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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 23rd September, 1902. Ordered, " That there be laid before tbis House a return showing—(l) Total number of claims reoeived from members of New Zealai.d contingents under 'Tne Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900'; (2) names of applicants; (3) lei.gth of service; (4) total number recommended by Medical Boards ; (5) amounts so recommended, showing each case separately ; (6) number of claims made by relatives of deceased members of contingents, under the same Aot; (7) number recommended by Medical Boards to receive pensions; (8) amounts paid to date in each case recommended be the Boards; and (9) date of Board's recommendations in each case, and the date upon which the first payment was made by the Government."—(Mr. Millar.)



(1.) Total number of claims, 14. (4.) Total number recommended by Medical Board, 13. (7.) Number recommended by Medical Board to receive pensions, 11. Defence Office, 9th September, 1903. T. P. Grey, for Under-Secretary for Defence.

New Zealand Contingents to South Africa.— Pensions, Gratuities, or Allowances granted by the New Zealand Government to Men of the above Contingents up to the 23rd September, 1902.

-13 a H- as o 21 . a r5 a o Regimental Number, Rank, and Name. Length of Service up to Date of Return to New Zealand from South Africa. Length of Service up to Date of being struck off sick-leave Pay. Amounts recommended by Medical Board Amount paid to 23rd September, 1902, in each Case recommended by Board. Date of Board's Recommendation. Date from wh icli Payment commenced. I ! 1 1 2 4 4 6 6 7 7 3 7 124 Private Culling, J. 80 Private Young, R. S. .. 468 Private Foreman, R. J. 476 Private Beath, A. M. Lieutenant Collins, R. W. 1423 Private Canavan, M. .. 3736 Private Geddes, G. 3709 Private Clarke, J. L. 4656 Private Young, R. R. 4332 Private Rees, H. H. 849 Sergeant Petersen, A. .. 4122 1 year 106 days 235 days .. 1 year 115 days 1 year 115 days 248 days .. 253 days .. 1 year 24 days 1 year 122 days 309 days .. 1 year 72 days 354 days .. 264 days .. 1 year 259 days .. 2s. per diem for 3 years, from 7th July, 1901 2 years 114 days .. Is. 6d. per diem for 2J years, from 12th February, 1902 2 years 234 days .. 2s. per diem for 2 years, from 15th September, 1902 2 years 229 days .. 2a. per diem, temporary, from 10th September, 1902 1 year 73 days .. £100 per annum for life 1 year 99 days .. 2s. per diem for life .. .. 1 year 237 days .. 2s. 2d. per diem for 18 months, from 6th September, 1902 .. 1 year 245 days .. 2s. 2d. per diem for 12 months, from 18th September, 1902 .. 1 year 156 days .. 2s. 2d. per diem for 12 months, from 8th September, 1902 .. 1 year 158 days .. 2s. 2d. per diem for 12 months, from 8th September, 1902 .. 1 year 19 days } 2s ' per diem for 12 months . from 22nd March, 1902 £ s. d. 39 10 10 16 16 0 0 18 0 18 0 108 6 8 45 12 0 1 17 4 0 13 0 1 14 8 1 14 8 Feb. 4,1902.. 9,1903.. 4, 1902.. 4,1902.. Aug. 12, 1902.. June 23, 1902.. Oct. 10, 1902.. Sept 18, 1902.. 8, 1902.. 8, 1902.. July 7, 1901. Feb. 12, 1902. Sepc. 15, 1902. „ 10, 1902. Aug. 10, 1901. June 18, 1901. Sept. 6, 1902. „ 18, 1902. 8, 1902. 8) 1902. I 36 10 0 | Mar. 23, 1903.. Mar. 22, 1902. 3 3 683 Private Spencer, D. 647 Private Heasley, H. 1 year 25 days 316 days Gkattjities granted (in lieu of pension). 15 0 0 July 12, 1902.. Voucher passed Sept. 22, 1902. Voucher passed Sept. 17, 1902. 3 3 1 year 210 days .. £15 .. .. .. .., 1 year 347 days .. £30 30 0 0 12,1902.. i 6 3260 Private Mazzolini, H. .. 334 days .. Compassionate Gbatuities. 20 0 0 None Voucher cassed Sept. 22j 1902. 1 year 59 days .. [ None .. .. .. •


New Zealand Contingents to South Africa.— Pensions, Gratuities, or Allowances granted by the New Zealand Government to Relatives of Men of the above Contingents, up to the 23rd September, 1902.


