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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

My Lord, — Marine Department, Wellington, 24th June, 1905. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department of the colony for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, Wm. Hall-Jones, Minister of Marine. His Excellency the Right Hon. Baron Plunket, Governor of New Zealand. Sir, — Marine Department, Wellington, 15th May, 1905. I have the honour to make the following report on the work of this Department during the financial year ended the 31st March last: — Shipping and Seamen. —" The Shipping and Seamen Act, 1903," was assented to by His Majesty in Council on the 20th March last, and it came into force on the 7th April, on which date the Governor's Proclamation notifying the King's assent was published in the New Zealand Gazette. The Act is working smoothly, and, as it contains the law which was formerly to be found in nine Acts, it greatly facilitates the work of the Department, besides simplifying matters for shipowners and others connected with shipping. The only real difficulty which has arisen is in connection with masters' certificates of service, which are provided for in section 27. The provision for these certificates was made to avoid hardship to men who had commanded vessels which did not require certificated masters prior to the passing of the Act; and in order to prevent applications coming in for an indefinite time it was enacted that the certificates could be granted to persons having the requisite service who applied for them not later than the 31st December, 1904. As the Act was passed in 1903, it was anticipated that it would be assented to not later than the middle of 1904, which would have given all persons entitled to the certificates plenty of time to make their applications by the end of that year. A large number of persons did apply before the end of December last, but a good many omitted to do so until after the Act came into force, and the applications of these cannot be dealt with. Unless an amending Act is passed extending the time for receiving the applications, a hardship will be imposed upon these men, and I therefore recommend that a short Bill be introduced for the purpose of making the necessary extension of time. Regulations have been made providing for the examination of candidates for certificates as masters of restricted limit sailing-vessels carrying passengers, and for fishing-boats and cargo-vessels under 25 tons register, as the Act provides for the issue of such certificates in addition to those which were provided for in the Acts which have been repealed. The Act also provides that the holders of certificates as master of fishing-boats and cargo vessels under 25 tons register may be second mates of home-trade ships. Regulations are being prepared for the adjustment of compasses, which are necessary owing to the alteration made in the law regarding the adjustment of ships' compasses. Engagement and Discharge of Seamen. —Appended is a return showing the number of seamen engaged and discharged at the various ports during the year, and the amount of fees received. Since "The Shipping and Seamen Act, 1903," came into operation whole crews of hometrade ships have to be engaged and discharged before a Superintendent of Mercantile Marine, instead of being engaged and discharged on board, as was the practice formerly. Captain W. D. Reid has resigned the position of Superintendent of Mercantile Marine and Examiner of Masters and Mates at Auckland, and Captain Fleming has been moved from Dunedin to Auckland. Tr>» vacancy at Dunedin has been filled by the appointment of Captain Norman

I—H. 15.



Beaumont. The work in the Wellington office has increased to such an extent as to render it impossible for the Superintendent to perform it efficiently without assistance. At present temporary help is employed, but I recommend that a permanent assistant be appointed. Prosecutions have been instituted and fines imposed for breaches of the law regarding seamen in the following cases, viz. : The master of the s.s. " Indraghiri," for carrying a fireman without putting him on the articles; the master of the s.s. " Paeroa," for carrying a seaman without: putting him on the articles; the master of the s.s. " Paiaka," for proceeding to sea without an A.B. on board; the master of the s.s. " Stella," for going to sea without a full crew; the master of the s.s. "Rose Casey," for taking a seaman to sea without putting him on the articles; the master of the s.s. " Stornibird," for carrying a seaman without putting him on articles; C. Manson, for enticing and helping two seamen to desert from the s.s. " Tomoana " ; and the owners and master of the s.s. " Kamona," for carrying less than the prescribed number of seamen. The master of the s.s. " Mapourika " was convicted, but no fine was imposed, for proceeding to sea with two firemen short of the prescribed number. The master of the s.s. " Westralia " was fined for proceeding to sea without greasers on board, but, on appeal to the Supreme Court, the conviction was quashed on the ground that, although the schedule to the Act which fixed the minimum number of the crew which must be carried mentioned greasers, the section of the Act which referred to the schedule did not specify greasers. The defect does not, however, exist now, as both the section and the schedule of the Act of 1903 provide specifically for greasers. Masters, Mates, and Engineers. —The report of the Principal Examiner of Masters and Mates is appended hereto. For certificates of competency 227 persons passed their examinations and ninety-seven failed. Of those who passed, 142 were masters, mates, and engineers of sea-going ships, sixty-seven were masters and engineers of steamships plying within restricted limits, twelve were engineers of sea-going ships propelled by oil-engines, and six were engineers of similar vessels plj'ing within restricted limits. Under the provisions of " The Shipping and Seamen Act, 1903," every applicant for examination for a certificate is required to be a British subject. The Act also provides that the Minister or the owner of a ship may at any time require the master or mate to submit himself to an examination in the sight-test, the examination to be made by an Examiner appointed under the Act. Provision is also made that the holder of a second mate's foreign-going certificate shall be entitled to ship as mate of a home-trade ship. The Board of Trade has made certain alterations in its regulations for the examination of masters and mates, and as New Zealand certificates are recognised in Great Britain and elsewhere subject to the condition that our regulations shall be similar to those of the Board of Trade, that body has asked this Department to make the necessary alterations in the regulations in force in the colony, and this is being done. The Department has been notified by the Marine Board of Victoria that it has decided to recognise New Zealand river engineers' certificates as being equal to the highest grade of enginedriver's certificate issued in Victoria —that is, as equal to a third-class engine-driver of a river and bay steamship under 100 nominal horse-power. Tables showing the names of persons who have received certificates and the classes and grades of certificates issued are appended. Prosecutions have been instituted and fines "imposed for breaches of the law regarding certificated officers in the following cases, viz. : The owner of the s.s. " Tongariro," for plying on Lake Taupo without a certificated engineer—the engineer was also fined; the master of the oil-engine vessel " Pelorus," for having command of the vessel without holding a master's certificate; and the owner of the scow " Rata," for allowing her to go to sea with an uncertificated master, the master being also fined for acting without a certificate. The owner of the s.s. " Kilmorey " was also proceeded against for running the vessel without a certificated engineer, but the case was dismissed without prejudice. Survey of Ships. —During the year certificates have been issued for 281 steamers, thirtyeight oil-engine vessels, and ten sailing-vessels. A return of such vessels is appended hereto. In addition to the survey of these vessels, several surveys have been made for seaworthiness. The survey of sailing-ships has hitherto been optional, but the new Shipping and Seamen Act makes it compulsory in the case of those employed in the intercolonial trade. The life-saving appliances rules have been amended to allow vessels not over 200 tons register, which are engaged in landing on and shipping from beaches by means of surf-boats, to carry such boats and their launches on board with outer chocks to keep them in position. It is not likely that the chocks would cause any delay in launching the boats in case of emergency, as the frequent use of the boats makes the men very expert in handling them. Coastal Dangers. —The work of surveying the coast has been continued by H.M.S. " Penguin," which has now been employed on it for four years. The work has been carried out under an arrangement with the Imperial Government, under which the colony pays half the cost. The arrangement with the Admiralty has been terminated as from the end of this year's work, in view of this Department establishing a marine survey, for which it is proposed to ask Parliament to make the necessary"provision during the coming session. There is still a good deal of coastal work to be done, and the most important of this should be carried out before any harbour-work is undertaken . The " New Zealand Nautical Almanac for 1905," edited by Captain Blackburne, Nautical Adviser to the Department, was issued in December last, and the demand for the publication shows that it has met a want. Captain Blackburne's A, B, C, and D Tables are now being printed as a separate publication for sale to masters of vessels. They will be of great value to navigators, and the cost of publishing them will be recouped to the Department by the proceeds of the sale.



The book contains numerous worked-out examples and diagrams illustrating some new short and accurate methods of determining the ship's position from observations of sun, moon, and stars, which it is hoped will encourage the practice of such observations, and thereby be the means of saving life at sea and preventing shipping disasters. Wages and Effects of Deceased Seamen. —The estates of fifteen seamen, amounting to £105 12s. 4d., have been dealt with during the year, of which seven were new estates. The sum of .£55 17s. 6d. has been paid to relatives and other claimants, and the sum of £4 17s. 4d., which was in possession of the Department for more than six years, has been paid into the Public Account. The sum of £68 17s. 9d., being money deposited in the Seamen's Savings-bank in the United Kingdom, has, at the request of the Board of Trade, been paid to the depositors in the colony. These moneys are refunded by the Imperial authorities. Wrecks and Casualties. —Attached are tables showing the casualties to ships and an analysis thereof. Those on the coasts of the colony numbered sixty-four, representing 32,536 tons, as compared with fifty-eight, of 16,200 tons, in the previous year. The total wrecks within the colony were ten, of 1,182 tons, as compared with nine, of 3,022 tons, in the previous year. The number of lives lost was eight, as compared with fourteen last year. Of these, six were within the colony — viz., five in the " Hoanga " and one from the " Surprise." Weather Forecasts. —The duty of making weather forecasts and issuing weather reports and storm warnings has been efficiently carried out by Captain Edwin. Government Steamer. —The " Hinemoa " has continued to carry out the work of attending to lighthouses, laying, overhauling, cleaning, and relaying buoys both on the coast and in harbours. She has visited the Kermadec Islands to search for castaways, and overhauled the provision depots which are maintained on those islands. She has also performed various other work outside her ordinary work of attending to lighthouses, buoys, and provision depots. Lighthouses. —All the lights have been maintained in an efficient manner, and the keepers have carried out their duties properly. During the year I have visited and inspected the lighthouses at Godley Head, Jack's Point, Taiaroa Head, Cape Saunders, Nugget Point, Waipapapa Point, Dog Island, Centre Island, I'uysegur Point, Cape Egmont, Manukau North and South Heads, Kaipara, Bean Rock, Ponui Passage, Tiri Tiri, Cuvier Island, and Moko Hinou. The lighthouses were found to be well kept in all cases, and in most cases the stations were generally well kept. Some of the keepers are deserving of great credit for the neat appearance of their stations, and for the excellent gardens which they have. There are, however, a few who do not appear to take much pride in their gardens or in keeping the surroundings as neat and well kept as they should be. 1 hope, however, to see an improvement in the cases where such a condition of things exist when 1 next visit the stations. At Cape Maria van Diemen the tramway which was damaged by a heavy sea has been repaired. The erection of a new tower at Cape Campbell is nearly completed, and as soon as it is ready the new lantern which has been procured for the purpose will be fitted into it, and then the machine and apparatus will be moved into it from the old tower. It is anticipated that the revolving light will only have to be discontinued for two nights, and during that time arrangements will be made to show a fixed light. At Akaroa Head the landing-stage, which was becoming decayed, has been repaired. The rings and rollers on which the revolving carriage travels are showing signs of wear, and new ones are therefore being obtained from Scotland to replace them. New rings have been obtained from Scotland for Puysegur Point Lighthouse to replace those which have been in use since the light was first exhibited on the Ist March, 1879, and they are now being fitted by Mr. Scott, Lighthouse Artificer. During the time the work is being carried out a fixed light is shown, four port lights being used in the tower for the purpose. The road at this station has been repaired, and is now in good order, and new roofs have been put on the houses of the Principal and First Assistant Keeper, and a new landing-store erected. New burners have been fitted in Dog Island light. At Manukau South Head extensive repairs have been executed to the keepers' houses, and the station is now in good condition. Two wash-houses and a workshop have been erected. At Jack's Point a workshop has been erected, and an incandescent burner for this light has been ordered from England. It is anticipated that when it is in use the light will be very much improved. The lens of the Jackson's Head beacon light having been damaged by the sea, a new one has been obtained from the makers of the light in Dublin and fitted on to it. The work of attending to this light is now carried out by Mr. E. C. Perano, master of the s.s. " Elsie," who is paid £50 a year for the service. Shipmasters have petitioned that a low-level light should be erected at Pencarrow Head as a guide for the harbour-entrance when the fog obscures the present light, and the Wellington Harbour Board has offered to contribute towards the cost of the erection of such a light if this Department will erect and maintain it. For ordinary coastal purposes the present light is sufficient; but as it may be possible to move it to a site lower down the hill, where it would do equally well for a coastal light, and at the same time make a better harbour-mark in thick weather, the Marine Engineer will visit the lighthouse and report as to the feasibility and cost of moving it lower down. The automatic fog-signal at Pencarrow has worked satisfactorily during the year, and an improved automatic fog-signal has been procured from England for Taiaroa Head, where it is now being erected. Captain Bollons has, as in former years, inspected the lighthouses when going round in the " Hinemoa." During the year one lightkeeper has retired on account of ill health, receiving compensation for loss of office, and eight have resigned. Eleven new appointments have been made, one of them



being to fill a vacancy which existed at the beginning of the year, one in consequence of the exhibition of Jack's Point light, and nine to fill the vacancies caused by the before-mentioned retirement and resignations. The amount of light dues collected during the year was £29,310 16s. 3d., as compared with £29,116 os. lid. during the previous year. Attached is a table showing the amount collected at each port. Harbours. —The staff at the ports under the control of this Department have performed their duties in a satisfactory manner, and the buoys and beacons in the various harbours have been kept in good order. The two leading beacons at the entrance to Tairua Harbour have been washed away, and an attempt was made by Captain Bollons, of the " Hinemoa," to replace them in February last, but the sea was too rough. They" will, however, be replaced when the " Hinemoa " makes her northern trip next month, and two buoys will be laid down to mark banks formed from ballast which vessels have deposited in the harbour. Steps are being taken to erect two new leading beacons at Kawhia, as the channel over the bar has changed so much that the present beacons have been rendered unserviceable. Owing to change in the channel at the entrance to Kaipara Harbour, the old leading beacons became useless, and new beacons have been erected to guide in the new channel. The " Hinemoa " has not had time to overhaul some of the smaller buoys in this harbour, and therefore the Harbourmaster will arrange for it to be done by a local steamer. The houses at the old pilot-station at Pouto, which are occupied by the Principal Lightkeeper's wife and family and by the chief boatman, need some repairs, which will be carried out shortly. Repairs to the flagstaff at Hokianga are required owing to the decay of the staff from age, and an oil-launch would be very useful to the Harbourmaster, as, owing to the increasing shipping and the building of new sawmills, it is necessary that he should be able to get about to the various parts of this extensive harbour more than he is able to do in the pilot-boat. Complaint has been made by shipmasters that the port light at the signal-station is not powerful enough, and in order to endeavour to improve it a reflector has been fitted into it, which it is hoped will have the effect of making the light visible at a greater distance. The signalman's and boatman's houses at Manukau South Head have had some necessary repairs done to them. A good deal of the face of the cliff on which the signalman's house and the flagstaff stand, being composed of sand, has blown away, and in order to stop the erosion the Harbourmaster has planted marram-grass and lupins on the face, and these are having a good effect. A new beacon is required at the bend of the channel near Shag Point, to replace one that was blown down, and tenders are now being invited for its erection. Wharves have been erected at Orua Bay and Graham's Beach, in Manukau Harbour, by the Awhitu Road Board, grants for the purpose having been made by this Department. New leading beacons are required at the entrance to West Wanganui Inlet, where the shipping trade is increasing owing to the erection of sawmills and flax-mills at that place. Twenty beacons have been erected in the inlet to mark the channel. The flagstaff at Karamea being too far away from the entrance to the river, it was decided to move it to a better position ; but on examination it was found to be too much decayed to be worth moving. A new staff has therefore been erected on the North Head at the entrance, in a position from where vessels can be better guided in and out of the river. The flag-box has been moved to the new site, and a hut for the shelter of the signalman has been put up. The work of removing some snags which caused the bed of the river to silt up and turned the water down the Otumahana outlet is being carried out, and when completed it will have the effect of causing the water to go down the proper channel, which will improve it for navigation. A regulation has been made regarding the anchor lights to be exhibited by vessels when lying in harbours and by vessels which are aground in or near a fairway. The sum of £1,639 12s. 7d. has been collected for pilotage and port charges in respect of harbours under the control of this Department, as compared with £1,914 15s. sd. collected during the previous year. A large number of plans of harbour-works have been approved by the Governor in Council, and licenses have been granted for the occupation of sites for wharves and other works. A return showing such works and licenses is appended hereto. Fisheries. —Regulations have been issued under "The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894," as amended by the Act of 1903, providing for the registration of sea-fishing boats and boats used in taking oysters; and this, combined with the licensing of these boats, enables them to be kept under better control. The registration remains in force so long as a boat belongs to the same owner, but the licenses are annual. The regulations came into force on the Ist July last, and a return showing the number of boats registered and licensed up to the end of December last is appended hereto. The regulations as to the size of mesh of fishing-nets and the mode of measuring them have been under review, and the Chief Inspector has interviewed fishermen in various parts of the colony regarding them, with the result that new regulations have been made which provide that the mesh of net or seine is to be not less than 2i in., unless the net is a bond fide flounder set-net, mullet, o-arfish, or herring net. Set-nets for flounders are to have a mesh not less than 4 in., garfish-nets 1 in., herring-nets ljin., and mullet-nets used in the North Island 3J in. The measurement is to be made between knot and knot of opposite corners, instead of diagonally as hitherto. In order to give the fishermen time to use up the nets which they had when the new regulations were made, it was provided by the Order in Council making them that they are not to come into force until the Ist January next. In some of the Canterbury rivers there has been a good deal of trouble in dealing with whitebait fishermen who use unlawful means to prevent the fish going further up the river than where they are fishing, to the detriment of men fishing higher up. Proceedings have been taken and



