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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in compliance with Subsection (2), Section 73, of " The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900."

The Land Purchase Inspector to the Hon. the Minister op Lands. g IE) Government Buildings, Wellington, Bth July, 1902. I have the honour to report the transactions under "The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900," that have taken place during the twelve months which ended on the 31st March, 1902. The Board of Land Purchase Commissions held 19 meetings —viz., for Auckland 1, Hawke's Bay 2, Taranaki 1, Wellington 8, Canterbury 4, Westland 1, Otago 1, and Southland 1; and dealt with 79 estates, containing 381,500 acres. The number of properties offered during the year was 110, containing 452,518 acres. The recommendations of the Board were accepted by the Government for 29 estates, and purchases were completed of 24 properties, containing 82,887 acres 1 rood 31 perches, for which £406,576 11s. lid. was paid. • The names of the estates paid for during the year are—Cradock, Hetana, Kitchener, Methuen, Plumer, and Waari, in Auckland ; Forest Gate, Kumeroa, and Mangatoro, in Hawke's Bay ; Toka-ora, in Taranaki; Langdale, Mangawhata, and Bpuni, in Wellington ; Kohika, Kaimahi', Kapuatohe, Lyndon No. 2, Maytown, Puhuka, Eaincliff, Eapuwai, and Rural Section 36278, in Canterbury ; and Glenham and Eingway, in Southland. Since the Ist April, 1902, other estates have been acquired—viz., Te Eeinga, in Hawke's Bay; Linton, in Wellington ; Patriarch, Eaglan, and Manuka Island, in Marlborough ; Kokotahi, in Westland; Eccleston and Mead, in Canterbury; Windsor Park and Windsor Park No. 2, in Otago. Negotiations are proceeding for the Longbush and Table-lands Euns, 27,000 acres, in Wellington ; the Flaxbourne Estate of 55,000 acres, the Upton Downs, and Weld's Hill Exchanges, in Marlborough; and the Levels Estate in Canterbury, containing 43,000 acres. Requisitions for the compulsory taking of the following estates have been gazetted and served: viz., Longbush and Table-lands in Wellington, containing 27,000 acres, and Kokatahi (Diedrich's) in Westland, containing 4,993 acres. With regard to Milburne and Mount Vernon, which are also to be taken compulsorily, the requisition has to be served on the Milburne trustees in London, and, as they have 150 days in which to respond, the Arbitration Court cannot sit until October or November next. The Mount Vernon case is deferred until both the Hawke's Bay cases can be taken together. Negotiations for the purchase by agreement of a considerable portion of Longbush and Tablelands are nearly complete, and the balance will go before a Court of Arbitration as soon as a date can be settled. The owner of the Kokatahi property having asserted his right to retain the maximum area allowed, an agreement was come to whereby an area of 1,911 acres was acquired at a reasonable price, and the action taking the remainder was adjourned. For workmen's hamlets there were 8 properties purchased during the year—viz., Cradock, Hetana, Kitchener, Methuen, Plumer, and Waari, near Auckland; Kaimahi and Kapuatohe, near Christchurch ; and Puhuka, near Timaru. The transactions under the Land for Settlements Act, as disclosed in the " Statement of Receipts and Expenditure" for the year which ended on the 31st March, 1902, published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 22nd May, show that the rents received from 386,530 acres of lands leased amount to £90,053'55. 6d., and the interest paid was £66,834 18s. 6d., giving a profit for the year of £23,218 7s. The original Land for Settlements Act was passed in October, 1892, the first purchase was made in November, 1893, and the first land offered to the public was in December, 1893. The total purchase-money paid for the 107 estates, containing 448,349 acres, acquired to 31st March, 1902, amounts to £2,117,352 4s. 3d. To this has to be added preliminary expenses, 1-C. 5.


and costs of roading and preparing for settlement, £111,776 sa. lid., making a total cost of £2,229,128 10s. 2d. Interest and expenses on issue of debentures amount to £213,828 4s. sd. The total revenue to the 31st March was £303,105 15s. lid., the surplus or profit to date is therefore £89,377 11s. 6d. The sum at the credit of the account is stated to be £382,692 6s. 3d., which, -with the amount which may be raised, and rents, is sufficient to meet the operations of the current year. On the 31st December, 1901, Mr. James McKerrow retired from office as Chairman of the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners, after a service of forty-three years in various capacities, and the Government transferred me to fill the position. The following resolution was passed by the Board on the 29th November, 1901: " The Board desires to place on record its sense of the very high esteem in which Mr. McKerrow is held, and trusts that he will long be spared to enjoy a well-deserved rest, after his long and arduous labours in the public service. On his retirement our best wishes will follow him, and the hope is expressed that the operations of the Board may be in the future as successfully and harmoniously conducted as under Mr. McKerrow's presidency." The returns and reports required by the Act are appended. I have, &c, A. Bareon, Land Purchase Inspector, Chairman of the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners. The Hon. the Minister of Lands.



