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Presented to the House of Representatives pursuant to the Legislature Act, 1908.

REPORT OF THE NORTH AND SOUTH ISLAND REPRESENTATION COMMISSIONS SITTING AS A JOINT COMMISSION. To His Excellency the Right Honourable John Poynder Dickson-Poynder, Baron Islington, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it please Your Excellency,— We, the undersigned, appointed by Commission bearing date the 17th July, 1911, issued under the hand of Your Excellency and sealed under the seal of the Dominion, sitting as a Joint Commission for the purposes of the Legislature Act, 1908, and its amendments, having received a report from the Statistician showing the results of a census of the population of the Dominion taken on the 2nd day of April, 1911, proceeded to ascertain the quota of the population required for each electoral district of the Dominion as defined in the Act referred to above, and now respectfully submit for Your Excellency's consideration the results of our proceedings. The report of the Statistician showing the total population of the Dominion was received and read by the Commission on the 18th day of July, 1911. From the said report it was ascertained that the total population of the Dominion amounted to 1,008,206 (exclusive of Maoris and the inhabitants of the Chatham and Kermadec Islands), distributed as follows : The population in forty-six cities and boroughs of over two thousand inhabitants, including those on shipboard, amounted to 432,283, and the urban population within five miles limit of the Chief Post-offices of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin Cities, exclusive of the population in' cities and boroughs of over two thousand inhabitants within that limit, amounted to 56,432, a total urban population of 488,715, leaving a rural population of 519,491. Having added 28 per cent, to the latter figures, the total nominal population of the Dominion amounted to 1,153,664. This divided by seventy-six, the total number of members, fixed the quota at 15,180. It was further ascertained that the total actual population of the North Island amounted to 563,729, equivalent to a nominal population of 643,673. Likewise, it was ascertained that the total actual population of the South Island, including Stewart Island, was 444,477, equivalent to a nominal population of 509,991. A consideration of these figures showed that the number of members to which the North Island was entitled was represented by the figures 424, and the South Island 33"6. As the fractional part was greater in the second case than in the first, the number of members for the North Island was fixed at 42, and that of the South Island at 34. This result added one member to the North Island, and reduced those of the Soutli Island by a corresponding number. The Joint Commission having fulfilled the functions devolving upon it in terms of the above Act, resolved itself into the separate Commissions, which respectively proceeded to apportion and define the electoral districts for each Island. Given under our hands and seals, this twenty-first day of July, one thousand nine Vmnrtrrd find olovon. John Strauchon, (1.5.) H. S. Wardell. (1.5.) Chairman, Joint Commission. Eric C. Gold Smith. (1.5.) \V. Armstrong. (1.5.) Harry Quane. (1.5.) E. H. Wilmot. (1.5.) G. H. M. McClure. (1.5.) Chas. S. Reeves, (1.5.) James Trounson. (l.s.J T. N. Brodrick. (l.sJ

I—H. 28.



NORTH ISLAND REPRESENTATION COMMISSION. REPORT. To His Exoellency the Right Honourable John Poyuder Uickson-Poynder, Baron Islington, Governor ami Coinmander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies. Mat it plhabb Youb Excellency,— We, the members of (In- North Island Representation Commission appointed by Your Excellency on the 20th day of July, 1911, have tin- honour to repori that we commenced our sittings on the 21sl day of July hist for the purpose of dividing the North Island into electoral districts. Notice of the boundaries as provisionally fixed by us under the authority of our Commission was duly published in the New Zealand Gazette, and on the 13th day of September the Commissioners again met, and the objections and suggestions that were received were duly considered and dealt with by the Commissioners in the manner set forth in the attached Schedule. The Commission subsequently finally approved and confirmed the boundaries of the electoral districts, and now respectfully submit for Your Excellency's consideration the names and descriptions of the same, together with a map showing the actual and nominal populations respectively agreeing with the totals as allotted by the Joint Commission. Given under our hands and seals, this sixteenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred ami eleven. John Strauchon. (1.5.) Eric C. Gold Smith. (1.5.) W. Armstrong. (1.5.) James Trounson. (1.5.) H. S. Wardell. (1.5.)


No. " I Electoral District. Objections or Suggestions. Name and Address of Objector or Writer. t ircNion of Commission. 1 L> Kaipara Egmont Petition to include the Waipoua Riding in the Kaipara Electorate Resolution passed by the Stratford County Council asking for exchange of West Riding in Egmont Electorate for the Mangimingi and Omona district in Stratford Objecting to the Whangamarino Road Board to lie included in Thames Electoral District Str| henDoak,Kaihu, and 61 other (lharles Penn, County Clerk, of Stratford County Council Already inoluded in the now district. ( Complied with. Thames A. A. Kcis.s. Chairman, W h a n g a m a r i n o Road Board County Clerk, Rangitikei County Clerk Pukekohe Town Board I mpraol ioable. Manawatu Asks that the name of Manawatu be changed to Rangitikei Asks to be taken into franklin Electorate, instead of into Raglan Asks that the name of Manawatu be ohanged to Rangitikei, and suggests that the latter be called " Waimarino " Asks that Pukekohe Town Board be retained in Franklin Asks that name of Manawatu be changed to Rangitikei Request acceded to. 4 5 Raglan Complied with. (i Manawatu Town Clerk, Borough Council, Marion Request acceded to. Franklin W. P. Massey, M.P. Complied with. 7 s Manawatu Thames Inhabitants of Huntly Riding object to being included in Thames Electorate T. Brice, Chairman, Marton Chamber of Commeroe F. Harris, Clerk of Buntly Town District Town Clerk, Stratford Borough ' 'iHitici! Request acceded to. Impracticable. ID Stratford Forwards resolution carried at a public meet ing held at Stratford, asking that the whole of Hi,- Stratford County be included in Stratford Electorate, and that Mangimingi and Meremere be inoluded Electors of Umataoroa wish to lie included in the Waipawa Electorate Mr. J. (». Cobbeand i>1 others protesting against inclusion in Manawatu, and aekmgTto be put in Oroua Mrs. 15. M. Sullivan protests against inclusion of Porirua in 'Wellington Suburbs and Country District Complied with. Waipawa M. Walehe and T. H. A'Bear, Umataoroa D. H. Guthrie Impracticable. II 12 Manawatu Complied with. 13 Wellington Suburbs and Country District ; Stratford Mrs. Sullivan, Wellington Impracticable. Asking thai West Riding of Stratford County he included in Stratford Electorate, and not in Egmont Requesting that the whole of the Stratford County be included in Stratford Electorate Inhabitants of Katikati wish to remain in Tauranga Electorate, and object to be placed in Ohinemuri Petition from C. H. Cleaver and 131 others, asking that portion of Napier lying southeast of the Ngaruroro River be included in Hawke's Bay Asking to be put into Stratford instead of in Taumarunui Asks that the whole of Otahuhu Road District be included in Manukau Electorate Petition protesting against Castlecliff being taken out of Wanganui and being put in Patea Petition protesting against Castlecliff being taken out of Wanganui and being put in Patea (i. A. Marohant,Chairman, Stratford County Council. J. Masters, Mayor of Stratford <;. Vi■: •< \ Stewart, Chairman, Katikati Road Board C. H. Cleaver and 131 others ( (implied with. 1-1 15 Iβ Ohinemuri Partially oomplied with. 17 .Napier Petition disallowed. IN Taumarunui .. \\. Aylward, Pouatu Survey District E. West, Clerk Otahuhu Road Board (I, Mackay, Mayor of Wanganui, and four other local bodies G. Spriggins, Wanganui, and 116 others Cannot lie acceded to. Impracticable. 19 Manukau 20 Wanganui Acceded to. 21 I Wanganui Acceded to.




No. Electoral District. Object ioD8 or Suggestions. Name and Address of Objector or Writer. Decision of Commission. 22 Taiimarunui .. Telegram from No-license League urging the exolusiqn of Waitara from Taumarunui Objecting to the undue extension of Thames Electorate in a westerly direction Armstrong, Te Kuiti Informal. 23 Thames .1. Kniriek. Secretary Thames < Chamber of Commerce J. Richardson, County Clerk, Rangitikei County ('oiineil .1. W. Elliott, Clerk. Waipukurau County Council I , '. Armitage, Secretary, Farmers' Union, Aongatete J. H. Blair, Picsidi'ut ; Nellie Paterson, Secretary, Te Aroha 1,208 signatures [mpraotioabie. ■Ji Manawatu Rangitikei County Council object to the name of Manawatu. and wish ii changed to Rangit ikei Waipukurau County Council wish to lie included inWaipawa district and not in Pahiatua Request acoeded to. ■i:> Pahiat ua [mpraoticable. L'li Ohinemuri Farmers' Union, Katikati, object to be included in Ohinemuri, liut wish to be in Tauranga Partially oomplied with. :27 ,» • • IV \ioli.i Woinens' Christian Tejnperance I'nion. wish boundaries to remain as at present Unable to accede. Wanganui Petition protesting against Castleckff being taken out of Wanganui and being put in Patea Forwards resolution re Katikati Riding being retained in Tauranga Acceded to. 28 29 Tauranga J. Griffiths, County Clerk, Tauranga County M. A. Rowlands. Wellington, and 155 electors J.H.Blair, President; Nellie Patereon, Seolelan . Tβ Aroha .1. H. Hudson, Soteo Partially oomplied with. 30 Hiitt Petitions from Silverstream, Eeretaunga, Nonnandale, and Maungaraki, objecting to be removed from Butt Electorate 'IV Aioha Women's Christian Temperance Union want Waihou brought into Ohinemuri Ditto. :ii Ohinemuri Impracticable. :•,■-> Marsderj Wants his Section 55, Parish of Boteo, put into Kaipara Suggesting alterations in the three electorates Already included in Marsden. Partially oomplied with. 33 Otiiua, Manawatu, Kangitikei E. Goodbehere, Mayor ofFeilding : H. MoIntyre. Chairman I'eilding Chamber of Commerce; W. ('•. Pearoe, Chairman Orotu County Council Messrs. Field and Luckir forward petition from I'ili eleetors of these places C. R. Dix, Wellington, and 29 others T. Marshall, Clerk to Huntcrville Town Board. A. Nicol, Pahautanui Otaki Objecting \<> the exclusion of Porirjia, Paremata, Plimmerton, and Pahautanui from the Otaki Electorate Impracticable. lit Hutl Objecting to the removal into Wellington Suhurlis and Country District Suggests name to be changed to Waimarino . . >» 35 :tii Rangitikei Acceded to. :t7 Wellington Suburbs Ohinemuri Asking that Pahautanui lie restored to Otaki .. ■ Object to inclusion of Katikati Riding in Ohinemuri Electorate Object to being included in Pahiat ua. and wish to be changed to Waipawa Wish the whole of Otahuhu Township included in Manukau Electorate i ing alterations in this electors te Impracticable. :ss :t'.i Pahiat u a G.V.Stewart and 17* others, Katikati C. A. Hille and 124 others John Ladd and 107 others Town Clerk, Ohakune Partially complied with. Impracticable. in Manukau ( annot be acceded to. Impracticable. ii Rangitikei 12 Wanganui Objecting to be severed from Wangajuti Electorate Town Clerk, Castlecliff, Town Board, and 220 others • Town Clerk, Qonville Town Board, and 122 others Petition complied with. 13 Ditto .. Ditto. II Ohinemuri Urging that Te Aroha and portion of Te Aroha Riding be excluded from the Electorate of Ohinemuri Urging that Porirua, Paremata, Plimmertoii, and Pahautanui remain in Otaki Messrs. < lavin and (iilchrist Partially oomplied with. 15 Otaki Messrs. Field and Luckie, and 54 others Te Aroha Borough Council, Te Aroha Chamber of Commerce, and 333 others Messrs. S k e r r e 11, Wylie. and Tripp, Wellington, on behalf of Hγ. Vesey and 177 others Mr. H. Johnson and 41 others Impracticable. Lβ Ohinemuri Protesting against inclusion of Te Aroha in Ohinemuri district, and wish it to remain in Tauranga Oomplied with. (7 »> • • Objection to Katikati Hiding being included in Ohinemuri Partially complied with. is Gisborne Wish Frasertown and Clydebank to be included in Eawke's Bay F.lrctoratc Cannot be aooeded to. in li; ii ikei .. , Suggesting alterations in boundaries R, W. Smith. Willington \. Winter, Taumarunui T. J. Stanley, and 134 others Clerk, Manawatu County Council 0. W. Hall, M.P. .. (lomplied with. Bβ Taumarunui . . Requests that Taumarunui be i he head pollingplace, instead of Waitara Requesting boundaries t<) remain as proposed . . Referred to Chief Electoral Officer. Not acceded to. ;,i Ohinemuri 52 Hauawatu Objecting to the name of Manawatu being changed Pahiatua Wish Waipukurau County inoluded in Waipawa [mpraotioabie. :,:',



Bay of Islands. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the sea from North Cape to the Ngunguru River; thence towards the south-east generally by the said Ngunguru River, and a public road intersecting Kopipi, Tuateanui, and Te Toiroa native blocks, to the southern boundary of Block XIV, Opuawhanga Survey District; thence by the southern boundaries of the said block and of Blocks XIII, XII, and XI, Opuawhanga Survey District to the north-eastern boundary of the south-east portion of Section No. 50, Block V, Purua Survey District; thence by the said north-eastern boundary and the north-eastern boundary of the north-eastern portion of Section No. 67, Block V, Purua Survey District, and Block I, Whangarei Survey District, to the Maihorahia Stream ; thence by that stream to the Mangahahuru River ; thence by that river to the Wairua River; thence by that river to the Mangakahia River; thence by that river to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 8, Block XV, Mangakahia Survey District; thence by the southern boundaries of the said Section No. 8 and of Sections Nos. 9 and 10 of the said block, the western boundary of the latter section, to the road forming its north-eastern boundary ; thence by that road to the southwestern coiner of Section No. 14, Block XI, Mangakahia Survey District; thence by the south-western boundaries of said Section No. 14 and Section No. 28 of the said block, the southern and western boundaries of Section No. 4, Block X, Mangakahia Survey District, to the road forming the northern boundary of that section ; thence by that road to the south-western corner of Section No. 3, Block X aforesaid ; thence by the south-western boundary of the last-mentioned section to the Mangakahia River; thence by the said river to where it intersects a right line drawn from Trig. Station No. 18, on Te Tarahi o Rahiri, to Trig. Station No. 43, on Tutamoe; thence by the said right line to Trig. Station No. 43, on Tutamoe ; thence by a right line to the north-eastern corner of Section 10, Block XV, Tutamoe Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 10, 9, and 8, said Block XV, to the south-western corner of Forest Reserve in Block XV, Tutamoe Survey District; thence by the western boundary of the said forest reserve to its north-western corner; thence by a right line to the source of the Te Wai-o-whata Stream ; thence by the said stream to the Te Wai-o-Kumarau River; thence by the said river to Section No. 7, Block V, Tutamoe Survey District (Marlborough Small-farm Association); thence by Sections Nos. 7, 6, and 5, Block V aforesaid, Section No. 10, Block I, Tutamoe Survey District, and Sections Nos. 19, 20, 21, and 22, Block VIII, Waipoua Survey District ; thence by the northern boundaries of Blocks VIII, VII, VI, and V, Waipoua Survey District, to the sea ; and tlienca towards the south-west and north by the sea to the place of commencement : including all adjacent islands. Mabsden. This district is bounded towards the north-west and north by the Bay of Islands Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of the Mangakahia and Wairua Rivers to the mouth of the Ngunguru River; thence towards the nort h-rast generally by the sea to the mouth of the Waiwera River; thence towards the south generally by the said Waiwera River and the northern boundary of the Waiwera Parish to the southwestern coiner of' Section No. 110, Puhoi Parish; thence towards the south-west generally by the western bound aries of Sections Nos. 110, 115, 60, and 134 of the sai< parish to the north-western corner of the last-mentione< section; thence by the southern boundaries of Section Nos. 23, 24, and 25 of Ahuroa Parish to the south-western corner of the latter section ; thence by the south-western boundaries of the said Sections Nos. 25, 28, and 31, and th north-western boundaries of the last-mentioned section and Section No. V 2 to Section No. 30; thence by the western and northern boundaries of that section, the western and noil hern boundaries of Section No. 87, and th northern boundaries of Sections Nos. 83 and 84 to Section No. 17; thence by the western boundary of said sectiol and the road forming the western boundaries of Section Nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, 3!», and 66, all of Ahuroa Parish, to the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 13, Kourawhero Parish ; thence by that road and th south-western and north-western boundaries of said Sec tion No. 13 to Section No. 53; thence by the south eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 53, 54, and 45 to th Onehunga Stream ; thence by that stream to the Pikok Stream ; thence by that stream to the Kaitoto Stream thence by that stream to the Hoteo Stream ; thence b that stream to the north-eastern corner of Sectio No. 111, Parish of Tauhoa, by the said Section No. 11l and by Sections Nos. 128, 80, 79, 78, 77, and 75, to th load forming the western boundary of Section No. 2

Block XVI, Otamatea Survey District ; thence by that oad to the Port Albert and Mahurangi Road; thence >y the last-mentioned road to the Great North Road; hence by the Great North Road to the south-eastern )oundary-line of the south-eastern portion of Section \u. 118, Parish of Oruawharo; thence by the said southastern portion of Section No. 118 and Section No. 117 f the said Parish of Oruawharo to the easternmost corner f the last-mentioned section ; thence by the said Section No. 117, and by Sections Nos. 116, 105, and 104, all of he Parish of Oruawharo, to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 104, Parish of Oruawharo ; thence by the said Section No. 104 and Section No. 108 to Te liana River; hence by the said Te liana River, the Mainene Creek, and the Topuni River to the crossing of the Great North toad; thence by the Great North Road to the eastern boundary-line of Section No. 147, Parish of Wairau; thence by the south-eastern boundary-line of the said Section No. 147 to the Kaiwaka River; thence by the said Kaiwaka River and the Wairau River to the Waikorere Stream; thence by the said Waikorere Stream to the southernmost corner of the Ohungarere Block (3741); thence by the western boundary-line of the said block and the south-western boundary-line of Subdivision No. 3 of the said Ohungarere Block to its north-western corner; thence by the south-eastern boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 58, 59, 60, 61, and 02, Parish of Wairau, by the south-western boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 62, 63, 102, 73 74 151 86, 85, and 84, all of the Parish oi Wairau, to the south-western corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by Sections Nos. 28, 29, 30, 42, 142, and 151, Parish of Paparoa, to the road forming the north-eastern boundary of the last-mentioned section; thence by the said road and its continuation, passing Sections Nos. 151, 152, 160, and 147, to Section No. 146 A, Parish of Paparoa; thence by the said Section No. 146 a, and Sections Nos. 146, 144, 143, 115, 112, 114, 75, 154, and 155, Parish of Paparoa, and by Sections Nos. 173, 174, 175, 199, 201, and 202 Parish of Matakohe, by the north-eastern portions o Sections Nos. 225 and 226, and by Sections Nos. 262 and •'63 Parish of Matakohe, to the Mangonui River; thence by 'the said Mangonui River to its confluence with the Tauraroa River; thence by the said Tauraroa River to the stream which forms the boundary between Allotments Nos. Iα and 2a, Walton's grant in Block VII, Tangihua Survey District; thence by that stream to the northeastern corner of the said Allotment No. Iα; thence by a right line to Horokaka Trig. Station; thence by the western boundaries of Sections Nos. 14, 15a, and lfa, Block 111, Tangihua Survey District, to Section N0.,7, Block I • thence by Sections Nos. 7 and 7a, Block I atoiesaid and the road forming the southern and eastern boundaries of Section No. 1 to the Wa.otama Rive.-; thence by that river to the Tangihua River; thence by that river to the Wairoa River; thence by that river to its confluence with the Mangakahia River the place of commencement: including Mokohinau Island and adjacent islands. Kaipara. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Bay of Islands Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the northern boundary of Block V, Waipoua Survey District, to the confluence of the Mangakahia and Wairua Rivers; thence towards the north-east and east generally by the Marsden Electoral District hereinbefore described, to Section No. 11l o the Parish ot Waiwera; thence by the said Section No. HI. and by Sections Nos. 118, 117, 116, and 262 a of the said Parish of Waiwera to the Waitoki Stream; thence by the said Waitoki Stream to the road forming the southern boundary of Section No. 28 of the Parish oi Kaukapakapa; thence by the last-mentioned road and Section No. 27 ot the said Parish of Kaukapakapa to the road forminn the southern boundary of Section No. 26 ot the Parish of Kaukapakapa; thence by the last-mentioned road and by the road forming the western boundaries ol Sections Nos. 52, 57, 58, and 63 of the Parish of Kaukapakapa to Section No. 65j thence by the said Section No 65 and by Section No. 66 of the Parish of Kaukapakapa and by Section No. 307, Parish of Pukeatua, to Section No 84, Parish of Pukeatua; thence by the said Section No. 84, and Sections Nos. 83, 60, 308, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 40, 41, and 37, all of the Parish of Pukeatua, to the south-western corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence by the south-western boundary-line of Sections Nos. 36 and 35 of the Parish of Pukeatua to the southwestern corner of the said Section No. 35; thence by a right line to the northernmost corner of Section No. 54 of the Parish of Axarimu; thence by the said Section No. 54 and by Sections Nos. 55 and 60 of the said Parish of Ararimu to the south-western corner of the last-men-tioned section; thence by a right line through Section