Name. Relation to Deceased. If Widow. Pension, Gratuity, or Allowance awarded by New Zealand Government. Date from wbicb granted. Amount paid to date, 30th September, 1902. Number of New Zealand Contingent, Regimental Number. Rank, and Name of Deceased. Connell, Mary Aitken Mother Widow £26 per annum Jan. 16, 1900.. £ a. d. 70 9 0 First New Zealand Contingent, No. 119, Private John Connell. Fourth New Zealand Contingent, No. 1709, Private Tbomas O. Martin. Fourth New Zealand Contingent, No. 1054, Private Charles Keflord Ward. Fourth New Zealand Contingent, Lieut.Colonel Frederick Wyatt Francis. Fourth New Zealand Contingent, No. 1077, Private John Robt. Lamont. Fourth New Zealand Contingent, No. 1062, Bugler Douglas M. Corson. Fourth New Zealand Contingent, Lieut., Colonel Frederick Wyatt Francis. Third New Zealand Contingent. Lieutenant William John Berry. Fourth New Zealand Contingent, Captain John Allen Harvey. Fifth New Zealand Contingent, No. 2602, Private Louis J. McKechnie. Fifth New Zealand Contingent, No. 1617, Private Dan Clarke. Fifth New Zealand Contingent, No. 2574, Private James H. Atkinson. Fifth New Zealand Contingent, No. 2629, Private Joseph Murphy. Fifth New Zealand Contingent, No. 2226, Private William Caldwell. Fifth New Zealand Contingent (Reserve), No. 2716, Private James Farrell. Sixth New Zealand Contingent, No. 3665, Private Basil Edward St. John Steohens. Seventh New Zealand Contingent, No. 4242, Sergt.-Major Daniel Love. Seventh New Zealand Contingent, No. 4365, Sergeant Geo. A. Dungan. Seventh New Zealand Contingent, No. 4281, Private William Donkin. Seventh New Zealand Contingent, No. 4603, Lance-Corporal Duncan Anderson. Seventh New Zealand Contingent, Lieutenant George Leece. Martin, Mary Mother Widow £26 per annum (temporary allowance) April 1,1902.. 13 0 0 Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Father and mother 10s. per week (joint temporary allowance) „ 18, 1901.. 37 18 6 Godso, Sarah Mother Widow £52 per annum (deceased October 2nd, 1901) Sept. 9, 1901.. 55 3 7 Lamont, E. A. Mother Widow 15s. per week (temporary allowance) „ 20, 1901.. 40 5 9 Corson, Helen Mother No 10s. per week till further orders (temporary allowance) £120 per annum for self, and £20 per annum for each child £50 per annum for self, and £12 per annum for each cnild (4) £50 per annum „ 23, 1901.. 26 0 0 Francis, Catherine Julia (4 children) Berry, Charlotte Jessie Maud (2 children) Harvey, Matilda Parsons Widow Widow April 1,1901.. June 4,1900.. 270 0 0 172 1 0 Mother Widow Aug. 14, 1901.. 56 11 8 McKechnie, Sarah Ann Mother No £26 per annum (temporary allowance) July 23, 1901.. 30 19 3 Clark, Mary Mother Widow £26 per annum .. Jan. 14, 1901.. 44 11 10 Atkinson, Mary Jane Mother Widow £26 per annum (temporary allowance) April 29, 1901.. 36 19 7 Murphy, Mary Mother Widow £26 per annum (temporary allowance) Jan. 22, 1901.. 44 0 8 Cameron, Janet (formerly Caldwell) Farrell, Bridget Mother Mother No Widow 10s. per week, until further orders (temporary allowance) £26 per annum .. Aug. 27, 1901.. 28 0 0 28 3 4 Sept. 1,1901.. Stephens, Sarah Elizabeth .. Mother .. No £26 per annum (temporary allowance) Feb. 19, 1902.. 15 18 10 Love, Georgina (3 children).. Widow £36 per annum for self, and £10 per annum for each child, and a gratuity of £164 5s. £26 per annum Aug. 25, 1901.. 72 14 10 Dungan, Mary Mother Widow Oct. 4,1901.. 25 15 10 Donkin, Mary Adelia Mother No £26 per annum June 1,1901.. 34 13 4 Anderson, Louisa E. Mother No £26 per annum .. Feb. 24, 1902.. 15 11 1 Leeee, Margaret Holmes Mother Widow £40 per annum (temporary allowance) Aug. 23, 1901.. 44 6 0


(6.) Total number of claims granted to the 23rd September, 1902, 29; total number received, 35. (7.) No recommendations from Medical Board in these cases. (8.) See above. (9.) See No. 7. Pensions and allowances under the Act are paid from date when approved, and quarterly in advance. Temporary allowances are paid monthly when due. Defence Office, Wellington, 9th September, 1903. T. F. Grey, for Under-Secretary for Defence. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,250 copi es), £4 Bs. 6d.

