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Presented to Parliament pursuant to the, Provisions of the, Public Service. Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908.

EBPOET. The Board has the honour to submit the following report upon the transactions in connection with the Public Service Superannuation Fund. The Revenue Account, Balance-sheet, and Statements regarding membership and retiring and other allowances will be found appended. Board. —The following changes in the personnel of the Board occurred during the year: W. C. Kensington, Esq., 1.5.0., and F. G. B. Waldegrave, Esq., tendered their resignations on account of retirement from the service. H. J. H. Blow, Esq., 1.5.0., and J. Strauchon, Esq., 1.5.0., were appointed to fill the vacancies. J. W. Poynton, Esq., resigned his seat on transfer from Wellington, and Colonel Campbell was appointed in his stead. The resignation of H. E. Spence, Esq., on his transfer to London created an extraordinary vacancy in the number of elective members, and M. Fraser, Esq., being the only candidate nominated, was declared duly elected. The general election of members will take place in the month of March, 1914. Contributors. —The number of new contributors who joined the scheme during the year was considerably greater than in previous years, the following table jcontaining the usual particulars :—

The following table contains particulars of the public servants who were contributing to the fund at the end of the year 1912 (after allowing for deaths, retirements, and withdrawals), grouped according to their respective rates of contributions : —

Rate per Cent, of Contribution as proviaea by the Act. Number. Female. Total. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. Male. 5 6 7 8 9 10 872 118 89 61 36 55 3 169 32 15 11 5 5 1,041 150 104 72 41 60 3 £ s. a. 75,389 10 0 22,430 16 8 18,227 10 0 12,021 17 6 6,560 0 0 9,856 3 4 910 0 0 £ s. a. 3,769 9 6 1,345 17 0 1,275 18 6 961 15 0 590 8 0 985 12 4 51 0 0 iy transfer Totals... 1,234 237 1,471 145,395 17 6 8,980 0 4

Rate per Gent, of Contribution as provided by the Act. i Male. Number. Female. Number. Total. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. 5 6 7 8 9 10 5,044 1,085 820 668 578 678 834 119 75 62 31 33 5,878 1,204 895 730 609 711 £ a. d. 732,445 5 0 234,700 16 8 193,030 0 0 169,150 6 3 159,881 13 4 177,023 1 8 £ 36,622 14,082 13,512 13,532 14,389 17,702 s. d. 5 3 1 0 2 0 0 6 7- 0 6 2 Totals 8,873 1,154 10,027 1,666,231 2 11 109,840 1 11



Full particulars regarding contributors, including those who have retired from the Government; service and are now on the fund, will be found in the statements appended. Retiring and other Alloivances. —Pensions for £9,095 10s. per annum were granted during the year, as follows : For age or length of service, £6,992 7s. per annum to 64 members (61 male and 3 female members) ; for medical unfitness for duty, £1,017 3s. to 18 members (15 male and 3 female members); to widows and children of deceased members, £540 per annum to 30 widows, and £546 per annum to 42 children. The largest retiring-allowance granted during the year to a contributor was £521 145., and the smallest £8 ss. per annum, while the average was £97 13s. 6d. Those officers who retired during the year were entitled to receive the sum of £17,378 17s. 6d. accrued compensation under the Civil Service Act, 1866, had they not become participants in the benefits of the Superannuation Fund. The total amount saved to the Consolidated Fund in this manner since the initiation of the superannuation scheme has been £128,617 4s. Bd., which may fairly be set against the subsidies paid to the fund, amounting to £108,500. Thirty-two retiring-allowances were discontinued by death, and thirteen for other causes— viz., two widows remarried, ten children reached age 14, and one allowance granted to an officer was cancelled on his re-employment. The annual amount payable at the close of the year was £53,384 14s. 10d., as shown in the statement attached. Income. —The total income for the year was £146,990, made up as follows : — £ Members'ordinary contributions ... ... ... ... 107,224 Transferred from other funds ... ... ... ... ... 185 Contributions from Government... ... ... ... ... 23,000 Fines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 323 Interest ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16,258 Total income for year ... ... ... ... ... £146,990 Outgo.- -The pensions paid to contributors who have retired, and to the dependants of deceased contributors, during the year amounted to £50,780 12s. 3d.—viz., £48,205 Bs. 7d. to members and £2,575 3s. Bd. to widows and children. Refunds of contributions to contributors who have left the service, including interest £2 17s. Id., amounted to £8,390 17s. 9d., while the refunds under section 42 to personal representatives of deceased contributors amounted to £1,164 12s. sd. One contributor, who was retired on reaching the age-limit, elected to accept; a refund of his contributions under section 38, in lieu of a retiring-allowance. Eefunds of contributions under section 32 (cc), by reason of the death of contributors while in the Public Service, and who were entitled to compensation from the Consolidated Fund, amounted to £1,114 Bs. 6d. during the year. Payments under section 32 (/), balance of compensation and contributions less amount of retiringallowance received, amounted to £2,492 15s. 10d. Six contributors were transferred to other funds in accordance with provisions of section 48 of the Amendment Act of 1908, and their contributions, amounting to £21 6s. 5cL, were accordingly transferred to such other funds. The salaries of the staff (excluding that of the Secretary, paid out of the Consolidated Fund, as provided under section 25 of the Act) and other office expenses were £814 and £145 6s. 3d. respectively. Legal expenses (Crown Law Office opinions) amounted to £3 13s. 6d., and medical fees for reports under section 36 to £64 10s. The travelling-expenses of the elected members of the Board amounted to £49 2s. 6d., and election expenses to £17 4s. The total outgo for the year was £65,169 9s. 10d. From the Ist January, 1912, all receipts and payments have been made through the Post Office Account, with periodical transfers of balances to the Public Trustee's common fund. Under this arrangement the charges hitherto made by the Public Trustee were abolished entirely, and the only expense in this connection is a payment of £50 per annum to the Post Office—a net saving exceeding £700 a year. Net Revenue.—The total for the year was £81,819 19s. lid. Accumulated Funds. —These amounted at the end of the year to £423,556. Balance-sheet. —On the 31st December the total assets of the fund, which include provision for the outstanding accounts, amounted to £433,431. The balance-sheet appended gives full particulars as to the assets and liabilities. The large amount of interest accrued, £12,541 15s. 6d., arises from the new arrangement of placing the moneys in the common fund of the Public Trust Office, as explained in last year's report. On the Ist April in each year the total amount of interest accrued to the end of the financial year is capitalized. General. —An amendment of the law under which the fund is administered was passed during the last session, of Parliament, abolishing the provision for reduction or postponement of allowances to widows and children in cases where compensation is paid under the Workers' Compensation Act for the death of a contributor by accident. The new law came into operation from the date of its passage. Two widows and two children, whose allowances had been deferred previously, became entitled to payment as from that date. The Government Actuary, Morris Fox, Esq., in his report on the actuarial examination of the fund for the first trienniurn, recommended that the Government subsidy be increased from £23,000 to £48,000 per annum during the current trienniurn. By the amending Act mentioned above parliamentary sanction was given to the increased payment as from the Ist January, 1913. The increase in the subsidy was necessitated through officers retiring, with service for which they had paid no contributions, the basis of the scheme being that the Government should pay for these pensions except in so far as they were provided for by the members' contributions. The matter was, however, fully dealt with in the Actuary's report. H. D. Bell, Chairman.



