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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in compliance with Subsection (2), Section 73, of " The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900."

The Land Purchase Inspector to the Hon. the Minister of Lands. Sir,— Department of Land for Settlements, Wellington, Ist July, 1901. I have the honour to report on the transactions under "The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900," for the twelve months ending the 31st March, 1901. There were fifteen meetings of the Boards held during the year for business, viz. : Hawke's Bay, 5; Wellington, 7; Marlborough, 1; Canterbury, 2. Seventy-three estates, of a total area of 315,612 acres, were offered during the year. Of that area, 144,640 acres were declined, not recommended, or withdrawn, leaving 170,972 acres, of which an area of 75,861 acres is under consideration, and an area of 95,111 acres was recommended for purchase. Including with this latter area part of the land offered in the previous year, twentynine estates were recommended for purchase, with the result that offers were accepted for fourteen estates, of an aggregate area of 70,961 acres, for the sum of £350,351. Of the other fifteen estates, the owners of nine declined the prices offered, and the owners of six withdrew their lands from offer. The names of the estates purchased are—part of Karapiro, Hatuma, Mangatoro, Langdale, Mangawhata, Maungaraki, Epuni, Lyndon, Waipapa, Tarawahi, Kohika, Baincliff, Puhuka, part Station Peaks, Earnscleugh. Possession has been given of all these, with the exception of Mangatoro, which is now under sectional survey. Since the Ist April, 1901, the following estates have been purchased, and are now under subdivisional survey: Toka-ora, 1,500 acres; Eural Section 36278, 618 acres ; Kapuatohe, 50 acres; Kaimahi, 100 acres, near Papanui; Kakahu, 2,250 acres; Bingway, 2,308 acres; Glenham, 11,500 acres. Included in these purchases there is an aggregate of 1,050 acres, in eight different localities, for workmen's homes and small holdings. One-half is presently under survey prior to being offered for selection. Negotiations are in progress for further purchases for these purposes. Considerable difficulty is experienced in acquiring suitable land for workmen's homes near the populous centres, at a price and in position within the reach of those who are to occupy and to travel daily to and from their work, either by rail, bicycle, or on foot. The restrictions in section 13 of " The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900," have been availed of during the year in preventing the acquisition of two selections of rural land of about 100 acres each, used solely for grazing, not occupied residentially, and outside a borough. Thus, on the offer being made to purchase, the owners in each case "delayed giving their replies until they had by deed of gift handed over onehalf of the respective properties to a member of their families, thereby effectually stopping the taking of the land coinpulsorily, had that been intended. The Government having decided to take compulsorily the following estates—Forest Gate, 8,250 acres ; Kumeroa, 3,600 acres ; Kokatahi, 4,993 acres —the necessary notifications have been gazetted and served on the respective owners, as required by statute, preparatory to the claims being heard before the Compensation Court. The total purchases under the Land for Settlements Act since its commencement up to the 31st March, 1901, are ninety-one estates, containing an area of 395,483 acres, at a cost, including liabilities, of £1,888,723 for land. During the three months —Ist April to the 30th June, 1901—seven estates were purchased, of an area of 18,330 acres, to cost £93,350 for land. Appended hereto are details in tabular form, viz.: Table A—Eeturn of all Lands offered to the Government, and how dealt with, from the Ist April, 1900, to the 31st March, 1901. Table B— Eeturn of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners to the 31st March, 1901. Table C —Statement of Lands acquired to the 31st March, 1901. Eeport of the Assistant Surveyor-General on the Condition and Settlement of Lands acquired. I have, &c. James McKerrow, Chairman of Board of Land Purchase Commissioners The Hon. Minister of Lands, and Land Purchase Inspector, I—C. 5,


TABLE A.-Return of all Lands offered to Government under "The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900," and how dealt with, from 1st April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901.


Land District where Land situated. Area offered. Price asked per Acre. Area declined without going to Board. Area not recommended by Board. Area recommended by Board. Offer accepted or rejected by Vendor. Remarks. Auckland — A. R. P. 7,000 0 0 956 0 0 9,374 0 0 £ s. d. 10 0 4 10 0 0 6 5 A. R. P. A. R. p. 7,000 0 0 A. R. P. 956 0 0 Rejeoted Land not suitable. Vendor would not accept Government offer. Land not suitable. 9,374 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 Land not suitable. Total 956 0 0 17,380 0 0 16,424 0 0 Hawke's Bay — Rejected Owner declined price offered. 3,600 0 0 681 0 0 945 0 0 8,296 0 0 5,430 0 0 8,451 0 0 65,570 0 0 19,550 0 0 676 0 0 8 0 0 4 10 0 13 0 0 0 0 10 0 3 6 4 10 0 8,451 0 0 65,570 0 0 3,600 0 0 681 0 0 945 0 0 8,296 0 0 Withdrawn. Land not suitable. 19,550 0 0 Accepted. Purchase not complete. Withdrawn. Total 113,199 0 0 74,021 0 0 33,072 0 0 6,106 acres withdrawn. •• •• Wellington — 8,275 0 0 1,241 0 0 5,327 0 0 9,406 0 0 Rejected Accepted Rejected Accepted Vendor would not accept offer of Government. Vendor accepted offer ; purchase complete. Vendor would not accept Government offer. Purchase complete. Under consideration. Owner refused price offered. Land unsuitable. 8,275 0 0 1,241 0 0 5,327 0 0 9,406 0 0 9,100 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 4,837 0 0 2,048 0 0 213 0 0 423 0 0 1,266 0 0 100 0 0 2 0 0 100 0 0 3,762 0 0 40 0 0 65 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 55 0 0 1,606 0 0 676 0 0 630 0 0 6 0 0 13 0 0 35 0 26' 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 8 5 0 90 0 0 120 0 0 .. - 100 0 0 4,837 0 0 213 0 0 •• - 20 0 0 - 2,048 0 0 423 0 0 1,266 0 0 100 0 0 2 0 0 100 0 0 Rejeoted Rejeoted Accepted Vendors declined Government offer. Land too high-priced, and difficult of access. Title not complete to small portion. Purchased for Defence Department as rifle-range, Trentham. Purchase not quite complete. " Rejected. Land transferred by vendor. Under consideration. 45 0 0 40 0 0 65 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 Land unsuitable. 100 0 0 10 0 0 • Under consideration. Withdrawn. Under consideration. Vendor declined price offered. ■■ 630' 0 0 Rejected. Total 49,367 0 0 13,633 acres under consideration; 1,606 acres withdrawn. 5,290 0 0 28,838 0 0 Marlborough — Accepted Purchase complete. 3,648 0 0 2 6 7 3,648 0 0 Total 3,648 0 0 3,648 0 0



TABLE A.—Return of all Lands offered to Government under "The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900," and how dealt with, from 1st April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901— continued.

Land District where Land situated. Area offered. Price asked per Acre. Area declined without going to Board. Area not recom mended by Board. Area recommended by Board. Offer accepted or rejected by Vendor. Remarks. I Westland — A. R. P. 139 0 0 £ s. d. A. R. P. 139 0 0 A. R. P. A. R. P. Land not suitable. Total 139 0 0 139 0 0 Canterbury — 665 0 0 4,200 0 0 1,400 0 0 1,932 0 0 5,700 0 0 374 0 0 156 0 0 ' 3,864 0 0 619 0 0 383 0 0 15,750 0 0 39 0 0 39 0 0 57 0 0 100 0 0 68 0 0 32 0 0 16 0 0 744 0 0 10,060 0 0 30,000 0 0 2,250 0 0 50 0 0 8 0 0 11 5 0 7 0 0 14 5 0 12 0 0 14' 10 0 3 0 0 25 0 0 13 0 0 3 0 0 45 0 0 95 0 0 95 0 0 4,200 0 0 1,400 0 0 1,932 0 0 Accepted Declined Withdrawn. Purchase complete. Government offer not accepted by vendor. 5,700 0 0 374 0 0 156 0 0 Not suitable. 3,864 0 0 619 0 0 383 0 0 Accepted Purchase not quite complete. Rejected Government offer not accepted. Under consideration. Purchase not quite complete. Cabinet did not approve. Land not suitable. Under consideration. Government offer not accepted. Purchase complete. Land sold privately. Purchase not quite complete. Cabinet did not approve. Land not suitable. Under consideration. 39' 0 0 39 0 0 Accepted 57' 0 0 68 0 0 32 0 0 16 0 0 744 0 0 10,060 0 0 Rejected Accepted Accepted 30,000 0 0 Total 78,498 0 0 30,000 0 0 6,287 0 0 23,396 0 0 18,150 acres under consideration ; 665 acres withdrawn. Otago — 1,152 0 0 4,049 0 0 18,200 0 0 1,109 0 0 70 0 0 33 0 0 Accepted Rejected. Purchase completed. Government offer not accepted. Under consideration. Land not suitable. Under consideration. Land not suitable. 4 0 0 1,152 0 0 4,049 0 0 1,109 0 0 33 0 0 • • Total 24,613 0 0 1,142 0 0 5,201 0 0 18,270 acres under consideration. Southland — Land not suitable. Under consideration. 2,960 0 0 11,500 0 0 2,308 0 0 12,000 0 0 •• .. 2,960 0 0 Total ! 28,768 0 0 | i 25,808 acres under consideration. - 2,960 0 0


TABLE A.—Return of all Lands offered to Government under "The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900," and how dealt with, from 1st April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901— continued. SUMMARY.


Land District where Land situated. Number of Estates offered. Area offered. Area declined without going j to Board. Area not ; recommended by Board. Area recommended by Board. Area under Consideration. Area Withdrawn. Total. Auckland Hawke's Bay Wellington Marlborough Westland Canterbury Otago Southland 5 9 24 1 1 23 6 4 Acres. Acres. 17,380 113,199 74,021 49,367 3,648 139 139 78,498 30,000 24,613 28,768 315,612 104,160 Acres. 16,424 5^290 6,287 1,142 2,960 Acres. 956 33,072 28,838 3,648 23*396 5,201 Acres. 13,633 18,150 18,270 25,808 Acres. 6,106 1,606 665 Acres. 17,380 113,199 49,367 3,648 139 78,498 24,613 28,768 ■• Grand totals 73 I 32,103 95,111 75,861 8,377 315,612



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners under the above Act up to 31st March, 1901.

Name of Seller and Locality. Area offered by Vendor. Price asked. Tax Value. Price offered Cost of Roading, for Land. Total Price Administra- • __ paid to Seller. tion, Per Acre. &e - to Date - Total Cost to Date. Date of Deed. Remarks. Per Acre. Per Acre. Auckland Land District. a. r. p. 4,738 0 0 1,358 0 0 3,546 0 0 6,746 0 0 2,711 0 0 1,028 0 0 3,100 0 0 1,734 0 0 I 21,319 0 0 2,865 0 0 6,375 0 0 4,150 0 0 1,100 0 0 1,322 0 0 : 2,244 0 0 380 0 0 1,748 0 0 1,051 0 0 1,451 0 0 2,785 0 0 2,089 0 0 26,500 0 0 Assets Realisation Board, "Okauia" .. 5,919 0 0 Gould, J., "Opouriao" .. .. 7,604 0 0 Assets Realisation Board, " Rangiatea " 4,004 0 0 "Karapiro" 2,334 0 0 "Fencourt" i 7,107 0 0 "Whitehall" I 8,980 0 0 £ s. d. 4 10 0 6 12 6 4 0 0 4 0 0 3 10 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 15 0 3 10 0 1 18 0 2 15 0 2 17 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. • • •• ••. - £ s. d. • • • • • .. Owner refused price offered. Negotiations pending. •• 210 0 2 7 6 0 14 0 3 4 0 3 10 0 4 0 0 4 10 0 0 15 0 •• Owners refused price offered. Purchase complete. (See report attached.' 3 10 0 4 0 0 4"9 4 4,143 12 1 24,261 3 3 14,014 0 0 8,617 4 6 31,981 10 0 6,735 3 9 685 5 0 1,673 13 2 253 16 4 133 15 5 674 3 2 294 9 5 4,828 17 1 25,934 16 5 14,267 16 4 8,750 19 11 32,655 13 2 7,029 13 2 25/5/98 21/9/96 8/8/98 7/12/98 | 3 0 0 " Total .. .. .. 136,288 0 0 •• 89,752 13 7 .3,715 2 6 93,467 16 1 Hawke's Bay Land District. 6,964 0 0 6,964 0 0 1,472 0 0 8,000 0 0 187 0 0 394 0 0 948 0 0 8,296 0 0 5 15 0 5 3 4 3 0 0 3 5 9 2 0 0 4 0 0 3 12 6 2 15 0 22 0 0 27 10 0 6 0 0 3 17 6 Owner could not complete title. Owner refused price offered. •• •• 1,472 0 0 " •• i 8,000 0 0 •• I io < u ij 394 0 0 •• - 948 0 0 Owner refused price offered. To be taken oompulsorily. 8,296 0 0 Carried forward .. .. 26,261 0 0 26,261 0 0 •• .- .. .. ■■ .. I '



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners— continued.

