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Mr. Speaker,— Owing to the financial position obtaining at the close of last session, and in view of the heavy commitments already entered into, I did not feel justified in making available for immediate expenditure the whole of the new items appearing on the public-works estimates. All authorities issued and offers made in pursuance of previous years' appropriations were, however, duly honoured. New votes urgently requiring attention were also authorized on application. As soon as the success of the llotation of the new loan was assured all restrictions regarding expenditure of new votes were removed. Notwithstanding these precautionary measures the total expenditure of the past year on public works was not only in excess of that of the previous year, but was actually the largest in any single year for over thirty years, and amounted to the very large sum of £2,711,068—viz., £2,593,365 out of the Public Works Fund and allied, special accounts, and £117,703 out of the Consolidated Fund. The following table shows the brief particulars of the expenditure of the year, and also the total under each class of work from the inauguration of the publicworks policy up to the 31st March last :■ —


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P]xpem Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1913. 'iture. Glass of Work. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1918. Eailways— New construction Additions to open lines ... Eoads ... Public buildings ... Immigration Purchase of Native lands ... Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbour-defences Tourist and health resorts... Telegraph-extension Development of goldfields ... ■Defence-works (general) ... Departmental Development of water-power Irrigation and water-supply Pavment to Midland Railway bondholders Lands-improvement Minor works and services ... .... Cost and discount, raising loans, &c. & 684,196 464,636 374,346 445,192 14,694 ■16,785 12,906 251,375 10,644 23,790 57,425 £ 21,-945,802 8,853,417 9,723,865 5,487,225 2,254,606 2,065,720 1,098,207 229,539 2,277,]25 877,802 944,209 784,095 18,451 4,356 150,000 104,713 312,607 1,243,692 22,550 72,950 Wellington-Hutt Sailway Improvement New Hutt Road ... Bail ways Improvement Account Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account National Endowment Account Waihou and Ohinemuri Eivers Account Aid to Water-power Works Account Irrigation and Water-supply Account 2,451,489 991 1,738 29,254 47,951 2,689 9,555 35,009 14,689 58,375,431 ■ 228,381 98,822 596,768 632,153 19,838 13,324 35,009 14,689 Totals 2,593,365 60,014,415


WAYS AND MEANS. At the 31st March, 1912, the available ways and means for £ public-works purposes were . . .. . . 82,580 and further funds were received as under: — Under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 .. .. .. .. 950,000 Under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1912 .. .. .. .. 855,226 Under the New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 .. 71,679 Transfer from Consolidated Fund .. .. 750,000 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. .. 119,969 Making a gross total of .. .. £2,829,454 The ordinary expenditure of the year amounted to £2,378,539, charges and expenses in respect of raising loans £72,950, and redemption of debentures £1,000, thus bringing the total disbursements up to £2,452,489, and leaving a credit balance at the end of the year of £376,965 (exclusive of £249,776 proceeds of 4-per-cent. stock loan to pay off debentures due 15th April, 1913). For the current year it is proposed to provide additional funds as under :■ — £ Balance of loan of 1911 .. . . . . 100,000 Balance of loan of 1912 . . .. .. 894,774 Transfer from Consolidated Fund . . . . 675,000 Proposed new loan . . . . .. .. 1,750,000 The above, with the balance brought forward, gives a gross total of £3,796,739. The estimated expenditure for public works for the current year (excluding separate accounts having their own ways and means) amounts to £2,995,575, leaving an estimated balance of £801,164 to be carried forward to next year. In addition to the above we have authority to "raise, outside the Public Works Fund, the undermentioned sums : — £ Under the Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. 450,000 For irrigation-works, under the Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 1913 .. .. .. 100,000 Under the Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 (balance) . . . . . . 50,000 EAILWAY-CONSTEUCTION. The following sections of railway were completed and opened for traffic during the last financial year, or since its close : — M. oh. Waikohu to Otoko . . . . 7 75 . . April, 1912. Westport to Te Kuha . . 5 74 . . April, 1912. Te Wera to Pohokura .. 8 55 .. August, 1912. Kiwi to Glenhope . . .. 12 59 . . September, 1912. Mina to Parnassus . . . . 8 43 . . September, 1912. Te Hana to Kaiwaka .. 8 65 . . March, 1913. Total . . .. 52 51 The following lengths are practically completed, but have not yet been handed over to the Railway authorities for traffic : — M. eh. Maunganui to Te Puke .. . . . . .. 13 0 Pohokura to Whangamomona . . . . . . 6 13 Otoko to Rakauroa .. .. . . 6 50 Coal Creek Extension , . , , ~ 3 58



In addition to the above the following sections are approaching completion, and are expected to be ready to open for traffic during the current financial year : — M. oh. Kaihu Extension . . . . .. . . 2 44 Otiria to Kaikohe .. .. . . .. 16 25 Kaiwaka to Otamatea . . .. .. 2 45 Mount Egmont Branch . . .. . . 2 56 Cronadun to Inangahua Junction .. . . 12 70 Cass to Bealey . . .. .. .. 14 6 Big Hill to Athenaeum Flat .. .. ..30 Houipapa to Papatowai .. .. .. . . 12 72 The total expenditure on railway-construction and improvement-work during last financial year amounted to £1,179,077, as under :■ — £ Construction of new lines .. .. .. 684,196 Additions to open lines .. .. .. .. 464,636 Wellington - Hutt Railway duplication .. .. 991 Railways Improvement Account .. .. .. 29,254 Kaihu Extension. There was considerable delay in obtaining hardwood timber for four small bridges on this line. They are now, however, approaching completion, and only a portion of the ballasting and a few details will then remain to be done before the extension to Waima Station can be opened for traffic. Waima does not in many respects fulfil the requirements of a terminal station, and the Government is satisfied that the country would be better served and a large area of Crown land and timber country opened up by an extension of the line up the Waima Valley to Donnelly's Crossing, a distance of four miles and a half, and such an extension is included in the Railways Authorization Bill recently submitted to Parliament. The expenditure on this line during the last financial year amounted to £8,800, and for the current year a vote of £10,000 is proposed. Kawakawa-Hokianga. The line has been completed and ballasted up to Rakatau Station, ten miles from the junction at Otiria, and works are well advanced as far as Otuhi Station, from which point to Kaikohe the route is common to this and the North Auckland Trunk line. Rails are laid up to Kaikohe, buildings are being erected, and all the ballasting is done, except in the station-yards. It is expected that the section to Kaikohe will be ready for opening about the end of January next. The expenditure during the last financial year was £30,978, and for the current year a vote of £40,000 is proposed. North Auckland Main Trunk. Slips in the clay cuttings delayed the opening of the nine-mile length from Te Hana to Kaiwaka until the 18th March last, but trains have run over the new section regularly since then. The formation, platelaying, and ballasting over the next two miles and a half to Otamatea are completed, and a contract for the erection of the station buildings has been let, but the steel and timber bridge over the Otamatea tideway, for which a contract was let in February, 1911, is not yet finished, and for this reason platelaying cannot proceed. Beyond Otamatea one tunnel 8j chains in length is finished, and a much longer one near Maungaturoto is well in hand, although its excavation involves heavy work and great care is necessary to ensure perfect stability. The completion of this tunnel and the Otamatea Bridge will permit platelaying to proceed over the next section of the line to Maungaturoto Station. Careful surveys are being made to locate the best route north of Maungaturoto, two parties being in the field at different points along the line. A railwaywharf at Otamatea has been erected under contract at a cost of about £6,500, and will be available as soon as the line to this point is opened. The approach to the wharf has been constructed, and the rails laid upon it. The expenditure during the past financial year amounted to £73,936, and for the current year a vote of £60,000 is proposed.



Whangarei - North Auckland Main Trunk. The North Auckland Trunk Railway has now reached a point which renders it necessary to decide by what route a connection can best be made between the main line and the isolated system which has its southern terminus at Grahamtown Wharf, close to Whangarei. Careful surveys of different suggested routes have been made, and after comparison of the results it has been decided to locate the line on a route starting near Whangarei, passing through Mangapai, after skirting the harbour, going close to Maungakaramea, and continuing by way of the Tauraroa Valley to a suitable junction-point with the North Auckland Trunk line. The route adopted is not quite the shortest available, but the cost of constructing the line on this location will not exceed that of the more direct lines which were examined, and tin; chosen route has the advantages of serving Mangapai, and permitting of a branch line being taken to Waipu later oh at moderate cost. A. vote of £15,000 to permit of the construction of this railway being commenced is proposed. Huntly-A W ARO A. Construction-work over the first three miles has proceeded at a moderate rate during the year, and trial surveys of two alternative routes to carry the line about two miles and a half further have been completed. The combined road and railway bridge over the Waikato River has also just been completed. The expenditure during last financial year amounted to £11,732, and for the current a vote of £25,000 is proposed. Waiuku Branch Railway. Last year a branch railway to connect Waiuku with the Main Trunk line was authorized. Trial surveys to locate the most favourable route have been put in hand during the year and are still in progress. The small expenditure during the past year was charged to the vote for surveys of new lines, but for the current year a special vote of £10,000 is proposed to permit of construction-work being begun. East Coast Main Trunk. The permanent survey of the section between Waihi and Athenree, on which construction-works were suspended in November, 1912, has since been completed, and a vote is provided on the current year's estimates to permit of the resumption of construction-work thereon. Formation has been completed and rails laid between Maunganui and Te Puke, a distance of thirteen miles. To facilitate ballasting operations over the next section it has been decided to retain the line in the hands of the Public Works Department for the present, but a train service carrying goods and passengers has been inaugurated for the benefit of the settlers until such time as the working can conveniently be handed over to the Railway authorities. Fair progress has been made over the next five miles and three-quarters between Te Puke and Paengaroa. Formation is approaching completion, one permanent bridge has been erected, and a start made with the platelaying. Last year surveys were carried out to determine whether a route from Pongakawa via Lake Rotoma to Te Teko would be more favourable for the continuation of this line, but a comparison of this route with that nearer the sea-coast shows that the advantage is altogether with the coast route, which has therefore been adopted. In pursuance of this determination authority is asked in the Railways Authorization Bill for putting in hand another section of this railway between Pongakawa and Taneatua, a length of about thirty-five miles. Hitherto the only source of supply for ballast material for the Bay of Plenty section of the East Coast line has been the quarry at Moturiki Island, close to Tauranga Harbour. As the rails have now been laid for fifteen miles from this point, it is no longer economical to carry ballast from there, and a new quarry of suitable rock has been opened up near Te Puke from which supplies will be drawn to ballast the next section of the line, and also for the formation and maintenance of roads by the local bodies of the district. A branch line two miles


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and three-quarters in length is required to carry the material to the main line, and this branch is also included in the schedule to the Railways Authorization Bill. The construction of the branch has already been put in hand. The sum of £2,000 appears on the estimates under the heading of Te Maunga Northwards. This is for the purpose of commencing the approaches to the bridge across the Tauranga Harbour. From the Gisborne end construction-work has been pushed on vigorously during the year, and the advance parties are now at work within three miles of Motu Township, or forty-eight miles from Gisborne. The terminus of the opened line is still at Otoko, but the rails are laid and the line partly ballasted up to Matawai Station, thirteen miles ahead, to which point a temporary goods and passenger service is being run daily. The works on this section have been of an arduous and varied character, comprising heavy cuttings, banks (up to 81 ft. high), one tunnel, and five steel and concrete viaducts of an aggregate iength of 947 ft., and ranging in height from 42 ft. to 73 ft. above the streams which they cross. Material for ballast has to be hauled from Puha, on the opened line, a distance of twenty-two miles, most of which is on steep grades. Between Gisborne and Napier earthworks are practically completed for 10| miles between the junction of Makaraka and Ngatapa. Several bridges have, however, still to be built on this length. Seven small contracts have been let for earthworks on the next section, at reasonable prices, and the contractors have commenced work. A strong party is engaged surveying the permanent location of the line ahead, and has already covered a length of twenty-four miles from Ngatapa. At the Napier end construction was suspended in October, 1912. Negotiations have been proceeding for some time between the Public Works Department on the one hand and the Napier Harbour Board and the Hawke's Bay County Council on the other in regard to the construction of a combined railway and road embankment and bridge across the Inner Harbour. There is no reason now why a satisfactory settlement of all difficulties should not be arrived at, and the sum of £10,000 has accordingly been placed on the estimates towards giving effect thereto. This embankment will connect the existing railway-line at Port Ahuriri with the earthworks already constructed on the northern side of the harbour. The expenditure during last financial year on the different sections of the East Coast Railway was as follows :■ — £ Waihi to Tauranga. . .. . . .. . . 5,363 Tauranga to Taneatua . . . . . . .. 28,462 Gisborne to Motu . . . . . . . . .. 57,548 Gisborne to Napier, north end . . .. .. 15,677 Gisborne to Napier, south end .. . . . . 11,438 For the current year votes are proposed as under :— Waihi to Tauranga .. .. .. ..10,000 Te Maunga Northwards . . . . .. .. 2,000 Tauranga to Taneatua . . . . . . .. 50,000 Gisborne to Motu ... .. .. .. ..60,000 Gisborne to Napier, north end . . .. .. 35,000 Gisborne to Napier, south end .. .. .. 10,000 Stratford - Main Trunk. The section to Pohokura, 31j miles from Stratford, was opened for traffic in August, 1912. Since then the 31-chain tunnel beyond Pohokura has been finished, heavy construction-works, with seven small bridges between the tunnel and Whangamomona, completed, rails laid into the station-yard, and ballasting almost finished. The section to Whangamomona will shortly be opened for traffic, and the train service will save settlers the difficult road journey over the Whangamomona Saddle. Beyond Whangamomona earthworks are nearing completion for over five miles, but the tendency of the country to slip in the cuttings has necessitated two small deviations. A 23-chain tunnel beyond Tahora has been pierced, and enlargement is now in progress. Four small bridges on this section are also in


course of construction, the whole of the works covering a length of over seven miles beyond Whangamomona. The broken nature of the country [to be traversed between Tahora and the Ohura Valley involves examination of several possible routes, and careful trial surveys of different suggested lines have been made during the past two or three years. The most favourable route appears to be via the Raekohua Stream, across the Tangarakau River, then through the Maraekowhai Block to the Haeo Valley, and the line will probably be located along this route. At the eastern end, where construction-works were commenced in November, 1911, considerable progress has been made. As the country traversed for the first few miles from the Main Trunk line was not roaded, a service road nearly eight miles in length had first to be made across a broken range of hills. This has now been completed and metalled. The railway-formation is in progress for one mile and a half, and a contract has been let for the construction of the Okahu Tunnel, 74 chains in length, at a cost of £97,000, which also covers the formation of about a mile and a half .of line in addition to the tunnel. Four small contracts have been let for formation-works which will carry the line into the Ohura Valley, six miles from the junction, and it is proposed to let further contracts of similar nature and extent as the work progresses. The expenditure on this line during the past financial year amounted to £72,843 at the western end, and £22,448 at the eastern end. For the current year a total vote of £85,000 is proposed. Mount Egmont Branch. Trial surveys have been made to locate the most favourable line to the proposed quarry, and tests made to determine the extent of the rock at the suggested site. Three small bridges have been built, and some bush-clearing done adjacent to the line. Expenditure during last financial year amounted to £4,657, and for the current year a vote of £15,000 is proposed. Opunake Branch. Since April last surveys to determine the most favourable route for the recently authorized branch line to Opunake have been in progress, and the line has been located for a distance of about ten miles. The expenditure on this survey was debited to the vote for surveys of new lines, but for the current year a special vote of £15,000 is proposed, to permit of construction-work being commenced. Ohakune-Baetihi Branch. This line had to be relocated for the first two miles in consequence of an alteration in the junction-point. On the completion of the resurvey a small amount of formation-work was done over the first mile. Twelve small contracts are now being let, which will carry the line about half-way to Raetihi, and if the results are satisfactory further contracts of the same nature will be arranged. The expenditure during last financial year was only £2,022, but for the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. Manawapou Deviation. The earthworks for the Manawapou deviation improvements on the Wanganui - New Plymouth line are finished as far as practicable, pendingcompletion of the viaduct. The construction of the latter is in hand. The expenditure out of last year's vote was £4,007, and for the current year £1,000 is asked for. Featherston-Martlnborough. This line was included in last year's Railways Authorization Act, to serve the large area of settled land of which Martinborough is the centre, and it has been decided to commence its construction this year. A vote of £5,000 is accordingly provided. Trial surveys of alternative routes have been made, and the location survey of the adopted line is nearing completion. This railway will be of comparatively light formation, with easy curves and gradients, the bridges over the Tauherenikau and Ruamahunga Rivers being the chief items in construction.



South Island Main Trunk. At the northern end the line is open to Ward. From there to Mills, eight miles farther south, the formation is now constructed and ready for platelaying, with the exception of some light earthwork near Mills Station. This section includes some heavy cuttings and fillings, a tunnel 8j chains long and a combined railway and road bridge over the Ure River which is now nearly completed. To the south of the Ure Bridge, where the formation is through sandhills, marram-grass has proved entirely successful for heavy sandy batters, banks, and sand-drifts, but experiments with other binding-plants resulted in comparative failure. No rails have yet been laid beyond Ward, but large supplies of rails, sleepers and other permanent-way material are being forwarded to the rail-head, almost the whole quantity required for the eight miles to Mills having already been received there and stacked ready for use. The section from Mina to Parnassus, eight miles and a half in length, at the southern end of the line, was completed and opened for traffic by the Railway Department in September, 1912. Formation-work, which had extended over the next four miles, has been suspended, and. is not likely to be resumed during the current year. The expenditure during last financial year amounted to £21,877 at the north end and £23,964 at the south end. For the current year a total vote of £20,000 will be required. Midland. At the Nelson end, since the opening of the section to Grlenhope on the 2nd September, 1912, construction-work was carried on with a reduced number of men over about two miles of the route towards Murchison until April last, when the work was suspended. It is not proposed to resume the construction of this section of the line during the current year, but the road between Grlenhope and Murchison will be made more suitable for motor traffic. On the Reefton-Inangahua Section the formation-work to the proposed station near the Inangahua Junction has been completed, rails laid, and the ballasting is well under way. This station will be the terminus of the line for the present, as it is not proposed to undertake any work beyond the Inangahua River this year. On the Canterbury side of the dividing range formation has been practically completed between the Cass and Bealey Flat, and a train service to the temporary station at Halpin Creek has been inaugurated. Floods in the Waimakariri caused considerable damage to the formation during the year, which has been repaired, and measures taken for the future protection of the railway. Messrs. John McLean and Sons, contractors for the construction of the Arthur's Pass Tunnel, were relieved of their contract and the work taken over by the Government on the 28th December, 1912, in pursuance of a recommendation of a parliamentary Select Committee, since which it has been carried on, principally by day labour, from the Otira end, under the direct supervision of Public Works Engineers. At the Bealey end excavation by co-operative contract was tried, but was not successful, and the experiment was not persevered with. From the Otira portal the bottom heading is now in 2 miles 12 chains, and the tunnel fully excavated and lined for 20 chains less. At the Bealey end the figures are : Bottom heading, 45 chains; excavation to full size and lining, 33 chains. Thus there remains 2 miles 48 chains between the headings, and 3 miles between the points to which the enlargement and lining have been carried on either side. A larger number of capable men could be employed to advantage on this work, but the best men are not obtainable in large numbers. The expenditure on the different sections of the Midland Railway during last financial year was as follows :— £ Nelson end .... .... .... .... 23,366 Reefton end .... .... .... .... 10,073 Otira-Bealey .... .... .... .... 61,809 Bealey-Cass .... .... .... .... 36,786



For the current year appropriations are proposed as follows : — £ Nelson end .... .... .... .... 5,000 Reefton end .... .... .... .... 10,000 Otira-Bealev ... .... .... ... 70,000 Bealey-Cass .... .... .... .... 50,000 Westport-Inangahua. The formation-work, principally rock-cutting, which was in progress under contracts at the commencement of the year, has continued steadily and is still in hand. In all, eighteen contracts have been let, practically to small parties who carry out the work themselves. Six contracts have been satisfactorily completed, most of the others are making good progress, while one which was abandoned has been relet to a fresh party. The work in hand will carry the line to a point ten miles from Westport, and bushfelling and clearing is in progress over a further length of two miles. Beyond this point it is not proposed to undertake construction-work for the present. During last financial year the expenditure on this line amounted to £18,711, and to meet liabilities during the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. Greymouth - Point Elizabeth. The extension of this railway to serve the new State coal-mine has been completed, and the line, which has a third rail in the centre on .the incline from Dunollie to the new terminus, is now in operation. The country being very steep and rough, there has been much trouble from slips, but protective works have been put in where necessary, and the extension is now ready to hand over to the Railway Department for regular traffic. The expenditure during last financial year on this line was £9,980, and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is asked for. Cm,vkrden -Waiau. An extension of the existing railway from Culverden to the south bank of the Waiau River opposite the township of the same name was authorized last session. The line will be fourteen miles long, inexpensive to construct, will traverse a closely settled area,, and serve a large productive district beyond, the output of which has hitherto been restricted on account of its distance from the railway. A vote of £5,000 for making a commencement with this extension is provided on the current year's estimates. Waimate Branch Extension. There was no expenditure out of last year's vote of £5,000 for the extension of the railway from Waihao Downs to Waihaorunga, as it was not found practicable during the year to detach a suitable engineer to carry out the necessary survey of the route. The vote of £5,000 is, however, repeated on the current year's estimates. Otago Central. Recent examination by engineers of the route between Clyde and Cromwell proves that, provided the rate of speed is restricted, a line of the standard gauge with sharper curves, occasional slightly increased grades, and generally lighter formation can be taken for most of the way alongside the present road and constructed at far less cost than the original estimates indicated. Such a line would admirably serve the purposes of the settlers in the Upper Ciutha Valley and enable large quantities of grain of the highest quality, and also fat stock and fruit, to be conveyed to the coast. At present this is impossible, as it costs Is. per bushel to cart grain from Hawea to Clyde, and fat lambs would become stores by the time they reached the present terminus. A vote of £7,000 is included in the estimates to permit of construction-work being commenced as soon as the necessary re-survey is completed.



Lawrence-Roxburgh. The Big Hill Tunnel was completed in December last, and formation-works for a length of two miles and three-quarters beyond the tunnel are practically finished. It is proposed to put platelaying in hand with a view to opening a section of three miles to Athenaeum Flat for traffic as early as possible. Very little more in the way of construction-work will be required to permit of rails being laid to Beaumont Station, two miles and a half farther on, so that the completion of the line to that point may be looked for at a fairly early date. The expenditure on this line during the last financial year amounted to £17,392, and for the current year a vote of £10,000 is proposed. Catlins -Waimahaka. The terminus of the opened line is still at Houipapa, but rails are laid and the line ballasted up to Caberfeidh Station, 11J miles farther on, to which point a temporary goods and passenger service is in operation for the convenience of settlers. The roads in this district are not good, and a service tramway is laid ahead of construction-works to facilitate the transport of plant and supplies for the men. A bridge to carry the railway over the Maclennan River is being erected under contract, and on its completion will depend the opening of the line to Papatowai Station. Bushfelling and a little formation extending four miles beyond Papatowai are in hand. The expenditure on this line during last financial year amounted to £29,291, and for the current year a vote of £30,000 is proposed. Winton - Heddon Bush. There was no expenditure out of last year's vote for the proposed branch line from Winton to serve the productive agricultural district of which Heddon Bush is a convenient working-centre. There were local differences of opinion as to whether the district could not be more effectively served by a branch from the Riverton line, but the difference has now been settled in favour of the Winton connection, thirteen miles in length, and the vote of £8,000 to commence the construction of this line is renewed on the current year's estimates. Orepuki-Waiau Extension. The question whether the district surrounding Orawia shall be connected by rail with Orepuki or with Waikouro has not yet been decided. Further careful consideration is necessary, and the Engineer-in-Chief will visit the district during the recess and report to me thereon. Total Appropriations for Railway-construction. In addition to the votes already mentioned, an appropriation of £1,000 is required to provide for liabilities on account of the Kawakawa-Grahamtown Railway that did not come to charge against last year's vote ; £1,000 will also be needed for old land claims, damages,, and other similar charges; £5,000 for surveys of new lines ; and £90,000 for permanent-way materials ; thus bringing the total appropriations for railway-construction purposes up to £825,000. Other Rail way-works. During the year under review the sum of £300,059 was spent by the Railway Department on rolling-stock, tarpaulins, pneumatic coaling-cranes, steam heating-gear, workshops machinery, and steamer for Lake Wakatipu. The sum of £164,577 was spent on extension of station-yards, purchase of land, additions to workshops, cranes, bridge-work and subways, fire-prevention services, wharves, gasworks, and extension of signal and interlocking system, tablet installation, telegraph and telephone facilities, duplication of line, reduction in grades, and improvement of curves. A further extension of the duplication of the Dunedin-Mosgiel line was opened during the year, and the work of boring the Chain Hills Tunnel and completing the line from there to Mosgiel is in hand. Bad ground was met -with during the year, and this materially interfered with boring operations. As

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more favourable indications are now in evidence it is hoped that better progress will in future be made towards the completion of the tunnel, of which about 15 chains still remain to be bored. The expenditure last year on railway-duplication and contingent works was £30,245, principally on the Dunedin-Mosgiel line. On the Main Trunk line between Wellington and Auckland considerable work has been done in the direction of improving the grades in the vicinity of Buckland, Tuakau, and Pukekohe. The cost of grade-improvements on the North Island Main Trunk line was £33,031. The work of reclaiming land at Mechanic's Bay, Auckland, for use as a site for the new station-yard is in hand, and the sum of £11,337 has already been paid to the Auckland Harbour Board in respect thereof. The amount proposed to be voted for the current year on account of " Additions to open lines " is £500,000, of which sum £800,000 is for new rolling-stock and workshops machinery, and £200,000 for various new works. A vote of £40,000 is asked for on account of the Dunedin-Mosgiel deviation. EOADB AND BEIDGES. The provision made on last -year's appropriations for road and bridge works under all votes and accounts (including the Consolidated Fund vote for maintenance) amounted to £746,950. The total amount authorized for expenditure during the financial year, including the unexpended balance of authorities brought forward at the 31st March, 1912, amounted to £845,248. The total expenditure for the year amounted, however, to only £468,972, leaving an unexpended balance of authorities amounting to £376,276 at 31st March last. Between the Ist April and 30th September a further £337,378 was authorized, and expenditure to the extent of £231,605 was brought to charge. The large amount of money which has been standing as authorized for expenditure, compared with the actual disbursements, indicates that the temporary restriction placed upon the authorization of new votes after the close of last session had but little effect on the expenditure. In my last Statement I expressed the opinion that it was almost impossible, under the existing conditions, to expend within any year the amount of money voted for that year for road and bridge works. The experience gained during the past twelve months has confirmed me in this opinion. Last year I referred to the disinclination of local bodies to make satisfactory provision for the maintenance of main roads. In localities where the main road passes through unoccupied Crown lands, sparsely settled districts, or Native lands, whence little or no revenue in the way of rates can be collected, such a feeling is to a great extent justified. All main roads, however, do not come under the above category, nor will it be an easy matter to define what constitutes a main road. I hope, however, during the recess to find a satisfactory solution of this problem, as also to the equally abstruse one of improving the present method of distributing grants for roads and bridges. Roads on Goldfields (Mines Department). The total authorizations under this head last year amounted to £74,416, on account of which'a vote of £50,6001 was taken. The expenditure during the year was £36,761. The sum proposed to be authorized for the current year is £65,743, on account of which a vote of £50,000 is asked for. Total Appropriations for Roadworks. Last year's appropriations Were as under : — £ Roads, &c. .. .. .. . . .. 328,275 Backblock roads .. .. .. .. r 201,575 Roads on goldfields .. . . .. .. 50,600 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account .. 100,000 National Endowment Account .. .. .. 19,200 New Hutt Road .. .. .. .. 5,300 Maintenance of roads (Consolidated Fund) .. .. 42,000 Total .. ~ .. .. £746,950


Total Appropriations for Roadworks— continued. The provision for the current year is as under :< — £ Roads, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 330,000 Backblock roads .. . . . . .. 200,000 Roads on goldfields .. .. . . . . |50,000 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account . . 100,000 National Endowment Account ~ . . .. 22,750 New Hutt Road .. . . . . .. 4,000 Maintenance of roads (Consolidated Fund) .. .. 45,000 Total .. .. .. .. £751,750 DEVELOPMENT OF GOLDFIELDS. The value of the mineral-output for the year amounted to £3,042,224, being a decrease as compared with the output of the previous year. Work in the mines was hampered considerably by strikes, but as this year this trouble has not existed to anything like the same extent it is anticipated the output will be in excess of that of last year. Expenditure under this heading during the year was £10,644, and a vote of £9,300 is proposed to be taken this year. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The total expenditure on public buildings during the last financial year amounted to £611,041, made up as follows : — £ New buildings (Class XVIII, Public Works Fund) .. 445,192 Maintenance-works (Class V, Consolidated Fund) . . 73,030 Maintenance-works, schools (Class XV, Consolidated . Fund) .. .. .. .. .. 92,819 £611,041 For the current year the following appropriations are proposed : — £ New buildings (Public Works Fund) .. .. 486,000 Maintenance-works (Consolidated Fund) ... .. 88,689 Maintenance-works, schools (Consolidated Fund) .. 102,200 Contribution to fund. for renewal or .reinstatement of buildings damaged or destroyed by fire .. .. 10,000 £666,889 General. The foundations for the proposed new Parliament Buildings have been completed ready for the superstructure, and the rearrangement of the grounds surrounding the site was finished in time to display a creditable sward on the lawns in the early spring. The adjacent streets have been widened, an ornamental fence|built around the property, and preparations made for the erection of the new building, for the first portion of which tenders have been received and are now under consideration. The total expenditure on building and grounds during the financial year amounted to £15,841, and £2,944 was spent on widening and altering the grades of adjacent streets. The most important departmental building completed during the|year was the new offices facing Cathedral Square and Worcester Street, Christchurch, which will accommodate most of the officials now located in the old Provincial Buildings, as well as an appreciable number occupying rented offices in various parts of the city. A large vote is provided on the estimates for this building, principally- to cover liabilities existing at the end of the financial year. The current year's vote provides also for the new departmental buildings at Gisborne and Stratford, additions at Blenheim, the completion of similar buildings at Hamilton, New Plymouth, and Hokitika, and for the erection of new publicworks and marine stores on the reclaimed land at Pipitea, necessary owing to the sites of the present buildings being required for railway purposes. Provision is also made for additions to the Government Printing Office, already in progress under contract.



Judicial. Courthouses. —Substantial buildings at Masterton and Greymouth were corncompleted during the financial year, and one at Auckland has been finished since its close. , The current year's vote provides for liabilities in connection with these buildings, as well as for new Courthouses at Kaitaia, Waipu, Te Puke, Wairoa, Martinborough, Raetihi, Motueka, Amberley, Balclutha, Wyndham, and Chatham Islands. Substantial additions are to be carried out at Hikurangi, Wanganui, Lawrence, and at the Supreme Court House, Wellington, while the vote also covers minor additions and improvements to existing buildings at various other centres. Gaols.- —The principal expenditure during the financial year was in connection with the buildings at Auckland and Invercargill, and additions at Addington and Timaru. Provision is made on the current year's estimates for commencing the erection of buildings at the Waikeria Reformatory Farm, in the Waikato district; for work in progress at Auckland and Invercargill; for new buildings at Palmerston North and Picton ; and for warders' cottages at Wellington, Lyttelton, and Invercargill. Police-stations. —There has again been considerable expenditure on the erection of police-stations at various centres throughout the Dominion, the larger items being for buildings at Maungaturoto, Gisborne, Taumarunui, Murchison, and Waipu. Stations were also provided during the year at Warkworth, Howick, Te Kuiti, Otorohanga, Wakefield, Cobden, and Islington. The Lambton Quay station in Wellington no longer provides adequate accommodation for the large number of mien who have their headquarters there, and it is proposed to erect a new station on a central site in the city formerly occupied by the Theatre Royal. A substantial vote for this purpose appears on the estimates. Negotiations are also in progress for the acquisition of a site upon which to erect a new building to accommodate the police officers now using the Manners Street Station. On the current year's estimates provision is made for new buildings at Houhora, Northcote, Takapuna, Mount Eden, Mount Roskill, Epsom, Ponsonby, Devonport, Herekino, Papakura, Hamilton, Ngaruawahia, Huntly, Raurimu, Tokaanu, Whangamomona, Tokomaru Bay, Motu, Patutahi, Porangahau, Masterton, Brooklyn, Eastbourne, Island Bay, Karori, Charleston, Ahaura, Stafford, Ross, Fendalton, Coalgate, Darfield, Ashburton, Waitati, Clyde, Middlemarch, Caversham, Mornington, Northeast Valley, Kaitangata, Tapanui, Mataura, Nightcaps, North Invercargill, and Gladstone. Increased accommodation is being provided by means of additions or alterations at O'Rorke Street (Auckland), Martinborough, Wanganui, Mohaka, Mount Cook (Wellington), and Dunedin. Post and Telegraph. The principal items of expenditure during the past financial year were in connection with the large new buildings at Auckland and Wellington, which were completed and opened for public business on the 20th and 26th November, 1912, respectively. To meet the continuous growth of the Department's business it is still necessary to provide additional accommodation, and appropriations for this purpose amounting to £206,011 are proposed on the current year's estimates. . During the last financial year buildings for postal and telegraph purposes were erected at Kawakawa, Ponsonby, Te Aroha, Matamata, Putaruru, Waihou, Whangamomona, Ohura, Clive, Awakino, Opotiki, Otane, Kaiwarawara, Sydenham, Pleasant Point, Ravensbourne, Kaitangata, Hawea Flat, and Balfour, while additions and alterations have been carried out at Otahuhu, Taumarunui, Inglewood, Carterton, Wellington Telephone Exchange, Cheviot, Sumner, and Lyttelton. A large brick building has been erected on the reclaimed land at Wellington for use as a bulk store. In addition to amounts previously authorized but not yet expended, provision is made on the current year's estimates for new post-office buildings at Papatoetoe, Mamaku, Manunui, Patea, Tokomaru, Kimbolton, Khandallah, Island Bay, Woodend, Duvauchelles, Methven, Dunedin, St. Clair, and Riversdale ; for alterations and additions at Hamilton, Gisborne, Raetihi, Palmerston North, and Christchurch; also for accommodation for the automatic-telephone system at Auckland, Hamilton, Masterton, Wellington, Blenheim, Oamaru, and Dunedin.



Mental Hospitals. The principal expenditure during the past financial year was in connection with the main block of the '"new Mental Hospital at Tokanui, which was completed under contract in|February|last. Nine cottages have been built for the staff, and temporary accommodation provided for patients and attendants. A substantial vote is proposed to continue work in connection with this Hospital during the current year. A new auxiliary building at Porirua was completed and equipped ; additions made to the Sunnyside institution, and alterations to provide additional accommodation were carried out at the Simla auxiliary at Seacliff. An additional block of buildings at Waitati was almost completed. Since the close of the financial year two contracts have been let for auxiliary buildings at Auckland Mental Hospital, for which a vote of £29,000 is provided, and items to cover necessary works at Porirua, Sunnyside, Waitati, Seacliff, and Nelson also appear on the estimates. Agriculture. Further expenditure is contemplated this year to provide up-to-date buildings and equipment for the experimental farms, to make these institutions object-lessons in all that makes for effective working and economy. When the farms were started there was an almost entire absence of modern equipment, and improvements are being effected generally, the expenditure being spread over a number of years. An experimental farm is being established at Mamaku, on which investigations into the cause of bush sickness in cattle may be continued. At Ruakura drainage operations which have materially increased the fertility of the land are to be continued. A noteworthy increase in the numbers of purebred live-stock imported involves extensions of the accommodation at some of the quarantine stations. At one or two places where resident officers find it practically impossible to rent suitable houses the Department is providing residences at moderate cost. Hospitals. Under the heading " Public Health, Hospitals, and Charitable Institutions," there was an expenditure last year of £9,126 out of the Public Works Fund. On the current year's estimates provision is made for £25,530, of which it is anticipated that £10,000 will come to charge before the 31st March- next. Last year's expenditure included hospital accommodation at Rotorua, and an up-to-date Maternity Hospital at Wellington. It is proposed to provide similar institutions at Auckland and Christchurch, and the largest items on the estimates relate to these respective proposals. School Buildings. The expenditure during the past year was £105,000, of which nearly £83,000 was paid to the respective governing bodies for the erection of schools, additions to existing buildings, equipment and sites for public schools, teachers' residences, technical and secondary schools, and University colleges. The purchase of the Stoke Industrial School property was completed and two residences provided. An addition was made to the day school at Weraroa Training Farm, and a gymnasium and cottage provided at Burnham Industrial School. The Sumner School for the Deaf was enlarged and a workshop built. New Native schools were established at Taemaro (Bay of Islands), Waiorongomai, and Horoera (East Coast). The vote proposed for the current year includes a substantial grant for a new site and building for the Auckland University College, as well as the usual grants for buildings and sites to the several Education Boards, Technical and Secondary Schools and University Colleges, and also provision for further buildings required in connection with the School for the Deaf, the Otekaike Home, and the different Native and Industrial Schools. Workers' Dwellings. The expenditure under this head during the past year amounted to £46,455 — an appreciable increase over that of the preceding year. The demand for workers' dwellings under the conditions provided in the Act is increasing, and for the current year an authorization of £75,000 is proposed for the acquisition of land, roadformation on sites, and erection of buildings. On account of this sum a vote of £65,000 is asked for for the requirements of the current year.



DEVELOPMENT OF WATEE-POWEE. Satisfactory progress has been made with the Lake Coleridge power-works. The works now under construction provide for headworks and buildings for supplying 10,000 horse-power, whilst the plant on order is capable of supplying 4,000 horse-power after allowing for one spare unit. Transmission lines will be erected in duplicate between Lake Coleridge and Christchurch, where a substation will be built containing the necessary transforming plant, also in duplicate. In connection with this substation a standby plant consisting of oil-enginesjdriving three-phase generators will be installed so as to maintain the supply to Christchurch and district in the event of failure of the transmission line. From the substation, which is situated in Addington, power will be supplied to Christchurch and to the surrounding district for a radius of twenty miles or thereabouts. In connection with these works a total of forty-two contracts have been entered into, the contract sums amounting to £167,686, in addition to which the Department is carrying out, by direct labour or on the co-operative principle, inlet works at the lake entrance of the tunnel and outlet works at the connection between the tunnel and the pipe-lines, foundations to pipe-lines, excavations for power-house foundations and for tail-race, maintenance of roads between Coalgate and Coleridge, and transportation and erection of plant. The total expenditure to date is £82,897, whilst the liability amounts to t1.21,236, and it is estimated that a sum of £48,484 is required to complete the works now under construction, making a gross total of £252,617. A contract has been entered into with the Christchurch City Council to supply them with power as from Ist May next at varying rates according to the load. At present there is a prospect that the works will be completed in time, the determining feature being the pipe-line, the contract for which is much behindhand. Negotiations for a supply of power to the Christchurch Tramway Board are proceeding, and similar negotiations will shortly be opened with other power users and local authorities within the area of supply from the substation. Last year's expenditure in connection with the development of water-power amounted to £35,009, and for the current year a vote of £200,000 is provided. Licenses for Electric Light and Power. Numerous licenses have been issued to local authorities and companies to enable them to distribute electricity for light and power purposes, also sundry water-power licenses. lEEIGATION. Steady progress was made during the year with the development of the scheme to irrigate the Ida Valley from reservoirs constructed in the Manorburn and Poolburn Valleys. A road has been made between the head of Ida Valley and the site of the proposed dam on the Manorburn, to permit of the transport of heavy materials for construction-work. Excavation for the concrete dam has been taken out, and preparations made to push the work on during the coming summer. The Bonanza Water-race has been enlarged for some distance to carry water for irrigation in a portion of the valley, and water was turned on to some of the land commanded by the race during last spring and summer. Diverting weirs in the Poolburn and Moa Creek have been laid out and a good start made with the excavations of Black's No. 3. race on the west side of the valley. Unfavourable weather-conditions and excessive snowfall in the winter interfered somewhat with the working of the teams during the greater portion of the year. The survey of the water-race from the Manuherikia River to the flat between Clyde and Alexandra having been completed, the work of constructing same will be undertaken at once. The expenditure out of last year's vote amounted to £14,689, but a much larger sum will be required this year, and a vote of £35,000 is accordingly provided on the estimates.




WAIHOU AND OHTNEMUEI EIVEES IMPEOVEMENT. Detail works in accordance with the authorized scheme for the improvement of these two rivers and of the adjacent land have been vigorously pushed on. The destruction of growing willows along the banks of the Waihou and Komata tributary and the removal of boughs and snags from the streams has proceeded over a distance of eight miles on either bank. A contract, let in January, 1912, for straightening the courses of the Waihou and Ohinemuri rivers by means of the Ngararahi. and Koutou cuts, designed to lessen the risk of damage by overflow, is approaching completion. Another contract — for constructing a stop-bank along the right bank of the Ohinemuri alongside the town of Paeroa —was let in February last, and the contractor is making fair progress with his work. A site for a flood-gate on Cooper's Creek near its confluence with the Ohinemuri River has been selected, and the construction of the gate is in hand. Extensive surveys are necessary in connection with these river-improvement works and have been in progress throughout the year whenever weather-conditions were favourable. Surveys have also been made of lands injured or destroyed by silt for the guidance of the Commission appointed under the Act of 1910 to assess the amount of compensation payable for damaged land to be taken in accordance with the provisions of the special Act authorizing the improvement schemes. A contract was placed in April last with the Stevenson and Cook Company, of Dunedin, for the manufacture of a suction-dredge for use in carrying out the improvement scheme, the time fixed for its completion being the middle of April next, and the machinery required for its equipment has also been ordered. Last yea.r's expenditure in connection with these river-improvement works amounted to £9,555. For the current year a vote of £30,000 is asked for. TOUEIST AND HEALTH EESOETS. The expenditure under this heading for the year amounted to £12,906, the principal part being in connection with the erection of the new hostel at the Hermitage. At Hanmer Springs boring for a further supply of hot mineral water was undertaken and was rewarded with success. The water is now laid on to the bath buildings and swimming-pools. At Rotorua further improvements were made to the reserves and buildings, also to the drainage and water-supply and electrical works. It is stated that a practicable track can be made from Milford Sound to the head of Lake Wakatipu via the Cleddau Valley. In the event of this turning out to be correct, steps will at once be taken to survey and form the track. For the current year a vote of £16,000 is provided, with which it is intended to complete and equip the new hostel at the Hermitage, make much-needed extension to Waitomo Caves hostel, and further develop and improve other scenic districts and resorts. TELEGEAPH-EXTENSION. The expenditure on telegraph and telephone extension during the year amounted to £251,375. Among the larger works undertaken may be mentioned the construction of the following land lines: Ohakune-Raurimu, Napier-Waipawa, WellingtonPalmerston North, Masterton Alfredton, Christchurch Kaikoura, ChristchurchRakaia, Christchurch-Timaru, and Invercargill-Lumsden, while high-power wireless stations at Awanui and Awarua and a low-power station at Wellington have been completed and opened for business. The vote for the current year amounts to £376,000, made up as under: — £ New telegraph and telephone lines .... .... 75,000 New telephone-exchange connections .... .... 220,000 Wireless installations .... .... .... 30,000 Submarine cables .... .... .... .... 10,000 Automatic-telephone installations ~.. .... 41,000 £376,000


LIGHTHOUSES. HARBOUR-WORKS, AND HARROUB DEFENCES. Lighthouses. The lighthouse works undertaken during the year were —the completion of the new lighthouse on Castle Point and the automatic light on the Chickens Island, and the erection of a new automatic light at the entrance to Whangarei Harbour, towards the cost of which the Government contributed a pound-for-pound subsidy. The apparatus for the new automatic light in Cook Strait has been ordered, and should arrive in the Dominion shortly. Arrangements are now being made for the construction of the tower. The apparatus for the new automatic light on Channel Islet, in the Hauraki Gulf, has arrived in Wellington, and the erection will be commenced shortly. A contract has been let for the erection of a new store for the Marine Department in Wellington, and the erection of the structure has been commenced. A new road to connect Godley Head Lighthouse with Lyttelton is under construction. The sum of £7,375 will be required for lighthouse-works during the current financial year. Harbour-works. The works carried out during last year were—the erection of a section of a breastwork along the face of the reclamation at Kohukohu ; the erection of wharves at Tangaihi (Kaipara), Ruakiwi (Whaingaroa), Lemon Point (Kawhia), Little Wanganui and German Bay (Akaroa), and the completion of the wharf at Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island ; removal of rocks in the Kaipara River ; improving navigation of the Wade River ; roading the Manukau Harbour Endowment ; improving the entrance to Awakino River ; erection and equipment of Meteorological Observatory in Wellington ; harbour-improvements at Takaka and Karamea ; and the installation of a more powerful oil-engine winch for the fishermen's boat-slip at Nugget Bay. The new works to be provided for during the current year are —further grants for the Kohukohu reclamation breastwork ; the deepening of the Mahurangi River ; the Karamea River improvements and the Nugget Bay fishermen's landing ; grants for ferry-slips at Raupo and Tikinui (Kaipara) ; improving navigation of Taheke, Wade, and Waikato Rivers ; wharves at Pahia (Bay of Islands), Whangamarino Falls, Raglan, Kutarere (Ohiwa), Collingwood, and Taieri Mouth ; and harbourimprovements at Wairau. An authorization of £15,811 is required for harbour-works, on account of which a vote of £11,000 is proposed for the current financial year. Harbour Defences. A 6 in. Mark VII battery at Auckland has been constructed, principally by prison labour, and other minor works have been carried out in other parts of the Dominion. The expenditure last year was very small, but a vote of £3,000 is asked for the current year. GROSS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS. In addition to the votes already specially mentioned the estimates make provision for the undermentioned services : — £ Departmental .. ~ .. .. .. 64,200 Immigration .. .. ... .. .. 36,000 Contingent defence . . .. .. .. .. 50,000 Lands improvement .. .. .. .. 31,700 thus bringing the total amount of the proposed appropriations, including special accounts, up to £3,427,325, as against £3,143,111 voted, and £2,520,799 actually expended last year. CONCLUSION. The rapid increase of settlement necessitates year by year a corresponding increase of road and bridge construction, and the end thereof is not yet in sight. There are still far too many settlers who have had for years past either no access or quite inadequate access to their properties, but the number of these I am pleased to say is diminishing. Once these arrears have been overtaken it will be a much easier task to provide only for the needs of new settlers.




INDEX. TABLES. Page No. I.—Total Expenditure : —Summary showing the Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Works and other Services out of the Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1913 .. .. .. 2 No. 2.—Yearly Expenditure out op the Public Works Fund up to 1912-1913 .. .. .. 3 No. 3.—Railways:—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Railways, including Valuation of Provincial Lines, to 31st March, 1913 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 No. i. —Roads :—Statement showing Expenditure on Roads to 31st March, 1913 .. .. .. 5 No. s.—Development op Goldpields : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities for Water-races on Goldfields to 31st March, 1913 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 No. sa.—Development op Goldfields:—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities for Assistance towards Prospecting and Miscellaneous Services to 31st March, 1913 .. .. .. 41 No. 6.—Telegraphs:—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Telegraphs to 31st March, 1913 42 No. 7. —Public Buildings :—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 31st March, 1913 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 No. B.—Lighthouses, Harbour- works, and Harbour-depences : — Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences to 31st March, 1913 .. 47 APPENDICES. Appendix A.—Expenditure for the Year : —Audited Statement of Expenditure out of the Public Works Fund for the Year 1912-1913 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 B.—Total Liabilities : —Statement of all Liabilities of the Public Works Department outstanding on 31st March, 1913 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 o.—Railways, Public Buildings, and Roads Contracts:—Schedule of Contracts current on Ist April, 1912, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913 .. .. .. .. .. .. 54 D.—Sleeper Contracts : —Schedule of Sleeper Contracts current on Ist April, 1912, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 64 E.—Annual Report on Public Works, by the Engineer-in-Chief .. .. .. .. 67 „ P. —Annual Report on Public Buildings, by the Government Architect .. .. .. 79 G. —Annual Report on Electrical Work and Power Schemes, by the Electrical Engineer 82

I—D. 1.



TABLE No. 1. SUMMARY showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1913, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Number of Table containing Details. Works. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1912. Expenditure Po m A,,«ioo during on Account 01 Total Net Ex P CTdi - Twelve Months « o °S™ ture to ended of PrevioTiR Year* 31st March, 1913. 31st March, 1913. ot Fr <>™us years. Liabilities on 31st March, 191S. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Works. 3* 5 and 5a 6 7 8 18 of 1878 11 of 1877 1 £ s. d. ! Railways .. ,. .. .. : 28,679,914 8 S I Roads .. .. .. .. 9,349,519 12 11 Development of goldfields .. .. <| 818,173 3 2 j Telegraphs .. ,. .. 2,025,750 14 6 Public buildings .. .. .. : 5,042,032 8 0 Lighthouses, harbour-works, and har- 1,081,422 2 2 bour-defenoes I Departmental .. .. .. 726,669 9 3 Development of water-power .. 18,450 14 1 Coal-exploration and mine-development j 10,835 8 0 i Aiding works on Thames goldfields .. I 50,000 0 0 j Immigration .. .. .. 2,239,912 4 11 Purchase of Native lands .. .. 2,066,637 11 10 Defence .. .. .. .. I 920,418 14 1 Charges and expenses of raising loans .. ! 1,242,422 19 8 Interest and sinking fund . . .. 218,500 0 0 Rates on Native lands .. , .. j 68,671 16 10 I Thermal springs .. .. .. 14,599 13 2 Tourist and health resorts .. .. ! 216,633 2 1 Lands improvement .. . . 82,545 12 2 Payment to Midland Railway bond- 150,000 0 0 holders Irrigation and .. 4,356 5 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,148,832 4 5 29,528 1 4 374,345 13 4 10,643 18 8 1,015 0 0 251,374 13 8 445,192 2 6J! 16,785 1 10 57,425 11 1§ 14,693 16 2|| 917 5 0 23,790 2 1 1,269 3 11 12,905 14 11 22,550 6 10 383 6 10 £ s. d. ! 29,799,218 11 9 9,723,865 6 3 827,802 1 10 2,277.125 8 2 5,487,224 10 6 1,098,207 4 0 784,095 0 4 18,450 14 1 10,835 8 0 50,000 0 0 2,254,606 1 1 2,065,720 6 10 944,208 16 2 I 1,243,692 2 9 218,500 0 0 68,671 16 10 14,599 13 2 229,538 17 0 104,712 12 2 150,000 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 255,340 3 0 30,054,558 14 9 | Railways. 162,258 11 6 9,886,123 17 9 | Roads. 827,802 1 10 ! Development of goldfields. 171,297 1 0 I 2,448,422 9 2 j Telegraphs. 80,910 10 11 5,568,135 1 5 Public buildings. 527 9 8 1,098,734 13 8 Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbourdefences. 566 16 8 784,661 17 0 Departmental. 18,450 14 1 Development of water-power. 10,835 8 0 j Coal-exploration and mine-development. 50,000 0 0 ■ Aiding works on Thames goldfields. 2,254,606 1 1 I Immigration. i 2,065,720 6 10 Purchase of Native lands. 944,208 16 2 Defence. 1,243,692 2 9 j Charges and expenses of raising loans. 218,500 0 0 Interest and sinking fund. 68,671 16 10 Rates on Native lands. 14,599 13 2 j Thermal springs. 1,791 0 , 0 231,329 17 0 Tourist and health resorts. 1,240 18 2 105,953 10 4 Lands improvement. 150,000 0 0 Payment to Midland Railway bondI holders. £ s. d. 255,340 3 0 162,258 11 6 171,297 1 0 80,910 10 11 527 9 8 566 16 8 1,791 0 0 1,240 18 2 4,356 5 0 4,356 5 0 Totals .. .. .. I 55,027,466 0 6 i 2,379,808 2,379,808 8 7 31,843 13 2 8 7 ! 31,843 13 2 57,375,430 15 11 673,932 10 11 J 58,049,363 6 10 Totals. * Table 3 also includes expenditure under Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase, Hutt Railway and Road Improvement, and Railways Improvement Accounts. f Table 4 also contains details of expenditure under Loans to Local Bodies and other Accounts. % Includes £50 charged to " Unauthorized." § Includes £439 7s. 6d. charged to " Unauthorized." |[ Includes £237 8s. 4d. charged to "Unauthorized." If Previously included under Lands Improvement. Does not include expenditure on Wellington—Manawatu Railway Purchase, Hutt Railway and Road Improvement, and Railways Improvement Accounts.



TABLE No. 2. GENERAL SUMMARY. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1890-91 to 1911-12.

2—D. 1.

Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 189 . Expenditi ire. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1913. Description of Services. 1895-96. 1896-97. 1897-98. 1898-99. 1899-1900. 1900-1. 1901-2. 1902-3. 1903-4. 1904-5. 1905-6. 1906-7. 1907-8. 1908-9. 1909-10. 1910-11. 1911-12. 1912-13. 1891-92. 1892-93. 1893-94. 1894-95. £ 2,145,151 352,169 £ 817 £ 242 £ 343 £ 101 £ Cr. 10 £ 301 £ 70 £ 105 £ 385 £ 214 £ 189 £ 142 £ Cr. 7 £ 6,481 £ 8,753 £ 14,353 £ 9,132 £ 15,075 £ 17,003 £ 9,441 £ 11,681 £ +14,694 £ 2,254,606 Immigration Public Works Departmental 7,796 7,790 8,406 8,680 14,300 14,892 9,689 10,090 12,572 12,932 17,771 13,949 16,088 12,814 13,517 16,710 18,219 24,512 41,176 42,733 49,864 ♦57,426 784,095 Development of Water-power 468 2,901 4,664 315 1,021 9,082 18,451 Irrigation and Water-supply* 1,562 2,794 4,356 Railways 14,104,093 154,417 Cr. 681 220,894 176,304 247,545 197,105 207,231 Cr. 334 351,600 374,192 417,937 717,723 1,333,940 759,752 828,704 779,891 1,021,265 1,227,880 1,093,535 1,116,184 1,128,400 1,104,071 Cr. 652 1,125,905 Cr. 6,987 1,148,832 Cr. 29,528 29,799,218 Payment to Midland Railway Bondholders 150,000 150,000 Roads:— Roads North of Auckland Main Roads Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges Roads to open up Lands.. .. .. ... Grants-in-aid Village Settlements Local Bodies Roads on Goldfields Miscellaneous 229,674 1 1,426,328 J 602,760 788,993 36,943 315 173,964 291,365 11,739 6,843 27,993 10,757 3,829 470 9,795 12,588 10,443 21,989 7,144 4,412 19^490 } 22^235 - 58,042 8,951 2,898 390 20,387 { 22,731 ( 9,972 27i959 17,075 11,195 1 241,209 248,934 237,351 267,374 354,687 230,349 316,248 202,850 306,065 308,500 285,248 422,174 297,932 229,537 383,511 337,584 17^577 '227 21,513 "207 32,578 49^569 46,550 48,039 48,417 47,573 51[690 45,594 26,112 45,139 38,970 88,494 47] 375 401830 25,626 41,067 I 36,761 Cr. 64,954 Cr. 1,613 29^440 Cr. 1,030 Cr. 7,050 Cr'573 Cr'.S65 16,023 Cr'.365 Cr. 365 Cr. 347 : Developmentof Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery Roads to give access to North Island Trunk Railway Lands Improvement Account 47,820 30^289 34]765 89,207 108i168 103,555 ■ Total, Roads 3,598,162 561,101 36,761 103,893 146,638 150,278 174,369 167,482 290,413 295,119 285,043 315,791 402,260 282,039 361,842 228,962 351,204 347,470 323,742 469,549 338,762 255,163 424,578 374,345 9,723,865 Development of Goldfields 2,257 3,811 5,272 5,865 9,345 10,508 33,117 17,355 21,815 15,907 15,326 24,213 16,278 6,258 18,533 11,064 8,633 32,859 18,597 Cr. 1,000 10,845 Cr. 1,000 21,244 Cr.30 10,644 Cr. 1,015 877,802 Purchase of Native Lands 1,196,479 52,397 57,187 Cr. 10,438 19,575 4,820 Cr. 2,428 78,985 349 Cr.12 101,009 Cr. 37 61,503 53,182 Cr. 225 32,025 28,688 18,261 15,782 5,352 6,281 13,777 9,135 J 2,190 2,099 30,567 2,976 Or. 2,286 Cr. 2,466 Cr. 917 Native Lands Purchase Account 163,411 129,000 Total, Land Purohases 1,196,479 52,397 66,324 80,877 101,346 163,411 128,963 61,503 52,957 32,025 28,688 18,261 15,782 5,352 6,281 13,777 9,135 2,190 155,491 2,099 30,567 690 Cr. 2,466 Cr. 917 2,065,721 Telegraph Extension 31,729 68,578 47,228 79,298 114,068 123,423 111,867 147,692 251,375 2,277,126 606,648 27,773 29,245 16,127 19,229 I 35,538 36,791 29,384 28,551 26,771 50,101 77,186 163,033 | Public Buildings:— General (including Miscellaneous) Parliamentary Judicial Post and Telegraph Customs Quarantine Stations .. .. .. Mental Hospitals Public Health Hospitals and Charitable Institutions School-buildings Agricultural Workers' Dwellings 193,695 13,962 266,402 143,588 55,177 3,525 301,739 454 8,901 1,009 13 16]914 1,588 2,779 6,843 5 11j 887 7,999 621 209 5,262 3,154 666 3 18,957 2,561 6,822 : 11,487 3,542 12 306 13,633 3,724 27,341 6,194 647 10 \ 935 8,178 9 14,806 7,504 16 16 [404 14,797 466 12,727 5,888 385 14 \ 130 8,764 20,636 11,109 5,168 17^667 3,957 9,883 19,682 13,483 107 17,712 5,594 3,039 29,630 20,954 875 2,607 18,872 12,513 4,424 28,728 40,861 2,066 424 16,743 9,031 1,503 33,224 74,686 6,630 16] 167 10,964 602 25,978 53,918 8,719 15,812 6,315 4,291 87,089 2,504 9,021 697 13,083 16,008 13,018 15,949 4,265 1,204 42,721 1,362 2,231 71 15,899 38,419 7,903 16,235 7,926 4,786 69,223 2,618 14,216 1,047 35,192 43,918 414 8,049 1,765 10,259 109,459 2,707 16,260 4,119 28,938 43,724 47 7,987 7,497 15,576 100,197 1,690 39,635 5,172 37,211 62,262 2,507 15,296 4,402 11,153 102,340 5,543 41,964 3,157 31,606 68,574 233 19,839 319 7,259 98,103 6,103 44,044 237 22,295 117,815 12^707 t34,721 2,004 44,133 130,815 8J809 44,719 18,806 45,431 122,999 46,181 376 8,750 105,000 ||6,475 46,455 33,184 819,514 71500 15,000 160 15,000 837 6,561 20,000 1,127 700 22,143 819 2S\864 1,328 43[403 520 899 49,256 447 5,141 33,681 971 1,200 38,606 535 3,540 57,790 883 1,484 124,926 i 1 1,160 I 12,745 ♦90,535 3,684 22,644 Total, Public Buildings 1,780,780 34,791 31,101 44,032 54,190 76,529 70,579 73,585 107,267 115,426 121,364 145,600 197,454 216,192 117,328 165,311 227,026 220,035 285,521 277,157 324,668 350,090 445,192 5,487,224 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences :— Lighthouses Harbour Works Harbour Defences 119,560 310,107 452,140 6,642 2,612 "650 2,495 234 3,861 . 3,314 6,067 866 4,667 2,180 568 2,547 3,727 1,777 10,158 3,333 365 5,328 1,017 1,540 3,960 2,060 3,421 6,678 6,082 1,373 6,126 6,206 1,773 2,885 2,167 1,308 2,515 962 2,684 1,300 4,946 548 2,963 1,541 1,417 2,867 2,579 7,481 4,439 7,297 6,762 4,548 5,372 1,470 4,092 2,865 5,428 6,004 1,144 9,031 7,415 339 7,347 4,563 S\976 Total, Lighthouses, &c. 881,819 7,347 11,205 6,588 3,145 7,409 11,600 5,295 15,662 9,026 3,517 12,159 13,581 10,864 5,990 4,504 6,863 19,217 16,682 8,427 12,576 16,785 1,098,207 Rates on Native Lands 58,013 2,038 615 Cr. 8 415 561 340 332 156 347 744 673 571 471 666 631 695 837 27 68,672 Contingent Defence 429,719 5,000 10,554 10,360 13,867 42,810 37,650 146,875 37,005 38,723 46,588 35,569 14,874 18,574 10,766 4,977 14,507 6,910 6,071 5,912 [ 10,437 23,790 944,209 Tourist and Health Resorts.. 11,260 10,949 15,643 17,508 15,888 42,271 45,048 24,280 13,361 12,906 229,539 Lands Improvement§ 1,741 2,349 2,019 2,248 1,052 5,605 9,561 19,542 11,125 ||20,394 22,550 Cr. 383 104,713 Charges and Expenses of raising Loans 5.356 943 Cr. 6 221 28,322 1,460 5,620 Cr. 516 88,180 87,249 10,764 236 Cr. 5,175 Cr.8,487 575 17,715 Cr. 12,000 66,367 Cr. 66,392 67,470 Cr. 66,954 72,950 \Cr. 71,681 1,243,692 1,021,472 5 Cr. 5 Interest and Sinking Funds 218,500 218,500 Coal Exploration and Mine Development 10,835 10,835 Thermal Springs .. .. .. .. ,. 14,336 264 14,600 Total Ways and Means Credits .. Grand Total—Net Expenditure 65,635 12,059 3,458 7,062 573 683,336 705 659,836 370 865,172 590 915,736 347 992,876 1,309,020 516 2,142,736 1,514,444 7 1,796,841 1,821,010 1,7.30,680 5,175 8,487 1,909,688 2,138,245 2,022,876 1,891,918 10,530 2,190,731 \Cr. 103,524 I 2,347,965 57,375,431 26,979,288 325,977 480,468 485,002 590,940 2,035,144 Previously ir >n account 01 ture under N lcluded under Lands Imp f services of previous yeai lative Lands Purchase Ac irovement, :s or receipt! mount; anc t Includes " Unauthori i-in-aid applied in reductii I from 1894-95 to 1896-97 : ized," £238. on of expenc , inclusive, f | Includi js " Unauthc Drized," £439. SjForpre' dous expem liture see Roi .ds Class. || Includes " Unauthori led," £50. N.B.—The figures in italics, prefixed by " Cr.," are ei The totals from 1892-93 to 1896-97, inclusive, ifcher recoveries c inolude expendil liture. expenditure l mdor Lands Improvement Acoount.



TABLE No. 3. EXPENDITURE on Railways to 31st March, 1913, and Liabilities on that Date.

Expenditure out op Public Works UND DURING Y] :ar 1912-13. Lines of Railway. Total Expenditure by General Government to 31st March, 1912. Recoveries on Account of Expenditure of Previous Years. New Works. Expenditure under Special Acts during Year 1912-13. Amounts previously Charged to " Surveys of New Lines " now Charged to Individual Lines. Total Expenditure by General Government to 31st March, 1913. Valuation of Works constructed by Provinces and Midland Railway Company. , Liabilities. Total Expenditure and Liabilities, 31st March, 1913. Lines of Railway Construction Permanent- Total New and Surveys. way. Works. Works on Open Lines. Land-claims and other Old Liabilities. Kaihu Valley Kawakawa to Hokianga Kawakawa to Whangarei and Onerahi Helensville Northwards Helensville to Te Awamutu Huntly to Awaroa Cambridge Branch Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha Te Aroha to Thames Paeroa to Waihi and Tauranga Thames Valley to Rotorua— Morrinsville to Lichfield .. Putaruru to Rotorua Marton to Te Awamutu Raetihi to Ohakune Tauranga to Paengaroa Gisborne to Motu Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Napier to Gisborne—■ Gisborne Southwards Napier Northwards Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North £ s. d. 63,578 9 9 71,372 7 6 511,198 17 10 552,902 8 0 1,525,206 9 0 7,858 1 8 51,110 9 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 8,799 19 6 30,977 14 2 2,245 13 11 73,935 11 6 £ s. d. 2,955 0 0 14,046 0 0 £ s. d. 11,754 19 6 45,023 14 2 2,245 13 11 78,062 11 ii £ s. d. 193 2 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 75,526 11 10 116,396 1 8 515,391 5 11 631,200 17 4 1,604,957 9 2 19,760 0 9 51,110 9 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 397 16 9 £ s. d. 75,924 8 7 116,396 1 8 515,391 5 11 637,601 18 7 1,604,957 9 2 23,406 17 10 51,110 9 9 Wellington to Woodville, including To Aro Extension Wellington to Waitara — Wellington to Longburn (inoluding WellingtonManawatu Railway Purchase) Foxton to Waitara Mount Egmont Branch Stratford to Te Koura (East End) Stratford to Te Koura (West End) Nelson to Roundell Midland Railway— Belgrove to Inangahua Stillwater to Inangahua Brunnerton to Bealey Springfiold to Bealey Westport to Ngakawau Westport to Inangahua Ngahere to Blackball Greymouth to Point Elizabeth Greymouth to Brunnerton Greymouth to Ross and Mikonui Picton to Waipara— Picton Southwards Waipara Northwards .. • • ■ • ' Culverden to Hanmer (motor-cars and repairs to roads) Hurunui to Waitaki — Main Line Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch Lyttelton Branch Routhbridge Branch Springtiold and Whitecliffs Branches Fairlie Creek Branch Waimate Branch Ashburton Forks Branch Upper Ashburton Branch Little River Branch Canterbury Interior Main Line — Oxford to Malvern Whitecliffs to Rakaia Temuka to Rangitata Waitaki to BluffMain Lino, including Port Chalmers Branch 148,131 9 7 202,472 13 9 146,680 16 7 161,693 0 10 194,646 9 11 2,694,194 8 5 779 12 6 53,399 18 10 438,749 17 11 4,975 1 7 1,567 8 8 294 7 5 887,165 13 2 1,588,146 6 7 958,936 8 0 1,534,009 5 3 55,183 11 4 3,861 19 4 415,619 10 5 196,738 18 6 222,752 4 8 169,551 11 3 415,819 0 5 654,097 12 0 188,008 17 3 99,091 19 3 147,577 1 10 224,724 17 1 150,512 11 11 336,799 7 4 200 0 0 253 14 9 60 0 0 fll,192 11 7 4,011 6 7 11,731 19 1 5,362 16 3 2,022 10 11 28,462 8 2 57,548 4 10 11,438 8 8 15,677 5 9 4,007 4 0 4,656 13 0 22,447 2 9 72,843 11 10 23,366 10 3 10,072 19 10 61,808 18 11 36,785 16 2 4,127 0 0 170 0 0 12,462' 0 0 14,687 0 0 1,158 0 0 7,532 0 0 63 0 0 3,379 0 0 12,665 0 0 11,901 19 1 5,362 16 3 2,022 10 11 40,924 8 2 72,235 4 10 11,438 8 8 15,677 5 9 4,007 4 0 5,814 13 0 22,447 2 9 80,375 11 10 23,429 10 3 13,451 19 10 61,808 18 11 49,450 16 2 1,946 14 2 235 17 10 79,951 0 2 1,524 18 3 1,524 18 3 1,602 5 1 1,602 5 1 9,007 7 7 4,940 10 1 13,724 3 6 5,336 8 1 5,113 6 1 1,177 0 3 155 2 7 660 3 11 123 0 4 50 0 0 6 18 4 27 12 6 J991 4 3 288 11 4 149,656 7 10 203,997 12 0 152,043 12 10 163,295 5 11 196,248 15 0 2,702,948 1 3 2,802 3 5 94,612 18 4 510,985 2 9 4,975 1 7 13,005 17 4 15,971 13 2 892,046 3 3 1,591,669 2 9 964,272 16 1 1,539,241 9 1 60,998 4 4 26,309 2 1 496,045 2 3 197,922 17 1 246,181 14 11 183,186 6 2 477,627 19 4 704,208 12 1 188,008 17 .3 116,760 2 2 147,536 10 5 235,933 15 2 150,512 11 11 336,873 5 2 78,306 19 9 J 543,573 17 9 { 6,401 1 3 3,646 17 1 3 0 0 3 0 0 286 6 4 130 8 9 5 5 0 155 4 7 1,615 13 6 835 13 6 2,001 5 0 5,813 10 11 149,656 7 10 203,997 12 0 152,046 12 10 163,295 5 11 196,248 15 0 2,702,948 1 3 2,802 3 5 94,615 18 4 511,271 9 1 4,975 1 7 13,136 6 1 15,976 18 2 892,046 3 3 1,591,669 2 9 964,272 16 1 1,539,241 9 1 60,998 4 4 26,464 6 8 497,660 15 9 197,922 17 1 325,324 8 2 J 1,206,389 8 3 Kaihu Valley. Kawakawa to Hokianga. Kawakawa-Whangarei & Onerahi Helensville Northwards. Helensville to Te Awamutu. Huntly to Awaroa. Cambridge Branoh. Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha. Te Aroha to Thames. Paeroa to Waihi and Taurang*. Thames Valley to Rotorua— Morrinsville to Lichfield. Putaruru to Rotorua. Marton to Te Awamutu. Raetihi to Ohakune. Tauranga to Paengaroa. Gisborne to Motu. Gisborne to Ormond Tramway. Napier to Gisborne— Gisborne Southwards. Napier Northwards. Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North. Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension. Wellington to Waitara— Wellington to Longburn (including W'ton-Man'tu R'way Purchase). Foxton to Waitara. Mount Egmont Branoh. Stratford to Te Koura (East End). Stratford to Te Koura (West End). Nelson to Roundell. Midland Railway— Belgrove to Inangahua. f Stillwater to Inangahua. { Brunnerton to Bealey. Springfield to Bealey. Wostport to Ngakawau. Westport to Inangahua. Ngahere to Blackball. Greymouth to Point Elizabeth. Greymouth to Brunnerton. Greymouth to Ross and Mikonui. Pieton to Waipara— Picton Southwards. Waipara Northwards. Culverden to Hanmer (motor-cars and repairs to roads). Hurunui to Waitaki— Main Line. Oxford Branch. Eyreton Branch. Lyttelton Branch. Southbridge Branch. Springfield & Whitecliffs Branches. Fairlie Creek Branch. Waimate Branch. Ashburton Forks Branch. Upper Ashburton Branch. Little River Branch. Canterbury Interior Main Line — Oxford to Malvern. Whitecliffs to Rakaia. Temuka to Rangitata. Waitaki to Bluff— Main Line, including Port Chalmers Branch. Duntroon Branch. Ngapara Branch. Fernhill Railway Purohase. Brighton Road Branch. Outram Branch. Lawrence Branch. Livingstone Branch. Waihemo Branch. 18,711 7 3 9,979 13 8 Or. 1,700 0 0 961 0 0 17,011 7 3 10,940 13 8 26619 3 Or. 40 11 5 656 15 8 i 5 2 61,579 5 7 28,857 8 7 1,958 4 6 771,601 8 7 188,008 17 3 145,617 10 9 147,536 10 5 237,891 19 8 150,512 11 11 336,873 5 2 73 17- 10 548,507 0 4 I 344,954 13 8 , 3,834 0 0 21,876 16 9 23,964 13 4 3 0 0 1,559 0 0 21,879 16 9 25,523 13 4 15,482 9 2 585,869 6 3 370,478 7 0 3,834 0 0 3,932 5 2 1,075 19 0 589,801 11 5 371,554 6 0 3,834 0 0 1,758,646-6 1 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 80,907 16 7 89,523 18 9 95,336 3 10 67,039 8 11 50,158 2 10 74,610 1 11 61,638 18 6 108,112 15 0 15,079 3 11 1,773,725 10 0 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 80,907 16 7 89,523 18 9 95,336 3 10 67,039 8 11 50,158 2 10 74,610 1 11 61,638 18 6 108,112 15 0 316,135 0 0 2,089,860 10 0 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 421,407 16 7 89,523 18 9 95,336 3 10 142,163 8 11 50,158 2 10 74,610 1 11 61,638 18 6 108,112 15 0 340,500 0 0 75,124 0 0 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 3,162,616 14 1 16,475 10 2 §29,253 13 3 3,208,345 17 B 97,098 10 11 26,090 7 8 1,415 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 268,934 8 3 82,784 18 10 82,258 17 3 3,290,604 14 9 Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch Fcrnhill Railway Purchase Brighton Road Branch Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Livingstone Branch Waihemo Branch Catlin's River Branch Heriotfcurn Branch Waikaka Branch Waimoa Plains Branch Toitois Branch Riversdale to Switzers Kelso to Gore Seaward Bush to Catlin's Otago Central Invereargill to Kingston — Main Line Mararoa Branch Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau Thornbury to Wairio .. .. .. J Forest Hill Expenses of Railway Commissions and other Expenditure not chargeable to Individual Lines Surveys of New Lines— North Island Middle Island Permanent-way for Railway Department Rolling-stock Stock of Permanent-way materials, 31st March, 1912 .. .. £102,850 4 4 96,772 15 3 26,090 7 8 1,415 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 251,110 0 9 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 368,549 8 0 123,230 17 5 67,820 16 4 111,965 13 3 52,480 4 3 81,523 2 9 602 2 5 183,798 9 11 1,280,393 4 3 3 0 0 17,391 13 3 28,794 12 8 496 2 4 9 0 0 3,326 0 0 17,400 13 3 32,120 12 8 496 2 4 262 15 5 325 15 8 24 15 0 16 19 2 1 14 6 423 14 3 400,670 0 8 123,230 17 5 67,820 16 4 111,965 13 3 52,742 19 s>, 81,540 1 11 602 2 5 184,319 7 3 1,280,391 18 9 37,500 0 0 58,009 0 0 12,829 0 0 29,691 0 0 SIS 18 4 3,228 16 11 134,598 10 11 84,099 7 8 1,415 8 10 19,302 14 9 41,642 7 6 269,248 6 7 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 403,898 17 7 123,230 17 5 67,820 16 4 111,965 13 3 52,742 19 8 81,540 1 11 602 2 5 184,319 7 3 1,280,391 18 9 Catlin's River Branch. Heriotburn Branch. Waikaka Branch. ■ Waimea Plains Branch. Toitois Branch. Riversdale to Switzers. Kelso to Gore. Seaward Bush to Catlin's. Otago Central. Invereargill to Kingston— Main Line. Mararoa Branch. I Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau. I Thornbury to Wairio. Forest Hill. Expenses of Railway Commissions, &c, not chargeable to Individual Lines. Surveys of New Lines— North Island. Middle Island. Permanent-way for Railway Dept. Rolling-stock. 330,073 18 7 27,216 18 7 328,672 12 5 ||8,041 10 1 338,115 8 8 27,216 18 7 329,429 17 2 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 91,937 5 2 430,052 13 10 27,216 18 7 757 4 9 60,297 0 0 389,726 17 2 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 ■ 30,009 6 4 6,525 11 2 25,000 0 0 5,141,805 9 0 3,082 8 2 209 12 3 3,082 8 2 209 12 3 Or. 288,11 4 Or. 1,100 8 9 32,803 3 2 5,634 14 8 3 8 3 32,806 11 5 5,634 14 8 |25,000 0 0 279,249 16 2 5,421,055 5 2 143,441 0 0 5,564,496 5 2 Stock of Permanent-way decreased by £2,170 5 5 102,850 4 4 30,486,011 1 1 2,170 5 5 Stock of Permanent-way materials, 31st March, 1913 .. .. £100,679 18 11 100,679 18 11 51,233 19 7 151,913 18 6 Stock of Permanent-way materials. Total .. 30,483,840 15 8 40,720 12 11 608,698 9 2 77,402 0 0 .. Total. 686,100 9 2 464,636 8 1 265 12 7 30,244 17 6 **31,624,367 10 1 1,787,741 5 6 255,340 3 0 33,667,448 18 7 ■* Also includes value for £150,000 paid to debentt Road and Railway Improvement Act Accoi ** Includes amount expended on purchase ( re-holders under the IV int. § Bxpenditi if district railways, £4' lidland Railways ure under Railw! 77,487 7s. lid. i Petitions Settle iys Improvement lent Act Amen< Authorization ment Act, 1903 Let Account. t Hutt R. II Includes £7. oad and Railway .222 9s. 6d. expei nprovement Account: Includes £8,2! led on new steamer, and on wharves. (5 12s. 7d., cost of lai Lake Wakatipu. id previously char) \ Deposit Acco ged to railway nov >unt "with High Co: transferred to the ri tmissioner, London, >ad. \ Expenditure under Hutt now refunded to Public Works Fund.



TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, Bridges, &c., out of the Public Works Fund, Consolidated Fund, and the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1911, for the Year ended 31st March, 1913.

3-D. 1.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. i ~ Electorate. Net Expenditure. 09 I 3 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 PUBLIC WORKS FUND. ROADS, ETC. Whangakbi Road District— Ahipara to Herekiiio (£1 for £1) . . Awanui to Waipapakauri Broadwood to Motukaraka Chamberlain Road Darrick Road Duncan Road .. Fairburn Road Herekino Post-office to Factory (£1 for £1).. Herekino Settlement Roads (£1 for £1) Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Bay of Islands t" £ s. d. 125 10 8 107 5 0 7 4 0 94 13 0 35 9 5 84 8 0 43 3 6 4 18 0 ' 9 3 7 Hikurangi to Ma.ngakura Hodge's Bridge Hokianga County flood damage (£1 for £1). . Huehue (£1 for £1) Iwitaua to Mangamuka Hokianga Mangonui and Hokianga Whangarei Mangonui Hokianga . . 50 ■ 0 0 247 11 10 100 0 0 0 5 0 176 8 3 15 17 18 19 21 23 27 28 29 31 32 Jordan to Otakairangi (£50, £1 for £1) Kaeo to Puerua Kaeo to Towai Kaeo Village . . .. Kaeo to Whangaroa (£1 for £1) . . Kaikohe to Kawakawa, via Ngapipito (£1 for£l) Kaikohe to Mangakahia Church Mangonui, Whangaroa, and Hokianga Whangarei Bay of Islands Whangaroa 80 13 0 49 19 0 14 9 4 50 0 0 74 12 6 1 2 6 Bay of Islands 33 Hokianga and Bay of Islands Whangarei Mangonrii 774 13 2 36 38 39 41 43 44 46 48 49 50 51 53 Kaimamaku to Helena Bay Kaitaia to Ahipara Kataia Road (factory to church), (£1 for £1) Kawakawa Hospital Road Kenana Kereponia (£50, £1 for £1) Kiripaka to Ngunguru, via Kaitaia (£1 for £1) Kohukohu to Motukaraka, via Runa Valley Kohukohu Township Roads (£1 for £2) Larner Road (Kaitaia), (£50, £1 for £1) Mamari Village to Pukemiro Mangakahia Bridge to junction of rivers (£1 for£l) Mangakahia Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) Mangatete Bridge Mangatoetoe (£50, £1 for £1) Mangapoke Bridge (£1 for £1) ' .. Mangonui to Cable-station Mangonui County flood damage (£1 for £]) Matapouri Motukaraka Creamery Road (£50, £1 for £1) Ngaire Bridge Ngaruawahine Okaihau to Horeke (£1 for £1) Bay of Islands Mangonui Whangarei Hokianga 94 16 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 67 10 0 47 8 0 44 0 0 100 0 0 24 1 6 100 3 4 56 2 6 18 9 0 45 0 0 Mangonui Hokianga Whangarei 54 56 57 58 60 61 66 71 72 73 78 Hokianga Mangonui Bay of Islands Mangonui 37 10 4 ■ 149 14 6 56 0 0 44 19 5 39 6 6 62 2 0 50 0 0 15 8 9 74 19 4 108 0 0 0 8 0 Whangarei Hokianga Mangonui Bay of Islands .. Hokianga and Bay of Islands Bay of Islands 79 80 81 82 83 84 Okaihau to Kerikeri Okaihau No. 2 Block Road Okaihau Settlement Road Okaihau to Waihou (£75, £1 for £1) . , Omanaia River Bridge Opanaki to Hokianga (£1 for £1) .. 13 13 8 50 0 0 50 0 0 28 j* 0 512 12 3 1 |0 0 85 88 91 93 97 98 102 104 Opouteke Block (access road) Opuawhanga to Helena Bay Oropo (£1 for £1) Oruru to Kohumaru (£1 for £1) .. Otonga to Opuawhanga (£1 for £1) Oue to Landing .. .. ..! Paiaka to Hukerenui ... Peria to Victoria Valley Post-office (£100, £1 for£l) Puata Creek Bridge and approaches Punakitere Bridge Ramarama (Lower), (£50, £1 for £1) ..! Rangiahua to Umawhero (£50, £1 for £1) Rawene Hospital Road Ruapekapeka Parish, Section 95, &c. ..! Russell to Waikare Stony Creek to Kaeo .. . . .. | Stony Creek to Mangonui Taita (£1 for £1) Takahue Village to Victoria Valley Road g(£lfor£l) Hokianga Hokianga and Hobson Hokianga Whangarei Bay of Islands Mangonui Whangarei Hokianga Bay of Islands .. Mangonui 86 18 4 100 0 0 70 9 4 38 12 6 25 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 172 4 8 107 108 110 I I I 112 113 115 117 118 120 121 Hokianga Bay of Islands .. Hokianga Bay of Islands . . 200 0 0 124 15 5 50 0 0 96 14 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 79 IB 0 31 10 6 1 4 6 114 10 6 Whangaroa Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. I Name of Work. Name of Work. County. Electorate Net Expenditure. 09 123 L24 125 127 128 129 i 130 ! 131 132 133 135 137 138 140 141 143 144 145 147 148 150 151 153 ROADS, ETC.—continued. Whanoabbi Road District — continued. Te Teko to Kauaeranga .. .. . . 1 Towai Hill .. . . .. .. Towai to Kawakawa (£50, £1 for £1) Towai to Ruapekapeka .. .. . . Dmawhero to Mangamuka (£50, £1 for £1).. j Utakura to Okaka .. .. .. i Utakura River Bridge .. .. Victoria Valley Post-office to Eairburn (£1 I for £1) Waiharakeke Stream Bridge Waiharara Stream Bridge Waikare to Kawakawa Waimamaku to Pakanae Waimamaku Settlement. . .. . . j Waimatanui to Tarawhati Wainui Bridge . . Waiotemarama (£1 for£l) Waiotewhata Waiotu to Hukerenui (Galbraith's), (£50, £1 for £1) Waipapakauri to Waiharara Waipapakauri to West Coast Waitangi Stream Bridge.. Whakapara to Rotokakahi (£100, £1 for £1) Wnakapara southwards (metalling), (£1 for £1) Whananaki Coast Road Whangao Settlement Road Whangaroa Coast Road White's Bridge (Herekino). (£1 for £1) Carter Road Grahamtown Railway-station to Taumaterau Mangapai to Whangarei (£1 for £1) MoLaughlin's to Oaves Otaika to Maungakaramea (£1 for £1) Otaika Valley (£1 for £1) Parua to Taheke Ruakaka Valley (£50, £1 for £1) .. Waikiekie to Mareretu (road and bridge) .. Waipu Caves to Mangapai Waipu Gorge to Section 1, Block X, Waipu S.D. Whangarei County flood damage (£1 for £1) Whangarei to Whangarei Heads (£100, £1 for £1) Kaihu to Tarawhati Whangarei Whangaroa .. ! Bay of Islands Hokianga .. | Mangormi I Bay of Islands Mangonni Bay of Islands .. ! Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands and Whangarei Mangonui .. | Bay of Islands .. ! Hokianga Whangarei .. Bay of Islands £ s. (I. i-6 15 5 50 0 0 84 10 0 24 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 350 0 0 39 12 0 90 (i 2 75 0 0 22 10 0 100 8 9 303 8 0 34 11 3 147 7 3 0 6 9 99 13 J 50 0 (I 50 0 0 49 8 6 164 13 3 28 17 0 100 0 0 L54 155 157 161 Bay of Islands Whangaroa . . j Hokiangti and Mangonui Whangarei 100 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 77 9 10 165 168 174 178 180 181 182 185 189 191 194 198 200 Marsden 40 0 0 100 0 0 57 10 0 72 0 0 797 17 8 75 0 0 100 0 0 45 15 8 279 9 9 50 0 0 1 10 0 r>7 o o 65 0 0 .. I 204 Hokianga and Hobson Whangarei Kaipara 192 15 9 205 206 Mangakahk Bridge to Houtu (£50, £1 for £1) Mangakahia Bridge to Manga.kahia Church (£700, £1 for £1) _ Mangatu Stream Bridge.. .. Waima to Opouteke Waima River Bridge Waiote-Kumarau (£150, £1 for £1) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &e. 40 7 4 290 11 0 207 210 21.3 214 216 Hokianga 64 6 9 302 9 10 455 19 5 39 6 2 318 1 3 217 218 751 18 2 i Cr. 28 15 3 219 ; Cr. 125 0 11 Total—Whangarei 12,202 18 5 221 222 223 225 226 229 2:so 231 232 Attoklasd Road District — Big Omaha to Pakiri, via Leigh (£350, £1 for £1) (on account of £2,000) Boulder Stream Bridge .. Cames Bridge (£1 for £1) Dibble's Bridge to Whangaripo Creamery .. Hakarau River Bridge (£1 for £1) Kaiwaka to Mangawai (£70, £.1 for £1) Little Scotland to Railway-station Mangawai to Te Hana Railway-station Mangawai to Waipu (coast road), (£50, £1 for £1) Matakana to Whangaripo Maungaturoto to Kaiwaka (£50, £1 for £1) Rodney.. Otamatea Marsden 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 75 0 0 29 9 3 100 0 0 50 0 0 102 2 0 Rodney.. Otamatea 233 234 Rodney Otamatea 50 0 0 100 0 (I


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, & c.—continued.


Vot< No. Iteni No. Name of Work. County. Electoral.!'. I Net Kxpeuditure. 09 237 239 243 246 250 251 252 255 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Maungaturoto Wharf Road Omaha to Matakana (through Sections 34 and 35) Puhoi to Glynn Dairy Factory (£2 for £1) .. Streamlands to Kaipara Flats Road (£2 for £1) Te Hana to Mangawai (£] for £1).. Turner's Bridges (£1 for £1) Turnwald Road (£1 for £1) Waipu Gorge Bridge Otamatea .. i Marsden Rodney.. .. : ,, I Whan garei and | ,, Otamatea Otamatea .. ,, £ s. d. 62.14 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 (I 450 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 128 6 10 6 2 8 256 Waipu to Mareretu (Otamatea County Section) Warkworth to Matakana Whangaripo to Wellsford (£400, £1 for £1), (on account of £1,500) Angel's to Creamery Aoroa to Aratapu Drainage Arapohue to Hoanga Arapohue to Mangonui Bridge (Lower) Arapohue Settlement Road, via Education Reserve (£1 for £1) Aratapu Ferry Road to Hospital Awaroa to Te Kowhai Batley Road Batley Wharf to Bickerstafie Dargaville to Opanake Special Settlement (£2for£l) Great North Road flood-damage (Rodney County) Hefford's Bridge (£1 for £1) Helensville end of Auckland Road Helensville to Kaukapakapa (Inland Road) Helensville to Port Albert (Waitemata County Section) Helensville Swing-bridge (£1 for £1) Hoyle Road to Lusk Road, via The Neck . . Hukatere (access road) Kaihu to Waima Kai Iwi to Kaihu Kaipara Flats to Tauhoa Railway-station .. Kaiwaka to Railway-station Kakanui Bridge (£1 for £1) Kirikopini to Mangakahia (£1 for £1) Kumeu Cemetery Road Lusk Road (£50, £1 for £1) Makarau to Komokoriki. . 262 265 Rodney. . .. ,, 250 0 0 77 10 0 267 268 269 270 271 Otamatea .. Kaipara j Hobson .. .. ,, 27 13 10 100 0 0 100 0 (» .300 0 0 73 0 0 275 278 280 281 287 Otamatea. .. ,. Hobson .. .. j „ 100 0 0 50 0 0 29 18 6 99 19 0 300 0 0 291 Rodney.. .. ,, 100 0 0 293 294 296 298 Waitema! a 75 0 0 43 Iβ 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 299 303 304 307 308 309 311 312 313 314 316 318 Hobson .. .. ! ,, Otamatee .. ,, Hobson .. .. ] „ Rodney.. .. ,, j Otamatea .. ! ,, Rodney.. .. „ Hobson.. . . ,, Waitemata .. ,, Hobson.. .. ,, Waitemata and „ Rodney Waitemata .. ,, : Rodney.. I Hobson. . .. i ,, 125 0 0 75 0 0 64 4 4 100 0 0 ] 50 0 0 60 p 0 127 i> 0 50 0 0 156 8 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 114 19 0 100 12 8 144 8 11 99 19 3 57 10 0 37 10 « 319 320 321 324 325 327 328 329 335 342 343 345 346 347 348 355 356 360 Makarau Railway-station to Kaukapakapa Makarau Railway-station to Tahekeroa Makarau Railway-station to Wainui Mangakura to Hoteo Railway-station Mangonui Bridge (Lower) to Hokowaiti (£100, £1 for£l) Maropiu to Kairara (£100, £1 for £1) Matakohe District Roads Matakohe to Mangonui .. Maungaru S.D., Block VII, Section 5 Mount Wesley to Kaihu (£300, £1 for £1) .. Naiimai to Bradley's Corner Ohirangi to Helensville (£1 for £1) Okahu Creek Bridge Omano to Mangarata (£1 for £1) .. Omano to Maraekura Pahi to Paparoa Paparoa (Sterling's Road Deviation) Paparoa to Waikiekie (Otamatea County Section), (£1 for £1) Paradise Road Paton'sHill (£1 for £1) .. Pekapekarau State Forest Reserve Road (£1 for £1) Port Albert to Wellsford Station (£1 for £1) Poyner's to Omaru Redhill to Poutu, via West Coast Robertson Road (£1 for £1) Ruatawhiri Road South Head Road and Deviation Tangaihi to Tangitiki Tangaihi to Tikinui Tangowahine Post-office Bridge .. . Otamatea .. .. Hobson.. .. J ,, Otamatea Waitemata .. „ Hobson.. .. j ,, Otamatea . . ., 100 0 0 55 6 0 120 0 0 100 *) 0 107 11 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 101 6 4 51 lie 8 54 2 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 51 17 S 361 362 363 Hobson.. .. ,, 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 365 366 370 372 373 376 378 379 380 Rodney. . .. „ : Otamatea . . ,, Hobson. . .. ,, Otamatea .. ,, Waitemata .. ,, Hobson.. .. „ ' 402 12 0 50 0 0 199 18 11 50 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote No. Item No. J Name of Work. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Kxpenditure. 09 382 1584 388 389 391 392 ROADS, ETC.— continued. ' Auckland Road District— continued. Tangowahine to Mangakahia (£1 for £1) Tatarariki Swamp Road . . Tβ Hana Railway-station Road .. Te Kopuru to Creamery (£1 for £1) To Pahi to Hoteo Railway-station Tokatoka to Mangonui Bridge (Upper) Hobson Rodney.. Hobson Rodney.. Otamatea mid Hobson Kaipara £ s. d. 50 0 0 200 0 0 103 5 6 100 0 0 150 0 0 119 12 5 395 398 400 406 407 408 415 417 Tokatoka to Matakohe (Matakohe end) Waimauku to Waikoukou (£162, £2 for £1) Wairoa River Ferry (Mapuna), (£] for £1) .. Whittaker's Hill (£1 for £1) Woodhill to Wharepapa Railwav-station .. Albany to Cut Hill (£100, £1 for £1) Green hithe to Cut Hill .. Hobsonville to Weissers and Brigham's Creek (£1 for £1) Kaukapakapa to Nanahu Post-office Riverhead Bridge approaches (£1 for £1) Rosedale Whaii Road Takapuna to Redvale (£50, £1 for £1) Wade Bridge (£1 for £1).. Wade to Kahikatea Flat Wade Village to Upper Orewa (£100, £1 for £1) Wainui to Kaukapakapa Railway-station . . Waiwera to Wainui Carter Road Gladstone Road Henderson Pound Bridge and 'approaches (£1 for £1) Hetana Hamlet Roads (£50, £1 for £1) New Lynn to Henderson Point Chevalier Road Titirangi School Road (£50, £1 for £1) Waikumeto to West Coast Wairere Road (£1 for £1) Waitakerei to West Coast Whau, Portage Road (£1 for £1) .. Akaaka to Pukekohe, through Shepherds .. Ardmore Range Road Awhitu Wharf to Awhitu Central (£1 for £1) Awhitu Wharf Road to Morrison's, via Orua Bay (£1 for £1) Dow Road Eastern Drain Extension to Waikato River (£250, £1 for £2) Flat Bush School Road Great South Road (Papakura Road District), (£1 for £1) Kawakawa Bay to Hauarahi Stream Manurewa to Weymouth (£1 for £1) Maraetai to Clevedon (£200, £1 for £].) Otau Parish (Sections 6 and 94) .. Patumahoe Township Roads (£1 for £1) Patumahoe to Waiuku — Drury Road Piggott Road Tramway Road (Puni), (£1 for £1) Turangaruru to Waipipi Main Road (£1 for £2), (on account of £1,500) Waikopu Bridge Wairoa Butter-factory to Brookby Creamery Warioa Road District Bridges Waiuku to Awhitu Waiuku to Pukekohe (Tramway Road) Whitford Road (£1 for £1) Woodhouse Hill to Waiuku-Drury Road Coromandel County flood damage Coromandel to Mercury Bay Kopuku Stream Bridge and approaches Mangapiko Valley (£45, £1 for £1) Matahura Valley to Proctor's (£900, £1 for £1) Matatoke Road and Drain Ohinewai Railway-station to Ngarua Block (£1 for £1), (on* account of £1,650) Opani to Turua Owaikanae Settlement Road Pipi Creek Bridge and approaches Tahuna to Waikaka Taniwha to Waivangi Railway-station Waikaka Stream Road Wairangi Railway - station to Matahura River (£1 for £1), (on account of £2,650) Otamatea Waitemata Hobson Waitemata 25 14 10 38 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 Waitemata >> 419 421 422 423 424 426 428 429 432 436 437 438 )* ] 7 6 100 0 0 75 0 0 67 10 0 400 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 66 0 0 350 0 0 Eden Eden" Waitemata 441 442 444 448 451. 452 453 454 457 459 461 462 Eden' Waitemata >j 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 54 12 3 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 34 0 0 12 0 0 18 19 0 Franklin Manuka" Franklin Franklin 471 472 Manukau Franklin 164 19 0 208 0 0 473 475 Manukau 25 0 0 38 0 5 481 484 485 492 498 500 501 512 513 Franklin Manukau Franklin 110 11 11 33 0 6 121 3 9 31 6 5 95 7 4 150 0 0 34 7 2 50 0 0 488 4 11 515 517 518 519 521 522 523 525 527 535 538 544 545 550 Manukau 184 0 0 69 0. 0 755 15 10 2 12 9 59 15 0 43 7 8 61 7 1 350 0 0 193 15 0 15 10 5 17 17 10 207 9 9 100 0 0 165 1 0 Franklin Coromandel Thames Waikato Thames.. Waikato 552 554 556 563 505 ; 572 576 Thames. . Coromandel Thames.. Ohinemuri Waikato Ohinemuri Waikato 86 13 0 36 11 6 50 4 3 140 0 0 100 0 0 135 0 0 492 7 9 1



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vot« No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. I Net Expenditure. 09 577 580 581 582 585 586 589 591 593 594 600 602 603 604 6051 607§ 608 610 612 613 614 615 017 619 620 621 622 623 624 627 628 630 633 634 635 637 638 639 640 642 643 645 646 647 648 649 651 652 655 657 658 659 ROADS, ETC.— continued,. Auckland Road District— continued. Waitakaruru Stream Road Wharepoha District Roads (£50, £1 for £1). . Whitianga to Kaimarama Whitianga to Ohuka Creek Fisher Road (Tahainui). (£1 for £1) Gould Road (£1 for £1) Komata Station to Waihou River Mangaiti to Te Aroha Deviation (£J for £1).. Netherton to Awaiti Block NethertoD to Kerepehi .. Ohinemuri County flood damage (£] for £1) Puke Outfall Drain Tahuna to Paeroa Te Rohia to Mangaiti Te Kawana-Ngutumanga (£1 for £1) Waitoa Block to Waihou Railway-station (£150, £1 for £1) Awaroa Landing Road (£1 for £1) Bregmen's Landing to Churchill East Eureka Main Road to Railway-station Ferris Road Glen Murray to Rangiriri (£1 for £1) Glen Murray to Woodleigh (£1 for £1) Gordonton to M'otumaoho (£1 for£l) Great South Road (Huntly Town District), (£1 for £2) Great South Road (Taupiri to Ngaruawahia), (£1 for £1) Heddon Road Horokowau Bridges Horotui to Tekowhai Huntly to Kahuruhuru Kaipo Plat (Onewhero), (£1 for £1) Kelsey's to Port Waikato Mangaokahu (£125, £1 for £1) Maungatawhiri Stream to Maungatangi Stream (£1 for £1) McGuire Road (£1 for £1) McKinnon Road Murray River Bank Road (£1 for £1) Ngaruawahia to Huntfy West Ohote Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) Onewhero Opotoru Road (Hill's) Otoroheao Trig. Road Proctor Road (Taupiri) .. Pukekawa(£l for£l) .. Punga Punga Creek Road Puriri to Huntly (£1 for £1) Raglan to Waipa (£125, £1 for £1) Rutherford Road Sprowl's Hill (£1 for£l).. Te Akau Block to Dunmore (£1 for £1) TeKirikiri (£1 for£l) .. Te Puroa (£200, £1 for £1) Te Puroa to Waingaro - Ngaruawahia Koad (£1 for£l) Three Streams to Kauroa Butter-factory .. Tikotiko Tuakau Bridge, to Raglan (£1 for £1), (on account of £1,500) Tuakau to Pukekohe (£1 for £1) . . Tuakau Railway-station to Tuakau Bridge (£1 for£l) Tunaki Waingaro Springs to Te TTku Waingaro to Ngaruawahia (£100, £1 for£l).. Waingaro to Waingaro Landing Wainui Waitetuna to Kauri Waitetuna to Whatawhata (£250, £1 for£l) Wairamarama Block Roads (£1 for £1, (on account of £3,000) Whaatxga Whatawhata Swamp Road (£1 for £1) Alexandra Road (£50, £1 for £1) . . Diagonal Road (£1 for £1) Thames. . .. Thames Coromandel .. „ Ohinemuri .. Ohinemuri Piako .. Ohinemuri .. ,, " ,, . . ,, Piako .. '.'. "„ Ohinemuri and ,, Piako Raglan . . .. Raglan Waikato .. ,, Raglan .. .. ,, Waikato . . ,, Raglan .. . . ,, >, • • • • ,, Waipa .. . . ,, Raglan . . . . ,, Franklin . . ,, Raglan . . .. ,, £ s. d. 117 7 11 r>0 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 156 0 0 107 0 0 137 6 8 35 0 0 98 0 0 220 0 0 334 19 1 » 0 0 169 0 0 342 16 (i 50 0 0 150 0 0 350 0 0 59 19 4 531 14 3 81 0 0 566 15 6 ]B9 15 0 180 9 5 11 8 9 100 0 0 97 19 5 17 17 0 125 0 0 126 1 5 34 6 1 64 16 8 83 17 0 330 18 5 100 0 0 72 17 6 397 5 0 50 0 0 16 19 3 250 0 0 725 2 4 50 0 0 100 0 0 202 1 2 45 6 4 50 0 0 166 18 6 50 3 0 180 14 1 111 4 5 Waipa .. .. ,, Raglan . . . . ,, Waikato ... ]', Raglan .. . . ,, Franklin .. „ Raglan . . . .. ,, >> ■ • ■ • ,, 660 661 662 131 14 8 30 0 0 324 19 1 " j " " ' ' ' " 663 664 Franklin .. ,, 100 0 0 50 0 0 665 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 Raglan .. .. ; ,, ,> ■ • * • i> 55 12 4 35 12 0 50 0 0 124 14 5 48 19 0 106 12 6 535 10 8 533 9 0 675 677 680 685 Waipa . . ... ,, Piako .. ... Tauranga 117 8 3 300 0 0 49 19 2 37 17 9 I


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Electorate. Net, Expenditure. i Oil 687 689 691 695 697 698 ROADS, ETC.— continued. I Auckland Road District— continued. Mangawhero to Kaimai (£100, £1 for £1) . . Motumaoho Railway-station to Tauhei Road (£500, £1 for£l) " Tauhei to Morrinsville (£1 for £1). . Waihou River Bridges (Mangawhero) Waiomou Stream Bridge Crow's Nest Hill to No. 4, Maungatautari (£lfor£l) Hamilton to Tuhikaramea Harapepe to Karamu Kakepuku Improved-farm Settlement i Matamata . . Tauranga Piako .. Matamata . . „ Waipa and Mata- Waikalo mata Waipa .. . . ,, Raglan . . .. ,, Waitomo and AYest „ Taupo Ditto .. . . „ West Taupo Raglan .. .. ,, Waipa, West Taupo, ,, and Waitomo West Taupo and ,, Waipa Waipa . . . . ,, Waitomo . . ,, Waipa . . .. ,, £ s. d. 100 0 0 500 0 0 180 10 0 140 16 8 240 0 ») 350 0 (! 699 700 701 200 0 6 878 17 9 135 19 10 702 703 704 705 Kakepuku .. .. ■ .. Kakepuku to Puniu Bridge Kaniwhaniwha Bridge (repairs) Kihikihi to Otorohanga (£1 for £1) (Mi 1 3 134 1 10 87 7 0 500 0 (t 706 Kihikihi to Waotu 32.1 II 0 707 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 Lake Road (£1 for £1) .. Mangaiti Bridge Ngaroto Railway-station Road (£1 for£l) . . Ngaroto School Road (£1 for £1) . . Ngutunui to Kawa Okupata (£1 for £1) Oparau Bridge and approaches Pirongia to Te Rore West Pirongia to Kawhia Waitomo .. ,, Kawhia .. I ,, 120 0 0 360 5 5 120 0 0 240 0 0 155 17 8 1,535 16 10 1,141 14 9 100 0 0 91 1 5 Raglan . . ... ., Kawhia and Wai- ,, tomo Kawhia .. I ,, Waipa . . .. ,, 717 724 Pirongia West Rangiaohia Road District roads (£1 for £1), (on account of £1,000) Rukuhia Railway-station Road (£1 for , £1). . Sainsbury Road 141 !) 0 250 0 0 726 727 Raglan and Wai- ,, tomo Waipa .. . . ,, 500 0 0 68 3 0 728 729 730 732 734 735 736 737 738 739 Te Kowhai to Te Rapa (£2 for £1) Te Rahu (£1 for£l) Te Puhi Tokanui to Wharepapa . . Vandy Road Waipa River Bridge (.Pirongia), (£1 for £1). . Walker's Gully culverts (£1 for £2) Awaiti Bridge Caves Road (£1 for £1) .. Hangatiki to Waitomo (£1 for£l), (on account of £4,000) Hauturu - Otorohanga Road to Ngutunui Stream (£1 for£l) Hauturu to Otorohanga (£1 for £1) Kawhia to Marokopa River (£1,721, £1 for£l) Mangamahoe . . .. . . .. Mangaohinga River Bridge Mangatangi Bridge and approaches Mangawhero Bridge Oamaru (£1 for £1) Oteke River Bridge Otorohanga to Otewa Otorohanga to Ouruwhero Puketarata Tapuae (£1 for £1) Turitea (£50, £1 for £1) . . Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. West Taupo Raglan . . .. „ Waipa . . ' ■ • ! " 1.00 0 (t 120 0 0 163 9 1 53 7 6 no l 8 453 2 1 (i 15 0 2 0 6 7)4 10 10 483 3 4 Kawhia .. Taumarunui . . Waitomo . . : ,, 741 100 0 0 ■ ■ I 742 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 756 757 759 765 Kawhia- . . ,, Waitomo .. ,, Kawhia . . ,, Waitomo .. ,, Kawhia .. ,, Waitomo .. ,, 1,794 5 9 976 17 6 I 14 0 272 1 II 22 0 0 218 16 0 208 0 10 15 17 8 358 13 6 50 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 49 19 9 286 9 4 ,, 766 767 1,397 6 1 13 17 9 768 • • 203 8 5 Total— Auckland 44,677 5 10 772 773 774 776 779 780 787 Taukanoa Road District — Harper Road Kaharoa Kapukapu Mamaku to Ngongotaha Mount Oropi Gorge Road Rotorua to Ngongotaha Mount Wairoa River Bridge (£1 for £1) .. I Rotorua. . Tauranga •24 I 6 41 5 7 49 3 II 167 11 0 93 18 7 59 8 0 Or. 2,350 0 0 Tauranga Rotorua Tauranga • • »

D— 1.

TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 09 789 792 ROADS, ETC.— continued, Tauranga Road District— continued. Galatea to Te Teko Lichfield to Atianmri Whakatane East Taupo and West Taupo Rotorua and Tauranga Whaka.tane . Bay of Plenty.. £ s. d. 110 0 0 28 15 0 793 Maketu to Te Ngae 12 19 3 795 796 798 Maraetotara Matata to Tamurenui Junction Marupara to Ruatahuna Whakatane a n d East Taupo East Taupo Rotorua and East Taupo East Taupo and Whakatane Rotorua and East Taupo East Taupo Tauranga Whakatane 123 8 I 76 4 6 74 (i (i 799 809 Orakei Korako Rotorua to Taupo, via Waiotapu 21 12 0 80 9 4 810 Rotowhero to Galatea 49 1 0 811 Rotowhero to Murup'ara 93 5 8 815 816 818 Taupo Village Streets Tauranga to Te Puke (£1 for £1). . Waimana River Bridge and approaches (Opouriao), (£1 for £1) Waimangu Geyser to Kakaramea Waimangu to Lake Rotomahana. . Whakahaupapa Stream Bridge (Herepuru South Road Whakatane to Te Teko (£1 for £1) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 46 11 6 225 0 0 1,453 4 4 „ 819 820 822 Rotorua 25 13 0 21 12 0 90 16 4 Whakatane 823 824 130 4 11 62 10 0 825 826 568 18 3 0 3 0 827 251 10 5 Total—Tauranga 1,631 13 8 828 829 830 831 832 834 835 837 840 842 843 845 847 848 850 852 853 854 855 857 858 859 862 866 867 868 872 873 877 Gisbobne Road District— Awanui to Waiomatatine Gabriel's Gully to Conical Hill (£1 for£l) .. Gisborne to Tatapouri . . Gisborne to Tologa (£100, £1 for £1) Gisborne to Waiapu, via Kai Inanga Hawai to Mara,enui Kaiaua to Tologa Bay . . Karakatuwhero Mangohuku Matawai to Moanui (£1 for £1) . . Matokitoki Motu Falls Bridge to Porongahau Saddle, via. Jackson's Muhunga Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) Nukuhou Bridge to Waimana (£1. for £1) Opotiki County flood damage Opotiki to Matabanea Opotiki to Whakatane, via Nukuhou (£1 for £1) Otara River Bridge (£1 for £1 10s.) Peoples Road Pouawa Bridge Puha to Whatatutu (£1 for £1) .. Rakauroa to Tahora . . . . Small Grazing-run No. 60 (access) Te Waiti Tokomaru to Te Pnia Tologa to Wigan Waiawa River Bridge (Ross Ford) Waimata to Arakihi Waioeka River Mam Road (£520, £1 for£l), (on account of £4,000) Waiomoko Suspension-bridge (£1 fo? , £1) Waiotahi Bridge to Kutarere Waiotahi River Traffic Bridge (£1 for £1) . . Waiotahi Parish (access to Section 493) Waiotahi Valley and Extension (£1 for £1) Ahimanu Awapuni (Willows Settlement), (£1 for £1) .. Clydebank Settlement Floods Crossing Bridge Gisborne to Hangaroa (£100, £1 for £1) Gisborne to Muriwai (deviation), (£1 for£l) Gisborne to Wairoa County Boundary, via Tiniroto (£100, £1 for £1)' Waiapu Opotiki Cook Waiapu.. Opotiki Cook Waiapu Opotiki Waikohu Cook Opotiki . . Cook Opotiki . . Whakatane and Opotiki Opotiki . . Cook Waikohu Bay of Plenty .. *> • ■ 100 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 227 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 120 0 0 100 0 0 24 2 0 744 0 '7 166 13 4 200 0 0 75 0 0 200 0 0 167 17 11 40 1 0 580 10 4 733 7 1 83 5 9 424 8 0 147 0 9 385 8 6 0 18 0 42 4 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 450 0 0 100 0 0 624 I I Cook Opotiki Waiapu Cook .. Opotiki Cook Opotiki 878 879 880 882 883 886 887 888 889 891 892 893 Cook Opotiki 600 0 0 142 14 6 200 0 0 125 0 0 73 2 6 200 0 0 75 0 0 139 0 8 1,620 18 6 200 0 0 750 0 0 233 2 10 Cook Gisbome Wairo;i Cook


TABLE No. 4-continue d. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. _L Net Expenditure. " ! I 109 894 895 896 897 898 899 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 913 915 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Gjsboene Road District — continued. Hangaroa to Tahora (Cook County Section), | Cook . . .. I Gisborne (£1,500, £1 for£l) Hangaroa to Waikaremoana (£] for £1) .. „ .. .. ,< Karaua .. .. . . . . ,, . . • ■ „ Mangaone (£450, £1 for £1), (on account of Wairoa .. .. „ £1,000) Mangapahi (£1 for £1), (on account of £1,000) j ,, .. „ Mangapoike River Bridge (third crossing) .. | Cook .. . . „ Matoetoe Creek Bridge .. .. .. Wairoa . . Muriwai to Morere .. .. ■ ■ J Cook .. . . ,, Ngatapa Settlement (£250, £1 for £1) Nuhaka River Bridge (Nuhaka Township). . j Wairoa . . .. „ Nuhaka River Road (£200, £1 for £1) Nuhaka to Tarewa '.. .. • • ,, • • • • >* Patutahi to Gentle Annie . . .. Cook .. .. „ Patutahi to Ngatapa (£1 for £1) .. .. „ Taruheru River Bridge (£1 for £1) .. „ .. .. j „ . ■ Te Aral Valley Road .. . . . . „ . • Tokanui . . . . • • .. „ .. ' • • | " Waingake Crossing Bridge .. .. „ .. .. j „ Wairoa to Nuhaka (£1 for £1), (on account of Wairoa .. .. „ £3,000) Frasertown to Waikaremoana (£1 for£1), (on „ .. .. Hawke's Bay.. account of £1,000) Ruakituri Valley (£1 for £1) .. .. „ •■ •• » Waihi Road (£1 for £1) .. .. „ Waikare-Taheke River Bridge .. .. „ . • „ Waikaremoana Accommodation House Road ,, .. .. ,, Wairoa to Waihua (£1 for £1), (on account of „ .. „ . .. £2,000) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, ... drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including i . . ,. assistance towards the construction of i ' roads, bridges, tracks, &c. £ a. d. 604 3 7 2,382 2 6 175 0 0 177 10 11 130 0 0 118 16 8 560 15 7 250 0 0 4 0 0 1,511 0 4 6 15 0 131 12 6 270 17 9 295 9 7 282 15 0 214 14 1 343 1 6 1,036 13 6 719 5 1 918 100 0 0 920 922 924 925 928 428 12 0 273 0 0 378 9 8 89 10 6 718 19 2 929 355 0 0 930 932 764 19 7 99 3 3 23,967 5 1 Total—Gisborne . . I ■ I I 933 934 935 938 939 940 941 942 943 946 949 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 Te Kttiti Road District — Aorangi .. .. • • • ■ Ohura .. .. Taumaranui .. Arapae (£1 for £1) .. .. • • Waitomo Aukopao to Otunui Landing .. .. j Ohura .. .. j ,, Huioteka Stream Bridge . . .. Waitomo Kie Kie . . .. • • • • » . • • j Kumara (£100, £1 for£l) .. .. „ Maire • • ■ • ■ ■ ■ • >> • • i » Mairoa (£1 for £1), (on account of £2,400) .. j „ Mangakara . . .. .. . • Ohura .. .. „ Miroahuiao to Matiere (£200, £1 for£l) .. Ohura and Waitomo; „ Oniao . . .. ■. • ■ j Waitomo .. „ Otuiti . . .. • ■ • ■ Ohura .. .. ] „ Owen Road .. .. .. . • • Waitomo .. „ Parakoko .. .. • • • • „ • • » Paro . . ■ • • • • ■ >> • • » Poro-o-tarao to Taumarunui .. .. Ohura and West „ Taupo Potaka (£1 for £1), (on account of £3,500) .. Waitomo Pukearuhe (metalling), (£1 for £1) .. „ Pungarehu (£1 for£l) .. .. .. , „ Te Kuiti to Rangitoto Improved-farm Settle- ,, .. •• ment Te Kuiti to Te Kumi (£1 for £1) .. .. „ •• Tokirima (Kaikara Road to Maraekowhai : Ohura ... .. „ Block) Tongaporntu to Mangaroa (East of Kotare ,, .. .. >, Stream), (£250. £1 for £1), (on account of £1,500) Totoro (£1 for £1), (on account of £3,500) .. Waitomo Tumutumu to Waitomo .. .. .. ,. ■• •> Waikaka Stream Bridge .. . . Ohura Waitaanga North . . .. .. ,. . . Waitangata . . .. • ■ • • ,, .. ■ Whenuakura .. .. ■■ ■■ ., Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, .. drains, gravel-pits, tramways. &c. 23 17 5 2.087 0 5 67 0 3 99 6 4 75 14 9 143 19 0 97 0 0 748 14 9 371 16 10 390 18 2 47 1 8 42 8 3 13 4 10 65 15 0 6 16 30 3 0 160 15 0 469 18 6 293 10 0 117 19 8 960 961 742 2 3 54 7 4 962 1,180 8 0 963 964 966 968 969 j 971 972 299 10 0 50 0 0 108 17 0 354 7 0 40 10 0 108 11 6 420 14 11



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

4—D. 1.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. .09 973 974 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Tβ Ktjiti Road District— continued. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the otheritems of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. £ s. d. 758 12 4 35 12 II 975 Total—Te Kuiti 9,511 13 10 976 977 978 New Plymouth "Road District — Awakino to Tirua Point (coast track) Kaka Kokakoroa Awakino Clifton .. Kawhia and Awakino Awakino Whangamomona, . . Clifton Taurnarutiui .. 150 17 5 95 0 0 78 16 10 979 980 981 982 984 985 Mangatoa Marangae Block roads Mataro (£1 for£l) Mimi to Mokau Mokau River Ferry (Mokau), (on account) .. Mokau Valley Road (Mokau Township Reserve) Ngatarawa Okoke (£] for £1) Otaraoa Pukearuhe, (£1 for £1) Tangitu Stream Bridge (Okoke Road) CJruti Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) . . Waitara River Bridge (Waitnra), (£1 for £2) Carrington (Saunders Road to Newall Road (£150, £1 for £1) Egmont Road (Upper) Hill Road to Kotuku Road Saunders Road (£1 for £1) Koane Moeawatea Ridge Rawhitiroa (£1 for£l) .. Wiremu Road (Kiri Road to Ngariki Road) Arnold Brewer (Strathmore to Murcott Road), (£1 for£l) Junction Road (Purangi to Matau) Kohi Maikai Mangaehu (Mangaehu Village to Punewhakau Village), (£1 for£l) Mangaehu (Upper), (£1 for£l) Mangaone Stream Bridge (Rerekino Road).. Mount Humphries Road Okara .. Okara River Bridge Stratford to Stratford Mountain House Tangarakau Valley Road Waitara Valley (Tangitu Road to Mangere Road) Waitiri 702 2 10 168 8 5 101 15 0 874 5 8 124 12 2 91 16 8 Awakino 986 987 988 989 990 993 994 997 Clifton '. . 68 15 11 125 C 0 75 0 0 175 0 0 147 10 9 200 0 0 2.528 0 0 142 0 0 Clifton and Taranaki Taranaki and Egmont Taranaki Taranaki 998 999 1001 1003 1005 1008 1009 1010 1011 Eltham and Patea Eltham Egmont . . 32 10 10 50 0 0 91 6 8 108 17 7 46 1 1 250 0 0 223 10 0 80 15 0 650 6 0 Egmont Whangamomona .. Stratford 1012 1013 1014 1016 Clifton Whangamomona .. 50 0 0 351 10 8 41 8 0 300 0 0 Stratford .. j 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1024 1026 1028 Whangamomona . . Clifton . . .. j Stratford .. i Whangamomona .. | 750 0 0 160 1 10 61 11 3 248 , 3 0 47 1 10 25 0 0 61 11 7 123 17 4 a ■ • Stratford Whangamomona .. Clifton 1029 1031 1032 York Road Maben Stratford and Eltham Stratford Eltham, Hawera, and Patea Patea Eltham and Patea Patea Patea 118 6 3 50 0 0 81 15 3 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 Mataimoana Moeawatea Valley Opaku Wharariki Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &e. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 68 15 2 78 3 6 109 1 2 109 12 2 71 9 6 1038 1040 738 0 2 139 19 5 Total—New Plymouth 11,167 16 11 1041 1042 1043 1045 1048 1049 Wahganui Road District— Taringamutu Valley Road Arawata Barton and Field's Boad (£1 for £2) Field's Track to Junction Hikimutu Kaimatangi West Taupo Waimarino Wanganui Waimarino Kaitieke Wanganui Taumarunui .. Waimarino 15 3 9 50 0 0 1,073 7 9 13 18 6 83 14 10 144 10 0


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. J ROADS, ETC.— continued. Wangantji Road District — continued. Kaitieke (£500, £1 for £1), (on account of £3,500) Makotuku River Bridge Makokomiko (£100, £1 for £1) Mangamahoe (North), (£1 for £1) .. Mangamahu Valley Mangatiti Mataroa roads .. Ngamatea to Pungatawa (£1 for £1) Oio (£100, £1 for£l), (on account of £500) .. Paengaroa Kaitieke Waimarino £ s. d. 84 3 6 109 1050 1055 1056 1057 1058 1061 1064 1066 1068 1071 Waimarino Kaitieke Rangitikei Wanganui Waimarino Wanganui 250 0 0 94 2 10 260 0 0 135 0 0 245 14 9 75 0 0 126 10 0 164 15 8 80 8 0 . >> Kaitieke Wanganui and Rangitikei Kaitieke » • • 1073 Pokatea (£250, £1 for £1), (on account of £1,900) Pukeatua (£250, £1 for £1), (on account of £600) Rotoaira to Waimarino » • • 402 10 8 1075 48 2 5 1077 Kaitieke, East Taupo, and West Taupo Wanganui Kaitieke East Taupo Waimarino . . Kaitieke 116 3 7 1078 1078 1080 1081 1082 Tauakira Block Road (deviation) Te Maire (£150, £1 for£l), (on account of £700) Tokaanu Wharf Road Tuahu Waimarino to Retaruke (£100, £1 for £1), ■ (on account of £1,500) Waipapa Waitoka Road.... Wanganui Valley Road (£150, £1 for £1) .. Wilson's Road (£300, £1 for £1) .. Ami Ahu (£1,385, £1 for £1), (on account of £3,000) Kauarapaoa Omata (£200, £1 for £1) .. Piercy Road Bridge Ridge Road Wanganui River Bridge (£1 for £3) Whareroa Road (Parakeretu Block) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 75 19 0 142 18 5 44 3 10 69 13 9 126 3 0 ■my 1083 1085 1087 1088 1089 Wanganui Kaitieke Wanganui Waitotara » ' ■ 70 2 9 101 10 0 4 8 10 300 0 0 957 5 2 1091 1093 1094 1095 1097 1103 1104 Patea Waitotara Patea Wanganui Rangitikei >> • • Wanganui Rangitikei 172 6 11 60 5 0 128 9 8 171 19 11 1,946 13 8 326 1 9 411 17 0 1105 1106 1,388 3 0 Or. 26 11 5 1107 i 161 1 6 Total—Wanganui 10,095 18 0 Napier Road District— Puketitiri Hot Springs Road to Taharua Station Road (Te Matai) Esk River Bridge (£1 for £1) Napier to Puketitiri (£1 for £2) .. Pohuo to Titiokura Saddle Puketitiri to Hot Springs Run No. 11, Kaweka Survey District (access) Tongoio Lagoon (deviation) Waitara to Pohukura Havelock North to Waimarama Settlement (Tukituki Hill deviation), (£1 for £1) Hawea Makaretu Block Roads Mangatahi Stream Bridge (£2 for £1) Waingongoro .. Waipawamate Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Long Range Road (£1 for£l), (on account of £1,500) Mangaorapa Motuotaraia Road (£1 for £2) Ngahape Road (£1 for £1) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Hawke's Bay 38 16 3 1108 Hawke's Bay.. 1109 1111 1112 1113 1114 lllfi 1121 1124 900 0 0 650 0 0 2,018 3 11 150 3 1 3 10 2,646 2 9 211 0 6 250 0 0 Wairoa . . Hawke's Bay Waipawa 1125 1127 1129 1138 1141 1143 Waipawa Hawke's Bay y> • • 100 0 0 285 15 2 450 0 0 5 19 6 150 0 0 1,329 0 0 Waipawa Patangata t> • • Pahiatua 1145 1146 1147 1150 >> • • 176 3 4 150 0 0 47 0 0 345 0 10 1151 632 2 4 Total—Napier 10,538 8 8



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name oJ Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. L09 1163 1165 1167 1170 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Wellington Road District — Lagoon Road (north), (£100, £1 for £1) . . Mangahuia Road East Mangapapa (£1 for £1) .. Mangawharariki Road (fencing cliff), (£1 for £1) Mangoira Gorge Road Mania (£100, £1 for £1) Omatane (£100, £1 for £1) Ra.ngitane Kiwitea. . Oroua £ s. d. 83 16 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 1171 1172 1173 1177 Rangitikei Rangitikei and Kiwitea Pohangina Weber and Dannevirke Dannevirke Weber 100 0 0 50 0 0 112 17 0 72 19 8 >) 1178 1187 Tunipo Berntson's Slip Pahiatua 200 0 0 157 10 0 1189 1190 Cross Road Dannevirke to Herbertville, via Waipatiki (Weber County Section), (£870, £1 for£l), (on account of £1,000) Dew Road Esdale (£1 for £1) Makairo to Coonoor Makuri to Pongaroa (£1 for £1) .. Makuri Saddle to Pongaroa, via Rakaunui (£1 for £1) Mangapapa Bridge (£1 for £1) Mangatoro Stream foot-bridge Mangatoro Stream Bridge, Sixth Crossing (£400, £1 for £1) Mill Stream Road and Bridge Oporae Piper Road (£75, £1 for £1) Pongaroa to Weber County Boundary (£1 for £1) Range Road Rimu Road (£1 for £1) .. Ruaroa Road to Te Rehunga Tamaki No. 1 to Law Road Te Awaputahi Bridle-fcraek Top Grass Road and Bridge Aohanga River Bridge (Lnogford), (£1 for£l) Barton's Lino (between Dagg's Road and Dryer's Rook), (£1 for £1) Bowen Road (South) 300 0 0 359 6 9 1191 1192 1197 1198 1199 Pahiatua Weber .. Pahiatua Akitio and Pahiatua Akitio 175 14 2 72 6 2 14 16 0 91 8 1 173 15 0 1201 j 1204 1205 Woodville Dannevirke 65 0 0 117 1 6 Cr. 312 9 4 1208 1209 1214 1215 Weber .. 127 13 0 100 0 0 23 1 0 169 4 6 Pahiatua Akitio 1216 1218 1219 1222 1223 |1225 1232 1233 Woodville Akitio Dannevirke Weber Woodville Akitio .. Mauriceville 50 0 0 130 7 1 261 2 8 8 1 4 73 8 11 460 1 5 600 0 0 230 0 0 Masterton 1235 Eketahuna and Mauriceville Eketahuna 96 3 7 159 17 0 44 16 6 300 0 0 1236 1237 1238 Central Mangaone Road (East) Eketahuna to Alfredton (£1 for £1) Glendonald to Wairere Masterton and.Wairarapa South Masterton and Pahiatua Eketahuna Mauriceville Eketahuna 1240 Hinemoa to Alfredton .. 200 8 0 1247 1249 1257 1258 1260 1261 1264 Keene's Bridge (£1 for £1) Mangaorongo Priest's Bridge (£1 for £1) Quarry Road Te Hoe Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) Tiraumea Valley Road (£1 for £1) Waihoki Valley (£200, £1 for £1) Masterton Pahiatua Akitio and Masterton Masterton and Castlepoint Masterton Wairarapa South.. Masterton Wairarapa South.. Masterton Castlepoint Featherston Masterton Castlepoint Masterton Featherston and Wairarapa South Castlepoint Wairarapa South.. Horowhenua Horowhenua and Hutt Horowhenua 50 8 4 71 7 6 110 0 0 345 16 0 310 0 0 50 0 0 71 1 2 1267 Alfredton to Tinui (£270, £1 for £2) Wairarapa 229 8 1 1272 1273 1277 1278 1280 1288 1291 1294 1302 1304 1308 Fernyhurst Road and Deviation Gladstone to Wharau (£1 for £1) Homewood to Kaiwhata Kaiwhata (£50, £1 for £1) Kiriwhakapapa Masterton to Tinui (£1 for £1) Ngarara Bridge (£1 for £1) Riversdaie Road (£100, £1 for £1) Tinui Valley (£1 for £1).. Uruti Road (£100, £1 for £1) Wangaehu Valley Road (Mahupuku) IV 281 2 1 55 13 9 114 14 3 200 0 0 185 0 0 50 0 0 190 0 0 60 0 0 101 0 0 185 0 0 150 0 0 1309 1310 1316 1318 Whakitaki to Castlepoint (£1 for £1) Wharau to Flat Point (£50, £1 for £1) Manakau North Ngatiawa Bridge (£1 for £1) Otaki 205 14 11 100 0 0 136 12 6 125 0 0 1321 1322 1325 1326 1332 Otaki Gorge Road (£1 for £1) Otaki to Manakau (£1 for £1) Taungata Bridge (£1 for £1) Te Horo to Mangaone Valley Mungaroa River Bridge 5? 35 9 3 54 16 1 728 13 10 59 14 0 578 0 0 Hutt Hutt


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 09 1333 1336 1337 1333 1336 1337 ROADS, ETC.—-continued. Wellington Road District — continued. Orongorongo Whitenian's Valley Cook Road I Hutt Hutt £ s. d. 75 0 0 .147 14 6 55 12 6 / ■ W e 11 i n g t o n Suburbs I Ditto 1338 1339 1340 1343 1344 1346 1348 1350 1353 1352 1353 1338 1339 1340 1343 1344 1346 1348 1350 Oottle Road to Normandalc Harris Road Hawtrey Settlement Moonshine to Wainui Pahautanui to Upper Hutt (£100, £1 for£l).. Plimmerton to Pukerua Pukerua to Paekakariki (£1 for £1) Survey', acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the otheritems of the, vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. ; Makara I Hutt . . ,'s 75 0 0 56 6 10 100 0 0 42 3 11 130 0 0 130 4 9 66 11 3 313 16 0 » 1351 1352 704 2 7 2 8 2 1353 53 14 8 Total—Wellington 11,855 12 11 1357 1358 .1362 1365 1366 1370 1373 j 1377 1380 1381 1382 1384 1385 1386 1388 1390 1392 1393 1390 1397 1399 1402 1403 1405 HOli 1407 1408 1409 1410 ! 1411 1412 1414 1416 1418 1420 1421 1423 1424 142(5 1426 1427 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 Nelson Road District— French Pass, Admiralty Bay, and Croixelles Tracks Nelson to Rai Saddle (£100, £1 for £1) Aaron Creek Road Apple Valley Awaroa to Totaranui Brooklyn Creek protective works liiirut Section Road Craigieburn Road Edmondson Creek Bridge Edward Road (Lower Moutere) Ellis Creek Road Flood damage (Motueka), (£1 for£i) Fowler's to Painter's (iardner Road (Upper Moutoro) .. Glen Rae Hamama Hope Valley bridges Horopito Lewis Flat River protective works Little Sydney Road Longford to Waingaro Marahau to Sandy Bay Motueka Coach Road (old) Motueka River Bridge (Kohatu to Westport) Motueka River protective works .. Motueka River Road (West Bank) Motueka Valley (Faulkener's) Motueka Valley to Whangapeka .Moutere Mud-flat and extension Moutere Valley Road Neudorf to Dovedale Onekaka Bridge Pariwhakaoho Pohara to Terakohe Quail Valley Rameka Creek Track Reece Road Rising Sun Valley Riwaka Road Board roads Riwaka to Sandy Bay and Marahau (Coast Track) Rosedale Hill Road Sherry Valley to Kaka, Sherry Valley to Tm Spring Creek to Lindsay Crossing Stantoji Creek Bridge Supplejack Valley Takaka Hill Road Takaka Main Road Takaka River Bridge (Long Plain Road) . . Tasman Valley Road Extension Torrent Bay Track Trass Valley Road Valley Hill Road (deviation) Sounds Waimea Takaka Waimea Takaka . . ; Waimea.. Takaka . . Waimea. . Takaka Waimea.. ... Takaka Waimea Takaka Waimea. . ; Takaka Waimea i ,, . . Nelson . . Motueka " ( ■ ■ j .. • • j .. I 26 11 3 65 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 5 0 0 31 5 4 69 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 127 8 3 300 0 0 140 0 0 48 5 0 50 0 0 35 0 0 334 8 6 99 19 7 100 0 0 68 10 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 1,426 17 4 400 0 0 105 0 0 200 0 0 94 5 0 814 0 e> 500 0 0 1.7 7 5 5 15 I 163 13 0 678 0 0 136 0 0 50 0 0 248 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 39 19 6 .. i i " ■ ■ i Collingwood . . Takaka Waimea Takaka, j Collingwood I Waimea.. „ • • I Takaka, Collingwood Waimea Takaka and Waimea Takaka 116 15 0 210 0 0 162 0 0 100 0 0 135 0 0 50 0 0 169 17 6 100 0 0 182 II 5 217 10 0 47 9 2 1 50 (t 0 50 0 0 Waimea Takaka Waimea ,1 ..



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name ol Work. County. Klectorate. Net Expenditure. 09 1442 1443 1445 1446 1447 1449 1452 1453 1459 1460 1461 1463 1465 ROADS, 'KIC—continued. N elsonj B.0 A u — continued. Vant's to Bubu Wai-iti Valley (Upper) .. Wairoa Gorge Road Wairoa River Bridge Waitapu and Totaranui roads Wangapeka to Tadnior River Woodstock to Stanley Brook Baigent Road (£50, £1 for £1) ., Mangles Valley Road (£100, £J. for £1) Matakitaki River protective works Owen bank cutting, Buller Road I! agg Road v acquisition, and legalization of roads, HI drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. I Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Takaka .. Waimea. . Takaka Waimea. . Murchison Motueka Buller £ s. d. 70 0 0 172 10 0 45 0 0 278 2 6 78 15 0 50 0 0 ' 100 0 0 ■<* 11 0 0 85 16 4 12 9 9 0 15 0 21 10 0 123 10 1 5, 1466 1468 592 13 9 70 10 0 Total—Nelson 10,743 I 3 1469 1470 1472 Blenheim Road Distbiot Brown Stream Bridge Deep Creek to Dead Horse Creek Kaiuma Saddle Marlborough Nelson 246 16 3 133 12 6 102 4 4 Sounds and Marlborough Marlborough 194 0 0 50 0 0 917 4 11 150 0 0 73 1 9 32 10 1 200 0 0 1.00 0 0 200 0 0 320 14 8 249 12 4 104 0 0 47 1 3 1473 1474 1475 1476 1478 1-479 1480 1482 1484 1485 1488 1490 1493 1494 1495 1496 1498 1499 1500 1502 1503 1505 1506 1509 Muttontown Creek Road Pelorus Bridge to Tinline (£1 for £1) Rai River Bridge and approaches (Carluke) Etai Saddle to Havelock (£1 for £1) Wakamarina (West) Arapawa [aland Awatere Road "District flood damage ., Beach Road to White's Bay Boyd Road (access to S.G.Bi 186) Clarence Bridge protective works Flaxbourne River to Ure River (£1 for £1) Haveloek to Kaituna (£1 for £1) . . .Kaituua-Tiia.marina (protective works), (£1 for £1) Mahakipawa to Havelook (£50, £1 for £1) . . Manuka Island Road. Omaka Road District bridges (£1 for £1) .. Picton to Grove Port Gore to Endeavour Inlet Resolution Bay Road Sounds County Tracks Timms River Bridge (Cat Point), (£1 for £ I) Waikakaho Wairau flood damage (£1 for£l) (on account) Wairau River Traffic-bridge (near Renwick), (£1 for£l) Hapuku River Bridge (on account of £9,000) Kaikoura County flood damage (£1 for £1), (on account) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &e. Supervision .. Sounds .. Awatere Sounds . . Awatere Marlborough Awatere Maryborough Sounds Wairau >, 166 8 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 214 3 0 15 lit 6 43 11 6 2,027 4 11 204 13 0 125 0 0 ],148 11 10 4.586 18 9 Marlborough 1512 1513 Kaikoura Hurunui Or. 4 3 6 189 9 9 1517 65 5 7 1518 441 0 8 Total—Blenheim 12,595 I 1 1521 1522 1523 1525 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 !l533 11534 1536 Westpokt Road District— Blue Duck Creek Road Connor's to Oparara Beach Karamea River (improvement) Llewellyn Track (Mokihinui) Batty's Creek Bridge BullerRoad to Smith's (Inangahua Junction) Carter Junction to Cape Foulwind Charleston to Grey County boundary Organ Road Waimangaroa Bridge to Beach Waimangaroa River Bridge Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Buller . . Motueka Buller 88 3 0 143 0 0 150 0 0 97 3 6 198 12 8 100 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 181 0 0 350 15 0 77 0 ( 1 537 312 12 5 Total—Westport 2,398 6 7


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 0!) 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1546 1547 1550 1551 1552 1555 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1566 1570 1572 1573 1574 1577 1578 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1589 1590 1591 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1600 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 ROADS, ETC.—continued. Greymouth Road District— Cochrane Road Larry Creek Road Reefton to Manila (£500, £1 for £1) Baxter Bridge Casolas Creek Bridge (£1 for£l) . . Cobden to Barrytown Grey County flood damage (£] for £1) Grey River protective works (Bruntier Tunnel) Hibernian Bridge Inangahua Bridge (Reefton), (£1 for £1) Maimai Road .. Slatey Creek to Big River Arahura River protective works (£1 for £1). . Arthur's Pass Tunnel Road Awatuna Railway to Ocean Beach Big Wanganui River Bridge Bird Road (£50, £1 for £1) Brandt Road (£50, £1 for £1) Dorothy Palls Track Eastern Hohonu Bridge Ferguson Road Greenstone Bridge - Grey Valley to Teremakau Haddook Road (improvoment and extension) Hohonu River Bridge, (Pounamu) Hokitika Gorge protective works Hokitika South Beach to Ruatapu Kokatahi River protective works Kokatahi Roads (widening) i . . Lake Kanieri Road (widening) Lake Kanieri Road bridges ■ . . Mahitahi Road.. . . • .. Marsden Road (old) Martyn River Bridge Mikonui to Bold Head .. - .. Mitchell's to lnehbonnie -Municipal Road extension (£50, £1 for £1) Murray Road extension Nancy River Tract Omotumotu Bridge Papakamai Red Jack's Bridge Starvation Point Road Two-mile Road and extension (Arahura) Wainihinihi Bridge Walker Creek Road Westland Ferry Service White Road extension . . . . Zigzag Road (Kumara) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &e. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Inangahua Grey Inangahua Grey Inangahua Grey" Westland Grey . . '.'. Westland Grey Westland Grey Westland Buller Grey Westland £ s. d. 171 10 0 18 0 0 427 17 9 122 8 0 137 0 0 120 0 0 105 0 C 385 3 4 55 10 0 661 9 5 174 13 9 300 0 0 75 0 0 73 15 0 50 0 0 2,689 4 11 194 0 0 128 9 0 108 17 9 145 0 0 109 15 0 191 3 7 475 9 2 56 10 5 215 2 6 60 16 6 300 0 0 211 8 9 86 3 0 90 0 0 94 10 11 100 0 0 loo n o 45 1 6 110 2 9 50 0 0 100 0 0 165 0 0 100 0 0 93 7 2 228 12 7 250 0 0 300 0 0 45 15 8 368 17 6 107 7 3 200 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 55 7 0 Grey . . Westland Grey Westland Grey Westland Grey Westland 1607 1609 227 18 0 208 8 2 Total—Greymouth , 11,289 16 4 1611 1612 1613 1615 1618 1619 Chbistchurch Ro4D District— East Oxford to Wharfdale (Richardson's Track) Gower Road Grey River Bridge (£1 for £1) Main Kowhai River Bridge (Leithfield), (£1 for£l) Okuku Bridge protective works (£1 for £2) .. South Kowai River Bridge (Balcairn), (£1 for£l) Waipara River Traffic-bridge (£1 for £1) Weka Pass (£1 for £1) .. Dyer Pass (£1 for £1) .. Heathcote-Lyttelton Bridle-track (£1 for£l) King Edward VII Road Ashley Cheviot Ashley :. Kowai Ashley Kowai Hurunui 200 0 0 300 0 0 750 0 0 286 15 0 30 0 0 256 3 10 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 Waipara and Kowai Waipara Heathcote Lyttelton 886 11 6 93 15 0 125 0 0 50 0 0 248 13 1 1633 1634 1639 Ruapaki Road (White's), (£1 for £1) Wright Road to Blenheim Road (£1 for£l).. Tuahiwi Native Reserve Road (Kaiapoi), (£2 for£l) Halswell and Mount Herbert . Heathcote Waimairi Rangiora >y Riccarton Kaiapoi 100 0 0 300 0 0 115 11 0



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. I Electorate. Net Expenditure. 00 1640 1641 1643 1645 1646 1648 1649 1655 1660 1663 1664 1665 1668 1669 1670 1671 1675 1677 1680 1683 1684 1687 1689 1690 1692 1695 1.700 1701 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Cheistchubch Road Distbict— continued. Page's Road (£1 for £1) .. Coalgate to Gorge Road Mount Somers to Mesopotamia (£1 for £1) .. Ruapuna Settlement (School Road), (£1 for£l) Shepherd Bu,sh to Maronan (£1 for £1) Upper Downs Road (£1 for £1) 1 Burke's Drain (£1 for £1) Okute River bridges (£1 for £1) .. North Opuha River Bridge (£2 for £1) Station Creek Bridge (£2 for £1) .. Temoana River Bridge (£1 for £1) Waihi River Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Fairlie to Timaru (culverts), (£1 for £1) Fork River Bridge Greenstone Island Road Haldon Pastoral Runs, access (£1 for £1) .. Mackenzie Pass Road (£1 for £1) O'Connor Road (£1 for £1) Pareora River Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Sodwall Road (£1 for £1) Sullivan Hill Totara Valley (£1 for £1) Warden's to Robinson's (£1 for £l) Cole, Hill (£1 for £1) Morgan Road (£1 for £1) Glenavy to Redcliff (£1 for£l) .. Wallace Road (£1 for £1) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c\ Heathcote Selwyn . . Ashburton Halswell Wairewa Geraldine Mackenzie Geraldine Mackenzie Geraldine Mackenzie Avon Selwyn Ellesmere Ashburton ,, ■ ■ Temuka £ s. d. 250 0 0 287 12 7 61 16 0 95 0 0 100 0 0 105 0 0 49 12 0 162 0 0 101 18 0 102 0 0 850 0 0 400 0 0 107 0 0 54 0 0 34 10 0 105 0 0 52 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 103 7 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 125 0 0 85 0 0 115 0 0 2 10 0 >5 Waimate Levels . . Timaru Waimate Waitaki 1702 1703 295 5 4 4 7 0 1704 107 10 4 Total—Christchurch 8,297 17 8 1707 1708 1710 1711 1713 1714 1717 1723 1724 1728 1733 1735 1736 1739 1741 1742 1743 1749 1751 1760 1762 1774 1776 1777 1780 1781 1782 1788 1790 1791 1792 1794 1797 1799 1808 1810 1813 Dunedin Road District — Fern Gully Road deviation Kakanui River Bridge (£1 for £1) Landon Creek Bridge McPherson Road Ohau Lake Road Otamatapaio Bridge Victoria Road (Elderslie Settlement) Dunback to Macraes Dunback to Pigroot Karitane Creamery to Merton Railway-station Muddy Creek to County boundary Pleasant River Bridge, near Goodwood Rail-way-station (£150, £1 for£l) Puketiraki Native Reserve Sheep-yards to Corner Bush Swampy Peak Road (Hummock), (£1 for £1) Thorburn Road (£1 for £1) Tommy's Flat Creek Bridge f£l for £1) Centre Road (Strath Taieri) Corrigal Road (Block I, Tiger Hill) Kolso to Heriot (£1 for £1) Lake Bridge to Berwick (£1 for £1) Shank Road Arrow to Crown Range Saddle (£1 for £1) .. Arrow Hospital to McDowell's Cardrona to Mount Barker Cardrona to Pembroke (£100, £1 for £1) Cardrona River Light-traffic Bridge (£1 for £1) Crown Range Saddle to Wanaka Garston to Black Bridge (£50, £1 for £1) .. Glenorchy to Paradise Glenorchy < o Routeburn Greenstone River Suspension-bridge Korin Road Lake Harris to Lake Howden Queenstown to Moke Lako Shotover Bridge and approaches (£1 for £1) Tarras to Lindis Pass (£150, £1 for £1) Waitaki.. Waihemo Waikouaiti Waihem o Waikouaiti Taieri .. Vincent Tuapelsa Taieri . . Clutha .. Lake Waitaki Oamaru Otago Central 55 17 6 287 4 7 100 12 0 200 () 0 203 5 0 311 7 0 200 0 0 226 10 0 61 1 5 175 0 0 101 1 2 278 3 1 50 14 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 49 15 0 125 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 92 2 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 102 6 6 250 0 0 150 0 0 86 7 4 100 0 0 103 5 o 52 5 2 100 0 0 51 8 3 200 0 0 Or. 392 1 6 100 0 0 Wakatipu Vincon t Lake Vincent Lake Vincen t



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. .09 •+ , 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1823 1829 1830 1833 1834 1835 1837 1839 1940 1.842 1.843 1845 1848 1850 1852 1854 1862 ismt 1870 1872 187*> 1881 1 S83 1890 1891 ! 892 1893 1894 1 906 11112 1932 1934 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Dtjmdin Road District— continued. Brighton to Taieri Main Road (Scrogg's Hill Deviation) Camp to Portobello Constance Road (Sawyer Bay) Dick Road Green Island to Taieri Mouth Lower Kaik Beach Road Otakau School Road Pipikaretu .. Pyramid Road .. Raione Beach Road Sandymount Road Taieri Bridge to Pukekura Warren Road West Harbour Road Wickliff Bay to Cape Saunders Lighthouse.. Kaikorai Valley (Roslyn) Ocean Beach Domain protective works ... Balclutha Traffic-bridge (on account of £3,000) Benhar to Stirling (£1 for £1) Blackburn Creamery Road (£1 for £1) Bruce Hill (Lawrence to Tuapeka Mouth) .. Craigie Road Greenfield Road (£1 for £1) Ineh-Clutha River protective works (£i00. on account of £1,000), (£1 for £1) Lawson Hill Manuka to Mount Stuart (£1 for £1) Morgan Road Mount Stuart (Hiliend), (£50, £] for £1) Reserve Road Roulston Road.. Sawmill Road .. Scott's Havelock Road (£] for £1) Taieri Mouth Bridge Wangaloa to Coombe Hay (£1 for £1) ( latherwood Road (£50, £1 for £1 ) Martin Road (£50, £1 for £1) McLennan River Bridge to Caberfeidh Rail-way-station Millar Road Owaka Main Road to Cannibal Bay (£50, £1 for£l) Swamp Road (£1 for £1) Tahakopa Valley (£100, £1 for £1) Tapanui to Tapanui Railway-station (£1 for £1) Tuck Creek Road Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Taieri Peninsula Waikouaiti Peninsula Taieri Peninsula Taieri Waikonaiti Peninsula Taieri Bruce and Clutha . . Bruce Tuapeka Bruce ✓ Chalmers Dunedin West Dunedin South Bruce £ s. d. 11 0 6 150 0 0 50 0 0 93 10 (I 100 I) (I 408 0 0 * 74 7 6 73 0 0 39 16 0 155 0 0 150 0 0 100 I 3 50 0 0 44 9 0 100 0 (» 150 0 0 350 0 I) 59 19 (i 215 19 3 88 1 9 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 2 10 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 32 5 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 1 ,408 I I !) 61 2 6 80 0 (I 50 0 0 273 9 5 Tuapeka Bruce .. Tuapeka Taieri and Bruce. . Bruce .. Clutha Clutha 1935 1939 33 3 0 99 19 6 1955 1958 1960 Tuapeka 62 10 0 64 0 0 75 0 0 y> • • 1962 J 970 Clutha 50 0 0 2 10 0 1971 1072 387 1 7 1 16 0 1973 221 l.S 9 Total—Dunedin 10,715 0 9 1981 1982 1989 1991 1992 1996 1999 2003 2004 20C6 2013 2014 2016 2018 2019 2020 2021 2026 2029 Jnvebcabgill Road District— Lumsden to Balfour (£1 for £1) Lumsden to Lowther (£200, £2 for £1) Pyramid to Riversdale (£1 for £1) Turnbull Road (£1 for £1) Waikaia Bush Track (£1 for £1) .. Beange Bush to Ridder Bush (£1 for £1) .. Brewster Road (£1 for £1) Mokoreta Main Road (£50, £1 for £1) Paseoe Road (£50, £1 for £1) Quarry Hills to Waikawa (£1 for £1) Allison and McLeish Road (£1 for £1) Alton No. 3 Block roads (£125, £1 for £1) Barry Road (Orepuki) Belmont to Blaokmount (£1 for £1) Benmore - Limehills River Channel Best Road (Ringway), (£1 for £1) . . Birchwood Stream Bridge (£2 for £1) Colac Bay Road (from beach) Dipton to Gtlenure Bush (£1 for £1) Southland Wakatipu Clutha . '. 100 0 0 264 13 9 100 0 0 50 0 0 48 5 9 50 0 0 8 9 6 50 0 0 23 12 0 100 0 0 95 0 0 390 7 9 88 17 6 197 4 4 329 12 0 50 0 0 144 Iβ 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 Wallace.. '.'. Wallace Southland Wallace. . Southland



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

5—D. 1.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 09 2031 2035 2040 2043 2044 2045 2047 2048 2050 2051 2055 2058 2059 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2069 2071 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2080 2082 2085 2086 2090 2091 2093 2096 2097 2101. 2103 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Invercarqill Eoad District— continued. Drummond Factory Road (£1 for £1) Ermedale Settlement roads Forde Road (Woodlaw) Grassy Creek deviation (£100, £1 for £1) Gully Road (Block XIV, Waiau S.D.) Hall-Gallagher Road Heel and Mitchell Road (£1 for £1)1 Jacobs River Hundred, Block XVIII, Sections 55 to 49 Lang and McDonald Road Lindsay's Calcium Road (£1 for £1) Longwood, Block III (Parson's) Longwood, Block XVI (to Mclnerney's) Longwood, Block XVII (Sections 12, 14, and 15), (£50, £1 for£l) Manapouri to Flaxy Creek Manuka Road (£1 for £1) Mathieson Road McFarlane Road (£1 for £1) McNeill Road (Jacobs River Hundred), (£100, £1 for £1) Moffat and Forbes Road (£1 for £1) Mossburn to Te Anau, via Manapouri Nightcaps to Wairio (£1 for £1) .. North Road (Block XIII, Waiau S.D.) O'Connell Road (£1 for £1) Ohai Stream Road Oraki Creek clearing Orawia to Tuatapere (£100, £1 for £1) Otaitai Bush deviation (£1 for £1) Reynold Road (Wrey's Bush), (£1 for £1) .. Riley and McCleery Road Sanford Road Scott's Gap (Lower), (£1 for £1) .. Stag Creek Bridge (£100, £1 for £1) Waiau, Blocks XIII and XIV (main roads) Waiau River Bridge (Tuatapere) Ward Road (Longwood) Whitestone River Bridge (Mossburn-Te Anau Road) Birch Road (£1 for £1) .. Caesar Road Coster Road (Hedgehope) Cross Road, Titipua Dobbie Road (Edendale), (£1 for £1) Edendale to Dacre (£1 for £1) Hedgehope to Mataura (£1 for £1) Invercargill, Block XXIII (South Side Sections 73, 74, and 75) Invercargill Hundred, Block XXIV, Sections 28 to 30) Kapuka to Gorge (£100, £1 for £1) Mabel Hall to Factory .. ■ Millar Road (Hedgehope) Osmond Road Scenic Reserve Road (Lothian Hundred), (£lfor£l) Tramway Road (Mabel) Turner Road (£1 for £1).. Waimatua to Everett's Hills (£1 for £1) Welsh Road (Sections 96 and 97, Block XXIII, Invercargill Hundred) Woodward Road (Morton Mains), (£1 for£l) Inglewood Road Lyon Road Waihopai River protective works (£1 for £1) Williams Road (Inglewood) Awarua Plains School Road Black Road (Otatara) Bluff Main Road Bragg Road Butterfield Beach to Horseshoe Bay Cemetery Road (Bluff) Ditch Road (Mason Bay) Elgan Terrace Flagstaff Road Forest Hill Hundred (Section 304) Gordon Road, Otatara .. Half-moon?Bay to Mill Creek Half-moonJBay to Thule Wallace.. ,, • • Southland Wallace.. , ,. • • Wallace a ' • £ s. d. 50 0 0 452 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 25 0 0 92 1 6 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 131 6 2 50 0 0 100 0 0 87 9 8 50 0 0 218 12 6 50 0 0 100 0 0 47 8 3 200 0 0 100 0 0 175 1 4 50 0 0 50 0 0 240 6 9 80 0 0 45 13 3 199 8 4 78 18 11 757 14 7 200-0 0 2 7 6 2104 2108 2112 2115 2117 2119 2122 2127 Southland Mataiira 50 0 0 200 '0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 65 6 8 50 0 0 5> * * 2129 159 16 3 2132 2137 2144 2150 2157 400 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 49 9 0 135 0 0 2162 2165 2167 2170 98 18 2 100 0 0 50 0 0 12 18 0 2171 2175 2177 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2187 2192 2197 2201 2203 2207 2212 2213 2214 Stewart Island Invercargill .. i> • ' Awarua »» ■ • 50 0 0 100 2 3 22 10 0 55 0 0 50 0 0 39 0 0 200 0 0 54 18 4 80 0 0 69 0 0 250 0 0 313 0 0 65 0 0 200 0 d 100 0 0 100 0 0 85 0 0 93 0 0 Southland Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island ,, .. I I


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 09 2215 2216 2217 2219 2221 2223 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2234 2236 2239 2240 2243 2249 2254 2255 2258 2259 22(i() 2261 2266 2267 2268 2271 2276 2277 2281 2283 2284 2287 2288 ROADS, ETC.—continued. Invebcaroill Road Distkict— continued. Harold Road .. Hedgehope-Makarewa Channel Hick's Road to Butterfields Horseshoe Bay Back Road Invercargill Hundred, Block XVI, Section 13 Invercargill Hundred, Block XXII, Sections 28, 29, and 30 (road to) Jewitt Road (Hedgehope) Leask Road to Traill's Lee Bay to Bob's Point Lee Road, Block XXII (Invercargill Hum! red) Leggett Road (£1 for £1) Makarewa Outfall Drain Maori Beach to Otagu .. .. " Marshall Road (Spar Bush) Mason Bay Road McCrostie Road (£1 for £1) New River Estuary Road (south wall) North Arm Road Ocean Beach Road Point Road Princess Road (Greenhills) Russell Road, Greenhills Ryan Creek Road .. . . . ~ Stewart Island Main Road Sutton Road (Boggy Burn) Thule to Ryan Creek Tourist roads (Stewart Island) Waikiwi Stream Bridge Waimatuku Main Road through bush Winton Creek Channel (Upper) Winton, Block III, Section 12 (outfall drain) Wright Bush Road (£1 for £1) .. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Stewart Island Southland .. | Stewart Island Southland 55 " ' Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island Southland Awarua >> • • £ s. d. 162 3 0 8 0 0 134 1 0 97 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 190 9 6 17 4 0 69 0 0 16 12 0 163 0 0 100 0 0 57 0 0 100 0 0 174 7 8 75 0 0 725 11 9 148 12 0 100 0 0 249 19 11 250 0 0 130 11 5 106 1 6 11 5 0 50 0 0 84 .3 9 104 2 6 200 0 0 79 9 3 41 14 10 44 0 0 100 0 0 619 12 9 Or. 3 12 0 ■ Stewart Island Southland .. : Stewart Island Southland 2289 ■ 210 8 8 Total—Invercargill 15,508 4 9 2291 2292 2294 2295 229B Genbbal— Compensation for injuries to employees while in discharge of their duties, and contingent expenses in connection with same Engineering surveys Plant not chargeable to any particular work Roadmen's huts, store-rooms, &e. Stone-crushers and road-making plant 1,102 6 6 109 19 1 237 10 10 347 6 5 143 5 5 Total—General 1,940 8 3 Vote No. 109—Total for 1912-13.. 209,136 14 0 -,- BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC. Whanqaeei Road Distkict— Aponga to Mangakahia Awanui to Mangonui, via Taipa Awaroa Stream Bridge (on account) Blue Gorge Road Broadwood to Herekino Broadwood to Runa Runa ' Broadwood to Takahue Whangarei Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands 100 0 0 37 13 3 351 11 7 3 16 0 343 9 4 4 14 0 24 1 6 10 1 5 6 7 8 !) 10 II 12 L3 14 15 17 20 23 25 Driving Creek Bridge Fairburn to Otukai Great North Road to Otukai Haha Bridge Horekino to Kaitaia Huahua to Mangakino Humphrey Road .. . . Kohumaru Mangakahia River Bridge (on account of £1,650) Mangonui and Hokianga Hokianga Mangonui 6 14 (5 36 0 0 56 5 0 50 2 6 88 8 0 19 2 6 48 19 9 14 17 0 8 14 9 Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Bay of Islands


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.-continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. Whangarei Road District— continued. Mangamuka to Oruru £ S. d. 55 0 0 10 26 27 29 30 32 36 37 39 41 42 46 47 51 54 55 56 57 59 61 63 64 66 67 70 Mangamuka to Victoria Valley Mangonui to Kohumaru Block, via Kenana Mangonuiowae Stream Bridge (Rotokakahi) Matawherohia to Kaeo Okaharu Stream Bridge Okaihau to Kaikohe] Opouteke Road Oruaiti to Kenana Otukai to Mangatete, via Creamery Reserve Paewhenua Bridge Pakotai Pikiparia to Te Karae .. Ruatangata to Otakairangi Smoothy Road Takahue to Herekino Takahue S.D., Block IV (access) Takahue S.D., Block X (access) Tapuketaru Tβ Karae Stream Bridge Te Puia Bridge Waiharara to Hohoura .. Waiote-Kumarau Bridge Whangape to Mangonuiowae, via Rotokakahi Block Whangape to Whakarapa Whirinaki to Taita Katui to Marlborough Settlement Mangakahia Road bridges Mangatu to Katui Tarawhati Tutamoe S.D., Block V (access to Section 10) Waipoua S.D., Section 26, Block XI (access) Waikare to Pacific Cliff Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Hokianga and Mangonui Ditto Mangonui Hokianga Whangaroa Hokianga Bay of Islands Hokianga Mangonui Bay of Islands 55 423 4 0 346 17 0 294 9 6 93 14 0 55 7 11 120 3 0 193 19 6 16 13 9 145 18 7 83 12 2 79 13 5 281 3 11 100 0 0 108 5 7 95 16 2 81 9 0 9 8 0 4 0 0 4 12 9 158 8 3 140 18 2 22 13 9 151 14 10 55 ' * Hokianga 55 WhangareiJ Hokianga Mangonui 55 Hokianga Bay of Islands 55 55 * ' Mangonui Hokianga 55 72 73 75 77 78 79 80 81 87 89 90 Whangarei Hokianga t> *' 55 Kaipara 55 • • 3 0 0 24 4 3 283 16 5 76 5 6 68 19 0 256 0 1 107 17 7 197 7 5 50 0 0 720 16 8 80 17 8 55 ' ' Whangarei Marsden Total—-Whangarei 6,130 17 6 0 91 94 97 99 100 102 104 108 110 112 113 114 116 121 123 124 125 126 128 129 Auckland Road District— Bayer Road to Section 273, Waiwera Parish Mareretu to Bull's Mason Road (coast road) Waipu to Mareretu (extension to Nutsford's) ■ Waiwhiu to Whangaripo Birch's to Lindquist Road (Paparoa) Makarau Railway-station to West Coast Road Tikinui to Creamery Waimauku to West Coast Great Barrier Island (Whangapara to Awanga) Great Barrier Island (Harataonga to Port Fitzroy) Great Barrier Island (Tryphena to Kaitoke Beach) Huia to Whatipu Graham's Beach to Palmer's Otau to Hunua Otau Road Paparimu to Maungatawhiri Pollok Main Road Wairoa River to Otau Coromandel to Mercury Bay (continuation of main through road) Kaihere Kaimarama Settlement to Waikawau Kuaotunu to Opito Settlement Mangawhara Maungatawhiri to Waitakaruru Rodney Otamatea »» • • Rodney Otamatea Waitemata Hobson Waitemata No county 55 • • Marsden 55 ■ • Kaipara 55 ' * Waitemata 55 ■ • 55 • • 220 1 8 40 11 0 40 11 0 166 1 3 50 0 0 100 0 0 115 2 7 100 0 0 300 0 0 375 3 1 69 2 4 215 11 1 100 0 0 11 15 9 129 12 1 16 2 0 9 ]4 7 18 7 10 66 6 7 527 0 0 Waitemata Franklin Eden Franklin »j • • jj .. s> ■ • jj . . 55 • ■ Manakau Coromandel 37 • ' Thames 131 132 135 137 138 Ohinemuri Coromandel Ohinemuri W a i k a t o and Thames Waikato Coromandel ?) j. .. 484 8 0 100 0 0 101 14 2 360 0 0 133 16 0 >> • ■ 139 140 142 144 145 147 148 Miranda to Maramarua Opito to Wharekaho .. .. Parakete Creek Bridge (Port Charles) Port Charles to Ahiroa .. .. .,. Sullivan's Bridge to Kaimarama Tahuna to Proctor's Taupiri Parish (access to Section 485) 55 * • • it • • 9) ,. 5 9 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 400 0 0 116 10 7 78 6 6 st • • 55 * * Ohinemuri Waikato jj • • >J ■ *


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure, 110 149 151 152 153 154 157 158 159 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 170 171 172 173 175 178 181 BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. Auckland Road Distkict— continued. Torehapa Waiti Whenuakite to Hot-water Beach Aotea to Raglan Cogswell Road Kauroa to Pakoka Kirikiri to Te Akau through Section 60 Klondyke Pakihi to Okete Ruapuke to Aotea Ruapuke Mountain Road Ruapuke Mountain Road to Te Mata Takapaunui to Ruapuke Mountain Road .. Te Mata to Ruapuke Te Mata to Te Uku Whangape Parish (Sections 126,127, and 128) Kauri to Harapepe Kawhia to Aotea Koromatua .. Mangaorongo Bridge, No. 1 Mangaiti Okupata Junction to Pekanui Ohinemuri Coromandel Raglan .. Thames Raglan £ s. d. 12 9 0 161 18 11 50 0 0 97 7 6 12 9 0 372 11 4 99 17 9 111 0 9 327 10 2 0 18 0 229 11 11 54 2 0 1 18 3 100 0 0 200 0 0 48 2 10 73 5 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 97 3 6 303 5 5 102 17 5 Waikato Waipa West Taupo Waitomo Kawhia a-nd Waitomo Raglan >> ■ • 182 183 186 187 188 189 190 Pakoka Bridge (Pakihi to Okete Road) Pehehau to Kaniwhaniwha Waitetuna to Aotea Wharauroa Awaroa to Mahoe Awaroa to Waiharakeke Hauturu .. Kawhia and Raglan Kawhia Taumarunui . . 70 16 4 60 4 4 295 10 10 17 19 6 179 11 9 168 9 6 31 15 6 Waitomo and Kawhia Kawhia 191 192 193 194 196 197 198 199 Kaimango .. .. ■ Kauri Kauri Branch Road Kihi Kinohaku to Waiharakeke Lemon Point to Te Maika Road Mahoe Marokopa River Bridge (Mangapohue) 211 0 6 99 19 5 30 0 0 351 13 6 400 0 0 110 9 1 255 13 11 538 5 7 A w, a k i ii o and Kawhia Waitomo 201 202 204 205 206 207 208 209 211 212 Otorohanga to Hangatiki - Waitomo Road Otorohanga to Pirongia Tapuae Taumatatotara East Taumatatotara West Te Maika Te Maika to Marokopa Waihohonu Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Kawhia 74 17 6 27 1 1 ' 103 0 0 60 6 6 145 15 0 111 7 5 18 10 9 81 10 0 1,432 17 8 90 17 0 Waitomo Total—Auckland .. .. 12,275 8 6 215 216 217 218 219 220 Tatjbanga Road District— Clayton Road Clover Road Dansey Road Faulkner Road Harray Road Kaimai Road Rotorua Tauranga Rotorua Tauranga Tauranga 66 9 9 76 3 5 89 3 9 48 8 0 48 0 0 842 2 10 221 T a u r a njg a and Matamata Tauranga Kaimai (access to Sections 579 to 583, Te Papa Parish) Mamaku to Maraeroa — Oturoa Block Mangorewa Gorge to Mamaku Ngamuawahine Ngawaro to Te Puke 14 4 3 223 224 225 226 Rotorua Tauranga Rotorua and Tauranga Tauranga Rotorua Tauranga Rotorua 61 12 6 299 12 3 79 17 4 73 10 0 227 230 234 235 236 237 238 241 243 244 Omanawa Puwhenua .. .. .. Te Ahuru Bridges Whataroa .. . . ..... Whataroa to Matai Road Hereperu North Hereperu South Kaikokupu to Tahekc Korano . . Maniatutu Whakatane Rotorua Bay of Plenty.. 22 14 4 30 12 0 998 18 1 62 11 0 1 15 0 220 12 3 97 8 0 4 19 0 69 0 1 65 0 6 >» • ■ Tauranga Rotorua