TABLE A.—Summary of all Lands offered to Government under "The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900," and how dealt with, from 1st April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902.


Land District where Land situated. Number of Estates offered. Area offered. detuned Area not ™i„„ recommended without going . t, . to Board. by itoava - Area recommended by Board. Area under Consideration. Area withdrawn. Total, Auckland Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Nelson Westland Canterbury Otago Southland 19 3 4 29 2 1 35 6 11 Acres. 183,711 14,938 5,823 47,658 6,002 4,993 86,948 5,930 96,515 Acres. Acres. 65,762 1,860 11,211 6,002 Acres. 1,088 4,850 1,505 ; 11,480 Acres. 116,861 5,865 814 22,313 29,075 2,120 71,610 Acres. 4,223 1,644 2,654 672 4,028 Acres. 183,711 14,938 5,823 47,658 6,002 4,993 86,948 5,930 96,515 4,022 : " I 12,575 7^069 4,993 40,604 3,'810 13,808 82,138 i 4,022 104,479 Total .. i 110 452,518 248,658 13,221 i 452,518 i


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners under the above Act from 1st April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902.


Name of Seller and Locality. I Area offered by Price asked. Price offered for Land. Cost of Roading, Total Price Administra- Total Cost to ,aid to Seller. tion, Date. &c, to Date. . Remarks. Per Acre. Per Acre. I Auckland Land District. Chambers, Mrs. C. A. W., " Cradoek " .. Hoffmann, H. T.. " Hetana " .. Ching, T., " Kitchener " Gallagher's Estate, " Methuen " Boberts, T., " Plumer " Bruce and others, " Waari " A. R. P. 33 0 0 451 0 0 27 0 0 78 0 0 72 0 0 427 0 0 £ s. d. 30 6 0 11 0 0 35 0 0 45 0 0 12 0 0 2 0 0 £ s. d. 30 6 0 11 0 0 32 9 10 45 0 0 12 0 0 2 0 0 £ s. d. 1,000 0 0 4,898 14 3 876 9 8 3,528 16 10 888 0 0 855 8 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,000 0 0 .. 1,000 0 0 i OOP. 1 ± -o. OP. 11 n I .1 QOcc f- Q 4,898 14 3 26 11 0 4,925 5 3 ana (\ o ana n o 876 9 8 .. 876 9 8 ; o coo ic ia I o coo -\ c 1 a £ s. a. I 26 11 0J £ s. d. 1,000 0 0 4,925 5 3 876 9 8 3,528 16 10 888 0 0 860 13 0 Purchase complete. 3,528 16 10 | .. ; 3,528 16 10 qqq n n i ood n o •• 888 0 0 .. 888 0 0 OKK O A K K A l OCA TO A 5 5 0 855 8 0 5 5 0 860 13 0 .2.047 8 9 31 16 0 12.079 4 9 12,079 4 9 Total 1,088 0 0 12,047 8 9 31 16 0 Hawke's Bat Land District. Mason, M., " Te Beinga" .23,1147 ay 3i id u in, my i a 4,850 0 0 3 5 0 3 5 0 Purchase-money since paid. Total 4,850 0 0 " Taranaki Land District. Livingstone, J., " Tokaora " 1,505 0 0 25 0 0 21 0 0 31,616 11 0 11,616 11 0 389 18 8 32,006 9 8 11,616 11 0 389 18 8 32,006 9 8 389 18 8 32,006 9 8 Purchase complete. Total 1,505 0 0 31,616 11 0 389 18 8 32,006 9 8 Wellington Land District. Pharazyn's Executors, " Marahou " Nathan Bros. Greenaway, J. M., " Felton " .. Riddiford, D. J. Linton, R., " Linton's " 1 5,248 0 0 504 0 0 3,140 0 0 2,040 0 0 548 0 0 Owner refused price offered. 9 3 0 22 10 0 18 0 ,0 11 12 0 13 0 0 8 0 0 19 0 0 15 0 0 9 0 0 12 10 0 I I • • Purchase-money sinoe paid. Total 11,480 0 0 Westland Land District. Diedrich, H., "Kokatahi" i 4,993 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 Under consideration at 31st March. Sinoi partly acquired. Total 4,993 0 0 '• '• Canterbury Land District. Elworthy, E. Yonge, R., " Parnassus " Wright, R. .. Barrett, J. Hack's Farm Chapman, E. P., " Eccleston " McGovern and Hardie, " Maytown " .. Sullivan, J., " Rapuwai " 7,820 0 0 7,000 0 0 675 0 0 416 0 0 140 0 0 1,243 0 0 391 0 0 2,250 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 35 0 0 9 0 0 14 0 0 4 0 0 Owner declined price offered. 3 18 0 3 15 0 9 0 0 7 10 0 .. .. „ 8 10 0 13 10 0 4 0 0 37 15 3 37 15 3 5,286 12 0 20 16 0 5,307 8 0 8,990 5 6 167 19 8 9,158 5 2 5,286 12 0 8,990 5 6 37 15 3 20 16 0 167 19 8 37 15 3 5,307 8 0 9,158 5 2 Purchase not approved. 1 The purohase of " Eccleston " has beei j completed since 31st March, 1902. Purchase complete. Carried forward 14,276 17 6 ! 226 10 11 14,503 8 5 19,935 0 0 14,276 17 6 226 10 11 14,503 8 5