Public Service Supebannuation Fund. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st December, 1912. £ s. d. I Retiring-allowances— £ s. d. Amount of funds at beginning of year .. 341,735 17 9 To members .. .. .. 48,205 8 7 Members'contributions— To widows and children .. .. 2,575 3 8 Under section 29 (ordinary) .. .. 107,223 16 11 Contributions returned— Transfers from other superannuation Under section 46, Amendment Act, funds .. .. .. .. 184 16 2 1908 (left servioe) .. .. 8,388 0 8 Government contribution .. .. 23,000 0 0 Under section 42 or 43 (death) .. 1,164 12 5 Fines, &c. ... .. .. .. 323 8 4 Under section 32 (cc) .. .. 1,114 8 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 16,257 8 4 Under section 38 (retirement) .. 61 0 5 Transfers to other superannuation funds (section 48) '.. .. 21 6 5 Compensation (section 32 (f) ) .. 2,492 15 10 Interest, (section 2, Amendment Act, 1909) .. .. .. .. 2 17 1 Expenses— Salaries .. .. .. .. 814 0 0 Office expenses .. .. ... 145 6 3 Medical fees .. .. .. 64 10 0 Board members' travelling-expenses 49 2 6 Crown Law charges .. .. 313 6 Post Office charges .. .. 50 0 0 Election expenses .. .. 17 4 0 Amount of funds at end of year .. 423,555 17 8 £488,725 7 6 £488,725 7 6 Balance-sheet at the 31st December, 1912. Liabilities. £ s d Assets. £ s d Fund as per Revenue Account .. 423,555 17 8 Amount invested with the Public Eetiring and other allowances due, in Trustee .. .. .. 408,682 6 11 course of payment — Contributions due, in transmission — Members .. .. .. .. 4,020 14 5 Under section 29 (ordinary) .. 12,203 7 5 Widows and children .. .. 357 3 0 Fines due, in course of transmission .. 313 9 Refunds of contributions due, in course Interest accrued, but not due.. .. 12,541 15 6 of payment - Under section 46, Amendment Act, 1908 (left service) .. .; 828 1 7 Under section 42 or 43 (death) .. 608 13 5 Under section 32 (cc) .. .. 76 15 6 Under section 38 (retirement) .. 61 0 5 Transfers to other funds due, in course of payment .. .. .. 5 5 1 Compensation (section 32 (/)) due, in course of payment .. .. 1,396 12 3 Postal Department .. .. .. 1,869 10 6 Unclaimed (contributions, &o.) .. 316 6 4 Suspense Account (contributions paid in advance and in error) .. .. 17 17 8 Expenses due, in course of payment— Salaries .. .. .. .. 226 5 0 Office expenses .. .. .. 115 9 Medical fees .. .. .. 18 18 0 Crown Law charges .. .. 3 3 0 Post Office charges .. .. .. 50 0 0 Election expenses .. .. .. 17 4 0 £433,431 3 7 £433,431 3 7 Amelius M. Smith, Secretary. William M. Weight, Accountant. Wellington, 6th May, 1913. Examined and found correct. — Eobebt J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. Bth May, 1913.



Public Service Superannuation Fund. Statement of Contributors for the Year ending 31st December, 1912.

Particulars of Contributions discontinued during the Year.

Progress of Contributors since Date of Establishment of the Fund to 31st December, 1912.

