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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."

I have the honour, as required by " The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889," to present, my report for the year ended the 31st December, 1899. The tables printed in the Appendix give a general survey of the work of the office for the year. Patents. The total number of applications for patents amounted to 992, showing a decrease of twentj*nine on the figures for the preceding year. I do not anticipate any further fall. The expansion and subsequent decline in certain classes of inventions, referred to in previous reports, seem now to have come to an end, and the business of the office may be regarded as having returned to its normal condition. It may be noticed, as illustrating the trend of invention, that there has been a considerable increase this year in inventions connected with electricity, dredging and other appliances for the recovery of gold, fire escapes and extinguishers, and crates for the conveyance of frozen rabbits. There were fourteen applications for horse-covers, articles in respect of which it might have been reasonably expected that human ingenuity would have been exhausted long ago. As usual, the larger number of applications came from inventors resident in the colony ; the next highest number came from the United States ; and the United Kingdom was third on the list. Details are given in Table H. Seven applications were received under section 103 of the Act. The fees received during the year under the head of " Patents " amounted to £2,720 18s. There were thirty-nine patent agents on the register at the end of the year. Designs and Trade Marks. Pull particulars as to the applications for the registration of designs and trade marks are given in Tables H, I, L, and M. The total number of applications was—Designs, 13; trade marks, 329. The fees received under both heads amounted to £378 16s. 6d. General. The surplus of revenue over expenditure for the year amounted to £2,251. On the expenditure side an item of £202 appears for the first time, being the cost of printing, the additional information in the Gazette referred to in my report of last year. Considering the office shows a handsome balance to credit every year, I should be glad if more generous provision could be made to give the public fuller information as to inventions. This could be done by publishing in a choap form the specifications and drawings filed in the office. The cost has hitherto stood in the way, but I hope that ere long this desirable reform will be accomplished. The new offices in the Government Printing Office were occupied in February last. They are commodious enough, though, from their position on the top floor of a four-story building, not very accessible. The library contains bound volumes of the English specifications from the year 1617 down to the year 1898, and fresh volumes come to hand regularly. These are available to the public within ordinary office hours, but I find that few people avail themselves of the opportunity to search or inspect them. This is to be regretted, if only on the ground that a study of the specifications of inventions already patented would prevent a number of people from wasting their time and money. A large percentage of the applications filed do not proceed beyond the initial stages, principally, no doubt, because the applicants find that their inventions have either been anticipated or that they do not work in actual practice. There are four stages in the life of a patent—(l) the application, (2) the grant, (3) the payment of the fee for the second term, and (4) the payment of the fee for the final term.

I—H. 10.



The table below shows the number of applications over a series of years, and the stages to which they have respectively advanced: —

It will be observed that 10-16 per cent, of the patents granted in 1890, 6-6 per cent, of those granted in 1891, and 11-3 per cent, of those granted in 1892 have been maintained for the full term of fourteen years. There has been some discussion lately as to the advisability of altering our patent system by providing for preliminary official examination somewhat on the lines adopted in the United States and Germany. So far as I have been able to ascertain, the systems followed in those countries have not given such entire satisfaction as to justify their adoption here without much fuller information than we at present possess. It seems to have been too hastily assumed by the advocates of examination that in countries where examination prevails a patent once granted may be relied upon as absolutely secure from attack. This, however, is not the case, and the law-courts are still the ultimate tribunal to decide the question of validity, and have still to be resorted to for final settlement in case of dispute. If the Patent Office could, after examination, give a valid title analogous to a Land Transfer title, there might be justification for the great additional expense involved in establishing a different system, but I confess that I see little advantage in compelling an inventor to run the gauntlet of an official examination, which gives him a fictitious security, only to find that he is still subject to a liability to defend his patent in the law-courts. There is also —though this, perhaps, is a minor matter—the risk of friction arising between the office and inventors. I find that inventors, as a rule, are inclined to resent criticism or suggestion, and the most that the office can do is to point out to an applicant that his invention appears to lack the essential quality of novelty, and to leave him to decide whether he will proceed further. On the whole, I am of opinion that the case for " official examination " has not been proved. The staff of the office is small, but the work is well done. My own time is so fully occupied by my other duties that I have found it impossible to give much attention to the details of the Patent Office, which are therefore carried out under the immediate supervision of Mr. Lewis, the Deputy Begistrar. It affords me much pleasure to bear testimony to the assistance I have received from the staff, and to record its zeal and efficiency. Patent Office, Wellington, 9th June, 1900. P. Waldegrave, Begistrar.


\_ Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1899. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ••• 2,720 18 0 Salaries 450 0 0 Design fees ... ... •■• 710 Copying specifications, &c. ... 22 4 2 Trade-mark fees ... ... 371 15 6 Fees to Patent Office Agents ... 41 12 6 Sale of Acts, &c. ... ... 1 3 0 Printing and stationery from GoOther receipts ... ... 15 0 vernment Printing Office ... 41 8 6 Printing Patents Gazette . ... 202 0 0 Binding, freight, &c, of British specifications and abridgments 59 0 8 Conveyance of books from Museum to P.O. Library ... ... 5 5 8 Typewriter ... ... ... 19 0 0 Fees refunded ... ... 3 16 0 Incidental expenses ... ... 615 0 Surplus for the year ... ... 2,251 0 0 £3,102 2 6 £3,102 2 6

Year. Number of Applications received. Number of Letters Patent granted. Number of Patents on which Second-term Fee paid. Number of Patents on which Final Fee paid. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 614 589 606 625 756 816 364 348 326 334 349 362 80 78 84 99 88 113 37 23 37


B.—Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years.

C. —Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1899.


Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. 1892 1893 1894 1895 £ s. d. .. 1,825 6 0 .. 2,150 2 0 .. 2,477 7 0 .. 2,170 9 6 £ a. d. £ a. d. 361 18 10 1,463 7 2 396 8 3 1,753 13 9 536 6 11 1,941 0 1 464 15 8 1,705 13 10 1896 3897 1898 1899 £ s. d. .. 2,583 0 6 .. 3,183 9 0 .. 2,824 9 0 .. 3,102 2 6 £ s. d, £ s. d. 564 6 10 2,018 13 8 574 15 2 2,608 13 10 623 1 11 2,201 7 1 851 2 6 2,251 0 0

Number. Fees. Each. Amount received. Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications Applications for patents with complete specifications Complete specifications after provisional specifications Issue of letters patent Applications to amend specifications Second-term fees, payable before end of fourth year Third-term fees, payable before end of seventh year Notices of opposition .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. Hearing objections On application for enlargament of time for deposit of complete specifications— ITC 1st January to 10th May 11th May to 31st December .. .. On grant of such enlargement— 1st January to 10th May 11th May to 31st December On application for enlargement of time for acceptance of complete specification— 1st January to 10th May 11th May to 31st December On grant of such enlargement— 1st January to 10th May 11th May to 31st December Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees— 1st January to 10th May .. 11th May to 31st December Grant of such enlargement — 1st January to 10th May 11th May to 31st December Notioe of appeal to Supreme Court against decision of Registrar Searches — 1st January to 10th M=iy (each book or specification) 11th May to 31st December (per hour) .. .. .. :. Registration of assignments and licenses Certificates of such registration Copies of specifications and drawings— 1st January to 10th Miy (specifications, 61. per seventy-two words ; drawings, 2s. 61. per hour) 11th May to 31st December (specifications, 31. per seventy-two words; drawings, 2s. 6d. per hour) Certifying copies Correction of clerical errors in specifications, &c, Registration of Patent Agents Miscellaneous 512 480 142 504 8 110 40 5 2 2 11 2 11 "l "l £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 2 0 1 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 1 0 0 10 5 0 1 0 o'io i "o £ s. d. 256 0 0 240 0 0 71 0 0 1,008 0 0 8 0 0 550 0 0 400 0 0 2 10 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 5 10 0 . 10 0 0 11 0 0 o'io o r"o o 4 13 1 0 0 10 4 0 0 6 10 0 3 12 1 3 0 1 0 1 0 9 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 66 150 68 53 0 1 0 1 0 10 0 10 3 6 0 7 10 0 34 0 0 26 10 0 15 10 0 20 7 3 0 1 0 5 1 1 25 14 0 10 0 1 15 0 3 3 0 0 10 0 Designs. Applications for registration of designs Registration of assignment Searches .. ... £2,720 18 0 1 1 0 10 0 10 0 1 6 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 Tbade Marks. Applications for registration of trade-marks Registration of trade-marks Registration of assignments Certificates of such registration Notices of opposition Altering ad iress on Register .. .. .. .. Renewal of registration Copies or extracts (per seventy-two words) .. Searches Advertisements : Cost of extra space in Gazette £7 10 329 30 6 1 8 0 5 £1 & 5s. £1 & 23. 0 5 1 0 0 5 1 0 6d. 0 1 82 5 0 235 15 0 18 18 0 7 10 0 6 0 0 0 5 0 8 0 0 0 4 6 5 13 0 7 5 0 113 £371 15 6 'JNote. —The additional Patents Regulations, whioh came into force on the 11 'ees. The table shows the amounts reoeived under the old and new rates respecti th May, altered the scale of Patent ively.


D.—Staff of Officers and Salaries. £ Begistrar* ... ... ... ... ... ... Nil. Deputv-Begistrar ... ... ... ... ... 240 Clerk" ... ... ... ... ... ... 130 Cadet ... ... ... ... ... ... 95 £465

* Also Under-Secretary for Justice.

E.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c., under Act of 1889.

F.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1899 inclusive.

G.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1897, 1898, and 1899.


3 CD Number cations w: Complete cations of Appliith which 3 Specifilodged. Number of Applications with which Provisional Specifications lodged. Nu: Applii which Specifh sequel: nber of lations for Complete iations subtly lodged. Numbe: cations i laps rei t- of Appliibandoned, led, or 'used. Num Patent: iber of s sealed. I Total Number of Applications. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 N.Z. 242 187 202 198 278 229 299 217 199 182 Foreign. 207 207 191 178 166 201 275 303 305 297 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 307 318 444 419 382 Foreign. 60 69 53 52 61 79 100 129 98 131 N.Z. 27 29 40 51 69 75 68 87 102 * Foreign. 17 25 16 24 > 16 N.Z. 202 191 237 262 352 403 439 481 * Foreign. 50 50 43 30 51 51 75 95 * N.Z. 147 122 125 133 177 133 185 181 * Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 336 * 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 33 41 29 * * * * * * I 'hese figure! are necessarily incomplete, as the time for proceeding further with thi applic: .tions hai not yet ixpirei

Year. Patents. Designs. Trade-marks. Total. 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 290 906 1893 625 1 325 951 1894 756 15 347 1,118 1895 816 14 254 1,084 1896 992 27 279 1,298 1897 1,093 13 361 1,467 1898 1,021 10 343 1,374 1899 992 12 328 1,332

1897. 1898. 1899. 1897. 1898. 1899. New Zealand Argentine Republic Austria . Belgium Canada Cape of Good Hope Denmark 661 1 2 3 12 616 563 Nicaragua Norway Queensland Russia South African Republic .. South Australia Spain Sweden Tasmania United Kingdom United States Uruguay Victoria Western Australia "2 13 1 "l 5 3 1 5 11 9 4 3 7 10 18 1 2 5 127 56 1 87 3 7 8 2 3 8 2 11 10 10 5 15 3 2 1 13 France Germany Holland Hungary India Italy Natal New South Wales 2 5 131 58 1 85 5 2 99 109 1 2 1 65 68 9 65 78 Note. —A few applications were rece: ;otal more than the actual number of api ived frc ilicatioi >ni join is recen t applicants resident in different countries; the figures will, therefore, r ed.


H.—Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1897, 1898, and 1899.

I.—Number of Applications to register Trade Marks in the Fifty different Classes, in each of the Years 1897, 1898, and 1899.

2—H. 10.


1897. 1898. 1899. 1897. 1898. 1899. New Zealand Canada .. Ceylon .. Denmark Egypt .. France .. Germany Holland Hungary India 167 1 175 1 1 3 180 1 New South Wales Norway Queensland South Australia Switzerland Tasmania United Kingdom United States .. Victoria Western Australia 25 1 3 2 2 21 4 1 4 1 97 34 11 15 2 11 1 1 5 4 1 "3 2 "l 3 124 33 22 1 87 23 13 "l 1 1 Note.—A few applications were reci fore, total more than the actual number sived fn of applii urn pen lations i ions givi received. tng addresses in two or more countries; the figures will, there-

Classes. Classification of Goods. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not included in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such machinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes ; instruments and apparatus for teaching Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivanoes, not medicated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes Goods of precious metals (including aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &e) and jewellery, and imitations of euoh goods and jewellery Glass Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton pieoe-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not inoluded in Classes 26, 27, and 50 Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not inoluded in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods .. Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair ... Woollen and worsted and hair goods not inoluded in Classes 33 and 34 .. Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not included in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding .. .. Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not inoluded in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured .. .. - Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matches; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not inoluded in other classes Miscellaneous 5 12 40 7 3 4 1 i 4 6 2 3 1 6 1 1 28 2 2 1 8 11 41 3 '2 2 2 5 1 3 3 5 7 7 8 17 26 4 8 1 2 3 3 5 3 1 4 1 '4 2 2 i 2 i i 4 1 2 3 3 5 1 2 1 i 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 14 6 1 91 22 11 27 1 29 24 7 96 17 6 15 2 29 9 7 4 1 90 15 9 35 1 26 48 9 22 22 49 50 1 13 1 8 1 8




