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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section ISO of the Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1908.

I have the honour, in compliance with the requirements of the Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, to submit my report on the proceedings thereunder during the past year. The total number of applications received in respect of patents, designs, and trade marks was 2,695, an increase of 236 on the total for 1909, and a considerable advance in the number for any other year. The revenue amounted to £6,314 9s. lid., £299 17s. 9d. more than in 1909; and the expenditure to ,£2,669 9s. 5d., £153 ss. lid. less than in that year. The increase in the receipts over the expenditure in 1910 as compared with 1909 was therefore £453 3s. Bd.; and, as the latter year showed an increase of £543 14s. 2d. over the preceding twelve months, the amount received in excess of that expended was greater last year by £996 17s. 10s. than it was in 1908. The balance for the year, £3,645 os. 6d., brings the total surplus of the office since the commencement of the Act on the Ist January, 1890, up to £51,288 17s. Id. According to the latest figures available the expenditure in New Zealand is 42 per cent, of the revenue, in the United Kingdom 68 per cent., and in the United States of America, where most of the revenue is devoted to fostering invention, 87 per cent. While the facilities afforded inventors have been considerably extended, they are still somewhat deficient in certain respects, and, in order to enable greater benefit to be derived from our patent laws, I beg to again recommend : — (1.) That copies of specifications and drawings be printed and supplied to the public at the lowest possible price.—At present the cost of copies debars them from being freely procured, and the publicity that should be given to inventions is thus restricted. If copies were sold at a small cost inventors would be enabled to readily ascertain and effect improvements in existing appliances, and I submit that, if it is considered the time has not yet arrived for the printing of all specifications, at least those should be done relating to our principal industries and in which the public are chiefly interested. (2.) That steps be taken to enable inventions patented in other countries to be known here.— To attain success inventors must kno-v the latest advances on the subject in which they are engaged, not only in this but in other countries. Printed copies of the specifications and drawings of Great Britain, Australia, United States, Canada, and most European countries can be obtained for a small amount, and should as far as possible be kept at as many libraries throughout the country as can afford the space for them. (3.) Ihat further examination be made into novelty.—This office is not required by law to inquire into the novelty of inventions sought to be patented, and has no special staff for the purpose. It is, I think, highly desirable that the investigation undertaken in this direction should be extended, and provision made for more fully ascertaining whether such inventions are new. (4.) That the accommodation be increased. —The premises at present occupied by the office are inadequate, and, as a matter of fact, afford only about the same space as those vacated over ten years ago, when the business was half what it now is. Apart from the inconvenience to the public and staff, the restricted space makes the proper arrangement of papers and books a matter of much difficulty, and the lack of safe accommodation endangers a large number of documents which should be guarded from loss or destruction.

I—H. 10,


PATENTS. 1,831 applications were received, an increase of 126 on the total for 1909, being the highest number yet recorded in any year. Of these, 1,138 were accompanied by provisional specifications, and 693 by complete specifications; while 301 complete specifications were lodged with applications for which provisional specifications had already been filed, thus making a total of 2,132 specifications during the year, or 141 more than in the previous twelve months. The fees in respect of patents amounted to £5,159 10s. 6d., an increase of £256 17s. lOd. on the sum received in 1909, the greater number of applications, patents sealed, and renewal fees for the second terms of patents granted four years ago accounting for the additional amount. There was a falling-off in the number of third-term fees paid for patents granted seven years ago as compared with those received in the previous year, though a larger number of patents was granted in 1903 than in 1902. Table C shows the number of the various applications and fees in respect of them. The total number of applications pending is 1,680, and there are 3,790 patents in force, 2,432 in the first, 751 in the second, and 607 in the third term. No patents are in force for an extended term. , . While the investigation into the novelty of inventions is necessarily restricted, it results in the refusal of a certain number of applications and the limiting of the claims in others. The following table shows the proportion of applications accepted, and to which exception was taken, to the total number received.

No official examination, however, can afford any guarantee of the validity of a patent, and in the cases in which this question was raised before the Courts last year one out of every four patents was upset in the United States, and nearly one in two in the United Kingdom. The best safeguard is a thorough search by the applicant or his agent before making application, or as soon as the provisional specification is filed; but this seems to be, unfortunately, not generally undertaken, no doubt owing in a great measure to the difficulty to which I have alluded of referring to prior publications on the subject. It should be borne in mind that attempting to define an invention without a thorough knowledge of the subject to which it relates is like trying to prepare a title-deed to land without a proper acquaintance with its boundaries; and applicants should realize the great importance of carefully referring to prior specifications and other publications, or instructing their agents to do so, before preparing their specifications in the matter. If proper inquiry were made into the novelty and probable success of inventions much useless expenditure would be avoided in patenting them in New Zealand as well as in other countries where, if the possibilities are in some cases greater, the keener competition and absence of personal supervision render the chances of the adoption of inventions even less than they are here. It may be of interest to mention that fifty patents were granted to residents of this country in the United States in 1908, and that they made 120 applications for patents last year in the United Kingdom. Countries from which Applications deceived. Residents of New Zealand lodged 1,240 applications, 115 more than last year, and 67 per cent, of the total number received ; 150 were sent from the United Kingdom, about the same number as in 1909; 19 from Canada; and 120 from the United States, 6 less than in the preceding year. Germany contributed 15, and 23 were received from other Europea/i countries. The applications from Australia, which fell from 321 in 1907 to 238 in 1908 and 229 in 1909, showed a slight increase last year, numbering 258. Trend of Invention. A noteworthy increase is shown in the applications in respect of dairying—llo in 1910 (n)ilking-inachinery 5'5, and other appliances 55), as compared with G7 in 1909; and a greater number was also received for fibre-dressing 70 (59), engines and accessories (particularly rotary and turbine) 116 (72), boxes, cans, and casks 40 (29), electricity 35 (17) (electric cooking and heating appliances predominating), cultivating and tilling 32 (22), wearing-apparel and the like 57 (44) (the inventions in this class relating chiefly to hat-pins). In amusements, boots and shoes, building, railways and tramways, fencing and wire-strainers, the number of inventions is about the same as in the former year; while a falling-off is recorded in connection with aeronautics 20 (27), cutting, sawing, and tools 38 (48), gas-manufacture 29 (37), kitchen utensils 41 (56), and printing and photography 14 (32). The figures in parentheses are the numbers for the previous year.


Accepted without Alteration Accepted on Alteration Not accepted, Without being questioned. Afler being questioned After being questioned On Ground of On Ground Want of of Novelty. Informality. On Ground of Want of Novelty. On Ground of Informality. Ou Ground of Want of Novelty. On Ground of Informality. 601 135 0-6 5-2 111 9-6 1-9 [Note. —As without amendmi .909, and ending many applioal 3nt, it was the 31st May, 1911 iions for tho li jught desirab atter half of tho yeai tie to compile this t r 1910 are still pending and may be accepted with or ;able as for the twelve months beginning 1st June,



International Convention. Last year was somewhat remarkable for the number of applications under the Convention and reciprocal arrangements with Australia, 114 being received, or 6 per cent, of the total for the year. To show the increasing extent to which the provisions of the Convention are availed of, I append a statement of the number of applications under the Convention in each of the last five years, with total received. Y„ ar Total Number of Number of Applications Applications. under the Convention. 1906 ... ... ... ... 1,745 29 1907 ... ... ... ... 1,618 48 1908 ... ... ... 1,527 39 1909 ... ... ... ... 1,705 78 1910 ... ... ... ... 1,831 114 Women Inventors. Thirty applications were received from women, or about 1£ per cent, of the total received. Such applications relate to inventions for a vehicle-wheel, bicycle-saddle, sewing-machine, pianoattachment, and such household requirements as a window-cleaner, toast-rack, food-warmer, saucepan, kettle, curtain-ring, venetian-blind mechanism. In England 671 applications were received in 1910 from women inventors— i.e., 2 per cent, of the total number of applications. Number op Patents applied for and sealed, etc., in various Countries. The following table shows the number of applications in various countries, the proportion thereof to the population, and the number of patents sealed for the year 1908 : —

DESIGNS. The number of designs registered annually appears to be steadily decreasing; and this form of protection, which is well suited for countries with their manufactures in an advanced state, does not seem to be at present of much use in New Zealand. Last year 46 registrations were effected, as compared with 51 in 1909 and 79 in 1908. TRADE MARKS. The increase in the number of trade marks annually registered appears to afford satisfactory evidence of progress in trade and commerce. Last year applications showed an advance of 115, or 16 per cent, on the total for 1909; 335, or 40 per cent., being from residents of this country, and 483 from abroad. A corresponding increase is noticeable in the revenue, which amounted to £1,091 14s. lid. under this head, £52 6s. 5d. more than in the preceding year.

Applioi rtions filed. Country. Patents sealed. Numbers. Proportion per 10,000 of Population. Australia Austria Belgium Canada (1907) Cuba Denmark France Germany, Patents ,, Gebrauchmuster Great Britain Hungary Italy Japan, Patents „ Gebrauchmuster Mexico New Zealand Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Tunis United States of America 2,840 8,480 8,186 7,077 270 1,872 14,893 40,312 45,524 28,598 4,126 6,705 5,238 10,510 1,126 1,527 1,483 416 2,307 2,974 4,586 83 60,142 6-2 31 11-5 10-3 1-3 7-2 3-& 0-6 0-7 64 2-6 2-6 1-1 2-2 0-8 16-2 6-2 0-7 1-2 5-5 13-8 0-4 6-8 1,630 4,450 8,073 Not available. 174 1,293 13,807 11,610 35,248 16,284 3,615 4,600 2,600 3,584 1,074 667 1,295 458 2.274 2,377 3,429 82 33,514 (Reprinted —except as regards proportion of applications to population—from Lα Propriili Induslrielle.)



Countries from which Applications received. Applications from New- Zealand numbered 335, as compared with 328 in the preceding year. From the United Kingdom 250 were received, from the United States 65, and 98 from the Commonwealth. Goods for which Trade Marks were registered. With few exceptions, but little variation is shown in the number of applications in each class year by year, a gradual increase being observable in most of them. Clause 42 (Food substances), always the elass in which most marks are registered, has shown but little difference in the last three years, and the same remark applies to other leading classes, such as 3 (Medicines), 6 (Machinery), 13 (Metal goods), 38 (Clothing), 39 (Stationery). The principal classes in which increases occur are 1 (Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, &c), 14 (Goods of precious metal), 22 (Carriages), 40 (Goods manufactured from indiarubber), 47 (Candles, soap, ore), 50 (Miscellaneous); while there is a falling-off in Class 5 (Unwrought and partly wrought metals), 15 (Porcelain and earthenware), 20 (Explosive substances), 48 (Perfumery). Reference to Court. In accordance with the provisions of the Act, an application for registration of a trade mark similar to one on the Register but used prior to 1890 was, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, referred to the Court, which allowed registration. GENERAL. Opposition. Notices of opposition were lodged in respect of 18 applications, and 1 appeal was heard during the year by the Court and disallowed. Patent Agents. One name was added to the Register of Patent Agents in 1910, bringing the total number on the Register at the end of the year to 77. The examination-paper set in this case is attached. While the office is glad to afford inventors every assistance in its power, it does not come within its province to prepare specifications and other documents, and unless familiar with such work applicants arc no doubt well advised to employ a competent patent agent. Conclusion. . In acknowledging the services of the staff, I beg to draw attention to the fact that it is now hardly adequate for the work of the office, and that to this is due the delay in the issue of this report. The Appendix hereto contains : — page. Paper set at Examination for Registration of Patent Agent .. .. .. 5 And the following tables and lists, viz. : — A. Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1910.. 5 B. Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years .. 6 C. Particulars of Fees received from the Ist January to the 31st December, 1910 .. 6 D. Staff of Officers, and Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 E. Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the years 1890 to 1910 inclusive .. .. .. .. 7 F. Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c. .. .. .. 7 G. Table showing, over a Series of Years, the Number of Patents that were considered of Sufficient Value to be kept Alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees .. .. 8 H. Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910 .. .. 8 I. Table showing Number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910 .. .. .. .. .. 9 J. Number of Applications for Registration, of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 K. Designs : Table showing Number of Applications in each of the Fourteen Classes to end of 1907 and in the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910 respectively .. .. 10 L. Number of Applications to register Trade Marks, in the Fifty Different Classes in each of the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910 .. .. .. .. ..11 M. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Patents for the Year ended 31st December, 1910.. 12 N. Classified List of Inventions for which Letters Patent havv, been applied for during the year ended 31st December, 1910 .. .. .. .. .. 39 O. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks during the year ended 31st December, 1910 .. .. .. .. .. 55 P. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Designs during the year ended 31st December,.l9lo.. .. .. .. .. .. ..62 Q. Number Index of Proceedings in respect of Applications filed in 1910 .. .. 63 Patent Office, J. C. Lewis, Wellington, 28th September, 1911. Registrar.




Examination-paper for Candidates fob Registration as Patent Agents. 1. What is a patent right, and what factors are necessary to a valid patent? 2. What is a manufacture? 3. What is meant by " newness of manufacture " and " prior publication "1 4. Can a patent for a new use of a known contrivance be granted? 5. What is the meaning of " true and first inventor "1 6. What are the requisites of— (a.) A provisional specification, and (6.) A complete specification? 7. What is the object and effect of provisional protection? 8. State shortly the provisions under which reciprocal arrangements for the protection of inventions may be entered into by other colonies and foreign nations. 9. What are the rights of the Crown in regard to the use of a patent by an individual in New Zealand? 10. How can an extension of the term of a patent be obtained? 11. For what period and upon what grounds may the extension of the term be granted? 12. What atf the essentials of a trade mark, ami what are the remedies for ati infringement of a registered trade mark? 13. What is the general rule as to infringement of trade marks and trade names .' 14. Where A introduces into the market an article which, though previously known to exist, is new, as an article of commerce, ami has acquired tt reputation in the market by a name not merely descriptive of the article, can B legally sell a similar article in the same name? 15. What arc the rights of tin assignee of a registered trade mark? 16. Is it necessary to establish fraud in order to make a defendant liable for damages or to render an account of his profits in an action for infringement of a trade mark?

A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1910. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 5,159 10 6 Salaries ... ... ... 1,155 0 0 Design fees ... ... ... 25 1 0 Clerical assistance ... ... 231 9 10 Trade-mark fees ... ... 1,091 14 11 Copying specifications ... ... 11 18 7 Sale of Acts, Gazettes, Name Fees" to Patent Office Agents ... 109 10 0 Index, &c. ... ... 38 3 6 Binding printed specifications, &c, presented to Office by other countries* ... ... ... 39 2 6 Printing Patents Gazette" ... 807 19 6 Other printing and bindings . 167 7 6 Stationery ... ... ... 23 18 5 Stamps " ... ... ... 39 0 0 Books, patent laws, &c. ... 32 4 1 Telephone ... ... ... 8 0 0 Typewriter ... ... ... 10 0 0 Payments refunded ... ... 33 19 0 Balance for the year ... ... 3,645 0 6 £6,314 9 11 £6,314 9 11 " Printing and binding dime and figures supplied by Government Printing Office.



B.—Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years.

C.—Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1910.

Year. Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Year. Receipts. ! Expenditure. Surplus. .903 904 905 906 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. .. 5,290 2 7* 1,657 1 5 3,633 1 2 .. 4,642 19 6 1,775 17 11 2,867 1 7 .. 4,970 2 6 2,297 9 8 2,672 12 10 .. 5,641 0 6 2,237 19 1 3,403 1 5 1907 1908 1909 1910 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. .. 5,916 4 6 2,602 4 10 3,313 19 8 .. 5,470 6 1 2,822 3 5 2,648 2 8 .. 6,014 12 2 2,822 15 4 3,191 16 10 .. 6,314 9 11 2,669 9 5 3,645 0 6 * Renewal fees. In 1903 the renewal fees tor all marks register! id prior to the commencement of the Act of 1889 were payable.

Fees, j Number. — Amount received. Each. Patents. f . „ » „ * is. £ s. d. Applications for patents with provisional specifications .. .. 1,136 0 10 568 0 0 Applications for patents with complete specifications .. .. .. 705 0 10 352 10 0 Complete specifications left after provisional specifications .. .. .. 301 0 10 150 10 0 Applications to amend specifications .. .. .. .. 9 10 9 0 0 Issue of letters patent .. .. .. .. .. .. 799 2 0 1,598 0 0 Renewal fees before end of fourth year from date of patent .. .. .. 234 5 0 1,170 0 0 Renewal fees before end of seventh year from date of patent.. .. 94 10 0 940 0 0 Notices of opposition .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I 0 10 2 0 0 Hearing objections .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 0 6 0 0 Applications for enlargement of time for deposit of oomplete specifications .. 41 0 10 20 10 0 On grant of such enlargement .. .. .. .. .. 40 10 40 0 0 App'ications for enlargement of time for acceptance of oomplete specification .. 9 0 10 4 10 0 On grant of such enlargement .. .. .. .. .. 9 10; 900 Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees .. .. .. 43 0 10 j 21 10 0 On grant of such enlargement .. .. .. .. .. 42 10 42 0 0 Notices of appeal to Supreme Court against decisions of Registrar .. 3 10 3 0 0 Searches .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 614 0 1* 30 14 0 Registration of assignments and licenses .. .. .. .. .. 127 0 10 63 10 0 Certificates of such registration .. .. .. .. .. 63 0 10 31 10 0 Copies of specifications and drawings .. .. .. .. .. .. t 88 8 9 Certifying copies.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 01 250 Correction of clerical errors in specifications, &c. .. .. .. .. 8 05 200 Registration of Patent Agent .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 11 220 Duplicate Letters Patent .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 20 200 Miscellaneous .. .. .. ■. • ■ ■ ■ .. .. • • • ■ 0 10 9 £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 0 ■i 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 1* 0 10 0 10 t £ s. d. 568 0 0 352 10 0 150 10 0 9 0 0 1,598 0 0 1,170 0 0 940 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 20 10 0 40 0 0 4 10 0 9 0 0 21 10 0 42 0 0 3 0 0 30 14 0 63 10 0 31 10 0 88 8 9 2 5 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 10 9 0 1 0 5 1 1 2 0 £5,159 10 6 Designs. — £5,159 10 6 Applications for registration of designs .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 10 25 0 0 Search designs .. .. .. .. .. •■ .. •• 1 01 010 0 10 0 1 25 0 0 0 1 0 £25 1 0 Tbade Masks. ~ — £25 1 0 Applications for registration of trade marks .. .. .. .. 818 0 5 204 10 0 Registration of trade marks .. .. .. .. .. .. 638 1 0 638 0 0 Registration of assignments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £1 & 2s. 59 4 0 Certificates of such assignments .. .. .. .. - .. .. 83 0 5 20 15 0 Notices of opposition .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 10 14 0 0 Cancellation of trade marks .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 05 0 15 0 Renewal of registration .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 112 10 112 0 0 Additional fees where renewal fee is paid within three months after expiration 4 0 10 2 0 0 ol fourteen years Restoration of Trade Mark to the Register .. .. .. .. .. 2 10 2 00 Requests to correct clerical errors .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 05 ; 150 Alteration of address on Register .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 0 5 0 15 0 Conies of duplicate certificates .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 0 1 2 15 0 Searches 300 0 IJ 15 0 0 Advertisements: Cost of extra space in Gaeette .. .. .. .. ■■ .. 11 4 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .■ •• 0 6 11 Certificates for use in applying for registration in foreign countries .. .. 5 0 5 15 0 Certificates of refusal to register .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 10 400 Notioes of Appeal to Supreme Court against decisions of Registrar .. .. 2 10 2 0 0 £1,091 14 11 818 638 83 14 3 112 4 2 5 3 55 300 0 5 1 0 £1 & 2s. 0 5 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 10 1 0 0 5 0 5 0 1 o i; 204 10 0 638 0 0 59 4 0 20 15 0 14 0 0 0 15 0 112 0 0 2 0 0 •2 0 0 1 5 0 0 15 0 2 15 0 15 0 0 11 4 0 0 6 11 1 5 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 5 4 2 0 5 1 0 1 0 £1,091 14 11 * Per hour. t 3d. per folio of 72 words; Is. per sheet, drawings. ! For quarter of an hour. * Per hoi I1-. I 3d. ter sheet drawini [S. ; For quarter of an hour.



D.—Staff of Officers, and Salaribs. £ s. d. Registrar* ... ... ... ... ... ■•• ••• *20 0 0 Deputy Registrar Clerk ... ... ... ... .. ••• ••• 195 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... .. ■•• .. HO 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ••• ••• 135 0 0 Cadet ... ... ... ... .. ••• - 40 0 0 Messenger ... ... ... ... ••• •■• -•• 190 0 0 Office-cleaner ... ... ... ... ■•• ••• 11 14 0 £1,161 14 0 * Also Registrar of Copyright, nil.

E.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1910 inclusive.

F.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c.

Year. Patents. Designs. Trade Marks. Total. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,131 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 1,618 1,527 1,705 1,831 5 i 10 1 15 14 27 13 10 12 15 18 28 20 24 54 36 57 79 51 46 160 225 290 325 347 254 279 361 343 328 348 379 412 447 592 607 702 6S4 685 703 818 781 818 906 951 1,118 1,084 1,298 1,467 1,374 1,332 1,372 1,511 1,871 2,077 2,099 2,262 2,483 2,359 2,291 2,459 2,695

C O Number of Applications with which Complete Specifications lodged. „ , , . .. Number of Number of Apph- Applications for cations with which ; ££ h c lete Provisional Speoifica-1 Specificatiun F s sub . tions lodged. ; quelltly lodge d. Number of Applications abandoned, lapsed, or refused. Num Patents >er of sealed. Total Number of Applications. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1901 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 N.Z. 242 187 202 198 278 229 299 217 199 182 160 199 163 205 200 215 230 221 221 233 250 Foreign. 207 207 191 178 166 201 275 303 305 297 321 353 357 368 321 355 405 456 365 407 443 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 •251 307 318 444 419 382 441 459 767 859 754 827 866 748 792 892 990 I i Foreign. 60 69 53 52 61 79 100 129 98 131 87 103 144 172 208 204 244 193 149 173 148 1 N.Z. i Foreign. 27 17 29 ! 25 40 ; 16 51 ; 24 69 j 16 75 ! 34 68 I 33 87 41 102 i 29 84 i 55 97 36 119 I 28 274 65 238 i 54 198 74 222 86 227 : 100 160 88 211 79 197 99 N.Z. Foreign. 202 50 191 50 237 ' 43 262 30 352 51 403 51 439 75 481 95 447 i 70 409 82 452 59 458 76 690 86 801 116 700 154 783 142 843 175 748 : 145 741 107 N.Z. 147 122 125 133 173 133 185 181 172 155 149 200 240 263 254 259 253 221 272 Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 336 332 346 349 380 415 424 375 417 474 504 407 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 1,618 1,527 1,705 1,831 * • * These figuri ixpired, is are necei isarily incomplete, as the time for proceeding further with the applications has not ye



G.—Table showing, over a Series of Years, the Number of Patents that were considered of Sufficient Value to be kept alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees.

H.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910.

Year. Number of Applications received. Number of O mpleta Specifications received. „ , , Number of Number of Number of , p atcnt8 on which ! Patents ; Otters Patent Sp( , ond . t erm on which seaiea - Fee paid. Final Fee paid. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 I 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 493 448 449 451 529 539 675 648 635 618 614 699 859 865 793 878 962 i 364 348 326 333 349 362 478 517 501 501 498 580 655 687 629 676 727 80 78 84 99 88 113 118 136 138 199 172 200 209 229 209 231 238 37 23 37 47 31 45 53 49 58 90 71 91 104 95

! 19 8. 1909. 1910. 1908. 19C9. i 1910. l i i i i i 16 7 1 1 9 I 19 1 G 5 1 9 8 13 8 151 150 1-26 120 112 128 11 7 New Zealand Argentina Austria Bflkiom Canada Denmark Fiji Finlund France Germany H ill»nd Hungary India .. Italy Mexico.. Na-al .. New South Wales 1,013 3 1 1 6 2 1 5 9 4 1,125 1 18 3 1 3 9 3 1 1 3 3 1 72 1,240 5 4 19 3 4 15 Norway Orange River Colony I'eiu Queensland Rhodesia Russia.. South Australia.. Sp-iin ! Sweden !j Switzerland Tasmania Transvaal ; United Kingdom United States .. I Victoria Western Australia 1 1 15 1 1 8 8 4 10 11 124 90 115 12 1 1 8 1 1 78 2 1)4 iivod tv itlicatiol mi joiii is r^oei it applit ved. :ants resident in different countries; the figures will therefore NOTX.— A few applications were reci total uioifc than the actual dumber of ap;


I.—Table showing Number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910.

On the pages referred to in the above table will be found lists of the inventions which are included in the various classes for the year 1910.

2—H. 10,


Class. 1908. 19;:9. 1910. Page. Class. 1908. 1909. J J910. Page. Adver-mng and displaying, signs, &c. Aeronautics Amusements, music, exercisers, games, &c. Attaching and securing (including bolts, ties, &c.) 23 1 40 23 27 81 17 20 39 39 39 89 Harvesting and grading Heating and fuel-manufac-ture 11 31 11 28 7 81 47 47 Illuminating (except gasmanufneture) Indicating, calculating, and measuring (including mois-ture-testers) 25 26 29 48 13 14 18 39 85 33 80 4H Boilers (steam) Boots and shoes Bottles, bottling, and glassworking Boxes, cans, and casks (including buckets) Brewing, distilling, &c. Brooms nnd brushes ( mips) Building, construction „ (brick and cement, comnnsiiions and moulding) , (windows and doors 4 60 13 14 79 26 14 74 30 39 10 10 Kitchen utensi's and cooking appliances (including ovens) 25 56 41 4H 27 29 40 40 22 28 2:) 23 21 27 41) 4!) 1 6 1 18 6 13 41 41 Lifting, hauling, and loading Locks, latches, and hinges .. 34 32 13 22 39 25 11 41 Marine and submarine (including lake and river engine ring) Marking (tickets, label", &-.) and surgical appliances (including ear instru meutR, denial work, &c.) Metal-working (including welding, stamping, and plating) Minerals (including filtration, lixiviiition, screens, &c.) Ditto ic separators).. „ (stampers and pulveriser.-) 19 35 27 49 27 28 42 12 19 14 18 27 18 19 49 26 Oemicals CI* aning, pMishing, &c. Closets and urinals Coin freed mechanism Cooling and fre> zing Cultivating and tilling Cutting and sawing, and tools 7 6 12 5 13 22 51 5 4 31 3 5 32 18 8 13 20 4 18 32 38 42 42 4 2 42 42 42 43 18 14 19 49 36 46 40 50 3 8 *6 1 4 50 Dairying .. Drains and sewers Dredging and excavating (including rock-drills) Drying .. 69 6 9 (.7 2 Iβ 110 1 19 43 14 41 Oils and lubricators U 5 17 50 Electricity and magnetism .. Engines (air. go>", and oil) .. (seam), including rotarv pumps (miscellaneous and engine- accessoriei-) including — Current moiors, Solar motors, Tide motors, Wave motors, Windmills, Miscellaneous motors Explosives, firearms, and targets Exterminating and trapping animals 8 20 9 28 14 17 Lβ 2rf 10 35 18 39 44 44 45 14 Paints and painting Pipes, tubes, and hose Preserving Presses Punting and photography .. Pumps and sprayers (except rotary pumps) 2 8 7 4 21 15 3 7 2 2 83 24 8 20 9 4 14 25 50 50 50 51 51 51 39 28 59 45 54 5 4M 5 52 7 51 51 Railway* and tramways Honds and ways, road-water-ing Seed-dressing, chaff-cutting, and thre.-hing Seed-sowers .. .. Sewing and knitting Sheep and cattle (including Veterinary appliances) Sheep shearing and clipping Shop and hotel fittings Stationery and paper 14 18 18 51 8 5 25 9 7 17 13 7 2G 52 52 52 7 28 17 45 6 It 28 9 11 27 10 14 48 52 59 52 24 13 21 45 Fencing (strainers) Fibre-dressing (including ropemaking) Filters Fire alarms, escapes, ladders, a> d extinguishers Food Furnaoes and kilns (including smoke-consumers) Furniture and uoholstery, desks, blinds, curtains, &c. 27 9 44 ■21 16 59 Iβ 18 70 45 15 45 Telephony and telegraphy (including phonographs) Tobacco.. 13 15 23 5:3 4 7 5 53 3 82 11 15 0 19 16 4(1 Valves and cocks Vehicles „ • (velocipedes) Ventilating .. 13 41 57 9 19 53 45 9 18 48 45 6 52 58 58 54 10 20 18 22 6 25 16 46 46 r>c> 51 16 Washing and cleansing Water-supplying Wearing-apparel .. Wools and hides 85 3 83 8 24 9 44 12 20 7 57 9 54 54 54 54 Gas-manufacture for lighting, heating, or power purposes 38 37 29 47 Miscellaneous inventions not in other classes, as india rubber manufacture, fish ing appliances, &o. 6 18 10 54 Harness (including horse,&c, ooveih) IS 29 80 47 Note.—Owing to some invei actual number of applications rec iition« beiiic cl ;eived. iRaiflert under iorc than one heading, the figured nil total rathe: more t inn the


J.—Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910.

K.—Designs.—Table showing Number of Applications in each of the Fourteen Classes to the end of 1907, and in the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910 respectively.


1908. 1909. j 1910. 1908. 1909. 1910. New Zealand 328 335 307 New South Walts 32 41 r,s Argentina 1 Norway I a Austria .. 1 7 1 Portugal i Belgium Queensland 1 Canada .. 3 2 4 Bu3sia 1 Cape Colony 2 South Australia 1 2 Ceylon .. 3 1 Spain 18 Cuba .. 1 2 Straits Settlements 1 Egypt .. 1 Sweden 2 2 France .. 16 20 4 Switzerland 2 8 Germany •27 89 15 Tahiti 1 Greeoe .. 1 .. Transvaal 1 Holland 3 5 2G United Kingdom 227 192 250 India 2 1 United States .. 40 45 65 Italy .. 1 1 1 Victoria 32 37 39 Mexico .. a Western Australia 1 1 Note. —A few applications were recei total more than th» actual number of app iyed fr< tlieatioi mi persons givii is reneiviid. ig addresses in two or more oonntrios; tin figures will tl icrefor*

n.—in. iu J. —Number of Applications for Registration of Trad*) Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910. 1908. 1909. j 1910. 1908. 11)09. 1910. New Zealand 328 335 307 New South Walts 32 41 58 Argentina 1 Norway I 2 Austria .. 1 7 1 Portugal 1 Belgium Queensland 1 Canada .. 3 2 4 Bu3sia 1 Cape Colony 2 South Australia 1 2 Ceylon .. 3 1 Spain 18 Cuba .. 1 2 Straits Settlements 1 Egypt .. 1 Sweden 2 2 France .. 16 20 4 Switzerland 2 8 Germany •27 89 15 Tahiti 1 Greeoe .. 1 I .. Transvaal 1 Holland 8 5 2G United Kingdom 227 192 250 India .. 2 1 United States .. 40 45 65 Italy .. 1 1 1 Victoria 32 37 39 Mexico .. 2 Western Australia 1 1 Note. —A few applications were received from persons giving addresses in two ov more eountrioR; the figures will therefore total more than th« actual number of applications reoeivtsrl. K.—Designs.—Table showing Number of Applications in each of the Fourteen Classes to the end of 1907, and in the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910 respectively. Number of Applications. Class. Goods. i 1890 to the End of 1907. Goods. 1908. 1!K)9. 1910. 1 2 3 4 5 6 : 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Articles made of— Metal (except those in Class 2) .. .. 139 Jewellery .. .. .. .. .. 34 Wood, boue, ivory, papier-mache, &c. .. " .. 77 Glass, earthenware, porcelain, bricks, tiles, and cement 14 Paper (except hangings) .. .. .. .. 55 Leather (including bookbinding) .. .. .. 2 Paperhangings Carpets, rugs, floor-cloths, &c. .. .. .. 2 Lace, hosiery Millinery and wearing-apparel (including boots, &c.).. 34 Ornamental needlework on muslin and other fabrics Goods not in other classes .. .. .. 10 Printed or woven designs on textile piece-goods .. 2 „ handkerchiefs and shawls Total .. .. .. .. .. 369 16 1 52 3 i 5 J 79 13 1 14 2 9 1 8 1 2 51 - — 26 8 8 2 3 1 ,3 46 369 79 51 16 Grand total—1890 to end of 1910 545 545


L.—Number of Applications to register Trade Marks in the Fifty Different Classes, in each of the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910.


j.—Numbhb of Applications to register Trade Marks in the Fifty Different Classes, in eacl of the Years 1908, 1909, and 1910. JlasBes. ' Classification of Goods. ' 1908. ! 1909. 1910. 1 Chemioal substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, I 22 I 19 56 and anti-corrosives •2 Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary 21 27 31 purposes i Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy .. .. I 49 I 45 52 4 Raw or partly prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufac- 7 7 4 tures not included in other classes i Unwrought and partly wrought metals used in manufacture .. .. 10 25 16 6 Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural 21 22 25 machines included in Class 7 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery .. ..44 0 8 Philosophical instrument", scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes; 1 10 j 11 15 instruments and apparatus for teaching 0 Musical instruments .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 . . 4 10 Horological instruments .. .. .. .. .. ..39 6 11 Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or curative .. 3 4 purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals 12 Cutlery and edge-tools .. .. .. .. .. 11 8 'J 13 Metal goods not included in other classes .. .. .. 30 24 26 14 Goods of precious metals (inoluding alumiuium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &c.) and 11 2 10 jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery 15 Glass .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 : 5 ! 1 16 i Porcelain and earthenware .. .. .. .. .. ..51 2 17 Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration .. 2 5 ' 5 18 Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances .. .. ..10 8 6 19 Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 .. .. .. 5 1 20 Explosive substances .. .. .. .. .. .. 362 21 Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments .. .. .. 1 .. 1 22 Carriages .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I 10 8 22 23 Cotton j am and thread .. .. .. .. .. ..4 .. 2 24 i Cotton piece-goods of all kinds .. .. .. .. ..14 8 9 25 J Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 .. .. .. ..1 4 1 26 I Linen and hemp yarn and thread .. .. .. .. .... 3:1 27 Linen and hemp piece-goods .. .. .. .. .. ..1 3 1 28 Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 .. .. .. 1 29 Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 30 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 1 31 Silk piece-goods .. .. .. .. .. .. ..3 8 2 32 Other i-ilk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 .. .. .. .... 33 Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair .. .. .. .. .... 1 34 j Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair .. .. .. .,2 8 8 35 Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 ... 3 36 I Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth .. .. .. .. ■', I 5 1 2 37 J Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not included in j 4 5 10 other classes 38 Articles of clothing .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 50 59 39 Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding .. .. 23 29 27 40 Goods manufactured from indiarubber and gutta-percha not included in other classes 12 ■ 12 23 41 Furniture and upholstery .. .. .. .. .. ..2 32 42 j Substances used as food or ingredients in food .. .. .. .. 130 122 12S 43 Fermented liquors and spirits.. .. .. .. .. 25 < 42 25 44 Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger-beer .. .. 11 : 10 9 45 Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured .. .. 31 22 23 46 Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes .. " .. .. .. I 2 2 2 17 Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubrioating oils; j 41 47 77 matches ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes 18 Perfumery (including toilet artioles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and per- 27 32 22 fumed soap It) Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other olasses .. .. 7 8 1 50 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 55 79




[A dagger (t) indicates that an application has been made for a prior date in accordance with the International and Intercolonial Arrangement*.!

Abbot, G., Havelock North, New Zealand ; hinge ; 27502, Ist April. Abbot, H. C, and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; folding bedding ; 27606, 21st April. Abbot, H. C., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; bedstead ; 28561, 10th October. Aokland, E. W., Dunedin, New Zealand ; electrical heater and cooker ; 27571, 15th April. Adams, H., and another, Edendale, New Zealand ; milkingappliance ; 27532, 9th April. Adams, W. L., Tokomaru, New Zealand; flax-catcher; 28873, 14th December. Adamson, H. J. G., Hastings, New Zealand ; pot, &c, lid ; 27143, 12th January. Aerogen Gas Company (see P. VV. 0. Boeckem). Agnew, A. R., Auckland, New Zealand; spouting-machine; 28371, Ist September. Agnew, J. S., Dunedin, Now Zealand ; tea-strainer ; 27387, 2nd March. Ahrens, 0., Hamburg, Germany; meat-preserving process; 281711, 30th July. Aktiebolaget Baltic, Sodertelge, Sweden ; centrifugal liquid apparatus ; (J. V. M. Risberg); 28350, 30th August. Alcorn, M., Sydney, New South Wales; food and water heater; 27506, 31st March. Alexander, A. M-, Beverly, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 27377). Alexander, L. W., and another, Auckland, New Zealand: non-refillablc bottle ; 27434, 12th March. Alexander, L. W., Auckland, New Zealand; water-tap fittings ; 27904, 14th June. Alexander, L. W.. Auckland, New Zealand; blotting-paper holder ; 28638, 25th October. Alexander, L. W., and another, Auckland, Now Zealand; non-refillable bottle ; 28553, sth October. Alexander, L. W., and anothei, Auckland, New Zealand ; non-refillable bottle ; 28900, 17th December. Allan, A. A., Esher, England ; clothes airer and drier ; 27864, 10th July, 1909.f Allan, E. A., Auckland, New Zealand ; basket-attachment to saddle ; 28443, 16th September. Allan, G. W., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand; telephone-transmitter attachment; 27650, 28th April. Allcock, W. J., Wellington, New Zealand; coaling-hook; 28328, 24th August. Allen, G. F., Dunedin, New Zealand ; advertising show-card ; 28340, 26th August. Allen, G. M., Euroa, Victoria; perishable-produce preservation ; 27770, 24th May. Allen, T. G., London, England ; acetylene-generator; 28679, 4th November. Allen, W. A., and another, Hastings, New Zealand ; venetianblind ; 28770, 23rd November. Allott, H., To Akatea, New Zealand ; fencing-post ventilator; 28372, Ist September. Almond, W. J. C, and another, Alberton, South Australia; brake-mechanism ; 27855, 9th June. American Automatic Telephone Company, Sew York, United States America ; telephone system ; (0. L. Goodrum); 27259, sth February. American Automatic Telephone Company, New York, United States America ; telephone exchange ; (C. L. Goodrum); 27976, 24th June. American Box Ball Company, Indianapolis, United States America ; amusement apparatus ; (J. I. Holcomb, D. H. Talbert, C. Shaw, and J. F. Hoke, jun.); 27519, 2nd April. Andersen, S. P., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; airpump ; 27664, 2nd May. Anderson, A. C, Stirling Point, New Zealand ; ear-marker; 28197, 3rd August. Anderson, 8., Timaru, New Zealand ; boot-uppers ; 27336, 21st February. Anderson, G. E., Stockholm, Sweden ; milking-apparatus; 27551, 13th April. Andrews, P., Mercer, New Zealand ; applying liquid paint: 27482, 30th March. Andrews, F., Mercer, New Zealand; coating - composition ; 27483, 30th March. Andrews, P., Mercer, New Zealand; ear-marking device; 27858, 9th June. Andrews, F., Mercer, New Zealand; ear-marker; 28214, 3rd August. Andrews, F., Mercer, New Zealand; curtain-rod; 28571, 11th October. Andrews, F., Mercer, New Zealand; hat-fastener; 28619, 21st Octobu.

Andrews, P., Mercer, New Zealand; hair-pin; 28911. 19th December. Andrews, W., and others, ; seed-oleaner cylinder; 28211, (tli August. Anglim, •)., and another. Matamau, New Zealand : paint : 28162. 28th July. Anglim, T., and another, Matamau, New Zealand : paint : 28162, 28th -Inly. Anne of Lowenstein Wcrtheiin, London, England; selfLevelling bunk, &c. ; 20th September. Anstis, J., Wairoa, New Zealand; fencing-post; 27960, 21th June. Arbuckle, A. J., Belgravia, Transvaal : means Eor introducing and distributing mixtures of snlids and liquids; 27270. 9th February. Arbuckle, A. ■'.. Belgravia, Transvaal; treatment, of oreproducts ; 27335, 21st February. Arbuckle, A. J., Belgravia, Transvaal : ore-treatment ; 27524. 71 li April. Arbuckle, A. ■!., Belgravia, Transvaal; vats, tanks. &c, for m parating solids from liquids : 27797. 30th May. Arco (sir Von Arco). Ardelt, E., ami Wetzler, A. 1.. German! : pipe-moulding l.ino; 28640, 27th October, trong, E., Enfield, England; Ble, rasp, &o. ; 27302, JSth Fel ruary, 1909.f Vrmstrong, F. \V.. Wellington, .New Zealand; steam-hoist; 28190. 2nd Aug) Arnaboldi, J., Devonport, New Zealand; boot heel and toe tip ; 28793, 26th November. .\iiiuit. K. I'".. Manhattan, United States America ; poweroperated hammers; 28149, 26th July. Aronsen, I'. A.. Hoboken, United stales America (see H. Turner, No. 28299). Arrowsmith, 15. L., and another. Christchurch, .New Zealand ; wool-press strainer; 27500, 31st March. Arthur, P.., Auckland, New Zealand : internal-combustion engine; 28100, 25th July. Arthus, J. A., and others. Brisbane, Queensland ; pipe and connection for gas, &c. ; 28353. 6th November, 1909.f Ash. M. T-. Chicago, United Stales America (see National Car Advertising Company, No. 27964). Ashbey, A.. Melbourne. Viotoria ; boot-heel ; 2N207, 4th Aug i Ashcroft, E. A.. Lot land, ami Sogn, .Norway; metallic amide. &c. ; 28647. Ith January.J Ashton, 0., Swampsoott, United states America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28700). Ashworth, P., ami another. Beverly, United States America (see United Shoo Machinery Company, No. 28106). Ashworth. H.. Wellington, Nt « Zealand : tram-car signal : 27432, 16th March. Ashworth, H., Wellington. New Zealand; tram-car, >v< .. time-table: 28478. 2?rd September. Aston, E. A. V., and another, Kiccarton, New Zealand ; bicycle-saddle cushion ; 28913, 20th December. Aston, J., and another. Footscray, Victoria: furnace airbridge; 27711, 13th September, 1909.f Aston. W., and another, Footscray, Victoria: furnace siiibridge; 27711, 13th September, 1909.t Aston. \V. 1., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand: harness; 28183, 30th July. Aston, W. 1., ami another, fticcarton, New Zealand : bicycle lie cushion ; 28913,"20th December. Atkinson, H. A., and others. Fitzroy, Viotorii cot attachment to bed ; 27374, 2nd March. Attenborough, W. A.. Melbourne, Victoria; ship-steering gear and alarm; 28123, 12th July. August, H., Invercargill, .New Zealand; tnotor-oar-wheel luhe : 27620, 21st April. August, 11.. Invercargill, New Zealand; commode; 28892, 13th December. Austin, E. C, Wanganui, New Zealand; bioyole-pump; 28704. 9th November. Austin, E. t'.. Wellington, New Zealand; tire-pump valve: 28815, Ist December. Automatic Fire-escape Company, Limited, ami another, London, England ; crane ; 28148, 26th July. Bagnall, H. N., Auckland, New Zealand ; dish-washer; 28778, 22nd November. Bailey, G. H., Major's Creek, New South Wales; glove: 28474, 22nd September. Bailey, J. N., Stretford, England; pneumatic-tire-leakage prevention: 27226, I2th February. 1909.f




Bailie, J., and another, Blenheim, New Zealand ; acetylene generator and holder ; 28090, 15th August. Bain, J., Waipahi, New Zealand ; attaching draught to horsehoe ; 27220, 28th January. Bain, R., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand ; washingfluid ; 28654, 31st October. Bam, W., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand ; washingfluid ; 28654, 31st October. Baker, A. G., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand : friction clutch ; 27706, 7th May. Baker, P., and others, Melbourne, Victoria; deck-chair; 27357, 24th February. Baker, G. S., London,' England : oven ; 27582, 17th July, 1909.f Baker, G. W., Sydney, New South Wales: bi-focal glasses; 28199, 3rd August. Baldwin, E. S., Wellington, New Zealand ; automatic firearm ; (C. H. A. F. L. Ross) ; 27375, 2nd March. Baldwin. E. S., Wellington, New Zealand : bullet ; (C. H. A. P. L. Ross) ; 27376, 2nd March. Baldwin, E. S., Wellington, New Zealand : firearm : ((.'. H. A. F. L. Ross) ; 28576, 13th October. Baldwin, E. S., Wellington, New Zealand ; air-gas apparatus; (F. W. 0. Bocckom) ; 28057, 12th July. Balfour, J. VV*., and others. Victoria. Canada : railway-spike : 28375, 3rd September. Balfour Patents, Limited, and another, Victoria, Canada; railway-spike ; 28375, 3rd September. Balfour, T., Onga Onga, Now Zealand; potato-planter; 28530, 4th October. Ballantyne, R., and others, Glasgow, Scotland; branchscr\ ice-connection titting ; 27728, 18th September, 1909. f Ballinger, T., and others. Wellington, Now Zealand : hot-water-tank connection ; 27892, 14th June. Balsillie, J. G., and others, London, England; signal-trans-mitter, &c. ; 28538, 7th October. Bandfield, W. E., Wolverhampton, England ; attaching telegraph-wires to insulators ; 27170, 18th January. Bank, E. C., Berkely, United States America : earth-scoop; 27169, 18th January. Banks, L., and another, Auckland. New Zealand ; collapsible box ; 27531 ; Bth April. Banon, E. J., Auckland, New Zealand ; hat-pin. Has. ; 28660, 31st October. Bansart, L., Jolimont. Belgium; coke, furnace ; 27720, 12th May. Barham, G. R., and another, London. England : reinforced leaded lights ; 28222, 16th September, 1909. t Barker, H. L., Ashburton, New Zealand ; motor-cycle-belt drum ; 28622, 24th October. Barlow, E. R., Milson's Point. New South Wales ; windmill ; 28573, 13th October. Barnes, H., and another. Church. England (see A. Holden, No. 28923). Barnes, L. J., and another, Napier, New Zealand : Hying. &(•., machine ; 27204, 20th January. Burnett, J., and another, Auckland. New Zealand : wovi nwire mattress ; 28167, 27th July. Barnewell, N., Townsville, Queensland; scrub-destroyer; 27548, 13th April. Barnewell, N., 174 mile Q.V.R., Queensland : railway-signal ; 28098, 11th October, 1909-t Barraclough, M., Hawera, New Zealand: borse-controller; 27250, 4th February. Barratt, W., and another, Muswell Hill. England; aerating liquids ; 27917, 28th Juno, 1909.t Barrett, A. N., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; operating tramway-points ; 27117, sth January. Barrymore, A. R., Adelaide, South Australia ; trolly-wheel; (P. H. Smith and F. A. Melters); 28877, 16th December. Bartlett, S., Dunedin, New Zealand ; wrapper for periodicals, &c. ; 28273, 15th August. Baskiville, W. J., Auckland, New Zealand : harbour-channel sweeper; 27508, 4th April. Haley, G. W., ami another, Auckland, New Zealand; milking-machine ; 28938, 31st December. Bastin, T., and another, Palmerston North, New Zealand; rut-filler and shingle-adjuster; 28341, 26th August. Bate, J., and others. Auckland, New Zealand; goldextractor, &c. ; 27829, 2ml June. Bates, A., Leicester, England (see United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 27640, 28280, 28281, 28386, 28708, 28930). Bates, J. W., Hastings, New Zealand ; evaporator and fumigator; 28514, 29th September. Batev, J. F., Stratford, New Zealand ; pasteurizer and cooler ; 28379, sth September. Bauert, W. H., Forbes, New South Wales; railway-signal; 28850, Bth December. Baugh (seo de Baugh). Baumgaertner, F., Sydney, New South Wales; vehiclelocomotion recorder ; 27279, 10th February.

Baxter, W. H.. South Yarra, Victoria; scaffold-bracket: 27813, Ist June. Baylis, G. H., Wellington, New Zealand; hair-pad; 28578. 13th October. Beagley, F., and another, Kilbirnie, New Zealand; reinforcedbuilding construction ; 27687, sth May. Beale, W. H., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; hosiery-knitting machine ; 27157, 13th January. Beales, J. A., and another, Kogarah, New South Wales: signal - displaying apparatus; (J. G. Deeble); 2727.\ 10th February. Beamish, W., Hastings, New Zealand ; closet-flush : 28373. Ist September. Beaney, H., Auckland, Now Zealand (see Marks High-speed Reversible Turbine Company, Limited, No. 28118). Beard. W. A., London, England ; rotary pump and engine ; 28417, 21st December, 1909. t Beattic, S., Porangahau, New Zealand : horse-cover ; 27573. 16th April. Heaven. A. W.. am! others, Christchurch, New Zealand; seed-cleaner cylinder ; 28211, 4th August. Bedell. W., Christchurch. New Zealand: swimming-teacher; 27513. 4th April. Bedford, F., and another. Sleaford, England : catalytic synthesis of methane ; 28097, 21st July, 19094 Beeman, M. M.. Meadville, United Slates America (sec C. 0. Coates, No. 28849). Begg, K. S., Dunedin. New Zealand ; spraying and damping appliance ; 27565, 13th April. 8011, A. .1.. Geraldine, New Zealand: parcel-attachment to cycle ; 27703, 7th May. Bell. 0. R., and another, Tuakau, New Zealand ; alcoholproduction from flax ; 27702, sth May. Bell. F. J. T., and another, Bury. England ; sewing-machine : 28030. sth July. Bell, G. G, Kensington. England; water, &c. heater; 27300, 15th February. Bell Gas-saver Company, Limited. London, England; gas. pressure regulating; (H. M. Caldwell and T. Smith); 27156, 13th January. Bell. H. C, and another, Padiham, England ; sewing-machine ; 28030. 6th July. Bell, H. D., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand ; aeroplane ; 28191, 2ml August. Bell, H. N.. Rosebrook, Victoria; milk. &c., treatment : 27544 ; 9th April. Bell, S. E., Wangaratta, Victoria; kettle; 27495, Ist April. Bell, W. M., and another, Auckland. New Zealand ; ladderbracket; 28041, 4th July. Bellve, J., and another. Dunedin. New Zealand ; tramwaytrack point; 28528, 3rd October. Benham, E. 8., New London, United States America (see Hydrocarbon Converter Company, No. 27228). Bennett, A. 8., Walkerville, South Australia; fence posts and dropper ; 27949, 23rd June. Bennett, G. S., San Francisco, United States America (see Vacuum Specialty Manufacturing Company, No. 27777). Benson, R. S., and others, Durham, England ; coal-washing method ; 28736, 15th November. Benson, R. S., and others, Durham, England ; coal-washing machine ; 28929, 29th December. Benton, W. P., and another. Tirau, New Zealand: rabbittrap ; 28342, 29th August. Benz, P. J. F., Batavia, Java (see T. Miller, No. 28053). Berg, J. A., Christchurch, Now Zealand ; gig-frame ; 28136, 22nd July. Berkel (see Van Berkel). Berrigan, J. J., Stockholm, Sweden : expression <jf liquids from solids ; 28198, 3rd August. Berry, E. D., Palmerston North. New Zealand : steamexhaust utilizing ; 27902, 14th June. Berry, H., and another. Leeds. England : internal-combustion-engine valve, &c ; 28075, 13th Jul}'. Berry. J. C, Harrow. England; niotor-vehicle-tire treadband ; 28607, 19th October, 1909. t Berrynian, J., Levin, New Zealand; beer, &e.. dispensing; 27141, Uth January. Bertinshaw, G. J., Wellington, .New Zealand ; ferro-ooncrete poke ; 27733, Uth May. Bertinshaw. G. J., and others, Wellington, New Zealand ; postal pillar-box ; 28441, 16th September. Bertrand, F. E., Swampscott, United States America (sec United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28107). Bickerton, H. L., Radles, England; turbine-pump, &c. ; 27936, 21st June. Bicknell, C. A., Grevtown, New Zealand (see W. W. Bicknoll, No. 27292). Bicknell, W. W., Greytown, New Zealand ; signalling-appa-ratus ; (C. A. Bicknell); 27292, 14th February. Bidwcll, W. E., and others, Feathciston, Now Zealand; electric-alarm system ; 27713, Uth May.



Billows, A. J., Melbourne. Victoria; jar, &c. tap; 28847, 7th December. Bilsland, A., Katikati. New Zealand; oil-feeder: 28621.22nd October. Bingham (sec De Bingham). Bird, A. J., and another. Wanganui, New Zealand : hoot heel and ventilator; 27297, 15th February. Bird. A. L.. and others. Christchurch, New Zealand: seedcleaner cylinder: 28211, 4th August. Bird. C. E., Sydney. New South Wales: cavity-wall tie; 27635. 27th April.' Birks. E. N., London. England (sc, G. F. Birks, No. 28800). Birks. G. F.. Loudon, England; can-closure; (E. N. Birks): 28800, 28th November. Blair. M.. jiui.. Auokland, New Zealand : concrete structure: 27624, 26th April. Blair-Mason. .1.. ami oihci... Dunedin, .New. Zealand : slidingdoor: 272(1(1. 24th January. Blake. E. W., Croydon, England; gas - controller, Jtc.; 27632. 27th April.' Bland. H. \\\. ami another, Melbourne, Victoria; ielfheating tool; 28011, 30th Jurn . Blocklev. .1. -1.. Devonport, New Zealand; oloset-flush; 28355. 29th August. Boeckeni. F. W. ().. " Aerogen Gas Company," London. England (see E. S. Baldwin.' No. 28057). Bohm. H. S.. ami another. Melbourne. Victoria; ore-treat-ment : 2733H. 18th February. 8011, P., and another. Melbourne-. Victoria: portable shear-ing-machine : 28038. ot'i December, 1909.f Bomborn, 8., Berlin, Germany (see Turbon Patent Fan Company, Limited. No. 28078).' Boorne, W. H.. Forest Hill. England; ml.her. \-c. stamp: 27542. I2lh Vpril. Booth, C. S.. Christchurch, New Zealand : washing-machine : 28015, 30th June Booth. C. S., Christchurch. .New Zealand; Bax-stripper; 28408, 9th September. Borden. W. H.. Winchester. United Stiles America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28278). Boulogne, 8.. Batavia, -lava (see 'I'. Miller. .No. 28194). Boulter. A. H.. ami others, Subiaco, Western Australia; spark-arrester; 27311, Kith February. Bourbean, 0. A.. Helensville, New Zealand: oombined envelope and letter-paper; 2Sii2n. 22ml October. Bowick, R. C, Hunterville, New Zealand : lifting and hoi.line bar; 2ssn:>. Ist Dec.-mher. Bowron. G. L.. Christchurch, New Zealand : method ..i ignition: 27274,9th February. Boyce, F. T.. and another. Sydenham, New Zealand ; meat, &c., cover; 28347, 29th August. Boyce, W. L.. Eulabil, New South Wales; enclosun for cattle : 28915, sth May.t Boyd, F. A., Perth, Western Australia; gramophone-horn; 28317. 23rd August. Boyle, 'I'. '!'.. and another. Sydney, New South Wales: meat. 4c., preservation ; 27680. 4th May. Bradley, A. E., and another. Christchurch, New; displaying designs lor stained-glass windows: 28322. 24th Align a. Bradley, 11. <■■• and another, Christchurch, New Zealand; displaying designs for Btained-glass windows; 28322. 24th August. Brandes. A., and another, Hanover. Germany; treatment of li.piid ; 27429, 15th March. Brandes. A., and another. Hanover. Germany; steam-generator-inorustation prevention ; 27454, 22ml March. Brandes, A., and another. Hanover, Germany; liquid-treat-ment; 28762, 23rd November. Bray, G. W.. Footscray, Victoria: fruit-case; 27856, 9th June. Brennan, L.. Gillingham, England; single-track vehicle; 27518. Uth April. Bressey, E. P., Putaruru, New Zealand: marine-engine-racing prevention ; 27390, sth March. Bressey, E. F.. Auckland. New Zealand ; marine-engine-racing preventer; 28897. 17th December. Brett, R. E., Waiinaiiku. New Zealand : orrery : 27560. 12th April. Briggs, 'I'.. Leicester, England (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28279). Brigham, D., Auckland, New Zealand ; preventing tames slipping oIT horse-collars ; 27190, 19th January. Bristow, C, Christchurch, New Zealand ; boot-sole. &c., wearing-surface ; 28652, 31st October. Bristow, C., Christchurch, New Zealand (sec Imperial Cash Register Company, Limited, No. 28889). Britton, J., and another, Melbourne, Victoria ; rope-coupler ; 28084, sth August, 1909.f

British Radio Telegraph and Telephone Company, Limited. and another, London. England ; signal-transmitter. &e. : 28538, 7th October. 1909.f Broad, F.. Sydney. New South Wales: garment-hanger; 28019, 2nd July.' Brock, E.. Christohurch, .New Zealand ; dredge ; 27*42, Bth June. Brock. M.. Boston, United States America (sec United Shoe .Machinery Company, Nos. 28534. 28574, 28843). Brock. M., Boston, United States America; heel-lasting machine : 28676, 16th October. I'.HMl.t Brooke. A. 1... and another. Mortlake, England; alloys; 28180. 30th July. Broom. <;.. Christchurch, New Zealand: bed-rest; 27178. 19th January. Broomby, .1. J., and another, Launceston, Tasmania : thresh-ing-machine : 28926, 22nd December. Broomhall, F. C, Rotorua, .New Zealand: indicating-appa-ratus : 27*72. Itlth .Inn.-. Brotlvrs. E., Lynn, United State.-. America (sec United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 25625). Bio! i. H. t:.. San Jose. United States America (sec L.-B. Manufacturing Company, No. 28146). Broughton, E., Auckland. New Zealand : roller blind : 28832, 3rd December. Brown. I''.. Auckland, .New Zealand: Venetian-blind head: 277H'. 6th May. Brown. K. it., ami another, Oamaru, .New Zealand : motor; 27593. 15th April. Brown, J., Waihi. New Zealand; steel-rubber stud: 27545. I Ith April. Brown. ■!.. Auckland, New Zealand; tin ; 2523!>. Nth II si. Brown. J. E. C, Dunedin. New Zealand; explosive-engine; 28184, 30th July. Brown, -l. 11.. Leicester, England (see United Shoe Machinery Company. No. 28281). Brown. I'.. Seattle. United States America (see T. W. Parr, Nos. 28555, 28666). Brown. S. H. .1.. ami another, Foxton, New Zealand; tow conveyor and separator; 27139. I Ith January. Browne. E. EL, Clevedon, New Zealand: wire-strainer; 272ii1. Bth February. Browne. I''. G., Murrumbeenu, Victoria; bide, &c, treating apound ; 28004, 30th June. Browne, i:, ■... and another, Chicago, United States America ; pulverizer ; 27381. 2m! March. Browne. M. T., Armadale. Victoria; receiving, storing, and di livering cadi. &o. : 28403, Bth September. Browne. S. 1... Mangawai, New Zealand: horse-collar; 27658. 27th April Browne, 8. G., Mangawai, New Zealand: horse-saddle; 27659. 27th April. Bruce. •).. New Plymouth, New Zealand : tire-shrinking machine ; 27736, 13th May. .Bruce. .1.. Evans Flat, New Zealand : hydraulic-nozzle elevator : 2.siils. 29th October. Bruce. .!.. and another. Wakefield, New Zealand : horsecover; 28748, 17th November. Bruno, A,.. Leongatha, Victoria; bedstead-frame; 2*715. loth November. Brydon, G., Christchurch, .New Zealand; machine-sheep-il ; 28725. LOth November. Buokminster, I. '.. Beverly, United States America; bootpress : 27951. 28th June, 1909. f Budd, A.. Papatoetoe, New Zealand : bat-ventilation : 27191. llltii tt, 11. 8., ami another, London, England (see Ovex Fuel Company. Limited, No. 28664 . Buhmann, W., Dunedin, New Zealand : safety-pin : 27725 Uth May. Buhmann, W.. Dunedin, New Zealand; lire-screen: 2i726. Uth May. Buhmann, W., Dunedin. New Zealand : brooch, Ac., fasten ing ; 27782, 23rd May. Bulger, J. K., San Francisco. United States America : lockjoint coupling: 27801. 28th May. Bullock, C. A. H.. and another, London, England : stampsupplying, etc.. machine • 28628. 25th October. Unite. .1.. and another. Christchurch, New Zealand : tunnelventilation : 27439. 16th M Bulte, J., and another. Christohuroh, New Zealand ; motor lamp ; 27941, 21st June. Burohard, A. H.. Martinsburg, United States America (see 10. J. Roesoh, No. 28305). Burgess. J., and another, Cheltenham, Victoria; highpressure fdter; 28382, 6th September, 1909. f Burgess, J. N. D., Dunedin, New Zealand; wash-boiler discharge; 28757. 17th November.





Burgess, .1. N. D., Dunedin, New Zealand: wash-boiler discharge; 27327, 17th February. Burgess, \V., Hawera, New Zealand : ear-marking applianci ; 27568, 18th April. Burgess, W., Hawera, New Zealand; hat-pin; 27648. 28th April. Burgess, W. L. H., Auckland. New Zealand ; venetian-blind ; 28692, 7th November. Bnrk. W. .1.. Dunedin. New Zealand: curtain-pole lifter; 27*23, 2nd June. Burman, E. S.. and another. Melbourne, Victoria; rail milling and grinding machine: 28471, 22nd September. Burn. J. IL, l'etonc. New Zealand; post-marking machine: 27719, Ist June. Burn. .1. H.. Petone, New Zealand: table tor post-offices; 27*90, 14th June. Burn, R. l'etonc. New Zealand ; telegraph-form, Ac. folding machine : 27656. 29th April Burn, R., Petone, New Zealand; mail-bag seal: 28658. Ist November. Burness, W.. Timaru, New Zealand; potato-grader; 27995. 27th June. Burnham, A., Sydney. New South Wah-: stone-collector; 28321. 24th August. Burns. J. E., Clu istchurch. .New Zealand; fender; 27447. 21st .March. Burns. J. E., Christohuroh, New Zealand : fire-guard ; 27795. 311th May. Burrcll. CM., Wanganui, New Zealand : hath : 288U3. Kith December. Burrows. E. H., Cbiltern, Viotorii : trap-door guard ; 2*225. 9th August. Burt. E., Estado, Mexico; filtration process; 27505, 31st March. Burt. H.. and others. Dunedin, New Zealand ; marine. iVc. engine governor ; 27697, 6th May. Burt, H.. ami others. Wellington. New Zealand; marine-fine-racing preventer; 2*151. 26th July. Burton. G. L.. Christchurch. New Zealand; acetylene-gene-rator : 271u7. 13th .1. nuary. Burton. Q. L, Christchurch, New Zealand; acetylene-gene-rator : 2*989. Uth .Inly. Bllsell. .1. X.. Boston. United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 277841. Buss. O. C., Lc Havre, France (see Societc Anonyme pour ['Exploitation des Precedes Westinghouse-Leblanc, No. 27988.) Butter's Patent Vacuum Filter Company, Virginia City. United States America: metallurgical filter; (C. G. Patterson); 27714. llth May. Butterwortb, A. M.. Papakura, New Zealand: concretemould : 28210, 4th August. Butterwortb, .1. W., Auckland. New Zeal ml (see W. 'I'. Cowperthwaite, No. 28037). Byford, A., Grassmere, New Zealand: wire-netting fence; '28582, 14(1] October. Cairncross, .1., and others, Ekctahiine. N'< w Zealand : roofing : 28454, 19th September. Cairns. .1. ('.. Havelock. New Zealand: aeroplane; 27267. Bth February. Caldwell. J. 1)., and others. Brisbane, Queensland ; pipe ami connection lor gas. &<•. : 2*353, sth November, 1909.f Caldwell. H. M.. and another. Sydney. New South Wales (sei Bell Gas-saver Company, Limited, No. 27156). Callinan. A. J., Melbourne, Victoria : spinning-top; (11. Campbell) ; 2*9*3. Uth July. 1909.f Cambridge, A. S.. Christchurch. New Zealand : gas-generator, &C, : 27525, 7th April. Cameron, A. .1.. Papakaio, New Zealand : sheep-dip race ; 2*shi. 29th September. Cameron, A., and another. Dunedin, New Zealand: sash: 28588, Uth October. Cameron. J. M.. Dunedin, New Zealand; window hanging j ami casement-fitting ; 28524. 30th September. Cameron. W. 8.. and another. Palmerston North. New Zealand ; milking-machine : 28680, 4th November. Campbell, A., and others. Hawera. New Zealand : llax-treat-ment : 2*327. 24th August. Campbell, H.. Melbourne, Victoria A. -I. Callinan, No. 28(183). Cannell, J. E. P., Timaru. New Zealand; safety-catch for tram-trucks; 27288. llth February. Captain Motor Wheel Company. Limited. Bristol, England; wheel-rim; (A. P. Gunstone); 2*549; 4th October. {.'ardor, J., Auckland. New Zealand: watertight hoot: 28131, 19th July. Cardinet. A. D., Oakland, United States America; fountain brush ; 28685, sth November. Carmine, J. P., Westport, New Zealand: tea-infuser; \ 27111, 4th January.

