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/'resented to both Senses of tie (-feneral Assembly pursuant to Section US of the Patents, Dtxiyns, and Trade-marks Act, 1911.

In pursuance of the requirements of the Patents, Designs, and Trade-mai ks Act, I have the honour to submit my report on the proceedings thereunder during the year. Though slightly higher than last year, the number of applications shows little change during the past few years, 2,627 being received in 1913 as compared with 2,560 in 1912 and 2,622 in the preceding year. The applications added each year to those previously recorded involves, however, a steady increase in the work of the office, which, owing to the scattered and restricted accommodation, is carried out under very unfavourable conditions. While these have been somewhat improved the need for suitable piemises is so acute as to seriously threaten the efficiency of the oflicc, and it is satisfactory to know that suitable accommodation to meet the requirements of the staff and public, as well as of the library and records, is likely to be shortly provided. Although the number of applications received year by year docs not vary much, the revenue shows a continual increase, being .£7,113 7s. for last year, £356 19s. Id. more than in 1912, ami considerably higher than in any previous year. The expenditure was slightly less than in 1912, amounting to £2,972 os. 3d., of which £1,053 18s. "_M was for work done and stationery supplied by the Government Printing Office. The expenditure last year was 41 per cent, of the revenue; for 1912, 14 per rent.; for 1911, 37 per cent. Patents . The number of applications was 1,775 —slightly more than in 1912. Of these, 1,080 were accompanied by provisional specifications and 686 by complete specifications, while 285 complete specifications were left in respect of applications with which provisional specifications had previously been lodged, making a total for the year of 2,051 specifications, as compared with 2,046 in 1912. The proportion of complete specifications to provisional specifications lodged in the first instance in each of the past five years is as follows —60 per cent., 61 per cent., 64 per cent., 78 per cent., 63 per cent. —or an average for that time of 65 per cent., as compared with 49 per cent. in Great Britain and 74 per cent, in Australia for the same period. The total number of applications received up to the 31st December last was 34.191, and the number of patents then in force 3,411. The fees in connection with patents amounted to £5,762 12s. 3d., as compared with £5,543 10s. lid. for 1912, an increase of ,£219 Is. 4d.— partly accounted for by a fee of £1 being payable on complete specifications during the whole of last year instead of only for six months of i 912, and by a slight increase in the fees for the second term, £1,325, as compared with £1,290, as well as for the somewhat greater amounts received for copying and certifying copies. The sealing fees show a slight falling-0ff—.£1,426 (£l,s72)*—and also the fees of '.£lO for the third term of letters patent—£l,ooo (£1,060).

* The figures in parentheses throughout this report relate to the year 1912.

I—H. 10.



While the revenue considerably exceeds the expenditure, the fees ure, with two exceptions, the lowest in the world, as will be seen from the following table : —

Forty-one applications were received from women inventors, 13 less than in 1912. The number of patents of additions was (i (5), and the complete specifications filed in respect of cognate provisional specifications 14 (6). No doubt when the provisions of the Act in this respeot become better known they will be more fully availed of. Examination of Specifications. No provision has yet been made for making a thorough inquiry into the novelty of inventions sought to be patented, but this question is gone into by the staff so far as it is able, and amendment required, or in rare cases the application rejected, where the invention is found to !«■ parti-ally or wholly anticipated. The applications for the twelve months stated were received and dealt with as follows:— Number of applications received from Ist June, 1912, to 31st May, 1913 (inclusive) ... ... ... ... ... ... ' ... 1,708 Applications in respect of which amendment under section 5, or compliance with other formalities, required before acceptance ... ... 152 Applications in respect of which amendment on account of want of novelty required before acceptance ... ... ... ... 74 Not accepted ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 15+ Countries from which Applications were received. The number of applications from residents in New Zealand was about normal—l,l73, as compared witli 1,180 in 1911 and 1,135 in 1912. An increase is shown in the number of applications from Canada—l 9 (12); fnited Kingdom—lB3 (168)- and the United States—l2l (118); and a falling-ofi in the applications from the Commonwealth —22l (240). Table H shows the number of applications received from each of the various other countries from 1911 to the end of last year. During 191.'!. G6 per cent, of the applications received were from residents of New Zealand, and 34 per cent, from people living in other places. In the United Kingdom for the same year 68 per cent, of the applications were fn.m people living in and 'V 2 per cent, from people outside that country, and in Australia 70 per cent, from residents and 30 per cent, from non-residents of the Commonwealth. Subject-matter of Inventions. While applications for inventions in respect of our particular industries, more especially dairying, naturally predominate, there is no such marked trend of invention here as there is in Great Britain and other large manufacturing countries. The subject of locomotion—principally motor vehicles and aeronautics—which has lately been engaging the attention of inventors in other places in a very striking manner has produced but few inventions in this country so far as the records show. The prevention of railway accidents is, as would be expected, a subject of great interest to inventors in all parts of the world, and serious collisions are invariably followed by a revival of attempts to ensure the safe running of trains. Last year more than treble the usual number of applications were filed in Great Britain on the subject, and a decided increase is lately shown in the applications in this country. A considerable number of applications continue to be received under telephony and telegraphy, chiefly in connection with automatic installations—6l in 1913 and 64 in 1912. as compared with 31 in 1911. Although cinematographs are a fruitful source of invention in Kngland and are extensively used in this country, very few applications are made by Xew Zealand inventors on the subject. While a fair number of applications were made for milking and dairying appliances—27 and 68 respectively —there were not quite as many as in the previous year. The applications for fibre-dressing, which fell off somewhat in 1912, revived somewhat in 1913 —.">6 (34). Double the number were received with regard to railways—Bo (40) —the increase being chiefly in respect of signalling appliances. Those for cultivating, 25 t-'!2), and fencing. 20 (30), show a slight falling-off, and the number in other subjects remains about the same.

