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EDUCATION: UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND. [In continuation of E.-6, 1901.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Visitor.—His Excellency the Governor. Chancellor.— Sir James Heotor, K.0.M.G., M.D., F.R.S. Vice-Chancellor. —Rev. J. C. Andrew, M.A. The Senate. Eev. J. C. Andrew, M.A.; 0. 0. Bowen; P. D. Brown, M.A., 8.50.; J. M. Brown, M.A.; L. Cohen, M.A.; C. H. H. Cook, M.A.; Most Rev. W. G. Cowie, D.D.; P. Pitohett, M.A., LL.D.; M. S. Grace, M.D., C.M.G.; J. Hay, M.A., LL.B.; Sir J. Heotor, K.C.M.G., M.D., P.R.S.; D. MacGregor, M.A., M.8.; R. C. Maelaurin, M.A., LL.M.; Sir G. M. O'Rorke, Kt., 8.A.; Rev. J. Paterson; Sir J. Prendergast, Kt., 8.A.; Most Rev. P. Redwood, D.D.; W. Rolleston, 8.A.; G. S. Sale, M.A. ; Rev. W. Salmond, D.D. ;J. H. Soott, M.D. ; J. Shand, M.A., LL.D.; Sir R. Stout, K.C.M.G.; A. P. W. Thomas, M.A., P.L.S. Registrar. J. W. Joynt, M.A., Dublin.

Annual Eeport op the Senate. In compliance with the 28th clause of the University Act, the Senate makes the following report to His Excellency the Governor of the proceedings of the University since the date of the last report: — The Senate met at Dunedin, pursuant to the provisions of the University Act, in annual session on the 19th February, 1902, and at that session made certain amendments to the University statutes. These amendments have been approved by His Excellency. The usual examinations were held in November and December, 1901, and in January and April (for medical only), 1902, in the Faculties of Arts, Science, Medicine, Law, and Music, and for admission to the legal profession. The total number of candidates at these examinations was 1,366. The Senate also held a special session in April, 1902. At the annual and special sessions the Senate ordered the following degrees to be conferred by the Chancellor or his deputy, subject to the payment of the necessary fees : The degree of Bachelor of Arts on 42 candidates; the ordinary degree of Bachelor of Science on 6 candidates; the degree of Bachelor of Laws on 13 candidates ; the degree of Bachelor of Medicine on 9 candidates; the degree of Bachelor of Surgery on 8 candidates ; the degree of Master of Arts on 30 candidates ; the degree of Doctor of Science on 1 candidate. In addition 28 gained Honours in Arts ; 1 gained Honours in Science; 6 gained Senior Scholarships; 1 gained the Exhibition, 1851, Science Scholarship; 1 gained the John Tinline Scholarship; 1 gained the Bowen Prize ; 104 passed sections of examinations for various degrees, exclusive of the above-mentioned graduates ; 50 passed various examinations for admission to the legal profession; 2 passed the examination for the Teachers'" Class C " under the Education Department; 15 gained Junior Scholarships; 40 gained "credit" at the Junior Scholarship Examination ; 399 passed the Matriculation Examination ; 48 passed the Medical Preliminary Examination; 1 gained a "certificate of proficiency." «



The number of graduates of the University admitted and qualified for admission is now as follows :— Degrees to be ponformrl uraauaies aa- °° qno fitted up to 31st in 191 W. December, 1901. Bachelors of Arts (alone) ... ... ... ... 42 349 Bachelors of Arts and Sciences ... ... ... ... 8 Bachelors of Arts and Laws ... ... ... ... 19 Bachelors of Arts, Medicine, and Surgery ... ... ... 5 Bachelors of Arts, Science, Medicine, and Surgery ... ... 2 Bachelors of Science (alone) ... ... ... 6 23 Bachelors of Science, Medicine, and Surgery ... ... 1 Bachelors of Science in Engineering ... ... ... 3 Bachelors of Laws (alone) ... ... ... 13 24 Bachelors of Medicine (alone) ... ... ... 1 1 Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery (alone) ... ... 8 41 Bachelors of Music (alone) ... ... ... ... 2 Masters of Arts (alone) ... ... ... ... 30 218 Masters of Arts and Bachelors of Science ... ... ... 25 Masters of Arts and Bachelors of Laws ... ... ... 17 Masters of Arts and Doctors of Science ... ... ... 2 Masters of Arts and Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Masters of Arts and Doctors of Laws ... ... ... 3 Doctors of Laws (alone) ... ... ... ... ... 4 Doctors of Medicine (alone) ... ... ... ... 5 Doctors of Science (alone) ... ... ... 1 1 101 757 The accounts of the University for the year 1901, duly audited, are appended to this report. James Hector, Chancellor.

ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE-SHEETS, YEAE ENDING 31st DECEMBEE, 1901. [Summarised from full details in the original.] A.—CLASSIFIED RECEIPTS. I.—General Account. £ a . <j. Statutory grant (balf share) .. .. .. .. ~ ~ 1,500 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. '2210 0 General miscellaneous .. .. .. ~ # , 51 810 Fees— 1. Degrees .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. ~ 297 3 0 2. Ad eundem and certificate .. .. ~ ~ ~ 25 7 0 3. Medical registration .. .. .. ~ .. _ _ 50 8 0 4. Examinations — (a) April, 1901 78 15 0 (b) November, 1901 .. .. .. .. ~ _. 1,297 16 0 (c) December, 1901 .. .. .. .. ~ .. 16ig 7 0 £4,968 14 10 ll.—Ordinary Scholarship Account. £ s d Statutory grant (half share) .. .. .. .. ~ .. 1 500 o' 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. \\ " 'gl6 5 0 Transferred from General Account .. .. .. .. .. 1 300 0 0 £3,616 5 0 HI-—John Tinline Scholarship Account. £ s d Interest .. .. .. .. .. ~ „ .. 63 0 0 IV.—Bowen Prize Account. £ 3 , d. Interest ...... t> 1 c o" Summary op Eeceipts, 1901. £ s d General Account ...... 4 q fi o ,j in ' Ordinary Scholarship Account .. .. .. .. .. 3 616 5 0 John Tinline Scholarship Account .. ' co n n Bowen Prize Account .... q ik o • • • • •• • ■ o ±0 o £8,651 15 6



8.-CLASSIFIED EXPENDITURE. I.—Genebai, Account. 1. Senate sessions— £ s. d. £ s. d> Expenses of Fellows .. .. 280 4 0 Brought forward .. .. 3,713 8 1 Expenses of sessions .. .. 117 11 2 4. Examinations — continued. 2. Office and salaries— (c) December, 1900 — Registrar .. .. .. 400 0 0 Examiners' fees .. .. 485 9 6 Clerical assistance .. .. .. 260 10 0 Printing and advertising .. 17 14 7 Messenger and charwoman .. .. 49 15 0 (d) January, 1901— Office furniture .. .. .. 110 5 Examiners' fees .. .. 193 10 10 3. Miscellaneous — Supervision fees .. .. 715 0 Printing— Printing and advertising .. 6 6 4 Calendar .. .. .. 82 10 0 (c) April, 1901— Minutes .. .. .. 45 10 0 Examiners' fees .. .. 103 13 2 Diplomas .. .. .. 22 18 0 Supervision fees .. .. 4 5 6 General printing and stationery .. 136 0 3 Printing and advertising .. 8 2 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 77 5 3 (/) Special legal examinations — Reuter Cable Company .. .. 4 710 Examiners' fees .. .. 10 0 0 Expenses of conferring diplomas .. 83 18 11 Supervision fees .. .. 10 6 Expenses of inquiries .. .. 17 16 9 (g) November, 1901— Amount transferred to Ordinary Examiners' fees .. .. 302 910 Scholarship Account .. .. 1,300 0 0 Supervision fees .. .. 257 12 9 4. Examinations— Printing and advertising .. 115 7 0 (a) January, 1899— (h) December, 1901— Examiners'fees .. .. 14 12 5 Supervision fees .. .. 463 3 11 (b) November, 1900 — Printing and advertising .. 169 13 6 Examiners' fees .. .. 675 1 1 Printing and stationery .. .. 1 10 0 5. Convocation .. .. .. 20 0 0 English agent— Fee .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Expenses .. .. .. 4 2 4 Telegrams .. .. .. 38 4 8 £5,879 13 0 Carried forward .. ..£3,713 8 1 — ll.—Ordinary Scholarship Account. Scholarships— £ s. d. (a) Junior scholarships— Scholarships of 1896 .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Scholarships of 1898 .. .. .. .. .. .. 370 0 0 Scholarships of 1899 .. .. .. .. .. .. 475 0 0 Scholarships of 1900.. .. .. .. .. .. 550 0 0 (b) Senior scholarships— Scholarships of 1900 .. .. .. .. .. ■ .. 300 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 13 6 £1,750 13 6 lll.—John Tinline Scholabship Account. £ s. d. Scholarship .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 12 0 £50 12 0 IV.—Bowen Prize Account. £ s. d. Prize .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 10 0 0 V.—Macmillan-Brown Prize Account. £ b. d. Proportion of prize .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 473 Summary of Expenditure, 1901. £ s . d. General Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,879 13 0 Ordinary Scholarship Aocount .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,750 13 6 John Tinline Scholarship Acoount .. .. .. ... .. 50 12 0 Bowen Prize Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Macmillan-Brown Prize Account .. .. .. .. .. 473 £7,695 5 9 Investment Account. De. £ s. d. Cβ. £ s. d. Balance from 1900 .. .. .. 14,959 0 0 BalanceOrdinary Scholarship Account .. .. 3,900 0 0 General Account— Loan on mortgage at 4J per cent. .. 500 0 0 Ordinary Scholarship Account— Loan on mortgage at 6 per oent. .. 10,000 0 0 Loan on mortgage at 5 per cent. .. 1,900 0 0 Loans on mortgage at 4j per oent. . 5,000 0 0 John Tinline Scholarship Account—• Loans on mortgage at 5 per cent. .. 1,200 0 0 Fixed deposit at 4 per cent. .. 150 0 0 Macmillan-Brown Prize Fund Account — Fixed deposit at 4 per cent. .. 109 0 0 £18,859 0 0 £18,859 0 0 The English Agent in Account with the University. Dβ. £ s. d. Cβ. £ s. d. Expenses of November examination, Balanoe from 1900 ;. .. .. 908 13 11 1900— Imprest, 1900 .. .. .. .. 900 0 0 Examiners' fees .. .. .. 659 2 0 Agent's fees .. .. .. 100 0 0 Agent's expenses .. .. .. 4 2 4 Telegrams .. .. .. .. 38 4 8 Balance in Agent's hands .. .. 1,007 411 £1,808 13 11 £1,808 13 11