Carmine, J. P.. Westport, New Zealand : automatic coupling : 27183, 20th January. ! Carr, W.. Blenheim, New Zealand: acetylene- producer; 27810, Ist June. Carrington, G., Maraekakaho, New Zealand: wire-strainer: 28603, 18th October. Carron, A.. Johannesburg, Transvaal : wood, canvas. &c, ireai, m nt : 28051, i Ith July. Carruthers, R., Levin. New Zealand : milk-can : 27242. 3rd February. Cartel-. R. T.. Carlton. Victoria; concentrator, Ac.: 28522. 29th September. Carter, W. H., jun., Wellington, .New Zealand: watercolourfinishing process; 28665, 2nd November. Casey, F.. Collingwood, Victoria; autogyral steam-engine; 27201, 25th January, 1909-t Casgrain, L. A., Beverly, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, Noe. 28707, 2*711). el . L. E., and another. Parnell, New Zealand: closetscat cover; 28786, 26th November. Cai .els. b. E., and .mother, Parnell, New Zealand: adver-tising-sign ; 28792. 28th November. Castle, F., and others. Wellington, New Zealand: electric alarm : 27713. 11(1. May. Catling, J. T.. Plaistow, England (see \\. W. Martin. No. 28854). Cat! . 11. M. and another, New STork, United States America ; lamp and reflector; 28*2*. 6th December. Caverhill, F. J. S.. Christchurch, New Zealand; sheep-shearing-machine-driving gear : 2779*. 30th May. Chafiey, il. F.. Christchurch, New Zealand: kettle; 28344, 2ml September. Chambers, R., Takapuna, New Zealand : swimming-teacher: 27530, 23rd June. Chambers, R., Takapuna, New Zealand: boat-slip: 2*6*B. 4th November. ( hapelle (see La Chapelle). Chapman. ('.. Dunedin, New Zealand; window and door ventilator: 25H95. 15th .Inly. Chapman. ('., Dunedin, .New Zealand: self-locking catch; 28156, 26th July. Chatterton, S.. Euerslie, New Zealand: cribbage and scoring means; 2*75*. 18th November. Chilton, E. •!., Masterton, New Zealand; water-closet Hush: 27393. 7th March. Chilton. E. J., Masterton, New Zealand; ball-cock valve; 275*5. 19th April. Chilton. E. -L. Masterton. New Zealand: closet-flush ; 2*59(1, 15th Octobi r. Chipman Limited, Sydney. New South Wales: lock-nut; (Grip Nut Company—D. 0. Ward); 27175, 19th January Chisholm, W. 8.. Charleston, United States America: pre. serving wood ; 27150. 16th February. L909.f Chowen, W.. Okato, New Zealand: leg - fastener; 27962, 24th June. Christian. A. R., Christchurch, New Zealand; convertible article of furniture ; 27234, 31st January. Christian, A. R.. and another, Christchurch, New Zealand: trolly-pole retriever; 272*4, 10th February. Christian, A. R.. anil another, Christchurch. New Zealand: lowering trolly-pole ; 27295. llth February. Christian. A. 11.. and another, Christchurch, New Zealand: trolly-pole retriever; 27499,24th March. Christian, A. R.. and another. Chi istchurch. New Zealand: trolly-pole retriever; 27344, 19th February. Christie, •!.. Dunedin. New Zealand; acetylene-generator fittings : 27758, 18th Max. Christophersen, <).. jun., Mangatere, New Zealand: liquidmeasure : 2*.",!Mi. isth October. Chromolyte Syndicate. Limited. Loudon. England (tee W. H. Waters, No'. 27906). Chubb, R. N.. Auckland. .New Zealand; envelope; 27149. Kith January). Clancy. .1. ('.. New York, United States America (see Clancy .Metal-. Process Company, No. 28572). Clancy .Metal- Process Company, New York, United static America: ore-treatment; (J. C. Clancy); 2*572. llth t Ictober. Clapcott, F. 8., Auckland, New Zealand; gate-latch-handle attachment ; 27*44, 6th June. Clapcott, P. 8., Auckland. New Zealand: gate - latch; 2*232. 10th August. Clapcott. F. 8., .Auckland. New Zealand; purse; 28262. 15th August. Clapcott, F. 8., Auckland. New Zealand; gate-fastening; 28152, 26th July. Clapham Gaslight Manufacturing and Agency Company, Limited, Auckland. New Zealand: gas - production ; (H. Clapham) ; 27865, Bth June. Clapham, H., Auckland, New Zealand (sec Clapham Gaslight Manufacturing and Agency Company, Limited. No. 27865).




Clark, E., Northcote, Victoria (see Motor-tiro Company, No. 27602). Clark, F., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand ; kettle ; 27564, 15th April. Clark, F., and others, Christchurch, New Zealand; ad-vertisement-displaying ; 27128, 10th January. Clark, G., Melbourne, Victoria (see A. H. Stanbrough, No. 28505). Clark, H. M., Auckland. New Zealand : ice-chest ; 27186. 19th January. Clark. .).. Waitahi, New Zealand (sec Laidlaw and Gray, Limited. No. 27355). Clark. W. E., Mexico. South America ; filtering process : 27850, 9th June. Clarke, W., Oamaru, New Zealand: sterilizing-apparatus; 28713, 10th November. Clarkson, F. W„ Kimbell, New Zealand: hat-pin: 28727, 11th November. Clarkson. W., Feilding, New Zealand : bioycle-pump attaoh-ing-clip; 27364, 28th February. Clausen, W., Timaru, Now Zealand: railway-collision preventer : 28206, 2nd August. Claydon, G., Woolston, New Zealand: flax-stripper; 28067, 13th July. Clayton, 0. W., Wanganui. New Zealand: rubber heel; 27435, Kith March. Olegg, A., and others, Christohuroh, New Zealand ; advertise-ment-displaying; 2712*. 10th January. Clegg, A., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand; kettle; 28401, Bth September. Clegg, ('.. Sookburn, New Zealand; vehicle wheel ; 27371. Ist Man h. Clegg, C. Sookburn, .New Zealand; kettle: 27:i*:>. Ith March. < legg, N., and another, Christchurch. New Zealand ; advert is. • ing-device; 27345, 21st February. Clement, J., and another, Paris, France; separating metallic particles; 2841*. Llth September. Clemesha, L., and another, Kereru, New Zealand: oval umbrella; 28122, 21st July. Cliff, F., Paparoa, New Zealand: wire-strainer; 28779.23rd November. Cliff, G. H., Albert Bark. Victoria; bath-trough, &c.; 28359, 31st August. Clifford, W. J., Toronto, Canada; rifle-sight; 27146, 12th January. Olimie. B. R., Christchurch, New Zealand; desiccation of milk; (Techno-Chemical Laboratories, Limited); 28156. 26th July. Climie, P. R., and others, Christchurch, New Zealand ; reproduction of drawings; 28168, 27th July. Climie, P. R., and others, Christchurch, New Zealand : reproduction of drawings; 28169, 27th .Inly. Cloudesley, W. J., and another, Christchurch. New Zealand ; strainer for wool-press ; 27500, 31st March. Cluett, G. E., Toko. New Zealand ; fonoing-dropper; 27762. 21st May. Clydesdale. W. C. S.. Dunedin, New Zealand: window-sash sustaining. 4c. ; 28730. Uth November. Crates. C. C.. and others. Christohurch, New Zealand: reproduction of drawings : 28168, 27th July. Coates, C. C, and others, Christchurch, New Zealand: reproduction of drawings; 2*169. 27th July. Coates, C. C, Christchurch. .New Zealand; wire stays for garments; (Spirella Company—M. M. Beeman); 28849, 6th December. Coatsworth, T. H., Dunedin, New Zealand ; grate-draught regulator ; 27929, 20th June. Cochrane, J. A.. Hamilton. New Zealand: solder; 28825, Ist December. Ooffino, A., Lisbon. Portugal; meat-softening, Ac: 28601, 18th October. Coghlan, 1).. Waikonini, New- Zealand: hat-pin-point protector; 28643, 27th October. Collier. A. T., St. Albans, England; flexible-material manufacture; 28563, 12th October. 1909.t Collier, M. S., Auckland. New Zealand : clothes-peg; 27772. 23rd May. Collier, M. S.. and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; adver-tising-medium and match-box; 28(155. 12th .Inly. Collier, M. S., and another, Auckland. New Zealand: timeindicator; 28056, 12th July. Collins, G. E., Pukehou, New Zealand; folding-steps; 27926. 20th June. Collins, S. J., Albert Park, Victoria; butter, &c. box; 28384, Bth March, 1909.t Collins, T., and another, Bainbridge, United States America ; speed gear ; 27924, 20th June. Colthurst, G. J.. Frankton, New Zealand : liquid shine; 27268, 7th February

Colwell, W. J. H., and another, Blenheim, New Zealand ; acetylene generator and holder ; 28090, 15th August. Colombier (see De Colombier). Compagnio Francaiso des Produits Lactes Soci6t6 Anonyme, Paris, France; obtaining vinegar from whey; (Lamnuroux) ; 27391. 4th March. Compton, -I. W., Pahiatua, New Zealand; horse-holder; 28818, 3rd December. Comrie, .1. Y, M., Runciman. New Zealand : seed. &c., sower ; 28651. :'.lst (ictober. Connor, M. J., and another. Auckland. .New Zealand : gold extracting battery : 27839, 6th .lime. Connor, M. J., and another. Auckland. New Zealand; gold extraction; 28298. 19th August. Connor. M. .1.. and other.-. Auckland. New Zealand: l'.'M separator: 27829, 2nd June. Cook, J., and another, Temuka, New Zealand : oven-slide holder and stand ; 27709, 7th May. Cook. J. N., Sydney. New South Wales ; tobacco-pipe attachment; 27114, sth January. Cook, P. W., Sidoup, England ; reinforced-conerete structure ; 27589. 19th July, 19H9.+ Cook, 'P., Petone. New Zealand; steam-digester; 28227. 9th August. Cook. W.H., Russell, New Zealand ; hat-pin ; 27721, 12th May. Cookson, W.. and another. Thau. New Zealand: rabbittrap; 28342, 29th August. ('oolitic.-. \v. I).. Schenectady. United States Amerioa; tungsten-manufacture; 2*367. 23rd February.! Cooper. ('.. Mangatoki, New Zealand; milk. &c., sterilizer: 28018, Ist July. Cooper, C, Mangatoki, New Zealand: cooling and heating milk ; 28174, 29th July. Cooze, P. S., Wellington, New Zealand; olothes-washer; 27613. 22ml April. Corn, H.. Napier. New Zealand: water-heater; 27997. 29th June. Corney, N. S., Montreal. Canada; butter-blending machine; 27253. 4th February. Corringham, H. A. and another. Auckland. New Zealand: hat-pin : 27473. 22nd March. Corringham. H. A., and another, Auckland. New Zealand ; pianoforte-panel; 27909, Uth June. Corringham, H. A., and another. Auckland. New Zealand; hat-pin ; 28021, 22nd December. Costello, A.. DargavUle, New Zealand; surf fishing-line; 274116, 7th March. Cottam, G. 0., and another, Christchurch. New Zealand: tunnel-ventilation ; 27439, 10th March. Cottam, G. 0., and another, Christchurch. New Zealand ; motor-lamp; 27491. 21st June. Coulthard, J.. Ngaruawahia, New Zealand ; handle-machine : 27838, 6th June. Coupe, J., Auckland. New Zealand : kerosene-pump attachment ; 28521, 30th September. Cowperthwaite, W. '!'., Auckland. New Zealand: conorete-block-making machine ; 27428. I Ith March. Cowperthwaite, W. T., Auckland, New Zealand; concreteblock mould ; (J. W. Butterwortb); 28037, 7th July. Craddock, A. 8.. Christohurch, New Zealand : flooring-cramp grip ; 27370, 28th .February. Craddock, A. H.. ami another, Christchurch. New Zealand: imp : 28049. 9th July. i'., kaiapoi. New Zealand; safe; 28063, 12th.Inly. Cranwell, B. .!•'., Henderson. New Zealand ; fruit-tree sprayer : 2.*(i47, Bth July. Craw. C. Linton. New Zealand: flax - stripper; 27396, Bth March. (raw, G., Linton. .New Zealand; flax-treating apparatus; 27*3ii, 7th June. Craw. G., Linton. New Zealand: flax-stripper; 2*245. 12th August. Crawford, G. R., and another. Kereru, New Zealand; oval umbrella ; 2*122, 21st July. Crawford, c. \\'., Berth Amboy, Unite.l States America (see Safety Tire Company, .No. 27802). Croc. 'I'.. ami another, Christchurch, New Zealand; scedBower; 27ti95. 6th May. Crew. 11. ('., Grafton, New South Wales (sec C. B. S. Wunder iich. No. 2*766). Cridland, E. A., Leicester, England (see United Shoe Maohinen Com (.any, No. 28280). Crisp, F. ('., Grassmere, New Zealand; flro-soreen; 27677, 4th Mav. Crollv, A. H., Dunedin, New Zealand ; broom ; 27*K*. 30th May. Crusher. A. T., Te Aroha. New Zealand ; electric-wire connection to lamp-holder; 28594. Uth October. Cruickshank, Q., Core. New Zealand; rabbit-trap chain; 28674, 3rd November.




Cuddy, A. C. J., Sumner. New Zealand ; rail-lifter; 28104, 18th July. Cumming, G., Dunedin, New Zealand ; acetylene-generator; 27646, 25th April. Cummings, A. J., Kyabram, Victoria: chalk-holder, Ac. : 28858, 7th December. Curlewis, C. P., St. Peter's, New South Wales ; sheet-metal-slitting machine ; (J. Heine); 28841, 7th December. Curlewis, C. P.. St. Peter's, New South iheet-metal-slitting machine ; (J. Heine); 28842, 7th December. Currio, C. A., Islington, Now Zealand ; pneumatic metal-slide tire ; 27627, 25th April. Currie, F., Hamilton, New Zealand; invoice ami account book ; 28922, 22nd December. Currie, S. D., Te Aroha, New Zealand ; power-tra 28926, 24th December. Currie, S. D., Te Aroha, New Zealand ; teat-cup : 28927, 24th December. Curtis, T., Auckland, New Zealand ; compressed-air syi 27323, 15th February. Cutten, W., Dunedin, New Zealand ; dredge bucket-; 27125. 7th January. Daalen (see Van Daalen). Dahl, N. L., Palmerston North, New Zealand : pasteurizerregulator ; 28743, 16th November. Dalen, G., Stockholm, Sweden (see G. W. K. Morlev, No. 27825). Dallemagne, F., and another, Pasajes, Spain ; ore-concentra-tor, &c. ; 27636, Bth May. 1909.-. Dallemagne, H., and another, Pasajes. Spain ; ore-concentra-tor, &c. ; 27636, Bth May, 1909.t Dally, C. Y., Anaroa, New Zealand ; ice-cream freezer: 28529, Ist October. Daniel, P. G. E., and another. Clovedon, England ; supplying, &c, machine; 28628. 25th October. Dansev, R. D., Ashburton, New Zealand: washing-fluid; (K. W. Thompson) ; 28705, 9th November. Dark, W. A., and another. Sorrento, Victoria; tobacco-pipe ; 28200, 27th November, 19119.t Darker, A. H., and others, Blackheath, England ; secondary battery ; 27403, 27th March, 1909.t Darker, A. H., and others, Blackheath, England ; railwaycarriage lighting ; 27848, 9th June. Darlington, T., and another. New York. United States America ; gun ; 27196, 25th January. Damill, W. W., and another, Leicester, England (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 27240). Darragh, S. F., Wellington, New Zealand ; phonograph-trum-pet attachment; 27455, 23rd March. Davev, T. H., Christchurch, New Zealand ; locomotive-head-light ; 27794, 30th May. Davidson, H. J., Wellington, New Zealand ; ladder; 27770, 25th May. Davidson, H. J., Wellington, New Zealand ; flying-machine ; 27834, 7th June. Davies, E. N., Annandale, New South Wales; turbine watermeter ; 27408, 9th March. Davies, E. N., Annandale, New South Wales ; water-meter coating ; 27751, 18th May. Davies, G., and another, Papamoa, New Zealand; utilizing water from water-jacket; 27477, 30th March. Davies, G. W., Wellington, Now Zealand ; edible oil or jelly ; 28185, Ist August. Davies, H. W., Wellington. .New Zealand: acetylene-gas drier ; 27474, 29th March. Davies, H. W., Wellington, New Zealand; bucket-handle attaching ; 27698, 6th May. Davies, H. W., Wellington, New Zealand ; water-tank overflow, 28034, 26th October. Davies, L. H. R., Oamaru, New Zealand ; fireguard ; 28469, 21st September. Davies, N., Hokitika, New Zealand, fire-escape ; 27124, Bth January. Davis, H. T., Adelaide, South Australia ; time-table, &c. ; 28904, 20th December. Davy, W. H, Buckland, Now Zealand ; ship electric alarm ; 28132, 21st July. Dawson, J., Hukanui, New Zealand; suspension-bridge; 28662, 2nd November. Dawson, J., and Son, Limited, Boultham, England; conveyorbelt ; (J. Dawson); 27903, 15th June. Dawson, J., Boultham, England (see J. Dawson and Son, Limited, No. 27903). Day, A. J., Christchurch, New Zealand ; combination boot-polish-outfit holder ; 28100, 18th July. Day, H. F., Gawler, South Australia; water-wheel, &c. ; 27148, 13th January. Day, H. L., Christchurch, New Zealand ; article-displayer; 28425, 13th September.

3—H. 10.

Daysh, N. J., Carterton, New Zealand; milking-machine pulsator ; 27514, 26th April. Daysh, N. J., Carterton, New Zealand; teat-cup; 27601, 21st April. Death, A. C., Napier, New Zealand ; electric induction-coil; 27171, 18th January. De Baugh. W. E. H., Auckland, New Zealand; scaffoldbracket ; 28526, 3rd October. De Bingham, T. M., London, England ; telegraphic recording ratus; 28130, 22nd Julv, 1909.f De Colombier. M. 8., and another, Paris, France; separating metallic particles; 28418, 13th September. Deeble, J. G., Redfern, New South Wales (see J. A. Beales and H. Marsden, No. 27275). Deister, K, Fort Wayne, United States America ; drivingmechanism for ore-concentrator; 27198, 25th January. r, E., Fort Wayne, United States America ; ore-con-centrator ; 28389. sth September. De Jersey, C. L., Melbourne, Victoria; paper-bag-making machine; 27241, 3rd February. Delvigne, M., Namur, Belgium ; explosive; 27610, 21st April. Dement, W. G., and another, Te Kuiti, New Zealand ; matclamp; 27803, 9th June. De Mnntalk. I!. W., Auckland, New Zealand ; ferro-concrete, &'c, construi lion ; 27213, 28th January. : >.- Montalk, R. W., Auckland, New Zealand ; surveying-peg ; 28376, 3rd September. Dempsey, 11., Blenheim, New Zealand; furniture-reviver; 2721*. 31st January. Dennison, W. N., Camden, United States America; talkingline; 28236, 18th August, 1909.f Denton, G. li.. London, England) coin-sorter, &c. ; 27541, 16th April, 1909.f Denton, W. H., Christchurch, New Zealand; hobble-attach-ment ; 2837H. 2nd September. ihryver, T., Auckland, New Zealand; fire-extinguisher; 10th November. Fani, P., Johannesburg, Transvaal; paraffin-wax burner; 27609, 3rd May. Deveroux, W. R., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand; pneumatic tire metal plate; 27683, 4th May. De Witt, G. C, and another, Melbourne, Victoria; gasburner; 28176, 28th July. Dick, J. W., and another, Stillwater, New Zealand ; bicycleticket attaching; 27176, 19th January. Dickinson, A. C, Christchurch, New Zealand; soiled-linen .facie; 27413, 10th March. Dickinson, A. ('., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand; il-clothes receptacle ; 27476, 23rd March. Dickinson, G., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand; soiled-clothes receptacle ; 27470, 23rd March. Dickson, A., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; turbine; 28488, 22nd September. Dil, W. J., Balclutha, New Zealand ; clarionet-reed; 27816, 2nd June. Dillicar, J., Taneatua, New Zealand; ear-marker; 27868, 10th June. Dillimore, L., Thames, New Zealand; hat-pin; 27203, 26th January. Dixon, P., and another, Mataura, New Zealand ; tractionengine gear-wheel ; 28933, 29th December. Dixon, J., and another, Prahran, Victoria ; aerating-machine ; 27743, Kith October, 1909.f Dixon, T., Cronadon, New Zealand; boring-brace; 28487, 20th September. Dixon, T., and another, Mataura, New Zealand; tractionengine gear-wheel ; 28933, 29th December. Dixon,"!'. H., Cronadon, New Zealand; lug-buckle and breeching combination ; 28649, 25th October. Doherty, F., and another, Wellington, New Zealand; tire; 27161, Uth January. Dominion Pressure Milking-machine Company, Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; milking-machine ; (R. A. Wiggms); 27913, 17th June. \-, A., and another, Melbourne, Victoria; high-pressure Biter; 27260, 6th March, 19.9-t Donnelly, T. C, Matakanui, New Zealand; sluice-box; 27737, Uth May. Donner, H., Moscow, Russia ; obtaining increase in pressure of liquid ; 27441, 15th March. Dornbush, J. P., Auckland, New Zealand ; motor; 27317, 18th February. Dornbush, J. P., Auckland, New Zealand; motor; 28824, sth December. Dorsett, S., and another, Wolverhampton, England; motor-cycle-driving mechanism ; 27937, 21st June. Douglas, H. M., Wellington, New Zealand ; loose-leaf pticebook, &c. ; 28794, 29th November. Dow, J. L., Melrose, Highlands, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28124).




Dowell, H. J., and another, London, England ; bottle-filling machine ; 27847, 27th August, 1909.f Downham, J., Lancaster, England ; flax-decortitator ; 28385, 20th October, 1909.t Drage, J., Boulder, Western Australia ; filtering-machine ; 28882, 21st February, t Drew, H. V., Timaru, New Zealand ; dust-laying method ; 28895. 17th December. Drev, W. J., Catawissa, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 28845. 28846). Dring, T. A., Trowbridge, England ; flying-machine ; 27803, 31st May. Droutlege, H., Auckland, New Zealand ; teat-cup, &c ; 27994, 25th June. Droutlege, H., Auckland, New Zealand; milking-machine-bucket head ; 28120, 19th July. Droutlege, H., Auckland, New Zealand; teat-cup lining; 28595, Uth October. Drummond, R., Wellington, New Zealand ; tram-car safetystep ; 27431, 16th March. Duckmanton, T., Christchurch, New Zealand; flushingcistern ; 28677, 3rd November. Duff, J., and another, Dunedin. New Zealand ; ladder; 27603, 18th April. Duffill, .1., Inglowood. New Zealand ; concrete-building construction : 27626, 25th April. Duffill, J., Tnglewood, New Zealand ; concrete-mould box ; 28292, 19th August. Duggan. W., jun., Dunedin, New Zealand; door and gate closer ; 27414, 9th Man h. Duggan, W., jun., Dunedin, New Zealand ; tool ; 27608, 19th April. Duggan, W., jun., Dunedin, New Zealand: picture-cord; 27707, 7th May. Duggan, W., jun., Dunedin, New Zealand ; grate ; 28073, 12th Julv. Duggan, W., jun., Dunedin, New Zealand ; mitre-box; 28498, 24th September. Dugins, F. W., Kew, Victoria; flying-machine ; 28320, 24th August. Duncan, P. and D., Limited. Christchurch, New Zealand ; plough ; (J. Keir); 27258, 7th February. Duncan, P. and D., Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand ; harrow ; (J. Keir); 27942, 21st June. Duncan, P. and D., Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand ; vehicle-wheel; (J. Keir); 28655, 31st October. Dunbar, J., Invercargill, New Zealand ; couch ; 27309, 12th February. Dunne, R., Dunedin, New Zealand ; paper-holdei ; 27807, 30th May. Dunne, R., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand ; paper holder and deliverer ; 28450, 16th September. Duplex Seed Drill Company Proprietory, Limited, Melbourne, Victoria; grain,'&c, sower ; (P. M. Metzler); 28300,19th August. Durant, H. T.. London, England (see Metals T Extraction "Corporation, Limited, No. 28698). Durant, H. T., and another, London, England ; metalextraction ; 28807, 7th December, 1909. t Duthie, D. W., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; dredge ; 27324, 17th Februarv. Duthoit, A., and another, Melbourne, Victoria ; boot and shoe ; 27356, 24th February. Dutton, C, and others, London, England ; railway signaller and interlocker ; 28541, Uth February. + Duxfield, A. H., Hawera, New Zealand ; hock-boot; 27787, 27th May. Dwight, C. D., and others, Melbourne, Victoria ; deck-chair; 27357, 24th February. Dyer, G. P., Dunedin, New Zealand; acetylene-generator; "28755, 16th November. Eade, W. R., Heriot, New Zealand ; swingletree-hook ; 28209, 4th August. Eagle, C. S., Karori, New Zealand ; collapsible box ; 28352, 30th August. Earl, M., Otaio, New Zealand ; securing skeiths to ploughbeams ; 27360, 26th February. Earnshaw, E. A., Wellington, New Zealand ; propeller lifeguard ; 27255. 3rd February. Earp-Thomas, W., Wellington, New Zealand; saucepanstirrer ; 27586, 19th April. Easterfield, T. H., and another. Wellington, New Zealand ; ketone-preparation ; 27607, 21st April. Eckersley, A., Melbourne, Victoria ; safety-valve for reservoir ; "27184, 20th January. Edlin, G. S., and another, Oaonui, New Zealand ; exhausting air from closed vessels ; 27246, 4th February. Edmond, A., Dunedin, New Zealand ; brooch pin and catch ; 27960, 22nd June,

Edmonds, E., Christchurch, New Zealand; game ;27044 27th April. Edward (see Stuart-Edward). Edwards, A. H., Sydney, New South Wales; shirt-collar; 28509, 28th September. Edwards, A. J., Auckland, New Zealand ; tobacco-cutter; 28119, 19th July. Edwards, G. W., Invercargill, New Zealand ; flax-washer; 28203, 26th July. Edwards, T., Ballarat, Victoria; dust-preventing, oredropping apparatus ; 27750, 18th May. Edwards, T., Ballarat, Victoria; ore-roasting furnace; 28427, Uth September. Edwards, T., Ballarat, Victoria ; feeding-device for roastingfurnace ; 28428, Uth September. Edwards, T., and another, Temuka, New Zealand ; displaycard, &c. ; 28048, 9th July. Ehmer, J. M. M.. and another. Beierfeld, Germany ; talkingmachine ; 27492. Ist May, 1909. f Ekenberg, M., London, England (see P. R. Climie, No. 28156). Eland, W., and another, Sydney, New South Wales ; saucepan ; 28747, 17th November. Elder, D., Onehunga, New Zealand ; wire-wrapping machine ; 28888, 17th December. Elliott, A. D., Lawrence, United States America (see E. N. Waters, No. 27599.) Elliott, H., Dunedin, New Zealand ; shaping-machine spring and guard ; 28859, 7th December. Elliott, H. D., Glebe Point, New South Wales; aerial car for amusement; 28840. 7th December. Elliott, J., London, England (see J. T. Hunter, No. 27411). Elliott, S. W., and another, Sydenham, New Zealand ; meat, &c, cover ; 28347. 29th August. Eppler, A., Lvnn, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 27950. 28106, 28109, 28110). Eustege, T. P.. and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; tea-can ; 27380, 2nd March. Eustege, T. P., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; tooth-powder tin ; 28064, 12th Julv. Eustege, T. P., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; cake-safe ; 28275, 17th August. Eustege, T. P., and another, Wellington, New Zealand; water-heater ; 28455, 19th September. Evans, W. T., and another, Glasgow, Scotland ; electric igniting-apparatus ; 28128, 19th July. Evelyn, E. S., Auckland, New Zealand ; throat medicine ; (G. Quesnot); 28410, 9th September. Evelvn. E. S., and others, Auckland, New Zealand ; bottle ; 28457, 17th September. Ewell, H. P., Detroit, United States America ; making liquidsodium amalgam ; 28388, sth September. Ewing, D. A., Marton, New Zealand ; threshing-machine sheaf-band-cutter; 28391, 7th September. Fabian, C. H., Wellington, New Zealand ; skylight; 28125, 21st Julv. Falconer, T., and another, Gore, New Zealand ; chaffcutterknife sharpener ; 27243, 3rd February. Falkiner, R., and another, Melbourne, Victoria; sheepshearing machine ; 28038, 6th December, 1909.t Falkner, A., Kaiparoro, New Zealand ; building-construction ; 27471, 23rd March. Fannin, H., Masterton, New Zealand ; motor-car, &c, wheel; 27129, 10th January. Foil, R. E., Wanganui, New Zealand; hat-pin; 27860, 9th June. Fenton. J. W., Fairfield, New Zealand ; rheumatism cure ; 27972, 25th June. Fergusson. P. H., Sydney, New South Wales; wire-strainer; 27353, 24th February. Ferris. C. H., and another, Gisborne, New Zealand ; milkingbucket attachment; 28354, 20th August. Fowings, T. H.. and another, Christchurch, New Zealand ; wire bottom for basket: 28772, 23rd November. Ffrost, J. E.,and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; foldingmachine, despatch form, &c. ; 28157, 27th July. Ffrost, J. E., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; time and wages book ; 28659. Ist November. Ffrost. J. E., and others, Wellington, New Zealand; memorandum form ; 27625, 25th April. Fian, D. H., Ravensbourne, New Zealand; tank-cleaning; 28606. 15th October. Fiddy, F. C. P., and another, Gisborne, New Zealand ; closetseat ; 27320, 15th February. Fiold, F. M., and another, Melbourne, Victoria; stopping trains ; 28780, 23rd November. Field, T. C, and others, Christchurch, New Zealand ; rifle-muzzle-movement restricting ; 27552, 9th April. Files, T. H., Everett, United States America; boot and shoe making; 27134, 19th March, 1909.t




Filsell, W., Thebarton, South Australia; railway safety apparatus ; 28393, 7th September. Findlay, VV., Auckland, New Zealand; brush and broom manufacture ; 27329, 18th February. Finlay, O. A., Wotlington, Now Zealand ; toaster ; 28065, 9th July. Finlay,' U. A., Wellington, New Zealand; vermin-trap; 28195, 3rd August. Finnerty, H. G., and anothor, Wellington, Now Zealand; operating tramway-points; 27117, sth January. Firth, A. 1., Auckland, New Zealand ; deposition of silver on metals ; 28479, 21st September. Firth, A. T., Auckland, New Zealand : deposition of gold on metals ; 28480, 21st September. Fischer, A., Adelaide, South Australia ; washing-machine ; 27147, 13th January. Fischer, E., Adelaide, South Australia ; horse-collar ; 27940, 21st June. Fisher, C. E., Lower Hutt, Now Zealand ; axle-box lubricator ; 28331, 26th August. Fisher, VV., Waimate, New Zealand; cooling-vessel manufacture; 27158; 13th January. Fix, J. P., and others, Wellington, Now Zealand ; electriclamp lock ; 28616 ; 20th October. Flotchjr, J., and anothor, Dunedin, Now Zealand ; hanging and casement sash ; 28588, Uth October. Fletcher, T. N., Thames, New Zealand; target; 28726, 12th November. Floessetl, W. P., Darlinghurst, Now South Wales ; calendar and advertising-block ; 28706, Ist December, 1909.t Flora, E. E., Cnicago, United States America (see C. A. Henderson, No. 28165). Floyd, P. J. R., and another, Carisbrook, Victoria ; removing slimes, &c. ; 28404, Bth September. Floyd, I. S. 8., and another, Carisbrook, Victoria ; removing slimes, &c.; 284U4, Bth beptember. Flynu, J., Hastings, Now Zealand ; bottle-refilling prevention ; 27979, 24th June. Flynt, L. W. G., Rochester, United States America (see United Shoo Machinery Company, No. 27131). Foote, G. H., Feilding, New Zealand; spouting; 28044, 7th July. Footo, H. A., Dunodin, New Zealand; water-motor; 27464, 22nd March. Ford, A. S., Coromandel, New Zealand; gas-goncrator; 28133, 23rd July. Ford, C. W., Auckland, Now Zealand; bicycle-pedal toestrap ; 27592, 18th April. Forrester, P. C, and anothor, Chicago, United States America ; pulverizer; 27381, 2nd March. Forsyth, G., Christchurch, Now Zealand; soap; 27809, 31st May. Fortescuo, A. J., and another, Arncliffe, Now South Wales (see G. E. Fortescuo and Sons, Limited, No. 27812). Fortescue, G. E., and Sons, Limited, ArueliftV, New South Wales; windmill-gearing; (A. J. Fortescue and VV. Murray); 27812, 10th Juno, 1909-t Foster, E., Auckland, New Zealand; steam-boiler insula-tion-composition ; 27373, 2nd March. Fothorgill, G. W., and another, Upper Hutt, New Zealand ; circular-saw guard ; 28880, 15th Decomber. Fowler, R., Camperdown, New Zealand ; storage-jar; 28035, 7th July. Fowler, J. W., Auckland, New Zealand ; turbine; 28801, 29th November. Foxcroft, C. G., Hastings, Now Zealand; window-lock; 28116, 19th July. Franklin, J., Katikati, New Zealand; swinglobar; 27700, 7th May. Franklin, W., Manly, New South Wales; carpet, &c, exhibiting ; 27676, 4th May. Eraser, A., and another, Invercargill, New Zealand; milkcoolor ; 27425, 9th March. Eraser, D., Petone, New Zealand; tea-infuser; 28632, 25th October. Eraser, J., Milton, New Zealand ; draught and dust excluder for doors ; 28077, 15th July. Eraser, J. C, Coromandol, New Zealand; water-wheol bucket; 27315, 18th February. Eraser, J. C, Coromandel, Now Zealand ; boat-disongaging gear ; 27618, 25th Aprd. Eraser, J. C, Coromandel, Now Zealand ; disengaging-appa-ratus ; 28617, 21st October. Eraser, K. M., Otakeho, New Zealand; aeroplane; 27491, 31st March. Friar, M., and another, Auckland, New Zealand; sewingmachine belting ; 28380, 2nd beptember. Friar, M., and another, Auckland, New Zealand; nonrehllable bottle; 28439, Uth September. Friend, H. L., Auckland, New Zealand; step-annunciator; 27412, llth March.

Friend, J. E., Auckland, New Zealand; turbine; 28527, 3rd October. Frith, H., Auckland, Now Zealand; securing head of brush to handle ; 28036, 7th July. Frith, H., Auckland, New Zealand; brush, &c. ; 28143, 25th July. Frith, S. J. R., and others, Auckland, Now Zealand ; bottle ; 28457, 17th September. Frith, VV. H., Oamaru, New Zealand; window; 27285, 12th February. FriilUing, 0., Brunswick, Germany; removing dredged material from ships' holds ; 28452, Bth April.-)-Frv. R. J., Kensington, Victoria; horse-shoe machine; 2854 7. 23rd Decombor, 1909.t Fulda, L., London, England; food, &c, preservation; 27590, 19th April. Fulljames, S. V., Whangaroi, New Zealand; tank-flange; 27205, 24th January. Furber, F. M., Revere, United States America (see United Shoo Machinery Company, No. 27137). Furphy, V., Smithton, Tasmania ; animal-feoding device; 28429, Uth September. Gaiger, VV. W., Timaru, New Zealand; tbreshing-mill strip; 27968, 22nd Juno. Galbally, J. 0., Wanganui, New Zealand; curd-agitator; 27899, 15th June. Gallop, G., Rose Bay, New South Wales ; closet seat and pan ; 28666, 2nd November. Gait, J., and another, Invercargill, New Zealand ; milk-cooler ; 27425, 9th March. Gambrill, D. W., and another, Gisborne, New Zealand; chimney-top ; 27964, 24th June. Gardiner, A., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; milkcooler ; 27294, 14th February. Gardiner, J. C, Montreal, Canada; writing-machine; 27314, 16th Febiuary. Gardner, A., Wellington, New Zealand; tramwav-track cleaner ; 27402, 9th March. Gardner, E. li., Hobart, Tasmania ; building-block manufacture ; 27202, 25th January. Gare, T., New Brighton, England ; indiarubber-goods manufacture ; 28307, 23rd August. Garner, J., Dunedin, New Zealand; draught-excluder; 27668, 30th April. Garner, J. A. C, Dunedin, New Zealand; diaphragm for phonograph and telephonic instruments; 28255, 13th August. Garner, J. A. C, Dunedin, New Zealand; phonograph; 28256, Llth August. Gaut, J., and another, Leichardt, New South Wales; totalizator ; 28473, 22nd September. Gay, J. H., Oamaru, New Zealand ; stone-quarrying apparatus ; 28816, 2nd December. Geary, F. W., East Maitland, New South Wales; tankoveiflow ; 28817, Ist December. Geary, J., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand; heatdetector ; 28499, 27th September. Gelling, S. T., Braddan, Isle of Man ; pump; 27450, 22nd March. Gesellschaft fur Drahtloso Telegraphic m.b.H., Berlin, Germany (see E. Phillips, Nos. 27276, 27945, 27946, 27947, 28551.) Gibb, R., and another, Churchill, New Zealand ; disc harrow ; 28536, 3rd October. Gibb, R., and another, Churchill, New Zealand ; horse-hoe; 28537, 3rd October. Gibbs, G., Motueka, New Zealand; cooler for beer and other liquids ; 28164, 28th July. Gibbs, W. G., Motueka, New Zealand; horse-controller; 28023, 24th October. Gibson, J. U., and another, Leicester, England (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 27195). Gibson, VV. VV., and another, Victoria, British Columbia; flying-machine ; 27923, 20th June. Gilbert, G. W., and others, Melbourne, Victoria; stonedresser ; 27660, 30th April. Gilbert (see Woods-Gilbert). Gill, J. H., Dunedin, New Zealand; aerialj^machine; 27878, 10th June. Gillanders, D., Waipukurau, New Zealand;] tapeworm-treat-ment ; 27996, 29th June. Gillies, A., Heidelberg, Victoria; teat-cup; 28806, 24th December, 1909.t Gillman, T. H., and others, Hawera, New Zealand; flaxtreatment ; 28327, 24th August. Gillman, T. H., and another, Hawera, New Zealand ; weatherboarding ; 28177, 3Uth July. Gilmour, D., Auckland, New Zealand; stepladder; 27283,

Ilth February.




Gilmour, J., Gisborne, New Zealand ; waterpipe-leak repairing ; 28919, 23rd December. Gilshnan, H. H., Kakaramea, New Zealand ; fastening whip-thong to handle ; 27684, sth May. Gladman, F. 8., Melbourne, Victoria; copyists' ind apparatus; 28201, 3rd August. Glass, H. A., Christchurch, New Zealand; railway. 28187, Ist August. Glass, H. A., Christchurch, New Zealand ; railway-signalling apparatus ; 28357, 29th August. Glass, H. A., Christchurch, New Zealand; trolly-pole; 28466, 20th September. Gleeson, P., Napier, New Zealand; ferro-concrete-construc-tion box ; 27975, 25th June. Glennie, J. W., Wellington, New Zealand : skylight : 27883, 13th June. Glenvale, T. R. M., and another, Bond], New South Wales ; tic-attaching device ; 28494, 15th August .t Glenvale, T. R. M., and another, Bondi, New South Wales; tie-securing in position ; 28495, 25th August.t Glenvale, T. R. M., and another, Bondi, -New South Wales ; tie or scarf construction ; 28496, 25th August.t Glover, J. A. F., Wandsworth, England : gas and like i i ovens; 28173, 29th July. Goddard, H. A., Concord, New South Wales ; box-core for concrete wall; 27851, 9th June. Goddu, G., Winchester, United States America (sec United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28710). Godfree, E. G., Hampton, Victoria; electro-mechanical selector ; 27806, 31st May. Godfrey, A. E. V., Dunedin, New Zealand; trolly-pole; 27928, 20th June. Gochler, M., Vancouver, British Columbia; milk-separator; 27633, 27th April. Goehler, M., Vancouver. British Columbia ; high-speed lotor ; 27034, 27th April. Good, J., Brooklyn, United States America (see Good Inventions Company, No. 28928). Good Inventions Company, Brooklyn, United States America : combing-machine ; (J. Good) ; 28928, 24th December. Goodrum, C. L., Urbana, United States America [.-<•■■ An Automatic Telephone Company, Nos. 27259 and 27976). Goodwin, A., Pigeon Bay, New Zealand; iniiking-bucket; 28369, 2nd September. Gordon, G. S., Dunedin, Now Zealand ; dish-drying, &c. ; 27694, 2nd May. Cordon, J. W., Waiotahi Valley, New Zealand : w ire-strainer ; 27642, 27th April. Gordon-Jones, W. G., Tahctc, New Zealand ; 28470, 21st September. Gore, H. C, Dunedin, New Zealand ; stereo I card ; 27142, llth January. Goss, F., Millicent, South Australia ; alarm-clock ; 28879, 15th December. Gossling, P. J., Wellington, New Zealand ; document-file ; 27595, 20th April. Gossling, P. J., Wellington, New Zealand ; document-tile; 27690, 6th May. Gothe, E. A. 0., and another, Stockholm, Sweden ; milkingmachine ; 27991, 28th June. Gough, F. W., Wellington, New Zealand ; tap or cock; 27469, 24th March. Gouldbourn, J., Leicester, England (see I'nitcd Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 28280, 28708). Goulet, A. 0., Auckland, New Zealand; peanut-roaster; 28500, 28th September. Gower, VV., Wellington, New Zealand ; rifle-sight protector ; 28543, sth October. Gower, W., Wellington, New Zealand ; detachable fore-sight; 28668, 2nd November. Grace, L. G., Hawera, New Zealand ; pump and siphon, &c.; 27160, 15th January. Grace, L. G., Hawera, New Zealand ; power device ; 28657, Ist November. Graff, F., Wittcn-on-Ruhr, Germany (see G. Leist, No. 27631). Graff and Stein, Witten-on-Ruhr, Germany (see G. Leist, No. 27631). Graham, A. V., Linwood, New Zealand; carcase, &c, brander ; 27418, 12th March. Graham, A. V., Linwood, New Zealand ; aerated-water production ; 27547, 13th April. Graham, C, Clinton, New Zealand; animal-trap; 28290, 18th August. Graham, E. P., and others, Dunedin, New Zealand; waterlevel indicator, &c. ; 28891, Uth December. Grainger, A. M., Dunedin, New Zealand ; boot-frame; 28732, 12th November. Gray, A., Wellington, New Zealand ; telegram letter-sheet and envelope ; 27833, 7th June. Gray, A., Wellington, New Zealand; letter-form; 27862, 9th June.

V, Wellington, New Zealand; letter-card; 27874, Uth June. Gray, A., Wellington, New Zealand; telegraph form and envelope ; 2785-1, 13th Jv Gray, A., Wellington, New Zealand; telegraph-form, &c, re ; 27591, llth June. A.. Canterbury, New South Wales; closet-seat; 28424, 12th Septemb Gray, A., and another, Gisborne, New Zealand; water tank and cooler ; 27211, 3rd February. Grin-, A. J., and another, Rototuna, New Zealand; milking.iip; 28021, 29th June. G., Dunedin, New Zealand ; plough; 27389, 3rd March. Gray, G., Dunedin. New Zealand; ridging-machine roller; 27619, 21st April. Gray, G, Dunedin. New Zealand; concave roller; 27888, llth June-. land, C, Wellington, New Zealand; ice-cream freezer; 28475, 22nd September. Grayson, G. H.. and another, Auckland. New Zealand ; iaddcr-brackd : 28041, 4th July. . (.'. J., Fairfax, New Zealand; spark-extinguisher; 27537, llth April. -ill, W. J. 11., Wharchunga, New Zealand ; preservingjar ; 27869, 10th June. Greenslade, J., Prebbleton, New Zealand ; threshing-machine suction-fun ; 28722, 10th November. Greenwood, E. W., Melbourne, Victoria; rol ler- blind fittings ; 27407, 10th March. , ('., i ler, di line, New Zealand; motor-car wheel; 28290, 17th Aug li., l-'oxton. New Zealand; (lax-stripper; 27380,4th March. Vuckland, New Zealand ; document-wrapper; 28042, 6th J uly. Gresham, E. tl., Auckland, New Zealand; fountain-pen; 28182, 30th July. lie, F. W. 8., and others, Wellington, New Zealand; order-form, &c. ; 28212, 4th August. Grey (see Humphreys-Grey). Grey, C. D.. Vvnn.i'alo, .New Zealand; carton; 28423, 12th September. C. IL. and another, Avoudale, New Zealand; packingcase lining; 28068, 12th July. Grieve, ... M., Wallaoetown, New Zealand; motor-car; 27352, 24th Feb) nary. Griffin, J. N., Rewiti, New Zealand ; tram-car brake ; 27724, 10th May. Griffin, P. J., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; teacan ; 27380, 2nd March. Griflin, P. J., and another. Wellington, New Zealand; toothpowder tin ; 28064, 12th July. Griffin, !'. J., and another, Wellington. New Zealand ; cakesafe; 28275, 17th August. Griffin, P. J., and another, Wellington, New Zealand; water- : 28455, 19th September. Griffiths, A. ■!., and others, Khandallah, New Zealand; hot-water-tank connection; 27892, Uth June. Griffiths, D., and another, Brixton, England; delivering lured quantities of liquor; 28565, llth October. Grigson, T. R., and another, Auckland, New Zealand; reinblook ; 28420, l?th September. Mil Company, Chicago, United States Amciica (see man Limited, No. 27175). one, A. !•'., Bath, England (see Captain Motor-wheel Company, Limited, No. 28549). 11. H., Sheffield, England; railway, &c, buffer and central-drawbar gear; 27304, 15th February. Hadaway, .1. 8., Swampscott, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 27641, 28112). Haggenmiller, A., Tarica, Peru (see W. H. Waters, No. 28460). Haines, R. T., FJsternwiok, Victoria; fuel-economizer; 27738, Uth May. Haines, W. G, Wellington, New Zealand ; rotary engine ; 27536, llth April. Hale, A. H., and another, Palmerston North, New Zealand : hot-water circulator ; 27837, 18th June. Hale, E., Kaikuri, New Zealand ; lamb-searing appliance ; 27416, llth March. Hale, E., Kaikuri, New Zealand ; castrating, &c, appliance ; 27811, Ist June. Hall, B. G., Auckland, New Zealand; glass-pane securing; 28023, 30th June. Hall, P. W., and others, Detroit, United States America; mausoleum; 27785, llth January, f Hall, G., Broken Hill, New South Wales ; water-bag ; 28308, 23rd August. Hall, J. VV., and another. Auckland, New Zealand ; nonlefillable bottle ; 27434, 12th March.


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Hall, J. W., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; nonrefillable bottle ; 28553, sth October. Hall, J. W., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; nonrciillable bottle ; 28900, 17th December. Hall, R. W., and another, Dunedin, .New Zealand ; tea, &c, oannist-or head ; 27558, 14th April. Halpin, It. L., Devonport, New Zealand ; billy, &c. ; 28153, 25th July. Halpin, R. L., Devonport, New Zealand ; cake-tin ; 28154, 25th July. Hamburger, R., Sydney, New South Wales; lubricating axles; 27174, 19th January. Hamilton, W., Milton, New Zealand ; threshing-mill-belt reel; 27427, 12th March. Hamilton, E. A. G., Napier, New Zealand ; ice-chest; 27115 ; sth January. Hammond, 11., and another, Hartford, United States America; gun ; 2719b, 25th January. Ilaniii, L. G., VVaiokura, New Zealand ; boot sole and heel; 28760, 21st November. Ilamoii, W. •!., and another, Gisborne, Victoria; milk-bucket attachment ; 28354, 20th August. Hanburv, D. VV., and another, Victoria, British Columbia; flying-machine ; 27923, 20th June. Hanlon, M. I. M., and another, Sydney, New South Wales; saucepan ; 28747, 17th November. Hannam, T. \V., Whangarei, New Zealand ; drying stones, gravel, &c. ; 28288, 18th August. Hansen, A. H, Manaia, New Zealand; animal-leg fastener; 27290, Uth February. Hansen, A. H., Manaia, New Zealand ; forced draught for steam-boiler; 28260, 15th August. Hansen, A. IL, Manaia, New Zealand ; licpiid-pasteurization ; 28650, 31st October. Hansen, A. H., Manaia, New Zealand ; pasteurizing whey, &c. ; 28876, 15th December. Hardie, E. 8., Wangaloa, New Zealand; wire-netting-clip fast ner; 28094, 15th July. Hardley, C. E., Auckland, New Zealand ; water and gas cock ; 28784, 24th November. Hardley, C. E., Auckland, New' Zealand ; air-pump ventilator; 28795, 29th November. Hardley, C. E., and others, Auckland, New Zealand ; spoutingbracket ; 27215, 27th January. Hardley, J. W., and others, Auckland, New Zealand : spoutingbracket ; 27215, 27th January. Hardley, S., jun., and others, Hamilton, New Zealand ; spouting-bracket; 27215, 27th January. Hardley, S., Hamilton. New Zealand; milk cooler and aerator; 27214, 27th January. Hargreavcs, J., and others. Leederville, Western Australia; spark-arrester; 27311, 16th February. Harkness, J. F. VV., and others, Auckland, New Zealand ; bottle; 28457, 17th September. Harper, A. S., and another, Auckland. New Zealand ; harnesspad ; 27621. 21s! April. Harper, A.. 8., and otlurs, Auckland, New Zealand; pneumatic padding for horse-collars, &c. ; 28024, Ist July. 11ai,,,!. (I. 11. Grey Lynn. New Zealand; level; 28477, 2ist September. Harper, G. H.,and other-, Auckland, New Zealand ; pneumatic padding for horse-collars, &o.; 28024, Ist July. Harris, F. T., and another. London. England (see T. J. Harris, No. 28601). Harris, T. •!.. Sydney, New South Wales ; amusement apparatus ; (F. T. Harris and L. Pearce) ; 28661, 31st October. Harris. H. .1., ami others. Wakefield, New Zealand : marineengine governor; 27697, 6th May. Harris, H. •!., and others. Wakefield, New Zealand ; marine-engine-racing preventer; 28151, 26th July. Harrison, C. V. H., Hawera, New Zealand ; milk strainer, cooler, and aerator ; 28181, 30th July. Harrison, M. 11., Toowoomba, Queensland (sec The Harrison Printing Company, Limited, No. 27818). Harrison Printing Company, Limited, Toowoomba, Queensland ; time-table; (M.K.Harrison); 27818, 2nd June. Hart, J. R., and another, Ashburton, New Zealand ; windowsash lock ; 27303, 15th February. Hartmann, L. H., and another, Bainbridge, United States America ; imparting rotary movement ; 27924, 20th June. Hartmann, S., Melbourne, Victoria; churn, &c. ; 27763, 17th June, 1909.t Harveson, W. W., Wellington, New Zealand ; dock, &c, lioor construction ; 27663, 2nd May. Harvey, D. H., Taumarunui, New Zealand ; hat-pin ; 27322, 18th February. Harvey, N., Wellington, New Zealand ; metal-uniting composition ; 27857, 9th June. Haslam, W., Fitzroy, Victoria (see J. G. Mitchell, No. 27179).

Hastings, P., and anothor. Hastings, New Zealand ; skylight; 27489, 31st March. Hastings, P., and another, Hastings. New Zealand; weatherboarding substitute; 28291, 17th August. Haswell, J. A., and others, Hamilton, New Zealand; roofing ; 28454, 19th September. Haultain, H. E. T., and another, Toronto, Canada ; oxide-ore reduction ; 27520, 2nd April. Havard, T, Hamilton, New Zealand; hat-pin; 28552, sth October. Haverland, L. F. C, and another, Adelaide, South Australia; saddle; 28277, 2nd September. Hawkins, H., and another, Chelmsford, England : propeller; 27935, 21st June. Hawkins, S. H, and another, Chelmsford. England ; propeller; 27935, 21st June. Haworth, R. D., Wellington. New Zealand; box; 27233, 2nd February. Haworth, R. D., and another, Wellington, New Zealand; packing-case lining ; 28068, 12th July. Hayes, C. W., Eketahuna, New Zealand; garden-spray; 28773, 24th November. Hayes, E., Oturehua, New Zealand; wire-grip; 27817, 2nd June. Hayes, E., Oturehua, New Zealand ; gate-latch ; 28318, 23rd August. Hayes, E., Oturehua, New Zealand ; wire-grip ; 28775, 24th November. Hazelden, A., Auckland, New Zealand ; conveyor mealorders, &c.; 27841, Bth June. Head, Wrightson, and Company, Limited, and another, Thornby-on-Tees, England ; coal-washing method ; 28736, 15th November. Head, Wrightson, and Company, Limited, and another, Thornby-on-Tees, England; coal-washing machine ; 28929, 29th December. Heap, S. A., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand ; tele-phone-transmitter attachment; 27050, 28th April Heffron, R. J., and another, Waikino, New Zealand ; stirrup ; 27871, 10th June. Heine, J., Rcdfern, New South Wales (see C. P. Curlewis, Nos. 28841, 28842). Heli Cushion Drive, Limited, Sydney, New South Wales; lower-shaft coupling ; (H. E. Ross); 28434, Uth September. Hellyer, R., and another, Sydney, New South Wales ; sprayer ; 28508, 28th September. Hemmingsen, C. J., and another, Copenhagen, Denmark; milking-appliance ; 27990, 28th June. Henderson, C. A., Chicago, United States America ; metalbound box ; (E. E. Flora) ; 28165, 26th July. Henderson, J. R., Sydney, New South Wales ; fish-preserving ; 27351, 24th February'. Hennecpiin, E. C, Ilford, England : leaf-turning appliance ; 27312, 19th February, 1909-t Henniker (sec Stratford-Henniker). Henning, F. W. J., and another, London, England ; elasticroller printing ; 28178. 36th July. Henning, W., Auckland. Zealand ; aeroplane ; 28592, Uth October. Henning. W., Auckland, New Zealand; motor; 28593, Uth October. Henrichson, J., and another, Copenhagen, Denmark; milkingappliance ; 27990, 28th June. Henshaw, E., Wellington. New Zealand ; window-waSher; 25731, Uth November. Hcl-bcrt, A. H, and others, Eketahuna, New Zealand ; closet-flush; 27177, 19th January. Hercus, J., and others, Dunedin, New Zealand ; water-level observer, &c. ; 28891, Uth December. Heron, H. T., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand ; lawn-trimming machine ; 28358, 29th August. Herrold, A. 8., Auckland, New Zealand ; fanlight opening and closing ; 28896, 17th December. Hesketh, P. N.. and another, Auckland. New Zealand ; airbrake ; 27333, 21st February. Hewett, H. 0., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; hosiery-knitting machine ; 27157, 13th January. Hewlett, G. P.. Ikamatua, New Zealand ; hat-pin ; 27796, 30th May. Heycock, H. F., Martinborough, New Zealand ; trolly-pole retriever; 28489, 23rd September. Heys, W. E., and another, Bushev, England ; soap-manu-facture ; 27740. 17th May. Hibberd, C. E., London, England; gas-meter; 27591, 19th April. Hickey, H. J., Hastings, New Zealand ; racing-hurdle ; 28812, Ist December. Higgins, M., and another, Mercer. New Zealand ; air-brake; 27333, 21st February.




Higgs, C. 8., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand ; seed-sower ; 27695, sth May. Hildesheim, P. W., Brussels, Belgium ; chocolate-manu-facture ; 28790, 25th November. Hildyard, R. J. L.. Melbourne, Victoria ; metal-wheel manufacture ; 28613, 20th October. Hill, H. T., Takapuna, New Zealand ; swingletree-attach-mont; 27182, 18th January. Hill, P. L., Okete, New Zealand ; butter-makinir machine ; 27507, 31st March. Hill, R. P., Auckland, Now Zealand ; latch for sliding-door; 28333, 26th August. Hill, R. W., Geelong, Victoria; ehaffcutter-knifc mounting; 27378, 2nd March. Hind, J., Sydney, New South Wales: sheep-shearing machine ; 28502, 28th September. Hines, J., St. Leonard's, England; stone heating and drying apparatus ; 28735, 15th November. Hoar, A. G., and others, Eketahuna, New Zealand ; roofing ; 28454, 19th September. Hobbs, R. J., Bluff, New Zealand ; manure-mixing machine. &c. ; 27187, 21st January. Hodder, C. N., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand : advertising-device ; 27345, 21st February. Hodge, C. E., and another, Auckland, New Zealand : airpump ; 27664, 2nd May. Hodsdon, H., Brisbane, Queensland ; enumerating-machine : 28931, 29th December. Hogan, C, Nightcaps, New Zealand ; spark-arrester; 27614. 22nd April. Hogan, C, Nightcaps, New Zealand ; rabbit-trap; 27615, *- 22nd April. Hogbacka, L. E., and anothor, Kaikoura, New Zealand ; roller harrow ; 28006, 30th June Hoiland, E., Auckland, New Zealand ; internal-combustion engine ; 27365, 26th February. Hoke, J. F., jun., and others, Indianapolis, United States America (see American Box Ball Company, No. 27519). Holcomb, j. 1., and others, Indianapolis, United States America (sec American Box Ball Company, No. 27519). Holden, A., Christchurch, New Zealand ; telephono-mcssage-receiving device ; 28924, 21st December. Holden, A.. Christchurch, New Zealand ; oil-separator; (J. H. Sleddon and H. Barnes) ; 28923, 22nd D -comber. Holland, C. E., and another, Healesville, Victoria : collar ; 27490, 14th September, 1909.T Holm, S., Wellington, New Zealand : lamp-chimney attachment; 27761, 21st May. Holme, E. M., and others. Stookport, England : crane ; 28231. 10th AugustHolmes, C. P.. ami another, Lynn. United States America (set United Shoe .Machinery Company, No. 28111). Holmes, G. G.. jun.. Pigeon Bay, y<-\v Zealand: kerosenetin emptying; 27566, 15th April. Holmes. G. G., jun., Pigeon Bay, Nevt Zealand : dredge bucket or grab ; 28091, 15th July. Holmes, G. G., jun., and another. Pigeon Bay. New Zealand : lawn-mower attachment; 28910, 19th December. Holt, P. W. M., Papakura. New Zealand : poultry-feeding dnice; 27800, 28th May. Holton. P., Wellington, New Zealand ; sewing-machine darn-ing-attachment ; (T. H. R. Holton) ; 28186, Ist August. Holton, T. H. R.. Twickenham. England (sec P. Holton, No. 28186). Hommel, W., and another, London, England : metal-ex-traction ; 28807, 7th December, 1909,f Honywood, G., Dunedin. New Zealand : mixing-machine ; 27569, 14th April Honywood, G., Dunedin, New Zealand ; pulverizing-maohine ; 27570, Uth April. Honywood, G., Dunedin. New Zealand; mixing-machine; 27655, 27th April. Hood, G., Kirwcc. New Zealand : overchcck-bucklc : 28220, Bth August. Hood, T. W. A., and another. Ashfield, New South Wales; tic-attaching device ; 28494, 15th August.t Hood, T. W. A., and another, Ashfield, New South Wales ; tie-securing in position ; 28495, 25th August.t Hood, T. W. A., and another, Ashfield, New South Wales ; tie or scarf construction ; 28496, 25th August, t Hooke, H., Sydney, New South Wales ; centrifugal separator or filter; 28304, 21st September, 1909.t Hopkirk, J., Hawera, Now Zealand ; milk-agitating apparatus ; 28605, 19th October. Horrill, C, and another, Ashburton, Now Zealand ; brandingdevice ; 27501, Ist April. Hosking, A., and another, Palmerston North, New Zealand ; preventing froth on liquids ; 27982, 27th June. Hosking, A., and another, Palmerston North, New Zealand ; froth-preventing device ; 28192, 2nd August.

Hosking, A., and another, Palmerston North, New Zealand : pasteurizer; 28672, 3rd November. Hosking, E., Sydney, New South Wales; confectionerypacking ; 27718, 25th Fobruarv.t Hoskins, G. J., Sydney, New South Wales; locking-bar pipeplate bender ; 27678, 4th May. Hoskins, G. J.. Sydney, New South Wales ; sand moulds for cast-iron pipes ; 28324, 24th August. Hoskins, G. J.. Sydney, New South Wales ; lathe ; 28325, 24th August. Houghton, D. 8., Sydney, New South Wales (see 0. H. Stapelfoldt, Nos. 27752, 27753). Houlker. VV., Nelson, New Zealand; cask - manufacture; 28905, 20th December. House, J., Melbourne, Victoria; timber - seasoning; 28810, Ist December. Hovell, D. de 8., Sumner, New Zealand ; furnace-draught ; 28739, 10th November. How, E. E., Tariki, New Zealand; saw-bench; 28776, 24th November. Howard, E., and another, London, England ; bottle-tilling machine ; 27847, 27th August, 1909. t Howcroft, J., Caulfield, Victoria; axle-cap; 28885, Uth December. Howden, A. F., Dunedin, New Zealand; tobacco-cutter: 28750, 15th November. Howse, W. T., Auckland. New Zealand ; motive-power; 27181, 18th January. Hoy, VV. J., Adelaide, South Australia; dredge - bucket cleaning ; 28008, 30th June. Hoyland, W., Wellington, New Zealand ; show-case ; 27212. 28th January. Hoyland, \V., Wellington, Now Zealand ; box; 27216; 29th January. Hoyland, W., Wellington, New Zealand ; metal-clip system for show-case ; 27328, 19th February. Huber. A., Okaiawa, New Zealand ; teat-cup holder ; 27397, Bth March. Hubor, A., Kaponga. Now Zealand : milk-can ; 28898, 19th December. Hudson, C. Iv, Addington, New Zealand : water-chute ; 28490, 24th September. Hudson, E. V., and another, Aston, England ; cream-sepa-rator; 28221. 2nd September, 1909.t Hughes, H. 8., Auckland, New Zealand; connecting inflator to pneumatic tire ; 27123, Bth January. Hughes, W. E., and others, Clyde, United States America; mausoleum ; 27785, llth January.f Hughes, W. E., and others, Wellington, New Zealand ; window anti-rattler; 28765, 23rd November. Hulbert. J. 8., Nelson, New Zealand ; boot. &c, heel and sole ; 27346, 23rd February. Hulbert, J. 8., Nelson, New Zealand ; boot, &c, last; 27347, 23rd February. Hume, E. F-, Dunedin, New Zealand ; corset ; 27271. Bth February. Hume, E. J., and another, Adelaide, South Australia ; con-crete-pipe, &0., construction ; 28497, 27th September. Hume, W. R., and another, Adelaide, South Australia ; con-crete-pipe, &c, construction ; 28497, 27th September. Humphrey, H. A., London, England ; raising or forcing liquids '; 28014, 29th June. Humphreys-Grey, W., and another. Hawthorn, Victoria ; boot and shoe ; 27356, 24th February. Humphries, F., Granity, New Zealand ; mitre-cramp ; 28294, 19th August. Humphries, F., and another, Granity. New Zealand ; axlelubricator ; 28387, 6th September.' Hunt, A. H, Wellington, New Zealand ; tire-tread ; 27959, 24th June. Hunter, E., Alexandra South, New Zealand; hot-water supply ; 27887, llth June. Hunter, G. M., Waimea West, New Zealand ; wire-strainer : 28700, sth November. Hunter, G. S., London, England ; label-marking; (F. Kohnle); 28598, 18th October. Hunter, G. S., London, England; ticket making and attaching ; (F. Kohnle); 28599, 18th October. Hunter, J. D., Dunedin, New Zealand ; pasteurizing-appa-ratus ; 27224, 29th January. Hunter, J. D., Dunedin, New Zealand; milk-pasteurizer; 27918, 16th June. Hunter, J. T., Wellington, New Zealand ; steam-generator; (S. J. Ross and H. Schofield); 27340, 22nd February. Hunter, J. T., Wellington, New Zealand; advertisingmachine ; (J. Elliott); 27411, 10th March. Hunter, P., Waimea West, New Zealand; wire-strainer; 28140, 22nd July. Hunter, W. E., Maungakaramea, New Zealand; wirestrainer ; 28752, 18th November.