Number. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. M. P. Total. Contributors at the beginning of the year New contributors entered during the year Contributors transferred from other funds Increase by promotion during the year 8,112 1,231 3 1,028 237 9,140 1,468 3 £ s. d. 1,504,440 11 8 144,485 17 6 910 0 0 96,863 4 7 £ s. d. 100,670 8 5 8,929 0 4 51 0 0 5,729 12 0 Total .. 9,346 1,265 10,611 1,746,699 13 9 115,380 0 ! Contributions discontinued during the year .. 473 111 584 80,468 10 10 5,539 18 li Total contributors at end of year .. 8,873 1,154 10,027 1,666,231 2 11 109,840 1 11

How discontinued. Number. Annual Salary. o^tSSStone. M. P. Total. Number. Amount paid on Ketirement. Ketiringallowance granted. >y death before retiriog-allowance entered upon (sees. 42 and 43) iy death (sec. 32 (ee) ) !y retirement before retiring-age (see. 46) Sy retirement medically unfit (see. 36) .. !y retirement at retiring-age or for length of service (sec. 35) iy retirement (sec. 38) Sy transfers to other funds !y reduction [ 42 ! 3 348 102 15 3 61 3 45 450 18 64 £ s. d. 9,862 18 4 51,269 0 10 3,286 13 9 14,919 15 10 £ s. d. 816 4 4 j £ s. d. 1,107 6 9 1,114 8 6 8,388 0 8 £ s. d, 784 0 C 2,922 16 6 251 15 0 1,479 7 9 1,017* 3 C 6,992 7 C 1 .. 6 .. 1 6 150 0 0 325 0 0 655 2 1 13 10 0 16 5 0 40 0 3 61 0 5 21 6 5 Total 473 111 584 80,468 10 10 5,539 18 10 10,692 2 9 8,793 10

M. N Number. dumber P. r. Total. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. Total entered Total discontinued Total existing at 31st December, 1912 10,864 1,991 8,873 1,643 489 12,507 2,480 £ s. d. 2,023,130 12 11 356,899 10 0 £ s. d. 136,676 13 0 26,836 11 1 1,154 10,027 1,666,231 2 11 109,840 1 11



Public Service Superannuation Fund. Statement of Retiring and other Allowances for the Year ending 31st December, 1912.

Section 35: On Attainment of Ketiring-age or for Length of Service. Section 36: Medically unfit. Section 29, Amendment Act, 1909: Police injured on Duty. Section 42: Widows. Sections 42 (c) and 43 (a): Children. Total Retiring and other Allowances. Lmber. Annual Amount. linber. F. 3 o Annual Amount. Number. Annual Amount. Number. Annual Amount. M. P. I I Eh Number. Amount. M. I F. ! I Number. Amount. M. F. "5 M. F. M. F. Betiring and other allowances- - Existing at beginning of year Granted during year at retirement.. Granted during year after retirement 329 61 14 3 343 64 £ s. d. 37,144 13 2 6,992 7 0 89 15 2 3 91 18 £ s. d. 7,396 19 3 1,017 3 0 4 £ s. d. 441 13 0 77 I 19 11 £ s. d. 1,386 0 0 342 0 0 198 0 0 1,926 0 0 54 0 0 ; 1,872 0 0 29 19 30 15 4 59 34 8 £ s. d. 767 0 0 442 0 0 104 0 0 451 123 574 95 40 135 4 j 15 19 £ s. d. 47,136 5 £ 8,793 10 C 302 0 C Total Discontinued during year 390 21 17 1 407 22 44,137 0 2 2,123 17 10 42,013 2 4 104 8 5 1 109 9 100 8,414 2 3 526 2 9 4 441 13 0 107 3 52 5 49 6 101 11 1,313 0 0 143 0 0 550 178 728 34 11 45 56,231 15 2,847 0 Existing at end of year 369 16 385 96 4 I ! ! 7,887 19 6 4 441 13 0 104 47 43! 90 1,170 0 0 516 167 683 53,384 14 II I Particulan of Retiring and other Uowances discontiw, ,ed d-, wing the Yeca How discontinued, — By death By expiry 20 1 1 21 1 2,013 14 10 110 3 0 8 1 9 526 2 9 J 1 2 18 0 0 36 0 0 5 5 1 5 1 10 13 0 0 130 0 0 28 6 4 7 32 13 2,570 17 276 3 ■' I I .. Total 21 1 22 ! 2,123 17 10 8 1 9 526 2 9 3 54 0 0 I 6 11 143 0 0 34 11 45 2,847 0 il Progress of Retiring and other Uowances si , , :e Es. '.ablishment of the "und to 31st December, 1912. I Total granted .. .. .. 429 18 447 48,056 9 1 122 6 128 Total discontinued .. ..60 2 62 6,043 6 9 26 2 28 Total existing at 31st December, 1912 369 16 385 42,013 2 4 96 4 100 10,392 2 7 2,504 3 1 7,887 19 6 4 441 13 0 115 11 441 13 0 104 2,070 0 0 57 57 114 1,482 0 0 612 196 808 62,442 4 i 198 0 0 10 14 24 312 0 0 96 29 125 9,057 9 1( 1,872 0 0 47 43 90 1,170 0 0 516 167 683 53,384 14 11 4 Wellington, 6th May, 1913. Amelius M. Smith, Secretary. William M. Weight, Accountant.



PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION FUND. List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1912. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service).