No. 163 to the westernmost corner of Section No. 41, Paremoremo Parish; thence by that section, Section No. 40, and part of the north-eastern boundary-line of Section No. 55, Paremoremo Parish, to its easternmost corner; thence by a right line to the southernmost corner of Section No. 222; thence by Sections Nos. 220 and 221, Paremoremo Parish, and the road forming the southern boundary to the last-mentioned section to the Kangitopuni Stream ; thence by that stream and Brigham's Creek to the easternmost corner of Section No. 1, Waipareira Parish; thence towards the south generally by that seclion to the Kumeu River; thence by the Kumeu River to the northern boundary of Section No. 70, Parish of Waipareira; thence by Sections Nos. 70, 141, 142 a, 142, 113. and 16, Parish of Waipareira, and Sections Nos. 11 and 12, Parish of Waitakerei, to the Mokoroa Stream; thence by the Mokoroa Stream to the northernmost corner of Section No. 28; thence by Sections Nos. 28 and 102, Parish of Waitakerei, to the sea; and thence towards the south-west generally by the sea to the northern boundary of Block V, Waipoua Survey District, the place of commencement : including all adjacent islands. Waitemata. This district is bounded towards the north by the Maisden Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the south-western corner of Section No. 110, Puhoi Parish, to the sea at the month of the Waiwera River; thence towards the east generally by the sea to the North Head of Waitemata Harbour; thence towards the south generally by Waiteniata Harbour, Taikata Creek, Henderson's Creek, and Canty's or Oratia Stream to the Auckland—Helensville Kailway line; thence towards the west generally by the said railway-line to the Kumeu River; and thence by the Kaipara Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the south-western corner of Section No. 110, Puhoi Parish, the place of commencement : including Tiritiri Island, Bean Rock, Great Barrier Island, Little Barrier Island, Rakitu Island, Rangiahua Island, Kawau Island, Motuhora Island, Pine Island, Motuketekete Island, Moturekareka Island, and adjacent islands. Eden. Phis district is bounded towards the north generally by the Kaipara Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea to the Auckland-Helensville Railway line; thence by the Waiteniata Electoral District to Waitemata Harbour; thence by Waiteniata Harbour to Motion's Creek ; thence by Motion's Creek to Allotment No. 13 of Section No. 9, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence by the road forming part of the north-western boundary of that allotment to Allotment No. 12; thence by the said Allotment No. 12 and the north-eastern boundary of Allotment No. 17 of Section No. 9 aforesaid to the Great North Koad ; thence across and by that road to the north-eastern corner of Allotment No. 21 of Section No. 7, Suburbs of Auckland : thence by the south-eastern boundary of that allotment, and the south-eastern boundaries of Allotments Nos. 40 and 38 of Section No. 5, Suburbs of Auckland, to the Western Springs Road ; thence across and by that road to the New North Road; thence by the New North Road to Onslow Road; thence by Onslow Road to Mount Roskill Road; thence by Mount Roskill Road to its junction with Valley Road; thence by Valley Road to Mount Eden Road ; thence towards the east generally by Mount Eden Road and Three Kings Road to the road forming the southern boundary of Allotment No. 78, Sec--1 ion No. 10, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence by that road to School Road ; thence by School Road to Selwyn Place; thence by Selwyn Place to the north-western corner of Lot No. 3 of Allotment No. 56 of Section No. 10, Suburbs of Auckland; thence by the said Lot No. 3to Buckland Road ; thence across and by the eastern side of that road lo Mount Albert Road ; thence across and by the southern side of Mount Albert Koad to the northernmost corner of Allotment No. 87 ; thence by the said Allotment No. 87 to Richardson Road ; thence by Richardson Road to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 8 of Allotment No. 71; thence by Lots Nos. 8 and 9 to New Windsor Road; thence by New Windsor Road to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 10; thence by the road forming the western boundaries of Lots Nos. 10, 11, and 12 of Allotment No. 72 to White Swan Road; thence by a line across White Swan Koad to the north-western corner of Allotment No. 71 : thence by the said Allotment No. 74 to Manukas Harbour; thence towards the south-east by Manukau Harbour; and thence towards the south-west generally by the sea to the place of commencement. Auckland East. This district is bounded towards the north generally by Waitemata Harbour from a point in line with the middle of Queen Street to the north-eastern coiner of the City of Auckland, as described in the Xew Zealand Gazette No. I"). of the Ist June, 1911; thence towards the east generally by a right line, 1750 links, to the Strand; thence by the Strand, 50 links; thence by a right line to and by

Suburban Section No. % to Uie .wuLlmin corner of Section No. 11, City of Auckland; thence by the south-western boundary of that section to Stanley Street; thence by the eastern side of Stanley Street, by the Government Domain, and by the Hospital .Reserve to the road known as Park Road; thence by the northern side of the said road to a point in line with the eastern boundary-line of Allotment No. 22 of Section No. 3, Suburbs of Auckland, now the middle of Park Avenue; thence by a right line to and by the saiil boundary-line, and by its production to the south side of Carlton Gore Koad ; thence by the south side of that road to the western boundary-line Lot No. 37 of Suddivisional Allotment No. 4 of Section No. 3, Suburbs of Auckland; thence by the said Lot No. 37 and Lots Nos. 55, 56, 65. 66, 75, 76, 85, 86, 95, 96, 105, 106, 115, 116, and 13 of Allotment No. 1 aforesaid, and by the production of the western boundary-line of the Last-mentioned lot to the south side of Kyber Pass Koad; thence by the said Kyber Pass Koad to the eastern boundary of Allotment Nil 28 of Section .No. :S, Suburbs of Auckland; thence by the eastern boundary of the said Allotment No. 28 to Seccombe's Road ; thence across and by Seccombe's Koad to Almorah Road ; thence by Almorah Koad to the Mount Eden Reserve; thence towards the south generally by the Mount Eden Reserve to Mount Eden Koad, and by Mount Eden Koad to the Auckland-Kaipara Kailway line; thence by the said railway-line to the north-western boundary of Allotment No. ] of Section No. 10, Suburbs of Auckland; thence by that allotment being the production southwesterly of i lie south-eastern side of Shaddock Street to a point in line with the north-eastern side of Brown Street : lliriur li\ ,i righi line t<i and by the north-eastern side of Brown Street In the New Ncii ill Road; thence by the New North Koad to a point in line with the northern side of Alexander Street; thence by a right line to and by Alexander Street in Niger Street; thence by Niger Street tv the southeastern cornel , of Allotment No. !), Section No. 7, Suburbs of Auckland: thence by that allotment, across Haslett Street, and by Allotments Nob. 10 and 13 of Section No. 7 aforesaid to the Great North Itoad; thence by a line to the middle of that road : thence towards the west by a line along the middle of the Great North Koad and Karangahape lload to Gundry Street, and along the middle of that street and Kegent Street to Montague Street ; thence along the middle of .Montague Street to Edwin Street, and along the middle of Edwin Street to Pitt Street; thence along the middle of Pitt Street to West Street; thence along the middle of West Street to Queen Street ; and thence along the middle of Queen Street to the Waitetnata Harbour, the place of com iiieileenient. 'I'his district also includes all wharves and extensions seaward. Auckland Central. This district is bounded towards the east generally by the Auckland East Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Waiteinala Harbour to the junction of the Great North Road and Pollen Street : thence towards the south-west by Pollen Street to Williamson Avenue; thence towards tile wist generally by Williamson Avenue to Hepburn Street; thence by a line along the middle of Hepburn Street to Napier Street: thence by a line along the mid.lie of Napier Street In Franklin Koad: thence by a line across Franklin Koad to Middle Street; thence by .i line along the middle of .Middle Street to Cascade Street; thence by a line along the middle of Cascade Street to College Koad ; I hence bj ,i line along the middle of College Koad and I'atteson Street to a point in line with the eastern side of Section No. 18, on the western side of the right-of-way leading into Victoria I'ark: thence to and by the western side of the said right-of-way and its production across Victoria Park to the Waiteniata Harbour; and thence towards the north and northwest by the Waiteniata Harbour to ihe place of commencement. Auckland West. This district is bounded towards the west and north by the Waiteinala Harbour from Cox'b Creek to the western boundary of the Auckland Central Electoral District, hereinbefore described; thence towards the east by the said Auckland Central Electoral District to the junction of Hepburn Street and Ponsonby Koad: thence towards the south by Ponsonby Koad to Richmond Road; thence by Richmond Koad to ('ox's Creek; and thence by Cox's Creek to the Waiteniata Harbour, the place of commencement. Ghkv Lynn. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Auckland West, Auckland Central, and Auckland East Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from Cox's Creek to the junction id' Normanby Road with Mount Eden Koad: thence towards the east generally by Mount Eden Koad to its junction with Valle\ Koad: thence towards the south west generally by the Eden Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the Waiteniata Harbour; and thence towards the west generally



by Waitemata Harbour to Cox's Creek, the place of commencement . Par.nki.i . This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Waitemata Harbour from the Auckland East Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Hie north-western coiner of Section No. |oa. Parish of Waitemata; thence towards the east by that section and Section No. 39a, across Piuewa Creek, and by Section No. 38a to St. John's College Road; thence across that road and by its southeastern side to Allotment No. 12a of Section Xo. 12, Sulnii !'s of Auckland; thence by that allotment to Allotment No. -Jti : thence towards the south-east by Allotments Nos. 26 and 7, Section No. 12 aforesaid, to the southwestern corner of Allotment No. 25; thence by a right line to the junction of roads at the Harp of Erin Inn; thence towards the south-west by the Great South Road to Market Road; thence by Market Road to Fountain Street; thence by Fountain Street to Epsom Road; thence by Epsom Road to Owens Road; thence by Owen's Road to Mount, Eden Road; thence towards the west generally by Mount Eden Road to its junction with Valley Road; thence by the Grey Lynn and A.uck land East Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the Waitemata Harbour, the place of commencement. Manukau. This district is bounded towards the north by the sea Erom the north-eastern corner of the Parnell Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the Tamaki liiver: thence towards the east by the Tamaki River and the Otahuhu Creek to the Great South Road : thence towards the west by the Great South Road to Portage Road; thence towards the south generally by Portage Road to the Manukau Harbour; thence by Manukau Harbour to the eastern boundary of the Eden Electoral District, hereinbefore described; tin-nee towards the north-west generally by the Eden and I'ainell Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the place of commencement : including Rakino Island, Motutapu Island. Waiheke Island. Browne Island Motuihi Island, Pakatoa Island. Rotoroa Island. Ponui Island, Pahiki Island, and Rangitoto Island, and adjacent islands. Franklin. This district is bounded towards the north generally by Manukau Harbour from the South Mead of that harbour to I , oil c Road; thence by the Manukau Electoral District hereinbefore described, to the Tamaki River; thence by the Tamaki liner to 1 Iμ- sea : thence towards the north east and east by the sea to the mouth of the Pukorokoro Creek; thence towards the south generally by a right line •leross the said creek to the northernmost corner of beciion No S2, Koheroa Parish; thence by that section to the Pukorokoro Mercer Read ; thence by the said Pukoro koro Mercer Road to the Mangatangi Stream; thence by that stream to the northern boundary oi Section No. 163, Ulock XVI. Opaheke Survey District ; thence by part oi the northern boundary of Section No. L 63, and the northern boundaries of Sections Nos. 40 and 3!) to the north-western corner of the last-mentioned section : thence by the south-western boundary of Wharekawa No. 2 Block ,;, Section No. 109 in Blocks XI and XII, Opaheke Survey District; thence by the south western boundary of the eaid Section No. LO9 and bj Sections Nos. ,3, 48b, ~m | 34 Block XI aforesaid, to the Mangatawhiri River; thence by that river to Section No. 35, Otau Parish; thence by Sections Nos. 35 and I. Otau Parish, and thr road forming the north-eastern boundary oi Section Mo 124 Mangatawhiri Parish, and forming the northern boundary of Section No. 117 to Section No. 116; thence by that section, and the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 92 to Section No. 111. Mtangatawhiri Parish; thence by the said Section Xo. 114 and the road forming the south-western boundary of Section No ''40 and the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 227 to the northernmost corner of the last mentioned section; thence by that section and Section No. 104, Mangatawhiri Parish, across a road, and by Section No. 171, and the road forming the western boundaries of Bections Nos. 171 and 101) to "Section No. 168; thence by that section and Section No. 156, across a road, and by Sections Nos. 147 and 146, Mangatawhiri Parish, and by Allotments Nos. 20, 1!). and 12 of Suburban Section No. 2, Mangatawhiri Paiish, to the Great South Road; thence by the Great South Road to the easternmost corner of Section No. 51, Opaheke Parish: thence by part of the northern and western boundaries of Mangatawhiri Paiish to the road intersecting Section No. 26, Pukekohe Parish: thence by that road and the road intersecting Sections Nos. 30, 15, and 12, Pukekohe Parish. Io the eastern boundary of the Pukekohe Town District, as described in the New Zealand te No. 56, of the 15th June, 1906; thence by part of the eastern boundary of the said town district to its southeastern corner; thence by the southern, western, and northern boundaries of the said Pukekohe Town Dis-

tiict to Allotment No. 2, Section No. I. Pukekohe Parish; thence by Allotments Nos. 2 and 3, Section No. 4 aforesaid, across a road, and by Sections Nos. 14, 13, and 3 to the northern boundary of the said Pukekohe Parish ; thence by the northern and south-western boundaries of that parish to the northernmost cornel of Section No. 33, Puni Parish; thence by Sections Nos. 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 43, and 42, Puni Parish, across a mad. and by Sections Xos. 1 and 2 to the western boundary of the said Puni Parish; thence by the western boundary of thai parish to the northernmost corner of Purapura Native Deserve; thence by that native reserve to the Waikato River; thence across the said Waikato River and by its left bank to the sea; and thence towards the southwest by the sea to the South Head of Manukau Harbour, the place of commencement: including Puketutu Tslam! and the ad jacent islands in the Manukau Harbour. Raglan. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Franklin Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the mouth of the Waikato River to the crossing of the Mangatangi Stream by the PukorokoroMercer Road : theme towards the east generally by the said Mangatangi Stream to the Maramarua River : thence by the Maramarua River and the Whangamarino River to t he Wai -in,' River; thence by the right Bank of the Waikato River to the llimtly Town District: thence by the north eastern, eastern, and southern boundaries of 'he said llimtly Town District and again by the right bank of the Waikato River io the confluence of the Mangawara River with the Waikato River; thence again towards the north generally by the said Mangawara River to the easternmost corner of Section Xo. 439, Taupiri Parish ; thence by a right line to the southernmost corner of Section Nα 435, Taupiri Parish, and the production of the said right line to the Waikato confiscation boundary-line; thence towards the north-east by the said confiscation boundary-line to Opua hau ; thence by a right line to the Karapiro Stream at the easternmost coiner of Section No. 7. Block X, Cambridge Survey District (Karapiro Settlement) ; thence toi the south generally by the said Karapiro Stream to the Borough of Cambridge; thence by the Borough of Cambridge to the Waikato River: thence by the Waikato River to the Borough of Hamilton, by the Borough of Hamilton, and again by the Waikato River to a point opposite the boundary between the Horotiu and Pukete Parishes; thence across the Waikato River and by the boundary between the said Horotiu and Pukete Parishes to the road forming the eastern boundary of Section No. 91, Horotiu Parish : thence by that road and the road Homing Sections Nos. 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 112, 111, 109, 110, 88, 90, 91, and 93, Pukete Parish, to the Frankton-Whatawhata Road; thence by the said ton-Whatawhata Road to the bridge over the Waipa lliver at Whatawhata ; thence by the Waipa River to the Kaniwhaniwha Stream, and by that stream and Sections Nos. 299, 298, 297. and 379, Pirongia Parish, to the westernmost corner of the last-mentioned section: thence by the confiscation boundary-line to the Waitetuna River : thence by that river to the south-eastern coiner of Section No 60, Whaingaroa Parish: thence by the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 60, 61a, and 122, Whaingaroa Parish, to Pokohuku Trig. Station ; thence by a right line to Trig. Station No. 94, in Block XIII. Karioi Survey District; thence by a right line to Ma tan (old pa), on the I'akoka River, and by that river and the Aotea Harbour to the ocean : and towards the west generally by the ocean to the mouth of the Waikato River, the place of commencement. Thames. This district is bounded towards the north and west generally by the Firth of Thames ami the Hauraki Gulf from the south-eastern corner of the Franklin Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to tape Colville J thence towards the north-east and east generally by the ocean to the mouth of the Otahu River : thence towards the south generally by the said Otahu River to a point due east of Trig. Station No. 89 (Ngapuketurua) ; thence by a light line to Trig. Station No. 89 : thence by a right line to the northern source of the Hikutaia River; thence by the said llikutaia River to its confluence with the Waihou or Thames liiver: thence by the said Waihou liiver to the north-eastern corner of the Manuka Block (5374) : thence by the. Manuka and Tiritiri Blocks to the Piako River: thence again toward., the east by the Piako River to its intersection by a right line running due west from the summit of Te Aroha Mountain to the confiscation boundary-line: thence again towards the south by the said righi line to the confiscation boundary line, and towards the south and west by the Raglan Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the Pukorokoro—Mercer Road; and thence towards the northwest by the Franklin Electoral District aforesaid to the Firth of Thames, the place of commencement: including tin' Borough of Thames, Great Mercury Island, Cuvier [gland, Slipper Island, and adjacent islands.



