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Laid upon the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave.

LETTER FROM THE COMMANDER OF THE FORCES. Defence Office, Wellington, 17th October, 1899. Memorandum for the Eight Hon. the Premier. With regard to the despatch of the Contingent to the Transvaal, I consider it my duty, as Commander of the Forces, to bring to your notice the admirable way in which the organization and equipment of this Force has been carried out at short notice. With no military organization, no reserve stores, and only a small staff in the Stores Department, the Force has been brought together, equipped, and horsed in a comparatively short time. Every one has worked with a will, and thrown themselves into their work with a whole-heartedness which is worthy of all praise. I wish especially to bring to your notice the services of the Under-Secretary for Defence, Sir A. Douglas, and the Stores Department, upon whose exertions the equipment of the Force has depended. Work has been carried out practically day and night, and, though necessarily our equipment cannot be as perfect as that of the Imperial troops, still all has been done that possibly could be done in the colony; and every assistance has been rendered me by the Under-Secretary for Defence and his staff, both store and clerical. The Under-Secretary for Agriculture, Mr. Eitchie, has materially helped us by practically placing at our disposal the staff of the Stock Department for the purchase of horses in all parts of the colony, and without his aid we could not have got together in the time a sufficient number of suitable horses for the Contingent. Mr. Gilruth, the head of the Veterinary Department, has very materially assisted me in Wellington with his professional advice, and has done everything in his power to forward the work. Mr. Buchanan, of the Canterbury Yeomanry Cavalry, placed his services at my disposal to assist in purchasing horses in the Canterbury District, and, thanks to his exertions and those of Mr. Eeakes, of the Veterinary Department, we have been supplied from that district with a lot of most serviceable and useful horses. The officers commanding districts have done all in their power to assist me, and Lieut.-Colonel Newall in particular has rendered valuable services, which have much lightened the detail duties of the Officer Commanding the Contingent, and enabled that officer to devote most of his time to the organization and training of his command. Colonel Messenger and the non-commissioned officers and men of the Permanent Force have been employed in store-work and camp duties, and have carried out the work most satisfactorily. Horses have been presented to the Contingent by the following lady and gentlemen : Two, Mrs. Donnelly; one, Mr. Buchanan, M.H.E. ; two, Mr. Lethbridge, M.H.E.; two, Mr. Hunter, M.H.E.; one, Mr. Te Tau, Masterton; two, Mr. Wi Mahupuka, Greytown; one, Mr. Stewart, Helensville; one, Mr. Downes, Feilding; one, Mr. Broughton, Hastings; one, Messrs. Beetham and Williams, Masterton; one, Mr. Carlyon, Waipawa. An offer of one was made by Mr. Hunter Brown, of Napier, which had to be refused owing to the impossibility of its being forwarded in time. All these horses are of good serviceable quality, and I have written separately and conveyed the thanks of the Government to the gentlemen and lady for their patriotic gifts. Captain Loveday and the members of the Heretaunga Mounted Eifles have placed at our disposal the shipment of regimental saddlery, &c, just received, which has been of much assistance,


and Captain Brandon and the members of the College Eifles, Wellington, kindly handed over to us all their khaki coats which had been completed for their corps. The Union Steamship Company, by placing at our disposal their foreman, Mr. Daniel, and his trained staff, have enabled us to complete and fit the s.s. " Waiwera " so that she will be able to sail on the date originally fixed on. Without this assistance there would have assuredly been delay in the date of the despatch of the Contingent. For my own part, I must thank everybody most cordially for the aid they have so cheerfully rendered. A. P. Penton, Colonel, Commander New Zealand Forces.

