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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OF REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Wednesday, the 3rd day of July, 1901. Ordered, " That a Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to examine into and report upon questions relating to the Railways ; with power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Flatman, Mr. Lawry, Mr. Massey, Mr. Morrison, Mr. McGuire, Mr. R. MoKenzie, Mr. G. W. Russell, Mr. Tanner, Mr. J. W. Thomson, and the mover."—(Hon. Sir J. G. Waed, K.C.M.G.)



No. 147.—Petition of David Alexander Jackson, of Christchurch Eoad, Westland. Petitioner asks to be paid the sum of £30, balance of purchase-money for land sold to the New Zealand Midland Railway Company (Limited), which land has since been resumed by the Government. I am directed to report that the Railways Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 20th August, 1901.

No. Petitioner. Page. No. Pettioner. Page. 100 598 Anderson, Jane C. Ayton, J., and others (and 50 similar petitions) 2 3 920 Lang, C. J., and others (and 23 similar petitions) Lawrie, Wilhelmina .. .. Lowe, A., and others (and 72 similar petitions) 6 2 3 713 4 475 539 1270 476 1096 97 Basket, W., and others (and 76 similar petitions) Bell, J. A., and others (and 1 similar petition) Brett,H., and others(and4similar petitions) Brown, G, and others.. Burrell, E. P., and others 7 2 5 2 965 1078 Morrison, Catherine .. .. .. MeCormack, M., and others (and 17 ! similar petitions) MoDowal, J., and another MoNarn, W. .. ■ 5 6 7 5 821 822 1269 Colbeck, W. E., and others (and 1 similar petition) Cronin,J. .. .. 7 656 415 Norgate, W. .. 7 5 823 385 359 820 487 Dean, W. H. and J. T. Dempsey, Euphemia Diack, W. .. 3 7 i Papprill, Silas Patterson, T. .. 5 i 356 Quinn, Amy 5 202 Fitzgerald, J... 2 383 483 Ray, T. Rhodes, Annie 4 4 773 590 Green, W. Grimwood, J., and others 5 7 376 Scott, G. J., and others 3 6 175 Hallett, T. E... Herdman, W. 2 2 384 Turnbul), W. R. 4 147 536 198 Vaile, Samuel (vide also Appendix I.-6b.) 5 Jackson, D. A. Johnston, Margaret 1 5 224 18 623 Walker, T. J. .. Weaver, Sarah .. .. White, P. C, and others (and 1 similar j petition) Wilson, T. C, and others (and 92 similar petitions) 2 2 7 6 206 Kerse, C, and others (vide also Appendix I.-6A.) 2 655 7 892 Lambe, W., and others (and 1 similar petition)



No. 18. —Petition of Mrs. Sarah Weaver, of Napier. Petitioner asks for a compassionate allowance consequent on the loss of her husband by a railway accident. I am directed to report that the Railways Committee recommends that, considering the very straitened circumstances of the petitioner, the Government be asked to pay her a compassionate allowance as early as possible. 20th August, 1901.

No. 475. —Petition of Wilhelmina Lawrie, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for compassionate allowance on account of the death of her husband, caused by an accident in the course of his employment under the Railways Department. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 22nd August, 1901.

No. 206.—Petition of C. Kerse and 600 Others (No. 1), of Dunrobin, Dunedin. Petitioners pray that the Heriot Railway Extension be carried by Ross's Survey to a point suitable to the whole district. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration, and, together with the report and evidence thereon, be printed [vide 1.-6 a.] ; but, as the subject-matter of the petition involves a question of public policy, the Committee have no further recommendation to make. 22nd August, 1901.

No. 6.—Petition of T. E. Hallett, of Mercer. Petitioner prays that, as compensation for loss which he has sustained owing to the destruction by fire and delay in reinstatement of the refreshment-room at Mercer Railway-station, of which he is lessee, he be granted an extension of three years on the expiration of his lease. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 22nd August, 1901.