Ohinemuei. This district is bounded towards the north by the Thames Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the I'iako River to the sea at the mouth of the Otaliu River; thence towards the east generally by the sea to the Katikati entrance of Tauranga Harbour; thence by Tauranga Harbour to the mouth of the I'ritara Si thence bj the said Dritara Stream and the Wharawhara Stre to Section No. r,2. Block VI 11. Katikati Survey District : thence by that section to its westernmost corner; thence by a light line to where the Tauranga Te Aioha Road crosses the summit of tin , range; thence by the summit of the range, being the boundary between thi Piako and Tauranga Counties to Whakamarama No. ■_' Block; thence by that block and the Okauia No. I Block to tlii> Wairere Stream: thence by that stream to its confluence with the Wμ iln mi River; thence towards the southwest generally by the Waihou River to the Borough of !'■ Aroha : thence by the Borough of Te Aroha to the Waihou River; thence by that river to the Te Aroha - Morrinsville Railway line: thence by that railway line to the Waiharakeke Stream : thence by the Waiharakeke Stream to the Piako River; and thence by the Piako River to the Thames Electoral District, hereinbefore described; and thence by the said Thames Electoral District to the place of commencement. Tauranga. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Thames and Ohinemuri Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the confiscation boundary-line to the sea at the Katikati entrance of Tauranga Harbour ; thence towards the north-east by the sea to Maunganui Head at the eastern entrance of Tauranga Harbour; thence by the north-eastern shore of Tauranga Harbour to the mouth of the Waitao Stream; thence by the Waitao Stream to the Otawa No. '_' Block: thence by the northeastern boundary of that block to Section No. 18, Block I, Maketti Survey District ; thence by the said Section No. 18 and Sections Nos. 5, 4, and .'i io the Kirikiri Stream; thence by that stream and the Atuaroa Stream to Section No. (>, Block 11, Maketu Survey District ; thence by that section and Sections Nos. 48, il. 45, 17. 48, 60, and 61, anil by the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. ."il and 68 to the Te Puke--Maketu Road; thence by thai load to the W'aiari Stream: thence by the Waiari to the eastern boundary of Block IX. Maketu Survey District ; thence by a right line running clue south to Section No. I. Block XIII,' Maketu Survey District; thence by the north-eastern boundary of that section to the Paraite or Mangorewa River; thence by that river to the northern st corner of Section No. :i. Block I, Rotoiti Survey District ; thence by the eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. :',. 7, and 8, Block I aforesaid, and the ■ astern boundaries of Sections Nos. f> anil 7. Block V, Rotoiti Survey District, and by Te Waerenga Block to Lake Rotorua; thence by the Waiari Stream; thence bj the northern and eastern shores of Lake Rotorua to the mouth of the Puarenga Stream : thence by a right line to the junction of the liotoruaWaketu Road and the Rotorua-Wai roa Road; thence by the last-mentioned road to a point in line with the southeastern boundary of Section No. I. Block I, Tarawera Survej District (State Forest Reserve); thence towards the south generally by a right line to the easternmost come] of Section No. ! aforesaid : thence b\ the southern boundary of the Town of Rotorua, as described in the Schedule to the Rotorua Town Act. imiiT. to tlie northern boundary of Block VIII, Horohoro Survey District; thence by Blocks VIII, VII, VI, and V. Horohoro Survey District, to a right line running from Trig. Station No. 27, Puwhenua. to Trig. Station No. 807, Oraura; thence by th« said right line to the northern boundary of Section No. 9, Block XIII. Rotorua Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. il. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, " and 3, Block XIII aforesaid, to the Auckland-Rotorua Railway line, and by that railway-line to the Oraka Stream; thence towards the south-west generally by the Oraka Stream to a line forming part of the southern boundary of Lot No. 39, on Plan No. 1280 a, deposited in the District Land Registry Office at Auckland, and being a portion of Mangakaretu No. I Block, and by that line to the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section No. I. Block Vl. Patetere North Survey District, and by that road and its crossing to the northernmost point of Section Xo. I aforesaid: thence by the last-mentioned section. Section No. -i. Block VI, Patetere North Survey District, and Sections Xos. 7 and 8, Block V, Patetere North Survey District, to the Pokaiwlienua Stream; thence by that stream to the eastern boundary of Waipa Block, and !i\ part of the eastern, south-eastern, and south-western boundary-lines of Waipa Block to the Waikato River; thence by the Waikato River to the Borough of Cambridge: and theme by the Borough of Cambridge and the Raglan Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the Thames Electoral District, the place of commencement :

inoluding Matakana Island, Motiti Island, and adjacent islands. Waikato." This district is bounded towards the Dortfa and northeast generally by Raglan and Tauranga Electoral Disli Tcinbefore described, from the sea at the entrance of Aotea Harbour to the intersection of the northern boundary of Section No. 9, Block XIII. Rotorua Survey District, by a right line running from Trig. Station No. 27, Puwhenua, to Trig. Station No. 807, (Jraura ; thence towards the south-east by the said right line to Trig. Station Xo. 807, Uraura : thence by a right line !<■ Lake Taupo, at the mouth of the Waihora Stream ; thence towards the south-west by a right line to Trig. Station. Purer,ra : thence by a right fine to Rangitoto Trig. Station No. 1641; thence by a right line through Trig Station No. 1377, Kakepuku, to the southern boundary line of Kakepuku No. Iβ Block; thence towards the south generally by the southern boundary line of the said Kakepuku No. in Block to Kakepuku No. B Block ; thence by the eastern boundary-line of the said Kakepuku No, 5 Block to the north-eastern boundary-line of Kakepuku No. i) Block; thence by the said north-eastern boundarj line to the easternmost corner of the said Kakepuku No. li Block ; thence by the southern boundary-line of the lastmentioned block to the north-eastern corner of Kakepuku No. 7b Block; thence by Kakepuku No. 7b and No. 9b Blocks to the northernmost corner of Ouruwhero No. 3e Block, on the right bank of the Waipa River; thence by the right bank of the said Waipa River to a point in line with the north-western boundary-line of Section No. I. Block XII, Pirongia Survey District ; thence by a right line across the Waipa River to the northernmost corner of the said Section No. 4; thence by the last-mentioned section to a point in line with the north-western boundaryline of Section No. 3, Block XVI, Pirongia Survey District : thence across a road and by the said Section No. 3, and by Section No. 2, Block XVI aforesaid, and Section No. 1, Native Reserve, to the southernmost corner of the last-mentioned section; thence again by the said Section No. 2 to the Turitea Stream, and by that stream to the northernmost corner of Turoto C No. '-' Block, and by that block to its westernmost cornel': thence by a right line to the northernmost corner of Orahiri No. '-' Block. Section No. 1; thence by the last-mentioned block to the road which intersects its north-western boundary; thence by that road to the Moakurerau Road, and by the Moa kurerau Road to the Ngutunui Road; theme by the lastmentioned road to the Kawhia-Pirongia Road ; thence by the Kawhia Pirongia Road to the Oparau River; and by that liver to Kawhia Harbour: thence by Kawhia liar bour to the ocean; and thence towards the west by the ocean to the entrance of Aotea Harbour, the place of com mencement. Bay of Plenty. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the sea from Maunganui.Head, at the eastern entrance of Tauranga Harbour, to Bast Cape; thence towards the east by the sea to the mouth of the Hamanatua Stream : thence towards the south generally by the Hamanatua Stream to the road forming the eastern boundary of Section No. 3, Block IV, Turanganui Survey District; thence by the road along the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 3 and 2 to the Waimata River ; thence by the Waimata River to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Section No. 17, Block III; thence to and by the said south-western boundary and the south-western boundary of Section No. 16 to its westernmost corner; thence by the road forming parts of the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 15 and 13 and by the southwestern boundaries of Sections Nos. 13 and 12 to part of Section No. 5, Whataupoko Block: thence by the, said part of Section No. ") to the road at the easternmost corner of Section No. 25, Block 11, Turanganui Survey District; thence by the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 25, 18, 17, 14a, and 13 to the Taruheru River; thence by the said Taruheru River to the southern boundary of Section No. 34, Block XIV. Waimata Survey District; thence by the lastmentioned section, and Sections Nos. 35, 75. 3(1. Hi. and 17, Block VIII, Waimata Survey District, to the Waipaoa River; thence across that river to the mouth of the Pouarua or Taura Stream, and by that stream and the road running westerly to the southernmost corner of the Okahuatiu Id2b2 Block; thence by the south-western boundary of the said Okahuatiu Id2b2 Block, the southwestern and north-western boundaries of Okahuatin Id2b2 Block, and the south-western boundary of Tangihanga C Block to the easternmost corner of Subdivision 1 of Dkahuatiu No. Id Block; thence by the south-eastern boundary and part of the south-western boundary of the said Subdivision 1 to the easternmost corner of Subdivision 3 of Okahuatiu No. 1 Block; thence by the southeastern and eastern boundaries of the said Subdivision 3 *> the Tahora Road ; thence by the said Tahora Road to lie Wharekopae Stream ; thence by that stream and



Hangaroa Matawai B No. 4 Block; thence by the lastmentioned block, Sections Nos. 2 and 1, Block X, Ngatapa Survey District, and Section No. 1, Block V, to its northernmost corner; thence by a right line to the summit of Mangatapere Mountain; thence by a right line to the summit, of Maungapohatu Mountain; thence by a right line to Trig. Station. Puketapu ; thence by a right line to the most northerly point of Waikaremoana; thence by a right line to the junction of the Rangitaiki River with the main road from Napier to Taupo; thence by the Napier-Taupo Road to Lake Taupo, and by Lake Taupo to the mouth of the Waihora Stream; and thence towards the west by the Waikato and Tauranga Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the sea, the place of commencement : including East Island and Whale Tsland. Tat/martjnui. This district is bounded towards the north and northeast generally by the Waikato Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the entrance of Kawhia Harbour to Lake Taupo, at the mouth of the Waihora River; thence towards the east generally by the western shore of Lake Taupo to the mouth of the Waihi Stream ; thence by a right line running in the direction of the summit of Tongarii'o Mountain to the Wanganui River; thence towards the south by the Wanganui River to its ((influence with the Tangarakau River; thence by £he Tangarakau River to where the Waingarara Stream joins the said river ; thence by the Waingarara Stream to the Rimuputa Road; thence by the Rimuputa Road to its junction with the Maikai Road; thence by the Maikai Road in the Mangaowata Road; thence by the Mangaowata Road to the Marco Road; thence by the Marco Road to the northernmost corner of Section No. 11, Block IX, Pouatu Survey District; thence by that section and Section No. 8, Block XIII, to the Mangapaka Road; thence by the Mangapaka Road to the Mangaone Stream; thence by the Mangaone Stream to the Waitara River; thence by the Waitara River to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section No. 1, Block X, Upper Waitara Survey District; thence to and by the said Section No. 1, by Section No. 18, Mock XIV, and Sections Nos. 9, 2, and 1, Block XIII, Upper Waitara Survey District, by Sections Nos. 7, li. 5, :», ■>. and 1. Block XVI, Waitara Survey District, and Sections Nos. 10, 9, 8 7 6 17 24 18, 20, 12, and 15, Block XV, to the Waitara River; thence by the Waitara River to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 5, Suburbs of Euirangi, Efuirangi District; theme by a line across the Waitara River to and by the said Section No. f> to the Township of Huirangi; thence by that township to Cross Road, and by Cross Road to Richmond Road : thence by Richmond Road to the Township of Lepperton : thence by the Township of Lepperton and again by Richmond Road In the northern boundary of Section No. 22, Huirangi District; thence by the. northern boundaries of Seil inns Nos. 22 and part of 185 to the New Plymouth Railway line: thence by that railway-line to the road forming the western I ndary of Section No. 103 Waitara West District, at Sentry Hill: thence by the said road forming (he western boundaries of Sections N(is 103 1(12. ami Native Reserve Nn. 101. 1,, Eairau Road; thence by Kairau Road to Devon Road, and by Devon Road to Mahoetahi Road; thence by Mahoetahi Road to the WaioDgona Stream: thence by that siream to the sea; and theme towards (lie north and west by the sea In the place of commencement. ■ CISBORNE. This district is bounded towards the north-west and north generally by the Bay .if Plenty Electoral District. hereinbefore described, from i he confluence of the Waiopaoa Stream with the Ruakituri River in the sea ; thence Inwards the east and south generally by the sea to the mouth of the Wairoa River; thence Inwards the west by the said Wairoa River to its confluence with the Hangaroa River ; thence by the said river to the Tauwharetoi No. 3a Block ; thence by the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of the said block to the northernmost corner of Tauwharetoi Nn. I: Block; thence by the northwestern boundary nf that block and' the north eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 4, 3, and 1, Block IX. Hangaroa Survey District, tn Bushy Knoll Road : theme by (he sniil road and the Qisborne Waikaremoana Road in tho north-eastern corner of Section No. 2, Block VIII. Tiiahu Survey District : thence by the eastern and northern boundaries of Section No. 1 of the said block in the northern boundary of Small Grazing-run No. 84; theme by that boundary to the Makokomuka Stream : theme by that stream to its confluence with the Ruakituri River: and thence by Ihat river to the place of commencement : including Portland Island, and excluding that portion of the Borough of Wairoa lying tn the north .if the Wairoa River

Hawke's Bay. This district is bounded towards the east generally by the Qisborne Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the confluence of the Waipaoa and Ruakituri Rivers to the sea : thence towards the south-east generally by the sea tii the Western Spit at the northern boundary of Heretaunga Survey District; thence by the said northern boundary, across the Western Spit, and by the Napier Harbour Board Reserve t<> the northernmost corner of Section No. 94, Block IV, Beretaunga Survey District; thence by a right line to the road intersecting Sections Xos. 3, 57. "11, 2H, and 2(i, Block 111, said survey district, in the VVharerangi Native Reserve; theme by part of the south-eastern boundary of the said native reserve to the road forming the north-western boundary of Section No. 12; thence by that road past Sections Nos. 11 and 34 to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 36; thence by the south-eastern boundary of the said section to the Tutaekuri River ; thence by the middle of the said river tn the bridge at the crossing of the road forming the \vestern boundary of Block Waiohiki No. 1e; thence ,Htoss said bridge and by the said road forming the northwestern boundary of Blocks Waiohiki IC, 2, and Koropiko Block to the westernmost corner of the latter block; thence by the said block to the Waitio Stream, and by that stream to the north-western corner of Ohikakarewa Block; thence by the last-mentioned block to the Ohiwia Stream at Te Here ; thence by the left bank of the Ohiwia Stream to its confluence with the Ngaruroro River; thence by the said Ngaruroro River to a point in line with the northeastern boundary-line of Section No. 9 of West Clive Rural Sections; thence by a right line to the northernmost corner of the said Section No. 9; thence by the north-eastern boundary-line of Section No. 9 aforesaid to the western (inner of Section No. 22, West Clive Suburban Section; thence by the north-western boundary of the said Section No. 22 and a right line in continuation thereof to the road which forms the north-eastern boundary of the West Clive Suburban Sections; thence by that mad continued in a south-easterly direction to and along the south-western boundary of the Township of Clive and by the southern side of the said road produced to the Tukituki Riser: thence by the said Tukituki River to the sea ; theme towards the east generally by the sea to the northern boundary ill the Kidnappers Survey District; thence towards the smith generally by the said Kidnappers Survey District in the Tukituki River; thence by the said river to the northern boundary of Block IV, said survey district, and iiv that boundary to tlie north-eastern boundary of Section No. 11. Blmk VIII, Te Mata Survey District; thence by thai section and by Sections Nos. 4-'). Hi. 48, 40, and 14, said block, I" the southernmost corner of Section No. 8, Block IV, said survey district; thence by the western boundary of the said block to the old Ngaruroro River; iheme by that river to the road forming the southwestern boundary of Section No. .s. Block 111. Te Mata Survey District, by thai road and the road forming the southern boundary of Sections Nos. 13 and I. said block, to the road intersecting Kakiraawa Block, and by that road to the road intersecting Turamoepakipaki No. '1 Block; thence by that road and the road intersecting Kakiraawa. Mangaroa, and Te Awa-o-te-Atua Blocks, Sir tion No. 1. to the easternmost corner of Block Ngatarawa Nn. I : thence by Lot No. l of said block and Ngatarawa No. I Block in the Ngaruroro River; theme towards the south-west by the said Ngaruroro River to a point due west if Trig. Slat imi 65a; thence by a righi line due east to said trig, station; thence by a right line through Trig. Station USA to the Mohaka River; thence towards the west generally by the said river to its confluence with the Taharua River; thence by the said river to the eastern boundary of the Tauhara South A Block ; thence by a right line in the Rangitaiki River, at the crossing of llie" main load from Napier to Taupo; and thence towards I lie Dorth-wesl by the Bay of Plenty Electoral Di.strict, hereinbefore described, to the place of commencement. Napier. This district is bounded towards the north, west, and south by the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; and towards the east by the sea. Waipawa. This district is bounded towards the north-east and north generally by the Hawke's Bay Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from a point due west of Trig. Station 65a, on the Ngaruroro River, to the northernmost boundary of the Kidnappers Survey District; thence again towards the north and east generally by the sea hi Te Apiti Native Block; thence towards the south by that block to Section No. (i, Block 111, Oero Survey District (Elsthorpe Settlement); thence towards the west by the said Section No. 6, and Sections Nos. 5 and 4, Block 111, Oero Survey District, to the north-eastern corner of the last-mentioned section; thence again towards the south by the said Section No. 4 to the Hawea



Stream ; thence by that stream to the Tukituki River; thence towards the south-east generally by the said Tukituki River to a point in line with the eastern boundary of the Town District of WaipukurSU, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 95, of the 2nd November, 1905; thence by the eastern, southern, and western boundaries of the said Town District of Waipukurau to the Tukituki River ; thence by the said river to its confluence with the Makaretu River; thence by that river to its confluence with the Maharakeke Stream; thence by that stream to Section No. 83, Block XI, Takapau Survey District : thence bj thai block and by Section No. 1 to the Waikopiro Stream, and by that stream to the Manawatu River; thence by the said rivi c to the Tahoraite Wainui Road, and by that road to its junction with the Tahoraite-Woodville Main Road ; thence northerly along the said main road to the Borough of Dannevirke; thence by the western and northern boundaries of the said borough to the Wellington-Napier Railway line, and by the production of the said northern boundary of the said borough to the main road from Dannevirke to Napier; thence by that road to the Norsewood Riding, as described in the .Wic Zealand Gazette No. 15, of the 2nd March, L 893, page 282; thence by the southern and south-western boundaries of the said riding to the summit of the Ruahine Range; thence towards the west generally by the Ruahine Range to a point on line drawn from Tie; Station 30b, Aorangi, to the junction of the Makaroro River with the north brancn of the Waipawa River; thence north-westerly along said line to Trig, Station Son. iorangi ; thence by a right line due west to the Rangitikei River; thence northerly by the eaid river to the Waimarino Electoral District, übefore described ; thence by that electoral district to the Ngaruroro River, the place of commencement. Pahiatua. This district is bounded towards the north and northwest generally by the Waipawa Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Ruahine Range to the sea ; thence towards the east by the sea to the mouth of the Aohanga Biverj thence towards the south-west by the said Aohanga River to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 144, Block VII, Aohanga Survey District ; thence by that sect ion. and by Sections Nos. Hi! and 100, said block, 157, 156, 153. and 171, Block 111, Aohanga Survey i. :, Trig. Station. Little Peak; thence by Section \i, 29, Block X. Mount Cerberus Survey District, to the Mangaone Road : thence towards the south-west by Mangaone Road an. l Kaituna Road to Alfredton Webei Road; thence towards the south-east by the said road to ManuRoad ; thence towards the south generally by that road, the Waihi Valley Road, Pongaroa Road, Cross Road, and Rangi Road, and b\ Section No. 14, Block XI. Makuri Survey District to the Puketoi Range; thence towards the east by the stock road along the Puketoi Range to the Makuri Aohan a Road; tlience. by the said to Section No. 17, Block XIV, Makuri Survey District : theme by that section and its northern boundaryline produced to the Makuri Kiver; thence by the Makuri River to its confluence with the Tiraumea Kiver. and by the Tiraumea River to the north-eastern corner of Section No. ■_', Block VIII, Makuri Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 2, 1, and 3, of the said Block VIII, and the western boundary of the last-mentioned section produced to the Tiraumea Kiver; thence by the Tiraumea River to its confluence with the Mangaone River; thence by the Mangaone River to Mitchell's Road, by Mitchell's Road to Mangaramarama South Road, by Mangaramarama South Road to Rock Road, and by Rock Road to the Makakahi River ; thence across that river and by Bridge Road to the Wellington-Woodville Railway line; thence by that railway-line to the easternmost corner of Section No. 43, Block X, Mangahao Survey District; thence by Sections: Nos. 43 and 40, of the said Block X, to the Mangahao River ; tlience by that river to Section No. 8 of the said Block X, and by that section to Komoskis Road; thence by Komoskis Road to Omata Road, by Omata Road to Pinfold's Road, and by Pinfold's Road to the forest reserve; thence by a light line bearing north 45° west to the summit of the Tararua Range; thence towards the north-west by the summit of the Tararua Range to the Manawatu Gorge ; and thence by the summit of the Ruahine Range to the place of commencement. Masterton. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Pahiatua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Tararua Range to the sea at the mouth of the Aohanga River; thence towards the southeast by the sea to the mouth of the Mataikona River; thence towards the south-west generally by the said river to its confluence with the Pakowai Stream; thence by that stream to Section No. 819, Block XIII, Aohanga Survey District; thence by that section and Sections Nos. 18 and 21 to the Makoura Stream, at the western boundary of Section No. 19, Block XII, Puketoi Survey District; thence towards the south-east generally by that section and Sections Nos. 2, 1, and 192, Block XVI, and 187. Block XI, to the Waitawhiti Stream; thence by the Waitawhiti Si ream to the north-western corner of Section No. 174, Block XI ; thence by Section No. 174,

2—H. 28.