Registered No. Name. Annual Amount. Registered No. Name. Annual Amount. 4 389 85 122 64 531 247 193 379 238 390 123 124 222 463 125 224 254 208 6 367 497 40 7 66 273 194 558 48 200 521 471 126 496 127 128 539 239 259 129 9 191 ]31 564 382 10 244 270 133 134 391 11 135 424 522 13 465 487 550 232 438 501 540 Achison, William ... Aickeii, William Alfrey, Alfred Allingharn, E. Anderson, J. J. Anderson, L. B. Anderson, E. C. Annand, W. Andrews, J. Arden, P. G. Armit, J. ... Armstrong, A. Arns, F. ... Atkinson, J. Bamford, Edwin Barclay, W. M. de E. Barr, James Barron, A. Barron, D. ' Barron, J. Barrowman, P. Bates, H. D. Beasley, Kate Beere, Gγ. A. Bell, James Bell, John Bellett, Thomas D. Bellingham, William Bentley, W. H. Benzoni, C. T. Beswiok, 0. M. Biddle, Hannah Biggs, Mrs. M. D. ... Bird, John Black, James G. Black, John Black, Patrick Blackmore, John 0. Blake, Prancis Blake, William J. ... Bloxam, A. E. Blundell, Henry Bratby, John H. Bray, George B. Brennan, John M. ... Brock, Sarah Bronberger, O. K. ... Buokeridge, Thomas Bullen, Francis T. ... Burke, Julia Burns, Ellen G. ... Burrows, P. F. M.... Bybles, A. E. B. ... Calder, William B. ... Cameron, Archibald Campbell, Duncan ... Oarkeek, M. J. C. ... Carlyon, Percy F. ... Carpenter, Eobert ... Carr, Henry Hyde ... Carrick, Frederick H. Carroll, Laurence ... Chaney, Walter J. ... & s. d. 125 5 6 57 10 0 17 13 10 20 8 8 74 10 8 23 7 0 58 6 0 34 16 9 30 9 0 17 6 0 71 19 0 145 16 0 97 13 10 40 18 9 403 3 0 82 8 0 31 12 0 533 6 8 350 0 0 96 5 0 42 12 0 163 7 0 12 9 9 48 6 5 46 7 2 120 9 0 45 4 9 84 8 0 41 2 10 87 7 1 52 16 0 18 5 0 10 11 2 87 10 0 26 3 11 199 5 3 205 1 0 69 14 0 58 13 0 32 10 2 207 16 8 247 1 11 212 16 9 100 16 0 93 8 0 66 9 2 17 17 0 9 10 0 106 13 4 28 19 10 20 1 0 47 13 4 84 14 3 26 16 0 31 12 0 77 13 8 81 17 0 99 19 0 86 10 0 88 3 6 67 11 0 110 10 0 295 2 0 507 136 49 569 280 281 337 70 284 488 207 523 568 260 489 283 478 394 256 371 448 373 268 395 365 83 100 138 479 16 67 502 139 140 286 204 269 469 293 574 570 143 249 144 226 292 374 51 432 195 227 228 295 541 475 477 412 480 553 199 297 53 Brought forward ... Charlton, James M. Chilton, Thomas Christie, Walter Clark, James Clarke, Andrew Clarke, Henry Cleary, Mathew M. Olough, Thomas E. Conn, Christopher ... Cook, George L. Corbett, Loritner ... Covil, Eobert Craig, Andrew Craig, William L. ... Crowther, Herbert J. Crozier, Alexander... Cullen, Francis Cumine, John Cunningham, C. A. Curel, Edwin Daly, James Darby, William Davis, John W. Davy, Charles Dee, Daniel Dick, John Dickson, James Dodd, Montague M. Donovan, Michael ... Douglas, Charles B. Douglas, Thomas ... Drake, Walter C. ... Driscoll, John Drummond, John ... Bccleton, Joseph ... Erecson, John F. ... Evans, Eobert Eyes, Alexander M. Farmer, John Findlay, James A. ... Flanagan, Michael... Flannery, Michael ... Forster, William L. Frankham, Walter... Franklin, William ... Fraser, Charles Frissell, Edward ... Fullarton, Blair Fuller, Walter Purniss, John B. Galvin, Patrick Gardner, Eobert Geerin, Michael J. ... Gilbert, William ... Gillespie, John Gillies, David W. ... Gillies, Eobert J. ... Gordon, Henry Gordon, William ... Gould, Eleanor S. ... Grace, Martin Graham, Charles C. £ s. d. 5,974 10 7 62 3 0 111 3 9 126 13. 4 84 3 0 120 9 0 82 2 6 266 13 4 142 9 3 131 8 0 325 0 0 79 12 0 77 6 0 171 19 0 59 13 3 207 19 0 104 0 6 124 8 0 30 8 0 102 11 0 58 8 0 58 5 0 64 19 0 165 14 0 68 7 0 42 14 0 20 18 0 125 6 8 30 2 5 129 12 0 85 0 0 92 11 2 210 0 0 18 0 0 186 6 1 78 0 4 104 0 3 94 8 0 151 2 0 98 11 0 88 6 0 51 8 0 194 8 11 29 16 0 88 12 6 166 3 6 113 15 2 44 3 0 120 9 11 139 14 0 19 6 7 67 6 0 61 10 0 118 18 7 140 18 0 118 3 0 205 0 0 272 3 0 112 8 0 28 9 0 8 8 10 149 19 1 180 0 0 Carried forward ... Carried forward ... 12,786 4 6 5,974 10 7



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1912— continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

