Whole Line.. 459 58 I 29 16 945 31 1,434 25 205 11 110 47 315 58 1,750 3



RETURN No. 31. Statement of Alterations in and Additions to Scale of Charges during the Year ended 31st March, 1915. PART I.—PASSENGERS. General Fares and Regulations. Navy recruits : Regulation amended to provide for concession tickets to candidates for the New Zealand Naval Forces. PART lII.—GOODS REGULATIONS. Panama and Pacific Universal Exhibition at San Francisco : Regulation provided for free conveyance of New Zealand exhibits. PART IV.—GOODS: LOCAL RATES. Auckland District : Rate provided for timber from Swanson to Auckland. Westland Section : Local mileage rate on coal for shipment removed. Rate for coal from Brunner and Rewanui to Greymouth inserted. Picton Section : Through rail and steamer rates between Wellington and stations on the Picton Section amended. Christchurch District : Rate provided for wool from Waddington to Addington and Christchurch. Dunedin District: Rate on goods of Classes A, B, C, and D between Dunedin or Port Chalmers and Oamaru amended. Rate provided for frozen meat from Pukeuri Junction to Port Chalmers-or Dunedin. PART V.—CLASSIFICATION. Inserted — ClassBricks for house-grates unpacked. Owners risk. Special goods .. .. . . C Bricks for house-grates packed in cases or crates. Owners' risk .. .. .. D Paper parchment for lining butter-boxes packed . . . . . . .. .. D PART VI.—WHARVES. Otamatea Wharf : Rates for goods passing over the wharf provided. Picton Wharves : Regulation respecting goods loaded or unloaded into or from lighters from or into ships amended.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1915.



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Bibliographic details

RAILWAYS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, THE HON. W. H. HERRIES., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, D-02

Word Count

RAILWAYS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, THE HON. W. H. HERRIES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, D-02

RAILWAYS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, THE HON. W. H. HERRIES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, D-02

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