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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of llis Excellency.

The Hon. the Ministeh ra Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department to His Excellency the Governor. My Lord ' Inspection of Machinery Department, Wellington. 7th July, 1911. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Inspection of Machinery Department of the Dominion for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I h . m , &c _ J. A. Millar, Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department. His Excellency the Right Hon. Baron Islington, Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand.

The Chief [nspectok of Machinery to the Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department. Inspection of Machinery Department. SIR,— Customhouse Buildings, Wellington. 20th April 1911 *™ ..• honour to submit herewith the annual report on the operations of the Inspection ol Machmery Department during the twelve months which ended on the 31st .March. 1911. The work of the Department has covered practically every district of New Zealand and as machmery is introduced in the backblocks in the country for dairying, sawmilling and general farm-work, so much further has the Inspector of Machinery to go in cadi succeeding year The work generally has gone on smoothly throughout the year. Very were made and these were mostly taken against owners for employing uncertificated engine-drivers to take charge of engines and boilers that required to be in charge of certificated drivers In some districts it is very difficult for an owner to replace a. certificated driver, who leaves his position hastilyowing to there being no qualified unemployed drivers available. During the year I visited most of the outside offices of the Department, and haw discussed with the local Inspectors many points with reference to the working of their districts, and the work connected with the surveying of ships During these visits I have also met a great main of the shipowners, ironmasters and engineers The engineering trade has not been very busy during tin- year. The gas and oil engine, and (fasproducer engine seem to lie displacing the steam-engine, except where steam is required for manu lacturing purposes. Most of the engines referred to are imported, and are sold at prices against which it would be almost impossible for firms m the Dominion to compete. This is not only a "real monetary loss to the Dominion, but it also restricts the education of our young and rising engineers in the engineering trade, who miss the opportunity of seeing such machinery manufactured" and handled while they arc serving their apprenticeship. The gas-engine has evidently come to stay as a cheap power, and in Great Britain and on the Continent of Europe the experiment is being tried of introducing this engine as motive power for the propulsion of ships. Circular instructions were issued during the year to all Inspectors with respect to the making of a very rigid and careful inspection of boilers that had been over twenty years in use ; special rules fo'-

I—H. 15a.



arriving at the proper pressure to be assigned to conical-end construction-work used in boiler and digester crowns and end plates ; with respect to Inspectors issuing written notices to owners for all repairs required to be effected in connection with boilers ; special instructions as to the guarding of circular saws to insure greater protection from accident to workers; special instructions with respect to the fitting of some automatic starting-appliance to all gas and oil engines above a certain cylinderdiameter ; and instructions as to the carriage of inflammable and other dangerous goods on board steamships. Special instructions in the use of the autogenous welding and cutting-out process as applied to the repairs of boilers and hulls of steamships have also been issued. This process has been successfully used in New Zealand during the past year for the first time both on boilers and ship-repairs. The Board of Trade in Great Britain have sanctioned the use of this process in repairing boilers, for building up the wasted edges of plates and repairing cracks in the landings of furnaces and other parts of boilers which are not subject to tensile stresses, and have also advised that the parts, after repair, should be well tested by the surveyor with a hammer-test. If the boiler-repairs have been of an extensive nature, the boiler should be tested by hydraulic pressure, after the repairs are completed, to a suitable pressure, and at subsequent surveys special attention should be directed to the parts which have been treated by this process. With respect to the cutting-out of the damaged portions of boilers and hulls by this process, the Board of Trade leave it to the surveyor to satisfy himself that such work has been successfully carried out. The ordinary surveys of steam-vessels and sailing-vessels and the surveys for seaworthiness have all been attended to, and this work was practically up to date at the close of the. year. No boilerexplosion has occurred during the year, and no defects in steamships have occurred that can be traced to faulty or inefficient supervision on the part of any surveyor. Additional shipping-survey work is provided for by the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1909. Inspection of Machinery Act. The principal Act was amended last session. Some of the most important alterations are the following: When a, certificated engine-driver has to be in charge of a winding-engine when raising men and, under certain conditions, when raising material is clearly defined in section 2. Provision is made in section .'! for the issue of elect ric-wiiiding-engine drivers' service certificates. By section I the controlling of the generation or use in any building of carbon-monoxide gas or other dangerous gas for motive or lighting purposes is provided for. In section 5 the schedule of fees in the principal Act was altered so as to reduce the fees for the inspection of steam-vessels under steam, and also the fees for inspection of electric motors. A maximum fee in each case was introduced which has considerably lessened the fees to users of both steam-vessels and electric motors. Electric-tram Drivers' Certificates. An Act to amend the Tramways Act of 1908 was made last session. Section 2of this amendment contains eleven clauses in which provision is made for the issue of electric-tram drivers' certificates. The examinations will be controlled by the Minister in charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department. Boilers inspected. The usual amount of boiler-inspection work has been accomplished this year, and compares favourably with the work done last year as to the number of inspections and the ground covered. Some very remote and scattered boilers have been inspected this year. There were 6,212 boilers inspected, and certificates have been issued for these. The machinery driven by these boilers was also well examined. This branch of the work- was not all overtaken during the year, owing to the illness of some of the Inspectors ; but I hope to be able to cover the arrears of boiler-inspections this year. During the year 543 drawings of new boilers were submitted for the Department's ruling. These were very carefully examined before granting a working-pressure. A great many alterations were made to these plans before granting the boiler-pressures desired by the owners. There has been very little correspondence this year from abroad concerning the Dominion's rules for boiler-construction, as our rules are now fairly well known to most of the principal makers of machinery who export steam machinery to New Zealand. Government Boilers and Machinery. The boilers and machinery used by the Government at their various works and institutions in the Dominion that were examined during the year total 140. and include eighty-nine boilers, twelve lifts, eighteen oil-engines, nine gas-engines, nine electric motors, and three water-turbines. Certificates were issued in each case, and repairs and renewals effected where required. Defects of Boilers and Fittings. During the year 1,166 defects were discovered in boilers and their fittings. Of this number, twenty-four were very dangerous, and if the defects had not been ascertained by timely inspection they would no doubt have caused serious damage to life and property. Return No. 2 gives a complete list of the defects discovered. New Boilers. A total of 543 new boilers have been added to our books during the year. Their total horse-power amounts to Of this number. 383 boilers, of 3,336$ total horse-power, were made in the Dominion.



The. following table shows the number and horse-power of these boilers, and the districts to which they have gone : —

Gas- and Water-driven Machinery, Lifts, and Machinery Inspections. The oil-engine, is being rapidly introduced as a power, especially in country and remote districts. and is superseding the steam-engine where the work is of an intermittent nature and scattered over a wide area. It is used in farm-work especially for many power purposes, and in the hands of careful attendants the results are very satisfactory, as it can be used at a moment's notice, and is in a portable form. The lifts have been carefully inspected, and in some of the passenger-lifts where the speeds are high very close and detailed inspections were made. In forty-eight cases new ropes were ordered, in seventeen new chains, and in twenty-one the chains were ordered to be annealed. During the year a total of 6,123 inspections were made, including 1,489 gas-engines and 1.717 oil-engines. The number of lifts and motors examined, including water and electric motors, was 2,782, also 135 steam-machinery inspections. Fencing of Machinery. The guarding of machinery in motion has been very carefully looked to during the year, and in every case where guarding had to be enforced no objection or trouble has anseu with any owner. It is difficult to provide protection from danger in the case of every machine or appliance, but guarding is provided so far as this can be done without impairing the efficiency of the machinery. Return No. 4 gives full particulars of the guarding done. Examination of Land Engineers and Engine-drivers. Examinations have been held at the following places during the year : Auckland.* Alexandra,* Balclutha, Christchurch,* Cromwell,* Dunedin,* Eketahuna, Gisborne,* Greymouth,* Hamilton,* llavelock. Invercargill.* Karamea, Kawakawa. Napier,* Nelson,* Paeroa. Palmerston North,* Pongaroa, Timaru,* Waihi. WanganuL* Wellington.* Westport, and Whangarei. Seventeen candidates sat for the extra first-class engineer's certificates, and fourteen of them passed ; 132 sat for the first-class engine-driver's certificate, sixty-four of whom passed ; 209 sat for the second-class engine-driver's certificate, and 146 passed ; thirty sat for the winding-engine driver's certificate, and twenty-five passed ; 211 sat for the locomotive-and traction-engine driver's certificate, and 151 passed. The total number of candidates who sat for examination was 599. The Board of Examiners sat six times during the year at Wellington. Reciprocal certificates were issued to applicants who held certificates from other States as follows : Victoria, 7 ; New South Wales. 1 ; Western Australia. 2 ; Tasmania, 3 ; Queensland. 2 ; and Canada, 4. Returns Nos. 7 to 12, inclusive, give full particulars of those who passed these examinations, together with the different grades and classes of examination. Accidents. It is pleasant to be able to report that no boiler-explosion has occurred during the year, and the Department certainly takes some of the credit for I his. During the twenty-one years that 1 have been connected with the Department only two boiler-explosions, so far as I know, have occurred. One explosion occurred at a sawmill al Waikauae, and the other at a sawmill at Kumara. In each

'- Places al which examinations have been held more than once during the year.

Local. Imported. Total. mportei Total. District. Auckland ... Auckland Souiii Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington North Wellington . . Marlborough Nelson North Nelson South Westland Canterbury Canterbury South Otago Southland ... N«mbe, *£ Number. f™'. dumber. »£ —- j 50 714* 30 902f 80 1,617* 19 33H ti 27 25 358| 16 89" 18 293i 34 382| 19 138 2 14 21 152' 15 295 12 192 27 487 50 11 161 6i &20i 6 38i ... ... 6 38| 25 57 13 159 38 516 3 139 3 28 6 167 10 130-1- 4" 254 14 155,' 49 259£ 19 338" 68 5974 24 149* 10 83 34 232-i 54 114J 19 70 73 1841 43 421 13 99 56 520" Totals ... 1 . 383 3,336* 160 2,692| 543 6,029^2,692; 543 6.029J- ,



case employees were killed. This certainly is a very fine record, for during that time over 70,000 boiler-inspections have been made. This year alone some 6,212 boiler-inspections were reported. I trust that nothing in the future will mar such a record. During the las! twenty years pressures have increased more than 50 per cent., and this demands more careful boiler-examination at the Inspectors' hands. A number of accidents with machinery took place during the year. Some of the accidents were fatal. 11 is difficult to eliminate accidents to those who have to be amongst moving machinery. With the every-dav working in close proximity to danger the employee often becomes careless, and takes risks thai frequently lead in accident. Returns Nos. 5 and 6 give full particulars of each reported accident. Postal and Police Departments. Both the Postal and Police Departments have rendered valuable assistance to this Department. The Police Department has especially assisted in prosecution cases and in making inquiries concerning those steam-users who failed to take up their certificates. Machinery-owners are losers in this respect, as a considerable reduction is made for certificates taken up on or before the due date. Examination of Marine Engineers. All the candidates whose papers were in order were examined during the year, and nothing has occurred to mar the efficient and smooth working of our system of examination for marine engineers throughout the Dominion. Examinations were conducted at Auckland.* Christchurch,* Dunedin.* Gisborne, Orcvniouth.* Hamilton,* Ilokitika, tnvercargill,* Napier.* Nelson,* Palmerston North, Russell. Timaru,* Wanganui,* Wellington,* and Whangarei.* The nominal horse-power of one steam-vessel was increased during the year to bring it up to uol less than 6(i-nominal-horse power. This rendered the ship one on which an engineer might qualify for examination for the second-class engineer's certificate, and enabled one of the ship's engineers to sit for his second-class certificate. The candidates who sat for examination during the year numbered 273. Of this number, fiftyfailed. The different grades of examination were : first-class marine engineer, second-class marine engineer, third-class marine engineer, river engineer, marine-engine driver, first-class engineer of auxiliary sea-going powered vessels, second-class engineer of auxiliary sea-going powered vessels, and restricted-limits engineer of auxiliary-powered vessels. The fees for these examinations amounted to £240 10s. Return No. l."> gives the names of the successful candidates and the various grades for which I hey passed, the total number of applicants, lees payable, and the number of candidates who failed to pass such examinations. Explosives. Al the Port of Wellington 17b permits were granted for Ihe carriage of explosives on passenger and non-passenger ships. Annual Survey of Steamships ami Adxiliary-powered Vessels. At the close of the year this branch of the Departments' work was well up to date. Several new vessels were built in New Zealand during the year, and during the whole period of their construction were under the close supervision of the Department's Surveyors. Forty-seven of the vessels surveyed were fitted with new propeller-shafts, nine had new propellers fitted, two had new propeller-blades fitted, one had a new propeller-boss fitted, one had new engines installed, two had new high-pressure cylinders fitted, and three had new boilers provided. The total number of surveys made during the year-total 362. The fees for these surveys amounted to £2,058 10s. A great many steamer excursion-trips were run during the year, both in harbour and daylight home-trade limits : a large number of passengers being carried without mishap. In the intercolonial trade numerous applications for extra accommodation for passengers were made, and after the additional berths and equipments were provided these requests were granted. Return No. 14 gives the total number of steamers and of auxiliary-powered vessels surveyed by the Surveyors of the Department during the year. It also gives their names and registered tonni the nominal horse-power and indicated horse-power of steam vessels, the brake horse-power of auxiliary-powered vessels, and the mil tire of machinery and propeller. The following are the details of survey in the case of several of the ships : S.S. " Beatrice." —The boiler was taken out of this vessel, and a new boiler-bed and chocks fitted. The boiler was tested by hydraulic pressure before being placed on board. S.s. " Curiiina." Several plates and stiiTcners in the bunkers of this vessel were renewed. The combustion-chambers' plating of the main boiler was patched at the defective pans. The engines and machinery received a general overhaul. O.E.V. " Colleen." —This vessel received an extensive overhaul. A new oil-engine of 20 brake horse-power was fitted. All the planking above the water-line was renewed, and two planks below the water-line. Six frames and the copper sheathing were renewed. The planking and timbers of the hull were refastened throughout.

i: Places .n which examinations have been held more than once during the year.



S.B. " Claymore." The engines and boiler of this vessel were removed. The hull was cut in two. and a new piece was added to lengthen the hull 20 ft. An extra watertight bulkhead was titled abaft the main engines. New port and starboard bilge-keels. 60 ft. long, and new coal-bunkers were fitted. The main engines and all auxiliaries received a thorough overhaul. The register tonnage of this vessel was altered from 99-98 to 119-16. 8.8. " Condor." —In the port mam boiler of this vessel the combustion-chamber and back tubeplate were cut out and renewed, and the boiler was afterwards tested by hydraulic pressure. Dredge " Eileen Ward." —This large and powerful twin-screw suction dredge was built in Paisley to the order of the West port Harbour Hoard, and she was surveyed for the first time this year. Her principal dimensions are 205 ft. by 3ti-2 ft. by 16 ft. 9 in. Tonnage—Gross, 1,023 ; register. 172. The engines are triple-expansion surface-condensing, with cylinders 13 in.. 23 in., and 34 in. diameters, and the length of stroke is 22J in. There are two main boilers. I I ft. 9 in. diameter, 10 ft. (i in. long. and working at a pressure of 180 lb. to the square inch. The suet ion-dredge pumps can raise 3.000 tons of material per hour from a depth of 40 ft. S.S. " Olenelg." —This vessel was fitted with a new bridge-deck, and received an extensive general overhaul. Dredge " Hapai." This vessel is a twin-screw bucket hopper dredger of the stern-well type, and was built in Paisley for the Auckland Harbour Board. She was surveyed for the first time this year. Her principal dimensions are 205 ft. by 40 ft. by 14 ft. 9 in. Tonnage—Gross, 867; register. 364. The engines are triple-expansion surface-condensing, cylinders 15 in.. 21 in., and 39 in. diameters, and length of stroke 21 in. There are two main boilers, 12 ft. diameter. 10 ft. long, and working at a pressure of 170 lb. per square inch. The vessel has been designed to raise 1,200 tons per hour from a. depth of toft. S.s. " Haupiii." This vessel had an extensive overhaul last survey. In the forepeak some new frames, reverse bars, stringer-angles, and one new plate were put in. A new collision bulkhead was tilted. In the forecabin there were fitted ten new gusset-plates and four new reverse bars. In the forehold six new gusset-plates and one new plate were fitted. In the after 'tween-decks three new web frames, four new frames, two new reverse bars, and eleven new gusset-plates were fitted. In the after-hold eleven new reverse bars and seventeen new plates were fitted. Several new sheathingplates were fitted to the saloon-deck and to the outside of hull, and seven new plates were fitted to the bunkers. O.E. V. " Huanui." —This is a new vessel, surveyed for the first time this year. The hull, which is of wood, was built in Auckland. The principal dimensions are !»() ft. by 21 ft. by 6-5 ft. Tonnage (iross. 139 ; register, 59. The. propelling machinery is a three-cylinder oil-engine of 45 b.h.p. 8.8. " lima." —The propeller-shaft of this vessel was drawn and a new propeller-boss and sternbush fitted. The thrust-bearing was remetalled and bored out. A new length of (i ft. was put on top of the funnel and a new casing at the bottom fitted, besides other repairs to hull, boiler, and machinery. 8.8. " Hauroto." —At the last survey of this vessel the h.p. cylinder was bored out and a spare forward crank-shaft fitted. All bearings were remetalled and lined up. Several new stays were fitted to the tube-plates of the main boiler. S.B. " Hananui 11." —This is a new whaling-vessel, owned in Auckland, and surveyed for the •irst time this year. Her principal dimensions are 90 ft. by 19 ft. by 11-16 ft. Tonnage —Gross. 127: register, 11. The engines are triple-expansion surface-condensing: diameters of cylinders. II in.. 18 in., and 30 in. ; length of stroke. 20 in. : boiler-pressure. ISO lb. per square inch. O.E.V. " Jane."—The hull of this wooden vessel was extensively repaired. All the copper was stripped off the bottom. Sixty-four new frames were fitted, also nine strakes of new lining and seven of outside planking fitted. The whole of the hull was caulked, the bottom felted and sheathed with heart of totara. T.S.s. " Kaitoa." —This vessel was built in Glasgow for Nelson owners. Her principal dimen sioiis are 130 ft. by 22-5 ft. by 9-46 ft. Tonnage (Iross. 303 : register, 1 18. The propelling machinery consists of two sets of compound surface-condensing engines, with cylinders of 10;* in. and 24 in. diameters, and a length of stroke of IS in. There is one main and one donkey boiler working at 110 lb. and 1001b. pressure per square inch respectively. This vessel is engaged in the cargo trade. T.S.S. " Kotltunui." This is the first survey of this vessel, which has been built of wood in Auckland. Her principal dimensions are, 105 It. by 21 ft. by 8 ft. Tonnage —Gross, 171; net, 98. Her engines are compound surface-condensing, with cylinder-diameters of 8 in. and 18 in., and a length of stroke of 10 in., and were also made in Auckland. The boiler is of the Scotch multitubular type, and was built in Glasgow. S.s. " Koiehai." This vessel, surveyed for the first time this year, was built in Middlesborough. and is engaged in the coastal cargo trade. Her dimensions are: Length. 193 ft.; beam, 30ft.; depth (moulded), 13-95 ft. The machinery consists of one set of triple-expansion surface-condensing engines, with cylinders 16 in.. 27 in., and II in. diameters, and a stroke of 30 in., driven from two multitubular boilers of ISO lb. per square inch working-pressure. T.S.s. " Koi." —This vessel was lengthened 16 ft. 8 in. from the break of the bridge-deck forward, and the after-deck was raised 3 ft. from the break of the bridge-deck aft. T.S.s. " Maori." At the last survey of this vessel a new h.p. turbine was fitted. Dredge " Maui." This dredge, which was surveyed lor the first time this year, was built in Scotland lor the Gisborne Barbour Board. She is a twin-screw-, stern-well, combined bucket-ladder, trailing suction-pipe, hopper dredge, 168 ft. long by 31-15 ft. beam by II ■ I ft. deep. The propellingengines have cylinders of I I in.. 17 in., and 28 in. diameters, with a stroke of 21 in. Steam is supplied by two multitubular boilers. 12 It. diameter by 10ft. long, working at a pressure of 160 lb. per square inch. Her tonnage is 558 gross and 251 register. The hopper-capacity is 100 tons, and the dredgingdepth 26 ft,



S.s. " Orewa." —This vessel received a good overhaul to her engines, boiler, and hull. A new kauri keel was fitted. The deck in the starboard alley-way and the deck-plating were renewed. The sternpost was cut out and a new one of hardwood fitted. P.B. " Osprey." — This vessel was laid up for a thorough overhaul. New outer rims, seven new anus, and new floats were lilted to both paddle-wheels. An entire new bottom was put in the hull from port to starboard turn of bilge, and all intercostals, angles, and reverse frames were renewed where required. S.s. " Onewa." This is a new vessel, surveyed for the first time this year. and. was built, as were her engines and boilers, in Auckland. Her dimensions are 76 ft, by 18-6 It. by 5-3 ft. Tonnage — Gross, 74: net. 31. Engines Cylinder-diameters loin, and 19 in. by loin, stroke: working boilerpressure. 130 lb. per square inch. Dredge " Paritutu." This twin-screw dredger, which was built in Paisley for the New Plymouth Harbour Board, was surveyed lor the first time this year. The dredger is of the stern-well type, and, in addition to the buckets lor lifting clay, is fitted with a powerful suction-pump for raising sand. Her dimensions are ISO ft. by 34-15 ft. by 13 ft. The tonnage is 564 gross, and 233 net. The propelling machinery consists of two sets of triple-expansion surface-condensing engines with cylinder-diameters of II in.. 18 in., and 30 in. by 22in. stroke, supplied with steam from two Scotch multitubular boilers. II It. 9 in. diameter by 10 ft. long, working al a pressure of 160 lb. per square inch. 8.8, " Turinni." A new rudder and rudder-post were fitted to this vessel at last survey. The main hatches in the main 'tween-decks were made Bft. longer. The after deck-house was removed and the main deck closed in. The machinery and boilers were also overhauled. This vessel had been ashore at Westport for a long time. S.s. "Te Pioneer." This wooden vessel, of which the plans and specifications were submitted to the Department before the construction of the vessel had begun, was built at Aratapu, for the. Kaipara Harbour trade. Her dimensions are 65 ft. by 14 ft. by 6 ft. 5 in., and her tonnage 36 gross and 25 register. The propelling machinery was made in Auckland, and consists of one set of compound engines, with cylinders Sin. and Hi in. diameters, with a stroke of 9 in., supplied with steam at a working-pressure of L4olb. per square inch. A multitubular marine boiler. 6ft. 5 in. diameter and 7 ft. 3 in. long, supplies the steam for the engines. S.s. " Te Whaka."- This single-screw hopper dredge was built in Port Glasgow for the Lyttelton Harbour Board, and surveyed for tin- first time this year. The vessel has a capacity of 350 tons per hour. Her principal dimensions are 120 ft. by 20-15 ft. by 12-55 ft. : her gross tonnage is 324, and the register tonnage 140. The engines are of the compound surface-condensing type, cylinder-dia-meters 16| in. and 33 in., stroke 21 in. Steam is obtained from a Scotch multitubular boiler. Inning 97,"> square feet of heating-surface. T.S.S. " WoAreka." This vessel, built in Dunedin, and surveyed during construction last year, is of sleek and is owned by the Peninsula Ferry Company, at Dunedin. Her dimensions are 112 ft. long by 20-5 ft. beam by 7-25 ft. moulded depth. The tonnage is 149 gross and 72 register. The pro polling machinery consists of two sets of triple-expansion surface-condensing engines, with cylinderdiameters 7| in.. lli in., and 19 in., with a stroke of 10 in., indicating 240 h.p. Steam is supplied at a pressure of 1901b. per square inch from a boiler of unusual type, a combination of the loco, and multitubular types, -with a heating-surface of 895 square feci. The accommodation for passengers is on the main deck and promenade deck, the number which may be carried in smooth water being 771. P.B. " Wakatere." This vessel had an extensive overhaul to her hull, engines, and boilers. The forward sponson of the port paddle-wheel was renewed, forty-eight new tubes were put in the main boiler, and several patches caulked. The h.p. valve-chamber was bored out. new rings fitted to the piston-valve, and several minor repairs effected. T.S.s. " Waverley."- This vessel was laid up for an extensive overhaul. A new boiler. S ft. dia meter by Bft. Gin. long. Inning a heating-surface of 506 square feet, was fitted. Thirty feet of doubling-plate was fitted on the centre keel-plate, and two defective plates on the side of the bridge were renewed. New bunkers on both sides were fitted. The bridge-deck was partly renewed with kauri planking, and the alley-way and poop-decks relaid. The engine-cylinders were bored out, and new pistons fitted. New h.p. piston-valves, crank-brasses, air and circulating pump rods and buckets were fitted. Sur\'evs ok Sums for Seaworthiness. Quite a number of special surveys of steamships were, made during the year. The reasons for making these surveys will be seen on Return No. 16, which gives full particulars in each case. The repairs in some instances took several weeks to complete. The following were amongst the most important of these surveys : — S.B. " Kaipara." This vessel struck a rock in Rangiloto Channel when leaving Auckland. She sank in the channel, was refloated, docked, and repaired at Auckland. The repairs involved an extensive overhaul of the hull, plating, and frames. S.s. " Iniirailrri." The damage in this case was caused through a fire breaking out in the fore 'tween-decks, which spread lo the forecastle. This necessitated the renewal of the fittings in the forecastle, repairs to the deck-beams, to the deck, and to the deck-plating. Some of the causes for these surveys include collisions, defective main steam-pipes, straiidings. loose propellers, propeller-blades snipped off. broken shafts, fires, defects to pumps and to valve spindles of engines, and defects in hulk, such as loose rivets, and damaged rudders. A total of thirty-eight surveys were made; The fees for these surveys amounted to £100.



Government Stea m brs. The Government steamers surveyed and inspected this year include the s.s. " Amokura." s.s. " Antrim," s.s. " Ben Lomond," o.e.v. Defence Launch " W," s.s. " Hinemoa," s.s. " Janie Seddon." s.s. " Mountaineer," o.e.v. " Reremoana," s.s. " Taw r era," and s.s. " Tutanekai " : a total of ten. S.s. " Tutanekai." —This vessel had renewals made to main-boiler manhole-doors. The exhaustpipes for the cable-gear engine were altered to lead direct into main waste steam-pipe connection, and a connection was fitted so that the exhaust could be led direct into the auxiliary or the main condensers if necessary. S.s. " Hinemoa." —A general overhaul was given to this vessel during the year, the repairs taking some weeks. The contract was let to a southern firm, and was carried out at Lyttelton. Tin 1 repairs included new valves and studs to the air-pump. The main guide slipper was filled with Richards's plastic metal. The crank-shali was refilled up. The thrust-bearing was refined and fitted. All quadrant bars for main slide- and expansion-valve gears were trued up. and all brasses refined and fitted. The slide-valve faces received attention where required. A new high-pressure eccentric sheave was made and fitted. Roth balance-cylinders were bored out true, and new pistons fitted complete. Repairs to feed-pumps were effected. New junk-ring bolts were fitted to both main-engine pistons. The steering-engine and the dvnan ngines were thoroughly overhauled. The windlass had a new crank-shaft fitted, and a thorough overhaul. The fore winch had new keys fitted to gearing. The rudder and connection were thoroughly overhauled, and several repairs made to hull. The main boilers were caulked where required, and some old patches were taken off and re jointed. A I rial run was made after completion, when all the work in the engine-room was found lo lie quite satisfactory. S.s. " Amokura." During the year repairs were effected to this vessel's main engines and boilers, and to the hull and other finings. In tin- engine-room the high-pressure piston-valve liner was drawn, and a. new one fitted. The intermediate piston-valve liner was also drawn, and a new one fitted. The guide-shoes of the low-pressure engine were relined and refitted. The main discharge-valve had a. new spindle and nuts fitted. The main-boiler furnace-doors, furnace-bearers, smoke-box doors, and funnel-dampers were overhauled and repaired where necessary. Repairs were also effected to ash-hoist. to engine-room escape-door, to ventilators, to hammock fittings, to stanchions on the forecastle and poop decks, and to sluice- valves, and new doors were fitted to gangways. f'.s. " Mountaineer." -The piston-rod glands and neck-rings were rebushed. The high-pressure slide-valve spindle was turned up. and new bushes were fitted to the gland and neck rings. The roeking-shaft bearings were all relined up with white -metal, and the shaft refitted. Additional Steamers and Vessels surveyed for the First Time. Twenty-six new steamers and vessels fitted with oil-engines as auxiliary power have been surveyed for the first time during the past year. The names of these vessels are as follows : " Dreadnought,-"* " Eileen Ward," "Eliza,"* " Endor,"* " Hananui II," " Hapai," " Huanui,"* " Kaitoa," " Kiwi,"* " Koutunui,' " Kowhai," " Mangakura,"* "Maui," " Ngatoro," ''Nikau," " Onewa," " Paritutu." "Planet," " Sea Queen I."* " Taipo,"* " Te Pioneer," "Te Whaka." "The Minerva." " Turanga,"* " Waireka," "Will Watch."* Sailing-ships. Fourteen sailing-ships were surveyed during the year. In nearly all cases some repairs were effected to these ships, or some, additions made to their equipments. The repairs consisted chiefly in renewals to copper sheathing, repairs to rigging, renewals of masts and spars, the overhaul and renewal of steering-gear, and repairs to pintles and plating of rudders, repairs and renewals to hull plating and planking, and caulking generally. The boilers carried hy some of the vessels for cargo and other purposes received a thorough inspection, and timely repairs in some cases. The wooden vessel "Jessie Nicol" received a very considerable overhaul, which included repairs to bulwark and stanchions, and repairs to hull planking both on port and starboard sides, renewal of covering-hoard planking, repairs to Copper sheathing, repairs to rigging, and general overhaul of equipments. Return No. 15 gives the names of these vessels, their gross and registered tonnage measurements, class of vessel, and the number of times surveyed. The total fees for the survey of these sailing-vessels amounted to £110 15s. Districts and Inspectors. Inspector Dalrymple, of the Wanganui district, was transferred to the Auckland district, and Inspector Suisted succeeded him at Wanganui. Inspector Mackenzie was transferred to the Westland district. Inspector Williamson, of the Timaru district, assisted in the Southland and Marlborough districts for some weeks in each case. Inspector Hood, of the Nelson district, assisted in the Wellington district for six weeks. Inspector C'ullen, of the Palmerston North district, assisted in the Wanganui district for about two months; Inspector Kydd of the Wellington and Inspector Crawford of the Otago districts assisted inthe Hawke's Ray district for several weeks. Mr. Alfred Everard Macindoe was appointed to the position of Inspector of Machinery. Surveyor of Ships, and Examiner of Marine Engineers and of Land Engineers and Engine-drivers. He was for many years chief engineer of the s.s. " Rarawa." trading between Onehunga and New Plymouth. He began his duties on the Ist February. 1911, and has been attached to the Wellington office staff meantime. During the year several of the Inspectors had long illnesses, which entailed considerable extra work on the others.

* Oil-engine vessels.



I have appreciated very highly the work of the whole staff in trying to cope with their work under these adverse circumstances, and in view of the increased work of the year. In many cases it meant working long hours to overtake their duties. Returns. Appended are the returns in detail, numbered from 1 to 18 : — 1. Number and class of boilers inspected, and fees payable thereon : the machinery inspected. and the fees payable ; and the classes and numbers of engine-drivers' certificates issued, and the fees payable therefor. 2. Return of defects found on inspection of boilers. 3. Return of notices given to repair boilers. 4. Return of notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery. 5. Return of accidents which were not fatal, (i. Return of accidents which proved fatal. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11, and 12. Names of all persons to whom land, stationary, winding, and locomotive and traction certificates of competency and service have been granted during the year. 13. hist of persons who were examined and passed for marine engineers' certificates of competency. 11. Return of steamers and oil-engined vessels surveyed during the year. 15. Return of sailing-vessels surveyed during the year. 16. Return of vessels surveyed for seaworthiness, &c, during the year. 17. Return showing sums earned or received and amount spent during the financial year lor inspection of machinery, examination of engineers and engine-drivers, and survey of steamers and sailingvessels. IK. Return showing the names of ow-tiers of boilers which require to be in charge of certificated engine drivers. I have, &c.. Robert Duncan, Chief Inspector of Machinery. Chief Surveyor of Ships, and Chief Examiner of Marine Engineers and Land Engine-drivers. The lion, the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department.


H. -15a


No. 1. (a.) Return showing the Number of Land Boilers and Machinery for which Certificates were issued during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911.

Class. Machinery. Number. Hydraulic lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 282 Gas-lifts ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 36 Electric lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 221 Steam-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 Oil-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Gas, hydraulic, and electric-motor hoists ... ... ... ... 367 Water-engines, water and electric motors, and water-wheels ... ... 1,474 Peltons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 238 Turbines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 108 Gas-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,489 Oil-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,717 Steam machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... 135 Total ... ... ... ... ... 6\l23 Summary. Boilers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,212 Machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,123 Total ... ... ... ... 12,335 (6.) Return showing the Fees payable for the Inspection op Boilers and "Machinery, and for the Issue of Engine-drivers' Certificates during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911. Fees payable—On boilers, £7,122 10s. : on machinery, £2,244 10s.; for engine-drivers' certificates issued, £449 10s.: total, £9,816 10s. The cash actually received for boilers and machinery inspected, and paid into the Public Account, amounted to £8,900 15s. The difference is represented by unpaid fees. The cash actually received and paid into the Public Account for engine-drivers' application fees amounted to £647 5s. This amount includes fees for certificates not yet issued.

(c.) Return showing the Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding, Locomotive, and Traction, and to Steam Stationary-engine Drivers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911.

2—H. 15a.

Boilers. Class. Not exoeeding 5-horse Power. Exceeding 5-but Exoeeding not exceeding , n £~""""i"'B 10-horse Power. 10 " horse Power ' Total. Itationary ... 'ortable I ... | 1,869 162 955 1,161 ! —i— 1,712 363 4,526 1,686 Totals i— 2,021 2,116 2,075 6,212

Glass of Certificate. Number of Certificates issued. . Fees received. 1 Number of Certificates issued. Tot Total. tal. Fees received. iteam winding— Competency ... jocomotive and traction— Competency Competency ... iteam stationary— Service—First class Competency — Extra first class First class ... Second class... Second class... 26 1 166 £ a. 26 0 0 10 166 0 d. 0 0 0 26 167 £ b. d. 26 0 0 166 10 0 2 0 10 0 14 75 1 167 14 0 75 0 0 10 167 0 0 0 0 0 259 452 257' 0 0 452 £449 10 0


No. 2.—Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911.


L—15a. - 10 o. 2. -Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911. Description of Defeote. n„ .,„„.,...„ Defective in I Dangerous. LeBS er Degree. i Total. A number of rivets in furnace bad A number of rivets in shell bad All screwed stays in firebox bad Angle-iron collar on top end of uptake defective Back tube-plate bulged Back tube-pate corroded Badly pitte I inside shell Boilers di Ky inside Bolts in usset-stays defective Bottom of combustion-chamber wasted Bottom of firebox thin Bottom of shell defective Bottom of shell thin Bottom row of tubes bad Brickwork-setting defective Bulged under bottom of shell Circumferential seams wasted Corroded internally Coupling-pins in longitudinal stays bad Cracked slightly in firebox Cracked slightly at a number of rivet-holes (racked under bottom of shell Crown of boiler wasted Crown of firebox and girders buckled Crown of firebox pitted badly Crown of firebox slightly bulged Crown of firebox wasted Crown of firebox wasted (pressure reduced) Crown of steam-dome wasted Crown-plate pitting badly Eight rivets defective in shell Eight rivets in gusset-stay defective Eight screwed stays in firebox bad Blight tubes bad Eighteen screwed stays in firebox bad Eighteen tubes bad Eighty screwed stays in firebox bad Eleven rivets in front end plate defective Eleven screwed stays in firebox bad. Fifteen rivets in shell bad Fifty screwed stays in firebox bad Firebox badly pitted Firebox, general waste Firebox sides bulged Firebox sides thin Firebox thin (pressure reduced) Firebox wasted on outside shell Five rivets in circumferential seam bad Five rivets in foundation-ring defective Forty screwed stays in firebox bad Foundation-rings round bottom of firebox defective Four rows of tubes bad Fourteen tubes bad Front tube-plate wasted Furnace-crowns wasted Furnace thin Furnace wasted at end over flanging Calloway tubes thin General deterioration (pressure reduced) Girders on crown of firebox wasted Girder-stays defective Grooved at end seams Grooved at foundation-ring Grooved on furnace-crown Grooved round uptake on crown of firebox 2 :: : ! ; ::■ I l 2 58 1 1 2 1 . :: 1 2 7 5 3 15 1 3 1 1 7 I 8 2 i 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 4 2 3 5 3 :: ! I i 4 1 1 2 .... 2 1 1 56 2 I 1 4 1 I ' 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 58 1 1 2 I 6 2 25 9 2 7 5 3 I 3 I 1 7 y 2 1 1 1 I _ 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 tj 3 5 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 56 o 1 1 4 1 1



No. 2.—Return of Defects- continued.

-No. 2.—Return of Defects r. —'. ,BTUBN O! 'efects - continue.! s — continue* :d. Description of Defects. Dangeroue. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. Grooved round uptake and vertical seams .. I Grooved slightly at back end of furnace Gusset-stays defective Laminated plates in bottom of shell . . Leaky seams Longitudinal seams wasted Longitudinal stays wasted Manhole-doors bad .. .. .. ; Manhole-door riveting bad . . . . . . Manhole-door spigots defective .. .. Manhole-door studs bad Manhole-opeiiintis in shell wasted Mud-drums thin Mudhole-doors bad Mudhole-door dogs bad Mudhole-door studs bad Nine tubes bad Patches defective Pitting badly in bottom plate Pitting badly in places Pitting on crown of firebox Pitting slightly internally Rivets in cross-tube defective Rivets in gusset-stay defective Rivets in manhole compensating-ring bad Rivets in mud-drum flange defective Rivets in steam-dome defective Rivets in tube-plate defective Seventy screwed stays in firebox bad Several rivets bad in furnace Several rivets bad in shell Several rivets in foundation-ring defective Several rivets in gusset-stays defective Several screwed stays in firebox bad Several stay-nuts on firebox-crown bad Several tubes bad Shell wasted at bottom .. . . Shell wasted at crown of boiler .. .. Shell wasted at foundation-ring .. Shell wasted at mudhole-openings .. Shell wasted externally .. Shell wasted under steam-dome .. Shell wasted where blow-off cocks jointed to boiler Shell wasted where check-valve chests jointed to boiler Shell wasted where safety-valve chests jointed to boiler Shell wasted where stop-valve chests jointed to boiler .. Sixteen screwed stays in firebox bad Sixteen tubes bad Steam-domes wasted Ten screwed stays in firebox bad .. .. t . Ten tubes bad Thirteen tubes bad Thirty-six screwed stays in firebox bad Top row of tubes bad Top tube-plates cracked Top tube-plates thin .. .. .. j Top tube-plates thin (pressure reduced) . . Tubes bad .. • • . • Tube-ends leaking Tubes pitted Tube-plates bad Tube-plates wasted Twelve screwed stays in firebox bad Twelve tubes bad .. .. .. .. Twenty screwed stays in firebox bad Twenty-six screwed stays in firebox bad . . . . j I I 1 I -I 2 1 3 13 I I 14 3 32 1 (I 1 11 1 1 2 •I 1 4 1 1 2 I 4 2 2 18 1 10 1 1 2 54 2 1 5 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 8 4 86 3 I 3 9 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 4 ■> 1 3 13 I !i ■I II ■ ) 32 I (t I II 1 1 2 I 1 •"> 4 1 1 2 I I 4 2 2 18 1 10 1 1 2 54 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 I 1 2 8 4 86 3 1 3 9 J 1 1 1



No. 2. —Return of Defects — continued.

Digesters found to be defective on Inspection during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911.

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Dange Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. Two longitudinal seams wasted Two rows of screwed stays in firebox bad Two stay-nuts bad Uptakes bad Uptakes wasted Uptakes wasted at flanging Vertical stays wasted Wasted at crown of firebox where fusible plug fitted Wasted at line of firebars Wasted round bottom of firebox Wasted round bottom of uptake \V;i;,t<;d round front of furnace Wasted round furnace-door Wasted under furnace-door and at throat-plate '' i I 1 1 1 6 1 2 3 2 12 1 2 3 1 1 I 1 1 6 1 •> m 3 2 12 1 2 3 1 Totals 14 692 706 i

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. A number of rivets defective All rivets in bottom end bad All rivets in circumferential seams (it top end bad All rivets in top end bad AH rivets in top end and crown-plate bad Holts in doors defective : were renewed Circumferential seams inside wasted Doors defective Eighty-eight rivets bad and all circumferential seams wasted Fifty rivets bad Forty rivets bad General deterioration (pressure reduced) .. New steel end fitted to replace cast-iron one .. Nineteen rivets bad and seams in top plate defective .. Ninety rivets bad and seams defective One bolt in top door bad One hundred rivets bad and seams defective Piping defective : was renewed Riveting in top seam bad and stays defective Seams defective Seventy rivets bad and seams defective .. Several rivets bad Several seams defective and riveting in bottom flange bad Shell wasted : patch fitted over thin portion Sixteen rivets bad and seams defective .. Ten rivets bad and seams defective .. .. Thirty-eight rivets bad and seams defective Top of digestor bad : new one fitted Top door bad and several seams defective Top seam of rivets bad .. .. .. Twelve rivets bad .. .. .. .. Twenty-four rivets bad .. .. .. Twenty rivets bad .. .. .. Two lugs on bottom door defective . . . . Wasted on top of digester .. .. .. . 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 8 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 ] 1 5 4 1 1 4 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 7 8 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 I r> l 4 1 1 1 :s 1 I I 2 I 1 3 1 1 Totals 10 55 i;:>



Defective Fittinos found on Inspection of Boilers, for which Notice was given to renew or repair during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911. I Bends of blow-off cocks defective : were renewed. 1 Bends of feed-pipes defective : have been renewed. 8 Blow-off cocks bad : have been renewed. 4 Blow-off cocks defective : were repaired. 5 Blow-off pipe-; had : have been renewed. 1 Brake-gear defective : has been put in order. 1 Crank-shaft of engine bent : was straightened. 1 Crank-shaft of engine fractured : was renewed. 2 Feed-check valve-chests and valves bad : have been renewed. 1 Feed-check valve defective : was renewed. 1 Feed-pumps defective : was repaired. 17 Ferrules fitted under spring-balance safety-valve levers. 1 Flywheel of engine defective : was repaired. 19 Fusible plugs defective : have been renewed. 123 Guards fitted to water-gauge glasses. 2 Injectors defective : were renewed. 1 Main steam-pipe defective : was repaired. 2 Main steam-pipe fitted with hangers. 13 Manhole-doors bad : have been renewed. 6 Manhole-door studs bad : have been renewed. 33 Mudhole-doors bad : were renewed. 10 Mudhole-door studs bad : were renewed. 1 New valve-chest fitted to feed-pump. 4 New worms fitted to steering-gear. 1 New ; worm-wheel fitted to stearing-gear. 2 Reducing-valves fitted. 4 Safety-valves bad : were renewed. 5 Safety-valves defective : were put in order. 3 Safety-valve springs bad : were renewed. 4 Spring balances defective : new ones fitted. 2 Steam-gauge pipes bad : were renewed. 1 Steam-pipe defective : was repaired. 10 Steam-pressure gauges defective : were renewed. 1 Steam stop-valve bad : was renewed. 2 Steering-gear of traction-engine defective : was put in order. 1 Steering-gear repaired and new brake fitted. 1 Stop-valve cover defective : was renewed. 4 Tapered mud-plugs defective : were renewed. 15 Test-cocks bad : have been renewed. 6 Test-cocks defective : were repaired. 30 Water-gauge mountings bad : were renewed. 12 Water-gauge mountings defective : have been repaired. 3 Water-gauge pipes bad : were renewed. Total .. 395

No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1911.

