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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department to His Excellency the Governor. My Lord, Inspection of Machinery Department, Wellington, 24th July, 1909. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Inspection of Machinery Department of the Dominion for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, J. A. Millar, Minister in Charge of Inspection of Machinery Department. His Excellency the Right Hon. Lord Plunket, X.C.V.0., Governor of New Zealand. The Chief Inspector of Machinery to the Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department. Inspection of Machinery Department, g IR) — Customhouse Buildings, Wellington, 3rd May, 1909. I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report on the operations of the Inspection of Machinery Department during the twelve months which ended on the 31st March, 1909. A good year's work has been accomplished, and, although more inspecting has been done this year than in any former year, there are still some portions of the country work in arrears. Most of the shipping-steamer-survey work, however, is completed. There is a great increase in the number of gas, oil, and electric motors inspected. Quite a number of new producer-gas plants have now been installed in the Dominion, and, as far as I can learn, are working well and with very economical results. The dangers to life by the inhaling of this poisonous producer-gas not being generally known, the Department issued a circular mounted on cardboard, setting out the dangers in the use of it, and pointing out clearly what should be done as first aid in the case of any one who had been overcome with the gas. As the gas has no smell, it is difficult to detect its presence in any building. The circular has been hung up in all the generating-rooms where the producer-gas is made for power purposes. Special rules dealing with spherical and dished end construction in the building of vertical boilers, digesters, steam-domes, &c, were issued to the Inspectors of Machinery. Several boilers of peculiar designs, mostly used on steam-wagons employed on public roads, have been dealt with. A large number of new electric lifts have been installed this year in buildings. For the first time in New Zealand perfectly automatic electrically controlled lifts have been introduced. So far only three of these are in use. By an ingenious arrangement of push-buttons at the different landings and on the lift-cage itself, any person can get to any landing in a building by simply pushing the correct button for that landing. These lifts require no attendant. Inspection of Machinery Act. The principal Act was amended last session. Some of the most important alterations made are the following: — The definitions of a " boiler " .and of " machinery " have been extended. It is now clearly defined who shall be in charge of an electric, hydraulic, or other lift, and under what conditions a lift may be exempted from being in charge of any one. The owner of any boiler which carries a higher pressure than that granted by the Inspector is now liable to a fine of £100, instead of £10 as formerly.

I—H. 15a.



The glass water-gauge for registering water-levels in boilers has now to be protected in case of fracture. . If an owner makes any alteration in the diameter of a steam-cylinder of an engine, he must notify the local Inspector within a month. The class of engine-driver who has, to be in charge of a steam turbine engine, having no cylinder, is denned. An engine-driver must be in effective charge of the engine and boiler at all times, and if while in charge of such an engine and boiler he absents himself from his charge he commits an offence. If an engine and a boiler are too far apart to be in effective charge of one man, then an Inspector may report in such a case to the Chief Inspector, who may require the owner to have the engine and boiler in charge of separate persons: if the owner fails to comply, he commits an offence. No person who has suffered the loss of a hand or a foot shall act as a driver of a locomotive or winding engine. The driver for so acting, and the employer for employing such a driver, are liable to a fine of .£5 for every day during which such employment continues. An engine-driver holding a service certificate is now entitled to the same wage as a driver holding a competency certificate of the same class. Provision is made for the appointment of a Chairman and of a Secretary to the Board of Examiners under this Act. Every applicant for an engine-driver's certificate must be a British subject. Provision is made for a statutory declaration being accepted where an applicant is unable to produce written proof of service by reason of the destruction or loss of his papers, certificates, and discharges. An applicant must produce a medical certificate that he is not wholly or partially deaf, nor has defective eyesight, nor is subject to any other infirmity likely to interfere with the efficient discharge of his duties, before he can be examined for a locomotive and traction or a winding engine driver's certificate. Any locomotive-engine driver employed on the New Zealand Government and Manawatu Railways, or on any railway the property of His Majesty in any British possession, or on any railway in the United Kingdom, can now receive a certificate under this Act without passing an examination, provided he has the prescribed length of service and holds the necessary credentials. A " motor " is defined as a vehicle propelled by its own mechanical power, and so constructed as not to emit smoke, steam, or visible vapour except from any temporary or accidental cause. Motors are now subject to inspection under certain conditions. The owners have to report within one month that they are possessed of a motor if the weight unladen exceeds 3 tons. The weight of any motor whose weight unladen exceeds 2 tons shall at all times be painted in legible letters on the right-hand side. The minimum age of drivers who may be in charge of certain motors is defined. Boilers Inspected. A considerable increase has been made in the number of boilers this year. At the end of the financial year there were still a number of boilers the inspection of which could not be overtaken for various reasons. This branch of the Department's work has gone on very smoothly, and no friction whatever has arisen with any boiler-owner during the ) 7 ear, which speaks well for the tact displayed by the Department's officers when dealing with the public. The number of boilers inspected totals 6,073. There is thus an increase of 105 over the number inspected last year. All the machinery attached to these boilers was also carefully examined at the time of boiler-inspection, and quite a number of visits were made to see the boilers under steam and the machinery running under working-conditions. All the different districts throughout the Dominion, so far as practicable, have been visited during the year. Government Boilers and Machinery. The boilers and machinery attached to the various Government institutions that have been inspected total 114, and include 72 boilers, 10 lifts, 1 water-turbine, 1 hydraulic hoist, 3 gasengines, 19 oil-engines, and 8 electric motors. A number of repairs were made to these installations throughout the j'ear, and certificates issued. Defects op Boilers and Fittings. A great many defects in boilers and their fittings were discovered during the year. Amongst the principal repairs to boilers may be mentioned the renewal of several fireboxes in boilers of the locomotive and traction type, the renewal of several shell-plates in boilers of the multitubular externally fired type, new uptakes and repairs to furnaces of boilers of the vertical type, and the retubing of nearly a hundred boilers of various types. With respect to boiler-fittings, some of the most important defects were thirty defective steampressure gauges', thirty water-gauge mountings, nineteen test-cocks, ten spring balances for safetyvalves, six safety-valves, twenty-one blow-off cocks, sixteen blow-off pipes, and sixteen fusible plugs, which were condemned. The defects discovered on the inspection of boilers and digesters total 1,399; 62 of these were very dangerous. Return No. 2 sets out these defects in detail. New Boilers. Four hundred and eleven new boilers have been added to our books this year. Their total horse-power amounts to 6,447. Two hundred and thirty-six of these, of 2,859f-horse power, were made in the Dominion, and 175, of 3,587|-horse power, were imported.



The following table shows the number and horse-power of these boilers, and the districts to which they have gone: —

Amongst those made in the Dominion were two large boilers of the Lancashire type of the following dimensions : Length, 30 ft.; diameter, 8 ft.; and weighing about 30 tons. These boilers were made by two different firms in Wellington, and were subject to very close inspection during the time they were under construction. All the holes were drilled, and the riveting done by hydraulic pressure. The test of both proved highly satisfactory, and both boilers are quite a credit to the workmanship of the Dominion. They now form part of the boiler-installation at the Wellington Tramway power-station. Gas- and Water-driven Machinery, Lifts, and Machinery Inspections. During the year the total number of inspections of machinery made was 5,233. 1,471 gasengines were inspected, and 1,263 oil-engines. The number of lifts and motors examined, including water and electric motors, was 2,155 ; machinery-inspections, 344. Fencing of Machinery. Great care has been exercised throughout the year with the fencing of machinery in motion. Return No. 4 gives full particulars of the guarding done. Examination op Engine-drivers. These examinations have been conducted at places where required by the Examiners of the Department. A greater percentage of failures of the candidates who sat took place this year than in former years. The oral portion of the examinations has been made more difficult, necessitated by the more complicated nature of engines and the higher pressure of boilers now in use. The former issue of the book of regulations having nearly run out, the Department decided towards the end of the year to revise the former regulations and the syllabuses for the different examinations. The regulations since their first issue in 1901 have been little altered. The new regulations are now in the printer's hands, and will be issued shortly. It is proposed to revise the examination-papers for the extra first-class engineer and the firstclass engine-driver. The Board of Examiners for Engine-drivers sat on ten occasions at Wellington to deal with the granting of certificates to the successful candidates, and to consider the proposed new regulations and the examination-papers. Examinations have been conducted at the following places during the year: Alexandra South, Aratapu, Auckland,* Blenheim, Carterton, Christchurch,* Cromwell,* Dunedin,* Gisborne, Greymouth,* Hamilton,* Havelock, Invercargill,* Mangorei, Maungaturoto, Napier,* Nelson,* Opotiki, Palmerston North,* Reefton,* Shannon, Timaru,* Tokatoka, Waikawa, Wanganui,* Wellington,* Westport,* Whangarei, and Whitianga. This year 847 candidates came up for examination, of whom 535 passed, and 312 failed to pass the examination. The different classes for which examinations were held were—extra first-class engineer, first-class engine-driver, second-class engine-driver, winding-engine driver, and locomotive and traction engine driver. Detailed lists of those who passed for these examinations, together with the grades and clashes of examinations, are shown in Returns Nos. 7 to 13. Accidents. . It is gratifying to be able to report that there has been no boiler-explosion during the year. On looking over the latest return published by the Board of Trade re the boiler-explosions in Great Britain for the year ended 30th June, 1907, I find that there were seventy-seven explosions,

* Plaoea at which examinations have been held more than onoe during the year.

Colonial. Imported. Toi ial. District. Number. Horsepower. ■kt l HorseNumber. power Number. Horsepower. Auckland ... Auckland South Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington North Wellington . . Marlborough Nelson North Nelson South Westland Canterbury Canterbury South Otago Southland ... 58 21 18 22 7 40 2 5 7 11 17 8 17 8 780 2761 203 264J 751 5431 32 53 76 173 128| 14 1554 85 43 14 20 5 2 23 6 1 5 9 9 9 17 12 1,713 791 283" 34 16 185J 72 24 376 1321 94 363 87 128 101 35 38 27 9 63 8 6 12 20 26 12 34 20 2,493 356 486 2981 91£ 728f 104 77 452 3051 2221 377 2421 213 Totals ... 236 2,8594 175 3.587J 411 6,447



causing the death of twenty-eight persons and the injury of sixty-five. Nearly ail the catastrophes seem to have been due to weakness, mostly the result of the age of the boilers. There were also several cases of steam-pipes bursting through water-hammer action. We are very free from disasters of this kind in New Zealand. There were several accidents connected with machinery in motion, some of them proving fatal. The particulars of the several reported accidents are fully set out in Returns Nos. 5 and 6. Postal and Police Departments. These Departments have again aided the Department when required, and thanks are due to both for the material assistance thus rendered in many ways. Marine Engineer's Examinations. Examinations for marine engineers have been held at Auckland,* Hamilton,* Napier,* Wanganui,* Wellington,* Christchuich,* Timaru,* Dunedin,* Invercargill,* Russell, Havelock, Foxton, Greymouth, and Westport during the year. Of those who sat for examination, 204 were successful and 43 failed. Of those who failed, 7 sat for first-class marine engineer, 14 second-class marine engineer, 5 third-class marine engineer, 8 for river engineer, 2 for marine-engine driver, 1 first-class engineer (powered vessels other than steam), 1 second-class engineer (powered vessels other than steam), and 5 for restricted-limits engineer (powered vessels other than steam). The work in connection with the examinations has gone on very smoothly during the year, and very little friction has arisen between the Examiners and the candidates. Some of the candidates' papers are of a very high standard. This refers more particularly to the first-class marine engineer's examination. A candidate for this certificate has to sit three days under examination in mathematics and mechanics, mechanical drawing, and a long oral examination. The thirdclass engineer's examination is still very popular with the young engineer just out of his apprenticeship. Return No. 14 gives the names of the successful candidates and the various grades for which they passed, the total number of applicants, total fees payable, and the number of candidates who failed to pass such examination. In addition to the examinations for engineers, two master mariners sat for examination for masters in steam, one sitting at Auckland and one at Wellington. Each candidate failed to secure a pass. It is now a number of years since a similar examination was held in New Zealand. Explosives. At Wellington 312 permits were issued by this Department for the carriage of explosives. Surveys of Steamships and Auxiliary-powered Vessels. This branch of the Department's work is practically up to date, very few ships being overdue for survey. A number of the steamships have received considerable overhauls and renewals during the year, comprising partial renewals to hull-plating, new bunkers, repairs to bulkheads, floorplates, and many repairs to main boilers and renewals to different parts of machinery, defects in chain cables, steering-gears, &o. When the turbine steamer " Maori " was under survey at Lyttelton I paid a special visit to inspect the turbines when they were opened out. I was much interested in the thousands of blades, and with their accurate fitting, which go to make up the finished turbine. When it is considered that the whole is set up when working with a very small clearance, it is marvellous that they run so well, especially when the different thicknesses of material used in the Different parts, and the varying temperatures, are considered. The usual number of excursion trips have been run by steamships during the year, without any accident. A number of the intercolonial steamships had additional passenger-accommodation fitted up to cope with the demand for extra berths. All these fittings were duly inspected by the Surveyors of Ships at all hours. The total number of surveys of steamships and auxiliary-powered vessels made was 392. The fees received for these surveys amount to £2,072. Return No. 15 gives the total number of steamers and of auxiliary-powered vessels surveyed by the Surveyors of the Department during the year. It also gives their names and registered tonnage, the nominal and indicated horse-power of steam-vessels, the brake horse-power of auxiliary-powered vessels, and the nature of machinery and propeller. Surveys of Vessels for Seaworthiness. A great many special surveys of steamships and of sailing-ships were made during the year. The repairs in some cases were very extensive, and the vessels were detained a considerable time for overhaul. Amongst the most important surveys made was that of the s.s. " Navua." In this case the damage was caused through the vessel's contact with coral reefs in the South Seas. The principal causes that necessitated surveys being made were defects to steam-pipes, loss of propeller-blades, grounding, fires in holds, collisions, collapsed furnaces of main boilers, broken pistons, broken propeller and crank shafts, boiler-defects, and defects in various parts of the machinery. In all, sixty surveys were made. A full description of each appears in Return No. 17.

* Places at which examinations have been held more than once during the year.



Government Steameks. The Government steamers surveyed this year include the s.s. "Amokura," s.s. "Antrim," s.s. "Ben Lomond," Defence launches "A," "L," and " W," s.s. " Hinemoa," o.e.v. " Irini," s.s. " Janie Seddon," s.s. "Lady Roberts," s.s. " Manurere," s.s. "Mountaineer," o.e.v. " Patiti," o.e.v. " Reremoana," s.s. " Tawera," and s.s. " Tutanekai," a total of 16. The three new oil-engine launches for the Defence Department were inspected during the whole time of construction by the Surveyors of this Department. The one for Auckland Harbour and the one for Lyttelton Harbour were built in Auckland, and the larger boat for Wellington Harbour was built in Wellington. The hulls of all the vessels are of the best kauri, and the machinery for all the vessels was imported from Great Britain. The trials for speed were run to the satisfaction of the Surveyors, and the vessels have now been in commission for some time. Additional Steamers and Vessels Surveyed for the First Time. The following steamers and auxiliary-powered vessels, numbering thirty, have been added to our lists during the year, and surveyed for the first time. Their names are —" Defiance,"* "Dorset," "Excelsior," " Kaiaia,"* " Kaitangata," " Kina,"* " Koromiko," "Lena,"* "Mahurangi," " Maitai," " Matariki," " Mawhera," " Nellie Mason,"* "Ngaheve," "Pahiki,"* "Portare,"* " Regulus," "Rio Loge,"* "Tβ Awhina," " Tui,"* " Tuirangi," " Tukua,"* "Waihora," "Wairau," " Waitemata," " Waterlily,"* " Zingara," and the Defence launches "A,"* " L,"* and " W."* The sailing-vessels surveyed for the first time were the schooners " Advance," " Era I," and " Whangaroa," the ship " Dartford," the barquentines " lima " and ' Selwyn Craig," the ketch " Kereru," and the barques " Manurewa " and " Senorita." Sailing-ships. During the year nineteen sailing-vessels were surveyed. Return No. 1G gives full particulars of these surveys. The total fees received for these amount to £99. Districts and Inspectors. A new district office has been opened in Palmerston North, which has already proved of great convenience to that district. Mr. William Cullen, who had been attached to the Head Office staff since his appointment, was promoted to take charge of the new district. Mr. William J. Crawford, who had been attached to the Auckland Office for some time, was transferred to Otago. Two new appointments have been made during the year: Mr. Peter Mackenzie, who took Mr. Cullen's place in Wellington, and Mr. W. G. Bell, who has taken Mr. Crawford's place in Auckland. I regret to have to record the death of Mr. Alexander Ramsay, Inspector of Machinery and Surveyor of Ships, who had been in the Department since the 14th April, 1904. He had been stationed in Otago ever since his appointment. He proved himself most reliable, painstaking, and conscientious, and the Department has lost one of its most capable officers. In tli# near future new centres should be made in Westland and in the Kaipara districts. In both of these districts there is now quite a sufficient number of boilers to inspect and steamers to survey to keep an Inspector and Surveyor well employed. Returns. The following are the returns in detail, numbered from I to 19 : — 1. Number and class of boilers inspected, and fees payable thereon; the machinery inspected, and the fees payable; and the classes and numbers of engine-drivers' certificates issued. and the fees payable therefor. 2 Return of defects found on inspection of boilers. 3. Return of notices given to repair boilers. 4. Return of notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery. 5. Return of accidents which were not fatal. 6. Return of accidents which proved fatal. 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. Names of all persons to whom land stationary, winding, and locomotive and traction certificates of competency and service have been granted during the year. 14. List of persons who were examined and passed for marine engineers' certificates of competency. 15. Return of steamers and oil-engined vessels surveyed during the year. 16. Return of sailing-vessels surveyed during the year. 17. Return of vessels surveyed for seaworthiness, &c, during the year. 18. Return showing sums earned or received and amount spent during the financial year for inspection of machinery, examination of engineers and engine-drivers, and survey of steamers and sailing-vessels. 19. Return showing the names of owners of additional boilers and transfers which require to be in charge of certificated engine-drivers. I have, &c, Robert Duncan, Chief Inspector of Machinery, Chief Surveyor of Ships, and Chief Examiner of Marine Engineers and Land Engine-drivers. The Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department.

* Oil-engine vessels.




No. 1. (a.) Return showing the Number of Land Boilers and Machinery for which Certificates were issued during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1909.

Machinery. Class. Number. Hydraulic lifts ... ... ... ... ... 433 Gas-lifts ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 39 Electric lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 178 Steam-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 Gas, hydraulic, and electric-motor hoists ... ... ... ... 11l Water-engines, water and electric motors, and water-wheels ... ... 1,066 Peltons ' ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 Turbines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 93 Gas-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,471 Oil-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,263 Steam machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... 344 Total 5,233 Summary. Boilers 6,073 Machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,233 Total 11,306 (b.) Return showing the Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinbry, and for the Issue of Engine-drivees' Certificates during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1909. Fees payable—On boilers, £7,077 ; on machinery, £913 2s. 6d.; for engine-drivers' certificates issued, £382 155.: total, £8,372 17s. 6d. Government boilers and lifts inspected but not charged for, representing £110 2s. 6d. Total, £8,483. The cash actually received for boilers and machinery inspected, and paid into the Public Account, amounted to £7,996 ss. The difference is represented by unpaid fees and fines paid. The cash actually received, and paid into the Public Account for engine-drivers' application fees amounted to £595 7s. 6d. This amount includes fees for certificates not yet issued.

(c.) Return showing the Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding, Locomotive, and Traction, and to Steam Stationary Engine Drivers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1909.

'Oti lers. • Glass. Not exceeding 5-horse Power. Exceeding 5- but not exceeding 10-horse Power. Exceeding 10-horse Power. Total. stationary ... 'ortable 1,500 175 991 1,278 1,698 431 4,189 1,884 Total 1,675 2,269 2,129 6,073

ital. Class of Certificate. Number of Certificates issued. Pees received. Number of Certificates issued. Fees received. Iteam winding— Service Competency ... jocomotive and traction —- Competency ... iteam stationary— Service —First class Jompetency — Extra first class First class Second class ... £ s. d. 0 10 0 12 0 0 £ s. d. 2 24 26 12 10 0 176 88 0 0 176 88 0 0 13 3 5 0 9 146 248 9 0 0 146 0 0 124 0 0 416 282 5 0 618 £382 15 0



No. 2. —Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1909.

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. Adamson's welts in furnaces defective All screwed stays in firebox bad Angle iron on front end plate defective Back tube-plates bulged ... Back tube-plates corroded (pressure reduced) Boilers dirty inside Bottom of combustion-chamber bad Bottom of firebox wasted ... ... Bottom of shell defective (pressure reduced)... Bottom of shell pitting internally ... Bottom of shell thin Bottom row of tubes bad ... Brickwork-setting defective Bulged slightly at back end Bulged under bottom of shell Bulged under bottom of shell (pressure reduced) Bulged under fire-door Compensating-ring round manhole wasted Corroded badly outside Corroded internally Corroded severely at bottom of uptake Cracked at a number of rivet-holes (pressure reduced)... Cracked slightly on bottom of shell... Cracked slightly at a number of rivet-holes ... Cracked slightly in firebox Cracked slightly on shell-plate Cracked under bottom of shell Cracked under bottom for a length of 2 ft. through rivet-holes in circumferential seam Cross tubes thin ... Crown of boiler wasted Crown of firebox badly bulged Crown of firebox slightly bulged Crown of firebox wasted (pressure reduced) ... Crown of steam-dome wasted Bight feet of top of flue defective, and 3 ft. of bottom of shell Eighteen screwed stays in firebox bad Eighty-one screwed stays in firebox bad Eleven screwed stays in firebox bad Fifteen screwed stays in firebox bad Fifty screwed stays in firebox bad ... Firebox badly pitted Firebox general waste Firebox overheated, stays leaking (pressure reduced)... Firebox-sides bulged Firebox thin (pressure reduced) Firebox wasted, and several rivets and screwed stays bad Firebox wasted on outside shell Forty screwed stays in firebox bad ... Forty-six screwed stays in firebox bad Forty-two screwed stays in firebox bad Foundation-rings round bottom of firebox defective Fourteen screwed stays in firebox bad Front plate in bottom of shell bad ... Front tube-plate wasted ... Furnace-crown bulged Furnace-crown bulged (pressure reduced) Furnace-crown wasted Furnace defective where connected to front of boiler ... Furnace thin at bottom (pressure reduced) ... Furnace thin at front right-hand side Furnace weak; was strengthened ... Galloway tubes thin General deterioration (pressure reduced) Girders on firebox-crown wasted 2 2 3 1 2 4 94 1 4 1 1 9 3 34 1 11 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 12 4 4 1 1 3 1 2 4 94 1 4 1 1 9 3 34 1 10 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 12 4 4 1 1 1 "a 2 3 1 8 6 1 2 3 3 8 6 1 1 i i 4 4 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 5 5 1 2 1 i 1 1 1 5 5 1 7 4 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 6 3 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 144 3 6 3 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 144 3



No. 2.—Return of Defects— continued.

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. Girder-stays defective Grooved at foundation-ring Grooved at front end of furnaces Grooved at landings Grooved on furnace-crown Grooved round lum-leg on crown of firebox ... Header tubes defective Laminated plate in furnace Laminated plate in bottom of shell... Laminated throat-plate Landings wasted considerably (pressure reduced) Longitudinal stays wasted Manhole-doors bad Manhole-door dogs defective Manhole-door spigots defective Manhole-door studs bad ... Manhole-openings in shell wasted ... Mudhole-doors bad Mudhole-doors defective ... Mudhole-door dogs bad Mudhole-door studs bad ... Nineteen tubes bad Nuts on girder-stays bad ... Patches defective Pitting badly in places Pitting on crown of firebox Pitting slightly internally... Eivets in gusset stays defective Seams leaking Several rivets bad in furnance Several rivets bad in shell... Several screwed stays in firebox bad Several tubes bad Shell and tubes badly pitted Shell corroded on side Shell wasted at crown of boiler Shell wasted at foundation-ring Shell wasted at mudhole-openings ... Shell wasted externally Shell wasted where blow-off cocks jointed to boiler Shell wasted where check-valve chest jointed to boiler Shell wasted where cylinders jointed to boiler Shell wasted where safety-valve chest jointed to boiler... Shell wasted where stop-valve chest jointed to boiler ... Side of combustion-chamber thin ... Sixteen screwed stays in firebox bad Steam-dome flange defective Steam-domes wasted Tapered mud-plugs defective Ten defective rivets in gusset stay ... Thirteen tubes bad Three crown stays defective Three screwed stays in throat-plate broken ... Three screwed stays in throat-plate bad Thirty-nine screwed stays in firebox bad Thirty screwed stays in firebox bad Thirty-six screwed stays in firebox bad Thirty-six tubes bad Throat-plate thin Top tube-plate cracked Top tube-plates thin Top tube-plates thin (pressure reduced) Tubes bad Tube-ends leaking Tubes pitted Tube-plates bad ... Tube-plates bulged Tube-plates cracked slightly 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 12 15 1 3 2 10 36 3 3 12 1 1 24 3 2 10 4 3 4 5 27 41 1 1 5 4 82 4 11 6 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 12 15 1 3 2 10 36 3 3 12 1 1 24 3 2 10 4 3 4 5 27 41 1 1 5 4 82 4 11 6 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 15 5 93 3 5 15 1 3 1 1 4 i i i 15 5 93 3 5 15 i 3



No. 2.—Return of Defects — continued.

Digesters found to be defective on Inspection during Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1909.

2—H. 15a.

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. Tubes wasted (pressure reduced) Twelve screwed stays in firebox bad Twelve tubes bad Twenty-eight screwed stays in firebox bad ... Twenty-four screwed stays in firebox bad Twenty-six screwed stays in firebox bad Twenty tubes bad Twenty-two rivets in furnace and angle-ring bad Two top rows of screwed stays in side sheets and top row in back head bad Uptakes bad Uptakes wasted ... Vertical stays wasted Wasted at crown of firebox where fusible plug fitted ... Wasted at mouth of furnace and front of shell at bottom Wasted in firebox and smoke-box ... Wasted round bottom of firebox Wasted round furnace-door Wasted round neck of furnace Wasted round sides of firebox 3 6 2 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 3 11 2 2 1 6 2 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 6 11 2 2 1 2 1 9 3 1 8 1 11 3 1 8 Totals 51 973 1,024

• Defective in Lesser Degree. Description of Defects. Dangerous. Total. A number of rivets defective All rivets defective All rivets in crown plate bad All rivets in the circumferential and longitudinal seams in top end bad Bottom riveting defective ... Crown plates much wasted Door defective ... Door-riveting bad ... ... Five rivets bad ... Fifty-six rivets bad Forty rivets bad General deterioration (pressure reduced) One hundred and twenty rivets bad Plates pittin g considerably Several rivets bad Sixty rivets bad ... Thirty rivets bad... Three vertical stays bad ... Top of digester wasted Top plates and angle-irons bad Twenty-eight rivets bad ... Twenty rivets bad e 5 2 1 6 2 1 (i 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 i i i Totals 11. 27 38



Defective Fittings found on Inspection of Boilers for which Notice was given to renew or repair during Financial Year ended 31st March, 1909.

21 Blow-off cocks bad : have been renewed. 3 Blow-off cocks defective : have been repaired. 1 Blow-off cock : new plug fitted. 1 Blow-off cock : new spindle fitted. 1 Blow-off cock studs defective : were renewed. 1 Blow-off cock rejointed. 16 Blow-off pipes bad : have been renewed. 1 Clutch on winding-engine defective : was repaired. 1 Crank-shaft bracket rejointed. 1 Cylinder drain-cocks renewed. 1 Cylinder relined. 1 Cylinder repaired. 1 Feed check-valve chest and valve bad : were renewed. 1 Feed check-valve chest rejointed to boiler. 2 Feed-pipes bad : have been renewed. 1 Feed-pump defective : was repaired. 56 Ferrules fitted under spring-balance safetyvalve levers. 16 Fusible plugs found defective : have been renewed. 2 Fly-wheels of engine defective : were repaired. 1 Governor defective : was put in order. 2 Injectors defective : were renewed. 1 Injector defective : was repaired. 1 Injector steam-pipe renewed. 1 Lock-up safety-valve spring defective : was j renewed. 1 Main steam-pipe bad : was renewed. 4 Main steam-pipes fitted with hangers. 15 Manhole-doors bad : have been renewed. 2 Manhole-door studs bad : were renewed. 36 Mudhole-doors bad : have been renewed. 12 Mudhole-door studs bad : have been renewed. I Total ..