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners— continued.


Name of Seller and Locality. Area offered by Vendor. Price asked. Per Acre. Price offered for Land. Per Acre. Cost, of Roading, Total Price Admimstra- Total Cost to paid to Seller. tion, Date. &c, to Date Remarks. Per Acre. Brought forwara Canterbury Land District — continued. Percival, Sir W. B., " Kaimahi" Parker, F. E., " R.S. 36278 " .. Macfarlane, D. D. ana A., " Lynaon No. 2 " A. R. P. 19,935 0 0 £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. 14,276 17 6 £ s. d. 226 10 11 £ s. d. 14,503 8 5 100 0 0 618 0 0 15,750 0 0 50 0 0 0 15 7 47 0 0 0 15 7 2 15 0 4,700 0 0 483 17 9 43,326 5 0 52 5 2 3 3 0 542 9 0 4,752 5 2 487 0 9 43,868 14 0 4,752 5 2 ] ACT A (1 487 0 9 43,868 14 0 Purchase complete. Purchase completed since 31st March 1902. Johnston's Trustees, " Springbank " 1,860 0 0 2,341 0 0 9 15 0 9 10 0 ] 63,611 8 4 - Not approved. Total 63,611 8 4 40,604 0 0 '• 62,787 0 3 824 8 1 Offer accepted, and purchase- money f-incc paid. Otago Land District. Menlove, E., " Windsor Park " 3,810 0 0 10 17 0 8 5 0 " Total 3,810 0 0 Southland Land District. Otago and Southland Investment Co., " Glenham " Murray, Roberts, and Co., " Ringway ".. 11,500 0 0 2,308 0 0 3 4 6 3 9 4 3 4 6 3 5 9 37,100 0 0 8,000 0 0 ■ 412 13 4 ! 37,512 13 4 121 17 I | 8,121 17 I 37,512 13 4 Q 101 17 1 Purchase complete. Total 13,808 0 0 45,100 0 0 534 10 5 45,634 10 5 8,121 17 1 45,634 10 5 | Auckland Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Westland Canterbury Otago Southland SUMMARY. 12,079 4 9 1,088 0 0 4,850 0 0 1,505 0 0 11,480 0 0 4,993 0 0 40,604 0 0 3,810 0 0 13,808 0 0 i ! 12,047 8 9 31,616 11 0 31 16 0 389' 18 8 32,006 9 8 .. " 62,787 0 3 824 8 1 63,611 8 4 I 45,100 0 0 534 10 5 45,63410 5 Toial 82,138 0 0 1151,551 0 0 1,780 13 2 153,331 13 2 I. I


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C (Part I.).—Statement of Lands acquired and offered, from 1st April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 73 of the said Act.