Name of Seller and Locality. Area offered by Price asked. Tax Value. Price offered for Land. Cost of Roading Total Price Administracaid to Seller. tion, &c, to Date. Total Cost to Date. Date of Deed. Remarks. Per Acre Per Acre. Per Acre. A. R. P. 26,261 0 O £ s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.; Brought forward.. Hawke's Bay Land District— contd. 1,182 0 0 676 0 0 3,588 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 4 0 6 15 0 " " Withdrawn. Owner refused price offered. To be taken oompulsorily. Purchase not quite complete: * £87,975 to be paid. Purchase complete. (See report attached.) Assets Realisation Board 19,550 0 0 4 10 0 87,975 0 0* Bruce, George, " Waimarie " .. Donner, Mrs. E., " Pouparae " Murray, Roberts, and Co., "Elsthorpe " Williams, J. H., " Raureka " .. Williams, J. H., " Tomoana ".. Bank of New Zealand, " Willows " Williams, J. N., " Mahora " .. Russell, T. P., &c, " Hatuma " 430 0 0 338 0 0 9,740 0 0 427 0 0 111 0 0 776 0 0 1,134 0 0 26,350 0 0 25 0 0 6 0 0 27 0 0 5"0 0 23 1 5 20 0 0 23 0 0 4 10 0 24 0 0 8,608 15 0 7,768 16 6 45,878 10 0 10,260 0 0 264 16 5 36 13 1 1,761 2 3 227 11 6 20 13 2 78 15 7 718 12 6 3,360 3 2 8,873 11 5 ! 7,805 9 7 I 47,639 12 3 | 10,487 11 6 | 20 13 2 14,813 5 7 31,896 15 0 144,978 8 2 266,515 1 8 21/7/96 23/2/97 16/3/96 30/3/96 13/4/99 30/3/99 Exchange completed. Purchase complete. 19 0 0 28 0 0 19 0 0 27 10 0 14,734 10 0 31,178 2 6 141,618 0 0 Total .. 90,563 0 0 •• ;260,046 14 0 6,468 7 8 Wellington Land District. Withdrawn by vendor. 4,236 0 0 745 0 0 1,090 0 0 7,909 0 0 2,422 0 0 114 0 0 2,159 0 0 3,467 0 0 80 0 0 5,427 0 0 8,275 0 0 2,046 0 0 100 0 0 9,406 0 0 5 15 0 9 15 0 10 15 0 13"o 0 5 10 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 6 6 0 3 10 0 10 0 0 7 10 0 8 0 0 86 0 0 7 14 9 5 0 0 8 6 2 12 0 0 3 5 0 •• I Owners would not accept price offered. Offer under consideration by vendor. Owner would not accept price offered. Owners refused price offered. e"o 0 Elder's Trustees, " Langdale " 3 10 0 30,669 10 0* Purchase not quite complete (includes £100 for improvements): * £30,669 10s. to be paid. Owners would not accept price offered. Purchase complete. (See report attached.) Bull, O, " Aorangi " .. Bull, J., "Ohakea".. Saunders, J., " Te Matua " .. Drake, W., " Paparangi " Morrison, M., " Mangawhata " 6,690 0 0 1,785 0 0 1,338 0 0 702 0 0 323 0 0 1,241 0 0 16 0 0 14 0 0 16 0 0 15 0 0 13 10 0 6 0 0 14 14 1 13 0 0 15 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 25,355 0 0 22,638 12 2 10,531 15 8 3,875 8 0 16,129 8 6* 831 13 11 218 5 11 278 6 6 2,985 3 5 26,186 13 11 22,856 18 1 10,810 2 2 6,860 11 5 2/4/00 28/12/99 3/8/97 1/5/01 Morrrison, J. L., " Maungaraki " Mason, S. S., " Epuni " 471 0 0 99 0 0 7 9 0 6 5 0 90 0 0 2,797 0 0 8,861 12 6* 21 2 6 2,818 2 6 6/11/00 Purchase not quite complete : * £16,129 8s. 6d. to be paid. Purchase oomplete. Purchase not quite oomplete: * £8,861 12s. 6d. to be paid. Ditto : • £285 to be paid. Forrest, A., " Epuni " 2 0 0 120 0 0 285 0 0* Total .. 60,127 0 0 .. 65,197 15 10 4,334 12 3 ! 69,532 8 1


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners— continued.


Area offered by Vendor. Price asked. Tax Value. Price offered for Land. Total Price paid to Seller. Cost of Roading, Administration, &c, to Date. Total Cost to Date. Name of Seller and Locality. Date of Deed. Remarks. Per Acre. . Per Acre. Per Acre. Marlborough Land District. A. It. p. 9,600 0 0 6,500 0 0 4,950 0 0 5,020 0 0 £ s. d. 3 0 0 6 0 0 4 10 0 3 10 0 £ s. d. £ a. d. 1 10 0 3 7 0 2 17 0 3 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Owner refused price offered. Fell, C. Y., "Blind River" .. 14,806 5 3 *1,891 18 1 16,698' 3 4 2/8/94 * Includes £127 10s. for leasehold purchased. Purchase complete. (See report attached.) Goulter, C. F., " Omaka " Parsons, J. A., " Puhi Puhi " .. Beaumont's Trustees, " Starborough " .. Richmond, F. H., " Richmond Brook " Clifford, Sir G., part " Flaxbourne" (charged to " Starborough") Richmond, F. H. (oharged to " Richmond Brook ") Richmond, F. H. (charged to " Richmond Brook ") Bell Brothers, " North Bank " Bell, James, " Waipapa " 3,898 0 0 320 0 0 32,386 0 0 5,827 0 0 404 0 0 318 0 0 2 15 9 2 10 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 2 15 9 10 0 4 2 0 3 0 0 4 4 0 10,865 13 6 320 0 0 100,562 0 0 23,890 7 0 660 12 10 3 16 0 6,516 14 3 765 2 5 11,526 6 4 323 16 0 107,078 14 3 24,655 9 5 it 4/5/96 22/4/97 15/4/99 8/6/99 8/6/99 370 0 0 1 10 0 8/6/99 13,000 0 0 3,648 0 0 0 10 9 2 9 4 0 10 4 2 5 3 6,750 0 0 8,250 0 0 5 5 4 87 12 7 6,755 5 4 8,337 12 7 Total .. 86,241 0 0 165,444 5 9 9,931 1 6 175,375 7 3 » ■• •• •• Westland Land District. Clark, O, "Poerua" .. 4,863 0 0 3,230 0 0 ! 3 0 0 15 0 ■ ! • •• 3 0 0 12 6 3,634' 1 6 l,35o' 3 3 4,984' 4 9 4,984 4 9 16/1/96 Land transferred. Purchase complete. (See report attached j 1,350 3 3 Total .. 8,098 0 0 I 3,634 1 6 •• Canterbury Land District. 100 0 0 177 0 0 200 0 0 416 0 0 75 0 0 448 0 0 125 0 0 360 0 0 711 0 0 261 0 0 79 0 0 97 0 0 100 0 0 23 0 0 11 0 0 14 0 0 17 10 0 75 0 0 8 17 6 14 0 0 Owner refused price offered. " 17 0 0 10 0 0 13 0 0 12 0 0 50 0 0 6 0 0 19 0 0 7 0 0 5 15 0 21 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 28 0 0 I " Negotiations fell through. Owner refused price offered. 6 10 0 25 0 0 45 0 0 50 0 0 45 0 0 •• i •• •• •• • .. • • Carried forward .. 3,149 0 0



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners— continued.

Price asked. Tax Value Price ofEered lax value. for Lan a. Cost of Roading, Administration, &c, to Date. Area offered by Total Price paid to Seller. Total Cost to Date. Date of Deed. Name of Seller and Locality. Remarks. Per Acre. Per Acre. Per Acre. £ s. d. £ s. d. ( Brought forward Canterbury Land District — contd. A. R. P. 3,149 0 0 35 0 0 75 0 0 40 0 0 300 0 0 409 0 0 4,810 0 0 95 0 0 184 0 0 218 0 0 20 0 0 1,967 0 0 39 0 0 494 0 0 3,802 0 0 1,360 0 0 400 0 0 57,518 0 0 29,155 0 0 15,834 0 0 1,631 0 0 8,147 0 0 7,759 0 0 1,834 0 0 7,132 0 0 5,243 0 0 7,771 0 0 1,333 0 0 68 0 0 16 0 0 1,400 0 0 10,060 0 0 390 0 0 19,341 0 0 3,526 0 0 1,125 0 0 73 0 0 28 0 0 40 0 0 9,120 0 0 50 0 0 85 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 6 15 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 7 10 0 25 0 0 5 5 0 4 13 2 10 10 0 5 0 0 4 4 0 3 16 6 £ s. d. 28 0 0 60 0 0 27 0 0 28 0 0 17 0 0 5 15 0 52 10 0 8 0 0 9 10 0 6 5 0 20 0 0 3 10 0 8 10 0 3 10 0 5 15 0 •■ £ s. d. I I I -. " - •■ I £ s. d. I I ■• •■ £ s. d. - • •• ■ •• Owner refused prioe offered. Owner refused price offered. Negotiations stopped. Owner refused price offered. Negotiations fell through. .. ,. •• •• •• •• •• •• - •• •• 2 5 9 5 10 0 3 5 0 45 0 0 90 0 0 8 0 0 .. 3|'l8 0 ; 40 0 0 i 90 0 0 6 5 0 .. •• •• •• •• •• Government did not approve of purchase. Owners would not accept price offered. Owner refused price offered. Land sold privately. Owners refused price offered. Government did not approve of purchase. .. .. •• Assets Realisation Board, " Albury " .. " Rakitairi" "Waiapi" .. "Wharenui" 3oag, W., " Braco " .. „ " Otarakaro " Jrown, M. I., " Highbank" .. 55 0 0 58 14 0 53 0 0 6 17 6 6 5 0 3 7 6 5 10 0 8 10 0 65 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 6 10 0 65,294 11 8 19,362 7 6 9,553 2 3 : 4,765 6 3 1,375 0 0 1,990 6 3 ; 59,209 12 7 ] 1,995 4 9 342 10 7 106 6 1 264 17 10 44 10 3 83 18 11 j 1,272 9 6 67,289 16 5 19,704 18 1 9,659 8 4 5,030 4 1 1,419 10 3 2,074 5 2 60,482 2 1 30/3/97 30/3/97 30/3/97 6/1/97 19/8/95 15/10/96 27/5/96 Purchase complete. (See report attached^ Carried forward .. 1 I 165,660 4 5 205,941 0 0 -. (161,550 6 6 j I 4,109 17 11



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners— continued.

2—C. 5.