Nos. 476, 477, 495, 496, and 497.—Petitions of H. Brett and Others, H. J. Ingle and Others, Wilsons and Horton and Others, W. and G. Winstone and Others, and J. Jones and Others, of Auckland. Petitioners pray that the extension of the Main Trunk Railway north of Auckland be carried on at a greater rate of progress than in the past. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government; but, as the subject-matter thereof involves a question of public policy, the Committee has no further recommendation to make. 22nd August, 1901.

No. 97.—Petition of E. F. Burrell, of Nelson, and Others. Petitioners pray for the construction of a railway-line between Richmond and Motueka, by way of Upper Moutere. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th September, 1901.

No. 100. —Petition of Jane Cowie Anderson, of Dunedin. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance for the death of her husband while in the railway service. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that Mrs. Anderson's petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th September 1901.

No. 175. —Petition of William Herdman, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance on account of a railway accident in the course of his employment in the railway service. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petitioner should be provided with some light employment in the railway service as soon as he is able to undertake such work, and that the allowance of £1 per week be continued in the meantime. 12th September 1901.

No. 202. —Petition of J. Fitzgerald, of Big Grey, Ikamatua. Petitioner prays for relief for damages sustained by reason of his land and fencing being washed away in consequence of the construction of a railway-bridge. I am directed to rejport that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 12th September, 1901.

No. 224.—Petition of T. J. Walker, of Otautau. Petitioner prays for compensation for land taken for railway purposes. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th September, 1901.



No. 376 —Petition of G. J. Scott and Others. Petitioners pray for more vigorous progress with the construction of the Catlin's Branch Rail-way-line. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th September, 1901.

No. 359.—Petition of W. H. Dean and J. T. Dean, of Pokeno. Petitioners pray for compensation for loss of their flax-crops through a fire caused by a railwayengine. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 12th September, 1901.

No. 598. —Petition of James Ayton and 7 Others (and 50 other similar Petitions, as per following Schedule). No. 599. T. Hedley and 13 others. No. 755. R. J. Harris and 11 others. No. 600. J. Bisset and 12 others. No. 756. S. B. Taylor and 13 others. No. 601. A. E. Bisset and 13 others. No. 757. A. E. Inkster and 15 others. No. 602. T. Marshall and 14 others. No. 758. C. E. Rawlings and 14 others. No. 603. F. W. Kysh and 12 others. No. 759. Peita Inita and 15 others. No. 604. J. G. Foote and 11 others. No. 760. H. Bird and 15 others. No. 605. J. Forsyth and 8 others. No. 761. E. Kyber and 14 others. No. 606. T. Child and 7 others. No. 762. A. Morris and 15 others. No. 607. D. Rowlands and 10 others. No. 763. R. Hutchinson and 15 others. No. 608. T. Gager and 9 others. No. 764. E. W. Davey and 14 others. No. 609. A. Collington and 7 others. No. 765. A. J. Wright and 13 others. No. 610. Driver and Lovatt and 14 others. No. 875. P. Anderson and 53 others. No. 611. A. Foust and 14 others. No. 876. — Bloomfield and 51 others. No. 612. 0. B. M. Lloyd and 14 others. No. 877. J. H. Bills and 48 others. No. 613. J. W. Steadman and 14 others. No. 878. L. P. Adams and 15 others. No. 625. W. E. Telfer and 14 others. No. 879. P. McNamara and 16 others. No. 626. T. Pringle and 16 others. No. 880. M. Alexander and 15 others. No. 627. W. Hansen and 9 others. No. 881. H. G. Nudd and 15 others. No. 628. J. Robertson and 10 others. No. 882. M. A. Rawlings and 29 others. No. 629. J. Whiteman and 18 others. No. 1009. Annie Hedley and 14 others. No. 630. W. G. Driver and 34 others. No. 1010. M. A. McGovern and 15 others. No. 631. J. W. Nelson and 34 others. No. 1011. F. Fraser and 15 others. No. 632. W. Sirl and 44 others. No. 1012. H. T. Hutton and 15 others. No. 633. G. Nobis and 22 others. No. 1013. F. Reinhart and 11 others. No. 754. H. Dickison and 14 others. No. 1014. W. Crickett and 9 others. Petitioners pray for the connection by railway of Whangarei and Kawakawa. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th September, 1901.