Hupp Motor-car Company, Detroit, United States America; brake for motor-cars and the like ; (E. A. Nelson); 28166, 26th July. Hurd, T., Dunedin, New Zealand; draught - preventer; 28857. 7th December. Hurrine, J., Gabriel's Gullv, New Zealand ; tap; 27840, 6th June. Hutoheson. .(., and others. Wellington, New Zealand ; postal pillar-box ; 28441, 16th September. Hutchinson, G, Christchurch. New Zealand (see Hutchinson's Scales Company. Limited. No. 28081). Hutchinson. G., Christchurch, New Zealand; seed-sower; 27553, 9th April. Hutchinson. J. H., Auckland. New Zealand ; handling and transporting material; 28422. 12th September. Hutchinson's Scales Company. Limited. Christchurch, New Zealand; scales; (G. Hutchinson) ; 28081, 15th July. Hutton. D. L.. and another, Dunedin. New Zealand : watermain motor : 27116, 4th January. Hyde. H. E.. Hauiti. New Zealand ; packing case or crate ; '28020, 2nd July. Hydrocarbon Converter Company, .New Vork, United States America ; gas - manufacture ; (E. B. Benham) ; 27228, Ist February. dynes, J. 8., and another, Foxton, New Zealand; tow separator ami conveyor; 27139. llth January. Imperial Cash-register Company, Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; cash - register; (C. Bristow); 28889. 17th December. Ingram. ('.. Waimauku. New Zealand; brick-kiln; 27643, 27th April. Ingram, J., Richmond, New Zealand: milk - separator; 28899, 19th December. Ingram, W. 8., and another. Kaikoura, New Zealand; harrow ; 28006, 30th June. International Automatic Railway-switch Company, Birmingham. United States America ; switch-throwing mechanism ; (H. Shemwell) ; 28285, I7th August. Inland. H. E., and another, Wahgunyah, Victoria; wirestrainer; 28878, 15th December. Irwin, H., Tokokino, New Zealand ; hen's nest ; 27824, 4th June. Ishi rwood, P. C. C, Levtonstone, England ; filtering-appa-ratus ; 27453, 22nd March. Island, J. S., Toronto, Canada ; extracting precious values from ores ; 28134, 21st July. Jackson. 1'". E., Williamstown, Victoria ; internal-combustion engine ; 28641, 23rd August.t Jackson, J. \V.. New Plymouth, New Zealand ; stopping sand from drifting ; 27265, Bth February. Jackson, N. E., Masterton, New Zealand; stock-marker; 27939, 21st June. Jackson, P. W.,"Wellington, New Zealand ; game apparatus ; 28513, 29th September. Jacobsen, T. 8., Auckland. New Zealand ; mono-rail railway ; 27395. Ith March. James, A.. Feuding, Now Zealand; totalizator; 28158, 27th July. lames, H. D. P., and another, Hawera, New Zealand : weatherboarding ; 28177, 30th July. James. H. D. P., and others, Hawera, New Zealand; flaxtreatment; 28327, 24th August. James, 11. W., Inglewood, New Zealand; milk, 4c, aerator; 27952, 23rd June. Jameson, T., Frankton Junction, New Zealand ; burglaralarm ; 27319, 18th February-. Jeffreys, S., and another. Auckland. New Zealand; rein-forced-concrete slab ; 28788, 25th November. Jelbart, V. S.. Ballarat, Victoria; internal - combustion engine ; 27049, 28th April. Jensen, A., Eureka, United States America ; liquid heating and cooling ; 27925, 20th June. Jensen, J. D., and another. Healesville. Victoria; collar; 27490, Uth September, 1909.t Jerram, A. E., and others, Leicester. England (sec United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28708). Jersey (see De Jersey). Jervie. A. J., and another, Petersham. New South Wales; potato-dropper; 28746, 17th November. Johansen, H. V.. Christchurch, New Zealand ; lift-guard: 28835, 7th December. Johansson. 1". .1.. and another, Stockholm, Sweden ; milkingmachine : 27991, 28th June. Johns, V. P., Auckland, New Zealand ; preserving tennisballs ; 27617, 22nd April. Johnson, A. E., Beverly, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 27132). Johnson, G., .Melbourne, Victoria : cvanidim: auriferous ores ; 27597, 20th April,

Johnson, S., Kongahu, New Zealand; gold-recovery from sand ; 28052, UthJJuly. Johnson, W. J., London, England ; spring motor sewingmachine ; 28085, 15th July. Johnson, W. J., London, England : spring motor sewingmachine ; 28086, 15th July. Johnston (sec Kent-Johnston). Johnston, C, Christchurch, New Zealand ; meat-safe ; 28383, sth September. Johnston, C. H., and another, Sorrento, Victoria ; tobaccopipe ; 28200, 27th November, 1909.f Johnston, G, Glasgow, Scotland; filtering - apparatus; 28901, 20th December. Johnston, G. Glasgow. Scotland; quartz-crushing; 28902, 20th December. Johnston, J., Invercargill, New Zealand ; lubricating bearings ; 27679, 4th Mac Johnstone, J. C, Boksburg North. Transvaal ; pulley or idler for conveyor-belt ; 28462. 20th September. Johnstone, W. H.. Wyndham, New Zealand: harrow-seat; 27927. 20th June. Johnstone, VV. L., and another, Palmerston North, New Zealand ; froth-on-liquid prevention ; 27982. 27th June. Johnstone, W. L., and another. Palmerston North, New Zealand ; froth-preventing devioe ; 28192, 2nd August. Johnstone, W. L., and another, Palmerston North, New Zealand ; pasteurizer ; 28672, 3rd November. Jonas, S.. Clifton Hall, Victoria; air-carburetter; 27557, 23rd June, 1909. t Jonassen, A. C, and another, Ashburton, New Zealand ; branding-devioe; 27501. Ist April Jones (si-.- also Gordon-Jones). Jones, A. 1., Feuding, New Zealand ; flax-dressing machine; 27163, 15th January. Jones, A. 1., Feuding, New Zealand : flax-dressing machine; 27688, sth May. Jones. A. 1., Gladstone, New Zealand ; vehicle-brake ; 28066, 13th July. Jones, A. S., and another, Wollongong, New South Wales; power-shaft coupling; 28433, 17th January.f Jones. J., and another. Melbourne, Victoria; ore-treatment; 27330, 18th February. Jones, J. ()., Manaia, New Zealand : milk-cooler, &c. ; 27419, 12th March. b.ncs, J. ()., .Manaia, New Zealand; milking-machine; 27600, 20th April. Jones, J. H. C, Auckland. New Zealand; vehicle-brake: 28702, 7th November. Jones, W., ami others, Auckland. New Zealand ; curtainpole lifter; 27969, 23rd June. Jones, W. (.'. V.. London. England; pneumatic tire ; 27409, (ith October, 1909.f Jonsou. J., Midbirst, New Zealand; candle-extinguisher; 28105, 19th July. lootcn, K., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand ; milk. &c, refrigerator; 27173, 17th January. Jorgensen, 0. A., Wellington, New Zealand; easement stay and fastener ; 27835, 7th June. Jury, E. A., Wellington, Now Zealand; steam-boiler; 27559, Uth \pril. Joughin, 8.. Matamata, New Zealand; vacuum-creating means; 28874, Uth December. Joy, W., ami another, Auckland. New Zealand; hat-pin; 28921, 22nd December. Joy, W. (1., and another, Auckland. New Zealand ; hat-pin ; 27473, 22nd March. Joy, W. (.., end another. Auckland. New Zealand; piano-forte-panel : 27999. Uth June. Joyce, E. J., and another. Karangahake, New Zealand: plough mould-board; 28242, llth August. Julius. G. A., Woollahra. New South Wales; ticket-printing apparatus; 28002, 9th August, 1909.t Julius, G. A., Woollahra, New South Wales; ticket-printing apparatus; 28(103. 9th August, 1909.f Juriss, M.. Wellington, New Zealand; aeroplane; 27712, nth May. Kahlenberg, P., Dunedin. New Zealand; golf-club, &c, grip; 28789, 25th November. Kainer, F. C, South Haven, New South Wales; vendingmachine ; 27245, 17th March, 1909. f Karles, F. 8., Dunedin. New Zealand; milk-can; 28562, Bth October. Karns, J. P., Johnstown. United States America (see J. P. Karns Tunnelling Machine Company, Nos. 27955, 27956). Kerns. J. I'., Tunnelling Machine Company, Johnstown, United States America; drilling-machine; (J. P. Karns); 27955, 22nd June. Karns, J. P., Tunnelling Machine Company, Johnstown, United States America j drilling-machine; (J. P. Karns); 27956, 22nd June.




Keeley, F., Te Kuiti, New Zealand; horse-bridle ; 28814, Ist December. Keen, W. M., Sydney, New South Wales ; rabbits and hares packing ; 28808, Ist December. Keesing, H. M-, Auckland, New Zealand ; advertising-device; 28254, 12th August. Keir, J., Sydenham, New Zealand (sec P. and 1). Duncan, Limited, Nos. 27258, 27942, 28655). Kelly, J. 8., Johnsonville, New Zealand ; acetylene-generator; 27349, 23rd February. Kelly, S. W.. Auckland, New Zealand; carpet-clip; 28764, 23rd November. Kennedy, H., and another, Midhirst. New Zealand ; milkcooler ; 28690, 7th November. Kennedy. 8., and another, Glasgow, Scotland : milkingmachine ; 27410. 10th March. Kennedy, R., and another, Glasgow. Scotland; teat-cup; 27546, llth April Kent, H. A. H.. Preston, Victoria (sec W. S. McDonald. Nos. 28506. 28507). Kent-Johnston, A. G., London, England; method for displaying posters, &c. ; 28114, 28th July, 1909.t Keppel, J. J., Lawrence, New Zealand; wire-strainer; 27307, Uth February. Keppel, J. J., Dunedin, New Zealand; (lax-washing apparatus ; 27759, 18th May. Keppel, .1. J., and another. Outram, New Zealand ; flaxcatcher ; 28103, 16th July. Kerby, F., Paddington, New South Wales ; mill-belt fastener : 27433, Kith March. Kerr, A. D., Wellington, New Zealand ; aeroplane ; 28233, 10th August. Kershaw, H., Christchurch, New Zealand ; station-indicator ; 27716, llth May. Kershaw, H.. and another, Christchurch. New Zealand ; race-starter ; 28276, 17th August. Kettle, H. G., Dunedin, New Zealand; cooling-apparatus; 28229, Bth August. Kettle, H. G., Dunedin, New Zealand ; milking-machine pipe ; 28856, 7th December. Kidd, T., Invercargill, New Zealand: milking - apparatus; 27293, llth February. Kidd, T., Invercargill, New Zealand; milking - apparatus; 28448, 16th September. Kidd, T., Invercargill, New Zealand; milking-machine; 28449, 16th September. Kidd, T., Invercargill, New Zealand; milking - apparatus ; 28893, Kith December. Kilborn, A., Middle Brighton. Victoria; clastic fluid motor; 28306, 21st January.t King. A. I-!.. Annandale, New South Wales; vehicle armrest; 28504, 28th September. King, G, and another, Wellington. New Zealand ; kerosene, &c, filling appliance ; 27286, 12th February. King, G., and another. Wellington, New Zealand ; musicholder ; 27287, 12th February. King, J. 8., and others, Clyde. United Stales America; mausoleum; 27785, llth January.f King, R., and another, Palmerston North. New Zealand; roller fire-screen ; 28244, 12th August. King, W., Wellington, New Zealand; boot-upper; 28520, 30th September. Kingswell, I'. N.. ami another. Auckland, New Zealand; dredging ; 27324. 17th February. Kirkbride, J. L.. Auckland, New Zealand; trolly - pole ; 27359, 26th February. Kirkwood, J. C. P.. Wellington. New Zealand ; electric waterheater ; 27670, 3rd May. Kirkwood, J. C. I'., Wellington, New Zealand; electrical cooker: 28633. 25th October. Kirkwood, J. C. P., Wellington. New Zealand; electricheating controller; 28694. 7th November. Kirkwood. .1. C. P., Wellington, New Zealand ; electric iron ; 28701, Bth November. Knight. G. 11.. St. Peter's, South Australia; parcels. &c., strap; 27630, 27th April, 1909.1Knottenbclt. H. W., Brussels. Belgium ; petroleum. Sus., manufacture; 27584, 19th April. Knutzen, H. P., Auckland, New Zealand ; monooycle and vehicle wheel ; 28295, 20th August. Kochendnrfrer, G., Melbourne, Victoria; bottling-maohine; 27611. 21st April Kofoed. E., Invercargill, New Zealand : telephonic timerecorder; 28086,5th November. Kohnle. !•'.. Dayton. United Slate- America (see G. S. Hunter, Nos. 28598, 28599). Korth, A. H., Gisborne, New Zealand ; reinforced-tar mixture ; 28581, Uth October. Koszegi, K, and another, Baja, Hungary; cultivator; 27479, 30th March. Kozlovsky, M-, Auckland, New Zealand ; clothes-washer; 28610, 18th October.

Kramer (see Von Kramer). Kratt, C, Glasgow, Scotland (see T. MoClelland, jun., No. 28716). Kruskopf, J. S., Hindon, New Zealand : window - sash ; 27291, llth February. Kuhn, E. W., London, England ; beer, 4c., manufacture ; 28855, Bth Decombcr. Kuschort, F. C. W., and another, Wahgunyah, Victoria ; wirestrainer ; 28878, 15th December. Kviberg, V.. Putaruru, New Zealand ; lock-nut ; 28208, 4th August. Kvnaston, J., Orawia, New Zealand ; rabbit-trap fixer; '28126, 21st July. La Chapelle, K. 1., and anothor, Beverly, United States America (sec United Shoe Machinery- Company, No. 28774). Laffey, J., and another. Cromwell, New Zealand ; water-main motor ; 27116. 4th January. Laidlaw and Gray, Limited, Dunedin, New Zealand : rabbittrap ; (J. Clark) ; 27355, 22nd February. Lambie, R., jun., and anothor, Pihama, New Zealand ; exhausting air from closed vessels ; 27246, 4th February. Lamouroux (see Compagnie Francaise des Produits Lactos Societe Anonyme, No. 27391). Lanchestcr, E. N., Otaki, New Zealand ; binding paint-brush; 27222, Ist February. Land, G., and another. Hastings. New Zealand ; skylight; 27489, 31st March. Landon, J. M., London, England ; sound-trumpet or amplifier; 28264, 16th AugustLane, F. A., Little Falls, United States America (see W. H. Lawrence ami R. Kennedy, Xo. 27546). Lang, G., and another. Pollokshiolds, Scotland ; saucepan ; 27452, 22nd March. Langford, E. A., New Brighton, New Zealand ; olothes-drying horse; 27938, 21st June Langman, H. VV., Nelson, New Zealand; wire-strainer; 28402, Bth September. Larcomb, E., Wellington, New Zealand; caisson; 27232, 2nd February. Latham, R., Ngaruawahia, New Zealand ; rifle; 27239, 28th January. Latham, R., Ngaruawahia, Now Zealand ; cooling breech, Jtc, of rifle ; 27231, 28th January. Laurent, L. P., New Plymouth, New Zealand ; plough; 27576, 18th April. Laut, C, Gulgong, New South Wales ; punoture-oomposition ; 28001, 30th June. Law, F. H.. Marshlands. New Zealand; bag-lifting; 27503, Ist April. Lawrence, J. C. P., I'rahran, Victoria ; aerating-machine 27743, 16th October, 1909.t Lawrence, W. H., and another. Pollokshields, Scotland ; milking-machine ; 27410, 10th March. Lawrence, W. H., and another, Glasgow, Scotland ; teatcup; (F. A. Lane); 27546, llth April. Lawric, J. S., Dunedin, New Zealand : piston-rod-packing device ; 27445, 18th March. Lazarus, H. G., and others, Wellington, New Zealand; window anti-rattler; 28765, 23rd November. L.-B. Manufacturing Company, San Jose, United States America ; cycle parcel-carrier ; (H. G. Brott) ; 28146, 23rd July. Leathart, R. M. W., Onehunga, New Zealand; rat-trap; 27731, 12th May. Lccochc, J., London. England; electric motor; 28697, Bth November. Le Coutre, A. J., Worcester. United States America; corset; 28852, 18th De. ember. 190'.'.: Lodingham. A., and another, Hastings, New Zealand; weatherboarding substitute ; 28291, 17th August. Lee, 'I. A., and others, Dunedin. New Zealand ; sliding-door; 27200, 24th January. Leech. A. H., Enmore, New South Wales; ladies' suspenders; 28837, 29th October.t Lees. A. H. C, and others, Christohurch, New Zealand; rifle-muzzle-movement restricting; 27552, 9th April. Lees, C. A., ami others, Christchurch, New Zealand; rjflc-muzzle-movement restricting; 27552, 9th April. Leib, A., ami others. Berlin, Germain- (see E. Phillips, No. 27945). Leist, G., Sydney, New South Wales; meat-slicing machine; (Schneide-Masohinenfabrik, Graff, and Stein—F. Graff); 27631, 27th April. Lcitch, A., ami another. Blackball, New Zealand ; bicycleticket attaohing ; 27176, 19th January. Leiuan, A. A., anil another, Auckland, New Zealand; making cavity-wall concrete buildings ; 28145, 22nd July. Leman, C. \., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; making oavity-wall concrete buildings ; 28145, 22nd July. Leonard, J., Wellington, New Zealand ; game apparatus ; 27767, 24th May.



Le Roy, E., Auckland, Now Zealand ; sail, &c.; 27523, sth April. Le Roy, E., Auckland, New Zealand ; coat; 27681, 3rd May. Le Roy, E., Auckland, New Zealand; hook-eye, &c, for coats, leggings, &c. ; 28409, 9th September. Levien, E. P., Oroua Bridge, New Zealand; flax-dressing machine ; 27331, 21st February. levien, E. P., and another, Oroua Bridge, New Zealand ; flax-catcher; 28430, 14th September. Levinge, H. M., Okato, New Zealand ; table ; 27574, 16th April. Levinge, H. M., Okato, New Zealand ; dumb waiter; 27739, 17th May. Lewis, F., Ngaio, New Zealand ; wire-strainer; 28259, 15th August. Lewis, W., Wellington, New Zealand ; acetylene-generator ; 27192, 24th January. Lietz, VV. F., Wellington, New Zealand ; dry closet; 27197, 25th January. Lietz, W. F., Wellington, New Zealand ; waste-flax utilization ; 28671, 3rd November. Liggins, J., Tokomaru, New Zealand ; flax-scutcher ; 27775, 25th May. Liggins, J., Tokomaru. New Zealand ; flax-scutcher; 28445, 17th Soptombcr. Limber, J., and anothor, Wellington, New Zealand ; fueleconomizer and trivet; 28515, 29th September. Linard, A., Elstornwiek, Victoria ; draught and dust excluder ; 28435, Uth September. Lindstrom, K. 1., Nykvarn, Sweden ; changing continuous pressure into an intermittent one ; 27110, 4th January. Little, H. P., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; aeroplane ; 27467, 24th March. Little, J., Camberwell, Victoria (see Woods-Gilbert Railplaning Company, Limited, No. 28865). Little, J., and others, Camberwell, Victoria ; stone-dresser; 27666, 30th April. Little, W., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; advertisingmedium and match-box ; 28055, 12th July. Little, W., and another, Auckland, New Zealand; timeindicator ; 28056,12th July. Little, W. G.,East Grinsted. England; cleaning-fluid; 28213, 20th November, 1909. t Little, W. G., East Grinsted, England; sheep - dip; 28213, 20th November, 1909.f Littleton, J., Wellington, New Zealand ; fluid-pressure engine ; 28364, Ist September. Livesay, J. W., Ellerslie, New Zealand; flax-towing-up prevention ; 28868, 10th December. Livingstone, H. A., Winton, New Zealand ; spark-arrester; 27734, 13th May. Livingstone, H. A., Brown's, New Zealand ; game ; 28025, Ist July. Loach, T. E., Hastings, New Zealand ; milk - strainer ; 27980, 24th June. Loasby, P. C, and another, Christchurch, New Zealand; aeroplane ; 28191, 2nd August. Lockett, G. H., and another, Gisborne, New Zealand ; closetseat ; 27320,15th February. Lockwood, A. A., London, England (see Murex Magnetic Company, Limited, No. 28870). Loewcnthal, H., Buenos Aires, Argentina ; fencing-dropper; 27910, 15th June. Lomas, G., Sydenham, New Zealand ; truck - haulage; 28890, 17th December. Long, A. M., Gisborne, New Zealand ; weed-destroying compound ; 27819, 28th May. Long, A. M., Gisborne, New Zealand ; Californian-thistle, &c, destroyer ; 28102, 15th July. Long, E. R., Christchurch, New Zealand; jar - filler; 28332, 26th August. Long, R., Ashburton, New Zealand; knife - cleaner; 28139, 18th August. Long, T. P., Gisborne, New Zealand ; billiard-cue attachment; 27281, Bth February. Longdin, F. E., Christchurch, New Zealand; bicycle cutlery grinder and polisher ; 27341, 21st February. Loudon, J., and others, Dunedin, New Zealand; slidingdoor ; 27200, 24th January. Lough, F., Whangarei, New Zealand ; method of teaching arithmetic ; 28033, 4th July. Louis, E. S., and another, London, England; pulley; 27539, 12th April. Love, J. H., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; reinsattachment ; 28787, 25th November. Love, R., and another, Auckland, New Zealand; reinsattachment ; 28787, 25th November. Love, R. G., Dunedin, New Zealand; pin; 27985, 25th June. Love, R. G., Dunedin, New Zealand ; brooch-pin; 27986, 25th June.

4—H. 10.

Love, W. J., and another, Burnside, New Zealand; cementmanufacture ; 27282, 9th February. Low, T. A., Renfrew, Canada; cream-separator ; (G. T. Soderstrom) ; 27112, 4th January. Lowe, C, Umukuri, New Zealand ; cultivator; 28405, 10th September. Lowe, G. 1., Foxton, New Zealand; flax-catcher; 28703, 9th November. Lowenstein-Wertheim, Anne of, London, England ; self-level-ling cot, &c. ; 28461, 20th September. Lowry, H., Belfast, Ireland; pipe - obstruction removal; 28763, 23rd November. Lumiere, L., Lyons, France; acoustical instrument; 28917, 30th December, 1909.f Lund, T., Beverly, United States America ; boot-top lift; 27789, 29th May, 1909. f Lund, T., Beverly, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 28060, 28061). Lundy, D., Morven, New Zealand ; windmill - controller ; 27769, 24th May. Lungley, C. F., Melbourne, Victoria ; hide, &c, treatment; 28848, 7th December. Lyell, A., Wellington, New Zealand; non-refillable bottle ; 28559, Bth October. Lyell, A., Wellington, New Zealand ; non-refillable bottle ; ' 28860, 9th December. Lvnch, J. H., and others, Matteawan, United States America ; furnace ; 28683, sth November. Lyness, R. C, Sunderland, England; contact-finger for electrical controller, &c. ; 28012, 29th June, 1909.f McArthur, C, and others, Wellington, New Zealand ; postal pillar-box ; 28441, 10th September. McArthur, G. S., and another, Kaiwarra, New Zealand ; nightsoil, &c, treatment; 27691, sth May. Macaskie, S. S., London, England; superheater; (W. F. Pettigrew) ; 28031, 30th July, 1909. f McAven, J. S., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; re-inforced-concrete block ; 28420, 13th September. Mcßeth, H. J., and another, Dalby, Queensland ; stirrupleather releasing ; 27948, 23rd June. McCarthy, M. J. N., Wellington, New Zealand; kinematograph and phonograph ; 28486, 24th September. McCarty, J., and another, Palmerston North, New Zealand ; rut-filler and shingle-adjuster ; 28341, 26th August. McClelland, T., jun., Cathcart, Scotland ; electrical waterheater ; (C. Kratt); 28716, 10th November. McColl, H. W., Dunedin, New Zealand; water-heater; 28630, 21st October. McCombs, J., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand; tireplate ; 27683, 4th May. McConkey, M., Timaru, New Zealand; greenhouse-ventilation; 28834,7th December. McCrae, D., Wellington, New Zealand; mattress; 27188, 21st January. McCrae, D., Johnsonville, New Zealand; mattress-manu-facture ; 27893, 14th June. McDermott, L. L., and others, Auckland, New Zealand; electric alarm ; 27713, llth May. Macdonald, A., Dunedin, New Zealand; tin-cutting tool 28144, 25th July. McDonald, D. M., Donnybrook, Victoria ; cream aerator and cooler ; 28472, 22nd September, 1909.f McDonald, F. J., Dunedin, New Zealand ; steaming-valve &c. ; 27343, 23rd March. McDonald, H., Putaruru, New Zealand; lock-nut; 27963, 24th June. McDonald, J. L., Halcombe, New Zealand ; skeith, &c, axle 27458, 23rd March. McDonald, M., Clunes, Victoria; railway signalling-appa-ratus ; 28463, 20th September. McDonald, N. W., Swan Hill, Victoria fencing-dropper 27645, 27th April. MacDonald, P. N. M., Napier, New Zealand; envelopescaling machine ; 27140, llth January. Macdonald, R., Chelsea, New Zealand ; electric-lamp-holder lock ; 28219, 6th August. McDonald, T. W., Stratford, New Zealand; pasteurizer 28483, 24th September. McDonald, W. S., Preston, Victoria; crate; (H. A. H. Kent); 28506, 28th September. McDonald, W. S., Preston, Victoria; crate-lid; (H. A. H. Kent) ; 28507, 28th September. McDougall, A. A., Napier, New Zealand ; spouting-braoket ; 28251, Uth August. MacEwan, J. 8., and Co., Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; milking - apparatus claw; (A. B. Robertson); 27145, 12th January. McEwen, M., and another, Glasgow, Scotland ; saucepan ; 27452, 22nd March.





McFadden, J., and another, Edendale, New Zealand ; milkingmachine ; 27532, 9th April. MacFarlane, I. G., Auckland, New Zealand; ferro-concrete structure ; 285G8, 10th October. McFeely, R. F., Beverly, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28431). McFeely, R. F., Beverly, United States America; pullingover machine ; 27230, 19th April, 1909. f McGaffin, R., Hastings, Now Zealand ; flax-catcher; 27338, 18th February. McGaffin, R., Hastings, New Zealand ; flax-convoyor-holding devico ; 27339, 18th February. McGaffin, R., Hastings, New Zealand ; flax-catcher shutter; 27509, 1st April. McGaffin, R., Hastings, New Zealand ; flax-catcher; 27510, 1st April. McGaffin, R., Hastings, Now Zealand ; flax-eatclier chute; 27699, 4th May. McGaffin, R., Hastings, New Zealand ; flax-catcher chute or funnel; 27754, 17th May. McGaffin, R., Hastings, Now Zealand ; flax-washing machine; 27755, 17th May. McGaffin, R., Hastings, New Zealand ; flax-catcher; 27965, 24th June. McGaffin, R., Hastings, Now Zealand ; tow-cloaning apparatus ; 28517, 28th September. McGaffin, R., Hastings, New Zealand ; flax-dresser; 28518, 28th September. McGaffin, R., Hastings, Now Zealand ; flax-machine ; 28585, 14th October. McGaffin, R., Hastings, New Zealand; flax-catcher trip; 28438, 15th September. McGeo, VV. G., Nelson, New Zealand ; clothes-lino apparatus ; 28695, 7th November. McGibbon, K. A., Dannevirke, New Zealand ; clothes-washer; 28819, 3rd December. McGregor, J., Duncdin, Now Zealand; steam-generating boiler ; 28458, 17th September. Macgregor, W. P. S., Dunedin, Now Zealand ; fence dropper and spreader ; 27880, 11th June. Macindoe, A. E., Auckland, New Zealand ; hot and cold water tap; 28611, 18th October. Mclnness, D. L., and others, Wanganui, New Zealand; order form, &c. ; 28212, 4th August. Mclntyro, C, Richmond, Victoria; furnace air-bridge; 28127, 19th July. Mclntyre, J., and another, Onehunga, New Zealand ; harrow ; 27372, 28th February. Mclntyro, J. E., Longbush, New Zealand; ear-mark for sheep and cattle ; 28399, 8th September. Mackay, A. G., Awaiti, New Zealand ; marine-engine-raeing preventer; 28092, 16th July. McKay, W., Tamleugh, Victoria ; broom ; 27022, 21st April. McKay, W. A., Wellington, New Zealand; water-wheel; 27208, 27th January. Mackay, W. R., and another, Perth, Western Australia; coin-freed mechanism ; 287G7, 23rd November. McKellar, C. G., Christchurch, New Zealand ; preserving-jar; 27961, 23rd June. McKellar, C. G., Christchurch, New Zealand ; water-closet; 27999, 29th June. McKellar, C. G., Christchurch, New Zealand ; screw-top jar; 28252, 11th August. McKellar, C. G., Christchurch, New Zealand ; flushing-system; 28406, 9th September. McKellar, C. G., Christchurch, New Zoaland ; cycle-fittings ; 28646, 27th October. McKellar, C. G., Christchurch, New Zealand ; tennis-racquet; 28720, 8th November. MoKellar, C. G., Christchurch, New Zoaland ; float-valve ; 28781, 23rd November. McKellar, C. G., Christehurch, New Zealand ; tennis-racquet; 28918, 21st December. McKellar, C. G., and others, Christehurch, New Zealand; reproduction of drawings ; 28168, 27th July. McKellar, C. G., and others, Christehurch, New Zealand ; reproduction of drawings ; 28169, 27th July. MacKenzie, A. C, Melbourne, Victoria; carcase rail skid, &c. ; 28467, 21st September. McKenzie, G. W., Caroline, New Zealand ; castrating-tool; 28336, 25th August. McKenzie and Holland, Limited, and another, London, J, England ; railway signaller and interlocker; 28541, 14th f February.f McKerihan, J. R., and another, Casino, New South Wales; buttor-cutter ; 27301, 15th February. McKinlay, W., Dunedin, New Zealand ; boot; 27981, 27th June. McKinnon, J. A., Riverton, New Zealand; couch. &c; 27463, 22nd March.

Mackintosh, R. D., and another, London, England; alloy; 28180, 30th July. Mackintosh, W. M., and another, Liscard, England; tool: 28063, 2nd November. Macky, J. J., Auckland, New Zealand; furniture-castor; 27895, 11th June. McLaren, H., and another, Leeds, England; steam, &c, plough; 27189, 19th January. McLaren, J., Auckland, New Zealand; whip-thong; 28175, 5th September. McLaren, J., and another, Leeds, England; steam. &c, plough; 27189, 19th January. McLauchlan, E. M., Spring Hills, New Zealand; ploughattachment ; 27901, 15th June. McLaughlin, F., Wellington, New Zealand; push-cart: 27882, 13th June. McLaurin, A., and another, Marokopa, New Zealand ; watertank attachment; 27764, 24th May. McLaurin, A., and another, Marokopa, New Zealand ; tank or vat; 28054, 12th July. McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, New Zealand ; baled-goods-temperaturo indicator ; 27651, 29th April. McLaurin, J. D., and another, Pohangina, New Zealand; water-tank attachment; 27764, 24th May. McLaurin, J. D., and another, Pohangina, New Zealand; tank or vat; 28054, 12th July. McLean, D., North Shields, England; chimney draughtinducer ; 27430, 15th March. McLean, D. W., Methven, New Zealand ; adding and scoring apparatus ; 28093, 16th July. McLean, F. R., Waipatiki, New Zealand ; turbine ; 27256, 7th February. McLean, F. R., Waipatiki, New Zealand ; turbine ; 28684, 5th November. Maclean, T., Greenhills, New Zealand ; door and window fastener ; 28737, 14th November. McLellan, D., and another, Napier, New Zealand ; sprayingapparatus ; 28261, 15th August. McLennan, A., London, England : leather-treatment; 27517, 26th April. McLeod, A., Auckland, New Zealand ; califont; 27462, 22nd March. McLeod, A., Auckland, Now Zealand ; water-heater ; 27705, 9th May. McLeod, A., Auckland, New Zoaland ; water-heater ; 27756, 18th May. McLeod, A., Auckland, New Zealand ; water-heater ; 27815, 31st May. MoLeod, A., Auckland, Now Zealand ; valve-cock ; 27866, 8th June. McLeod, A., Auckland, New Zealand ; califont; 28022, 30tb June. McLeod, A., Auckland, Now Zealand ; califont, &c.; 28217, 5th August. McLeod, A., Auckland, New Zealand ; lamp ; 28567, 10th October. MacLeod, A. M., Eltham, Now Zealand; clothes drying apparatus ; 27037, 24th April. McLeod, C, Toronto, Canada (see Massey-Harris Company, Limited, No. 27151). MeLeod, D., Dunedin, New Zealand ; candlestick ; 28076, 14th July. McLeod, H. F., and others, Auckland, New Zealand ; goldseparator ; 27829, 2nd June. McLeod, J., Eltham, New Zealand ; blouse-fastener; 27334, 21st February. McLeod. J. H., Carterton, New Zealand ; milk-cooler ; 27180, 17th January. McLeod, J. H., Carterton, New Zealand ; cheese-vat; 28653, 31st October. McLeod, W., Wanganui. New Zealand ; seat; 27229, 1st February. McLeod, W., Wanganui, New Zealand; collapsible seat; 27515, 5th April. Macmcikan, J., Melbourne, Victoria; air-circulating apparatus ; (R. Rayson); 27639, 27th April. McMullan, R., Fremantle, Western Australia; aeroplanebalancer; 28316, 23rd August. MeMurdie, H., Windsor, Victoria ; boiler-feeding ; (W. B. D. Ponninghaus); 27920, 17th June. McMurra}', F., Athol, New Zealand; hand-shears; 28374, 1st September. McNab, N. S., and another, Caulfield, Victoria; stampingmachino ; 27922, 18th June. McNab, N. S., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand ; frankingmaehine ; 28013, 29th June, 1909. f McNab, N. S., and another, Caullield, Victoria ; registeringdevice ; 28804, 1st December. McNaught, W. A., Dunedin, New Zealand; wool-classing chart; 27400, 7th March.




McNaught, W. A., Dunedin, New Zealand ; branding-device ; 28170, 27th July. McNaughton, R., Warragul, Victoria ; axle - cap ; 27172, 18th January. McNeill, A., and others, Wellington, New Zealand ; order form, &c. ; 28212, 4th August. McNeil, P., Timaru, New Zealand; steam - boiler firing; 28016, 29th June. McNicoll, R. W., Dunedin, New Zealand; brooch-fastener; 28909, 17th December. McPhail, A. G., Invercargill, New Zealand; clothes-peg; 27911, 15th June. Macpherson, J., Auckland, New Zealand; acetylene-gene-rator ; 27788, 26th May. Macpherson, R., and another, Brondesbury, England; soapmanufacture ; 27740, 17th May. Mcßae, W., Hedgehope, New Zealand; plough ; 28366, 31st August. Mcßae, W. W., Glens of Tekoa, New Zealand; feedingtrough ; 28283, 17th August. M. and S. Drill Company, San Francisco, United States America ; drill; (H. W. Muhleisen); 27478, 30th March. Madder, W., and another, Lvttelton, New Zealand; nonrefillable bottle ; 27897, 13th June. Magnus, P., Northcote, Victoria; motor-tire tread; 27130, llth January. Mahlstedt, G., Melbourne, Victoria; motor-car, &c, speedaccelerator ; 28412, 13th September. Main, J. E., Christchurch, New Zealand ; lawn-edge trimmer ; 28866, 12th December. Maioha, S., jun., Tolaga Bay, New Zealand; sunken-rock indicator ; 27799, 30th May. Maloney, J. P., Fortrose, New Zealand; box stapling and wiring ; 27781, 23rd May. Mander, H., and another, Westport, New Zealand ; boot-heel stiffener; 28072, llth July. Mander, H., and another, Westport, New Zealand; verminproof corrugated iron ; 28117, 18th July. Mander, H. P., and another, Westport, New Zealand; corrugated iron ; 27783, 24th May. Mann, G. H., and another, Leeds, England ; internal-com-bustion-engine valve, &c. ; 28075, 13th July. Mann, J. W., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand; motor; 27593, 15th April. Marchant, S. 8., Balaklava, South Australia; buildingconstruction ; 28830, 7th December. Marchesi, G., and another, Leichardt, Victoria; brake; 28809, Ist December. Marks, H. S., Melbourne, Victoria ; chaffcutter gear; 28058, 12th July, 1909.t Marks High-speed Reversible Turbine Company, Limited, Auckland, New Zealand; turbine; (H. Beaney) ; 28118, 18th July. Marriott, C., and another, Northcote, Victoria ; leather-sheet manufacture ; 27907, 16th June. Marriott, C, and another, Northcote, Victoria; leather-sheet manufacture ; 27908, 16th June. Marriott, C, and another, Northcote, Victoria; boot, &c, welt manufacture ; 28010, 30th June. Marsden, H., and another, Randwick, New South Wales; signal-displaying apparatus ; (J. G. Deeble); 27275, 10th February. Marshall, J. T., and another, Leeds, England; steam, &c, engine slide-valve ; 27272, 9th February. Marshall, R. F., and another, Invercargill, New Zealand; vehicle-wheel; 27221, 27th January. Marshall, W. F., and another, Melbourne, Victoria; rail milling and grinding machine ; 28471, 22nd September. Martensen, M. F., Palmerston North, New Zealand ; stepladder ; 28101, 18th July. Martin, C. W., Wellington, New Zealand; electric - wire insulating ; 28822, sth December. Martin, C. W, Wellington, New .Zealand; electric heatingoven ; 28823, sth December. Martin, P., and another, Granity, New Zealand; axlelubricator ; 28387, 6th September. Martin, W. M., Redruth, England; ore-separator; 27210, 24th February, 1909. t Martin, W. M., Redruth, England; ore-treatment; 27820, Ist June. Martin, W. W., Wellington, New Zealand; obstruction-in-mains prevention ; (J. T. Catling); 28854, Bth December. Martineau, F. L., London, England; marine steering-gear; 28493, 27th September. Mascord, G. W., London, England; rotary motor; 27578, 19th April. Mason (see Blair-Mason). Massey, G., Sydney, New South Wales; sheep-shearing machine ; 27461, 23rd March. Massey, G., Sydney, New South Wales; sheep-shearing machine ; 28121, 21st July.

Massev, G., Sydney, New South Wales; sheep-shearing machine ; 28348, 30th August. Massey-Harris Company, Limited, Toronto, Canada ; bearings ; (C. McLeod) ; 27151, llth January. Massey, R., Sydney, New South Wales; attaching collars to blouses, &c. ; 27358, 24th February. Matheson, D., Martinborough, New Zealand; paint-brush; 28209, 16th August. Matheson, J. D., Fairlie, New Zealand ; bridle ; 28302, 22nd August. Maunder, R. M., and another, Palmerston North, New Zealand ; roller fire-screen ; 28244, 12th August. Maunder, R. S., Hawera, New Zealand; milk releaser and conveyor ; 27401, 9th March. May, F. E., and others, Sydney, New South Wales; wardrobe ; 27273, 9th February. May, J., Melbourne, Victoria; liquid-cooler; 28833, sth December. May, J. C, Onehunga, New Zealand ; egg-carrier; 28618, 21st October. May, J. C, Onehunga, New Zealand; valve and valve-seat ; 28141, 22nd July. May, R., and others, Sydney, New South Wales ; wardrobe ; 27273, 9th February. Mayo, B. F., and another, Salem, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28774). C. R., London, England ; grease-extraction from woolskins ; 27766, 24th May. Mead, J., Warkworth, New Zealand; petroleum and carbide gas generator ; 28069, 12th July. Medland, G. M., Tryphena, Great Barrier ; pudding-steamer ; 27665, 2nd May. Mehring, W., Keymer, United States America (see W. Veale, No. 28754). Meissner, A., Berlin, Germany (see E. Phillips, No. 28551). Mellor, J. F., Adelaide, South Australia; stump-jumping agricultural implement; (J. A. Shearer) ; 27154, 13th January. Melville, C, Blenheim, New Zealand; railway, &c, carriage gate ; 27529, Bth April. Mence, T., Campbelltown, New Zealand; child-holder; 27629, 26th April. Mercer, H. A., and others, Melbourne, Victoria ; deck-chair; 27357, 24th February. Messerschmidt, C. W. V., Copenhagen, Denmark; metal capsule ; 27308, 16th February. Metals Extraction Corporation, Limited, London, England ; bringing gas into contact with liquid ; (H. T. Durant) ; 28698, Bth November. Metcalfe, G., New Plymouth, New Zealand ; punctureresisting material; 27299, Uth February. Metcalfe, G., New Plymouth, Now Zealand; wearing-sub-stance production ; 27623, 22nd April. Metcalfo, G., New Plymouth, New Zealand ; wear-resisting material; 28000, 29th June. Metcalfo, H., Auckland, New Zealand ; scaffolding-bracket; 28248, 12th August. Metcalfe, H., Auckland, New Zealand; scaffold-bracket attachment; 28635, 28th October. Metcalfo, H., Auckland, New Zealand ; nut-lock ; 28719 ; 10th November. Metters, F. A., and another, Croydon, South Australia (see A. R. Barrymore, No. 28877). Metzenthin, J. E., Palmerston North, New Zealand ; milkingmachine pulsator ; 27119, 6th January. Metzler, P. M., Ascot Vale, Victoria (see Duplex Seed Drill Company Proprietary, Limited, No. 28300). Meudell, W. G., Melbourne, Victoria; fuel-manufacture; (C. B. Teasdale); 27367, Ist March. Meyer, J. C, and others, Matteawan, United States America ; furnace ; 28683, sth November. Meyer, W. C, and another, Boston, United Statos America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28111). Midas Limited, London, England; leather-polish; (A. W. Urmetzer); 27465, 22nd March. Midgley, A. H., and anothor, Acton Vale, England; dynamo, electric machinery ; 28206, 16th August. Milbum, J., Havelock North, New Zoaland ; kinematograph ; 27958, 24th June. Mildenhall, T. J., Opunake, New Zealand; horse-cover; 27484, 30th March. Millar, W. R., Wellington, New Zoaland; room-heater; 27992, 28th Juno. Millar, W. R., Wellington, New Zoaland; electric cooker ; 27993, 28th June. Miller, J. W., and another, Casino, New South Wales ; buttercutter ; 27301, 15th February. Miller, T., Auckland, Now Zealand; steam-engine ; (F. J. F. Bonz); 28053, 9th July. Miller, T., Auckland, New Zealand; valve ; (T. Boulogne) • 28194, Ist August.




Milligan. W. J., and another ; window-sash support; 28602, 18th October. Millikin, M. M., and another, Kaiwarra, New Zealand ; nightsoil, &c, treatment; 27691, sth May. Millis, J. H., and another, Dunedin. New Zealand; lift; 28246, 10th August. Millis, R., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand ; lift; 28246, 10th August. Mills, C, Christchurch, New Zoaland ; driving away flies ; 27296, Uth February. Mills, C, Christchurch, New Zealand ; advertising - device ; 27399, Bth March. Milks, G. P. London, England ; motor-vehicle clutch ; 28029, 23rd August, 1909. t Mills, T., Albury, New South Wales; acetylene-generator; 28542, sth October. Milne, VV'., Hawera, New Zealand ; milk cductor and releaser; 27436, 16th March. Milne, W., Hawera, New Zealand ; air-exhauster, &c. ; 27472, 29th March. Milne, VV., Hawera, New Zealand ; spoon clip or holder; 27534, llth April. Milson, J. R., Watertown, United States America ; woolcleaning machine ; 28729, llth November. Milton, G., Williamstown, Victoria ; animal - trap ; 28830, 6th Decembor. Missen, A. E., and another, Rototuna, New Zealand ; milkingcup ; 28021, 29th June. Mitchell, C. R., Chatswood, New South Wales; milkingmachine ; 27906, 29th November, 1909. t Mitchell. C. R., Chatswood, New South Wales; milkingmachine ; 28159, 27th July. .Mitchell, J., Auckland, Now Zoaland ; safety-device for keyring.; 27332, 21st February. Mitchell, J., Auckland, New Zealand ; window-sash ; 27449, 19th March. Mitchell, J., Auckland, Now Zealand ; hinge ; 27348, 23rd February. Mitchell, J. G., Melbourne, Victoria; boot-heel; (W. Haslam); 27179, 19th January. Mitchell, J. G., and another, Melbourne, Victoria; sheetleather manufacture ; 27907, 16th June. Mitchell, J. G., and another, Melbourne, Victoria; sheetleather manufacture ; 27908, 16th June. Mitchell, J. G., and another, Melbourne, Victoria; bootwelt composition ; 28010, 30th June. Mitchell, T., and another, Melbourne, Victoria; broom, &c. ; 28007, 30th June. Mitchell, T. J., Hamilton, New Zealand ; flax-production ; 28238, llth August. Mjolkningsmaskin Aktiebolaget, Stockholm, Sweden (see G. W. K. Morley, No. 27825). Moad, A., jun., and another, Spring Hill, New South Wales; potato-dropper ; 28746, 17th November. Moffat, J. VV., and another, Toronto, Canada ; metallic-oxide-ore reduction ; 27520, 2nd April. Moir, J. 8., Invercargill, New Zealand; garden-roller; 27912, 15th June. Mono Servico Vossels, Limited, London, England; papertube manufacture ; (E. Z. Taylor); 27480, 30th March. Monro, C. G., Masterton, New Zealand ; railway-coupling; 28394, 7th September. Montalk (see Do Montalk). Moon, C, Auckland, New Zoaland ; centre-piece for rattan furniture ; 27845, 7th June. Moon, R. H., and others, Auckland, New Zealand ; curtainpole lifter ; 27969, 23rd June. Moore, A., Christchurch, New Zealand ; bicycle; 27325, 18th February. Moore, A., Christchurch, New Zealand ; tea-strainer; 28286, 17th August. Moore, A. E., New Brighton, England; laundry-drainer; 28363, llth July. Moore, F. C, Wellington, New Zealand; sauce; 28234, 10th August. Moore, F. W. J., and another, London, England ; tins, &c, manufacturing machine ; 27540, 12th April. .Moore, L. C, Melbourne, Victoria; butter, &c, box fastening ; 27749, 18th May. Moore, R. F., Auckland, New Zealand ; rcinforcod-concrete structure ; 27162, 12th January. Moore, R. P., Auckland, New Zoaland; oil-extraction from peat; 28869, 10th December. Moore, R. F., Auckland, Now Zealand; reinforced-concrete structures ; 28883, Uth Decembor. Morgan, A. G. P., Palmerston North, New Zealand; froth-on-milk prevention ; 27827, 6th June. Morgan, A. G. P., Palmorston North, New Zealand ; froth-On-milk prevention ; 28032, sth July. Morgan, H., Cromwell, New Zealand (sec R. Waks, No. 27067).

Morgan, H., Cromwell, New Zealand; obtaining gold from river-beds ; 27701, 4th May. Morgan, H., Dunedin, New Zealand: dredge: 28511, 27th September. Morison, D. 8., Hartlepool, England; liquid-cooler: 28811. Ist December. Morley, G. H., Mahora North, New Zealand ; preventing escape of steam from broken gauge-glass; 27493. 24th March. Morley, G. W. K., Christchurch, New Zealand : milkingmachine; (Mjolkningsmaskin Aktiebolaget— (J. Dalen); 27825, 4th Juno. Morley, G. W. K, Christchurch, New Zealand ; liquid-heating apparatus ; 27830, 6th June. Morris, T., Dunedin, New Zealand ; wire-clip ; 27822. 2nd June. Morris, T., Dunedin, New Zealand ; clip ; 28721, Bth November. Morris, W., Charing Cross, New Zealand ; harrow ; 2761b, 22nd April. Morrison, J., Kaukapakapa, New Zealand ; hopper for oatmeal, &c. ; 28082, 15th July. Morse, C. 0., and anothor, Gisborne, New Zealand ; water tank and cooler; 27244, 3rd February. Morton, W., Dunedin, New Zealand ; hat-pin ; 27362, 26th February. Morton, W., Dunedin, New Zealand; franking-machine; 27652, 26th April. Morton, W., Dunedin, New Zealand; resilient wheel-tire; 28228, Bth August, Morton, W., Dunedin, New Zealand ; hat-pin-point protector ; 28912, 20th December. Morton, W., Dunedin, New Zealand; franking-machine: 28920, 21st Decembor. Morton, W., and others, Dunedin, New Zealand ; waterlevel indicator, &c. ; 28891, Uth Decomber. Moselem, G. W., and others, Auckland, New Zealand ; cur-tain-polo lifter; 27969, 23rd June. Moss, E., Dallington, New Zealand ; stamping-machine, &c, ribbon-feed; 27415, llth March. Moss, E., (Christchurch, New Zealand ; grain-distributor; 28301, 19th August. Moss, E., Christchurch, New Zealand ; paper-folding device ; 28329, 25th August. Moss, E., Christchurch, New Zealand ; egg-parcelling ; 28738, 14th November. Motor-tire Company, Burnley, Victoria; puoiimat ic-tire cover ; (E. Clark)'; 27602, 20th April. Mueller, C. 8., Cleveland, United States America; tennisracquet ; 28482, 22nd September. Muhleisen, H. W., San Francisco, United States America (see S. and M. Drill Company, No. 27478). Muir, C, and another, Rcdfern. New Zealand; furnacedoor ; 28550, 6th October. Muir, J., Temuka, New Zealand ; earthenware-pipe socket; 27671. 3rd May. Muir, J. F., and another, Middle Park, Victoria: highpressure filter; 28382, 6th September, 1909. t Munro, C. S., Kurow. New Zealand ; feeding-bottle and bedwarmer; 28243, 9th August. Munro, J., Gore, Now Zealand ; milking-machine air-seal; 28040, 7th July. Munro, J. A., and another, Melbourne. Victoria : rope-coupler ; 28084, sth August, 1909. f Murdoch, J., Dunedin, New Zealand ; trousers, &c. ; 27009, 19th April. Murex Magnetic Company, Limited, London, England; oretreatment ; (A. A. Lockwood) ; 28870, 13th December. Murphy, T. J., Rochester, United States America ; electricityrectifier ; 27155, 13th January. Murray, A. C, and another, Timaru, New Zealand; paper, twine, and label holder ; 28253, 13th August. Murray, R. L. H., Auckland, New Zealand; acetylenegenerator ; 27587, 19th April. Murray, W., and another, Arncliffe, New South Wales (see G. E. Fortescue and Sons, Limited, No. 27812). Muston, J., Auckland, New Zealand ; cup and saucer display rack ; 28503, 28th September. Mutcb, A., Waikaka Valley, New Zealand ; horse-attaching ; 28678, 4th Novembei. Mygatt, O. A., New York, United States America; pressed-glass-enclosure manufacture ; 28223, 9th August, Nathan, F. J., and another, Palmerston North, New Zealand hot-water circulator ; 27837, 18th June. National Car Advertising Company, Chicago, United States America ; display device ; (M. T. Ash); 27954, 22nd June. Neal, C. C, Te Kowhai, New Zealand ; milk strainer and aerator ; 28421, 13th September.




Neal, J. M., Wellington, New Zealand ; boot-cleaning outfit; 28723, 11th November. Needham, F. J., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand ; kettle; 27564, 15th April. Neff, C, and another, Hanover, Germany : treatment of liquids ; 27429. 15th March. Neff, C, and another, Hanover, Germany : preventing the incrustation of steam-generators ; 27454. 22nd March. Neff, C, and another, Hanover, Germany ; liquid-treatment; 28762, 23rd November. Neighbour. A. G. L., Beaumaris, Victoria; sheep-shearing machine ; 27654, sth June, 1909.f Neill, J., Sheffield. England ; He-making tool; 27451. 22nd March. Neilson, J. L., Dunedin, New Zealand; hoot and shoe protector ; 27289, 10th February. Nelson, E. A., Detroit, United States America (see Hupp Motor-ear Company, No. 28166). Nelson, 1., and another, Sydney. New South Wales ; sprayer ; 28508, 28th September. Nelson, T. H.. and another. Wellington, New Zealand; window-sash lock ; 27303, 15th February. Nelson, W., Tomoana, New Zealand ; gas-plant-tar extractor; 28813. Ist December. Nesbitt, C. L., Toronto. Canada: keyboard-note guide; 28936, 23rd December. Nevill, E., Napier. New Zealand: aeroplane; 27227, Ist February. Neville, F. H. R., and another, Wellington. New Zealand ; suction light-adapter; 27420, llth March. Newland, C. L.. Merlon, England: flushing-cistern; 28533. 6th October. 1909.+ Newlands, B. E. 8.. London. England (see VV. H. Waters. No. 27905). New Zealand Hemp Process and By-products Company, Limited. Foxton, New Zealand; flax-drier; (W. G. Richardson); 28395. 7th September. New Zealand Hemp Process and By-products Company, Limited, Foxton, New Zealand; flax-stripper: (W. G. Richardson) : 28390. 7th September. New Zealand Hemp Process and By-products Company. Limited. Foxton. New Zealand; flax-catcher: (W. G. Richardson) ; 28397, 7th September. New Zealand Hemp Process and By-products Company, Limited, Foxton. New Zealand: liax-eatehcr; (W. G. Richardson) ; 28861, 9th December. New Zealand Hemp Process and By-products Company, Limited, Foxton. New Zealand; flax-preparation ; (W. G. Richardson); 28872, 13th December. Nicholls, L. A., Kyahran, Victoria: securing lamps to road vehicles : 27122, 6th January. Nicholson, A. C, Dunedin, New Zealand: condiment* container ; 27757, 18th May. Nicholson, A. C, Dunedin. New Zealand ; condimentcontainer; 28090, loth July. Nicklin, C. J., Wellington, New Zealand; preserving-jar; 27475, 29th March. Nicoll, G, Dunedin. New Zealand; lid strainer: 28589, Uth October. Nicolson, S., and another. Gore. New Zealand; gripper-pin key ; 27594, 20th April. Nielsen, G., and another, Waipawa, New Zealand ; powertransmission ; 27206, Bth February. Nier, E., and another, Beierfeld, Germany : talking-machine; 27492, Ist May, 1909.J ♦Nightingall, V., Melbourne, Victoria ; electric cooker, &c.; 28829, 6th December. * Nightingall, V. 0. J., Melbourne. Victoria : fungicide. &c. ; 27744, 24th March, f Nigro, G., Auckland, New Zealand; braces; 28875. 13th December. Nikolaison, P. A., and another. Whetukura, New Zealand; plough ; 27998, 29th June. Nikolaison, P. A., and another, Whetukura, New Zealand; disc plough ; 28546, sth October. Noakes, W. C, Christchurch. New Zealand ; coal-unloading; 28791, 28th November. Nobel's Explosives Company, Limited, and another, Glasgow, Scotland ; electric igniting-apparatus ; 28128, 19th July. Nolan, W. P., Ngapara, New Zealand ; railway-ticket dater; 28689, 4th November. Norgrove, H., Takapuna, New Zealand; airship; 28193, 2nd August. Norgrove, H., Takapuna, New Zealand; dry-dock construction ; 28491, 27th September. Norgrove, W., Wellington, New Zealand; rotary steamengine; 27217, 31st January. Norris, F. M., and another, Kilbimie, New Zealand; fueleconomizer and trivet; 28515, 29th September. Norris, F. M., Kilbirnie, New Zealand; concrete-reinforoement with flax ; 28583, Uth October.

Northcott, F. J., Christchurch, New Zealand ; milk receiving and delivery ; 28444, 17th September. Norton, G. F., Wellington, New Zealand; fanlight-stay fastener ; 28468, 21st September. Norton, J. T., Lyttelton. New Zealand : veast compound ; 28257, 15th August. Noy, H. G. W. L., Timaru, New Zealand ; union screw for dredge ; 27361, 25th February. Nuttall, W. J., Marton, New Zealand ; window-sash : 27657, 29th April. Nuttall. W. J., Marton. New Zealand ; window ; 28216, 6th August. Nye, G., Christchurch, New Zealand : picture-displaying ; '28871, 13th December. Obery, S., Christchurch, New Zealand ; candle-extinguisher: 28464, 20th September. O'Brien, D. J., and another, Kenilworth, United States America ; lamp) and reflector ; 28828, 6th December. O'Brien, T. E., Dacre, New Zealand ; turnip thinner and hoeing machine ; 27468, 24th March. O'Brien, T. E., Dacre, New Zealand ; horse-collar; 27704. 7th May. O'Connor, A. S., Beaeonsfield, Western Australia ; hat-pin : 27722, 7th May. O'Connell, C, and another, Dunedin. New Zealand; ladder; 27603, 18th April. O'Doherty, J. J., Prahrau. Victoria ; vehicle-brake : 27437. Uth March. O'Donnell, P., and another, Leichardt, Victoria: vehiclebrake ; 28809, Ist December. Officer, C. M.. Melbourne. Victoria (see \\. M. and L. M. V. Quirk, No. 27853). Ogilvie, R., Timaru, New Zealand ; motor-car variable-speed gear ; 27219, 31st January. O'Hern, D. P., Christchurch, New Zealand: signal-lamp control; 28501, 27th September. Oldman, C. A., Waiau, New Zealand; carbide-drum lid; 28247, 12th August. Oldman, C. A., Waiau, New Zealand ; electric-accumulator attachment; 28360, 31st August. Oldman, C. A., Waiau, New Zealand : electric-battery jar: 28361, 31st August. Oldman, C. A., Waiau. New Zealand ; automatic-drill lubricator ; 28362, 31st August. Oldman, C. A., Waiau, New Zealand : oil-can ; 28368, 2nd September. Oliver, W. T., Christchurch, New Zealand; gas-burner control-valve ; 28392, 7th September. Ollerenshaw, G. F., Invercargill. New Zealand : clothes-peg ; 28204, Ist August. Olson, 0., Wiseman's Ferry. New South Wales: broochfastener ; 28338, 27th August. Olson, 0., Wiseman's Ferry. New South Wales: broochlocking device ; 27504, Ist April. O'Malley, C, Christchurch, New Zealand ; street-sprinkler : 27953, 23rd June. O'Neill, J. E., and another, Island Cliff. New Zealand; candle-extinguisher ; 27723, 12th May. Opie, J. A., and another, Queenstown, South Vustralia; brake-mechanism ; 27855, 9th June. Ottaway, F. C, Puha, New Zealand; boat; 28609, i9th October. Ovex Fuel Company, Limited, London, England; fuel; (H. Woodruff and H. B. Budgett) ; 28504, llth October. Oviatt, H., and another, London, England ; production of iron and steel; 28416, 13th September. Paal, A., Osnabruck, Germany; apparatus for baling paper; 28545, sth October. Pace, P. C, East Crovdon. England (see E. Phillips, No. 27572). Packer, J. J., Palmerston North, New Zealand ; milkingmachine ; 28349, 30th August. Page, E., and others, Eketahuna, New Zealand; watercloset flush ; 27177, 19th January. Page, F. T, Dannevirke, New Zealand ; wire-straining appliance ; 27852, 9th June. Page, W. V., Waimamaku, New Zealand ; label-attaching to fabric ; 27612, 20th April. Paladini, R., Wellington, New Zealand; blind-cord holder, &c.; 28717, 10th November. Pallesen, J., and another, Papakura. New Zealand ; plough ; 27998, 29th June. Palmer, S. R., Oruanui, New Zealand; axle-bearing lubricator ; 27846, 7th June. Panton, J. A., Waterloo, England ; brake-block for railwayears, <fec. ; 28413, Bth December, 1909. t Park, A. J., Dunedin, New Zealand; franking-machine; 27342, 19th February.




Park, A. J., Dunedin, New Zealand; franking-machine; 27685, 2nd May. Park, A. J., Dunedin, New Zealand ; cooking-utensil;] 28637, 24th October. Q| Park, A. J., Dunedin, NewJZealand; kitchen-utensil hanger; 28864. 9th December. Park, A. J., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand ; paper holder and deliverer; 28450, 16th September. Park, A. V., Melbourne, Victoria; tire-valve; 27494, 20th May, 1909.t Park, T., Kapanui, New Zealand; acetylene - generator; 27567, 18th April. Parker, A., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; flaxcatcher ; 28430, Uth September. Parker, A., and others, Wellington, New Zealand ; memorandum, &c, form ; 27625, 25th April. Parker, A., Wellington, New Zealand; printing, numbering, gumming, &c, machine ; 28446, 15th September. Parker, A. H. J., Christchurch, New Zealand; music-leaf turner; 28188, 30th July. Parker, H. H. L., Pakipaki, New Zealand ; manger; 28050, Bth July. Parker, J., Auckland, New Zealand ; wire-strainer ; 28271, 15th August. Parker, J., and another, Auckland, New Zealand; disc harrow ; 28530, 3rd October. Parker, J., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; horse-hoe ; 28537, 3rd October. Parlour, S.C.Morrinsville, New Zealand; flax-catcher; 27206, 25th January. Parr, T. W., Chilliwaok, British Columbia ; distillation-retort; (P. Brownl; 28555, 7th October. Parr, T. W., Chilliwack, British Columbia; condenser: (P. Brown); 28556, 7th October. Parry, F., Brightv, atcr, Canada ; hat-pin guard ; 28046, Bth July. Partington, A. E., Sydney, New South Wales ; electrical circuit cut-out; 27549, 13th April. Partridge, J., Invercargill, New Zealand ; ratchet-drill; 28202, 25th July. Paterson, J., Auckland, Now Zealand ; water-heater, &c. ; 27987, 28th June. Paterson, J., Te Aroha, New Zealand; milking-machine cup ; 28744, Uth November. Paton, D. M-, Melbourne, Victoria ; envelope ; 27554, 14th April. Patrick, T. S., Healesville, Victoria; flax-dressing; 28045, Bth July. Patterson, C. G., Berkeley, United States America (see Butter's Patent Vacuum Filter Company, Incorporated, No. 27714). Patterson, J., Auckland, New Zealand; scrubbing-brush; 27768, 24th May. Patterson, R., and another, Karangahake, New Zoaland; plough mould-board ; 28242, llth August. Paul, VV. J., and others, Matteawan, United States America; furnace ; 28683, sth November. Pauly, A. A., Youngstown, United States America ; forming artificial stone ; 27209, 26th January. Payne, F. W., Dunedin, New Zealand: mounting currentwheel ; 27686, 3rd May. Peacoeke, E. F. J., and another, Hamilton, New Zealand; milking-machine ; 28656, 29th October. Peake, H. de L., Leamington, New Zealand ; milking-machine-cup cap ; 27512, 2nd April. Pearce, H., and another, Wanstead, England ; liquid-aerat-ing ; 27917, 28th June, 1909. f Pearce, L., and another, London, England (see T. J. Harris, No. 28661). Pearson J. F., Te Kuiti, New Zealand; reinforced-concrete joist;' 27967, 24th June. Pechugin, J., and another, Kaiwarra, New Zealand ; aeroplane ; 27467, 24th March. Pees, C. S., Palmerston North, New Zealand ; gate-latch; 28378, sth September. Peez, 0., and another, Opawa, New Zealand; milk, &c, refrigerator ; 27173, 17th January. Pegg, G., and another, Leicester, England (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 27195). Pemberton, P., and another, Prahran, Victoria (see A. C. Saudford, No. 27653). Penney, G. W., Gore, New Zealand; harrow; 27426, 12th March. Penney, G. W., Gore, New Zealand; branding-apparatus; 27881, llth June. Penney, G. W., Gore, New Zealand ; fencing-dropper ; 28908, 17th December. Penty, W. S., Ruakituri, New Zealand ; scrub • grubber ; 28171, 29th July. Perry, A. M-, Kihikihi, New Zealand ; pneumatie-tire innertube ; 27165, 15th January.