Block XI aforesaid, Sections Nos. 175 and 823, Block XV, Puketoi Survey District, and the north-western boundaryline of the last-mentioned section produced to the Taueru River ; thence by the Taueru River to the south-eastern coiner of Section No. 149, Block 11, Mangapakeha Survey District; thence by the southern and western boundarylines of that section and the western boundary-line of Section No. 148 to its northernmost corner; thence by a I right line to the easternmost corner of Section No. 26, Block I, Mangapakeha Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 26, 25, 24, 23, and 22, of the said Block I, Sections Nos. 21, 20, and 19, Block IV, Kopuaranga Survey District, and Sections Xos. 140, 141, and 211, Block VIII, to Mangarei Eoad ; thence across that road and by Sections Nos. 11l and 112, Block VII, and the western boundary-line of the last-mentioned section produced to Section No. 210 ; thence by the north-eastern boundaryline of that section to its easternmost corner ; thence by Sections Nos. 115 and 116, Block VII aforesaid, to the southernmost corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence by the south-eastern boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 119 and 120, Block XI, Kopuaranga Survey District, to Section No. 9; thence by the eastern boundary-line of that section and the north-eastern boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 4, 5, and 6 to the north-eastern corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence by Te Pohue B Block to the Te Oreore - Bideford Road, and by that road to the Wangaehu River; thence by the Wangaehu River to the Waingawa River ; theme towards the south west generally by the Waingawa River to Section No. 5, Block IV, Tiffin Survey District; thence by that section and the road forming its northern boundary and the northern boundary of Section No. 50 to the railway-line ; thence by the railway-line to th'e road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 34 of the said Block IV ; thence by that road to the Upper Plain Road ; thence by the Upper Plain Road to the Pareau or Upper Opaki Road; thence by the Pareau or Upper Opaki Road to Opaki District Road ; thence by the Opaki District Road to the Ruamahanga River, and by thai river to a point in line with the western boundary-line of Section No. 9, Block IV, Mikimiki Survey District; thence by a line to and by that boundary-line to the northernmost corner of the said Section N0. ,9; thence by a right line to Tawhero Trig. Station ; thence by a right line 1 1> Tawirikohukohu Trig. Station on the summit of the Tararua Range ; and thence towards the north-west by the summit of the Tararua Range to the place of commencement. Wairarapa. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Masteiton Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Tararua Range to the sea at the mouth of the Mataikona River; thence towards the southeast by the sea to Cape Palliser ; thence towards the south generally by the sea to Cape Turakirae ; and thence towards the north-west by the summit of the Rimutaka and Tararua Ranges to the place of commencement. Stratford. This district is bounded towards the north and east by the Taumarunui Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of Richmond Road and Cuss Road to the confluence of the Tangarakau and Wanganui Riven; ; thence by a right line to Trig. Station B (Mount Humphries) ; thence by the summit of the main range over Te Mapou to the southern boundary of Block VIII, Taurakawa Survey District; thence towards the south by part of the southern boundary of the said Block VIII, and by the southern boundaries of Blocks VII, VI, and V to Koane Road ; thence by Koane Road to Moeawatea Road ; thence by Moeawatea Road to the northern boundary of Section No. 8, Block VIII, Omona Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 3, 4, and 1, Block VJJI aforesaid, and Sections Nos. 21, 4, and 1, Block VII, Omona Survey District, to the south-western corner of Section No. 8, Block VII aforesaid ; thence by the western boundary of that section and the southern boundary of Section No. 8. Block 11, Omona Survey District, to the westernmost corner of Subsection No. 1 of Subdivision No. 1 of Matemateonga Block; thence by the south-eastern boundaries of Subsections Nos. 1 and 6 of Subdivision No. 1 aforesaid, and the eastern and southern boundaries of Subsection No. 7, to the Patea River; theme by the Patea River to the south-eastern corner of Block VIII, Ngaire Survey District; thence by the southern boundary of the said Block VIII to Trig. Station B, Pahui; thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 48, Block VI, Ngaire Survey District; thence by the southern boundaries of Blocks VI and V, Ngaire Survey District, to the Waingongoro River; thence by that river to Finnerty Road; thence by Finnerty Road to Hastings Road; thence by Hastings Road to the north-eastern corner of Section No. 32, Block VIII, Kaupokonui Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 32 and 31, Block VIII aforesaid, to Duthie Road, across that road, and by Section No. 29, said Block VIII, to Palmer Road ; thence by Palmer Road to the north-eastern corner of Block XI, Kaupokonui Survey District; thence by Blocks XI and Xto the south-eastern corner of Section "No. 1, Block VI, Kaupokonui Survey District; thence towards the west generally by the last-



mentioned section to Opunake Road ; thence by Opunake Road to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 16, Block VI aforesaid; thence by Sections Nos. 16, 13, and 11, Block VI aforesaid, to the north-eastern corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by a right line to the summit of Mount Egmont; thence by a right line to the source of the Waiwakaiho Stream ; thence by the Waiwakaiho Stream to Section No. 164 (Education Reserve), in Block VII, Egmont Survey District, and by that section and Section No. 5 to the Mangaoraka Stream; thence by that stream to Section No. 142, Tarurutangi; thence by the said Section No. 142, and Sections Nos. 144, 145, 146, and 147, Tarurutangi, to the Waiongona Stream ; thence by that stream to the northernmost corner of Section No. 109, Block IV, Egmont Survey District; thence by the northern boundary of the said Section No. 109, across Windsor Road to the northernmost corner of Section No. 119, by the northeastern boundary of the last-mentioned section to the Kurapete Stream, by that stream to the north-eastern corner of Section No." 180, Block IV aforesaid; thence by that section to Wortley Road, by Win! lev Road to Section X... 115, Block XI, Paritutu Survey District, by that section, across a road, and by Sections Nos. 116 and 206, Block Mil. Waitara Survey District, to Richmond Road, and by Richmond Road to Section Xo. 8, Block IX, Waitara Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 3 to the southernmost corner of Section "Xo. 54; thence by the western boundaries of Sections Nos. 54 and 53 to Cross Road, the place of commencement. Taranaki. This district is bounded towards the north-east by the Taumrfrunui Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Waiongona Stream to the junction <>f Richmond Road and Cmss Road ; thence towards the cast generally by the Stratford Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the summit of Mount Egmont : thence towards the south generally by a right line to the eastern end of Puniho Read at the Forest Reserve boundary; thence by the said Puniho Road to its junction with the Coast Road, and by Section No. 26, Block IV, Cape Survey District, to the sea; and thence towards the north-west by the sea to the mouth of the Waiongona Stream, the place of commencement. EOMONT. 'This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Taranaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea to the summit of Mount Egmont; thence towards the east and north generally by the Stratford Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Koane Road; thence towards the east by Koane Road to Rawhitiroa Road : thence by that road to the easternmost corner of Section No. 5, Block XVI, Ompns Survey District; thence by the eastern boundary of that section to the northeastern corner of Section No. 10, Block IV, Opaku Survey District; thence towards the south generally by Sections Nos. 10 and 3, Block IV, to the Lower Moeawatea Road : thence by the said Lower Moeawatea Road to Section No. 2; thence by Sections Nos. 2 and 1, Block IV aforesaid, and Section No. 2, Block 111, to the Whenuakura Valley Road ; thence by that road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Subdivision Xo. 3 of Kaharoa No. 3 Block; thence by a line to and by the said Subdivision Xo. 3 and by Rotorangi Block to the Patea River; thence by a right line to Trig. Station A (Tarere); thence by Tarere Road to Kaitoke Road, by Kaitoke Road to Meremere Road, by Meremere Road to Tihi Road, by Tihi Road and the continuation westerly of its northern side to the Tangahoe Stream ; thence towards the west generally by the Tangahoe Stream to its confluence with the Mangimangi Stream; thence by the Marrgimangi Stream to Section No. 165, Block VI, Hawera Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 165 and 164 to Austin Road; thence by Austin Road to the Waingongoro River, and by that river to the sea ; and thence towards the southwest and west by the sea to the south-western corner of Taranaki Electoral District, the place of commencement. Patea. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Egmont and Stratford Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Waingongoro River to the confluence of the Wanganui and Tangarakau Rivers ; thence towards the north-east and east by the Wanganui River to a point in line with the north-eastern side of the Koikokopu Road in the Borough of Wanganui ; thence by a right line to and by the said Koikokopu Road to the north-western boundary of the Borough of Wanganui ; thence by the Borough of Wanganui and the Gonville and Castlecliff Town Districts to the sea ; and thence towards the south-west by the sea to the mouth of the Waingongoro River, the place of commencement. Wanoanui. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Patea Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea to a point on the right bank of the Wanganui River opposite the north-eastern corner of the Borough of Wanganui East; thence towards

the east generally by a line across that river to the north-eastern corner of the Borough of Wanganui East; thence by the eastern boundary of the Borough of Wanganui East to its south-eastern corner; thence towards the south generally by the southern boundary of the Borough of Wanganui East to the eastern portion of the Borough of Wanganui; thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the said eastern portion of the Borough of Wanganui to the Wanganui River ; and thence by the left bank of that river to its inoutli; and thence towards the south-west by a line across the mouth of the Wanganui River, and by the sea, to the place of commencement. Waimarino. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Taumarunui Electoral District, from the confluence of the Wanganui and Tangarakau Rivera to the north-western shore of Lake Taupo, at the- mouth of the Waihora Stream; thence towards the north by the northern shore of Lake Taupo to the Napier-Taupo Road ; thence by that road to the crossing of the Rangitaiki River by the said Xapiei-Taupo Road; thence towards the south-east generally by a right line to the intersection of the south-eastern boundary of Tauhara South A Block by the Taharua River; thence by the Taharua River to its confluence with the Mohaka River, and by the Mohaka River to a right line running from Trig. Station No. 65a, Kaweka Survey District, through Trig. Station No. 68a to the said Mohaka River; thence by the said right line to Trig. Station No. 68a; thence by a right line to Trig. Station No. 'in. vii Tawheketewhanco ; them.' by a line running in the direction of Trig. Station No. 27, Mangumaiiv Survey District, to the Rangitikei River; thence by the Rangitikei River to where the main road from Moawhango to Napier crosses that river; thence by that road to the Moawhango River, and by the said Moawhango River to a point due east of Trig. Station No. 16, on Kauaekeke ; thence by a right line to the said Trig. Station No. 16; thence by a right lino to Trig. Station Nil 32, on Papaka : thence by a right line running in the direction of the confluence of the Panemango and Taraakomako Streams to the Hautapu River; thence by that river to a point in line with the north-western boundaryline of Awarua 4c No. 13 Block; thence by a light line to and by the north-western boundary-line of that block to the road at its westernmost corner ; thence by the road forming part of the northern boundary of Section No. 5, Block I, Hnutapu Survey District, the north-eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 6 and 7. and forming the eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 7 and 8. Block I aforesaid, to the Makohine Valley Road ; thence by that road and the road forming the eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 28, 29, and 80, Block VIII, Tiriraukawa Survey District, and forming part of the south-western boundary of Section No. 11, Block IX, Hautapu Survey District, to the northernmost corner of Sect inn No. 7, in Block IX aforesaid, and Block XII, Tiriraukawa Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 7to its westernmost corner ; thence by Small Grazing-run No. 58 (Koraenui) and Section No. 2, Block XI [ aforesaid, to the Murimotu Road, and by that road to Section No. 1, Block XI, Tiriraukawa Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 1 and 2, Block XI aforesaid, Sections Nos 3 and 2, Block X, and Otairi Nos. Iβ and 2b Blocks to the Mangapapa Stream, and by that stream to the Turakina River; thence across the said Turakina River and by its right bank to the north-eastern corner of township reserve at the southern corner of Section No. I, Block IX, Tiriraukawa Survey District; thence by the said township reserve and Sections Nos. 1 and 5, Block XII, Mangawhero Survey District, and Otairi 4b, Nos. 1 ami :i Blocks, to the north-eastern corner of Section No. 6, Block XTI aforesaid; thence by Sections Nos. 6 and" 2, said Block XII, Section No. 4, Block XV. Mangawhero Survey District, and the south-eastern watershed of the Wangaehu River to Trig. Station Okaiepe, in Block XIV, Mangawhero Survey District; thence by a right line running north-westerly 315° to the Wangaehu River; thence by the Wangaehu River to the sea ; thoniv towards the southwest by the sea to the mouth of the Wanganui River; and thence towards the west generally by the Wanganui and Patea Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the confluence of the Wanganui and Tangarakau Rivers, the place of commencement. Orotja. This district is bounded towards the north-west by the Rangitikei River from the north-western corner of Section No. <M. Block XII, Rangitoto Survey District, to its confluence with the Hautapu River; thence by the Hautapu River to the eastern boundary of the Waimarino Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; thence by the said Waimarino Electoral District to the Rangitikei River; theme towards the east generally by the Rangitikei River to its intersection by a right line running from Trig. Station No. 30, on Aorangi, to Trig. Station No. 32; thence by a right line to the said Trig. Station No. 30 ; thence by a right line running in the direction of the confluence of the Makaroro River with the north branch of the Waipawa River to the



summit of the Ruahine Range; thence by a line along the summit of the said Ruahine Range to the Manawatu Gorge; thence towards the south by the Palmerston North-Napier Railway line to Section No. 47, Block 111, Gorge Survey District, and by that section to the Ash-hurst-Bunnythorpe Road ; thence by the Ashhurst-Bunny-thorpe Road to the Wellington - 2\ ew Plymouth Railway line ; thence by the said railway-line to the Oroua River, by that river to the north-eastern corner of Section No. .'J46, Native Reserve; thence towards the south-west, north-west, and again towards the south-west by that section ; thence by the road fronting Sections Nos. 2!H, 270, 2b9, 2UB, 2G7, 266, 2G5, 264, 221, 220, 21!), 218, 217, 353, 215, and 211 to the Township of Sanson; thence by the said township to the road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 8, 6, and 5, the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 68, 152, 70, 72, 74, and 75, and by the road fronting Sections Nos. 108, 106, 102, 101 to the north-eastern corner of the latter section ; thence by Sections Nos. 101, 99, and 98 to its north-western corner, the place of commencement. Rangitikei. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Waimarino Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Wangaehu River to the Eautapu River; thenc3 towards the east generally by the Oroua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the junction of the Wellington-New Plymouth Railway line with the road known as the Bunny-thorpe-Kairanga Line; thence by the BunnythorpeKairanga Line to Section No. 1598, Block IX, Kairanga Survey District; thence by Sections Nos. 1598, 1595, and 1596 to Jackytown Road, and by Jackytown Road to the Palmerston North-Foxton Railway line; thence by that railway-line to the Oroua River; thence towards the west by the Oroua River to a point opposite the north-eastern corner of Section No. 31, Block XII, Te Kawau Survey District; thence towards the south by a line across the said river, and by Sections Nos. 31 and 33, Block XII aforesaid, Section No. 56, Block XI, and the road forming the northern boundaries of Sections Nos. 106, 69, 68, 67, 66, 60, and 142, Block XI aforesaid, and Sections Nos. 141, 140, and 139, Block VI, Te Kawau Survey District, to the Foxton-Sanson Road ; thence by the FoxtonSanson Road to the road at the north-eastern corner of Section No. 306, Block X, Te Kawau Survey District; thence by the road forming the northern boundaries of the said Section No. 306 and Section No. 305, Block IX, Te Kawau Survey District, to the north-western corner of the latter section; thence by the said Section No. 305 to the south-eastern corner of Small Grazing-run No. 24, in Sandy Survey District; thence by the south-eastern boundary of the said Small Grazing-run No. 24 to the sea; and thence towards the west and north-west by the sea to the mouth of the Wangaehu River, the place of commencement. Palmerston. This district is bounded towards the north by the Oroua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of the Bunnythorpe-Kairanga Line with the Wel-lington-New Plymouth Railway line to the Manawatu Gorge; thence towards the south-east by the summit of the Tararua Range to the easternmost corner of Horowhenua County, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 133, of the 19th December, 1884 ; thence towards the south-west by the said Horowhenua County to the Manawatu River; thence by the Manawatu River to its confluence with the Oroua River; thence towards the northwest by the Oroua River to the Palmerston North-Foxton Railway line; and thence by the Rangitikei Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the place of commencement. Otakt. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Rangitikei and Palmerston Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the sea to the summit of the Tararua Range ; thence towards the south-east generally by the summit of the Tararua Range and Rimutaka Range to the Featherston - Wellington Road over the Rimutaka; thence towards the south-west generally by the said Featherston-Wellington Road to the Pakuratahi River; thence by that river to its confluence with the Hutt River; thence by the Hutt River to the Wakatikei Road, at the confluence of the Wakatikei River with the Hutt River ; thence by the said Wakatikei Road to Section No. 5, Block XIII, Akatarawa Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 5 and the Wakatikei River to the northernmost corner of Section No. 2, Block IX, Akatarawa Survey District; thence by the said Section No. 2 and Sections Nos. f>, 5, 4, 3, 2," 64, and 66, Block VII, Paikakariki Survey District, to the north-eastern corner of the last-mentioned section ; thence by the south-eastern boundary of the Wainui Forest Reserve to its intersection by a right line being the production of the southern boundary of Tunupo Block ; thence by the said right line to the easternmost corner of Tunupo Block, and by the said Tunupo Block to the sea; and thence towards the north-west by the sea to the south-western corner of the Rangitikei Electoral District, the place of commencement : including Kapiti Island.