Number. T> pe. Description of Repairs. I 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 I 1 1 2 1 1 ' Cornish 5) • • it • • Cornish tubular . . Dryback marine . . i) ■ • Bottom half of shell cut out, and new bottom plates fitted. Brickwork repaired. New gusset-stays fitted. Several rivets renewed in flanges of cross-tubes. Three rivets renewed in shell. Eight rivets in gusset-stays renewed. One tube renewed. Patch fitted on furnace. Ketubed. Several bolts in gusset-stays renewed. Two patches fitted on bottom of boiler, and one new tube. Two pins in longitudinal stays renewed. Four new rivets put in front of furnace. Patch fitted on back tube-plate. Retubed. Steam-dome reriveted. Three rivets in bo ttom seam renewed.



No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers— continued.

'umber. TypeDescription of Repairs. 2 1 I 1 1 1 5 1 I I I 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 I 1 1 I ] 1 1 I 20 1 I I 1 2 i> 9 2 Lancashire .. ' Patch riveted over longitudinal seams. Two longitudinal seams oovered with joggled patches, and eighty rivets renewed. „ . . Two new Galloway tubes fitted. Lancashire tubular A number of rivets renewed in furnaces. Circumferential seams pared and caulked. Retubed. Locomotive . . Five new screwed stays put in firebox. „ . . New mudhole-door fitted. .. Patch fitted on bottom of firebox. „ . . Patch fitted on side of firebox. „ . . Patch fitted on bottom of outside of firebox, and eight new screwed stays fitted. ., .. Patch in firebox extended. .. Retubed. ,. . . Retubed, and defective patch renewed. „ .. Retubed, and fifty new screwed stays fitted in firebox ; patch fitted mi front tube-plate, and several rivets renewed. „ .. Retubed. and new tube-plate fitted. „ . . Sixteen screwed stays in firebox renewed. „ .. Tube-ends in firebox expanded. Twelve new screwed stays fitted in firebox. „ .. Twelve new tubes fitted. ,, .. Two patches fitted in firebox. Two sight-holes cut, and tapered plugs fitted. ,. .. Wasted part of front tube-plate sheathed. Manure-dryer . . Manhole-doors reriveted. „ .. New bottom fitted. ,. .. One new plate fitted in bottom. Marine .. Patch fitted in bottom of combustion-chamber, and two If in. barstays fitted through tube-plates. ,, .. Patch fitted over flanging at bottom of furnace . . Retubed. „ . . Several rivets in shell removed. Multitubular .. Bottom of circumferential seam reriveted. u .. Brickwork rebuilt, and several defective rivets renewed. ,, .. Brickwork repaired. ,, .. Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, and blow-off pipe fitted. ,, . . Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, and new mud-leg fitted. „ .. Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, and new plate fitted. „ .. Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, and patch riveted on. „ .. I Circumferential seams on bottom recaulked. ,, . . Compensating-rings fitted round manhole-openings. „ . . Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. „ . . Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-opening, and new dooi fitted. 1 1 2 I 1 1 •2 J ] i 1 o 2 I (i 1 1 14 3 „ . . Compensating-ring fitted round mudhole-opening, and three new tubes fitted. „ . . Compensating-ring fitted round mudhole-opening and manhole-door repaired. Cracked portion out but of bottom of shell, and patch riveted on. Defective plate cut out of bottom of shell, and new plate fitted. ,, .. j Fifteen rivets renewed in shell. Five new stay-tubes fitted. ■ .. ! Flanged compensating-rings fitted to manhole-openings. ,. . . Fourteen new tubes fitted. ,, . . Lamination cut out, and patch fitted. . . Manhole-door spigots renewed. Manhole-door spigots reriveted. Manhole-openings dressed out, and new doors fitted. Mudhole-openings dressed out, and new doors fitted. Mudhole-opening dressed out, and new spigot fitted to door. New manhole-doors fitted. ,, . . New manhole-door fitted, and compensating-ring round opening. New manhole-door aud new mud-drum fitted. ,, . . New mudhole-doors fitted. ,, .. New mudlegs fitted. )i



No. 3. —Return of Notices given to repair Boilers— continued.

umber. TypeDescription of Repairs. 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 I 1 I 16 1 I 1 I 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 I i \ I 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 7 I 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 •i 1 Multitubular j> *« >> >> >; ') •■ >J j> » \ Portable »» >; j> ' j >> j> j> j> >> j> >> >> >> j> New studs fitted in mud-doors. Patch fitted at blow-off cock and oompensating-ring mudhole opening. Patch fitted on bottom of steam-dome. Patch fitted on shell under blow-off rock. Patch fitted on side of shell where casing bolts to boiler. Patches fitted on tube-plates. Patch fitted under main stop-valve chest. Patches renewed. Patch riveted on steam-dome, and patch on shell in front of dome. Retubed. Retubed, and new shell-plate fitted in bottom. Retubed, and new longitudinal stay. Several rivets renewed in shell. Several new rivets put in manhole compensating-ring. Several new tubes fitted. Shell under steam-dome patched. Ten new tubes fitted. Thin portion'of plate in bottom of shell out out, and patch riveted on. A number of new screwed stays fitted in sides of firebox. All new screwed stays fitted in firebox, ten new tubes, and four new longitudinal stays. Compensating-rings fitted to manhole-openings. Compensating-rinirs fitted to mudhole-openings. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-opening, and sixteen new screwed stays in firebox. .. ' Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings, and two new doors Befitted. 1 Doubling-plate fitted roundjfire-deor opening, and ten new screwed stays in firebox. Eighteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Eighty new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Five new civets put in circumferential seam at front end. Forty new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Fourteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. .. i Hand-hole doors cut, and doors fitted for sighting. Longitudinal stays fitted with new coupling-pins. New girders fitted on crown of firebox. New girders fitted on crown of firebox, and several new screwed stays fitted in firebox. .. ! New manhole-door fitted. New mudhole-doors fitted. Patch fitted over crack in tube-plate. Patches fitted on crown of firebox. Patches fitted on foundation-ring. Patches fitted on front of firebox. Patches fitted on front of tube-plate. Patches fitted on shell under blow-off cock. Patches fitted on .shell tinder check-valve chest. Patches fitted under fire-door and on throat-plate, and all screwed stays in firebox renewed. Patches in firebox relieved. . . Retubed. Retubed, and new tube-plate fitted. Retubed, and six new screwed stays fitted in firebox. .. \ Retubed, and thirteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Retubed, and thirty new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Seven new tubes fitted. .. J Seventy new screwed stays fitted in firebox. .. i Several new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Sixteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Twelve new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Twenty new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Twenty-six new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Two new mud-doors fitted. Two patches renewed. Two patches on crown of firebox renewed, and eight new screwed stays fitted in firebox.

n. 15a


No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers — continued.

■lumber. Type- Description of Repairs. Type. Description of Repairs. _! j I ; Portable .. Two rows of screwed stays renewed in firebox. I .. .. Two rows of screwed stays renewed in throat-plate. 1 .. . . Wasted part of foundation-ring patched. 1 Semi-portable . . Four new screwed stays fitted in firobox. 1 .. .. One new longitudinal stay fitted. 2 .. .. Patches fitted in firebox. 1 „ .. Retubed. .1 Semi-tubular .. New compensating-ring fitted to manhole-opening. 1 .. .. New dog and stud fitted to mud-door. 1 ,, . . New studs fitted in mud-door. 2 ,, . . Patches renewed. 5 „ .. Retubed. 1 .. . . Several new nuts fitted on stay-tubes. 1 .. .. Several new screwed stays fitted in furnace. 1 .. . . Two new grider-stays fitted. 1 „ . . Two new pins in longitudinal stays. I Traction A number of new screwed stays fitted in firebox. t> .. . . j Compensating-rings fitted to manhole-openings. I ,j .. Compensating-ring fitted to manhole-opening, and seven new tubes fitted. I .. .. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. 1 .. .. Coupling-pins in longitudinal stays renewed. 1 .. . . Cracks in side of firebox chain-pinned. I .. . . Eighteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. 1 ., . . Firebox-crown repaired. I .. . . Five new screwed stays fitted in throat-plate. I .. .. j Five new tubes fitted. 1 .. .. New dogs fitted to manhole-door. 2 .. . . New firebox fitted. 1 .. . . New firebox fitted, three new stay-tubes and new coupling-pins in longitudinal stays. 2 .. . . New mud-doors fitted. '2 „ .. New studs fitted in manhole-door. I .. .. One new girder-stay fitted. I „ . . Patch fitted on crown of firebox. :i .. . . Patches fitted in firebox. I .. .. Patches fitted on foundation-ring. I .. .. Patch fitted on shell under blow-off cock. 1 .. .. Plughole retapped, and new tapered plug fitted. 10 .. .. Retubed. 2 .. . . Retubed. and new fireboxes fitted. 1 .. .. Retubed, end new studs fitted in manhole-door. 2 .. .. Retubed. and new firebox-crown fitted. 1 .. . . Retubed, thirty-six new screwed stays fitted in firebox, new studs in manhole-door, and compensating-ring fitted round manhole-open-ing. I .. . . Seven new lubes and four new screwed stays fitted in firebox. 8 .. .. Several new ecrewed stays fitted in firebox. 1 .. .. Several new tubes fitted. I ,, .. Sixteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. 1 ,. .. Ten new tubes fitted. 2 .. .. Tubes expanded. I .. . . Tubes in firebox-end expanded. 1 .. . . Twenty-four new screwed stays fitted in firebox. 1 Vertical cross-tiil),' A row of n< w screwed stays fitted round firebox. 2 .. Angle-collar renewed round uptake. I .. Compensating-ring fitted round manhole-opening. 5 .. Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. I .. Compensating-ring fitted round mudhole-opening, and new collar round uptake. 1 .. Manhole-door repaired. 2 .. New manhole-doors fitted. -t .. New mudhole-doors fitted. 1 .. New spigot fitted to manhole-door. 1 .. New studs fitted to mudhole-door. ' t ' .. New vertical stays fitted. 1 ,, Patches fitted in firebox.



No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers— continued.

No. 4. —Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c., during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911.

B—H. 15a.

Number. Type. I inscription of Repairs. :s Vertical cross-tube Patch fitted round bottom of firebox. „ Plato on bottom of shell renewed, and new cross-tubes fitted. „ Several rivets in shell renewed. , Six new mudhole-doors fitted, and one opening compensated. „ Si.\ rivets renewed in firebox. ,, Throe rivets renewed in furnace, and patch fitted in firebox. Vertical field-tube One new tube fitted. ,, Retubed, and patch fitted on crown round uptake. „ Spigol fitted to manhole-door, and opening dressed out to lit. Vertical flue .. Compensating-ring fitted to manhole-openings. Compensating-ring fitted to manhole-opening, and lour new vertical stays fitted. „ .. Compensating-Hni»s fitted to mudhole-openings. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings, and patch fitted on shell under safety-valve chest. Foundation-ring repaired. Now spigot fitted to manhole-door. New uptakes fitted. New uptakes fitted, and patch round bottom of shell. Patches fitted in firebox. Patch fitted on shell under safety-valve mounting. Patch fitted on shell under firedoor. Vertical tubular .. A number of rivets in shell renewed. Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings". Crack in tube-plate welded. ('racked portion of firebox cut out and patch fitted. Eleven new tubes fitted. Five new tubes put in. Four new vertical stays fitted. New firebox, new crown, and new tubes fitted. One new vertical stay fitted. One new vortical stay fitted and patch on crown. . . Patch fitted on shell. ,, . . j Patch fitted round furnace-door. . . Retubed. Retubed, and compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. ,, .. Retubed, and new top tube-plates fitted. Several new tubes fitted. Several new rivets put in firebox. .. I Slight crack in tube-plate chain-pinned. ,, .. Thill portion of crown patched, and new vertical stay fitted. Water-tube . . Bottom row of tubes renewed. Eight tulies renewed. „ .. Four to]) rows of tubes renewed. Retubed. „ .. Top row of tubes renewed. I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 4 I I I :i l l I I l 7 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 18 1 7 I 1 I 1 2 I 1 4 1 148 Total.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. I I I I 1 I I I Air-compressing Asphalt-mixing Bacon-factory Bagmaking Bakery .. ; Belting. Machinery. Belting. .. i Shafting and pulleys. .. J End of shaft and belting. .. j Belting. .. ' Moulding-machine shafi. .. \ Side of driving-pulley. . . I Wheels of mixer,



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.continued.

Number. iber. Machine Machinery. ery. Particulars. I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 3 I I 3 I I •2 I 2 I I ■_' I 1 ■> I 2 I I I 3 2 1 I I 2 1 I I I ') I I 2 I ■j I I I 1 I I I I •) Biscuit factory ■ ■ Bone-crushing I i< in i -factory >, Boxmaking Brass-finishing irickmaking Brushmaking Building Butcheiy • ■ Butter-factory >» CabinetmaMng Chaff-cutting >» Cheese-factory .. i inematograph Coachbuilding Coal-screening Coffee-grinding Confectionery i> Cooperage .. ('ordial-factory Belting. Fly-wi I and shafting. .. i Machinery. Belting. End of polishing-shaft. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel of heeling-machine. Main driying-belt. Machinery. End of engine and emery wheel. Side of fly-wheel. .. Wheels of lathe. Fly-wheel of engine. Pug-mill belting and pinion-wheels nl pipemakingmachine. Shafting and pulleys on floor. Wheels of machine. Band saw. Fly-wheel and belting. Side of driving-belt. Side of driving-pulley. Belting and fly-wheel. Belting and pulley. Driving-beh . Engine and belting. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel, pulley, and shafting. Machinery and belting. Set-screw in collar <>n shafting. Belting. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel of engine and shafting. Machinery. Main pulley, key in wheel, and helling. Motor and shaft. Shafting. Water-wheel, race, and belting. Circular saws. Circular saw and emery wheel. Circular saw and side of planer-pulley. Side of pulley and bottom of belting. Belting. Belting and machinery. Bolts in pulley. Fly-wheel, belting, and pulley. .. ' Fly-wheel of engine. Machinery. Main driving-belt and circular saw. Wheels, belting, and saw. Belting* and pulley. End of crank-shaft, and set-screw in pump-sha t Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel and belting. Band saw. Belting. Emery wheel. Fly-wheel of engine. Shafting and belting. Fence bin, and lit platform and handrail. Belting and wheels. . . Belting. Machinery. Set pin in collar. Main shafting and pulley. Wheels mi rollers. Belting.

H.— 15a.

No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c. — continued.


If) H.—15a tfo. 4.—Rkturn of Notices given to eence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, <fcc. — continued. Number. ' Machinery. Particulars. __ I Cordial-factory .. .. Belting and key-lead. I .. .. .. Driving-belt. 1 ,, .. .. Engine and belting. 2 .. .. .. Fly-wheel of engine, 1 .. .. .. Fly-wheel and shafting. 2 .. .. .. Machinery." 1 Creamery . . . . . . Firewood-saw. 8 „ .. .. .. Fly-wheel of engine. 2 ,, .. .. .. Fly-wheel of engine and belting. 1 ,, .. .. .. Fly-wheel of engine and circular saw. 2 „ .. .. .. Fly-wheel of engine, pulleys, and belting. 2 ,, .. .. .. Main driving-belt. I .. .. .. Shafting, pulley, and pump. I ,. .. .. .. Side of water-wheel. 1 Crushing grain .. Engine fly-wheel. 2 Main driving-belt. I ,, .. .. Set-screw in collar. I „ .. Shafting. 1 Cycle-works . . . . Emery wheel and key-lead in pulley. I ,, . . . . Machinery. I Dairy factory .. All machinery. 1 „ .. .. Churn, and fly-wheel of engine. 2 . . . . Fly-wheel of engine. 1 .. .. .. Main driving-belt where il passes through the floor. I ,, . . . . i Machinery. I ,, .. .. Pinion-wheels in pumping-gear. I . . . . Turbine and belting. 1 Dye-works .. ■■ Side of driving-belt and pulley, 2 Electric generating .. .. Motor and generator. 2 .. .. Railing round dynamo. 1 . Electric hoist .. .. Friction-winch rebolted to floor. 1 ,, .. .. Hatchways protected. I .. New wire ropes fitted. I ,, .. .. Platform fitted for oiling machinery. 1 .. .. .. Railing fitted round well. J Electric lift.. .. .. Bottom of lift-well fenced. 2 ,, .. .. .. Door-catches in cage repaired. I „ .. .. .. Four floor-openings guarded. I „ . . . . . . (fates repaired. I ,, .. .. .. Hatchways protected. I „ .. .. .. Indicator-plate and door fixed. I ,, .. .. .. Locks on all floors repaired. I „ .. .. .. New collapsible gates fitted iii cage, I ,, .. .. .. New locks fitted on all floors. 1 ,, .. .. .. New pulleys, ropes, and belting fitted. 1 ,, . . . . . . New side fitted in cage. 3 „ .. .. .. New steel-wire ropes for balance-weights. 8 .. .. .. .. New steel-wire ropes for cage. 1 „ .. .. .. New steel-wire ropes for cage, balance-weights, and safety-gear. 2 ,, .. .. .. New worm-wheel fitted. ] ,, .. .. .. One guide renewed. I ,, .. .. .. Overhead joist renewed. 1 ,, .. .. .. Railing fitted round well. 2 ,, .. .. .. Safety-grips overhauled and springs adjusted. 1 ,, . . . . . . Safety-grips repaired. I ,, .. .. .. Two locks repaired. 1 „ .. .. .. Two new gates fitted and new shackle in balance -weigh! 3 Electric lighting .. .. Belting. I „ . . . . Belting and end of shaft. 1 ,, .. .. Belting and pulley. 1 ,. . . . . Fly-y heel and belting. 1 .. .. Fly-wheel pulley and belling. 2 .. .. .. Fly-wheel of engine. 1 „ . . . . Intermediate shafting. 2 ,, .. .. Machinery.



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.continued.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. I I 3 I I 1 1 I I 1 •> 3 2 I I I I I I 6 1 I 1 • > I I l<) 2 3 I 1 I I I ■) I I I Electroplating Engineer's shop Fellmongery Firewood-cutting Flax-miii .. • ■ ■ • )) * * t] ■ • »J ' * )) • * J) • ' )J ' ■ 7) " * ., . . Flour-mill . ■ Driving-belt. Machinery.' Belting. Belting and machinery. Emery wheels. Engine. Fly-wheel and driving-belt. Fly-wheel, spur-gearing, key-lead in pulley, and emery wheel. Machinery. Pulley and pinion wheels. Belting. Belting and circular saws. Circular saws. Driving-belt. Engine, belting, shafting, and saw. Fly-wheel, belting, and circular saw. Machinery. Saw-bench to repair. Shafting, belting, and pulley. Helling and machinery. Belting, pulleys, and firewood-saw. Belting, pulley, and fly-wheel. Engine. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and end of crank-shaft. Fly-wheel and shafting. Machinery. Main belting, engine, countershaft, and scutcher-mouth to be reduced in width. Mill-race to cover. Pulley, coke-crushing gear, and belting. Pulley, end of scutcher-shaft, and belting. Pump and main belting. Scutcher belting, shafting, and pulleys. Scutcher-mouth reduced in width. Scutcher-shafting and firewood-saw. Water-wheel, driving-belt, and mill-race. Belting. Bevel-wheels on Pelton shaft. Fly-wheel of engine. Main driving-belt. Main driving-belt and machinery. Two machines. Water-wheel. Emery wheels. Engine. Belting. Intermediate shafting. End of .crank-shaft. Engine. Engine and belting. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheels and belting. Fly-wheels and end of shafting. Keys in fly-wheels and end of shafting. New steel-wire ropes for cage. New steel-wire, ropes for balance-weights. Safety-grips overhauled and adjusted. Two doors repaired. Fly-wheel and belting. Machinery. Safety-gear overhauled and adjusted. Belting and saw. Engine. Machinery, belting, and .saw. I I 1 J I I I I I 12 I I 35 I 2 Foundry Fruit-preserving Gas-engines. . (i 2 I Gas-lifi 2 I ■) I I I •) Q-as-worka .. (reared elevator General work 7) L J)


No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.continued.


Number. Machinery. Particulars. 1 I I I I I 16 IT I I I I •_' I 2 ■) I I .") ■) I 2 1 I I o I ■) I I 32 2 I 9 I I I 2 I 3 2 I ■1 I •2 I 1 1 1 I I I 1 5 1 2 1 1 i Gold-dredging >> Hoisting ,, ,, Hydraulic crane j> ;: :: Hydraulic hoist Hydraulic lift >> • • >> ,. Joinery .. >> >> >> Laundry >> Lead-pipe making >> * * Lime-works Log-hauling >> ■ ■ Machine shop >> • • >> >> >> >> ■ • >> • • Cover set-screw on spindle. Machinery. Fly-wheel and pulley. Fly-wheel of engine. Machinery. Main driving-belt. Chains annealed. New chains fitted. New ram-cylinder. New steel-wire rope. New pins fitted in four sheares. New pin fitted in shackle. New sheaves fitted. New steel-wire ropes fitted. Two sheaves rebushed. Well guarded. . . t Bars fitted to two floor-openings. Bottom of well guarded. . .. Chains annealed. Fence bottom floor. Handrails rebolted and new keys fitted in pulleys. Lift-wells fenced. New catches fitted to doors. New cross-head pulley and new ropes. New girders fitted. New leathers for rams. New pin fitted in sheave. .. ■ New ropes for balance-weigh is. New safety-gear fitted. New sheaves fitted. New steel-wire ropes fitted to cage. New valve-ropes fitted. Rails fitted round floor-openings. Safety-catches overhauled and adjusted. Safety-catches overhauled and new springs fitted. Three new gates fitted. Two crossbars renewed. Valves overhauled. Valves repaired. Well-doors repaired. Belting. Belting and machine!) . . . Circular saws. Driving-belt. Emery wheel and circular saw. Fly-wheel of engine and belting. Machinery. Shaft of machine. Fly-wheel of engine. Machinery. Fly-wheel and pulley. Pinion-wheels and belting. Driving-belt and shafting. Saw-belting. Brake-gear to put in order. End of shafting. Engine. All machineiy. Circular saw. Circular saw and boring-machine. Emery wheels. Emery wheel and end of crank-shaft. Engine and belting. Fly-wheel, band saw. and emery-wheels. Fly-wheel, band saw, and pulley. .. I Geared wheels of vertical borer.



No. 4.-Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.continued.

lumber. Machinery. Particulars. I I 1 I I 3 7 I 15 5 12 2 11 3 1 I II I 70 1 :$ 5 I I I I 1 I I .) I I I I • .) 1 I I I I I I I I I I 2 2 I I 1 1 I I 2 I I I 3 I I I I 1 1 Machine-shop Manure-drying Milking J Oatmeal-mill Oil-engines .. >) >) • • ((rgan-blowing Paint-mixing Pdt f>11 wheel Pile-driving Planing-mill Polishing Pottery Power lift . . Printing Pumping Quartz-crushing Refrigerating Intermediate shafting and pulleys. Pcltcin and emery wheels. Wheels (if nibbling-machine. Machinery. . . Belting. Engine and belting. Engine, vacuum pump, saw, and belting. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and end of shaft. Fly-wheels of engine. Fly-wheels of engine and pulley. Machinery. Wheels and pulleys. Wheels and key. .Main driving-belt. End of crank-shaft. Engine and belting. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheels and end of shaft. Keys in fly -wheels. Side of fly-wheel. Wheel-gearing. Fly-wheel of engine, shall, pulley, and beltinji. Mam driving-bell and granite mill belt. Pinion-wheels. End of shaft and belting. Pinion-wheels. Breast-bench saw and machinery. Emery wheels. Shafting and belting. Swing and circular saws, and all machinery. Two main belts. Belting. Fly-wheel of engine. ('hams annealed. .. i New door fitted tci top door. New steel wire ropes fitted to cage. Safety-catches overhauled and adjusted. .. Belting. Belting, and key in fly-wheel. Driving-belt. Driving-pulley. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and end of shaft. Fly-wheel, belting, and pulley. Fly-wheels of engine. Machinery. Pinion-wheels of paper cutting machine. Pulleys. Shafting. ,, Side of driving-pulley. Wheels and belting. Wheels of two machines. Belting, shafting, and saw. Engine and belting. Engine-shaft, wheel, and lieltniL;. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and engine. Machinery and bell ing. Pulley and belting. Shafting. Wheel and belting. Wheel-gearing. Pulley and machinery. .. Belting. Kngines.



No. 4.-Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.continued.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. 2 2 1 ] I ! I 1 I 1 i 3 I 2 1 3 I 1 I 2 2 I I •) I C) I I 8 I •> 2 I 1 I 1 2 1 I ! I Refrigerating Sand-drying Sash and door factory Sawmill ,, Fly-wheels of engines. Fly-wheels, pulleys, and belting. Machinery. Main driving-belt. Pulley, key-lead, and fly-wheel. Rail round engine and dynamo platform. .. I Shafting. .. ! Belting. .. Belting. Belting and circular saw. Belting, circular saw, and emery-wheels. Circular saws. Circular saw, and stop to fit for cut-off saw. Emery wheels and circular saw. Fly-wheel and end of shaft. Machinery. Main pulley, belting, fly-wheel, ond end of crank-shaft. Shafting and pulley. All belting, machinery, circular saw. and emery wheel All machinery and saws. Band saw. Belting. Breast-bench saw and engine. Breast -bench saws and machinery. Breast-bench saw. main belting, and machinery. Circular saws. Circular saws and belting. Circular saws and emery wheels. Circular saws and machinery. Circular saws and shafting. Circular saws. Well ing. and machinery. Emery wheels. Engine. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheel, belting, and saws. Intermediate belting, goose-saw, and end of circular-saw spindle. Machinery. Main and planer-belting, and circular saws. Main driving-belt. Main driving-pulley, shafting, and belting. Main shaft, fly-wheel of engine, and passage between 1 I I I I I ! 1 I ■) I 7 2 2 I 5 I 1 I I I 6 I Saw-sharpening Seed-cleaning Shearing Shop tools saws. Pelton-wheel shafting. Pulleys for breaking-down and breast-bench saws. planing-machine, and breast-bench belting. Shafting, pulleys, and belting. Stop fitted to swinging saw. Grindstone-belt. . . I Belting. Machinery. Belting. Belting and pulley. Emery-wheels. Engine. .. '■ Fly-wheels. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and key-lead. Fly-wheel and pulley. Machinery. Main driving-belt. Two belts. Belting. . . Driving-belt and pulley. Driving-belt of motor. Emery wheels. Engine.

H. — 15a


No. 4.-Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.continued.

Number. ambei ir. Jfachinerv. Particulars. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'j 1 1 3 1 1 9 1 I 1 I I 2 I 1 ] 2 ] ] I 1 1 2 Shop tools . . ,, I) ,, ), ,, Station-wort >> • ■ Steam-lift .. ,, Stone-crushing Tannery Venetian blind Ventilating .. >> Water-wheel Wire-working Wood-working >> • ■ >» • ■ )> • • »» • ■ i> • • »> • • >> • • yj •' „ .» >> • ' >> >> ' " >> * " >> * " >> • ' >> ' • >> * * >> * ' >> * " >> * ' >> • * Wool-cleaning Wool-dumping » Feed-wheels of lathe. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheels and belting. Lathe-gearing and emery wheels. Machinery. Main driving-belt. Shafting. Side of driving-pulley. Belting. Belting, pulley, and shafting. Engine. .. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and circular saw. Pulley and belting. Wheel, belting, and saw. New steel-wire ropes for cage. Safety-gear overhauled. Machinery. Belt on leather-printing machine. Circular saw and emery wheel. .. Fly-wheel. Pulley and belting. Side of driving-belt and pulley. Wheel and belting. .. ! Band snw and belting. Band saw. Band saw and belting. Hand saw and stop to fit to swing saw. Band saw, belting, and machinery. Belt of band saw and key of fly-wheel. Belting. Belting and pulley. Boring-machine. Circular saws. Circular saws and belting. Circular saws and pulley. Circular saws and side of planing-maohine. Driving-belt. Driving-pulley and side of planer. Emery wheels. Emery wheel and end of shafting. Emery wheel, saw, and machinery. Engine. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheel and band saw. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and pulley. Goose-saw. Intermediate shafting. Machinery. .. ! Main belting. Main driving-belt and end of shaft. .Motor and belting. Planer-driving belt. Shafting. Shafting, belting, and pulleys. Shafting, side of driving-pulley, and belting. Side of main driving-belt. Side of main driving-bell and drilling-machine. Side of pulley and length of shafting. Two driving-belts and side of planer-pulley. Belting. .Motor and belting. .. , Belting, end of shaft, and firewood-saw. Fly-wheel of engine. T,,i-.,l



No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1911.

4—H. 15a

I Name ami Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. ! Date of Accident mid Nature of Injury. I Canst of Accident, and Remarke. Wanganui Brewery Company (Limited ). Pulp-washer .. Roy Brooke : 20 years .. 5th April, 1910 ; leg broken .. While trying to shift the belt on the machine Brooke's foot got Wanganui entangled in the loose end of the belt. He was drawn round the shaft, and had his left leg broken. William Cubic and Co., Kaiwarra .. Rotary pump . . R. Robertson ; 21 years . . Ttli April. 1910 ; arm broken .. Robertson was putting a belt on a pulley when his thumb was caught between the belt and the pulley, and his arm drawn in. His arm was broken, and ho had also the top of the thumb taken off. P. and 1). Duncan (Limited), Christ- Grindstone .. Fredeiiek Newman ; 22 years.. !)th April, 1910 ; thumb injured .. Through not having the rest properly adjusted. Newman had his church thumb crushed between stone and rest. Grand Junction Gold-mining Company Generator .. .lohnSnow; 35 years .. 10th April, 1910; face injured .. While working at the machine, a gun-metal ring burst on the genc(Limited), Waihi rator when it was revolving at a high speed, and struck Know on the side of his face. Ross and Glendining (Limited). Roelyn Washing .. .. John Black ; 31 years .. 11th April, 1910 : nail- torn off .. When putting blankets in the machine Black's fingers were caught in the rollers, two of the finger-nails on his left hand being toi Onohunga Sawmilling Company (Li- Circular saw .. William Clarke ; 16 years .. 19th April, 1910; thumb cut off . . Clarke permitted his thumb to come in contact with the saw while mitedj, Onehunga he was under the saw-bench. Nelson Harbour Board, The Port .. Dredge .. .. George Young ; 40 years .. 19th April, 1910; brain injured .. While assisting to put shaft of pump in position a beam fell, striking Young on ig concussion of the brain. Southland Engineering Company, Inver- Circular saw .. Oscar Pedlar : 20 years .. 20th April. 1910 ; fin .. When cutting timber Pedlar's hand slipped, and came in o< cargill with the saw, the fore linger of his right hand being cut. Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Li- Crushing-rolls .. L. Oakes ; 60 year- . . . . -Ith .May. 1910 ; iocs crushed .. In working at the machine, Oakes's left foot was caught in the mited), Warkworth rolls, causing injury to his toes. Meyer and lllingworth, Wellington .. Shaping .. .. Robert Ready; Hi years .. 6th May, 1910; hand injured .. Ready's hand came in contact with the: knives of the machine, when several of his fingers were injured. Lambert Bros., Kensington .. .. Pipe-making . . John Baker ; 33 years . . 12th May, 191(1 ; toot injured .. Baker was feeding clay into the machine, when his left foot was caught by it and severely injured. Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Li- Clinker-cooler .. George-Tappin; 26 years .. J7th .May. 11> 10 ; arm and chest While clearing the coke from the hot clinkers Tappin fell on the mitcd), Warkworth burnt hot mass and was burned. Mational Mortgage and Agency Company Steam-engine .. John Baillie; 46 years .. 19th May, 1910 ; head injured .. Baillie was turning the engine with the hand gear, and had not shut of New Zealand ( Limited). Longburn the stop-valve. The engine started suddenly, through a sudden strain on the hand gear, the handle of which struck Baillie on « the head. Wilsons Portland Cement Company (Li- Screwing .. A. Whitham ; 16 years .. 20t!i May, 1910; thumb bruised .. Whitham's left thumb was caught in the cogs of the machine. mited), Warkworth New Zealand Paper - mills (Limited), Paper-mill .. James W'illan ; ('0 years .. 25th .May. 1910: thumb injured .. When assisting to put the bait on the pulley Willau's right thumb Auckland was caught between the belt and pulley. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Turret lathe . . E. K. Fail; 17 years .. 27th May. 1910 : hand cut . . While Fail was drilling, his right hand slipped on to part of the lathe in motion, causing the injury. New Plymouth Sash, Door, and Timber Hand-planing . . Cecil Treakes ; 29 years .. 31st May, 1910 : hand injured . . Through Treakes not using the plate-guard on the machine his Company (Limited), New Plymouth left hand came in contact, with the knives, causing the loss of three fingers. <!. M. Banks (Limited), Wellington .. Label-cutting .. William Lennon : 15 years .. 22nd June, 1910 : lingers crushed Lennon, while working at this machine, allowed his fingers to get between the stamp and top of cutters, when the fingers of hi.left hand were badly crushed. Dispatch Foundry (Limited), Greymouth Motor-wagon .. Arthur Bustard: 21 years .. 22nd June, 1910: hand lost .. While stooping to oil the engine Bustard's left wrist came between two revolving cog-wheels. The hand was so severely injured that it had to be amputated.

FT, 15a


No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery, &c.— continued.

JJame and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and -Remarks. 1 A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Turret lathe Colin Campbell; 17 years 1st July, 1910 ; hand injured .. When working at the lathe Campbell turned to speak to another employee, when his right hand was caught in the belt, causing injury to the back of it. 1st July, 1910 ; hand and arm in- Martin was injured by the timber falling on him while engaged at jured the saw-bench at the mill. 4th July, 1910 ; hand injured .. When sawing a piece of timber Ryan's hand came in contact with the saw, causing the loss of the first and middle fingers of his left hand. 5th July, 1910; arm lost .. In attempting to free a belt that had slipped off the pulley, Reekie's arm was entangled in it and twisted round the shaft. His arm was torn off below the elbow. 8th July, 1910 : fingers injured .. Fail had his left fingers cut while working at the drilling-machine through carelessness in not holding on to the work he was drilling. 8th July. 1910; arm injured .. Burgess was reaching over instead of going round the machine, when the sleeve of his jacket caught in the spindle, and his right arm drawn round it. He sustained severe injuries to his arm, necessitating its amputation. 9th July. 1910 : thumb bruised .. Neave's thumb came under the knife of the planing-machine, and the injury to the thumb was so severe as to necessitate amputation. 9th July, 1910; face and arm The combustion-chamber door cf the machine accidentally opened. burned causing the flame to fly out, burning Barber's face and arm. 18th July, 1910 ; collar-bone and The piece of timber Auckram was sawing caught on the saw, when chest injured it was thrown back. It struck him, broke his collar-bone, and injured his chest. 1st August, 1910 : hand cut .. While sawing a piece of timber Feisenfeldt's hand slipped and came in contact with the saw. 2nd August, 1910; hand injured.. j Thomas's left hand came in contact with the knives of the machine. causing injury to four of the fingers, and also bruising his right hand. 11th August, 1910 ; arm fractured Brec was standing alongside the driller, and. through negligence, his sleeve caught on the spindle. His arm was pulled round the spindle and fractured. 11th August, 1910; finger injured While assisting to put belt on pulley Chapman's little finger of right hand was caught between belt and pulley and was crushed. 15th August, 1910 ; groin injured A piece of the timber Hamlin was sawing flew off, struck him, and injured his groin. 16th August, 1910 : arm fractured Hamill was engaged at the drilling when his sleeve was caught by the spindle. H is arm was drawn in and fractured. 17th August, 1910 ; arm bruised.. Stanton's sleeve was caught in the cogs of the machine, and his arm was severely bruised. 23rd August, 1910 : skull fractured Proven put his head between the fencing-rails protecting the loose pulley of the tube mill in order to screw down the cap of the grease-cup. The balance-weight on the inside rim of pulley struck him on the head, fracturing his skull. There was no necessity for him to put his head between the fencing-rails, as he could hare made the adjustment from the outside. Mount Radiant Sawmilling Company. Karamea Karamea Sawmilling Company, Karamea Sawmill James Martin : 30 years Sawmill J. H. Ryan; 26 years The Progress Mines of New Zealand (Limited), Reefton Elevator David Leckie ; 23 years A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Drilling George Fail; 22 years Warnock Bros., Grey Lynn Centrifugal F. L. Burgess ; 17 years Otago Daily Times and Witness Company, Dunedin Stereotype William Neave ; 27 years Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Limited), Warkworth Greenwood and Whiteman, Akatarawa Pulverizing J . H. Barber; 28 years Sawmill G. B. Auckram ; 28 years W. Bates and Son, Christehurch Circular saw F. Feisenfeldt; 21 years Humphries Bros., Wellington Shaping W. A. Thomas ; 23 years George Fraser and Sons (Limited), Auckland Radial driller Oswald Bree ; 16 years Smart and Son, Sydenham .. ■ Stone-crushing John Chapman ; 28 years P. and D. Duncan (Limited),] Christchurch John K. Jameson, Invereargill Circular saw Drilling H. Hamlin ; 30 years Frank Hamill; 17 years C. B. Klime, Wellington Gold- milling Frank Stanton ; 15 years Waihi Gold-mining Company*( Limited), Waikino i Tube mill Cornelius Proven ; 43 years ..


H.— 15a

Irvine and Stevenson (Limited), Dunedin Coffee-roaating Alexander Reid ; 54 years 25th August, 1910 ; finger injured While working at the machine the third finger of Reid's right hand was caught in the machine, which took off the finger at the first joint. Whilst fitting up new machinery Young's hand was caught by the belting and severely cut. Muirhead put her hand into the press to wipe the machine with some waste, and while doing so accidentally put her foot on the treadle. This caused the press to tome down on her fingers, severing part of two lingers and the thumb of her left hand. When working the lathe Bishop's left thumb was eaught between the lathe and rest, and was bruised. Nixon was unfastening a set-collar on the machine. The collar slipped and let the weight of part of the machine fall on the middle finger of his left hand, lacerating it and tearing away the nail. While engaged oiling the bearings of the shafting Holt neglected to shift the belt on to the loose pulley. The strings of a cotton bandage he was wearing on one of his fingers were caught in the belt and his left arm was drawn in and broken. While adjusting the packing on the bench Allan's fingers came in contact with the saw, which lacerated the first and second finger of his left hand. Pearson got his fingers crushed by the wheels of the locomotive. W. Crabtree and Sons, Wellington .. Laundry .. William Young ; 21 years 6th September, 1910 ; hand injured New Zealand Wax Vesta Company (Li- Power press mited), Caversham Emily Muirhead ; 23 years 9th September, 1910 ; hand injured A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Turret lathe lames MoAndrew and Co., Paeroa .. Boring William Bishop ; 17 years Robert A Nixon ; 60 years 13th September, 1910; thumb bruised 14th September, 1910 ; finger injured Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Wha- Sawmill .. ngaparapara .. Thomas W. Holt; 42 years .. 16th September, 1910 ; arm broken W. G. Bassett, Wanganui .. .. Circular saw .. H. Allan ; 20 years .. 16th September, 1910 ; fingers injured Northern Coal Company (Limited), Kiri- Locomotive paka William Cruickshank, Invercargill .. Garnett .. Henry Pearson ; 17 years Humphrey Barden ; 59 years.. 17th September, 1910: fingers crushed 24th September, 1910 ; hand injured Barden was reaching over the apron in front of the machine when his foot slipped) am i his right hand was caught between the rollers of the. machine, crushing his lingers. The first, second, and third fingers had to bo amputa In reaching across the back of the saw to adjust the belt-shifter, Brown's arm eamr in contact with the saw. It was severelv cut across the right forearm, just above the wrist. Whilst grinding milling-cuttei on the wheel Woodham's finger was caught between the rest and the emery wheel and crushed. When working at the machine Shearer's finger was caught in the tool of the machine and lacerated. Crabb's hand slipped while working at the bench, causing the first finger of his left hand to be cut off by the saw. When repairing the machine Conly neglected to put the belt off, when the shaper came down, and bruised his seal}]. While at work at the'shaper Thompson's hand slipped and came in contact with the knife, causing the injury to his thumb. Currie was sawing firewood when his hand came into contact with the saw, severing the fourth and fifth fingers, and also injuring the middle finger of his right hand. While Sinclair was using the saw he slipped, and the little finger of his right hand was cut off by coming in contact with the (Jashmore Bros., Ponsonby .. .. Sawmill . . Robert Brown ; 38 years 26th September, 1910 ; arm injured I', and D. Duncan (Limited), Christ- Emery wheel church A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Shaping .. James E. Woodham ; 42 years Alfred Shearer ; 21 years 27th September, 1910; finger crushed 30th September, 1910 ; finger lacerated 30th September, 1910 ; finger cut off 6th October, 1910 ; scalp bruised .. Bond Bros., Devonport .. .. Drag-bench Stanley Crabb ; 15 years A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Spouting Thomas Conly ; 22 years .. I •lames McAndrew and Co., Paeroa .. Shaper Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited), Circular saw Waikino P. Thompson ; 22 years Sim. D. Currie ; 34 years .. j 11th October, 1910 ; thumb injured 12th October, 1910 ; fingers lost .. ('. and W. Hayward, Dunedin .. Circular Raw George Sinclair ; 20 years 14th October, 1910; finger lost .. Bunting and Co. (Limited), Christchurch ; Sandpapering . . \V. .1. Foil : 43 years 19th October, 1910 ; leg broken .. saw. When working at the machine Fort's right leg was caught in the belting, which drew him round the shaft and broke his log in two places. In shaping a mould Ellis's hand slipped on the cutter of the machine, and the thumb of his right hand had to be amputated. W. G. Bassett, Wanganui .. '. . Shaping . . Robert Ellis ; 30 years 28th October, 1910 ; thumb injured

H.— 15a.

No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery, &c.— continued.