1 New bend for safety-valve fitted. 1 New bend for steam-pipe fitted. 1 New bolts fitted in safety-valve chest. 1 New crank-shaft and bearings fitted. 1 New crank-shaft fitted. 1 New cylinders fitted. 1 New dog for mud-door fitted. 1 New studs fitted in main stop-valve chest. 1 New studs fitted in boiler for feed-pipe. 6 Safety-valves bad : have been renewed. 1 Safety-valve chest bad : was renewed. 1 Safety-valve defective : was repaired. 2 Safety-valve seats bad : were renewed. 1 Safety-valve spring renewed. 10 Spring balances defective : have been renewed. 1 Spring balance lever repaired. 1 Spring balance : new screw fitted. 1 Spring balance : new spring fitted. 1 Steam-pipe couplings renewed. 2 Steam-pipes defective : have been renewed. 30 Steam-pressure gauges defective : have been renewed. 1 Steering-gear and brake repaired. 1 Steering-gear shaft defective : was renewed. 1 Stop-valve and chest defective : was renewed. 3 Siphon pipes for steam-pressure gauges bad : were renewed. 19 Test-cocks bad : have been renewed. 2 Test-cocks defective : were repaired. 31 Water-gauge mountings bad : have been renewed. 8 Water-gauge mountings defective: were repaired. 1 Water-gauge pipes bad : have been renewed. .. 337

No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1909.

umber. Type. Description of Bepairs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cornish Cornish tubular ... Angle-iron ring round neck of furnace reriveted on upper half, patch on shell under stop-valve, patch on front plate renewed and gusset stay reriveted. Compensating-ring round mudhole-door renewed. Dog fitted to weak part of furnace. One seam in furnace reriveted. Patch fitted on front plate of boiler. Patch on bottom of shell renewed. Patch on crown of furnace renewed. Ten rivets renewed in gusset stay. Two patches fitted on bottom of shell. Bulge in front ring of furnace removed. Furnace reriveted at back end. One new tube fitted. Patch fitted on bottom of shell under blow-off cock. Patch in furnace renewed and extended. Patch renewed in furnace and one new tube fitted. Eetubed, and patch on bottom of shell renewed. Two new tubes fitted. Two rivets renewed in furnace. Eight feet of top of flue renewed, and 3 ft. of bottom of shell-plate renewed. Upper portion of flue renewed. tr it it Cornish vertical ... 1 n



No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers— continued.

Number. Type. Description of Repairs. 1 Dryback marine ... Crown of back ring of furnace patched and strengthening angles fitted to both furnace-rings. Defective patch renewed, and girder fitted on furnace. Girder fitted on back ring of furnace. Patch on back tube-plate renewed. Eetubed. Several tubes renewed. Strengthening girders fitted to crown of furnace. Twelve screwed stays fitted between furnace and shell. Adamson's welts on both furnaces at front end renewed. Brickwork repaired. Eleven turned bolts fitted in gusset stay. Four turned bolts fitted in gusset stay. Patch fitted on front right-hand side of furnace. Several new rivets put in back circumferential seam and eight in second seam from front. Twenty-two rivets renewed in furnace and door angle plates, one Galloway tube patched, and new neck for blowdown pipe fitted. Eetubed. Eetubed, and patches fitted round front of boiler and furnace-rings. Compensating-rings fitted round two mudhole-openings, and patch in firebox renewed. Cracked portion of shell (2 ft. long) cut out, and patch fitted. Eight new tubes fitted. Firebox repaired at foundation-ring. New rivets put in door-ring and six new rivets in tube-plate. New tapered plug fitted in front tube-plate. One new longitudinal stay fitted. Patch fitted in firebox under firedoor, and twelve new screwed stays fitted. Patch fitted on front tube-plate. Patch fitted on throat-plate. Patches renewed. Eetubed. Eetubed, new tube-plates and new front plate fitted. Eetubed, patch fitted on throat-plate, and patch on bottom left-hand corner of firebox. Several new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Three new rivets put in firebox. Twenty-eight new tubes fitted. Twenty-four new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Two new tubes fitted. A number of rivets renewed. New internal tube fitted. Top and bottom seams recaulked. Bottom of combustion-chamber renewed, and patch riveted on front of shell. Patch fitted on front end under bottom of shell and into mouth of furnace. Patch fitted on side of combustion-chamber. Eetubed, and new manhole-door fitted. Bolted patch fitted on top of boiler under safety-valve chest. Bottom circumferential seams recaulked. Bottom flange of back tube-plate reriveted. Brickwork repaired. Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, and patch riveted on. Bulge cut out of bottom of shell, new mud-leg fitted, and thirty-six new tubes fitted. Centre plate in bottom of shell cut out and renewed. Compensating-rings fitted round manhole-openings. Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. Compensating-ring fitted round mudhole-opening and extending over the feed-inlet. Compensating-ring fitted round mudhole-opening, and four turned bolts fitted in gusset stay. Defective steam-dome removed, and plate riveted on shell of boiler. Laminated plate cut out of bottom of boiler, and riveted patch fitted. Longitudinal seams at back end caulked, and washer fitted on tubeplate where wasted. 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n • • • it — it it it it it Lancashire // ... a tt a 1 it 2 1 1 Lancashire tubular Locomotive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it it • • • tt a • • • it a 1 1 3 3 1 1 a • • • a a 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a it Manure-dryer it it Marine ... 1 a 1 1 2 1 1 21 2 1 a • • • Multitubular a a 1 6 11 1 it a ■ • • 1 a 1 1 1 i i



No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers — continued.

Number. Type. Description of Repairs. 7 5 3 1 2 9 15 1 4 3 2 1 1 Multitubular a a Manhole-doors repaired. Mudhole-doors repaired. New bottom-plates fitted in shell. New compensating-ring fitted round manhole-opening, and new door fitted. New flanged riveted plates fitted to bottom of steam-dome. New manhole-doors fitted. New mudhole-doors fitted. Nineteen new tubes fitted. One new longitudinal stay fitted. Patches fitted on bottom of shell. Patches fitted on front tube-plate. Patch fitted on crown of steam-dome, and manhole-door repaired. Patch fitted on crown of steam-dome, and riveted washer under stay-nut. Patch on top of boiler renewed. Eetubed. Eetubed, and new tube-plate fitted. Several new rivets put in shell. Several new tubes fitted. Supporting girder fitted over top of boiler. Two new longitudinal stays fitted. Two rows of tubes renewed. A number of new screwed stays fitted in firebox. A number of new tubes fitted. All new screwed stays fitted in firebox, six new stays from crown of boiler to crown of firebox, patch fitted in firebox, compensatingrings round mudhole-openings, and four sight-holes cut and plugs fitted. 1 4 1 2 11 1 1 1 11 3 1 n Portable a 1 Compensating - rings fitted to manhole and mudbole openings, seventeen new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and patches fitted to bottom corners of firebox. Compensating-rings fitted to manhole-openings. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Corner of firebox patched, eighteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and patch on shell under blow-off cook. Fifteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and an additional dogstay on crown of firebox. Foundation-rings repaired. New dog and stud fitted to mud-door. New firebox-crown fitted. New firebox fitted, lower part of front plate renewed, patches fitted on side of firebox and throat-plate, new foundation-ring, all new tubes, and two new girder-stays. New manhole-door fitted. New mudhole-doors fitted. One new longitudinal stay fitted. Patches fitted in firebox. Patches fitted on tube-plates. Patch fitted on outer shell of firebox. Patch fitted on shell of boiler under blow-off cock, and three new sighting-plugs fitted. Patches in firebox renewed. Retubed. Retubed, and new tube-plates fitted. Retubed, and two extra dog-stays fitted on crown of firebox. Retubed, and two new longitudinal stays fitted, also seventeen new screwed stays in firebox. Retubed, and two patches fitted on front of outer shell of firebox. Several new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Several new tubes fitted. Six new tubes fitted, and shell patched under cylinders. Studs renewed in mudhole-doors. Tapered plug-holes cut, and plugs fitted. Thirty new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and patch fitted on shell under feed-pump chest. Three new longitudinal stays fitted. Two new longitudinal stays fitted. 2 34 1 n 1 n 3 1 1 1 it 1 6 2 5 8 1 1 a 5 12 2 1 1 a it 1 19 4 1 2 2 1 it a a 1 1 it a


H.— 15a

No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers— continued.

umber. Type. Description of Repairs. 1 1 Portable Two new tubes and patch fitted on back tube-plate. Two top rows of screwed stays in side sheets renewed, and top row in back head. Compensating-ring fitted round mudhole-opening. Gompensating-rings fitted round two mudhole-openings and firedoor, two new mud-doors fitted, and six new rivets put in shell. Four new screwed stays and patch fitted in firebox. Patch fitted in firebox, and cornpensating-plate on front tube-plate. Tapered mudholes retapped, and plugs fitted. Twenty-eight new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Twenty-four new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Two new screwed stays fitted in throat-plate. Bosom-piece fitted to angle iron at front end of boiler, and patch fitted on bottom of shell. New stud fitted in mud-door. Patch 18 in. square riveted on bottom of shell under blow-down, and several rivets in circumferential seam renewed. Eetubed. Ketubed, and new tube-plate fitted. Washer and stay fitted over crack in tube-plate. A number of new screwed stays fitted in firebox. All new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and two new tubes fitted. Gompensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. Crack in front tube-plate pinned, and patch fitted. Crown of firebox patched, three new girder-stays fitted, and patch fitted on shell of boiler. Eighty-one new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Fifty new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Forty new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Forty-six new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Longitudinal stays renewed. Manhole-opening dressed out, and new door fitted. New fireboxes fitted. One coupling-pin in longitudinal stay renewed. Patches fitted in firebox. Patches fitted on shell of boiler. Eetubed. Betubed, and all new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Eetubed, and forty-two new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Eetubed, and thirty-six new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Eetubed, new front tube-plate fitted, and patch fitted on shell of boiler. Several new tubes fitted. Several patches fitted in firebox, and lower part of external box renewed. Several rivets round firedoor renewed. Studs in manhole-doors renewed. Thirty-nine new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Thirty-six new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Three new mud-doors and new manhole-door fitted. Twenty new tubes fitted. Twenty-seven new screwed stays fitted in firebox, patch renewed, and eight new tubes put in. Twenty-six new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Bottom portion of firebox renewed. Collars fitted on crown of boiler round uptake. Coinpensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. Five new mud-doors fitted, and two stay-nuts on crown of boiler rejointed. Four new vertical stays fitted. Manhole-doors repaired. New mudhole-doors fitted. New uptake fitted. One new stay fitted. Patches fitted in firebox. Patches fitted on shell of boiler. Patch fitted round bottom of firebox, and collar on crown of boiler round uptake. Three new vertical stays fitted, and patch on shell of boiler under check-valve chest. 1 1 Semi-portable 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • Semi-tubular 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 6 3 1 it Traction 1 1 3 1 8 1 6 1 6 2 23 1 1 ] 1 u •' ' 9 1 1 L 3 1 1 1 L 1 2 8 1 Vertical cross-tube 2 2 2 1 3 5 1 if a 1



No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers— continued.

No. 4. —Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c., during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1909.

Number. Type. Description of Repairs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 10 1 1 2 2 1 Vertical cross-tube Vertical field-tube if it Vertical flue it it • • * it a • • • a Vertical tubular ... // a • •' n Two rows of new screwed etays fitted round firebox. Uptake patched. Compensating-rings fitted round two mudhole-openings, and three new screwed stays in firebox. New compensating-ring fitted round manhole-opening. Patch fitted on bottom of firebox. Eetubed, and new uptake fitted. Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. New crown fitted to boiler. New uptakes fitted. Patches fitted on bottom of shell. Patch fitted round firedoor-opening. Patch fitted under blow-off cock. Patch fitted under mountings. Patch fitted under safety-valve, and new mud-door fitted. Several new rivets put in uptake. Compensating-ring fitted inside firedoor. Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. Compensating-ring fitted round mudhole-opening, and one new vertical stay fitted. Four new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Five new tubes fitted. New tube-plates fitted. New tube-plate and one new vertical stay fitted. One new stay-tube fitted. Patches fitted in firebox. Patches fitted on shell of boiler. Patches fitted on shell of boiler under blow-off cock and check-valve chest. Patch fitted under blow-off cock. Eetubed. Eetubed, and doubling-plate fitted on crown of boiler. Sludge-hole cut and new door fitted. Studs renewed in mud-doors. Two new tubes fitted. All header tubes renewed, and eight new long tubes fitted. Bottom row of tubes renewed. Brickwork repaired. Fifty new tubes fitted. One new tube fitted. n ii if it 1 26 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 it ii Water-tube a n • • • 571 Total.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. 1 1 2 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J Air-compressing Bacon-factory Bakery .. Biscuit-factory Bookbinding Boiling-down Bone-crushing Fly-wheel of engine. Belting and pulley. Fly-wheels. Main driving-belt. Gearing of ruling-machine. Main driving-belt. Boring Boot-factory Box-factory Pinion-wheels. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel of engine, and end of crank-shaft. Main driving-belt, and set-pins in collars. Circular saw, and box guard to travelling-bench. Stop fitted to limit travel of goose saw. End of crank-shaft. Fly-wheel of engine, and emery wheels. Fly-wheel of engine. Brass-finishing ») Brewery ..



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.— continued.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 I 1 L 2 3 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 1 Brickmaking >> • ■ >> • • >> ■ ■ Belting and machinery. Driving-belt. Key in crank-shaft. Machinery. Pulley. Wheel to guard, and sleeve to fit on end of shaft. Machinery. Belting. Briquette-works Brush-factory Butchery.. 1 1 J 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 8 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 ,, .. Butter-factory )> • • j> • • >> • • Cabinetmaking >> * • >> • • >> • • >j • • >> • • Candle-factory Canning-factory .. Cement-works 5) • • >> ■ " >> • * » • • Chaffcutting >> • • >> * • >> • • >> Machinery. Eailing to fit at side of engine. Churn and fly-wheel. Churn and machinery. Machinery. Pulley and main belting. Shafting. Belting. Circular saws. Circular saw and emery wheel. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel and belting. Machinery. Shafting near floor, to board over. Collars on intermediate shafting. Arm of can-conveyer. Fly-wheel of auxiliary engine. Fly-wheel of engine, and pinion-wheels of mixer. Main driving-belt and tube-mill belting. Main driving-belt, and pulley, elevator, and belting for elevator and roller. Main driving - belt, intermediate and main driving - pulleys, also clinker - elevator and belting. Belting. Belting and circular saw. End of shafting. Fly-wheels. Main driving-belt. Pulley and belting. Water-race to cover. Fly-wheel of engine. Main driving-belts. Band saw. Circular saws. Emery wheels. Engine and machinery. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheels and pulley. Machinery and belting. Cooler to guard. Intermediate driving-belt. Band saw and belting. Belting. End of shafting. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheel and key in end of crank-shaft. Pulley. Fly-wheels. Main belting. Fly-wheels, pulley, belting, and crusher-shafting. Circular saw. Fly-wheel of engine. End of engine-shaft. Fence engine. Belting. >> - • >> • ■ >> • • Cheese-factory >> • • Coach-factory >> • • >> • • >> • • >> • • >> • • >> • • Coffee-mill Coke-elevator Cordial-factory >> • • >> • • >> • • >> • • Creamery Crushing copper-ore Crushing grain ?> - - Cycle-works >> • • Dairy factory



No. 4. —Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.— continued.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. 2 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 I 10 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 6 1 1 1 I 6 1 2 1 1 3 1 l 3 2 1 1 Dairy factory >> • • Diamond drill >> • • Dye-works Electric hoist Electric lift )} ' • J) • * 55 * * Electric lighting .. >> * • j> ■ • )> • • )> )? • • jj • • i> • • Electric motor M ' * Elevator .. ,j .. ,, . . . . Engineer's shop Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel of refrigerator. New vertical shaft fitted. Fly-wheel of engine. Wheels of boring-machine. Driving-belt. New brake fitted. End of shafting. Motor to fence, and door to fit to cage. New cage fitted. New steel-wire ropes for cage. New steel-wire ropes for balance-weights. New steel-wire rope and new top shackle New worm wheel fitted. Railing fitted round well. Safety-grips overhauled and springs adjusted. Side of belting. Belting. Belting and shafting. Belting and wheel. Engine, &c. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and belting. Main driving-belt. New handrail fitted in front of well Sleeve on end of engine-shaft. Belting. Driving-pulley and shafting. Side of driving-belt. Chain. Gearing. Motors and belts. Belting. Engine. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and emery wheels. Machinery. Spur wheels, and vertical and bevel wheels of punching-machine. Fly-wheel of engine. Machinery. Belting. Circular saws. Engine and main belting. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and end of crank-shaft. Rail to fit in front of engine. Wheel to guard and new saw-bench fitted. Belting, shafting, and pulleys. Belting, side of wheels, and reduce width of scutcher-opening. Circular saws. Circular saw and machinery. End of shafting. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel and main driving-belt. Front of scutcher, to strengthen. Mill-race to cover. Reduce width of scutcher-opening. Scutcher-belting. Scutcher belting, pulley, and shafting. Spur wheels, pulley, and shafting. Shafting on two machines. Belting. 1 j> • • >» tj • • )■> * • 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 arm-work )> • • Firewood-cutting .. y> * • )5 * * J) * * Flax-mill.. J) 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 ,, • • j. . . ,, J) * • Flock-mill Flour-mill



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c. — continued.

3—H. 15a.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. 1 1 1 Flour-mill Belting and fly-wheel. Fly-wheel of gas-engine. New cam-ropes fitted. Belting. End of crank-shaft. Engine and shafting. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and end of shaft. Fly-wheel and shafting. Holding-down bolts renewed. Key in fly-wheel. Railing to fit round engine. Sleeve fitted on end of crank-shaft. New spring fitted. New steel-wire ropes. Bolting and engine. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel, winch spur gearing, and shafting. Pulley. Belting. Machinery. Machinery ; main driving-pulley and tower also repaired. Rail to fit round engine, grating to repair, and machinery to guard. Strong platform to erect under spur - wheel gearing. Tower repaired. Tower, gantry, and all woodwork carrying friction gear repaired. Winch-wheels. Fly-wheel and main driving-belt. Belting. Rail round engine to fit, and keys of pulley and fly-wheel. Main driving - belt, pulley, and rotary - mill belting. Auxiliary-gear driving-belt. Belting. Machinery. Spur gearing and shafting. Chains annealed. Chains annealed, and a number of defective links renewed. Chain annealed, and new jib-head pulley fitted. Jib-head pulley rebushed. Chains annealed. Chain annealed and cage repaired. Chains annealed and rails on top floor repaired. Lifts fenced. New chain fitted. New gripper-ropes fitted. New hand-rope fitted. New ropes for balance-weight. New ropes for hoisting and balance-weight. New safety gear fitted. New spring for safety gear. New steel-wire ropes fitted. Safety catches overhauled and adjusted. Stanchions straightened and side of lift repaired. Fly-wheel, pulleys, and pinion of punchingmachine. End of crank-shaft, and circular saw. Fly-wheel of engine. Machinery. Friction hoist Gas-engines 3 18 7 18 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 5 1 2 1 2 1 5 >> >> )> >> >> >> > j Gas-lift . . >> ■ • General work >> Gold-dredging >> 1 >> 1 >> 1 >> 2 7 2 1 1 1 Gold-sluicing Grinding .. Grinding lime 1 Grinding meal 1 1 1 1 20 16 Hauling .. Hoisting .. >> • • Hydraulic erane >> 1 1 11 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 16 6 1 1 >J >> Hydraulic lifts >> >j j> j, j> >> j> j> JJ Ironworks 1 1 1 Joinery . . >j * •



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.— continued.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 7 2 38 2 4 1 8 2 1 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 3 47 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 Knitting .. Log-hauling J) Machine-shop it Malting .. Manure-drying Milking .. )? • • >) • • >) • • >1 * ' j> • ' J) • • " Mincing .. )j * * j> • • ?» • • >> • • Mixing-machine Motor garage Oil-engine » S) Paper-mill Pclton wheel )! Pipemaking Planing-mill j Pottery .. Poultry-farm Power lift 1) >J Printing .. Crank-shaft. Circular saws. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and spur wheels. Sleeve fitted on end of shaft. Spur gearing. Belting, wheels, and pulley. Circular saw. Driving pulley and belt. Emery wheel. Fly-wheel. Key in fly-wheel. Machinery. Pinions of drilling, punching, and shearing machines. Belting. Pulley on end of shaft. Belting, pulleys, and spur gearing. Belting. Belting and end of crank-shaft. Belt-pulley and fly-wheel. Engine and belting. Engine and vacuum pump. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel, belting, and wheels of vacuum pump Machinery. Pulley. Sleeve to fit on end of shaft. Belting. Belting and pulley. End of shaft. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and end of shafting. Fly-wheel and main driving-belt. Gearing of mincer. Machinery. Sprocket-chain drive. Emery wheels. Fly-wheel. Belting and pulley. End of crank-shaft Engine. Fly-wheels. Fly-wheel and main driving-belt. Machinery and belting. Belting. End of shaft, Fly-wheel. Wheel. End of crank-shaft. Swing saw and emery wheels. All machinery. Circular saw. Fly-wheel and belting. Belting and fly-wheel. Belting. Front of engine and belting. Hatches guarded. New eye-bolt for lifting cage. New safety catches fitted. New steel-wire ropes fitted. New worm wheel. Safety gear repaired. Belting. Belting and|pulley.



No. 4. —Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.— continued.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. 1 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 Printing .. ,, . . . . ,, ,, ,, ,, Pumping.. j, . . . . „ ,; . . ,, ,, Punching-machine.. Quartz-battery Refrigerating )) I 33 Sash and door factory 33 S3 33 )3 33 Belting and spokes in printing-machine. End of shaft. Fly-wheels. Gear wheels. Key-lead. Machinery. Pulley, belting, and key-lead. Pulley, machinery, and fly-wheel. Belting and pump spindle. Circular saw. End of engine-shaft. • Engine and belting. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel of engine, and pinion wheels. Geared wheels. Side of fly-wheel and end of shaft. Side of fly-wheel, and driving-belt. Pinion wheels. Belting. Machinery and belting. Belting. End of shaft. Engines. Fence coupled engines. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel, pulley, belting, and shaft. Pulley and belting. Belting and machinery. Circular saws. Circular saws and emery wheels. Emery wheels and belting. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel, pulley, belting, emery wheels, and end of shaft. Machinery and circular saw. Side of engine to fence, and shafting near floor to cover. Stops fitted to goose saws to limit travel. Belting and circular saws. Circular saws. Circular saws and emery wheels. Circular saws and machinery. Circular saw and main driving-belt. Circular saw and side of vertical. Circular saw, belting, and countershaft. Countershaft and main belting. End of breaking-down-saw spindle, main shaft, pulleys, and circular saw. Engine-crank and firewood-saw. Firewood-saw and machinery. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel and circular saw. Fly-wheel and belting. Fty-wheel, belting, pulley, and circular saw. Machinery. Machinery and belting. Machinery, belting, and circular saws. Main belting, pulleys, and end of crank-shaft. Main belting, pulleys, and belt-shifting gear. Main pulley, belting, and countershaft. Planer belting, set-screws, circular saw, and stop to fit to swing saw. Planer belting, circular saw, fly-wheel, and stop to fit to swing saw. 1 ,3 3 1 33 33 5 7 82 5 26 2 1 2 1 1 33 Sawmill 33 33 33 • • 33 • • • • 33 • ' ,, . . 33 ' • 33 1 10 1 1 2 1 2 4 6 1 1 2 1 J) . . . . J) • • • • ,j )) «, 1 j> . . . .



No. 4. —Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c. — continued.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. 1 3 1 Sawmill . . Platform renewed round saw-bench. Stop fitted to swinging saw. Twin saw-spindle framing repaired, circular saw and emery wheels guarded. Vertical and circular saw. Wheel, shaft, and circular saw. Fly-wheel of engine. Driving-pulley. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and belting. New mitre wheels fitted and shaft lined up. Belting. Belting and emery wheels. Crank-shaft. Emery wheels. End of shaft. End of shaft, and driving-belt. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and crank-shaft. Fly-wheel and emery wheels. Fly-wheel to guard, and handrail and ladder to fit in engine-room. Machinery. Pulley and emery wheels. Belting and emery wheels. Emery wheels. Engine to fence. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and emery wheels. Main pulley and belting. Belts of soap-press. Main driving-belt. Key-leads in pulley and fly-wheel. Chain annealed. Ninety feet of new chain. Chain annealed. Spur gearing. Cage repaired. Belting. Fly-wheel. Wheel and belting. Circular saw. Engine and belting. Main driving-belt, saw-drive, and set-pins in collars. Set-pins in stone-planer and bevel gear. Shearing-machine. Rail to fit at side of motor and driving-pulley. Pinion wheels on leather-rolling machine. Shafting. Main belting. Belting. Belting and wheel. Fly-wheel of engine, and fan-shaft. Fly-wheel and pulley. Gearing. Pulley and sandpaper drum. Machinery. Circular saw. Saw-bench to strengthen. Shafting. Stop fitted to swing saw. Band saw. Band saw and emery wheels. Band saw and end of grinding-saw shaft. Band saw, and engine and belting to be railed in. ,, 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 .1 10 1 4 1 •>•, Scutching Seed-cleaning J? • • i) • • Shearing .. ., ,, ,, j) 8 2 1 5 1 1 ,j . . . . Shop tools jj • • )> ■ • 5) • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 )) • ' )) ■ • Soapworks Station-work Steam-crane Steam hoist J5 * ' Steam lift Stone-crushing )> • • )) ■ • 1 1 1 Stone-cutting »; ■ • 1 1 1 1 1 j; • • J) • • ii • • 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tannery Tinsmith Venetian blinds Ventilating Well-sinking Wire mattress Wireworking Wood-cutting }* • • )) • • Wood-turning Woodworking j) • • 7> • •



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.— continued.