convictions secured in some cases; but when the last case in which a prosecution was instituted was heard the Magistrate dismissed it on the ground that the regulations did not go far enough to prevent the practice. It is, however, proposed to again take proceedings should the fish be blocked in the same or similar manner, and if necessary new regulations will be made. The markets have been very well supplied with fish during the year, but there has been a marked falling-off in the number of flounders caught in Hawke's Bay of late. So far the Department has not been able to obtain reliable statistics of fish caught. There is, however, provision m Ihe Act of 1903 under which owners of boats and fish-curers are required to make returns to the Department in such form and at such periods as may be prescribed by the Governor in Council; and I would strongly urge that the necessary Order in Council should be made, as the returns would be of great value. . , The marine fish-hatchery at Portobello has been completed, and is now in working-order. It is under the control of a Board, which at present receives a grant of £250 from the Department towards the cost of maintenance. Grants have also been made to the Board by the Otago Institute, the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, and by the Otago, \\ aitaki-Waimate, and Hawke's Bay Acclimatisation Societies, which will enable it to make a start in the work of the hatchery and the introduction of suitable food-fishes. Mr. J. T. Sullivan has been appointed Inspector of Fisheries for Dunedin and the surrounding districts, and he is doing good work in seeing that the law is observed. Another shipment of 300,000 quinnat-salmon ova and of 1,000,000 whitefish-ova has been obtained from the United States, the ova having been again presented to the colony by the United States Fish Commission, to which the thanks of the Department are due. Mr. Ayson, our Chief Inspector of Fisheries, went to the United States and brought the ova over, and the shipment was a most successful one. The salmon-ova were taken to the hatchery at Hakataraniea, and 98 per cent, hatched out. Half the whitefish-ova were taken to Lake Kanieri and half to Lake Tekapo, and 95 per cent, hatched out. As the manager of the hatchery at Hakatarainea had to take the wbitehsh-ova to Lake lekapo, the Otago Acclimatisation Society allowed Mr. F. Deans, manager of its ponds at Opoho to proceed to Hakataraniea and take charge of the hatching of the salmon-ova, and he carried out the work in a most satisfactory manner. The thanks of the Department are due to the society for its courtesy in the matter. . . . Several fish believed to be salmon have been caught at the mouth of the Waitaki Liver. A gentleman recently from Scotland, states that he caught one of the fish, which weighed 4£lb., and that it was undoubtedly a salmon in appearance and taste. Although the taste was not so pronounced as that of Scotch salmon, still the flavour was fine and quite different from that of 10U During the year the following salmon have been liberated from the ponds at the Hakataraniea hatchery viz. : 448 four-year-old quinnat, 1,273 three-year-old sookeye, 2,626 two-year-old Atlantic salmon 224,252 eight-month-old quinnat, 12,000 one-year-old quinnat, and 162,613 old quinnat. Prior to the Istlpril 1904 135,600 quinnat 113,1 1 sockeye and 42 806 Atlantic salmon were liberated, making the total number liberated to date 692 779 At the end of March the following fish were in the ponds, viz. : 100 four-year-old quinnat 216 three-year-old sockeye, 230 two-year-old Atlantic, 13,000 one-year-old quinnat, and 75,000 three-month-0M to continue to import salmon and whitefish ova for at least two or three years more by which time it should be proved whether the fish can be successfully acclimatised m the colony or not. If the attempt to introduce and acclimatise them is successful, they will, as a 500,000 salmon-ova and 2000,000 whitefish-ova, instead of and 1,000,000, the quantities imported during each of the last two seasons, "we have the salmon-hatchery and the whitefish-hatching sheds, which will provide space for the larger numbers with very little alteration, the cost will only be about £50 more than the cost ot introducing and hatching the smaller numbers. introducing rf collecting ralnbow -trout ova for distribution tmongst acclimatisation societies requiring them, and arrangements were made to erect an eveinK Station at Rotorua, but owing to a difficulty about the site, which is Native land it is found to be Necessary to take it under the Public Works Act, which will prevent the collection of ova tMS OyTrs -It was proposed to lease the oyster-beds in the Hauraki Gulf which bordered on orivate land to the occupiers of such land, but after regulations for this had been prepared there were found'to te certain difficulties in the way which prevented the intention to lease being carriedl out It was then decided to open such of the beds as might be fit or .picking and the ChTef Inspector of Fisheries examined them for the purpose of ascertaining their condition with dre resuTt P that he reported that those between Gull Point, near Auckland and Bream Tail, the southern point of Whangarei Bay, were fit for picking. These beds have therefore been opened, and ovs ers are now being taken from them by persons who have taken out licenses to do so In order Cpreventnterference with the closed beds, and to see that small oysters are not taken from those that ar open, arrangements have been made for Mr. Bennett, the local Inspector to devote the whole of his time to this duty during the open season, and to employ an assistant when re<lU The'beds in the Northern Oyster-fishery, which extends from Whangaruru Harbour to the North Cane have been examined by the Inspector, Mr H Stephenson, who found that they are not fit for picking this season, and it has therefore been decided that they are not to be opened.



In addition to the beds between Gull Point and Bream Tail, those in the Tauranga fishery, Ahipara Bay, Kaipara, Hokiauga, Herekino, and Whangape Harbours, and the leased beds in Manukau Harbour, are open for picking this season. The license fee for taking oysters in the North Island has been raised from 10s. to £1. The beds in Foveaux Strait are yielding very fair results this season, and there are eleven boats engaged in taking oysters. The quantity of Foveaux Strait oysters exported to Australia during the year ended the 81st December last was 335,868 dozen, valued at £2,785. I have, &c, George Allport, Secretary.

The Principal Examiner of Masters and Mates to the Secretary, Marine Department. Office of the Principal Examiner of Masters and Mates, Sir,— Wellington, 12th May, 1905. I have the honour to submit 1113' annual report on the examination of masters and mates in New Zealand. The work has been carried out by the Examiners in the usual satisfactory manner at Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. Some delay occurred in Auckland in forwarding examinationpapers of those who passed at that jjort towards the end of last year: otherwise the examinations at Auckland appear to have been carried out in a satisfactory manner. Captain Reid resigned his position as Examiner in Auckland in March, and has been relieved by Captain Charles Fleming, formerly Examiner at Dunedin. The number of examinations has only increased by twenty over those of the previous year, this small increase being confined entirely to the local home-trade and river-steamer examinations. Auckland has again had more examinations than Wellington. Lyttelton has had less than half the number of either Auckland or Wellington, and only five examinations have been held in Dunedin throughout the year. The number of failures in the examination for foreign-going certificates has been slightly in excess of the passes; but in the examinations for the home-trade and river-steamer certificates the passes have predominated. I have pleasure in reporting that last June Mr. William John King, an officer in the Union Steam Ship Company's service, passed a very creditable examination for extra master's certificate. He obtained an unusually high percentage of marks, passed at first attempt, and proved himself to be an intelligent and quick worker. He was born and educated in New Zealand. I would again draw attention to the unfair position in which the deck hands of vessels running in the Auckland extended liver limits are placed, owing to service in these limits not counting .-is sen service in making them eligible for the foreign-going or home-trade certificate examinations. As owners of these vessels generally, and very properly, employ men with home-trade masters' certificates in this run, the deck hands serving in these vessels are practically precluded from promotion in such vessels without going into another trade for at least five years, as they are not eligible to pass the examination for home-trade master without having five years of sea service, one year of which must have been as mate. On the other hand, I would remark that the law still allows a man with only a restricted limit river certificate and one year's service in a harbour, lake, or river to command passenger-vessels running to all parts of the extended limits, such as between Auckland and Whangarei.

I have, &c, Harold S. Blackhurne, Principal Examiner of Masters and Mates. The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington.



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totali. Salaries of Head Office Staff Harbours:— Manukau, — Salaries House-rent Wharf at Graham's Beaoh Contingencies Russell, — Contingencies Hokianga,— Salaries Contingencies Kaipara, — Salaries House-rent New beaoons Repairs to flagstaff Contingencies Opunake,— Salary Foxton, — Salary Removal of buildings Contingencies Tauranga,— Contingencies Mokau, — Salary Wairau, — Salary Protective works.. Contingencies Havelock, — New beacons Boat and boatshed Contingencies Motueka,— Salary Survey of harbour Contingencies Waitapu,— Salary Maintenance of lights Contingencies .. . T CoUingwood,— Salary Contingencies Karamea, — Salary Contingencies Okarito, — Salary Opening bar Contingencies Okuru, — Signalling Contingencies Little Wanganui,— Signalling New beacons Contingencies Waikawa, — Salary Contingencies Riwaka, — Maintenance of lights Pioton— Contingencies Lamps, repairs to buoys and sundries .. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,440 11 10 £ s. d. 1,440 11 10 478 12 0 24 0 0 42 19 2 133 3 1 678 14 3 12 15 10 328 0 0 32 0 10 360 0 10 508 0 0 24 0 0 446 9 9 50 0 0 77 18 3 1,106 8 0 25 0 0 170 0 0 255 5 10 74 2 8 499 8 6 2 2 0 40 0 0 145 0 0 320 0 0 49 3 2 514 3 2 110 7 6 46 18 4 11 6 6 168 12 4 10 0 0 23 3 9 0 8 3 33 12 0 31 5 0 75 0 0 7 4 9 35 0 0 27 7 6 113 9 9 62 7 6 40 0 0 72 17 8 112 17 8 75 0 0 22 18 9 40 7 4 138 6 1 20 0 0 9 16 3 29 16 8 15 0 0 18 0 0 5 8 3 38 8 8 10 0 0 3 5 8 18 5 8 10 0 0 14 11 0 351 4 4 j Lighthouses :— Salaries of keepers Oil Stores and contingencies Keepers' travelling-expenses Lighthouse artificer 4,325 3 5 9,326 7 5 1,777 5 11 3,347 15 8 190 5 11 220 0 0 14,861 14 11 Superintendents of Mercantile Marine :— Salaries Assistance Contingencies 1,120 0 0 156 0 0 174 9 1 1,450 9 1 Carried forward 22,077 19 3



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department— continued.

Nature of Expenditure. i Details. Totals. Grand Totals. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 22,077 19 3 Brought forward Fisheries:— Protection of fish and oysters,— Salaries Travelling-expenses Contingencies Wages of attendants, Hakataramea Hatchery 530 15 10 136 12 11 103 13 6 292 0 0 530 15 10 136 12 11 103 13 6 292 0 0 1,063 2 3 Fish-hatcheries Import of salmon-ova Import of whitefish-ova Hakataramea salmon-hatchery Supply of fish-ova and acclimatisation of fish, animals, &c. 740 16 8 167 9 1 257 9 3 162 15 11 185 3 0 740 16 8 167 9 1 257 9 3 162 15 11 185 3 0 1,513 13 11 Grant to Portobello Fish-hatchery Board for equipments, &c. Grant to Hokitika Fish-hatchery 250 0 0 61 19 6 250 0 0 61 19 6 311 19 6 Weather-reporting:— Salaries Contingencies 350 0 0 7 18 0 2,888 15 8 350 0 0 7 18 0 357 18 0 Less credits to vote 25,324 12 11 700 3 9 Government steamers: — Working-expenses .. .. .. .. New propeller boss .. .. .. .. Repairs and renewals, &c. .. .. .. .. j 9,409 0 9 146 17 10 225 14 7 9,409 0 9 146 17 10 225 14 7 24,624 9 2 Less amount of freights, passages, &c. Departmental travelling-expenses Checking overcrowding of steamers and legal expenses Coastal buoys and beacons .. .. .. Survey of coast by H.M.S. " Penguin," to 31st March, 1903 .. Charts Examination of masters and mates—contingencies Inquiries into wrecks and casualties Surveys of unseaworthy ships .. .. .. .. i Relief of distressed seamen .. .. .. .. i " N.Z. Nautical Almanao " .. .. .. Fog-signal .. .. .. .. .. Subsidy to Shipwreok Relief Society Cost of River Limits Commission .. .. .. Compassionate allowance to widow of late Lightkeeper Nicolson Napier Spit protection-works Sundries 9,781 13 2 474 10 11 60 1 6 306 9 2 78 16 7 8,983 11 3 91 8 4 46 4 9 91 16 11 12 12 0 29 19 0 250 0 0 588 0 8 200 0 0 144 2 11 130 0 0 200 0 0 392 18 3 9,307 2 ! 11,306 4 4 Less credits to vote 11,606 1 4 299 17 0 Total 45,237 15 9



Return showing the Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Lighthouses, and the Quantity of Oil consumed at each, during the Year ended the 31st March, 1905.

2—H. 15.

Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Gallons consumed. Oil. Value. Stores and Contingencies. Totals. Cape Maria van Diemen Moko Hinou Tiritiri Bean Rock Ponui Passage Cuvier Island East Cape Portland Island Napier Bluff Cape Palliser Pencarrow Head Somes Island Cape Egmont Manukau Head Manukau South Head leading-lights Manukau North Head leading-lights Kaipara Head Brothers Tory Channel leading-lights Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Jack's Point Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders.. Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island Centre Island Puysegur Point Hokitika Cape Foulwind Kahurangi Point Farewell Spit Nelson Stephen Island Frenoh Pass Totals £ s. d. 346 16 11 309 8 11 244 2 10 .. i 160 0 0 160 0 0 .. I 332 6 1 315 11 0 .. 358 5 11 .. j 20 0 0 270 0 0 .. i 270 0 0 143 1 6 262 12 11 .. ! 229 19 G .. I 114' 6 1 232 5 8 .. ! 434 15 3 90 0 0 238 15 1 .. 271 10 1 265 12 11 146 13 4 261 13 4 262 17 7 258 1 5 337 16 8 .. 244 15 9 .. ! 308 12 1 308 13 8 ..I 350 2 0 12 0 0 .. 238 10 9 355 0 7 364 4 4 282 8 11 355 11 4 .. j 170 0 0 .. j 9,326 7 5 929 830 681 76 1,340 869 738 Gas 892 879 671 584 555 170 250 575 728 159 553 524 577 129 565 609 653 961 668 807 871 866 Gas 569 1,009 644 257 1,712 134 £ s. d. 70 12 10 63 2 3 51 15 8 3 2 6 5 15 7 101 17 11 66 1 7 56 2 4 11 1 7 67 16 7 66 16 10 51 0 6 44 8 2 42 4 1 12 18 6 19 0 2 43 14 6 55 7 2 12 1 10 42 1 1 39 16 11 43 17 6 9 16 2 42 19 4 46 6 2 49 13 1 73 1 6 50 16 0 61 7 4 66 4 8 65 17 1 11 11 0 43 5 4 76 14 6 48 19 5 19 10 10 130 3 8 10 3 9 £ s. d. (*)174 10 1 168 6 11 51 19 1 11 17 6 8 5 10 121 14 10 80 10 5 87 1 8 76 19 6 58 5 0 31 9 8 50 11 10 45 19 .6 4 2 5 38 19 1 ( b )137 5 9 0)153 16 1 4 1 1 (•3)155 17 4 52 17 5 0)89 14 10 ( f )85 0 5 60 8 5 108 0 11 34 8 0 137 7 9 (s)57 5 1 (")100 16 1 (1)134 2 7 ( k )401 2 0 £ s. d. 591 19 10 540 13 1 347 17 7 175 0 0 174 1 5 555 18 10 462 3 0 501 9 6 31 1 7 414 16 1 395 1 10 225 11 3 357 12 11 318 3 1 17 0 11 172 5 4 413 5 11 643 18 6 106 2 11 436 13 6 364 4 5 399 5 3 241 9 11 365 1 1 417 4 8 341 17 6 548 5 11 352 16 10 470 15 6 509 0 11 817 1 1 23 11 0 348 3 6 639 19 8 520 16 0 342 4 2 667 14 6 201 0 0 66 7 5 208 4 7 107 12 3 0)40 4 5 ( m )181 19 6 90 16 3 ! 23,034 1,777 5 11 3,347 15 8 14,451 9 0 •) Of which £45 8s. 2d. is for repairs. (b) Of which £17 16s. sions. (o) Of which £65 2s. 9d. is for repairs. (e) of which £ [«) Of which lOd. is for repairs. (h) Of which £68 15s. 6d. is for i £152 3s. 5d. is for repairs, and £62 9s. 2d. for repairs to road. (1) i is for repairs. 8d. is for re 23 6s. is for •epairs. Df which £11 ipairs. (c) repairs. (f) I (J) Of which 16s. f 3 3s. 4d. is for repi Of which £63 17s. 3f which £45 8s. 7i id. is for repairs, lirs. (m) Of w: lOd. is for provi1. is for repairs. (k) Of which Inch £22 19s. lOd.



Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Fees, &c., received under the Shipping and Seamen's Acts, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Sea-fisheries Acts, and for Pilotage and Port Charges, &c., at Ports under the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1905.

Return showing the Amount of Light Dues collected during the Year ended 31st March, 1905.

Return showing the Amount of Pilotage, Port Charges, &c., collected during the Year ended 31st March, 1905.

Name of Lighthouse. Cost of Erection. Pencarrow Head Nelson Tiritiri Mana Island* Taiaroa Head Godley Head Dog Island Farewell Spit Nugget Point Cape Campbell Manukau Head Cape Foulwind Brothers Portland Island Moeraki Centre Island Puysegur Point Cape Maria van Diemen Akaroa Head Cape Saunders Cape Egmontf Moko Hinou Waipapapa Point Ponui Passage* Kaipara Head French Pass Cuvier Island Stephen Island Cape Palliser East Cape Kahurangi Point Jack's Point Cost of telegraph cable to Tiritiri Miscellaneous and unallocated £ s. d. 6,422 0 4 2,824 8 9 5,747 7 2 5,513 0 1 4,923 14 11 4,705 16 4 10,480 12 8 6,139 11 8 6,597 3 7 5,619 2 6 4,975 2 4 6,955 9 1 6,241 0 0 6,554 14 5 4,288 13 2 5,785 19 0 9,958 19 5 7,028 14 8 7,150 6 5 6,066 6 3 3,353 17 11 8,186 5 0 5,969 18 11 5,571 8 0 1,427 17 5 7,406 16 11 9,349 9 11 6,243 16 1 7,594 8 8 9,145 18 1 1,204 10 9 1,085 19 6 1,322 2 2 Total .. £191,840 12 1 * Light discontinued; moved to Cape Egmi t Cost of iron tower, lantern, and apparai moved from Mana Island, is not included in i I Built by Provincial Government of A known in Marine Department. Dllt. tus, which were rethis. .uckland; cost not

Nature of Receipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamen's Acts :— Fees for shipping and discharge of seamen, and sale of forms Survey of steamers Measurement of ships Examination of masters, mates, and engineers Light dues Merchant Shipping Act Pilotage and port charges Sundry receipts under Harbours Acts Sea-fisheries Aot Sundries £ s. d. 2,426 14 3 1,830 10 0 42 16 0 309 7 6 29,310 IG 3 212 9 8 1,639 12 7 359 12 6 286 10 0 284 0 1 Total 36,702 8 10

Port. Amount collected. Auckland Onehunga Whangarei Whangaroa Russell Mangonui Hokianga Kaipara Thames Coromandel Tauranga.. Poverty Bay Napier New Plymouth Waitara Wanganui Patea Wellington Wairau Picton Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Bluff and Invercargill £ s. d. 10,148 1 10 160 15 6 139 9 1 4 8 4 27 1 1 2 18 5 18 3 10 222 18 0 85 9 7 16 4 11 23 12 4 608 5 5 880 8 7 242 12 0 46 9 2 144 15 6 16 0 3 7,265 3 4 21 15 11 401 17 5 410 9 5 648 12 1 271 12 8 5 7 3 2,398 12 7 394 5 4 131 15 9 1,888 11 4 2,684 19 4 Total £29,310 16 3

Name of Port. Pilotage. Port Charges, &c. Total. Auckland* Onehunga Hokianga Kaipara Thames* Gisborne* Wairoa* Napier* New Plymouth* Waitara* Wanganui* .. Patea* Foxton Wellington* .. Wairau Nelson* Hokitika* Lyttelton* Timaru* Oamaru* Dunedin* Invercargill* .. Bluff* £ s. d. 1,100 4 0 9 19 9 99 11 11 30 1 10 154 19 4 16 14 6 51 6 8 1,315 3 6 128 6 0 97 17 4 518 0 3 64 11 1 217 8 7 522 8 3 217 12 3 2,356 0 4 £ s. d. 6,694 17 3 137 17 9 927' 0 6 1,361 13 7 4 2 6 5,627 5 10 199 11 0 89 12 3 16 - 6 0 £ s. d. 7,795 1 3 147 17 6 99 11 11 957 2 4 154 19 4 1,378 8 1 55 9 2 6,942 9 4 327 17 0 187 9 7 518 0 3 80 17 1 217 8 7 ! 14,690 18 10 217 12 3 2,619 7 1 67 3 9 H6,317 5 2 6,394 7 2 1,833 18 10 15,943 6 3 12 4 6 6,674 11 1 14,168'10 7! 9,44915 0 2,931 17 9 263 6 9 t67 3 9: 6,867 10 2i 3,462 9 5! +1,833 18 10 6,864 3 7 12 4 6! 2,524 14 2 9,079 2 8 4,149 17 2 Totals .. 132,511 6 2 :51,122 8 5, ,83,633 14 7 ! * Harbour Boi ird revenue. I + Tonnage rat I ;e on cargo.



Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in pursuance of the Provisions of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," during the Year ended 31st March, 1905.

Return of Licenses as Colonial Pilot issued in pursuance of Section 31 of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act Amendment Act, 1894," during the Year ended 31st March, 1905.

Return of Licensed Adjusters of Compasses in New Zealand.

Name of Seaman. Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March, 1904. Amount received. Amount paid. Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March, 1905. J. S. Underwood Frederiok Davis .. Philip Hoare Henry Smith Alexander D. McNab — Neilson A. Robertson J. D. Burtinshaw William Kassens Bennett Lissing.. Axel Larsen Philip Dalcom .. Thomas Devine .. John W. Bird .. H. S. Molvig £ s. d. 3 13 8 0 9 9 0 8 6 0 5 2 0 0 3 2 15 0 2 15 0 18 3 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 13 8 0 9 9 0 8 6 0 5 2 0 0 3 £ s. d. 2 15 0 2 15 0 2 3 0 10 0 6 10 10 6 21 16 4 9 11 0 1 16 8 26 3 6 13 "3 6 2 3 0 10 0 6 10 10 6 21 16 4 6 7 6 1 16 8 3 3 6 26 "3 6 Totals 44 17 6 23 10 10 82 1 6 60 14 10

No. of License. Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Port of Residence. Date of Expiry of License. 27 28 30 31 34 35 12 July, 1904 Riohard Groombridge Butt.. 4 „ Edward Wheeler 5 Nov., „ Hugh McLellan .. 5 Jan., 1905 Archibald Kennedy 22 Maroh, „ Thomas Fernandez 16 June, 1904 Norman Beaumont .. Wellington .. Lyttelton .. Wellington ,. Auokland .. 20 July, .. 12 Aug., .. 11 Nov., .. 21 Dec. .. 18 Dec, .. 16 June, 1905.

Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Address. 9 April, 1896 15 , 5 May, 11 Dec, 1 Feb., 1897 27 April, 27 May, 27 July, 1 Sept., 13 Aug., 1898 26 April, 1899 26 June, 1900 27 July, 27 Nov., 27 March, 1903 19 Oot., Frederiok Macbeth Robert Strang George Urquhart Thomson William Bendall Hugh McLellan Frederic William Cox Thomas Fernandez Robert Hatchwell Arthur G. Gifford Herbert John Richardson Robert Heddleston Neville Charles Frederick Sundatrum John Adamson Thomas Basire George Samuel Hooper John McLennon McKenzie .. Dunedin. Wellington. Lyttelton. Nelson. Auckland. Lyttelton. Wellington. Dunedin. Auckland. Port Chalmers. Wellington.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1905.