Name and Address <>f Owner. . Description of Machinery. i Same and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature "f Injury. Cause of Accident, and Bemarta. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. P. and l>. Duncan (Limited), Christ- Planing .. ' .. church A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Turret lathe ('. and U. Hayward : Dunedin .. Circular saw Otago Hospital and Charitable Aid Hydraulic lift Board. Dunedin John Coutte and Co.. Dunedin .. Screw-cutting turn-ing-lathe Mew Zealand Farmers' Co-operative As- Gas-engine social ion. (Ihriatchurch Kaiapoi Woollen - manufacturing Com- Dieseil machine pany (Limited), Christehurch P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christ- Lathe church Andersons (Limited), Christehurch .. Planing .. (J. P. Thompson : 17 years . . 29th October, 1910 : wrist injured Thompson was trying to put <■, bell on a pulley when his hand was caught between the belt and ih<- pulley, a small hon>' of his right wrist being broken. J. Rishwcrth ; Iβ years .. I 31st October, 1910 ; thumb injured \\ liil- changing the bell Rishworth's thumb was caught between the pulley and the belt, «iiid crushed. Archibald Mackay ; 20 years .. 10th November, 1910: fingers and Mackay was using a circular rip-saw when his hand came in conthumb cut tact with the top of the saw. which cut across the fingers and the thumb of his left hand. Nurse K. Owen ; 21 years .. 14th November, 1910 : back injured The nurse released the lift and then tried t<. get out when it was ascending: the top of the lit , , pinned her on the lioor oF the top landing, causing injury to her back. J. K. Jardine ; 14 years .. 22nd November, 1910 ; nail injured Jardine was cleaning and oiling flic lathe wh< n the third RngeT of his left hand w<;.- caught in the gearing. Charles Hern ; 43 years .. 23rd November, 1910: shoulder When starting this engine Hern pulled the fly-wheel round, but the injured back-pressure in the cylinder being ioo strong, the wheel went '. and oaught his right arm between the belt and lly-whcel. It drew him round and frai tured his shoulder-blade, also bruised his right arm and chest. George Havord ; Til years . . 24th November, 1910 ; head injured While Havord was working at the engine part of broke, and a piece of it struck him on tli" side of the head. I , !, (i. A. Smith ; 24 years .. 2Sth November, 1910 ; eye injured Smith was struck on his right eye by a small spindle he was turning ill- ■ of the centres of the lathe. Archie Brown : 50 years .. 30th November, 1910: loss of When plan] of bevelled timber Brown's left hand slipped, thumb when his thumb, cam c< with the knives of the machine, cutting off part of it. Stanley McDonald ; 23 years .. 3rd December, 1910; finger injured Whili when in motion MeDoi . v w;i. Andrew McKay; 26 years .. 12th December, 1910; finger in- JlcKay hi tting it crushed when jured adjust ing the timber on the saw-bench before ii was eul up by the • Henry Young; 30 years .. 16thDecember, 1910 ; handciushed Young accidentally go1 his hand into the machine while adjusting it. R. McKenzie ; 27 years .. 19th December, 1910 ; legs scalded The thread of the wash-out plug having wasted somewhat it suddenly blew- out while steam was on the boiler, and the contents escaped, scalding McKenzie's i Ernest Higgs : :jt) years .. 23rd December, 1910; hand injured I Jit hand slipped off the timber orr to the sand-drum, and was caught between the drum and the table, and severely cut. Edward Adams; 28 years .. 2Sth December, 1910; thumb in- In stamping out tin-ends the press came down on Adams's thumb, jured taking off the top of it. Edwin Dolby .Smith: 18 years 31st December, 1910: arm broken Smith was engaged cleaning the shaft with a piece of sacking while the machine was in motion. The Backing w;i- caught in one o) the wheels and drew his right arm round the shaft, and broke his arm in three plac( s. Thomas McKain : 22 years .. 14th January, 1911 : fingers lost .. • MeKain lost four lingers of hi.- left hand through the timbct slipping, and causing his hand to come into contact with tin knives cf the machine. mil Glendining (Limited), Hoslyn Wool-card The: Leyland O'Brien Timber Company Circular-saw bench (Limited), Auckland S. Kirkpatriek and Co. (Limited), Nelson Tin-making Baxter Bros., Greymoutb .. .. Locomotive iS. Aburn and Sems. Dunedin .. Woodworking S. Kirkpatrick and Co. (Limited), Nelson Tin-making ■ lames Smith. < ireymouth .. ..I Sheep-shearing kamatua Sawmill Company, Greymouth J Buzz planer



Robert Malcolm (Limited). Auckland .. Electric lift .. Ernest Forrester; I + years .. 18th January, 1911 ; legs crushed Contrary i<i instructions, Forrester was attempting to stop the lift, when he fell, and his legs were caught between the edge and the floor of the lift and crushed. Aulsebrook and Oo., Christchuroh .. Cream-depositor .. Horace Lee : 2.'J year.-- .. L9th January, 191 I : linger injured Lee was standing on steps when he slipped, and in trying to save himself Ins finger got into the cogs of the machine, the first finger of his right hand being crushed. Cromwell and Bannockburn Collieries Boiler .. .. William Scoti Crombie ; Xi 19th January, 1911; scalded .. Crombie was trying to shut the blow-off cock of a boiler when he Company (Limited), Bannockburn years slipped, and, the contents escaping, he was scalded on his right teg and ankle. Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch .. Butter- washing .. J. Harvey : 2i> ye . . 27th January, 191 I : finger injured While working at the butter-machine Harvey got his lingers into the gearing, losing a nail, and receiving othei minor injuries. Marlborough Timber Company (Limited), Locomotive .. Arthur Birss, 24 years ; William 28th January, 1911 j Birsa bruised, Birss lost control of the engine when descending an incline. The Opouri Valley Climo, 21 year-: Climo nose and jaw broken engine ran ofi the line and crashed into the stump of a tree, throwing Birss and Climo off with considerable force. The logs on the trolly attached to the engine added to the difficulty of stopping the engine after it had attained a certain speed. Murray- (Limited). Cnderw I .. Power-press .. Alexander Robertson; 18 years 28th January, 1911 : hand injured Robertson's thumb got under the stamping-die when he was working at the press, causing the loss of the thumb-nail and a llesh wound. Alliance Box Company (Limited), Dun- Cornering .. Eva Bennett ; 19 years . . :{iith January. 191 I : finger injured Bennett tried to adjust the machine without stopping it. The edin index finger of her left hand slipped under the knife, and was cut and crushed. Southern Cross Biscuit Company, Wa- Geared lift .. Lena Poye ; 17 year- .. 1st February, 1911 : crushed ■• Against instructions, Poyegot on the lift while il was workinf nganui while leaning over the side of the cage a projecting beam crushed her slightly against the framework of the cage. Packer and Jones, Christchurch .. Circular saw .. P. C. Pearoe ; 22 ye .. 10th February. 1911 : shoulder While Per. working at the saw-bench a piece of timber bruised • accidentally fell on the saw and was thrown back, striking him on the riL'lit shoulder, and bruising it severely. I), i.e. Idie. Auckland .. .. Saw/niU .. .. W. Dye ; 35 years .. .. 13th February, 191 1 ; leg out .. Dye was employed oiling a pulley, when he dropped the oil-can. In stepping back his leg was struck by the belt-fastener of an adjacent belt, and cut. Smith arid Caughey, Auckland .. Electric elevator .. George ii. Wilson: S3 years .. loth February, 1911 : back hurt .. In stepping into the lift while it was in motion, Wilson was caught between the lift and the landing, and sustained slight injuries to his back. Kauri Timber Company (Limited) .. Circular saw .. John Stone ; 31 years .. 8thMarch, 1911 ; fingersout ■■ Stone allowed his fingers to come into contact wi three of them were badly cut. Southern Cross Biscuit Company (Li- Biscuit-mixer .. Samuel Shanks ; 19 years .. j 10th March, 191 1 ; finger injured.. Shanks was cleaning the machine when it was in motion, and his mited). Wanganui finger wa-- caught by the mixer. The Phoenix Company (Limited), Dun- Dough-brake .. James Henry Simpson; 19 years 14th March, 1911 ; hand crushed.. When feeding the machine Simpson's left hand was caught by the edin rollers. Aulsebrook and Co.. Christchuroh .. Dough-brake .. William George Lurch ; 23years loth March, 1911 : elbow crushed Lurch was caught by the rollers while he was working at this bine. Sargood, Son, and Ewen (Limited), Dun- Sole-moulding .. Robert McCarragen; 17 years 22nd March, 1911 ; finger crushed McCarragen slipped while he was working at the mouldingedin machine, and in trying to recover himself iie placed his hand in a moving part of the machine, getting his finger ('rushed. W. Bates and Son, Christchuroh . . Moulding .. Theodore Dethier; ~:4 years . . 24th March. lit 1 1 ; wrist injured . . When Dethier was putting a piece of timber through the machine it sprang back and struck his wrist, spraining ii. Sargood, Son. and Ewen (Limited), Dun- Insole-flexing .. George Hevenson : 15 years . . 29th March. 191 1 : linger crushed While the machine was in motion Sevenson tried to remove a edin piece of leather from it. The little finger of his right hand was caught by the cogs, and crushed. W. Bates and Son, Christohurch .. Sandpapering .. Leonard Wise; 22 years .. :ilst March, 1911; nail lost .. Wise allowed his hand to come into contact with the machine while it was in motion, and lost the nail of the little finger of bis right hand.

R.- 15a


No. 6.—Return of Fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1911.

. Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Ganse of Accident, and Remarks. Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. I I I Broad. Small, and Co.. Te Tumutu .. Locomotive .. William Jamee Dowiirjg ; 32 years 28th May. 1910; general .. Dowling was thrown off the locomotive engine, which had gained considerable speed while coming down an incline, and was fatally injured by his fall. Colonial Sugar Refining Company Shafts and belts Thomas Roberta ; .'J4 years .. 4th June, 1910 ; skull fractured . . Roberts had just thrown a belt off :i pulley by means of a bar. (Limited). Auckland driving conveyer The belt was then hanging slack between the driving-pulley and rail-fencing. While Roberts was leaning on this rail the driving-pulley gripped the belt in such a way as to quickly wind it up. The belt somehow got hold of the rail, which was torn from the platform, causing Roberts to fall a distance of 40 ft. or 50 ft. His skull was fractured, and he succumbed to his injuries on the way to the hospital. A. Quinlan, Nireaha . . .. Sawmill .. A. Nicol : 34 years . . .. 16th June. 1910 : arm broken and Whilst putting a belt on to the emery-pulley Nicol's jersey was spine injured caught by The shall. He was carried round the shaft, his arm being broken and his -pine injured. The injuries caused his death six days later. Otago Harbour Hoard, Dunedin ■.. Dredge ihopper) .. Findlay Malcolm; 39 years .. 18th June, 1910; general .. While engaged lifting tin: hopper-doors of the dredge iJaleolm's clothing caught on to the horizontal shaft. The shaft drew him round, and crushed him against the side of the winch. He sustained concussion of the brain, broken ribs and leg, and other internal injuries. Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited), i Main-line shafting.. George Heneey; 'M years .. 14th August, l!Hu : skull fractured While attempting alone to put a belt on a pulley Henesy became Waikino entangled in a collar on the shafting. He was wound round the shafting, and his head coming into contact with an adjacent platform his skull and right leg were fractured. He died twelve hours later. Gear Mem Company, Petone ■ ■ Digester .. .. Joseph Roddie : 59 yean . . 16th Vugust, 1910 ; head injured Roddis had been attending to tin- blowing-ofi of (his digester foi some time. On this occasion he omitted to ease off the steam before slackening oil' the manhole-door of the digester. On the dooi being released steam, together with the contents of the digester, came rushing out and carried Roddis off his feet and high into tlu air. He fell on to the floor and sustained serious injuries to his 1ht.iI and face, death being instantaneous. Turangarere Sawmill Company, Turanga- Wire rope on tram- Selby Buraon ; 38 years .. IHtli August, 1910; arm and leg in- Burson was trucking timber lo the mill, returning with i mpty rare line jured trucks k. the bush, when his tal blew off. In attempting to pul the brakes on the trucks bo he might stop the trucks to get his hat he fell underneath them. He was so severely injured about the arms and legs that he died of shock four days afterwards. John Mill and Co. (Limited), Port Tubular boiler .. William Clements : +:{ years .. 22nd August, 1910; scalded .. Clements was engaged slackening the compression-nuts of the Chalmers safety-valve gear when the safety-valve suddenly lifted. Water and steam escaped together through the safety-valve opening, scalding Clements severely. He died from the effects of the burns next day. Finnerty and Carey, Waimangaroa .'. Sawmill .. .. I James Finnerty ; 38 years .. 27th September, 1910; skull frac- Finnerty was struck on the head with a piece of timber which the tured saw had detached from the piece of timber that was being cut up at the bench. It fractured his skull.



Thomas I'rico and Co., Akatarawa .. Log-hauling .. William August Maiumn : 2b 28th September, 1910; skull frac- Manson «<:s employed at a log-haulei. The hooks ot the wire years tured rope became detached when there was a. considerable strain on the rope, and, rebounding, struck him on the head, fracturing his .skull. He died next day from his injuries. William Parkinson and Co.. Auckland Gas-engine .. William Norman Miller: 18years 3Uth September, 1910; skull frac- Miller was assisting to start the gas-engine by pulling on the tined fly-wheel. He lost his balance, and was crushed between the By-wheel rim and the bed of the engine. Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited), Q a u r t z - reduction .loyce Chapman : 37 years .. 11th November, 1P.J0 ; genera] .. Chapman was engaged adjusting certain parts of the gearing Waihi plant connected with an elevator, which was in motion at the time. His clot hint;- was caught by the machinery in motion, which w him in and severely injured his head and the upper part of bis body. Death was instantaneous. Wellington Harbour Board, Wellington Hydraulie'capstan John Patrick Baillie; 56 years 12th November, 1910; crushed .. Baillie was woi itan in motion on the wharf when his leg got into the bight of the rope, winding him around the Ian i:i motion, and killing him instantly. The Co-operative Transport and Agency Motor-bus .. Albert Stinson j 29 years .. 16th November, 1910; fatal .. ''■ ascending a moderate grade the motor- but suddenly Company (Limited), New Plymouth swerved and {ell over an embankment, crushing Stinson fatally. Southland Co-operative Bread Company, Gas-engine .. George Thomae Smyth; 45years I let December, 1910 ; general .. Smyth was passing by the engine when it is presumed he slipped Invercargill and fell head lirst into the fly-wheel of the engine, causing injuries from which he died. Hugh Wilson, Carterton .. .. Gas-engine .. Hugh Wilson; 54 years .. l'Jth December, 1910; arm severed Wilson was putting a belt on the pulley of the grindstone when his right arm got entangled with the belt. The arm was completelj severed at the shoulder, and he died from his injuries and shock an hour later. McKinstrey and Wilkinson. Whangarei Log-hauling winch John Pitman: 14 years .. 201 h December, 1910: crushed .. While hauling a log up with the ai<l of a steam-.wmch Pitman left the staiting-lever of the winch with the engine working. For some reason he caught the wire rope, by means of which t in- log was being hauled, with his hands, when he was drawn , into the winch machinery and killed instantly. Marlborough Timber Companyl (Li- Locomotive .. George Anderson, 52 years; 28th January, 1911: general .. The engine-driver of this locomotive lost control of the engine raited), Opouri Valley John Corliss, 50 years ; Wil- while coming down an incline. Attached n> the locomotive liam O'Brien, 32 years were tw< trucks carrying logs. The engine was derailed and clashed intc a tree. The impetus saused a log from the truck to start forward, which pinned Anderson and O'Brien against the boiler. Two of the boiler connections wen' broken, which permitted steam and water to escape, scalding <-oth badly. Anderson, besides the scalding, had a fractured left arm and skull : O'Brien had a severe wound in the throat, a fractured jaw. and a broken neck. Corliss was thrown clear of the engine, but had two fractures of the right leg and one side of his chest, crushed in. The Northern Timber New : Drag bench .. Walter Millett; 56Jyears .. 13th February, 1911; abdomen A piece of timber Millet t was sawing flew back and struck him on Zealand (Limited), Taupiri injured the abdomen, causing internal hemorrhage. Death ensued shortly afterwards. The Hawera County Electric Company Electrical transformer Joseph A. Henderson: 14 years ■ 7th March, 1911 .. .. Henderson was in the transformer house, and took hold of a live (Limited), Hawera electric wire, which electrocuted him. an II I



No. 7.-Return of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1910, to the 31st March, 1911.

No. 8. —Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1910, to the 31st March, 1911.

Nnti • ];iss of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Sydney Millard Corbeti Frederick Edward Cook Frank Stevens < teorge Henry Li David ! [enry Clarksori Harold Noel Carl Frank McLoughlin Alexander Richard McNiel .. John Thompson John Deason William Wesi wal er Frederick William Kirby William Parkea Victor John Joseph Bice William :r .. Robert Daniel Corbeti Winding, competency 1910. .. April 25 433 25 m 25 435 25 136 August 12 437 12 138 12 t39 12 IK' 12 44 1 . . November 21 112 21 443 21 44-1 21 145 21 I Id 21 447 2! 148 1911. William Darcy Clough William Larkin Ellery Charles G-artside George Thomas Rogers Thomas Augustus Nickells .. James Cochrane Richard Cecil Crow! John Martin Francis Rogi Harold Croft William Harrison Thomas .. .. February 18 149 13 450 13 451 13 452 13 453 13 45-1 13 155 .. March 28 456 28 157 28 458

Name of Person Class of Certificate. Date of Issue No. Thomas Robinson Locomotive and traction. 1010. April 25 2199 Arthur Frederick Coleman . . Roger Parkes Augustine Priddle David Hamilton McElwe.e .. Sydney John Coleman John Haslett Cecil James Adams Egbert Percy Wind Bakei . . John Grafton Joseph Irving Percy Thompson Thomas Dillon Ambrose Ashley Hoult Herbert Alfred Philpott William John Bennett Alfred Ernest Bristowe . Leonard Giles Charles William Henderson . . William Arthur Martyn Henry McGrath ... John William Stephens James Walker Ernest William Woolmer James Kennedy competent'v .. Ditto .. '.'. I ',', '.'. '.'. '.'. 25 2200 25 2201 25 2202 25 2203 25 2204 25 I 2205 25 2206 25 2207 25 2208 25 2209 25 j 2210 May 25 j 2211 25 2212 25 i 2213 25 \ 2214 25 2215 25 2216 25 2217 25 2218 25 2210 25 2220 25 2221 25 2222 25 2223


H.- 15a

No. 8.—Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers — continued.

5—H. 15a.

Xamt' of Person. Class of Certificate. Dato of Isr-no. No. Andrew Aitken Henry Gottlieb Schwass John Henry Melton Charles Derrett Peter McNeil William Richard Read Joseph Henry Tartalini Henry Randyford Brock John Thomas Butler James Andrew Cuddihy Simon John Grant Alexander Rankin William John Hansen Samuel Stringer William George Fraser George Edward Sharman Robert John Painton Joseph Young Archie Smith John Stevenson Royden Arthur Gray Allan Nicholson Gerald Joseph Connor Henry Elliott John Henry Charles Henry Hide William Thomas Pearson John Joseph Quinn Walter Echvard Saunderson John Thurston Samuel McBride William Charles Begg David Adams Samuel Albert Edward Whitteker .. John Anderson Arnold William Brissenden . . Charles Willoughby Leyland Charles James Roberts James Hamilton Goodfellow John Toms John Thornton Hution William George Reynolds Richard James Arthur .John Brown William Henry Harkless Bunting Henry Collins Albert William Everest John Goodman Harold Wesley Harrison Thomas James Kimbi-r Thomas King William Matthews Arthur Collinson Winy Peter Edmond Birtles Frederick John Lemon Michael Maloney Robert Robinson James Leonard Roderick William Moore McKenzie RiGhard McLeod John Albert Manson Samuel Brian Minton Reginald Say Foster James William May 1910. Locomotive, and traction, May 25 2224 competency .. I Ditto .. .. .... 25 2225 .. .... 25 2226 .. .... 25 2227 .. .... 25 2228 25 2229 .. .. 25 2230 .. .... 25 223] .. .. 25 2232 .... .. .. .. „ 25 2233 .. .. „ 2234 .... .. . . .. „ 25 2235 . . .... 25 2236 .. „ .. .. .. ,. 25 2237 .. .. „ 2238 .. .. August 12 2239 .. .. .. 2240 .. .. .. 12 .. .. .. 12 2243 .. .. .. 12 2244 .. .. .. 2245 .... .. .. .. 12 2248 . . . . .. 12 .. .. .. 225i .. . .. 2252 .. .. .. 12 2253 .. .. .. 12 2254 .. .. .. 12 .. .. ,. 12 2256 .. .. „ 12 2257 .. .. „ 12 2258 12 225!) ... .. .. 12 2260 .... .. .. .. .. 12 2261 .. .. .. 12 2262 .. .. .. 12 .. .. .. i 2 2201 .. .. . 12 2265 .... .. .. .. ,, 12 I 2266 . . : ... 12 : 2267 .. . ,. 12 2268 .. .. .. 12 2269 .. .. .. 12 2270 .. .. .. 12 2271 ..!'„■ 12 .. .. 12 2273 , 12 2274 .. .. ., 12 .. .. ., 12 2276 .. .. ,. 12 2277 .. .. „ 12 2278 ... .. „ 12 2279 .. . . November 21 2280 .. . . „ 21 2281 .. .. ., 21 2282 .. . . .. 21 2283 .... . . . . . . .. 21 j 2284 .. .. .. 21 2285 .. .. ,. 21 2286 ' .. . . .. 21 2287

H. --15a.

No. 8.—Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers— continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Is-ue. No. 1 William Charles Watson William John Joshua Benbov John Archibald Hammond .. Richard Carnall Gollop Archibald Henderson George Hicks Henry Arnold Hoare Alfred Ivey William Withey James Renwick Harvey Irwin Clearwater Charles Duncan Arthur Ernest Fowler John McKenzie Robert Rutherford John Ivan Grey Somerville .. James Reid George Edwin Fausett Peter Dewar Boag John Henderson Arthur John Agar John Thomas Nankivell Gilbert Suiter James Comrie Peter James Hughes Frederick William Adolph .. John Foley William James Henry Colwell Herbert Cornforth Frederick Cullen Conrad Gefken, jun. Frank Lawrence George Lintott Ernest Arthur Price William Alfred Ernest Uren.. John Henry White James Walsh Herbert Henry Brown John Bertram Congreve Frederick Evans John Edward Gordon Thomas Hamilton Edwin Hilton Horace Pope Richard John Ryan John Saunders Robert McCallum James Beams Frederick Robert Lyford Alfred Climo Alexander Ross Gilchrist George Charles Taylor Robert Paterson Pate Harold Edgar Bond James Albert Wakelin Charles Lambert Roland Thomas Barley John Cochrane John McNutt Ernest Turpin John Smith Ernest Bowman Patrick Crossen Locomotive and competency .. Ditto . . )) ,, ■ • 1910. traction. November 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 .. i .. 21 .21 21 21 21 .21 .. ! .. 21 21 21 .21 .21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 .. ; .. 21 1911. February 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 .. I .. 13 .. .. 13 13 13 13 13 ,.; .. is 2288 2289 229U 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350



No. 8.—Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers — continued.

No. 9. —Return of Engineers to whom Extra First-class Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1910, to the 31st March, 1911.

No. 10.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1910, to the 31st March, 1911.

' Class of Certificate. : Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. ■ " 1911. Duncan Darroch John Ellmers James Finlay Lance William Ernest Giles John Edward Holland Henry Archibald Kimberley McNae . . James Henry Collett Thomas William Kennedy William Hancock Joseph Henry Mitchell Philip Logue James Edward Cunliffe John Gordon Frederick William Franklin George Henry Judd Locomotive and competency .. ! Ditto .. t) traction. February 13 2351 March 13 2352 13 2353 13 2354 13 2355 13 2356 i:s 2357 13 2358 13 2359 13 2360 13 2361 2362 2363 28 2364 28 2365

Name of Person. Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue No. Harold Robert Carey Robert George Huggins Harry Cecil Heays Frederick Walter Robinson . . Henry Simeon Norman Eric Walker Frederick Charles Webb David Helier Gaudin Frederick Lewis Harrison Harold Eugene Melhop John Aitchison Alexander Riddell James McArthur, jun. James Buchanan Hay 1910. Extra first-class stationary, May 25 j competency .. Ditto .. .. .. „ 25 .... .. . . . . August 12 - 12 .. I 12 .. 12 .. ■ „ 12 „ . . . . . . November 21 ! „ • 21 21 i , ; „ 21 1911. .. . . February 13 .. „ „ L3 .. 13 64 65 6fi 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 7-1 75 76 77

Name of ] Name of Person. Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. idam Clarke Girven 'rank Herbert Bulford I 1910. First-class stationary, service April 25 1689 August 12 L690


No. 11. —Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1910, to the 31st March, 1911.


Name of Person. Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Class of Certificate. , I John Watson Coulson Thomas Albeit Lowe Charles Archibald Thompson William Henry Bredin John Morison Andrew Carr Shore Albert Beswick Francis John Lundon William John Young Charles Ovens Samuel Sydney Gordon Samuel Wilson Sydney Herbert Delgh Godfrey George Edgar Smith Jay Grover Hooker Edward Ross Campbell David Hately Thomas Graham Scott Walter John Morrison Thomas Brydone John Deason William Charles Holland John Charles Kennedy Alfred Jenkinson Reginald James Martin Charles John Peaple John Thomas Morton John Walsh David Baldwin George Wight •h Ford Henry O'Brien William Darcy dough rles Edward Collins Morgan John Thomas Bowler Irwin Clearwater Hugh McGlinchie Henry George Williams Roy Lewis Ditcham Roy Jocelyn Grainger John Sedgeley Keay Gerald Stanley Lewis Henry William Childs William John Fisher Nicholas Greenwood John Trethowen William Wall James Buchanan Hay Fiank Poskitt Thomas Dorsey Suddaby Ernest Rhind William Smith James .fames Leitch Vincent Maplesden V 1910. First-class stationary, com- April i I;!-I petency .. Ditto .. .. .. .. 1435 .. .. ., 1436 .. .. May 1437 .. .. .. 1438 .. , „ .. .. .... 25 1439 .. .... 25 1440 .. . . „ 25 1441 .. .... -25 1442 25 1443 .. .... 26 1444 .. : .. .. .. .. „ 26 1445 25 1446 .. ... 25 1447 „ 25 1448 . . .. 25 1449 .. .. .. 25 1450 „ 26 1451 .. . . August 12 1452 .... .. .. .. .. 12 1453 ■ • 12 1454 .. i .. .. 12 1455 .. .. .. 12 1456 .... .. .. . . .. 12 ! 1457 .. .. .. 12 1458 .. .. . 12 1159 .. .. .. 12 14(50 .. .. . 12 1461 .. .. .. 12 1462 .... .. .. .. .. 12 1463 .... .. .. •• „ 12 1464 .... .. .. .. November 21 1465 .. .. .. 21 1466 .. .. „ 21 14(17 .. .. .. 21 1468 .. .. .. 21 1169 .. . . .. 21 1470 .. „ .. .. .. .. 2! 1171 .. : .. .. .. .. „ 21 1472 .. .. „ 21 1473 .. .. .. 21 1474 .. .. ,, 21 1475 .. .. .. 21 1476 .. .. ., 21 1477 .. •• .. 21 1478 .... .. .. .. .. 21 1479 •• •• .. 21 1480 .. 21 1481 .. .. „ 21 1482 21 I 1483 .. .. .. 21 1484 .. .. .. 21 1485 .. . . .. 21 I486 .. .. ,.21 1487 1911. George Johnstone . . les Hunt Harold Leslie Williams Thomas Levings Albert Edward Lindsey Francis Valentine Butler Charles Henry Cook Charles Frederick' Morgan .. .. February 13 1488 .. .. ., I:! 1489 .. .. .. l.'i lino .. .. ., 13 1491 .. .. .. 13 1492 13 1493 .. .. .. 13 1494 .. .. .. 13 1495



No. 11. —Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers— continued.

No. 12.-Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1910, to the 31st March, 1911.

Name of Person. Lrthur Reginald Sommerville Vilfred Curphey William Warrington Oakden Lndrew Williamson, jun. Charles George Eade Frederick Samuel Morriss Jilbert Brown tobert Simpson ohn Thomas Doyle Frederick Edward Cook Llfred William James Villiam Harrison Thomas )avid James Donald Archer L (lass of Certificate. L__ J .. I First-class stationary, competency .. ; Ditto Date of Issue. No. I 1911. February 13 1496 L3 1497 L3 1498 i: , . 1499 1500 13 I 1501 13 1502 13 1503 13 1504 13 1505 March 28 1506 28 j 1507 28 1508 No.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Duncan McLeod Ebenezer Gurchen Gibson Joseph U?her Clunan William James Porter Frederick William Rosenberg Thomas Ryan George Burt Leonard Holling Archibald McAllister William Sharp Alfred Wearn William Ryan John Henry Jones Reuben Walter Coulsou John Herbert Headley Jackson James Roy Forrest James Frederick Sawyer Lennart Engelbert Hogbacka Henry James Partridge James Brownlee John Halliday James Eddy Hocking John Stott' Walter Brewer Arthur Samuel Gordon Collett Albert Cridge Frederick Louis FosterGeorge Edward James Fairley Leshke John Fulford William Mclvor Arthur Burrow William Wilson Thomas Thomson Wards Christopher Thirlwall Casson Andrew Dunlop Miles Jukes Leslie Stewart Mackie Ernest Edwin Meyer 1010. Second-class stationary, com- April '2~> potency .. Ditto .. .. .... 25 ..• i ,. 25 ..'',. 25 ' , 25 25 " !! ■• 25 25 .... 25 .. .. 25 .. I ., .. .. .... 25 .... 25 25 .. 25 • • ' 25 ■■ „ 25 .. » 25 .... .. .. .... 25 25 „ 25 . : „ I May 25 25 .. 25 .. .. • 25 25 •■ ; " 25 .. \ „ 25 .. „ 25 25 25 25 „ 25 .. ... 25 ,, . • • • ■ >. £>*> .. I .. 25 • • „ ! ■■ 25 .. 25 "„ 25 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 327] 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294


No. 12.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers-continued.


5a. 38 No. 12.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers— con Name of Person. Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Class of Certificate. i Robert McGowan Joseph Porter John William Rawlinson Francis Thomas Symes Robert John Eraser James Hamilton Thomas Jones William Rambaum Joseph Patrick Beamish Charles Gardener Fitness James William Harriman Alexander Purvis George Francis Priestly Smith Walter Stubbs Thomas McGill Raynor Hargreaves Chisholm Grant Hawken Richard Gwynne Trimble Edward Charles Murton John EckfOrd John Craig Robbie William Curreen Cyril Seldon Pike John Patrick Mohan William Wallace Cook James Frederick Goodwin Hugo Zeinert Alexander Hutton George Henry Mansfield Allen Godfrey Sampson Frederick Ellis, jun. Bertie Parsons Crief Ross Frederick Robert Hamer Henry James Latta Maurice Barry Robert Herriot Frederick Charles Hooper Frederick Thomas Slater Rhodes Francis Driver Oswald Crawford Thomas Alexander Colson James Flavin Edwin Moodie Grant James Lochead Cowan Leonard Hosking Roland Henry Russell Henry Andus Smith George Alfred Strong John Todd Matthew Poland George Goodall, jun. William Roland Dawson Charles Quinn Charles Gustaf Wiklund William Thomas Brown Jack Mouland Andrew Cague Gideon Arthur Thomas Scott Mullay Alexander Gordon Leeden Lawton Spencer Dyer George Gillanders McKerchar Claude Smith Arthur Paul Lee Benjamin Samuel Reed . . 1910. Second-class stationary, com- May 25 3295 petency Ditto .. .. 25 3296 .... .. .... 25 3297 3298 „ .. .. ... 25 3299 25 3300 25 3301 .... .... 25 3302 .... .. .... 25 3303 .... .. .... 25 3304 .... .. .... 25 3305 .... .. .... 25 3306 .... .. .... 25 3307 .... .. ... 25 3308 25 3309 .... .. .... 25 3310 .... .... 25 3311 .... .... 25 3312 .... .. .... 25 3313 .... .. .... 25 3314 Augiisl 12 3315 .... 12 3316 .... .. .. 12 3317 .... 12 3318 .... .. ., 12 3319 .... 12 3320 .... .. 12 3321 .... .. .. 12 .... .. „ 12 3323 .... .. .. 12 332-1 .... .. 12 3325 .... .. .. 12 3326 .... .. .. 12 3327 .... .. 12 3328 3329 .... .. .. .. 12 3330 .... .. 12 3331 12 3332 3333 .... .. .. ,. 12 3334 ..... 12 3335 .. „ 12 3336 .... .. .. .. 12 3337 .... .. .. .. 12 3338 3339 3340 12 ! 3341 ..... .. 12 j 3342 .... 12 3343 „ .. .. „ 12 3344 .. • .. „ 12 3345 12 3346 .... 12 3347 .... .. 12 3348 12 33-19 .... .. .. .. 12 335C .... .. .. „ 12 .... „ 12 3352 November 21 3353 .... .. .. .. 21 3351 21 3355 21 3356 21 3357 .. i „ 21 3358 21 3359


No. 12.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.


39 id.— 15a. No. 12.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers— continued. Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1910. Stanley Elliot Dillon .. .. Second-class stationary, com- November 21 3360 potency Charles Cecil H, nd .. .. Ditto .. .. 21 3361 Ernest Victor Garlick . . .. „ .. .. ■ • „ 21 3362 George Ramsay .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 3363 George Ada .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 21 3364 William Brooks .. .. ; .. .. 21 3365 Alfred Henry Cave.. .. .. : .. .. .. 21 ! 3366 William Henry Faulkner .. .. .. 21 3367 Patrick Joseph Farrington . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. 21 3368 James Richmond White .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 3369 Albert Edward Dvson .. .. 21 3370 Thomas Macrow Franklin .. .. .. .. 21 3371 Garlick .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 3372 Walter Jackson . . . . .. . . .. .. 21 3373 Thomas Jordan .. .. .. .. 21 3374 Reginald Roebuck .. .. .. .. 21 3375 Walter Stanners .. .. .. „ 21 3376 ; Herbert Dobson .. .. .. 21 3377 Hugh Townshend Boscawen .. .. .. . . .. 21 3378 Thomas McQuillan, jun. .. .. .. 21 3379 August Henry Wackrow .. .. .. .. .. 21 3380 Israel Webster .. .. .. .. 21 3381 William Walter Hume .. .. .. .. 21 3382 rackson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,, 21 3383 Donald Matheson .. .. .. .. .. 21 3384 Frederick Ahrens .. .. .. 1 .. .. 21 3385 Svdney John Barrett .. .. 21 3386 James William Groves .. .. 21 3387 Mervyn John Procter .. .. .. 21 3388 Clifton Long .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 3389 William John Christensen .. .. .. 21 3390 Thomas William Crowley .. .. .. .. 21 339] 1911. Percy Murray Martin .. .. .. j .. .. . . .. February 13 3392 Frederick James Harrison .. .. .. 13 3393 Thomas Lidbetter Cooper . . .'. .. 13 3394 Charles Unverricht .. .. .. .. 13 3395 Marl in Sutherland Bain .. .. .. 13 3396 Wdliam .Michael Borlase .. .. .. .. .. 13 3397 Frederick James Burrell . . . . . . . . .. 13 3398 Victor Mason .. . . .. .. .. .. 13 3399 Stanley Bcrridge .. .. .. .. .. 13 3400 James'Ashforth .. .. .... .. .. „ 13 3401 Douglas James Cowan . . .. ,, . . • • • • •• 13 3402 I von Raymond Creagh .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. 13 3403 Edwin Valentine Sharp .. .. .... .. .. .. 13 3404 Walter Alexander Stevens .. ,. .. .. ., 13 3405 James Fleming Kennedy . . . . „ . . .. .. | .. 13 3406 George Alexander Silver .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. ,. 13 3407 Henry Lapslie . . .. „ 13 3408 JohnSteffens .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 3409 Walter Livingstone Hayman .. .. ,, .. .. .. .. 13 3410 Hans Neilson .. .. .. 13 3411 Charles William Simpson .. 13 3412 Andrew Dalziel .. .. .. 13 3413 Thomas Mason Ellis .. .. 13 3414 John Joseph Hussey . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. 13 3415 Archibald John Mclnnes .. .. 13 3416 Joseph McCaffery .. .. .. .. 13 3417 Sidney Howard ' .. .. .. .. 'March 28 3418 George Chumley .. .. .. .. ( 28 3419 Cecil Launcelot McLav .. .. 28 3420 Albert Edward Birss ' .. .. 28 3421 Tasman Gilbertson .. .. .. j .. .. .. „ 28 3422 Samuel Milligan .. .. | .. 28 3423



No. 13. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency during the Year ended the 31st March, 1911.

Name of Person. Rank. Name of Person. Rank. C1 :^^ iOh Date of Examination William Anderson.. .. . First-olaSB engineer Maxwell Devenish Meares Ernest Edward Low Andrew John Mouat John Matthew Smith John McLeod Aikman .. .. j William Patrick Whyte Hugh Wilson Hutchison Walter Goodman Sandee William Ozamis .. .. Cecil Willie Croll ; Percy James Collins . . .. | John Patrick Logan John Henry Prendeville .. . . „ Charles John Styche .. .. Second-class engineer John Athol Nicol .. .. Horace Alexander Bower Leslie Claude Da vies .. .. ,, Francis Percival Hewitt .. . . „ James Stanley Miller .. David Penman . . .. John William Nielsen .. Sydney James Munn .. Gerald Geoffrey Potts Henry James Stratford Johnston Lome Murphy Robert Bernard Gerring Percy Robert Hunter Charles Thomas Stewart Thomas Henry Davidson George Maxton Rennie Thomas Beverley Rutter .. . . ,, Frederick Henry Hopkins Harold Boyd William John Webb William Leonard Dodd Joseph Edmond Hamer ( tecar Camille Miiller .. .. „ William Edward Shannon .. .. Third-class engineer Charles Buchan John Alexander Milne John Murray Scott John Frederick Barber Francis Paul Aloysius Garvev Howard Charles Kerr Harley Duncan Lesley Somerled Campbell William Cochrane Gow Valentine Oliver Ingram Norman James Buchanan .. .. „ William Issell Cranch Robert James Herbert Sheppard Ivan Selwyn Ward James Thomas Brown Gordon Everard Dickey .. .. „ Charles McCowan John Russell Smith George Frank Banfield Alfred Edward Stephenson Robert William Francis Newton David White William Henry Young Reginald James Mentiplay Leonard Thomas Arnold Morrison Samuel Brooking .. Foreign trade 1, 5, 6, 7 April. 19In. 4,5,6, 7 April, .. 2,3,41V. . 2, 3,4 Ma v. 12, 13,14 May. .. 6, 7, 8, 9 July. „ 6, 7, 8, 9 July, .. 10, 11, 12 Aug.. . 20, 21, 22 Oct.. .. 5, 6, 7 Dec, 7 December, ■ 8 December, 8 D 7, 8, 9 March. . 4, 5, 6 April. 11 April, 18, 19 April. 18, 19 April, 18, 19, 20 April, „ 3, 4 May, 3, 4 May, 24, 25 Mi j 26, 27, 28 May. . 8, 9 June, I 4, 5 July, 1, 2, 3 August, .. 5, 6 September, .. 12,13, 14 Sept.. . 11, 12, 14 Nov., ,. 6 December, ,, 6 December, 6 December, 21, 22 Dec, 1,2 February, 1911. 1, 2 February. 8 March, 8 March, 21 March, 1 April, I'.)lu. 4 April, 4 April, 9 April, 12 April, 14 April, I 18 April. 26 April. 29 April, 2 May. 2 May, 2 May, 2 May. 2 May. 2 May, 2, 3 May, 2, 3 May, 2, 3 May. 4 May. ; 11 May, 6 June, 6 Juno. 6 June, 15 June, 16 June, 29 June, 4 July,



No. 13. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency — continued.

G—H. 15a.

I .. ■ST c t, t> u Class for which Name of Person. Rank. examined. Date of Examination. George Brydone .. .. .. i Third-class engineer Foreign trade Ernest Coombes .. .. ,, ,, Charles Philip Grant .. .. „ „ Thomas Henry Lukies .. .. ,. „ Thomas Vivian Humphrey .. ,, Stanley Ernest Clare Chilman .. ,, „ Thomas James Richard Cushen .. „ „ Donald Henry Duthie .... „ „ Godfrey Ledyard Evans .. .. ,. „ Archibald Campbell McKillop .. „ „ George Walker McLay .. .. ,, Benjamin George Claude Stephens .. „ George Percy Williamson .... Frank Wilfred Doubleday .. .. I „ „ Herbert William DufE William David Sullivan .. .. „ „ Fritz Falavai Kronfeld .... ,, „ Ronald McDonald .... „ ,, George Harnett McLeod .... „ „ John Laing Robertson .. .. „ „ William Scott ...... Charles O'Connor Haddo Gordon .. ' „ „ William Gill Jickell .... George Johnstone .. .. „ Richard William Harvey Arthur John Huggett James Andrew Palmer .... „ „ Charles McGregor McDonald .. „ Charles Bignell ...... „ ,, James William George Elley .. „ „ James Ernest Miller .... „ „ John Arthur Palamountain .. „ „ George Rennie Sydney Thomas Stidolph .... „ ,, Bertram William Gandell .... „ ,, Leslie Gordon Ring .... „ „ John William Gothard .... „ „ Alexander Gilchrist Kyle .... „ „ Percy Hellyer Davey .... „ „ Frank Mowatt ...... Joseph Harrison .. .. .. ,, „ Alexander Penrice Ussher .... „ „ Malcolm Elliott McLeod .... „ „ Roy Bruce Avey McCurdy .. .. „ „ Randoll Staples .. .. .. „ ,, Willie Savage .. .. .. ,, „ Harold Percy Dodson ..... „ „ Horace William Newman .. .. „ „ Joseph Francis Hubble .... „ „ Francis Arthur Parker .. .. ,, „ Henry Hard wick Wilson .. .. „ „ John Lindsay Ferguson .... „ Henry Ernest Mitchell Hart John Arthur Robinson Scott .. „ „ David James Sheriff .... „ „ Claude Arthur Wynn .. .. „ Duilio Ruggero Dandolo Calcinai .. „ Oswald Robert Cozens .. .. „ ,. Charles David Graham .... „ „ Christopher Underwood .. .. ,, ,, Arthur Richmond Birrel Hendry .. „ „ Mervyn Hershal Keyes .. .. „ „ Ernest Williams .. .. .. „ ,, William John Bailey .... „ „ 4 July, 1910. 4 July, 4 July, 4 July, 13 July, 1 August, „ 1 August, „ 1 August, „ 1 August, 1 August, 1 August, 1 August, 1 August, ,, 3 August, „ 10 August, ,, 16 August, „ 1 September, „ 1 September, „ 1 September, „ 1 September, „ 1 September, „ 2 September, „ 2 September, „ 2 September, „ 2 September, „ 2 September, „ 2 September, ,, 5, 6 Sept., 3 October, 3 October, „ 3 October, „ 3 October, 3 October, 3 October, 3, 4 October, 3, 4 October, 4 October, ,, 4 October, „ 18 October, 18 October, 1 November, „ 1 November, „ 1, 3 November, „ 3 November, ,, 7 November, „ 7, 16 Nov., 18 November, ,, 1 December, „ 5 December, ,, 5 December, ,, 5 December, 6 Decemler, „ 6 December, ,, 6 December, „ 6 December, „ 6 December, „ 16 December, ,, 16 December, „ 21 December, „ 4 January, 1911. 5 January, „ 5 January, „ 5 January, „ 1 February, kt „



No. 13. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency — continued.