>eno ies a prior ate uni ler section cc ;ents, lesigns, am -or, 19. 'rai le-mar; Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Aalborg, C, and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 11948.) Abbott, G. A., and others, Burnley, Vic. Filter Acetylene Purifying Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Purifying acetylene. (A. R. Frank) Ackerman, O. W., and another, New York, U.S.A.. Carbonating liquids Actieselskabet, Burmeister, and Wains, Maskin- og Skibsbyggeri, Copenhagen, Denmark. Creamseparator. (O. Anderson) Adams, C, Pleasant Point, N.Z. Wire-strainer Adams, F. W., Blenheim, N.Z. Screen for sampling peas, &o. Adams, F. W., Blenheim, N.Z. Grain-riddle or screen Adlard, G. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Lamp for cycles, &c. Adler, L., and others, Copenhagen, Denmark. Cigarette machine Alcock, A. U., Southend-on-Sea, Eng. (See The Alcock Eleotrical Position-finder Company (Limited), No. 11632.) Alcock Electrical Position-finder Company (Limited), The, Melbourne, Vic. Electrically transmitting signals. (A. U. Alcock) Allan, J. S., Gisborne, N.Z. Saving and utilising natural gas Allen, A. S., Boston, U.S.A. Tympan for printing machinery Allen, R. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Dressing flax Allen, S. F., Chicago, U.S.A. Shearing-machine.. Allison, A., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Medicine for sheep Allison, J., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Medicine for sheep Alzugaray, De. (See under D.) American Lithographic Company, The, New York, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, Nos. 12185,12186, 12187.) Anderson, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Water-heating apparatus Anderson, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Water-heating apparatus Anderson, E. L., St. Louis, U.S.A. Generation of electricity Anderson, G. H., Waiau, N.Z. Weather-boarding Anderson, O., Arlington, U.S.A. (See Actieselskabet, Burmeister, and Wains, Maskin- og Skibsbyggeri, No. 11621) Andrews, W, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning machine Andrews, W., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Mixing and preparing chemical manures Angus, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Hydraulic ram Anscombe, H., Oaversham, N.Z. Fryingpan cover Anson, G. E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spigot Applegarth, R. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Motor Archer, G., and another, Benalla, Vio. Butter-box Arthur, R. B., Ballarat, Vic. Treating leather Arundel, J. M., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Cover for milk-can Ashdown, J., Prahran, Vic. Recovering fats or oils from waste liquids .. Ashton, W. M., Westraere, N.Z. Device for holding sheep .. Askin, G. K., Ashburton, N.Z. Bicycle-support .. Askin, G. K., Ashburton, N.Z. Bioycle-support .. Askin, G. K., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Belt and braoes Aspinall, F. B., and another, Lee, Kent, Eng. Extracting metals Atkin, E. R., Auckland, N.Z. Window-sash catch] Atkinson, J. E., and another, Liverpool, Eng. Suspender for billiard chalks Atterbury, B. J., and another, New Maiden, Eng. Production of acetylene compounds August, H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Gold-prospecting implement Auldjo, L. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Furnace Auldjo, L. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Heat-cycle for steam-engine.. Automatic Telephone Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Automatic telephone-exchange. (G. Seligmann-Lui) Avery, D., and another, Kew, Vic. Recovering gold and silver Avery, J., Nelson, N.Z. Rocket-code for railway signals Avery, J., and another, Armadale, Vio. Recovering gold and silver Avery, R., and another, Sausalito, U.S.A. Rock-drill Avey, G. A., and another, Thames, N.Z. Prevention of freezing in pumps Aylmer, H., and another, Richmond, Canada. Drill for boring .. Aylworth, D. W., South Haven, Michigan, U.S.A. Fence-clamp. (N.B.Leslie) .. Bachmann, J. F., and others, Vienna, Austria. Eleotrical resistances of artificial-stone composition Bachmann, J. F., and others, Vienna, Austria. Electrical heating appliance Bacon, W. W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Shearing-machine Badische Anilin- and Soda-fabrik, Ludwigshafen-on-Rhine, Germany. Sulphuric-anhydride. (R. Knietsch) Baines, W., London, Eng. (See E. W. Rudd, No. 12252.) Baird, J., Auckland, N.Z. Rotary engine Baker, A., Auckland, N.Z. Sleeve-link Baker, G. S., and another, London, Eng. Whisking-machine Baker, W. K., and another, London, Eng. Whisking-machine Baldwin, E. S., Wellington, N.Z. Lighthouse-lamp. (O. Ostenso) Ballantine, T,, Melbourne, Vic. Perambulator Ballard, G., Buckland, N.Z. Subsoiling attachment to plough Ballou, F., Leadville, U.S.A. Smelting ores Bancroft, J. S., Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See Lanston Monotype Machine Company, No. 11815.) Bancroft, J. S., and another, Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See Lanston Monotype Machine Company No. 11816.) Banks, Jessie, Auckland, N.Z. Bandbox for bonnets, &c. Barber, A. L., New York, U.S.A. Propelling vehicles. (F. O. and F. E. Stanley) .. Barnes, G., Melbourne, Vic. (See A. S. Bloomfield, No. 11582.) Barnet, T., Sydney, N.S.W. Time-indicator and-recorder for telephone Barnett, M., Charters Towers, Queensland. Enumerating-machino Barningham, S., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Prospecting-apparatus Barr, M., and another, Broadheath, Eng. (See The Linotype Company, Limited, No. 11359.) Barr, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Spring for rabbit-trap .. 12226 11939 11434 11621 11740 11749 12243 11505 12184 11632 11364 11929 11471 11610 11302 11302 11626 11827 12248 12166 11382 12066 11427 11772 12015 11406 11404 11907 12140 11513 12082 11552 11699 12004 11293 11328 11455 11689 11968 11500 11835 11698 7 Dec. 31 Aug. 9 Maroh. 12 May. 23 June. 27 June. 18 Dec. 4 April. 17JNov. 18 May. 6 Feb. 25 Aug. 20 March. 11 May. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 16 May. 25 July. 21 Deo. 11 Nov. 5 Feb. 6 Oct. 7 March. 1 July. 25 Sept. 27 Feb. 27 Feb. 16 Aug. INov. 6 April. 13 Oct. 21 April. 8 June. 18 Sept. 9 Jan. 19 Jan. 16 March. 8 June. 6 Sept. 30 March. 27 July. 8 June. 11854 11760 11854 12161 12063 11708 11647 11743 3 Aug.' 29 June. 3 Aug. 10 Nov. 7 Oct. 12 June. 25 May. *24 Aug.,'98 11744 11451 11890 *24 Aug.,'98 16 March. 14 Aug. 11345 11914 11561 11561 11580 11747 11599 12188 26 Jan. 22 Aug. 26 April. 26 April. 3 May. 26 June. 4 May. 23 Nov. 11313 11862 11 Jan. 4 Aug. 11377 12192 12230 13 Feb. 23 Nov. 6 Dec. 11759 29 June.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. larthel, G., and others, Dresden, Germany. Burner for petroleum lartlett, F. L., Canon City, Colorado, U.S.A. Ore-concentrator lartley, E., Auokland, N.Z. Stud for securing scrim to walls iarton, A. T., and another, London, Eng. (See C. H. Izard, No. 11613.) larton, W. W., and another, London, Eng. (See C. H. Izard, No. 11613.) iasan, E. T. A., and another, Perth, W.A. Train-indicator for crossings iaseman, E., Macedon, U.S.A. (See Bickford and Huffman Company, No. 11649.) lasley, P. H., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Hair-curler lastick, J., Birmingham, Eng. Manufacture of calcium carbide lates, H. M., and another, London, Eng. Match lates, S., and others, Walsall, Eng. Saddle leaven, A. W., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning machine leaven, A. W., and others, Christchuroh, N.Z. Mixing and preparing chemical manures leavis, J. B., Minneapolis, U.S.A. Account-, sales-, or order-book lechi, De. (See under D.) Seohtolsheim, Von. (See under V,) Seek, W. J., Fitzrov, Vic. Nail for horse-shoe .. !ede, E., Brussels, Belgium. (See E. Water, jun., No. 11684.) Sedell, H. G., Wellington, N.Z. Window-saah ledell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Raising water ledell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting dies ledell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ball-cock for water-cistern ledell, H. G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Lead-heading nails Seere, G. B., Auckland, N.Z. Automatic railway-coupling .. .. iegg, J., Assam, India. Digger, scarifier, and weeder lelk, M., Palmerston North, N.Z. Brand for meat (ell, G. W., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Explosive. (W. C. Quinby) Jell, H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Hair-ourler lendixen, N., Copenhagen, Denmark. Sterilizing milk lergl Australia (Limited), and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacture of food from blood ley, P., Talbot, Vic. Vat for ores lickerton, A. A., Christohurch, N.Z. Petroleum cresset liekerton, W. H., Christchuroh, N.Z. Effervescing drink .. lickford and Huffman Company, Macedon, U.S.A. Grain drill. E. Baseman) liddle, H., Wellington, N.Z. Closing wool-bales, &o. iillens, A., Christohurch, N.Z. Aerating milk Sinney, J., Fairlie, N.Z. Wool-washing machine .. lishop, J. K., Sydney, N.S.W. Setting wheel-tires Ijerregaard, A. P., New York, U.S.A. Manufacture of varnish llaker, W., London, Eng. Rotary advertising device llakey, W. J., Auckland, N.Z. Venetian blind lloomfield, A. S., Melbourne, Vie Window sash. (G. Barnes) lodle, D. W., Manurewa, N.Z. Roller-guide for belting >ond, E., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Bicycle loooock, C, Christchuroh, N.Z. Liquid for use in ohrome-tanning lourke, M. F., and another, Riverside, N.Z. Dropper for wire-fencing Water, W. T., Obakune, N.Z. Supplying water to oow-bails lowater, W. T., Ohakune, N.Z. Straining milk and conveying it to cooler Sowell, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Glazed earthenware house-blook lowell, A. H., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Dressing flax loyens, W. H., Kaikoura, N.Z. Fountain pen .. loyens, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Branding carcases loyens, W. H., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Marking sheep, &e loys, F. T., Invercargill, N.Z. Packing rabbits, &e Sradley, C. S., and another, Avon, U.S.A. Manufacturing soluble salts of barium... Iradley, W., Sheffield, Eng. Water-tap Irady, H. N., and another, Melbourne, Vie Cigarette mouthpiece-making machine Irandon, Anna de R., Auckland, N.Z. Lacing boots and shoes Irereton, J. W., Athlone, Ireland. Cycle driving-gear Iridgland, E. T., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Refrigerator Iristow, C, Marton, N.Z. Fastener for driving-chains of sprocket-wheels Irokensha, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-pin Sromell, T. A., Wellington, N.Z. Wire strainer Irooke-Smith, B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Treating flax Irooke-Smith, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Extracting oil from vegetable substances Irooke-Smith, E., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Treating flax Irown, A., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-escape .. Irown, A., and another, Manchester, Eng. Saucepan Irown, J., and another, Manchester, Eng. Saucepan Irown, M., Mosgiel, N.Z. Feed-roller for ohaff-outter .. .. • .. Irown, Rachel, Auokland, N.Z. Medicine Irown, W. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-escape Irowne, R. E., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, No. 11683.) Irownlee, W., Havelock, N.Z. Capsizing guide-pulley Iruce, M., Thames, N.Z. Vat for treating ore .. • Iryson, J., and others, Pumpherston, North Britain. Retort for distillation of shale, &e luohan, H. J., Redfern, N.S.W. Aoetylene generator lucbanan, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Ventilated insole for boots and shoes luohanan, D., Auburn, Vie Potato-digger luchanan, D., Auburn, Vic Potato-digger .. .. .. .. . .. luohanan, W., Merriwa, N.S.W. Piano luckley, J. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle luggage-carrier luckman, J., Bulls, N.Z. Flax-stripper lunting, T., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Scrubbing-brush lurger, M., and another, New Xork, U.S.A. (See The General Liquid Air and Refrigerating Company, No. 11424.) 11418 11452 12094 3 March. 16 March. 13 Oct. 11810 20 July. 11931 11323 12251 11334 11382 12066 11927 23 Aug. 18 Jan. 21 Dee 25 Jan. 15 Feb. 6 Oct. 22 Aug. 11645 22 May. 11895 11848 11662 11719 12117 11837 11701 11973 11413 11653 11488 11281 11606 11376 11950 11649 11849 11868 12199 11814 11826 12250 11593 11582 11808 11344 11577 12116 11963 11964 11564 11471 11851 11622 11574 11399 11325 11847 11431 11869 11296 11609 12271 12211 11853 11408 11445 12165 11304 11745 11745 12134 11633 11410 15 Aug. 1 Aug. 30 May. 16 June. 26 Oct. 24 July. 7 June. 11 Sept. 2 March. 25 May. 28 March. 4 Jan. 11 May. 14 Feb. 1 Sept. 25 May. 2 Aug. 7 Aug. 22 Nov. 20 July. 25 July. 21 Deo. 2 May. 3 May. 15 July. 26 Jan. 1 May. 24 Oot. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 22 April. 20 March. 2 Aug. 25 May. 2 May. 24 Feb. 20 Jan. 1 Aug. 9 March. 4 Aug. 9 Jan. 11 May, 30 Deo. 27 Nov. 3 Aug. 27 Feb. 15 March. 11 Nov. 11 Jan. 26 June. 26 June. 2 Nov. 18 May. 28 Feb. 11370 11620 11366 12179 11688 11492 12089 11585 11758 11965 11880 13 Feb. 10 May. 10 Feb. 16 Nov. 2 June. 29 Maroh. 16 Oot. 3 May. 28 June. 7 Sept. 9 Aug.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. j Date. Burrell, W., and another, Melbourne, Vie Rabbit-orate Burton, E,, and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Ticket-printing and -issuing machine Burton, E., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Scratohing-board for sports Burton, E., and another, Brisbane, Queensland. Reoorder for sports, &c. Burton, G. D., Boston, U.S.A. Unhairing hides and skins .. Burton, G. D., Boston, U.S.A. Tanning hides and skins Burton, W. H., and others, Tokatoka, N.Z. Bicycle Butler, W. H., New York, U.S.A. Filling and covering boxes Butt, G. W., and another, Littlehampton, Eng. Carving-machine Butterworth, R., and another, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Separator Butterworth, R., and another, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Separator Butterworth, R., and another, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Separator Cable, W., Wellington, N.Z. Wire strainer Calvert, L. M., Ondit, Vic. Potato-digger. (A. Sell) Cameron, E. A., Queenstown, N.Z. Spark-arrester and fuel-economiser Campbell, A. L., and others, Melbourne, Vic Filter Campbell, H. C, and another, San Francisoo, U.S.A. Rook-drill Campbell, J., and another, Broad Arrow, W.A. Refleotor-light for piano Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Electrioal-measuring instrument. (H. P. Davis and F. Conrad) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Circuit-breaker. (H. P. Davis and G. Wright) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Distribution of eleotrical power. (R. D. Mershon) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Fuse-block for electric cirouit. (H. P. Davis) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Switch for eleotric circuit. (G. Wright and C. Aalborg) .. Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical machine. (B. G. Lamme and J. P. Mallett) .. Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Alternating-current induction motor. (B. G. Lamme) Campbell, W. E., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Cycle-frame Campion, Emily E., Wellington, N.Z. Apron-bag Carr, D. C, Melbourne, Vie Indicating results of races, &c Carrick, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Whipping ropes Casgrain, L. A., Winohester, U.S.A. (See McKay Shoe-maohinery Company, No. 12115) Caspers, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Tiring wheels of road-vehioles.. Chamberlain, W. E., Feilding, N.Z. Slasher Chapman, A. H., Wellington, N.Z. Walls for freezing-chambers Chapman, A. H., Kurow, Otago, N.Z. Clearing snow and ice from cooling-pipes of freezingchambers Chasles, A. L. P., Orleans, France. Facing for oycle-pedala, &e Chatfield, A. W., Auokland, N.Z. Waterproofing oompound .. Chipman, H. S., Sydney, N.S.W. Oil-lamp burner Christiansen, A. C, Aalborg, Denmark. Weighing liquids Christie, R. L., and another, Gore, N.Z. Gold-saving plate Clark, E. L., Auckland, N.Z. Rotary engine Clark, G. C, Paddington, Sydney, N.S.W. Concentrator Clark, J., Okato, N.Z. Instrument for punohing bull's nose before inserting ring Clark, R. O. (jun.), Auckland, N.Z. Maohine for working day Cleene, De. (See under D.) Clements, T., Launceston, Tasmania. Door-adjuating apparatus Clifford, F., Westport, N.Z. Flax-dressing machine Coates, G., Ngaire, N.Z. Wire-strainer Cockerell, M.A., Dunedin, N.Z. Washing-fluid .. Cockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Crushing-maohine Cockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving table Cookerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Reverse action rocking-lever Cockerell, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Stamp-battery Coe, J., Auckland, N.Z, Electrical clock Coffee, F., Sydney, N.S.W. Reolining-chair .. .. .. .. Commons, F. W., Ballarat, Vic Jointing wood, stone, &c Conrad, F., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. Arc-lamp Conrad, F., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. Electric motor and meter Conrad, F., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. Alternating current-measuring instrument Conrad, F., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campell, No. 11829). Cooze, C. J., Carterton, N.Z. Branding sheep Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vie Transmitting and increasing power Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vie Manufacture of lead carbonate Corbett, M. J., Greymouth, N.Z. Launohing stranded vessels Cornish, S. H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Mattress Corrick, H., Wellington, N.Z. Cycling-or walking-shoe Corson, W. L., San Francisco, U.S.A. Gas engine Cotton, A. H., Waiapu, N.Z. Mustard-pot Cotton, A. H., and another, Waiapu, N.Z. Shell or projectile Cotton, D. W. and another, Westport, N.Z. Quicksilver injector Cotton, D. W., and another, Westport, N.Z. Gold-saving block: Courcy, De. (See under D.) Courtney, C. F., and another, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Separator Courtney, C. F., and another, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Separator - Courtney, C. F., and another, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Separator. Cowan, J., and others, Edinburgh, Scotland. Water tube boiler Cox, Mary E., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Hair-ourler Craddook, E. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Attachment to meter to indicate leakage of gas Crawford, R., Feilding, N.Z. Fencing tool Crawford, R., and another, Belfast, Ireland. Scutching flax Crook, R. A., Christohurch, N.Z. Punohing fenoing.standards .. Crook, R. A., Christohurch, N.Z. Fencing standard Crosbie, Talbot-. (See under T.) Cross, W., Brisbane, Queensland. Preserving timber Crosse, A. F., Johannesburg, S.A. Republic Recovering gold 11855 12091 12253 12254 11341 11342 11344 12210 11558 11901 11902 11903 11824 11305 11489 12226 12161 12081 11829 3 Aug. 16 Oct. 21 Dec. 21 Dec. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 28 Nov. 26 April. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 24 July. 11 Jan. 24 March, 7 Dee 10 Nov. 13 Oct. 26 July. 11897 11919 11947 11948 12029 12030 11987 12040 11999 11884 16 Aug. 24 Aug. 2 Sept. 2 Sept. 29 Sept. 29 Sept. 13 Sept. 2 Oot. 20 Sept. 14 Aug. 12000 12019 11437 12035 20 Sept. 28 Sept. 11 Maroh, 27 Sept. 12190 12195 11453 11312 12144 11786 11368 11553 11825 23 Nov. 20 Nov. 16 March 11 Jan. 2 Nov. 7 July. 10 Feb. 20 April. 21 July. 11697 12261 11421 11290 11483 11750 11803 12003 12111 12139 11833 11355 11465 11495 8 June. 21 Dee 7 March, 6 Jan. 21 Maroh, 23 June. 14 July. 16 Sept. 20 Oot. 3 Nov. 27 July. 2 Feb. 21 March, 29 March, 12064 11807 12150 12160 11652 12007 11627 12058 12C74 12146 12147 26 Sept. 12 July. 2 Nov. INov. 25 May. 22 Sept. 12 May. 3 Oct. 7 Oct. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 11901 11902 11903 12239 11653 11540 11671 12249 11440 11518 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 14 Dee 25 May. 14 April. 5 June. 21 Dee. 10 Mar. 10 April. 11871 12053 9 Aug. 5 Oot.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Cruickshank, R., and others, Campbelltown, N.Z. Rabbit-crate Cuff, W. H., Braintree, U.S.A. (See McKay Shoe Machinery Co., No. 12162.) Cuming, A. J., Christohurch, N.Z. Branding Cuming, A. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Branding Cuming, A. J., Christchuroh, N.Z. Marking meat Cuming, A. J., Christohurch, N.Z. Dredging apparatus Cuming, A. J., Christohurch, N.Z. Sowing seed and manure Cuming, A. J., St. Albans, N.Z. Dehairing hides and skins .. Curtis, C. W.,'and another, London, Eng. Explosive Curtis, F., Dunedin, N.Z. Medicine .. Curtia, M. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Collar-stud Cutten, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Lubricating lower tumblers of dredges Cutten, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Separating solid matter from liquids Cutten, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Replacing buckets on lower tumbler of dredge Cutten, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Suction elevator Cutten, W. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge bucket-link .. .. .. Cutten, W. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Reversing motion of dredge-bucket Cutten, W. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge bucket Cutten, W. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Elevating tailings Dabb, W., Croydon, Vie Mop Dalton, H., Stratford, N.Z. Sarking for carrying felt for roofs, walls, &c Dalton, H., Stratford, N.Z. Chimney Dannhardt, F. H., and another, Richmond, Vie Earth- or rock-drill Darvall, G. W., Wellington, N.Z. Roof and spouting for buildings Daseking, G., and another, Hanover, Germany. Milking-machine Daseking, G., and another, Hanover, Germany. Process and apparatus for milking Davidsen, M. J., Copenhagen, Denmark. Pulverising ores Davidsen, M. J., Copenhagen, Denmark. Pulverising cement Davidson, J., New Plymouth, N.Z. Smoke consumer for staam-boiler Davie, Lizzie, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for washing crockery, &e .. Davies, L., and another, Kyles of Bute, Scotland. Explosive Davis, H. P., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Electric switch Davis, H. P., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Arc lamp Davis, H. P., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Electrio motor and meter Davis, H. P., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Eleotric motor controller Davis, H. P., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Circuit-breaker Davis, H. P., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Eleotric brake .. Davis, H. P., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Alternating current-measuring instrument Davis, H. P., and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Switch for electrio circuit .. Davis, H. P., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Controller for electric motor Davis, H. P., and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Eleotric railway Davis, H. P., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Electric motor Davis, H. P., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11695.) Davis, H. P., and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Controller for eleotria motor Davis, H. P., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 11829.) Davis, H. P., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 11897.) Davis, H. P., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11941.) Davis, H. P., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 11947.) Davis, L. R., and another, Broad Arrow, W.A. Reflector-light for piano Davis, W. I., Reefton, N.Z. Dredge .. Dawes, T., Napier, N.Z. Tool for gardening purposes Dawson, B., Wellington, N.Z. Post-and-wire fencing Day, E., Sydenham, N.Z. Iron for finishing edges of boot soles Day, E., Sydenham, N.Z. Iron for finishing edges of boot soles Deacon, O., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Ear-mark for live-stock De Alzugaray, J. B., Shortlands, Kent, Eng. (See C. H. Izard, No. 12129.) De Bechi, G., Paris, France. Treating complex ores De Cleene, L. S., Palmerston North, N.Z. Lifting-jack De Courcy, E. J., and another, Belfast, Ireland. Scutching flax Deering Harvester Company, Chicago, U.S.A. Harvester. (J. F. Steward and C. A. A. Rand) De Haas, W., and others, Hamburg, Germany. Burner for petroleum .. Dell, H., Pukekohe, N.Z. Horse-oover Delprat, G. D., and others, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Leaohing ores De Montin, H., and others, Middlesex, Eng. Polychrome printing-machine Denaeyer, A., Brussels, Belgium. Manufacture of cocoa and milk products Dewar, P. M., Auckland, N.Z. Rotary steam-engine Dick, J., Glasgow, North Britain. Treating ores. (W. R. Hutton) Dick, W. B., Hamilton, N.S.W. Butter-printing machine Dickson, A. A., Toronto, Canada. Manufacture of fuel Diesel, R., Munich, Germany. Internal-combustion engine .. Dodd, P. G., London, Eng. Animal trap Doe Portable Electric Light and Power Syndioate (Limited), The, London, Eng. Galvanic battery. (W. S. Doe) Doe, W. S., Jersey, U.S.A. (See The Doe Portable Electrio Light and Power Syndicate, Limited, No. 11741.) Dolphin, A., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Brickmaking machine Dolter. H., Paris, France. Electrio traction Donald, D., Masterton, N.Z. Eccentric journal lever Donnelly, T. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Sifting-soreen Dooling, D., Hokitika, N.Z. Grubber.. DornbuBoh, A., Whangamomona, N.Z. Railway ooupling Downs, J., New Plymouth, N.Z. Consuming smoke from steam-engines Drage, J. J., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Refrigerator Dresser, S. R., Bradford, U.S.A. Pipe-coupling Dresser, S. R., Bradford, U.S.A. Pipe-coupling Drewitt, F. M., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Ashpan and oinder-sieve 11666 30 May. 11602 11663 11700 11820 11883 11916 11711 11503 11326 12038 12036 12012 11409 11371 11799 12169 12219 11742 11866 11917 11685 11943 11438 11439 12173 12174 11318 11380 11711 11353 11355 11465 11467 11493 11494 11495 11530 11534 11536 11618 9 May. 30 May. 8 June. 19 July. 10 Aug. 21 Aug. 12 June. 30 Mar. 21 Jan. 29 Sept. 29 Sept. 20 Sept. 28 Feb. 14 Feb. 17 July. 13 Nov. 5 Deo. 26 June. 7 Aug. 23 Aug. 6 June. 1 Sept. 11 Mar. 11 Mar. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Jan. 16 Feb. 12 June. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 21 Maroh. 21 March. 29 Maroh. 29 March. 29 Maroh. 14 April. 15 April. 15 April. 12 May. 11731 22 June. 12081 11565 11861 11555 11794 11551 12043 13 Oct. 19 May. 2 Aug. 26 April. 13 July. 20 April. 30 Sept. 11693 11656 12249 11529 11418 11906 12204 11461 12014 11991 11723 11725 11605 12164 11771 11741 •4Nov,,'98. 26 May. 21 Dec. 14 April. 3 March. 16 Aug. 28 Nov. 20 Maroh. *2 Feb. 13 Sept. 14 June. 14 June. 11 May. 10 Nov. 5 July. 23 June. 12039 12070 11314 11517 12090 12262 11292 11609 11583 12123 11789 2 Oct. 9 Oot. 13 Jan. 5 April 16 Oct 27 E 5 Jan. 11 May. 3 May. 27 Oct. 12 July.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Drummey, J., Alexandra, N.Z. Dredge Duignan, j. C, Melbourne, Vie Milking appliance Duncan, Limited, P. and £>., Christohurch, N.Z. Manure discharge for agricultural drill Dunlop, H., Summer Hill, N.S.W. Top-dressing for wood blocks for streets Dyhrberg, L. N., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Belt and braces Eagleton, R., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Hair-wash East, J., Gisborne, N.Z. Treating flax Echlin, R. B., and another, Toowong, Queensland. Ticket-printing and -issuing maohine Eohlin, R. B., and another, Toowong, Queensland. Scratohing-board for sports Eohlin, R. B., and another, Toowong, Queensland. Recorder for sports Edison, T. A., New Jersey, U.S.A. Crushing- or grinding-rolls Ekstromer, E. C, and another, Middlesex, Eng. Extracting metals Elder, W. K., Auckland, N.Z. Grip for use in sewing up wool-packs Ellershausen, F., London, Eng. Treatment of flue-dust and fumes Elstob, J. H., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Bioyole-support Evans, E., Llanrwst, Wales. (See The Imperial S. C. Acetylene-gas Company, Limited, No. 11528.) Evans, W., Birohfield, Eng. Till Evens, R., Sydney, N.S.W. Sheep medicine Eves, T., Ongar, Essex, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11560.) Fairhead, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hanging window-sashes .. Falk, C. A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See E. H. and H. A. Jull, No. 11432.) Farmer, R. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Non-refillable bottle Faulkner, J. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Proteoting-covers for gold-saving plant Ferguson, G. W., Sunny Corner, N.S.W. Snip for cutting sheet-metal .. Ferguson, P., Auckland, N.Z. Agitating-and settling-vat Ferrell, J. L., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Impregnating wood with fire-proofing preservative reagents Finch, R. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Coupling for air-brakes Fincham, R. P., Auckland, N.Z. Knife-oleaner Firth, T„ Wellington, N.Z. Fire-esoape Fisoher, G., London, Eng. Treating ores and slimes Fish-oil and Guano Company (Limited), The, and another, London, Eng. Extracting oil Fisher, G. H., Wellington, N.Z. Cycle mud-guard and tire-oleaner Fitohett, J., Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle wheel Fitzpatrick, W., Nelson, N.Z. Raising ships Flatman, H. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Steering-gear for traction-engine .. Flay, H., Wanganui, N.Z. Vehicle brake Fletoher, H. C, and another, Melbourne, Vie Mattress Fog, S. L., and another, Copenhagen, Denmark. Headless match Ford, J., Wellington, N.Z. Broom-handle fastening Fowler, J. W., Whangarei Heads, N.Z. Securing snip's screw-propeller Fowler, J. W., Whangarei Heads, N.Z. Detonator Foyer, M. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Cash-and parcel-carrier system Frank, A. R., Charlottenberg, Germany. (See the Acetylene Purifying Company, Limited, No. 11939.) Franklin, H. O, Dunedin, N.Z. Table, reading-desk, and cupboard combined Franks, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Devices for display .. Fraser and Chalmers (Limited), London, Eng. Pump. (J. Stumpf) Fraser and Chalmers (Limited), London, Eng. Raising water from mine-shafts. (R. E. Browne) Fraser, J. C, Coromandel, N.Z. Recovering gold.. Fraser, W., and others, Glasgow, North Britain. Retort for distillation of shale, &o. Free, S. L. P., Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving table Freeman, T. K., London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11560.) Friend, J. E., Wellington, N.Z. Cyole driving-gear .. .. Friend, J. E., Wellington, N,Z. Sole for boot or shoe Fry, H. A., Riwaka, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Fuller, G. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Wool-washing apparatus .. Fullwood, H., Carlton, Vie Ventilation of mines Gaffy, M., Mooroopna, Vic. Pruning-shears Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Bread-making Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Bread-making Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Water-filter Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Controlling horses Galbraith, D. R. S., Auckland, N.Z. Treatment of butter .. Galbraith, D. R. S., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Utilising kauri-gum deposits .. Galbraith, D. R. S., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Lubricating oil. Galbraith, D. R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Shell or projectile .. Galbraith, D. R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Steamship Gallagher, T., Adelaide, S.A. Bicyole-seat and handle adjustment Galloway, W. B., Palmerston South, N.Z, Rabbit-trap Garchey, L. A., Lyons, France. Manufacture of ceramic stone Gardner, J. H., am} another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Fuel Gardner, J. 0., Glorit, N.Z. Melting ironsand Garnham, R., Wellington, N.Z. Water-closet cistern Garnham, R., Wellington, N.Z. Inlet-valve float for water-cistern Garnham, R., Wellington, N.Z. Valve for water-oistern Gatenby, R. M., Wanganui, N.Z. Petty account book Geer, Letitia M., New York, U.S.A. Syringe for reotal purposes Geissler, C, Stassfurt, Germany. Apparatus for taking samples of pulverised materials General Liquid Air and Refrigerating Company, The, New Jersey, U.S.A. Refrigerating or liquefying fluids or gases. (0. P. Ostergren and M. Burger) Gere, W. B., Syracuse, U.S.A. (See Merrell-Soule Company, No. 11487.) Gibbings, A. H., and others, Bradford, Eng, Removing wool and hair from skins Gibbons, H. J., and another, Perth, W.A. Train-indioator for crossings Gibbons, N., Manurewa, N.Z. Double-keeled boat Gibbons, R. P., Kopu, N.Z. Circulating water in steam boilers 11770 11994 11875 11512 12004 11792 12212 12091 12253 12254 12023 11293 11299 12021 12172 12022 11549 11300 11839 12231 12213 12118 11412 11845 12044 11660 11426 11416 11797 11734 12143 12031 12034 11652 11992 12009 11961 12011 11514 5 July. 15 Sept. 9 Aug. 6 April. 18 Sept. 11 July. 28 Nov. 16 Oct. 21 Dec. 21 Deo. 28 Sept. 9 Jan. 5 Jan. 28 Sept. 13 Nov. 28 Sept. 22 April. 7 Jan. 28 July. 8 Dec. 1 Dec. 24 Oct. 28 Feb. 1 Aug. 2 Oct. 30 May. 7 March, 3 March, 15 July. 23 June. INov. 28 Sept. 26 Sept. 25 May. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 5 Sept. 22 Sept. 6 April. 11623 11330 12119 11683 12135 11366 12112 15 May. 24 Jan. 27 Oot. 6 June. 30 Oot. 10 Feb. 23 Oot. 11472 11936 12062 11932 11473 11675 12057 11757 11730 11388 11644 11469 11470 12074 12170 11709 11595 11282 11338 11891 11390 11576 11920 12056 11525 11524 11424 22 Mar. 30 Aug. 7 Oct. 25 Aug. 22 Mar. 6 June. 2 Oct. 28 June. 17 June. 16 Feb. 18 May. 18 Mar. 18 Mar. 7 Oct. 10 Nov. 12 June. 4 May. 4 Jan. 25 Jan. 12 Aug. 21 Feb. 2 May. 24 Aug. 4 Oot. 14 April. 14 April. 7 March, 11962 11810 11298 12032 5 Sept. 20 July. 5 Jan. 27 Sept.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Gibbons, S., and another, Marton, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Gibson, J., Wallsend, N.S.W. Loading coal, &c, into ship's hold Gilling, H. W., Okaiawa, N.Z. Washing-machine Gilmour, D., Trenton, Canada. Manufacture of lumber Gilmour, D., Trenton, Canada. Manufacture of lumber Gilshnan, E., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Compass and time-indioator Girling, G., New Plymouth, N.Z. Stone-breaker's hammer .. Gitsham, J., Richmond, Vie Extraction of zinc .. Glass, B. W., Belfast, N.Z. Wool-drying machine Glover, Mary, Leicester, Eng. (See G. G. Turri, No. 11511.) Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Ink-well Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-pin Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Pin Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Egg-beater .. Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Tool for boring post-holes Gold, F., Richmond, Vic. Nail Gommesen, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Separating fats and grease Gooder, N. I., Wellington, N.Z. Telegraph transmitter and receiver Goodridge, E., Mossvale, N.S.W. Urinal Gordon, J., Inverell, N.S.W. Non-refillable bottle Gordon, T., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Fire-esoape ladder Gore, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Roofing-tiles .. Gould, 0. H., Melbourne, Vie Smoke-preventer and fuel-economiser Gould, J. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spigot Graetz, M., Berlin, Germany. (See L. Thurnauer, No. 11612.) Graf, K., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Plough Graf, K., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle toe-olip Graf, K., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning machinery Graf, K., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Wool-press Graham, T. C, and others, Battle Creek, U.S.A. Extracting oil from nuts Grant, A., Auckland, N.Z. Preserving meat Grant, A., Auckland, N.Z. Preserving meat Grant, D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Cover for oloset-seat Grant, D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Cover for closet-seat Grayson, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Drawing fencing-staples Green, G. H., Unley, S.A. Registering and recording fares .. Green, R. W., Baynton, Vie Race and register for oounting sheep Green, W. M., Melbourne, Vic. Crate.. Greenslade, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Grain- and seed-threshing machine Greig, W. C., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Fuel Griffiths, W., Brunnerton, N.Z. Bore-hole sludge and water-pump Griffiths, W., Brunnerton, N.Z. Sinking bore-holes Gulliver, H., Claremont, W. A Sash-holder Guthridge, N., and others, Melbourne, Vie Filter Haas, De. (See under D.) Hadley, P. A., Auckland, N.Z. Fire escape .. ... Hair, J., Oamaru, N.Z. Wire strainer.. Hall, E. W., Christchuroh, N.Z. Syringe, enema, and hot-water bag Hall, G., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Ear-mark for live-stock .. Halstead, W., Pleasant Point, N.Z. Window-sash Hamilton, J. W. C, and another, Liverpool, Eng. Curing and preserving hides and skins Hamilton, J. W. 0., and others, Liverpool, Eng. Manufacture of food from blood.. Hamilton, J. W. C, and another, Liverpool, Eng. Rendering albumenoids of meat soluble Hampton, H. V., Melbourne, Vic Oil-explosion engine Hampton, W., Auokland, N.Z. Vessel for liquids, &e .. .. .. Hancox, H. A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Rotary engine Hancox, R. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Rotary engine Hannan, D., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Rabbit-orate .. Hannan, D., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Rabbit-crate .. Hansen, C. H., Greymouth, N.Z. Horse-oover fastener Hansen, G., Russell, N.Z. Propeller steering apparatus Harder, E. F., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. Electric switoh Harkness, B. G. A., Stratford, N.Z. Water-heater Harkness, B. G. A., Stratford, N.Z. Hoist for dairy-factory Harnett, E., London, Eng. Application of springs to cycles Harper, C, Woodbridge, W. A. Sheaf-header applianoe for thresher Harris, J. J., and another, London, Eng. Sporting-gloves Harris, W. H., Christohurch, N.Z. Sifter Harris, W. W., Middlesex, Eng. (See P. Pfleiderer, No. 11905.) Hartwell, E., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Dressing flax. Harvey, W. H., London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11515.) Hassler, R. H., Indianapolis, U.S.A. Speed varying devices for eleotric motor Hathaway, R. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Moistening adhesive surfaces .. Hawke, T., Auckland, N.Z. Horse-oover Hay, J., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Dressing flax Hay, R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving mat Hayhurst, Estelle, Christohurch, N.Z. Conveyance for debt-collectors Hazlett, L. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Bridle.. Heard, W. H., London, Canada. Spray-pump Heeles, M. G., Wellington, N.Z. Gold-saving blanket Heighton, A. L., Christohurch, N.Z. Machine belt fastener Hellstrom, 0. B., Sydney, N.S.W. Cornice and curtain-hanger Hemmingway, J., Spearfish, U.S.A. Treating fuel Hemus, Nellie A., Auckland, N.Z. Door for flue of grate Henokels, 0., and others, Hamburg, Germany. Burner for petroleum Henderson, W. F., Catlin's River, N.Z. Churn 12106 11989 12005 12055 12088 11403 11702 12194 11822 11850 11878 11944 12241 12268 12259 11682 11548 11310 11331 11755 11570 12263 12015 12037 12102 12103 12168 11391 12041 12093 11291 11557 12196 12189 11762 11562 11383 11338 12246 12247 11716 12226 21 Oct. 13 Sept. 21 Sept. 5 Oct. 14 Oct. 24 Feb. 9 June. 23 Nov. 20 July. 29 July. 8 Aug. 29 Aug. 15 Dec 29 Dee 22 Dec. 6 June. 21 April. 12 Jan. 24 Jan. 29 June. 21 April. 28 Dec 25 Sept. 29 Sept. 18 Oct. 18 Oct. 11 Nov. 23 Feb. 28 Sept. 13 Oot. 6 Jan. 26 April. 21 Nov. 23 Nov. 3 July. 27 April. 15 Feb. 25 Jan. 4 Deo. 4 Dec. 16 June. 7 Dec. 12059 11858 11860 12043 11444 11280 11281 11811 11365 11346 11980 1'1980 11490 11563 11522 11923 11353 11830 11831 12127 11634 12237 11449 3 Oct. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 30 Sept. 15 Maroh. 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 20 July. 7 Feb. 28 Jan. 13 Sept. 13 Sept. 24 March. 22 April. 7 April. 21 Aug. 2 Feb. 27 July. 27 July. 28 Oot. 18 May. 14 Deo. 14 Mar. 11592 3 May. 11617 11477 11865 11592 12240 11448 12153 11955 11598 11567 11587 11953 11823 11418 12108 12 May. 23 Mar. 3 Aug. 3 May. 11 Deo. 14 Mar. 7 Nov. 4 Sept. 8 May. 28 April. 4 May. 4 Sept. 21 July. 3 Mar. 20 Oot.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. I ■ I Date. Henn, R. W., Hawera, N.Z. Pneumatic valve Henn, R. W., Hawera, N.Z. Pneumatio valve Henn, R. W., Hawera, N.Z. Pneumatic valve Hesse, L., Melbourne, Vic. Utilising waste products of coffee during roasting Hett, E., New Dorp, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, Nos. 12185, 12186, 12187.) Heys, J. J., Lynn, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12225.) Hight, A. E., Brookside, Canterbury, N.Z. Cleaning watercourses Hildyard, G. R., Surrey, Eng. Manufacture of plates for printing ,. Hill, C, and another, Ballarat, Vic Cycle pedal and crank head Hill, H. T., Waiuku, Auckland, N.Z. Composition for preventing horses being attacked by flies Hodgkinson, T., Invercargill, N.Z. Kiln for bricks, &e Hodgson, H., Opunake, N.Z. Milk aerator and cooler Holder, C. H., Auckland, N.Z. Automobile vehicle Holland, S. J., Auckland, N.Z. Cooking apparatus Holmes, J. A., and others, Christohurch, N.Z. Apparatus for steeping grain Hoist, P. N., and others, Copenhagen, Denmark. Cigarette machine Hooker, Luoy, Sydney, N.S.W. Gas-burner Hooper, G. H. B., Toronto, Canada. Eleotric brake Home, L., Melbourne, Vie Treatment of ores Home, L., Melbourne, Vie Propulsion of steamships Horwood, E. J., and others, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Leaching ores Hosking, W., Norseman, W.A. Automatic ore-feeder House, H., and others, Christohurch, N.Z. Apparatus for steeping grain Howard, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Bioyole attachment for transmitting power Howe, A., Auckland, N.Z. Separating gold from ironsand Howes, A., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Rusticated board joint Howes, A. A. N., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Motor Howes, G. J., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Rustioated board joint Howland, H. E., New York, U.S.A. Burner for incandescent lamp. (O. M. Thowless) Huokaby, G. E. U., Maiden, U.S.A. Burring wool, &e Hudson, C. A., and another, Gore, N.Z. Gold-saving plate Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Alternating current apparatus. (E. M. Tingley and M. W. Shallenberger) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Appliances for use in fireplaces, &e (The Incandescent Fire, Mantel, and Stove Company, Limited ; W. H. Harvey) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Preservation of milk. (T. K. Freeman, T. Eves) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Fuse-blocks for electrio circuit. (H. P. Davis) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Dynamo electric-machine. (B. G. Lamme) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Spirit-lamp. (M.Salomon) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Building-block. (E. Jensen) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Controller for electric motor. (H. P. Davis and G. Wright) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Drill. (H. J. Kimman and E. N. Hurley) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Eleotrical distribution. (B. G. Lamme) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Alternating current-generator. (B. G. Lamme) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Valve for flushing cisterns. (P. Murphy) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Attaching corrugated iron to buildings. (C. H. Windle) .. Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Heel-breasting machine. (McKay Shoe Machinery Company ; J. J. Heys) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Grinding-maohine. (Piano Manufacturing Company; J. Macphail) Hulme, A. I., and another, Richmond, N.Z. Furnace-boiler for baker's oven Hurley, E. N., and another, Chioago, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12001.) Husbands, J., London, Eng. (See D. MoRorie, No. 12235.) Hutchinson, D., Melbourne, Vic Sampling milk, &o. Hutton, W. R., Glasgow, North Britain. (See J. Dick, No. 11723.) Imperial S.C. Aoetylene Gas Company (Limited), The, Manchester, Eng. Storage and generation of acetylene. (E. Evans) Imschenetzky, A., St. Petersburg, Russia. Manufacture of building material Incandescent Fire Mantel and Stove Company (Limited), London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11515.) Isitt, F., Sydney, N.S.W. Inoandescent-gas mantle Isitt, F., Sydney, N.S.W. Compressing gas and air Izard, C. H., Wellington, N.Z. Horse-clipper or sheep-shears. (W. W. and A. T. Barton) Izard, C. H., Wellington, N.Z. Extracting gold. (J. B. de Alzugaray) .. Jaokman, Mary L., Auckland, N.Z. Pin Jackman, Mary L., Auckland, N.Z. Clip for ladies'belt Jackson, A. B., Tuparoa, N.Z. Spur-fastener Jackson, F. H., New Plymouth, N.Z. Fastener for handles Jacobs, C. B., and another, East Orange, U.S.A. Manufacturing soluble salts of barium Jacobsen, T. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hanging window-sashes Jenkinson, G. H., Masterton, N.Z. (See J. E. Jenkinson, No. 11809.) Jenkinson, J. E., Wellington, N.Z. Mixing and cutting phosphorised pollard. (G. H. Jenkinson) Jensen, B., Copenhagen, Denmark. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11841.) Johns, J. T., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Steam-ship Johnson, Ellen, and others, Bradford, Eng. Removing hair and wool from skins Johnson, J. B., Te Aroha, N.Z. Milk aerating and cooling apparatus .. Johnson, J. T., Waipori, N.Z. Hydraulic nozzle dredge Johnson, S. L., and others, Bradford, Eng. Removing hair and wool from skins Johnson, Mary A., Wellington, N.Z. Shaft connection for hand-cart, &c Johnson, Mary A., Wellington, N.Z. Device for supporting body of person in bed Jonassen, M. P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Sheet-metal shears Jones, E., Auckland, N.Z. Horse-cover Jones, F. W., Barwick, Eng. Treatment of explosives Jones, J., and others, Dalmeny, North Britain. Retort for distillation of shale, &o. Jones, W., Feilding, N.Z. Applianoe for drawing staples Jones, W. P., and another, Cornwall, Eng. Match 11507 11508 11509 11763 4 April. 4 April. 4 April. '3 July. 11728 12236 11974 11389 11594 12220 11717 11736 11783 12184 11309 11856 12052 12130 12204 11982 11783 11523 11301 11821 11406 11821 11527 11838 12144 11356 16 June. *3 Feb. 11 Sept. 18 Feb. 1 May. 5 Dec. 16 June. 22 June. 13 July. 17 Nov. 12 Jan. 3 Aug. 5 Oct. 31 Oct. 28 Nov. 13 Sept. 13 July. 10 April. 7 Jan. 20 July. 27 Feb. 20 July. 14 April. 28 July. 2 Nov. 2 Feb. 11515 6 April. 11560 11695 11832 11834 11841 11941 12001 12010 12020 12049 12107 12225 26 April. 8 June. 27 July. 27 July. 31 July. 31 Aug. 20 Sept. 22 Sept. 28 Sept. 4 Oot. 21 Oct. 7 Deo. 12257 21 Deo. 11970 7 Sept. 11791 13 July. 11528 14 April. 11628 18 May. 11805 11915 11613 12129 12149 12208 12258 11398 11325 11300 12 July. 22 Aug. 11 May. 30 Oct. 2 Nov. 28 Nov. 22 Dec. 24 Feb. 20 Jan. 7 Jan. 11809 18 July. 12170 11962 11887 12145 11962 12151 12152 12097 11464 11294 11366 11686 12251 10 Nov. 5 Sept. 14 Aug. 3 Nov. 5 Sept. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 16 Oct. 21 Marcl 9 Jan. 10 Feb. 7 June. 21 Dee




3—EL 10.

Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Jones, W. R. S., London, Eng. Central buffer- and draw-gear apparatus for railway vehicles.. Jordan, E., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Metal-sheet moulding maohine Jorg, A., and others, Vienna, Austria. Eleotrical resistances of artificial stone composition .. Jorg, A., and others, Vienna, Austria. Electrical heating appliance Joseph, J. H., and another, Perth, W.A. Race-game Joyce, J. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Printing-surface or block Jull, B. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Bicyole-stand and tool-chest. (A. Young and C. A. Falk) Jull, H. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Bicyole-stand and tool-ohest. (A. Young and C. A. Falk) Kater, J. H. W., Reefton, N.Z. Filter Kellogg, J. H., Battle Creek, U.S.A. Preparing oereal cakes.. Kellogg, J. H., and others, Battle Creek, U.S.A. Extracting oil from nuts Kellogg, W. K., and others, Battle Creek, U.S.A. Extracting oil from nuts Kelly, P. G., Auckland, N.Z. Billiard-cue chalker Kelly, P. G., Auckland, N.Z. Billiard-cue chalker Kelly, T. H., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Explosive. (W. C. Quinby) Kempthorne, A. H. O., Te Puke, N.Z. Horse gears Kenah, J. W., Mangatoki, N.Z. Bioycle-brake Kerr, J., and others, Campbelltown, N.Z. Rabbit-orate Kerr, R. O, Wellington, N.Z. Cleansing composition. (K. Plummer) .. Kerry, R. A. C, Onehunga, N.Z. Knife-oleaner Kershaw, B., Manchester, Eng. Knitting-maohine Kiernan, T, E., Turakina, N.Z. Trace spreader .. Kimber, W. E.. Johannesburg, S.A. Republic Sharpening rook-drills, &e Kimman, H. J., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12001). King, A. E., Lovell's Fat, N.Z. Rabbit-trap King, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Spark arrester and extinguisher.. Kingsbury, J. E., London, Eng. Telephonic system and apparatus Kingsbury, J. E., London, Eng. Telephonic system and apparatus Kingsbury, J. E., London, Eng. Telephonic system and apparatus Kirchner, J., and others, Vienna, Austria. Electrical resistances of artificial stone composition Kirchner, J., and others, Vienna, Austria. Eleotrical heating appliance Kirk, R. N., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Explosive. (W. C. Quinby) Kirschner, A. G., and another, Copenhagen, Denmark. Headless match Kitson, A., Germantown, U.S.A. Vapour burning lamp or stove ..- Kley, A. C, Liverpool, Eng. Printing and marking apparatus Kley, A. C, Liverpool, Eng. Inking-pad Klug, G. C. and others, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Leaohing ores Knietsch, R., Ludwigshafen-on-Rhine, Germany. (See Badisohe Anilin and Soda Fabrik, No. 11890). Knocks, A. J., Otaki, N.Z. Medicine for horses .. Kohn, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hair wash Koneman, W. A., Boulder, W.A. Recovering gold Koneman, W. A., Boulder, W.A. Treating ores .. Konig, A., and others, Budapest, Hungary. Electrical resistances of artificial stone composition Konig, A., and others, Budapest, Hungary. Eleotrical heating applianoe Koopman, E. B., London, Eng. Apparatus for exhibiting succession of pictures Krause, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Flavouring tea .. Krause, J., Totara, N.Z. Coiling or uncoiling wire Kreuser, E., Mechernich, Germany. Separating ores Kugellicht Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung, Dresden, Germany. Production of incandescent gas light. (E. Salzenberg) Lafferty, C, St. Albans, N.Z. Bottom wash for boot soles .. Lamberg, J., Wellington, N.Z. Windmill Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Eleotrical distribution Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Electrical distribution Lamme, B. G., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Regulation of eleotro-motive force Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Utilisation and conversion of electric currents .. Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Induction-motor Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Converting energy of alternating eleotric currents into mechanical energy Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Electrical distribution Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Electrical distribution and regulation Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Rotary transformers or synchronous motors Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, Nos. 11832, 12010, 12020.) Lamme, B. G,, and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 12029.) Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 12030.) Lane, C, and another, Michigan, U.S.A. (See S. W. Shaw, No. 11414.) Lane, J., and another, Michigan, U.S.A. (See S. W. Shaw, No. 11414.) Lanigan, P., Auckland, N.Z. Gold-dredging driving-gear Lanston Monotype Maohine Company, Washington, U.S.A. Type-casting and composingmachine. (J. S. Bancroft) Lanston Monotype Machine Company, Washington, U.S.A. Preparing perforated record-strips of type-forming machines. (J. S. Bancroft and W. H. Wood) Lanston Monotype Machine Company, Washington, U.S.A. Preparing record-strips of typeforming machines. (T. Lanston) Lanston, T., Washington, U.S.A. (See Lanston Monotype Maohine Company, No. 12124.) Lanwer, W., and another, Bremerhaven, Germany. Preserving perishable food Larcomb, E., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Fire-esoape Larcomb, E., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Fire-escape .. • Latta, R-, Dunedin, N.Z. Cycle parcel-rest and lamp-bracket Lavender, G. W., Melbourne,' Vic. Paper-holder and picture-frame Lavery, A., Waipukurau, N.Z. Wire strainer Lavery, A., and'another, Waipukurau. Dropper for wire fenoing Lea, D., Masterton, N.Z. Candle extinguisher .. .. .. .. .. Leather, J., Liverpool, Eng. Ventilating applianoe 11436 11614 11743 11744 11959 12084 11432 11 March. 12 May. *24Aug.,'98 *24Aug.,'98 4 Sept. 13 Oot. 9 Maroh. 11432 9 Maroh. 12158 11045 11391 11391 11806 11715 11413 11867 11478 11666 11733 11864 11921 11795 11433 8 Nov. 4 Oct. 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 12 July. 13 June. 2 March. 7 Aug. 20 Maroh. 30 May. 22 June. 3 Aug. 24 Aug. 15 July. 9 Maroh. 11930 12206 11307 11308 11327 11743 11744 11413 11992 11566 12078 12079 12204 23 Aug. 28 Nov. 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 21 Jan. *24Aug.,'98 •24 Aug.,'98 2 Maroh. 15 Sept. 27 April. 13 Oot. 13 Oot. 28 Nov. 11443 11792 11348 11349 11743 11744 11608 11286 11990 11480 11559 14 March. 11 July. 1 Feb. 1 Feb. *24Aug.,'98 *24Aug.,'98 11 May. 4 Jan. 13 Sept. 23 March. 26 April. 11603 11669 11354 11466 11468 11496 11531 11532 10 May. 3 June. 2 Feb. 21 March. 21 March. 29 March. 14 April. 14 April. 11535 11678 11696 15 April. 6 June. 8 June. 5 Aug. 20 July. 11870 11815 11816 20 July. 12124 27 Oct. 11900 11303 11475 11787 11481 11407 12116 11462 11321 18 Aug. 11 Jan. 23 Maroh. 13 July. 30 March. 27 Feb. 24 Oct. 21 March. 18 Jan.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Lee, E., and another, London, Eng. Show-case .. Lee, T. J., Inverell, N.S.W. Non-refillable bottle Leech, G. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Flax-dressing .. Lees, E. L., Auckland, N.Z. Window-fastener .. Legge, A. M., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Attachment to meter to indicate leakage of gas .. Legeel O, Wellington, N.Z. Cigarette case Lentz, D. H., Joliet, U.S.A. (See E. W. McKenna, Nos. 11459, 11460.) Leske, G., Berlin, Germany. Corrugating paper .. Leslie, G. J. A., Auckland, N.Z. Window-fastener Leslie, N. B., South Haven, Michigan, U.S.A. (See D. W. Aylworth, No. 11647.) Levinge, H. M., and another, Halcombe, N.Z. Ink Levinge, Jessie, and another, Halcombe, N.Z. Ink Lewin, Ross-. (See under R.) Lewis, J., Greytown North, N.Z. Method of voting Lewis, I. L., Hokitika, N.Z. Turbine for utilizing river currents, &c. .. Lewis, I. L., Hokitika, N.Z. Raising water from rivers .. , .. Lewis, I. L., Hokitika, N.Z. Obtaining auriferous material from river-beds Leyne'r, J. G., Denver, U.S.A. Rock-drilling engine Linde, Von. (See under V.) Lindsey, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Propelling vessels .. Lingard, W., Wellington, N.Z. Boot or shoe Linley, J. A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Curing and preserving hides and skins Linley, J. A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Rendering albumenoids of meat soluble Linney, A. M, Bedworth, Eng. Air-tube for pneumatic tire.. Linotype Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Eleotrical melting-apparatus. (J. Place and M. Barr) Linotype Company (Limited), The, London. Eng. (See E. Waters, junr., Nos. 12027, 12141, 12142.) Little, D., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Marking rails, &e, for windows Little, G. H, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Marking rails, &c , for windows Lorden, F. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Tobacco-cutting maohine Loughrey, A., and others, Christohurch, N.Z. Apparatus for steeping grain Lowden, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Coupling for railway vehicles .. Lowry, G. A., Chicago, U.S.A. Compressing fibrous material Lowry, G. A., Chicago, U.S.A. Making grass twine Lui, Seligmann-. (See under L.) Lusk, J. G., Hamilton, N.S.W. Window lock Lyell, G., jun., and another, Gisborne, Vie Testing milk .. Lyon, H., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Refrigerating apparatus .. Lysaght, A. R., Sydney, N.S.W. Wire-netting machine Maoalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Subsoil attachment to plough Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Harvesting machinery Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Subsoil attachment to plough Maoalpine, T., and another, Chiswick, Eng. Production of aoetylene compounds Macdonnell, D. R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Velocipede driving-gear Macdonnell, G. M. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Velocipede driving-gear Mackenzie, F. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Separating gold from sand, &e... Mackie, W., and another, London. Eng. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 11766.) MacMillan, J., Balclutha, N.Z. Shearing-maohine Maconochie, A. W., London, Eng. Provision tin Maoonoohie, A. W., and another, London, Eng. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 11766.) Macphail, J., Blue Island, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12257.) Macpherson, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Cover for closet-seat .. Macpherson, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Cover for closet-seat .. Mactear, J., London, Eng. Obtainment of cyanogen compounds Madan, C. S., and another, Manchester, Eng. (See the New Steam Stamp Mill Syndicate, No. 11415) Madden, A. J., Prahran, Vic Electrical synchronising clocks Madden, A. J., Prahran, Vie Electrically controlled clock .. Madden, D., Parkes, N.S.W. Eye ointment Maddox, F. W., and another, Wellington, N-Z. Preparing and putting up colouring matters.. Maertens, E., Providence, U.S.A. Cleaning wool. Mailer, M., and another, Carlton, Vie Earth-or rook-drill .. Maine, J. Tl, and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Belt fastener Maine, W., jun., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Belt fastener .. .. Mainland, H. L., Burke's, Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-trap Maloolm, H. F., Sydney, N.S.W. Mail-bag fastener Mallett, J. P., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 12029) Malmstrom, P. E., and another, New York, U.S.A. Carbonating liquids Maltman, A., Reefton, N.Z. Separator Manohee, J. W., Sydney, N.S.W. Wire-fence dropper Mander, J. H., Christchuroh, N.Z. Vote-recording mechanism Mann, W. E., South Yarra, Vic. Unicycle Manning, R. W., Awatuna, N.Z. Hand sheep-shears March, E., London, Eng. Registering and issuing checks at public pay-windows Marchbank, J., Broadford, Vie Automatically supplying liquids in predetermined quantities Marconi, G., London, Eng. (See the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company (Limited), Nos. 11550 and 11812.) Marconi, G., London, Eng. (See the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company (Limited), No. 11812.) Marks, H. J., Toowoomba, Queensland. Railway-oar coupling Maries, H., and another, Brighton, Eng. Carving-maohine Marsden Company, The, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Material for paokings. (M. W. Marsden) Marsden, M. W., Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See the Marsden Company, No. 11538) Marsh, R. F., Maitland, N.S.W. Rotary motor .. Martin, R., Wellington, N.Z. Artists'easel Martin, T. E., Barjner, Norfolk, Eng, Seed-foiU .. .. ,. ,. 11295 11450 11751 11297 11540 12077 11651 11925 12033 12033 11546 11720 11721 11722 11773 12264 11655 11280 11811 11694 11359 11892 11892 11908 11783 11778 11951 11952 11526 11738 11800 11499 12181 11340 11735 " 11689 11588 11588 12104 9 Jan. 16 Maroh. 27 June. 5 Jan. 14 April. 13 Oct. 25 May. 21 Aug. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 19 April. 29 May. 29 May. 7 June. 6 July, 28 Dee 25 May. 4 Jan. 20 July. 8 June. »4Feb. '98 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 21 Aug. 13 July. 5 July. 4 Sept. 4 Sept. 14 April. 21 June. 17 July. 30 Maroh. 15 Nov. 24 Jan. 20 June. 8 June. 4 May. 4 May. 20 Oct. 11361 12114 3 Feb. 25 Oct. 11291 11557 12086 6 Jan. 26 April. 10 Oct. 12224 11395 11681 11463 11993 11685 11519 11519 12175 11673 7 Deo. 23 Feb. 6 June. 21 March. 15 Sept. 6 June. 11 April. 11 April. 11 Nov. 6 June. 11434 11873 11798 11817 11591 11781 11379 11284 9 Maroh. 4 Aug. 17 July. 21 July. 4 May. 11 July. 16 Feb. 4 Jan. 12013 11558 11538 25 Sept. 26 April. 15 April. 11981 11704 11889 13 Sept. 12 June. Ii Aug.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Martino, F. W., and another, Sheffield, Eng. Treating ores .. Martino, F. W., and another, Sheffield, Eng. Precipitation of gold Mason, H. A., Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-cowl .. Mason, H. A., Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-cowl .. Mason, W. N. E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Jug Massey-Harris Co. (Limited), Toronto, Canada. Seeding-machine. (C. MoLeod) Massie, J. G., Belleville, U.S.A. Working and ventilating mines Massie, J. G., Melbourne, Vie Rotary punkah .. Maunder, R. M., and another, Ashurst, N.Z. Clothes-horse Maunder, W. S., and another, Ashurst, N.Z. Clothes-horse .. .. Maxwell, E., Opunake, N.Z. Preventing sand, &e, accumulating in harbours Maxwell, J. S., Auckland, N.Z. Silt punt. Maxwell, J. S., Auckland, N.Z. Silt punt. May, O, Dunedin, N.Z. Apparatus for detecting and extinguishing fire McAlister, W. C, Linwood, N.Z. Plotting traverses by co-ordinates McArtney, H., Nelson, N.Z. Water-heater McAuslin, W., Ashburton, N.Z. Aoetylene generator McCullooh, J., Portreath, Cornwall, Eng. Pump.. McCulloch, R., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Rabbit-crate McDonald, D., Epsom, Auckland, N.Z. Rivet McDougall, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Spring clutch door-lock spindle McDougall, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Fastening for door-handle .. McFarlane, D., Invercargill, N.Z. Gold-separator McGeorge, J. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Screen for gold-saving dredge McGill, D., and another, Petone, N.Z. Refrigerating-machine McGregor, E., Mangaonoho, N.Z. Wire-rope tramway McGregor, E,, Mangaonoho, N.Z. Planing-machinery McGregor, E., Mangaonoho, N.Z. Box-making machinery McGregor, E., Mangaonoho, N.Z. Cask-making machinery McGregor, E., Mangaonoho, N.Z. Dredging-machinery McGregor, R., Westport, N.Z. Dredge-and prospecting-pump McGregor, T., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Cover for milk-can Mclntyre, C, Wellington, N.Z. Tool for removing oyole-tyres .. .. ... Mclntyre, J., Onehunga, N.Z. Swingle-tree McKail, L. A. M., Auburn, Vie Sash-faBtener McKay, D., Rangiora, N.Z. Milk-strainer McKay Shoe Maobinery Company, Boston, U.S.A. Driving fastenings. (L. A. Casgrain) McKay Shoe Machinery Company, Boston, U.S.A. Jack for nailing- and slugging machine. (W. H. Cuff) McKay Shoe Machinery Company, Boston, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12225.) McKee, R. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Machine for inserting matches into boxes McKenna, E. W., Milwaukee, U.S.A. Renewing old steel rails McKenna, E. W., Milwaukee, U.S.A. Charging railway-rails into furnaces. (D. H. Lentz) .. McKenna, E. W., Milwaukee, U.S.A. Sawing and straightening railway-rails. (D. H. Lentz) MoKenzie, Charlotte, Invercargill, N.Z. Hook-and-eye .. McLay, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Maohine for inserting matches into boxes MoLeod, A., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Key for locking timber-jack McLeod, A., and others, Onehunga, N.Z. Key for locking timber-jack .. McLeod, C, Martinborough, N.Z. Fencing-dropper McLeod, C, Toronto, Canada. (See Massey-Harris Company (Limited), No. 12113) McLeod, C, Hawthorn, Vic. Seed and manure drill McLeod, D. A., Gisborne, N.Z. Removing sand from river-beds, &c McLeod, Elizabeth, and others, Onehunga, N.Z. Key for looking timber-jack McMillan, J. H., and others, Sydenham, N.Z. Cutter and perforator for printing machinery .. McMullen, G., and another, Perth, W.A. Race game MoPhee, J. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Can-opener McQueen, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Rabbit-crate McRorie, D., Melbourne, Vic. Umbrella. (J. Husbands) McVeigh, W. J., and another, Berry, N.S.W. Testing milk .. Mence, L. W., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Photographic camera Menli, C, Eltham, N.Z. Horse-cover.. Mentiplay, W. Melbourne, Vie Amalgamating and concentrating apparatus Mergenthaler, 0., Baltimore, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 12027.) Merrell-Soule Company, Syracuse, U.S.A. Vegetable powder. (W.B.Gere) Mershon, R. D., New York, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 11919.) Metallurgische Gesellschaft, A. G., Frankfort-on-Main, Germany. Magnetic separator. (J. P. Wetherill) Metzger, J., Campbelltown, N.Z. Trouser protector Metzger, J., and others, Campbelltown, N.Z. Rabbit-crate .. Metzler, A. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Gelatinising of brewing grain Millar, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Treadle mechanism .. Millard, E. C, London, Eng. Belt Miller, D., Auckland, N.Z. Ventilator Miller, J., Balmain, N.S.W. Production of acetylene gas Miller, J., Mosgiel, N.Z. Heating laundry-irons by gas Miller, Jessie, Arrowtown, N.Z. Self-feeding stoker for steam boiler Miller, Jessie, Arrowtown, N.Z. Bicycle-brake Miller, R. C, and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Gold-prospecting implement Milne, A., Marrickville, N.S.W. Preventing the sinking of a vessel Miner, W., and others, Walsall, Eng. Saddle Mitchell, F., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Cycle pedal and crank-head Mitchell, D., Wellington, N.Z. Deck disengaging boat-gear Mitchell, J., Auckland, N.Z. Producing lettering for banners, placards, &c Mitchell, W. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Bicycle pedal and toe-olip .. Mollison, G. P., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge Montin, De. (See under D.) Moore, D., Timaru, N.Z. Feed-run for sowing small seeds .. 11486 11556 11643 11657 12083 12113 11393 12054 12221 12221 11956 11843 11844 11360 11752 11935 11724 11581 11658 11726 11913 12148 11756 11886 11392 11665 11753 11785 11793 11898 12028 12140 11357 12203 11819 11604 12115 12162 11520 11458 11459 11460 12229 11520 11934 11934 11986 28 March. 26 April. 23 May. 26 May. 13 Oct. 25 Oct. 23 Feb. 5 Oct. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 4 Sept. 27 July. 27 July. 3 Feb. 27 June. 26 Aug. 14 June. 3 May. 23 May. 14 June. 16 Aug. 6 Nov. 27 June. 16 Dec. 23 Feb. 29 May. 29 June. 12 July. 14 July. 16 Aug. 9 Oct. INov. 2 Feb. 12 Dec. 17 July. 9 May. 25 Oct. 10 Nov. 13 April. 20 March. 20 March. 20 Maroh. 5 Deo. 13 April. 26 Aug. 26 Aug. 13 Sept. 11306 11859 11934 11457 11959 12182 11375 12235 11738 11441 11506 11372 11 Jan. 2 Aug. 26 Aug. 18 Maroh. 4 Sept. 15 Nov. 10 Feb. 13 Deo. 21 June. 13 March. 4 April. 15 Feb. 11487 28 March. 11311 12 Jan. 11885 11666 11988 11501 11350 11804 12138 12100 12131 12132 11968 12265 11334 11974 11320 11926 11790 12099 11 Aug. 30 May. 13 Sept. 27 March. 1 Feb. 12 July. 3 Nov. 14 Oot. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 6 Sept. 28 Deo. 25 Jan. 11 Sept. 18 Jan. 21 Aug. 13 July. 14 Oct. 11687 2 June.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Moran, J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Boot repairing last Morgan, J. D. P., Pukeroro, N.Z. Converting refuse into charcoal Moros, G., Dargaville, N.Z. Coupling-chain Morran, J. M., Auckland, N.Z. Joining seams of mackintosh garments Morris, C. O, Dunedin, N.Z. Adjusting and locking window-sashes Morris, W., Christchuroh, N.Z. Looking bicycle-wheels Morrow, A., Auckland, N.Z. Fish-hook Morrow, A., Auokland, N.Z. Segment and shrapnel shell ... .. ... Morrow, R. B., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Cleaner for breeoh-blook of rifles Moss, R. J., Birmingham, Eng. Aoetylene-gas generator Mowlem, J., Masterton, N.Z. Wire-strainer Mozart, H. S., Gawler, S.A. Kerosene-pump Mumford, F. G., and another, Fitzroy. Hand-shield for cyclists Munn, F. E., New York, U.S.A. Wire opening-device for envelopes, boxes, &o. Munt, E., and another, Battersea, Eng. Pianoforte Munt, W. G., and another, Battersea, Eng. Pianoforte Murphy, J. T., Blenheim, N.Z. Harness Murphy, P., Balmain, N.S.W. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12049.) Murray, J. D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Treating wool locks and dags Murray, R. L. H., Wellington, N.Z. Ooin-in-the-slot graphophone Murray, T., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Advertising apparatus Murray, W. A., Auckland, N.Z. Gate.. Nable, Esther, Parkes, N.S.W. Garment pocket Neild, H. W., Kent, Eng. (See The Neild " Sleeve" Electric-joint Syndicate, Limited, No. 11679.) Neild " Sleeve " Electric-joint Syndicate (Limited), The, London, Eng. Joint for telegraph wire. (H. W. Neild.) Nelson, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Apparatus for carrying rabbits in railway-vans Nelson, W., Tomoana, N.Z. Cooling air for freezing purposes Nernst, W., Gottingen, Germany. Electric incandescent lamp Newson, C. M., Auokland, N.Z. Tell-tale and burglar alarm New Steam Stamp-mill Syndicate, The, Salford, Eng. Steam Stamp-mill. (F. A. Parnell and C. S. Madan.) Newton, J. E., Christohurch, N.Z. Preserving-retort Nicholas, J., Blenheim, N.Z. Vehicle-brake Nicholson, W., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Fire-esoape Nicholson, W., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Fire-escape Nixon, Caroline, Linwood, N.Z. Closing an eleotric alarm-circuit in case of fire Nolan, E. E., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. Securing core-plates in dynamo electric machinery Norrell, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Treating wool looks and dags North, H., Wellington, N.Z. Wire mattress Norton, E., Maywood, U.S.A. Hermetically sealing sheet-metal cans .. Norton, J. T., Lyttelton, N.Z. Egg-preservative .. Nuttall, W. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Oakley, H., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator .. Oakley, H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Water-closet flushing-cistern Oatway, G. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge tumbler O'Brien, C. L., Lyttelton, N.Z. Raising water O'Donovan, R., Puniho, Taranaki, N.Z. Fire-escape Okey, F. W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Apparatus for heating milk Olsen, F. J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Purifying water .. .. . .. Ostberg, J., St. Kilda, Vie Rubber repairing oompound Ostenso, O., Wellington, N.Z. (See E. S. Baldwin, No. 11580.) Ostergren, O. P., and another, New York, U.S.A. (See The General Liquid Air and Refrigerating Company, No. 11424.) O'Toole, W. B., Invercargill, N.Z. Bench-grip Oxyliquit Gesellsohaft mit besohriinkter Haftung, Hamburg, Germany. Explosive. (C. Von Linde) Paaske, J., Carterton, N.Z. Bicycle driving-gear .. *.. Page, C. E., Linwood, N.Z. Step-ladder and shelf Page, C. E., Linwood, N.Z. Hanging window-sashes Page, W., Cross Creek, N.Z. Strainer and repairer for wire fence Page, W. L., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge Palmer, A. C, Euroa, Vie Removing and replacing tyres on wheel-rims Paltridge, C. C, Malvern, S.A. Rendering paper fit for receiving press-copy impressions Parish, E. W., London, Eng. Steam apparatus for cooking, &e Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Park, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Gold dredge Park, J., and another, Moanataiari, N.Z. Prevention of freezing in pumps Park, J. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sifting-soreen Park, J. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Parker, D., Ohiltern, Vie Gold separating and amalgamating machine Parker, J., Napier, N.Z. Mixture for killing weeds Parnell, F. A., and another, London, Eng. (See The New Steam Stamp-mill Syndioate No. 11415.) Par?ons, F. W., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Cycle-frame Patchett, J., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Folding-ladder for fire-esoape purposes Patchett, T., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Folding-ladder for fire-escape purposes Patching, T. H., Strathfield, N.S.W. Railway-carriage coupling Patching, T. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Coupling for air-brakes.. Payne, A. E. H., London, Eng. Ready reckoner Payne, E. E. M., and others, Aylesbury, Eng. Liming furs, skins, &o. .. Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Elevator tray for dredge Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Separating magnetic sand from gold-wash Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging applianoe .. .. .. Payne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving table Pearse, J. J., Perth, W.A. Grid or broiler 11578 12068 11924 11547 11401 11568 11877 11946 12076 11333 11998 11983 11590 12159 12170 12176 11910 3 May. 6 Oot. 21 Aug. 13 April. 23 Feb. 25 April. 8 Aug. 31 Aug. 10 Oct. 25 Jan. 20 Sept. 13 Sept. 4 May. 10 Nov. 15 Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Aug. 11642 11554 11625 12154 11985 23 May. 25 April. 12 May. 3 Nov. 13 Sept. 11679 6 June. 11636 11969 11322 11729 11415 16 May. 6 Sept. 18 Jan. 20 June. 3 March, 11601 11960 11303 11475 11435 11659 8 May. 4 Sept. 11 Jan. 23 March 9 March 29 May. 11642 11996 11417 12125 11879 11881 12234 11339 12167 11316 11754 12245 11954 23 May. 18 Sept. 3 March 24 Oct. 11 Aug. 9 Aug. 12 Dec. 25 Jan. 11 Nov. 12 Jan. 19 June. 15 Dec. 4 Sept. 11949 11802 11713 11429 11640 11912 12099 12080 12048 12087 11894 11746 12063 11840 12267 11479 12205 31 Aug. 17 July. 14 June. 6 March 20 May. 19 Aug. 14 Oot. 13 Oot. 4 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Aug. 26 June. 7 Oot. 31 July. 29 Deo. 23 March 28 Nov. 11987 11402 11402 11732 11845 12133 11378 11777 12232 11788 12218 12008 13 Sept. 24 Feb. 24 Feb. 22 June. 1 Aug. 30 Oot. 16 Feb. 5 July. 11 Deo. 11 July. 30 Nov. 22 Sept.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Pearson, G. A., Wellington, N.Z. Hand-signalling lamp Pease, E. L., Stockton-on-Tees, Eng. Roof Pedersen, 0., Marton, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Pedersen, W. G., and others, Heilerup, Denmark. Cigarette-machine .. Pender, J., Brunswick, Vic. Motor-vehicle Penney, W. S., and another, London, Eng. Vehicle-brake .. Perkins, R., and another, Ucolta, S.A. Elevator for loading wheat, &c... Perkins, T. S., Idlewood, U.S.A. Starting mechanism for electric motor Petersson, E., Brussels, Belgium. Treating ores .. Pfleiderer, P., West Norwood, Eng. Refrigerating apparatus. (W. W. Harris.) Piokford, J. S., and another, Upper Holloway, Eng. Show-case Pilkington, A. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Window-sash spring suspender .. Pinches, W., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Advertising apparatus Place, J., and another, Broadheath, Eng. (See The Linotype Company (Limited), No. 11359.) Piano Manufacturing Company, Chicago, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12257.) Plummer, G. W., Auckland, N.Z. Bleaching and cleaning flax Plummer, J. H., and another, Toronto, Canada. Drill for boring Plummer, Kate, Gisborne, N.Z. (See R. C. Kerr, No. 11733.) Pointon, G. E., and another, Wellington, Eng. Machine for dividing dough Pointon, J. E., and another, Wellington, Eng. Maohine for dividing dough Pomeroy, J. H., Invercargill, N.Z. Crate. Poppelwell,'W., Nevis, N.Z. Pick attachment for dredge tumblers Potter, A., Auckland, N.Z. Mustard-cup Potter, C. J., Newoastle-on-Tyne, Eng. (See G. S. Potter, No. 11984.) Potter, G. S., St. Kilda, Vie. Manufacture of oement. (O.J.Potter) .. Potts, W. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Convertible frame for utilising tins Poulsen, V., Copenhagen, Denmark. Phonographic record .. Preiss Eleotric Storage Syndioate (Limited), The, Adelaide, S.A. Secondary battery. (A. Preiss.) Preiss, A., Norwood, S.A. (See The Preiss Electric Storage Syndioate (Limited), No. 11474.) Price, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Boiler-cleaner. Price, W. H., Sydenham, N.Z. Spray-nozzle Pritchett, P. H., Little River, Canterbury, N.Z. Cycle driving-mechanism Pullen, A. R., Sydney, N.S.W. Rail butt-joints and fishplate fastenings Pullman, E. E., and others, London, Eng. Liming furs, skins, &c. Pullman, J., and others, London, Eng. Liming furs, skins, &e Quinby, W. C, Alameda, U.S.A. (See T. H. Kelly, G. W. Bell, and R. N. Kirk, No. 11413.) Ramage, J., Balclutha, N.Z. Water-tap Ramsay, W. E., St. Albans, N.Z. Sash-weight Ramsey, H., Eltham, N.Z. Cooking apparatus .. Ramson, M., New Plymouth, N.Z. Horse-cover .. Ranald, J., London, Eng. Extracting metals Rand, C. A. A., and another, Chioago, U.S.A. (See Deering Harvester Company, No. 11529.) Ranger, H. J., Christohurch, N.Z. Road-cleaning machinery Raper, A. E., and others, Ophir, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap .. Raper, F., jun., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Raper, F., jun., and others, Ophir, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap.. Raper, F., sen., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Raper, F., sen., and others, Ophir, Otago, N.Z. Rabbit-trap.. Rapson, J., Kakanui, N.Z. Wire-strainer, cutter, and key combined Rathbone, F., and others, Wallsall, Eng. Saddle Rawnsley, E. G., Christohurch, N.Z. Manure- and seed-sower Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Envelope Rayward, A. L., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Mud-guard for vehicle Rayward, T. N., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Mud-guard for vehicle Reach, W., Auckland, N.Z. Device for weaning calves Rees, J., and another, Carlton, Vie Fan and motor therefor Reid, D., Melbourne, Vic. Stereo-and electro plates Reid, R. S., Timaru, N.Z. Automatic car-coupling Reid, R. S., Timaru, N.Z. Automatic car-coupling Renner, G., and another, Kaikoura, N.Z. Marking sheep, &o. Revolving Heel Company, The, Burnley, Eng. (See A. Tindill, No. 11874.) Reynolds, E. O, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sifting-screeu Reynolds, L. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge tumbler Rich, F. A., Karangahake, N.Z. Cycle-driving and controlling gear Richards, A., Auokland, N.Z. Wire and spring suspension-bottom for couches, &c. Richards, G., Auckland, N.Z. Woven-wire cots, bedsteads, &e Richards, J. H., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Amalgamator Richardson, E., Moonee Ponds, Vie Locomotive engine fire-bars, &c Richardson, E., Moonee Ponds, Vic. Fittings for stationary and marine boilers .. Riohardson, E., jun., Albury, Canterbury, N.Z. Rifle Richmond, G. M., New York, U.S.A. (See Richmond Gold and Silver Cigarette Comcany, No. 12193.) Richmond Gold and Silver Cigarette Company, New York, U.S.A. Cigarette-wrapper. (C. M. Richmond) Ridland, A. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Obtaining auriferous material from river-beds Riley, E., jun., Flinders, Vic. Maohine for cutting fern and scrub Ritchie, A. B., Corowa, N.S.W. Generating and storing acetylene Roberts, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging-ladder .. .. .. Roberts, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Elevator-bucket for dredges Roberts, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Wheel elevator for dredge Roberts, H, Auckland, N.Z. Dust-and insect-screen for windows Roberts, H., Auokland, N.Z. Window-sashes and lights Roberts, H., Auckland, N.Z. Rein-holder Robertson, A. E., Motueka, N.Z. Pole and atump-jaok Robertson, J., and another, Halcombe, N.Z. Moistening adhesive surfaces Robins, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Utilizing kauri-gum deposits.. Robins, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Lubricating-oil Robinson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-oover 11670 11692 12106 12184 11703 12120 12228 11691 11324 11905 11295 11332 11625 11712 11708 11611 11611 11572 12201 11942 11984 11780 12255 11474 11624 11476 12233 12266 11378 11378 11539 11966 11635 11727 11904 11661 11337 12109 11337 12109 11337 11967 11334 11972 11315 11288 11288 12016 11584 11545 11521 11796 11574 5 June. 8 June. 21 Oct. 7 Nov. 12 June. 27 Oot. 7 Dec. 8 June. 20 Jan. 18 Aug. 9 Jan. 18 Jan. 12 May. 9 June. 12 June. 11 May. 11 May. 27 April. 23 Nov. 29 Aug. 13 Sept. 6 July. 21 Dae. 22 March. 13 May. 21 March. 11 Dec. 28 Dec. 16 Feb. 16 Feb. 17 April. 6 Sept. 19 May. 20 June. 18 Aug. 29 May. 25 Jan. 20 Oct. 25 Jan. 20 Oct. 25 Jan. 5 Sept. 25 Jan. 8 Sept. 10 Jan. 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 22 Sept. 3 May. 18 April. 13 April. 15 July. 2 May. 11840 11339 12065 11502 11575 11347 12214 12227 11828 31 July. 25 Jan. 5 Oct. 28 March. 27 April. 1 Feb. 1 Dee 7 Dec. 25 July. 12193 23 Nov. 11714 11676 12046 11779 11782 12202 11857 12085 12197 11352 11477 11469 11470 11767 14 June. 6 June. 4 Oct. 6 July. 7 July. 23 Nov. lOct. 9 Oct. 21 Nov. 2 Feb. 23 March. 18 Maroh. 18 March. 3 July.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Rodgers, J. G., Springfield, U.S.A. Manufacture of rubber tires Roebuck, W. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving screen Rogers, G. T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Metal-sheet moulding maohine Roseman, S. G., Wellington, N.Z. Brush Rosenberg, C. O., Wellington, N.Z. Subdivider for use of artists Ross, A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Flax heckling-machine Ross, E. S., Hobart, Tasmania. Umbrella Ross, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Boots Ross, W., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Flax heckling-machine Ross-Lewin, G. E., and others, Denver, U.S.A. Rock-drill .. Roth, J. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Soap-oako and advertising-tablet Rowe, G. R., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Billiard-table Rowe, N., Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. Regulation of electro-motive force Rudd, E. W., Melbourne, Vic. Gear and motor for self-propelled vehicle. (W. Baines) Ruping, E., and another, Bremerhaven, Germany. Preserving perishable food Rust, A. M., Whangarei Heads, N.Z. Controlling marine-engines .. .. ... Ruud, E., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 12002.) Salomon, M., Aldenhoven, Germany. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11834.) Saltmarshe, H. A., Brisbane, Queensland. River-bed mining apparatus Salzenberg, E., Crefeld, Germany. (See Kugellicht GeBellscliaft, No. 11559.) Sanders, R. D., Eastbourne, Eng. Manufacture of wire Sandford, W., and others, Lithgow, N.S.W. Rail-joint Sandlant, T., Gisborne, N.Z. Propeller Sandow, E., London, Eng. Dumb-bell Sankey, H., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Treating flax Sankey, H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Extracting oil from vegetable substances Sankey, H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Treating flax Saunders, A., London, Eng. (See F. C. Saunders, No. 11958.) Saunders, F. O, St. Kilda, Vie Framing or support for bottles, &o. (A. Saunders) Savage, A. E., Cockle Creek, N.S.W. Treating zino-bearing ores Schadick, J. F. W. H., Westport, N.Z. Nut and washer .. .. Schadick, J. F. W. H., and another, Westport, N.Z. Quicksilver-injector .. .. Schadick, J. F. W. H., and another, Westport, N.Z. Gold-saving block.. Sohilz, E., Johannesburg, S.A. Republic. Treating ores .. .. .. .. Schlaadt, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Fcnoing-standard .. Schlaadt, J. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Prospecting apparatus .. .. .. Schmidt, A. P., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Rabbit-crate Schmidt, A. P., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Rabbit-crate Sohmoll, E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Boot or shoe .. Schmoll, L., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Boot or shoe .. Sohmucker, A. P., and others, Denver, U.S.A. Rock-drill Schnee, C. E., Karlsbad, Austria. Electric-bath apparatus .. Schneider, Henrietta, Christchurch, N.Z. Corset Scott, C. F., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Electrical distribution Scott, C. F., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Eleotrical distribution Soott, C. F., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Regulation of electro-motive force Soott, C. F., and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Switch for electric oircuit Scott, H. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Sinking post-holes Sears, J. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Weighing-and computing-scale Seaton, D. M., San Francisco, U.S.A. Loom Seoor, J. A., New York, U.S.A. Marino propulsion Sebillot, A. M. G., Paris, France. Dressing zinc ores Sedoole, H., Wellington, N.Z. Wool press. Seffer, J., Queenstown, N.Z. Bicycle tire-protector Seligmann-Lui, G., Paris, France. (See The Automatic Telephone Company (Limited), No. 11698.) Sell, A., Ellimynt, Vie (See L. M. Calvert, No. 11305.) Seymour, E., Chicago, U.S.A. Rotary engine Shadgett, Eliza, Petone, N.Z. Draft-increaser for fireplace Shale, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging machinery .. Shale, T., Dunedin, N,Z. Dredge Shale, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Pasteurising and cooling milk .. .. .. ' .. Shallenberger, M. W., and another, Rochester, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11350.) Shaw, E., London, Eng. Manufacture of sweetmeats Shaw, S. W., New Plymouth, N.Z. Fence. (J. and C. Lane) Shaw, W. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Lid or cover for vessels Shears, B., Geraldine, N.Z. Disc-arrow Shepherd, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Timber-measurer Shepherd, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Bullet-resisting garment .. Shore, W. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving mat .. Shore, W. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Shorland, J. O., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Water-heating apparatus Shorland, J. O., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Water-heating apparatus Short, H. L., New Maiden, Eng. Increasing sound from telephonic instrument Siemsgluss, G., and another, Walsrode, Germany. Milking-machine Siemsgliiss, G., and another, Walsrode. Germany. Process and apparatus for milking Silcocks, E., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Rail-joint Silloy, J. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Shearing-machine Simon, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Boot or shoe Simon, J. P., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Boot or shoe Simultaneous Colour-printing Syndicate (Limited), The, and another, London, Eng. Polychrome printing-machine Sinclair, A., Patea, N.Z. Cask-stave jointing machine Singer, I., and another, Petone, N.Z. Preparing and putting up colouring matters Skeates, T. S., Auckland, N.Z. Horse- or cow-cover Smaill, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Prospector and gold-saver Smale, R. H., and others, Blenheim, N.Z. Dressing flax Smart, W., and others. Linwood, N.Z. Cutter and perforator for printing-machinery Smethurst, E., Christohurch, N.Z. Securing fencing-wires .. 12128 11596 11614 11579 12017 11619 11586 11544 11619 12122 12177 11335 11690 12252 11900 12067 28 Oot. 5 May. 12 May. 3 May. 27 Sept. 9 May. 4 May. 18 April. 9 May. 27 Oot. 15 Nov. 25 Jan. 8 June. 21 Deo. 18 Aug. 6 Oot. 11498 30 Maroh. 11813 11367 11876 12256 11408 11445 12165 20 July. 10 Feb. 3 Aug. 21 Dec 27 Feb. 15 March. 11 Nov. 11958 12069 11362 12146 12147 12098 11430 12230 11490 11563 11317 11317 12122 11922 11639 11533 11615 11468 11530 11400 11589 12121 12024 12137 11381 11405 4 Sept. 9 Oct. 12 Jan. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 18 Oot. 3 Maroh. 6 Dec. 24 March. 22 April. 14 Jan. 14 Jan. 27 Oot. 24 Aug. 20 May. 15 April. 12 May. 21 Maroh. 14 April. 22 Feb. 4 May. 27 Oot. 3 Oct. 3 Nov. 16 Feb. 11 March. 11571 11971 11957 11976 12051 28 April. 9 Sept. 4 Sept. 12 Sept. 2 Oct. 12270 11414 12092 11882 12217 11893 11616 11768 11827 11626 11680 11438 11439 11367 11451 12026 12026 11461 30 Dec. 3 March. 16 Oct. 10 Aug. 30 Nov. 15 Aug. 12 May. 5 July. 25 July. 16 May. 6 June. 11 March. 11 March. 10 Feb. 16 March. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. 20 March. 11997 11463 11573 12198 11592 11457 11447 19 Jan. '00. 21 March. 28 April. 21 Nov. 3 May. 18 Maroh. 14 March.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Smethurst, E., Christchuroh, N.Z. Regulating the heat of cooking-ovens Smith, Brooke-. (See under B.) Smith, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Cleaning sheep-dags Smith, A., Wakatipu, N.Z. Damming rivers for gold-mining Smith, A. L., and another, Mornington, N.Z. Feed for seed-drills Smith, H., and others, Linwood, N.Z. Cutter and perforator for printing-machinery Smith, I., Nottingham, Eng. Meter, motor, or pump Smith, I., Nottingham, Eng. Meter, motor, or pump Smith, J., Salt Lake City, U.S.A. Treating ores .. .. .. .. Smith, R. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Separating gold from sand, &e Smith, T., Tamworth, N.S.W. Bridle Somes, H. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacture of fertilisers from blood Somes, H. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacture of fertilisers from digester soup Somes, H. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Meat extract .. .. .. Sommer, A., Cambridge, U.S.A. Solutions of oarbamides in oils, &o. Soper, W. F., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Ash-pan and cinder-sieve Soule, Merrell. (See under M.) Sparrow, F., and another, Fitzroy, Vie Hand-shield for cyclists Spear, T., Gore, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Speight, J., Kirwee, N.Z. Steam tubular motor Stahlecker, C, Sydney, N.S.W. Attachment to clock for recording events Stamm, W., London, Eng. Ball grinding-mill. (H. L. Sulman) Standfield, E. R., Melbourne, Vic. Dish-cover Stanley, F. E., and another, Newton, U.S.A. (See A. L. Barber, No. 11862.) Stanley, F. O., and another, Nowton, U.S.A. (See A. L. Barber, No. 11862.) Stanley, J. C. W., and others, London, Eng. Extracting oil.. Steenson, W. H., Oamaru, N.Z. Lifting-jaok Steiger, J., London, Eng. Manufacture of cement .. .. ... Stenhouse, A., and another, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Valve operating apparatus Stephenson, J. F., Glenferrie, Vic. Supporting frame of bedstead Stephenson, P., Greymouth, N.Z. Fire-esoape Sterne, A. J., New York, U.S.A. Igniting device for gas-burner Stevens, A., and another, London, Eng. Vehicle-brake .. .. .. .. Stevens, E., Melbourne, Vic Fire-shutter or-screen .. .. .. '.. Stevens, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing person's foot from becoming wedged in railway-points Stevens, W. J., Christchuroh, N.Z. Opening and closing doors of oabs, &e Stevenson, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Steam-engine Stevenson, J. T. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Brickmaking-maohine Stevenson, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Centrifugal pump Stevenson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-crate Steward, J. F., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. (See Deering Harvester Company, No. 11529.) Stewart, R. T., Waikaia, Otago, N.Z. Cycle .. St. George, R., Otahuhu, N.Z. Plough.. Stirling Boiler Company (Limited), and another, Edinburgh, Scotland. Water tube boiler .. Stock, W., and another, Hastings, N.Z. Cooling malt liquors Stonyer, J. W., Linwood, N.Z. Seed-feeder for agricultural drill Stonyer, J. W., Linwood, N.Z. Seed-feeder for agricultural drill Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-sower and cultivator Storrie, A., Inveroargill, N.Z. Seed-sower Story, J. W., and another, Melbourne, Vie Rabbit-crate Strawbridge, H., Waihakeke, N.Z. Blight exterminator Stuart, D., Auckland, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Stubbs, F., and another, Sheffield, Eng. Treating ores Stubbs, F., and another, Sheffield, Eng. Preoipitation of gold Stumpf, J., Berlin, Germany. (See Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, No. 12119.) Sulman, H. L., London, Eng. Obtaining gold from its ores Sulman, H. L., London, Eng. (See W. Stamm, No. 11650.) Sutton, H. A. C., Flemington, Vic. Upholstered chair-seat .. Swann, J., and another, Brim, Vic. Elevator for loading bags of wheat, &e Sweet, L. D., and others, Denver, U.S.A. Rock-drill Symes, H. Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Symington, J., Glasgow, Scotland. Pumping-and winding-machinery .. Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Dressing fibre Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Pot-cleaning instrument Talbot-Crosbie, J. B., and another, Renfrew, Scotland. Refrigerating apparatus .. Tandy, C, Wellington, N.Z. Horse-shoo Tannett-Walker, F. W., and another, Leeds, Eng. Refrigerating-maohine Taylor, A., Orepuki, N.Z. Tin-opener.. Taylor, F. C, New York, U.S.A. Printing in several colours at one impression Taylor, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Rabbit-crate Taylor, J. M., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Taylor, J. M., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Water-closet flushing-cistern Taylor, T. L., Melbourne, Vie Advertisement displayer Temperley, J., Marton, N.Z. Strapping horse or cow-covers.. Terry, C.A., and others, New York, U.S.A. Electric railway Tevlev, T., Kisslovodsk, Russia. Explosive Theilgaard, A. E. J. V. J., Copenhagen, Denmark. Disvulcanising indiarubber Thomas, A. C, and another, Liverpool, Eng. Suspender for billiard-chalks Thomas, E., Auckland, N.Z. Stopping growth of marketable onions Thomas, E. W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Recovering gold from metallurgical fumes Thomas, E. W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Recovering gold from metallurgical fumes Thomas, J., London, Eng. Saddle-clip for cycle .. Thompson, T., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Rabbit-crate Thomson, G. L., Auckland, N.Z. Covering for grain-stacks, &e .. .. Thomson, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Lifting gold from rocky bottoms Thomson, J. R., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Propelling"bicycles .. .. .. Thomson, W., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Furnace-boiler for baker's oven Thornley, W., and others, Marriokville, N.S.W. Rail-joint .. 12223 12269 11739 11940 11457 12191 11706 12163 12104 11872 11629 11630 11631 12155 11789 11590 12018 11784 11978 11650 11836 11416 11482 12178 11896 11705 11485 11765 12120 11863 11428 11918 11672 12039 11761 11484 11289 12136 12239 12126 12050 12101 11411 11933 11855 12075 12207 11486 11556 4 Dec. 29 Dec. 12 July. 31 Aug. 18 March. 23 Nov. 12 June. 10 Nov. 20 Oct. 9 Aug. 18 May. 18 May. 18 May. 8 Nov. 12 July. 4 May. 27 Sept. 12 July. 13 Sept. 25 May. 27 July. 3 March. 22 Mar. 15 Nov. 15 Aug. 12 June. 27 Mar. 3 July. 27 Oct. 5 Aug. 7 Mar. 21 Aug. 5 June. 2 Oct. 30 June. 27 Mar. 6 Jan. 30 Oot. 14 Dec. 26 Oct. 2 Oct. 16 Oct. 28 Feb. 26 Aug. 3 Aug. 12 Oct. 28 Nov. 28 Mar. 26 April. 11394 23 Feb. 11446 12228 12122 11769 11358 11422 12183 11800 12180 11392 11937 11975 11543 11881 12234 11710 11776 11536 11718 11707 11455 12244 12215 12216 12200 11658 11510 12222 11852 11970 11367 15 Mar. 7 Deo. 27 Oct. 5 July. 2 Feb. 2 Mar. 16 Nov. 17 July. 16 Nov. 23 Feb. 21 Aug. 7 Sept. 18 April. 9 Aug. 12 Dec. 12 June. 8 July. 15 April. 16 June. 12 June. 16 March. 15 Deo. 1 Dec. 1 Dec 21 Nov. 23 May. 5 April. 2 Deo. 3 Aug. 7 Sept. , 10 Feb.




Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Thowless, 0. M., Newark, U.S.A. (See H. E. Howland, No. 11527.) Thurnauer, L,, Melbourne, Vie Acetylene generator. (M. Graetz) Tilburn, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge Timmis, I. A., London, Eng. Manufacture of food Tindal, H., Amsterdam, Netherlands. Production of ozone Tindal, H., Amsterdam, Netherlands. Sterilising liquids by ozone Tindill, A., Wellington, N.Z. Boot heel. (The Revolving Heel Company'; G. Wood) Tingley, E. M. and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11356.) Tissington, G. E., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Propelling bicycles Todd, C, Heriot, N.Z. Recovering gold Toft, E., and another, London, Eng. Sporting gloves Tomline, R., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Wool-press Tomline, R., and another, Ohristchurch, N.Z. Seed-cleaning machinery Tomline, R., and anothor, Christchurch, N.Z. Plough Tomline, R., and another, Christohurch, N.Z. Sheet-metal shears Tomline, R., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cycle toe-clip Tomline, R., and others, Christohurch, N.Z. Apparatus for steeping grain Toogood, W., Featherston, N.Z. Stripper for flax-dressing .. Torr, J. A., Opotiki, N.Z. Washing and scouring liquid Torrens, J., Auokland, N.Z, Fire-eacape Torrens, J., Auokland, N.Z. Button and pin Torrens, J., Auokland, N.Z. Spittoon Travis, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-cover fastenings .. Treadwell, A., Wellington, N.Z. Type-engraving process Tremain, W., Auckland, N.Z. Safety draught-hook Trengrove, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Gear-wheel Trevaskis, W. P., and another, Benalla, Vic. Butter-box Trevethick, J., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Billiard-table Trevor, R. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Utilization of indiarubber Trollope, H. C., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Tobacco-cutting machine Trudgeon, W. T., Auokland, N.Z. Rein-holder Turnbull, W., Wellington, N.Z. Drawing off fixed quantities of liquids.. Turner, W. M., Toowoomba, Queensland. Horse-raoe starting-machine Tiirr, R., Paris, France. (See Tiirr's Aoetylene Gas Syndioate, Limited, Nos. 11396, 11397.) Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vie Printing-surface. (The American Lithographic Company; E. Hett) Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vie Printing mechanism. (The American Lithographic Company; E. Hett) Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Trunk or case. (M. Glover) Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vie Transferring and printing mechanism. (The American Lithographic Company ; E. Hett) Tiirr's Acetylene Gas Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. Aoetylene-gas burner. (R. Tiirr) .. Tiirr's Aoetylene Gas Syndicate (Limited), London, Eng. Production and combustion of acetylene gas. (R. Tiirr.) Tyree, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Acetylene-gas generator Tyson, J., Rongahere, N.Z. Gold-saving and cloth-washing machine Tzamis, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Stove for heating irons Ulrich, C. A.., Auckland, N.Z. Saving fine gold .. Unwin, H. J., and another, Featherston, N.Z. Apparatus for stumping and logging Vaile, E. B., Auckland, N.Z. Railway brake Vaile, E. B., Auckland, N.Z. Music leaves Vaile, E. B., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Envelope Vaile, E. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Tap Vaile, J. R., Auckland, N.Z. Ink- and pencil-eraser Vaile, P. A., Auckland, N.Z. Connecting bridle-reins, &c Vaile, P. A., Auckland, N.Z. Boot for horses Vaile, P. A., Auckland, N.Z. Pen nib .. Vaile, P. A., Auokland, N.Z. Envelope .. .. Vaile, P. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Tap .. Van der Vijgh, A. H., and others, Amsterdam, Holland. Artificial stone , Van der Vijgh, G., and others, Amsterdam, Holland. Artificial stone Van der Vijgh, H., and others, Amsterdam, Holland. Artificial stone .. Venables, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Lead-headed nails Vernon, J., Wanganui, N.Z. Ventilator for boots and shoes .. Versohoyle, W. D., Auokland, N.Z. Vessel for containing edible substances Vijgh, Van der. (See under Van.) Vogt, A., Vienna, Austria. Manufacture of electrical resistances Vogt, A., and others, Vienna, Austria. Eleotrical resistances of artificial stone composition .. Vogt, A., and others, Vienna, Austria. Eleotrical heating apparatus Von Bechtolsheim, Baron, Munich, Germany. Milking apparatus Von Linde, C, Munich, Germany. (See Oxyliquit Gesellschaft, No. 11802.) Wakelin, O., Ballance, N.Z. Marking butter-box Walker, J. H-, Christchurch, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Walker, Tannett- (See under T.) Walsh, J. D., Otakia, N.Z. Hair-pin .. Walsh, J. D., Otakia, N.Z. Instrument for slaughtering cattle Walton, F., London, England. Mosaic floor-cloth Ward, 0. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Recovering gold from metallurgical fumes Ward, C. H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Reeovering gold from metallurgical fumes Ward, J., Riversdale, N.Z. Gold-dredging bucket and screen Warner, F. A., Hawera, N.Z. Knife-oleaner Warren, J., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Pulveriser Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Victoria. Electrio traction. (E. Bede) .. Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Victoria. Closing provision-tins. (A. W. Maconochie and W. Mackie) Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Victoria. Internal combustion engine. (G. Westinghouse and E. Ruud) Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Victoria. Maohine for making printing bars. (The Linotype Company, Limited ; O. Mergenthaler) 11612 11995 11888 12071 12072 11874 11852 12209 12237 12168 12103 12037 12097 12102 11783 11363 11737 11899 12060 12061 11442 11775 12260 11774 11404 11335 11351 11908 12096 11386 11319 12186 12187 11511 12185 11397 11396 11846 11638 12156 11373 11516 11504 12095 11423 11600 11541 11641 11668 12042 11423 11600 11677 11677 11677 11384 11979 11287 11 May. 18 Sept. 14 Aug. 9 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Aug. 3 Aug. 28 Nov. 14 Dec. 11 Nov. 18 Oct. 29 Sept. 16 Oct. 18 Oot. 13 July. 10 Feb. 21 June. 14 Aug. 3 Oct. 3 Oot. 2 March. 7 July. 27 Dec. 5 July. 27 Feb. 25 Jan. 31 Jan. 21 Aug. 16 Oot. 18 Feb. 18 Jan. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 6 April. 21 Nov. 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 1 Aug. 22 May. 10 Nov. 15 Feb. 5 April. 30 March. 16 Oct. 3 March. 3 March. 14 April. 20 May, 30 May. 30 Sept. 3 March. 5 May. 6 June. 6 June. 6 June. 15 Feb. 9 Sept. 4 Jan. 11648 11743 11744 11491 *23Aug.,'98 *24Aug.,'98 *24Aug.,'98 29 Maroh. 11654 11646 25 May. 23 May. 12073 12171 11454 12215 12216 12110 12157 11374 11684 11766 12002 10 Oct. 14 Nov. 16 Mar. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 20 Oct. 10 Nov. 15 Feb. 6 June. 18 July. 20 Sept. 12027 28 Sept.


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Name, Residence, and Invention. No. Date. Waters, E., jun., Melbourne, Victoria. Linotype machine. (The Linotype Company, Limited) Waters, E., jun,, Melbourne, Victoria. Linotype maohine. (The Linotype Company, Limited) Watt, J. B. C., Dunedin, N.Z. Newspaper raok .. Watts, D., Ballarat, Victoria. Two-speed gearing for cycle Watty, F. J., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Fire-escape ladder Webb, G. B„ Westfield, U.S.A. Measuring faucet Webster, R. F., Pukekohe, N.Z. Horse-oover Weiner, C. C, and others, Vienna, Austria. Electrical resistances of artificial stone composition Weiner, C. C, and others, Vienna, Austria. Electrical heating applianoe Welsby, J., Wellington, N.Z. Dredging machinery Welsby, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting dies Welsby, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ball-cock for water-cistern .. Welsby, J:, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Raising water .. Welsby, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Lead-heading nails Werner, J., Lowburn Ferry, Otago, N.Z. Obtaining gold from river-beds Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Electro-pneumatic controlling apparatus Westinghouse, G., and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Securing core-plate in dynamo electrio machinery Westinghouse, G., and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Eleotric railway Westinghouse, G.. and another, Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See E. Waters, jun., No. 12002.) Wetherill, J. P., South Bethlehem, U.S.A. (See Metallurgisohe Gesellschaft, A. G„ No. 11311.) Whelan, D. J., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Window-sash spring suspender Whitburn, D., Auckland, N.Z. Leggings Whitburn, D., Auckland, N.Z. Vegetable-cutter and grater .. Whitburn, D., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hair-curler White, C, Wellington, N.Z. Aoetylene-gas generator White, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus White, J. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Funnel for filling narrow-neoked vessels White, R. H., Wanganui, N.Z. Exchange-slip and coupon trading system White, R. C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving mat.. White, T., Rangiora, N.Z. Heating rooms, &o. Whitehead, E. A., and another, Broken Hill, N.S.W. Valve operating apparatus .. Whitehorn, T., and another, Melbourne, Vie Cigarette mouthpieoe-making machine Whitelaw, A. A., Wellington, N.Z. Treadle attachment for linotype maohine Whitmore, E. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Purifying water Whitney, A. C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cleaner for breech-block of rifles Whyte, D. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Safety stop valve and governor Whyte, W. R., Wellington, N.Z. Typewriter Wildbore, C. E., Pohangina, N.Z. Rein-holder .. Wildey, E. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Measuring liquids Wildridge, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Sub-aqueous dredger Wilkins, J., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Bicycle Williams, G., Levin, N.Z. Appliance for washing and peeling potatoes, &o. Williams, D., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Amalgamator Williams, Elizabeth T., Picton, N.Z. Dress-making chart .. WilliamB, R. K., Thames, N.Z. Filtering oil Williams, R., and another, Hastings, N.Z. Cooling malt liquors Williams, W. F., London, Eng. Tire and rim for wheel Williamson, D. H., Wanganui, N.Z. Apparatus for rapid issue of railway-tickets .. Willis, A. D., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Photographio camera Wilson, 0. R., Christohuroh, N.Z. Cyole driving-gear Wilson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope Wilson, W. R., Narandera, N.S.W. Cultivator .. Windle, C. H., Calcutta, India. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 12107.) Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Wireless telegraphy. (G. Marconi) Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Wireless telegraphy. (G. Marconi) Wiseman, J., Auckland, N.Z. Breeching attachment for horse cover Withers, W., Palmerston North, N.Z. Fireplace screen Wood, G., Burnley, Eng. (See A. Tindill, No. 11874.) Wood, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Wood, W. H., and another, Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See Lanston Monotype Machine Company, No. 11816) Woodger, R. A., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-esoape Woods, P., Kawakawa, N.Z. Horse-oover attachments Woolf, I., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Scrubbing-brush Woolhouse, G., Ross, N.Z. Feed-regulator for use in treating auriferous sand Worthington, C. C, Westchester, U.S.A. Steam pump Worthington, 0. C., Dunnfield, U.S.A. Steam-engine Wren, J., and another, Collingwood, Vic Fan and motor therefor Wright, G., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 11948) Wright, G., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 11941) Wright, G., Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. Switch, for electric circuit.. Wright, G., and another, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. (See J. P. Campbell, No. 11897) Wright, G., and others. Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. Switch for electric oircuit Wright, G. and others, Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. Controller for electric motor Wright, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Mixing and preparing chemical manures .. Wright, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Jug Wright, W. W., Christohurch, N.Z. Animal-trap.. Wright, W. H., Ontario, Canada. (See Wright's Taper-Roller Bearings Syndioate, Limited, No. 12025) Wright's Taper-Roller Bearings Syndioate (Limited), London, Eng. Roller-bearings. (W. H. Wright) Wurts, A. J., and others, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Controller for electrio motor Wyatt, J., and another, Kaiwaiwai, N.Z. Apparatus for stumping and logging Young, A„ and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See E. H. and H. A. Jull, No. 11432.) Young, W. P., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Feed for seed drill Zinsli, R., Stratford, N.Z. Horse-oover 12141 12142 11369 11674 11755 12047 11748 11743 11744 12242 11662 11719 11848 12117 11977 11497 11659 11536 11332 12105 11945 11931 11607 11768 11637 11667 12240 11420 11896 11431 11911 12245 12076 11569 11928 11336 11542 12238 11344 11597 11347 11842 11801 12126 11537 11385 11441 11938 11818 11283 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 13 Feb. 6 June. 29 June. 4 Oct. 23 June. *24Aug.'98 *24Aug.'98 18 Dec. 30 May. 16 June. 1 Aug. 26 Oct. 12 Sept. 29 Mar. 29 May. 15 April. 18 Jan. 18 Oct. 31 Aug. 23 Aug. 11 May. 5 July. 16 May. 31 May. 11 Dec 2 Maroh. 15 Aug. 9 Maroh. 22 Aug. 15 Dee 10 Oct. 24 April. 25 Aug. 4 Feb. 18 April. 14 Dec 26 Jan. 1 May. 1 Feb. 28 July. 17 July. 26 Oct. 15 April. 17 Feb. 13 March. 28 Aug. 22 July. i Jan. 11550 22 April. 11812 20 July. 11329 11387 19 Jan. 9 March. 11764 3 July. 11343 12006 11880 11909 11285 11664 11584 30 Jan. 19 Sept. 9 Aug. 17 Aug. 5 Jan. 1 June. 3 May. 11425 7 Maroh. 11530 11731 12066 12083 11456 14 April. 22 June. 6 Oot. 13 Oct. 15 March. 12025 28 Sept. 11731 11516 22 June. 5 April. 11940 11419 31 Aug. 1 March.




[* Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889. "J Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Account-book. J. B. Beavis Account-book. R. M. Gatenby Aoetylene-gas burner. Tiirr's Acetylene Gas Syndicate (Limited) Aoetylene compounds. B. J. Atterbury Acetylene-gas apparatus. Tiirr's Acetylene Gas Syndicate (Limited) Acetylene-gas laundry-iron. J.Miller.. Acetylene generator. H. J. Buchan Acetylene generator. The Imperial S.C. Acetylene Gas Company (Limited) Aoetylene generator. W. McAuslin .. .. .. Acetylene generator. J. Miller .. .. .. .. Acetylene generator. R. J. Moss Acetylene generator. A. B. Ritchie Acetylene generator. J. M. Taylor and H. Oakley Acetylene generator. L. Thurnauer Acetylene generator. W. Tyree Aoetylene generator. J. H. Walker Acetylene generator. C.White Acetylene purifier. The Acetylene Purifying Company (Limited) Adhesive surface, Device for moistening. R. M. Hathaway and J. Robertson Adjustment, Velocipede seat-and handle-. T.Gallagher Advertisement displayer. T.L.Taylor.. Advertising apparatus. T. Murray and W. Pinches Advertising device. W. Blaker Advertising tablet and soap cake. J. J. Roth Aerator. (See Milk-aerator, Milk-aerator and cooler.) A. Billens Agitating and settling vat. P. Ferguson Agitator, Slimes. L. Home .. .. ... Air-brake coupling. T. H. Patching and R. H. Finch .. .. ... Air-cooler. W. Nelson .. ... Air or gas-compressor. F. Isitt Aeriform fluids or gases, Refrigerating or liquefying. The General Liquid Air Refrigerating Company Alarm, Burglar-. C. M. Newson Alarm, Electric fire-. C.Nixon Albumenoids of meat, Soluble. J. W. C. Hamilton and J. A. Linley Ale-cooler. W. Stock and R. Williams Alternating current apparatus. W. E. Hughes Alternating current, Converting energy of, into mechanical energy. B. G. Lamme Alternating current induction motor. J. P. Campbell Alternating current measuring instrument. H. P. Davis and F. Conrad Amalgamator. D. Williams and J. H. Richards Amalgamator and concentrator. G.C.Clark Amalgamator and concentrator. W. Mentiplay Amalgamator and separator, Gold. D. Parker Amalgamator, Ore concentrator, separator, and. G. Fischer Anhydride, Sulphuric. Badische Anilin and Soda Fabrik Animal-trap. P. G. Dodd Animal-trap. H. L. Mainland Animal-trap. W. W. Wright Antimony, Extracting, from ores. J. Ranald Antimony, Treating ores containing. E. Petersson ... Apron-bag. E. E. Campion .. .. .. .. ... Arc-lamp. H. P. Davis and F. Conrad Arsenic-ores, Treating. E. Petersson Artificial stone. A. H., H., and G. Van der Vijgh Ashpan and cinder-sieve. F. W. Saper and F. M. Drewitt Auriferous material from river-beds, Obtaining. I. L. Lewis Auriferous material from river-beds, Obtaining. A. F. Ridland Auriferous sand, Feed regulator for table for. G. Woolhouse Automobile vehiole. C. H. Holder Auto-vehicle. E. W. Rudd .. Bag, Apron. E. E. Campion Bag, Combined syringe, enema, and hot-water. E, W. Hall Bags, Grip for holding, while being sewn. W. K. Elder Bales, &o., Apparatus for closing wool-. H. Biddle Ball-cock. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Ball grinding-mill. W. Stamm Band-box. J. Banks .. .. .. .. Bar, Printing. E. Waters, jun. Barium salts, Manufacturing. C. S. Bradley and G. B. Jacobs Battery. (See Galvanic-battery, Secondary-battery, Stamper-battery.) Bath apparatus, Electric or medicinal. C. E. Schnee Bearings, Roller-. Wright's Taper Roller-bearings Syndicate (Limited) Bed-pan, Support for person during removal of. M. A. Johnson Bedstead-frame. J. F. Stephenson Bedsteads, Attaching woven-wire to. G.Richards Belt and braces, Combined. L. N. Dyhrberg and G. K. Askin Belt-clip. M. L. Jackman Belt-fastener. A. L. Heighton Belt-fastener. W. and J. T. Maine Belt or strap. E. C. Millard Belting, Roller-guide for. D. W. Bodle Bench-grip. W. B. O'Toole Bicycle. E. Bond, W. H. Burton, and J. Wilkins 11927 12056 11397 11689 11369 12100 12179 11528 11724 12138 11333 12046 11881 11612 11846 11646 11607 11939 11477 11709 11710 11625 12250 12177 11868 12118 12052 11845 11969 11915 11424 11729 11435 11811 12126 11356 11532 12030 11495 11347 11368 11372 11479 11426 11890 11771 12175 11456 11904 11324 12040 11355 11324 11677 11789 11722 11714 11909 11717 12252 12040 11860 11299 11849 11719 11650 11313 12027 11325 22 Aug. 4 Oct. 23 Feb. 8 June. 23 Feb. 14 Oct. 16 Nov. 14 April. 14 June. 3 Nov. 25 Jan. 4 Oct. 9 Aug. 11 May. 1 Aug. 23 May. 11 May. 31 Aug. 23 March. 12 June. 12 June. 12 May. 21 Dec. 15 Nov. 7 Aug. 24 Oct. 5 Oct. 1 Aug. 6 Sept. 22 Aug. 7 May. 20 June. 9 March. 20 July. 26 Oct. 2 Feb. 14 April. 29 Sept. 29 March. 1 Feb. 10 Feb. 15 Feb. 23 March. 7 March. 14 Aug. 5 July. 11 Nov. 15 March. 18 Aug. 20 Jan. 2 Oct. 2 Feb. 20 Jan. 6 June. 12 July. 7 June. 14 June. 17 Aug. 16 June. 21 Dec. 2 Oct. 2 Aug. 5 Jan. 2 Aug. 16 June. 25 May. 11 Jan. 28 Sept. 20 Jan. 11922 12025 12152 11705 11575 12004 12208 11567 11519 11350 11808 11949 11344 24 Aug. 28 Sept. 7 Nov. 12 June. 27 April. 18 Sept. 28 Nov. 28 April. 11 April. lFeb. 15 July. 31 Aug. 26 Jan.