Perry, F. H., Beverly, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 27238, 27239, 28108). Perry, W., and another, Wollongong, New South Wales; power-shaft coupling ; 28433, 17th January, f Peterson, F. L., and another, Wellington, New Zealand; pen-nib reservoir-attachment; 28249, 12th August. Petersen, 0. R., Masterton, New Zealand ; curtain-suspending from rod or pole ; 27804, 31st May. Peterson, W., and another, Westbury, Tasmania; threshingmachine ; 28925, 22nd December. Petherick, P. E., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; cinematograph apparatus ; 28062, 12th July. Pettigrew, W. F., Barrow-in-Furness, England (see S. S. Macaskie, No. 28031). Pettitt, H., Dunedin, New Zealand ; gate-lock; 27384, Ist March. Pettitt, H., Dunedin, New Zealand ; gate-lock ; 28821, 2nd December. Philip, A. V., Manakau, New Zealand; legging - blocking machine ; 28088, Uth July. Philips, W. J., Dunedin, New Zealand; roaster; 27921, 18th June. Philips, W. J., Melbourne, Victoria; bottling-machine and syrup-pump ; 27931, 20th June. Phillips, E., Melbourne, Victoria ; electrical-oscillation producer ; (Gesellschaft fiir drahtlose Telegraphie m.b.H.— G. G. von Arco and R. H. Rendahl); 27276, 10th February. Phillips, E., Melbourne, Victoria ; petrol lighting and heating apparatus ; (P. C. Pace); 27572, 15th April. Phillips, E., Melbourne, Victoria; strengthening weak electrical impulses; (Gesellschaft fiir drahtlose Telegraphie m.b.H.—G. G. von Arco. W. Schloerailch. and A. Leib); 27945, 23rd June. Phillips, E., Melbourne, Victoria ; variometer for electrical oscillations ; (Gesellschaft fiir drahtlose Telegraphie m.b.H. —G. G. von Arco and R. H. Rendahl); 27946, 23rd June. Phillips, E., Melbourne, Victoria ; electric-oscillation circuit; (Gesellschaft fiirdrahtlose Telegraphie m.b.H.—G. G. von Arco); 27947, 23rd June. Phillips, E., Melbourne, Victoria ; electric-oscillation production ; (Gesellschaft fiirdrahtlose Telegraphie m.b.H.—A. Meissner); 28551, 6th October. Phillips, F., and others, Wellington, New Zealand ; bull-rope-antifriction device ; 27443, 18th March. Phillips, F. S., and others, Wellington, New Zealand ; bull-rope-antifriction device ; 27741, 17th May. Phillips, F. S., Balmain, Victoria ; manuscript, &c., support ; 28034, 7th July. Phillips, G. W., Christchurch, New Zealand ; hat-pin-point protector ; 27498, 30th March. Phillips, L. J., Kaitoke, New Zealand ; milking-machine-can gauge ; 28939, 31st December. Phillips, T., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; speed gear ; 28270, 15th August. Philpot, F. W., and another, Awarua Plains, New Zealand ; stump-pulling apparatus ; 28335, 25th August. Philpot, G., and another, Awarua Plains, New Zealand ; stump-pulling apparatus ; 28335, 25th August. Philpott, T. S., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; reinforced-buiiding construction ; 27687, sth May. Philpott, W. D., and others, Wellington, New Zealand; electric-lamp lock ; 28616, 20th October. Pickering, L., Ngakawau, New Zealand ; rope-grip ; 28639, 27th October. Pickering, L., Ngakawau, New Zealand ; truck-point; 28803, Ist December. Pickering, P. S. U., and another, Ridgmont, England: fungicide ; 27481, 22nd July, 1909. f Pickering, T. J., Leeston, New Zealand ; photograph-printer; 27277, 10th February. Pierce, W. S., Seattle, United States America; explosive: 27522, 6th April. Piercy, E. G, Aramoho, New Zealand ; hat-fastenei ; 28741, 16th November. Pike, A. S., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; suction light-adapter; 27420, llth March. Pinches, W., Auckland, New Zealand (see W. T. G. Pinches. No. 28074). Pinches, W. T. G., Auckland, New Zealand; building-con-struction ; (W. Pinches) ; 28074, 13th July. Pirie, A. W., Napier, New Zealand ; skylight; 27164, 15th January. Pittler (see Von Pittler). Pittler Universal Rotary Machine Syndicate, Limited, London, England ; rotary fluid-pressure machine ; (W. Von Pittler); 28059, 12th July. Pittler Universal Rotary Machine Syndicate, Limited, London, England; rotary fluid-pressure machine ; (W. Von Pittler); 28224, 9th August. Pocock, E., Paris, France (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28844).




Pomoroy, J., and another, St. Kilda, Victoria; steam-boiler, &c, furnace ; 27886, 5th March.t Pomeroy, J. B., and another, St. Kilda, Victoria; »teamboiler, &c, furnace ; 27886, 5th March.t Pond, S., Blandford, England (see R. F. P>lnd, No. 27310). Pond, S. F., Melbourne, Victoria; curd-cutting, &c, knife ; (S. Pond); 27310, 16th February. Ponninghaus, W. B. D., South Yarra. Victoria (see H. McMurdie, No. 27920). Popkess, M. A., Kansas Oity, United States America : road-way-surfacing ; 27269, 5th February. Porteous, W. V., and another, Wanganui, New Zealand; pneumatic boot-heel and boot-ventilator; 27297, 15th February. Portor, G., Dunedin, New Zealand; internal - combustionengine starting-means ; 27708, 7th May. Potts, T. W., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand : tramway - track point; 28528, 3rd October. Pound, 0. E., and others. Melbourne, Victoria; cot-attach-ment to bed ; 27374, 2nd March. Pownall, A. B., Wellington, New Zealand : fibre-transmitter ; 28129, 22nd July. Pownall, A. B., Wellington, New Zealand ; acetylene-lamp; 28485, 24th September. Prentice, P. W., Toronto, Canada : electric train control system ; 28265, 16th August. Presscott, T., and anothor, Birkenhoad. New Zealand ; bottle clip-capsule; 2753S, 11th April. Preston, J. E., Stockport. England ; galvanic batten : 28903, 20th December. Price, 1C, Dunedin, New Zealand; wire-tightener pawl : 27661, 29th April. Price, F. G. S., Glasgow, Scotland ; concrete-mixer; 28163, 7th August, 19O9.f Price, J. V., Christehurch, New Zealand ; relief-block printing ; 27257, 8th February. Priestley, H., Patea, New Zealand; electric-lamp adapter; 28558, 6th October. Proudfoot, ('.. Pyrmont, New South Wales ; railway couplingcage ; 28005, 26th July, 1909.f Pullyn, F. N. J., and another, Christehurch, New Zealand ; di'splay-eard and ticket holder ; 28048, 9th July. Pykc, H. J. A., Auckland, New Zealand : walking-stick-head attachment; 27577, 15th April. Quertier, H., Wellington, New Zealand; electric messagetransmission ; 27973, 25th June. Quertier, H., Auckland, New Zealand ; meal - conveyor ; 28205, 1st August. Quesnot, G., Tahiti, New Caledonia (see E. S. Evelyn, No. 28410). Quinton, J. M., Parnell, New Zealand ; chicken-brooder; 28240, 1 lth August. Quirk, L. M. V., and another, Melbourne, Victoria; carburetter ; (C. M. Officer) ; 27853, 9th June. Quirk, W. M., and another, Melbourne, Victoria ; carburetter ; (C. M. Officer) ; 27853, 9th June. Railton, A. W., and others, Sydney, New South Wales; wardrobe ; 27273, 9th February. Rainbow, W., and others, Christehurch, New Zealand ; displaying advertisements ; 27128, 10th January. Ralph, 11. (!., Huntly, New Zealand ; rat-trap; 28577, 13th October. Ramage, A. S., Buffalo, United States America ; recovering iron from ores ; 27109, 4th January. Raper, F., Balelutha, New Zealand ; rifle-snapshot reorder; 27225, 27th January. Rasmussen, H. I , ., Dunedin. New Zealand ; electrical insulation composition ; 27628, 22nd April. Rasmussen, H. P., Dunedin, New Zealand ; insulating-com-position ; 28330, 25th August. Rasmussen, H. P., Dunedin, New Zealand ; insulating-com-position ; 28535, 3rd October. Rasmussen, H. P., Dunedin, Now Zealand ; insulating-com-position ; 28682, 4th November. Raymond, F. V., [nveroargill, New Zealand ; medicine and ointment; 28309, 23rd August. Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, New Zealand ; leather-polish, &c. ; 28310, 23rd August. Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, New Zealand ; hair, &c, dye ; 28311, 23rd August. Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, New Zealand ; metal-polish; 28312, 23rd August. Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, New Zealand ; paint - manufacture, &e. ; 28313, 23rd August. Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, New Zealand ; sheet and board for polishing ; 28314, 23rd August. Ravmond, F. V., Invercargill, New Zealand; flax • waste utilizing ; 28315, 23rd August.

Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, New Zealand; flax - waste utilizing ; 28540, 5th October. Rayson, R., Windsor, Victoria (see J. Macmeikan, No. 27639). Rayward, H. H., Wellington, New Zealand; cooking-appa-ratus ; 27885, 13th June. Reader, W. H., Stratford, New Zealand; beeswax-comb : 28411, 12th September. Rees, E. S. G., Wolverhampton, England; ejector, compressor, condenser, &c. ; 28451, 21st September, 1909. f Rees, W. J., and another, Hunterville, Now Zealand ; rain-water-filter ; 28484, 24th September. Reeves, W., Henderson, New Zealand ; ewingletree ; 28796. 29th November. Roid, A. W., Stratford, New Zealand; milking-machine pulsator ; 28319, 24th August. Reid, A. W., Stratford, New Zealand ; teat-cup ; 28712, 10th November. Reid, D., and another, Gore, New Zealand ; gripper-pin kev ; 27594, 20th April. Reid, D., jun., Dunedin, Now Zealand; aviation-machine propulsion ; 28645, 26th October. Reid, J. M., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; tireplace ; 28442, 16th September. Reimann, C, Redfern, New South Wales: door check and alarm ; 28669, 2nd November. Rendahl, R. H., and another, Berlin, Germany (see E. Phillips, Nos. 27276, 27946). Renner, H. G., Matawhero, New Zealand ; removina soil from dredge-bucket; 28071, 11th July. Reynolds, E. A., and another, Christehurch, New Zealand; automatically retrieving trolly - poles; 27284, 10th February. Reynolds, E. A., and another, Christehurch, New Zealand ; lowering trolly -poles ; 27295, 11th February. Reynolds, E. A., and another, Christehurch, New Zealand ; lowering trolly-poles ; 27344, 19th February. Reynolds, E. A., and another, Christehurch. New Zealand ; trolly-pole retriever ; 27499, 24th March. Reynolds, E. C, Dunedin, New Zealand ; bathroom indicator ; 28636, 24th October. Rich, F. A., Auckland, New Zealand ; water-heater; 27730, 12th May. Rich, F. A., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; reinforcedconcrete slab ; 28788, 25th November. Richards, A., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; wovenwire mattress ; 28167, 27th July. Richards, R., Invercargill, New Zealand ; swivel block; 27780, 10th June. Richards, V. C, and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; sew-ing-machine belting ; 28380, 2nd September. Richards, V. C, and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; nonrefillable bottle ; 28439, 14th September. Richardson, A., and another, Island Cliff, New Zealand; candle-extinguisher; 27723, 12th May. Richardson, E., and another, Hawthorn, Victoria; steam. &c, engine slide-valvo ; 27272, 9th February. Richardson, F., Wellington, New Zealand; phonograph sounding-horn ; 27729,' 13th May. Richardson, G. J., Auckland, New Zealand ; window-dressing apparatus ; 27466, 21st March. Richardson, J. S., Sydney, New South Wales; composition for roads ; 28839, 7th December. Richardson, W. G., Foxton, New Zealand (see Now Zealand Hemp Process and Bv-products Company, Limited, Nos. 28395, 28396, 28397, 28861). Ridd, A., Waipuku, New Zealand ; milking-machine pulsator : 27457, 23rd March. Ridd, "A., Waipuku, New Zealand (see Ridd Milking-machine Company, Limited, Nos. 27337, 28554). Ridd Milking-machine Company, Limited, New Plymouth, New Zealand ; milking-machine pulsator; (A. Ridd) ; 27337, 21st February. Ridd Milking-machine Company, Limited, New Plymouth, New Zealand ; teat-cup ; (A. Ridd) ; 28554, 7th October. Riddell, W., Dunedin, New Zealand ; coating choose with paraffin-wax ; 28756, 17th November. Ridder, E. F., Riccarton, New Zealand ; brake-shoe, &c.; 28580, 13th October. Riddiford, E. J., and others, Lower Hutt, New Zealand; electric alarm ; 27713, 11th May. Riddles, J., New Plymouth, New Zealand ; folding-chair; 28343, 26th August. Riddles, J., New Plymouth, New Zealand; wear-resisting material; 28569, 13th October. Ridley, W. H. J., and another, Auckland, New Zealand; gold-extracting process ; 27839, 6th June. Ridley, W. H. J., Penrose, New Zealand ; iron and steel furnace ; 28465, 19th September. Ridley, W. H. J., and another, Auckland, Now Zealand ; gold-extraction ; 28298, 19th August.

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Ries, E. E., New York, United States America; metal pipe and tubing manufacture ; 27237, 3rd February. Riley, A. H., Auckland, New Zealand ; billy-can ; 28714, 10th November. Riley. A. H., Auckland, New Zealand : billy, milk-can, &c. ; 28906, 20th December. Riley, R. A., Westport, New Zealand : steel joint for suctionpipe ; 28523. 28th September. Billstone. C. E., Alexandra South. New Zealand : -teampump ; 27930, 20th June. Rimoldi, L., and another. Waikino. New Zealand : stirrup : 27871, 10th June. Risberg, ■). V. M., Fridhem, Sweden (sec Aktiebolaget Baltic, No. 28350). Rison, A. J., and another, Hastings, New Zealand ; vehiclecontrolling apparatus; 28586, 15th October. Rison, A. J., and another, Hastings. New Zealand ; Venetianblind ; 28770, 23rd November." Ritchie. G. 8.. and another, Christchurch. Now Zealand: kettle; 28401. Bth September. Robacher. W. W., Rochester, United States America; filter-ing-apparatus; 28267, 13th May.f Robacher, W. W.. Rochester, United States America: filter-ing-apparatus ; 28268, 13th May.f Robb, G. M., and another. St. Kilda. Victoria (see S. H. Shepherd, No. 27496). Robbins, W. J., and another, Wellington, New Zealand; pneumatic tire ; 27161, Uth January. Roberts, B. S., and another, Blakenhall, England ; motor-cycle-driving mechanism ; 27937, 21st June. Roberts, P., Epsom, New Zealand; locomotive - tabletexchange bracket; 28734, 15th November. Roberts, W. T. 8., and others, Leicester, England (see United Shoe Machinery- Company, No. 28281). Robertson, A.. Nelson, New Zealand; balance-book and .r; 27771, 24th May. Robertson. A. 8., New Plymouth, New Zealand (see J. B. MacEwan and Co., Limited, No. 27145). Robertson, J., Inaha, New Zealand ; cattle-sling ; 27675. 4th May. Robertson, J. 8., Wellington, New Zealand ; boat-lowering ckle; 28339, 27th August. Robertson, R., Woolton. England; spade: 27488, Uth April, 1909.t Robson, H., Dannevirke, New Zealand; venetian-blind; 27207, 27th January. Robson, T., Owhanga, New Zealand ; boot and shoe fastener ; 28587, 15th October. Roche, S., Wellington, New Zealand ; rheumatism cure, &c. ; 27194, 25th January. Roesch, E. J., London, England ; petrol-treatment; (A. H. Burchard); 28305, 23rd August. Rogers, W. H., and another, Upper Hutt, New Zealand; circular-saw guard ; 28880, 15th December. Rooncy, J. W., Dunedin, New Zealand ; rotary engine; 28629, 21st October. Roope, L. G., and another. Christchurch, New Zealand; cyclepump ; 28782, 25th November. Roots, A. E., Lower Hutt, New Zealand ; electricity-con-ductor hanger ; 27392,. 7th March. Rose, R, E., Waioni. New Zealand ; feeding calves; 27914, 18th June. Rose, W. D., Dunedin, New Zealand: hairdressers' sterilizer; 28453, 16th September. Roseman, S. G., Auckland, Now Zealand ; broom or brush manufacture ; 27251, sth February. Roseman, S. G., Auckland, New Zealand ; broom and brush; 28137, 23rd July. Ross, C. H. A. F. L., Belnagown Castle. Scotland (see E. S. Baldwin. Nos. 27375. 27376, 28576). Ross, H. E., Sydney, New South Wales (see Heli Cushion Drive, Limited, No. 28434). Boss. IL 1. \L, Dunedin. New Zealand; ventilation; 28699, 3rd November. Ross, ,f„ Waverley, New Zealand; transferring clothes from washing-boiler ; 27974, 25th June. Ross, S. J., and another, London, England (see .1. T. Hunter, No. 27340). Ross, W. M., Feilding, New Zealand; egg - recorder; 28147, 26th July. Rossitcr, L. J., Svdney, New South Wales ; tobacco-pipe, &c.; 27854, 15th June, 1909.t Rowe, E., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand ; lawntrimming machine ; 28358, 29th August. Roy (see Le Rov). Ruddick, E. j"., Addington, New Zealand; gate-hinge; 27735, 16th May. Russell, F., Adelaide, South Australia ; bottle - stopper ; 28838, 7th December. Rutherford, W. J., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; closet-seat cover ; 28786, 26th November.

Rutherford, W. J., and another, Auckland, New Zealand advertising-sign ; 28792, 28th November. Ryland, T. J. F., and another, London. England : pulley : "27539, 12th April. Sabroe, T. T., Copenhagen, Denmark ; pneumatic-milking pulsator slide ; 27360, 1st March. Safety Tire Company, Maine, United States America ; wheeltire ; (G. W. Crawford) ; 27802, 28th May. Salek, S., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; foldingmachine, despatch form, &c. ; 28157, 27th Julj . Salek, S., and others, Wellington, New Zealand ; memorandum, &c, form ; 27fi2">. i7A\x April. Salek, S., and another, Wellington, New Zealand; time and wages book ; 28(559, 1st November. Sampson, J. A.. Gladstone, New South Wales (see R. Sinclair, No. 28768). Sander, E. G., and another, Westport. New Zealand: corrugated iron ; 27783, 24th May. Sander, E. G., and another, Westport. New Zealand ; bootheel stiffener: 28072, 1 lth July. Sander, E. G., and another, Westport, New Zealand : verminproof corrugated iron ; 28117, 18th July. Sanderson, C. J., Auckland, New Zealand ; sash raising or lowering ; 28670, 1st November. Sanderson, C. J., Auckland, New Zealand ; sash raising or lowering ; 28884. 14th December. Sanderson, C. J., Auckland, New Zealand : sash, &c, fastener; 27896, 11th June. Sanderson, R., Melbourne, Victoria ; produoer-gae furnace ; 28827, 6th December. Sandford, A. C, Richmond, Victoria; fire-kindler; (P. Pemberton and J. Staubli) ; 27653, 26th April. Sapwell, ''. E., Timaru, New Zealand ; weighing-machine ; 27717, 11th May. Saunders, J. H., Mylor, South Australia; pump-piston bucket; 27263, 8th Februi. n . Saunders, J. H., Mylor, South Australia ; pumpingmachinery; 27264, 8th February. Saunderson, H. P., Bedford. England ; eelf-propelled vehicle; 27933, 21st June. Saunderson, H. P., Bedford. England : motor - vehicle gearing; 27934, 21st 1 June. Savage, T., Taneatua, New Zealand ; candle-extinguisher ; 27298, 15th February. Saver Manufacturing Company. New York, United States America ; washing - machine ; (G. S. Winant); 27932. 20th June. Sehadick, J., Westport, New Zealand; envelope; 27790, 26th May. Schlaadt, H., Dunedin, New Zealand; strong-room door; 28440, 14th September. Schloemilch, W., and others. Berlin, German} (see E. Phillips, No. 27945). Schmidt, W., and another. Cassel-Wilhelmshoe, (lermanv : locomotive steam-superheater ; 27438, 15th March. Schneide-Maschinenfabrik, Graff, and Stein, Witten-on-Ruhr, Germany (see G. Leist, No. 27031). Schofield, H., and another, London. England (see •). T. Hunter, No. 27340). Schrotke, H. B., and others, Auckland, New Zealand; wireweaving machine ; 28345, 27th August. Schruth, W. A. 0., and another, Perth, Western Australia : coin-freed machine ; 28767, 23rd November. Schryver (see De Schrvver). Schulze, H. H. C, Alton. New Zealand ; liquid-manure distributer; 28080, loth .July. SchweiJ E., Enmore, New South Wales; bath-water heater. &c. ; 27400, 23rd March. Scott Bros., Limited. Christchuroh, New Zealand ; highpressure boiler ; (G. Scott); 28190, 1st August. Scott, G., Christchureh, New Zealand ; biscuit-carton; 28512, 29th September. Scott, G., Christchureh, New Zealand (see Sootl Bros., Limited, No. 28190). Scott, J., Spring Vale, Victoria : railway - car brakemechanism ; 27404, 9th March. Scott, M. H., and others, Auckland. New Zealand ; goldseparator, &c. ; 27829, 2nd June. Scott, W., Christchureh, New Zealand; trolly-pole gear • 27321, 18th February. Scott, W., and another ; match-lining cramp ; 2S04U, 9th July. Seabrook, B. R., Los Angeles, United States America: railway-axle ; 27978, 24th June. Seabrook, N. B., Los Angeles, United States America ; railway-axle; 27977, 24th .lime. Seale, C. W., Croydon, New South Wales ; pipe-union joint • 27442, 18th March. Seifert, H., Palmerston North, New Zealand : flivx-waohmp machine ; 27983, 27th June.


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Seifert, 11,, and another, Palmerston North, New Zealand ; flax-treating machine ; 28009, 30th June. Seifert, H, and anothor, Palmerston North, New Zealand ; flax-catcher ; 28103, 10th July. Seifert, W, Pair,; -ston North, New Zealand; flax-catcher; 27745, 17th May. Seifert, W., Palmerston North, New Zealand; flax-catcher: 27740, 17th May. Seifert, W., Palmerston North. New Zealand ; flax-catcher; 27915, 18th June. Seifert, W., and another, Palmerston North. New Zealand ; flax-treating machine ; 28009, 30th June. Seifert, W., Palmerston North, New Zealand ; flax-cat' 28039, 7th July. Seifert, W., Palmerston North, New Zealand ; flax-catcher ; 28115, 19th July. Selwood, C. C, and another, Christchurch, New Zealand; cycle-pump ; 28782, 25th November. Semb, F. G., and anothor, Christchurch, New Zealand; heat-detector; 28498, 27th September. Senior, T„ Petone, New Zealand; milk - bucket; 27211, 28th January. Sewill, H., London. England : suspending bird-cages, So. ; 27144, 19th March, 1909.t Shadgett, E., Wellington, New Zealand; beverage; 27538, llth April. Shadgett, E., Wellington, New Zealand ; banana-fern. beer; 27690, sth May. Shadgett, E., Wellington, New Zealand; poultry mother ; 28560, Bth October. Sharp, J., jun., and another. Nelson, New ' .en-nib reservoir-attachment; 28249, 12th .August, Sharpe, J., Globe. New South Wales; intermittent delivery of liquids ; 27748, 18th May. Sharpies, D. T., West Chester, United States America; tea;. cup; 28728, Uth November. Shattky, C. H, Hastings. New Zealand : railwa; -rail joining : 28771, 22nd Novembet. Shaw, A. J., Dunedin, New Zealand : obtaining gold from rivers : 28381, 3rd September. Shaw, C, and others, Indianapolis, United States America (see American Box Ball Company, No. 275 19). Shaw, T, son., and another, Westport New Zealand ; suctionpipe ; 28470, 22nd September. Shaw, T., jun., and another. Westport. New- Zealand : SU pipe ; 28476. 22nd September. Shearer, J. A., Unlev, South Australia (see J. F. Mellor, No. 27U ' Shi lion, F. J., Wellington, New Zealand ; ace. generator ; 28608, 19th October; Shemwcll, H, Birmingham, United States America (see International Automatic Railway Switch Company. No. 28285). Shcphard, A. R., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; cinematograph apparatus ; 28062, 12th July. Shephard, W. A., Granville, New South Wales ; door-stop ; 27550, 13th April. Shepherd, A. S., Timaru, Now Zealand ; plough-coulter stalk and clip; 27693. sth May. Shepherd, S. H., Sydney, New South Wales; window, &<-., catch; (G. M. ' Rob'b and H. B. Skertchly) ; 27490, Ist April. Sheppey, H. T., and another, Sydney. New South Wales; meat-preservation ; 27680, 4th May. Sherwood, H. T. London, England ; corset ; 28334, 24th August, Shield, E. R., Hobart, Tasmania ; fruit-grader ; 28447, 15th September. Short, J. A., Wellington, Now Zoaland; skylight; 28241, llth August. Sibun, E. S., London, England; loose-leaf book; 28831, 17th December, 1909. t Sigmont, W., and another, Waverley, New South V>. shirt or blouse collar ; 28510, 28th September. Silvester, R. H., and others, Leicester, England (s Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28281). Sim, R. D., Invercargill, New Zealand; wash-boiler; 27581, 16th April. Simon, il. 1.. and another, Myross Bush. New Zealand ; car-mark; 28399, Bth September. Simonsen, C, Matakana, New Zealand ; leather, i.-., waterproof coating ; 27527, Bth April. Simonsen, C. Matakana, New Zealand; textile-fabric, &c., waterproof solution ; 27528, Bth Api I. Simonson, A., and another. Zealand; kerosene, &c. filling appliat 6, i2th Febr i Simonson, A., and another, .Masterton, New Zealand ; musicholder ; 27287, 12th Simpson, F. F., and another, Sydney, New South Wales; moisture-indicatot ; 28287, 18th August,

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Simpson, F. F., Sydney, New South Wales : moistureindicator; 28351, 20th August. Simpson, H., Auckland, New Zealand: pudding-steamer; 27516, 2nd April. Simpson, N. M., and another, Sydney, New South Wales ; moisture-indicator: 28287, 18th August. Simpson, T. W., Castleford, England : gl iss-bottle-making - 27583. 19th April. Simpson, W. S., London, England; coke-manufacture; 28414, 13th September. Simpson, VV. 8., London. England ; distilling volatilizable -nlids. &c.; 28415, 13th September. Simpson, W. S., and another, London, England ; production of iron and steel ; 28416, 131b September. Sims. A. H, Echuca, Victoria; churn ami butter-worker: 27313, 16th February, lair, C. H.. and others, Auckland. New Zealand; wireweai bine; 28345, 27th August. Sinclair. R., Sydney, New South Wales; gas-oompressor; (J. A. Sampson) ; '28768, 10th February.^ ey, F. W., and another, Burnside, New Zealand ; oementmanufacture; 272H2. 9th February. Skene, D. A., and another. Melbourne. Victoria: trainstopping method ; 28780, 23rd November. Skertchly, H. 8.. Kew, Victoria; trousers-stretcher; 27682. sth May. Skertchly, H. 8., and another. Kew, Victoria (see S. H. Shepherd, No. 27496). Sleddon, J. 11.. and another. Church. England (see A. Holden. No. 28923). Smaill, J.. Timaru. New Zealand ; fishplate : 27486. 21st March. Smaill, J., Timaru. New Zealand: pasteurizer; 27732. 12th May. Smaill, J., Timaru, New Zealand; boiler-cleaner: 28481, 22nd September. Small. S. .1., and another, Midhirst, New Zealand: milkcooler ; 28690. 7th November. Smallbone, B. F... Auckland. New Zealand; turbine-motor: 27805. 31st May. Smallwood, L. A.. Birmingham, England: boiler-furnace; 27989, 28th June. Smith. \.. Matamata, New Zealand; animal-trap; 28274, 17th August. Smith, A. E., Christchurch. New Zealand : securing spare wheel to vehicle : 27911. 22nd June. Smith, A. (j.. New York. United States America: carton; 27278. 10th February. Smith, ('. A., Wellington, New Zealand; washing-machine; 27520, Bth April. Smith, C. 8., Dunedin, New Zealand; counter-sales checkbook ; 27877, 9th June. Smith, C. H., Auckland, New Zealand ; fog-alarm ; 27970, 23rd June. Smith, F. H, and another, Parkside, South Australia (see I. Barrymore, No. 28877). Smith, H. W., Auckland, Now Zealand ; hat-pin ; 27118. sth January. Smith, .1. CI, Dunedin, New Zealand; heating apparatus and ■r; 28407, 9th September. Smith, T., and another, London, England (see Bell Gas-saver Limited, No. 27150). Smith, T. M., Christchurch, New Zealand; linoleum-polish; 27660, 30th April. Smith, W., Horsham, Victoria; preventing wooden spokes and hubs of from shrinking ; 27350, 21st February. Smith, W. P., Lyttelton, New Zealand : ticket-holder ; 28020, 4th July. Smith, W. W., and another, Timaru. New Zealand ; paper, twine, and label holder; 28253, Llth August. Smoothv, F., Paeroa East. New Zealand ; feiicing-staple ; 27440, 21st March. Smyth, W. 8., Lawrence, Nov Zealand; wire-strainer; 27398. Bth March. Snow, H. L., Dunedin. New Zealand: swimming-device; 27485, 30th March. Anonyme pour ''Exploitation des precedes Westing-house-Leblanc, Paris, Prance; air-compressor j (0. C. Buss) : 27988, 28th June. Soderatrom, G. T., Renfrew, Canada (see T. A. Low, No. 27112). Sommerfeld, B. L.. Dunedin, -New Zealand; cork-remover; 28696, sth November. .. Panmure, N-.v, Zealand; ladder, &c.; 28935, 23rd December. Sorley, •!.. Eeilding, New Zealand: insect-destroying composition ; 27*70. 10th June. Southwell, W., Hastings, New Zealand; shearing-machinery; 28557, 3rd October. Southwell, VV., and another, Hastings, New Zealand; spray--28261, l-Vih Au|




Spence, W. J., Dunedin, New Zealand ; hat-rack ; 28017, Ist July. Spencer, B. H., Sydney, New South Wales; reversible window-casement hinge ; 27223, Ist February. Spencer, E. A., Christchurch. New Zealand; wall-paper trimmer ; 27971, 24th June. Spencer, H. D., Dorchester, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 28432). Spirella Company. Meadville, United States America (see C. C. Coates, No. 28849). Spry, P. 0., Wellington, New Zealand; fire-alarm-box contact-breaker ; 28624, 25th October. Staffans, J., Maoriceville, New Zealand ; brake-pipe, &c. coupling ; 28797, 29th November. Stanbrough, A. H., Richmond, Victoria; concrete-wall moulding ; (G. Clark) ; 28505, 28th September. Standard Earth Auger Company, Incorporated, Chicago, United States America ; earth-auger ; 28113, 19th July. Stanford, J., Wellington, Now Zoaland; roofing-tile: 2718"), 20th January. Stanford, J., Wellington. New Zoaland : roofing-tile ; 28615, 20th October. Stanley, H. W.. Milton, Now Zealand : toast-raok ; 28031, 21st October. Stanley, J. C. VV.. Santa Cruz. United States America; wood-pulp manufacture ; 28749, Uth December, 1909,t Stapelfeldt, 0. H., Melbourne, Victoria: inverted gas-lamp; (D. B. Houghton) ; 27752, 18th May. Stapelfeldt, 0. H., Melbourne, Victoria ; incandescent gaslamp ; (D. B. Houghton) ; 27753, 18th May. Starkcy, W., and anothor, Napier, Now Zoaland: flying, &c, machine ; 27204, 26th January. Staubli, J., and another. Richmond, Victoria (sec- A. ('. Sandford, No. 27653). Steel, J. H., and another. Gisborne, New- Zealand : chimneytop ; 27964, 24th June. Steele, G. H. 8., and others, Perth. Western Australia : sparkarrester; 27311, Kith February. Stent, H, Goodooga. New South Wales: thatching-needle; 27689, sth May. Stephens, E., and another, Wellington, New Zealand : milkcooler; 27294. Uth February. Stephenson, W. A.. Waikino, New Zealand ; explosiveengine gas-admission ; 27503, 15th April. Stephenson, W. A.. Waikino, New Zealand; toad-headod-nail machine ; 28250, 12th August. Stevens, J., Hawthorn, Victoria ; buckle ; 27379, 2nd March. Stevens, K. M., Hawera, New Zealand ; teat-cup release ; 27138, llth January. Stevenson, T., and another, Gore, New Zealand : sharpening chaffcuttor-knives ; 27243, 3rd February. Stewart. A. P., Hunterville, New Zealand ; pot scraper and brush ; 28437, 15th September. Stewart, D., Te Hapara. Now Zealand : sowing maize, &c. ; 27193, 25th January. Stewart, J., Invercargill, New Zealand ; fowl-feed box; 27152, llth January. Stewart, J., Invercargill, New Zoaland; spring; 28820, 2nd December. Stewart, J. G., Glasgow, Scotland ; pipe-jointing: 27727, 15th June, 1909.f Stewarts and Lloyds, Limited, and another, Coatbridge, Scotland; pipe-branch-connections fittings; 27728, 18th August, 1909.1Stewart, R. T., Dunedin, New Zoaland ; treating auriferous material; 28691, 7th November. Stiles, N. R., London, England ; coin-freed machines ; 27153, 12th January, 1909.t Stobo, S. E., Southdown, New Zealand : interlocking archbrick ; 28272, 15th August. Stokes, P. J., Dunedin, New Zealand ; preventing blight in potatoes ; 28459, I.7th September. Stokes, W., jun., Christohurch, New Zealand; fire-alarm ; 27497, 24th March. Stone, J., and Co., Limited, and another, Deptford, England ; secondary battery; 27403, 27th .March, 1909.f Stone, J., and Co., Limited, and another, Deptford, England; railway-carriage lighting ; 27848, 9th June. Storey, F. J., and anothor. Brunswick, Victoria; broom, &c. ; 28007, 30th June. Storer, J., and another, Hawthorn, Victoria; gas-burner; 28176, 28th July. Storrie, A., Invercargill, New Zealand; milking-machine, &c. ; 27604, 18th April. Storrio, A., Invercargill, Now Zealand; milking-machine; 28150, 26th July. Strassmcver, J., Christchurch, Now Zealand ; betting-boards ; 27126,8th January. Stratford - Henniker, M. E., Greymouth. New Zealand; curtain-ring ; 27562, 15th April.

Stringer, J. H, and another, Christchurch, New Zealand ; non-refillable bottle ; 27897, 13th June. Stromoyer Brake Shoe Company, New Jersey, United State. America; brake-shoe: (J. Stromeyer) ; 28398. 6th September. Stromeyer, J., Camden, United States America (see Stromever Brake Shoe Company, No. 28398). Stroud, J. J., and another, Invercargill, Now Zealand: vehicle-wheel ; 27221, 27th January. Stuart, H., Petone, New Zealand ; fuel; 28028, 4th July. Stuart-Edward. J., Christchurch, New Zealand : oultivatingimplement; 27747, Uth May. Stub , F., Auckland, New Zealand: closet-flush; 28751. 16t November. Subm • no Signal Company, Boston, United States America; submarine-signalling sounder; (R. L. Williams) ; 27235, Ist February. Suckling, J. H., Christchurch, New Zealand ; motor-engine ; 28390. 6th September. Suckling, .1. H.. Chr ; stchurch, Now Zoaland; internal-com-bustion engine ; 28525, 3rd October. Suckling, .1. 0., and others. Eketahuna, New Zealand : watercloset flush ; 27177, 19th January. Sullivan Fireproof Wall and Partition Company of Canada, Limited, Vancouver, British Columbia; partition-block mould ; (J. D. Sullivan) ; 28566, llth October. Sullivan, J. D., Salt Lake City, United States America (see Sullivan Wall and Partition Company of Canada, Limited. No. 28566). Sutherland. I). G.. Christchurch, Now Zealand; sharpening scissors ; 28436, Uth September. Sutherland, K., Hunterville. Now Zealand ; telescope ; 27252, sth February. Suttie, C, and another; Waharoa, New Zealand; flaxdressing ; 27672, 4th May. Suttie, ('., and another, Waharoa, New Zealand ; flax-oatcher : 27673. 4th May. Suttie, C, and another. Waharoa. New Zealand ; Haxdressing machine ; 27873, 9th June. Suttie, C, and another, Waharoa. New Zealand : ftasdressing ; 28456, 19th September. Suttie. (.'., and another, Waharoa, Now Zealand; towtreatment; 28539, sth October. Sutton, P., Coalgate. Now Zealand; wire-coiler, &o. ; 2x130. 23rd Jul; . Swainson, J. W., Kogarah. New South Wales ; oysteropener : 2X303. 23rd August. Swanell, C. T., Melbourne, Victoria; smoke-consuming apparatus ; 27456, 23rd March. Swanell, C. T, Melbourne, Victoria: smoke-consumer; 28323, 28th February, 1909.t Swanell, C. T., Wellington, New Zealand : briquetting-com-position ; 28591, 17th October. Swanell, C. T.. Wellington, New Zealand: smoke-consumer; 28724. llth November. Swanson. P., Invercargill, Now Zealand ; brake apparatus ; 27326, 17th February. Sweetman, .!. T., Rupanyup, Victoria; wheel-lire: 28419, 13th September. Swindale, A., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; windowsash supporter ; 28602, 18th October. Swinton, T. M.. St. Kilda, Victoria; manger; 28614. 20th (lotober. Sykes, G., and others, Wellington, New Zealand ; window ' anti-rattler ; 28765, 23rd Novembi r. Svmes, ,H., Mornington, New Zealand ; car-brake ; 28189, ' 30th July. Symes, J., Fryerstown, Victoria; excavator, &c. ; 28894, 10th Decembor. Szechenvi, E., and anothor, Vaiszka, Hungary : cultivator; 30th March. Taberner, R., Auckland. New Zealand ; petrol strainer and gauge ; 27793, 27th -May. Taberner, R., Auckland, New Zealand; petrol-tank for motor-launch ; 27919, 17th June. Tait, A. L. J.. Dunedin. Now Zealand : flax-treatment ; 27543, 9th April. Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, New Zealand: aviation vessel: 28043, oth July. Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, New Zealand; screw-propeller; 28753, 16th November. Tait, A. L. J., Mount Nicholas. New Zealand ; clothes-peg ; 28798, 26th November. Tait, A. L. J., Mount Nicholas, New Zealand ; rotary engine ; 25799, 26th November. Talbert, D. H, and others, Indianapolis, United States America (see American Box Ball Company, No. 27519). Tandy, ('., Wellington, New Zealand ; game apparatus: 28769, 23rd November..




Tanner, P., and others, Wakefield, New Zealand ; marineengine governor ; 27697, 6th May. Tanner, P., and other3, Wakefield, New Zealand : marine-engine-raoing preventer; 28151, 26th July. Tapp, 0., Palmerston North. New Zealand; vacuum pump ; 27879, 10th Juno. Tattersfield, J. W., and another. Auckland, Now Zoaland; bedding ; 27606, 21st April. Tattersfield. J. VV., and another, Auckland, Now Zealand ; bedstead ; 28561, 10th October. Taucher, J., Wellington, Now Zealand : safety hat-pin : 27382, 3rd Mirah. Taylor, C. M., and another, Wellington. New Zealand ; kctonc-pr ■parttion ; 27607, 21st April. Taylor, D., Dunedin, New Zealand ; book-binding ; 28667, 29th October. Taylor, E. Z., Loudon, England (see Mono Service Vessels, Limited. No. 27480). Taylor, I. P., and others. East Dulwich, England : crane : 28148, 26th July. Taylor, J. E.. Auckland. New Zealand : pillar block or pier : 27254, 3rd February. Taylor, R., Melbourne, Victoria ; moulding conduits ; 28604, 18th October. Taylor, T., Herbert villo. New Zealand: hurdle: 28070, Uth July. Taylor, T. M., and another, Jimbour, Queensland : stirruprelease ; 27948, 23rd Juno. Taylor, W. T., Wellington, New Zoaland; dredge-grab opener ; 27575, 18th April. Teasdale, C. 8., Northcote. Victoria (see W. G. Meudell, No. 27307). Techno-C'hemical Laboratories, Limited. London. England (see P. R. Climie, No. 28156). Teiford, T., Otanomomo, New Zealand: Hax-stripper; 27828, 4th June. Temple, H, Sydney, New South Wales (sec It. Hamburger, No. 27174). ' Tennent, H. 8., Wellington. New Zealand : attaching blind to roller; 27715, llth May. Tesla, N., Manhattan, United States America; fluid-propul-sion ; 28853, Bth December. Testro, J. C, and another, Melbourne. Victoria ; high-pressure filter; 27260, oth March, 1909.t Testrup, N., London, England; Iriquetting peat; 27943, 21st Juno. Tetley, F. H, Sydney, New South Wales; refrigeratingcompressor valve ; 28627, 25th October. Thacter, E., Paddington, New South Wale- ; washboard ; 28934, 29th December. Thomas, 8., and others, Manchester, England ; crane ; 28231, 10th August. Thomas, E., and others, Manchester. England ; crane ; 28231, 10th August Thomas, J. E., Germiston, Transvaal; tube-mill feed ; 28226, 9th August. Thomas, J. H., and another, Adelaide, South Australia; saddle ; 28377. 2nd September. Thomas, T. J.. Makauri, New Zealand ; draught-equalizer for horses ; 27448, 19th March. Thomas (see Earp-Thomas). Thompson, E. M, Auckland, New Zealand ; blind check action ; 28161, 26th July. Thompson, E. i'., Auc'land, New Zealand; Mind check action ; 28612, 20th October. Thompson, E. M., Auckland. Now Zealand ; venetian-blind ; 28826, 3rd December. Thompson, H, and another, Temuka, New Zoaland ; oven holder and stand ; 27709, 7th May. Thompson, H, and another, Christchurch, New Zoaland; race-starting apparatus; 28276, 17th August. Thompson, J., Christchurch, Now Zealand ; concrete-channel former ; 27647, 27th April. Thompson, K. W.. Normanby. Now Zoaland (see R. D. Dansey, No. 28705). Thomson, P., and another, Cassel-WUhelmshohe, Germany ; steam-superheater ; 27438, 15th March. Thomson, C. J. H., and another, Milton. New Zealand ; teacanister head ; 27558, 14th April. Thomson, C. J. H., Milton, New Zealand ; flax-treatment; 28230, Bth August. Thomson, G. M., Timaru, New Zealand ; hat-pin protector; 27605, 21st April. Thomson, H., Collingwood, Victoria; last; 27638, 27th April. Thomson, J., Winton, Now Zealand; candlestick; 28584, Uth October. Thorne, A. T. H., Auckland, New Zealand : stereoscopic apparatus; 28570, llth October. Throp. I>., Christchurch. Now Zoaland; lock; 27859, 9th June.

Thurston, C. G., Gore, New Zealand; steam-boiler; 28215. sth August. Thurston, G.. Riversdale, New Zealand ; reciprocating-engine ; 28783. 25th November. Tiiiit. T. H., Hunua, New Zealand: subsoiler; 28687, 3rd NovelTillotson. E. L.. London, England ; sewing-machine attachment : 27596, 29th April, 1909. + Tilsley, G., Thames. Now Zealand: tipping-truok; 28881, Isth Di cember. TinHe..-. W. J., Hastings, Nov.- Zealand ; clipping-machine-cutter, 8 -.. shan ener; 28099. 18th July. Tinliue. W. ■!.. Hastings. Now Zealand; gas-main tap; 28289, 18th August. Tobiti. P. J., Raetihi, New Zealand; solder: 28761, 21st mber. Tomkies, A. G.. Westport. New Zealand : corrugated-iron cutter; 27421. 9th March. Tomkies, A. G.. Westport, New Zeal.-nil ; cupboard-door, &c, fastening; 27422, 9th March. Tomkies. A, G., Westport, New- Zealand .- tin-opener; 27423. 9th March. Tomkies. A. G., Westport, New Zealand ; toy flying-machine: 27424, 9th March. Tomlinson, F. H., Taihape, New Zealand; weed-destroyer; 28693. 7th November. Tong. .1. W., Foxton, New Zealand; fibre-catcher; 27894, Uth Juno. Tonkinson. R. S.. ami another. Dunedin, Now Zoaland; friction-clutch ; 27706. 7th May. Tootell, C. .Melbourne. Victoria": fly-screen ; 251107. 20th December. Topp, W. 8., Wellington, Now Zealand: spouting-braoket machine; 27831, 6th June. Torr, H. A.. Rnawai, Now Zealand : collar and ha 27957, 24th June. Tourtol, J. M-. London, England ; adding and printing machine; 27588, 19th April. Tow ill. F. J.. Abbotsbury, England : outting or slicing apparatus; 28604, 17th November, 1909.f Towle, C. R., Haverhill. United States America (see United Shoo -Machinery Company, No. 27133). Trapski, ■!.. Wyndham, Now Zealand ; plough : 28218, Bth August. Tregoning, VV. H., ami another. Christchurch, New Zealand ; harness ; 28183, 30th July. Treloar, J., Hamilton. Now Zoaland; milking-machine; 28203, 12th August. Treloar, J., and anothor, Hamilton, New Zealand ; milkingmachine ; 28656, 29th October. Trengrove, VV. H, Wellington, New Zealand ; tiro-repairing; 27470, 24th March. Trevor, S. R., Auckland. Now- Zealand ; oil from kauri soil ; 27318, 18th February. Tievor, S. R., Auckland, Now Zealand ; rubbei-production ; 28579. 13th October. Trevor, S. R., Auckland, New Zealand ; oil from kauri soil: 28777, 24th November. Trevethick, J., Auckland, New Zealand ; brush; 28138, 23rd July. Trimming, E., and anothor, Auckland, New Zealand ; milkingmachine ; 28938, 31st December. Tubman, L., Papanui, Now Zoaland ; shooting decov-frame ; 27159, 13th January. Tuck, VV". A., and another, Wakefield, New Zealand : horsecover; 28748, 17th November. Turbon Patent. Fan Company, Limited, Llanelly, Wales; centrifugal blower; (P. Bomborn); 28078, 15th July. Turner, F. A., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; utilizing waste hot water for domestic purposes ; 27477, 30th March. Turner. G., Canterbury, Now South Wales; mineral - oil manufacture; 27113 ; sth January. Turner, H, Melbourne, Victoria; dress-fastener; (P. A. Aronson); 28299, 19th August. Turner, T., and others, Wellington, Now Zealand ; bull-rope cleat ; 27443, 18th March. Turner, T, and others, Wellington, New Zealand ; bull-rope-antifriction device ; 27741, 17th May. Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Victoria; railway-rail; (T. H. Wheless); 27773, 25th May. Uddstrom, C, Greyinouth, New Zealand ; saw-bench returnfeed ; 28258, 10th August. Umrath, T., Chicago, United States America ; vacuum pump ; 28297, 19th August. Umrath, T., Chicago, United States America; milkingmachine ; 27602. 28th April. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United State* Vmeriea ; ihoe-upper-beading maohine ; iL. W. G. Flynt);

27131, lllh i. QUI ....




United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; inseam-trimming machine; (A. E. Johnson); 27132, llth January. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United S. tea America ; heel-nailing machine ; (E. A. Webster and C. it. Towle); 27133, llth January. United Shoo Machinery Company, Paterson, United S America; edge-setting machine; (F. M. Furber and F. H. Warren); 27137, llth January. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, Unil America ; nail-feeding device ; (J. G. Gibson and G. Pegg) ; 27195, 25th January. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United 8 America; sole-operating machine ; (P. H. Perry); 27238, 3rd February. United Shoo Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; edge-trimming machine ; (F.H.Perry): 27239, 3rd February. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America: shoe-upper-laoing machine; (C. S. Wells and W. W. Darnill); 27240. 3rd Februai United Shoe Machinery Company. Paterson, United States Vmerica; skiving-machine; (A. Macklop); 27377, 2nd March. United Shoe .Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America (sec F. N. Water.-, No.' 27599). United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America,: press ; (A, Bates) ; 27040, 27th April. United Shoe Machinery Company. Paterson, United States America; tack-pulling machine ; (J. B. Hadaway); 27641, 27th April. United Shoo Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America : feather-edging machine ; (J. N. Buscll): 27784, 26th May. United Shot Machinery Company, Paterson, United Slates America: taok-pulling machine ; (A. Eppler); 27950,23rd June. United Shoo Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America ; sheet-material-outting die ; (T. Lund); 28060, 12th July. United Shoo Machinery Company. Paterson, United States America; top-lift; (T. Lund); 28061; 12th July. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, I'nited States America; t broad- waxing device ; (A. Eppler and F. Ashworth) ; 28100, 19th July. United Shoo Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; boot and shoe machine; (F. E. Bertrand); 28107, 19th July. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; trimming-machine; (F.H.Perry); 28108,19th July. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America ; shoe-sowing machine ; (A. Eppler) ; 28109, 19th July. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; sewing-machine channel-guide mechanism; (E. E. Winkloy and A. Eppler); 28110, 19th July. United Shoo Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America ; sewing-machine tension-device ; (W. C. and C. D. Holmes); 28111, 19th July. United Shoo .Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America ; leather-cutting apparatus ; (J. B. Hadaway); 28112, 19th July. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America: slainping-machine ; (11. VV. Winter); 28277, 17th August. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America ; boot or shoe machine ; (W. K. Borden) ; 28278, 17th August. United Shoe .Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; fastening ; (T. Briggs) ; 28279, 17th August. United Shoo Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; solo-levelling machine; (A. Bates, J. Gouldbourn, and E. A. Crkllamil: 28280, 17th August. United Shoo Machinery Company. Pi America: eyeletting-maohine; (L. F. Weber); 27136, llth January. United Shoo Machinery Company, Paterson, United Slates America; boot and shoo machine; (A. Bates, R. H. Silvester, W. T. B. Roberts, and J. H. Brown); 28281, 17th August. United Shoo Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; lasting-machine ; {E. E. Winkloy); 28282,17th August, United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States Amerit a; heel-breasting machine; (A. Bates); 28380, 6th September. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; boot and shoe manufacture; (R. F. McFeely); 28431, Uth September.

United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, States America; press; (H.D.Spencer); 28432,14th September. United Slice Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; lasting-machine; (M. Brook); 28534. 4th Octobi r. United Shoo Machinery Com. any. Paterson, United States rica; lasting-machine: (M. Brock); 28574. 13th October. United Shoo Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; boot and shoe machine ; (E. Brothers); 28625, 25th October. United Shoe Machinery Company,. Paterson. United States America; fastener-inserting machine; (L. A. Cassrain); 28707, 10th November. Unil id Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America,; heeling-machine; (A. E. Jerram, J. Gouldboum. and A. Bates); 28708, 10th November. United Slice Machinery Company, Paterson United State? America; pulling-over machine : (0. Ashton); 28709, 10th Novembi r. United Shoe Machinery Company, Pa. oited States America; fastener-inserting maohine ; (G. Goddu); 28710, 10th November. ■ i Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; work-support; (L. A. Casgrain); 28711, 10th mber. United Shoe Machinery Ccmpany, Paterson, United States America; gripper; (B. F. Mayo and E. 1. la Chappelle); 28774, 24th November. United Shoo Machinery Ccmpany, Paterson, United States America ; nailmaking-machinc ; (M. Brock); 28843, 7th December. I Shoo Machineiy Company, Paterson, United States America ; die-cutting ; (E. Pocock) ; 28844, 7th December. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America ; welt-sole manufact ure ; (W. J. Drey); 28845, 7th December. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States America; boot and shoe manufacture; (W. J. Drey); 28846, 7th December. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United StateAmerica ; upper-to-last conforming ; (A. Bates); 28930. 29th December. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, United States Imerica; sewing-machine-shuttle tension-device; (J. L Dow); 28124, 21st July. Lfnsworth, E., Napier, New Zealand; wall-construction ; 28937, 30th December. Upchurch, R. A., and anothor, Hunterville, New Zealand : filter; 28484, 24th September. Urmetzer, A. W., London, England (see Midas Limited. No. 27465). Vacher, C, Kelowrra, British Columbia; sprinkler-nozzle ; 27368, Ist March. Vacher, C, Kelowna, British Columbia; sprinkler-nozzle : 27369, Ist March. Vacuum Speciality Manufacturing Company. San Francisco. United States America ; vacuum cleaner ; (G. S. Bennett): 27777, 25th May. Valentine, J., Waikouaiti, New Zealand ; wheelbarrow-bush : 27821, 2nd June. Van Berkel, J. C, Zurich, Switzerland ; moat-slicing machine: 28544, sth October. Van Daalen, H. 8., London, England ; electricity-controller : 27778, 16th June, 1909.f Van Daalen, H. 8., London, England ; dynamo, &c. ; 27779. 15th June, 1909.f Vandervell, C. A., and another, Acton Vale, England : dynamo, electric machine ; 28266, I6th August. Vanstone, H. J., Little River, New Zoaland ; bottle-stopper : 27120, 7th January. Vanstone, H. J., Little River, Now Zoaland ; aerated-water-bottle stopper ; 27121, 2nd January. Vanstone, H. J., Little River, Now Zealand ; bottle-stopper : 27247, 4th February. Vare, F. W., Wellington, New Zealand; drink-cure compound ; 27561, 15th April. Varley, E., Newmarket, Now Zealand ; fly-catcher : 28642. 27th October. Varnier, A. H., and another, London, England ; elastic roller printing ; 28178, 30th July. Veale, H., Roxburgh, New Zealand; cow-milker; (W. Mehring); 28754, 16th November. Vear, A. E., and others, Wellington, New Zealand; electriclamp lock ; 28616, 20th October. Verne, P., Wellington, New Zealand; hat-pin; 27127, 10th January. Vincent, A., and another, Redfern, Now South Wales: furnaco-door ; 28550, 6th October.




Volk. F. W., and another, Ashfield, New South Wales ; shirtcollar ; 28510, 28th September. Von, M., and others, Auckland, Now Zealand ; wire-weaving machine; 28345, 27th August. Von Arco, G. G., Berlin, Germany (see E. Phillips. Nos. 27276. 27945, 27946, 27947). Von Kramer, H.. Erdington, England : wireless telephone ; 28626, 25th October. Von Pittler, W., London, England (see Pittler Universal Rotary Machine Syndicate. Limited, Nos. 28059, 28224). Voorhees, G. T., New York, United States America ; gascorn pressor; 28932. 29th December. Voss, H., Waimate, New Zealand ; windmill - controller : 28673, 3rd November. Voss, W. A., and another, Rayleigh, England ; fungicide ; 27481, 22nd July, 1909.t Vowell, C, Ngaruawahia, New Zealand ; ships' well-sounding apparatus ; 27248, 3rd February. Wainwright, E. P., and another, Hastings, New Zealand; vehicle-controller; 28586, 15th October. Wakefield, C. C, London. England; acetylene-generator; 28492, 27th September. Wakelv, W. W.. Featherston, Now Zealand ; flax-stripper : 27832, oth June. Wales, R., Dunedin. New Zealand : gold-obtaining from river-beds ; 27667. 30th April. Walker, G., and anothor, Tuakau, New Zealand; alcohol from flax-waste ; 27702, sth May. Walker, G., and another, Te Kuiti, New Zealand : wiremattress clamp ; 27803. 9th June. Walker, J. A., Devonport, Now Zoaland; sash-frame ami sash ; 28350, 29th August. Walker, J. W., Hastings. Now Zealand: music-turner; 27388, sth March. Walker, W. P., and another, To Kuiti. New Zealand : wiremattress clamp ; 27863, 9th June. Wallace, A. C. J., Marton. Now Zealand : sook and stocking : 28886, 16th December. Wallace, A. C. J., Marton, New Zealand ; swingletree ; 28887, 16th December. Wallace, H. H., Oamaru, New Zealand ; animal throwing and securing ; 27262, Bth Febr Wallace, H. V., Auckland. Now Zealand: wall-plaster; 28681, 4th November. Wallace, H. V., and another, Auckland. New Zealand ; plaster ; 27791, 27th May. Waller, VV., and another. London, England : tins, &c, manufacturing machine ; 27540, 12th April. Wallis, 8., Petone, New Zealand; picture-mount cutter; 27108, 17th January. Wallis, T. P., Auckland, New Zealand ; securing turnerymaterials ; 28027, 4th July. Walter, R. A. 0., Wade, New Zealand: shirt-collar: 28675, 4th November. Walter, R. A. 0., Wade, New Zealand : envelope ; 28676, 4th November. Walton, F. H., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand; basket-bottom ; 28772, 23rd November. Walton, J. H., Hokitika, New Zealand; cot; 28548, 3rd October. Walton, T., and anothor. Manchester, England ; combination tool; 28663, 2nd November. Warburton, J., Linwood, New Zoaland: human-flight equipment; 27417, llth March. Ward, D. 0., Illinois, United States America (see Chipman Limited. No. 27175). Ward, T. E., and another, Balmain, New South Wales; totalizator ; 28473, 22nd September. Wardrop, It. S., Dunedin, Now Zoaland; plaster; 27791, 27th May. Warren, F. H., Swampscott. United States America (see United Shoe .Machinery Company, No. 27137). Warnock, J. A., and another, Auckland, New Zealand ; box ; 27531, Bth April Waters, E. N., Melbourne, Victoria; hoel-trimming-inaehine tool-shield; (United Shoe Machinery Company —A. D. Elliott); 27599, 20th April. Waters, S., Wellington, New Zealand ; flash-signal shutter ; 27444, 18th March. Waters, W. H, Melbourne, Victoria ; electrolyte ; (Chromolyte Syndicate, Limited—B. E. B. Newlands); 27905, 16th June. Waters, W. H., Melbourne, Victoria; ore-smelting; (A. Haggenmilkr) ; 28460, 20th September. Watson, G., Tokomaru. .Now Zealand; flax-stripper-drum spindle ; 27306, Isth February. Watson, G. A.. Mataura, New Zoaland : milk-strainer; 27861, 9th June.

Watson, G. H., Tokomaru, New Zealand : multiplying power of generating-plants ; 27826, 4th June. Watson, T. J., Onehunga, New Zealand ; harrow ; 27372. 28th February. Wattorson, J., and others. Wellington, New Zoaland : hullrope cleat; 27443, 18th March. Watterson, J., and others, Wellington, New Zoaland ; bull-rope-antifriction device : 27741, 17th May. Webber, E., Dunedin, New Zoaland : printing-block mount; 27876, 9th June. Webby, J. A., Riverlca. Now Zealand; teat-cup; 28293. 19th August. Weber, L. F., Frankfurt, A. M., Germany (see United Shoe .Machinery Company, No. 27133). Webster, E. A., Haverhill, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 27133). Weight, E. G., and others, Wellington, Now Zoaland ; hot-water-tank connection ; 27892, Uth June. Wells. C. S., Leicester, England (see United Shoo Machinery Company, No. 27240). Wcllwood. J. .1.. Morven, New Zealand: trace-chain spreader ; 27780, 27th May. Weniger, P., and another, Auckland, New Zoaland ; turbine ; 28488, 22nd September. Werner, A., Doyleston, New Zealand ; threshing-machine band-cat t. r ; 28284, 17th August. Wertheim (see Lowenstein-Wertneim). Weasel, k.. St. Paul. United States America : flax-machine; 27598, 20th April. i'. C, Helsingborg, Sweden; explosive; 27849. 9th June. Westwood, T.. Greendale, New Zealand; kettle: 28519. 28th September. Whall, J.. Darfield, Now Zealand: vehicle-jack : 27487, 31st March. Wheeler. F. ('.. Lower Hutt, Now Zealand; hose-coupling ; 27533. Uth April. Win lan. (•'. .]., Waitahuna. New Zealand ; boot: 27692,5th M Whelcss, T. H., New York. United States America (see G. G. Turri, No. 27773). Whcway. S. 8., Walsall. England; horse-collar; 28079. Istb July. Whiloy. F.. Stratford, New Zealand : excavator; 27774. 25th May. 'White, C, Baltimore, United States America: operating ■ gas-engines ; 27760, 18th May. White. F. is., Chioago, United States America; locomotiveboiler washing; 27511, 15th September, 1909.t White, H. H., Brookline, United States America ; automobile wind-shield ; 27521, 2nd April White, S., Mangatoki, New Zealand; pig-holder; 28742. Kith November. White, T. H., Wellington, Now Zoaland ; ourtain-polc ; 28142. 25th July. Whiteside, A. J., Raupo. New Zealand; flax-handling: 27674, 30th April. Whiteside, A. J., Raupo, New Zealand; flax-handlinc ; 28644, 26th October. Whitmore, E. H, Invercargill, Now Zealand ; bottle ; 27742, 17th May. Whittall, 8. G., Christchurch, New Zealand ; bath ; 28235. 9th August. Whvte, R. 8., Auckland, New Zealand; weatherboard; 27984 ; 27th June. Widdowson, 8., Christchurch, New Zealand ; potato-bagger : 2724U. 4th February. Wiggins, R. A., Wellington, New Zealand (see Dominion Pressure Milking-machine Company, No. 27913). Wight, R. 8., Takapuna, Now Zoaland; sausage-machine; 28346, 27th August. Wightman, E. E., Wellington. Now Zoaland; signalling apparatus ; 28426, Uth September. Wigram, A. D., Sydney. New South Wales : harness-saddle ; 28320, 24th August,' Wild, C. W., Woodville. Now Zealand; tobacco-pipe cleaning ; 28733, 15th November. Wilderspin, E. A., London, England; cast-iron brazing : 28087, 15th July. Wilkes, G., and another, Strechfield, England; nut-lock : 27900, 16th June, 1909.f Wilkes, S. J. H, and another, Strechfield, England; nutlock ; 27900, 10th June, 1909. f Wilkinson, M., Auckland, New Zealand; hat-pin; 27843, Bth June. | Wilkinson. M.. Auckland, New Zealand; playing-card ; 28400, .silt September. Wilkinson, W.. Chertsey, New Zealand ; axle ; 28862, 9th December.




Wilkinson, W. S., and anothor, Auckland, New Zealand ; harness-pad ; 27621, 21st April. Wilkinson, W. S.. and others, Auckland. New Zealand ; horse-collar pad ; 28024, Ist July. Willcocks, F. G., Inaha, New Zealand : milking-machine ; 27280, 10th February. Willcocks, P. G., Hawera. New Zealand: teat-cup; 27459. 23rd March. Williams, A. H., Hyde Park, South Australia ; gas-mantle ; 27556, 141 h April Williams, C. E.. and another, Sleaford. England; catalytic synthesis of methane ; 28097, 21st July, 1909.+ Williams, C. H., Taumarunui, New Zealand; boot-cleaning pad and holder ; 28337, 27th August. Williams, C N. H. 8., Orepuki, Now Zealand ; screw-pro-peller driving-gear ; 27555, 12th April. Williams, J. D., Melbourne. Victoria; game: 27395. 15th February. Williams, J. H, and another. Walthamstow, England: loaded light; 28222, 16th September, 1909.t Williams, R. L., Newton, United States America (see Submarine Signal Company, No. 27235). Williams, W. 1!., Brisbane. Queensland; hobble: 28597.4th November. 1909.t Williamson, W. J., Dunedin, Now Zealand : dental casting; 27875, 9th June. Willis, A. J. P., Melbourne, Victoria.; flash-sign; 28237, 10th August. Willkomm, K. F., Freiburg, Germany; speed-controller; 28600, 18th October. Wills, C. W., Pahiatua, New Zealand .- cattle-drench; 27792. 27th May. Wills, W., and another, Wellington, New Zealand : fireplace : 28442, 16th September. Wilson, H. E., and another, Auckland. New Zealand ; speed gear ; 28270, 15th August. Wilson, J., Auckland, New Zoaland ; concrete-road construction ; 27316, 18th February. Wilson, 0. E., Didsbury, England ; bonding-stirrup and ticbar ; 28531, 9th Fcbruary.t Wilson, 0. E., Didsbury, England ; bonding-stirrup and tiebar ; 28532, 16th February, t Wilson, T., and others, Wellington. Now Zoaland ; post pillarbox; 28441, 16th September. Wilthew, W. R,, and another, London, England; delivering measured quantities of liquor ; 28565, llth October. Wilton, T. J., and another, Waipawa, Now Zoaland ; powertransmission variable - speed mechanism; 27266, Bth February. Winant, G. S., Now York, United States America (see Saver Manufacturing Company, No. 27932). Winders, G. H., Dunedin, New Zealand ; hat-fastener ; 27160, 12th January. Winkley, E. E., Lynn, f'nited States America (sec United Shoe'Machinery Company, Nos. 28110, 28282). Winn. S., Nelson, New Zealand: white-load pulverizing; 27394, 7th March. VVinstanley, A. A., Brunswick, Victoria (sec E. C. Winstanley, No. 27916). Winstanley, E. C, Brunswick, Victoria : chaffcuttor-feed : (A. A. Winstanley) ; 27916. 18th Juno, 1909.t Winter, H. W.. Mcthuen, United States America (see United Shoe Machinery Company. No. 28277). Witt (see De Witt). Witty, R. 8., Lower Moutere, Now Zealand ; fruit-grader ; 27440, 18th March. VVohlo, S., London, England ; petroleum, &c oil; 27705, 12th October, 1909. f Wolf, J. D., London, England ; ore-separation ; 28851, Bth December. VVolseley Sheep-shearing Machine Company, Limited, and another, Birmingham, England; centrifugal separator: 28221, 2nd September, 1909.t Wood, H. E., Denver, United States America: ore-con-centrator ; 28172, 29th July. Woodfield, C. V., Kaiapoi. New Zealand ; acetylene-generator ; 27898, Uth June. Woodham, A. J., Christchurch. New Zi aland : vehicle-step tread ; 28785. 25th November.