No. 539. —Petition of A. Lowe, of Auckland, and 19 Others (and 72 other similar Petitions, as per following Schedule). No. 540. J. Stewart and 18 others. No. 698. T. A. Gubb and 303 others. No. 541. A. M. Myers and 42 others. No. 707. E. Yates and 123 others. No. 542. H. E. Partridge and 539 others. No. 766. T. H. White and 19 others. No. 543. E. R. Bloomfield and 543 others. No. 767. J. A. Haslett and 510 others. No. 544. O. Paterson and 19 others. No. 778. T. H. Hall and 699 others. No. 545. Auokland Gas Company and 21 others. No. 779. J. Burtt and 499 others. No. 546. Buckland and Sons and 20 others. No. 780. A. L. Lawson and 499 others. No. 547. J. Regan and 19 others. No. 781. A. Kidd and 9 others. No. 548. W. H. Carter and 19 others. No. 794. F. M. St. Clair and 504 others. No. 549. W. Bridgman and 19 others. No. 795. H. S. Davison and 19 others. No. 550. — Peacock and 19 others. No. 796. J. Dormer and 19 others. No. 551. — Baohelder and 19 others. No. 797. E. G. Hooper and 19 others. No. 552. M. Murohie and 19 others. No. 798. J. R. Bullen and 19 others. No. 553. J. Sohisohka and 21 others. No. 799. D. Goldie and 19 others. No. 554. G. Parks and 19 others. No. 800. R. Lister and 19 others. No. 555. F. W. Kwai and 20 others. No. 801. J. H. Golding and 19 other*. No. 556. T. Leitch and 16 others. No. 802. W. Percival and 19 others. No. 557. E. Yeats and 18 others. No. 803. A. Baddeley and 19 others. No. 558. J. Trenwith and 21 others. No. 804. A. L. Wilson and 19 others. No. 559. J. Bryant and 19 othere. No. 805. D. H. McKonzie and 19 others. No. 560. T. Caley and 19 others. No. 806. F. H. Giles and 19 others. No. 561. H. M. J. Clelland and 42 others. No. 807. W. Monaghan and 19 others. No. 562. W. Clerk and 477 others. No. 808. S. W. Plan and 19 others. No. 564. A. Porter and 219 others. No. 809. W. Kinsey and 19 others. No. 565. E. Mitchelson and 219 others. No. 810. M. C. M. Grace and 19 others. No. 566. J. H. Maokie and 219 othern. No. 811. A. Rogers and 19 others. No. 674. J. Dacre and 99 others. No. 812. A. D. Brown and 19 others. No. 686. Clark and Sons and 281 others. No. 813. A. 0. Hobbs and 19 others. No. 687. G. L. Peacocke and 113 others. No. 814. W. J. Cousins and 19 others. No. 649. F. Martis and 109 others. No. 815. M. Jones and 19 others. No. 650. J. Burns and 119 others. No. 816. P. C. Brown and 19 others. No. 664. E. Morton and 265 others. No. 817. C. J. Tunks and 19 others. No. 665. D. B. Gilflllan and 97 others. No. 818. Kate Gutry and 19 others. No. 683. J. Kirker and 251 others. No. 819. T. Spencer and 259 others. No. 684. W. Frost and 125 others. No. 861. J. Webster and 54 others. No. 697. F. Rogers and 139 others. No. 884. A, Nicol and 359 others.



Petitioners pray for speedier construction of the Main Trunk Railway north of Auckland. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th September, 1901.