legistered No. Name. Annual Amount. Registered No. Name. Annual Amount. 78 437 43 262 142 524 17 18 578 534 450 491 472 451 145 481 146 363 466 147 376 229 196 ■ 431 148 422 234 149 151 152 82 452 253 303 198 153 154 386 255 415 453 267 454 243 573 210 20 509 261 211 387 113 306 455 155 499 79 212 559 383 533 385 308 485 213 Brought forward... Grant, John Green, Henry Greenwood, G. L. ... Grix, Julian J. D. ... Hall, Thomas W. ... Harding, William A. Hargood, Horace H. Harlow, William B. Harrington, W. J. ... Harvey, James Hastie, Thomas Hattie, Alexander ... Hazelwood, A. W. ... Heath, Joseph H. E. Heidenstrom, G. P. S. Henry, Richard Heron, Sophia Heywood, James B. Hickman, Thomas ... Hill, George Hili, Silvanus 0. Hird, William J. Hodge, John G. Holloway, Luke H. tlolz, Julius Hull, Eichard Hume, Arthur Humphries, Thomas Hustwick, T, H. .. Ironside, Alexander Jacobs, Nathaniel ... Jamieson, Charles ... Jeffries, Henry Jeffries, John Johnson, George J. H. Johnson, Henry D. Jones, Edmund Jones, Lucy M. Jordan, George Joslin, Daniel Ivahi, Hoani Kavanagh, Henry P. Kelly, John G. Kennaway, Sir W Kennedy, James Kenny, Harry E. ... Kent, Samuel Key, John Philip ... Kidson, Charles B.... King, John King, Joshua King, William J. ... Knapp, Charles Knight, Frederick ... Knowles, Walter ... Knowles, William W. Larchin, Thomas ... Laseron, Edward W. Law, George Lindesay, Thomas ... Lindsay, John Livingstone, Thomas Lloyd, David Lord, John Owen ... Loveday, Lambert W. £ r. d. 1.2,786 4 6 76 4 7 189 12 0 247 10 0 152 17 0 63 4 0 160 11 0 36 5 8 42 0 0 142 12 0 143 3 0 58 7 0 58 10 0 96 13 0 90 6 0 44 19 7 45 15 0 24 14 5 521 13 0 115 12 0 20 10 1 159 8 0 27 18 0. 57 8 0 183 12 0 83 3 5 54 6 0 339 5 11 466 13 4 64 14 .9 115 8 10 47 11 7 58 1 0 152 8 11 98 11 0 13 0 0 119 8 0 59 4 5 17 4 0 106 4 0 84 5 0 94 6 0 81 13 4 148 15 0 474 15 0 97 2 0 . 179 9 0 80 12 0 79 18 0 72 5 0 190 11 8 145 5 0 a 13 0 104 0 6 101 13 0 55 5 4 77 9 0 204 16 2 44 6 7 60 10 0 56 17 0 36 5 0 160 7 0 78 0 4 29 6 0 169 18 0 529 '69-2 467 101 22 24 406 217 47 314 158 214 215 205 44 310 257 359 56 87 399 88 372 45 202 57 21 81 538 315 316 223 163 510 554 162 319 320 444 445 107 264 323 425 89 548 377 456 443 58 246 164 384 206 361 420 457 512 75 500 329 327 218 571 555 Brought forward ... Lynch, Eobert F. ... Maben, Thomas Macalister, Robert... Macdonald, J. S. ... MacGoun, D. M. ... Mackenzie, George... Mackey, Josiah G.... Maclean, A. H. March, John E. Marsh, Nicholas Marr, Beaton Martin, George Martin, Henry Martin, William Mason, Henry Mason, William T. ... Medland, R. H. Menzies, George G. Miller, Robert Mills, Alfred Mills, Ann Mitchell, James Moar, James W. Monaghan, Charles... Moore, George Moore, John Morcom, George Morrow, Arthur Mowbray, Ernest L. Mulholland, Hugh... Mulville, William N. Munro, Donald Murphy, Stephen ... Murray, John Murray, Patrick Murray, W. D. B, ... McChesney, George McDonald, Charles McDonald, Donald... McDonald, Elizabeth McEnnis, James McGonagle, Robert McGovern, Francis McGovern, Patrick J. McKay, Alexander... McKay, Angus McKay, John M. ... McKearney, William McKee, John McKellar, John McLaren, James McLeod, William A. Nalder, John V. Neale, John Northcroft, H. W. ... O'Brien, P. F. O'Brien, Terence ... O'Brien, William VV. O'Oallaghan.W.G.P. O'Connor, Michael ... O'Grady, Thomas ... O'Malley, James ... O'Neill, William C. Orehiston, M. J. ... O'Reilly, Charles ... £ s. d. 20,251 18 11 257 3 0 41 15 0 64 2 0 90 19 11 48 0 0 82 10 0 97 2 0 178 15 11 265 3 8 72 4 9 53 15 0 101 9 5 110 5 10 51 2 4 51 2 0 136 17 6 106 9 0 103 13 0 13 10 1 61 5 4 5 17 0 77 11 7 100 10 0 104 0 0 103 6 10 125 0 0 81 15 7 199 10 9 281 19 0 104 0 6 91 5 0 17 5 0' 32 19 4 80 0 0 70 15 0 222 0 8 75 2 7 93 1 6 22 14 0 15 2 0 366 13 4 21 11 0 240 0 0 73 12 0 240 4 5 84 9 0 37 15 0 95 8 0 12 5 0 71 13 11 45 1 0 49 1 7 90 8 0 105 19 11 377 16 0 92 19 0 273 8 0 8 5 0 210 10 0 87 9 0 120 9 0 125 18 6 28 17 8 46 3 0 112 11 0 Carried forward ... 20,251 18 11 Carried forward ... 27,161 9 4