Name of Vessel. o ■/. M 9 a O MrO <D ' □ ° K s|-a Socss .SSJi CD G JoWO rH 9 & o . am 4 a M§ ■o 3 cd a a " £ 00 M ° Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Min ber Clai Lav be c lirnu of fc ases v reci :arric olio of ( juirc ed. uniting !rew ;s to Kemarks. d CO d 9 3 9 'rH CO U 9 3 a B j, s o I h Admiral.. Advance Advance Ahuriri Akaroa Akitio Albany Albatross Alert (Auckland) .. Alert (Thames) .. Alexander Alexandra Anna Antrim Aorere Aotea (Auckland).. •Aotea (Auckland).. Aotea (Wellington) Aparima Atapo 82 40 31 43 12 8 111 28 8 30 17 28 20 8 37J li 6 Compound Non-condensing Oil-engines Compound Screw River Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. River 2 First survey. 51 '2 1 185 73 21 35 49 89 157 90 3,684 3 30 10 17 16cJ 15 33 35 284 ** 297 Oil-engines Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Condensing Compound Non-condensing Oil-ongines Condensing Compound Oil-engines Compound Twin-screw Paddle .. Screw Home trade .. Itiver Home trade .. River Home trade .. 4 3 First survey. Towing only. First survey. 1 66 2 2 i 134 2,362 River Home trade .. Foreign trade River 2 18 '2 9 Since wrecked. Triple expansion Condensing Twin-screw Sorew 8 3 Launch ; towing only. Towing and cargo only. Awaroa 3 Non-oondensing Stern-wheel Awarua (Auckland) Beatrice Ben Lomond Blanche.. 100 8 33 18 32 10 15 9 217 Condensing Non condensing Compound Non-condensing Paddle .. Screw Home trade .. Extended river River Extended river 4 2 Fishing-vessel. Cargo and towing only. Britannia Canopus Canterbury Chelmsford Clansman Clara 108 835 40 250 24 24 90 2i 1,042 Triple-expansion Non-oondensing Compound Paddle .. Screw Twin-screw Screw River Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. '7 3 2 '3 First N.Z. survey. 79 379 60 566 2 5 i 3 Condensing Rivor Launch; fishingvessel. Claymore Clyde Condor Corinna Coromandel Countess Countess of Ranfurly Cygnet .. Daphne Defender Dingadee Dolly Varden Doto Duohess Duco Duke Durham Eagle Edina Eliza .. Elsie Elsie Evans Endon •Erin 92i 54 40 24 141 25 28 90 Compound Stern-wheel Screw Extended river River 122| 812 68 84 153 971 Home trade .. River 7 *3 "2 ';; Oil-engines Foreign trade 4 66 43 1 36 80 30 13 81 60 6 24 70 6 3 8 20 5 4 189 Compound Non-condensing Compound Home trade .. River Home trade .. 2 2 117 393 17 19 95 26 144 365 Oil-engines Compound Triple expansion Twin-screw Sorew Extended river River Exteuded river River Extended river River 4 5 1 2 3 Towing only. First N.Z. survey. Fishing-vessel. 54 133 4 Condensing Compound Stern-wheel Screw Paddle .. Sorew Towing only. Non-oondensing Towing only. 15 6 12 Oil-engines Compound Non-condenBing Extended river 4 • » River Fishing-vessel. Towing and cargo only. Westport dredge. •Erskine Ethel J... Eveline 98 20 35 16 8 Compound Non-condensing ..[ .. First survey; towing only. Fishing-vessel. Express Fairy Falcon Fanny Fire Float 36 33 25 15 6 30 13 150 Compound Non-oondensing Screw Home trade .. Extended river 2 2 55 159 Compound Non-oondensing Home trade .. River a '2 F i r e - fl 0 a t and towing only. Cargo only. Firefly .. Flirt Freetrader 7 13 94 8 10 30 '' 1 Oil-engines Non-condensing Stern-wheel Extended rivetRiver .. .. Gael Gannet Gertie .. 55 15 119 20 6 59 Screw Cargo and towing only. First survey. Compound Condensing Extended river 329 Twin-screw Home trade .. "i\ '3 • Surveyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel. |M "5: o ££ DO a o ES'go O <B &£& ®.S ft CG CO 1 *-< a v o <D t 00 »a|| a£ ® a & & o . Ceo 4 2 11 W CD ■oS cd a a " .28 Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Miu ber Clai Lav be c dmum Numof following sses of Crew v requires to sarried. Remarks. co a u a> § <° $ 8 3 2 8 II g £ I £ o Glenelg Goldfinch Gordon Gosford Greyhound Hamurana Hannah Haupiri Hauroto Hawea 'Heathcote •Herald .. 156 9 57 83 24 6 452 1,276 1,114 94 370 75 12 12 30 50 3 8 88 253 104 35 85 363 1 Compound Non-condensing Compound Oil-engines Non-condensing Oil-engines Compound Screw Home trade .. River Extended river River Home trade .. RivetExtended river Home trade .. Foreign trade 4 2 8| Fishing-vessel. Launch. Fishing-vesBei. 516 1,242 915 6 8 7 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 Triple expansion Compound River Foreign trade Hopper barge. Sold out of the colony. 487 5 3 Himitangi Hinemoa •Hirero Huia (Auckland) .. Huia (Thames) .. Huia (Wellington) Huia (Wellington) 149 8 32 200 45 64 16 60 8 23 2 242 Non-condensing Compound Oil-engines Non-condensing Compound Condensing Home trade .. River 4 2 Launch. Twin-screw Screw .. Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. River 5 •• Towing only. 69 i20 2 '2 Huria 8 10 Oil-engines Home trade .. 1 First survey ; new launch. Yacht, now renamed "Vanora." Ida •Inveroargill Irini Ithaca J.D.O. .. 12 123 6 13 88 10 50 15 9 28 242 Non-condensing Compound Oil-engines Compound Extended river Home trade .. River Extended river '4 "2 First survey, fishing-vessel. Dredging and towing only. John Anderson .. John Townley Kahu Kaipara.. 36 85 99 20 40 40 4 211 Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River 2 " 2 Cargo only. •Kamona Kanieri Kapanui •Kapiti Kapui Kaoro Kate 'Kawatiri Kawau Kawau Kekeno Kia Ora (Auokland) Kia Ora (Waikato) Kini Kiripaka Kittawa Kiwi •Koonya Kopu Kopuru Koputai Kotiti Kuaka Lady Barkly Lena Lily (Nelson) Lily (Kaipara) Little George Little Jack Lyttelton Lyttelton Mahinapua Mahntu.. •Makarora Mana (Wellington) •Mana (Westport).. Manapouri Manaroa Manchester Mangaiti Mangapapa Mapourika .; Mararoa Mascotte 903 115 75 80 30 52 117 20 32 35 30 17 5 24 15 20 6 65 24 130 24 120 3 115 13 20 120 14 90 20 5 7 1J 4 14 80 14 6 13 13 25 90 300 24 160 6 28 130 530 3 750 i 163 Quadruple expansion Triple expansion Compound Foreign trade Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. Extended river River 6 4 5 2 3 First N.Z. survey. 2.38 2 "2 •</ Non-condenBing Launch. Launch. Fishing-vessel. 37 53 19 157 Compound Extended river Oil-engines Compound Non-condensing Triple expansion Compound Home trade .. i 4 .3 Fishing-vessel. 365 Twin-screw Stern-wheel Screw River Home trade .. 702 75 708 631 108 695 6 2 6 3 2 3 Towing onl Condensing Triple expansion Non-oondensing Rivc-r Home trade .. Extended river River Home trade .. Extended river Yacht. 663 684 6 3 28 5 42 33 39 1 Paddle .' '. Screw Paddle .. Screw Towing only. 350 Compound i 3 Tug. 23 '72 Oil-engines Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condenBing Sorew Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River Extended river River '2 i Towing only. Towing only. 4 Yaoht. Tug. 39 Compound Non-condensing Paddle .. Twin-screw Stern-wheel Screw Extended river 7 11 45 77 51 1,288 78 366 157 Oil-engines Non-condensing ' Compound Paddle .. Screw River Home trade .. River Foreign trade Home trade .. Extended river River Home trade .. 2 a Towing only. Tug. 1,614, 142 8 2 6 2 3 8 . I Non-condensing I Compound i Triple expansion Dredge. Towing only. 87 718 1,381 209 1,205 3,310 2 ! 7 I 8 2 8 9 2 6 3 3 ) Non-condensing Foreign trade River ..I * Surveyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel. 9 "Si 01 B O H al * a n O CD ' a ° CD .3 p. CO Eh ja CD os»i M a°a a-£S n '3 S a? a.*, Ss o oMO fa o ft tn S3 Kg •a 8 £ a a a ° Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Cl«ss of Certificate. Mini ber < Clas Law be ci limu: of fc sses 7 req :arrit jllO' of ( [niri ed. [umifing 3rew 38 to Remarks. d Cfi H 9 a 9 .a ft tn U O 8 a CO 'H ■D CO a CD C-t 0 Matarere Matuku Mavis 2 4 44 Compound Non-condensing Screw River First survey. Towing only; first survey. May Howard 'Mere Mere Minnie Casey 'Moa .. Moana (Dunedin) Moana (Greymouth) Moeraki Moerangi Monowai Motara Moturoa Mountaineer Moura .. Mullogh Muritai (Auckland) Muritai (Hokianga) Nambucca Naomi II. 'Napier Narcissus Natone 55 48 95 2,414 6 2,715 16 2,137 10 66 1,247 46 133 94 3 20 33 372 7 357 274 290 4 10 50 275 15 45 8 24 19 30 2 60 181 4,162 3,974 2,802 Oil-engines Non-condensing Compound Triple expansion Non-condensing Triple expansion Oil-engines Triple expansion Non-condensing Compound Triple expansion Twin-sorew Screw Paddle .. Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River Home trade .. Foreign trade River Foreign trade River Foreign trade River 2 2 2 10 11 io 'l 2 9 ■■ 9, '9 " ..I 6 6 3 3 3 3 Towing only. Fishing-vessel. First survey. First N.Z. survey. Towing only. 74 9 48 2,381 238 137 Compound Non-condensing Compound Oil-engines Compound Non-oondensing Foreign trade Extended river Home trade .. River Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. River 8 4 2 9 2 2 '3 "3 Fishing-vessel. Since wrecked. First survey. Fishing-vessel. Yacht. Issued in lieu of Tasmanian certificate. *89 2 i 50 Naumai.. Nautilus Ngapuhi Ngunguru Nina Niobe 29 29 299 54 7 12 18 160 17 2 34 65 701 65 Compound Triple expansion Compound Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. 1 5 2 1 3 1 Towing only. First survey; cargo and towing only. Dredge. River Non-condensing No. 121 .. No. 222 .. Noko Norval 394 502 15 50 100 120 9 20 557 Compound Non-condensing Oil-engines Twin-screw Screw Extended river Home trade .. Extended river '5 8 Fishing-vessel. First survey; cargo and towing only. • • Ohinemuri Ohuru Ongarue Onslow Opawa Opuatia.. Oreti Orewa Osprey Paeroa Paiaka Pania Pareora Parera 26 60 65 14 18 5 50 17 70 15 9 11 71 4 121 Compound Condensing Oil-engines Compound Twin-screw Sorew Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River 2 2 73 34 10 16 64 Extended river Home trade .. River Home trade .. River River Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. First survey. '56 "2 i 117 37 138 45 10 97 355 i92 Non-condensing Compound 4 2 '53 Paddle ! '. Screw 2 'il Fishing-vessel. '45 417 Triple expansion Non-condensing l 5 i 3 Patiti Pearl Pelorus Penguin Petone Phantom Phoenix Piako Pilot (Napier) Pilot (Dunedin) .. "Piraki .. Pitoitoi Planet Plucky .. Poherua Presto Pukaki 6 9 18 517 388 18 6 15 6 12 180 82 11 5 4 13 15 4 134 8 40 128 3 110 Oil-engines Non-condensing Oil-engines Compound Triple expansion Compound Non-condensing Condensing Compound Triple expansion Non-condensing Condensing Non-oondensing Compound Triple expansion Non-condensing Quadruple expansion River Towing, cargo, and fishing only. First survey. Towing only. 881 523 140 Extended river Home trade .. 6 5 1 3 3 2 ■2 3 Fishing-vessel. River 11 27 10 24 13 29 749 Extended river River Fishing-vessel. First survey. 274 660 Home trade .. i 6 3 3 Tug. 917 702 River Home trade .. '('; 3 First survey. Putiki Purau 171 39 60 18 377 Compound Extended river 4 3 • Surveyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel. 9 01 •a <D W en a o bIF > d u 0 « « ftg ES 1 a o >t a * . ooWO & o . K 3 «a cd a a z a a Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minimum Number of following Classes of Crew Law requires to be carried. Remarks. .8 I 1 8 311 1 1 Queen of Beauty.. Queen of the South Rakanoa Rarawa Result (Napier) .. Rimu Rita Riwaka Rob Roy Rosamond Rose Casey Rothesay Rotoiti (Auckland) Rotoiti (Dunedin) •Rotokino 121 1,393 451 18 144 22 37 40 200 140 10 95 11 10J 16 90 35 ii 21 104 135 195 952 1,392 Oil-engines Compound Triple expansion Screw River Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. 4 8 6 2 3 6 a 3 3 3 First survey. Fishing-vessel. 428 35 Compound Triple expansion Compound "4 1 3 1 34 462 81 8 402 115 Extended river Home trade .. 6 2 3 2 Fishing-vessel. First survey. 630 1,304 1,137 947 Triple expansion Twin-screw Screw Extended river River Home trade .. Foreign trade 7 8 3 3 '2 2 .3 3 Sold out of the colony. Rotomahana (Auckland) Rotomahana (Dunedin) Rotorua Rubi Seddon Ruru Savaii .. Shamrock Sonoma Southern Cross .. 50 Quadruple expansion Compound Extended river 139 915 450 2,493 Home trade .. 7 3 First survey. Westport dredge. 349 11 31 60 60 10 16 120 13 117 Oil-engines Triple expansion Compound Condensing Oil-engines Non-oondensing Triple expansion Twin-sorew Screw River Extended river Home trade .. River Foreign trade a Fishing-vessel. First survey. 403 591 3 New missionary vessel. Towing only. Speedwell Stella Sterling Storm Stormbird Success 31 157 26 186 129 8 10 90 39 70 40 8 250 216 262 209 Compound Stern-wheel Screw River Home trade .. 4 1 4 4 3 a 3 2 Tug. First N.Z. survey. Oil-engines River Fi r st surv ey; cargo only. Hopper barge. First survey; fishing vessel. Towing only. Sumner Sunbeam 94 8 35 5 Compound Oil-engines Home trade .. 1 Sylph Taieri Tainui Tainui Takapuna (Dunedin) Talune Tangaroa Tangihua Taniwha (Auokland) Taniwha (Timaru) Tarakihi Tarawera Tarewai Tasman.. Taviuni 5 1,071 46 87 472 8 155 20 24 165 745 Non-condensing Triple expansion Non-condensing Compound Paddle .. Sorew River Home trade .. River Home trade .. '7 3 169 1,233 2 0 2 3 a 3 1,370 110 20 191 16 255 70 15 40 16 4 250 6 38 135 1,993 Triple expansion Compound Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Extended river River Extended river 8 6 3 3 Dredge. Towing only. Non-condensing 1,269 7 87 910 1,526 214 967 Compound Non-condensing Compound Quadruple expansion Non-condensing Oil-engines Non-condensing Compound Twin-screw Screw River Home trade .. River Home trade .. Foreign trade '8 a 7 6 3 3 3 3 "2 '3 Tawera (Waikato) Tawera (Auokland) Tawera (Te Anau) Te Anau Te Kapu •Terranora Thistle .. Thomas King Tilikum.. Timaru Titiroa Toroa (Napier) .. Tuariki Tu Atu Tui Tuiwiki Tuna (Gisborne) .. Tuna (Kaipara) .. Uliera 44 1,028 50 199 77 70 7 211 8 40 25 250 25 94 90 16 13 78 3 91 8 48 61 6 14 31 31 1,245 99 266 297 Oil-engines Non-condensing Oil-engines Compound Non-condensing Triple expansion Oil-engines Paddle .. Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Sorew River Home trade .. Extended river Home trade .. River Foreign trade Extended river 8 2 4 4 3 1 3 3 2 "a Dredge. Dredge. 174 7 30 455 "i 3 Twin-screw Towing only. Yaoht. Cargo only, Towing only. First survey ; cargo and towing only. "2 Non-condensing Screw River Extended river Compound Twin-screw Screw Non-oondensing River Uta Vesper .. 50 16 Oil-engines Home trade .. 'ki 'al First survey. * Surveyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, &c.— continued.


Name of Vessel. h 5 43 '/J a c tgat, 0 a age01 QC 1 E a * ■2 ffl S M ' M q S a a-S£ = '3* a ? oo«o b CO o 01 3 xS -oS 2 a «<S ■o*. a o Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Cl«ss of Certificate. Minimum Number of following Classes of Crew Law requires to be carried. Remarks. m r a Jm tn »S ! S 38 8 8 3 <$ 2 § ° 00 g g § Victoria.. Viotory Violet 92 5 50 4 8 Non-condensing Oil-engines Paddle .. Screw River " First survey; fishing and towing only. Cargo only. Vivid Waiapu Waihi Waikare Waikato Waimana 6 57 63 1,901 56 107 13 15 20 229 14 18 172 2,452 69 172 2,452 Non-oondensing Oil-engines Compound ! Triple expansion Non-condensing Quadruple expansion Compound Home trade .. 2l .. j 2 Foreign trade 9 River .. i .. Home trade .. 4 2 9 Paddle '.'. Screw '3 3 69 1 •• Waimarie (Auckland) Waimarie (Wanganui) Wainui Waione Waiora Waiotahi Waipa Waipapakauri Waipori Wairere Wairiri 159 65 411 48 168 48 26 95 240 56 ii 4 180 80 n 627 66 I 238 968 Non-condensing Compound Paddle .. Screw Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Extended river River Home trade .. 6 River .. j 6 3 First survey. Non-condensing Oil-engines Triple expansion Non-condensing Home trade .. | i\ River .. i 'il 2 5 1,229 41 Foreign trade 7 River Extended river 3 '2 3 Towing only. First survey. Paddle .. Screw '7 Fishing and tow ing only. Wairoa (Nelson) .. Wairua Waitangi (Auckland) Waitangi (Kaipara) Waitohi Waiwera (Kaipara) Wakatere Wakatu Warrimoo Waverley Weka (Auckland) Weka (Napier) Wellington Westland Whakapara Whakarire Whati .. Winona Yankee Doodle .. •Young Bungaree.. Zephyr .. 48 20 62 48 66 403 Condensing Compound Home trade .. 2 River Home trade .. 2 2 1 First survey. 34 Twin-screw 2 3 18 157 95 2,076 93 86 53 279 35 5 10 6 140 23 490 ! 25 27 20 90 64 21 58 If 8 12 35 14 158 3,732 97 90 620 450 575 133 Triple expansion Compound Screw Paddle .. Screw Twin-screw Screw River Extended river River Extended river .. Home trade .. 2 Foreign trade 10! Home trade .. 2; River Home trade .. 2 2 10 2 2 5 2 2 9 1 1 3 3 '() 3 449 Condensing Compound Paddle .'. Screw .. : Twin-screw Screw ..5 ..2 Extended river .. Home trade .. 5 River Extended river .. River Home trade .. 2 River 3 Tug. Yacht. Welli ngton d redge. Non-condensing Compound 5 il "' I Fishing-vessel. Towing only. 47 8 ,, Stern-wheel Screw "2 2 Non-condensing Towing only. * Bui" 'eyed twice.



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1905.

3—H. 15.

Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Archibald McGeorge Forbes Richard Christopher Dyason Rowland Amson Reece John Morrison John Christian William John King Donald James Smart Bernard Charles Lovett Lewis Benjamin Giilman William Aylmer Beswick.. Gustav Herman Peterson Thomas Carmichael John Hugh Hughes Patrick William Troy Walter William Hender .. Heywood Fletcher William Barber Daniel McKenzie Thomas William Richard Hood James Mas< n Second mate .. Foreign trade First mate Master, ordinary First mate Extra master Master, ordinary .. Second mate First mate .. ; Second mate .. ! F.G.S.S.' "„ F.G.S.S.'* " Only mate First mate Second mate First mate .. , Master, ordinary .. ' 7 April, 1904 .. 14 „ „ .. 20 „ „ .. 6 May, 10 „ „ .. 6 Junp, „ 16 „ „ .. 16 „ , .. 1 Julv, , .. 1 . . .. 6 „ „ .. 6 „ . .. 4 Aug., 5 Sept., , .. 16 . „ .. 16 „ „ .. 18 Oct., „ .. 24 „ „ .. 12 Nov., „ .. 24 Jan., 1905 .. 958 959 960 961 913 962 923 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 939 970 971 863 833 972 William Murdoch McLeod Robert Rodger Arthur Robert James Cant Leonard Charles Adkins John George Bo wen Riohards Philip Lionel Molyneux Walter Parker John Bald Hugh McDermit William Brown Richard Thomas Hodder Richard Hopkins John Connor Matthew Sillars John Williams Jorgen Christian Ipsen Bertram Moore Carpenter Alfred Joseph Tointon Sofus Anton Miller Robert Samuel Woolf Robert John Hay Adolphus McNab Sidney St. John Lidiard Frederick George Kemp John Adolph Paterson George Harry White Charles Daniel Thomas Waka Cook John Teixeira Andrew Ernest Carter Christian Stenersen Isaac Corbett Charles Magnus Holmstrom Lewin Kingdon George Wilkinson John Matthew Jackson Karl Oscar George Brinck Pontus Albion Poison John Laurenson William Edward Barnes Maurice Evan Morris Ludvig Syman Harry Mervyn Frost Rodger Clements Leonard Williams Enock Olsen William McDowall John Samuel Austin William Robert Patterson William Lewis Phipps Henry Jackson Parore Harrison .. William Edward Holder William Burrett Anderson John Williams John Vaughan Ruihe Frederick William Scott Charles Robert Hyde Gustaf Frederick Malmgfen Palmer Alexander Allen John Dunstan Lawley Leech Edwin Mugford Stentiford Henry d'Little Joynt Robert John Edgar Thorp James Henry Colquhon Second mate F.G.S.S.* Second mate ... First mate Master, ordinary .. Second mate First mate .. m Only mate Master .. .. Home trade Mate 24 „ 2 Feb., ,', .. 1 ,. , .. 18 „ „ .. 10 March, „ 16 , „ .. 14 April, 1904 .. 30 May. „ .. 7 June, 1 Julv, „ .. 1 . ' .... 6 „ „ . 19 „ „ .. 28 July, „ .. 23 Aug 5 Sept., , .. 5 „ „ .. 5 „ '„ .. 5 Oct., , .. 3 Nov., „ .. 3 16 „ . .. 23 . „ .. 24 Jan., 1905 .. 24 . . .. 24 . „ .. 24 . . .. 25 „ „ .. 25 „ „ .. 25 „ , . 25 25 25 „ „ .. 25 „ 25 „ „ .. 25 „ „ .. 25 18 Feb., . .. 22 . „ .. 2 Maroh, „ .. 8 „ ... 14 „ „ .. 20 April, 1904 .. 20 „ „ .. 17 May, „ .. 20 „ „ .. 6 June, 14 „ „ .. 1 July, , .. 1 . ,, .. 25 . ... 16 Aug., „ .. 16 „ 23 „ ... 5 Sept., , .. 26 „ ... 17 Oct., . .. 26 Nov., „ .. 29 . ... 15DfC 22 „ ... 24 Jan., 1905 .. 25 „ ... 25 „ ... 978 928 974 975 930 977 5498 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 5524 5525 5526 5495 5527 5528 5529 5530 5531 5500 5532 5365 5408 5533 5534 5461 5471 5474 5505 5509 5511 5535 5536 5537 5538 5539 5540 5541 5542 5482 3385 3386 8387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 » .. .. , Master Mate .. .. " Master Mate .. .. " Master Mate .. .. I Master .. Mate .. .. " * Master .. .. " .. River trade : * Steamship onlv.