Hun. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Otaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Wakatikei Road at the confluence of the Wakatikei River with the Mutt River to the summit of the Rimutaka Range ; thence towards the south-east generally by the summit of the Rimutaka Range to Turakirae Head; theme- towards (lie south-west by the sea and the waters of Port Nicholson to the south-western corner of the Borough of Petone; thence towards the north-west generally by the western and north-western boundaries of the said Borough of Petone and the north-western boundary of the Borough of Lower Hutt to the WellingtonWairarapa Railway line; thence by that railway-line to the railway-bridge near Haywards Railway-station; and thence by the Hutt River to the Wakatikei Road at the confluence of the Hutt River with the Wakatikei River, the place of commencement : including Somes Island. Wellington North. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the main Wadestown Road from the Kaiwarawara Stream to Elizabeth Street; thence by Elizabeth Street to Section No. 58, Town Belt; thence by the northern boundary of the said Section No. 58, across a road, and by the northern boundary of Section No. .">(), Queen's Park, to Grant Road; thence across Grant Road, and by the northern boundary of Section No. 1>59, City of Wellington, to Section No. Will; thence by the western and northern boundaries of Section No. 660 aforesaid to the Hull Road : I hence across that road and by the road running easterly to Port Nicholson; thence towards the north-east and east by I *< >> > Nicholson and Lambton Harbour to a point opposite the middle of Cuba Street : thence by a line In and along the middle of Cuba Street tn Dixon Street; thence towards the south generally by a line along the middle of Dixon Street to Woolcombe Street; thence along the middle of Woolcombe Street to a point in line with the northern boundary of Section No. 436; thence tn its north-eastern corner and by the said Section No. 436 to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 48, Town Belt; thence by the southern boundary of the said Section No. 48 and by Native Reserve to the easternmost corner of Section No. 11, Town Belt; thence by the said Section No. 11 and the production of its northern boundary to Cemetery Road; thence towards the west generally by the said Cemetery Road to the Kaiwarawara Stream ; and thence by the said Kaiwarawara Stream to the place of commencement. Wellington Central. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Wellington North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Cemetery Road to Lambton Harbour; thence by Lambton Harbour to Clyde Quay; thence towards the east generally by a line to and along the middle of Clyde Quay to Kent Terrace ; thence along the middle of Kent Terrace to Buckle Street; thence along the middle of Buckle Street to Tasman Street; thence along the middle of Tasman Street to Tainui Terrace; thence towards the south generally by a line along the middle of Tainui Terrace to the Mount Cook Reserve; thence by part of the eastern boundary of that reserve to its south-eastern corner, and by the southern boundary of the said Mount Cook Reserve to Hankey Street; thence along the middle of Hankey Street and the street forming the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 55, City of Wellington, to Section No. 40, Town Belt; thence by Sections Nos. 40 and 42, Town Belt, to Ohiro Road ; thence to and along the middle of Ohiro Road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Original Section No. 11, Block X, Port Nicholson Survey District; thence by a right line to and by the northern boundary of the said Section No. 11 and its production to the former western boundary of the City of Wellington, as constituted by Proclamation in the New Zealand Gazette No. 23, of the Ist April, 1903; and thence towards the west generally by the said former western boundary of the City of Wellington to Cemetery Road, the place of commencement. Wellington East. This district is bounded towards the north-west by Lambton Harbour from the north-western corner of the Wellington Central Electoral District, hereinbefore described, at Clyde Quay to Point Jerningham; thence towards the east and north by Evans Bay to the boundary between the City of Wellington and the Borough of Miramar; thence by that boundary to the middle of the street which runs westerly immediately south of and generally parallel to the outfall sewer of the City of Wellington; thence towards the south by a line along the middle of the said street to the Queen's Drive, opposite Allotment No. 25, Maranui, on Plan No. 879, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Wellington ; thence across the Queen's Drive to the north-eastern corner of the said Allotment No. 25 ; I hence by that allotment and the production of its northern boundary to Newtown Park; thence towards the west by Newtown Park and Sections Nos. 11, 10, 9,



I'D ! 3, ' : nil Be! , to the middle of the eastern production of .\lein bLieetj thence towards the south-east by a line along the middle of Mem Street to Eiddiford Street; thence again towards the west generally by a line along the middle of the street which runs westerly immealong the middle of John Street to Tasman Street; thence along the middle of Tasman Street to Tainui Terrace ; and thence by the Wellington Central Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Lambton Harbour, the place of commencement. Wellington South. This district is bounded towards the north and east generally by the Wellington Central and Wellington East Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from tne southwestern corner of the said Wellington Central Electoral District to Newtown Park; thence towards the south generally by Newtown Park to a point in line with the middle of Leraud Street; thence by a line to and along the middle of Leraud Street to Adelaide Road ; thence alonf; the middle of Adelaide lload to Chilka Street ; thence along the middle of Chilka Street to Stanley Street; theme along the middle of Stanley Street to Britomart Street ; thence along the middle of Britomart Street to Section No. 25, Town Belt; thence by the said Section No. 25 and Section No. IK, in Block X, Port Nicholson Survey District, to the Ohiro Road ; thence

to and along the middle of the said Ohiro Road to a point lin line with the northern boundary-line of Original Section No. 14, Block X aforesaid; thence to and by the said Section No. 14 to its north western coiner: and thence towards the west by Section No. 3, Block X aforesaid, and the former western boundary of the City of Wellington, as constituted by Proclamation in the New /.(■aland Gazette No. 23, of the Ist April, 1903, to the place of commencement. Wellington Suburbs and Country District. This district is bounded towards the north-east by the ! Otaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the sea at the northern corner of Tunupo Block to the Waka tikei Road at the confluence of the Wakatikei River with i the Unit River; thence towards the south-east generally by the Hutt Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to i Port Nicholson: theme bj Port Nicholson to the northern boundary of Wellington North Electoral District, herein before described; thence by the said Wellington North ; Electoral District and by the Wellington Central, Wellington South, and Wellington East Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to Evans Bay ; thence by Evans Bay I and Port Nicholson to Palmer Head : and thence towards the south, west, and north-west by the sea to the place of commencement : including Mana Island. I

POPULATION. Table showing the Actual and Nominal Populations of the Electoral Districts in the North Island. (Quota, 15,180.)

No. and Name of District. Number of Members. Number of Actual Population (Census, 1911). Urban. Rural. Actual Total Nominal — (Census, 1911). Population. 1. Bay of Islands .. 2. Kaipara 3. Marsden 4. Waitemata 5. Eden 6. Auckland West 7. ,, Central 8. „ East .. 9. Grey Lynn 10. Parnell 11. Manukau 12. Franklin 13. Kaglan 14. Thames 15. Ohinemuri 16. Waikato 17. Tauranga 18. Bay of Plenty 19. Taumarunui 20. Gisborne 21. Hawke's Bay .. 22. Napier 23. Waipawa 24. Pahiatua 25. Masterton 26. Wairarapa 27. Taranaki 28. Stratford 29. Egmont 30. Patea 31. Waimarino 32. Wanganui 33. Oroua .. 34. Rangitikei 35. Palmerston 36. Otaki 37. Hutt 38. Wellington Suburbs and Country District 39. Wellington North 40. „ Central 41. „ East.. 42. „ South 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 J 2,679 11,536 10,217 15,214 15,153 15,195 15,182 15,163 11,604 3,619 6,436 3,542 8,229 6,286 10,941 3,368 12,080 11,588 9,876 3,151 4,003 3,064 12,277 11,813 8,909 6,883 9,471 12,234 12,249 12,246 5,794 7,101 3,615 .9,599 12,168 7,722 11,563 7,852 9,695 11,718 9,344 12,255 3,914 9,768 11,524 3,203 12,157 3,622 3,055 12,080 11,588 12,555 14,687 14,220 15,214 15,153 15,195 15,182 15,163 14,668 12,277 11,813 12,528 13,319 13,013 12,234 12,249 12,246 14,023 .13,387 14,556 12,967 12,168 12,904 11,563 13,090 12,334 11,718 12,724 12,255 14,185 12,929 11,524 14,194 12,157 14,502 14,136 15,463 14,833 15,321 15,569 15,341 15,214 15,153 15,195 15,182 15,163 15,527 15,715 15,120 15,023 15,246 15,665 15,659 15,679 15,675 15,645 15,375 15,568 15,655 15,575 15,066 14,801 15,288 15,048 14,999 15,340 15,686 15,281 15,664 14,750 15,091 15,561 15,516 14,992 5,182 5,238 2,639 3,380 10,271 3,161 10,991 10,880 11,081 J 1 1 1 15,268 15,248 15,275 15,238 15,268 15,248 15,257 15,238 15,268 15,248 15,275 15,238 Totals .. 12 278,216 285,513 563,729 643,673



SOUTH ISLAND REPKESENTATION COMMISSION REPORT. To His Excellency the Kiurht Honourable John Poynder Diokson-Poynder, Baron Islington, Governor and Cominander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it please Yocb Excellency, — We. flic members of the Smith Island Representation Commission appointed by Four Excellency on the 17th day of July, 1911, have the honour to report that we commenced our sittings on the 21st day of July last for the purpose of dividing the South Island into electoral districts. Notice of the boundaries as provisionally fixed by us under the authority of our Commission was duly published in the New Zealand Gazette, and the objections and suggestions that were received were duly considered and dealt with by the Commissioners in the manner set forth in the attached Schedule. The Commission subsequently finally approved and confirmed the boundaries of the electoral districts, and now respectfully submit for Four Excellency's consideration the names and descriptions of the same, together with a map showing the actual and nominal populations respectively agreeing with the totals as allotted by the Joint Commission. It was found that the boundaries of the Tuapeka and Taieri Electorates had to be so altered as to render either name unsuitable, and your Commission therefore decided to name the newly defined district " Otago Central," as better describing the same. It was also decided, as the Geraldine Electorate has been altered so as to exclude Geraldine Town and most of the county, that the electorate shall be renamed " Temuka." Given under our hands and seals, this sixteenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and eleven. B. H. Wilmot, Chairman. (1.5.) T. N. Brodrick. (1.5.) G. H. M. McClurb. (1.5.) Harry Qtjane. (1.5.) Chas. S. Reeves. (1.5.)


No. Electoral l.'istriot. Objections or Suggestions. Name and Address of (bjector or Writer. Decision of Commission. 1 Nelson Protesting against any portion of the Sounds County being included in Nelson Electorate, as Nelson is an urban electorate Suggesting that the following area be added to the Grey Electorate: " All that area commencing at the south-western corner of the Borough of Greymouth, thence towards the west by the sea to Nelson Creek, thence towards the south-west by Nelson Creek to the western boundary of Arnold Survey District, thence towards the east by the western boundary of Arnold Survey District to the Borough of Greymouth, thence towards the north-west and north-east by the said Borough of Greymouth to the place of commencement " Protesting against Waiuta being included in the Westland Electorate M. Greensill Impracticable to alter proposed boundaries. Suggestion disallowed 2 Crey .. E. Elliott and 17o others Westland E. R. Gale and 110 others Impracticable to alter proposed boundaries. Cannot be given effect to. Hurunui Objecting to the Cass Riding of the Tawera County being included in the Hurunui Electorate Suggesting that the whole of Spreydon Borough be included in Christchurch South Electoral District Petition from the residents of Epworth and Waiapi districts, requesting that they be placed in the Geraldine Electorate Objecting to the Geraldine District boundary extending too far south, and that the community of interest in the district is destroyed thereby Suggesting that the name Geraldine should be changed to either " Temuka " or " Gladstone " Forwarding copy of following resolution : " That this meeting emphatically protests against the proposed alteration of boundaries of the Waitaki Electorate " Writing on behalf of a large number of electors approving of the proposed Waitaki Electorate D. D. Macfarlane .. 5 Christchurch South John Hadfield Impracticable t o alter proposed boundaries. Ditto. Ashburton F. Green and 69 others Geraldine R. Banks, Clerk, Mac- i kenzie County Council Cannot be otherwise arranged. ,» T. Buxton, M.P. Name " Temuka " adopted. Waitaki F. J. Hitchins, Secretary, Independent Order of Oddfellows Impracticable t o alter proposed boundaries. lo J. A. Macpherson .. Received.

H.— ■&



No. Electoral District. Objections or Suggestions. Name and Addre-s of Objector or Writer. Decision of Commission. II Waitaki .. [ Protesting agahiRt the severance of the Borough of Waimate and its suburbsO ,, .. Protesting against the severance of the suburbs of Waimate from the Borough of Waimate .. Ditto ,, .. Protesting against the severance of the Borougn of Waimate and suburbs ,, .. Forwarding copy nf resolution as follows: " That tliJN public moeting of the electors of the Waitaki Electorate enter an emphatic protest against the proposed alterations of the electoral boundaries, whereby the district situated within one mile of the Waimate Post-office, with a population of 1,058 according to the last census, is transferred to the Geraldine Electorate, thereby destroying the community of interest existing between the Waimate Borough and suburbs. This meeting is further of the opinion that as the district north of the Waitaki River is included in the South Canterbury Hospital District, and the greater portion in the Timaru Harbour District, the general . community of interest would be best conserved by making Waitaki a South Canterbury electorate, as done in 1902, in preference to carrying it so far into Otago, between which province and South Canterbury there can bo little in common in the matter of local government „ .. Forwarding copy of the following resolution : " That this meeting of the Waimate Racing Club enter an emphatic protest against the proposed alteration of the electoral boundaries, whereby the district situated within one mile of the Waimate Post-office, with a population of 1,059 people according to the last census, is transferred to the Geraldine Electorate, thereby destroying the community of interest existing between the Waimate Borough and Suburbs. This meeting is further of the opinion that as the district north of the Waitaki River is included in the South Canterbury Hospital District, and the greater portion in the Timaru Harbour District, the general community of interest would be best conserved by making Waitaki a South Canterbury electorate, as was done in 1002, in preference to carrying it so far into Otago, between which province and South Canterbury there can be little in common in the matter of local government." ,, .. Forwarding copy of the following resolution : " That this Committee support the resolution passed at the public moeting of the electors of the Waitaki district held on the 28th August last, such resolution being as follows: ' That this public meeting of the eleotors of the Waitaki Electorate enter an emphatic protest against the pioposed alterations of electoral boundaries, whereby the district situated within one mile T>f the Waimate Post-office, with a population of 1,058 according to the last census, is transferred to the Geraldine Electorate, thereby (Iciitioying the community of interest existing between the Waimate Borough and suburbs.' " „ .. Pmti.sting against tho suburbs of the Borough of Waimate, containing 1,059 people, being put in the Geraldine bJoctoial Distiict, and separated from the Borough of Waimate N. Francis, Mayor, and C. Dash, Town Clerk, Borough of Waimate H. J. Dash, Secretary, Loyal Heart of Friendship Lodge, M.U.I.O.O.F. 5859 A. J. Hoskins, Sec- I retary, Waimate Branch, Farmers' Union A. J. Hoskins, Secretary, Waimate Ag- ; ricultural and Pastoral Association F. R. Gillingham, Chairman, South Canterbury Hospipital and Charitable Aid Board N. Francis, Mayor of Waimate, and Chairman of the public meeting A. J. Hoskins, Secretary, Waimate Racing Club W. Y. Purchase, Clerk to Licensing Committee T. J. Brown, President, Waitaki Temperance Roform Union Impracticable to alter proposed boundaries. 12 Ditto. 13 14 Iβ Iβ 17 »» A. J. Hoskins, Secretary, Waimate Racing Club IS M W. Y. Purchase, Clerk to Licensing Committee », T. J. Brown, President, Waitaki Temperance Koform Union lit f>




No. Electoral District. Objections or Suggestions. Name and Address of Objector or Writer. Decision of Commission. 20 Waitaki Forwarding copy of the following resolution : " That this committee desire to protest against the manner in which the boundaries of the Electoral Districts of Geraldine and Waitaki have been arranged, no regard having been shown to the interests of the residents of Waimate Borough and Suburbs Objecting to that part of Waimate Suburbs contained in the Deep Creek Riding of Waimate being separated from the electorate containing Waimate Borough Objecting to the proposed boundaries of the Waitaki Electorate for the following reasons : " Waimate is strictly a Canterbury district, the Waitaki River being spanned by only two bridges at great distance apart, with the result that communication with Otago can only be of trivial character, across railwaybridges, and of community of interest there is practically noni Forwarding copy of the following resolution : " That the Waimate Hospital Committee indorses the stejis now being taken by the various local bodies against the inequitable and uncalled-for proposal to alter the boundaries of I In- Waitaki Electorate " Forwarding the following resolution : " That this court protests emphatically against, the proposed alterations of electoral boundaries, which places the Borough of Waimate in Waitaki Eleotoral District, and the Suburbs in Geraldine District, thereby destroyine: the community of interest now existing " Forwarding the following resolution : ''That the Waimate County Council emphatically protests against the proposed alteration of the Waitaki electoral boundary, which, if carried into effect, would destroy the community of general interests now existing in the county " Letter from Timaru Harbour Board supporting resolution passed at a public meeting held at Waimate, on the 28th August, l!)l 1 Objecting to the proposed Waitaki electoral boundaries for the following reasons : (1) The Town of Waimate is divided into two, the southern part (comprised in the borough) only being included in Waitaki, and over one thousand of the town's inhabitants, because outside the borough bounds, being thrown into Geraldine. (2.) The evils of the last redistributions arc perpetuated and accentuated, not only Hook, Makikihi, and Otaio, whose business centre is Waimato, being thrown into Geraldine, with which they have no relations, but also Deep Creek, Waihao Forks, and other places, of which Waimate is the headquarters. On the other hand, a great part of the natural and business dependencies of Oamaru is included in Waitaki Objecting on the following grounds : (1.) That the proposed alterations have no regard to and are inconsistent with community of interests that do obtain and should be recognized. (2.) That the area has been unreasonably extended, is unwieldy, and will in future include thirteen additional polling-booths. (3.) That the northern suburbs of Oamaru should not be thrown (as is proposed") into the Waitaki Electorate, and no sound and conclusive reason can be assigned for this alteration. (4.) That the southern and western boundaries have been extended too far and cannot be reasonably justified. (5.) That by reason of the proposed boundary alterations in the Oamaru and adjoining electorates, three licensed hotels will now be located in the Oamaru Electorate, and being a no-license district the said hotels will by operation of law lose their licenses, which is an injustice, besides the doing-away of publio requirement in the way of necessary hotel accommodation Forwarding the following resolution : " That this Council enters its emphatic protest against the manner in which the boundaries of the Oamaru Electorate have been lixed, more particularly in respect to the severance of the suburbs from the borough." Protesting against the Taieri County, which is agricultural and pastoral, being parcelled out among mining interests (Otago Central) and maritime (Chalmers). The people of Port Chalmers are disassociated with the people of Taieri as much as if they were hundreds of miles apart, and their interests are in so many cases diametrically opposed that their representation in Parliament by the same member could not be beneficial. P. Grant, Secretary Waimate School Committee Impracticable to altei proposed boundaries. 2] G. Dash, Chairman Technical Board, Waimate Ditto. 22 H. C. Barclay, Chairman Waimate High School 23 (J. V. Cochrane, Secretary Waimate Hospital Committee »» 24 P. Grant, Secretary Court Foresters' Pride, No. 0073, A.O.I'. 26 G. V. Cochrane, Clerk Ultimate County 26 W. J. Bardsley, Secretary Timaru Harbour Board Hon. Sir W. J. Steward, Kt. 27 Impracticable t o alter boundaries as desired. 2S Oamaru Hon. T. M.P. Duncan, Boundaries amended as far as practicable. it C. W. Kent, Town Clerk, Oamaru Boundaries amended as far as practicable. Chalmers J. Logan, County Clerk Taieri County Council Cannot be given effect to.