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1912 — continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

legietered No. Name. Annual Amount. Registered No. Name. Annual Amount. 565 400 5 380 25 484 165 118 362 167 332 95 442 532 526 103 551 26 27 503 474 28 458 440 169 439 170 171 335 336 388 98 513 172 547 173 351 31 174 527 34 401 341 175 108 220 575 109 33 176 459 94 32 556 576 426 561 378 486 114 482 46 517 120 530 Brought forward... Osborne, Thomas ... Oswald, William Oxner, Benjamin B. Palmer, John Parlane, William ... Patterson, Adam Pearson, Alfred M. ... Perry, John Pollen, Hugh S. ... Poynter, James B. ... Pratt, James M. Price, Isaac G. Price, James H. Puroell, W. K. Babbits, Edward ... Barter, Thomas Bamsbottom, Samuel Bead, Ezekiel K. ... Beade, George A. ... Bedgrave, Andrew J. Beid, Thomas Be veil, Frederick W. Bichdale, William ... Bides, Charles V. ... Bobercs, James M.... Boberts, Vernon Bobertson, Andrew... Robinson, George F. Boche, Maurice Boche, Michael Bosie, Sinclair B. ... Boss, George Bo we, Bichard J. ... Buncie, William G. Bushbrook, C. T. ... Bussell, C. J. Butledge, Charles ... Sage, Clifford Sampson, Andrew E. Scanlen, Winslow ... Schwartz, A. J. E.... Scott, David Scott, Nixson Seager, Edward W. Sessions, William B. Seth-Smith, H. G. ... Seward, William H. Shand, Elizabeth W. Shanks, Charles B. Shannon, G. V. Sheppard, B. H. Sheridan, Patrick ... Shirley, Thomas E. Simms, James Sinclair, David Smale, Arthur C. Smart, Elijah Smart, William A. ... Smith, Frank S. ... Smith, Henry Smith, James Smith, Llewellyn ... Smith, Sidney Smith, William Smith, William H. ... £ s. d. 27,161 9 4 65 3 0 50 14 0 19 14 9 39 18 0 86 17 10 92 9 0 81 11 7 16 11 4 172 15 0 31 13 9 76 13 0 144 16 9 70 10 0 69 5 0 19 11 0 79 19 0 42 1 0 75 12 10 233 6 8 175 8 0 133 12 0 41 14 8 95 8 0 46 10 0 186 5 4 129 13 0 41 10 0 218 15 6 68 8 9 87 12 0 79 5 0 24 10 3 105 14 0 215 15 3 178 8 0 53 14 11 131 8 0 89 8 11 95 8 7 32 9 0 69 7 8 159 12 0 84 17 3 58 15 6 228 17 10 51 13 5 98 0 0 18 13 4 231 5 0 275 10 2 90 12 0 335 4 3 77 12 6 40 7 0 40 12 0 34 17 0 27 13 0 127 9 0 282 2 0 81 18 4 134 3 0 246 13 4 109 3 0 146 13 4 124 14 0 177 493 178 543 419 364 106 343 271 560 494 542 35 179 375 180 181 468 36 110 60 263 182 511 508 446 221 183 562 92 409 506 258 111 518 460 184 104 535 427 549 185 345 38 187 188 552 435 428 356 537 62 251 189 476 483 462 241 190 63 411 572 231 105 528 Brought forward. . Snodgrass, John Speight, William J. Spencer, W. C. C. ... Stanley, Joseph Stan ton, John Stephens, Thomas T. Stevens, George T.... Stewart, George T. H. ... Swensson, A. B. Tapp, George A. Taylor, Frederick T. Taylor, Henry S. Taylor, James Taylor, Thomas M. Tennent, Bobert Thorn, William A. ... Thomas, Henry Thompson, Henry .. Thompson, Samuel... Thomson, James E. Thomson, John Thorburn, John Toy, Charles Trainer, John Tregear, Edward Trent, Henry Tuckey, Bev. Henry Turner, Arthur J. ... Dssher, Edgworth B. Vincent, Bichard B. Vine, Charles Waddell, Edward ... Wadie, Henry T. ... Waldegrave, F. G. B. Walmsley, Edward C. Walmsley, F. J. M. D. Walsh, David Walters, Stanley A. Walton, John Ward, Frank Ward, Thomas L. F. Weatherley, James Weaver, John H. ... Webb, William H.... Welch, Joseph S. ... Wetherilt, Henry ... Whitehouse, Abel ... Wickstead, John ... | Wild, Frederick A. ... Williams, Lyonel 0. Williams, William H. Williamson, G. M.... Wilson, Frederick J. Wilson, Sophia G. ... Winterburn, A. A. ... Withers, Alfred G.... Withers, William ... Wolff', Bernard Wood, Charles Wright, Charles Wright, George B. N. Wright, John Young, Bobert A. ... Young, Bobert H. *.. £ s. d. 34,037 17 11 171 4 0 201 16 0 70 9 3 102 12 0 47 7 0 154 1 0 69 11 6 101 2 8 55 18 2 26 13 0 84 2 0 76 18 0 47 2 0 29 19 8 227 10 0 71 15 0 98 12 3 87 11 0 170 0 0 248 17 10 75 0 0 102 14 0 25 12 4 114 13 0 86 17 0 306 3 0 312 19 0 27 0 5 81 10 0 339 18 11 350 19 0 146 13 0 103 14 0 212 4 6 521 14 0 56 13 0 236 14 2 101 10 7 65 6 0 95 14 0 175 16 0 42 18 7 89 11 6 56 18 8 243 5 0 214 9 7 97 7 0 41 19 0 126 2 0 98 11 0 80 7 0 63 18 10 25 11 0 200 12 6 32 10 0 132 15 0 118 7 0 59 11 0 50 5 5 67 10 0 37 19 0 248 7 0 35 4 10 72 4 3 76 11 0 r Carried forward ... 34,037 17 11 Total ... 42,013 2 4



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1912— continued. Under Section 36 (Medically Unfit).

Under Section 29 (Injured on Duty).