New Zealand Contingents to South Africa.— Pensions, Gratuities, or Allowances applied for by Relatives of Men of the above Contingents, up to the 30th September, 1902, not Granted by the New Zealand Government.

Pensions, Gratuities, or Allowances granted by the New Zealand Government to Relatives of Men, &c.— continued.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1903. Price, 3d.]


Name. Relation to Deceased. If Widow. Pension, Gratuity, or Allowance awarded by the New Zealand Government. Date from which granted. Amount paid to date, 30th Number of New Zealand Contingent, Regimental September, Number, Rank, and Name of Deceased. 1902. Roddick, Helena Brown Mother .. Widow £26 per annum (temporary allowance) Feb. 24, 1902.. £ s. d. 15 11 1 Seventh New Zealand Contingent, No. 4439, Lance-Corporal David W. L. Roddick. Seventh New Zealand Contingent, Lieutenant Harold Lis;;aman Dickinson. Seventh New Zealand Contingent, No. 4321, Private Robert O. K. McLean. Seventh New Zealand Contingent, No. 4266, Private Frederick C. Brown. Seventh New Zealand Contingent, No. 4523, Private Peter Fletcher. Eighth New Zealand Contingent, No. 6317, Private John Bourke. Ninth New Zealand Contingent, Lieutenant Robert McKeich. Tenth New Zealand Contingent, No. 9578, Sergeant John Hawksworth. Dickinson, Maria Kelsey Mother .. No £40 per annum (ceased on 23rd February, 1903) „ 24,1902.. 23 18 7 McLean, Margaret.. Mother .. No £26 per annum (temporary allowanoe) June 25, 1901.. 32 18 8 Brown, Eliza Mother .. Widow £26 per annum for five years Jan. 31, 1902.. 17 8 1 Fletcher, Kate Mother .. No £26 per annum for one year (temporary allowance).. Feb. 24, 1902.. 15 11 1 Bourke, Annie Mother .. No 10s. per week from 19th August, 1902, to 31st March, 1904 (temporary allowance) £60 per annum, also a gratuity of £273 15s. for self, and £91 5s. for each child 10s. per week from 2nd September, 1902, to the 31st March, 1903 Aug. 19, 1902.. 3 15 McKeich, Emily Harriet (3 children) Hawksworth, Harriett Widow June 4, 1902.. 19 10 0 Mother .. No Sept. 2,1902.. 2 1 5

Name of Applicant. Relation to Deceased. If Widow. 'Number of New Zealand Contingent, Regimental Number, Rank, and Name of Deceased. Wynyard and Purchas, Solicitors, Auckland Moeller, Elizabeth Smith, Annie Ellen Forsythe, Charlotte Monahan, Hugh Turner, Caroline Sarah .. On behalf of Relatives of Private Jenks .. .. Mother .. Mother (claim not completed) .. .. Mother .. Father .. Mother Widow Widow No.. First New Zealand Contingent, No. 53, Private James Jenks. Second New Zealand Contingent, No. 363, Private John Isaac Moeller. Sixth New Zealand Contingent, Sergeant Major Sidney Smith. Seventh New Zealand Contingent, Lieutenant William George Forsythe. Seventh New Zealand Contingent, No. 4424, Private William Gibb Monahan. Eighth New Zealand Contingent, No. 5398, Private B. E. Turner. No.. 1

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Bibliographic details

SOUTH AFRICAN CONTINGENTS: PARTICULARS OF CLAIMS FROM MEMBERS FOR PENSIONS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, H-06

Word Count

SOUTH AFRICAN CONTINGENTS: PARTICULARS OF CLAIMS FROM MEMBERS FOR PENSIONS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, H-06

SOUTH AFRICAN CONTINGENTS: PARTICULARS OF CLAIMS FROM MEMBERS FOR PENSIONS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1903 Session I, H-06

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