• Name of Seller and Locality. Area offered by Vendor. Price asked. Tax Value. Price offered for Land. Cost of Roading, Total Price Administra•aid to Seller. tion, &c, to Date. Total Cost to Date. Date of Deed. Remarks. Per Acre. Per Acre. Per Acre. A. R. P. 205,941 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 161,550 6 6 I £ s. d. 4,109 17 11 £ s. d. 165,660 4 5 Brought forward Canterbury Land District — contd. Oambridge, A. B., " Kapuatohe " 50 0 0 45 0 0 40 0 0 2,449 3 V\ Copland, A., " Otaio " Freeman, J., " Tarawahi " Grould, Beaumont, and Co., " Ashley Gorge " Heath Trust, " Horsley Down " Hoare, R., " Kereta " Howley, Thomas, " Puhuka " .. Macfarlane, D. and A., " Lyndon " 377 0 0 32 0 0 J 718 0 0 \ 448 0 0 4,004 0 0 106 0 0 39 0 0 4,200 0 0 j 35 0 0 j 17 0 0 21 0 0 7,347 0 0 20 0 0 13 0 0 90 0 0 7 10 0 11 0 0 90 0 0 5 10 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 25 0 0 3 15 0 I 45 0 0 1 15 0 0 12 0 0 0 18 0 12 0 0 4,143 11 3 2,857 10 0 134 15 2 4,278 6 5 2,857 10 0 2/4/95 Purchase not quite complete. '£2449 3s. Id. to be paid. Purchase complete. (See report attached.) Purchase complete. 5 4 0 20 0 0 25 0 0 9 il 0 I 4,855 19 6 20,022 5 8 1,584 0 0 989 4 4* 15,750 0 0 I 1,823 12 6 265 8 9 492 15 4 31 16 0 5,121 8 3 20,515 1 0 1,615 16 0 16/11/95 12/1/97 8/10/95 Purchase complete. (See report attached.) * m Purchase not quite complete. *£989 4s. 4d. to be paid. 99 4 11 15,849 4 11 Menzies, C, " Pawaho " 45 0 0 228 17 8 2,052 10 2 29/4/98 Purchase complete. (See report attached.) Meyer, J., " Epworth " Midland Railway Company, " Patoa " .. Moore, G. H., " Omihi Stock Reserve".. 15 0 0 10 0 15 0 0 10 16 0 to 12 12 0 10 0 0 0 15 0 252 4 6 6,612 10 3 240 0 0 10 4 1 250 5 6 25 6 9 262 8 7 6,862 15 9 265 6 9 22/10/95 13/3/96 23/3/96 N.Z. and A. Land Co., " Pareora " 621 0 0 . 11 12 0 7,198 14 10 113 5 11 7,312 0 9 29/9/93 N.Z. Trust and Loan Co., " Raincliff " ) N.Z. Trust and Loan Co., " Raincliff " J Peter's Trustees, " Hekeao " .. Pringle, W., " Rosebrook " and Rooney, " Orakipaoa " U.S. 1862, Cannington Studholme's Trustees, " Kapua " Studholme's Trustees, " Studholme Junction " ronks, Norton, and Co., " Roimata " .. VVason, J. C, " Marawiti" Rutherford, J. S. (R.S. 2682) McLean, A., " Tamai " "Waikakahi").. Douglas, J. (R.S. 20184) j .. Rhodes, R. H. (R.S. 36228) .. Rowe, Peter (R.S. 36469) vVait and Burbury, " Takitu " ST.M. and A. Co., " Punaroa " .. Sullivan, J., " Papaka" Evans' Trustees, " Rautawiri " Sf.Z. and A. Land Co., "Pareora " No. 2 SI.Z. Trust and Loan Co. (R.S. 36056-7) Mioholls, W. (R.S. 36231) Campbell, R. O. 192 0 0 552 0 0 2,209 0 0 600 0 0 384 0 0 20 0 0 574 0 0 108 0 0 7 0 0 12 10 0 25 0 0 3 0 0 9 0 0 12 0 0 12' 0 0 13 0 0 4 0 0 3. 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 12 0 0 t 2,424 5 0* 10,545 5 0 5,984 4 8 7,683 17 6 60 0 0 4,594 5 0 1,291 5 6 1,081 19 4 74 0 1 106 7 0 4 3 0 279 12 2 160 15 8 11,627 4 4 6,058 4 9 7,790 4 6 64 3 0 4,873 17 2 1,452 1 2 - i 30/3/98 6/5/95 1/4/96 2/2/97 2/2/94 3/11/93 Purchase not quite complete. * £2,424 5s. to be paid. Purchase complete. (See report attached.) 49 0 0 2,029 0 0 7 0 0 41 0 0 47,865 0 0 37 0 0 101 0 0 155 0 0 9,698 0 0 7,025 0 0 1,562 0 0 114 0 0 8,109 0 0 58 0 0 99 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 7 5 0 47 9 6 45 0 0 7 0 0 2,200 6 7 14,200 18 10 105 0 0 2,662 11 3 323,314 2 7 624 9 4 272 16 1 4 13 0 671 15 6 3,177 17 11 2,824 15 11 14,473 14 11 109 13 0 3,334 6 9 326,492 0 6 21/8/95 7/6/97 9/1/99 5/4/99 30/3/99 65 0 0 8 0 0 11 0 0 65 0 0 6 15 0 10 0 0 2 5 0 3 5 0 2 7 6 4 10 0 11 10 0 22 10 0 8 15 0 5 0 0 3 10 0 3 0 0 2 10 0 4 10 0 26 0 0 8 15 0 5 0 0 3 10 0 227 0 3 502 19 7 23,032 14 0 31,613 15 4 17,962 11 4 2,560 7 2 70,953 3 0 290 10 0 346 5 7 300 0 0* 13 0 8 4 4 0 367 8 3 290 18 8 188 2 1 62 4 0 550 1 9 3 3 0 3 3 0 240 0 11 507 3 7 23,400 2 3 31,904 14 0 18,150 13 5 2,622 11 2 71,503 4 9 293 13 0 349 8 7 8/3/00 4/4/00 10/4/00 ./ # Peschemaker, T., " Kohika " .. 3,854 0 0 309,528 0 0 28,093 4 3* Purchase not quite complete. *£300 to be paid. Purchase not quite complete. *£28093 4s. 3d. to be paid. Total .. 1760,724 10 8 747,021 18 2 13,702 12 6


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE B.—Return of Lands recommended for Purchase by the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners— continued.


Area offered Price asked. Tax Value. Price offered for Land. Cost of Roading, Administration, &c, to Date. Name of Seller and Locality. Total Price laid to Seller. Total Cost to Date. IDateof Deed. Remarks. Per Acre. Per Acre. Per Acre. Otago Land District. A. R. P. 14 0 0 158 0 0 14,000 0 0 277 0 0 630 0 0 11,151 0 0 509 0 0 7,463 0 0 2,368 0 0 2,536 0 0 11,052 0 0 348 0 0 4,241 0 0 69 0 0 219 0 0 147 0 0 7,019 0 0 11,394 0 0 1,152 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 8 0 0 30 0 0 2 17 6 7 0 0 6 10 0 6 0 0 6 10 0 2 10 0 3 10 2 0 0 7 0 0 14 10 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I 35 0 0 Owner refused price offered. "' Negotiations fell through. Owner refused price offered. Owner would not accept price offered. Purchase complete. (See report attached^ 10 0 0 .. Borton, J., " Maerewhenua " .. Cochrane, J., " Puketapu " Douglas, J., " Pomahaka " Kitchener, A. B., " Makareao " Kitchener, A. B.," Makareao Extension " McMaster, A. A., " Tokarahi " Meek, W., " Teaneraki" N.Z. and A. Land Co., " Ardgowan " Stringer, George, " Tahawai".. Thomson, W., " Momona " .. Oughton, James, " Janefield" Paterson, R., " Barnego " Reid, John, " Elderslie " Laidlaw, W. S., " Earnscleugh " 8 0 0 8 10 0 3 10 0 3 5 0 3 5 0 7 5 0 15 0 0 6 11 0 8 3 0 2 2 6 66,905 17 0 3,308 14 10 18,656 17 10 7,168 3 8 5,071 10 0 77,360 17 10 5,044 0 6 34,600 0 0 622 1 4 3,608 19 3 4,888 3 4 26,323 2 0 79,758 18 4 3,100 0 0 2,632 13 11 240 8 10 4,328 3 6 69,538 10 11 3,549 3 8 22,985 1 4 8/8/95 23/8/95 10/10/93 j 20/5/96) | 14/12/96/ 9/5/99 17/11/93 6/10/98 9/5/95 5/5/97 15,808 4 6 28,047 18 2 11 0 0 18 0 0 33 5 0 4 0 0 7 10 0 9 0 0 16 10 0 33 5 0 3 15 0 7 0 0 1,849 15 10 546 13 11 4,230 9 10 10 19 4 76 17 7 161 6 9 625 12 9 1,696 12 5 25 15 0 79,210 13 8 5,590 14 5 38,830 9 10 633 0 8 3,685 16 10 5,049 10 1 26,948 14 9 81,455 10 9 3,125 15 0 368,651 0 1 Total .. 74,747 0 0 336,417 5 11 32,233 14 2 •• Southland Land District. 1,907 0 0 1,207 0 0 600 0 0 832 0 0 1,460 0 0 1,732 0 0 9,998 0 0 6,043 0 0 4 5 0 4 10 0 2 10 0 2 5 0 Owner refused price offered. No offer to purchase made. 10 "o 0 Elder, Smith, and Co., " Merrivale " Menzies and Batger, " Otahu " 10 0 0 4 0 0 17 6 3 "o 0 5 10 0 3 10 0 2 10 0 15 0 f 2 12 6 1 1 10 0 24,995 0 0 7,555 4 6 .. •• 3,018' 18 10 728 13 0 - 28,013 18 10 8,283 17 6 5/4/95 9/8/97 10/1/98 Owner refused price offered. Purchase complete. (See report attached. Stevens, W., " Beaumont" 4,323 0 0 3 0 0 110,482 11 3 83 9 11 I 10,566 1 2 Total .. 28,102 0 0 •■ 43,032 15 9 3,831 1 9 46,863 17 6 Total area recommended to 31st March, 1901 Total area purchased from 1st April, 1900, to 31st March, 1901 793,694 0 0 70,951 0 0 Total amount paid to sellers to 31st March, 1901 Total cost of estates purchased to 31st March, 1901, inclusive of departmental expenses Total amount to be paid to sellers at 31st March, 1901 1,710,547 10 6 1,787,636 12 6 178,176 7 8



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1901, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 73 of the said Act.

Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or Company from whor it was bought or acquired. to Seller to 31st March, 1901. Report and Valuation of Board. i Valuation of Board. and Settlement of the Land. Report Report of Board. Auckland Land District — Fencourt A. R. P. 7,107 0 0 Blocks IV. and VIII., Hamilton Survey District, and Blocks I., V., and VI., Cambridge Survey District Block X., Cambridge Survey District Greater portion alluvial swamp of good quality Assets Realisation Board £ s. d. 31,981 10 0 Land suitable for settlement. The Board recommends Government to purchase £ s. d. 4 10 0 See Report attached. Karapiro 2,334 0 9 Soil a chocolatecoloured light alluvial, overlaying a bed of pumice, sand, and gravel Partly flat and partly undulating fern and bush land Deep alluvial soil of good quality Assets Realisation Board 8,617 4 6 The land is good, and suitable for settlement in farms of from 50 to 500 acres each. The Board recommends Government to purchase. 63J acres additional purchased at £4 per aore. 3 10 0 See Report attached. Okauia 5,919 1 30 Part of Matamata Estate, east of Waihou River Assets Realisation Board 4,143 12 1 Land suitable for settlement. The Board recommends Government to purchase 0 14 0 See Report attached. Opouriao 7,604 0 0 Blocks V., IX., XIIL, Whakatane, and Block II., Waimana Survey District Gould's Trustees .. 24,261 3 3 The land is excellent in quality, and suitable for subdivision into farms of from 100 to 400 acres. That, from inquiries made, there is a considerable demand in the Bay of Plenty district, and the Government is therefore recommended to purchase the land Land suitable for settlement. The Board recommends Government to purchase 3 4 0 See Report attached. Rangiatea 4,004 0 0 Block XVI., Waitoa Survey District, and« Block IV., Maungakawa Survey trictBlocks VI., VII., X., and XL, Cambridge Survey District Soil a fluviatile deposit generally, with clayey subsoil in places Hilly, rolling downs, and flat land Assets Realisation Board 14,014 0 0 3 10 0 See Report attached. Whitehall 8,980 1 0 Assets Realisation Board 6,735 3 9 0 15 0 See Report attached. Total I 35,948 2 39 89,752 13 7 The Board believes the land could be profitably occupied in mixed farms ; that there is a fair demand in the district for such class of holdings ; and the purchase is therefore recommended The land is good, and suitable for settlement. The Board believes there is a demand for the land both within and from outside the distriot. Taken oompulsorily. Award of Compensation Court, £141,618 See Report attached. Hawke's Bay Land Dist. — Elsthorpe *9,740 0 0 Blocks III., VII., and XII., Oero Survey District Soil and situation good, suitable for mixed farms Buchanan's Trustees j 45,878 10 0 4 10 0 Hatuma 26,350 0 0 Blocks XIIL and XIV., Waipukurau Survey Distriot, I., II., and V., Motuotaria Survey District, and IV., VIII., XL, and XII., Takapau Survey District Mixed agricultural and pastoral land; limestone formation Russell, T. Purvis, and Russell's Marriage Settlement Trustees 141,618 0 0 Carried forward .. 36,090 0 0 187,496 10 0 * Corrected area —553 acres bavin; been exchanj [ed for 110 acres 2 roods 16 icrches at Tomoana.



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1901, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 73 of the said Act—continued.

Name of Person or Report and Valuation of Board. Report Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. to Seller to 31st March, 1901. it was bought or acquired. Report of Board. Valuation of Board. and Settlement of the Land. Brought forward.. Hawke's Bay Land Dist. — continued. Mahora 36,090 0 0 £ s. d. 187,496 10 0 £ s. d. Mangatoro 19,550 0 0* 1,133 3 0 Lot 139 of Lot 2, Subdivision D, Heretaunga Block, in Block XV., Heretaunga Survey District, and Lot 140 of Lot 2, Subdivision D, Heretaunga Block, in Block XV., Heretaunga Survey District Blocks XII., Tahoraite Survey District, IX., X., XIIL, and XIV., Mangatiro Survey District Block I., Turanganui Survey District, and Block I., Waimata Survey District Block III., Te Mata Survey District Rich alluvial land, soil not worked out Hill and down land on limestone formation. Williams, J. H. Assets Realisation Board 31,178 2 6 87,975 0 0* The land is good, and suitable for settlement in farms of from 40 to 50 acres each. The Board recommends Government to purchase the land The land is suitable for mixed farms. The Board recommends purchase 27 10 0 4 10 0 See Report attaohed. Pouparae 337 3 4 All very deep alluvial flat land E. Donner 7,768 16 6 The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There is a demand for this class of land, and the Board recommends its acquisition The land is good, and suitable for settlement in small farms. The Board believes there is a demand for such land in the district ; the Board therefore recommends the purchase 23 0 0 See Report attached. Raureka 427 2 0 Rich alluvial soil .. Williams, J. H. 10,260 0 0 24 0 0 See Report attached. Tomoana Waimarie 110 2 16 430 1 30 Near Hastings Blocks I. and VIII., Waimata Survey District Rich alluvial soil .. Level alluvial land Williams, J. H. Bruce, G. 8,608 15 0 The land is good, and suitable for settlement. A demand exists in the district for this class of land, and the Board therefore recommends the purchase thereof The land is good, and suitable for settlement in farms of from 20 to 50 acres each. The Government recommends the acquisition of the property 22 0 0 Willows 775 2 0 Blocks II., V., and VI., Turanganui Survey District All flat and ploughable, soil not exhausted Bank of New Zealand 14,734 10 0 19 0 0 See Report attached. Total .. 58,855 1 10 260,046 14 0 Wellington Land District— Aorangi 1,785 0 0 Block XIV., Oroua Survey District, and Blocks II. and III., Kairanga Survey District Lowlying flats within the Post - tertiary formation ; soil a rich alluvial loam 25,355 0 0 The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There is a demand for this land in the district, and the Board therefore recommends the acquisition of the property See Report attached. Bull, C. .. 14 4 1 Carried forward .. 1,785 0 0 25,355 0 0 * Purchase not •et com; >lete. £87,975 to be •aid.