Name of Person. Rank. a Tj^ Ch Date of Examination. , i John Robert Colquhoun . . .. Third-class engineer Foreign trade 1 February, 1911. Hector Charles Hamlin .. .. ,. .. 1 February, Victor Stanley Carrel .. .. „ .. '1,2 February. John Eric Harding .. .. .. ., 3 February. Leigh Easton Baxter .. . . ,. ,. 6 February, Leonard Prescott Draper .... ,. .. 6 March, ,, Albert Edward Strange .... .. .. 6 March, „ Edward Grey ...... .. .. 7 March, Walter Scott Hindmarsh .. .. ,. .. 7 March, Bert Smith Marshall .. .. „ ,. 7 March, William Clifford Boyd Douglas .. .. .. 8 March, Horace Park Matheson .... „ ,, 8 March, Samuel Malthus .. .. .. .. „ 14 March, ,, Lionel William Sholl .. .. River engineer .. River trade .. 2, 3 May. 1910. Edgar Brewster . . . . .. ., .. ., . . 3 May, ., Robert Andrew James . . .. .. .. ,, . . 3 May, Alfred George Lovell Bliss .. .. ., .. .. .. 7, 8 June, „ Gilbert Brown Carr .. .. ., .. .. 11 July, Thomas Francis Malaghan . . .. .. .. ,, .. 1 August, Nils Einar Robert Nilsen .. .. ; .. .. ., .. 1, 2 Sept., James Jack .. .. .. ■ .. .. .. . . 5 September, „ Williams Chalmers .. .. ,, .. .. . . 9 September, Frank Lawrence .. .. .. „ .. .. .. 2 November, „ Donald McPhee .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 3 November, ,, Frederick Charles Barber . . .. ,. . . .. . . 4 January, 1911. Frederick Rudolph Gerhart Jensen .. .. . . „ .. 4 January, ,, Howard Michael Morris . . .. .. ,. ,, . . 4 January, „ Albert Edward Neville .. .. ; .. .. ! ,, . . 4 January, John David Urquhart . . . . ., .. „ . . 4 January, John Charles Ferguson .. .. .. .. ,, .. 1 February, „ Felix Rooney .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 6 March, Harold Croft .. .. .. „ .. .. .. : 16 March, Thomas Dromgool .. . . Marine-engine driver „ . . 2, 3 June, 1910. William Richard Cuthbert Stephens .. First - class engineer Sea-going .. 3 May, (powered vessels other than steam) John Arthur Palamountain.. .. Ditto .. .. .. .6 June, „ Charles McCowan .. .... .. .. .. .. 1, 3 Sept., ,, William Henry Jackson .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. I 1, 3, 5 Sept., ,, Frank Hamilton Bell .. .. .. .. .. .. .9 September, „ Frederick Reynolds .. .. .. .. .. ., 15 October, „ Samuel Smith .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 November, „ Alfred Christian Jonassen . . . . j ,, .. .. .. ..Ill November, „ Edward Yates Bolton .. .. I Second-class engineer ., .. 2 May, „ (powered vessels other than steam) Charles Edward Nicholson . . .. Ditto .. .. „ .. i 2 May, „ Hans Petersen .. .. .. „ .. .. ,, .. ! 2 May, ,, Edwin Mugford Stentiford .. .. „ ', .. .. ..2 May, „ Peter Hamilton .. .. .. j ,, .. .. ,, .. | 6 May, ,, Leonard Beaumont Whit well .. I .. .. .. ., .. 6 May, ,, John Alexander Milne . . .. j . . . . ,. .. 6 June, „ John Lindsay Ferguson .. .. . .. .. .. .. I 1 August, „ Francis Robert Nichols .. .. ,, .. .. ,, .. i 4 August, „ Leonard Boulton .. .. .. ,, .. .. ,. ..< 1, 2 Sept., „ Cyril Probyn Berridge .. .. „ .. .. ,. .. I 1, 2 Sept., Charles Cuthbert Lucius Fagan .. j ,, .. .. ,, 2 September. Alfred Stephen Amy .. .. .. .. . . ., 1, 5 Sept., ,, Walter John Morrison .. .. .. .. .. ,, ..7 November, ,, Edward Owen Jones .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I 5 December, „ Arnold William Brissenden .. ,. .. .. .. . . 4 January, 1911. Arthur Benjamin Cox .. .. ,. .. .. ,, .. ; 4 January, „ Henry Cox .. ... .. „ .. .. ., ..4 January, ,, John Taw Waller .. ., ,. ,, .. ,. ., 4 January, ,,



No. 13.—Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency — continued

Failures to pass engineers' examination : First-class engineer, 2 ; second-class engineer, 5 ; third-class engineer, 16 ; river engineer, 15 ; second-class engineer (powered vessels other than steam), 6 ; restricted-limits engineer (powered vessels other than steam), 6. Total number of applicants examined, 273. Amount of fees, £240 10s.

No. 14.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911, with Particulars of Tonnage, &c.

Name of Person. Rank. Class for which examined. Date of Examination. Samuel Knarston Engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto River trade . . 4 April, 1910. Walter Clapham Mountain Eobert Henry Faulkner John William Henley Arthur Mclntosh Thomas Matthew Nicholson Thomas Bertie Partridge William George Partridge James Stewart Clark George William Tench William Richard Elmsley Walmsley William Lockwood Arthur Ernest Scott Alfred Grouville Bertram Thomas Joseph Bogue John Wood Jeffs William Richard Parkinson Montague Ernest Shorter William Phipps Baker Charles James Collings Alexander Hutchinson John Milne Livingston Andrew Chapman Maurice Ashton .. ■ Ralph Erskine Charles Frederick Baker William John Francis Thomas Ernest Hutchinson Noble Johnstone William Sidney McMillan Joseph John Multrus .. .. Augustus Tilby Niccoless Henry George Munro John Hulme Hart.. ;j • ■ '? 14 April, 3 May, 3 May, 3 May, 3 May, 3 May, 3 May, 5 May, 4 July, 4 July, 11 July, 1 August, 18 August, ,, 1 September, ,, 1 September, „ 1 September, ,, 1 September, 1, 2 Sept., 1, 2 Sept., 1, 2 Sept., 5 September, ,, 19 October, 11 November, 1 December, ,, 5 January, 1911. 5 January, „ 5 January, 5 Jauuary, „ 5 January, 5 January, 5 January, ., 30 January, „ 24 February, >i • ■ >> • ■ »> • ■ ii ■ ■ 11 • • J) • • u • • M - • >5 • • ,, • ■ i>

Name of Vessel. ; Tons Measurement. u i » o '5 a ft £ o. ■ Mil! ' 2 00 J-> sSa?-_°3 _ _*3 S- •» S *_ £ » O O 03 ft o __5 00 3§-3 *o*o n 2 ••a © ° 0) J CO u o «*< g z. > r a » __ — £ OCC Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. Admiral .. Advance (Auckland) .. : A.H.B. .. ..I Ahuriri Aida Akaroa Albatross (Auckland).. 121 18 10 54 85 2-37 76 217-8 82 12 5-45 31 1-93 29 111 I 50 8 15 B.H.P. S 17 5-6 28 37 25 B.H.P. 105 Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Single.. Single at each end Single.. Albatross (Auckland).. 50-2 42-5 Note.—The fl| :e (2) afti ;r the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice sui ■veyed.


No. 14.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.


Nam* of Vessel. j Tons Measurement. 00 ca o u o u <D CC 'So 8 « *ftift . oa?a a 2g„_<° «o33°g - £ 3 Sep - O O 03 ft O s_sS| l- 1 o P_ W S e a __ a _3 joj'5. Description of Machinery. « "So ° « <u a a a ft3 oca Screw. Paddle. Alexander Anna Antelope Aorere Apanui Apariina Arabura Arapawa Ariel Anpouri Awaroa Biror-na Beatrice Beil Bird .. Blenheim Bonnie Jean.. 377 28 18-8 765 243 5,703 1,596 2912 17 2 463 344 136 20 88 151 7-6 15 552-5 60 196-5 23-4 1,337 184 21 14 49 134 3,683 771-2 128-3 12-9 220 210 78-7 8 52 85 5-7 13 286-1 35-3 108-4 17-5 834 72 10 B.H.P. 24 B.H.P. 16 274 284 145 47 24 B.H.P. 55 62 24 10 14 50 24 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 84 40 B.H.P. 40 24 B H.P. 250 24 133 30 B.H.P. 24 99 54 40 24 B.H.P. 24 350 67-3 212 2,887 1,726 234 432 Compound S. condensing Oilengine Compound S. condensing Trip.e-ex. S. condensing 0 0 Oil-engine Triple ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 0 • • Tw'in .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 217 Triple-ex. S confusing Compound S. condensing Oil-engiue Bravo Uneze Breta Tui .. Bii annia (Auckland).. Bri'annia (Bluff) 408 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oilengine Hi h pressure Oil-engiue T'iple-ex. S. condensing Hiah pressure Compound S. condensing Oil engine Compound S. condensing Paddle. Single.. 1,121 Tw'in .. Canopus Canterbury (Lytteltonl Canterbury (Lyttelton) Ca berine Chelmsford .. Clansman Claymore .. .. (lobar Colleen Condor 292 12 95 122 634 257-9 158-8 19 6 272 088 9-40 79 379 119 57-8 14-7 187 62 571 366 * Triple-ex. S condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Single.. Single at each end Single.. Corinna Coromandel Countess Cysjnet ... Daphne (Auckland) .. Da*n D spatch Dolly Varden DrendriO'igbt DrdgeNo. 121 Dredge No. 222 Dredge No. 350 Dredge No. 404 Duchess Eagle Eco Ei'een Ward (2) Eliza Elsie (Auckland) Elsie (Pic on) (2) Elsie Evans.. Endeavour .. Endor Enemy Ennerdile .. Enterprise Erin Erlin Eveline Ex-elsior (Auck'and) (2. Excelsior (Waikato) .. Express Fail-burn (2).. Fairy Fannie Fanny Ferro Freetrader .. Gael Gannet (Blenheim) .. Gannet (Bluff) Gertie Gisb rne Gl nelg Gosford 1,271 99 141 124 192 18-9 35 31-4 34 6 657 906-6 941 479 308 219 125 1,023 812-3 67 56-5 66 112-6 14 24 17-4 25 9 394 501-7 488 211 95 138 98 472 9 20 5 221 5-8 54-4 10-5 16 516 13-8 141 25 28 43 40 16 B,H.P. 20 26 B.H.P. 12 B.H.P. 100 140 117 78 81 70 60 B.H.P. 123-6 28 B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 11 20 B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 15 103 24 B.H.P. 34 4 S 24 B.H.P. 6 5 25 40 B.H.P. lOf 20 B.H.P. 30 20 B.H.P. 50 20 12 5 B H.P. 59 12 B.H.P. 75 80 1,053 158 194 718 630 391 . Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Tw'in .. Twin .. Single.. Stern wheel. Paddle'. Twin .. 27 42-4 7-8 76 14 63-73 1,147 18-4 Single.. Twin .. Single.. Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 547 48-7 6-5 53 94-7 45 38-9 90 13-9 132 95 15 23-6 269 67-7 288-3 89 4-1 29-2 4-9 36 61 32 9-15 55 10 4 94 55 10 17-7 118 37-9 155-6 23 649 82 Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oilengine High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-fngine High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 168-5 Single.. Stern wheel 295 Oilengine Triple-x. 3. condensing Oilengine Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 262 No-IE.—Ti ie figure (2) after tl le name of a vi :3Sel shows -easel to have been twice surve; -ed.


No. 14.-Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c. — continued.


Na«e of Vasiel. Tons Measurement. VI m a S O u CD CD 'Si <D M pt .?? 1 ft A o-a r,'a a co is xn K/.d°d _ _ « 1a a i-" .5* S3 c_ a c_ O O ed fto y. " 3 s o CM"". X 5 12 - »£2 o3 u WS a o o 5 - ft2 OT. Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. Goshawk Greyhound Hananui II .. Hapai Haupiri Hauroto Himitangi .. Hipi Hirere Hobsonville Holiudale Huanui Huia (Auckland) Huia (Wellington) Huia (Wellington) Invcrcargill Ithaca Ivy Jine Jane Douglas J.D.O. John Anderson John Townley 238-7 107 I 127 | 867-2t 715 1,988 323 37-5 48 32-5 266 139 224 121-9 83 44-3 363-5 452 1,276 149 125 18 228 197 59 200 28 60 B.H.P. 45 154-8 88 253 45 11 16 15 B.H.P. 27 45 B.H.P. 60 B.H.P. 2 25 41 9 1-7 20 B.H.P. 33 28 20 39 60 B.H.P. 40 24 B.H.P. 3-8 9-5 91-6 200 65 10 B.H.P. 200 117 20 35 30 30 17 5 20 14 38 14 B.H.P. 43 239 482 1.343 248 Compound S. condensing O.l-engine | Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. iio Compound S. condensing Oil engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Single.. 127 223 17-7 69 123 13-2 121 178 High pressure Compound S. condensing . ■ • 27 95 129 52 20-3 74 88 86 85 146-3 99 24-3 163 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing 184 181-9 44-9 Tw'in .. » Kaeo Kaliu (Napier) Kaiaia Kaipara Kaipatiki Kairaki Kaitangata Kaitoa Kaituua (Auckland) .. Kaituna (Dunedin) K'imoiia Katiieri Kapiti Kapui Kapuni Karoro Kate Kawau (Auokland) Kawau (Auckland) Kennedy Kekeno Kestrel 240-5 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. 53 462-4 1,981 303 6 8 1,976 1,425 202 242 58-2 188-4 76 19-8 181-7; 1,218 i 117-6 6 1,246 903 115 113 29-8 96-5 51 561 977 296 1,034 746 138 200 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine j Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Siugle.. Compound S. oondensing • 178 • * 99 47 226 37 342 52-7 37 131 18 203 High pressure i Compound S. condensing Single.. 154 Twin .. Single.. Single at each end Single.. Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Kini Kiripaka lvn-itona Kittawa Kiwi (Auckland) Kiwi (Kaipara) Koi.. Komata 1,122 132-7 136-4 1,246 21 702 74-5 75-2 707 16 130 20 75 B.H.P. 120 20 B.H.P. 3 82 260 115 13 120 9-2 313 20 14 112 26 128 90 B.H.P. 333 20 155 5 1* 35 80 90 B.H.P. 39 10} 25 24 696 107-6 j Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine ! Triplc-tx. S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing 732 Twin .. Single.. 136 1,993 1,090 537 1,194 662 18 5 1,163 740 Twin .. Single.. Koonya Kopu Koputai Koroi Koromiko Kotare Kotiti Kotuku Koutunui Kuwhai Kuaka Kurow Lady Barkly Lauderdale Lena Little Jack Loyalty Lyttelton Maheno (Dunedin) Maburaugi Mahuta Mana (Wellington) .. Manaroa 153 2,479 141 58 1,053 170-8 791-7 45 2,580 55 1,668 1,541 79 42 662 9S-3 403-7 33 1,564 39 1,071 484 1,453 128 742 178 715 1,218 92 7446 High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex S. condensing High pressure Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle'. i 100-6 207 35 203 29 j 134 ! 122 i 24 24 24 94-5 13 76-6 77-5 759 231 Compound S. condensing Paddle. Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 135 151 * •. Note.—The figure (2) aft. ir the name of a vessel she '8 vessel to have been twice surveyed.



No. 14. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.

Nam* of Ve__el. Tons Measurement. <_ oo O E c 5 a. •a 'A Sag" . g » ° - a ft -_— CD ,2o_i. ° 5 W ** _..-1 S d r-,*« £<*« s o-s 5 o cd p-o 4«y___f H*\ °K£7>. i co-SSfo jojj. Description of Machinery, j * o3r° *> • u _ Q °*iS a _ ~H a a ft*? occ Triple-ex. S. condensing Screw. Paddle. Manchester .. 882 366 160 Twin at each end Single.. Mungapapa .. Mangxkura Manuka Manukau Manurere Maori (Auckland) Maori (Dunedin) Mapourika Mararoa Mascotte (Auckland) .. Mai-cotte (Wanganui) Matarere Matuku Maii Mawhera May Howard Mere Mere Merlin Mihi Moana Moa Moana (Dunedin) Moana (Greymouth) .. Moeraki Moerangi Mukoia Monica Monowai Moura Mullogh Muriel Murihiku Napier Naone Naumai Nautilus Navua Ngahere Ngapuhi Ngatiawa Ngatoro Nikau Nile Nina 164 7-4 4,505 65 25 3,398 1,202 2,598 557-5 647-9 64 24-2 188 3,914 7-8 4,392 24 3,502 61-8 3,433 2,026 59 58-9 558 70-8 72 47 46-6 2,929 1,090 691 451 1,137 247-6 43-5 87 5-5 2,783 45 17 1,432 718 1,380 250-8 291-5 55 18-2 95 2,414 5-8 2,714 15 2,154 29-4 2,136 1,247 46 15-5 368 48 49 28-6 28-7 1,812 556 299 220 583 98-3 7-5 28 9 B.H.P. 357 30 34 8 130 530 5 12 1-7 4 80 168 45 B.H.P. 3 4 5 B.H.P. 33 372 7 357 274 B.H.P. 255 20 290 275 15 18 70 30 24 12 71 B.H.P. 220 118 160 55 118 54-6 20 20 B.H.P. 11 30 25 15-5 35 B.H.P. 18 17 70 35 B.H.P. 25 11 90 250 7 57 40 B.H.P. 82 11 13 15 13-5 15 8-5 40 128 134 B.H.P. 3 45 110 28 18 183 Compound S. condensing Oilengine 4,155 | Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Quadruple ex. S. conden. High pressure 5,859 Turbines 1,245 Triple-ex. S. condensing ; 3,843 High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure 414 Triple-ex. S. condensing 1,012 Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 163 Compound S. condensing 4,395 | Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure 4,259 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine 3,032 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing 2,942 Triple-ex. S. condensing 1,654 High pressure Compound S. condensing 521 Triple-ex. S. condensing 92 Compound S. condensing ■ • i Twin .. Single.. Triple .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. i Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. •• I Oil-engine 1,990 Triple-ex. S. condensing 722-5 696 453 720 256 i Compound S. condensing 32 " Twin . Single.. Twin .. | 0 Single.. Twin .. j Single.. I Norval Novelty Ohinemuri .. Ohtira Onewa Ongarue Opawa Orewa Osprey Otunui Paeroa Pania Paritutu Pateena Pearl (Kaipara) Pelican Pelorus Petone Phantom Pilot (Lyttelton) Pilot (Wellington) .. Pitoitoi (Auckland) (2) Pitoitoi (Waitara) Planet Plucky Poherua Portare Presto Progress Pukaki Pupuke Puiau 56-5 199-7 114 50 73-5 110 59 219 15-3 91 55-9 564-2 1,212 14 161 24 708 44 30-9i 39 I 811 72-5 14 81 1,174 11-34 I 50 98-5 73 34 31-3 10 61 87 138 11-5 45 84-9 232-9 550 _ 18 388 18 10-7 26 ! 27-6 19 4 29 749 8-5 I ■• i ... i I Oil-engine Compound S. condensing 120 Quadruple-ex. S. conden. Compound S. condensing Oil-engine 81 Compound S. condensing i _. " ■ Oil-engine 81-8 Compound S. condensing 654 .Triple-ex. S. condensing 2,023 Compound S. condensing High pressure 282 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine 522 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing 81 81-8 654 2,023 . .. Twin .. Single.. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle. 282 Twin .. Single.. 522 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing 277 725 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing 277 725 214 1,444 137-9 51 112 917 68-2 38 162 626 Quadruple-ex. S. conden. Compound S. condensing 162 626 Twin .. Note, .—The fi| ire (2) after the name ol f a vessel shows vessel to have been twice si irveyed.



No. 14. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.

Name of Vessel. Tonal mi leasureint. 3 a i a S. a » oa gr; a ft CO "— cc) 4S*<».8 ? (3 CD S^ 3 £__ ° o a) ao si*" ! U'K K K S-f __ a too a°S?£ — J_ o S _!■§ 1 , ■o5g_2 a _5 occ Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddla. CO CO c E O M 5 i B A Putiki Queen of Beauty Queen of the South .. Rakanoa Rakiura Rarawa Regulus Result Rimu Ripple (Lyttelton) Rita Riwaka Rosamond Rosetta Rotoiti (Auckland) .. Rotoiti (Dunedin) Rotokahu Rntomahana (Auckland) Rotorua Ruru (Auckland; Ruru (Napier) Ruruhau Savaii Sea Queen I.. Shamrock Sir William Wallace .. Sonoma Southern Cross Sparrow Squall Stella Sterling Storm Stormbird Swan (Napier) Sylph Tainui Taipo Takapnna (Auckland) Takapuna (Dunedin).. Talune Tanga roa Tangihua Taniwha (Auckland) .. Taniwha (Timaru) Tarakihi Tarawera Tarewai Tasman (2) .. Taviuni Tawera (Auckland) .. Tawera (Dunedin) Tawera (Gisborne) Te Anau Te Aroha Te Pioneer Te Whaka .. Terawhiti The Minerva Theresa Ward Thistle Thomas King Togo Tongariro Traveller Tuatea Tu Atu Tui.. Tuirangi Tuna (Kaipara) Turanga Te Waipounamu Uira Uta Variance Vesptr Victoria 408 20-7 197 2,246 17-8 1,071 584-1 28 358 412 40 31 721 12-8 1,158 14-6 183 7-6 31 158 21-4 55 15-8 109 44 682 368 268 96 405 217 23-7 128 17-6 77 1,036 2,086 189 31 263 157 9-4 121 1,393 13-4 460 227-2 18 144 187 17 19 462 9-6 ■• 629 11 139 5-7 11 57 16 31 9-9 60 30 403 133 157 ! 26 185 129 161 598 13-2 57 472 1,370 109 20 191 16 60 85 B.H.P. 40 200 10 B.H.P. : 140 150 10 95 80 11 10-5 90 5 B.H.P. 2-5 104 8 i 45 25 B.H P. : 10 50 12 B.H.P. j 16 25* B.H.P. J20 B.H.P. 20 13 117 14 60 90 39 70 40 10 8 24 12 B.H.P. 25 165 255 70 15 40 16 4 250 11 38 135 8 25 40 B.H.P. 250 85 B.H.P. 13 45 99 14 95 90 B.H.P. 16 14 8-2 7| 28 60 B.H.P. 64 224 34 25 B.H.P. 24 B.H.P. 34 50 B.H.P. 2J B.H.P. 32 B.H.P. 40 293 178 897 945 696 500 287 445 1,145 240 223 617 258 " 256 261 287 203 152 1,414 1718 1,390 203-2 1,062 1,241 846 450" 228 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oilengine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine .. Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine High piessure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing C mpound S. condensing Ordinary condensing Compound S. condensing Ordinary condensing High pressure .. Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 0 • • Twin .. Single.. . • • Paddle. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 2,003 22-8 178-5 1,465 1,269 11-4 87 978-6 Twin .. Single.. 52 1,652 1061 36-2 323-6 259-8 48-2 194 96 98 44 1,028 56-9 24 5 140 5 46-8 21-3 9 77 70 Quadruple-ex. S. conden. High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing . • • Twin .. Single.. Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Tiiple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing T»in .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 20 4 iia 40 58 30 20 71-8 Twin .. Single.. 124-4 Oil-engine High pressure Tnple-ex. S. condensing High pressure .. Oil-engine 26-6 18-3 19-9 31 25-1 46-6 147 23-2 18-8 19-7 92 High pressure Oilengine High pressure .. Twin .. Paddle'. Note.—The flgi ire (2) after the name of a vessel sho'8 vessel to have bean twice surveyed.


No. 14.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.

No. 15.—Return of Sailing-vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1911, with Particulars of Tonnage, &c.


Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. CO CO p s 9 -j 'or v A '■S s _l _?|w_S CD 5 *. £ S a! _ I » d-S cd^ S-lo-3 o o cd ft o !5 i o O oq CO i _sSi>> q ° cd 'J co Description of Machinery. Screw. | cd CD op 2S5_3 - ft+a OCD Paddle. Victory Vivid Waispu Waihi W«ikana Waimarie (Auckland).. Waimarie (Wanganui) Waimea Waione Waiora Waiotahi Waipori Wairau Wamka Wairere Wairoa (Auckland) Wiiiroa (Nelson) Waiiua Wniruna Walangi (Auckland).. Waitangi (Matakolie) Waiiemata .. Waitohi Wai*era (Auckland) .. Waiwera (Henley) Waiwiri Wakapat Wakatere Wakatu Wanaka Warrimoo Waterlily Wave Waverley Weka (Auckland) Weka (Napier) Wes'land Wi akarire (2) Whangape .. Will Watch.. Wootton Young Bungaree 33 21 67 97-5 153-8 245 80 454-4 70 17 6 57 66-7 66 159 53 206-8 48 16 B.H.P. 13 35 B.H.P. 20 200 48 20 100 80 5 56 180 20 49 25 40 20 5 396 66 60 258 10 6 16 B.H P. 7| 10 140 30 280 490 10 B.H.P. 33 B.H.P. 25 27 20 86 120 280 45 B.H.P. 33 35 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 77 Twin .. High pressure Triple-tx. S. condensing.. Paddle. 601 Twin .. 278 1,918 143-2 148-8 65 100 69-8 167 1,229 59-2 71-6 41 49 47-5 288-7 1,034 148 Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Paddle. 137 50-8 Single.. 3,947 171 45 5,431 24 2,529 34 30 3,459 18 1,990 344 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 2,261 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compouud S. condensing Oil engine Compound S. condensing 441 157 2,421 3,528 25 6 398 156 127 89 152 819 2,911 87-5 151 805 157 95 1,572 2,076 18 1 28-8 93 86 52 8-4 449 1,900 46 89-6 16 Paddle. 141-5 1,042 3,659 Triple-ex. S. condensing Single.. Oil-engine 121 Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 97-5 401-9 660 1,202 Twin .. Single.. Paddle. Triple-ex. S. condensing Od-insjine Compound S. condensing 134-6 125 o • • Note.—The figure (2) aft ir the name of a vessel she 's vessel to have been twice sui veyed.

-15a. No. 14.— Eeti ;c.— continued. rRN Of STEA :ers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, Name of Vessel Tods Measurement. CO CO p s u © -J '5. CD x Sag-. |> - CO —■ . % = -£& (0 S «_-- d co — '" ~~ d-S -■£ 5 s -« 6 CD C O e. P. O £ U B * O i o o to w> o 0 -'c.«! Description of Machinery. cd CD OP - S.4- otn Screw. Paddle. Victory Vivid Waiepu Waihi W«ikana Waimarie (Auckland).. Waimarie (Wanganui) Waimea Waione Waiora Waiotahi Waipori Wairau Wairtka Wairere Wairoa (Auckland) Wiiiroa (Nelson) Waiiua Wsiruna Waiiangi (Auckland).. Waitangi (Matakohe) Waiiemata .. Waitohi Wai*era (Auckland) .. Waiwera (Henley) Waiwiri Wakapai Wakatere Wakatu Wai-aka VVarrimoo Waterlily Wave Waverley Weka (Auckland) Weka (Napier) Wes'land Wi akarire (2) Whang<ipe .. Will Watch.. Woottoo Young Bungaree 33 21 67 97-5 153-8 245 80 454-4 70 17 6 57 66-7 66 159 53 206-8 48 16 B.H.P. 13 35 B.H.P. 20 200 48 20 100 80 5 56 180 20 49 25 40 20 5 396 66 60 258 10 6 16 B.H P. 7| 10 140 30 280 490 10 B.H.P. 33 B.H.P. 25 27 20 86 120 280 45 B.H.P. 33 35 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 77 Twin .. High pressure .. Trip!e-tx. S. condensing.. Paddle. 601 Twin .. 278 1,918 143-2 148-8 65 100 69-8 167 1,229 59-2 71-6 41 49 47-5 288-7 1,034 148 Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Paddle. 137 50-8 Single.. 3,947 171 45 5,431 24 2,529 34 30 3,459 18 1,990 344 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 2,261 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil engine Compound S. condensing 441 157 2,421 3,528 25 6 398 156 127 89 152 819 2,9:11 87-5 151 805 157 95 1,572 2,076 18 1 28-8 93 86 52 8-4 449 1,900 46 89-6 16 Paddle. 141-5 1,042 3,659 Triple-ex. S. condensing Single.. Oil-engine 121 Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 97-5 401-9 660 1,202 Twin .. Single.. Paddle. Triple-ex. S. condensing 04-, nsjine Compound S. condensing 134-6 125 v . . Note.—The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice sur\ •veyed. No. 15. — Eetuen of Sailing-vessels surveyed during the Financial 31st March, 1911, with Particulars of Tonnage, &c. I Yea ar ended the 'I ons Measurement. Name of Vessel. Gross. Resistor. Description. Times surveyed. Alexa Bankfields .. Clyde H>-len Denny Honto James Craig.. Je->,ie Caig .. Joseph Craig Jes-sie Nicol .. Kerern Louisa Craig Marjorie Craig Northern Chitf Selwyn Craig 334-4 859 94 742 124-8 670-9 680 751 93 123-7 710 540 287 530 286 785 87 695 99 646 634 694 93 99-7 683 499 263 486 Brigantine .. Barque S hooner Burque Schooner Barque 2 Schooner Ketch Barque



No. 16.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, &c., from the 1st April, 1910, to the 31st March, 1911.

7—H. 15a.

Dβ te of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1910. April 5 S.s. Bramley Auckland This vessel was on a voyage from Newcastle to Valparaiso. On the 1st April, when about a hundred miles east of the Three Kings, an accident occurred to her main machinery. On examination it was found that the air-pump links had carried away. Temporary repairs were effected, and the vessel proceeded to Auckland, where a new set of links were made and fitted. On the 12th April, during a voyage from Picton to Westport, and when about ten miles from Stephen's Island, this vessel ran into heavy head weather. She was in light trim, which caused the machinery to race considerably. The main steam-pipe, through the racing, was fractured for about 3 in. at the neck of the flange, and the vessel put into Nelson for repairs. The defective portion of the pipo was cut off, a new flange brazed on, and the pipe was afterwards tested to 3401b. hydraulic pressure, and found satisfactory. On a voyage from Lyttolton to Laverick's Bay on the 7th April, this vessel touched the rocks near Laverick's Bay wharf. On her return to Lyttolton an examination of her hull was made, when it was found sho had received no damage. On the 16th April, whilst berthing at the Nelson wharf, this vessel collided with it, damaging her stem and the bulwarks. A new piece was fitted into the stem, several new stanchions were fitted, the bulwarks were repaired, and two iron breast hooks were fitted. This vessel was on a voyage from Collingwood to Waitapu on the 18th April, when, shortly after leaving Collingwood, her propeller-shaft broke off close to the neck of the liner, probably caused by striking a submerged snag in the river. The vessel was towed back to Collingwood. The old propeller was recovered, and fitted to the spare shaft which was carried on board. The vessel then proceeded on her voyage. On the 14th January this vessel had just left Auckland Harbour for London with a full cargo. When going down Rangitoto Channel she struck an uncharted rock, doing considerable damage to her hull. The water gained access to the holds, which were soon flooded. Divers located the holes in the hull. These holes were plugged up, and a number of salvage pumps employed to pump the vessel out. A portion of the cargo was discharged, and the vessel pumped out. She returned to Auckland on the 20th January, whore she was docked for survey and repairs. On examination it was found that she had received extensive damage to her hull plating and frames through coming into contact with tho rocks. Sixty-six of the plates were much damaged, forty-nine frames bent or broken, a number of wash and intercostal plates in No. 1 tank buckled, and one tank top, also part of the rollingchock, damaged. All the damage was on the starboard side. The following repairs were carried out: In the A strake two plates were cut out and renewed ; in the B strake two plates were cut out and renewed ; in the C strake one plate was cut out and renewed ; in the D strake four plates were reriveted ; in the E strake six plates were cut out and one plate renewed ; in the F strake five plates were cut out and renewed ; in the bilge strake sixteen plates were cut out and renewed and thirty-four plates taken off, straightened, and reriveted. Two frames were straightened, forty-seven frames were cut, and new pieces varying from 8 ft. to 14 ft. in length fitted in. One tank top plate was taken out, straightened, replaced, and new angle irons fitted. Twelve new wash-plates were fitted, and five were taken out, straightened, and replaced. Seventeen new intercostal plates were fitted. 16 ft. of new tee iron was fitted to the rolling-chock and one keelplate was straightened in position. This vessel was on a voyage from Auckland to Valparaiso. At 4 a.m. on the 8th April the vessel was five hundred miles from the New Zealand coast, when all tho air- and cir-culating-pump links carried away. Thoro was a flaw in one of the links, and when this link broke it threw a greater strain on the remaining links, causing them to carry away. The air-, circulating-, feed-, and bilge-pump rods and plungers were also damaged through the links carrying away. The vessel returned to Auckland, where the necessary renewals and repairs were made. Nelson April 13 .. ' S.s. Pukaki April 14 S.s. .Monica Lyttelton April 18 S.s. Lady Barkly Nelson April 21 S.s. Wairoa Nelson S.s. Kaipara Jan. 18, 28; Feb. 3; Mar. 2, 16, 30; April 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Auckland April 12, 25 I S.s. Bramley Auckland



No. 16.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness — continued.

Date of Survey. Vuiio of Vessel. Where surveyed. Xature of Casualty, &c. I 1910. April 21, 28 S.s. Kennedy Nelson May 13, 14.. May 21 May 25 tune 13, 14, 15 O.e.v. Waiapu .. S.s. SteUa S.3. Wootton .. S.s. Wootton .. Auckland Auckland Lyttelton Lyttelton On the 15th April this vessel arrived off the Greymouth bur from Nelson, and, while standing out to sea during a very strong north-weet jiale, the rudder-quadrant was damaged Just about the same time the main steam-pipe of the port engine cracked. The vessel was taken in tow by the s.s. " Alexander," but, owing to the heavy weather, the towline broke several times. Tho " Alexander " ran short of coals, and had to return to Nelson for more. The s.s. " Mangapapa " in the meantime towed the " Kennedy " to an anchorage at Farewell Spit. After coaling, the "Alexander" returned and towed the " Kennedy" eafel} to Nelson, where the quadrant and main steam-pipe were repaired. On the 25th April, on a voyage from Auckland to Oisborno, and when off Hicks Bay, this vessel was caught in a hurricane and dismasted, the stanchions, rails, and bowsprit being also carried away. A jurymast, rigging, and spare sails wore fitted, and the vessel made a little hoadway. During the afternoon of the 29th the s.s. " Enuerdale " was sighted, bound from Timaiu to Auckland, and at + p.m. took the schooner in tow and brought her into Auckland. The vessel has since undergone extensive repairs, which include new spars, bulwarks, stanchions, cathead, moor-ing-bits, rudder-stock, main hatches, and a number of minor repairs. On the 14th Maj', off Opito Bay, this vessel came into collision with the scow " Wanderer." The only damage sustained was to hor bulwarks, which were temporarily repaired, the iel otherwise being quite seaworthy. On the 23rd .May. during a voyage from Lyttelton to Kaipara, and when steaming up the Kaipara River, this sel went aground, tho river having shoaled up in the fairway. She was got off by means of her own steam the next day, and on her return to Lyttelton a survey was made. Tho damage done was slight, consisting of the loss of a few sheets of copper sheathing. The vessel showed no signs of leaking. This vessel was voyaging from Tiraaru to Lyttelton on the Uth Juno when the stern gland became hot and seized on the shaft, carrying away the stem-gland studs. During the process of cooling the gun-metal liner on the shaft cracked. On arrival at Lyttelton the vessel was put on the slip for survey, when all the necessary repairs were effected, including a new liner shrunk on the shaft, a new stern gland and studs, and a lignum-vite bush made and fitted. On the 22nd June this vessel was lying at the Queen Street wharf, Auckland. A fire broko out among the cargo in the forepart of the 'tween-decks. The forecastle was gutted right out, the deck beams and plates underneath were very much bent and twisted, several stanchions were bent or broken, and the collision bulkhead was bulged in in several places. This necessitated the following repairs being done : Ten main-deck plates were cut out, nine of them were straightened and replaced, and one was renewed ; four main-deck beams, running right across the vessel, were cut out, straightened, and replaced, one of thorn was cracked in the centre and was strengthened with fish-plates ; seven short dock-beams between the hull and coamings of No. 1 hatch were straightened in position ; four vertical stanchions were straightened and one was renewed ; the collision bulkhead was strengthened with 1-iron bars fitted horizontally across it; two deck-plates in line of No. 3 hatch were sheathed where they were cracked. A new wooden deck was laid in the forecastle. and all tho bunks and fittings wore renewed. On the 9th July this vessel arrived at Wellington from Greymouth at 3 a.m., and was berthing at the Taranaki Street wharf when she touched the ground and did not answer hor holm properly, taking a sheer to port instead of starboard, which caused her to strike the wharf. Both hawse-pipes were broken and two plates on tho port bow damaged. Two new hawse-pipes were fitted, a new doubling-plate was fitted under starboard hawse-pipe, two new plates were fitted on port bow, and two frames were cut and new pieces fitted in. This vessel was voyaging from Portland, Oregon, to Dunedin. On the 4th July, when entering Otago Harbour, she went aground on a sandspit off Howlett Point. She remiinod aground from 5 p.m. to 5.35 p.m., when she came off by means of her own sails. A survey was made of the vessel, when she was found to have received no damage. S.s. Indradevi .. Auckland 'une 23, 24, 25, 27,29 : July 2, 4, 5,6 July 11 S.s. Poherua Wellington Dunedin July 16, 21 Bossuet (barque)



No. 16.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness — continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. I Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1910. July 29, 30 O.e.v. Albatross.. Onehunga Onehunga Dunedin On the 28th July this vessel was on a voyage from Auckland to Waitara, and when off the Manukau Harbour entrance she was driven on to a bank in the South Channel at Manukau Heads by a southerly wind. Both anchors were dropped, and after the vessel had been bumping slightly on the bank for about two hours and a half both cables parted. The kedge-anchor was put out astern, an,d with its help and the flood tide making, the vessel came off the bank. She proceeded to Onehunga, where a survey was made, and it was found that the vessel had sustained only slight damage. A little copper sheathing on the hull required renewing and also one new plank on the bottom of centre-board. The propeller of this vessel worked loose between the 2nd and the 3rd August, on a voyage from Auckland to Gisborne. The vessel continued her voyage to Dunedin, where she was docked. A Dew leather was fitted to the shaft and the propeller was refitted and securely tightened Aug. IS . . ' S.r. Monowai Dunedin Aug. 21, 23, 25 S.s. Rosamond .. Onehungu Onehungu Wellington Dunodin Wellington Wellington Wellington up. On the 20th August this vessel was lying at her berth at the Onehunga wharf when she was run into by the s.s. "' Kotuku." The collision made two large holes in the sheer-strake plating, and cut through the deck-stringer, bulwark-plating, and rail on the starboard quarter. Repairs were made by renewing one plate in the sheer-strake, pieoing the deck-stringer, renewing the bulwark-plate, and repairing the rail. On the 24th August this vessel was swinging at the Westport wharf, preparatory to sailing for Dunedin. A wire hawser, which was being used for swinging the vessel, became slack and got foul of the propeller. The vessel steamed from Westport to Wellington, accompanied by the " Pukaki." On arrival at Wellington a diver made an examination of the propeller and shaft of the " Taviuni," when he found that there were nine turns of wire rope round the shaft. He removed these and tightened up several of the set-pins in the stern-bush, and the vessel then continued on her voyage to Dunedin. During the voyage of this vessel from Sydney to Auckland on the 19th August, and when off Mokohinou Point, in latitude 35'5(i >S., longitude 174'54 E., a slight vibration was felt by those on board, as if the vessel had struck a submerged log or other floating object. After calling at Auckland, the vessel continued her voyage to Wellington and Dunedin. At the latter port the fore-peak and ballasttanks were examined and sounded. There was a little broken cement in Nos. 1 and 2 tanks, and a slight bulge, evidently not of recent occurrence, was noticed in one of the tanks. All the holds were examined and found in good condition. This vessel was steaming from Newcastle, N.S.W., to Valparaiso on the 22nd August, and when about 750 miles east of New Zealand, the M.P. slide-valve spindle of the main engines broke. It was decided to return to port for repairs. On arrival in Wellington a new mild - steel spindle was made and fitted. The vessel then proceeded on her voyage. On the 20th September this vessel fell in with heavy weather between Onehunga and Gre3'mouth. About seventy miles south of Onehunga the engines were racing heavily, when the after length of tunnel shafting carried away. The breaking of this shaft also bent the next length of tunnelshafting and propeller-shaft, and damaged two of the bearings. A Thompson's coupling, which was on board, was fitted to the broken shaft, enabling the vessel to continue on her voyage at a reduced speed, and arrive at Wellington without further mishap. A new propellershaft, two new tunnel-shafts, two new tunnel-bearings and a new stern-gland were fitted. On further examination of the shafting a slight flaw was discovered in the thrust-shaft. Four steel clamps were put around this, which made it quite seaworthy. At 4 p.m. on tho 13th September, as this vessel was entering Patea Harbour from Wellington, she grounded on the bar. The vessel remained fast until 9 p.m. of the 3rd October, when she was refloated. She returned to Wellington, and was placed on the slip for survey, when it was found that a number of rivets in the hull were loose, and the cement in the forehold and under the boiler broken. All defective rivets were cut out, new rivets fitted, and the broken cement was renewed. Aug. 28 . . S.s. Taviuni Wellington Aug. 28 ,ug. 27, 2'J, 30 S.s. Whakatane Dunodin u g. 31 ; Sept. 3 S.s. Navarino Wellington e p t. 30 ; Oct. 1, 7 S.s. Kotuku Wellington let. 8 S.s. Mana



No. 16.-Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. I Nature of Casualty, <£c. I 1910. Nov. 11 .. • Nov. 25 Nov. 26 .. Nov. 30 J Dec. 2 Dec. 7, 0 S.s. Morayshire .. j Dunedin S.8. Maori . . Wellington 8.S. Mapourika .. \ Nelson O.e.v. Oroto .. Auckland S.s. VVootton .. j Lyttelton This vessel was on a voyage from Liverpool to New Zealand. She called at Durban, and on the 21st September, shortly after leaving the latter port, it was found there were 16 in. of water in No. 2 starboard bilge. After the vessel's arrival in New Zealand, she was docked on the 11th November at Port Chalmers. A survey of the hull wi'.s made, when sixteen defective rivets were found on the port side of vessel, and forty-eight on the starboard aide. These were all cut out and renewed. A leak was discovered in a length of this vessel's main steam pipe while on the trip from Lyttelton to Wellington on the 24th November. On arrival in Wellington the pipe was taken off and a new pipe-joint was fitted to it. The pipe was afterwards tested to 3001b. hydraulic pressure before being fitted on board. On a trip from Westport to Nelson on the 26th November a leak was discovered in the centre combustion-chamber back plate of the main boiler. On arrival at Nelson a survey was made, when a small hole was discovered near one of tho screwed stays. Temporary repairs were made at Nelson to enable the vessel to continue her voyage to Wellington, where permanent repairs were effeoti d. This vessel, on the 26th November, was off Cape Colville, steaming between Auckland and Gisborne, when she was found to bo making water. On examination it was discovered that the stem-tube was slack, the water ooming in around the tube. The vessel returned to Auckland, and was put on the slip. A survey was made, when it was found that the outer nut on tho stern-tube had become slack. This was securely tightened up, which made the vessel quite seaworthy. At 3.15 p.m. on the 1st December this vessel was attempting to cross the Kaiapoi bar, on a voyage from Greymouth to Kaiapoi, when she grounded and remained fast until 7.15 p.m., when she floated off. After discharging cargo the vessel proceeded to Lyttelton, and was placed on the slip for survey. Tho vessel was found to have sustained damage to her rudder, stempost, and forefoot; the stem bush was also much worn down. A new ironbark rudder was made and fitted, the tiller was straightened ; two new copper fastenings were put througli keel under aperture, and lift, of the false keel under forefoot was renewed. The propeller-shaft was drawn, the after liner was turned up true, and a now lignum-vitse stem-bush fitted. The hull was caulked and recoppered where necessarv. On a voyage from Karamea to Lyttelton, on the 29th November, this vessel grounded on the Karamea bar and remained fast until the following day. An anchor was put out. and by hauling on to this, and at the same time using her own engines, she was floated off, and proceeded on her voyage. The vessel was placed on the slip at Lyttolton, when fifteen new copper fastenings were fitted to hull on starboard side ; several butts were caulked, and repairs wen made to copper sheathing where necessarv. j This vessel had just arrived at Pieton from Wellington on the 17th Deccmbor, and whilst berthing at the wharf came into collision with the s.s. " Pateena," already moored at the wharf. The damage to the vessel was all above the deck, and she was allowed to continue her Port Ahuriri. On arrival there a survey was made, when the gusset-plate connecting the bulwarks to the after end of foreuastlc-head was found to be fractured. two bulwark bulb-stays buckled, and the bulwarks se1 in for a length of 3 ft. All the damage was on the starboard side. The necessary repairs were carried out before the vossel sailed from Napier. After encountering very heavy weather for several days on the voyage from Newcastle, N.S.W., to Coronel, Chili, and when in south latitude 4!)-20 and west longitude 158, this vessel's rudder-stock broke in the trunkway on (lie 28th September. The vessel for the time being was uncontrollable, and the rudder swinging about from aide to side badly damaged the rudder-trunk and stuffing-box. On the 5th October a jury-rudder was got into position. and the vessel headed for New Zealand. The weather again increased in violence, and the improvised rudder had to be abandoned. A second jury-rudder was made and shipped ; this one lasted for four days, when it was broken by the heavy seas. On the weather moderating a third jury-rudder was made and shipped, which enabled the vessel to make the port of Lyttoltoii, when the following repairs wore effected : A new rudder-stock was made, the trunkway was repaired, one new gudgeon was fitted to rudder, a new bracket was fitted to the rudder-post, and a new stuffing-box fitted to i-udder-head. Dec. 14 S.s. Defender Lyttelton Dee. 2ii S.s. Kairaki Port Ahuriri Dec. 5, 8, 28, 30 S.s. Strathclyde i Lyttelton



No. 16.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

No. 17. —Return showing the Revenue from the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the Examination of Marine Engineers and Land-engine Drivers, and the Amount earned by the Survey of Steamers and Sailing-ships), also the Ordinary Expenditure of the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the Examination of Marine Engineers and Land-engine Drivers and Survey of Steamers and Sailing-ships), during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1911. Receipts. £ B. d. | Expenditure. £ s. d. Inspection of boilers and machinery (less Salaries .. .. 8,408 2 4 refmds) .. .. .. .. 8,900 15 0 Advertising, books, &c. .. .. .. 18 2 0 Certificates of land-engine drivers (less re- Offica furniture, &c. .. .. 16 8 6 funds) .. .. .. .. 647 5 0 Collection of inspection-fees .. 150 0 0 Survey of steamers (including auxiliary- Compassionate allowance to Kathleen powered vessels) .. .. .. 2,058 10 0 Clements .. .. 100 0 0 Survey of sailing-ships .. .. .. 110 15 0 D-partmental inquiry .. .. .. 68 18 9 Survey of vessels for seaworthiness .. 106 0 0 Office equipment and requisites .. .. 43 11 7 Examination of marine engineers .. 248 0 0 Postage and telegrams (less refund) . . 236 17 3 Rent, cleaning offices, fuel, and light .. 227 8 4 Telephones .. .. .. .. 68 10 0 Travelling-expenses (less refund) .. 2,527 810 Contingencies .. .. 29 12 6 £12,071 5 0 £11,895 0 1

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, <Sc. 1911. Ian. 18, 20.. O.e.v. Greyhound Auckland On the 15th January, on a voyage from Auckland to Hohoura, the propeller-shaft broke. The vessel returned to Auckland, where a new propeller-shaft was made and fitted. This vessel was on a voyage from Liverpool to New Zealand, rill Las Palmas and Sydney. On the 1st December, when in latitude 45-40 south and longitude 100-30 east, and running before a north-west gale, a propeller-blade was thrown off. On the vessel's arrival in Port Chalmers she was docked. The propeller-shaft was drawn, and two new propeller-blades were made and fitted. About a hundred rivets were renewed in the aftor-peak compartment, and several rivets were also renewed in the two after-tunnel bearing-seats. About twenty miles north of Stephen's Island, during heavy weather on a trip between New Plymouth and Wellington on the 26th February, a leak occurred between the after ballast-tank and the engine-room, at the lower part of the engine-room bulkhead. The tank being full of water, it found its way into the engine-room bilges. The ordinary pumps were unable to keep the water down, and there being a danger of the stokehold platform being washed up, the bilge-injection was opened up. This soon lowered the water, but after running awhile the eirculating-pump valves and passages were partly choked with sediment from the bilges. The jet-condenser connection was then used until the pumps were cleared, when the bilge-injec-tion was again used. On the vessel's arrival in Wellington the necessary repairs to the bulkhead and tank were made. On the 3rd March this vessel was being towed by the s.s. " Waiwiri " in Auckland Harbour, when she collided with the wharf. The stem was sprung just below tho figurehead and the stock of port anchor broken. The necessary repairs were made. On the 1st March a crack was discovered in the neck of a portion of the main steam-pipe when the vessel was between Auckland and Wellington. On arrival in Wellington the defective pipe was taken off, the cracked portion was cut out, and a new piece fitted. Tho pipe was tested to 360 lb. hydraulic pressure before i id on board. On the 8th March, on a trip from Parua Bay to Auckland, this vessel took the ground, settling on a rock amidships. She remained fast from 2 p.m. till midnight of the same day, when she was got off by means of her own machinery, and proceeded to Auckland. After examination in dock in Auckland it was found that the keelson was broken, and that a number of the hull fastenings were loose. A new portion of keelson, of hardwood 27 ft. long, was fitted, also two sister keelsons, and all the defective fastenings were made good. On the 14th March this vessel struck some submerged object in Hauraki Gulf, which did some damage to the stem. A new graving-piece was fitted into the stem, and new fastenings put in where required. feb. 1, 4, 7 S.e. Sussex .. i Port Chalmers Feb. 2t> S.s. Rosamond .. Wellington Mar. 3 Kereru (sailing- Auokland vessel) Mar. 6 S.s. Strathendrick Wellington Mar. 20, 24 S.s. Wairoa . . Auckland i Mar. 25 O.e.v. Sea Queen I Auokland


No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers.