Woodruff, H.. and another, London, England (see Ovox Fuel Company, Limited. No. 28564). Woods, M,, and others. Carlton. Victoria: stone-dresser; 27666, 30th April. Woods, W.. and others. Auckland. New Zealand ; wireweaving machine ; 28345. 27th August. Woods-Gilbert Rail Planer Company. Limited, Melbourne. Victoria; rail-planing machine: (J. Little); 28865, 9th Decembor. Woodward. E., Dunedin. New Zealand: propeller; 27889. 30th August. Worms, L. S., ami another. Birkenhead, New Zealand; clip oapsule : 27535. 1 Ith April. Worsnop, J., Auckland, Now Zealand: window-fastener; 27354, 22nd February. Worswiok, A., England; propeller; 27405. 10th March. Worthington, H.. Wellington, New Zealand: rat-trap; 27135.11th January. Wright. A. H., Auckland. New Zealand : mail-matter Franking : 27199, 25th January. Wright, A. H., Auckland, New Zealand; stamping-machine: 27363, 25th February. Wright, A. H., Auckland. New Zealand ; franking-machine-die protect or ; 27579, Kith April. Wright, A. H.. Auckland, Now Zoaland : franking-machine; 27580. Ililh April. Wright, A. H, Dunedin, New Zealand: franking-machine; 28013, 29th Juno. 1909.+ Wright, A. H, Dunedin, New Zealand : advertisementdisplaying ; 28802, sth February.t Wright, A. H., Newmarket, New Zealand ; stamping, &c, machine : 28807, 9th December. Wright, A. H., and another, Sydney, New South Wales; stamping-machine ; 27922, 18th June. Wright, W. L. F., and others, Brisbane. Queensland : <ra>pip-,- and connection ; 28353. sth November, 1909.t Wunderlich, C. B. S., Grafton. Now South Wales; butter box; (H. C. Crew) ; 28706.23rd November. Wynyard, M. 11.. and another. Auckland. New Zealand ; flax-dresser ; 27672, 4th May. Wynyard. M. H., and another, Vuckland, New Zealand: flax-catcher ; 27673, 4th May. Wynyard, M. H., and anothor. Auckland. New Zealand ; flax-dresser ; 27873, 9th June. Wynyard, M. H., Auckland. New Zealand: flax-drying; 28365. 31st August. Wynyard, M. H., and another, Auckland. New Zealand : flax-dresser ; 28456, 19th September. Wynyard. M. H.. and another, Auckland. New Zoaland : tow-treatment : 28539. sth October. Vardloy, T., and another, Palmerston North, New Zealand : milking-machine ; 28680. 4th November. Yarrow and Co. (Bolton), Limited, Manchester, England ; earthenware-pipe manufacture ; (M. Yarrow): 27807. Bth June. Yarrow, M., Manchester, England (see Yarrow and Co. (Bolton), Limited, No. 27867). Yarrow, R., Wellington. New Zealand : rubber substitute ; 28740, Kith November. Yost, F. W., Chicago, United States America; calcining materials ; 27814, Ist June. Young, A. E., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand : lawn-mower attachment; 28910, 19th December. Young, D. H., Gisborne. New Zealand; milk-jug; 27383, Ist March. Young, J., and another, Melbourne. Victoria ; btirning-off and brazing tool; 28011, 30th June. Ziele, C. VV., and anothor, Christchurch, New Zealand ; match-box-opening means ; 28759, 19th November. Ziele, W. S., and another, Christchurch, New Zoaland : match-box-opening moans ; 28759, 19th November. Zimmerman. A. K.. and others. Melbourne. Vietorai; cotattachment to bed : 27374. 2nd March.




IA dagger (t) Indicates a prior darn in accordance with the International and Intercolonial Arrangements. |

The number of inventions in each class, and page on which it appi iven in Table I.

Class—Advertising and Displaying. Advertisements, displaying; A. Clegg, W. Rainbow, and F. Clark ; 27128, 10th January. Advertisements, displaying : C. N. Hodder and N. Clegg ; 27345. 21st February. Advertisements, displaying; A. H. Wright ; 28802. sth February, f Advertising-device ; C. Mills ; 27399, Bth March. Advertising-device; National Car Advertising Company ; 27954, 22nd June. Advertising-device : H. M. Keesing ; 28254, 12th August. Advertising-device and match-box; M. S. Collier and W. Little ; 28055, 12th July. Advertising-machine; J. T. Hunter; 27411, 10th March. Advertising-sign; A. J. P. Willis; 28237, 10th August. Advertising-sign; L. E. Cassrells and W. J. Rutherford; 28792, 28th November. Calendar and advertising block; VV. F. Floessell; 28700, Ist December, 1909.f Cup and saucer display rack; J. Muston : 28503, 28th September. Display card and ticket holder; T. Edwards and F. N. J. Pullyn; 28048, 9th July. Displaying pictures, posters, &c. ; A. G. Kent-Johnston; 28114, 28th July, 1909. t Displaying stained-glass-window designs : A. F. ami H. G. Bradley ; 28322, 24th August. Show-card; G. F. Allen; 28340,26th August. Window-dressing apparatus; G. .1. Riohardson; 27466, 21st March. Class —Aeronautics. Aeroplane ; E. Novill; 27227, Ist February. Aeroplane ; H. P. Little and J. Poehugin ; 27467, 24th .March. Aeroplane; K. M. Fraser ; 27491, 31st March. Aeroplane; M. Juriss ; 27712, llth May. Aeroplane : P. C. Loasby and H. D. Bell ; 28191, 2nd Aliens). Aeroplane; H. Norgrove : 28193, 2nd August. Aeroplane; V.D.Kerr; 28233, 10th August. Aeroplane ; W. Henning ; 28592, 14th October. \i roplane-balanoer; R, MoMollan ; 28310, 23rd August. Aeroplane-propulsion ; D. Reid, jun. ; 28045, 26th August. Aeroplane steadier and balancer ; J. C. Cairns ; 27267, Bth February. Aerial machine; L. J. Barnes and W. Starkey; 27204, 20th January. Aerial machine (toy); A. G. Tomkies ; 27424, 9th March. Aerial machine : T. A. Dring ; 27803, 31st May. Aerial machine : H.J.Davidson: 27834, 7th Juno. Aerial machine: J. H. Gill; 27878, 10th June. Aerial machine : W. W. Gibson and D. W. Hanbury ; 27923. 20th June. Aerial machine ; A. L. J. Tait ; 28043, 6th July. Aerial machine: F. W. Dugins; 28320, 24th August. Flying-machine. (See Aerial machine.) Human-flight equipment : J. Warburton ; 27417. llth March. Class—Amusements. Adding and scoring apparatus; D. W. McLean; 28093, 16th July. Amusement apparatus ; T. J. Harris ; 28661, 3lst October. Billiard-cue tip j T. F. Long: 27281, Bth February. Cards, playing- ; M. Wilkinson ; 28400, Bth September. Cinematograph ; P. E. Pctherick and A. B. Shephard : 28062, 12th July. Clarionet-reed; W. J. Dil ; 27816, 2nd June. Cribbage game. &o. : S. Chatterton ; 28758, 18th November. Flying-machine (toy) ; A. G. Tomkies ; 27424, 9th March. Game apparatus ; J. D. Williams ; 27305, 15th February. Game apparatus; American Box Ball Company; 27519, 2nd April. Game apparatus ; E. Edmonds ; 27644, 27th April. Game apparatus ; J. Leonard; 27767, 24th May. Game apparatus ; P. W. Jackson ; 28513, 29th September. Game apparatus ; C. Tandy ; 28769, 23rd November. Game, table- ; H. A. Livingstone ; 28025, Ist July. Golf-club grip ; P. Kahlenborg ; 28789, 25th November. Hurdle; T. Taylor ; 28070, Uth July. Hurdle ; H. J. Hickcy ; 28812, Ist December. Kinematograph. (See also Cinematograph.)

Kinomatograph; M. J. N. McCarthy; 28486, 24th September. Kinematograph apparatus ; ,1. Milburn ; 27958, 24th June. I Lantern-picture displaying ; G. Nye ; 28871, 13th December. Music-leaf turner ; E. C. Honnequin ; 27312, 19th February, 1909.f Music-leaf turner ; J. W. Walker ; 27388, sth March. -loaf turner ; A. H. J. Parker ; 28188, 30th Julv. Phonograph ; M. J. N. McCarthy ; 28486, 24th September. Piano, &c, keyboard guide: (J. L. Nesbitt ; 28936, 23rd December. Pianoforte-panel; H. A. Corringham and VV. G. Joy ; 27909, Uth June. Race-starter ; H. Thompson and H. Kershaw ; 28276, 17th .ust. Signal. (Sec Sports-ground signal.) Spinning-top; A. Callinan : 28(183, Uth July, 1909.t Sports-ground signal: .1. A. Beales and H. Marsden ; 27275, 10th February. Stereoscopic apparatus; A. T. H. Thome; 28570, llth October. Swimming-device ; H. L. Snow ; 27485, 30th March. Swimming-teaching apparatus ; R. Chambers ; 27530. Bth April. Swimming-teaching method ; W. Bedell ; 27513, 4th April. Tennis-ball-preserving apparatus ; V. R.Johns; 27617,22nd April. Tennis-racquet; C. B. Mueller; 28482, 22nd September. Tcnnis-racipiet ; ('. G. McKellar; 28720, Bth November. Tennis-racquet; C. G. MoKellar; 28918, 21st December. Tennis-racquet grip ; P. Kahlonbcrg ; 28789, 25th November. Water-chute; <'. E.Hudson; 28490. 24th September. Class Attaching and Securing. ! Brooch-fastener ;R. W. McNicoll; 28909, 17th December. Brooch-fastening; W. Buhmann ; 27782, 23rd Ma}'. Brooch-locking device ; O. Olson; 27504, Ist April. Brooch-pin; R.G.Love; 27986, 25th June Brooch pin and catch ; A. Edmond ; 27960, 22nd June. Brooch-pin lock ; O. Olson ; 28338, 27th August. Bull-rope, antifriction device for ; J. Wattersnn. F. Phillips. and T. Turner ; 27443, 18th March. Clip (carpet) ; S. W. Kelly ; 28764, 23rd November. Clip (hat, &c.) ; T. Morris ; 28721, Bth November. Fastener, dress-; H. Turner ; 28299, 19th August, Hook and eye ; E. le Roy ; 28409, 9th September. Nail, load-head, making machine ; W. A. Stephenson; 28250. 12th August. Nut-lock; Chipman Limited; 27175, 19th January. Nut-lock ; S. J. H. and G. Wilkes ; 27900, 16th June, 1909.t Nut-lock ; H. McDonald ; 27963, 24th June. Nut-lock ; V. Kviberg ; 28208, 4th August. Nut-lock ; H. Metcalf ; 28719, 10th November. Parcel, &c, strap ; G. H. Knight; 27630, 27th April, 1909. t Spike, railway- ;J. W. Balfour and Balfour's Patents, Limited ; 28375, 3rd September. Staple,- fencing- ; F. Smoothv ; 27440, 21st March. Wire-clip ; T. Morris ; 27822, 2nd Juno. Class—Boilers (Steam). Boiler-cleaner; J. Smaill; 28481, 22nd September. Boiler-feed; H. McMurdie ; 27920, 17th June. Boiler. (See Steam-boiler, Locomotive-boiler.) Boiler, washing and filling ; K. B. White: 27511. 15th September, 1909.t Condenser ; T. W. Parr ; 28556, 7th October. Ejector, compressor, and condenser ; E. S. G. Rees ; 28451, 21st September, 1909. t Gauge-glass, escape of steam and water prevention ; G. H. Morley ; 27493, 24th March. Locomotive-boiler; C. G. Thurston ; 28215, sth August. Steam-boiler ; C. A. Jory ; 27559, Uth April. Steam-generator ; J. T. Hunter; 27340, 22nd February. Steam-generator ; J. McGregor ; 28458, 17th September. Steam-generator-incrustation prevention; C. Neff and A. Brandos ; 27454, 22nd March. Superheater, locomotive-; W. Schmidt and P. Thomson ; 27438, 15th March. Superheater; S. S. Macaskie ; 28031, 30th July, 1909.f




Class—Boots ar.d. Shoes. Boot; W. McKinlay ; 27981, 27th June. Boot and shoe; W. Humphries-Grey and A. Duthoit; 27356, 24th February. Boot and shoe fastening ; T. Robson ; 28587, 15th October. Boot and shoe manufacture; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 28431, Uth September. Boot-heel; J. G. Mitchell; 27179, 19th January. Boot-heel; A. J. Bird and W. V. Porteous ; 27297, 15th , February. Boot-heel; J. B. Hulbert; 27346, 23rd February. Boot-heel; C. W. Clayton ; 27435, 16th March. Boot-heel; A. Ashley"; 28207, 4th August. Boot - heel - lasting mechanism ; M. Brock ; 28575, 1 (ith October, 1909.f Boot-hocl and toe-tip; J. Arnaboldi ; 28793, 26th November. ! Boot-heel stiffener: H. Mander and E. G. Sander; 28072, llth Julv. Boot-last;' J. B. Hulbert ; 27347, 23rd February. Boot-last; H. Thomson ; 27638, 27th April. Boot-machine; T. H. Files; 27134, 19th March, 1909.f Boot-machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 28846, 7th December. Boot-machine ; United Shoo Machinery Company ; 28025, 25th October. Boot-machine, edge-setting; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 27137, llth January. Boot-machine, edge-trimming; United Shoe Machinery Company; 27239, 3rd February. Boot-machine, eyeletting; United Shoo Machinery Company; 27136, llth January. Boot-machine, fastenings-inserter; United Shoo Machinery Company ; 28279, 17th August. Boot-machine, fastenings-inserter; United Shoo Machinery Company ; 28707, 10th November. Boot-machine, fastenings-inserter; United Shoe Machinery Company; 28709, 10th No vernier Boot-machine, fastenings-inserter; United Shoo Machinery Company ; 28710, 10th November. Boot-machine, feather-edging; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 27784, 26th May. Boot-machine, heel-breasting; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 28386, 6th September. Boot-machine, heeling; United Shoe Machinery Company; 28708, 10th November. Boot-machine, heel-nailing: United Shoe Machinery Com pany ; 27133, llth January. Boot-machine, inseam-trimming; United Shoe Machinery Company; 27132, llth January. Boot-machine, lasting ; United Shoo Machinery Company ; 28281, 17th August. Boot-machine, lasting ; United Shoo Machinery Company ; 28282, 17th August. Boot-machine, lasting; United Shoe Machinery Comp 28534, 4th October. Boot-machine, lasting ; I'nited Shoo Machinery Company ; 28574, 13th October. Boot-machine, nail-feeding device ; United Shoo Machinery Company ; 27195, 25th January. Boot-machine, pulling-over apparatus ; R. McFeely ; 27236, . 19th April, 1909.f Boot-machine, sole-levelling ; I'nited Shoe Machinery Com- j pany ; 28280, 17th August. Boot-machine, sole-operating ; United Shoe Machinery Com- . pany ; 27238, 3rd February. Boot-machine, sole-operating ; United Shoe Machinery (lorn- ! pany ; 28107, 19th July. Boot-machine, sole-trimming ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 28278, 17th August. Boot-machine, tack-pulling; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 27641, 27th April. Boot-machine, tack-pulling; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 27950, 23rd June. Boot-machine, tool-shield; E. N. Waters; 27599, 20th April. Boot-machine, top-lift making; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 28061, 12th July. Boot-press; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 27640, 2 ith April. Boot-press ; 1. C. Buckminster ; 27951, 28th Juno, 1909.f Boot-press ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 28432, Uth September. Boot-protector ; J. L. Neilson ; 27289, 10th February. Boot sole and heol; C. Bristow ; 28652, 31st October. Boot sole and heel; L. G. Hamn ; 28760, 21st November. Boot-top lift; T. Lund; 27789, 29th May, 1909.f Boot-trimming machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 28108, 19th July. Boot-upper ; S. Anderson ; 27336, 21st February. Boot-upper ; W. King ; 28520, 30th September.

Boot, watertight; F. J. Wheelan ; 27692, sth May. Boot, watertight; J. Carder ; 28131, 19th July. Die-cutting; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 28844, 7th December. Die for cutting sheet material; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 28060, 12th July. Gripper; United Shoe Machinery Company; 28774, 24th November. Leather-cutting machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company; 28112, 19th July. Leather-skiving machine ; I'nited Shoe Machinery Company; 27377, 2nd March. Leather-stamping machine ; I'nited Shoe Machinery Company ; 28277, 17th August. Nailmaking-machine; United Shoe Machinery Company; 28843, 7th December. Sowing - machine-shuttle tension device; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 28124, 21st July. Sewing-machine tension device; United Shoe Machinery Company; 28111, 19th July. Sow ing-machine thread-waxing device ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 28106, 19th July. Shoe-sewing machine; United Shoe Machinery Company; 28109, 19th July. Shoe-sewing-machine channel-guide ; United Shoe Machinery Company; 28110, 19th Julv. Shoe-upper-beading machine ; United Shot; Machinery Company ; 27131, llth January. Shoe-upper-lacing machine; United Shoo Machinery Company ; 27240, 3rd February. Solo-welt manufacture: <'. Marriott and J. G. Mitchell; 28010, 30th June. i pper-to-lasi conforming; United ShoeMaohinery Company; 28930, 29th Decernh Welt-shoe manufacture: United Shoo Machinery Company; 28845, 7th December. Work-support; United Shoe Maohinery Company; 28711, 10th November. Class -Bottles and Bottling. Bottle ; E. H. Whitmore ; 27742, 17th May. Bottle ; E. S. Evelyn, F. W. Darkness, and S. J. R. Frith ; 28457, 17th September. Bottle-clip capsule; L. S. Worms and T. Prescott ; 27535. llth April. Bottle, glass ; T. W. Simpson ; 27583, 19th April. Bottle-filling machine ; E. Howard and H. J. Dowel] ; 27847, 27th August, 1909.f Bottling-machinc, aerated- water, &o. ; W.J.Philips; 27931, 20th Juno. Bottling-machinc, aerated-water, &c. ; E. R. Long; 28332, 26th August. Bottle-stopper ; H. J. Vanstone ; 27120, 7th January. Bottle-stopper ; H. J. Vanstone ; 27121, 7th January. Bottle-stopper ; H. J. Vanstone ; 27247, 4th February. Bottle-stopper ; F. Russell; 28838, 7th December. Bottling-machine ; G. Kochendorffor ; 27611. 21st April. Capsule, metal; C. W. V. Mosscrschmidt; 27308. 16th February. Cork-drawer; B. L. Sommerfeld ; 28696, sth November, t ilass enclosures, pressing ; O. A. Mygatt; 28223, 9th August. Jar; B. Fowler; 28035, 7th July. Jar; C. G. McKollar; 28252, llth August. Jar-filler; E. R. Long; 28332,26th August. Non-refillable bottle ; L. W. Alexander and J. VV. Hall ; 27434, 12th March. Non-refillable bottle ; VV. Madder and J. H. Stringer; 27897, 13th Juno. Non-refillable bottle ; J. Flynn ; 27979, 24th Juno. Non-refillable bottle; M. Friar and V. C. Richards ; 28439, Uth September. Non-refillable bottle; L. W. Alexander and J. VV. Hall ; 28553, sth October. Non-refillable bottle; L. W. Alexander and J. W. Hall; 28900, 17th December. Non-refillable bottle ; A. Lyell; 28559, Bth October. Non-refillable bottle; A. Lyell; 28800, 9th December. I ing-jar : ('. J. Nicklin ; 27-175. 29th Man h. rving-jar; VV. J. H. Greensill : 27869, 10th June. Prest rving-jar ; C. G. .McKellar ; 27961, 23rd June. Water-bag ; G. Hall; 28308. 23rd August. Class -Boxes, Cans, and Casks. . wire bottom for ; T. H. Fewings and F. H. Walton: 28772, 23rd November. Billy, milk, &c., can ; A. 11. Riley; 28996, 20th December. Biscuit-package; G.Scott; 28512, 29th September. Boot-polish, &'c, holder; A.J.Day; 28100, 18th July. Box; R. D. Haworth; 27233, 2nd February.




Box, butter- ; S. J. Collins ; 28384, Bth March.t Box, butter-; C. B. S. Wunderlich ; 28766, 23rd November. Box, collapsible; L. Banks and J. A. Warnock; 27531, Bth Anril. Box, collapsible ; C. S. Eagle ; 28352, 30th August, Box, confectionery- ; E. Hosking ; 27718, 25th February, t Box fastening and reinforcing ; L. C. Moore ; 27749, 18th May. Box, metal-bound ; C. A. Henderson ; 28105, 20th July. Box, metal clip for ; W. Hoyland ; 27216, 29th January. Box, postal pillar- ; G. J.' Bertinshaw, T. Wilson, C. McArthur, and J. Hutcheson ; 28441, 16th September. Box, soiled-linen ; A. C. Dickinson ; 27413, 10th March. Box, soiled-linen; A. C. and G. Dickinson ; 27476, 23rd March. Box wiring and stapling ; J. P. Maloncy ; 27781, 23rd May. Bucket-handle attaching; H. W. Davies ; 27698, 6th May. Can-closure; G. F. Birks; 28800, 28th November. Carton ; A. L. Smith ; 27278, 10th February. Carton ; C. D. Gray ; 28423, 12th September. Cask-manufacture ; W. Houlker ; 28905, 20th December. Coal-cabinet, &c. ; A. R, Christian ; 27234, 31st January. Condiment-container ; A. C. Nicholson ; 27757, 18th May. Condiment-container ; A. C. Nicholson ; 28090, 15th July. Crate, collapsible ; W. S. McDonald ; 28500, 28th September. Crate, collapsible ; H. E. Hyde; 28020, 2nd July. Crate-lid; W. S. McDonald ; 28507, 28th September. Crate, rabbit, &c, packing; W. M. Keen; 28808, Ist December. Egg-carrier ; J. C. May ; 28018, 21st October. Eg"-parcelling ; E. Moss ; 28738, Uth November. Fruit-case ; G. VV. Brav ; 27856, 9th Juno. Match-box opener; W. S. and C. W. Ziele; 28759, 19th November. Oil-can ; C. A. Oldman ; 28368, 2nd September. Packing-case, &c. ; H. E. Hyde ; 28020, 2nd July. Packing-case lining ; R- D. Haworth and C. D. Grey ; 28068, 12th July. Postal pillar-box ; G. J. Bertinshaw, T. Wilson, C. McArthur, and J. Hutcheson ; 28441, 16th September. Purse ; F. B. Clapcott; 28262, 15th August. Show-case, metal clip for; W. Hoyland; 27328, 19th February. Tin, carbide- ; C. A. Oldman ; 28247, 12th August. Tin, kerosene, &c. ; A. Simonson and G. King; 27286, 12th February. Tin, &c, making machine ; W. Waller and F. W. J. Moore ; 27540, 12th April. Tin, tooth-powder; P. J. Griffin and T. P. Eustege; 28064, 12th July. Class—Brewing, Distilling, and Winemaklng. \lcohol - production from flax-gum, stripper-waste, &c. ; G Walker and C. R. Bell; 27702, sth May. Boer, &c, manufacture ; E. W. Kuhn ; 28855, Bth December. Beer! obtaining from bananas; E. Shadgett; 27690, sth May. Beverage ;E. Shadgett; 27538, llth April. Distillation retort; T. W. Parr ; 28555, 7th October. Distilling volatilizablo solids, &c. ; W. S. Simpson ; 28415, 13th September. Class—Brooms and Brushes. Broom ; W. McKay ; 27622, 21st April. Broom, &c. ; A. H. Crolly ; 27808, 30th May. Broom and brush; S. G. Roseman ; 25137, 23rd July. Broom and brush making; W. Findlay; 27329, 18th February. Broom and brush manufacture; S. G. Roseman; 27201, Broom, vvbisk,' &c. ; T. Mitchell and F. J. Storey; 28007, 30th June. Brush ; H. Frith ; 28143, 25th July. Brush fountain ; A. D. Cardinet; 28685, sth November. Brush-manufacture ; J. Trevcthick ; 28138, 23rd July. Brush securing head to handle ; H. Frith ; 28036, 7th July. Paint-brush; D. Matheson ; 28269, 16th August. Paint-brush binding ; E. N. Lanchcstcr ; 27222, Ist February. Pot scraper and brush; A. P. Stewart; 28437, 15th September. Scrubbing-brush; J. Patterson ; 27768, 24th May. Class—Building. Bonding-stirrup and tie-bir for concrete-work ; O. E. Wilson; 28531,9th February.-)-Bondmg-stinup and tic-bar for conciete-work; O. fi. Wilson; 28532, 16th February, t Bracket. (See Scaffold-bracket). Building-construction ; A. Falkner ; 27471, 23rd March.

G—H. 10.

Building-construction ;W.T. G. Pinches; 28074, I3th July. Building-construction ; S. B. Marchant; 28836, 7th December. Cavity wall; A. A. and C. V. Loman ; 28145, 22nd July. Cavity-wall tie ; C. E. Bird ; 27635, 27th April. Chimney draught-inducor ; D. McLean ; 27430, Isth March. Chimney-top; D. W. Gambrill and J. H. Steel; 27964, 24th June. Concrete and forro-eoncrete construction ; R. W. de Montalk ; 27213, 28th January. Concrete channel; J. Thompson ; 27647, 27th April. Concrete pillar, block, &c. ; J. E. Taylor; 27254, 3rd February. Concrete pipe, block, &c. ; E. J. and W. R. Hume ; 28497, 27th September. Concrete wall; H. A. Goddard ; 27851, 9th June. Ferro-concreto pole ; G. J. Bertinshaw ; 27733, Uth May. Ferro-concrete structure; I. G. Macfarlane; 28568, ioth October. Mausoleum; J. B. King and W. E. Hughes; 27785, llth January-f Reinforeed-concrete construction ; P. W. Cook ; 27589, 19th Julv, 1909.f Roinforcod-concrete construction ; M. Blair, jun. ; 27624, 25th April. Reinforeed-concrete frame ; T. S. Philpott and F. Beagley; 27687, sth May. Reinforeed-concrete joist; J. F. Pearson ; 27967, 24th June. Reinforeed-concrete structure; R. F. Moore; 27162, 12th January. Rinforcod-concrete structure; R. F. Moore; 28883, Uth Decomber. Roofing; J. A. Haswoll, A. G. Hoar, and J. Cairncross; 28454, 19th September. Scaffold-bracket; W. H. Baxter ; 27813, Ist June. Scaffold-bracket; W. E. H. de Baugh; 28526, 3rd October. Scaffolding-bracket; H. Metcalfe ; 28248, 12th August. Scaffold - brackot attachment; H. Metcalfe ; 28635, 28th October. Screen ; C. Tootell; 28907, 20th December. Spouting; G. H. Foote ; 28044, 7th July. Spouting-bracket; J. W., S., and C. E. Hardley; 27215, 27th January. Spouting-bracket; A. A. McDougall; 28251, llth August. Thatching-needle ; H. Stent; 27689, sth May. Tie-bar. (See Bonding-stirrup, &c.) Weatherboard ; R. B. Whyto ; 27984, 27th Juno. Woathorboarding; H. D. F. James and T. H. Gillman; 28177, 30th July. Woathorboarding, metal substitute for; A. Ledingham and P. Hastings ; 28291, 17th August. Class—Building (Bricks, Tiles, and Cement). Arch-brick ; S. E. Stobo ; 28272, 15th August. Artificial-stone apparatus; A. A. Pauly; 27209, 26th January. Block. (See Building-block, Concrete block.) Box-core for concrete wall; H. A. Goddard ; 27851, 9th June. Boxing for fcrro-concrote ; P. Gleeson ; 27975, 25th June. Brick. (See Arch-brick.) Building-bleck ; E. B. Gardner ; 27202, 25th January. Cement-manufacture ; W. J. Love and F. W. Skelsey ; 27282, 9th February. Coating-composition ; F. Andrews ; 27483, 30th March. Concrete block, &c, reinforced ; J. S. McAven and T. R. Grigson ; 28420, 13th September. Concrete block, &c, reinforced ; F. A. Rich and S. Jeffreys; 28788, 25th November. Concrete-block machine ; VV. T. Cowperthwaite ; 27428, 11th March. Concrete-block mould; W. T. Cowperthwaite ; 28037, 7th July. Concrete-building construction ; J. Duffill; 27626, 25th April. Concrete-core mould ; A. M. Buttcrworth ; 28210, 4th August. Concrete-mixer; F. G. S. Price ; 28163, 7th August, 1909. t Concrete-mould box ; J. Duffill; 28292, 19th August. Concrete-reinforcing with flax; F. M. Norris; 28583, Uth October. Concrete-wall moulding; A. H. Stanbrough; 28505, 28th September. Partition-block mould ; Sullivan Fireproof Wall and Partition Company of Canada, Limited ; 28566, llth October. Roofing-tile ; J. Stanford ; 27185, 20th January. Roofing-tile ; J. Stanford ; 28615, 20th October. Tar mixture, reinforced ; A. H. Korth ; 28581, Uth October. Wall-construction ; E. Unsworth ; 28937, 30th December. Wall-plaster ; H. V. Wallace ; 28681, 4th November. Wall-plastering ; H. V. Wallace and R. S. Wardrop ; 27791, 27th May.




Class —Building (Windows and Doors). I Door. (See Strong-room door, Sliding-door.) Door-check and alarm ; C. Rumann ; 28669, 2nd~November. Door-spring ; J. Stewart; 28820. 2nd December. Door-stop ; W. A. Shcphard ; 27550, 13th Aprils Draught-excluder ; J. Garner ; 27668, 30th April. Draught-excluder ; J. Fraser ; 28077, 15th July. Draught-preventer ; T. Hurd ; 28857, 7th December. Dust and draught excluder; A. Linard ; 28435, Uth'Soptember. Fanlight opening and closing ; A. B. Hcrrold ; 28896, 17th j December. Glass-securing in roofs ; B. G. Hall; 28023, 30th Juno. Lcadlight, reinforced ; G. R. Barham and J. H. Williams ; ! 28222, 10th September, 1909.f Sash ; J. Mitchell; 27449, 19th March. Sash ; J. A. Walker ; 28356, 29th August. Sash-counterbalancer ; W. J. Nuttall; 27657, 29th April. Sash raising apd lowering; C. J. Sanderson; 28670, Ist November. Sash raising and lowering ; C. J. Sanderson ; 28884, Uth | December. Sash-support; W. J. Milligan and A. Swindale ; 28602, 18th October. Strong-room door; H. Schlaadt; 28440, Uth September. Skylight; A. W. Pirie ; 27164, 15th January. Skylight; P. Hastings and G. Land ; 27489, 31st March. Skylight; J. W. Glennie ; 27883, 13th June. Skylight; C. H. Fabian ; 28125, 21st Julv. Skylight; J. A. Short; 28241, llth August. Sliding-door; J. Blair-Mason, J. Loudon, and G. A. Lee ; 27200, 24th January. Trap-door guard ; E. H. Burrows ; 28225, 9th August. Ventilator, door and window; C. Chapman; 28095, 15th JulyWindow ; W. H. Frith ; 27285, 12th February. Window ;W. J. Nuttall; 28210, 6th August. Window anti-rattler ; H. G. Lazarus, G. Sykes, and W. E. Hughes ; 28765, 23rd November. Window-hanging and easement-fitting: J. M. Cameron; 28524, 30th September. Window-ventilator; J. S. Kruskopf ; 27291, llth February. Class—Chemicals. Amides, cyanamides, &c, manufacture of; E. A. Ashcroft; 28647, 27th October. Catalytic synthesis of methane ; F. Bedford and C. E. Williams ; 28097, 21st July, 1909.f Filtering-apparatus; P. C. C. Ishorwood; 27453, 22nd March. Kotone-preparation; T. H. Eastorfield and C. M. Taylor; 27607, 21st April. Liquids, treatment of ; C. Neff and A. Brandes ; 27429, 15th March. Sodium - amalgam manufacture ; H. P. Ewell; 28388, sth September. Tungsten-manufacture ; W. D. Coolidge ; 28367, 23rd February^ Class—Cleaning, Polishing, and Grinding. Boot-cleaning outfit; J. M. Neal; 28723, llth November. Boot-cleaning pad and holder; C. H. Williams ; 28337, 27th August. Furniture-polish ; F. V. Raymond ; 28312, 23rd August. Furniture-reviver ; H. Dempsey ; 27218, 31st January. Knife-cleaner ; R. Long ; 28139, 18th August. Leather-polish ; Midas Limited ; 27465, 22nd March. Leather-polish ; F. V. Raymond ; 28310, 23rd August. Linoleum-polish ; T. M. Smith ; 27660, 30th April. Liquid-shine for furniture ;G. J. Colthurst; 27268. 7th February. Metal-polish ; F. V. Raymond ; 28312, 23rd August, Pipe cleaner, smoking-; C. W. Wild ; 28733, 15th November. Sheets and boards for polishing; F. V. Raymond; 28314, 23rd August. Vacuum cleaner; Vacuum Specialty Manufacturing Company ; 27777, 25th May. Window-cleaner ; E. Henshaw ; 28731, Uth November. Class—Closets and Urinals. Closet, dry ; W. F. Lietz ; 27197, 25th January. Closet-seat; A. Gray ; 28424, 12th September. Closet-seat ; G. H. Lockett and F. C. P. Fiddy ; 27320, 15th February. Closet seat and pan ; G. Gallop ; 28066, 2nd November. Closet-seat cover; L. E. Cassrcls and VV. J. Rutherford; 28786, 26th November. Commode, &c. ; A. R. Christian ; 27234, 31st January. Commode ; H. August; 28892, 13th December.

Flushing-apparatus ; J. O. Suckling, A. H. Herbert, and E. Page ; 27177, 19th January. Flushing-apparatus ; E. J. Chilton ; 27393, 3rd March. Flushing-apparatus ; C. G. McKollar ; 27999, 29th June. Flushing-apparatus; J. J. Blockley ; 28355, 29th August. Flushing-apparatus ; W. Beamish ; 28373, Ist September. Flushing-apparatus ; C. G. McKellar ; 28406, 9th September. Flushing-apparatus; C. L. Newland; 28533. 6th October, 1909.f Flushing-apparatus ; E. J. Chilton ; 28590, 15th October. Flushing-apparatus ; F. Stubbs ; 28751, 16th November. Flushing-cistern ; T. Duckmanton ; 28677, 3rd November. Flushing-cistern ball-cock valve- ; E. J. Chilton ; 27585, 19th April. Valve, float; C. G. McKellar ; 28781, 23rd November. Valve shut-off ; T. Miller ; 28194, Ist August. Class—Coin-freed Mechanism. Coin-freed machine; N. R. Stiles; 27153, 12th January. 1909.t Coin-freed machine ; W. A. O. Schruth and W. R. Mackay 28767, 23rd November. Coin sorting and distributing apparatus; G. R. Denton; 27541, 16th April, 1909. f Vending-machine ; F. C. Kainer ; 27245, 17th March, 1909. t Class— CDOling and Freezing. Air-circulating apparatus ; J. Macmeikan ; 27639, 27th April. Beer-cooler ; G. Gibbs ; 28164, 28th July. Cooler and water tank ; C. O. Morse and A. Gray ; 27244, 3rd February. Cooling-composition; W. Fisher; 27158, 13th January. Ice-chest; E. A. G. Hamlin ; 27115, sth January. Ice-chest; H. M. Clark ; 27186, 19th January. ' Ice-cream freezer ; C. Grayland ; 28475, 22nd September. Ice-cream freezer; C. Y. Dally; 28529, Ist October. L'quid-cooloi; D. B. Morison ; 28811, Ist December. Liquid-cooler ; J. May ; 28833, sth Decembor. Refrigerating-compressor valve ; F. H. Tetlcv ; 28627, 25th October. Refrigerator ; O. Peez and K. Joosten ; 27173, 17th January. Safe, food-; C. Craig ; 28063, 12th July. Safe, meat- ; C. Johnston ; 28383, sth September. Class—Cultivating and Tilling. Cultivator; K. Koszegi and E. Szechenyi; 27479, 30th March. Cultivator ; J. Stuart-Edward ; 27747, Uth May. Cultivator ; C. Lowe ; 28405, 9th September. Harrow; T. J. Watson and J. Mclntyre; 27372, 28th February. Harrow ; W. Morris ; 27616, 22nd April. Harrow ; P. and D. Duncan, Limited ; 27942, 21st June. Harrow ; L. E. Hogbacka and W. B. Ingram ; 28006, 30th June. Harrow and draught-equalizer ; G. W. Penney ; 27426, 12th March. Harrow, disc ; R, Gibb and J. Parker ; 28536, 3rd October. Harrow-seat; W. H. Johnstone ; 27927, 20th June. Hocing-machine ; T. E. O'Brien ; 27408, 24th March. Horse-hoe ; R. Gibb and J. Parker; 28537, 3rd October. Manure grinder and mixer; R. J. Hobbs; 27187, 21st January. Plough ; J. and H. McLaren ; 27189, 19th January. Plough ; P. and D. Duncan, Limited ; 27258, 7th' February. Plough :, G. Gray ; 27389, 3rd March. Plough ; E. M. McLauchlan ; 27901, 15th June. Plough ; J. Trapski; 28218, Bth August. Plough ; W. Mcßae ; 28366, 31st August, Plough-coulter stalk and clip; A. S. Shepherd ; 27693, sth .Ma v. Plough, disc ; L. F. Laurent; 27576, 18th April. Plough, disc ; P. A. Nikolaison ; 28546, sth October. Plough, hdl-sido ; P. A. Nikolaison and J. Palleson ; 27998, 29th June. Plough mould-board ; P., Patterson and E. J. Joyce ; 28242, llth August. Plough-skoith, securing, to beam; M. Earl; 27360, 26th February. Ridging-machine and roller ; G. Gray : 27619. 21st April Roller, agricultural; G. Gray ; 27888, llth June. Roller, garden- ; J. B. Moir ; 27912, 15th June. Roller-harrow ; L. E. Hogbacka and W. B. Ingram ; 28006, 30th June. Stone-gathering machine ; A. Burnham ; 28321, 24th August. Stump-jumping implement; J. F. Mellor; 27154, 13th January. Subsoilcr; T. H. Tidd ; 28687, 3rd November. Turnip - thinning machine; T. E. O'Brien ; 27468, 24th March.




Class—Cutting, Sawing, and Tools. Bench. (Sec Saw-beach.) Boring-brace ; T. Dixon ; 28487, 20th September. Brazing-tool : H. W. Bland and J. Young ; 28011, 30th Juno. Clipping-machine comb and cutter sharpener ; VV. J. Tinline ; 28099, 18th July. Drill, ratchet-; J. Partridge ; 28202, 25th July. Drilling-apparatus; M. and S. Drill Company; 27478, 30th March. Filemaking-tool ; J. Neill; 27451, 22nd March. File, rasp, &c. ; E. Armstrong ; 27302, 18th February, 1909.t Flooring-cramp grip; A. B. Craddock; 27370, 28th February. Grubber, scrub- ; W. S. Penty ; 28171, 29th July. Hammer, power-operated ; 11. F. Arnott; 28149, 26th July. Hand-shears ; F. McMurray ; 28374, Ist September. Handle-making machine ; j. Coulthard ; 27838, 6th June. Koroscnc-lilli r. (Sec Class—Pumps and Sprayers.) Lathe ; G. J. Hoskins ; 28325, 24th August.* Lawn-odgc trimmer; J. E. Main; 28866, 12th December. Match-lining cramp; A. R. Craddock and W. Scott; 28049, 9th July. Moat-slicing machine ; G. Leist; 27631, 27th April. Moat-slicing machine ;J. C. van Berkel; 28544, sth October. .Mincing-machine ; B. B. Wight ; 28346, 27th August. Metal-cutter ; A. G. Tomkies ; 27421, 9th March. Mitre-box ; W. Duggan, jun. ; 28498, 24th September. Mitre-cramp ; P. Humphries ; 28294, 19th August. Oyster-opener ; J. W. Swainson ; 28303, 23rd August. Picture-mount cutter; B. Wallis; 27168, 17th January. Sausage-machine. (See Mincing-machine.) Saw bench ; E. E. How ; 28776, 24th November. Saw-bench return-feed ; C. Uddstrom ; 28258, 10th August. Saw guard, circular- ; G. W. Fothergill and W. H. Rogers ; 28880, 15th December. Scissors-sharpening; D. G. Sutherland; 28436, Uth September. Spade ; R. Robertson ; 27488, Uth April, 1909.f Squared turnery ; T. F. Wallis ; 28027, 4th July. Stone-dressing j M. Woods, G. W. Gilbert, and J. Little; 27600, 30th April. Tin-cutter : A. Macdonald ; 28144, 25th July. Tin-opener; A. G. Tomkies; 27423, 9th March. Too], household ; W. Duggan, jun. ; 27608, 19th April. Wall-paper trimmer ; E.A.Spencer; 27971, 24th June. Weed-destroying implement; F. H. Tomlinson ; 28693, 7th November. Class—Dairying. Butter-blending machine ; N. S. Corney; 27253, 4th February. Butter-cutter; J. W. .Miller and J. R. McKerihan ; 27301, 15th February. Butter-making machine ; P. L. Hill; 27507, 31st March. Centrifugal liquid apparatus; Aktiebolaget Baltic; 28350, 30th August, Cheese-vat; J. H. .McLeod ; 28653, 31st October. Churn and butter-worker ; A. H. Sims ; 27313, 16th February. Churn and butter-worker ; S. Hartmann ; 27763, 17th June, 1909.f Cheese, coating with paraffin-wax ; W. Riddell; 28756, 17th November. Cream-separator ; J. Ingram ; 28899, 19th December. Cream-separator; T. A. Low ; 27112, 4th January. Cream-separator ; M. Goehler ; 27633, 27th April. Cream-separator cone; Wolseley Sheep-shearing Machine Company, Limited, and E. V/Hudson ; 28221, 2nd September, 1909.f Curd-agitator; J. I). Galbally; 27899, 15th June. Curd-agitator; J. Hopkirk ; 28005, 19th October. Curd-cutting. &c, knife ; S. P. Pond ; 27310, 16th February. Froth-liqueiier ; W. L. Johnstone and A. Hosking ; 28192, 2nd August. Froth-preventer ; A. G. P. Morgan ; 27827, 6th June. Froth-preventer ; W. L. Johnstone and A. Hosking ; 27982, 27th June. Froth-preventer; A. G. P. Morgan ; 28032, sth July. Froth-preventer ; W. L. Johnstone and A. Hosking ; 28192, 2nd August. Liquid-expression from solids; J. J. Berrigan ; 28198, 3rd August. Milk and whev sterilizer; C. Cooper ; 28018, Ist July. Milk-bucket; T. Senior ; 27211, 28th January. Milk-bucket; A. Goodwin ; 28369, 2nd September. Milk-bucket attachment; W. J. Hamon and C. H. Ferris; 28354, 20th August, Milk-can ; R. Carruthors : 27242, 3rd February. Milk-can ; F. S. Karies ; 28562, Bth October. Milk-can lid, strainer for ; G. Nicoll; 28589, Uth Ootober. Milk-cooler ; J. H. McLood ; 2718-0, 17th January.

Milk-cooler; A. Gardiner and E. Stephens; 27294, Uth February. Milk-cooler ; J. Gait and A. Eraser ; 27425, 9th March. Milk-cooler ; H. G. Kettle ; 28229, Bth August. Milk-cooler ; J. F. Batey ; 28379, sth September. Milk-cooler; S. J. Small and H. Kennedy; 28690, 7th November. .Milk cooler and aerator ; S. Hardley ; 27214, 27th January. Milk cooler and aerator ; J. O. Jones ; 27419, 12th March. Milk cooler and aerator; H. W. James ; 27952, 23rd June. Milk cooler and aerator; C. V. H. Harrison; 28181, 30th July. Milk cooler and aerator; D. M. McDonald; 28472, 22nd September, 1909. f Milk cooler and heater ; G. W. K. Morley ; 27830, 6th June. Milk cooler and heater ; A. Jensen ; 27925, 20th June. Milk cooler and heater ; C. Cooper ; 28174, 29th July. Milk-desiccator; P. R. Climio ; 28150, 20th July. Milk eduotor and releaser ; VV. Milne ; 27436, 16th March. Milk receiving and delivering ; F. J. Northcott; 28444, 17th September. Milk releaser and conveyor; R. S. .Maunder; 27401, 9th March. ■ Milk-strainer ; G. A. Watson ; 27861, 9th June. Milk-strainer ; T. E. Loach ; 27980, 24th June. Milk-strainer ; C. V. H. Harrison ; 28181, 30th July. Milk strainer and aerator; C. C. Noal; 28421, 13th September. Milk-treating apparatus ; H. N. Bell; 27544, 9th April. Milking-machine; T. Kidd ; 27293, llth February. Mi king-machine; T. T. Sabroe; 27360, Ist March. Milking-machino ; R. Kennedy and W. H. Lawronco ; 27410, 10th March. Milking-machino ;J. McFadden and H. Adams; 27532, 9th April. Milking-machine ; G. E. Anderson ; 27551, 13th April. Milking-machino ; J. O. Jones ; 27600, 20th April. Milking-machino ; T. Umrath ; 27662, 28th April. Milking-machino ; G. W. K. Morley ; 27825, 4th Juno. Milking-machine; C. R, Mitchell"; 27900, 29th November, 1909.f Milking-machino ; Dominion Pressure Milking-machine Company, Limited ; 27913, 17th June. .Milking-machine ; J. Henrichson and C. J. Hommingsen ; 27990, 28th June. Milking-machine; F. J. Johansson and E. A. 0. Gbthe; 27991, 28th Juno. Milking-machino ; A. Storrio ; 28150, 26th July. Milking-machine ; C. R. Mitcholl; 28159, 27th July. Milking-machine ; J. J. Packer ; 28349, 30th August. Milking-machine ; T. Kidd ; 28448, 16th September. Milking-machino ; T. Kidd ; 28449, 16th September. Milking-machino ; E. F. J. Poacocko and J. Treloar; 28656, 29th October. Milking-machine ; E. Trimming and G. W. Basley; 28938, 31st December. Milking-machine; W. B. Cameron and T. Yardley; 28680, 4th November. Milking-machino ; H. Voalo ; 28754, 16th November. Milking-machine air-scaling attachment; J. Munro ; 28040, 7th July. Milking-machine-bucket head; H. Droutlege; 28120, 19th July. Milking-machine-can gauge; L. J. Phillips; 28939, 31st Decembor. Milking-machine, inspecting pipes of; A. Storrie; 27604, 18th April. Milking-machine claw; J. B. MacEwan and Co.; 27145, 12th January. Milking-machine pulsator; F. G. Willcocks; 27280, 10th February. Milking - machine pulsator ; Ridd Milking - machine Company, Limited ; 27337, 21st February. Milking-machine pulsator ; A. Ridd ; 27457, 23rd March. Milking-machine pulsator; N. J. Daysh ; 27514, 26th April. Milking-machino pulsator; J. Treloar ; 28263, 12th August. Milking-machine pulsator; A. VV. Reid ; 28319, 24th August. Milking-inaehine-pulsator valvo; J. E. Motzenthin; 27119, 6th January. Milking-machine teat-cup; K. M. Stevens; 27138, llth January. Milking-machine teat-cup ; A. Hubor ; 27397, Bth Maroh. Milking-machine teat-cup; F. G. Willcocks; 27459, 23rd March. Milking-machine teat-cup; H. de L. Peake; 27512, 2nd April. Milking-machine teat-cup ; VV. H. Lawrence and R. Kennedy ; 27546, llth April. Milking-machine teat-cup ; N. J. Daysh ; 27601, 21st April. Milking-machine teat-cup ; H. Droutlege ; 27994, 25th June.




Milking-machine teat-cup; A. J. Gray and A. E. Missen ; 28021, 29th Juno. Milking-machine teat-cup; J. A. Webby; 28293, 19th August. Milking-machine teat-cup; Ridd Milking-machine Company, Limited ; 28554, 7th October. Milking-machine teat - cup ; J. Paterson; 28744. Uth Novemlier. Milking - machine teat - cup ; S. D. Currie ; 28927, 24th December. Milking-machine teat-cup : A. Gillies ; 28800, 24th December, 1909.+ Milking - machine teat-cup; A. W. Reid; 28712, 10th November. Milking-machine toat-cup; D. T. Sharpies; 28728, llth November. Milking-machino teat-cup lining; H. Droutlege; 28695, Uth October. Pasteurizer; J. Smaill; 27732, 12th May. Pasteurizer; J. D. Hunter; 27918, 16th'June. Pasteurizer; J. F. Batcy ; 28379, sth September. Pasteurizer ; T. W. McDonald ; 28483, 24th September. Pasteurizer; A.H.Hanson; 28050, 31st October. Pasteurizer; W. L. Johnstone and A. Hosking; 28672, 3rd November. Pasteurizer; A. H. Hanson ; 28876, 15th December. Pasteurizer-regulator ;N. L. Dahl; 28743, Kith November. Pastourizing-brush carrier; J. D. Hunter; 27224, 29th January. Class—Drains and Sewers. Nightsoil, &c, treatment; G. S. McArthur and 51. M. Millikin ; 27691, sth May. Class —Dredging and Excavating. Dredge ; P. N. Kingswell and D. W. Duthio ; 27324, 17th February. Dredge; E. Brock ; 27842, Bth June Dredge; H.Morgan; 28511, 27th September. Drcdgo-bucket; W. Cutten ; 27125, 7th January. Dredge-bucket; G. G. Holmes ; 28091, 15th July. Drcdgo-bucket cleaner ; W. Cutten : 27125. 7th January. Dredge-bucket cleaner ; G.G.Holmes; 28091. 15th Jui v. Dredge-bucket cleaner ; W. J. Hoy ; 28008, 30th Juno." Dredge-bucket cleaner ; H. G. Roiinor ; 28071, 11 th July. Dredge-grab ; W. T. Taylor ; 27575, 18th April. Dredge-grab ; G. G. Holmes ; 28091, 15th July. Dredged material, removal from ships' holds : O. Friihling ; 28452, Bth April.t Drilling-machine; J. P. Karns Tunnelling Machine Company ; 27955, 22nd June. Drilling-machine-cuttor head; ,1. I'. Karns' Tunnelling Machine Company ; 27950, 22nd June. Earth-auger; Standard Earth Auger Company, Incorporated; 28113, 19th July. liarth-scoop ; E. C. Bank ; 27169, 18th January. Excavator ; P. Whiley ; 27774, 25th May. Excavator ; J. Symes ; 28894, 16th Decemlxr. Hydraulic-nozzle elevator ; J. Bruce ; 28648, 29th October. Stone - quarrying apparatus ; J. H. Gay : 28816, 2nd December. Suction-dredge pipe ; T. Shaw, sen., and T. Shaw, jun. ; 28476, 22nd September. Class —Drying. Clothes airer and drier; A. A. Allan; 27864, Kith July, 1909.t Clothes-horse; E. A. Langt'ord ; 27938, 21st June. Clothes-line apparatus ; W. G. McGce ; 28695, 7th November. (Hothes-peg ; M. S. Collier ; 27772, 23rd May. Clothes-peg; A. G. McPhail; 27911, 15th June. Clothes-peg; G. F. Ollerenshaw ; 28204, Ist August, Clothes-peg ; A. L. J. Tait; 28798, 20th November. Clothes-suspending apparatus ; A. M. MacLeod ; 27637, 24th April. Stone-drying means ; T. W. Hannam ; 28288, 18th August. Class—Electricity and Magnetism. Accumulator attachment; C. A. Oldman; 28360, 31st August. Battory-jar, &c. ; C. A. Oldman ; 28301, 31st August. Battery, secondary ; J. Stone and Co., Limited, and A. H. Darker ; 27403, 27th March, 1909. f Contact-linger for electrical controller ; R. C. Lyness ; 28012, 29th June, 1909. t Dynamo, eh o'.'rio machine ; J. Lecoche ; 28697, Bth November. Dynamo, ciootrio and motor; H. B. van Daalen ; 27779. 15th Juno, 1009.+

Dynamo, electric and motor; A. H. Midgley and C. A 'Vandervcll; 28266, 16th August. Electric cooker ; W. R. Millar ; 27993, 28th June. Electric cooker ; J. C. P. Kirkwood ; 28633. 25th October. Electric cooker, &c. ; V. Nightingall ; 28829, 6th December. Electric induction-coil; A. C. Death ; 27171, 18th January. Electric-machinery controller; H. B. van Daalen ; 27778. 16th June, 1909. t Electric train control system ; F. VV. Prentice ; 28265, 16th August. Electrical circuit cut-out; A. E. Partington; 27549, 13th April. Electrical onorgv transformed into heat-energv ; G. G. Bell; 27300, 15th February. Electrical heater and cooker; E. W. Ackland; 27571. 15th April. Electrical-heater controller; J. C. P. Kirkwood; 28691. 7th November. Electrical oscillations, producing ; E. Phillips ; 27276, 10th February. Electrical oscillations, producing; E. Phillips; 28551, 6th October. Electricity-rectifier; T. J. Murphy ; 27155, 13th January. Electrolyte; VV. H. Waters; 27905, 16th June. Electro-mechanical selector; E. G. Godfree; 27800, 31st May. Galvanic battery ; J. E. Preston ; 28903, 20th December. Hanger for wire-conductors; A. E. Boots; 27392, 7th March. Insulating-composition; H. P. Rasmussen; 27628, 22nd April. Insulating-composition; H. P. Rasmussen; 28330, 25th August. Insulating - composition; H. P. Rasmussen: 28535, 3rd October. Insulating - composition ; H. P. Rasmussen ; 28682, 4th November. Insulating electric wires ; C. W. Martin ; 28822, sth December. Insulator, attaching wires to ; W. E. Bandfiold ; 27170, 18th January. Railway-carriage lighting, heating, &c. ; J. Stone and Co., Limited, and A. 11. Darker; 27848, 9th June. Water-heating by electricity; .1. C. I'. Kirkwood; 27079. 3rd May. Class—Engines (Steam), including Rotary Pumps. Engine, hot-water utilizing; F. A. Turner and G. Davies: 27477, 30th March. Engine, reciprocating- ; G. Thurston ; 28783, 25th November. Fluid-propulsion ; N. Tosla ; 28853, Bth December. Governor ; F. Tanner, H. J. Harris, and H. Burt : 27697. 6th May. Marine-engine-racing prevention; E. F. Bressey; 27890, sth March. Marine-enginc-racing prevention ; F. Tanner, H. J. Harris. and H. Burt; 28151, 26th July. Marine-engine-racing prevention ; A. G. Mackay; 28092. 16th July. Piston-rod packing-device ; J. S. Lawrio ; 27445, 18th March. Pump ; C. E. Rillstone ; 27930, 20th Juno. Pump ; H. L. Bickcrton ; 27930, 21st June. Rotary engine ; W. Norgrove ; 27217, 31st .January. Rotary engine ; W. C. Haines ; 27536, llth April. Rotary engine; The Pittler Universal Rotarv Machine Syndicate, Limited ; 28059, 12th July. Rotary-engine; The Pittler Universal Rotary Machine Syndicate, Limited ; 28224, 9th August. Rotary engine; W. A. Beard; 28417,215t December, L909.f Rotary engine ; J. W. Rooncy ; 28629, 21st October. Rotary engine; A. L. J. Tait'; 28799, 26th November. Rotary motor ; G. VV. Mascord ; 27578, 19th April. Rotary motor ; VV. Henning ; 28593, Uth October. Rotary pump ; T. Umrath ; 28297, 19th August. Rotary pump; W. A. Board ; 28417, 21st December. Slide-valve; E. Richardson and J. T. Marshall; 27272, 9th February. Spark-arrester; G. H. B. Steele, A. H. Boulter, and J. Hargreaves; 27311, 16th February. Spark-arrester ; C. Hogan ; 27614, 22nd April. Spark-arrester ; H. A. Livingstone ; 27734, 13th May. Spark-extinguisher; C. J. Green; 27537, llth April. Steam-engine; T.Miller; 28053, 9th July. Steam-engine ; J. Littleton ; 28364, Ist September. Steam-engine, autogyral; F. Casey; 27201, 25th January, 1909.f Steam-exhaust utilizing ; E. D. Berry ; 27902, Uth June. Turbine ; F. R. McLean ; 27256, 7th February. Turbine ; R. E. Smallbone ; 27805, 31st May." Turbine ; H. L. Bickerton; 27936, 21st Juno.




Turbine; The Marks High-speed Reversible Turbine Company, Limited ; 28118, 18th July. Turbine ; Aktiebolaget Baltic ; 28350, 30th August. Turbine; A. Dickson and F. Weniger; 28488, 22nd September. Turbine ; J. E. Friend ; 28527, 3rd October. Turbine ; J. W. Fowler ; 28801, 29th November. Turbine ; F. R. McLean ; 28684, sth November. Class—Engines (Air, Gas, and Oil). Gas-engine ; E. Hoiland ; 27365, 20th February. Gas-engine ;F. S. Jelbart; 27649, 28th April.' Gas-engine ; H. A. Humphrey ; 28014, 29th Juno. Gas-engine ; J. E. C. Brown ; 28184, 30th July. Gas-engine; J. H. Suckling ; 28525, 3rd October. < las-engine ; F. E. Jackson ; 28641, 23rd August, t Gas-engine water-heater; A. H. Halo and F. J. Nathan; 27837, 18th Juno. Gas-engine, ignition method; G. L. Bowron ; 27274, 9th February. Gas-engine, operating ; C.White; 27760, 18th May. Gas-engine, regulating admission of gas ; W. A. Stephenson ; 27563, 15th April. Gas-engine starting-means ; G. Porter ; 27708, 7th May. Gas-engine valve; R. Arthur; 28160, 25th July. Gas-engine valve and valve gear ; H. Berry and G. H. Mann ; 28075, 13th July. Internal-combustion engine. (See Gas-engine.) Motor; J. W. Mann and H. 0. Brown ; 27593, 15th April. Motor ; A. Kilborn ; 28300, 21st January, f Motor ; J. H. Suckling ; 28390, 6th September. Motor-launch vent; R. Taberner ; 27919, 17th Juno. Class —Engines (Miscellaneous). Current-wheel mounting; F. W. Payne ; 27686, 3rd May. Disengaging-apparatus ; J. C. Fraser ; 28617, 21st October. Friction clutch; R. S. Tonkinson and A. G. Baker; 27706, 7th May. Gear, speed ; T. Collins and L. H. Hartmann ; 27924. 20th June. High-speed rotor ; M. Goehler ; 27034, 27th April. Mill-belt fastener; F. Kerby ; 27433, 16th March. Mill-belt reel; W. Hamilton ; 27427, 12th March. Motor ; W. T. Howse ; 27181, 18th January. Motor ; J. P. Dornbush ; 27317, 18th February. Motor; H. A. Foote ; 27464, 22nd March. Motor ; J. P. Dornbush ; 28824, sth December. Pressure medium, continuous, changing, to intermittent one ; K. I. Lindstrom ; 27110, 4th Januarj'. Power device ; L. G. Grace ; 28057, Ist November. Power-multiplying device ; G.H.Watson; 27820, 4th Juno. Power-transmission ; S. D. Currie ; 28926, 24th December. Pulley ; T. J. F. Ryland and E. S. Louis ; 27539, 12th April. Rotating-body bearings ; Massey-Harris Company ; 27151, llth January. Shaft-coupling; W. Perry and A. S. Jones; 28433, 17th January.f Shaft-coupling; Heli-Cushion Drive Company, Limited; 28434, 14th September. Variable-speed mechanism ; G. Nielsen and T. J. Wilton ; 27266, Bth February. Smoke-consumer; C. T. Swanell; 28724, llth November. Water-main motor; J. Laffey and D. L. Hutton ; 27116, 4th January. Water-wheel; W. A. McKay ; 27208, 27th January. Water-wheel bucket ; J. C. Fraser; 27315, 18th February. Water wheel or motor ; H. F. Day ; 27148, 13th January. Windmill; D. Lundy ; 27769, 24th May. Windmill; E. R. Barlow ; 28573, 13th October. Windmill-controller ; H. Voss ; 28673, 3rd November. Windmill-gearing; G. E. Fortescue and Sons, Limited; 27812, 10th June, 1909. f Class —Explosives and Firearms. Aperture fore-sight; W. Gower ; 28668, 2nd November. Bullet; E. S. Baldwin ; 27376, 2nd March. Explosive ; W. S. Pierce ; 27522, 6th April. Explosive ; M. Delvigne ; 27610, 21st April. Explosive ; C. Wester ; 27849, 9th June. Firearm ; E. S. Baldwin ; 27375, 2nd March. Firearm ; E. S. Baldwin; 28576, 13th October. Fuse-igniter; Nobel's Explosives Company-, Limited, and W. T. Evans ; 28128, 19th July. Gun ; G. Hammond and T. Darlington ; 27196, 25th January. Rifle ; R. Latham ; 27230, 28th January. Rifle breech and barrel cooler; R. Latham; 27231, 28th January. Rifle-muzzle-movement restriction ; C. A. and A. H. C. Lees, cud T. 0. Field ; 27552, 9th ApriL

Rifle-sight protector ; W. Gower ; 28543, 5th October. Rifle-snapshot recorder ; F. Raper ; 27225, 27th January. Sighting-device ; W. J. Clifford ; 27146, 12th January. ' Target; T. N. Fletcher ; 2872G, 12th November. Class —Exterminating, including Traps for Animals. Bird-decoy support; L. Tubman ; 27159, 13th January. Fly-catcher ; E. Varley ; 28042, 27th October. Fungicide; P. S. U." Pickering and W. A. Voss; 27481, 22nd July, 1909. t Fungicide ; V. C. J. Nightingall; 27744, 24th March.t Insect-destroying composition ; J. Sorley ; 27870, 10th June. Potato-blight preventer; P. J. Stokes; 28459, 17th September. Scrub, &c, destroyer ; N. Barnewell; 27548, 13th April. Trap, animal-; H. Worthington ; 27135, 11th January. Trap, animal- ; Laidlaw and Gray, Limited ; 27355, 22nd February. i Trap, animal-; C. Hogan ; 27615, 22nd April. j Trap, animal-; R. M. W. Leathart; 27731, 12th May. ! Trap, animal-; 0. A. Findlay ; 28195, 3rd August. I Trap, animal- ; A. Smith; 28274, 17th August. Trap, animal- ; C. Graham ; 28290, 18th August. Trap, animal-; W. P. Benton and W. Cookson ; 28342, 29th August. Trap, animal-; R. G. Ralph ; 28577, 13th October. Trap, animal-; G. Milton ; 28830, 6th December. i Trap, animal-, fixing ; J. Kynaston ; 28120, 21st July. Trap chain, animal-; G. Cruickshank ; 28674, 3rd November. Weed-destroying implement; F. H. Tomlinson ; 28693, 7th November. Weed-eradicating composition ; A. M. Long; 27819, 28th May. Weed-eradicating composition; A. M. Long; 28102, 15th JulyClass—Fencing. , Door. (See Gates, &c.) I Dropper; N. W. McDonald ; 27645, 27th April. Dropper ; G. E. Cluett; 27762, 21st May. D.opper; H. Loevventhal; 27010, 15th June. Dropper; G. W. Penney ; 28908, 17th December. Dropper and spreader; W. P. S. Macgregor; 27880, 11th June. Dropper, &c, securing wires to; A. B. Bennett; 27949, 23rd June. Gates, &c, closing apparatus; W. Duggan, jun. ; 27414, 9th March. Hurdle ; T. Taylor ; 28070, 14th July. Post. (See Standard.) Standard ; J. Anstis ; 27966, 24th June. Ventilator, fencing-post; H. Allott; 28372, 1st September. Wire-coiler, &c. ; F. Sutton ; 28130, 23rd July. Wire-netting clip; E. B. Hardie ; 28094, loth July. ! Wire-netting fence ; A. Byford ; 28582, 14th October. Wire-weaving machine; C. H. Sinclair, W. Woods, H. B. Schrotke, and M. Von ; 28345, 27th August. Wire-wrapping machine ; D. Elder ; 28888, 17th December. Class — Fencing (Strainers). i Wire-grip ; E. Hayes ; 27817, 2nd June. Wire-strainer; E. H. Browne; 27261, 8th February. Wire-strainer ; J. J. Keppel; 27307, 14th February. Wire-strainer ; P. H. Forgusson ; 27353, 24th February. Wire-strainer ; W. R. Smyth ; 27398, 8th March. ' Wire-strainer; J. W. Gordon ; 27642, 27th x\pril. ; Wire-strainer; E. Price ; 27661, 29th April. Wire-strainer ; F. T. Page ; 27852, 9th June. Wire-strainer ; P. Hunter ; 28140, 22nd July. Wire-strainer ; F. Lewis ; 28259, 15th August. : Wire-strainer ; J. Parker ; 28271, 15th August. I Wire-strainer; H. W. Langman ; 28402, 8th September. Wire-strainer; G. Carrington; 28603, 18th October. I Wire-strainer; G. M. Hunter; 28700, 5th November. Wire-strainer ; W. E. Hunter ; 28752, 18th November. Wire-strainer ; F. Cliff ; 28779, 23rd November. Wire-strainer ; H. E. Ireland and F. C. W. Kuschert; 28878, 15th December. Class —Fibre-dressing. Combing-maehine ; Good Inventions Company ; 28928, 24th December. Fibre. (See Flax.) Fibre-decorticator; J. Downham; 28385, 20th October, 19O9.t Fibre-dye ; F. V. Raymond ; 28311, 23rd August. Fibre-production process; A. Campbell, T. H. Gillraau, and H. D. P. James ; 28327, 24th August. Flax-catcher ; R. McGaffin ; 27338, 18th February. Flax-catcher; R. McGaffin : 27510, 1st April.