No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1909.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. 5 1 1 19 1 1 2 3 2 1 4 4 1 2 2 1 Woodworking >> ,) >> >> 7! J) >> J, ,, )) Belting. Belting arid pulley. Circular saw and band saw. Circular saws. Circular saw and emery wheel. Circular saw and end of shaft. Crank-shaft. End'of shafting and circular saw. Engine. Engine and machinery. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel, belting, and pulleys. Fly-wheel, and platform to fit. Machinery. Planing-machine belts and circular saw. Shafting. Stop fitted to swing saw. Fly-wheel and pulley. Main driving-belt, and floor-opening. Motor and belting. Coupling on main shaft. Machinery and shafting. Engine and belting. J) >) 5 1 ! 1 1 1 Wool-cleaning 5> Wool-drying Wool-dumping Woollen-mill 1,005 Total.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Francis Clark, Wellington Electric lift William Somtnerville ; 28 years 2nd April, 1908 : head severely crushed While working on top of the lift-cage, Sommerville asked the man at the lever to move it a little. The lift was near the top, and as soon as it was moved Sommerville became wedged between the top of the cage and the hauling-gear. The machine accidently at ;i n ed while work was being prepared. In reaching over to stop it Benyon's hand was caught in the machine. While sawing a piece of timber Milliean's hand came in eontact with the saw. Bowgen placed his right hand on top of the delivery-roller, when it was drawn into the machine. While Cook was planing a board his left hand slipped, and came in contact with the knives of the machine. Aldridge was sandpapering a whifne-bar with the pullinghooks attached. Somehow one of the hooks became entangled with the drivingbelt of the machine. While in motion it struck him on the head, shoulder, and arm. jytteltou Times Company (Limited), Christchurch Printing-maohine W. H. Benyon ; 34 years 3rd April, 1908: hand crushed fames Trevor and Sons, Wellington Circular saw .James Milli0 a n; 29 9th April, 1908 : hand cut )nehuuga Woollen Mills (Limited), To Papapa Wool-teasing .. years A. \V. Bowgen ; l(i years 9th April, 1908 : iost top of two fingers Cook, Petone. . Buzz planer George Cook ; 29 years 18th April, 1908 : tips of three fingers cut off . BettandCo. (Limited), Palmerston North Sandpapering .. I ,, . Aldridge ; 20 years 28th April, 1908 : head and arms cut, and shoulder bruised



No. 5. —Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery— continued.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Butterworth Bros., Dunediu Hydraulic lift .. M. Page ; 14 years Oth May, 1908 : face and neck cut and bruised Page was looking down the well to see where the cage of lift was, when it decended from the floor above him, causing injuries to his head. Thorpe's hand slipped, and eame in contact with the Hunter Bros., Waitakerei Circular saw .. William Thorpe ; 35 years Turret lathe .. ' Alex. Aitken ; 20 years Oth May, 1908: fingers of left hand cut 7th May, 1008 : forefinger of right hand cut A. and T. Hurt (Limited), Dunediu W. Q. Bassett, Wanganui .1. B. Hendricksen, Wellington A. andT. Burt (Limited), Dunedin A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Circular saw .. Horace Toop j l(i years Planing .. J. E. Hendrieksen ; 41 years Turret lathe . . Mary Moore; 20 years I'm ret lathe . . Edmund Fail; 15 years llth May, 1908: four fingers severed 14th May, 1908 : tips of four fingers cut off l'Jth May, 1908: forefinger injured 22nd May, 1908 : head cut saw. While working the lathe, Aitken neglected to remove the hand-rest, and his ringer was caught between it and the work in the lathe. Toop's left hand came in contact with the saw through the timber slipping. When attempting to plane a short piece of wood the fingers of Hendrieksen's left hand came in contact with the knives of the machine. In cleaning the brass borings off lathe Moore touched the handle of the turret, bringing the drill in contact with her left forefinger. While cutting a brass tube in the lathe the tube bent up quickly, and struck Fail on the head. Nicol was sawing a piece of wood, and through inattention his finger eame in contact with the saw. Johnston was trying to push a belt off with his foot while the engine was slowing down, when he slipped and broke the small bone of his leg. When working at the machine Cotton turned around for an instant, when the first finger of his right hand was suddenly crushed in one of the moving parts of the machine. While working at the bench Teece's foot slipped, and the forefinger of his left hand came in contact with the W. Cable and Co., Wellington Circular saw .. A. Nioo] ; 45 22nd May, 1908: top of finger taken off years W. and J. Hunter, Mokoreta Flax-mill .. William .Johnston ; 33 years 3rd June, 1908: small bone of leg broken Blundell Bros. (Limited). Wellington I Printing-press .. Arthur Cotton ; 15 years 8th June, 1908: top of finger crushed Hewetson and Teeoe, Dovedale Circular saw .. C, T. Teece ; 31 years 10th June, 1908: forefinger injured, necessitating amputation at second joint llth June, 1908: thumb crushed R. Hannah and Co. (Limited), Wellington Cult ing-press .. George Carey ; 49 years saw. While working the press the leather slipped, and the top of ( larey's thumb was caught under the press. Varley, who was engine-driver, was standing behind the flywheel of the engine when the belt broke. One of the ends struck his head. Elstob was guiding a barrel through the hatchway in the floor as it was being hoisted. He kept his hand on the rope too long, getting his third finger pinched between rope and pulley. When working at the machine Milne's ringers were caught in the rollers.. Through the rebounding of the timber Kennedy was planing, two fingers of his left hand eame in contact with the knives of the planer. While sawing a piece of timber Chalmers's hand slipped, causing his thumb to come in contact with the saw. Woodham was wiping the head of the machine while it was in motion, and had part of fourth ringer of his right hand severed. Guy and Purnell, Apiti Sawmill .. I Herbert Valley ; 24 years llth June, 1908 : head bruised Aulsebrook and Co., Chrietchuroh Power press .. J. Elstob ; lti years 13th June, 1908 : finger - nail pulled out New Zealand Paper Mills (Limited), Mataura Paper-bag ma- J. Milne; 20 chine years Kith June, 1908: fingers crushed H. Bradner and Sous. Christchurch Planing .. Hugh Kennedy; 28 years 21st June, 1908: two fingers injured C. and W. Hayward, Dunediu Circular saw .. William Chal in cis; 23 years 22nd June, 1908: thumb cut P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christchurch Shaping-machine James Woodh a m ; 40 25th June, 1908: finger severed years



No. 5. —Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery— continued.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Ape of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Christchuioh Tramway Board. Christchurch ('. II. Furness and Co. (Limited), Auckland W. G. Bassett, Wanganui Kempthorne, Proseer, and Co. (Limited). Dunedin New Zealand Paper IStilL; (Limited). Mat-aura S. Luke and Co. (limited). Wellington Hill and Lloyd. Karori Wheel-press Biscuit-making Band saw Tablet-making Paper-bag making Emery wheels .. ( pushing plant.. T. B. Whitfield ; f>8} years JL Mondosa; 14 years R. C. Nichols ; 20 years H. S. Pithie ; 39 years .1. S1 e e m a n ; 22 years B. Reilly; 24 years A. W. Larson ; 53 years 2<ith June, 1908 : hand crushed 1st July, 1908 :j right arm crushed} 1st July. 1008 : two fingers cut slightly 9th July, 1908 : arm cut and bruised 9th July, 1908: fingers crushed 14th July, 1908: sight of eye detroved 14th July, 1908 : two fingers injured Whitfield was trying to get the wheel on to the press when it slipped, crushing his hand against the frame. While rolling dough Mond >sa's hand was caught in the rollers. Through inattention Nichols's hand came in contact with the saw. While Pithie was shifting a belt from the tight to the loose pulley the belt slipped off suddenly and caused the upper part of his right arm to come in contact with the fly-wheel. When working at the machine Sleeman's fingers caught in the rollers. While Reilly was grinding a tool on the machine he put too much weight on, with the result that the wheel broke, and one of the pieces struck his forehead and left eye. In using a pick to remove a stone from the mouth of the crusher the screen caught the end of the pick and eiushed Larson's fingers on i lie bottom of the crusher. While working the machine a finger of Edwards's left hand was caught between the knife and the block of the press. Do well's apron caught in the belt of the machine, and in trying to release it his right arm caught. While turning the wheel of sluice-valve the second finger of Fail's left hand caught in the gearing. Blaney was overhauling the pulverising-mill, and placed his hand on a pinion of a similar mill in motion close by. When putting clay into the mixer Hewitt's hand was drawn into the machine. ftargood, Son. and Ewen (Limited), Dunedin Heel-cutting press John Edwards : 20 years 17th July, 1908: top joint of finger cut off G. A. Coles and Co.. Auckland Lasting Ed. Dowell ; 35 years 17 th July, 1908: bone of arm broken A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Sluice-valve O. G. H. Fail ; 20 years 17th July, 1908 : finger crushed Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Limited) Grinding a n d rotary G. Blaney ; 30 years 21st July, 1908: linger crushed Nfew Zealand Brick and Tile Company (Limited), New Lynn Brick and t ile mixer Walter Hewitt: l!j years 24th July, 1908 : arm crushed, necessitating amputation at elbow 24th July, 1908 : head, legs, and scrotum cut, and body bruised Wellington Woollen Manufacturing Company (Limited), Potono Shake willey Norman Senior; 22 years Senior was attempting to put on a small belt while the machine was in motion. His clothing was caught by the revolving shaft, causing him to be lifted off his feet. His clothing fortunately gave way, and he fell to the floor after making one revolution round the shaft. Sloan's foot was project ingover the side of the cage of the lift, and it came in eontact with the floor when the lift was ascending. Through inattention the thumb of Sherratt's right hand was caught in the belt-shifting gear. The engineer instructed .Tameson to renew a joint on the water-heater, and cautioned him to see that the pressure was turned off before disconnecting the joint. This he neglected to do, and as soon as the bolts were slackened the boiling water rushed out and caught him on the arms and also slightly on the face. Yerex. Barker, and Finlay (Limited). Wellington Goods-lift .T. Sloan ; 17 27th July, 1908: foot crushed years W. Cable and Co.. Wellington Planing E. Sherratt; 18 years 3rd August. 1908: thumb cut Invercargill Borough Council Pumping-plant A. F. .Jameson ; 35 years 3rd August, 1908: arms and face scalded

11.—15 a


No. 5. —Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery— continued.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Date of Accident and Person inj used. Nature of Injury. Cauee of Accident, and Remarks. Ceding and Mnndy. Palmerston Nortli * Vilson' s Portland Cement Company (Limited), Warkworth Villiam Bates and Son, Christchurch )tago Crush Company (Limited), Dunedin •Mward Collie, Wellington South !. Aburn and Sons, Dunedin V. G. Bassett, Wanganui Ddendale Dairy Company (Limited). Edendale Printing Grinding a n d rotary Circular saw ( Hrcular saw Planing Buzz planer Swing crosscut saw Dairy-machine A. Bowling; 4th August, 1908: 17 years little finger torn, necessitating amputation R. N. Warin; 4th August, 1008 : 41 years hand lacerated Frank Wise; 6th August. 1908: 22 years arm bruised and out Jos. Wheeler; 10th August, 1908: 20 years end of finger cut off G. Birch; 23 20th August. 1008: years four lingers cut off 11. F. Hurds; 20th August, 1008: 34 years little finger injured Silas Wall; fifi 4th September 1008: years linger lacerated John Sawers ; Oth September, 1008 : 42 years leg broken, necessitating amputation John Talbot; ■ lOthSeptember. 1908 : 25 years ankle crushed L. H. Clow ; 14th September. 1008 : 10 years hand badly cut J. Joaling; 22 14th September, 1008 :\ years neck, arms, and face cut and bruised John Ryan ; 17th September, 1908 :. 18 years arm bruised H. Allridge ; 17th September, 1908 : 18 years top of thumb cut A. Bowling ; 17 years R. N. Warin ; 41 years Frank Wise ; 22 years Jos. Wheeler ; 20 years C. Birch ; 23 years II. F. Hurds; 34 years Silas Wall; 06 years John Sawers ; 42 years 4th August, 1908: little finger torn, necessitating amputation 4th August, 1908 : hand lacerated 6th August. 1908: arm bruised and cut 10th August, 1908: end of finger cut off 20th August. 1908: four lingers cut off 20th August, 1008: little finger injured 4th September 1908: linger lacerated Oth September, 1008 : leg broken, necessitating amputation Bowling touched the belt while it was in motion, and a ring on one of his fingers caught in one of the belt-fasteners. He was hauled by the belt up to the shafting, but the ring in the meantime, fortunately for him, became detached, and he fell to the floor. Warin inadvertently placed his hand inside a spiral con-veyer-box used for hauling feed for rotary kilns. In tailing out a piece of wood from the saw, Wise allowed it to fall on the saw, when it rebounded and struck his right arm. While sawing a piece of timber Wheeler's finger came in contact with the saw. When Birch was working the machine it stopped, and he attempted to move the cogwheels with his hand. In the meantime the machine started again and drew his left hand into the gearing. Hurds's left hand slipped and came into contact with the knives of the machine. Wall was cutting a piete of timber when his right hand slipped, the forefinger coming in contact with the saw. Sawers disconnected the belting to throw the machinery out of gear, the engine being still in motion. His feet became entangled in the loose belt. He cleared his right foot, but his left foot was caught in the double of the belt, and he was pulled up to the shaft. His ankle was crushed and his leg broken below the knee. While on the top of the machine Talbot's trousers were caught in the gearing, and his foot was drawn in. The injuries to his ankle were so serious that his foot had to be amputated. When working at the machine Clow's hand, through inattention, came in contact with the knives. Josling was hanging up the belt he had removed from the rock-breaker. The belt became twisted round the shaft and guard-rail. Josling was caught by the bell and dragged against the running shaft, his chin, neck, and shoulder being cut and his back injured. Ryan's hand was caught in the drill. Allridge allowed his thumb to come in contact with the lOthSeptember, 1908: ankle crushed Jamea Osborne, Doyleston Well-sinking t John Talbot : 25 years New Plymouth Saih and Door Factory and Timber Company (Limited), New Plymouth Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Limited), Warkworth Shaping L. H. Clow; 10 years 14th September, 1908 : hand badly cut Grinding i rotary a n (I J. Josling ; 22 years 14th September, 1008 : neck, arms, and face cut and bruised A. andT. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Andrew Miller, Nelson. . Drilling Circular saw John Ryan ; 18 yoais H. Allridge; 18 years 17th September, 1908 : arm bruised 17th September, L908 : top of thumb cut off 25th September, 1008 : hand crushed Auckland Electric Tramways Company (Limited). Auckland Generator off Samuel Lee; 25th September, 1008 : 35 years hand crushed F. Townsend ; 1st October, 1008: 19 years left fool crushed Samuel Lee; 35 years saw. While cleaning L.P. valvegear of No. 2 engine Lee's hand was caught between disc and eccentric rod. Townsend was riding on the lift and allowed his foot to project over-the bottom of the cage, when it was caught between the cage and floor. Kem lit home, Proaser, and Co., Dunedin Goods-lift F. Townsend ; 19 years 1st October, 1008 : left fool crushed



No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery—continued.

4—H. 15a.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Topliss Bros., Addington W. G. Vining, Nelson .. Circular saw .. Gas-engine Edmund Thomas ; 30 years Robert King ; 15 years 5th October, 1908: ends of three fingers of left hand cut off 7th October, 1908: arms and collarbone broken While working at the bench Thomas's ringers larre in contact with the saw. The loose apron which King was wearing became entangled with .the shaft of the engine and drew him on to it. While Cameron was working at this machine part of it flew off, striking him on the A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dimedin Polishing John Cameron; lfi years 8th October, 1908: nose broken Brown, Barrett, and Co., Auckland Hydraulic lift .. E. Dudson; 22 years 9th October, 1908: slight concussion nose. The cage of the lift was descending from the floor above Dudson. He approached the lift and leaned over the guard-rail, when the cage caught him on the head and crushed him. The tool Reynolds was grinding slipped, causing his thumb to come in contact with the stone. Whilst engaged oiling the gearing of the machine, .Smith got his fingers caught in it. Smithson was planing a piece of timber, when his hand slipped and came in contact with the knives of the machine. In removing the finished work from the machine Burnett's fingers were caught in the gearing. Barnes was assisting a fitter to dismantle some stationary gear, when his finger came under part of the gear. While Antiss was moulding a narrow piece of timber il splintered and caused his hand to come in contact with the knives of the machine. When sawing a piece of timber Aburn's left hand touched the saw. The child was trespassing on the rope-line out of sight of the engine - driver. Apparently he was playing with the rope when his fingers were drawn into the loggingblock. Caused through an explosion of coaldust. The drier had been standing some time. Wolleson had gone into the elevator close to the end of the drier to clean out some dried coal. Owing to some misunderstanding, the man in charge started the drier, when two or three slight explosions took place, burning Wolleson about the face, neck, and arms. McAra was cleaning the bedplate of the condenser when his hand was caught by one of the cranks of the condenser whilst in motion. In working the lathe Foote's finger got between the tool and his work. While working the machine Filmer put his hand in to remove some wool, and got his finger caught. While crosscutting box-timber Fisher had part of his little finger cut off. Christchurch Tramway Board, Christchuxch Grindstone Isaac Reynolds ; 30 9th October, 1908 : thumb crushed Mechanical stokers years Wailii Grand Junction Gold-mining Company (Limited), Waihi Alfred Brown, Mount Eden W. L. Smith ; 5(i years 12th October, 1908 : three fingers of right hand crushed 15th October, 1908 : three fingers of right hand cut off Buzzer Jos. Smiths o n ; 29 years P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christehurch Lathe Morris Burnett; 23 years I6th October, 1908: three fingers of right hand torn Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Limited), Warkworth Pulverising H. Barnes ; 38 19th October, 1908: middle finger of right hand badly crushed 20th October, 1908 : two fingers lost and two injured years Alex. Morrison, Hamilton Wood shaping and moulding II. J. Antiss ; 42 years S. Aburn and Sons, Dunedin Circular saw A. A. Aburn ; 28 years 21st October. 1908: palm of hand cut Wilis and Burnand (Limited), Otorohanga L o g - h a u 1 in g steam-winch Ralui te Mann ; 10 years 23rd October, 1908: four finger.! torn from each band Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Limited), Warkworth Drying J, Wolleson ; 50 years 30th October, 1908 : face, neck, and arms severely burnt Lyttleton Times Comiany, Christchurch Jet condenser .. William MoAre s 32 years 2nd November, 1908 : finger of right hand badly lacerated R. G. Denton, Wellington Lathe Walter Foote ; 23 years 5th November, 1908 : end of finger crushed Onehunga Woollen Mills Company (Limited), Te Papapa Wool-carding .. George Filmer ; 31 years 12th November, 1908: finger cut Kilkelly Bros., Grow Busli Circular saw O. Fisher; 16 years 12th November, 1908: part of little finger cut off



No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery—continued.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. ! Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Kilkelly Bros., Grove Bush Circular saw J. Bell; 22 years 14th November, 1908 : point of thumb cut off 19th November, 1908 ■ toes crushed Bell allowed his thumb to come in contact with the saw. J. McGregor and Co., Dimedin * Plate-rolling John Wynn; 48 years Wynn put his foot on the roll-ing-machine to pull the plate out, when it was caught in the rollers. While working the lathe Rogerson's left hand was caught between the turning-tool arid hook that was being turned. In putting the paper into the machine Leith got too near to the cylinders. Oakes was trying to remove a moving belt by his foot. His foot was caught in the belt and carried along and crushed against the revolving pulley. Whilst Cairns was working at the machine the wheel recoiled and struck his arm. Donovan was oiling the machine when he placed his left hand in the rollers. Southland Engineering Company, Invereargill Lathe T. Rogerson; 19 years 19th November, 1908 : left hand bruised .). Wilkie and Co. (Limited), Dnnedin Printing Alex. Leith; 28 years 19th November, 1908 : right forearm crushed 23rd November, 1908 : right ankle sprained and bruised Wilson s Portland Cement Company (Limited), Warkworth Drying R. Oakes ; 20 years P. and T). Duncan (Limited), Christchuroh Pressing William Cairns ; 21 years 1st December, 1908 : right elbow dislocated 3rd December, 1908 : tip of ringer of left hand lacerated and fingers cut. 3rd December, 1908 : thumb crushed Oamaru Woollen Company, Oamaru Carding Thomas Donov a n ; 18 Grindstone years Christchuroh Tramway Board, Christchurch C. McKelvie; 29 years In grinding a tool at the machine it slipped, and McKielvie's thumb came in contact with the stone. Arnold was cleaning the gear when in motion, and caught his thumb in it. The ; hand-rest of lathe being too far away, Scott's hand slipped in between the chuck ofj the lathe and the rest. White allowed his fingers to get under the press. Staples allowed his hand to come in contact with the machine. Sherlock was working on her web, and through inattention put the loom in motion, causing her arm to come in contact with it. Gilmore was giving a new electric elevator a trial run. He had previously placed a piece of timber between the balance-weights and had omitted to remove it. When the lift was put in motion this timber came in contact with the crossframing of the guide for balance-weights. The shock tore the wire ropes out of the grips, and before the grips came into effectiv action the cage had reached the bottom of the shaft. The force with which the cage struck the bottom rendered Gilmore (who was the only occupant of the cage) unconscious. While working at the machine Inglis leant across the table to lift a spanner, when his leg caught between the table and frame of machine. While working at the lathe Payne's hand caught in tho belt. Linton was checking a small piece of board, and had his hand too close to the end, causing it to come in contact with the knives of the machine. Auckland Electric Tramways Company (Limited), Auckland A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Corliss-valve gear William Arnold; 60 4th December, 1908 : thumb bruised Turret lathe years Charles Scott; 14 years 7th December, 1908 : thumb slightly hurt Sargood, Son, and Ewen (Limited), Dunedin Sole-moulder .. Isaac White; 21 years 7th December, 1908 : finger of right hand crushed 11th December, 1908: hand cut Christchurch Tramway Board, Christchurch Boring R. Staphs ; 20 yeais : Onehunga Woollen-mills (Limited), Te Papapa Power loom May Sherlock ; 19 years 14th December, 1908 : right forearm cut Trustees, Corcoran's Estate, Auckland Electric elevator Arno.d Gilmove; 30 18th December, 1908 : back injured years P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christchurch Planing John Inglis; 16 years 31st December, 1908 : thigh injured A. and , !'. Hurt (limited), Dunedin Turret lathe- . . William Payne; 19 years David Linton ; 24 years 8th January, 1909: left hand bruised Alliance Box Company (Limited), Dunedin Single spindle 16th January, 1909 : lost fourth finger of right hand



No. 5. —Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery— continued.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Soss and Glendining (Limited), Dunedin Carding William King ; 25 years 18th January, 1909 : chin cut When starting the machine King slipped and fell on the sharp edge of a revolving pulley. Wright was cleaning down the roller while the machine was in motion, when he slipped and his hand came in contact with the rollers. While working at the boringmachine Harding allowed his hand to get into the gearing. O'Kane was working at the machine with the sleeve of his shirt hanging down, when it caught in the machine and his arm was drawn in. While working at the bench Fraser slipped and, putting out his hand to save himself, got his finger caught under the roller of bench. The separator went to pieces, owing to the spindle breaking. Campbell was struck on the leg with one of the pieces. Pirott was trying to put a belt on with the machinery in motion, when his hand was caught. While working the machine Bailey's coat-sleeve caught on a projecting set-screw, thus drawing his hand against the machine. Mason was adjusting a die in the machine when another employee stepped on the trip, thus bringing the beam of the machine down on Mason's fingers. In starting the compressor with a bar in the fly-wheel while steam was on, the wheel came back suddenly, crushing Saunders's finger between the concrete bed and the bar. Galvin was repairing the lift when the cage was suddenly released, and in its fall it struck Galvin on the face, resulting in the injuries named. Gunn placed his fingers on bedplate, when the knife came down and caught his fingers. While the saw was in motion Smart put his hand on it. J. Bayley and Sons (Limited), Burnsido Setting and fleshing James Wright; 21 years 19th January, 1909 : arm and hand badly crushed and cut \. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Drilling Oliver Harding ; 17 years 22nd January, 1909 : first and second fingers of left hand crushed 23rd January, 1909 : muscles of right forearm lacerated i. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Nibbling James O'Kane; 14 years rhoman Latta, Owaka Sawmill Robert Fraser ; 34 years 25th January, 1909: finger broken Eureka Co-operative Dairy Company, Eureka Cream-separator K. 0. Campbell ; 26 years 27th January, 1909 : leg fractured kVaimauku Creamery Association, Waimauku Separator shafting Henry Pirott; 25 years 28th January, 1909 : arm broken above elbow vhristohurch Tramway Board, Christohuroh Boring William Bailey; 16 years 1st February, 1909 : wrist fractured r. and 'J , . Christie, Dunedia Sheet-iron bending William Mason ; 27 years 12th February, 1909: three fingers crushed Northern Coal Company, Kiripaka Air-compressor Jas. Saunders ; 32 years 15th February, 1909 : second finger of right hand crushed Wex. Ross and (Jo., Wellington Goods-lift J. Galvin ; 22 years 8th February, 1909 : numerous bones broken about nose, cheek, and jaw i. Harvey and Sons, Auckland Guillotine Dennis Gunn ; 15 years 19th February, 1909 : two fingers of left hand injured 19th February, 1909 : three fingers of left hand cut 23rd February, 1909 : left hand cut Ross and Glendining (Limited), Dunedin Circular saw George Smart; 29 years iV. Crabtree and Sons, Wellington Turning-lathe .. H. A. Pierard ; 21 years While working at the lathe Pierard's hand was caught between the work he was doing and the bed of the lathe. In working at the lathe Reid's hand caught on the handrest. While adjusting the feedinggear when the machine was in motion Lodder got his finger caught in it. McDonald was cleaning the pulley on the crank-shaft for the governor-belt while the engine was in motion. His shirt-sleeve caught on the belt, and his hand was dragged into the gearing. i. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Turret lathe Herbert Reid ; 19 years 23rd February, 1909 : left thumb injured. Robertson and Co., Wellington Drilling E. Lodder; 17 years 25th February, 1909 : first finger of right hand crushed Roderick McDonald, Roslyn Bush Traction-engine Roderick McDonald ; 42 25th February, 1909 : right hand badly crushed, necessitating amputation years

H. —15a.


No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery—continued.

No. 6.—Return of Fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1909.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and lteniarks. Alliance Box Company (Limited), Dunedin Buzz planer Thos. French ; 19 years 26th February, 1909 : back of fingers cut While planing a piece of timber French's fingers came in contact with the knives of the machine. While feeding the machine Duncan's hand was drawn into the rollers. Ross was attempting to fix the belt on the pulley while the machine was in motion when her finger was caught between the belt and the pulley. While working at the machine a piece of the work Luke was doing broke off, and struck him in the eye. The " holder " caught in the lathe, and coming round struck Fuller's left arm. While sawing a piece of timber it flew out of Wylie's hand, and in endeavouring to save himself he placed his hand against the saw. Webster was passing carameldough to the man who was putting it throvigh the rollers, and seeing an odd bit of dough sticking to the rollers he tried to take it off, when he got his hand caught in the rollers. Owens got his hand drawn into the rollers of the machine. New Zealand Paper Mills (Limited), Mataura Paper-bag making W. Duncan; 15 years 3rd March, 1909: hand severely crushed 4th March, 1909: first finger of right hand taken off Robs and (Jlendining (Limited), Dunedin Sewing Lily Boss ; 20 years W. Cable and Co., Wellington Punching J. Luke; 38 8th March, 1909: injured eye years A. and T. Hurt (Limited), Dunedin Lathe Rachel Fuller ; 17 years 12th March, 1909: left arm slightly bruised 17th March, 1909: first joint of left thumb cut off Alliance Box Company (Limited), Dunedin Saw-bench James Wylie ; 20 years Aulsebrook and Co., Chris tchurch Caramel-rollers.. George Webster ; 19 years 26th March, 1909: right hand slightly crushed Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch Confectionerydough rollers G. F. Owens ; 20 years 29th March, 1909: three ringers of left hand cut

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. -Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. YVailii Grand Junction Gold - mining Company (Limited), Waihi The New Zealand Timber Company, Koutu Waihi Gold-mining Company (Limited), Waihi Air-compressor.. Log band-saw .. Francis Mahon; 21 years A. C. Ellis ; 26 years 18th May, 1908 : disembowelled 16th June, 1908: right leg severed above the knee, right wrist lacerated, posteriors on one side laid open and the other completely lacerated Alahon while engaged starting the engine was caught by the fly-wheel as soon as it began to move, and thrown right across the bed-plate of the engine. On the next turn of the engine the crank caught him and caused his death. He had no right to be near the fly-wheel, as it was specially fenced off to prevent such accidents happening. The band-carriage moved while Ellis was on it, examining a log, through his having left the starting-lever unlocked. When he noticed the carriage moving he tried to get to the lever, but was too late. He was carried on to the saw by the moving carriage, and cut to pieces. The elevator-wheel was being turned by means of a screwjack : Probert was assisting by standing on the inverted buckets on the inside of the wheel. When taking a fresh grip with his jack a lever was put in to hold the wheel, but it slipped out. The weight of sand in the uptake buckets caused the wheel to revolve the reverse way, and Probert was carried round by it and crushed. He received such injuries as to cause his death an hour and a half afterwards. Elevator-wheel George bert; years Pro26 14th July, 1908 : both legs broken, and severe internal injuries



No. 6.—Return of Fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery— continued.