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1901, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 73 of the said Act— continued.

Report and Valuation of Board. Report H~C CCHH-i. Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or Company from whom it was bought or acquired. to Seller to 31st March, 1901. and Settlement of the Land. Report of Board. Valuation of Board. A. R. P. Brought forward .. 1,785 0 0 Wellington Land Distriot — continued. Epuni .. .. 98 1 341 2 1 20J : Block XIV., Belmont Survey District Rioh level land, with deep loamy alluvial soil, resting on gravel formation. Volcanic formation; subaqueous and alluvial; subsoil generally of a clayey nature Low lying grassed flats Mason, S. S. £ s. d. 25,355 0 0 •8,861 12 6| •285 0 0) £ s. d. 90 0 0 Langdale .. .. 9,406 0 0 Blocks II. and III., Rewa, and XIV. and XV., Mangapakeha Survey Districts Forrest, A. Elder's Trustees .. ♦+30,669 10 0 The land is good, and suitable for subdivision for workmen's homes. The Board believes there will be a demand for this land, and therefore recommends its acquisition The land is good, and suitable for settlement, and the Board recommends its acquisition 120 0 0 3 5 0 See Report attached. See Report attached. See Report attached. Mangawhata .. 1,240 2 36 Blocks XI. and XV., Te Kauwau Survey District Morrison, M. •16,129 8 6 The land is good, and suitable for settlement. The Board believes there will be a demand for the land, and therefore recommends its acquisition The land is good, and suitable for settlement, and the Board recommends its purchase The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There is a demand for this land in the district, and the Board therefore recommends the acquisition of the property The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There is a demand for this land in the district, and the Board therefore recommends the acquisition of the property The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There is a demand for this land in the district, and the Board therefore recommends the acquisition of the property 13 0 0 See Report attached. Maungaraki .. .. 421 3 0 Ohakea .. .. 2,144 3 29 Block XIIL, Belmont Survey District Block XV., Rangitoto Survey District Hilly bush land Morrison, J. L. 2,797 0 0 Open low downs, and rich alluvial flats; soil alluvial loamy drift Soil of fairly good quality, with strong clay subsoil Lowlying flats within the Post - tertiary formation; soil a rich alluvial loam resting upon a friable clay with gravel underneath Bull, J. .. 22,638 12 2 13 0 0 Paparangi .. .. 322 3 32 Block XII., Belmont Survey District Drake, C. S. 3,875 8 0 12 0 0 See Report attached. Te Matua .. .. 702 0 19 Blocks I. and II., Kairanga Survey District Saunders, J. 10,531 15 8 15 0 0 Total .. .. | 16,124 1 10 65,197 15 10 In the belief that a demand exists in the district, the Board recommends the purchase Marlborough Land Dist. — Blind River .. .. 5,020 0 0 Blocks XII. and XIV., Clifford Bay Survey District Agricultural and pastoral lands Fell, C. Y. 14,806 5 3 3 5 0 See Report attached. Carried forward .. 5,020 0 0 14,806 5 3 ♦£55,945 lis. to be lid. t Includes £100 for im] rovements.



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1901, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 73 of the said Act— continued.

Name of Person or Company from whom it was bought or acquired. Report and Valuation of Board. Report on Condition* and Settlement of the Land. Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Price paid to Seller to 31st March, 1901. Report of Board. Valuation of Board. Brought forward .. Marlborough Land Dist. — continued. Flaxbourne (part) 5,020 0 0 £ s. d. 14,806 5 3 £ s. d. 404 0 0 Block XIV., Clifford Bay Survey District Loamy soil, all ploughable Clifford, Sir G. 1,212 0 0 The Board approves of an exchange of certain Crown lands on Stonyhurst for an area of freehold land on Flaxbourne The land is good, and suitable for settlement, and the Board recommends the purchase 3 0 0 See Report attached. North Bank 13,000 0 0 Pine Valley and Mount Olympus Survey Districts Bell Brothers 6,750 0 0 See Report attached. Omaka 3,898 0 0 Block VI., Avon Survey District, and Block I., Taylor Pass Survey District Sections 50 and 51, Puhipuhi Survey District Good agricultural land Goulter, Charles .. 10,865 13 6 The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There is a demand for such land in the district, and the Board therefore recommends the purchase The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There is a demand for such land in the district, and the Board therefore recommends the purchase The land is good, and suitable for settlement, and the Board recommends the purchase 2 15 9 See Report attached. Puhipuhi 320 o o; Parsons, J. A. 320 0 0 10 0 Richmond Brook 5,827 0 0 Awatere Valley, contiguous to Starborough Alluvial flats and rolling downs Richmond, F. H. 23,890 7 0 4 5 0 4 14 0 1 10 0 ■ See Report attached. Starborough 32,385 3 15 In Clifford Bay, Taylor Pass, Cape Campbell, and Blue Mountain Survey Districts Good flats, terraces, and rolling downs; soil of excellent quality ; the whole area in good heart Open fern and tussock land, and flat land of varying qualities Beaumont's Trustees 99,350 0 0 The land is good, and suitable for settlement in farms of from 200 to 500 acres, and from 2,000 to 5,000 acres each, and the Board recommends the acquisition of the whole property 1 10 0 to 4 15 6 (See Report attached. Waipapa 3,648 0 0 In Puhipuhi Survey District Bell, James 8,250 0 0 The land is good, and suitable for settlement as small grazing-runs See Report attached. Total .. 64,502 3 15 165,444 5 9 i I To meet the strong desire for land on the part of the people residing in the district, that Mr. Clark be offered £1 2s. 6d. an acre as a final price, and that the proposed road and other expenditure on the total expenditure on which rental will be charged acre on an average Westland Land District — Poerua .. .. 3,230 1 6 Blocks X. and XIV., Te Kinga Survey District Mica- schist silt on shingle Clark, C. .. 3,634 1 6 See Report attached. 12 6 Total 3,230 1 6 i 3,634 1 6 land be si does not i ich that the ixceed £2 an


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1901, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 73 of the said Act— continued.


Report and Valuation of Board. Report Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or to Seller to 31st March, 1901. and Settlement of the Land. it was" bought or acquired. Report of Board. Valuation of Board. A. B. P. £ s. d. £ a. d. Canterbury Land District— Albury 19,340 3 38 Blocks XL and XV., Tengawai Survey District, and Blocks II. and III., Opawa Survey District Land of various qualities : limestone, rolling downs, and a margin of stony flats Land of various qualities Assets Realisation Board 65,294 11 8 The Board recommends the acquisition of the estate, 3 7 6 See Report and also recommends the purchase of some 30 acres, attached, being R.S. 18020, to avoid keeping open an unnecessary road Arowhenua (Rakitairi and Waiapi) 4,651 0 12 Blocks I. and II., Arowhenua Survey District, Blocks XL, XII., XV., and XVI., Opihi Survey District, and Block IX., Geraldine Survey District Blocks III., IV., and XVI., Ashley Survey District, and Block IV., Oxford Survey District Assets Realisation Board 28,915 9 9 The "Downs" Block (now known as "Waiapi" 8 10 0 See Report Settlement) is good, and suitable for settlement. attached. The "Upper" Block (now known as " Rakitairi" 5 10 0 Settlement) is fair ridgy land, which would do well in areas of from 250 to 500 acres each. The Board recommends the acquisition of both blocks That the land known as the " Homestead Block " is 5 10 0 See Report good, and suitable for settlement. There is a attached. demand for land in the district. The Government is recommended to purchase this block, and 185 acres in addition, at a price of £5 10s. an acre. With regard 2 0 0 to the 440-acre block near the Ashley Bridge, as this case comes under subsection (3) of section 4 of the Act it is considered advisable to acquire this land, as low-lying country necessary for the working of the high pastoral country behind belonging to the Crown, at a price of £2 an acre The land is good, and suitable for division into small 50 0 0 See Report lots of from 1 acre upwards. The Board believes attached. there will be a demand for such lands. The Board therefore recommends Government to purchase. The land is suitable for subdivision into smaller areas. 12 0 0 See Report There is a demand for land in this district. The attached. Board recommends the Government to acquire the land The land is good, and suitable for settlement. The 5 0 0 See Report Board believes there will be a demand for this land attaohed. in the district, and therefore recommends its acquisition Ashley Gorge 1,166 0 24 Deep marshy soil on flats; the hill land fair pasture Gould, Beaumont, and Co. (Ellis's Trustees) 4,855 19 6 Braco Block X., Christchurch Survey District Level land, good soil, suitable for marketgardens Boag, W... 27 2 0 1,375 0 0 Epworth 21 0 3 Block II., Arowhenua Survey District Loamy soil on banks of stream Meyer, J. 252 4 6 Hekeao 2,209 0 8 Blocks III. and VII., Shepherd's Bush Survey District Good, level, and undulating agricultural and pastoral land; good black soil, with a subsoil of deep loamy clay All flat land, soil good Peter's Trustees .. 10,545 5 0 Highbank 9,119 3 2 Blocks I. and IL, Corwar Survey District, Blocks IV. and VIII., Spaxton Survey District Brown, M. I. I 59,209 12 7 The land is good, and suitable for settlement in 6 10 0 See Report various-sized farms. There is a demand for this attached, land in the district. The Board recommends the acquisition 6 10 0 Carried forward .. 36,535 2 7 170,448 3 0


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1901, prepared in terms of Subsection (2) of Section 73 of the said Act— continued.


Report and Valuation of Board. Report Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or Company from whom it was bought or acquired. Seller to 31st March, 1901. and Settlement of the Land. Report of Board. Valuation of Board. Brought forward.. Canterbury Land District — continued. Horsley Down 36,535 2 7 £ s. d. | 170,448 3 0 £ s. d. 4,004 1 33 Blocks II., III., and IV., Waipara Survey District, and Block V., Waitohi Survey District Blocks I. and II., Waitaki Survey District Good arable land .. Heath Stock Trust 20,022 5 8 The land is good, and suitable for farms of various sizes. There is a demand in the district; therefore the Board recommends the purchase 5 0 0 See Report attached. Kapua 574 1 5 All first-class land; partly reclaimed swamp The New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Limited) Hoare, R. 4,594 5 0 The quality and position of the land are excellent, and, from inquiries made, the Board believes there is a demand for small farms in the district, and therefore recommends the purchase of the block The land is good, and suitable for subdivision into sections from 20 acres upwards. The Board believes there is a demand for a few sections in the neighbourhood. The Board recommends the Government to purchase the land The land is good, and suitable for settlement, and the Board reoommendB its acquisition 7 16 9 See Report attached. Kereta 105 2 16 Block IX., Arowhenua Survey District Alluvial swamp land 1,584 0 0 15 0 0 See Report attached. Kohika 1,728 2 41 2,135 3 6/ Blocks II., Waimate Survey District, and XIV., Otaio Survey District Flats and open, flattopped, undulating, and rolling downs Tesohmaker's Trustees 128,093 4 3* 15 15 0 j 8 10 0 See Report attached. Lyndon 4,200 0 0 Waiau Survey Distriot Macfarlane, D. D. and A. Wason, J. C. 15,750 0 0* Marawiti 2,028 2 33 Blocks IL, III., IV., V., Corwar Survey District Land of fair quality, soil good, and in most places of fair depth Arable land 14,200 18 10 The land is good, and suitable for settlement. The Board believes there will be a demand for the land, and therefore recommends its acquisition 7 0 0 See Report attached. Omihi Stock Reserve 20 0 0 Block XVIIL, Waikari Survey District Moore, G. H. 240 0 0 The Board recommends Government to acquire 20 acres out of Mr. Moore's " Glenmark" Estate, situated on Waipara-Cheviot Road The land is good, and suitable for settlement in eight or ten allotments of from 5 to 10 acres each, and the rest of the estate, approximately, as at present fenced. There is a demand in the district. The Board recommends the acquisition of the property The land is good, and suitable for settlement in eight or ten allotments of from 5 to 10 acres each, and the rest of the estate, approximately, as at present fenced. There is a demand in the district. The Board recommends the acquisition of the property 12 0 0 See Report attached. Orakipaoa 384 0 31 Blocks III. and VII., Arowhenua Survey District Rich alluvial soil .. Quinn and Rooney.. 7,683 17 6 20 0 0 See Report attached. Otarakaro 39 3 9 Block X., Christchurch Survey District Open, flat, grass land; soil deep and of good quality Boag, W... 1,990 6 3 20 0 0 See Report attached. Carried forward .. 236,513 16 3 51,756 3 24 * £28,093 4s. 3d. to be paid.