Country. Term. Fee. Country. Term. Fee. Germany Russia Austria Brazil Hungary Denmark Great Britain Belgium France Italy 13 Lβ 18 L5 15 L5 II 20 15 15 £ s. d. 264 0 0 227 5 0 165 11 6 156 7 6 118 6 6 113 5 6 100 0 0 84 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 Spain Switzerland Sweden Argentine Norway Japan Australia New Zealand United States of America Mexico 20 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 17 20 £ s. d. 80 0 0 54 16 0 41 1 6 35 6 0 34 9 0 30 0 0 13 0 0 12 0 0 7 3 9 4 6 6



International Con rent ion. The number of applications under the Convention, which has been gradually rising till it reached 156 in 1912, dropped to 139 last your. Though the advantages of the Conventions are mi doubt great, the curtailment ol' the term under it in Great Britain. Australia, and New Zealand (but not in other countries) no doub< leads to inventors not utilizing it to as full an extent as they might otherwise do. Restoration of Letter* Patent, One application for restoration of letters patent was made during the vein, and one patent was restored. Designs. Sixty-five applications for the registration of designs were received during the year, and although this number is three times that of the previous year it is hardly sufficient to make it worth while keeping a registry for. As pointed out in my last report, some form of protection in the nature of the German petty patent to cover nol merely designs but other original matter not at present provided for by our Patents or Copyrights Acts would seem to be more suitable for the requirements in this country than the present design registration. Til.\ DE-MARKS. The progress in the trade of this country is reflected in the number of applications for registration of trade-marks. In 1890, 160 were received; in 1900,348; and in 1910, 818. Last year showed a slight Falling-ofi, 789 applications being made and 572 marks actually registered during the year. Although not in themselves very high, these numbers stand out when compared with the registrations effected annually in Great Britain (5,073 in 1913) and other countries. The increase in the initial fee, and one or two eases in which the payments were in excess of the previous year, broughi the amount from this source to 6143 9s. Id. more than in 1912— £1,284 13s. 6d., as compared with £1,141 Is. r>d. Countries from which AppHcati&ns received. The number of applications from traders in New Zealand correspond exactly to the number they lodged in 1912— 303, 75 short of the total for the previous year (">7S). There is a I'alling-off also in the applications from the United Kingdom— 2s3 (297). The number from Germany in 1911 was 57; in L 912, 19; and in 1913, 20; a vei \ considerable falling-oS in the latter years. Increases are shown in the applications from New South Wales. 54 (41); Victoria, 28 (20); and the United States, 70 (66). Goods for which Trade-mark* registered. There is a noticeable increase in the number of applications in Class 42 (food substances), 1()7 being received in 1913 as compared with 100 in the previous year. A falling-off occurs in the number in (.'lass 3 (medicinal preparations), <>l (75); in Class 22 (vehicles), 19 (22); in Class 38 (clothing), 65 (71); in Class 43 (liquors and spirits), 22 (26); in Class 47 (candles, soaps, &c), 50 (55), and in Class 50 (miscellaneous), .'S7 (53). There is little if any change in the number received in the other classes. Special Applications to the Court. In accordance with the Act of 1911 the Court may, on application, declare a mark which has been successfully used to be distinctive' which would not otherwise be held to be so under the ordinary provisions of tin Act. During 1913, 5 applications were made to the Court, and, as a result, proceeded with"in 3 eases, i General. Opposition. Not ice of opposition was lodged in 30 cases. Xd decisions were appealed against during the year. " Patent Office Journal." With the object ul bringing New Zealand inventors into touch with manufacturers and others interested in inventions in other countries, and affording some small return for the generous manner in which Great Britain, Australia, and other places supply their specifications and other publications, the Journal has been widely distributed thl ghoui those countries, as will be seen from the list attached. Improvements have been effected in this publication without materially increasing its cost, and the additional copies required for other countries can be run off at very slight extra expense. Patent Agents. No addition was made to the register during the year.


Conclusion. It iilTiivds me pleasure to testify to the care and ability with which the staff of the office carries out its duties. The Appendix hereto contains the following tables and lists, viz. : — Page A. Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1913 5 B. Ta.ble showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years .. 5 C. Particulars of Fees received from the Ist January to the 31st December, 1913 .. G D. Staff of Officers, and Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 E. Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trademarks recorded for the years 1890 to 1913 inclusive .. .. .. 7 P. Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c. .. .. 7 G. Table showing, over a Series of Years, the Number of Patents that were considered of Sufficient Value to be kept Alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees .. .. 8 H. Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Countries in each of the Years 1911, 1912, and 1913 .\ .. .. ..8 I. Table showing Number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1911. 1912, and 1913 .. .. .. .. .9 J. Number of Applications received under the International and Colonial Arrangements, showing the Country of Origin, in each of the Years 1911, 1912, and 1913 .. 9 K. Applications pending at the End of 1913 .. .. .. .. 10 L. Patents in Force at End of Year 1913.. .. .. .. .. ..10 M. Table showing Total Number of Applications, Letters Patent sealed, and Letters Patent in Force for Full Term under the Different Patents Acts .. .. 10 N. Designs : Table showing Number of Applications in each of the Sixteen Classes under the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1911, from Ist January to 31st December, 1913 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..10 0. Number of Applications for Registration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other ( lountnea in each of the Years 1911, 1912, and 1913 .. 10 P. Number of Applications to register Trade-marks in the Fifty Different Classes in each of the Years 1911, 1912, and 1913 .. .. .. .. ..11 Q. Institutions filing Patent Office Journal for Free Public Inspection.. .. ..12 Notb. — The lists of Inventions and Applicants for Letters Patent, Designs, mid Trade-marks for the pcs! year have been printed in the Index to Vol. II of the Patent Office Journal. Patent Office, Wellington, 18th July, 1914. J. C. Lkwis, Registrar.




APPENDIX. A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year kndkd 31st December, 1913. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. <1. Patent fees .. .. .. .. 5,762 12 3 Salaries .. .. .. .. 1,461 11 0 Design fees .. .. .. .. 18110 Clerical assistance .. .. .. 240 16 8 Trade-mark fees .. .. .. 1,284 13 6 Copying specifications .. .. .. 20 4 1 Sale of Acts, Gazettes, Journals, Name Fees to local patent officers .. .. 56 17 (i Index, &c. .. .. .. 47 9 il Binding printed specifications, &c, presented to Office by other countries .. 34 17 li Printing Patent Office Journal ... .. 808 17 4 Other printing and binding .. .. 166 0 (i Statienery .. .. .. .. 44 210 Stamps .. .. .. .. 82 0 0 Books, patent laws, &c. .. .. 2 5 0 Telephone— Annual subscription .. .. 8 0 0 Alterations.. .. .. .. 4 17 10 Payments refunded .. .. .. 36 3 6 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 5 (i li Balance .. .. .. .. 4,141 (i i> £7,113 7 0; £7,113 7 0

B.—Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years.