No. 7. —Return of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1908, to the 31st March, 1909.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Bemarks. 'eter -Bartholomew, Weraroa !harles Stevens, Maungatapu I. R. Simpson, Oparara Planing Oil-engine Saw-bench S. J. Widdow ; 17 years N. J. Stevens ; 5 years Thomas Carmo dy; 33 years 24th July, 1908: serious injury on right side of head, breaking his neck and jaw. 27th November, 1908: left leg broken at ankle, right leg crushed 1st January, 1909: injury to head Widdow was engaged tailing out timber from the machine. One of the knives flew out of the planingmachine, striking him on the right side of his head, killing him almost instantaneously. The child's clothing became entangled with the engineshaft while in motion, and carried him round. His legs struck the lubricator, causing such injuries to him that he died in the hospital shortly afterwards. Carmody was engaged sawing a board when by some unaccountable means it buckled back, striking him so severely on the head as to cause his death. The belt slipped off the pulley, the winch causing the log to run down. Creighton applied the brake too suddenly, causing the pulley to break and fly to pieces. One piece struck him on the body, causing his death. }ashmore Bros. and Judd, Katikati Log- hauling winch Frank Creighton; 19 years 4th March, 1908: injury to hips

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. William Joseph O'Brien ... Charles Frederick Batt Winding, service 1908. July 14 November 19 65 74 » tt No. 8. — Return of Steam-winding-engine have been granted from the let)kivebs to whom Certif: /pril, 1908, to the 31st M* [CATBs of Competency brch, 1909. Name of Person. I Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1908. William Fen ton ... Thomas Valentine Faul Frederick Walter Duschka William Bichards William Johnson Edgar Venables ... Albert Collins Yelland Charles Percy Baker Alfred Featherston Victor Albert Cecil Jarvis ... James Me Vie George Launcelote McCoy Walter Miles Maxwell McNaught Shore Charles Eustace ... John Brown John Patrick McDonald ... Winding, competency w tt tt it it u it " it it n tt it a May 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 August 18 18 18 November 19 19 19 19 19 1909. 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 a a it >t if it it it a n Launcelot Bernard Pitt Nind John Baptist Paul John Nicholls James Harris William Newton Pentreath Charles Robert Dunstan ... William Ryan a tt a a it a it it January 20 20 •February 26 26 26 26 26 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 it it » tt tt tt



No. 9.—Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1908, to the 31st March, 1909.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1908. George Gillanders Locomotive and traction, May 14 1862 George William Harrison WilliarnjjRichard Gibson Thomas Gregory Scambary .. George Reid William James Rowe William Anglesey, jun. George Reid Dawson John Simpson Robert Symonds Charles Zuirmann Bransch . . George Macdonald William James Orr William Hanifin William Howetson Rasmus Andersen Rasmussen John Alexander Anderson .. Abner Clough Peter Leslie Joseph Daniel Rouse James Robert Lowe Francis Millon McDiarmid .. Patrick Kilkelly James Higgins Andrew McKenzie Hamilton Joseph Redwood .. Frederick Andrew Sn eider . . Edward Bramble Godfrey Land Foster Frederick Storer John Ferrel Samuel Thomas Reed William Wills Herbert Walter Vincent Meyenberg .. John McRae Robert Gray Thomas Harris Frederick James Hutton John William Ebbitt Kennedy James Murray John Alexander Falconer Charles Horace Kemp Nesbit Mclntosh George Stralis Rees David Telfer Robert Bruce Boswell John Deans William Alexander Gudsell . . Alexander Donald McKenzie Frederick Preen Charles Maslen John Finlay Samuel Cooke Henry Charles Ell .. Thomas William Gibling Robert Happer George Maw I [enry Isaac Mehrtens Frederick Samuel Morriss William Palmer Percy James Pulley Oliver Martin Todd Henry Albert Toms Gilbert John Bond competency Ditto .. 33 >J 33 33 3 3 33 33 33 33 33 It 33 S3 33 >> 33 33 J> j> t> J) J) 33 33 33 July August 33 33 33 33 3) 333 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 22 14 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 33 ■ • 33 - • • • ' ■ 33 33 • • 3> • ■ >> >: • • • • * * >> >> • ■ 33 • • • • 33 ■ • • • 33 • • • • ' • 33 * • • ■ • • 33 * • • • 33 • ■ • • ■ ■ 33 • • ' ' 33 * • • • * ' 33 33 33 • • ■ * * • 33 • • • • 33 • • • • • ' 33 • • 33 33 3 3 • • 33 • • • • ' ' 33 * * ' ' ' * 33 • • • ' 33 * ' ' * ' ' 33 * * * * 33 • • • ' ,, >3 ' * * * ' *



No. 9. —Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers — continued.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Jecil James Garfield Hunt . . Locomotive and I Traction, 1908. August 18 1926 Lrthur Ernest Toyer Charles Herbert James Cox Villiam Alfred Dibley Lrthur Roughan Villiam James Polkinghorne Villiam Brown Alfred Charles Woodhead Lndrew Oliver ylifford William Treweek Villiam Clements Stephen Burnett tobert Edward Grace "ohn Richmond Gordon Paul )avid James Donald Archer [homas Dee tobert Waugh J-eorge Herbert Meder )avid Lyall Shand Frederick Jones frederick William Starnes tobert Gillies Edwards 3-eorge Avinar Hogg Uron Medway i'rank Clare Villiam Bartlett ohn William Henry Bray .. ?homas Aitken Gardyne ames Higgins jeonard Kelcher i'rank Edward Price 'eter Paul Waters ohn Martin Goulding 'ercy Roland Amner Villiam John Young Villiam John Mackie Grant Villiam John Morton "ames Wallace McGuigan Lrthur Napier )harles Smith Villiam Blain Frederick Ebenezer Gordon Conway . . Jeorge Feather toy Gibson Hooper lenry Jackson .. .. . , Cdward Oakley Mills Cdward Pattrick Sertie Reynolds Jeorge Thomas Terry "ohn Thorn Villiam James Bowman . . Villiam Tubbs oseph Anderson "ohn Francis Passell oseph Patrick "ohn Craig "ohn Crooks Michael John Hickey Llfred Andrew Fessy Knipe Villiam Norman Wilson Jcorge Fraser Lrthur William Dawson Moray Edward Chandler lenry McCulloch competency Ditto .. 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 September 30 30 30 November 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1909. 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 )» • • >i • • j) . . i J) 5) ,, • • ij ■ • )) ■ ■ j* • * 55 . . jj it • • •, • yy • ■ 5) • ' 57 • • >» • • 7! ■ • ?) • • J) ' • J) • • >) • • >) • • )) • • j> • • •)•> • • )) • • J} • • )) • • >> • • 7) • • )) • * >; • • 5) • • >) ■ • i> • • )? ' * >) . . ■ I ,, ,, J, . . Stephen Lawrence Wilson }eorge Smith lenry Harper M * ■ ' January 20 20 20 1990 1991 1992 ff . . J, . .



No. 9. —Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers— continued.

No. 10. —Return of Engineers to whom Extra First-class Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1908, to the 31st March, 1909.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1909. William George Hartle Locomotive and Traction, January 20 1994 Louis Frederick Nyberg John Bedelph Robert Donaldson David Henry Sleeth Henry Bignell Duncan Archibald McPhee .. Alfred Theodore Childs James McFarlane Alexander McLaren Sidney Herbert White Hugh Edwin Kennett Edwin John Langley John Oliver Linskill John Jacka Matthews John Ross Robert George Scott Charles Henry Bell Alexander William Hill Walter Stanley Goldsworthy Hans Christian Hansen Thomas Edward Higgs Reginald Edward Jeffers Scott Henry Lancelot Pearson William Sharp George Henry Ward Henry Harvey McVey James Macadie William Anderson, jun. Charles Hezekiah Overton John Gow Campbell Francis Clark, jun. William Mortimer David Stewart Robertson John Daniel Campbell John Thomas Bowler James Kannaird, jun. Mayo Carlton Clark George Richardson Johnson Howell Edward Evans Thomas Joseph Ladd Walter John Morrison Robert Johnstone Howard Butters .. .. i • competency Ditto .. February 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 ■ 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 28 26 26 26 26 26 t26 26 w 26 „ ( 26 March 29 : 29 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 55 . . . . . . j} . . . . . . ft ,) . . . . . . J5 . . . . . . jj * « ... jj i . • * . . jj • . . • . . j) . . . . . . )j . . . . • . )) . . • • ■ « >t • • • • • • ff , . . , j) . . . . >5 . . . . jj . . . . . • jj . . . . . . »j . . jj . . • • )) ,, . . . . ,, . . . . ,, j j . . . .

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1908. Francis Powell Talboys Extra first-class stationary, competency Ditto .. July 14 IS 'nomas Goodall .. .. )onald Kenneth Morrison .. Jrnest Pull )avid Marckwell Eutherford !harles George Silvester tobert Bramwell Horsley .. )) August 18 18 November 19 19 19 19 1909. 49 50 51 r>2 53 54 ,, Robert Niven Fulton tobert Yorke Neville February 26 26 55 56 .,



No. 11. —Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1908, to the 31st March, 1909.

No. 12. —Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certi fic ates of competency have bee n grante d from th e 1st April,190 8, to the 31 st March,1909.

5— H. 15a.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. First-class stationary, service Ditto .. 1908. John Mulligan May 14 1668 William Joseph O'Brien William Francis Stephens Harry Shaw Frederick Cook Daniel Spence Godfrey Land Foster Gustav Albert Adolph Blucher Phillip Phelan Charles Frederick Batt July 14 14 August 18 18 18 November 19 19 19 19 1909. 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 >> . . * • . . JJ . . . . . . 5; ■ ■ . . . . Edward Foster James Kilkelly John Atkinson January 20 20 February 26 1678 1679 1680

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1908. William Meyrick Jolley First-class stationary, competency Ditto .. May 14 1202 Joseph Allen Thomas Valentine Faul Samuel Davies Frederick Walter Duschka .. Robert Morris Lyons William Richards Andrew Thomson Albert Collins Yelland Thomas Donald Judd William Johnson Edgar Venables Thomas Goodall Henry Bruester Everett Harry Edwards John Pearson George Anderson .. Robert Marshall Hern Reginald George Corson Marshall Ernest William Steer William Henry Gordon Watson Adam Alderson John Henry Fitzgerald Eric Skinner William Keyston Clark Henry Bertrand Shepard Griffith Jenkins Alfred Featherston Arthur Bruce Robert Bramwell Horsley .. Robert Mackie John Owen John Noel Arnold John Phillip Andrew Artha .. John Donnelly Manfred Hampton Walter Sommerville • ;j . . . . . ♦ )) . . . . ■ ■ ,) . . )) . . . . . . )j • . . . • « J5 . . . . . . )) . . . . . . j) . . • « . . j, . . . . . . 55 . . . . • « 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 55 . . . . 5, . . . . . . j) . . . . • . ,j . . . . . . ,y , . * • . t ,J . * . . . . ,j ■ • )) . . . . . • 9) • • • • • * j. ,j . . . . j, * . jj . . . .



No. 12.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1908. Eobert Henry Whitfield First-class stationary, competency Ditto .. May 14 1239 William Ewart Gladstone Willy John William Kinder John Ferrel George Howes Gordon Charles Russell Owen Bell Bridger George Robert William Kay Arthur George Hyde Thomas Berti Baty Eric Robert Booth Stuart Pullan Bernard Louis Arrowsmith .. Robert Nevin Fulton Walter Langdon Eric Wyndham Merewether John Baker David Marckwell Rutherford Charles Mathieson John Charles Nelson Richard Anderson Beecroft .. Charles Moncrieff Canning .. Gilbert Sydney Casey Henry Cox Ernest Edwin Hillyard Henry Kingston Alexander Bruce Martin Charles Wallace Murdoch David Rodgers Arthur George Schmidt Harry Mills Waygood James Reginald Armstrong Black William Patterson William Stephen William John Tripp James Stewart Lawrie George Ernest Barnes William McAra William Maddern, jun. George James Ward Ambrose Hughey Port William Hegan Thomas Augustus Nickells . . John Aird Walter Miles John Felgate Brewster Peter Dafforn Allan Lawrence Stewart John Stitt Alfred Grey Hildebrand Henry O'Donnell William Hutson Joseph Hamley Sloggett Norman Phelps Hopkins Matthew Cochrane Henderson Herbert Parker Charles David Taylor James Henry Garlick Nicol James Webster Frederick William Kirby William Henry Bricknell James Davidson Arthur Makgill Henry John Gabb Richard Henry Coulston ,, *i • >> . . . . jj >> . • . . )) . . . . . . 55 • • • t . . j> • • ■ • . . 55 . . 55 . • . . >j . • • . • . . j> • • • • ■ ■ j) • • • • ■ ■ j> • ■ . . jj . • • . jj . . . . >> • • . . . . j> • • • • . * II • • • • jj . . . . jj . . . . . . )j • . . • . . j> • • ■ • >> . . • • ■ « 14 14 14 July 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 August 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 September 30 30 30 30 30 November 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 j> • • • P • • JJ • • • • jj • • • • JJ • • • • • - jj > • . > jj > • . . . . j> . . . . » ■ JJ • • . >> . * ■ . JJ . . . . . . jj ■ i . . jj • • ■ • . . jj . . . . . . j> . . . . j> • • • • jj . . . . . • jj . . . . jj . . . . 5j . . . . . • 5j . . ■ • j> . • . . . . 35 . . . . ... 5> . . . . . . 55 ■ . . . ■ . 55 . . . . J> • I ? T T *



No. 12.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. First-class stationary, com1908. November 19 1304 James Graham Oswald Hewison Henry Percy Pearson William Errington Ralph Stuart Connolly Albert Findlay John Allan William James Nankivell Edward Patton George Albert Williams Maurice Llewellyn Davies .. John Patrick McDonald Henry Edward John Skewes petency Ditto .. 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1909. 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 ») • • • • * * ,. . . . • • • ,, »! ,, ,, • • * * ' ' ,, ,, . . ,j • ■ - ' * * Launcelot Bernard Pitt Nind Patrick O'Connor Edward George Bates Frederick Cullmann Thomas Richards Frederick Corkill Carleton Arthur Currie Robert John Painton John Stuart Dillon James Douglas Falconer John Nicholls Edgar Blundell John Cochrane Francis John Petchell John Taw Waller Evan Richards Hans Christian Hansen David Jack William Anderson, jun. Thomas Gillespie Leslie William Letton William Newton Pentreath . . Evan G. Jenkins James Martin Mark Parkinson Leonard Edward Hender Harold Croft Michael Joseph Devitt Ernest Edward Owen Charles William McKenzie . . Harry Jewiss ,, . . . . ,5 4 . • • • • ,, ,, . . ♦ ♦ ,, * * * * ,, . • • • • ., ,, January 20 20 20 February 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 „ ■ 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 March 29 29 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 j, . . . . j, . . . . • • ,, . . • t • • ,, . . • • ■ • ,, . ♦ j, • ■ t . ,, . . . . • • j, . . . • j, . . . . • •



No. 13. —Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1908, to the 31st March, 1909.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Robert Cain May 1908. 14 Second-class stationary, com2848 Jeremiah Francis Gilbert Edward McGuinness Robert John Stuart James Thomas Henry Brady Claud Hamilton Hepburn Robert Simpaon Kenneth Alexander Ross John Edward William O'Brien John Alfred Brooking Hubert Wadsworth Kirkpatriek John Trimble Rowe Ernest Alfred Wilson George Esther McNaught Francis George Clarke Thomas Jones Sofus Bartelin Larsen David Edmond Porter John Taylor Townson John Nicholas Car wood George Cook . . Ernest James Gardner Rupert George Skilton Allan Thompson Lee Charles Mackie Smith John Sullivan George Woodward William Clement Burdett William Kilpatrick Robert King Charles Edward Pedersen Victor Percy Robinson Henry Rothery Arthur Hughes Charles Waring Pickles John Joseph Sutton John William Bambery Robert Andrew Cairns Frederick Ernest Gratton William McBain James McBride John Sime Read Charles Edgar Roberts James Reid John Howie Ronald Leslie Cameron Baty David Browning John Thomas Morton Robert McEwan James Francis Norman Walter Thomas Fitch Edward John Gridley Philip Owen Ayton Henry William Thorpe Gilbert John Bond Robert Alfred Morris William Osborne James Stephen Sanders Arthur Ernest Toyer John Henry Waite Clement John Emmett Ralph Lotherington -1 petency Ditto .. 55 . . . . 55 . . ■ * 55 55 55 . . 55 ■ « j) . . . . . . •y )> » t 5> . . . . . . 55 . . . . . ■ ;; . . i< )j J5 • • . . . . jj . . . . . . j) ■ • 5j • . . . 55 J ) J J J J J J JJ 5J 5J 5) )) j> j> JJ j> J) JJ j> }> »J JJ (J >) J) 35 5J )} I) T> )J J! 55 55 )> )1 )) J) 55 JJ JJ »J 55 5 J 55 5J 5) )» 5J JJ J5 >5 }J JJ J J J5 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 . 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 22 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 j) j) }» . . j> . • . . . . jj jj • • » < J5 • • . . ■ ■ )} . • . . . ■ JJ . . . . ■ • 55 . . . . 55 . . . . 55 . . . . 55 . . . . 5) jj ■ ■ ■ ■ jj . . . . )) . . . . . . )) . t * • * .



No. 13.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1908. Richard John Jory Second-class stationary, com- * petency Ditto .. July 14 2911 James Block Albert Barton Allan Campbell McNaught .. Daniel McGlinchey John Morshead Clement Solloway Brown William Kidd Elder John Edward Bartlett Frank Gardiner Holt Henderson George Ashton Latham William Joseph Lowe Joseph Young Charles Richard De Thierry .. Sydenham Oxenham William John McDonald Adam King Jowitt William Leeder Hans Frederick Mumm Herbert Palmer Robert Leslie Seed John Rowlands Emil Rossin William Buchanan Vernor .. Peter Jensen Charles Cheffings William Knapp Francis Richard Wesley Houston Norman Raglan Knight John Richard Murch John Kenrick Parker Bower Pearce Arthur John Pitcher Walter Owen Webby Samuel Land Liggins William Hay David Peter Laing Ernest Montgomery Charles Penny Andrew Phelan Robert Nicholas Ridd John Smith Robert Hamilton Thomson .. William Henry Hodgson Ernest Bissell Charles Dession Lash James Allan Thomas Murray, jun. David William McKenzie Robert Speden Mark Everett William Shepherd Anthony Francis Arthur O'Neill Herbert Henry Brown Fred Hurst George Murray Dempter Mackenzie Joseph Mitchell Patrick Cavanagh Henry Arthur Ellman Herbert John Gwatkin Edward James Lester Charles Macey Horace Tippet Parry Thomas Wilson Peacock Bertie Reynolds « yi ,, * • . . . . ji ■• .. .. >j • • • • • • j, . . . • t . ,, . ■ • • • • ,, t . . • ), > ■ . . . • ,, . t . . • • >J • • • ■ • ' ,, • • »| • • ,, . . j, . . ,, . . . . . • ,, . . • • • • ,, . . j, ») )) >? •n •>■> J5 August 55 »> JS )5 5) 55 55 ) j 5> 55 •>y 55 55 j) j> )j ») )) 5) 55 55 )5 5) )) 5) 75 J5 J J )) )) 55 5) 5) 55 3) 3) 55 )) J) J) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 5) 33 ») • • • • ■ • ,, . . )) • • • • ,, . . . . . • j, ,, . . . . . • I ,, . . • ■ . . ,, . . . . . . jj . . ■ . . • ,; . . . . . . ;, ,, . . . . . . ,, . . • • • . 33 • ' • • ,j . . ,3 ,3 ,3 33 ' ■ • • ' ' 33 * * * * * '



No. 13.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Gordon Ellis Second-class stationary, competency Ditto .. August 18 2977 George Richardson Johnson .. Alfred Grouville Bertram Sam Brbich William John Burrows George Donald Gillandcrs George Henry Holland Eobert George Hughes Henry Robert Linkhorn Mathew Lipanovich George McKay Thomas Stanford McKeown .. Henry Percy Pearson Lionell William Sholl Thomas Allcock Bertie Garford Cooper John James Henry Thomas Henry, jun. John Alexander Wheeler John Aird William Thompson Marko Aprilovic Thomas Jacobs Ambrose Duffy Henry John Lawrence James Allan Arthur Barrett George Arthur Hahn James Leitch Patrick McCarthy John Smeaton Thomas Young Frederick Edward Cook Harry Youngman Richard Cecil Crowley William John Brister William Henry Mutton Donald McCallum Cecil Walter Rees Edward Sharon Charles Arthur Curnow William Wallace Forsyth Henry King James Barty Wood Ernest Dandie John Edward Jones James Linton Hugh Alexander Nelson William James Booker Edward Hogan Dougal McCormick Kay John Stewart Little John Little, jun. Percy Cauty Loasby Charles William O'Brien Gideon James Semmens Edward Horton Joseph Kidd Robert Laurie Alfred Joshua Lindsay William Oliver Long Niccoless Henry George Munro Joseph Herbert Spencer Taylor Alexander Cumming John Davidson • • ,, . . . . • . ,j . • • • . . ,, . . . . ,, J, t< . • » • ,j • • • ■ • • ,, .. ji • • - - • • ,, . . . . • • ,, . . ■ • .. ,, • • ,, p « . . • • ,, . . ■ * ,j . . ■ • ,, . . . . . . ,, . . ■ ■ 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 September 30 30 30 30 30 30 November 19 19 19 19 19 19 „ - 19 19 19 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 „ • 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 ,, • • . . • . ,, . . . . • • ,, . . . . . . ,, .. j, .. j, . . . . . • ,, . . . . . • ,, • • • • • • ,, ,, ,, . . . . . . ,, j, . . • • • • ,; . . . . » * ,, . . . . . . ,, . . . . . . j, it . • ,, • • • ■ • • ,, • ■ • • « • »J • • * ' ' * j, • • * * * * J) • • * * * * ,, . . . . . .



No. 13.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers— continued.

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Second-class stationary, competency Ditto .. 1908. November 19 3042 Albert Hanson William Lyons Oscar Dickson Edgar Walter Dyer William Arthur Gibson Robert Craig George Wight John William Pratt ,j . . . • ,, . , 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 : 1909. January 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 J on ' February 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26' 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 March 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 ,, . t . • j, . . it • * * ' " * Guido Leonhard Schaef William Dittmann Charles Henry White John Edward Lovelock Albert John Braithwaite James Smeaton Smith Walter Horncastle Millington Richard John Redshaw Peter Spiers Robertson William Alexander McDowell Edgar Russell Robert William Winter Daniel William Loader John Sedgeley Keay Gordon Lyon William Sutherland James Thompson Andrew William Alexander Richardson Robert Brown George James Joyce James Albert Dodd Hugh Pearson Mclntyre John Nelson Alfred Kirby Edward Cook Charles Cooper Richard Carnall Gollop Peter Christian Romhild Henry Sykes Ernest Hayward Arthur Dell Louis Frederick Parcell William Richard Parcell John Docton Parsons George Alexander Waddle William Henry Doughan Emil Eric Christian Ericksen George Gunn Mackay, jun. David Gear Francis Stackpool Hart .. James Hamilton Thomas McQuinlan Leonard Ernest McQueen John Keane Bertram Turner Ohlsen Ernest Russell Seller >) • • ,, . • • • • • *) • • • * ,, . . . . ,, . . j> * • * * ,, ,, . . . • ,, . . • • • • ,, ,, . . >) • • »> ,, • j ,, . . ,j . . . « • • ,, . . • • • • ,, j> • • • ' 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 ,, . . . . • • )) t< • • • • )) • • * * ,J . . • • • • ,, ,, • • • • J, J, ,, . . . . • • J) • • • • >J • • • • * * J, • * ,, yy ,, ,, . . ,, • < ,, . .



No. 14. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency during the Year ended the 31st March, 1909.

Name of Person. Rank. Class for which examined. Date of Examination. Harold Crew Laird John Bruce Henry Joseph Kelly Martin Atridge Scott Alexander McKenzie Charles Mayes Graham Frank Naismith William Webb Luke James Henry Fuller Sidney Black Crawford Wilson George Blackwell .. Eobert Burns Aitken Arthur Rennie Watson George Moodie Angus Charles Mclnnes James Allan Knowles Andrew John Mouat Montague Charles Alexander Vincent Henry Fama William George Thomson .. William Mowatt William Reid Douglas Paul Cuthbert Graham William Patrick Whyte Wathen Wallis Houghton .. Stephen Collier William Young Laurance Keelan McMurrich William Peterson David William Bennie Cecil Willie Croll Louis Alexis Walters John Patrick Logan Arthur Russell Scott Alexander Inverarity Allan Clyde Dickie David Gilmour Stephens Charles Evers Bell Andrew Smart Young James William Wheatley .. Charles James McPherson .. John McLeish Maxwell George Luke William Bell McKenzie William Sidney Hall Sydney Sellers Albert James Kelman Edgar Vollance Meikle Andrew Charles Gordon Smaill Arthur Selwyn Crosbie Dudley Vaughan Hood Douglas Addington McGilp. . Robert Gilmour Slade Charles Albert Kunst Arthur Bruce Charles Stanley Wilks George Duthie John Owen Stanley Joseph Jenkinson . . Robert Bramwell Horsley .. Robert Henry WhMeld .. Francis Howard Lorking Henry Allen Alexander Lang .. First-class engineer 55 55 )> 55 35 33 33 55 55 J) 55 Second-class engineer Foreign trade 55 35 33 v 53 33 33 35 53 35 J) J) 33 55 35 53 55 5) 3," 33 33 53 53 33 J) 5} 55 4, 5, 6 May, 1908. 11, 12, 13 May, „ 1, 2, 4 June, „ 1, 2, 4 June, „ 1, 2, 4, 5 June, „ 13,14,15,16 July „ 3, 4, 5, 6 Aug., „ 10, 11, 12 Aug., „ 1, 2, 3 Sept., 7, 8, 9 Dec, 5, 6, 7 Jan., 1909. 5, 6, 7, 8 Jan., „ 1, 2 February, 23, 26, 27 Feb., „ 23, 25, 26 Feb., „ 2, 4 May, , 1908. 14, 15, 16 May, „ 1, 2 June, ,, 1, 2 June, ,, 1, 2 June, ,, 8, 10 August, „ 12, 13 August, „ 1 September, ,, I, 2 Sept., 10, 11 Sept, II, 14 Sept., 11, 14 Sept., 18, 21 Sept., 5, 6 October, 10, 11 Nov., 3, 4 Dec, 7, 8 Dec, 7, 8 Dec, 7, 8 Dec, 21, 22 Dec, 7, 8 January, 1909. 4, 8 January, ,, 4, 5, 8 Jan., ,, 1, 2 February, „ 1, 2 February, ,, 3, 4 February, „ 12, 13 February, „ 3, 4 March, 1 March, 1 March, ,, 9 March, ,, 6 April, 1908. 6 April, ,, 6 April, ,, 6 April, ,, 30 April, 1 May, 1 May, 1 May, 1 May, 1 May, 1 May, 1 May, 1 May, 1 May, 4 May, 4 May, 4 May, „ 8 May, 5) 55 55 5) 55 J) 5» 55 55 55 55 Third-class engineer )5 )» 55 )) 55 j> 55 53 55 53 55 33 35 35 55 33 55 35 53 55 35 35 55 33 55 33 53 53 33 53 35 35 35 5) J7



N o . 14. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency— continued.

Name of Person. Rank. Class for which Date rf Examination . examined. Eric Hutchison Thomas Goodall Alfred Peter Hawkins George Albert Eitson Francis James Eamsden Sidney James Scott Ernest Richard Taylor Eric Eobert Booth Stuart Pullan Bernard Louis Arrowsmith Nicol James Webster Daniel McAlpine Francis Percival Hewitt Arthur Edmenson Frederick John Newton Harold Eugene Melhop Francis Thomson William Herbert Cockburn William Leornard Dodd Hector Harry Robson George Harland Ernest James Seymour George Gordon Smith William Elliot Gordon William Simpson Alexander Campbell Alfred Robert Millar Francis John Petchell Charles James Muir Samuel Smith Charles Arthur Elvines David Henry Renton William Hutson John Ellis Dugdale Charles Herbert John Holley Pat Leonard Johnston Foster Angus John McDiarmid Ashleigh Bruce Fitchett Oscar Camille Muller George Esther McNaught .. Murdoch McDonald Charles Edward Hampton . . James Matthews Joseph Frank McPherson .. Edward Lewis Morgan David John Aitken William Archibald Smaill .. Burton Wells Cecil Gladstone Downie Robert Dawson Milne Hugh Goodrich Dobbie Rawdon Somerville Rutherford William Innes William Daly Revington .. Bryan Palmes Sidney Herbert Perry Charles Emery Taylor Francis Kenworthy John William Lester Eric Neill Tewsley John Murray Donn John Harold Wilson Samuel Aubrey McLernon . . Charles Adolphus Millar George Brown .. i •• ! .. .. i Third-class engineer j> j> )> j> J) >) J J »> >> j> j> JJ >> >> >> j> j> >» >> >J >J 55 JJ J J j> JJ >> )> j> JJ j> )> >J j> )> >J JJ J Jl j> ) J >J >J JJ JJ J) J) j> J J >> j> J J J J >J )> j> J) Foreign trade 15 May, 1908. 1 June, ,, 2 June, ,, 2 June, ,, 15 June, ,, 24 June, ,, 25 June, ,, 6 July, ,, 6 July, 6 July, „ 6 July, ,, 7 July, 31 July, 3 August, ,, 3, 4 August, ,, 3, 4 August, 3, 4 August, ,, 4 August, „ 5 August, ,, 5 August, . „ 12 August, ,, 25 August, ,, 25 August, ,, 1 September, ,, 1 September, ,, 1 September, ,, 1 September, ,, 2 September, ,, 8 September, ,, 18 September, ,, 5 October, ,, 5 October, ,, 5 October, ,, 5 October, „ 6 October, „ 12 October, 27 October, 2 November, „ 2, 3 November, „ 3 November, „ 3 November, ,, 5 November, ,, 5 November, „ 12 November, ,, 12 November, ,, 7 December, ,, 7 December, ,, 4 January, 1909 4 January, „ 5, 6 January, ,, 6 January, ,, 6 January, ,, 7 January, ,, 1 February, ; , 4 February, ,, 20 February, „ 27 February, „ 1 March, ,, 1 March, ,, 2 March, „ 4 March, ,, 16 March, „ 22 March, 27 March, „ 30 March, „ »» j> >> >> J) JJ >> >> JJ j> J J JJ >> JJ JJ JJ JJ J) J> J) j> >> >> j> JJ >J j> >J JJ >> >> > J J J j> J J ,5 >> >> JJ J J JJ >> >> JJ JJ J J J J 6—H. 15a.