2—H. 26.

i Registers No. iegistered! No. Name. Annual Amount. Name. Annual Amount. 272 545 360 248 366 41 563 447 277 275 132 393 278 279 505 86 544 42 233 282 96 519 291 417 405 290 289 116 84 580 577 296 266 209 242 520 404 413 414 421 300 298 237 299 235 93 301 525 304 307 309 Addison, James Ahern, "William Avery, Alfred Barraud, Frederic ... Barrer, Thomas E Beasley, E. T. N. ... Beattie, Henry Berry, Alfred J. Brosnahan, Denis ... Browne, James U.... Buckle, Edward Childerhouse, J. E.... Christie, Andrew ... Chrystal, W. L. ... Church, PI. N. W. ... Clegg, Albert J. Coffey, Edward Connell, Alexander... Cook, John Costin, Patrick Dow, David Ellis, Thomas F. ... Finnerty, James Foot, Ivon E. Fowler, Eobert G. ... Franklin, James Fret well, Henry Gee, George Gentles, James Goodger, Frances ... Grant, John V. Gray, Archibald Greene, Francis Grey, Thomas F. ... Hargood, James D. Harper, Samuel Harrington, E. J. ... Heron, James Herron, James Hervey, Peter J. ... Hobson, John M. ... Howard, Thomas ... Howe, Eobert Hughes, Edwin C. ... Ibbetson, G. E. H.... Jackson, Etheridge... Joyce, Michael Keaney, Patrick Kelly, J. S. Latimer, David Law, Edward H. ... £ s. a. 93 1 6 10 9 0 113 3 0 109 4 0 92 15 0 98 16 4 89 1 0 154 10 0 86 13 9 49 2 5 88 5 8 75 11 0 54 15 0 140 10 6 167 13 0 63 12 10 125 19 0 90 13 4 90 12 0 49 2 6 74 16 2 13 6 0 82 2 6 24 16 0 127 15 0 71 3 6 73 0 0 36 8 1 83 11 5 35 2 0 36 7 0 75 2 7 49 2 0 157 6 0 65 15 0 76 16 0 163 5 0 118 5 0 20 19 0 86 6 0 57 9 9 54 15 0 55 13 0 60 4 6 179 18 0 123 4 9 68 8 9 17 6 0 118 18 7 105 17 0 104 0 6 429 490 410 312 418 250 398 495 303 433 311 240 71 216 317 579 408 23 1 325 331 330 356 567 115 73 337 119 396 430 338 339 340 2 344 77 434 342 492 370 355 423 536 348 347 566 350 504 357 Brought forward... Leslie, Alexander ... MacLeod, J. W. H. MacPhail, M. D. ... Maddern, William ... Madigan, James J Manley, N. B. K. ... Meehan, Michael ... Menzies, James Miller, William H.... Mincher, T. E. J. ... Moon, Alfred M. ... Mooney, Thomas ... Mundy, Edward J.... Murphy, Edward ... McClellan, W. J. ... McCulloch, Arthur S. McGrath, Patrick ... Mclsaac, William E. McKellar, Marion J. Neill, Eobert O'Brien, Michael ... O'Connor, James ... Ogston, Frank Osborn, Charles S. ... Pickford, Thomas H. Eeady, Lizzie Eist, "William J. Eogers, Charles P Eowe, William Eowles, Denis Eyan, John Eyan, William H. ... Salmon, Henry Samuel, Fredric Shirley, Paul Smyth, James E. ... Sowerby, John H. ... Stanley, Joseph Wakefield, Horace A. Walker, John A. ... Walker, Maxwell ... Walsh, William J.... White, Edwin J. ... White, Thomas Williams, Walter ... Williams, William E. Willis, Hubert Winter, Elizabeth ... Young, William F. ... £ s. d. 4,260 10 11 110 12 0 18 13 0 8 5 0 63 11 5 65 19 0 103 4 0 95 7 0 14 3 0 49 2 5 24 14 0 105 7 10 30 7 0 55 8 3 60 16 0 65 14 0 34 17 0 96 13 0 71 11 2 34 0 0 101 8 10 86 13 9 71 3 6 76 17 0 34 17 0 53 17 3 28 3 4 84 17 3 28 18 9 64 6 0 79 15 0 68 8 9 104 0 6 84 17 3 153 0 0 110 8 3 119 12 7 16 1 0 73 18 3 79 13 0 159 18 0 93 13 8 184 3 0 143 12 0 80 3 0 87 8 11 62 18 0 38 15 8 23 4 0 124 10 0 Total ... 7,887 19 6 Carried forward ... 4,260 10 11

Registered No. Name. Annual Amount. Registered No. Name. Annual Amount. £ s. 104 0 118 12 d. 6 6 352 354 Brought forward... Watt, John Willoughby, William £ s. 222 13 125 18 93 1 d. 0 6 6 285 287 Dillon, John Fitzgerald, G. Carried forward ... 222 13 0 , Total 441 13 0



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1912— continued. Under Section 42 (Widows and Children).

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (5,000 copies), £14.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer. Wellington.—l9l3. Price, gd.]