H.—15a. 54 No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers. HorseName of Owner. j Where. Boiler used. Purpose for which used. *>»« -%j*«£@£S °' Boiler, i Name of Owner. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Adams, J., and Co. .. .. Auckland .. I Bacon-factory .. 30 8J and 14 j First class. Ambury, English, and Co. . . Mangere .. Butter-factory 36 12 i Second class. „ . . .. Newton .... ,. 18 10 Arkell, D. .. .. Auckland . . i Brewery .. .. 16 Nil „ Auckland Brick Company .. Avondale Brickworks 71 20 First class. Auckland City Council .. .. Auckland . . ' Electric lighting .. 115 13 and 22 „ Pumping.. .. 40 10 and 17J „ ,. .. .. I „ Road-wagon .. 6J 4 and 7 Locomotive and traction. .. j „ „ .. 6 4 and 7 Ditto. .. Mount Eden .. Stone-crushing .. 61 14{- and 11 First class. „ .. Pumping.. .. 42 11 and 22 Otahuhu . . .. Steaming 45 6 and 10 Second class. Western Springs .. Pumping.. .. 40 20 and 42 First class. „ .. 40 26 and 42 „ 40 26 and 42 „ . . 40 26 and 42 Auckland Electric Tramway Company.. Auckland Road-roller ..5 6| ; Locomotive and traction. .. j „ .. Electric traction .. 123 17 and 34, 18J, 27, First class. and 38£ ... „ .. 123 Ditto ... .. „ .. 123 ., „ .. „ .. 123 „ .. „ .. 123 „ ., .. „ .. 123 .... .. „ ..123 123 ,', ',', » » 123 18J, 27,"and 381 Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company.. Southdown . . freezing .. .. 84 8 and 10 .. „ .. 84 8 and 10 ..,,.. ..84 8 and 10 „ .. .. j Auckland .. j „ .. 45 11 and 20 Auckland Gas Company „ Gasworks .. 100 12 i Second class. Auckland Harbour Board . . „ .. Sand-dredge .. 65 6 and 14, 14 and 24, , First class. .. „ .. Dredging.. 93 16, 26, and 43, 12 i and 24 .. „ „ .93 Ditto „ „ .. . Pumping.. ..22 12 Second class. .... Dredging.. 10 Two 9 „ .. 7 Two 9 „ .. .10 Two 9 Pile-driving . . 20 Two 8J „ .. ,. Pumping.. 56 Two 33 ; First class. .. „ . . Sheer-legs . . 42 Two 14 „ Pumping.. 56 Two 33 „ .. .56 Two 33 Machine-shop .. 25 12 I Second class. 25 12 * ,, ...... . . , f . . _-u i- „ „ .. .. .. Sheer-legs .. j 42 Two 14 First class. Auckland Hospital Board .. .. Steaming .. I 45 5 Second class. Auckland Meat Company .. „ . . Freezing .. .. 55 i 13 „ „ .. .. Westfield.. Bone-crushing ..16 10 „ Auckland Steam Laundry Company . . Auckland . . Laundry .. .. | 43 I 9 „ Avondale Brick and Tile Company . . Avondale .. Brickworks 72 26 First class. Bagnall Bros. .. .. Auckland .. Box-factory 64 [ 13 Second class. „ Turua .. Sawmill .. 84 16 First class. Bertleson and Rasmussen .. Waihou .. .. Flax-mill.. .. | 32 12 Second class. Black, J. •. Ness Valley . . Sawmill .... 16 9£ Bourke, M. F. .. .. j Kerepeehi Flax-mill.. .. j 25 12A Brett Publishing Company . . Auckland .. Printing .. .. 35 13 and 14;} First class. „ .. 61 13 and 14J Burt, A. and T. (Limited) „ Shop tools 20 9| Second class. Bycroft and Co. .. „ .. Flour-mill 65 18 First class. Carder Bros. .. .. Ponsonby . . Brickworks .. 38 11£ Second class. „ .. .. .. Hobsonville .. „ 20 9 „ Cassels and Nisbet .. .. Waikino .. Hauling .. .. 21 Two 8{ „ Clark, R. O. (Limited) .. Hobsonville . . Brickworks 74 9f „ Clow, T. R. .. . • Papatoetoe .. Hauling .. .. 5 8 Locomotive and traction. .. „ .. 7 7 Ditto. Comrie, James .. .. Runciman District.. ' Chaffcutting .. 5 7J „ Comrie and Ferguson .. Pukekohe District. Threshing and chaff- 5 8 „ cutting Colonial Ammunition Company .. Mount Eden Ammunition-works 70 84 Second class. Colonial Sugar-refining Company . Chelsea Sugar-refining .. 168 11 and 18J, 12 and First class. 14, 16 and 18 „ 35 Two 24 „ .. „ . 35 . Two 24 .. ' „ 35 I Two 24


No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.


55 M.—15a. No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued. Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Horse- ' ■Putdosp for which naed ! P ower i Diameter ° f Cylinders of rurpose tor wiucn used. | of Engines, in Inches. | Boiler. Class of Driver required. AUCKLAND ] USTRICT— continued. Colonial Sugar-refining Company Chelsea . . | Sugar-refining 35 35 35 35 35 168 Two 24 Two 24 Two 24 Two 24 Two 24 11 and 18J, 12 and 14, 16 and 18 Ditto Two 7-J-, two 6J 6 Two 87 10 6 First class. it Cook, H. F., and Co. Costley Home Craig, J. J. Dangen and Thomas Dawscn, R. Whangamumu Epsom Mount Eden Fairburn Papatoetoe District Whaling-station Heating .. .. j Stone-crushing .. ; Sawmill . . .. I Hauling 170 83 50 14 25 ti ii Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Devonport Corporation Lake Takapuna Pumping.. Furniture-factory .. ; Ropeworks .. j 16 16 30 30 65 35 9 and 16 9 and 16 13 and 24 13 and 24 10 and 17 Two 10J Direct Supply Furniture Company Donaghy's Rope and Twine Company (Limited) Donald, Alexander Drury Brick Company Auckland Cox's Creek Drury Tanning .. Briokworks .. j I Hauling .. 18 25 8 6. 15 Two 7 Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Faithful, MeConnel, and Co.. . Neavesville Log-hauling Idle .. '.'. 18 20 8 Two 8£ Two 8 6i and 10 Faithful, A. Waimamaku Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Second class. Fitt and Co. Foreshore Gold-dredging Company Fraser, G., and Sons Frost, E. C. Gardner and Parker Parnell Thames Auckland Tuakau .. New Lynn Soapworks Dredging Ironworks .. I Flax-mill.. Brickworks .. ' Sawmill Hauling logs 15 20 25 24 43 56 52 9 14 8 and 12 10 and 6$ 10 M. 14 16 Two 6J Gibbons, R. P. (Limited) Hikurangi .*. ii First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Kopu Breakwater Road .. Sawmill Sawmill Brewery Flax-mill Brewery Mining-work Fi eezing .. .. ! ii ■. Hauling 50 25 25 25 21 45 45 25 79 79 4 16* 20 20 91 10 Two 10 Two 10 Two 9, two 4 12 and 8 12 and 8 Two 5 Goldie, D. ii Great Northern Brewery Company Halliday, J. Hancock and Co. Auckland Oromahoe Kyber Pass ii Second class. ii Harrison, J., and Sons Hellaby, R. and W. Kamo Auckland I, ii First class ii Locomotive and traction. Second class. Richmond Westfield.. Wool-scouring .. , Manure-works . . ' Preserving .. i Hauling coal and pumping Hauling coal Sawmill Tannery . . .. j Hoisting . . Pumping Sawmill . . Hauling 45 26 62 25 15 20 68 16 43 18 68 35 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 35 35 35 56 56 23 20 Two 6A. 13 One 13, one 10, two 5 Two 10 Hikurangi Coal Company Hikurangi i» Holgate, Col'.'w. D., and Co. Hunter Bros. Jagger, F., and Co. Jamieson, D. and W. Kapanga Gold-mining Company Kauri Timber Company (Limited) Ngunguru Waitakerei Richmond Auckland Coromandel Auckland II • ■ Two 8J Two 13 Two 13 10 10 Two 8j 20 25 Two 20 Two 20 Two 20 Two 20 Two 16 Two 16 Two 16 Two 16 Two 16 Two 16 Two 16 16 16 Hi Two 8J First class. Second class. ii First class. Great Barrier Island »» Kohukohu i, • ■ Koutu Mount Eden Pukete Bush Second class. Locomotive and traction.


No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Horse- : Purpose for which used. P° 0^ er Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. AUCKLAND ] MSTRICT— continued. Kauri Timber Company (Limited) Te Kopiii'ti Fire-pump Planing-niill Sawmill .. .. I I 24 22 50 40 65 10 16 141 20 14 20 Two 7 First class. »i ■ • ■ Waikino Owera Waimamaku Pukekohe District.. Hauling . . .. I Idle' '.'. '.'. I Threshing ami chaff- i cutting Ditto .. .. : Chemical-works .. | I 10 28 r> Two 8 Two J 2 li. 1 . Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. First class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Second class. Keith, J. H.' . . .'". '.'. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. >> >> Komata Reefs Gold-mining Company.. Weatfield.. ,, >> Komata Crushing 8 18 25 118 38 25 20 ."> and i> 14 14 in 13 13 First class. Second class. First class. Winding. Kurunui Caledonian Gold-mining Company Lane and Sons Thames Winding Opua Totara North Log-hauling Sawmill .. J 10 20 14 15 30 36 36 74 27 Iβ 2.-> 14 8 Two 9J Two 11 Two 8i Two 1(1 10 12 Two 10 16* 11 8 10 12] 6j and m Second class. First class. Second class. Lauric,"c. G. Laurie Bros. Leyland and O'Brien Auckland Waikumete Auckland >> Confectionery Brickworks .. ■ Sawmill .. I* MoAndrew, James, and Co. .. McCoskrie and Son Mclntyre, James McKinstry and Wilkinson McLennan, M. Mechanics Bay Paeroa Auckland Onelnmga Whangarei Kaiaua First class. Second class. Shop-tools .. j Ironworks .. ■ Sawmill . . Hauling . . .. ! Locomotive and traction. First class. Macklow Bros. Manukau Water-supply Board Mechanics Bay Onehunga Sawmill .. Pumping. • 40 25 25 17 18 0£ and 16 91 and 16 8 Maungatapere Co-operative Dairy Company Mennie, J. M. Mitchelson Timber Company Maungatapero Butter-factory Second class. Morningside Quarries (Limited) Mount Albert Road Board . . Auckland Owhata . . Whangape Morningside Avondale Steaming.. .. t Sawmill . . . . ! Stone-crushing .. I Pumping.. 88 16 70 25 67 20 20 5 Nil Two 10 Two 10 14 j 13 Hi and 17 J 2 11 and 17| r.| and 11 >> First class. Second class. First class. Mount Eden Borough Council Nesbitt and Irving .. New May Queen Gold-mining Company New Saxon Gold-mining Company New Sylvia Gold-mining Company New Zealand Crown Mines Gold-mining Company Ditto >> • • Mount Eden Waitawhata .. j Thames . . .. ! Road-roller .. J Hauling .. Winding 21 20 32 40 107 Two 8.i 9 and 16 12 12 and 20 14, 20k and 80 >> Locomotive and traction. Second class. Winding. Crushing Electric generator.. >> First class. Karangahake Crushing .. Electric generator.. Pumping and winding Ditto. Dairy-factory Glue-works Electric light 56 56 107 45 17 and 2."i 17 and 25 14, 20J, and 30 14, two 10 >> Winding. New Zealand Dairy Association New Zealand Glue-works New Zealand Government (Defence Department) New Zealand Government (Lands Department) Ditto New Zealand Government (Mental Hospitals Department) New Zealand Government (Prisons Department) New Zealand Laundry Company >< ■ • Pukekohe Onehunga Takapuna 45 36 28 Iβ 14, two II) Two 10 10 12 >» Second class. Exempt. Waitakaruru Dredging.. 9 Two ',)!. Kerepeehi Avondale.. Steaming.. 9 16 Two 94 4 Mount Eden Stone-breaking 16 Two 9;} Auckland Laundry .. 25 43 42 42 76 96 96 50 50 90 10 10 17 and 34 17 and 34 17 and 34 16 and 24 16 and 24 16 and 24 16 and 24 16 and 24 Second class. New Zealand Paper-mills Riverhead Papermaking First class. j> • ■ >> ■ ■ New Zealand Portland Cement Company >> • • Limestone Island .. >> • • Cement-works • » ,, >> ■ ■ t> n >t >* »» • ■ >•

H.- -If) A

No. 18.-Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

8— H. 15a.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler, I. Purpo* lor which u*d. »™ "%$£?£&££* <*2&S$7 Boiler. Name of Owner. Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class o' Driver require J. AUCKLAND DISTB K T— contin ued. Niccol, G. .. .. .. Auckland .. , Pumping on punt .. 12 Two 7 Second class. Northern Coal Company .. .. Hikurangi .. I Hauling coal .. 10 Two 4j Locomotive and traction. „ .. .. „ .. „ 20 Two 5| Ditto. ,, .. .. ,, . . „ 14 Two 9 Second class. ,, .. .. Kiripaka .. I Pumping and haul- 65 Two 9£ >. ing coal „ .. ,, .. Hauling coal .. 20 Two 5$ Locomotive and traction. .. „ .. Pumping and haul- 50 Two ilj Second class. ing coal Northern Roller Mills Company .. Auckland .. Flour-mill .. 56 16 and 30 First class. .... ■ ■ ii 80 16 and 30 . . „ .. « .. 60 m and 23 Northern Wairoa Timber Company .. Tatarariki .. Sawmill .. ..40 30 „ „ .. „ .. „ .. ..48 14 Seoond class. „ .. .. 48 ; 14 Onehunga Sawmilling Company .. Onehunga .. „ .. .. 40 18| and 15 First class. .. „ .. ..22 18J and 15 „ Onehunga Woollen-mills .. .. „ . . Woollen-mills .. 50 Two Iβ „ .. 50 i Two 16 Parker, Lamb, and Co. .. .. Auckland .. Sawmill .. .. 35 Compound. 10 and 16, 20 „ .. .. „ .. 20 Ditto Parker, J. E. .. .. .. Maungatawhiri Valley „ .. .. 20 13 Second class. Pascoe, E. .. .. .. Newmarket .. Stone-orushing ..17 i) „ Premier Joinery Company .. .. Auckland .. Sawmill .. 50 18 First class. Price, A. and <',. . . .. .. Thames .. .. Ironworks ..42 8 Second class. .. „ .. .. „ 50 8 Rangiora Timber Company .. .. Kangiora.. .. Sawmill .. .. l>0 12 and 13j First class. Redehaw, J. .. .. .. Richmond .. Bone-crushini; ..IS 8 Second class. Reid and MoKenzie .. .. Kaikohe .. .. Idle .. .. 20 10 l!<iki Bros. .. .. .. Matakana .. j Sawmill .. 31 ' 14 ,, Sharland and ( o. .. .. .. Auckland .. Steaming.. .. 25 Nil „ Short. H. .. .. .. Onehunga District.. General work .. 7 Si Locomotive and traction. Slater and King .. .. .. Kauri .. .. ,, .. 8 Compound 6J and III Ditto. Smith Bros. .. .. .. Deep Creek .. Sawmill .. ..20 10 Second class. Smith, T.'L. .. .. .. Clevedon District .. Hauling .. .. l> 8J Locomotive, and traction. Stewart and Hall .. .. .. (Ipua .. .. Sawmill .. ..30 12J Second class. Stokes. A. I,. .. .. .. Whakapara .. „ .. .. 20 Two 9? Sulenta, G. .. .. .. Waipapakauri .. Idle .. 20 ', 10 Sutcliffe and Mounce .. .. Auckland .. Hoisting on punt .. 40 Two 8} „ Sutherland, W., and Co. .. .. Onehunga .. ' Tannery.. .. 37 8 and 15 First class. Suttie Bros. .. .. .. „ .. „ .. .. 22 10 Second class. Takapuna Tramways Company(Limited) Takapuna .. Hauling .. .. 25 Two 12 Locomotive and traction. Talisman Consolidated (Mild - mining Karangahake .. Crushing.. .. 106 18 and 34 First class. Company Ditto .. .. .. .. „ 106 18 and 34 Talisman Gold-mining Company .. „ .. Mining machinery.. 95 18J and 34 „ ..85 18J and 34 „ .. Crushing and air- 95 18A and 34, 20 „ compressing .. .. Ditto .. .. 95 18£ and 34, 20 Taupo Totara Timber Company .. Newmarket .. Woodwork .. 20 10 , Second class. Thames Drainage Board .. .. Thames .. .. Air - compressing, 40 30 and 00, 18 and First class and pumping, and wind- 294, two 14 winding, ing „ .. .. Ditto .. . . 40 Ditto Ditto. .40 ..40 ...... ..411 ..411 , ..40 40 .40 «" x Thames Valley Co-operative Dairy i Paeroa .. .. Buttor-factory .. 21 < 10 Second class. Company Thompson and Hills .. .. Auckland .. Steaming.. .. 30 10J „ Tipper, John .. .. .. „ .. Motor-bus .. 25 Two 4 „ I 'nion Box and Packing Company . . Rawene .. .. Sawmill .. 70 16 First class. „ „ . . Whakarapa .. „ .. .. 40 14] „ I nion Collieries Company .. .. Maramarua .. Pumping and wind- 33 10 and two 7 i Second class and ing winding. „ .. .. I „ .. Ditto .. i 25 10 and two 7 Ditto. Union Hauraki Gold-mining Company Coromandel .. Winding .. .. 25 Two 7 Winding. I ; nion Steamship Company .. .. Hulk " Helen " .. Hoisting.. ,, I 22 ; Two SJ Second class.



No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers- continued.

Horse- ' Nameof Owner. Where Bo..« Purpo* tor which used. *>$* "^S^lSffiS " "T&SST I Boiler. Name <>f Owner. AUCKLAND DISTRICT— continued. Victoria Gk>ld-mining Company .. Thames .. .. Winding.. .. Iβ Two 9{ I Winding. Waihi Gold-mining Company .. Waihi .. .. Union Battery .. 4f> 11 and 21) First class. .. „ .. .. Sawmill .... 40 14J .. „ .. .. Crashing .. .. 54 12 and 20, 15 and 80, 12J a nrt 20 „ .. Waihi Battery .. „ .. .. 50 Ditto „ ... 50 ,, .. .. .. Pumping and eleotrio 70 i 10 and 14} ,, light .. Crushing.. .. f>0 ■ 12 and 20, 15 and 30, 12| and 20 „ .. „ .. „ .. 52 Ditto „ .. No. 2 shaft, Waihi.. Winding.. .. To Two 11J and two 91 Winding. „ .. No. ."> shaft. Waihi.. Pumping, winding, 14"> 60 and 110, 35 and First class and and air-compressing 70, 15 and 30, two winding. 8 and two 12 „ .. Ditto .. .. 145 Ditto Ditto. .,..„.. ..88 „ „ 88 ......... 88 ., 88, ....... 64 I ,. •■ •• 64! No. 6 shaft, Waihi .. Winding.. .. 7(1 Two 30 Winding. Waikino .. .. Stone-crushing .. Lβ Two 1(1 Second class. ...... .. General work .. H 1(1 Locomotive and Hurt ion. ...... .. Crushing.. .. 40 12 and 21 First class. ..50 19 and 30 .... .. „ .. 50 ' 19 and 30 . . „ 50 19 and Sβ . . „ 50 10 and 3(i .... . . „ 50 19 and 38 ...... . . Producer-gas .. 40 Two 8 Second class. Waikino to Waihi .. Hauling .. .. 18 Two 9 Locomotive and traction. „ 18 Two 9 Ditto. .. „ .. 18 ( Two 9 22 Two 10 .. „ Two 10 Waihi Consolidated Gold-mining Coin- Waihi .. .. Winding and pump- r>0 10 and 20, two 10 First class and pany ing winding. Ditto' .. . . • ■ „ .. ■ ■ Ditto .. .. 63 16 and 20, two 10 Ditto. Wailu Extended Gold-mining Company .. .. .. „ .. .. 02 Two 8 and two 10 Winding. Waihi Grand Junction Gold-mining .. .. . . Electric generator .. 184 Three turbines each First class. Company 580 b.h.p. Ditto .. .. .. .. „ .. .. Power-house .. 184 Ditto „ , „ ..184 Waihi Saw milling Company.. .. Tamaki .. .. Sawmill .. .. 45 14J and 11 „ Waima Sawmilling Company .. Taheke .. .. „ .. .. 26 10 Second class. W'aiotahi Gold-mining Company .. Thames .. .. Crushing and winding 35 : 14 and 14 i Winding. Waitangi Gold-mining Company .. „ .. .. Air-compressing .. 25 5 and 12 Second class. W'.iitemata Sawmilling Company .. Breakwater road .. Sawmill .. ..35 lt> First class. Warnock Bros. .. . . .. Richmond .. Tannery . . 50 10 ,, West ('oast Sawmilling Company .. Karekare.. .. Sawmill .. .. 51 Two 11 „ „ .. „ .. . . Log-hauling .. 20 Two 7 Second class. Whangarei Borough Council.. .. Whangarei .. Stone-crushing .. s Compound 6J and 10 Locomotive and traction. Whangarei Co-operative Dairy Company ., .. Butter-factory .. 23 | Two 8 Second class. Whangarei County Council .. .. „ .. Stone-crushing .. S 6J and 10 Locomotive and traction. White-pine Company .. .. Xaumai .. .. Sawmill .. .. 40 Two 18 First class. ,, .. .. ,, .. .. Hauling logs .. 16 Two 8 Locomotive and traction. „ .. .. „ .. .. Sawmill . . .. 05 Two 18 First class. Wilson and Horton.. .. .. Auckland .. Printing .. .. 53 9 and 13 „ „ 100 9 and 13 Wilson, J. T. .. .. .. Mercer .. . . Sawmill .. 20 j 15£ Wilson's Portland Cement Compaq- .. Warkworth .. Cement-works .. 230 21J and 44 „ AUCKLAND SOUTH DISTRICT. All will, J. .. .. .. Hautapu.. .. Threshing ..4 8 j Locomotive and traction. „ .. .. „ ..10 7 and 11 Ditto. Ambury and English .. .. Frankton Junction Dairy-factory ..27 11 Second class. Arahiwi Sawmilling Company .. Arahiwi .. . . Sawmill .... 30 13 ,, Baldwin, S. .. .. .. Cambridge District Chaffcutting .. 4 6J Locomotive and traction. Bycroft Bros. .. .. .. .. Threshing .. 6 8 Ditto. Coates Limited .. .. .. Huntly .. Brickworks .. 30 10 Second class.



No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name o( 0« uer. wiiiic Boiler used. HorsePnrnnan for whii-h iiand Power Diameter of Cylinders of Class of Driver I '" I " M "" U " IM,1 of Engines, in Inches. required. Boiler. | AUCKLAND SOU! TH DISTRICT— continued. Ellis and Burnand . . Fraser, 0... ( lardner and Sons .. Qilberd.'b. Jarrett, C. Jarrett, ('. and (Son Lee and McKenzic . . McPherson and Stevens Mountain Rimu Timber Company ,. »> New Zealand Dairy Association Northern Timber Company .. »» ■ • Ongarue .Sawmilling Company Primrose, John l'ukuweka Sawmilling Company Roc, A. VV. Hoosc, ('. . . Rotorua Rimu Timber Company Seifert, F. Steele, W Taringamutu Timber Company Taupiri Coal Company ,» • • »» • • ,, * • »> • • Taupo Totara Timber Company Hamilton Manga pee hi Manunui Otorohanga Rototuna Manunui Auckland Province Cambridge District Waikato District .. Mamaku Manunui Mamaku .. >» Mgaruawahia Taupiri .. y> Ongarue Waikato District . . Matapuna Piriaka Mamaku . . ,, Mercer Mamaku Towai Oxford Bush Waitangi.. i> Huntly .. >» ■ ■ • ■ i Mokai Joinery-works .. 44 15.1 First class, Log-hauling . . 2:s Two 8 Second class. Sawmill .. .. .10 Two 14 Firsf class. 65 Two 14 ,, .. .. 16 Two 8j Second olass. Traction .. . . 17 Two !l.l Locomotive and traction. J 2 Two 9 Ditto. Sawmill .. .. 69 18£, Hi, and two 12 First class. .">!( ])itl<» 51 IS and 14.J ,, . . . . 14 Two 10 Second class. „ .. .. 25 I I First class. ,, .. .. <i 7 Locomotive and and traction. ,, .. .. 73 17 First class. Traction .. . . X '['wo 7 Locomotive and traction. Log-hauling .. 17 Two 8J Second class. Well-sinking .. •'! .'i.l and (i Locomotive and traction. Threshing .. 6 7i Ditto. ,, . . ."> 5 a.tid S. 1 . ,, Sawmill .. .. Hi Two 10 Second ola 20 Wi „ .. . . 51 l(i First class. „ .. .. 7(i l(i Hauling .. .. 12 Two 71 Locomotive and traction. Dairy-factory ..34 Hi First class. Sawmill .. . . Sli 14 Second elass. Log-hauling . . I "i Two II „ Traction . . .. !i Two X Locomotive and traction. Log-hauling .. 16 Two S. 1 , Second class. Sawmill .. . . 38 IS " First elass. Threshing i> <S Locomotive and traction. Hauling .. . . ■'>!, l> Ditto. Sawmill .. 38 12 Second class. .... 38 14 Traction .. .. 20 Two 9j Locomotive and traction. Sawmill .. .. 42 I f> First class. ,, .. .. 27 12 Second class. Traction.. .. 12 Two 6 Locomotive and traction. Pumpiii".. 25 7 Second class. Sawmill .. .. 50 Hi First class. .. 12 7 and ll| Second class. .Sawmill . . 32 13 45 I.V; First class. Traction.. .. 12 Two 10 Locomotive and traction. Sawmill .. .. 44 16 First class. „ 44 10 Winding and air- 35 Two 18, two 18, 12 First class and compressing winding. Winding and haul- 30 18, two 18, 12 Ditto. ing - . Hauling coal . . 20 Two 11 i First class. Pumping and wind- 14 Two !) Winding. ing Pumping and ail , - 75 18, 17$, and 10 First class. compressing Pumping, winding, 42 Two 14], 14, 9, 2 First class and and air-oompres- winding, sing Traction .. .. IS Two 10 Locomotive and traction. Pumping ami air- II Two 7, two 10 First elass. compressing Winding and haul- :!() Two 18, two 18, 12 First elass and ing winding. Pumping.. .. 75 9| and Is First class. Pumping and wind- 77 Two 8, two 9, two 11 j First class and ing winding. Log-hauling .. is Two lo Second olass. Traction .. .. 20 Two 12 Looomotive and



No. 18.-Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Whrre Boiler uefd. ' Purpose for which used. Horsepower Jthmotor of Cylinders of of Engines, In Inohes. Boiler. Class of Driver required. AUCKLAND SOT ,r PH DISTRICT— ronlivvrti. Tiiu|K> Totara Thnbur Company .. Mokai .. .. j Traction .. .. ' 20 12 Sawmill .. .. 58 Log-hauling .. 71 Traction .. .. 13 Sawmill .. .. 60 Traction .. .. 10 Threshing .. S Dairy factorv . . 25 Flax-mill.. ' .. 28 Stone-crushing .. li Two 12 Locomotive' and traotion. Two 71 Ditto. 11 Second class. Two 10 Two 8 Locomotive and traction. 14{ First class. Two 8} Locomotive and traction. 7.1 Ditto. 10 Second class. 12 8J Locomotive and traction. Taylor. W. .. .. .. j Taupiri .. Tγ Aroha Co-operative Dairy Company \ Waihou .. To Rapa Flax Company ■. ■ ■ Tβ Rai>a Watkins, W. .. .. .. Raglan .. CANTERBl RY DISTRICT. Allen, l<. .. .. .. .. Riooarton Allinson, R. .. .. .. ,, Alston. E. A. .. .. .. Christchureh Andersons Limited . . .. .. Lyttelton Andrews, J. C. .. .. .. Waikuku.. Andrews, S. P. .. .. .. Heathcotc Ashbtirton Dairy Company .. . . Ashburton .. ; Aulsebrook and Co. .. .. Christchureh .. : Bailey, G. W. .. .. .. Templeton Baker, T. H. and ( o. .. .. Woolston Barnes, C... .. . • • ■ Cheviot Batchelor, W. J. . • • Culverden Belford Mills Company . . .. Timaru Bennett, H. .. .. .. Lincoln .. ■ Bennett, .lames .. .. .. Rangiora.. Blackball Coal Company .. .. Lyttelton Blaokmore, J. F. .. .. .. Springston Boag, John, jun. . . .. . ■ "Brookside Boag, l>. l>. .. .. .. Prebbleton Booth, l>. .. .. ■ . Cheviot Bowman, .John .. .. .. Riccarton .. J Bowman, I! .. .. .. West Oxford Bowron Bros. .. .. . . Woolston Flour-mill . . 12 < General .. .. 8 , 8 Shop-tools .. 45 J General .. .. s Twine-making .. 90 ' Stone-crushing .. l(i Dairy .. .. 22 ; Confectionery .. 15 I 18 i 20 i General .. .. 9 Fellmongcry .. 20 General •.. .. 8 » '• •• li Flour-mill .. 30 General .. .. 8 , 9 Hoisting .. ... 20 General .. .. 8 I 8 Chaffcutting . . 8 -.6 General .. .. 8 „ .. .. 8 Chaffcutting .. 8 Tannery .. .. 16 „ .. 17 „ .. .. 17 20 Brickmaking . . 30 Flour-mill .. 30 Laundry .. 20 Sawmili . . .. 8 General .. .. 8 Threshing .. 8 General .. .. 7 „ .. .. 8 Planing-mill .. 26 Road-roller .. 6 General .. .. 8 8 Threshing .. 1) Dairy-factory .. 16 Manure-works .. 15 • 15 15 Freezing and elec- 30 tricity Ditto .. .. 7(1 Wool-drying, &c. . . :t0 30 Loco, work .. 2(1 Freezing .. .. 40 40 61 and I I ] Second class. 91 Locomotive and traction. 8 Ditto. 9 and 17 First class, lij and 101 Locomotive and traction. 12 and 21 First olass. 8 and 121 10 Second class. S', and 12y First class. 8} and 12J 8 J- and I2j 6J and 11 Locomotive and traction. 12 Second class. 9J Locomotive and traction 8 Ditto. 14 and 24 First class. 9 Locomotive and traction. lii and 10 Ditto. Two 5 Second class. !) Locomotive and traction. 6 and 10£ Ditto. 6J and 10 8 '■• 9 91 11 Second olass. 11 11 11 12 8 and 12 J, 7 and 11 First class. 10 Second class. 8| Locomotive and traction. 9 Ditto. 9 8£ li and 10 12 Second class. 8 Locomotive and traction. 0.1 and 10 Ditto, (i and 10J 10 10.1 Second class. Nil" 8 and 14, lo and 17, j First class, two 9, 14£, and 28 Ditto Nil Second class. Two 10 Locomotive and traction. 9, 14 J, and 2,"i First class. 9, UJ, and 25 I „ • . • • • * >» * • ,, .. .. .. ,, .. Bright ling, .I. .. .. ■■ St. Martin's Brown, D. H. .. .. • • Addington Brown, Mrs. .. .. .. Christchureh Burgess. W. .. .. . . Dunsandel ,, .. .. .. ,i ,» • • * • • • »» ■ • Buigin, A. .. .. .. Swannanoa Burley and Co. .. .. .. Christchureh Burns, J. .. .. .. .. Lyttelton Burns. W.. . . . . . . . Broadtield Busch, H. H. .. .. .. ('hristchurch .. [ (alder, J. .. .. .. .. Halkett .. Canterbury Central Dairy Company .. | Addington Canterbury Frozen Meat Company .. Belfast .. ,, ,, ..,,.. .. ii »> ••»>••


No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-dri vers- continued.


61 H.—15a. No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge, of Certificated Engine-dp rv e r s contin ued. HorseName of Owner. Where Roller used. Purpose for which need. P°V r Diameter of Cylinders of I Class of Driver of Engines, in luciies. requiri'd. j Boiler. CANTERBURY DISTRICT continued. Canterbury Seed Company .. .. Eeathcote .. ] Seed-cleaning .. 20 12] Seoond'olass. Chapman, D., and Son .. Kaiapoi .. .. General .. .. 6 8 Locomotive and traction. Christchuroh Brick Company .. Addington .. Brickmaking .. 30 12 and 22 First class. .. „ .. „ 30 12 and 22 St. Martin's .. „ ..56 12} Second class. •■„ ■ • I .. .. 50 124 .. „ Hauling .. .. 4 4A and 7 Locomotive and • traction. Christohurch City Council .. .. Christchuroh .. Road-roller .. 6 5J and 9 Ditto. .. Electricity .. 210 Three 12 and 19, First class. three 13 and 19, three 9 and 15, three 8 and 12 208 Ditto • •• „ „ ..103 .... „ .. „ ..103 Road-roller ..7 8] Locomotor and traction. .. „ .. Road-wagon 4 4£ and (i Ditto. „ .. Road-roller 6 5 and 8 „ Sockbuin .. Heating . . 17 10 Second class. ( Ihristchurch Dairy Company .. Ohristchuivli . . Dairy .. 24 7 and 11 „ Christchuroh Drainage Board .. Linwood .. .. Pumping.. .. 25 15 and 26 First class. Christchuroh Gas Company .. .. Christohurch Gasmaking .. 36 10,7, and 9 .Second class. 36 j 10, 7, and 9 „ Hauling .. 7 Two 7 Locomotive and traction. • ■ Springfield .. Pumping.. ..20 7 Second class. Christchuroh Hospital Board .. Christchuroh .. Heating, <fcc. 27 One 11, one 5 „ •• •■ •• 50 iii Christchuroh Meat Company.. .. Islington .. Freezing and elec- 40 16 and 30, 15 and 27, First class. tricitv two 10 and 18 .... Ditto 40 Ditto .. „ .. .40 „ .80 .... ..j,,.. .. I 80 .... .. Wool-clcaiviini 30 Nil Second class. „ ■. • • „ • • Hauling .. 10 Two 7 Locomotive and traction. Christohurch Tramway Hoard .. Christohurch .. Hauling cars .. 8 Two 6f Ditto. ..8 7. and 7. .... Hauling .. 8 Two 7£ .. ..8 Two 7£ .. ..8 Two 7£ ...... ..8 Two 7i .. 8 Two 7. .... .. Electricity . . 110 Three turbines each First class. 1,000 n.h.p. .... .. Electric trams . . 110 , Turbines .... .. „ .110 ii .. Roller .. 4 5 Locomotive and traction. Electric trams 208 Turbines First class. • ■ .. Hauling .. .. 20 10 and 10 Locomotive and traction. Clark, Mrs. H. J. .. .. .. Blaxton .. .. General .. 8 8J Ditto. Clinton, X. .. .. Greendale District.. Threshing, &o. ..8 9 „ (Uinton, W. P. . . Darfield . . .. „ .. 8 9 Coe Bros. .. .. .. Irwell .. .. General .. . . 8 9 „ Conway, W. F. .. .. Selwyn .. „ .. .. 8 9 „ Cook, W. .. .. Kaikoura . . Sawmill . . 20 12 Second class. Cooper and Duncan .. Christchuroh .. Shop-tools .. 20 8i and 12 j First class. ('ostello, .M. .. .. Cheviot .. .. General .. 6 8£ Locomotive and traction. Courtenaj Road Board .. .. Kirwee District .. Road-work .. 6 .V; and 9 Ditto. ( ox Bros, and Power .. .. Templeton .. General .. ..4 Ii „ Curragh Bios. .. .. .. „ „ .. .. 8 9 „ .. „ .. ..8 9 Dalzell and Purvis .. Rangiora. . .. „ .. 9 and 10 „ Darrooh, R. .. .. .. Cheviot .. .. Hauling .. 8 6£ and 111 Davies, H. E. .. .. .. Irwell .. . . Threshing, &o. .. 8 9 .. „ .. .. General .. 9 6} and 10 Dean, John .. .. Glentunnel Hauling .. .. 7 Two 6 „ „ .. .. .. „ Brickworks .. 45 111 First class. Dearslej and Taylor .. .. Christohuroh .. Sawmill .. .. 30 10.', Second class. Duncan, P. and I). .. .. ,. .. Steam-hammer .30 8 and 10 „ Bast, P. .. .. •• .. Prebblclon .. General .. .'. 7 8 Locomotive and traction. Evans, K... .. .. .. | Kaiapoi .. .. | Flour-mill ..30 12 Second class. 20 6 30 30 56 50 4 6 210