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1901, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 73 of the said Act— continued.


Gi O Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or Company from whom it was bought or acquired. Price paid to Seller to 31st March, 1901. Report and Valuation of Board. Valuation of Board. Report on Conditions and Settlement of the Land. Report of Board. Ol A. R. p. 51,756 3 24 £ s. d. 236,513 16 3 £ s. d. Brought forward .. Canterbury Land District — continued. Otaio .. 376 2 30 Blocks XII. and XVI., Otaio Survey District Open, flat land Open, flat land Copland, A. 4,143 11 3 Pareora Patoa 620 2 13 7,347 0 38 Block XII., Otaio Survey District, and Block IV., Patiti Survey District Waipara and Waitohi Survey Districts Open, level, agricultural land of good quality Pastoral country .. Open, level, agricultural land of good quality Pastoral country .. New Zealand and Australian Land Co. (Limited) New Zealand Midland Railway Company (Limited) 7,198 14 10 6,612 10 That the block is very suitable for subdivision into 12 0 0 See Report small farms ; that there is an unsatisfied demand attached, for land in the district; that the Board recommends the purchase The quality and position of the land are excellent, 11 12 0 See Report and, from inquiries made, the Board believes there attached. is a demand for small farms in the district, and therefore recommends the purchase of the block That part of the land is fairly suitable for settlement; 0 18 0 See Report that a demand exists for this block on the part of attached, the Hurunui special settlers and others. The Board recommends Government to arrange the acquisition of the block. The Board is also of opinion that there is a prospect of some part of the block not being selected for other than pastoral purposes, or perhaps not at all; but, in view of the great necessity that exists for providing extensions to the holdings of the Hurunui settlers, without which —they inform members of the Board —their present holdings must be abandoned, the Board thinks Government should be prepared to face this loss (if any) rather than that an industrious class of bona fide settlers should be obliged to abandon their homes. Land good and suitable. Board believes there will 45 0 0 See Report be a demand for the land for workmen's homes, and attached, and therefore recommends the purchase 15 0 0 Pawaho Papaka 51 3 18 1,561 3 34 Block XVI., Christchurch Survey District Blocks VIII. and XII., Pareora Survey District Blocks VI., VII., VIII., X., XI., XII., Otaio Survey District Block X., Arowhenua Flat agricultural land ; good soil on clay subsoil. Hill sections on fairly steep slope ; soil fairly good on clay Flat and easy, and undulating downs; quality of soil good, being black with clay subsoil Nearly all undulating ; soil good, on clay Soil a deep loam on a clay subsoil Menzies, Charles .. Sullivan J. 1,823 12 6 17,962 11 4 The land is good, and suitable for settlement; that 11 10 0 See Report there will be a demand for the land, and the Board attached, recommends the purchase Pareora No. 2 .. 8,108 3 29 New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Limited) Howley, T. 70,953 3 0 The land is good, and suitable for settlement ; that 8 10 0 there will be a demand for the land, and the Board recommends the purchase The land is suitable for subdivision for workmen's 25 0 0 See Report homes, and the Board recommends its acquisition attached. Puhuka 39 2 11 989 4 4* See Report attached. Carried forward .. 69,863 2 37 345,207 19 5 * £989 4s. 4d. to be •aid.


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1901, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 73 of the said Act— continued.


Report and Valuation of Board. Report Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or Company from whom it was bought or acquired. Seller to 3l6t March, 1901. and Settlement of the Land. Report of Board. Valuation of Board. Brought forward.. Canterbury Land District — continued. Punaroa A. R. P. 69,863 2 37 £ s. d. 345,207 19 5 £ s. d. 7,025 1 5 Blocks I., IL, V., VI., Tengawai Survey District Limestone foundation and alluvial flats; soil generally of very good quality Good grass land on large area National Mortgage and Agency Company 31,613 15 4 The land is good, and suitable for settlement ; that there will be a demand for the land, and the Board recommends the purchase 4 10 0 Raincliff (part) j 551 3 0 \ 192 1 0 Block IX., Opihi Survey District N.Z. Trust and Loan Company (Limited) 2,424 5 0* The Board recommended the purohase of the smaller area so as to reserve the valuable plantation of trees and the larger area of grass land as one farm The land is good, and suitable for settlement; that there will be a demand for the land, and the Board recommends the purchase 13 0 0 [400 See Report attached. Rautawiri 113 3 37 Block XIV., Geraldine Survey Distriot Level agricultural land ; rich alluvial soil with a subsoil of loamy clay Wade and Evans's Trustees 2,560 7 2 22 10 0 R.S. 20184 (Waikakahi) 36 2 22 6 2 4 Waitaki and Elephant Hill Survey District Block II., Opawa Survey District Part very good, part much broken Douglas, J. 366 7 6 105 0 0 The Board recommends the purchase of this land for the purpose of giving further aocess to Waikakahi Board recommends that negotiations be entered into for purchase, as an addition to Mr. A. Adamson's holding, Lot 58, Albury Settlement Purchased as a homestead site for R.S. 36469, Carrington. 10 0 0 105 0 0 See Report attached. See Report attached. R.S. 2682 (Albury) Rutherford, J. S. R.S. 36469 (R.S. 1862), Carrington 20 0 0 Block IV., Nimrod Survey District New Zealand and Australian Land Co. (Limited) New Zealand Trust and Loan Company Rhodes, R. H. 60 0 0 58 0 16 Block VI., Opawa Survey District Block XII., Nimrod Survey District Block I., Waimate Survey District Block IV., Nimrod Survey District Blocks XV. and XVI., Christchurch Survey District Low-lying country 290 10 0 5 0 0 See footnote. R.S. 36056/7f R.S. 36228} 100 3 23 Low-lying country 227 0 3 2 5 0 See footnote. R S. 36231§ 98 3 30 Low-lying country Nicholls, W. 346 5 7 3 10 0 See footnote. R.S. 36469 (R.S. 25375)|| t 154 3 2 Low-lying country Rowe, P. .. 502 19 7 I I 3 5 0 See footnote. Roimata 48 3 37 Good flat land, dark, rich, alluvial soil Trustees of estate of late Sir Harry Parkes 2,200 6 7 The land is good level agricultural land suitable for small allotments. That the Board believes there is a demand for this class of settlement in the district; the Board therefore recommends the purchase 45 0 0 See Report attached. Carried forward .. 78,271 3 13 383,480 11 5 • £2,424 5s. to be paid. _ + R.S. 34598 and part R.S. 34597 and 27673, in Block VI., Opawa Survey District, an area of 58 acres and 16 perches, was purchased from; the New Zealand Trust and Loan Company for the purpose of providing land for Mr. H. Kidd {the bolder of a S.Gr. Run of 1,975 acres, comprised in R.S. 36056/7 at Mount Nessing), on which to build a woolshed, &c. I R.S. 22851, 24723, 27621, and 31932, an area of 100 acres 3 roods 23 perches, was purchased from Mr. R. H. Rhodes for the purpose of providing Mr. George Collier (lessee of S.G. Run 36228) with land suitable for a site for house and yards, § R.S. 33006,13991, 20669, 33005, and 18212, an area of 98 acres 3 roods 30 perches, was purchased from Mr. Whitcombe Nicholls for the purpose of providing a homestead-site and paddocks for Mr. J. D. Blackmore, the occupier of R.S. 36231 area. . .„,„•„ II R.S. 25375. 29737, and 29738, an area of 154 acres 3 roods 2 perches, was purchased from Mr. Peter Rowe for the purpose of working S.G. Run 36469, area 1,120 acres, in Opawa and Nimrod Survey Districts, occupied by Mr. Donald Nicholson.



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1901, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 73 of the said Act— continued.

Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or Company from whom it was bought or acquired. Seller to 31st March, 1901. Report and Valuation of Board. Valuation of Board. and Settlement of the Laud. Report Report of Board. Brought forward .. Canterbury Land District — continued. Rosebrook A. R. P. 78,271 3 13 . £ s. d. 383,480 11 5 £ s. d. 600 1 8 Block XVI., Pareora Survey District Open, flat, and undulating down lands Pringle, W. 5,984 4 8 The land is suitable for farms of about 50 acres 10 10 0 each. That there is a demand for such land in the district; that the Board recommends the purchase of the land See Report attached. Station Peak (part) Studholme 100 0 0 107 2 17 Blocks XV. arid XVI., Waimate Survey District Campbell, R. 0. Studholme 's Trustees 300 0 0*1 1,291 5 6 The quality and position of the land are excellent, 12 0 0 and, from inquiries made, the Board believes there is a demand for small farms in the district, and therefore recommends the purchase of the block The land is suitable for subdivision into half-acre up 65 0 0 to two-acre lots, and the Board therefore recommends the purchase The land is good, and suitable for settlement; that 2 7 6 there will be a demand for the land, and the Board recommends the purchase The land is suitable for subdivision into areas for 90 0 0 workman's homes, and the Board recommends its purchase The land is good, and suitable for farms of from 100 6 15 0 acres to 640 acres each, and the Board recommends the acquisition of the property See Report attached. Flat agricultural land of good quality Tamai 40 3 34 Block XII., Christchurch Survey District Flat suburban land of good quality, suitable for workmen's homes Rich to light stony land; soil in quality is generally very good. Flat land; black, loamy soil McLean, A. 2,662 11 3 See Report attached. Takitu 9,697 3 37 Blocks I., V., and VI., Elephant Hill Survey District Wait and Burbury.. 23,032 14 0 Tarawahi 31 3 0 Block XV., Christchurch Survey District Freeman, J. 2,857 10 0 See Report attached. Waikakahi 47,865 1 1 Waitaki and Elephant Hill Survey Districts Ranging from firstclass agricultural land to light, shingly land; soil not exhausted Land of good quality, with a strong clay subsoil McLean, A. 322,947 15 1 See Report attached. Wharenui 73 1 10 Part of R.S. 85 .. Assets Realisation Board 4,765 6 3 ■ The land is good, and suitable for settlement. The 65 0 0 Board believes there will be a demand for this land, and therefore recommends its acquisition See Report attached. Total 136,789 0 0 747,021 18 2 Otago Land District — Ardgowan Barnego 4,241 0 0 7,019 1 39 Blocks I. and II., Oamaru Survey District Good agricultural land, the whole of which may be ploughed New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Limited) 34,600 0 0 26,323 2 0 The land is good, and suitable for settlement; that 7 0 0 there is a demand for land in the district. The Board recommends Government to acquire the land at a price not exceeding £7 an acre. (Taken by arbitration — Award of Compensation Court, £34,600. The land is suitable for subdivision into areas of from 3 15 0 50 to 600 acres each all over ; that there will be a demand for the land in such areas, and therefore the Board recommends the purchase 7 0 0 Blocks III., XL, Waitahuna East Survey District; Blocks I., IL, III., VI., XL, and XIIL, Hillend Survey District, and Town of Balclutha Partly agricultural, partly pastoral; soil, rich alluvial deposits on the flats ; hill land mixed in oharacter Paterson's Trustees 3 15 0 See Report attached. Carried forward .. 11,260 1 39 ! 60,923 2 0 * £300 to be paid.


"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1901, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 73 of the said Act— continued.


Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Land as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or Company from whon it was bought or acquired. to Seller tc 31st March, 1901. Report and Valuation of Board. Valuation, of Board. Report on Conditions and Settlement of the Land. Report of Board. Brought forward .. Otago Land District — contd. • Earnscleugh A. R. p. 11,260 1 39 . £ s. d. 60,923 2 0 £ s. d. 1,152 0 0 Blocks X., XL, and XIV., Leaning Rock Survey District. Blocks VII., IX_, X., Awamoko Survey District ; Blook I., Rakuwenua Survey District; Blocks II., III., XL, Kauroo Survey District; and Blocks XIV., XV., Oamaru Survey Dist. Blocks I. and V., Taieri Survey District Fair land ; all level Laidlaw, W. S. 3,100 0 0 The land is suitable for homestead sites for working the large area of high land on the other parts of the run ; and portion is suitable for gardens, &c. Land suitable for settlement; if offered in areas of from 100 to 600 acres it would be readily taken up, and therefore recommends Government to offer to purchase 3,100 0 0 See Report attached. Elderslie 11,394 0 21 Medium to first-class land Reid, J. .. 79,758 18 4 7 0 0 Janefield 147 0 2 Oughton, J. 4,888 3 4 The land is undoubtedly very good, and would be readily taken up. The Board therefore recommends the purchase That the land is good, and suitable for settlement; that the offering of such a property to the public would create a demand from outside in addition to a limited demand in the district. The Board recommends purchase at a price not greater than £6 an acre The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There is a demand for land in the district. The Board recommends the purchase of 2,368 acres of the land at £3 Is. an acre Rich, level agricultural land 33 5 0 Maerewhenua 11,150 3 36 Block III. and part of Block II., Awamoko, and Block III. and part of Block IV., Maerewhenua Survey Districts Low - lying downs and flats Borton, J. 66,905 17 0 6 0 0 See Report attached. Makareao 2,367 3 31 Blocks VII., IX., XIL, XV., Moeraki Survey District, and Block IV., Dunback Survey District Limestone hill land, and arable flats along banks of Shag River Kitchener, A. B. 7,168 3 8 3 10 See Report attached. Makareao Extension 2,535 3 0 Blocks VIIL, XIL, and XIV., Moeraki Survey District Limestone formation; pastoral tussock hills Soil partly river deposit ; subsoil of open porous clayey nature Mostly agricultural land Kitchener, A. B. 5,071 10 0 The land is good, and suitable for mixed grazingruns and farms. There will be a demand for this land, and the purchase is therefore recommended The land is good, and suitable for settlement in small farms. There is a demand for land in the district; and that the purchase is therefore recommended 2 0 0 See Report attached. Momona 218 2 36 Block IV., Maungatua Survey District Thomson, W. 3,608 19 3 17 0 0 Pomahaka 7,462 3 1 Blocks X., XL, XIIL, and XIV., Pomahaka Survey District Douglas, J. 18,656 17 10 We have ascertained the value and suitableness for settlement of the lands, and respectfully recommend the purchase of the same at a price not exceeding £2 10s. an acre The land is good, and suitable for settlement. The Board believes there is a demand in the district. The Government is recommended to purchase the land at £6 10s. an acre, conditionally on the title to parts of Sections 4 and 7, Block I., Hawkesbury, being completed 2 10 0 See Repoit attached. Puketapu 509 0 6 Block IV., Moeraki Survey District Good hill-slopes, all ploughable Cochrane, J. 3,308 14 10 6 10 0 See Report attached. Carried forward .. 48,198 3 12 253,390 6 3



"THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900." TABLE C.—Statement of Lands acquired to 31st March, 1901, prepared in Terms of Subsection (2) of Section 73 of the said Act— continued.

Report of Valuation Board. fieport n CCCH.3. Name of Settlement. Area of each Block of Laud as purchased. Locality of Land. Quality of Land. Name of Person or Company from whom it was bought or acquired. to Seller to 31st March, 1901. and Settlement of the Land. Report of Board. Valuation of Board. Brought forward .. Otago Land District — contd. Tahawai A. R. P. 48,198 3 12 ' £ s. d. ; 253,390 6 3 ] £ s. d. 69 0 19 Block I., Kurow Survey District Open, level ground ; deep, rich, alluvial silt Stringer, G. 622 1 4 That the character of the land is such as to render it suitable for settlement in small lots; that there is a demand for land in the district; that the Board recommends the purchase at £9 per acre We recommend purchase at a price of £14 per acre, and, in the event of this offer not being accepted, we are of opinion that £15 an acre would not be too high a price to pay for such land The land is good, and suitable for settlement. There will be demand for this land in the district, and the purchase of the property is therefore recommended 9 0 0 See Report attached. Teanaraki 347 3 18 Block XIL, Oamaru, and Block VIII., Awamoko All rich agricultural land Meek, W. 5,044 0 6 15 0 0 See Report attached. Toka-rahi 11,051 2 9 Blocks II., VI., VII., and VIII., Maerewhenua Survey District First-class table-land and low-lying ridges on limestone formation McMaster, A. A. 77,360 17 10 7 0 0 See Report, attached. Total 59,667 1 18 336,417 5 11 Southland Land District — Beaumont 4,322 3 20 Aparima Valley, Wairaki Survey District The flat land is good, quick soil, well adapted for grain and root crops. The ridges are composed of a strong clay soil on rough gravel bottom Mixed agricultural and pastoral; deep rich, free soil Stevens's Trustees.. 10,482 11 3 That the land is suitable for settlement, and is a continuation and extension of the area for agricultural farms up the Aparima Valley 2 8 6 See Report attached. Merrivale Waiau Survey District Elder, Smith, and Co. That the land is good, and suitable for settlement; that the Board believes there is a demand for this class of land in the district; that the Board recommends the purchase That the land is suitable for settlement, and is practically an extension of the Merrivale and Waiau Valley Settlements, to which it is adjacent See Report attached. 9,998 0 0 24,995 0 0 2 10 0 Otahu 6,044 0 29 Waiau Survey District The land on ridges and along their base is good, but thinner towards river; sections well watered by runn'g streams. Splendid timber available for fencing and building on property Menzies and Batger 7,555 4 6 15 0 See Report attached. Totals '.. 20,365 0 9 43,032 15 9 Grand totals 395,482 3 27 1,710,547 10 6 * Total to be caid, £178,176 7; i. 8d.



The Assistant Surveyor-General to the Hon. the Minister of Lands. Sir, — Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 27th July, 1901. At the end of last year there were eight estates which had been acquired but had not been offered for lease—viz., Whitehall, Aorangi, Northbank, Papaka, Punaroa, Eautawiri, E.S. 36228, and Barnego, containing in all 39,583 acres. All these estates, excepting Northbank, were opened for selection during the past year, as well as three others which had been acquired during the year — namely, Langdale, Waipapa, and Lyndon, of an area of 17,304 acres, the total area offered being 43,942 acres, which cost £168,193. Four other estates purchased during the year were not ready for disposal before the 31st of March. They were Earnscleugh, in Otago (part of which is homestead land for the runs, and part is intended for orchards); Maungaraki, in Wellington ; Tarawahi, in Canterbury ; Hatuma, in Hawke's Bay, an area in all of 28,021 acres. The Northbank Estate in Marlborough purchased during the previous year, and containing 13,000 acres, which cost £6,750, is retained for a year to test its auriferous quality, but has been leased in one run to the former owner at £300 per annum, the goldfields revenue also being payable to the account. The Waipapa freeholds, of 3,655 acres, were utilised as homesteads for a portion of the highlying pastoral country behind them, but the rent for them has not yet been brought to account. Of the ten estates opened for selection 41,546 acres in 127 farms and two small grazing-runs, the areas varying from 50 to 2,000 acres, were leased at a rent of £8,174 per annum. For country lands the demand is very good, as will be seen from the following table, all the lands having been taken up as soon as offered, with the exception of 2,395 acres, part of which is withheld and the remainder hill pasture. The Hatuma Estate, in Hawke's Bay, offered since the end of the year, containing 25,737 acres, was divided into fifty-eight farms of from 110 to 1,510 acres each, and they were every one leased the first day it was placed in the market. Similarly, Kohika, 3,820 acres; Baincliff, 530 acres ; and Mangawhata, 1,226 acres, have all been taken up with the exception of one section in the latter. The workmen's hamlets were not so readily disposed of, but were taken up after a time, so that now only a few of them contain unlet sections. As a recent instance, the Hamlet of Epuni, within one mile and three-quarters of the Lower Hutt Bailway-station, and almost in the neighbourhood of a manufacturing suburb of Wellington, consisting of land of the finest quality for gardens and residences, which was opened for selection on the 25th June, was little competed for, only ten lots out of forty-three offered being selected on the first day. These lots were from J acre to 4£ acres. The Tarawahi Hamlet, about two miles and a half from Cathedral Square, in the City of Christchurch, and only a few chains from a tram-line, was, on the first day, taken up by only eight persons, when thirty-seven families might have founded homes on rich alluvial land fit to grow any garden crop. The following table gives the several estates offered for the first time, and how they were disposed of :—

Estates offered for Selection during 1900-1.

The total number of sections selected during the year out of estates newly offered and from those remaining for selection from previous years is 232. The arrears of rents due by 280 tenants under the Land for Settlements Act is £8,271, and is £l,o7B'greater than at the same time in the previous year. The prime cost of eighty-one estates, containing 331,128 acres, repurchased is £1,710,541, and there was £88,073 expended in incidental expenses, and expenses incurred in incompleted negotiations, in road-making, and in preparing the land for occupation in the smaller areas into which the properties were divided, making a cost to date of £1,798,614. The lands disposed of are let to 1,789 tenants, at an annual rental of £82,718, and the lands unlet represent an annual rental of £1,910. The yearly value is therefore £84,628. Excluding the Hatuma Estate (the purchase-money for which was paid at the end of the year but no rents obtained, and the rents of Langsdale, the price of which was not paid last year), the rent actually received during the year is equal to about 5 per cent, on the total cost, and the letting-value of the land offered for selection is s'l per cent. It must, however, be considered that there has yet to be expended on roads on these estates about £8,361. Of rural lands open for selection 12,503 acres in forty-one farms are still undisposed of, and there are 233 acres of workmen's, hamlets, or land intended for small holdings, in seventy-nine sections which were not taken up at the end of the year. The exchanges effected under the Act of 1894, and under section 7 of the Act of 1900, are given in attached table. It shows that 29,295 acres were acquired by the Crown in exchange for

Land District, and Name of Estate. Area of Estate. Number^ Number of Original Applications. Area unselected, 31st March, 1901. A Tlh, e „ n "' 1 Date when offered „„ V ii =r.ri for Selection, on Lands leased. Auckland— Whitehall .. Wellington— Aorangi Langdale .. Marlborough— Waipapa Canterbury— Rautawiri .. Papaka Punaroa Lvndon R.S. 36228 .. Otago— Barnego A. R. P. I 8,959 0 0 7 1,785 0 0 37 9,405 0 0 23 14 363 45 1,285 2 0 Nil 104 0 3 £ s. d. 361 4 6 1,342 16 10 1,526 10 4 9 Apiil, 1900. 5 April, 1900. 19 March, 1901. •3,655 0 0 122 3 7 6 1,561 2 25 9 7,029 3 5 1 17 4,243 3 28 8 100 3 23 1 7,078 2 1 21 25 Feb., 1901. 68 385 293 50 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 135 6 4 947 6 0 1,681 16 6 849 19 2 12 11 4 19 April, 1900. 19 April, 1900. 19 April, 1900. 5 March, 1901. 17 May, 1900. 65 1,006 0 0 1,316 5 6 15 May, 1900. Totals 43,941 2 9 ! 129 1,283 2,395 2 3 8,173 16 6 * Taken up as homesti ;ads for five small grazing-rum


51,434 acres of freehold lands and a sum of £784. These exchanges were of lands in the Marlborough District chiefly, and were arranged to give both parties better boundaries, and also land for home-stations for the utilisation of the high pastoral country in the neighbourhood. The following is a summary of the disposal and condition of the estates settled : —

A. Barron, The Hon. the Minister of Lands. Assistant Surveyor-General.


Land District, Selectors. Residents Condition. Auckland — "Opouriao .. _ Okauia ; (Rangiatea.. arapiro .". { Fencourt Whitehall.. Hawke's Bay — Kaureka Elsthorpe Waimarie Pouparae Tomoana Mahora Willows Wellington — Paparangi Ohakea Te Matua Aorangi Langdale Marlborough - Blind River Omaka Puhipuhi Starborough Richmond Brook Westland — Poerua Settlement .. Canterbury — Pareora Studholme Junction Kapua Rosebrook.. Otaio Patoa The Peaks Roimata Kereta Braco Epworth .. Ashley Gorge Omihi Valley Orakipaoa.. Highbank Otarakaro Wharenui Rakitairi Waiapi Horsley Downs Albury R.S. 1862 Part R.S. 2682 ' .. R.S. 36469, Cannington R.S. 36231 R.S. 36056 and 36057 R.S. 36228 Marawiti 72 9 19 17 34 7 18 46 17 8 13 32 22 37 15 13 37 23 17 13 2 112 11 18 62 6 17 10 22 6 18 28 14 6 11 24 12 35 \ 10 13 ]■ 34 12 j 19 11 1 52 8 8 Fairly prosperous. Pasture not good. Dairy farms, good pasture. Dairy farms. Dairy farms. Not yet inspected. Prosperous, lease conditions complied with. All occupied for pasture. Satisfactory crop —maize and grass. Cropped with maiz. 1 , pumpkins, and potatoes. In oats, barley, mangolds, potatoes, gardens, and orchards. Chiefly maize and potato crops—sheep and cattle. Progress of older settlements satisfactory, dwellings being rapidly ereoted. Better progress than last year. Season good ; crops fair. Leased with Crown lands. Harvest good, well garnered, improvements well dona. Improvements considerable. Not much progress made, season unpropitious. 28 4 10 14 9 4 12 26 4 14 2 10 1 27 70 5 26 21 15 25 74 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 25 3 10 14 9 3 1 26 4 14 1 10 Satisfactory, and settlers prosperous. Satisfactory progress. Satisfactory; floods troublesome. Improvements well done ; comfortable homes established. Doing well. Doing fairly well. Prosperous; drainage troublesome. Fairly satisfactory. Condition improved. Satisfactory. Doing fairly well; oomfortable houses. Stock paddock. Residents doing well; non-residents doing little improvement. Making good progress ; less cropping done. Tenants working their holdings well. Very prosperous. 18 62 7 24 18 ) 15 J 24 64 Both doing well, especially Rakitairi. Prosperous. Tenants doing well; settlement improving rapidly. Let as homesteads for other lands. Hekeao Pawaho Waikakahi Tamai Takitu Pareora No. 2 Rautawiri Papaka Punaroa Lyndon Otago — Pomahaka Teanaraki Tahawai Maerewhenua Puketapu Ardgowan Makareao Makareao No. 2 Momona Tokarahi Janefield Elderslie Barnego Southland — Merrivale Otahu Beaumont.. 13 25 156 34 5 33 6 9 17 8 13 12 20 132 24 3 25 4 5 10 Large holdings progressing steadily; small holdings not doing so well. Improving rapidly. Progress satisfactory. Prosperous; advance considerable. Has made fair progress. Improvements small, high prices of sheep prevented full stocking. Improvements substantial. Promises well. Large holders doing well; small backwards. Promises well. 13 22 8 71 11 65 31 3 14 78 19 33 21 18 18 8 61 9 51 l !l 14 43 17 14 15 Fair crops ; land better stocked. Crops fair; some sections infested with Californian thistle. Condition healthy. Heavy loss by hail storm; condition sound. Progress good. Very prosperous ; fair progress. Progress slow, especially small holdings. Most successful. Very satisfactory. Bids fair to become prosperous. Very good progress made. Season bad ; valuable improvements. 47 5 11 37 4 4 Every seotion improved. Not much improvement. Returns poor.