Balance-sheet.—General Account. Dβ. £ a. d. £ s. d. Or. JE s. d. Balance from 1900 .. 2,140 4 10 PaidImprest .. .. 908 13 11 Senate .. .. .. .. 397 15 2 3,048 18 9 Office and salaries .. .. .. 711 15 5 Beoeipta of 1901— Miscellaneous .. .. .. 1,770 7 0 Statutory grant .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Examinations .. .. .. 2,979 15 5 Interest .. .. .. .. 22 10 0 Convocation .. .. .. 20 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 51 8 10 Balance— Pees— Bank .. .. .. .. 627 17 5 Degree .. .. .. .. 297 3 0 Loan on mortgage at 4J per oent. .. 500 0 0 Ad eundem and certificate .. .. 25 7 0 Imprest, English Agency .. .. 1,007 411 Medical registration .. .. 50 8 0 Cash in hand .. .. .. 2 18 3 Examinations .. .. .. 3,021 18 0 £8,017 13 7 £8,017 13 7 Balance-sheet. —Ordinary Scholarship Account. Dβ. £ s. d. Cβ. £ s. d. Balance from 1900 .. .. .. 15,408 6 7 PaidReceipts of 1901 — Scholarships .. .. .. 1,725 0 0 Statutory grant .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 25 13 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 816 5 0 BalanceTransfer from General Account .. 1,300 0 0 Bank .. .. .. .. 73 18 3 Investments— Loan on mortgage at 6 per oent. .. 10,000 0 0 Loan on mortgage at 5 per oent. .. 1,900 0 0 Loan on mortgage at 4J per oent. .. 5,000 0 0 £19,024 11 7 £19,024 11 7 Balance-sheet. —John Tinline Scholarship Account. Dβ. £ s. d. j Cβ. £ 9 . a. Balance from 1900 .. .. .. 1,494 4 6 Paid— Reoeipts of 1901—Interest .. .. 63 0 0 Scholarship .. .. .. 50 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. ~ 0 12 0 Balance— Bank .. .. .. .. 156 12 6 Investments— Loan on mortgage at 5 per oent. .. 1,200 0 0 Fixed deposit at 4 per cent. .. .. 150 0 0 * £1.557 4 6 4 6 Balance-sheet. —Bowen Prize Fund Account. Dβ. £ s. d. Cβ. £ s . d . Balance from 1900 .. .. .. 132 8 2 Prize .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Reoeipts of 1901 —Interest .. .. 315 8 Balance in Post-Office Savings-Bank .. 126 310 £136J5JL0 £136 3 10 Balance-sheet.—Macmillan-Bbown Memorial Prize Account. Dβ. £ s. d. Cβ. £ s# $ Balance from 1900 .. .. .. £113 7 3 Paid—Proportion of prize .. .. 4 7 3 Balance—Fixed deposit at 4 per cent. .. 109 0 0 £113 7 3 £113 7 3 Balance-sheet on all Accounts. Dβ. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cβ £ s d £ s d Balance from 1900 ..19,288 11 4 PaidImprest .. .. .. 908 13 11 General Account .. 5,879 13 0 20,197 5 3 Ordinary Scholarship AcReceipts of 1901— count .. .. 1,750 13 6 General Account .. 4,968 14 10 John Tinline Scholarship Ordinary Scholarship Ac- Account .. .. 50 12 0 count .. .. 3,616 5 0 Bowen Prize Account .. 10 0 0 John Tinline Scholarship Macmillan Brown Prize AcAccount .. .. 63 0 0 count .. .. 4 7 3 Bowen Prize Account .. 315 8 7 695 5 9 8,651 15 6 ' Balances, Current Accounts— General Account .. 630 15 8 Ordinary Scholarship Account .. .. 373 18 1 John Tinline Scholarship Account .. .. 156 12 6 Bowen Prize Account .. 126 3 10 1,287 10 1 Imprest (English Agenoy) .. 1,007 4 11 Investments and mortgages 18,859 0 0 19,866 4 11 £28,849 0 9 £28,849 0 9J.' W.PJoynt, Eegistrar. Examined and found correct.— J. K. Warburton, Controller and Auditor-General. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,655 copies), £3 10s. 6d.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government I'rinter, Wellington.—l9o2.

Price 3d.]

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND. [In continuation of E.-6, 1901.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND. [In continuation of E.-6, 1901.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, E-06

EDUCATION: UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND. [In continuation of E.-6, 1901.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, E-06

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