No. 713. —Petition of W. Basket, of Whangarei, and 13 Others (and 76 other similar Petitions, as per following Schedule). No. 714. H. Ware and 13 others. No. 752. F. G. Thomas and 11 others. No. 715. H. Beehire and 13 others. No. 753. J. H. MoKenzie and 15 others. No. 716. E. Gray and 13 others. No. 824. H. G. Nudd and 12 others. No. 717. A. F. Mclan and 13 others. No. 825. W. Ciotworthy and 13 others. No. 718. M. Higginson and 13 others. No. 826. D. Urquhart and 15 others. No. 719. G. Gocher and 13 others. No. 827. G. Casey and 14 others. No. 720. G. Martin and 15 others. No. 828. W. L. Squires and 12 others. No. 721. E. 0. Weaver and 13 others. No. 829. E. Morey and 14 others. No. 722. Harrison and Sons and 13 others. No. 830. M. H. M. Wilson and 12 others. No. 723. P. Smith and 11 others. No. 831. A. Morgan and 16 others. No. 724. W. Woods and 13 others. No. 832. M. A. LeClere and 14 others, No. 725. E. Plaisted and 13 others. No. 833. G. Ross and 16 others. No. 726. J. R. Molnnis and 13 others. No. 834. R. R. Hodge and 11 others. No. 727. A. McKmnon and 13 others. No. 835. C. J. LeClere and 17 others. No. 728. A. S. Harden and 13 others. No. 836. J. Lockerby and 10 otheis. No. 729. J. McKinnon and 13 others. No. 837. J. C. Scott and 9 others. No. 730. F. Gibbs and 14 others. No. 838. J. Jones and 12 others. No. 731. F. W. Sadman and 13 others. No. 839. J. L. MoKenzie and 12 others. No. 732. F. Wyatt and 13 others. No. 840. D. A. McLean and 13 others. No. 733. H. A." Going and 13 others. No. 841. C. McKay and 11 others. No. 734. W. Cameron and 13 others. No. 842. F. Hart and 12 others. No. 735. J. Rawnsley and 16 others. No. 843. J. Stewart and 14 others. No. 736. O. MoKinnon and 13 others. No. 844. H. R. Cook and 13 others. No. 737. T. L. Drummond and 13 others. No. 845. W. A. Watson and 14 others. No. 738. W. Munro and 13 others. No. 846. S. Blackburn and 10 others. No. 739. E. Sunderland and 13 others. No. 847. H. Crawford and 11 others. No. 740. A. L. Woolley and 11 others. No. 848. C. E. Mackasey and 11 others. No. 741. H. S. Wrack and 13 others. No. 849. M. H. Carter and 12 others. No. 742. J. M. Spenoe and 13 others. No. 850. J. C. Miller and 3 others. No. 743. E. Douglas and 13 others. No. 851. W. Vvle and 14 others. No. 744. F. Higginson and 13 others. No. 852. W. B. Gillingham and 11 others. No. 745. G. Wilkinson and 12 others. No. 853. E. W. Gillingham and 11 others. No. 746. M. E. Carruth and 12 others. No. 854. M. Weir and 12 others. No. 747. J. Smith and 10 others. No. 855. S. Graham and 2 others.' No. 748. B. W. Cook and 10 others. No. 856. H. J. James and 9 others. No. 749. B V. Going and 13 others. No. 857. S. Rawnsley and 13 others. No. 750. E. J. Smedley and 11 others. No. 858. W. H. Hammond and 10 others. No. 751. F. M. Vaile and 11 others. | No. 859. W. Morgan and 11 others. Petitioners pray for the extension of the railway from Whangarei to Grahamstown. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th September, 1901.

No. 487. —Petition of William Diack, of Waikouaiti. Petitioner prays for compensation for sheep killed by train at Diack's Crossing, Tumai, ou the 17th October, 1900. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 25th September, 1901.

No. 383.—Petition of Thomas Ray, of Carterton. Petitioner prays for compensation for land taken for railway purposes. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the Government place a sum on the supplementary estimates to compensate the petitioner for the land taken. Bth October, 1901.

No. 384.—Petition of William Robert Turnbull, of Invercargill. Petitioner prays for compensation for injuries sustained in a railway accident on the 25th March, 1900, between Elles Road and Invercargill Railway-stations. I am directed to report that the Committee sees no reason to alter its report of last year. Bth October, 1901.