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1905 — continued.


Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate, j Date of Issue. So. Thomas Hempstalk Adof Durloo Harold Draffin Arthur Charles Carman John Singleton Melville Charles Dickson William Harrison B-11 Thomas James Atchison Edward Hitchcock John GiVm.-rs Reid Martin Atridge Scott R .hert And* ew Gibson William Davies Richards Charles Gustsve Bowley .. Frederick Wolff John William Townsend Maurice Albeit Ladley F ank Leonard Peterson John Frederick Bowler Rupert Liimemann Roland Kershaw Norman William Naylor John Joyce Francis Percival Clark Alexander Mollison Lindsay John Arthur Owen James Mad,ean .. Frederick Alphonsus Cannon Alb rt Edward Allen Henry D'vid Butler George William Skitoh .. Wi liam Gillanders Percy Leonard Smith R ,bert, Josipn Todd John Rutherford Norvle Butler Brown John Hunter Harold Robert Carey John Patrick Logan James Henry Fuiler Ernest Alfred Coombs James Alexander Paterson Herman Nielsen James Alexander Robertson Josephus Francis Hargreaves Jack A*kew Hughes Cnailes Mackint sh Hill .. Walter Lees Bro»n James Charles Williams .. George Bodley Thomas McK-nna Per -y John Gib-on Ward.. Francis Wynon Vickerman Henry Paxton Hewson Robert Beveridge Charles Naismith Joseph King Ernest Edward Low William Thomas Henry Herbert Reynolds Michael Francis Enright .. Frederick Palmer Tnomas Benjamin Blenkinsopp Swinburne Kenneth Sinclair Henry Joseph Kelly Walt'r Sanley Rentoul .. William Robert Marsha'].. James Anderson George Robert Falla Norman Georee Shailer William Patrick Whyte .. Cameron Abercrombie Pearson Henrv Lawson Walker Robert Yorke Neville Arthur Richard Gillespie .. Charles Broadlev Angus Charles Mclnnes Alb»rt Frederick Loveday Kenn tli Murdo Finlayson William Walter Macfarlane John Fran is Ryan Harry Francis Backie Erne-it Alfred Fillrs Charl-s Frederick Chandler Montague Charles Alexander Master .. .. j Riv 2nd-class engineer.. For 3rd-class engineer.. ! 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-olass engineer.. * . • lst-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. lst-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer .. it •. 2nd-class engineer.. 3rd-class engineer .. River trade Foreign trade ver trade reign trade B 2 Feb., 1905 .. 7 .... 2 March, 20 April, 1904 .. a „ „ .. 28 „ „ .. 20 May, 6 June, . .. 6 11 14 „ „ .. 14, „ . . 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 14 „ „ .. 16 17 „ „ .. 1 Julv 1 ., „ .. 6 „ „ .. 11 „ ,. .. 11 14 „ ,. .. 25 4 Aug., 19 „ ,. .. 19 „ , .. 22 , „ .. 22 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ ,. .. 29 29 , „ .. 29 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 7 Sept 9 27 „ „ .. 27 „ „ .. 27 . „ .. 5 Oct., „ .. 13 . , .. 13 , „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 . „ .. 13 . „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ , .. 18 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 13 „ „ .. 7 Nov., „ .. 10 11 16 „ ,. .. 21 „ „ .. 1 Dec 22 „ „ .. 30 „ „ .. 30 „ „ .. 30 „ „ .. 30 „ 18 Jan., 1905 .. 20 20 20 , „ .. 26 2 Feb., ,. .. 0 7 „ .. 7 , „ .. 7 . . .. ■ 7 „ „ .. 22 22 „ . .. 8 March, „ 8 , „ .. 8 „ .. 10 , .. 3407 3408 3409 496 722 723 724 574 725 720 520 595 727 723 729 458 730 410 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 521 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 465 451 644 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 486 782 783 784 785 501 786 787 590 788 789 790 3rd-class engineer.. 1st class engineer . 2nd-class engineer.. 3n1-clas8 engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. | 3rd class engineer .. . ■ I lst-class engineer .. 3rd-ola«s engineer .. 2nd-class engineer .. 3rd-class engineer ..


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1905— continued.

Return showing the Number of Masters, Mates, and Engineers examined during the Year ended the 31st March, 1905, distinguishing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.


Name of Person. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No.) Leslie Allan Sharpe James Henry Simpson James Bo\d Innes Llewellyn George James Joseph Reardon Arthur James Pearce Thomas Samuel White Henry James Fletcher John Law Waller Edward Ross Campbell .. John Joseph Dromgool D maid Eraser Mackenzie Alfred Andrew Perano .. .. ... Ernest Hewstone .. .. George Allan Williams Robert James Breingan William Charles John Walter Mason Wil.iam Scliultz Alfred Jones Harold Robins Lionel Thomas Kitching .. Frederick Francis Ea^tgate Edwin Mugfc rd Stentiford Robert Sloane George Timms Sootcher Harry King George Isaac Allen Alb rt Vivian Bnsor William John Allen .. Richard Charles Webb Samuel Keeble Frederick Eiffelbein Har.dd Arthur Norgrove Peter Dromgool Arthur Underwood Arthur Raymond Frost John Charles Sberley Arthur Turner William Edward McBride Frederick John Stratford Sidney Herbert Anderson John Owen Cantwell Thomas Frederick Pond Bert Arthur Meyenberg George Sinclair William Somerville Harold Bulmer Priestly Wicks William Hurst Andrew Ernest Kusabs Matthew Strang Thomson William Templeton Gilmour Charles Barwell Leslie Claude Davies Thomas Ashcroft William John Webb Thomas Rae Charles Robert Hyde William Henderson Murdoch William Robert Patterson Richard Norman Gordon Charlie Webb 3rd-olass engineer .. Foreign trade Engineer .. .. River trade Marine engine-driver » 2nd-class engineer* Sea-going * * * * lst-class engineer .. „ lst-class engineer 2nd-class engineer.. Engineer * .. River trade * * * 3rd-olass engineer .. Foreign trade . 10 March, 1905 .. 28 . 20 April, 1904 '.'. .28 ," „ .. . 10 May, . 20 „ „ .. • 20 „ . .. . 20 „ , .. . 20 ., . .. • 20 „ „ .. .20 . 1 July. . .. . 1 „ „ .. . 14 „ „ .. . 19 Aug . 19 „ ., .. .19 . 27 Sept., „ .. • 27 „ „ .. . 27 „ „ .. . 7 Nov., „ .. • 11 „ . .. . 12 Jan., 1905 .. • 12 „ . .. .20,, . .. . 20 „ . .. 8 March, „ . 20 April, 1904 .. . 20 May, „ .. . 20 „ „ .. . 14 July, „ .. . 28 . „ .. . 19 Aug., „ .. . 14 Sept., , .. . 27 „ „ .. . 27 . 27 . „ .. - 27 „ „ .. . 17 Oct., „ .. . 7 Nov., „ .. . 10 „ „ .. . 20 Jan., 1905 .. . 20 „ „ .. . 6 Feb.. . .. . 20 May, 1904 .. . 14 June, . 29 July, . .. . 7 Nov., „ .. . 7 ;, „ .. . 11 „ „ .. 7Jan.,~ 1905 .. . 20 „ - „ .. . 30 „ . .. . 20 „ „ .. . 20 „ „ .. . 7 Feb., „ .. . 27 Sept., 1904 .. . 13 Oct., „ .. . 3 Nov., „ .. . 22 „ „ .. . 20 Jan., 1905 .. . 7 Feb., „ .. 791 792 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 12, 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 81 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 17 39 40 41 21 22 23 24 25 26 Engineer River trade Marine engine-driver 2nd-class engineer* * Sea-going * # * * * Lst-class engineer .. lst-class engineer .. 2nd-class engineer.. Engineer * * River trade * * * * * For vessels propc illed by other mechanical power than steam.

Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin. Other Places. rotals. Class of Certificate. r-H . ; t3 rH UJ : HJ -H OJ £ r ■a s, & 7 1 - -- as 3 O rt 'Jl O Ph Eh £h rs hh Err .;rj i _; . T3 r-H . 1 *& 3J M -H I 4 ffl - JJ OJ --OJ 3 ,33 rt uj l 3±; d m s. <& ill rt'sliO rt '3 O rt rt O rt il, fe i Eh I fa I fe Eh 0, . h ; Eh (1h . '2 i "3 i i 44, d o 17 | 7 10 17 9 9 7 20 i 2 3 9 20 ! 2 1 7 38 7 .. 1 6 2.. 18 | 1 12.. 5 1 .. 1 .. 3 j 2 .. ! 2 ' .. 7 ! 21 3 ! 24 16 3 31 ; 54 Foreign - going masters and mates Home-trade masters and mates River-steamer masters Sea-going engineers (steam).. (other mechanical power than steam) River-steamer engineers River engineers (other meohanical power than steam) Marine-engine drivers 6 11 j 23 19 10 9 5 16 3 3 1 35 13 13 ! 11 12 : si 6 5 i i 17 1 35 25 84 12 26 61 13 38 14 98 3 15 7 j 32 .. | 6 3 I 20 97 324 13 2 ' 2 15 3 2 : 3 8 j 3 14 1.. '.. :3.. .. 35 ;111 23 13 1 I 3 .. 8 5 .-.. I .. I .. .. 1 .. I .. I .. .. i 6 4 9 1 25 6 8 3 9 17 Totals 72 36 108 76 36 28 4 32 28 9 227 37



Return showing the Number of Seamen engaged and discharged in the Foreign and Intercolonial Trade, the Home Trade, and within restricted Limits respectively; together with the Amount of Fees received for Engagements and Discharges, during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905.

Engagements and Discharges in Foreign Trade. Engagements and Discharges in Home Trade. Engagements and Dischi Restricted Limits brges for Total Engagements. Total Discharges. Grand Totals. Port. r, 9 t i 4 i J Fees S S ot Fees received. ~ 5 .a received. - O CJ 44 CC CO r4 S arc 43 0J a 33 er .bees _§ £ 3 Fees a di *c received. -3 rt,s receiyed. r 5 a a 5 « sec 33 sec m rH 55 3 FH 0J J h rt an received. sec oj a ® 44 w JT sec co i- a Fees received. % 5 P Q Fees received. 9 J rO P Sec ; Fees received. Fh ° 3 c Fees r eg received. S qj sec Auckland Dunedin and Port Chalmers Greymouth Hokianga Hokitika Invercargill Kaipara Lyttelton Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Patea Pioton Poverty Bay Russell Tauranga Thames Timaru Wairau Wanganui Wellington Westport 1,064 2,000 ; 44 : 7 78 55 470 26 4 3 6 I £ s. d. ! 79 16 0 ; ;145 18 6 : 3 6 0 i 0 10 6 5 17 0 4 2 6| 35 5 0 i 1 19 0 0 6 0 0 4 6 0 9 0 £ 8. d. ; 946 70 19 0 :2,026 147 10 0 38 2 14 0 6 0 9 0 41 3 16 88 6 3 0 I 359 26 18 6 7 0 12 0 4 0 6 0 3 0 4 6 7 0 10 6 1,979 1,276 221 19 49 101 1,053 193 686 64 22 10 2 116 £ c d. 148 8 6 86 12 6 16 15 6 1 2 0 3 13 6 6 15 6 78 19 6 13 9 0 47 1 0 8 12 0 1 11 0 0 15 0 0 3 0 7 10 6 1,936 1,246 176 1 22 36 89 1,042 184 654 61 21 18 2 115 £ s. d. 145 4 0 84 2 6 12 15 6 0 16 18 0 2 14 0 6 1 9 78 3 0 12 9 6 44 11 0 3 7 6 18 0 17 0 0 3 0 7 9 0 £ s. d. ! 409 j 30 13 6 I I i .. .. .. .. j ••I 8 0 12 0 29 1 18 6 16 0 18 0 : 426 ; " ; .. ! " I - 8 30 13 £ s. d. ! 31 19 0 3,452 3,285 265 7 19 j 127 156 0 12 0 1,531 2 16! 240 0 13 6 706 67 28 10 0 16; 2 119 4 4 1 169 11 220 3,609 0 4 6 j 330 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d 258 18 0 ! 3,308 248 2 0 : 6,760 ; 507 0 C 232 11 0 3,272 231 12 6 6,557 464 3 ( 20 1 6 : 214 15 9 6 479 35 11 C 0 10 6 j 7 0 10 6 14 lit 12 0, 22 180 41 ' 2 10 C 9 10 6 | 77 5 15 6 204 15 6 ( 10 18 0 177 12 4 9 333 23 2 i 114 16 6 > 1,409 105 13 6 , 2,940 220 10 ( 17 6 6 221 15 3 0 469 32 9 t 48 5 0 ; 671 45 10 6 1,377 93 15 ( 3 16 6 64 3 12 0 131 7 8 t 2 0 0 28 1 18 6 56 3 18 ( 0 15 0 18 17 0 28 2 2 ( 0 3 0 j 8 0 4 6 5 0 7 t 7 15 0 115 7 9 0 234 15 4 C 060j 3; 046: 7 0 10 ( 060 4; 060 8 0 12C 016 1 016 2 03C 12 12 6 ■ 146 10 18 0 315 23 10 ( 0 16 6 9 0 13 6 20 1 10 C 14 1 6 218 13 18 6 438 28 0 ( 224 6 0 3,613 213 11 0 7,222 437 17 ( 24 3 0 304 22 2 6 634 46 5 f 1,005 2 0 13,904 957 16 3 28,274 1,962 18 I 3 4 • "l 0 4 6 0 6 0 .. 3 0 4 6 ■• .. ■•. 0 6 0 4 0 6 0 1 35 0 1 6 I 2 12 6 1 I 0 1 6 20 i 1 10 0 4 .. .. 5 1,071 21 0 7 6 72 8 6 1 10 0 .. 5 0 7 6 964 53 18 6 46 3 9 0 4,564 318 19 0 134 11 215 2,538 309 10 0 0 0 16 6 13 14 0 151 17 6 22 13 0 126 9 213 2,649 253 9 8 0 0 13 6 13 11 0 159 12 6 18 9 0 .. 462 34 2 0 5 Totals .. 4,906 355 4 6 9,002 615 15 6 8,857 603 5 3 483 85 12 0 14,370 I I I i_ I



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905.