N<». Electoral District. Objections or Sugk'e-tinns. Name and Address of Olijector or Writer. Decision of Coimni'sion. 31 32 33 M 36 36 37 38 39 Bruce Taieri Tuapeka Awarua Invercargill Petition praying that the portion of the Beau- H. Wood, J. P., Acceded to for mont Riding comprised in Blocks I, XVI, and Dunkeld Blocks 1 and XIV, Crookston Survey District, be severed XVI. from the proposed Bruce Electorate, and included in the Otago Central Electorate Suggesting that the districts of Waipori, Law- J. Rattray, Secretary, \ Cannot be given renoe, and Waitahuna should be placed in Tuapeka Mining ! effect to. an electorate whore mining is carried on and Prospecting Suggesting that Blocks I, XVI, and XIV, Association Crookston Survey District, should be taken T. Pilling .. .. Suggestion adopted out of Bruce Electorate, and put into Otago as to Blocks I and Central Electorate XVI. Protesting against the Taieri Electorate being Hon. T. Mackenzie, After careful conwiped out, as it is one of the oldest elec- M.P. sideration, suggestorates in Otago ; also suggests recasting tions found to be the Otago electorates impracticable. Forwarding the copy of resolution passed by H. Wilson, Clerk, Otago Central conthc Maniototo County Council : " That the Maniototo County sidered more suit-well-known appellation of ' Mount [da ' Council able, should re restored instead of 'Tuapeka,' and that the Representation Commission should give due consideration, as far as possible, to community of interests involved." Objecting to the Waikiwi portion of the Awa- H. Jackson and 40 No alteration to be rua Electorate being included in Invercar- others made, gill Electorate .. Petitioning that Section 2, that part of See- J. N. Fowler and 35 Ditto, tion 22 lyiiij.' east of the Invercargill-Kingston others Railway, the south part of Section 25, all in Block XV, and Section 12, and the west pail of Section 13 of Block IV, all in tnveroargill Hundred, and known as Waikiwi, be taken out of the proposed Awarua Electorate and placed in the Invercargill Electorate Forwarding copy of resolution carried at a William A. Ott, Mayor Boundaries amended public meeting held in tnveroargill as fol- of Invercargill to include Seclows : " That this public meeting objects tions 8, 9, 10, to the proposed boundaries of the Invercar- Block 1, Invertrill Electorate, and requests that they be cargill Hundred, altered so as to include the old Electorate of [nvercargill and Sections 8, 9, and 10 of Block I, Section 3 of Block I, Section 12 and part of 13 of Block IV, and Sections 27, 2, the eastern part of Section 1, and the southern part of Section 25, of Block XV, Inveroargul Hundred " Objecting to the proposed Invereargill Elec- j John H. Pay and 9fi5 Ditto, torate on the following grounds: (1.) That | others the boundary as proposed leaves out Sections 8, 9, and III of Block I, [nvercargill Hundred ; whereas the same should lie included therein, as they are within the present Boronjrh of [nvercargill. (2.) That the boundary as proposed includes Sections 1 to 17 of Block II. and Sections r>. (>, 7, and 34 to 39 of Block I, Invercargill Hundred; whereas the same should be excluded therefrom, as all of these, with the exception of part of Section No. 35, are rural land, and the occupiers have no interests in common with those of the electors of the- Invercargill Electorate, and these lands should therefore be left in the Awarua Electorate. (3.) That the eastern boundary of the proposed Electorate is about four miles from the Invereargill Post-office; whereas the suburb of Waikiwi, including the Townships of Collingwood and Prestonville, are not two miles therefrom. (4.) That for many years past that portion of the suburb of Waikiwi comprising Sections 2 and 27, part of Section 1, lying east of the Invercargill-Kings-ton Railway, and the south part of Section 25, all in Block XV, and Section 12 and part of 13, Block IV, all in Invercargill Hundred, has been subdivided into and occupied as Township Allotments, under the names of " Collingwood" and " Prestonville," and the same are joining the Borough of Invercarpill, and the interests are identical with the interests of the electors of Invercargill. (5.) That the suburb of Waikiwi was for a long time connected by a horse tramway, and is now being permanently connected by an electric tramway system with the Borough of Invercargill, and should therefore be included within the same electorate. (().) That the population resident on the lands mentioned in clause 2 hereof are about the same in number as on the lands mentioned in clauses 1 and 4. Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that the proposed boundaries of the Invercargill Electorate be altered so as to exclude therefrom all lands mentioned in clause 2 hereof, and to include therein all the lands mentioned i in clauses 1 and 4 hereof


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Nelson. This district is bounded towards the north and north-west generally by Tasman Bay from the western extremity of Rabbit Island to the French Pass; thence by the French Pass, Hamilton Bay, Admiralty Bay, t<! Clay Point; thence by Cook Strait to West Entry Point; thence towards the east generally by a right line to the northernmost point of .Maud [eland ; thence by a right line to Tawero Point; thence by Pelorus Sound to the easternmost (Miner of Section No. 10, Block VII. Wakamarina Survey District, and by the north-western boundary of the last-mentioned section, and the north-western boundaries of Sections Nos. 12 and 13 of the said Block VII, and the ninthwestern boundary of Section No. 11, Block XI, Wakamarina Survey District: thence by the western and southern boundaries of the last-mentioned section to a point in line with the south-western boundary-line of Section No. 0, Block XI, Wakamarina Survey District; thence by a right line to and by the south-western boundary-line of the last-mentioned section, and the south-western boundary-lines of Sections Xos. 87 and 8, Block XI, Wakamarina Survey District : thence by the southern boundary-line of the last-mentioned section, and the southern boundary-line of Section No. 0, Block XII, Wakamarina Survey District, to Takorika Trig. Station; thence towards the cast by the summit of the range between the Rivers Wakamarina and Kailuna over Trig. Stations A and V to Mount Riley; thence again towards the south-east by the summit of the main range between the Wakamarina River and the Wairau liiver, over Mount Sunday and Mount Baldy, to the summit of the main range between the Pelorus and Wairau Valleys; thence by the summit of that range, over Fishtail and Mount Richmond and Old Man, to the boundary-line between the Land Districts of Nelson and Marlborough; thence again towards the south-west and north-west by the boundary-line between the Land Districts of Kelson and Marlborough to the southern boundary-line of Square 18; thence again inwards the south by a line running (\tir west until it is intersected by a right line bearing S. 15° W. from a point about two miles distant from the north-eastern corner of Section No. 18, Suburban North, and in line with the north-eastern boundary-line of the said Section No. 18; I hence again towards the south-east by a right line bearing S. 45° W. until it intersects I lie River Lee; thence towards the west generally by the said River Lee to its confluence with the River Roding; thence by the latter liver to its confluence with the Wairoa River; thence by tlie left bank of the said Wairoa liiver to the northernmost corner of Section No. 3 on the left bank of that river, in Block X, Waimea Survey District ; thence by the road forming the north-western and part of the south-western boundaries of that section, and the road forming the northwestern boundary of Section No. 8, Block X aforesaid, and Sections Nos. 9 and HI. Block IX, Sections Nob. 140, 137, 136, 135, 134, 1 of 133, 131, and 129, Block XIII, to Section 1 of 42; thence by the last-mentioned section, Sections Xos. !!i and Mi. Block _\Y!. Wai-iti Survey Die i rid. and by the road forming the north-eastern Boundaries of Sections Xos. ■_' of '1 and 7'<\. and intersecting original Sections Xos. 7i* and 85, and that road continued to the Wai-iti Eiver; thence by the said Wai-iti liiver to its confluence with the Waimea liiver: thence by the said Waimea liiver and a line produced from its mouth to the western extremity of Rabbit Island, the place of commencement : including D'Ui'ville Island, Stephen's Island, i!al>liit Island, Saxton's [sland, Oyster Island. Pepin Island, and Flfeshire Island.

3—H. 28.

MOTUBKA. This district is bounded towards the west, north-west, and north by the sea from Ngakawhau River to Cape Farewell Lighthouse; thence towards the east generally by Golden Bay and Tasman Bay to the Kelson Electoral District, hereinbefore described; thence towards the east and north generally by the said Kelson Electoral District to the summit of the watershed between the Wairau and Pelorus Valleys; thence towards the south-east generally by the boundary-line between the Land Districts of Kelson and Marlborough to a point near the head-waters of Moliipiko River; thence towards the south generally by the summit of the watershed of the Rivers Motupiko and Buller, and by the summit (if the watershed of the Buller River aforesaid and tie' Hope River to the confluence of the two last-named livers; thence by a right line to Mount Owen : thence by the summit of the Lyell Range to Bald Mill, Block X. Lye 11 Survey District, on the said Lyell Range; thence by the summit of the watershed leading up to the head-waters of Lyell Creek and Slaty Creek, and by the summit of the hading S p Ul - to the source of the said Slaty ('reek; thence by a right line due west to the nearest source of tin- Ngakawhau River; and thence by the said Ngakawhau River to the sea, the place of commencement. BULLEH. This district is bounded towards the north-east and north generally by the Motueka Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Ngakawhau River on the west coast to a point near the head-waters of the Motupiko River; thence towards the south-east by the summit of the St. Arnaud Range and of the Spenser Ranee to the southern boundary of Kelson Land District; thence towards the south and south-west generally by the summit of the watershed to Mount Haast; thence by the summit of the western watershed of the Inangahua Itiver, over Trig. Stations G, P. O, and B, Waitahu Survey District, to the road over I lie saddle near the last-mentioned trig, station; thence by that road past Trig. Station BB to the head-waters of Oriental Creek, down the valley of ilia I creek, and along the north-eastern side of the lefthand branch of Devil's Creek to the easternmost corner of Section Xo. 185, Block XIII, Reefton Survey District; thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of Section Xo. 215, Block XIV, Reefton Survey District; thence by the left bank of the Inangahua River to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 198, Block XIV aforesaid ; thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 60, Block X, Reefton Survey District; thence by the eastern boundary-line of that section and that boundary-line produced to the Waitahu River; thence by that river to its junction with the Inangahua River ; thence by a right line to Mount Faraday : thence by the summit of the Paparoa Range to a point due east of the source of Hie Pororari River; thence by a right line lo its source, and by the said Pororari River to the sea : and thence towards the west and north-west by the sea to the month of the X'gakawhau River, the place of commencement. (!rey. This district is bounded towards the north and northeast generally by the Buller Electorai District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Pororari River on the west coast to Trig. Station P on the western bound-ary-line of the Crushington Riding ; thence by a right line to the north-eastern coiner of Section No. 86, School lie seive. Blaokwater Township, Block IX, Waitahu Survey

No. Electoral District. Objections or Suggestions. o^Writlr"' Name and Address of Objector or Writer. Decision of Commission. in Invercargill .. Objecting to the east end of the Borough of J. A. Hanan, M.P. .. uivercargil] being placed in the Awarua Electorate Boundaries amended to include Sections 9, 9, 10, Block I, Invercargill Hundred. Not considered advisable to make any alteration. ■II ■2 ,, . . Suggesting thai Waikiwi and Collingwood on W. A. Saunders, the northern boundary of the Borough of Registrar of ElecInvereargill would make a better boundary tors than the portion lying south of the Waihopai Stream and west of Mill Road as proposed Forwarding copy of the following resolution: The Secretary, Kdu"That this Board enters its emphatic ]>ro- cation Office, Titest against the system of artificial readjust- ninru ment of electoral boundaries, which leads to so much confusion and the separation into different electorates of those parts o( the country which have close community of interest " Received. «

11. 28


District : thence towards the east, by the eastern boundaryline of the last-mentioned section and the eastern boundaryline of the Blackwater Township to its south-eastern corner ; thence by a right line to the easternmost corner of Section No. 11, Block IV, Ahaura Survey District; thence by the south-eastern and southern boundary-lines of the last-mentioned section to the Orey River; thence towards the south generally by the Grey River to the eastern boundary of the Borough of Greymouth, by the eastern and southern boundary-lines of the said Borough of Greyniouth to the ocean; and thence towards the west by the ocean to the Pororari River, the place of commencement. Wksi>. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Grey and Buller Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the Borough of Greymouth on the west coast to tin' north-eastern corner of the Grey County on the Spenser .Mountains; thence- towards the south-east by the south-eastern boundary-line of the Land District of Westland to Mount Aspiring; thence towards the south by a right line lo the mouth of the Awarua River at Big Bay ; and theme towards the north-west by the ocean tip the C.icy Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement, Wairau. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Motueka and Nelson Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from Tophouse to West Entry Point; thence again towards the north-east and cast generally by Cook Strait and the ocean to the mouth of the Clarence River; thence towards the west and south-west generally by the said Clarence River to its confluence with the Acheron River; thence towards the north-west generally by tin , said Acheron River and the Guide River to Barefefl Pass; thence towards the south-west by a right line to Tophouse, Wairau Valley, the place of commencement : including Arapawa, Forsyth, Chetwode. Blumine. and Motuauauru, and all adjacent islands. Hurl-mi. This district is bounded towards the north-east, north, north-west, and again towards the north-east by the Wairau Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Tophouse, Wairau Valley, to the mouth of the Clarence River ; thence towards the south-east by the sea from the month of the said Clarence River to the mouth of the Ashley River; ther.ce towards the south by the said Ashley River to the Ashley Gorge Bridge : thence towards the south-east generally by the Ashley Gorge Road to Sales Road; thence by Sales Road to Bay Road; thence by Bay Road to the Oxford—Rangiora Railway line; thence by the last-mentioned railway-line and the SheffieldOxford Branch of the said Oxford-Rangiora Railway line to the middle of the Waimakariri River ; thence towards the south-west by a line along the middle of the said Waimakariri River to its confluence with Staircase Gully Creek; thence by the last-mentioned creek to its source on the Mount Torlesse Range; thence again towards the south-east by a line from the last-mentioned point over Mount Torlesse to the source of a creek intersection, Run No. 171; thence by the last-mentioned creek to its confluence with the creek intersecting Section No. 9824, Block V, Kowai Survey District; theme again towards the south-west by the last-mentioned creek to its source at Porter's Pass," and again towards the south-east by a right line from the said Porter's Pass to the mouth of the Acheron River on the southern shore of Lake Lyndon ; thence again towards the south-west generally by a right line to Red Hill; thence by the summit of the Craigieliiirn Range to Trig. Station V ; thence by a right line u> Trig. Station W by the summit of the Black Range to Mount Davie ; thence by a right line from Mount Davie lo Mount Griffiths, on the Canterbury and Westland Land District boundary-line; thence again towards the northwest by the summit of the Southern Alps, Spenser Mountains, and St. Arnaud Mountains to Tophouse, the place of commencement. Kaiapoi. This district is bounded towards the west and north generally by the llurunui Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the middle of the Waimakariri River at Bexley to the mouth of the Ashley River: thence towards the east by Pegasus Bay to the northern boundary of the Borough of New Brighton; theme by the northern and western boundaries of the said Borough of New Brighton to the Avon River; thence towards the south by the said Avon River to the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 1068, by the road forming I he north-eastern boundary of the last-mentioned section and the road forming the northern boundary of Horseshoe

Lake. Sections Nus. KiL'7, 2550, 1140, and Section No. LI3S to the north-western corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by Hill's Road to Green's Road, and by Green's Hi).id tv the Christchurch City boundary; thence towards the south-west and south-east generally by the Christ church City boundary to the southernmost corner of Section No. 1048; thence towards the west generally by the south-western and north-western boundary-lines of the hist mentioned section to Winter's Road; thence by Winter's Road tv North Road, and by the last-mentioned road tv the in,id forming the south-western boundary of Section No. 831; thence by the last-mentioned road lo the south western corner of Section No. 331 ; thence by the western boundary of the said Section No. Ml to Tische's Road : thence by Tische's Road to the mad forming the western boundary of Section No. 84N; thence by the last-men-tioned road to the Waimakariri River; thence by a right line to the middle of the said Waimakariri River: thence towards the south by the middle of the last-mentioned river to the place l of commencement. ( iikisii iifiic ii North. This district is bounded towards the north-west by the north-western boundary of the City of Christchurch from the north-western corner of the said city to the junction of Innes Road and Shirley Road; thence towards the east generally by the eastern boundary of the City of Christchurch to North Avon Road; thence along the middle of North Avon Road to Bealey Avenue: thence along the middle of Bealey Avenue to Churchill Street; thence along the middle of Churchill Street to the River Avon: thence towards the south b\ the River Avon to the middle! of Salisbury Street ; thence by a line along the middle of Salisbury Street to Colombo Street : thence again Inwards the east by a line along (he middle of Colombo Street to a point in Cathedral Square in line with the middle of Worcester Street : ill :e again towards the smith by a line along the middle of Worcester Street to Rolleston Avenue; thence northerly along Rolleston Avenue, from the middle of Worcester Street, about ■> chains; thence by a right line parellel to Worcester Street to the western boundary of Haglej Park ; and thence towards the west by the western boundary of Eagley Park ami the western boundary of the City of Christchurch to the place of commencement. (Ihristchcri ii East, This district is bounded towards the north generally l>\ the Christchurch North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of Colombo Street and Salis limy Street to the River Avon : thence by the River Avon to Fitzgerald Avenue; thence towards the east generally by a line along the middle of Fitzgerald Avenue to Ferry Road : thence along the middle of Kerry Road to Wilson's Road; thence along the middle of Wilson's Road to Charles Street; thence along the middle of Charles Street to Grafton Street; thence along the middle of Grafton Street to Ferry Road: thence along the middle of Ferry Road to Ensor's Road ; theme along the middle of Ensor's Road to the Christc lunch Lvttelton Railway line : thence along the said railway-line to Wilson's Road; t hence along the middle of Wilson's Road and the road along the north bank of the River Heathcote to Langdown Street; thence towards the south generally by a linealong the middle of Langdown Street to Rogers Street; thence along the middle of Rogers Street to Huxley Street; thence along the middle of Huxley Street to Ci'iyilc.n Street; thence along the middle 'of Croydon Slice! to Southampton Street: thence along thr middle of Southampton Street to Montrose Street; thence along the "middle of Montrose Street to Huxley Street; thence along the middle of Huxley Street to Colombo Street; and thence towards the west by a line along the middle of Colombo Street to its junction with Salisbury Street, t he place of commencement. C'hkistc iiridii South. This elistiict is bounded low aids the north by the Christchurch North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, the western boundary of Hagley Park to Cathedral Square; thence towards the east generally by the Christchurch East Electoral District, hereinbefore described, tv tlie> Heathcote River at the south-eastern end if Langdown Street; thence towards the south-east and iinii generally by the Heathcote River to Barrington Road; tl cc by a line along the midelle of Bam'ngton Road to Conway Street; thence along the middle of Conway Street to l.yttelton Street; thence' towards the south-west and west generally by a line along the midelle tf Lyttelton Street and Hellewell Street to Lincoln Road ; thence along the middle of Lincoln Road to Moorhouse Avenue; thence along Moorhouse Avenue westward tv



the western boundary of Hagley Park; and thence by the western boundary of Hagley Park to the place of commencement. Riccaeton. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Kaiapoi Electoral District, hereinbefore described, commencing ;ii a point in the middle of tin , Waimakarin River, at the Railway Bridge at Bexley, to the western boundary of the said Kaiapoi Electoral District: thence towards the east by the said Kaiapoi, Christchurch North, and Christchurch South Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the junction of Hellewell Street and Lower Lincoln Road ; theme towards the south-east generally by the last-mentioned road to Lincoln and Eliccarton Junction Road; thence by the last-mentioned road to Middle Lincoln Road; thence by the last-mentioned road to Halswell Junction Road; tl ie by the last-mentioned road to the Great South Road : thence by the Great South Road to the Southern Trunk Railway line at Section No. 4878 : thence by the Southern Trunk Railway line to the middle of the Selwyn River; thenoe towards the south-west generally by a line along the middle of the said Selwyn River to its confluence with the Hawkins River; thence by a line along the middle of the said Hawkins River to the Christchurch-Whitecliffs Railway line: thence by the last-mentioned railway-line to the Christchurch Caes Railway line; thence by the last mentioned railway-line to the Sheffield Oxford West Railway line; and thence by the last-mentioned railway-line to the middle of the Waimakariri River a< Bexley. the place of commencement. Avon. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Kaiapoi Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from tin , junction <>t Green's Road and Shirley Road to Pegasus Bay; thence towards t lie east by the said Pegasus Hay to the estuary of the Avon and lleathcote Rivers; thence towards the .south-west and south-east by the said estuary to the south-western side of the (.'anal Reserve; thence again towards the south-west by the south-western side of the Canal Reserve (being the north-eastern boundary of the Borough of Woolston) to a point in line with the middle of Aldwin's Road : thence by a line along the middle of Aldwin's Road to Ashbourne Street; thence by Ashbourne Street to the Christchurch East Electoral district, hereinbefore described ; and thence by the said Christchurch East and Christchurch North Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the junction of Shirley and Green's Roads, the place of commencement. Lyttklton This district is bounded towards the north-west and north-east generally by the Christchurch East and Avon Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from a point on the Heathcote River, being the production of a line along the middle of Langdown Street to the estuary of the lleatlieole and Avon Rivers: thence by the said estuary to Pegasus Bay; thence by I he said Pegasus Bay and the ocean to a point in line with the middle of Waikerakikari Road at Waikerakikari Bay ; thence towards the south and south-west generally by a right line to the middle of the said Waikerakikari Road : thence by a line along the middle of (he last-mentionod road to Summit Road; thence by Summit Road to its intersection with the Akaroa -Pigeon Bay Road; thence by PuraU Road to Mount Herbert Peak Road ; thence by Mount Herbert Peak Road to a point in line with a right line drawn between Mount Herbert and Herbert Peak: thence by a right line to Mount Herbert : thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 36602; thence by i he south-western boundary-lines of the last-mentioned ection to the mail Forming the south-western boundary of Section No. 6260 of Blocks VII and XI, Halswell Survey District, and the road forming the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Section No. 1190, Block VII, and the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Section No. 1383 of the said Block VII to the southeastern boundary-line of Section No. 1887, Blocks VII and XI. Halswell Survey District : thence by the southeastern and south-western boundaries of that section to its south-west corner; thence towards the west generally by the western boundary-line of the said Section No.' 1387, and Sections Nos. 1378, 1357, 1338, 1356, 1379, 1410, 28012, :s.JL'7:i. 21719, 34968, 22306, 20561, :U'J-J!>. 896, 36511, 8044, 1130, 22!»30. and .'i6015 to the southern corner of Section No. 482, Block 111. Halswell Survey District : thence by the said Section No. \f>2 to a point in line with the middle of the road intersecting Section No. 493 by a right line to ihe middle of the lastmentioned road: thence by the road intersecting the said Section No. 1-93 and Section No. 10210 and the road form-