Ye 906 907 908 .909 Year. ear. Receipts. j Expenditure. Surplus. & s. d. £ s. d. £ B. d. I .. 5,641 0 6 2,237 19 1 3,403 1 5 .. 5,916 4 6 2,602 4 10 3,313 19 8 .. 5,470 6 1 2,822 3 5 2,648 2 8 .. 6,014 12 2 2,822 15 4 3,191 16 10 I I i

Year. Keceipts. Expenditure. I Surplus. 1910 1911 1912 1913 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 6,314 9 11 2,669 9 5 3,645 0 6 6,535 6 0 2,440 18 7 | 4,094 7 5 6,756 7 11 2,989 3 0 3,767 4 11 7,113 7 0 2,972 0 3 4,141 6 9



C. —Particulars of Fees received from 1st January to 31st December, 1913.

No. Fees, each. Amount received, Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications Applications for patents with complete specifications Complete specifications left after provisional specifications.. .. j 1080 686 8 277 59 a s. d. 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 10s., £1, or £1 10s. Ditto 0 10 0 H s. d. .",4(1 0 0 686 0 0 4 0 0 277 0 0 29 10 0 35 10 0 On application for extension of time for filing complete specification On application for extension of time for acceptance of complete specification.. On application for extension of time for payment of fees On giving notice of opposition On extension of time for filing declarations in opposition cases On hearing objections On request for sealing letters patent Kenewal fees before end of fourth year Renewal fees before end of seventh year On application for restoration ol lapsed |«itent .. On restoration of lapsed patent On application to amend specification .. On request to enter aame of subsequent proprietor, &c, on Register Certificates re assignments On request to correct clerical errors Certificates of Registrar Certifying oopiee of specifications and drawings .. On request to be examined as a Patent Agent Searches Copies of specifications and drawings Patent Agents renewal fees Additional fee on payment of above tee Miscellaneous 8 14 713 265 100 1 is 137 32 10 7 149 1 539 1 0 0 2 0 0 r> o o 10 0 0 2 0 0 I 0 (I (i 10 (i o r> o 0 5 0 o r> o o .-> o :! :s o 0 I I) 36 10 0 4 0 I) 10 0 0 14 0 0 1,426 I) II 1,325 0 0 1 ,000 0 0 2 0 0 lili 0 0 18 0 0 l>8 III II 8 0 0 2 10 0 I Iβ II 37 5 0 :i :i ii 2I> l!» (I 107 I !l :!.-> II o II 10 f> Oil II 5,762 12 :! Designs. Applications for registration of designs On extenson of period of copyright under section 52 (2) .. On application to cancel design Search 5s. & 2s. (i<1. 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 14 17 i> 3 10 0 0 I 0 0 3 0 7 1 :s 18 II l> Trade-marks. Applications for registration of trade-marks On notice of opposition On extension of time for filing opposition On extension of time for filing counterstatement On extension of time for filing declarations On hearing objections On extension of time for payment of fee on hearing objections On registration On association On renewal of registration On extension of time for payment of renewal fee ()n restoration On assignment of trade-mark On certificates re assignments On request to amend trade-mark application .. ' .. On request to correct clerical error On cancellation of entry in Register .. . . Extra space in Journal .. .. . . .. . . ■.. Copy of trade-mark certificates Costs of Registrar in trade-mark case On request to alter mark under section 88 On request to enter change of name (hi request to alter address On request to enter disclaimer Searches Searches under Rule 82 Miscellaneous 789 22 1 572 15] 6 1 0 10 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 £1 and 2s. 0 5 0 I) 5 0 0 r> o 0 5 0 1 6 o 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 2 6 394 JO 0 22 0 0 5 15 0 4 0 0 2 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 r>72 0 0 2 16 0 151 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 54 18 0 7 0 0 1 5 0 0 15 0 0 15 (I 21 10 (I 2 7 B 5 r> 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 9 12 0 12 10 0 2 0 0 28 r> 3 :s l l 2 2 192 100 1,284 13 <>


H.- 10

D.—Staff of Officers, and Salaries. * £ s. d. Registrar* ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 0 0 Deputy Registrar Clerk" ... ... ... ... ... 210 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 190 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... 180 0 0 Cadet ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 65 0 0 Cadet ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 50 0 0 Librarian. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 210 0 0 Typiste ... ... ... ... . ... ... .. 96 0 0 Typiste ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 96 0 0 Office-cleaner ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 0 0 £1,610 0 0 • Also Registrar of Copyright, nil. =====

E.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trademarks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1913 inclusive.

F.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, etc.

Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1890 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 Q10 (1 Jan.-30 June mz \ 1 July-31 Dec 1913 616 589 606 625 756 816 i ,098 1,021 'J92 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 1,618 1,527 1,705 1,831 1,740 904 833 1,775 5 4 10 1 15 14 27 13 10 12 15 18 28 26 24 54 30 57 79 51 46 21 15 29 65 1G0 225 290 325 347 254 279 361 343 328 348 379 412 447 592 607 702 684 685 703 818 861 384 395 787 781 818 906 951 1,118 1,084 1,298 1,467 1,374 1,332 1,372 1,511 1,871 2,077 2,099 2,262 2,483 2,359 2,291 2,459 2,695 2.622 1,303 1,257 2,627

Number oi nations w ;2 Completi cations of Appli'itli which e Speeifii lodged. Number of Applications with which ,' " , Provisional Specifica- o tions lodged. *%£ mber of sations for I Complete ;ations subitly lodged. Numbei cations i lap: ref r of Appliabandoned, Number of sed, or Patents sealed. fused. Total Number of Applications. N.Z. 1890' 242 1891 ! 187 1892 202 1893 J 198 1894: 278 1895! 229 1896 299 1897 217 1898! 199 1899 J 182 1900! 160 1901 199 1902 163 1903 '• 205 1901 200 1905 215 1906 230 1907, 221 1908 ! 221 1909 1 233 1910 250 1911 245 1912 258 1913 217 Foreign- ' 207. •207 191 178 166 •201 275 303 305 297 321 353 357 368 321 355 405 456 365 407 443 434 507 467 N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. 107 60 27 126 69 29 160 53 40 197 52 51 251 61 69 307 79 75 318 100 68 444 129 87 419 98 102 382 131 84 441 87 97 459 103 119 767 144 274 859 172 238 754 208 I 198 827 204 ! '222 866 244 ' 227 748 193 , 160 792 149 ! 211 892 173 ' 197 990 148 254 935 126 258 877 95 ! 275 965 126 * Foreign. 17 25 16 24 16 34 33 41 29 55 36 28 65 54 74 86 100 88 79 99 75 59 35 i N.Z. 202 191 237 262 352 403 439 481 447 409 452 458 690 801 700 783 843 748 741 862 925 849 * I Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. 50 147 , 217 50 ' 122 226 43 125 201 30 133 200 51 173 176 51 133 229 75 185 293 95 j 181 336 70 i 172 332 82 i 155 346 59 ! 149 349 76 ; 200 380 86 240 415 116 263 424 154 254 375 142 I 259 417 175 253 474 145 221 504 107 272 407 108 263 472 125 306 , 475 86 323 : 482 * * * * * * I 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 1,618 1,527 1,705 1,831 1,740 1,737 1,775 * I'hese figures are necessarily incomplete, as the timi for proceeding further with the applications has not yet ixpiri I.