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name ot Work. County. Electorate. Net expenditure. 10 245 246 247 248 250 251 252 254 BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. Tauranga Road District— continued. Opouriao Valley Road to Wainui and Mata- | Whakatanc orie Landing Pikowai North .. .. .. .. ,, Pikowai South .. .. .. Rotorua Pongakawa to Lake Rotoehu .. .. Rotorua and Tauranga Rangiuru to Mangorewa Gorge .. .. Ditto Ross Road . . .. .. .. Whakatane Ruatahuna to Waikaremoana .. .. ,, Stanley Road to Opouriao, via Section 348, ,, Waimana Parish Whirinaki Valley Road .. .. .. East Taupo and Rotorua Bay of Plenty.. £ s. d. 185 0 0 5 8 0 147 13 9 75 12 11 100 10 10 23 9 0 744 19 5 4 11 0 257 55 15 0 258 Supervision .. .. .. 617 12 7 Total—Tauranga 5,233 6 10 260 26.1 263 264 267 269 270 271 272 274 275 276 278 279 280 281 283 287 288 289 290 293 Gisborne Road District — Appleton Road .. .. .. Opotiki Armstrong Road .. .. .. Waikohu Fraser Road . . .. .. .. „ Haupoto .. .. .. . . Opotiki and Waiapu Kowhai .. .. .. ... Opotiki Mata River to , Waitahaia .. .. Waiapu Matawai to Motu (Neill Road) .. . . Waikohu Motu River Bridge (Moanui Road), (Upper ,, Crossing) Omaukuru .. .. .. .. i Opotiki Opato .. .. .. .. ,, Opotiki to Motu .. .. .. ,, Pakihi .. .. .. .. „ Philp Road .. .. .. .. „ Ruatuna to Ohiwa Landing . . .. ,, Tapuwaeroa Valley .. .. .. Waiapu Te Araroa to Te Awatere .. .. ,, Tutaetoko .. .. . . .. ! Opotiki Waiapu Inland (Waikohu County Section).. Waikohu Waiaua Block access .. .. .. Opotiki Waiawa to.Hawai .. .. .. j „ Waimata to Waiapu Inland Road (Todd's) ; Cook Waioeka River Bridge (Upper), (Waioeka ■ Opotiki River Main Road) Waioeka River Bridge (Upper), (Okuraata ,, .. ♦ .. Crossing) Waioeka River to Matawai .. . . ,, Whinray .. .. .. .. ,, Whitikau Block to Pakihi Road .. .. ,, Wilton Road .. .. .. .. ,, Gisborne to Rotorua (Stock) .. .. ; Cook and Waikohu Mangapoike Valley (east end) .. ... Cook and Wairoa Mangapoike River Bridge (Nos. 1 and 2) .. Cook Mangapoike Valley (west end) . . .. Wairoa Mutuera .. .. .. .. j Waikohu Waikati .. .. .. .. ! Wairoa Kokahu .. .. .. .. „ Mangarewarewa .. .. .. I ,, Matukuhia .. .. . . .. ,, .. Riuakituri River Bridge (Boot'hman's) .. ,, Waikaremoana S.D. (access to Run 79) .. j ,, Supervision .. .. .. Miscellaneous works and services, including ! assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Bay of Plenty.. i> • • y> • ' ♦ > • • 75 11 0 ! 139 0 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 88 9 5 138 15 0 896 7 4 64 18 9 232 3 6 230 8 6 2,685 15 6 . 3,065 19 6 100 0 0 83 2 3 100 0 0 71 0 0 467 18 8 285 0 0 250 0 0 392 9 0 100 0 0 165 6 0 294 503 6 6 295 298 299 300 301 304 305 306 308 309 314 315 316 317 319 321 322 Gisborne 1,003 3 11 100 0 0 3 0 0 199 17 0 90 13 7 29 13 6 528 17 6 2,828 2 5 300 0 0 214 19 11 75 8 7 108 19 0 0 12 0 1,567 15 5 116 0 0 814 1 10 92 2 10 Hawke's Bay .. Total—Gisborne .. .. j 18,308 18 8 323 328 329 330 331 333 334 335 337 338 339 Tβ Kuiti Road District — Arapae (widening) .. .. . . Waitorno Huhatahi .. .. .. . . Ohura Kaeaeae . . ., . . .. Waitomo Kaikara .. .. .. .. Ohura Kakahi .. .. .. .. ,, Kakahi Stream Bridge .. .. .. „ Kohua .. .. . . .. Waitomo Kopuha .. .. .. .. j Ohura .. Kururau .. .. .. .. .,, Kururau Stream Bridge .. .. ,, .. Makaihikatoa .. .. .. .. „ Taumarunui .. 266 0 0 89 4 11 98 9 3 18 18 0 45 9 4 113 8 3 13 5 6 38 10 4 311 13 2 Or. 30 0 0 44 7 8


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 10 342 344 350 353 354 355 357 361 366 367 369 371 374 376 378 379 380 381 383 386 BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC.—continued. Te Ktjiti Road District — continued. Mangaotaki to Mairoa Mangapapa Mokauiti Ohura River Bridge (Mangapapa Road) . Ohura (North of Paparata Saddle) Opatu Block (access) Opetea Otunui South Paraheka Paraketu Pirere Pongahuru Stream Bridge Roto Ryan Road Te Kuiti to Mokau (east of Mangaotaki) Tokirima Road to Wanganui River Turoto Waikaka . . .. Waipawa Waitawhena Waitomo Ohura Waitomo Ohura [Waitomo Ohura Taumaranui .. £ s. d. 156 3 3 294 8 11 45 3 1 31 1 10 1,918 16 7 204 6 0 65 3 10 66 1 3 136 11 8 126 11 0 144 4 5 150 0 0 129 13 10 92 14 10 1,939 8 1 170 8 2 152 0 7 387 2 3 204 11 5 1,264 11 1 Waitomo Ohura Waitomo Ohura and Waitomo Ditto 387 390 Waitawhena Road bridges Supervision 559 0 9 708 4 4 Total—Te Kuiti 9,955 13 7 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 404 New Plymouth Road Distbict — Awakino Valley (Lower) (on account of £5,000) Awakino Valley (Upper) Kairimu Kiritehere (on account of £3,000) Kiritehere bridges Kiwi Kohuratahi Mahoenui to Totoro Mangakokopu Manganui (on account of £5,000) Mangaotaki Valley (Upper) Mangapohue Awakino >, • • ») " ' f> • • Clifton .. Whangamomona .. Awakino Taumarunui .. 1,442 10 8 585 9 11 131 12 6 618 2 9 144 12 4 1,738 17 8 3i 12 6 217 11 6 199 2 1 1,043 0 1 125 6 3 665 14 1 405 406 407 Mangatoro .. . e Marokopa River to Mahoenui Marokopa Valley Kawhia, Awakino, and Waitomo Clifton Awakino Awakino and Kawhia Clifton .. 275 0 0 698 5 11 881 9 6 408 409 410 Moki Mold Stream Bridge (on account of £800) . . Ohura (south of Paparata Saddle) Clifton, Whangamomona, and Stratford Clifton Awakino Clifton Ohura Clifton Awakino Clifton 2,232 0 3 128 17 2 2,359 17 7 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 Papakino Pomorangi Rerekino Tangarakau River Bridge (top crossing) Tangitu Te Kuiti to Mokau (west of Mangaotaki) .. Tongaporutu to Mangaroa (west of Kotare Stream) Waikawau Whakahau . : Carrington Rawhitiroa Tangahoe (Whareroa to Rehu Village) Whenuakura Valley Manga Mangaoapa (Junction Road to Mohakau Road) Mangaowata Mangare Marco Matau River bridges (on account of £1,400) Matau Township to Mangaoapa Road Poarangi Punewhakahau Road to Raoraomuku Block (on account of £4,000) 397 11 3 162 9 6 763 7 11 73 5 9 399 2 0 901 5 0 577 12 11 418 420 42) 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 Awakino 212 4 0 220 18 11 4 6 6 374 11 9 441 0 9 532 1 10 1,042 7 2 930 12 0 648 16 11 684 2 1 385 11 5 8 4 6 145 5 0 91 6 4 1,177 8 1 >> • ■ Taranaki Eltham Hawera Eltham and Hawera Stratford Taranaki Egmont Stratford Whangamomona .. Clifton .. Whangamomona .. Whang amomona, Stratford, and Patea Whangamomona .. 434 435 Putikituna Whangamomona to Wanganui River (on account of £5,000) 234 13 8 2,872 5 5


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net . Expenditure. 10 436 437 438 440 441 BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. -New Plymouth Road District — continued. Ahoroa Tawhiti Stream Bridge Waitotara Valley Road Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Patea Patea £ s. d. 1,430 18 11 96 7 3 150 0 0 828 19 1 144 6 0 Total—New Plymouth 29,450 4 8 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 451 452 453 454 455 Wanoanui|Road District— Cross Road (Upper) Eherua Horopito Kaimatawi Karioi to Rangiwaea i. Kawautahi Kokakonui .. .. Kokakoriki Mangaetoroa Mangahoe Mangahowhi Mangahowhi Stream Bridge Mangamahu to Turakina Creek Waimarino Wanganui Waimarino Kaitieke Waimarino 99 19 0 31 0 0 28 3 7 127 14 4 26 14 0 134 16 7 167 7 2 112 19 0 200 0 0 206 4 8 159 11 8 14 7 6 300 0 0 Waimarino Kaitieke Wanganui 456 457 459 460 Manganui-o-te-ao Mangaohutu Mangaturuturu Mason's to Raetihi Rangitikei and Wanganui Waimarino Kaitieke Waimarino Wanganui and Waimarino Waimarino 125 2 8 203 12 0 12 0 0 2,945 16 5 461 462 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 480 481 482 484 Motete Murumuru Otautu Owhakura Owhango Patua Pipipi Pitangi . . Pukekaha Raetihi to Ohura Ratamaire Raupiu Retaruke Retaruke Valley .. Retaruke Valley (Upper) Te Komai Te Rata Turakina Valley Waiaruhe Waikato Bridge (Tokaanu) Wanganui River Road (Left Bank) Wanganui Kaitieke »» • ■ Waimarino Wanganui Waimarino Wanganui Kaitieke 159 9 0 241 4 10 93 5 11 270 0 0 16 2 2 157 18 10 61 16 0 49 2 11 41 5 1 18 14 6 200 0 0 255 18 9 156 8 4 119 3 6 62 19 0 410 16 0 98 13 11 195 9 11 226 13 4 1,235 7 9 249 11 5 »> • • Wanganui Kaitieke Rangitikei Wanganui East Taupo Wanganui and Waimarino Waitotara Patea 486 487 488 489 490 493 494 495 Christie Road Bridge Makakaho (Upper Waitotara) Puao Purarato Road Taunoka Road Pa.paki . . .. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Waitotara Rangitikei Patea Oroua 28 3 2 1,402 18 11 183 0 0 314 4 3 35 19 5 100 0 0 889 10 4 31 1 3 Total—Wanganui 12,200 7 1 Napiek Road District — Puanui Rukumoana to Richmond Road Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Wairoa Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay.. 109 3 9 150 0 0 24 16 4 497 499 501 Total—Napier 284 0 1 502 504 506 507 508 Wellington Road District—. Piripiri Block Conspicuous Road Kew Makino Road Makopua Dannevirke . . Kiwitea. . v. Waipawa Oroua 0 13 0 19 18 3 42 18 6 157 10 0 229 2 0 Rangitikei >j ■ •


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vot< No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. I Net Expenditure. 10 511 512 514 BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. Wellington Road District— continued. |Pourangakij 2j Titirangi fi BirchjRoadj Kiwitea.. Oroua £ s. d. 29 S 0 154 6 3 109 16 0 ,, . . . . Weber and Patangata Dannevirke Pahiatua 515 517 518 520 522 Mangapuaka (North of Tunakore Bridge) .. Maunga Road (extension towards Otanga) .. Range Road (South) Tunakore Bridge Makoura Akitio Dannevirke Akitio and Masterton Akitio Masterton 225 0 0 132 12 0 40 19 9 222 15 3 217 15 2 524 525 526 527 528 530 Spur Road Sugar-loaf Road Waioakura Waiowaka Waiowaka Stream Bridge and approaches .. Pakowai (Anderson's, towards Tinui-Pako-wai Road) Waikanae to Upper Hutt Supervision Castlepoint s? Wairarapa 264 10 5 ! 331 6 0 ' 159 10 0 90 12 2 440 8 2 346 14 9 534 536 Hutt Otaki 425 5 3 720 6 3 Total—Wellington 4,361 4 2 538 539 540 541 543 546 547 549 550 552 555 558 559 560 561 563 565 569 570 571 572 573 574 576 578 580 583 585 588 589 591 593 594 Nelson Road District— Deep Bay to Section 4, Block XII, French Pass S.D. Miner River Road Serpentine River Road Alexander Bluff Road Awaiti to Marahau . . .. ■ Baton Valley Road Belgrove to Tarndale, via Tophouse Big Pokororo River Road Bowron Road Carlson Road Clarke River Road Franklyn Road Goat Creek Road (Graham River) Goat Creek Road (Pearse River) Graham Valley Road (right-hand branch) .. Handcock's to Wainui Ironstone Creek Road Kill Devil Track Kohaihai to Heaphy Kokako Lee Valley Mangarakau Manu Railway-station to Sherry River Forks Motupiko River Bridge (Korere) Pearse Valley Pohara to Awaroa Scott Creek Road Tadmor to Baton Wairoa River Road (left branch) Wangapeka River Bridge Wangapeka Settlement (Sherry Road) Blackwater Bridge Buller River Bridge (Gowan Road), (on account of £1,500) Flat Creek Road Glencairn to Maruia North Block Glengarry Lester Bank deviation Mangles River bridges Maruia River Bridge and approaches (Maruia River Road) Maruia River Road (West Bank) Maruia South Road Maruia Valley Maruia, via Caslani's Matakitaki River Road (West Bank) , Matakitaki River Bridge (Taylor's) Matakitaki Valley Road Matiri River Road (East Bank) Matiri River Road (West Bank) Nuggety Creek O'Donnell Road Pea Soup Creek Bridge Rotoiti Lake Road (East Road) Sounds Waimea Takaka and Waimea Waimea Waimea and Amuri Waimea.. .. ' ,, . . .. Takaka .. ,, .. .. J Collingwood .. i Waimea.. .. ColHngwood Waimea.. .. I ,, . . . . ! Takaka . . Nelson Motueka 6 7 6 218 14 10 149 4 9 284 18 4 77 19 7 75 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 9 16 0 97 16 0 85 16 0 14 5 6 150 0 0 182 16 6 199 18 0 65 0 0 27 0 0 200 0 0 79 18 0 128 7 9 173 16 8 112 10 0 229 12 4 600 0 0 210 0 0 8 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 36 0 0 287 6 5 250 0 0 514 11 0 7 4 3 Waimea.. » Murchison Buller 595 596 597 603 605 606 >, •• i 14 0 9 106 14 9 194 14 6 247 1 9 318 17 0 91 10 0 608 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 620 621 624 626 409 0 6 41 10 0 117 3 10 256 5 3 89 9 0 463 10 4 442 7 10 62 5 6 40 5 1 170 3 2 43 10 0 318 1 0 144 2 1 • ■I


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

6—D. 1.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. Ki 628 629 630 635 638 639 640 BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. Nelson Road District— continued. Sheep Pens to Rehu Saddle Slips Road Taylor Creek Road Valley Creek Road extension Whale Creek Road Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Murchison >> Buller I £ s. d. 90 10 0 120 0 0 16 1 0 63 18 0 79 11 3 570 9 7 25 0 0 >> Total—Nelson 9,468 1 7 643 644 646 651 652 656 659 662 663 664 665 666 670 672 673 Blenheim Road District— Ronga Valley Tinline Road Bartlett Creek Road Kenepuru to Endeavour Inlet Mahau Sound Rock Ferry to Bartlett Creek TJre to Clarence Hundalee Road (Oaro) Kahautara Bluff Kahautara River Bridge Kahautara to Conway (Hundalee) Old Mill Road (Hapuku) Spey roads Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Maryborough Sounds .. Marlborough Awatere Kaikoura Nelson Wairau Hurumii 26 18 0 17 0 100 0 0 45 8 7 84 9 6 149 19 0 149 19 9 250 0 0 775 4 6 5 7 6 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 152 2 0 0 15 9 Total—Blenheim 2,091 11 7 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 685 686 Westpobt Road District— Blackwater and Granity Creek bridges Caliari Road (Little Wanganui) .. Collingwood-Heaphy Track to Karamea .. Little Wanganui to Glasseye Little Wanganui to Karamea Mokihinui to Little Wanganui Mokihinui River Bridge approaches Six-mile Valley Road Young Road Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &e. Buller .. Motueka 57 6 8 150 0 0 158 15 0 415 2 2 73 0 0 2,193 1 11 211 7 3 96 10 0 80 0 0 304 8 6 5 0 0 »» Total—Westport 3,744 11 6 GREYMOtTTH ROAD DISTRICT— Coal Creek Bridge Coal Creek Road Inangahua River Suspension-bridge Landing Creek Road Lyell Road to Brown Creek Barrytown to Brighton Barrytown to Punakaiki Big River Lawson's Creek Bridge Porarari Punakaiki Punakaiki Foot-bridge Rough River Road Arawata to Cascade Arawata to Barn Bay Bell Hill to Haupiri Bruce Bay Road I Cameron's Terrace Road Cook River to Karangarua Gibb Road Haast Pass Track Happy Valley Track Harris Road Hatters to Haupiri Hermitage to Copland Track Inangahua Buller 301 13 10 244 0 0 233 4 0 250 0 0 198 12 8 66 15 0 197 0 0 93 0 0 350 0 0 437 10 0 228 10 0 68 14 8 365 0 0 75 9 11 150 0 0 10 0 0 60 0 0 36 0 0 282 11 6 19 12 0 7 13 4 150 0 0 54 16 3 271 0 0 899 7 8 687 688 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 699 700 701 702 704 705 706 707 708 709 712 713 715 716 717 718 Grey" .. Westland Grey Westland Grey' .. Westland Grey Westland Grey .. Mackenzie Westland Westland and 720 721 Jacob's to Mahitahi Road Kokatahi (Upper) to Doughboy 2 10 0 200 18 6


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote Ko. Item Name of Work. County. Electorate. Nee Expenditure. 10 722 723 724 725 728 729 730 733 735 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. Greymotjth Road District-— continued. Kokiri to Moana Kotuku to Moana Kotuku La Fontaine Road and extension Murray Creek Bridge Omoeroa to Waikukupa Peterson Road and extension Roto Road Bridge Stout Creek Bridge Waitaha Settlement extension Wall Road extension Walsh Track (Cook River) Wataroa Flat Road (widening) Whale Road Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Grey .. Westland Westland £ s. d. 217 15 0 38 10 0 239 0 1 179 8 7 250 0 0 601 16 0 92 14 0 100 0 0 55 16 0 214 18 9 207 5 6 98 0 0 287 17 0 135 3 0 474 13 10 69 2 6 Total—Greymouth ;. 8,515 19 7 748 749 750 754 755 756 757 Christchurch Road District—. Ashley Gorge Road Conway Gorge Road Hooker River Bridge and approaches Lake Tekapo to Omarama Opawa Bridge Pukaki to Mount Cook Supervision Oxford and Ashley Cheviot Mackenzie Hurunui Temuka 1,116 3 0 708 10 8 623 14 7 96 15 0 114 0 0 513 19 5 60 5 0 Total-^-Christchurch 3,233 7 8 Dotedin Road District— Fuchsia Creek Road Gardner Road Bagdad Road to Peaks Macraes to Hyde Taieri Peak Road Glade House to Lake Wakatipu Pembroke to Glendhu Routeburn Valley Road.. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Waitaki.. Waitaki 759 760 764 765 766 769 773 776 779 780 Waihemo Lake and Wallace Lake Oamaru Wakatipu 300 0 0 138 17 4 150 0 0 200 0 0 i03 12 10 220 15 1 100 0 0 218 6 0 210 5 6 154 0 0 Total—Dunedin 1,795 16 9 782 783 784 788 789 792 793 794 795 800 Invercargill Road District— Waikawa to Haldane Lake Hauroko Track Lillburn to Hauroko Round Hill to Pahia Hodgson Road (Kapuka) Titipua to Brydone .. .,- Waimatua Waimatua to Mokotua Brown's to Settlers' Reserve Supervision Southland Wallace Southland Clutha Wallace Mataura 250 0 0 42 12 2 15 0 153 14 3 103 11 5 110 11 6 100 0 0 362 1 11 119 14 0 154 16 0 Awarua Total—Invercargill 1,398 6 3 Vote No. 110— Total for 1912-13 128,447 16 0 126 7 11 13 18 19 21 ROADS TO OPEN UP CROWN LANDS. Whangaret Road District— Pupuke Block Te Rore Block .. TJmuwhawha Block Whirinaki Block One Block Blocks n'ot specifically provided for Whangaroa Mangonui Bay of Islands Hokianga Whangarei Bay of Islands 7"3 5 2 426 10 0 1,165 17 4 1,584 7 2 351 4 6 72 14 10 Kaipara Total—Whangarei 4,393 19 0



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote item Ko. So. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 2fi 32 35 .37 38 40 42 43 47 54 55 ROADS TO OPEN UP CROWN LANDS— continued. Auckland Road District — Roto Ngaro Block Waimai Block .. Kawaroa Block Korakonui Block Oparau Block Rotongata Block Tokanui Block Harihari Block Waiwhatawhata Block Blocks not specifically provided for Raglan .. ,, Kawhia West Taupo Kawhia West Taupo Raglan Waikato £ s. d. 854 3 1 1,668 12 6 144 4 10 162 18 10 703 14 8 968 1 0 210 9 7 321 3 11 322 14 8 22 14 5 >> • • Kawhia Waitomo Taumarunui .. Total—Auckland 5,378 17 6 Tauranga Road District— Mangorewa-Kaharoa Block Manawahe Block Rotorua Whakatane and Rotorua East Taupo Rotorua Tauranga Bay of Plenty 359 14 4 1,785 6 5 56 60 62 63 Tauhara Block Waitahanui Block >J 53 7 0 743 9 9 Total—Tauranga 2,941 17 6 Gisborne Road District — Ngatapa Block Oamaru No. 3 Block Oamaru No. 4 Block Tahora No. 2 North Block Whitikau Block Hangaroa Block Waipaoa Block Waikohu Opotiki Bay of Plenty 1,794 2 10 1,630 17 8 377 0 2 273 6 0 588 6 3 124 6 3 48 4 1 67 08 89 71 74 75 77 »> • • j> ■ ' »> >> Cook Wairoa Gisborne Hawke's Bay.. Total—Gisborne 4,836 3 3 79 86 88 80 Te Kuitj Road District— Ararimu Block Orekopa Block Orongomai Block Tahuna Block Ohura Waitomo Ohura Waitomo Taumarunui .. 160 0 1 276 4 11 3,512 1 0 521 12 11 >> • • Total—Te Kuiti 4,469 18 11 97 99 101 New Plymouth Road District— Papakauri Block Taurakawa Block Blocks not specifically provided for Awakino Stratford Taumarunui .. Stratford 48 19 0 883 10 0 12 4 9 Total—New Plymouth 944 13 9 Wanganui Road District— Horopito West Block Kaitieke Township Block Kakahi Village Settlement Block Mangatiti Block Morinui Block North Waimarino Block Ohakune No. 2 Block Owhango Township Extension No. 1 Block Rangataua Block Riariaki Block Waimarino 290 2 10 13 4 0 76 17 1 1,954 11 1 747 13 3 2,093 16 0 162 13 8 92 17 3 156 7 7 1,853 17 0 108 109 110 112 115 116 118 121 122 123 Waimarino Kaitieke Waimarino Kaitieke ?» ■ • Waimarino Kaitieke Waimarino Waimarino and Kaitieke Waimarino Wanganui Patea and Waitotara Patea 124 125 128 129 130 Ruatiti Block Taonui - Maraetaua - Punewhakapu Block Rangitatau Block Whakaihuwaka Block Blocks not specifically provided for Patea 2,487 16 9 950 0 0 3,969 1 7 370 14 2 64 15 3 SJ ' ' •ITotal—Wanganui 15,284 7 6


TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Voie Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. ROADS TO OPEN UP CROWN LANDS— continued. £ s. d. 154 2 6 3,603 18 3 26 132 134 Napier Road District — Makaretu Block Manawaangiangi Block Waipawa Patangata Waipawa Pahiatua Total—Napier ,U 3,758 0 9 136 137 138 143 144 147 152 Wellington Road District— Piripiri No. 1 Block Te Whitiatara Block Awarua Iβ Block Kumeti Block Makaretu Village Settlement Block Rokai Block Blocks not specifically provided for Dannevirke Rangitikei Dannevirke Pahiatua Dannevirke Waipawa s> Oroua Pahiatua 283 14 7 851 3 9 170 14 5 168 19 8 131 6 2 723 13 7 11 19 5 Total—Wellington 2,341 11 7 Nelson Road District— Hope Block Howard Block Mangles—Blackwater Block Mid Maruia Block Warwick Block Blocks not specifically provided for Waimea Murchison Motueka Buller 49 16 11 294 12 11 56 12 0 149 14 7 89 5 9 74 7 1 153 155 156 159 161 162 >» Total—Nelson : 714 9 3 164 167 169 170 Blenheim Road District— Ronga Valley No. 2 Block Blue Mountain Block Neutral Spur Block Blocks not specifically provided for Marlborough Awatere Marlborough Nelson Wairau 427 17 9 67 1 5 40 0 0 20 14 3 Total—Blenheim 555 13 5 172 173 175 176 Westport Road District— Otumahana Block Brighton No. 2 Block Steeples Block Blocks not specifically provided for Buller .. Motueka Buller 458 1 8 92 8 2 5 15 0 6 10 0 562 14 10 )» • • Total—Westport Greymottth Road District— Inangahua Junction Block Buller 636 4 9 177 Inangahua Total—Greymouth 636 4 9 Invercargill Road District— Alton No. 4 Block Aparima No. 1 Block Longwood No. 2 Block Taunoa Block Campbelltown Block Mabel No. 1 Block Oteramika No. 1 Block Forest Hill Block Spar Bush Block Wallace.. Wallace 117 14 5 160 0 0 0 9 0 69 15 4 123 6 7 62 18 8 322 3 2 162 0 0 114 1 6 185 186 189 192 195 197 199 201 202 Southland Mataura jj Awarua jj Total—Invercargill 1,132 8 8 Vote No. 126—Total for 1912-13.. 47,951 0 8



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote Item Mo. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. ROADS TO OPEN UP NATIONAL ENDOWMENT LANDS. Auckland Road Disteiot — Huihuitaha Block .. .. £ s. d. 126 16 0 127 West Taupo' Waikato Total—Auckland .. 126 16 0 Tauranga. Road District— Kaituna BlocK EiOtorua Bay of Plenty 150 3 9 Total—Tauranga 150 3 9 Tβ Ketti Road District— Iriwhata Block Opatu Block Otunui Block Ohura .. Taumarunui .. 91 7 3 613 15 9 30 16 1 14 15 16 Total—Te Kuiti 735 19 1 New Plymouth Road District— Mohakatino Block Clifton .. Taumarunui .. 501 7 3 17 Total—New Plymouth 501 7 3 Wanganui Road District— Tauakira No. 1 Block Wanganui Waimarino 931 13 4 20 Total—Wanganui 931 13 4 22 24 28 Nelson Road District— Wangamoa Block Lee River Extension Block Matakitaki Block Waimea.. Nelson Motueka Buller 1 5 0 92 8 4 24 0 0 Murohison Total—Nelson 117 13 4 Greymouth Road District— Kakapotahi Block Westland Westland 33 125 0 0 Total—Greymouth 125 0 0 Vote No. 127—Total for 1912-13 2,688 12 9 CONSOLIDATED FUND. Maintenance and Improvement of Roads. 19 Expenses incidental to the maintenance and improvement of roads 42,248;2,7 * Total of Votes 109, 110, 126, 127, and 19 .. Add expenditure for previous year 430,472'10 9 1*9,089,405 10 8 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1913 I 9,519,878 1 5 * 'abli IdcIch )No9. les expenditure for certain years out of Native Lani Purchase Account a: id Lands Improve: lent Account.— Vide



TABLE NO. 4 — continued. ROADS ON GOLDFIELDS. Vote No. 111.—Item No. I.—Assistance towards the construction and repair of £ s. d. roads, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 637 14 0 £637 14 0 Auckland. Coromandel County. £ s. d. 2. Bridles Point Extension .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 4. Cabbage Bay - Cape Colville .. .. .. .. .. .. 96 12 4 5. Cabbage Bay - Coromandel .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 7. Cape Colville - Port Charles .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 8. Coromandel - Cabbage Bay Inland Road .. .. .. .. > .'. 100 0 0 10. Coromandel-Tererenga .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 11. Coromandel-Waikawa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 12. Driving Creek - Kikowhakarere .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 13. Gumtown-Tapu .. .. .. ... .. .. .. 100 0 0 14. Jeficoat's Bay, Port Jackson .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 15. Kapanga Quarry Road.. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 16. Kapanga Mine Road (metalling).. .. .. .. .. .. 60 0 0 18. Kennedy Bay - Matamataharakeke .. .. .. 179 0 0 19. Kennedy Bay - Settlement .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 21. Kuaotunu- Mercury Bay .. .. .. .. .. .. 64 0 0 24. Mercury Bay - Tairua .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 25. Mercury Bay-Whitianga .. .. .. .. ... .. 70 0 0 27. Tiki Goldfield Road .. .. .. .. .. ~ 50 0 0 28. Tiki -Te Koumu .. .. .. 150 0 0 29. Tiki-Manaia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •. 50 0 0 30. Tokatea - Kennedy Bay .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 31. Waitaia Company's Low-level Road .. .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 32. Whitianga-Gumtown .. ".. .. .. . .. .. .. 300 0 0 Thames County. 33. Crosbie Settlement Road .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 37. Hikuwai - Fourth Branch .. .. .. .. .. .. 106 0 3 38. Hikuwai-Ohui .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 42. Kauaeranga Valley Road .. .. .. .. .. . • 134 0 0 44. Maratoto Road .. .. .. .. .. ■ • 50 0 0 45. Moanataiari Road .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 9 4 57. Tairua-Broken Hills-Upper Landing .. .. .. .. .. 146 3 0 58. Tapu Creek Road .. .. .. .. . .. .. • • 15 5 0 66. Waiomo Creek Road .. .. .. .. .. .. . • 17 1 1 67. Waiotahi Creek Road .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 68. Waiotahi Road .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 50 0 0 Thames Borough. 72. Sunbeam Mine Road .. .. .. .. .. ~ • • 300 ° ° Ohinemuri County. 73. Bridge Road - Karangahake .. .. .. .. •• •• 110 0 0 74. Bridge Road, WaiHno .. .. .. .... 87 0 0 75. Cadman Road (Waikino-Waitekauri) .. .. .. .. .. 230 0 0 76. Crown Battery and Hill Road .. .. .. .. • - • • 100 0 0 78. Farrelly Road .. .. .. .. .'. .. • • • • 50 0 0 79. Franklin Road.. .. '.. .. .. •• •• •• 38 13 0 81. Hill Road-Talisman Mine .. .. •• •• •• •• 200 0 0 82. Hoununga Road .. .. .. .. •• 700 84. Jubilee Road - Maoriland Mine .. .. .. .. • • • • 150 0 0 86. Karangahake Bridge - Railway-station (£1 for £1).. .. .. ... 44 10 0 87. Karangahake School of Mines Road .. .. .. • • • ■ 50 0 0 88. Komata Creek Road (£5l, £1 for £1) .. .. .. .. 143 10 0 89. Komata-Maratoto .. .. .. • • • • • ■ • • 49 10 0 91. Main Road-Butler's Creek (£1 for £1) 100 0 0 94. Maratoto Road .. .. :. • • • • • • ■ • 264 3 8 95. Mill Road (£1 for £1) .. 100 0 0 96. Ngatitangata Road (£1 for £1) .. .. .. • • • • ■ • 20 0 0 97. Ohinemuri Bridge at Karangahake (£1 for £1) .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 99. Old Tauranga Road .. .. .. • • - ■ • • • 171 0 0 100. Owen's Road, Waikino .. .. .. • • ... ..... 38 0 0



TABLE NO. 4 — continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Auckland— continued. Ohinernpri County — continued. £ s . d. 101. Paeroa - Hikutaia Road - Robinson's .. .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 102. Paeroa-Netherton .. .. .. .. .. 300 q q 103. Paeroa-Rotokohu .. .. .. ~ .. \qq q 0 104. Paeroa -Te Aroha .. .. .. .. ~ 447 q q 105. Paeroa-Waitoa .. .. .. ~ ~ 145 q 0 108. Pevereal's Road ~ .. .. ~ ~ jOO 0 0 107. Princes Road, Waikino .. .. .. .. .. 43 10 0 108. Rahu Road .. .. .. .. .. ~ . 440 0 0 110. Robinson's Road .. .. .. .. ~ 15 0 0 111. Rotokohu Road .. .. .. ~ .. .... 1958 112. School Road, Karangahake . . . . . . .. .. 100 0 0 113. Scotchman's Gully Road ... .. .. .. 50 0 0 114. Talisman Mine - Crown .. .. .... .. .. 75 16 6 118. Tui - Pick-and-Dish .. .. .. .. .. ~ 90 0 0 122. Waihi-Whangamata .... .. .. .. .. 192 0 0 123. Waihi-Wharekiraupunga .. .. .. ~ .. 100 0 0 124. Waikino-Waitekauri .. .. .. .. ~ .. 100 0 0 125. Waitekauri - Golden Cross .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 126. Waitekauri-Durbar .. .. .. .. ~ ~ 94 0 0 128. Wave-ley Road, Karangahake .. .. .. .. .. ~ 40 0 0 129. Wharekiraupunga Road .. .. .. . . ~ ~ 75 0 0 Pioko County. 132. Waiorongomai Lower Horse-track .. .. .. .. .. 65 16 6 , £9,020 6 4 Marlborough. Pelorus Road Board. £ s . d. 134. Canvastown Track .. .. .. .. ~ ~ _ 68 0 0 136. Deep Creek, Wakamarina - Dead Horse Creek .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Wairau Road Board. 140. Top Valley Road .. .. .. ~ .. ~ .. 200 0 0 £318 0 0 Nelson. Collingwood County. £ s. d. 141. Aorere (Upper) Road .. .. .. ~ .. . _ 66 2 0 144. Coal Creek Bridge .. .. .. .. ~ ~ 350 0 0 145. Kaituna-Patarau .. .. .. ~ ~ 220 12 6 146. Luna'ic Hill Road .. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 149. Tamatea-Ferntown .. .. ~ .. ~ 14 0 9 Takaka County. 151. Barron's Flat Extension .. .. .. ~ .. # _ 200 0 0 152. Gridiron Creek Track .. .. .. .. .. ~ 109 15 0 153. Long Plain Road Extension '.. .'. .. .. .. 100 0 0 154. Pohara-Tarakohe .. .. .. .. ~ 162 10 0 155. Table Land Track .. .. .. .. .. ~ . 150 0 0 156. Takaka - Collingwood Inland Road. .. .. .. .. .. 98 0 0 157. Waitui - Barron's Flat .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Waimea County. 158. Pokororo Footbridge .. .. .. .. ~ .. ~ 150 0 0 159. Skeet River Road .. .. .. .. .. ~ 94 18 0 160. Wangapeka-Baton .. .. .. .. .. .. , 210 0 0 161. Wangapeka Valley - Chandler's - Flannagan's .. .. .. .. 948 17 0 Buller County. 162. Arapito - Karamea Gorge - Bennett's .. .. .. ~ .. 150 0 0 163. Coal Creek Brir]g3 .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 332 10 8 164. Fenian Creek Road .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 119 5 q 165. Gilbank Road .. .. .. .. .. ~ ~ .. 80 5 0



TABLE NO. 4— continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Nelson— continued. Buller County — continued. £ s. d. 167. Granite Creek Road .. .'. .. .. .'. .. .. 256 5 0 169. Johnson's Creek Bridge.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 170. Karamea Mud Flat .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 173. Mokihinui - Little Wanganui River Road.. .. .. .. .. 1,200 8 0 174. Mokihinui-Ngakawau .. .. .. .. .. .. ■ • 223 7 0 175. Mokihinui River Bridge-mouth of Mokihinui River .. .. .. 60 0 0 176. Mokihinui River Road .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 38 7 0 181. Seddonville Roads .. .. .. .. .. .. . • 200 0 0 184. Wanganui-Wangapeka .. .. .. .. .. .. . • 183 5 0 185. Wanganui-Wangapeka. Road Extension-Mount Radiant .. .. .. 172 0 0 186. Addison's-Charleston .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 100 0 0 188. Bins Road-Ngakawau .. .. .. •.. .. .. 11 0 0 189. Brighton-Caves .. .. .. .. .. . • • • 200 0 0 190. Brighton-Richard's .. .. .. .. .. . • • • 479 5 0 191. Buller Bridge-Carter's .... .. .. .. •• 142 18 3 192. Buller River Dredges Road .. .. .. .. .. • • 35 0 0 193. Bullock Creek Track .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 50 0 0 196. Cedar Creek Road .. .. .. .. .. . • ■ • 87 0 0 197. Channel Flat - Mackley's and Bridge .. .. .. .. • • 134 1 8 198. Charleston-Four-mile .. .. .. .. .. ■• •• 100 0 0 199. Coalbrookdale Road .. .. .. .. .. • • ■ • 81 0 0 205. Denniston Road (widening) .. .. .. .. .. • • 100 0 0 206. Denniston and Coalbrookdale - Sanitation .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 208. East Road, Denniston .. .. .. .. .. .. •■ 100 0 0 213. Fox's River Bridge .. .. .. .. .. . • • • 100 0 0 216. Granity Creek Bridges (Millerton Roads) .. .. .. .. • • 100 0 0 217. Harben Road .. .. .. .. .. .. • ■ • • 50 0 0 218. Harney Road .. .. .. .. .. .•• • • ■ 50 0 0 220. Hector Roads .. .. .. .. •• •• •• ■• 219 2 0 224. Joachim's Road (Denniston-Hospital) .. .. .. .. .. 62 8 0 228. Lyell-Mokihinui .. .. .. .. •■ •• •• 115 0 0 229. Mangatini Road Extension .. .. .. .. . ■ • • 74 10 0 237. Mears Road .. .. .. .. •■ •• .... 100 0 0 239. Millerton Township .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 150 0 0 244. New Creek Bridge (New Creek Road)... .. .. ■ • • • 100 0 0 245. Ngakawau-Stockton Mine (£1 for £1) .. .. .. .. ■• 52 0 0 247. Nile Bridge, Charleston .. .. .. •• •• •• £0 7 6 248. Nile Valley Road Extension .. .. .. .. • • • ■ 150 0 0 249. Nine-mile Beach - Totara Bridge .. .. .. •• •• 249 10 0 254. Outlet -Road Birchfield .. .. .. .. ■• •• 200 0 0 268. Shamrock Lead Mine Road .. .. .. .. • • • • 300 0 0 271. Specimen Creek Road Extension .. .. .. •• •• 73 17 6 274. Summerlea Road .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 150 0 0 279. Tramway Road, Denniston .. .. .. ■• •• •• 50 0 0 280. Utopia Road I°° 0 0 285. Victory - Mahr's Reefs Road, Lyell (on account) .. .. .. .. 174 15 0 286. Waimangaroa-Barrowman's .. .. • • • • •■•• 90 0 0 287. Waimangaroa-Fairdown .. .. • • • • ■ • - • 165 0 0 288. Waimangaroa-Waratea .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 178 0 0 Murchison County. 222. Horse Terrace - Hunter's .. .. •■ •• •• •• J 1 [j 232. Maruia Road, via Caslani's .. .. .. •• •■ •• ?o n 253. O'Rorke's-Horse Terrace .. .. .. •• ■• •• 610 0 255. Owen Junction - Battery-site .. .. .. •• ■• •• ¥j> 2 9 261. Rappahannoc Bridge .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 63 0 5 262. Rappahannoc Creek Track (widening) (on account) .. .. .. 17 <18 0 276. Tafi's Bank, near Six-mile Bridge (regrading) .. .. .. •• 100 0 0 Inangahua County. 201. Cronadun-Capleston .. .. .. •• •• •• •• ™Q 17 6 203. Crushington Bridge and approaches at overflow .. .. •• •• <>99 19 11 211. Fiery Cross Road .. .. • • •• •• •• •• VY 1 ® 1 6 242. Murray Creek Bridges .. .. ■■ •• •• •• •• if? -i" " 243. Murray Creek Road .. ... ~ . • ■• •• •• 244 1/ t



TABLE NO. 4 — continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Nelson — continued. Inangahua County — continued. £ s. d. 269. Soldiers Road, Bonanza - Auld's Creek Track .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 2 93- Big River - St. George Mine .. .. .. .. .. •, . 87 11 8 295. Blackwater-Waiuta .. .. .. .. •• ■• 22 10 10 305. Hukarere - Blackwater Company's Battery-site (on account of £5,000) .. 819 10 6 307. Main Grey Road - Lloyd's, Blackwater .. .. .. .. ' ■.. 91 0 0 312. Progress Junction - Merrijigs .. .. . ■ • • • • ■ • 500 0 0 313. Progress Junction - Slab Hut Creek .. .. .. . • • • 226 11 9 318. Slab Hut Creek - Big River .. .. .. . ■• ■• ... 498 12 6 369. Waiuta - Big River Road .. .. .. •• ■ • •• 200 0 0 370.1 Waiuta Township Drainage (£1 for £1) .. .. .. .. ■■ 2700 Waiuta Township Roads .. .. •- ■• 100 0 0 37.2. Waiuta-Snowy Creek .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 200 0 0 £16,083 12 9 Westland. Brunner Borough. £ »■ d. 296. Brunner-Blackball .. .. •• ■• •• •• •• 118 18 11 Grey County. 298. Cobden-Brighton .. .. ■• •• .... •• 312 0 0 301. Deep Creek Bridge (on account) .. .. .. • • • • 176 1 3 302. Ford's Creek Bridge .. .. .. •■ ■• •• •• 200 0 0 308. McLean's Creek Track and Road .. .. • • • • • ■ 56 16 0 310. No Town Creek Bridge.. .. .. •• •• •• •• 150 0 0 315. Saltwater Bridge, Old Marsden Road .. .. .. •• •• 263 9 0 321. Upper Moonlight Bridge .. .. •• ■• •• •• 297 4 8 329. Brandy Jacks-Orwell Creek Track .. .. .. •• •• 200 0 0 331. Cameron's Road Extension .. .. " • ■ • • • ■ • • |™ J J 332. Cameron's Track .. .. •• • • ■• •• •• map. 339. Grey - Dungaville Bridge; Marsden Road .. .. .. ■ •• 54 0 0 343. Kotuku Railway-station-Oilfield (on account) .. .. .. ■• 700 0 0 347. Molloy's Creek Bridge (on account) .. .. .- •• •• n n 353. No Town Creek Bridge (reconstruction) .. .. .. •• •• 150 0 0 355. Payne's Gully Track .. ... o?S ? J 374.Westbrook Road (deviation) .. .. .. • • •• ■• «$ / Westland County. 324. Adair's Road JJ ° ° 326. Awatuna Road .. •■ -• •• •• •• •• im ii n 327. BackTCreek Road - io \ n'" 330. Browning's Pass Track (deviation and repairs) .. .. .. •■ Ml 5 O 333. Eel Creek Track protection ooa i k n 334. Forks-Canoe Point • • •• f n n 335. Fourth Terrace-Awatuna Track .. • • •• •• •• <->* « " 336. Gillam's Gully Road Extension and Overflow Bridge U4 O U 338. Goldsborough Deviation! (£1 for £1) .. .. ... •• •• 78 16 0 340. Hau Hau Road .. , 341. Hokitika Boundary Road .. •■ •• •• •• ■• ,tnnn 344. Lamplough Track (widening) 212 2 6 345. Lang's Road .. .. •• •• •• •• ■• •■ 351. No. 3 Channel Road ' . . 354. Okarito - Forks Road and Track i-n n n 361. Seddon's Terrace Branch Road inn n n 362. Shennandoah Creek Bridge .. .. • ■ • • • • • • 4000 364. Stafford Tracks ... •• •■ •■ •• •■ •■ *° « in 365. Styx Track 99 in n 366. Teal Track • • 09 s fi 367. Toaroha Track .. •• rk ii n 368. Waimea Creek Bridge Road .. .. • • • • • • ■ • or 7 n 376. Whitcombe Valley Track f * " 377. Wilberforce Track • «= 1/ 0 Ross Borough. ' 359. Ross - Railway-station, Ross £8,030 10 10

7—D. 1.



TABLE NO. 4 — continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Canterbury. Mackenzie County. £ & & 378. Opawa River Traffic-bridge near Albury Coal-pit (£2 for £1) .. .. 104 0 0 £104 0 0 Otago. Tua-peka County. £ s d 382. Lawrence to Mclntyre's .. • 1 ftft ft ft 385. Island Block (£1 for £1) .. " sft ft ft 389. Moa Flat (£1 for £1) .. 100 0 0 391. Rae's Junction - Island Block (£1 for £1) 40 0 0 Taieri County. 383. Railway-station - Mine, Barewood .. .... .. 130 0 0 Vincent County. 384. Clyde - Tuapeka County boundary .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 386. Lawrence to Clyde .. .. .. .. .. 55 0 0 396. Cromwell-Nevis ........ 54 10 0 397. Cromwell-Clyde .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 399. Cromwell-Wanaka .. .. .. .. _ _ ~ n Lake County. 394. Blue Slip, Skipper's .. .. .. .. .. 53 19 7 395. Cardrona Coal-pit Road .. 48 17 in 405. Moke Creek Track .... [] 50 00 408. Queenstown - Gentle Annie : .. .. .. ' _ 50 0 0 412. Shotover Valley Road .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 £1,666 18 5 Southland. Wallace County. £ s d 422. Ruahine-Beach .. .. .. .. _ _ 48 15 0 Southland County. 414. Waikaia Bridge (Waiparu) (£2 for £1) .. .. .. .. ._ 501 6 0 428. Longbeach Road .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 429. Longbeach Road-Wallace Beach (£1 for £1) "' 200 0 0 £900 1 0 t, ~ £ s. d. Expenditure for year ended 31st March, 1913 .. .. .. .. 36,761 3 4 Expenditure for previous years .. .. .. .. .. 935 '345 13 g Total expenditure to 31st March, 1913, on Roads on Goldfields .. £973,107 16 10



Development of Goldfields.— Table No. 5. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1913, and the Liabilities on that Date.

ExPENDITUBE. Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-1912. Grants, Subsidies, 1870-1912. Survey and Construction 1912-1913. Grants, Subsidies, 1912-1913. Authorities on Construction. Authorities on Grants, Subsidies. Contracts. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Totals. Totals. I i NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Pbovincial Distbict — Thames Tairua Water-race Compensation, Thames Water-race R. Kelly's water-raoe, Mata Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Drain, Te Aroha West £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ■ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.l NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Pbovincial District — Thames. Tairua Water-race. Compensation, Thames Water-raoe. R. Kelly's water-race, Mata. Kuaotunu Sludge-channel. Drain, Te Aroha West. 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 61 0 0 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 61 0 0 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 61 0 0 80,708 19 3 1,615 5 4 82,324 4 7 82,324 4 7 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Pbovincial District — Subsidies — Hohonu Hibernian New River Kanieri Rimu Drainage-tunnel Ross Sludge-channel Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race .. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race .. Trustees Main Tail-race, Waimea Branch Tail-race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party Kelly's Terrace Tunnel Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase) Raising dam, Loop-line Ngahere-Blackball Donnelly's Creek Tail-race Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallaban, and Murdoch's water-rights Jones Creek Storm-channel ■Back Creek Water-race Pord and party, Park Terrace .. McConnon and Garner, Dilmanstown Murchie and Benyon, Kumara Government Works — Waimea-Kumara Wainihinihi Water-race Mikonui Nelson Peovincial District — Government Works — Nelson Creek Napoleon Hill Argyle (Charleston) Black's Point •■ • • MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Pbovincial Distbiot — Subsidies — Hohonu. Hibernian. New River. Kanieri. Rimu Drainage- tunnel. Ross Sludge-channel. Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2. Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3. Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race. Trustees Main Tail-race, Waimea. Branch Tail race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party. Kelly's Terrace Tunnel. Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase). Raising dam, Loop-line. Ngahere-Blaekbail. Donnelly's Creek Tail-race. Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdoch's water-rights. Jones Creek Storm-channel. Back Creek Water-race. Ford and party, Park Terrace. McConnon and Garner, Dilmanstown. Murchie and Benyon, Kumara. Government Works — Waimea- Kumara. Wainihinihi Water-race. Mikonui. Nelson Pbovincial District — Government Works — Nelson Creek. Napoleon Hill. Argyle (Charleston). Black's Point. 77^ 3 7 0 12 5 8 21 5 0 15 6 191 19 6 1,955 12 1 1,992 14 8 3,496 0 3 10,310 18 4 32 0 0 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,199 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 223 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,274 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 223 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,274 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 75 0 0 i I 2,587 13 0 70 0 0 ' 2,587 13 0 70 0 0 I 2,587 13 0 70 0 0 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 100 0 0 330 1 0 325 0 0 425 0 0 330 1 0 108 18 0 300 0 0 425 0 0 330 1 0 108 18 0 300 0 0 108' 18 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 - I ► 150 0 0 195,8'jO 9 4 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 62 15 1 195,913 4 5 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 195,913 4 5 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,951 15 3 244 9 0 150 0 0 " I •• I 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 16,101 15 3 244 9 0 " 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 16,101 15 3 244 9 0 Carried forward 344,968 3 1 36,887 8 2 62 15 3 381,918 6 4 .. 1381,918 6 4| ..



Development of Goldfields.— Table No. 5— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1913, and the Liabilities on that Date— continued.

Expenditure. Liabilities. Locality and Name op Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-1912. Grants, ; Survey and Subsidies, i Construction 1870-1912. I 1912-1913. Grants, Subsidies, 1912-1913. Authorities on Construction. Authorities on Grants, Subsidies. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Totals. Contracts. Totals. £ s. d. 344,968 3 1 £ s. a. 36,887 8 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. 62 15 1 £ s. d. 381,918 6 i i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 381,918 6 4 Brought forward MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Provincial District — ctd. Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg Bell Hill Co.'s Eace Randall Creek Water-race Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully Otago Provincial District — Subsidies —. Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carrick Range Mount Pisgah Lawrence Drainage-channel .. Ophir Tail-race Muddy Creek Channel St. Bathan's Maerewhenua Artesian wells, Maniototo Improving water-supply, Oamaru Mountain Hut Water-race Government Works — Mount Ida Waipori Alexandra (purchase) Canterbury Provincial District — Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race Southland Provincial District — Subsidy— Round Hill General — Increased water-supply Departmental — Salaries, travelling,advertising, &c. 322' 18 2 4 6 2 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 800 0 0j 500 0 0; 218 0 0: 612 10 0 640 0 0 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2,314 4 0 .. .. 800 0 0 500 0 0: 322 18 2 218 0 0: 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2,314 4 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 .. .. ! • " 800 0 0 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2,314 4 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Provincial District — ctd. Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg. Bell Hill Co.'s Race. Randall Creek Water-race. Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully. Otago Provincial District — Subsidies — Arrow. Beaumont and Tuapeka. Carrick Range. Mount Pisgah. Lawrence Drainage-channel, Ophir Tail-race. Muddy Creek Channel. St. Bathan's. Maerewhenua. Artesian wells, Maniototo. Improving water-supply, Oamaru. Mountain Hut Water-race. Government Works — Mount Ida. Waipori. Alexandra (purchase). Canterbury Provincial District — Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race. Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill. General — Increased water-supply. ! .. ■• .. I 73,832 10 6J 11,263 1 0 16,956 7 3 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0 16,956 7 3: I - 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0 16,956 7 3 i 65 6 7 i 65 6 7 65 6 7 133 19 4 133 19 4| 133 19 4 530 4 0 100 0 0 630 4 0 630 4 0 6,763 9 6 6,763 9 61 .. 6,763 9 6 Departmental — Salaries travelling, advertising, &c .. . Totals 519,082 14 1 Totals. 462,271 5 5 56,748 13 7 62 15 1 !519,082 14 1 .. .. SUMMARY. North Island Middle Island 80,708 19 3 462,271 5 5 1,615 5 4| .. .. 82,324 4 7 .. ■ .. 56,748 13 7j .. 62 15 1519,082 14 1 58,363 18 11 .. 62 15 1601,406 18 8 I i 82,324 4 7 519,082 U 1 601,406 18 8 SUMMARY. North Island. Middle Island. Totals 542,980 4 8' Totals. i



Development of Goldfields.—Table No. 5a. Statement showing Assistance towards Prospecting, and Miscellaneous Services, out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1913, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Net Expenditure , Total Net Total during p™nflitnrp i Expenditure to Twelve Months ! SJ,™ h 31st March, 1912. ended 31st March, | to Marco, 1913. m3i Liabilities on 31st March, 19] 3. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Assistance towards prospecting Oil boring, Kotuku Purchase and expenses of diamond and other drills Prospecting deep levels, Thames— Deep Levels crosscut subsidy Queen of Beauty shaft subsidy .. Inspector's fee Cost and expenses, purohase, plant, &c. Lowering water, Queen of Beauty shaft Deepening and unwatering Queen of Beauty shaft Prospecting deep levels, Eoss Purchase of Cassrell's and Bennett's leaseholds, Paeroa Compensation proclamation of rivers Water-conservation— Beports on Coromandel Harbour and Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Engineer's salary and expenses .. Reports on Ross Plat Eweburn Reservoir Gimmerburn Creek embankment Greenland Swamp Dam Home Gully Dam Manorburn Creek weir Compensation, Owen Roberts Compensation, kin of late R. Bellamy Telephone-line, Bannockburn to Nevis £ s. d. 41,217 5 9* 207 10 0 13,334 9 3 £ s. d. 2,708 13 6 £ s. d. 41,217 5 9 207 10 0 16,043 2 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 41,217 5 9 207 10 0 16,043 2 9 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 7,070 5 2 6,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 7,097 18 1Q 6,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 7,097 18 10 27 13 8 400 0 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 9,205 16 6 9,205 16 6 9,205 16 6 15,019 4 4 2,250 0 0 15,019 4 4 2,250 0 0 15,019 4 4 2,250 0 0 42,741 3 5 182 19 0 42,924 2 5 42,924 2 5 80 12 6 80 12 6 80 12 6 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 211 12 3 39 12 0 1,028 0 6 457 1 7 75 0 0 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 211 12 3 39 12 0 1,028 0 6 457 1 7 75 0 0 60 0 0 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 211 12 3 39 12 0 1,028 0 6 457 1 7 75 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 Resumption of land Water-supplies for Mining Townships— Waikino Waitekauri Karangabake Mackaytown Clyde Alexandra Ophir Ohinemuri River silting Thames Drainage Board contribution Kumara Water - race extension across Teremakau River Waimumu Main Tail-race Charlton Creek Main Tail-race Advances to companies Protective works, Stafford Dam, Bow Bell Flat 862 7 0 862 7 0 862 7 0 2,568 0 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 148 10 0 3 12 0 1,000 0 0 19,655 9 11 2,568 0 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 18 2 600 0 0 149 19 0 3 12 0 1,000 0 0 21,195 17 1 2,568 0 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 149 .19 0 3 12 0 1,000 0 0 21,195 17 1 19 0 1,540 7 2 1,450 6 3 408 7 1 8,200 0 0 286 5 5 270 0 0 60 1 3 1,450 6 3 408 7 1 8,200 0 0 346 6 8 270 0 0 1,450 6 8 408 7 1 8,200 0 0 346 6 8 270 0 0 Less Recovery on Account of Expenditure of Previous Yea,rs— Johnston's dam, Bow Bell Flat .. Muddy Terrace Sluicing Company 216,828 19 7 10,581 3 7 227,410 3 2 227,410 3 2 15 0 0 1,000 0 0 15 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,015 0 0 1,015 0 0 Totals 216,828 19 7 10,581 3 7 226,395 3 2 226,395 3 2 * Aasistanci towards prospecting now paid out of Consolidated Fui id.