No. 385.—Petition of Thomas Patterson, of South Invercargill. Petitioner prays for compensation for injuries received at a railway-crossing at Canon Street, Invercargill, in 1886. I am directed to report that the Committee sees no reason to alter its report of last year. Bth October, 1901.

No. 483. —Petition of Annie Rhodes, of Dunedin. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance for the loss of her husband, John Rhodes, otherwise John Witheman, killed on the railway on the 18th June, 1901. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the Government pay the petitioner the sum of £50. Bth October, 1901.



No. 536. —Petition of Margaret Johnston, of Taupaki. Petitioner prays for the construction of a roadway across the Kaipara railway to her land. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth October, 1901.

No. 198.—Petition of Samuel Vaile, of Auckland. Petitioner prays that, if any alteration is made in the system of administering the railways, the system proposed by the Department may be tried on one section, and simultaneously the stage system as designed by the petitioner may be tried on the Auckland Section. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that, as the subject of the petition involves a matter of policy, the petition be referred to the Government for consideration; also, that the evidence taken before the Committee, together with departmental reports on the petition and evidence, be laid on the table of the House and be printed [vide Appendix 1.-6b] . 30th October, 1901.

No. 356. —Petition of Amy Quinn, of Auckland. Petitioner prays for a compassionate allowance as the widow of the late Patrick Quinn, who was injured whilst saving Government property when engaged in the Railway Department. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that the petition, be referred to the Government for consideration. 30th October, 1901.

No. 656.—Petition of John Cronin, of Wellington. Petitioner prays for compassionate allowance for injuries received whilst working on railway-line, Selwyn. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th October 1901.

No. 773. —Petition of William Green, of Westport. Petitioner prays for compensation for injuries sustained while crossing the railway at Westport. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be forwarded to the Government for favourable consideration. 30th October, 1901.

No. 822.—Petition of William McNarn, of Ngakawau. Petitioner prays for compensation owing to action of Railway Department in letting reserve fronting his property to another person. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th October, 1901.

No. 823.—Petition of Silas Papprill, of Westport. Petitioner prays for further compassionate allowance owing to total loss of sight through following his usual occupation in the Railway Department. I am directed to report that, in view of the fact that the petitioner totally lost his sight whilst in the employ of the Railway Department, the Committee recommends a further grant of £50 to help in providing him with a home. 30th October, 1901.

No. 965. —Petition of Catherine Morrison, of Belgrove. Petitioner prays for compensation for certain land taken for railway purposes by the New Zealand Midland Railway Company. I am directed to report that, as it appears Mrs. Morrison was awarded £500 compensation by the Midland Railway Company, which sum was not paid, the Committee recommends the claim to the favourable consideration of the Government. 30th October, 1901.

No 1096.—Petition of George Brown and 101 Others, of Tuakau. Petitioners pray that the work of closing the main road through the Tuakau Railway-station yard be suspended until the proposal can be further considered and fairly gone into by some disinterested persons. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government. 30th October, 1901.



No. 920.—Petition of C. J. Lang and 11 Others (and 23 other similar Petitions, as per following Schedule). No. 921. T. Somner and 13 others. No. 997. H. Stokes and 11 others. No. 922. D. MoKenzie and 11 others. No. 998. A. Gell and 13 others. No. 923. R. Finlayson and 11 others. No. 999. M. McLean and 13 others. No. 924. W. S. Hart and 11 others. No. 1000. J. Droney and 12 others. No. 925. J. 3. Finlayson and 12 others. No. 1001. S. Mclnnis and 11 others. No. 926. E. Bourneville and 16 others. No. 1002. M. McGregor and 11 others. No. 927. G. Sissons, and 7 others. No. 1069. D. Patterson and 15 others. No. 928. W, Carter and 11 others. No. 1070. G. E. Smith and 8 others. No. 929. F. Whiddon and 12 others. No. 1071. M. K. Wilson and 14 others. No. 930. B. Yates and 6 others. No. 1072. G. Southerland and 11 others. No. 931. J. E. Ewing and 10 others. No. 1121. R. J. Donaldson and 14 others. No. 996. J. Marshall and 12 others. Petitioners pray for the extension of the railway from Whangarei to Grahamstown. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. sth November, 1901.