11. 10


G. —Table showing, over a Series of Years, the Number of Patents that were considered of Sufficient Value to be kept alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees.

H. —Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Countries in each of the Years 1911, 1912, and 1913.

Year. Number of Applications received. Number of M ._v-_ „, Number of Complete T 01 Patents on whioh Specifications Le *tS,5 Seoond-term reoeived. seaiea. Fee paifl pi Number of Patents on whioh Final Fee paid. Number of Patents on whioh 'inal Fee paid. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 1,618 1.527 1,705 493 364 80 448 348 78 449 326 84 451 333 99 529 349 88 539 362 113 675 478 118 648 517 136 635 50i 138 618 501 199 614 498 172 699 580 200 859 655 209 865 687 229 793 629 209 878 676 231 962 727 238 925 725 231 876 679 222 936 735 252 37 23 37 47 31 45 53 49 58 90 71 91 104 95 89 108 96

1911. 1912. 1911. 1913. 1913. 1912. New Zealand .. 1,180 1,135 Argentina .. .. * 2 1 Austria .. .. , 2 I 1 Belgium Canada .. .. 11 12 Cape Colony .. .. 1 China .. Cook Islands .. 1 j Cuba .. .. .. Denmark .. .. 6 3 France .. . . 6 10 Germany .. . . 21 25 Hawaii .. Holland .. .. .. 1,173 1 3 19 1 Italy Mexico New South Wales .. 108 Norway Queensland .. .. 12 Rhodesia Russia .. .. 4 South Australia .. 6 Sweden .. .. 5 Switzerland .. .. 1 Tasmania .. .. 4 '. Transvaal .. .. 6 United Kingdom .. 140 United States .. 94 ! Victoria .. .. 124 '' Western Australia . . 6 2 1 85 6 15 1 2 96 3 8 1 1 4 9 25 1 2 1 1 6 4 3 7 4 168 118 116 11 15 5 1 5 183 121 84 IS Hungary .. .. India . . .. .. 2 Note. —A few applications were received f cants giving two addresses: tiie figures will tbei !rom joint s irefore total applicants resident in different countries more than the actual number of applica :3, also fr< itions rec im appliiived.



I. —Table showing Number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1911, 1912, and 1913.

J. —Number of Applications received under the International and Colonial Arrangements, showing the Country of Origin, in each of the Years 1911, 1912, and 1913.

2—H. 10.

Class. ; mi. 1912. 1913. Class. 1911. 1912. 1918. Advertising and displaying, signs, &o. Aeronautics Amusements, music, exercisers, games, &o. Attaching and securing (including bolts, ties, &c.) 29 l:s 16 Illuminating (except gas-manufac-ture) Indicating, calculating, and measuring (including moisture-testers) 2'.) 2! I 28 HI 44 8 18 •i 27 41 83 23 20 28 Kitchen utensils and oookingappliances (including ovens) 52 32 59 Boilers (steam) Boots and shoes Bottles, bottling, and glass-working Boxes, cans, and casks Brewing, distilling, &c. Brooms and brushes (including mops) Building, construction » (brick and cement, compositions and moulding) „ (windows and doors) 9 59 23 53 2 19 13 29 27 Iβ 1 10 L8 20 24 17 5 s Lifting, hauling, and loading Locks, latches, and hinges Marine and submarine (including lake and river engineering) Marking (tickets, labels, &c.) Medicines and surgical appliances (including ear-instruments, dental work, &c.) Metal-working (including welding, stamping, and plating) Milking-machines * Minerals (including filtration, lixiviation, screens, &o.) Ditto (magnetic separators) „ (stampers and pulverizers) .. 2.", 28 32 2S 28 41 21 20 39 i a 34 10 10 6 34 41 27 28 28 .7 28 16 in 14 88 28 21 Chemicals Cleaning, polishing, &c. Closets and urinals Coin-freed mechanism Cooling and freezing Cultivating and tilling Cutting and sawing, and tools 88 29 25 2 l() 33 88 IK 16 19 7 4 20 17 (i 6 25 19 69 81 72 2K 68 80 1 1 3 1 3 1 ! 82 69 Oils and lubricators 19 9 13 Dairying* Drains and sewers Dredging and excavating (including rock-drills) Drying 43 5 11 32 4 12 27 2 3 Paints and painting (including kauri-gum) Pipes, tubes, and hose Preserving Presses Printing and photography Pumps and sprayers (except rotary pumps) 11 8 13 16 Iβ 12 18 8 1 20 21 15 6 3 2S 12 10 8 3 22 21 Electricity and magnetism Engines (air, gas, and oil) (steam), including rotary pumps (miscellaneous and engineaccessories) including— Current motors, Solar motors, Tide motors, Wave motors, Windmills, Miscellaneous motors Explosives, firearms, and targets .. Exterminating (including trapping animals) 27 31 11 HI l'J 15 42 18 58 4 10 8 80 8 17 39 42 Railways and tramways Roads and ways (including roadwatering) Seed-dressing, chaff-cutting, and threshing Seed-sowers Sewing and knitting Sheep and cattle (including veterinary appliances) Sheep shearing and clipping Shop and hotel fittings Stationery and paper 16 7 12 2 14 81 6 9 21 7 4 82 16 IS 18 Lβ IK BO 7 25 57 6 6 37 4 6 38 Fencing „ (strainers) Fibre-dressing (including ropemaking) Filters .. Fire alarms, escapes, ladders, and extinguishers Food .. Furnaces and kilns (including smokeconsumers) Furniture and upholstery, desks, blinds, curtains, &c. 39 17 63 80 6 34 ■20 10 56 Telephony and telegraphy (including phonographs) Tobacco 81 64 (il 6 11 3 15 4 12 7 10 11 12 42 9 27 10 2'.) Valves and cock" Vehicles (velocipedes) Ventilating 8 47 4(1 1 Lβ 43 50 5 6 45 •12 5 50 51 61 Washing and cleansing Water-supplying Wearing-apparel Wools and hides 25 8 75 8 32 1 69 9 23 11 55 4 Gas-manufacture for lighting, heating, or power purposes 46 29 24 Harness (including horse, Ac, covers) Harvesting and grading Heating and fuel-manufacture 15 2:-) 20 Miscellaneous inventions not in other classes, as indiaruhbci manufacture, fishing-appiiances. 11 3 11 18 86 6 ■2.-) 6 86 Note. —Owing to some inventions being cli actual number of applications received. * Prior to 1911 milking-machines were incli issifled under more than one heading, tlie figures will total ratlier more tl ian th« ided in Class Dairying, but are now a separate clase.