PART I.—Return of Lands disposed of under the Land for Settlements Acts for the Year which ended 31st March, 1901.

Name of Estate. Date when Land opened for Selection. Area acquired, including ascertained Surplus or Deficiency. Area occupied by Roads and Reserves unlet. Area of Land unlet, including Land forfeited, surrendered, or resumed and not relet, and also Land not yet offered for Selection. New Selections and Additi during the Ye ion to Holdings ar. Total Lands leased at Date. No. of Selectors. Area. Annual Rent payable. No. of Selectors. Area. Annual Rent now payable. Auckland — Opouriao Okauia Rangiatea Karapiro Fencourt Whitehall Hawke's Bay — Raureka Elsthorpe Waimarie Pouparae Tomoana Mahora Willows.. vVellington — Paparangi Ohakea Te Matua Aorangi Langdale Marlborough — Blind River Omaka .. Puhipuhi Starborough Richmond Brook Waipapa Westland — Poerua Settlement Canterbury — Pareora Studholme Junotion Kapua Rosebrook Otaio Patoa The Peaks Roimata Kereta Braco Epworth Ashley Gorge Omihi Valley Orakipaoa Highbank Feb. 12, 1896.. Feb. 21, 1898.. June 22, 1898.. Oct. 21, 1898.. Mar. 12, 1900.. April 9,1900.. May 6,1896.. June 24, 1896.. Sept. 9,1896.. April 21, 1897.. Mar. 3,1898.. Mar. 22, 1899.. Mar. 22, 1899.. Feb. 28, 1898.. Dec. 27, 1899.. Deo. 27, 1899.. April 5,1900.. Mar. 19, 1901.. Jan. 16,1895.. June 24, 1896.. Feb. 25, 1897.. Mar. 13,1899.. Aug. 18, 1899.. Feb. 25, 1901.. A. R. p. 7,604 0 0 5,920 0 0 4,004 0 0 2,276 3 9 7,105 3 5 8,959 0 0 427 2 0 9,740 0 0 430 2 10 337 3 4 111 3 38 1,133 3 0 775 1 36 322 3 32 1,745 1 30 702 0 19 1,785 0 0 9,405 0 0 5,507 0 0 3,898 0 0 320 0 0 35,906 0 0 5,854 0 0 3,6o5 0 0' A. R. P. 433 2 20 1,595 2 0 '89 3 0 3 0 0 62 2 26 5 0 0 11 1 2 192 0 20 4 2 16 1 1 32 1 3 35 21 1 5 24 2 31 8 1 24 31 3 29 152 3 37 272 0 15 65 0 14 A. R. P. 305 1 0 l,25o' 1 38 1,285 2 0 7 11 10 0 9 2 2 53 2 37 17' 2 18 104' 0 3 935 0 0 1 2 10 7 1 1 2 3 37 23 A. R. P. 7 0 0 61 1 30 2,120 1 34 7,668 2 0 34 0 0 0 10 33 0 0 363 3 9 1,753 0 11 9,148 0 0 £ s. d. 1 15 0 11 6 3 549 2 10 361 4 6 50 1 0 0 8 0 35 19 0 225 15 6 1,342 16 10 1,526 10 4 72 19 17 34 7 18 46 17 8 13 32 22 37 15 13 37 23 17 13 2 112 11 A. R. P. 7,036 2 8 4,324 2 0 3,914 1 0 2,273 3 9 5,792 2 21 7,668 2 0 408 3 37 9,546 3 20 416 1 32 282 2 15 110 0 3 1,094 3 17 775 1 36 298 1 1 1,737 0 6 702 0 19 1,753 0 11 9,148 0 0 4,299 3 25 3,832 3 26 320 0 0 34,949 2 12 5,669 0 0 £ s. d. 1,424 17 2 2S6 17 10 712 8 2 432 18 3 1,647 1 2 361 4 6 532 2 0 2,307 15 0 453 0 0 341 3 0 135 2 0 1,606 11 2 758 10 2 307 1 6 1,124 7 0 527 7 4 1,342 16 10 1,526 10 4 739 13 2 588 0 4 24 10 0 •5,843 15 0 fl,313 13 4 871 1 28 185 0 0 85 0 0 June 26, 1896.. 3,230 1 6 101 3 6 157 0 0 18 2,971 2 0 256 0 10 Jan. 18,1894.. Jan. 18, 1894.. Mar. 24, 1894.. June 26, 1895.. June 26, 1895.. Nov. 27, 1895.. Aug. 1,1895.. Aug. 14, 1895.. Dec. 4,1895.. Nov. 27, 1895.. Nov. 27, 1895.. Dec. 4,1895.. June 28, 1899.. June 22, 1896.. June 24, 1896.. 620 2 13 109 0 7 574 1 22 600 1 8 373 3 14 4,535 3 14 2,811 0 9 48 3 27 105 2 29 27 2 4 21 0 3 1,165 3 6 20 0 0 384 0 31 9,121 3 8 8 2 38 4 1 39 2 0 0 6 2 21 17 3 26 12 0 0 3 2 31 94 0 0 28 4 10 14 9 4 12 26 4 14 2 10 1 27 70 611 3 15 104 2 8 478 1 22 600 1 8 367 0 33 4,517 3 28 2,799 0 9 45 0 36 105 2 29 27 2 4 21 0 3 1,161 1 2 20 0 0 384 0 31 8,724 3 34 396 18 6 73 4 6 223 9 4 307 13 6 216 14 8 170 16 6 196 12 6 140 5 9 82 18 0 72 18 4 13 11 2 258 1 0 13 5 0 397 10 8 2,935 12 10 4 2 4 87 3 30 308 3 24 * Taken up as homesteads for fivt small grazing rum i. The sum of £238 0s. 2d. v was received, but not brought to account, prior to 31st March


4—C. 5.


Otarakaro .. .. Mar. 24, 1897.. 39 3 9 Wharenui .. .. Mar. 24,1897.. 73 1 10 Rakitairi .. .. Mar. 22, 1897.. 3,526 126 Waiapi.. .. .. Mar. 22, 1897.. 1,124 2 36 Horsley Down .. .. Mav 31,1897.. 3,982 3 35 Albury .. .. .. April 12, 1897.. 19,539 124 R.S. 1862 .. ... Oct. 21,1897.. 20 0 0 5 Pt. R.S. 2682 .. .. June 29, 1899.. 6 2 4 R.S. 36469, Cannington .. June 29, 1899.. 154 3 2 ! R.S. 36231 .. .. Dec. 14,1899.. 98 3 30 R.S. 36056 aud 36057 .. Dec. 30, 1899.. 58 0 16 R.S. 36228 .. - .. May 17,1900.. 100 3 23 Marawiti .. .. I May 7,1897.. 2,028 2 33 Hekeao.. .. ..Mar. 9,1898.. 2,254 2 11 Pawaho .. .. April 5,1898.. 52 0 18 Waikakahi .. .. Mar. 20, 1899.. 48,262 2 34 Tamai .. .. .. June 26, 1899.. 41 0 28 Takitu .. .. ..jMar. 1,1900.. 9,713 0 37 Pareora No. 2 .. .. I Mar. 22, 1900.. 8,132 0 31 Rautawiri .. ..! April 19, 1900.. 122 3 7 Papaka.. .. .. April 19, 1900.. 1,561 2 25 Punaroa .. .. April 19, 1900.. 7,029 3 5 Lyndon .. .. j Mar. 5,1901.. 4,243 3 28 Otago — Pomahaka .. .. [Feb. 20,1894.. 7,478 2 2 Teanaraki .. .. Feb. 7,1894.. 351 0 39 Tahawai .. .. | Aug. 21,1895.. 70 1 35 Maerewhenua .. ,. Sept. 10, 1895.. 11,163 3 31 Puketapu .. .. I Mar. 18,1896.. 509 0 6 Ardgowan .. .. May 12,1896.. 4,268 3 28 Makareao .. .. June 26, 1896.. 2,383 0 4 Makareao No. 2 .. .. April 14, 1897.. 2,573 3 6 Momona .. .. j May 10, 1897.. 224 0 15 Tokarahi .. .. May 11,1897.. 11,259 2 36 Janefield .. .. Sept. 13, 1899.. 147 0 2 Elderslie .. .. 1 Mar. 20, 1900.. 11,618 2 4 Barnego .. .. May 15,1900.. 7,078 2 1 Earnscleugh .. .. j .. 1,174 3 36 Southland — Merrivale .. .. Dec. 18, 1895.. : 9,998 0 0 Otahu .. .. ..iNov. 4,1897.. 6,153 0 36} Beaumont .. .. Jan. 26,1898.. 4,484 0 4 3 3 22 36 2 16 166 0 33 2 0 0 68 1 26 1 3 14 210 3 34 3 2 32 39 0 1 54 0 14 7 2 0 8 2 18 37 0 0 224 3 39 6 3 9 1 3 21 227 2 7 12 3 10 103 0 20 91 1 4 3 0 37 5 0 0 286 3 31 3 15 111 2 26 24 1 36 523 2 20 128 2 25 16 0 36 j 11 0 0 25 0 0 539' 1 22 3 2 0 2 1 1 5 7 11 1 2 6 9 17 8 405 0 27 100 3 23 5 0 0 11 2 23 170 3 12 6 0 18 1,494 0 0 484 0 37 122 3 7 1,554 0 35 7,021 0 27 4,206 3 28 119 11 8 12 11 4 1 10 0 35 14 2 39 15 8 35 18 6 191 0 0 204 10 8 135 6 4 947 6 0 1,681 16 6 ! 849 19 2 5 26 21 15 25 74 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 13 25 156 34 5 33 6 9 17 8 28 3 9 73 1 10 3,522 2 4 1,124 2 36 3,946 1 19 19,373 0 31 20 0 0 6 2 4 154 3 2 98 3 30 58 0 16 100 3 23 2,001 2 33 2,186 0 25 50 1 4 47,512 1 18 33 3 36 9,674 0 36 8,078 0 17 122 3 7 1,554 0 25 7,021 0 27 4,206 3 28 82 1 0 288 6 10 1,061 19 2 518 19 10 1,072 3 0 3,429 19 4 3 7 4 11 11 10 25 14 0 17 15 6 14 18 10 12 11 4 738 3 4 626 0 2 131 1 2 16,628 18 6 196 2 2 1,122 10 4 3,700 0 8 135 6 4 947 6 0 1,681 16 6 849 19 2 4,124 0 32 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 9 21 271 3 20 24 0 28 22 0 33 25 2 13 117 2 22 260 2 34 15 2 16 3,510 3 6 6,048 0 5 42 9 8 9 13 8 10 8 6 9 19 10 23 17 6 60 4 4 26 2 0 1,145 7 0 1,316 5 6 13 22 8 71 11 65 31 3 14 78 19 33 21 3,129 1 11 344 1 30 68 2 14 10,879 2 12 496 0 36 4,165 3 8 2,291 3 0 2,570 2 9 219 0 15 10,968 2 18 132 1 8 11,506 3 18 6,048 0 5 515 17 10 263 16 2 35 14 4 3,544 19 6 189 0 10 1,893 19 4 377 18 8 296 15 4 210 3 0 4,117 18 10 256 0 10 4,126 19 4 1,316 5 6 56 3 12 4 0 27 11 1 29 1,006 0 0 1,174 3 36 .. 1,165 1 35 2 4 2,067 3 10 2,350 0 8 194 18 0 146 5 10 47 5 11 9,474 1 20 4,859 0 16 4,467 3 8 1,416 12 10 319 2 6 447 8 7 Totals .. .. .. 334,783 0 21 i l 6,694 3 25 6,694 3 25 12,736 0 36 204 51,486 3 30 11,345 11 1 1,769 311,868 1 28 82,718 4 1 * Includes £57 18s. interest and sinking fund. t Includes £8 12s. JOd. interest and sinking fund. I 2 perches added for mistake in area of Section 5.