No. 14. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency— continued.

Name of Person. Rank. Class for which , , _, ... examined. Date of Examination. David Alexander Head Otto Rudolph Neumann George Anderson John Albert Irwin Pearson Thomas William Lapwood Robert Mackie Edward Clarence Wyness Robert Aitken Henderson Lorenzo Patterson Francis Robert Nichols Richard George Millar Charles Doherty George Ernest Barnes William Gardiner Henry Thomas Graves Cunningham David Rogers Edward Stone James Joseph Mohan Alfred Edwin Curtis Adam Leopold Davies Robert McDowell Charles Rufi Leopold Edgar John De Erneste Ransom David Andrews Thomas Walsh Frederick William Howlison Frederick William Kirby Herbert William Pearce Peter John Walsh William Henry Bricknell Thomas Edward Higgs William Arthur Tomlinson Hans Christian Hansen James David Smith Clement Solloway Brown Eiver engineer Eiver trade .. 7 April, 1908, 15 April, ,, 1 May, „ 1 May, 1, 2 May, l> 2 May, 1, 2 May, 1, 2 May, 4 May, ,, 22 June, 28 July, 3 August, ,, 3 August, ,, 3, 4 August, „ 3, 4 August, ,, 4 August, ,, 4 August, „ 1 September, ,, 1 September, ,, 1 September, „ 1 September, „ 1 September, „ 1 September, ,, 3 September, ,, 3 September, ,, 12 September, ,, 2 November, ,, 4, 5 January, 1909. 4, 6 January, ,, 4, 6 January, ,, 4, 6 January, „ 1 February, ,, 1 February, ,, 16 March, ,, 1 September, 1908. First - class engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto Sea-going William Houston King Arthur Cecil Bowman Edwin John Tall William James Mallett Allan James Rollo William Henderson Murdoch William Bolasses Dixon j> jj • • jj • • 1 September, ,, 8 September, ,, 1 December, „ 4 January, 1909, 4 January ,, 11 January, ,, 3 April, 1908, j> • • • ■ JJ • • • • Second-class engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto jj • • Sea-going William George Pearce William Henry Jackson George Carey Arthur Thomas Gill John Arthur Palamountain George Leonard Gregg James Odey Robert Stephen Wilson William Roxburgh Eadie John Russell Burr Herbert Garnet Luke Sidney Frank Waite Sydney Herbert Biddle j) . . • • jj ■ • • • j) )> . . . . 4' May, 4 May, 1 September, ,, 1 September, ,, 5 October, ,, 3 November, „ 4 November, ,, 10 November, ,, 1 December, ,, 4 January, 1909, 5, 6 January, ,, 1 February, ,, 6 April, 1908. JJ J) • • Engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto River trade .. Henry Hazlewood Giles Robert Frederick Hinton Aldworth .. John Raymond Morris Charles Cuthbert Lucius Fagan jj • • 6 April, „ 1 May, „ 4 May, ,, 4 May, jj • • • • jj • • jj • • j? • •



No. 14. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency— continued.

Total number of applicants, 247. Amount of fees, £227. Failures to pass examination : For first-class engineer, 7 ; second-class engineer, 14 ; third-class engineer, 5 ; river engineer, 8 ; marine engine-driver, 2 ; first-class engineer (powered vessels other than steam), 1 ; second-class engineer (powered vessels other than steam), 1 ; restricted limits engineer (powered vessels other than steam), 5. In addition to examinations for the above certificates, two master mariners sat for " master in steam," one being examined at Auckland and the other at Wellington. In each case the candidate was unsuccessful.

No. 15.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1909, with Particulars of Tonnage, &c.

Name of Person. Rank. Class for which examined. Date of Examinatioon. Henry Herbert Marshall Engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto River trade .. 4 May, 1908. Charles Edwin Nicholson .. Thomas Thorne Seccombe .. Henry O'Brien Geoffrey Rogers Alfred Meredith Cosslett .. Richard Edgar Neale George Simpson Hackett Fred Garnet Asher Richard Blundell Bertram Hunter Lionel Innes Stephenson Charles Henry Lane George William Holland Samson Johanns Salamonsen Charles Young )} * . > ■ ;> • • • • 5j . . . . 5j • • • • s> . • >> J? • • )) • • )) • • 7 May, 1 June, ,, 17 June, ,, 4 August, ,, 1 September, ,, 1 October, ,, 18 November, „ 8 December, ,, 4 January, 1909. 4 January, ,, 4 January, ,, 4 January, ,, 4 January, „ 1 February, ,, 5 February, „ j> >> • • j) )j • • )) • • J) . . . . a J) • • • • >> • • ,, >>

Name of Vessel. Tonsl mi [eaeure- ■ J IT _ m O O 03 P.O is =11! a a a • .283 Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. i 1 I Admiral Advance (Auckland) .. Advance (Kaipara) .. Ahuriri Akaroa Albany .. ... Albatross (Auckland) .. 121 18 47 6 85 76 82 12 36 31 29 28 8 30 B.H.P. 17 28 8 37 Compound S. oondensing High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Single.. 84-6 217-8 111 High pressure Compound S. oondensing Single at each end Single.. Albatross (Auckland) .. Alert Alexander (2) Alice Anna Antelope Antrim 50-2 42-5 25 B.H.P. n 72 3J 10 B.H.P. 2J B.H.P. 30 16J 33 27J 145 2J B.H.P. 329 55 62 30 24 10 14 15 9 2J B.H.P. 40 2J B.H.P. 250 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Aorere Aotea Apanui Arahura Ariel Atua Aupouri Awaroa Baden Powell Baroona Beatrice Bell Bird Ben Lomond Blanche Bonnie Jean Britannia (Auckland).. Britannia (Bluff) Canopus 377 28 18-8 60 72 263 243 1,596 17-2 3,443 463 344 175-29 136 20 88 46 26 7-6 196-5 23-4 1,337 184 3 21 14 35 49 157 134 771-2 12-9 1,894-7 220 210 72 78-7 8 52 33 17-56 5-7 108-4 17-5 834 298-4 65-9 203-9 1,696 2,820 416-5 High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Paddle'. 191 -9 Single.. Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engine High pressure Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Paddle. 1,091-3 Single.. Note.—The flgi ire (2) aft< jr the name of vessel sho . r s vessel to have been twice surveyed.



No. 15.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.

Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. i p 5 u 9 'Si a> mi mi 1 ® ° <d '? <n Description of Machinery. Screw. 0 ft£ Otfi Paddle. Canterbury (Lyttelton) Canterbury (Lyttelcon) Charles Edward Cbelmsford Clansman Claymore .. Clyde Cobar Colleen Condor 292 24518 122 634 219 130 158-8 19-6 272-14 88 14512 79 379 99 24 133 48 24 99 54 40 35 2$ B.H.P. 24 188 67-3 572 378 High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single!! Paddle. 57-8 14-7 187-76 Single.. Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Single at each end Single.. Corinna Ooromandel Countess Cygnet Daphne (Auckland) .. Defender Defiance Despatch Dolly Varden D jrset Dot Doto Dredge No. 404 Dredge No. 350 Dredge No. 222 Dredge No. 121 Duchess Duoo Durham Eagle Eono Eliza Elsie (Auckland) Elsie (Picton) Elsie Evans.. Endeavour (2) Endon Enterprise (Bluff) Erin Erlin Erskine Eva (2) Eveliue (2) .. Excelsior (Auckland) .. Excelsior (Waikato) .. Express Fairburn Fairy Falcon Fanny Ferro Firefloat Flora Freetrader Gael Gannet (Blenheim) Gannet (Bluff) Gertie Glenelg (2) .. Gordon Gosford Greyhound Hamurana Haupiri Hauroto Heathcote Himitangi Hinemoa Hirece Hobsonville Holmdale Huia (Auckland) Huia (Wellington) Huia (Wellington) Invercargill Ithaca Jane Douglas J.D.O, John Anderson John Townley Kaeo Kahu (Auckland) 1,279 99 141-26 124 192 185-26 7-11 35 31-4 101-6 28-5 479 941 1,225 657 308 130 99 219 : 125 27 42-48 7-8 76 18-4 5-47 126 48-7 6-5 53 91-8 45 820 67 56-58 66 112-6 109 37 5-34 24 17-4 38-56 19-4 211 488 500 394 95 j 26 53 138 98 '204J 22-17 5-8 54-4 13-8J 411 98 7 29-2 4-92J 36 68-5 32 141 25 28 43 40 36 5 B.H.P. 20 30 B.H.P. 32 1* 30 78 117 120 100 81 60 24 70 60 B.H.P. 3 30 B.H.P. 11 20 B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 5 2J B.H.P. SJ 4 35 20 B.H.P. S 24 B.H.P. 6-5 25 40 B.H.P. 10f 6 30 20 B.H.P. 6 180 50 20 12 5 B.H.P. 59 75 12 30 50 B.H.P. 10 88 253 35 45 6-5 16 15 B.H.P. 20 60 B.H P. 23 2 41 9 22 28 20 39 60 B.H.P. 24 B.H.P. 1,080-9 168 180 107 60 395 682-9 553-7 92 // Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing n Triple-ex. S. oondensicg Compound S. condensing Oilengine High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle'. 90 13-9 'o5 10-4 115-4 1,273-12 132 838-4 94 55 10 17-7 118 156 1,161 Single.. Stern wheel. 15 23-6 269 288 299-4 259 Oilengine Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 83 107 56 83 700 1,988 167 323 452 1,276 94 149 480 1,241 Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 48 32-5 266 224 133 32 22-8 197 200 69 236-7 112-3 Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure .. Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 120-6 223 17-7 95 129 52 123' 13-2 74 88 36 85 146-38 26-5 250 70 184 55-46 Twin .. Oil-engine Note.—The figure (2) after the name ol a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.



No. 15.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c. — continued.

Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. O M h Q "5b Q ft 3 f- (3 O *j O O d & O 'A •I* J. 1°lls Description of Machinery. Screw. Padaie. Kahu (Napier) Kaiaia Kaiapoi Kaipara Kaipatiki Kaitangata Kaituna (Auckland) .. Kaituna (Dunedin) .. Kamona Kanieri Kapanui Kapiti Karoro Kate Kawau (Auckland) Kawau (Auckland) Kennedy Kekeno Kereru Kestrel 175 44-95 2,003 99 24-36 1,246 40 24 B.H.P. 201 3-8 94 200 10 B.H.P. 200 117 20 a2 35 17 5 20 14 38-9 6 B.H.P. 55 B.H.P. 43 238-8 1,016 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. 53 1,983-35 8 1,976 1,425 202 128-8 242 76 19-8 1,232-64 6 1,246 903 115 63 113 51 940-3 1,034 740-4 139-5 Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing 220-5 99 47 188 37 127-7 342 52-7 37 131 18 96-2 203 High pressure Compound S. condensing 207 Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single at each end Single.. Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Kina Kini Kiripaka Kittawa Kiwi (2) Koi.. Komata Koonya Kopu Koputai Koroi Koromiko Kotare (2) .. Kotiti Kotuku Kuaka Lady Barkly Lauderdale Lena (Ngunguru) Lena (Auokland) Little Jack (2) Lomen Loyalty Lyttelton Magic Maheno Mahurangi Mahutu Maidi Maitai Makarora Mana (Wellington) .. Mana (Westport) Manapouri Manaroa Manchester 7-28 1,122 105 1,246 123 i 1,993-8 1,090 153 2,479-21 141 i 58 1,058 45 55 1,668 5-46 702 75 707 53 ! 1,194-5 662 18 5 1,541-15 79 42 662 33 39 1,071 10 B.H.P. 130 24 120 3 32 260 115 13 120 9-2 313 20 14 112 90 B.H.P. 20 155 5 8 B.H.P. ? 35 80 60 B.H.P. 90 B.H.P. 39 10J 35 B.H.P. 490 13 25 90 220 24 160 647-3 107-4 719-2 1,150 737-2 491 1,357-7 111 716-7 81-1 742 Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ox. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Single.. Paddle. 13-2l| .. .. 100-6 190 93 35 203-11 29 16 3,393 45 99 196 2,060 122 882 24 39 58-3 24 94-51 13 21 1,888 66-2 244 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Paddle. 3,431 Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing 77 50 1,288 77 366 107-5 1,523-8 150-2 Quadruple-ex. S. conden. Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Single.. Paddle. Twin at each enr Single.. Mangapapa Manukau Manuwai Maori (Dunedin) Maori (Hokianga) Mapourika Mararoa Mascotte (Auckland) .. Mascotte (Wanganui) Matara Matarere (2).. Matariki Matuku Mavis (2) Mawhera May Howard Mere Mere (2) Moa Moana (Dunedin) Moana (Lake Brunner) Moeraki 146 65 117 3,398-7 25 1,202 2,598 87 45 94 1,432-5 17 718 1,380 28 20 30 2204 Compound S. condensing High pressure Turbines High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Stern wheel 8 130 530 5 12 4 1-7 26 4 168 45 B.H.P. 3 33 372 7 357 27J B.H.P. 255 290 10 5,859 Triple .. Single.. 1,201-7 3,720-7 High pressure 21 13 100-14 66-2 Compound S. condensing High pressure 64V-95 64 291-50 55 1,012 Triple-ex. S. condensing.. Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. condensing.. High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 188-5 3,914-7 7-8 4,392 24 3,502 3,433 952,414 5-8 2,714 15 2,153 2,136 186 4,352-5 4,036-9 Twin .. Single.. Moerangi Mokoia Monowai Moturoa 3,580-7 2,775 Compound S. condensing Note.—The ii| ;ure (2) alter the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.



No. 15. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.

Name of Vessel. Tods Measurement. p 2 m I I O O c6 ftO IS nn M Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. Mountaineer Mullogh Muriel Murihiku Muritai Mystery Napier Naumai Nautilus Navua Nellie Mason Ngapuhi (2).. Ngatiawa Ngahere Ngunguru Nile Niobe Nina Nora Niven Ohinemuri Ohura 109 69 58-99 558 224 9-4 70 47 41 2,929 20 691 451 1,090-2 105 43-5 66 46 15-56 368 138 7-1 48 28-6 29 1,812 13 299 220 556 68 21-2 50 15 18 70 45 6B.H.P. 30 12 18 221 15 B.H.P. 160 55 118 25 20 Si 24 40 26 25 16 B.H.P. 14 18 5 17 70 15 10 B.H.P. 11 250 6 40 B.H.P. 180 82 11 13 15 7 13J 8 40 128 15 B.H.P. 3 110 18 60 35 B.H.P. 40 200 25 10 B.H.P. 140 150 50 B.H.P. 10 95 60 B.H.P. 80 11 104 19 90 5 B.H.P. 2J 8 45 450 25 B.H.P. 2J B.H.P. 108 10 28 24 B.H.P. • 10 B.H.P. 7 120 B.H.P. 20 18 117 1J 60 90 39 588-7 224 93 l,875-5 710 400-2 681-9 100 32 Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin . Paddle. Single.. Compound S. condensing iie 114 50 566 73 34 10 16 64 204 120 High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. 8. condensing.. Compound S. condensing Quadruple-ex S. conden. Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Ongarue Onslow (2) .. Opawa Opoutia Orewa Osprey Paeroa Pahiki Pania Pateena Pearl (Kaipara) (2) .. Pelorus Penguin Petone Phantom Pilot (Napier) Pilot (Wellington) .. Piraki Pitoitoi (Waitara) Planet Pluoky Poherua Portare Presto Pukaki Putau Putiki Queen of Beauty Queen of the South .. Rakanoa Rakiura (Dunedin) .. Bakiura (Stewart Isl'd) Rarawa Regulus (2) .. Keremoana Eesult Rimu Rio Loge Ripple Rita Riwaka Rob Roy Rosamond Rosetta Rotoiti (Auckland) Rotokohu Rotomahana(Auokland) Rotomahana (Dunedin) Rotorua Ruahine Rubi Seddon Ruru (Auckland) Ruru (Napier) Ruruhau Scout Settler (2) .. Shamrock Sir William Wallace .. Sonoma (2) .. Southern Cross Sparrow Squall Stella Sterling 23 110 59 219 91 40 1,212 14 24 836 708 44 30 89 10 72-5 23 81 1,174 11.34 1,444 51 408 20-7 197 2,246 127 17-8 1,071 584-14 19-2 28 358 249-7 412 40 31 95 721 12-8 37 138 46 13-82| 27 550 9 j 18 517 388 18 10 20 19 13 29 749 8-5 917 38 157 9-4 121 1,393 80 13-4 460 227-22 14-4 18 144 241 187 17 19 34 462 9-6 68-5 64 1,939 849 545 267 710 563-6 296 196-3 921-6 147 979 697-5 High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Compound jet condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Quadruple-ex. S. conden. Compound S. condensing m Oil-engine .. Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. 8. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Paddle. Single.. 478 Twin .. 240 Single.. 126-7 431-7 14-6 183 1,763 7-6! 16-4 528 31 166 21-4 14 16-6 109 44 11 139 915 5-7 12-3 348 11 57 16 10 8-3 60 30 Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing 2,4528 Oil-engine 521 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 219-5 Oil-engine H ' • Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S.. condensing Twin .. Single.. 6S2 i 403 561 -3 368 268 96 133 ,157 26 300 228-3 174 .—The flgi a vessel sho ws voasel to hrive been twice ei lrveyed. Note. ire (2) aft ber the name o:



No. 15. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &C.— continued.

Name of Vessel. Tons I\ mi [easureint. nasi ° O d ftO 7a « Sac d coo a aS oco Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. c I s Storm Stormbird Sumner Sunbeam Swan Sylph (2) .. Tainui Takapuna (Auckland) Takapuna (Dunedin).. Talune Tangaroa Tangihua (2) Taniwha (Auckland) (2) Taniwha (Tiniaru) Tarakihi Tawera (Auckland) .. Tawera (Gisborne) Tawera (LakeTe Anau) Te Anau Te Awhina Terawai Terawhiti Theresa Ward Thistle (Wanganui) .. Thomas King Togo Tongariro Traveller Tuatea .. , .. Tu Atu Tuhara Tui (Helensville) Tui (Ngunguru) (2) .. Tuirangi Tukua Tuna (Gisborne) Tuna (Kaipara) (2) .. Te Waipounamu Uira Uta(2) Variance Vesper Victoria (Auckland) .. Victory Violet Vivid Waiapu Waihi Waihora Waikare Waikato Waimarie (Auckland).. Waimarie (Wanganui) Waione Waiora Waiotahi Waipori Wairau Wairere Wairoa (Auokland) .. Wairoa (Nelson) Wairuna Wairua Waitangi (Auckland).. Waitangi (Auckland) Waitemata Waitohi Waiwera (Auckland) (2) Waiwera (Henley) Wakapai Wakatere Wakatu Wauaka Warrimoo Waterlily Wave Waverley Weka (Auckland) Weka (Napier) Whakapara (2) Whakarire Whangape Whati Wootton Young Bungaree Zingara (2) .. 405 217 167 9-4 23-78 185 129 94 7-5 16-17 5 59 57 472 1,370 109 20 191 16 70 40 35 5 B.H.P. 10 8 24 25 265 255 70 15 40 16 4 8 40 B.H.P. 14 250 90 11 90 95 90 B.H.P. 16 14 8-2 7i 28 54 B.H.P. 60 B.H.P. 40 B.H.P. 22-5 9 B.H.P. 14 H 2J B.H.P. 34 50 B.H.P. 2§ B.H.P. 16 B.H.P. 40 16 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 13 15 B.H.P. 20 410 229 4 48 20 80 5 56 180 20 25 24 20 396 5 66 15 258 10 6 16 B.H.P. 10 140 23 280 490 10 B.H.P. 18 B.H.P. 25 27 20 2i 120 280 If 33 35 14 270 208-8 Compound S. condensing Single.. 128 77 930 2,000 189 31 263 140 1,408 1,723 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Ordinary condensing Compound S. condensing Ordinary condensing High pressure II • • tt • • Single.. Paddle. ■ Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 52 44 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing // • • 1,652 220 22 259-8 194 96 98 1,028 1-52 11 46-8 9 77 70 1,146-4 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 530 Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 20 4-04 112 40 97-21 58 30 63 35-86 20 71-8 10-5 225-6 ■ Oil-engine Twin .. High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Single.. 124-4 13-9 Twin .. 26-6 19-9 Single.. 30-9 25-1 23-2 18-8 36 92 16-76 8-2 6 57 66 2,993 1,901-2 Oil-engine High pressure Oil-engine 147 32-57 11 21 67 97 4,637-9 3,070-8 High pressure Oil-engine Twin .. Twin .. Single.. Paddle. 77 1,934 2,395-2 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing 245 92 70 159 65 48 High pressure Compound S. oondensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Twin .. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Padclle". 278 1,918 14323 65 99 69-8 3,947 167 1,229 59-2| 41 49 47-5 2,529 295 1,029-5 151-4 128-6 52 2,069 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing High pressure .. v .. Compound S. condensing * • ■ Paddle. Single.. Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing 171 45 5,431-5 24 34 30 3,4596 18 297-8 2,304 Triple-ex. S. condensing.. Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Oil-engine Compound S. condensing 441 157 2,421 3,529 25 64 39-8 156 127 89 157 95 1,572 2,076 181 28-8 93 86 52 133-2 1,211 3,730 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Single.. Paddle. 105-4 Compound S. condensing Twin .. 106-9 Single.. 819 2,931 449 1,900 601 1,006-2 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 151 69 218-82 89-6 47 99 96 1625 80 « Twin .. Note.—The figure (2) after the name of vessel sho . '8 vessel to have been twice surveyed.



No. 16.—Return of Sailing-vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1909, with Particulars of Tonnage, &c.

Tne "Advance," "Dartford," "Era I," "lima," "Kereru," "Manurewa," " Selwyn Craig," " Senorita," and " Whangaroa " have been surveyed (or the first time. The " Advance " is an oil-engine vessel, having her engines sealed up. The " Kereru" was an oil-engine vessel formerly, but the engines have been taken out of the vessel.

No. 17. —Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, &c., from the 1st April, 1908, to the 31st March, 1909.

Tons Measurement. Name ol Vessel. Gross. Register. Description. Times surveyed. Advance Dartford Era I Ganymede .. Hazel Craig .. lima James Craig Jessie Craig .. Jessie Niool .. Joseph Craig' Kereru Laira Louisa Craig Manurewa .. 47-67 1,327 26-29 583-55 495 36 1,274 19-93 568-6 467 318 646 634 92-89 694 99-77 458-3 682 327 617-6 486 324 131-9 148-5 Sohooner Ship Schooner Barquentine Barque Barquentine Barque 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 670-9 680 92-89 751 123-7 492-4 710 371 678-1 Sohooner Barque Ketch Barque Rona Selwyn Craig Senorita Whangaroa .. Yaabel 350 142-9 148-5 Barquentine Barque Schooner Total 19

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1908. .pril 1 S.a. Blenheim. Wellington On the voyage from Blenheim to Wellington, on the 24th March, this vessel grounded on the Wairau Bar, remaining fast until the 29th at 3 p.m. She came off by means of her engines. The straining of the vessel whilst on the bar caused the main steam-pipe to develop a crack at the neck of the flange next to the stop-valve. On arrival at Wellington the pipe was taken ashore for repairs. The flange was shifted back beyond the fracture, and brazed. The pipe after repairs was tested by hydraulic pressure to double the working-pressure before being put into position on board. This vessel was on a voyage from Dunedin to Invercargill on the 12th March, and at 6.45 p.m. on the same date she grounded on a mud-bank in the New River estuary. The weather being thick at the time, the master was unable to pick up the beacons. She remained aground until 7 p.m. on the 13th March, when she came off with the assistance of her kedge-anchors and her own engines. After 35 tons of cargo was discharged a survey was made of the vessel, when it was found she had sustained no damage. Whilst on a voyage from Melbourne to Kaipara, and when beating down the West Channel, Port Phillip, Melbourne, on the 10th March, this vessel took the ground. The weather was fine and the sea smooth at the time, and she was successfully floated off on the 12th March by the aid of her kedge-anchors. On arrival at Auckland, 125 tons of ballast shingle was removed from the holds, and the limbers cleaned out. A survey was made on the 5th April, when the vessel was found to be perfectly seaworthy. On the 6th April, as this vessel was proceeding on a voyage from Motueka to Wellington, and when near the French Pass, the main steam-pipe of the port engine cracked close to the neck of the flange, owing perhaps to the straining of the vessel in bad weather. When the crack was discovered the steam was shut off, and a covering-gland fitted over the defect. After this was done the vessel proceeded on her voyage to Wellington under reduced steam-pressure. On arrival, the pipe was taken ashore, and the defective part cut out and the flange rebrazed. The pipe was then tested, before being put on board, by hydraulic pressure to double the working-pressure. This vessel was on a voyage from Gisborne to Auckland on the 12th April, when she lost one blade off her propeller; the propeller was a solid-cast one, and the blades were found to be weak at the root. A new propeller was fitted. The shaft was in good order. .pril 2 „ Rakiura Wellington .pril 5 Louisa 0 r a i g (barque) Auckland S.s. Tasman Wellington .pril 8 .pril 13 ., Squall Auckland



No. 17. —Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness — continued.

7— H. 15a.