Country. Australia Austria Belgium Canada France Germany 1911. 1912. 66 50 2 1 .... 2 :: "e "e 1 12 : 1913. 46 1 1 1 6 Country. 1911. 1912. 1913. -.. Great Britain .. 52 65 Hungary Norway .. .. .. 3 Spain .. .. Switzerland .. .. .. 1 United States of America 8 12 58 1 1 1 23



X. — Applications pending at End op 1913. Total, 1,103. L. —Patents in Force at End of Year 1913. Patents sealed from 31st December, 1909 to 31st December, 1913 .. 2,027 Second-term fees paid from 31st December, 1910, to 31st December, 1913 .. 721 Third-term fees paid from 31st December, 1906 to 31st December, 1913 .. 663 Total 3,411

M. —Table showing Total Number of Applications, Letters Patent sealed, and Letters Patent in Force for Full Term under the Different Patents Acts, up to 31st December, 1913, (inclusive).

N.—Table showing Number of Applications in each of the Sixteen Classes under the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1911, from Ist January to 31st December, 1913. Glass 1. —-Articles composed wholly of metal or in which metal predominates, not included in Class 2 20 Class 2. —Jewellery .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 Class 3. —Articles composed wholly of wood, bone, ivory, papier-mache or other solid substances not included in other classes, or of materials in which such substances predominate.. .. 25 Class 4. —Articles composed wholly of glass, earthenware, or porcelain, bricks, tiles, or cement, or in which such materials predominate .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Class 5. —-Articles composed wholly of paper (except paperhangings), cardboard, millboard, or strawboard, or in which such materials predominate .. . . .. .. 3 Class 6. —Articles composed wholly of leather or in which leather predominates, and bookbinding of all materials .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .... Class 7. —Paperhangings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... Class 8. —Carpets and rugs in all materials, floorcloths, and oilcloths .. .. .... Class 9. —Lace .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... Class 10. —Hosiery .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... Class 11. —Millinery and wearing-apparel, including boots and shoes . . .. .. .. 1 Class 12. —Ornamental needlework on muslin or other textile fabrics .. .. .... Class 13. —Printed or woven designs on textile piece-goods (other than checks or stripes) .. 1 Class 14. —Printed or woven designs on handkerchiefs and shawls (other than checks or stripes) Class 15. —Printed or wovek designs (on textile piece-goods or on handkerchiefs or shawls) being checks or stripes ~t .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Class 16. —Goods not included in other classes .. .. .. .. .. .. 3

O. —Number of Applications for Registration of Trade-marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Countries in each of the Years 1911, 1912, and 1913.

onThTh Numb. Number of Letters Patent °? Applications. have been w^ ch F |? al sealed. " Act of 1800 ... ... 1861 to 1870 1870 ... ... 1871 to 1883 1883 ... ... ! 1884 to 1889 Acts of 1889 and 1908 1890 to 30th June, 1912 Act of 1911 ... ... 1st July, 1912, to 31st December, 1913" Grand totals ... 109 109 109 881 687 465 3,170 1,757 368 27,419 12,706* 1,150* 2,607 411* * 34,186 15,670* 2,092* * Incomplete.

tfew Zealand Austria Belgium Canada Denmark France Germany Holland Hungary India Italy Fapan 1911. 378 .. I (i .. I 6 3 6 57 .. ; 2 .. : I 1912. 1913. 303 303 3 1 4 6 8 1 4 10 6 19 20 2 2 I 1 2 1 1911. 1912. uui. ±y±a. 1913. || New South Wales I Norway Philippines .. Queensland .. Sweden Switzerland .. : ', Transvaal United Kingdom United States Victoria Western Australia '' I 45 2 "i\ 1 268 68 23 1 41 3 2 1 297 66 20 54 6 10 4 12 1 253 70 28 i Note.—A few applications were recoivod from persons givii ital more than the actual number of applications received. iir addressee in two or more eountrios; the figures will therefore



P. Number of Applications to register Trade-marks in the Fifty Different Classes, in each of the Years 1911, 1912, and 1913.

1912.» Classes. (Jlassili'sitidi! of Goods. 1911. - £ - s ~ WWI s ! r j [I 11 13 24 32 1 Chemical .substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy Raw or partly prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not included in other classes Unwrought and partly wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, oxcept agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of euoh machinery.. Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes ; instruments and apparatus for teaching Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes Goods of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britannia-motal, &c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments not included ii' Classes 19 and 20 Carriages .. .. .. :. (a) Cotton yarn ; (6) sewing-cotton Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 .. Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in ('lasses 26, 27, aud 50 Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloths and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in ('lasses 33 and 34.. Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articlos made of leather not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and gutta-percha not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or as ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural and horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents ; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils ; matches ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other classes .. Miscellaneous .. 31 32 84 17 16 18 10 14 II 6 6 12 29 :; 8 7 7 5 3 3 10 7 10 11 7 2 9 3 2 15 5 7 84 27 6 5 125 33 19 J 9 1 58 25 3 66 2 9 14 23 22 3 4 43 32 7.-, 6] 2 2 4 8 8 4 13 17 12 12 12 24 20 i 8 3 6 9 12 8 2 10 8 9 10 11 3 3 (i [4 3 14 4 1 1 (i 13 U 4 5 9 6 20 16 36 35 8 19 4 15 Iβ 17 18 19 20 21 5 5 4 6 6 2 2 2 4 8 4 4 8 12 '.'. '.'. '.'. 9 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 13 9 22 l!i 6 3 9 2 5 r> 1(1 10 2 ".. 2 I i i '2 ;; 30 31 32 33 34 35 :t<; 37 3 14 4 1 .. I 2 6 *6 J2 s 2 I 2 I '.'. i i j 2 3 5 (i 38 :J9 40 30 41 71 86 7 10 17 6 4 :; 7 ■■ 7 41 42 4.'! 44 45 46 47 3 1 4 ! 3 19 51 100 167 14 12 26 22 2 4 6 5 2 40 42 49 3 2 29 26 55 j 50 48 21 25 46 4:. 49 50 4 1 5 36 17 53 37 * The Patont3, DuaiRns, and Trade-marks Act, 1911, came into force or D 1st Jut; ■, 1912.