No. 1078.—Petition of M. McCormack and 25 Others (and 17 other similar Petitions, as per following Schedule). No. 1079. F. Strugnell and 32 others. j No. 1112. G. Puflett and 15 others. No. 1080. R. Jones and 14 others. No. 1113. M. Hoey and 15 others. No. 1105. W. Stewart and 27 others. No. 1114. R. Harris and 15 others. No. 1106. J. Halliday and 5 others. No. 1171. R. W. Brown and 27 others. No. 1107. T. Halliday and 27 others. No. 1172. E. Simpson and 27 others. No. 1108. P. MoAlister and 7 others. No. 1197. W. Alexander and 21 others. No. 1109. E. McGill and 51 others. No. 1202. D. C. Wilson and 18 others. No. 1110. C. Kelland and 3 others. No. 1206. A. W. Teller and 17 others. No. 1111. A. E. Mason and 14 others. Petitioners pray for the connection by railway of Whangarei and Kawakawa. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. sth November, 1901.

No. 892. —Petition of T. C. Wilson and 39 Others (and 92 other similar Petitions, as per following Schedule). No. 893. J. L. Campbell and 30 others. No. 1051. D. G. Burns and 39 others. No. 894. T. O'Rorke and 19 others. No. 1052. K. S. Green and 39 others. No. 895. M. M. Potter and 19 others. No. 1053. M. A. Mays and 39 others. No. 896. C. W. McAuliffe and 19 others. No. 1054. J. L. Howarth and 39 others. No. 897. J. H. Cuming and 19 others. No. 1055. F. M. Robertson and 39 others. No. 898. H. Johnson and 19 others. No. 1056. 0. P. Charlton and 39 other*. No. 899. J. Ozaro and 19 others. No. 1057. A. Croll and 39 others. No. 900. G. W. Bowen and 19 others. No. 1058. A. Swales and 39 others. No. 901. D. Goldwater and 19 others. No. 1059. W. M. Ramsay and 39 others. No. 902. B. Rowe and 19 others. No. 1060. B. M. Lawford and 39 others. No. 903. C. Mackay and 19 others. No. 1061. Ann Waters and 39 others. No. 904. R. James and 19 others. No. 1062. J. Lindsay and 39 others. No. 905. A. C. Caughey and 19 others. No. 1063. W. Pitts and 39 others. No. 906. L. Knight and 19 others. No. 1064. J. Biddle and 39 others. No. 907. E. A. Craig and 19 others. No. 1065. J. Harvey and 39 others. No. 908. F. Frischen and 19 others. No. 1066. J. Hemphill and 26 others. No. 932. J. McColl and 18 others. No. 1067. J. Downe and 39 others. No. 933. J. L. Clark and 25 others. No. 1068. J. Curtis and 39 others. No. 934. C. Williamson and 21 others. No. 1074. R. T. Warnook and 1,187 others. No. 935. G. Cox and 20 others. No. 1094. J. Hill and 699 others. No. 936. J. Endean and 21 others. ■ No. 1122. F. Watson and 219 others. No. 937. J. Gilliland and 19 others. No. 1123. K. Worlew and 41 others. No. 938. E. Beale and 19 others No. 1124. J. Reynolds and 41 others. No. 939. S. McGehan and 19 others. No. 1125. S. Armstrong'and 41 others. No. 940. W. Watson and 19 others. No. 1126. W. D. L. Kerr and 41 others. No. 941. J. Clark and 18 others. No. 1127. F. Neilson and 41 others. No. 942. E. Haydon and 19 others. No. 1128. K. Webb and 41 others. No. 943. H. C. Choyce and 20 others. No. 1129. W. P. Parker and 41 others. No. 1003. P. J. Nerheny and 142 others. No. 1130. A. Hills and 41 others. No. 1004. H. Johnson and 11 others. No. 1131. W. J. May and 41 others. No. 1005. H. H. Thompson and 20 others. No. 1132. M. E. Brown and 41 others. No. 1006. W. F. Thompson and 21 others. No. 1133. M. J. Kent and 41 others. No. 1007. G. Watt and 139 others. No. 1134. H. Miller and 41 others. No. 1008. P. A. Vaile and 19 others. No. 1135. F. Thorpe and 41 others. No. 1016. A. A. Boreham and 20 others. No. 1136. C, Anderson and 41 others. No. 1017. J. Mcßae and 20 others. No. 1137. C. Bettham and 41 others. No. 1018. F. Dye and 39 others. No. 1138. A. D. Hawkesby and 41 others. No. 1019. J. Donaghy and 20 others. No. 1139. G. J. Mackav and 41 others. No. 1020. M. Edwards and 1,484 others. No. 1140. D. Herd and" 41 others. No. 1044. A. Martin and 39 others. No. 1141. M. Bacon and 41 others. No. 1045. T. Croll and 39 others. No. 1142. A. C. Atkin and 41 others. No. 1046. M. J. Bowles and 39 others. No. 1143. W. J. Gunson and 41 others. No. 1047. F. Fisher and 39 others. No. 1151. W. Taylor and 376 others. No. 1048. G. Foster and 39 others. No. 1209. B. Keane and 208 others. No. 1049. J. Lumpkin and 39 others. No. 1258. A. Armstrong and 503 others. No. 1050. A. Hicks and 39 others. i No. 1269. W. E. Oolbeok and 4,059 others, Petitioners pray for the speedier construction of the Main Trunk Railway north of Auckland. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. sth November, 1901.