Date of Name of Vessel, Port of Registry, N , p „ iniiiriw. Accident. and Official Number. Jsame ot Person m 3 ured. Nature of Injury : Fatal or otherwise. j Place where Accident occurred. I Particulars as to Accident and its Cause arid Verdict of Jury where Coroner s Inquest held. 1904 April 6 Haupiri, s.s., Dunedin, 89094 .. Richard Rondeau, A.B. Loss of right foot Nelson While mooring vessel to wharf, Richard Rondeau, -4.B., who was hauling in a steel mooring-line, got his leg entangled in a bight of the line, and his right foot was cut off. While carrying a bucket of water down ladder from deckjto stokehold, A. T. Boddington lost his hold, and fell into the stokehold. Mr. W. A. Snook, third engineer, while working at main engines, a weight came away and caught his thumb. In discharging cargo, a sling of five sacks oats was being bullroped into a cart on the wharf, when the foremast carried away just below the eyes of the lower rigging. The master, who was standing on the wharf, was struck with the faffing gear and knocked back on board, striking the winch-end. J. Commons, who was loading the cart, had one leg broken, and a compound fracture of the other, besides sustaining internal injuries. Whilst William Wrixon was engaged slinging cargo under the hatchway, and standing in the square of the hatch, a sling of cargo, which was being hove up, carried away, and he was struck by the faffing sacks. George Nilson was standing on the deck supervising discharge of ballast from vessel; the gin with which the baskets oi ballast were hoisted from the hold carried away, and the block falling, struck him on the head. When unmooring ship, W T . Nitingale, A.B., accidentally received a blow from the bight of the chain-lanyard of the mooringhawser while he was casting off the bitts ; the blow fractured his left leg between the knee and ankle. He was immediately attended to by the ship's surgeon, and on arrival at Lyttelton, was conveyed to Christchurch Hospital. While landing a large boiler and fittings into railway-trucks, H. Sauer, A.B., put his foot against the truck to get a pull on the tackles, and when the dome was lowered it caught and jambed his toe. On voyage from Auckland to Westport, vessel met with heavy weather, during which, Mr. Patrick, the mate, was thrown against the rail. Edward Castle, A.B., who was employed removing the mailbags to the mail-room, fell down the hatchway. When vessel was lying at wharf loading timber, the cook, Bennett Lissing, was getting water from a tank on the wharf from a wire-bound hose-pipe, and scratched the back of his hand with some wire that was sticking out of the end of the pipe. » 15 Canopus, s.s., Dunedin, 101490 Alfred Thomas Bodding- Contusion of right elbow ton, trimmer Off Wellington Heads, Cook Strait May 7 Victoria, s.s., Melbourne, 110996 William Allen Snook, Injury to thumb third engineer Queen of the South, s.s., Wei- Edward John Harvey, Collarbone broken and face injured lington, 74793 master John Commons, carter.. Legs fractured and internal injuries Lyttelton „ 17 Foxton June 1 I Pukaki, s.s., Dunedin, 84491 .. ', William Wrixon, lumper Slight concussion of the brain Wellington „ 1 Anglo - Norman, Norwegian George Nilson, second Skull fractured; fatal barque mate Quay Street Jetty, No. 2, Auckland ~! Tongariro, s.s., Plymouth, 111356 W Nitingale, A. B. .. Fracture of left leg Timaru 9 Terranora, p.s.. Auckland, 75005 H. Sauer, A.B. .. Toe injured Railway Wharf, Auckland „ 14 ■ Kinclune, Lyttelton, 75194 .. Robert William Patrick, Ribs broken mate At sea, off West Coast July 9 Monowai, s.s., Dunedin, 84497 Edward Castle, A.B. .. Ribs broken and injury to arm .. At sea, near entrance to Port Nicholson Blackball Wharf, Pelorus ■-ound „ i0 Lizzie Taylor, Launceston, 79299 Bennett Lissing, A.B. and Blood-poisoning ; fatal cook



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Accident. Name of Vessel, Port of Registry, and Official Number. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Coroner's Inquest held. 1904. Aug. 11 Monowai, s.s., Dunedin, 84497 W r . Anderson, fireman .. Left liana mjurea Dunedin While W. Anderson was engaged carrying some firebars from deck to stokehold, the end of one of the bars struck his left hand. Mr. W. D. Cameron, third mate, accidentally fell down No. 1 hold. The hulk was anchored off Kaiwarra, and the keeper, Wiffiam Fleming, landed there on the night of the 14th September for provisions, and was not seen alive again. His body was found on the 16th October floating in the harbour. While working on hoard the steamer a chain-sling fell from a wharf-crane and struck F. Stanley, a labourer, on the head. While at work at the cargo on board the vessel, Samuel Fradd, a labourer, broke his leg. While M. J. Mulcahy was lubricating the donkey-engine, his face and eyes were scalded. While E. G. Bell, A.B., was casting adrift the fore-derrick from the crutch, the winchman started to hoist; Bell's hand got caught between the lashing and the cruteh. In going downstairs to his quarters, J. Murphy, fireman, fell and broke his right ankle. While A. Noyon, A.B., was engaged slinging logs, a splinter entered his right hand. While assisting the Chief Engineer to clear the refuse oil out of the oil-trap of the freezing-machine, Mr. Bird accidentally inhaled the fumes of ammonia and was removed to the hospital, by direction of the doctor, where he died on the 8th November. Verdict: Deceased came by his death from suffocation by ammonia fumes, accidentally caused. George Roberts, butcher, while carrying stores, fell down No. 4 hold. J. H. Garvey, assistant steward, fell from the gangway on to the wharf. He was at once removed to the hospital, but died there on the morning of the 15th November. Verdict: Death from accidental causes, no blame being attachable to anybody. John Hyland, A.B., was washed off the jibboom by a heavy sea. „ 25 Monowai, s.s., Dunedin, 84497 W. D. Cameron, third mate William Fleming, hulkkeeper Severe shaking Queen's Wharf, Wellington Sept. 14 Felicitas (hulk) .. .. j Drowned Wellington Harbour „ 23 Winfield, s.s., Adelaide, 112700 Frank Stanley, labourer Fractured skull and concussion of brain Broken leg Jervois Quay, Wellington .. Oct. 18 Banffshire, s.s., Glasgow, 104587 Samuel Fradd, labourer Wellington „ 24 Clio, Auckland, 57821 M. J. Mulcahy, boatswain Scalded • Auckland „ 25 Talune, s.s., Hobart, 57626 .. E. G. Bell, A.B. Finger injured ... Wellington Harbour „ 31 Tongariro, s.s., Plymouth, 111356 J. Murphy, fireman Broken ankle ... ... Bluff Harbour Nov. 2 Rose Casey, s.s., Dunedin, 78369 A. Noyon, A.B. Hand injured Waikawa „ 3 Corinna, s.s., Launceston, 79252 John William Bird, second engineer Fatal; suffocation by ammoniafumes Wellington »» 11 Oswestry Grange, s.s., Greenock 114066 Corinthic, s.s., Liverpool, 115296 George Roberts, Dutcnei Back injured Wellington J» 12 J. H. Garvey, assistant steward Fractured skull; fatal Queen's Wharf, Wellington Itata, Liverpool, 87910 John Hyland, A.B. Drowned at sea Latitude 42° 43' S., longitude 41° 30' E. The Spit Wharf, Napier .. Dec. 11 „ 28 Haere. Auckland, 115193 John Edward Anderson, A.B. Fatal Deceased was engaged with others in shunting a railway-truck close to the scow in order to unload timber from it into the vessel, and while attempting to put the brake down, walking backwards, he was crushed against a mooring-post. He was removed to the hospital where he died next day. Verdict: Death caused accidentally, no blame being attachable to Alert, Auckland, 102341 Oscar Konig, A.B. Broken arm' ... At sea »» 29 any one. Whilst on voyage from Thames to Whangarei, and engaged lowering centre-board with the usual lowering gear, the handles of the winch slipped, and struck Oscar Konig. A.B., breaking his left arm above the wrist.



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Namtj ol Vessel, Port of ltcgistry, Accident.; and Official Number. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury : Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, anil Verdict of Jury where Coroner's Inquest held. 1905. Jan. 3 Manapouri, s.s., Dunedin, 75229 Charles Bassett, A.B. .. Thumb injured Queen Street Wharf, Auckland Queen Street Wharf, Auckland Whilst attending winch-wire, Charles Bassett, -A.B., severely injured thumb on his right hand. Whilst at boat-drill, Norman McLean, fireman, broke a finger of his right hand, it having been jambed between the boat and the davit. Whilst employed shipping a spar, the master, Joseph Bell, had his thumb on left hand so badly smashed that it had to be amputated. John McKinnon, A.B., was in the hold stowing cargo when a bale of wool fell on him through the hooks tearing through the pack. While Patrick Higgins, -A.B., was employed painting the outside of the ship near the exhaust-steam pipe from the winch, which was then stopped, the steam was turned on to the winch without warning by the man who did not see Higgins. John Larwood, a labourer, was employed taking off the hatches, when he fell down the hold. While engaged stowing cargo in hold, a bag of grass-seed was thrown from the wharf into the hold, striking George Stewart on the neck, knocking him down, and injuring his finger. When brig was being hauled off from the wharf, August Naslund, A.B., while on duty on the forecastle-head lifting a warp out of the loading-chock, got his left hand caught by the sudden tightening of the warp. C. McAler was engaged furling the staysail when it gave a flap and struck him, knocking him down on the deck. 3 .Vlanapouri, s.s., Dunedin, 75229 Norman McLean, fireman Finger broken „ 20 Will Watch, -Auckland, 101141 Joseph Bell, master Thumb smashed Railway Wharf, Auckland „ 26 „ 28 Queen of the South, Wellington. 74793 Petone, s.s., London, 112654 .. John McKinnon, A.B. .. Patrick Higgins, A.B. . . Broken leg Scalded by steam from winch Foxton Lyttelton Feb. 9 Mararoa, s.s., Dunedin, 89380 .. John Larwoocl, labourer Skull fractured Queen's Wharf, Wellington Mar. 7 Baden Powell, s.s., Sydney, 112552 George Stewart, A. B. .. Finger injured Le Bon's Bay Wharf „ 15 Kdward, Hobart, 119235 August Naslund, A. B. .. Twojfingers crushed Oamaru „ 30 Kapiti, s.s., Wellington, 08078 Charles McAler, A. B. .. Left wrist dislocated and arm injured At. sea



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1904, to the 31st March, 1905.

Date of name 01 vessel, Casualty. Age a^ so C]ass . Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. S S> '■ Number of Nature of Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Win Direction. Wind. nd. Force. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. So «Eh | Passenu gers. Cargo. Casualty. 1904. April 12 John Anderson, s.s., 14 years Schooner 36 5 14 j General 80 11 .. , Butter .. 106 6 .. ! Coal .. 129 | 14 .. j General Tail-shaft broken Off Mcintosh Bay, Banks Peninsula W. While vessel was towing fishing - boat from Little Akaloa to Lyttelton, the tail-shaft broke. She was afterwards towed into port by tug " Lyttelton " Casualty caused through vessel touching ground, and losing steerage- way Both lower masts carried away below the crosstrees caused by heavy surging roll Casualty caused by propeller striking a floating log, and stripping off one blade Patrick McConville. 13 Kapiti, s.s , 1J years 13 H o a n g a, 2 months , 16 Stormbird, s.s. 50 years Schooner Stranded; no damage Loss of masts On bar, Patea River .. w. Strong .. John Abraham. Schooner 8 miles N.W. of White Island 7 miles seaward of Kapiti Island, Cook Strait Inside breakwater 200 ft. from wharf, New Plymouth North beach, mouth of Hokitika River w.s.w. Moderate Isaac Samuel Fletcher. Peter Mclntyre. Schooner Loss of propel-ler-blade N. Light .. „ 19 Takapuna, s.s., 21 years Schooner 472 47 i 40 i Genera) Stranded ; no damage S.W. Insufficient depth of water.. Sydney James. 195 12 .. Timber.. Light .. I » 22 ! Torganten, s.s., 3 years (Norwegian vessel) Schooner Stranded; slight damage s.w. Light .. j Hawser washed overboard by heavy sea, fouled the propeller, and rendered the vessel unmanageable. Sne dragged her anchors, and went on the beach Casualty caused through vessel being late on tide, and having slow steering gear Pore cable parted at moorings off wharf, and remaining anchor dragged. Vessel was driven ashore hy force of wind and sea On entering river, heavy S.W. squall with rain obscured beacons, and vessel stranded on North Beach, inside river Casualty caused by stress of weather Herman Aas. 28 Penguin, s.s., 40 years May 31 ; Dayspring, 19 years Schooner 517 .. .. General 18 2 .. Firewood Stranded; no damage Stranded ; total loss Entrance to Nelson Harbour Little A k a 1 o a Bay, Banks Peninsula S.E. Light .. John Grant. Cutter .. N. Gale .. Robert Dudley. June 1 Magic, 3 years Schooner 82 1 5 .. I Coal .. Stranded ; partial loss North Spit, Manawatu River S.W. Gale .. Thomas Eokford. 6 I Titania, 8 years Barquentine, 4 masts 1031 18 3 General Dam age to spars, loss of sails, and damage to carg j by salt water Collision; no damage On voyage from Glasgow to Dunedin S.S.E. Strong gales Thomas Selley. Well ing ton, s.s., 41 years Schooner 262 22 45 General 327 12 .. Guano .. „„J Off east end of Railway Wharf, Auckland Master of "Manurewa" was guilty of an error in judgment in anchoring in the fairway of steamers coming in to and out from the wharves. He was ordered to pay costs of inquiry Vessel grounded on a bank in the river, and in backing off carried away the rudder Vessel had crossed outer bar, making for channel of river, with fair breeze, when it suddenly dropped at a critical time, and the sea took charge of her and swept her on to the rocks and sandspit on port side of entrance Edward McLeod. 262 | 22 .. ' 7 Manurewa, 20 years 12 Nambucca, s.s., 7 years 22 Champion, 28 years Barque.. 327 12 Collision; partial loss Loss of rudder Hugh Paterson. Schooner 94 11 5 General 94 11 34 3 Harding's Bend, Opawa River Entrance to Ngunguru River calm .. William George North. Samuel Stephenson. Ketch .. 34 j 3 .. Ballast.. Stranded; total loss E. byS. breeze ..



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

4—H. 15

,3310 M W CD FH>,fl fe Fh CJ • CD . CD CD CD to 4S o 33 q a .q K a -a a |j-| co CO mfctFH O 9 CJ Q 73 2 • : m « .3-8 13 E - .r q .a rn fh . <© 3-2 cd q © CSFh IhSfh *h CO CD. a -r5 Sco-rtq a v t. « S 3 '3.2 *£ « £ Q Rl Sj fl «o ?| |8<jr'3 g! MS.- =3 fr-g |Sg-a"- s|.s©.2 I ra a o as'SHq <s ' Q Hg||s £ Jglllll-9 •Sliil'-gljS ill.glli-sl 5 ! f.fSl s -*g»^-g--ig I PS*!**** Ulc-slliiasIS * °r% iMir & s|. • ii§- :t i^^s^ Ti|l^i! 5 |iss'§-3 00 j^^ B ||s S> SS Q> Hr/5 > cj ■ < •» ; ; 8 I ai g" . I ' g- 2 • § 2 3 "8 2 I ■ - fi a a a. a a &, ||l Jg r,' egg _ a cs -S or-. a sg s. SrtS 2 „! !>. r-iQO -JFi rtO u l S> .. 3 c8 5 -till ®g •■' 0 15 O 3 « . I? Sg -§3 •= §°.a r? iH«g-2>H Jo §-g a l? 6r= Ja£ g« F, CD CO •°»H S*" • .... °-rJ o • • ... 3 r^-H z CDrH H4» UK •3 ri-j2 h -"Sod M d W)c8 m o) |3 tn 'O tJ w .1 :« si iiiii ijiiu ii 1 ii ii J, J - & - D O OvJ CQ J OQ CQ U .2 CO r3 I I I CD 5 J n-j -h 0-3 3 -^ O H3 rH <" © -- CO rt hV o" a g O 4H « O rr lull's o o ,3 "rj-rj O O QD g CJ -" <J3 "VS W C3 1J ' . . cd 333 00.M rH CJO C8 9J c8 33 35 rt co O cS r) " rj g Si T3 .FT, O r-l "a o OJ g CO f- A CQ _cn 'cS co *o cc CO O -a O CO M CO O 05 a Su -- m CO n3 S3 FH H* co o n rH •rJ ta ,—. i o3 — x : : : : : : 9 73 lj ?; I I 8 S S, "g I rH 1 I 2 °£oa 552h O? O Eh O Ph CD CJ 33 "3 O FH O, H» ■a DO g s 1 I 2 3a. art cs XI O Fh 4J a tH "9 o O eg CJ 3 ■a o Fh rH *n a . 0 © co ,. co Fh Fh co © l Ph M a 1 'MOJO •eS^anox 30 2 0 g JO - JO OO CD rH • ■ • . CMC£3 rHH co © 1 f^ M -- — - ■> rH rH rH OJ FH CD a o o A CJ co •O tr CM M CD 3 o © IM r« 00 CD co C3 a CD "o o CM o CD o CD lO CM CO H4> CO c8 a 0 O CD CD rH O CM co us —' "-' --« • CO fl o o ta, A -s CQ CO rH CO GO iH h CO fl o H H trH b CD U O o A o GO iH tH O OS -fl Q M rH rH -* US rH rH lO CM CO tiH tH OJ w _i . tH US •& r-l CT3 l— 1—i UJ o o CM FH CD rt o o Si CJ 03 *o3 cd 01 c3 O cr) C I a it < 9 CM m « CO CJ 00 " CJ IH 3 c3 c3 g hO CD O FH a =3 s r", OJ m . CM §5 >, t- r CI CO cd CO CO -* o rH 55 Cfi * a ~ CO cJ CO 2 13 3 C C3 cS eg ai fl CD U CD ■a K « H -«! CD CQ cd o » 44. FH OJ 03 FH CD C3 tr, 00 rT FH O a ■HH ab 3 <! CO u eS D >> r*M fN CD "a fl - H n m CO eS -L3 CD ' o >» Oa *5o fl CD CO rfl cs O <D p fl *H M TH to iO t- ■# fcr CJ tH UJ3


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.