LETTER PROM THE UNDER-SECRETARY FOR DEFENCE. Sir,— Defence Office, Wellington, 23rd October, 1899. Now that the contingent of mounted infantry has left the shores of this colony for South Africa, and that the preparations for their despatch, which have continued for the past ten days, have had their efficacy proved by the fact that everything ordered was placed on board by noon on the 21st instant, I desire, as head of the Defence Department, to bring to your notice the unceasing and untiring energy of the officers of the department who have so ably assisted me in a work which, I believe, has been carried out with a rapidity and completeness which does credit to the colony which we have the honour to serve. The duties placed upon this department of completely equipping a force of 210 officers and men and 250 horses have happily been carried out to the minutest detail without one single hitch. I have to thank the officers of the Stores Department for their unwearied exertions, both by day and night, to execute every order I have given to them, and to carry out the onerous duties which have been placed on them, and which have contributed so much to what I think I may with confidence say has resulted in so complete a success. I have also to thank the clerical officers of the department for their devotion to their duty at a time of great stress, and for the manner in which they have at all times done so much to assist in the important work which has now been completed. I desire also to acknowledge the cordial co-operation and assistance rendered by the Commander of the Forces and the military staff. I feel that I should be wanting in my duty did I not bring to your notice the fact that every article of equipment has been received in the Stores Department and forwarded to the camp, so that every officer and man thereat might be completely equipped prior to embarkation. The duties of storekeeper at the camp were most ably carried out by Corporal Butler, of the Permanent Artillery, who had under him as assistants two gunners of that Force, and every single article of equipment was issued by them complete to the troops. In order that you may see what has been done, I beg to attach for your information a list of the equipment issued. You have already ascertained by personal inspection the efficient manner in which the horse and other fittings of the " Waiwera " have been completed by Mr. Daniel, of the Union Steamship Company, but I cannot refrain from expressing the great obligation the department is under to that gentleman for his marvellous performance in preparing the ship for the reception of troops and horses in so short a time. The work executed by Mr. Daniel will for ever remain in my memory as the most extraordinary exhibition of what can be done by skill and forethought. It will be remembered that fourteen days since nothing had been done towards the preparations necessary for the Contingent that on Saturday left our shores ; but, instructions having been given by you in that the " Waiwera " was to sail on the 21st, I assured you that she should find us ready, and the result is now known to the world. I also desire to point out the great obligations under which the department lies to Mr. Eitchie, Secretary for Agriculture, Mr. Gilruth, and other officers of the Stock Department for the work done by them. The thanks of the department are also due to Lieut.-Colonel Moore, of the South Canterbury Battalion, and those under his command, for placing all their stock of khaki at disposal of the Government for the use of the Contingent; to Captain Brandon, of the College Eifles, for having supplied the Government with the khaki uniforms of the corps ; to Captain Loveday, Heretaunga Mounted Eifles, for supplying the department with the saddlery recently imported by his corps ; and to several officers for having given up to the officers of the Contingent the regulation swords which were their own personal property. The patriotic spirit of all concerned was most gratifying. The Union Steamship Company placed the services of Mr. Daniel (superintendent of repairs) unreservedly at the disposal of the Government to fit up the Transvaal steamer, and I have already mentioned the value of the work performed by him. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company at once met the wishes of the Government by diverting the " Waiwera " from London to South Africa, and gave every facility and assistance in the task of fitting her up speedily as a troopship. The consignors of goods for shipment to London by the " Waiwera " cheerfully consented to cancel their arrangements. The contractors for the various supplies devoted the resources of their establishments to the speedy carrying-out of their contracts. Many of our fellow-colonists, both European and Maori, presented horses for the use of the Contingent.




Additional supplies and other comforts for the Contingent were received from the citizens of Wellington and other parts of the colony. Indeed, I may say that one and all throughout the colony seemed animated by the sole desire to facilitate in every possible way the prompt embarkation of the Contingent. In conclusion, I beg most strongly to bring before you for favourable recognition the services of the officers of the Defence Department, of both stores and clerical branches, who have made it possible for me to carry out your orders. Arthur P. Douglas, The Eight Hon. the Premier. Under-Secretary for Defence.