No. 18.-Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Where Boiler used. Purpose tor which used. Horeepower Diameter of Cylinders of of Engines, in Inches. Boiler. -fnrKfiClass of Driver required. Name c»r Owner. Whore Boiler used. Purpose tor which used. ioreepower Diameter of Cylinders o of Engines, in Inches. tallnr. ioiler. CANTERBURY DISTRICT— continued, 1. Evans, K. .. Everest, George Feather, Edward .. Finlay, 3. D. Gardiner, H. Gardner, R. Gibb, H. .. Gilbert, J., and Sons (iiles, R. .. Gillander Bros. Glenmore Brick Companv Goss, W., and Co. .. »♦ ( Jreenslade, J. Kaiapoi .. . . General Greenpark .. ,, North Loburn .. „ Courtenay .. ,, Irwell .. .. Threshing Cust .. .. Flour-mill HalswcM . . .. Chaficutting .. |rhreehing Dimsaiulcl .. tGenoral Balcairn .. fl .. Darfield . . .. |Farm-work Woolston .. |Brickmakini_' Christohuroh . . Sawmill .. l'rebbleton .. Threshing 8 8J II. 91 8 (i. 1 , and 11 8 8J 8 li. 1 , and 10-3. 8 9 8 9 20 7 and 12 6 8 8 ii.| and Illy 8 It 6 8 8 9i 50 16 30 12 and 21 30 12 and 21 8 61 and 10j Locomotive and traction. Ditto. >» Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Kii-i class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. (I nil Bros. Hadler, 15. Halswel] Quarry Company .. Papanui . . . . Genera] .. Amberlej .. „ Ealawell .. .. Stone-crushing „ .. .. Hauling .. 8 9 5 7i 22 10; and LOj 9 6| and 12 I'irst class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Second class. First class. Hampton, ('. „ .. .. Stone-orushing .. Southbridge .. General .. 8 li ; ; and I I 16 Two 8 8 9 Harman, E. Fi.nslia.ll. T. Hill, W. .. Holborough, G. .. West Oxford Papanui .. .. Sash and door factory Woolston .. Tannery Ha warden District.. i General .. .. | 8 II , . and III! 20 7.1 and ll| 35 12 and 19 30 12 and 19 8 li. , , and 10 Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Holland and Giles Holland. A. Humm, W. Hunslev, \\. Johnston, W. . . Clarkville .. j .. I Kirwell District. .. Threshing, Ac. Waddington .. Chaffoutting, &c. .. Christehurch . . Sawmill .. y> . . ,, . . Yaldhurst .. General .. S Sy 7 8J I 7 15 12 and 21 15 12 and 21 8 9 First class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Johnstone, .J. A. Jones, T. .. Kaiapoi Shipping Company .. Kaiapoi Woollen Company .. Kimbor, A. H. Kaikoura. . . ,, Hororata.. .. Hauling, &<•• ,, . . . . ,, „ .. .. Genera] Kaiapoi .. .. Sawmill Rangiora.. .. „ Kaia])oi . . .. Woollen-mill Springston .. i General 7 8 i 8 .[ (i and 10 9 6£ and 10 8 9* 10 7 and 11 14 7 and 12 I I Two Sj 85 20 and 36 30 20 and 30 30 20 and 36 8 6£ and 10 >> Second class. First class. Langdown and Sons Lavers, C. E. Sydenham .. Oat-mill .. Prebbleton . . General .. 17 9 8 I 6 and 10* Locomotive ami traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Lemmon Bros. Lyford'.'F. Lyttelton Borough Council .. j> • • Lyttelton Harbour Board >> ■ • Lyttelton Times Company .. McCartney, R. Doyleeton .. For sale .. „ .. General Kaikoura . . ,," Lyttelton .. Pumping.. „ .. j „ '.'. ',', .. Slip" .. Electric light Christehurch . . Printing Tai Tapu .. General .. IS 9 8 01 and 11 8 9£ 20 Two 12 12 Two 12 15 Two 13£ N 15 Two 13: 15 Two 13| 38 8j and 8i 1 6 Two 9 and two 14 16 Two 9 and two 14 15 9 and 14 16 !• and 14 8 9 »» First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. McConnell, R. J. .. MeCrostie and Westwood McDonald. Estate of T. M. . . Molntoah, R. ,, .. ,, Southbridge .. Threshing ,, .. General .. Greendale District. . Threshing. Ac Waikuku.. .. Fellmongery Loburn •. . .. General .. 8 I li. 1 . and 11.! 8 ! 9 (i 8 9 9 20 8 8 9 [Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. McLaohlan, A. Doylcston '. . „ 8 !l



No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Xame of Owner. Where Boiler used. "Piirnnse for whifh mpd Power Diawt-r of Cylinders of Class of Driver purpose lor wnicn used. of Engines, in Inches. required. Boiler. CANTERBURY CANTERBUR\ Y DISTRICT— continued. McLaohlan, J. .. .. .. Waikari District .. U CI h w c; w c B W G \\ c: s< w K A II \\ I. Vaikari District .. Chatham Islands . . rwell Voodend Christohuroh .Vest Eyreton Christohuroh langiora .Vaikuku. . areendale Distriot. . iVaikuku. . Christohuroh Southbrook \'oo(lell(l . . taiapoi . . \slllev . . • [ornby .. A'oolston jyttelton 1 General .. .. !) 8$ and 10 Locomotive and traction. 10 6J and I lj Ditto. 8 6| and 1(H Freezing.. .. l(i 6 Second class. General .. .. 8 li{ and loi Locomotive and traction. „ .. .. 8 9 Ditto. Twine-works .. 20 12 and 21 First class. Genera] .. .. 8 (i| and 10J Locomotive and i motion. s 9| Ditto. „ • • .. 8 9 .... .. 8 6 and I (I 1 , 8 Si Brewery . . 50 7 Second class. General .. .. 8 9 Locomotive and traction. „ .. .. 8 8 Ditto. „ .. .. 8 tij and 10 General, &c. .. 10 7 and 11 General . . .. 8 ti. 1 , and 10 8 6~and 10£ Flour-mill .. 30 12 and 20 First class. Genera] .. .. 8 8| Locomotive and traction. „ . . . . 9 l>i and 10J- Ditto. „ .. .. 6 ' Si Feezing-works .. :)() L3 and 25, 18 and 29 First class. 30 L3 and 26, 18 and 29 Glue-fadtory .. .'!."> 10 Second class. Eleotrio light ..20 12 Exempt.. McLean, John .. .. ■ Chatham Islands .. McMillan, R. T. .. .. .. Irwell McQuillan, Robert .. .. .. Woodend Maddren Bros. .. .. .. Christohuroh Maimlonald, M. .. .. .. West Eyreton Manning and Co. .. . . .. Christchureh Mathews, Mrs. B. .. .. .. Rangiora.. Mehrtens, H. .. .. • • ., Mill, J. .. .. .. Waikuku Mills and Cullen .. .. .. Greendalo District. . Mills, John .. .. . . Waikuku.. Moffett. R. .. .. . • Christchureh Moir. William, and Co. .. .. Southbrook Moody, \V. .. .. .. Woodend.. Moore and Ntrachan .. .. Kaiapoi . . Morgan, E. .. . • • • Ashley Nelson Bros. .. . . . • Hornby . . New Zealand Glue Company .. Woolston New Zealand Government (Defence De- Lyttelton partment) New Zealand Government (Mental Hos- Ohristchurch pitals Department) Ditto .. .. • • • • Sunnyside New Zealand Government (Public Works Christohnrch Department) Ditto .. . • • ■ • • „ c: Christchureh Heating, &c. .. 30 Two 9 Si c Sunnyside 'hristehnrcli .. I 30 Two 9 Genera] .. .. 8 7| and 11 New Zealand Provision and Produce ; Belfast .. (lompany Ditto Nicholas, William .. .. .. ,, . . Osborne, Job .. .. •• Doyleston ielfast .. „ .. 12 8 and I2 : ; ., . . . . 8 <ii and I0J Soapworka .. 20 t> and 10 Second class. ,, • • • ■ • ■ >» • • Parkinson, W. .. . • ■ • Kaituna Pearson, W. .. .. • • Southbrook Perryman, A. T. .. .. •■ Tai Tapu Philpott, W., and Sons .. .. Christohuroh Pierson and Taylor. . .. .. Brookside .. > Pitcaithly and Co. .. .. .. Christohuroh Powis arid Fitzgerald .. .. Waiau Pulley, P. J. .. • • • • Loburn Reid, R. . . .. • • • ■ Bennett's Riccarton Road Board .. .. Riccarton Robson, T. T. .. .. • ■ Avonside Royal Cafe Company .. .. Christchureh .. j Russell and Keltie .'. .. .. Hororata.. I) K s. Ti 01 I! CI w B i: A c] H S( CI s< u Sc H Pi CI )ovleslon ,, Caituna .. louthbrook Tapu Jhristehuich Jrookside Ihristchurch Vaiau joburn .. Jennett's ticcarton Avonside.. Ihristchurch lororata.. iouth Hill End .. Shrietohurch iefton jadsbrook lOnthbridge lornby .. 'rebbleton !hristehurch ..17 9 Wbol-soouring 30 11 ,, Threshing ..8 !) Locomotive and traction. ..8 9 Ditto. Genera] .... 8 !> „ ., .. ..Is 9J 8 li! and It) 1 ; 7 7i „ .. ..8 9 Hauling . . .. 10 7 and 11 (teneral .. .. 8 6| and 10 8 8j ., ..8 9 „ .. 8 6J and 10i Road-roller .. 7 5J and n" Fellmongei y .. 22 Nil Second class. j Heating •. 17 „ „ Hauling, &c. li 8 Locomotive and traction. . . 8 9 Ditto. threshing and chaff- 6 7| „ cutting Shop-tools .. ; 20 14 Second class. Biscuit-factory .. j 24 Nil ,, Dairy .... 30 8 General .. .. 8 6j and 10| Locomotive and traction. . Threshing .. 8 9 i Ditto. Stone-crushing .. 18 10J and 10] i First class. Threshing . . 8 61 and 101 Locomotive and traction. 8 j (i. 1 , and 10£ [ Ditto. Sawmill .. .. 35: Hi Second class. 25 12 and 21, 12 and 21 ' First class. 25 ! 12 and 21. 12 and 21 53 12 and 21. 12 and 21 I Saunders,' F. J. .. .. ., South Hill End .. Scott Bros. .. .. •. Christchureh Scott, George .. .. • • „ Sefton Dairy Company .. .. Sefton Sharp, John .. .. .. Ladsbrook Simpson, G. F. .. .. .. Southbridge Smart and Son .. .. .. Hornby Smith and Co. .. .. .. Prebbleton Smith and Smith .. .. .. Christchureh '*



No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler uaed. Purpc for which ased. : ' Dta-jr-Og-j. of Class of Driver Boiler. Name of Owner. CANTERBURY DISTRICT continued. Smith, W., and Sons .. ..I Southbrook .. I General .. .. 8 ftj and II Looomotive and traction. Smith, Hay .. .. .. Clarkville .. ,, .. .. 8 6 and 10J Ditto. Strange and Co. .. .. .. Christchurch . . Cabinetmaking .. 2."> 12J Second class. Swanston, A. .. .. .. „ .. Sawmill .... 35 12 „ „ .. .. .. „ .. General .. .. 7 8^ f Looomotive and traction. . . „ .. .. 8 Ditto. Terry Bros. .. .. .. Lincoln .. .. „ .. 8 9 „ „ . . „ .. 8 t> and 101 Tyler, Charles .. .. .. Rangiora.. .. i Road-wagon .. .1 5 and 0 Union Steamship Company .. .. Lyttelton .. Hoisting coal .. 21 5, 6, and 8 Second class. .. ., .. .. 21 6J, 9, t>. 10, r> 1 ,. «■; Waimakariri Harbour Board .. Kaiapoi .. . . Dredge . . .. II 7 and 11 Walker, W. .. .. .. Southbridge .. General .. .. !) *iA and 10 Locomotive and traction. Wallace and Smith .. .. Woolston .. Brickmaking .. 20 11J Second class. Wardell Bros. .. .. .. Christchurch . . Freezing .. .. r>0 8 and 13A First class. Watson Bros. .. .. .. Kirwee District .. ; Threshing, &c. .. 7 8| Locomotive and traction. Watson, Gavin .. .. .. Christchurch .. Sawmill .. .. 2f> 10J Second class. Watts, T. J. .. .. .. Rakaia .. .. General .. .. 8 !l Locomotive and tract ion. Westport Coal Company .. .. LytteltoE .. Hoisting coal .. Is One 8, two 7. one !i I'iisi class. White, A. J., and Co. .. .. Christchurch .. Woodwork .. 12 (i and 10J Second els Whyte, James .. .. .. West Oxford .. Chaffcuttini: ..7 8 Locomotive and i cad ion. Williams, Stephens, and Co. .. Christchurch .. Sawmill .. .. :{."> !."> and 20 Firsi class. Withell Bros. .. .. .. Brookside .. General .. .. 8 li| and 111! Locomotive and unci ion. Wood Bros. (Limited) .. .. AddingtoTJ .. Flour-mill .. I.'. 13 and l>:! First class. Zealandia Soap Company .. .. ! Heathcote .. Soapworks .. 3d 8 Second class. .. i Woolston . . „ .. 2f> 8 CANTERBURY SOUTH DISTRICT. Adams, S. J. .. .. .. Waimate.. .. Sawmill .. .. Iβ it] Second class. Anderson, W. and D. .. .. Methven . . .. Chaffcutting .. 8 ti and 10 Looomotive and traction. Anderson, William .. .. .. Fleniington .. Threshing .. 8 S.i Ditto. Andrews, Matthew .. .. .. Pleasant Point .. „ .. s !i „ .. .. .. „ .. General . . . . 8 li! and 10', „ . . . . 8 ti!. and I f Aimer, Orr, and Co. .. .. Ashburton ..I.,.. .. 8 '■> Ashburton Woollen-mills .. .. „ .. Woollen-mills .. :!S 18 l-'irst class. ,, .. .. „ .. „ ..30 Nil Second class. 30 „ Austin and O'Neil .. .. .. Orari .. .. General .. .. 8 lij and 11$ Looomotive and i raci ion. Batchclor, K. F.* .. .. .. St. Andrew's .. Threshing .. S s.' Ditto. 1 Bean, Thomas .. . . . . Hook .. . . General .. .. 8 0 Beattie, Alexander .. .. .. Geraldine .. ,, .. .. S ti : ; and 11 J, Beattie, .lames .. .. .. Orari .. .. „ .. . . s <l „ Bell, W. H. .. .. .. Tinwald .. .. Chaffcutting .. s 6} and II Benbow, W. C. .. .. .. Temuka .. .. Genera] .. .. S 9 Bennison Bros. .. . . .. Ashburton .. ., .. . . 8 i>. 1 . and 11 „ Bill, J. W. .. .. .. Temuka .. .. (i 7| Bray, G. E. .. . . .. Fairlie . . . . (> 8 Bray, John .. .. .. Crioklewood .. „ .. ..8 9 Buckingham Bros. .. .. .. Waimate.. .. .. " . . .. 8 S] and II Burgess, John .. .. .. Mayfield .. .. „ .. .. 8 i>.'." and loi „ .. .. .. ',. .. .. Chaffcutting .. 7 Band 10 Campbell Bros.* .. .. .. Totara Valley .. Threshing .. s <i; * .. .. „ .. „ .. 8 9 „ Campbell, Peter D. .. .. Hakataramca .. General .. .. 10 ii : ; and II; „ CampbeU, Ronald .. .. .. Dromore . . Threshing .. 8 9 „ CampbeU, W. Q. .. .. .. Timaru .. .. General .. .. 8 9J „ (Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative As- Waddington „ l> 7j „ sociation Canterbury Frozen Meat Company .. Pairfield .. .. Freezing .. .. T<> !). 14]. and 2."> Piral class. .. „ .. 70 9, I4|. and 25 .... .. „ 70 9, 14',. and 26 .... .. Hauling .. .. 16 Two 8£ Looomotive and traction. „ .. Freezing.. .. 160 9, 14, and 26 First class. .. Pareora .. .. „ .. .. 160 14, 22, and 30 „ .. .. „ .. L60 14. 22, and 3(i „ . . „ .. 150 14, 22, and 36 Timaru .. .. Hauling .. .. 16 Two 8} Locomotive and traction. Capon Bros. . . .. .. Winchmore . . General .. .. 8 (>J and 10.1 Ditto. „ •• 8 9 Chapman Bfos. .. .. .. Willowby .. Chaffcutting ..7 8 ■ This, plant has two years' certificate


No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

9—H. 15a.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler ueed. Purpose for which used. Horsepower Diameter o( Cylinders of Class of Driver of Engines, in Inches. required. Boiler. c, CANTERBURY SO !ANTERBURY SO >UTH DISTRICT^-on^ nued. Christchurch Meat Company »» »» Clark, W. J. Cleeve Bros. Collins, W. H. Copeland, James Crothers, D. H. Crowley, Michael Crumb Bros. Cummings Bros. Dann, Edwin Davison, William Dawson, Walter Dixon, Charles Doak, David John Donnithorne, F. J. .. Drummond, Alexander Drummond, Peter Eden, H. .. Klworthy Bros. Evans Atlas Flour-mills Ewan, Morris Fetchney, D. Fitzgerald Bros. Frost, L. .. Fybbs and Clymer Gaiger, W. W. Gallagher Bros. Geddes, George Gieig, William Grigg, E. F. Grigg, John Smithfield »> • • Timaru Levels Highbank Ashburton Chertsey Ashburton Makikihi Ashburton Waimate Geraldine Rakaia Waterton Morven Wakanui Winchester Lauriston Barrhill Waimate.. Pareora Timaru Waihao Downs Westerfield Ashburton Lismore Timaru Mayfield Waihao Downs Glen-iti Eiffelton Longbeach Smithfield »> • • »» • • Kmaru Levels Highbank Ashburton Dhertsey Ashburton Makikihi Ashburton Waimate Gferaldine Rakaia .. Waterton Morven Wakanui Winchester Lauriston Barrhill .. Waimate.. Pareora rimaru .. Waihao Downs Westerfield Ashburton Lismorc rimaru .. Mayfield Waihao Downs Glen-iti Eiffelton Longbeach Albury limaru Geraldine Morven Ashley Bridge Levels Washdyke Rakaia .. ,, .. Waimatc.. ■studholme Junotion Rangitata Island .. Washdyke Makikihi Winslow .. ,, Rakaia Femuka Fimaru Makikihi Fimaru Ashburton Waihao Downs rimaru Washdyke Rakaia Ashburton »» • • »» • • Freezing • »» • • • • Hauling General .. Sawmill Threshing General .. Brickmaking General .. Threshing General .. Chaffcuttinj; .. I ,, .. General .. Flour-mill General Threshing General .. Chaffeutting . i General ■ I " n Pile-driving General Fellmongery General .. ,, i Threshing General Chaffeutting .. \ Sawmill General Threshing General .. .. I . Chaffeutting .. | General Chaffeutting 40 12 and 22 First class. 40 12 and 22 50 16 and 29 83 Iβ and 29 „ 0 Two 5} Locomotive and traction. 8 U and 11 Ditto. 8 0|- and 11 6, 8 and 0 : ; 20 9J Second class. 8 9 Locomotive and traction. 8 fig and 10f Ditto. 8 84 16 l>! and 111 Second class. 8 8J Locomotive and traction. 8 6| and 11 J Ditto. 8 8| 6 8,, 8 9J 8 6f and Hi 8 ISA and 11 8 8J 8 8| 8 li and 10 8 9 g 6J and 11 „ 30 14 and 24 First class. 8 9 Locomotive and traction. 8 9£ Ditto. 8 9 ... 5 li and 10 8 9,, 8 6 and 10 8 74 and 10 9 5J and 9£ 8 7 and 11 8 li! and 10} 8 9.. 8 6J and 10 8 6| and 10 9 6£ and 10 It) «} and 11| 8 9 9 6J and Hi B 7} " 8 8| 8 9.. 8 6£ and 10 8 6J and 10J 30 9 i Second class. 10 li,' and 11J i Locomotive and traction. 8 6J and 11J Ditto. 8 9,, 8 9J 8 8| 8 6i and 104 7 9 8 li} and 10i 8 9 • 8 94 10 8J and i\{ 8 9.. 8 9,, 8 9,, 8 6J and 10£ 8 9,, 25 14 Second class. 4 6 Locomotive and traction. 8 9 Ditto. 7 5i and (H „ 7 9,, 8 fij and 10* 8 6 and 10 8 6| and 10| 6 8i (Judsell and Monaglian Hamilton, Andrew Hammond and Walker Hanefin, William Hall, E., and Son Harkness, Walter Albury Timaru Geraldine Morven Ashley Bridge Levels Harris, W. Harrison, H. J. Washdyke Rakaia .. Hartnell, George .. ,, .. ft ' ■ Hawkins Bros. Hawkins, Thomas Hayman, Henry Hay man, Walter Hearn and Stevens Henderson, James Hicks, George Holland, Hugh Holland, Robert Holmes, Alexander Hopkinson Bros. Ivey, A. Jackson, A. J. Jackson, John Joyce, Valentyne Waimate.. Studholme Junotion Rangitata Island .. Washdyke Makikihi Winslow .. „ Rakaia Temuka Timaru Makikihi Timaru Ashburton Kelcher, L.* Kellahan, J. King, George Kingsbury, Robert H. Knox, S. and M. .. Waihao Downs Timaru Washdyke Rakaia Ashburton »» • • ,, • • »» • * • Thin )lant two years' certiflratp.



No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers — continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Horse- | »„.„.. , hi .,, „ „, power Diameter of Cylinders of Purpose for which need. of Engines, in Inches. Boiler. Claae nf Driver required. CANTERBURY SO 1TTH DISTRICT-ro»<» inued. Lamb, William Lithgow, J. Lynch, Morgan Lyon, W., and Son McCormick Bros. McCrenor, James Mcllhennery, James Mclntyre, John Manchester, James* Martin, Alexander .. Meaclem, William Meredith and Co. Meyers Bros. Moorhead, John Mulvihill, Cornelius O'Connor, Brian Oliver, J. W. Orr, J.' .. '.. '.'. Palmer Bros. Paterson, James Peach, Executors of the late A. E. Pelvin Bros. Prue, Thomas Quinn, William »» Rae, James Rainey, Thomas Robertson and Co. Ross and McLintock* Ross, William Ruddenklau, H. Saunders and Heuchan Scannell, J. M. Scannell, Michael Scott Bros. Ashburton Timaru Chertsey Temuka Pleasant Point Methven Ashburton Waimate Temuka Ashburton Waimate Lyndhurst Geraldine. Rakaia Green Street Waitoh'i Flat Rangitoto Island .. Waterton Mount Somera Glenavy Waimate Makikihi St. Andrew's Ashburton Waimate.. Lyndhurst Waimate.. Fairlie Ma Waro General .. .. j Threshing General .. Chaffcutting General Threshing Chaffeutting Threshing General Owners' threshing.. General Threshing Hauling .. General .. .. ■ n Flour-mill Threshing General .. Threshing Electric light .. | »» • • Sawing General Sawmill General Threshing General .. „ Woollen-mills .. ! Threshing General Chaffeutting General Hauling and roadrolling Hauling Flour-mill General .. .. I 8 8 8 8 I I 8 (i £ 8 (i ti 8 8 ti S 8 j 8 8 s 7 i) 8 8 8 10 ! 8 8 8 8 8 14 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ! 57 57 57 9 9 8 8 52 8 8 8 : 40 8 s 8 ; 8 8 9 8 I ' 33 140 8 8 8 10 8 6 and 10 8 (>i and 10i (ij and 101 91 li. 1 , and 11 6J" and 101 (i and 10 (i and 10 7 and II. 1 , 9 81 8 9 10 8 t> and 10 9 81 9 9 9 t>1 and 10 J 2 rj, and 101 9 l> and 10 Two 7| ti ; ; and 11J «| and 10| 9 6j and 11J 9 9* OJ and 10£ 8J and 12J 9& <ij and 104 81 6J and 10J til and Hi 9 9i 14 and 24 14 and 24 14 and 24 9} ti' and 114 9i 9| 11 81 (ij and 101 9 if 14 9 9 9 S| 9 t>1 and Hi 9| 8 7 and 11 Two 12J Iβ and 29 8 9 61 and 11 ft} and 111 9 Locomotive and traction. Ditto. .. •• .. ,. First class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. First class. t> n Locomotive and traction. Ditto. „ Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. • • '. First class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. I ;; Timaru .. ,, j> Scott,'J. Geraldine Sheppard Bros. Sheppard and Douglas Slee, Frank S. Smith, J., and Son Snell, John St. Andrew's Temuka Waimate Ashburton Orton South and Gellatly South, J. C. St. Andrew's Geraldine >» • • South Canterbury Woollen-mills Stevens, W. H. Timaru Lowcliffe Stewart, Arthur .. * Stewart" J. Stocker, Frank Hinds Rakaia Chertsey Timaru .. Washdyke Ashton Makikihi Timaru Taylor,"W. T. '.. Tiffen, James Timaru Borough Council Timaru Harbour Board Timaru Milling Company Tiny, Michael Peel Forest Tozer, Frederick Levels Tully, M. .. Vincent, A. Rakaia Timaru * Thisjplant has two years' certificate.



No. 18.-Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Neiur of Owner. ' Horse- | Purpose for which uaed. *»~ "^Z^SfSlSS. - "T&EF J Boiler. i Walker, James iANTERBITRY SOUTH DISTRICT— continued. Ward, Thomas Washington, Thomas Westland and Timaru Timber Company White, Leonard Willetts, J. M. Wilson, Thomas Temuka . . .. General . . . . 8 9 Locomotive and traction. Fairview . . .. Threshing . • 8 6£ and 11 Ditto. Temuka .. .. „ .. 8 6J and 10i „ Timaru .. .. Sawmill . . 30 12 Second class. Rakaia .. .. Threshing .. 8 !( Locomotive and traction. Fairlie .. .. General .. .. 8 61 and 10| Ditto. Tinwald .. .. „ .. .. 8 6 and 10 „ .. „ ■ • 6 8 „ .. „ .. 6 6 and 10 „ Cave .. .. Threshing .. 8 6} and 10^ Otipua .. .. General .. .. 16 6| and 10} Kohika .. .. Chaffcutting .. 8 9 ,, Winter Bros. Withell, J. Young, M. HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. Amner, W. A. Napier .. .. Hauling .. .. 7 Two 7 Locomotive and traction. Gisborne .. .. Brewery .. 18 Nil Second class. „ .. .. „ .. ..30 12 Ormond . . .. Chaffcutting .. 6 8J Locomotive and traction. Pakipaki .. Freezing .. . . 100 14 and 26 First class. „ .. 100 14 and 26 „ .. „ .100 14 and 26 Clive .. .. Wool-scouring . . 60 Nil Second olass. Takapau .. .. Hauling .. .. 7 8£ Locomotive and traction. Hastings.. .. „ .. .. 8 and 11 Ditto. Wanstead .. Flax-mill.. .. 16 Two 8£ Second class. Ongaonga .. Sawmill .. .. 14 Two 9 „ „ .. Hauling .. .. 7 5J and 9 Locomotive and traction. .. Threshing .. 4 7$ Ditto. Ongaonga District.. ! Hauling .. .. 6 6 and 10 „ Puketapu Threshing .. 6 8 „ Gisborne .. . . Woodwork . . 23 13| Second class. Te Mahanga .. Station-work 6 10 Locomotive and traction. Hastings .. . . Kruit-preserving 37 7 Second class. „ u ..37 7 Havelock North .. Brickworks .. 16 Two 9 Gisborne .. .. Hauling .. .. 6 Two 5J Locomotive and traction. .. Road-roller .. 6 5J and 9J ! Ditto. „ .. .. Pumping.. .. 4 Two 5 ,, Kaiteratahi .. Dredge 5-ton crane 8 Two 7£ „ Gisborne .. .. Brickworks .. 58 14J First class. „ .. .. Hauling on slip .. 10 Two 10 Second class. .. Pile-driving ... 26 Two 8 Waitangi.. .. Oil-wells.. ..28 10 Gisborne .. .. Freezing .. .. 120 9 and 16, 12 and 22 First class. Barry, D. Benson, Henry Borthwick, T., and Sons Bourke, J. J., and Co. Bowring and Cattermoto Brausch, Charles Broad and Griffiths Burgess, Frederick Carr, S. .. »» Codd, Charles Colley, John Douglas, W. J. and A. F. .. Frimley Canning Company Fulford, J. Gisborne Borough Council .. Gisboruu Brick Company (.ieborne Harbour Board >» • * Gisborne Oil Company Gisborne Sheep-farmers' Frozen Meat Company Ditto ,, Green Bros. Griffin, J. .. Hall, F „ .. .. „ 78 9 and 16, 12 and 22 .. I 35 9 and 16, 12 and 22 „ .. .. „ .. .. i 40 9 and 16, 12 and 22 Tikokino .. Threshing .. 6 Two 5 and 9 Locomotive and traction. „ „ - .. 7 Two 6 and 10 Ditto. Napier .. .. Brickworks . . 20 '.) Second class. Matawhero .. Threshing 6 10 Locomotive and traction. Waihora .. .. Sawmill .. .. 25 10 and 16 First class. Hastings .. .. Pumping water .. 8 Two 7 Locomotive and traction. Dannevirkr .. Butter-factory .. j 20 8£ Second class. Napier .. . . Laundry .25 7f „ Awatoto .. .. Soapworks .. 50 7£ „ Hastings B'ire Brigade Hawke's Bay Dairy Company (Limited) Hawke's Bay Laundry Company Hawke's Bay Soap and Tannery Company Hawke's Bay Timber Company >t »» Heretaunga Butter-factory Company Higgins, L. Napier .. .. Hauling .. .. 7 6 and 10 Locomotive and traction „ .. .. „ . . 7 6 and 10 Ditto. Puketitiri .. Sawmill .. 35 15J First class. Hastings .. .. Steaming.. 25 9 Second class. Puketapu .. Threshing .. 8 6J and 8£ Locomotive and traction. Patutahi .. .. „ .. 7 »i Ditto. Hastings . . Haulinc . . .. 8 6 and 10 „ •■ 6 6 and 10i Hills, J. E. Holt, R, and Sons .. »» * *



No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine -drivers — continued.

Name of Owner. Wliere Boiler used. HorsePurpose for which used. P Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. HAWKE'S BA DISTRICT— continued. Holt, R., and Sons Napier Sash and door factory 50 AC\ 50 40 25 12 8 22 22 22 Two 8J 6£ and 11 First class. >» • • ■ ■ • • 40 OK ii Jones, James Jones, W. S. Kaiti Brick Company Kennedy, C, and Co. Kia Ora Co-operative Dairy Company Leipst, A. ,, . . . . Puketitiri Waerengaahika Puketapu Kaiti Napier South Makaraka Hastings 25 Sawmill .. .. 12 Threshing .. 8 Hauling .. .. 5 Brickworks .. 20 Sand-pump .. 25 Butter-factory . . 21 Well-sinking .. 6 5 20 25 21 6 5J and 10 12 12 and 22 9 H Second olass. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. McDonald Bros. McKay, G. Manson and Co. Napier Brewery Company Napier City Council Puhihou Kaikoura Port Ahuriri Napier Hauling .. .. 6 a „ .. .. H a „ ■■ ■■ 8 Sawmill .. .. 12 Brewery .. .. 30 Pumping.. 100 A(\ 6 6 8 12 30 100 40 8 6 and 11 8 6J and 11J Two Si 8 10, 17£, 20, 40 10, 17£, 20, 40 Two C »» Second class. First class. tt ~ ■ * * Napier Harbour Board Port Ahuriri „ .. .. 40 Hauling .. .. 8 Locomotive and traction. Ditto. ,, * * * * Napier Woollen Company (Limited) .. Neilson, C. E. Napier Onopoto Gully Dannevirke 10 40-ton etane .. 8 Q ..8 Steaming .. 20 General .. .. 6 10 8 8 20 6 Two 8 Two 8 Two 8 Nil 8 »» Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. First class. Nelson Bros. Gisborne .. ,, »> • ■ ,, . . . . Tomoana.. 6 Freezing .. • . 40 , 50 „ .. .. 50 AO 43 « on 6; 40 50 50 43 43 90 90 90 90 20 6 5J and 9 12, 13, and 25 12, 13, and 25 13 and 25 13 and 25 13 and 25 19, 28, 18, 30J 19, 28, 18, 30| 19, 28, 18, 301 19, 28, 18, 30J 6 6 and 10 ii >» 90 nn ,, „ .. 90 flA „ .. .. i 90 on Newbiggen, E. Newrick, F. C. Hastings .. 90 Steaming.. .. 20 Hauling .. .. C Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Newriek, J. A. .. .. • • j New Zealand Leather-rubber Company (Limited) North British and Hawko's Bay Freezing Company Ditto ,, . . . . » ;; ;; West Shore »» • • Hauling and general 6 A 6 Steaming.. .. 32 6 (i 32 6 and 10£ (ijj and ll Nil Second class. Freezing .. .. 50 50 19 and 28 First class. Ongaonga Flour-mill Company Parke and Co. Ongaonga Maharahara , 50 , 50 Steaming .. 30 Flour-mill .. 14 General .. .. 6 r>0 50 30 14 6 19 and 28 19 and 28 Nil 14 8 Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Peacocke, Henry Peddle, S. W. Powdrell Bros. Waihora Henley Hastings .. Sawmill .. .. 14 14 35 10 and 14 15? 6 and 10J 35 Hauling .. .. 6 ii Locomotive and traction. Ditto. ,, • • Ramlose Bros. Russell and Ramsay Sands, George Tiratu Timber Company ,, • * Tokara Sawmill Company Tokomaru Sheep - farmers' Freezing Company Ditto ,, .. ,, . . . • Wairoa Twyford Hastings Mangatera Tiratu Rawharoa Tokomaru Bay >» • • , 6 a „ .. .. 6 a , 6 Threshing .. 6 Hauling .. • • 7 Planing-mill .. 17 Sawmill .. .. 40 l a 6 : 6 ! 6 6 7 17 40 16 30 6 and 10£ 6 and lOJ 7* 8 6£ and 11£ 11 15 Two 9 Two 8J: ii Second class. First class. Second class. 16 Pile-driving .. 30 »» Freezing-works .. 107| 107£ 16, 28, 12, 18, 6, 10, 6J, 10, two 4£, two 7, 8J, 5 Ditto First class. »> • • • • 107| 1AT] 1074 107| 6 5i and 9 ,» Turpin, Ernest Takapau • • 107J Hauling .. .. 6 Sawmill .. .. 35 35 14 3* Locomotive and traction. Second class. Waikopiro Sawmilling Company (Limited) Wakarara Timber Company Williams, A. G. Rahaiatai Wakarara Rissington „ .. .. 20 Hauling .. .. 8 20 6 Two 9 0 and 10 Locomotive and traction. Ditto. First class. Winiata, T. K. Woodvillc Bacon Company (Limited).. Roy's Hill Woodville Hauling .. .. 8 Boiling-down .. 25 8 25 iv, ii ; ; and 11£ 21 21 26



No. 18.-Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Horse- .. . . . . j '■ power Diameter of Cylinders of Purpose for which used. ,„. Engines, in Inches. Boiler. | (lass of Driver required. MARYBOROUGH DISTRICT. Barton Bros. .. .. .. Pelorus Sound . . Log-hauler . . 16 . . Sawmill .. . . 12 Brownlee and Co. . . .. .. Carluke .. . . Hauling . . .. 10 Two 8i Two 8| (Two 8" Two 8 J Two 9 I (Two 81 |f Two 9 Two 8| Two 14 Two 14 16 16 Two 11 9 8 C and 10 8 and 10 17 Two 7i 6£ and 1H 14J 16i 8 and 12J Two 9* Two 10.! I Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Second class. ' First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. i Ditto. First class. ' Second class. First class. Second class. First class. .. 10 :: :: 12 .. Log-hauler . . 15 15 ;: :: .. » .. Sawmill .. .. 43 :: , •• ..43 .. Havelook . . „ .. .. 40 .40 „ .. Hauling .. . . 20 Daikee, Henry George . . .. The Elevation .. Brickmaking .. 16 Fowler, W. T.* .. .. .. Wairau Valley .. Chaffcutting .. 6 Hewitson, Arthur J. .. .. Havelock . . General .. 7 Litchfield, A. J. .. • • „ • ■ Chaffcutting . 6 Marlborough Timber Company . . Nydia Bay . Sawmill .. . . 73 „ . . Hauling on incline 21 N.eea and McLean .. .. . . Rai Valley .. Sawmill .. .. 8 Robertson Bros. .. .. .. » • • >• ■ • 34 Smart, Charles W. .. .. • ■ Wakamarina .. .. .. ■ • 36 Smart, P. A. .. • ■ • • ,. • ■ .... 20 Tapp and Eagle .. • • ■ • Pelorus Sound . . .. . . ■ . 12 White, Charles .. •■ ■■ Onamalutu .. .. .. ..20 NELSON NORTH DISTRICT. 9, 6, and 8 9 7 and 11J 10 13 Two 91 8 5 and >s.l Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Anchor Foundry and Shipping Company [ The Port.. .. Engineering-works ] 23 Anglesey, William, jun. .. .. Upper Tadmor .. Traction-engine and 8 sawmill Baigent, H. .. • • • ■ Bonnie Doon . Sawmill .. .. 12 Nelson .. .. Sash and door factory 23 " ( .', .. .. West Takaka .. Sawmill .. .. 25 Baigent, Executors of the late Thomas East Takaka .. „ .. • ■ 14 Bockmann, F. A. J. .. ■ Upper Moutere .. Traction-engine .. 6 Challis Bros. .. .. •• Waimeas.. .. Traction-engine and 8 farm-work Coleman Bros. .. ■ • • ■ Motupiko .. Traction-engine . . 8 Currin, F. .. • • • • Wangapeka .. Sawmill .. . . 28 Bodson, J. K-. and Son .. ■■ Nelson .. .. Brewery.. .. 20 Falconer, F. W., and Co. .. • • Roekville .. Cheese-factory . . 30 Fauchelle and Co. .. . • • Uruwhenua .. Sawmill .. .. 14 Golden Bay Cement Company (Limited) Tarakoho .. Cement-works .. 219 9 7, 11, and 10J 6 7 and 11 Two 8J 24J, 37£, 12 and 18 Ditto 8} First class. Second class. First class. Second class. ■• 219 Golden Bay Co-operative Dairy Factory Takaka .. .. Butter-factory . . 17 Company Grant, William .. .. ■ Oollingwood District Traction-engine and 0 pumping Kaituna .. . . Sawmill .. .. 20 .. Silver Stream .. „ .. .. 40 Griffin and Sons (Limited) .. •• Nelson .. .. Biscuit and confec- 20 tionery factory Hewetson, Thomas .. .. .. Upper Moutere .. Traction-engine .. 5 8 and 11 10 9i S and 12 J Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Hill H. .. .. •• ■■ Spring Grove .. Traction-engine, 4 chaff and wood cutting Hunt Q and \. .. .. •• AVantwood .. Chaff and wood cut- 5 ting Kirkpatrick, 8., and Co. .. • • Nelson .. .. Canning .. .. 50 Miller, A. .. • • • • Croixelles .. Sawmill . . . . 33 Vlson City Council .. •• „ •• Traction-engine and G road-roller „ .. Air-compressing and 20 exhausting gas .. Ditto .. .. 20 Nelson Freezing Company .. .. Stoke .. .. Pumping and steam- 24 Nelson Harbour Board .. .. Nelson .. .. Dredging.. 55 .. •■ » ..55 r,\ and 0;| Locomotive and traction. Ditto. n l> !), 6, 4 10J 8 Two 8 and two 5 Seoond class. ft Locomotive and traction. Second class. Two 8 and two 5 Two 8 and two 4 20 and 36 20 and 36 First class. • This plant hue two years' certificate.



No. 18.-Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Where Boiler lined. 11, usePurpose for which »*d. »%gg«$£22!« Boiler. fnrnn Class i'f Driver requl red. Nairn* of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. H I" I'., torsetower Diameter of Cylinders of Class of Driver 'of Engines, In [nohes. requl red. tailor toiler. NELSON NORTH DISTRICT— confirm urn Wd. Price, T. A. .. .. .. Pretty Bridge Valley Traction-engine ami sawmill Prouae and Sauuders .. .. Mangarakau . . Sawmill Paturau .. .. Bush-engine Puponga Coal Company .. .. Puponga .. .. Hauling, pumping, air-compressor and fan „ .. .. Ditto „ .. .. Locomotive Reilly, W. .1. .. .. .. Long Plain .. Sawmill .. Robertson Bros. .. .. .. Nelson . . .. Sash and door factory Satherly and Nieman .. .. Waimeas.. .. Traction-engine Schwass, H. H. .. .. .. .. .. .. Traction-engine and farm-work Schroder, Charles H.J. .. .. ,, .. .. Ditto Snowden, John T. .. . . .. ,, .. .. Traction-engine Soper, R. .. .. .. .. Takaka .. .. Traction-engine and general works Starnes, F. W. .. .. .. Motueka . . .. Traction-engine Stilwell and Co. (Limited) .. .. „ .. .. Sash and door factory Walker Bros. .. . . .. Bainham.. . Sawmill Watson, William C. .. .. Wai-iti Valley . . Traction-engine and chaffcutting Webby, George E. .. .. .. Waimeas.. .. Traction-engine Whelham, A. and Co. .. .. Takaka .. .. | Sash and door factory Wilson, J. and A, (Limited) . . . . Tonga Bay .. I Stone-cutting Win, J. N ■ .. •• •• Dovedale .. Traction-engine „ .. .. .. ,, .. . . ,, 6 7; Li >oo motive and traction.I 45 Hi] and two 8 Kirst class. 17 Two 8 Second class. 40 Two 8, one 8, one 18, First class. and one 9 40 Ditto 8 Two 7 Locomotive and traction. 14 Two 0j Second class. 30 12;', 6 8 Locomotive and traction. 8 8 Ditto. 6 8 6 8 6 8,, 6 :>\ and 8i 16 s. , , " Seoond class. 20 112 3 6 8fj; Locomotive and traction. 6 (i and 10* Ditto. Ki S.I " Second class. Iβ 7 and llj 8 8 Locomotive and traction. (i li and 11 Ditto. 6 45 17 10 NELSON SOUTH DISTRICT. Bowater and Bryan .. .. Cape Foulwind .. Sawmill .. .. I Westport.. .. ,, ,, . . . . ,, . . ,, „ .. . . Idle Consolidated (JnliIliclds of New Zealand Black Point .. Crushing (Limited) Ditto .. .. .. .. Crushington .. j Hauling .. Energetic Mine . . Winding Globe Mine „ .. .. .. .. Golden Fleece Mine i Compressor and bat- j tery „ .. .. .. .. Progress Battery .. | Reduction-works and smelting ,, . . .. .. .. Waireta .. . . Winding Dobson Sawrailling Company .. Dobson .. Sawmill Gilberd, J. B., and Son .. .. Westport . For sale Hessey, Cameron, and Tacon .. Boatman's Dredging . Karamea Sawmilling Company .. Karamea Sawmill .. „ „ .. Oaparara . . „ Keep-it-dark Cold-mining Company .. Crushington .. Compressor „ „ .. ,, . . Winding Loekingham, E. .. .. .. Waitahu . . Sawmill Harris, J. and S. .. .. .. St. Helens . . „ .. Moonlight Gold-dredging Syndicate .. Moonlight Creek .. Dredging.. .. I Mumm, D. P. .. .. .. St. Helens Sawmill . . Neighbours and Sons .. .. Waimangaroa . Brickworks New Big River Gold-mining Company Big River Mine . Winding New Zealand Government (State Coal- j Dunollie .. .. Coal-mining mines) Ditto .. .. .. .. Point Elizabeth .. „ , * .. .. . • n • • f> 2S Two 10 Seoond class. 32 Lβ First class. 30 13 Second class. 23 8 HO Three 14 and one 22 First class. 8 0 Locomotive and traction. 8 and II 1 , Ditto. SO Two 18 " Winding. 48 i Two 18 48 Two 18 85 Two Ki 20 Two 11 86 Two Iβ Firs! class and winding. lid Three 1 1 and one 22 First class. 20 7 and 11 j Seoond class. Mi Two 14 and one 12 j First class. 25 8 and 12| 23 Nil Second class. 20 8 and 12j : First class. 20 7, 11, and 8 30 ; 14 ;• 20 / ami 11 [ Second class. ■2:> Two 11 Winding. 20 S and 12; First class. 28 14 Second class. 20 8 and 13 First class. 25 12 Second class. 17 !> 14 Two 8| Winding. 60 Two 10, 7 and I I Exempt. 60 Two 10, 7 and 11 20 7 and llj 49 Two 4, two 9, one 7, I „ one 11, one 10 .">."> Two 10, 7 and 11 „ 84 Two 10, 7 and 11 49 Two 10£ 64 Two 10, 7 and 11 64 ; Two 10, 7 and 11 49 Two 9, one 10, one 11 ! „


No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.