Fh © Ha ed © o Wind. Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. Nui © 44 aber of Nature of Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. Passengers. Direction. Force. Cargo. Casualty. 1904. Aug. 15 Saragossa, 10 years Barque.. 12289 27 Coal Stranded; total loss Mangaia Island, Cook group E.S.E. Fresh breeze Master acted imprudently in proceeding on his way when precautions minht easily have been adopted to insure safety to lives and pioperty, and he was guilty of negligence in navigating his vessel, knowing as he did that he was in all probability in close proximity to the island. His certificate was suspended for three months, and he was ordered to pay the of the inquiry While being berthed the " Athenic" was smelling the ground, and in consequence would not answer her helm, and ran into the "Whakatane" which was lying at the wharf No blame attached to master, as under the circumstances he seemed to have done all tha f , was possible to save vessel and those on board. Master's certificate was returned, and no order made as to costs A snarp gale with whirlwind dismasted the vessel, and she became helpless, and stranded after drifting forty-three hours on a lee shore On voyage from Wellington to Lyttelton vessel ,-truck a submerged object not seen, causing the los-i of a propeller -blade and damage to the rudder When dropping rown to coal the " P.ikaki " a squall from the south caught the hulk on the port quarter, causing the stern to pay off and the bow to come in contact with the "Pukaki's" starboard bow, damaging her hawse-pipe and stem On leaving Auckland ship steamed dead slow down Rangitoto Channel; three sailingships were coming in, which forced her to keep on port side of channel. Engines were stopped to allow vessels to stand towards mid-channel, and having lost steerage-way, the young fl od caught her on the starboard bow, causing her to take the wrong side of the buoy, and she touched tne ground forward, where she remained 55 minutes Vessel's anchors broke ground, and, lee bank being close to, her heel caught the bank before the crew had time to pay out more chain William Duncan. Athenic, s.s., 2J years No. 4. berth, Queen's Wharf, Wellington C. H. Kempson. 16 Schooner 7833 7833 140 271 General 271 Collision; no damage I f Fresh | breeze "j L. G. Silba. 16 Schooner 3786 3786 General Collision; slight damage Stranded; slight damage S.E. 18 Whakatane, s.s., 4 years Surprise, 5 years Schooner 79 79 58 5 Sawn timber 1 2 miles south of Manawatu River W. Gale .. Arthur Harris Fletcher. Isabella Anderson, 31 years Schooner 78 Timber.. Stranded; total loss Rangikahu Beach, 14 miles north of Raglan W. Gale .. Peter Lang. 19 Takapuna, s.s., 21 years Schooner 472 160 General Loss of propeller - blade and damage to rudder Collision; slight damage 16 miles from Pencarrow Head Lighthouse w. Moderate gale George Lambert. 20 46 Pukaki, s.s., 17 years Schooner 917 ■26 Goal .. Coal .. General i Railway Wharf, Wellington Fresh I breeze I Sydney Gibbon Stringer. Sept. 6 6 Collision; no damage Stranded; no damage s. George Donald Aitchison. Arawata, 28 years Surrey, s.s., 5 years Hulk .. 623 Schooner 3497 6 62 Rough Rock Shoal, Rangitoto Channel, Auokland s.w. Light .. 9 Waterhole Anchorage, Kaipara Harbour Timber.. Gale F. J. Duncan. Stranded ; damage no s.w. 22 Onyx, 40 years Barque 396 11



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

Date of Name of Vessel, Casualty. Age aud Class © CD ■33 3 ore Keh Number of Nature of Number of Lives lost. Place wbere Casualty occurred. Win Direction. Wind. nd. Force. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. | Passenu gers. Cargo. Casualty. 1904. Sept. 22 Whangape, s.s., 5 years Schooner 1901 28 .. Ballast.. Ste am-pipe fractured 13 miles N.W. of Stephen Island S.W. Gale On voyage from Timaru to Newcastle, it was discovered ihat mai" st-am-pipe was leaking, and vessel put into Guards Bay to repair it, where it was found ihat the pipe whs fractured. She then came on to Wellington to repair damage Vessel encountering strong breeze and sea, strained, and opened butts and scams about stem, causing her to leak seriously. When it became apparent that she was fast settling down ami that the pumps were unable to free he r, master and crew took to the b'at, the only prudent course. Court found that vessel was and no blame ct uld be atta h, d to master and crew Vessel grounded on mussel bank when going into Nelson Harbour steering E.N.E., and r< mained there one hour, when siie floated off on the flood tide Vessel left wharf at 7.30 p.m., when wind caught her broadside on, and drove her on to the mud-flit, where she remained for ten hours. Casualty caused by heavy gale, and ship dragging along the bottom, losing steerage-way, and also by insufficient d.pthnf water on liar Casualty caused through vessel (which was laid up) dragging her moorings, through heavy gale i Vessel became unmanageable through her sails being blown away, owing to severity of gale, ai d was gradua ly bh.wn on snore. Master, mate, and crew did all that could be done unaer the circumstances Casualty caused through strong current setting the ship to the north, ana the exceptionally bad weather Vessel was found to be half-full of water, and was beached to prevent her sinking. Probably a sea-cock valve was left open at night accidentally Vessel left Port Chalmers on 17th September fur Herekino. A vessel supposed to be her was seen from the s.s. "Tarawera" on 17th October about 10 mi es south of Cape Kidnappers, but nothing has since been heard of ber. Court found that the ship has been lost, but there is no evidence to show when, how, or where she was lost. F. A. Maxwell. 23 Gipsy, 29 years Cutter .. 27 3 .. Coal .. F o u n d e red; total loss Midway between Whangarei Heads and Bream Tail W.S.W. Strong breeze, squally John Matthew Jacksou. Oct. 3 40 25 General Stranded; no damage 1,400 ft. from Bell Buoy, Nelson Harbour Charles Frederick Backstiom. Penguin, s.s., 40 years Schooner 517 Calm 6 Penguin, s.s., 40 years Schooner 517 40 17 General Stranded no damage 15 1 Coal .. Stranded; no damage 1 .. Nil .. Stranded; no damage 9 .. Produoe Stranded; partial loss Mud-flat, half way between wharf and freezing-works, Picton J mile inside the bar, Manawatu River, N, rth Beach Mouth of Kaiwarra Creek, Wellington H arbour Ohiro Bay, near Island Bay, Cook Straits N.N.E. Moderate gale Charles Frederick Back12 Schooner S. strom. Himitangi, s.s., 6 years 149 Gale .. William Manley. 12 Te Anau, s.s., 25 years Schooner 1028 S. Gale .. 13 La Bella, 11 years Barquentine 376 S.S.E. Gale .. George Myliun. 14 Addenda (American ship) 9 Barquentine 637 10 10 .. Ballast., i Stranded ; partial loss 8 .. General Stranded; no damage 2 miles W. of Wairarapa Lake, Palliser Bay Alongside wharf, Port .Ahuriri S.S.W. Hurricane Hagan Frederick Astrup. 16 years Weka, s.s., 21 years Schooner 53 N.E. Light .. John Carlson. 17 Hoanga, 1 year Schooner 106 5 .. Produce, Supposed foun- S 18 to 20 dered; total, tons loss Supposed 5; all hands. Suppose 5; al hands ed Supposed off east coast, U North Island s. Edwin M cDonald. i



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

Date of Name of Vessel, Casualty. also, Age and Class. 1904. Nov. 4 Petone, s.s,, 4 years 5 Loyalty, s.s., 27 years 5 Manaroa, s.s., 8 years 5 Bougainville (French) 2£ years 1904. Nov. 4 Petone, s.s., 4 years © | Number of Nature of Number jjj„ .2 0 _ . of Place where ©a tc Pnsson Lives Casualty occurred. ru™,. «S S P gZ Car g°' Ca8ua »y- l08t - Hon Schooner 388 17 i .. Ballast.. Propeller-shaft .. • 10 miles S.W. of Cape j N.W. broken Egmont, in 65 fathoms of water Pole mast 68 4 30 | Nil .. j Collision ; no .. \ „ T „. , . XT a„, ' North end of No. 1 damage „ , , „ , Schooner 78 11 .. Ballast.. Collision: .. } — ,' ra 7^. ee . nB Calm. slight dam: Wharf, Wellington agi ) Harbour Barque.. 1932 25 .. Kerosene- Fire on board; .. 25 miles S.S.E. of Island S.W. oil and partial loss of Tristan d'Acunha benzine Direction. N.W. 'ind. Force. I Light .. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. J i When off Cape Egmont the tail-shaft carried away. Sail was made on the ship, and she proceeded to Kapiti Island, arriving there on 6th November. She was subsequently towed to Wellington for repairs. One blade of the propeller was carried away. The vessel evidently struck some hard substance floating below the top of the water Name of Master. John Christian, James Lent Martin. George Allman. 5 Loyalty, s.s., 27 years 5 Manaroa, s.s., 8 years - 1 Casualty caused through view from both vessels being obscured by the s.s. " Aotea " projecting about 50 ft. beyond berth and the height of the ship about 20 ft. above the wharf Calm.. S.W. ( F. Le Troquer. 5 Bougainville (French) 2£ years Light .. Ship was accidentally set on fire bv the storekeeper in the store-room. He fell down with a lighted lamp in his hand. The lamp in falling ignited a quantity of oakum, which caused the fire Collision caused through the look-out kept by the second officer and seaman on the s.s. "Ngapuhi " not being as vigilant as it should have been. The second officer, Edgar Rawlings, was censured, and ordered to pay the costs of the inquiry, £6 6s. Vessel was on vovage from Oamaru to Hokianga, and owing to heavy three days' gale bad to run into Manukau to avoid going ashore. Loosing steerage-way, she struck on a sandbank, and after getting up near the wharf was hauled on a bank, where she rolled over on her side Vessel driven ashore in heavy gale, being unable to get off the land 9 Rimu, 9 years . Peter Peterson. 9 Rimu, 9 years 9 Ngapuhi, s.s., 5 years 15 Sarah and Mary, 39 years 9 Ngapuhi, s.s., 5 years Schooner, 53 3 .. Timber Collision; par- .. j About | mile off Kawau logs tial loss Island, and 2 miles o w Schooner 299 31 49 General Collision; no .. north of Nelson Rock, damage J Hauraki Gulf Brigan 145 8 .. Ballast.. Capsized ; par- .. Manukau Harbour .. S.W. tine tial loss . Light J breeze | Edward Stephenson. 15 Sarah and Mary, 39 years Whole gale William Andrew Smith. 16 Kinclune, 26 years 16 Kinclune, 26 years Dec. 3 Mapourika, s.s., 6 years Barque.. 690 13 .. Ballast.. j Stranded; total .. Rangatira Beach, 11 W. loss miles south of Kaipara Bar Schooner 718 43 .. Coal and j S t r a n d e d: .. Abreast of Fifeshire N.E. general slight dam- Rock, Nelson Harage bour Strong gale Hugh Paterson. 13 Dec. 3 Mapourika, s.s., 6 years 43 Moderate breeze Vessel touched bottom when leaving harbour, causing a dent in No. 1 tank, port side, and breaking the cement in five bays If the lighter "Norseman" had remained at anchor the collision would not have taken place. Instead of that her anchor was lifted, and she drifted on to the port side of the " Hinemoa's " bows, the fluke of the latter's anchor catching the lighter's railing on the port side, and carrying it away John H\land, A.B., was washed off the jibboom by a heavy sea, and was lost The vessel being hove-to during a heavy gale, the f oretopmast and backstay parted, causing the topmasts to go overboard Charles Clift. 5 j Hinemoa, s.s., 28 years 5 ; Norseman ! _ . ... ' . _ . I Strong J breeze ] John Bollons. 5 I Hinemoa, s.s., 28 years 5 ; Norseman Schooner 282 31 .. Govt. Collision ; no .. \ stores damage Ketoh .. 10 5 .. Exp 1 o- Collision; .. j- Off Kaiwarra, Welling- S.E. sives slight dam- ton age J 282 10 31 5 ) S.E. A. W. Bogren. 13 Itata, 20 years 1905. 11 Itata, 20 years 1905. Jan. 4 Rio, 24 years .. Barque.. 927 18 .. General Loss of life 1 Lat. 42° 43, S. .. W.S.W only Barquen- 289 10 .. Coal .. Loss of topgal- .. 15 miles E.S.E. of Cape S.W. tine lant main Turnagain topmast 1 W.S.W. Whole gale George Milne Balfour. Sydney Holm. 11 1905. Jan. 4 927 18 J.VJUO. Jan. 4 Rio, 24 years .. 289 10 S.W. Gale ..



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

( _ . . Name of Vessel, Date of also Casualty. Age and c , aBB Ril F- ffi, © W Number of j Nature of Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty oeeurrei Win Direction. Wind. cd. Force. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Name of Master. 'sua © o © S Passengers. Cargo. Casualty. 1905. Jan. 15 Wainui, s.s., 19 j years Schooner 411 32 94 14 General Stranded; partial loss Tower Rooks, off D'Ur- N villa Island N.N.W. sT.N.W. Light .. Light .. Master committed an error of judgment in not slowing down when informed by chief officer that weather was thick, and that he had not seen anything of Stephen Island. Master censured, and ordered to pay costs of inquiry Master committed a wrongful act in continuing at full speed when uncertain as to his position, and was in default in not taking soundings to try and verify his position. His certificate was suspended for three months, and he was ordered to pay the costs of inquiry Casualty caused by wind dropping where tide runs across channel George Thomas Trevor Hull. Nambucca, s.s., 7 years Schooner 4 4 Wool and Stranded ; total produce I03S Light .. William George North. 16 94 11 J mile west of Sinclair E Head E.N.E. E.N.E. Light .. Inner entrance, South W Channel, Kaipara Harbour 1 mile below Foxton Wharf, Manawatu River regasus Bay, 22J miles from Godley Head V. by S. Light breeze Calm Calm William Robert19 Lark, 24 years Schooner 139 Timber.. Stranded; partial loss W. by S. Light breeze son. 24 Himitangi, s.s., 6 years Schooner 149 Coal .. Stranded;! slight damage Calm After touching ground in river, the ship swung round, her keel taking the ground, and twisted the rudder-head Casualty due to neglect of mate, Islay McLellan, in leaving deck before he was relieved by master. He was severely censured, and ordered to pay £5 5s. costs of inquiry. The master was censured for not seeing that lifebelts were in proper order Vessel took bar and entered channel by direction of signals from flagstaff. When at the turning-point at the beacons the ship took the ground through there not being sufficient water When coming into port the master apparently was trusting entirely to his local knowledge, and did not take notice that the ebb tide had been setting the vessel over towards the shoal Casualty caused by strong ebb tide and wind failing after crossing the bar William Manley. 15 Feb. 4 Cygnet, s.s., 20 years Schooner 66 11 19 19 Timber.. Stranded ; no damage Calm Alexander Innis Murray. I George B.Brown. 10 Kiripaka, s.s., 11 years Schooner Barque.. 75 10 Coal . ■ Stranded; no damage Inside bar, Manawatu River Inner end Tory Shoal, Kaipara Harbour E. Light .. S.W. Unsteady A. D. Stenhouse. . 27 Margarita, 11 years 494 12 Coal .. Stranded; no damage „ 28 Bona, 1 year .. Schooner Timber.. Stranded ; partial loss North Spit, Porangahau River, East Coast, North Island End of Farewell Spit .. S. Light .. S.E. Light .. Samuel Keeble. 35 . 28 Alexa, new Barquentine Schooner 286 1 General Stranded ; no damage General Breakdown of engines General Stranded; slight damage Vessel made more leeway than master reckoned on, owing perhaps to strong current The low-pressure engine broke down. The piston broke, causing the bottom end brasses and bolts to break The lightship not being in position, having sunk at her moorings, the master altered his course too early for the purpose of coming up to the wharf, it being at the time thick squally weather On leaving wharf master ordered stern-line to he let go, but was misunderstood, and the bow-line was let go instead, causing the vessel to come on to the wharf, the port quarter striking heavily, earning away the ra 1 bulwarks, and damaging the covering-boards aft James White. 12 2 miles N.E. from Brothers Lighthouse S.E. Light .. John Grant. March 3 Tasman, s.s., 2 years 87 12 William Gillies. ,. 24 Invercargill, s.s., 20 years Schooner 123 11 Triangle Rocks, Bluff Harbour S.W. Gale .. Schooner j John Grubb. 30 Jessie Niccol, 32 years 93 Coal .. Damage to rail, bulwarks, and coveringboards Jervois Quay, Welling- j ton N.W. Gale


Summary of Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1905.