Flax-catchsr; C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard; 27673, 4th j May. Flax-catcher; W. Seifert; 27745, 17th May. Flax-catcher ; W. Seifert; 27746, 17th May. Flax-catcher; J. W. Tong ; 27894, Uth June. Flax-catcher; W. Seifert; 27915, 18th June. Flax-catcher ; R. McGaftin ; 27965, 24th June. Flax-catchor; W. and H. Seifert; 28009, 30th June. Flax-catcher ; W. Seifert; 28039, 7th July. Flax-catcher ; J. J. Keppel and H. Seifert;' 28103. 10th July. Flax-catcher; W. Seifert; 28115, 19th July. Flax-catchor; New Zealand Hemp Process and By-products ! Company, Limited ; 28397, 7th September. Flax-catcher; E. P. Lcvicn and A. Barker: 28430. Uth September. Flax-catcher; G. I. Lowe ; 28703, 9th November. Flax-catcher ; W. L. Adams ; 28873, Uth December Flax-catcher: K. McGaflin ; 27754, 17th May. Flax-catchor; New Zealand Hem]) Process aid By-products Company, Limited ; 28861, 9th Decembor. Flax-catcher chute ; B. McGaffin; 27699, 4th May. Flax-catchor shutter; B. McGaftin ; 27509, Ist April. Flax-catcher trip apparatus; 1!. McGaffin; 28438, 15th September. Flax-catching machine ; S. C. Parlour ; 272(16. 25th January. Flax-convoyor ; S. H. J. Brown anil .1. B. Hyncs ; 27139. llth January. Flax-conveyor': A. B. Pownall; 28129, 22nd July. Flax-conveyor holding-device; R, McGaffin; 27339. JKth February. Flax-dressing ; C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard ; 27672. 4th Ma v. Flax-dressing ; T. S. Patrick ; 28045, Bth July. Flax-dressing; C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard; 28450, 19th September. Flax-dressing ; R. McGaffin ; 28518, 28th September. Flax-dressing machine ; A. I. Jones ; 27163, 15th January. Flax-dressing machine ; E. P. Levien ; 27331, 21st February. Flax-dressing machine; A. I. Jones; 27688, sth May. Flax-dressing machine: C. Suttie and M. H. Wvnvard; i 27873, 9th Juno. Flax-dressing machine : B. McGaftin; 28517, 28th September. Flax-drier; New Zealand Hemp Process and By-products Company, Limited : 2.5395. 7th September. Flax-drving process; M. H. Wynyard ; 28365, 31st August. Flax-handling ; A. J. Whteside ; 27674, 30th April. Flax-handling ; A. J. Whiteside ; 28644, 26th October. Flax-machine ;K. Wessel; 27598, 20th April. Flax-machine ; R. McGaffin ; 28585, Uth October. Flax-preparation; New Zoaland Hemp Process and Byproducts Company, Limited ; 28872, 13th December. Flax-production ; i'. .1. Mitchell ; 28238, llth August, Flax-scutchcr ; J. Liggins; 27775. 25th May. Flax-scutcher ; J. Liggins ; 28445, 17th Septemb Flax-stripper; H. Greig ; 27386, 4th MaroL Flax-Stripper ; G. Craw ; 27396. Bth March. Flax-strippcr ; T. Telford ; 27828, 4th Juno. Flax-stripper; VV. W. Wakcly ; 27832, (ith Juno. Flax-stripper; G. Claydon ; 28067, 13th July. Flax-stripper ; C. J. H. Thomson ; 28230, Bth August. Flax-stripper ; G. Craw ; 28245, 12th August, Flax-strippcr; Now Zealand Hem]) Process and By-products Company, Limited; 28396, 7th September. Flax-strippcr; C. S. Booth ; 28408, 9th September. Flax-strippcr towing-up prevention; J. W. Livesay; 28868, 10th December. Flax-stripper drum-spindle; G. Watson; 27300. 15th February. Flax-treatment; A. L. J. Tait; 27543, 9th April. Flax-treatment; G. Craw ; 27830, 7th June. Flax-treatment; F. V. Raymond ; 28540, sth October. Flax-washer ; B. McGaffin ; 27755, 17th May. Flax-washer; J. J. Keppel; 27769, 18th May. Flax-washer; H. Seifert; 27983, 27th Juno. Flax-washer; C. S. Booth ; 28015, 30th June. Flax-washer ; G. W. Edwards ; 28203, 26th July. Flax-waste utilizing ; W. F. Lietz ; 28671, 3rd November. Flax-waste utilizing ; F. V. Raymond ; 28315, 23rd August. Tow-cleaning apparatus: B. McGaftin; 28517, 28th September. Tow-conveyor; S. H. J. Brown and J. K. Hynes; 27139, llth January. Tow-treatment; C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard : 28539, sth October. Class —Filters. Filter ; A. Doudoy and J. C. Testro ; 27260, 6th March, 1909. f Filter; J. Burgess and J. F. Muir; 28382, 6th September, 1909.t Filter, rain-water; W. J. Bros and R. A. Upchurch ; 28484, 24th September.

Filtering-apparatus ; P. C. C. lsherwood ; 27453, 22nd March. Filtering-apparatus ; G. Johnston ; 28901, 20th December. Liquid-treatment; C. Neff and A. Brandes; 28702. 23rd November. Petrol-gauge ; R. Taberner ; 27793, 27th May. Strainer and petrol-gauge ; R. Taberner ; 27793, 27th May. Class-Fire Alarms, Escapes, Extinguishers (Including Ladders of all kinds). Alarm ; VV. Stokes, jun. ; 27497, 24th March. Alarm ; F. Castle, E. J. Riddiford, VV. E. Bidwell, and L. L. McDcrmot ; 27713, llth May. Alarm, burglar- ; T. Jameson ; 27319, 18th February. Alarm-box contact-breaker; P. O. Spry; 28624, 25th October. Alarm, ship; W.H.Davy; 28132, 21st July. Crane; I. F. Taylor and Automatic Fire-escape Company. Limited ; 28148, 26th July. Fire-escape ; N. Davies ; 27124, Bth January. Fire-extinguisher; T. de Schryver ; 28718, 10th November. Fire-guard ; J. E. Burns ; 27795, 30th May. Fire-screen ; E. C. Crisp ; 27677, 4th May. Fire-screen; W. Buhmann ; 27726, llth May. Ladder ; H. J. Davidson : 27770. 25th May. ' Ladder-bracket : VV. M. Bell and G. H. Grayson; 28041, 4th July. Ladder, extension: J. Duff and C. O'Connell; 27603, 18th April. Ladder, slop- ; D. Gilmour ; 27283, llth February. Ladder, step-; C F.Collins; 27926, 20th June. Ladder, stop- ; M. F. Marlenseu ; 28101, 18th July. Ladder, telescopic ; A. Sorenson ; 28935. 23rd December. Class —Food. Chocolate, &c, manufacture ; F. W. Hildcrschoim ; 28790, 25th November. Edible oil or jelly; G. W. Davies; 28186, Ist August. Meat softening and drying ; A. Collino ; 28601, 18th Ootobei. Sauce ; F. C. Mooro ; '28234, 10th August, Vinegar manufacture, from whey ; Compagnie Francaise des Produits Lactes Societe Anonyme ; 27391, 4th March. making compound : J.T.Norton; 28257, 15th August. Class —Furnaces. Draught - introducing ;D. do B. Hovell; 28739, 16th November. Draught-regulator; T. BL Coatsworth ; 27929, 20th Juno. Furnace ; J. B. and J. Pomerov ; 27880, sth March.t Furnace ; L. A. Smallwood ; 27989, 28th June. Furnace; W. J. Paul, J. 11. Lynch, and J. G. Meyer; 28683. sth November. Furnace, iron and steel; W. 11. J. Ridley; 28465, 19th September. Furnace air-bridge; W. and .1. Aston; 27711. 13th Sep tember, 1909.t Furnace air-bridge ; C. Mclntyre; 28127, 19th July. Furnace, coke-; L. Bansart; 27720. 12th Ma\. Furnace-door ; A. Vincent and C. Muir ; 28550, 6th October. Furnace, dust-prevention for; T.Edwards; 27750, 18th May. Kiln, brick- : C. Ingram: 27043, 27th April. Materials, roasting, calcining. &c. ; F. VV. Yost ; 27814, Ist Juno. Ore, metallic-oxide, reduction; H. E. T. Haultain and I. .Moffat : 27520, 2nd April. Ore-smelting; W. H. Waters; 28400, 20th September. Smoke-consuming apparatus; C. T. Swanell; 27450, 23rd March. Smoke-consuming apparatus; C. T. Swanell; 28323. 28th I'cbruary.t Steam-boiler draught : A. H. Hanson; 28260, 15th August Steam-boiler Bring; I'. McNeil ; 28010, 29th Juno. Class —Furniture and Upholstery. Bedding, folding ; J. VV. Tattersfield and H. C. Abbott ; 27606, 21st April. j Bed-rest; G. Broom ; 27178, 19th January. ] Bedstead; J. W. Tattersfield and H. C. Abbott; 28561, 10th October. , Bedstead-frame ; A. Bruno ; 28715, 10th November. Blind, attaching to roller ; H. B. Tennent; 27715, llth May. Blind-cord holder and adjuster; R. Paladini ; 28717, 10th November. Blind-roller; E. Broughton ; 28832, 3rd December. Blind-roller fittings; E. W. Greenwood; 27407, 10th March. Blind, Venetian- ; E. M. Thompson ; 28826, 3rd December. Blind, Venetian- ; W. L. H. Burgess ; 28692, 7th November. Blind. Venetian- ; H. Robson ; 27207, 27th January.




Blind, Venetian- ; A. J. Rison and W. A. Allen ; 28770. 23rd November. Blind, Venetian-, check action; E. M. Thompson; 28161, 26th Julv. Blind! Venetian-, check action; E. M. Thompson ; 28612, 20th October. Blind head. Venetian- ; F. Brown ; 27710, 6th May. Bunk, <fcc, self-levelling ; Anno of Lowonstoin Werthcim ; 28461, 20th September. Castor; J. J. Macky; 27895, llth Juno. Chair, deck- ; C. D. Dwight, H. A. Mercer, and F. Baker ; 27357, 24th February. Chair, folding- ; J. Riddles ; 28343, 20th August. Child-holder ; T. Mence ; 27629, 26th April. Cot, child's ; J. H. Walton ; 28548, 3rd October. Cot for attachment to bed ; H. A. Atkinson, A. C. Zimmerman, and O. E. Pound ; 27374, 2nd March. Cot, self-levelling : Anne of Lowonstoin Wertheim ; 28461, 20th September. Couch; J. Dunbar; 27309, 12th February. (touch ; J. A. McKinnon ; 27463, 22nd March. Curtain-pole ; T. H. White ; 28142, 25th July. Curtain-pole lifter; W. J. Burk ; 27823, 2nd June Curtain-pole lifter; W. Jones. H. H. Moon, and G. W. Mosc--Icm : 27969. 23rd June. Curtain-ring ; M. E. Stratford-Henniker ; 27562, 15th April. Curtain-rod; F.Andrews; 28571, llth October. Curtain-suspender ; O. R. Peterson ; 27804, 31st May. Fender ; J. E. Burns ; 27447, 21st March. Fire-guard ; J. E. Burns ; 27795, 30th May. I'm guard; L. H. R. Davies ; 28469, 21st September. Furniture centre-piece ; C. Moon ; 27845, 7th June. Hat-rack; W. J. Spenee ; 28017, Ist July. Manuscript, &e., support; F. S. Phillips ; 28034, 7th July. Mattress; D. McCrae; 27188, 21st January. Mattress-manufacture; D. McCrae; 27893, Uth June. Mattress, wire-wove; A. Bichards and J. Barnett; 28167, 27th July. Pioture-hanging device: W. Duggan, jun. ; 27707, 7th May. Best. loot-, and boot-polish holder; A. J. Day; 28100. 18th Julv. Seat, 'collapsible ; VV. McLeod ; 27229, Ist February. Seat, collapsible ; W. McLeod ; 27515, sth April. Suspending bird-cages, &c. ; H. Sewill; 27144, 19th March, 1909-t Table : H. M. Levinge ; 27574, 16th April Wardrobe ; R. and F. E. May, and A. W. Railton ; 27273, llth February. Wire mattress, securing, to bed ; W. G. Dement and W. F. Walker ; 27863, 9th Juno. Wire-weaving machine; C. H. Sinclair, W. Woods, H. B. Schrotke, and M. Von ; 28345, 27th August. Class—Gas-manufacture (for Lighting, Heating, or Power purpose.;). Acetylene-gas drying ; H. W. Davies ; 27474, 29th March. Acetylene-generator; G. L. Burton; 27107, 13th January. Acetylene-generator; W.Lewis; 27192, 24th January. Acetylene-generator ; J. B. Kelly ; 27349, 23rd February. Acetylene-generator ; T. Park ; 27567, 18th April Acetylene-generator; R. L. H. Murray ; 27587, 19th April. Acetylene-generator ; G. Gumming ; 27646, 25th April. Aoetylene-generator ; J. Christie ; 27758, 18th May. Acetylene-generator; J. Macpherson; 27788, 26th May. Acetylene-generator ; W. Carr ; 27810, Ist June. Acetylene-generator; C. V. Woodfield; 27898, Uth June. Acetylene-generator ; J. Mead ; 28009, 12th July. Acetylene-generator ; G. L. Burton ; 28089, Uth July. Acetylene-generator; J. Bailie and W. H. Colwoll; 28090, 15th August. Acetylene-generator ; T. Mills ; 28542, sth October. Acetylene-generator ; F. J. Shelton ; 28008, 19th October. Acetylene-generator; T. G. Allen ; 28079, 4th November. Acetylene-generator ; G. P. Dyer ; 28755, 16th November. Acetylene-generator regulator ; C. C. Wakefield ; 28492,27th September. Air-gas manufacture; E. S. Baldwin; 28057, 12th July. Carburetter ; S. Jonas ; 27557, 23rd June, 1909.t Carburetter; VV. M. and L. M. V. Quirk; 27853, 9th June. Gas-compressor ; R. Sinclair ; 28768, 23rd November. Gas-compressor ; G. T. Voorhoos ; 28932, 29th December. Gas-controller; E. W. Blake ; 27632, 27th April. Gas-plant tar-extractor ; W. Nelson ; 28813, Ist December. Gas-production; A. T. Cambridge ; 27525, 7th April. Governor; Bell Gas-saver Company, Limited; 27156, 13th January. Hydrocarbon-gas generator ; A. S. Ford ; 28133, 23rd July. Hydrocarbon - gas manufacture; Hydrocarbon Converter Company ; 27228, Ist February.

Hydrocarbon - gas manufacture ; The Clapham Gas-light Manufacturing and Agency Company, Limited; 27865. Bth June. Petrol-treatment for gas-engine ; E. J. Boesch ; 28305, 23rd August. Petroleum and carbide gas generator; J. Mead ; 28069, 12th July. Producer-gas furnace ; R. Sanderson ; 28827, 6th December. Class—Harness (including Covers for Animal). Bridle ; F. Keely ; 28814, Ist December. Bridle ; J. D. Matheson ; 28302, 22nd August. Buckle ; J. Stevens ; 27379, 2nd March. Draught-saddle; A. I). Wigram ; 28320, 24th August, Hames ; H. A. Torr ; 27957, 24th June. Hames-fastener; D. Brigham ; 27190, 19th January. Harness ; W. H. Trogoning and W. I. Aston ; 28183, 30th July. Hock-boot; A. H. Duxficld ; 27787, 27th May. Horse-collar; S. G. Browne ; 27658, 27th April. Horse-collar; T. E. O'Brien ; 27704, 7th May. Horse-collar ; E. Fischer ; 27940, 21st June. Horse-collar ; H. A. Torr ; 27957, 24th June. Horse-collar ; S. B. Whcway ; 28079, 15th July. Horse-collar pad ; W. S. Wilkinson and A. S. Harper; 27621, 21st April. Horse-collar pad ; W. S. Wilkinson, and A. S. and G. H. Harper ; 28024, Ist July. Horse-controller ; M. Barraclough ; 27250, 4th February. Horse-controller ; W. G. Gibbs ; 28623, 24th October. Horse-cover ; T. J. Mildenhall ; 27484, 30th March. Horse-cover; S. Boattie ; 27573, Kith April. Horse-cover; J. Bruce and W. A. Tuck; 28748. 17th November. Horse-shoe-making machine; R. J. Fry ; 28547, 23rd December, 1909.f Leg-fastener ; W. Chowen ; 27902, 24th June. Reins - attachment; R, and J. H. Love; 28787, 25th November. Rein-buckle ; G. Hood ; 25220, Bth August. Saddle. (See also Draught-saddle.) Saddle ; S. G. Browne ; 27659, 27th April. Saddle ; L. F. C. Haverland and J. H. Thomas ; 28377, 2nd September. Saddle, basket attachment to; E. A. Allan ; 28443, 16th September. Stirrup ; L. Rimoldi and R. J. Heffron ; 27871, 10th June. Stirrup-leather release ;' H. J. Mcßeth and T. M. Taylor; 27948, 23rd June. Tug-buckle and brceching-connection ; T. H. Dixon ; 28649, 25th October. Whip-thong, fastening, to handle ; H. H. Gilshnan ; 27684, sth May. Whip-thong, wire-bound; J. McLaren ; 28175, sth September. Class—Harvesting. Fruit-grader ; R. B. Witty ; 27440, 18th March. Fruit-grading apparatus; E. R. Shield; 28447, loth September. Lawn-mower attachment; A. E. Young and G. G. Holmes, jun. ; 28910, 19th December. Lawn-trimming machine ; H. T. Heron and E. Rowo ; 28358, 29th August. Potato bagger and digger; B. Widdowson; 27249, 4th February. Potato-grader ; VV. Burness ; 27995, 27th June. Class—Heating. Baby, &c, warmer; C. S. Munro ; 28243, 9th August. Bod, &c, warmer; C. S. Munro ; 28243, 9th August. Boiler-insulation-attaching composition ; E. Foster; 27373, 2nd March. Briquette; N. Testrup; 27943, 21st Juno. Briquette-binding composition; C. T. Swanell; 28591, 17th October. Califont. (See Water-heater.) Coke-manufacture, &c. ; VV. S. Simpson ; 28414, 13th September. Fire-kindler ; A. C. Sandford ; 27653, 26th April. Fin place ; J. M. Reid and W. Wills ; 28442, 16th September. Fire-screen; B. M. Maunder and R. King; 28244, 12th August. Food, &e., heater; M.Alcorn; 27500, 31st Mirch. Food-warmer, &c. ; C. S. Munro ; 28243, 9th August. Fuel; H. Stuart; 28028, 4th July. Fuel; Ovex Fuel Company, Limited ; 28564, llth October. Fuel-manufacture ; W. G. Mendell; 27367, Ist March.




Grate ; W. Duggan, jun. ; 28073, 12th July. Heating-apparatus, &c. ; J. C. Smith ; 28407, 9th September. Hot-air generator ; J. Paterson ; 27987, 28th June. Hot-water supply ; E. Hunter ; 27887, llth Juno. Kettle ; H. F. Chaffey ; 28344, 2nd September. Petrol, &c, lighting and heating apparatus; E. Phillips; 27572, 15th April. Room-heater ; W. R. Millar ; 27992, 28th Juno. Steam-generator : A. McLeod ; 27756, 18th May. Water-heater; E. Schwer ; 27460, 23rd March.' Water-heater ; A. McLeod ; 27462, 22nd Man h. Water-heater; M.Alcorn; 27506, 31st March. Water-heater : A. McLeod ; 27705, 9th May. Water-heater ; F. A. Rich : 27730. 12th May. Water-heater; A. McLeod ; 27750, 18th May. Water-heater; A. McLeod ; 27815, 31st May. Water-heater ; J. Paterson ; 27987, 28th June. Water-heater ; H. Corn ; 27997, 29th June. Water-heater ; A. McLeod ; 28022, 30th Juno. Water-boater; A. McLeod ; 28217, sth August. Water-heater ; P. J. Griffin and T. P. Eustege ; 28455, 19th September. Water-heater : H. W. McColl ; 28630, 21st October. Wa'er-heater ; T. McClolland ; 28716, 10th November. Water, &c, heating apparatus; G. G. 801l ; 27300, 15th February. Class—llluminating (except Gas-manufacture). Acetylene-lamp ; A. B. Pownall; 28485, 24th September. Candle-extinguisher ; T. Savage ; 27298, 15th February. Candle-extinguisher; J. E. O'Neill and A. Bichardson: 27723, 12th May. Candle-extinguisher ; J. Jonson ; 28105, 19th July. Candle-extinguisher ; S. Obery ; 28464, 20th September. Candlestick ; D. McLeod ; 28070, Uth July. Candlestick ; J. Thomson ; 28584, Uth October. Electric-lamp adapter ; H. Priestley ; 28558, 6th October. Electric-lamp holder ; R. Macdonaid ; 28219, 6th August. Eloctric-lamp lock; J. P. Fix, A. E. Voar. and VV. D. Philpott; 28616, 20th October. Electric light, attaching, to walls, &c. ; F. H. R. Neville and A. S. Pike ; 27420, llth March. Electric-wire connection to holder ; A. T. Crosher ; 28594, Uth October. Flash-signal shutter ; S. Waters ; 27444, 18th March. Gas-burner valve ; W. T. Oliver ; 28392, 7th September. Head-light for locomotive, motor-car, &c. ; T. H. Davey ; 27794, 30th May. Incandescent gas-lamp; O. H. Stapelfeldt; 27752, 18th Miy. Incandescent gas-lamp; O. H. Stapelfeldt; 27753, 18th May. Incandescent mantle ; A. H. Williams ; 27550, Uth April. Incandescent mantle ; J. Storer and G. C. de Witt; 28170, 28th July. Lamp ; A. McLeod ; 28567, 10th October. Lamp-chimney attachment; S. Holm ; 27761, 21st .May. Lamp and reflector ; D. J. O'Brien and R. M. Catts ; 28828, 6th December. Limp for motor-vehicle ; J. Bulte and G. O. Cottam ; 27941, 21st June. Lighting and heating railway-carriage ; J. Stone and Co., Limited, and A. H. Darker '; 27848, 9th June. Paraffin-wax burning ; P. Destefani ; 27669, 3rd May. Signal - lamp controller; D. P. O'Hem: 28501, 27th September. Signalling - apparatus ; W. W. Bicknell; 27292, Uth Feb p. Signalling - apparatus ; E. E. Wightman ; 28426, Uth September. Class —Indicating, Calculating, and Measuring. Adding and printing machine; J. M- Tourtel ; 27588, 19th April. Baled-goods temperature-tester attachment; J. D. McLaurin ; 27651, 29th April. Bathroom-occupation indicator; E. C. Reynolds ; 28636, 24th October. Betting-board ; J. Strassmeyer ; 27126, Bth January. Clock, alarm- ; F. Goss ; 28879, 15th December. Dining-room order-board ; A. Hazoldon ; 27841, Bth Juno. Enumerating-machino ; H. Hodsdon ; 28931, 29th December. Gas-meter; C. E. Hibb?rd ; 27591, 19th April. Grain-weighing machine ;T. E. Sapwell; 27717, llth May. Heat-detector; J. Geary and F. G. Semb; 28499. 27th September. Hopper and delivering-vessel for comestibles; J. Morrison; 28082, 15th July. Indicating-apparatus for office ;F. C. Broomhall; 27872, 10th June.

Kerosene-pump indicating-attachment; J. Coupe; 28521, 30th September. Level; G. H. Harper; 28477, 21st September. Liquid - measure ; 0. Christophersen, jun.; 28596, 18th October. Locomotive - recorder; F. Baumgaertner; 27279, 10th February. Moisture-determinating apparatus ; F. F. and N. M. Simpson ; 28287, 18th August. Orrery ;B. E. Brett; 27560, 12th April. Peg, surveying- ; R. VV 7 . de Montalk ; 28376, 3rd September. Registering-device ; N. S. McNab ; 28804, Ist December. Scales; Hutchinson's Scales Company, Limited; 28081. 15th July. Signal for tram-car ; H. Ashworth ; 27432, 16th March. Station-indicator; H.Kershaw; 27716, llth May. Step-annunciator ; H. L. Friend ; 27412, llth March. Survey-peg. (See Peg.) Tea-measuring canister-lid ; C. J. H. Thomson and R. VV. Hall; 27558, Uth April. Telescope ; K. Sutherland ; 27252, sth February. Ticket or check printer and number-indicator ; G. A. Julius ; 28002, 9th August, 1909. t Ticket or check printer and number-indicator ; G. A. Julius ; 28003, 9th August, 1909. t Time-indicator; M. S. Collier and W. Little; 28056, 12th July. Totalizator ; A. James ; 28158, 27th July. Totalizator ; T. E. Ward and J. Gaut; "28473, 22nd September. Typewriter copyists' indicator; P. B. Gladman; 28201, 3rd August. Water-level indicator; J. Hercus, E. P. Graham, and W. Morton ; 28891, Uth December. Water-meter ; E. N. Davies ; 27408, 9th March. Wool-moisture indicator; F. F. Simpson ; 28351, 30th August. Class—Kitchen Utensils. Bakers' oven ; G. S. Baker; 27582, 17th July, 1909.f Basting-appliance ; VV. J. Philips ; 27921, 18th Juno. Billy ; R. L. Halpin ; 28153, 25th July. Billy ; A. H. Biley ; 28714, 10th November. Boiler. (See Cooking-range boiler.) Cake-safe; P. J. Griffin and T. P. Eustege; 28275, 17th August. Cake-tin ; R. L. Halpin ; 28154, 25th July. Cooking-apparatus ; H. H. Rayward ; 27885, 13th June. Cooking-oven ; J. A. F. Glover ; 28173, 29th July. Cooking-range boiler; Scott Bros., Limited; 28190, Ist August. Cooking-utensil; A. J. Park ; 28037, 24th October. Cutter and slicer; F. J. Towill; 28064, 17th November, 1909.-J-Dish drier and cleaner ; G. S. Gordon ; 27094, 2nd May. Dish-washer ;H. N. Bagnall; 28778, 22nd November. Fuel-economizer ; R. T. Haines ; 27738, Uth May. Fuel-economizer; J. Limber and F. M. Norris; 28515, 29th September. Hopper and comestible-delivery vessel; J. Morrison ; 28082, 15th July. Jug. (See Milk-jug.) Kettle ; C. Clegg ; 27385, 4th March. Kettle ; S. E. Bell; 27495, Ist April. Kettle ; F. Clark and F. J. Nocdham ; 27564, 15th April. Kettle ; R. L. Halpin ; 28153, 25th July. Kettle ; A. Clegg and G. B. Bitchie ; 28401, Bth September. Kettle.; T. Westwood ; 28519, 28th September. Lid. (See Pot-lid.) Meal-conveyor ; H. Quertier ; 28205, Ist August. Meal-conveyor to table ; H. M. Levinge ; 27739, 17th May. Meat-cover; S. W. Elliott and F. T. Boyce; 28347, 29th August, Milk-jug ; D. H. Young ; 27383, Ist March. Oven, electric ; C. W. Martin ; 28823, sth December. Oven-slide holder, &c. ; J. Cook and H. Thompson ; 27709, 7th May. Peanut-roaster ;A. O. Goulet; 28500, 28th September. Pot, &c, lid ; H. J. G. Adamson ; 27143, 12th January. Pudding-steamer ; H. Simpson ; 27516, 2nd April. Pudding-steamer ; G. M. Medland ; 27665, 2nd May. Saucepan ; G. Lang and M. McEwen ; 27452, 22nd March. Saucepan ; M. I. M. Hanlon and W. Eland; 28747, 17th November. Saucepan stirrer; H. VV. Earp-Thomas ; 27586, 19th April. Spoon clip or holder ; VV. Milne ; 27534, llth April. Steam-supplying in digesters ; T. Cook ; 28227, 9th August. Tea-can ; P. J. Griffin and T. P. Eustege, jun. ; 27380, 2nd March. Tea-infuser ; J. P. Carmine ; 27111, 4th January. Tea-infuser ; D. Fraser ; 28632, 25th October. Tea-strainer ; J. S. Agnew :27387 ,2nd March.




Tea-strainer ; A. Moore ; 28286, 17th August. Toaster ; O. A. Finlav ; 28065, 9th July. Toast-rack ; H. W. Stanley ; 28631, 21st October. Trivet ; J. Limber and F. M. Norris ; 28515, 29th September. Class— Lifting, Hauling, and Loading. Bag-lifting apparatus ; F. H. Law ; 27503, Ist April. Bull-rope antifriction device; J. Watterson, F. S. Phillips, and T.Turner; 27741, 17th May. Cattle-sling ; J. Robertson ; 27675, 4th May. Coaling-hook ; W. J. Allcock ; 28328, 24th August. Coal-unloading ; W. C. Noakes ; 28791, 28th November. Conveyor-belt; J. Dawson and Son, Limited; 27903, 15th June. Conveyor-bolt idler ; J. C. Johnstone ; 28462, 20th September. (Vane ; I. F. Tavlor and The Automatic Fire-escape Company. Limited ; 28148, 26th July. Crane; B. and F. Thomas and E. M. Holme; 28231. 10th August. Lift ;\U. and J. H. Millis ; 28246, 10th August. Lift-guard ; H. V. Johanson ; 28835, 7th December. Lifting and holding bar ; B. ('. Bowick ; 28805, Ist December. Material, handling and transporting; J. H. Hutchinson; 28422, 12th September, fiope-coupler; J. A. Munro and J. Britton ; 28084, sth August, 1909.t Rope-grip : L. Pickering ; 28639, 27th October. Speed-controlling device; K. F. Willkomm ; 28600, 18th October. Steam-hoist; F. W. Armstrong; 28190, 2nd August. Stump-pulling apparatus; G. and F. W. Philpot; 28335, 25th August. Swivel block for ferry punt ; B. Richards ; 27780, 10th June. Traction-engine grippor and pin-key ; D. Reid and S. Nicolson ; 27594, 20th April. Tram-truck safety catch; J. F. I'. Cannell; 27288, llth February. Truck-haulage ; G. Lomas ; 28890, 17th December. Vehicle-jack ; J. Whall; 27487, 31st March. Class —Locks, Latches, and Hinges. Casement-fitting; A. Cameron and J. Fletcher; 28588, Uth October. Casement-hinge ; B. H. Spencer ; 27223, Ist February. Casement stay and fastener; O. A. Jorgensen ; 27835, 7th June. Cimboard-fastener ; A. G. Tomkies ; 27422, 9th March. Door-lock; A. G. Tomkies; 27422, 9th March. Door-lock ; B. Throp ; 27859, 9th June. Door-look ; R. P. Hill; 28333, 26th August. Door-lock ; T. Maclean ; 28737, Uth November. Fanlight, &c. stay and fastener; G. F. Norton ; 28468, 21st September. Gate-latch attachment; F. B. Clapcott; 27844, 6th June. Gate-look; H. Pettitt; 27384, Ist March. Gate-lock: F. B. Clapcott; 28152, 25th July. Gate-lock; F. B. Clapcott; 28232, 10th August, Gate-lock; <'. S. Fees ; 28378, sth September. Gate-lock ; H. Pettitt; 28821, 2nd December. Hinge; J. Mitchell; 27348, 23rd February. Hinge ;G. Abbott; 27502, Ist April. Hinge ; E. J. Ruddick ; 27735, 16th May. Key-ring safety device ;J. Mitchell; 27332, 21st February. Mail-bag seal;' R, Burn ; 28058, Ist November. Ring safety latch ; E. Hayes ; 28318, 23rd August. Window-lock; T. H. Nelson and another; 27303, 15th February. Window-lock ; J. Worsnop ; 27354, 22nd February. Window-lock ; S. H. Shepherd ; 27496, Ist April. Window-lock; C. J. Sanderson; 27896, llth June. Window-lock; C. G. Foxcroft; 28116, 19th July. Window-lock; C. Chapman ; 28155, 25th July. Window-lock ; T. Maclean ; 28737, Uth November. Window-sash sustainer and lock ; W. C. S. Clydesdale ; 28730, Uth November. Class—Marine and Submarine. Alarm and steering-gear; W. A. Attenborough ; 28123, 12th July. Boat-disengaging gear ; J. C. Fraser ; 27618, 25th April. Boat-disengaging gear; J. C. Fraser; 28617, 21st October. Boat frame or protection; A. M. Grainger; 28732, 12th November. Boat-lowering device ; J. B.Robertson; 28339, 27th August. Boat-slip; B. Chambers ; 28688, 4th November. Caisson ; E. Larcomb ; 27232, 2nd February. Dock-floor construction ; W. W. Harveson ; 27663, 2nd May. Dry-dock building ; H. Norgrove ; 28491, 27th September. Fog and alarm signal apparatus ; G. Harrison-Smith ; 27970, 23rd June.

7—H. 10.

Harbour-channel and river sweeper ; W. J. Baskiville ; 27508, 4th April. Life-buoy boat; F. C. Ottaway ; 28609, 19th October. Propeller ; A. Worswick ; 27405, 10th March. Propeller; E.Woodward; 27889, 30th August. Propeller ; H. and S. H. Hawkins ; 27935, 21st June. Propeller; A. L. J. Tait; 28753, 16th November. Propeller life-guard ; E. A. Earnshaw ; 27255, 3rd February. Sail and sail-setting ; E. le Roy ; 27523, sth April. Sand-drift preventer; J. W. Jackson ; 27265, Bth February. Screw-propollod-vessel driving-gear ; C. N. H. B. Williams ; 27555, 12th April. Ship-sinkine prevention; T. Curtis; 27323, 15th F'ebruary. Sounding-apparatus, ships and wells; C. Vow-ell; 27248, 3rd February. Steering-gear ; F. L. Martinoau ; 28493, 27th September. Submarine-signal sounder; Submarine Signal Company: 27235. Ist February. Submerged-rook indicator ; S. Maioha, jun. ; 27799, 30th May. Class —Marking. Attaching tickets to bicycles, &c. ; J. VV 7 . Dick and A. Leitch ; 27176, 19th January. Branding-appliance ; A. V. Graham ; 27418, 12th March. Branding-appliance; A. C. Jonassen and C. Horrill ; 27501, Ist April. Branding-appliance; G. W. Penney; 27881, llth Juno. Branding-appliance ;W. A. McNaught; 28170, 27th July. Branding-appliance; A. C. Anderson; 28197, 3rd August. Ear-marking animals ; W. Burgess; 27508, 18th April. Ear-marking animals ; F. Andrews ; 27858, 9th June. Far-marking animals ; J. Dilliear ; 27868, 10th June. Ear-marking animals ; P. Andrews; 28214. 3rd August, Ear-marking animals; H. I. Simon and J. E. Mclnt vro; 28399, Bth September. Franking-machine ; W. Morton ; 27652, 20th April. Franking-machine ; W. Morton ; 28920, 21st December. Franking-machine ; A. J. Park ; 27342, 19th February. Franking-machine ; A. J. Park ; 27685, 2nd May. Franking-machine-die protector ; A.H.Wright; 27579, 16th April. Label-attaching to fabric ; W. V. Page ; 27612, 20th April. Label making and attaching machine ; G. S. Hunter ; 28599, 18th October. Label marking, delivering, &c, machine; G. S. Hunter; 28598, 18th October. Postmarking-machine ; J. H. Burn ; 27719, Ist June. Stamping and embossing machine ; A. H. Wright and N. S. McNab ; 27922, 18th June. Stamping and embossing machine; A. H. Wright and N. S. McNab ; 28013, 29th June, 1909.f Stamping and embossing machine ; A. H. Wright ; 28807, 9th December. Stamp - marking - machine facing -up table ; J. H. Burn : 27890, Uth June. Stock-marker ; N. E. Jackson ; 27939, 21st June. Ticket-holder for doors ; W. P. Smith ; 28026, 4th July. Class —Medicines and Surgical Appliances. Bi-focal glasses ; G. W. Baker ; 28199, 3rd August. Dontal-castings making ; VV". J. Williamson ; 27875, 9th Juno. Drench for cattle ; C. W. Wills ; 27792, 27th May. Drink-habit cure ; F. W. Vare ; 27561, 15th April. Evaporating and fumigating apparatus ; J. W. Bates ; 28514, 29th September. Hairdressers' sterilizer; W. D. Rose ; 28453. 16th September. Medicine ; F. V. Raymond ; 28309, 23rd August, Medicine for rheumatism ; S. Roche ; 27194, 25th January. Medicine for throat; E. S. Evelyn; 28410, 9th September. Ointment; F. V. Raymond; 28309, 23rd August. Rheumatism cure; S. Roche; 27194, 25th January. Rheumatism cure; J. W. Fenton ; 27972, 25th June. Sodium-amalgam manufacture; H. P. Ewell; 28388, sth September. Sterilizing-apparatus ; W. Clarke ; 28713, 10th November. Tapeworm - treatment in animals ; D. Gillanders ; 27996, 29th June. Class—Metal-working. Alloys ; A. L. Brooke and R. D. Mackintosh ; 28180, 30th July. Brazing cast iron ; E. A. Wilderspin ; 28087, 15th July. Corrugated iron ; E. G. Sander and H. F. Mandor ; 27783, 24th May. Corrugated iron ; E. G. Sander and H. F. Mander; 28117, 18th July. Electrical deposition of silver on metallic surfaces ; A. T. Firth ; 28479, 21st September. Electrical deposition of gold on metallic surfaces ; A. T. Firth ; 28480, 21st September. Iron-ore recovering ; A. S. Ramage ; 27109, 4th January.




Iron-production from ore ; W. S. Simpson and H. Oviatt; 28416, 13th September. Metal-uniting composition ; N. Harvey ; 27857, 9th June. Sand moulds for cast-iron pipes, machinery for making; G. J. Hoskins ; 28324, 24th August. Shaping-machine spring and guard ; H. Elliott; 28859, 7th December. Sheet-metal-slitting machine; C. P. Curlewis; 28841, 7th December. Sheet-metal-slitting machine; C. P. Curlewis; 28842, 7th December. Solder; P. J. Tobin ; 28761, 21st November. Solder ; J. A. Cochrane ; 28825, Ist December. Spouting; E. G. Sander and H. Mander ; 28117, 18th July. Spouting-bracket-forming machine; VV. B. Topp ; 27831, 6th June. Spouting-machine ; A. R. Agnew ; 28371, Ist September. Steel-production from ore ; W. S. Simpson and H. Oviatt; 28416, 13th September. Class —Minerals. Auriferous-material treatment ; R. T. Stewart; 28691, 7th November. Coal-washing means; R. S. Benson, and Head, Wrightson, and Co., Limited ; 28736, 15th November. Coal-washing moans ; R. S. Benson, and Head, Wrightson, and Co., Limited ; 28929, 29th December. Concentrator ; E. Deister ; 27198, 25th January. Concentrator; F. and H. Dallemagne; 27636, Bth May, 1909.t Concentrator ; H. E. Wood ; 28172, 29th July. Concentrator ; E. Doister ; 28389, sth September. Concentrator; R. T. Carter; 28522, 29th September. Filter; Butter's Patent Vacuum Fillir Company, Incorporated ; 27714, llth May. Filtering-apparatus ; W. W. Bobacher ; 28267, 13th May.t Filtering-apparatus; W. W. Robacher; 28268, 13th May.t Filtering-machine ; J. Drago ; 28882, 21st February, t Filtering-solution ; W. E. Clark ; 27850, 9th Juno. Filtration process ; E. Burt; 27505, 31st March. Gas, bringing, into contact with liquid ; The Metals Extraction Corporation, Limited ; 28698, Bth November. Gold-extraction process ; M. J. Connor and W. H. J. Ridley ; 27839, 6th June. Gold, obtaining, from boach-sand ; S. Johnson; 28052, llth July. Gold, obtaining, from beach-sand; W. H. J. Ridley and M. J. Connor; 28298, 19th August. Gold, obtaining, from ores ; R. Wales ; 27667, 30th April. Gold, obtaining, from river-beds ; H. Morgan ; 27701, 4th May. Gold, obtaining, from river-beds ; A. J. Shaw ; 28381, 3rd September. Gold-separating apparatus ; J. Bate, H. F. McLeod, M. J. Connor, and M. H. Scott; 27829, 2nd June. Metal-extraction; W. Hommel and H. T. Durant; 28807, 7th December, 1909.f Metallic-particles separating; M. R. de Colombier and J. Clement; 28418, 13th September. Ore-roasting furnace ; T. Edwards ; 28427, Uth September. Ore - roasting - furnace feed ; T. Edwards ; 28428, Uth September. Ore-reduction ; H. E. Haultain and J. W. Moffat; 27520, 2nd April. Ore-separation; W.M.Martin; 27210, 24th February, 1909. t Ore-separation ; J. S. Island ; 28134, 21st July. Ore-separation ; J. D. Wolf ; 28851, Bth December. Ore-treatment; J. Jones and H. S. Bohm ; 27330, 18th February. Ore-treatment; A. J. Arbuckle ; 27335, 21st February. Ore-treatment; A. J. Arbuckle ; 27524, 7th April. Ore-treatment; G. Johnson ; 27597, 20th April. Ore-treatment; W. M. Martin ; 27820, Ist June. Ore-treatment; Clancy Metals Process Company; 28572, llth October. Ore-treatment; Murex Magnetic Company, Limited ; 28870, 13th December. Slimes-removing apparatus ; F. J. R. and I. S. Floyd ; 28404, Bth September. Sluice-box ; T. C. Donnelly ; 27737, 14th May. Solids and liquids distributing in vats, &c. ; A. J. Arbuckle ; 27270, 9th February. Solids and liquids separating; H. Hooke; 28304, 21st September, 1909.t Tank or vat; J. D. and A. McLaurin ; 28054, 12th July. Vat for separating solids ; A. J. Arbuckle ; 27797, 30th May. Minerals (Magnetic Separators). Metallic - particles separation; M. R. de Colombier and J. Clement; 28418, 13th September.

Class —Minerals (Stampers and Pulverizers). Pulverizer; G. A. Browne and P. C. Forrester ; 27381, 2nd March. Tube-mill feed ; J. E. Thomas ; 28226, 9th August. Quartz-crusher ; G. Johnston ; 28902, 20th December. Class —Oils and Lubricators. Axle-cap ; J. Howcroft; 28885, Uth December. Axle-cap ; R. McNaughton ; 27172, 18th January. Axle-box lubricator ; C. E. Fisher ; 28331, 26th August. Axle-lubricator ; S. R. Palmer ; 27846, 7th Juno. Axle-lubricator ; P. Martin and F. Humphries : 28387, 6th September. Axle - lubricating device; B. Hamburger; 27174, 19th January. Drilling-machine lubricator; C. A. Oldman; 28362, 31st August. Lubricating bearings ; J. Johnston ; 27679, 4th May. Lubricator-feeder ; A. Bilsland ; 28621, 22nd October. Oil - extraction from peat; R. F. Moore; 28869, 10th December, oil-production from kauri-swamp soil; S. R. Trevor; 28777, 24th November. Oil-production from swamp lands; S. R. Trevor; 27318, 18th February. Oils, treatment of; G. Turner ; 27113, sth January. Petroleum, &c, oils ; S. Wohle ; 27765, 12th October, 1909.t Petroleum and shale oil; H. VV. Knottonbelt; 27584, 19th April. Class—Paints and Painting. Coating for metal parts of water-motors; E. N. Davies--27751, 18th May. Dye for hair and fibre; F. V. Raymond; 28311, [23rd August. Oil-production from kauri-swamp soil : s. R.Trevor; 28777. 24th November. Paint; J. and T. Anglim ; 28162, 28th July. Paint-applying method ; F. Andrews ; 27482, 30th March. Paint, stain, &c, manufacture; F. V. Raymond; 28313. 23rd August. Waterproof coating-solution ; C. Simonsen ; 27527, Bth April. Waterproof coating-solution ; C. Simonsen ; 27528, Bth April. White-lead pulverizer and mixer; S. Winn ; 27394, 7th Mareh. Class—Pipes, Tubes, and Hose. Concrete pipes, girders, &c. ; E. J. and VV. R. Hume ; 28497, 27th September. Conduit, moulding ; K. Taylor ; 28604, 18th October. Earthenware-pipe manufacture; Yarrow and Co. (Bolton) Limited ; 27867, Bth June. Earthenware-pipe socket; J. Muir; 27671, 3rd May. Hose-coupling ; P. C. Wheeler ; 27533, 9th April. Joint, steel, for suction-pipe; B. A. Riley ; 28523, 28th September. Locking-bar pipe-plate bender; G. J. Hoskins ; 27678, 4th May. Lock-joint coupling ; J. K. Bulger; 27801, 28th May. Metal-pipe manufacture; F. E. Ries; 27237, 3rd February. Obstruction - removal from pipes ; H. Lowry ; 28763, 23rd November. Pipe; J. A. Arthus, VV. L. F. Wright, and J. D. Caldwell--28353, sth November, 1909.1 Pipe-branch service connection ; B. Ballantyne and Stewarts and Lloyds, Limited ; 27728, 18th September, 1909. f Pipe--jointing ; J. G. Stewart; 27727, 15th June, 1909.f Pipe-moulding machine ; R. Ardelt; 28640, 27th October. Prevention of obstructive deposits in mains; W. VV. Martin • 28854, Bth December. Service-pipe coupling, hot-water; E. G. Weight. A. .1. Griffiths, and T. Ballinger; 27892, Uth Juno. Union-joint; C. W. Seale ; 27742, 18th March. Union-screw ; H. G. W. L. Noy; 27361, 25th February. Water-pipe-leak repairing; J. Gilmour; 28919, 23rd December. Class—Preserving. Fish-preserving process; J. R. Henderson ; 27351, 24th February. Food-preserving ; L. Fulda ; 27590, 19th April. Meat-preserving; H. T. Sheppev and T. 'I'. Boyle ; 27680, 4th May. Meat-preserving ; O. Ahrens ; 28179. 30th July. Preserving-apparatus ; G. M. Allen ; 27770, 24th May. Timber-seasoning; J. House; 28810, Ist December. ' Wood, canvas, &c, treatment; A. Carron ; 28051, llth July. Wood-preserving process;] VV. B. Chisholm ; 27150, 16th February, 1909.f




Class —Presses. Liquid-expressing ; J. J. Berrigan ; 28198, 3rd August. Liquid, increase of pressure of ; H. Donner; 27441, 15th March. Paper-baling apparatus ; A. Paal; 28545, sth October. Wool-press straining-device; W. J. Cloudesley and B. L. Arrowsmith ; 27500, 31st March. Class —Printing and Photography. Document-folding machine ; R. Burn ; 27656, 29th April. Drawings, reproducing; P. B. Climie, C. C. Coates, and C. G. McKellar;] 28168, 27th July. Drawings, reproducing; P. R. Climie, C. Coates, and C. G. McKellar ; [28169, 27th July. ig Elastic roller or cylinder; F. W. J. Henning and A. H. Varnier; 28178, 30th July. Metal mount for block ; E. Webber ; 27876, 9th June. Multiple-writing machine; J. C. Gardiner; 27314, 10th February. Photograph-printing apparatus; T. J. Pickering; 27277, 10th February. Printing-machine, rotary ; A. Parker; 28446, 15th September. Relief-block printing ; J. V. Price ; 27257, Bth February. Ribbon-feed mechanism ; E. Moss ; 27415, llth March. Rubber stamp ; W. H. Boornc ; 27542, 12th April. Ticket-dater; W. P. Nolan ; 28689, 4th November. Ticket-printing, &e., apparatus ; G. A. Julius ; 28002, 9th August, 1909.f Ticket-printing, &c, apparatus; G. A. Julius; 28003, 9th August, 1909.t Class—Pumps and Sprayers. Air-compressor; Soeiete Anonyme pour l'Exploitation des procedes Westinghouse-Leblanc ; 27988, 28th June. Air-pump ventilator ; C. E. Hardley ; 28795, 29th November. I Centrifugal blower or pump ; Turbon Patent Fan Company, Limited ;" A 28078, 15th July. Hydraulic air-exhauster ; VV. Milne ; 27472, 29th March. Kerosene-filling appliance; A. Simonson and G. King; 27286, 12th February. Kerosene-pump indicator attachment; J. Coupe; 28521, 30th September. Liquids, drawing ofi, from tins ; G. G. Holmes, jun. ; 27566, 15th April. Liquids, raising and forcing; H. A. Humphrey; 28014, 24th June. Pump ; S. T. Gelling ; 27450, 22nd March. Pump, air-; C. E. Hodge and S. P. Andersen; 27664, 2nd May. Pump audsiphon apparatus; L. G. Grace; 27166, 15th | January. Pump-piston bucket; J. H. Saunders ; 27263, Bth February. Pump, vacuum ; R. Lambie and G. S. Edlin ; 27246, 4th February. Pumping-gear ; J.H.Saunders; 27264, Bth February. Siphon .discharge device, wash-boiler; J. N. D. Burgess; 27327, 17th February. Siphon discharge device, wash-boiler; J. N. D. Burgess; 28757, 17th November. Sprayer; R. Hellyor and I. Nelson ; 28508, 28th September. Sprayer ; C. VV. Hayes ; 28773, 24th November. Sprayer ; B. F. Cranwell; 28047, Bth July. Spraying-apparatus, &c. ; K. S. Begg; 27565, 13th April. Spraying-apparatus, &c. ; W. Southwell and D. McLellan ; 28261, 15th August. Sprinkler-nozzle ; C. Vacher ; 27308, Ist March. Sprinkler-nozzle ; C. Vacher ; 27369, Ist March. Vacuum, creating and maintaining; R. Joughin; 28874, Uth December. Vacuum pump ; O. Tapp ; 27879, 10th June. Vacuum pump, rotary ; T. Umrath ; 28297, 19th August. Class—Railways and Tramways. Aerial car ; H. D. Elliott; 28840, 7th December. Alarm-signal; N. Barnewell; 28098, llth October, 1909.f Axle ; N. B. Seabrook ; 27977, 24th Juno. Axle ; B. R. Seabrook ; 27978, 24th June. Brake ; J. N. Griffin ; 27724, 10th May. Brake ; H. Symes ; 28189, 30th July. Brake apparatus ; P. Swanson ; 27320, 17th February. Brake apparatus; M. Higgins and P. N. Hesketh; 27333, 21st February. Brake-block; J. A. Panton; 28413, Bth December, 1909.f Brake mechanism ; J. Scott; 27404, 9th March. Brake mechanism ; VV. J. C. Almond and J. A. Opic ; 2785u, 9th Juno.

[ Buffer and central draw-bar gear ; H. H. Gunstone ; 27304, 15th February. gaj jg i Carcase rail switch, &c. ;A. C. MacKenzie; 28467, 21st September. ; Collision-preventer ; W. Clausen ; 28206, 2nd August. I Collision-preventer ; F. M. Field and A. Skene ; 28780, 23rd November. Coupling ; C. G. Monro ; 28394, 7th September. Coupling, automatic ; J. P. Carmine ; 27183, 20th January. Coupling, safety cage for; C. Proudfoot; 28005, 26th July. 1909.T Electric train control; F. W. Prentice; 28265, 16th August. Fish-plate ; J. Smaill; 27486, 31st March. Grinding-machine. (Sec Rail Milling and Grinding Machine.) ! Interlocking-signal; C. Dutton, and McKenzie and Holland, ; 28541, 14th February.f -Mono-rail ; T. B. Jacobsen ; 27395, 4th March. Rail; G. G. Turri; 27773, 25th .May. Rail-joining; C. H. Shattky; 28771, 22nd November. Rail-lifter; A. C. J. Cuddy; 28104, 18th July. ' Rail milling and grinding machine ; VV. F. Marshall and £. S. Burman ; 28471, 22nd September. Rail-planer ; Woods-Gilbert Rail-planer Company, Limited ; 28865, 9th December. Railway-carriage-gate controller; C. Melville; 27529, Bth April. Railway-point protector ; L. Pickering ; 28803, Ist December. Railway safety apparatus ; W. Filsefl ; 28393, 7th August. Railway-signal; H. A. Glass ; 28187, Ist August. Railway-signal; H. A. Glass ; 28357, 29th August. Railway-signal; M. McDonald ; 28403, 20th September. Railway-signal; VV. H. Bauert; 28850, Bth December. Stability, imparting and maintaining, for single-track vehicles; L. Brennan ; 27518, 6th April. Switch-throwing mechanism ; International Automatic Railway Switch Company ; 28285, 17th August. Tablet-exchange bracket; P. Roberts; 28734,15th November. Tipping-truck ; G. Tilsley ; 28881, 15th December. ! Tram-car step ; R. Drummond ; 27431, 16th March. Tramway-point operating ; A. N. Barrett and H. G. Finnerty ; 27117, sth January. Tramway-track cleaner ; A. Gardner ; 27402, 9th March. Tramway-track point; J. Bellve and T. W. Potts ; 28528, 3rd October. Trolly-pole ; J. L. Kirkbride ; 27359, 20th February. Trolly-pole ; A. E. V. Godfrey ; 27928, 20th June. Trolly-pole ; H. A. Glass ; 28466, 20th September. Trolly-pole gear ; VV. Scott; 27321, 18th February. Troliy-pole-lowering device; A. R. Christian and E. A. Reynolds ; 27499, 24th March. Trolly-pole retriever ; A. R. Christian and E. A. Reynolds ; 27284, 10th February. Trolly-pole retriever; A. R. Christian and E. A. Reynolds; 27295, llth February. Trolly-pole retriever; A. R. Christian and E. A. Reynolds; 27344, 19th February. Trolly-pole retriever ; H. F. Heycock ; 28489, 23rd September. Trolly-wheel; A. R. Barrymore ; 28877, loth December. Class —Roads and Ways. Composition for roads, &c. ; J. S. Richardson; 28839, 7th December. Dust-laying method ; H. V. Drew ; 28895, 17th December. Road-construction; J.Wilson; 27310, 18th February. Road-surfacing ; M. A. Popkess ; 27269, sth February. Rut-tiller and shingle-adjuster; T. Bastin and J. McCarty ; 28341, 26th August. Stone-gathering machine ; A. Burnham ; 28321, 24th August. Stone-treatment; J. Hines ; 28735, 15th November. Street-sprinkler ; C. O'Malley ; 27953, 23rd June. Class—Seed-dressing, Chaff-cutting, and Threshing. Chaffcutter - feed; E. C. Winstanley; 27910, 18tt» June 1909.t Chaffcutter - feed regulating; H. S. Marks; 28058, 27th July, 1909.t Chaifc utter - knife mounting; R. VV. Hill; 27378, 2nd March. Chaffcutter-knife sharpening ; T. Stevenson and T. Falconer ; 27243, 3rd February. Seed-cleaner cylinder; VV. Andrews, A. VV. Beaven, and A. L. Bird; 28211, 4th August. Threshing-machine ; J. J. Broom by and VV. Peterson; 28925, 22nd December. Threshing-machine concave strip; VV. VV. Gaiger; 27968, 22nd June. Threshing - machine elevator ;A. Werner ; 28284, 17th August.




Threshing-machine sheaf-band cutter ; D. A. Ewing ; 28391, 7th September. Threshing-machine suction fan ; J. Greenslade ; 28722, 10th November. Threshing-mill belt-reel; W. Hamilton ; 27427, 12th March. Class — Seed-sowers. Fertilizer-pulverizing machine ; G. Honywood ; 27570, Uth April. Manure, liquid-, distributor; H. H. C. Schulze ; 28080, 15th July. Mixing machine, grain and fertilizer ; G. Honywood ; 27569, Uth April. Mixing machine, grain and fertilizer ; G. Honywood; 27655, 27th April. Potato-planter ; T. Balfour ; 28530, 4th October. Potato-planter; A. Moad and A. J. Jervie; 28746, 17th November. Seed-sower ; D. Stewart; 27193, 25th January. Seed-sower ; G. Hutchinson ; 27553, 9th April. Seed-sower; T. Cree and C. B. Higgs ; 27695, sth May. Seed-sower ; E. Moss ; 28301, 19th August. Seed-sower ; W. G. Gordon-Jones ; 28470, 21st September. Seed and fertilizer sower; Duplex Seed Drill Company Proprietory, Limited ; 28300, 19th August. Seed and fertilizer sower; J. Y. M. Comrie ; 28651, 31st October. Class — Sewing and Knitting. Knitting-machine ; W. H. Beale and H. 0. Hewett; 27157, 13th January. Sewing-machine ; F. J. T. and H. C. Bell; 28030, sth July. Sewing-machine ; W. J. Johnson ; 28085, 15th July. Sowing-machine ; W. J. Johnson ; 28086, 15th July. Sewing-machine attachment; E. L. Tillotson; 27596, 29th April, 1909. f Sewing-machine belting; M. Friar and V. C. Richards; 28380, 2nd September. - , Sewing-machine darning-attachment; P. Holton ; 28186, Ist August. Sewing-machine, boots. (See Class-—Boots and Shoes.) Class — Sheep and Cattle. Animal-feeding appliance ; R. E. Rose ; 27914, 18th June. Animal-feeding device ; V. Furphy ; 28429, Uth September. Animal-log fastener ; A. H. Hansen ; 27290, Uth February. Animal-leg fastener ; W. Chowen ; 27962, 24th June. Animals, throwing and securing; H. H. Wallace; 27262, Bth February. Beeswax foundation-comb; W. H. Reader; 28411, 12th September. Brooder ; J. M. Quinton ; 28240, llth August. Castrating-instrument; E.Hale; 27811, Ist June. Castrating - instrument; G. W. McKenzie; 28336, 25th August. Cattle-enclosure ; W. L. Boyce ; 28915, sth May.f Egg-laying recorder ; W. M. Boss ; 28147, 26th July. Feed-trough ; W. W. Mcßae ; 22283, 17th August. Hobble or hopple ; W. H. Denton ; 28370, 2nd September. Hobble or hopple ; W. R. Williams ; 28597, 4th November, 1909.f Lamb-searing appliance ; E. Hale ; 27416, llth March. Manger ; H. H. L. Parker ; 28050, Bth July. Manger ; T. M. Swinton ; 28614, 20th October. Pig-holder ; S. White ; 28742, 16th November. Poultry-feed box ; J. Stewart; 27152, llth January. Poultry-feed box ; P. W. M. Holt; 27800, 28th May. Poultry-nest; H. Irwin ; 27824, 4th June. Poultry foster-mother ; E. Shadgett;] 28560, Bth October. Sheep-dip ; W. G. Little ; 28213, 20th November, 1909. t Sheep-dip race ; A. J. Cameron ; 28516, 29th September. Class —Sheep Shearing and Clipping. Driving-gear, overhead ; F. J. S. Caverhill; 27798, 30th May. Machine-shears ; G. Massey ; 27461, 23rd March. Machine-shears; A. G. L. Neighbour; 27654, sth June, 1909-t Machine-shears ; G. Massey ; 28121, 21st July. Machine-shears; G. Massey; 28348, 30th August. Machine-shears ; J. Hind ; 28502, 28th September. Machine-shears; R. Falkiner and P. Boll; 28038, 6th December, 1909.f Machine-shears comb and cutter sharpener; W. J. Tinline ; 28099, 18th July. Machine-shears comb and cutter sharpener ; W. Southwell; 28557, 3rd October. Machine-shears comb and cutter sharpener; G. Brydon ; 28725, 10th November.

Class—Shop and Hotel Fittings. Aerating liquids; H. Pearce and W. Barratt; .27917, 28th June, 1909.t Aerated-water manufacture; A. V. Graham; 27547, 13th April. Aerating-machine ; J. Dixon and J. C. F. Lawrence ; 27743, 16th October, 1909.f Article-displaying device ; H. L. Day ; 28425, 13th September. Beer-dispenser; J. Berryman ; 27141, llth January. Carpet, &c., exhibiting apparatus; W. Franklin; 27676j 4th May. Cash receiving, storing, and delivering: M. T. Browne; 28403, Bth September. Cash-register; Imperial Cash Register Company, Limited ; 28889, 17th December. Liquid-delivery, socket and screw-plug ; J. Sharpe ; 27748, 18th May. Liquor-delivery in measured quantities; D. Griffiths and W. R. Wilthew ; 28565, llth October. Paper, twine, and label holder; W. W. Smith and A. C. Murray ; 28253, 13th August. Show-case, metal clip for; W. Hoyland; 27212, 28th January. Class — Stationery, Office Requisites, Bookbinding, &c. Arithmetic-teaching by tokens, &c. ; F. Lough; 28033, 4th July. Blotting-paper holder; L. W. Alexander; 28638, 25th October. Bookbinding ; D. Taylor ; 28667, 29th October. Book, loose-leaf ; H. M. Douglas ; 28794, 29th November. Book, loose-leaf ; E. S. Sibun ; 28831, 17th December, 1909.f Calendar, &c. ; W. J. Floessell; 28706, Ist December, 1909.t Counter-sales check-book ; C. B. Smith ; 27877, 9th June. Envelope. (See also Letter-sheet, Memorandum, Telegraph form.) Envelope ; R. N. Chubb ; 27149, 10th January. Envelope ; D. M. Paton ; 27554, Uth April. Envelope ; J. Schadick ; 27790, 26th May. Envelope ; R. A. 0. Walter ; 28676, 4th November. Envelope and letter-paper; 0. A. Bourbean; 28620, 22nd October. Envelope-sealing; P. N. M. MacDonald; 27140, llth January. File, document-; P. J. Gossling ; 27595, 20th April. File, document- ; P. J. Gossling ; 27696, 6th May. Fountain-pen ; E. G. Gresham ; 28182, 30th July. Invoice and account book ; F. Currie ; 28922, 22nd December. Ledger, &c. ; A. Robertson ; 27771, 24th May. Letter-card; A.Gray; 27874,'11th Juno. Letter form ;A. Gray ; 27862,'9th June. Letter-sheet and envelope ; A. Gray ; 27833, 7th June. Memorandum, despatch form and envelope; S. Salek. J. E. Ffrost, and A. Parker; 27625, 25th April. Music-holder; A. Simonson and G. King; 27287, 12th February. Order form, &c. ; F. W. B. Greville, A. McNeill, and D. L. Mclnnes ; 28212, 4th August, Paper-bag-making machine; C. L. de Jersey; 27241, l< _3rd February. Paper-folding device ; E. Moss ; 28329, 25th August. Paper folding, gumming, &c. ; S. Salek and J. E. Ffrost; 28157, 27th July. Paper holder and deliverer; R. Dunne ; 27807, 30th May. Paper holder and deliverer; R. Dunne and A. J. Park; 28450, 16th September. Paper-manufacture from wood; J. C. W. Stanley; 28749, Uth December, 1909.f Paper-tube machine ; Mono Service Vessels, Limited ; 27480, 30th March. Pen-nib reservoir attachment; J. Sharp, jun., and F. L. Peterson ; 28249, 12th August. Post-card, stereoscopic ; H. C. Gore ; 27142, llth January. Protractor, &c. ; W. M. Mackintosh and T. Walton ; 28663, 2nd November. Stamping, embossing, &c, machine; A. H. Wright; 27199, 25th January. Stamping, embossing, &c, machine; A. H. Wright; 27363, 25th February, h f~s,u efl Stamping, embossing, &c, machine; A. H. Wright; 27580, 16th April. Stamp supply and affixing machine ; P. G. E. Daniel and C. A. H. Bullock'; 28628, 25th October. Telegraph-form closure ; A. Gray ; 27891, Uth June. Telegraph form and envelope ; A. Gray ; 27884, 13th June. Telephone-tablet; A. Holden ; 28924, 21st December. Time and wages book ; J. E. Ffrost and S. Salek ; 28659, Ist November. Time-table; H.T.Davis; 28904, 20th December.