TABLE No. 6. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1913, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1913. ,-, ,., Material issued Total Cost durExpenditure. i rom Stores. ing the Year. Telephone Exchanges— Ashburton Auckland .. Blenheim Christchurch Dannevirke Dunedin Feilding Gisborne .. .. .. Greymouth Hamilton .. .. .: Hawera Hokitika Invercargill Levin Masterton Napier .. .. Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Pahiatua Palmerston North Rotorua Stratford Thames Timaru .. .. Wanganui Wellington Westport .. Whangarei .. .. .. ■ £ s. d. 245 1 2 16,285 12 10 2,591 19 3 6,417 11 7 139 12 1 4,168 15 4 940 2 4 1,748 9 10 115 17 0 377 3 2 708 0 3 19 6 11 3,069 6 7 73 11 9 2,394 5 6 2,695 15 1 570 15 4 505 15 7 77 17 0 224 17 0 597 12 8 62 14 9 224 17 2 347 6 3 1,962 19 3 2,419 17 0 8,478 14 4 15 16 10 266 11 11 57,746 5 9 £ s. d. 929 3 0 21,982 16 10 1,815 0 4 4,285 3 11 228 3 2 5,757 11 1 584 10 7 3,163 19 6 234 12 2 762 11 5 1,186 8 11 221 17 8 1,898 16 1 34 0 6 3,690 14 11 5,042 8 5 529 17 8 1,104 1 6 614 6 9 337 19 9 1,155 6 8 155 19 7 167 2 5 784 13 2 2,237 2 11 3,255 0 3 4,488 2 11 170 13 11 433 5 0 £ s. d. 1,174 4 2 38,208 9 8 4,406 19 7 10,702 15 6 367 15 3 9,926 6 5 1,524 12 11 4,912 9 4 350 9 2 1,139 14 7 1,894 9 2 241 4 7 4,968 2 8 107 12 3 6,085 0 5 7,738 3 6 1,100 13 0 1,609 17 1 692 3 9 562 16 9 1,752 19 4 218 14 4 391 19 7 1,131 19 5 4,200 2 2 5,674 17 3 12,966 17 3 186 10 9 699 16 11 Total exchanges 67,251 11 0 124,997 16 9 New Wires— Upper Oruaiti Extension Lake Ohia Extension Awanui-Waipapakauri-Waiharara-Kaimaumau Awanui Wireless Awanui-Kaitara (metallic circuit) Mangatangirau Extension Mangonui-Awanui Kaurinui Telephone Extension Kohumaru Extension Matauri Bay — Otoroa Extension Auckland—Pupuke Kerikeri — Pureroa Extension Broadwood-Whakarapa Paponga Telephone-office Haruru Telephone-office Taikawhana Telephone-line Puketona Telephone-office Kawakawa-Ohaeawai Tanekaka Extension Whangarei—Kawakawa Otonga Telephone-office .. Dargaville-Whangarei Rukawai-Tarunui-Waiparera Mangapai Wharf Telephone Extension Dargaville-Te Kopuru-Tatarariki (metallic circuit) Okonga Telegraph-office Pukapuka — Warkworth (metallic circuit) Warkworth - Mullet Point - Te Kapa Extension Pohuehue Telegraph-office Man gakura-Glorit Auckland-Waiwera Dairy Flat Telephone Extension .. Glenfiold Extension Kennedy's Bay Telephone Extension Wireless, Auckland Post-office St. Heliers Wireless Te Atatu Telephone Extension Edendale North Telephone Extension Mt. Albert - Waikumete (metallic circuit) Waikumete—Karekare Reweti Telephone-office 38 6 0 59 1 9 107 9 6 12,775 10 8 59 17 3 200 7 1 51 1 9 179 12 6 33 17 6 152 4 11 107 12 8 0 6 6 1 14 0 35 5 4 156 18 11 2 17 2 11 2 9 21 19 9 6 6 0 12 9 11 19 19 8 4 2 11 36 4 9 40 14 6 1 0 1 32~ 6 11 36 5 8 3 14 11 604 11 9 49 8 9 59 1 9 129 9 3 12,775 10 8 6 6 0 72 7 2 220 6 9 4 2 11 51 1 9 215 17 3 33 17 6 152 4 11 148 7 2 1 0 1 0 6 6 32 6 11 1 14 0 71 11 0 156 18 11 2 17 2 3 14 11 1,806 0 2 1 10 11 1 1 6 96 0 7 4 0 3 70 16 0 29 19 6 7 11 0 45 2 4 186 15 4 119 0 8 19 15 10 25 2 6 142 9 3 19 9 2 92 14 4 47 9 1 36 18 9 552 10 7 4 3 2 1,201 8 5 1 10 11 1 1 6 92 4 7 4 0 3 70 16 0 29 19 6 7 11 0 45 2 4 174 16 6 69 16 7 15 14 0 1 13 6 142 9 3 19 9 2 88 12 9 16 4 0 9 8 2 552 10 7 3 16 0 11 18 10 ; 49 4 1 i 4 1 10 23 9 0 i 1 7 31 5 1 27 10 7 4 3 2 Carried forward.. 16,506 12 6 990 9 9 17,497 2 3



TABLE No. 6 — continued. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs— continued.

Expenditure during Twelve Months ended Slst March, 1913. Line. I Expenditure. Material issued from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. Brought forward few Wires — continued. Ruahau-Piha Pahitoa Telephone Extension Muriwai Beach Extension Huia Telegraph Extension Otahuhu-Papakura (metallic circuit) Auckland-Pukekohe Pukekohe East Extension Pukekohe-Mercer Tuketuke Telephone Extension Thames-Wharehoe Tairua-Hikuai Line .. .. .. Ngatea Telephone-office Parawai Telephone Extension Kerepehi—Waitakaruru Extension .. ... Pokeno - Pokeno Valley and Bombay - Paparata Valley Extension Pokeno—Mercer (metallic circuit) .. Mangataupiri Valley — Miranda - Mercer Te Aroha (new office) Whangamarino Extension Waipuna Telephone Extension Waiterimu Extension Pukewhau Telephone Extension Te Hoe Telephone Extension Pukemiro Telephone Extension Ngaruawahia-Mercer Raglan - Te Akau Taihoa Telephone Extension Hamilton - Morrinsville Telephone-wire Horsham Downs Extension Hamilton-Cambridge (metallic circuit) Kaipaki Line Ngaroto Telephone Extension Cambridge—Rotorua (metallic circuit) Putaruru Loop Line Miranui Extension Rotoiti Telephone-office Te Pu Telephore-office Rotorua—Ngongotaha—Tauranga (metallic circuit) Oropi Telephone-office Kaharoa Extension Ngawaro Telephone-office Rotorua - Te Teko Matahi Te Teroa Gate Pah (new office) Matahanae — Oponae Telephone Extension Okiore New Office Wharepapa Telephone Extension .. Muripara — To Houhi Puketua Extension Auckland-Hamilton—Taumarunui (metallic circuit) Otorohanga — Te Awamutu Otorohanga-Hangatiki Kirikau Telephone-office Kokakoriki Tai Haia Telephone Extension Hikumutu Telephone-office Kirikiri-Wharepuhunga Matapara Telephone Extension Patunga Telephone-office Ranginui Telephone Extension Otewa Telephone-office Rangiatea Telephone Extension Te Araroa (Morse and metallic circuit) Te Araroa - Whangaparoa Otoko-Te Karaka Port Awanui — Te Araroa Tolago Bay Extension Auckland - New Plymouth Line Deviation Mairoa - Marakopo Extension Arapae Telephone Extension £ s. d. 16,506 12 6 £ s. d. 990 9 9 £ s. d. 17,497 2 3 29 5 4 2 3 0 64 17 3 195 19 7 122 17 3 27 5 6 1 5 1 0 15 4 3 16 0 4 2 5 4 2 6 12 12 7 38 16 9 67 6 7 29 5 4 6 5 5 68 19 9 208 12 2 38 16 9 190 3 10 27 5 6 1 5 1 0 15 4 3 16 0 17 5 4 1 10 0 4 13 0 7 19 0 67 6 4 17 5 4 i 10 0 0 10 2 4 2 10 7 19 0 67 6 4 5 9 0 32 1 3 2 19 3 81 13 4 0 13 5 0 19 0 35 6 10 0 5 4 56 1 9 0 17 6 41 5 5 5 11 11 47 2 1 0 2 6 1 11 2 13 3 10 4 3 4 842 19 K) 9 4 6 2 1 9 1 9 2 9 6 3 11 10 6 3 19 9 4 0 10 16 8 11 7 13 9 57 11 6 9 3 7 136 15 6 4 I 11 53 13 0 4 2 2 4 7 7 5 1 11 606 13 6 4 6 8 4 8 2 4 8 3 188 7 8 4 5 11 4 6 11 4 10 29 19 7 4 16 13 15 8 74 6 3 1 9 2 5 9 0 9 6 3 43 11 9 6 19 0 81 13 4 4 14 3 17 7 11 43 0 7 0 5 4 113 13 3 10 1 1 178 0 11 4 1 11 5 11 11 100 15 ] 4 4 8 1 11 2 13 3 10 4 3 4 4 7 7 5 1 11 1,449 13 4 4 6 8 13 12 8 4 8 3 190 9 5 4 5 11 4 6 11 4 1 0 35 13 5 4 1 6 106 6 0 98 10 9 138 0 9 3,217 15 4 38 5 10 118 15 2 4 9 7 4 9 5 13 7 6 4 8 8 459 17 2 42 17 4 4 9 5 40 7 8 4 12 7 71 10 1 296 14 4 183 15 2 135 5 2 75 9 4 95 4 6 230 19 8 213 12 0 8 7 6 5 13 10 92 10 4 24 4 6 138 0 9 418 15 5 24 5 10 12 12 8 2.798 19 11 14 0 0 106 2 6 4 9 7 4 9 5 11 7 3 4 8 8 2 0 3 459 17 2 26 14 6 16 2 10 4 9 5 16 11 11 4 12 7 66 2 1 196 13 7 183 15 2 2 10 6 75 9 4 95 4 6 0 11 9 3 9 7 4 7 6 23 15 9 5 8 0 100 0 9 132 14 8 230 7 11 210 2 5 4 0 0 Carried forward 20,119 1 1 6,033 3 3 26,152 4 4


TABLE No. 6—continued. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs— continued.


Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1913. „ .„ Material issued Total Cost durExpenditure. from stores . i ng the Year. Brought forward few Wires — continued. Taumatawaenga Extension Taupo-Wairakei Maraekowhai Telephone Extension Ongarue—Tangitu Waitewhena Extension Waitaanga Extension Ongarue-Taumarunui (metallic circuit) Taringamotu Extension Hukapapa Telephone Extension Roto Extension Manuuui-Kakahi (metallic circuit) Auckland - Wellington New Line— Auckland Section .. .. ■■ £3,438 4 5 Wellington Section .. .. .. 66 11 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 20,119 1 1 6,033 3 3 26,152 4 4 0 18 6 I 4 12 10 5 11 4 21 7 0 .. 21 7 0 747 15 0 : 99 1 2 846 16 2 118 5 4 .. 118 5 4 101 17 6 .. 101 17 6 169 9 1 27 15 4 197 4 5 135 10 6 .. 135 10 6 3 5 8 .. 3 5 8 23 10 2 4 2 2 27 12 4 26 16 6 .. 26 16 6 31 14 3 47 4 10 78 19 1 Taumarunui—Raurimu (metallic circuit) Tangitere Telephone Extension Whakaki Extension Waitara—Urenui (metallic circuit) Whatawhiti Ngatimiro Telephone Extension .. Ohakune-Raurimu (metallic circuit) Ohakune-Horopito (metallic circuit) Tarurutangi Telephone-office .. .. ... Kent Road Telephone-office Hillsborough Telephone Extension Mongoiei Telephone Extension . . ; Potaema Telephone Extension Korito Telephone Extension Ratapiko Telephone Extension .. Stratford-Whangamomona (metallic circuit) Karioi Telephone Extension Waiouru-Karioi Hawera-Manutahi (metallic circuit) Rautiti Extension Maungakaretu Extension Te Ohu Telephone Extension Napier—Waipawa (metallic circuit) Hastings-Taradale (metallic circuit) Wanganui-Raetihi (Oruakukuri and Ore Ore) Orangimea— Rangitautau— Puao Extension Makahiwi Telephone-office Waverley-Waitotara (metallic circuit) Nukuhau Extension Mangarimu Telephone-office Ruaroa Extension Matatera Extension .. . . . . Ohakea Extension Whakaronga Extension Palmerston North - Wanganui Wellington - Palmerston North (metallic circuit) Foxton - Levin (metallic circuit) Putara Party Line Masterton-Alfredton (metallic circuit) • Garterton-Gladstone Wellington - Porirua Extension Wellington-Kaiwarra (metallic circuit) Hikunga Telephone Extension Karamata Office Telegraph Office, new G.P.O.. Wellington . . Wellington-Hataitai Wellington Wireless Station . . .. ... Karori Bureau Chatham Islands Wireless Port Hardy Telephone Extension Te Puru Extension Onakaka Telephone Extension Makiri Telephone Extension Tasman Telephone Extension Picton-Mahakipawa-Havelock and Mahakipawa-Manaroa (metallic circuit) 3,504 16 3 131 12 1 3,636 8 4 97 19 1 34 8 11 132 8 0 36 12 6 157 1 4 193 13 10 230 8 52 10 82 129 15 10 74 3 3 203 19 1 15 7 1 15 7 1 12 6 .. 12 6 209 11 9 433 7 7 642 19 4 128 1 3 128 1 3 44 17 4 34 8 11 79 6 3 4 12 10 4 12 10 43 10 3 78 13 3 122 3 6 1 8 11 .. 1 8 11 10 0 .. 10 0 45 16 6 118 13 1 164 9 7 38 9 3 114 9 6 152 18 9 292 9 4 18 0 11 310 10 3 40 5 11 12 11 9 52 17 8 28 6 8 125 13 11 154 0 7 35 6 7 142 18 0 178 4 7 203 12 9 70 19 9 274 12 6 166 1 10 176 1 2 342 3 0 46 3 11 46 3 11 451 17 10 321 14 7 773 12 5 269 0 7 269 0 7 67 6 2 84 14 11 152 1 1 1 10 0 .. 1 10 0 4 9 5 4 9 5 46 2 4 170 6 7 216 8 11 0 16 11 .. 0 16 11 10 0 4 11 4 5 11 4 6 7 0 .. 6 7 0 276 40 19 8 43 72 22 0 4 19 2 11 41 3 3 4 12 6 15 18 5 20 10 11 256 0 5 .. 256 0 5 471 16 7 110 19 11 582 16 6 18 8 8 .. 18 8 8 18 2 6 18 2 6 333 11 9 870 4 6 1,203 16 3 26 18 10 26 18 10 27 19 0 179 4 0 207 3 0 ..- 13 5||7 13 5 7 0 2 6 ., 0 2 6 3 18 3 3 18 3 167 fi 2 .. 167 6 2 3 12 5 3 12 5 5,581 17 0 .. 5,581 17 0 3 16 4 3 16 4 239 17 6 .. 239 17 6 52 15 1 179 15 0 232 10 1 14 12 9 9 19 0 24 11 9 12 16 6 26 11 11 39 8 5 3 14 0 487 827 51 3 3 78 4 10 129 8 1 83 15 8 339 4 9 423 0 5 Carried forward 34,342 14 3 10,940 18 1 45,293 12 4



TABLE No. 6-continued. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs— continued.

B—D. 1.

Expenditure during Twelve M alst March, 1913. onths ended Line. Expenditure. Material issued from Stores. Total Cost dm--1 ing the Year. \ ; £ 8. d. 34,342 14 3 £ s. d. 34,342 14 3 [. £ s. d. 3 10,940 18 1 £ s. d. 45,293 12 4 Brought forward New Wires— continued. Havelook-Timatangi Ward-Keke rangu Fabian's Valley Extension Kawati ri-GIonhope Horopai Telephone-office Mangatina Telephone Extension . . Aweko Telephone Extension Berlin's Extension Charleston -Tiromoana Extension Waikowhai Telephone Extension . . Hapuku - Clarence Bridge (metallic circuit) Kaikoura-Hapuku (metallic circuit) Greymouth—Stillwater .. .. Hokitika-Kumara Telephone-wire.. Mahinapua Telephone-office .. ' .. Hokitika-Kanieri—Forks-Ruatapu (metallic circuit) . . Herepo Extension Harihari Extension Lower Cook River Settlement Tokamo Telephone Extension Christchurch-Kaikoura (metallic circuit) Mason River Deviation Amberley-Waipara (metallic circuit) Sheffield-Springfield (metallic circuit) Kirwee-Courtenay Whakahua Extension Kirwee-Darfield Sheffield-Darfield (metallic circuit) Darfield-Christchurch Breezes Road Extension New Brighton and North New Brighton South Brighton Telephone-office New Brighton Wireless Station St. Martin's Line Hororata-Whitecliffs (metallic circuit) Cashmere Hills Burnham School Telephone Extension East Oxford Ladbrooks Extension Lyndhurst-Methven (metallic circuit) Glentunnel Bureau .. " . . Irwell Telephone Extension Te Pirita (metallic circuit) Christchurch-Rakaia (metallic circuit) Bankside Telephone Extension Huhuka - Turnbull River Extension Sherwood Downs Extension Tripp Telephone Extension Hinds (metallic circuit) Lynnford Extension Maranon Extension Christchurch-Timaru (metallic eircxrit) Peel Forest Bureau .. .. Pleasant Valley - Te Moana Extension Rangitata Island Extension Pleasant Point (new office) Chamberlain Extension . . Esk Valley Extension Lyalldale - Esk Valley Pareora - St. Andrew's (metallic circuit) St. Andrew's - Makikihi Makikihi Toll Line Willowbridge-Waimate .. Timaru-Glenavy-Oamaru Trunk . . Kuriheka Telephone Extension Green Island Morse Bendigo Extension Lindis Pass Telephone Extension .. Roslyn Telephone-office Pukehiki Telephone-office Kyeburn Diggings Telephone Extension Newborough Telephone Bureaux . . Middlemarch - Mount Stoker Telephone Extension . . j I ■■ i ■ ' i • • L75 6 0 132 8 5 -2 1 2 48 13 1 6 6 0 163 0 8 116 7 4 29 8 S 106 3 1 9 15 3 7 13 0 9 16 3 0 11 8 30 12 10 1 5 0 40 1 0 138 13 6 84 10 2 39 4 6 r\ n n. 0 2 0 82 11 2 2 14 2 14 14 0 L75 6 0 132 8 5 -2 1 2 48 13 1 6 6 0 163 0 8 116 7 4 29 8 5 106 3 1 9 15 3 7 13 0 9 16 3 0 11 8 30 12 10 i 5 0 40 1 0 138 13 6 84 10 2 39 4 6 0 2 0 82 11 2 2 14 2 0 368 9 3 5 0 11 5 4 7 2 2 0 13 4 7 4 1 35 5 7 > 8 19 8 8 155 4 2 i 17 7 5 1 71 1 11 3 146 7 10 ) 92 6 3 86 12 5 1 i 67 3 10 0 13 11 i 12 9 5 ) 18 4 1 1,035 3 10 1 ) 21 12 5 ) i 34 14 5 0 6 6 3 1 4 11 1 15 0 I 59 11 11 61 19 7 4 5 8 5 10 16 1 11 10 0 ) 5 15 1 2 15 9 9 3 7 7 J 8 13 0 146 10 6 ) 34 15 7 543 15 3 132 19 10 4 7 2 2 2 5 4 7 4 83 18 8 15 5 8 318 4 10 117 14 11 29 8 5 177 5 0 156 3 1 99 19 3 86 12 5 9 16 3 67 3 10 0 13 11 0 11 8 12 9 5 48 16 11 1,035 3 10 1 5 0 21 12 5 74 15 5 0 6 6 139 18 5 1 15 0 144 2 1 61 19 7 4 5 8 50 0 7 11 10 0 0 2 0 5 15 1 98 0 11 3 7 7 11 7 2 146 10 6 49 9 7 42 18 8 3 2 0 27 15 9 4 4 2 747 18 9 29 13 11 52 6 7 48 8 3 80 13 5 6 4 11 15 16 1 27 14 8 2,109 14 0 0 7 0 151 5 2 31 8 3 11 (i 1 4 0 6 216 18 2 24 13 0 25 7 2 52 2 11 2 6 8 9 9 6 11 17 3 1 11 0 0 11 0 0 5 3 433 8 6 6 6 7 5 8 1 232 14 5 21 11 7 323 0 5 14 14 0 42 18 8 42 18 8 10 2 0 183 8 10 52 3 4 29 8 0 62 3 8 a a i i 10 2 0 183 8 10 i 3 2 0 ) 17 13 9 4 4 2 ) 564 9 11 29 13 11 I 0 3 3 ) 19 0 3 i 18 9 9 52 3 4 29 8 0 62 3 8 6 4 11 17 7 15 2 0 580 17 3 6 4 11 17 7 15 2 0 580 17 3 110 7 8 0 11 6 L 7 14 8 6 ) 12 12 8 ; i 1,528 16 9 0 7 0 1 40 17 6 } 30 16 9 116 1 110 7 8 0 11 6 4 0 6 185 15 9 \k 12 0 19 13 8 7 2 10 4 0 6 185 15 9 5 ) 31 2 5 24 13 0 ) 12 15 2 3 32 9 3 2 6 8 3 2 6 8 11 17 3 12 12 0 19 13 8 7 2 10 1 11 0 384 0 4 198 3 5 11 9 0 i 11 0 D 0 11 0 0 5 3 4 49 8 2 6 6 7 5 8 1 5 34 11 0 a io 2 7 384 0 4 198 3 5 11 9 0 323 0 5 323 0 6 5 Carried forward 37,826 17 3 15,992 8 4 53,819 5 7



TABLE No. 6—continued. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs— continued.

TABLE No. 7. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1913, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Lilie. Exj Expen Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1913. penditi iditmre. ur re I 31 I list M 1 ring it M late froi 31 111 T in til n Cwe 'ch, id i Stc a< i.i IS! iOl lv 1! ss in v< L9: si :e ■el 313 nei ee. Expenditure. Material issued I from Stores. I ! Total Cost during the Year. _i Brought forward New Wires— continued. Heathfield Telephone -office Parkhill Telephone Extension .. • Poatiri Telephone Extension Glenleith Telephone Bureaux Pararahi Extension North Chatton Telephone Extension Otautau— Nightcaps (metallic circuit) Invercargill-Lurnsden (metallic circuit) Manuka Creek Telephone-office Te Houka Telephone Extension Glencoe Telephone Extension Parawa Telephone-office Mabel Bush Telephone Extension Bluff (metallic circuit) Daere Extension Winton (metallic circuit) Menzies Ferry Telephone Extension Owaka-Balclutha TrunkWire Hinahina Telephone Extension Invercai'gill-Riverton (metallic circuit) Awarua Wireless .. .. .. ... i.. Etal Creek Telephone Extension Turi Telephone Extension — £ s. d. 37,826 17 3 £ 37,82* ( i( < 95 4; 12* 275 ( 61 25$ If 7f , 3S 256 30 73 (),08£ 256 1 45.547 s. i Iβ 17 0 10 6 o 9 7 '9 6 3 5 6 13 '2 4 0 1 il 7 9 11 I 9 4 9 11 3 15 8 8 0 14 3 4 5 1 6 16 1 1 13 7 14 d. 3 0 0 3 0 6 it 9 8 4 II 3 1 8 6 1 8 2 10 0 8 1. 3 D 9 3 9 6 9 9 i 1 1 L i 5 1 J 2 ) ) £ s. d. I 15,992 8 4 V, 17 £ 16,9 1 6 5 I 1! 7.8i 91 i: [>< i j< ] ] If I! I •9 1 % i4 ■2 3 I I i0! I I: si 1): 2! 92 3 0 s 16 0 2(1 {(I Hi 27 16 6 I I 19 15 12 1 SO 8 18 Ml il i 2 3 0 I 1 s I 8 J I 1 I 3 1: S ' 71 5 I! 3 I II ) i: 5 ! > I 1 I! ) ! I I! i : ) < I i s. 8 0 10 19 2 17 18 12 !) 12 I!) 5 10 13 !) 0 19 9 19 3 4 r> I. 8 J .) 9 2 7 8 • ) 2 ) 5 ) ! ) ) ) t ) { t d, 4 S £ 3 € 10 S 11 4 1 3 9 3 8 7 4 5 0 3 3 £ s. d. 53,819 5 7 0 10 0 10 0 0 9 7 3 99 6 0 43 5 6 126 13 9 272 4 9 0 1 8 61 7 4 259 11 II 3 0 3 0 10 0 8 19 5 Ifi 2 5 0 17 3 20 18 6 130 12 10 646 9 5 3 10 3 0 10 0 18 19 5 25 9 8 100 3 3 64 4 0 257 6 7 918 14 2 0 1 8 89 0 3 296 11 3 6 5 1 33 14 6 509 13 9 95 0 4 12 0 8 35 15 3 438 17 10 39 13 (i 271 7 8 (i,085 1 2 286 1 I 1 13 0 19 4 3 79 11 1 27 12 11 36 19 4 6 5 1 14 10 3 509 13 9 15 9 3 12 0 8 1 19 7 - 180 9 4 8 19 5 198 3 0 , 33 15 8 258 8 6 ! 30 14 1 73 4 8 i 6,085 1 2 256 16 10 1 13 0 29 4 3 ! 45,547 14 8 17,861 5 3 63,408 19 11 Total Telephone Exchanges and New Wires Stock of materials increased during the year by 103,294 0 5 103,294 4 0 8 5 85,112 16 3 62,967 17 0 J i 85 62 I ,01 5,1 2,9i 1! il .2 17 I. j > li r r 0 .6 .7 •i 3 0 188,406 16 8 62,967 17 0 Total expenditure (luring the year ended 31st March, 1913 103,294 0 5 103,294 4 0 5 148,080 13 3 48 8,0! 81 SO ) ii :3 251,374 13 8 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1912 Total expenditure, 1912-13 2,025,750 14 6 251,374 13 8 Liabilities at 31st March, 1913 2,277,125 8 2 171,297 1 0 Total expenditure and liabilities 2,448,422 9 2

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1912. Expenditure Total Liabilities on j for Expenditure Authorities, '■ Total Year ended to Contracts, &c.,; Expenditure 31st March, '■ 31st March, 31st March, and Liabilities 1913. 1913. 1913. Judicial Postal and Telegraph Customs Offices for Public Departments Mental Hospitals Alexandra Depot, Wellington .. School Buildings Hospitals Quarantine Stations Parliament Buildings Parliament Buildings : New buildings Parliament Buildings : Alterations to streets surrounding grounds and purchase of land Government House, Wellington (land and new building) Agricultural Public Health Workers'Dwellings .. Miscellaneous 1 £ s. d. 726,414 5 11 907,822 18 11 49,440 16 11 364,983 4 6 600,442 17 5 8,083 9 6 1,970,351 6 0 128,091 19 4 6,863 19 5 75,949 7 5 1,801 5 11 £ s. d. 726,414 5 11 907,822 18 11 49,440 16 11 364,983 4 6 606,442 17 5 8,083 9 6 1,970,351 6 0 128,091 19 4 6,863 19 5 75,949 7 5 1,801 5 11 . £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d . 45,430 18 3 i 771,845 4 2 10,760 17 11 782,606 2 1 . 122,999 8 0 |l,030,822 6 11 29,970 3 7 1,060,792 ]0 (i L .. 49,440 16 11 .. 49,440 16 11 > 42,087 9 3 407,070 13 9 ! 25,689 11 8 432,760 5 5 > 46,181 4 7 652,624 2 0 6,345 13 10 658,969 15 10 ' •• 8,083 9 6; .. 8,083 9 6 ) 105,000 2 0 2,075,351 8 0 ■ 4,789 12 10 2,080,141 0 10 8,750 3 3 : 136,842 2 7 .. 136,842 2 7 i .. 6,863 19 5 .. 6,863 19 5 i •■ 75,949 7 5; .. 75,949 7 5 . 15,841 2 6 17.642 8 5 ! 1,552 17 0 19,195 5 5 309 16 11 309 16 11 2,965 0 4 3,274 17 3 3 10 9 3,278 8 0 57.387 11 10 57.387 11 10 1,044 19 7 58,432 11 5 .. 58,432 11 5 34,998 11 7 32,377 19 4 22,644 6 6 48,063 10 7 34,998 11 7 32,377 19 4 22,644 6 6 48,063 10 7 •6,474 14 11 41,473 6 6 323 7 9 41,796 14 3 375 13 0 I 32,753 12 4 .. 32,758 12 4 46,454 17 5 69,099 3 11 .. 69,099 3 11 1,586 9 5 49,655 0 0 ; 1,474 15 7 51,129 15 7 Totals 5,042,032 8 0 ,032 8 0 445,]92 2 6 J5,487,224 10 6 445,3 92 2 6 80,910 10 11 5,568,135 1 5 j ♦ Includes £ 50 charged to " unauthorised,"



TABLE No. 8. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbourdefences out of Public Works Fund, to 31st March, 1913, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total , Expenditure Total ! Lia t>ilities on Tota] Expenditure ■ during Twelve Expenditure I Autnolici e b > Expenditure to 31st March, '. Months ended to 31st March, ,q\ f^ , *?•' and 1912. J 31st March, 1913. to Blst JUaron, Liabilities. 1913. 1Jld - Lighthouses. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d Akaroa .. .. .. .. 7,148 16 5 .. 7,148 16 5 .. 7,148 16 , Brothers .. .. .. .. 6,241 0 0 .. 6,241 0 0 .. 6,241 0 i OapeBrett .. .. .. 11,237 3 5 .. 11,237 3 5 .. 11,237 3 , Gape Campbell .. .. .. 4,218 3 9 .. 4,218 3 9 .. 4,218 3 ! Cape Egmont . .. 3,354 6 4 .. 3,354 6 4 .. 3,354 6 < Cape Foulwind .. .. .. 6,955 9 1 .. 6,955 9 1 .. 6,955 9 Cape Kidnappers .. .. .. 2,109 11 7 .. 2,109 11 7 .. 2,109 11 ' Cape Maria van Diemou .. .. 7,614 13 11 .. 7,614 13 11 .. 7,614 13 1: Cape Palliser .. .. .. 7,312 9 6 .. 7,312 9 6 .. ' 7,312 9 I Cape Saunders .. .. .. 6,066 6 3 .. 6,066 6 3] .. 6,066 6 i Castle Point .. .. .. 3,586 16 7 5,808 12 8 9,395 9 3 28 i 4 9,423 13 ' Centre Island .. .. .. 5,785 19 0 .. 5,785 19 0 .. 5,785 19 ( Chicken Island .. .. .. 49 10 1 962 1 9 1,011 11 10 .. 1,011 11 11 Ouvierlsland .. .. .. 7,405 9 11 .. 7,405 9 11 .. 7,405 9 1 Diefienbach Point.. .. .. 31112 11 4 7 0 315 19 11 .. 315 19 1" EastCape .. .. .. 9,270 13 9 .. 9,270 13 9 .. 9,270 13 ! Fog-signals .. .. .. 2,341 8 0 .. 2,341 8 0 .. 2,341 8 ( French Pass Beacon .. •.. 668 15 8 .. 668 15 8 .. 668 15 i Frenoh Pass .. .. .. 1,427 17 5 .. 1,427 17 5 .. 1,427 17 i Godley Head Fog-signal, protection 152 2 0 .. 152 2 0 .. 152 2 ( of road Hokitika.. .. .. .. 801 9 7 .. 801 9 7 .. 801 9 ', Jackson's Beef Beacon .. .. 3,180 0 5 .. 3,180 0 5! .. 3,180 0 i Jackson's Head Beacon .. .. 1,220 0 7 .. 1,220 0 7 .. 1,220 0 ' Jack's Point .. .. •• 1,204 10 9 .. ' 1,204 10 9 .. 1,204 10 ! Kahurangi Point .. .. .. 9,528 11 .. 9,528 11 .. 9,528 1 : Kaipara .. .. .. .. 5,571 8 0 .. 5,571 8 0 .. 5,571 8 ( Manukau Heads .. .. .. 600 13 11 .. 600 13 11 .. 600 13 V. Marine Store .. .. .. 499 11 3 11 8 0 510 19 3 .. 510 19 S North Cape .. .. .. .. 2,049 9 6 2,049 9 6 .. 2,049 9 ( Moeraki ".. .. .. .. 2,943 1 11 .. 2,943 1 11 .. 2,943 1 1: Moko Hinou .. .. •• 8,185 11 0 .. 8,185 11 0 .. 8,185 11 ( Nugget Point (dwellings) .. .. 746 6 6 .. 746 6 6 .. 746 6 ( Portland Island .. .. .. 6,554 14 5 .. 6,554 14 5 .. 6,554 14 I Puysegur Point .. .. .. 9,958 19 5 .. 9,958 19 5 .. 9,958 19 I Stephen Island .. .. .. 9,454 18 5 .. 9,454 18 5 .. 9,454 18 f Sugarloaf Light .. .. .. .. 175 0 0 175 0 0 I .. 175 0 ( Timaru .. .. .. .. 1,116 17 3 .. : 1,116 17 3 .. 1,116 17 i Tiritiri Cable .. .. .. 1,085 19 6 .. 1,085 19 6 .. 1,085 19 ( Tory Channel 353 7 7 .. 353 7 7 .. 353 7 1 TuahinePoint .. .. .. 2,312 12 6 19 13 6 2,332 6 0 .. 2,332 6 ( Waipapapa Point .. .. .. 5,969 18 11 .. 5,969 18 11 .. 5,969 18 1: Miscellaneous, including expenditure 20,866 18 1 .. 20,866 18 1 .. 20,866 18 : on s.s."Hinemoa" and " Stella" £ s. d. 5,808 12 8 962 1 9 4 7 0 £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 11,237 3 5 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 7,312 9 6 6,066 6 3 9,395 9 3 5,785 19 0 1,011 11 10 7,405 9 11 315 19 11 9,270 13 9 2,341 8 0 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 152 2 0 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,220 0 7 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 510 19 3 2,049 9 6 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 175 0 0 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 2,332 6 0 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 £ s. d. • 28 i 4 £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 11,237 3 5 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 7,312 9 6 6,066 6 3 9,423 13 7 5,785 19 0 1,011 11 10 7,405 9 11 315 19 11 9,270 13 9 2,341 8 0 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 152 2 0 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,220 0 7 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 510 19 3 2,049 9 6 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 175 0 0 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 2,332 6 0 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 li' 8 0 2,049 9 6 175 0 0 1913 6 Total Lighthouses .. 185,413 6 8 9,030 12 5 194,443 19 1 28 4 4 194,472 3 I I 185,413 6 8 9,030 12 5 194,443 19 1 28 4 4 194,472 3 0 Habbouk-wohks. Awanni Wharf and shed .. .. 100 0 0 .. 100 0 0 .. 100 0 ( Horeke Wharf .. .. .. 352 6 6 .. 352 6 6 .. 352 6 ( Kohukohu reclamation wall .. 35 9 11 252 8 0 287 17 11 .. 287 17 1: Motukaraka Wharf .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 200 0 ( New house for boatman, Hokianga 289 17 0 .. 289 17 0 .. 289 17 ( Harbour Kaipara removal of rocks .. .. 1,091 3 7 533 11 10 1,624 15 5 .. 1,624 15 I Kaipara, Shelly Beach Beacon .. 147 2 8 136 10 6 283 13 2 .. 283 13 i Raupo Otamatea, wharf repairs .. Or. 80 8 9 .. Or. 80 8 9 .. Or. 80 8 i Tangiteroria Whari .. .. 200 0 0 .. 200 0 0 .. 200 0 ( Tangaihi Wharf •• 225 0 0 225 0 0 .. 225 0 ( Kirikopuni Wharf .. .. 150 0 0 .. 150 0 0 .. 150 0 f Maungaturoto Wharf .. .. 250 0 0 .. 250 0 0 .. 250 0 ( Wharf at Howick .. .. 1,087 18 2 .. 1,087 18 2 .. 1,087 18 I Manukau Wharf at Sandspit .. 150 0 0 .. 150 0 0 .. 150 0 ( Manukau Harbour Endowment, cut- 677 16 9 534 13 9 1,212 10 6 .. 1,212 10 t tine up and roading Leigh Wharf ... •■ 142 19 8 142 19 f Pollok Wharf, Manukau .. .. 150 0 0 .. 150 0 0 .. 150 0 ( Whangarei Heads Wharf .. .. 600 0 0 .. 600 0 0 .. 600 0 ( Waipu improvement of river .. 1,000 0 0 .. 1,000 0 0 .. 1,000 0 ( Waiwera Wharf 350 0 0 .. 350 0 0 j .. 350 0 ( Wade River, clearing .. .. 105 1 6 750 0 0 855 1 6 .. 855 1 ( Puhoi River, clearing 79 19 0 .. 79 19 0 .. 79 19 ( Awhitu Wharf 50 0 0 .. 50 0 0 .. 50 0 . Matakana Harbour .. .. 651 8 6 4 5 6 655 14 0 17 1 8 672 15 f Onehunga, examining-room and office 194 3 2 .. 194 3 2 .. 194 3 ! 100 0 0 352 6 6 35 9 11 289 17 0 1,091 3 7 147 2 8 Or. 80 8 9 200 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 677 16 9 282 8 0 533 11 10 136 10 6 2-25 0 0 100 0 0 352 6 6 28V 17 11 289 17 0 1,624 15 5 283 13 2 Cγ. 80 8 9 200 0 0 225 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 1,212 10 6 200 0 0 100 0 0 352 6 6 287 17 11 200 0 0 289 17 0 1,624 15 5 283 13 2 Or. 80 8 9 200 0 0 225 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 1,212 10 6 534 13 9 150 0 0 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 350 0 0 105 1 6 . 79 19 0 50 0 0 651 8 6 194 3 2 150 0 0 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 350 0 0 855 1 6 79 19 0 50 0 0 655 14 0 194 3 2 142 19 8 142 19 8 150 0 0 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 350 0 0 855 1 6 79 19 0 50 0 0 672 15 8 194 3 2 750' 0 0 i 5 6 17 1 8



TABLE No. 8—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbourdefences out of Public Works Fund, &c.— continued.

Total I Expenditure '■ Total ™ Expenditure ! during Twelve i Expenditure Autno to 31st March.: Months ended ; to 31st March, V 0 ", 1 a , c ™' ffi r' 1912. I 31st March, 1913. to 31st March, 1913. 191d - \_ i i Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Habbour-wobks — continued. Onehunga, dredging, &c, near wharf Orua Bay Wharf Port Fitzroy, Great Barrier Wharf .. Huia Wharf Graham Beach Wharf Waitemata : Deep Creek Wharf Warkworth Wharf Waiuku Channel Waiuku berthage and wharf accommodation Waiuku-Waikato'Canal survey Mercury Bay Wharf Coromandel Wharf Cabbage Bay Wharf Omokeroa Wharf Uretara Wharf Matata Wharf Opotiki Wharf Waikokopu Harbour Wairoa Harbour .. Nuhaka, land for harbour purposes .. Napier Harbour Lemon Point Wharf AwakiDO River improvements Mokau Wharf Mokau River improvements Ruakiwi Wharf Waifcara Harbour.. Waikawau River, removal of rock at. entrance Patea River, removing eel-weirs Patea River, snagging Waitotara River, snagging Manawatu River, snagging Foxton Marine Reserve, Protection of ! Castlepoint Jetty.. .. .. i Picton, removal of old wharf .. I Havelock Harbour Wairangi Bay Wharf, Croixelles Nelson, dredging harbour Elmslie Bay Wharf Waikawa Bay Wharf Elaine Bay Wharf Motueka Wharf, protection Tata Islands harbour of refuge Takaka Harbour Collingwood Harbour Pakawau Wharf Little Wanganui Wharf, wharf approach, and snagging river German Bay Wharf Karamea Wharf Karamea River improvements Karamea Harbour Light Westport Harbour Point Elizabeth Harbour Greymouth Harbour Hokitika Harbour Okarito Harbour Okuru Wharf and River improvements Portobello Fish-hatchery Ponds Martin's Bay, removal of rock Martin's Bay shed Holyford River, removal of rocks Jackson's Bay Jetty Cape Campbell Lighthouse Jetty Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour Kaikoura Wharf Akaroa-Le Bon's Bay Wharf, repairs Lyttelton, reclamation-works, Sticking Point Wellington Meteorological Observatory Port Levy Jetty Timaru Harbour Chatham Islands: Waitangi, removal and extension of wharf and store £ s. d. 758 8 3 144 16 4 8 0 0 252 17 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 1 16 6 357 11 6 150 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 758 8 3 144 16 4 8 0 0 252 17 3 50 0 0 50-0 0 1 16 6 357 11 6 150 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 758 8 3 144 16 4 8 0 0 252 17 3 50] CO 0 50"* 0 0 1*16 6 357 11 6 150 0 0 11 6 2 328 14 6 Or. 0 10 0 461 1 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 4,097 14 9 11 6 2 328 14 6 Or. 0 10 0 461 1 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 4,097 14 9 300 0 0 110 0 5 562 13 9 50 0 0 100 0 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 17 0 0 11 6 2 328 14 6 Or. 0 10 0 478 1 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 4,097 14 9 300 0 0 119 3 9 562 13 9 50 0 0 100 0 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 3 9 6 312 13 9 50 0 0 300 0 0 106 10 11 250 0 0 9 3 4 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 555 1 3 214 18 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 750 0 11 58 13 8 2,806 15 8 150 0 0 85 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 1,743 1 7 127 15 9 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 ■ 336 0 10 50 0 0 100 0 0 555 1 3 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 750 0 11 58 13 8 2,806 15 8 150 0 0 85 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 1,743 1 7 343 7 7 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 452 14 1 50 0 0 100 0 0 555 1 8 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 750 0 11 58 13 8 2,806 15 8 150 0 0 85 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 1,743 1 7 343 7 7 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 452 14 1 215 11 10 116 13 3 656 4 11 6,000 8 5 100 3 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 812 15 9 100 0 0 100 0 0 656 4 11 8,924 19 9 100 3 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 812 15 9 100 0 0 656 4 11 8,990 6 3 100 3 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 812 15 9 2,924 16 4 65 6 6 250 0 0 5 0 0 14 18 10 370 12 1 32 6 4 6 5 0 3,276 16 10 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 250 0 0 5 0 0 14 13 10 370 12 1 32 6 4 6 5 0 3,276 16 10 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 250 0 0 5 0 0 14 13 10 370 12 1 32 6 4 6 5 0 3,276 16 10 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 268 6 2 268 6 2 268 6 2 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0



TABLE No. 8-continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour- works, and Harbour. DEFENCES out of Public Works Fund, &c.— continued.

Net Expenditure during Twelve i Months ended 31st March, 1913. I Liabilities on n , , , *S?L™ to 31st March, T . ?»? . .„-„ Liabilities. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1912. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1913. Habboub-works— continued. Chatham Islands: Shed at Pitt Island Taiaroa Heads Lighthouse, enlarging and repairing dwelling Moeraki Boat-slip Dunedin, St. Ciair, protection of Ocean Beach Brighton Boat Harbour Waikouaiti River improvements Toitois Jetty Balclutha Jetty Nugget Bay, landing-slip, &c. Tautuku Wharf and River improvements Catlin's River, removal of rocks Catlin's River Jetty Queenstown Beacon Queenstown Jetty Stewart Island Wharf, Horseshoe Bay Stewart Island, snagging Presh-water River Stewart Island: Wharf, Golden Bay Stewart Maud : Wharf, Half-moon Bay ; Raising dredge " Hapuka " Grab dredge for harbour-works Miscellaneous £ s. d. 1 10 0 83 7 1 £ a. d. £ s. d. 1 10 0 83 7 1 £ a. a. j £' s. d. 1 10 0 83 7 1 175 0 0 532 12 8 175 0 0 532 12 8 175 0 0 532 12 8 25 12 6 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 690 1 11 200 0 0 25 12 6 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 951 13 4 200 0 0 25 12 6 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 951 13 4 200 0 0 261 11 5 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 •35 0 0 297 8 0 780 0 0 500 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 780 0 0 500 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 780 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 750 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 1,050 0 0 100 0 0 1,050 0 0 777 7 9 635 0 10 407 10 0 22 8 5 12 14 6 777 7 9 657 9 8 420 4 6 23 14 2 23 14 2 777 7 9 662 13 5 420 4 6 Total Harbour-works 355,204 3 1 7,415 2 5 362,619 5 6 475 5 4 363,094 10 10 Habbour-defbnoes. Guns Ammunition War Office stores Torpedo-boats and torpedoes Submarine-mining stores Miscellaneous Works in Dominion Land for depots and batteries 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 264,365 10 6 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 264,704 17 6 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 264,728 17 6 38,327 14 6 339 7 0 24 0 0 Total Harbour-defences .. 540,805 2 9 339 7 0 541,144 9 9 541,168 9 9 Grandjtotal 1,081,422 2 2 16,785 1 10 1,098,207 4 0 527 9 8 1,098,734 13 8





Prepared in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Works Act, 1908.

Sir, — Public Works Department, Wellington, 10th June, 1913. In compliance with the Bth section of the Public Works Act, 1908, I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable to the Public Works Fund. I have, &c, W. Fraser, Minister of Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington.

Statement of Net Expenditure on all Works and Services chargeable to the Public Works Fund for the Year 1912-13.

C. E. Bennett, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Examined and found correct. Under-Secretary. Eobeet J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. Note.—Charges and expenses of raising loans not included in abjve figures. (Details on next page.)

Class. Votes. , Summary. Expenditure. Gredi . Net Expenditure I I • XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII Public Works Fuhd. „ 92 Public Works, Departmental .. 57,461 93-94 Railways .. .. .. 1,304,500 95-103 Public Buildings .. .. 479.377 104-106 \ Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and 24,002 Harbour Defences 107 Tourist and Health Resorts .. 15,000 108 Immigration .. .. .. 20,000 109-111 i Roads, Bridges, and other Public 580,450 Works 112 ' Development of Goldfields .. 14,560 113 ', Telegraph Extension .. .. 225,000 114 : Contingent Defence .. .. 60,000; 116-116 Lands Improvement .. .. 50,150| Unauthorized £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 57,523 17 11 537 14 4 56,986 3 7 1,158,669 11 8 9,837 7 3 1,148,832 4 5 453,894 14 6 8,752 12 0'* 445,142 2 6 16,821 2 J 36 0 3 16.785 1 10 12,973 8 10 67 13 111 12,905 14 II 47,875 4 9 33,418 16 111 14,456 7 10 392,652 6 4 1 18,306 13 0 374,345 13 4 XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI 14,643 7 4 3,999 8 8 10,643 18 8 284,120 12 10 32,745 19 2 251,374 13 8 23,796 0 1 5 18 0; 23,790 2 1 28,472 14 10 5,922 8 0 22,550 6 10 1,580 0 9 853 4 11 726 15 10 (2,493.023 1 11 114.483 16 5 2,378,539 5 6 Total Public Works Fund .. 2,830,500J

D— 1


APPENDIX A—continued.

i'ote No. Name of Vote. Appropriation. Expenditure. Credits. Net Rxpenditure. _ Public Works Fund. Public Works, Departmental — Public Works, Departmental Railways — Railway-construction— I Kaihu Railway Extension Kawakawa-Hokianga Kawakawa-Grahamtown North Auckland Main Trunk Huntly-Awaroa Raetihi-Main Trunk East Coast Main Trunk —■ Waihi—Tauranga Tauranga—Paengaroa Gisborne-Motu Napier—Gisborm— North End South End Mount Eginont Branch Stratford-Main Trunk Eoxton - New Plymouth (Manawapau Deviation) South Island Main Trunk — North End South End -] Midland Railway— . Nelson End Reef ton End .. .. Otira-Bealey Broken River to Bealey Westport-Inangahua i Ngahere—Blackball Greymouth - Point Elizabeth Ross-Mikonui Waimate Branch Extension Lawrence—Roxburgh Catlin 's-Waimahaka— East End West End Winton - Heddon Bush Orepuki-Waiau Extension Land Claims, &c. Surveys, New Lines of Railway Permanent-way Materials £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 92 57,461 57,523 17 11 537 14 4 56,986 3 7 15,000 40,000 3,000 80,000 20,000 10,000 8,799 19 6 31,071 17 10 2,249 11 7 74,336 18 10 11,749 3 4 2.024 7 II I 8,799 19 6 94 3 8i 30,977 14 2 3 17 8 2,245 13 II 401 7 4 73,935 11 6 17 4 3 11,731 19 1 1 17 0 2,022 10 11 5,000 25,000; 80,000 5.362 17 9 28.632 14 8 58.562 13 10 0 1 6 5,362 16 3 170 6 6 28,462 8 .: 1,014 9 0 57,548 4 10 15,000 12,000 10,000 90,000i 4,000 15,683 II 1 11,444 3 10 4,656 13 0 97,386 4 11 4,007 4 0 6 5 4! 15,677 5 9 5 15 2' 11,438 8 8 4,656 13 0 2.095 10 4 95,290 14 7 4,007 4 0 20,000' 30,000 21,879 15 10 24.390 0 4 2 19 1 21,876 16 9 425 7 0 23,964 13 4 93 30,000' 17,000 70,000 50,C00 20,000 23,653 19 5 10,107 12 2 62,119 3 6 36,925 9 7 18,779 10 6 287 9 2j 23,366 10 3 34 12 4j 10,072 19 10 310 4 7 ; 61,808 18 11 139 13 5 36,785 16 2 68 3 3 18,711 7 3 12,000 9.979 13 8 9,979 13 8 5,0001 20,000j 17,393 17 7 2 4 4 17,391 13 3 48,000 2,000 8,000 29,381 5 11 510 18 4 586 13 3 28,794 12 8 14 16 0 496 2 " 4 1,500 5,000 100,000 314 11 4 3,299 18 9| 75,848 11 9 48 18 9 265 12 7 7 18 4 3,292 0 5 616 17 2 75,231 14 7 Total Vote, Railway-construction 6,356 14 5 684,195 16 4 847,500 690,552 10 9 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Additions to Open Lines Public BuildingsGeneral Judicial Postal and Telegraph Agricultural Mental Hospitals Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Public Health School Buildings Workers' Dwellings Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences—■ Lighthouses Harbour-works Harbour Defences Tourist and Health Resorts —■ Tourist and Health Resorts Immigration — Immigration Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works—■ Roads, &c. .. .. .. .. Backblocks Roads, &c. Road and other Works on Goldfields and Mineral Lands Development of Goldfields — Development of Goldfields Telegraph Extension — Telegraph Extension Contingent Defence— Contingent Defence Lands Improvement— Improved-farm Settlements Lands, Miscellaneous UnauthorizedServices not provided for .. .. 457,000 *56,000 51.700 t!39,500 10,000 45,000 9.677 1,000 106,500 (iO.000 1(1,000 11,502 2,500 15,000 20,000 468,117 0 11 69,425 16 4 46,202 15 4 123,551 2 0 6,424 14 111 46,248 2 l! Si, 892 3 3 375 13 0 106,181 4 2 46,643 3 5 9,038 14 6 7.443 0 7 339 7 0 12,973 8 10; 47,875 4 9j 3,480 12 10 5,900 15 3 771 17 1 551 14 0 66 17 6 142 0 0 1,18] 2 2 188 6 0 8 2 1 27 18 2 67 13 11 33,418 16 11 464,636 8 1 63,525 1 1 45,430 18 3 122,999 8 0 6,424 14 11 46,181 4 7 8.750 3 3 375 13 0 105,000 2 0 46,454 17 5 9,030 12 5 7,415 2 5 339 7 0 12,905 14 11 14,456 7 10 109 110 111 328,275 201.575 50,fi00 215,592 18 0 140,298 5 0 36,761 3 4: 6,456 4 0J 11.850 9 0 209,136 14 0 128,447 16 0 36,761 3 4 112 14,560 14,643 7 4 3,999 8 8 10,643 18 8 113 225,000 284,120 12 10 32.745 19 2 251,374 13 8 114 60,000 23,796 0 1 5 18 0 23,790 2 1 115 116 44,150 6,000 28,466 16 10 5 18 0: 5.922 8 0 22.544 8.10 5 18 0 1,580 0 9 853 4 11 726 15 10 Total Public Works Fund .. 2,830,500 2,493,023 1 11 114,483 16 5 2,378,539 5 6 * Inclusive ol £5.000 transferred from Vote 97. t Bxclusi ve of £5,000 transfei rred to Vote 95.



APPENDIX B. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the Close of the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1913, prepared in Terms of Section 42 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910, and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Treasury.

Class. I Votes. Summary. Public Wobks Fund. Total. £ s. d. XVI 92 . Publio Works, Departmental XVII 93 i Railways XVIII 106 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, &c. .. XIX j 95-99 Public Buildings.. XXIV ! 109-110 j Construction of Roads, Bridges, &r. 566 16 8 .. I 111,899 3 0 .. i 24 0 0 76,120 18 1 .. 161,359 0 0 349,969 17 9 Consolidated Fund. V 17-19 Publio Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of Roads .. I 7,008 6 1 Otheb Accounts. 123 Aid to Water-power Works Account 124 Irrigation and Water Supply 125 Waibou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Acoount 126 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account .. 127 I National Endowment Account Land for Settlements Account .. 132,102 1 4 50 0 0 8,050 1 1 9,396 0 0 1,293 0 0 .. j 1,156 0 0 152,107 2 5 152,107 2 5 l=— —— Vote No. Name of Vote. Total. & s. d. Public Wobks Fund. Public Works, Departmental 566 16 8 92 93 Railway-construction— Kaihu Railway Extension Kawakawa-Hokianga .. Kawakawa-Grahamfcown North Auckland Huntly-Awaroa Waihi-Tauranga Tauranga-Paengaroa Gieborne-Motu Napier-Gisborne, North End Napier-Gisborne, South End Mount Egmont Branch Stratford-Main Trunk .. _ Foxton - New Plymouth (Manawapou Deviation) .. Raetihi-Main Trunk South Island Main Trunk, North End South Island Main Trunk, South End Midland— Nelson End Reefton End Otira to Bealey Broken River to Bealey Westport-Inangahua Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Lawrence-Roxburgh Catlin's-Waimahaka .. Surveys of New Lines — North Island South Island Permanent-way Materials 397 16 9 6,401 1 8 3,646 17 1 3 0 0 3 0 0 286 6 4 130 8 9 5 5 0 1,77018 1 3,932 5 2 1,075 19 0 835 13 6 2,001 5 0 5,813 10 11 28,857 8 7 1,958 4 6 313 18 4 3,228 16 11 3 8 3 51,28319 7 111,899 3 0 95 96 97 98 99 Publio Buildings— General Judicial Postal and Telegraph .. Agricultural Mental Hospitals 28,720 IS 0 10,760 17 11 29,970 3 7 323 7 9 6,345 13 10 76,120 18 1



APPENDIX B— continued. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department — continued.

C. E. Bennett, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Public Works Department, 30th April, 1913. Under-Secretary

y—i>. l.