Officers' Equipment. —Khaki tunics, 22 ; khaki trousers, 22; cord breeches, 44; slouch-hats, 11; field-service caps, 11; Sam Brown belts (sets), 11; waterproof sheets, 11; spurs, 11; cloaks, 11; boots (pairs), 22; shoes (pairs), 22; haversacks, 11; water-bottles, 11; also complete underwear. Men's Personal Equipment. —Khaki tunics, 400; slouch-hats, 200; forage-caps, 200; gaiters, 200; riding-breeches, 400 ; boots (pairs), 400 ; shoes (pairs), 400 ; socks (pairs), 600; undershirts, 600 ; flannel shirts, 600 ; drawers, 600; cholera-belts, 600; braces, 200; spurs, 200; greatcoats, 200; holdalls complete, with brush and comb, knife, fork, spoon, and housewife, 200; clasp-knives and lanyards, 200; blankets, 400; waterproof sheets, 200; towels, 600; blue jerseys, 200; serge trousers, 200; kit-bags, 200; button-brushes, 200; button-sticks, 200; shoebrushes (sets), 200; blacking-tins, 200; woollen caps, 200; dubbing (tins), 200; horses, 250, with stable equipment complete. Horse Equipment. —Saddles complete with wallets, leather numnahs, shoe-pockets, breastplates, girths, surcingles, stirrup-leathers, stirrup-irons, bridles complete, 211 of each ; surcingles, with pads, 250; headstalls (for ship use), 250; head-ropes, 250; heel-ropes, 250; picketing-ropes, 250; picketing-pegs, 250 ; mallets, 62 ; forage-nets, 250; nose-bags, 250; forage-cords, 211; horseblankets, 250; hoof-pickers, 211; currycombs, 211; horse-brushes, 211; stable-sponges, 211; horse-rubbers, 400. Camp Equipment. —Tents, 30; camp-kettles, 24 ; axes, 4 ; pickaxes, 8 ; crowbars, 2; spades, 8; field-forge, complete, 1; farriers' tools (sets), 4; horseshoes (cases), 3; horseshoe-nails (case), 1; saddlers' tools, complete (case), 1; saddlers' leather (roll), 1. Arms, Accoutrements, <&c. —Carbines, Martini-Enfield, 200; sword-bayonets, 200; waistbelts fitted for service, 200; oil-bottles, 200; haversacks, 200; water-bottles, 200; rifle-buckets, 200; mess-tins, 200; whistles for officers and /ion-commissioned officers, 17; revolvers, 17.

COPY OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN AND THE NEW ZEALAND MOUNTED INFANTRY. Agreement, made this 21st day of October, 1899, between Her Majesty Queen Victoria (herein referred to as "the Queen "), of the one part, and the several persons whose names are set forth in the Second Schedule hereto (each of whom is herein referred to as a " Volunteer "), witnesseth as follows: — 1. Each Volunteer signing these presents agrees on his own part with the Queen to form part of a corps, to be called " The New Zealand Mounted Infantry," for active service in South Africa as hereinafter provided. 2. Each Volunteer shall embark with the corps at Wellington on such date as he may be directed and proceed on active service to South Africa to such port or place as he may be required by any military authority on behalf of the Queen, and shall thereafter continue to serve with such corps, either alone or as part of the Queen's regular forces, in any part of South Africa to the southward of the equator until lawfully discharged from such service. 3. While so employed in such service each Volunteer shall be subject in all respects to the terms and provisions of the Act of the Imperial Parliament known as " The Army Act, 1881," or any Act continuing or amending the same, and the Articles of War for the time being in force made under the authority thereof respectively. 4. During such service as aforesaid each Volunteer shall receive pay in accordance with the scale set forth in the First Schedule hereto. 5. Without prejudice to any of the provisions hereinbefore set forth, in case any Volunteer shall, before arrival in South Africa, be guilty of any breach of discipline or military law which renders it undesirable such Volunteer should continue to serve under this agreement, the officer for the time being commanding the corps may discharge such Volunteer from his service. And in any case after arrival in South Africa, and on the termination of active service hereunder, the said officer commanding may, on the request of any Volunteer, also discharge such Volunteer from service hereunder. In witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hands the day and year first above written.