ing the south-western boundaii :s of Sections Nos. 2231, 313(13. (he abutment of a road. 31362, and 2063, Block 111, Halswell Survey District, and Section No. 1325, Block XV, Christchurch Survey District, to Hoon Hay Road; thence by the last-mentioned road to the northern boundary of the plantation and road reserve separating Sections Nos. 382 and 388, Block XV, of the said Christ church Survey District : thence by the northern boundary of tin , said plantation and load reserve to the lleathcote River; thence by the said lleathcote River to Rose Street : thence by Rose Street to Lyttelton Street ; and thence by Lyttelton Street to the Christchurch South Electoral Dis tlift. hereinbefore described, and by the said Christchurch South Electoral District to the place of commencement. EI.I.KSMKItK. This district is bounded towards the north-west from tiic middle of the Rakaia River, by the Great South Road, to the Southern Trunk Railway line: thence by the Soul hern Trunk Railway line tii the middle of the Selwyn River; thence by the Kiccarton, Christchurch South, and Lyttelton Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to tile ocean at Waikerakikari !>a\ : thence towards the south generally by tin ocean to a point in line with the middle of the Rakaia River; and thence by a line along the middle of the said Rakaia River to the place, of comineticcment. Sblwxn. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Hurunui, Riccarton, and Ellesmere Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from Mount Ctriffiths, on the Southern Alps, to a point in the middle of the Rakaia River at the ocean: thence towards the south-east by the ocean to a point in the middle of the Ashburton River; thence towards the south-west generally by a line along the middle of the said Ashburton River to a point in line with the road forming the north-western boundary of Section No. 6607, Block XIII. Ashburton Survey District; thence by a right line to the last-mentioned road; thence by the nanipstead Town District to the Borough of Ash burton : thence by the Borough of Ashburton to the Southern Trunk Railway line: thence by the last-mentioned railwayline to Tinwald Town District : thence by the said Tinwald Town District to the Southern Ti link Railway line; thence again towards the south-east by the said Southern Trunk Railway line to the Hinds River; thence by the. last - mentioned river to the Rangitata Bridge, to Ma\ field, and Mount Somers Road : thence towards the southeast by the last-mentioned read to Studholme's Road ; thence by Studholme's Road to the middle of the Rangitata River; thence by the said Rangitata River to its confluence with Forest Stream: thence by the said Forest Stream to its source near Mount -Musgrave, on the Two Thumb Range; thence by a right line to Mount Musgrave; thence by the summit of the Two Thumb Range over Mount Hop. and the Thumbs to the Southern Alps near Scaly Pass: thence towards the north-west by the Southern Alps to Mount Griffiths, the place of commencement. ASHBURTON. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Selwyn Electoral District, hereinbefore described, commencing at Mount Musgrave. on the Thumb Mountains, to a point in the middle of the Ashburton River at the ocean; thence towards the south-east by the ocean to the mouth of the Orari River; thence by a line along the middle of the said Orari River to a point in line with tin- south-eastern boundary-line of Allotment No. fi. Reserve. No. 2645, Block XI. Geraldine Survey District : thence by a line lo the north-eastern corner of the saiil Allotment No. 0: thence by the south-eastern boundary-line of the last-mentioned allotment and the south-eastern boundaries of Allotments Nos. 6, 4, 3, 2, and 1. Block X, Geraldine Survej District; thence by the south-western boundary of the last-mentioned allotment and the south-western boundary of Section No. 8847 to the Southern Trunk Railway line; thence by the last-men-tioned railway-line to the south-eastern corner of Lot No. 5, Section No. 43, Block XIV. Geraldine Survey District : thence by the road forming the south-western boundaries of Lot ">. Reserve 1055, and Lot 1. Section No. l-i. Section No. It, the abutment of a road, Sections Nos. 22, 2(1. 19, across the W'aihi River, and by the road forming the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Section No. 56, Block N, Geraldine Survey District; thence by Ihe load forming the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 15082, Block XIV. Geraldine Survey District, to the Geraldine Road: thence by the Geraldine Road to Boundary Road ; thence by Boundary Road to the middle of the Hae llac te Moana River: thence towards the north-east generally by a line nlong the middle of the



said Hae Hae te Moana raver to its confluence with the Op-ihi River; thence towards the south by a line along the middle of the said Opihi River to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary-line of Section No. 30438, Block 111, Tengawai Survey District ; thence by a right line to the south-eastern corner of the last-mentioned section; I hence by the south-eastern boundary of the said Section No. 30438 and the south-eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 30437 and 304:->4 to the north-eastern corner of the last-mentioned section: thence by the north-eastern boundary of the said Section No. 30454 to the southeastern boundary of Section No. 19949, Block XV, Opuha Survey District ; thence by the south-eastern boundary of the said Sections Nos. 19949, 20209, and 25368 to the South Opuha River; thence by the last-mentioned river to the county boundary, intersecting Run No. 208, between Geraldine and Mackenzie Counties: thence i\ne west by the said county boundary to the Two Thumb Range, and by thi' Two Thumb Range to Mount Musgrave, the place of commencement. TI.MA'M . This district is bounded towards the south-east by the ocean, commencing at a point being 'he production of it line along the middle of the road forming the .southern boundary of Section No. 19856, Block VII, Arowhenua Survey District, to a point in line with the middle of. the Pareora River; thence towards the south-west by a right line to and along the middle of the said Pareora River to the nad forming the north-west boundary of Section No. 16029, Block 111, Otaio Survey District': thence towards the west generally by a right line to the lastmentioned road, by that road, and the mad intersecting Education Reserve No. 1203 to the Pareora Road; thence by the read forming the north-western boundaries of Sections Nos. 15613 and 1443.S of the said Block 111 and of Sections Nos. 1 < i 7r>.s and 10570 to Cusott Road; thence across <'us:)tt Road by the road forming the northern boundary of Section No. 1()3(>4 to Bl'iggS Road; thence by Briggs Road to Coonoor Road : thence by the said Coonoor Road to the road Forming the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 15928; thence by the last-men-tioned road and the road forming the north-eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 14376, 15803, 15897, 15699, 15467, 11524, 13606, 14773, 17625, to tjpper Washdyke Road, across the last-mentioned road, anil by Brockley Road and the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 15930, intersecting Section No. 10547, and passing Sections Nos. 23953 and 15761 to the Cliffs Road : thence by Cliffs Road to the south western corner of Section No. 111. Rosewill Settlement ; thence by the road forming the north-western boundaries of the said Section No. 114 and Sections Nos. 115, lit;, and lbs to Downs Road : thence by Downs Jioad to Levels Valley Road : thence towards the west generally by Levels Valley Road to Rolling Ridges Road, by the last-mentioned road to the Timai'U Fairlie Railway line: thence by the last-mentioned railway-line to the Levels Plains Middle Road : thence by the last-mentioned road to the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 22161, 20817, and 20966, Block V, Arowhenua Survey District; thence towards the north by 111• - mad forming the southern boundaries of the last mentioned sections and Section No. 21370. lie serve 1363, the abutment of a road, and Section No. 14574 to the Southern Trunk Railway line; thence across the last-mentioned railway-line to the load forming the southern boundary of Section No. 23225, Block VI, Arowhenua Survey District; thence by the last-men-tioned road to SeadowD Road : thence by Seadown Road to the road forming Ihe south-western boundary of Section No. 3903; thence by the road forming the southwestern boundaries of the last-mentioned section and Sections Nos. 3963, 12167, 12846, and 19856, and a line along the middle of the last-mentioned road produced to the orean, the place of commencement. Temuka. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Seiwyn and Ashburton Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from a point near Sealy's Pass, on the Southern Alps, to the mouth of the Orari River at the ocean: thence towards the south-east by the ocean to the Tiniaiu Electoral District, hereinbefore described; thence by the said Tiniaru Electoral District to the mouth of the Pareora River; thence again towards I he south-east by the mean from the mouth of the last-mentioned river to the southern boundary of the Xi Wainono Lagoon : thence towards the south-west generally by the southern boundary of the said Xi Wainono Lagoon to the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 29327. Block Nil. Waimate Survey District; thence by the road Forming the southern boundary of the said Section No. 29327 and its production to a point on the Waituna Stream : thence by the said Waituna Stream to the Southern Trunk Railway

line; thence bj the railway-line to its junction with the Studholme Waimate Waihao Downs Railway line; thence by the last-mentioned railway-line to i h> , Borough of Waimate; thence by the said Borough of Waimate to the railway-line aforesaid, and by the last mentioned railway-line to the north branch of the Waihao River; thence by the north branch of the Waihao River to a point in line with the northern boundary-line of Section Nn. 29778, Block \. Nimrod Survey District; thence by a right line to and by the northern boundary-line of that section to the eastern boundary-line of Section No. 29716: thence by the si! i<l eastern boundary ■ line to the road intersecting tin , last-mentioned Bection ; thence by that road and the road intersecting Section No. 2K237. Blocks V and IX, of the said Nimrod Survey District, to the south-western corner of the said Section No. 28237; li\ a right line to ihe south-eastern coiner of Sec tion No. 28203, Block XII. Dalzell Survey District; thence by the south-western boundary-line of the said Section No. 28203 to the Kakataramea Main Road; thence by the Hakataramea Mam Road to the mail intersecting Section No. 26389, Block Vlll. Dalzell Survey District; thrill— i>v the last-mentioned road and the road intersecting Sections Nes. 29797, 26391, 28202, 27294, 27296, 29719, 2.V22. 29864 of the Block VIII ; thence by the road intersecting Sections Nos. 29360, 29359, 29358, 2935]. 29357, and 33199, Block VII, to the north-western boundary-line of the said Section No. 33199; thence by the north-western boundary-line of the last-mentioned section to its north-western corner; thence by a right line io Trig. Station X : thence again towards the south generally by the summit <if the main range crossing over tiit- Kirkliston Range and through 'Iris. Stations \Y, S. V, I. <!. I. .1 to the confluence of the Waitaki and Ahuriri Rivers; thence by thp Waitaki Bivei to its confluence with the Ohau River; thence by the Ohau River to Lake Ohau : thence by Lake Ohau and the Hopkins River to its source : thence by a right line to Mount Hopkins, in the Southern Alps : and thence towards the north-west by 111' , Westland Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the Selwvn Electoral District, the place of commencement. Waitaki. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Temuka Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the summit of the Southern Alps to the ocean : thence towards the cast by the ocean to a point in line with the s nit h westei n boundary of the Township of Eveline ; thence towards the south east generally by a right line to and by the said south-western boundary tn the Southern Trunk Railway line; thence by the said railway - line to the southernmost corner of the Township of Floraville ; thence by the south-western boundary of tin , said township to tin- Main South Road; thence by the Main South Road and Section No. 10 to the Township of Newhurgh ; thence by thai township to the Borough of Oamaru; thence by the said Borough of Oamaru to the Southern Trunk Railway line: thence by the last-mentioned railway-line to the Township of Maheno: thence by the said Township of Maher.o to the Mnlieiio-1 lerbert Road : thence by the last mentioned road to the Township of Herbert : thence by the said Township of Berber! to the Southern Trunk Railway line; thence again by the said Southern Trunk Railway line to the south branch of the Waianakarua River; thence towards the south-west generally by the list-mentioned liver to its source; thence by the northeastern boundaries of Sections Nos. Hi. 15, 11. and 43, Block 111. Waihemo Survey District, and the north cistern boundaries of Sections Nos. 7. (J. ~>. I. 3, and 2. Block V. Waihemo Survey District, to the summit of the HorSe Range; thence towards the south-west generally by the summit of the Horse Range and Kakanui Mountains to Kyeburn II il! : 1 hence by the watershed to Mount Ida : thence by the summit of the Sawkdun Range to the era boundary of Turnagain Survey District; thence by a line running due wist, being the northern boundaries of Turnagain and St. Bathan's Survey Districts, to Mount St. Bathan's; thence by the summit of St. Bathan's Range and Wether Range, and continued i n ovei Lindis I'ass. Longalip Hill, to Mount Martha: thence towards the north-west by the watershed between the Ahuriri and II until Rivers to the summit of the Southern Alps; and thence by the sum mil of the Southern Alps to the place of commencement. Oamaru. This district is bounded towards the north-east and north-west generally by the Waitaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the northernmost corner of Section No. 2. Block V. Waihemo Survey District, to the ocean: thence towards the east and north generally by the ocean to a point in line with the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section So. I. Block f. North



llurljoui and Btueskin Survey District; thence again towards the cast by v right line to the last - mentioned load, and by the said mad and the road Forming tin , 1 astnii boundaries of Sections \<>s. 2, ■). 10, 13, 1">, 17, Reserve 314, 2 of 1 .s. l of is. intersecting Section No. 19, ;.iid Forming the eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 51, ."):!. .">(>, .")7, lili of the said Block I. Ninth H ai l>lllll and Blueskin Survey District, intersecting Section No. 1, Block VI. forming the eastern boundaries "I Sections No*. 9(1 anil 72. Slock \'II. and along the eastern and southern boundaries of Section No. 73. Block VII aforesaid ; thence inwards the south generally by the southern boundary of the last -mentioned section to il istern boundary of Section No. .V): thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the last-mentioned Ruction t<. the load forming the western boundary of the said Section No. .")."): thence by that road and the road forming the western and north-eastern boundary of Section No. 54, the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 53, the western boundaries of Sections Nos. .V_\ 93. 94, and a quarry reserve to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 31, Block I : thence by the southern boundary of thi' last-mentioned section and the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 32, 1 of 33, 2 of 33. 34. 88, 1 of 36, and 2 of 3(> to the southwestern corner of the last-mentioned ection j 1 heme by the road forming the western boundary of the said Section No. 2 of 3<>. Sections Nos. 37. 73. and 77. Education Reserve, to the south-western corner of Section No. 1 of 4fl ; thence by the western boundary of 1 in' last-mentioned section to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 2 of I. Block 11. North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District, by the road forming the southwestern boundary of the last-mentioned section and Sec lions Nos. 1 of i. 3 of 3. '_' of 3, and 1 to a point in line with the south.eastern boundary-line of Section No. 11, Block 111. North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District; thence by a light line from the last-mentioned point to Double Hill Trig. Station: thence towards the south by a line due west from the said Double Hill Trig. Station. along the northern boundary of North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District and that line produced, to a point on a line drawn from Silver Peak to Swampy Hill : thence towards the west generally by a line front the last-men-tioned point to Silver Peak : thence by a right line from the said Silver Peak to the north-eastern corner of Section No. 1. Block VII, Silver Peak Survey District : thence by a line due west, to south-western corner of a quarry reserve. Block IX. Silver Peak Survey District; I hence by the western boundary of the last-mentioned quarry reserve and the western boundary of Section Xo. 1 to the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Section No. 5; thence by the last-mentioned road to the south-western corner of the said Section No. 5; thence by the western boundary of the last -mentioned section and the western boundaries of Runs Nos. 171b, 17Ig, and 171 c to Trig. 1). Hummock: thence by a right line from the last-mentioned trig, to the south-western corner of Section No. 2. quarry reserve. Block VI. Budle Survey District ; thence by the load forming the western boundary of the last-mentioned section and the road forming the western boundaries of Sections Nos. 11. l/j. 24, 10, 17, to the north-westernmost corner of Section No. 19: thence towards the north-west generally by Section No. '.'O, by Forest Reserves Nos. 22 and 23. Sections Nos. 2(1 and 27 of the said Block VI, by Sections Nos. 17, Hi. 22, 21. ■Jli. 111, of Block 11. Budle Survey District, by Sections Nos. 11, 13. and 12. by an auriferous reserve of 617 acres. by Sections Nos. 11. 10, and 9 of Block I. Highlay Survey District, to tlie Waikouaiti River, by that river to the Roiith-easternmosi corner of Section S*o. (>, Block VIII. Dunback Survey District ; I hence by the said Section No. (i. and by Sections Nos. 5, 1. 3. 2.' and 1 of Block XI of the said district: thence by Sections .Nos. 8 and 7 of Block VI of the said district, by Section No. 1 of Block X to the Shag River; thence by the Shag River ami Happy Valley Creek to the road forming the eastern boundary of Section No. 54. Block V. Waihemo Survey District: thence by the said road to the road forming the eastern boundary of Section No. 61, Block V. and 8. Block VIII. Waihemo Survey District, to the place of commencement. Otaco Centkai . This district is bounded towards the north-east by the Waitaki an. l Oamaru Electoral Dishicts. hereinbefore described, from Mount St. Bathan's, on the St. Bathan's Range, to a point near Silver Peak Trie., on the western boundary of Waikouaiti County : thence by a line from the last-mentioned point to Silver Stream ; thence by the said Silver Stream to tin- northern i ndary oi Dunedin and Easi Taieri Survey District ; thence towards the south generally, by the northern boundary of the said Dunedin und East Taieri Survey District, to the north-eastern

corner of Section No. 19, Block II; theme by the northern boundary of the last-mentioned seetiun and the northern boundaries nf Sections Nus. 18, 17. 15, 11. 2 nf 13, 1 of 13, 11, 10, and 9 to the mad forming the north-eastern boundary uf Seetiun No. 11. and by the mad forming the north-eastern boundaiy of the said Seetiun Nn. It tn the Taieri River : thence by the said Taieri River to its confluence with the Waipori River: thence by the said Waipori River to Waipori Lake: thence by the said Waipuri and Tatawai Lakes tn the Waipori River, and by the last-mentioned river to the western boundary of Maungatua Survey District,; I hence hy the western boundary of the last-mentioned survey district to the southern boundary of Block VI. Waipori Survey District: thence by the southern and eastern boundaries uf the said Block VI ; lln nee by the eastern boundary of Block 111 and the production of the last - mentioned boundary to Lee Stream; thence by the said Lee Stream to its source; thence by a line to the track intersecting Run 260b ; thence by the last-mentioned track tn its junction with the pule track from Waipori to the Deep Stream; thence by the last-mentioned track to its junction with the track intersecting Run Nn. 259; thence by the last-mentioned track, passing Trig. C. in its junction with the track intersecting Run Nn. 353 c; thence by the last-mentioned track to the western boundary nf the said Run No. 353(*; thence by the western boundary nf tho last-mentioned run tn the Beaumont River; thence by the said Beaumont River tv its confluence with the Clutha River: thence by the said Clutha M'-vi-v tn the southernmost corner of Block I, Crookston Survey District ; theme by the southern boundaries uf Blocks I and XVI in the eastern boundary uf Blnek XIV; thence by the eastern, northern, and western boundaries uf the' last-mentioned blnek and the western boundaries uf Blocks XIX and XX to the southwestern corner uf Block XX aforesaid; thence by the eastern and southern boundaries uf Run No. 168 ato the mad forming the south-western boundary nf Section No. I. Block IX. Rankleburn Survey District; thence by the lastmentioned mad and the mad funning the sunth-western boundaries of Seel inns Nus. II and 111 of the said Block IX ; thence by the mad forming the south-western boundary of Section No. 19. Blnek XV, Glenkenich Survey District, to the south-eastern comer of Seetiun No. 17: thence by the south-western boundaiy of the last-mentioned section and the southern boundary of Section No. Hi to the eastern boundary of Seetiun No. 15; theme by the road intersecting the last-mentioned seetiun and Seetiuns Nos. 13, 11, and 10, and forming the southern boundary of Section No. 3, to the north-western corner nf the last-mentioned section; thence by a right line tn Crookston Burn: thence by the- said Crookston Burn tv its confluence with the Pomahaka River: thence by the said Pnmahaka River to a point in line- with the mad intersecting Section No. 3. Block XVI. Glenkenich Survey District : theme by a right line in the last-mentioned road; thence by the .aid road intersecting Sections Nus. 3. I. 7, and the road forming the southern boundaries uf Sections 39. 11, and forming the southern and south-western boundary of Section No. 14, the southern boundaries -if Sections 15. 16, and 18, and funning th e western boundaiy uf Section No. 49 (reserve), to its junction with the mad funning the southern boundaries nf Sections Nos. 7. 8. 9, and 10.°Wa.iknikni Village Settlement ; thence- by the road intersecting Sections Nos. 20, 21, Blnek X. Glenkenich Survey District; thence by the mad forming the southern and south-western boundaries of Section Nn. 21, Block IX. (ilenkenioh Survey District, tv th,- north-western eornei uf the said Section Nn. 21; thence by the crossing nf a mad and the lorthern 1 ndaries uf Seetiuns Nos. 20, 19. 17. and 10 •v the western boundary nf the Glenkenich Survey District t. thence towards ihe west generally by the western boundary nf the said Glenkenich Survey District and the production uf the last-mentioned boundary tv the Leithen Burn; thence by the Leithen Burn and the leading spur "l> to the summit of the Umbrella Mountains; "hence by the summit uf the said Umbrella Mountains over Black Umbrella Trig. D. Crown Rock, While Coomb, G.L.F., tn the eastern cornel nf Run No. 500, Block VIII. Teviut Survey District : thence by th,- northern boundary of the last-mentioned survey district to the eastern boundary of Obelisk Survey District: thence by the eastern 'and southern boundaries nf the said Obelisk Survey District tn Trig. C: theme by the eastern watersheds o_ th.- eastern watershed uf the Fraser River and Omen Creek, and the extension uf th.- track along th,- said watersheds, to the western boundary uf Section No. 2, Block 111 Eraser Survey District: thence by th,, western and southern boundaries nl the said Section Nn. 2 and Section No. I Block 111. and ihe southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 2 3. and 1. Block I. Fraser Shim. District; theme by the eastern boundaries nf ihe said Section No. I and Section No. 1 to the northern boundary uf the Fraser Survey District aforesaid; thence by the northern boundary of the