PART II.—Return of Lands disposed of under the Land for Settlements Acts for the Year which ended 31st March, 1901.

,. . . ». . r. ;_jt_„j Amount advanced to Selecto Yearly Value Occupied Land. Amount advanced to belecto of Unlet Land Buildings, &c. at SlstMarch, No . of Houses ! *%g*g% Value of During previous DuringYear 1JU1 - on Holdings. , Holdings Improvements. Years. -Ummg xear. Occupied Land. Amount advanced to Selectors for Buildings, &c. ors tor Total. Arrears on 31st March, 1901. Rent and other Total Receipts Name of Estate. No. Area. 1 Bent in Arrear. received during the Year. to 31st March, 1901. Auckland — Opouriao Okauia Rangiatea Karapiro Fencourt Whitehall Hawke's Bay Rtureka Elsthorpe Waimarie Pouparae Tomoana Mahora Willows.. Hatuma Wellington — Paparangi Ohakea Te Matua Aorangi.. Langdale Marlborough — Blind River Omaka Puhipuhi Starnorough Richmond Brook Waipapa Westland — Poerua Canterbury — Pareora Studholme Junction Kapua Rosebrook Otaio Patoa The Peaks Roimata Kereta Braco Epworth Ashley Gorge • £ s. d. 47 1 2 81' 4 6 22 15 4 11 0 0 1 14 0 10 0 0 64 5 0 25 3 4 62 6 17 10 22 6 18 28 14 6 11 24 12 252 13 100 48 57 18 75 125 51 21 55 96 42 135 35 37 124 No report yet £ s. d. 18,337 5 0 2,451 0 0 4,374 2 6 1,893 5 0 11,035 0 0 ; 3,601 0 0 2,139 8 6 9,643 10 0 1,372 1 6 921 2 6 2,293 2 6 4,302 9 6 1,366 10 0 3,068 0 0 3,510 0 0 1,941 0 0 5,993 0 0 : £ s. d. 404 0 0 £ s. d. 60 0 0 100 0 0 j I I £ s. d. a. r. p. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. 21 2,830 1 13 \ 322 7 11 972 9 2 3 1,358 3 30 89 11 0 77 8 2 6 1,409 0 0 i 150 4 3 460 16 6 4 167 2 10 26 19 4 362 18 11 713 9 4 216 4 6 667 2 6 2,578 16 0 503 18 0 375 6 0 135 2 0 1,480 7 8 580 18 6 464 0 Of 6 45 2 18 J30 12 8 383 19 11 889 17 2 542 6 0 100 0 0 .. .. .. 1,324 2 7 834 0 0 £ s. d. 5,938-" 4 5 322 9 9 1,495 18 2 933 13 5 1,223 5 1 216 4 6 2,538 6 5 11,371 2 0 1,880 8 0 1,350 7 6 388 1 0 2,828 19 5 1,320 15 6 32' 3 6 1 35 10 13 34 §12 1,000 17 3 1,365 3 11 819 1 9 1,324 2 7 834 0 0 143 7 4 26 3 6 19 11 1 52 8 59 39 1 210 27 4,623 0 0 3,978 0 0 155 0 0 14,361 6 0 2,007 17 0 18 2,315 2 3 331 12 0 997 17 10 7! 2,140 2 34 276 13 11 570 10 6 20 10 0 10 1,860 2 8 411 19 2 4,S92 18 6 ._. .. 1,014 15 10 3,681 10 5 2,406 3 5 71 5 0 9,642 19 7 1,743 9 6 14 14 4 8 35 2,438 10 0 14 1,908 2 0 185 5 9 116 3 5 797 17 i 46 14 0 25 3 10 14 9 3 1 26 4 14 1 10 111 12 40 59 31 16 1 120 27 42 5 46 2,221 15 6 357 18 0 1,328 19 0 1,847 11 6 895 14 6 1,313 3 0 1,254 0 0 3,914 0 0 562 17 6 1,166 0 0 158 16 0 1,650 0 0 10 0 0 •• 5 145 1 26 47 3 9 379 17 7 .. .. .. 84 18 7 1 50 0 0 12 10 0 412 4 7 4 I 206 0 25 52 9 11 279 18 0 1 43 0 9 12 16 0 197 5 7 293 0 0 7 6 6 156 3 6 ; 2 899 3 0 26 10 7 128 1 4 i 1 10 0 1 10 9 131 2 8 1 29 0 10 12 2 0 84 10 0 10 0 0 .. .. .. 74 16 11 1 11 3 32 3 17 1 9 14 3 115 2 2 , 17 6 6 244 13 2 2,571 3 4 511 13 4 1,783 11 3 1,674 10 4 1,209 8 7 844 10 4 942 1 3 766 0 11 422 13 0 383 14 8 58 3 2 1,397 14 2



Omihi Valley Orakipaoa Highbank Otarakaro Wharenui Rakitairi Waiapi Horsley Down Albury R.S. 1862 Pt. R.S. 2682 R.S. 36469, Cannington .. R.S. 36231 R.S. 36056 and 36057 R.S. 36228 Marawiti Hekeao Pawaho Waikakahi Tamai Takitu .. Pareora No. 2 .. Rautawiri Papaka Punaroa Lyndon Otago — Pomahaka Teanaraki Tahawai Maerewhenua Pukttapu Ardgowan Makareao Makareao Extension Momona Tokarahi Janefield Elderslie Barnego Earnscleugh Southland — Merrivale Otahu .. .. Beaumont 106 0 6 29 17 0 5 11 4 10 12 6 153 0 8 16 0 0 18 62 7 24 18 15 24 64 13 12 20 132 24 3 25 4 5 10 88 238 39 S2 72 63 76 269 65 48 56 517 101 7 104 9 27 27 1,645 19 0 11,623 10 6 1,060 0 0 2,851 0 0 3,097 13 0 2,458 0 1 5,299 0 0 13,577 10 0 1,989 18 0 2,726 1 6 2,207 0 0 43,841 11 5 1,863 0 0 1,377 18 3 8,327 12 3 258 10 0 2,035 4 0 3,900 6 1 160 0 0 95 0 0 120 0 0 50 0 0 30 "o 0 176 0 0 210 0 0 1 .. 1 125 0 0 296 0 0 •• • •• 2 18 3 3 2 1 9 1 1 1 4 2 2 19 2 ■■ i ! - 12 0 0 4 8 10 2,288 1 27 362 1 0 18 0 31 58 0 3 617 0 0 70 12 0 101 2 39 21 12 5 130 3 38 6 11 0 1,971 2 20 150 9 3 62 4 3 "5 11 ! 545 2 23 i 93 5 0 268 3 37 42 19 4 3 0 39 1 2 10 4,683 2 21 982 1 9 3 0 0' 433 4 8 10 362 1 0 58 0 3 70 12 0 21 12 5 6 11 0 150 9 3 3 "5 11 13 5 0 431 9 7 3,500 0 11 80 19 0 319 15 9 925 6 1 478 1 4 1,031 19 1 3,626 3 11 3 4 0 2 10 0 24 8 4 17 15 6 14 3 11 12 11 4 789 15 4 555 3 1 122 2 2 14,479 1 9 169 18 9 535 5 9 1,740 2 6 117 8 0 942 7 4 1,596 16 5 424 19 7 26 10 0 1,955 12 0 14,671 6 7 324 5 7 1,088 13 11 3,805 8 0 2,007 0 9 4,626 17 11 12,384 1 1 11 12 4 14 1 10 50 2 4 26 13 3 21 13 4 12 11 4 2,611 6 6 1,687 17 11 305 2 10 28,255 15 0 260 8 2 1,001 0 11 3,487 17 9 117 8 0 942 7 4 1,596 16 5 424 19 7 '■'■ i '.'- " .. •• •■ 676 15 6 18 18 8 61 9 51 16 3 14 43 17 14 15 34 59 38 228 23 218 56 8 52 157 78 36 46 4,031 0 0 1,184 0 0 775 0 0 11,828 5 9 851 8 7 8,671 19 1 1,933 11 9 1,026 10 0 1,869 12 6 9,343 14 6 2,591 0 0 5,444 0 10 3,278 16 0 9 8 2,396 3 10 193 10 7 116 0 21 78 9 4 5,430 3 12 1,233 4 3 54 3 26 9 12 2 885 3 31 244 15 5 1,508 1 31 ! 118 9 3 2l' 2 37 15 17 3 1 6,557 1 5 2,183 1 7 942 7 11 299 4 10 32 8 8 3,403 10 4 181 8 4 2,085 1 6 i 877 10 4 210 6 5 4,831 18 9 199 13 0 1,482 10 10 1,259 12 2 20 0 0 5,277 12 4 1,681 8 6 191 15 3 16,976 S 1 866 0 11 8,717 11 8 9 2 2 [ .19 I 1 : 13 i 9 2,678 1 3 3 16 10 19 16 2 I '2 I 43 752 0 2 12,705 16 11 333 17 0 2,973 0 6 1,259 12 2 20 0 0 •• i 125 6 10 160 0 0 •■ ! I 67 10 6 37 4 4 143 5 10 9,545 0 0 640 0 0 804 0 0 7 1 5 1,376 2 0 127 0 5 408 0 38 24 4 9 1,667 1 0 222 19 11 1,472 12 8 367 9 3 265 13 7 7,518 9 0 768 7 10 556 0 0 Totals 416 0 0 1,205 0 0 ■i 230 47,906 2 30 8,271 16 10 72,781 12 2 1,909 16 0 1,371 5,104 1296,433 18 1 789 0 0 72,781 12 2 213,053 0 5 * £5 7s. 7d. rebate of insurance. t Total advances outstanding, £121, £40 sale valued at £2,056, which are being paid for by selectors by half-yearly instalments 1 laving been repaid. it principal and interest. J Rent, £14 5s. 8d.; interest, £16 7s. cj Twelve living-houses, also other buildings, on land at time oi



PART III. —Areas of Land acquired by Way of Exchange under Land for Settlements Act, and Areas given in Exchange, to 31st March, 1901.

Estates purchased but not offered for Selection at 31st March, 1901.

Approscvmate Costof Paper, — Preparation? not given; printing (1,475 oopies), .£35 12s.

Price '.)d.\ By Authority John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ol.

Land acquired by Cn >wn. Land given by Crown in 1 Ixchange. Cash. Locality. Area. Locality. Area. Paid to Owner. Paid to Government. I I Mt. Fjffe and Greenburn Onamalutu, Pine Valley, and Mt. Ohmpus Onamalutu Hundalee Barefell, Tone, and Whernside Puhipuhi Hundalee A. B. P. 202 3 17 3,903 0 0 Mt. Fyffe and Greenburn .. Mt. Olympus and Pine Valley A R. P. 346 1 36 | 11,733 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 724 1 0 1,303 0 0 9,820 0 0 1,928 0 0 3.986 1 17 Onamalutu Hundalee Tone and Whernside Whernside and Puhipuhi .. Acheron, Greenburn, and Hundalee Mt. Olympus, Spray, Patriarch, &c. Clifford Bay Stonyhurst and Weld Hakataramea Burke and Tengawai Stonyhurst 1,449 0 0 1,761 0 0 5,798 0 0 3,592 0 24 11,618 8 27 210 10 4 264 7 6 224 12 11 Spray 6,442 3 0 13,701 0 0 Clifford Bay 138 3 7 404 0 0 100 0 0 199 1 0 137 3 12 323 0 24 522 2 0 118 0 0 333 0 0 137 8 12 505 15 0 Hakataramea Burke Stonyhurst Totals 994 15 5 29,295 0 13 51,434 0 3 210 10 4

Cost. Name of Estate. Area. Pui'cliase-monev. Incidental Expenses. Total Cost. Earnscleugh Haungaraki rarawahi Slorthbank Hatuma A. R. P. 1,174 3 36 423 2 20 31 3 0 12,994 0 0 26,391 0 0 £ s. d. 3,100 0 0 2,797 0 0 2,857 10 0 6,750 0 0 141,618 0 0 £ s. d. 25 15 0 21 2 6 5 5 4 490 18 0 £ s. d. 3,125 15 0 2,818 2 6 2,857 10 0 6,755 5 4 142,108 18 0 41,015 1 16 157,122 10 0 543 0 10 157,665 10 10 «

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"LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900" (REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, C-05

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"LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900" (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, C-05

"LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1900" (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1901 Session I, C-05

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