Time-table booklet : Harrison Printing Company, Limited ; 27818, 2nd Jun. Time-table, tram-car; H. Ashworth ; 28478, 23rd September. Water-colour-painting Hnishing process; W. H. Carter, jun. ; 28665, 2nd November. Wrapper for periodicals : S. Bart let t ; 28273. loth August. Class- Telegraphy and Telephony. Acoustical instrument; L. Lumiere; 28917, 30th December, 1909.t Electric-message transmission; H. Quertier; 27973. 25th June, Electric - oscillation production; ]•".. Phillips; 28661, 6th October. Electrical impulses, strengthening; E. Phillips; 27946,23rd June. Electrical-oscillation circuit ; E. Phillips; 27947, 23rd Juno. Electrical-oscillation variometer; E. Phillips; 27946, 23rd Juno. Electro-mechanical selector; E. G. Godfree; 27806. 31st May. Gramophone. (See Phonograph.) Phonograph : W. N. Dennison ; 28236, 18th August, 1909.t Phonograph; J. A. C. Garner; 28256, 13th August. Phonograph attachment ; S. F. Darragh ; 27455, 23rd March. Phonograph-diaphragm ; J. A. C. Garner; 28255, 13th August. Phonograph-horn ; F. Richardson ; 27729, 13th Mav. Phonograph-horn ; F. A. Boyd ; 28317, 23rd August. Phonograph-trumpet and amplifier; J. M. Landon ; 28204, 16th August. Phonograph-trumpet attachment; S. F. Darragh; 27455, 23rd March. Signal-receiving; British Radio Telegraph and Telephone Company, Limited, and J. G. Balsillie ; 28538, 7th October, 1909.t Signalling-apparatus ; VV. VV. Bicknell; 27292, Uth February. Talking-machine ; E. Nier and J. M. M. Ehmer ; 27492, Ist May, 1909.f Telegraph recorder; T. M. de Bingham ; 28130, 22nd July, 1909.f Telephone-conversation indicator; E. Kofoed; 28086, sth November. Telephone exchange; American Automatic Telephone Company ; 27976, 24th June. Telephone-mouthpiece attachment; S. A. Heap and G. W. Allan ; 27650, 28th April. Telephone system; American Automatic Telephone Company ; 27259, sth February. Wireless telegraphy. (See Signal-receiving.) Wireless telephone ; H. von Kramer; 28626, 25th October. Class —Tobacco. Cigar-holder; L. J. Rossiter; 27854, 15th June, 1909.t Tobacco-cutter; A. I. Edwards; 28119, 19th July. Tobacco-cutter; A. F. Howden ; 28750, 15th November. Tobacco-pipe; L. J. Rossiter; 27854, 15th June, 1909. f Tobacco-pipe; C. H. Johnston and W. A. Dark; 28200, 27th November, 1909.f Tobacco-pipe attachment; J. N. Cook; 27114, sth January. Class —Valves and Cocks. Cock, gas and water ; C. I'.". Hardley ; 28784, 24th November. Plug and valve ; A. Eckerslev ; 27184, 20th January. Tap ; F. W. Gough ; 27469, 24th March. Tap; J. Hurring; 27840, 6th Juno. Tap; A. E. Macindoo ; 28611, 18th October. Tap ; A. J. Billows ; 28847, 7th December. Tap-fitting; L. VV. Alexander; 27904, Uth Juno. Valve ; A. McLeod ; 27866, Bth June. Valve and gear; H. Berry and G. H. Mann ; 28075, 13th July. Valve and seat; J. C.JMav ; 28141, 22nd July. Valve, fluid-retaining ;A. V. Park; 27494, 20th May.f Valve, gas, cut-off; W. J. Tinline ; 28289, 18th August. Valve, steaming- ; F. J.lMcDonald ; 27343, 23rd March. Class —Vehicles. Arm-rest: A. E. King; 28504. 2Sth September. Axle ; J. L. Macdonald ; 27458, 23rd March. Axle ; W. Wilkinson ; 28802, 9th December. Brake; J. J. O'Doherty ; 27437, Uth March. Brake; A. I. Jones: 28066, 13th July. Brake ; Hupp .Motor-car Company ; 28166, 26th July. Brake ; J. R. C. Jones ; 28702, 7th November. Brake, automatic ;P. O'Donnoll and G. Marchesi; 28809, Ist December.

Brake, &c, pipe coupling ; J. Staffano ; 28797, 29th November. Brake-shoe'; Stromeyer Brake Shoe Company; 28398, 6th September. Brake-shoe fastening ; E. F. Bidder ; 28580, 13th October. Draught attachments to farm implements, Jfco, : \. Mutch : 28678, 4th November. Gig-frame; J. A. Berg ; 28135, 22nd July. Horse-hoc draught attachment; J. Bain: 27220, 28th January. Horse-holder; J. VV. Compton; 28818, 3rd December. Horse-yoke and draught-equalizer; T. J. Thomas; 27448, 19th' March. Lamp, securing, to vehicle; L. A. Nioholls; 27122, 6th January. .Motor-car; J. M. Grieve; 27352. 24th February. Motor-vehicle clutch; G. P. Mills; 28029, 23rd August, 1909.f Motor-vehicle gearing; H. P. Saunderson; 27934, 21st June. Push-cart, collapsible ; F. McLaughlin ; 27882, 13th June. Shaft-coupling; W. Perry and A. S. Jones; 28433, 17th January, f Shaft-coupling; Heli-Cushion Drive, Limited; 28434, Uth September. Spokes, hubs, &c, shrinkage prevention ; VV. Smith ; 27350, 21st February. Swingletree ;TJ. Franklin ; 27700, 7th May. Swingletree ;IW. Reeves ; 28790, 29th November. Swingletree ;§A. C. J. Wallace ; 28887, 16th December. Swingletree attachment ;H. T. Hill; 27182, 18th January. Swingletree-hook ; VV. R, Eade ; 28209, 4th August. Tipping-truck ; G. Tilsley ; 28881, 15th December. Trace-chain spreader ; J. j. Wellwood ; 27780, 27th May. Traction-engine gear-wheel ; F. and T. Dixon ; 28933, 29th December. Tire, metal-slide; C. A. Currie; 27027, 25th April. Tire-wheel; Safety Tiro Company ; 27802, 28th May. Tire-wheel; J. T. Sweetman ; 28419, 13th September. Tire-shrinking machine ; J. Bruce ; 27736, 13th May. Vehicle-controlling apparatus ; E. P. Wainwright and A. J. Rison ; 28586, 15th October. Vehicle, self-propelled ; H. P. Saunderson ; 27933, 21st Juno. Vehicle step-tread ; A. J. Woodham ; 28785, 26th November, Weather-shield for motor-car; H. H. White ; 27521, 2nd April. Wheel, metal; R. J. L. Hildyard ; 28613, 20th (Ictober. Wheel, vehicle-; C. Clegg ; 27371, Ist March. Wheel, vehicle-; H. P. Knutzen; 28295, 20th August. Wheel, vehicle- ; P. and D. Duncan, Limited ; 28655, 31st October. Wheelbarrow-bush ; J. Valentine ; 27821, 2nd June. Class—Vehicles (Velocipedes). Bicycle ; A. Moore ; 27325, 18th February. Bicycle cutlery-grinder, &c. ; F. E. Longdin ; 27341, 21st February. Bicycle, parcel attachment for ; A. J. Bell; 27703, 7th May. Bicycle, package-carrier for ; L.-B. Manufacturing Company; 28146, 23rd July. Material, wear-resisting ; J. Riddles ; 28569, 13th October. Monocycle, &c. ; H. P. Knutzen ; 28295, 20th August. Motor-cycle belt-drum ; H. L. Barker ; 28622, 24th October. Motor - cycle driving - mechanism ; B. S. Roberts and S. Dorsett; 27937, 21st June. Puncture - resisting material; G. Metcalfo: 27299, Uth February. Puncture-stopping composition ; G. Laut; 28001, 30th June. Saddle-cushion, pneumatic ; VV 7 . I. Aston and E. A. V. Aston ; 28913, 20th December. Speed-controller; K. F. Willkomin ; 28000, 18th October. Speed gear ; R. Ogilvie ; 27219, 31st January. Speed gear; T. Collins and L. H. Hartmann ; 27924, 20th June. Speed gear; T. Philips and H. E. Wilson; 28270, 15th August. Speed gear ; G. Mahlstedt; 28412, 13th September. Toe-strap for cycle-pedal; C. VV. Ford ; 27592. 18th April. Tire ; W. Morton ; 28228, Bth August. Tire; J. Brown; 28239, llth August. Tire-coVer ; Motor Tire Company ; 27002, 20th April. Tiro inner tube ; A. M. Perry ; 27165, 15th January. Tire metal slide ; C. A. Currie ; 27627, 25th April.' Tire - repairing device ; W. H. Trengrove ; 27470, 24th March. Tire, pneumatic; P. Doherty and VV. J. Bobbins ; Uth January. Tire, pneumatic; W. G. Y. Jones; 27409, 6th October, 1909-t Tire, pneumatic, leakage-prevention ; J. N. Bailey ; 27226, 12th February, 1009. f




Tire-protector ; W. R, Devereux and J. McCombs ; 27683, 4th May. Tire-pump ; E. C. Austin ; 28704, 9th November. Tire-pump; C. C. Sol wood and L. G. Roope; 28782, 25th November. Tire-pump connection ; H. B. Hughes ; 27123, Bth January. fire-pump valve; E. C. Austin : 28815, Ist December. Tire-pump look-clip ; W. Clarkson ; 27304, 28th February. Tire-tread; P. Magnus; 27130, Uth January. Tire-tread band; J. C. Berry; 28607, 19th October, 1909.f Tire-tread, detachable ; A. H. Hunt; 27959, 24th Juno. Tire tread and stud; J. Brown : 27545, llth April. Tire-tube ;H. August; 27620, 21st April. Tiro-valve ; A. V. Park ; 27494, 20th May, 1909.t Tiro, &c, wearing-material ; G. Metcalfe; 27623, 22nd April. Wheel, emergency ; A. E. Smith ; 27944. 22nd June. Wheel, motor-car ; H. Fannin ; 27129, 10th January. Wheel, motor-car; C. Gregan ; 28290, 17th August. Wheel-rim, motor-car; Captain Motor-wheel Company, Limited; 28549. Ith October. Wheel-removing; C. G. McKellar; 28046, 27th October. Wheel-velocipede; J. J. Stroud and R. F. Marshall; 2722), 27th January. Class—Ventilating. Fencing-post ventilator ; H. Allott; 28372, Ist September. Tunnel-ventilator ; J. Bulte and G. O. Cottam ; 27439, 16th March. Ventilator, air-pump ; C. E. Hardley ; 28795, 29th November. Ventilator, double-current ;H. I. M. Ross; 28699, 3rd November. Ventilator, greenhouse- ; M. McConkey ; 28834, 7th December. Window ventilator ; C. Chapman ; 28095, 15th July. Class -Washing and Cleansing. Bath ;S. G. VVhittall; 28235, 9th August. Bath ; <'. M. Burrell ; 28863, 10th December. Bath, &c. ; G. 11. Cliff; 28359, 31st August. Cleansing-fluid ; VV. G. Little ; 28213, 20th November, 1909.f Clothes-lifter ; J. Ross ; 27974, 25th June. Clothes-washer: P. S. Coozo ; 27613, 22nd April. Clothes-washer ; M. Kozloosky ; 28610, 18th October. Clothes-washer ; K. A. McGibbon ; 28819, 3rd December. Glass-washer; F. J. McDonald ; 27343, 23rd March. Iron, electric; J. C. P. Kirkwood; 28701, Bth November. Laundry-drainer ; A. E. Moore; 28363, llth July. Soap-manufacture ; R. Macpherson and VV. E. Heys ; 27740, 17th May. Soap-manufacture; G. Forsyth ; 27809, 31st May. Wash-board; E. Thaeter; 28934, 29th Decembor. Wash-boiler ; B. D. Sim ; 27581, 16th April. Washing-fluid ; W. and R. Bain ; 28654, 31st October. Washing-fluid ; R. D. Dansoy ; 28705, 9th November. Washing-machine; A.Fischer; 27147, 13th January. Washing-machine ; G. A. Smith ; 27526, Bth April. Washing-machine; The Saver Manufacturing Company; 27932, 20th Juno. Class -Water-supplying. Hydraulic-nozzle elevator ; J. Bruce ; 28648, 29th October. Pump, liquid-raising ; H. A. Humphrey ; 28014, 29th June. Tank ; J. 1). and A. McLaurin ; 28054, 12th July. Tank-cleaning ; D. H. Fian ; 28606, 15th October. Tank-flange ; S. V. Fulljamos ; 27205, 24th January. Tank, carrying away overflow ; H. VV. Davies; 28634, 26th October. Tank-overflow ; F. VV. Geary ; 28817, Ist December. Tank, rain-water ; J. D. andA. McLaurin ; 27764, 24th May. Class —Wearing-apparel. Blouse-fastener; J. MacLeod; 27334, 21st February. Blouse, &c, fastener ; H. Turner ; 28299, 19th August. Braces ; G. Nigro ; 28875, 13th December. Chalk-holder; A. J. Cumraings ; 28858, 7th December. Goat ; E. le Roy ; 27681, 3rd May. Collar ; J. D. Jensen and C. E. Holland ; 27490, Uth Septenibcr, 1909.J collar; A. H. Edwards; 28509, 28th September. Collar; F. W. Volk, jun., ami VV. Sigmont; 28510, 28th September. Collar; R. A. O. Walter; 28675. ith November.

Collar-attaching to shirts and blouses ;R. Massey-; 27358, 24th February. Corset; E. P. Hume ; 27271, Bth February. Corset; H. T. Sherwood ; 28334, 24th August. Corset; A. J. le Coutre ; 28852, 18th December, 1909.f Glove-manufacture ; G. H. Bailey ; 28474, 22nd September. Hair-pad ; G. H. Bavlis ; 28578,' 13th October. Hair-pin; F.Andrews; 28911, 19th December. Hanger, garment- ; F. Broad ; 28019, 2nd July. Hat-fastener ; G. H. Winders ; 27160, 12th January. Hat-fastener ; F. Andrews ; 28619, 21st October. Hat-fastener ; E. C. Piercy ; 28741, 16th November. Hat-pin ; H. W. Smith ; 27118, sth January. Hat-pin ; P. Verne ; 27127, 10th January. ' Hat-pin ; L. Dillimore ; 27203, 26th January. Hat-pin ; D. H. Harvey ; 27322, 18th February. Hat-pin; VV. Marton ;'27362, 26th February. Hat-pin ; J. Taucher ; 27382, 3rd March. Hat-pin ; VV. G. Joy and H. A. Corringham ; 27473, 22nd March. Hat-pin ; W. Burgess ; 27648, 28th April. Hat-pin ; W. H. Cook ; 27721, 12th May. Hat-pin ;A. S. O'Connor; 27722, 7th May. Hat-pin ; G. P. Hewlett; 27796, 30th May. Hat-pin ; M. Wilkinson ; 27843, Bth June. Hat-pin ;R. E. Fell; 27860, 9th June. Hat-pin ; T. Havard ; 28552, sth October. Hat-pin ; F. W. Clarkson ; 28727, llth November. Hat-pin ; W. G. Joy and H. A. Corringham ; 28921, 22nd December. Hat-pin-point protector ; G. VV. Phillips ; 27498, 30th March. Hat-pin-point protector; G. M. Thomson ; 27605, 21st April. Hat-pin-point protector ; F. Parry ; 28046, Bth July. Hat-pin-point protector ; D. Coghlan ; 28643, 27th October. Hat-pin-point protector; E. J. Banon ; 28660, 31st October. Hat-pin-point protector ; VV. Morton; 28912, 20th December. Hat-ventilator ; A. Budd ; 27191, 19th January. Legging-blocking machine; A. V. Philip ; 28088, Uth July. Pin ; R. G. Love ; 27985, 25th June. Purse; F. B. Clapcott; 28262, 15th August. Safetv-pin; W. Buhmann ; 27725, llth May. Socks, &c. ; A. C. J. Wallace ; 28886, 16th December. Stays, wire ; C. C. Coates ; 28849, (ith December. Suspenders; A. H. Leech ; 28837, 29th October, f Tie ; T. W. A. Hood and T. R. M. Glenvale ; 28496, 25th August, f Tie-attaching to collar; T. VV. A. Hood and T. R, M. Glenvale ; 28494, 15th August.t Tie-attaching to collar; T. W. A. Hood and T. R. M. Glenvale ; 28495, 25th August.t Trousers, &c. ; J. Murdoch ; 27609, 19th April. Trousers-stretcher ; H. B. Skertchly ; 27682, sth May. Umbrella ; G. B. Crawford and L. Clemesha; 28122, 21st July. Walking-stick attachment; H. J. A. Pyke; 27577, 15th April. Class—Wool and Hides. Grease-extracting from wool: C. B. Mayo; 27766, 24th May. Hide, &c, treatment; C. F. Lungley ; 28848, 7th December. Leather-manufacture ;C. Marriott and J. G. Mitchell; 27907, 16th June. Leather-manufacture ; C. Marriott and J. G. Mitchell; 27908, 16th June. Leather, &c, polishing ; Midas Limited ; 27465, 22nd March. Leather-treatment ; A. McLennan ; 27517, 26th April, 1909.t Leather, &c, treatment; F. G. Browne ; 28004, 30th Juno. Wool-classing chart; W. A. McNaught; 27400, 7th March. Wool-cleaning machine ; J. B. Milson ; 28729, llth November. Class—Miscellaneous Inventions. Fishing-line ; A. Costello ; 27406, 7th March. Flies, preventing, from settling ; C. Mills ; 27296, Uth February. Liquids, treatment of ; C. Neff and A. Brandes ; 27429, 15th March. Material, flexible, manufacture : A. T, Collier ; 28563, 12th October, 1909. t Material, wear-resisting ; G. Metcalfe ; 28000, 29th June. Rubber-moulding, &c. ; T. Gare; 28307, 23rd August. Rubber-production from vulcanized rubber ; S. R. Trevor ; 28579. 13th October. Rubber substitute ; R. Yarrow ; 28740, 10th November. Wood-pulp manufacture; J. C. W. Stanley; 28749, Uth December, 1909.f




(Note. —The class la put within parenthesis.) * Denotes a prior date under the International and Intercolonial Arrangements.

Abingdon - Ecco Limited, Birmingham, England; (13); 9147, Bth November. Abraham, P., and Co., London, England ; (42) ; 8621, 19th March. Abraham, P., and Co., London, England ; (42) ; 8784, 2nd Juno. Achard and Glotin (see M. Brizard and M. B. Glotin). Actien-Goscllschaft fiir Mechanische Holzbearbeitung A. M. Luther, Reval, Russia ; (50); 8796, 10th June. Adams and Elting Company, Chicago, United States America; (50); 9216, 7th December. Addis, R., and Sons, London, England; (50); 9240, 12th December. Alabastino Company (British), Limited, London, England; (1); 8560, 8561, 8562, 15th February. Alaska Packers' Association, San Francisco, I'nited States America; (42); 9206, 9207, 9208, 9209, 9210, 9211, 6th December. Albert, J., and Son, Sydney, New South Wales; (8) ; 8668, 7th April. Allen, W. G., " W. G. Allen and C0.," Auckland, New Zoaland ; (39); 9242, Uth December. Allen, W. G., and Co. (see W. G. Allen). American Axe and Tool Company, Pittsburg. I'nited States America; (12); 8794, 9th June. American Dehydrating Company, Waukesha. I'nited States America ; (42) ; 9010, 10th September. American Horticultural Distributing Company, Martinsburg, United States America ; (2) ; 8778. 31st May. Anderson, W. A., Vancouver. British Columbia: (42); 9173, 23rd November. Andrews, F., Morcor, New Zealand ; (1) ; 8633, 30th March. Angier Chemical Company, Limited, London, England ; (3); 9069, 4th October. Ansonia Clock Company, New York, United States America ; (10); 9221, 7th December. Aqu.'.scutum Limited, London, England ; (38) ; 9066, 4th October. Ardley, A., Melbourne, Victoria ; (48); 8670, 12th April. Arthur, J. C, Opotiki, Now Zealand ; (39); 9184, 24th November. Ashburton Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited, Ashburton, New Zealand ; (42); 9258, 29th December. Ashcroft. R. H., Auckland. Now Zealand ; (39) ; 8975, 31st Aucust. A. S. Hurum Fabriker, Jeloen. Norway; (50); 9251, 20th December. Auckland Cake Company, Auckland, Now Zealand ; (42); 8770, 27th May. Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company, Limited, Auckland, New Zealand ; (42) ; 9285, 29th December. Austin Motor Company, Limited, Northfield, England ; (22); 9086, 13th October. Australian Kodak, Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (39) ; 8811, 15th June. Australian Kodak, Limited. Wellington, New Zealand; (1); 8947. 15th August, Ayson, VV'. S.. Dunedin, Now Zoaland; (2); 8552, 12th February. Badham, C. J., Dunedin, Now Zealand ; (30) ; 8949, 17th August. Badham, C. J., Dunedin, Now Zealand; (50); 9083, 13th October. Badham, C. J., Dunedin, Now Zealand; (50); 9116, 24th October. Bain, W. and R.. Dunedin, Now Zoaland ; (47) ; 9136, 31st October. Baldwins Limited. Swansea, Wales; (5); 9138, 9139, 2nd November. Baldwins Limited, Swansea, Wales; (5); 9178, 9179, 9180, 9181, 9182, 23rd November. Balfour, Guthrie, and Co., Limited, San Francisco, United States America ; (42); 9241, 12th December. Ball Bros, and Co., Sheflield. England; (7), (12); 8475, 8476, 4th January. Barclay, W. H., and anothor. Dunedin, New Zealand ; (24); 8817, 17th Juno. Barclay, W. H., and another. ' Kirkpatrick and Barclay,'' Dunedin, New Zealand ; (27), (38); 9152, 9153, Uth November. Barker Bros., Limited, Silversmiths. Birmingham. England ; (14); 8644, 6th April.

Barling, 8., and Sons, London, England; (50); 8720. llth May. Barnett, Samuel, and Sons, Limited, London, England ; (8) ; 9159, 15th November. Barnett, Samuel, and Sons, Limited, London, England ; (8); 9186, 9187, 9188, 25th November. Barraud and Abraham. Limited. Palmerston North, Feilding, and Dannevirkc. New Zealand ; (2); 9085, 13th October. Bartram, J., and Son. Melbourne, Victoria; (2); 8996, 6th September. Bary (see De Bary). Bataafsche Petroloum-Maatschappij, The Hague, Holland; (4); 8653, 8655, 6th April. Bataafsche Potroleum-Maatschappij, The Hague, Holland ; (47); 8654, 8656, 8657, 8658, 8659, 8660, 8661, 8662, 8663, 6th April. Bates, J. VV., Hastings, New Zoaland; (2); 9010, 12th September. Battle and Co., Chemists' Corporation, St. Louis, United States America; (3); 8694, 8695, 8696, 8697, 27th April. Baylis, G. H, Wellington. New Zealand; (50); 9215, 7th December. Baylis, G. H, Wellington, New Zealand ; (50) ; 9243, Uth December. Bennett and Wood. Limited. Sydney, Now South Wales; (22), (40); 9248. 9249, 19th December. Bennett, G. W„ Christchurch, New Zealand; (1): 8751, 8752, 21st May; (39); 8753. 23rd May. Bennett. G. W., Christohurch, Now Zealand; (2); 9008, 9th September. Benton and Stone. Birmingham, England ; (13); 9230, 12th December. Berger, J.. Wellington. New Zealand ; (39) ; 8506, 19th January. Best, CM., Auckland. Now Zealand; (50); 8869, 12th July. Best, S. J., and Co., Auckland, Now Zealand; (1); 8799, 13th Juno. Best, S. J., and Co., Auckland, Now Zealand: (1); 9200. 9201, sth December. Bishop, L. E., and others. Christohurch, New Zoaland ; (3); 9150, 10th November. Black, R. S., Dunedin, Now Zoaland; (13); 8544, Bth February. Blau, J., and Sons, Sydney, New South Wales ; (11); 8727, 12th May. Bluemol, C. VV.. and Bros., Woolston, England ; (50); 8716, 3rd May. Boako, A., Roberts and Co., Limited, London, England ; (42); 8546, 9th February. Boko Company (sec H. O. Wiles). Booker Tobacco Company, Lynchburg, I'nited States America; (45); 8622, 19th March. Borsalino, Guiseppo E. Fratollo Societa Anonima, Alessandria, Italy; (38); 9028, Uth September. Bosch Magneto Company, Limited, London. England; (6); 8589, 8590, 4th March.' Brass, W.. London, England ; (3), (48); 8945, 8946, 15th August. Bray Bros., Wellington, Now Zealand ; (42); 8725, 8726. 12th May. Bray, G„ and Co., Limited, Leeds, England; (13); 8721, llth May. Bredell Compositions Company of the Pacific Coast, San Francisco, I'nited States America: (I): 9231. 12th December. Breese, W. G., Onehunga, Now Zealand; (37); 8780, Ist June. Breese, W. G., Onehunga, Now Zoaland; (1); 9055, 27th September. Brett Printing and Publishing Company, Limited, Auckland. New Zealand ; (39); 8554, 8555, Uth February. Briscoe and Co.. Limited, Wellington, Now Zealand ; (20) ; 8761, 24th May. Briscoe and Co., Limited, Wellington, Now Zoaland; (5), (13), (17); 9045. 9046. 9047. 21st September. British-American Tobacco Company. Limited, London, England ; (45) ; 8669, 9th April. British-American Tobacoo Company, Limited, London, England ; (471; 9049, 22nd September. British-American Tobacco Company, Limited. London, England ; (45); 9059, 30th September. British Anti-fouling Composition and Paint Company, Limited, London, England ; (1); 8615, 12th Maroh.




British and Colonial Lighting Company, Limited, London, England ; (18); 8810, 15th Juno. British and Colonial Aeroplane Company, Limited, Bristol, England ; (6) ; 8854, 7th July. British Imperial Oil Company, Limited, London, England ; (4), 8733; (47), 8734, 8735, 8736, 8737, 17th May.' British Imperial Oil Company, Limited, London, England ; (47); 9029, 9030, Uth September. Brizard, M., and another, Achard and Glotin," Bordeaux, Franco ; (43) ; 8498, 18th January. Brooks, J. 8., and Co., Limited, Birmingham. England ; (37); 8714. 8715, 3rd May. Brooks, J. 8.. and Co., Limited, Birmingham, England ; (49) ; 8937, 9th August. Bryant and Co., Limited. Napier, Now Zoaland; (42); 8679, i sth April. Bryant and Co., Limited, Napier. New Zealand ; (42); 9160, 17th November. Bryant and May, 801l and Co., Limited, Wellington, Now ■ Zealand ; (47) ; 9185, 24th November. Buchanan, A., Palmerston North. New Zealand ; (42); 8785, 2nd June. Buchanan, J., and Bros.. Limited, Glasgow, Scotland ; (42); ; 9119, 25th October. Bullock, A. J., Auckland. New Zoaland; (18); 8952, 18th August. Bullock, VV. J., Dunedin, New Zoaland; (2); 9053. 27th September. Bullock, VV. J., Dunedin, Now Zoaland; (2); 9172, 23rd November. Burroughs, Welloome, and Co. (see H. S. Wellcome). Burson, H, and Sons. Christohurch. Now Zealand; (50); 8819, 18th Juno. Burt, A. and T., Limited. Dunedin and elsewhere, Now Zealand ; (13). (18) ; 8982, 8983, Ist September. Burt. A. and i\. Limited, Dunedin and elsewhere, Now Zealand ; (40) ; 9177, 23rd November. Buzacott and Co., Limited, Sydney, New South Wales; (7); 8951, 17th August, Cameron, B. W., and Co.. Wellington, Now Zealand; (50);, 8629, 2 Ith March. Cameron, R. W., and Co., Sydney, Now South Wales, and elsewhere ; (47); 9087, 9088, 13th October. Caravonica Cotton Company, Limited, London, England ; (4); 8478, 4th January. Carborundum Company, Niagara Falls, United States America; (50) ; 9169, 21st November. ' Carter. .!., and I 0., London, England ; (46) ; 8708, 3rd May. Carter, R. H., Katikati, New Zealand; (12); 9044, 21st September. Garter, W., Winton, New Zoaland; (22); 9191, 28th November. Castle, F. and C. G., Wellington, New Zealand : (48) ; 8755, 24th May. Castro (see Do Castro). Cathie and Sons, Limited. Wellington, New Zoaland ; (38) ; 8877, Uth July. Cathie and Sons, Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (38); 8948, 15th August. Cerebos Limited, Greatham, England; (42); 8682, 19th April. Chambers. 8.. Havelock North, Now Zealand: (43); 8818, 17th Juno. Champion and Sloe, Limited, Ijondon, England ; (42); 1 8627, 8628, 24th March. Chapman, W. H„ Wellington, New Zoaland ; (47); 8865, Bth July. Chatterton, S., lOllerslie. New Zealand; (50); 9057, 29th i September C'hemischo Fabrik, Dr. R. Schouble und Dr. A. Hochstetter, Tribuswinkel, Austria; (3); 8493, 13th January. Chemische Fabrik, Dr. R. Scheuble und Dr. A. Hochstetter. Tribuswinkel. Austria ; (3); 9161, 17th November. Ghipman Limited, New York, United States America, and Sydney, Now South Wales ; (6) ; 8699, 8700, 27th April. Chipman Limited, New Vork, United States America, and Sydney, Now South Wales; (17); 9148,9149, 10th November. Chipman Limited, New York, United States America, and Sydney, New South Wales, and elsewhere ; (50); 9220. 7th December. Chipman Limited, New 'Vork. I'nited States America, and Svdnej-, New South Wales, and elsewhere : (6) ; 9282, 29th December. Christie Bros. (T. and W.), Gore, New Zealand ; (22) ; 9066, 28th September. " Citex " Fire Extinguisher Company, Limited, London. England ; (6); 9075, 6th October. Claringbull, H. G. W., Richmond, Victoria; (3); 8813, 16th Juno.

Clark, *R. 1., and Co. (Australasia), Limited, Sydney, New "JSouth Wales; (1); 8490, 8491, 8492, 13th January; (1); ' 8514, 25th January ; (1); 8531, Ist February ; (1)'; 8783. 2nd Juno; (1); 8795, 9th June; (1); 8895, 19th July; (1); 8976, 31st August; (1); 9142, 3rd November. ' Clarkson, W. 8., and Sons, Riccarton, Now Zealand ; (42) ; 9125, 25th October. Clay, J. H., Wanganui. Now Zoaland ; (48); 8787, 6th Juno. Clement Talbot, Limited. London. England ; (22); 8788. 8789, 6th June. Cocks, A., and Co., Limited, Wellington, Now Zoaland ; (14), (10); 9286, 9287, 30th December. Cole, P., Christchurch. Now Zealand : (60): 8563, 16th February. Collie. R.,' and Co., Melbourne, Victoria : (39) ; 9198, Ist December. Collior, A. W., London, England ; (39); 9268, 29th December. • Columbia Phonograph Company (General), New York, United States America ; (8); 8678,' Uth April. Commercial Cars, Limited. London, England: (22); 9196, Ist December. Consol Automatic Aerators. Limited, London, England : (6). (42): 8980, 8981, Ist September. Cook, E., and Co., Limited, London, England ; (2); 8960, 23rd August, Cooper, Garrard, and Co., Wellington, Now Zoaland; (1); 9031. 14th September. Corban, A. A„ Henderson, New Zealand ; (47); 8775, 30th May. Cotton, F. H., Christchurch. New Zealand ; (50) ; 8526. 28th January. Court, G., and Sons, Limited, Auckland, Now Zealand ; (38), 9246. 16th Decembor. Courvoisier Limited. Jarnao, France; (43); 8499, 18th January. Craig and Aitken, Sydney, New South Wales; (48); 8487, 13th January. Cravenette Company, Limited, Bradford, England; (24), 8824; (31), 8825;' (34), 8826; (38), 8827 ; 21st June. Crockett and Jones, Northampton, England ; (60); 8527, 8528, Ist February. Cronin, E. J. D., Auckland, New Zoaland ; (3); 8844, 27th Juno. Cronin, E. J. D., Auckland, New Zealand; (3); 8906, 26th July. Crown Porfumery Company, London, England ; (48); 9189. 25th November. Cuming, Smith, and Co., Proprietary, Limited. Melbourne. Victoria ; (2); 8899. 26th July. Dais}- Vacuum Cleaner Company, Limited. Birmingham, England ; (6); 9101, 18th October. Darvall, G. W., Wellington, Now Zealand ; (60) ; 9103. 19th November. Darvall, G. W., Wellington. Now Zoaland ; (50); 9214, 7th December. Davies, H. W., and Co., Wellington, New Zealand; (18); 8532, 2nd February. Do Bary (see G. H. Mumm ami Co.). De Cas'tro, J. W.. Masterton. Now Zealand : (2) ; 9126, 26th October. Delacour Bros., Limited. London. England : (50) ; 8489, 13th January. ! Delacour Bros., Limited. London, England ; (50); 9127, 26th October. Demuth, R., London, England ; (3); 9084, 13th October. Denman, T., and Co., London, England; (2); 9213, 7th December. Dennison, P., " Dennison Watch-case Company," Handsworth. England; (13), 8757; (14), 8758. 8759.'8760; 24th May. Dennison Watch-case Company (see F. Dennison). . Dent, Allcroft, and Co., London, England ; (38) ; 8933, 6th August. Dewsbury, J., and Son., Walsall. England ; (14); 8872, 12th Julv. Dil, VV. J., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (50); 9116, 24th October. Dingo Medicine Company (see R. A. Dutton and E. Dutton). Dixon, E. S., Palmerston North, Now Zealand ; (42); 8690, 22nd April. Donaghy's Rope and Twine Company, Limited, Dunedin and elsewhere, New Zealand; (50); 9128, 9129, 9130, 9131. 9132, 29th October. Dooley, M., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (2); 8539, 4th February ; (3); 8581, 26th February. Drapery and General Importing Company of Now Zealand, Limited. Wellington, Now Zealand : (6) ; 9104, 19th (tetober. Duckworth and Co. (see VV. Duckworth). Duckworth, W., "Duckworth and C0.," Manchester, Kngland ; (42), (44); 9067, 9068, 4th October,


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Dudlield, VV. G.. Melbourne, Victoria; (34); 8916, 29th July. Dufaur, E. 8., Auckland, New Zoaland ; (43); 0284, 29th December. Dunand, J. E., Versoix, Switzerland, and London, England ; (6); 8665, 6th April. Dunlop Rubber Company of Australasia, Limited. Melbourne, Victoria; (50). 9003.' 9005 : (40). 9001. 9002, 9004 ; 7th September. Dunlop Rubber Company of Australasia, Limited. Melbourne, Victoria ; (60) ; 9203, 6th December. Dunlop Rubber Company of Australasia, Limited, Melbourne Victoria; (60), 9269:' (38). 9271. 9273, 9275; (40), 9270, 9272, 9270, 9278: (50), 9274, 9277; 29th December. Dunne. E. 1).. and another, Danncvirke. New Zoaland; (3); 9015, 12th September. Dutton, E., and another, " Dingo Medicine Company," Auokland, New Zealand; (3); 8875, Uth July. Dutton, R. A., and another, "Dingo Modieine Company," Auckland. New Zealand : (3); 8875, Uth July. Eagle Pencil Company, New Vork. I'nited States America; (8), (12), (39); 8510, 8511, 8512, 25th January. Earlio, Scott, und Co., Limited. London. England j (38); 9146, 4th November. Edgarton, C. A., Manufacturing Company, Shirley, United States America; (38), 8692. 27th April; (38), 8834, 23rd June. Edgarton, C. A.. Manufacturing Company, Shirley. United States America ; (38); 8896, 21st July.' Edgarton. ('. A.. Manufacturing Company, Shirley. I'nited Siai,. America; (38); 8987, 2nd September. Edwards, R. G.. " Edwards's Harlcne Company," London, England ; (18); 8808, 15th Juno. Edwards's Harlene Company (sec R. G. Edwards). Eisendrath, J. N., Company, Chicago. I'nited Slates America; (38) ; 8833. 23rd Juno. ' Ellingham and Co.. Limited, Auckland. Now Zealand ; (39), 8914; (47), 8915; 28th July. Ellingham and Co., Limited. Auokland, New Zoaland; (39), (42); 8963, 8964, 18th August. Ellis and Manton. Wellington. New Zealand ; (47); 8556, Uth February. Ellis and Manton. Wellington, New Zealand ; (47); 8717, 3rd M Ellis ami Manton, Wellington. New Zoaland; (47); 8913, 27th July. Ellis and Manton. Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 8944, 12th August. Ellis and Manton. Wellington. New Zealand ; (47); 9043, 21st September. Ellis and Manton. Wellington, Now Zealand; (47); 9099, 17th October. Ellis and Manton. Wellington. Now Zealand; (47); 9154, 14th November. Emery. J. M.. Trentham, New Zealand ; (50); 8616, 12th March. Eureka Milking-machine Company, Auckland. Now Zoaland ; (7) ; 8800. Uth June. Evans, P. and S.. and Co.. Limited, Bristol, England; (37); 8529, Ist February. Extruded Metals Company, Limited, London, England ; (5); 8635, 30th .March. Farr, F. W.. Cogenhoe, England ; (38); 8031. 29th March. Fassett and Johnson. Loudon. England ; (3), 8516. 8517, 26th January ; (3). 8689, 20th April. Fenton, j. W.. Abbotsford, Now Zealand: (3); 8969, 29th August. Ferguson. .!.. and Co.. Glasgow, Scotland; (43). (45); 8878, 8879, 16th July. Fernandez, Medina, and Co.. Habana, Cuba; (45); 8841, 8842, 27th Juno. Ferrubron Manufacturing Company, Limited. London, England; (1) ; 9197. Ist December. Field ami Co., Fruit-merchants, Limited, London, England; (42) ; 8533. 5531. 8535, 3rd February. Firth, Mosse, and Co., Auckland. New Zealand ; (1) ; 9027, 14th September, Fitzroy Tanning Company. Limited, New Plymouth, New Zealand ; (37); 8997, 6th September. Fletcher, Humphreys, and Co., Christchurch, New Zealand; (42) ; 8472, Bth January. Fletcher. J., and another. " Imporvos Manufacturing Company," Wellington, New Zealand ; (1) ; 8848, 2nd July. Fletcher, W., Auckland, New Zoaland ; (39); 9060, 30th September. Fluenzol Proprietary, Wellington, New Zealand ; (3); 9253, 21st December. Forslcr, T. W., Wellington, Now Zealand (1) ; 8728, 12th May-

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Forsyth, G., Christchurch. Now Zealand ; (47); 8957, 22nd August. Foster, McClelland, and Co., Sydney, New South Wales; (3) ; 8500, 8567, 8568, 17th February. Freeman, E. G., " The Irisilvio Company," Birmingham, land ; (14); 8620, 18th March. Freshwater, J., and Co., Limited, London, England ; (38) ; 8749, 21 si May. Fritz Erie, Gesellschaft m.b.H.. Cologne-Nippes, Germanv; (42), (44); 8508, 8509. 19th January. FroOd (see Hel belt l-'rood). Frossard, Levic, and Co. (sec F. Levio). Gardiner, F. W.. Wellington. New Zoaland; (9); 9194, Ist December. Garland Limited. Auckland, Now Zoaland; (42); 8972, 30th August, Garland Limited, Auckland. New Zealand; (42) ; 8999, 9000, 7th September. Garland Limited, Auckland, New Zealand; (42) ; 9061, Ist October. Garnett, G., and Sons. Limited, Apperley Bridge, England ; (34), 8671, 8673; (38), 8672, 8674; 12th April. Garnett, G., and Sons, Limited. Apperley Bridge, England; (34), (38). (39), (50); 9200, 9207, 9268, 9269, 29th December. Garroway, R., Wellington, Now Zoaland; (42); 8849, 4th July. Carton, Hill, and Co., Battersea, England ; (42); 9135, 31st October. Gauntlett, R. J., "Marathon Photographic Company," Auckland. New Zealand ; (1); 8968, 29th August. (ieneral Electric Company, New York, United States America ; (13) ; 8641, 29th December, 1909.* (teorge Street Ironmongery Company, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (12); 8846, 29th June' i leorge Street Ironmonger}' Company, Dunedin, Now Zoaland ; (14); 8882, 16th Jul}'. Gilbcrd. J. 8., and Sons. Limited. Wanganui, Now Zealand ; (47); 8010, 10th March. Gilbcrd, J. 8., and Sons. Limited. Wanganui, New Zealand ; (47) ; 8868, Uth July. Gilberd, J. 8., and Sons, Limited, Wanganui, New Zealand ; (47); 9034, 16th September. Gilberd, J. 8., and Sons, Limited, Wanganui, New Zealand ; (47); 9063, 3rd October. Gilmour and Bardsley, Wellington, New Zealand ; (50), (42); 8729, 8730, 13th May. Gilmour, D. H., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (42); 8974, 31st August. Glotin, M. 8., and another, " Achard and Glotin," Bordeaux, Prance ; (43); 8498, 18th January. Gnosill, F., "J. Gnosill and Son," Walsall, England; (13); 8484, 13th January. Gnosill, J., and Son (see F. Gnosill). Goddard. 11. A.. Brisbane, Queensland; (3); 9007, Bth September. Gramophone Company. Limited, London, England; (8) ; 8779, 31st May. Gramophone Company. Limited. London, England ; (8); 8956, 19th August. Grant Bros, (sec W. L. Oldman). Granville. J., Wanganui, Now Zoaland; (43); 8786, 4th June. Greer, W.. and Co., Limited, Glasgow, Scotland; (43); 9199, 2nd December. Grubner, A. K., Pongaroa, New Zealand ; (42) ; 9171, 23rd November. Guinness, A.. Son, and Co., Limited, London, England, and Dublin. Ireland; (43); 8874. 12th July. Hallonstoin Bros., Limited, Dunedin and elsewhere, New Zealand ; (38) ; 9250, 19th December. Halsey, E. C, Christchurch, New Zealand ; (42); 9170, 21st November. Hancock and Co. (New Zoaland), Limited, Auckland, New Zealand ; (43); 9162, 18th November. Hannov Gummi-Kamm Company A. G., Hannover-Limmer, Germany ; (40); 8940, 8941, 8942, llth August. Hargreaves Bros, and Co., Limited. Hull, England ; (50) 9255, 23rd December. Harper, R., and Co. Proprietary, Limited, Melbourne, Victoria ; (42), 8540 ; (47), 8541 ; 4th February. Harris and Bastin, Limited. Wellington, New Zealand ; (2); 8973, 30th August. Harris and Bastin, Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (2) 8984, Ist September. Harris and Bastin, Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (2) ; 9039, 19th September. Hart, H., Koromiko, New Zealand, " Hello Washing-powder Company," Wellington, New Zealand ; (47); 9133, 29th October.

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Hartmann, K., Gesellschaft mit beschranktor Haftung, Berlin, Germany ; (3); 8702, 27th April. Hawke's Bay Soap and Tannery Company, Limited, Napier, New Zoaland; (47); 9143, 4th November. Hayman, P., and Co., Wellington, New Zealand ; (9); 8505, 18th January. Hayman, P., and Co., Wellington, New Zealand ; (9); 8557, 15th February. Hayman, P., and Co., Wellington, New Zealand ; (39); 8931, sth August. Hayman, P., and Co., Wellington, New Zealand ; (45); 8988, 8989, 8990, 8991, 8992, 3rd September. Hayman, P., and Co., Wellington, Now Zoaland ; (45) ; 9190. 25th November. Healing, A. C, and Co., Christchurch, Now Zealand ; (40); 8866, 8867, 9th July. Healy, P., Makara, New Zoaland ; (44); 8680, 18th April. Heide, H., New York, United States America ; (42); 9222, 7th December. Hello Washing-powder Company (see H. Hart). Henderson, W. P., Palmerston North, New Zealand ; (48); 8547, 9th February. Henry, F., "T. and VV. Henry," Manchester, England ; (3) ; 8929, sth August. Henry, T. and VV. (see F. Henry). Henshaw, E., Wellington, Now Zealand; (50); 9192, 29th November. Hepton Bros., Limited, Leeds, England ; (38); 8828, 8829, 21st June. Herbert Frood Company, Limited, Chapol-on-10-Frith, England ; (50); 8586, Ist March. Hilbert, M., Hamburg, Germany ; (44); 8503, 18th January. Hilbert, M., Hamburg, Germany ; (44); 8873, 12th July. Hill, H. G., Wellington, New Zealand ; (42) ; 8927, 8928, 3rd August. Hill and Barton, Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 8979, Ist September. Hill and Barton, Limited, Wellington, Now Zoaland ; (42); 9090, 9091, Uth October. Hill and Barton, Limited, Wellington, Now Zealand ; (42); 9092, 9093, 15th October. Hirschhoni, J., Berlin, Germany; (50), (13); 8742, 8743, 17th May. Hoboken (see Van Hoboken). Hochstetter, Dr. A. (see Chomische Fabrik). Hodder and Tolloy, Limited. Palmerston North, New Zealand ; (2), (46); 8642, 8643, 6th April. Holzapfcls Limited, Newcastle -on - Tvne, England; (1); 9120, 9121, 9122, 9123, 9124, 25th October. Holzapfcls Limited, Newcastle -on - Tyno, England; (1); 9252, 20th December. Homophon Company, G.m.b.H., Berlin, Germany; (8); 8745, 18th May. Honywood, G., Dunedin, New Zoaland ; (6) ; 8847, Ist July. Hosking, A., and another, Palmerston North, Now Zealand ; (7); 8922, 30th July. Howatt, W. J., Sydney, New South Wales ; (40), (50); 9112, 9113, 21st October. Hughes, A. C, and Co., Sydney, New South Wales; (1) ; 8836, 23rd June. Hughes, A. C, and Co., Sydney, New South Wales ; (50); 8993, sth September. Hughes, A. C, and Co., Sydney, New South Wales ; (50); 9032, 9033, 15th September. Hughes, A. C, and Co., Sydney, New South Wales: (50); 9036, 17th September. ' Humphries, A. H. and A. E., Melbourne. Victoria; (42); 8907, 8908. 8909, 8910, 8911, 27th July. Hunter, J., and Son, Limited. Sydney, New South Wales; (38); 8998, 7th September. Hupp Motor-car Company, Detroit, United States America; (22); 9048, 22nd September. Hutchinson Bros., Limited, Auckland, New Zealand ; (3), (42), (47); 8964, 8965, 8966, 26th August. lllingworth, W., Wellington, New Zealand; (2); 8596, 7th March. Imperial Light, Limited, London, England; (1). (18); 8592, 8593, sth March. Imperial Tobacco Company (of Great Britain and Ireland), Limited, Bedminstor, England ; (50); 8698, 27th April. " Impervos Manufacturing Company " see E. Nuttall and J. Fletcher). International White Cross Milk Company, Now York, United States America ; (42); 8767, 26th May. Irish Industrial Development Association (Incorporated), Cork, Ireland ; (43); 8477, 4th January. Irisilvic Compa. y (see E. G. Freeman). Irvine and Stevenson's, St, Georgo Company, Limited, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (42); 8524, 27th January. I X L Washing-powder Company (see P. C. Triggs).

Joblin, E. J., Stratford, New Zealand; (2); 8473. 10th January. Johnson, W. W. and R., and Sons (see Locke, Lancaster, &c.). Johnson and Sons, Manufacturing Chemists, Limited, London, England; (I); 8634, 30th March. Johnstone, W. L., and another, Palmerston North. Now Zealand ; (7); 8922, 30th July. Jones, J. C, Christchurch, New Zealand ; (3); 8482, sth January. Jones Bros., Limited, Manchester. England : (24); 8861, 7th July. Jones Bros, and Co., Wolverhampton, Limited, Wolverhampton, England ; (13); 9164, 21st Novembor. Joosten and Murie, Wellington, New Zealand: (10); 9155, 9156, 9157, Uth November. Kent, A. S., and anothor. Petone, New Zoaland ; (42); 8932, 6th August. Kernot, A. E., Wellington. New Zealand; (43); 8798, loth Juno. Kernot, A. E., Wellington, Now Zoaland ; (43) ; 8925, 2nd August. Kerr and Co., Limited, Paisley, Scotland ; (23) ; 8666, 8667, 6th April. King, N. H., Feilding, Now Zealand ; (48) ; 8509, 18th February. King, P., Auckland, New Zealand ; (38); 8576,215t February. Kingsley Service, Auckland, Now Zealand ; (50) ; 8626. 23rd March. Kirkpatrick, J. S., and anothor. " Kirkpatrick and Barclay," Dunedin, New Zealand ; (24) ; 8817, 17th June. Kirkpatrick. J. S., and another. " Kirkpatrick and Barclay," Dunedin, New Zealand; (27), (38); 9152, 9153, Uth November. Kirkpatrick and Barclay (see J. S. Kirkpatrick and W. H. Barclay). Kirkpatrick, S., and Co., Limited, Nelson. Now Zealand ; (42); 9102, 18th October. Klingo Manufacturing Company, Nelson, Now Zealand ; (50); 8744, 17th May. Klingo Manufacturing Company, Nelson, New Zoaland ; (2) ; 8777, 31st May. Kolok Manufacturing Company, Limited. London. England ; (39) ; 9204, 9205, 6th December. Kolvnos Incorporated, Now Haven, United States America : (48); 9064, 4th October. Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Exploitatie Van Petroleum Bronnon in Nederlandsche Indie. The Hague, Holland ; (47); 8645. 8046. 8647, 8648, 8649, 8650, 8651, 6th April. Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Exploitatie Van Petroleum Bronncn in Nederlandsche Indie, The Hague, Holland ; (4); 8652, 6th April. Koppelman, M., New York, United States America ; (38) ; 8731, 13th May. Kura-Kut Manufacturing Company. Panmure, Now Zealand; (3); 9006, Bth September. Kura-Kut Manufacturing Company, Panmure. Nov Zealand ; (2); 9050, 23rd September. Kyl-Fyre Limited. Eastbourne, England ; (50): 8488, 13th January. Lucre Motor-car Company, Limited, London, England ; (6), (13), (22), (40) ; 8709, 8710, 8711, 8712, 3rd May. Langdown and Son, Limited, Christchurch. New Zealand; (42); 8950, 17th August. Langdown and Son, Limited, Christchurch, New Zoaland; (42); 9229, 10th December. Langguth and Co., Auckland, New Zoaland : (42), (43); 8850, 8851, sth July. Lea and Perrins, Worcester, England; (42); 9174, 23rd November. Lea, R. J., Limited, Manchester, England ; (45); 8923, 30th July. Loaning, E. E., Auckland, New Zoaland; (38); 9151, 12th November. Leethem, C, and Co., Portsmouth, England ; (38); 9259, 9260, 9261, 9262, 9263, 9264, 29th December. Leurcnt, E., Tourcoing, France; (34), (38); 8156, 8157, 3rd August, 1909. Levic, P., " Frossard, Levic, and C0.," Sydney. New South Wales ; (45); 8638, 8639, Ist April. Levic, F., " Frossard, Levic, and C0.," Sydney, New South Wales ; (45); 8705, 8700, 2nd May. Lever Bros., Limited, Balmain, New South Wales; (47), 8884, 8888; (48), 8885, 8889, 8892. 8893; (50), 8886. 8887, 8890, 8891 ; 19th July. Liberty Cow - milker Company, Limited, Auckland, New Zealand ; (7); 8921, 30th July. Linde British Refrigeration Company. Limited, London, England ; (6); 8904, 26th July.




Lister, R. A., and Co., Limited, Durslov, England ; (7) ; 8756, 24th May. Locke, Lancaster, and W. W. and R. Johnson and Sons, Limited, London, England ; (1); 8766, 25th May. Locke, Blaokett, and Co., Limited, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England : (1); 8880, 8881, 15th July. Lohmann and Co., Bremen, Germany, and Sydney, New South Wales ; (42); 9100, 18th October. London Manufacturing Company (see J. M. Rayner). Lonsdale, H. E., Christchurch,'New Zealand; (14); 8832, 22nd Juno. Lucas, J., Limited, Birmingham, England; (13); 9042, 20th September. Luther, A. M. (see Action Gesellschaft). Lyra Lead Pencil Company, Niirnborg, Bavaria ; (39); 8553, 12th February. MacEwan. J. 8., and Co., Limited. Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 8601, 9th March. MacEwan, J. 8., and Co., Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 8017, 8618, 15th March. MacEwan, J. 8., and Co, Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (47); 8619, 18th March. MacLaurin, D. A., Auckland, New Zealand; (42); 8930, sth August. MacLeod, D., and Co., Melbourne, Victoria; (3); 8564, 16th February. McCaw, Stevenson, and Orr, Limited, Belfast, Ireland ; (39), (50); 9077, 9078, llth October. McKelian and Ramsay (seo W. Ramsay). McKerras, J.. Kingsland, Now Zealand; (50); 9058, 29th September. McKinlay, R., and Sons, Dunedin, New Zealand; (38); 8812, 16th Juno. McLaren, J., Auckland, New Zoaland; (37); 8971, 29th August. McLeod Bros., Limited, Dunedin, New Zealand; (47); 9013, 9014, 10th September. McNab, N. S., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (6); 8774, 30th May. McNab, N. S., and another, Dunedin, New Zoaland; (6); 8843, 27th June. Maconochie Bros., Limited, London, England ; (42); 9283, 29th December. Magnolia Anti-friction Metal Company of Great Britain, Limited, London, England ; (5); 8919, 29th July. Marathon Photographic Company (see R. J. Gauntlett). Marmito Food Extract Company, Limited, London, England ; (42); 8520, 26th January. Marriott, J. W., Limited, Auckland, New Zealand ; (42); 9065, 4th October. Marshall Shoe Company, Richmond, Victoria; (38); 9245, 15th December. Marshall's Proprietary Company, Limited, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (48); 8883, 18th July. Marsuma Company, Congleton, England; (50) ; 8738, 17th May. Martolli, E., Auckland, Now Zealand; (45); 8830, 22nd June. Martins Limited, London, England ; (45); 8792, Uth June. Meadows, F. N. R., Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 8820, 18th June. Mildenhall, 'I'. J., Opunake, New Zealand ; (37); 8632, 30th March. Milne and Clioyce, Limited, Auckland, New Zealand ; (47); 8582, 28th February. Milsom, E., Wellington, New Zealand ; (48); 9103, 18th October. Moffat-Virtue Limited, Sydney, New South Wales; (2); 8723, llth May. Monteith, S., Reefton, New Zealand; (43); 8781, Ist June. Mooro, C, and Co., Limited, Heatley-in-Lymm, England; (42); 8530, Ist February. More, J. M., Melbourne, Victoria ; (5); 8507, 19th January. More, J. M., Melbourne, Victoria; (5); 9195, Ist Decembor. Morgan Crucible Company, Limited, London, England ; (16); 8624, 22nd March. Morrin, T. and S., Limited, Auckland, New Zealand; (6); 8630, 29th March. Motor Import Company, Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand ; (1); 9134, 31st October. Motueka Farmers' Co-operative Company, Limited, Motueka, New Zealand ; (42); 8748, 19th May. Mouatßros., Wellington, New Zealand; (42); 8838,24th June. Mumm, G. H., and Co., " G. de Bary," Rheims, Franoe; (43); 8701, 27th April. Munn, D., Hastings, New Zealand ; (3); 8597, Bth March. Munro, Clark, and Co., Auokland, New Zealand ; (50); 9227, 9th December. Munro, J., and Sou, Limited, Leith, Scotland ; (43); 8559, 15th February.

Murdoch, J., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (50); 8677, Uth April. Murray, Roberts, and Co., Wellington, New Zealand ; (2); 7813, 29th January, 1909. Myers, F. E., and P. A., " Myers, F. E., and 8r0.," Ashland. United States America ; (6) 8549, 9th February. Napier, D., and Son., Limited, London, England; (6), (13), (21), (22); 8685, 8686, 8«67, 8688, 19th April. Nathan, J., and Co., Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 8591, 4th March. Nathan, J., and Co., Limited, Wellington. New Zealand; (45); 8722, llth May. Nathan, J., and Co., Limited, Wellington, New Zealand; (5); 8762, 25th May. National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal, Canada: (3), (48) ;* 8587, 8588, 3rd March. National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited, Invercargill, Now Zealand; (2); 9183, 24th November. National Musical String Company, New Brunswick, United States America ; (9); 9226, 9th December. National Phonograph Company, Orange, Now Jersey, United States America ; (8); 8486, 13th January. National Phonograph Company, Orange, New Jersey, United States America ; (8); 8594, 8595, 7th March. Natural Colour Kinematograph Company, Limited, London, England ; (8); 9256, 23rd Decembor. Neave, J. R., and Co., Fordingbridge, England ; (42); 8228, Ist September. Nederlandsche Gist-en Spiritusfabriok, "Netherlands Distilleries," Delft, Holland; (15), (16), (39), (43), (43), (43); 8603, 8604, 8605, 8606, 8607, 8608, 10th March. Neuchatel Asphalte Company, Limited, Wellington and elsewhere, New Zoaland ; (17); 8790, 7th June. New Zealand Candle Company, Limited, Kaiwarra, New Zealand ; (47); 9232, 9233, 9234, 9235, 9236, 9237, 9238, 9239, 12th December. New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association of Canterbury, Limited. Christohurch. New Zealand; (42); 8863. 8864, 7th July. New Zealand Salt Company, Limited. Christohurch, Ne« Zoaland; (42); 9114, 21st October. Nicholls, L. A., Kyabram, Victoria ; (13) ; 8943, 12th August, Nobel's Explosives Company. Limited. Glasgow, Scotland; (20); 8485, 13th January. North Bros. Manufacturing Company, Philadelphia, United States America ; (13); 9223, Bth December. Nuttall, E., and another, " Impervos Manufacturing Company," Wellington, New Zealand ; (1); 8848, 2nd July. Offley Forrester, Limitada, Oporto, Portugal; (43); 9254 23rd December. Oldman, W. L., " Grant 8r05.," Christchurch, Now Zealand (22); 9158, 15th November. Olive Bros., Limited, Woolfold, England ; (39); 8852, sth July. Oliver Chilled Plow Works, South Bend, United States America; (7); 8771, 28th May. Olsen, C. A., and Kleppe, Stavanger, Norway ; (42); 8917, 28th July. Ormiston Bros., Limited, Auckland, Now Zoaland; (37); 8746, 19th May. Orniond, M. M., " Ormond," Vevey, Switzerland; (45); 9218, 9219, 7th December. Ormond (see M. M. Ormond). O'Sullivan Rubber Company, Lowell, United States America 0 (40); 9041, 20th September. Otago Iron-rolling Mills Company, Limited, Burnside, New Zealand ; (5); 9144, 4th November. Owen and Davies, Christchurch, New Zealand ; (22); 9288, 9289, 31st December. Paling, W. H., and Co., Limited, Sydney, New South Wales; (8); 8926, 3rd August. Parafiine Paint Company, San Francisco, United States America; (17); 9082, llth October. Parasuram Vencatachellum Subramoniam Pillai, " P. Vencatachellum," Madras, India ; (42); 9141, 2nd November. Parbury, Henty, and Co., Sydney, New South Wales; (31) ; 8718, 4th May. Parfumerie Monpelas (see Steinfels Freres). Park, W., and Co., Wigan, England; (13); 8504, 18th January. Parnham, R. R., Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand ; (42); 8545, 9th February. Partridge, H. E., and Co., Limited, Auckland, Now Zealand; (13); 8840, 27th June. Paterson and Barr, Limited, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (13): 8963, 26th August.




Paterson, A. S., and Co., Wellington, New Zoaland ; (42) ; 8494, 17th January. Paviour-Smith, S. T., Dannevirke, New Zealand ; (42) ; 8837, 24th Juno. Peake, G. N., Limited, London, England ; (38); 9265. 29th December. Pearson's Antiseptic Company. Limited, London. England : (2), (3); 8739, 8740, 17th May. Pearson's Antiseptic Company, Limited. London. England ; (2); 8978, 31st August, Peerless Rubber Manufacturing Company, New Vork. United States America; (40), (50), (40), (50), (50); 8571. 8572, 8573, 8574, 8575, 19th February. Penketh Tanning Company, Limited. Penketh, Enj (37); 8809, 15th June. Phillips, A. W., Wanganui, New Zealand; (2): 8961, 23rd August. Pickles, J. E., and Co., Bradford, England, "J. Pickles and Son," Sydney, Australia, and Wellington, Now Zealand : (34); 9038, 17th September. Pickles, J. P., and Co., Bradford, England. " J. Pickles and Son," Sydney, Australia, and Wellington. New Zealand : (34); 9202, sth December. Picklc3, J., and Son (see J. E. Pickles and Co.). Pidgeon, E. W., and Co., Limited. Christohurch, New Zealand ; (22); 8525, 28th January. Pidgeon, E. W, and Co., Limited. Christchurch. New Zealand ; (22); 8075. 12th April. Pidgeon, E. W., and Co., Limited. Christohurch, New Zealand ; (6) ; 8970, 29th August, Pinoxic Syndicate, Limited. Loudon. England; (3); 8707. 3rd May. Plant, T. G., Company, Boston. I'nited States America; (38); 8821, 20th June. Poldihuttc, Tiegolguszstahl- Fabrik. Vienna, Austria, and Kladno, Bohemia; (5), 8865, 8858; (12). 8856, 8869; (13), 8857, 8860; 7th July. Pompeian Manufacturing Company, Cleveland, United States America: (-18); 9168, 21st November. Pymoro Mill Company, Limited. Bridport, England; (26); 8905, 26th July. Quesnot, G, Tahiti; (3); 9035, 17th September. Ramsay, VV.. " McKollan and Ramsay," Melbourne Victoria; (50); 8793, 9th June. Rayner, J. M., "London Manufacturing Company, Auckland, New Zealand ; (48); 8611, llth March. Bookitts (Oversea) Limited. Wellington, Now Zealand : (60) ; 8876, Uth Julv. Reckitts (Oversea) Limited, Wellington. New Zealand : (42), 9094, 9097 ; (47), 9095, 9098 ; (50), 9096; 15th October. Reed, R., and another, Dannevirke. New Zealand: (3): 9015, 12th September. Reuss and Co., Sheffield, England ; (14) ; 9140, 2nd November. Reynolds, W. E., and Co., Dunedin. New Zoaland ; (42) ; 8797, 10th June. Reynolds, E., and Co., Limited. Wellington. New Zealand : (40); 8912, 27th July. Richardson, J. S., Sydney, New South Wales; (50): 9217, 7th December. Riley, A. D., and Co., Limited. Wellington. New Zealand ; (50); 8640, oth April. Roberts (New Zealand) Limited. Wellington, New Zealand ; (34); 8515, 26th January. Robertson, J., Inaha, Now Zealand : (87) : 8791, 7th June. Robertson, R., and Co.. Vancouver, British Columbia : (42) ; 8550, Oth February. Rocke, Tompsitt, and Co.. Limited. Melbourne, Victoria; (3); 9281, 29th December. Rose, Hewitt, and Co.. Manchester. England; (24); 8801, 8802, 8803, 8804, 8805, 8806, Uth Juno. Rover Company, Limited, Coventry, England; (22): 9040, 20th September. Rover Company. Limited, Coventry, England; (0). (13), (22); 9165, 9i66, 9167, 21st November Rowney, G., and Co., London, England: (39): 5577. 22nd February. Bowntree and Co.. Limited, York, England; (42); 8599, 9th March. Rubborsub Company. Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand; (40); 9137, 2nd November. Rudge-W'hitworth Limited, Coventry, England; (22); 8807, 15th June. Rutter, 1., and Co., Mitcham, England; (45); 8637. 31st March. Sanderson, J., and Co., Melbourne, Victoria; (17); 8831, 22nd June. Sandow Limited. London. England; (38); 9081, llth October.

Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Limited, Dunedin and elsewhere, New Zealand ; (38); 8691, 25th April. Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Limited. Dunedin and elsewhere. New Zealand ; (38); 8676, 13th April. Sargood, Son, and Ewen. Limited. Dunedin ami elsewhere, New Zealand; (50); 8732, 13th May. Sargood. Son. and Ewen. Limited. Dunedin ami elsewhere, Now Zealand ; (38); 9054, 27th September. Sarotti Chocoladou and Cocao Industrie A. G., Berlin. Germany; (42) ; 8898, 26th July. Savon Blanohissouse Company, Melbourne. Victoria: (47); 8741, 17th May. Scheublo, Dr. R. (see t'hemischc Fabrik. Ac.). Sohweppee Limited. Sydney, New South Wales, and elsewhere; (44), (42), (44); 8479. 8480, 8481, Ith January. Scott and Turner, Limited, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England ; (50); 9017, Kith September. Scout Packing Company (sec W. H. Steele). Seabury and Johnson, East Orange and New Vork. I'nited States America, and elsewhere: 13). 5763 ; (11). 8764. 8705 ; 25th May. Security Safe Company (see H. E. Partridge and Co.. Limited). Sharland and Co., Limited. Auckland and Wellington, Now Zealand; (3); 8551, Uth February. Sharland and Co.. Limited. Auckland ami Wellington, New Zealand; (1); 8773, 28th May. Sharland and Co., Limited, Auckland ami Wellington, New Zealand; (1): 8935, Bth August. Sherwin - Williams Company, Cleveland, United States America; (1); 8768. 8769; 26th .May. Shorland, J. <>.. "J. O. Shorland and C0.," Wellington, New Zealand ; (22), (40); 8522, 8523, 27th .human . Shorland, J. (>.. and Co. (see J. O. Shorland). Sibun, H., and another. Petone. New Zealand; (42); 8932, (ith August. Simms. W. H.. ami Son.-, Limited. Christchurch, Nom Zealand; (39); 8897. 25th July. Skelton, Frostick, and Co., Limited, Christchurch. New Zealand ; (38); 8823, 21st June. Skelton, Frostick, and Co., Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand; (38); 9115, 24th October. Skinner, C. R., and others. Wellington. New Zealand : (3) : 9150, 10th November. Smith (see. Paviour-Smith). Smith and Co., Christchurch. New Zealand: (50); 8754, 23rd May. Smith and Davis. Limited. Birmingham. England; (13); 8959, 23rd August. Smith, VV. H., and Sons. London. England ; (39) ; 8558, 15th February. Smooth-On Manufacturing Company, Jersey City, I'nited States America ; (50); 9037, 17th September. Soppet, VV. H. Whangaroa, X.-» Zealand; (50): 9193, Ist December. ; Sorley, J., Feilding, New Zealand ; (2); 8835, 23rd June. Southall Bros, and Barclay, Limited, Birmingham, England; (11); 8853, sth July. [ Spencer, H. H., Bradford, England; (38); 922... Bth December. ; Spilhaus, W., and Co., Capetown, South Africa (42); 8782, Ist June. Spring, E. VV., London, England ; (12); 8600, Oth March. Standard Earth Auger Company, Chicago. I'nited States America; (13); 9009. 10th September. Standard Earth Auger Company, Chioago, I'nited States America; (13); 9247, 19th December. Standard Oil Company of Now York (Thompson and Bedford Department), Now York, United States America, and elsewhere ; (47); 8776, 30th May. State of San Paulo (Brazil) Pure Coffee Company, Limited. London, England ; (42); 9224, Bth December. Steeds, F. A., Christchurch, New Zoaland ; (3); 8636, 31st March. Steele. VV. H., " Scout Packing Company," Dunedin, New Zealand; (42); 8936, Oth August. Stein, A., and Co., Chicago, Dnited Stat..- Vmerica; (38); 8894, 19th July. Stcinfels Fr.'res. Parfumerie Monpelas," Vincennes, France; (48); 8681, 19th April. Stephenson, T. VV 7 ., and Co., Christchurch, New Zealand; (42); 8862, 7th July. Stevens, C. R., and Son, Napier. New Zealand ; (22) ; 8614, llth March. Stevens, 11. P., Christchuroh, New Zealand: (2); 8934, Bth August. Stevens, H. F., Christchurch, New Zealand; (1), (2), (3), (42), (43), (44), (48); 9105, 9106, 9107, 9108, 9109, 9110, 9111, 19th October. Storey Bros, and Co., Limited, Lancaster. England; (36); 884*5, 28th Juno.