Vote No. Name of Vote. Total. Public Wobks Fund — continued. £ s. d. 106 109 110 lighthouses, Harbour Works, &e. — Harbour D> fences Construction of Roads, Bridges, &o.— R jads, &c. Hack-block Roads, &o. 24 0 0 116.183 0 0 15,176 0 0 161,359 0 0 Total, Public Works Fund.. 349,969 17 9 Consolidated Fund. 17 18 19 Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of RoadsPublic Buildiigs Government Domains .. Maintenance and Improvement of Roads.. 3,487 6 1 3,516 0 0 Other Accounts. 7,003 6 1 123 124 125 Aid to Water-power Works Account Irrigation and Water-supply Waiiiou and Ohinenmri R vers Improvement Account— Waihou and Ohirw muri Rivers In pro\emnt Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account- — Roads to open up Crown Lands National Endowment Account— Roads to open up National Endowment Lands Land for Settlements Account (Roads Portion) 132,162 1 4 50 0 0 8,050 1 1 9,396 0 0 126 127 1,293 0 0 1,186 0 0 Total, Other Accounts £152.107 2



APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913.

Date of Contract. Lines of Railway and Branches. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. RAILWAYS. £ s. d. 1,773 4 0 1,437 2 0 845 0 2 1,041 8 9 670 14 9 978 18 5 Jan. 6,1912 9, „ April 26, 1911 June 10, ,, „ 16, „ Kaihu Railway Extension Steel and Ironwork for Waima Bridges ,, Hardwood Timber for Waima Bridges Kawakawa— Hokianga .. ,, for Ngapipito Bridges „ .. Belled Steel Joist-spans ,, .. Steel and Ironwork for Ngapipito Bridges „ .. Hardwbod Timber for Bridges between 3 miles 40 chains and 11 miles 4 chains North Auckland Main Trunk Hardwood Timber for Bridges „ Otamatea Bridge Wharf Huntly-Awaroa.. .. Huntly Bridge Tauranga-Paengaroa .. Iron and Steel Supply „ .. Hardwood Piles and Timber for Bridges Gisborne-Motu .. .. j Land Plan Survey .. .. .. „ .. .. j Hardwood Timber for Bridges „ .. .. Steel and Ironwork for Bridges ,, .. .. Four Platelayers' Cottages, Matawai Stratford Main Trunk .. Supply of Ironbark and Hardwood Timber for Bridges .. „ .. Supply of Ironbark Piles and Mixed Hardwood for Bridges „ . . Supply of Steel and Ironwork for Bridges „ .. Supply of Hardwood Timber and Piles for Bridges „ . . I Three Platelayers' Cottages, Ohakukara „ .. Whangamomona Station Buildings „ .. Hardwood, Whangamomona Stream Bridges I Andersons Limited .. July 6, 1912 I J. W. Wallace and Co. .. „ 9, „ Eraser and Co. (Limited) Oct. 26, 1911 Sanders Bros. .. .. Jan. 10,1912 Massey Bros. (Limited) .. Dec. 12, 1911 Fraser and Co. (Limited) .. ,, 16, ,, Dec. 3, 1912 Nov. 27, 1912 April 15, ,, June 3, ,, Nov. 27 „ Reductions, £2 18s. £21 9s. 7d. Extras, £112 12s. 2d. Reductions, £29 16s. 4d. Extras, £371 3s. 8d. July 29, 1910 Feb. 13, 1911 June 12, ,, Feb. 13, 1912 June 12, 1911 „ 16, „ Aug. 17, „ „ 16, „ Nov. 2, „ Mar. 25, 1912 Feb. 13, 1911 Dick Michael .. .. Jan. 29, „ G. M. Fraser .. .. Aug. 13, 1912 .. " .. June 12, „ .. May 13, „ Sanders Bros. .. .. Dec. 12, 1911 Fraser and Co. (Limited) .. ,, 16, ,, A. Teesdale .. .. Aug. 27, „ S. Brown (Limited) .. Feb. 16,1912 G. Griffiths and Co. .. Aug. 2, „ E. P. Williams .. .. June 25, „ ! S. Brown (Limited) .. Aug. 13, 1911 April 12,1911 July 31, „ Jan. 13, 1912 317 0 0 20,841 0 0 6,476 15 0 17,580 6 0 543 6 6 549 3 8 260 0 0 474 5 4 1,034 4 0 1,556 0 0 338 9 8 Reductions, £70 14s. 5d. Extras, £35 4s. 4d. £6 7s. 10d. £102 5s. Aug. 1, 1912 Sept. 2, „ Oct. 10, „ £36 17s. „ £2 10s. Reductions, £71 15s. 5d. May 26, „ . „ 10, „ 273 5 5 £21 11s. 3d. .'. Nov. 26, „ June 9, „ Nov. 13, „ i Sanders Bros. .. .. ! June 9, 1912 Fraser and Co. (Limited) .. ' May 13, „ 6,195 0 0 829 7 9 May 25, 1912 » 29, „ Oct. 10, „ O'Reilly and Miscall .. Aug. 26, „ E. W. Hodder .. .. Mar. 1,1913 Richardson, Blair, and Me- April 14, „ Cabe (Limited) F. Lundon .. .. May 30, „ B. Garnaham .. .. Jan. 11,1912 A. Kingsford .. .. June 21, „ E. J. Ruddock .. .. Aug. 13, „ B. Garnaham .. .. June 15, 1913 S. M. Galbraith .. Aug. 26, 1912 Nov. 30, 1912 1,128 15 7 3,990 0 0 589 11 0 Extras, £16 9s. Contract determined. Mar. 14, 1913 July 11, 1911 ,, .. Toi Road Station Cottages .. ... South Island Main Trunk Erection of Bridges, Mirza Section (South End) Ditto .. .. .. I Parnassus Station Buildings June 28, 1912 597 10 0 249 15 0 Extras, £51 i 18s. ; reductions, £3 14s. 9d. £616 2s. 4d.; reductions, £195 12s. 6d. Dec. 21, „ Nov. 9, „ 2,652 12 11 Feb. 13, 1912 Oct. 15, „ Feb. 26, „ ,, .. .. . . Steel-plate Girders, Leader River Bridge ,, .. .. .. Ure River Bridge Midland (Nelson End) .. i Glenhope Station Buildings Mar. 20, 1913 879 5 8 3,858 18 0 4,491 8 4 Extras, £209 17s. 6d.; reductions. £66 J4s. 4d, . i . :



APPENDIX C—continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.

Date of Contract. Lines of Railway and Branches. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. I Contract to be completed. Date ' Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. April 19,1912 Aug. 1,1907 April 26, 1911 Midland (Nelson End) „ (Otira-Bealey) .. „ (Broken River - Bealey) RAILWAYS - continued. Cottage at Kiwi .. .. .. .. j H.Olson .. .. June 19, 1912 Otira Tunnel '.. .. .. ..J. McLean and Sons (Li- Aug. 1, „ mited) Supply of Ironbark Piles and Hardwood Tim- J. A. Redpath and Son .. | Oct. 26, 1911 ber, Bealey Bridges Supply of Steel and Ironwork for Bealey P. R. Williamson r . „ 19, 1912 Bridges Erection of Two Cottages at 37 miles 40 chains Paynter and Hamilton .. June 19, ,, & s. d. June 12, 1912 393 17 8 599,794 0 0 Sept. 13,1912 824 6 8 Contract determined, 28/12/12. Feb. 19, 1912 Ditto 1,471 19 2 „ 19, „ May 4, 1912 873 0 0 1,554 4 6 3,721 10 3 4,768 6 8 5,406 0 0 April 2, 1912 3,531 18 0 Aug. 4, „ 2,075 0 0 April 2, „ 1,944 6 8 Extras, £31 2s. 6d. ; reductions. £21 15s. 3d. Contract not taken up. Additions, £57 ; reductions, £87. Extras, £105 14s. „ £335 13s. 4d. ; reductions. £110 15s. 8d. May 13, „ Jan. 3, 1913 May 5, 1910 5, „ „ 5, „ Westport-Inangahua Bealey River, Halpin and Rough Creek Bridges W. Rhodes and Son Seven Cottages, Arthur's Pass Station .. A. Kingsford .. .. July 3, 1913 No. 1 Formation Contract .. .. j McWilliams and Andrews May 5, 1912 ,,2 ,, . . .. J D. McLellan . . .. „ 5, „ ,,4 „ .. .. R. H. O'Brien and Party.. „ 5, ,, ,,5 ,, .. .. I McWilliams and Andrews ,, 5, ,, ,,6 „ .. .. I R. H. O'Brien and Party.. „ 5, „ Mar. 31, 1911 „ 31, „ „ 31, „ ,,7 „ .. .. Corby and Foster .. i Mar. 31, 1913 ,,10 ,, .. .. Maxwell and Mann .. ,, 31, ,, ,,12 ,, .. .. I Redmond, Moore, andCoch- ; ,, 31, ,, rane ,,8 ,. .. .. I T. Murphy, A. Senior, and j April 29, „ D. McNamara ,,9 ,, .. .. ' Maxwell and Mann .. „ 29, „ ,,11 „ .. .. R. H. O'Brien .. .. May 25, „ ,,14 „ .. .. I D. McLellan ,. ... Dec. 19, 1913 ,,15 ,, .. .. I Murray and Co. .. .. ,, 19, ,, ,,13 „ .. .. j J. A. Stuart, F. G. Hobbs, April 17, 1914 and S. McLennan ,,16 „ .. .. Michael Leddy .. .. ,,17, „ ,,17 „ .. .. Brazil and Party .. „ 17, „ Bushfelling and Clearing .. .. .. Stuart and Gapper .. Sept. 20, 1912 Mount Davey Station Buildings .. .. George Ogilvie .. .. June 21, 1913 No. 3 Formation, Beaumont Section .. G. W. Ryan .. .. Dec. 12, 1912 Land Plan Survey .. .. ..I R.S.Allan .. .. Nov. 1, „ Maclennan River Bridge .. .. .. ' Watson, Rhodes, and Son June 21, 1913 3,806 5 0 I 10,708 10 0 1,167 16 0 Determined, 19/11/12. April 29, „ 2,942 18 0 „ 29, „ May 25, „ Dec. 19, „ „ 19, „ April 17, 1912 " 1,587 5 0 2,676 9 0 8,565 5 0 1,186 12 6 1,956 0 0 1,971 5 0 3,605 0 0 600 0 0 1,958 4 6 „ 17, „ ,, 17, „ May 20, „ Feb. 1,1913 Gre3anouth - Point Elizabeth Dec. 21, 1911 July 1, 1912 Aug. 8, „ Lawrence-Roxburgh Catlin , s—Waimahaka 1,118 18 4 Mar. 10, 1913 215 14 0 3,121 12 11 I



APPENDIX C.—continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.

Date of Contract. ! Contractor's Name and Address. Date for Completion. Date of Completion. Amount of Contract. Amount oi Extras and Reductions to be addod to or deducted from Amount of Contract. Name of Contract.. Auckland. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. £ „. d . May 31, 1909 Auckland Post-office .. .. .. .. I Jamieson, J. and W. (Limited), Christchurch I Nov. HO. 1911 I Oct. 22, 1912 I 95,551 0 0 I Settlement not yet arrived at regarding extras and reduetk ns. June 26, 1911 j Te Aroha Post-office .. ,. .. .. i Frankham, C. H., Auckland .. .. Feb. 26. 1912 : April 15, ., 2.962 0 0 : Extras, £274 10s. 7d. ; reductions £45. „ 1, ., ' Auckland Post-office, Electric Elevators .. .. Tumbull and Jones. Wellington .. .. j Mar. 1, „ ; Dec. 20, 1912 1,289 0 Oi „ £784; roductions, £46 8s. od. Nov. 6. „ [ Auckland Courthouse .. .. .. ... | Hutchison, W. E.. Auckland .. .. Nov. 6. ., .. 14,820 0 0 Dec. 21 \ „ i Putaruru Post-office .. .. .. .. Moody, A., Hamilton East .. .. April 2], „ i May 2, „ 999 0 0 ! Extras,|£13 3s. 4d. „ 21, „ : Ponson by Post-office .. .. .. .. MeKinstry, L., Ponsonby, Auckland .. Aug. 21, „ | Jan. 18, 1913 3,697 18 6 I „ £657 18a. Jan. 3, 1912 j TokanufMental Hospital .. .. .. .. I McLean and Sons. D., Wellington .. j July 3. „ .. i 13,627 0 0 ., 13, „ I Public Works Workshop .. .. .. .. I Philcox and Sons, W., Auckland .. May 13, „ ; May 2, 1912 i 580 15 0 Feb. 19, „ I .Devonport Post-office, Alterations .. .. .. ! Morris, E., Auckland .. .. .. April 19, „ ,. 6, „ 259 0 0 Extras, £5 5s.; reductions, £5 12a. 3d. Jan. 16, „ i Post-offices, Auckland and Wellington, Counter Grilles .. Riley and Co.. A. D., (Limited), Wellington ! June 16, „ ! Nov. 2. „ 917 0 0 „ £31 12s.; reductions. £4 J 12s. Mar. 19, „ j Hamilton Public Buildings .. .. .. .. I Snell Bros., Hamilton .. .. .. Dec. 19, „ j Jan. 29,1913 5,180 0 0i „ £129 19s. 5d. „ 19, „ I Matamata Post-office .. .. .. .. Moody, A., Hamilton East .. .. Aug. 19, „ i Aug. 6,1912 1,177 0 0 „ £10 11s. 6d. „ 29, „ j Auckland New Post-office. Furniture, Sao. .. ..' Winks and Hall, Auckland .. .. June 19, ,. I Sept. 30, „ 607 8 0 „ 29, „ „ „ .... Tonson, Garlick, and Co., Auckland .. „ 19, „ ; „ 30, ., 313 3 9 ! Aug. 30, 1911 i Kaeo Post-office .. .. .. .. .. j Hare Bros., Kaeo .. .. .. Jan. 30,. „ ; May 4. ,. 833 10 0 I Extras, £10. „ 29, 1910 Matata Post-office .. .. .. .. ... Grant. C. M., Opotiki .. .. .. June 29, 1911 i .. 779 12 6 j Completed by Public Works Department. Aug. 19, 1911 ; Te Kuiti Police-station .. .. .. .. Mclndoe, J., Te Kuiti .. .. .. Feb. 19, 1912 | April 30, 1912 j 1,152 19 7 Dec. 21, „ : Taumarunui Police-station .. .. .. .. Tolley and Robinson, Taumarunui .. May 21, „ j Aug. 27, „ 1,276 4 0 Extras, £55 lls.; reductions, £5 2e. Mar. 27, 1912 i Waipu Police-station .. .. .. .. Rowsell, W., Maungaturoto .. .. June 27, „ „ 15, „ 913 0 0 „ £14 4s. 6d. April 17, „ i Public Buildings, Auckland, Christchurch, and Dunedin, May-Oatway Syndicate (Limited), Dunedin Sept. 13, „ ! Feb. 2,1913: 2.000 0 0; „ £23. Fire-alarms „ 19, „ Taumarunui Post-office, Additions and Alterations .. j Solloway, H. M., Taumarunui .. ..I May 20, „ I Oct. 31, 1912 316 13 5 ! „ £21 10s. 6d. May 20, „ Waihou Post-office .. .. .. ,. .. i Fisk, G. A., Waihi .. .. .. ] Sept. 20, „ Nov. 16, „ 971 0 0 ! „ £6 4s. 9d. „, 21, „ Rotorua Cottage Hospital .. .. .. .. | Frankham, J.. Devonport .. . . „ 21, „ Nov. 18, ., 1.856 8 0 ! ,. £196 6s. 6d. ; reductions,. £3 12s. July 20, ,. Waihi Police-station, Additions .. .. .. Corringham, W. B., Waihi .. .. j „ 28, „ Feb. 2,1913] 343 0 0i „ £48 15s. lid. „ 20, „ Te Awamutu Post-office, Clock Tower .. .. j McKinstry, L., Ponsonby .. .. I Oct. 20, „ Dec. 5, 1912 .498 19 0 ! „ £3; reductions, £4. „ 24, „ Infectious Diseases Hospital, Rotorua.. .. .. j Moor, Thomas, Auckland .. .. ,,24, „ „ 6, „ ! 1,097 10 0 j „ £10. „ 24, „ Taupo Police-station, Additions and Alterations to Police- i Gradwell, F. G., Taupo .. .. .. „ 24, „ j Nov. 24, „ 234 0 0 ! sergeant's residence) Sept. 10, „ Kaikohe Courthouse .. .. .. .. Cook, W., and Son, Waimate North .. Jan. 10, 1913 .. 949 0 0 „ 19, „ Otorohanga Police-station .. .. .. .. Fullerton and Wilson, Te Kuiti .. .. Feb. 19, „ | Mar. 15,1913' 925 0 0 ] Extras, £52 Us. lid. „ 19, „ Otahuhu Post-office, Additions .. .. .. Morris, E., Auckland .. .. .. „ 19, „ „ 20, ,, 656 0 0 ', „ £80 3s. 6d. „ 19, „ I Otorohanga Courthouse .. .. .. .. ] Moody, A.. Hamilton East .. .. Jan. 19, ,. Jan. 22, „ 870 0 0 „ £10 2s. Oct. 29, „ ] Defence Store, Mount Eden, Auckland .. .. i Jenkin. H.. Grey Lynn .. .. Dec. 9.1912 Dec. 31,1912 266 17 0 „ £4 18s.



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. i Contractor's Name and Address. Date for Completion. Date of Completion. Amount of Contract. Amount of Extras and Reduction* to be added to or deducted from Amount of Contract. Auckland — continued. Matapihi Native School .. .. Maungatapu Native School Papakura Post-office 8* Huntly Police-station Tokaanu Post-office Pukehina Native School Mental Hospital. Tokamii, Steam-boilers PUBLIC BUILDINGS— continued. £ a. d. 843 0 0 600 0 0 I 1,194 2 0 j 1,390 0 0 1,155 9 10 j 861 0 0 I 975 0 0 I Nov. 21, 1912 .. 21, „ „ 20, „ Mar. 7, 1913 Deo. 28, 1912 Jan. 24, 1913 Oct. 16, 1912 Overtoil, 1'., Birkenhead Harvey and Co., Tauranga Mackay, A. M., Auckland Frankham. C. H., Auckland Aldridge, T., Ohakune Overton, F., Tauranga Luke. S., and Co. (Limited), Wellington .. April 21, 1913 ,. 21. „ „ 20, „ Aug. 7, „ May 31, „ June 24. „ Jan. 16, ,. Aug. 21, 1911 Jan. 13, 1912 Mar. 16. ,. Hawke's Bay. Police Inspector's Residence, Napier .. Clive Post-office Otane Post-office Bailey, T. W., Napier Cairns and Paton, Havelock North Scanlon and Cain, Hastings Jan. 21, 1912 May 13, „ Aug. 16, „ Feb. 20, 1912 July 10, ,. I Oct. 3, „ Mar. 29, 1913 Sept. 25. 1912 1,037 17 7 ! .820 0 0 I 1.215 2 0 j 3,386 0 0 229 15 0 Extras, £39 ; deductions, £4 2s. 5d. „ £2615s.; deductions, £1 10s. „ £36 13s. 9d.; deductions, £3 18s. £38 9s. „ £40 7s. 10d. ; deductions, £11 11s. 4d. „ 20, „ June 15, „ Opotiki Post-office . . Waipawa Courthouse, Repairs Massey, W., Auckland Adams, J. H., Waipawa Oct. 20, ,. Sept. 15, „ Sept. 9, „ Oct. 23, „ Jan. 1, 1913 Gisborne Police-station Hastings Police Sergeant's Residence Mohaka Police-station, Repairs Webb, H., Gisborne Stanley, A. and R., Hastings Gardiner, A. R., Wairoa Feb. 8. 1913 Feb. 23, .. Mar. 28, ,. Feb. 22, 1913 2,306 0 0 623 8 0 247 3 7 Deductions. £2 14s. 4d. Nov. 27, 1911 Taranaki. Tollej' and Robinson, Taumarunui July 27, 1912 Oct. 31, 1912 May 26, ,. Oct. 31, „ Feb. 28, 1913 1.476 0 0 348 0 0 860 0 0 3,399 0 0 Extras, £3 17s. 6d; deductions, £94 12s. 3d. „ £2 11s. „ £11 6s. 6d.; deductions, £63. £20 10s; deductions, £151 12a. Ohura Post-office Jan. 3, 1912 „ 11, ,. Inglewood Post-office, Additions, &c. Whangamomona Post-office .. .. Coleman and Son, New Plymouth Hodder. E. W., Whangamomona Feb. 28, „ May 11. „ Feb. 20, .. New Plymouth Public Buildings Coleman and Son. New Plymouth Nov. 20. „ Jan. 27, „ Sept. 12, „ Whangamomona Movable School Awakino Post-office Scott, R. J., Pohokura Coleman and Son, New Plymouth. . Mar. 9, „ Feb. 12, 1913 Aug. 3, 1912 Mar. 31, 1913 204 15 6 1,513 0 0 Extras, £6. Oct. 27, 1909 Wellington . Wellington Post-office, Additions Wilson, J. and A. (Limited), Wellington Oct. 27, 1911 April 16. 1913 May 2, 1912 June 30, „ 96,923 0 0 9,689 0 0 1,456 0 0 Settlement not yet arrived at regarding extras and reductions. Extras, £482 10s. lid. ; deductions, £500. „ £1,855 10s. 8d. ; deduc- * tions, £31 7 s. 6d. April 11, 1911 St. Helens Hospital, Wellington Murdock and Wallis, Wellington Feb. 11, 1912 June 21, „ New Store, Mount Cook Sanders Bros., Wellington Jan. 21, „ Aug. 1, „ Nov. 2, ,. Electric Elevators, General Post-office, Wellington Marble Work. Wellington Post-office Burt, A. and T. (Limited), Wellington Edwards and Son. Wellington Mar. 1, „ May 2, ,. Nov. 25, 1912 886 14 0 227 19 0 Extras. £2.



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.

'■■■■••• I ■ ■ ' rP a * e Name of Contract. Contractors Name and Address. n Dat S ! f? r „ Date ° f Contract. Completion- Completion. Date of Contract. ! Name of Contract. Amount Amount of Extras and Reductions of to be added to or deducted from Contract. Amount of Contract. I WBLLOtaroN— continued. PUBLIC BUILDINGS-conttnaed Nov. 28, 1911 ' Carterton Post-office, Additions .. .. ..I Rose and Mason, Masterton .. .. j Feb. 28, 1912 ■, June 8, 1912 Aug. 1, „ Electric Elevators, Passenger -lifts A. and B., General Post- Turnbull and Jones (Limited), Wellington.. Mar. 1, ,, Nov. 20, ,, office, Wellington Jan. 19, 1912 Ohakune Courthouse .. .. .. .. Aldridge, T., Ohakune .. May 20, „ Oct. 31, „ Feb. 19, ,, Kaiwarawara Post-office .. .. .. .. Seamer, A., Wellington .. .. .. Aug. 19, ,, ! Aug. 24, „ April 11, ,, Eketahuna Post-office, Additions ,. .. ., Power, A. R., Eketahuna .. .. July 11, „ Dec. 21, „ „ 17, ,. ' Post and Telegraph Bulk Store, Wellington .. .. Sanders Bros., Wellington .. .. Jan. 17, 1913 : „ 22, „ Electric Elevator, St. Helens Hospital, Wellington .. Moult, H., Wellington' .. .. .. I Aug. 22, 1912 : Nov. 19, 1912 Aug. 24, „ ; Wanganui Post-office, Painting and Renovations .. Tingey, R. and E. (Limited), Wanganui .. j Nov. 24, „ ! Sept. 24, „ Oct. 3, ,, Post and Telegraph Store, Wellington, 10-ton crane .. Richardson, Blair, and McCabe, Wellington „ 3, „ „ „ 2J-ton crane .. ! Riley, A. D., Wellington .. Sept. 2, „ ! Government Insurance Building, Wanganui .. .. Benge, G. F., Wanganui .. .. I Mar. 2, 1913 Oct. 17, „ Pongaroa Post-office, Additions .. .. .. j Whittaker, W., Pongaroa .. .. j Feb. 17, „ Mar. 12, 1913 j Wanganui Courthouse, Additions .. .. .. j Benge, G.'F., Wanganui .. .. i July 12, ,, ,, 18, ,, Storekeeper's Cottage, Pipitea .. .. .. j McMillan, J. L., Wellington .. .. June 18, ,, ,, 31, ,, ' Parliament Buildings, Granite for Piers .. .. New Zealand Quarries (Limited), Auckland ,, 26, ,, £ s. d. 415 0 0 Extras, £17 3s. 6d. 1,346 0 0 „ £342 13s.: deductions, £1 2s. 8d. 667 8 6 [ „ £20 18s. 1,933 0 0 ! „ £82 3s. 418 11 0 „ £20 10s. 11,652 0 0 443 0 0 312 0 0 518 10 0 ' 353 0 0 . 1,610 0 0 534 0 0 1,175 0 0 669 0 0 901 15 0 ■ ■ ' Nelson. Jan. 9, 1912 Jlurchison Police-station .. .. .. .. Bredbury and Bastin, Murchison .. May 9, 1912 Sept. 16, 1912 Mar. 20, ,, Stoke Industrial School (Boys) .. .. .. Chamberlain and Stannard, Nelson .. ,, 15, ,, June 11, ,. „ 19, „ Postmaster's Residence, Takaka .. .. .. Green, W. H., Takaka .. .. .. July 19, „ Aug. 22, ,, „ 19, „ Takaka Courthouse .. .. .. .. „ „ .. .. .. „ 19, „ Oct. 9, „ April 19, „ Wakefield Police-station .. .. .. .. Haase, E., and Son, Nelson .. .. Sept. 19, „ Sept. 19, „ ,, 19, ,, Stoke Industrial School, two Residences and Laundry .. , Robertson Bros., Nelson .. .. Oct. 19, ,, Oct. 16, ,, Sept. 4, „ „ Laundry Plant . . .. Winn, S., Nelson .. .. .. Nov. 13, „ Nov. 13* „ „ 27, „ „ Latrines .. .. . . Robertson Bros., Nelson .. .. Dec. 20, „ Dec. 31, „ , Nelson Post-office, Additions .. .. .. Galbraith, S. M.. Nelson .. .. June 31, „ Mar. 29, 1913 ; Wakapuaka Cable-station, Water-supply and Drainage .. Grimmett, T. R. J., Nelson .. .. Aug. 1, 1913 Westport. June 20, 1910 Westport Post-office .. .. .... Brynildsen, E., Westport .. .. June 20, 1911 May 27,1912 940 15 0 428 4 6 465 8 9 470 18 3 834 11 9 1,586 3 8 289 12 6 ; 224 12 3 395 0 0 682 5 3 6,166 17 0 Extras,f£l,107 14s. 6d.; deductions, £251 16s. Feb. -.20, 1911 j Westport Post-office, Clock and Bells.. .. .. Littlejohn, W., and Son, Wellington .. J Open April 1, ,, Dec. 22, „ Westport Post-office, Furniture and Fittings .. . . Fraser, D., Westport .. .. .. Feb. 22, 1912 May 10, ,, Oct. -9,1912 Millerton Post-office, Additions, &c. .. .. .. Rees and Hunter, Westport .. .. „ 9, 1913 Mar. 31, 1913 Westland. July 31, 1911 Greymouth Courthouse .. .. V. ' .. j Kelsall and Son, Greymouth .. .. May 31, 1912 Dec. 21, 1912 Jan. 22, 1912 Hokitika Public Buildings, Extension .. .. Drake, J., Greymouth .. .. .. Sept. 22, „ Sept. 6, „ Public Trust Building, Greymouth .. .. .. Cundy, A., Greymouth .. .. .. ,, 6, „ Oct. 15,1912 Aug. 2, ,, I Cobden Police-station .. .. .. .. ' Mordaunt. R., Cobden .. .. .. ! Aug. 10, 645 0 0 313 12 6 Extras, £8 Is. 673 16 6 „ £24 14s. 5,912 8 8 Extras,£659 12s.; deductions, £192. 5,016 13 5 1,449 6 0 Extras, £78 9s. Id. 773 18 2 I



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.

Date of Contract, Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. Date for Completion. Date of Completion. Amount of Contract. Amount of Extras and Reductions to be added to or deducted from Amount of Contract. Sept. 1, 1910 April 20, 1911 June 15, ., Nov. 4, „ „ 14, „ PUBLIC BUILDINGS— continued. Canterbury. Departmental Buildings, Christehurch .. .. Jamieson, J. and W. (Limited), Christchurch Waimate Post-office Clock and Chimes .. .. Littlejohn W., and Sons, Wellington Sydenham Post-office .. .. .. ■. [ Taylor, Joseph, Linwood Lyttelton Post-office, Raising Clock-tower, and Alterations j Calvert Charles, Sydenham Mount Cook New Hermitage, Supply and Delivery of ! Jackson, John, and Co. (Limited), Timaru Doors and Windows Waiau, Lineman's Cottage .. .. .. .. Anderson, George, Waiau j May 1, 1912 Open April 15, 1912 Jan. 4, „ Sept. 14, „ Mar. 21, „ Aug. 16, 1912 „ 31, „ j April 27, „ I May 18, 1912 £ s. d. 53,564 0 0 1 545 0 0 4.450 0 0 I 584 10 0 374 7 6 420 0 0 Extras, £218 6s. lid. £142 2s. 6d. Extras, £66 12s. 6d.; deductions, £7 5s. Dec. 21, „ Jan. 6, 1912 Feb. 17, „ Mar. 7, „ „ 16, „ „ 16, „ Clock for Timaru Post-office.. .. .. .. Littlejohn, W., and Son, Wellington Addington Post-office Clock-tower .. .. .. Taylor, Joseph, Linwood Sumner Post-office, Alterations and Additions .. .. Dibnah and Gant, Woolston Pleasant Point Post-office .. .. .. .. Miller Bros., Timaru Sumner Deaf-mutes Institution, Additions and Alterations ' Calvert, Charles, Sydenham Christchurch Police-station, Lockup and Store.. .. White, George, Linwood Ashburton Police-station, Offices and Quarters.. .. | Vesty, H. A., Ashburton Temuka Police-station .. .. .. .. McKinnon, James, Temuka Addington Post-office Clock .. .. .. .. Littlejohn and Son, Wellington Mount Cook Hermitage, New Hostel, Stamped Steel Ceilings Bruce, A. S., Christchureh Methven Courthouse .. .. .. .. Aitken, K., and Co., Methven Timaru Gaoler's Quarters, Additions .. .. .. Donald, J., Timaru Islington Police-station .. .. .. .. Blogg, F., Christchurch June 6, „ „ 17, „ April 29, „ July 12, „ Jan. 16, 1913 May 25, 1912 April 27, „ Aug. 18, „ Feb. 23, 1913 Nov. 30, 1912 Sept. 28, „ Aug. 4, „ Feb. 12, 1913 June 28, 1912 6, „ Nov. 9, „ May 14, „ Aug. 10, „ Feb. 2, 1913 ! Nov. 9, 1912 i Oct. 14, „ j Mar. 12, 1913 650 0 0 309 10 0 412 0 0 1,153 15 0 3,445 5 0 269 0 0 i 434 19 0 : 796 0 0 325 0 0 560 0 0 650 0 10 402 15 0 576 1 8 Extras, £6 6s. 6d. £55 5s. 6d. £41 17s. £8 8s. £7 10s.; deductions, £8 5s. 6d. £171 8s. 3d. Extras, £24 2s. 8d. £65 5s. 2d. „ £105 18s. 7d. : deductions, £15 13s. 7d. April 18, ,. „ 23, ,. May 10, „ „" 22, „ „ 27, ,. Oct. 12, „ Dec. 23, ., Jan. 3, 1913 3, „ Feb. 2, ,. „ 20, „ Mar. 3, „ Christchurch Departmental Buildings, Electric Wiring .. Turnbull and Jones, Wellington .. .. j Police Sergeant's Residence, Ashburton .. .. Pearce, F., Ashburton .. .. Mount Cook Hostel, Plumbing and Gasfitting .. .. Jones, C, Christchurch Christchurch Departmental Buildings, Fire-alarms . . Stringer and Bridge, Christchurch Mount Cook Hostel, Painting and Glazing .. .. Donn, W., Timaru Fairlie Post-office, Additions, &c. .. .. .. Foden, T., and Sons, Fairlie „ 28, „ May 3, „ 31, „ May 31, 1913 1,041 16 0 776 0 0 600 0 0 295 16 8 308 2 8 430 14 4 April 14, 1910 „ 18, 1911 Otago and Southland. Departmental Buildings, Invercargill .. .. .. < Shields and Andrews, Invercargill Kaitangata Post-office .. .. .. .. Watson, Rhodes, and Son., Dunedin Balclutha Post-office .. .. .. .. Hunter, P., Balelutha Seacliff Mental Hospital, Water-supply .. .. Burt, A. and T. (Limited), Dunedin St. Helens Hospital, Dunedin, Isolation Ward .. White, J. E., Dunedin Balfour Post-office .. .. .. .. .. Latham, T., Gore April 14, 1911 Oct. 18, „ Nov. 4, ,, i July 19, 1912 June 19, „ May 19, „ Jan. 31, 1912 July 15, „ „ 19, „ I Sept. 30, „ Nov. 16, „ 12,380 0 0 2,159 14 1 2,397 0 0 5,215 0 0 I 597 10 0 699 15 0 Extras, £1,050; deductions, £158. £199 19s. 9d.; deductions, £28 2s. 4d. £95 2s. £22 10s. 6d. ; deductions . £23 10s. 4, „ Jan. 19, 1912 Feb. 19, .. „ 19, „



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.

i Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. Date for Completion. Date of Completion. Amount of Contract. Amount of Extras and Reductions to be added to or deducted from Amount of Contract. Feb. 11, 1912 May 13, „ June 21, „ July 22, „ Aug. 2, „ Oct. 3, „ „ 22, „ Nov. 11, „ D3C. 30, „ Mar. 31. 1913 Otago and SovTHLAKV-continued. PUBLIG BUILDINGS-coniiW. Hawea Flat Post-office .. .. .. .. Wilkinson, Thomas, Clyde .. .. June 11,1912 Oamaru Courthouse, Repairs and Renovations.. .. Tait, James, Oamaru .. .. .. July 8, „ Quarantine-station, Port Chalmers, Repairs .. .. Love Bros., Port Chalmers .. . . : Sept. 21, ,, Queenstown Domain Gardener's Cottage, Repairs, &c. .. Bowden, T.' F., Arrowtown . . .. . ,, 22, „ Ravensbourne Post-office .. .. .. .. Dempster, A., Dunedin .. . . .. Feb. 2, 1913 Mental Hospital, Waitati, Plumbing and Hot-water Service Scott, J. and R., Dunedin . . .. Mar. 3, „ Gore Post-office, Restoration .. .. .. j Rhodes, T., and Son, Gore .. .. Jan. 31, „ Tapanui Police-station .. .. .. .. j Meikle, R., jun., Kelso Roxburgh Post-office .. .. .. .. i Christie, R., Roxburgh .. .. .. May 30, „ Mataura Polio 3-station .. .. .. .. ; Latham, A., Gore .. .. .. I July 31, ,, Aug. 3, 1912 Sept. 7* „ Nov. 20, „ Mar. 28, 1913 „ 20, ., £ s. d. 495 9 0 236 7 5 461 18 0 395 0 0 E} 1,328 0 0 334 0 0 799 0 0 719 0 0 Co 1,650 0 0 ! 760 10 6 Extras, £105 7s. £6. Ixtrs ontr Contract not taken up. Feb. 16, 1912 DEVELOPMENT OF WATER-POWER. Lake Colekidge Scheme. Lake Coleridge Tunnel .. .. .. .. MeWilliams, J., Wellington .. .. j Aug. 16, 1913 Erection of Eight Cottages .. .. .. .. Mills and Kepple, Christchurch .. .. Oct. 17, 1912 Feb. 28, 1913 53,172 13 0 J 2,846 19 IE: Extras, £28 14s. • deductions, £2' 16s. 3d. !xtrs June 12, ,, ., 12, „ July 10, „ ,. 18, „ >. 23, „ „ 26, „ „ 23, „ „ 24, „ Aug. 13, ,, 13, „ „ 13, „ „ 21, „ -■ 14, „ Section 3, Pipe-lines and Accessories .. .. .. Dunedin Engineering and Steel Company : June 12, 1913 (Limited), Danedin ,. 7, Transformers .. .. .. .. National Electrical and Engineering Company April 12, „ (Limited), Dunedin ,, 19, Travelling-crane .. .. .. Green shields, F. S., and Co., Wellington .. ,, 12, „ ,, 11, Bare Conductors .. .. .. ! Richardson, Blair, and McCabe (Limited), i July 10, „ Wellington ,, 21 Batteries and Accessories .. .. . . j Turn bull and Jones (Limited), Wellington.. : „ 18, „ „ 15 Testing Transformers .. . . .. j .. ,, „ .. : May 23, „ 16 Meters .. .. .. . . .. j Burt. A. and T. (Limited), Wellington .. July 26, „ 12 Insulated Cables .. .. .. .. j Baillie, P. R., and Co., Wellington .. „ 23, „ ,, 9 Transmission-line Insulators ■ .. .. I National Electrical and Engineering Com- | Mar. 24, „ pany (Limited), Duned 4 n Tunnel and Penstock Gates .. .. .. .. Richardson, Blair, and McCabe (Limited), Aug. 13, „ Wellington Section 8, Lightning-arresters .. . . .. ! National Electrical and Engineering Com- j May 13, „ pany (Limited), Dunedin ; 13, Distributing-system Insulators .. .. Brown, S. (Limited), Wellington .. .. April 13, „ 3a, Valves and Expansion-joints .. .. Duned ; n Engineering and Steel Company June 21, „ (Limited), Dunedin 5, Generators and Accessories .. .. Thome, George Grey, Auckland .. ..' May 21, „ 4. Water-wheels and Accessories .. .. Australian Metal Company (Limited). Mel- ; .. 21. „ I bourne I * 17,623 13 6 9,673 0 0 I 646 0 0 13,100 15 9 839 12 0 525 0 0 291 15 6 3,765 1 0 3,795 0 0 1,336 0 0 2,588 0 0 668 0 6 837 0 0 5,561 0 0 J 4,195 0 0 i I



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.

10—D. 1

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. Date for Completion. Date of Completion. . . , Amount of Extras and Reductions Amount of , * jjij. i -i a -i ,. n , , to be added to or deducted from contract. Amount of Contract. DEVELOPMENT OF WATER-POWER-continued. Sept. 19, 1912 „ 19, „ „ 12, „ Oct. 22, „ Nov. 11, „ Dec. 23, „ Feb. 10, ,. Lake Coleridge Scheme — continued. Section 23, Two Motor-cars (" Calthorpe ") .. „ 23, Two Motor -lorries (" Albion ") .. 22, 150 Tons Bitumen „ 10d, 500 Hardwood Poles delivered Lyttelton „ 10e, 1,200 Ironbark Piles, delivered Lyttelton .. Power-station Section 2, Cable-clamps „ 20, Cross-arms .. . . Electric Wiring at Power -house .. .. Dalgety and Co. (Limited), Wellington Grapes and Riley, Wellington Neuchatel Asphalt Company (Limited), Wellington Mitchelson and Co., Auckland Wallace, J. W., and Co., Wellington Taylor Bros, and Muirhead, Christchureh .. National Electrical and Engineeriij g Company (Limited), Dunedin Duncan, P. and D., Christchureh • Tolley and Son (Limited), Wellington Feb. 6, 1913 May 12, „ - Oct. 22, „ Nov. 11, „ Oct. 23, „ Mar. 4, 1913 Mar. 21, „ £ s. d. 962 0 0 1,106 4 6 1,087 10 0 1,050 0 0 4,200 0 0 15,635 2 6 884 0 0 Reductions, £13 12s. 2d. Mar. 25, „ 3, „ Deo. 25, „ Sept. 3, „ 512 0 0 312 13 2 Jan. 12, 1912 Feb. 21, 1913 7, ,. Waihotj and Ohinemttki Rivek Improvements. Ngararaki and ICoutou Cuts Paeroa Stop-bank Steam-engine and Condensing-plant for Waihou Dredge .. | Lupis, T., Paeroa Treanor, P., Paeroa ! Greenshields, F. S., and Co., Wellington Oct. 12, 1912 Aug. 21, 1913 Sept. 7, „ 9,872 1 0 2,053 12 0 772 0 0 June 16, 1911 Aug. 16, „ Nov. 6, „ 6, „ 9. „ „ 14, „ ROAD WORKS. Sept. Iβ, 1912 May 16, ,, Aug. 6, „ May 6, ,, Feb. 9, „ Jan. 23, „ Oct. 9, 1912 June 4, „ 6, „ 1,630 10 0 1,273 2 11 536 16 11 791 15 10 407 10 0 485 3 4 Extras, £25 11s. 10d. Mar. 8, 1912 „ 11, „ Auckland. Waimana River Bridge (Opouriao) Tongariro River Bridge Marakopa River Bridge Wairoa Road District Bridges Waioeka River Bridge (Suspension) Te Kuiti - Mokau Road, Supply of 6,000 cubic feet Crushed Limestone Metal Oparau River Bridge Waioeka River Suspension Stock Bridge, Okuraata Crossing Mangapoike Road Bridge, No. 1 .. . . No. 2 Mangaiti Road Bridge Mangawhero River Road Bridge .. Awaroa River Bridge (Erection) Raukituri River Bridges (Boothman's) Mangakahia River Bridge Dixon, J. D., Cambridge McLeod, Robert A., Auckland Scott and Forsyth, Te Kuiti James Bros., Auckland Austin and Mead, Gisborne Fouhy, P., King-country Scott and Forsyth, Te Kuiti Short and Gunn, Gisborne I Baynes, W., Gisborne .. .. PooH'e., Te Kuiti Scott and Forsyth, Te Kuiti McLeod, R. A., Auckland Langlands, H. W., Gisborne Webster, W. A., Rawene Dec. 8, „ July 11, „ Sept. 17, 1912 1,601 16 8 478 0 0 Extras, £45. Determined Deductions, £280 Is. 6d. Extras, £5. April 2, „ 2, „ May 20, „ June 13, „ Feb. 6, 1913 ,, 10, „ Mar. 17, „ April 2, ,, 2, „ Sept. 20, „ May 20, 1913 June 20, „ Mar. 17, „ Nov. 25, 1912 Sept. 20, ., 652 0 0 433 0 0 354 0 0 220 11 0 321 0 0 385 19 0 1,651 0 0



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. Bate for Completion. Date of Completion. . r Amount of Extras and Reductions Amount of tQ be added tQ Qr deduoted from Contract. Amount of Contract. Hawke's Bay. ROAD WORKS— continued. £ s. d. 3,136 4 0 Dec. 30, 1910 April 19, 1911 „ 19, „ June 21, 1910 Nov. 13, „ Nuhaka River Bridge .. .. .. .. Gardiner, A. R., Wairoa .. .. Oct. 30, 1911 Tongoio Lagoon (Deviation). Bridge-construction .. McGaffin, R., Hastings .. .. .. Dec. 19. ,, „ „ Embankment and Road „ „ .. .. Feb. 19, 1912 Formation ,. Taranaki. Tangarakau River Suspension Bridge.. .. .. Grayling, F. M., New Plymouth .. .. June 21, 1915 Hardwood Timber and Piles for Tangarakau Road Bridges, Fraser and Co., Grafton, N.S.W. .. April 13, 1912 Lower and Middle Crossings Matau River Bridge (Graham's) .. .. .. Sangster, G., Stratford .. .. .. April 19, 1913 Mangaturuturu Stream Bridge .. .. .. Wallace and Thompson, Rangataua .. Feb. 20, ,, Moki Stream Road Bridge (Hardwood Timber) .. Wallace, J. W., and Co., Wellington .. „ 31, 1912 Tangarakau River Bridges, Ohoura Road Lower and Grayling, F. M., New Plymouth .. .. June 30, 1913 Middle Crossings Mangahowhai Stream Bridge .. .. .. Kensington, H., Wanganui .. .. May 21, ,, Mangapeehi and Mokau Road Bridges .. .. Salt, W., Wanganui .. .. .. Aug. 19, „ May 25, 1912 July 4, „ 4, „ Aug. 2, 1911 Mar. 14, 1913 1,317 17 6 1,950 0 0 1,553 0 0 533 19 2 Extras, £12; deductions, £214 4s. 5d. Extras, £25. Deductions, 14s. 7d. April 19, 1912 May 20, „ Aug. 27, „ Dee. 30, „ 596 0 0 462 17 9 207 17 5 1,107 0 0 Nov. 21, „ Feb. 2, „ Feb. 21, 1912 Sept. 27, „ Wellington. Rokau Block Road Formation .. .. .. Saunders, J. S., Wellington .. .. June 19, 1912 ,, .. .. .. Carmichael, A., Dannevirke .. .. Dee. 20, „ Marlborough. Kahautara River Bridge, Kaikoura County .. .. McLean, D., and Sons, Wellington .. April 6, 1913 Jan. 16, 1913 540 14 3 687 17 0 498 10 0 402 10 10 Contract cancelled, 27th Sept. Extras, £5 0s. 6d. Jan. 6, 1912 3,255 0 0 Mar. 27, 1911 Nelson. Metalling Road, Mokihinui to Little Wanganui .. .. Davis, Fraser, and Hyndman, St. Helens, i Aug. 27, 1911 Westport Mokihinui to Little Wanganui Road, No. 2, Road-metalling \ H. Langlands and E. Morris, St. Helens, ' Sept. 8, „ Westport Mokihinui River Bridge (Approaches) .. .. Flight and McMaster, Nikau .. .. Jan. 25, 1912 Glasseye Creek Bridge .. .. .. .. Hill, L., Little Wanganui .. .. ,, 17, ,, Mokihinui-Little Wanganui Road, No. 2, Formation Flight and McMaster, Nikau .. .. May 10, ,, Contract Maruia River Bridge .. .. .. .. ! Atkinson, S. R., Westport .. .. Sept. 12, ,, Rai and Brown River Bridges (Approaches) .. .. McKenzie Carrying Company (Limited), April 18, ,, Blenheim Mokihinui - Little Wanganui Road, No. 3, Formation .. j Smith, Fraser, and Hyndman, St. Helens, May 20, „ Westport J July 31, 1912 April 19, „ Aug. 31, ., „ 24, „ Sept. 18, 1912 1,644 2 6 Extras, £80 17s. 2d. May 8, „ 820 18 9 Nov. 17, ., . 17, „ Jan. 10. 1912 224 15 0 259 1 7 440 0 0 £53 11s. 6d. Extras, £68 8s. 10d.; deductions. £12 16s. 3d. ., 12, ,. „ 18, „ 2,061 8 6 497 15 11 „ 20, „ 271 0 0



APPENDIX C—continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. __^ Date for Completion. Date of Completion. Amount of Amoun * of Extras and Reductions Contract to be adde d to or deducted from Amount of Contract. Nelson — continued. Jan. 20, 1912 Mokihinui-Little Wanganui Road, No. 4 Formation „ 20, „ „ „ No. 5 Formation Mar. 7, ,, Matakitaka River Suspension Stock Bridge, Murchison County Feb. 27, „ Mangles River Bridge (2 ft. Suspension Bridge) ,, 27, „ Blackwater River Road Bridge Mar. 20, „ Little Hope River Road Bridge May 21, ,, Onekaka Road Bridge „ 21, „ Takaka River Bridge Aug. 20, „ Motueka River Bridge, Whatu (Repairs) Sept. 27, „ Wangapeka River Road Bridge .. ROAD WORKS— continued. Smith, Fraser, and Hyndman, St. Helens, May 20, 1912 Nov. 23, 1912 268 0 0 Westport Neilsen and Merchant, Te Namu.. .. „ 20, „ Sept. 28, „ 354 0 0 Sigley, J., Greymouth .. .. .. Sept. 7, „ Oct. Iβ' " 419 9 o Extras, £32 10s. „ £12 Is. 8d. Downie Bros., Murchison .. .. Aug. 27, „ Mar. 1, 1913 385 12 10 n ii, '-li. a « *r", „ 27, „ Sept. 25, 1912 459 10 0 Galbraith, S. M., Nelson .. .. j „ 20, „ Jan. 20, 1913 281 18 0 Olson, H., Nelson .. .. .. Nov. 21, „ .. 299 0 0 Sigley, J., Greymouth .. .. .. May 21,1913 .. 3,322 3 6 Dixon, Charles, Nelson .. .. .. Nov. 20, 1912 Jan. 31, 1913 1 i>54 5 0 • ■I Sept. 27, 1913 .. 2,171 16 8 Extras, £45 15s. Extras, £170. Westland. Mar. 15, 1910 Big Wanganui Bridge, South Westland Jan. 11, 1912 South Approach, Big Wanganui Road Bridge .. O'Donnell, J., Wellington .. .. | Mar. 15, 1912 i Dec. 31, 1912 7,908 4 7 Haddock and Moj-e, Ross .. .. July 11, ,, .. 989 q q Extras, £2,137 5s. Id. Cantekbtjry. June 12, 1911 Bealey Gorge Road Bridge Jan. 16, 1912 Douglas Settlement, Road-metalling Yards Road „ 16, „ „ „ Ritchie Road „ 16, „ „ „ Willow Road Mar. 25, „ Hooker River and Glencoe Stream Bridges Erection Nov. 25, „ Conway Gorge Road-formation, Section 1 „ 25, „ „ „ 2 .... Feb. 20, „ Waimate Settlement Road, Formation and Metalling Mar. 5, ,, Scargill Settlement, Metalling Watson, Rhodes, and Son .. .. April 12, 1912 May 4, 1912 1,192 11 0 White, R., Waimate .. .. .. Mar. 12, „ April 8, „ '208 5 0 ■ I „ 12, „ „ 23' " 553 7 0 Cochrane, W., Waimate .. .. i April 9, ,, ,, 617 13 3 Sinclair, James, Oamaru .. .. j Nov. 30, ,, .. 444 14 0 Abraham, E., Kaikoura .. .. Mar. 1.7, „ .. 484 12 0 „ 17, „ .. 504 0 0 _ » " • ■ • ■ Feb. 26, „ .. 294 15 0 White, R., Waimate .. .. ... May 15, „. .. 508 12 9 Lochhead and Clarke, Cheviot .. .. j „ 28, ,. . 282 3 4 Millar's West Australian Hardwood Com- Sept. 4, 1911 May 18, 1912 1,254 4 7 pany (Limited), Wellington Baird, W., East Invercargill .. .. ,,18, „ Aug. 24,1911 1,363 0 0 Everitt and Heffernan, Wellington .. Nov. 31, 1912 .. 3 844 1 0 Parlane, W., Orepuki .. .. .. April 30, „ j July 23,1912 '203 0 0 Pemberton, V., Invercargill .. .. „ 5, 1913 j 262 4 0 Extras, £298 2s. 6d. Reductions, £10 7s. £12 12s. Otago and Southland. Mar. 4, 1911 Hardwood Timber, Taieri Mouth Bridge ,.. 29, ,, Ermidale Settlement, Road-metalling.. Aug. 31, „ Waiau River Bridge (Southland) Feb. 16, 1912 Riley and McLeery, Road-formation Jan. 9, 1913 Round Hill to Pahia Road MISCELLANEOUS. Mar. 11, 1912 Training-wall at Karamea, No. 3 Contract Aug. 21, „ 300 Ironbark Piles Nov. 29, „ 400 Bedsteads for Mental Hospitals Hill and Jones, Westport .. .. Sept. 11, 1912 I Nov. 15, 1912 2 602 9 9 Brown, S. (Limited), Wellington .. .. May 21,1913 .. 1*289 1 4 Wallace, J. W., and Co., Wellington .. Nov. 29, ... .. 750 0 0



APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1913, showing Deliveries to the latter Date.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. Number of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Kate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. iatG^ etioD , Total delivered to Date. Date of Completion. NOETH ISLAND. 21 Oct., 1910 .. 20 Jan., 1911 .. 27 „ „ .. 2 Mar., „ .. 18 April, „ Pullman and Leslie E. Brenstrum .. \ G. N. Le Clere V. Trounson T. M. Lane and Sons Matapouri .. Dargaville .. Parua Bay Maropiu Opua Otiria 1 ( 1 WHANGAREI DISTRICT. s. d. 1,000 puriri .. 4 3 900 „ .. 3 11 1,000 „ .. 4 6 i 36 crossing 20s. per 100 ft. i 500 puriri .. " 3 9 ') 1,000 totara .. 3 3 ) 1,500 puriri .. 4 0 [ 10 sets crossing .. 21s. per 100 ft. j 150 totara " .. 2 6) 150 puriri .. 3 6 j" 2,000 totara .. I 4 0 1,500 „ .. 3 6 1,000 „ .. 3 6 600 puriri .. 4 3 3,000 „ .. 4 6 2,000 ., ... 46 800 .. ..I 3 6 Opua Onerahi Maropiu Station .. Opua 27 Dee., 1910.. 30 June, 1911.. 30 „ „ .. 30 , 18 Oct., „ .. 698 puriri 900 „ j 1,000 „ 1 I 36 crossing J f 270 puriri { 1,093 totara I 1,500 puriri | I 356 crossing [ I 116 totara i j 1,185 puriri f 1,168 totara 1,378 616 „ 711 puriri 1,736 „ 884 „ 38 „ Cancelled. 22 Nov., 1912. 31 Mar., 1913. 3 May, 1912. Completed. 23 June „ James Gamble Otiria 23 Sept., „ .. 13 July „ . . 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 5 Aug., ,, 8 Sept. „ .. 12 Mar., „ .. Pickens Bros. S. Doak G. E. Dudding F. Johansen Tinioko and others G. N. Le Clere J. W. Edmonds Punaruku .. Mangatu Kaihu Mangatu Otiria Parua Bay .. Ngawha Opua Kaihu Otiria Onerahi.. Kaikohe Railway 11/20 Various 13 Oct., „ .. 20 Dec, „ .. 20 „ „ .. 20 Feb., 1912.. 31 Mar., „ .. 31 Dec, 1911.. 30 June, „ .. Completed. Various Various Various 1,411 puriri and totara 3/-, 3/6, 4/3. and 4/6 Various 1,411 27 Jan., 1909 .. 30 Sept., 1910 .. E. Brenstrum Fraser and Co. Dargaville .. Grafton, N.S.W. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Helensville Auckland 27 July, 1909.. 1 „ 1910.. 412 572 30 , 6 Dec, „ .. Moir and Resta E. Brenstrum S. Brown (Limited) Puhoi Dargaville .. Wellington .. s. d. 1,200 puriri .. j 4 3 600, 7 ft. 6 in. by 8 in. 5 0 by 6 in., ironbark 3,000 totara .. 3 3 350 puriri . . 4 3 350, lift, by 8 in. by 9 3 6 in., ironbark 4,000 hardwood .. 4 6 Ahuroa Helensville 9 Sept., 1911.. 20 Mar., „ .. 31 July, „ .. Nil In hand. Richardson, Blair and MoCabe, (Limited) Ditto Millar's West Australian Hardwoods Company (Limited) Wellington Auckland 353 4,000 Completed, 7 June, 1912. Completed,' 6 Jan., 1913. 22 Aug., 1912 .. 22 „ „ .. >> 20.000 „ .. 4 10 37,000 „ .. 4 9| 22 Aug., 1913.. 21 May, „ .. 3,165 Nil In hand. ■■



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. Number of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for Completion. Total delivered to Date. Date of Completion. TAURANGA DISTRICT. [ ( 7,650 hardwood .. 4." f' ~\ 510 .. . fi 21 Oct., 1910 .. FraserandCo. .. .. Grafton, New South \ 440 .. , \ \ Tauranga .. Wales 200, 8'x 6" x 7", iron- Z \ \ bark I i .. 21 April, 1911.. II 5,671 \ 371 212 I GISBORNE DISTRICT. f 230, 11' x 8" x 6", iron- 1 30s. % sup. ft. Gisborne bark 60, 7' x 8" x 5", hard- 25s. % sup. ft. „ 16 Aug., 1911 .. Samuel Brown (Limited) .. Wellington.. <{ m 8^° 8 °4 5" ditto 9' x 8" x 5",' „ " ''„ 100, 10' x 8" x 5", „ „ „ .. 76, Il'x8"x5", „ „ „ .. 2 „ „ .. J. J. Wallace and Co. (Limited) „ .. .. 2,000, 7'x8"x5", „ 4 6 f 21,000, 7' x 8" x 5", jarrah 5 0 80, 7'x8"x5", „ 24s. % sup. ft. crossing 5 Mar., 1912 .. Millar's West Australian Hard- „ .. 160, 8'x 8" x 5", ditto „ „ wood Company (Limited) 108, 9'x8"x5", „ „ „ 132, 10' x 8" x 5", „ „ ., .. (J 100, Il'x8"x5", „ „ „ .. .. 16 Feb., 1912.. '.'. 2 Not!, 1911 .. 5 Sept., 1912.. 212 59 104 80 2 Oct., 1912. 92 76 29 Mar., 1912. 1,450 21,000 3 Jan., 1913. 80 3 „ 160 3 „ i „ 108 3 ,,.j „ 132 3 „ „ 85 3 ,. - ,. NAPIER DISTRICT. 17 April, 1912 .. Millar's West Australian Hard- Wellington.. .. j 24,492 7'x 8" x 5", jarrah 4/6 and 5/- j Napier and Gisborne woods Company (Limited) 17 „ ' „ Ditto .. .. .. „ 580 crossing .. 24/- Gisborne 17 Oct., 1912.. 17 „ „ .. 24,199 J 31 Dec, 1912. 308 I 31 , : STRATFORD DISTRICT. s. d. 18 April, 1912 .. The New Zealand Powell-Wood Rangataua .. 24,500 powellized birch | 4 0 Rangataua Process (Limited) 18 „ „ • ■ Ditto .. .. .. „ .. .. 580 crossing .. j 19/6 per 100 ■ sup. ft. 2 Feb., „ .. Silver-pine Timber Company .. Horopito .. .. 1,820 silver -pine .. | 7 0 Horopito .. 12 Nov., 1912.. .. 12 „ „ .. 5 May, 1913.. 10,500 460 166 WELLINGTON DISTRICT. s. d. 10 Sept., 1912 .. Millar's West Australian Hard- Wellington.. .. 35,000 jarrah .. 4 9J Wellington woods Company (Limited) 10 „ „ .. Ditto .. .. .. „ .. .. 2,502 crossing 23s. % sup. ft. .. j 21 May, 1913.. .. I 21 ,. „ .. Nil In hand.