Date of Survey. Name o£-Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature o£ Casualty, &c. 1908. Lpril 13 .. S.s. Mokoia Auckland This vessel was surveyed for extra passenger accommodation, ventilation, the electric light, and the necessary equipments were provided to the satisfaction of the surveyor. On the 1st April, whilst this vessel was on a voyage from London to Auckland, it was noticed that the after peak was full of water. The cargo, which consisted of gelignite, was removed to the 'tween-decks, when it was found that a plate on the port quarter was fractured. On the same day the chief engineer noticed the stern gland leaking badly. The propeller had evidently lost a blade, which had struck the hull-plating at port quarter, piercing it. Temporary repairs were effected at sea to enable the vessel to reach Auckland. A sheathing-patch was riveted over the hole in hull-plating, and repairs made to the propeller. On the passage from Mahurangi to Auckland, on the 5th April, and whilst steaming slow, inside the Auckland Harbour, at (i.3O a.m., the vessel grounded on a sandy beach during a dense fog. She floated off the bank the same day at 5.30 p.m. The vessel was surveyed on her arrival at Auckland, when it was found that she had received no damage affecting her seaworthiness. On the 23rd April a crack 3 in. long was discovered in the top shell-plating of the vertical boiler of this vessel. A cover-ing-patch was riveted over the crack, and an extra stay fitted. Vpril 1(3-29 „ Maori Auckland .pril 22 May Howard (aux. schooner) Auckland S.k. Tiiniwha Timaru April 23-27 May 6, 15 „ Maheno Dunedin A survey was made of this vessel's two low-pressure turbines. It wa3 found necessary to renew the dummy casings and casing-rings of both the low-pressure engines. The owners wished to have the certificate for this vessel changed from home to foreign trade. The necessary equipments were put on board, and the boats provisioned. A survey was made of this vessel to enable her to make a voyage from Nelson to Wanganui. She was placed on the beach for survey. A few defective rivets and one angle iron below belting were renewed. The necessary equipments were provided, and a certificated master and engineer appointed for the trip, and permission was given for the vessel to proceed from Port Hardy to Wanganui. On the 20th May, when this vessel was lying alongside the Glasgow Wharf, at Wellington, a fire started in No. 1 hold amongst the cargo. After the fire was suppressed a survey was made, when it was ascertained that, excepting a few bulges to the deck-plating and one or two frames slightly buckled, the vessel had received no material damage affecting her seaworthiness. This vessel had grounded several times in the Mokau Eiver, and on arrival at Lyttelton she was placed on the slip. A survey was made of the hull, and a false keel was fitted the whole length of the vessel. The rudder was repaired, and a new propeller-shaft fitted. Other minor repairs were effected to make the vessel seaworthy. The owners of this vessel asked for her certificate to be changed to foreign from home trade. The hull of the vessel was specially surveyed, when a number of loose rivets were renewed, and one new butt-strap fitted to hull-plating. The boats were provisioned as required for a foreign-going certificate, and all other necessary equipments put on board. Whilst mooring at Lyttelton on the 8th June this vessel collided with the wharf and twisted the forward rudder. The rudder was taken out, straightened,'and replaced. On the arrival of this vessel at Lyttelton on the 11th June it was found that the furnaces of the main boiler were much out of shape. They were set back by pressure to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. On a voyage from Westport to Foxton, and whilst proceeding up the Foxton River, this vessel touched ths edge of the bank, and stripped off some of her propeller-blades. The rudder and rudder-post were twisted, which prevented the helm being put hard over on one side. The vessel was put on the river-bank at high water, and repairs effected. This vessel, on a voyage from Waipu to Auckland, on the 23rd June, during a fog, went ashore on Takapuna Beach. She got off by her own steam the same day. The vessel, which was leaking slightly, proceeded to the Takapuna Wharf, Auckland, where a survey of the vessel was made. A small hole was found in the hull, which was temporarily patched up. May 14 .. „ Pareora Wellington May Ifi. 18.. „ Togo Nelson May 22 .. ,, Ionic Wellington June 5, 8 .. ,, Tainui Lyttelton June 0 „ Toroa Wellington ,, Maori Lyttelton June 8, 11 June 11, 13.. „ Storm Lyttelton June 22 „ Gertie Foxton June 2+ .. ,, ' Akaroa Auckland



No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1908. June 24, 25 S.3. Aupouri .. ! Auckland Whilst this vessel was on a voyage from Tauranga to Auckland, on the 24th June, she lost her port propeller, the shaft breaking off clean at the neck of the taper. The vessel proceeded to Auckland with her starboard engine. A new propeller and propeller-shaft were fitted to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. On the 21st June, on a voyage from Dunedin to Invercargill. this vessel's port-propeller shaft broke, and the starboardpropeller blades were stripped off. The port tail-shaft broke in the stern-tube, the broken portion with propeller slipped aft, and, as the propellers overlap one another, the port one, being the forward one, came in contact with the starboard one, thus stripping off the blades. The vessel was picked up and taken in tow by the s.s. " Invercargill" at 2.30 a.m. on the 24th June, arriving at Invercargill at 1.30 p.m. the same day. A new starboard propeller and a new port-propeller shaft were fitted to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. A special survey was made of this vessel to enable her to make the trip to Sydney and back. The necessary equipments were placed on board, and all boats provisioned. On the 13th June this vessel collided against the railwaybridge piers at Balclutha. The river was in flood at the time, and to prevent her from sinking she was run ashore. The vessel was refloated on the 27th June. On being surveyed it was found necessary to renew 16 ft. of the portside top strake of hull-plating, 9 ft. on the starboard side forward, and seventeen of the frames were straightened, and all other minor damages made good. This vessel was on a voyage from Dunedin to Lyttelton on the 18th August, and when abreast of Taiaroa Heads the engines developed a heavy knock. The cylinder-cover was removed, when it was found that a piece was broken off the flange of the piston of intermediate cylinder. On the 8th July this vessel was lying at Napier breakwater, when the moorings carried away, and she drifted on shore before being secured. The vessel came off with her own steam two hours afterwards. On a survey being made it was found that six of the hull-plates were slightly dented. The vessel was put on the slip some days afterwards, when several faulty rivets were renewed in hull-plating, and repairs to rudder effected. This vessel was on a voyage from Westport to Wanganui, and on the 5th July, when crossing the Wanganui Bar, she stranded. The rudder and rudder-post were lost, and propeller and propeller-shaft bent. The hull received considerable damage during the time vessel was stranded. Temporary repairs were made to the hull at Wanganui after vessel came off the beach to permit of her being towed to Wellington. On the 12th August she was placed on the Wellington slip, when all defects were made good. On a voyage from Westport, on the 25th August, this vessel collided with the end of the Onehunga Wharf, tearing away three plates in top sides of the hull-plating and three angleframes. A survey of the damage was made, and the following repairs were found necessary: One bulwarkplate at the foremast of the raised deck 6 ft. 9 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. by /„ in., one plate abutting the above and running along the side cabins 8 ft. by 3 ft. 8 in. by | in., and one above this 13 ft. by 3 ft. 2 in. by T 5 S in., were all renewed. The latter plate carries the side ports to the cabins. Three angle-frames 6 ft. by Z\ in. by 3£ in. by f in., and one angle-bar along the top deck, 18 ft. by 2J in. by 2\ in. by | in., had also to be replaced, and several other minor defects were made good. On the 26th August, on a voyage from Nelson to Picton, and when off the end of the Picton Wharf, the starboardpropeller shaft broke. The engines had been put from ahead to astern, and just when commencing to go full speed astern the shaft broke. The vessel returned from Picton to Wellington with the port engine. She was placed on the Patent Slip, and a new propeller and shaft fitted. On a voyage from Auckland to Whangarei, on the 11th August, this vessel struck a sandspit through Bream Tail having been mistaken for Bream Head. The vessel went on the bank at 4 a.m., and floated off again at 5 a.m. the same day. The vessel was surveyed on her arrival in Auckland on the 3rd September, and was found to have received no damage. June 24-30. . „ Dorset .. Invercargill ■ June 30 Dartford (sailing- Lyttelton ship) S.s. Clyde .. | Balclutha July 2 Aug. 19 „ Victoria .. Port Chalmers .. Aug. 20 _ „ J.D.O. .. Napier Aug. 1, 24 .. „ Moa .. Wellington „ Rosamond .. ' Auckland aig. 26-28 .. .ug. 29 ,, Arahura .. Wellington Sept. 3 ,, Kapanui .. ; Auckland ■



No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, Ac. 1908. ,ug. 31 S.s. Navua Auckland On the voyage from Rarotonga to Raiatia, and whilst getting under weigh at Raiatia at 5.10 a.m. of 12th August, this vessel appeared to touch some submerged object, presumably a mushroom coral reef, resulting in a slight leak in No. 5 ballast-tank. Again, on a continuation of the same voyage from Aitutaki to Mauki at 12.28 p.m. on the 19th August, the vessel glided on a reef and remained fast until 1.20 p.m., when she floated off. A slight leak was found in No. 1 ballast-tank. The ballast-tanks were examined in Auckland by a Surveyor, and after survey this vessel was allowed to proceed to Port Chalmers for docking and repairs. The damage was to the plating at keel, to the strakes of plating on either side of keel, and to the floor-plates and frames in areas affected, and the riveting. On port side fifteen plates were set up, some of them so badly that they had to be removed and straightened ; on the starboard side eleven plates were affected. A great many frames and floor-plates were straightened, and a great deal of riveting-work done. The strakes of plates affected were K, A, B, C, —K being the garboard strake. The tanks were recemented and tested after completion of repairs. The damage was mostly confined to tankspaces. The whole of the extensive repairs was carried out to the satisfaction of the Department's Surveyor at Dunedin. • On the 18th September, on a voyage from Wellington to Patea, this vessel grounded on the Patea Bar through there being insufficient depth of water. She floated off on the 20th September. The vessel was docked at Lyttelton and surveyed, when it was found that, with the exception of a few loose rivets, the vessel had received no damage. A new propeller-blade was fitted. On a voyage from Whangarei to Auckland, on the 19th September, the combustion-chamber of the main boiler of this vessel began to leak very badly. A survey was made at Auckland, when it was found that a defect had developed at the back landing of the starboard furnace. The defective portion was cut out. This vessel was on a voyage from Lyttelton to Greymouth on the 16th August. When about forty miles from Lyttelton the crank-shaft broke in the after bearing, and considerable damage was also done to the engine-bedplate. The vessel was returning to Lyttelton under sail when she was picked up and towed into port. A new bedplate and a new Crank-shaft were fitted. On the voyage from Wellington to Patea, on the 24th September, as this vessel was crossing the bar at Patea she touched ground just outside the Western Spit wall. She then went ahead a little, and drifted between the Western Spit wall and the wooden wall. When 50 tons of cargo had been discharged, an attempt was made to get the vessel off at 1 p.m. on the same day, which proved successful. She proceeded to the wharf at Patea. It was found on survey that she was leaking slightly. Temporary repairs were effected at Patea to enable the vessel to proceed to Wellington to go on the Patent Slip. Several defective hull-plates were cut out, frames straightened, and new plates fitted. Repairs to propeller were also effected, and several rivets throughout the hull renewedSome time during the voyage of this vessel from Liverpool to New Zealand the crown of the centre furnace in the forward starboard boiler partially collapsed. The furnace was set up by pressure in Port Chalmers to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Whilst berthing at New Plymouth on the 24th October, on a trip from Onehunga, the vessel collided with the wharf. The hull-plating was severely dented above the main deck and in a line with the forecastle ports. The fourth and sixth frames from the bow were buckled, and the fifth frame broken. The frames were cut out from the main deck up and renewed. The damaged hull-plating was removed and straightened. No damage was done to the vessel below the water-line. At 1.45 a.m. on the 7th October this vessel was on a voyage from Wellington to Greymouth. When eighteen miles north of Cape Foulwind the low-pressure-crank pin bolts broke, causing considerable damage to the main engines. The low-pressure cylinder was cracked round the bottom flange for a length of 4 ft. The piston and junk-ring were broken, and the piston-rod bent. The circulating dis-charge-pipe was broken off at the neck of the flange. The condenser was cracked on front side at the after end for a length of 2 ft. The vessel reached Wellington under easy steam, where all defects were made good to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. !ept. 22 Port Chalmers .. ,, Sept. 26 .. ,, Kapiti Lyttelton • lept. 21, 29 ,, Ngapuhi Auckland Lug. 17; Oct. 1 ,, Petone Lyttelton iept. 29 .. „ Mima Wellington let. 12 ,, Oswestry Grange Port Chalmers .. let. 28 „ Takapuna .. Wellington • „ Petone tct. 8; Nov. 10 Wellington



No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

Date of Survey. Name cf Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1908. Oct. 23 .. S.s. Kaituna Wellington During the voyage of this vessel from Dunedin to Greymouth, at 9.40 p.m. on the ]2th October, all the propellerblades were stripped off. At midnight she was picked up by s.s. " Charles Edward " and towed to Westport, arriving on the 15th October. The vessel was tipped at the stern at the Westport wharf, and four new propeller-blades fitted. When the vessel arrived in Wellington on the 20th October her stern was again tipped up at the Railway Wharf, when the spare propeller-shaft and a solid propeller were fitted. On the 19th October, on a voyage from Wellington to Patea, this vessel is supposed to have struck a submerged spar in the vicinity of Cape Terawhiti, resulting in the hull being pierced on the starboard side. On placing the vessel on the Patent Slip at Wellington, it was found that there was a deep scratch along the hull-plating on the starboard side, terminating in a rectangular hole, 8 in. by 4| in., piercing the hull into the forward hold, about 3 ft. forward of the stokehold bulkhead, and about 6 ft. from line of keel. A similar scratch recently made was discovered on the port side in about a line with the foremast along the bottom ; also about 6 ft. from the line of keel, but no special damage was done here beyond the starting of a few rivets. The vessel also showed signs of having touched something on the keel immediately under stern-post. The propeller had also lost one half-blade. A patch about 2 ft. square was riveted over the hole in the hull, a shoe 4 ft. long fitted on keel forward of propelleraperture, and the loose rivets renewed in various parts of the hull. A new propeller was also fitted. At 5.30 p.m. on the 18th September, on a voyage from Wellington to Suva, the tail-shaft broke at a part about 3 ft. from the stern-post in the stern-tube. The stern-tube was drilled and split open, and a Thompson's patent coupling fitted and clamped over the broken shaft. The vessel returned to Auckland, where a new stern-tube, sternbush, and propeller-shaft were fitted. A spare propellershaft was placed on board. On a trip from Whangarei to Auckland, on the 25th October, and when between Takatu Point and Rodney Point, the propeller-shaft broke inside the stuffing-box, fracturing the stem-tube. The vessel anchored, and was later taken in tow by the s.s. " Paeroa." On the vessel's arrival at Auckland, a new propeller-shaft and stern-tube were fitted. When crossing the Patea Bar on her way from Wellington to Patea, on the 3rd November, this vessel touched the ground at 5 p.m., and remained fast until the 7th November. She was got off by means of hawsers carried to the breakwater and by the use of her own machinery. When the vessel arrived in Wellington she was placed on the Patent Slip for survey. Some forty rivets were found to be loose. The rudder-stock, which was twisted, was straightened, and the defective rivets renewed. On the voyage from Newcastle, N.S.W., to Wellington, this vessel's propeller became loose, caused probably by the engines racing heavily during the bad weather which she enoountered. On arrival at Lyttelton the propeller was taken off and refitted to the propeller-shaft. This vessel left Wellington for Nelson at 8 p.m. on the 14th December, and shortly after leaving broke her starboard thrust-shaft just inside the after collar. The appearance of the shaft showed that there had been an old flaw, which, just prior to the break, had extended about three-fourths through the shaft. A new end was welded on the shaft, the thrust-collars turned and fitted to former bearing, and a new set of ooupling-bolts lilted. At 7.23 a.m. on the Kith December, about fifteen miles north of Westport, on a voyage from Westport to Nelson, the port-propeller shaft broke at the large part of the taper, the propeller being lost. The low-pressure-valve spindle was bent and the guide-bracket broken through the racing of the engine when the shaft broke. A new propellershaft and a new propeller were fitted. The damaged portions of the engines were effectively repaired. On the 31st December, at 5.15 p.m., whilst on a voyage from Auckland to Wellington, this vessel went aground in Auckland Harbour. She floated off without assistance, and proceeded to Wellington, where the vessel was surveyed. It was found that no damage had been done affecting her seaworthiness. At 8.30 p.m. on the 11th January this vessel was lying alongside No. S Quay, Auckland. A fire broke out in the main saloon, which destroyed the fittings and upholstery. The damage to the saloon was made good. The hull of the vessel sustained no material damage. Oct. 24 „ Kapiti Wellington Oct. 12-30 .. ,, Whangape .. Auckland O o t. 2 8; Nov. 10 ,, Akaroa Auckland Nov. 12 ,, Mana Wellington ,, Kaituna Dee. 8, 9 .. ..yi lolton Dec. 15, 17.. ,, Kennedy Wellington Dec. 19 .. „ Arahura Wellington 1909. Jan. 4 .. „ Daldorch Wellington Jan. 8. .. „ Waimarie .. Auckland



No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1909. Jan. 7, 9 S.s. Ngatiawa Auckland On a trip to Auckland, on the 30th December, when attempting to cross the Opotiki bar, the vessel grounded on the Spit. She floated off on the 6th January, when the tides made, and upon arrival in Auckland on the 7th January was docked and surveyed. It was found that the only damage done was the loosening of a few rivets about the centre of the hull. The stern bushes had been scoured out by the action of the sand while the vessel was on the bar. New lignum-vitae was fitted into the stern bush, and other necessary repairs to the vessel were effectively carried out. Whilst proceeding from Whangarei to Auckland, on the 14th January, this vessel broke her crank-shaft through the, web of the after crank in a line with the crank-pin. A new web was made and shrunk on, the shaft straightened, and other defects made good. On the 17th January, on a voyage from Patea to Greymouth, the main steam-pipe fractured at the neck of the flange. The vessel returned to Nelson under reduced steam, where the necessary repairs to the pipe were effected. An hydraulic test of the pipe was made to double the workingpressure before being put on board. This vessel was lying at Auckland wharf on the 17th January when a fire destroyed the saloon fittings and upholstery. The fire was apparently caused by the upsetting of a kerosene-lamp in the saloon. The necessary saloon-fittings wore replaced. The hull of the vessel sustained no material damage. The owners of this vessel desired a survey to be made of the donkey boiler on board. On the 18th January a piece was blown out of the bottom of the firebox, leaving a hole 2 in. in diameter. The boiler was surveyed, when itwas found that the firebox bottom plate was very thin and defective over a large area. The outer shell-plate was also in such a condition that it would not warrant a new firebox being fitted to the boiler. A new donkey boiler was therefore put on board, and the old boiler condemned. This vessel did not have a New Zealand certificate. On the 19th January, whilst entering the Patea River on a trip from Wellington, this vessel went aground on a sandy bottom with the tide ebbing. She remained in an upright position until floated oft" next morning. • On her return to Wellington the vessel's hull was surveyed, when it was found that no damage affecting her seaworthiness had been sustained. This vessel was lying at the Queen's Wharf, Wellington, on the 24th January, when the auxiliary steam-pipe, which is also the main steam-pipe to the cold-air freezing-machine, split. The fracture extended some 3 in. around the pipe at the neck of the flange. The defective portion of the pipe was repaired. This pipe, together with the whole length of the steam-piping, was then subjected to an hydraulic-pressure test equal to double the workingpressure. The test proved satisfactory. Just after the vessel left the Bluff on her voyage to Dunedin, on the 25th January, she touched some unknown obstruction, which resulted in a leak in No. 5 water-ballast tank, and on the starboard side. A survey was made of the inside of the tank, and it was discovered that a hull-plate was cracked for a distance of 11 in. between the third and fourth floor-plates from the after end of the tank. A plate was bolted to the outside of hull-plating over the crack, and cemented up inside the tank. This made the vessel seaworthy, and she was permitted to proceed on her voyage. Whilst crossing the Tairua Bar on the 15th January, on her way to Auckland, this vessel was struck by a heavy squall which drove her on a rock. Thirteen plates on her bottom were broken. Two longitudinal wooden stringers 18 ft. by 9 in. by 6 in. and thirteen new planks of various lengths from 8 ft. to 12 ft. by Bin. by 2 in. were fitted. The whole of the bottom of the vessel was caulked, and other necessary repairs were effected at the Port of Auckland. On the 3rd February, whilst berthing alongside the Town Wharf at Wanganui, after a voyage from Westport, this vessel ran into the stern of the s.s. " Huia." The port hawse-pipe on the " Gertie" was fractured. Repairs were effected to the " Gertie " to enable the vessel to run until a new hawse-pipe was made. This has since been fitted to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. On the 22nd February, on a voyage from Kawau to Auckland, the port crank-shaft broke in No. 4 main bearing. On arrival at Auckland a survey was made, when it was found that the forging of the shaft had been faulty. The spare crank-shaft was fitted after being thoroughly examined. Auckland Jan. 15 „ Wairoa Jan. 18 .. „ Holmdale .. Neison Jan. 18 ,, Ngapuhi Auckland Jan. 19, 20.. Helga (barque) .. Wellington Jan. 25 S.s. Arapawa Wellington ,, Star of Australia Wellington Jan. 2o .. Jan. 26-27.. ,, Marama Port Chalmers .. Feb. 2, 3 Zingara (schooner) Auckland Feb. 3, 4 S.s. Gertie Wanganui Feb. 23 „ Aupouri Auckland



No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

No. 18.—Eetuen showing the Eevenue from the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the Examination of Marine Engineers and Land-engine Drivers, and the Amount earned by the Survey of Steamers and Sailing-ships), also the Ordinary Expenditure of the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the Examination of Marine Engineers and Land-engine Drivers and Survey of Steamers and Sailing-ships), during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1909. Receipts. £ a. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Inspection of boilers and machinery (less Salaries (less credits) .. .. .. 8,014 2 7 refunds) .. .. .. .. 7,996 5 0 ! Advertising, books, &c. .. .. .. 12 10 6 Certificates of land-engiue drivers (less re- ' Supplying and repairing office-fittings .. 31 3 2 funds) .. ' .. . .. 595 7 6 ' Collection of inspection-fees .. .. 150 0 0 Survey of steamers (including auxiliary- , Office equipment and requisites .. .. 88 2 4 powered vessels) .. .. .. 2,072 0 0 Postage and telegrams .. .. .. 280 1 2 Survey of sailing-ships .. .. .. 99 0 0 Rent, cleaning offices, fuel, and light .. 320 7 4 Survey of vessels for seaworthiness .. 296 0 0 Telephones .. .. .. .. 64 18 9 Examination of marine engineers (less re- Travelling-expenses (lees credits) .. 2,576 4 3 funds) .. .. .. .. 221 0 0 Contingencies .. .. .. .. 32 19 5 £11,279 12 6 i £11,570 9 6

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1909. an. 2 9; Fob. 23 Isabella de Fraine (ketch) Dunedin This vessel, whilst on a voyage from Whangape to Dunedin, on the 15th January, and when off Banks Peninsula, sprung a leak. It was thought to be due to straining, through the heavy gales the vessel encountered. On arrival at Port Chalmers she was placed on the slip for examination. It was found that the leakage was caused through two defective butts, one on each side, abreast of the mainmast in the fourth plank below the shear strake. The necessary repairs were carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. On the night of the 25th March, on a trip from Kaikoura to Lyttelton, this vessel came into collision with the s.s. " Storm" at sea. The bow was very much damaged. On arrival at Lyttelton temporary repairs to the stem were made and completed, to enable the vessel to proceed to Wellington to undergo her annual overhaul and survey. a r. 2 6; April 1 S.s. Wakatu Lyttelton



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurposes for which used. P°™ r Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers ; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. AUCKLAND .1 iISTR] :ct. Adams, J. H. Auckland Idle 16 Two 9 Second class .. Late Maratoto Gold-mining Company, Maratoto. Late Mennie and Day, Auckland. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Allen, J Auckland City Council Dargaviile Auckland Sawmill Electric light Destructor Steaming Electric traction .. 30 115 124 45 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 11 15 and 22 13 and 22 Two 6, two 10 18}, 27, and 38£ 18}, 27, and 38J 18}, 27, and 38J 18}, 27, and 38J 18}, 27, and 38£ 18}, 27, and 38£ 17 and 34, 18}, 27, and 38J 14 17 and 34, 18}, 27, and 38i Two 11, two 20 Two 8J 12 12 5 Two 6J, two 10 First class Second class .. First class Auckland Electric Tramway Company .. Otahuhu Auckland Size of cylinders amended. >» Pumping Electric traction .. 45 123 Second class .. First class Late G. E. King, Auckland. Additional. Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company .. Auckland Harbour Board Refrigerating Pile-driving, &c. .. Pumping 45 20 22 22 45 8 Second class .. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Auckland Hospital Batty, J. .. Drury .. Laundry and cooking Traction and general Locomotive and traction Ditto >> Additional. Bayly and Pellow Browne, S. J. Campbell, Ehrenfried, and Co. Cashmore Bros. Auckland Taia .. Auckland Cox's Creek Hauling, &c. Log-hauling Steaming Sawmill 6 8 60 64 8 7 and 11J Nil 14J Second class .. First class Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Size of cylinders amended, late Maraetai Bricl Company, Thames. Additional. Clarke, R. O. Clow, T. R. Hobsonville Papatoetoe Pottery-works General work 74 5 20 and 38 8 Locomotive and traction First class Colonial Sugar-refining Company Chelsea Sugar-refining 168 168 190 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 24 24 Two 11, two 18£ 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Size of cylinders amended. !> Additional. Size of cylinder amended.



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers-continued.

Name of Owner. Wh«re Boiler used. HorsePurposes for which used. P°^ er Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. AUCKLAND DIST! iICT— « ■ontinued. Comrie, James .. .. .. .. Pukekohe Crane, Finlayson, and Co. .. .. .. I Ruatangata Swamp Dominion Canning Company .. .. .. Helensville Faithful], McConnell, Dykes, and Co. .. .. Tairua Ferguson Mining and Smelting Company .. Waiomo Ferro-Concrete Company .. .. .. Auckland Gibbons, R.. P. .. .. .. .. Tangowahine Gilberd, D. .. .. .. _ .. .. Auckland Province Threshing and chaffcutting Ditto Priestman dredge .. Preserving fish Log-hauling Smelting 5 J 6 8 16 59 59 59 52 3 8 Two 9 10 Two 8J Two 13, two 16 Two 13, two 16 Nil 14 3J and 6 Locomotive and traction Ditto Second class .. Late H. and B. Andrews (Limited), Pukekohe. Late Hauraki No. 2 Gold-mining Company. Late W. H. Jury, Rangiriri. Additional. First class Pumping Sawmill Well-sinking Second class . . Locomotive?and traction First class Locomotive and traction First class Second class .. Locomotive and traction Second class .. First class Locomotive and traction First class Second class .. First class Size of cylinder amended. Additional. Gisborne Sheep-farmers' Frozen Meat Company .. \ Gisborne Henderson, M. .. .. .. .. Taringamutu Freezing Hauling 160 12 9, 16, 12, and 22 Two 10 Kare Kare Sawmill Company .. .. .. Waikumete Kauri Timber Company .. .. .. Auckland „ .. .. .. Bay of Islands .. Sawmill Log-hauling 51 23 20 Two 11 llf Two 8J • „ .. .. .. Tairua „ .. .. .. Te Kopura King, G. E. .. .. .. .. Tangowahine Fire-engine Sawmill Locomotive 24 50 11 7 11 and 20 Two 6| Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Komata Reefs Gold-mining Company .. .. Komata Quartz-crushing 25 38 105 14J 13 18 and 36 Size of cylinder amended. „ „ .. .. „ * Lamb, R. S., and Co. .. .. .. Hoanga Sawmill Late Kaipara Timber Company, Grahamsfern. t> •=• • • • • j, Locomotive 9 H Locomotive and traction First class Second class .. Late R. P. Gibbons, Auckland. Manakau Water-supply Board .. .. Onehunga Masefield Bros. .. .. .. .. Auckland Mephan and Ferguson .. .. .. New Lynn Mitchelson Timber Company .. .. .. Whangape Morningside Quarries (Limited) .. .. Morningside Pumping Shop-tools Sawmill Stone-crushing 25 20 75 25 67 Two 9 J and 16 7 8 13 First class Second class .. Size of cylinders amended. Late T. Masefield and Co., Auckland. Additional. Late Smith Bros, and Co., Whangape. Size of cylinder amended; late J. Wilson and Co., Warkworth. Late Day Dawn and Norfolk Mines, Thames. McCormick, W. .. .. .. .. Tararu Creek .. Air-compressor and quartz-crushing Hauling 35 ! I 14| and 16 First class McLennan, M. .. .. .. .. Kaiaua 8 6f and 11| Locomotive and traction Winding Exempt Additional. New May Queen Gold-mining Company .. Thames New Zealand Government Lands Department .. Piako Swamp Winding Dredging 20 9 9 9 and 16 Two 9J Two 9§ Late New May Queen Gold-dredging Company. Additional. .. I