Name of Settlement. Area of each Block. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Mode oi Acquisition. Name of Person or Company from whom acquired. Price paid to Seller. Report of Land Purchase Board. Valuation of Board. Report _ on Conditions and i Settlement of the Land. Report of Board. I Hawke's Bay District — Manga-a-toro A. B. P. ■ £ a! d. £ s. d. 19,581 3. 12 ( '- Blocks XII., Tahoraite Survey District, IX.,X., XIII., and XIV., Mangatiro Survey District Hill and aown lana, on limestone formation By agreement.. - Assets Realisation Boara 88,118 4 3 The land is suitable for mixed farms. The Board recommends purchase 4 10 0 tTaranaki District — Tokaora Soil gooa and fairly heavy, dark-brown mould overlying yellow clay, and m a few places rock 31,616 11 0 Land good and suitable for subdivision into dairy farms. There is a demand for this class of land in the district, and' the Board therefore recommends the Government to purchase 21 0 0 CD a 0 fl O 0 O fl O CO eg w fl *h co r-l CD fl CD rH CO HC o cu CO Hi CC H3 CO cd CQ CO DO 1,505 2 8[ ■Sections 21 to 25, 71 to 73, 96 to 102, nart 105,553, 555, and 663, part 28, Block VIII., Waimate S.D., and Block IX., Hawera S.D. Livingstone, James Wellington Land District — Langdale 9,406 0 0 Blocks II. and III., Rewa, and XIV. ana XV., Mangapakeha Survey Districts Volcanic formation ; subaqueous and alluvial; subsoil generally of a clayey nature Low-lying grassed flats .. Elder's Trustees .. 30,669 10 0 The land is good and suitable for settlement, and the Board recommends its acquisition 3 5 0 Mangawhata 1,240 2 36 Blocks XI. ana XV., TeKauwau Survey District Morrison, M. ■ 16,129 8 6 The land is good, and suitable for settlement. The Board believes there will be a demand for the land 13 0 2 Epuni 98 1 341 2 1 2o) Block XIV., Belmont Survey District Rich level land, with deep loamy alluvial soil, resting on gravel formation f Mason, S. S. , 8,861 12 6) I The land is gooa, ana suitable for subdivision for workmen's homes. The Boara be.lieyes there will be a demand for this land, and therefore recommends its acquisition 19 0 0 -I I Canterbury Land trictRural Section 36278 (Parker) Kohika 618 2 0 Blocks I. ana II., Meyer Survey District Blocks II., Waimate Survey District, ana XIV., Otaio Survey District Block IX., Opihi Survey District Good agricultural land .. ( Forrest, A. Parker, H. R. 285 0 0 i 483 17 9 Board recommends purchase of this land as an addition to Mrs. E. J. Parker's holding, 36206 and 36207 The land is good, and suitable for settlement, and the Board recommends its acquisition 1120 0 0 483 17 9 Raincliff 1,728 2 41 2,135 3 6 J. 553 1 0J 192 1 oj 39 2 7 Flats and open, flat-topped, anaulating, ana rolling aowns Gooa grass land on large area. Teschmaker's Trustees N.Z. Trust ana Loan Company (Limitea) 28,093 4 3' 2,424 5 0 The Boara recommended the purchase of the smaller area so as to reserve the valuable plantation of trees and the larger area of grass land as one farm The land is suitable for subdivision for workmen's homes, and the Board recommends its acquisition Land good and suitable for settlement as workmen's homes. There is a demana for this class of lana. Boara recommends Government to purchase Land good and suitable for settlement. There is a demand in the district for this class of land, and Board recommends Government to purchase Land good and suitable for settlement. There is a demand for land in the district. Board therefore recommends Government to purchase J ( 5 15 0 I 8 10 0 ! I 3 0 0 (400 25 0 0 Puhuka Block X., Arowhenua Soil a deep loam, on a clay subsoil Good black soil on a stiff clay bottom Howley, T. 989 4 4 Kaimahi 100 2 1 Rural Sections 226b and 226c, Block VI., Christchurch Survey District Section 331, Block VII., Christchurch Survey District Blocks X. and XIV., Opihi Survey District Percival, Sir W. B. 4,700 0 0 43 10 0 Kapuatohe 49 3 37 Soil varying from first class to light and inferior Cambriage, A. B. 2,249 3 1 45 0 0 Rapuwai 2,247 2 11 Land good quality, comprising low downs with retentive subsoil Sullivan, J. 8,990 5 6 ! 4 5 0 Southland Lana District — Ringway 2,253 2 8 | Blocks XIV. and XVI., Jacob's River Hundred Part rich loam and part poorish clay. Land generally in good condition Greater part fair agricultural land with friable subsoil Murray,'Roberts, ana i Co. j 8,000 0 0 ; Land good and suitable for settlement in farms of from 200 to 400 acres each. Board therefore recommends Government to purchase Lana gooa and suitable for settlement in farms of from 150 to 500 acres. Boara recommends Government to purchase this estate 8,000 0 0 Glenham 11,484 2 10 J Block* IV. to IX. and XL, Wyndham Survey District; and Block III., Toetoes Survey District Otago ana Southland Investment Company 37,100 0 0 37,000 0 0 Total 53,237 3 34 268,710 6 2