First Schedule. Bates of Pay, New Zealand Mounted Infantry. —Major, £1 Is.; captains, 15s. ; lieutenants, lis. ; surgeon, £1 Is.; veterinary surgeon, £1 3s. Bd. ; staff-sergeants, Bs.; sergeants, 65.; farriersergeants and farriers, 7s. ; corporals, 55.; buglers, 45.; privates, 4s.


Second Schedule. In Command: Major Alfbed William Robin, N.Z.M. Surgeon: Thomas Burns. Veterinary Surgeon: Chables Raymond Nealb. No. 1 Company. Captain Davies, Richard Hutton. Private Crawley, Robert William. Private MoCallum, Malcolm. Lieutenant Bartlett, Edwin. „ Craig, Jameß. „ McLean, Charles Edward. „ Johnston, George Robert. „ Clevely, James William. „ Nops, Edwin Hotspur. „ Lindsay, Michael Egan. „ Cumings, John Nathaniel. „ Newman, Charles. Sergeant-Major Rogers, Charles Philip. „ Curtain, Nathaniel. „ Payne, George Meares. Colour-Sergeant Burr, William Thomas. „ Coutts, Henry Donald. „ Palmer, Sidney Robert. Sergeant Harrowell, Edwin. „ Dawson, Roger. „ Patterson, John Macintosh. Morgan, William Arthur. „ Edwards, Charles Alfred. „ Pitt, William. Tuck, Sydney Howard. „ Enderby, Charles Henry. „ Powell, George. „ Watts, Philip Benjamin. „ Gane, Gilbert Henry. „ Pope, Francis Richard. Mahood, William Edward. „ Galpin, Edwin Riohard. „ Parkes, William James. „ Bond, Henry Purser John. „ Gaudin, Thomas Joseph Holte. „ Riddell, William Oliver. Corporal Bould, Charles William H. „ Gorrie, Keith. „ Rookstrow, Frederick. Home, James Alexander. „ Goble, Joe. „ Ryan, Denis Joseph. McDonald, Norman. „ Hanson, Charles. „ Raynes, John James. Bodle, Donald William. „ Harris, William. „ Shaw, Frederick Thomas. Price, Frederick Gordon. „ Hedges, Alfred Ernest. „ Smith, William Henry. Hogg, John Martin. „ Hubbard, Percy Richard. „ Smith, Ernest James Ralph. Bugler Bowie, William Alexander. „ Jenks, James. „ Steele, Samuel. „ Brown, Thomas Watson. „ Kells, George Kells. „ Tarrant, Leonard Matthews. Private Avery, Bertram Riohard. „ Kirkbride, Mathew Bruce. „ Taylor, Arthur Reginald. Barty, John Anderson. „ Lewin, Charles Montague. „ Tetley, John William. Bartrop, Arthur Leigh La Boste. „ Lockett, Ernest Barnett. „ Thorpe, James. „ Blair, John. „ McDonald, Norman. „ Towgood, Edward Traherne. Farrier Bowie, Andrew James. „ Maunder, Thomas. „ Valentine, Henry Phipps. „ Bradford, George Roland. „ Mann, George Herbert. „ Walker, James. Private Brook, James Henry Alexander. „ Matson, John. „ Wallace, Robert. Batchelor, Arthur Frederick. „ McDonald, Robert John. „ Wallis, William Fletoher. Bowcher, Sydney. . „ Miller, George Ralph. „ Wiffin, Arthur Albert Cason. Butler, Harry Franois. „ Mitohell, James. „ Withers, Arthur James. Blenkhorn, Charles. „ Morrison, Wilson Cameron. „ Woofindin, Cecil. Casey, Theodore. „ Muir, William. „ Whyte, James Henry. Calloway, Walter. „ Munro, John. „ Wyllie, John. Coffee, Alfred Horace. „ Montgomerie, John Somerville. „ Young, Rowland Spencer. „ Cameron, Hector. „ McCauley, James Thomas. * No. 2 Company. Captain Madocks, W. R. N. Private Ensor, Edmund George. Private Newburn, Joseph. Lieutenant Chaytor, D'Arcy. „ Ellis, Benjamin. „ Mitchell, George. „ Canavan, William Scott. „ Fahery, James Vincent. „ Morrison, Francis Edward. Neave, Arthur Cormack. „ Flavell, Colin Herbert. „ Moore, Edward Wilmot. Quartermaster -Sergeant Berland, Pro- „ Forsythe, Henry. „ Nairn, James Walker. sper Raine. „ Franklin, William. „ Newdick, Alfred. Colour-Sergeant Cardale.Digby Edward. „ Fraser, Daniel. . Northe, Sidney. Sergeant Gwatkin, Ernest. „ Freeth, Ernest. „ Orbell, Henry Soott. Gourley, Samuel Walker. „ Fordham, Alfred George. „ O'Shea, Francis. Hazlett, Edgar. „ Gestro, Joseph Louis. „ Palmer, Edwin Henry. Farrier-Sergeant Miller, John. „ Glasgow, Grant. , Pawsion, Ambrose Charles. Corporal Muir, John. „ Hahu, Albert James. „ Pepper, John. „ Grant, William. „ Hastie, Alexander James. „ Prosser, David William. Poster, Trevor Hugh. „ Harding, Francis. „ Peebles, James William. Bugler Fox, Frederick Alfred. „ Haselar, Henry. „ Renton, William. Private Arnold, George. „ Hawkins, Edward Arthur. „ Ross, Hugh. Aiken, James. „ Hean, John Davis. „ Saunders, William Alfred. Black, William. » Heenan, George Lewis. „ Sheppard, William Henry. Booth, Harold Joseph. „ Hodgen, Edward. „ Smith, Hugh. Bunten, William. „ Holroyd, Thornton Charles „ Smith, Harold. Burroughs, Henry. Littlewood. „ Smyth, George. Butters, Archibald. „ Hurford, John Henry. „ Strange, John Francis. Byrne, William. „ Hughes, John Gethin. „ Seelye, John Cassils. Cabot, John. „ Hunt, Philip Norman. „ Sutherland, Henry. Catherall, Joseph. . Hamilton, Henry John. „ Symes, Langford Park. Connell, John. „ Jewell, Claude Lockhart. „ Tasker, Stephen. Cook, John Godfrey. . Johnston, Walter. „ Taylor, Thomas. Cossar, Mark. „ Johnston, Daniel. „ Taylor, James. Crowe, Patrick. „ Joyce, Selwyn. „ Townsend, John. Culling, Joseph. • . L'Estrange, Endo Walter. „ Tubman, William. Crump, Reynold. . Macpherson, William Brodie. „ Wood, Ferdinand August. Farrier Cromie, Arthur. „ McConway, John. „ Waldie, David Hannibal. Private Dick, William. „ McCabe, John. „ Wilson, James Thornton. Dickinson, Harold Lissaman. „ Mcßeth, Arthur. „ Wilson, Wilfred. Douglas, Alfred. „ McDonald, John. . „ Wilkie, Alexander HerbertEdwards, Mark. „ McKagg, Amos. „ Wright, Henry Frederick. Emerson, Percy Tivy. . McPherson, William. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,325 copies), £3 15s. 6d.

By Authority: John Mackay. Government Printer, Wellington.—lB99, Price 6d.~\


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