H— 15a


New Zealand Government Mines Department (lent Thames to Thames Drainage Board) Ditto .. Pumping and winding Ditto 40 18 and 29f, 30 and 60, two 14 18 and 29i, 30 and 60, two 14 llj and 23 llf and 23 and 30 and 30 Two 8i Two 9J Exempt Size of cylinders amended. 40 qq New Zealand Paper-mills .. .. .. Riverbead I New Zealand Portland Cement Company .. Limestone Island ' Northern Coal Company .. .. .. Hikurargi t— 1 „ .. .. .. Kiripa-ka Ox Paper-making Making cement Mining purposes Winding and pumping Winding and pumping Hauling coal 42 42 96 96 14 50 First class >» - • Second class .. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Size of cylinders amended; late Waitekam Gold-mining Company, Waitekauri. Size of cylinders amended. 65 Two 9| Second class .. Northern Timber Company .. .. .. Auckland " ., Northern Wairoa Timber Company .. .. Northern Wairoa Log-hauling 20 15 9 Two 5| Two 9 Two 6 Locomotive and traction Second class .. Locomotive and traction Second class .. First class Additional. ., ' ,, .. .. Tatarariki Sawmill .. 40 48 48 25 14 30 30 Two 8, one 20 Late H. McKenzie and Co., Kaipara. Size of cylinder amended. Old Hauraki Gold-miningJCompany .. .. Coromandel Palmar, T. E. .. .. .. .. Maitai Bush Pinker, B. G. .. .. .. .. Maketu Winding and pumping Ditto Sawmill Chaffcutting 25 14 4 Two 8, one 20 Two 9 4f and 6J Two 10 Two 10 16 6J and 10 First class and winding Ditto Second class .. Locomotive and traction Second class .. Size of cylinders amended. Late A. L. Smith, Puke. Additional. Rawene Sawmill Company .. .. .. j Hokianga ,, .. .. .. Rawene Slater and King .. .. .. .. Kauri .. .. j Sawmill .. J Hauling logs 22 40 70 8 First class Locomotive and traction Second class .. First class Second class . . Late Dive and Eamsay, Eawene. Late Seater and Co., Kauri. 1 Smith, A. .. .. .. .. j Tcrerenga Stokes, A. L. .. .. .. .. Whakapara Sutcliffe and Moun'ce.. .. .. . . Auckland Wharf Sulenta, George . • .. .. .. Awanui Talisman Consolidated Goid-miuing Company .. ! Karangahake Thomas Bros. .. .. .. .. New Lynn Waihi Gold-mining Company .. .. .. j Waihi .. .. ! Flax-mill.. .. j Sawmill Stone-crushing Sawmill .. .. J Drivipg mining machinery Ditto . . j Brickworks . . I .Mining machinery.. 9 20 40 42 95 Two 101 Two8J 11 Two 18 and 34 • Late Kauri Timber Company, Auckland. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Late Subritzky and Hansen, Awanui. Additional. First class 95 95 95 13 145 145 40 50 Two 18 and 34 Two 18 and 34 Two 18 and 34 12f Two 60 and 110 Two 60 and 110 12 and 20, 15 and 30, 121 an d 20 Two Hi, two 9, two 9 J, two 8 15 and 30, 35 and 70, 60 and 110, two 12, two 10. two 8, one 6, one 9, one 17 Second class .. First class Size of cylinder amended. Additional. .. Waihi Battery . . ., . . . . . . I ,, . . I Sawmill . . . , I Quartz-crushing I Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinders amended. .. j No. 2 shaft, Waihi .. No. 5 shaft, Waihi .. ! Winding Winding and pumping 70 Winding 64 First class and winding



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers-continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. I HorsePurposes for which used. | p ° o wer | Boiler, i Diameter of Cylinders of Engine, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers ; Names of late Owaers of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. AUCKLAND ICTcontinued. First class and winding Size of cylinders amended. Waihi Gold-mining Company No. 5 shaft, Waihi Winding and pump- 64 ing 64 15 and 30, 35 and 70, (50 and 110, two 12, two 10, two 8, one 6, one 9, one 17 Ditto Size of cylinders amended. Ditto .. .. 56 56 Winding .. .. 85 Gold-separating .. 50 Ditto Waihi Beach Gold-mining Company Waihi-Paeroa Gold-extraction Company Thames Waihi Two 8 20 and 12 Winding First class „ Additional. Late Waitekauri Gold-mining Company, Wai tekauri. Additional. Late Waitekauri Gold-mining Company, Wai> tekauri. Ditto. Size of cylinders amended. Waiotahi Gold-mining Company Thames 50 Winding and quartz- 35 crushing Hauling .. .. 8 20 and 12 14 and 14 Winding Ditto. Size of cylinders amended. Whangarei Borough Council Whangarei district 6£ and 10 Locomotive and traction Ditto . .. Second class .. Winding Second class .. Locomotive and traction First class Late Slater and Co., Kauri. Additional. Late Kauri Timber Company, Te Kopuru. Additional. Late Slater and Co., Kauri. Whangarei County Council Whangarei Dairy Company Whangaroa Copper Company Whitechurch Bros. White-pine Company Whangarei Whangaroa Waituna Naumai 8 Dairy factory .. 23 Copper-mining .. 27 Flax-mill.. .. 14 Hauling logs . . 8 6J and 10 Two 8 Two 9| Two 8| Two 8 Additional. Late Kauri Timber Company, Te Kopuru. Wilson's Portland Cement Company Auckland Warkworth Cement-works .. 70 70 ..67 .. i 68 17£ and 29£ Two 17 J and 29£ 14 and 28 14 and 28 Additional. t -*,. t iit:i ] ri~ x~tT i...,«_+li Late J. Wilson and Co., Warkworth. I Late J. Wilson and Co., Warkworth. I » ,, I Anderson and Co. (Limited) Alwell, J. .. Ohakune Hautapu AUCKLAND SOUTH DIS' RICT. Second class .. Locomotive and traction Second class .. Locomotive and traction Second class .. First class Second class .. Locomotive and traction Ditto First class Additional. Late Waotu Timber Company, Putaruru. Late Jarrett Bros., Cambridge. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Late Te Heu Heu Tukino, Tokaanu. Additional. Additional. Sawmill .. .. 33 Threshing .. 10 14 7 and 11 Barnett, G. M. Butler, M. .. ... Waotu Morrinsville Sawmill .. .. 16 Cha.ffcuttin.g .. 5 Two 9 Late Waotu Timber Company, Putaruru. Late Jarrett Bros., Cambridge. Ellis and Burnand Gamman and Co. Hoko Patena Kirehi Melville and Goldsworthy Mangapehi Ohakune Pukete Te Awamutu Sawmill .. .. 16 55 Flax-mill.. .. 14 Threshing .. 6 Two 8| 16 Two 9 Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Late Te Heu Heu Tukino, Tokaanu. Additional. Mountain Rimu Timber Company Ongarue Sawmilling Company Roe, A. W. Roper and Winger Mamaku Main Trunk Mamaku Taumarunui ..6 Sawmill .. .. 51 38 15 16 8 16 18 13 Two 9 Second class .. Late Rowe and Co., Mamaku. Late Rowe and Co., Mamaku. Late Andrews and Greening, Taumarunui. Late Andrews and Greening, Taumarunui.



Seifert, F. .. Selwyn Timber Company Steele, W. .. Taringamutu Timber Company Taupiri Coal Company Taupo Totara Timber Company .. Towai .. Ngatira .. Oxford Bush .. : Taringamutu .. I Kimihia Mokai .. Flax-mill.. Sawmill 12 20 24 44 44 13 58 10 7 and 11J 13J 13 16 Iβ Two 13 Two 8£ 14i Two 84 Second class .. Late F. Seifert and Co., Morrinsville. ., .. Late Alexander Bell, Morrinsville. ., .. Late Steele Bros., Mamaku. „ .. Additional. Pumping Log-hauling Sawmill Traction First class .. i Size of cylinders amended. Second class .. Additional. First class .. Size of cylinder amended. Locomotive and Additional. traction Second class .. ,, Putaruru Sawmill .. 55 13 CANTERBURY I i i IISTRK JT. I Andrews, S. P. Aulsebrook and Co. Bennett, H... .. I Heathcote .. J Christchurch Lincoln Stone-crushing ,. Confectionery General 16 18 8 8 and 12£ 8 and 12} 6J and 10 First class .. Size of cylinders amended. Locomotive and „ traction Ditto .. j Late Ellesmere Grain Agency, Doyleston. Boag, John, jun. Bowron Bros. .. j Brookside Woolston Tannery 9 9 16 17 20 8 6 and 10J 6J and 10J 12, 21£, and two 8 12, 21J, and two 8 12, 2l|, and two 8 9 First class .. Additional. • Burgess, W. Dunsandel Chaffcutting only .. Locomotive and Late J. Burgess, Dunsandel. traction Ditto .. Late W. McCrostie, Greendale. Second class .. Size of cylinder amended. Busch, H. H. W. Canterbury Frozen Meat Company Christchurch .. Belfast General Boiling-down 8 36 36 15 15 15 50 208 208 24 35 20 36 16 6 and 10J Nil " Christchurch Briok Company .. Christchurch City Council St. Martins Christchurch Brickmaking Electricity ». A. I. A, *, A 9, 7, and 10 Four 5 9, 7, and 10 Hi First class .. Size of cylinders amended. Second class .. Additional. Christchurch Dairy Company .. Christehurch Gas Company Christchurch Hospital .. I Springfield Christchurcb Dairy Gasworks Pumping Gasworks Heating and pumping Ditto „ .. Size of cylinders amended. .» • • Late North Canterbury Hospital Boan Christchurch. „ .. Ditto. Locomotive and Size of cylinders amended, traction First class >» - • Locomotive 12 50 10 Hi iii 7 and 7 Christchurch Meat Company .. Islington Electricity 80 16 and 30, 10 and 18, 15 and 27, 10 and 17 Ditto Freezing 80 40 40 40 20 15 ,, - Christchurch Press Company .. Christchurch Printing 8 and 12£ 8 and 12| »> • • ,,



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers-continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurposes for which used. P°^ er Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers ; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilirs; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. G JNTERBURY DIST] ICT — continued. Christchurch Tramway Board I Christchurch Hauling 8 ; 7 and 7 8 1\ and 7* 8 74 and 7£ <S 9 8 6 and 10J 9 6J and 10 4 5 and 9 30 8 and 8 10 j 9J 6 8 8 9 8 9| 50 l(i 30 12 and 23 30 12 and 23 5 7| (i 8 8 6£ and 10J 8 6J and lo| 8 6 and 10J 20 6£, 13|. and 13£ 15 8 and 13 Locomotive and Size of cylinders amended. traction Ditto .. Late Canterbury Tramway Company. Christchurch. „ .. Ditto. ,, .. Late EUeemere Machinery Company. Leeston. „ .. Additional. „ .. Size of cylinders amended. First class .. Additional. Locomotive and Late S. P. Andrews. Heathcote. traction Second class .. Size of cylinders amended. Locomotive and Size of cylinder amended. traction Ditto .. Additional. ,, .. Late Gillanders Bros., Darfield. First class .. Late Glenmore Brick and Tile Company, Woolston. „ .. Late James Goss, Christchurch. Locomotive and Late Watkins Bros., Tinwald. traction Ditto .. Size of cylinder amended. Late J. Gough, Greendale. „ .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. Late A. E. Body, Christchurch. Second class .. Size of cylinders amended. First class .. „ Oook, H. H., and Co. Crump, D. .. Davies, H. E. Dean, John Downer, Hill' Leeston Springston Irwell Glentunnel Sockburn General Threshing, &c. Heating Roadwork Duncan, P. and D. .. Evans, R. .. .. .. ... ! Christchurch Kaiapoi Steam-hammer General .. Fryer, P. W. Gilbert, John, and Son Gillanders, W. Glenmore Brick Company Prebbleton Dunsandel Darfield : Woolston Ckaffcutting only .. General Threshing Brickmaking Goss, VV. and Co. i Christchurch Sawmill Hadler, H. M. '.'. '.'. .. '.'. Amberley General Humm Bros. Hutchison, Foster, and Jarman .. Kimber, H. .. .. .. .. I Lavers, Charles E. .. .. .. Lyttelton Harbour Board .. .. Lyttelton Times Company (Limited) Waddington Greendale Springston Prebbleton Lyttelton Dock Christchuroh Chaffeutting Threshing. &c. General Pumping Printing and electric light General Maindonald, M. West Eyreton .. 8 6J and 10J 8 9 8 6 and 10J 10 %\ and 11 6 8 10 7 and 11 6 6 and 10 17 9 30 11 9 Two 9^) 8 %\ andSlOJ Locomotive and Additional. traction Ditto .. j ,, .. Size of cylinders amended. ., .. Late Maw and Hampton, Doyleston. „ .. Late J. W. Costie, Christchurch. Additional. Second class .. | Size of cylinder amended. Late Timaru Milling Company, Timaru. ,. .. Late John Brightling, Christchurch. Locomotive and Size of cylinders amended. ' traction Moffett, R. .. McCartney, R. McConnel, R. McCrostie, J. W. McVeigh and Walker New Zealand Oleo and General Produce Company Nicholas, W. .. .. .. Purbrook, H. J. Reid, Robert Spreydon Tai Tapu Killinchy Greendale Ellesmere Belfast Christchurch Bennett's Soapmaking Fellmongery Clearing weeds General ..



Robson, T. T. .. .. .. .. Avonside Scott, George .. .. .. .. Christchurch Scott, W. .. Shipley, B, .. .. .. .. .. Greendale Fellmongery .. 22 Confectionery .. 24 Woodwork .. 2(i General .. .. 8 Nil Second class .. Size of cylinder amended. Additional. Late Scott and Sellers, Christchurch. Late Barton and Shipley. Greendale. 12 Locomotive and traction Ditto First class Smith, Hay .. .. .. .. Clarkville Wardell Bros. .. .. .. .. Christchurch Watts,"T. J. .. .. .. .. Rakaia 8 Freezing .. .. 35 50 General .. .. 8 6 and 10 9 and 14 9 and 14 9 Size of cylinders amended. Locomotive and traction Second class .. Late S. Watt', Eakaia. Westport Coal Company .. .. .. I Lyttelton Hoisting .. .. 18 One'8, two 7, one 9 Additional. Withell, W. .. .. .. .. Brookside Wright, G. F. .. .. .. .. Annat I Threshing, &c. .. 8 Chaffcutting .. 4 61 and 10J 6i Locomotive and traction Ditto Late Withell Bros., Brookside. Size of cylinder amended. CANTERBURY SOUTH DI8' RICT. Second class .. First class Size of cylinder amended. Adams, S. J. ' .. .. .. .. \ Waimate Ashburton Woollen Mills .. .. .. Ashburton Batchelor, R. F. .. .. .. St. Andrew's Sawmill .. .. 16 Woollen-mill .. 30 30 General .. .. 8 9 18 18 8| Locomotive and traction Ditto Late James Rae, St. Andrews. Bell, W. H. .. .. .. .. Tinwald Campbell Bros.! .. .. .. .. Totara Valley .. Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association .. Timaru Canterbury Frozen Meat Company .. .. Fairfield 8 Threshing .. 8 ..9 Freezing- work .. 180 Hauling .. .. 15 6£ and 10£ 9 14 and 25 Two 8i Size of cylinders amended. Late McLeod and Worner, Geraldine. Late James Stewart, Timaru. Size of cylinders amended. First class Locomotive and traction First class „ „ .. .. I Timaru Capon Bros. .. .. .. .. Winchmore Freezing, &c. .. 180 ..150 General .. .. 8 9, 14. and 25 14, 22, and 36 6£ and 10f Additional. Locomotive and traction Ditto Late H. Anderson, Ashburton. Chinnery, John .. .. .. .. Ashburton Clark, W. J. .. .. .. .. Levels Crothers, H. J. .. .. .. . . Ashburton Fitzgerald Bros. .. .. .. .. „ Grigg, E. F. .. .. .. .. Eiflelton Grigg, John .. .. .. .. Longbeacb Hammond and Walker .. .. .. Geraldine Hayman, W. H. .. .. .. . . Studholme Junotion Holland, H... .. .. .. .. Tinwald Keane, J. B. .. .. .. .. Pleasant Point .. Kellahan Bros. . . .. .. .. Fairlie Kellahan, W. .. .. .. .. : Timaru King. George .. .. .. .. Washdyke Lithgow, J. .. .. .. .. , Waimataitai Lyons, W., and Son . . .. .. .. Temuka Martin, Alexander .. .. .. .. „ Meredith and Co. .. .. .. .. j Waimate Murdoch, John .. .. .. .. i Timaru 6 8 9 Road-rolling .. 8 General .. .. 8 „ .. .. 10 Chaffcutting .. 6 General .. .. 8 10 8 Chaffcutting .. 6 ..7 ■•7 General .. .. 8 Threshing .. 8 Chaffcutting .. 6 General .. .. 8 Sawmill .. .. 20 6 and 10 6J and 11 6| and 10$ 6 and 10 6£ and 10 6f and llf 7J 6J and 10£ 6} and 11| 6j and 10J 8 5J and 9J 9 9 6i and 10£ 8 6 and 10 12* Late M. Lagan, Tinwald. Size of cylinders amended; late W. H. Clarl Levels. Late D. H. Crowther, Ashburton. Late Nicholas Fitzgerald, Tinwald. Size of cylinders amended. Late T. H. Love, Geraldine. Late P. and D. Duncan, Christchuroh. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Late Saunders and Heuchan, Pleasant Point. Late Kellahan Bros., Timaru. Size of cylinder amended. Late David Hunter, Timaru. Late Talbot and Lyons, Temuka. Additional. Late H. Hayman, Studholme Junotion. Additional. Second class ..

H. —15a


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers-continued.

Name of Owner. I Where Boiler used. HorsePurposes for which used. p0 0 * er Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Xames of late Owmers of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. CANTERBURY SOUTH DISTRIC :CT — continued. McLeod, Alexander .. Geraldiue General .. .. 7 I Two 7i 6f and 10$ 8f 9 6J and 11} 6J and 11 8i and 12J 14 and 24 14 and 24 14 and 24 9 6J and 11 8 Locomotive and traction Ditto First class Locomotive and traction Ditto Size of cylinder amended. Late Mount Somers Coal Company, Momrl Somers. Size of cylinders amended. Size of cylinder amended; late R. Bailey. Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Late Thomas Rollit, Ashburton. Additional. Late Cartwright and Douglas, Temuka. Size of cylinder amended. Late F. J. Slee, Waimate. Late Wigley and Thornley, Timaru. Late J. Stewart and Son, Chertsey. Additional. Peache, Executors of late A. E. .. ; Mount Somers .. .. J Hauling .. .. 10 Pelvin, Bros. Pulley and Feather Quinn, W. .. Rainey, Thomas Reid and Gray Robertson and Co. Scott Bros. Sheppard Bros. Sheppard and Douglas Smith, J. E. Soper, George South, J. C. Stewart, J. .. Ward, Thomas Wilson, T. .. Glenavy .. J North Loburn .. .. J Makikihi .. i Ashburton .. J Timaru Ashburton .. i Timaru .. ! St. Andrew's .. i Temuka .. j Claremont Waimate Geraldine .. I Chertsey .. j Fairview .. Tinwald General .. .. 8 8 8 .. j „ .. .. 8 In stock .. .. 8 .. I Flour-mill .. 14 Electric light .. 57 ..57 .. t „ ..57 .. i Chaffcutting .. 8 General .. .. 8 6 .. i „ .. .. 8 6 8 Threshing .. 8 .. I General .. .. 6 HAWKE'S BAY DISTRft ICT. Andrew and Eggleton Amner, W. A. Barry, D. .. Broad and Griffiths Brown, Gloyn, and Co. Carr, S. Cattanach Bros. Collins, A. V. Ferro-Concrete Company Gamman and Co. Gisborne Borough Council .. j Takapau .. ' Napier .. I Gisborne .. ! Wanstead Makaretu Ongaonga Takapau Kaikora North .. .. ! Napier .. j Dannevirke .. J Rakaiatai .. ', Gisborne .. Sawmill .. .. I 14 Hauling .. . . 7 Brewing .. .. ! 30 .. Flax-mill.. .. j 16 .. Sawmill .. .. j 16 Hauling .. .. 7 .. I 6 6 Pile-driving .. 30 Sawmill .. .. 45 28 Steam motor- wagon 6 Two 9 Two 7 10 Two 8J Two 9§ 5J and 9 8 8 Two 8J 14 17 Two 5^ 10 6 and 10 Second class .. Locomotive and traction Second class .. Locomotive and traction Ditto .. j Second class .. First class Locomotive and traction Second class .. Locomotive and traction Additional. : Size of cylinders amended. Late J. J. Niven and Co., Port Ahuriri. Late A. Spiers, Wanstead. Late Brown and Gloyn, Makaretu. Additional. ; Late E. Orbell, Makotoku. Late J. Collins, Kaikora North. Additional. Late G. A. Gamman and Co., Dannevirke. Additional. Late A. G. Williams, Rissington. Gisborne Oil Company Hawke's Bay Timber Company Napiei Oilworks .. 28 Hauling .. .. 7



Hawke'e Bay Timber Company .. ' Napier .. .. Hauling .. ,. 7 j 6 and 10 16J 6 and 10J 5| and 10 9 6 and 10£ Two 7 5J and 9 14 Two 10 Two 9 6 and 10 Locomotive and I Additional. traction i First class .. Size of cylinder amended ; late Dannevirke Sawmilling Company. „ .. Additional. ■ Locomotive and ,, traction j Ditto Second class .. „ Locomotive and „ f traction Ditto Second class .. Late W T aihopiro Sawmilling Company. ,, .. Additional. Locomotive and ,, i traction Holt, John Jones, W. S. Kia Ora Co-operative Dairy Company .. Powdrell Bros. Rapley, A. P. Turpin, E. .. Waikopiro Sawmill Company Wakarara Timber Company Wilkinson, W. D. Williams, A. G. Tahoraite .. .. Sawmill .. .. 35 .. Puketitiri .. .. „ ,. .. 35 Hastings .. .. Hauling . . .. 6 .. j Puketapu .. .. „ .. .. 5 .. I Mahauri .. .. Creamery .. 21 j .. I Hastings .. .. Hauling . . .. 6 1 Woodville .. .. „ . . .. 7 .. J Dannevirke .. .. „ .. .. 6 Rakaiatai .. .. Sawmill . . .. ' 35 Wakarara .. .. „ .. .. 20 .. j Rakauroa .. .. ,, ... .. 16 Rissington .. .. Hauling .. .. 6 MARLBOROUGH DISTRK n. Barton Bros. Bishell, D. .. Brownlee and Co. Christchureh Meat Company Cooke, William Daikee, H. G. Litchfield, A. J. Marlborough Timber Company Opouri Timber Company Pike, W. D. and T. .. R?dwood Bros. Smart, Charles W. . . Smart Bros. Snowden Bros. Soper, R. .. .. I Brooklyn Bay .. .. Sawmill .. .. I 12 Blenheim district .. i Traction -engine, 8 threshing, &c. .. i Pelorus and Rai Valleys .. Locomotive .. ! 10 .. „ .. ! io Ronga Valley .. .. Hauling .. .. 15 Picton .. .. j By-product plant .. 12 .. .. .. j „ .. ]2 .. Freezing .. .. 106 .. I Clinton Valley .. .. Sawmill .. .. 20 Picton .. .. Brickmaking .. 16 .. j Blenheim district .. \ Chaffcutting .. 8 Nydia Bay .. .. j Log-hauling .. 29 .. I Sawmill .. .. 21 .. j „ .. .. ! „ .. .. 73 .. j Blenheim .. .. j Traction-engine and : 6 chuffcutting Spring Creek .. .. Traction -engine, 14 hoisting and woodcutting .. ! Wakamarina .. .. I Sawmill .. .. | 36 .. j Blenheim .. .. ! Planing-mill .. j 15 .. I Awatere .. . . Traction-engine .. 6 .. I Takaka .. .. Traction -engine, 6 ' threshing, &c. ' Two 8J 6£ and 10} Two 8 Two 8 Two 8J 12 12 10J, 12, and 20 12 9 6J and 11 Two 8 Two 7| 17 6J and 10J Two 7 J Second class .. Late C. Sutton, Mahakipawa. Locomotive and Additional. traction Ditto Second class .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. Size of cylinder amended. First class .. Size of cylinders amended. Second class .. Late W. E. L. Langesen, Kaikoura. „ .. Late W. S. Osgood, Picton. Locomotive and Additional. ! traction Ditto ' Second class .. ,, First class .. ,, Locomotive and Size of cylinders amended. traction J Ditto I I 16J 7 and 11J and 10 8 First class .. Late Smart and Lodge, Canvastown. Second class .. Late Wakamarina Gold-dredging Company, Blenheim. Locomotive and Additional. traction Ditto .. Late E. Ham, Takaka. j ' NELSON NORTH DISTRK yp Anchor Foundry Company Baigent, H. Bassett, John Nelson .. .. j Engineering- works 23 .. East Takaka .. .. ! Sawmill .. .. 14 .. West Wanganui .. | „ .. .. 16 9, 6, and 8 Two 9£ Two 10 Second class .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. Late H. and T. Baigent, Takaka. ,, .. Late Hyland and Kirk, Takaka. ;



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Horse- j Purposes for which used. P Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders oJ Engine, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers ; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers ; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. n: CLSON NORTH DISTRICT— continued. Currin, Francis . . .. .. .. I Wangapeka Nelson City Council . . .. .. .. i Nelson Sawmill .. .. 28 7 and 11 Air-compressor 20 8 ..20 8 Boiling-down and 24 Two 8 heating Traction - e n'g , i n e 6 8 and general work Ditto .. .. 6 8 Sash and door factory 16 8J Sawmill .. 21 10 Stone-cutting ..16 7 and 11 J Second class . . Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Nelson Freezing Company .. .. ... Stoke Sathorly and Nieman . . .. .. Appleby Snowden, John .. .. .. .. Waimea Stilwell and Co.. .. .. .. .. j Motueka Watson, G. B. .. .. .. .. Pakawau Wilson, J. and A. .. .. .. Tonga Bay Locomotive and traction Ditto Second class .. Late Cook and Satherly, Appleby. Late Snowden Bros., Seddon. Late Stilwell and Hewetson, Motueka. Additional. Late Tonga Bay Granite Company, Nelson. Blackball Coal Company .. .. .. Blackball NELSON SOUTH DISTRICT. First class Second class .. Additional. Size of cylinder amended. Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand (Limited) B shaft, Globe Mine Coal-mining .. ! 52 Two 15 Driving-fan 20 14 Aerial tram .. 20 12 Winding, dynamo 85 Two 16, two 14, one 6J engineers' shop, air-compressing Ditto .. .. 85 Two 16, two 14, one 6| Winding .. .. 50 Two 14 First class and winding Size of cylinders amended. „ Black water reefs Ditto Winding Second elassjand winding drivers required last ,, Energetic Mine .. Winding, dynamo, 50 Two 18, one 13, one 5 and air-compres-sing Quartz battery and 60 Three 14, one 22 air-compressing Ditto .. .. 60 Three 14 one 22 Dredging.. .. 20 8 and 12J year. Size of cylinders amended. ,, ,, Golden Fleece Battery " i First class Cowan, A. .. .. .. .. .. No Town Creek Dobson Sawmilling Company . . .. . . Dobson Greymouth Brick Company .. .. .. Greymouth ■" •• Sawmill .. .. 25 8 and 12| Brickmaking .. j 16 7 and 11 J Second class .. Late No Town Creek No. 1 Gold-dredging Company, No Town Creek. Late Jamieson's Reward Gold-dredging Company, Greymouth. Late Hessey, Cameron, Tacon, and Co., Greymouth. Size of cylinders amended. Late Big River Gold-mining Company, Big River. Late Stephen de Filippi, Three-channel Flat. Size of cylinders amended. Hansen and Party .. . . .. .. Buller River New Big River Gold-mining Company .. .. j Big River ; Dredge .. .. 30 8J and 15£ Winding .. .. 14 Two 8| First class Winding ■ New Mokoia Gold-dredging Company .. .. Buller River New Zealand Government State Mines . . .. i Westport ,. I ■ Dredge .. .. 30 ; 8 and 12| Air-compressor . . ! 64 ; Two 18, two 16, one 7, one 11, one 5 ..64 Ditto ■.. 64 First class Exempt




New Zealand Government State Mines State collieries .. Air-compressor .. 55 Hauling .. .. 14 Winding and pump- 49 ing Ditto .. .. 49 Hauling .. .. 49 Air-compressor .. 19 Coal - mining and 35 brick-making Ditto .. .. 35 Driving dynamos .. 40 Flax-mill.. .. 17 Gold-dredge .. 20 I Two 18, two 16, one 7, one 11, one 5 Two 10, one 7, and 11 Two 4, two 9, one 7, one 11, one 10 Ditto Two 10i 12 and two 6 12, 131, two 8, two 7J 12, 13J, two 8, two 7J 10 and 16 10 8 and 12f Exempt Additional. Runanga Size of cylinders amended. >» • • I Paparoa Coal Company Point Elizabeth Coal Company >> ' • Paparoa Brunner >> • • Second class .. First class >> ,» .. .. Reefton Electric Lighting and Power Company .. Simpson, J. R. Taylor, Joseph Reef ton Oparara Beach .. Greymouth >* . * First class Second class .. First class Additional. Westport Borough Council Late N. Beach Gold-dredging Company, Cobden. Size of cylinders amended. Westport Road-wagon .. 6 5 and 7 Locomotive and traction First class Westport Coal Company Brake Lead Steam-receiver Air-compressor, fan, 80 and hauling Ditto .. .. 80 84 Main haulage and 84 electric light Ditto .. .. 84 84 84 Air-compressor and 50 fan Ditto .. .. 50 Driving dynamos .. 95 95 95 95 One 16, two 18, two 12, two 8, four 6, three 5 Two 12, two 8 Three 14 J, one 16, two 12, two 8 Ditto ; One 16, twol8, two 12, two 8, four 6, three 5 Ditto Three 14$, one 12 Three 14$, one 12 Two 12, two 17, two 26, two 8, one 6, one 5J Ditto Additional. Cascade Creek .. Coalbrookdale .. Size of cylinders amended. >> • • Denniston i> Kiwi .. Westport Stockton Coal Company t> • • Ngakawau Additional. Alexandra Coal Company Allandale Coal Company Alexandra Shag Point OTAGO DISTRICT. First class Locomotive and traction First class Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Hauling coal .. 20 -.18 8£ and 17 Two 10 Ardmore Gold-dredging Company Kelso Gold-dredging .. 20 9 and 13 First class and two "second class drivers required last year. Late Wilson and Party Gold-dredging Company, Waipori. Late T. Telford, Balclutha. Late Olrig Gold-dredging Company, Manuherikia. Additional. Barewood Gold-mining Company Barewood Mining .. .. 20 Two 8 Second class .. Benjamin and Malcoek Bicken and Co., George Greymouth Otanomomo _ .. • Sawmill .. .. 12 Flax-mill.. .. 20 Two 8$ 8 and 12J First class Brown Bros. Mosgiel Threshing .. 7 H Locomotive and traction First class Brown, A. and R. ., ., Blue Mountains Sawmill .. .. I 14 7Jand 11J Late Imperial Gold-dredging Company, Waitahuna.