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C (Part II.).—Statement of Land acquired from 1st April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902; but not opened for Selection at. 31st March, 1902.

B eg |1 O o O O «<w OJiOCMO CO ZD ' '. CM CO ! ■ II 1 , 111! HI 1: i, i i. i I 1 °i : : : : : in -s-2 o-iiaj^o I I i Ill ;i lll-sflgSi g.a s , , §£m iSPaasg-i-Sdj rOCOOD OOO OT O O O O O OOS S3 .■ COOCO O0 O O O'. i-O CN t- in t> b-'T' OCOO 00 CO 1C t- i-t • Iβ CO O O CMCD lOCOOD O *O CO CM CO COCO a T-T t*" co <m co co ti ■ . co 10" 00* l> a i-H: -5R-- cm i> -<^co _J „_- r^_ I. * - 111 1 -rf 1 is J 1 till ' 1 r i i ' ; cq M ' &h • ■ pq §1 |-jissgs I |s IIpj "£ ill «|| -si t!i!ii!|.g«|!iL:i!i| fi| tiii fill 3 II l| Ills ii iP.ili-i*- i i^Jp-j hi J (l( k] Oh co CQ .. m cfi —. . , ______ _ - _ - * ■ ~~ ■ — —— o:co-*#m t> ■ o en —< o o o ■ o co cd t- ■ tHtHCO ® M H tH 0$ rHOCM CO O O O-O CN CTrH * s ■ CO «S tp O CM. O CM O r-J <] £ COCM O !M «3 Oi-^xH ** fc" CO fl <Q P* thcococmo co^ctT rH rH 1—( CN CM iH CM tH CM CM OOOttO O a, O a CTl 05 C73 CJi Oi O5 H-i^tHt— ItH t-I i—I 1—1 °d r ■ ■ r - : "I? -fi "Si rfi -a 4J • g g g : ■ t- CO CO CM ' CM Oi .1—1 ■. 1—I b" CO CM tH t —f t—j ,; "•-;*'« ■ CO CM CM . i • • : '"■■ • ■ • • ?<S ; • ■ : ■ .2 I 5 • • • . :"' *- ■I- I B • • 3 1 I 1 1 1 1 s * ill « lil I « « © OS t—I CM CO tH CO CO CO CO L— CO rH

C— 5.

"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C (Part III.).— Summary of Estates acquired before and after 31st March, 1901, and Amounts of Purchase-money.


Name of Land District. No. of Estates acquired before 31st March, 1901. Areas acquired before 31st March, 1901. No. of Estates acquired from 1st April, 1901, to 31st March, 1902. Total Numbers Area acquired from ! of 1st April, 1901, Estates to 31st March, 1902. to 31st March, 1902. Total Area to 31st March, 1902. Amounts of Purchase-money to 31st March, 1902. A. R. P. A. R. P. Auckland 6 35,869 2 14 A. R. P. £ s. d. i 6 1,085 3 21 12 36,955 135 101,794 5 2 I Hawke's Bay 8 39,479 3 28 3 32,003 3 12 11 71,483 3 0 425,553 7 3 ! I Taranaki 1 1,505 2 8 1 1,505 2 8 31,616 11 0 Wellington .. • ■ j 5 5,026 1 05 3 10,746 2 10 8 15,772 3 15 121,346 6 10 Marlborough .. 7 68,135 2 0 7 68,135 2 0 165,292 15 9 Westland •. j 1 3,230 1 6 1 3,230 1 6 3,634 1 6 Canterbury .. • '• 39 132,688 2 27 9 156,496 0 29 843,564 15 1 23,807 2 2 48 : Otago 14 60,396 3 15 ! ! 14 60,396 3 15 34,373 1 18 336,417 5 11 I r Southland -.1 3 20,635 1 0 2 13,738 0 18 5 88,132 15 9 Totals 83 365,462 1 15 448,349 3 6 2,117,352 4 3 24 I 82,887 1 31 107