Q. — Institutions filing Patent Office Journal foe Free Public Inspection. New Zealand. New Zealand— continued. Auckland: — Wellington: — Auckland—Supreme Court Library. Apiti—Public Library. Auckland Public Library. Beaconsfield—Public Library. Loys Institute. (Jarterton—Public Library. ' Local Patent Office, Supremo Court. Ekotahuna—Public Library. Chambor of Commerce. Feilding—Technical School. University College. Foxton—Borough Library. Bombay—Public Library. Greytown—Public Library. Dargavillo—Public Library. Kimbolton—Public Library. Drury—Public Library. Levin—Public Library. East Tamaki—Public Library. Lower Hutt—Public Library. Gisborno—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Makino—Public Library. Technical School. VFartinborough—Public Library. Glenfiold—Public Library. Alarton—Public Library. Gordon—Public Library. Masterton—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Hamilton—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Maxwelltown—Public Library. Hinuera—Public Library. Ngaputahi—Public Library. Howick—-Public Library. Nireaha—Public Library. Huntly—Public Library. Ohariu—Public Library. Kaeo—-Public Library. Otaki—Public Library. Karao—Public Library. Pahiatua—Public Library. Katikati—Public Library. Palmerston North—Local Patent Office, OourtKaukapakapa—Public library. house. Kawakawa—-Public Library. Petone—Public Library. Kawhia—Public Library. Porirua—Public Library. Kohukohu—Public Library. Rangiwahia—Public Library. Kuaotunu—Public Library. Sanson —Public Library. Mahurangi—Public Library. Shannon—Public Library. Maroretu—Public Library. Taihape—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Mercury Bay—Public Library [or WhitiangaJ. Wanaanui—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Onehunga—Public Library. Technical College. Otahuhu—Public Library. Public Library. Paeroa—Public Library. Wellington—General Assembly Library. Papakura—Public Library. Supreme Court Library. Pokeno—Public Library. Aust. Inst, of Marine Engineers. Port Albert—Public Library. Chamber of Commerce. Pukekohe—Public Library. Newtown Public Library. Haglan—Public Library. Patent Office. Huatangata—Public Library. Public Library. Silverdalo—-Public Library. Taneatua—Opouriao Library. NeUon: — Tapuhi—Public Library. Appluby—Public Library. Taupiri—Public Library. Denniston —Public Library. Tauranga—-Public Library. Lower Takaka—Public Library. Te Aroha—Public Library, care of Tourist Agent. .Uillorton —Public Library. To Aroha West—Public Library. Murchison—Public Library. Te Awamutu—Public Library. Nelson—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Tβ Karaka—-Public Library. Meohanics' Institute. To Uku—Public Library. Public Library. Thames—Local Patent Offioe, Courthouse. Seddonville—Public Library. Turanganui—-Public Library. Stoke—Public Library. Upper Waiwera—Public Library. Upper Mmitore —Public Library. Waihi—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. . wairangi —Public Library. Waikino—Public Library. Waikumoto—Public Library. Mariborough : — Wairoa South—Public, Library. Blenheim—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Whakatane—Public Library. Technical School Whangarata—Public Library. Havolock—Public Library. Whangarei—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Ward Public Library. Public Library. U r hangarei Heads—Public Library. Canterbury : Ashburton—Local Patent Office. Courthouse. Tamimki:— . Tochnical School. Alton—Public Library. Balcairn—Public Library. Auroa—Public Library. * Belfast—Public Library. Hawera—Public Library. Brookside—Public Library. Inglewood—Public Library. | Iherteey—Public Library. Lepperton—Public Library. Cheviot—Public Library. New Plymouth—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Chrietohuroh —Local Patent Office, Supreme Court, Kaponga—Public Library. Canterbury Public Library. Opunake—Public Library. Free Public Library. Waitara—Public Library. Supreme Court Library. School of Engineering. Hawke's Bay .•— Tochnical College. Dannevirke—Public Library. Clarkville—Public Library. Hastings—Public Library. Gust—Public Library. Napier—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Dunsandel—Public Library. Municipal Library. East Oxford—Public Library. Technical College. Gleniti—Public Library. Norsewood—Public Library. Highbank—Public Library. Ongaonga—Public Library. Hororata—Public Library. Ormondville—Public Library. Islington—Public Library. Taradale—Public Library. Kaiapoi—Mochanics' Institute. Waikopiro—Public Library. Killinchy—Public Library. Waipawa—Public Library. Lincoln—Public Library. Waipukurau—Public Library. Linwood—Public Library. Wairoa—Mechanics' Institute. . South Loburn, Loburn—Publio Library Weber—Public Library. Lyttelton—Public Library. Woodville—Public Library. Mayfield—Public Library.