Regd. No.. Name. Annual Amount. I Regd. No. Name. Annual Amount. W. 123 W. 76 W. 68 W. 52 W. 125 W. 114 W. 1 W. 80 W. 12 W. 92 W. 86 W. 13 W. 2 Abbott, Mrs. A. B., and 3 children Adams, Mrs. B. J., and 2 children Anderson, Mrs. C, and 2 children Arnott, Mrs. Christina Austin, Mrs. Beath, Mrs. P. T., and child ... Biddell, Mrs. S. Blackmore, Mrs. N., and child... Blandford, Mrs. E. ... Bond, Mrs. Anna Boulton, Mrs. F. E., and child Budge, John Archibald (child) ... Burgess, Mrs. M. M., and 2 children Butler, Mrs. M. A., and child ... Callcott, Mrs. L. W. ... Caverhill, Mrs. A. L. ... Cleland, Mrs. A. M. ... Devanny, Mrs. M., and 4 children Devereux, Mrs. M. P. Duff, Mrs. C. A. B., and 2 children Dunbar, Mrs. M. J. ... Edger, Mrs. A. A. Evans, Mrs. E. C. Fannin, Mrs. G E. Feacon, Mrs. S. A. Fountain, Mrs. J. M., and child Gibson, Mrs. J. G. Gill, Mrs. M. M Gollan, Mrs. CM. ... Gorrie, Mrs. A. M., and child ... Gray, Mrs. M., and child Greatbatch, Adeline A. C. (child) Harris, Mrs. E. M. Harris, Mrs. K., and 3 children Harrison, Mrs. L. Hawkins, Mrs. A. H.... Hawking, Mrs. E. E. S. Hepworth, Mrs. E. A. Horwood, Mrs. F. E., and child Houchen, Mrs. M. Hume, Mrs. J. Hunter, Mrs. M., and 2 children Hurrell, Mrs. S. C. ... Jackson, Mrs. K. W., and 2 children Jackson, Mrs. L., and 2 children Jarman, Mrs. N. A., and child ... Johnstone, Mrs. M. ... Jones, Mrs. L. M. Kilfoyle, Mrs. M. Kilvington, Mrs. N., and child ... Lawton, Mrs. S. A. ... Lewis, Mrs. S., and 2 children... Livick, Mrs. L. Lloyd, Mrs. K., and child Lock, Mrs. A. F. Madden, Mrs. M. A. ... Mair, Mrs. J. C. Maitland, Mrs. B. Marshall, Mrs. B. E., and child £ s. d. 57 0 0 44 0 0 44 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 13 0 0 44 0 0 W. 24 W. 108 W. 62 W. 83 W. 103 I Brought forward Matthews, Mrs. G. A. Morice, Mrs. A. M., and 3 children Moss, Mrs. Jessie, and child ... Murphy, Mrs. Julia ... McConnachie, Mrs. E., and 3 children McCormack, Mrs. M. G. McGuire, Mrs. C. McGuire, Mrs. M. McKenzie, Mrs. M. A., and child McKittrick, Mrs. F. E., and child McMahon, Mrs. E. ... McMahon, Mrs. M., and child McPhail, Mrs. M. F. ... Newby, Thelma I. and Euby G. (children O'Shea, Mrs. M. F., and child- £ 1,546 18 57 31 18 57 s. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 70 W. 120 jW. 57 W. 113 W. 63 IjW. 91 W. 79 W. 30 W. 41 18 18 18 31 31 18 31 18 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 10 W. 71 W. 107 W. 7 W. 95 W. 38 W. 122 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 70 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 W. 110 96 0 0 W. 121 W. 124 ren Palmer, Mrs. K. O. ... Parker, Mrs. M. E., and 2 child18 44 0 0 0 0 W. 102 W. 23 W. 81 W. 26 W. 29 W. 28 W. 53 W. 75 W. 54 W. 118 W. Ill W. 32 W. 117 W. 66 W. 36 W. 58 W. 94 W. 112 W. 3 W. 5 W. 31 W. 18 W. 8 W. 40 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 31 0 0 13 0 0 18 0 0 57 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 W. 37 W. 67 W. 106 W. 87 W. 101 W. 5 W. 51 W. 20 W. 97 IW. 21 IW. 42 iW. 90 iW. 98 W. 99 W. 27 W. 69 W. 47 W. 6 W. 61 W. 43 W. 44 W. 105 W. 39 W. 17 W. 25 W. 33 W. 88 ren Pascoe, Mrs. Jane Peterson, Mrs. E. S. ... Power, Mrs. E. Pyper, Mrs. A. M., and 5 child- . ren Quirk, Mrs. A. M., and 3 children Eamsay, Mrs. E., and 4 children Eeeve, Mrs. E., and child Eeeve, Mrs. M. E. W., and child Eeeves, Mrs. F. E., and 2 children Eeid, Mrs. Mary Eichardson, Mrs. A. M. Eodger, Mrs. C. J. Hose, Mrs. E. F. Schoch, Mrs. A. E. ... Scott, Mrs. T. A Senn, Norman E. (child) Smith, Mrs. L. E. Summers, Mrs. E. M.... Tole, Mrs. C. Tillman, Mrs. E. Turnbull, Mrs. A. Turnbull, Mrs. B., and child ... Turner, Mrs. Jane Upham, Mrs. E., and 4 children Waddell, Mrs. E. Wall, Winifred E. (child) Walton, Mrs. M. L., and 2 child18 18 18 83 57 70 31 31 44 18 18 18 18 18 18 13 18 18 18 18 18 31 18 70 18 13 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 45 W. 126 W. 11 W. 72 W. 59 W. 34 W. 96 W. 60 W. 35 W. 77 W. 116 W. 46 W. 119 W. 55 W. 74 44 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 44 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 31 0 0 jw. loo ren Warne, Mrs. M. A., and 2 child44 0 0 W. 50 W. 128 W. 127 W. 93 W. 84 W. 115 W. 78 ren Watkis, Mrs. E. M. ... Wheeler. Stanley P. (child) ... Williams, John A. (child) Williams, Mrs. E. E.... Wolner, Mrs. E. Worthy, Mrs. B. O., and child... Wyatt, Mrs. M. L. ... 18 13 13 18 IS 31 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Carried forward Total 1,546 0 0 3,042 0 0 We: iington, 6ch May, 1913. Ame: Wiij jius M. Smith, Secretary. jam M. Weight, Accountant.

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PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION BOARD (FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE), WITH ACCOUNTS, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1912., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, H-26

Word Count

PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION BOARD (FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE), WITH ACCOUNTS, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1912. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, H-26

PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION BOARD (FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE), WITH ACCOUNTS, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1912. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, H-26

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