Store} Bros, ami Co.. Limited. Lancaster. England; (36); 9026, 13th September. Strachan, J., and Sons, Aberdeen, Scotland; (42); 8664, 6th April. St. Neots Paper Mill Company, Limited, St. Neots. England ; (39); 8625, 22nd March. Suchard Societe Anonyme, Neuohatel, Switzerland; (42); 8814, 8815, 17th June. Suchard Societe Anonyme, Neuchatel, Switzerland: (42); 8495, 8496, 8497, 18t'h January. Sunset Drug Company. Ultimo. Now South Wales; (3); 8962, 24th August. Swan, H. P., Dannevirke, New Zealand ; (50); 8955, 18th August. Swift and Co. (soo F. G. Swift). Swift, F. G., " Swift and C0.," Sydney, New South Wales : (42); 8580, 24th February. Taieri and Peninsula Milk-supply Company, Limited, Dunedin. New Zealand ; (42); 8500, 8501, 18th January. Talbot (see Clement Talbot). Taylor, Enright, Limited, Westport. New Zealand: (42). (47) ; 9072, 9073, sth October. Temperance Tea Company, Limited. Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 8747, 19th May. Thomas, C, and Bros., Limited, Bristol, England ; (47), 8900, 8902, 8903; (48), 8901; 20th July. Thomas, F. ('.. Auckland, New Zealand; (3); 8958, 23rd August. Thoniasphosphatfabrikcu, (i.m.b.H.. Berlin. Germany; (2); 8977, 31st August. Thompson and Bedford (see Standard Oil Company of New York). Thomson, W. S.. and Co., Limited. London. England ; (38) ; 9244, 15th December. Thomson, VV. S., and Co., Limited, London. England ; (38) ; 9279. 9280, 29th December. Tingey, S. St. C. and B. L.. Wellington. New Zealand ; (3) ; 8578, 22nd February. To-Kalon Manufacturing Company, Limited, London, England ; (48) : 8713. 3rd May. Tompkins, 8.. christchurch. New Zealand; (38); 5.~i79, 23rd February. Tootal Bioadhurst Lee Company, Limited, Manchester. England: (25); 5750, 21 si May.' Travel's, J., and Sons, Limited. Loudon. England; (42); 8.->IS. 8619, 201 li January. Triggs, P. C. " I XL Washing-powder Company," Christchurch, New Zealand; (47); 9257, 23rd December. Triumph Cycle Company, Limited, Coventry, England; (22); 8513, 25th January. Triumph Cycle Company, Limited, Coventry, England; (6); 8816, 17th June. Triumph Cycle Company, Limited. Coventry, England; (39); 9074, 17th June Trutea Company, Auckland. New Zoaland; (42) ; 9076, 7th October. Turnbull, W. and G., and Co., Wellington. Now Zoaland ; (42); 8772, 28th May. Turner and Gimblett. Auokland. New Zealand; (42); N9IS. 29th July. Turner, Rutherford, and Co., Howick, Scotland ; (38) ; 9071, sth October. Two Steeples, Limited, Wigston Magna, England ; (38) ; 9175, 9170, 23rd November. Tylden and Spiers, Auckland, New Zealand; 8967, 29th August. Übrew Company, Christchurch, New Zealand; (6); 9070, sth October. Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Works. Auckland. Now Zealand ; (50); 8542, sth February. Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Auokland, New Zealand; (60); 8570, 18th February. Usher, A., and Co., Edinburgh, Scotland ; London, England : (43); 8548, Oth February. Usherwood, A. E., and Co., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (47); 8938, 10th August, Usine de Desargentation Societe Anonyme, Hoboken-iez-Anvers, Belgium ; (2); 8521, 20th January. Vacuum Oil Company Proprietary, Limited, Melbourne, Victoria, and elsewhere ; (47); 8839, 24th June. Van Hoboken, A., and Co.. Rotterdam, Holland; (43) ; 8502, 18th January. Vencatachellum, P. (see Parasuram Vencatachellum Subramoniam Pillai). Venesta Limited, London, England; (50); 8612, 8613, llth March.

Vickerv, P. H. Invercargill and Core. New Zealand ; (40). (22)'; 8474, 8483, llth January. Vincent, S„ Christchurch, New' Zealand ; (3); 8920, 30th July. Virol Limited, London, England : (3) : 8538, 3rd February. Virtue (see Moffat-Virtue). Waight and Sons. Roxburgh, New Zealand (42); 8924, 2nd August. Wairarapa Egg-circle. Masterton, New Zealand ; (42); 8719, sth May. Walker, J. J. F., Christchurch. New Zealand; (3) 8724. 12th May. Walker, J. M., and Co., Limited, Manchester, England ; (38); 8870, 12th July. Wallace, J. W., Wellington. Now Zoaland ; (41) ; 8704, 30th April. Wallace, Scott, and Co.. Glasgow, Scotland; (38)- 9011. 9012, 10th September. Wanganui Fresh Food and Ice Company, Wanganui, New Zealand ; (42) ; 9062, Ist October. Wanganui Fresh Food and Ico Company. Wanganui. New Zealand ; (42); 9089, Uth October. Watson, J., and Co., Limited, Dundee, Scotland; (43); 8871, 12th July. Wellcome, H. S., " Burroughs. Welloome, and C0.." London. England ; (3), (42); 9117, 9118, 25th October. Western Clock Manufacturing Company, La Salic. United States America ; (10); 8609, 10th March. White, A. J. (Colonial), Limited, London, England, and Sydney, New South Wales, and Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony ; (3); 8093, 27th April. White, E. A., Limited, Belting. England; (2), (13); 8985. 8980, 2nd September. Whitecross Company, Limited, Warrington, Fmgland ; (5) ; 8822, 20th June. ' Whitcombe and Tombs, Limited. Wellington and elsewhere, New Zoaland ; (39); 8703, 30th April. Whittle, T. VV., Christchurch, Now Zoaland; (50); 8536, 3rd February. Whittome, Stevenson, and Co., Limited, Auckland. Now Zealand ; (42); 8543, 7th February. Whitworth (see Rudge-Whitworth). Wiles, H. 0., " Boko Company," Auckland, New Zealand; (3); 8939, llth August. Wilkinson and Alabone, Christohurch, Now Zoaland ; (38); 8584, Ist March. Wilkinson, Hey wood, and Clark, Limited, London, England, and Melbourne, Victoria; (1), 9018, 9020, 9022, 9024 ; (47), 9019, 9021, 9023, 9025 ; 13th September. Williams, A. M., and others. Wellington, New Zealand ; (3); 9150, 10th November. Williams (see Sherwin-Williams). Williams, W., and Sons, Limited, Aberdeen, Scotland ; (43); 8583, Ist March. Wilson, Balk, and Co., Dunedin, New Zealand; (42); 8598, 9th March. Wilson, J. C, Auckland, New Zealand; (1); 8565, 17th February. Wilson, McNeill, and Co., Wellington. New Zealand ; (42) 9145, 4th November. Wilson, R., and Co., Limited, Dunedin. New Zealand ; (42): 9228, 9th December. Woodville Bacon Company, Limited, VVoodville, New Zealand ; (42); 8585, 2nd March. Woodville Bacon Company, Limited. Woodville. New Zealand ; (42); 8602, Oth March. Woolsey, C. A., Paint and Colour Company, Jersey, United States America ; (1); 8537, 3rd February. Worthington, A. J., and Co., Limited, Leek, England : (38) ; 8683, 8684, 19th April. Wright and Co. (see E. Wright). Wright, A. H., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (6); 8774, 30th May. Wright, A. H., and another, Dunedin, New Zealand; (6); 8843, 27th June. Wright, A. H., Dunedin, New Zealand; (6); 9212, 6th December. Wright, E., " Wright and C0.," Christchurch. New Zealand ; (44); 8623, 19th March. Yates, J., and Co., Limited, Birmingham, England ; (12). (13); 9079, 9080, llth October. Young and Collins, Wanganui, New Zealand ; (13), (37); 9051, 9052, 24th September. Zealaiidia Soap and Candle Company, Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand ; (47); 8994, 8995, 6th September.




1 Nora.-—The class Is put within parentheses. I

Ackland, A. E., Wellington, New Zealand; (10); 504, 10th February. Bartram, H. W, and another. Melbourne, Victoria; (3); 1 531, 7th July. Bartram, J., and Son (see H. W. Bartram and G. H. Hope). Brinsley and Co., Limited, Dunedin, New Zoaland; (1); 534, 22nd August. Buchanan and Co., Limited, Auckland, New Zealand ; (2); j 539, 12th September. Chisholm, W. 0., Glasgow, Scotland; (10); 532, 14th September. Collins, G. E., Napier, New Zealand ; (3); 541, 27th Septem- I ber. Collins, G. E., Pukehou, New Zealand; (3); 535, 24th August. Gramophone Company, Limited, London, England; (3); 528, 16th June. Greatrex, C, and Son, Limited, Walsall, England; (1) ; 529, 21st June. Hargreaves, J., Auckland, New Zealand; (1); 536, 17th August. Hargreaves, J., Auckland, New Zealand; (1); 538, 17th September. Hargreaves, J., Auckland, New Zealand: (1); 540, 19th September. Hennah, H. S., and another, Wellington, New Zealand; (3) ; 542, llth October. Hennah and Jackson (see H. S. Hennah and G. S. Jackson). Hope, G. H., and another, Melbourne, Victoria; (3) ; 531, 7th July. Irvine and Stephenson's St. George Company, Limited, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (4); 543, 22nd October. Jackson, G. S., and another, Wellington, New Zealand; (3); . 542, Uth October. Jenkin, W. J.. Christchurch, New Zealand; (3); 502, 15th February.

Jupp, W., Wellington, New Zealand; (3) ; 501, 18th February. Lorimer, G. E., Melbourne, Victoria ; (4); 533, 2nd April. Methven, G., and Co., Limited, Dunedin, New Zoaland ; (1) : 511, 26th May. Northern Boot and Shoo Manufacturing Company, Limited. Auckland, New Zealand ; (10); 544, 17th October. Perkins, S., Wellington, New Zealand ; (1); 510, 25th May. Riley, A. D., and Co., Limited, Wellington, New Zealand : (2); 508, 3rd May. Scammel, W. J., and another, Wellington, New Zealand; (2); 509, sth May. Scott Bros., Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand ; (1); 606, 29th April. Scott Bros., Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand ; (1) ; 512, 4th Juno. Smith, C. A., Wellington, New Zealand; (3) ; 505, 26th April. Smith, T., and Sons, of Saltley Limited, Saltley, England; (1) ; 507, 3rd May. Stanley Mullen Proprietary, Limited, Melbourne, Victoria; (5) ; 500, 20th January. Sterling Electro-plating Company (see W. J. Scammell and W. F. Thompson). Thompson, W. F., and another, Wellington, New Zoaland ; (2); 509, sth May. Whitcombe and Tombs, Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (5) ; 503, 7th April. Wilson, J., and Co., Christchurch, New Zealand; (6); 513, llth June. Wilson, W. D., Auckland, New Zealand; (1) ; 537, 2nd September. Wood, A. 8., Walsall, England ; (1); 545,-lst December. Wunderlich Limited, Wellington, New Zealand; (1); 514-527, 23rd June. Yeldham, H. A.. Auckland, New Zealand ; (5) ; 530, Ist July.



Q.—NUMBER INDEX OF PROCEEDINGS IN RESPECT' OF APPLICATIONS FILED IN 1910. List ot Abbbeviations. —C—Complete specification accepted. S—Patent sealed. Al>—Abandoned, lapsed withdrawn, &c. CN—Complete specification not accepted. * —Not finally dealt with. The first numbers are those of the applications, the numbers following the abbreviation those of the Qazettt Where the Gazettes are not those for 1910 the year is inserted after the number of the Qazettt. 27109—C 22 ; S 69. 27195—C 97 ; S 18/11. 27281—Ab. 27367—Ab. 27110—C 14; S 49. 27196—C 18; S 54. 27282—Ab 108. 27368—C 27 ; S 69. 27111—C 27; Ab 58/11. 27197—Ab 104. 27283— Ab 2/11. 27369—C 27 ; S 69. 27112—C 14; S 49. 27198—C 60 ; S 86. 27284—Ab. 27370—C 37 ; S 58/11. 27113—C 93; S 12/11. 27199—C 2/11; S 62/11. 27285—C 108 ; S 33/11. 27371—Ab 2/11. 27114—C 14; S 49. 27200—C 93 ; S 46/11. 27286—C 27 ; Ab 69/11. 27372—C 72 ; S 58/11. 27115—C 2/11; Ab 58/11. 27201—C 22 ; S 15/11. 27287—C 27 ;Ab 69/11. 27373—C 108 ; S 33/11. 27116—C 14; Ab 58/11. 27202—Ab 108. 27288—Ab 7/11. 27374—C 27; S 72. 27117—Ab 100. 27203—C 18; S 65/11. 27289—Ab 7/11. 27375—C 32; S 72. 27118—Ab. 27204—Ab 108. 27290—Ab 7/11. 27376—C 37 ; S 72. 27119—C 93; S 28/11. 27205—C 2/11; S 58/11. 27291—C 22 ;Ab 69/11. 27377—C 2/11 ; S 46/11. 27120—Ab 100. 27206—Ab 104. 27292—CN 53/11. 27378—C 27 ; S 69. 27121—Ab 100. 27207—Ab. 27293—C 77 ;Ab 69/11. 27379—Ab 2/11. 27122—C 90; S 12/11. 27208—Ab 108. 27294—C 22 ;Ab 69/11. 27380—C 41 ;Ab 75/11. 27123—Ab 100. 27209—C 22 ; S 46/11. 27295—Ab 2/11. 27381—C 69 ; S 93. 27124—Ab 100. 27210—C 86 ; S 46/11. 27296—C 108 ; S 58/11. 27382—Ab 2/11. 27125—Ab 100. 27211—Ab 108. 27297—Ab 2/11. 27383—C 27 ; S 77. 27126—Ab 100. 27212—Ab 108. 27298—C 72 ; S 97. 27384—Ab 2/11. 27127—Ab 100. 27213—C 100 ; S 15/11. 27299—C 54 ; S 83. 27385—Ab 2/11. 27128—Ab 100. 27214—0 22 ; S 80. 27300—C 72 ; S 97. 27386—C 2/11; S 50/11. 27129—Ab 100. 27215—C 18 ; S 46/11. 27301—C 22 ; S 72. 27387—Ab 2/11. 27130—C 18; Ab 62/11. 27216—Ab 108. 27302—C 80 ; S 104. 27388—C 7/11 : S 58/11. 27131—C 97; S 18/11. 27217—Ab 108. 27303—C 104 ; 553/11. 27389—C 108 ; S 58/11. 27132—C 97; S 18/11. 27218—Ab 108. 27304--C 32; S 72. 27390—Ab 7/11. 27133—C 97; S 18/11. 27219—Ab 108. 27305—C 27 ; S 69. 27391—CN 50/11. 27134—C 18; S 54. 27220—C 104 ; S 46/11. 27306—Ab 2/11. 27392—Ab 7/11. 27135—Ab 100. 27221—Ab 108. 27307—C 33/11; S 65/11. 27393—C 100 ; S 58/11. 27136—C 22; S 72. 27222—C 104 ;Ab 65/11. 27308—C 27 ; S 69. 27394—C 27 ; Ab 75/11. 27137—C 97; S 18/11. 27223—C 27 ;S. 83. 27309—Ab 2/11. 27395—Ab 2/11. 27138—C 100; Ab 62/11. 27224—C 18 ;Ab 65/11. 27310—Ab 2/11. 27396—Ab 7/11. 27139—Ab 100. 27225—Ab. 27311—C 41 ; S 77. 27397—Ab 7/11. 27140—Ab 100. 27226—C 18; S 54. 27312—C 41; S 80. 27398—C 49 ; S 15/11. 27141—CN 33/11. 27227—Ab 108. 27313—C 22; S 72. 27399—Ab 7/11. 27142—CN 33/11. 27228—C 22 ; S 72. 27314—CN 46/11. 27400—C 2/11 ; S 58/11. 27143—C 93; S 12/11. 27229—Ab 108. 27315—Ab 2/11. 27401—Ab 7/11. 27144—C 14; S 7/11. 27230—Ab 108. 27316—C 83 ; S 58/11. 27402—C 2/11 ; S 42/11. 27145—Ab 104. 27231—Ab 108. 27317—Ab 2/11. 27403—C 69 ; S 93. 27146—C 14 ; S 72. 27232—Ab 108. 27318—Ab 2/11. 27404—Ab 7/11. 27147—C 14; S 108. 27233—C 2/11 ; S 50/11. 27319—Ab 2/11. 27405—C 32 ; S 72. 27148—C 14; S 42/11. 27234—C 18 ;Ab 65/11. 27320—Ab 2/11. 27406—C 32 ;Ab 75/11. 27149—Ab. 27235—C 22; S. 50/11. 27321—Ab 2/11. 27407—Ab 7/11. 27150—C 22; S 104. 27236—C 22 ; S 69. 27322—Ab. 27408—C 32 ; S 72. 27151—C 22; S 72. 27237—C 60 ; S 80. 27323-Ab. 27409—C 66 ; S 90. 27152—C 2/11; Ab 72/11. 27238—C 100 ; S 18/11. 27324—Ab. 27410—C 32; S 72. 27153—C 18 ; S 54. 27239—C 104 ; S 18/11. 27325—Ab 2/11. 27411—C 32 ; S 72. 27154—C 18 ; S 54. 27240—C 97 ;S. 18/11. 27326—Ab 2/11. 27412—Ab 7/11. 27155—C 60 ; S 86. 27241—C 41; S 77. 27327—Ab 2/11. 27413—Ab 7/11. 27156—C 22; S 72. 27242—C 18; S 49. 27328—C 27 ; S 104. 27414—Ab 7/11. 27157—C 2/11 ; S 42/11. 27243—C 93 ; S 37/11. 27329—C 83 ; S 108. 27415—Ab 7/11. 27158—C 18; S 2/11. 27244—Ab. 27330—Ab 2/11. 27416—C 32; Ab 75/11. 27159—Ab 104. 27245—C 77 ; S 18/11. 27331—Ab 2/11. 27417—Ab 7/11. 27160—Ab 104. 27246—C 2/11; S 50/11. 27332—Ab 2/11. 27418—Ab 7/11. 27161—C 49; S 28/11. 27247—Ab 2/11. 27333—Ab 2/11. 27419—Ab 7/11. 27162—Ab 104. 27248—Ab 37/11. 27334—CN 46/11. 27420—C 80 ;Ab 75/11. 27163—Ab 104. 27249—Ab 108. 27335—C 27 ; S 69. 27421—C 23/11 ; S 58/11. 27164—C 41 ; S 42/11. 27250—CN 42/11. 27336—C 22 ;Ab 72 /11. 27422—Ab 7/11. 27165—Ab. 27251—C 100; S 50/11. 27337—C 2/11; S 37/11. 27423—Ab 7/11. 27166—Ab 104. 27252—Ab 108. 27338—C 69 ;Ab 72/11. 27424—Ab 7/11. 27167—C 27; S 69. 27253—C 18 ; S 69. 27339—Ab 2/11. 27425—C 49.* 27168—C 18; Ab 62/11. 27254—C 2/11; S 42/11. 27340—C 32 ; S 72. 27426—Ab 7/11. 27169—Ab 104. 27255—C 108; S 18/11. 27341—Ab. 27427—Ab 7/11. 27170—C 18; S 54. 27256—Ab 108. 27342—Ab 2/11. 27428—C 80 ; S 58/11. 27171—Ab 104. 27257—Ab 108. 27343—C 2/11 ; S 58/11. 27429—C 37 ; S 46/11. 27172—Ab 104. 27258—Ab 108. 27344—Ab 2/11. 27430—Ab 7/11 27173—Ab 104. 27259—C 22 ; S 104. 27345—C 97 ;Ab 72 '11. 27431—Ab 23/11 27174—C 69 ; S 93. 27260—C 27 ; S 15/11. 27346—Ab 2/11. 27432—Ab 7/11. 27175—Ab 104. 27261—C 93 ; S 46/11. 27347—Ab 2/11. 27433—C 32 ; S 72. 27176—C 97; Ab 62/11. 27262—Ab 108. 27348—C 97 ; S 53/11. 27434—Ab 7/11. 27177—C 97; Ab 62/11. 27263—Ab 108. 27349—CN 46/11. 27435—Ab 7/11. 27178—Ab 104. 27264—Ab 108. 27350—C 27 ; S 93. 27436—Ab 7/11. 27179—C 18; S 69. 27265—C 108; S 42/11. 27351—C 27 ; S 69. 27437—C 2/11 ; S 42/11. 27180—Ab. 27266—Ab 108. 27352—Ab 2/11. 27438—C 37 ; S 72. 27181—Ab 104. 27267—Ab 108. 27353—C 27 ;Ab 72 Ml. 27439—C 49.* 27182—C 18; S 42/11. 27268-Ab 108. 27354—Ab 2/11. 27440—C 18/11 ; S 58/11. 27183—C 80; Ab 62/11. 27269—C 18 ; S 93. 27355—Ab. 27441—C 37 ; S 86. 27184—C 18; S 54. 27270—C 27 ; S 69. 27356—C 2/11 ; S 33/11. 27442—C 86.* 27185—C 100; S 65/11. 27271—C 100 ; S 33/11. 27357—C 27 ; S 72. 27443—C 41.* 27186—Ab 104. 27272—C 32; S 72. 273'8—C 27 ; S 80. 27444—C 15/11 ; S 58/11 27187—Ab 104. 27273—C 18 ; S 54. 27359—Ab 2/11. 27445—Ab 7/11. 27188—C 18; S 42/11. 27274—Ab. 27360—Ab2/11. 27446—C 32.* 27189—C 18; S 86. 27275—Ab 2/11. 27361—Ab 2/11. 27447—Ab. 27190—Ab 104. 27276—C 22 : S 69. 27362—Ab 2/11. 27448—Ab 7/11. 27191—Ab 104. 27277—Ab 2/11. 27363—C 18/11.* 27449—C 32 ; S 50/11. 27192—Ab 104. 27278—C 22 :Ab 69/11. 27364—Ab 2/11. • 27450—C 37 ; S 72. 27193_CN 37/11 27279—C 32 ; 572 27365—C 32 ; Ab 72/11. 27451—C 32 ; S 72. 27194—Ab 104 27280—Ab 2/11. 27366—C 32 ; S 72. 27452—C 37 ; S 72.

H.— K)


NUMBER INDEX OF PROCEEDINGS IN RESPECT OP APPLICATIONS FILED IN 1910— continued. 27453—C 90; S 7/11. 27548—C 49; S 80. 27643—C 15/11.* 27738—C 60 ; S 75/11. 27454—C 28/11; S 58/11. 27549—C49 ; S 80. 27644—Ab 18/11. 27739—C 66 ; S u7. 27455—Ab 12/11. 27550—C 49 ; S 80. 27645—CN 65/11. 27740—C 60 ; S 86. 27456—C 37; S 62/11. 27551—C 49; S 80. 27646—Ab 18/11. 27741—C 54.* 27457—Ab 12/11. 27552—Ab 15/11. 27647—Ab 18/11. 27742—Ab 28/11. 27458—Ab 12'/11. 27553—C 12/11.* 27648—Ab. 27743—C 72 ; S 97. 27459—Ab 12/11. 27554—Ab. ' 27649—C 54 ; S 83. 27744—C 60 ; S 83. 27460—C 32; S 69. 27555—Ab 15/11. 27650—C 54.* 27745—Ab 28. 11. 27461—C 12/11 ; S 42/11. 27556—C 60; S 86. 27651—Ab 18/11. 27746—Ab 28/11. 27462—Ab 12/11. 27557—C 54 ; S 83. 27652—C 37/11 ; S 69/11. 27747—C 60.* 27463—Ab 12/11. 27558—Ab 15/11. 27653—Ab 18/11. 27748—C 46/11; S 75/11. 27464—Ab 12/11. 27559—Ab 15/11. 27654—C 54 ; S 86. 27749—C 86; 'S 2/11. 27465—C 41; S 50/11. 27560—CN 62/11. 27655—C 18/11; 569 11. 27750—C 60 ; S 86. 27466—C 41; S 62/11 27561—Ab 15/11. 27656—C 65/11.* 27751—Ab 28/11. 27467—CN 58/11 27562—Ab 15/11. 27657—C 15/11 ; S 69/11. 27752—C 46/11 ; S 69/11 27468—Ab 12/11. 27563—Ab 15/11. 27658—Ab. 27753—C 46/11 : S 69/11 27469—Ab 12/11. 27564—Ab. 27659—Ab. 27754—Ab 28/11. 27470—C 54.* 27565—C 69.* 27660--CN 65/11. 27755—C 97.* 27471—CN 58/11. 27566—Ab 15/11. 27661—C 104 : S 69/11. 27756—C 18/11.* 27472—Ab 12/11. 27567—C 37/11.* 27662—C 54 ; S 77. 27757—Ab. 27473—Ab 12/11. 27568—C 100.* 27663—Ab 18/11. 27758—C 86.* 27474—C 37.* 27569—Ab 15/11. 27664—Ab 18/11. 27759—C 28/11.* 27475—Ab 12/11. 27570—C 15/11 ; S 65/11. 27665—Ab 18/11. 27760—C 60.* 27476—C 41.* 27571—Ab 15/11. 27666—C 69 ;S 69 11. 27761—C 23/11.* 27477—Ab 12/11. 27572—Ab. 27667—Ab. 27762—C 28/11; 569 11 27478—C 15/11; S 50/11. 27573—Ab 15/11. 27068—Ab. 27763—C 60; S 100. 27479—C 37 ; S 72. 27574—CN 62/11. 27669—C 54 ; S 83. 27764—Ab 28/11. 27480—C 37; S 72. 27575—*. 27670—C 28/11 ;S 65 11. 27765—C 72 ; S 97. 27481—C 37 ; S 72. 27576—C 37/11.* 27671—CN 65/11. 27766—C 60 ; S 86. 27482—Ab. 27577—Ab 15/11. 27672—C 28/11; S 62/11. 27767—C 37/11.* 27483—C 41; S 15/11. 27578—C 33/11.* 27673—C 23/11 ; S 58/11 27768—Ab. 27484—Ab. 27579—Ab 15/11. 27674—Ab 18/11. 27769—Ab 28,11. 27485—Ab 12/11. 27580—Ab 15/11. 27675—Ab 23/11. 27770—Ab 28/11. 27486—Ab 12/11. 27581—CN 62/11. 27676—C 49 ; S 80. 27771—Ab. 27487—C 33/11; S 62/11. 27582—C 49 ; S 80. 27677—Ab. 27772—Ab. 27488—C 66 ; S 97. 27583—C 49 ; S 80. 27678—C 54 ; S 83. 27773—C 69 ; S 108. 27489—C 37.* 27584—C 60 ; S 86. 27679—Ab 23/11. 27774—Ab 28/11. 27490—C 41; S 77. 27585—Ab 18/11. 27680—C 28/11 ; S 65/11 27775--Ab 28/11. 27491—C 12/11; S 58/11. 27586—C 7/11; S 65/11. 27681—Ab 23/11. 27776—Ab 28 11. 27492—C 104; S 15/11. 27587—C 97 ; S 12/11. 27682—C 49 ; S 69/11. 27777—C 60 ; S 83. 27493—Ab 12/11. 27588—C 49 ; S 80. 27683—Ab. 27778—C 83 ; S 108. 27494—C 37; S 77. 27589—C 49 ; S 80. 27684—C 42/11 ; S 65/11 27779—C 83 ; S 108. 27495—CN 58/11. 27590—C 49 ; S 80. 27685—Ab 18/11. 27780—Ab 28/11. 27496—C 37; S 37/11. 27591—C 49; S 80. 27686—C 54; S 69/11. 27781—C 46/11.* 27497—C 7/11; S 58/11. 27592—Ab 18/11. 27087—C 15/11.* 27782—Ab 28/11. 27498—Ab 12/11. 27593—Ab 18/11. 27688—C 54.* 27783—C 50/11.* 27499—C 86; S 69/11. 27594—Ab. 27689—C 54 ; S 89. 27784— C 18/11 ; S 53/11. 27500—Ab 12/11. 27595—CN 62/11. 27690—Ab 23/11. 27785—C 66 ; S 53/11. 27501—Ab 12/11. 27596—C 69; S 93. 27691—Ab 23/11. 27786—C 66.* 27502—Ab 12/11. 27597—C 66 ; S 90. 27692—Ab. 27787—C 46/11.* 27503—C 49.* 27598—C 93; S 15/11. 27693—Ab 23/11. 27788—CN 72 11. 27504—C 41.* 27599—Ab 18/11. 27694—Ab. 27789—C 60 ; S 86. 27505—C 41; S 2/11. 27600—Ab 18/11. 27695—Ab. 27790—Ab. 27506—CN 58/11. 27601—C 7/11 ; S 58/11. 27696—Ab 23/11. 27791—CN 72/11. 27507—Ab 12/11. 27602—CN 62/11. 27697—Ab. 27792—C 60.* 27508—C 2/11; S 33/11. 27603—Ab 18/11. 27698—0 54.* 27793—C 66.* 27509—Ab 12/11. 27604—C 60 ; S 65/11. 27699—Ab 23/11. 27794—Ab 28/11. 27510—Ab 12/11. 27605—Ab. 27700—Ab 23/11. 27795—Ab 28/11. 27511—C 41; S 93. 27606—Ab 18/11. 27701—Ab. 27796—Ab 28/11. 27512—Ab 12/11. 27607—C 23/11 ; S 58/11 27702— C54 ; S 69/11 27797—C 60 ; S 86. 27513—Ab. 27608—Ab 18/11. 27703—C 54; S 65/11. 27798—C 23/11.* 27514—C 15/11; S 58/11. 27609—C 12/11; S 65/11. 27704—Ab 23/11. 27799—0 60!* 27515—C 66.* 27610—C 15/11; S 50/11. 27705—Ab 23/11. 27800—Ab. 27516—Ab 12/11. 27611—C 49 ; S 80. 27706—Ab 23/11. 27801—C 60 ; S 86. 27517—C 49; S 80. 27612—Ab 18/11. 27707—Ab 23/11. 27802—C 60 ; S 86. 27518—C 33/11; S. 62/11. 27613—CN 65/11. 27708—Ab 23/11. 27803—C 83 ; S 108. 27519—C 49; S 80. 27614—C 33/11 ; S 69/11. 27709—C 42/11.* 27804—Ab 33/11. 27520—C 60 ; S 93. 27615—CN 65/11. 27710—C 100 ; S 15/11. 27805—Ab 33/11. 27521--C 41 ; S 80. 27616—Ab. 27711--C 60 ; S 86. 27806—C 104 ; S 18/11. 27522—Ab 15/11. 27617—Ab 18/11. 27712—Ab 23/11. 27807—Ab 33/11. 27523—Ab 15/11. 27618—Ab 18/11. 27713—C 42/11; S 69/11 27808—Ab 33 11. 27524—C 60 ; S 83. 27619—C 12/11; S 65/11. 27714—C 66 ; S 90. 27809—C 60.* 27525—C 54 ; S 83. 27620—Ab 18/11. 27715—Ab. 27810—CN 75/11. 27526—Ab. 27621—Ab. 27716—C 54.* 27811—C 60.* 27527—Ab 15/11. 27622—Ab 18/11. 27717—Ab 28/11. 27812—C 60 ; S 86. 27528—Ab 15/11. 27623—Ab 18/11. 27718—C 54 ; S 83. 27813—Ab 33/11. 27529 -Ab 15/11. 27624—Ab 18/11. 27719—C 42/11 ; S 69/11 27814—C 90 ; S 7/11. 27530—Ab 37/11. 27625—C 100.* 27720—CN 69/11. 27815—Ab 33 11 27531—C 49; S 69/11. 27626—C 54 ; S 33/11. 27721—Ab 23/11. 27816—Ab. 27532—C 90; S 65/11. 27627—Ab. 27722—Ab 23/11. 27817—C66: S 93. 27533—Ab 15/11. 27628—Ab 18/11. 27723—C 54.* 27818—CN 75/11. 27534 Ab 15/11. 27629—C 49; S 69/11 27724—Ab 23/11. 27819—Ab 2.8/11. 27535—Ab 15/11. 27630—C 72.* 27725—Ab 23/11. 27820—C 90.* 27536—Ab 15/11. 27631—C 80 ; S 104. 27726—Ab 23/11. 27821—Ab 33/11. 27537—C 37/11 ; S 65/11. 27632—C 54; S 83. 27727—C 66; S 75/11. 27822—Ab 33/11. 27538—C 7/11.* 27633—C 54; S 83. 27728—C 66 ; S 75/11 27823—Ab 33/11. 27539—C 49; S 80. 27634—C 54 ; S 83. 27729—Ab. 27824—C 72.* 27540—C 41 ; S 77. 27635—C 12/11 ; S 42/11. 27730—C 60 : S 75/11. 27825—C 37 /11. * 27541—C 77; S 100. 27636—C 60 ; S 86. 27731—CN 69/11. 27826—Ab 33/11. 27542—C 86; S 2/11. 27637—C 49.* 27732—Ab 23/11. 27827—Ab 33/11. 27543—C 33/11 ; S 65/11 27638—C 66 ; S 90. 27733—C 66 :S 90 27x->B_Ah 33/11. 27544—Ab 15/11. 27639—C 18/11 ; S 65/11. 27734—Ab 23/11. 27829—CN 75/11. 27545—Ab 15/11. 27640—C 18 '11 ;S 53 '11. 27735—Ab 23 11. 27830—.Ab. 27546—C 49 ; S 83. 27641--C 33/11 ; S 62/11. 27736—C 60.* 27831—Ab 33/11. 27547—Ab 15/11. 27642—Ab. 27737—C 60 : S 104. 27832—C 86*


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NUMBER INDEX OF PROCEEDINGS IN RESPECT OF APPLICATIONS FILED IN mfr-conHnueH. 27833—C 42/11.* 27928—Ab. 37/11. 28023—Ab 42/11. 28118—Ab 46/11, 27834—Ab 33/11. 27929—Ab 37/11. 28024—Ab 42/11. 28119—Ab 46/11. 27835—CN 75/11. 27930—Ab 37/11. 28025—Ab 42/11. 28120—C 33/11.* 27836—Ab 33/11. 27931—C 93 ; S 28/11. 28026—Ab 42/11. 28121—C 50/11.* 27837—C 80.* 27932—C 69 ; S 93. 28027—Ab 42/11. 28122—Ab 46/11. 27838—Ab 33/U. 27933—C 72 ; S 97. 28028—Ab. 28123—C 23/11; S 62/11. 27839—CN 75/11. 27934—C 72 ; S 97. 28029—C 86 ; S 2/11. 28124—C 37/11 ; S 65/11. 27840—Ab 33/11. 27935—C 100 ; S 18/11. 28030—C 77 ; S 100. 28125—C 50/11.* 27841—Ab 33/11. 27936—C 77 ; S 100. 28031—C 77 ; S 100. 28126—Ab. 27842—CN 75/11. 27937—C 72 ; S 97. 28032—C 86.* 28127—Ab 46/11. 27843—Ab. 27938—Ab 37/11. 28033—Ab. 28128—C 15/11.* 27844—Ab 33/11. 27939—Ab 37/11. 28034—C 72 ; S 97. 28129—Ab 46/11. 27845—C 66.* 27940—C 86.* 28035—C 77; S 100. 28130—C 97; S 18/11. 27846—C 12/11.* 27941—C 69.* 28036—C 77.* 28131—Ab 46/11. 27847—C 86; S 2/11. 27942—C 80.* 28037—C 83.* 28132—Ab 46/11. 27848—C 66 ; S 90. 27943—C 69 ; S 93. 28038—C 80 ; S 104. 28133—Ab 46/11. 27849—C 69; S 93. 27944—C 72.* 28039—Ab 42/11. 28134—C 86; S 2/11. 27850—Ab 33/11. 27945—C 69 ; S 93. 28040—Ab 42'11. 28135—C 12/11.* 27851—C 66; S 90. 27946—C 72 ; S 97. 28041—Ab. 28136—C 46/11.* 27852—C 66; S 65/11. 27947—C 72 ; S 97. 28042—Ab. 28137—Ab 46/11. 27853—C 86; S 2/11. 27948—C 46/11 : S 69/11. 28043—*. 28138—C 83.* 27854—C 77; S 100. 27949—Ab 37/11. 28044—*. 28139-Ab 53/11. 27855—C 66; S 90. 27950—C 83; S 108. 28045—*. 28140—*. 27856—Ab 33/11. 27951—C 83 ; S 108. 28046—C 77 ; S 100. 28141—*. 27857—Ab 33/11. 27952—Ab 37/11. 28047—C 77 : S 69/11. 28142—Ab 46/11. 27858—CN 75/11. 27953—C 42/11.* 28048—Ab. 28143—P »%.* 27859--Ab 33 11. 27954—C 80'; S 75/11. 28049—C 46/11.* 28144—0 12/11.* 27860—Ab 33/11. 27955—C 72.* 2SOSO—C 58/11.* 28145—Ab 46/11. 27861—CN 75/11. 27956—C 72.* 28051—Ab 42/11. 28146—C 83 ; S 75/11. 27862—CN 75/11. 27957—Ab. 28052—Ab 42/11. 28147—Ab 50/11. 27863—C 66*. 27958—C 53/11.* 28053—C 77.* 28148—C 83 ;'S 2/11. 27864—C 77 ; S 100. 27959—Ab 37/11. 28054—C 37/11.* 28149—C 83 ; S 108. 27865—C 86.* 27960—C 72.* 28055—Ab 46/11. 28150—Ab 50/11. 27866—Ab 33/11. 27961—*. 28056—Ab 46/11. 28151—Ab 50/11. 27867—C 69 ; S 97. 27962—C 69.* 28057—Ab 46/11. 28152—Ab. 27868—C 28/11; S 65/11. 27963—Ab 37/11. 28058—C 100'; S 15/11. 28153—Ab. 27869—C 69; S 75/11. 27964—C 77.* 28059—C 77 ; S 100. 28154—Ab 46/11. 27870—C 28/11; S 65/11. 27965—C 97.* 28060—C 28/11; S 58/11. 28155—C 83.* 27871—Ab 33/11. 27966—Ab 37/11. 28061—C 28/11; S 58/11. 28156—C 104 ; S 23/11. 27872—C 66.* 27967—C 104.* 28062—Ab 46/11. 28157—C 65/11.* 27873—Ab 33/11. 27968—C 28/11.* 28063—C 77 ; S 100. 28158—C 65/11.* 27874—C 66*. 27989—C 72 ; S 53/11. 28064—Ab 46/11. 28159—C 83 ; S 108. 27875—Ab 33/11. 27970—C 69.* 28065—C 90.* 28160—Ab 46/11. 27876—C 28/11.* 27971—Ab 37/11. 28066—Ab 46/11. 28161—*. 27877—C 80; S 69/11. 27972—C 42/11.* 28067—C 83.* 28162—Ab 50/11. 27878—Ab 33/11. 27973—C 46/11.* 28068—C 15/11.* 28163—C 83 ; S 108. 27879—C 33/11; S 65/11. 27974—C 69 : S 93. 28069—C 86.* 28164— C 65/11.* 27880—C 104.* 27975—C 72.* 28070—C 37/11.* 28165—C 83 : S 50/11. 27881—C 28/11.* 27976—C 72; S 18/11. 28071—Ab 42/11. 28166—C 86 ; S 12/11. 27882—Ab 33/11. 27977—C 77; S 100. 28072—Ab. 28167—Ab. 27883—Ab. 27978—C 77 ; S 100. 28073—Ab 40/11. 28168—Ab. 27884—C 66.* 27979—Ab 37/11. 28074—C 53/11.* 28169—Ab. 27885—Ab. 27980—Ab. 28075—C 77 ; S 50/11. 28170—Ab 50/11. 27886—C 66; S 65/11. 27981—Ab 37/11. 28076—Ab 46/11. 28171—Ab 50/11. 27887—Ab 33/11. ' 27982—C 77 ; S 33/11. 28077—Ab 46/11. 28172—C 86 ; S 2/11. 27888—C 37/11.* 27983—Ab 37/11. 28078—C 93; S 12/11. 28173—*. 27889—C 69/11.* 27984—Ab. 28079—C 12/11; S 46/11. 28174—C 83 ; S 18/11. 27890—C 37/11; S 69/11. 27985—Ab. 28080—C 37/11.* 28175—C 86.* 27891—C 83.* 27986—Ab 37/11. 28081—C 80 ; S 104. 28176—C 97 ; S 23/11. 27892—C 66.* 27987—C 58/11.* 28082—C 83.* 28177—Ab 50/11. 27893—C 66; S 42/11. 27988—C 72 ; S 97. 28083—*. 28178—C 83 ; S 108. 27894—Ab 37/11. 27989—C 77 ; S 100. 28084—C 83.* 28179—C 33/11; S 62/11. 27895—Ab 33/11. 27990—C 69 ; S 93. 28085—Ab 46/11. 28180—C 86'; S 2/11. 27896—Ab 33/11. 27991—C 69 ; S 93. 28086—Ab 46/11. 28181—Ab 50/11. 27897—Ab. 27992—Ab 42/11. 28087—C 15/11.* 28182—Ab 50/11. 27898—C 28/11; S 75/11. 27993—Ab 42—11. 28088—Ab 46/11. 28183—Ab. 27899—Ab 37/11. 27994—C 83.* 28089—C 86.* 28184—Ab 50/11. 27900—C 69 ; S 93. 27995—Ab 37/11. 28090—Ab 53/11. 28185—Ab 50/11. 27901—C 53/11.* 27996—C 69.* 28091—Ab 46/11. 28186—Ab 50/11. 27902—C 28/11.* 27997—C* 28092—Ab 46/11. 28187—Ab 50/11. 27903—C 69; S 93. 27998—C 77.* 28093—C 83.* 28188—Ab 50/11. 27904—Ab 37/11. 27999—Ab 42/11. 28094—C 80 ; S 15/11. 28189—C 90.* 27905—C 100; S 18/11. 28000—C 23/11.* 28095—C 97.* 28190—Ab 53/11. 27906—C 69 ; S 93. 28001—Ab 42/11. 28096—C 80.* 28191—Ab 50/11. 27907—Ab 37/11. 28002—C 77 ; S 100. 28097—C 2/11 ; S 33/11. 28192—C 83> 27908—Ab 37/11. 28003—C 77 ; S 100. 28098—C 77 ; S 100. 28193—Ab 50/11. 27909— Ab 37/11. 28004—C 100 ; S 15/11. 28099—C 37/11; S 65/11. 28194—Ab 50/11. 27910—C 104; S 53/11. 28005—C 77 ; S 100. 28100—C 80.* 28195—Ab 50/11. 27911—Ab 37/11. 28006—*. 28101—Ab 46/11. 28196—C 65/11.* 27912—C 37/11.* 28007—C 72; S 108. 28102—Ab. 28197—C 90.* 27913—C 75/11.* 28008—Ab 42/11. 28103—Ab 46/11. 28198—C 83 ; S 2/11. 27914—Ab. 28009—Ab 42/11. 28104—Ab 46/11. 28199--C 97 ; S 12/11. 27915—Ab 37/11. 28010—Ab 42/11. 28105—Ab 46/11. 28200—C 86 ; S 7/11. 27916—C 72; S 97. 28811-C80; S 37/11. 28106—C 93; S 12/11. 28201—C 83 ; S 37/11. 27917—C SO; S 104. 28012—C 86 ; S 7/11. 28107—C 28/11; S 58/11. 28202—Ab 50/11. 27918—C 72.* 281113—C 42/11.* 28108—C 23/11 ; S 58/11. 28203—Ab 50/11. 27919—Ab 37/11. 28014—C 77 ; S 50/11. 28109—C 46/11 ; S 69/11. 28204—*. 27920—C 72 ; S 100. 28015— Ab 42/11. 28110—C 37/11 ; S 65/11. 28205—Ab 50/11. 27921—Ab 37/11. 28016—Ab. 28111—O 46/11 ; S 69/11. 28206—Ab 50/11. 27922—Ab. 28017—C 77.* 28112—C 46/11 ; S 69/11. 28207—C 93 ; S 12/11. 27923—C 69; S 93. 28018—C 83 ; S 18/11. 28113—Ab. 28208—Ab 50/11. 27924—C 2/11 ; S 46/11. 28019—C 72.* 28114—C 80 ; S 104. 28209—*. 27925—C 72 ; S 97. 28020—Ab 42/11. 28115—C 62/11.* 28210—C 53/11.* 27926—*. 28021—Ab 42/11. 28116—Ab 46/11. 28211—C 86.* 27927—Ab 37/11. 28022—Ab 42/11. 28117—Ab 46/11. 28212—Ab 50/11.

9—H. 10.



NUMBER INDEX OF PROCEEDINGS IN RESPECT OF APPLICATIONS FILED IN 1910— continued 28213—C 100.* 28308—C 90; S 2/11. 26403—Ab 62/11. 28499—Ab 65/11. 28214—C 80; S 33/11. 28309—Ab 58/11. 28404— C93 ; S 23/11. 28500—C 72/11.* 28215—Ab 50/11. 28310—Ab 58/11. 28405—Ab 62/11. 28501—Ab 65/11. 28216—Ab 50/11. 28311—Ab 58/11. 28406—Ab 62/11. 28502—C 97 ; S 12/11. 28217—*. 28312—Ab 58/11. 28407—C 100 ; S 15/11. 28503—C 97.* 28218—C 42/11.* 28313—Ab 58/11. 28408—Ab 62/11. 28504—C 97 ; S 18/11. 28219—Ab 50/11. 28314—Ab 58/11. 28409—Ab 62/11. 28505—C 100 ; S 18/11. 28220—Ab 50/11. 28315—Ab 58/11. 28410—C 93.* 28506—*. 28221—C 108; S 46/11. 28316—Ab 58/11. 28411—*. 28507—C 97 ; S 18/U. 28222—C 83; S 2/11. 28317—C 90; S 2/11. 28412—C 93.* 28508—C 65/11.* 26223—C 86; S 2/11. 28318—Ab. 28413—C 75/11.* 28509—Ab 65/11. 28224— C 83; S 108. 28319—C 62/11. 28414—C 93 ; S 12/11. 28510—Ab 65/11. 28225—Ab 50/11. 28320—C 90 ; S 2/11. 28415—C 93; S 12/11. 28511—*. 28226—C 86; S 2/11. 28321—C 86 ; S 2/11. 28416—C 93 : S 12/11. 28512—*. 28227—C 86; S 2/11. 28322—C 15/11.* 28417—C 93; S 12/11. 28513—C 97.* 28228—C 83.* 28323—C 90.* 28418—C 12/11; S 42/11. 28514—C 100.* 28229—Ab. 28324—C 90 ; S 7/11. 28419—0 93 ; S 12/11. 28515—Ab 65/11. 28230—Ab 50/11. 28325—C 90 ; S 7/11. 28420—Ab 62/11. 28516—Ab 65/11. 28231—C 97; S 18/11. 28326—C 90 ; S 2/11. 28421—C 18/11 ; S 58/11. 28517—Ab 65/11. 28232—C 104.* 28327—Ab 58/11. 28422—Ab. 28518—Ab 65/11. 28233—*. 28328—Ab. 28423—C 98. 28519—*. 28234—Ab 53/11. 28329—Ab 58,11. 28424—C 93 ; S 12/ 11. 28520—Ab 65/11. 28235—*. 28330—*. 28425—C 65/11* 28521—C 100.* 28236—C 83; S 108. 28331—Ab 58 11 28426—Ab 62/11. 28522—C 100; 523 11 28237—Ab 53/11. 28332—C 90.* 28427—C 93 ; S 12/11. 28523—Ab 65/11. 28238—Ab 53/11. 28333—C 90.* 28428—C 93 ; S 12/11. 28524—C 75/11.* 28239—C 86.'' 26334—C 90.* 28429—Ab 62/11. 28525—C 97.* 28240—C 83 ; S 108. 28335—C 75 /11.* 28430—Ab 62/11. 28526—C 97.* 28241—C 83.* 28336—C 65/11.* 28431—C 62/11.* 28527—Ab 65/11, 28242—Ab 53/11. 28337—C 104.* 28432—C 62/11.* 28528—C 75/11.* 28243—C 86; S 12/11. 28338—Ab 56, 11. 28433—C 100 ; S 15/11. 28529—Ab 65/11. 28244—Ab. 28339—Ab 58/11. 28434—C 93; S 7/11. 28530—C 75/11.* 28245—C 69/11.* 28340—Ab 58/11. 28435—Ab 62/11. 28531—C 7/11 ; S 46/11 28246—C 86.* 26341—C 58/11.* 28486—Ab 62/11. 28532—C 75/11.* 28247—C 23/11; S 58/11. 28342—*. 28437—C 58/11.* 28533—C 97 ; S 18/11 28248—C 2/11.* 28343—Ab. 28438—Ab 62/11. 28534—* 28249—Ab 53/11. 28344—Ab 58/11. 28439—*. 28535—*. 28250—C 50/11.* 28345—Ab 58/11. 28440—C 93 ; S 33/11. 28536—Ab 65/11 28251—Ab 53/11. 28346—Ab. 28441—Ab 62/11. 28537—Ab 65/11 28252—*. 28347—Ab. 28442—0 75/11.* 28538—C 97; 523»1l 28253—Ab 53/11. 28348- Ab 58/11. 28444—C 93.* 28539—C 65/11 * 28254—Ab 53/11. 28349—Ab 58/11. 28445 -C 28 1 1 ;S. 53/11. 26540—* 28255—Ab 53/11. 28350—C 86; S 2/11. 28446-*. 28541—C 97 ; S 12/11 28256—Ab 53/11. 28351—C 58/11.* 28447—C 37 II: S 65/11. 28542—* 28257—Ab 53/11. 28352—C 100.* 28448—*. 28543—* 28258—C 53/11.* 28853—0 93; S 12/11. 28449—*. 28544—C 97 ■ S 12/11 28259—Ab 53/11. 28354—Ab. 28450—Ab 65/11. 28545—C 97 * 28260—C 90; S 15/11. 28355—C 46/11.* 28451—C 28/11.* 28546—C 72/11 * 28261—C 90.* 28356—Ab 58/11. 28452— C 164 ; S 65/11. 28547—C 18/11 * 28262—C 86.* 28357—Ab 58/11. 28453—Ab 62/11. 28548—Ab 65/11 28263—C 23/11; S 65/11. 28358—Ab 58/11. 28454—C 65/11.* 28549—C 100 • S 69/11 28264—C 62/11.* 28359—C 108; 8 46/11. 28455—Ab 62/11. 28550—C 97 •'s 12/11 28265—C 90; S 7/11. 28360—Ab 58/11. 28456—C 62/11.* 28551—C 97 ■ S 12/11 28266—C 90; S 7/11. 28361—Ab. 28457—Ab 62/11. 28552—* 28267—C 90; S 2/11. 28362—C 62/11. 28458—Ab 62/11. 28553—Ab 69/1] 28268—C 90; S 2/11. 28368—C 100.* 28459—Ab 62/11. 28554—C 65/11 *' 28269—Ab. 26364—Ab 58/11. 28460—C 108; S 46/11. 28555—* 28270—Ab 53 11. 28365—C 65/11.* 28461—C 93 ; S 12/11. 28556—* 28271—Ab. 28366—C 69/11.* 28462—C 12/11; S 42/11. 28557—* 28272—Ab. 28367—C 90; S 7/11. 28463—C 93 ; S 12/11. 28558 VI. 69, 11 28273—Ab 53/11. 28368—C 46/11.* 28464—Ab 62/11. 28559—Ab 69/11 28274—Ab 53/11. 28369—Ab 58/11. 28465—C 53/11.* •',',s6o—Ab 69H1 28275—Ab. 28370—Ab 58/11. 28466—Ab 62/11. 28561—C 100 * 28276-Ab 53/11. 28371—Ab 58/11. 28467—Ab 65/11. 28562—Ab 69/11 28277—C 65/11.* 28372—C 93.* 28468—Ab 65/11. 28563—C 108 • 8 46/11 28278—C 50/11.* 28373—Ab 58/11. 28469—*. ''8564—C 100 ; S 18/11 28279—C 50/11.* 28374—Ab 58/11. 28470—C 97.* 28565—C 100 • 8 18/11 28280—C 50/11.* 28375—C 18/11 : S 53/11. 28471—Ab 65/11. 28566—C 33/11 ■ S 62/11 28281-C 65)11.* 28376-C9o.* 28472-*. 28567-Ab 09/I'l. ' 28282—C 50/11.* 28377—C 46/11.* 28473—Ab 65/11. 28568—Ab 69/11 28283—C 86.* 28378—C 90.* 28474—0 93 ; S 12/11 "8569—* 28284—C 90 ;S. 28379—Ab 58/11. 28475—Ab 65/11. 28570—Ab 69/11 28285—C 90; S 2/11. 28380—Ab 58/11. 28476—Ab 65/11. 28571—Ab 69 ' 11' 28286—Ab 53/11. 28381—Ab 58/11. 28477—C 42/U.* 28572—C 100 * 28287—Ab 53/11. 28382—C 90 ; S 62/11. 28478—Ab 65/11. ''8573—Ab 69'11 28288—C 90.* 28383—Ab. 28479—*. •'B574—C 97 •' S 18/11 28289—C 12/11.* 28384— C 90; S 7/11. 28480—*. ''8575—C 75/11 * 28290—Ab. 25385-*. 28481—C 93.* 28576—C 100 ; S 15/11 2S29l—Ab. 28380—C 62/11.* 28482 C 97. 28577—C 72/11 * 28292—C 90; S 33/11. 28387—C 72/11.* 28483—Ab 65 /11. "8578—* 28293—Ab 53/11. 28388—C 93; S 62/11. 28464—*. "8579—Ab 69/11 28294—*. 28389—C 90.* 28485—Ab 65/11. 28580—Ab 69/ll" 28295—Ab 53/11. 28390—Ab 58/11. 28486—Ab 65/11. 28581—C 100 : s'ls/ll 28296-C9o.* 28391-Ab 62/11. 28487-Ab 62/11. 28582-4b 69'11 28297-C93.* 26392-*. 28488-Ab 65 11. 28583-Ab 69/11 28298-C93.* 28393-0 97; S 12/11. 28489-*. ' 28584-Ab 69hl 28299-C 7/11 ; S 65/11. 28394— Ab 62/11. 28490-Ab 65/11. 28585-Ab 69 11 28300—C 97.* 28395—C 65/11.* 28491—Ab 65/11. 28586-C 23/11 *' 28301—Ab 53/11. 28396—C 65/11.* 28492—C 108 ; S 46/11. 28587—Ab 69/11 L 8 I 02 -?u G9/11 -* 28397-Ab 62/11. 28493-C 93; S 12/11. 28588-Xb 69 11 28303—Ab. 28398—C 98; S 62/11. 28494—C 97; S 12/11. 28589— \h 69/11 28304-C 100; S 15/11. 28399-*. 28495-C 97 S 12 11. 28590-Ab 69 1 ' 28305-C9O; S 7/11. 28400-*. 28496-C 97.* ' 28591-C 18/11 * »«2/ll; S 46/11. 28401-Ab 62/11. 28497-C 97; S 12/11. 28592-Ab 72/11. 28307-C9o.* 28402-C93.* 28498-Ab 65/11. 28593-Ab69 11



NUMBER INDEX OF PROCEEDINGS IN RESPECT OF APPLICATIONS FILED IN 1910—continued. 28594—C 72/11.* 28681—*. 28768—C 2/11; S 33/11. 28854—*. 28595—*. 28682— C 58/11.* 28769—*. 28855—C 2/11.* 28596—Ab 72/11. 28683—C 104; S 18/11. 28770—*. 2SBs6—*. 28597—*. 28684—Ab 75/11. 28771—*. 28857—*. 28598—C 100; S 18/11. 28685—C 104; S 18/11. 28772—*. 28858—*. 28599—C 100; S 18/11. 28686—Ab 75/11. 28773—*. 28859—*. 28600—C 100; S 18/11. 28687—Ab 75/11. 28774—*. 28860—*. 28601—*. 28688—*. 28775—C 7/11 ; S 58/11. 28861—*. 28602—Ab 72/11. 28689—Ab 75/11. 28776—* 28862—* 28603—C 72/il.* 28690—Ab 75/11. 28777—* 28863—C 2/11 * 2S6O4—Ab 72/11. 28691—Ab 75/11. „„-.„ ,' „„„„. » ' 28605-C 72/11* 28692-*. 9«77q .' 28565 C 2/11 • 28606-C 15 11.* 28693-*. 28779- 28565-C 2/11. 28607-C 18/11; S 53/11. 25694-*. 28780-C 42/ 1 S~V 28608—C 7/11.* 28695—C 104.*. 28781—C 7/11.* 28867—*. 28609—*. 28696—Ab 75/11. 28782—*. 28868—*. 28610—* 25697—C 72/11.* 28783—*. 28869—*. 28611—Ab 72/11. 28698—C 108 ; S 46/11. 28784—C 65/11.* 28870—C 2/11; S 46/11. 28612-C 100.* 28699—C 37/11.* . 28785—*. 28871—*. 28613—C 33/11.* 28700—*. 28786—*. 28872-*. 28614—C 100; 8 15/11. 28701—C 104* 28787—*. 28873—*. 28615—C 100.* 28702—*. 28788—C 15/11.* 28874—C 7/11.* 28616—Ab 72/11. 28703-*. 28789—*. 28875—*. "8617—C 100 * 28704—*. ' 28790—C 108; S 50/11. 28876—C 15/11; S 53/11, 28618—C 62/11.* 28705—*. 28791—*. 28877—*. "8619—C 42/11.* 28706—C 104; S 18/11. 28792—C 2/11.* 28878—*. 28620—Ab 72/11. 28707—C 75/11.* 28793—*. 28879—C 7/11; 8 42/11. 28621—Ab 72/11. 28708-*. 28794—*. 28880—*. 286"2— * 28709—*. 28795—C 2/11.* 28881—*. 28623—Ab 72/11. 28710—C 75/11.* 28796—C 2/11.* 28882—C 7/11 ; 8 42/11. 28624—Ab 72/11. 28711—*. 28797—*. 28883—*. 28625—C 75/11.* 28712—*. 28798—*. 28884—C 12/11.* 28626—C 12/11; S 46/11. 28713—Ab 75/11. 28799—*. 28885—*. 28627—C 104; S 18/11. 28714—Ab 75/11. 28800—*. 28886—*. 28628—C 108; S 46/11. 28715—C 23/11; S 58/11. 28801—*. 28887—*. "8629—Ab 72/11 28716—C 108 ; S 28/11. 28802—C 12/11.* 28888—C 2/11; S 65/11. 28630—* 28717—*. 28803—*. 28889—*. 28631—* 28718—*. 28804—*. 28890—C 2/11.* 28632—* 28719—Ab 75/11. 28805—*. 28891—C 12/11.* 28633—Ab 72/11 26720—C 108.* 28806—C 42/11; 8 69/11. 28892—*. 2~8634— * 26721—C 108.* 28807—C 108 ; 8 46/11. 28893—*. 28635-A.b 72/11. 28722-*. 28808—*. 25894-*. 28636—Ab 72/11. 28723—Ab 75/11. 28809—*. 28895—*. 28637—Ab 72/11. 28724—C 28/11.* 28810—*. 28896—*. 26638—Ab 72/11. 28725—Ab 75/11. 2SBll—*. 28897—*. 28639—Ab 72/11. 28726—Ab 75/11. 28812—*. 28898—*. 28640-C 100; S 18/11. 28727—*. 28813-C 72/11* 28899-*. "8641—0 100; S 18/11. 28728—C 62/11.* 28814—*. 28900—C 18/11.* "8642—\b 72/11 28729—C 18/11; S 58/11. 28815—*. 28901—C 7/11 ; S 42/11. 28643—C 2/11* 28730—Ab 75/11. 28816—*. 28902—C 7/11 ; S 42/11. 28644—C 12/11.* 28731—Ab 75/11. 28817—*. 28903—C* 28645-Ab 72/11. 28732-C 72/11.* 28818-*. 28904-C* 28646-C 104; S 15/11. 28733—*. 28819—C 108*. 28905—C 7/11.* 28647—C 2/11; S 62/11. 28734—C 75/11.* 28820—*. 28906-C 7/11.* 28648—Ab 72/11 28735—C 15/11 ; S 50/11. 28821—*. 28907—C 2/ 11; 8 33/11. 28649—Ab 72/11 28736—C 104; S 18/11. 28822—*. 28908—*. 28650—C 15/11; 8 53/11. 28737—Ab 75/11. 28823—*. 28909—*. 28651—Ab 72/11 28738—Ab 75/11. 28824—*. 28910—C 37/11.* "8052—Ab 72/11. 28739—*. 28825—*. 28911—*. 28653—* 28740—*. 28826—*. 28912—*. 28654—* 28741—*. 28827—*. 28913—*. 28655-Ab 72/11. 28742—*. 28828-*. 28914—C 2/11; S 42/11. 28656—Ab 72/11. 28743—C 2/11.* 28829—C 7/11; S 42/11. 28915—C 7/11; S 42/11. 28657-Ab 75/11. 28744-*. 28830-*. 28916-*. 28658—Ab 75/11 28745—*. 28831—C 2/11; S 33/11. 28917—C 28/11; S 65/11 28659—* 28746—C 104; S 18/11. 28832—*. 28918—C 42/11.* 28660—* 28747—C 104; S 15/11. 28833—C 7/11 ; S 53/11. 28919—*. 28661—* 28748—*. 28834—*. 28920—*. 28662—C 75/11 * 28749—C 104; 8 65/11. 28835—*. 28921—* 28663—C 42/11; S 69/11. 28750—*. 28836—C 7/11; S 42/11. 28922-C 7/11.* "8664—C 104; S 18/11. 28751—C 42/11.* 28837—C 2/11 ; S 33/11. 28923—C 12/11.* 28665-Ab 75/11. 28752-*. 28838-*. 28924-C 12/11.* 28666—C 104; 8 15/11. 28753—*. 28839—C 2/11 ; S 33/11. 28925—C 12/11.* 28667—C 104* 28754—C 58/11.* 28840—C 2/11; S 33/11. 28926—*. 28668-Ab 75/11. 28755-C 104.* 28841-*. 28927-*. 28669—Ab 75/11. 28756—C 7/11.* 28842—*. 28928—C 15/11; S 50/11 28670—Ab 75/11. 28757-*. 28843-*. 28929—C 7/11; 8 46/11. 28671-Ab 75/11. 28758-*. 28844-*. 28930-*. 28672—C 104 8 65/11. 28759-*. 28845-*. 28931 —C 7/11; 8 42/11. 28673—C 75/11 * 28760—*. 28846—*. 28932—C 12/11 ; S 42/11 28674—Ab 75/11. 28761—*. 25847-C 2/11; S 46/11. 28933-*. 28675—* 28762—*. 28848—*. 28934—*. 28676—* 28763—C 108; S 46/11. 28849—C 23/11 ; S 58/11. 28935—*. 28677—* 28764—*. 28850—C 2/11; S 33/11. 28936—C 33/11.* 28678—Ab 75/11. 28765-*. 28851—C 2/11 ; S 46/11. 28937—*. 28679—C 104; S 18/11. 28766—*. 28852—*. 28938—*. 28680—Ab 75/11. 28767—C 108 ; S 28/11. 28853—C 7/11 ; S 46/11. 28939—*. Approximate Cost of paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,550 copies), £(>:"».

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.- 1911. Price Is. 6d. |

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS. TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-10

Word Count

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS. TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS. TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-10

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