The Secretary for Crown Lands and Surveyor-General to the Hon. the Minister of Lands. Sir, — Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 23rd June, 1902. During the year eighteen estates, containing 85,023 acres, were, after survey and valuation, duly advertised by public advertisement, distribution of plans and pamphlets, as open in allotments for selection at fixed, upset rentals (5 per cent, on capital value), on the lease-in-perpetuity system, conflicting applications being determined by ballot. Though ten other estates were acquired during the financial year, there was not time to carry out the necessary surveys, &c, and place them on the market before the 31st March. These comprised the Cradock, Hetana, Kitchener, Methuen, Plumer, and Waari Workmen's Homes in the Auckland Land District; Forest Gate and Kumeroa Estates in Hawke's Bay; the Maungaraki Settlement (a further portion) in Wellington; and the Maytown and Lyndon No. 2 Estates in Canterbury. Of the eighteen estates opened for selection, 69,929 acres, in 230 holdings, were leased, including the North Bank property, which was let temporarily as one run, in order that goldminers might be allowed to continue their operations. The Hatuma, Forest Gate, and Kumeroa properties were acquired under the compulsory provisions of the Land for Settlements Act, which method has not resulted in low valuations or capital values as finally determined. The acres undisposed of in the former was not available for disposal till recently, and is now advertised for lease. The 4,348 acres unselected in the Manga-a-toro Settlement includes two small grazing-runs. The balance of Toka-ora Settlement is expected to be quitted shortly. Maungaraki is already sold. The following table shows the estates offered for the first time, and how they were disposed of:—

Estates offered for Selection during the Year ending 31st March, 1902, under "The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900."

Summary of Selectors, Residences, and the Condition of Estates acquired and dealt with, at 31st March, 1902.


Land District, and Name of Estate. Area of Estate Number of Area unselected, An ™™? 1 e ,, ntal Atea of Estate. Selectorg Maroh: im Date of Opening. Hawke's Bay— Hatuma Manga-a-toro .. Taranaki— Tokaora Wellington— Mangawhata .. Epuni Hamlet Maungaraki Marlborough— North Bank Canterbury— Kohika Tarawahi Raincliff Puhuka Kaimahi Kapuatohe R.S. 36278 Rapuwai Otago— Earnscleugh .. Southland Ringway Glenham a. it. p. 26,522 3 20 19,581 3 12 1,505 2 8 1,240 2 36 100 3 14 470 3 4 12,895 0 0 3,864 1 10 31 3 0 745 2 0 39 2 7 100 2 1 49 3 37 618 2 0 2,247 2 11 59 21 6 7 42 10 1 16 12 1 6 12 4 1 5 A. R. p. 709 2 0 4,348 0 0 845 0 22 2 1 24 194 2 22 ll' 0 23 £ a. d. 7,627 3 10 3,921 13 10 670 19 10 826 10 0 480 5 8 125 17 2 300 0 0 1,451 14 2 122 5 8 85 3 10 36 9 4 236 9 10 82 19 2 25 1 8 480 16 8 25 April, 1901. 21 Jan., 1902. 20 Nov., 1901. 14 May, 1901. 25 June, 1901. 20 Dec, 1901. 1 April, 1901. 13 May, 1901. 25 June, 1901. 25 June, 1901. 29 July, 1901. 15 Oct., 1901. 15 Oct., 1901. 14 Nov., 1901. 9 Dec, 1901. 14 0 0 6 1 14 19 2 0 1,269 3 5 10 170 3 6 18 Dec, 1901. 2,253 2 8 11,484 2 10 7 10 8,943 1 24 460 9 0 591 5 2 20 Deo., 1901. 24 March, 1902. 85,023 0 23 230 15,094 0 9 17,695 8 4

Land District and Name of Settlement. Selectors Residences. Condition, Progress, and Prospects. Auckland— Opouriao Okauia Rangiatea.. Karapiro Fencourt Whitehall Hawke's Bay— Baureka Elsthorpe Waimarie Pouparae Tomoana Mabora Willows Hatuma Manga-o-toro 2—C. 5. 01 9 19 17 35 8 64 9 16 14 27 6 Very satisfactory. Very little progress. Fairly satisfactory. Thriving (dairy farms). Progressive and sound (dairy farms) Hopeful; chiefly grazing. 19 46 18 9 13 32 22 59 21 18 27 16 6 11 25 17 34 Prosperous. Thriving. Progress good ; dairying extending. Good. Good (dairy farms). Satisfactory. Only selected last January


Summary of Selectors, Residences, Etc.— continued.