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Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Bicycle, Attachment to, for transmitting power to sheep-shears. J. Howard Bioyole-brake. J. W. Kenah Bicycle-brake. J. Miller .. .. .. Bicycle-clip, -pedal, and -toe. W. L. Mitohell Bicycle driving-gear. J. Paaske Bicycles, driving and controlling gear for. F. A. Rich Bicycles, Facing for pedals of. A. L. P. Chasles Bicycles, Means of propelling. G. E. Tissington and J. R. Thomson Bicycle mud-guard and tyre-cleaner. G. H. Fisher Bicycle pedal-and toe-olip. W.L.Mitchell .. Bicycle pedal, Facing for. A. L. P. Chasles Bicycle-seat and -handle adjustment. T. Gallagher Bicycle-seat and luggage carrier, Means of attaching. J. W. Buckley Bicyole-stand and tool-chest combined. E. H. and H. A. Jull Bicycle-support. G. K. Askin Bicycle-support. G. K. Askin Bicycle-support. J. H. Elstob Bicycle-wheels, Device for looking. W. Morris Bioycle. (See Cycle, Tire, Velocipede, Wheel.) Billiard-chalk suspender. A. G. Thomas and J. E. Atkinson Billiard-cue chalker. P. G. Kelly Billiard.cue chalker. P. G. Kelly Billiard-table. G. R. Rowe and J. Trevithick Binding mechanism, Harvester. J. Macalister Bismuth and antimony from ores, Extraction of. J. Ranald.. Bit-sharpener. W. E. Kimber Blanketing, Gold-saving. M. G. Heeles Bleaching and cleaning flax. G. W. Plummer Bleaching flax. F. Clifford Blight exterminator. H. Strawbridge .. ■Blind, Venetian. W. J. Blakey Block. (See Building-block, Goldsaving-block, House-block, Printing-block, Street-blook.) Blood, Manufacture of food from. J. W. C. Hamilton and Bergl Australia (Limited) Blood, Manufacturing fertilisers from. H. A. Somes Board joint, Rustioated. G. J. and A. Howes Boarding, Weather-. G. H. Anderson Boat. N. Gibbons Boat-gear, Deck disengaging. D. Mitohell Boiler-fittings. E. Richardson Boilers, Stoker for. J. Miller Boiler. A. I. Hulme and W. Thomson.. Boiler, Circulating water in steam. R. P. Gibbons Boiler-cleaner. A. Price Boiler, Water-tube. J. and J. M. Cowan Book, Account-. R. M. Gatenby Book, Account sales or order-. J. B. Beavis Boot. G. Ross Boot or Bhoe. E. and L. Schmoll Boot heel. A. Tindill Boot, Horse-. P. A. Vaile Boot last. J. Moran Boot or shoe. E. and L. Sohmoll Boot or shoe. W. Lingard Boot or shoe. J. and J. P. Simon Boot or shoe ventilated insole. A.Buchanan Boot sole. J. E. Friend Boot sole finishing-iron. E.Day Boou soles, Iron for finishing edges of. E.Day Boot soles, Wash for. C. Lafferty Boot ventilator. J. Vernon Boot. (See also Golosh, Sandal, Slipper.) Boots, &e, Lacing-. A. de R. Brandon Bore-holes, Sinking. W.Griffiths .. .. Boring drill. H. Aylmer and J. H. Plummer Boring post-holes. E. R. Godward Bot and worm medicine. A. J. Knocks Bottle for use in milk-testing. W. J. McVeigh and G. Lyell, jun. Bottle frame or support. F.C.Saunders Bottle. (See Non-refillable bottle.) Bottles, Closing provision. E. Waters, jun. Box. (See Band-box, Butter-box, Case, Crate, Fare-box, Show-oase, Till, Trunk.) Box-filling and covering-machine. W. H. Butler Box-making machinery. E. McGregor Boxes, Machine for inserting matches into. R. J. McKee and W. McLay Braces, Combined belt and. L. N. Dyhrberg and G. K. Askin Brake. (See Air-brake, Bioycle-brake, Electric-brake, Vehicle-brake.) Brand. M. Belk Branding. A. J. Cuming .. .. .. .. Branding apparatus. W. H. Boyens Branding apparatus. C. J. Cooze Branding apparatus. A. J. Cuming Breadmaking. D. R. S. Galbraith Breadmaking. D. R. S. Galbraith Breaker, Circuit. J. P. Campbell .. .. .. .. Breaker, Circuit. H. P. Davis Breasting-machine, Heel. W. E. Hughes Breech-block cleaner, Rifle or carbine. A. C. Whitney and R. B. Morrow11523 11478 12132 11790 11713 12065 12190 11852 11797 11790 12190 11709 11758 11432 11552 11699 12172 11568 11455 11715 11806 11335 11340 11904 11433 11598 11712 12261 12075 11593 11281 11629 11821 12166 11298 11320 12227 12131 11970 12032 11624 12239 12056 11927 11544 11317 11874 11668 11578 11317 11655 12026 11688 11936 11794 11551 11603 11979 10 April. 20 Mar. 27 Oot. 13 July. 14 June. 5 Oot. 23 Nov. 3 Aug. 15 July. 13 July. 23 Nov. 12 June. 28 June. 9 Mar. 21 April. 8 June. 13 Nov. 25 April. 16 Maroh. 13 June. 12 July. 25 Jan. 24 Jan. 18 Aug. 9 March. 5 May. 9 June. 21 Dec. 12 Oot. 2 May. 4 Jan. 18 May. 20 July. 11 Nov. 5 Jan. 18 Jan. 7 Dec. 27 Oct. 7 Sept. 27 Sept. 13 May. 14 Deo. 4 Oct. 22 Aug. 18 April. 14 Jan. 10 Aug. 30 May. 3 May. 14 Jan. 25 May. 28 Sept. 2 June. 30 Aug. 13 July. 20 April. 10 May. 9 Sept. 11869 12247 11708 12268 11443 11738 11958 4 Aug. 4 Dee 12 June. 29 Dec. 14 March. 21 June. 4 Sept. 11766 18 July. 12210 11785 11520 12004 28 Nov. 12 July. 13 April. 18 Sept. 11973 11602 11622 12064 11663 11757 12057 11897 11493 12225 12076 11 Sept. 9 May. 25 May. 26 Sept. 30 May. 28 June. 2 Oct. 16 Aug. 29 March. 7 Dec. 10 Oct.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Brewing-grain, Gelatinising. A. J. Metzler Brickmaking-machine. A. Dolphin and J. T. W. Stephenson Bridle. T. Smith Bridle. L. C. Hazlett Bridle and rein connection. P. A. Vaile Broiler. J. J. Pearse Bromine solutions, Precipitating gold from. F. W. Martino and F. Stubbs Broom-handle fastening. J. Ford Brush. S. G. Roseman Brush, Scrubbing. T. Bunting and I. Woolf .. .. ... Bucket. (See Dredge-bucket.) Buffer and draw-gear for railway vehicles. W. R. S. Jones Building-block. W.E.Hughes Building material. A. Imschenetzky Building, Spouting and roof for. G. W. Darvall .. Buildings, Attaching corrugated iron to. W. E. Hughes Buildings, Securing scrim to walls of. E. Bartley Bullet-resisting garment. J. Shepherd Burglar-alarm. C. M. Newson Burner. G. Barthel, O. Henckels, and W. de Haas Burner. L. Hooker Burner. H. S. Chipman Burner. H. E. Howland Burner. Tiirr's Acetylene Gas Syndicate, Limited Burner, Igniting device for. A. J. Sterne Burnisher and ink- and pencil-eraser, Combined. J. R. Vaile Burring wool. G. E. U. Huckaby Butter-box. W. P. Trevaskis and G. Archer Butter-boxes, Stamping and marking. O. Wakelin Butter-dividing and moulding-machine. W. B. Dick Butter-fat, Testing milk for. W. J. McVeigh and G. Lyell, jun. Butter, Treating. D. R. S. Galbraith .. Button and pin, Combined. J. Torrens Cab door, Apparatus for opening. W. J. Stevens Cakes, Cereal. J. H. Kellogg Calcining limestone, &o. J. Bryson, J. Jones, and W. Fraser Calcium-carbide, Manufacturing. J. Bastick Calves, Device for weaning. W. Reach Camera. A. D. Willis and L. W. Mence Can cover. J. M. Arundel and T. McGregor Can-opener. J. A. McPhee Can or vessel, Hermetically sealing. E. Norton Candle extinguisher. D. Lea Caoutchouc, Disvulcanising. A. E. J. V. J. Theilgaard .. Carbamides in oils, Solutions of sweet. A. Sommer Carbide, Manufacturing calcium-. J. Bastick Carbine breech-block cleaner. A. C. Whitney and R. B. Morrow Carbonating liquids. P. E. Malmstrom and O. W. Aokerman Car-coupling apparatus. R. S. Reid Cargo, Loading. J. Gibson Carriage or perambulator, Child's. T. Ballantine Carrier system, Cash- and paroel-. M. J. Foyer Case or crate. W. M. Green Case, Show-. E. Lee and J. S. Piokford Carving-maohine. H. Marls and G. W. Butt Cash-and parcel-carrier system. M. J. Foyer Cask-making machinery. E. McGregor Cask-stave cutter. A. Sinclair Casting and composing machine, Type. Lanston Monotype Maohine Company Cattle-slaughtering instrument. J. D. Walsh Cement. J. Steiger Cement. G. S. Potter Cement, ore, &e, Pulverising. M. J. Davidsen Cement-pulverising mill. M. J. Davidsen Ceramio stone. L. A. Garchey Cereal cakes. J. H. Kellogg Chaff-outter, Feed-roller for. M. Brown Chain, Coupling-. G. Moros .. .. .. .. Chain-fastener. C. Bristow Chainless cycle-gear. C. R. Wilson Chair. F.Coffee.. Chairs and wire mattrasses, Spring bottom for. A. Richards.. Chair-seat. H. A. C. Sutton Chalker, Billiard-cue. P. G. Kelly Chalker, Billiard-cue. P. G. Kelly Chalk suspender, Billiard-. A. C. Thomas and J. E. Atkinson Charcoal from vegetable refuse, Making. J. D. P. Morgan Chart, Dressmaking-. E.T.Williams.. Cheok. (See also Ticket.) Checks at pay-windows, Registering and issuing. E. Maroh Chemical generation of electricity. E.L.Anderson Chemical manure. J. Wright, W. Andrews, and A. W. Beaven Chest, Tool-, and bicycle-stand combined. E. H. and H. A. Jull Child's carriage or perambulator. T. Ballantine Chimney. H. Dalton Chimney-cowl. H. A. Mason Chimney-or ventilator-cowl. H.A.Mason 11988 12039 11872 12153 11641 12008 11556 12009 11579 11880 13 Sept. 2 Oct. 9 Aug. 7 Nov. 20 May. 22 Sept. 26 April. 22 Sept. 3 May. 9 Aug. 11436 11841 11628 11943 12107 12094 11893 11729 11418 11309 11453 11527 11397 11765 11541 11838 11404 11654 11725 11738 11644 12060 11918 12045 11366 11323 12016 11441 12140 12182 11417 11462 11707 12155 11323 12076 11434 11521 11989 11747 11514 11562 11295 11558 11514 11793 11997 11815 12171 12178 11984 12173 12174 11282 12045 12134 11924 12271 11938 12139 19502 11446 11715 11806 11455 12068 11842 11 Mar. 31 July. 18 May. 1 Sept. 21 Oct. 13 Oot. 15 Aug. 20 June. 3 March 12 Jan. 16 Maroh 14 April. 23 Feb. 3 July. 14 April. 28 July. 27 Feb. 25 May. 14 June. 21 June. 18 May. 3 Oct. 21 Aug. 4 Oct. 10 Feb. 18 Jan. 22 Sept. 13 March, INov. 15 Nov. 3 March, 21 March, 12 June. 8 Nov. 18 Jan. 10 Oot. 9 March, 13 April. 13 Sept. 26 June. 6 April. 27 April. 9 Jan. 26 April. 6 April. 14 July. 19 Sept. 20 July. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 13 Sept. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 4 Jan. 4 Oot. 2 Nov. 21 Aug. 30 Dec. 28 Aug. 3 Nov. 28 Maroh. 15 March. 13 June. 12 July. 16 March. 6 Oct. 28 July. 11379 12248 12066 11432 11747 11917 11643 11657 16 Feb. 21 Dec. 6 Oot. 9 Maroh, 26 June. 23 Aug. 23 May. 26 May.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Chloride or bromine solutions, Precipitating gold from. F. W. Martino and F. Stubbs Chocolate and milk products. A. Denaeyer Chrome tanning-liquid. C. Boooook Churn. W. F. Henderson Cigarette-case. G. Legge Cigarette-machine. W. G. Pedersen, L. Adler, and P. N. Hoist Cigarette-mouthpiece machine. T. Whitehorn and H. N. Brady Cigarette wrapper. Richmond Gold and Silver Cigarette Company Cinder-sieve and asbpan. F. W. Soper and F. M. Drewitt Circuit-breaker. H. P. Davis Circuit-breaker. J. P. Campbell Circuit. (See also Electric circuit.) Cistern ball-cock. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Cistern, Closet flushing-. J. M. Taylor and H. Oakley Cistern flushing-valve. W. E. Hughes Cistern-valve. R. Garnham Cistern-valve. R. Garnham Cistern, Water-closet. R. Garnham .. Clamp, Fence-. D. W. Aylworth Clay-working maohine. R. O. Clark, jun. Clinical-table, reading-desk, and cupboard. H.C.Franklin.. Cleaner for rifle breech-blook. A. C. Whitney and R. B. Morrow Cleaner. (See also Boiler-cleaner, Knife-cleaner.) Cleaning appliance. A. L. J. Tait Cleaning flax, Bleaching and. G. W. Plummer Cleaning machinery, Road-. H. J. Ranger .. .. Cleaning sheep dags. A. Smith Cleaning watercourses, Appliances for. A. E. Hight Cleaning wool. E. Maertens Cleansing composition. R.C.Kerr Clip. (See Belt-clip, Bicycle-clip, Cycle saddle-clip, Cyole toe-clip.) Clippers, Horse-. C. H. Izard Clock, Recording-attachment for. C. Stahlecker .. Clock. (See also Electric-clock, Time-indicator.) Closet-flushing cistern. J. M. Taylor and H. Oakley Closet-seat cover. D. Grant and A. Macpherson .. Closet-seat cover. D. Grant and A. Macpherson .. Closing wool-bales, Apparatus for. H. Biddle Clothes-horse. W. S. and R. M. Maunder Cook, Ball-. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Cocoa or ohooolate and milk products. A. Denaeyer Codlin-moth and blight exterminator. H. Strawbridge Coffee products, Utilizing waste. L.Hesse Coffer-dam dredge. W. L. Page and G. P. Mollison Coiler and unooiler, Wire-. J. Krauae Cold-stores, Walls of. A. H. Chapman.. Collar-stud. M. B. Curtis Colouring hides, &e G. D. Burton Colouring matters, Preparing and putting up. I. Singer and F. W. Maddox Colour-printing machine. F. C. Taylor Combustion engine, Internal. E. Waters, jun. Compass and time-indicator. E. Gilshnan, jun. Composing-machine, Type-casting and. Lanston Monotype Machine Company Compressed air, Prevention of freezing in machinery driven by. J. Park and G. A. Avey Compressor. (See Fibre-compressor, Gas- or Air-oompressor.) Computing-scale, Weighing and. J. J. Sears Concentrating liquids. E.Shaw Concentrating or separating and amalgamating ores. G. Fischer Concentrator. F. L. Bartlett Concentrator. G.C.Clarke.. Concentrator and amalgamator. W. Mentiplay Controller. (See Eleotric motor-controller.) Controlling-apparatus, Eleotro-pneumatic G. Westinghouse Controlling horses. D. R. S. Galbraith Converting and distributing eleotric currents. B. G. Lamme Conveyanoe. E. Hayhurst .. Cooker, Steam. E. W. Parish Cooking-apparatus. H. Ramsey Cooking-apparatus. S.J.Holland Cooking-oven, Regulating heat of. E. Smethurst Cooking sweetmeats. E. Shaw Cooler. (See Milk-aerator and Milk-cooler.) Cooling air. W. Nelson Cooling ale, &e W. Stock and R. Williams Cooling-pipes, Clearing snow, &c, from. A. H. Chapman Copying, Treating paper for press-. C. 0. Paltridge Core-plates in dynamo eleotric machinery, Securing. G. Westinghouse and E. E. Nolan Cornice and curtain-hanger combined. O. B. Hellstrom Corrugated iron, Attachment of, to buildings. W. E. Hughes Corrugated iron, Nail for. F. Gold Corrugating paper, Machinery for. G. Leske Corset. H. Schneider Couches, chairs, and wire mattresses, Spring bottom for. A.Richards .. Counting and recording mechanism, Vote-. J. H. Mander Counting sheep, Mechanism for. R. W. Green Coupling. (See Air-brake coupling, Car-coupling, Chain-coupling, Pipe-coupling, Railway-oar coupling, Railway vehicle coupling.) 11556 12014 11577 11108 12077 12184 11431 12193 11789 11493 11897 26 April. *2 Feb. 1 May. 20 Oct. 13 Oct. 17 Nov. 9 March, 23 Nov. 12 July. 29 Maroh, 16 Aug. 11719 12234 12049 11920 11576 11390 11647 11825 11623 12076 16 June. 12 Deo. 4 Oot. 24 Aug. 2 May. 21 Feb. 25 May. 21 July. 15 May. 10 Oot. 12183 11712 11661 12269 11728 11993 11733 16 Nov. 9 June. 29 May. 29 Deo. 16 June. 15 Sept. 22 June. 11613 11978 11 May. 13 Sept. 12234 11291 11557 11849 12221 11719 12014 12075 11763 12099 11990 11437 11326 11342 11463 11975 12002 11403 11815 12063 12 Dec. 6 Jan. 26 April. 2 Aug. 5 Deo. 16 June. *2 Feb. 12 Oot. 3 July. 14 Oot. 13 Sept. 11 Maroh, 21 Jan. 26 Jan. 21 March, 7 Sept. 20 Sept. 24 Feb. 20 July. 7 Oot. 11589 12270 11426 11452 11368 11372 4 May. 30 Oct. 7 Maroh, 16 March, 10 Feb. 15 Feb. 11497 11388 11466 11448 12087 11635 11736 12223 12270 29 March, 16 Feb. 21 March. 14 Maroh, 14 Oct. 19 May. 22 June. 4 Dee 30 Dec. 11969 12126 12035 12048 11659 11587 12107 12259 11651 11639 11502 11817 11762 6 Sept. 26 Oct. 27 Sept. 4 Oct. 29 May. 4 May. 21 Oct. 22 Dec. 25 May. 20 May. 28 March. 21 July. 23 July.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Coupon. R. H. White Cover. (See also Can-cover, Closet-seat cover, Dish-oover, Frying-pan cover, Grain-staok oover, Horse-cover, Vessel-cover.) Cover for gold-saving plant. J.W.Faulkner Cow-bails, Supplying water to. W. T. Bowater Cowl, Chimney. H. A. Mason Cowl for ohimney or ventilator. H. A. Mason Crank-head, Cycle-pedal and. F. Mitchell and C. Hill Crate for frozen animals. J. H. Pomeroy Crate for frozen animals, Export. A. P. Schmidt and D. Hannan Crate or case. W.M.Green Crate. (See also Rabbit-crate.) Cream separator. Actieselskabet Burmeister and Wains Maskin og Skibsbyggeri Cresset, Petroleum. A. A. Bickerton Crockery and cutlery washing apparatus. L. Davie Crossings, Train indicator for. H. J. Gibbons and E. T. A. Basan Crushing machine. R. Cockerell Crushing or grinding rolls. T. A. Edison Cue chalker, Billiard. P. G. Kelly Cue chalker, Billiard. P. G. Kelly Cultivator, Ridger, seed and manure sower and. A Storrie Cultivator, Spring-tooth. W.R.Wilson Cupboard, Table, reading-desk, and. H. 0. Franklin Cup, Mustard. A. Potter Cure of fluke-worm in sheep, Specific for. R. Evens Cure of liver and stomach complaints, Medicine for. F. Curtis Curing hides and skins. J. W. C. Hamilton and J. A. Linley Curler, Hair. D. Whitburn and P. H. Basley Curler, Hair. M. E. Cox and H. Bell Current generator, Alternating. W.E.Hughes .. Current measuring instrument, Alternating. H. P. Davis and F. Conrad Currents, Utilizing and converting electric. B. G. Lamme Curtain hanger and cornice combined. 0. B. Hellstrom ... Cutlery and crockery washing apparatus. L. Davie Cutter and grater, Fruit and vegetable. D. Whitburn Cutter and perforator for printing machine. J. H. McMillan, W. Smart, and H. Smith Cutter, Combined wire-strainer, key, and. J. Hair Cutter. (See also Cask stave cutter, Fern and scrub cutter, Poisoned pollard cutter, and Tobacco cutter.) Cutting sheet metal, Snip for. G. W. Ferguson Cyanide solution. A. F. Crosse Cyanide solutions, Precipitating metals from, F. W. Martino and F. Stubbs Cyanide solutions, Recovering gold and silver from. D. and J. Avery Cyanide solutions, Recovering gold and silver from. W. A. Koneman Cyanide treatment of ores. E. Schilz Cyanide treatment of ores, Agitating material during. L. Home Cyanogen compounds. J. Maotear .. - .. Cycle. R. T. Stewart Cycle ohain fastener. G. Bristow Cycle driving-gear. J. W. Brereton Cycle driving-gear. J. E. Friend Cycle driving-gear, Chainless. C. R. Wilson .. .. Oyole driving mechanism. P. H. Pritchett Cycle frame. F. W. Parsons and W. E. Campbell .. .. ;. Cyole gearing. D. Watts Cyole lamp. G. E. Adlard .. Cyole parcel-rest and lamp-bracket. R. Latta Cycle pedal and crank-head. F. Mitchell and C. Hill Cycle saddle-clip. J. Thomas Cyole springs. E. Harnett Cyole toe-olip. R. Tomline and K. Graf Cyole. (See also Bicycle, Tire, Velooipede, Wheel.) Cycling sandal. H. Corriok.. Cyclist, Hand-shield for. F. G. Mumford and F. Sparrow .. .. Dags, Cleaning wool. A. Smith Damming rivers for gold-mining purposes. A. Smith Damper for locomotive-engine. E. Richardson Deck disengaging boat-gear. D. Mitohell .. .. .. .. Dehairing hides and skins for tanning. A. J. Cuming Desk, and cupboard, Table, reading-. H. C. Franklin .. Detonator. J. W. Fowler Die, Spouting. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Digester soup, Manufacturing fertilisers from. H. A. Somes.. Digger. J. Begg Digger. (See also Potato-digger.) Diso-harrow. B. Shears Dish-oover. E. R. Standfield Displaying bottles, &c F. C. Saunders Displaying device. H. Franks Distilling retort, Shale-. J. Bryson, J. Jones, and W. Fraser Distribution, Eleotrical. (See under Electrical.) Disvuloanizing process. A. E. J. V. J. Theilgaard Dividing dough, &e, Maohine for. 0. E. and J. E. Pointon Diving-gear, Gold-dredging. P. Lanigan .. .. .. , *. Door adjuster. T. Clements Door for grate-flue. N. A. Hemus .. .. .. .. .. Door-handle fastening. J. W. McDougall 11667 12231 11963 11643 11657 11974 11572 11490 11562 11621 11376 11380 11810 11483 12023 11715 11806 11411 11283 11623 11942 11549 11503 11280 11931 11653 12020 11495 11496 11587 11380 11945 11457 11858 12213 12053 11486 11854 11348 12098 12052 12086 11289 12271 11296 11472 11938 12233 11987 11674 11505 11787 11974 12200 12127 12102 31 May. 8 Dee 6 Sept. 23 May. 26 May. 11 Sept. 27 April. 24 March. 27 April. 12 May. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 July. 21 March. 28 Sept. 13 June. 12 July. 28 Feb. 4 Jan. 15 May. 29 Aug. 22 April. 30 March. 4 Jan. 23 Aug. 25 May. 28 Sept. 29 March. 29 March. 4 May. 16 Feb. 31 Aug. 18 March. 1 Aug. 1 Dee 5 Oct. 28 March. 3 Aug. lFeb. 18 Oct. 5 Oct. 10 Oct. 6 Jan. 30 Dee 9 Jan. 22 March. 28 Aug. 11 Deo. 13 Sept. 6 June. 4 April. 13 July. 11 Sept. 21 Nov. 28 Oct. 18 Oot. 12007 11590 12269 11739 12214 11320 11916 11623 12011 11662 11630 11701 22 Sept. 4 May. 29 Deo. 12 July. 1 Deo. 18 Jan. 21 Aug. 15 May. 22 Sept. 30 May. 18 May. 7 June. 11882 11836 11958 11330 11366 10 Aug. 27 July. 4 Sept. 24 Jan. 10 Feb. 11707 11611 11870 11697 11823 12148 12 June. 11 May. 5 Aug. 8 June. 21 July. 6 Nov.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. | Date, Door-lock spindle. J. W. McDougall Door of oab, Apparatus for opening. W.J. Stevens Dough, &e, Machine for dividing. C. E. and J. E. Pointon Draught-hook. W. Tremain Draught of fireplace, Regulator for. E, Shadgett.. Draw-gear, Railway. W. R. S. Jones Drawing off liquids. W. Turnbull Drawing staples, nails, &e, Tool for. W. Grayson Dredge. W. I. Davis Dredge. J. Drummey Dredge. J. T. Johnson Dredge. W. L. Page and G. P. Mollison Dredge. H. Park Dredge. T. Shale Dredge. C. Tilburn Dredge. J. Wildridge Dredge- and prospecting-pump combined. R. McGregor Dredge bucket. W. H. Cutten Dredge bucket. E. Roberts Dredge bucket, Gold. J. Ward Dredge bucket-link. W. H. Cutten Dredge buckets, Appliance for replacing, on tumblers. W. Cutten Dredge buckets, Reversing motion of. W. H. Cutten Dredge elevator. E.Roberts Dredge, Elevator-tray for. F. W. Payne Dredge, Screen for gold. J. C. MoGeorge Dredge, Screen for gold. J. Ward Dredge-tumblers. L. H. Reynolds and G. H. Oatway Dredge-tumblers, Pick-attachment for. W. Poppelwell .. .. Dredges, Lubricating the lower tumblers of. W. Cutten Dredging-apparatus. A. J. Cuming Dredging-applianoe. F. W. Payne Dredging driving-gear, Gold-. P. Lanigan Dredging-ladder. E. Roberts Dredging machinery. E. McGregor Dredging machinery. T. Shale Dredging machinery. J. Welsby Dress chart. E. T. Williams Dressing fibre, flax, &e (See Fibre, Flax, Phormium tenax.) Drill, Seed-feeder for. J. W. Stonyer Drill, Seed-feeder for. J. W. Stonyer Drill. (See also Agrioutural-drill, Boring-drill, Earth-drill, Grain-drill, Manure-drill, Pneu-matic-drill, Rock-drill, Seed-drill.) Drink, Effervescing. W. H. Bickerton Driver, Fastening. McKay Shoe Machinery Company .. .. Driving-gear, Bicycle. F. A. Rich Driving-gear, Bicycle. J. Paaske Driving-gear, Chainless cyole. C.R.Wilson Driving-gear, Cycle. J. W. Brereton Driving-gear, Cycle. J. E. Friend Driving-gear, Velocipede. D. K. and G. M. G. Macdonnell Driving-meohanism, Cycle. P. H. Pritohett Dropper. (See Fencing-dropper.) Droppers, Securing wires in. E. Smethurst .. .. .. Dryer, Steam-. E. W. Parish Drying flax. F. Clifford Drying wool. B. W. Glass Dumb-bell. E. Sandow Dust-screen for windows. H. Roberts Dust from metallurgical furnaces, Recovery of gold, &e, from. F. Ellershausen .. Dye. (See Colouring matter.) Dynamo electric maohine. W.E.Hughes Dynamo electric machinery, Seouring core-plates in. G. Westinghouse and E. E. Nolan Ear-mark for live-stock. G. Hall and O. Deacon Earth-drill. F. H. Dannhardt and M. Mailer Easel attachment. R. Martin Effervescing drink. W. H. Bickerton Egg-beater. E. R. Godward Egg-preservative. J. T. Norton Electricity, Chemical generation of. E. L. Anderson Electrioal distribution. B. G. Lamme.. Eleotrical distribution and regulation. B. G. Lamme Eleotrical distribution, System of. B. G. Lamme Electrical distribution, System of. C. F. Soott Electrical distribution, System of. C. F. Soott .. .. .. Electrical distribution, System of. W. E. Hughes Eleotrical heating and melting. The Linotype Company, Limited Electrical heating appliances. J. F. Bachmann, A. Vogt, C. C. Weiner, A. Konig, J. Kirchner, and A. Jorg Electrical machine. J. P. Campbell Eleotrical measuring-instrument. J. P. Campbell Electrical power, Distribution of. J. P. Campbell Eleotrical resistance. A. Vogt Electrical resistance. J. F. Bachmann, A. Vogt, C. C. Weiner, A. Konig, J. Kirchner, and A. Jorg Electric brake. G. H. B. Hooper Electric brake. H. P. Davis 11913 11918 11611 12260 11971 11436 11386 12196 11565 11770 12145 12099 11746 11976 11995 12238 12028 12169 11782 12110 11371 12012 11799 12202 11777 11886 12110 11339 12201 12038 11820 11788 11870 11779 11898 11957 12242 11842 16 Aug. 21 Aug. 11 May. 27 Dec. 9 Sept. 11 Maroh. 18 Feb. 21 Nov. 19 May. 5 July. 3 Nov. 14 Oot. 26 June. 12 Sept. 18 Sept. 14 Deo. 9 Oct. 13 Nov. 7 July. 20 Oot. 14 Feb. 20 Sept. 17 July. 23 Nov. 5 July. 11 Aug. 20 Oct. 25 Jan. 23 Nov. 29 Sept. 19 July. 11 July. 5 Aug. 6 July. 16 Aug. 4 Sept. 18 Deo. 28 July. 12050 12101 2 Oot. 16 Oot. 11950 12115 12065 11713 11938 11296 11472 11538 12233 1 Sept. 25 Oct. 5 Oct. 14 June. 28 Aug. 9 Jan. 22 March. 4 May. 11 Dec. 11447 12087 12261 11822 12256 11857 12021 14 March. 14 Oot. 21 Dee 20 July. 21 Dec. 1 Aug. 28 Sept. 11832 11659 12043 11685 11704 11950 12241 12125 12248 11354 11678 11535 11533 11615 12010 11359 11744 27 July. 29 May 30 Sept. 6 June. 12 June. 1 Sept. 15 Dec. 24 Oot. 21 Deo. 2 Feb. 6 June. 15 April. 15 April. 12 May. 22 Sept. * 4 Feb.'98, *24 Aug.'98, 12029 11829 11919 11648 11743 29 Sept. 26 July. 24 Aug. 25 May. *24 Aug.'98, 11856 11494 3 Aug. 29 March.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Eleotrio-oircuit fuse-blook. J. P. Campbell Electric-circuit fuse-block. W.E.Hughes Electric circuit, Switch for. C. F. Soott, H. P. Davis, and G. Wright Eleotric oircuit, Switch for. G. Wright Electric circuit, Switch for. J. P. Campbell Electric clock. A. J. Madden Electrio clock. A. J. Madden Electrio clock. J. Coe Electric current, Converting energy of alternating, into mechanical energy. B. G. Lamme .. Eleotric currents, Converting and distributing. B. G. Lamme Electrio currents, Utilising and converting. B. G. Lamme Eleotric fire-alarm. C. Nixon Electric lamp. W. Nernst Electrio maohine, Dynamo. W.E.Hughes Eleotric machinery, Securing core-plates in dynamo. G. Westinghouse and E. E. Nolan Electric motor controller. H. P. Davis Electrio motor controller. H. P. Davis Electric motor controller. H. P. Davis Eleotric motor controller. H. P. Davis, G. Wright, and A. J. Wurts Electrio motor controller. W. E. Hughes Electric motor or meter. H. P. Davis and F. Uonrad Eleotric motor, Speed-varying device and. R. H. Hassler Electrio motor-starting mechanism. T. S. Perkins Electric or medicinal bath apparatus. C. E. Schnee Electrio railway. G. Westinghouse, C. A. Terry, and H. P. Davis Electrio switch. H. P. Davis and F. Harder Electric telegraph. The Alcock Eleotrical Position Finder Company (Limited) Eleotric traction. E. Waters, jun. Electric traction. H. Dolter Eleotric-wire joint. The Neild " Sleeve " Eleotric Joint Syndioate (Limited) Electro-magnetic ore-separator. E. Kreuser Electro-motive force regulator. C. F. Scott and B. G. Lamme Eleotro-motive force regulator. N. Rowe Electro or stereoplate. D. Reid Eleotro-pneumatic controlling apparatus. G. Westinghouse.. Elevator. W. Cutten .. .. .. .. ... Elevator for dredge. E. Roberts Elevator for loading purposes. R. Perkins and J. Swann Elevator, Tailings. W. H. Cutten. Elevator-tray for dredge. F. W. Payne Enema, hotwater-bag and syringe combined. E.W.Hall Engine. (See Explosion-engine, Gas-engine, Marine-engine, Locomotive engine, Motor, Rockdrilling engine, Rotary engine, Steam engine, Traction engine.) Engraving process, Type. A. Treadwell Enumerating-machine. E. R. Echlin and E. Burton Enumerating-machine. M. Barnett Envelope. D. Wilson Envelope. F.V.Raymond.. Envelope. P. A. and E. B. Vaile Envelopes, opening device for. F. B. Munn Eraser, Combined burnisher, and ink and pencil. J. R. Vaile Escape. (See Fire-escape.) Ethylene. B. J. Atterbury Evaporating liquids. E. Shaw .. .. .. .. ... Evaporation, Steam. E. W. Parish Exchange, Automatic telephone. The Automatic Telephone Company (Limited) Exhibiting moving pictures. E. B. Koopman Explosion engine. H. V. Hampton Explosive. C. W. Curtis and L. Davies Explosive. F. W. Jones Explosive. Oxyliquit Gesellschaft mit Beschrankter Haftung Explosive. T. H. Kelly, G. W. Bell, and R. N. Kirk Exlosive. T. Tevlev Extinguisher, Candle-. D. Lea Extinguisher, Spark-. J. King Extract, Meat-. H. A. Somes Eye ointment. D. Madden Facing for steps, bicyole pedals, &e A. L. P. Chasles Fan, and motor therefor. J. Rees and J. Wren .. Fare receiver and recorder. G. H. Green Fastener. (See Belt-fastener, Broom-fastener, Chain-fastener, Handle-fastener, Horsecoverfastener, Look, Mail-bag-fastener, Sash-fastener, Spur-fastener, Window-faatener.) Fastening-driver. McKay Shoe Machinery Company Fat-separator. J. Gommesen Fats and oils from liquids, Recovering. J. Ashdown Faucet, Measuring. G. B. Webb Feed for seed-drill. A. L. Smith and W. P. Young Feed-regulator for table used in treatment of auriferous sand. G. Woolhouse Feed-roller of chaff-cutter. M. Brown Feeder, Ore-. W. Hosking .. Felt, Sarking for carrying roofing. H. Dalton ... .. .. ... Fence. S.W.Shaw .. .. ... Fence-clamp. D. W. Aylworth Fencing-dropper. A. Lavery and M. F. Bourke Fenoing-dropper. G. McLeod Fencing-dropper, Wire. J. W. Manchee ... ... Fencing, Post-and-wire. B. Dawson 11947 11695 11530 11425 11948 11395 12224 12111 11532 11466 11496 11435 11322 11832 11659 11467 11534 11618 11731 11941 11465 11617 11691 11922 11536 11353 11632 11684 12070 11679 11480 11468 11690 11545 11497 11409 12202 12228 12219 11779 11860 11775 12091 12192 11818 11315 11423 12159 11541 2 Sept. 8 June. 14 April. 7 Maroh 2 Sept. 23 Feb. 7 Dec. 20 Oct. 14 April. 21 March 29 March 9 Maroh 18 Jan. 27 July. 29 May. 21 March 15 April. 12 May. 22 June. 31 Aug. 21 March 12 May. 8 June. 24 Aug. 15 April. 2 Feb. 18 May. 6 June. 9 Oct. 6 June. 23 March, 21 March, 8 June. 18 April. 29 March, 28 Feb. 23 Nov. 7 Deo. 5 Deo. 5 July. 2 Aug. 7 July. 16 Oct. 23 Nov. 22 July. 10 Jan. 3 Maroh, 10 Nov. 14 April. 11689 12270 12087 11698 11608 11365 11711 11294 11802 11413 11718 11462 12206 11631 11681 12190 11584 12189 8 June. 30 Deo. 14 Oot. 8 June. 11 May. 7 Feb. 12 June. 9 Jan. 17 July. 2 March, 16 June. 21 March, 28 Nov. 18 May. 6 June. 23 Nov. 3 May. 23 Nov. 12115 11682 11513 12047 11940 11909 12134 11982 11866 11414 11647 12116 11986 11798 11555 25 Oct. 6 June. 6 April. 4 Oct. 31 Aug. 17 Aug. 7 Oct. 13 Sept. 7 Aug. 3 Maroh 25 May 24 Oct. 13 Sept. 17 July. 26 April.




5—H. 10.

Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Fencing-standard. R. A. Crook Fencing-standard. H. Sohlaadt Fencing-standards and -droppers, Securing wires in. E. Smethurst Fencing-standards, Punching. R. A. Crook Fencing-tool. R.Crawford.. Fern-outter. E. Riley, jun Fertilisers from blood, Manufacture of. H. A. Somes .. .. .. Fertilizers from digester soup, Manufacture of. H. A. Somes Fibre-compressor. G. A. Lowry Fibre dressing-machinery. A. L. J. Tait Fibre. (See also Flax, Phormium tenax.) Filter. D. R. S. Galbraith Filter. G. A. Abbott, A. L. Campbell, and N. Guthridge Filter. J. H. W. Kater Filtering oil, Apparatus for. R. K. Williams Fire-alarm. C. May Fire-alarm, Eleotric. C. Nixon Fire-bars, &e, for locomotive-engine. E. Richardson Fire-escape. A. Brown Fire-escape. W. J. Brown Fire-escape. T. Firth Fire-escape. P. A. Hadley .. .. .. Fire-esoape. W. Nicholson and E. Larcomb Fire-esoape. W. Nioholson and E. Larcomb Fire-escape. R. O'Donovan Fire-escape. P. Stephenson Fire-esoape. J. Torrens Fire-esoape. R. A. Woodger Fire-escape ladder. J. and T. Patchett Fire-escape ladder. F. J. Watty and T. Gordon Fire-extinguishing apparatus. 0. May Fire-shutter for windows, doors, &e E.Stevens .. Fireplace appliances. W. E. Hughes Fireplace draught-regulator. E. Shadgett Fireplace screen. W. Withers Fireproof solutions, Impregnating wood with. J. L. Terrell Fire-screen for windows and doors. E.Stevens .. .. Fish-hook. A. Morrow Fish-plate fastening. A. R. Pullen Flavouring tea. A. H. Krause .. Flax, Bleaching and cleaning. G. W. Plummer Flax-dressing apparatus. G. J. Leech Flax-drying, bleaohing, and fielding-machine. F. Clifford Flax-heokling machine. W. and A. Ross Flax-scutcher. E. J. De Courcy Flax-stripper. J. Buckman Flax-stripper. W. Toogood .. .. .. Flax. (See also Fibre, Phormium tenax.) Floor-cloth, Manufacture of mosaic F. Walton Flue-door, Grate. N. A. Hemus Flue-dust or fumes from metallurgical furnaces, Recovery of gold from. F. Ellershausen Fluids or gases, Refrigerating or liquefying aeriform. The General Liquid Air and Refrigerating Company Fluke-worm specific R. Evens Flushing-cistern, Closet. J. M. Taylor and H. Oakley .. Flushing-valve. W. E. Hughes Fly-repelling composition. H. T. Hill Food. Bergl Australia, Limited, and J. W. C. Hamilton Food. I. A. Timmis Food, Preserving. W. Lanwer and E. Riiping Foot-protector for railway-points. R. Stevens Fountain-pen. W. H. Boyens Frame, Cycle . F. W. Parsons and W. E. Campbell Frame for tins. W. E. Potts Freezing-chambers, Method of clearing snow from cooling pipes of. A. H. Chapman Freezing-chambers, Construction of walls of. A. H. Chapman Freezing in pumps, Prevention of. J. Park and G. A. Avey .. Fruit-outter and grater. D. Whitburn Frying-pan cover. H. Anscombe Fuel. J. H. Gardner and W. C. Greig Fuel. J. Hemingway Fuel-economiser. O.H.Gould Fuel-economiser and spark-arrester. E.A.Cameron Fuel, Peat-. A. A. Dickson.. Fumes from metallurgical furnaces, Treatment of. F. Ellershausen Fumes, Recovering gold from. C. H. Ward and E. W. Thomas Fumes, Recovering gold from. C. H. Ward and E. W. Thomas Funnel for filling bottles, &e J.S.White .. .. Furnace. L. C. Auldjo .. .. .. • • • • Furnaces, Apparatus for charging railway rails into. E. MoKenna Furs, skins, &e, Liming. J. and E. E. Pullman and E. E. M. Payne Fuse-block for eleotric circuit. J.P.Campbell Fuse-block for electric circuit. W.E.Hughes Galvanic battery. The Doe Portable Eleotric Light and Power Syndicate (Limited) Game, Race-- G. McMullen and J. H. Joseph .. .. .. .. Gardening tool. T.Dawes.. Garment, Bullet-resisting. J. Shepherd 11518 11430 11447 11440 11671 11676 11629 11630 11951 11422 10 April. 3 March. 14 March. 10 Maroh. 5 June. 6 June. 18 May. 18 May. 4 Sept. 2 Maroh. 11730 12226 12158 11801 11360 11435 12214 11304 11410 11660 12059 11303 11475 11316 11485 11899 11343 11402 11755 11360 11863 11515 11971 11387 11412 11863 11877 12266 11286 11712 11751 12261 11619 12249 11965 11362 17 June. 7 Deo. 8 Nov. 17 July. 3 Feb. 9 Maroh. 1 Dee 11 Jan. 28 Feb. 30 May. 3 Oct. 11 Jan. 23 March. 12 Jan. 27 Maroh. 14 Aug. 30 Jan. 24 Feb. 29 June. 3 Feb. 5 Aug. 6 April. 9 Sept. 9 Maroh. 28 Feb. 5 Aug. 8 Aug. 28 Deo. 4 Jan. 9 June. 27 June. 21 Dec. 9 May. 21 Dec. 7 Sept. 10 Feb. 11454 11823 12021 11424 16 Maroh. 21 July. 28 Sept. 7 Maroh. 11549 12234 12049 11389 11281 11888 11900 11428 11851 11987 11780 12035 11437 12063 11945 11772 11338 11953 12263 11489 11605 12021 12215 12216 11637 11500 11459 11378 11947 11695 11741 11959 11861 11893 22 April. 12 Deo. 4 Oot. 18 Feb. 4 Jan. 14 Aug. 18 Aug. 7 Maroh. 2 Aug. 13 Sept. 6 July. 27 Sept. 11 Maroh. 7 Oct. 31 Aug. 1 July. 25 Jan. 4 Sept. 28 Deo. 24 Maroh. 11 May. 28 Sept. 1 Dee 1 Deo. 16 May. 30 Maroh. 20 Maroh. 16 Feb. 2 Sept. 8 June. 23 June. 4 Sept. 2 Aug. 15 Aug.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Garment pocket. E. Nable .. .. .. ... Garments, Joining seams of mackintosh. J. M. Morran Gas-burner, Igniting device for. A. J. Sterne Gases, Refrigerating or liquefying aeriform fluids or. The General Liquid Air and Refrigerating Co. Gas, Hydrocarbon. J. Miller Gaslight, Incandescent. Kugellicht Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung Gas mantle, Incandescent. F. Isitt Gas-meter attack nent for indicating leakage. A. M. Legge and E. H. Craddook Gas or air compressor. F. Isitt Gas or internal combustion engine. W. L. Corson Gas, Utilising natural. J.S.Allan Gas. (See also Aoetylene.) Gate. W.A.Murray .. .. .. .. .. .. , ■ .. Gear, Horse-. A. H. O. Kempthorne .. Gear wheel. W. H. Trengrove Gelatinising brewing-grain. A. J. Metzler .. .. .. .... Generator. (See Acetylene-generator, Current-generator, Steam-generator.) Gloves for sporting purposes. J. J. Harris and E. Toft Gold and silver from cyanide solutions, Recovering. D. and J. Avery .. Gold and silver from oyanide solutions, Recovering. W. A. Koneman Gold and silver from ores, Extracting. C. H. Izard .. .. Gold and silver ores, Treating. J. Smith .. .. .. Gold dredge, Screen for. J. C. McGeorge Gold-dredging bucket. J.Ward .. Gold-dredging diving-gear. P. Lanigan Gold from chloride or, bromine solutions, Precipitating. F. W. Martino and F. Stubbs Gold from fumes, Recovering. C. H. Ward and E. W. Thomas Gold from fumes, Recovering. C. H. Ward and E. W. Thomas Gold from ironsand, Separating. A. Howe Gold from ores, Obtaining. H. L. Sulman Gold from river-beds, Obtaining. J.Werner Gold from rocky bottoms. J. Thomson Gold-mining and prospecting appliance. J. Smaill Gold-mining dredge. W. L. Page and G. P. Mollison Gold-mining purposes, Damming rivers for. A. Smith Gold-prospecting implement. H. August and R. C. Miller Gold, Raising. J. Thomson Gold-recovering devices. C. Todd Gold-recovery by oyanide solutions. A. F. Crosse Gold-saving. 0. A. Ulrioh Gold-saving apparatus. A. J. Park Gold-saving apparatus. J. R. Park Gold-saving apparatus. H. Symes Gold-saving apparatus. S. Gibbons and O. Pedersen Gold-saving apparatus. T. Spear Gold-saving apparatus. W. A. Shore and J. White Gold-saving apparatus. W. Wood .. ... Gold-saving blanketing. M. G. Heeles.. Gold-saving block, Quicksilvered. D. W. Cotton and J. F. W. H. Sohadiok Gold-saving maohine. J. Tyson Gold-saving mat. R. Hay and R. C. White Gold-saving mat. W. A. Shore Gold-saving plant, Cover for. J. W. Faulkner Gold-saving plate. R. L. Christie and C. A. Hudson Gold-saving screen. J. R. Park .. .. .. ... Gold-saving screen. W. J. Roebuck Gold-saving table. R. Cockerell Gold-saving table. S. L. P. Free Gold-saving table. J. R. Park .. Gold-saving table. R. Payne .. .. Gold separator and amalgamator. D. Parker Gold-separator, Magnetite sand and. D. McFarlane Gold, silver, tin, &e, Recovering. J. C. Fraser Gold wash, Separating magnetic sand from. F. W. Payne Golosh. H. Corrick Golosh. (See also Boot, Sandal, Slipper.) Governor and valve combined. D. A. Whyte Grain-drill. Bickford and Huffman Company Grain, Gelatinising brewing-. A. J. Metzler Grain-stack covering. G. L. Thomson Grain, Steeping. H. House, A. Loughrey, J. A. Holmes, and R. Tomline Graphophone. R. L. H. Murray Grass twine, Apparatus for making. G. A. Lowry Grate-flue, Door for. N. A. Hemus Grater, Fruit and vegetable cutter and. D. Whitburn Grates, <fee, for locomotive engine. E. Richardaon Grease separator. J. Gommesen Grid or broiler. J. J. Pearse Grinding-machine for harvester knives. W. E. Hughes Grinding-mill, Ball. W. Stamm Grinding- or crushing-rolls. T. A. Edison Grip, Bench-. W. B. O'Toole Grip for use in sewing up woolpacks. W. K. Elder Grubber. D. Dooling Guide, Belting. D. W. Bodle Gum-elastic, Disvulcanizing. A. E. J. V. J. Theilgaard .. .. 11985 11547 11765 11424 12138 11559 11805 11540 11915 11627 11364 13 Sept. 13 April. 3 July. 7 March, 3 Nov. 26 April. 12 July. 14 April. 22 Aug. 12 May. 6 Feb. 12154 11867 11774 11988 3 Nov. 7 Aug. 5 July. 13 Sept. 12237 11854 11348 12129 12163 11886 12110 11870 11556 12215 12216 11301 11394 11977 12222 12198 12099 11739 11968 12222 12209 12053 11373 11894 12267 11769 12106 12018 11768 11764 11598 12147 11638 12240 11616 12231 12144 12267 11596 11750 12112 12267 12218 11479 11756 12135 12232 12007 14 Dec. 3 Aug. 1 Feb. 30 Oct. 10 Nov. 11 Aug. 20 Oot. 5 Aug. 26 April. 1 Deo. 1 Dee 7 Jan. 23 Feb. 12 Sept. 2 Dec. 21 Nov. 14 Oot. 12 July. 6 Sept. 2 Dec. 28 Nov. 5 Oot. 15 Feb. 15 Aug. 9 Deo. 5 July. 21 Oct. 27 Sept. 5 July. 3 July. 8 May. 2 Nov. 22 May. 11 Deo. 12 May. 8 Deo. 2 Nov. 29 Deo. 5 May. 23 June. 23 Oct. 29 Dec. 30 Nov. 23 Maroh 27 June. 30 Oct. 11 Dec. 22 Sept. 11569 11649 11988 11510 11783 11554 11952 11823 11945 12214 11682 12008 12257 11650 12023 11949 11299 12090 11808 11707 24 April. 25 May. 13 Sept. 5 April. 13 July. 25 April. 4 Sept. 21 July. 31 Aug. 1 Dec. 6 June. 22 Sept. 21 Deo. 25 May. 28 Sept. 31 Aug. 5 Jan. 16 Oot. 15 July. 12 June.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Gum from Phormium tenax, Extracting. R. H. Smale, J. Hay, and E. Hartwell Gum, Utilizing kauri-. D. R. S. Galbraith and A. Robins Gun-carriage brake. A. Stevens and W. S. Penney Hair-curler. M. E. Cox and H. Bell .. .. .. Hair-ourler. D. Whitburn and P. H. Basley Hair-pin. E. R. Godward .. .. .. .. Hair-pin. J. Brokeneha Hair-pin. J.D.Walsh Hair-wash. R. Eagleton and A. Kohn Hammer, Stonebreakers'. G. Girling Hand-shield for cyclist. F. G. Mumford and F. Sparrow Handle adjustment, Velocipede. T. Gallagher Handle-fastener. E. H. Jackson Harbours, Preventing accumulation of sand, &c, in. E. Maxwell Harness, Saddle. F. Rathbone, S. Bates, and W. Miner Harness, Trotting- or racing-. J. T. Murphy Harrow, Disc-. B. Shears Harvester. Deering Harvester Company Harvester-knives, Grinding-machine for. W. E. Hughes Harvesting machinery. J. Macalister Heat oycle for steam-engine. L. C. Auldjo ... Heat of ovens, Regulator for. E. Smethurst Heater. (See Steam-heater, Water-heater.) Heating appliances, Electrical. J. F. Bachmann, A. Vogt, C. C. Weiner, A. Konig, J. Kirchner, A. Jorg Heating, Electrical. The Linotype Company (Limited) Heating irons, Stove for. A. Tzamis Heating milk, &c, before separating, Apparatus for. F. W. Okey Heating rooms, &c T. White ... Heckling-machine, Flax. W. and A. Ross Heel, Boot-. A. Tindill Heel-breasting machine. W. E. Hughes Hermetically sealing cans or vessels. E. Norton Hides and skins, Curing and preserving. J. W. C. Hamilton and J. A. Linley Hides and skins for tanning, Dehairing. A. J. Cuming Hides and skins, Tanning and colouring. G. D. Burton Hides and skins, Unhairing. G. D. Burton Hoe, Horse- T.E.Martin.. Hoist. B. G. A. Harkness Holder. (See Paper-holder, Rein-holder, Sash-holder, Sheep-holder.) Hook-and-eye. C. MoKenzie Hook, Draught. W. Tremain Hook, Fish-. A. Morrow Horse boot. P. A. Vaile Horse-clipper. C. H. Izard Horse, Clothes-. W. S. and R. M. Maunder Horse-gear. A. H. O. Kempthorne Horse-oover. H. Dell Horse-oover. T. Hawke Horse-oover. E. Jones Horse-oover. C. Menli Horse-cover. M. Ramson Horse-oover. J. Robinson Horse-oover. W. H. Travis .. .. .. .. .. Horse-oover. R. F. Webster Horse-cover. J.Wiseman .. Horse-oover. R. Zinsli .. Horse-oover attachments. P. Woods .. .. .. .. Horse-oover fastener. C.H.Hansen .. Horse- or cow-cover. T. S. Skeats Horse-or cow-cover. J. Temperley Horseshoe nail. W. J. Beck Horseshoe racing-plate. C. Tandy Horse-traction gear. J. Mclntyre Horses, Controlling. D. R. S. Galbraith Horses, Means of keeping flies off. H. T. Hill Horses, Medicine for cure of bots in. A. J. Knooks Hotchkiss boiler-cleaner. A. Price Hot-water bag, Combined syringe, enema, and. E. W. Hall House-block. A. H. Bowell Hydraulic ram. W. Angus Ice, Clearing, from cooling pipes. A. H. Chapman Igniting-devioe for gas-burner. A.J.Sterne Incandesoent gas light. Kugellioht Gesellechaft mit besohrankter Haftung Incandescent gas-mantle. F. Isitt Incandescent lamp. W. Nernst Incandescent lighting, Burner for. L. Hooker Indiarubber, Disvuloanising, A. E. J. V. J. Theilgaard Indiarubber, Utilising. R. C. Trevor Indicating results of races, Apparatus for. D. C. Carr Indicator for crossings, Train-. H. J. Gibbons and E. T. A. Basan Induction motor. B. G. Lamme Induction motor. J.P.Campbell Injector, Quioksilver. D. W. Cotton and J. F. W. H. Schadick Ink. H. M. and J. Levinge.. Inking-pad. A. C. Kley Ink-well. E. R. Godward .. Insole, Ventilating boot-. A. Buchanan Internal-combustion engine. E. Waters, jun. 11592 11469 12120 11653 11931 11878 12211 12073 11792 11702 11590 11709 11398 11956 11334 11910 11882 11529 12257 11340 11835 12223 3 May. 18 March. 27 Oct. 25 May. 23 Aug. 8 Aug. 27 Nov. 10 Oot. 11 July. 9 June. 4 May. 12 June. 24 Feb. 4 Sept. 25 Jan. 22 Aug. 10 Aug. 14 April. 21 Deo. 24 Jan. 27 July. 4 Dec. 11744 *24 Aug. '98 11359 12156 11754 11420 11619 11874 12225 11417 11280 11916 11342 11341 11889 11831 •4 Feb. '98 10 Nov. 19 June. 2 March. 9 May. 10 Aug. 7 Dec. 3 Maroh. 4 Jan. 21 Aug. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 14 Aug. 27 July. 12229 12260 11877 11668 11613 12221 11867 11906 11865 11464 11506 11727 11767 11442 11748 11329 11419 12006 11522 11573 11776 11645 12180 12203 11388 11389 11443 11624 11860 11564 11427 12035 11765 11559 11805 11322 11309 11707 11351 11999 11810 11531 12030 12146 12033 12079 11850 11688 12002 5 Dec 27 Dec. 8 Aug. 30 May. 11 May. 5 Deo. 7 Aug. 16 Aug. 3 Aug. 21 March. 4 April. 20 June. 3 July. 2 March. 23 June. 19 Jan. 1 March. 19 Sept. 7 April. 28 April. 8 July. 22 May. 16 Nov. 12 Dec 16 Feb. 18 Feb. 14 March. 13 May. 2 Aug. 22 April. 7 Maroh. 27 Sept. 3 July. 26 April. 12 July. 18 Jan. 12 Jan. 12 June. 31 Jan. 20 Sept. 20 July. 14 April. 29 Sept. 2 Nov. 30 Sept. 13 Oct. 29 July. 2 June. 20 Sept.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Internal-combustion engine. R. Diesel Iron, Attachment of corrugated, to buildings. W.E.Hughes Iron for finishing edges of boot sole. E.Day Iron for finishing edges of boot sole. E. Day Ironsand, Melting. J.O.Gardner Ironsand, Separating gold from. A. Howe Irons, Stove for heating. A. Tzamis Jack for nailing- and slugging-machine. McKay Shoe Machinery Company Jack. (See also Lifting-jack, Stump-jack, Timber-jack.) Jars, Closing provision-. E. Waters, jun. .. .. .. Jointing wood with wood, stone, &e F. W. Commons Judges' recorder for sports, &e E. Burton and R. B. Eohlin Jug. W. N. E. Mason and J. Wright .. Joint. (See Board-joint, Rail-joint.) Kauri gum, Utilising. D. R. S. Galbraith and A. Robins Kerosene-pump. H. S. Mozart Key, and cutter, Combined wire-strainer. J. Hair Key, Combined wire-strainer, cutter, and. J. Rapson Key for timber-jack. A., E., and A. MoLeod Kiln. T. Hodgkinson Knife-oleaner. D. Stuart Knife-cleaner. H. A. Fry Knife-cleaner. F.A.Warner Knife-oleaner. R. A. C. Kerry Knife-oleaner. R. P. Finoham Knives, Grinding-machine for harvest-. W.E.Hughes Knitting-machine. B. Kershaw Lacing boots. A. de R. Brandon Ladder and shelf combined, Step-. C.E.Page .. Ladder, Dredging-. E. Roberts Ladder, Fire-escape. J. and T. Patchett .. Ladder, Fire-escape. F. J. Watt and T. Gordon Lamp. G. E. Adlard .. ... Lamp. A. Kitson Lamp. W. E. Hughes. Lamp, Arc-. H. P. Davis and F. Conrad Lamp-bracket, Cycle parcel-rest and. R. Latta Lamp, Electrio. W. Nernst Lamp, Hand-signalling-. G. A. Pearson Lamp, Lighthouse. E. S. Baldwin Last, Boot. J. Moran Launching stranded vessel. M. J. Corbett Laundry-iron, Acetylene-gas. J.Miller. Leaching ores. G. D. Delprat, E. J. Horwood, and G. C. King Lead carbonate (PbC0 8 ), Manufacturing. F. J. Corbett .. .. Lead-headed nail. J. Venables Lead-heading nails. J. Welsby and H. G, Bedell .. Leather, Treating. R. B. Arthur ... Leaves, Music. E. B. Vaile.. Leggings. D. Whitburn Lettering, symbols, &e, Method of producing. J. Mitchell .. Lever. D. Donald Lever, Rocking. R. Cockerell Lid or oover for vessel. W.E.Shaw .. Lifting-jack. L. S. de Cleene Lifting-jack. W. H. Steenson Lighthouse-lamp. E.S.Baldwin Light, Inoandescent gas-. Kugellioht Gesellschaft mit besohrankter Haftung Lights for pianos, &e, Reflector-. J. Campbell and L. R. Davis Liming furs, skins, &e J. and E. E. Pullman and E. E. M. Payne Link for dredge bucket. W. H. Cutten Link, Sleeve. A. Baker Linotype maohine. E. Waters, jun. .. .. .. ... Linotype maohine. E. Waters, jun. Linotype maohine, Electrical melting for metal-pot of. The Linotype Company, Limited Linotype machine, Treadle attachment for. A. A. Whitelaw.. Liquefying aeriform fluids or gases, Refrigerating or. The General Liquid Air and Refrigerating Company Liquid-measuring and-supplying apparatus. J. Marchbank.. Liquids, Apparatus for measuring. E. M. Wildey Liquids, Carbonating. P. E. Malmstrom and 0. W. Ackerman .. ... Liquids, Drawing off. W. Turnbull Liquids, Evaporating, &e E. Shaw Liquids, Separation of solids from. W. Cutten Liquids, Sterilising by ozone. H. Tindal Liquors, Cooling ale and other malt. W. Stock and R. Williams Liver and stomach complaints, Medicine for cure of. F. Curtis Loading-apparatus. R. Perkins and J. Swann .. Loading coal, grain, &e, into ships' holds. J. Gibson Locking bicycle-wheels. W.Morris .. .. .. .. Look, Window. J. G. Lusk.. Lock, Window-sash. C. C. Morris Locomotive engine, Fire-bars, &e, for. E.Richardson .. ... Logging apparatus, Stumping and. H. J. Unwin and J. Wyatt Loom. D. M. Seaton .. .. .. ... Lubricator for dredge-tumblers. W. Cutten Luggage-carrier and seat for bicycle. J. W. Buckley .. .. Lumber. D. Gilmour .. .. 12164 12107 11551 11794 11891 11301 12156 12162 11766 11833 12254 12083 11469 11983 11858 11967 11934 11594 12207 12062 12157 11864 12044 12257 11921 11869 11429 11779 11402 11755 11505 11566 11834 11355 11787 11322 11670 11580 11578 12160 12100 12204 12150 11384 12117 11907 12095 12105 11926 11314 11803 12092 11656 11482 11580 11559 12081 11378 11371 11914 12141 12142 11359 11911 11424 10 Nov. 21 Oct. 20 April. 13 July. 12 Aug. 7 Jan. 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 18 July. 27 July. 21 Deo. 13 Oot. 18 Maroh. 13 Sept. 1 Aug. 5 Sept. 26 Aug. 1 May. 28 Nov. 7 Oot. 10 Nov. 3 Aug. 2 Oct. 21 Dec 24 Aug. 4 Aug. 6 March. 6 July. 24 Feb. 29 June. 4 April. 27 April. 27 July. 2 Feb. 13 July. 18 Jan. 5 June. 3 May. 3 May. INov. 14 Oot. 28 Nov. 2 Nov. 15 Feb. 26 Oot. 16 Aug. 16 Oct. 18 Oct. 21 Aug. 13 Jan. 14 July. 16 Oct. 26 May. 22 March. 3 May. 26 April. 13 Oct. 16 Feb. 14 Feb. 22 Aug. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. *4 Feb.,'9H 22 Aug. 7 Maroh. 11284 11542 11434 11386 12270 12036 12072 12126 11503 12228 11989 11568 11526 11401 12214 11516 12121 12038 11758 12055 4 Jan. 18 April. 9 March. 18 Feb. 30 Dec. 29 Sept. 9 Oct. 26 Oct. 30 March. 7 Deo. 13 Sept. 25 April. 14 April. 23 Feb. 1 Dec. 5 April. 27 Oct. 29 Sept. 28 June. 5 Oct.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Lumber. D. Gilmour Mackintoshes, Joint for Seams of. J. M. Morran Magnetic magnetite-sand and gold separator. D. McFarlane Magnetic sand-separator. F. W. Payne Magnetic sand-separator. F. W. Mackenzie and R. S. Smith Magnetic separator. C. F. Courtney and R. Butterworth Magnetic separator. C. F. Courtney and R. Butterworth Magnetic separator. C. F. Courtney and R. Butterworth Magnetic separator. Metallurgisohe Gesellschaft A.-G. Magnetite sand- and gold-separator. D. McFarlane Mailbag-fastener. H. F. Malcolm Mantle, Incandescent gas-. F. Isitt Manure-and seed-drill. C. McLeod Manure-and seed-sower. E. G. Rawnsley Manure- and seed-sower and cultivator and ridger. A. Storrie Manure- and seed-sowing machinery. A. J. Cuming Manure-discharge for agricultural drills and sowers. P. and D. Dunoan, Limited Manure-mixer, Chemical. J. Wright, W. Andrews, and A. W. Beaven .. Marine-engine regulator and controller. A. M. Rust Marine propulsion. J. A. Secor Mark, Ear-. G. Hall and 0. Deaoon Marker, Meat-. A. J. Cuming Marking-apparatus. A. C. Kley Marking butter-boxes, Stamping or. 0. Wakelin Marking rails and styles for doors, frames, &e, Device for setting-out and. G. H. and D. Little Marking sheep. G. Renner and W. H. Boyens Mat, Gold-saving. W. A. Shore Mat, Gold-saving. R. Hay and R. G. White Match. S. L. Fog and A. G. Kirschner Match. W. P. Jones and H. M. Bates.. Matches into boxes, Machine for inserting. R. J. McKee and W. McLay Mattress. (See Wire mattress.) Mattresses, Spring-bottom for wire. A.Richards.. Measurer, Timber-. J. Shepherd Measuring faucet. G. B. Webb Measuring instrument, Alternating-current. H. P. Davis and F. Conrad Measuring instrument, Electrical. J.P.Campbell Measuring liquids, Apparatus for. E. M. Wildey Meat extract. H. A. Somes.. .. .. .. .. Meat-brand. M. Belk Meat-marker. A. J. Cuming ... Meat, Preserving. A. Grant Meat-preserving method. A.Grant Meat, Soluble albuminoids of. J. W. C. Hamilton and J. A. Linley Medicinal-bath apparatus, Electrio or. G. E. Sohnee Medicine. F. Curtis Medicine, Horse-. A. J. Knocks Medicine, Sheep-. A. and J. Allison Melting, Electrical. The Linotype Company, Limited Melting ironsand. J. O. Gardner Metallurgical furnaces, Treatment of dust from. F. Ellershausen Metals from ores, Extracting. F. B. Aspinall and E. C. Ekstromer Metal sheet moulding-machine. E. Jordan and G. T. Rogers Metals, Precipitating, from cyanide solutions. F. W. Martino and F. Stubbs Metals, Recovery of precious. J. C. Fraser Meter. I. Smith Meter, Electric motor or. H. P. Davis and F. Conrad Meter, Liquid. I.Smith Meter, Leakage-indicator for gas-. A. M. Legge and E. H. Craddock Milk-aerator. A. Billens Milk-aerator and -cooler. H. Hodgson... Milk-aerator and -cooler. J. B. Johnson Milk and cocoa and chocolate products. A. Denaeyer Milk, Appliance for straining and conveying, to aerator. W. T. Bowater Milk-can cover. J. M. Arundel and T. McGregor Milk-cooler. T. Shale Milk for butter-fat, Testing. W. J. McVeigh and G. Lyell, jun. Milk, Heating. F. W. Okey Milk-jug. J. Wright and W. N. E. Mason Milk-measuring and -supplying apparatus. J. Marohbank Milk-pail, Strainer for. D. McKay Milk pasteuriser and cooler. T. Shale Milk preserving. W.E.Hughes Milk, Sampling. D.Hutchinson Milk, Sterilising. N. Bendixen Milk-weighing apparatus. A. C. Christiansen Milking-apparatus. Clemens, Baron von Bechtolsheim Milking-apparatus. G. Siemsgluss and G. Daseking Milking-appliance. J. C. Duigan Milking-machine. G. Siemsgluss and G. Daseking Mill. (See Ball-mill, Cement pulverising mill, Stamp-mill.) Mines, Ventilating. H. Fullwood Mines, Ventilating and working. J. G. Massie Mining apparatus, River-bed-. H. A. Saltmarshe .. Mixing- or whisking-machine. W. K. and J. S. Baker .. .. Moistening adhesive surfaces, Device for. R. M. Hathaway and J. Robertson Mop. W. Dabb Mosaic floor-oloth, Manufacturing. F. Walton Motor. A. A. N. Howes and R. G. Applegarth 12088 11547 11756 12232 12104 11901 11902 11903 11311 11756 11673 11805 11306 11972 11411 11883 11875 12066 12067 12024 12043 11700 12078 11654 11892 11574 11616 12240 11992 12251 11520 11502 12217 12047 11495 11829 11542 11631 11973 11700 12093 12041 11811 11922 11503 11443 11302 11359 11891 12021 11293 11614 11486 12135 12191 11465 11706 11540 11868 12220 11887 12014 11964 12140 12051 11738 11754 12083 11284 11604 12051 11560 11791 11488 11312 11491 11439 11994 11438 14 Oot. 13 April. 27 June. 11 Dee 20 Oct. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 12 Jan. 26 June. 6 June. 12 July. 11 Jan. 8 Sept. 28 Feb. 10 Aug. 9 Aug. 6 Oot. 6 Oct. 28 Sept. 30 Sept. 8 June. 13 Oot. 25 May. 12 Aug. 2 May. 12 May. 11 Dec. 15 Sept. 21 Dec. 13 April. 28 March. 30 Nov. 4 Oct. 29 March. 26 July. 18 April. 18 May. 11 Sept. 8 June. 13 Oot. 28 Sept. 20 July. 24 Aug. 30 March. 14 March. 10 Jan. *4 Feb.'98 12 Aug. 28 Sept. 9 Jan. 12 May. 28 March. 30 Oct. 23 Nov. 21 March. 12 June. 14 April. 7 Aug. 5 Dec. 14 Aug. *2 Feb. 6 Sept. INov. 2 Oot. 21 June. 19 June. 13 Oot. 4 Jan. 9 May. 2 Oot. 26 April. 13 July. 28 Maroh. 11 Jan. 29 March. 11 March. 15 Sept. 11 March. 11473 11393 11498 11561 11477 11742 11454 11406 23 Maroh. 23 Feb. 30 March. 26 April. 23 March. 26 June. 16 March. 27 Feb.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Motor. I. Smith Motor. (See also Electrio motor, Induction motor, Rotary motor, Steam motor, Synchronous motors.) Motor for fans. J. Rees and J. Wren Motor vehicle. J. Pender Moulding machine, Butter-. W. B. Dick Moulding maohine, Metal sheet. E. Jordan and G. T. Rodgers Mud-guard and tire-cleaner, Bicycle. G. H. Fisher Mud-guard for velocipede. A. L. and T. N. Rayward Musio-leaves. E. B. Vaile .. Mustard-cup. A.Potter Mustard-pot. A. H. Cotton Nail for corrugated iron. F. Gold Nail, Horseshoe. W. J. Beck Nailing and slugging-machine, Jaok for. McKay Shoe Machinery Company Nail, Lead-headed. J. Venables Nails, Leadheading. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Nails, staples, &e, Tool for drawing. W.Grayson Netting machine, Wire-. A. R. Lysaght Newspaper rack. J. B. C. Watt Nib, Pen. P. A. Vaile Non-refillable bottle. J. Gordon Non-refillable bottle. R. J. Farmer Non-refillable bottle. T. J. Lee Non-refillable bottle. W. T. Nuttall Nozzle. W. H. Price Nut and washer. J. F. W. H. Schadick Nuts, Extracting oil from. T. C. Graham and J. H. and W. K. Kellogg.. Oil. D. R. S. Galbraith and A. Robins.. Oil, Apparatus for filtering. R. K. Williams Oil, Extracting. H. Sankey and E. Brooke-Smith Oil, Extracting. J. C. W. Stanley and The Fish-oil and Guano Company, Limited Oil from nuts, Extracting. T. C. Graham and J. H. and W. K. Kellogg.. Oils and fats from liquids, Recovering. J. Ashdown Oils, fats, &e, Solutions of sweet carbamides in. A. Sommer Ointment, Eye. D. Madden Onions, Stopping growth of. E. Thomas Opener, Can. J. A. McPhee Opener, Tin. A. Taylor Order-book. J. A. Beavis Ore, cement, &e, Pulverising. M. J. Davidsen Ore concentrator. F. L. Bartlett Ore feeder. W. Hosking Ores, Concentrating or separating and amalgamating. G. Fischer Ores containing arsenic, antimony, or tellurium, Treating. E. Petersson Ores, Cyanide treatment of. E. Sohilz Ores, Dressing zinc A. M. G. Sebillot.. Ore separator. E. Kreuser .. Ores, Extracting bismuth and antimony from. J.Ranald Ores, Extracting metals from. O. H. Izard Ores, Extracting metals from. F. B. Aspinall and E. C. Ekstromer Ores, Leaching. G. D. Delprat, E. J. Horwood, and G. C. King Ores, Obtaining gold from. H. L. Sulman Ores, Pulverising. M. J. Davidsen Ores, Recovering zino from sulphide. J. Gitsham Ores, Smelting. F. Ballou Ores, Treating. G. de Beohi Ores, Treating. J. Smith Ores, Treating roasted. W. A. Koneman Ores, Treating sulphidie J. Diok Ores, Treating zino. A. E. Savage Ores, Treatment of, and precipitation of metals from oyanide solutions. F. W. Martino and F. Stubbs Ore-vat. M. Bruoe Ore-vat. P. Bey.. Oven, Regulating heat of oooking-. E. Smethurst Ozone, Producing. H. Tindal Ozone, Steriliser for liquids by. H. Tindal Pack, wool-, Grip for use in sewing up. W. K. Elder .. .. .. Packing devices, Rabbit-. F. T. Boys Packing material. The Marsden Company Pad, Ink- A. C. Kley Pail, Strainer for Milk-. D. McKay Paint. (See Colouring matter.) Pan oover, Frying-. H. Ansoombe Paper for press copying, Treating. C. C. Paltridge Paper-holder. G. W. Lavender Paper, Machinery for oorrugating. G. Leske Parcel-carrier system, Cash and. M. J. Foyer Pasteurising and cooling milk. T. Shale Peas, &e, Screen for sampling. F.W.Adams Peat fuel. A. A. Dickson Pedal and crank-head, Cycle-. F. Mitohell and C. Hill Pedal and toe-olip, Bicycle-. W. L. Mitohell Pedal, Facing for bicycle-. A. L. P. Chasles Peeling potatoes, Applianoe for washing and. C. Williams Pen, Fountain. W. H. Boyens .. .. .. .. .. Pen nib. P. A. Vaile Perambulator. T. Ballantine 12191 23 Nov. 11584 11703 11725 11614 11797 11288 12095 11942 12058 12259 11645 12162 11384 12117 12196 11499 .11369 12042 11331 11839 11450 11879 11476 11362 11391 11470 11801 11445 11416 11391 11513 12155 11681 12244 12182 11937 11927 12173 11452 11982 11426 11324 12098 12137 11480 11904 12129 11293 12204 11394 12173 12194 12188 11693 12163 11349 11723 12069 11486 3 May. 12 June. 14 June. 12 May. 15 July. 4 Jan. 16 Oot. 29 Aug. 3 Oct. 22 Dec. 22 May. 10 Nov. 15 Feb. 26 Oct. 21 Nov. 30 Maroh. 13 Feb. 30 Sept. 24 Jan. 28 July. 16 Maroh. 11 Aug. 21 Maroh. 12 Jan. 23 Feb. 18 Maroh. 17 July. 15 March. 3 March.' 23 Feb. 6 April. 8 Nov. 6 June. 15 Dec. 15 Nov. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 13 Nov. 16 March. 13 Sept. 7 March.' 20 Jan. 18 Oct. 3 Nov. 23 Maroh. 18 Aug. 30 Oot. 9 Jan. 28 Nov. 23 Feb. 13 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Nov. *4 Nov.'98 10 Nov. lFeb. 14 June. 9 Oot. 28 March. 11620 11606 12223 12071 12072 11299 11399 11538 12079 11604 10 May. 11 May. 4 Dec. 9 Oot. 9 Oot. 5 Jan. 24 Feb. 15 April. 13 Oot. 9 May. 11772 12048 11481 11651 11514 12051 11749 11605 11974 11790 12190 11597 11851 12042 11747 1 July. 4 Oct. 20 March. 25 May. 6 April. 2 Oct. 27 June. 11 May. 11 Sept. 13 July. 23 Nov. 1 May. 2 Aug. 30 Sept. 26 June.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Perforator for printing-machine, Cutter and. J. H. McMillan, W. Smart, and H. Smith Petroleum-burner. G. Barthel, 0. Henckels, and W. de Haas Petroleum-cresset. A. A. Bickerton .. .. .. .. Phonograph. H. L. Short Phonographic records. V. Poulaen Phormium tenax, Dressing and extracting gum from. R. H. Smale, J. Hay, and E. Hartwell Phormium tenax, Treating. A. H. Bowell and R. W. Allen Phormium tenax, Treating. J. East Phormium tenax, Treating. H. Sankey and E. Brooke-Smith Phormium tenax, Treating. H. Sankey and E. Brooke-Smith Phormium tenax. (See also Fibre, Flax.) Physical culture, Dumb-bell for. E. Sandow Piano. W. Buchanan Pianoforte. E. and W. G. Munt Pianos, Reflector lights for. J. Campbell and L. R. Davis Pick-attachment for dredge-tumblers. W. Poppelwell .. .. .. , Picture-frame. G. W. Lavender Pictures, Exhibiting moving. E. B. Koopman Pin. E. R. Godward Pin. M. L. Jackman Pin and button combined. J. Torrens Pin. (See also Hair-pin.) Pipe-coupling. S. R. Dresser Pipe-coupling. S. R. Dresser Pipes of freezing-chambers, Method of olearing snow from. A. H. Chapman Planing machinery. E. McGregor Plate, Gold-saving. R. L. Christie and C. A. Hudson Plate, Printing-. G. R. Hildyard Plotting traverses, Devioe for. W. C. MoAlister Plough. R. Tomline and K. Graf Plough. R. St. George Plough. J. Maoalister Plough, Subsoiler for. G. Ballard Plough, Subsoiler for. J. Macalister .. Pneumatio drill. W.E.Hughes Pocket, Garment-. E. Nable Pollard-cutter, Poisoned. J. E. Jenkinson Polychrome printing-maohine. The Simultaneous Colour-printing Syndicate (Limited), and H. de Montin Post-and-wire fencing. B. Dawson Post-holes, Apparatus for sinking. H. A. Soott Post-holes, Tool for boring. E. R. Godward Potato-digger. D. Buchanan Potato-digger. D. Buchanan Potato-digger. L. M. Calvert Potatoes, Appliance for washing and peeling. 0. Williams Pot, Mustard-. A. H. Cotton Power, Distributor of electrioal. J.P.Campbell.. Power increasing and transmitting mechanism. F. J. Corbett Precipitating gold from chloride or bromine solutions. F. W. Martino and F. Stubbs Precipitating metals from oyanide solutions. F. W. Martino and F. Stubbs Precipitating. (See also Gold, Ores.) Preservative, Egg-. J.T.Norton Preserve-tin. A. W. Maoonoohie Preserving. A. Grant Preserving. A. Grant Preserving hides and skins. J. W. G. Hamilton and J. A. Linley Preserving food. W. Lanwer and E. Riiping Preserving milk. W. E. Hughes Preserving-retort. J.E.Newton Preserving solutions, Impregnating wood with fireproofing and. J. L. Ferrell Preserving timber. W. Cross Press-copying paper. 0. 0. Paltridge .. .. Press, Wool-. H. Sedoole .. Press, Wool-. R. Tomline and K. Graf Printing. G. G. Turri Printing and marking apparatus. A. 0. Kley .. Printing and transferring mechanism. G. G. Turri Printing-bar. E. Waters, jun. Printing block or surface. J. J. Joyoe Printing in oolours. F. C. Taylor Printing-machine, Cutter and perforator for. J. H. McMillan, W. Smart, and H. Smith Printing-maohine, Polyohrome. The Simultaneous Colour-printing Syndicate (Limited) and H. de Montin Printing machine, Ticket-. E. Burton and R. B. Echlin Printing-plate. G. R. Hildyard Printing-surface. G. G. Turri Printing-tympan. A. S. Allen Projectile or shell. A. H. Cotton and D. R. S. Galbraith Propeller. T. Sandlant Propeller steering-apparatus. G. Hansen Propeller to shaft, Securing. J. W. Fowler Propelling apparatus, Vehicle-. A. L. Barber Propelling vessels. G. Lindsay .. .. .. .. Propulsion, Marine. J. A. Seoor Propulsion, Steamship .. .. .. •• •• .. .. Prospecting apparatus. S. Barningham and J. A. Schlaadt Prospeoting implement, Gold-. H. August and R. C. Miller 11457 11418 11376 11680 12255 11592 11471 12212 11408 12165 18 Maroh. 3 March. 14 Feb. 6 June. 21 Dee 3 May. 20 Maroh. 28 Nov. 27 Feb. 11 Nov. 12256 11585 12176 12081 12201 11481 11608 11944 12149 12060 21 Dec. 3 May. 15 Nov. 13 Oot. 23 Nov. 20 Maroh. 11 May. 29 Aug. 2 Nov. 3 Oot. 11583 12123 12035 11753 12144 12236 11752 12037 12136 12181 11599 11735 12001 11985 11809 11461 3 May. 27 Oct. 27 Sept. 29 June. 2 Nov. 14 Dec 27 June. 29 Sept. 30 Oct. 15 Nov. 4 May. 20 June. 20 Sept. 13 Sept. 18 July. 20 Maroh. 11555 11400 12268 11492 12089 11305 11597 12058 11919 11807 11556 11486 26 April. 22 Feb. 29 Dee 29 Maroh. 16 Oot. 11 Jan. 1 May. 3 Oot. 24 Aug. 12 July. 26 April. 28 Maroh. 12125 12114 12041 12093 11280 11900 11560 11601 11412 11871 12048 11381 12168 12187 12078 12185 12027 12084 11975 11457 11461 24 Oot. 25 Oot. 28 Sept. 13 Oot. 4 Jan. 18 Aug. 26 April. 8 May. 28 Feb. 9 Aug. 4 Oot. 16 Feb. 11 Nov. 21 Nov. 13 Oct. 21 Nov. 28 Sept. 13 Oot. 7 Sept. 18 March. 20 March. 12091 12236 12186 11929 12074 11876 11923 11961 11862 12264 12024 12130 12230 11968 16 Oct. 14 Dec. 21 Nov. 25 Aug. 7 Oct. 3 Aug. 21 Aug. 5 Sept. 4 Aug. 28 Deo. 28 Sept. 31 Oot. ■ 6 Deo. 6 Sept.