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers—continued.

dsf gs

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurposes for which used. P° o wer Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. OTAGO DISTRIC '— conti nued. Brown, G. E. Balclutha ■ Hauling and chaffing 8 I 9 Locomotive and traction Ditto Second class .. Late G. C. Brown, Warepa. Bruce Coal Company Milton Coombhey Dunedin Hauling 12J 16 30 25 30 20 Two 8 9 Nil Additional. Late Woronui Coal Company, Milton. Size of cylinders amended. Burt, A. and T. Machine tools Chicago Gold-dredging Company, No. 2 Alexandra Gold-dredge 8J and 12f One first class and two secondclass First class Locomotive and traction Ditto Christchurch Meat Company Clark Bros. Burnside Maheno Freezing General 80 8 12 and 22 9 Late R. B. Clark, Maheno. Crossan and Sutherland Currie Bros. Kelso Waiwera South Chaffing Chaffing and threshing Pumping Machine tools Gold-dredge General hauling .. 8 8 9 9 Late Todd Bros., Heriot. Late James Steadman, Mangatua. *> • * Dunedin Drainage and Sewerage Board.. Dunedin Engineering Company Empire Gold-dredging Syndicate Gormack, J. Dunedin Kelso Clinton 16 72 20 8 7 and 11 14 8J and 12f 9 Second class .. First class Locomotive and traction Ditto Size of cylinders amended. Size of cylinder amended. Additional. >» Gormack and Main .. Haggart, D. Hamilton, H. Harris and Watts Heenan, T. D. Hogg and Co. Kahikatea Sawmill Company Wangaloa Milton Kyeburn Greenfield Dunedin Kahikatea »» • ■ Threshing General General hauling 8 8 6 8 8 7 27 18 9 9 6 and 10J 9 9 9 and 14 10 Late J. Gormack, Clinton. Additional. Late William Kirkland, Mosgiel. Size of cylinder amended. Additional. Late Mrs. Heenan, Maungatua. Size of cylinders amended. Late Shaw, SavilL. and Albion Company, Dunedin. Late New Zealand Trust and Loan Company. Henley. Late G. Lambert and Co., Kensington. Late Messrs. Leonard, Hill End. >5 • • Sawmill First class Second class .. Kain Bros. Berkeley Pumping 16 7 and 13J First class Lambert Bros. Leonard, J. Kensington Balclutha Pottery General hauling 16 8 7 and 11 9 Second class .. Locomotive and traction. Ditto Macadie Bros. Manning, F. R. Manuherikia Gold-dredging Company .. Poolburn Dunedin Alexandra Gorge Threshing Steaming Gold-dredge 8 8 6 39 9* 9 8 and 12$ Size of cylinder amended; late Messrs. Leonard, Hillend. Additional. Late James Wilson, Balclutha. Size of cylinders amended. One first class and two second class Locomotive and traction Additional. Mitchell, J. H. Otago Central .. Threshing 8 9



10_H. 15a.

Mornington Borough Council Moss, H. F. Murdoch and Co., J. McDonald, Miss Mornington Ratanui Dunedin Weston Hauling Sawmill 50 30 25 6 Two 13, one 15| 16 Two 16 Two 7£ First class Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Late John Murdoch, Dunedin. Additional. Motor- wagon Locomotive and traction Second class .. McLeod Bros. Dunedin Soap-works 20 20 20 6 5 12 and 8 Two 81 8 Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinders amended. McSkimming and Son Newbigging Bros. Benhar Moneymore Pipe and tile making Threshing j> - ■ Locomotive and traction One first class and two second class First class Late Robinson and Newbigging, Milton. New First Chance Gold-dredging Company Alexandra Gorge Gold-dredge 20 8 and 12J Late First Chance Gold-dredging Company, Alexandra. New Zealand Oil and Coal Company Kaitangata Hauling 20 Two 30 Size of cylinders amended ; late Kaitangata Coal Company, Kaitangata. Size of cylinders amended. Fan and winding .. Hauling Fan and winding .. Air-compressor 16 20 Hi 20 Two 10 Two 30 Two 8 Winding First class Winding Exempt Late E. Ellis, Kaikorai Valley. Additional. New Zealand' Government Public Works Department Ngapara Extended Gold-dredging Company Lawrence Alexandra Gold-dredge 20 8i and 13 One first class and two second class Second class .. Size of cylinders amended. Old Man Gold-dredging Company Manuherikia River >» • ■ 14 7 and 11 Size of cylinders amended; late Enterprise No. 1 Gold-dredging Company, Alexandra. Size of cylinders amended. Otago Dock Trust Otago No. 1 Gold-dredging'Company Port Chalmers .. Miller's Flat Refrigerating Gold-dredge 30 20 9 and 10 7J and 14 One first class and two second class Locomotive and traction One first class and two second class Second class .. Locomotive and traction Second class .. Pearson, L. .. Glenledi Threshing 7 8i Late Alexander Leslie, Glenledi. Pink, A. J. .. Waitahuna Gold-dredge 16 7J and 11 Late Havelock Gold-dredging Company, Waitahuna. Port Chalmers Dock Trust Reid, J. B. .. Port Chalmers .. Otokia Pumping General 20 8 6 Additional. Size of cylinder amended. Richardson and Moir Ratanui Sawmill 8 9£ and 9J Size of cylinders amended ; late Thomas Bates, Houipapa. Ditto. Size of cylinders amended. Ross and Glendining Dunedin Steam-wagon 7 5 9£ and 9J Two 4J Locomotive and traction Ditto Ross and McLintock Ryan Bros. Waitaki Plain .. Miller's Flat Threshing 8 8 6J and 10J 8| Additional. Size of cylinder amended ; late E. Ellis, Kaikorai Valley. Late Luttrell and Scott, Port Chalmers. Additional. >> • - Scott Bros. Smith, Charles Port Chalmers .. Tapanui Pumping Threshing 20 8 6Jand 11 J 9 First class Locomotive and traction First class Stevenson and Cook Port Chalmers .. Machine tools 30 50 26 8 and 13 8 and 13 Nil Size of cylinders amended. >> • • )> * * Second class .. Late Oamaru Woollen Factory Company, Oamaru. >j ■ • Forge i.



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Kame of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. Balclutha OTAGO DISTRICT— cont 'inued. Sutherland, A. Hauling and chaffing I 5 6 Locomotive and traction Second class .. Winding Locomotive and traction Winding Locomotive and traction Second class .. Size of cylinder amended. Taieri Drainage Board Taratu Coal Company Maungatua Taratu.. Pumping .. 16 Winding .. .. 16 Hauling .. .. 13 Two 8J Two 10 Two 8 Late Maungatua Drainage Board, Henley. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Thurston, F. C. Kelso district Winding .. .. 16 Threshing .. 8 Two 10 9 Late Dunedin City Corporation, Dunedin. Late Denniston and Thurston, Kelso. Wallis Gold-dredging Syndicate Upper Ida Valley Gold-dredging .. 14 7 and 11 Late Cairntrodlie Gold-dredging Company, Gore. Late Otago Granit ■ Brick Company, Dunedin. Size of cylinder amended. Wigram, H. F. Wilkie and Co. Anderson's Bay Mosgiel Sand bricks .. 56 Flour-mill .. 30 16 12 First class Second class .. Albert Town Gold-dredging Company .. Queensberry SOUTHLAND DIST] RICT. Second class .. Late Prince Albert Gold-dredging Company, Queensberry. Late Alpine No. 2 Gold-dredging Company, Cromwell. Late Donaldson Bros., Macrae's Flat, Otago. Gold-dredge .. 16 6£ and 11 J Alpine Gold-dredging Company Lowburn ..20 8 and 12f First class Balloch Bros. Riversdale district Hauling and general 7 work Sawmill .. .. 20 Gold-dredge .. 14 5| and 9J Locomotive and traction Second class .. Three second class Bird Bros. Bonnie Dundee Syndicate Aparima Waikaia Two 10 7 and 11J Additional. Late Hessey's Gold-dredging Company, Waikaia. Additional. Butler, C. J. Winton Traction .. .. 3J H Locomotive and traction Winding Cain, A. Waikaia Pumping and haul- 12 ing on incline Threshing .. 7 7 and two 4J Late J. Holland, Gore. Crane, Thomas Edendale 6 and 10 Locomotive and traction Second class .. Additional. Cromwell and Bannockburn Coal Company Bannockburn Coal-mine .. 16 ..16 General work .. 8 10 10 9 Size of cylinder amended. Crooks, John Thornbury Locomotive and traction Ditto Late Adam Fleck, Riverton. Denniston, John Excell and Co. Riversdale district East Chatton Hauling and general 8 work Gold-dredge .. 16 9 8 and 13 One first class and two second class First class Second class .. Locomotive and Late J. Williams, Waikaka. Late Garden Gully Gold-dredging Company, Waikaka. Fleming and Co. (Limited) Girdler and Son, E. Hanley, P. .. Invercargill West Plains Mandeville Flour-mill .. 25 Flax-mill.. .. 16 Threshing .. 9 10 and 16 7 and 11 9 Late Fleming and Gilkinson, Invercargill. Additional.



Hughes, J. .. Hutton Bros. Landslip Mine, Waikaia .. Waikaia Hauling on incline.. Sawmill 8 8 Two 8 9 Winding Locomotive and traction Second class .. Locomotive and traction Winding Late Landslip Coal Company, Waikaia. Additional. Jarvis, Ross, and Co. Jenkins, A. R. Riverton Beach Wallacetown district Flax-mill Traction and general work Pumping and hauling on incline Gold-dredge 25 8 12 9 Late Ross, Jarvis, and Co., New River. Late A. and J. Jenkins, Wallacetown. Jones, W. and E. .. Waikaka Valley 16 Two 7J Late W. H. Patterson, Gore. Junction Waikaka Gold-dredging Company 20 8 and 12J One first class and two second class Locomotive and traction Ditto Second class .. Locomotive and traction Winding Three drivers required this year; working shifts. Keith, J. A. Winton Traction and general work Ditto Sawmill Threshing 8 9 Additional. Kilkelly Bros. '.'. '.'. Knowles, W. Forest Hill Gore district 8 13 8 9 Two 8£ 9 Late A. W. Keith, Winton. Additional. Late Reid and Gray, Gore. Knucky and Junker Muddy Terrace Hauling on incline.. 3 6i Late Southland Engineering Company, Invercargill. Size of cylinders amended. Kura Gold-dredging Company Waikaia (lold-dredge 20 8J- and 12J One first class and two second class Three second class Ditto First class Lady Florence Gold-dredging Company Waikaka Valley 16 7 and 11 Lillies Leaf Gold-dredging Syndicate Massey, H. A. Woodend Sawmill 16 28 28 7 7& and 11& Two 15 Two 15 Milne, Alex. Greendale district Chaff-cutting Locomotive and traction Second class .. One first class and two second class Second class .. Additional. Moffett Bros. Muddy Creek Gold-dredging Company, No. 2 Waikawa Waikaia Sawmill Gold-dredge 16 20 Two 9£ 8| and 12J Late McCallum and Co., Invercargill. Late Welshman's Gold-dredging Company, Waikaia. Murison and Hankinson (leased to Bluff Harbour Board) Murray, W. T., and Co. (Limited) Bluff .. Rock-breaker 12 • Two 9 Additional. Underwood Milk-preserving 130 One 10, one 10, one 10, one 7 8 and 12} Size of cylinders amended. McGeorge's Freehold No. 1 Gold-dredging Company Waikaka Valley Gold-dredge 39 One first class and two second class Ditto Two second class Three drivers required this year; working shifts. McGeorge's Freehold No. 2 Gold-dredging Company McGregor and Party Little Waikaka 20 12 8 and 13 7J and 11 J Ditto. Late Ibbotson and party, No. 2 Gold-dredging Company, Waikaka. Late George Knipe, Clifton. Mclntosh, N. Fortrose Chaff-cutting 7 7 Locomotive and traction Ditto McKinnon, Alex. Gore Chaff- cutting and threshing Gold-dredge 8 6J and 10J Late A. McKinnon, jun., Gore. Nees and Scott Charlton Valley 16 7 and 11 J Three second class One first class and two second class Late Charlton Valley Gold-dredging Company, Charlton Valley. Late Mill Creek Freehold Gold-dredging Company, Gore. *> • ■ t> • • 20 8£ and 13


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurposes for which used. po^er Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers ; and also showing where SiM of Cylinders are now amended. SOUTHLAND DIST: MCTontinued. Niagara Sawmilling Company Ocean Beach Freezing Company Paterson, W. J. Niagara Ocean Beach Mossburn Sawmill Freezing-works Traction and general work Gold-dredge 16 70 8 and 13 H and 22J, 16 and 28 9 First class Locomotive and traction One first class and two second class Ditto Locomotive and traction Two second class Late Murdoch and Roff, Invercargill. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Patterson's Freehold Gold-dredging Company, No. 1 Waikaka 16 8 and 12} Size of cylinders amended. „ . „ No. 2 Petrie, J. and W. Wyndham district Traction and general work Gold-dredging 20 8 8 and 13 Additional. Pioneer Gold-dredging Company Rise and Shine Gold-dredging Company, No. 2 .. Royds, J. C. Soper, G. A. Waikaka Cromwell Otatara Athol ' Gold-dredge Flax-mill.. Threshing 20 39 14 8 ' 7 and 11J 8£ and 17 Two 8J 6 and 9J First class Second class .. Locomotive and traction Second class .. First class Late Pioneer No. 2 Gold-dredging Company, Waikaka. Size of cylinders amended. Late Edwards and Royds, Invercargill. Size of cylinders amended. Speden, Adam Southland Engineering Company Southland Frozen Meat Company Gore Invercargill Bluff .. Woodworking Engine -shop Freezing and electric light Sawmill Gold-dredge 14 23 102 6£ and 10 7 and 13& 11 and 22, 13 and 24 >» Southland Timber Company South Waikaia Gold-dredging Company Waikouro Waikaia 20 20 Two 10 8 and 12J Second class .. One first class and two second class Second class .. Locomotive and traction Second class .. Three second class One first class and two second class Second class .. Late Harrington Bros., Waicola. Additional. Sutherland and Co. Tippett, R. A. Caroline South Hillend district Flax-mill.. Traction and general work Sawmill Gold-dredge 14 8 6£ and 12J 9 Late Palmer Bros., Dipton. Late J. G. and W. Hazlett, South Hillend. Trail Bros., and Smithies Waikaka Syndicate (Limited) No. 1 Longwood Waikaka Valley 20 16 Two 10 7 and 11 Additional. Late Syndicate No. 1 Gold-dredging Company, Waikaka Valley. Late Syndicate No. 2, Gold-dredging Company, Gore. " „ No. 2 40 8 and 12} Waikawa Sawmilling Company Waikawa Sawmill 14 Two 8J Late Keith Ramsay, Invercargill. Stratford Patea district Kapuni Okaiawa TARANAKI D] STRIC Locomotive and traction Ditto Second class .. Additional. Late T. L. Joll, Okaiawa. Cameron and Brooking Traction Threshing and chaffcutting Cheese-factory Dairy factory 5 5J and 8£ Derrett Bros. 6 9 Joll, T. L., Co-operative Dairy Company 20 16 9 9 »> »



Kaponga Co-operative Dairy Company .. Riverlea Creamery and cheese- 17 factory Brickworks .. 22 Sawmill .. .. 67 Sash and door factory 20 Dairy and cheese-fac- 17 tory Hauling .. .. 6 8 Second class .. Additional. McKenna and Mathews Quin Bros. Patea Hawera 19 12 and 24 9 First class Second class .. Late Patea Steam Brickworks. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Rahotu Co-operative Dairy Company .. Near Rahotu Stratford County Council Stratford 44 and 7 Locomotive and traction Second class .. First class Late Ramsay and Co., Eltham. Late Taranaki Freezing Company, New Plymouth. Additional. Taranaki Oil and Freehold Company .. Taranaki Producers' Freezing Company Carrington Road Moturoa Oil-boring .. 12 Freezing .. .. 30 Two 8J 9 and 15, 10J and 21J [-=, 42 9 and 15, K>£ and 214 WELLINGTON DIST] SOT. Allen, Isaac, jun. .. .. Allen, Isaac, sen. Armstrong Bros. Bartholomew and Co., G. Masterton Upper Plain Akitio Kimbolton Road Threshing .. 8 ..6 Sawmill .. .. 25 Woodworking .. 37 9 6 and 10 14 Locomotive and traction Ditto Second class .. Late J. G. Chamberlain, Masterton. Late Isaac Allen and Son, Upper Plain. Late Akitio Totara Timber Company, Akitio. Size of cylinder amended; late Bartholomew Bros., Feilding. Late Bell and Co., Bull's. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Bell, Reginald F. Bell and Levien Blackball Coal Company Parawanui Oroua Bridge Wellington Flax-mill.. .. 25 ..12 Hoisting . . .. 18 12 7i and 11$ Two 6, two 7, two 7, one 74, one 8 Hi 12 Broad and Reeves Campbell Land and Timber Company .. Campbell, N. Oroua Bridge Moonshine The Ranges Flax-mill. . .. 24 Sawmill . . .. 37 25 First class Second class .. Locomotive and traction First class Size of cylinder amended. Late Campbell Land and Timber Company, Te Horo. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Chapman, W., and Co. Martinborough .. Hauling . . .. 8 6J and lOf Daniell, C. E. Diamond Confectionery Company Ewington, J. C. llasterton Wellington Masterton Sash and door fac - 25 tory Lollie-factory .. 38 Hauling . . .. 6 11 and 12f 11 5 and 8 Second-class .. Locomotive and traction Second class .. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Late Maurice Lyons, Wellington. Size of cylinder amended. Excelsior Laundry Falkner, A. Featherston Co-operative Dairy Company Gear Meat Company Holland Street, Wellington Kaiparoro Featherston Petone. . Laundry-work .. 25 Sawmill .. .. 40 Dairy factory .. 21 Freezing .. .. 65 65 65 Hauling .. .. 28 9 10| 8 17 and 34 17 and 34 17 and 34 Two 8| First class Size of cylinders amended. ..I „ Hall, C, and Bust Halley and Ewing ,, Kaiparoro Wellington Sawmill . . .. 12 23 Two 84 12 Locomotive and traction Second class .". Locomotive and traction Second class .. Additional. Size of cylinder amended ; late Taupo Totara Timber Company, Wellington. Ditto. Late Hussey, Hansen, and Co., Bonny Glen. Late W. Naismith and Co., Wellington. Hanson, John Bonny Glen district 33 General .. .. 6 12 8 Humphries Bros. Wellington Wood-drying .. 22 Nil



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners or Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Same of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names ol late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. WELLINGTON EK ICTcontinued. Keeling and Wyn-Williams Levin Co-operative Dairy Company Longburn Freezing Company Weraiti Levin Longburn Hauling and stonecrushing Butter-factory Freezing 6 18 40 8 11 10 and 20 Locomotive and traction Second class .. First class Lately at Masterton. Additional. Late National Mortgage and Agency Company, Longburn. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Martin, Hurrell, and Snaddon McEwan and Carter Wainui-o-mata .. Petone Stone-crushing Motor- wagon 40 6 14 4 and 9 Second class .. Locomotive and traction Ditto McGregor Bros. Ngutuawa General traction work Threshing, chaff-cut-ting, and ploughing General Pile-driving Engineers' tools Soap-works Candle-works Steaming 6 8 Late Alex. Mutrie, Kuripuni. McGregor, J. B. Around Wanganui 6 H Late McGregor and Burr, No. 2 Line, Wanganui McHarvey, W. J. McLean, J., and Son.. Neilsen, Murray, and Wolstenholme Newton, J., and Sons New Zealand Candle Company New Zealand Government Mental Hospital Marton district Clyde Quay Wellington Kaiwarra 7 6 17 22 45 30 30 6 6 8J Two 6| 4, 4Jj and 6 Nil 10 10 5 and 7 4 and 7 Second class .. Late G. M. Harvey, Marton. Additional. Late McKeegan Bros., Wellington. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Size of cylinder amended. >> • ■ Mount View Exempt New Zealand Government State Coal-mines New Zealand Farmers' Motor Company (Limited) Wellington Around Feilding Hauling Locomotive and traction Second class .. >> Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Papakiri Fibre Company Powell, J. J. K. Priest, A. .. Band, J. Smith, W. G. C. Taupo Totara Timber Company Union Steamship Company Manawatu Brooklyn Rongokokako Wellington Oroua Bridge Near Rotorua .. Wellington Flax-mill.. Brickworks Sawmill Woodworking Flax-mill.. Log-hauling Hoisting; hulk " Arawata " Hoisting; hulk " Dilpussund " 14 33 20 32 12 13 21 7 and 12 12 13 12 7 and 11 Two 8£ 6 and 7 Size of cylinders amended. Late Fitchett and Lowe, Brooklyn. Late Priest Bros., Eketahuna. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. '■ I 20 Two 7 J, two 7 J, two 7£ ♦ >» ■• i Hoisting; hulk " Occident " Steam-crane 46 Two 10 >> Wanganui Harbour Board Wanganui 6f Two 8J Locomotive and traction Ditto First class Additional. Wellington City Council Wellington • • Electric trams Electric lighting .. 65 130 Two 8J 17, 24, and 37J 10 and 30 Size of cylinders amended. Size of cylinders amended ; late Electric Lighting Syndicate. t> • ■



Wellington City Council Lyell Bay Pumping .. I 14 Exempt Cylinders two 8£- last year, and second class driver required. Late Mitchell and King, Wellington. Size of cylinders amended. ,» • • • • ,, . . • « Wellington Destructor Power-house Stone-crushing Electric trams Pumping Generating electricity 25 65 88 88 88 65 65 36 60 100 5 9 12, 14, and 26 9J, 15, and 23 9J, 15, and 23 9£, 15, and23 17, 24f, and 37£ 17, 24J, and 37 j 7, 8, and 10 Nil Second class .. First class Additional. Wellington Gas Company Wellington Meat Export Company Wellington Ngahauranga Pumping Fellmongery Second class .. Engines now combined ; separate last year. Size of cylinders amended. Wellington Hauling Two 4, two 7 Locomotive and traction Ditto Wellington and Manawatu Railway Company 88 80 28 87 Two 10J Two 16 11 7-J and 7 »> Whiteman, G. and Co. Wills, P. .. Admirals Wellington Sawmill Laundry .. | Second class .. Size of cylinder amended. Size of cylinders amended. I WELLINGTON NOR1 'H Dli ITRICT. First class Second class .. Additional. Additional; late Wakelin and Hadley, Wellington. Additional. Booth and Co., William Brice, Broad, and Co. Utiku .. I Sawmill .. .. I 42 50 16 10 Egmont Co-operative Box Company Ganiman and Co. Ohutu .. Ohakune 14 45 45 55 20 25 18 32 32 30 Two 8J 16 16 20 20 10* Two 10 8 and 13 8 and 13 14 First class ,, »> • • Goodbehere and Eng.. Manawatu Timber Company New Zealand Powell Wood Process Company Manga weka Potaka Kangataua Wood-preserving .. Second class .. First class Pukenaua Sawmilling Company Taihape Sawmill Second class .. Additional; late Brown and Anderson, Wellington. Ditto. Additional. Syme, G. .. Waitangi Hauling logs 15 8 Two 84 Two 6J Locomotive and traction Baxter Bros. Benjamin and Malcock Greenstone 3 Mile Gold-dredging Company Grimmond and Co., Joseph Ikamatua Sawmill Company WESTLAND B [STRK JT. • Ho Ho Greymouth Kumara Totara Creek Ikamatua Sawmill Dredging Sawmill Locomotive 32 12 20 32 20 8 Two8J 7Jand 11 J 12 Two 11 Two 7 First class Second class .. Size of cylinder amended. Additional. Size of cylinders amended. Late Joseph Grimmond, Ross. Additional. First class Locomotive and traction First class Kumara-Kapitea Sawmill Company Kapitea Awatuna Kumara Sawmill Bush locomotive .. 20 20 20 9 16 16 Two 10 Two 7 Second class .. Locomotive and traction First class Late Westland Sawmill Company, Hokitika. »> >! Additional. Manson and Co. _ . .. Te Kinga Sawmill .. .. I 60 Two 12} !. •



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1909.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,950 copies), £80 Is.

Price Is. 6d.~\

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. — HorsePurposes for which used. p0 J^ er Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Bngine, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. WESTLAND DIST1 ,ICT— e, itinued. Morris, William McLean, J., and Son.. New Zealand Stove Pipe Company Teremakau Otira Hokitika Sawmill .. 25 27 16 14 Nil 7 and 13J Second class .. Size of cylinder amended. Additional. Late Mahinapua Sawmilling Company, Hokitika. Additional. Pipe-factory First class Red Jacks Sawmilling Company Red Jacks Locomotive 7 Two 7 Locomotive and traction First class Robertson and Party Ruatapu Sawmilling Company Slab Hut Creek Gold-dredging Company Donahue's Ruatapu Slab Hut Creek .. Dredging Sawmill Dredging 30 20 20 9, 14, and two 6 8 and 12J 7 and llj Second class . . Late Robertson Gold-dredging Company, Ross. Late D. H. Roberts, Greymouth. Late Slab Hut Gold-dredging Company, Greymouth. Size of cylinders amended. Late Arahura Sawmilling Company, Greymouth. Ditto. Stoney Mosquito Gold-dredging Company Stratford, Blair, and Co. Greymouth Arahura Sawmill 20 17 8 and 12f 8 and 12J First class Hauling i 6 Two 7 Locomotive and traction Ditto Greymouth 23 Two 8 Additional; late New Zealand Government Railways. Additional. ,, Snowy River Locomotive Sawmill 22 16 35 Two 8 Two 10 14 Second class .. Stuart and Chapman Rimu Size of cylinder amended ; late New Woodstock Gold-dredging Company, Woodstock. Size of cylinders amended. Locomotive 6 Two 5 Locomotive and traction Second class .. First class West-land Stone Company Dobson Stonecutting 25 20 Nil 8 and 12f Late Bignell's No Town Gold-dredging Company, No Town Road.

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Bibliographic details

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1908-9., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, H-15a

Word Count

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1908-9. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, H-15a

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1908-9. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, H-15a

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