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1912, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

Data of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. Number of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. D t T . otal for Completion. £££ Date of Completion. SOUTH I ! SOUTH I I S] SL AN D. LAND. 6 April, 1912 .. F. !2 „ „ .. J. . !2 „ „ .. Ja ( 9 May, „ .. T. 7 June, ., .. ! W. 9 July, ,. .. I J. I -2 „ „ .. P. !4 „ „ .. T. 6 Nov., „ ..IF. !8 „ „ . .. G. Various .. Va: Fox A. Cooper ,ck Bros. Chinn . Ryan .. Cooper Brunning Chinn Fox Feary irious .. Cro: .. Hoi .. Ko1 .. Ros .. Kol .. Hoi .. Cro .. Ros .. Cro: .. Var jnadun .. ikitika ituku ISS ikiri ikitika jnadun .. >ss jnadun .. rious WESTLAND I .. 1 .. 3 .. 4 WESTLAND 813 silver -pine 560 629 1,042 533 675 2,833 602 „ 1,183 3,083 4,512 CHRISTCHURCH DIS ■ I DIf DISTRICT. s. d. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 6 Various STRICT. s. d. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 6 Various [STRICT. Ci H ! R H R i v Cronadun lokitika iotuku loss iokiri lokitika >onadun itoss Jronadun Various . 16 April, 1912.. 813 . 22 „ „ .. 560 . 22 „ ., .. 629 9 May, '., .. 1,042 ' 7 June, „ .. 533 9 July, ,. .. 675 . 12 „ ,. .. 2,833 . 24 „ ,', .. 602 6 Nov., ., .. 1,183 . 28 „ ,. .. 3,083 Various .. 4,512 16 April, 1912. 22 „ 9 May.. „ 7 June. ,. 9 July, „ 12 „' ■„ 24 „ 6 Nov.. 28 „, Various. 16 April, 1912 .. F. Fox 22 „ „ .. J. A. Cooper 22 „ „ .. Jack Bros. 9 May, „ .. T. CMnn . . 7 June, „ .. W. Ryan . . .. '■■ 9 July, „ .. I J. Cooper 12 „ „ P. Brunning 24 „ „ .. T. Chinn 6 Nov., „ .. F. Fox 28 „ „ .. G. Feary Various .. Various Cronadun .. Hokitika Kotuku Ross Kokiri Hokitika .. Cronadun . . Ross Cronadun .. Various .. i 813 silver-pine ..560 629 .. 1,042 533 675 .. 2,833 .. i 602 ..1,183 .. 3,083 .. ■ 4,512 Cronadun Hokitika Kotuku Ross Kokiri Hokitika Cronadun Ross Cronadun Various 21 Aug. 1912 .. Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company (Limited) 21 „ „ .. Ditto !1 Aug. 1912 .. Mil !1 „ „ .. Dit illar's West Australian Har wood Company (Limited) .tto rd- Wei Wellington .. ;llington .. CHRISTCHURCH ] .. J 15,000 jarrah 170 crossing .. jl 15,000 jarrah 170 crossing DUNEDIN DI ISTE DISTRICT. s. d. 4 9i s. d. 4 9J 23s. per 100 sup. ft. RICT. L Lyttelton jyttelton . 21 May, 1913.. 15,204 . 21 „ „ .. 170 18 Feb., 1913. 18 „ 23s. per 100 sup. ft. ,9 DUNEDIN DIS' TRICT. s. d. I 4 6J Dunedin ■ ■ ! 22 Aug., 1912 .. J. A. Redpath and Son !2 Aug., 1912 .. J. . A. Redpath and Son .. Chr Christchurch ristchureh .. 11,000 hardwood ZJl 11,000 hardwood s. d. 4 61 D Dunedin . 22 May, 1913.. 1,232





(Ist July, 1912, to 30th June, 1913.) The Engineer-in-Chief to the Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 30th June, 1913. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various works completed and in progress throughout the Dominion during the past year:—

***RAILWAYS. Abstract. The following table shows the expenditure and liabilities on Government railways in New Zealand up to the 31st March, 1913 : —

Name of Railway. Total Length of Railway or Section. Open for Traffic. Expenditure to 31st March, 1913. Liabilities on Slst March, 1913. Kaihu Valley Kawakawa-Hokianga Opua Wbarf - Grahamtown (Onerahi) North Auckland Main Trunk Railway (from Helensville) Helensville - Tβ Awamutu, with Branches Huntly-Awaroa Hamilton-Thames, with Branches Thames Valley - Rotorua Tauranga-Paengaroa, with Branch (part of) .. Gisborne-Motu Napier-Gisborne Wellington-Napier and Palmerston North (including Te Aro Extension and Greytown Branch) Wellington-Waitara, with Branches Stratford - Okahukara North Island Main Trunk (Marton-Te Awamutu) including Raetihi Branch Picton-Waipara (South Island Main Trunk Railway)— Picton southwards Waipara northwards Nelson-Belgrove Midland Railway* .. Westport-Ngakawau Westport-Ngakawau Extension to Mokihinuif Mokihinui Colliery LineJ Westport-Inangahua Ngahere-Blaokball Greymouth - Coal Creek Greymouth-Brunner Greymouth-Mikonui Culverden-Hanmer Motor-oars and Repairs to Road Hurunui-Waitaki, with Branches Canterbury Interior Main Line—Oxford-Temuka Waitaki-Bluff, with Branches Otago Central Invercargill-Kingston, with Mararoa Branch Forest Hill Railway—Winton-Hedgehope§ Western Railways Preliminary Surveys Miscellaneous Stock of Permanent-way on hand Rolling-stock M. ch. 19 58 34 12 58 6 121 0 151 1 9 0 75 18 69 33 18 65 52 34 120 0 17 21 58 6 45 42 151 1 £ s. d. 75,526 11 10 116,396 1 8 515,391 5 11 631,200 17 4 1,675,827 19 8 £ s. d. 397 16 9 6,401 1 3 3,646 17 1 75 18 69 33 31 69 505,697 12 8 359,544 0 11 94,612 18 4 510,985 2 9 28,977 10 6 3 0 0 3 0 0 286 6 4 135 13 9 233 12 289 27 94 70 233 12 285 59 31 40 2,483,715 6 0 2,564,512 9 6 522,354 4 4 1,770 18 1 217 69 209 69 2,705,750 4 8 92 34 90 45 22 73 239 71 19 56 7 12 3 69 26 0 3 40 8 70 7 51 41 0 48 9 44 14 22 73 151 66 19 56 7 12 3 69 5 74 3 40 5 1 7 51 38 68 585,869 6 3 370,478 7 0 197,922 17 1 1,611,204 12 6 188,008 17 3 3,932 5 2 1,075 19 0 8,650 9 5 483 72 83 0 616 68 182 56 117 4 12 40 71 6 443 8 11 44 523 1 134 76 97 44 12 40 70 31 116,760 2 2 147,536 10 5 235,933 15 2 150,512 11 11 336,873 5 2 3,834 0 0 2,496,796 17 1 59,343 9 2 4,759,177 11 10 1,280,391 18 9 365,332 7 3 22,983 14 5 329,429 17 2 38,437 17 10 10,336 19 11 100,679 18 11 5,421,055 5 2 28,857 8 7 1,958 4 6 3,542 15 3 "a 8 3 51,233 19 7 143,441 0 0 Total 3,693 32 2,860 27 131,619,392 8 6 255,340 3 0 Provincial Govbbnment Lines, etc. Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago and Southland Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Midland Railway, valuation of works constructed by company 731,759 0 0 372,522 2 5 4,975 1 7 11683,460 3 1 Grand total 3,693 32 2,860 27 33,412,108 15 7 255,340 3 0 * The amount shown as expenditure represents the net amc + The funds for this extension —namely, £35,501 2s. lid. —wei ! The funds for purchase of this line, i>15.745, were provided § The expenditure on this line as a tramway was made by tl I! Includes expenditure on railways under Hutt Eoad and and Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act Accounts. f Includes value for £150,000 paid to debenture-holders u: Act, 1903, >unt charged i :e provided by by the Westp< Qe Lands Depi Railway Imp against the D y the Westpoi )ort Harbour j mrtment. orovernent, R dominion. >rt Harbour Board. Board. tailway Improvement Authorization Act, nder the Mid Jland Railwa; iy Petitions Settlement Act Amendment



During the financial year a total length of 52 miles 51 chains of railway, as shown in the following table, was opened for general traffic : —

Kaihu Valley Railway (16 m. 67 eh. to 19 m. 24 eh. —2 miles 37 chains in length). Rails have been laid and ballasting is practically completed to 18 m. 40 eh. A bridge at this point is almost finished, as are also bridges at 18 m. 45 eh. and 18 m. 65 eh. A siding 30 chains in length was constructed into ballast-pit at Maropiu. The formation of Waima Station yard is finished. All works on this line should be completed within six months. Kawakawa-Hoki.\nga Railway. Ngapipito Section (0 m. to 7 m.J. —All bridges on this section have been completed. The ballasting is completed up to 6 m., leaving only 1 mile to finish. The railway reserve has been fenced on both sides. Kaikohe Section (7 m. 0 eh. to 16 m. 25 eh.). —The formation-work is nearing completion. The formation of Otuhi and Rakatau station-yards is in hand. Approach roads have been made to Rakatau and Kaikohe «tation-yards. All culverts, fencing, bridges, and platelaying on main line have been completed during the year. There are, however, still 2 miles of sidings to put in. All ballasting has been finished except about 1J miles of top lift on main line and the ballasting of station-yards; station buildings are being erected by day labour and petty contracts at Kaikohe, Ngapipito, and Otuhi station-yards. The permanent telephone-line is in course of construction. North Auckl.and Railway. Kaiwaka Section (72 m. eh. to 81m. 30 eh.). —A turntable was erected at Kaiwaka Station yard. Slips, especially between 77 m. 65 eh. and 80 m. 78 eh., were very troublesome. This section was finally completed and handed over to Railway Department on the 18th March, 1913. Otamatea Section (81m. 30 eh. to 83 m. 75 eh.). —The Kaitara bank and 10 ft. culvert have now been completed. The pug cuttings between 82 m. 10 eh. and 34 eh. slipped badly, but have since been cleared out. The rails have been laid to 83 m. 73'50ch., and the ballasting, except on the Kaitara bank, complete to 83 in. 68 eh. The Otamatea Wharf was completed at the end of May, and the approach-filling is now in hand. The contract for the erection of the Otamatea Bridge is considerably behind time; three 41 ft. and four 100 ft. spans have been completed. Bickerstaffe Section (83 m. 75 eh. to 88 m. 20 eh.). —The Bickerstafie tunnel, 8J chains long, has been completed. The bridge over Muddy Creek at 86 m. 70 eh. is almost completed. The driving of Maungaturoto Tunnel is proceeding slowly on account of the heavy nature of the country, about 7 chains of tunnel having been completed. The earthworks (with one or two exceptions) on this section are complete. Huarau Section (88 m. 20 eh. onwards). —Formation and culverts are in hand up to 88 m. 48 eh., but work has been delayed pending the location of the line further ahead. HuXTLY-AWAROA RAILWAY. Huntly-Awaroa Section (7 miles 2£ chains in length). —Earthworks have been completed up to 1 m. 40 eh., and are in hand up to 3 m. The combined road and railway bridge over the Waikato River at Huntly is nearing completion, there remaining unfinished the last 100 ft. span and a small extension rendered necessary by road-alterations in Huntly Township. East Coast Main Trunk Railway. Waihi—Tauranga. Waihi Southwards Section. —The bulk of the earthworks and many of the culverts on the first 4 miles are completed.

Plan Mileage. Railway. Section. Length. Date of handing over. M. ch. M. ch. 0 0 to 5 74 23 74 to 31 69 22 65 to 31 40 Westport-Inangahua G-isborne-Motu Stratford Main Trunk (west end) South Island Main Trunk Midland Te Kuha . Waikohu-Otoko Pohokura M. ch. 5 74 7 75 8 55 1912. 1 April. 6 April. 1 August. 35 50 to 44 13 46 38 to 59 17 Parnassus Manu and Grlenhope 8 43 12 59 1 September. 2 September. 1913. 18 March. 72 45 to 81 30 North Auckland Kaiwaka 8 65 52 51



To itra n ga-Opo tiki. Maunganui-Te Puke Section (13 mile* in length). —The subsidence of embankments mentioned in last year's report still continues. .Most of the banks are holding up fairly well with the exception of the long swamp, 50 in. 33 eh. to 52 m. 28 eh. Permanent bridges have been erected at 53m. 44 eh., 52 m. 28 eh., and 51m. 20 eh. Rails have been hud to Te Puke, 53 m. 77 cii. Quarrying and crushing have been steadily continued throughout the year, and ballasting operations pushed on. Ballasting is completely finished for 2 miles 50 chains, and a first lift is on throughout the section, except on the long swamp previously referred to. A tender has been accepted lor the erection of station buildings at Otaamatua, Papamoa, and Te Puke, ami a well-equipped workshop lias been erected at Mount Maunganui Station-yard. Te Puke - Paengaroa Section (length, 5 mile* 65 chains). —Fair progress has been made on this section, and the most of the earthworks, except the big Kaituna bank, are finished ready for platelaying. There have been 2 miles 1 •'! chains of fencing erected. Opotiki-Gisborne. Rakauroa Section (31 in. J/5 eh. to 38 in. 25 eh.). —Platelaying and fencing are complete. Two lifts of ballast have been put on throughout except on sidings. A steel-girder bridge on concrete piers over the Waikohu River at 37 m. 52 eh. has been erected during the year. Land-slides gave considerable trouble between 31 in. 35 eh. and 32 m. A new ballast-pit has been opened at Puha, and ballast obtained from it for Rakauroa and Matawai Sections. . Matawai Section (38 .... 25 eh. to fy tn. 10 eh.). —The earthworks on this section are finished. Several of the cuttings slipped badly, especially at 40 m. 25 eh., where the ground has slipped for several chains back from line. , ■• The tunnel at 42 m. 42 eh. has been lined with concrete, and the portals at both ends finished. All platelaying and fencing are finished, and two lifts of ballast have been placed on main line, and one lift in Matawai Station yard. At the latter yard four cottages have been erected. Motu Section (Urn. 10 eh. onwards). —The formation of this section is in hand up to 48 m., most of the cuttings being through. A 10 ft. circular culvert has been built at 46 m. 25 eh., and all other culverts are m place up to 47 m. 40 eh. This section is partly fenced up to 46 m. Gisborne-Napier. Ngatapa Section (Om. to 10 m. 29 eh.). —The earthworks are almost finished and all the smaller culverts are complete. The formation of the Ngatapa Station yard is in progress. The fencing of railway reserve is about complete. A survey has been made of a line and siding from main line to Patutahi Quarry. Waikura Section (10 m. 20 eh. onwards). —Three formation contracts, covering 50 chains of line, have been let and are now in progress. Eskdale Section (0 m. onwards). —During the year formation-work has been done from 6 m. 35 eh. to 7m. 35 eh., and from 7m. 50 eh. to Bm. 68 eh., and a culvert built at 7m. 59 eh. Some necessary fencing has been done between 7 m. and 8 m. 40 eh. A test pile has been driven near 1 m. 17|ch., in the vicinity of the proposed railway and road bridge. . ..„.,.-.•. A contract is being prepared for the construction of the first 2 miles of railway. Stratford-Main Trunk Railway. Western End. Pohokura Section (22 m. 65 eh. to 31m. Sfich.).— This section, 8 miles 55 chains in length, was handed over to the Railway Department on the Ist August, 1912. Whangamomona Section (31m. Sficli. to 37 m. 53 eh.).— -The formation-work is complete except for the lining of some water-drives and the construction of private crossings. Considerable extra work was occasioned by slips on the heavy sidelings between 34 m. 40 eh. and 3o m the slip at 35 m. being particularly bad. Seven steel-girder bridges between 3.5 m. 70 eh. and 37 m. 25 eh. have been erected during the year. Platelaying on main line has been completed to Whangamomona Station yard, and the ballasting to 37 m. 22 eh. . . A contract for the station buildings at Whangamomona is in progress, and should be completed in January. This section should then be ready for handing over to the Railway Depart--11 Tahora Section (37 m 53 eh. onwards).— -The earthworks up to 42 in. are nearly finished, and are in hand up to 44 m. 76 eh. Deviations are being made to avoid slips at 38 m. 10 eh. and 38 m. 50 eh. .■..-... The bottom heading of tunnel at 44 m. 40 eh. has been driven and the enlargement commenced Washed shingle and concrete blocks are being brought from Skinner Road ballast-pit. The tramway has been completed up to 44 m. 12 eh. near the tunnel. Wherever possible the tram has been laid on the railway formation with permanent-way materials. Passengers, goods, and construction material are carried on this tram. Bridges at 37 m. 61 eh. and 39 m. 43 eh. are in hand. One cottage is being erected at Kohuratahi Station and another is being removed there from Skinner Road ballast-pit.

11—D. 1.



Eastern End. The service road from Okahukara to Ohura Valley was completely formed and metalled, and is now open for traffic. A branch service road has also been constructed up towards the tunnel at the Okahukara end. Formation and culverts are in hand under the co-operative system from 0 m. to 1 m. 40 eh. A contract has been let for the construction of line from Ira, 40 eh. to 4 m., including a tunnel 74 chains long through the divide. Small contracts are being prepared for formation-work between 4m. and 6 m.; on these 2 miles the Department is constructing the culverts. Three cottages have been built at Okahukara by this Department, and sidings and station buildings in yard by Railway Department. Mount Egmont Railw at. (5 m. 64 eh. onwards). The Little River diversion is now complete, and three bridges have been erected over it. The earthworks are complete to Bm. 3 eh., and the clearing to Bm. 60 eh. Rails have been laid from 5 m. 64 eh. to 6 m. 1.7 eh., including 22 chains at the " Foot Station." Trial lines were run on both the Manganui and Mangamawhete sides of the quarry-face, and it was finally decided to adopt the Mangamawhete face. A scheme is now being prepared for working the quarry, and trial shafts and drives are being put in to determine top and bottom of rock. The quarry-site is now being cleared. North Island Main Trunk Railway. Raetihi Branch (0 m. onwards). —The arrangements at Ohakune Junction were altered, necessitating a re-location of the line between Junction and Ohakune Township, a distance of about 2 miles. The centre-line has been cleared for about 2-J miles, formation-work is in hand on the first 29 chains, and culverts are being constructed up to 1 m It is intended to let the rest of the formation-work in small contracts. South Island Main Trunk Railway. North End. Mirza Section (£8 m. 10 eh to 61m eh.). —Very little earthwork has been done this year. The centre-line has been restaked out and levelled, and plans and specifications are being prepared so as to let a contract for the completion of section, including earthworks, platelaying, and ballasting. Most of the rails and sleepers are on hand at Ward Station yard. Mills Section (51m. 45 eh. to 56 m. 6 eh.). —Formation-work on this section is well advanced; an approach road has been formed from main road to the south end of Ure Bridge. The Tarbarrel Tunnel at 53 m. 2 eh. has been completely excavated and lined. All sand batters of formation to the south of the Ure Bridge have been planted with marram-grass, which has proved very successful. It has been found necessary to cover the sand formation with a 6 in. layer of ballast to prevent it being blown away. A contract has been let for the construction of the Ure Bridge, of sixteen 25 ft. spans. Half the piers have been driven, and all timber is now on the ground. It is intended to call for tenders for the completion of this section, and plans and specifications are now being prepared. Kekerangu Section (56 m. 6 eh. onwards). —Nothing has been done on this section beyond the survey and the planting of marram-grass. A deviation from the original surveyed line has been pegged between 56 m. 6 eh. and 60 m., which wall effect a saving of £1,600. Near 61 m. on trial line a large slip has occurred, and it is now being surveyed and borings taken to ascertain the nature of the slip. South End. Parnassus Section (35 m. 50 eh. to 44 m - 13 eh.). —-This section was completed (except for stone groynes in Waiau River) and handed over for traffic to Railway Department on the Ist September, 1912. Mendip Section (44 m - 13 eh. to 51m.). —The earthwork is almost completed to 47 m., and some work has been done between 47 m. and 48 m. The culverts are completed to 46 m. Two piers of Leader Bridge were constructed, and the girders are on site. Rails have been laid to 44 m. 58 eh. Midland Railway. N elson-W estland Section, North End. Manu Section (46 m. 38 eh. to 49 in. 55 eh.). —This section was handed over to the Railway Department on the 2nd September, 1912. Glenhope Section (49 m. 55 eh. to 59 m. 17 eh.). —This section was also finally completed and handed over to the Railway Department on the 2nd September, 1912. Kawatiri Section (59 m. 17 eh. to 63 m. 10 eh.). —The line has been cleared up to 62 m. 41ch., and the earthwork completed to 59 m. 73 eh., and partially done up to 61 m. 27 eh. Most of the culverts up to 61 in. have been constructed.


Nelson—Westland Section, South End. Gronadun—Landing Section (45 m. 46 eh. to 54 m.). —This section is complete, but is still being held and maintained by this Department. Landing - Inangahua Junction Section (54 m. to 58 m. Ifi eh.). —All earthworks are completed, and rails have been laid up to 58 m. 40 eh. The ballasting is now in hand. The bridge over Hard Creek has been constructed. A temporary station lias been formed at 58 m. 30 eh., but no station buildings have as yet been constructed. Canterbury—Westland Section, West End. Otira Section (50 m. 38 eh. to 51m. 40 eh.).-— The protective work has been continued in the Otira and Rolleston river-beds. Arthur's Pass Tunnel Contract (51 m. 40 eh. to 59 m. 40 eh.). —This work was taken over by the Government from Messrs. John Mckean and Sons (Limited) on the 28th December, 1912, and has been carried on by the Department, principally on day-wages, except outside work, such as block-making, formation, river-protective works, &c, which have been worked on the co-operative-contract principle. At the Otira end the tunnel is lined completely to 54 m. 49 eh., a distance of 1 mile 62 chains, and the bottom heading driven to 54 m. 75 eh., a distance'of 2 miles 8 chains. At the Bealey end the lining is completed to 57 m. 62 eh., a distance of 30 chains, and the bottom heading driven to 57 m. 53 eh., a distance of 39 chains. There remain, therefore, 2 miles 58 chains of bottom heading still to drive, and 3 miles 13 chains between the completed portions. The piers of bridges at Rough Creek, 58 m. 65 eh., and flood-opening, 59 m. 18 eh., have been built. A temporary terminal station is being constructed at Bealey Flat, 58 m. 50 eh. Seven cottages are being erected on the terrace opposite 58 m. 30 eh. The protection-work is nearly complete from 59 m. 40 eh. to Bealey Flat, but above this point to the tunnel there is still a considerable extent to do. Bealey Section (27 m. 40 eh. to 41 m - 4@ c^ ■)■ —The formation of the section is almost complete, and the rails have been laid up to 40 m. 26 eh. Ballasting is in hand up to 38 m. 52 eh. : this has been delayed by the raising of formation between 34 m. 30 eh. and 36 m., rendered necessary by floods. Ballasting will now be continued to Bealey Flat. 'Ike lower Bealey Bridge at 38 m. 68 eh. is almost finished. Severe floods in March damaged a good deal of protection-work, but this has now been repaired, and is now approaching completion. Westport-Inangahua Railway. Cascade Section (5 m. 74 eh. to 12 m,.). —Practically the whole of the earthwork on this section is now being done by contract, a total of eighteen contracts have been let up to 10 m. to date, and of these, six have been completed and one abandoned. Further contracts have been prepared for formation between 10 m. and 12 m., and the resurvey of 12 m. to 13 m. is in hand. Contract No. 1 (6 in. 35 eh. to 6m. 70 eh.) should be complete within the next three months. Extensive slips have occurred on this contract. Contract No. 2(6m. 70 eh. to 7m. 20 eh.) is practically complete. Contract No. 7(7m. 46 eh. to Bm.) is in progress; includes earthwork and concrete-bridge abutments. Contract No. 8 (8 m. to Bm. 38'50ch.): Fair progress is now being made, and it should be finished within six months. Contract No. 9(8 m. 42'40ch. to Bm. 5050 eh.) : Owing to difficulty in getting men, contract has been considerably delayed. Contract No. 1.0 (8 m. 5050 eh. to 8 n:i. 68 eh.). This contract is now over time, and there remains yet the tunnel between Bm. 56 eh. and Bm. 64 eh. to complete. Contract No. 11 (7 m. 38'50ch. to 7m. 46'60ch.) and contract No. 13 (9 m. 50 eh. to 9m. 28 eh.): Fair progress has been made on both these contracts. Contract No. 14 (9 m. 28 eh. to 9m. 39 eh.), contract No. 15 (9. m. 39 eh. to 9m. 53 eh.), contract No. 16 (9 m. 53 eh. to 9m. 59 - 50 eh.), and contract No. 17 (9 m. 595 eh. to 10 m. 0 eh.) are all in hand. A bushfelling and clearing contract (10 m. to 12 m.) is in hand, but is considerably over time owing to contractor being unable to get bushmen. Greymouth - Point Elizabeth Collieries Railway Extension.", - Goal Greek Section (Smiles' 69 chains in length). —This line is practically complete. The centre rail has been laid on the incline from Dunollie to Mount Davey Station, and the line is fully ballasted. All sidings in the coal-bins yard have been laid and ballasted except for an area round the bins where Mines Department's material is stacked. Several slips have occurred, and a concrete wall has been built to hold a slip near the bins. A contract was let for the erection of station buildings at Mount Davey Station, but, owing to wet weather and green state of timber, poor progress has been made. The weighbridge has been erected and housed in. Mining machinery and other material have been carried up and coal carried down the line whenever required. Catlin's-Waimahaka it ail w.ay. Catlin's End. Puketiro Section (24m. 8 eh. to 31m. 30 eh.). —From 24m. 8 eh. to 25 m. 60 eh. has been completed for some time, but is still retained by the Department for convenience in ballasting, the quarry and stone-crushing plant being situated at 24 m. 20 eh. The bank at 26 m. 37 eh. slipped and had to lie refilled; the culvert under this bank was lengthened by 58 ft. Slips were also removed at 31m. 20 eh. This section is now almost complete.




Papatowai Section (31 m. 30 eh. to 86 m. 60 eh.). —All clearing of main line was finished, and further clearing is in hand for additions to Papatowai Station yard. The service tramway has been extended to the bank of the Maclennan River opposite 36 m. 10 eh. Earthworks are complete except several banks that have slipped, and the widening of Papatowai Station yard. 18 chains of approach roads at Caberfeidh Station and 6 chains at Papatowai have been formed. The line has been trimmed and rails laid to 35 m. 61 eh., and a first lift of ballast is on to 35 m. 54 eh., and a second lift to 33 m. 60 eh. In Caberfeidh Station-yard the sidings have been laid and partially ballasted. A contract was let for the erection of the Maclennan River Bridge, and the contractor has now his temporary staging erected. A contract has also been let for the erection of station buildings at Caberfeidh and Papatowai. Tdhakopa Section (36 m. 60 eh. to 42 in.). —Clearing on this section is complete from 36 m. 60 eh. to 39 m. 71 eh., and from 40 m. II eh. to 41m. 13 eh. The formation-work is so far completed that the rails could be laid as far as 37 m. 21 eh. Formation and ditching is in hand to 41m. scli. There were 15 chains of road-deviation formed. Lawrence-Roxburgh Railway. Beaumont Section (29 in. .13 eh. to 3! t m. 65 eh.). —'I he excavation and lining of Big Hill Tunnel, 29 m. 36 eh. to 29 m. 57"50 eh., were completed in December last; the bottom has been trimmed and stone drains placed along both footings. The formation of line is complete to 32 in. with the exception of a bank at 30 m. 66 eh. and a bank and cutting between 31m. 35 eh. and 31m. 45 eh. Earthworks are now in hand to. 34m. 2ch. Considerable delay in completing the big bank and cutting at 30m. 62 eh. was caused by the bank slipping, necessitating extensive stone and tile draining. Culverts and stream diversion are complete to 32 m., and fencing to 31m. 70 eh. At 30 m. a road-deviation and overhead bridge have been constructed; also road-deviations from 51 m. 60 eh. to 70 eh., and from 32 m. 63«ch. to 33 m. 6 eh. Fencing has been completed on both sides from Big Hill Station to 31m. 70 eh. The heavy work is now in a completed state, only the light work remaining. SURVEYS OF RAILWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. NEW LINKS OF RAII/WAYS, LAND PLANS, ETC. Kawakawa-Hokianga Rail way. The permanent line has been pegged as far as 20 m., and exploration surveys are about to be undertaken beyond Hokianga. The land-plan survey is in hand beyond Kaikohe Station, at 16 m. 25 eh. W 7 HANGARF.I SOUTHWARDS RAILWAY. A trial survey, 25 miles 27 chains long, from Whangarei, via Mangapai and the Tauraroa River, to connect with the North Auckland Trunk line, was completed. Further trials are now being run along alternative routes. North Auckland Railway. A deviation has been made between 88 m. 70 eh. and 90 m. 42 eh. Surveys were also made for a deviation in the Paparoa Valley. Trial lines have been run and plans prepared up to 98 m. Trial surveys have been made or are in hand from 98 m. up to the Wairoa River crossing near Kirikopuni (about 121 m.). A contract has been completed for a land-plan survey from 86 m. 9 eh. to 88 m. 48 eh. HUNTLY-A WAROA BRANCH RAILWAY. Ike permanent survey of the line is finished up to sm. 35 eh., and beyond this point the trial surveys of two alternative routes have been made. It has now been decided to proceed with the permanent pegging up to 7|m. along the adopted route. The land-plan survey up to 3 m. is complete except the first 10 chains. Waiuku Branch Railway. Trial surveys are in hand, and 6| miles of the old survey have been revised. Main Trunk - Cambridge - Rotorua Railway. An examination and report were made of the following three routes: Cambridge to Tirau; Cambridge to Putaruru; Putaruru to Kawa. Kawhia-Main Trunk Railway. Exploration surveys to connect Kawhia with the Main Trunk railway have been carried out, the following routes being reported on : Kawhia to Frankton Junction; Kawhia to Kiokio; Kawhia to Hangatiki; and Kawhia to Kawa.


T) 1

East Coast Main Trunk Railway. Te Puke - Paengaroa Section. —A land-plan survey has been made, and plans are now being checked. Paengaroa—Pongakawa-Otamarakaii-Matata Section. —The trial line was completed to 94m. 50 eh., and the permanent line pegged to 92 m. 72 eh. Okere—Paengaroa. —A trial survey was completed in -August, 1912. Waihi Southwards to Tauranga. —The permanent survey was completed to 11m. 18 eh. The land-plan survey of the first 4 miles has been completed. Te Puke Quarry. —Several trial surveys were made, and permanent survey has now been made. Gisborne-Motu. —The permanent location survey lias been carried to 52 m. Gisbome-N apier. —At the Gisborne end, surveys are in hand front Ngatapa, 11m., to about 34 m. At the Napier end the permanent line has been pegged to 10 m., and the trial survey made up to 20 m. 7 eh. The plans of this are in hand. A land-plan survey has been made from 1 m. 60 eh. to 8 m., and plans are Dow under examination. Hastings-Puketititu Thau way. A reconnaissance survey for a light railway between Hastings and Puketitiri, a distance of about 41 miles, has been made Stratford - Main Trunk Railway. West End. —A trial survey was run on original route through Tangarakau Gorge, and several deviations were also made. A rough trial was then run from Tahora Station down the Raekohua Valley, across the Tangarakau River, and through the Maraekowhai Native block into the Heao Valley : this route has been adopted, and is now being surveyed. East End. —The permanent survey is complete to 16 m. 60 eh., and plans are now being completed. North Island Main Trunk Railway. Raetihi Branch. —The permanent survey has been completed up to 6m., and is in hand to Raetihi Township. Plans of the first 4 miles are complete. Mount Egmont Branch Railway. The permanent line has been pegged up to the face at the Mangamawhete quarry-site. Opunake Branch Railway. Several trial surveys were made from near Te Roti Station. Midland Railway. Nelson End. —The permanent line has been pegged to 63 m. 10 eh. and plans prepared. Two trial surveys have been made between 63 m. 10 eh. and 65 m. 46 eh., and a trial continued from there to 69 m. South Island Main Trunk Railway. Canterbury-Marlborough (South End). —A trial line was run from 56 m. 6 eh. to 60 m., and permanent line has now been pegged to this point. A trial survey is also completed from 60 m. to 62 1 m. Trial surveys of three routes have been made for about 12 miles beyond Mendip Hills to the Charwell Flats. Culverden- Waiau . Trial surveys of two routes are being made. Catlin' s-Waimahaka Rail way . The permanent line was pegged from 38 m. sSch. to 41m. 64 eh. A land-plan survey from 29 m. to 36 m. 57 eh. was carried out under contract. Lawrence-Roxburgh Railway, The permanent line was pegged to 34 m. 68 eh. A land-plan survey was completed from 29 in. 20 eh. to 32 m. Balclutha - Tuapeka Mouth Railway. A trial survey is now being made up the left bank of the Clutha River from a point on the main line from Dunedin to Invercargill about 55 chains north of the Clutha Bridge. Orepuki-Waiau Railway. A trial line survey was made from Waikouro to Orawia.



ROADS AND BRIDGES. Under all votes and accounts, except roads on goldfields, the total expenditure on roads during the last financial year amounted to £434,739. The amount expended during the quarter ended 30th June, 1913, was £102,706. The Te Kuiti-Awakino Road, which is the main road from Te Kuiti to New Plymouth, has now practically been metalled from Te Kuiti to Piopio. Estimates have been made for metalling the remainder of the road; also the road from Piopio to Aria. Ike Ohura Road, connecting the Main Trunk district with Taranaki, is now almost complete, with the exception of a bridge in the Tangarakau Gorge. At the Main Trunk end a deviation was formed and metalled close to the Stratford - Main Trunk Railway, from Okahukara to the Ohura Valley, thus saving 5 miles into the Ohura. Gisborne-Opotik-i, Road. —Considerable survey and construction work has been done on the main road through from Motu to Opotiki. Wanganui Town Bridge (Dublin Street). —In seven piers, ferro-coucrete cylinders were substituted for piles : these have now all been sunk, and the completion of piers is in hand. Two spans of steelwork are erected, and sufficient for four more spans has been prepared. Wairau River Traffic-bridge (near Renwicktown). — A traffic-bridge of eighty-nine 25 ft. spans on pile piers, and 69 chains of approaches, has been completed by the local body. Wairau Flood-damage. —Extensive protective works have been carried out near the mouth of the Waihopai River by the local body. Opawa River Bridge (near Blenheim). —Plans have been prepared for a reinforced-concrete structure 560 ft. in length. Kahautara River Bridge. —A contract was let for the erection of this bridge of twenty spans of 25 ft., and is now nearing completion. 29 chains of approaches at the north end and 5 chains at the south end are in hand. Tjower Shotover Bridge. —This bridge which was being erected under contract for the Lake County Council was badly damaged by a flood when nearing completion, one pier and a 160 ft. truss having fallen into the river. The Department undertook to complete the bridge, and now have the work in hand. Clutha River Bridge (at Luggate). —ln connection with this work, which is being carried on by the Vincent County Council, the Department is assisting by testing cement and supervising the manufacture of ironwork at Dunedin. Waikato River Bridge at Tokaanu. —The restoration of this bridge was completed in October last. Waitara River Bridge (Waitara). —The erection of a bridge of four 60 ft. steel-girder spans on concrete piers and reinforced-concrete piles was carried out by the Waitara Borough Council. Tokatoka Swamp Tram-line. —On the application of the White-pine Timber Company the Department has extended the tram another 22 chains. There still remains another half-mile to complete to south-west corner of Section 3, Waipa River Bridge (Pirongia). —This bridge, consisting of steel girders on reinforcedconcrete piers, is being constructed under the supervision of the Waipa County Council. Waiau River Protection-works. —The Coromandel County Council have constructed some groynes and widened the stream. Waipa River Bridge (Kawa Road). —Plans for this bridge were prepared by the Depart-" ment, and the local body has called for tenders for the erection. Taramakau Bridge Restoration. —Several spans of this bridge were washed away, during a flood, and re-erection is now in hand. Big Wanganui Bridge. —ln South Westland, on the Ross to Waiho Road, the Big Wanganui Bridge, with approaches, is now complete. This road would be safe for motor-car traffic if the Mikonui, Little Wanganui, and Waitaha Rivers were bridged. Working drawings of the following bridges have been prepared in the Head Office during the past year: Motueka River Bridge; Mangamahaki River Bridge; Kawarau Falls Bridge; Tangarakau River Bridge; Cobden Bridge; Te Karae Stream Bridge; Mangapeehi Stream Bridge; Wairoa (Tauranga) Road Bridge; Kaupokbnui Road Bridge; Otakeho Road Bridge; Mangawhero Road Bridge; Ngaruawahia Road Bridge; Rangiriri Bridge; Balclutha Road Bridge; Mangawhero River Bridge (Burrell's Road): Okere Falls Bridge; Waipawa River Road Bridge; Mangawhero River Bridge (Anderson's Road); Buller River Bridge; Saltwater Creek Road Bridge; Hope Valley Bridges; Seven-mile Creek Bridge; Taramakau Road Bridge; Makakaho Stream Bridge; Rotokautuku Road Bridge; Opawa River Road Bridge. FLOODS. Surveys and reports have been made in connection with flood-damage and river-encroachment at Waipounamu, Oreti Valley, Balclutha, Inch-Ctutha, Kaitangata, Stirling, Barnego, Otanomomo Settlement, Gore, and Waitaki River. IRRIGATION. Otekaike Settlement. —A contract has been let for the construction of 6 miles of race on the eastern side of river, and material for the siphons and other structures is now being obtained. Central Otago Irrigation: Ida Valley Scheme. —The access road from Ida Valley to the Manorburn dam-site has been improved; a new road was formed from the half-way peg to the right-hand bank of the dam-site, cutting off about 5 miles.



A large barracks, blacksmith's shop, oil-stores, magazine, crusher-and-mixer, and new ropeways have been fixed across the gorge, and tram-line laid to quarry. The excavation for dam had been practically completed when a fault developed necessitating further sinking. Heavy rains and.floods during the past few months have stopped progress, but it is intended to start concreting in November. During the last winter about 30 chains of the Bonanza race were widened, and, in the spring, water was turned on for irrigation in the Ida Valley. Widening of race is now again in hand. The site of the Moa Creek diverting-weir was excavated, and stone, gravel, and sand are on the ground in readiness for starting concreting in the spring. About 20 chains of No. 3 Black's race has been finished, mostly in rock, and work is in hand to 1 m. 40 eh. Ike sites of the Poolburn diverting-weir and dams have been set out. A considerable amount of survey-work has been done in connection with the Manuherikia-Alexander-Clyde scheme. The country on the Moutere or right side of the Manuherikia has been carefully surveyed and levelled, and alternative race-lines have been set out. Little has been done on the Galloway side, and here there are alternatives to the scheme of picking up the water in Chatto Creek and conveying it across the Manuherikia River by means of the railway-bridge. SEACLIFF MENTAL HOSPITAL WATER-SUPPLY. A concrete dam is in hand in Waitiiipaka Creek. Most of the pipes from dam to reservoir, a distance of 7 miles, have been laid, and the reinforced-concrete reservoir is practically complete. Floods and unfavourable weather have considerably hampered the work. OHINEMURI SILTING. A considerable amount of work has been done in killing and removing willows on the Waihou River and Komata Stream. About 3 miles of the river have recently been snagged. Surveys have been carried out in connection with proposed stop-banks along the Ohinemuri River at Paeroa, and the Waihou River. Soundings and surveys of the Ohinemuri are being made below the Waihi-Paeroa Extraction Company's works to obtain information regarding the silting of the river. Surveys have also been made of lands injured or destroyed by silt and of lands which will be specially benefited by reason of the river-improvements. A contract was let for the Ngararahi and Koutou cuts, for straightening the Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers and forming stop-banks. The Ngararahi cut has been excavated to within 12 chains of the finishing-point, and the Koutou cut is in hand at the upper end. A contract is also in progress for the construction of a stopbank along the right bank of the Ohinemuri River between Russel Street, Paeroa, and the Paeroa Railway-station. A contract has been let to Messrs. Stevenson and Cook, of Port Chalmers, for the construction of a mechanical cutter suction dredge for the Waihou River improvement scheme. TRAMWAYS. Auckland. —The Green Lane to Mountain Road extension, the Victoria Avenue extension, and the Dominion Road duplication have been completed and passed for traffic. The duplication of the new North Road line between Dominion Road and New Edendale Road is in course of construction. Pneumatic sanders have been provided on 156 cars. Thirty new cars have been inspected and passed, making a total of 156 cars. Heavier brake-rigging has been fitted on all the old style of truck, Nos. 1 to 92 and 99 to 100. Gisborne. —A tramway under a mile long was constructed and passed for traffic. The cars are electrically driven by power obtained from Edison -Beach storage batteries, no overhead equipment being necessary. Napier. —This tramway is 2 miles 65 chains long, with a 12-chain branch line to railwaystation. The track-work is practically complete, and half the overhead equipment is erected. The car-shed, power-house, and plant are ready. Five cars have arrived and are being put together. Wanganui. —New cars and trailers were inspected and passed for traffic, making a total of twelve cars and two trailers in commission. Route No. 2, Gonville-Castlecliff portion, 2 miles 76 chains long, was completed and passed for traffic. A duplication was made along Taupo Quay and Victoria Avenue. Wellington. —The duplication of the Brooklyn route from Nairn Street to the top of the hill is in hand, and the Kilbirnie route-duplication has been completed. During the year four new cars were inspected and passed for traffic. Cross-seated cars are being altered to provide central-passage-way. Christchurch. —The Fendalton line was extended to Clyde Road, the Dallington line completed into Dallington, and the Papanui line extended from Homer Street to Northcote Road. On the Cashmere Hills line the line was duplicated between Moorhouse Avenue and Strickland Street, and extended up Hackthorne Road to the junction with Dyer's Pass Road Ten new cars were inspected and passed. Invercargill. —The balance of the authorized lines has been completed during the year. Wairio-Birchwood Tramway. —The formation of this is still in progress, but is practically complete. No platelaying has as yet been done.


MARINE. Hokianga. —Motukaraka Wharf was completed by the Hokianga County Council during, the year. The timber breastwork for reclamation purposes at Kohukohu has been extended. A horse-landing has been completed, and a pontoon launch landing is in an incomplete state at Kohukohu. Channel Island Light Beacon. — The pedestal for this beacon has been made and stored in readiness for shipment, and a 5 ft. track and landing-stage are being constructed at the island. D'Vrville Rocks Beacon. —The manufacture of this beacon is in hand. Manukau Lighthouse. —About mile of track has been formed on the road leading from Huia to the North Head leading-light, Manukau Harbour. Ponii! Passage Lighthouse. —Repairs were carried out in building, and also to pile injured by a collision. Leigh Wharf. —A wharf 42 ft. long and concrete sea-wall have been constructed by the local body. Turanga Creel,- Wharf. —A small timber-wharf has been constructed at Whitford. Maliuraiigi River (Deepening). —6 chains of the river below the County Wharf have been deepened 2 ft. under the supervision of the local body. Matakana River (Dredging). —Considerable improvements have been effected by deepening the channel and easing sharp bends between Todd's Wharf and the County Wharf. Wade River (Deepening), —This work has been satisfactorily completed : the rocky bars have all been excavated, the channel straightened, ami a turning-basin made just below the Wade Wharf, where steamers can now turn with ease. Chicken Island Light Beacon. —The manufacture of this beacon has been completed by Messrs. Luke and Co. Castle Point Lighthouse. —The tower for this lighthouse was completed and taken to Castle Point during the early part of last year. Somes Island. —Repairs to cottage and wharf are in hand. Karamea Training-wall. —The extension of the wall has been satisfactorily carried out. Little Wanganui Wharf. —The contract for additions and repairs to this wharf was completed satisfactorily on the 30th September, 1912. Godley Head Lighthouse. —A track and steps have been constructed from the lighthouse to the fog-signal. DEFENCES. Various works in connection with defences have been carried out during the year at Auckland, Wellington, and Dunedin. CONTRACTS. A complete schedule of contracts entered into during the year for the construction of works, and also for the supplies of material and the performance of various services, is given in Appendix C. I have, Ac, R. W. Holmes, M.lnst.C.E., The Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Engineer-in-Chief.




Enclosure to Appendix E. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1913. NORTH ISLAND.

12—D. 1.