Invention, and Name of Inventor, No. Date. Prospecting implement, Gold-. J. Smaill Prospeoting-pump. R. McGregor Protector, Tire-. J. Seffer .. .. .. .. .. . Protector, Trouser-. J. Metzger .. .. .. .. Provision-jars, &e, Closing. E. Waters, jun. Provision-tin. A. W. Maoonochie Pruning-shears. M. Gaffy Pulley. W. Brownlee .. .. .. .. .. . Pulveriser. J. Warren Pulverising mill, Cement-. M. J. Davidsen Pulverising ore, cement, &e M. J. Davidsen Pump. C. C. Worthington Pump. Fraser and Chalmers, Limited.. Pump. H. A. and R. J. Hancox Pump. I. Smith Pump. I.Smith Pump. J. McCulloch Pump. R. McGregor Pump. T. Stevenson Pump. W. Griffiths Pump. W. H. Heard Pumping and winding machinery. J. Symington Pump, Kerosene. H. S. Mozart Pumps, &c, Preventing freezing in. J. Park and G. A. A vey.. Punching fencing-standards. R.A.Crook Punching hole in bull's nose for insertion of ring. J. Clark Punkah. J. G. Massie Punt. (See Silt punt.) Purifier, Acetylene. The Acetylene Purifying Company, Limited Purifying water. F. J. Olsen and E. H. Whitmore Pyritio slime separator. A. Maltman Quicksilver injector. D. W. Cotton and J. F. W. H. Sohadick Rabbit-crate. A. P. Schmidt and D. Hannan Rabbit-orate. A. P. Schmidt and D. Hannan .. Rabbit-crate. J. McQueen Rabbit-crate. J. Metzger and R. Cruickshank Rabbit-crate. J. Taylor Rabbit-orate. R. McCulloch and T. Thompson Rabbit-orate. W. Burrell and J. W. Story Rabbit-orate. W. Stevenson Rabbit-packing devices. T. T. Boys Rabbit-trap. A.E.King Rabbit-trap. F. and F.SRaper Rabbit-trap. F., F., and A. E. Raper .. Rabbit-trap. W. B. Galloway Rabbit-trap, Spring. W. Barr Rabbits, Apparatus for carrying, in railway-van. A. Nelson Race and register for counting sheep. R. W. Green Race-game. G. McMullen and J. H. Joseph Race-meetings, Scratching-board for. E. Burton and R. B. Echlin Race-meetings, Recorder for. E. Burton and R. B. Echlin Race-result indicator. D. C. Carr Race-starter. W. M. Turner Racing- or trotting-harness. J. T. Murphy Racing-plate or horseshoe. C. Tandy Rack. J. B. G. Watt Rail-joint. A. R. Pullen Rail-joint. W. Sandford, W. Thomley, and E. Silcocks Rail lifting-jack. W. H. Steenson .. .. .. Rails, Renewing steel. E. W. McKenna Railway rails into furnaces, Apparatus for charging. E. W. McKenna .. Railway rails, Machine for sawing and straightening. E. W. McKenna .. Railway brake. E. B. Vaile Railway-car coupling. H. J. Marks Railway-car coupling. R. S. Reid .. .. .. Railway-carriage coupling. A. Dornbusch Railway-carriage coupling. T. H. Patching Railway, Electric. G. Westinghouse, C. A. Terry, and H. P. Davis Railway points. R.Stevens .. .. .. Railway signals. J. Avery Railway van, Apparatus for carrying rabbits in. A. Nelson Railway-vehicle coupling. G. B. Beere Railway-vehicle coupling. J. Lowden Railway vehicles, Buffer and draw-gear for. W. R. S. Jones Raising gold. J. Thomson Raising ships. W. Fitzpatrick .. .. .. Raising water. C. L. O'Brien .. Raising water. Fraser and Chalmers (Limited) .. Raising water. I. L. Lewis Raising water. J. Welsby and H. G. Bedell Ram, Hydraulic. W. Angus Reading-desk, and cupboard, Clinical table. H. C. Franklin.. Ready reckoner. A. E. H. Payne Receiver, Telegraph transmitter and. N. I. Gooder Reckoner, Ready. A. E. H. Payne .. .. Recording attachment for clock. C. Stahlecker Recorder for sports and race meetings. E. Burton and R. B. Eohlin Recording mechanism, Vote-counting and. J. H. Mander .. i'' 12198 12028 11405 11885 11766 12114 11675 11370 11374 12174 12173 11285 12119 11980 11706 12191 11581 12028 11761 12246 11955 11358 11983 12063 11440 11553 12054 21 Nov. 9 Oct. 11 Maroh. 11 Aug. 18 July. 25 Oct. 6 June. 13 Feb. 15 Feb. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 5 Jan. 27 Oct. 13 Sept. 12 June. 23 Nov. 3 May. 9 Oct. 30 June. 4 Dec. 4 Sept. 2 Feb. 13 Sept. 7 Oot. 10 Maroh. 20 April. 5 Oot. 11939 12245 11873 12146 11490 11563 11375 11666 11543 11658 11855 11484 11399 11930 12109 11337 11595 11759 11636 11762 11959 12253 12254 11999 11319 11910 12180 11369 12266 11367 11482 11458 11459 11460 11504 12013 11796 12262 11732 11536 11428 11760 11636 11837 11778 11436 12222 12143 12167 11683 11721 11848 11427 11623 12133 11548 12133 11978 12254 11817 31 Aug. 15 Deo. 4 Aug. 2 Nov. 24 March. 22 April. 10 Feb. 30 May. 18 April. 23 May. 3 Aug. 27 March. 24 Feb. 23 Aug. 20 Oct. 25 Jan. 4 May. 29 June. 16 May. 3 July. 4 Sept. 21 Deo. 21 Deo. 20 Sept. 18 Jan. 22 Aug. 16 Nov. 13 Feb. 28 Dee 10 Feb. 22 March. 20 March. 20 March. 20 March. 30 March. 22 Sept. 15 July. 27 Dec. 22 June. 15 April. 7 Maroh. 29 June. 16 May. 24 July. 5 July. 11 March. 2 Dec. INov. 11 Nov. 6 June. 29 May. 1 Aug. 7 Maroh. 15 May. 30 Oct. 21 April. 30 Oot. 13 Sept. 21 Dec. 21 July.




6—H. 10.

Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Record strips for type-forming machines. Lanston Monotype Machine Company Record strips for type-forming machines. Lanston Monotype Machine Company Reflector lights for pianos, &e J. Campbell and L. R. Davis Refrigerating apparatus. H. Lyon and J. B. Talbot-Crosbie Refrigerating or liquefying aeriform fluids or gases. The General Liquid Air and Refrigerating Company Refrigerator. D. MoGill and F. W. Tannett-Walker Refrigerator. J. J. Drage and E. T. Bridgland Refrigerator. P. Pfleiderer Registering and issuing checks at pay-windows. E. Maroh Registering and recording fares. G. H. Green Registering cash receipts, Till and means for. W. Evans Regulating heat to ovens. E. Smethurst Regulating electro-motive force. C. F. Soott and B. G. Lamme Regulating marine engines. A. M. Rust Rein-holder. C. E. Wildbore Rein-holder. H. Roberts Rein-holder. W. T. Trudgeon .. .. ' Reins, Connecting straps of. P. A. Vaile Repairing compound for rubber tire. J. Ostberg Resistance, Electrical. A. Vogt Resistance, Electrical. J. F. Bachmann, A. Vogt, G. G. Weiner, A. Konig, J. Kirchner, and A. Jorg Retort. J. Bryson, J. Jones, and W. Fraser Retort, Preserving. J. E. Newton Riddle or screen for sampling peas. F. W. Adams .. .. Riddle or screen for thresher. F. W. Adams Ridger, manure and seed sower, and cultivator. A. Storrie Rifle. E. Richardson, jun. .. Rifle breech-block cleaner. A. G. Whitney and R. B. Morrow Rim and tire, Wheel-. W. F. Williams River-bed mining apparatus. H. A. Saltmarshe River-beds, Obtaining auriferous material from. A. F. Ridland River-beds, Obtaining auriferous material from. I. L. Lewis River-beds, Obtaining gold from. J. Werner River-beds, Removing sand from. D. A. McLeod Rivers, Raising water from. I. L. Lewis Rivet. D. McDonald Road-cleaning maohinery. H. J. Ranger Rock-drill. F. H. Dannhardt and M. Mailer Rook-drill. A. P. Schmucker, L. D. Sweet, and G. E. Ross-Lewin Rook-drill. R. Avery and H. 0. Campbell .. .. .. Rook-drilling engine J. G. Leyner Rock-drill sharpening machine. W. E. Kimber Rooking-lever. R. Cockerell Roller-bearings. Wright's Taper-Roller Bearings Syndioate (Limited') Rolls, Crushing or grinding. T. A. Edison Roof. E. L. Pease Roof and spouting for building. G. W. Darvall Roofing-felt, Sarking for carrying. H. Dalton Roofing-tile. J. G*ore Roofing-nail. F. Gold Rooms, Heating. T. White Ropes, Whipping. F. H. Carrick Rotary engine. E. Seymour Rotary engine. E. L. Clark Rotary engine. H. A. and R. J. Hancox Rotary engine. J. Baird Rotary engine. P. M. Dewar Rotary motor. R. F. Marsh Rotary motor. I. Smith Rotary transformer. B. G. Lamme Rubber tires, Repairing compound for. J. Ostberg Rustioated board joint. G. J. and A. Homes Saddle-clip, Cycle. J.Thomas Saddle, Harness-. F. Rathbone, S. Bates, and W. Miner Sales-book. J. B. Beavis Salts of barium, Manufacturing. C. S. Bradley and C. B. Jacobs Samples of pulverised material, Apparatus for taking. C. Geissler Sampling milk. D. Hutchinson Sampling peas, &c F. W. Adams Sandal. H. Gorriok Sandal. (See also Boot, Golosh, Slipper.) Sand and gold separator, Magnetite. D. McFarlane Sand and shingle in harbours, Preventing accumulation of. E.Maxwell Sand, Feed regulator for table for use in treating. G. Woolhouse Sand from river-beds, Removing. D. A. McLeod Sand-separator, Magnetic F. W. Mackenzie and R. S. Smith Sand-separator, Magnetic F. W. Payne Sarking for carrying roofing-felt. H, Dalton Sash-fastener. L. A. M. MoKail Sash-holder. H. Gulliver Sash. (See also Window-sash.) Sash-weight. W. E. Ramsay Saucepan. J. and A. Brown Soale, Weighing and computing. J. J. Sears 11816 12124 12081 11800 11424 11392 11609 11905 11379 12189 12022 12223 11468 12067 11336 12197 12096 11641 11954 11648 11743 11366 11601 11749 12243 11411 11828 12076 11537 11498 11714 11722 11977 11859 11721 11726 11661 11685 12122 12161 11773 11433 11803 12825 12023 11692 11943 11866 11570 12259 11420 11884 11571 11786 11980 11345 11991 11981 11706 11696 11954 11821 12200 11334 11927 11325 11524 11791 11749 12007 20 July. 27 Oct. 13 Oct. 17 July. 7 March. 23 Feb. 11 May. 18 Aug. 16 Feb. 23 Nov. 28 Sept. 4 Dec. 21 Maroh. 6 Oct. 4 Feb. 21 Nov. 16 Oct. 20 May. 4 Sept. 25 May. *24 Aug.'98. 10 Feb. 8 May. 27 June. 18 Dec. 28 Feb. 25 July. 10 Oct. 15 April. 30 March. 14 June. 7 June. 12 Sept. 2 Aug. 29 May. 14 June. 29 May. 6 June. 27 Oot. 10 Nov. 6 July, 9 March. 14 July. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. 8 June. 1 Sept. 7 Aug. 21 April. 22 Dee 2 March. 14 Aug. 28 April. 7 July. 13 Sept. 26 Jan. 13 Sept. 13 Sept. 12 June. 8 June. 4 Sept. 20 July. 21 Nov. 25 Jan. 22 Aug. 20 Jan. 14 April. 13 July. 27 June. 22 Sept. 11756 11956 11909 11859 12104 12232 11866 11819 11716 27 June. 4 Sept. 17 Aug. 2 Aug. 20 Oct. 11 Deo. 7 Aug. 17 July. 16 June. 11966 11745 11589 6 Sept. 26 June. 4 May.,




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Scarifier. J. Begg Scouring liquid, Washing and. J. A. Torr Scow or punt. J. S. Maxwell Scow or punt. J. S. Maxwell Scratching-board for sports meetings. E. Burton and R. B. Echlin Screen or riddle for sampling peas, &e F. W. Adams Screen. (See also Dredge-screen, Dust-screen, Fire-screen, Fireplace-screen, Gold-saving screen, Sifting-sareen, Thresher-screen.) Screw-nail. F. Gold Scrimming buildings. E. Bartley Sorubbing-brush. T. Bunting and I. Woolf Scrub-cutter. E. Riley, jun. Scutcher, Flax-. E. J. De Couroy Sealing cans or vessels, Hermetically. E.Norton.. Seams of mackintosh garments, Joining. J. M. Morran .. .. Seat-adjustment, Velocipede. T. Gallagher Seat and luggage-carrier for bicycle. J. W. Buckley Seat, Chair. H. A. C. Sutton.. .. .. ... Seat-cover, Closet. D. Grant and A. Macpherson Seat-covfr, Closet. D. Grant and A. Macpherson.. Secondary battery. The Preiss Electric Storage Syndioate (Limited) Seed-and manure-drill. C. McLeod .. Seed- and manure sowing machinery. A. J. Cuming Seed-cleaner. W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven Seed-cleaner, Screen for. F. W. Adams Seed-cleaning machinery. R. Tomline and K. Graf Seed-drill. T. E. Martin Seed drill, Feed for. A. L. Smith and W. P. Young Seed-feeder for drill. J. W. Stonyer Seed-feeder for drill. J. W. Stonyer .. Seeding-machine. Bickford and Huffman Company Seeding machine. Massey, Harris, and Company (Limited) .. Seed-sampler. F. W. Adams Seed-sower. A. Storrie Seed-sower. D. Moore Seed-sower, Manure-and. E. G. Rawnsley .. Seed-sower and -cultivator, Ridger, manure- and. A. Storrie.. Segment and shrapnel shell. A. Morrow Separating and amalgamating ores, Concentrating or. G. Fischer Separating gold from ironsand. A. Howe Separating solid matter from liquids. W. Cutten Separator. (See Cream-separator, Gold-separator, Magnetic separator, Magnetite separator, Ore-separator, Sand-separator, Slime-separator.) Setting-out and marking rails and styles for doors, frames, &c G. H. and D. Little Setting tires, Machine for. J. E. Bishop Shaft-connection for hand-oarts, go-oarts, &c M. A. Johnson Shale-distilling retort. J. Bryson, J. Jones, and W. Fraser Sharpening rock-drills. W. E. Kimber Sheaf-header appliance for thresher. R.Brown .. Shearing-machine. J. Mac Mil Ian Shearing-machine. J. H. Silley and W. Bacon Shearing-maohine. S. P. Allen Shears, Pruning. M. Gaffy.. Shears, Sheep-. C. H. Izard Shears, Sheet metal. M. P. Jonassen and R. Tomline Sheep branding. C. J. Cooze Sheep-dags, Machinery for cleaning. A. Smith .. .. .., Sheep-holding device. W. M. Ashton Sheep, Marking. G. Renner and W. H. Boyens Sheep medicine. A. and J. Allison Sheep, Race and register for counting. R. W. Green Sheep-shears, Attachment to bioycle for transmitting power to. J. Howard Sheep-shears. R. W. Manning Sheep-shears or horse-clippers. 0. H. Izard Sheep, Specific for cure of fluke-worm in. R. Evens Sheet-metal shears. M. P. Jonassen and R. Tomline Sheet-metal, Snip for cutting. G. W. Ferguson Shell or projectile. A. H. Cotton and D. R. S. Galbraith Shell, Segment and shrapnel. A. Morrow .. .. ., Sinks, Recovering fats and oils from. J. Ashdown Slime separator, Pyritic A. Maltman.. Ship, Double-keeled. N. Gibbons Ships' holds, Loading coal or grain into. J. Gibson Ships, Raising. W. Fitzpatriok Shoe or boot. E. and L. Schmoll Shoe or boot. J. P. and J. Simon Show-case. E. Lee and J. S. Pickford.. .. .. .. ... Shrapnel-shell, Segment and. A.Morrow Shutter, Fireplace. W. Withers Shutter for windows, doors, &e, Fire-. E. Stevens Sieve and ashpan, Cinder-. F. W. Soper and F. M. Drewitt .. Sifter. W. H. Harris Sitting-screen. J. A. Park and E. C. Reynolds Sifting screen. T.C.Donnelly Signalling-lamp. G.A.Pearson Signals, Railway-. J.Avery Silt-punt. J. S, Maxwell ., .. ,, ., 11701 11737 11843 11844 12253 11749 7 June. 21 June. 27 July. 27 July. 21 Deo. 27 June. 12259 12094 11880 11676 12249 11417 11547 11709 11758 11446 11291 11557 11474 11306 11883 11382 12243 12103 11889 11940 12101 12050 11649 12113 11749 11933 11687 11972 11411 11946 11426 11301 12036 22 Deo. 13 Oct. 9 Aug. 6 June. 21 Dec. 3 March. 13 April. 12 June. 28 June. 15 Nov. 6 Jan. 26 April. 22 March. 11 Jan. 10 Aug. 15 Feb. 18 Dec 18 Oot. 14 Aug. 31 Aug. 16 Oot. 2 Oct. 25 May. 25 Oct. 27 June. 26 Aug. 2 June. 8 Sept. 28 Feb. 31 Aug. 7 March. 7 Jan. 29 Sept. 11892 11814 12151 11366 11433 11633 11361 11451 11610 11675 11613 12097 12064 12269 12082 11574 11302 11762 11523 11781 11613 11549 12097 12213 12074 11946 11513 11873 11298 11989 12143 11317 12026 11295 11946 11387 11863 11789 11449 11840 11517 11670 11760 11843 12 Aug. 20 July. 7 Nov. 10 Feb. 9 March. 18 May. 3 Feb. 16 March. 11 May. 6 June. 11 May. 16 Oct. 26 Sept. 29 Dec. 13 Oct. 2 May. 10 Jan. 3 July. 10 April. 11 July. 11 May. 22 April. 16 Oct. 1 Dec 7 Oct. 31 Aug. 6 April. 4 Aug. 5 Jan. 13 Sept. 1 Nov. 14 Jan. 28 Sept. 9 Jan. 31 Aug. 9 March. 5 Aug. 12 July. 14 March. 31 July. 5 April. 5 June. 29 June. 27 July.




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Silt-punt. J. S. Maxwell Silver ores, Treating. J. Smith Sinking bore-holes. W. Griffiths .. .. Sinking, Preventing vessels. A. Milne Sketching, Subdivider for use in. C. O. Rosenberg Skins and hides, Curing. J. W. C. Hamilton and J. A. Linley Skins and hides for tanning, Dehairing. A. J. Cuming Skins and hides, Tanning. G. D. Burton Skins, furs, &c, Liming. J. and E. E. Pullman and E. E. M. Payne .. Skins, Removing wool, &e, from. S. L. and E. Johnson and A. H. Gibbings Skins, Unhairing hides and. G. D. Burton Slasher. W. E. Chamberlain Slaughtering cattle, Instrument for. J. D. Walsh.. Sleeve-link. A. Baker Slime separator, Pyritic A. Maltman Slimes, Stirring or agitating. L. Home Slipper. H. Corriok Slipper. (See Boot, Golosh, Sandal.) Slugging-machine, jack for. McKay Shoe Machinery Company Smelting ores. F. Ballou Smoke-oonsumer. J. Davidson Smoke-consumer. J. Downs Smoke-preventer and fuel-economiser. C. H. Gould Snip for cutting sheet-metal. G. W. Ferguson Snow and ice from cooling-pipes, Clearing. A. H. Chapman Soap-cake, Advertising. J, J. Roth Sole, Boot-. J. E. Friend Soles, Wash for boot-. C. Lafferty Solids from liquids, Separation of. W. Cutten Solutions of sweet oarbamides in oils. A. Sommer Sower and cultivator, Ridger, manure- and seed-. A. Storrie.. Sower, Feed-run for. D. Moore Sower, Manure-disoharge for drill or. P. and D. Duncan (Limited) Sower. (See Manure-sower, Seed-sower.) Spark-arrester and extinguisher. J. King Spark-arrester and fuel-eoonomiser. E. A. Cameron Speech, Storing. V. Poulsen Specific for diarrhoea, dysentery, &c. R. Brown Specific for fluke-worms in sheep. R. Evens Speed-varying device and eleotric motor. R. H. Hassler Spindle, Door-lock. J. W. McDougall Spigot. G. E. Anson and J. B. Gould Spirit-lamp. W. B. Hughes Spittoon. J. Torrens Sports meetings, Recorder for. E. Burton and R. B. Echlin.. Sports, Reault indicator for. D. C. Carr Sports-meetings, Soratching-board for. E. Burton and R. B. Echlin Spouting and roof for building. G. W. Darvall Spouting-die. H. G. Bedell and J. Welsby Spur-fastener. A. B. Jackson Spring, Rabbit-trap. W. Barr Spring, Cyole. E. Harnett Stacks, Coverings for grain. G. L. Thomson Stamper-battery. R. Cockerell Stamping and marking butter-boxes. O. Wakelin Stamp-mill. The New Steam Stamp-mill Syndicate Standard. (See Fencing-standard.) Staple-drawing appliance. W. Jones Staples, nails, &c, Tool for drawing. W. Grayson .. .. - Starting-machine barriers, Connecting. P. A. Vaile Starting-machine, Race. W. M. Turner .. .. Starting mechanism, Eleotric motor. T. S. Perkins Stave-cutter, Cask. A. Sinclair .. Steam-boiler. R. P. Gibbons Steam-boiler, Stoker for. J. Miller Steam cooking, heating, drying, &e, apparatus. E. W. Parish Steam-engine. C. C. Worthington Steam-engine. G.Stevenson Steam-engine, Heat cycle for. L. C. Auldjo Steam generator. E. W. Parish Steam motor. J. Speight Steamship. J. T. Johns and D. R. S. Galbraith Steamships, Propelling. L. Home Steeping grain. H. House, A. Loughrey, J. A. Holmes, and R. Tomline.. Steering-apparatus. G.Hansen Steering-geer, Traotion-engine. H. A. Flatman Step-ladder and shelf combined. C. E. Page Steps, Facing for. A. L. P. Chasles Stereo or Electroplate. D. Reid Steriliser for liquids by ozone. H. Tindal <.. Sterilising milk. N. Bendixen Stirrer for slimes in ore-treatment. L. Home Stoker for steam-boilers. J. Miller Stone, Artificial. A. H., H., and G. van der Vijgh .. Stonebreaker's hammer. G. Girling Stone, Ceramic. L. A. Garohey Storing speech. V. Poulsen 11844 12163 12247 12265 12017 11280 11916 11342 11373 11962 11341 12019 12171 11914 11873 12052 12007 27 July. 10 Nov. 4 Deo. 28 Dec. 27 Sept. 4 Jan. 21 Aug. 26 Jan. 16 Feb. 5 Sept. 26 Jan. 28 Sept. 14 Nov. 22 Aug. 4 Aug. 5 Oot. 22 Sept. 12162 12188 11318 11292 12263 12213 12035 12177 11936 11603 12036 12155 11411 11687 11875 10 Nov. 23 Nov. 13 Jan. 5 Jan. 28 Dee 1 Dec. 27 Sept. 15 Nov. 30 Aug. 10 May. 29 Sept. 8 Nov. 28 Feb. 2 June. 9 Aug. 12206 11489 12252 11633 11549 11617 11913 12015 11834 12061 12254 11999 12253 11943 11662 12259 11759 12127 11510 12003 11654 11415 28 Nov. 24 March. 21 Deo. 18 May. 22 April. 12 May. 16 Aug. 25 Sept. 27 July. 3 Oct. 21 Dec. 20 Sept 21 Dae 1 Sept. 30 May. 12 Dec. 29 June. 28 Oct. 5 April. 16 SeDt. 25 May. 3 March. 11686 12196 11641 11319 11691 11997 12032 12131 12087 11664 11672 11835 12087 11784 12170 12130 11783 11923 12031 11429 12190 11545 12072 11488 12052 12131 11677 11702 11282 12255 7 June. 21 Nov. 20 May. 18 Jan. 8 June. 19 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Oct. 14 Oct. 1 June. 5 June. 27 July. 14 Oct. 12 July. 10 Nov. 31 Oct. 13 July. 21 Aug. 28 Sept. 6 March. 23 Nov. 18 April. 9 Oot. 28 March. 5 Oct. 27 Oct. 6 June. 9 June. 4 Jan. 21 Dec,




Invention, and Name of Inventor. ' No. Date. Stove. A. Kitson Stove devices. W. E. Hughes Stove for heating irons. A. Tzamis Strainer for milk-pail. D. McKay Strainer. (See also Wire-strainer.) Strap or belt. E. C. Millard Street block. H. Dunlop .. .. .. Stripper. (See Fax-stripper.) Stud, Collar-. M. B. Curtis Stud, Scrim-securing. E. Bartley Stumping and logging apparatus. H. J. Unwin and J. Wyatt Stump-jack. A. E. Robertson Subdivider for use in sketching. C. O. Rosenberg Subsoil attachment to plough. J. Macalister Subsoiler for plough. G.Ballard Subsoiler for plough. J. Macalister Sulphide ores, Recovering zino from. J. Gitsham Sulphidio ores, Treating. J. Dick Sulphurio anhydride. Badisohe Anilin and Soda Fabrik Support. (See Bicycle-support.) Support for person during removal of bed-pan. M. A. Johnson Suspender, Billiard-chalk. A. C. Thomas and J. E. Atkinson Sweetmeats, Manufacturing. E.Shaw Swingletree. J. Mclntyre .. .. ... Switch. (See Electric'switch, Electrio-circuit switch.) Synchronous motor. B. G. Lamme Syringe. L. Mumford-Geer.. Syringe, enema, and hot-water bag oombined. E. W. Hall Table for use in treating auriferous sand, Feed-regulator for. G. Woolhouse Table, reading-desk, and cupboard, Clinical. H. C. Franklin Table. (See also Billiard-table, Gold-saving table.) Tailings elevator. W. H. Cutten Tanning, Dehairing hides and skins for. A. J. Cuming Tanning hides and skins. G. D. Burton Tanning-liquid, Chrome. C. Boooock Tap. J. Ramage Tap. P. A. and E. B. Vaile Tap. W. Bradley Tea, Flavouring. A. H. Krause Telegraph, Electrical. The Alcock Eleotrical Position Finder Company (Limited) Telegraphic transmitter and receiver. N. I. Gooder Telegraph wire joint. The Neild " Sleeve " Eleotric Joint Syndioate (Limited) Telegraphy, Wireless. The Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company (Limited) Telegraphy, Wireless. The Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company (Limited) Telephone. H. L. Short Telephone exchange, Automatic The Automatic Telephone Company (Limited) .. Telephone, Time indicator and recorder for. T. Barnet Telephonic system and apparatus. J. E. Kingsbury Telephonic system and apparatus. J. E. Kingsbury Telephonic system and apparatus. J. E. Kingsbury Tell-tale. C. M. Newson Tellurium, arsenic, or antimony, Treating ores containing. B. Petersson Testing milk for butter-fat. W. J. McVeigh and G. Lyell, jun. Thresher, Screen for. F, W. Adams Thresher, Sheaf-header appliance for. R. Brown Threshing-machine. J. Greenslade Ticket-printing and issuing-machine. E. Burton and R. B. Echlin Tickets, Apparatus for issuing. D. H. Williamson Ticket-issuing mechanism.. M. Barnett Ticket. (See also Check.) Tile, Roofing-. J. Gore Till. W. Evans .. .. .. .. .. .. Till, Receiving and recording mechanism for. G. H. Green Timber-jack, Key for. A., E., and A. MoLeod Timber-measurer. J. Shepherd Timber, Preserving. W. Cross Time-indicator and recorder for telephone. T. Barnett Time-indicator, Compass and. B. Gilshnan, jun. .. Timepiece, Recording attachment for. C. Stahlecker Tin, Frame for. W. E. Potts Tin opener. A.Taylor Tin, Provision-. A. W. Maconoohie Tins, Closing provision-. E. Waters, jun. Tire air-tube. A. M. Linney .. .. .. Tire and wheel-rim. W. F. Williams Tire-cleaner, Bicycle mud-guard and. G. H. Fisher Tire-protector. J. Seffer Tires, Appliance for removing and replacing pneumatic. A. C. Palmer Tire-setting machine. J. E. Bishop Tires, Repairing compound for rubber. J. Ostbsrg Tires, Rubber. J. G. Rodgers Tires, Tool for removing and replacing cycle-. C. Mclntyre Tiring wheels. H. Caspers Tobacco-cutter. F. L. Lorden and H. C. Trollope.. Toe-clip, Bioycle pedal and. W.L.Mitchell *.. Toe-olip for cycles. R. Tomline and K. Graf Tool-chest and bicycle-stand combined. E. H. and H. A, Jull .. 11566 11515 12156 11604 27 April. 6 April. 10 Nov. 9 May. 11350 11512 lFeb. 6 April. 11326 12094 11516 11352 12017 12181 11599 11735 12194 11723 11890 21 Jan. 13 Oot. 5 April. 2 Feb. 27 Sept. 15 Nov. 4 May. 20 June. 23 Nov. 14 June. 14 Aug. 12152 11455 12270 12203 7 Nov. 16 Maroh, 30 Dec. 12 Dec. 11696 11525 11860 11909 11623 8 June. 14 April. 2 Aug. 17 Aug. 15 May. 12219 11916 11342 11577 11539 11600 11847 11286 11632 11548 11679 11550 11812 11688 11698 11377 11307 11308 11327 11729 11324 11738 12243 11633 11383 120F1 11385 12192 5 Deo. 21 Aug. 26 Jan. 1 May. 17 April. 5 May. 1 Aug. 4 Jan. 18 May. 21 April. 6 June. 22 April. 20 July. 6 June. 8 June. 13 Feb. 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 21 Jan. 20 June. 20 Jan. 21^Iune. -18 Dec. 18 May. 15 Feb. 16 Oot. 17 Feb. 23 Nov. 11570 12022 12189 11934 12217 11871 11377 11403 11978 11780 11937 12114 11766 11694 11537 11797 11405 12080 11814 11954 12128 11357 12000 11908 11790 12102 11432 21 April. 28 Sept. 23 Nov. 26 Aug. 30 Nov. 9 Aug. 13 Feb. 24 Feb. 13 Sept. 6 July. 21 Aug. 25 Oct. 18 July. 8 June. 15 April. 15 July. 11 March, 13 Oct. 20 July. 4 Sept. 28 Oct. 2 Feb. 20 Sept. 21 Aug. 13 July. 18 Oot. 9 March,