7.1 H.—15a. No. 18.—Return showing the X lmes nf Owners "f Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued. Horsepower Diameter of Cylinders of of Engines, in Inches. Boiler. Class of Driver required. Name of owner. Where liniler used 1'urnose for which used I P° wer Diaraeter °' Cylinders of Class of Driver wnen Bouerusea. t-urpose lor which used. Qf Engines, in Inches. required. Boiler. Duller. New Zealand [Government (Slate Coalmines) Ditto NELSON SOITH DISTRICT— continued. State Mine Extension Air-compressor .. 36 12 Exempt. Point flUutabeth Coal Company 11 ii Reefton Electric Light (bmpany Simpson, J. R. Stratford and Blair Success Gold-dredging Company Westport Borough Council WVstport Coal Company „ ... 43 14 Seddonville .. Hauling .. 60 15 „ .. Coal-mining . . 43 One 8, two 6 Westport .. Briquette-works . . 64 Two 14 64 Two 14 -.64 Two 14 Brunner . . .. Mining 35 12,13J, two 8, two 7J Second class. 36 12. I3J, two 8, two 7A Reefton .. .. Dynamo .. .. 40 10 and 16 First class. Oparara .. .. Flax-mill.. ..17 10 Second class. Karamea.. Sawmill .. .. 28 First class. HoHo .. Dredging.. .. 43 9 and 15 Westport . . Hauling .. 6 5 and 7 Locomotive and traction. „ . . Fire-engine .. 7 Three 7 Second class. Burnett's Face . . Hauling and dynamo ; 86 10, 16, 6 ; First class. Coalbrookdalc . . Compressor . . 84 Three 14 .80 Three 14 80 Three 14 Denniston .. Hauling .. 84 Two 18 „ .. 84 Two 18 „ .. 84 Two 18 84 Two 18 Kiwi Section .. Compressor .. 60 Three 14 .. I „ 50 Three 14 Millerton .. Mining .. .. 58 Two 14, three 9 Mine-mouth, Miller- Air-compressor, fan. 10 Two 14, three 9 ton and dynamo Ditto .. Ditto .. .. 10 Two 14, three 9 10 Two 14, three 9 Mines Creek .. Fans and dynamo.. 58 Four 14$, one 20, one 6J, one 13 58 Ditto ..86 ..55 ..55 „ .. Mining .. .. 55 Four 14$, one 20 ., Cape Foulwind .. I 25-ton crane .. 9 Two 9 Second class. .. 20-ton crane 10 Two 9 Cape Foulwind Rail- Locomotive. .. 30 Two lOg Locomotive and way traction. Cape Foulwind .. 25-ton crane .. 9 Two 9 Second class. .. 9 Two 9 „ Westport .. Hauling .. .. 36 Two 10-ft Locomotive and traction. „ .. .20 Two 9& Ditto. .. 30 Two 10,;; Ngakawau .. Power-station .. 95 Two 12, two 17, two First class. • 26 ..95 Ditto • 95 •95 Westport .. Brewery .. 23 ti Second class. i, ,i Westport Harbour Board West port-Stockton Coal Company Williams. W. Advance Gold-dredging CompanyOTAGO DISTRICT. Alexandra Coal CompanyAnderson's Bay Quarry Syndicate Ardmore Gold-dredging Company Bagrie, Joseph Balloch, R. Barewood Gold-mining Company Molyneux River Gold-dredge .. 20 8 and 12J | One first class and ! two second class. Alexandra .. Winding and pump- 20 Two 10 j Winding. ing . Ditto .. .. 20 Two 7 and two 8 Anderson's Bay Brickworks .. 25 10 and 16 First class. Kelso .. Gold-dredge 20 9 and 13 Clinton District General hauling ..9 9 Locomotive and traction. Clinton .. .. j Threshing .. 8 9 Ditto. Barewood .. I Auxiliary pumping 16 Two 10 Winding, and winding . Ditto .. .20 Two 12 Waitahuna . . Threshing 6 8 Locomotive and traction. Burnside .. Tannery .. 25 14-,f First class. Port Chalmers . . Sawmill .. .. j 28 13$ J Second class. Otanomomo .. j Flax-mill.. .. j 20 8 and 12J j First class. Mosgiel District .. Threshing , . 8 9 i Locomotive and traction. Bartlett, George Bayley, John, and Sons Bauchop, R., and Co. Bichan, George, and Co. Brown Bros.



No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. HorseWhere Boiler used. Purpose tor which used. *™< "^^ Boiler. j Where Boiler used. OTAGO DISTRICT— continued. Brown Bros. Brown, A. and R. .. Brown, G. E. Bruce Railway and Coal Company Bruce Dredging Company Bruce Woollen-mills Buchanan, W. Burt, A. and T. (Limited) >» »» Cameron and Pan 5 Chambers, Robert Chicago Gold-dredging Company Christchurch Meat Company Christie Bros. Christie, H. F. Christie, Thomas Clark Bros. Mosgiel District .. Threshing and chaff- 8 !) Locomotive and cutting traction. Blue Mountains .. Sawmill .. .. 14 | 7} and 1H Second class. Warepa .. .. General .. . . 8 1 9 Locomotive and P**ii.'.R8| traction. The Fortification .. Hauling .. . . 124,; Two 8 Ditto. ,, .. ,, .. . . 56 i Two 8f Second class. Coombe Hay „ 10 0 „ Glenore ..' .. Gold-dredge .. IS 8 and 13 First class. Milton .. .. Woollen-in ills .. 159 12 and 21 Beaumont .. General .. ,.8 9 Locomotive and traction. .. Chaffcutliuu s il Ditto. Dunedin . . .. Machine-tools . . 30 Nil Second class. „ ■■ .. „ .30 Glenore .. .. Gold-dredge . . 2f> 8 and 12} First class. Oamaru District .. General .. .. 8 it Locomotive and traction. Molyneux River .. Gold-dredge .. 20 8{ and 12;; One first class and two second class. Burnsido .. Freezing-works .. 80 ! 12 and 22 First class. ..80 12 and 22 Oamaru .. .. Refrigerator .. 45 11 and 20 „ .. .. „ ..45 11 and 20 Abbotsford Hauling .. .. 12 Two 84 and one 10 Clydevale .. | Chaffcutting .. s !) Locomotive and traction. Allanton .. . . Threshing 0 8 Ditto. „ .. . . „ . . li 0 and 104 Maheno .. .. Hauling .. .. 8 5j and 9f .. Hoist .. 6 8 „ .. .. Hauling .. .. 9 54 and 8 „ „ .. . . General .. 8 9 „ North-east Valley .. Laundry .. 16 8| Second class. Clyde .. .. Colliery .. .. 22 ! Two 8 „ Dunedin .. .. Machine-shop 25 11 ,, Oamaru .. .. Sawmill .. 20 I 14 Kokonga District .. Threshing .. 8 : 9 Locomotive and traction. Kelso .. .. Chaffcuttinc . . 8 9 Ditto. Dunedin .. .. j Flour-mill . . 40 14 and 24 First class. Clinton District .. Threshing and chaff- K 9 Locomotive and cutting traction. Ratanui .. .. Sawmill .. .. 20 ! 10 Second class. Dunedin .. .. Hat-factory 50 7 „ Totaratahi District Threshing .. 8 1 9 Locomotive and traction. South Dunedin .. Ropeworks .. 40 I 16 and 26 First class. .. Idle .. .. 40 13.1 and lil Mount Highley .. Quartz-crushing .. lfi 7 and 114 Second class. Burnside.. .. Boiling .. ..25 Nil Anderson's Bay Road Gasworks .. 40 Two 5 J „ Dunedin .. . . Electric light and 95 13 and 22 First class. power .. I Ditto .. .. 95 13 and 22 .. 95 13 and 22 „ .. .. Road-roller .. 6 6 and 10 ' Locomotive and traction. ,, .. . . Pumping.. .. Lβ 7 and 11 Second class. ,, .. .. Laundry and heating 56 7 ,, Heating .... 56 7 Kaikorai .. . . Hauling .. . . 26 First class. Clark" D. .. '.'. '.'. '.'. Clark'e Laundry Clyde Collieries (Limited) Cossens and Black Craig, James, and Co. Creighton and Reid Bros. Crossan, Alexander.. Crown Roller Mills Currie Bros. Dawson and McKechnie Denton Hat-mills Dewar, William Donaghy's Rope and Twine Company Donaldson, W. and G. Dunedin Abattoirs Dunedin City Corporation ,, Dunedin Drainage Board Dunedin Hospital Board Dunedin and Kaikorai Tramway Company Ditto Earnacleugh Gold-dredging Company.. „ .. „ . . 48 16 and 144 Earnscleugh .. Gold-dredgo ..46 9 and 14 One first class and two second class. 16 9 and 14 Ditto. 16 9 and 14 Waenga . . .. „ 20 8 and 12J First class. Kelso .. .. „ 20 8} and 12} Clutha River .. .. ..20 8 and 12| One first class and two second class. Kakanui District .. Threshing .. 8 9 Locomotive and traction. Herbert District .. „ 6 8 Ditto. .. ..8 9 Port Chalmers .. Machine-tools .. 16 7 and 11J Second class. Molyneaux River .. Gold-dredge .. 30 9 and 14 One first class and two second class. ..16 9 and 13 Ditto. ,, »» Electric Gold-dredging Company (No. 2) Empire Gold-dredging Syndicate Eureka Gold-dredging Company Falconer, James Forbes Bros. Gardner and Co. Golden Beach Gold-dredging Company


No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

10— H. 15a.


78 H.—15a. No. 18.— Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Cbbtificatbd Engine-drivers— continued. Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. I HorsePuipose for which used. I P°"' er Di \™j£ r °' <" * of Engines, in Inehes. Boiler. Class of Driver required. OTAGO DISTRICT— continued. Golden Bed Gold-dredging Company . . Miller's Flat .. Gold-dredge 30 9 and 14 One first class and two second class. Ditto. Golden Gate Gold-dredging Syndicate „ Golden Gem Gold-dredging Company. . Golden Treasure Gold-dredging Company Good Chance Gold-dredging Company Alexandra Gorge Gore, C. and W. .. Wingatui.. Brickworks Graham. T. A. .. .. Allanton District ., Threshing 10 20 30 20 25 8 7f i; and 12 j 9 and 14 8 and 12$ 8 and 12» 14* 9 ii First class. Locomotive and traction. Second claBS. Green Island Mineral Company .. Abbotsford Hauling and pumping Gregg, William, and Co. .. .. Dunedin . . .. Starchworks Grogan and Party .. .. .. Anderson's Flat .. Gold-dredge .. | Gwynne. \\'. .. .. .. Houipapa . Sawmill Hamilton. Harry .. .. Milton .. .. General .. 28 18 14 18' 8 s 10 8 and 13 10 9 First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. „ .. .. .. „ .. .. I „ Harraway, H. .. .. Green Island .. Hauling Hartley and Riley Gold-dredging Com- Cromwell .. Gold-dredge pany Heenan and Hardy .. .. Greenfield .. Threshing 8 5 20 8 9 4$ and 6$ 8 and I2f One first class and two second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. 9 Heenan, T. D. .. .. .. „ .. Chaffcutting „ .. .. .. „ .. General Hill and Frame .. .. .. Herbert District .. Threshing Hogg and Co. (Limited) .. .. Dunedin .. .. Sawmill .. Hudson. H., and Co. .. .. „ .. Biscuit and confertionerj Hutton Bros. .. .. Roxburgh .. General 7 4$ 8 8 27 25 80 8 8$ 6$ 9 II 9 and 14 13 12 and 21, 9] and 16 First class. Second class. First class. 9 Locomotive and traction. Second class. Irvine and Stevenson .. .. Silverstream . . Steaming ,, .. .. ,, Milk-condensing .. | island Basin Gold-dredging Company.. Alexandra Gorge .. Gold-dredge 20 30 20 7 7 9 and 14 One first class and two second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Second class. First class. Jackman and Dillon .. .. Oamaru District .. Chaffcutting 7 5$ and 94 Jenkins, George .. .. .. Moa Flat .. „ Jones, E. B. .. .. Milton .. .. Pottery-works Kahikntca Sawmill Company . . Kahikatea . . Sawmill Karanui Gold-dredging Company .. Alexandra .. Pumping.. .. „ Gold-dredge 6 18 17 18 20 5 8 14 Mi 14J 8 and 12 J 10 and 16 Kean. Thomas .. Balclutlia . Threshing Kempthonie, Prosser, and Co. .. Bumsidc .. Chemical works Kirklaiid. William . . .. East Taieri . . General 8 16 20 80 6 9$ 12 and 20 8$ 12 and 20 6 and 1(1 g 9 and 14 ii One first class and two second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. One first class and two second class, locomotive and traction. One first class and two second class. Ditto. Second class. Knowles, William .. .. Clinton General hauling .. Kohinoor Dredging Party .. Roxburgh .. Gold-dredge 8 39 Koppert, H. .. .. Enfield .. .. Chaffcutting 8 9 Lady Annie Gold-dredging Company .. Manuherekia River Gold-dredge 20 8 and 12j - Lady Roxburgh Gold-dredging Company Roxburgh .. „ Lambert Bros, and Co. .. .. Kensington . . Pipeworks Latta Bros. .. .. .. Pounawea .. Sawmill Latta, Thomas .. .. .. Catlin's .. „ .. .. .. Hunt's Road ,, .. ... Ledingham, George.. .. .. Georgetown District Threshing 20 16 16 14 16 8 9 and 14 7 and 11 Two 10 6$ and 10.', Two 10 " 9 Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Leonard Bros. .. .. Balcultlia .. Genera] .. Leonard. .). .. .. „ .. „ ,, . . . . ii . . ,, . . Leslie, Alexander .. .. .. Millburu . . .. j Threshing Limestone Brick Company .. Tahuna . . Making sand-bricks McCalluin and Co. .. .. Oamaru .. .. Sawmill McCulloch, Thomas.. .. Ngapara District .. Threshing 8 8 8 8 56 20 8 Ii', and 11$ 9 9$ 9 16 15 0 ii First class. McGavin and Co. .. .. .. Dunedin .. Brewing McGLU, Poter (Limited) .. .. Milton Flour-mill McKenzie, John .. .. .. Dunrobin District . . i General hauling .. 50 25 8 8 12 and 22 9 Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. McLeod Bros. .. .. Dunedin .. Soapworks .... .. Candle-factory .... Stearine .. ,, .. .... Soap-boiling 20 25 25 20 Nil 'i ii



No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Where Boiler used. Honepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, In Inches. , Class of Driver required. Name of Owner. Purpose for which used. OTAGO DIS'I TRICT— continued. McSkimming, P.. and Son Main, J. A. Benhar Waiwera South I Pipe and tile works Threshing Gold-dredge 20 Iβ 64 8 7 and 11i 7i and llf 14, 22. and 8 9 Second class. First ol Locomotive and traction. One first class and two second class. Locomotive and traction. First < J Second class. Manuherekia Gold-dredging Company.. Alexandra (lorge .. s,',. and I2j Meek Bros. Enfleld Threshing 7 8i Meek, J. and T. Michaelis, Hallenstein, and Farquhar .. Milligan and Bond Mitchell Bros. Oainaru Sawyer's Bay Ngapara Oamaru District Klour-mill Tannery . . Flour-mill Threshing 43 30 16 8 it and 211 12 12 i,I and 10'. Molyneux Hydraulic Gold - dredging Company Mornington Borough Council Alexandra Gold-dredge 18 8 and I2 : ; Locomotive and traction. ■ One first class and two second class. First class. Morningt-on Hauling .. Woollen-faotory .. :: :: I Sawmill . . .. Hauling ami pumping Ditto Gold-dredge l<i Iβ 30 18 18 18 82 :m 2(1 2o -Id Two 13 and one 15 Two 13 and one 1C Nil Mosgiel Woollen-factory Mosgiel . . Second class. " Moss, H. P." New Alexandra Coal Company Catlin's Alexandra 16J and 30 '•I Two 7 and two 8 First class. Second class. Winding. New Golden Run Gold-dredging Company New Roxburgh Jubilee Gold-dredging Company New Zealand Coal and Oil Company . . Miller's Flal Two 10 10 and Iβ One lirst class and two second class. First class. Roxburgh .. :(ii i) and 14 Castle Hill Kaitangata Hauling .. .. 50 BO 25 2(1 Two 20 Two 20 Two 30 Two 10^ Fan and winding .. ' Hauling .. »> Pumping Hauling .. 70 lli 25 20 10 IS Two 20 Two 8 Two 30 Two 30 10 Locomotive nn<\ traction. First class. Winding. First class. Two <)', Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. New Zealand Government (Mental Hospitals Department) Ditto New Zealand Government (Mines Department) New Zealand Government (Public Works Department) New Zealand Government (State Coalmines) New Zealand Paper-mills Seaoli'fi .. Electric light 20 23 43 Two 30 Two 30 8 and 1 :i Kxempt. Earnscleugh Kc\ stone-borer 43 4 8 and 13 6 Houipapa Stone-crusher .. : 16 8 and 13 Dunedin Motor-wagon 6 3J and 6i Woodhaugh Paper-mills Threshing 25 30 80 6 Nil Second-class. Newbigging Bros. Newson and Petrie. Ngapara Extended Gold-dredging Company Nine-hundred-and-nine Gold-dredging Company Oamaru Harbour Board Oamaru Woollen-factory Milton District Clinton District Alexandra Gold-dredge 6 20 14 and 2f> s 8 8£ and 13 First class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. One first class and two second class. Ditto. Shingle Creek .. ' ,, ■ ■ 38 (t and 14 Otago Central Foundry Otago Fat and Tallow Company Otago Gold-dredging Company (No. 1) Oamaru Alexandra Burnside.. .. I Miller's Flat .. j Sand-pump Woollen-mills Machine-tools Steaming Gold-dredge 30 60 HO 16 18 20 12| and 18 15 and 27 15 and 27 8 Nil 7£ and 14 First class. Second olaa . Otago Gold-dredging Company (No. 2) Otago Harbour Board Port Chalmers Freezing Ironworks Sawmill .. ! Laundrv 36 30 30 15 20 20 35 20 62 9 and 14 ll£ and 10 Hi and 1H " 20 20 20 20 15* and 10J One lirst class and two second claSH Ditto. First class. Otago Iron-rolling Mills Burnside .. Otago Sawmilling Company Otago Steam Laundry Dunedin .. .. : North-east Valley . . : tt Second class.



No. 18.-Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders at I Engines, in Inches. | I Class of Driver required. OTAGO Dli STRICT -iiml i ii mil. Overtoil Bros. .. .. .. Henley District Threshing Chaffcutting Threshing General .. Gold-dredge Machine-shop Por sale . . Flax-mill and threshing Sawmill General Hauling Hat-factory Steam-wagon Woollen-mills Carbonizing Hosiery-factory Motor-wagon Brickworks General .. Gold-dredge Woodworking Brickmaking Threshing Brewery .. Gold-dredge Machine-tools Gold-dredge Chaffcutting Dairy-factory ii 8 7 s 2(1 168 8 8 10 s r> 26 25 49 r> 60 20 80 i; 20 S g 8 2i> 32 58 8 56 20 30 39 30 IK - Iβ 8 H 9 B and 14 9 a n<1 11>4 9 »i Two 74 9i 8 16 and 26 I I and 22 12 Two 4 A IK and 32 8 II and 19 Two 8| !l and 14 9 9 8j s and I2 : ; fi and 14 12 Hi 9 Hi III 8 « and 14 8 and 13 8 and L3 8f and Iβ 6 8 and 14 Locomotive and traction. Ditto. One first olasB and two second claw*. First class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Second olass. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. First: class. 1 Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. IS One first class and J two second clans. ! Ditto. Second ole First elass. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First olass. One first class and two second class. Locomotive and traction. First elass. < >verton, B. .. .. .. Benley .. Pearson, L. .. .. . . Glenledi District . . Porter, Gibson .. .. .. Fairfax District .. ' Pringle and Party .. .. .. Miller's Flat .. Reid and Gray .. .. .. Dunedin .. Reid, J. B. .. .. .. Otokia .. Robertson and Co... .. ■. Catlin's .. Robinson, Charles .. .. .. Berwick District .. Roslyn Tramway Company .. .. Kaikorai.. I!(isk and Glendining .. .. Dunedin .. Kaikorai . . Rose, Robert .. .. .. Makikihi.. Ryan Broe. .. .. .. Waitahiinu . . I ,, . . . Sailors' Bend Gold-dredging Company Alexandra Gorge .. Sandy Point Gold-dredging Company.. Eameoleugb Scoullar and Chi.sholm . . .. Dunedin . . Shiel, (,'. and W. .. .. .. Cavorshani Smith, Robert* .. ... .. Kelso Distriot Speight anil Co., J. .. .. .. Dunedin • . Steel Gold-dredging Syndioate .. Coal Creek Stevenson and Cook .. .. Port Chalmers .. ; Surprise Gold-dredging Company .. Alexandra Sutherland, W. .. .. .. Balclutha Taieri and Peninsula Milk-supply Com- Dunedin pan.v Ditto Taieri Drainage Board .. . . Maungatua Taratu Coal Company .. .. Taratu . . Pumping Hauling Winding Woodworking Threshing and chaff cutting General .„ General hauling Hauling Hauling coal Tannery Threshing 20 Hi 13 Iβ Iβ 10 8 s s III 22 28 7 s and 14 Two Sj Two s Two 10 Two in IK 9 a 8 8 and 11 Two 8 8 •Vj and !U Si ennd class. Locomotive and traction. Winding. First class. Locomotive and traotion. Ditto. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Thomson, Bridger, and (lo. .. .. Dunedin . . Thiirston, P. J. .. .. .. Heriot Tough, John .. . . .. Milton Trusler, Samuel .. .. . . Waipahi .. T. T. and O. K. Quarry Company . . Totara Verooe, John .. .. .. Clyde .. .. I Waite, John .. ■ • • • Kaikorai Valley .. | Wilson, J. and J. .. .. .. Te Houka I S0UTHL4 iND DISTRICT. Albert Town Gold-dredging Company Bowman's Flat .. j Angus, William .. .. .. Otautau District .. j Baldy, V. W. .. . • • • %al Bush District Bennetts, W. .. .. .. Chatton Bird Bros. .. .. • ■ Scott's Gap Bird and Swhaii .. .. .. Otautau .. Blair Bros. .. .. Otara Gold-dredge General General work Gold-dredge Sawmill Flax-mill!! ! ! hi 9 (i hi 2(1 25 II lii and I Ii !) 8 7 and Ii; Two 10 12 7* and 1H Second class. Locomotive and traotion. Ditto. Three second class. Second class. * This plant bin two years' certificate.



No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Wheri> BoiUr used. Purpose for which used. Horsepower Diameter of Cylinders of ! of Engines, in Inches. Boiler. Olass of Driver required. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT— rontinucd. Bradley, C. .. .. .. Owaka .. .. Sawmill .. .. L3 Broad, Small, ami Co. .. .. Long Bush .. „ .. .. 20 Waihoaka .. .. .. .. II .. Hauling .. .12 Urock, Henry .. .. .. Gore District . . General work .. 7 Brown Bros. .. .. .. Invercargill . . Fellmongery .. IS „ ,, • ■ ■• .34 Brown and Grant . . .. .. Arrowtown .. I General hauling .. 8 Butler, C. J. .. .. • • Winton .. .. General work . . 31 Butler, E. W. .. .. .. Otautau District .. Chaffcutting .. (1 Cain, A. .. .. • • Waikaia .. .. j Hauling .. .. 14 Cairnsmuir Coal Company .. .. Bannockburn . . Hoisting .. .. 16 Carriok Gold-mining Company .. Carrick .. .. Crushing quartz .. Iβ Central Charlton Gold-dredging Com- Charlton Valley .. Gold-dredge .. H> pany Clutha River Gold-dredging Company Clutha River ' •• J „ 20 Collett, C. .. .. .. Invercargill .. i General .. .. 8 Makarewa District General work .. .s Crew Gold-dredging Company (No. I) Upper Nevis .. Gold-dredge .. Iβ Crew Gold-dredging Company (No. 2) Lower Nevis .. ,. .. 16 Cromwell and Bannockburn Coal Com- Bannockbiini .. Coal-pit . . . . 20 pany Ditto .. .. •■ •• „ .. „ .. 10 » Iβ „ .. , Iβ Cromwell Gold-dredging Syndicate . . Kawarau.. . . Gold-dredge . . 2(1 Crooks, John .. .. ■ • (iuniniio's Bush . . General work .. 8 Cruickshanks, W. .. .. .. Rosedale .. Twine-works 27 Cunningham, R.* .. .. .. Garston .. .. Threshing .. 8 Cushnie, George* .. .. .. Wyndham .. ,, . . 8 Di3(on, Forrest .. •. .. Mataura .. .. Chaffcuttin;.' . . 3^ <« •• I „ •■ 8 Duncan, J. • • • ■ • • Gibbston . . (Joal-pit .. . . 30 Edendale Dairy Factory .. .. i Edendale .. Cheese-factory .. Lβ Electric Gold-dredging Company (No. 1) ! Kawarau River .. Gold-drodge .. 20 Ewan, Honry .. . • •. Dipton District . . j Threshing . . 8 Excell and Co. .. .. • ■ Garden Gully . . Gold-dredge . . 16 Excelsior Gold-dredging Company .. Lowbuni.. . . ,, .16 Farrier, Robert . . .. Waituna District . . Threshing .. ! 8 Ferrier, A. .. .. • • Riverton District . . „ . . 8 Fleming and Co. .. .. .. j Gore .. .. Flour-mill .. 26 •■ ■ » ..18 „ .. .. . . hivercargil) . . ,, . . 2. - > Gilder, G. .. .. ■ . South Hilleiul . . General work . . s Girdler and Co., (j... .. .. Hokonui .. .. Flax-mill.. .. 10 Glenham Sawmilling Company . . Glenham .. Hauling timber .. 17 „ „ „ . . Sawmill .. . . 20 „ „ .. „ .. Hauling .. .. 12 Golden Sun Gold-dredging Company .. On Clutha River .. Gold-dredge .. 20 Green, Thomas .. .. .. Gore .. .. Hauling on incline Hi Halliday, William .. .. Kamahi .. .. Hauling logs . . 8 .... . . Sawmill .. . . 20 Hamer and Party .. .. .. Muddy Creek .. Gold-dredge .. 20 Hamilton and Co. . . .. .. Tβ Tua .. .. Sawmill .. . . 12 „ .. .. .. Tutapere.. .. „ .. .. 52 Hamilton and Grant .. .. Winton District .. General work . . 8 Harrington Bros. .. .. .. Fairfax .. .. Sawmill . . .. 20 Hedgehope Sawmilling Company .. Hedgehope .. „ .. . . 50 Hodgkinson, T. E. .. .. .. Makarewa .. | Brickworks . . 25 Two N. 1 , Second class. 12| Two XI Two 1\ Locomotive and traction. 8J Ditto. !S Second class. !• Locomotive and traction. Hi Ditto. •si (•tic 7 and two i\ Winding. 8 Second class. 7 and II 1 , I' , , mill 11J Three second class. S and 12;; One first class and two second class. 9} and 10 j ; Locomotive and traction. 9 Ditto. 7 and 111 ; Three eeoond class. 7 and 11 \ Ditto. 10 Second class. 8* 10 10 li and 13 One first class and two second claes. 9 Locomotive anil traction. 13 and 24 I'irst class. 0 Locomotive and traction. 9 Ditto. H !1 Two 10.} First olasa. 8 Second class. 8 and 12; One first class anil t wo second class. 9 Locomotive and traction. 7 and 1 I ] Three second class. 7 and Second class. '■> Locomotive and traction. '■) Ditto. and 14 First class. Two i\ Second class. 10 and 16 First class. '•' Locomotive anil traction. 8j ami 10J Second class. Two 7J Locomotive and traction. Two H* Second class. Two 74 Locomotive and traction. 8 and 12y class. ."> and 10 Winding. 0 Locomotive and traction. Two 10 Second class. 7 and 1 I Three second class. Two 8j Second class. 14 9 Locomotive and traction. Two 10 Second class. 13 Two 7* ■■ __ * 'i'liis plant has fcwo years , certiflo&te.



No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Horse- I Nome of Owner. Where Bnilri used. Purpose for whi.h used. |, "" vr 8 of Kra'lor. Name of Owner. >f Driver required. SOI JTHLAND DISTRICT— continued. Holland, .lames .. .. .. Gore .. .. Threshing and haul- 8 ii| and 10J ing » •■ ■■ .... .. .. Stone-erimher .. 12 7; and Hi Entton Bros. .. .. .. W'aikaia .. .. Hauling .. .. s 9J and IO{ Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive > traction. Second class. Tjocomotive i traction. Invercargill Borough Counoil .. Invercargill .. Pumping.. .. IS Two 12 ... ..18 Two 12 »» .. ■ ■ • „ .. Road-roller . . 5$ 5{ and 81 Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. oraccaon. First class. Locomotive i traction. » .. Otatara .. .. Hauling . ..10 Two 7 tnvercargill Shipping Company .. Stewart Island .. Sawmill .. .. II Two 8.', JenkinB, A. R. .. .. .. Wallacetown District General work .. s g Ditto. Second class. Locomotive i Johnston and Sons (Limited i .. [nveroargill .. Engineering-works 28 7 and II Johnston, G. P. (leased to D. Cameron) East Chatton .. Haulin .. 20 Two W Jones, W. .. .. .. VVaikaka Valley .. Hauling on incline Iβ Two 7\ Kay, David .. .. tf ataura .. .. Hauling and general 8 !) work * •■ ■■ ■■ ,, .. .. Threshing and chaff- 8 !l cutting Keith, J. A. .. . . . . Win ton .. . . General work .. 8 0 Kilkelly Bros. .. .. .. Forest Hill .. Sawmill .. .. 54 15} ■ Grove Bush . . ., .. .. li Two 8.1 I Kingsland, D., and Sons .. .. Inveroargill .. Confectionery .. 20 8 and 12; Knipe. George .. .. . . ,, .. General work .. 6 8 Winding. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. traction. Second class. Winding. Locomotive t traction. Ditto. Kret class. Second class. First class. Locomotive a Knuckey and Junker .. .. Muddy Terrace . Hauling .. .. :j tij Koputai Gold-dredging Compam .. W'aikaia .. .. Gold-dredge 20 8 and 13 ( First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Winding. One first class and I two second class. Ditto. Winding. Three second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. traction. Winding. One first class a Kura Gold-dredging Company .. Muddy Creek .. „ ..20 8£ and 12 : ; Kyle, William . . . . . . W'aikaia .. .. Hauling .. s Two 5 Lady Florence Gold-dredging Companj Waikaka Valle] .. Gold-dredge Lβ 7$ and 11 two second els Ditto. Winding. Three secoi Lambie, William .. .. .. Orawia .. .. General work .. 8 It j class. Locomotive a Laurence, A. T. .. .. .. Oteramika Road .. Sawing and ploughing 6 si ] Laurie, James .. .. . . Orawia District . . Chaffcutting .. (i S Leggate and Campbell .. Cennington .. Sawmill .. 12 Twos. 1 , f » • • ■ • <>raki . . „ . . . 20 Two 10*2 ] LiUies Leaf Gold-dredginc; Syndicate .. W'aikaka Valley .. Gold-dredge 16 7j',. and 11 ,'; ' Second class. First class. Three second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. First class. One first class and two seoond class. Three second class. Locomotive and traction. First olase. traction. Ditto. Second class. First class. Three s e c o t Lindsay, A. W. .. .. .. Drummond District Tin. ..8 9 I class. Locomotive a +.i' Lindsay. ('. .. .. .. Waianawa Distriot General work .. : 8 (I I Lowburn Gold-dredging Company .. Clutha River .. Gold 2d 8 and 12| ,. ■ Lowburn.. .. .. .. 20 Sand 12,' C Lower Nevis Gold-dredging Company.. Lower Nevis .. .. .. It, 7 an( i \\< r traction. Ditto. First class. One first class a twoseoondcla Three s e o o i _l _ . MoCallum and Co. .. .. . . Colac .. . . Hauling . . 6 Two 6 ] . . Sawmill . ..20 15! I Fairfax .. .. „ .. ..25 14| .. Kaipipi. Stewart .. .. .. 12 Two 8i fc Island „ .. .. .. North Ann, Stev .... Hi II Island McDonald, .I. and J. .. .. Waikaia .. .. General work .. ' !l !i ] Second class. class. Locomotive a traction. First olase. >» Second class. >j Locomotive a >j McDonald, P. .. .. Dipton .. .. Chaffcutting li [ McDonald, R. . . .. . . Roslyn District .. General work .. 8 !) McGeorge's Freehold Gold-dredging Waikaka Valley .. Gold-drei :(S 9 and 14 () Company Ditt0 • • • • • ■ » „ 20 i 8 and 13 I '•• ■• .. ■• „ .39 8 and 12| McGregor and Party .. .. Waikaka .... 12 7| and 11J 'I McGregor. I). .. .. .. Linieliills. . .. Sawmill .. .. 10 Two 10 S Mclntosh, N. ... .. .. Fortrose .. ■ .. Chaffciitt-ing 4J i;. 1 , f Molntyre, John .. .. .. Orepuki .. . Sawmill .. .. :iii 12i S McKay, Donald .. .. . Oraki .. .. „ .. 14 Two Si McKenzie and Co. . . . . .. Nightoaps Hauling on incline 5 Two 5 \ McKenzie and Sons .. Barkly . .. Sawmill .. . . 16 Twq 10 I S • Hokonui „ .. . . 20 Two 10 MoKerrow. A. .. .. .. Waimahaka .. Hauling and thresh- ') S I ing McKinnon, A., jim... .. .. Gore District .. Threshing and ohaff- 8 and 10% L cutting Locomotive and traction. Ditto. traction. Ditto. ino first class ai two second cla: Ditto. Three s e c o r class. Second class. Locomotive ai traction. Second class. Winding. Second olase. Locomotive ai traction. Ditto. One first class and two second class. Ditto. Three second class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. >> Winding. Second olase. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. plani baa two yean' certificate.



No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Bailer uru-ii. HorsePurpose for wh.husod. •-« ««-«-£**. Boiler. I Driver required. SOUTHLAND J )ISTRICT— continued. McLeod, Alexander* Mabel Bush Threshing >> ■ • Sawmill Flax-mill.. Gold-dredge Threshing and ohaffcutting Gold-dredge Sawmill .. 8 !i 8 !i 8 !i l>0 Two Id it Two *.', 26 8 and 12| s 9 It 7 and ll| 30 Hi; Locomotive and traction Ditto. Second class. ( hie lirsl ok two second class. Locomotive and traction. Three seeoinl class. First class. MoLeod, Mrs. McMaster, J. MoPherson, A. and l>. McRae Bros. Magnum Bomnn Gold-dredging Company Marshall Bros.* Chatton Distrust .. Arrowtown Scott's Gap Mokoreta Muddy ( hreek Wyndhain Distriot Marshall's Freehold Gold-dredging ComWaimmiiu pany Massey, H. A.. New Zealand Pine Company Ditto Colac ,, Hauling Sawmill . . Hauling Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Hauling Sawmill . . Gold-dredge .. i Hauling and pumping Sawmill .. Cheese-factory Wool-dumping Sawmill .. . . Hauling .. Sawmill Hauling Sawmill .. Milk-preserving y> ' ' Gold-dredge Sawmill .. Gold-dredge Paper-mills Sawmill .. .. I Chaffcuttinu .. I Winding Pumping and winding Air-oompressor Freezing .. ,, Manure-works Pumping.. Chaffcntting General work Gold-dredge ,. Sawmill Gold-dredge Chalfcutting 12 Two 8 52 Two 14 6 Two 0.1 35i Two 9£ 20 15J 10 Two 7 2(1 l.V. 10 Two 7 28 Two 18 25 Two 15 33 8 and 12| 2(1 (i and two 41 20 Two II 29 8 Iβ I0J Lβ Two !).', •i(i 13J" IH I2| 8 Two til 22 Two 10 8 Two 6J 26 16 130 One III. one 10, one III. one 7 130 Ditto :!2 8 and 13 Iβ 7 and 11J 20 Two 10 Iβ 7 and II 35 L3 50 9 and 14 16 8 and 13 i- 7 20 Two 10 60 Two 10, two 4 tin Two 8, two 10, one 8 10 14 and 22.1,16 and 28 40 14 and 221,1C and 28 70 I4and22|, 16and2S 25 7Jandll?. 14 Two 8J ' '.i.l ii 18 7 and 1 I \ 20 8 and 13 14 14 20 8J and 12| 8 9 l.iicoiiKitivc and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive anil traction. First class. One lirst class ami two second class. Second class. First das.-.. Second ol Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. One first class and two second class. Three second class. Second class. Three second class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Winding. Second class. I'ii i class. Second ol »> .Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Three sec o ml class. One first class and two second class. Hid class. j One first class and two second class. Locomotive and traction. Gorge lloail j> • • Grove Bush Mabel Bush Seaward Bush Spar Bush Woodend Masterton Gold-dredging Company Waikaia . . Mee Chang ami Milne Waikaka Valley .. Melvin, J. Menzie's Feny Dairy Faotory Company Mill, J., and Co. Moffett Bids. Tokonui Edendale Bluff Curio Bay Waikawa.. Longwood More, James, and Sons >> • • Kiverton »» Moss, H. F., and Co. Murrays Limited Longwooil Underwood Mystery Flat Qold-dredging Company Waikaia Nens and Scott Charlton Valley .. Neiderer, W. A. Nevis Crossing <! old -dredging Company Gorge Road Lower Nevis New Zealand Paper-inills (Limited) .. Ngahere Sawmill Company Niagara Sawmill Company Nichol, W. (leased bo W. Snowies) .. Mataura Ngahere Niagara Gore Nightcaps Coal Company (Limited) .. Nightcaps »i »» • • ?. Ocean Beach Ocean Beaoh Freezing-works >» * * L'ahia Sluicing Company Patterson and Thurston Pahia Mossburn Distriot .. Patterson, W.J. .. Patterson's Freehold Gold - dredging Company (No. 1) Ditto Mossburn Waikaka Valley . . Perry Bros. Phoenix Gold-dredging Company Wakapatu Dome Creek Printz Bros. Pahia • This plant h-v certificate.



No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. ! Horse- I Purpose for which need ' 1 DiA J? eA . eI of Cylinders of ; jruipoBe ior wiuui uawi. of Engines, in Inches. Boiler. Class of Drivf 1 ! , required. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT— eontirmt i. I'uiii Gold-dredging Company Quin and Part y Raymond, I. W. Reid, William, jim. . . Lowbum.. .. Gold-dredge Charlton Valley .. Papatotara .. Hauling .. ,, .. Sawmill .. Nightoaps Distriol General work Liowburn.. .. Gold-dredge Murray River, Stew- Sawmill .. art Island dutha River .. Gold-dredge 20 7 and I i | It) 7 and I I | Id Two 7 56 Two 9*1 9 J I'll S and I2 : ; 14 Two 84 US 8 and 12 : ; :i!l Sj and 17 Two second class. Three second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. One first class ami two second class. I Second class. ( tae firsi class and two second class. Ditto. Riley's I; i • \ h al (told-dredging (lompany Riniu Sawmilling Company .. Rise and Shine Gold-dredging Company (No. 1 1 Rise and Shine < (old-dredging < lompany (No. 2) Rising Sun Gold-dredging Company .. Rodger, A. \Y. Rosedale Gold-dredging Company Clutha River .. Gold-dredge Birohwood .. General work Waikaka Valley .. J Gold-dredge Waimumu .. .... Waikaka Valley 40 10 and Iβ 9 20 7 and IJ.j 20 8 and 13 20 7 I and I I ] Locomotive and traction. Three second class. One first class and two second class. Three seoond class. Royal Venture Gold-dredging Company Star i ktld-dredging < lompany Saunders, P. J. South Hillend .. Threshing and eharTcutting Hokonui .. .. Chaffcutting „ .; .. General work Gorge Road . . Flax-mill.. Of a ut an District .. | General work Ma I a ura Island . . Flax-mill. . Otautau District .. General work Dipton .. .. General work .. Steam laundry Sawmill T< • Waewae .. „ .. Athol .. .. Threshing Southland .. Hauling Invercargill .. Engineers' shop .. 8 !) c 8J 8 9 10 71 and I I I 6 j 8 14 Two 8] 8 7 " 8 8< 22 10 27 13* 14 Two H$ S li and 9j li 5j and !).', 14 7 and 1H,;., Locomotive, and traction. Ditto. Seoond olass. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Second class. Locomotive and tract i<111. I >itto. ; First class. Scott, 1). ... Seifert, Aliord, and Co. Shaw. John Shaw, William Sheedan Bros. Sinclair Bios. Sinclair, F. Smith and Co. Sopor. G. A. Southland County Counoi] .. Southland Engineering Company (Limited) Southland Frozen Meat Company .. »• Southland Sawmilling Company Southland Timber Company. . Southland Woollen-mills South Waikaia Gold-dredging < lompany Sutherland. William Sutton, Joseph Blufi .. .. Electrio light and freezing works i Inveroargill .. Manure-works .. i Mataura .. .. Freezinj; and elect 1 n> , ligW Blufi .. .. Ditto Papatotara .. Sawmill .. Te Waewae .. ,, Waimimi. . .. „ Waikouro .. ,, Otautau . . .. ,, Rosedale .. Woollen-mills Waikaia .. .. Gold-dredge Gorge Road .. Sawmill Winton .. .. General work Woodlands .. Meat-works Aparima District .. j General work Pahia .. .. Sawmill Waimatua .. ,, West Plain* .. Brickworks Longwood .. Sawmill Wyndham .. Machine-shop Waikaia . . .. Gold-dredge Little Waikaka .. Waikaka Vallev .. 102 II and 22. 13 and 24 36 10 I2S 16 and 21 50 II and 22, 13 and 24 20 Two 11 20 Two 10 20 Two JO 20 Two 10 16 Two 9i 14 7 and 11 20 S and 12; 14 Two 8.1, S !) 42 8 8 f,J and KM 28 Two 12.'. Iβ Two 10 20 Two Id 36 12 Iβ 5 26 f» and 18 20 li and ll| Iβ 7 and II 16 7 and 11 Second class. First olass. Second class. One first class and two second class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. First class. Second class. One ftrst class and two second class. Three s e e o h d class. Ditto. Tait, \V. E., Wooi 11 1 Mi at-works .. Taylor. William Timpany Bros. Todd, T., and Sons.. Trail! Bros., and Smythies .. Trapski, J. Waikaia Gold-dredging Company Waikaka Forks Gold-dredging Company Waikaka Syndicate Gold-dredging Company (No. 1) Waikaka Syndicate Gold-dredging Company (No. 2) Waikaka United Gold-dredging Company Little Waikaka JO U and 17 One first class and two second class.



No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers — continued.