Q. —Institutions filing Patent Office Journal for Free Public Inspection— continued. New Zealand— continued. Australian Commonwealth. Canterbury —continued. New South Wales: — New Brighton—Public Library. Goulburn—Technical College. Pareora—Public Library. Newcastle—Technical College and School of Mines. Rakaia—Public Library. Sydnoy—Patents Library. Rangiora—High School Board. Patents Sub-office. Rangitata—Public Library. Public Library. Saltwater Creek, Ashley—Public Library. University of Sydney. Spotswood—Public Library. Incorporated Law Institute. Springfield—Public Library. Technological Museum. Southbridge—Public Library. West Maitland—Technical College. Sumner—Public Library. Sydenham— Public Library. Queensland :— Tai Tapu—Public Library. Brisbane—Chamber of Commerce (Inc.). The Peaks—Public Library. Collector of Customs. Timaru—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Municipal Library. Technical School. Public Library of Queensland. Carnegie Library. Charters Towers—School of Mines. View Hill—Public Library. Ipswich—Technical College. Waiau—Public Library. Mount Morgan—Technical College. Waihaorunga—Publio Library. Waikari—Public Library. South Australia :— Waimate —Public Library. Adelaide—Adelaide University Library. Waitohi Flat—Public Library. Chamber of Commerce (Inc.). Waltham—Public Library. Public Library of South Australia. Waterton Public Library. Moonta—Moonta School of Mines. West Eyreton—Public Library. Mount Gambier—Mount Gambier Institute. Woolston—Public Library. Tasmania: — Westland : — Beaconsfield—School of Mines. Granity—Public Library. Hobart—Collector of Customs. Greymouth—Local Patent Ottico, Courthouse. University of Tasmania. Municipal Library. Launceston—Technical Sohool. Hokitika—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Queenstown —Public Library. Free Public Library. Zeehan—School of Mines. Jacob's River, Bruce Bay—Public Library. ()kura—Public Library.' Vtctorut :— Runanga—Seddon Memorial Institute. Ballarat—School of Mines and Industries. Waimangaroa—Public Library. Bendigo—School of Mines. Westport—Free Public Library. Geelong—Gordon Technical College. Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Melbourne—Aust. Inst, of Pat. Agents, Melbourne. Patent Office. Otago : — Melbourne Chamber of Commerce. Balclutha—Public Library. University of Melbourne. Beaumont—Public Library. Public Library of Victoria. Clinton—Public Library. Working-men's College. Clyde—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Stawell—School of Mines. Cromwell—Public Library. Warmambool—Public Museum. Dunedin—Free Public Library. Local Patent Office, Supreme Court. Western Australia : — University of Otago. Boulder City—Public Library. Supreme Court Library. Kalgoorlie — Chamber of Mines of Western Technical School. Australia (Inc.). Dunrobin—Public Library. Perth—Public Library of Western Australia. Garston—Public Library. Technical School. Gibbston—Public Library. Trade-marks and Patents Office, CustomGlenorchy—Public Library. house. Green Island—Public Library. Kakanui—Public Library. Great Britain and Ireland. Lawrence—Public Library. , , .. . . r .. ~,, , Merton-Public Library. Abeiystwyth-National Library of Wales. Milburn-Public Library. Accrington-Pubhc Library. w- • I public Library Airdne—Public Library. Oamaru-Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Bangor-Library University College of North Wales. Otepopo-Public Library. Barnsley-Barnslcy Public Library. Owaka-Public Library. * „ Hree Public Library, Harvey Institute. Palmerston-Public Library. Barrow-in-* urness-Pubhc Library. Papakaio-Public Library. £«"* ?°« k -| u^ he T Ll , brary - Queenstown-Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Birkenhead-Pubhc Library. Roslyn-Public Library. . Birkenhead Central Library. Waikouaiti-Public Library. Birmingham-University Library, Edgbaston. J Central Free Library. Southland : — Blackpool—Public Library. Campbelltown—Public Library. Bolton—Farnworth Public Library. Croydon—Public Library. Public Library. Edendale Public Library. Bootle—Central Public Library and Museum. Gore—Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Bournemouth—Public Library. Heddon Bush—Public Library. Bradford —Public Library. Invercargill—Atheneum. Central Public Library. Local Patent Office, Courthouse. Branksome—Public Library. Technical College. Brechin—Public Library. Knapdale—Public Library. Brentford—Public Library. Limebills—Public Library. Brighton—Public Library. Mataura—Public Library. Bristol —Central Public Library. Nightcaps—Public Library. Camberwell —Public Library. Ocean Beach—Public Library. Canterbury—Public Library. Seaward Downs—Public Library. Cardiff—Central Public Library. Stewart Island—Public Library. Cheltenham—Public Library. Te Tua—Public Library. Chester—Public Library. Tuturau—Publio Library. Chesterfield —Public Library. Waikaia—Public Library. Chiswick—Public Library. Colne—Public Library. Chatham Islands—Public Library. Coventry—Public Library.



Q. —Institutions filing Patent Office Journal pop Free Public [nspbotios continued. Great Britain and Ireland -continued. Ghbat Brh-ain and Ireland— continued. Dalton-in-Furness—Public Library. London—Central Public Library, Lavender Hill. Darlington—Public Library. Institute of Civil Engineers, Weetininstei Darwen—Public Library. S.W. Deansgate—Public Library. Royal Colonial Institute. Devonport—Public Library. National Liberal dub. Dewsbury—Public Library. Royal Institution (Library). Doncaster —Public Library. School of Eo mioe and Political Science Dublin—Public Library. (Library). Dudley—Public Library. Imperial Institute, South Kensington. Dumbarton—Public Library. Baling Public Library (W. Ealing Branch). Dundee—Free Public Libraries. Patent Offioe. Albert Institute and Victoria Galleries. Leeds —Central Public Library. Baling —Public Library. Lower Edmonton—Centra] Public Library. Eccles—Public Library. Luton—Public Library. Edinburgh—Public Library. Macclesh'eld —Public Library. Advocates' Library. Manchester—Keeper of Cotton Marks. Enfield—Public Library. Public Library. Central Public Library. Merthyr-Tvdfil—Public Library. Carnegie Public Library. .Vliddleton—Public Library . Erith—Public Library. Morvcn — Public Library. Falkirk —Public Library. Montros* —Public Library. Feme Hill— Carnegie Public Library. Nantwich —Public Library. Kleetwood— Fielden Free Library. Nelson—Public Library. Gainsborough—Public Library. Xewburgh—Laing Free Library. Galashicls —Public Library. Newton Abbot —Public Library, Glasgow—Stirling's Library. Newton-in-Makerfield —Public Library. Gloucester—Public Library. Northampton—Public Library. Goole—Public Library. Norwich—Public Library. Gravesend—Public Library. Oldburn—Public Library. Great Yarmouth —Public Library. Oldbury—Central Public Library. Qreenook —Public Library. Oxford — Public Library. Greenwich—Public Library. Peterborough—Public Library. Guille-Alles —Public Library. Plymouth —Public Library. Halifax—Allnyd Branch Library. Portsmouth—Public Library. Hanley—Public Library. Central Library. Hawick —Public Library. Preston—Public Library. Heckmondwiki —Public Library. Radcliffe—Public Library. Horbury— Carnegie Public Library. Rathmines—Public Library. Hornsey N. —Public Library. Rawtenstall —Public Library. Hounslow —Public Library. Rotherham—Public Library. Isleworth Branch Public Library. St. Anne's-on-the-Sea—Public Library. Hove—Public Library. St. Helens —Public Library. Gamble Institute. Huddersfield—Public Library. Saltaire — Shipley Urban District Council PublicHull—Public Library. Library. Hyde—Public Library. Sheffield—Public Library. llford —Public Library. The Cutlers' Company. Ilkley—Public Library. Sittingbourne—Public Library. Inverness—Public Library. South Shields—Public Library. Ipswich—Public Library. Stirling —Public Library. Keighley—Public Library. Stourbridge—Public Library. Kettering—Bothwell Public Library. Sunderland—Public Library. Kidderminster —Public Library. Thornaby-on-Tees—Public Library. Kirkcaldy—Beveridge Public Library. ■ Truro -Public Library. Lakeside —Public Library. Tynemouth—Public Library. Leek —Nicholson Institute. Walsall—Public Library. Lincoln —Public Library. Public Library and Art Gallery. Liverpool—William Brown Street Public Library. Waterloo—Public Library. Lockerbie —Public Library. Watford—Public Library. London—Stepney Reference Library. Wednesbury—Public Library. C. Pembo, W. Kensington. West Bromwich —Public Library. Rotherhithe Branch Library-, Bermonclsey. West Ham —Public Library. Central Library, Bermondsey. Weston-super-Mare—Public Library. Public Libraries, Bermondsey. Wigan—Public Library. Bow Public Library. Leyland Free Library and .Museum Tate Central Library, Brixton Oval. Woolwich—Public Library. Public Library, Canning Town. Worcester—Public Library. East Ham Central Library. Victoria Institute. Public Library, Finsbury. York—Public Library. North Public- Library, Fulhani. City of York Public Library. Public Library (South Branch), Kulham. Central Public Library, Hackney. British Guiana. Central Public Library, Hammersmith. Georgetown—Government Secretary's Office. Public Library, Hampstead. Public Library, Harlesden. r • N V|M Public Library, Islington. ~,, ~ . . ~~, Public Library, Kensington. Ottawa-Patent Office. Manor House Public Library, Lee. Toronto-Public Library. Public Library, Leytonstone. Public Library, Battersea. Mauritius. Public Library, Panmore Edwards. ort Louie —Colonial Secretary's Office. Public Library, Plaistow. Public Library, Plumstead. South Africa. Bromley Public Library, Poplar. Cape Colony : — Cubitt Town Public Library, Poplar. Port Elizabeth—Public Library. Poplar Public Library, Poplar. Kimberley—Public- Library. Public Library, Shoreditch. Nyassaland Protectorate :- Pub he Library, Sydenham. Blantyre -The Registrar of Patents' Office. Public Library, Tottenham. . Public Library, Wandsworth. Rhodesia : — Public Library, West Kilburn. Salisbury—The Registrar of Patents' Office. Public Library, Willesden Green. Transvaal: — Public Library, Wimbledon. I Pretoria—<(Dice ol Minister of the Interior.