J. W. A. Maechant, Secretary for Crown Lands and Surveyor-General. The Hon. T. Y. Duncan, Minister of Lands. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,575 copies), £9 19s. 6d.

Price 6d.) By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o2.


Land District and Name of Settlement. Selectors. , Besi " dences. Condition, Progress, and Prospects. Paranaki— Tokaora Wellington— Paparangi Ohakea Te Matua Aorangi Langdale .. Mangawha-a Epuni Ham 111 Maungaraki ilarlborough— Blind River Omaka Puhipuhi Starborough Richmond Brook .. North Bank Waipapa Vestland— Poerua Janterbury— Pareora Studholme Junction Kapua Rosebank Otaio Patoa The Peaks.. Roimata Kereta Braoo Epworth Ashley Gorge Omihi Valley Orakipaoa Highbank Otarakaro Wharenui.. Rakitairi Waiapi Horsley Downs Albury R.S. 1862 .. Part R.S. 2682 R.S. 36469, Cannington R.S. 36231 R.S. 36056 and 36057 R.S. 36228 Marawiti .. • Hekeao Pawaho Waikakahi Tamai Takitu Pareora No. 2 Rautawiri Papaka Punaroa Lyndon Kohika Tarawahi Raincliff Puhuka Kaimahi Kapuatohe R.S. 36278 Rapuwai .. )tvgo— Pomahaka Teanaraki Tahawai .. Maerewhenua Puketapu Ardgowan Makareao Makareao No. 2 Momona Tokarahi .. Janefield Elderslie Barnego Earnscleugh Southland — Merrivale Otahu Beaumont.. Ringway Glenham 6 37 15 13 37 25 7 42 10 18 13 2 112 11 1 3 18 28 4 11 14 9 4 11 26 4 14 2 10 1 27 69 5 26 21 15 25 72 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 13 23 162 39 5 33 6 9 16 8 16 12 1 6 12 4 1 5 17 22 8 72 11 65 "i\ 14 79 21 33 21 10 47 7 10 7 10 1 37 11 13 36 15 6 24 18 10 59 10 2 11 28 4 11 14 9 2 11 26 3 13 2 10 20 56 5 26 19 15 25 63 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 13 21 131 32 5 33 6 9 16 6 7 6 Gooa as to part aisposea of. Success assurea. Satisfactory. Very successful. Gooa. Success assured. Good. Satisfactory. Good. Improvements well done. Let temporarily. Indifferent. Progress slow. Satisfactory. Tenants doing well. Suffered from recent flood; condition sound. Doing well. Progressive. Satisfactory. Doing well. Satisfactory. Prosperous. Let temporarily. Improving steadily. Good progress. Good. Good progress. Very satisfactory; tenants doing well. Settlers doing well. Very successful. Let as homesteads for other lands. Good as to large holdings ; small not so successful. Doing well. Satisfactory. Progress rapid; good improvements. Satisfactory progress during year. Doing well; satisfactory improvements. Rapid progress auring year. Satisfactory. Improvea very much. Substantial progress. Excellent start has been maae. Promises well. Satisfactory. Only recently seleetea. Promises well. Gooa start has been made. Sections only recently seleetea. Let as homestead for other land. Only recently selected. 2 7 1 3 17 17 8 57 9 51 Crops good on area let. Progress slow. Prosperous. Prosperous, but crops aamaged. Tenants aoing well. Thriving; crops gooa. 18 Prospects gooa; crops aamaged. 14 42 19 18 18 Tenants aoing well; improvements good and substantial. Satisfactory progress. Promises well. Satisfactory progress. Good progress ; improvements substantial. Only recently seleetea. 37 4 4 6 2 Satisfactory. Not satisfactory. Only recently selected. Totals .. 2 d,039 2,039 1,462

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"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900" (REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, C-05

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"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900" (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, C-05

"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900" (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1902 Session I, C-05

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