last-mentioned survey district to the Clutha River; thence by the said Clutha lliver to the southern corner of the Town of Clyde; thence by the south-eastern, northeastern, and north-western boundaries of the said Town of Clyde to the Clutha River aforesaid ; thence by the lastmentioned river to its confluence with the Leaning Rock Creek; thence by the said I.railing Dock Creek to its source : thence by a right line to Leaning Rock ; thence by the summit of the Dunstan Mountains to Cloudy Peak: thence by a line running south 46° east to the Lauder Creek; thence by the s;iiil Lauder Creels to its source; thence by the summit of the Dunstan Mountains to Trig. (1 : and thence by a right line to Mount St. Haitian's, the place of commencement. DUNEDIN Noillll. This district is bounded towards the north by the northern boundary of the Borough of Maori Mill, from the summit of Swampy Mill to the north-eastern corner of Section No. '7i\ Block VIII, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District ; thence towards the east and south-east by the "astern and southeastern boundaries of the Borough of Maori Mill to the north-western boundary of the City of Dnnedin; thence towards the north-west, north-east, and south-east generally by the north-western, north-eastern, and southeastern boundaries of the City of Dnnedin to a point on the shore of Otago Harbour in line with the middle of Frederick Street : thence towards the south-west generally by a line running in the direction of the middle of Frederick Street to the railway-line; thence by the rail-way-line to » poinl in line with the middle of Albany Street : thence by a line to and along the middle of Albany Street to King St i eel : thence along the middle of King Street to Frederick Street ; thence along the middle of Frederick Street to Pitt Street ; thence along the middle of Pitt Street to Elder Street; thence along the middle of Elder Sheet to Argylr Street : thence by a line along (■he middle of Argyle Street and thai line produced to the eastern boundary of the Borough of Roslvn ; thence by the eastern boundary of that Borough to its northeastern corner; thence by the north-eastern boundary of the Borough of ISoslyn to the westernmost corner of the Borough of Maori Mill ; and thence towards the west generally by the western boundary of the Borough of Maori Mill to the summit of Swampy Hill, the place of commencement. Dunedin West. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Dunedir North Electoral District, hereinbefore described, commencing at the south-western corner of Section No. S3 to the Otago Harbour; thence towards the southeast by the Otago Harbour to a point in line with the middle of Stuart Street : thence inwards the south generally by a line to and along the middle of Stuart Street to High Street ; by a line along the middle of High Street to Howling Street; thence by a line along the middle of Howling Street t<. Canongate Street ; thence by a line along the middle of Canongate Street to Duncan Street : thence by a line along the middle of Duncan Street to York Place: thence by a line along the middle of York Place to a point in line with the southern boundary of the Borough of Itoslyn : thence bj a right line to the Borough of Roslyn; thence by the southern and western and northern boundaries of the Borough of Roslyn to the place of commencement. Dttnbdin Central. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Dnnedin West Electoral District, hereinbefore described, commencing at the north-western corner of Section No. 60, Borough of Mornington, to the Otago Harbour: thence towards I lie south-east by the Otago Harbour to a poinl in line with (he middle of Park Street: thence towards I he south generally In a right line in the direction of the middle of Park Street to the Southern Trunk Railway line: thence by the Southern trunk Railway line to Ferguson Street; thence by Ferguson Street to Caversham Valley Road; thence by Caversham Valley Road to the Main South Road; thence by the Main South Road to the south-western cornel' of Section No. 42; thence by the south-western and northwestern boundaries <>f the said Section No. 42 to the southwestern corner of the Borough of Mornington; thence towards the west by the said Borough of Mornington I his district, in addition, also includes the Boroueh of Green Island. Dunedin South. Tins district is bounded towards the north generally by the Mam South Road from v point where it crosses Abbott (reek to the Green Island Borough; thence by the Dunedin Central Electoral District, hereinbefore

described, to the Otago Harbour; thence towards the east by the Otago Harbour and the City of Dunedin boundary to the Borough of St. Kilda ; thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the last-named borough to the ocean: thence towards the south by the ocean to a point in line with the road forming the north-western boundary of Section No. 165, Green [eland Buefa Survey District : thence by a right line to the middle of the last-mentioned road, and by that road to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Seil ion No. 125 ; thence by a right line to the south-western corner of the last-mentioned section, and by the southwestern boundary-line of the said Section No. 125 to the south-eastern corner of Section No. lJtl ; thence again towards the south generally by the south-eastern boundaries of the last-mentioned section and Sections Nos. I'JI. 122, and 123 to the south-western corner of the last mentioned section: thence by the south-western boundary of the said Section No. 128 and Section No. 124 to the road forming the north-western boundary of the last-mentioned section: thence across that road: thence again towards the south-east generally by the road forming the south eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 71. :{li. and l.'i to the south-western, corner of Section No. 64; thence by the south-western-boundary-line of the last-mentioned section to the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section No. 55; thence towards the south-east by the last-men-tioned road to the Kaikorai River, and by the said Kaikorai River and Abbott Creek to the place of commencement. Chalmess. This district is bounded towards the south west by the middle of the Taieri River from its mouth to the Otago Central Electoral District, hereinbefore described; thence towards the north-west generally by the said Otago Central and Oainaru Electoral Districts, hereinbefore de scribed, to the ocean; thence towards the north-east and south east generally by the ocean to the month of the Taieri River, the place of commencement : excluding the Dunedin North, Dunedin West. Dnnedin Central, and Dunedin South Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described. Bbuce. This district is bounded towards the north and north-east generally by the Otago Central and Chalmers Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, commencing at the south eastern corner of Run No. 163 a, Block V ll . lianklehurn Survey District, to a point in the middle of the Taieri River at its mouth: thence towards the south-easl by the ocean to a point in line with the middle of the Clutha River; thence towards the southwest generally by a right line to the middle of the Koau blanch of the Clutha River; thence by a line along the middle of the said Koau branch of the Clutha River to the Borough of Baldutha; theme In the said Borough of Balclutha to ihe Clutha River:; thence by the middle of the Clutha River to its con fluence with the Pomahaka Riyer; thence by a line along the middle of the last-mentioned river to its confluence with (he Rankleburn; thence by the Rankieburn to its source iie.n , the sout h-castem corner of Run No. I(>3a, the place of commencement. CI.UTHA. This district is bounded towards the north and north east generally by the Otago Central and Bruce Elec toral Districts, hereinbefore described, commencing at the north-western corner of Section No. l(i. Block IX. Glfnkenich Survey District, to a point in the middle of the Clutha River at the ocean: thence towards the south east and south by the ocean to a point in line with tin- middle of the Malauia River; thence towards the west generally by a line along the middle of the Matauia River lo its confluence with the Wvndhani River; thence by the Wvndhani River to where the Owaie Stream joins that river: thence by the Oware Stream to the road forming the north-western boundary of Section No. 29, Block 11. Wyndham Survey District; thence by that road and the road intersecting Sections Nos. 52, 53, 11, and 54, of the said Block 11. by 1 lie road forming the north-west boundary of Section No. 34, Block 111. and intersecting Section No. :!11. Block 111 aforesaid, and 101, 66, (>7. and H!l, Block VII, Tuturau Survey District, lo the Miraihau Stream; thence by the Mimihau Stream to a point in line with the eastern boundarj of Section No. 16. Block X, Tuturau Survey District :'thence to the said eastern boundary and by Sections 16, 15, and 14 to the south-.'astern corner of the last-mentioned section: thence by the southern boundary of Block X aforesaid to its south-eastern corner: theme by Blocks \. IX. and VIII. nnd the eastern boundary of ihe last-mentioned block produced to the south-eastern coiner of Block XII. Waikakahi Survej District; theme by Blocks XII. V. and II Wai kaka Survey District, an,l Block 11. Chntton Survey Dis-


H. -28

trict, to the ninth-western corner of Section No. 16, Block IX, Glenkenich Survey District, the place of commencetnent. Wakatipu. This district is bounded towards the north generally by iti.' Westland Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the ocean at Big Bay to a point on the summit of i!h Southern Alps near the Bource of the Hunter River; thence towards the oast generally by the Waitaki and Otago Central Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the north-western corner of Section No. 16, Block IX, Cllcnkenieh Survey District; thence towards the south generally by the road tormina the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 2, 3, and -1, Block VIII, Chatton Survey District, Section No. 56, Block XXI. Sections Nos. 1, 3, ■I. and S, Block 111, to the mad forming the western boundary of Section No. 29, Block 1, Chatton Survey District; thence by the road forming the western boundary of the last-mentioned section and Sections Nos. 18, 10, 11, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, and 1, Block I aforesaid, and Sections Nos. 1, 2, .'i, and 4, Block 11. Waikaka Survey District, and Sections Nos. 12, 11, 18, Id. and 9, and the road intersecting Section No. '.), Block I. Waikaka Survey District, to the northern boundary of the Borough of Gore; thence by the northern boundary of the Borough of Gore to the Mataura River ; thence by the Mataura River to a point in line with the road forming the northern boundary of Allotment No. 6, Section No. 306; thence by ;i right line to the last-mentioned mad; thence by the road forming the northern boundary of the said Allotment \o. 6, Section No. 306, Hokonui Survey District, and the road forming the northern boundary of Allotment No. 5, Section No. 306, the crossing of a road, to the road forming ■lie north-western boundary of Allotment No. 5, Section No. 186, the road forming the north-western boundary of Allotment No. 4. Section No. 186, to the northern corner of Section No. 456; thence by tin , road forming the northern boundaries of Sections' Nos. 456, 122, 282, 488, 489, 490, 41)1, and 492 to the road intersecting Section No. 493: thence by the last-mentioned road and the road intersecting Sections Nos. 5 and ♦, Waimumu Hundred, to the northern boundary of the snici Waimumu Hundred; thence by the northern boundary of Waimumu Hundred and the northern boundary of Forest Hill Hundred to Lorn Stream; thence towards the west and south-west generally by the said Lora Stream to Section No. 798 (known as Small Grazing-run No. 21), Hokonui District: i hence, by the said Section No. 798, and Sections Nos. 354 Mnd 179, to Cowan's Creek; thence by Cowan's Creek to the road intersecting Section No. 178: thence by that road and its continuation through Sections Nos. 91, 108, and 92, and fronting Sections Nos. 121, 93, 28. 109, 110, 94, 27, 111, 95, 26, 96. 222, and 29, to the Oreti River; thence by the Oreti Kiver to a point due west of Hummock Peak ; thence by the summit of the watershed over Mount Look-up and the Thompson Mountains to Round leaks : thence towards the south by a right line to Moffat Peak ; thence by a right line to Mount Eglinton ; thence jgain towards the south-west by the summit of the Earl Mountains to a point in line with the Castle Mountains and Cloudy Pass; thence again towards the south by a right line over the said Castle Mountain and Cloudy Pass to Bligh Sound ; thence by the said Bligh Sound to the ocean; and thence towards the north-west by the ocean to Big Buy. the place of commencement. Matauba. This district is bounded towards the north and east generally by the Wakatipu and Clutha Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, commencing at the western boundary of the Waimumu Hundred to the middle of the Mataura River at the ocean; thence towards the south by the ocean to a point in line with the western boundaryline of Block XXIII, Inveicargil] Hundred; thence towards the west by a right line to the said western boundary-line of Block XXIII; thence by that boundaryline and the road forming the western boundary of Block VII, and that load continued northward to the Mabel Bush Road in Section No. 2, Block XI, Invercargill Hundred; thence by the Mabel Bush Road to the northeastern boundary of the said Block XI: thence by Blocks XI, XII, and XVIII, Invercargill Hundred, to the Makarewa River; thence by the said Makarewa River to the road intersecting Section Xo. 183, Block I, Forest Hill Hundred: thence by the last-mentioned road and the road intersecting Section No. 181 to the south-western corner of Section No. 187; thence' by the road forming the southern boundary of the said Section Xo. 187, and Sections Nos. 69, 57,' and 117, to the south-eastern corner of the last-mentioned section : thence by Menzies' Road

to its junction with the road intersecting Section No. 221, Block IX, Forest Hill Hundred; thence by the lastmentioned road to the south-western corner of Section Xo. 43(1, Block X ; thence by the south-western boundary of the last-mentioned section to its north-western corner; thence by the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of Section No. 130 aforesaid to the Invereargill Water Reserve; thence by the northern boundary of the said Block X. Forest Hill Hundred, to its junction with the west boundary of Waimumu Hundred: thence by the said west boundary of Waimumu Hundred to the place of commencement. Wai.lack. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Wakatipu Electoral District, hereinbefore described, From the ocean at Bligh Sound to the northeastern cornel of Section No. 257, Hokonui Survey Districi : thence towards the south and west generally by the road forming the northern boundary of the said Section .No. 257 and intersecting Section No. 215 to the Otapiri Stream ; thence by the Otapiri Stream to the southern boundary of Section No. 366; thence by the southern boundaries of Sections Nos. 366, 788, and 430 to the southwestern corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by the road intersecting Sections Xos. 659, 709, 432, and 363 to the road forming the south-western boundary of the said Section No. 868; thence by the last-mentioned road to the road intersecting Section Xo. 341 ; thence by the last-mentioned road to the road forming the northern boundary of Section No. 162; thence by the road forming the northern boundary of the last-mentioned section, Section No. 180, and intersecting Section No. 181 to the Inveicargill-Kingston Railway line; thence by the said Invercargill—Kingston Railway line to the northern boundary of the Township of Limehills; thence by the northern and western boundaries of the said township of Limehills to the northern boundary of Winton Hundred; thence by the northern boundaries of Winton and Oreti Hundreds to the ninth-western corner of Section Xo. 63, Oreti Hundred; thence by the road forming the southwestern boundary of the last-mentioned section to the road intersecting Section Xo. 53; thence by the road intersecting the said Section No. •').') and Section No. 62 to the western boundary of the last-mentioned section; thence by the road forming the western boundary of Section No. 62 aforesaid to the south-eastern corner of Section No. 51 ; thence by the southern boundary of the said Section No. 51 ,uicl Section No. 61 to the north-western coiner of Section No. 44; thence by the road forming the western boundary of the said Section Xo. 44 and Sections Xos. 43, 80, 86, Nil, !)t), <n, and 94 to the north-eastern corner of Section No. 183; thence by the road forming the northern and western boundaries of the last-mentioned section and the road forming the western boundary of Section Xo. 182 to the south-eastern corner of Section Xo. 6!); thence by the southern boundary of the lastmentioned section and the southern boundary of Section No. 25 to the Waimatuku Stream: thence by the said Waimatuku Stream to the ocean; thence towards the south and north-west to Bligh Sound, the place of commencement : including Centre Island, Pig Island, Resolution Island, and adjacent islands. Invercarqill. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Waihopai River from the New River Harbour to Mill Road; thence towards the north-east by Mill Road to its junction with Main East Road; thence by the said Main JCast Road to the eastern boundary of the Borough of Invercargill; thence towards the east generally by the eastern boundary of the Borough of Invercargill to the south-eastern corner of the last-mentioned borough; thence again towards the east by the eastern boundary of the Borough of South Invercargill; thence by the northern, eastern, and south-western boundaries o*f the said Borough of South Invercargill to New River Harbour ; and thence towards the west by the New River Harbour to the place of commencement. AWARUA. This district is bounded towards the west and north generally by the Wallace and Wakatipu Districts, hereinbefore described; towards the east generally by the Mataura Electoral District, hereinbefore described; and : towards the south-west by Foveaux Strait to the Wallace ! Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement : j exclusive of the Invercargill Electoral District, hereinbefore described, and including Stewart Island, Ruapuke Nland, Dog Island, and all adjacent islands.



POPULATION. Table showing the Actual and Nominal Populations of the Electoral Districts in the South Island (including Stewart Island). (Quota, 15,180.)

By Authority : John Mackay. Government Printer, Wellington.—l9li

No. and Name of District. Number of Members. Actual Population (Census, 1911). Urban. Rural. Aotual Total Nominal (Census, 1911). Population. 1. Nelson 2. Motucka 3. Buller .. 4. Grey 5. Westland 6. Wairau 7. Hurunui 8. Kaiapoi 9. Avon 10. Christchuich North 11. ,, South 12. „ East 13. Riccarton 14. Ellesmere 15. Lyttelton 16. Selwyn 17. Ashburton 18. Temuka 19. Timaru 20. Waitaki 21. Oamaru 22. Otago Central 23. Chalmers 24. Dunediii North 25. .. West 26. .. Central 27. „ South 28. Bruce 29. Clutha 30. Wakatipu 31. Mataura 32. Awarua 33. InvercargiU 34. Wallace 1 •• I 1 .. I 1 ■• I J :: j i i •• i ' i .. ; l .. ! i i i i l l l l l i .. : i i _L 8,094 5,193 11,503 4,995 7,623 5,567 7,091 2,300 9,866 3,771 9,155 11,441 1,374 10,553 15,050 105 15,225 15,172 15,189 10,184 3,942 1,036 10,786 11.002 3,187 11,474 2,671 9,354 11,575 11,314 2,984 11,573 5.152 8,240 12.137 5,914 7.312 15,141 15,106 15,092 15,110 11,433 11,712 11,647 3,258 9,046 11,715 12,782 1,863 11,468 13,287 14,74] 11,503 14,724 12,618 14,755 12,658 14,64< 12,166 14,92' 12.926 15,48! 11,441 14,641 11.927 14,885 15,155 15,184 15.225 15,22? 15,172 15,171 15.189 15,18< 14,126 15,23( 11,822 14,845 14,189 15,081 11,471 12,025 14,644 11,575 14,81t 14,298 15,13i 11,573 14,814 13,392 15,69! 12,137 15,53< 13.226 15,27J 15,141 15,141 15,106 15,10* 15,092 15,095 15,110 15,11( 11,433 14,634 11,712 14,991 11,647 14,906 12,304 14,83; 11,715 14,991: 14,645 15,167 11,468 14,67£ 13,287 11,503 12,618 12,658 12,166 12,926 11,441 11,927 15,155 15,225 15,172 15,189 14,126 11,822 14,189 11,47-1 12,025 11,575 14,298 11,573 13,392 12,137 13,226 15,141 15,106 15,092 15,110 11,433 11,712 11,647 12,304 11,715 14,645 11,468 14,741 14,724 14,752 14,644 14,929 15,489 14,645 14,882 15,184 15,225 15,172 15,189 15,230 14,842 15,081 14,687 14,644 14,816 15,133 14,814 15,699 15.536 15,273 15,141 15,106 15,092 15,110 14,634 14,991 14,908 14,837 14,995 15,167 14,679 Totals 34 210,499 233,978 444,477 509,991 444,477 509,991

Map showing the Boundaries of the Electoral Districts of AUCKLAND WEST, CENTRAL, EAST, AND GREY LYNN.





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REPRESENTATION COMMISSIONS' REPORTS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-28

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REPRESENTATION COMMISSIONS' REPORTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-28

REPRESENTATION COMMISSIONS' REPORTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-28

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