Q. —Institutions filing Pathnt Office Journal for Frek Public Inspection— continued. Trtnipmd. Central America. Colonial Secretary's Office. Guatemala :— Officina de Marcas y Patentes. AuSTRIA - Honduras.— Vienna—Verein der Patcntanwalte. Tegucigalpa—Ministro de Fomento y Obras. K. K. Patentamt. w Der Elektrotechniker Servitengasse. , Me *£°. : , _ . Officina de Patentes y Marcas. Bulgaria. Sofia—Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Labour. United States of America. Akron—Public Library. Belgium. Alameda—Public Library. Brussels—M. le Directeur-General de i'Administration Albany—State Library, de l'lndustrie. Augusta—State Library. Cuba. Aurora—Public Library. Havana— Seoretaria <lc Agriculture, Comeroio y Boston —Public Library. Trabajo. Public Library, Copley Square. Denmark. Brooklyn—Public Library. Copenhagen—Patent Kommissionen. Buffalo—Public Library r B Grosvenor Public Library. Finland. Butte—Public Library. Helsingfors—Registeridning for Firmor, Patent och n^fr^T*"^!,^?,?' - Varumarken. CMhcothe-Pubhc Library. F Danbury—Public Library. rBAN o Decatur—Public Library. Pans—M. le Ministre dv Commerce, 292 Rue tst. Denver—State Public Library. Martin. Public Library. British Chamber of Commerce. Dcs Moines—Public Library. Direction de la Bibhotheque Nationale. Evanston—Public Library.' Cfrman-v Fort Wayne—Public Library. Gloversville—Public Library. Berlin—Kaiserlichcn Patentamt. Grand R ap id s _p u blic Library. American Association of Commerce and Trade. Hackley Public Library Carlsruhe— Bibliothek der Grossh. Technischen. Hoboken Public Library. Charlottenburg—Bibliothek der Koniglichen Tech- Ithaca—Cornell University Library nischen Hochschule zu Berlin. Jersey City—Public Library. Munich—Deutsches Museum. Kalmayor—Public Library. Polytechnischer Verein. Keokuk—Public Library. Greece. La Fa y ette —Public Library. Lansing—Michigan State Library. Athens—Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Lexington—Public Library. H OLLAND. Los An Re le ,fi-P'}Wic Library. ~, ,_ , . , ~ ~ , , „..,. ~ . Lynn—Public Library. pelf t-Techmsche Hooge School Bibhotheek. Madison-State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Luxembourg-Patent Office . Newark-Public Library. Hague —Bureau voor dne industrieele Rigendom. Free p ub j ic Library [ TAL Y New Haven—Public Library. l!om,--Ministero di Agricoltiim. w'Tk' \* T ATOA * New York—Public Library, Astor, Lennox, and Tilden Jap \ \ Foundations. Tokto-The Patent Bureau. P""! c Library, 476 Fifth Avenue. Public Library, City Hall. Norway. Columbia University. „, . . . ~ , , . T ." _!_• <i — . Public Library, Cooper Union. Chnstiania-Styret for det lndustnelle Retsvaern. American Railway Association. Indiarubber World. Portugal. U.S. Trade-mark Association, 32 Nassau Lisbon—Reparticao da Propriedade Industrial. Street. W. Wallace White, Patent and TradeRusslA - mark Review, 305-309 Broadway. St. Petersburg—Departement de l'lndustrie, Ministere Omaha —Public Library. dv Commerce. Oswego City—Public Library. Director de la Bibliotheque Imperials Otis—Public Library. Publique. Peoria—Public Library. Philadelphia—Journal of the Franklin Institute. Sweden. Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Stockholm —Patent-och Registreringsverket. Pittsburg—Engineers' Society of West Pennsylvania. » Carnegie Library of Pittsburg. Switzerland. Poughkeepsie—Adriance Memorial Library. Kerne—Bureau International de l'Union de la Pro- Riverside—Public Library, priete Industrielle. Rochester—Public Library. Eidg. Amt fur geistiges Eigentum in Bern. Sacramento—California State Library. Zurich—Rektorat der Eidgenossichen Technischen. gan Diego—Public Library. San Francisco^ —Public Library. South Amfrtpa Mechanics' Mercantile Library. _ . houTH America. San Jose—Public Library. ' Buenos Aires-Director de la Seccion Patentes. Springfield-Public Library. Senor Comisario de Patentes, Palacio gt j.^SKK^™*""- ,- de Justicia. Stockton—Public Library. Mimstero de c Instruccon Syracuse-Public Library. 1 ■ Terre Haute —Emmeline Fairbanks Memorial Free Ecuador :— Public Library. Quito—Al Ministerio de Relaoiones Exteriores. Troy—Central V.M.C.A. Library. Urbana —University of Illinois Library. " ; ~~ • , • t* ~• • , , Westfield—Public Library. Lima—Officina de Canjes y Pubhcaciones del Worcester—Public Library. Ministerio de Fomento. Wirkington—Public Library. Uruguay : — Washington—The Commissioner of Patents. Monte Video—Minister of Industries. falesburg—Public Library.

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, H-10

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