Casualties on or near the Coasts of the Colony. Casualties outside the Colony. Steamers. Sa Sailing-vessels. Total within Colony. of Casualties reported. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Total outside Colony. Nature of Casualty. -— to 35 © © g o CO *H © *HTC O © O co rH.3- rH© © a a o CC . CO O © rH.3, r. Kg. CO 3D o CQ . CQ Hi *£ I CD fl fl o CO . co o CO hi -,_, CD CO DC fl O CQ - cc O CD O hJ rn£ © cd S3 £3 cc •3.2 O 9 rH HH ■ CC Kg © CO -3 o CQ rn Stran dings, — Total wrecks Partial loss Slight damage No damage 1 2 2 I 4 i 184 611 1,185 6,971 | 5 5 1 3 838! 1,269 79! 1,176| •• 7 7 5 14 1,022 1,880 1,264 8,147 12,313 •• 1 •• ■■ 1 2,289 \ .. 1 1 .. 2,289 1 8 7 5 14 3,311 1,180 1,264 8,147 1 1 .. I .. " i! .. .. 19 •■ Total strandings I 1 1 1 33 1 1 I 2,289 J I I 8,951 j 14 3,362 ■j I 1 .. 2,289 1 1 34 14,602 2 Foundered, — Total loss .| 27 2 i 133 I 5 3 160 I 5 3 160 " Capsized, — Partial loss ! 1 145 , .. ! • 145 .. I 1 145 I " Collisions, — Partial loss Slight damage .. .. No damage ! 1 1 5 5 82 6,219 8,744 2 1 1 380 10 623 1 .. 3 6 6 462 6,229 9,367 16,058 •■ •• ■ 3 6 6 462 6,229 9,367 16,058 •• I ■ i " •• -- Total collisions 11 15,045 I .1 4 1,013 15 15 ! .. •■ .. '• Fires,— Partial loss i I 1 1,932 2,603 1 1,932 1 1,932 Miscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas to hull and cargo, loss of masts, sails, &c, and breakdown of machinery 8 3,201 ! I 659 12 3,860 2 2 2,603 14 6,463 4 •• i 25 5,312 6 64 32,536 6 6,824 927 4 1 6,824 1 927 1 i 39,360 927 Total casualties to shipping Loss of life only 39 27,224 4 1 1 1 68 1 7 1 .. •■ Total number of casualties reported 39 27,224 25 5,312 6 64 32,536 . 6 2 5 7,751 2 69 40,287 8 ■■ ■• •• .. 5 7,751



Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing number of Fishing-boats registered and licensed at each Port during Year ended 31st December, 1904.

Same of Lighthouse. Order of Apparatus. ! D< ; Period tescription.' 0^™ Liglit. Colour of Light. Tower Dwellings Date first built of built of lighted. Revolving Fixed Flashing Fixed Revolving Flashing Revolving Fixed Revolving Fixed 1' 10" 30" 10" 30" * White Red, to show over Columbia Reef. White White, with red arc over Flat Rock White and red White Red, to show over Bull Rock. White Timber I Timber j 24 Mar., 1879 Cape Maria van Diemen 1st order dioptric I Moko Hinou Tiritiri .. 1st order dioptric 2nd Stone Timber \ 18 June, 1883 Iron „ 1 Jan., 1865 Ponui Passage .. Cuvier Island East Cape Portland Island J 5th 1st 2nd 2nd Timber „ 29 July, 1871 Iron „ 22 Sept., 1889 9 Aug., 1900 Timber „ 10 Feb., 1878 Cape Palliser Pencarrow Head.. Cape Egmont Manukau Head .. Kaipara Head Brothers 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd Iron i Timber 27 Oct., 1897 1 Jan., 1859 1 Aug., 1881 Timber i „ 1 Sept., 1874 1 Dec, 1884 24 Sept., 1877 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 4th 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st 2nd 1st order catadioptric 1st order dioptric Flashing Fixed Revolving Fixed Flashing Fixed 10" 10" 1' 10" [ Red, to show over Cook Rock. White Timber Timber 1 Aug., 1870 Stone Stone 1 April, 1865 Timber Timber 1 Jan., 1880 Iron , 1 July, 1904 Timber „ 22 April, 1878 Stone Stone 2 Jan., 1865 Timber i Timber 1 Jan., 1880 Stone Stone 4 July, 1870 Timber Timber 1 Jan., 1884 Stone Stone 1 Aug., 1865 Cape Campbell .. Godley Head Akaroa Head Jack's Point Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders .. Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island Revolving Fixed Flashing Revolving i' io" 30" Red White Centre Island Puysegur Point .. Cape Foulwind .. Kanurangi Point.. Farewell Spit 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd Fixed Flashing Revolving Fixed .. Revolving Fixed Group flashing 10" 30" 1' t White, with red arcs over inshore dangers White White, with red sec tor to show over Stewart Breaker White, with red arc over Spit end White, with red arc to mark limit of anchorage Red and white, with white light on beacon White Timber j Timber 16 Sept., 1878 1 Mar., 1879 1 Sept., 1876 Iron „ 30 Nov., 1903 17 June, 1870 Nelson 4th 4 Aug., 1862 French Pass 6th 1 Oct., 1884 Stephen Island .. 1st 29 Jan., 1894 • Flashing twice every half-minute, with interval every half-minute. >f three sec :onds between flashes. t Two flashes in quick sr,ccessior.

Number Number registered, licensed. Port. Number Number registered. licensed. Port. Auckland Bluff Dunedin and Port Chalmers Gisborne Greymouth Hokianga Hokitika Invercargill Kaipara Lyttelton Mangonui Napier Nelson 102 69 83 2 6 2 3 29 22 167 1 26 24 102 69 81 2 6 2 3 23 22 167 1 25 24 New Plymouth Oamaru Patea Picton Russell Tauranga Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport 9 44 9 44 21 32 4 37 11 4 80 9 21 32 4 37 2 2 80 9 787 773



Return showing the Orders in Council which have been issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1905.

Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1904. April 15 15 15 15 15 Approves plan of wharf-extension, Greymouth. Validates appointment of Chairman, Waikokopu Harbour Board. nVmends Mangawai wharf dues. Approves plans of North Kaipara Co-operative Dairy Company's factory at Whakapirau, Kaipara. Licenses North Kaipara Co-operative Dairy Company to occupy foreshore at Whakapirau as a site for factory. .Approves plans of extension of Northcote Ferry Jetty, Auckland. Approves plans of extension of Stanley Jetty, Auckland. Approves plans of Messrs. Coutts and Kitching's boatshed and slip at Aratapu, Kaipara. Licenses Messrs. Coutts and Kitching to occupy foreshore at Aratapu as a site for boatshed and slip. Prescribes oyster-license fee for the North Island. Appoints F. F. Munro member of Westport Harbour Board. Approves plans of J. Bringin's boat-building shed and yard, Ballena Bay, Wellington Harbour. Approves plans of groins in Waipu River. Approves plans of J. J. Boyd's boatshed at Evans Bay, Wellington Harbour. Amends regulations as to sea-fishing boats. Appoints T. 0. Turnbull trustee for Kawhia Wharf. Appoints members of Greymouth Harbour Board. Amends General Harbour Regulations. Approves plans for foundation of roadway, Mechanic's Bay, to St. George's Bay, Auckland Harbour. Approves plans of wharf for coal-hulks at Naval Point Breakwater, Lyttelton. Approves plans of J. J. Craig's wharf-extension, Auckland Harbour. Approves plans of J. Morris's proposed wharf at Hardy's Bridge, Matakohe, Kaipara. Licenses J. Morris to occupy foreshore at Matakohe as a site for a wharf. -Approves plans of proposed stone embankment from Victoria Wharf to Pelichet Bay, Otago Harbour. Approves expenditure of £150 by Westport Harbour Board for extending siding-accommodation at Sergeant's Hill. Revokes regulations as to size of mesh of fishing-nets. Approves plans of R. E. Lester's wharf at Te Mata, Hokianga. Licenses R. E. Lester to occupy foreshore at Te Mata as a site for wharf. Amending dues for Opotiki wharves. Prohibits taking of Risso's dolphin for five years in Cook Strait. Approves plans of Mangere Road Board's bridge over Oruarangi Creek, Ihumatea. Revokes and makes other regulations as to size of mesh of trawl-nets. Approves plans of Kauri Timber Company's Wharf at Omapere, Hokianga. Licenses Kauri Timber Company to occupy foreshore, Omapere, as a site for wharf. . Approves plans of H. Couch's wharf at Bon Accord Harbour, Kawau Island. Licenses H. Couch to occupy foreshore, Bon Accord Harbour, as a site for wharf. Vests management of town wharf in Tauranga Borough Council. Approves plans of Prouse and Saunders' wharf, shed, and tramway, at West Wanganui. Licenses Prouse and Saunders to occupy foreshore, West Wanganui, as a site for wharf, shed, and tramway. Approves plans of Napier Borough Council's proposed bridge over Iron Pot, Port Ahuriri. Approves plans of Cambridge Borough Council's proposed bridge over Waikato River. Approves plans of proposed extension of low-level breastwork, Lyttelton. Approves expenditure of £750 by Westport Harbour Board for passenger-car for Westport-Mokihinui Railway. Approves plans of shed-additions to wharf, Gisborne Harbour. Approves plans of Railway Wharf and Hobson Street Jetty, Auckland. Licenses Opunake Wharf Company to occupy foreshore as site for wharf and sheds. Approves plans of proposed beacons to marked dredged channel, Lyttelton Harbour. Approves plans of Currie and Mcintosh's Wharf, Waikawa. Licenses Currie and Mcintosh to occupy foreshore, Waikawa, as a site for wharf. Prescribes size of mesh of fishing-nets. Approves plans of Riverhead Paper Mills Company's wharf-extension. Licenses Riverhead Paper Mills Company to occupy foreshore at Riverhead for wharf-extension. Approves plans of Taruheru River improvement works, Gisborne. Approves plans of J. H. Richards's proposed wharf and shed, West Wanganui. Licenses J. H. Richards to occupy foreshore, West Wanganui, as a site for wharf and shed. Approves plans of wharf, Castleclifl, Wanganui. Approves plans of Timaru Boating Club's proposed boatshed. Approves plans of Port Charmers Sailing Club's proposed boatshed. Licenses Port Chalmers Sailing Club to occupy foreshore as a site for boatshed. Approves plans of H. R. Lawry's proposed boatshed, Karaka Bay, Wellington. Approves plan of wharf at Rona Bay, Wellington. 15 May 2 2 2 2 June 8 8 8 8 27 27 27 July 4 4 4 19 25 25 Aug. 1 1 15 Sept. 12 12 21 26 26 Oct. 10 17 17 1. 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 26 26 20 26 Nov. 7 23 23 29 Dec. 12 12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 20 1905. Declares that ratepayers of Sydenham and St. Albans wards shall each elect member of Lyttelton Harbour Board in lieu of St. Albans and Sydenham boroughs. Approves plans of Petone Borough Council's outfall culvert. Licenses Lane and Brown to occupy foreshore, Whangaroa, as a site for wharf. Approves plans of Nelson Bros.' footbridge over Taruheru River. Approves plans of Akitio Sawmilling Company's Wharf, Akitio. _ Licenses Akitio Sawmilling Company to occupy foreshore at Akitio as site for wharf, Appoints G. E. Halliwell trustee for Kohukohu recreation-ground in place of W. Brownlee, resigned. Approves plans of training-wall, Waitara River. Approves plans of works in Waiuku River. Licenses Waiuku Road Board to occupy foreshore in Waiuku River. Appoints D. T. Glover member of Westport Harbour Board. Appoints J. Hargreaves and E. J. Scantlebury members of Greymouth Harbour Board. Revokes Order in Council licensing Joseph Taylor to occupy site for wharf at Puponga, Golden Bay Approves plans of Searle and Speight's boatshed and slip, Otago Harbour. Licenses Searle and Speight to occupy foreshore as site for boatshed and slip. Jan. 27 26 26 26 26 26 Feb. 11 11 11 11 25 25 25 March 15 15



Return showing the Orders in Council which have been issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1905 — continued.

Approximate Gout of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (exclusive of maps,) (1,750 copies), £34 ss. 6d.

Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9os.

Price Is.]

6—H. 15.

Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1905. March 15 15 15 17 Approves plans of extension of sewer-outfall, Napier. Vests management of Mangonui Wharf in Mangonui County Council, and prescribes dues and rates. Approves plans of J. M. Begg's proposed bridge over Tokomairiro River. Authorises use of set-nets in Ashley River. Return sh isi >wing the Number of Notices to Mariners relating to Matters within the Colony med by the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1905. Port or Place. r Place. Subject of Notice. .Astrolabe Roads Auckland Hapuka Reef buoy missing. Light on Hobson Street Wharf. Buoy laid off Maraetai Point. Position of submarine minefield off North Head. Time-ball signal discontinued. Position of dolphins and shoals. Pilot-station, Stirling Point, withdrawn. Weather signal-mast re-erected. Position of shoal off coast. BuoyB marking channel. Exhibition of light (two notices). Semaphore signals at Heads. Leading beacons re-erected at Heads. Amended position of front leading-beacon. Changes on bar. Telegraph cable laid from North Shore to Ripa Island. Town-lights visible at sea. Beacon erected on Waitangi Reef, Waiuku River. Increased power of harbour-light. Leading-lights established at entrance. Channel marked by beacons in place of buoys from Harrington Point and Kaik Jetty. Alteration in colour of beacon, Western Channel. Leading-lights, beacons, and buoy established. Repairs to be effected to light. Light on Eastern Extension Mole relit. Alteration in colour of harbour-light. Alteration of leading-beacon lights. Dredging near Queen's Wharf. Practice-minefield, Shelly Bay. Light for boat-harbour exhibited. Further corrections, " New Zealand Nautical Almanac," 1904. " New Zealand Nautical Almanac," 1905, published. " Tanner's Ark " abandoned and drifting at sea. Bluff" .. '.. ., Cape Maria van Diemen .. Cheviot Havelock Jack's Point Kaipara.. Kawhia .. Lyttelton Manaia, Taranaki Manukau New Plymouth Okuru River Otago Puponga Puysegur Point Timaru Wairau Wellington General..


New Zealand Wreck Chart 1st April, 1904 to 31st March, 1905. Compiled from Official Records in the Marine Department

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1904-5., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, H-15

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1904-5. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, H-15

MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1904-5. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1905 Session I, H-15

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