• State of Line. Appropriation. Division. © © in Section. Main Line. 03 CO Total. ; © CO Under Formation. Under lened. laying. Il910-ll 1911-12 j Total. Date. .1912-1; I 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Grahamtown (Onerahi) M. chs. 7 16 Opua Wharf - Kawakawa M. chs. 7 16 M. chs. 0 57 M. chs. 7 73 M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. S.j M. chs. |M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. 7 1C Kawakawa ■• Kawakawa-Kamo Kawakawa-Towai .. Towai-Hukerenui .. Hukerenui-Kamo .. Kamo-Kioreroa Kioreroa-GTaharotown Wharf Kawakawa-Kaikohe Kaikohe-Hokianga .. Dargaville-Booms .. Booms-Waima Extension McCarrol's - Bickerstafie Bickerstaffe-Otamatea Otamatea - Kaiwaka Kaiwaka-Te Hana .. Te Hana-Wellsford.. Wellsford-Wayby .. Wayby-Hoteo Hoteo-Kaipara Flats Kaipara Fiats-Wood-cock's Woodcock's- Ah uroa A*huroa-Helensville.. Hslensville-Newm'rk't Penrose - Onehunga Wharf Auckland-Te Awamutu |12 April,1911 I 2 May, 1910 41 48 21 18 4 30 16 0 6 52 . 2 50 0 61 0 33 3 29 2 27 1 16 21 79 4 63 19 29 8 79 3 66 •• ! •• 4 30 21 18 21 18 9 22 ■ 27 2 Kamo-Grahamtown 2 Oct., 1911 2 50 2 50 Kawakawa-Hokianga 34 12 16 25 17 67 17 21 2 37 60 17 8 31 2 76 19 21 17 67 18 16 2 37 60 17 8 31 17 67 ! Prelim. 16 25 ■• Kaihu Valley 19 58 0 75 •■ 1721 Kaihu Valley 0 63 60 17 Estim. 8 03 0 28 1 54 North Auckland Railway Kaipara Northwards 121 0 4 25 2 45 4 25 4 10 4 25 .. j 1 75 1 45 050 8 65 3 27 3 18 3 40 2 45 3 5 1 03 0 58 0 28 0 13 0 13 0 16 9 68 4 5 3 46 3 53 2 58 3 21 18 Mar. 1913 16 May, 1910 1 April, 1909 13 May, 1908 11 June, 1907 17 Nov., 1905 3 27 8 65 \ >45 42 I .. j .. Kaipara-Newmarket Onehunga Branch .. 2 41 18 41 35 73 2 73 0 16 1 75 6 66 1 70 2 57 20 36 42 59 4 63 18 May, 1905 KaiparaWaikato 35 73 2 73 35 73 2 73 Auckland-Waikato .. Auckland-Penrose — Deviation via Beach Auckland City Branch —Kingslanci Station to Auckland Station via Western Park and Freeman's Bay Pukekohe-Waiuku .. Huntly-Awaroa Paeroa-Pokeno Waikato-Thames 100 IS 100 13 16 66 116 79 o I o o "3 CD a © % 02 w M u $ o 3 04 .B © .3 LB tab S3 © o m © 3 eg o CM ■** o a 3 o © © © 3 d3 .5 c a > '5b o © u =e 0Q c« © .3 O 03 o n o &. a 03 *o a '3 © ft o o © o 03 .2 a o '8 o I H H O 6 77 100 13 6 50 2 60 Deviation via Beach Auckland City Branch 6 50 2 60 6 50 2 60 6 50 2 60 iPrelim. Surveys, new lines 12 5 9 0 40 15 62 58 Paerata-Waiuku Huntly-Awaroa Paeroa-Pokeno Frankton JunctionThames 12 5 9 0 40 15 62 58 12 5 9 0 40 15 72 75 12 5 6 0 3 0 40 15 Waik atoThames PaeroaWaihi East Coast Railway 10 17 62'58 Paeroa-Waihi Waihi - Opotiki, or East Coast Railway via Matata 12 40 124 0 Paeroa-Waihi Waihi-Tauranga 12 40 41 0 1 30 13 70 41 0 37 0 4 0 9 Nov., 1905 12 40 Tauranga-Te Maunga Junction Te Maunga JunctionTe Puke ! Te Puke-Paengaroa.. : Paengaroa-Opotiki .. Mount Maunganui - Te Maunga Junction! Ruakura JunctionCambridge Morrinsville-Rotorua j 4 0 4 0 4 0 9 0 1 15 10 15 9 0 •■ I Branch 5 65 I 64 15 4 27 I 1 41 ; 4 66 71 4 I .. J 5 25 Ij64 15 0 40 4 27 4 27 9 13 i " i " HamiltonCambridge Thames Valley - Rotorua G isborn eRotorua Hamilton-Cambridge 12 2 ! 12 2 3 14 15 16 12 2 Thames Valley-Roto-rua 69 33 j 69 33 5 27 74 60 69 33 Gisborne-Opotiki 93 36 Gisborne Wharf-Kai-teratahi Kaiteratahi-Karaka Karaka-Puba Puha-Waikohu Bridge Waikohu Bridge- Waikohu Waikohu-Otoko Otoko-Rakauroa Rakauroa-Matawai.. Matawai-Motu Motu-Opotiki Napier-West Shore West Shore-Petane Petane-Eskdale .. i Eskdale-Wairoa Wairoa River-Gisbornc Napier Spit-Woodville 18 10 2 45 15 55 ) 131 69 5 5 1 75 3 29 0 35 0 71 0 24 5 76 2 19 3 29 0 67 13 April, 1905 20 May, 1907 28 May, 1908 : 1 April, 1909 0 32 « 7 75 6 60 5 65 8 0 41 2 3 37 3 57 3 35 47 31 62 0 96 65 0 32 0 32 0 50 8 27 7 12 6 35 8 0 41 2 3 37 3 57 3 35 47 31 62 0 111 70 6 60 5 65 6 April, 1912 7 75 few survey Napier-Gisborne 120 0 4 20* 3 60 41 2 Estim. 3 12 0 25 3 57 0 35 3 0 47 31 Prelim. 49 69 12 11 1 a p i e r - Woodville and Palmerston North Wellington - Woodville Napier-Woodville .. Woodville-Palmerston North Woodvil! e-Wellington 96 65 17 21 Woodville-Palmerston North Woodville-Wellington '- [Te Aro] Woodside-Greytowri Kaitoke-Featherston Upper Hutt Woodside Petone-Pigeon Bush 17 21 is'°5 0 51 17 72 96 65 17 21 115 79 115 79 21 73 137 72 115 79 wimutaka Incline Deviation Surveys Greytown Branch .. Coach-road Route .. Tauberenikau Route Wai n u i - o - m a ta Route Coast Route Coast Route 3 7 9 0 21 30 31 40 3 7 9 0 21 30 31 40 0 64 3 71 9 0 21 30 31 40 9 0 Prelim. 21 30 31 40 3 7 52 0 70 0 Petone-Pigeon Bush Petone-Carterton, via Martinborough Wellington-Longburn Foxton-Patea .. 5 Turakina-Matarawa Aramoho-Goat Valley Tunnel Kai Iwi-Okehu Nukumaru-Waitotara Patea-New Plymouth Breakwater Bull's Branch Aramoho-Wanganui Stratford-Toko Toko-Oruru Oruru-Huiroa Huiroa-Te Wera Te Wera-Pohokura .. Pohokura - Whangamomona Whangamomona - Tahora Tahora-Matiere Okahukara-Matiere.. Mangaroa-Puke tutu Aramatai-Hangatiki 52 0 70 0 52 0 70 0 52 0 70 0 'oxton-New Plymouth Wellington-Manawatu Foxton-Patea Route Improvement Surveys 83 37 120 44 26 7 83 37 120 44 11 67 7 40 15 76 14 75 99 33 135 39 11 67 7 40 : 7 Dec, 1908+ 83 37 120 44 1167 .. 7 40 Patea - Waitara and New Plymonth Bull's Branch Wanganui Branch .. Stratford-Main Trunk 3 60 3 0 72 29 3 60 3 0 84 1 8 60 3 0 Prelim. 72 29 11 52 72 29 8 79 3 29 94 70 3 79 3 29 6 26 4 72 4 50 6 77 8 55 6 13 2 23 0 40 0 36 0 35 1 16 0 65 0 45 3 79 5 52 6 66 5 28 5 5 8 13 9 40 6 58 3 79 Prelim. 3 29 StratfordMain Trunk 1 Mar., 1905 1 April, 1908 20 June, 1910 1 Aug., 1912 ■ 31 40 0 42 551 8 55 •• 9 57 1 0 10 57 3 30 5 56 1 51 Stratford - Ongarue— Deviations Pnketutu - Mangaroa Deviation Opunake - Mountain Road 33 40 14 0 30 0 37 17 10 23 33 40 14 0 30 0 37 17 10 23 33 40 14 0 30 0 37 17 Prelim. 8 23 2 0 33 40 Prelim. 14 0 Prelim. 30 0 Prelim. 23 10 22 0 25 58 9 14 Opunake-Eltham .. Opunake-Te Roti .. Opunake-Stratford .. Manganui Section .. Quarry Section Marton Junction - Mangaweka Mangaweka-Taihape Taihape-Mataroa .. Mataroa- Wai ouru .. Waiouru-Erua Erua-Taumarunui .. Taumarunui-Te Awamutu Raetihi Section 23 10 22 0 25 58 6 0 3 14 31 67 23 10 22 0 25 58 8 3 3 74 36 48 23 10 Prelim. 22 0 Prelim. 25 58 Prelim. Mount Egmont Branoh Marton-Te Awamutu 2 3 0 60 4 61 2 58 0 36 1 April', 1908 \ 6 0 209 69 •50 58 ■ 84 58 -torthlsland Main Trunk Railway 13 1 5 70 18 10 30 63 35 65 74 33 1 61 0 61 14 62 6 51 10 Sep., 1904 1 June, 1907 30 June, 1908 13 Feb., 1909 9 Nov., 1908 ■12 50 97 28 I;; ;; Ohakune - Raetihi Branch Central Route Deviation Surveys 8 0 8 0 30 0 6 20 80 53 8 0 30 0 7 0 10 30 0 Prelim. 74 33 30 0 Ohakune to MokauRetaruke Divide Makatote Gorge-Ma-rae Kowhai Marae-Kowhai-Ohura Valley Ngaire Section Tangarakau Section Heao Section Ohura Section Waitara Section Urenui to Tangitu River Hastings-Te Awamutu '. 34 0 34 0 34 0 34 0 Prelim. Ngaire-Ongarue 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 Explor. 103 58 38 73 26 0 10 70 27 75 46 75 12 0 38 73 26 0 10 70 27 75 46 75 12 0 38 73 26 0 10 70 27 75 46 75 12 0 Prelim. ■• •• Waitara-Tangarakau Urenui Route " 46 75 12 0 .. Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 170 0 170 0 170 0 Prelim. 2554 62 1 2749 161 1233 68 56 59 1144 53] 25 35 1208 50 Totals .. 2554 62 194 34 54 45 14 54 23 68 * Appi roximate, Date o: : purchase. Is have Note.—T: tonui a] t.d Li ehi Leld Brai iches no it mentit >ned ab< ive, as the ral >een tak< m ui



TABLE of Lengths of Government Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1913— continued. SOUTH ISLAND.

appropriation. Division. Mileage. Section. Main Line. >idm ge . Total. nuder Under ' mation. laying. Date. State of Line. tened. 1910-11. 1911-12. 1 I ' I 1912-13. J Total. 1 N el son - Roundell Midland Railway *> Nelson-Belgrove.. 9 on-Belgrove 3 i M oh. M. ch. e.. 22 73 Nelson-Belgrove .. | 3 M. ch. 22 73 5 5 M. ch. 22 73 M. cl 22 7 6 M. ch. 2 52 7 M ch. 25 45 8 M. ch. 9 M. ch. 10 M. eh. 10 M. eh. 11 12 M. oh. 13 M. ch. 14 M. ch. 15 M. oh. 16 17 18 M. ch. 19 20 M. oh. 21 M. ch. 22 73 Stillwater - Belgrove (mo-Tadmor) water - B( ye (maTadm iner - Sprir ild ' Sel- 147 7 Stillwater-Reefton S. aor)j Reefton S.-ReeftonN. j Reefton N.-Cronadun , Cronadun-Landing .. Landing-Inaugahua Inangahua-Kawatiri Glenhope-Kawatiri Glenhope-Tui Tui-Kiwi .. Kiwi-Tadmor Tadmor-Kohatu .. j Kohatu-Belgrove ng- 92 64 Brunner-Otira .. j Rolleston Section .. Tunnel Contract : Tunnel Contract-Cass Cass - Broken River.. Broken River - Otarama Otarama-Springfield 147 7 37 30 1 30 5 38 8 40 6 0 46 43 4 5 9 42 3 17 5 9 10 29 9 44 42 27 1 2 8 0 13 75 15 22 7 40 37 3 1 3 5 3 8 4 6 46 4 4 9 4 3 1 5 10 2 9 4 42 2 1 8 13 7 15 2 7 4 4 e 4 79! 1 0 0 56 0 45 0 10 42 29 2 30 6 14 9 5 6 10 46 43 4 26 10 17 3 51 5 38 11 18, 10 26 45 15, 1 2: 8 0 14 15 16 51 7 70 31 Mar., 1907 7 Aug., 1908 37 30 1 30 5 38 1 26 46 43 0 74 8 40 a e a 8 40 4 54 4 54 0 15 0 55 0 34 0 29 0 69 0 62 2 68 3 ii ■■ 9 42 3 17 "■ •■ ::{ -I I2 Sept., 1912 18 Dec, 1908 7 Aug., 1906 }:: I 12 59 ••I 5 9 10 29 9 44 42 27 Brunner - Springfield ' 92 64 1 2 8"0 j 1 40 I 1 2 12 35 ■■ i ■ • 0 20 1 29 0 30 "' i 12 35 " 10 Dec, 1910| Oct., 1906: 15 22 I 27 40 I Ngataere-Blackball 4 58 0 16 4 74! Blackball Railway GreymouthNelson Creek WestportNgakawau Wes tportNgakawau Extension here-Black! ball 3 40 Ngahere-Blackball .. 3 40 3 4 3 40 1 20| 4 60 16 July, 1910 3 40 3 40 • Greymouth - Nelson Creek - N n Creek ?el- i 7 51 Greymouth-Brunner-ton-Stillwater 7 51 7 51 7 £ 6 18] 13 69, •■ i .. 7 51 Westport - Ngaka1 wau N gakawau - Moki - hinui tport - Ngal ika- J 19 56 Westport-Ngakawau ' 19 56 19 56 19 e 8 12 27 68 i 19 56 111 kawau - Moj nui >ki- 7 12 Ngakawau-Mokihi- ! nui 7 12 7 12 7 i 1 18 8 30 ■ .. 7 12 Mokihinui Colliery Line Westport Inanga- ' hua Junction :ihinui Colli iery | 3 69 Mokihinui-Seddonville 3 69 3 69 3 e 0 25 4 14 •• 3 69 West portInangahua •• ! ine itport Inang ja Junction ymouth- Poi lizabeth C VI PR ga- J 26 0 Westport-TeKuha .. 2 Te iCuha - Inangahua Junction lint 5 1 Greymouth - Runanga 3ol- i Colliery 26 0 5 74 20 6 5 r , 20 5 0 10 6 4 20 6 Iβ' 6 4"0 1 April, 1912 5 74 5 74 State Colliery, or Coal Creek Railway Greymouth- Point Elizabeth Colc leries Extension 5 1 5 1 2 10 7 11 1 Dec, 1904 5 1 ries [tension vmouth-Ho ka ..I 3 69 Runanga Colliery-Point. Elizabeth Collieries oki- I 24 37 Greymouth-Hokitika 3 69 3 69 3 ( 24 i 2 20 6 9 : 3 69 GreyniouthHokitika K uma r a Branch HokitikaRoss I - Greymouth-Hoki-tika Kumara Branch 24 37 24 37' 2 10 26 47 ! 24 37 Ka nara Branc oh ! 4 10 Kumara Branch 4 10 4 10 4 ] 4 10 4 10 .. ■" - Hokitika-Ross .. :itika-Ross s-Waitaha ion - Kaikoi mka Rive Mendip Hills .dip Hills -P SS11K 15 75 Hokitika-Ruatapu .. Ruatapu-Ross Survey to Ross Town- | ship 10 0 Ross-Waitaha iura 92 34 Pioton-Seddon Seddon-Kaparu Kaparu-Ward Ward-Mirza Mirza-Mills .. I Mills-Hapuka River | er- 40 50 Hapuka River-Lime- j s stone Creek Limestone Creek-Con-way River Conway River - Mendip Hills Par- 5 61 Mendip Hills 15 75 7 10 7 21 1 44 7 : 7 ! 1 '. 10 33 i 6 i 8 : 3 i 4 i 36 i 23 7 10 ! 5 ( 0 61 0 69 7 711 8 10j 1 44 9 Nov., 1906 1 April, 1909 7 1C 7 21 1 44 Mew survey PictonWaipara Ross-Waitaha .. Picton - Kaikoura 10 0 92 34 10 0 33 45 6 30 8 14 3 35 4 38' 36 32 23 0 3 26 0 76 1 20 0 40 10 0 36 71 7 26 9 34 3 75 4 38 36 32 23 0 2 54 335 j 4 38 : ::} I 13 April, 1911 © 1 5 e 1 a> a> •a o o ,0 p 5 QQ I *o QQ ■3 00 i "o 09 J5 i o 51 o i-H i-l QQ s "o o 1 .2 ■3 a a <D > 'So O P I CO a o I 1 o a "3 I 'o I H r a 3 § g '3 I 630 8 14 [ 48 9 Hapuka RiverMendip Hills 40 50 36 32 23 0 Prelim. 7 0 7 0 Mendip Hills-Par-i nassus Parnassus -Waipars 10 50 10 50 5 61 5 61 5 61 2 0 3 61 ssus nassus - W s ira n Line a i • 44 14 Parnassus-Mina Mina-Domett Domett-Tormore Tormore-Ethelton .. Ethelton-Scargill .. | Scargill-Waipara .. .. 206 7 Culverden-South Wai-; taki 44 14 8 43 3 63 3 10 5 28j 8 51 14 59 206 7 8 ( 3 ( 3 : 5 i 8 ! 14 i 206 1 14 0 70 1 0 66 9 57 4 53 9 24 J ■• •• .. ■ 1 Sept., 1912 1 Aug., 1910 14 Nov., 1906 21 Mar., 1907 3 Nov., 1905 3 63 8 43 44 14 Main Line 0 51 1 2 64 68 9 22 15 61 270 75 HurunuiW aitaki, with Branches 206 7 206 7 Branches, — 1 Rangiora-Oxford Eyreton (from Main Line) I Lyttelton iches, — mgiora-Oxfc yreton (fr Main Line) ?ttelton uthbridge ittle Riv A Va.vno. ford 21 76 Rangiora-Oxford West rom 20 7 Main Line - West ) Eyreton-Bennett's 6 26 Lyttelton - Christchurch 25 31 Hornby-Southbridge ;er- 42 10 Lincoln-Little River 21 76 20 7 21 76 20 7 21 ' 20 6 ! 25 : 22 ■ 2 36 1 61 24 32 21 68 21 76 20 7 6 26 6 26 6 26 6 26 Southbridge .. Little RiverAkaroa 25 31 42 10 25 31 22 461 3 17 2 5 28 48 24 51 •'■ 25 31 22 46 Springfield Whitecliffs Akaroa iringfield hitecliffs akaia-At hnrtfin "Pnrl Reconnaissance 30 60 Rolleston-Springfield Springfield-Coal-mine .. 11 38 Darfield-Whitecliffs Whitecliffs to Bridge eh- 22 20 Rakaia-Methven .. lea 30 60 11 38 19 ■ 29 I 0 ' 11 ; 0 22 ! 19 44; 29 631 0 77 11 33 0 5 22 20 I q 7 1 53J 2 65 19 44 33 ii 19 44 Prelim. 30 60 j 13 11 11 38 Rakaia-Ash-burton Forks Ashburton 22 20 25 5 22 20 burton For! hburton )awa and bury to Fail ks 29 46 Tinwald-Springburn Extension AI- 55 8 Washdyke-Eversley irlie 29 46 27 2q| 2 17 36 5 27 i 2 : 36 1 52 29 1 2 17 38 50 ai.7 27 29 Opawa and Albury to Fairlie Creek and Burke's Pass Waimate Waimate Gorge 55 8 2 45 36 5 Creek a: Burke's P aimate aimate Gorj nd Pass Preliminary survey .. 4 42 Studholme-Waimate rge 8 21 Waimate-Waihao Downs 4 42 8 21 19 4 i 8 i 19 3* 4 42 8 21 1 3 0 54 19 3 5 45 8 75 19 3 Prelim. 4 42 8 21 Canterbury Interior Main Line Oxford-Temuka .. urd-Temuka a .. 83 0 Oxford-Sheffield Surveyed Reconnaissance 83 0 11 44 21 7 50 29 11 4 21 50 i 0 27 11 71 21 7 50 29 I 21 7 50 29 I 11 44 Prelim. 1 'fV a i t a k iBlufi and Branches Main Line Branches, — Duntroon Duntroon-Haka-teramea Ngapara Livingstone n Line .. I 246 69 South Waitaki-Bluff 246 69 246 69 246 6 59 13 306 2 246 69 iches, — introon mtroon-Hal :eramea ;apara jingstone lmerston-W iemo )h Valley Rβ .. i 21 75 Pukeuri-Duntroon .. ika- : 15 38 Duntroon - Hakateramoa .. 14 76 Waiareka-Ngapara.. .. i 16 40; Windsor-Tokorahi .. j Survey (trial) *Tai- 9 40! Palmerston-Dunback Surveyed ail- 2 29 Inch Valley-Lime Kiljij 21 75 15 38 21 75 15 38 21 ■; 15 i 14 7 12 4 4 8 5 0 e 2 2 1 35 1 5 23 30! 16 43 21 75 15 38 14 76 16 40; 14 76 12 0 4 40 8 55 0 65 2 29 1 31 0 50 16 27 12 50 4 40; 9 29! 0 65 2 52| 0 "5 Prelim. 14 76 11 75 0 54 4~40 Palmerston- Waihemo Inch Valley Railway Port Chalmers.. 9 4o! 0 65 8 55 2 29 6 23 '2 29 vay rt Chalmers sen Island 3en Island s.. J 19 Glendermid - Port | Chalmers .. 1 2 44 Burnside-Saddle Hill . to i 4 65 Surveyed .. .. ■ 1 9 1 J 1 2 4 4 6 3 40 4 49; 1 9 Green Island .. Green Island to : Brighton Fernhill Colliery j Line Kaikorai Valley Railway Outram Lawrence .. 1 Lawrence-Rox- j burgh 2 44 4 65 2 44 4 65 0 52 3 16 4 65 465 I •• ! 2 44 • • ; srignton rnhill Collie jine ikorai Vail ?.s>.ilwfl.v ery i 1 601 Abbotsford to Fern- i hill Colliery ley i 2 60 Surveyed 1 601 1 60 1 6 2 6 0 24 2 4 1 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 railway tram wrence tvrence-Ro iurgh clutha-App! y Junction, fatlin's - Se /ard Bush ipahi - Heri .. 8 78 Mosgiel-Outram .. 21 76 Clarksville-Lawrence ox- j 37 14 Lawrence-Big Hill .. I Big Hill-Beaumont.. j Beaumont-Roxburgh ?le- j 105 41 Balclutha-Owaka .. ,or I Owaka-Catlin's ea- I Catlin's-Houipapa .. Houipapa-Puketiro.. Puketiro-Papatowai Papatowai - Wharuarimu Wharuarimu-Marinui f Marinui-Tokanui .. j Tokanui-Waimahaka Waimahaka-Appleby iot J 20 31 Waipahi-Heriot 8 78 21 76 37 14 8 78 21 76 7 37| 5 36: 24 21 i 19 20 3 38 2 30 7 22! 5 29 1 5 0 8 7 21 7 7 3 5 3 24 2 19 2 3 3 2 3 7 2 5 2 5 23 6 6 8 2 24 5: 20 ; 0 68 2 2 0 44 0 54 9 66 .23 78' 8 1 6 101 24 21 21 3 3 68 2 39 7 65| 6 4 5 10 1 Aug., 1910 737 8 78 21 76 7 37 0 69 24 21 4 - 47| I .. Balclutha-Apple- j by Junction, or \ Catlin's - Seaward Bush 105 41 1 63 0 30 0 9 0 43 0 55 0 10 I 19 20 3 38 2 30 •• •■ 1 Aug!, 1904 17 Dec, 1909 •• i"o : 2 25 J 4 0 i 7 65 3 04 J Waipahi - Heriot j Burn Heriot Extension: Extension to Roxburgh, via Rae's Junction and Ettrick Via Spylaw .. ] Waimea Plains j District Ry. Kelso-Gore 23 63: 6 0 8 27 24 52 20 3 0 64 1 50 2 3 23 63 6 0 9 11 26 22 22 6 23 63 ] 6 0 Prelim. 20 Sept. 1911 8 - 27 8 27 24 52 20 3 20 3| sum riot Extensi nsion to Ro rgh, via Rae .notion ai iion: 6 20 Heriot-Eadievale .. j Dx- 28 10 Surveyed ,e's ,nd 6 20 28 10 6 20 28 10 6 21 28 l< 0 45 6 65 28 10 28 10 : Prelim. j. 15 Feb., 1905 6 20 ,dciioq ai trick Spylaw iimea Plai] >ifit.rir>t. T?.v >na .. I 25 70 Surveyed ins j 36 39 Gore-Lumsden 25 70 36 39 25 70 36 39 25 7( 36 3( 25 70 37 73 25 70 Prelim. I 36 39 134 ,, Jistrict Ky. so-Gore -Waikaka ersdale- Swi firs 24 0 Surveyed Preliminary survey.. 12 65 Waikaka Section .. fit- 13 70 Riversdale-Waikaia, 24 0 9 58 14 22i 12 65 : 13 70i 9 5! 14 2! 12 6! 13 7( 9 58 14 22 14 36 15 30 9 58 14 22 Prelim. ** ! ■ • " Gore-Waikaka .. Riversdale- Switzers Edendale-Toitois 12 65 13 70 151 1 40 1 26 Nov., 1908 1 Oct., 1909 4 1 .. 12 65 13 70 ) ers sndale-Toitc taki Blu lin Line 1 ke Hawea :ois 19 30 Edendale-Glenham Surveyed .. I 11 fi 182 56 Wingatui-Ida Valley I to Ida Valley-Omakau 19 30 9 30 9 74 98 18 13 20: 9 3( 9 7'. 98 If 13 2( 0 72 10 28 9 74 104 0 14 36 9 74 9 36 itago Central Waitaki Blufi Main Line to Lake Hawea 182 56 5 62 1 16 1 Sept., 1904 1 -134 76 I .. Kβ nawea rcargill-Kin, n sden-Mararc Omakau-Chatto Creek Chatto Ck.-Alexandra Alexandra-Clyde Surveyed ig- 87 4 Invercargill-Kingston Wharf coa 30 0 Lumsden- Mossburo , ? S< 10 3! 5 4! 47 5! 87 '. 10 4( 7 36 10 39 5 45 I 47 58i 87 4 0 34 1 6 0 77 7 70 11 45 6 42 47 58 92 19 ] ..■ .1 14 July, 1906 15 Dec, 1906 27 Mar., 1907 Invercargill-King-ston Lurasden-Mararoa r 47 58 r Invercar-gill-King- J ston and Branch, LumsdenMararoa 87 4 1 5 15 " •• i •■ 87 4 30 0 10 40 1 0 11 40 - I - 10 40 Winton to Hedgehope Orepuki Branch Surveyed Reconnaissance 8 2( 11 2( 8 20 I 11 20 ! I •" 8 20 11 20 8 20 11 20 Prelim. I Forest Hill Railway Western Railways ion to Hedgi oe pe uki Branch »e- 12 40 Winton - Hedgehope i 35 41 Makarewa-Orepuki.. 12 40 35 41 12 4o|i 12 4( 35 41 35 4] 0 65, 6 37 13 25 64 13 j I: 12 40 35 41 Otautau Branch tau Branch [ 22 15 Thornbury-Wairio .. 22 15 22 15 22 1£ 22 15 OrepukiWaiau River Orepuki-Waiau .. iki-Waiau . 13 30 Orepuki-Waihoaka .. Waihoaka-Tuatapere Surveyed .. .. I 13 30 4 48 8 7 0 55 4 46 8 7 0 55 0 58 1 10 5 26 9 17 0 55 lOct., 1909 4 48 8 7 2228 22 0 55 Totals .. 2 41 29 ■ ■ Li 1,571 48 30 2 2228 22 254 44 12482 66 471 39 39 22 22 71 27 16 1651 57




ANNUAL REPORT ON BUILDINGS BY THE GOVERNMENT ARCHITECT. The Government Architect to the Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Sir,— Public Work,-; Otfice, Wellington, Ist July, 1913. 1 have the honour to submit the following report on the various building-works throughout the Dominion carried out by the Department during the year ended 30th June last: — New Parliament Buildings. The foundations and basement have been completed. The conduit in Sydney Street was finished during the year. Bowen Street has been widened, and similar work in Museum Street is in progress. The brick walls up to ground-level, and granite facing of basement walls on .Museum Street, are practically finished, all the stone required being on the ground. Owing to bad ground met with in the line of the old gully in Sydney Street some of the foundation-work was carried to a depth considerably greater than was anticipated. In the conduit along the closed portion of Sydney Street, sewer-pipes, storm-water pipes, and gas-pipes have been laid, and provision made for connecting up electric power, lighting, and telephone cables, also watersupply, without breaking up the surface of the grounds. The rearrangement of the grounds is practically completed, and ornamental boundary-walls have been built. Most of the work following on the widening of Moleswortli and Charlotte Streets has been completed, only a little kerbing and wood-blocking remaining to be done. A large amount of taking up and replacing of gas. water, and drainage pipes, also foundations of destroyed buildings, was involved by the rearrangement of the grounds. An old iron building standing on Sydney Street, and the Parliamentary destructor, have been removed to new sites. Complete plans and specifications for the first portion of the proposed new building, with detailed schedules of quantities, have been prepared, and tenders invited for the erection of the building. General. Aiviinui Wireless Station.- —The erection of the station masts, engine-shed, store, and officers' quarters was completed during the year. A satisfactory water-supply was provided from two deep boreholes. Departmental Buildings, Auckland. —The May-Oatway fire-alarm system has been installed, and minor repair works attended to from time to time. Artillery Stables, Takapuna. —A building of steel and timber framing is in course of erection under contract. Departmental Buildings, Hamilton. —The contract for the erection of these was completed, and the offices are now occupied. Artillery Stables, Hamilton. —The site near Frankton Junction has been levelled, and building operations under contract are in progress. Huntly Brill-shed. —A wooden building is being erected under contract. Paeroa Defence Buildings. —Regimental offices and equipment-store were erected by contract. Gisborne Departmental Buildings. —Tenders are being invited for the erection of new build ings in brick. Morere Bathhouses. —Erected and equipped by day labour. Artillery Stables, Napier. — Erection of buildings under contract has commenced. New Plymouth Deeds Office. — A 'trick building was c pleted and occupied in March last. Stratford Departmental Buildings. —The erection of a two-story building in wood from plans prepared by Mr. E. M. Blake, F.R.1.8.A., is approaching completion. Stock Inspector's Residence, Opunake. —A wooden building is in course of erection. Government Insurance Offices, Wanganui. —.A. new brick building was completed and opened in April. •"* State Coal Depot, Wanganui. —Additions are in progress. Government House. Wellington. —New stables and garage have been erected, and an old building adapted for use as a coachman's cottage. Departmental Buildings, Wellington. —The two stacks of old strong-rooms at either end of these buildings have been strengthened by the addition of 9 in. of brickwork around each side. and the fixing of additional fireproof doors. The usual minor repairs have been attended to during the year. Posted Built Store, Wellington. —The erection of this building under contract is approaching completion. Tenders for the installation of the cranes and elevators have been received. Government Printing Office. —A contract has been let for an addition in brick, and manyminor works have been carried out by the Public Works staff. Public Works Store. Pipitea. —Tenders are being invited for the erection of a new store. A residence for the Storekeeper is practically completed. Dominion Museum. —A temporary building of iron has been erected for the accommodation of Maori exhibits. Artillery Barracks, Nelson. —The erection of the buildings under contract was begun. Public Trust Offi.ce, Greymouth. —A brick building was erected by contract. Hokitika Departmental Buildings. —A substantial extension in brick is approaching completion.

13—D, 1.



Departmental Buildings, Christchurch. —This fine building, designed by Mr. J. C. Maddison F.R.1.8.A., is approaching completion under contract. Contracts have been let for installing fire-alarms, electric light, and electric clocks. Mount Cook Hostel. —The new building of concrete is still in course of erection, and is now well advanced. Most of the work has been done by day labour. Artillery Stables, Christchurch. —The erection of stables and quarters is in hand under contract. Awarua Wireless Station. —The erection of buildings, masts, and anchorages was completed during the year. Two cottages were erected under contract. Hospitals. Avondale Mental Hospital. —A contract has been let for the erection of No. 2 auxiliary building, and the contractor has the work in hand. Plans for the proposed No. 3 auxiliary building are ready for the invitation of tenders. Tokanui Mental Hospital.—The erection of the first large block of buildings was completed in February last. A boiler-house and workshop are now being built by day labour, and boilers are being installed. Three more attendants' cottages have been built. Rotorua Cottage Hospital. —The building was completed. Rotorua Infectious-diseases Hospital. —The building was completed during the year. Porirua Mental Hospital. —Additions to auxiliary buildings were completed in February last. Waitati Mental Hospital. —New buildings commenced in February, 1912, were completed by day labour. St. Helens Hospital, Dunedin. —An isolation ward in brick was completed in September. Post-offices. Kawakawa. —A wooden building was erected by day labour, there being but little competition for building contracts in this district. Kaikohe —A wooden building was erected by day labour. Kaitaia. — A wooden building is approaching completion, also by day labour. Russell. —Substantial additions were made during the year. Mangapai. —.Additions to the office were carried out by day labour. Whangaroa. —Additions were made during the year. Rawene. —Tenders for additions were under consideration at the end of the year. Paparoa. —Additions and alterations are in progress by day labour. Auckland, Chief Post-office. —The new brick-and-stone building in Lower Queen Street, which was approaching completion, at the end of last year, was finished and occupied by the Postal Department early in the current year. Two passenger-elevators and one goods-lift installed : a pneumatic despatch-tube system fitted; lighting and furnishing completed. Auckland Old Post-office. —The building has been partitioned and rearranged; part of it has been let. Ponsonby. —A two-story brick building with clock-tower was completed under contract. Otahuhu. —Additions in brick and the conversion of some residential rooms into offices were completed during the year. Papakura. —A new wooden building was erected under contract dvi ing the rear. Shortland. —A building was purchased and adapted for use as a post-office. Te Awamutu. —A brick clock-tower was added to the building erected last year, and gas and drainage services installed. Tuakau. —A contract has been let for the erection of a wooden building, including quarters. Ohaupo. —A contract for the erection of a two-story building in wood was let in June. Waihou. —A wooden building with quarters has been erected under contract. Te Puke. —Additions and alterations were carried out. Rotorua. —Tenders have been invited for the erection of a handsome new office on the present site. Tokomani Bay. —Additions were carried out by day labour. Opotiki. —The new office was completed under contract and fitted up. Taradale. —One room and a telephone exchange have been added. Otane. —A wooden building was completed under contract. Awakino. —A new building in wood was completed in March last. Taum.arunui. —Additional accommodation has been provided. Ohura. —A. wooden building has been erected. Tokaanu. —A wooden building is approaching completion. Whangamomona. —A wooden building was completed in February last. Taihape. —Tenders are in for additions and alterations. Eketahuna. —Additions and renovations have been completed. Masterton. —Alterations and improvements have been effected. Palmerston North. —Alterations and renovations have been carried out. Petone. —Additions in brick are approaching completion. Pongaroa. —Additions and alterations were completed early in the year. Kaiwarawara. —A new brick building was erected under contract. General Post Office, Wellington. —The new building was occupied and formally opened on the 26th November last. Electrical fittings, power and vacuum cleaning plants, and water-services have since been installed. Alterations to the old Post-office premises, included in the contract for the new building, have been duly carried out. Canvastown. —A small building was erected. Murchison. —A new building was erected under contract,

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Nelson. —Additions and repairs were carried out. Takaka. —A Postmaster's residence was erected. Westport. —Earthquake-damages to the new building were repaired. The old office was com verted for use by other Government Departments. Millerton. —Extensive alterations and additions were carried out. Christchurch. —A petrol-store has been built, fire-alarm and water-service installed, Sydenham. —A two-story building in brick and stone has been completed. Temuka. —A contract has been let for additions to building. Fairlie. —.Additions and alterations have been carried out. Dunedin. —Automatic fire-alarms have been installed. Ravensbourne. —A new building in brick was completed in March last. Mosgiel. —A contract has been let for additions in brick. Hawea Flat. —A bathroom, lobby, and other additions were made to the new building. Roxburgh. —The erection of a new office in wood is still in hand under contract. Gore. —This brick building partly destroyed by fire has been restored. Balfour. —A new office of wood has been erected. Courthouses. Kaikohe. —A Courthouse was erected under contract and is now in use. Kaitaia. —A building has been erected by day labour, no satisfactory tender having been received. Hikurangi. —Plans for substantial additions have been prepared. Magistrates' Court, Auckland. —The contract for the erection of a two-story brick building with Oamaru stone facings was completed in June last. The old Courthouse will be fitted up for offices, and tenders are being invited for a caretaker's cottage in brick. Otorohanga. —A wooden building was erected under contract. Ohakune. —A new building was completed early in the year. Masterton. —The new building was furnished and the old building repaired. Takaka. —A new building in wood was completed. Greymouth. —A brick building was completed under contract in December last. Methven. —A new building of wood has been erected. Amberley. —The existing building has been removed and re-erected on another site. Oamaru. —Extensive repairs were completed in December. Dunedin. —Automatic fire-alarms have been installed. Police-stations . Maungaturoto. —A station, with stable and outbuildings, was erected by day labour. Waipu. —The contract let last year for the erection of a station was duly completed. Onehunga. —A new brick lock-up has been erected and repairs carried out. Howick. —Old cells were converted into a stable and new lock-up provided. Papakura. —A contract was let for the erection of a station residence, and removal and re-erection of existing lock-up and outbuildings. Pukekohe. —A new lock-up was built and repairs carried out. Huntly. —A contract was let for the erection of residence, office, stable, and lock-up. Otorohanga. —A new station was erected under contract and stable removed. Waihi. —Extensive additions were completed in February last. Gisborne. —A new building in brick was completed under contract and fitted up.- The old buildings were repaired and altered. Tokaanu. —Tenders are being invited for a building in wood. Taumarunui. —A new station was completed in August of last year. Hastings. —A sergeant's residence was erected under contract. Porangahau. —A new station has been erected under contract. Masterton. —A contract was let in April last for the erection of a station and residence. Kilbirnie. —A building has been purchased and adapted for use as a police-station. Wakefield. —A new station and lock-up were completed. Murchison. —A building of wood-was erected under contract. Cobden. —A new station and lock-up have been completed. Islington. —A constable's residence has been erected. Ashburton. —Offices and quarters, also sergaent's residence, have been erected. Tapanui. —A new station in wood is being erected. Mataura. —A new station is being erected under contract. Prisons. Mount Eden Prison. —The erection of the south wing by prison labour was completed, and some old buildings on the site removed. A new stone boundary-wall is now in hand. Invercargill Prison. —The extension of warders' and hospital quarters was completed during the year. The foregoing report mentions only new works of some importance, and alterations and additions of a more or less extensive character. A large number of minor works, consisting of new buildings, additions, and alterations, have also been carried out, principally under petty contracts, and the ordinary maintenance, repair, and repainting of buildings owned by the Government throughout the Dominion have been attended to as usual. I have, &c., John Campbell, F.R.1.8.A., The Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Government Architect.

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The Electrical Engineer to the Hon. Minister of Public Works. Sir, — Public Works Department, Wellington, 15th September, 1913. 1 have the honour to submit the following report on the various works entrusted to me during the past year: — Lake Coleridge Power Works. The works are designed-to utilize the head of water or energy due to the difference in level between the surface of Lake Coleridge—viz., 1,667 ft. —and the Rakaia River —viz., 1,173 ft. —a difference of 494 ft. The works now under construction provide for headworks and buildings for supplying 10,000 h.p., whilst the plant now on order consists of three turbine generator sets, each of 2,000 h.p. capacity, making a total of 6,000 h.p., of which two units giving 4,000 h.p. will be available for supply purposes, leaving the third unit as spare. Transforming plant is being provided in duplicate for transforming up from 6,600 volts to 66,000 volts pressure, suitable for transmission throughout the Canterbury Province. The transmission-lines between Coleridge and Christchurch will also be in duplicate, and erected for the most part along separate routes, thus providing for the greatest possible immunity from interruptions due to atmospheric influences. A substation building is being erected in Addington, which will contain the transforming plant, which is also in duplicate. This plant is designed for transforming the pressure from 66,000 volts. at which the current will be transmitted from Coleridge, to 11,000 volts, suitable for distribution to Christchurch and for a radius of twenty miles from Addington. it is proposed further to provide a stand-by plant in this substation, consisting of oil-engines driving three-phase generators, which will enable the supply to be partly maintained in the event of failure of the transmissionline or generating plant. A list of contracts entered into for plant and works is shown in Table No. 1 annexed hereto— a total of forty-two contracts, amounting to £167,686. In addition to the above contracts the Department is carrying out by direct labour or co-operative contracts the following works : — [nlel works for establishing communication between the tunnel and the lake. Outlet works for connecting (he funnel to the pipe lines. Foundation to pipe lines. Excavating for power-house foundations. Excavations for tail-race. Maintenance of roads between Coaigate and headworks. Transportation and erection of plant. Reviewing the works as they now stand —Hist, as regards the tunnel, a shaft was driven from the surface approximately midway between the two ends, and the work of excavating the tunnel was carried out from the two outer faces inwards, and from the two inner faces outwards. The tunnel was driven through between the centre shaft and the outlet end on the 24th July, and the work of lining this portion is being proceeded with. The work of excavating the other portion of the tunnel between the centre shaft and the lake has been slower, as part of the excavation is in rock and 15 chains of tunnel remains to be excavated, which should be completed in ten weeks' time. It is estimated that the whole of the tunnel will be completed by the end of March. The pipe-line contract is in a very unsatisfactory state, and the contractors will require to double their rate of progress in of'der to complete in time to enable the Department to fulfil its obligations. Strenuous efforts are being made to expedite this portion of the work. The power-house buildings are also very much behind, and considerable improvement must lie made with this work also. The substation buildings are approaching completion. Witli regard to the plant, two of the turbines and the whole of the transformers have already arrived in the Dominion; the remaining turbine and generators, together with switch gear, will be shipped very shortly, and it is anticipated that the whole of the plant will be delivered by the end of December, when the work of erection will be vigorously proceeded with. With regard to the transmission-line, the conductors, flu- insulators, and other accessories have arrived, also 1,000 out of 1,750 poles--sufficient, in fact, to complete one transmission-line--and a contract has been placed fur carting and erecting the poles and insulators. The underground cables for connecting the substation in Addington to the municipal electricity works of Christchurch have come to hand, and arrangements are being made for laving the same. A quantity of material for serving the districts surrounding Christchurch has arrived, and will be erected when more definite arrangements for the supply of power to these districts'have been made. The maintenance of the roads between Coaigate and Coleridge is costing a good deal more than anticipated : some .£4,500 has already been spent, and £1,500 more will be required. The



excess is mainly due to the presence of a belt of trees along part of the route which keeps the road from drying; the road was in a bad state for this reason when we took it over, and we have not been able to restore it to the extent of enabling traffic to be maintained in wet weather as well as in dry weather. The problem of transportation is a serious one, as we require to transport 95 tons of coal and cement per week —practically ten traction-engine loads—without interruption; in addition to this we require to transport the machinery, and the road has to be kept open for the power-house contractor, the pipe-line contractor, and the transmission-line. The Department is under contract to supply Christchurch by the Ist May, 1914, and as far as 1 can see there is reasonable prospect of acting up to our obligation. The critical elements at present are the pipe-line contract, delivery of machinery in good time, and the transportation of material from Coaigate to Coleridge. With regard to the cost of construction, a statement of the payments made to the end of July, the liabilities and estimate for completion against the several sections of the work, is shown in Table II herewith. The total expended is £82,897; the total liability is ,£121,236; estimate to complete, £48,484; total, £252,617. The original estimate for the completion of the works corresponding to the stage now under construction was £251,214, showing an excess of £1,403. The estimate to complete, however, includes contingency items which may or may not eventuate. At any rate, the works will be completed substantially in accordance with the original'estimate. A contract lias been entered into with the Christchurch City Council in the following terms :— 1. Supply shall be given in the form of three-phase current having a periodicity of 50 cycles per second at a pressure on 11,000 volts. 2. Power shall be delivered to the City Council at three points, viz. :- — (1.) The present generating-station at the destructor at Christchurch. (2.) A building situate in the Council's yard at the corner of Montreal Street and Moorhouse Avenue, or such other point as may be agreed upon. (3.) A building situate within the city area at a point to be determined. The Council shall pay the Department for the supply at the rate of £8 13s. 4d. per annum per kilowatt for 300 kilowatts, and £5 per kilowatt per annum for every kilowatt demanded by the Council in excess of 300. 4. The maximum demand shall be deemed to be the maximum output required at any one time during the year, averaged over half au hour, from the Department's substation to the Corporation's substations, as measured at the Department's substation by a meter to be provided by the Government. 5. The loss in the mains at maximum load between the Department's substation and the Corporation's substation shall not exceed 2| per cent. Should the loss exceed per cent, a proportionate reduction in charge shall be made by the Department. 6. Payments shall lie made quarterly, and shall be one-fourth the amount of yearly payment based upon the maximum observed during the last four quarters, including that for which payment is being made. 7. During the first year of operation and until the maximum for the year is ascertained payments are to be. made quarterly on the basis of the maximum observed in the interval between the date upon which supply commences and the date upon which payment becomes due; any difference between the sums paid and the total amount due to the Department on the basis of the yearly maximum shall be adjusted at the end of the first year. 8. The Council agrees to take a minimum supply of 500 kilowatts. 9. The Department will guarantee to supply 4,500 kilowatts if and when required by the Council after twelve months' notice. 10. The Department agrees to commence to supply and the Council agrees to take a supply of not less than 500 kilowatts not later than the Ist .May, 1914. 11. The scale of prices agreed upon is to remain in force for five years from the date of commencing the supply. At the end of the said five years the contract shall be renewed for a further term, and at such prices and for such period as may be agreed upon. 12. The Council agrees not to .charge power-consumers more than £10 per annum per kilowatt of maximum demand provided that the maximum demand is not less than 30 kilowatts, and £12 per annum per kilowatt if the demand is less than 30 kilowatts. 13. The Department undertakes not to supply any consumer within the city boundaries other than the City Council, tfie Tramway Board, Drainage Board, other local bodies, and the Railway and Government Departments : Provided that any consumer other than the City- Council supplied under this clause shall be prohibited from retailing energy. The substance of the agreement is that the Council have agreed to take a supply from the Department and to pay £8 13s. 4d. per kilowatt per annum of maximum demand for the first 300 kilowatts of power, and £5 per kilowatt per annum for every kilowatt in excess of this. Before entering into the agreement the Council engaged Mr. Frederick Black-, M.1.E.E., consulting enigneer, of AVellington. to report on the comparative cost of taking a supply from the Department and of generating electricity by gas, steam, or oil engines, and to estimate the cost of the necessary transforming plant and of reticulating the city. Mr. Black's investigation was exhaustive, his conclusions final, and his recommendations unequivocal for the conditions of load obtaining in Christchurch. Mr. Black made a comparison at two stages in the growth of the business —viz., 2,090 kw. and 3,250 kw., corresponding to 2,801 h.p. and 4,360 h.p. respectively, anticipated in 1916 and 1919—that is, two yerrs-and five years after the supply is first commenced. The comparison is as follows :—



Year of Operation. 1916. 1919. Maximum power required (kilowatts) .. .. .. 2,090 3,250 (horse-power) .. .. .. 2,801 4,360 Total annual cost — £ £ Lake Coleridge .. .. .. .. ..12,585 19,190 Gas plant ..' .. .. .. .. .. 18,170 23,100 Steam plant .. .. .. .. ..20.383 26.700 Oilplant .. .. .. .. .. .. 29,414 38^015 Cost per kw. per annum — Lake Coleridge .. .. .. .. .. 602 591 Gas plant .. .. .. .. .. .. 8-70 711 Steam plant .. . . .. . . . . 9-75 8-22 Oilplant .. .. .. .. .. .. 14-05 11-70 Cost per h.p. per annum — Lake ColeridgeJ jjjjjg.. . . . . . . . . 447 4-40 Gas plant] .. .. .. .. .. .. 6-48 5-30 Steam plant .. . . . . .. . . 7-27 6-12 Oilplant .. .. .. .. .. .. 10-48 8-72 Mr. Black concludes by stating, " It is plain from this investigation that the Government's terms for a bulk supply are so low that the Council could not possibly generate the same amount of energy under the same conditions of demand, in any type of fuel-using station, at a cost that would make the choice of source a matter of any hesitation." The qualification made by Mr. Black, as to conditions of demand should be borne in mind, as it suggests that under other conditions the relative positions may be altered. It should also be noted that the Department's terms were only accepted after exhaustive inquiry and proof that there was a substantial advantage in accepting them. Air. Black, in his report, raised the question of a stand-by plant, and insisted in its necessity in the case of long transmission-lines, though in the case of the Waipori plant most of the interruptions experienced have been due to failure of the wooden flumiug at the headworks. Every precaution has been taken by the Department against failure in the works now under construction. The pipe-line is in duplicate; there is ample margin of spare plant; the trans-mission-line is in duplicate, carried on separate poles, and erected for the most part along separate routes; the plant in the main substation, and also the cables between the substation and the Council's works, are in duplicate; and the water storage is sufficient to maintain a supply of 10,000 h.p. continuously for 200 days without any inflow whatsoever. It has generally been recognized that a local stand-by plant is desirable in case of long transmission-lines : the difficulty has hitherto been that no previously existing form of fuel plant could be considered satisfactory for this purpose. A steam, plant to be of any use as stand-by must be kept under steam, involving attendance, fuel-consumption, and as much repairs and depreciation as if in full operation, and the same applies, though to a less extent, to a gas-engine plant. We have now, however, the benefit of a new invention —viz., the oil-engine —which is admirably adapted as a stand-by plant : it consumes no fuel when not at work, and it can be started up in a few minutes. It is true that the cost of oil renders the comparison with steam or gas unfavourable for long continuous service, but this disability does not apply when the plant is used for stand-by purposes. The principle of employing oil-engines as auxiliaries in conjunction with water-power plant as a cheap method of supplying intermittent demands in excess of the capacity of the water-power plant has been adopted by the Department; the plant so provided can be utilized for stand-by purposes. Negotiations are now proceeding with the Christchurch Tramway Board on the same basis of price as the City Council, but the conditions are very different, because the Board is equipped with an up-to-date steam plant, capable of supplying their whole requirements for a long time to come, consequently the margin or balance of advantage in favour of the bulk supply from Lake Coleridge is less, because interest and sinking fund have to be paid on the existing investment in plant and buildings; nevertheless'it is hoped that mutually satisfactory arrangements may be arrived at. There is an insistent demand for power from local authorities and power-users outside the limits of Christchurch, which we hope to satisfy in the course of the first year of operation, after which the duty of supplying power to other districts in the Canterbury Province will be entered into. A supply to the Government workshops at Addington is also under consideration, when it is hoped that it will be used not only for running the workshop tools but also for steel-making or steel-refining It has been evident during the progress of the works now in course of construction that successful results could only be obtained by placing the works in sole charge of an engineer wdio would devote his whole time to organizing the work with a view to economy and rapid completion of the same. Mr. Lawrence Birks, B.Sc, A.M.1.C.E., M.1.E.E., has now been appointed to this position. He will also carry out the duties pertaining to the local management of the undertaking as a business concern. Electric Light and Power Licenses. Licenses under the Public Works Act have been issued to the following local authorities and companies : Opotiki Borough Council, Hastings Borough Council, Napier Borough Council (amending regulations), Wellington Steam Ferry Company, Wairoa Borough Council, Mataura Borough Council (extensions), Acetone Illuminating and Welding Company, Thames Borough Council, Ngaruawahia Town Board, Hastings Borough Council (amending regulations), Silver



Stream Mines Company (Limited), Christchurch Tramway Board, Invercargill Borough Council, Te Krfiti Borough Council, and Eketahuna Borough Council. The following are tinder consideration : Christchurch City Council, New Plymouth Borough Council (extension), Dunedin City Council; Charles Blake, of AVaikare; Cashmere Hills-Christ-church Tramway Board; Devonport Borough Council; Todd Brothers, of Heriot; Mr. Nicol, of Waimate. AA r ater-power licenses have been issued to the following: Mangaweka Town Board; Robert. Ellis, of Brightwater, for supply to Richmond and Brightwater; and the Dominion Portland Cement Company. In connection with the issue of licenses the Department supervises the work during construction and inspects after completion. The Department is also the authority to whom disputes are referred as regards the accuracy of wattmeters, voltmeters, and ammeters, or any other matters in dispute between the supply authority and the consumer. For this purpose it is necessary to maintain standard instruments for testing purposes, and a set of standards has been procured which constitute the standards of electrical measurement for the Dominion. I have, (fee, E. Parry, The Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Electrical Engineer.

Lake Coleridge Electric Power Plant.—Contracts placed. 12th September, 1913. Table I.

lection. Work. Particulars. : Contract Sum. 1 1 3 Tunnel Pipe-lines Length, 110 chains, area, 50 sq. ft. Two pipe-lines, 54 in. diameter, each 36 chains long Two 42 in., six 15 in., and two 6 in. valves ; four 52 in. expansion-joints Three turbines, 2,150 b.h.p., 500 r.p.m. ; one Pelton wheel, 2,150 b.h.p , 500 r.p.m,. Three generators, 1,500 kw., 6,600 volts, 500 r.p.m. ; one 150 kw. exciter; one 150 kw. motor generator For three generators and two transformer groups, each 4,500 kw. Six step-up transformers, 6,600 to 66,000 volts ; six step-down transformers, 66,000 to 6,600 volts . Electrolytic type : six 66,000 volts, two 6,600 volts, six 11,000 volts 6,000 insulators, 6.000 insulator-pins 1,200 at £3 10s., 550 at £3 10s. each 500 mixed hardwoods, £2 2s. each 130 miles 7/14, 60 miles 7/12, 420 miles 7/0 , 135 aluminium wire 14,080 yards -050 three-core cable, at £459 per mile 8,000 pin insulators at Is. 3Jd. : 8.000 galvanized iron pins at 4-802d. 200 kw.. 1.0 amps., five switches One transformer, three l.t. terminals ; one transformer, two l.t. terminals ; two voltmeters £ s. d. 53,172 0 0 17,623 13 6 3a Valves and expansion-joints 837 0 0 4 Water-wheels and accessories . . 4,195 0 0 5 Generators, &c. 5,561 0 0 6 Switchboard, switches, &c. 4,746 0 0 7 Transformers 9,673 0 0 8 Lightning-arresters 2,588 0 0 9 10c 10 n> 11 Transmission-line insulators Ironbark piles Wooden poles for distribution .. Bare conductors 3,795 0 0 6.125 0 0 1.050 0 0 13.100 15 9 12 Insulated cables 3,765 I 0 13 Insulators for distribution system 668 0 6 H 15 Distributing line-switches Testing transformers " 82 0 0 525 0 0 16 17 Meters Power-house building Length, 184 ft. ; breadth, 73 ft. ; height, 40 ft. (to basement) Length, 83 ft. ; breadth, 50 ft. ; height, 32 ft. 6 in. For power-house ; lift, 20 tons, span, 32 ft. 6 in. Two cottages, design No. 17 ; two, design No. 8 ; two, design No. 11 ; one, design No. 13 ; one, design No. 5 291 15 (i 15,635 2 6 18 Substation building 3,098 4 9 19 Travelling crane 646 0 0 20 Staff cottages 2,846 19 1 20a 21 Wiring cottages Batteries and accessories Fifty-six cells Tudor J8 1-15 h.p. motor booster; fifty-six cells Tudor J5 ; l-7§ h.p. motor generator 150 tons • .. Two lorries, £1,106 4s. 6d. ; two cars, £962 139 0 0 839 12 0 22 23 Bitumen Motor vehicles 1.087 0 0 2,068 4 6



Lake Coleridge Electric Power Plant. —Contracts placed— continued. Table I. —continued.

Lake Coleridge Works. —Statement of Expenditure to Date, Liability, and Estimate to complete. 12th September, 1913. Table II.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l3.

Section. Works. Particulars. Particulars. Contract Sum. 24 Tunnel and penstock gates . . Pour sluice-valves, 60 in. by 40 in., £147 each ; four sluice-valves, 72 in. by 48 in., £187 each Telephone insulators .. .. 3,000, £106 5s. ; 1,200, £93 Workshop tools ■ . . .. (J. J. Niven) drill, £161 ; grinder, £32 ; shear-legs, £20 ; pipe tools, £20 : (Chambers and Son) drill, £18 ; lathe, £61 : (Eiohardson and McCabe) grindstone. £18; saw, £15 Power-house wiring .. .. Number of lights (each), forty-eight, i()0 watts ; sixty. 50 watts ; sixty, 25 watts Cable-ducts . . . . Eight miles ducts, eight miles cover-slabs Roof-insulators . . . . Twenty-six roof-bushings, £448 ; forty busbar supports, £127 5s. ; 100 floorbushings, £18 Us. Turnbull and Jones, cables, 6,600 volt leads and 11 .000 volt leads £ s. d 1,336 0 0 25 26 199 5 I) 337 14 0 312 13 2 27 28 29 1.056 0 0 724 16 0 50 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 Cross-arms Telephone-wire . . . . 50 tons, 400 lb. per mile galvanized iron. . Cable-clamps .. .. 6,000 insulator-clamps Substation crane . . .. j Span. 26 ft. 4 in., lift, 10 tons Pole-erection . . . . Erecting poles, cross-arms, and insulators "' U " bolts . . .. . . 1,700 bolts with washers and nuts Top cross-arms .. .. 1,700 I ft. 6 in. by 5 in. by 4 in. Arcing-plates and pole-steps .. 5,000 gal. arcing-plates, £333 6s. 8d. ; ' 9,600 gal. pole-steps, £180 512 0 0 611 5 0 884 0 0 166 0 0 1.688 10 10 346 0 0 91 8 1 513 6 8 39 12 43 Substation wiring Reactances . . . . . . Three sets porcelain clad reactance coils. . Dressed poles . . . . 200 blackbutt poles for distribution 176 li 6 930 0 0 642 10 0 • £167,686 9 7

Expenditure to Date. Liability. Estimate to complete. No. [tem. to Date. Total. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Land-purchase and compensation Road construction and maintenance Works at lake outlet Staff village . . . .' Telephone-lines Tunnel with inlet and outlet works . . Pipe-line and valves Power-station and buildings Power plant Transmission Substation building . . • Substation plant Primary distribution and services Engineering £ .. . 1.185 9,641 12 .. : 4.010 .. ! 1.025 . . ! 25.695 3.. 738 3.770 .. ! 5.058 6.559 954 . . : 7 .972 5,796 7,482 —I 82,897 £ 100 ' ' .139 33.949 17.892 12.795 20.097 24,295 2.144 4.920 4,605 £ 4.562 3.600 40 150 4,022 1 .343 350 14.062 700 2.256 14.599 2.800 £ (j. 147 13.24 1 52 4.299 1,025 63.666 21.630 17.908 25.505 44.916 3.798 15.148 25.000 10.282 10 II 12 13 14 121,236 48,484 252,617


Huntly-Awaroa Road-and-railway Bridge over Waikato River. Total length, 904 ft. Width between wheel-guards, 12 ft. Eight spans of 103 ft., two spans of 40 ft. Reinforced-concrete piers and abutm ents. Superstructure of steel and Australian hardwood.


Huntly-Awaroa Road-and-railway Bridge over Waikato River.


Ohura Road, Taranaki.—Bridge in Tangarakau Gorge.

Stratford to Main Trunk Railway.—Bridge over Whangamomona River in Whangamomona Township.


Whangamomona Valley Road, Taranaki .—Tunnel at Arnold.

Midland Railway.—Protective Groyne, Waimakariri River.


Midland Railway.—Protective Groynes, Waimakariri River.

Midland Railway.—Protective Groynes and Facing, Bealey River.


Arthur's Pass Tunnel.— Otira Portal, showing Ventilating, Com-pressed-air, and Water Pipes on right.

Arthur's Pass Tunnel.— Otira Portal. Rolleston River in foreground; Rolleston Spur in background.


Arthur's Pass Tunnel. —Otira Portal—Men going to Work.

Arthur's Pass Tunnel. —Electric Locomotive with Train of Explosives and Timber.

l>.— l.

Arthur's Pass Tunnel. —Tipping Trucks of Excavated Rock from Staging in Otira River Bed.


Taieri Mouth Road-bridge. Total length, 661 ft. Width between wheel-guards, 12 ft. Sixteen spans of 41 ft. 4 in. Reinforced-concrete piers and abutments. Superstructure of mixed Australian hardwoods.


Taieri Mouth Road-bridge.










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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. WILLIAM FRASER, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. NOVEMBER, 1913., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, D-01

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. WILLIAM FRASER, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. NOVEMBER, 1913. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. WILLIAM FRASER, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. NOVEMBER, 1913. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, D-01

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