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date, Tool, Fencing-. R. Crawford Tool for boring post-holes. E. R. Godward .. Tool for drawing staples, nails, &e W. Grayson Tool for removing and replaoing cycle-tires. C. Mclntyre Tool, Gardening-. T. Dawes Totalisator. E. Burton and R. B. Eohlin .. Trace-spreader. T. E. Kiernan Traction, Electrio. E. Waters, jun. .. .. .. Traotion, Eleotric. H. Dolter Traction-engine steering-gear. H. A. Flatman Traction-gear, Horse. J. Mclntyre .. Train-indicator for crossings. H. J. Gibbons and E. T. A. Basan Tramway, Wire-rope. E. McGregor Transferring and printing mechanism. G. G. Turri Transformer, Rotary. B. G. Lamme Transmitter and receiver, Telegraphic N. I. Gooder Trap. (See Animal-trap, Rabbit-trap.) Traverses, Devioe for plotting. W. C. McAlister Tray for dredge, Elevator-. F. W. Payne .. Treadle attachment for linotype maohine. A. A. Whitelaw Treadle mechanism. R. Millar Trotting-or racing-harness. J. T. Murphy Trouser-protector. J. Metzger Trunk. G. G. Turri .. .. Tumbler, Dredge-. L. H. Reynolds and G. H. Oatway Tumblers, Appliance for replacing buckets on dredge-. W. Cutten Tumblers of dredges, Lubricator for lower. W. Cutten Tumblers, Pick attachment for dredge-. W. Poppelwell Turbine. I. L. Lewis .. .. .. Twine, Apparatus for making grass. G. A. Lowry Tympan, Printing-. A. S. Allen .. Type casting and composing machine. Lanston Monotype Maohine Company Type-engraving process. A. Treadwell.. Type-forming machine, Record strips for. Lanston Monotype Machine Company .. Type-forming machine, Record strips for. Lanston Monotype Machine Company .. Typewriter. W. R. Whyte Tyre. (See Tire.) Umbrella. D. McRorie Umbrella. E.S.Ross Unioycle. W.E.Mann Urinal. E. Goodridge .. .. .. Valvo. R. Garnham Valve. R. Garnham •.. .. .. Valve. R. W. Henn Valve. R. W. Henn Valve. R. W. Hann Valve and governor combined. D. A. Whyte Valve, Automatically operated. A. Stenhouse and E. B. Whitehead Valve, Cistern-. R. Garnham Valve, Cistern flushing-. W. E. Hughes Van, Apparatus for carrying rabbits in railway-. A. Nelson .. Varnish. A. P. Bjerregaard.. Vat. (See Agitating- and settling-vat, Ore-vat.) Vegetable cutter and grater, Fruit and. D. Whitburn Vegetable powder. Merrell-Soule Company .. .. .. • .. Vehicle and propelling-apparatus. A. L. Barber Vehicle-brake. H. Flay .. .. .. .. .. Vehicle-brake. J. Nicholas Vehicle-brake. A. Stevens and W. S. Penney Vehiole-tire, Rubber. J. G. Rodgers Vehicle. (See also Automobile vehicle, Auto-vehiole, Conveyance, Motor vehicle.) Velocipede driving-gear. D. R. and G. M. G. Macdonnell Velocipede mud-guard. A. L. and T. N. Rayward .. .. Velocipede seat and handle adjustment. T. Gallagher Venetian blind. W. J. Blakey Ventilating and working mines. J. G. Massie Ventilating-applianoe. J. Leather Ventilating mines. H. Fullwood Ventilator. D. Miller .. .. ... Ventilator, Boot-. J. Vernon Ventilator or ohimney-cowl. H. Al Mason Vessel, Cover for. W.E.Shaw Vessel, Double-keeled. N. Gibbons Vessel for containing edible substances. W. D. Verschoyle Vessel for liquids. W. Hampton Vessels, Launching of stranded. M. J. Corbett Vessels, Preventing sinking of. A. Milne Vessels, Propelling. G. Lindsay .. .. ... Vote counting and recording mechanism. J. H. Mander Voting, Method of. J. Lewis Walls of freezingchambers, Construction of. A. H. Chapman Walls, Securing scrim to. B. Bartley Wash for boot soles. C. Lafferty Washer-head and screw-nail. F. Gold .. Washing and peeling potatoes, Appliance for. C. Williams .. .. .. , Washing and scouring liquid. J. A. Torr Washing-apparatus for crockery and cutlery. L. Davie 11671 12268 12196 11357 11861 12091 11795 11684 12070 12031 12203 11810 11665 12185 11696 11548 11752 11777 11911 11501 11910 11885 11511 11339 12012 12038 12201 11720 11952 11929 11815 11775 11816 12124 11928 12235 11586 11591 11310 11576 11920 11507 11508 11509 11569 11896 11390 12049 11636 11826 5 June. 29 Dec. 21 Nov. 2 Feb. 2 Aug. 16 Oct. 15 July. 6 June. 9 Oct. 28 Sept. 12 Dee 20 July. 29 May. 21 Nov. 8 June. 21 April. 27 June. 5 July. 22 Aug. 27 March. 22 Aug. 11 Aug. 6 April. 25 Jan. 20 Sept. 29 Sept. 23 Nov. 29 May. 4 Sept. 25 Aug. 20 July. 7 July. 20 July. 27 Oot. 25 Aug. 13 Dec 4 May. 4 May. 12 Jan. 2 May. 24 Aug. 4 April. 4 April. 4 April. 24 April. 15 Aug. 21 Feb. 4 Oot. ' 16 May. 25 July. 11945 11487 11862 12034 11960 12120 12128 31 Aug. 28 March. 4 Aug. 26 Sept. 4 Sept. 27 Oct. 28 Oot. 11588 11288 11709 11593 11393 11321 11473 11804 11979 11657 12092 11298 11287 11346 12160 12265 12264 11817 11546 11437 12094 11603 12259 11597 11737 11380 4 May. 4 Jan. 12 June. 2 May. 23 Feb. 18 Jan. 23 March. 12 July. 9 Sept. 26 May. 16 Oct. 5 Jan. 4 Jan. 28 Jan. INov. 28 Deo. 28 Dec. 21 July. 19 April. 11 March. 13 Oct. 10 May. 22 Dec. 1 May. 21 June. 16 Feb,




Invention, and Name of Inventor. No. Date. Washing-fluid. M. A. Cookerell Washing-machine. H. W. Gilling Washing wool. (See Wool.) Watercourse, Appliance for cleaning. A. E. Hight Water from rivers, Raising. I. L. Lewis Water-heater. B. G. A. Harkness Water-heater. H. MoArtney Water-heater. J. O. Shorland and A. Anderson Water-heater. J. O. Shorland and A. Anderson Waterproofing compound. A. W. Chatfield .. .. Water, Purifying. F. J. Olsen and E. H. Whitmore Water-raiser. Fraser and Chalmers (Limited) Water, Raising. C. L. O'Brien Water, Raising. I. L. Lewis Water, Raising. J. Welsby and H. G. Bedell Weaning calves, Device for. W. Reach Weatherboarding. G. H. Anderson Weed-destroying mixture. J. Parker Weeder. J. Begg Weighing- and computing-scale. J. J. Sears ... Weighing apparatus, Milk-. A. C. Christiansen Weight, Sash-. W.E.Ramsay Well, Ink-. E. R. Godward Wheel. J. Fitchett Wheel, Gear-. W. H. Trengrove Wheel-rim and tire. W. F. Williams Wheel-rims, Appliance for removing and replacing pneumatio tires on. A. C. Palmer Wheels, Device for locking bicycle-. W. Morris Wheels, Tiring. H. Caspers Whipping ropes. F. H. Carriok Whisking- or mixing-machine. W. K. and G. S. Baker Winding-machinery, Pumping- and. J. Symington Windmill. J. Lamberg Window and sash. W. Halstead Windows, Dust- and insect-screen for. H. Roberts Window-fastener. E. L. Lees Window-fastener. G. J. A. Leslie Window-lock. J. G. Lusk Window-sash. H. G. Bedell Window-sash fastener. E. R. Atkin Window-sashes, Adjusting and locking. C. C. Morris Window-sashes and cords. H. Roberts Window-sashes, Counterbalancing. A. S. Bloomfield Window-sashes, Hanging. W. Fairhead and T. B. Jacobsen Window-sashes, Hanging. C.E.Page.. Window-sash suspender. A. W. Pilkington and D. J. Whelan Wire coiling and uncoiling apparatus. J. Krause Wire-fence dropper. J. W. Manchee Wire-fencing dropper. A. Lavery and M. F. Bourko Wire fencing, Post-and- B. Dawson Wire joint. The Neild " Sleeve " Electric Joint Syndioate (Limited) Wireless telegraphy. The Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company (Limited) Wireless telegraphy. The Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company (Limited) Wire, Manufacturing. R.D.Sanders.. Wire mattress. H. C. Fletcher and S. H. Cornish.. Wire mattress. H. North .. .. .. .. .. ... Wire mattresses, Spring bottom for. A. Richards.. Wire-netting machine. A. R. Lysaght.. Wire-strainer. A. Lavery Wire-strainer. C. Adams Wire-strainer. G. Coates Wire-strainer. J. Mowlem Wire-strainer. T. A. Bromell Wire-strainer. W. Cable Wire strainer and repairer. W. Page Wire strainer, cutter, and key oombined. J. Rapson Wire strainer, key, and cutter combined. J. Hair Wires in fencing standards and droppers, Securing. E. Smethurst Wood blocks for street*, Top-dressing. H. Dunlop Wooden block for gold-saving. D. W. Cotton and J. F. W. H. Schadick Wood with wood, stone, &e, Jointing. F. W. Commons Wood, Impregnating, with ffreproofing and preserving solutions. J. L. Ferrell Wool-bales, &e, Apparatus for closing. H. Biddle Wool, Burring. G. E. U. Huckaby Wool, Cleaning. E. Maertens Wool-drying machine. B. W. Glass Wool locks and dags, Treating. W. Norrell and J. D. Murray Woolpack, Grip for use in sewing up. W.K.Elder Wool-press. H. Sedcole Wool-press. R. Tomline and K. Graf Wool-washing machine. A. Smith Wool-washing machine. J. Binney Wool-washing apparatus. G. A. Fuller Wrapper, Cigarette-. Richmond Gold and Silver Cigarette Company Zinc-ores, Dressing. A. M. G. Sebillot Zinc-ores, Treating. A. E. Savage Zinc-precipitation m recovering gold by cyanide solutions. A. F. Crosse Zino, Recovering, from sulphide ores. J. Gitsham 11290 12005 6 Jan. 21 Sept. 11728 11721 11830 11935 11626 11827 12195 12245 11683 12167 11721 11848 12016 12166 12205 11701 11589 11312 11966 11850 11734 11774 11537 12080 11568 12000 11884 11561 11358 11669 11444 11857 11297 11925 11526 11895 11328 11401 12085 11582 11300 11640 11332 11990 11798 12116 11555 11679 11550 11812 11813 11652 11996 11502 11499 11407 11740 11421 11998 11853 11824 11912 11967 11858 11447 11512 12147 11833 11412 11849 11838 11993 11822 11642 11299 11381 12168 12269 12199 11932 12193 12137 12069 12053 12194 16 June. 29 May. 27 July. 26 Aug. 16 May. 25 July. 20 Nov. 15 Dec. 6 June. 11 Nov. 29 May. 1 Aug. 22 Sept. 11 Nov. 28 Nov. 7 June. 4 May. 11 Jan. 6 Sept. 29 July. 23 June. 5 July. 15 April. 13 Oot. 25 April. 20 Sept. 14 Aug. 26 April. 2 Feb. 3 June. 15 March 1 Aug. 5 Jan. 21 Aug. 14 April. 15 Aug. 19 Jan. 23 Feb. 9 Oct. 3 May. 7 Jan. 20 May. 18 Jan. 13 Sept. 17 July. 24 Oct. 26 April. 6 June. 22 April. 20 July. 20 July. 25 May. 18 Sept. 28 March 30 March 27 Feb. 23 June. 7 March 20 Sept. 3 Aug. 24 July. 19 Aug. 5 Sept. 1 Aug. 14 March 6 April. 2 Nov. 27 July. 28 Feb. 2 Aug. 28 Julv. 15 Sept. 20 July. 23 May. 5 Jan. 16 Feb. 11 Nov. 29 Deo. 22 Nov. 25 Aug. 23 Nov. 3 Nov. 9 Oct. 5 Oct. 23 Nov.





Name and Address. Number of Class. Number of Design. Date. Cohen, S. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Cousins and Atkin, Auokland, N.Z. Gladstone, W. E., Invercargill, N.Z. Goldsmiths and Silversmiths' Alliance, The. (See S. E. Cohen.) Grazzini, A., Auckland, N.Z. Sohiitze, G., Melbourne, Vie.. Shuttleworth, J. J., Ryde, N.S.W. Somerville and Co. (Limited), J., Leith, N.B. Welch, C. K., Coventry, Eng. Welch, C. K., Coventry, Eng. Welch, C. K., Coventry, Eng. Williams, B. T., Picton, N.Z. Williams, E. T., Picton, N.Z. 2 3 5 4 10 10 4 1 3 3 5 5 109 105 104 106 108 110 100 101 102 103 107 111 26 June. 24 Feb. 10 Feb. 19 May. 26 June. 20 July. 10 Feb. 29 March. 29 March. 29 March. 3 May. 29 July.

Name and Address. o in No, of Application. Date. Aerators (Limited), London, Eng. Allen and Co., S. L., Philadelphia, U.S.A. Allen and Sons (Limited), S., Townsville, Queensland American Dunlop Tire Company, The, Belleville, U.S.A. American Tobacco Company, The, New York, U.S.A. American Tobacco Company, The, New York, U.S.A. Andrew and Co. (Limited), J. H., Sheffield, Eng. Antikamnia Chemical Company, St. Louis, U.S.A. Aston, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Aulsebrook and Co., Christohurch, N.Z. Ballantyne and Co., J., Christchuroh, N.Z. Banks Peninsula Canning Company, The, Akaroa, N.Z. Barlow, H., and another, Napier, N.Z. Barnett, W., Christohurch, N.Z. Barraclough, H. J., Wellington, N.Z. Barrett's Food Company Proprietary (Limited), Richmond, Vic. Barry, P., Wellington, N.Z. Bartram and Son, J., Melbourne, Vic. Baume, A., London, Eng. Baume and Co. (See A. Baume.) Beetham and Son, M., Cheltenham, Eng. Bennett, D., London, Eng. Bickerton, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Bickford and Sons, A. M., Adelaide, S.A. Bickford and Sons, A. M., Adelaide, S.A. Bickford and Sons, A. M., Adelaide, S.A. Bickford and Sons, A. M., Adelaide, S.A. Bishop and Robson, Christohurch, N.Z. Blickensderfer Manufacturing Company, The, Stamford, U.S.A. Bock, P., and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Bovine (Limited), London, Eng. .. Bradbury and Co., R. A., Christohurch, N.Z." Briscoe and Co., A., Dunedin, N.Z... British and Foreign Safety Fuse Company, Redruth, Eng. British Cyanides Company (Limited), The, Oldbury, Eng... British Uralite Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. 13 7 42 40 45 45 5 3 3 42 24 42 2 48 3 42 15 42 10 2828 2707 2840 2768 2897 2912 2892-3 2763 2813 2688 2721 2595 2621 2884 2674 2909 2720 2632 2692 9 Oct. 20 July. 25 Oct. 25 Aug. 11 Dec. 29 Dec. 7 Dec. 22 Aug. 29 Sept. 14 June. 26 July. 11 Jan. 6 March. 28 Nov. 5 June. 28 Deo. 26 July. 7 April. 26 June. 48 3 44 3 42 43 48 43 39 42 42 38 47 20 1 17 2605 2841 2779 2873 2874 2875 2876 2691 2801 2591 2671 2641 2824-7 2881 2606 28792880 2693 2585 2607 2832 2640 2616 2814 2643 2644 2615 lFeb. 27 Oot. 4 Sept. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 26 June. 19 Sept. 6 Jan. 25 May. 25 April. 9 Oot. 23 Nov. 2 Feb. 23 Nov. Brooks and Co., H., London, Eng.; and Melbourne, Vie Brown, Barrett, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Brown, Barrett, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Brown, R., Auckland, N.Z. Bruhns, E., Hyde, N.Z. .. Burt (Limited), A. and T., Dunedin, N.Z. Busck, A., Auokland, N.Z. Cameron and Co., W. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Cameron and Co., W. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Carter and Co., J., London, Eng. " Carters." (See J. Carter and Co.) , Cellular Clothing Company (Limited), The, London, Eng... Challoner, J., and another, Melbourne, Vie Challoner, J. W., and another, Melbourne, Vic Chapman, R. W., and another, Fernside, N.Z... Chemical Stores Company, The. (See W. Taine.) Chipman, H. S., Sydney, N.S.W. .. Chipman, H. S., Sydney, N.S.W. Chipman, H. S, Sydney, N.S.W. .. Chubb and Sons Lock and Safe Company (Limited), London, Eng. .. Churchman, W. A. and A. C, Ipswich, Eng. Clark, G. F., Maidstone, Eng. Clayton, H., Melbourne, Vic Qoley, H., and Davis, Foxton, N.Z... 16 42 42 3 3 5 42 42 42 46 27 June. 4 Jan. 7 Feb. 14 Oct, 21 April. 22 Feb. 29 Sept. 26 April. 26 April. 16 Feb. 38 3 3 42 2702 2611 2611 2885 20 July. 10 Feb. 10 Feb. 28 Nov. 2 42 6 13 45 42 3 4 2597 2631 2834 2886 2739 2823 2701 2750 19 Jan. 7 April. 16 Oct. 29 Nov. 4 Aug. 5 Oct. 20 July. 18 Aug.




Name and Address. 6$ No. of Application. Date. Cooke, J. A., Christohurch, N.Z. Cooke, J. A., Christchurch,,N.Z. .. .. ;. Coomb's Eureka Aerated Flour Company (Limited), Nottingham and London, Eng. Cooper, F. J., Auckland, N.Z. Costello, W., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Crease and Son (Limited), B. H., Wellington, N.Z. Crease and Son (Limited), E. H., Wellington, N.Z. Crease and Son (Limited), E. H., Wellington, N.Z. Crease, H. E., Wellington, N.Z. Crown Ironworks Company (Limited), The, Christohurch, N.Z. Curtis's and Harvey (Limited), London, Eng. .. Curtis's and Harvey (Limited), London, Eng. Daily, J. J., Christohurch, N.Z. Davis and Lawrence Company (Limited), The, Montreal, Canada; and New York, U.S.A. .. De Renzy, T. G., Auokland, N.Z. Dimock and Co., W., Wellington, N.Z. Dixon, E. S., Masterton, N.Z. Dixson, H. R., Adelaide, S.A. Dombrain, E. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Downer, W. H., Riccarton, N.Z. Downer, W. H., Riccarton, N.Z. Dufour and Co., Thai, Switzerland Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Company, Aust. (Limited), The, London, Eng. Durant and Co., London, Eng. .. .. .. .. Eagleton, R., Auckland, N.Z. Eagleton, R., and another, Auokland, N.Z. .. .. .. .. Eagleton, R., and another, Auckland, N.Z. ElliDgham, A. J., and others, Hastings, N.Z. Ellis, Sellgren, and Co., Auokland, N.Z. Ellis, Sellgren, and Co., Auokland, N.Z. Ellis, Sellgren, and Co., Auokland, N.Z. Ellis, Sellgren, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Ellis, Sellgren, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Ellis, Sellgren, and Co., Auckland, N.Z. Farbenfabriken vormals Friedrich Bayer and Co., Elberfeld, Germany Ferru-Cocoa Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, Eng. FitzGerald, W. C, Wellington, N.Z. Foster Clark and Co., G. (See G. F. Clark.) Fox Brothers and Co. (Limited), Wellington, Eng. .. ... ... Frossard Levic and Co. (See F. Levie) Gilbey (Limited), W. and A., London, Eng. Gilbey (Limited), W. and A., London, Eng. Gilbey (Limited), W. and A,, London, Eng. Gill Brothers and Co., Steubensville, Ohio, U.S.A. Glendining, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Goldring, M., Sydney, N.S.W. Gollin and Co., Melbourne, Vie Grand Rapids Cycle Company, Grand Rapids, U.S.A. Great Barrier Pigeongram Agenoy, The, Auckland, N.Z. .. .. .. Green, W. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Gregg and Co. (Limited), W., Dunedin, N.Z. Gregg and Co. (Limited), W., Dunedin, N.Z. .. Grierson, Oldham, and Co. (Limited), London, Eng. .. .. Grimble and Co. (Limited), London, Eng. Hall, H. J., London, Eng. Hall and Co., T. H., Auokland, N.Z. Hally, G. J., Cambridge, N.Z. Hally, G. J., Cambridge, N.Z. Hancock and Co., Newmarket, N.Z. Hancock and Co., Newmarket, N.Z. Hart, W. S., Waipu, Auckland, N.Z. Hartmann and Kahtjens Composition Company (Limited), Suter. (See under S.) Hartstone and Sons, Woodville, N.Z. .. .. .. ... Hartstone and Sons, Woodville, N.Z. Harvey, W. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Hayward, W. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Hayward and Co. (See W. R. Hayward.) Hedley and Co. (Limited), T., Newoastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Hedley and Co. (Limited), T., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. .. Hedley and Co. (Limited), T., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Hedley and Co. (Limited), T., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. .. Hedley and Co. (Limited), T., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. .. Hedley and Co. (Limited), T., Newoastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Hedley and Co. (Limited), T., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Hedley and Co. (Limited), T., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Hedley and Co. (Limited), T., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Hedley and Co. (Limited), T., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. .. Hedley and Co. (Limited), T., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Helidon Spa Water Company (Limited), Brisbane and Helidon, Queensland Hendy, A. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Henry, G. N., Auckland, N.Z. Hildebrand and Co., A., Greymouth, N.Z. Hillside Chemical Company, The, Newburgh, U.S.A. Holophane (Limited), London, Eng. 3 48 42 3 -42 42 42 42 48 18 20 20 50 3 39 42 3 45 2 47 48 31 40 13 40 40 48 48 48 48 2 42 42 48 3 3 48 42 42 3 2770 2771 2613 2838-9 2784 2805 2851 28572862 2899 2809 2646-7 2703 2617 2782 2602 2780 2676 2774-8 2773 2678 2690 2706 2592 2664 2665 2742 2734 2661 2700 2741 2831 2603 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2772 2698 2618 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 16 Feb. 24 Oot. 11 Sept. 22 Sept. 7 Nov. 10 Nov. 14 Dec. 27 Sept. 11 May. 20 July. 22 Feb. 8 Sept. 30 Jan. 5 Sept. 5 June. 4 Sept. 4 Sept. 7 June. 22 June. 20 July. 12 Jan. 18 May. 18 May. 9 Aug. 1 Aug. 17 May. 17 July. 8 Aug. 12 Oct. 30 Jan. , 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 1 Sept. 17 July. 22 Feb. 34 2677 6 June. 43 43 43 15 4 10 42 22 39 3 42 4'2 43 42 3 4 2 43 44 43 43 42 2608 2609 2610 2798 2802 2732 2803 2668 2709 2600 2682 2807 2689 2624 2587 2642 2626 2633 2849 2850 2767 8 Feb. 8 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 28 July. 20 Sept. 25 May. 21 July. 24 Jan. 12 June. 8 Sept. 16 June. 16 March. 4 Jan. 25 April. 20 March. 14 April. 3 Nov. 3 Nov. 25 Aug. 4-2 42 3 47 2872 2911 2813 2745 15 Nov. 29 Dec. 29 Sept. 14 Aug. 2 47 48 2 47 48 2 47 48 47 48 44 48 42 3 15 2722 2728 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2877 2878 2910 2908 2786 2751 2842 2806 26 Julv. 26 Julv. 26 July. 26 July. 26 July. 26 July. 26 July. 26 July. 26 July. 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 28 Dec. 27 Dec. 12 Sept. 17 Aug. 27 Oct. 22 Sept.



7—H. 10.


Name and Address. o at 6$ XV No. of Application. Date. Hondai Lanka Tea Company. (See G. T. K. MoKenzie.) Howrth, H. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Howrth, H. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Howrth, H. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Hudson, E., Birkenhead, Auokland, N.Z. Hunt and Coxon, Christchurch, N.Z. Hunt, W. J., Wellington, N.Z. Hunt, W. J., Wellington, N.Z. Hurse, J., and another, Fernside, Canterbury, N.Z. Hutton, G. B., Auckland, N.Z. Irvine and Stevenson. (See W. Stevenson.) Jeyes's Sanitary Compounds Company (Limited), London, Eng. Kearns, Younghusband, and Co., Auokland, N.Z. Kemp, A. E., Gore, N.Z. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limited), Dunedin N.Z. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s New Zealand Drug Company (Limited), Dunedin, N.Z. Kerr, R., Newtown, Wellington, N.Z. Knox-Tvree and Co., J., Wellington, N.Z. Koefoed", H. L., Thames, N.Z. Koefoed, H. L, Thames, N.Z. Kohn, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Kohn, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Kronheimer and Co., J., Melbourne, Vic. Lamb, F., and another, Napier, N.Z. Langdown and Son. Christchurch, N.Z. Lenz, W., Kuripuni, N.Z. Levic, F., Sydney, N.S.W. .. „. ■■ •• Levin Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited), Levin, Wellington, N.Z. Little and Co., A. E., Lynn, U.S.A. Luckie, F. de L., and others, Hastings, N.Z. .. Luckie and Co. (See J. Tindall, A. J. Ellingham, and F. de L. Luckie.) Mackerras and Hazlett, Dunedin, N.Z. Mackerras and Hazlett, Dunedin, N.Z. Manning and Co., J. (See J. M. Wigg.) Maponite (Limited), London, Eng. .. Markwald, H, Wellington, N.Z. .. Martin, W. H., Upper Hutt, N.Z. .. Mauri Brothers and Thomson, Sydney, N.S.W. Mauri Brothers and Thomson, Sydney, N.S.W... Mauri Brothers and Thomson, Sydney, N.S.W... Mauri Brothers and Thomson, Sydney, N.S.W... Mauri Brothers and Thomson, Sydney, N.S.W... Mauri Brothers and Thomson, Sydney, N.S.W... McDonald, S. M., Invercargill, N.Z. McFarlane, A. and J., Dunedin, N.Z. McGregor, T., Makaraka, N.Z. Mcintosh and Co., W. A., Dunedin, N.Z. MoKenzie, G. T. K., Dunedin, N.Z... Miles, Stapleton, and Co. (See J. ond W. Challoner.) Moir and Co., Christohurch, N.Z. Montgomery, G. A., Springfield, N.Z. Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company (Limited), The, Dunedin, N.Z. Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company (Limited), The, Dunedin, N.Z. Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company (Limited), The, Dunedin, N.Z. Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company (Limited), The, Dunedin, N.Z. Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company (Limited), The, Dunedin, N.Z. Muralo Company, The, New York, U.S.A. Murphy, J. M., Mosstown, Wanganui, N.Z. .. Nathan and Co., J., Wellington, N.Z. Nathan and Co., J., Wellington, N.Z. Nathan and Co., L. D., Auckland, N.Z. Nathan and Co., L. D., Auckland, N.Z. Nathan and Co., L. D., Auckland, N.Z. Nathan and Co., L. D., Auckland, N.Z. Nathan and Co., L. D., Auckland, N.Z. Nathan and Co., L. D., Auckland, N.Z. Nathan and Co., L. D., Auckland, N.Z. Neil, J., Dunedin, N.Z. .. Nelson Brothers (Limited), Tomoana, N.Z. Nettlefolds (Limited), Birmingham and London, Eng. Nettlefolds (Limited), Birmingham and London, Eng. Nettlefolds (Limited), Birmingham and London, Eng. Newing, A. B., Caulfield, Vic Newstadter Brothers, San Francisco, U.S.A. .. Newton and Son, J., Kaiwarra, Wellington, N.Z. .. .. .. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), The, Wellington, N.Z. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), The, Wellington, N.Z. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), The, Wellington, N.Z. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), The, Wellington, N.Z. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), The, Wellington, N.Z. New Zealand Paint- and Varnish-manufacturing Company. (See J. Paterson.) Nobles and Hoare, London, Eng. .. Oakes and Co. (Limited), London, Eng. 42 42 42 1 47 2 2 42 42 2 42 44 2 3 42 44 47 48 50 47 44 42 42 48 48 45 2 42 42 45 42 38 2 42 42 49 42 42 1 2 4 42 45 50 38 42 42 47 42 2636 2637 2683-4 2630 2708 2822 2887-8 2885 2743 2601 2898 2623 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2696 2638 2685 2907 2700 2741 2588 2621 2594 2781 2900 2808 2599 2831 2596 2713 2614 2848 2882 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2800 2864 2883 2666 2660 18 April. 18 April. 12 June. 7 April. 20 July. 5 Oot. 1 Dee 28 Nov. 11 Aug. 26 Jan. 11 Dec. 15 March. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. 2 Oot. 2 Oot. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. 4 July. 22 April. 12 June. 22 Dec 18 July. 8 Aug. 8 May. 6 March. 16 Jan. 5 Sept. 14 Dec. 25 Sept. 20 Jan. 12 Oct. 18 Jan. 21 July. 16 Feb. 3 Nov. 25 Nov. 22 July. 22 July. 22 July. 22 Julv. 22 July. 22 July. 18 Sept. 13 Nov. 27 Nov. 23 May. 12 May. 42 37 38 33 34 35 38 41 42 42 42 39 42 43 44 45 47 48 3 2 5 5 18 1 38 47 2 5 7 12 50 2785 2590 2744 2792 2793 2794 2795 2835 2797 2622 2752-7 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2663 2598 2649 2651-3 2650 2681 2639 2758 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 11 Sept. 6 Jan. 11 Aug. 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 21 Oct. 15 Sept. 15 March. 21 Aug. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 17 May. 20 Jan. 12 May. 12 May. 12 May. 12 June. 22 April. 18 Aug. 3 Nov. 3 Nov. 3 Nov. 3 Nov. 3 Nov. 1 45 2604 2746-9 30 Jan. 14 Aug.



Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,526 copies), £60 2s.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9oo.

Price Is.]


Name and Address. °s 6.5 XV No. of Application. Date. Ogdens (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W. .. Onehunga Glue-manufacturing Company. (See E. Hudson.) Onewhero Co-operative Dairy Company, Onewhero, Auokland, N.Z. Onewhero Co-operative Dairy Company, Onehunga, Auokland, N.Z. Osborne, E., Foxton, N.Z. Osmonds (Limited), Birmingham, Eng. Owen and Co., E., Sheffield, Eng. .. Owens and Costello. (See T. Owens and W. Costello.) Owens, T., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. .. .. .. Paterson, J., Thames, N.Z. Peek Brothers and Winch (Limited), London, Eng. Perfect Coffee Company (Limited), The, London, Eng. Pihl, D„ Ohoka, Canterbury, N.Z. Pocta Company. (See F. Lamb and H. Barlow.) Portland Cement-fabrik Saturn, Hamburg, Germany Pretty and Son, W., Ipswich, Eng. Pretty and Son, W., Ipswich, Eng. .. Proprietary Lav-o-lan Wool-soouring Company (Limited), The, Adelaide, S.A. .. Proprietary Lav-o-lan Wool-soouring Company (Limited), The, Adelaide, S.A. .. Purdie and Co., J., Dunedin, N.Z. .. Reokitt and Sons (Limited), Sydney, N.S.W.; Hull and London, Eng. Reece and Sons, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Renzy. (See De Renzy.) Rewa Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited), Rewa, Wellington, N.Z. Reynolds, J. T., and others, Manchester, Eng. Roberts, C. P., Oamaru, N.Z. Robinson and Sons, J., Christohurch, N.Z. Roederer, L. O., Reims, France Rosella Preserving Company Proprietary (Limited), North Melbourne, Vie Rosella Preserving Company Proprietary (Limited), North Melbourne, Vio. Salmon and Gluckstein (Limited), London, Eng. Saunders and Co., Christohurch, N.Z. .. .. ., Schaper, F., Hamburg, Germany Shanly, J., Christchuroh, N.Z. Sharland and Co. (Limited), Wellington, N.Z... Sharland and Co. (Limited), Wellington, N.Z... Sharland and Co. (Limited), Wellington, N.Z... Sprosen, H. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Stevenson, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Suter Hartmann and Rahtjens Composition Company (Limited), London, Eng. Swann and Co., J. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Taine, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Taine, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Taine, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Taine, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Thorne and Sons (Limited), R., London, Eng.; and Greenook, Scotland Thum Company, The O. and W., Grand Rapids, U.S.A. Tindall, J., and others, Hastings, N.Z. Trading Stamp Company, The, Auckland, N.Z. Trench's Remedies (Limited), Dublin, Ireland.. Trilene Company, The. (See D. Bennett.) Turner and Co., T., Sheffield, Eng. Turner and Turner, Wellington, N.Z. .. .. .. Tweedie and McLean, Riverton, N.Z. Tyree, J. Knox. (See Knox-Tyree.) Usherwood, A. E., Dunedin, N.Z Vacuum Oil Company, Rochester, U.S.A.; London, Eng.; Melbourne, Vie ; &e Vacuum Oil Company, Rochester, U.S.A.; London, Eng.; Melbourne, Vio.; &c Vinolia Company (Limited), London, Eng. Vinolia Company (Limited!, London, Eng. Vinolia Company (Limited), London, Eng. .. .. .. ■ Vinolia Company (Limited), London, Eng. Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited), The, Masterton, N.Z. .. Walker, J. M. and A. F., and another, Manchester, Eng. Walker, T. H., Awhitu, N.Z. Walker and Co., J. M. (See J. M. and A. F. Walker and J. T. Reynolds.) Walsh, A., Auckland, N.Z. Walsh and Co., Austin. (See A. Walsh.) Ward and Co. (Limited), Christchurch, N.Z. Ward and Co. (Limited), Christchuroh, N.Z. .. Watson and McGill, Petersburg, U.S.A. Wellington Bacon-curing and Refrigerating Company. (See W. Dimook and Co.) White (Limited), A. J., London, Eng. Whitlock, F., Wanganui, N.Z. Wigg, J. M., Auckland, N.Z. Wilkie and Co., J., Dunedin, N.Z. Williams, E. T., Picton, N.Z. Wills (Limited), W. D. and H. O., Bedminster, Bristol, and London, Eng. Wilson, J. F., Auokland, N.Z. Wilson and Co., R., Dunedin, N.Z. .. Wingfield, Rowbotham, and Co. (See T. Turner and Co.) Wolff, A. C, Wellington, N.Z. Woodley and McNaught, Wellington, N.Z. 45 2711-2 21 July. 42 42 3 22 12 2769 2863 2687 2672 2894 26 Aug. 3 Nov. 14 June. 25 May. 7 Dec 42 1 42 42 42 2784 2804 2648 2589 2810 11 Sept. 22 Sept. 11 May. 10 May. 29 Sept. 17 13 38 4 47 44 50 10 2731 2829 2830 2704 2705 2890 2645 2695 27 July. 9 Oot. 9 Oct. 20 July. 20 July. 4 Dec. 27 April. 3 July. 42 24 39 44 43 42 42 45 44 45 48 50 50 4,2 2 42 1 47 1 17 47 50 43 2 2 39 3 2619 2697 2629 2612 2670 2738 2783 2654-9 2906 2675 2710 2796 2833 2852-3 2733 2694 2896 2740 2759 2760 2761 2762 2620 2686 2831 2586 2680 3 March. 13 July. 4 April. 14 Feb. 25 May. 3 Aug. 9 Sept. 12 May. 22 Dee. 5 June. 21 July. 13 Sept. 16 Oct. 8 Nov. 31 July. 28 June. 8 Deo. 4 Aug. 21 Aug. 21 Aug. 21 Aug. 21 Aug. 3 March. 12 June. 12 Oct. 4 Jan. 8 June. 12 42 42 2895 2625 2627 7 Dec. 17 March. 21 March. 47 47 47 47 48 47 48 42 24 42 2628 2764-6 2837 2811 2812 2854 2855 2667 2697 2635 24 March. 22 Aug. 24 Oot. 29 Sept. 29 Sept. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 23 May. 13 July. 15 April. 45 2799 16 Sept. 43 43 45 2669 2891 2901-5 26 May. 7 Deo. 15 Deo. 3 42 3 42 39 45 42 42 2679 2836 2634 2699 2856 2735-7 2593 2662 8 June. 24 Oot. 14 April. 17 July. 10 Nov. 1 Aug. 14 Jan. 17 May. 45 42 2889 2673 1 Dec. 30 May.

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1900 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1900 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1900 Session I, H-10

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