No. 415—Petition of W. Norgate, of Lyttelton. Petitioner prays for consideration owing to injuries received by railway accident. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend the petitioner be appointed a crossingkeeper, and that the matter be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th November, 1901.

No. 590.—Petition of J. Grimmond and Others, of Ross. Petitioners pray that provision be made on this year's estimates for the extension of the Grey-mouth-Hokitika Railway to Ross. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the matter be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 6th November, 1901.

Nos. 655 and 658.—Petition of W. Lambe and Others, of Papatoitoi, and S. Collard and Others, of Runciman. Petitioners pray that the speed of the morning and evening trains between Mercer and Auckland may be accelerated. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends these petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th November, 1901.

Nos. 623 and 690.—Petition of F. C. White and Others, of Putere, and Samuel Carnell and Others, of Napier. Petitioners pray that railway communication be established between Napier and Gisborne. I am directed to report that the Committee recommend that these petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th November, 1901.

Nos. 1270 and 1271. —Petitions of J. A. Bell and Others and James Ricket and Others. Petitioners pray that a railway-station be erected at the Wharepoa crossing. I am directed to report that, as the prayer of the petitioners involves a question of policy, the Committee recommends that the petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th November, 1901.

Nos. 1269 and 1281.—Petition of W. E. Colbeck and Others, of Auckland, and Martin Kapa and Others, of Kaikohi. Petitioners pray for the extension of the main trunk line of railway north of Auckland. I am directed to report that, as the subject of the petitions involves a question of policy, the Committee recommends they be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th November, 1901.

No. 821.—Petition of John McDowal and Another, of Timaru. Petitioners, having been dismissed from the railway service, pray for consideration. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th November, 1901.

No. 820.—Petition of E. Dempsey, of Lyttelton. Petitioner prays for consideration in consequence of the death of her husband, as the result of an accident on the railway. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petitioner be paid the sum of £25 in full of all demands, and that the matter be referred to the Government. 7th November, 1901.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,200 copies), £1 ss.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.--1901.*

Price 6d.]

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REPORTS OF RAILWAYS COMMITTEE. (MR. R. McKENZIE, CHAIRMAN.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, I-06

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REPORTS OF RAILWAYS COMMITTEE. (MR. R. McKENZIE, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, I-06

REPORTS OF RAILWAYS COMMITTEE. (MR. R. McKENZIE, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, I-06

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