HorseName of Owner. Where BoUer m*. for which used. P°«« «f **£&££* Boiler. Name of Owner. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT— continued. Waikaka United Gold-dredging Com- Little Waikaka .. Gold dredge .. i'o 7 and II! Three second l»i n> class. Waikawa Sawmilling-Company .. VVaikawa. . .. Sawmill .. .. 14 Two x!. Second clas~. Wairio Coal Company . . . . Nightcaps . . Hauling on in< I 8 ill Winding. Walker, L. .. .. .. Lumsden. .. Threshing and chaff- 8 i> Locomotive and cutting traction. Wallis. B. and P. .. .. .. East Gore .. Fellmongery .. 20 One 6, one 6, one 6 Second olat . Ward, J. G., and Co. .. .. Limehills.. .. Lime-worka .. K> 7 and 11) Willowbank Gold-dredging Company .. Waikaka Valley .. Gold-dredge .. (0 Sand \2j One first olass and I \v<i second class. Wilson, J. L. .. .. .. Waianawa .. Chaffouttii . . 7 *> A Locomotive and traction. Woodlands Dairy Company .. .. Woodlands .. I torj .. 32 7.1 Secon<l ok Wright, Stephenson, and Co. .. Brown's .. .. Crushing lime .. II Two S.I lnvercargill .. Manure-mining .. l'ii Two 10 Wyndham Sawmillinu Company .. Near Wyndhani .. Sawmill .. .. I 20 8 and 13 l-'ir-i class. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Awatuna Co-operative Dairy Company Awatuna East .. Dairy and 22 ii Second class. faotorj Baasett, W. Q. .. .. .. Wanganui .. Sash and door faotorj 3i> \- ., Borthwiok, T., and Sons .. .. Waitara .. .. Freezing .. .. 85 Compound I land 20 first class. .... .. ,, .. .. ii.1 Compound 11 and 20 i ., .. .. ., .. .. .... .. 70 Compound 11 and l'u Brown, H., and Co. .. .. tnglewood .. Sawmill .. .. 25 IS Xew Plymouth .. Sash and door factory 2(> 12 Seqpnd cla Buchanan. J., ami Co. .. .. Okoia .. .. Dairy factory ..17 8 Cameron and Brooking .. .. Stratford District .. Genera] work .. 5 ~>\ and s 1 . Locomotive and traction. Cape Egmonl Co-operative Dairy Com- Pungarehu .. Cheese-faotory .. 17 r>A Second class. pany Cardiff Co-operative l)aii> Company .. Cardiff .... .. ..17 9 Castleoliff Railway Company .. Wanganui .. Hauling goods and 18 Two III Looomotive and passengers traction. „ ., .. .. „ .. Ditto .. .. 12 Two Id Ditto. Charteris, Robert* .. .. .. Around Waiiganui Threshing and chaff- 6 7| ,, cutting Derby Bros. .. .. .. Huiroa .. .. Sawmill .. .. 20 Second elans. .. Stanley I toad .. „ .. .. 20 I3j Derrett Bros.* .. .. .. Patea .. .. Threshing and ohaff i> '.i Looomotive and outting traction. Dickie, R. A. .. .. .. Wanganui .. Flour-mill .. 17 Id Second class. Dive, W. K. .. .. .. Mokau River .. Sawmill .. .42 Hi First olaas. Edgar and Pease .. .. .. Hawcra District- .. Threshing and ohaff - ii S Locomotive and cuttiiu traction. Edwards, H. .. .. .. Fordell .. .. General .. .. l> 7.', Ditto. Egmont Co-operative Box Company .. Elthara .. .. Box-faotorj .. W lli and I4J First i Egmont County Council .. .. Around Egmont Stone-crushing .. 7 Compound 5 and V Looomotive and County traction. Kltham Co-operative Dairy Company .. Elthani .. .. Butter-faotory .. ' .'id 10.', Second class. „ .. .. Creamery . . Iβ L0| Fowler, James* .. .. .. Patea .. .. Threshing and ohaff- t> 5 and 9 Locomotive and cut I traction. Uilberd, J. B., and Sons .. . . Castleoliff . . Soapworks . . Hi .">.! Second class. Hawera County Council .. .. Hawera Distiict .. Road-roller .. 8 5 and 9 Locomotive and traction. Johnston, C. H. .. .. .. Around Waitara .. Threshing, and ohaff- !> i> 1 , and 10 j Ditto. i ulting Joll, T. L., Co-operative Dairy Company Kapuni .. .. Creamery and cheese- 20 9 Second cla factory ,, ., Okaiawa .. .. Dain , factory .. 16 '■> ,, „ .. „ Cheese-factori .. 17 6 „ Otakeho .... „ . . 2J li Te Ngutu .. „ ..17 6 Kakaranica Co-operative Dairy* <>ni|>an\ Kakaramea .. Buttai and oheese- 20 9 „ facto i> Kaponga Co-operative Dairy Company Riverlea.. .. Creamery and oheese- 17 8 ,, factor} ,.O .. Kaponga.. .. Buttei and ohei 1(> 10 factory Kaupokonui Co-operative Dairj Com- Kaupokonui .. Dairy and cheese- 25 8 ,, pany factory Levett, W. .. .. .. Fordell .. .. General .. .. li Compound5f and 8j [ Locomotive and traction. MoKenna and Matthews .. .. Patea .. .. Biickworks . . 22 10£ Second class. McNeil, Peter .. .. .. Kapuni District . . Stone-crushing .. 6 6 and 10 Locomotive and traction ' This plant l:a«tnn rears' certificate



No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine -drivers — continued.

11— H. 15a.

Name o( Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePnrnow fnr which iKMl P owcr D i ametcr ° f Cylinders of Purpose for wnicn used. Q( Engines, in Inches. Boiler, j Class of Driver required. TARANAKI DISTBICT— continued. Mangatoki Co-operative Dairy Factory Mangatoki .. Dairy factory ( lompany Ditto .. • • ■ ■ •. ,i • • Butter-faotory Manutahi Co-operative Dairy Company Manutahi .. Cheese-factory Mills Co-operative Dairy Company .. Mokoia .. .. Butter-factory Muggeridge Broe. .. .. .. Around Manaia .. Threshing and ohaffcutting Murray, I)., and Co. .. .. Wanganui .. Engineering-shop .. New Plymouth Borough Council .. Now Plymouth .. j Road-rolling 21 20 l(> Hi Ii 21 20 Hi in ii 20 6 6 14 II) 40 8 8 !l II) 71 10 Compound 5j and 0 Compound 4 and 7.'. Two 10 Two 8 13 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. : Locomotive and traction. ' Ditto. Second olass. 20 6 New Plymouth Firewood Company .. „ .. Hauling .. New Plymouth Harbour Board . . Moturoa . . . . ,, ,, .. The Breakwater .. „ New Plymouth Sash and Door Faotory New Plymouth .. Sash and door factory and Timber Company Opunake Sawmilling Company .. Te Kiri .. .. Sawmill .. Tallies and Brookei .. .. » •■ .. ,, Parsons and Cookburn .. .. Stanway District .. General .. i> 14 10 40 Patea Meat Company .. .. Patea .. .. Steaming fal Pleasants, 0 wen C... .. .. Haleombe .. General .. 28 30 l> 23 l> 28 23 ii 20 17 10 and 19 12 6 and 10 9 5] and 8| 12 and 24 9 First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. S.cond class. Quinn Bros. .. .. . . Hawera .. .. Sawmill .. Rahotu Co-operative Dairy Company. . Rahotu .. .. Dairy an<l oheesefactorv Eliverdale Co-operative Dairy Company Inaha .. .. Ditto Scull Bios. .. .. .. j Castlecliff .. Wool-scouring Spiral Steel-pipe Company of New Zea- Wanganui .. Steel-pipe works .. land Stratford County Council .. .. Midhirst .. .. Crushing metal 20 17 20 30 73 20 30 73 8 10 12 ♦» 8 16 8 Hi 9J 10 Locomotive and traction. Second class. Stratford Farmers' Co-operative Dairy Stratford.. .. Butter-factory Company Surrey, A. E. .. .. .. Mangoni Road .. Sawmill .. Syme, G. .. .. .. .. Hawera .. .. „ „ .. .. .. . . Huiroa .. .. ,, Symons, Thomas H. .. .. Tariki .. .. „ Taranaki County Council .. .. Around 'I'aranaki Stone-orushing County Taranaki Petroleum Company .. Moturoa.. .. Oil-boring 14 23 40 35 8 14 2:i 40 35 8 12 25 30 S 11 Two 8J 12 14 10i and 10j Compound 6 and 9i Compound 7 and 11 9 9 and 15,10Jand2H 5 and 8J Two 9 " >» First class. J Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Taranaki Produoers , Freezing-worka .. „ .. .. Freezing-works Waimate County Council .. .. Manaia District .. j Road-work and hauling Waitara Harbour Board .. .. Waitara.. .. Priestman dredge and pile-driving Wanganui Corporation Gasworks .. Wanganui .. Pumping gas Wanganui Harbour Board .. .. North Head .. Hauling .. • 12 25 30 .-> 11 „ .. .. South Head Wanganui .. Dredging.. Wanganui Meat-freezing Company ■. Castlecliff .. Freezing .. 30 10 10 25 80 30 10 10 2") 80 80 OA 5 Two 10 Two 7 9 ami 13 ('(impound 12 and 28, 15 and 27 Ditto »» Locomotive and traction. Ditto. First class. ,, ■• • ■ », • • », • • 80 80 80 118 r>0 Wanganui Sash and Door Factory and Wanganui .. Sash and door faotory Timber Company West Coast "Milling Company .. Waipapa .. Flax-mill.. 40 18 50 40 Two' 14| 12 Second class. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. 26 16 37 8 6 20 16 19 18 16 II 13 Two 9 13 9 6 and 10 Nil 13 10 10 10 Iβ Second class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto." Second-class. >» »» First class. Akitio Sawmilling Company .. Akitio .. .. Sawmill .. Alexander Bros. .. .. .. Whiteman's Valley „ „ I Idle Allen, Isaac, jun. .. .. • • Around Masterton ; Threshing and chaffcutting Allen, Isaac, sen. .. .. • ■ ,» Ditto Allender and Co. .. .. . . Petone .. .. Soapworks Anderson, J. .. .. ■ ■ Ihuraua .. .. Sawmill Ballance Co-operative Dairy Company i Ballancc .. .. Creamery ,, Makuri .. . . Butter-factory ,, Scarborough . . Creamery Bartholomew, P. .. .. .. Ohau Valley .. Sawmill



No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Horse- __ „ ., _ , . . , . iiower Diameter of Cylinders of Class of Driver Where Boiler and. Purpose for which used. of Engines, In Inohes. m «d. Uoiler. I \VK!.i.l\(;T()\ DISTRICT—continued. Bird Bros. Bisdee, 8. C. Blackball Coal Company Booth, W., and Co. Broad and tngram .. Cable, William, and Co. »» * * Campbell Land and Timber Company Chalmers, William Chamberlain and Son Chapman and Co. .. ,, Cook, Thomas Couchmann, C. T. .. Cox and Murrell Manakau.. .. Sawmill .. .. l(i Two 0 Seeond[olass. Pabiatna .. Briokmaking ..17 8J Hulk " Blackwall " Hoisting.. .. 18 Two 7 Hulk "Elinor „ .. .. 22 Two 5 and two 6 Vernon " Carterton .. Sawmill .. .. | 40 Two II 1 , First class. Kea Mill .. Flax-mill.. .. 23 11 Second class. Eaiwarra .. Shop-tools .. 40 7', and 13 First class. .. Idle .... 70 18 Wellington .. Steam-wagon .. 7 4 and 7 Locomotive and traction. Shannon .. Idle .. .. j 37 14] First class. Wellington .. Cooperage ..28 12 Second olass. Masterton .. Threshing, &o. .. f> 8 Locomotive and traction. .. Flour-mill . . 20 9 and 14 First class. Martinborough .. Chaffoutting .. 8 7 and 10 I Locomotive and traction. ..6 l> and 10 ; Ditto. 8 li| and 10 : | Petone .. .. Cooperage .. j 20 5| and S Second class. „ .. .. Laundry .. .. | 17 8 Hukanui .. .. Sawmili .... 8 10 ,, .. .. 10 Two li! Wellington .. Engineers'tools .. Iβ 11 „ Tokomaru .. Idle .. .. 12 7 and 10J Linton .. .. Flax-mill.. .. 14 7.1 and 12 First class. Wellington .. Heating water .. ! !!• N'il Seoond class. Akatarawa .. Sawmill .. .. li Two s; Dalefield .. Dairy factory 24 !l „ Masterton .. Saw and planing mill 44 Iβ First olass. Ngahauranga .. '> Steaming .. 50 Nil Second class. Nirealia .. .. Sawmill .. .. 38 12! Kilbirnie .. „ .. .. 40 Hy Eketahuna .. Brickworks .. 17 !).', „ Kilbirnie ■ ■ Sawmill .. .. :<K 13 Masterton .. General work .. 8 •">! and 8! Looomotive and traction. Featherston .. Cheese-factory ..21 8 Seoond-olass. ( Valil fee and Sim Craw Bros. Craw. ( leorge Crease, E. H.. and Son Cunningham, J. (leased to Strand Bros.) Dalefield Dairy Company Daniell, C. E. Dimock, William, and Co. .. Dryedale, .lames Easson, .1. W. Eketahuna Brick and Tile Company .. Kvaus Bay Timber. Company Ewington, •). C. Featheraton Co-operative Dairy Company Fisher and Minton .. Carterton .. Threshing, &e. ..6 S Locomotive and traction. Wellington .. Bntter-faotory ..27 12 Second class. Putara .. .. Sawmill . . ' .. 23 L2j Makuri .. .. 20 II and 8! Pukehinau 30 ! 13J Petone .. .. Hauling .. .. 28 Two 8? Locomotive and traction. „ .. .. Meatworks .. 65 17 and 34 First-class. .. j «5 17 and 34 „ .. .. Freezing.. .. 65 17 and 34 „ „ .. .. T.i 17 and 34 „ .. .. 88 17 and 34 ,, .. .. Locomotive .. L2 Two 8 | Locomotive and traction. Maku . . . . Sawmill . . . . 27! Two 7! Second class. Moiitoa .. . . idle .. .. 26 Two S .. Flax-mill.. .. :i0 li! and IO : ; Martinborough .. ; Chaffoutting .. 6 .">[ and 8| Locomotive and traction. 8 :.] and 8i Ditto. Akatarawa .. Sawmill . . .. 22 12 Second class. Wellington .. Brickworks .. 25; I3j Kaiwaii.i .. Tannery .. .. Mi 9 „ Levin .. .. Road-wagon .. 8 l[ and 7 > Locomotive and traction. Wellington .. Sawmill .. ..22 10 Second class. Lower Mutt .. Road-roller .. li 4! and S Looomotive and traction. ,, .. Sawmill .. ..25 12 Second class. Wellington .. „ .. .. 18 j 10! Greytown ■■ Ploughing .. !•• 7 and II! Locomotive and traction. Carterton .. Threshing, &C. .. 8] 8 Ditto. .. ti l> and 10 Parkvale .. .. i> 8 and 10 Matarawa .. Chaffoutting .. ] 6 8 „ Around .Masterton Threshing and chnIV- 8 t>! and 10 ,. cutting Karori .. Hauling .. .. 6 4 and 7 ! „ Fresh Food and Ice Company Gardiner, Ueorge, and Sour .. Gardiner and Yeoman Gear Meat Company (limited) ♦» »• I loslins and Son Green Flax-dressing Company Greenaway, Thomas Greenwood and Whiteman .. Hill, H. .. Hirst and Co. Eorowhenua County Council Humphries Bros. Hutt Borough Council Hint Valley Timber Company Isbister, Robert, and Co. Jackson, E. H. Johnson Bros. ,, Jones, C. E. Jones. Edward Karori Borough Council


No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.


83 H.—15a. No. 18.—Eetubn showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued. Boreo- __ ,, ., ,, -_ .. . „ _j power Diameter of Cylinders ol Class ot Driver Kanie of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for whion used. ||f Engines, in li required. Boiler, WELLINGTON DISTRICT— continued. Kelburne Tramway Company Kelburne .. Cable tram .. 26 9 and 16 First class. Kirkoaldie, Sydney .. •• Wellington .. freezing.. .. 23 10 Second class. Kohatu Quarry Company .. .. Northlands .. Hauling.. .. 7. 4 and 7 Locomotive and J * traction. .. Stone-crushing .. 14 Two !lj Second class. Koputaroa Fibre Company (Limited).. Koputaros .. Flax-mill.. .. 14 7. and 12 First class. Lefin Co-operative Dairy Company ,. Levin .. .. Butter-factory .. 18 II Seoond olass. „ .. Linton .. .. Creamery .. 17 6j „ Liggins, Joseph Tokomaru .. Flax-mill.. .. 12 7 '" 1 ' 1 ,"'; Luke and Co. .. •• Wellington .. Engineering-works 45 if and 11 McCarthy, T.G „ •• Brewery.. ..30 7 McDonald and Bcvan .. .. Opae .. .. Flax-mill.. .. 28 8 and hi MoEwan and Carter .. .. Petone .. .. Motor-wagon .. 6 land/ Locomotive and traction. MoGregor Bros. .. .. •■ Ngutuawa .. Shearing and ohaff- ' ; 8 ' Ditto. cutting MoLaohlan Bros. .. .. .. Masterton .. Threshing, Ac. .. 8 nj and 10! ,, .. 6 8 ., McLeod,"Weir, andHopkirk" '.'. Wellington .. Sawmill .. 17 17 First class. Sash and door factory 17 li » McPhee Hu'-'di Carterton .. Threshing, &c. ..6 8 Locomotive and ° traction. .. 6 . 8 Ditto. Maoe and Nioholson •• Ngahauranga Hauling.. .. 5 4 and 6.| „ Mangatainoka Co-operative Dairy Fac- Mangatainoka .. Steaming-faotory .. 21 in Heoona class. lory Martin, Hurreil, and Snaddon .. Wainuiomata .. Stone-crushing .. I 30 12 .. Pumping 24 Nil Masterton Borough Council .. .. Masterton .. Koad-rollcr .. 7 (i! and 10 ' Locomotive and Masterton Co-operative Dairy Company „ ■• Dairy factory .. L9 II Second class. Maurioeville Dairy Company .. Mauriceville .. „ •• -> ( ' 8 Mill.-lohn. and Co. .. •• Hulk" Ganymede" Hoisting.. .. 22 fhree 8and two 6 MinLmar Athletic Park and Wonderland Miramar.. .. Hauling.. .. 2 Two 3 Locomotive and „ traction. Murphy/W., and Sons .. „ Wellington .. Brickworks 21 .2 %£$£? N'aismith. W ., •• Laundry .. aO 10 and 16 I nst class. Neilson, Murray, and Eredrie .. „ •• Foundry 17 8 Second class. Newton, John .. •• •• Kaiwarra .. Soapworks .. 26 o New Zealand Candle Company (Limited) „ .. „ •• ••_> °i Manure-works ..27 a » ]] " t \ „ ..18 9 New Zealand Farmers' Dairy Union .. Eketahuna .. Butter-factory .. 36 10 New Zealand Govemmenl (Defence MahangaBay .. Klectric light .. 27 in and In Exempt. Department) . . . Ditto (Mental Hospitals Department).. Porirua .. .. Steaming 20 ..",....',', '■ '■ 43 9J and 15 " (Printing Office) .. '.'. Wellington .. Printing.. .. 38 9 and 16 " (Prisons Department) .! .. " Brickmaking 38 14 „ (State Coal-mines) Hauling .. .. 6 4 and 7 ....... 6 5 and 8! I „ " s '.'. Coal-hulk "Coro- Hoisting.. .. 24 Two 8 mandel" , Norlitw and Read Pleckville .. Chaffcutting .. 4 1! and (■!. Locomotive, and n traction (idlin. C. and A Reikorangi .. Sawmill.. .. 26 L24 and two 9 Firs, class. ,, .. .. 2,) 12£ and two it ,, Oldham '6 '.'. '■'■ '■'■ Wellington '.'. Laundry..' .. 32 12 Second class. Otaka Dairy Company •• •• Otaki .. •• Butter-factory .. 17 8£ Parker and Co. .. •• ■■ Kaiparoro .. Sawmill .. .. 12 LWO Sj „ I.;;;!:! si;,' Company .. •• Kvi'nsBay .. Hauling.. 23 Two 6 Purst olass. i, ., "v ,1 1.- Wirakimi Idle' ..27 12 Second cl,. ;'.;;,idvand a : :: :: 5SS5?:: :: .. 2.) a™, hi Rrstoiass. ntoawniy ana <_o. .. Hauling.. .. 20 Two 6 Seoond olass. Porter E .. '■'■ ■■ Koputaroa .. Flax-null.. 12 7 . aad . 1 i >' ( .l'B\V .. •• Wellington .. Steam-wagon .. 6 4 and 7 Locomotive and i oweu, b. >>• b traction. Price C and Co Vkatarawa .. Sawmill.. .. 36 I" Firstciass. , • ,Vm Petone 50 12 Second class. Price, Thomas .. •• •• ketone .. .. „ ■• ~> Pronsc Bros (Limited) .. .. Weraroa .. .. Planmg-mill .. 5U » gSB£SSUr .. . .. M*. ..Sawmill.. 60 Two 12! gjd-^ Quinlan, A. -. • • • • mrtana .. .. ., • • j" ,, .. • • .» .. iu y >> EUnsneld, Robert '.! " '• Manakau.. .. Chitting firewood .. 14 T ™ 8 i Rati le, Thomas .. •• Admirals .. Sawmill 5 ■ > .. Carterton .. „ .. •• l!l lo f , ■• . " Hauling 8 0! and 10 Locomotive and " " traction.


No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.


H.—15a. 84 No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued. Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. I Horse- i .. , .. . „ I power Diameter of Cvlinders of Purpose for whieh used. , Qf Engines, i ches. J ! B °"»- I Class of Driver rri] iiired. WELLINGTON DISTRICT— continued. I. Rav nor, B. R. Taratahi Ploughing in 7 and II! Locomotive and traction. Second class. Robertson, D. Ross and Redshaw Sanders Bros. Wellington Makerua Miramar Wharf Foundry Flax-mill.. .. [ St earn-shovel 45 25 8 12 10 Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Two ol Schmidt and Saunders Scorrer, J. Shannon Around Masterton.. Sawmill . . .. ! Chaffcutting 30 5 13J 7 Seifert, H. and F. .. Seifert, George, and Co. Shannon Tokomaru Rangitane Miranui Flax-dressing Flax-mill.. Locomotive 38 12 47 12 6 12 and 20 7 and II 81 and 16 7" and II Two 6 Seifert. Louis Seifert's Flax-dressing Company Shannon Land and Sawmilling Company Silverstream Brick and Tile Company.. Smith, G. Staples and Co. Tararua Ranges . . Silverstream W'liiti man's Valley Wellington Sawmill Brickworks Log-hauling Sawmill .. .. [ Brewery Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill Idle 32 37. 15 14 35 66 23 42 15 16 li 14 13 Two 8! 7 and I I 10 10 20 20 Two 81 10} 8 First class. Stewart Timber Company " I Strand Bros. 1 Akatarawa Second class. Swainson and Bevan Manakau.. Locomotive and traction. Second class. ,, Flax-mill.. Traction-engine 19 12 6 12 Two 8:; 5 and 9 Locomotive and traction. Second olaSS, j» Te Mukanui (Limited) Te Opakate (Limited) Tonka, E. Toogood Bros. Tokomaru Koputaroa Wellington Featherston Flax-mill.. .. f Brickmaking Flax-mill.. 12 12 20 24 12 7 and 11 7 and 11 10 10 Hukanui Petone Hulk " Arawata " Sawmill Hoisting 25 35 21 Two 8£ 16i 9 Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. Udy, A. V. Udy, Hart Union Steamship Company (limited) Two 5, two 5, and two 6 Two 7, two 7, two 6, two 6, one 8, and two 6 Two 6, two 7, two 8, and two 10 Two 6, two 5, and two 51 10 16. Two Si Two 8 Two 9 8 >» " Hulk " Lutterworth " 34 »» »» Hulk " Occident ".. Hoisting coal 46 >, >> Hulk " Tobias " .. y. • • 21 Union Timber Company Wellington Moturimu Machine-tools Sawmill Bush engine Winch on incline .. Idle 20 32 15 17 19 6 First class. Second class. », »» * - Upper Hutt County Council Upper Hutt Locomotive and traction. First class. Wairarapa Brick and Tile Company .. Carterton Brick and pipe making Steam-wagon 18 6 8| and 14 Wakelin Bros. Wakely, W. W. Wellington Biscuit Factory Company.. Kahautara Wellington Flour-mill Flax-mill.. Confectionery ♦, • • Electric trams ,, • ■ ,» ■ • >, • • j, • • ,, • • >, ■ • », • • Destructor Pumping Power-station Electric lighting .. »» • • 5) • • 19 16 30 30 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 115 116 115 65 455 350 130 100 100 350 Two 3 64, and 9 8 and 12| 12 12 17, 241, and 37! 17, 24-J, and 371 17, 241, and 37-_ 17, 24J, a »<' -"'7 1 , 17, 24.1, and 37! 17, 241, and 371 17, 2U, and 37.1 17, 241, and 37| 9}, 15, and 23 9|, 15, and 23 91, 15, and 23 12, 14, and 26 Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine 131, 19.. '"i' 1 28 Locomotive and traction. Second class. First olass. Second class. Wellington City Council , First class. »J », * • »» »> ♦» • • t* JJ »» »» >> »» • • »> »» * ' >» • • »> »> »> »» • • >> ' ' i* >, * • ,» • • >, )» • *



No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

N»me of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Name of Owner. Horse- ! power Diameter of Cylinders of Class of Drivel of Engines, in Inches, required. Boiler. WELLINGTON DISTRICT— continued. Wellington City Council .. ■■ Wellington .. Electric-lighting .. ,, .. .. ,, .. Road-roller „ .. .. „ .. Fire-engine ,, .. .. .. .. Motor-wagon ,, .. .. Lyall Bay .. Stone-orushing „ .. .. Wellington .. Road-roller Wellington Farmers'Co-operative Meat Waingawa .. Freezing.. Company Ditto .. .. .. .. „ .. „ Wellington Freeh Food and Ioe Company Wellington .. Butter-faotory Wellington Gas Company .. .. .. .. Hauling .. '.. ., .. .. ,, .. Pumping .. I „ .. Gas-works Wellington Harbour Board .. ■■ ,, .. Dredging.. ,, .. .. „ .. Pumping Wellington Hospital Board .. .. „ .. Steaming and laundry work . . Ditto Wellington Meat Export Company .. Atooetown .. Pumping „ ,, .. Ngahauranga .. (las-making ,, ,, .. „ .. Hauling . . ,, „ .. ., .. Preserving-works .. „ „ .. ,, .. l'Vllmongei v ,, ,, .. „ .. Gas-making „ ,, .. „ .. Steaming ,, „ .. ,, .. • • ! »> ,, ,, .. ,, .. Hauling .. ,, ,, .. Wellington .. Preserving-works .. „ ,, .... .. Freezing .. ,, ,, • • .. ..,,.. ,, . . ,, Wellington Woollen-mills .. .. Petone .. .. Woollen-mills Westland Timber Company .. .. Lower Hint .. Sawmill .. .. | Westporl Coal Company .. .. Sulk" Alameda".. Hoisting.. ", '.'. '.'. Hulk "Jubilee " .'.' J " .'.' .'. Whiteman, (!• ■■ •• ■■ Admirals,. .. Sawmill .. Wills, P. .. .. .. .. Wellington .. Laundry \\'\mi- Williams. H. P. .. .. Around Masterton Threshing and ohafi cutting 100 15 and 30 First class, i> !) Looomotive and traction. Id Two s Ditto. I) 4 an.I 7 14 Two 8j Second class. 26 !) 5 8J Locomotive and traction. Mi 12! and 20, and 8 First class. and I I.', r,l! Ditto" 27 12 Second class. (i I | and 7 Locomot i\ a and 11action. :ili 7, 8, and II Second class. .'Si; , 7. 8, and 10 First class. 30 I <i Second class. 9 Two 9 10() 16 and 30 First class. 106 16 and .'ill 140 16 and 30 24 8£ Second Class. 24 8.', - „ 40 12 56 Nil ."> 4 and 7 Locomotive and traction. 38 >>il Second class. 84 Nil 56 Nil 124 Nil 60 Nil 35 . Nil 16J Two II j Looomotive and traction 124 Nil Second class. Ill lit and 28 First class. Kid 19 and 28 Ml 111 and 28 66 17J and 36 66 17 I and :!.") 25 12 Second el.. l> Two r>, two 5, and „ two 5 10 Ditto Mi Two r>. two .">. two 5, ,, and two 5 28 11 57 8 and 5 6 8 Locomotive and traction WELLINGTON NORTH DISTRICT. Abraham, King, and Co. .. .. Foxton .. ..I Flax-mill.. Andrew, Robert C. .. .. Sanson District .. General .. Bartholomew Bros... .. .. Ohakune .. Sawmill .. Beazer, Mark .. .. .. Feilding District .. General .. Bell and Levien .. ■• .. Oroua Bridge .. Flax-mill.. Berg Bros. .. .. .. Taihape .. .. Sawmill .. Booth and Co., William .. .. Hihitnhi .. . . „ Broad and tngram.. .. .. Rangitane .. Flax-mill.. Bunnythorpe Dairy Company .. Bunnythorpe .. Dairy factory Cairncross, David .. .. .. Bull's District .. ; General Chambers, John, and Son (leased to Etongotea .. Butter-factory Rongotea Co-operative Dairy Company) Cheltenham Co-operative DairyCompany Cheltenham .. ,, Clement and Hutton .. .. Manui .. . . Sawmill Ooley Bros. .. .. .. Foxton .. .. Flax-mill.. Cook, William .. .. .. Palmerston Nori li .. Cooperage Defiance Butter Company .. .. Makino .. .. Dairy factory Eaaton, Fred. S. .. .. .. Moutoa .. .. Flax-mill.. M .. .. .. Foxton .. ■. ,, 12 Two 8j Second class. l> .">.j and 10 Locomotive anil traction. 20 12 Second class. 6 r> and !l Looomotive and traction. I I Two s. 1 , Second class. 36 14 42 n> First class. 19 16 14 7',; and 12 n> 8 Second class. 8 9 Looomotive and traction. 12 7j and I U Second class. 26 9 25 101 26 10J 48 13 30 13-& 12 Two 8| 39 12



No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Horse- I Name at Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. P°™ °' ''"'"i,'*, "1™ Bolter. Name o< Owner. WELLINGTON NORTH DISTRICT— continued. Edwards, R. G. .. .. .. Marlon .1 unci ion .. General .. .. ii 8 Locomotive and I ract ion. Egmont Co-operative Box Company -. Ohutu .. .. Sawmill .. .. 14 Two 8.1 Second class. Peilding Sash and Door Company .. Feilding .. .. ,, .. .. 55j 13 „ ,, ,, .. Kimbolton Road .. Sash and door factory !!7 II' ,, Flower, Thomas .. .. .. Bull's .. .. Flour-mill .. 17 9 Frederick, Augusi .. •■ .. Porewa .. .. Ploughing ..6 8 Looomotive and traction. Camman and Co. .. .. .. Ohakune East .. Sawmill .. .. 46 20 First class. „ .. .. .. ,, .. Hauling .. .. j L'L'-") 'Two !l Locomotive and traction. „ .. .. .. „ .. Sawmill .. .. j 56 20 First class. „ ..45 16 „ ■• „ ■■ ■■ 45 Iβ Gardner and Sons .. .. .. Turangaiviv .. „ .. .. Iβ 12 Seoond class. „ .. „ •• ..36 12 Gibbs, A. F., and Co, .. .. Utiku .. .. „ .. .. 38 Iβ Pint class. Gibbe, Albert J. .. .. .. N'cux Foxton .. Flax-mill.. .. 12 7 and 11 Second class. Gifford and Henson .. .. Rongotea District.. General .. .. 6 7 : ,' Looomotive and traction. Haillcv Bros. .. .. ■■ Near Utiku .. Sawmill .. ..50 10 Second class. Hanson, John .. .. .. Mart on District .. General .. .. •> 8 Locomotive ami traction. Harvey, W. J. -M. .. .. .. Marlon District ..,„.. .. 7 8| Ditto. Henderson Bros. .. .. . . Marton .. . . Flour-mil] . . 25 gj and" 14 l''irsl class. Hennessey and Gibbe .. ■■ Foxton .. .. Flax-mill. . .. 14 7 and 12 Second class. Hihira. Keepa .. .■ ■■ Moutoa .. .. „ .. 12 7 and 11 Howard. James .. •■ .. Greatford Distriot.. General .. .. 6 8 Locomotive and traction, imperial Dried-milk Company .. Bunnythorpe .. . Dried-milk factory nil Iβ First-olase. „ .. „ ■■ „ 160 Iβ James, Thomas P. .. .. .. iStanway District .. General .. .. 6 f> and 10 Locomotive and t raction. Jaxvis, Harold .. •• ■• Kaiianga.. .. Flax-mill.. .. 14 Two 8J Second class. Knight, B. L. .. .. • • I'tiku .. .. Hauling .. .. 15 Two 8 Locomotive and traction. Lewis and Kuht/.e.. .. .. Palmerston North .. Sash and door factory 17 Two 8 Second class. Longl-urn Freezing Company* •. Longburn . . Freezing . . .. 40 I 10 and 20 First class. .. „ . . . . 40 10 and 20 McElroy, Owen .. •• •• Halcombe District General .. .. j 8 8 and Id Looomotive and traction. Managh, J. and (!. .. .. .. „ „ .. I 7 6} and 9 Ditto. Manawatu County Council .. .. j Palmerston .. Hauling .. .. j H> Two 10 Manawatu Meat and Cold-storage Com- Awapuni .. Bone-mill .. 32 9j Second class. pany Manawatu Timber Company.. .. Near Taihape .. Sawmill .. .. 36 12J „ Marton Sash, Door, and Timber Com- Marton .. .. Sash and door factory 22 11 „ pany Matthews 13ros. .. .. .. Sanson District .. General .. .. 6 | '>[ and 9j Locomotive and traction. Melton, John .. .. .. j Apiti .. .. „ .. 8 81 Ditto. Milverton and Co. .. .. •• Palmereton District ,, .. .. i> 5j and 8j „ New Zealand Government (Public Works Horopito.. .. Sawmill .. .. 12 8J-and I2j First class. Department), (leased to Harland, Morris, and Tiwha) New Zealand Powell Wood Process RangataiU .. Wood - preserving 32 8 and 13 „ Company (Limited) process Ditto .. •• •• „ ■■ Ditto .. .. :*2 8 and 13 . . Sawmill' . . .. 50 10| ,, .. „ .. 37 13 Second class. „ .. Wood - preserving 90 8 and 13 First class. process Oldfield, William .. .. .. j Marton District .. i General .. .. 6 s and 1(1 Locomotive and traction. Palmereton North Borough Counoi] .. : Palmerston North., Road-rolling .. 6 6 and '.i.l Ditto. Peihani, Larsen, and Co. .. .. Rangataua .. Sawmill .. .. 24 h> First class. .. 42 I Iβ „ .. Log-hauling .. 23 Two 9 Looomotive and traction. Pukenaua Sawmilling Company .. Mataroa Road .. j „ .. 15 Two 8J Second class. .. Sawmill .... 30 14 Wuin Bros. .. .. •• Hihitahi .. .. „ .. .. <)7 19 Firat class. n .. .. .. „ .. .. Log-hauling .. 8J Two 01 Locomotive and traction. Rangataua Timber Company .. Rangataua .. Sawmill .. ..23 12 Second class. • • ..35 10|- Fiist class. Rongotea Co-operative Dairy Company Rongotea .. Butter-faotory .. 18 12 Second class. Saunders Bros. .. .. .. Near Shannon .. : Flax-mill.. ..17 12 „ Seifert, A., and Co... .. .. Koputarua .. | „ .. .. 12 7 and 11 „



No. 18.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. WELLINGTON NORTH DISTRICT— ronti; <ned. Seifert. LiOIlifl .. .. .. Oroua Bridge .. Flax-mill.. HI .. .. .. .. Rangitane .. ,, Simpson, R. K. .. .. .. Beaton Park .. General .. Smith and Donald .. .. .. Mataroa .. .. Sawmill .. Smith, Robert M. .. .. .. ,, .. .. Log-hauling „ .. .. .. ,, .. .. Sawmill .. Syme, George .. .. .. Tangiwai. i .. Hauling .. „ .. .. .. „ .. Sawmill .. Tanner, Robert .. .. .. Karere .. .. General Tennant. •liiines .. .. .. Oroua Bridge .. Flax-mill.. Trevor, James, and Sons .. .. Boundary Road .. Brickmaking Turangarere Sawmilling Company .. Hihitahi .. .. Sawmill .. Warring, Joseph .. .. .. Marton District .. Genera] .. i:s 12 f> 2(i 15 45 8 30 ii 12 12 33 8 7 7 95 10 8? ami 12 7 and 11 5 and 8 12 Two 8J 15 Two 8j Iβ 8A 7 and 11 Two 9 !) i>. 1 , and S 8 I2j and 19 Two 9 First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. Seoond class. Locomotive and traction. Ditto. First class. Second class. Waugh Bros. .. .. .. Kimbolton District „ .. .. Whitanui Limited .. .. .. Foxton .. .. Flax-mill.. Wn'ulit and Cartel , .. .. .. Ohakune .. Sawmill .. .. ■ WKSTLAND DISTRICT. 25 20 Iβ 15 43 12 13 20 20 i 20 52 ! ■ir, 43 4:s 43 4:! 25 III Lβ 20 .10 8 and 12j 8 and L3 Two '■)'■ Two 9 16i Two 8£ Two 8f Two 15 Two 15 9 and 12 Two 15 8 and 131 Three Hi Three IB Three l(i Three 16 Two 8 Two 8 71 and II I (i and 10 Two 8£ First class. Second Blase. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. First class. »» ;; Second class. Antonio's Gold-dredging Company .. Ree.fton .. .. Dredging.. Armstrong Gold-dredging Company .. Coromandel .. ,, Baxter Bros. .. .. .. Baxter's Siding .. Sawmill .. „ .. Hauling .. ,, .. .. .. Greymoutli .. Sawmill Benjamin and Malcock .. .. Kanieri .. . . ,, »» • • ■ ■ »» • • ■ ■ »» • • • - I'.lackliall Goal Company .. .. Blackball .. Mining i, .. .. ., ..,,.. Blackweter Gold-dredging Company .. ! Blackwatcr .. Dredging.. Butler Bros. .. .. .. Ruatapu .. .. Sawmill .. „ .. .. .. ,, .. Hauler .. ,i • • ■ ■ * • »» • • • • »» • . Cambridge and IJrant .. .. Cameron's .. Flax-mill.. Coates, T. E. .. .. .. Ruanga .. .. Dynamo Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand Crushington .. Mining (Limited) Ditto .. .. .. .. Waiuta .. ,, .. .. .. .. ,, .. .. Sawmill .. „ .. .. .. .. ,, .. .. Winding Diedrich, H. .. .. .. Koiterangi .. Flax-mill.. Dispatch Foundry Company.. •• Greymouth .. Shop-tools Dobaon Stone Syndicate .. .. Dobson .. .. Stone-outting Krickson, G. .. .. .. Ahaura .. .. Hauling .. 30 20 50 12 37 20 8 25 32 20 Two 8 Two 7 Two 14 and one 12 Two 8J 11 and 20 8 and 12; Ii and 10 K..J 18 7| and 11j Winding. Second class. First class Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. „ .. .. .. Orwell Creek .. Sawmill Flowery Creek Sawmilling Company .. Stafford .. .. ,, Greenstone Three-mile Gold-dredging Kumara .. .. Gold-dredge Company Greymouth Borough Council .. Greymouth .. Road-roller Qreymouth Harbour Board .. .. „ .. Hauling .. [kamatua Sawmilling Company .. Ikamatua .. Locomotive „ „ .. „ .. Sawmill .lack Bros. .. .. . . Kotuku .. .. „ „ .. .. .. ,, .. .. Locomotive 5 10 15 9 8 20 36 8 20 15 !) 20 37 60 23 5| and 8£ Two 8 Two 10 Two 7 Two 7 Two 11 11 and IT. 1 , Two Ii Two 14 sj and 14;] Two 7 Two 10 14 IS 8 and 13 Locomotive and traction. Ditto. First class. Locomotive and traction. Winding. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. J ust-in-Time Gold-dredging Company .. Boatman's .. Winding.. Karoro Brick Company .. . . Karoro .. .. Brickmaking K. K. Sawmilling Company .. .. Awatuna.. .. Bush locomotive .. ,, .. . . ,, . . Sawmill . . ,, .. .. j Kumara Junction .. ,, Kotuku Sawmilling Company .. Aratiki .. . . „ Kumara Gold-dredging Syndicate .. Kumara .. .. Gold-dredge



No. 18. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers — continued.

Approximate Cost n/ Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,950 copies), £72.

By Authority: .John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.— l9ll Price Is. 9d.

Nftmc of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurpose for which used. P Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Indies. ( :iass of Driver requiiv 1. WESTLAND 1 DISTRICT — continued. Two 6 Two II) Locomotive and i motion. Second class. Lake Brunner Sawmill Company .. Rum Hauling 8 Two li Long and Daly .. .. .. Blackball McLean, J. .. .. .. Gladstone McLean, J., and Sons .. .. Otira Malfroy, J. C, and Co. .. .. Ho Ho .. Sawmill .. ♦> . . . . Hauling it; Iβ Iβ 8 Two 10 Torn Ol Two II) Two 10 Two 9} Two 7 )♦ Idle .. .. J Hauling .. .. ! 37 Two 9] Two 7 12 Two 7 16 m l l 12 Two 7 >> Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. „ .. .. I Three-mile M a nanui Sawrailling Company .. Mananui .. Hanson and Co. .. .. .. Te Kinga Moana Sawmilling Company.. .. Moana Morris, W., and Co. .. .. Rimu Morris, W. .. .. .. Tcremakau Nelson Creek Gold-dredging Company : Nelson Creek New Trafalgar (lold-drrdging Company ,, New Zealand Government (State Coal- Point Elizabeth mines) Ditto New Zealand Stove-pipe Company .. Hokitika Ngahere Sawmill Company .. .. Ngahere Sawmill .. ,, y> • • • • Gold-dredge Hauling 40 (ill 60 35 :s<> 20 25 30 20 20 Two 11 ru 1OI Two 12| i n 144 7} and 11.1 1 4 16 Two 11 Two 12] 17 Hi 7} and 11.1 14 II and 14 8 and \2 : Two 10 Second class. 14 II and 14 i) .1 l o:i First class. 8 and 12| Two 10 Exempt. Mining Stove-pipe making Locomotive 20 Lβ 7 and II] 9 and IV, Two 7 8*. 12 : ,'. ■■»«] 12,';. o I i n:t 7 and 11] !1 and IV, Two 7 First class. Locomotive and Inntion. First elass. North Brunner Coal Company .. Stillwater No Town Creek Gold-dredging Company No Town Creek Ogilvie and Co. .. .. .. Gladstone Pactolus Gold-dredging Company .. Nelson Creek Paparoa Coal Company . . .. Roa Perry, Hegan, and Co. .. .. Takutai I!e(I .lacks Sawmill Company .. Ngahere .. Mining Dredging Sawmill Dredging Driving fans Sawmill .. n Locomotive t>1 20 49 32 19 20 20 20 7 8 and 12-' 1BJ !l Mild 14 I 4 I Two 10 1 4 8&, 12 ; i, and 12 ft S and 12| 16i II and 14 14! Two 10 14 14 Two 7 Second class. First class. ! Second class. Ruatapu Sawmilling Company . . Ruatapu Slab Hut Gold-dredging Company • • Tawhai Stafford Gold-drudging Company .. Stafford Stratford and Blair.. .. .. Greymouth ,, .. .. .. Kaimata .. ,, .. .. .. Paroa „ .. .. .. Patara Sawmill Dredging.. Sawmill Locomotive 20 20 20 35 16 17 47 7 14 Two 7 Nil 8 and 12j 7 and 111 8 and 12 : ; Nil 8 and 12j 7 and 11] 8 and 12| 16 8 and 12 : ; 8 and I2 : ; 14J Two 7^ „ Locomotive and traction. Second class. First elass. Second class. First class. Lβ O „ ». A I OS 8 and 12; o 1 i .-» :; 8 and L2j ,, .. .. ■ ■ ii 141 Two 7^ Two 8? Two II] Two 8? Two II] Two 10 Two 7 Locomotive and traction. Ditto. Second class. „ .. .. . . Snowy River Hauling Sawmill .. .. »» Locomotive .. I 20 Hi Iβ 22 i v . . . . . . || . . Stuart and Chapman .. .. Rimu Sawmill Hauling 36 25 Two 10 Two 7 14 Two til Two 7 Bj and 10 8 and I2y n i i< 14 Two l>1 Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Dili.). Second class. i First class. Tarawera Sawmilling Company .. lnchbonnie Sawmill Dredging Sawmill .. Briokmaking Dredging.. 25 60 20 20 38 Lβ at Two 7 Bj and 10 8 and |L >: , ; 7 and 14 14 7 and 11] S and I2v Taylor, J. .. .. .. North Beach Turner Bros. .. .. .. Moonlight Watson, R., and Son .. .. Dillmanstown W'estland Brick Company .. .. Karoro Workshop Gold-dredging Company .. Antonio's Creek 7 and 14 14 m .1 ill Second class. 7 and 11] S and 121 First class. I

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Bibliographic details

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1910-11., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-15a

Word Count

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1910-11. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-15a

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1910-11. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-15a

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